#I have no idea if the japanese is correct lol
rjavenuru · 6 months
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Ok, so one is the queen of the undead, imbued with the power of the natural spirit world with power bolt magic. The other is a traveller of dimensions, a defier of death who can shapeshift into a terrifying skeletal creature. Let's face it, these two are basically superheroes now. 😝
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pikahlua · 3 months
I hope this will be short.
I guess this line is the fandom drama of the chapter?
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I understand a lot of you are really passionate about the accuracy of the English translation. I just want to encourage you to try to engage with the official translation in good faith.
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Ojama shimasu literally means "I am disturbing you/I will get in your way." It's often spoken as a greeting where the "apology" is implied (hence the brackets in my translation), but as usual context is everything in Japanese. Izuku is saying this line in defiance of Tomura's wishes. It basically comes across as Izuku plugging his fingers in his ears.
Me personally? If I were the official translator, I'd have strongly considered translating the line as "I'm coming in whether you like it or not."
The purpose in my pointing out the "common greeting" nature of this line was to demonstrate Izuku's sassiness. This is Izuku doing his "meddling where you don't technically have to" thing. The level of formality in Izuku's speech doesn't necessarily translate to actual politeness (check out @bakuhatsufallinlove's excellent post on that here).
Does "You will let me in," mean the exact same thing? Technically no, but it's the sentiment that counts. From an official translator's point of view, "You will let me in," is shorter, punchier, fits in the speech bubble a lot easier, and still conveys the general idea of what's happening in the scene.
I don't know. I wanted to talk about this because I guess a lot of people are concerned about Izuku's characterization and how it reflects on Japanese culture and how the official translation may be misrepresenting Japanese culture to the English-reading audience, and I just...can I ask that everyone take a step back a minute? Horikoshi isn't writing his story for an English-reading audience. He's not considering at all how any of this sounds to English speakers. That's the translator's job, not just to translate what is said but to translate that into the context of who is reading it. Localization is not a dirty word--it's an important aspect of translation. And the notion that Izuku is being polite and respectful here as a Japanese person is just such a...take. Izuku is being hella rude here lol. Japan itself, not just the MHA Japan but REAL WORLD Japan, notoriously has a bystander problem where people will ignore others who are being harassed because they don't wanna get involved. They won't step in to help nor will they even testify as a witness against others for fear of what it means to speak out and break from the pack. Izuku is quite obviously Horikoshi's direct answer to that phenomenon. He's meant to be an example of the morally correct thing to do, which is to be "rude" in these cases.
So I mean, sure, we can talk about what is lost in translation by the line, "You will let me in." But to me what's lost may just be grammatical and pedantic (like the passive voice that switches the onus of action onto Tomura instead of Izuku and what that may do to the focus on Izuku's rise to action here). In any case, it's not a BAD translation that changes Izuku's perceived politeness, just one that may prompt new discussion--and I don't think that's a bad thing.
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taffybear · 5 months
random list of my bay Leo headcanons ❤
working on Raph next! let's see how many ideas i get lol
also opening my inbox for writing (and perhaps even drawing) requests! feel free to drop me an ask <3
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literally loves mitski and mac demarco. he likes very indie hopeless romantic type music, it's literally hilarious to catch him just vibing in his feels
SECRETLY HAS PINTEREST BAHAHAHAHA but just for finding poetry and looking at bonsai trees. Mikey found out (like he doesn't have pinterest too??) and they all ended up making fun of him for it to the point where Leo debated deleting the app but ended up forgetting about it.
very specific but he has this unique type of love language where he'll ask you something and without any further questions he will go get or accomplish whatever he hinted at. for example, y'all will just be hanging out, and he'll go, "are you hungry?" and if you just as much nod your head hesitantly he will run to the kitchen and make you a 3 course meal. or, he'll just ask you if you're cold, and if you say yes he brings you a heater and a blanket. he doesn't ask things like, "can i get you a water?" he'll just ask if you're thirsty and go from there.
has the most gorgeous handwriting on the planet. this beautiful cursive print that is lowkey unreadable but so aesthetically pleasing. at first you were shocked but as you got to know him it made lots of sense, literally probably his biggest hobby is just remembering some random thing and then spending weeks straight perfecting it until it's natural for him. he loves to challenge himself to be perfect at literally anything, and his hand writing is one of those instances.
speaks fluent japanese OF COURSE but his brothers don't know it as well as he does (they all know a little at least) and he'll curse them out quietly in japanese behind their backs.
Leo wouldn't say he had a favorite brother of course but he definitely prefers Don's presense over the others. they always go to each other first when they have a problem or just want to rant, and they have a bunch of inside jokes.
after Donnie, Leo's the biggest insomniac. he gets nightmares a lot unfortunately, and most times when he wakes up he physically can't go back to sleep. literally Mikey will get up for a glass of water at 5:37 in the morning and Leo is up doing flips.
very random, but Leo is AWFUL at math. he meant to learn at some point but the time passed and he missed the boat. ofc math is Don's second language and Mikey and Raph couldn't care less (but somehow Mikey always guesses the right answers without doing the correct work??) but Leo is lowkey embarrassed that he struggles with it so much. he can do basic math and most things that come up in daily life like practical equations, but anything past times tables and division he is cannot understand. if you come over and need help on your math homework he will try his HARDEST to help you but ultimately he's completely clueless.
always takes bugs outside. if the creepy crawly is creepy enough or makes you screech, he'll whip it with his katana but normally he'll take the time to scoop it up in his hands (literally no fear) and walk it outside calmly.
literally LOVES doing chores. it's like a form of self care for him. folding laundry, sweeping, mopping, washing the dishes, organizing the dojo, he'll literally put on some music and go to town. when he visits you he will literally just start straightening things up and picking things off of the floor. he hates having nothing to do so he'll just ask for something he can clean while y'all chit chat.
incredibly flexible. he can bend every which way, sit comfortably in a split for hours, can bend over IN HALF and grab the back of his legs--he's literally maxed out on flexibility. but splits training is his private time so unless you sneak you won't catch a glance. but when you do, in between of sliding dojo doors, it is... something. like excuse me sir how tf doesn't that hurt your bAWLLS
smells like lavender. dead serious his signature scent is lavender. it's not like he wears cologne or anything, he just lights a lot of lavender incense and candles to the point where if someone even steps foot in his room they walk out aroma-fied.
everyone in the fandom has their personal opinion of who's the best cook and who's the worst cook of the four, and it is finally time for my hot take of the century. i think Leo is by far the best chef, and Raph is the one who can't even make toast right. a lot of people say Mikey is the chef of the family, which i agree with, he enjoys cooking and baking very much, but this doesn't mean the food he makes is good 💀💀💀 he trusts himself over any recipe and so he just throws in whatever he feels like. Leo can't stand being in the kitchen while Mikey is cooking, his ocd can't stand it. this said, you'd think this would mean the guys prefer Leo's cooking over Mikey's but fact is Leo is such a perfectionist he will spend hours working on a meal it's past 11 by the time he's done. and he doesn't take requests, he only makes what he wants and then on top of that the healthnut version. he makes sushi a lot and goes crazy when you bring him salmon.
IS SUCH A DORK BAHAHAHA if you even so much MENTION a book or a show he likes he will blabber for HOURS about it. he knows every single fact there is to know about star trek it is insane. you amuse him not because you're interested of course but he is just so damn adorable when he's talking about something he enjoys (which he rarely gets the chance to without being made fun of LMAO)
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faulty-writes · 6 months
I love your work so much! The way you write headcanons is honestly the best I’ve seen on tumblr lol
Would you be able to write headcanons of Iida, Midoriya, and Bakugo with a nervous and introverted GN Reader who’s a foreign exchange student struggling to learn and speak Japanese properly, like to the point they have to constantly repeat themselves thousands of times slowly for anyone to understand and wanting to learn more? Reader’s got the basics down obviously but ya know, they’ve gotta expand their knowledge on bigger more complex words, slang, etc. Maybe add in a sprinkle of reader being shamed by their peers for their lack of knowledge on Japanese.
[ Thank you so much for being a fan of my work. Truth be told, I'm not even sure if I write headcanons the "correct" way, but who cares! If it works, it works, right? Anywho, I enjoy this idea very much. Learning a new language is hard. Although I always joke I speak three languages which are Swearing, Sarcasm, and English. Notice how English is the last one, haha. Anyways, I hope you enjoy these headcanons! ]
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It wasn't easy being a foreign exchange student, but as an inspiring hero in the making, you wanted to enroll in one of the best hero training schools and that was none other than Yuuei High. There was a small problem though, you were nervous and a little anti-social, introverted as some may say, and this made communicating that much more difficult.
You were learning Japanese slowly, and as such, you struggled to engage in conversation with others who often snubbed you. Until you met Tenya who initially noticed your struggle with comprehending his language. "Pardon, perhaps I could be of assistance?" He patiently encouraged you to practice pronunciation and grammar. He even went as far as to tutor you and provide you with structured lessons and resources.
