#I hope I drew thinner okay
sunny1927 · 9 months
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I kind of wondered what if they met each other? Well this is kind of a good sum up.
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fandomrose · 9 months
Furina post 4.2 reverse comfort.
Hi again. A Furina post 4.2 reverse comfort. I've been working on this for a depressingly long time.
There is implied spoilers but not many. This is also friends to probably, eventually lovers. Starting with the friends in this fic.
This is alot more angsty than the Neuvillette one. It does have descriptions of injury and disassociation. I drew on my own experiences with my own disassociation and helping others through theirs.
I really wanted to do one for Furina because I wish to hug the poor woman. She's been through too much.
I hope you enjoy 💙
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You clutched bags filled with cooking ingredients. Ever since learning that your 'former' Lady Furina was living off of macaroni from a certain blonde haired traveller and 'talkative' flying pixie. You decided to pay her a visit, said flying pixie freely telling you where she lived.
Nerves coursed through you. It had been a few weeks since you had seen Furina. Since the prophecy had 'not' come to fruition your services as a private investigator for 'solutions for the prophecy' was no longer needed. And when Furina stepped down from her position as Hydro Archon you stopped seeing her. 
'Diva archon' is what people called her but you knew her better than that. You can't have claimed to be close but, you had seen glimpses of the hidden care and love she had for the nation she governed. True god or not you saw glimpses of all she sacrificed over your few years working under her. You had grown fond of her and the trail she was put through almost broke your heart. 
You steeled your nerves before knocking on Furinas door at just past midday. There was silence before you heard rustling, the unlocking of the door and it opened giving you the first look at Furina in 3 weeks. 
She had slight bags under her eyes, she looked thinner and her smile was not as bright as it used to be.
"Why hello, it's certainly been a while since I've seen you,-" she started off attempting the same theatrical countenance she had before but it quickly faded. "Why have you come here and how did you find out where I live?" 
The thought of her finding it worrying that you knew where she lived didn't cross your mind. "The travellers companion may have let it slip my lady." 
She sighed, "Please don't call me that any more just 'Furina' is fine." Her voice now sounded tired, a slight rasp of exhaustion present.
"Alright my- Furina... um," there was an awkward air between you two, one that you were determined to dismiss. "I was wondering if you would like to spend the afternoon in familiar company... I brought food if you'd like to have dinner."
Furinas eyes narrowed slightly. "Did Paimon also tell you that I was living off of macaroni."
You had somehow forgotten how sharp Furina was. "Yes.. but, but I didn't just bring food, I thought I'd teach you to make more dishes other than macaroni. Still quick, easy and involving pasta but different. Also baking bread. I thought it would go well with what we are making...." You felt yourself ramble, trying to convince Furina to give you a chance.
She looked like she was fighting with herself for a moment. You hold your breath waiting for a response. "Okay.. that sounds nice actually." 
You sigh with relief "Alright lead the way my- um- Furina." You watched as she flushed a slight pink before leading you inside. Her home was modestly furnished but well coordinated and clearly to her aesthetic taste. She led you through the short hallway and into her kitchen. It was up to Fontaine’s modern standard with an oven and hobs, a sink and a new cooling machine that was recently invented by the Fontaine research institute for the storage of Fonta, but had been later discovered to increase the shelf life of many different foods. They were currently very expensive however. You wondered how she was able to afford it with no job. Her shelves were almost bare however, it made you glad you came with ingredients and a few extra essentials. 
"Here you can put the food on the counter." Furinas gestured to the counter close to the oven. "What are we making?" 
You nod and pull the ingredients out. "I thought a cottage pie and some garlic flat bread would be a good start. I also brought the ingredients to make some simple crěpes for dessert." 
"Great ... I don't know how to make any of that, are you sure you want to bother teaching me?" 
"Of course Furina, why would I bring all this if not to teach you." 
"I guess you're right, so what are we starting with?" Her voice was hesitant, you begin to wonder if she was really up to this. What if you were pushing her too hard?
"Ah I thought we'd start by preparing the bread.."
You show her the steps of baking bread. She follows your instructions diligently, her smile broadening and confidence returning with every step she gets right. "This isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Then again of course I could learn anything I put my mind to."
Seeing her smile again was all you wanted out of today. If you were being truthful with yourself. 
"Now we let the dough rest for about 45 minutes.. in the meantime let's prepare the potatoes for the mash that'll go on top of the shepherd's pie."
You teach her how to peel a potato with a paring knife. Or rather you try to. As she pulled back the knife her hand slipped on the potato and she nicked her palm with the knife, a long thin line of blood appearing on her palm. You were focused on your own potato when you heard her yelp in pain. You immediately drop the knife and potato you were peeling and rush to her side assessing the damage.
"Furina! What happened?" You gently grab her hand looking at the wound. "Where is your first aid kit?" She didn't speak, only pointed to a cupboard on the other side of the room, her eyes glued to her wound, pearls of tears collecting in the outer corners of her eyes and all you want to do is draw her into your arms. 
But first the wound, you gather the first aid kit and sit Furina down at the table in the kitchen and quietly bandage her hand. The cut wasn't deep, which was good, but she barely flinches as you clean the wound, which was a point of concern. You sense she's not up for criticism or questions so you keep things to yourself while you finish bandaging her hand. 
I take a deep breath and try to talk to her again now that the wound is dealt with. "Furina? Are you up for continuing or would you like me to take over?" She didn't respond immediately seemingly not even hearing you, you are about to attempt to get her attention again when-
"No. You- you take over." She sounded exhausted again, and almost defeated. Worry crawls through your stomach all the way up into you throat but you hold back for now. Not quite sure how to deal with this Furina.
"Alright." Is all you can say, softly as not to startle her. As you continue prepping the meal peeling the potatoes, boiling them in milk for extra creaminess and seasoning with salt and pepper. You start up another hob and cook the meat, frying off the fat before adding, flour, worcestershire sauce, a splash of red wine, tomato paste, chopped bell peppers and onions. While the mixture reduces you prepare the dough Furina made earlier, spreading a mixture of garlic butter rosemary and thyme over the dough and place it in the oven. 
You catch Furina glancing at you while you work. You turn off the heat on the meat and take some of it from the pan in a small spoon and carefully carry it over to her. "Would you like to taste test Furina?" She looked up at you in surprise before nodding slowly. You offer the spoon to her and she leans forward and closes her mouth around it without taking it out of your hands. 
A moment of silence, while you might usually feel flustered at this kind of action. But with Furina seemingly still out of it, not registering what she'd done, it was just concerning. You take the spoon away and turn around.
"Is it good?"
A tired "Yea" is the only response you get. It'll do for now. You finish off the cottage pie by arranging it in a dish putting the meat and veg mixture, then the creamy mash before sprinkling a generous helping of parmesan cheese over the top of the mash and putting in the oven for 20 mins. The bread is almost ready to take out and could make a good starter. 
You set a time and sit by Furina, slightly awkwardly, not knowing what to say. You'd been so focused on your tasks you hadn't realised how strange it felt to be around Furina in a casual setting and especially not when something seemed to be bothering her so greatly.
"Furina.. How's your hand?"
"It's fine, doesn't hurt much anymore."
Your concern was beginning to reach a peak. She couldn't look at you for some reason. And her voice was so weak it was barely there but you don't know what to do without crossing an unspoken boundary or making things worse. 
The bread timer goes off. You rise from your seat to take it out, putting it on a rack to let it cool for a few minutes. 
You look over at Furina, her form slumped and defeated looking, her eyebags somehow more prominent than when you started. You didn't understand what could have made her this way. Overall yes, you were there at her trial after all, at the end of it you were just happy she wasn't actually executed. But what happened today? Was it the injury? But why would that cause a near catatonic dissociation? 
You didn't want to push, instead you just cut up the bread and offered her a piece, on a small plate, in the hopes that some form of stimulation would reawaken her. She slowly picks at the bread, putting small pieces in her mouth. 
The second timer goes off. The cottage pie is ready, so you remove from the oven, find two large plates and serve the food.
She looks up at the food and picks up the fork, slowly digging in to the cottage pie. You watch with interest hoping maybe food would perk her up at least a little. And perk up she does. Finally a smile graces her face, small but there.
"This is lovely, thank you. Truly a meal worthy of the great Furina De Fontaine." She made an attempt at her energetic performance but was still tired it seemed. 
You smile at her in what you hope is a pleasant and reassuring manner. "Well my lady I am glad it's worthy of your greatness."
She laughed that same haughty laugh you'd grown to enjoy hearing even if it was a little strained with exhaustion.
"Would my lady enjoy some crêpes to cleanse her palette of savoury tastes?"
"Yes, a batch of crêpes sounds wonderful my humble chef." 
You stand and bow hoping this play was helping her recover from whatever state she was in. Turning to make a small batch of crěpes you don't notice the way she slumps in her seat.
You dust the crêpes in powdered sugar, lemon juice and fill them with cream and chopped fruit. A plate of two crěpes is placed in front of Furina with a smile. Your smile fades seeing her downtrodden look again. 
"La- Furina? Is everything okay?"
"It should be... but it's not" was her response. You watch as tears slip down her cheeks. She tries to quickly wipe them away. "Ahhahaha.. how silly, I don't know why.. an overflow of hydro yes it must be."
You walk round the table and stand by her. "Furina, you can tell me what's wrong. You- you don't have to hide anymore." 
It seems that small push was all it takes for her to allow herself to break. She turns and practically falls into your arms and sobs. "It was going so well. But then I messed up again. I really am useless" She cried into your arms, her sentences broken up by bouts of heartbreaking sobs.
Saying anything felt like a bad idea for now so you remove her hat and simply stroke her head while she cries into your chest. You don't know how long it takes but you patiently wait for her tears to dry and her sobbing to subside. Grabbing a soft handkerchief you lift her face and dab at her cheeks. You watch her eyes widen as if she realised she was actually crying into a living person rather than a plushie. 
"I- I-" 
"Furina, it's okay.. you aren't useless and you are still learning right. You have no idea how many cuts and burns on my arms and hands I have scars for just from cooking. Hahaha. It happens my lady. But if I may be so bold, it's not about the accident is it?"
You pause before speaking again, not wanting her to have any excuses you make sure to beat her to the punch.
"Have you mourned yet? Your status as an archon? Your position in Fontaines elite? Your friendship with Monsieur Neuvillette? Anything else I am not privy to."
It wasn't the most elegant way to put it. Some might call it cruel but she needed to confront this in order to move on.
You begin to regret your decision when you see Furina hang her head and cry again, much more subdued this time. You open your mouth to apologise but-
"You're right... I've been ignoring it all instead of dealing with it. I thought I could just move on, and 'improve myself' and everything would be okay."
She spoke so harshly of her own thoughts. You shake your head and sigh.
"Don't be mean to yourself Furina. Your only mistake was isolating yourself, but if I may be so bold, again, I'm here. And I want to help you, I've always liked spending time with you so I'd be more than happy to be your friend."
She began to sob again. "You want to be my friend? You'll stay by my side even when I'm like this.." 
"Yes Furina, that is what I want. As long as you want it to." You open your arms letting her hug you again. She was crying, but at least her tears were happy this time.
This was probably the start of something wonderful.
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dirtybitfic · 8 months
matt sturniolo fanfiction
contains ~ mask kink, party, drinking, smoking,running (you'll see what I mean), choking , slapping, (Nick names like ma baby slut and sir)SMUTTTTT
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y/n pov~
I was getting ready to go to this party in a graveyard tonight.
you may be thinking why the actual fuck is someone throwing a party in a graveyard. Buuuuut that's a very normal in the small town I live in . Everybody's parents are either always home or they'll snitch if someone has a party without their parents knowing so we have all our partys in the graveyard.
the grave yard is on the west side of town which is the more rugged part most of the super hot bad boys with tattoos like on that side of town. my side of town is the more "proper" side . My parents expect me to get a's and b's always have a clean room and never do anything that will look bad and bring shame to their name.
I HATE MY FUCKING PARENTS like im just a girl who wants to go out have fun and make bad decisions from time to time so when hallows eve rolls around I get EXTRA fucking excited for the weekend.
This year im dressing chuckys bride Tiffani. I think the movies are a good laugh and I just love the makeup for it so it was an easy choice.
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This is the entire outfit .
I had already put my dress on and decided to do some fake blood to spice up the look for some reason I feel really hot covered in blood.
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I based my makeup on this look but just kept my normal eyebrows and drew them in black and shaped them a little thinner. I decided it was time to get my wig on.
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My best friend Lena just got here so I went down to let her in and damn she looks so hot .
alright I'll wait in the living room.
okay ill just be a second
I went and threw on my stocking and boots and grabbed my pen and put it in my pocket in my jacket along with my phone.
Okay lets get going
we started walking and surprisingly the boots are easy and confortahbe to walk in so far . the walk is about 20 minutes.
we would drive but lena totaled her car last moth and since my parents are always gone on business trips they told me they didn't feel like buying me a car said it waisted their money. sooo yeah I don't have a car due to my parents greed. lovely right .
girl I can't wait to see the westside guys tonight.
same bitch same I need to see some men who actually have a personality and are hot all the guys on our side of town are boring
no for real they are bland and can't fuck for shit
I just know half these west side boys are crazy in bed
I bet they are dominant too
oooh bitch and if I see a man in a mask im jumping on his plain and simple
realest shit I've heard in weeks and trust girl if I see a man covered in tattoos with lights eyes and light hair he's mine plain and simple
you know I've always wanted to be fucked in a grave yard and chase through one and oh my god imagine a man dragging you into the crypts fuck that would be the best night of my life
fuckkk bitch that actually sounds like the actual hottest thing ever.
damn girl you really need some dick tonight cause wow that was a lot
buuuuut I agree
hahah yeahhh that's if I can find a man worth my time you know im picky
yeah I know but hey I have a feeling this hallows eve is gonna be a good one
I fucking hope so
we start to get closer to the graveyard and start to hear faint music as we got closer
we got to the gates and saw a shit tone of people in the further back of the yard drinking and dancing the music was a lot louder now as we walked through the gates and over around the people who were dancing.
I pulled out my pen and took a couple hits handing it to lena to take a couple hits.
hey y/n I hear behind me I turn around to see its a guy from my chemistry class I don't remember his name and honestly I don't care to try .
umm hi
you look really hot I almost didn't recognize you
oh yeah what gave it away
your ass I could spot it from a mile away
oh how nice well if you'll excuse me i'm gonna go get a drink
oh um yeah okay we'll see you in class monday
mmhm yeah bye
I hate men like what the fuck you could have said my eyes or my hands or anything else but my fucking ass but noooo
I was walking over to the coolers the I spotted a tall man holding a ghost face mask in his hand talking to some other super hot guys .
they looked a bit older maybe early 20s but fuck me the one holding the mask is so hot i'm drooling . I bent over to grab a drink and he turned around looking at something deeper in the woods I followed his direction and saw a crypt slowly peep out of the shadows.
it looked so ominous and creepy which excited me but I looked back at him to find him starting at me .
I took a deep breathe as we made deep eye contact he started smirking at me and then made his way over to me I just stood here maintaining eye contact as a small smile crept onto my face.
I know I said I was picky but fuck the man is everything I want and more he's tall, blue eyes dark hair , a sexy ass smirk, and is covered in tattoos. He has a lure to him and im determined to find out what it is .
as he stands infant of me I have to look up to meet his gaze .
god his face looks like it was carved from the gods his jaw is so sharp and his cheekbones are so sculpted along with his very dead boy eye that drive me up a wall.
what's your name beautiful
I almost folded right then and there his voice is deep and demanding it send sock waves straight to my pussy.
it nice to meet you y/n
its nice to meet you too uuuh
Matt its nice to meet you
so you in high school y/n
yep im a senior
nice nice so your like what 18
im a actually 19 I uh failed first grade
hmmm interesting
why is that interesting
it thought girls like you never failed anything so poised and perfect all the time
yeah well I guess it'll come as a shock to you im far from perfect and poised
oh really he says with a smirk
yep sure is
okay then what's the craziest thing you've done
I broke into my ex boyfriends house and smashed his car to pieces when I found out he was cheating on me
damn fiesty, I like that
yeah he messed with the wrong fucking bitch. most people think im little miss perfect when im actually just a psychotic mess
a very sexy psychotic mess
oh really
yeah princess this might come a shock but I don't normally talk to girls at these parties but there's something about you I just couldn't resist
as long as you don't say it was my ass well be good
why would I say it was your ass
ah some loser form one of my classes said the only reason he could tell I was me tonight was my ass because he could pick it out of a crowd pretty much
well that's objectifying
right like ew I mean yeah I know my ass is nice I mean I guess but why did he think that would make me like him
cause hes a little fucking high school boy
oh yeah so im guessing your not in high school anymore
nope graduated 2 years ago im 20
god I can't wait to be out of that hell whole and leave this town
yeah I get that small towns are meant for everyone
yeah its definitely not the place I wanna be living fir the rest of my life
same ... hey you wanna go for a walk go check out the crypts
id love too
he grabs my hand as we start walking further in the the grave yard I look back and see lena talking to one of his friends who I know is her type so she won't be missing me and I sure won't be missing her with Matt right next to me.
so you ever gonna it mask on matt
why do you want me too
maybe maybe not
I will later youll see
well that was kinda creepy wait your not taking me out her to murder me are you
no id never kill someone so beautiful it would be such a waste
I just looked up at him smiling at this point we already passed the first crypt he had been eyeing earlier and were so far form he party the music is no longer in ear shot.
the only sound is the leaves crunching under our feet and the cicadas its slightly creepy but it also has me becoming a bit turned on .
I sigh as I see flashes of Matt chasing me in his mask and dragging me into a crypt and fucking my brains out
what is that pretty little mind of yours thinking right now princess
what oh uhhh nothing nothing
that sigh didn't sound like nothing
okay fine I was just thinking about a fantasy ive always had about this grave yard and the crypts
okay explain he says as we come to a stop and he sits down on one of the raised graves. I go to sit next to him but he pulls me onto his lap.my breathe hitches as the sudden contact of my ass on his lap but I just stare off ahead of us at the willow trees surrounding the wooded areas.
