#I hope anon feels stupid disrespected and like they wasted their time
vroomian · 8 months
idk what the anon was on and why they feel the need to attack you for your stance?? like dude relax, it's not your life and nobody was attacked or hurt
i have the same feeling on sex as you (fellow aroace lol), bc like ew body fluids and why should i let anything enter my Body that way ever??
also yeah crushes and the obsession with romantic love etc seems Exhausting™
so thanks for sharing your thoughts that articulate mine perfectly <3
Right???? I wish my problems were all that self inflicted lol. Plus they were a total hypocrite like ‘aphobes don’t like ace people because they talk about sex like it’s gross’. By their own logic homophobia is totally okay because gay people talk about straight sex like it’s gross! Like no homie it’s because the ‘phobes are whiny little babies who can’t handle other people having different wants and needs!! Stay in your lane!
I hope that anon in particular knows their takes are rancid and they should talk to actual queer people before they try to educate people lol.
Aroace unite!! We can take over while the allos are busy sucking face (🤢). All the fluids and weirdness of sex makes it impossible to take seriously. It’s an inherently stupid and undignified process!! Sorry not sorry!!
I was 3/4th though a book and then a romance plot kicked in and immediately lost interest 😭 why is everything romance. Where my cool world building girlies at!! Where are my prachetts!!
I like romance when it’s funny or when it s fucked up. Characters who are just so weird about each other are the best <3
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eddiesblklvr · 2 years
You’re response and all the comments to the anon who sent in:
“How come you don’t write for white ppl also? I feel like you black creators always think you’re so much better than white people. Like why can’t you leave the race out of it like everyone else and just imagine a black person or something? You guys are so weird and rude.”
Just proved their point. A lot of you are race obsessed and rude asf. I myself am fine with reading black-coded fics but not when they have nasty attitudes like you.
And why do you always say ‘white readers’ when referring to smooth hair or pale skin? Is that all you think exists? You want to talk about yourselves like you’re inclusive but you’re the most intolerant, antisocial & exclusive fic community there is. Look at the reaction to that anon for a small example of it.
— And don’t worry I don’t have high hopes for a decent response to this either —
why would i be kind to a person who’s disrespectful to me? please use your brain. you completely wasted your time with this. also i don’t care at all about your opinion on the way i reacted because i did not ask. i’m not the type of person to be respectful towards a disrespectful person, an ANONYMOUSLY disrespectful person at that. that shit screamed racism and you’re just like “i know they were racist and stereotypical and disrespectful and all but oh well, you’re in the wrong”
ALSO you can literally tell whenever a fic is white coded, don’t try to play me like i’m fuckin stupid. i will continue to be “race obsessed” until ppl that look like ME aren’t always seen as the issue, thank you
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useryennefer · 9 months
It’s not just you hun. I’m a writer and I hardly get re blogs either. I’m literally thinking about closing my tumblr because to me it’s just wasted energy and this year I want to channel that creative energy into something that can benefit me. I have a multipart story and no joke i have people read all the parts “like” each part and not reblog once. And don’t get me started on people who have the audacity to comment me and ask when are you going to put out the next chapter when they haven’t even reblogged once!— I’m so sick of it really.
It’s great we can produce this stuff for people to consume but it’s still time consuming it’s still energy and at the end of the day we’re still people. Back in the day it wasn’t this bad— now it feels it’s standard to just like stuff if you’re lucky and not reblog. It’s sad really.
it's so frustrating isn't it? that's why i don't even make gifs for this blog anymore (even though i'd love to) only for one of my sideblogs - and that's solely because my current hyperfixation is still going very strong otherwise i don't think i'd be making anything. and it sucks that unless you make gifs immediately after the new season of a show releases or you are persistent about it, you won't get a lot of engagement. and sometimes not even then (especially in small fandoms). that's exactly why i have so much respect for people who don't give up and keep creating despite barely getting anything and even being told that they shouldn't complain about it. and i know that many people will tell you to create for yourself and that notes don't matter. and idk about others but no matter how much i try to convince myself that's just not the same as sharing something i created with others and getting some love and attention for it.