He remained gentle and encouraging through your struggles with learning Japanese and offered kind words and praise for the progress you have made. You appreciated the comforting environment he provided and felt as though you could speak to him without fear of judgment.
"Perhaps these will assist you in your attempts at learning various Japanese slang terms, and such," he suggested, placing various books in front of you. While somewhat overwhelming, Tenya suggested that learning the slang terms might help ease your anxiety. He also continued to ensure that making mistakes is essential to the learning process.
While most were respectful of your learning process, there were a few select students who chose to shame you or insult you whenever you attempted to engage in conversation. Tenya, however, was quick to intervene and address the issue firmly as was his duty as Class President and often lectured them on the importance of empathy, understanding, and respecting you as a foreign exchange student.
Tenya continued to celebrate your achievements, especially when he noticed your confidence in the Japanese language rising. "I am quite proud of the resilience and persistence you displayed in overcoming the linguistic barriers you've faced!" Of course, you knew you wouldn't have accomplished what you did without his support and guidance, and hoped he would always be your friend.
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Izuku immediately notices your struggles with speaking Japanese, but being the person that he is, tries to approach to help. Although his shyness got the best of him and despite patiently listening and trying to make sense of your words, his face burns red the entire time.
"I c-could try to h-help you...if you w-want, I mean...I've never tutored a-anyone before but um..." He knows that learning a new language takes time and patience, both qualities he possessed and as an aspiring hero, he couldn't just abandon someone he knew needed help.
Since English was one of the courses provided at Yuuei, Izuku decided to make his self-initiated tutoring sessions with you more fair by allowing you to teach him some phrases either in your native tongue or English in hopes that it would provide a supporting and engaging atmosphere and show you that you were not the only one struggling with a foreign language.
Although Izuku had the fierce heart of a hero, he normally avoided starting conflicts with other students, but this went out the door when he witnessed others shaming you for your language struggles. "H-hey! S-stop that, they're still l-learning and..." He'd try to keep a stern demeanor, and while he knew that defending you was the right thing to do, usually he'd drag you away before things escalated.
On more than one occasion, Izuku would stay up with you, engaging in late-night and casual conversation in Japanese to help improve your conversational and social skills. Uraraka and Tenya would always volunteer to help as well and provide pointers to you if needed.
"I m-mean even All Might, v-visited the U-United States and he k-knows some foreign l-language skills so I thought maybe...t-this would help you too." He thought incorporating hero-related terms into your lessons would help give your language goals a more heroic feeling thus giving you the motivation to conquer them.
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A growl rumbled in his throat. "Shut the hell up already!" He snapped, making you stumble away from him. He hated it when you constantly repeated yourself. Hell, even he could admit he wasn't the most patient individual, and hearing you repeat word after word, phrase after phrase was irritating.
Despite his annoyance, and the fact that he was one of the few that tended to put you down because of the language barrier between you and him. He wasn't so ignorant as to ignore the determination and effort you put into learning Japanese and frankly, he was kind of impressed. Of course, he'd never admit that.
"That's not how you say that dumbass!" He snapped one day after hearing you, yet again, struggle with a certain phrase when engaging in conversation with someone else and he wasn't hesitant about correcting you as well as listing off other phrases he knew you had trouble with, unintentionally becoming your personal tutor in the process.
You had a lot of textbooks and practice books regarding the Japanese language and when Katsuki looked at them, he was severely disappointed. The books in question were too proper and lacked useful slang that permeated the Japanese language or at least how he spoke it. So, he took the time to teach you said slang terms, but you weren't too sure you'd make use of them.
"Soooo Baku bro! I heard you're giving Y/n language lessons!" Eijirou exclaimed one day, making Katsuki growl in response. "Yeah, what's it like teaching a foreigner anyway?" Kaminari chirped in, not realizing how insensitive he sounded. "Shut the hell up dumbasses!" Katsuki snapped. "That...idiot is putting in more effort than either of you with your damn schoolwork!" Hell, he should know. He had tutored them on occasion as well.
Although you assumed you wouldn't use the slang terms Katsuki taught you, there came a day when you found yourself in an argument with another hero student who happened to be using some foul terms to describe you and your home country. You ended up using every slang term Katsuki had taught you in response and when he learned about this, he felt oddly proud of you.
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signedmio · 4 months
WHATS GOOD MIO!!! I am now here with my request 😎 if you need more information about this request feel free to DM me! anyways….
Now, May I request Lucifer Morningstar with a GN!Reader whos a Gyaru(O)? Just to explain the lore of Gyaru, If you know, Gyaru originated in Japan in the 90’s as a rebellion against the stereotypical beauty standard of having pale skin and dark hair, these gyarus — Gals or perhaps, Guys — were very flashy and outgoing, now other people except Japanese people wear Gyaru(o) and they are usually called “Gaijin Gyaru(O)” and it means a gyaru who doesn’t reside in Japan, Gyaru(O) has many sub-styles such as Hime, Agejo, Rokku, Manba/Banba, and much more from this wikipedia.
Thank you so much! I hope this isn’t too much and have fun! =)
this concept is crazy cool haha!! i really tried to do my proper research but if this is considered offensive in anyway shape or form, please tell me and i will either rewrite it or take it down!!
also i’m so sorry this took so long jax haha, i was bit nervous going into this because this is something i’m not that educated about, and i have definitely been procrastinating requests lately lol, so my deepest apologies!!
from what i gathered, gyaru seems to be a japanese clothing/makeup style with a bunch of variety and levels, but if i’m wrong please correct me haha
also the gif is from one of my moots so, little shoutout to her !! haha
Warrnings: Possibily inaccurate representation of Gyaru
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Lucifer Morningstar x GN!Gyaru!Reader
Lucifer didn’t really know what ‘Gyaru’ was until he met, or started dating, you!
“Oh, yeah, I’m really into Gyaru.” You said to the blonde at the other side of the table whilst on your first date, you were trying to ask questions to get to know eachother, and you asked what he was interested in, and he said rubber ducks, which hey, everyone’s got a weird thing their into, so you don’t judge.
“Oh my golly, I love that band, we have so much in common, we really need to go see them!! With that one Gearoo guy on the drums who just ba-da-duh-bey!—” Lucifer rambled, even though he was very far off, he was just trying to have common interests, and on that note; he pronounced ‘Gyaru’ so wrong…
“Oh, their not a ba—” You began, before Lucifer let out a ‘Ohh’ before beginning again.
“Gee, that’s my bad, I have a bit of an old man brain, with a daughter at home and all, her and her little friends! Heheh! Sometimes I just go coo-coo-coo! Sorry, wow, I’m just crazy..” Lucifer rambled once more, his voice trailing off at the end, as if he had an epiphany, giving an awkward, and slightly cheery chuckle, slapping his knee softly, before making awkward eye contact with you with a nervous but toothy grin. Yep, you loved him already. He has zero idea how you still gave him a chance after that.
Once Luci actually learns what Gyaru is, he genuinely does find it quite interesting.
He would be tempted to try it out, maybe a makeup look or a fit, but nothing too extreme, he’s still dipping his toes in haha
Also, he’s incredibly supportive, he loves admiring you as you get ready and pick out something to wear or do your makeup or whatever and however you get ready!!
If he has a meeting, he will definitely have you style him a sick looking outfit!!
Overall, he’s very supportive, the fact that your supportive of his odd duck obsession, he loves, so he owes it to ya :)
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I have so many ideas but none of them can be put into words, all I can do is just wheeze as they come along🤣
Also remember how wordy and flowery Teyvat speech/dialogue is? ADD THAT TO THE FACT THAT TEYVAT HAS ITS OWN LANGUAGE---
Reader can understand the basic speech which is why they are so blunt (I love this idea so much 🤣) and can piece together an idea what the person is talking about.
*insert random person talking about a commission with a long ass backstory*
Traveller & Co.: *understands completely and making plans to retrieve said commission*
C!Reader: (They said they had a cart.... a bunch of hilichurls appeared... dancing?.... they want us to dance fight the hilichurls???? Dance off???)
Actual story->The person's cart got ambushed by a group of hilichurls and taunted them by dancing around it.
....... it doesnt always translate well
Also imagine Reader heaeing random names and overthinks it as a word instead of a name.
Example: Pantalone means pants in Philippine English (sorry not sorry Pantalone)
Tsaritsa??? Oh do they speak russian there??? - reader
Capitano -> captain in some countries
(I once mistake Sandrone as Sandalone and I just went "... ehh??? Standalone? Sandalone as in Sand Alone???? Sandal (Flip flops)????