I feel his breathe on my neck
tell me this fantasy ma
the nick name has me becoming wet its so hot
well its starts off with me being chased through the graves and the woods to the biggest crypt and the guy chasing me catches me and drags me down the stairs of the crypt and throws me to the floor fucking me as he calls me his dirty little slut amongst other things.
wow very detailed how long have you had this fantasy
since I was 16
hmm have you ever told anyone else about this before
yeah one of my ex boyfriends . I told him before we were coming to a party here seeing if he would make it a reality and he stopped the car told me to get out and walk and said I was mentally ill and disgusting and broke up with me.
what a pussy I mean a guy like me would have jumped at the chance for a girl to even have a fantasy remotely like that.
what do you mean a guy like you
a dominant man who isn't scared of a little fun and games
mmmm I moan as I shift on his lap
are you a submissive type of girl y/n
ye-yeah I guess
you like when a man takes control tells you how much of a slut you are as he makes you shake and cry underneath him hmm
oh fuck im so turned on right now I dotnt even know how to react
ohh yeah I bet you do . you like when a guy smacks you ass so hard it leaves a mark or when a guy slaps you across the face so hard you head snaps to the opposite side.
mmm yeah I-i d-do
someones a little turned on . aren't you ma
mmm was all I could get out a small moan answering his question
he slaps my thigh hard causing me to gasp.
answer me when I ask you a fucking question
ye-yes im sorry
im sorry what
im sorry sir
mmm good girl now stand up
what w-why
because I fucking told you too now stand up
I stood up and turned sound to face him I kept my head down as he stood tall and slim infant of me . I saw his hand holding the mask move up and I followed his movements he held the mask next to face smirking.
you got a mask kink ma?
wh-what I -
don't even think about lying to me right now
I sighed looking down yes I whispered
what was that im sorry I couldn't hear you
I said yes
drop the attitude
yes sir
good girl he says as he slips the mask on making my stomach flutter and a gush of arousal soak my underwear
now im gonna give you a head start
wh- a head start for w-what
your fantasy ma you better start running
b-but im in heels what if I--
I turn and start sprinting the best I can in these fucking boots. I can't believe this is actually happening right now the hottest guy i've ever seen is making my fantasy a reality. He had no hesitation and I know for damn sure he is gonna fulfill my needs just the way he carries himself tells me he knows how to make a girl feel good .
I start to run out of momentum I turn to see him coming in hot behind me as he runs into me grabbing me from behind causing me to scream from the impact.
caught ya
mm seems like it what a shame im breathing hard from running so far
he throws me over his shoulder causing me to let a small laugh out
get all your laughs out now ma cause i'll have you doing nothing but screaming in a second .
all I did was moan at the thought. He gave my ass a hard slap causing me to moan into his back
he came to a stop and set me down I turned to see why he stopped and was met with a large stone entry way with a door at the end.
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yeah creepy right
yeah but also beautiful
come on ma time to get you screaming my name
oh fuck I said as he grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the door
he kicked the door open easily and started ascending the stairs I stumbled into his back causing him to yank me infant of him as he held me by the hair .
mm ow matt
keep fucking walking your fine
its so da-dark
what you scared of the dark or something
k-kinda y-yeah
aww cute
I heard the flick of a lighter and then there was light shining down the stairs I guess there was a torch on the wall because he lit it and handed it me so I could carry it and see as we kept walking down the stairs. Once we reaches the bottom I looked around taking in our surroundings.
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there were more torches on the walls so I went and lit them with the one I was holding then put it out so I could set it down.
I turned to look at Matt he had taken the mask off and threw it aside I could finally see his beautiful face again causing me to smile .
nothing just like looking at you
oh really and why is that?
I don't know your just so... beautiful ... dark and mysterious but you feel so --- safe and warm you know
wow ... ive never been described like that before
oh really? how are you usually described
dark, mean , cold, asshole , crazy
I don't think that at all
im glad you don't I like your description much more
yeah me too he walked towards me and stood right infant of me
he put his hand around my neck chocking me slightly making me look up at him.
( listen to My own summer and beware by deaftones and for the next part)
he leans down so are lips are almost touching .
Im gonna ruin you
do it
He attaches our lips the kiss is deep and needy.
His other hand moves to my ass giving it a squeeze making me moan into the kiss.
He moves his hand from my neck down to my jacket taking it off. then moving my dress straps down my arms pulling the top to bunch at my waist as he breaks the kiss and moves down to neck sucking and biting leaving marks in his way.
mmmm matt i moan as he moves to my tits liking and sucking my nipples.I tug at his shirt wanting him to take it off and he does .
Get on your knees now
I get down to my knees and look up at him waiting for his next move he started undoing his belt and I just watch as his large veiny hands move to his button and zipper of his jeans pulling them down.
He's left in his boxers and I can see his large dick print being confined by the thin fabric .
well are you gonna just sit there or do I need to tell you what to do
I move to remove his boxers as his dick pops out . I start salivating just looking at it he's pretty big and thick too .
I take him in my hand and pump a couple times before giving the head small kisses and licks I go down to the base and lick up them take him in my mouth
mmm fuck that's a good girl
I moan around his tip from his small praise and continue to suck hard but at a slow pace trying my best not to gag.
He takes my hair in his hands and starts thrusting into my mouth causing me to gag and tears to well up in my eyes.
Good girl sucking me in so good
I moan again causing him to throw his head back and thrust harder after a second he pulls out of my mouth as I start couching .
He kneels down in front of me putting his hand on my chest and pushes me back til im laying on my back on the rough ground.
Im gonna make you cum so hard your legs are shaking around my head ma
oh fuck matt please
He takes off my dress and panties so I’m fully exposed to him.
he moves down so his head is between my legs . I jump when he starts sucking on my clit and god the things he's doing with his mouth are enough to send me over the edge in under a minute.
feel good ma
yes fuck uhhh so good
mmmm he hums as he sucks on my clit sending me into a shaking orgasm.
mmmm FUCK MATT im cumming
mmmm good girl look at you shaking from just my mouth
I thought he was done but he keeps licking and sucking then he adds two fingers into me causing my legs to shake uncontrollably.
awww yes you can ma give me one more I know you can
mmmmm fuck... fuck matt im so close
mmm he groans as he licks my clit and moves his fingers in and out at a fast pace his other hand moves under my thigh lifting it over his shoulder .
My breathing is rapid as I feel my second orgasm moving in at a rapid rate. But this time I know damn well im gonna squirt so I chose to warn him.
M-MATT fuck im g-gonna squirt
mmmm good girl soak my face baby give it to me
f-fuck fuck oh my god
such a good girl you gonna quirt all over me
I scream as I quirt all over him
gooooood girl that's it ma
fuck matt I say as I come down from my high
awww look at your legs shaking
shut up
all 4s now
matt your so big I don't know if I can h- before I finish my sentence he grabs me by the neck
I wasn't fucking asking now do as your told
yes sir I say kind of bratty
fix your tone when you speak to me slut he says as he lightly slaps me across the face and fuck was it the hottest thing ever.
I move to all 4s and spread my legs for him.
Good girl he says as he lines himself up with my leaking entrance.
Go slow please matt I say knowing this is gonna hurt.
I will ma don't worry he says as he slowly starts sliding his tip in
mmm ... fuck I say as I felt him stretching me wide causing a burning sensation.
You okay ma he asks sweetly .
mmhm just h-hurts a little
I know you can take it ma its okay I got you
he bottoms out hitting so deep in me . It hurts so good
mm fuck your so tight ma
mmm- fu-fuck matt your stretching me s-so much
I know ma I know tell me when to move
I gave myself a little time to adjust
o-okay you can m-move
he starts thrusting slow and deep the pain starts to slowly go away and starts feeling like heaven.
fuck faster matt
try asking again he says slapping my ass hard causing me to gasp
p-please sir please fuck me faster
such a good girl for me
he starts pounding into me at a faster pace sending shock waves through my whole body .
mmm yeah you like that slut
fuck ...Y-YES FUCK
such a good slut taking me so well
the degrading name makes me clench around him
aww you like when I call you a slut huh
y-yes I-l-love it
he brings his hand to hair clenching it hard in his fist as his other hand goes onto my back making me arch even more for him causing him to hit so deep it makes my legs uncontrollably shake.
yes you can slut he growls out through gritted teeth
N-NO I CANT I say harshly bringing my hand back pushing on his stomach trying to push him away .
he grabs my arm harshly holding it behind my back as his hand in my hair moves to my throat gripping it hard.
your gonna fucking take it like a good little girl
no? he says harshly as his hips fault to a stop and he pulls me up to meet his chest as he grips my neck harder.
since you wanna sit like a fucking brat he says as he shoves me face down on the rough ground holding both of my hands behind my back
he lowers himself so his breathe Is hitting my ear causing me to shiver
ill fucking treat you like one he says as he starts thrusting rough, fast, deep and harder than ive ever been fucked in my life.
aww what's wrong am I being to rough
please what
you know your mouth is saying one thing but your pussy is saying something completely different
you like it when I fuck you like a bratty slut and you can't say no I feel you clenching my fucking cock
mmmm F-FUCK yes
yes what slut he takes both my hands in one hand and brings his down harshly on my ass
ye-yes sir fuck sir I lo-love it
atta girl you gonna cum for me
ye-yes sir mmm fuck he starts pounding me harder than I ever thought was possible as he slaps my ass harshly
cum on my cock me give it to ma
F-FUCK M-MATT MMMMM I scream as I cum all over his cock.
He keeps pounding into me harshly I started to come down. from my high as my legs were shaking and starting to give out under my weight.
m-MATT I ca-cant keep myself up m-much longer
he pulls out slapping my ass
flip over for me ma
I flip over laying on my back holding onto my legs trying to stop them from shaking but it doesn't help at all.
Keep eye contact for ill stop got it
y-yes sir
good girl he says as he lines himself back up to my entrance
he slides back in and starts pounding into me deep and slow he grabs my legs bringing them up onto his shoulders hitting me so deeply I can feel him in my stomach.
he brings one hand down onto my stomach as he feels himself inside me as his other one moves to my neck shocking me not too hard but the perfect amount of pressure to drive me crazy.
fuck your so fucking wet for me mama
mmmm fu-fuck matt i th-think I gonna squirt
the pressure he is applying on my lower stomach has me about to turn into a damn fountain.
squirt all over me baby soak me
F-FUCK MATT I- I can't even finish what I was saying as I felt myself let go all over him.
fuuuuuck your so fucking hot
mmm fu-fuck matt
he starts pounding into me again my legs won't stop shaking around his neck and I start to feel overstimulated.
m-matt i ca-cant take it a-anymore pl-please
yes you can baby I know you can
I try to push him out of me by pushing on his toned abdomen with only causes him to slap me across the face making me whine out .
keep you hands down understand
y-yes sir I-im s-sorry
good girl im getting close ma I promise just hold on for a little longer
f-fuck okay
he sets my legs so they are around his waist as he brings his body flush against mine as he fuck me deep and rough
I start clawing at his back from over stimulation .
fu-fuck ma I can feel you clenching again
I claw his back deeper as I feel pressure building in my stomach and then suddenly snap
fuck ma your squirting again jesus
I didn't even know I was squirting all I felt was extra pleasure run through me
F-fuck matt mmm god
I squirt over and over I can't seem to stop (nah cause this happened to me in real life it was Lowkey disturbing not gonna lie a bitch was in pain the next day)
Jesus y/n ive never seen some one squirt so much so close together
I c-cant s-stop
I know baby its okay
I claw down his back harder and I bury my face into his shoulder as I bite down as I squirt again my legs are shaking so much they start cramping but I literally can not stop squirting and its driving me crazy .
F-fuck ma your soaking me j-jesus christ
I-im sorry
don't be sorry this is the hottest thing ever
mmmmmm FUCK I scream as I quirt even harder from his hips angling even more hitting deeper
fuck ma im gonna cum
fu-fuck matt fill me up p-please fuck
yeah you wanna be a good little cum slut
Y-YES FUCK MATT PLEASE I scream I squirt yet again as it starting to make my stomach hurt
his hips start to sputter and his thrusts become sloppy.
f-fuck im cuming he says as I feel his warm cum fill me up I moan out as I squirt one last time before his thrusts stop and he pulls out .I feel our mixed liquids running out of my pussy.
fuck that was ... the best sex.. ive ever h-had I say as I laugh a little curling my legs into my chest as my entire body is shaking and tears are streaming down my face.
F-fuck after that I never wanna fuck anyone else
I laugh as I shake uncontrollably I th-think you broke me
aww baby im sorry was a actually to rough
n-no I fucking loved it I just don't think ill be able to stand let alone walk out of here I laughed casein g him to chuckle and shake his head.
he went and grabbed his clothes putting them on and then coming back over to me helping me up my knees immediately buckle so he has to hold me up against the wall so I don't fall as he helps me putt my outfit back on. I felt my back burning really bad as he slid my dress over my head.
OW FUCK I cried out as the stinging got worse
wh-what what's wrong
my-b-back is burning like another fucker
he spins me around JESUS im so sorry it must have been from your backing rubbing on the ground you have big strawberries all over your back
eh honestly I deserve it I definitely did a mean number on your back
uuuh yeah you think he turns around lifting his shirt showing me his back I gasp.
OH JESUS MATT why didn't you stop me those are deep and bleeding
well I uh- I have a pain kink so I thoroughly enjoyed it
o-oh well then I guess your welcome
yes thank you very very much he says as he turns around and gives me a sweet and soft kiss .
come on your coming home with me
I try to walk but my legs fail me and he laughs at me
stop laughing bitch you did this to me
watch that pretty little mouth or your getting round two when we get home
as much as I enjoyed this I could not handle anymore tonight so I brought my hand up to my mouth acting like Im zipping them and threw away the key
come on drama queen he says as he picks me up and I lock my arms around his neck and legs around his waist
I keep my head sizzled into his chest as he blows out the torches on the walls and grabs the last lit one and makes his way back up the stairs he blows out the torch as we walk out of the crypt.
as we approach the part of the grave yard the party was going on in I hear the faint music again I start to feel embarrassed about the state i'm in right now . He walks over to his friends .
Damn bro you have been gone for three fucking hours
God is she even alive anymore
I let out a small giggle at his friends statement.
Yeah yeah funny bro she's fine but were heading home so ill catch you guys later
okay bye bro
byeeee I say as I smile and wave at them as matt walks away from them.
they all just laugh and shake their heads
your friends seem fun
yeah their pretty cool
oh my god y/n
we both look over at my best friend
You been gone for three fucking hours I thought you were dead
no no im fine I promise
she smirks at me as her eyes run over my face and body that is still clinging to matt.
wow you guys had a lot of fun
yep sure did im matt by the way
nice to meet you matt well y/n I guess your going home with him huh
yep sure am I love you and we'll talk tomorrow okay
okay I love you
I love you too
matt walks us all the way to his car he opens the door and sets me down as he shuts the door and gets into the drivers side.
he starts up the car and drives to him house . he parks the car then hops out to help me out and we slowly walk to the door as he unlocks it and we enter.
wanna showers pretty girl
yes please
alright come on its upstairs
we get to the bathroom and he sets me down on the toilet .
go pee im gonna grab a change of clothes for us real quick
okay I finish up my business ad he come back in and helps me get my clothes off and I take my wig off and undo the braid bun I did under the wig.
wow I love your natural hair
aww thank you I said smiling
you wouldn't happen to have like makeup remover or face wash would you
um let me check my mom might have left some in the guest bathroom last time she was here
okay thank you
as he left the bathroom I smiled to myself and the looked over the work he did on my neck and chest then I looked down at my knees seeing that they are scraped and bruising.
I turned to look at my back and Jesus it was so scraped that there was blood and it was also bruising.
here you go my mom left these makeup wipes
thank you I said as I grabbed them and took my makeup off
you know I never thought about how bad a crypt floor would damage my body when I had my fantasy
yeahhh we probably should have thought about that
mm yeah. but hey it was worth it
sure was . You know I didn't even wanna go to that party but im glad I did
oh yeah? and why is that?
I would have never met the most beautiful girl ive ever seen and fucked her into oblivion
mmmm yeah I guess your right and thank you for the compliment
of course ma now lets shower
we hopped into the shower and we washed each others bodys both hissing when the soap and water hit our tainted backs .
we got out and dried off as we put on our change of clothes .
sorry I didn't you know have a change of underwear for you but I there yours in the wash so they are clean for you tomorrow
oh its okay thank you
of course wanna go to bed im fucking exhausted
yes please im spent
he led me to his room and we crawled under the covers as he turned on his fan .
we cuddled into each other as we started to drift off to sleep in each others arms.
hey y/n
yeah matt
I know we just met tonight and stuff but uh would you maybe wanna go out on a real date sometime
yes id love that matt I looked at him smiling as he smiled at me placing a sweet kiss on my forehead .
we fell asleep and that was that.
Gooooooooood NIIIIIIIGHT xoxo
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keicordelle · 7 months
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Fluffvember Day 8 : Thought I Lost You - Aymeric
Estinien's hand in mine was thinner than it ought to be, frighteningly skeletal, as if Nidhogg had forgotten that Elezen could not subsist on aether alone - or perhaps it had been an intentional cruelty, meant to cause pain and sap Estinien's strength. Had he been conscious of all that had happened these last few moons? Had Nidhogg tormented him? Had he felt the agony of his body even as he was a forced to watch the Dread Wyrm puppet it? Or had Halone's grace spared him such suffering and kept him blissfully unaware of the horrors he'd endured? Somehow I found I could not dredge up the faith to believe that, even as I bowed my head over his broken body and prayed to the Fury that She not steal him away to Her hallowed halls just yet. Don't take him from me, not yet. Just let me have a little more time with him.
If he awoke - when. When he awoke, would he be changed? Would the torments he had faced break him in mind and spirit as much as they had in body? He had already faced so much despair in his life; must he be forced to endure yet more? Was he not owed happiness?
