#I hear Daft Punk looking at this...
deep-spacediver577 · 1 year
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diamondsheep · 1 year
what's ur favorite one piece arc!!!
Hi Anoooon !! thank you so much for the ask 💖✨
I really can't choose one favorite but here is a list of the arcs that i absolutely LOVE and have a special place in my heart 💖 :
Arlong Park
Water 7 (all the saga)
Thriller Bark
Punk Hazard
and rn i'm starting Wano but i know that is is going to be one of my faves <3 bc that arc is literally what made me watch OP
also i have the suspicion that i'm going to absolutely love the Egghead arc because my weak point is everything that has retro vibes / technologic vibes and from the color spreads and trailers i can see that Egghead is going to / has those vibes and there are 3 new characters from that arc that everytime that i see them they drive me insane !!!
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
(My) Nuisance
Hobie brown x reader
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word count: 964
find the rest of the mini series here
synopsis: You thought you hated Hobie, but for some reason you’re starting to like him just as much as you like Spiderman.
a/n: (maybe too much) british slang used
You hate your next door neighbor. No, no you loathe your next door neighbor. You think he is the worst person to possibly exist. His stupid flat decorations, his loud punk-rock music blasting at unruly hours, the way he would come back to his flat at 4 am stomping his boots yelling with his friends about their latest anarchist protest. But you hate nothing more than the way he looks at you.
Everytime you try yelling at him he opens his door with the cheekiest grin on his face. While you’re standing there fuming he’s leaning against the door panel looking you up and down. The worst part is how much he tries to smooth talk you.
“I already told you how annoying your music is, no one wants to hear that at 3 am alright? Some of us have work in the morning,” you complain, smoke practically coming out of your ears.
“Oh c’mon love it’s not that bad. Don’t have to be such a tosser ‘bout it. It messes up that pretty face of yours,” he says.
“Are you daft? You’re the one keeping everyone up at night with your dumb guitar,” you roll your eyes.
“It’s not that big a deal sweetheart. Y’know i'm starting to think you’re making up rubbish just so you can talk to me more. I’ll admit it’s pretty cute but you could just ask me out,” he leans closer to your flushed face.
“I don’t fancy you if that’s what you mean,” you scoff.
“Not saying that. I’m saying if you wanna snog me so bad you could just say so,” he shrugs.
You could burst out laughing. Kiss him? That’s fucking hilarious.
“You’re joking right? i’d rather die.”
“I don’t believe in comedy, love,” he says.
“Of course you don’t,” you mumble as you storm off back to your door.
You’ve decided he is the worst person ever. He doesn’t deserve your efforts and time.
You set your keys down and fall into bed as you hear amp feedback and the sounds of Hobie strumming his guitar. You can’t help but roll your eyes. How could someone be so incompetent?
You reach your hand over to where the bed and the wall meet to grab your Spiderman plush. You hate to admit it because it’s kind of dumb but you’ve always loved spiderman. Ever since you were a little kid you collected posters, figures, pins, and merchandise having to do with the superhero. Even now, your walls are decorated in spiderman posters, you own spiderman clothing, and even printed your keys to have a blue and red spider web on them.
There was something so nostalgic to the vigilante and his style that you had to adorn your room with touches of blue and red. You thought spiderman was the embodiment of “cool.” From his suit to the way he acted around criminals to the electric guitar on his back. Sure, a guitar was the main thing you hated about Hobie but Spiderman did it better. He made it work in the way Hobie dreams of.
You wake up to the loudest knock on your front door you’ve ever heard. You immediately know it’s him. You try to ignore the blaring pounding coming from your door but it keeps going. You force yourself to get up and answer the door. You hope you can open it, yell at him, then go back to bed.
To your dismay the second you open the door Hobie places his hand on the top of the wood, stopping you from moving it anywhere else.
“What do you want this early?” you groan.
“It’s like 9 am, love. But anyway-” He cuts himself off before finishing his sentence. You’re too groggy to notice that he’s staring inside of your flat. His eyes search the walls and decor in front of him.
“So, I take it you like Spiderman?” He laughs.
“That’s none of your business,” you sigh, crossing your arms.
He pushes his way inside of your flat, moving around like he’s looking for buried treasure. He picks up memorabilia and smiles at them. He holds up a Spider-Punk figurine and turns towards you.
“Spider-Punk huh?”
“Don’t touch my stuff! You know this is technically breaking and entering,” you scold him, taking the figure out of his hand.
He puts his hands in his pockets and just smirks at you. That stupid smirk, displaying half of his teeth and perfectly showing his lip ring.
“What do you want from me, Hobie?” you question after placing the figure back on its stand.
“Jus- Just wanted to apologize for last night,” he starts.
“You mean this morning? We talked at 1 am, remember?” You say, passive aggressively.
“Right, whatever. You’re… You’re right,” he exhaled, “I shouldn’t be blasting my music that early. It’s inconsiderate and rude to the people in my vicinity,” he breathes.
In the time you’ve known him you don’t think you’ve ever heard him say sorry. You’re taken aback, did he really apologize? And did he sound genuinely sorry?
“Oh, oh uhm thanks,” you sat, still skeptical a camera crew would come out laughing saying this whole thing was a prank.
“I wanted to see if you maybe wanted to come to my show tonight? We could get dinner after or whatever you want,” He scratches the back of his neck, he’s nervous.
“I’d like that, I guess,” you reluctantly say.
“Wicked. Uhm, i’ll be leaving then. Sorry again,” he says. Shooting finger guns at you and making his way out the door.
You smile, maybe, just maybe, Hobies getting to you. As he’s leaving you could swear you see some blue and red material with spikes on it slipping out of his pocket.
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ladykailitha · 4 months
Icarus Part 11
Again, I am working on Paper Hearts and Sweet Home Indiana until they are complete and Paper Hearts just snuck in another chapter so that was fun.
In this we have Corroded Coffin trying to change the culture of metal and the band meets Bob Newby.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Celeste Baptiste was a miracle worker in her field and everyone knew it. Producers and recording studios were chomping at the bit to work with The Fallen the second she put out feelers that their current producer and studio just weren’t meeting the band’s needs.
They decided to go with Starcourt Recording studio as it was closer to home for a lot of the members. Which of course pleased Spence to no end, as it meant that he got to spend more time with Nadia.
They were currently interviewing for producers and had yet to find on that worked for them.
Enter Bob Newby.
Bob wasn’t used to working with bands that had alter egos. He heard of them of course. Slipknot, Daft Punk, and others. But he wasn’t a fan of secrecy for the most part and beyond the basic NDAs of contracts, he wasn’t a fan of those really, either.
But there was something about these four men that pulled him in. Especially when he learned that their previous producer had been trying to do with them. It was like he hadn’t listened to them at all and was trying to force them into what he thought metal meant.
So he thought he’d at least speak with them. If they didn’t like him or he didn’t like them, he’d walk away, no skin off his nose.
They walked in all wearing more casual versions of their onstage personas. They wore hoodies and masks of their colors to hind their face and hair, but the rest was all very down to earth. Bob supposed it made sense, after all, they couldn’t record in their tight leather outfits.