Oh wait its Sandrone" ".... as in Sand and Drone??--)
-Vine Boom
Gif is me writing u anything ever:
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Man theyre written language looks so scary to learn, kinda like when I looked into trying to learn Mandarin/Japanese (and even Korean), the letters r just inherently so different i was so intimidated
And u dont even read it like left -> right like English
Omg i tried to reply to a arabic comment on my art post once, and i felt so acommplished when i finally was able to type "اشكرك (thanks)" but like, i had to put it on the OTHER SIDE OF THE TEXT BOX, LIKE ALIGN IT TO THE RIGHT INSTEAD OF HOW U KNOW ENGLISH IS INHERENTLY ALIGNED LEFT, IT WAS SO TRIPPY-
Going thru genshin life only understanding minimal words of anything anyone says is honestly how i feel like ive been playing Genshin LMAO
Those analysis videos/lore are saving a bitch's life out here
That would literally be you in genshin tho, like i could easily see it being like, back to back misunderstandings 😭😭
Like u think u got it right (Oh so his name is Rex Lapis, wait what? Morax? Ok his name is Morax...?? What??? Zhongli??? WHO IS THIS MAN-)
JFC first they gotta have a whole different language (like u saw in game)
No... just, no.
U quickly decide u like what little bits of language u could pick up so far, which just results in,
U guessed it, simple speech and short fragmented sentences (or broken Teyvatian)
U cant even bring urself to care when u give half the characters a heart attack and send the rest into laughing fits
No fucks given, they wanna make this extra hard on u by being wordy on top of a new language,
Yeah u dont care what comes out of ur mouth anymore
Also, since everybody is raised in Teyvat very few ppl dont know the language, which once again brings us back to ancient/older deities/creatures who have a more simplistic version/outdated version of modern language
Omg getting stuff mistranslated bc u cant understand it all/only keywords sounds like hell but also rlly funny
Traveler/Paimon: "Alright, yes, all is well. We will accept this comission, and depart soon."
You: "...they want us to?? Dance fight?? Hilichurls...???"
Traveler just stares at u half in pity, half trying to hide their amused smile, Paimon is giggling
The commissioner is shook bc a supposed ancient creature?? Just accepted?? Their simple commission?? And u think they want u to dance battle???
Signora: "You shall rue the day you crossed the Fatui mortals!"
You: "Lady we don't care, just fight us."
(Signora just means 'Lady')
Signora: *offended gasp*
Traveler/Paimon trying to stifle laughter
Raiden Shogun jaw dropped a little
Pantalone: "What a pleasure to finally meet you traveler, and thine wonderful companions!" *little bastard smile*
You: "And it was awful to meet you, Pants."
Oh its so funny, everytime you talk about Childe you always phrase it like he's an actual child bc u thought everyone was just calling him a little kid for some reason (u dont know how Teyvat ages work, he could be for all you know!)
Not very long, but Vine Boom anon your brain >>>>
Ur ideas r so on point, i love them sm
That makes perfect sense why u could be talking blunt too, like an in world explanation really
For you, all the desserts🥰 🤲🍪🍨🍰🍮🧋🍦🍡
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doberbutts · 6 months
So after seeing your post about BES I finally started watching it and damn. DAMN. People saw Mizu and can’t understand why transmascs gravitate to this story???????? I’m pretty sure “using bandages to bind chest” is like one of THE TOP symbolic moves that transmascs gravitate to when it comes to our (admittedly lackluster) representation in media.
Also, I feel like a lot of people get really weird about the idea that a story about empowering women and a story that’s relatable to transmascs aren’t mutually exclusive. I won’t speak for everyone but personally I like stories like this that don’t shy away from representing people whose AGAB doesn’t align with their outward actions.
And! Personally! As a man who is East Asian living in the US and has a higher voice even after 5 years on T, characters like Mizu rekindle my hope that one day I’ll be able to pass as flawlessly as him lol. Characters like Mizu, Mulan, Haruhi (from ouran high school host club) always seem to spark that little bit of hope in me… that maybe one day I won’t have to try so hard to be accepted and people will just see me and assume I’m a boy without me having to correct them… or at the very least, that they’d refrain from using any gendered language towards me until they ask and find out what I want to be referred as.
Oh for sure. It's like the Mulan thing. Like I'm sorry but you put "when will my reflection show who I am inside" and "who is that girl" and "why is my reflection a stranger" and you're mad that trans guys went "wow where'd you get that picture of me" like??? In a deleted scene, Mizu tries to play with her feminity in the mirror at the brothel and ultimately scowls and doesn't like what she sees- and you're trying to tell me that it's *not* supposed to be relateable to trans mascs trying to be feminine women and hating what they see reflected back at them?
Like you said, it's not that I'm mad that this is a story about empowering women and featuring a highly GNC woman as its main character. It's just annoying, and more importantly highly concerning, that people seem to think that because it's about empowering masculine women that trans mascs can't or shouldn't see any of themselves in it. I'm an entire grownass binary trans man and throughout my entire life I have felt more seen and more fellowship with masculine women both fictional and real than I have with anyone else except specific gay cis men who were very gender themselves.
And yeah. As your existence proves, it's not like East Asian trans mascs aren't real??? Like I'm sure there's nuance there that I'm missing because despite being biracial I'm not Asian and *definitely* not Japanese. But acting like characters like Haruhi, or Mizu, or Mulan [Chinese] *can't* be trans mascs because that'a inherently disrespectful to East Asian women is just plain erasing the fact that, um, Japanese and Korean and Chinese and Thai and Vietnamese and more trans mascs absolutely do exist and have existed as long as gender has existed.
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 5 months
Deep Cover Partial Analysis
Updated Murder Theory, "Lucky" & Kotoko's Relationship, T2 Verdict
Hello there, members of the jury! Deep Cover, huh? There's a decent bit to talk about in this MV, more than I really want to cover in just this post. So to put down my initial thoughts somewhere, I'm writing this! An update on my old theory from HARROW, my thoughts on Kotoko's relationship with the girl with the "Lucky" hat (which I'll just call Lucky for convenience), and my verdict for Trial 2!
CW Violent murder and blood, vigilantism, child kidnapping
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Me trying to figure out what's going on in this video
Updated Murder Theory
What IS Kotoko's murder?
In the aftermath of the video, there have been a few different ideas about why exactly Kotoko ended up in Milgram, what her “Milgram murder” actually is. And while there are certainly many very interesting ideas going around, and I always love seeing different interpretations of what these videos show, I feel a lot of them are overcomplicating things.
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This is Kotoko's killshot from Undercover. This is the most concrete confirmation we have of why Kotoko is in Milgram. Kotoko's murder involves her kicking someone to death. And given how much focus is put on her killing the white hoodie guy, both in HARROW and in Deep Cover, I feel the simplest explanation is that Kotoko's "Milgram murder" is the murder of the white hoodie guy.
That last point is important btw. The white hoodie guy death is the only one that actually is referenced in both HARROW and Deep Cover. Every MV to date has at least included an allusion to the murder, even if really abstract like Magic and Tear Drop. If Kotoko's "Milgram murder" involves Oshii, then Deep Cover is the only MV not to reference the murder. If her "Milgram murder" involves Lucky, the HARROW is the only MV not to reference the murder. This is inconsistent with all other MVs, which would be strange. You get what I'm saying?
Plus, let’s not forget what Kotoko says in TASK.
Kotoko: I did kill someone
Someone, singular. Unless there’s some ambiguity that’s lost on translation, Kotoko only killed one person, and her Milgram murder is kicking someone to death. She killed the white hoodie guy by kicking him, so he’s sorta the only option as to who her Milgram murder is.
And yes, Kotoko could have lied in her MV, but she has no reason to. She also says this:
Kotoko: After all, Es, you can access my heart, right? Through songs and videos..
Es: That is correct.
Kotoko: Then there's no problem. People who understand will automatically do so
So Kotoko believes the videos will reveal her murder, meaning she’d likely get caught in a lie once the extraction process began. Given she’s trying to team up with Es in TASK, being seen as a liar by them is counter-productive. In other words, Kotoko shouldn’t be lying here. Unless she somehow forgot another murder, she’s only killed the white hoodie guy.
The reason it's considered an "indirect" murder (if you don't know what that means, uh, don't worry about it) is that under Japanese law, it wasn't judged as actual murder, but rather legitimate defense, as revealed in Deep Cover. Now, I fully believe Kotoko did want to kill the guy and it wasn't entirely defense, but that's the ultimate ruling. Thus, I believe an "indirect" murder in Milgram's eyes is "an act which led to someone's death, but wouldn't be judged as murder in a court of law." Which is the definition I was always working with anyways lol.
All this to say, I don't think Lucky ever died, since as far as I can tell there is no solid evidence for it. It’s a nice theory, I like reading about it, I just don’t subscribe to it.
Now, I do want to be clear. There are still inconsistencies with this being the Milgram murder. The alley in Kotoko’s prisoner card is very strange, and while there are alternatives as to what those images could represent, they’re not very strong. Indeed, the card is very weird.
