#volume one - nani?!
rjavenuru · 9 months
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Ok, so one is the queen of the undead, imbued with the power of the natural spirit world with power bolt magic. The other is a traveller of dimensions, a defier of death who can shapeshift into a terrifying skeletal creature. Let's face it, these two are basically superheroes now. 😝
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hellishattempt · 3 months
nanami kento comes home on a saturday afternoon, hands full of groceries and hair freshly cut. in the distance, he hears his precious wife humming along to her favorite soundtrack. you must not have heard him come in. he smiles to himself, setting the groceries on the counter, but not unloading them. that can wait. right now, he wants to hold you.
he slips out of his shoes, padding quietly to the laundry room where you are folding towels. you have your back to him, headphones lodged in your ears. as nanami gets closer, the music bleeding from your headphones becomes audible. he chuckles softly. no matter how many times he tells you it's bad for your ears, you insist on listening to your music at just below full volume.
snaking his arms around your waist, you jump at the sudden contact. nanami presses his chest against your back as you take out your headphones, leaning into his touch. you sway in silence for a moment, nanami resting his chin on your shoulder. when you turn to face him, your expression changes at the sight of his hair.
"your hair," you state dumbly. "you cut it."
"yes," your husband muses. "is there something wrong with it?"
"no, no!" you assure nanami, studying his hair. "i just wasn't expecting it. you normally have me do it, which you know i don't mind doing."
"i know, but i didn't want to bother you on your cleaning day."
your expression softens at his words. nanami, your ever loving, ever caring husband, always thinking about you before himself. you reach one hand up, smoothing the hair down the back of his neck. as you bring your hand up, the freshly cut hair pricks your palm, and nanami lets out a low hiss.
you immediately apologize, pulling away. "did that hurt?"
"yes, but it's okay. it felt... good," nanami confessed. "... do it again. please." his voice is thick and demanding, and you obey without hesitation.
this time, you use just the tips of your fingertips to graze his undercut, beginning at the base of his neck. his breathing quickens as you continue to to run your hands through his undercut, going up and down, switching from one hand to both, thumbs caressing the sides of the cut. the laundry room fills with his melodic whimpers and faint groans. his eyes are shut tight, teeth digging into his bottom lip.
"fuck..." he cusses lowly.
"you okay, nani?" you giggle, stopping momentarily. his eyes flash open, pupils blown. "kento?"
"let's go to the bedroom," he insisted, grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the master bedroom. you barely have time react before nanami pushes you back on to the bed, practically ripping your leggings off.
"kento, what are you doin-" you try to protest, his hands clamping around your wrist and bringing them down to grip his hair. his head disappears between your leg, lips latching around your clit. involuntarily, your fingers tighten around his sharp undercut. he moans into your cunt, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through your body.
from then on, nanami kento always got an undercut.
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pikahlua · 7 months
MHA Chapter 416 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 コミックス40å·»4月4日発売‌ コミックス40かん4が぀4かは぀ばい‌ KOMIKKUSU 40kan 4gatsu 4ka hatsubai!! Volume 40 release on April 4th!!
tagline 2 No.416 こじ開けろ緑谷出久‌ 堀越耕平 ナンバヌ416 こじあけろみどりやいずく‌ ほりこしこうぞい NANBAA 416  kojiakero! Midoriya Izuku!!  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 416 Pry it open! Izuku Midoriya!! Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 埅テ たテ maTE "Wait."
2 デクさん  DEKU-san... "Deku-san..."
3 助けないず ‌ たすけないず ‌ tasukenai to...!! "I have to help...!!"
4 ア゜コマデ䜕癟キロモアルンダペ ア゜コマデなんびゃっキロモアルンダペ ASOKO MADE nanbya KIRO MO ARUNDA YO "That place is hundreds of kilometers [away]."
5 乗っおきたノで戻れば  のっおきたノでもどれば  notte kita NO de modoreba...! "We rode here, so if I go back...!"
6 荌毘ダマキア゜シテAFO
 だびダマキア゜シテオヌル・フォヌ・ワン  Dabi YA Makia SOSHITE OORU FOO WAN... "Dabi and Machia, and then All For One..."
7 想定以䞊ニ戊闘芏暡ガ広ガリ避難システムニモ圱響ガ及ンデむル そうおいいじょうニせんずうきがガひろガリひなんシステムニモえいきょうガおよンデむル soutei ijou NI sentou kibo GA hiroGARII hinan SHISUTEMU NI MO eikyou GA oyoNDE IRU "The scale of the battle spread more than expected, and the effect is reaching the evacuation system."
8 今ハ動カセナむ いたハうごカセナむ ima WA ugoKASENAI "We can't move it now."
9 でも  demo...! "But...!"
10 ゜レニ  SORE NI... "Additionally..."
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1 「巻キ戻シ」゚ネルギヌモ 「たキもどシ」゚ネルギヌモ 「maKImodoSHI」 ENERUGII MO "the Rewind energy"
2 マダ溜マッテナむダロり マダたマッテナむダロり MADA taMATTENAI DAROU "hasn't accumulated yet, right?"
3  行ケタトシテモ゜レデハ殆ド意味ガ無む  むケタトシテモ゜レデハホトンドむミガナむ ...IKETA TO SHITEMO SORE DE WA HOTONDO IMI GA NAI "...Even if you could go, there would almost be no meaning."
4 むレむザヌノ時ニワカッタダロり むレむザヌノずきニワカッタダロり IREIZAA NO toki NI WAKATTA DAROU "You understood when [you were with] Eraser, right?"
5 ちょうずダンプカヌにひかれたけど盞柀先生 元気ダペ ちょうずダンプカヌにひかれたけどあいざわせんせい げんきダペ chouto DANPUKAA ni hikareta kedo Aizawa-sensei genki DARO Aizawa-sensei was run over by a dump truck, but he's fine.
6 気持ハ痛む皋ワカルガ きもちハいたむほどワカルガ kimochi WA itaI hodo WAKARU GA "I understand the feeling is painful, but"
7 我々ハ信ゞルシカナむンダペ われわれハしんゞルシカナむンダペ wareware WA shinJIRU SHIKA NAINDARO "there is nothing we can do but believe."
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1 ゚リちゃんの倢!⁉ ゚リちゃんのゆめ!⁉ ERI-chan no yume!!? Eri-chan's dream!!?
2 じゃあ jaa Then,
3 僕も尚曎頑匵らなくちゃ がくもなおさらがんばらなくちゃ boku mo naosara ganbaranakucha! I have to do my best even more!
4 緑谷兄ちゃんは みどりやにいちゃんは Midoriya-niichan wa "Midoriya-niichan,*" (*Note: This word means "big brother" or is an honorific for a young boy/man a younger person looks up to.)
5 すぐ泣きべ゜かくんだよ  すぐなきべ゜かくんだよ  sugu nakibeSO kakunda yo... "his face [looks like] it's about to cry, so he's hiding it..."
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1 こうたくん  Kouta-kun... "Kouta-kun..."
2 僕も泣き虫だから  がくもなきむしだから  boku mo nakumushi dakara...! "[I can tell] because I'm a crybaby too...!"