He was surprised to see that the drummer’s mask’s eyes were covered unlike the rest of the band and he couldn’t help but wonder if his eyes would give him away, like having some kind of heterochromia or something like that.
“Hey, I’m Bob Newby,” he greeted. “Everyone take a seat. Thanks for coming to meet me at my house studio, I’m two days away from a deadline and am really crunching it.”
“Of course,” the one in white said. He was the only one’s whose mask didn’t completely cover his face. “I would apologize for the subterfuge but it’s kind of our shtick.”
Bob smiled. “So I’ve been told. Tell me a little bit about yourselves.”
The one in white smiled. “I’m Abbadon, I’m the lead singer. I can play guitar, piano, and violin, but we don’t usually incorporate that stuff into our music.”
“Is there a reason why not?” he asked, clasping his hands together and leaning forward on his knees.
The band members looked at each other in shock.
“The label wanted us to stick to metal,” the one in blue said, “They were okay with Abbadon on rhythm guitar to help fill out the sound, but they didn’t want any of that other ‘stuff’.” He put air quotes around stuff.
“They do realize that metal and heavy rock have been using piano for as long as the genre has been a thing, right?” he asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Again the band looked shocked.
Bob sighed. He held up his hands. “Wait, wait... we’ll get into all that once all the introductions have been made.”
The one in red and the one in white shared what he assumed was a concerned glance.
“You weren’t told about us?” the one in red asked.
“Oh, no, I was,” Bob replied with a grin. “But I want to hear it from you.”
So they went around and introduced themselves and he was starting form a picture about the band’s dynamic.
“Right,” he said, “I’ve listened to your other albums, seen recordings of your live shows, and even watched interviews and this is my takeaway on your sound. Your last producer was trying to force you into harmonies and melodies of early thrash metal of the 1980s, which isn’t your style at all.”
Astraeus, the one in midnight blue, spoke from his place on the floor, “That’s what we kept trying to tell him. He said that the sound was coming back and if we wanted to compete with the likes of Metallica and Corroded Coffin then that’s direction we needed to be heading as a band.”
Bob let out a long exasperated sigh. “But you can’t compete with them.” He held up his hands when Azrael, the one in black, and Asmodeus, the one in red, bristled. “I’m not saying you’re not as good as they are. Absolutely not. But you’re not in the same genre of metal that they are. It would be like comparing the Rolling Stones and Beatles because they were both British rock bands.”
Astraeus and Azrael shared a glance, one Bob couldn’t interpret with their masks on.
Azrael rolled his eyes. “We’re what our detractors love to call nu metal as if music can’t have more than one sound.”
Bob nodded. “Yeah, that sounds about right. You’re vocals tend toward the melodic over the screaming or more guttural sounds of thrash metal. So I would focus on that. The label sent me over the demo and you’ve got a lot of great stuff here. Stuff the other guy didn’t want to touch. Some of the more...” he cocked his head back and forth, “blatantly queer? LGBTQ+? Gay stuff?”
“Queer works,” Abbadon said with a wry note to his voice.
Bob nodded again. “Who is the writer/writers?”
Astraeus and Azrael raised their hands.
“With a little lyrical help from Abbadon,” Asmodeus said darkly.
Abbadon rubbed his back to calm the other man as he bristled at his other bandmates.
“So how does your writing process work?” Bob said ducking his head to his smile.
Astraeus explained how Abbadon would write down his thoughts and feelings and that he would turn them into lyrics for Azrael to turn into songs.
“So I’m guessing that at least either Abbadon or Astraeus is some variation of the rainbow spectrum?” he pressed the band.
The two men in question shared a glance, Astraeus nodded.
“I’m bi and Astraeus is gay,” Abbadon confirmed. “Is that going to be a problem?”
Bob threw laughed. “No not at all. In fact just the opposite. I want you two to come out.”
He couldn’t see their faces but he could feel the blank stares as their eyes bore into him.
“I understand that is a daunting feeling,” he murmured kindly. “But I think it would really boost your image, allow you to be more open with your songs, especially with Starlight Eyes, and it would make more metal artists be more comfortable with an LGBTQ+ label. Because right not a lot of metal stars are out and all of them have come out while being so massively famous that they could ‘take the risk’.”
Asmodeus and Azrael shared a look.
“The two of us are straight though...” Asmodeus said, “I’m literally famous for women throwing themselves at me, is them being out going to hurt either us or them?”
Bob tilted his head to the side. That was a fair question and one that should be considered. But he shook his head. “It shouldn’t. No one is going to expect the whole band to be queer. Take Corroded Coffin for example. Other than their bassist, Brian Martin being ace, he is still attracted to women romantically,” he held up his hands in defense when it seemed that a couple of the band were about to interject, “and I’m not saying he doesn’t count as queer, because I’m not. But the only one with what the average person would consider queer is their frontman, Eddie Munson. He is an out gay man, but even he didn’t come out until they were selling out arenas.”
The other members started teasing their lead singer, ribbing him and making low probably ribald comments.
Bob raised his eyebrows and cleared his throat.
Azrael turned him and Bob could feel the absolute glee radiating off the man. “Abbadon here, has a crush on Eddie.”
His face split into a large grin. “Aren’t you scheduled to tour with them next year?”
Abbadon coughed and cleared his throat. “Yeah, we’re working on that.”
Their manager who had been waiting in the corner on her phone for the meeting to conclude turned to the band. “What do you think, boys? Is Bob our man for the job?”
He looked up at her and then back to the band. “So what do you say? You ready to rock the metal world?”
Abbadon spoke for all of them when he said, “Yeah. Yeah we are.”
In the end it didn’t matter what Steve and his band wanted for the tour dates because Gareth’s little stunt landed him in rehab. And Corroded Coffin’s label refused to tour without him.
Which had pissed Eddie off. They had made a deal with Gareth and he had broken the deal first. And as shit as it was, getting a touring drummer was easier than replacing anyone else in the band.
Eddie and his band were doing an interview about Gareth’s sudden stint in rehab, talking about the future of the band.
Only they weren’t dressed like they normally were. They were still in jeans and t-shirts. But their jeans were in various shades of blue and Brian wore a plain white tee, Jeff wore a Taylor Swift Eras band shirt, and Eddie wore pale pink tee with David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust on it.
In short they did not look like a metal band. They looked like three guys, just shooting shit.
It had been a slow change over the summer. Every time the band went for an interview that wasn’t at an event one of them would dress slightly different. Then two or three of them would wear something a little less ‘metal’, until they were all dressed like they were.
The interviewer, Jenna Peterson looked as uncomfortable to be interviewing them as they looked to be interviewed.
“So let’s start with something softer,” she said, crossing her legs and simpering, “so why don’t we first first talk about your shift in style.”
Jeff threw back his head and laughed. “Good god! We don’t wear the ‘uniform’ for a couple of interviews and we get the clothes question.”
Brian shook his head.
“You think all those leather and chains and shit is comfortable?” Eddie asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Maybe, maybe not. But it sure is hot as hell,” she said cocking her head.
Jeff snorted and ran his tongue over his lips. “We were getting tired of the hate metal stars get for wearing anything but leather and black denim. Do you know how fucking hot that shit gets?”
