#I have way too many wips with these two I swear to god...
lunarosewood23 · 2 years
28 Days of Love #2: Familial
A next gen story. Talk of adoption. Post Endwalker: Charibert and Yotsuyu have a Conversation:tm:.
AKA: How to ask your partner of over 5 years if she wants kids while trying to not admit that you’ve gotten attached to a darling little girl that barreled head first into your legs at work. A guide by Charibert Cross.
Or: An excuse to finally finish an old FFXIVWrite prompt from 2021...
Previous post!
Prompt List!
Charibert sighed as he walked into the cottage he shared with Yotsuyu and sank to the floor as he thumped his head against the door. The day may not have been long, but by the Fury...
That little girl who bolted to him of all gods damned people, even though his sister was right there, begging to not be taken away again.
He sighed as he clasped his hands in prayer, asking for guidance and strength to talk to his partner about possibly taking her in, even if just for a short time. 
He must’ve sat there for longer than he planned when he felt slightly chilly hands gently unclasp his only to intertwine their fingers, her nails a simple red compared to the softer pink with lighter star rubies that his own were.
“I’m glad to see you home, but did something happen that caused you to be home so early?” Yotsuyu asked.
He opened his mouth to speak but realized that a lump had formed in his throat. Where was he even supposed to begin with this?
Ugh he wished he had poked Raven for help about this...
"There was...I’m not entirely sure where to begin really."
Yotsuyu gave him a small smile as she stood before holding her hands out for him to take, marveling at the way the purple and white of her skirt moved. "How about at the beginning, perhaps over tea? I was about to brew some for myself when I saw you by the door."
"That would be wonderful, thank you." He replied as he took her hands. "May I try the blend your parents sent?"
"I had been thinking the same. They sent a jasmine tea earlier this sennight that I enjoy." She offered.
He smiled as she set to work with the kettle, watching her for a second before walking up to her and wrapping his arms around her shoulders, his embrace warm but loose to where she could shrug him off if she wished.
"I love you."
"I love you too my dear." She replied, leaning into his embrace and breathing him in, the smell of fire and incense. She knew something was wrong and she turned to look at him properly. "Nervous is not a good look for you huǒ hè, what happened today?"
Charibert took a breath as he hugged her tighter. "Raven had asked me to help with a possible arson case. We did a sweep through of the area and while taking a break...it turned out there was a survivor. A child, barely four summers."
"Oh no..." She breathed as she reached up to gently rub his back. "She is a little older than you were, correct?"
He nodded slowly as they sat down. "I want to help her. However I don't want to do so if that's not something you want to do as well. My heart may be hurting for her but I don’t want to spring this on you without warning."
She blinked but soon let out a sigh. She knew he was attached already just from what she knew of his background.
"That's quite a few words for saying you wish to adopt the girl." She mused.
She couldn’t help but softly giggle at the shocked expression on his face that she knows he will deny making.
"N-not adopt her! I..." He tried to say, but he knew she knew he wasn't fooling her. "I'd like to, if nothing else, allow her to stay here until we find relatives or a better home for her. But as I said, if you don’t want to then that's the end of it. I promise."
He looked away from her, he knew he was making a mess of this. He should've known better.
There are many reasons I shouldn't be around children, this being one, minor as it is compared to my horrific war crimes. The second I get attached I will be told no and I won't make her take a responsibility she didn't ask for.
"Chari, darling, breathe." Yotsuyu commands softly in her lovely voice as she takes one of his hands to hold soothingly. When he does she smiles at him. "If I may be honest with you, I don't know if I'm actually ready for parenting. Babysitting our nieces and nephews is one thing, but actually raising a child...it is not something I believe I am capable of, considering everything."
"I understand. Believe me, I'm terrified as well. But if that's how you feel I won't-" He replied seriously as his face fell but she put a finger to his lips.
"Let me finish huǒ hè." She chided. "I do not believe I am capable of being a parent. However, I wouldn't be opposed to keeping her here temporarily. I can tell you are already attached to her, and something tells me she is already attached to you."
His eyes went wide, and she's charmed by how she's able to render him speechless. "Where is she?"
"At Raven’s. I told her I needed to talk to you first. As I said, I refuse to just drop something like this in your lap without warning. She said that she's due to have her child any day now, and...the girl kind of ran full speed at me and knocked me down."
"Well at least you weren't wearing your heeled sabotends today..." Yotsuyu muttered more to herself.
"Hey!" He yelped, though it came out more as a laugh.
"Am I wrong?" She shot back with a laugh. He pouted and she pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Let me change and get a coat."
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g1rld1ary · 6 months
unlucky ; luke castellan x reader
➻ synopsis: when clarisse mixes up her days, her physio appointment clashes with the exam she was supposed to drive you to. lucky for you, she's got a friend who owes her a favour
➻ word count: 2570
➻ content: swearing, anxious!reader, fluff
➻ not sure how i feel about this but it is written which is more than I can say about all my other wips so...
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You were going to ace your exam. There was no other option, you’d prepared for everything. Your flash cards were colour coded and worn thin from revision, your cheap printer had basically had a fit from how many practise questions you’d printed out, and your whiteboard was crammed with revision notes. There was no way you were going to do anything less than stellar, you’d planned out every last detail of the day.
“What do you mean your exam is today?” Clarisse asked you as you stood in front of her, fully dressed and bag all packed. You hadn’t planned on this.
“Clar, it’s Wednesday. My exam is on Wednesday. I need you to drive me or I won’t get there.”
“Oh, Gods. Dude, I totally mixed up the days, I can’t drive you, I’ve got that physio appointment I told you about, the one that has a five month waitlist. I’m so sorry,” Your roommate groaned and you bit your lip to stop yourself from crying. The Ubers around were hopeless, cancelling at the last minute and never actually picking you up — and it wasn’t you, your rating was perfectly high, for the record.
“Fuck,” You both cursed as you tried to figure out a solution. You wanted to be angry at Clarisse, but you knew you couldn’t. It was an honest mistake on her part, and she had to go to her appointment if she wanted to have any shot of getting back into the boat next semester and retain her rowing scholarship. Mostly you were mad at yourself that you didn’t have any backup plans, especially since you always had at least two. You were about to give up and start running across the city to try and make it in time when Clarisse’s eyes lit up, snapping her fingers excitedly.
“I’ve got it: I have a friend who I know for a fact won’t be doing anything right now and owes me a favour. I can get him to drive you?” You hesitated. On the one hand, Clarisse’s friend was probably the only way you were going to get to your exam punctually, but on the other, being in a car with some stranger would drastically heighten your anxiety and throw off all of your routines. With one more moment of thought you swallowed your nerves and nodded yes. Clarisse got on her phone, hurriedly dialling her friend. You watched in uneasy anticipation as she argued with the boy, referencing a myriad of situations you knew nothing about, clearly emphasising how much he owed her. You bit back a smile at that, Clarisse would always keep tabs on who owed her.
Finally she nodded at you and you couldn’t contain your grin. As much as the thought of navigating city traffic with a strange boy made your stomach churn — and not in the good way — your anxiety was completely outweighed by your desperation to get to your exam.
Waiting for him to arrive was a whole different story. Clarisse’s appointment was earlier than yours and so you had to wait on your own, frantically going over your notes again as you sat on the stoop of your apartment building, converse grinding into the concrete anxiously. To his credit, it wasn’t long before he pulled up, pulling into the parking space in front of you far too fast for your liking.
You observed the car skeptically. You didn’t want to judge when he was doing you such a big favour, but it was an integral part of you. The car was old and a bit worn down, but not so much in a ‘the owner’s a slob’ kind of way, more that you could tell it was well loved and had had its share of adventures. You could say the same for the boy inside it. He was beautiful, but you could tell he wasn’t really the type to think about his appearance too much. His shirt was clearly well loved, worn slightly thin from use, and he had a thin scar running down his cheek from his eye. You tried to smile sociably as you climbed in the passenger seat.
“Hi,” You said, introducing yourself quietly as you gripped your notes tightly.
“I’m Luke,” He replied, shooting you a quick smile.
The two of you sat awkwardly for a while, conversation at an uneasy halt. Luke had asked you a few polite questions, but your growing anxiety over the exam made it hard for you to think. At least until Luke had the bright idea of bringing up your roommate.
“So, how do you know Clarisse?” He asked, and you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your lips.
“She’s my best friend!” You grinned, “We were assigned to be roommates in freshman year and ended up getting along surprisingly well for, well, the type of people we are. When it was time to move out of the dorms and get an apartment together, it just seemed natural that we’d continue to live together. You must be part of her other friendship group, then?” Luke was glad you’d started to come out of your shell, the chatty version of you that Clarisse had inspired made the battle against traffic much more bearable.
“Yeah, we all met through the sports program. I was kind of a package deal with Chris, so when they got together she got the blessing of hanging out with me too,” He joked, “How come we’ve never met? I know Chris tells her to bring you all the time.” Your cheeks flushed at being caught out avoiding the group.
“I’m not really good at talking to people, I feel so awkward. Plus I need to study, I don’t have the fallback of sport that Clar does. The times that she’s hosted have been actual coincidences though! I was visiting family the last time you all came to the apartment — promise I’m not actively avoiding you all.” Luke smiled at your bashful expression, tapping along light-heartedly to whatever grunge rock he had playing.
You conversed more easily for a while, you wanted to learn more about him, and Luke was a good conversationalist. He talked about his course in a way which interested you like it never had before. You didn’t think it was possible for economics to sound so fun. Whilst it took your mind off the exam for a while, Luke returning the questions about your major made your anxiety return tenfold, foot beginning to tap incessantly.
“Hey, uh, do you mind if I go over some of my flashcards just before we get to campus?” Luke agreed of course, piping in with questions to make you expand on what you’d learnt. It was irritating, but only because you knew it was a brilliant way to revise.
You hadn’t expected Luke to be so helpful or so amiable. Although they’d been friends for a year or two, Clarisse rarely mentioned him. Usually the focus of her tales were Chris or Silena, Luke usually featured as the poor boy making a fool of himself through one stupid act or another. Maybe you really would start going out with them if all Clarisse’s friends were so nice.
The closer you got to your exam hall, the quicker you started speaking, words tumbling out so fast Luke could hardly understand them. You were whipping yourself up into a frenzy, and the boy next to you did not know what to do. None of his friends ever got this concerned about their academics, and he had little practice in comforting anxious girls.