Additionally, her Trial 2 Voice Trailer distorted line doesn’t fit perfectly either. The lines in that trailer are generally understood to be from before the murder, but Kotoko’s seems to be directed at Lucky, which would place it after the warehouse incident. It could be directed at a different character, but it would have to be someone we’ve never seen before.
That said, no current theory about Kotoko’s murder is perfect. At some point you have to accept some inconsistencies somewhere, and I feel like the white hoodie guy murder being the Milgram murder is the least inconsistent of the answers. Occam’s razor; the simplest explanation, the one which makes the least assumptions, is usually the most accurate.
The Article and New Details
In Deep Cover, Kotoko is seen reading an article about her murder.
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I'll leave two translations: Translation 1 and Translation 2. I recommend reading both for a full picture of what the text seems to say.
Now, this article gives us a few more details than we had in HARROW. First, white hoodie guy's name is Kaneshiro Tsugumichi (or Michi for short) and his father's name is Kaneshiro Isamu. Second, we also learn that Kotoko actually faced trial for her murder, but as she vaguely implied in TASK, the case was ruled as "justifiable defense", despite later investigations going against that idea. And of course they did, Kotoko tracked this guy down and went in fully intending to kill him. The ruling is at best a technicality and at worst a complete mistake. Still enough to qualify as "indirect" murder in my eyes though.
Kotoko's testimony of justifiable defense was corroborated by Lucky, although Lucky later retracted her statement. We'll get there.
Finally, the article ends by revealing that the case had become a bit of an internet meme. People claimed there were "multiple murderers" (referring to Michi and Kotoko) and that Kotoko was a hero. Or, rather, a "female university student." Given the wording in the article, I believe it's possible Kotoko's identity was never revealed to the public, as there would be no point in hiding her name if that weren't the case. I don't know enough about Japanese law to know if this makes sense or not, but I feel it's at least a possibility.
The article doesn't add much to what we already knew, but it's nice to get some extra details.
The Shots for the Updated Theory
Given how little this murder is actually referenced in the MV, you'd think there isn't much we can learn here, but there are two moments that I feel can help build on my previous (pretty outdated) theory.
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What do we learn from these shots? Well, the main thing is that Lucky was actually in the room when the murder happened. Because while it's true the lighting and Lucky's position are slightly inconsistent, the water in the dark floor combined with Kotoko's kneeling position heavily implies these two shots happen one after the other.
More importantly, though, we actually see the restraints she had in the room she was being kept in in the floor.
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This would imply she didn't go there on her own, and wasn't moved by Kotoko, who would have naturally removed the restraints before moving her. That means Michi moved her from the small room to the death room. And this fixes one of the biggest issues with HARROW's depiction of the murder: the switching rooms.
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(Yes the shot in Deep Cover is flipped. No I don't know why)
As you can see, the walls are slightly different. And of course, they're way more open than the room the girl was being kept in. My original explanation for why this happens was more complicated than necessary, but now we have a bit more context.
First, the difference in the warehouse walls can just be explained by assuming these are two different sections of the warehouse, or even two warehouses which are connected somehow. This is somewhat consistent with the outside appearance of the warehouse:
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You see how there's two buildings that share a wall? If that wall has a door, it would be possible to go from one to the other. And if they have different walls for some reason, it's possible the wall change simply happens because they enter one and end up in the other.
And why did they move? Well, because of the discarded restraints in Deep Cover, we can assume that perhaps Michi attempted to escape from Kotoko with Lucky in tow. He could have stunned Kotoko somehow (hammer maybe?), and ran away to the death room. Here's a diagram!
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Pretty simple, right?
The Time Skip Confirmation
This is also a continuation of my previous theory. If you're not aware, Kotoko sees Michi kidnapping Lucky while she's wearing her blue and yellow hoodie, but attacks with her red hoodie.
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I believed this, among other things, implied there was actually a period of time between when Kotoko spots the kidnapping and when she actually steps in. And the shot of Lucky on the floor corroborates this, as she's already bruised as if she had spent a decent amount of time under Michi's grasp.
As to why Kotoko didn't step in immediately, while I originally believed she was disheartened in some way, I now think it may have more to do with trying to hide her identity as she did when she attacked Oshii. Men's sneakers, red hoodie, etc. Except this time there was a witness, and since she apparently forgot her face covering at home, she couldn’t avoid being recognized and had to go to court. Perhaps that's why she seems so distressed when Lucky hugs her? She didn't want the attention, she didn't want to be recognized, because it would mean having to deal with the law.
Anyways, what does this mean? Well, not much, really. But it’s important because it means Kotoko wasn’t prepared to see a kidnapping that day, which in my eyes throws out some theories I’ve seen around about her possibly setting up Lucky as bait for Michi. If she had done that, surely she would have already been wearing the correct outfit, wouldn’t she?
And speaking of Lucky…
On Kotoko and Lucky's Relationship
This has almost become the main point of discussion around the MV, so I feel compelled to talk about it. Here’s what we know:
-Lucky originally testified to corroborate Kotoko’s testimony in court, but later, apparently while speaking to Isamu, retracted it. We don’t know what, if anything, Kotoko told her after the murder, but we can assume Kotoko lied to her the same way she lied to everyone else; “killing Michi was the only way to stop him, it was legitimate defense.” We also don’t know why she retracted her statement, but I’ll get to it in a moment.
By the way, Isamu claims Lucky may have been threatened, but I just don’t believe him. Lucky doesn’t seem scared of Kotoko until the very end (after the retraction), and Isamu has been involved in cover-ups of his son’s crimes before, as implied in HARROW. It’s in his best interest to defend his family name if he can cast doubt on Lucky’s testimony (more on this later).
-After the retraction of the statement, Kotoko is sitting on a park bench reading an article about it when Lucky comes up to her to show her the matching hat. Kotoko distractedly pats her head, but mostly ignores her in favor of the article. We don’t know if this meeting was arranged, or if Lucky just stumbled into Kotoko randomly and wanted to show off her cool hat. I’m leaning on the latter, personally. We also don’t know if they interacted further, or if Lucky just left immediately after. There’s no way to tell.
-After the park scene (note that Lucky already has the hat on her head, unlike when she first shows it off), Lucky waits outside a book store, mimicking Kotoko’s wall lean from HARROW. Lucky sees Kotoko and walks up to her, but becomes horrified when she sees the look in Kotoko’s eyes. Kotoko is wearing her murder outfit, and looks very angry. She ignores Lucky for the most part, only giving her a spare glance as she walks past. This means the meeting was not arranged, as Kotoko clearly wasn’t in the mood for it.
We don’t know why Lucky was waiting in front of the book store (was she waiting for Kotoko? did she know where Kotoko would be? Or was she waiting for something/someone else and just happened to recognize Kotoko walking by?). We don’t know if they met in more occasions, or if we’re shown the full extent of their interactions after meeting in court (did Lucky start mimicking Kotoko after hanging out a lot? or did she pick up the habit almost instantly, having seen Kotoko do the wall lean after the murder/during court procedure?).
I repeat that we don’t know much because, well, that’s the main problem here. We just don’t know, and we can’t know based just on the events of Deep Cover what their deal is. The only info we definitely have is:
-Lucky likes Kotoko, even after retracting her statement, though she’s scared of her meaner side.
-Kotoko appears dismissive of Lucky, at least from what we saw.
And that’s it! The only way we can further try to infer what their relationship is like is by looking at Kotoko’s character and speculating on what she would act like around this child. Thankfully, Kotoko’s actions are very straightforwardly informed by her overly simplistic worldview.
According to Kotoko, there are essentially three types of people. The Evil People who oppress and hurt those weaker than them:
(T1) Q20: What do you think is evil?
K: Oppressing innocent weaklings.
The Hero who will protect the Weaklings by destroying the Evil People:
[Deep Cover]
Come on, rely on me, go on
I became your fangs
As the long-awaited hero I engraved the answer
Tell me why you tell me, “Stop”
Don’t you dare stop now
I want a reason for judgment execution, I want it
Give me the next target
(I hate mobile formatting I hate mobile formatting I hate-)
And the Weaklings, who need to stay out of the way.
[Trial 2 Voice Trailer]
Kotoko: From the beginning I've never asked for your understanding! My actions, one by one, are bringing earth closer to peace. Useless weaklings should just shut up and let me protect them!
Weaklings shouldn’t meddle with the actions of the Hero, because the Hero knows best. If a decision or course of action is too difficult for a Weakling, they have to sit back and let the Hero choose for them.
Kotoko: Weak... You're too weak. With that fragile body of yours, you can't stop anyone. You can't protect anyone. You can't even do your justice. All imperfect.
K: You're unable to do it yourself, that's why you need me. The fangs to do your will.
This fits with Kotoko, the Hero, being so dismissive towards Lucky, a Weakling. She probably wouldn’t want someone like Lucky to mimick her, because Lucky is Weak and should just rely on Kotoko for protection. It’s what gives Kotoko’s life meaning, after all.