“Like there was a bassist from a huge metal band,” Eddie said, agreeing, “that was papped wearing a graphic tee and cargo shorts standing outside of a shop where his wife was shopping and suddenly everyone was talking about how he sold out and that he was disrespecting the genre. Dude was sixty or some shit. If he can’t wear what makes him comfortable without being told he’s selling out, than what hope is there for up and coming bands from being shunned because they ‘don’t conform’ to the aesthetic of being in a metal band.”
Jenna smirked and tilted her head. “Is this about The Fallen and their assertion that they wouldn’t have been welcomed if they had been themselves.”
Jeff and Eddie shared a glance.
“I won’t lie,” Jeff said, “and say that wasn’t a part of it. But it was also because one of my good friends from high school was a huge metal fan. Loved all the greats. Metallica, Iron Maiden, Dio, Black Sabbath...like was the biggest fan of all of them. Had all their albums on vinyl, posters on her wall, but other than the odd band t-shirt she sure as hell didn’t dress like a metalhead.”
Jenna leaned forward and rested her chin on her hand, elbow propped up on her knee. “So what did she dress like?”
Eddie snorted, rolling his eyes. “She was a cheerleader with a fondness for pink and frilly. She loved floral prints and cardigans for fuck’s sake.”
Jenna sat back in shock. “Wait, really?”
Brian nodded, scratching his cheek thoughtfully. “Yeah. She’s our manager now. But the push back she would get for not dressing like a metalhead and just being a girl was repulsive.”
“We apologized to her about not trying to change the culture around what a metalhead should look like,” Jeff said, “and she waved us off. Said that if it had bothered her she would have said something herself. But she was the one that helped carefully curate what we wore so that it went smoother.”
“We’ve been talking to other bands, too,” Brian said. “Getting them to help. We are supposed to the genre about non-conformity but here we are pushing a conformity on people in the same story, different font.”
Jenna returned to her simpering, she batted her eyelashes at Jeff. “Is The Fallen among those you’ve asked to help?”
“No,” came Eddie’s blunt answer.
She reared her head back in shock and blinked at him for a moment. “Why not? It seems to me that of all the bands to need to dial it back, The Fallen would be at the top of that list.”
Brian snapped his fingers. “And that would be why. They don’t need to dial it back. Maybe they would be as famous as they are without the masks and shit, but now it’s integral to who they are as a band. And we aren’t going to make them change to make other people more comfortable.”
Jenna uncrossed and crossed her legs. “Well, good luck. So you just finished your ninth album, tell me about that process.”
They talked about the album and Gareth’s battle with substance abuse.
The interview never got less awkward, but Corroded Coffin handled it with such grace that a lot of people were calling Jenna out on social media for being the absolute worst choice for that interview.
Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
Tag List:
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
@spectrum-spectre @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson
@messrs-weasley @danili666 @chaoticlovingdreamer @val-from-lawrence @goodolefashionedloverboi
@i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @vecnuthy @irregular-child
@yikes-a-bee @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten
@genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @y4r3luv @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet
@ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart
@dawners @thespaceantwhowrites @tinyplanet95 @iamthehybrid @croatoan-like-its-hot
@papergrenade @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars @ravenfrog @w1ll0wtr33
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whoareyoueventhough · 2 months
at any given time I am actually thinking about robots. Sorry. But wires? physically being able to control emotions and memories? Have you considered how this could affect the "humanity" journey? A lot of robot stories are very connected to the feeling of humanity or lack thereof. Data Star Trek longs to be human, but he often reminds people he is not, as if hoping to be seen as human is too much to ask for.. you know what I'm saying? And Jimmy Aquabats feels as though his friends won't love him if he isn't human enough, which is paralleled by the fact that his friends LITERALLY CALL HIM "ROBOT." Hatsune Miku is an instrument for thousands of humans, but does not actually create anything herself. The MST3K gang. Daft punk. Plex yo gabba gabba. I'm losing my mind. The implications,,. Trusting someone to do repairs on you, wondering what various things feel like (sleep, swimming, etc), wishing you could get sick or cry or throw up even the awful parts because you have nothing you can do to work through the misery, but you can't be miserable, because you can't feel feelings, so you let your face look the same as it always does and no one knows and you hook up a usb to your mind and you take away the pain and throw it in a drawer and pretend that that did ANYTHING-
The themes... the reminders... you do something that only a robot could do, and everyone acts like you are a higher form than humans, but this treatment is a reminder to you that you are a lower form... does anyone hear me. Please
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doberbutts · 1 year
Hello friends I am looking for specifically black music recs of folks that use a lot of EDM. I am a big fan of ZEDD, Gorillaz, Marshmello, and Daft Punk but I would like specifically *black* creators not white creators who sometimes collaborate with black people.
Additionally any black folk music singers I also would like to hear.
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supalonely17 · 16 days
let’s talk : The year is 2012 the new 52 has begun and grimes has released Genesis. A title which describes the start of something new with lyrics that tell a story of a person experiencing emotions for the first time. A year passes and it is 2013, instant crush by daft punk releases and Tim is still inside of this new world. This electronic noise captures who Tim was back in the era of new 52.
While sounds of indie capture who he is now. Miracles by Alex g narrates Tim’s perspective in the current relationship he has with Bernard. While the place where he inserted the blade talks of Tim’s perspective from his relationship with Stephanie. Older songs like glass onion and suspended in Gafa showcase the music I believe Tim would’ve listened to when he was younger. A bright young kid who understood the complexities of the music. Finally Math rock showcases the essence of Tim. This music is not the favorite genre of Tim Drake but it is the favorite genre of Robin.
music headcanons
- Dissects his albums to their very core, if they’re good enough they get their own cork board.
- Cried when daft punk announced their breakup more than he will ever admit.
- One day a tame impala song came on and he was about to ask Jason “did you know tame impala is just one person”? But knowing Tim would say this Jason finished the sentence for him. Tim felt so deeply and personally attacked he was unsure of how to react so he simply left the room.
- Everytime there is a specific part in a song that he likes he will always learn the main instrument of said part.
- Prefers going to concerts alone so he can immerse himself into the environment more but always offers for others to come. Luckily not many in the family share his taste in music that would want to go with him.
- Organizes his playlists numerically. Meaning none of his playlists have proper names they’re all just numbered and he has to remember which playlist number he wants to listen to.
- Hasn’t listened to math rock around any of the members of the batfamily until one day on a road trip Duke asked to skip a song. Tim who was on aux said sure and a few songs later lied and said his phone was dead so somebody else could take over. With a car full of detectives everybody deduced that he felt self conscious about his taste suddenly and the rest of the ride was filled with silence. Duke and Tim prepared their apology speeches the remainder of the car ride. Both refused to listen to the others words because both believed the other was in the right.
- Has purchased a signed photo of Kate bush.
- Has a full record cleaning kit which he uses with every vinyl use.
- Visits the underground gotham music scene from time to time
- Damian pretends to dislike Tim’s music taste but has secretly added every song Tim has played around him, into his playlist. Everybody has caught on besides Tim.
- Dick always hypes up tims music taste and says that he should be a DJ even though he really shouldn’t.
- Used to go to the beach with Stephanie turn the music up in the car, get on the hood and look up at the scars.