3 兄ちゃんが頑匵っおるずね にいちゃんががんばっおるずね niichan ga ganbatteru to ne "Big brother (niichan) is doing his best."
4 䜕かしなきゃっお思うんだ なにかしなきゃっおおもうんだ nani ka shinakya tte omounda "That's why it feels like we have to do something."
5 おたえがここで䌑んだら おたえがここでやすんだら omae ga koko de yasundara If you rest here,
6 俺たち元の暮らしに戻るのかよ おれたちもずのくらしにもどるのかよ ore-tachi moto no kurashi ni modoru no ka yo? will we go back to our old lives?
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1 皆がいおくれるから みんながいおくれるから minna ga ite kureru kara Because everyone is here [with me],
2-3 党郚取り戻したす ぜんぶずりもどしたす zenbu torimodoshimasu we'll get it all back.
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1 物間っしっかり‌ ものたっしっかり‌ Monoma! shikkari!! "Monoma! Hang in there!!"
2 緑谷さん たた黒いお姿に  みどりやさん たたくろいおすがたに  Midoriya-san...mata kuroi osugata ni...! (literal) "Midoriya-san...[his] black form again...!" (contextual) "Midoriya-san...[he's turning into] his dark form again...!"
3 ねえダオモモ nee YAOMOMO "Hey, Yaomomo."
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1 コミックで KOMIKKU de "In comics,"
2 よくあるじゃんね  yoku aru jan ne... "[there's this thing that] happens often..."
3-4 「俺はあい぀を信じおる」っおさ 「おれはあい぀をしんじおる」っおさ 「ore wa aitsu wo shinjiteru!」 tte sa "'I believe in that guy!'"
4 俺ずか切島くらいの立ち䜍眮の奎が蚀うの  おれずかきりしたくらいのたちいちのや぀がいうの  ore toka Kirishima kurai no tachi ichi no yatsu ga iu no... "It's something some guy in a role like mine or Kirishima's says."
5 そのような䜜品にはただ出逢えおなくお  そのようなさくひんにはただであえおなくお  sono you na sakuhin ni wa mada deaete nakute... "I haven't come across any works like that yet..."
6 少幎系読たんもんね  しょうねんけいよたんもんね  shounen-kei yoman mon ne... "You don't read the shounen genre..."
7 緑谷さ 倚分今䞖界で䞀番匷ェのに  みどりやさ たぶんいたせかいでいちばん぀えェのに  Midoriya sa...tabun ima sekai de ichiban tsueE noni... "You see, Midoriya...is probably the strongest person in the world right now, but..."
8 䜕でだろうなあ  なんでだろうなあ  nande darou naa... "I wonder why..."
9-10 オヌルマむトみたく"もう倧䞈倫"っお 思えねェんだよなあ  オヌルマむトみたく"もうだいじょうぶ"っお おもえねェんだよなあ  OORU MAITO mitaku "mou daijoubu" tte...omoeneEnda yo naa... "I can't imagine...that 'it's all right now' like what All Might says..."
11 ダオモモ   YAOMOMO...... "Yaomomo......"
12 心配すんのは信甚しおねェっおこずになんのかなあ しんぱいすんのはしんようしおねェっおこずになんのかなあ shinpai sun no wa shinyou shite neE tte koto ni nan no ka naa? "Does my worrying mean I don't believe in him?"
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1 そう‌予断を蚱さない負傷者から そう‌よだんをゆるさないふしょうしゃから sou!! yodan wo yurusanai fushousha kara! "Yes!! From an unpredictable injured person!"
2 雄英の子‌グラビティみたいな名前の わかんないずりあえず すぐ着くから‌ ゆうえいのこ‌グラビティみたいななたえの わかんないずりあえず すぐ぀くから‌ yuuei no ko!! GURABITI mitai na namae no...wakannai! toriaezu sugu tsuku kara!! "A UA kid!! The one with a name like Gravity...I don't know! Anyways, [we'll] be there soon!!"
3 雄英ロボが向かっおいるそうです ゆうえいロボがむかっおいるそうです yuuei ROBO ga mukatte iru sou desu "It looks like the UA robots are on their way."
4 グラビティっお子が危ないみたい グラビティっおこがあぶないみたい GURABITI tte ko ga abunai mitai "It looks like the Gravity kid is in danger."
5 あ a "Ah!"
6 おい oi "Hey!"
7 緑谷の映像来おるぞ䜕じゃコリャ みどりやのえいぞうきおるぞなんじゃコリャ Midoriya no eizou kiteru zo nan ja KORYA "The video of Midoriya is coming, what the hell is this?"
8 今はいいので早く いたはいいのではやく ima wa ii node hayaku! "It's fine now, so hurry!"
9 りラビティ   URABITI...... Uravity......
10 あの子だ   あのこだ   ano ko da...... It's that kid......
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1 もしも moshimo If
2-3 もしも党員が少しだけ"みんな"のこずを思えたなら もしもぜんいんがすこしだけ"みんな"のこずをおもえたなら moshimo zen'in ga sukoshi dake "minna" no koto wo omoeta nara If all of us could think of "everyone," just a little bit
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1 䜕で私が緑谷に぀いたか なんでわたしがみどりやに぀いたか nande watashi ga Midoriya ni tsuita ka "Why did I head for Midoriya?"
2 あい぀は aitsu wa "Because that guy"
3 心をこじ開けるんだ こころをこじあけるんだ kokoro wo kojiakerunda "pries open hearts."
small text 1 レディ・ナガン REDI ・ NAGAN Lady Nagant
small text 2 元・ヒヌロヌ敵 もず・ヒヌロヌノィラン moto ・ HIIROO VIRAN Former Hero/Villain
small text 1 プロヒヌロヌ・ロックロック PURO HIIROO ・ ROKKU ROKKU Pro Hero Rock Lock
4 悪人にずっお あくにんにずっお akunin ni totte "For the bad guys,"
5-6 䞀番嫌な事をしおくるんだよ いちばんいやなこずをしおくるんだよ ichiban iya na koto wo shite kurunda yo "he's come to do what they can't stand the most."
7 たァ maA "Well,"
8 敵退治はいかに早く戊意喪倱させるかだからな ノィラン(たいじ*)はいかにはやくせんいそうし぀させるかだからな VIRAN taiji wa ikani hayaku sen'i soushitsu saseru ka dakara na "the key to eliminating villains is how quickly you make them lose the will to fight, that's why." (Note: This line was originally spoken by Fatgum in chapter 134.)
9 倚分 たぶん tabun "Perhaps"
10 今もそうなんだ いたもそうなんだ ima mo sou nanda "now is also like that."
11 勧善懲悪を培しきれない かんぜんちょうあくをおっしきれない kanzenchouaku wo tesshi kirenai "It's not enough to devote himself to rewarding good and punishing evil."
12 茚の道に倢を芋おる いばらのみちにゆめをみおる ibara no michi ni yume wo miteru "He's dreaming on a path of thorns."
13 その面があたりに必死なもんだからヌヌヌ その぀らがあたりにひっしなもんだからヌヌヌ sono tsura ga amari ni hisshi na mon dakara--- "That aspect of him is so desperate* that---" (*Note: This word in Japanese means that this aspect of Izuku is something that he does "desperately, frantically, with all his might.")