When he pulled up to a parking space, you were borderline hyperventilating, shaking hands making the cue cards threaten to spill everywhere. Despite all this, you forced yourself to stop for a moment, making yourself connect your eyes with Luke’s.
“Thank you,” You said, voice surprisingly steady given the moments prior. Luke was admittedly slightly taken aback, but brushed it off much too casually. You weren’t so easily deterred.
“Seriously! You picked up a neurotic girl you don’t know with literally five minutes warning. You let me talk your ear off and basically saved my grade. You’ve got to at least let me, like, get you dinner sometime.” Luke looked like he was gonna argue with your praise but thought better of it, simply shrugging and revealing a smile that made your heart skip a beat. You hopped out of the car, pulling your arms around yourself tightly as you tried to mentally prepare yourself for the exam ahead. When you heard your name being called you turned back curiously, to be met with Luke sticking his head out of his passenger side window — how tall was this boy?
“Good luck!” He yelled, cheeky grin on his face. You gave an exaggerated huff, smile creeping onto your face despite your unease. You rolled your eyes, waving goodbye before rushing into the hall, running to catch up with one of the girls you knew from class. Luke smiled, laughing to himself as he pulled out of the park.
The exam was awful. Like, dogshit terrible. Hot flushes of embarrassment shot up from your toes, burning tears sitting in your lash line as you made inane complaints to some of your friends from your cohort, hoping desperately they couldn’t tell how devastated you were.
It all just felt like a waste. After all that revision, sleepless nights and study groups with people you didn’t even really like, the exam was still awful, and you were one more minor inconvenience from a full-blown meltdown. You said goodbye to your friends, and there came the inconvenience: with all the anticipation of getting to the exam, you’d forgotten to figure out how you were getting home.
God you wished you had your license. Or adequate public transport. Before you could talk yourself down from a frenzy you were crying, and sat yourself down on the steps outside the exam hall for a private moment.
The honking of a car made you look up, and the sight of Luke’s old Toyota had your tears turning to ones of relief. You sprung out of your seat, wiping your tears hurriedly as you practically skipped over to his car.
“What are you doing here?” You couldn’t help but laugh, embarrassed at your dramatics.
“Couldn’t let the academic weapon walk home across the city all alone could I?” You shook your head enthusiastically, smile erupting on your face as you hopped into the passenger seat.
You sat in somewhat awkward silence as Luke began the drive. Whilst you weren’t still actively crying, it was excessively obvious that you were distraught. Luke didn’t know what to do or how to comfort you, but he was never one to stop trying.
“You know what the best thing about Chris being pre-med is?” He said, and you looked up curiously at the random topic. You shrugged, using the mirror attached to the sun visor to wipe away some of your smudged mascara. “I now know for a fact that chocolate makes serotonin, and that makes you happy. So what d’you say we go get some ice cream?”
Luke took you to an adorable little ice cream parlour a few blocks from campus and bought you both cups of chocolate ice cream, calmly ignoring your protests. Sitting in a booth together it was remarkable how quickly your mood had shifted. Luke was shockingly charming, and seemingly knew exactly what to say to get you to open up, and before long you were chatting as if you’d been friends for years.
He told you dozens of stories of his and Clarisse’s friendship group, recounting all the wild nights and stupid adventures they’d had. You loved it, you’d heard most of them from your flatmate but an alternate perspective made you cackle all over again.
“How did you know when my exam finished? It was three hours long,” You said when there was a lull in conversation. Luke looked uncharacteristically bashful, suddenly avoiding eye contact with you and focusing intently on his ice cream.
“I’ve just been hanging on campus,” He confessed, “I took a lap at five past the hour to try and catch you.” You couldn’t help your grin.
“You are such a softie!” You squealed, shoving his shoulder lightly. He shook his head aggressively but you could have sworn that the Luke Castellan was blushing.
It wasn’t long before Luke was driving you home, the two of you scream singing to Kelly Clarkson (you’d taken over the aux, but Luke didn’t seem to mind that much). You felt a little betrayed that Clarisse had been friends with him for so long and yet you’d never crossed paths. You also wondered how you’d never noticed how hot the guy in all of her Instagram posts was, but that was neither here nor there.
As you pulled up in front of your apartment building you almost felt sad, but for a completely different reason than you were an hour before. All thoughts of your shit exam were gone, replaced by thoughts of Luke and the lightness in your chest he’d caused.
You sat in the car together, clearly hesitant to go. Finally, you knew you had to leave and reached for the door handle.
“Wait,” He said. You stopped. “Our group is going for dinner tomorrow night, uh, you should come. If you want.” Luke was looking anywhere but at you, and you felt your beam even if he couldn’t see it (he could, but for his sanity he was trying really hard to pretend he didn’t).
“Yeah,” You replied breathily, “Yeah, I’ll think about it.” You thanked him again for the lift and the ice cream before hopping up the steps into your apartment. Neither of you could control your giddy grins for an embarrassing amount of time.
When Clarisse got home that evening she was all apologies for her mix up, but when you of all people brushed off her disorganisation she figured something was up.
“So, how was Luke? Not too scary?” She asked as you both sat on the couch, Love Island rerun playing. You tried to answer noncommittally, eyes locked on the screen.
“He was nice,” You said, immediately forcing a laugh at whatever bullshit one of the boys in the villa had said. You could feel Clarisse eyeing you suspiciously, you would never be so vague — especially not when today was such a huge deal for you. Nevertheless she hummed in agreement, sparking a plan in her head.
“Hey, so the group are going to dinner tomorrow, you should come. It’ll be me, Chris, Silena, maybe a few others. Luke’ll be there too, I think.” She feigned innocence, counting them out on her fingers.
“Yeah, ok, I’ll be there,” You replied, trying to play it cool despite never having once agreed to go out with her friends. Clarisse’s raised eyebrow told you all you needed to know about your acting.
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fxckn-sxck-fr · 3 months
hihi! can i request a romantic yandere scott summers x fem (can be gn too) reader who is just naturally obedient and easy to manipulate? maybe reader's submissive personality is how scott's obsession and need to protect them started?
(and if you want, you can add smut on how scott rewards reader for always being so good while reader is oblivious to his sick nature 👀)
love your works <3
!!! 18+ THEMES, GN reader, compliant reader, Scott is a control freak, slight manipulation, brief hint of a forced relationship(?), mentions of pet-play, mentions of leashes, mentions of collars (back at it again), this honestly isn’t really too NSFW-esque but there is mentions of sex, I fucking forgot how much I hate writing warnings.
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*Digs myself out of my 50+ WIPS (I’M ACTUALLY NOT FUCKING WITH Y’ALL, IT’S 56) on yan X-Men content* Hi.
I really like this dynamic in the worst way possible. Scott likes having control over every aspect of his life. I’ve already briefly touched this, but I’ll say it again; bad things happen when he’s not in control. So, naturally, he’s in leader mode 24/7. This man has no idea how not to be in leader mode — the very notion is absolutely terrifying for him — and he’s not about to hang it up for his romantic endeavors.
Should he ever have a lover as vulnerable and obedient as you? Yeah. He’s in heaven.
You listen to him. You do what he asks. You don’t talk back, or question his authoritative presence. It’s like the two of you are made for each other, entwined by a sick and twisted thread of fate; a thread he has wrapped around your neck like a leash. It wouldn’t take long for Scott to pick up on this, the dark voice in his skull he dares call a conscious screaming at him to protect, protect, protectprotectpro—
You’re unwavering, almost worrying (to anyone but Scott, that is) loyalty is something he treasures deeply. Many other people call him a control freak, which he’ll begrudgingly agree with (he’s not that dense to his own behaviors), but it still rubs him the wrong way nonetheless. It creates a weird sense of ownership over you in his head. Not in a way that objectifies you; though he may feel a sense of pride that you actually listen to him, it’s not something he parades around. Rather, it’s the same kind of ownership that one has over a pet. One that strips you of any agency or — god forbid — control. You’re too fragile for control… why don’t you let Scott take over, yeah?
I swear I’ve mentioned this before, but Scott doesn’t really go out of his way to manipulate; it just kind of happens. His main tactic — albeit a subconscious one — is his authority, and since you already follow that to a T… well, shit. Guess he doesn’t really have to do anything, huh. God, aren’t you just perfect? Too perfect for this world… and that scares him. Just a little, of course. As long as you remain a controllable variable in his life, he can keep you out of harm’s way. Nothing will go wrong because he’s a leader. He dictates the terms and executes the strategies. Everything is under control.
Everything has to be under control.
This man is obsessed with you. He inserts himself into your life as a sturdy pillar for you to lean on, offering soft affirmations that he’s here for you and always will be. It’s okay… he’s got everything covered… he can protect you, keep you safe from anything that could possibly hurt you. Don’t you want that? An unwavering constant in your life that will never let you down? Scott can be that for you… all you have to do is fall into his arms. In the most literal sense, if you can help it.
Well, you might not be willing to completely surrender to him at first. That’s okay (he thinks to himself with clenched fists). You’ve proven time and time again that you’re practically incapable of insubordination, so your hesitance must come from a place of bashfulness; he actually thinks it’s kind of cute. This can be dealt with. You’re a dependent variable, and he knows how to manipulate those. He can easily put you in a scenario that requires him to swoop in and save you, cradling you to his chest as he softly mutters, “I’ve got you, you’re okay” in your ear. Sure, he absolutely despises the idea of you getting hurt, but the ends justify the means, and he had the situation under control.
Everything is under his control.
Including your new compliance to finally fall in his arms. Again, in the most literal sense.
It wasn’t manipulation. Not in his eyes, at least. It was just a strategic move to push you in the right direction, and it worked remarkably well. He’s your reliable leader-turned-something-more, and you’re his most treasured darling he’d easily kill for. It would take a while for your relationship to actually be labeled, as Scott’s too emotionally constipated to decern his desires over the overwhelming urge to protect and have you. But after his caring words and affection touches garner the teasing of those around you — the ones that don’t find your dynamic concerning, that is — and he eventually gets comfortable enough to think of you as his partner. There’s no conversation between you two about it; he’s in love with you, and surely, you’re in love with him.