- The members of the batfamily know he’s going through a break up whenever they can hear the album Grace by Jeff Buckley coming from his room.
- Donates to underground artists to fund their career so they don’t stop making great music.
- Believes Kon and him have the same music taste only because Kon will play Tim’s favorite music whenever he’s around just to make Tim happier.
Playlist spotlight!
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fights4users · 5 months
Ok I know the instagram comments is generally the place for the worst of humanity to gather but I was looking at some for general news on Tron 3. One about “begging for daft punk” to return etc
Discovered that
1.) a lot of people have no clue Tron 2 was even a thing. Both fans of the original and daft punk fans
2.) a lot of people who had no clue Tron 3 was going to be a thing then expressing imitate disappointment that it’s going to be Leto
3.) rise in concern and confusion when hearing about the plot
Once again I ask… who the fuck is this for?
Definitely not original fans. Maybe legacy fans because the aesthetic remains but that’s a bit risky with the story line. And once again they’re not advertising at all, so like genuinely I ask…
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
Okay, it may sound weird, but what if the manager is also an artist, like daft punk/Banksy? They are famous but also anonymous, and are just working for the idol/rockstar? They got popular during their time as a manager and they cannot quit because it would be too suspicious and so sudden, like they are waiting for the right moment to quit, hut until then, the are just going to be 'the manager' in public.
@moyazaika tagging you just so you’re informed and can add more on Feroze’s side if you’re free:
Anyways if you manage to be both an artist and manager at the same time, props to you for your god-like time management cause that’s honestly fucken commendable. Like manager-nim you’re actually a god at this point.
I imagined reader to be completely out of the genre FerozEve (are we surprised by who the top is at this point) in order for the double trouble makers not to find out immediately.
I don’t know how wide Feroze’s music tastes are but for Eve he practically listens to every genre. As a teen his favorite were the rockstar and ofc pop. He got into Hip-Hop/Trap through the main rapper from his group, and Kpop has a ton of genres mixed into it including but not limited to EDM, R&B and Punk Rock. Soon enough, he hears of this underground DJ who’s known for not only making fire music but being their own choreographer and VJ. Talk about being blessed by the gods.
You (and his bae Khan ofc) inspired him to create his own music and eventually go solo. He went undercover sometimes to send you tracks. You thought he was just a kid/teen since his early ones were kinda . . . not it, but was impressed by the amount of passion he put into improving.
Years later, your activity died down due to working on Feroze’s career more. Those exclusive interviews and world concert arrangements don’t do themselves yknow!
Eve was saddened by your lack of releases and performances but understood. Besides he had your manager persona in mind to obsess over.
The collab happens and you joined Eve to look over the tracks in the album. From the amount of iced americanos he’d down, you could tell he was super out of it and really needed rest BUT HE WOULDN’T GODDAMN LISTEN TO YOU-
So you decided to help him instead.
You gave minor pointers here and there really. Nothing much in your opinion.
But to Eve he was just in utter shock and awe. How come he didn’t think of that?? The synth really elevated that section of the chorus?? Why were you hiding this genius from him??
You explained that you wanted to be a producer for the company but since it ended up reducing your passion for music so you otped for a managerial position instead.
Eve isn’t even listening at this point. He just has heart eyes. Like he didn’t know he could fall further in love with you. Boy is whipped.
Overall Eve kinda do be dumb and dense so he wouldn’t figure it out. But I’d imagine the revelation to happen sort of like this:
You were helping out Eve with vocal arrangement one day, assisting with adlibs and what not when . . .
“I think it’d be better if you put this here, and double it.”
“Woah that sounds fire.” Eve’s eyes were glued at your focused face. You looked so adorable all focused like that. He was so close to jumping out the recording booth just to give you a big ol smooch.
At his approval you continued, “We could build it up more. I’ll punch you in here and you could do a lower note? Like this.” You played a section of the song, perfectly harmonizing with his voice like it was nothing, before turning to him for approval.
He was silent. Mouth slightly agape.
“. . .”
Holy shit. You’re one of his favorite artists-
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selineram3421 · 1 year
Song Rec: Aerodynamic by Daft Punk
Part 7: Bullets Whizzing By
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Part 6
Vash (Tristamp) X Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ cussing, all caps for screeching dialog, weapons and guns(pew pew),reader has an idea(its not a great one), gullet graze, blood ⚠
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You woke up before the sun rose, going out to buy what you could find that was on your list.
Vash should be at the diner soon, so I have to hurry. You think and rush over to the first shop. Let's hope they sell in bulk.
The suns had risen and when you arrived to the shops they were all closed.
I should have done this yesterday! You scowl and hear guns start firing off.
Now you were running to go on one of the rooftops to try and spot the blonde haired man while he was on the run.
Vash ran along building rooftops and pipes, bullets whizzing by, just barely missing him.
"AAAAH!", he yelped and then shouted as he jumped through a narrow space between buildings, spinning through the air as more people shot at him before landing on a roof.
He rolled and jumped off of it seconds after, making panicked sounds before yelling out again.
"Don't let him get away!", he heard Rosa yell.
Turning around after sprinting down some stairs, he sees someone and jumps over the hand rail as they start shooting. Running through a small hallway made by the buildings, he feels a short moment of peace before skidding to a stop when another person shows up at the end of it.
"Found him!", a man says and starts shooting.
"AAAH!", the humanoid typhoon jumps, dodging the bullets and starts running again.
He runs down an alleyway, jumping when at the ledge and screams when he realizes its pretty high. His foot hits an oil barrel when getting closer to the ground, effectively making him slip and fall back.
As he sits up, more people show to the right and start shooting, not even giving him a second to groan out in pain.
"WHAAHAHA!", he yelps jumping up as the bullets miss him, making his way over to hop off another ledge.
Landing on the space between stairs, he quickly runs down, turning at the corner to continue the descent.
"There he is!", a man says and aims at him.
Vash makes a few more panicked noises when they release another round of bullets just behind him.
At some point he gets enough distance, running on a bridge like structure.
Looking back, he doesn't notice the three figures with guns until facing forward, making him stop in place.
"Uh oh.", he says with a nervous smile, raising his hands up.
"We've got him.", someone says from behind.
"Huh?", he turns his head, seeing three more armed people running up.
He stays in place.
How am I gonna get out of this?
"Heads up!"
Looking over, he sees a rope being tossed at him by the female reporter.
He rushes forward and grabs the rope at the end of the noose. "Oh!"
Before any bullets could hit him the rope yanks him towards a building, making him have to run along the wall of it so he doesn't crash into it. More people shoot at him as he does so.
The rope pulls him up really high.
"AAAAAAHHH!", he screams before feeling himself start to fall.
And then he screams again.
"Ah!", its short, because a second later he lands on the two reporters.
The three let out a collective grunt in pain.
You watched as the town ran wild trying to get Vash from one of the highest rooftops.
Seeing this episode and all its angles was fun, but actually seeing it from the sidelines was a different story.
All that jumping and running has to be difficult.
Then you heard the scream of him being yanked up by the rope and decided to do your part to help.