Would that I could have taken his place. Surely he would not have let me suffer as I had allowed him to. He had already pursued Nidhogg in his own lair and emerged victorious; were it not for the Twelve’s horrid sense of irony, the Dread Wyrm might have been struck down before he had had the chance to cause lasting harm. But I had not been strong enough to do it myself. (The arrow had flown true.) And so my dearest friend had suffered, and I found myself the leader of Ishgard. (String pulled taut, wood creaking as it flexed, and words of farewell whispered to the uncaring winds.) Were it not for Alphinaud and the Warrior of Light, he would suffer still, and Ishgard would burn. (I tried to kill him.) I squeezed at the hand in my grip as hard as I dared, watching the shallow rise and fall of Estinien's chest. He would be okay. He had to be.
"Milord?" Lucia's voice sounded from behind me, soft in the reverent stillness. I hadn't even heard her enter. "I apologize for interrupting your... For interrupting. But there is a matter that requires your attention."
The urge rose to order her to handle it herself and I squashed it. There was little I could do for Estinien here, but the whole of Ishgard relied on me, and I would not let it falter in my grief. Drawing in a deep breath and squaring my shoulders, I let Estinien's hand slip from mine for what I desperately hoped would not be the last time. "Very well. Let us depart."
He was awake. Before the steward had even finished relaying the message, I was running, propriety forsaken in favor of returning to his side as swiftly as possible. With the Warrior of Light and Alphinaud at my side, none dared utter a word of reproach.
Almost too soon we were at the door to his room, and I paused to gather myself, drawing in a steadying breath and shrouding myself in the mantle of Lord Commander rather than worried friend and lover. Calm and controlled, that's what he needs from me now. I threw open the door.
He looked much as he had every time I'd checked on him, battered and bruised and broken but recovering, but this time when my eyes sought his face, he was already watching me, his steely eyes meeting mine and lingering. That gaze drew me forth, and I could not have stopped myself from sinking to kneel at his side even if I'd wanted to. I took his hand in my own, fighting to keep my voice from shaking as I murmured, "I thought I'd lost you."
"Not yet," he answered, sparing me a smile, and when I squeezed at the slim hand in my own, he squeezed back. For the first time, I let myself truly believe it, that he was alive and returned to me, and that he would be okay. Thank the Fury he's okay.
The next time I returned to his room, he was gone.
[Masterlist] | [Ao3]
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Okay, I just watched Moriarty the Patriot recently and been obsessed with them(as I’m sure you can tell considering I liked every fic you had of them😜) Anyway! I was thinking of the reunion. We know William survive, but he lives in Switzerland and we know Sherlock moves out there with him as well. So, the Moriarty brothers, James Bonde(Irene Adler), Fred, Moran, and Jack goes to Switzerland and they see William and Sherlock and after the tears and words that haven’t been said that are finally spoken they have a they have a tickle fight.
{Headcanons to Dabbles: CLOSED!}
JEJRJERJEKJRJKE YESH! I love this so much alrkaejrajkej This kinda turned into "Let's wreck William- the dabble" but like- the tickle fight elements are in there! I hope you like it friend :3
William hadn’t realized how hollow he felt until he was in the arms of his brothers once more.
Louis’ wet voice saying his name, Albert’s arms strong and steady- the dull ache in his chest was finally starting to ease as he breathed them in, barely fighting off his own tears as he squeezed them close. “I’ve missed you…I’ve missed you all so much. Welcome home.”
Around him, he heard movement- Moran barely hiding a sniffle while Bonde bumped him gently, Fred offering his assistance to Sherlock as they carried in bags. Soon though, it was just them once more; three brothers no longer separated.
“Come now- let’s go in before we catch our deaths out here.” Albert was the first to pull away, shivering as the cold air cut through his jacket.
“Have you been well? You’re thinner than last time I’ve seen you.” Louis noted, hand already out and squeezing William’s side. “You’ve been eating, yes?”
“Ah-Yes, yes I ha-have! Louis!” William caught the investigative hand, pulling it away gently from his waist. “Please!”
“Forgive me brother- just worried.” Despite the apology, Louis was smiling, sharing a look with Albert across his shoulder. Oh dear- this wasn’t going to end well.
Sometimes, William hated how right he was.
“L-Louis, really! I’m fine, I promise!” He scooted back further in his seat against the couch, hands held up as his brother approached. “There’s no need to interrogate me further!”
“Who said anything about interrogating? I just haven’t heard you laugh in such a long time. Neither of us had, right Albert?” Louis turned to their eldest brother, nodding once.
“But of course, Louis. I for one missed our dear brother smiling and laughing. The last time we’ve all seen one another- well, you were quite the character.” The brunette moved quickly, snatching up William’s wrists with ease, pulling them up and out of the way. “I don’t fault you for it- but I would prefer my next big memory of you in mirthful tears, not pained ones. Ready?”
“Oh no- don’t you da-ahahhhahahahre!” William all but broke when Louis grabbed his sides, tapping against them with rapid speed. He’d gotten better at tickling in their time apart. “Lohohohoohuis, pleahhahahhahahse!”
“There it is! That’s the look we’ve been longing to see.” Louis giggled softly, easily switching from tapping to pinching and further sending William into giggly hysterics. “It’s so refreshing to hear it, don’t you agree?”
Albert was quiet, watching William laugh with the fondest of expressions. When his voice wouldn’t work, he simply smiled, alternating his grip so he could hold William’s wrists with one hand and tickle him with the other.
“Ah! Nohohohohot youhuohohohu twohohohooho! Alhahhahahahhalbehehehehhert!” William could barely speak, flustered and breathless. He was happy though- it was clear as day on his face as his brothers drew out every once of laughter he buried away for so long.
“What a sight to see, wouldn’t you agree?” Hidden just out of view by  the doorway, Moran grinned at Bonde, arms folded across his chest. “Hadn’t seen that sight in awhile.”
“Yes. It’s lovely.” They nodded, equally moved by the nostalgic sight. For a moment, they stood there taking it all in. Then…
“Shall we go get Fred? Give him a similar treatment?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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normalsnails · 6 months
Oho~ I hope you don't mind if I send a lot! 3, 6, 18 for Ein, 31 for Aikawa and 44, 48, 49 and 50 for both! :D
Aaa i dont mind dww! Ty for asking :DD
Ein ♥️
3, what first drew me to her.
Before Ein and Aikawa my favourite was Aohara, but it quickly changed to adoring Ein, What really drew me to her is her dress actually. I thought “wow her dress is cuteee I’m gonna pay attention to her more” and i fell in LOVE.
6, do i have any petnames / nicknames for her
YES. I call her prettygirl. It stemmed from me rambling about her in class whilst i was persuading my friend to read and watch hri (success, gonna persuade her to join tumblr next >:D). She called her pretty so i was like “yes yes she is prettygirl” so now i just call her prettygirl whenever i talk about her irl XD.
18, do i prefer angst or comfort, or both (for her)
ANGST. Im sorry ein but <\33 i cant resist.
A little comfort is nice at times but angst all the way.
31, am i ashamed of liking him?
Sorta, i had a few old friends (just to preface this by saying i didnt leave the friendship because of a manga 😭) that were like “doesn’t he like eugenics 😬” and i told them “yeah i obviously don’t support that hes insane i just like his character” and then I realised that maybe aikawa wasnt the best silly of choice for my brain.
44, what season do they remind me of?
For ein, definitely spring, 100%. When i think of spring, i think of flowers, and Ein reminds me of flowers for no reason.
For aikawa, id have to say late autumn, specifically late. I dont know why but its so fitting 😭
48, my favourite feature of their designs!
So for ein, its the dress and bow. I ADORE lolita fashion sm!!
For aikawa, id have to say his hair, its similar to mine (the type of hair not style) but mines thinner than his. AND HIS HAIR IS SO FUN TO DRAW!
49, favourite personality trait!!
For ein, its her childishness. Its hard to explain but its so cute how she was excited by the rain and scared of thunder 💞. And also the manga panels where shes swinging her legs when she’s sitting on the railings aaaaaa.
For aikawa, its how smart he is. Im not sure if I dreamed about this or something but i so clearly remember him talking about a hypothesis about the lightning power, talking about ionising and stuff like 😍😍 in a world where people die 24/7 he’s casually just making hypotheses about stuff i love him.
50, fav song / playlist / quote / headcanon for them!!
So ein, my FAVOURITE headcanon that people can PRY off of my cold, dead hands is that shes not 12 like the wiki says 😭 have you seen how tall she is shes atleast 14-15.
And also, some lovely quotes:
“Boom” - ep 9 anime
“When enemy comes, you are in my way” - 152.5, extra chapter. (Can be found on tenkuushinpan.com)
I dont think i have any songs for her apart from “angry too” by lola blanc (ein revenga au btw haha) and, i dont know how to explain it but Melanie Martinez’s “crybaby” album suits her sm!
And!! For Aikawa, my favourite song i like for him is “oh ana” by mother mother!
(Songs may be slightly ooc but its kinda them)
And some aikawa quotes just because :
“This calms me down like no other.” - ep 9, again. We all know that one scene XD
“Since im inferior, i’ll bleed to death. Fair’s fair. That’s completely in line with my doctrine.” - direct quote from chapter 204
“I wish i could see my mom.. just once more before i die..” - chapter 204, again.
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
hiii weird question so sorry if you dont feel like answering this (bc thats totally okay) but i have a question about world building in royal aus… im literally about to knaw my entire fist off clean out of frustration (💀)
thank you in advance for reading and i hope youre doing well !! ! !! !
Hello my angel!! Is your question just generally, like, what goes into worldbuilding for a royal/historical type of AU?
If yes then I'd love to tell you what I know--although it's like, very little lmao. The only royal AU I've written is in cinders (and war paint kind of, since that's a tie in), and I was woefully inexperienced when I wrote both.
But for in cinders, the story focused largely on class differences, so a lot of the world building I did was to supplement that point. Basically I had two main tasks:
Establish a recognizable hierarchy
Supply some detail to emphasize that hierarchy
And I think in general, the way we observe historical periods is through things like clothes, living/working conditions, and linguistic cues--so those were the places that I chose to supply the detail.
Establishing a hierarchy
Okay so to establish our ranking system, I basically just janked existing noble titles and ranks. I found this Wikipedia article, and narrowed everything down to the European titles as those are the ones I am most familiar with--and as in cinders is a Cinderella retelling and that is a European fairy tale.
Obviously our love interest Shouto was gonna be a prince, but I made sure to weave in other ranks as well to make it clear there was a peerage system at play. Bakugou became a Marquis, Asui become a Countess, Camie became a Lady (as a daughter of a minor noble like a Baron/Viscount might be referred to) etc.
I also wanted our poor Y/N to be at the bottom of the totem pole because I am a monster, so I also looked into the hierarchies among servants. I can't find the exact resources I used but I basically googled around to find out a) what typical castle servant roles were, like in this article, and b) what that reporting structure would have looked like, as in this article.
Scullery/kitchen girls are like, the lowest ranked (RIP) so Y/N got assigned that lmao.
Supplying the deets
Now that we have our vague hierarchy established, it's time to emphasize it! Like I said, historical periods (and class distinctions therein) are usually analyzed in terms of clothes, living/working conditions, and linguistic cues, so that's where I chose to add detail.
For clothes, I mainly drew attention to Y/N's low rank by how much she admired clothes that weren't her own. When she stole Lady Camie's dress, she narrates the "luxurious thickness of Lady Utsushimi’s skirts," implying her own skirts are thinner and more barren. Y/N's own clothing is described more in terms of its state and function: "You shook your head, grasping your soot-stained skirts and glancing meaningfully at her clean chair."
Shouto's clothes draw less of that distinction but still help set the fantasy/historical context. I basically gave him a bunch of historical buzzwords like breeches and doublet to show the period: "He wore a doublet in a blue color only one shade lighter than your own gown, and the high points of his starched collar curved up towards his sharp jawline," and "You noticed he was dressed plainly, a soft linen shirt, unadorned, tucked somewhat untidily into simple breeches."
In terms of living/working conditions, I emphasized Y/N's lack of means again by recounting a lot of her job duties: peeling vegetables, scrubbing pans, sweeping out the kitchen fire places, not exactly high-class stuff. I also put her and Ochako in a supply closet that doubled as a sleeping chamber to drive it home that wow, they poor af. For her sleeping arrangements, I gave her a straw pallet so poorly constructed that straw kept poking through and stabbing her in the back.
In contrast, Shouto's living situation is described with a mind to emphasizing how large and fancy all his shit is. He has rooms plural, and a ton of things to put in them: "The prince’s chambers spread out before you, so large they could fit the kitchens three times over. You looked to be in a sitting room, peppered with low tables and couches overstuffed with bright pillows. A large, ornate writing desk sat against one corner, covered in papers. On the far wall, a series of double doors lay open, leading deeper into his apartments. You caught a glance of a four postered bed deep within, covers dripping off the sides to lay crumpled on the floor like they had been kicked off in haste."
And lastly, linguistic cues! I don't know enough about upper class vs lower class speech in historical periods and also wasn't willing to invest huge amounts of time in this, but I did want to give some nod to a historical/fantasy setting with word choices that aren't quite modern.
If you've ever heard a Shakespearean insult, it's so clear that one of the major places modern English differs from something like Elizabethan English is insults. So when Y/N insults Kamiko, instead of having her call her a cuntwaffle or whatever choice phrase we might use today, she calls her a toad. Shouto asks if Y/N's mother has been called a dog, and Y/N replies with something like, no, a swine--as apparently back in the day people liked to toss animals around as insults.
I also just jammed a bunch of old-timey sounding phrases into everyone's speech, like perhaps and a bajillion forgive mes and until tomorrows. And I think even if a lot of the other speech sounds modern, those kinds of phrases still help highlight that the setting we are in is not 21st century.
Anyway all of this to say, when writing a historical/fantasy/royal AU like this one, you should focus on the elements that are key to your story--what ways of life are you detailing; commoners, adventurers, soldiers, nobility etc? Then, with that in mind, research key points of period expression unique to those ways of life: clothes, speech, living conditions, and sprinkle those details throughout!
I am also still a novice writer though, and I am a notorious skimper on details, so if anyone else has better tips please feel free to jump in!! Otherwise, I hope this helped!!
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maggiedelusional · 2 years
Let Me Go || Part 2
Pairing: Hangman x f!reader, (eventual) Rooster x f!reader
Warnings: none, lots of innuendos
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Reader is married and shares a child with Hangman, life and circumstances drives reader into Rooster’s arms, but Hangman isn’t giving up that easily
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Author’s Note: I cant believe I’m posting the second part of this story in less than 12 hours I was honestly pleasantly surprised at how much you all enjoyed this premise. I mostly wrote the story down for me and my sister bcs i could not get it out of my mind. I honestly couldn’t stop thinking about the next part of the story so I knew I HAD to write it down. I know that Hangman was a little ooc in the last part, in my defense I wasn’t completely used to writing him yet, and I feel like that ooc’ness was large in part due to the tension between him and the reader. I hope he’s a bit more in character i this one. And to my rooster fans, bare with me, just a little bit more until he makes his appearance. Thank you to my little sister (@jhelly-bean) for editing some grammar. And please let me know if I should keep going, or if you want to be added to the tag list :)
Rooster Playlist:
Hangman Playlist:
Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Italics is past
Jake stares at the spot in the driveway where your car was parked, a small migraine forming from the amount of travel he endured in the past two days. He knew you were still upset, but he’d never felt this much ice from you before.
In the past, when you were mad at him you would scream, yell, and on one or two occasions, throw a shoe at him. This time around was different. You were….cordial. Jake could handle anger or heat, that’s what drew you to one another in the first place. He’d never met anyone whose fire matched his. 
The Hard Deck was packed despite being a Tuesday night. Its patrons consisted mostly of uniforms, with a small mix of civilians. You were working the bar that night, while simultaneously reading from a thick purple book, adorned with the large block letters “LSAT”. You were already annoyed at the pilots who sauntered into the bar, egos the size of an elephant, your patience only wearing thinner as the night progressed. 
Jake “Hangman” Seresin walked in around 10 o’clock with an ego that could rival the other pilot’s in the establishment combined. “Hey baby, you wanna get me a beer?” You hear his voice behind you as you bury your nose into your book.  You respond by not turning around or looking up. “First of all, I’m not your ‘baby’ and I’ll get to you when I get to you. You’re not the only person at this bar.”
“Okay I may not be the only person at this bar, but I guarantee you. I’m the sexiest.” Jake says with a smirk.
You were now officially irked. 
You looked up from your book to see possibly one of the most attractive men you’ve ever laid your eyes on. His blonde hair seemed to reflect the moonlight despite being indoors. He had a jawline that you were sure was sharp enough to cut one of your beer taps, and a body probably carved by God himself. But what caught your attention the most…the mischievous glint in his eyes, a small fire building that begged you to challenge him. 
But of course, you would never let him have the pleasure of knowing that you found him breathtaking. “Sexiest? There are other S words I would use to describe you.” You smirk.
“Oh? what would those be?” He inquired smugly. “Spectacular, Stunning, Sublime, Satisfying?” 
“How about Self Absorbed, Simple Minded, and Stuck-up?” You challenged.
Jake stared at you with a grin on his face, eyes twinkling in interest, as he scanned your body up and down. 
“Sharp tongue you got there, I wonder what else it can do?”  He said with a wink.
You felt the fire grow, leaving a tingling sensation in the pit of your stomach. Not sure if it was anger or desire but you were determined to put the cocky pilot in his place. 
“I’ll tell you what, play me in a round of pool. If you win, then maybe I’ll let you find out exactly what my tongue can do.” You paused, watching that mischievous glint in his eyes twinkle.” But if I win, then I ring the bell.” You proposed as you pointed to a sign on the bar: 
“Disrespect a woman, the Navy, or have your phone on the bar and you buy a round”. 
“I’ll agree to those terms, but try not to be too upset when you lose Sweets. By the way, I’m sure you will have no problem with this but I don't like teeth.'' He said arrogantly, only to be met by a roll of your eyes.
“Stripes or solids, Sweets?” He asked as he tosses you a pool cue.
 “Cash or credit, Zuko?” You rebutted your own nickname for him.
“Ouch Sweets you wound me, I am so much foxier than John Travolta” the handsome stranger replied as he dramatically clutches his heart
“You may be, but you’re just as arrogant.” You say, with a bat of your eyelashes.