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1 ぀い぀い応揎したくなっちたう ぀い぀いおうえんしたくなっちたう tsuitsui ouen shitaku nacchimau "against my better judgment, I want to root for him."
2 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
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1 来るなあ くるなあ kuru naa (literal) "Don't come!" (contextual) "Stay back!"
2 やめろ yamero "Stop,"
3 転匧 おんこ Tenko "Tenko!"
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tagline デクの前に珟れたのは⁉ デクのたえにあらわれたのは⁉ DEKU no mae ni arawareta no wa!? What has appeared in front of Deku!?
1-3 あの家から連なる党おの厩壊だ あのいえから぀らなるすべおのほうかいだ ano ie kara tsuranaru subete no houkai da The decay of everything extending from that house.
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lialia0213 · 5 months
Hi sweetie. Can you tell us more, like random facts, about Vasi? 🥰
Her height, her favourite place, music, hobbies.... 👉🏻👈🏻
Of course! ☺☺
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* Vasilisa is about 5’5 ft tall!
* I haven’t figured out her weight yet but her body type she has an Average hourglass thick tone. She has hip dips and a small round belly (so think of Nani (Lilo and Stich), American singer Tyla, and Twyla (monster high).
*Has a lot of beauty marks.
* since her race is elf/vampire her nationality is Afro-latina! But to simplify it she’s Afro-Brazilian (like myself 😌)
* She has a nose ring, belly piercing and others.
* She has a small fairy wing in one of the back of her ears.
* Her voice VA is a mix between Spectra vondergeist (Monster High) and Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa)
* She has a kind, understanding, outgoing, shy, quiet personality. She RARELY ever gets mad but when she does.. she can be pretty scary.
* Her best friends are Amber Orlock, Gytha Demona, Nerys Blyssen ( which they are in the working process 😅)
* She occasionally plays the Quest of Yore with Barely and goes on Quests with him. That is of course dressing up as well! 😂
*She sometimes floats like Marceline (adventure, Time) and Spectra (monster high)
* She loves to go on day and night strolls. In the daytime for favorite places are the park, the Manticore! Tavern, and the Labyrinth mall. In the night time she likes to go on her land to look at the stars and of course ride along with Barley 😁.
* She likes poetry, drawing landscapes, spells and mythical creatures, fajitas, and rice pudding.
* Her Dislikes though are dishonest and cruel people, being taken advantage of, being an out cast, bullies, colt Branco (at times), spiders.
* She listens to a lot of variety of music. But her absolute favorites are 2000s rock, rock folklore ( like Barely lmaoo 😭) j-pop and k-pop!
* Her favorite movies are Twilight, all Saw movies, Harry Potter, Let Me In (2010), Kill Bil volume 1 and 2, and the grudge.
* She makes jewelry as a hobby.
* She wears a lot of her mother’s jewelry and clothes to always have her by her side.
* Can speak MANY different languages ( including sign language)
* Wears a bunch of goth clothes ( so like corsets and a bunch of medieval dresses) and other wears!
* She’s a Mage and does a lot of magic such as healing, reading people’s minds, and Telekinesis.
* One of her strengths are Shapeshifting, healing, using any form of magic. But her downsides are that she has to drink and eat more than a normal being can do. She can also get sick easily.
* Whenever she’s available she’ll help Ian with some magic stuff and teach him different spells and potions and honestly how to maintain it better!
* Now since she’s half elf and vampire blood doesn’t have an effect on her only because she took majority of her mother’s side. But every once in awhile she does get the cravings often. So she drinks pigs blood and makes it into boba 🧋 (I’m assuming there’s such thing as pigs in the universe 😭)
*Since she has a lot of her mother’s traits she will have longer ears and eyebrows when she gets older. ï¿Œ
* She owns a Phoenix as a pet (I name her Fawkes after professor Dumbledores from Harry Potter 😁😁)
* She Keeps a lot of charms and crystals in her room from Barley  
* Loves to cook and bake!
* She reads a spell book that her mother left for her.
* Knows how to figure Skate and do ballet and Plays the violin and the piano (so I guess you can say she was very active)
I think that’s pretty much all of it! I hope you enjoy! ☺
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aiura-stan · 1 year
This panel never made sense to me, and I finally took some time to pick it apart after buying Saiki k vol 25 in physical form.
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during the last PSIHOWDOWN panel where kusuke takes off his telepathic canceler, here’s what Kuusuke said in Japanese, transcribed from my physical copy of volume 25 because I couldn’t find it online:
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first speech bubble
(sonna mono tachi no tame ni nani de
second speech bubble
(kawaii ototo ga gisei ni naranakya naranai ndatte ne)
which I broke down like this:
(such) (person) (counter) (possessive article) (word ‘for’/sake) (why)
translation: but for those other people’s well-being why

(cute) (younger brother) (subject marker) (sacrifice) (for?*)(if it doesn’t**)(must not***)(I heard)(emphasis****)
* ni= particle indicating something about the word right before it
**gisei ni naranakya = won’t be sacrificed (if
***naranai = must not, should not, cannot resist, cannot help (doing)
****ね (ne) particle can also be asking for affirmation, like using the word ‘right?’ in English
the entire phrase naranai ndatte ne might just be “there’s no need to (it seems?), right?”
translation: should my cute younger brother be made a sacrifice (if it’s unnecessary)
really not sure how accurate this is.
originally I thought this part was saying that Kuusuke thought it was necessary for Kusuo to be a sacrifice but also he personally thought he shouldn’t. I was wrong; naranakya translates as “could not be sacrificed,” as in conditional negative, not “must be sacrificed” as google translate says.
The root verb is なる(naru), to become/attain/reach etc.
Idk here. someone who actually knows Japanese, please feel free to comment. I can only get so far for now.
Here’s what I put in the notes of my last fanfiction on the subject of this panel:
After years of being confused by the meaning of the panel where Kusuke admits the reason why he disabled the device that would broadcast kusuo’s powers globally, I finally get it.
It has nothing to do with Kuusuke being selfish/weird; it’s actually the opposite. He’s trying to tell Kusuo that his actual motives for making the right device were selfless (to benefit humanity) and be honest with him about the fact that he personally doesn’t want it to happen, but he thought it was best.
For whatever reason the original Japanese there seems to be pretty different than the English translation.
I’m not sure if I am translating it exactly right (probably not
) but Kuusuke’s wording makes the statement way more ambiguous in Japanese. There’s no emphasis on the word “strangers”; as a matter of fact, from what I can tell, what he says is just “people” or “those people.”
He doesn’t say “I” at all; it’s what would be considered passive tense in English. There’s no possessive “my” little brother either; it’s implied. So it comes across as a lot less controlling (it’s not about Kuusuke, instead it is about Kusuo.) And I still can’t quite figure out what he meant in the second half of the speech bubble (two conjugations of the same verb in succession) but i think he’s making the distinction between what he doesn’t want to happen (kusuo to be sacrificed) and what he feels is unavoidable (kusuo being sacrificed.) which is basically exactly what Kusuo said a few panels earlier; that it was unavoidable. And Kuusuke also said the previous panel that he still thought it would be best for humanity if his powers were globally known. So the conclusion here is that the original Japanese seems to make a lot more sense.