I can't believe I'm doing this. You grumble a few curses as you go down some stairs, taking off your coat. Rem better show up after all of this shit 'cuz I'm gonna need her to explain all of her cryptic ass shit!
The heat comes back to bother you for a moment.
As you make it to the last step, you flip your coat inside out, the red lining from the inside now vissible.
Putting it back on and fixing it, you think over your life choices.
"I'm gonna get shot.", you say in a whine and put the hood over your head.
Then you start running down the alley way.
"Hey! I think I saw him!", someone yells.
Its only been a fucking second! You cry internally and keep running. Let's hope that Tomas is out now!
Turning down a corner, you see a small group of armed people, and one of them spots you.
Oh shit.
"There!", they yell and start shooting.
"Ah!", you yelp and jump out of their lone of fire, running the opposite way.
Bad idea bad idea bad idea bad idea bad idea-!
You let out another scream when a bullet whizzes by your head.
Going into an alley way, you run between the buildings.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck!
As you run out of the alley, a bullet grazes your arm.
You wince but keep running.
After a while you stop, gasping for breath while hiding in the shadows. Taking off the coat, you check your wounded arm and hiss. Blood going down your arm, some of it staining the white side of your coat.
"Never again.", you sigh and get up, making your way back to the Inn, placing the coat over your shoulder.
"I hope he made it to the entrance."
There's a loud crash coming from somewhere to the right side of town.
You hear a voice coming from a loud speaker.
"He made it.", you sigh, not bothering to turn around, feeling your legs ache from all the running. "I'll sit this one out and come back with my medic pack."
"COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!", the old man says.
"Ugh.", you groan and face palm. "And then the psycho shows up right after!"
Why are there so many crazy people!?
As you made it to the Inn and entered your room, you checked your ammo and picked up your bag. Before stepping out, you heard an explosion.
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Please send over some songs that you think would be great for this fic!
~Seline, the person.
Next: Part 8
@summerdazed @lunar-archangel @+?
ML Vash | ChL Isekai'd
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 3 months
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Still Not Dead
(Kill Somebody Like You Part Two Chapter Thirteen)
🔪Previous Parts Here🔪
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, cursing, past abuse, past SA, family fic, hurt/comfort, mentions of weapons, mentions of murder, past underage sexual acts, past dubious consent, allusions to selling people, angry phone calls, threats, rage, sexism (against omegas), Mod being sweet, Dom attempting comfort, mentions of anal sex, trying to be loving parents, enemies to lovers ❤️‍🔥 Rating: mature
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🩷
The countdown came and went and the family barely paid attention to it. They heard the stranger's phone alert them every time the pompous idiot texted to remind them but all of those were ignored. Dom thought to threaten him back but it was more impactful to make him feel unimportant, and besides they were all busy. The pair spent the rest of their day fucking and when the sun fell they retrieved their baby and tried to sleep. Punk only woke twice that Colson noticed and they both got up with him. Eventually the omega fell back to sleep with an infant on one side of his chest and his mate on the other while Dom cupped his core like he owned it. When the omega awoke for the day he was surprised to see at some point his lover had traded and their little one was resting on his chest. Had he crashed before burping the baby and Dom took over? He enjoyed waking up curled against the other man.
They spent their morning as if it were any other even though the phone started going off more frequently. Eventually they all congregated in the living room with the cell on the coffee table. They didn't call to each other or plan it but Dom and Colson found their way in and after a bit, a nervous Blain joined them, followed by Mod and Tom who seemed closer and happier after the omega's accidental slip of the tongue the day before. The killer knew he needed to talk to his brother to make sure they were okay but he seemed so content he didn't want to bother him yet. They all got comfortable on the sofas as the clock ticked down to the moment Dom had gotten the original call. Before that came he realized something and he felt daft he hadn't thought of it before.
“Blain luv, ya know ‘im yeah? Ya said he's family.” He prompted their son. The boy looked startled that he hadn't even thought of talking about the man but they'd all gotten distracted by more important things.
“Yeah. James Sebastian. First or second cousin I think. Guess you further off.”
“We don't know we're related at all. Me dad could ‘ave jus’ worked for yours or summat.” Dom shrugged. It gave him the absolute ick thinking that his parents would have wanted him to wed his cousin. They might be from a more Northern redneck town but were they really that awful?
Blain narrowed his gaze and laughed, shaking his head. Looking at them he knew he could pass for their genetic son, but if his father figure needed to heal before finding out for sure he could wait. “He's a fucking bellend but he's a rich one. I don't know wha' he can pull.”
Col leaned over and wrapped his arm around their boy. He didn't want him worried or feeling responsible. No one was at fault besides this frat boy fuck and he wouldn't let his son or his mate feel the weight of the world. “Whatever he pulls you have to remember we're fucking better. I mean hell, your dad took out most of their group already. I'm not scared.” He soothed.
Blain nodded, jumping when the phone rang instead of the text alert chiming but they let it ring through the first time. The second time they pressed ignore and sent him to voicemail, but on the third Dom decided to answer and put it on speaker so everyone could hear. “‘Ello Jimmy boy, wha's up?”
The man on the other end paused for a moment, obviously already thrown off and annoyed. “It's James- wait. My name doesn't matter to you! How do you even- Shut up. Are you ready to turn yourself over and give me back my wife?”
Blain glared and crossed his arms as he sat back but he was trying to let his parents deal with the man. He looked to Dom who was obviously already upset. It was visible in his crimson eyes but he kept his voice bored. “Oh was tha' supposed to ‘appen today? I got a bit busy. I don't fink I can fit tha’ in, ya know ‘ow it is. Besides tha’ you ain't getting Blain. He was mine first and I'm keeping ‘im.”
“I knew you were keeping him for yourself. You're a monster, you can't hide that from me. Not after what you've done. Have you already ruined him for me? I don't want a used mate.” Dom couldn't hold back from scrunching his nose at that comment. He wasn't the disgusting one here.
“Only fucks for me are the ones I don't fucking give for this shite. I'm in pristine fucking condition mate, but I ain't yours. Ain't your wife or mate or baby factory. I was trying to give you a little bloody grace since I vaguely remember you was alright as a spoiled brat boy but you've become like all of ‘em ain't yas?”
“Landon? I was never spoiled. If anyone here should be giving grace it's me for you and that sharp tongue of yours. Grandfather would be ashamed. You were raised better than this. You aren't from the trashier side of our family no matter what you try to pass off with that accent. You'll be fixing that before you come home with me.” James huffed. “Dominic you should silence your bitches before speaking to another Alpha.”
Dom's brow rose as Col scoffed and Blain’s jaw fell open. The killer just sat back and gestured to the cell. He had three fired up omegas in the room and he'd rather let them deal with the idiot. Crimson met gold and he realized his lover was just as upset but they didn't want to show it. It gave the man power. Colson tapped the mute button and turned to their son. “You said you knew him as a kid? Is he your age? Cause that changes shit.”
Blain shook his head. “No. He was older like Da, my parents started leaving me wiv him and his nanny after Da left.” He held himself tighter and they both worried. Was he truly in pristine condition as he put it, or had the bastard messed with him?