“How about this, I’ll stop calling you Zuko, if you stop calling me Sweets?” 
“No can do, Sweets, looks like I’m going by Zuko now. Unless you wanna know my real name, so you know what to moan later after this is done.” He said with a wink.
You couldn’t help the heat that was now traveling lower down your body. You quickly turned your face away from him so he didn’t see the redness spreading on your cheeks.
“Call me whatever you want Zuko, but when this is over you will be buying me and everyone in this bar a drink.” You retorted as you bent over to take the break shot.
“If you just wanted me to buy you a drink Sweets, you should’ve just asked. I’m not the one to deny a pretty la-Hggh!” He hunched over in pain as you hit him in the stomach with the pool cue, sinking 2 different solid balls in the process.
“Oops!” You said with a smile.
 “Your turn Zuko.” 
You two continued an intense game with both of you neck and neck the entire game. There were moments where he stood a little too close to you. Moments where you could feel the heat coming off of him, making the temperature of your body rise even higher. The game ended with you finally sinking the 8 ball. You stood up straight, smiling satisfied at defeating your opponent. 
“Looks like you owe me a drink, Zuko.” You smiled at him. His smirk dropped for a second upon his defeat, but it was back as quickly as it left. 
“Good game Sweets.” He admitted as he offered a handshake. You grabbed his hand to reciprocate the handshake, accidentally noticing how his larger hand enveloped your smaller one. You couldn’t help but notice the warmth that radiated between both of your hands. 
“The name’s Lt. Jake Seresin, call sign, Hangman.” He said, you let go of his hand after what felt like an eternity. You nodded in acknowledgement. 
“And your name, Sweets?” Jake asked.
“Nuh uh. You haven’t earned that quite yet, Seresin.” You flashed him a smile, as you walked away. 
Jake watched you in awe as you strutted back to the bar and rang the bell, causing everyone in The Hard Deck to cheer. 
That’s when Hangman knew he found a match in you. 
After 3 persistent weeks, he finally learned your name and 2 weeks after that you agreed to go on a date. You were never the type to go down easy and Jake lived for your constant battles. Even his proposal to you was during the heat of an argument.
“(Y/n) I don't understand why you refuse to hear me out on this!” Jake yelled exasperatedly.
“Because I’ve told you over and over again, I am not going to give up my dreams just so I can follow you around the world like a sad puppy dog!” You replied with equal fervor.
“I am not asking you to give up your career, I am just asking you to take a job that will give you more flexibility, we hardly see each other as it is!” 
“Jake, I did not bust my ass at law school, and brown nose at this firm for a whole degrading year just so I can leave because you want me to!” 
“Why are you incapable of any compromise (y/n)?! Do you even care about making this relationship work?” Jake screamed in a huff.
“You’re unbelievable, I’ve done nothing but support your dreams and your ambition for the past 4 years Seresin, I have been the one sitting in this goddamn house while you’re shipped off God knows where?! I can never know how long you’ll be gone or if you’ll even come back! I have not once complained or stood in your way. The one time that I ask for your support, I’m suddenly selfish? I’m the one who doesn’t want to make it work?” Your screams turned into anguished cries as you tried to wipe off the tears spilling down your face, struggling to hold yourself up. You slid down the wall tucking your legs into your chest.
Jake paced angrily as he processed what you said, “UGH FUCK!” He exclaimed as he threw his phone across the room. He walked into the closet and came back out, but you didn’t notice the small black box he brought back with him. 
“I never want to stand in the way of your dreams (y/n). It’s just so fucking hard only seeing you for days at a time and not having you beside me/” His voice still boisterous, but less aggressive. “You are the most aggravating woman I’ve ever met, how we haven’t killed each other yet I don’t know, but you challenge me, you keep me grounded, and I cannot imagine another day where you are not my wife!” 
His last words caught your attention and left a gasp in your throat as you looked up. Your eyes met as he kneeled in front of you with a ring. 
“Please spend the rest of our lives humbling me (y/n). Marry me.” He stared at you as he awaited your response. 
You nodded your head as the tears threatened to spill over once again. But this time, it was happy tears. 
You accepted his embrace and sat in his arms.
“I will marry you, as long as you admit that I’m Spectacular, Stunning, Sublime, Satisfying.” You said with a smirk.
“Anything for you Sweets.” 
He did admit that you were all those things that night and showed you just how satisfying he could be. 
All he’s ever known in your relationship is fire, if you were screaming at him or locking him out of the house or even giving him a bitter remark, he would know how to handle it. It's not like you were being particularly unkind to him, that would make sense in his head. But this… pleasantness, almost indifference, coming from you left a very bad taste in his mouth. 
“Daddy! You’re not paying attention!” His feisty 4 year old exclaims at him, sitting at her child sized piano. Astrid had his eyes and his blonde hair but everything else was all you. The sassy attitude, the way that she put her hands on her hips when she demanded your attention, her love for spicy food despite only being 4 years old, the way that you both furrowed your eyebrows and grit your teeth when hungry, and especially the way that you had him completely wrapped around your fingers.
“Aww I’m sorry Pixie, can you play the song again?” Jake asks his daughter with a smile.
“Fine daddy, but this is the last time okay?” She threatens with her small toddler sized finger.
“Yup exactly like her mother through and through.” He thought to himself.
Astrid plays the opening chords of a song Hangman (unfortunately) knew too well. 
“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain, too much love drives a man insane, you broke my will, oh what a thrill, goodness gracious great balls of fire!” 
Hangman sat as he listened to his daughter sing the entire song, she missed a few notes and got some of the words wrong or jumbled up but he was very impressed with her skill especially at 4 years old. 
Hangman clapped, whistled, and gave a standing ovation as Astrid finished her performance and did her dramatic bows. 
“Wow, that was amazing, Pixie! I didn’t know you could play piano!” 
“Thank you Daddy! Uncle Roo Roo taught me!” Astrid said with a big smile
“Uncle Roo Roo?” Jake asked with an amused grin
“Uncle Rooster!”
Jake felt his stomach drop. 
“So Uncle Rooster has been hanging out with you and your mom?” He asked his daughter cautiously.
 “Yeah sometimes, I usually see him whenever Mommy is sad, he makes her smile and makes me chocolate chip pancakes!” The 4 year old answered enthusiastically.
“That’s good Pixie. Come on it's getting late, let's get you in a bath so you’re not stinky when Mommy comes home.” 
“Okay!” Astrid says as she starts up the stairs. 
Jake loved the time he spent with his daughter, and he was thankful that (y/n) still let him be around after what he did. But he couldn’t help but feel a brick form in his stomach as he got Astrid ready for bed. 
Jake patiently waited for (y/n) to return, sitting on the couch in the living room. He eventually fell asleep waiting. He finally hears a car pull up into the driveway and he checks the time to see it was a little past 11. (y/n) walks into the house, immediately finding Jake’s eyes.
“Hey Zuko.” She said with a small smile.
“(Y/n), how’s ‘Uncle’ Rooster?”
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Once stung, thrice bitten - Chapter 12
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AN: This chapter contains mentions of vampires' deaths, violence, abandonment (not done to the reader), and mentions of manipulation (not done to the reader).
Bella wasn’t sure what higher being decided to take pity on her as she walked into the house but she would be forever grateful that they did and that they sent Billy and Jacob in after her. Bella was completely silent as Billy came up with an impenetrable cover story about what had happened in the store and why Bella was late returning home.
“We can’t keep lying to Charlie,” Bella thought as she bit down hard on her lip. Out of Charlie’s field of vision, Jacob’s eyes widened and he signalled for Bella to cut that out.
Bella met Jacob’s gaze and she stopped biting her lip, “Right. Charlie knows that I bite my lip when I’m stressing about something. He’d know something was up immediately. Can I even tell him anything about the world that he’s unknowingly a part of?”
Jacob made the gesture again and Bella could feel the pressure of her teeth on her lip. This time she wasn’t so lucky and Charlie noticed. His eyes narrowed as he looked at her.
“Bella. What’s going on?”
Bella drew in a deep breath, “A lot, and I’m stressing over it. A lot of it has to deal with school.”
“It’s not lying,” Bella tried to reassure herself, “I met Edward at school and everything took off from there. Hopefully, Charlie thinks that I mean schoolwork.”
Bella ignored the other voice in her head that asked her if she was hoping that Charlie believed her lie.
Bella’s heart sunk as Charlie accepted her explanation, “Better go get started on it then, Bella.”
Billy and Jacob said their goodbyes and once Bella was inside her room, she opened her curtains, half expecting there to still be a crowd on her lawn. She wasn’t sure why she was both disappointed and relieved when she saw that there was nobody there.
Hours later when Bella had had enough of reading the same words over and over again and was packing up her books; she heard the text tone of her phone. Forgetting the pile of books, she dove for her phone and saw that Jacob had sent her a text. The text was brief and it told her to meet him on the border of the wolf territory and the town itself. If Bella remembered correctly, that was in the woods; hidden from even the most daring of adventurers.
The next day, Bella took several deep breaths as she stood in front of the forest. Just as she was about to walk into the forest, you spoke up next to her.
“Is this where…?”
Bella jumped in the air and she turned to face you with an annoyed expression.
“I’m sorry; I really need to stop doing that. I think I’ve picked up some stealth habits from the Volturi,” you apologised even as your shoulders shook with your suppressed laughter, “I’m not laughing at you,” you quickly promised.
Bella looked at you, “Can we walk in together?”
“Absolutely. I won’t leave your side until we meet up with the others.”
The two of you made your way into the forest. The bases of the trees grew thicker and the roots grew larger which forced you and Bella to carefully climb over them. There were many times that the both of you nearly tripped only to be caught by the other. You knew that you were close to the middle of the forest when the shadows grew larger and although there was some sunlight still streaming into the forest, it was much less than outside the forest.
Bella waved to Billy as Sue helped him out of the car and into his wheelchair. The car that Billy used was a lot like Emmett’s Jeep but much thinner than her truck which explained how it was able to navigate in the forest.
Bella felt multiple whooshes of air and she blinked. The Volturi were standing around the both of you with Caius standing to your left.
“They’re here to protect Caius and (Name).” Bella thought and she was aware of the self-depreciating tone in her thoughts as Caius looked at (Name) as if to reassure himself that she was okay. He gave Bella a quick once over as well and she wondered why.
Multiple measured footfalls reached Bella’s ears and as the footfalls drew nearer, Bella realised that they were a combination of the residents of La Push in human and wolf form. There were ten huge wolves including Jacob. Bella switched her gaze to the human residents of La Push. There were women and children there as well and Bella felt her blood run cold.
“How many people will be drawn into this because of me? How many families have I already destroyed? Because of my choices?”
As if you could sense her thoughts, you gave Bella’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. She looked at you in thanks.
The Cullens and Qui-Gon appeared suddenly and this time, it was Bella’s turn to give your arm a reassuring squeeze.
“We join here,” Billy began, “to protect our people. Our families and our culture. The threat of the incoming Cold Ones is something that we must deal with. Our wolves are here to learn how to defeat the enemy in their current forms.”
Bella was sure that she wasn’t the only one who heard the underlying message in Billy’s speech – the wolves didn’t trust them enough to be in human form. Bella refocused as Billy beckoned Caius forward.
The collective gasp from the Cullens and the residents of La Push told Bella that they were not expecting Billy’s action. Bella was once again struck by how severe the situation was. Caius walked to the centre of the triangle that had been formed by the wolves and La Push residents, the Volturi and the Cullens.
Caius raised a hand and Jasper stepped forward. Caius crooked two fingers and Jasper made his way to stand opposite Caius. The two vampires circled each other while they called out pieces of advice and battle tactics. The wolves watched attentively.
“Never go for the obvious kill,” Jasper said but his posture was different. He seemed to be more in control and in his element, “they will be expecting that and you will lose.”
“Use your surroundings to your advantage,” Caius advised as he blocked a strike from Jasper only to throw a punch of his own which Jasper dodged easily. In one quick movement, Caius swept Jasper’s feet out from underneath him. Jasper rolled to dodge Caius’ next strike and was back on his feet in a flash.
“They have purposely slowed this down for us,” Bella realised. She was proven right as the fight escalated and sped up. She could see the interest on each of the Volturi’s faces and wondered how often they watched Caius spar. The speed of the fight increased to such a speed that the only thing Bella could make out was the blurred limbs that belonged to Jasper and Caius.
There was a colossal bang and both vampires fell to the ground. They acknowledged each other with a nod and then Jasper ordered the vampires to divide into pairs and practice. Once again the wolves watched with interest and Bella thought she saw a few of the younger wolves snap their jaws excitedly.
Jasper walked over to you and Bella.
“What can we do?” Bella demanded the second Jasper was in earshot.
Jasper’s grin was crooked, “You both will be staying on a cliff, guarded by Athenodora. Your combined scents will send the newborns into a frenzy and your scents will be the only things they can focus on.”
Bella saw you frown, “How do you know so much about newborns?”
Jasper’s crooked grin grew, “I was the youngest major in the Texas cavalry. One night, I was riding and I encountered three women. I immediately stopped and offered aid since I was taught to help women not to fear them. I spent three days in agony once Maria bit me and when I awoke, she placed me in charge of training the newborns.”
“Newborn vampire battles happened then?” Bella asked, not believing her ears.
“Frequent vampire battles over territories were more common than you think, especially in the South at that time,” Jasper explained, “my job of training the newborns was never-ending as Maria never let them live past a year. As you can imagine, with my gift, I felt every emotion as I killed them. Eventually, I grew tired of the senseless violence and left.”
“And you found your way to me. It took you long enough.” Alice chirped and Jasper smiled.
“My apologies, Ma’am.”
Whatever negative feelings Bella had towards Alice, Renee had always taught her to say thank you and so Bella awkwardly thanked Alice and Jasper for choosing to fight. She turned to look for you and she saw you and Qui-Gon standing off to the side.
As she walked closer to both of you, she noticed Caius’ expression. He appeared to be completely calm as he chatted with Athenodora and Demetri. With a jolt, Bella realised that even though Caius could probably hear everything that was being said; he wasn’t hovering around you like Edward used to hover around her and eavesdrop.
“Caius completely trusts (Name) and it’s not just because they are mates.” Bella felt a spike of envy as she realised that.
Now Bella could hear yours and Qui-Gon’s voices.
“Please, (Name), there is no need for you to be a part of the upcoming battle.”
“No, Qui-Gon.” Your voice sounded tired but it rang with finality, “Our relationship is well and truly over. This time it’s my turn to choose and I choose to stand by the side of my mates.”
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
Tea Time With Hawk ☕️🦅
The Bad Batch was... badly designed
If you like the Bad Batch & aren’t open to reading a critical look into their design, don’t read this.
So I’ve already written about The Clone Wars and the issues with Tup and Rex’s character designs. For me, these aren’t reasons enough for me to dislike their characters as a whole (although I refuse to draw Tup’s tattoo when I do draw him).
With the Bad Batch though... I really don’t like them. I don’t want to draw them. Their designs make me uncomfortable, and for two reasons other than just the designs themselves:
1. The Bad Batch was designed for the newest and latest season of TCW, meaning those involved in the creation and in the direction of the Star Wars Umiverse in general are aware of issues brought up in the last decade about POC representation and racism in Star Wars (I say this because it’s been widely talked about, especially after the sequel movies premiered).
2. These characters were introduced specifically as a backdoor pilot for their own series. If the reception to them hadn’t been as good, the Bad Batch series probably wouldn’t have been greenlighted (this is something done in Hollywood in general, not a specific Disney thing). The problem isn’t that they were created in mind to have a series about them, but that these clones have the most whitewashed appearance and were chosen to be the focus of a new series.
So, on to a closer look at exactly what I find issue with these characters.
Crosshair: why the fuck does the sharpshooter look like a white man (this is nothing against white men, but he is supposed to be the CLONE of a BROWN MAN). EVERYTHING about him is changed so drastically that it doesn’t even look like they used the base model of a clone for him.
For comparison:
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Top photo is Crosshair. Bottom three are Fives, Jester, and Echo (after the Citadel, which I’ll get to).
Crosshair’s jaw structure is angular and his cheekbones more vertical and prominent. His hairline is more rigid, his hair is white, and with the painting details you can see it is mean to be straight. His nose is so much narrower it’s as if he had a nose job done. Even his lip shape is smaller, which is ridiculous seeing as the clones already have such thin lips. His eyebrows are thinner and less bold. All these are pbviously changed even when comparing to Echo, who is meant to be thin in malnourished in that picture.
Crosshair’s mutation goes further than being a great sharpshooter. They literally made him into a white man.
And then I wonder why he seems to be the most popular of the Bad Batch members in the fandom... sigh.
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Tech: again, it looks as if they used a whole different base structure than the normal clones. So here we have his “desirable mutation” meaning he’s incredibly smart. He is shorter and less built than the other clones, his hair is lightened, his nose narrower, his jaw narrower and less square... the changes aren’t as drastic as with Crosshair, but he’s still changed to fit more Eurocentric features. Tech is also much shorter than all the other clones? Idk personally I found that strange and unnecessary cause it not only adds to “nerds are smaller” stereotypes, but more troubling, it subtly pushes the notion that the larger brown men are not as smart as the smaller whitewashed man.
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Wrecker: I can’t even begin to describe how animalistic they make him seem in comparison to the previous two. While Crosshair and Tech’s mutations are more mental and refined and thus they are given Eurocentric features... Wrecker’s mutation focuses on brute strength and yet he retains the more typical clone features of the show. Yeah idk just look at the picture and the way he acts in the show. He’s better than the first two but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Hunter: okay enhancing his senses is... fine. Honestly he’s the least problematic in my opinion. But like... they were not subtle in trying to make him like Rambo. His hair, his facial features, even the bandana. He’s not as whitewashed as Crosshair or Tech, but he is obviously modeled after Sylvester Stalone, who y’know is a white guy.