and i'm so sorry that you are treated that way it's so rude and disrespectful! and even demanding new chapters.. i heard that writers tend to have a hard time on tumblr but that's just outrageous. i completely understand wanting to quit tumblr sometimes i feel that way myself. honestly the only thing that gets me through is the couple of people i befriended being excited when i post a new gifset and leaving nice tags. to me that makes it worth it despite it all.
but yeah i completely agree with you about everything you said.. it really sucks and i don't know what else we could do to fix it other than complain about it and beg people to reblog :/ which really is sad and exhausting! anyway i hope we eventually get to a point where we can both enjoy creating again without stressing about the likes to reblog ratio or getting stupid anons.
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polnareffenjoyer · 3 years
Uh unsure how many characters you’re willing to write for but can I have the SDC crew reacting to seeing their crush’s sketchbook filled with drawings and silly comics of them? On the case you do have a limit on how many, then I’m fine with either Polnareff, Kakoyin, Jotaro or Avdol (who can pick whoever if you want to!) Hope you’re having a lovely day!💕💕
This is such a cute idea anon, hope you like it. Also I don't really have a character limit, I wanted to do all of the crusaders but then I got tired and it already took me such a long time to finish it and ahhh. Sorry for all the grammatical errors, English is not my first language and it's already so late when I'm finishing it and it's just bleh. I hope you like it anyways, sending much love to you anon! ♥️
Stardust Crusaders finding their crushes' sketchbook
Jotaro Kujo
He notices that you've been spending most of your free time drawing in that sketchbook of yours. Truth be told, it bothers him a lot. Jotaro has had a big fat crush on you for a while now, and he secretly longs for your company. He can't admit that tho, he has a hard ass bad boy reputation to maintain after all. What would people say if the saw him all flustered for a girl? The fact that you would rather sit by yourself and draw than be around him and the others bugs him. So one day, when you're busy with something else, he takes your beloved sketchbook and decides to see what's in there. He knows he's being creepy, but he couldn't care less. Just trying to get to know you better, without actually talking to you. Exactly.
He's very flustered but would rather die than admit it. Has read through all of it, admiring every single little drawing. After he's done, he'll just put it back where he found it, it the exact same place just so you don't notice someone has been messing with it. You probably have no idea he had seen your sketchbook at first, but you surely notice the blush dusting his cheeks whenever he speaks to you from that day on. Probably avoids you for a little while because he's so flustered.
The rest of the crew also notices something is off, Jotaro is always lost in thoughts and smokes more frequently. He can't keep himself from thinking about those cute drawings of yours, reading through your comics was a true delight. It fills him with glee to know that HE, among all of the crusaders, is the one who's the main character in your stories. It makes him giddy on the inside.
His secret eventually comes to light one night, he accidentally admits to having read through your comics while a late night talk between the whole group. While you were talking, Kakyoin had brought up the topic of your sketchbook. Now it's your turn to be embarassed, blushing crimson while trying to get as much information out of him as possible. How much did he see? Did he read through ALL OF THEM?
The rest of the crusaders are shocked at first, but quickly they start to laugh at the scene. Jotaro is reluctant to give any information, but he eventually tells you that yes, indeed, he's seen EVERYTHING. However, doesn't admit what the content of the sketchbook really is. Despite everything, he would never embarass you like that.
After everyone goes to sleep, you catch Jotaro before he has a chance to fall asleep, lying on his sleeping bag while looking at the night sky. You want to apologize, say anything, just to talk to him, but you're unable to find right words. He just sighs.
"Yare yare daze, there's no need to be embarassed [Y/N], I'm not mad"
Your eyes light up at his words. You want to say something, anything, thank him, but before you get a chance to do so, Jotaro's deep voice cuts you off.