“Did he… Has he ever…” Colson had to stop and clear his throat. Spring green eyes flashed gold and he looked away, making both his parent's hearts drop. It broke Dom even more because he felt at fault. If he had stayed or remembered he would have rescued him too. They stopped bringing him over long before he ran away but he didn't know why. Maybe they had already broken their agreement because they thought he was a broken Alpha. They didn't seem to think James was though and he wasn't sure he wanted to know how that was proven.
“Not all the way. We messed around. He told me I needed to learn for my future mate. He never… I convinced him I were waiting for a proper mating.” Blain couldn't look at anyone until he heard something snap and his gaze traveled up to see his adoptive father had broken the arm of the couch with his bare handed grip.
The Alpha hated seeing his son feel shame for something that wasn't his choice. They all had those experiences in their pasts and he hated it. He tried to give the boy a comforting smile but he was sure it fell flat. It healed something inside him to hear the kid's nickname for him from when they were young but he felt shattered all the same. He should have saved him too.
Kells could tell his family was getting too upset but they still had to deal with the asshole. He leaned over again and unmuted the guy but he was still ranting misogyny like he never realized what they did. “So Jimbo, it seems you've gotten the wrong impression of what's happening here. Do you even realize what you've stepped in? This isn't some bullshit about your family history and you're not in England anymore. You're in my territory and I'm guessing your kin knows about me?”
“It's James!” The man snapped before taking a deep breath they could hear him exhale. “If you mean your precious little gang of thieves and murderers, yes we know. You have no history. No strength behind your name. You might have had something when you were controlled by Alpha Barker but you? You're just a bitch trying to act tough. It's adorable if you ask me.”
“Fuck you dude, if you tell me to get back in the kitchen I'll skin your ass myself. Shove your right wing bullshit and go back home. You think we're adorable? After my mate wiped out your entire line basically? You're not getting anything you want douchebag. Go home with your tail between your legs before I gut you myself. Believe me, I have a lot of aggression to work out.” Col didn't mean to let his rage show but he couldn't stop it when he knew what this bitch did to his son. Even if he thought they were in a relationship the age gap was fucked. He tried to remind himself James was mentally poisoned growing up but it didn't help. He had too many problems to deal with this one too.
“Dominic, what did I say about this? Why do you let a bitch speak for you? No matter, I told you what would happen. I'll start with taking your life and then I'll take both your bitches as my own. Your first mate is a little older but still in breeding years obviously.”
“Yeah yeah. Like me mate said, go ‘ome Jimmy boy. You ain't getting wha' you want but I'll be ‘appy to send ya ‘ome in pieces.” The Alpha growled before ending the call. He wasn't in the mood for games.
“You can't go after him. Not while we're being watched and he's probably high profile. We still have to be careful.” Kells sighed. He was annoyed too, he wanted to put an end to all of their enemies and get a fresh start but they couldn't risk it yet. They had to let the world go mad around them and pick up whatever pieces they could. He wouldn't let his family risk jail time, not with the public and the cops watching their every move. No matter how badly he craved their blood. Perhaps Dom wasn't the only murder happy one of them.
“Fine. We can call it self defense when he gets stupid but I ain't risking none of yas. We gotta be careful.” Dom agreed though he hated it too. He wanted to see his hands drenched in the bastard’s cold blood. “You alright?” He asked his son gently and the boy nodded but they could feel he was stressed. He wasn't sure if the distressed omega scent was because of the risk to them all or from memories of what he did.
“Yeah jus' pissed. He weren't tha’ bad when we was kids. He were charming even. Sweet at times. Yeah he was a spoiled brat Alpha but… He made me feel… Sorry. You don't wanna ‘ear tha’.” Blain sniffled.
Dom got up and walked around to sit next to his son and he pulled him against his chest. He hugged the kid to him and rubbed his back, burying his nose in his honey blonde hair. “I'll ‘ear wha’ever you wanna tell me luv. You safe ‘ere. We love you and you can tell us anyfing. Always.” The Alpha vowed.
A soft cry escaped him and he pressed his face against Dom's chest. He hadn't truly cried since before the day he was rescued but after learning about everything he had in the last few days he felt overwhelmed and completely safe to express himself. “Did he lie? Was he lying? I felt special but I ain't! He's jus’ as bad as our fathers was. I let him touch me and we talked about a family someday and- and- he lied. He lied jus’ like all of ‘em! I only ever loved two people and you left me! You left! And he's- he- wha's wrong wiv me?”
The Alpha's lost gaze met his mate's and Colson shrugged. He wasn't sure how to help even though he had a lot more experience than his fiancé. He hadn't been in love before Dom though and he was scared that's what was happening here. Not only had their boy at some point loved Dom in a way that's thankfully changed since, he had his heart broken by two people. Obviously the killer couldn't help it, he was young too and didn't understand. But this bitch? He wanted to serve Jim’s heart to the kid on a silver platter.
“Your dad didn't mean to leave you, and you have each other again. He never meant to hurt you. Maybe James was different when he was younger. Maybe he was a good guy and he just got fucked up over the years. Maybe he meant everything he said to you.” Kells tried to help.
They were all surprised when Mod spoke up but the beta had his heart broken a few times over the years. He gave it too freely in his youth and then held it too tight until he met his omega. Colson was happy they had each other now. “From what I understand about Alphas, especially ones from families like that… they get taught from a young age they're all that matters. Even if he meant every word it doesn't really matter does it? He's not that same person. He fucked you over and you deserve better than that. You're a fucking prince kiddo, you're part of the best family around. He can't fuck with you. No one can break your heart again without pissing off an entire mob. Literally. You deserve the moon and stars and you'll find it, just like Cols did. Just like I did. It takes a little time to find the right one but you're surrounded by love while you wait. And revenge. Say the word and I drain this fucker's bank accounts.”
The room laughed at the man's threat and Blain gave him a happy trembling smile. His cheeks were still wet and his eyes still spilling but he was feeling better. His body was just getting out every ounce of stress he'd felt for months. Years even. He was finally safe and home. “A bloody poet you is.”
“Well nice.” Dom sighed and gave his new brother a thankful look.
“Nah, he thinks you're my moon and stars. Don't know shit.” Colson teased. “You understand we're never leaving you again right kiddo? You're safe with us. You're ours.”
The young omega looked up at the man he called his mum and he bit his lip. It was terrifying to accept something like that because he'd never truly felt safe since he was a boy being cared for by Dom but… he tried to take it in. It just might take time to accept completely. “I know. I'm sorry.”
“Nuffin to apologize for little one.” The killer soothed. He didn't always feel like he was good at comforting but he loved his family and he'd try to be a teddy bear for them. But only for them.
“Can we watch a movie and stop this shite? Or lunch time?” The kid asked, wiping his face clean of tears.