And then they have Echo elevated to the Bad Batch. @thatfunkyopossum made an art that pointed it out best, but there isn’t really an excuse for how much paler they made his skin. Yes brown skinned people can and do get darker or lighter based on seasons but like... we don’t just lose all our melanin and become completely white if we never get sunlight. I hope they give him some color back for this sequel 😅 [Edit 4/2021: LMAO HE GOT WORSE SOMEHOW]
So yeah. The Bad Batch makes me extremely uncomfortable as a whole, and you won’t see me creating stuff for them (I drew Hunter once for a friend but that’s the extent I’ll get involved with them). It’s fine if you do like them, like I’m not going to hate you or anything, but I did want to write this up because enough people were interested.
I am of course welcome to any discussion about it (both in agreement or disagreement) :) but if you start attacking anyone in reblogs I will not hesitate to block you. *Please check the notes if you want to see the discussion!*
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ashen-crest · 3 years
Percy cosplay progress #1: his pepperbox!
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[ID: a screenshot of Percy’s gun from The Legend of Vox Machina. end ID]
Hey all!
I said I’d post progress photos of my Percy cosplay as I went, so here’s drop #1: starting to work on his silly gun! 
I will say that I’m taking photos and writing notes as I go- so it’s entirely possible I execute some things in here that won’t work out in the end. We shall see! Fingers crossed I don’t totally mess this up.
Photos and notes below the cut.
Okay, so I usually start by drawing the gun on poster paper to the scale I want. I have a prop flintlock pistol that’s about the size I wanted, so I used that + my TV show screenshots for reference.
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[ID: a pencil and marker outline drawing of Percy’s gun, with certain lines highlighted in different colors. end ID]
I use colors to sort out how I’ll assemble it. The pink handle, barrel, and cap are all separate pieces. The dark gold lines will be either foam or worbla add-ons. The silver lines are details will be carved in.
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[ID: a photo of my hand holding a green foam handle, with white foam clay filling in the edges. end ID]
I needed the handle to have thickness, so I took some foam mat scraps, cut out two handle shapes, and hot-glued them together, with smooth sides facing out.
After that, I smoothed out the edges with my dremel and added some foam clay to round out the overall shape (as you can see, I’m really bad at cutting foam- my pieces never line up well.)
Once the foam clay is dry, I’ll be covering the handle with worbla- so it’s okay that the edges aren’t totally smooth here.
Barrel Base
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[ID: a photo of an empty, scratched sprinkles container, a foam rectangle, and a foam circle. end ID]
For the base of the barrel, I’m using a plastic sprinkles container covered in 2mm craft foam. As you can see in this photo, I buffed the container with sandpaper before gluing on the foam, so the hot glue would have a more porous surface to adhere to.
Barrel Grooves
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[ID: a top-down and side photo of the foam-covered sprinkles container, now with rows of foam clay glued on it as well. end ID]
In order to get the widely grooved edge of the barrel, I hot-glued rolls of foam clay. As you can see in the first photo, I drew a little guide for myself right onto the foam to help place the rolls.
Again, this is going to be covered in either 2mm foam or worbla, so it’s okay that it’s a little messy here. I’m hopeful 2mm will work, as the worbla is thinner, and will be less forgiving when it comes to covering my mistakes. :)
Next Steps
The foam clay will take 24-48 hrs to dry. Once it’s dry, I’ll be covering the handle & barrel, applying details, and attaching together.
In the meantime, I’ll be working on Percy’s mask! Stay tuned for a post about that as well, and wish me luck.
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gerrydelano · 3 years
do you have any specific or lengthy fat/chubby jon thoughts or hcs bc if so id love to hear them, its what he deserves <3
hi, thank you for being patient with me while i gathered the spoons and thoughts to answer this! it took me longer than i’d hoped for to go back and edit my fic a little bit, despite how teeny tiny the edits are, but it also gave me some inspiration to combine this HC with some of my cooking, family and university HCs for him! i have a lot of love for it and i think it’s really warm.
i just think that he ate well as a child.
i don’t think he was underfed or neglected, i don’t think he had the capacity then to neglect himself the way he might later in life during the stressful and traumatic events of the canon storyline, and i think even with a “metabolism out of some sort of mirror dimension” (as i had georgie describe it once) there’s still a chance that for a while, he was just... comfortable!
particularly having grown up on grandma food :’-)
(which is a phrase that lives in my brain now because of this wonderful art & HC post by @b-e-n-j-a-m-i-n-s! thank HIM for the push towards chubby jon in the GTCU!)
i’d been thinking about it ever since he posted this and after ren drew this little number here, i was like, fuck it. going back to edit the first couple of chapters of two ships passing, since that’s the one where i spent the most time talking about him as a kid & some time in university! i think he would still have some baby fat around then and it’s just adorable.
i just think a lot about gaining weight as healing, to show signs of progress and comfort, especially when there is such a large culture surrounding weight loss as a signifier of being Healthy when the methods pushed to get people there are so often harmful instead.
as a fat person myself, i’d like to see (and so write!) more stories that don’t condemn bodies for whatever shape they naturally take, and allowing characters within them to embrace themselves and each other as they are! and, when applicable, explore insecurities and the mental toll that society’s treatment of particular bodies will inevitably take on a person, in a way that explores how to recover from it. 
that’s something i plan to do with martin especially, but there’s definitely some of it in my concepts for tim, georgie and melanie, as well.
in terms of jon, i still think he’s on the thinner side of that spectrum, but i almost want to emphasize that it’s less, like... Traumatic Emaciation and more simply. not being fit? he’s just. not Fit.
he doesn’t exercise regularly! he scurried around a lot as a kid, but he was also a hypermobile asthmatic who had no interest in sports or getting sweaty or any of that. he had good endurance for walking, he could walk for ages, but that was about the extent of it.
the most physical activity i really put any focus on is the fact that he definitely did used to do some DDR when he worked in an arcade, and he learned some of the dances from favorite bollywood films! so he spent a lot of time just dancing around his bedroom and he never showed ANYONE that until he taught some to georgie, leo and alma in uni.
then his knee injury at 22 really benched him for a while! but he still remembers the moves ( >:3c )
so, he was a chubby kid! outright had a round face and was made of soft shapes and was still very Short so he was, like. so tiny and compact.
and then he hit a few growth spurts and it all leveled out over time, but there are always going to be little places your body just says, “okay, genetics say to anchor some fat here, so here it is!” and you just have to live with that sometimes.
it stays mostly around his tummy! little muffin top over his waistband.
g-d i love him.
i have a particular fondness for, like... the small idiosyncrasies in bodies.
things being a little uneven or a distinctive mole or birthmark somewhere or an unconventional gap in the teeth or small ears or thick eyebrows or how someone’s tummy might not quite “match” how their torso is shaped, but it’s very distinctly theirs.
in TSP CH7, when i describe jon wearing a saree for the first time, he describes his body type in relation to insecurities about it:
“It never felt like he could wrap himself up so securely, and that the problem lay with him. Him and his narrow hips and the bit of belly fat that doesn’t match his skinny chest or shoulders, how little muscle he has to his name. Even if he managed to get it to stay, it would still outline the wrong silhouette.”
most of this is social dysphoria, and the important part of the scene is how absolutely enamored georgie is the second she sees him, and they actually Talk about how important it is for him to feel safe wearing something he’s always wanted to try wearing.
but going back and adding the bit about belly fat there was important to me! the outfit included a choli top that stops just under his ribs, and he’s never really been very used to wearing clothes that show that much skin, even if he covers it up with the saree itself. baring his midriff was totally new to him, both in a gender way and a general body image way.
it was a big step for him!
and it’s nice to explore some insecurities with him because we all have them, and i like to focus on him living his life anyway with people who find him charming and love him wholly.
other people can’t heal our insecurities, but they can certainly help!
(g-d. i love writing pre-canon jon. filling in those blanks is my favorite thing to do.)
i think he’s very drawn to people who just appear at home in themselves. people who are solid and warm and good to hang onto when they’re walking together. he likes the balance. he finds them miraculous.
(i’ve said before that his type is “Big Handsome” and i stand by that.)
and frankly? i think sometimes he wishes he was structured more like that, could keep more weight on and fill himself out, but it’s just not quite what his body is built to do!
his fat distribution shifted a little as he aged and it went into some funny directions and it takes him a bit to find peace with it, i think he’s just naturally predisposed to being critical of himself despite being so strong-willed in social situations.
(which sometimes was to scare people away before they could come to judge him for the things he can’t help or change. he’s so. eye. jhbkjn.)
i also HC georgie as fat! you can see her here in this art of ren’s, too.
i really like the idea that jon and georgie both feel very at home with each other and each other’s bodies. the idea that they helped each other to love themselves a little more when they were together even if loving each other didn’t work out in the end.
i like that it was jon who suggested they deserved forgiveness for the things they spent so long denying themselves. i feel like it’s important that he said that. he was able to see that once and really mean it.
the effects of fatphobia ingrained into all of us do make it difficult for many fat people to even fathom relationships being possible much less being healthy. it’s important to me to see and portray fat people in relationships being loved and loving others and having that love be valued and sought after. georgie is a hot catch! she knows it! we all know it!
(she has her own things to overcome that i’ve written about before/plan to expand on when she’s able to have more of a focal point in PBR, but for now this will stay about jon!)
so i just really like the idea of georgie — someone jon adores and respects and feels safe with and encouraged by — being fat, and how that might make him feel more comfortable with a part of himself that certainly was involved in whatever bullying he experienced growing up.
and i especially like this because in my mind, i connect it directly to his family life and history, in a positive, nostalgic way that extends into adulthood as something that brings him great comfort.
time for the family, history and cooking HCs!
jaya @tolbyccian​​​ and i were talking just the other night about their HCs for jon’s family, and we can agree wholeheartedly on one thing: 
jon grew up feeling at home sitting on kitchen counters.
as a kid, he loved being sat up there and passing utensils to whoever was doing the cooking, helping stir things, dropping stuff in pots, anything they’d let him or ask him to do.
both of our HCs for him differ greatly from one another, but race and heritage plays an important role in both of them! all the way from grandma to georgie.
i personally HC jon as jewish and indian!
his mother (sarika) was indian, and his father (isaiah) was a quarter indian himself, with a mixed race jewish/indian mother and a white father who converted to judaism for marriage.
that's a large part of jon’s grandmother's story (i named her miriam, and he calls her his dadima! which is a hindi word.)
miriam knew of her ancestry but didn't have exposure to culture due to being displaced during WWII.
her primary connection was to jewish culture through her surrogate sister, ruth, who was with her in the farmhouse that she ended up in when she was moved to england.
ruth insisted that they both remember their prayers and recipes and everything they could while they had to suppress themselves, and so miriam held onto that for a long time.
she and her husband agreed to raise isaiah jewish, and isaiah and sarika agreed to do the same with jon, as sarika was never particularly religious herself and they all agreed that given the family's history, it was important to keep this part of it alive.
a large part of keeping things alive in their house meant food.
many of the recipes that miriam ended up with were from her friends at synagogue, people she met as she grew older and established herself within that community in the absence of recipes from her own parents.
what sarika also had, was food!
it’s her recipes that really made the difference, and that really linger in jon’s head for the rest of his life. miriam’s recipes were comfortable, but sarika’s were fun.
she used to cook a lot in the house, all-day-long sort of cooking, and jon remembers that as best he can given how hazy his memories of his parents are.
sarika and miriam connected on this, as well. they all lived in the same house together (all the roomier when miriam’s husband died, even more so when isaiah fell, and so on.)
miriam had been able to cling onto her jewish heritage on her mother’s side, but not so much indian culture on her father’s!
having sarika in the family was something she loved very dearly. they worked together, they uplifted and encouraged each other, and they held things together in the short time when they were the two that were left.
but even before that? sarika introducing indian recipes into the house was something miriam latched onto with her entire heart.
miriam, like jon, is autistic! and cooking was one of her special interests, alongside maritime history and the ocean.
so, she was very good with establishing routines.
after sarika's death, miriam started up a new tradition: bebe night!
every year on sarika’s birthday, she and jon would cook what they still had of her favorite recipes: chana masala, simple biryani, dahl with rice, paneer, naan and raita, so on and so forth.
jon loved bebe night. it made the time surrounding those anniversaries a lot less painful, and gave them a means to celebrate sarika’s life instead of dwelling fully on the loss of her, or sweeping it under the rug.
his associations with “tradition” as a concept are very strongly rooted in his very small family and the glancing memory of when he had a bigger one, if a little less in the grand scheme of broader community.
he’s very much someone who tends towards a narrow focus in most areas of life (very beholding of him, again.) and so being able to have this is really important to him.
i just think food is one of his love languages.
food was a huge part of how he was shown love and nourishment and encouragement growing up, and so it’s a part of how he expresses it as an adult!
he makes big batches of things and then gives away leftovers as necessary, even if he pretends it’s not a big deal.
he will NOT let you help him with the food itself, but he will occasionally let you stand in the kitchen, or sit on the counter (if there’s a lot of room very far away from his work station.)
and if he asks for your help?
i think one day in uni, he was cooking aloo gobi.
(for georgie, of course. he spent some time looking for new recipes that didn’t rely on meat to fill the space left by all of his bebe’s old favorites that did. it was nice to look through websites and books together marking down things they were both interested in. it was nice to see him get excited to try something new.)
georgie was leaning on the counter and chatting with him while he diced the russet potatoes and he asked her to get a head start on frying the cumin seeds for him, the same way he might ask her to glance out the window for the weather. 
until they pop, he said. i should be done with these in time to stir in the onions myself.
i think that’s the moment she knew for certain. not that she loved him — she figured that out a few months ago listening to him rip apart some cheesy paranormal investigation show they’d left on the telly, until she offered to turn it off and he said, what? no, i’m having fun.
she knew she loved him. he’d already said he loved her, too.
that was just the moment she knew he meant it.
it’s also just one of his favorite things to do in the autistic way!
he loves the mathematics of following a recipe. of getting something exactly right, and feeling accomplished.
but what he loves even more is being able to become so confident in what he’s doing that he can comfortably deviate from the guidelines and make adjustments that make it just right. special, and memorable, and fun.
this is why the indian recipes are his personal favorite when he wants to decompress; the spices!
the sheer amount of spices he gets to work with is like a puzzle. there are so many pieces, and one little addition or missing something else can change the whole taste.
it’s one of the only times he enjoys the pursuit of discovery. the “maybe i’ll try to put a little spin on something i know i love.” 
it won’t scare him out of trying again, or frustrate him into giving up on it.
bebe never got angry at him for tapping too much turmeric into a pot. dadima never got angry at him for a bit of shell falling into the bowl with an egg he almost cracked perfectly.
no one will be angry with him if it’s not exactly the same or better than the last time he made it; they’re just going to be happy to eat.
so he doesn’t get angry with himself when he makes a mistake, either. it’ll still be worth something. it’s a very forgiving art.
he likes feeling proud of himself! it’s a productive activity that results in a tangible show of his effort and skill, it provides actual benefit, and he can give it away. he can show off a little! he can have something that’s his, and that people know him for, and look forward to, and cherish.
that feels amazing to him, you know? it makes him feel peaceful, and happy. it’s something he really, truly loves.
even if he doesn’t do it near as often (or, eventually, at all) when things go south for him, there was a time in his life when it was his favorite thing to do! and in an ideal world, it’s something he can get back.
just like the little bit of weight on his belly that says he’s doing well.
put simply, then:
if his heart was a room in a house it would be a kitchen.
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sinfulspencer · 4 years
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Prompt: Spencer Reid has always wanted to be a father. Based on the beautiful song, “Life” by Sleeping at last.
Check out my masterlist here.
A.N Hello my darlings, this is quite different from everything I’ve written. I was listening to the song I based this one shot on and got an idea. What if Spencer is about to become a dad? Then, this little thing came out and I have to be honest, I like it. It’s not too sweet, it’s not too simple. I wanted to leave the name up to the reader, but then I decided to think about a name that Spencer could’ve given to his baby. He’s a man of science, so of course he’d be inspired by important scientists. Hope you like this one shot as much as I did while writing it.
Love, Aurora x
PS: let me know if you want to be added to my permanent tag list! 
It began with a whisper in my ear: “I think it’s time” Suddenly all we held dear was on the line As your heart measured in mountains fell and climbed You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay We were changed in an instant, we became so much more Our definition of perfect was written when she was born She drew her first breath out of what love meant In my heart, reconciled all the darkness and light inside my chest As her hands held tight and her eyes met mine I saw the future unfold in silver and gold, and I’m already proud
Labour, also called “childbirth”, is the process of the baby leaving the uterus. There are three stages of labour: the first stage is the dilation of the cervix; the second stage is the fully dilation ‘til the expulsion of the foetus; the third, and last stage, is the expulsion of the foetus ‘till the placenta and membranes are delivered.
It usually takes 13 hours in women giving birth for the first time, 8 hours in women who have given birth before in their life. But of course, each woman is different, and so will be labour. It could take 13 hours or 18, or even more, based on how each stage lasts.
Stage one lasts from the initiation of labour until there’s a full dilation of the cervix. It becomes thinner and stretches as the baby’s head will descend and engage with the pelvis. This stage is usually the longest and the most painful, because there are contractions – which are not nice at all. This stage can be divided into two more parts: the latent phase, which is the period between the start of labour and the dilation of the cervix to 4 cm, and the active phase, when the cervix is dilated between 4 cm and 10.
Stage two is the expulsion – or delivery – of the baby. And it has two phases: the initial part is a passive phase, where the baby’s head moves down through the mother’s vagina, followed by the second phase, where the mother feels the desire to push. Once the baby is delivered, the umbilical cord will be clamped and cut by the midwife or the doctor.
Stage three is the delivery of the placenta, which usually happens 15-20 minutes after childbirth.
Spencer Reid has read every article existent on the internet, on books, on medical journals. He was ready to understand when Y/N would’ve gone into labour, he was ready to pick up their bag from behind the door as they leave for the Hospital while calling JJ or Garcia, he was ready to start the car and drive as fast and carefully as he could to reach the Hospital without Y/N screaming in his ear.
He was physically ready to do everything. But he wasn’t psychologically ready.
No one in the world can really prepare you for what is going to happen when the contractions come quickly, when your partner is screaming and crying in pain because your baby wants to come out soon and meet you, meet the world they’re going to live in. No one, so Spencer Reid isn’t much different from all the parents he has met during Y/N’s usual checkups at the Hospital.