There’s a lot of instances in the manga where I was just confused by what was written because it doesn’t quite make sense in English. So I plan on revisiting the most bothersome ones when I can.
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jeidafei · 2 years
Komui's Lounge: Vol. 28 (Part 4/4)
>> Part 1
>> Part 2
>> Part 3
Q16: I would like to know if Hoshino-sensei ever felt super hyped while drawing a scene?
Hoshino: Lavi’s “Infinite Flame!! (火加枛無し!!)” scene (vol.13)
(T/N: Lavi vs Road battle, below)
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Lavi: Whoa! Hoshino just popped outta nowhere!
Allen: Goes to show we’re already screwed in regards to the word count, I guess.
Hoshino: If you know, then watch it!
Reever: She was also pretty hyped during Krory’s “I don’t need no coffin” scene, as well (Vol.11). (T/N: Krory vs Jasdevi battle. Thanks @looniecartooni for the raw!)
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Q17: So Jasdevi has been called “monster” before?
Lenalee: Krory did mention them when we had a tea party some time ago. “Those Noah twins and I, we’re similar, so I have this feeling we’d meet again someday,” he said. I guess he must have been thinking what you’re thinking at some point.
Lavi: They’re weirdly simple-minded for their age. I guess it’s possible they’re nursing a wound in their heart.
Q18: Are there ever instances where a new accommodator eventually appeared for the Innocence shards of exorcists who died in the line of duty?
Reever: Yeah. Loads of them, in fact. Next!
Lavi: That was quick!
Allen: Mr. Reever, are they that strict about the word count limit this time?
Reever: The designer’s already at their limit from the looks of it, Allen. Whether we get to do this Lounge again next volume could depend on this!
Q19: Does Fo consume human food?
Allen: Fo doesn’t eat anything. That’s what I’ve heard back at the Asian Branch.
Lavi: Aaah, the Asian Branch’s Guardian Deity system is so interesting, really. Even Bookmen of old regarded the Chang Clan as a subject requiring special attention. Any clues on why they had their guardian deity take the form of a young lady?
Allen and Lenalee: Eh? No.
Didn’t Branch Head Bak’s great-grandfather who created the Guardian Deity system have it take the form of his late daughter?
Lavi: Wait, so Yu knew!
Reever: Who have you heard that from, Kanda?
Kanda: Alma said so.
Q20: A question for Allen-kun! If Kanda and General Cross were drowning in a river and you could save only one, whom would you save?
Reever: Al~righty!! Let’s wrap it up with this question.
Lavi: Welp, can’t be helped!! Welp, can’t be helped!! (T/N: Try reading it with a rhythm XD)
Allen: There must have been a better one in there! Come on!
Lenalee: Looks like Ms. Hoshino’s so nervous about the word count, she’s on the verge of a panic attack
(sweating). Let’s make do with this one for her, okay?
Kanda: If she’s gonna panic that much, then don’t do this Lounge thing, then.
Allen: No can do, huh
Or rather, these two don’t look like they’d ever find themselves drowning, seriously! Erm...Let’s see
I’ll save Master.
Lavi: And your reason behind that?!
Allen: Because Master could’ve been squirreling away the secret stash I’ve been saving!
Reever: Aaaaand we’re done! Thank you so much for being with us today! Now break it up! Chop chop! (Two big handclaps)
Lenalee: Would be nice if we managed to scrape a pass on the word count this time.
Allen: Which I reckon
we probably didn’t

Lavi: Gave it our best shot, though

Alas, poor Hoshino

Closing T/N:
Aaaand that’s it! Thank you so much for all your comments and tags. I had so much fun reading them.
@shashaspeaks The original Japanese dialogue for Allen cussing is the following:
(Rabi temee kono yarou nani kuchi hashitten dayo koraa//threatening voice).
It’s written with no punctuation, likely indicating he said it all in one breath XD.
//Don’t even get me started on Lenalee’s records gaaaaah what’s up now, Hoshino-sensei?!!
@candy-crackpot Again, thanks for the raws! Also super happy someone got my sneaky ATLA reference XD.
//Don’t worry, I know Komurin’s weakness is at the nape.
//Nah I think Cross is fascinated by the heartbeat of living beings precisely because he doesn’t have one. /ooooohh I think General Tiedoll would have approved of that burn.
//Highest Sci. Div. turnover rate prolly during Akuma Egg arc /oof!
@sauvechouris Yeah, I’m confused about the “kids OK but lovers NO-K” thing too. Like aren’t kids supposed to be even harder to leave behind, idk? LOL poor Bookman’s children, must have been one hell of a Daddy’s Issue for you all. Anyway, Past!Allen is Bookman’s kid headcanon anyone lmao?
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midnight-in-town · 8 months
HOW MANY manga stories do you follow every day/week/month ????
Hey Anon ! Checking my calendar, this goes like this :
Weekly :
One Piece ; Boy's Abyss
Monthly :
Ao no Exorcist ; Gokurakugai (around the 3rd of each month)
Kuroshitsuji (the 18th of each month)
Witch Hat Atelier (around the 20th-24th of each month)
Majo to Yajuu (on hiatus for a little over a year, due to the mangaka being sick, but usually around the 22nd)
Vinland Saga (around the 25th of each month)
Release every two weeks or so :
Akatsuki no Yona ; Chainsawman ; Spy x Family
Unpredictable release :
Berserk continuation, by Mori
Tsui no Taimashi - Ender Geister (weekly release on Sunday, but fan translation and access to raws are unpredictable)
Kinou Nani Tabeta ; Hokuhokusei ni Kumo to Ike ; Otona ni Nattemo (I read when new volumes get released in English)
Choujin X (I catch up every now and then)
Currently discovering :
Recently, I started Sousou no Frieren and also tried Vanitas no Carte's first chapters (@grelleswife ;)), but new series ask me for a lot more focus than series I already know, so it always depends on how I'm faring with my irl work (typically, I know I need to really take more time to understand VnC, especially since I'm naturally biased about any stories with vampire characters).
Additional rereading (I'm always rereading one series or another) :
Still going through my One Piece first rereading (currently stuck in Wano since December).
Otherwise, in January I reread Pierre Bottero's entire multiverse (about a dozen French fantasy books, I'm on the last one called "Les âmes croisées") and for the last 15 days, I've been rereading Akatsuki no Yona (caught up yesterday to the latest released chapter).
Since yesterday, I also started rereading Dorohedoro because two friends showed recent interest in it and I wanted refresh my memory in order to discuss this with them.
My 2024 plans are also to continue my TG reread that I started two years ago (lmao) and to reread Kuroshitsuji to prepare for Ciel & Seb's investigation. Gosh and I also want to reread Golden Kamuy, Chihayafuru and Blade of the Immortal. T_T
Rereading is really something I do on a whim though, so it's not like I can really be sure of what I'll reread next. Usually, it's driven by recent and important plot twist and unraveling. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have a good day, Anon. :)
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
We’re already getting into GOOD Kinou Nani Tabeta/great pace/lovely softness/all the emotions/fabulous food shots territory! Flashbacks! Little kids! Lots of ma! Longing shots of dudes!