[Deep Cover]
I want a reason for judgment execution, I want it
Give me the next target
This is what makes me believe that Kotoko and Lucky may have never really hung out outside of what we’re shown in Deep Cover. Because simply put, there’s no reason for Kotoko to be hanging out with her after the court case. Even back then, the only thing Kotoko had to tell her was that her murder was legitimate defense, which again is just what she was telling everyone else. Kotoko most likely had no reason to believe Lucky would retract her statement, and she doesn’t seem interested in hanging out with her for any other reason.
To be clear, I do think Kotoko cares about Lucky to some extent. She did show up in the magic subconscious video, after all. Kotoko is most likely glad to see Lucky happy, at least. I’m just saying that I don’t think their relationship really extended beyond “it’s nice to bump into each other in the street occasionally.” Of course, that’s only my interpretation, it’s perfectly fine if you interpret it in some other way.
Temporary CW Grooming
No, I don’t think Kotoko groomed Lucky. Unless you count lying to her about how legitimate the defense was, which again is more of a lie Kotoko told everyone than anything Lucky specific. I can definitely see the angle, the few scenes we have are pretty damn sketchy if you look at them a certain way, but I don’t think we have to assume the worst. Again, there is no reason for Kotoko to even groom her in the first place. She wouldn’t want Lucky to follow in her footsteps; she has no reason to be worried about the testimony, at least up until the retraction; and there’s not many other reasons she would have to do it. And Kotoko is decently pragmatic, she doesn’t usually bother doing things she doesn’t need.
To be clear, I absolutely believe Kotoko would have groomed Lucky, if it had been convenient for her. She does it to Es in YONAH, the lines I already used.
Kotoko: Weak... You're too weak. With that fragile body of yours, you can't stop anyone. You can't protect anyone. You can't even do your justice. All imperfect.
K: You're unable to do it yourself, that's why you need me. The fangs to do your will.
That’s grooming. That’s what’s happening there. I’m not trying to defend this or even Kotoko, she absolutely is a groomer and this is Very Horrible. This deserves discussion, but it’s not what this post is about.
However, in YONAH, Kotoko has a reason to be doing it. She needs Es to hand out the Guilty judgements she wants. That doesn’t make it better, it just makes it in line with her character. She has no reason to manipulate Lucky, and again, she’s always shown to be dismissive of her.
Again, I do see where the concern comes from, and I wouldn’t be 100% surprised if it turned out to be true. I just don’t like to jump to conclusions on this sort of thing on principle, not when we have so little context for what we’re seeing, and especially not when it’s somewhat contradictory to Kotoko’s character and the central themes of her story.
Temporary CW Over
The Withdrawal of the Statement
This is one of the weirdest details of the MV, so I feel I should address it before signing off. Here’s what we know:
-Lucky testified in court that she was saved by “a female university student” according to the article (read: saved by Kotoko), and corroborated Kotoko’s testimony. Which was likely: she was being kidnapped (true), Kotoko caught the kidnapper red-handed (basically true, Lucky was tied up and on the floor with Michi beside her), Kotoko and Michi got into a fight over it (true), and Kotoko had to kill Michi to stop him (debatable, but Lucky likely believed it true).
-After the trial, Kaneshiro Isamu, the CEO of a big newspaper company, launches a private investigation that concludes Kotoko used excessive force.
-After that, it’s mentioned Isamu claims that Lucky retracted her statement.
-Isamu also claims some other stuff, trying to muddy up whether or not his son really was a kidnapper or not, but being The Guy That Covered Up a Bunch of Child Murders, I’m not inclined to believe him.
When I lay it all out like this, it seems like there’s a pretty simple explanation for what happened here. There is only one part of Lucky’s statement that could have needed retracting, the “legitimate defense” part, and that’s exactly what Isamu’s investigation contradicted. Given it’s Isamu, a newspaper company CEO of all things, the one who reveals the withdrawal, it’s assumed Lucky retracted it in his presence or in the presence of someone working for him. Meaning they could have told Lucky there was evidence of excessive force.
With that in mind, I believe it’s possible Lucky was told Kotoko may have used excessive force, and decided just in case to go back on the whole “legitimate defense” thing. Which of course Isamu spins into “she retracted the entire statement” because that’s what’s most convenient for him, who is likely trying to protect the family name from accusations of kidnapping.
I feel this is the most straightforward answer as to what could have happened. It’s consistent with Lucky still wanting to hang out with Kotoko and getting matching hats, it fits with her being scared of Kotoko later as she fully realizes Isamu and his people may have had a point, it fits Isamu’s known behavior, and it fits the context of the article.
It could even vaguely fit Lucky’s design choices. You know how her outfit looks like a prisoner’s outfit? Well, she sure is trapped in a weird situation between the kidnapping, Kotoko lying, Isamu trying to get her to retract the statement… I don’t know if this makes sense or not but I’m saying it anyways!
Is it the only possibility? Hell no. We have way too little context about the withdrawal to say anything definitive, so I’m perfectly open to hearing different reasons for why it could have happened. At the moment, though, I believe this to be one of the more solid possibilities.
This idea could also indicate who Kotoko wants to kill at the end, given she is wearing her murder outfit and all. She could take this as Isamu and his people manipulating a “weakling”, and we know she doesn’t take kindly to that kind of thing. That’s complete speculation, though, so don’t take it very seriously. I still think she only killed one person anyways, because of the whole “killed someone (singular)” thing.
With all of it laid out, what am I voting her this Trial?
To what I imagine is no one’s surprise, Guilty.
I know this post has been kinder to her than a lot of other posts going around, but that doesn’t mean I’m ignoring the awful things Kotoko has done, and would continue to do if Forgiven this Trial. Already, she is stuck in a cycle of violence where the only way she can find fulfillment is by attacking those she considers worthy of punishment, a problem she’s had since Trial 1. While I don’t think regret is necessary for forgiveness (I’m the “Local Amane Momose Apologist” for a reason), it is important for forgiveness that I can believe they won’t continue to do the same bad thing in the future, which is not the case with Kotoko. At least from what we know, it seems she would absolutely kill someone else if fully Forgiven.
And that’s without the very obvious meta aspect. There are quite a few prisoners who could be in real danger if she’s Forgiven. The most obvious ones being Muu and Haruka (even if Haruka does have other stuff to worry about too), but Amane and Mikoto could also be targets because Kotoko didn’t manage to get to them in Trial 1. Oh, and Es. She would probably try manipulating them further if she sees them as an ally, which is what a Forgiven verdict would cause.
Mind you, an Unforgiven verdict isn’t perfect, either. She will certainly become antagonistic towards Es if she’s Unforgiven, so I doubt she’d actually listen to the verdict. She’ll likely close herself off and become isolated, which is the worst thing that can happen to someone with a mindset like hers.
Hell, it’s not even perfect for prison safety purposes. A restrained Kotoko is still probably stronger than a restrained Muu, a restrained Haruka and even an unrestrained Amane. Just, hopefully not strong enough to cause serious damage.
More pressingly, though, Kotoko herself is a massive target, given she’s antagonized basically the entire prison. Fuuta has a vendetta and a strong sense of justice, and while I’d hope he’s learnt the lesson that he shouldn’t take justice into his own hands, Amane’s religion (which is clearly starting to influence him) also places a lot of value on punishing those who go against destiny, so. Then there’s the fact Kotoko’s clearly shown herself as a threat to Mikoto, and while violence landed them into the Milgram mess in the first place, John might decide Kotoko’s dangerous enough to warrant becoming a “savior” again.
And God forbid she does get hurt and Shidou doesn’t have enough time or resources to treat all the injured people around. Because Mr “someone’s value cannot be the same as another” Kirisaki is not going to help Kotoko at anyone else’s expense.
But ultimately, we have to pick the lesser of two evils. From a meta sense, I’m more worried about what Kotoko could do to Muu/Amane than what Fuuta/John/whoever else could do to Kotoko. More importantly, from a mindset sense, I’m more worried about enabling and encouraging her current behavior (which at this point would be practically irreversible, given there’s only one Trial left) than antagonizing her and causing her to isolate. Both are bad, but one of them has a chance of getting the personification of the death penalty (death penalty without trial, no less) to change her ways.
See, what I’m hoping is that (depending of what happens from this point on) we can try to make amends and Forgive on Trial 3, with the hope she understands we believe she’s in the wrong, but that we won’t abandon her and she deserves a chance to better herself. That compassion could be enough for her to start working towards improvement… maybe.
I’m definitely being way too optimistic, but when we’re working with The Worst System in History, all that’s left is to try our best and hope things turn out alright, even when we lack good tools to try and make that happen.
I sincerely hope she can break the toxic mindset she’s stuck in and gets to a place where I can vote her Forgiven in Trial 3, but as of right now, a Trial 2 Forgiven is just not on the table for me. Sorry Kotoko, I do feel kinda bad for you still, Milgram’s punishment for the Unforgiven is awful :(
That’s it for now! I’ll maybe make some other posts discussing other stuff in this MV, since there’s surprisingly quite a bit in it, but for now I’ve said what I needed to say. Take care!