Which is weird, because Spencer Reid always knows what to do, how to deal with unexpected events.
But now, as he’s driving as fast as he can – trying not to hit other cars with his, even though the nerves and the tug on his heart each time Y/N whines in pain are not helping him at all – and talking to JJ at the same time, Spencer Reid has forgotten everything. He’s trying to keep track of her contractions, looking at the watch on his wrist in order to calculate how a contraction lasts and when the other one comes.
For the past hour, they lasted for 57 seconds and are 4 minutes and 55 seconds apart. Now they’re lasting a few seconds more, but the frequency is still the same. Y/N knows that she’s in active labour, she talked to Lauren that same exact morning because she was feeling “weird” but couldn’t understand why or what was happening. Until it happened, in their kitchen.
Y/N was having dinner with Spencer, giggling and talking about something she saw on the TV while he was at work, when she felt something weird between her legs. She thought she poured some water on her thighs but when she remembered that she hadn’t a drop of water since the beginning of their dinner, she understood. That was not water, she didn’t wet herself or anything. And the cramps she had felt the whole afternoon were not just cramps. They were contractions, which freaked her out.
Y/N didn’t know how to tell Spencer without freaking him out, too. So she stood up from the chair, pointed to the wet spot on the pillow and waddled back to her bedroom as she tried not to cry and fall apart because of the nerves. Spencer didn’t understand what was happening at first, he thought that she forgot to go to the bathroom but when she came back to the kitchen, holding her phone and talking to Lauren, he started to freak out. It was actually kind of funny.
Spencer Reid has always been a very calm and collected man, rarely losing his mind over something. But when he understood that his girlfriend – and soon to be wife – was in labour, he dropped everything and ran to put on his shoes and coat. Lauren told Y/N to go to the Hospital, especially because now her contractions were starting to get closer and closer to each other. So, once Spencer got their bag and stuffed it inside of his car, he helped Y/N sit and drove towards the building.
“Reid, if you don’t drive faster than this, I will kill you.”
Y/N kept shifting in her seat, keeping tracks of her contractions as much as she could even though she couldn’t really breathe or talk during those moments. They were difficult to deal with, and changing positions inside of a car is not really easy to do – especially if her boyfriend tried to drive fast, avoiding cars and calming her down with his words. But when Y/N snapped, telling him to shut up while crying, Spencer put his right hand on her thigh and started to stroke it. It didn’t help, but it definitely made her feel less scared.
“You’re doing great, my love. Just hang tight, okay? We’ll be there in two minutes.”
Y/N knows she will have a room full of people just to see her child and she’s excited about it, she has been waiting for nine months to meet her baby girl but now, in this exact moment, she doesn’t want anyone around her beside Spencer and the whole medical team. She loves Spencer’s colleagues, she has gone out with them many times to celebrate a case or one of their birthdays, but right now all she cares about is pushing this baby out of her body and holding her tightly to her chest, kissing her all over her little face and seeing Spencer cuddling their child.
She knew this moment was just right around the corner and now that is really happening, Y/N is overwhelmed. Or maybe it’s just the fact that the contractions are really fucking painful and she’s trying to find something else to think about to distract herself. So, Y/N grabs Spencer’s hand and holds it tightly, intertwining her fingers with his as she takes deep breaths. In and out, in and out just like Lauren taught her.
“Tell me something.”
Spencer glances at her, furrowing his eyebrows. “What? What do you want me to say?”
Y/N shrugs, placing her free hand under her belly. “I don’t know, something. Whatever you want, just distract me, please? I think I’m...”
As another contraction hits her body like a thunder, Y/N holds his hand so tightly she thinks she’s going to break it – and she feels so bad because Spencer has to endure all of this. But at the same time, it’s his fault for wanting a baby – she wanted it too, of course, but she has to blame someone that is not herself now.
“Did you know that breastfeeding can cause contractions? Just like orgasms can cause uterine contractions, so can nipple stimulation. If you breastfeed a child while you’re pregnant with another one, you could have contractions again. – spits out Spencer, not really sure if she wants to hear about this topic – When the nipples are stimulated, the body releases oxytocin which is the hormone that causes the uterus to contract. The amount of oxytocin that is produced by the body is so minimal, though, that it likely won’t lead to preterm labour unless you have a high-risk pregnancy. If you do have one, you probably might have to stop breastfeeding until baby number two arrives.”
Y/N lets out a loud sigh, a signal that the contraction has ended. “I feel like my uterus is being held in a fucking vice grip.”
Spencer frowns, finally reaching the parking lot of the Hospital. “I’m so sorry, my love. We’re here.”
Once Lauren spots their car, and immediately walks towards them with a wheelchair, Spencer steps down and opens the door for Y/N. She keeps a hand under her belly, as if the gesture of holding it helps her relieve a little bit of pressure from her upper thighs, and quickly sits on the wheelchair. Spencer looks at her for a split second, running his fingers through her hair, and presses a kiss on her forehead.
“I’ll be with you in a minute, okay? – says the young doctor, looking at the midwife beside her – I need to call my colleagues, I’ll be there soon. Usual floor?”
Lauren quickly nods as she pushes the wheelchair towards the building, Y/N staring at Spencer with a hand mid-air and a frown on her face. He blows her a kiss and pulls out his phone, quickly typing JJ’s number before calling her. He hates not being able to stay with Y/N right now but he knows he has to call all of their friends, he promised JJ and Garcia were going to be the first to know about Y/N’s labour – and they are going to be the ones telling all the others that his baby, his beautiful daughter, was eager to join him.
“Jennifer, hi. I’m sorry to call you this late but I think it’s time.”
Spencer starts to walk towards the building, the sliding doors opening for him. “Time? For what?”
“Y/N is in labour. – says Spencer, noticing his girlfriend disappear in the hallway – I have to call Garcia now, can you please tell this to Emily and Tara? I need to be quick, Y/N needs me.”
Henry’s voice can be heard in the background of the call. “Absolutely! Yes, sure. Oh God, Spencer. Are you ready for this? Is this really happening?”
“Yeah, I’m ready. And yes, it’s happening. I’ll see you later.”
Once he has also called Garcia, and listened to her freaking out over her phone, Spencer leaves his phone in the pocket of his jacket and runs in the middle of a Hospital. His heart is already beating out of his chest, fear spreading through every single cell in his body. He knows nothing bad will happen right now, Y/N is in good hands and she’s with Lauren, but he’s so fucking excited to meet his daughter and hold her in his arms. He has been waiting for this moment to come for nine months.
His Elizabeth. Elizabeth Rita Reid.
It has two very important names for Spencer and Y/N.
Elizabeth stands for Elizabeth Garrett-Anderson, the first female doctor. She was also a suffragette, a militant demanding the right to vote for women. She opened the first Hospital, managed by women.
Rita is in honour of Rita Levi Montalcini, a neurologist, philanthropist, feminist and a senator of the Italian Government. She won the Medicine Nobel Prize because of her research about the NGF, a growth factor identified for its action on the morphological differentiation of neural-crest-derived nerve cells. This discovery helped the study of diseases like cancer, SLA and Alzheimer.
Those two names were so important to them, Y/N loved them more than anything. Also, she thought their first daughter needed to have a strong name, a name that makes an impact on their lives. But she has already done that, making their lives happier and filled with joy.
“Doctor Reid?”
Spencer turns his head, noticing Doctor Hughes staring at him from the hallway. He’s supposed to be with Y/N so why is he drinking coffee inside of a Hospital, while she’s in labour? Why isn’t he in the way where he should be? Or maybe he hasn’t been called in yet because they’re still checking her inside of a room, or maybe giving her all of those usual exams?
“Hello, hi. – says Spencer, biting his bottom lip – My girlfriend has just been brought in.”
Doctor Hughes nods, a little smile appearing on his lips. “I know, I just saw her. They were helping her put the Hospital gown on, I’ll be there in a minute. Are you nervous? You’re pale.”
The other doctor shrugs, lowering his eyes for a moment. “I’m... well, nervous. If you’d excuse me, I have to check on Y/N. She’s wondering where I am.”
“I’ll be there in a moment, don’t worry.”
Spencer finally reaches the Gynaecology ward, where Y/N has been checked in, and looks around to see if there’s a nurse that can help him find where she is. But then he hears her whining, a door open and Lauren walking outside to talk to a nurse about something he can’t quite understand. Instead of stopping and eavesdropping, he runs inside the room to find Y/N near the window with her hands on the glass and her body bent forward as she whines again.
She doesn’t answer him, lowering her body a little bit. She takes a deep breath and whines again, holding a hand under her belly. Spencer gets closer to her, putting both his hands under her belly as she presses her palms the cold window, and hums as she leans her head back on his shoulder.
“This lasted 75 seconds. – Y/N whispers, breathing in and out – Lauren just measured me, I’m dilated 9 cm. It’s almost time, she thinks I can start to push in an hour or less.”
Spencer holds her belly up, gasping when Y/N whines again. “Another one?”
She quickly nods, tears streaming down her face as she shrieks because of the pain. He hates seeing her like that, he hates that childbirth is pretty painful – especially for the first child – and he hates not being able to help her that much. Spencer waits until the contraction stops, holding her body pressed against his as she closes her eyes and wrinkles her nose. She’s sweaty and her hair is a mess.
“My love, maybe you should lay down. I don’t think you should...”
Y/N answers him with another whine, pushing his hands away from her belly. Spencer knows that in this phase women are most likely to be annoyed and frustrated, so he doesn’t get hurt or upset. He’s just sad that he can’t help her with anything, because she needs to find a way to feel better, a position that helps her survive these contractions.
Time is ticking, but it feels as if it has stopped completely.
Or at least, that’s how Y/N feels. 
She hasn’t looked at the clock in a couple of minutes but she doesn’t care, because all that matters is that their daughter is going to come out soon and Y/N can’t fucking wait for this to be over. If Spencer ever talks about having other children, she’s going to shove something up his nose.
Y/N knows that she’s thinking this just because she’s in pain, and that she will probably get pregnant again in a couple of years to give their daughter a little brother or another sister, but still. Her position now stands, especially because she’s in pain. She doesn’t want any medication even though Lauren suggested one, Y/N has always wanted to experience this to the fullest – not that women who accept drugs aren’t, of course. But it simply feels that way.
“Distract me again, Spencer.”
He blinks, helping Y/N lay down on the bed with her legs spread open. “How? What do you want me to do?”
“Tell me what our daughter is doing right now. – she whispers, breathing in and out – Please.”
Spencer looks at the door, then glances at her again. 
“You’re in the active phase of cervical dilation, which means your cervix is slowly fully dilating so that our baby can descend. Lauren probably checked the colour of the amniotic fluid and she keeps checking how dilated you are, but you’re the one who’s going to feel the need to push. And if you do, you have to tell Lauren because it means it’s time to do it for real and let our baby come out.”
Y/N groans again, throwing her head on the pillow. “If you put another baby inside of me, I swear, I’ll become an unsub and choke you with a pillow.”
Spencer smiles at her, grabbing her head and leaving a kiss on the back of it. “I won’t. Well, maybe I will in a couple of years but I think we’re settled for now, aren’t we?”
She looks at him, slowly nodding. “Yeah, we are. What did JJ and Garcia say?”
“They’re coming, they also told the others that it’s time. I don’t know when they’ll be here, but they’re definitely coming. Garcia wants to see Elizabeth more than she wants to see me and you. – the young doctor smiles, leaning down to kiss her forehead - I don’t blame her, we don’t look our best now.”
Y/N giggles, placing his hand on her belly. “Are you saying I look like shit?”
He shrugs, giggling. “I never said that, my love. But you’re all sweaty.”
“Wow, thank you so much Spencer. – she replies, hissing when another contraction hits her – Fuck.”
He holds her hand as tight as she can, pulling away his hand from her belly. He runs his fingers through her hair, moving it from her forehead.
“Of course, I’m just kidding. You look stunning as always. And you’re so strong for doing this, my love. I will buy you some ice cream later, okay? – says Spencer, trying to distract her again from the contraction shaking her – Or maybe just some iced tea lemon flavoured. And think about this: you will be able to eat tiramisu once you get out of here, because you won’t be pregnant again. Aren’t you excited about that? I am, I miss that dessert.”
Y/N releases her grip on his hand, the pressure in her lower back getting more and more intense as the seconds go by. Spencer notices that and as he opens his mouth to say something, Y/N anticipates him and she presses the button beside her bed.
“I need to push. I need to, right fucking now.”
Everything happens in the blink of an eye. Doctor Hughes and Lauren join Y/N and Spencer in their room, another nurse giving Spencer a green gown to cover his upper body. Then Lauren helps Y/N put her legs on the bed, opening them as Doctor Hughes puts on his gloves and his glasses, all of that could help him in delivering that baby.
“Come on, Y/N. It’s time for you to push, okay? – says Doctor Hughes – And make sure to breathe between the contractions, okay? I know it’ll be painful, but you can scream as loud as you want.”
Spencer is sitting right behind his wife, his mouth is pressed on her neck as he caresses her arm with his free hand as a way of helping her to keep on pushing. And when she starts, Spencer thinks she’s going to rip his hands off his arms; the amount of force she has in her body is incredible.
He doesn’t even want to imagine the pain she’s going through, he doesn’t want to feel it.
And he hates himself for putting her through this, it’s a very conflicting feeling.
Spencer has always dreamed of becoming a father, but he didn’t want to hurt his girlfriend. Unfortunately, this is one of the phases of life. If you want a baby, you have to go through pain. But of course, he knows that Y/N will forget everything as soon as she’ll be able to hold their little daughter – even though she’s going to make sure HE remembers what she went through. Spencer doesn’t care, he would do anything to make Y/N forgive him.
Half an hour later, Y/N is exhausted even. Spencer can feel her body pressing against his as she gives another push before relaxing and throwing her head back against his shoulders.
Doctor Hughes keeps asking Y/N to push again, he tells her that she's doing amazing and that their baby daughter will be in her arms soon but all Spencer can think about is how incredibly strong Y/N is for doing this. He has always admired women for giving birth to children, because it's probably one of the most painful events that occurs in someone's life. And now his future wife, his beautiful girlfriend, is doing the same because they choose to become parents, to have a little baby running around their apartment.
Spencer feels helpless. Y/N is doing all the work, he's just there.
But he's making sure she's okay, brushing a damp cloth on her forehead to take away the sweat; he kisses her and tells her that she's being so strong and so good for him; she's whispering to her that they will take a very long vacation very soon so she can recover from everything. He's doing his best and he hopes it's enough for her.
Spencer doesn't know how long has passed since Y/N started pushing. Maybe an hour, maybe two.
All he knows is that Y/N is thirsty so he grabs a bottle of water, giving it to her. He leaves kisses on her neck, not even caring about the sweat dripping down her skin, because he's too over the moon to actually realize they're both smelly.
“Alright, Y/N, you're doing great. - says Doctor Hughes, looking up at the couple for a few seconds while using a hand to touch something – Your baby's head is almost ready to come out so don't push, okay? Take a deep breath but don't push.”
Y/N quickly nods, resting her head against Spencer's shoulders. He kisses her cheeks sweetly, caressing her belly with the tip of his hands, and closes his eyes as he waits for Doctor Hughes or Lauren to say something else. A wet sound follows the silence.
“Good job, Y/N. The head is coming out. - Lauren exclaims, a huge smile spreading on her lips – You're doing great. One or two contractions and you'll hold your beautiful baby girl.”
Y/N doesn't move, she simply breathes in and out through her nose. Another wet sound can be heard echoing in the room, soon followed by a loud cry.
Spencer’s heart stops.
The very loud cry, the breath of a life coming into the world.
That’s their daughter and she’s so loud, so healthy, so... real.
Their baby girl is in the same room as them, outside Y/N’s body. She’s living, she’s breathing on her own, she’s crying and holding out her hands, in fists as if she’s ready to rock the world, fight for whatever she’s going to fight for.
“Oh my God!”
Spencer doesn’t realize there are tears streaming down his face as he steps down the bed, holding Y/N’s face in his hands and peppering it with kisses. She giggles, her eyes closed at the feeling of his lips all over her skin, and she grabs both his hands.
“She’s here. Our baby.”
Their child is still crying, her hands in fists.
Spencer knows that babies, after they’re born, are not beautiful. It’s obvious, he has always thought it and he’s not going to change his mind now but his baby girl is just perfect. Even though she looks like a bloody potato, she’s the most gorgeous bloody potato he has ever seen. She looks extremely angry, as if she wasn’t ready to come out yet but decided to jump out anyway. But Spencer is already in love with her.
“Congratulations, Y/N and Spencer. Your baby girl is beautiful.”
Y/N is not crying. She’s holding on, her emotions ready to come out at any seconds but right now, all that she wants is to hold her baby and kiss her little face. She wants to tell her that she loves her, that she’s finally with them and that she has been waiting for so long to meet her, to hold her. All of Y/N’s insecurities, her fears, her worries about her future and Spencer’s job taking him away from home for a long time, disappear because their baby is right there.
And she looks like a bloody potato!
Spencer pushes a pillow behind Y/N’s back so that she can feel more comfortable and brushes his hands against the gown the nurse gave him, watching Lauren cleaning their baby’s face with a tissue before slowly handing her to Y/N’s eager hands. And when she does, Spencer breaks down completely.
He’s a father.
He has a daughter, a three minutes old daughter.
Spencer Reid, the man who has lost everything and has now even more.
“Hello Elizabeth, I’m your mummy. Yes, I am. – whispers Y/N, brushing the tip of her thumb against the child’s cheek – Hello my beautiful creature, hi. Welcome to this mad world.”
Spencer pulls out his phone, needing to capture this moment before it ends. So he does, snapping a picture of his gorgeous future wife holding their baby girl. After that, he leaves his phone on the desk beside Y/N’s bed and quickly puts a hand over Y/N’s, stroking her skin.
“Hello Elizabeth, I’m your daddy. – says Spencer, leaning to look at their daughter – Welcome to our lives, my beautiful creature.”
Y/N turns around, tears streaming down his cheeks. “Oh, babe. You’re crying.”
He sniffles, wrinkling his nose. “Can you blame me? I’m.. In awe.”
She gives him a huge smile, glancing at Lauren now between her legs. 