Fuck yes. God damn it, I am so, SO happy TBS adapted this manga.
(Before I go on, I must implore any of you who have the time to PLEASE read this manga. It’s only one volume, beautifully translated, and I think the dorama is going to hew close to the story — at least, this first episode did. It is SUCH a fabulous read.)
I don’t have the moments to write a whole deep thing, but let me continue to list what I loved about this show and what I hope they’ll dive into more:
1) RICE! Y'all know I love rice, and I ESPECIALLY LOVE SHOWS that feature rice as a humble but potent character. (Oh, how I miss you, Moonlight Chicken.)
Onigiri is the humblest of foods, but also so beloved. (Onigiri can actually be a little difficult to make, as depicted in the Kinou Nani Tabeta manga -- if you place the hot rice on your bare hands, you salt your hands in advance and prepare for some owies.)
So about the rice: making rice in a nabe takes legit skill. I've burnt rice in a nabe before, as I'm really only used to using a rice cooker, but: rice out of a nabe is DEFINITELY special, because of the ability to make a crunchy bottom layer of rice at the end. If you can balance the timing just right, that crunchy layer adds so much depth and flavor to the rice. (I got this to make nabe rice at home, and you really need to use proper Japanese short-grain rice to get the best result, in my own opinion as a home cook -- but I'd love to learn tricks from others on how to use this pot for other types of rice, as I'm not skilled enough yet to do that.)
One more point about crunchy/crispy rice: it's beloved across Asia/Eurasia/the Middle East. Persian tahdig, Korean nurungji and dolsot bibimbap (when you order a dolsot bibimbap, mix everything as fast as you can and smush the rice against the hot stone bowl, then let it CHILL for a couple minutes -- then scrape it all off and mix the crunchy rice in with all your bibimbap stuff and AAAAHHHH SO GOOD), all the peeps love it. 
So Minoru and Tane getting excited about all the different aspects of nabe rice is so meaningful (the crunchy layer, the middle part of the rice), because honestly -- eating nabe rice means that you're at HOME, and someone at HOME knows how to make this humble food so well. Sitting around a nabe, whether it's filled with rice or a stew, means that you're likely sitting around a table with people you love, eating together. Our Dining Table takes this motif right out of the batting cage and hits a home run with it. (@respectthepetty, I'm goin' off on the food again, natch.) Sigh. All of this makes me so happy. And there's so much more food to look forward to in the show.
2) I love that the yellow smiley face motif is taking a flight from Thailand to Japan. This means a lot if you know Yutaka's backstory already.
3) I think the dorama is going to make me appreciate this even more than the manga, but it's a hell of a lot of work to take care of a little kid, lol. Seeing Minoru grabbing Tane when Tane first met Yutaka, it gave me the mom feels. This is also a really important point to this story, but -- visually seeing Minoru struggle automatically made me understand his character even more.
GIVE ME MORE OF THIS SHOW! Y'all, it's already so great, and it's going to get better. All of the emojis, all of them. I'm meeping so hard!
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153-centimeters-of-sass · 11 months
9 People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Thank you for the tag @shootingstarpilot!!
Three Ships: I mostly enjoy platonic friendships, but I do like some canon romance couples: Faramir & Eowyn (LOTR), Nani & David (Lilo and Stitch), and Wash & Zoey (Firefly).
First Ever Ship: I've no idea.
Last Song: The Sound of Silence, Pentatonix (I was listening to my Power Songs playlist on the way home from work.)
Last Movie: Uh
.I think it was Elemental? It was cute. Probably won’t watch it ever again. Once was enough.
Currently Reading: JOURNEY TO THE WEST, VOLUME ONE!! WOO, YEAH, FINALLY! I am so excited for this one! Barely started the first chapter and I’ve already burst out laughing a couple of times!
Currently Consuming: Nothing. I had my bowl of ice cream with chocolate and peanut butter sauce already.
Currently Craving: Pork dumplings, shanghai noodles, and a massive bottle of black cherry pop.
Tagging: @disaster-of-a-human, @triscribe, @lbibliophile, and anyone else who'd like to join in!
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fetss · 1 year
After the ending of of kumo desu ga, nani ka light novel on volume 16. I am honestly kind of disappointed.
So I will try to come up with hopefully a slightly better sequence of events for the ending.
Let's start at right after the side character gang gets decimated by D in the final battle. Instead of Shiro just teleports in and stomping D immediately, have Shiro debate on should she come in or not. Because D is there, teleporting will ruin her plan of playing dead, and will guarantee that D will not let here leave, making here D's pet. But Ariel will sacrifice herself if she does not come to stop her.
This plays into the theme of challenging a power way beyond yourself would only result in pointless death (Julius). Going against Shiro's previously practical nature of running if there is no chance of winning.
She complains but teleports anyway. GÃŒlie follows her. They arrive at D place. D welcomes them, explain what is happening to GÃŒlie, Shiro tells Ariel to never use Humility again for her sake. Then Shiro and GÃŒlie fights D. D finds this interesting, so allows it, buffing herself a bit more.
Shiro and GÃŒlie gradually lose against D, having spent much of their energy before fighting each other. Before D finishes of Shiro, Ariel uses Humility anyway, and punches D. Ariel starts fighting D one on one using Humility, despite Shiro begging her to stop.
Ariel lands the final punch, D explodes into confetti or something, reappears and announce that they have won. But it's too late for Ariel, Ariel asked if the deal is still on and will D will still fix everything. D said yes. Ariel dies. Shiro mourns. D states that Shiro will now become on of her kin and can't leave, Shiro said she knows from the moment she teleports here, and now as she have lost her strongest emotional connection to that planet, here is no where for her to stay anyway.
D teleports everyone backs, Shiro said goodbye, the series end.
I am not a writer, I can't actually write the anything myself. But I think this skeleton plot of the ending would be so much better than the one we actually got.
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brooklynislandgirl · 8 months
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
Me In The Mirror || Accepting She sits on the sofa by herself, feet tucked up on the cushions under the blanket she has to keep herself warm. She has a bowl of popcorn nearly the same size as her lap held in her arms and braced by her legs. She's watching the television even if the room is eerily quiet. This is because, aside from her giggles, there really isn't anything more in terms of sound. The television itself is muted and the dynamic lighting from the screen flickers across her features, gasping ghostly colours washed out and worn by time and distance. But when the laughter comes to an end, there's a transformation. Something people do not get to see, something almost kapu, in her words. She sets the bowl down and comes creeping out from beneath her blanket. Long skirt brushes the top of her feet as she takes a couple steps toward the television, sets one leg forward, and raises it by the toes to a particular angle. As she begins to dance with what she is watching, she breaks the stillness with her voice. So very soft it's easy to pretend she can't be heard, and while her voice isn't pristine ~she's by no means Dazzler or Siryn~ there might be something pleasant and warm to be found in it. Gone is the trepidation of speaking English and something in her eyes look close to nostalgic tears. "Mahalo nu 'ia ke Ali'i wahine- 'O Lili'ulani 'O ka Wohi kū- Ka pipi'o mai o ke ānuenue, Nā waiho‘olu‘u a hālike ʻole- E nānā nā maka i ke ao malama- Mai Hawai'i ākea i Kaua'i."