Because… why else would you be so obedient for him? You would’ve mocked and ridiculed him for being a control freak long ago, just like the others, but you never did. You listen to him. You do what he asks. You don’t talk back, or question his authoritative presence. The two of you really are made for each other, and this is what love is.
You love him enough to relinquish your control.
And that definitely doesn’t go unrewarded.
When it comes to the more sensual side of your relationship, Scott handles you with just as much care as he does outside of the bedroom. It’s all praise and delicate touches, and while he’s the one with the proverbial — or literal — leash, he does let you set the pace. Should you be more on the shy side, he’s careful to take things slow and reassure you that everything’s okay. He’s got you covered… he’s the sturdy pillar in your life, after all.
“I’m right here, love… everything is alright. Yeah, that’s it. Good (boy/girl/pet)… let me take care of you, alright?”
Like with everything else in Scott’s life, he approaches sex with strategic planning. He takes notes of what makes your back arch and pupils dilate, utilizing your preferences even outside of the bedroom to further incentivize you to behave (not that you have a history of rebellion; just remember that Scott “plan B implies we only have 26” Summers is a man of many precautions, and that includes romantic precautions). Is it generally frowned upon to get a little frisky in public spaces? Maybe. But have faith in Scott’s judgement, as he would never risk anyone finding out.
He’s got it all under control, remember?
Scott’s kinks are pretty limited, as sex is mainly centered around you, but we’d all be lying to ourselves if he wasn’t into at least a little bit of pet-play. I mean, come on. Obedience is literally the central point of this ask. What did you expect. Yes, he has a collar for you. If you’re not into it, that’s too damn bad. He’ll convince you that it’s a symbol of how much he loves and desires you. And, hey, if you wanna be the coolest person ever, wear it as an every day item. He also likes it when you kneel at his side, even in a non-sexual context, where you just have your head resting against his thigh as he goes over paperwork.
If you’re chill and funky, you’ll know to get on all fours for him the moment he says something along the lines of, “you’ve been so good today.”
But, again, sex mainly centers around you. It’s your reward for being good, so his pleasure takes a backseat to yours. It’s his responsibility to make sure you’re properly taken care of, after all. He’ll be sure to fulfill all of your desires as long as you promise to stay by his side.
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writing-blog-iguess · 7 months
Online Matchup 8
Summery: It’s Halloween and y/n’s hosting a party that she doesn’t even want. But not to fear, Jason’s there with an escape plan.
Warning: mistakes, alcohol, tipsy!reader, tired Jason, Ellie’s done with her siblings bullshit.
A/N: So sorry for the wait. I got overwhelmed with how many wips I have and stopped writing for a bit, and it doesn’t help that I don’t have internet. So, that’s fun. Hope you enjoy though! Chapter nine should be on its way soon.
Feedback is welcomed!
Series master list
October 31
Ellie (7:30 am)
Not my boyfriend
Shouldn’t you be in school?
Not yet anyways
Don’t worry about it
It was two days ago, Ellie
It was a last minute decision
Didn’t really have time to tell you anything
Could have told me after
Or yesterday
But no, I find out from Conner who found out from Clark
Clark Kent
Conner’s uncle
Also Bruce Wayne’s best friend but I have doubts
How? You’ve never met Bruce
True, but the stories Conner told me about
Anyways, we’re not talking about that
We’re talking about you and going out with Jason
Looking all fancy and rubbing elbows with the rich
Did you have to word it like that?
Did you meet his family?
Tell me, are they as intimidating as Conner makes them out to be?
They’re all dorks and you would fit right in
Trust me
They’re very curious and protective of Jason
But they’re good people
I like them
Don’t let Jason hear you say that
Or he might think you’ll leave him
Ellie, what the fuck
That wasn’t me I swear
Fuck off conner
If you want to talk to me use your own phone
This is the type of relationship you two have, isn't it?
You’ll have no peace, sorry
So, how'd it go?
His brothers hounded me with questions
Bruce made a speech about jason
And then we left to get some burgers
You’re the worst at telling stories
I don’t know what you want me to say
You’re feelings about how in love you are with Jason
I’m not having this conversation with Conner reading over your shoulder
Boo you’re no fun
Suck it Ellie
Jason (1:39 pm)
How’s it going today?
I am not the biggest fan of Halloween
I’ve had three different people scare me today on campus
Tripped over some decorations
And my friend is bugging me for a key so she can decorate my apartment once her last class is finished
I don’t know why she needs my key, she has her own
Yikes doesn’t even cover half of it
I’m half tempted to hide in the library and not go to the party
But it’s your apartment
That’s the worst thing!
I shouldn’t have agreed to throwing it there
I want sleep
I don’t think I’ve seen you sleep at a normal time
You’re one to talk
You’re up at the oddest hours
I’m not surprised anymore when you text me at like 2 in the morning
You can always come sleep with me when you’ve had enough
Sir, I’m not that kind of person
That is not what I meant
You know that
Do I though?
Y/n I swear to god
They’re your words, Jason
Do better
Sometimes, I hate
No you don’t
No I don’t
What I mean is, you can always stay the night at my place.
To sleep, can even have the couch since that’s were you sleep most of the time
I want to be offended
But your right
Aren’t I always?
With the party in full swing, and friends practically drunk, you hadn’t had the chance to look at your phone.
Now hiding in your room a few hours later, you grabbed it and went through your notifications. Nothing too important until you said Jason’s text asking to call you. But it was sent at five, and you were pretty sure he meant then instead of now.
But curiosity got the better of you, and you called.
“Hey Jason,” Barbara’s voice cut through the line, distracting Jason a little. He grunted in reply, and retreated behind the dumpster. “Someone named Y/N is calling. What do you want me to do?”
“Put it through,” Jason answered, looking around the dumpster to see how many were left. Three were left, shouldn’t be a problem.
“Are you sure?”
“It’ll be fine,” he said and Barbara hummed before connecting the call. “Hey Little Bird. What’s up?”
“I don’t know, you were the one who wanted me to call you,” you answered. Jason furrowed his eyebrows.
“I don’t think so,” he said, moving to shoot the one standing up. He winced at the sound and hoped you didn’t hear it.
“Mm, pretty sure you did,” you said, and he heard movement from your end. As if you moved the one on away from your face. “Yeah, seven-forty you said call me.”
“That was four hours ago,” he reminded, and smiled when you laughed.
“Yeah, well, I’ve been busy with a party and all,” you said and he can picture you shrugging. “This a bad time?”
He took a moment to answer as he ducked down when the other two started shooting. “Uh, don’t know.”
“Is that…is someone shooting at you?” you asked and he grimaced at the question. So much for keeping you out of this. “Jason, are you okay?”
“No, there’s no shooting. And I’m fine,” he grunted out, letting out a noise when he felt something hit his shoulder. When did he move? He faintly heard you saying something, but wasn’t quite sure. Ducking behind something else, he took a deep breath before saying, “you don’t do parties.”
“No, I don’t,” you agreed, “but, as I said, my friend is hosting the Halloween party at my place tonight.”
“It’s Halloween?” he found himself asking.
“It is. Jason, are you sure you're okay?” you asked, concern dripping in your voice.
“Peachy,” he said, staying down as the other two started shooting him. Where was the backup when you needed it? “So, how’s the party anyways? Sounds like you're having fun.”
He heard you sniff and could picture you sticking your nose in the air. “I am not having fun,” you said dryly.
“You sure? You sound drunk,” he said and laughed when you squawked.
“I don't get drunk.” Jason hummed and let the silence stretch out before you begrudgingly added, “okay. Maybe maybe I’m a little drunk.”
“Thought so,” he said, “just go to bed.”
“I can’t,” you grumble, and Jason can picture you looking at your bed longingly.
“Why the fuck not?”
“Jason, there’s a full blown party out there and I can’t sleep knowing people are trying to get in my room for a hookup.”
“Tell me you locked the doors.”
“I’m not an idiot, Jason. But that doesn’t stop them from trying to get in. Four tries since I called, and each time I tell them that the room is busy.”
“That’s not so bad.”
“Okay yeah, but I want to sleep. I’m tired.”
“If you give me twenty minutes I’ll come by to pick you up.”
“Mm, tempting. But I’m also tempted to sneak out and go to the cafe where we first met.”
“You’re not leaving the apartment alone this late at night.”
“You can’t stop me.”
“I sure as hell can try.”
“I don’t see how, given that you’re probably across town.”
“I swear to god.”
You could have sworn you heard someone laughing, but in your drunken state you weren’t sure. “Well, I mean I could make you swear for a different purpose.”
There was a choking noise coming from Jason and you smiled. “Who knew you were a flirty drunk.”
“Not drunk, tipsy,” you reminded, and slowly opened your window, hoping Jason couldn’t hear it.
“Same thing in my books,” he said. You swore when the window creaked and stilled. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you said a little too quickly.
“That sounded like a window opening,” Jason claimed, “please tell me you aren’t escaping through the window.”
“How do you know what a window opening sounds like?”
“Really? That’s your takeaway from this?”
“I mean, it’s not everyday you learn that someone knows what a window sounds like when someone opens it.”
“Did you open the window?” Jason asked, and you stayed quiet but it was an answer all the same. “Why?”
“Well I mean, there’s a fire escape like right there,” you defended, holding your phone between your cheek and shoulder. With both hands, you pushed open the window. “Ha!”
“Y/N,” Jason sighed out and you could picture him pinching his nose. Kind of like a dad when he sees his child do something stupid and questioning why they are like this. You wonder if that’s what he’s thinking about you, but you don’t care too much about that right now. “If you're going to do something like this, then keep me on the phone.”
“But won’t I disturb your family movie night?” you ask as you giggle the window screen off and slide it into your room. Once placed on the ground, you grab your keys and wallet before climbing through the window.
“I’m not watching a movie,” Jason said, confused.
“But I heard gunshots,” you reminded him, “it sounded like some western film.”
“Oh,” he said like he had forgotten. You paused on the steps, and looked up in concern when he didn’t say anything else.
“So you were getting shot at,” you questioned. Jason made a noise and you continued down the fire escape.
“No, no one was shooting at me,” Jason said, “brothers were playing a game, guess it was too loud.” You hummed as you concentrated on walking down the steps. “So, did you escape?”
“Do you want me to answer that truthfully?”
“You are, aren’t you?” Jason asked, sighing deeply.