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softausterity · 6 months
i'm drawing right now but i need to sumigoro parallels post because ghrngfhgrbh!!!!
long ass post and full p5r spoilers. you know how it is
i have mixed thoughts about the choice to add more cognitive characters in p5r but it is good because it very clearly displays some things about like, how people are perceived. right? like cognitive haru sucks for other reasons but it's a good display that her father does not understand her. she's a robot mindlessly following his orders, very literally. same thing with kamoshida and madarame and everyone else. and it's very easy to look at cognitive haru next to cognitive akechi and go "these two act exactly the same" but with one major difference:
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that's goro akechi! correct dominant hand and everything! yusuke, who you can also draw easy comparisons to, is Literally A Fucking Painting to madarame. and that right there is Just Akechi.
i'm going to go into the localization because they beefed it up real bad here which is a personal insult to me. everything taken straight from this pastebin i have had bookmarked for like 2 years so i have no idea where i got it from originally.
the 'puppet' bit starts with the line "I was wondering how he'd protect himself if I used my power to tear though his Palace. Turns out you're how. So he's making a puppet kill me… Sounds like something he'd do." in japanese, the second bit of this line is "お前がその係…同じ顔した人形に殺させるって訳だ。…あの男らしい" which our pastebin translates as "You're in charge of that… in other words, I'd be killed by a puppet with the same face as me. …That's just like him."
the notable thing here is that akechi identifies the cognitive double as "A puppet with the same face as (him)" at the start of the interaction. what he's getting at here, with the "that's just like (shido)" is that he's saying "Shido still thinks i'm just some puppet he can order around to do whatever he wants!"
and cognitive akechi responds to that: "Aren't you, though?"
the localisation has completely lost this thread by this point and will continue to completely ignore it despite the fact this is the resolution to akechi's entire character in vanilla P5 no i'm not mad about it - "That's right. I'll do anything. But look at yourself… you're the true puppet." which is just "uhhh no you lol" - the pastebin translation is "That's right, I'm a puppet. I'll do anything. But if I'm a puppet… then the true puppet is you, isn't it?" ("そうとも、オレは人形さ。何だってする。 けどオレが人形なら…ほんとの人形は、お前だろ。")
like. cognitive akechi IS akechi. shido thinks that he can tell akechi to do whatever and he'll do it, and he's right. the entire time, akechi's big plan has been "i'll trick him into thinking i'm co-operating with his plan by co-operating with his plan, and then once he's the prime minister of japan, i'll tell him i was his son the whole time, and he'll be sooooo owned! that'll totally get his ass and I'll Win!" (preemptively addressing a common misconception: he was not going to kill shido. he never says he is going to kill shido. the exact phrase he uses is "living hell.") akechi is the puppet.
and then after the PTs have the heart to heart with akechi and he makes the decision to disobey shido & sacrifice himself for them, his final line in english is: "So, my final opponent is a puppet version of myself…"
which is Nothing. in japanese, it's:
"My final opponent is the puppet I used to be, huh…" ("最後の相手が『人形だった俺自身』か…")
which is EVERYTHING. he changed! he throws away both his life and everything he was working towards to have one real moment of free will!!! that's His Real Actual Death without maruki, and with him it shows why akechi is so fucking horrified at everything that's happening.
anyway, this post was also about sumire.
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there she is :)
maruki thinks about sumire as some waifish wilting flower who needs kasumi to do everything and is so consumed by grief that she can't do anything on her own, and it looks like he's right!
pulling out the dogmeta again:
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sumire is that weak and helpless when we first meet her, because maruki isn't giving her the tools to help herself and grow. you know, like a therapist? he's making her Feel Better in a way that does not address the problem and will instantly explode and ruin her life again if he's ever removed from the situation. sumire cannot get better because the person who's supposed to be helping her get better doesn't believe she can get better.
akechi and sumire are both completely reliant on Shitty Father Figure who have correctly identified them as useless on their own, akechi changes when he realises he's being controlled, sumire changes when she realises she doesn't need to be controlled.
so you know the part in the sumi boss fight where maruki tentacle-crucifies sumire and makes her persona freak out and then he's like "waaah how horrible you have to save her amamiya-kun!!!" because he's the good guy?
the first thing akechi says is "Tch, it's gone totally berserk..." and in japanese the word he uses here is "暴走" now, berserk is a completely accurate translation of this! but the word comes up a couple other times earlier in the game, you may have spotted it, and it's translated there as.. "(making someone go) psychotic" and by a couple other times i mean every single reference to akechi's powers except weirdly one time with this random old couple in the very beginning of the game.
so akechi and sumire both have a second phase in your boss fight with them where they 'go berserk/psychotic'! just that maruki's making sumire do it a little more noticeably than shido is with akechi.
i'm normal.
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yarrayora · 2 months
ok ngl i was kinda pissed when sending that ask about the toshiro and laios situation but thank you actually for not just dismissing it 😭 i understand how you'd be more confident in saying it as an asian person now because man that wouldn't have been a good look if you were white
and i'm sure the way people were framing it on twitter Was probably insane (even when people have the right idea on there it's so black and white) but yeah there's definitely a lot more than you'd think inside the text that is just xenophobia since he's a guy in a foreign country and all... kui's grasp on sociopolitics is honestly way too precise for it to be something that we just don't factor into the conversation y'know
cus i also agree that toshiro is being used to critique her own culture, he's pretty much Miserable being as much of a rule-following good boy as he is
yeah i kinda guessed that you mistook me for a white person lol
honestly the tweet i saw basically said laios' problem is that he has "white autism" which they elaborated as his inability to, uh, pick up on social cues. a problem that is not white autistic-only.
as i said my perspective came from being an asian who grew up as part of the majority, so it's inevitable that i have blindspots for things that an asian minority would experience
i think when it comes to shuro's interaction with laios, it's inevitable for laios to end up saying ignorant stuff because unlike in the real world where people outside of japan are now more familiar with japanese culture thanks to a lot of cultural exchange, the eastern archipelago hasn't really interacted with kahka brud much and considering that his own party members have been saying his name wrong for years it's probably safe to assume he just never really speak up about correcting people's assumption about him and by extension his culture
after all even if he only corrected them once both touden siblings would do their best to fix their pronunciation, it's just in-character, but shuro just suffered in silence possibly not really finding his nickname a bother because falin calls him that LMAO
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third-arch · 1 month
Lemon Rambles-Kanna, Law, and Kimonos
Going from
I’m gonna make a post about Kanna wearing Law’s Wano kimono and him being tsundere about it
What is the correct way to draw a kimono? Let’s look it up
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I love the tomesode argh the montsuki is cool too.
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Kanna wearing a tomesode on their first date and the piece having a cute and silly cultural lesson about the garnment/japanese culture
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I also really like the idea of Law having a white haori at some point. I want to learn more about it soon, but I remember actually being inspired about adding a white robe from a Mitsuri cosplay. Seeing photos of Kanao (a huge inspiration for Kanna) helped too.
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Most often when I draw Kanna, she’s wearing this. Her outfit was largely inspired by Mitsuri’s in the end!! With some minor differences.
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I think she’d probably change her shoes based on the terrain, or have more doctor-y shoes? Like more closed toed and such like law’s.
Anyways end of ramble. Here’s Law and Kanna doodles of them getting plushies of eachother
(The law flipping off one isn’t related lol)
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dollofdeath · 8 days
[ENG Translation] Uryu's Character Episodes featuring Soun
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originally i wasn't planning on translating these (or anything in general lol), but i've been undergoing such brainrot for these two especially since learning what happens in the main story that i had to do Something WHJGDJGH
just as a note, i use the default name (noa) for the agent. i do lean towards a localization style with my translations, but i'm also far from fluent in jpn so please feel free to correct me if you see any mistakes! thank you! the translations are compiled together under the cut, hope y'all enjoy 🫶
Character Episode: Favorite Place
Uryu: (I could have handled today’s business negotiations better… How frustrating….
???: Let’s wait here.
Uryu: (Over there on that bench is…)
Uryu: Soun-san…?
Soun: You’re Takato’s…
Drunk Woman: Hmmm, I can go for more drinks~ Soun, gimme another glass of wine…
Uryu: The woman leaning on you seems to be drunk…
Uryu: Is she a customer from Wisdom?
Soun: …She is, yes. I’ve called a cab for her, so now we’re just waiting.
Uryu: I see… That’s… a lot to deal with for your job, isn’t it?¹
Soun: It may be, but the work is worth it.
Uryu: Oh?
Soun: What about you? What are you doing here?
Uryu: I… wanted to enjoy the night breeze a bit, so I found myself out here.
Soun: Is that so?
Uryu: Yes.