As she sings she moves as the figures on the screen do, all fluid grace and beauty. Arms raised up on praise, or outward in what might seem like invitation. Her foot placement precise and purposeful. Even the claps have a beat that have meaning. "ʻO Kalākaua he inoa- ʻO Ka pua maeʻole i ka lā- Ka pua maila i ka mauna- I ke kuahiwi ʻo Mauna Kea- Ke ‘ā maila i Kīlauea- Mālamalama i Wahinekapu- A ka luna o Uwēkahuna- I ka pali kapu o Kaʻauea- Ea mai ke aliʻi kia manu- Ua wehi i ka hulu o ka mamo- Ka pua nani aʻo Hawaiʻi- ʻO Kalākaua he inoa..." All too soon, she finishes the song and then returns to the couch. Less than a couple minutes later, her face contorts from grief to laughter once more, and this time it's almost silent. And that...that's when she notices him. She tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and doesn't quite raise her gaze to his eyes. "Wan' come watch? Is...Lilo an' Stitch, an' it really jus' only started so I can rewind it f' you? Put da volume up for you an' everyt'ing."
0 notes
pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 375 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 奥枡島 「麗日・蛙吹 VS トガ」 オクトじた 「うららか・あすいバヌサストガ」 OKUTO jima 「Uraraka・Asui BAASASU TOGA」 Octo Island - Uraraka & Asui vs Toga
tagline 1 矎しき南の島でヌヌ‌ う぀くしきみなみのしたでヌヌ‌ utsukushiki minami no shima de---!! On the beautiful southern island---!!
tagline 2 No.375 滅茶苊茶  堀越耕平 ナンバヌ375 メチャクチャ  ほりこしこうぞい NANBAA 375 MECHAKUCHA   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 375 A Mess   Kouhei Horikoshi
2 フロッピ‌ FUROPPI!! “Froppy!!”
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1 姿を晊たす技術はミスディレクションの類恐らくずおも耇雑で埮现な  すがたをくらたすぎじゅ぀はミスディレクションのたぐいおそらくずおもふくざ぀でびさいな  sugata wo kuramasu gijutsu wa MISUDIREKUSHON no tagui! osoraku totemo fukuzatsu de bisai na... The technique to hide her appearance is a type of misdirection! Perhaps it’s very complex and subtle...
2 それ故に䞀床で掛けられる人数には限りがある筈 それゆえにいちどでかけられるにんずうにはかぎりがあるはず sore yue ni ichido de kakerareru ninzuu ni wa kagiri ga aru hazu Therefore, there’s a limit to the number of people she can hide from at once.
3 感知系統のヒヌロヌず垞に人以䞊でマヌクし続けおフォロヌし合う かんちけいずうのヒヌロヌず぀ねににんいじょうでマヌクし぀づけおフォロヌしあう kanchi keitou no HIIROO to tsune ni 4nin ijou de MAAKU shi tsudzukete FOROO shi au With 4 or more heroes with sensory systems, keep marking and following her together.
4 止たっおトガヒミコ ずたっおトガヒミコ tomatte TOGA HIMIKO! “Stop, Himiko Toga!”
5 こい぀ 「超再生」が入っおいない‌ こい぀ 「ちょうさいせい」がはいっおいない‌ koitsu...! 「chousaisei」 ga haitte inai!! “This guy...! He doesn’t have Super Regeneration!”
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1 敵の数も枛っおきた‌ニアハむ゚ンドを抑えれば行ける‌ ノィランのかずもぞっおきた‌ニアハむ゚ンドをおさえればいける‌ VIRAN no kazu mo hette kita!! NIA HAI ENDO wo osaereba ikeru!! "The villains' numbers are decreasing too! If we can suppress the Near-High Ends, we can go!"
2 この島でこい぀らを制圧するこずが俺たちの䜿呜だ‌ このしたでこい぀らをせいあ぀するこずがおれたちのしめいだ‌ kono shima de koitsura wo seiatsu suru koto ga ore-tachi no shimei da!! "To suppress these guys on this island is our mission!!"
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1 こっちの数が枛る皋 こっちのかずがぞるほど kocchi no kazu ga heru hodo As our numbers decrease,
2 逃げられなくなっおっおる捉えられ始めおる にげられなくなっおっおるずらえられはじめおる nigerarenaku nattetteru toraerare hajimeteru I'm starting to become not able to escape and will get caught.
3 仁くんの血液量だず30〜40分の倉身が限床  じんくんのけ぀えきりょうだず30〜40ぶんのぞんしんがげんど  Jin-kun no ketsuekiryou to 30~40bun no henshin ga gendo... With this volume of Jin-kun's blood, my transformation will be limited to 30-40 minutes.
4 今飲んで数的有䜍をく぀がえせおも"哀れな行進"はこの離島で終わる いたのんですうおきゆういをく぀がえせおも"サッドマンズパレヌド"はこのりずうでおわる ima nonde suuteki yuui wo kutsugaesetemo “SADDO MANZU PAREEDO” wa kono ritou de owaru Even if I drink this now to overturn the numbers advantage, the Sad Man's Parade will end on this remote island.
5 こᅵᅵᅵたでトガヒミコの行動ᅵᅵ理に これたでトガヒミコのこうどうげんりに kore made TOGA HIMIKO no koudou genri ni Until now, due to Himiko Toga's acting principles,
6 倧局的な戊術思考が甚いられるこずはほがなかった たいきょくおきなせんじゅ぀しこうがもちいられるこずはほがなかった taikyokuteki na senjutsu shikou ga mochiirareru koto wa hobonaktta she almost never employed big-picture tactical thinking.
7 そもそもココで逆転しおも そもそもココでぎゃくおんしおも somosomo KOKO de gyakuten shitemo In the first place, even if I reverse [the situation] here,
8 戻りの船をわざわざ島に着かせおるずは考えにくい  こっちのワンチャンをわざわざしたに぀かせおるずはかんがえにくい  kocchi no WANCHAN (read as: modori no fune) wo wazawaza shima ni tsukaseteru to wa kangae nikui... it's hard to imagine they'll go out of their way to let me bring our one chance (read as: return boat) to the island...
9 分断ず隔離 ヒヌロヌはもう"仁くん"のこず知っおる ぶんだんずかくり ヒヌロヌはもう"じんくん"のこずしっおる bundan to kakuri...HIIROO wa mou “Jin-kun” no koto shitteru? Separation and isolation... Do the heroes already know about Jin-kun?
10 どの道このたたじゃ䜕もできないで終わる どのみちこのたたじゃなにもできないでおわる dono michi kono mama ja nani mo dekinaide owaru Either way, at this rate it'll end with me not being able to do anything.
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1 しかし shikashi However,
2 なら  nara...! Then...!
3 敵意ず おきいず tekii to animosity and
4 諊念が おいねんが teinen ga resignation
5 スピナヌくんに懞ける私は私の為すべき事を スピナヌくんにかけるわたしはわたしのなすべきこずを SUPINAA-kun ni kakeru! watashi wa watashi no nasu beki koto wo! I'll bet it all on Spinner-kun! [I'll bet] what I should do [on him]!