"To be honest, I think your drawings are amazing. I really liked them" you notice his face is slightly tinted red from underneath his cap "But if you wanted me to model for you, you could've just said so"
With that, he rolls over and away from you. Completely baboozled, you roll over as well and try to sleep, or at least pretend to be asleep. Honestly, neither of you had slept much that night.
Kakyoin Noriaki
Kakyoin had a thing for you since you joined the crusaders, and your sketchbook is probably the very first thing he had noticed about you. He's always been interested in art, his parents had signed him up to numerous art courses and whatnot through his life. He's always loved drawing and painting, using it as an escape from his daily problems, and seeing that you two might have something in common makes him incredibly happy, especially since he has feelings for you.
He'll try to approach you about your sketchbook very subtely, afraid that he might scare you away by being too pushy. Of course you get extremely flustered everytime he brings it up, but it doesn't discourage him. Kakyoin respects your boundaries and understands that you might not be ready to show him your drawings yet. Despite that, he's always willing to share his knowledge with you. He'll give you advices about proper shading while you two are waiting in the hotel lobby for the rest of the group to finish up picking rooms. During a long car ride, he'll talk to you about his favourite artists. If you want him to show you how to put certain shading techniques into practice, he'll be more than happy to do so. He'll just pick a random piece of paper and start drawing on it, you might want to lean in closer and maybe put your head on his shoulder to get a better look? He has no objections! Just sayin.
When he eventually gets to see your sketchbook, this man is so honored! He didn't mean to look, at first he though it was just some book lying around and wanted to take a look inside, out off boredom. Once he realizes what he's reading at, his face flushes with crimson. Your sketchbook is filled with sketches of him? This whole time you were actually drawing him, out of all people? He couldn't be more grateful that no one else was around, if someone saw him reading through your comics with this stupid smile on his face and red cheeks, they would've though he went mad.
Kakyoin wastes no time trying to find you. For a moment, he thinks that perhaps he should've waited a bit, just to get you alone and not embarass you infront of the whole crew. He can't think straight though, his mind filled with your cute little drawings, with his face drawn with black pen over and over again. With glee, he notes that you had used the very techniques he had told you about earlier. If you had drawn him so many times, does it mean that you have a crush on him too? It's too good to be true.
"[Y/N]! Can I talk with you for a minute?"
He goes to confront you immediately. Others give him a puzzled look, but he couldn't care less. He grabs your arms and leads you away.
"Don't be mad [Y/N], but I've seen your sketchbook and I have to say, I think your art is beyond amazing!"
You're at loss of words, your face red and you could swear that you've never felt so embarassed in your whole entire life. However, his reaction is making you feel a bit better. He's not mad, nor is he making fun of you. If anything, he seems enamoured.
"Please, [Y/N], we should draw together! Maybe next time we have a chance, I should paint your portrait?"
Despite the awkwardness, the whole situation turns out amazing in the end. How he's sure you must have feelings for him, and it makes him incredibly happy, hoping that one day, after your crusade is done, he'll get a chance to repay you and make that promised portrait.
Muhammad Avdol
With everything that's been happening lately, Avdol gets a little bit distracted from you. Before he would steal glances your way all the time, watching with curiosity as you would draw something in your sketchbook. Recently, he's been too busy fighting enemy stand users and... well, trying not to die. He still cares about you a lot and watches over you during fights, ready to shield you from danger with his own body, if it's what it takes to keep you safe.
It probably happens because of a mishap. While you are deciding on your rooming, you leave your sketchbook lying next to Avdol's things and go to the bathroom. After he's done helping Joseph with translating and getting everything done, he goes back and assumes that it's just one of his books that has fallen out of the bag. Not thinking much of it, he picks it up and leaves with Mrs Joestar to settle in their shared room.