Y/N doesn’t want to focus on what she’s doing right there, because all she cares about now is that there’s a beautiful baby girl in her arms, waiting to be kissed all over her little face.
“Do you want to hold her, Spencer?”
He gasps at the request, quickly nodding. “Yes, please. Give me my daughter.”
Y/N giggles at his eagerness, slowly handing him their child as he puts a hand behind her little head. She knew he has been waiting for this moment for so long, maybe even before she started dreaming of starting a family with him. When he finally gets a hold of her, Spencer lifts her and gently keeps her against his chest as he closes his eyes.
“My Elizabeth.”
Y/N closes her eyes for a few seconds, resting her head against the pillow as she feels way lighter than when she checked herself in the Hospital. Even though she’s probably pushing the placenta out, a phase she doesn’t really want to think about because it makes her nauseous, Y/N feels extremely tired and she can’t wait to get some rest, maybe with her daughter on her chest.
“Y/N, Spencer, we’re going to give you some time alone. We’re done here.”
“Thank you, Lauren.”
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When Y/N opens her eyes, she finds Lauren standing on the doorstep of her room and Spencer holding their daughter now all cleaned out and wrapped in a pale green blanket. Y/N furrows her eyebrow, confused by what is happening.
“For how long did I sleep?”
Spencer sits on the chair next to her bed, smiling softly. “Hey, sleeping beauty. At least one hour, you were exhausted and I didn’t want to bother you.”
Y/N lifts half of her body up, moving her hands in front of herself. “I want my baby, please.”
He hands their child back to her, chuckling. “You want her more than you want me now. Should I be offended by this?”
“I still want you more than anything, babe. – says the young woman, gently holding her newborn – Hi Elizabeth, sorry that your mummy fell asleep but she was really tired. Look at you, oh so pretty.”
Y/N lays her baby against her chest, closing her eyes again as Spencer keeps his hand on top of hers with a huge smile on his lips.
“She grabbed my thumb earlier, she has a very strong hold. She didn’t want to let me go. – says Spencer, pressing a kiss on her hand – And then she looked at me, with those big dark eyes.”
Y/N listens to him, her lips curving into a soft smile. 
The thought of Spencer looking at their daughter like that, holding her cute little hand and just waiting in awe for a sign or something, makes her heart swell. The moment has finally come and she lost it because she was asleep. Sure, she was exhausted and her body is recovering from what has just been through, but still. She feels horribly. Then, a knock interrupts her train of thoughts.
Y/N opens her eyes, Spencer looks up and notices JJ on the doorstep.
“Oh my God. Is that...”
“JJ! You’re here. – mutters Spencer, standing up from the chair to walk up to her and quickly hugs her so tightly – Come, I want you to meet my daughter.”
JJ stops him, putting a hand over his elbow. “Wait, the others are all here.”
“Did Pretty Boy have his baby?”
Morgan’s voice echoes through the room, Spencer’s head snapping back as soon as he hears it. And before Y/N could open her mouth to say something, she starts to chuckle because Spencer is wrapping his arms around his best friend’s neck. She knows how important he was to Spencer, they have spent ten years together before Spencer met Y/N. She has never had the chance to meet him because of Morgan’s job but now that he’s here, she saw the love he had for Spencer in his eyes and it’s going to be difficult to forget it.
“Morgan, I didn’t think they called you. – says Spencer, pulling away from him – Is this real?”
Y/N pulls out her hand, shaking Morgan’s. “Hi, I’m the woman who has just given birth.”
Derek turns to her, smiling softly but his eyes wander on the beautiful baby laying in her arms. He leans down, shaking Y/N’s hand before pouting, looking back at his best friend. JJ, on the other side of the room, tilts her head to force all the others to walk inside of the room Y/N is staying in. And even though Y/N is more than happy to meet all of her friends and Spencer’s colleagues, she’s a bit overwhelmed.
Her hormones are still playing tricks on her. 
She has just given birth, her whole body is sore and the only thing she wants to do right now is cuddling on the bed with her boyfriend. But she can’t kick all of his colleagues out, she’s not a bad or cruel person – and she wants them to meet her daughter. At the same time, she just wishes she was alone with Spencer to enjoy their baby’s first hours.
“Everyone, this is my beautiful daughter Elizabeth Rita Reid.”
Emily, Garcia and Tara are on the verge of tears, Y/N can’t blame them. Her eyes watered each time she looked at the baby peacefully sleeping in her arms, her little hand covering her face. David and Matthew couldn’t be there, they were out of town but they sent a message to Reid, congratulating him on becoming a father –  and teasing him about him having to stay up all night to change diapers.
“She has the same nose as you, Reid. – whispers Prentiss, not wanting to wake the baby up – Oh, she looks so peaceful. I’m so happy for you, guys.”
Y/N blushes, slowly cuddling her. “Yeah, she looks a lot like Spencer.”
He can’t help but smile, holding his daughter when Y/N hands her to him. 
He wants to show his daughter off, he has been waiting for so long to feel like this, to feel like his life is now complete because he has everything he has always wanted.
He has a wonderful woman that loves him beyond any limit.
He has a job that makes him feel satisfied in himself.
He has a beautiful daughter he’s going to take care of.
And soon, he will be married to the woman giggling and answering questions from his colleagues. For the first time in his life, Spencer feels like he reached some happiness – there’s no limit to happiness, he knows that. 
He thought that meeting Y/N was the happiest moment of his life, until she said yes to his proposal. Until she told him she was pregnant. Until Elizabeth was born.
And he knows he’ll be even happier when something else will happen to his family.
Y/N moves her legs down the bed, stretching her muscles while Morgan walks closer to Spencer to admire his daughter. They bicker about something Y/N can’t understand, too busy getting cuddled by Emily, Garcia, JJ and Tara.
“Everybody, I know it’s late but now I really have to kick you out. – says Lauren, interrupting the conversation between all of them – I’m really sorry but other mothers are trying to sleep and I’ve already been yelled at.”
JJ didn’t want to leave, she wanted to hold Elizabeth. 
She was the last one to leave Y/N’s room, but she promised she was going to come back in the morning. After that, Spencer and Y/N were finally alone with their newborn baby.
Spencer closes the door with a soft thud, walking back to the bed before laying down beside Y/N as she gently lays their daughter between them. Elizabeth is holding Y/N’s thumb in her little hand, the grip slowly fading away as she falls asleep against her mother’s chest. Spencer lifts the blanket to cover their bodies, pressing a soft kiss on his girlfriend’s forehead before peppering her lips with other kisses.
“I remember when I held Henry in my arms for the first time. I was terrified I was going to drop him on the floor because he was so small. He could fit in my hands and he was looking at me with those big eyes, probably confused about who I was. – says Spencer, his lips pressing on Y/N’s forehead – Now I’m just so in love with you and with Elizabeth. I didn’t know what to expect but this... this is everything I’ve waited for. I’m so relieved you’re okay, she’s okay. I’m so proud of you, Y/N.”
Y/N looks up at him, brushing the tip of her nose against his. “And I’m proud of you for not passing out while I was giving birth.”
Spencer chuckles, caressing her face with his fingers. “Thank you, I guess.”
“When I talked to Lauren during our first ultrasound, she told me that parents usually experience the “love at first sight” with their babies and... she was absolutely right. – she whispers, kissing his lips once again – You’re Henry’s godfather, now you’re Elizabeth’s father. How does that make you feel?”
“Incredibly lucky. I have the most beautiful baby girl in this world. – says the young doctor, his hand travelling down to lift his baby up and pressing her into his chest – And extremely terrified. I mean, now she’s here with us. So?”
Y/N nods, closing her eyes. “I feel the same. Terrified because, well, we both have high risk jobs and I don’t know what will happen, but also lucky to have you by my side.”
“I can’t wait to start staying up all night to change her diapers and feed her. – says Spencer, trying to break the little tension created – You did so good, my love. You did this.”
She looks up at him again, a single tear slipping down her cheek. “Thank you.”
“Nine months of waiting vanished in 13 hours. Can you believe that?”
Y/N let out a sigh, giggling. “Yeah. 13 very weird hours, I’d say. Thank God I noticed that damp spot in my panties or I would’ve had our child in our bedroom.”
Spencer laughs along with her, shaking his head. “You’re incredible.”
“Let’s hope next time my labour won’t last that much.”
He raises an eyebrow, pressing a kiss over her lips. “Next time?”
Y/N shrugs, cuddling up against him with their daughter in between. “I want a baby boy.”
“Oh, I see. But let’s not focus on that now, we just had a daughter. – says Spencer, stepping down from the bed as he slowly lays their daughter in the crib beside Y/N – We have all the time in the world for another child, my love.”
Once Spencer is back in bed with her, Y/N wraps her arms around his neck and cuddles up against his chest as she hides her face in the crook of his neck. She doesn’t care if she’s smelly or looks like an idiot, she’s so overwhelmed with joy and tiredness. She needs her boyfriend, she needs the father of her baby to hold her and kiss her and help her fall asleep.
“I can’t wait to see you and her dressed up for Halloween. – says Y/N, in between kisses – I love you so much, Spencer. I love you more than anything in the world.”
He puts a hand under her chin, kissing her lips. “We’re going to dress her up like Einstein. And I love you too, more than I can explain.”
Y/N giggles at the thought of her daughter dressed up like a scientist. She has so many hairs on her little head, she would look so pretty – and now Y/N is really excited for Halloween, even though she needs to wait eight more months for that.
“Okay, we have a deal. – mutters Y/N, closing her eyes – Are you comfortable enough? Do you want me to move to the side so you can get more space?”
“I’m good, don’t worry.”
Spencer wraps his left arm around her waist, pulling her body against his taut chest. Y/N leans her head on his shoulder and brushes the tip of her nose against the soft skin of his exposed collarbone, breathing in his scent.
They just had a baby.
Their daughter has joined the world. 
And even though Spencer is still terrified because of all the dangers around him, around his future wife and around his daughter, he’s ready to protect her, to teach her how to stomp her feet on the ground to demand whatever she wants. He’s going to take her all over the world, showing her how beautiful the world is even if it’s dangerous. He’s going to teach her magic tricks, how to cheat at poker, how to paint something, how to build a little robot.
He’s going to forget all of his pain, all of he has been through to grow up with her.
This is the start of Elizabeth’s life.
And this is also the start of his and Y/N’s new life.
  Beautiful like your mother, you are grace, you are light
The better version of our past, from the start of life
We will learn from each other, as you grow up we will too
And our reflections of one another, we will start something new
There is so much to tell you, there is so much to see
We will show you the oceans and everything in between
What a privilege to love you, to teach you all that we knew
To watch you build a collection of dreams that you can call your own 
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Tag list: @slutformgg, @getyoutmoon​, @bookishspencer, @allexthakatt​, @calm-and-doctor​, @reidswhoree​, @nazifa94​, @srhxpci, @eevee0722​, @reichelhache​, @aperrywilliams​, @escapingrealities​, @beepbooptoop, @anime-for-live​ @alfonsais​
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Little Miss Perfect
Summary: Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward, straight girl
Straight hair is most beautiful. Straight A's are most successful. Straight forward is fastest. Straight girls are the most perfect. And if straight girls are the most perfect, and Biana is the most perfect, ae has to be straight. Ae doesn't get a choice.
Little miss perfect, that's me
Content warnings: Internalized homophobia, homophobia in general, cursing, mentions of abuse, mentions of eating disorders, lmk if I should add more.
Word count: 3143
(Read on AO3)
Straight hair, straight A's, straightforward Straight path, I don't cut corners
Biana Amberly Vacker is beautiful, and smart, but that's hardly a surprise. Even before ae was born, everyone knew ae would be beautiful, and smart. Ae's a Vacker, after all. Ae wakes up early to straighten aer hair and stays up late to study, so ae's tired all the time, but ae's gorgeous and ae's at the top of aer class, so does it really matter?
Ae takes life one day at a time, one step after another, because if ae slows down or turns around, everything ae's running away from might catch up with aer.
So ae doesn't do that. Biana keeps following the straight path and hopes the road ahead of aer doesn't wind too much. Make sure every step leads aer to perfection.
I make a point to be on time Head of the student council
Not only that, but Biana's on time for everything. Aer parents make sure of that, but ae probably would be even without their help- Biana likes to plan ahead. Or really, ae doesn't know for sure whether ae likes it, or if it makes ae feel trapped. But at least it saves aer the confusion and terror of an uncertain life. Whatever the reason, ae makes little notes in aer planner for all aer appointments.
And bigger notes in aer journal for the rest of aer life.
Make it through Foxfire.
Manifest an ability.
Get a respectable job.
Marry a respectable boy.
Have children.
Step four... doesn't seem so great, by which ae means downright nauseating, but that doesn't matter. What ae wants doesn't matter. And anyway, this will probably be what ae wants in the long run. Ae's just not old enough for boys yet. Plenty of time for that in the future.
Ae'll be on time for every step of aer perfect fucking life.
I don't black out at parties I jam to Paul McCartney
Biana doesn't break rules- mostly because ae's afraid of how aer father would punish aer. Either way, ae's never snuck out at night, never spent time with the classmates he said were beneath aer, never wore something he said showed too much skin, never ate more than ae was allowed to. Every single one of his rules, ae followed.
If that meant not going to Marella Redek's party because her mother was too "strange," even though everyone else was talking about how fun it would be, ae wouldn't go. Ae would just miss out. Fun.
Ae heard that at the parties, they played human music. What would that even sound like? Fitz knew- he got to go to the human world all the time, but Biana didn't. Still, after incessant begging, aer dad let aer listen to one song, by a human named Paul McCartney. It wasn't bad. Quite good, in comparison to elvin music. Still... ae wished ae could listen to more.
Of course, ae wouldn't. That would be disobeying aer dad. And ae didn't do that. She always had to be the perfect daughtaer.
If you ask me how I'm doing I'll say... Well, hmm
Lying wasn't good, of course. Ae shouldn't lie to people who asked how ae was doing.
But ae couldn't admit to being anything less than perfect.
So ae'd just mumble.
Perfect until proven otherwise.
I was adopted when I was two My parents spoiled me rotten
Okay, so Biana isn't actually adopted- but for years, ae thought ae had been. Always out of place in the perfect Vacker family, because everything comes so effortlessly to them, they're exactly what elvin society wants without any struggle at all. And ae... wasn't like that. Too loud, too argumentative, not quite ladylike enough. Not smart enough, ae needed to work harder. Not pretty enough.
Not interested in the right people.
But when ae learned to stay quiet, keep aer head down, and follow all the damn rules, aer parents seemed to like aer better. Well, Alden did. Della always appreciated aer, however quietly, slipping aer little pieces of mallowmelt behind Alden's back even when he told aer that ae had to be thinner. Whispering compliments into aer ears after Alden scolded aer so much his voice was hoarse from screaming and aers was hoarse from crying.
And when Alden was proud of aer, she would get everything ae wanted. All the pretty dresses. All the sparkles and sketchbooks and sewing kits. Trips to Atlantis or Eternalia. Anything ae wanted, to reward her for being Little Miss Perfect.
Often I ask myself, "What did I do?" To get as far as I've gotten
Some of the time- who the hell is ae kidding, it's most, if not all, of the time- Biana feels like... ae doesn't deserve aer last name, or aer popularity, or any of aer privileges in life. Mentors at Foxfire practically revere aer and aer peers bend over backwards to be liked by aer.
Ae is so fucking sick of it.
Why aer? Ae wants to scream the question at every single person who treats aer differently. Why is ae the one to get that treatment? Ae had never done anything important in aer whole fucking life, ae didn't do anything, and all this praise should go to someone far more perfect than aer.
A pretty girl walks by my locker My heart gives a flutter
Biana is, unfortunately, very well known at Foxfire, and ae thought ae knew everyone else too. But ae's never seen this girl before, because ae would know if they had. It would be impossible for past Biana to have seen this girl and not remember her.
She has dark skin, even darker than Biana's, and long dreadlocks pulled into a knot and streaked with blue. Biana thought ae was used to the beauty of elvin girls- they were all quite pretty- but this girl, holy shit, ae was not prepared to see this girl. Her flat nose and full pink lips and turquoise eyes are all so beautiful. Biana's heart pounds and flutters around her chest like it wants to fly out and meet this girl, and aer breath catches.
Maruca Chebota, as ae later learns, is perfection.
But I don't dare utter a word 'Cause that would be absurd behaviour For little miss perfect
The pretty girl continues walking, seemingly unaware that she's thrown Biana's world wobbling out of orbit. Biana wants to call out to her, to yell, to make sure she doesn't walk away and make it so that amazing high, those butterflies and awe and something ae can't even describe, seems almost like it never happened.
But there are a lot of people in the hallways, and they're already staring at aer far more intensely than what ae would describe as comfortable, ready to judge each and every thing she does. Running to catch up with a girl because she's pretty? Not normal. Not normal for any elf, but especially not aer.
Biana silently watches her turn around a corner into a different hallway and out of aer line of sight, wishing ae could have been a little less perfect. Just for one second.
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na No, I can't risk falling off my throne
Dear Maruca,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I've been avoiding you lately. I'm sorry I can't talk to you. You haven't done anything wrong, I promise.
It's just... you're dangerous. To my heart, my... my reputation. My throne.
That's not quite true. You're not dangerous to most people. You're just dangerous to me. Maybe you're fine, and I'm just too fragile. Too imperfect.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la Love is something I don't even know
Dear Maruca,
What if we did love each other? Bravely. Boldly. Unapologetically.
What if I pretended it wouldn't topple me off my throne; or pretended I didn't care?
No. That's stupid. I shouldn't sacrifice all that for love.
This isn't even love, anyway. I don't know what love is, but you aren't it.
Straight hair, straight A's, straightforward Straight girl
Straight hair is most beautiful.
Straight A's are most successful.
Straight forward is fastest.
Straight girls are the most perfect.
Little miss perfect That's me
And if straight girls are the most perfect, and Biana is the most perfect, ae has to be straight.
Ae doesn't get a choice.
One night my friend stayed over We laughed, and drank and ordered
And straight girls would like Maruca, sure, but not in the way Biana does. Not in that all consuming, heart wrenching, feels like ae's floating and falling and spiraling all at once way. Just in a... a friend way. A normal way. Because the two of them would make perfect friends, and anything other than that would end in fiery disaster.