6 トガを"敵"ずしお完成させおいた トガを"ノィラン"ずしおかんせいさせおいた TOGA wo “VIRAN” to shite kansei sasete ita have completed Toga as a villain.
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1 来た きた kita! Here it comes!
2 血のストック ちのストック chi no SUTOKKU! Her stock of blood!
3 AFO⁉死柄朚⁉誰の血だろうず オヌル・フォヌ・ワン⁉しがらき⁉だれのちだろうず OORU FOO WAN!? Shigaraki!? dare no chi darou to All For One!? Shigaraki!? No matter whose blood it is,
4-5 それをさせない為の‌ それをさせないための‌ sore wo sasenai tame no!! I won’t let you do that!!
6 梅雚ちゃんは冷静  ぀ゆちゃんはれいせい  Tsuyu-chan wa reisei... "Tsuyu-chan's level-headedness..."
small text そこね soko ne “That there”
7 だからそれはフェむク dakara sore wa FEIKU "That's why that is a fake."
8 AFOさんがくれた"脳無を匕き぀けるお薬"です オヌル・フォヌ・ワンさんがくれた"のうむをひき぀けるおくすり"です OORU FOO WAN-san ga kureta “noumu wo hikitsukeru okusuri” desu "It's a medicine that attracts noumu that All For One-san gave me."
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1 そしおただ油断はしない そしおただゆだんはしない soshite mada yudan wa shinai And then, I still won't let down my guard.
2 フロッピヌ‌ FUROPPII!! "Froppy!!"
3 確実に仁くんの行進を遂げる為に かくじ぀にじんくんのこうしんをずげるために kakujitsu ni Jin-kun no koushin wo togeru tame ni In order to surely achieve Jin-kun's march,
4 刹那の二択‌ せ぀なのにたく‌ setsuna no nitaku!! for a moment there are two choices!!
5 ちう chiu (Note: This is a verbalized sound effect Tsuyu makes when she sticks out her tongue.)
6 そしお soshite And then,
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1 敵意は奇跡を起こす おきいはきせきをおこす tekii wa kiseki wo okosu [her] animosity will cause a miracle
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1 シガ ラキタチヲ救ケル  SHIGA...RAKI-TACHI WO tasuKERU... “I will save Shiga...raki and the others...”
2 トガヒミコ  TOGA HIMIKO... “Himiko Toga...”
3 アナタハドりシタむ ANATA WA DOU SHITAI? “What do you want to do?”
4  ホヌクスはじめ  党おのヒヌロヌをせん滅  ホヌクスはじめ  すべおのヒヌロヌをせんめ぀ ...HOOKUSU hajime......subete no HIIROO wo senmetsu “...starting with Hawks......annihilate all the heroes”
5 私を拡散しお黒霧さん わたしをかくさんしおくろぎりさん watashi wo kakusan shite Kurogiri-san “Scatter me [around], Kurogiri-san”
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1 埅おええただヌヌ たおええただヌヌ mateee mada---! “Waaaiiit, not yet---!”
2 私ただあなたず わたしただあなたず watashi mada anata to “I haven’t yet
3 恋バナしおない こいバナしおない koiBANA shitenai! “talked about [my] crush with you!” (Note: This is the same word Toga used back at the summer training camp when she said it was fun to talk with Ochako about their loves/crushes.)
4 お茶子ちゃん ‌ おちゃこちゃん ‌ Ochako-chan...!! “Ochako-chan...!!”
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1-2 できたらよかったね dekitara yokatta ne Literal: “If we could, that’d have been good.” Contextual: “I wish that we could.”
3 矀蚝山荘跡 ぐんがさんそうあず Gunga sansou ato Gunga Mountain Villa Ruins
4 トガだ分倍河原の血ストック⁉解攟軍朜入時にその類は培底しお掗い朰した戊闘埌の痕跡も党郚ヌヌヌ  トガだぶばいがわらのちストック⁉かいほうぐんせんにゅうじにそのたぐいはおっおいしおあらい぀ぶしたせんずうごのこんせきもぜんぶヌヌヌ  TOGA da! Bubaigawara no chi! SUTOKKU!? kaihou-gun sennyuu ji ni sono tagui wa tettei shite arai tsubushita! sentougo no konseki mo zenbu---...! It’s Toga! Bubaigawara’s blood! [She had that in her] stock!? When I infiltrated the Liberation Army, I thoroughly washed away anything like that! Even all the traces from after the battle---...!
5   荌毘か⁉   だびか⁉ ......! Dabi ka!? ......! Dabi!?
6 もう遅い もうおそい mou osoi “It’s too late”
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1 無限増殖 むげんぞうしょく mugen zoushoku Infinite Doubles
2 哀れな行進 サッドマンズパレむヌド SADDO MANZU PAREEDO Sad Man’s Parade
3 こんなたたみかけられる事あるノコ  こんなたたみかけられるこずあるノコ  konna tatami kakerareru koto aru NOKO...? “Has anyone ever piled up like this before, MUSHROOM...?” (Note: Not fully confident on how to translate this one.)
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1 たた芋倱っおたたるかァ‌ たたみうしなっおたたるかァ‌ mata miushinatte tamaru kaA!! “As if I’d lose sight of you again!!”
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1 あなたがしたっおおいた気持ち  あなたがしたっおおいたきもち  anata ga shimatte oita kimochi... The feelings you put away...
2 お茶子ちゃんあなたは  おちゃこちゃんあなたは  Ochako-chan anata wa... Ochako-chan, you...
tagline 最悪が止たらない‌ さいあくがずたらない‌ saiaku ga tomaranai!! The worst [mess] won’t stop!!
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doumekiss · 2 years
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Books and Comics read in February 2023
- ★★★★★
Kinou Nani Tabeta Vol. 18 (Fumi Yoshinaga)
No Matter The Wreckage (Sarah Kay)
The Truth (Terry Pratchett)
Ogres (Adrian Tchaikovsky)
- ★★★★ Âœ
One Day All This Will Be Yours (Adrian Tchaikovsky)
- ★★★★
Legends & Lattes (Travis Baldree)
Spare (Prince Harry)
Asadora Volumes 1 to 5 (Naoki Urasawa)
The Exquisite Machine : The New Science of The Heart (Sian E. Harding)
Reaper Man (Terry Pratchett)
Immune :a Journey into The Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive (Phillip Dettmer)
The Good Daughter (Karin Slaughter)
Toda Poesia (Paulo Leminsky)
Equal Rites (Terry Pratchett)
Useless Magic (Florence Welch)
- ★★★ Âœ
The Emissary (Yoko Tawada)
A Cinza das Horas (Manuel Bandeira)
Before The Coffee Gets Cold (Toshikazu Kawaguchi)
Habibi (Craig Thompson)
- ★★★
The Laws of Medicine (Siddartha Mukherjee)
Hana to Usagi (Chiaki Kashima)
Next Month I intend to read : The Song of The Cell ( Siddhartha Mukherjee), The Heart Goes Last (Margaret Atwood), The Pisces (Melissa Broder) and White Pine (Mary Oliver)
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justarandomnobody · 2 years
Goals for february:
Learn enough machine learning to run a small practice project knowing what I'm doing, instead of the usual "just copy this code and you'll get results".