They all agreed though Dom worried they were just restarting the events from the day before. His ass still hurt enough he wasn't sure he could handle another round but he'd also understand if his mate needed to work some frustration out. He was angry with the posh bastard too. He knew eventually they'd have to deal with James in one way or the other. He even expected attempts on his life because that's what the fucker promised. He would just have to fight him off until he could see him dead. He would do anything for his family and that included letting himself be target practice. He'd do anything to make sure they felt loved, safe, and home.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 💛
Have a little more plot. There might be more coming but I like learning about their lives and seeing them bonding as a family. They deserve all the love and happiness. I don't know what will happen with James but it might get a little crazy considering all they're going through already. I'm sure they can make it though and I'm sure it won't be long before they need each other again 🤭 Hope you're enjoying it still 🖤❤️‍🔥
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lgbtiba · 10 months
I put this on another post's notes but I think this is too much of a banger to keep hidden
i HIGHLY doubt any of the residents have anyone searching for them, with only a few exceptions. My reasons's being:
-The Brazilians' and the Frenchs' boat/plane are probably completely untrackable and none of them have actually communicated with the outside world since they went missing. Even if the French Daft Punk were heading to a concert, the logical conclusion people would come to is that they sinked/crashed and died, wich in that case it would be (and it is) impossible to find them. se pá os br já viraram tópico do Você Sabia kjkkkkkk
-We know that q!Wilbur has been on tour this whole time he's been away, wich is way more time than he has spent on the island itself. Anyone who knew he was travelling to a tropical paradise island (for example the other Lovejoy members) probably just thinks everyone else who went in the train with him is just livin their best lives. And Quesadilla sland has some good advertisement videos (thanks Pol) there's no way they're suspecting he just went to Kidnapping Island
-Besides, as unorganized as we have learned the Federation is, there's no way they would make the blunder of snatching people who HAVE/HAD anyone close like who would go out of their way to look for them. Like some OPQ type shit, where they specifically took people who don't have close family/significant others.
The only ones who I think possibly could be looked into are Bagi: we know she was a police officer at some point, so at least her coworkers might be worried. Forever: Brunim is still out there and I doubt he'd just accept that Forever just fucking Died in the middle of nowhere with no explanation until he found his dead body. Pretty much anyone on Jail squad tbh, but again I doubt they would have been on that prision if the threat of someone going after them was a possiblity, although we know jack shit about their pasts (besides Mouse being The Actual Devil from Bible) so maybe?? and AyPierre, who we know has had friends outside of the island who we know they were being spied on by the Federation before AyPierre (the other french content creators in that video in hs computer)
I don't know every character's specific lore so please correct me on anything and feel free to add to this pokst, I love having these discussions and hearing other people's persective on Lore we might never get the answers for, so.
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OVERWATCH character playlist please maybe and characters of your choosing😊😊😊 or just artists you’d think they’d listen too
I adore this thank you suspicious anon i would never know:33
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"What would they listen to?"
Characters included ; Lucio, Widowmaker, Mercy, Illari
Warnings ; None!
Side note ; Not much is known about Illari's personality so I will make her how I personally see her (I love her character) (I can't believe there's no yellow text)
Starting with, Lucio
♫ - I fully believe this man, although he's a dj, he'd be into jazz. Late nights at work, to soothe his heart he'd probably play a specific jazz playlist for that night. Expect some Billy Holiday (who doesn't love Billy Holiday) Chet Baker, Julie London type of people, just the classics of course!
♫ - Along with the jazz, he'd definitely incorporate it into some of his songs, like adding a smooth sax undertone, something only a few people can point out. Like an easter egg hunt LOL
♫ - Lucio is known for being a DJ right? But what type of music would he sing in the shower? Laufey. To them, Laufey is a classic as well since, y'know they're in the future and all. It goes along with his niche jazz taste but it's also a bit more vocal. Another artist I think he'd love to sing in the shower would probably be Bad Bunny, now c'mon this guy is literally from South America. How could he NOT know Bad Bunny? His favorite song would probably be one that features Cardi B. It never fails to make him feel like a baddie 💋
♫ - As a DJ, he must know electronix music right. As an electronic music lover myself, y'know I gotta Headcanon some artists for him. He'd love love LOVE Daft Punk, no doubt. Aphex Twin is someone he looks up to in terms of mixing but he likes some of their tracks nonetheless.
♫ - Before her husband died and Moira crushed her soul, I like to believe she was a very guarded woman even before everything. In private though ? She was a romantic.
♫ - In front of her friends and peers, I really like to believe she listened to soft rock. Artists like Pink Floyd, Daryl Hall and the Oats. She always felt the appeal of English music. As for French though? I feel like she'd listen to aupinard, La Femme, etc.
♫ - With her husband, she liked to, no, she felt free with him and she could embrace being in touch with her emotions. This led to weekly dance nights, where in the silence of the moon, they just held each other close, swaying side to side. In the background, older french songs would play faintly. Such as, "La Femme," By Fred de Fred and Marion Benoist.
♫ - After Moira captured her and molded her into a monster? You wouldn't catch her reaching for headphones, the night her husband died she threw away the countless vinyls they collected together, she threw away the record player, her phone, everything.
♫ - She vowed never to listen to that song again. But.. as time passed and slowly, slowly she began to feel. A spark of something heavy in her chest, it was benign to her. She kept it secret but the hate in her chest, the love she forgot to grieve was adamant in making itself known. Widow hated it, hated it so much she demanded Moira to study her again. Which led to her spirit dying again. But a fragment remained, a stubborn piece of memory that wouldn't dislodge itself. Moira took note but she didn't care much for it, figuring it would be something unimportant.
♫ - Widow remembered her husband's voice, calmly singing to her while she had her head buried on his shoulder. They were dancing, it was dark and just barely.. she could hear the faint scratch of the record and the notes it played.
♫ - We all know Angela is a very happy person, or that's what it seems. In her playlist, a lot of pop songs would be displayed. Like Katy Perry, Carly Rae Jepson, above all, Megan Trainor. I fully think that Mercy would love Megan Trainor!! Her favorite song would be "Dear Future Husband," (WINKS AT GENJI)
♫ - On the down low though... I think she'd listen to Nicki Minaj. Deadass, she'd listen to her, try and rap the lyrics then stumble all over it. Her favorite Alter Ego would probably be Roman Zovanski. She just thinks she's really funny.
♫ - In terms of German music, she'd definitely be singing loud and proud with Reinhardt.
♫ - As a teen, she would ONLY listen to Tokio Hotel. Sorry not sorry.
♫ - Junge by Haller. That's it, that's the music she'd listen to.
♫ - From being influenced by Genji, Angela would definitely start to get into city pop, artists like No Buses, Miharu Koshi and Meaningful Stone.
Last but not least, Illari
♫ - Ok. Do NOT even try me on this. She's a total Kali Uchis fan. IDC. Don't even try to argue with me. Her favorite song would definitely be Hasta Cuando
♫ - I feel like she wouldn't really like Bad Bunny because of how vulgar he is, (She's biased towards women) But would be ok with female artists being vulgar because they're "taking back the power" (she's a #girlkisser)
♫ - I think she prides herself in having an expansive music taste, meaning she'd listen to old metal, then Lamp (Japanese indie band) then Kali Uchis. In terms of Metal, I think she'd like Metallica the most. That or Guns n Roses.
♫ - I don't know if this is canon but in my heart, Kiri and her are literally best friends. With that being said, they exchange songs daily. Oftentimes, Illari is only sharing Kali Uchis songs and Kiri is like
"Bro, is Kali uchis the only thing you listen to??"
"No. I listen to metal, city pop, rap, rnb, jazz.." The list goes on for like 5 pages.