“It’s a lot sturdier than you’d expect.”
“You say that like you’ve done this multiple times.”
“I like to sit outside sometimes,” you defended, “and sometimes I am too tired to go to the roof.”
“Why not just open a window?”
“Not the same,” you replied and kept going down the stairs.
“There’s no stopping you, huh?” Jason voiced and you kept quiet. “Just keep me on the phone while you're out at least.”
“I can do that…as long as my phone doesn’t die.”
“Do you ever charge your phone?”
“I don’t believe you,” Jason teased, and you stuck out your tongue even though he couldn’t see you. “I’ll meet you at the cafe as soon as I can.”
“Might want to hurry, I think I’m going to sleep there if they let me.”
“I have no doubt,” Jason said, laughing.
“Your confidence in me is astounding.”
Your phone ended up dying halfway to the cafe, and Jason wasn’t going to let you live it down. No matter, you were almost there Jason was sure of it.
Quickly tying up the thugs he’s been dealing with while on the phone with you, Jason sent a message to Barbara before leaving.
“What? Done already?” Her basics filtered through the earpiece, surprised. “You’re never done this early. Got a date or something?”
“Or something,” he answered, starting his bike.
“Oh, come Jason!” Barbara exclaimed, “everyone else practically met them. It’s only fair that I know more. I did help you with your dating profile,” she reminded him.
Jason groaned and hung his head in defeat. “Fine! Fine,” he sighed out, ignoring the cheering in his ear. “Yes, I’m going to meet up with them after I’ve changed.”
“But I thought you were going to be out all night,” she said, “given that Y/n’s busy too.”
“Yeah, well. Plans change.”
“Are they okay?”
“Just a little tipsy and isn’t much for party’s. They just left for a cafe near town. Even though they didn’t listen when I told them not to and to wait for me. They insisted they go. So I told them I’d meet them there. Happy?”
“Extremely,” she sang, “and I’ll be even more happy when I get to meet them.”
“I will bring it up. Promise.”
“So, what was it? The motorcycle picture or the puppy that did it for the ?” Barbara teased, and Jason rolled his eyes.
“No idea, but feel free to ask when you two finally meet.”
“I have every intention to and share some stories of my own,” Barbara said and laughed as Jason groaned.
“Oh no.”
“Have fun,” she sang before signing off. Jason shook his head, and rode off back to his apartment.
A short while later, after he dropped by his apartment, he made his way to the cafe.
Parking his bike near the entrance of the building, he got off and looked through the window to see if he could spot you. He didn’t, and frowned hoping you made it safe.
Taking his helmet off, he made his way inside.
“Was wondering when you’d show up,” one of the barista’s called when he walked in.
“Traffic,” he explained, looking around. “Is Y/N here?”
He heard a sigh, and a thump from behind the counter. He turned his head to see a barista when her head was on the counter. “You okay?”
“Don’t mind her,” her coworker answered, waving his hand. “She’s just had to sit and listen to Y/N complain about school and how you were taking so long.”
“Right,” he hummed and looked towards the talk he was directed at. And there you were, head down using your arms as a pillow.
“She’s so tired it’s unreal,” May, after a quick look at her nag tag, groaned. “I can’t wait for Christmas break. That way, they can take a fucking break and sleep he break away. Between school and working, it feels like they don’t sleep.”
Jason hummed and made his way towards your table. “Hey,” he whispered once he reached you and gently placed a hand on your head. You stirred, barely lifted your head up. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”
“But there’s still a party there,” you groaned out, nuzzling further into your arms. “I don’t want to go back.”
“Okay. Counter offer, come to my place. Sleep there, it looks like you need it.”
That had gotten your attention as you lifted your head to glare at him. “Sir, you know just what to say to sweep a girl off their feet.”
Jason laughed and helped you up. “Come on, you’ll feel better once you get some sleep. Promise.”
“Mm,” you hummed, clutching his hand as you followed him outside, waving at the two friends as you passed by. “Bike?”
“What else?”
“It’s cold out,” you pointed out, sticking your tongue out as he set the helmet onto your head.
“Yeah, it keeps you awake though.”
“But it’s cold.”
“Why didn’t you bring your jacket?”
“It was not in the room when I made my escape,” you said, watching as he climbed onto the bike. You followed once he sat, and snaked your arms around his waist, settling your chin on his shoulder.
“You make it sound like you were held against your will,” he said, chuckling when you made a noise, stating that you practically were. “Alright, hold on tight.” That was your last warning, before he started the bike and took off.
You watched the city lights as Jason drove, in awe. You found, since moving to Gotham, that Gotham nights were much more pretty and peaceful then Metropolis. Granted, It wasn’t really safe with all the fighting and toxic gas’s being dispelled by the villain of the week. But it had its charm you fell in love with.
You shivered slightly as the cold air blew past you and felt Jason pick up the speed a little. You couldn’t help but smile at the tiny gesture. He was right though, the cold air does keep you awake.
Watching the lights whiz by, letting your mind wonder. Mat wasn’t kidding when she said you don’t sleep. Between classes, work and your personal projects, you’ve kind of neglected sleep in order to focus on everything else.
Sure, you get a couple hours of sleep, and naps. But it isn’t enough and it’s starting to take its toll on you. Sighing deeply, you tightened your grip and closed your eyes. Christmas break couldn’t come sooner.
You felt the bike slow, causing you to open your eyes. You waited until he parked and shut it off before climbing off. “That was thrilling,” you mumble out through a yawn.
“Would you like another ride?” Jason asked, helping you take off the helmet.
“Definitely,” you answered with a nod, “though maybe when it’s warmer and I’m not prone to fall off your bike due to sleep deprivation.”
Jason laughed, and tugged you into the building. “That’s fair. Now, let’s get you something to drink and eat before getting you to bed.”
“Sounds nice,” you said sleepily. “Is your couch comfy? I feel like it might not be.”
“Now that’s just mean,” he said, stopping short in front of his door. You nearly bumped into him and groaned out his name. “Sorry, but you might need to stay out here for a bit.”
“Did you leave your dirty laundry out or something?” you asked, rubbing your nose. You stepped back all the same instead of pushing it.
“Something like that,” he answered and you watched him unlock the door and stepped in. He closed it quickly, not giving you a chance to look inside. You shrugged and looked around the dimly lit hallway before turning to lean your back on the wall beside the door.
You closed your eyes, letting your head fall back against the wall with a small thump. It was strange, being at Jason’s apartment for the first time. And to sleep instead of being awake and hanging out. But you were giddy all the same.
Yes, you trusted Jason not to do anything with you. And you liked him enough to be okay with sleeping over at his place. It’s not the first time you’ve slept in the same place. And just remembering how warm you felt with Jason’s arms around you sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
“Alright, it’s safe to come in,” Jason’s sudden voice beside you made you jump slightly. “Sorry. Didn’t realize you were sleeping.”
“Not sleeping,” you said, pushing him back in as you walked through the door. “Just resting my eyes.”
Jason hummed and put his hands on your shoulder and steered you into the kitchen. He gently made you sit, before setting a cup of water and a plate of toast in front of you. “Slowly. The. You can have a shower and change out of…whatever costume you have on.”
“You’re an angel.”
“Some would say I’m not.”
“Then they can fight me,” you said, taking a bite out. “And how dare you. Not recognizing the greatest hero of all.”
Jason looked you over slowly, and you tried not to flush. “Yeah, I'm still not getting it.”
“Wonder Women,” you said through another bite of toast. “Sure, it’s not the greatest costume. But it’s the thought that counts.”
“Would you like a change of clothes? I doubt it would be comfy to sleep in.”
“If you don’t mind,” you said with a smile. “I would appreciate it.”
“No problem,” he said, kissing the top of your head before leaving the room. You flushed slightly and finished the rest of your food. It felt all so normal, like you did this everyday. And that thought made you giddy.
“Okay, the sweatpants might be a little big and so is the shirt. But they should be fine.”
“Thanks Jason. That means a lot,” you said, getting up to hug him. He returned it with a smile and shooed you into the bathroom.
Once showered and dressed, you walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. “Jason?”
“In here,” he called and you followed the voice until you reached the bedroom. “This is your room for the night.”
“I thought I was taking the couch,” you question, leaning against the doorframe, watching as he was getting it ready.
Jason snorted and gave you a look. “Please, I would never do that to you. Besides, it’s not as comfortable as the bed.”
“So you’re going to take the couch?” Jason nodded, and you bit your lip in thought. And before you could change your mind, you bit out, “or, now hear me out. We could share the bed. It’s not like it’s happened before.” You're blaming the alcohol for it, and you can't regret it.
Jason looked up at you with raised eyebrows. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” you said with a nod. “I’m sure. We’re just sleeping right? The worst that can happen is cuddling in the middle of the night.”
“Okay,” he laughed and with that, the two of you climbed into bed. You were more tired than you thought, you fell asleep the minute your head hit the pillow.
For Jason, it took a lot longer for sleep to reach him. He turned over, and looked at you for a moment before slipping his arm underneath you. With his other, he wrapped it around your waist and pulled you closer. And only then he could fall asleep, but not with the thought of how dangerous this could be.
But he found that he didn’t care.
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tqmies · 1 year
Tumblr media
FIRST OFF, thank you so much for 1k followers! I know I said it a few days ago but I wanted to put in a proper thanks! I love all of you <3 te quiero mucho :D
!! So I'll be running this drabble event for a week and a half! I know it's a short span but I have so many long wip I want to get out too! So in order to get everything out, this will have to be a bit smaller, though my thanks for you is huge!
☆☆ ☆ Below are a list of Au's and Dialogue prompts! Send in an ask with a member of your choice, an AU, and a Dialogue prompt! Please note if you'd like it SFW or NSFW! - And yes, you may send multiple!
☆ I write for all current members of NCT, Ateez, TXT, and TBZ!
☆ Enhypen and P1harmony legal members only!
☆ This event is over! Masterlist will be posted soon, thank you for all the requests!
Remember! Minors DNI :)
AU's ☆
Fake Dating
Enemies to Lovers
Rivals to Lovers
Exes to Lovers
Office Romance
Secret Relationship / Hiding
Frat Boy!