Learn enough about the Replit platform to allow a programming course with autograder for ~600 students and 20 teachers to take online tests.
Run one weekly session for the Kingmaker Adventure Path with my main Pathfinder (1e) group.
Find the time to start GMing the Iron Gods Adventure Path with a new group.
Find the time to run a short Cyberpunk Red adventure for a couple people who I promised months ago that I would run it.
Finish the code update for a data processing project that was last updated last year and now it needs to add new features.
Refresh what I know about data structures and algorithms, so I can start the lectures in mid March.
Be a good enough husband, who's in charge of the household.
Also, I want to read some books: Vampire: The Masquerade Clan Novel Saga and the last six volumes of Kumo desu ga, nani ka.
I think all this would be a lot easier, were I not an autistic with burnout as his base state, and no executive functions 🙃
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incorrectkumokoquotes · 3 years
Shiro (mentally), to Phelmina: Oh dear, oh dear. Gorgeous.
Shiro to Sophia: You fucking donkey.
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todomitoukei · 3 years
Japanese vs. English Todoroki - A 302 Comparison Pt. 2
With volume 31 coming out tomorrow, we now got these leaked panels that have been added to chapter 302 and will be included in the volume release. And because we’re all impatient, I decided to already do a translation for them and talk a bit about these panels. If you haven’t already, you can read my translation comparison for the whole chapter here, which I wrote after the chapter originally came out, so this is gonna serve as the continuation of it with only the new lines included and explained.
First of all, we get these panels:
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「ねえ ; nee 」-> hey
「今 ; ima 」-> now
「䜕 ; nani 」-> what
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「芋えおる ; mieteru 」-> can see
「の ; no 」-> question marker particle seeking an explanation
「その ; sono 」-> that
「目 ; me 」-> look; stare; gaze
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「やめお ; yamete 」-> stop
= “Hey, what can you see? Stop that stare. Stop that stare. Stop that stare.”
This is an incredible addition - maybe Horikoshi read @transhawks meta on the importance of eyes in the Todoroki family and felt inspired to go back and add even more of that into the chapter.
I believe those panels will be included towards the end of the argument between Touya and Rei; at least considering the Touya panel is from that scene and would explain the panel that originally followed showing Rei, more importantly, her eyes -
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These new panels seem to explain why seeing Touya stare at her intensely like that terrified her so much. It’s clearer now - although it should’ve been clear before already but obviously, Horikoshi knows his audience - that her near-mental-breakdown-expressions when looking at Touya or when looking at Shouto during the accident, are all triggered due to the abuse she was facing, with those eyes reminding her of Endeavor, her abuser. Again: No, she was not suffering due to the devil incarnate Touya, as some would like to claim. This is all the result of years of abuse and the stare is what triggers her fight or flight response the most.
Next, we get this part (picture on the left is the volume release; picture on the right the original version):
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「私 ; watashi 」-> I
「じᅵᅵ ; ja 」-> topic marker particle
「止められない ; tomerarenai 」-> cannot stop
= “I can’t stop.”
While Rei’s line is the same as before, referring to the fact that she can’t stop Touya from going training and holding on to his desire to become a hero, the panel is completely different. While before we only got a glance of her eye (as seen in the highlighted section in the right picture), which already showed us that she was crying and absolutely terrified - this time we see her whole face, which emphasizes that terrified feeling even further. What’s more important, though, is that Horikoshi added a panel and line for Endeavor right after:
「おたえ ; omae 」-> you
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker
「やれ ; yare 」-> to do (imperative form)
「俺 ; ore 」-> I
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「芋ない ; minai 」-> won’t watch
= “You, do it! I won’t watch!!”
As simple of a line as this seems to be, I’ve been thinking about the meaning of it all day. First of all, it’s important to note that Japanese doesn’t exactly have a present tense, but rather a non-past tense (there is also a present progressive tense to indicate something happening/being done right now). The non-past tense can be used for the present and the future so minai can mean “don’t watch” or “won’t watch” depending on the context.
So I’ve been thinking - going back to the whole eye theme, we also have Touya say “watch me” over and over again, even now as Dabi, he continues to tell his family to watch him. He tells them because he doesn’t feel seen. Endeavor even told Rei (in the original version already) that she shouldn't take her eyes off Touya and that he hired someone to help out because he was too busy with work. Even when Rei told him that Touya just wants Endeavor to see him, Endeavor’s response to this is that he can only show him the world of heroes. With that in mind, this line now not only shows that he can't see him, but that he won't. That’s why he tells Rei “do it!” after she tells him she can’t stop Touya. Endeavor won’t allow her to give up. She has to do it because he won’t. He outright refuses to watch Touya despite being asked to on multiple occasions.
Moving on to the present and the family discussing their situation we get this small change here:
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「あなた ; anata 」-> you
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「行かなかった ; inakatta 」-> didn’t go
= “...you didn’t go.”
The only difference between this line then and now is that it leaves out そしお (= and then) at the beginning of the phrase.
And finally, the change we all knew was coming is the timeline error that was in the original version of the chapter, where Rei was saying that Touya disappeared before she was hospitalized. As announced by the official bnha Twitter account shortly after the chapter first came out, the timeline as stated by Fuyumi in chapter 250 is the correct one. So now in the volume release, we get this line:
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「私 ; watashi 」-> I
「は ; wa 」-> topic marker particle
「病院 ; byouin 」-> hospital
「に ; ni 」-> at
「隔離され ; kakuri sare 」-> to be isolated
「そしお ; soshite 」-> and then
「燈矢 ; touya 」-> Touya
「の ; no 」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe
「事 ; koto 」-> incident
「を ; o 」-> direct object marker
「聞いた ; kiita 」-> heard
「完党に ; kanzen ni 」-> completely
「心 ; kokoro 」-> heart
「が ; ga 」-> subject marker particle
「壊れおしたった ; kowareteshimatta 」-> was regrettably broken (壊れる+したう)
= “I was isolated at the hospital and heard about Touya’s incident
 my heart broke completely.”
As mentioned before, a verb + shimau means either that something has happened completely or regrettably and since the word completely already appeared in the phrase it’s obvious that this is something regrettable (if it wasn’t obvious from the content of the phrase); showing that losing her son and not having been around him at the end really hurt and probably even made her blame herself for not having been able to save her own son.
And I’m assuming it will replace this highlighted panel:
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Aside from getting the timeline error fixed, we get some additional panels and lines that highlight even further just how terrifying it was to live with Endeavor and that Rei’s breakdown was caused by him and not one of her kids. The state the family is in right now and the whole Dabi situation - all of that is a result of a selfish man who couldn’t even be bothered to look at his own child; whose own insecurities made his whole family suffer and continue to do so even now. It was the terror in his eyes and his inability to use those eyes to just see his kid that got them to where they are now, which additionally shows exactly what needs to be done to fix this mess: for them to finally see Touya.
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