Kiri doesn't ask her again.
♫ - Illari is the type of person to have a 100 hour long playlist. That's all. Every playlist of hers is a MINIMUM of 100 hours.
That took longer then I thought, anyways, thanks for reading and anon thanks for asking :3 Reqs are still open! Taglist still open!
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patchcandraw · 4 months
My Silver Lining
i wrote a play as part of a workshop festival, and you can read it!
it's sort of an unauthorized au-sequel-thing to Daft Punk's Electroma, but you don't have to have seen that to read this.
wordcount: 894
content warnings:
suicidal themes
gun violence
My Silver Lining
By e065
Robot (The Robot’s dialogue contains most, but not all, stage directions.)
Driver (The Driver’s lines can also be read as gibberish with the same emotional tone.)
Cashier (no lines)
Noise Complaint (no lines)
I Want to Be Alone (Dialogue) - Jackson C. Frank
No Surprises - Radiohead
My Silver Lining - First Aid Kit
Alone - Heart
ROBOT: I can see nothing ahead, behind, or around me but road, sky, and soybeans. As my battery fails, I fall to my knees. I rest my head on the gravel by the side of the road.  I do not feel the sun on my skin, only the heat inside me from my components straining. It is a relief to stop. Before my sensors give out completely, I hear the sound of a distant motor and see dust rising on the horizon.
ROBOT: I reactivate in a car being driven by a human. Something pulls at the back of my neck. I reach back and find a wire, tethering me to the center console. The driver notices I’m awake and smiles at me. 
DRIVER: Hi there. How are you feeling? / You are safe. What is your status?
ROBOT: I undo my seatbelt and try to jump out of the car. The tires scream against the road as the driver slams the brakes and pulls over. She grabs my shoulder.
DRIVER: What the hell? / I didn’t expect that and it scared me. 
ROBOT: I look back at her. I start to move. She stops me. My gaze falls on the radio. I reach for the dial, scrolling through stations until a song touches me deeply. I sit back and fasten my seatbelt.
Robot sings along to No Surprises as the driver pulls back onto the road. 
ROBOT: We arrive at a gas station with an attached convenience store. The driver gets out and stretches. I follow her into the convenience store. The cashier pulls a gun on me.
DRIVER: Wait, wait, it’s okay. Don’t shoot. / He’s not a threat.
ROBOT: The driver holds an arm in front of me. I step outside. Two small brown birds are hunting for food in the grass. I watch them. The driver comes back out and puts her hand on my shoulder. I stand up and follow her back into the convenience store. The cashier does not pull a gun on me this time. I follow the driver to the bathrooms. She enters one. I enter the other. I see my reflection in the mirror. 
An extended pause. Robot’s narration becomes rapid and frantic.
I leave the bathroom. The cashier looks alarmed. I could walk towards them, not slowing down. They would pull out the gun. If I kept moving, they would shoot. The sound of the shot would scare the birds, and the driver… 
(narration slows.)
I don’t walk towards the cashier. I lean on the wall. The driver leaves the bathroom. She puts her hand on my arm. 
DRIVER: You okay? / What is your status?
ROBOT: I put my hand over hers. I decide to live. There is a sheet face mask hanging on one of the shelves. The driver follows my gaze and takes it from the shelf. The driver selects food and looks at me apologetically, knowing I can’t eat. She pays and hands me the mask to apply to my face. We leave.
ROBOT: We arrive at a hotel. The human puts her bags down by the bed and enters the bathroom. I sit on the bed and browse through television channels. I find the music videos. My mask begins to slip off my faceplate. I hold it in place. The human comes out of the bathroom and sits next to me. She places her hand on my arm. 
DRIVER sings along to ‘Alone’ by Heart. Robot joins her. They sing together, getting into it until someone bangs on the door and shouts. They stop singing.
ROBOT: The human turns the volume of the television down and smiles at me. She sits on the bed, pulling me by the arm to sit with her. She kisses my face. She seems to want to have sex with me. I am unable to explain that I am not fertile. She touches my neck. I touch her chest.
Lights down.
ROBOT: The human lays down, relaxed. I hold one of the pillows against her face until she suffocates to death. After she is dead, I carry her into the bathroom, place her in the bathtub, and remove her skin. I begin at the top of her skull. It unzips down the back, where her hair and clothing will hide it the seam. I’ve never skinned someone before. I thought it would be harder. It’s like her skin wants to leave. Mine feels the same way. I take my skin off. I weep. I put her skin on. Her cheeks hide the tear stains on mine. I take her things and drive the rest of the way. Her friends– my friends– welcome me with open arms.
Lights down. Lights up.
ROBOT: I reactivate in bed next to her. She looks at me as though we had the same dream.
End of Play
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voskhozhdeniye · 8 months
@knightofleo there are certain songs I vividly remembering hearing for the first time.
I remember hearing …Baby One More Time. I was in the local Wal-Mart. Someone in the automotive section had turned a radio and speaker set on and was listening to the radio. That bridge is still one of my favorite things ever. That was '99, so I was 10.
I do not remember my first time hearing One More Time, but I remember being obsessed with it and unable to find the artist.
That summer, I was watching The X Games, and they played it while Bob Burnquist was doing a run. I was like, THAT'S THAT SONG!
Bless Selema Masekela, he starts talking about how magical Bob's run is with Daft Punk's One More Time playing in the background. I RUN to get a pen and paper to write the name down.
2007, a heavily edited version of GY!BE's East Hastings appears early in 28 Days Later. Every time it was on TV I'd always miss the beginning of the film. The second time I caught the middle and end of the film I found the music to be super intense. I looked it up on iTunes and, and the song that caught my attention was John Murphy's In The House - In A Heartbeat.
Everyone in the review section was asking where is the song that plays when Jim is running through the streets. Someone answered what it was, so I looked it up. This is back before iTunes had the drop down search, so I had to completely type out GY!BE.
This is also back when it was only 30 second previews. So I listen to the 30 seconds of the 17 minute East Hastings, and I'm like okay, the fuck is that? Then I listen to the 30 second preview of Providence, an almost half an hour long song, and I'm like okay....
Then for completion sake, I listen to the preview of The Dead Flag Blues. The preview is the very beginning of the voice over.
I needed to hear the entire thing!
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just-a-drawing-bean · 2 years
Bean i need to know if you know if there is a longer version of that exact wopper audio
Pls i have been looking everywhere and there is only the "harder better faster wopper" daft punk remix which is also a masterpiece but i need to listen to the exact audio or my brain wont stop holding me hostage
Ok so after some searching, the original remix of the song I used isn't much longer but this is the longest I found.
But! the tune is from the dancing walking rearranging furniture meme, and THAT is a remix of a song called Virtual Insanity. So be like me and listen to Virtual Insanity to quell the brainworms. I believe they just took the backing instrumentals of this song and just vocoded the burger king ad to it lmao.
The cyberpunk remix of this song by Melodicka Bros also slaps but in closeness and if you want the same instruments and funky beat the og virtual insanity is the closest you can get to a complete song. but, if the lyrics aren't cutting it there is an instrumental version too! which I'm listening to rn for the first time and all I can hear is whopper lmao. Anyway, enjoy!
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