Rock Band
Arranged Marriage
Idol Au
Superhero / Supervillian
Airport meeting
Angsty Breakup
Friends to Lovers
Mutual Pining
Dialogue prompts ☆
“I was never a morning person, but then I started waking up to your face and you know… Maybe mornings aren’t that bad, after all.” 
“Why are you mad?” “I’m not mad, I just think you can choose better people to kiss.” 
“I fucking hate you.” “No you don’t. Take that back right now.” 
“You know I’d do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.”  
“Oh, fuck. Do that again.” 
“You look stupid as all hell right now.”
“I want to believe you, but I don’t know if I can.” 
“You’ve given me so many reasons to walk away.” “Then why don’t you walk away? It’s not like I’m keeping you hostage here.” “You still don’t get it, do you? It’s because I love you.” 
“…Damn it all to hell, if I don’t get to have you tonight then I’m never going to be able to have you.” 
“Let me call you mine, just for tonight.”
“I think you and I make an amazingly stupid pair.” “I know! Our two brain cells combined together make for quality entertainment and a unique kind of stupidity.” 
“I’m going to have so much fun with you.”
“Oh God, yes, right there— oh my God, just like that, please don’t stop.” “…Can you stop that? You’re making it sound like we’re in a porno and now I’m getting kinda hard.” 
“Bet you they don’t make you sound like that, do they?” 
“Fuck, you’re such a wreck, and because of me, too.” 
“Can you stop moaning? I’m trying to help you relax but you’re making it hard for me to concentrate.” “Sorry, your hands just work a little too good.” “I’m going to pay for a masseuse next time if you keep doing this.” 
“You are driving me insane and I’m this close to losing my shit because of you.”
“Is hating me your only personality trait?”
“Never scare me like that again!” 
“Oh, don’t worry. I have every plan to make you submit to me.”
“I’m not even gonna lie, I’m just so fucking obsessed with you.” 
“That could be us.” “That is us.”
“Was it worth it?”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you— slow down, you’ll get what you want soon enough.”
“I want you to remember every single second of this.” 
“Bet you they can’t make you feel the way I do.” “Bet’s on.” “Wait, what? That was not my intention—”
“Hm, but I think I like having you spread out like this. Such a gorgeous sight.” 
“Come and get your fix.”
“…You’re an addiction I never want to quit.” 
“I had nothing to live for, but then you came into my life. So thank you.” 
“Why’d you— why’d you do that?” “B-Because I promised you I’d do anything to keep you safe.” 
“I swear if we get caught then I’m actually going to kill you.” 
“You think I wanted this to happen?!”
“Just when I was about to give up…”
“I trusted you with my life.” “Well, I’m sorry but you’re clearly very gullible.”
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel the same as I do, then I’ll leave you alone.” 
“You know, maybe you should bet on something else the next time instead of betting on someone’s fucking feelings.” 
“You’re such a dork.” “Yeah, no wonder you’re so in love with me.”
“Does me doing all these things not account for anything?” “I never asked you to do those things for me, though, did I?”
“You nearly foiled our plan, you idiot!”
“I… I think I’m happy.” “You think? So you’re not one hundred percent certain?”
“Who’s laughing now?” “…Clearly not you. You’re crying, dear God.” 
“I’m tired of being on the sidelines.” 
“You actually came back.”
“Christ on a fucking bike, I could kiss you right now.”
“That was a bold move.”
“We’re going to be late, all because you couldn’t stop scrolling through that damn phone of yours while taking your damn sweet time to shit!” 
"What are we?" "Probably stupid."
"You could punch me in the face and I'd still want you, not gonna lie."
"They just gave you the key to my house?" "Well no.. I asked for it!"
"You can kiss me, you know?"
"Will you just stay still?" "What, why?" "I'm trying to hold your hand, you idiot!"
"Hey, you haven't come out of your room in like two days...I'm not worried or anything but the dishes are piling up and i need you to be alive so you can take care of them, so..."
Smut Prompts ☆
54. "Can you feel how much I want you?"
55. "I can never get enough of your taste."
56. "Let's try something new tonight."
57. "We don't even have to take our clothes off."
58. "I want to ruin you."
59. "Yes, please, do it!"
60. "Your tongue is truly extraordinary."
61. "I have seen you naked before."
62. "No bed needed."
63. "Sleep is overrated. I have better ideas."
64. "You know me so well. You always find the right spot."
65. "Please, don't ever stop!"
66. "Our bodies fit so well together."
67. "I could do this all day. And definitely all night."
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gremlin-bot · 8 months
That ain't happening Thursday!
we are back baby!!
I was working on a lot of stuff for fandom events so I really couldn't share a lot. Now that most of that is done I can start on other things! Starting with the sfw part of a Nsfw Brain Dead ship Fic!! it is affectionally named "smut fic, yes the one with star wars" in my wips folder.
Danny had been friends with Tim for over half a year and he has been pining after him for just as long. He is so gone for this boy it's not even funny. Sam and Tucker had been dealing with his lovesick ass the whole time and he can tell they are at their limit.
"Danny, I swear to the Ancients if you don't ask him out or something soon, I'll start growing plants in your dishwasher." Sam lightly threatened after his half an hour long rant about the other boy.
"Sam, no!" Danny pleaded with her from his spot on the floor.
"I'm with Sam on this one, dude. If she doesn't go through with it then I'll keep giving you viruses. You'll be forced to talk to him to get rid of them because I'm sure as hell not doing that for you." Danny cringed at hearing Tucker. Yeah, maybe this was going on too long if Tucker was making threats.
"Fine, if I don't ask him out before the end of spring break you guys can go through with ya threats" The cheers this got from them was in his opinion a bit much.
So here Danny is, with two days left before classes start up again and still too much of a coward to say anything to Tim. He even is tired of his own bullshit at this point, but he is going to fix it today! 
Tim had asked him to come over to watch Star Wars later that night. He planed to ask the other out afterwards, let's just hope he doesn't chicken out. He really doesn't want to hand wash dishes and find a way to fix his computer without Tucker or Tim. 
Tim couldn't wait for later tonight. Danny and him were supposed to continue their rewatch and light roasting of Star Wars, with Attack of the Clones being next, it should be a great night. Danny's roasting and general presents always made the nightmare of getting someone to cover his patrols worth it.
His missed patrols did have the side effect of making him a bit restless. He ends up having to workout beforehand to settle himself. Normally, it wouldn't be a big deal, but this damn proposal meeting is taking forever. At this rate, he wouldn't be able to change out of his workout clothes. Well, guess he can use this as an opportunity to flirt with the other man. He’ll wear some booty shorts and a crop top then. If it doesn't drive Danny up the wall nothing else will. 
Tim really should just ask the other boy out at this point. His crush was getting ridiculous, and it was really a matter of time before he said fuck it and kissed that hot nerd. He almost did before he was interrupted by Danny getting a call. He was going to find the coworker that called Danny in to cover for them that day and steal their left shoes.
Tim internally sighed as another person talked about something that could have just been an email and was barely relevant. God, when will this suffering end.
When Tim opened his door, Danny knew he was going to die. 
He was going to die of blood loss because all of his blood is quickly heading to his dick, and it’s all Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne’s fault. Tim was in bright fucking red booty shorts with white trimming. His shirt did not help either! The black hand-cropped top with the cartoon ghost on it was bisected by its uneven cropping. Tim’s slim torso displayed the efforts of his clear workout. A bead of sweat dripped down his torso to his waist line. 
Ancients, he wants to follow it with his tongue. 
Danny snaps his gaze up to Tim’s face, hoping he didn’t get caught with wandering eyes. The other man smirks and steps out of the doorway to let him in. Danny was a fucking goner. A dead man (more than usual) all because of the man in front of him. 
Danny quickly slips his sneakers off and stumbles after Tim. So many questions running through his mind, none he can ask without giving his exact feelings away, if his dick didn’t give half of them away already. 
Fuck, he was pathetic.
He takes a deep breath. He can do this, survive the movie and ask that gorgeous genius out. He just hopes that Tim feels the same.
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bitterflames · 7 months
fic writer interview
(tagged by @sunriseverse, tysm for the tag!! 💙 posting on my sideblog because it feels like the right place for this sort of rambling.)
How many works do you have on AO3? 10 (plus the one i orphaned, which still has my username attached). one is fanart. i'm... a very irregular writer.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 32,694 words (i do mean a very irregular writer lol).
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) snow and repetitions of snow (elder scrolls) (169) 2) no takebacks (mysterious lotus casebook) (126) 3) a light that does not flicker (elder scrolls) (85) 4) what's in a name? (mysterious lotus casebook) (78) 5) to gravity and the unknown (elder scrolls) (50) the actual most-kudosed work of mine is the Accursed Orphan, red oni, blue oni (tensei shitara slime datta ken) with 2202 (oh god). it really, really wasn't my best work, i stopped following the canon when i got bored with the plot, and the constant stream of kudos emails started to get on my nerves, hence the orphaning.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i try my best to! that said there are a lot of unanswered comments from periods where i just couldn't keep up with life. i appreciate each and every one though! i swear i'll get around to them someday 😭
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? i tend to write bittersweet more than outright angsty. maybe snow and repetitions of snow, featuring two shitty stubborn wizards who are on-again off-again exes/enemies with benefits. it ends on them realizing that their ideals and personalities are irreconcilable and yet they cherish each other regardless. sometimes it just be that way!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? no takebacks is very short but given that it undoes a major character death and ends with a sort-of marriage proposal: probably that one. sometimes you just gotta write fluff to soothe the soul.
Do you write crossovers? not really. occasional crossover cameos can be fun, but overall they don't interest me a ton? i much prefer fusion AUs, but i don't often write them; perhaps because my stuff tends to be shorter and more intensely character-focused than setting-focused.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? not openly. if anyone's hating on my fics in private that's their prerogative lmao.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? occasionally! there's one explicit fic on my account and numerous WIPs that may or may not ever see the light of day. "porn with feelings" is probably the best description for the stuff i tend to write. sometimes the characters are trying very hard to ignore those feelings but they're still there. (shout out to the one lin chen/mei changsu WIP in my folder which is Very Much That.)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge. i tend to write for small fandoms and rare pairs so i'm probably not high on the radar for that sort of thing?