Soun: …
Uryu: …
Uryu: (Maybe it’s because I don’t have anything in particular to say, but I can’t carry this conversation…)
Uryu: …Ah, it looks like the cab is here.
Soun: So it is.
Uryu: Well then, I’ll be taking my leave. If you’ll excuse me.
[Uryu leaves. The scene focuses on Soun.]
Soun: …
¹ he originally says その・・・・・・大変ですね which is just like "that's... tough, isn't it" which i feel like is clunky as it is, so i tried to make it flow a little smoother and feel more in character for uryu
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Character Episode: Matcha Hospitality
Noa: Excuse me! Sorry to drop by while you’re so busy before opening… I’ll just give these to you and go.
Soun: Wait there. It would be discourteous to you as guests if I didn’t serve you.
Noa: Oh, you made tea? Thank you very much.
Uryu: Is this… matcha?
Soun: It is, but I can get you something else if you’d like.
Uryu: No, it’s fine… Thank you.
Uryu: Ah…
Soun: Is something the matter?
Uryu: Not at all, this tea is excellent.
Noa: It’s very delicious, with a hint of sweetness.
Soun: Is that so?
Noa: Here are the documents on the virtual battle system that we discussed over the phone.
Soun: I’ll look them over.
Uryu: Our company has taken great care to collect the data in these documents.¹ Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Soun: Understood.
Uryu: Um, excuse me…
Soun: What is it?
Uryu: Usually, most places would serve their customers green tea.² Why serve us matcha?
Soun: Because I’ve been thinking about holding a Japanese-themed event at the lounge soon.
Noa: That sounds nice. So you and the others will be making tea?
Soun: We intend to, yes.
Noa: Wow, that’ll be a sight to see³. I’m sure the customers will be excited about it.
Uryu: (I might be overthinking, but… this matcha tea tastes just like my favorite.)
Uryu: (Could it be that Soun-san went out of his way to find out what blend I liked?)
Uryu: (I mean I’ve never talked to him before, so how would he know? No, it’s just a coincidence… Right…?)
¹ i did tweak this to sound a little fancier than a literal translation since uryu takes his job seriously, but the gist of it is the same
² the original line is お茶なら普通に煎茶で良かったはずです, which translates to something like "if it's tea, sencha (green tea) would have been fine" but i feel like that sounds clunky in english... i tried to convey something that had a similar meaning and flows better
³ the original line is へえ、絵になりそう which is literally something like "wow, that [sight] would be perfect for a picture" and y'all have no idea how much i wanted to translate that as "wow, Aesthetic" FJKSDJKFDS 😭
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kyomon0 · 7 months
been thinking abt the Gakuen AU for a little ...
(Sry if it's messy, i'm brain-dumping on mobile)
Tachihara goes to a different school because he doesn't want to wear the same uniform as his brother (as far as my understanding goes, I'm not sure if it's correct) so I have a silly little Headcanon for it:
Tachihara transferred out before Chuuya, and had dyed his hair and got piercings during the transfer. So.
They've also never really entered each others social sphere's, so Tachihara didn't have much of a reason to be friendly to Chuuya when he transferred, and Chuuya didn't have any reason to recognize Tachihara or remember his name.
Tachihara would've been on the disciplinary committee, which is part of why he would've recognized Chuuya, and Chuuya would only recognized Tachi if he didn't have whole delinquent look going on (mostly, if he still had black hair)
So comes the day where Tachihara mentions something abt their previous school, Chuuya's just like, hold up, wtf do you mean you went there, i've never seen you???? And Tachihara's like, yeah I used to go there wdym
And Chuuya's still confused, so Tachi says his hair is dyed so it was black back then (new information to everyone lol). Chuuya's still confused and shouts that literally 90% of students would've had black hair. So Tachi says he was on the disciplinary committee (another shocker), and now Chuuya thinks.
The disciplinary committee? There were four students on there, and he's very obviously not those three. He would've had to have been the kid that was hanging around that Ookura girl. The one that was clearly the most normal of the group, that actually did the work how you would expect it to be done, not... whatever the other three did.
And Chuuya, in his head, just comapres. The polite, stereotypical Japanese high school student, part of the disciplinary committee, making sure other students stay in line. Okay. And he just looks at this mf in front of him. Bandaid on nose, dyed hair, piercing, improper uniform and is just like, there's no fucking way.
They have an argument abt it.
That is most of what I have for that sadge. I am attempting to draw this, it's,,, going,,, slowly〜
The image of Chuuya just thinking, and then suddenly slamming the table and pointing at tachihara shouting 'THAT WAS YOU!?' has just been really funny to me recently.
Also the idea of their two schools having an event together or something, and Teruko just pops over out of the blue, climbs up Tachihara, and demands him to take her somewhere with Suegiku following behind, just absolutely baffling everyone when they leave. Tachihara makes no complaints abt it either, confusing them even more.
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Trigun Bookclub: Trigun Vol.1-2, Chapter #08
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CW: Some of my analysis in this post touches the topic of suicidal ideation (there will be a warning around that portion).
I’m doing a deep-read of the Japanese original print (reread) and Overhaul 1.0 (first read) side-by-side, and writing down everything I notice from small details, version differences, translation differences, etc.
The volume numbers will be mismatched for most of the remainder of Trigun, since the Japanese first edition is 3 volumes while all later versions are 2 volumes.
As always, here are the non-analysis panels aka just my homosexual mumbling:
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And the rest is under the cut.
[link for if the images aren’t in horizontal rows]
This chapter is the beginning of the Japanese Volume 2, which is from #08 to #13 (plus the pilot as a bonus).
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Starting off with the cool as balls shot of Vash being shot a billion bullets at! I did write "rule of cool" here since I thought he was just magically evading the firing squad. However, on second thought, I think Neon specifically ordered the gang to not actually shoot him, judging by how he says "not bad" immediately afterwards. It's his way to test Vash, to see if he flinches.
[cw sui] The "You ain't afraid of dyin', are ya?!" line stuck out to me a lot... Many rereaders (and I assume first-timers too, at this point in the bookclub) know that Vash is... casually suicidal? I'm not sure if that's the right way to put it, but he doesn't have much of a sense of self-preservation. He's not seeking death, of course, but he's not exactly avoiding it either.... This becomes much more apparent and relevant at the end of Trigun and in Maximum, so I'll leave it until I get to those parts. [/cw]
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Dear god the crotch shot. okay (squeezing this into a row because I don't really want this guy's balls to take up the whole screen lmao)
I've always loved how Nightow draws these circles to show spinning motion in his artwork!! It's simple but it really pops... it's just so so (chef's kiss)
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I wonder just what Vash's next move was going to be here? He's pretty much cornered... but I guess he can always get out of any situation, as he usually does.
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Vash's expression of sheer confusion is golden. I love him lmao
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Meryl!!!!!!!!! Milly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how immediately after he calls Meryl a little girl he gets spooked by the Big Girl instead.
This is not directly translatable, but I find Milly's line here very cute. In Japanese, she says「…私は―― ミリィ…トンプソンとゆいます えとえとイチオー スタンガンミリィとは私のコトをゆいます」 The correct word for "I'm called [smth]" here would be 言います(iimasu), but the pronunciation ゆいます(yuimasu) is a bit childish in this context. If I recall correctly, isn't Milly the youngest of many siblings? Maybe it's a little quirk showing that youngest-sibling aspect of hers.
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Meryl asking Vash to be a "responsible adult" for once.... lol
This is the first time his name has been called since his encounter with Kaito and the beginning of the BL gang' hijack. I completely forgot that Kaito has no idea who he is!! Vash didn't give him a name; he's just been calling him あんた("you") the whole time!!
Excuse the messier handwriting from here on… I was working on this during a car ride.
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A detail in the Japanese version - this line was originally written「おまえが消したって話んなってるJULY(あのまち)だが…」with "JULY" having a ruby pronunciation note of あのまち("that city").
This part was initially written to be a translation suggestion but I decided to just keep it a JP phrasing note:
「あのガレキが俺の見た最初の風景だ」 "That mountain of debris was the first thing I saw."
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Translation suggestion - Here, Neon says「サシの勝負だ」, where サシ means "face-to-face" or "one-on-one." I would say it's more like "This fight is between just the two of us," to show more of the respect Neon has for Vash.
More of this respect is shown in the next page, where they make a promise that Neon will step back if Vash wins the duel. Neon recognizes Vash's skill and ideology, and treats him as an equal.
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And here's the action!
I found interesting that Neon's war-cry/exclamation "ha" was actually written in kanji as 派. The kanji by itself means group or faction, but considering Neon's character, maybe it's supposed to be a reference to the word 派手(hade), meaning "gaudy?"
This duel definitely isn't following regular duel rules... but no one said it was unfair or anything. Maybe this is just how they are in No Man's Land.