You can imagine the panic and shock that nearly paralyzes you once you notice that your beloved sketchbook is gone, nowhere to be seen, reduced to atoms! You begin to look around frantically, looking under the furniture while sweating profusely. Other quests give you weird looks, but you don't even notice them staring. Polnareff is one of them, he asks if you're okay and tries to calm you down, but to no avail. After he leaves, you try to focus really hard and try to remember - when did you see it last time? It was on that chair for sure when you left. God, you can only pray that it doesn't end up in Avdol's hands somehow...
Meanwhile, Avdol is getting ready for shower and goes through his bag. He notices the book he picked up from the lobby isn't even a book, but a sketchbook! Now he's sure he must've picked it up by mistake, he decides it would be best to put it down and not look through it. It's someone's very personal art after all, it would be very disrespectful to - wait a damn minute, is that HIM?
Long story short, he goes through a good portion of your drawings before Joseph comes out of the shower and gives him a puzzled look, seeing how his eyes are literally shinning with adoration. He puts your sketchbook back into his bag, acting as if nothing happened and continues on with his nightly routine. Later on, when Joseph is already fast asleep, he contemplates about whether or not he should go to your room right now and ask about the sketchbook he had found. He's already suspecting it's yours, whose else would it be? He has seen you drawing often, could it be that you returned his feelings and had spent your time sketching him? Ultimately, he decides to wait until tomorrow to find out.
The very next day, he knocks on your door early in the morning. It startles you awake, running up to your door to look through a peephole, seeing a muscular man on the other side. Sighing heavily, you unlock the door and open it just a little bit.
"Excuse my intrusion, [Y/N], but I have found something that I think belongs to you."
Now that's embarassing. You see your sketchbook in his hand, a wide, knowing smile on his face. He knows it's yours. All it took is one look at your stupid red face to figure it out. God, he can read you like an open book, can't he? While you reach out to take it from him, your fingers touch just slightly.
"Don't worry, I swear I won't tell anyone about this" she winked at you, which almost made you gasp "If anything, I think I should maybe pose for you in private? So you can get a better look? You should think about it..."
Who would've thought this man could be such a flirt sometimes...
Jean Pierre Polnareff
You better watch out, because if this man has a crush on you, you bet he would go above and beyond to find out what's inside that sketchbook. I'm not joking. He forgets what personal space is, he's even worse that Jotaro, because while JoJo would make sure to be sneaky, Polnareff wouldn't even bother. He'll try to catch a sneak peak by looking over your shoulder while you're drawing, constantly asking you questions about art related things, everything always leading to your sketchbook.
He wants to know what's inside. Simple as that. You're like an enigma to him, I feel like all women are mysteries to him and he always works towards finding out what their secrets are. You are especially interesting to him, because of how secretive you are with your art. He's captivated, and while he never had any interest in arts himself, he had always fancied himself as a man with a great sense of beauty. That being said, he's always trying to get your attention while talking about how "France is a wonderful country for artists! You should come and visit after our crusade is over, [Y/N]! I'll show you all the greatest museums and art galleries!"
He's like a puppy, following you around and being just a bit too pushy. If you tell him you feel uncomfortable, he'll back off of course. He's not just some juvenile pervert after all! He's a honourable man who would never touch or bother a woman without her permission, no matter how desperate he seems sometimes.
When he finally sees your sketchbook, it's probably because he did it on purpose and not because of an accident. He wanted to make sure that it was him your were capturing in your drawing, and boy was he happy when he saw what's inside! It's all him, cute little sketches, little comics, it's better that he could've ever imagined! He's literally crying the tears of joy while reading them. Before it was all just wishful thinking, but now it turns out to be true! He's honoured, admiring every single little drawing with hit tears streaming down his face. He must look pathetic right now, if anyone was around they would think the was a mad man. He gets up and runs away with your sketchbook in his hand, trying to find you.
"[Y/N]! Ma cherie! Mon coeur! My love, my life! We need to talk!"