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! snow and repetitions of snow was translated into mandarin, i'm very happy that someone liked my fic enough to do so :)
Have you ever co-written a fic before? not yet, though i've done illustrations for big bang fics in the past, and RP'd and created shared AU verses with friends. actual co-writing isn't something i've done, but the idea is intriguing! (that said, i'm extremely flakey and wouldn't wish myself as a co-writer upon anyone.)
What’s your all-time favorite ship? "all-time" is a pretty broad category, wow. in terms of sheer volume of fics i've bookmarked though mei changsu/xiao jingyan are absolutely destroying the competition, no contest. in terms of "currently rent-free in my brain" i am frantically paddling this XJY/MCS/LC rareship against the current.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? (gestures vaguely at my entire folder of WIPs. weeps loudly.) tbh talking too much about my WIPs or even giving them a serious title until they're most-of-the-way finished feels like giving them the kiss of death. i'm not superstitious but i'm like a little stitious, you know?
What are your writing strengths? given that my entire writing process feels kind of like banging my head against a wall while crying: hard to say! i'm told i'm good with conveying tension though. in terms of characterization, insufferable theatrical magnificent bastards.
What are your writing weaknesses? long plotty fic and me are not friends. my pacing can be a bit mood whiplash-y at times. i abuse italics and semicolons like they're going out of fashion.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? depends on the cultural context of the canon, the purpose for doing so, etc... like pretty much anything else, it can be used to good effect, or it can be really grating. i think things like honorifics and terms that don't have a good 1:1 english translation are pretty much fine.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? idk probably some pokemon OC thing when i was like ten years old? in terms of fic completed and posted online, elder scrolls.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? (shoving numerous WIPs back into my folder) does NiF count? i haven't finished anything for it yet... in terms of canons i haven't touched at all, maybe sha po lang. i read the entire thing in one long weekend while house-sitting for a friend and i'm still not sure if it was good or if it just hit all my kinks just right, but either way there's probably something to work with here.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? it's also a WIP (mostly written, just lacking a solid ending) and it's utter self-indulgent nonsense designed to appeal to no one but me but: i'm very fond of how to deflower your martial brother (wo jia dashixiong naozi you keng). hanahaki disease, fucky shixiong/shidi relations, horrible pun in the title: these are a few of my favourite things.
tagging! @shararan @strandedchesspiece @foxofninetales @sinni-ok-sessi @junemermaid @melodious-tear @thebansacredbanned and anyone else who's interested (no pressure ofc!)
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qprstobin · 10 months
i used to like steddie but tbh its just boring now. everyone writes the same tropes and now there's a/b/o flooding the tag and like fine whatever but it's just so boring. not to mention most fics are so out of character...and don't get me started on how they treat robin, she's completely sidelined it's annoying. they make steve this feminized uwu babygirl and robin into a mean lesbian that contantly berates hi its disgusting!
I'm ngl. Same. Ste/ddie is what got me into the fandom! I still really like the characters a lot but the way fandom has been handling them is just not my thing lol. I like both my Steve and my Eddie a little mean and rough around the edges but carrying and that's just... not what I am seeing at all lol. The fandom trends in this ship have been absolutely wild. Like I said last night, the fic that we were getting in October/November of last year is soooo different from the fic we are getting now.
I miss early days Ste/ddie, the relationship just felt much more balanced? Like both sides brought things to the table? But yeah, I'll admit I've gotten pretty bored with it too. I have a fic or two in my wips folders that I still want to write that have Ste/ddie in them, but I've sort of hit my limit with fandom consumption of it lol.
Omegaverse stuff can be fun on occasion but I'll admit aside from one or two fics I've seen so far, I don't super vibe with it. (Where is my alpha/alpha and omega/omega content!!) Omegaverse has always been a "my hormones are out of whack" fic time for me lmao. But this is one of those things I don't think is ST exclusive, a lot of fandoms I'm in have seen an influx of omegaverse and mpreg lately. I didn't even notice at first because Star Wars fandom is always a mess of kink, but it's legit everywhere now.
Gods yeah, the babygirl Steve was fun at first, I love me a pretty boy. (Anakin Skywalker fan here lmaooo) but yeah it's been taken to an extreme that feels less like oh this is just a little sexy thing on occasion or "yeah gender exploration!" thing, and more either fetishizing or heteronormativity. Like I was talking about yesterday I swear some people write tradwife Steve which is just wild to me. Love househusband Steve but tradwife Steve?? Where am I??
And yeah, even back when I liked the fanon characterization better, Robin so often got sidelined. Literally only there to be a supportive best friend without her own plot or to help further drive Steve into Eddie's arms, which is sad! This show is about friendship first and foremost and it feels like fandom doesn't appreciate that anymore.
(I will be fair though, pushing aside the best friend for the sake of romance is a tried and true shipping thing across many fandoms, but it did feel startling when so many post s3 fics about either of Stobin were about their friendship, and it just kind of all got taken over by shipping fics in s4.)
Like idk, I will say I still like the ship and Eddie but the fandom has definitely exhausted me a bit lol.
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sesshy380 · 3 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thank you @late-to-the-fandom for the tag! This is so different from most WiP tags, which I love. It's definitely is a good way to step back and look at my WiP from its original iteration to where it's currently at. Going to be answering this about Tangled Web of Fate as a whole, seeing as it is my primary ongoing WiP.
No pressure tagging @resuri-art, @sowideasea, @crush3dmary, @bakawitch, and anyone else that wants to do this (easy copy/paste Questions list at the bottom)
1. What's the first part of your WIP that you created?
*nervously looks around* Uhhhh….the first chapter? Before that, it was just kinda all randomness in my head. I honestly had no idea where I was going with it aside from the basic setup of dynamics and getting Atem resurrected. TWoF was the 1st fic I had actually started writing and posting, and regrettably I did a lot of hot-off-the-press in the beginning. The chapters just kinda came to me, I wrote them, then posted. I did eventually start jotting down plot points, but there are several that are no longer applicable since either they were removed entirely or I went a completely different route.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Okay, so when it was all just a ‘show’ in my head, it was meant to be more action packed and more focused on battles between the 3 elementals versus the gods (think Inuyasha with YGO characters lol). The intro I have always had in mind with that version is State of My Head by Shinedown. This still applies as a main theme to describe Bakura, Malik, and Kat’s existence prior to the story’s start. Overall, though, with the direction the story ended up in, I think Lost by Linkin Park is more fitting, as it describes the struggles of pretty much everyone in the story.
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
So, this might seem a bit surprising…but the answer would have to be Apep. I love writing Marik’s interactions with it and I love writing its dialogue.
(For those that haven’t read that far, or TWoF at all, Apep refers to itself as we/us, and others that know of its existence use it/its when referring to Apep, though I believe I may have accidentally used they/them once or twice and been too lazy to go back and correct it)
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Do the two backstories I wrote for this AU’s Bakura and Malik (Yamima) count? I know there is a small fan-following of my OC (which is still surprising to me), so I'm guessing anything she's included in lol
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Those uncomfortable hell chapters where the things in-story hit a little too close to home and feel too personal. Also getting over what the readers may/may not like and remembering that this is a self-indulgent fic that is meant for me, and that others reading and enjoying it is just a bonus.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
You already have the obvious with the elementals (Kat, Bakura, and Malik), not to mention their offspring (Imhotep/wolf, Ryou/lammergeier). There’s also Kat’s horse/ka, Akasa, as well as all the fae realm creatures in chapter 87 (capricorn, kelpie, cockatrice, what I have dubbed the ‘fae weasel’, unicorns, ceryneian hind, and of course the phoenix egg). There’s also the lamassu encountered in Sumar, and Remi the werewolf (I swear he was just having an off day due to seeing Marik and it being a full moon week).
7. How do your characters travel/get around?
The elementals tend to travel via their element a lot, but they aren’t opposed to traditional travel methods. Kat is a classic muscle car enthusiast, as well as sports cars and motorcycles. Malik loves the feeling of the wind in his mane when riding motorcycles (he prefers the ones with loud engines that ‘roar’), as well as open-top Jeeps and military vehicles. Bakura is the group’s resident pilot, being that his element is wind/air (Malik refuses to step foot in any aircraft that he is piloting after falling out because Bakura is literally no different than Murdock from the A-Team).
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Chapter 111
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Uhhhhh….no clue? Maybe genuine curiosity of the oc x canon ship and how I go about putting a character that fanon has declared to be extremely hardcore gay into a relationship with a woman? The 'enemies to lovers in later chapters' tag? (I'm sure that last one is the main reason people decide to take a peek in the first place lol)
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
To reach the end and post the Epilogue (The basic draft for the Epilogue has been written since just after Apep is introduced)
List of Questions:
What's the first part of your WIP that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
How do your characters travel/get around?
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
What are your hopes for your WIP?
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softspeirs · 3 months
Barren Soul: (16) Jumping In
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Author's Note: First, a correction - I realized in the last two chapters I was simultaneously referring to Speirs as both a lieutenant and a captain, my mistake! I fixed those references in the previous chapters, and we see him get his promotion to captain and CO of Easy in this chapter. Second - this chapter features a few paragraphs which were the entire basis for this WIP and the first thing I ever wrote for Band of Brothers. I feel really emotional to see them here, now, with how massive this project has gotten. I really, really hope you all enjoy this part as much as I do, because it's so special to me. Lastly, thank you so much to everyone who has read and commented over the last few months. I know I don't always reply to comments right away but I see them and getting those emails makes my day. Thank you so much.
Captain Winters walks the line, too cold to sit in the CP or a foxhole longer than necessary. The men are holding up as well as can be expected with no supplies and barely any cold weather gear, but the only way to try to get any feeling back in your limbs is to go for a walk.
He stops to chat with some of the men as he walks, though many are trying to sleep while they still can. He frowns when he sees Roe and Spina huddled together, talking quietly. Kat is nowhere to be found. Normally if she wasn’t with them, she’d be with Joe Liebgott, but he just saw him taking his turn at the OP.
“Hello, sir.”
“Are you missing someone?”
Roe sighs. “Kat doubled her rounds. Said she was going to D Company to scrounge.”
Winters looks toward the direction of the woods with a frown.
They can’t afford to lose someone else. If she gets lost on her way there or back… God knows the lines are changing every day, almost every few hours.
“There,” Roe says, pointing into the distance.
Sure enough, Winters looks behind him and sees a familiar, bundled-up form heading towards them. He takes a few steps, ready to meet her halfway, when he hears the telltale signs of shelling.