So Biana makes friends with Maruca. Friends. They talk about their Universe class, and play splotching together in PE (Maruca wins; Biana gets distracted by her braids), and horribly bake mallowmelt together. It burns.
Maruca is... fun. It's fun to be friends with Maruca. Ae invites her over to Everglen for a sleepover- Della is overjoyed that Biana is finally making friends- and they have a fun time. Playing games and talking about useless shit and going to go bother Fitz and his friend Keefe.
It doesn't need to be anything different, Biana tells aerself, again and again. It's perfect like this. It doesn't need to change.
Something about her drew me in What? It's totally platonic
Biana can't stop staring at Maruca.
She feels like gravity, a star, and ae feels like a planet. They work perfectly together, orbiting around and around and around. If Maruca smiles, Biana's mind races to solve the mystery of how exactly that smile would taste on aer lips. It tastes good, ae thinks, though that's a stupid thought.
"What are you thinking about?" Maruca asks. "You have this goofy smile on your face, and you didn't hear the story I just told."
Biana turns bright red. Of course, ae can't say I was thinking about your lips on mine, because that would sound... weird. Ae has to keep it platonic, because they'll never be anything other than platonic, and it's not like ae wants that either. Ae swallows, and finally says "You. I'm really glad we're friends."
Platonic friends. Perfect, platonic friends.
That night was so exciting Her smirks were so enticing
"Yeah, I'm an awesome friend," Maruca says, flicking one of her intricate braids. Biana's eyes linger on it a little too long.
Ae clears aer throat and quickly deflects the conversation, still blushing. "You are. Do you want to go downstairs? It smells like something's baking."
"I would be honored to go eat some of your mom's amazing desserts, m'laedy," says Maruca, extending a hand with mock formality. Her gorgeous lips are pulled into a smirk. Biana's breath catches; ae wants to freeze this mental image for eternity. Cautiously, ae takes Maruca's hand in aers.
Skin touching. Holding hands.
It's stupid, it's a cliche, but it does feel like sparks shoot across aer skin as Maruca wraps her fingers in Biana's and starts walking downstairs. Aer stomach flips around excitedly.
Then ae crashes and burns. They are friends. Both girls. Friends don't get this excited about holding other friends' hands. Biana rips aer hand away and stuffs it in aer pocket. Maruca looks a bit offended, but Biana clenches aer jaw and looks down.
It hurts, but ae has to be perfect. No exceptions.
Hours speed by like seconds Then, what happens is iconic
Once they get over the awkwardness of that moment, they slip right back into the fun they were having before. Della's ripplefluffs disappear quickly, and the two of them go back into Biana's room to keep talking. Biana shows Maruca aer sketches- ae hasn't really shown them to anyone before, Alden thinks a Vacker should have a more noble profession than designing fashion- and Maruca tells Biana that ae should dye aer hair.
Alden is going to kill aer, but for once, ae isn't thinking of that. Della would probably say yes, but the two of them decide it would be more fun to sneak out, so they light leap to Slurps And Burps as quietly as they can, in silent giggles the whole time. Maruca decides to re-dye the blue streaks in her hair, and Biana opts for violet. They go back to Biana's room and laugh more. Biana wildly thinks this is the most fun ae's ever had.
It's perfect, even if ae isn't.
She takes a sip, I bite my lip She tells a joke, I nearly choke
Aer stomach is sore from laughing, and ae still can't stop looking at Maruca. She's so pretty, something ae could stare at forever if ae had the chance. The longer ae looks, the more ae notices little details, like the way her braids fall against her shoulders, and how she has barely visible freckles splattered across her nose, and how her hand brushes against Biana's every so often. It's warm, and smooth, and perfect.
Maruca is a masterpiece of a person.
Currently, Biana's fascination lies in how her lips curl around the straw of her lushberry juice. It’s disgusting and wrong and so thrilling as Biana imagines kissing those lips.
No. Stop thinking about that, Biana commands aerself, biting aer own lip to draw aer attention away.
"Biana? Bi? You listening?"
Ae turns red. "Yeah, sorry!"
"Alright, so I was reading about cowboys, except I read it as cowgoys because it was really late, which implies the existence of Jewish cows. So then the thought 'Bar Moo-tzvah' came into my head and I can't stop thinking about it."
Biana snorts; the joke is funny enough on its own, but the cute little smile on Maruca's face and the way her eyes light up nearly make aer choke.
“Shut the fuck up, brain, let me be the perfect Vacker,” ae muters, too quietly for Maruca to hear.
She braids my hair, I sit there Blacking out for the first time
Maruca says Biana's newly violet hair looks beautiful- ae needs to fake a coughing fit to keep from squealing- and asks to braid it. Biana nods, and lets aerself get lost in the feeling of fingers weaving through aer hair and brushing against aer head.
Aer eyes close- ae doesn't know when, but the room around aer disappears and all ae can feel is fingers and this all encompassing, overwhelming love ae seems to be drowning in, blacking out everything else.
Next thing I know, I lose control I finally kiss her but oh no
Without making any conscious decision, Biana spins around, cups Maruca's face, and gently presses aer lips against hers. Their flat noses touch, eyelashes flutter against each other's cheeks, lips kissing. Kissing. It's fast, and sweet, and wonderful. Biana feels aer world aligning perfectly, like this is the way everything was meant to be, and there are fireworks shooting across aer skies.
Biana smiles against Maruca's lips.
I see a face in my window Then my brain starts to go
Everything happens at once.
Maruca yelps and pushes aer back. The door swings open, revealing a shocked Fitz. Fireworks vanish, as quickly as they came.
Biana's world shatters.
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na No, you can't risk falling off your throne
Dear Maruca,
That kiss was amazing.
But it's too risky to do again.
I'm sorry.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la Love is something you don't even know
Dear Maruca,
What do I know about kissing? It's not like I have anything to compare it too, besides that one time I kissed Keefe on the cheek because I thought I was supposed to. No, because I wanted to. Because I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him and I didn't want to kiss you.
I don't know what kissing is supposed to feel like. Or what love is supposed to feel like.
It'll be better with a boy. It has to be better with a boy.
I'll know love eventually, and it won't be with you.
You shouldn't love me either.
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na You can't risk falling off your throne
Dear Maruca,
I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you-
I hate myself.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la Love You don't even know
Dear Maruca,
Or maybe I love you.
I don't know.
I probably don't.
Because I can't love another girl, right? I have to be misunderstanding what love means if I think I can love a girl.
I don't know love. But it can't be you.
Rewind, induce amnesia Deny the truth, that's easier
Fitz tells her what to do- pretend like it never happened. That's what Alden told him when he kissed Keefe. Biana snorts humorlessly at that; two fucked up Vacker children. But ae follows his advice. Forget about it. Pretend it never happened. Never address it with Maruca; or speak to her again, really. Pretend, pretend, pretend.
Ae's been pretending aer whole life.
Life continues on, and ae pretends to be okay. Maruca makes friends with Stina, and Biana makes friends with the new girl. Sophie Foster. Sophie is nice enough, but she's not Maruca. She can't replace Maruca. No one can fucking replace Maruca, and no one should have to- ae just fucked up aer only chance with someone that wonderful. But ae pretends Sophie is enough, pretends ae's not heartbroken.
Pretends, pretends, pretends.
Pretends to be perfect.
You're just confused, believe her When she says there's nothing there
Biana talks to Maruca once.
They both apologize in the same breath.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened-"
"That was weird, I'm sorry-"
"I don't like you, I was just confused."
"So was I, kissing girls was just something I thought I'd try, a bit of a phase."
"No, totally, it's not like I really like girls or anything."
"Nah, that'd be weird."
They never speak again. There's nothing between them. Biana tries to believe what Maruca told aer. Ae doesn't.
“You're just confused,” ae repeats to aerself. “You're still perfect.”
It's never worth it When you're little miss perfect
Dear Maruca,
Maybe someone else can love you. Someone who doesn't have to be little miss perfect.
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Tumblr Story: Questions and Answers
Note: Another gift to @siegfaerie, as thanks for the doodles they drew in response to the original story I posted. It’s little things like this that make life so worthwhile. 。゚(TヮT)゚。
The song I’ll recommend for this sequel story is this piece I’ve used once before in Passing Days, from the famous “whiteboard scene” of Komi Can’t Communicate. I find the beats really fit the mood of what I was trying to convey.
Otherwise, for everyone, I hope you enjoy the story. And to Fae, I hope you enjoy this unplanned sequel to an already unexpected gift. You do a lot of good. :>
“…What do you see in that troublesome hero?”
Vy did her best not to flinch at the sudden sound of Semiramis’ voice. It was still a party in the Dining Hall, so conversations were going to happen even if Vy wanted some time away from the loud hubbub. It didn’t stop Vy from turning her head away from the cup of ice water in her hands and making a small surprised noise at finding the Assyrian Empress looming ominously over her shoulder. Her yellow eyes flashed with what appeared to be a mix of amusement and curiosity all at once as her long black hair trailed down her shoulders, accentuating the golden yellow hems of her dress as Semiramis took a seat next to Vy with no preamble. The entire time it took for Semiramis to sit down, her eyes never left Vy’s in eye contact, the line on her lips growing all the thinner at Vy’s reaction to her presence.
Um. Okay? Vy decided to sum the Assassin of Red’s actions up as “Empress agendas” in her brain to file away for later.
“Hello… to you too…” was her initial try at a response. Once Semiramis was directing a look at Vy, though, Vy shut her eyes for a few seconds to solidify what little fortitude there was left in the day. “What… do you mean…?” Vy eventually got out of her dry throat once she processed Semiramis’ presence, forcing herself to lift the water cup in her hands to her mouth for a tiny sip. Moriarty and Holmes were nice enough to set up the bar in the Dining Hall as a quiet area, so the water helped in regaining some of her voice. “Are you… referring to… Achi, Assassin?”
“You call that boy ‘Achi’?” Semiramis echoed incredulously, refusing the passing Moriarty’s offer for a drink with a raised hand. “That hero is—” Semiramis closed her eyes with a click of her tongue, shaking her head as she then crossed her arms over her chest. “Enough of my disbelief about that. Yes, other Master of Chaldea, I’m asking about Achilles.”
“O… kay…” Vy continued, nodding her own head in return. “What… do you… want to know?”
“Don’t play it off as nothing,” Semiramis snapped, keeping Vy in place at her seat with narrowed yellow eyes. With the emotion flashing behind them, Vy could’ve sworn Semiramis’ eyes looked more gold than even Archer Gilgamesh’s armor. “Even I can see how many Grails you put into that boy. And not just him.” Without even a toss of her head, the Assassin raised a hand to count off fingers. “The King of Knights that fostered the troublesome Saber of Red, a poison-using rogue who may not deserve the name of ‘Robin Hood’, an Underworld Goddess that has connection issues, a wandering Saber-turned-Berserker who ate udon out of a Divine Artifact, and so, so many more.”
Despite all the insults lobbied at her closest Servants, Vy sat quietly in front of the other Assassin, folding her hands into her lap.
With a huff, Semiramis lowered her hand to cross it over her chest again, shaking her head. “What do you see in them, Vy?”
Why choose them?
Vy tilted her head towards the Assassin, closing her eyes to smile. “…The same things… Itzy sees… in you and Amakusa Shirou Tokisada… Assassin.”
Even without her vision, Vy knew Semiramis was lurching back, her fingers starting to tap the bar’s table furiously. “…What?”
“Is it… so hard to believe… in love? Romantic or not…?” Vy posed the questions quietly, carefully opening her eyes to meet Semiramis’ own with what she hoped was composure. Her voice still felt weak and tiny in her throat, but she soldiered on with a softer, “I may not… know all the details of… what happened between you and Achi… but I do know… how he’s saved me… time and time again.”
He was still the one who originally answered her call for help back in the original Chaldea, before the Foreign God bleached the world. Accepting the role of front-line Rider from Marie — someone Vy still felt regretful about leaving in that role for so long because there was no one else — and then some. Fighting the Enforcement Knights in Camelot. Defending Vy, Mash, and so many others in Uruk from the Lahmu. Dealing one of many finishing blows to Goetia when Vy was so close to flying out at the Beast in a rage over losing Dr. Roman and Mash.
It wasn’t just Achilles, either.
None of the Servants had to answer Vy’s call in the end. She was still a little girl who, in the eyes of Semiramis and the Mages’ Association, wasn’t even a real Mage. Just someone called in for luck and potential. Compared to Itzy and the others from the original Chaldea staff, Vy was still a mere Vietnamese girl who wanted to see her family again in the end, posing as a capable woman. It was a selfish wish, a foolish one too if the Crypters had anything to say about it.
But the Servants all came home anyways. They all hugged her when she was crying about letting them go before the Lostbelts started, and did it multiple times over once they were all Resummoned.
Vy smiled weakly as Semiramis continued to give her a look caught between disbelief and frustration. “If Itzy… can look at someone like me and call me ‘friend’... I think I can choose who I can give Holy Grails to… out of love too… like how she wanted to summon you and Amakusa… when Siegfried’s… already there…”
“You… love him? Achilles?” Semiramis said slowly. A frown started to play at the edges of her lips as she added, “A troublesome hero like him will only give you more trouble, Vy.”
“The same can be said for…” Vy coughed mid-sentence, shaking her head once Holmes got up from his side of the bar with a shaker in hand just in case. Her vocal cords could last a bit longer. “Big Robin and everyone else… and that’s okay.”
I love them and I don’t want to see them go again.
Her mouth felt dry, her throat hurt, her hands were numb from definite exhaustion, but Vy still smiled anyways. “If Itzy… can trust you and Amakusa-san… while seeing me as a friend… I can… do the same for the heroes who keep… choosing to be with someone like me… right?”
Semiramis’ eyes widened, and Vy didn’t have a chance to ponder that before someone was pulling at the back of her chair. Wheels were rolling across the Dining Hall floor, Vy found her water cup growing farther and farther away as her hair brushed her shoulders from the momentum, and arms — muscular arms were wrapping around her neck.
“You just had to lay it out all in front of the world’s oldest poisoner, huh, little sparrow?”
Vy could do nothing but blearily blink as a green-gloved-hand gently took hold of her chin, tilting it to the side just in time for Robin Hood to press a warm kiss to the corner of her lips. Heat was flooding her cheeks, a soft “muuu” left Vy’s mouth before she could stop it, but her best Archer was smiling at her as Achilles loomed over his shoulder with a matching grin. Behind Achilles, Arturia, Musashi, and Ereshkigal all stood together in their own small group, giving Vy equally happy little smiles of their own as Robin hugged Vy close to his chest with his other arm twining around her shoulders, easily smoothing out the nearest tangles he could reach in her hair.
“I think Itzy would say the same things I would, little sparrow,” Robin murmured into the crown of her head, pressing another kiss there as warmth started to flood her body with every place he touched. Warm. Mana. Of course. Energy was slowly starting to run through Vy’s veins again as he finished with a quieter, “Because love doesn’t just go one way.”
Vy didn’t even have to turn her head this time for a familiar pink head of hair to show up and suddenly barrel into Vy’s front for another hug. Arms were wrapping around Vy’s waist this time, and barely giving Vy time to glimpse the heart-shaped openings on the gloves that exposed the Command Seals on the back of one hand.
“Love you too… Itzy…” was all Vy could get out past the affectionate smothering her best Archer and best Master friend were doing, closing her eyes for a moment of reprieve from all the stimulus. “Big Robin too… thankie…”
It was all she could say, and in the heat of the moment, Vy could vaguely make out past her blurry glasses the silhouettes of Amakusa and Siegfried joining Semiramis at the bar. Seeing it all made Vy feel like her efforts were enough. Just this once.
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moonandblossoms · 3 years
The way they nerfed Kane in the world championships arc was pathetic. He came off as some badass blader but they turned him into some weakling and I just hate it.
Listen, you are not the only person who is feeling this. I too feel the same.
Just look at this version of Kane.
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He looks tall, has the perfect physique and is really badass. His hands, legs, trunk (is actually muscular), height and his attitude were all really cool. He looks damn hot and sexy and that over-shadowed his weird clothes.
They also drew him out as a perfect character suffering from C-PTSD.
I mean, this versions of Kane was cool.
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He seemed like a terrific team leader who could be easily feared by people.
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He tied with Tyson too. Need I say more?
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Despite its not with his bit-beast, it fine because Kane didn't have one. So, if Tyson didn't have a bit-beast, he is just that Kane and if Kane had a bit-beast for himself, he is sorta in par with Tyson. Heck, even the other bladebreakers were praising him and said that he can only be rivaled by Tyson. Kane's teammates were literally wanking him.
The fact that he was even chosen by Gideon (despite not having a bit-beast) speaks for itself.
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He gave the same "mature-guy" vibes.
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(Now @araingirl be like, "How dare you steal my Kai's pose?)
But, when he returned back to the world championships, he entirely shrunk. He was looking thinner, weaker, and overall he just shrunk in size! He too looked shorter than what he was! Heck, he looked thinner than Salima, lol. Is he suffering from malnutrition?
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Also, what the hell outfit it is? Well, uhh like the pant and shoes are okay, even the top is fine but boy.... it sorta looks weird on you because..... that coat looks so formal and removes your 'sexy', 'mature' and 'big-boy' vibes which you had in the Psykicks' arc.
Even Jim developed in looks. Jim is the little boy of the team and the way he became cuter than his Psykicks' arc version was good. Also, look how Kane's face got shrunk too much! His head used to be larger than the area occupied by his hair but its the vice versa when he came back! Also, he got easily negged by King and Queen. I at least hoped for him to withdraw his beyblade, but no! See how he easily got nerfed when he came back! I didn't like it. He didn't even get the chance to blade, how odd! Yeah, he had to come all the way just for this shit.
Now I am getting reminded of Studio Pierrot on how it ruined the character looks and curves in the anime. I mean, just like how Kane got nerfed here, Tsunade and Hinata got heavily nerfed too.
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Kane is more or less suffering from the same fate. Why? Just why?
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Even Sasuke can't take it.
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