Neon shoots with his dynamo-gun (?) instead of his cool engraved pistol.... Anyways, his first strike is at Vash, and they all hit the rocks that are falling between them. Vash then shields himself with one of those rocks by jumping in the same direction as it.
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And he's doing another frontflip!! In sync with the falling rock!! With a wound in his gut!! In midair and upside down, he precisely shoots five rounds into Neon. It hits his dynamo, but looking closely I can see that maybe he got his arm shot too.
A bit of a tangent - many of Neon's actions are reminiscent of old Japanese culture, which is very interesting. His pose during his first appearance in Chapter #05 (how did i remember that. i checked just in case and i was right), where he sort of squats and extends his open palm to the front, is a very stereotypical kabuki pose. Again, I don't know about the specifics of kabuki, but his pose on the the panel where Vash jumps also looks kabuki-esque to me. Neon's respect towards Vash as a fellow gunslinger and his beliefs on dignity reminds me of bushidō. It's not representative of all aspects, of course, but there are definitely elements incorporated in his character.
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This line (including the speech bubble after it) is a bit weird when translated so it will have to be tweaked, but a direct translation would be:
「このままではブレーキングはおろか… 船体ごと爆発する可能性があります!!」 "If it continues like this, the ship itself may blow up, let alone brake!!"
I'm pretty sure "brake" (miswrote in the image, will fix later) here means that they won't be able to put on the brakes due to the boiler malfunction. But I don't know shit about machinery or how to phrase this. (shrug)
That’s it for Chapter #08! As always, the Japanese annotations are in the reblogs.
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berriesandjunnie · 2 years
reader is multilingual [performance reactions]
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performance unit x afab!reader unit reactions requested by anon lowercase intended [i only type grammatically for fics lol] translations: ; 小花 [xiao hua] - little flower
✎ when junhui started dating you, he had no real concept of how many languages you knew? obviously he knew you spoke korean - that’s how you conversed with him and the rest of seventeen so he was pretty blind to the idea of you knowing any other languages. but slowly, he started opening his eyes while you conversed with others. he noticed you speaking english with joshua and vernon (you had even helped mingyu with his english at one point and he hadn’t noticed), you’d had a phone call with an international friend in their native language after you dedicated yourself to learning their language and he’d even seen you converse with japanese carats; albeit perhaps not fluently. 
after he began to realise that he’d been blind to his partner’s lingual talent for the entirety of the relationship, he trapped you against the counter in your shared kitchen one evening while you were cooking dinner. “小花?” he would mumble as he cuddled into you, his head resting on your shoulder as you hum a little “hm?” in response. “when was you going to tell me you’re so good at languages?” junhui would whine the question and you were prepared for him to beg you to learn cantonese (or at least chinese) next if you didn’t already know it. “have you never noticed?” you teased and junhui huffed, rolling his eyes. stubbornly, he wouldn’t admit in vocally but you were correct, he’d never noticed. but now he had, he was purely amazed with the talent his partner had.
✎ soonyoung was aware you spoke at least two languages, he wasn’t stupid - especially since you’d helped him with his english when you travelled with them to english speaking countries and of course, you spoke korean. after years of dating you, he was certain you were only bilingual and could only speak english and korean - fair enough, i mean he’d only seen you speak them. so yet again, you tagged along with the boys on another world tour. you had tried thoroughly to tell them that you wanted to hold back on this tour and let them have a tour without you following them around but soonyoung begged you and you can’t say no to a clingy boyfriend like him.
following the usual pattern of a world tour, one of seventeen’s first stops was indonesia - a country in particular that you thoroughly enjoyed. on the first night after a refreshing cool shower that soonyoung had dragged you into - where he literally just sang shinee songs and made your hair incredibly soapy - he begged you to get nasi goreng for dinner. nothing wrong with that, so you agreed and went to a local restaurant to the hotel. soonyoung sat opposite you, staring with wide eyes and a grin as you ordered in indonesian. “wahhh...” he cooed, amazed as you stared back at him, confused. “you speak indonesian too?” you never expected soonyoung to make such a big deal out of you being trilingual, making you incredibly flustered as he proceeded to ring his hyungs to tell them.
✎ it took a while for minghao and yourself to get close and acknowledge a relationship between the two of you. you’d lived in korea most of your life but you was close friends with junhui, meaning you knew two languages to everyone’s knowledge - including junhui. minghao was very quiet prior to the two of you getting together and even when you got together, the poor man was still worried about mixing korean and chinese when speaking to you. you reassured him it was fine!! like you were going to understand him no matter which of the two languages he spoke so he had no need to panic!! minghao also had a lowkey jealousy for how you could switch between the two languages so effortlessly when you was with seventeen.
what minghao never noticed is that sometimes you did get languages confused. junhui had seen many times how you counted in japanese instead of chinese or korean and sometimes you’d even ask something in japanese and not understand why he was staring at you like an absolute moron. on this evening, minghao and yourself were cooking dinner like usual. he loved cooking with you, just as much as he liked doing most of the household chores to take some weight off your shoulders. humming to the playlist you’d put on, minghao could only stare in confusion when you uttered something in japanese. he didn’t respond, unsure as to whether it was because you could speak japanese or because he had no idea what you had said. it took you five minutes of staring at him waiting for him to pass the salt for you realise that you’d yet again mixed up languages and promptly apologised to him in a panic, reiterating what you’d asked but this time in chinese. 
✎ chan couldn’t even comprehend you knowing more than korean, for some reason? he’d only ever heard you speak korean even to seventeen’s foreign members. so the day he caught you on the phone to your family speaking your native language, he felt betrayed he’d never heard you speak it before. he lingered by the door, watching in amazement. he had no idea what the hell you was saying but he couldn’t get over the fact you spoke another language. when you caught him by the door, you quickly greeted him in korean and chan beamed at his bilingual girlfriend.
to really put a cherry on the top of chan’s new found discovery of your language talents, carats had found an old video from your preteen days on youtube where you was speaking in japanese and proceeded to do a cover in japanese in the same video. they resurfaced it, tagging you and chan in every post imaginable to man. chan would look up from his phone, his mouth gaping open as his eyes landed on you across the room. you would proceed to smile sheepishly at him, more embarrassed that the video had resurfaced as you apologised to him, “that’s such an old vid-” “YOU SPEAK JAPANESE TOO?”
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Yo I was reading those asks about Oroko casey reveal and it got me thinkin about another way-
It’s the little things that trip him up. The stuff everyone misses. But someone noticed, Splinter noticed. He saw how his eyes lingered just a little too long at Dons laptop. How his arms would flex during the rare times Raph convinced him into sparring as if he was holding back. His annoyance and speed to shut down Leo whenever he mentions Karai. But most of all, the tipping point, was when Casey had laughed at one of Mikeys jokes. Splinter couldn’t the joke itself but he remebered something else- Casey had that laugh, the same exact one as Oroko.
Forgive me if it ain’t that good ^^ was just thinking of other ways the reveal could go. I kinda love the idea that Instead of a sudden all at once reveal, someone on the turtles side slowly figures it out. Through little things that slip through the cracks. I think this can be a bit funny as well. Like Imagine if Don figured out first, he’d be all like ‘GUYS CASEYS DAD IS SHREDDER!’ and everyone else is like ‘Don we get you hate the guy but really? Bit much?’ And they’d be shook when the reveal happens again later down the line XD
Donnie having his Cadence from Phineas and Ferb moment and putting the pieces together is hilarious.
Everyone's like jeez Don.. We know u hate him but that's a bit far don't u think.
Casey would probably tease him and slowly make Donnie think he's going mad or something lol.
The reveal happens and Donnie's like I TOLD YOU! Does a full on victory dance before the whole thing hits em.
Splinter putting things together is another concept I love.
He and Shredder, Oroku Saki were brothers they knew each other like the back of their hands.
And Casey is most definitely his father's son.
The idea that Splinter sees a younger version of the man he lost is kind of heartbreaking as well.
Like a ghost that won't stop haunting him.
And it's things no one else but Hamato Yoshi would be able to spot.
Casey has his laugh.
Casey has his mannerisms, like flexing his arms before a fight, like he's reloading a weapon.
Something Saki thought was cool when they were young.
He crosses his arms when he's making a point, wipes his thumb over his nose when he's got an idea.
There's times the boys are speaking in Japanese and Splinter spots Casey for a second looking like he understands.
It's gone as quickly as it came but it was seen.
Casey is an offensive fighter, and at times has used moves that Splinter remembers from numerous sparrs with Saki.
And at times when Karai has been spotted, while his sons all raise their guards, Casey's lowers.
At one look you'd think it was just him trying to look cool but he genuinely knows he isn't in any danger.
Even his mask, feels like shadow from a forgotten time.
I think he'd have so many questions.
It his theory was correct... Than why was he here?
Why was he fighting against him but also talked fondly of his father, without giving too much away.
Why was this boy holding back in fights and bonding with his sons.
It made Splinter curious, just who was this Casey Jones... If that was even his name?
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