“Shit,” Spina swears, and then they’re all diving for cover, Winters sliding in next to the two medics.
“Stay down!” He hears the NCOs yelling, and hears the cry for a medic before Roe pulls himself out of the foxhole and into the woods. “Stay in your foxholes!”
Winters curses himself for getting caught this far out, he normally sticks with Nixon, but he’s even more worried because despite the calls for a medic, he only sees Roe, he doesn’t see Kat, and between the snow flying through the air and the trees splintering apart above them, he can’t tell if she made it through.
The whistle of an incoming shell is enough to set Kat’s heart racing as she realizes how loud it is. Headed straight for me, she thinks, but refuses to let herself panic.
Feet carrying her as fast as they can, she hears Shifty shouting at her to hurry up. Lip is screaming at everyone that the Germans have got them zeroed, and right then, the forest in front of her explodes.
It’s strange – there’s no pain. Everything goes white, and then blissfully black.
Read the entire chapter here on AO3!
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thehylianidiot · 1 year
TheHylianIdiot's Assortment of Brain Worms
Was tagged by both @bumblebeehug and @kiliinstinct for this one, so let's do this.
rules: share the first line (or two or more!) of every current wip you have (that you feel comfortable sharing) and tag some writer friends! feel free to add the titles of your documents if you see fit
Oops We Kidnapped the Emperor (Title WIP) (Fairy Tail)
The mission to rescue Makarov had a few hiccups.
The first of which being despite traveling across the ocean to the heart of the Alvarez Empire, storming its castle ready to get back their captive guildmaster, the designated High-Collateral Rescue Squad did not bring back their Sixth-But-Soon-To-Be-Eighth-Guildmaster. 
And as for the second well…
Erza explained it to the rest of the guild best. “We kidnapped the emperor.” 
The Other Four Idiots, Plus A Cat (Chapter 22) (Fairy Tail)
“How many people have you interacted with in your life?”
“Umm… well… I don’t have a lot of practice with people. Most are either dead or fled in the first twenty four hours.” Mavis chuckled a bit, because keeping bright and cheerful normally made things happier and not a constant reminder that the majority of her prior interactions involved the other party trying to… well… increase their kill count by one. 
Given the lady slapping her palms to her face, maybe that wasn’t the best way to put it. 
“Oh gods he befriended a psychopath,” Ultear not-so-quietly muttered into her hands.
Lost My Cap (I swear I will write this someday) (Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap)
"I thought I heard something" 
Yes. It was a frog. How that buffoon of a guard could mistake a frog for him, Vaati wasn't sure. And of course the dimwit just had to pitter patter up above like some lost pet. 
On and on he heard the aimless clank of too heavy boots. Surely the guards could find something more interesting. There were monsters flooding every inch of their precious kingdom! Didn't they have something better to do than hunt the one who opened that damned box? Like perhaps stepping away from the sewage gate? 
He breathed in a quarter second too long and nearly gagged at the overwhelming stench. Don't you dare, he told himself. No way was he embarrassing himself further today by getting caught. 
To Slay A Demon (Part 2) (Fairy Tail)
Maybe some naively optimistic part of Gray hoped Zeref was a glass canon. That after cult after cult of worshippers and thousands of demons at his command, their ringleader would be too dependent on them. 
That optimism was crushed between a fraction of a second.
And death magic flowed around like a tidal wave of sand, flinging haphazardly in a nonexistent hurricane, crashing against ice-made shield. One trickle past Gray’s defenses, and he’d lose everything.
The Little Raindrop of Magnologia (Fairy Tail)
Drip drip drop. 
Little Juvia stood alone in the pouring rain. 
Drip drip drop. 
Everyone else had long since fled indoors. After all, it was the easiest way to escape the rain creating waterfalls from roofs and rivers from sidewalks. 
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t afford that luxury. 
These Are Not the Reincarnated Immortals You're Looking For (Title WIP) (Fairy Tail)
Alios would say the evening was going surprisingly normal until the chloroform. 
But no matter how many preparations he made so he could have a decent time (for once) at his favorite author's award ceremony—working overtime that week to make enough space in his schedule and spending the better part of an hour beforehand figuring out how to wear a modern suit along with how a gods-forsaken tie worked—Alios couldn't stop his weekly kidnapping from literally any random cult in Fiore falling on that exact date.
So as the last shreds of haziness finally faded away and Alios found himself tied to a chair in a pitch black cell, his first thought was, at least they gave it a cushion this time. 
Death Swap (Title WIP) (Fairy Tail)
It started with a passing rumor. 
A local tale shrouding its details with pottery gilded in mysticism and silken rarities tailored to lure passing travelers with enough coin in their pockets and a passing interest with the morbid to pay for a souvenir. Yuri knew he shouldn’t keep his hopes up. 
Knew it was going on two years already. Knew he should be getting back home, call it a night after making sure Warrod had kept a good eye on Makarov this time and the guildhall wasn’t turned into an artistic rendering of spinach inside a blender. 
As Precht said, they were never going to find her. 
Then again, Precht spent most of his time nowadays wallowing in the never-ending stream of newfound council regulations that kept multiplying like rabbits every few weeks until he couldn’t look at a stack of paper without sweating, so what did he know? 
Tagging @classysassy9791, @xfangheartx, @pencilofawesomeness
Feel free to ignore me, nobody is under any pressure to share if they don't want to.
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mhaynoot · 5 months
1-5, 9 and 10 ^^
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
*squints at my archive* short stories with little plot and more character and emotionally driven narratives, and insane deep dives into relationship explorations
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
a charted and completed plot :)
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
hmmmm had to think about this but yeah tragic endings or unhappy endings? I don't mind writing open-ended stuff but definitely no tragedy bones in these hands although, like, maybe for the side characters but definitely not for the main characters, I'm too weak for that HAHA
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
HM- lmao i just got distracted by writing for like 2 separate wips because I was counting them HAHAHAH
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this is just my orv wips i found so far and i have like a few here and there abandoned from old fandoms that i still keep around just in case the spark comes back. I also have a bunch of thoughts right now about tgcf and beefleaf but hmmm maybe when I'm not so busy HAHAH also mdzs but I'm waiting to finish all the novel first before actually writing anything for now
5. Share one of your strengths.
metaphors and similes! and making people cry from my special so sweet it turns bittersweet writing style LMAO
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
hmm the world in my arms, ever so fragile and loved was definitely a doozy to write and i was squeezing my brain with each line LMAO i kept having to rethink my understanding of jung heewon and kim dokja's relo over and over again and reaffirming myself that what I'm writing is a portrayal of what I think their relationship was like. I was really concerned about being too one-dimensional and trying to capture the points of their devotion-love, devotion-pain relation in a way i liked.
I was also really concerned about hitting the important relationship points and themes I wanted to write about their relationship, especially since i wrote the hospital conversation first and it was perfect but then decided i had to fit in a whole post-canon story sequence around it AND YOU ALREADY KNOW I'M NOT GOOD A PLOT! WHY DID I DO THAT TO MYSELF! aaaAAA! It's why it went a little crazy with 3k words compared to fly off the light between leaves and our shadows are cast together which was a beautiful snapshot I was able to pump out in like one or two sittings (and ten thousand small future edits) because that's what i'm good at!! *sigh*
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
to make lunch for you was so easy to write, i was struck by lighting or something i swear to god or like how much i crave the thought of kdj being allowed the grace of being sad and then loved and comforted by his just favourite being in the whole worlds and worlds out there
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bleue-flora · 1 year
10? 16? 20? Hope that's not too much...
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up.
“Dream studies him, grazing his eyes over every inch of Bad. His stature full of mistrust, searching for sincerity. The utter shock, doubt and apprehension wrinkling his brow makes Bad wilt a bit. His heart aching at the way he appears stunned as if Bad just walked on water instead of simply offering sympathy. Dream blinks, clearly struggling to process it.”
(Oooo next chapter?….)
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
3 in the writing process (not including posted ones), 1 idea in outlining phase and 3 chapters of Misery Loves Another Idiot with a Jukebox Where his Soul Should be (Why did I make that title so long lol XD ) which are basically oneshots in their own right to be fair…
I just started writing part two of Dreamcatcher which I wasn’t necessarily planing on doing… but then one night last week I up and wrote 4,000 words so I guess it’s happening lol. What can I say I missed writing Punz. :) This time it’s Dream’s pov and here’s a snip bit.
“The only remains of the obnoxious, over the top, lit up sign is the large letter L.”
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Besides Quackity always managing to make an appearance? Lol. Let’s see, the obvious answer would be that my works all directly connect to the torture box, which means that the words: torture and pain always make an appearance at least once (have you ever noticed how there really aren’t synonyms for those words?)
But outside of that, I tend to write an abundance of alliterations (oops), which I swear I really don’t do intentionally.
“And that’s all the green light Punz needs to continue to vehemently voice his vengeance, this time with more volume and vigor, “I swear to god, they are going to fucking pay.”” - Hell in a Box (Ch 4)
As well as follow certain writing patterns like repeating sentence starters:
“His essence lost forever. Forever wiped from the earth. Forever the rumors of a cruel capricious villain who destroyed the land. Forever hated. Forever alone.” - Misery Loves Another Idiot with a Jukebox Where his Soul Should (Ch 12)
For just a few examples I could find… I blame my poet instincts lol.
(How does it always end up so long?… oops)
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tellmegoodbye · 11 months
✨️ weekend wip game ✨️
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more). (There are also questions for artists/GIF creators below).
Or: harley attempts to answer the following questions without responding with push coda for half of them. 😂
Thank you @lemonlyman-dotcom and @thisbuildinghasfeelings for tagging me!
1. List your WIPs.
First I will list the WIPs I'm actively working on because there's only two of those
Push coda - we all know about this one
5 scenes before the wedding and 1 after - this one is pretty self explanatory, and I've shared some snippets from this as well
And these are the WIPs I have planned for the future
3x08 + 3x13 coda - this is pretty much what it says on the tin
hurt/comfort fic - two parts, the first one being hurt TK and the second one being hurt Carlos, this fic is going to focus on the unique ways they take care of each other
"green eyes" fic - this one was inspired by a song and the plan is to do an entire s1 fic from Carlos' perspective, but we'll see what happens
spicy fic (that is the working title we're rolling with for now) - this is essentially four chapters of pure smut with a ton of different emotions rolled into one ultimate spicy experience...at least that's my vision as of now
murder mystery AU - I still desperately want to write this, but the problem is that I initally outlined it for gallavich, accidentally deleted said outline (that I spent months working on) and now I'm considering switching it to tarlos
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
Push coda!! My beloved and belothed...I swear to god this was not meant to be as long as it ended up being. It's currently at 27k and I'm still stuck on this one scene that's bugging me, but the end is in sight!
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
I have no idea what came over me when I wrote the majority of push coda...that's the longest thing I have ever written as of now.
I'm sure the murder mystery fic will end up being longer if I do end up writing that, but out of the five different future WIPs I listed it's the least likely to see the light of day just because time is a factor for me.
4. Which WIP is your favorite/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
I think the spicy fic is going to be extremely enjoyable. I have so many ideas for that one!
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Definitely the murder mystery fic. There's a lot of intricacies in that fic and it took a lot of planning when I initially outlined it. I'm usually a more "go with the flow" writer so it's very out of my element.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about? Why?
Probably push coda right now just because it's been a while since I've written and now that it's nearly done I'm afraid it's too long or that the pacing is weird, but I've been staring at this thing for so long that it's hard to be objective about it.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
All of them, hopefully. I'm scared to ask people but it's always nice to have an extra set of eyes, especially if you've been working on something for a while.
If anyone is offering, I wouldn't say no. 👀
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writers block?
All of them!
9. Which WIP has your favorite OC? Tell us about them?
I have an OC in my murder mystery AU that is very interesting in my opinion. I can't say a lot about this character without spoiling anything, but let's just say this character is a lot of fun to write. I also don't often make OCs, so that was a fairly new experience for me as well.
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
WIP that is currently in progress? The 5+1 fic has a smut scene at the end that I've really been enjoying writing. If we're talking about my future WIPs, then of course it's going to be the spicy fic!
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Push coda! Some of the 5+1 fic is also pretty angsty, but I think as of now push coda is winning in that regard.
That's just what I've currently written. I have a feeling the hurt/comfort fic is going to be pretty angsty as well.
12. Which WIP has the best characterization in your opinion?
I'm not sure. I always try my best when it comes to characterization, but in terms of what I've currently written, the push coda delves much deeper into the characters' emotions than the 5+1 fic does, but that's probably just because I have a lot more written for push coda.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting in your opinion?
Push coda for sure. There's just something about the combination of bad weather and angst. Very visually satisfying for me.
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
........push coda, again.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
I have high expectations of everything I write. I'm definitely a perfectionist.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
I never remember my dreams, but I think about my fics a lot! Part of what helps me visualize the scenes I write is by letting them play out in my head like a movie.
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
The 5+1 fic is a new format for me! It's been a challenge but also a lot of fun.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humor?
I don't write much humor. I'm sadly not very good at that.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
I have no plans for this but I would absolutely be interested in an outside POV fic, especially a character like Owen. I could totally write a whole fic from his perspective.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
Push coda has some song lyrics included in between each scene. The lyrics are from this song.
I'm not sure who has and hasn't done this so open tag. Feel free to tag me if you do this!
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thelavenderelf · 1 year
WIP Whenever ✨
I know this is a few days late, but I've been tagged by @friend-of-giants and @miraakulous-cloud-district to share some WIPs! I normally don't like sharing snippets of my writing while I still work on it, but I'm in a "don't let your perfectionism get in the way and just share the thing" mood. So here is a raw, unedited snippet of the beginning of Unstable Chapter 3!
I tag anyone who reads this 😘
Images of marble hallways lit by a cold moon haunt Sylvana's mind. The hall stretches on forever, yet its walls webbed with golden filigree constrict her lungs. She needs to run. Needs to escape. But like the columns lining the walls, her legs are stiff and she falls. A sharp blade drips crimson onto ancient stone floors, making a pool that reflects a cruel, smiling maw lunging for her throat. 
She jerks awake and hits her forehead on the edge of a table. A string of curses leaves her as she falls back down. Sweat drips between her back and the shoddy bench she lays upon. She rubs her head, trying to soothe the annoying throbbing pain that won't go away. 
Another nightmare? Really? This better not become a habit but so far it's two for two. What makes it worse is that it played out like the one she had earlier. It must be the stress mixed with the aftereffects of whatever was in that poison. It still hasn’t worn off despite it being hours since she was stuck. 
Clumsy fingers reach for her unfinished bottle of mead but find a metal chain instead. She pulls it and the strange amulet from earlier dangles above her face. She studies it, taking a closer look now that she has the time. The amethyst embedded into serpentine ebony gleams in the firelight. She swears the amulet is an exact copy of Savos Aren's, a perfect match. Even the slight hum of magic triggers the sting of bittersweet familiarity.
Savos Aren was a man of many secrets yet forthcoming whenever she needed him. He always wore his amulet. At one point she inquired about it, mesmerized by its elegant design but he brushed her off. It was unusual for him to dodge a question like that but at the time it didn’t seem important so she let it go. Now she’ll have to feel guilty while going through his things to find answers.
Perhaps the amulets are family heirlooms and she stumbled across one that was lost. Or maybe it's a coincidence and whoever made the pendants just really like this particular design. She could also just be reading way too into things, but it's better than spiraling down the pit of grief that sits heavy on her chest from Kodlak’s death. 
If only Lucien were here, she could bounce her theories off of him and listen to his. He would be saying something off the wall yet incredibly profound right now. Like, "what if the Silverhand  looted it off of a werewolf who was Savos's secret lover?" 
Gods, she misses her friends. They temporarily split for a while after accidentally cracking open a hornet’s nest of Thalmor while trying to steal back a family heirloom for a client. She misses Lucien’s outlandish observations, Inigo’s crazy yet true stories, Auri’s cannibalism jokes, and Kaidan’s constant cussing. Everything would be so much better if they were here, and she could pull herself together with one big group hug. And better yet, she wouldn’t be here with Vilkas. 
Ugh, that scruffy asshole! Why in Oblivion would she open up about her mother to him, of all people? Even her close friends barely know anything about that, yet she served it to him on a silver platter. And the worst part is that he sat there, listened, and then had the audacity to show compassion. She’s never felt more embarrassed, and she hates it. Hates it, hates it, hates it. 
With a groan, she lifts herself to rest her head on the table. The bottle of unfinished mead reunites with her and they share a long kiss. Ah, Nordic Mead, the only lover she will ever need. 
The pieces of Wuuthrad are haphazardly spread out before her, a puzzle beckoning to be solved and she complies. She picks up each individual piece and arranges them to try and resemble the legendary battleaxe. One particular fragment makes her pause— a snow elf frozen in an eternal scream is carved into what she assumes is the head of the axe. It’s suiting for a weapon nicknamed “the elf-grinder.” She smooths her fingers over the dark metal and sighs. The horrors this poor elf must have seen. 
“Oh the stories you could tell,” she whispers to it like an old friend. 
“Read the Songs of the Return if you want your story.” A voice speaks up, making her jump and drop the piece. It clatters on the table as she turns to see Vilkas leaning on a pillar. He smooths his disheveled hair away from his tired eyes. 
"You– Don't startle me like that!" Rarely anyone is able to sneak up on her, she doesn't allow it. No one, except… No. It reminds her too much of skilled fingers, a sly smile, and a voice that always sent shivers down her spine with his honeyed words. She'd much rather forget him, for now. 
"Huh, maybe I am a good sneak." A shit-eating grin spreads across his face as he takes a seat next to her, leaning back on the table.
"Fuck you,” she grumbles. Now It’s her turn to be the grumpy asshole. 
“Does it really bother you that much?” He chuckles.
"Yes, and I would appreciate it if you didn't do it again.” She enunciates her words carefully, making sure he understands. 
"Alright, alright."  A lovely smile graces his face that, clears the storm clouds from her mind. She's so used to seeing him scowling that she's thrown off whenever he does it. It's rusty yet tender enough to light up the room. She wonders what a full-blown smile of his would look like and what it would take to get it.
Also, I was wondering if any of my beloved mutuals would be interested in being a beta reader for me? I can pay in doodles and beta read as well <3
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stonecoldhedwig · 2 years
First Line Game
rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. if you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway💗💗
Thank you @blitheringmcgonagall for the tag! A couple of these are more than one line, because they don't really make any sense by themselves.
Oliver Wood was many things. (A Great Many Things - Alicia/Oliver, E-rated, WIP multichap)
You don’t want to die, James Potter. (Remember that You are Dust - T-rated, Marauders on the nights they die, one-shot)
“Why’ve I never heard his name then, this Sirius Black, if you’re such good friends?” (The Paintbox - Blackinnon and Jily, M-rated, completed multichap)
It was fortunate that James Potter’s new suit arrived just in time for him to ruin his life. (Coming, Evans? - Jily and Wolfstar, M-rated, Magical AU, WIP multichap)
Marlene squints into the sunlight. It’s early—too early to be awake, really—but the dawn wakes her like this every morning. (Confession - Blackinnon, M-rated, first war, one-shot)
“MY SHED!” (God Bless the Shed, and All Who Sail in Her - Jily, G-rated, Muggle AU nonsense one-shot)
Sirius goes ahead of James; he takes the steps up to the front door of the safe house two-at-a-time. It’s easy for him, James thinks bitterly—Sirius has always handled war better than he handled peace. (Last Rites - Jily, E-rated, first war angst, one-shot)
“James, I swear to your sweet, sticky insect overlords, stop leaving honey all over the kitchen table!” (Honeybee Mine - Jily and Blackinnon, M-rated, WIP multichap)
Lily stands in the doorway. Harry is cradled against her chest, and her hand on his back rises and falls with each breath that he takes. He’s six months old today, she thinks. (Giving Us Doomsday - Jily, but also Wolfstar, Blackinnon, Benjy/Dorcas, Marlene/Gideon, it's complicated ok. T-rated, first war, angst, one-shot)
James had probably had better first weeks at Hogwarts. (Better Ways - Jily, G-rated, pre-relationship, tiniest hint at soulmate magic, one-shot)
Tagging @siriusly-sapphic @jennandblitz @nymphadoratonqs @siriuslychessi @chierafied @midnightelite @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world and anyone else who wants to play!
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