Did i mention that he doesn't shy away from nicknames? Yeah.
It's probably the worst confrontation compared to the rest of them, he's not subtle like Kakyoin and decides to talk with you about your drawings right then and there, in front of everyone. At first they're surprised, looking at Polnareff as is he was crazy, but slowly their shock is replaced with amusement. Joseph doesn't even try to hold back his laughter, while the rest of the crew is trying to keep it cool as not to embarass you any further while the Frenchman is just going on and on with his declarations of undying love. It's a bit dramatic, one of these moments that you will probably laugh about in the future, but you felt like disappearing right then and there.
"Your drawing are magnifique! [Y/N], my love, if you wanted to draw me, you could've just said so! Although I don't think I deserve to be potrayed by you, to be drawn by your skilled hands, ma cherie!"
You snatch the sketchbook from him. After that incident you probably try to avoid him, but he won't give up! He's more determined than ever, knowing that you feel the same way as he does fills him with hope, hope for a future life with you that is! He won't give up until he makes you the happiest woman on earth.
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nazyalenskyism · 4 years
Barely Leashed
Summary: A 1045 word Zoyalai fic based on a prompt from anon: a commoner disrespects zoya in front of nikolai disguised as a commoner A/N: I know I said that these would be short but whoops! hope you enjoy!  - send me a prompt/sentence and i’ll write you a little blurb         “This is ridiculous,” Zoya hissed, pulling her hem from the uneven mud of the road, the rough material of the coat buttoned over her kefta scratching relentlessly at her skin. They were quickly approaching a large group of people at the heart of the fold, the twins staying on the skiff as Zoya and Nikolai went to investigate further. The memories of the final battle here were flying at her, and it took all of her ability to quiet the noise they brought on in her head. Harshaw falling to the ground, a scarlet mark against the darkness, Alina’s tears as she drove her knife into Mal, Nikolai dropping from the sky into the windstream she’d summoned to catch him.         “I can think of something more ridiculous that we’re doing today,” Nikolai hummed. His hood was pulled low hiding his golden hair, but his infuriating tone was rarely concealed. How was a man who may be marching to the gallows so optimistic? He was walking through the location of the worst moment of their lives, how was there still a skip in his step? Was it all a show, or was he truly okay with this all?          “Oh, right,” she grumbled, “you’re getting ready to be burned alive or staked through the heart by a magical plant from a children’s story. How could I possibly forget that?”         “Come now, Nazyalensky, doesn’t that sound like fun?”
        “No, it doesn’t. Why are we even--”         “Watch where you’re stepping!” the pair paused in stride, turning towards the voice that was reprimanding them. As if her nerves weren’t already thrumming, a man in black scholarly robes was gesturing fervently at them. “This is where the Starless Saint took his last stand against the boy king’s army.” Zoya resisted the urge to roll her eyes, they had to deal with yet another mindless follower like Yuri rattling on about their stupid saint. Nikolai had told her to hold her tongue and so she would, but she could feel herself beginning to seethe at the sheer insolence with which they referred to their king with.         “My apologies,” Nikolai smiled amiably, “could you please tell us more? We have just come from Kerch.”         The man lifted a greasy eyebrow and she suppressed every urge to rip the satisfied smile off his face. “The king could have followed the Starless Saint’s philosophies, but instead he surrounded himself with wayward voices that seek to ruin the Saint’s work-- like the Grisha Triumvirate. Like that,” his expression tightened, vehemence shadowing his features, “like that Commander Nazyalensky,” he practically spat. She wanted to laugh, Nikolai being led astray by her of all people? It was a ridiculous notion, the king was just as stubborn as her, and he was too clever to not notice when he was being pushed in any given direction.           “Zoya Nazyalensky represents everything that is wrong with Ravka. She seduces the king into everything the Darkling was against, and the king cannot see how the witch twists his mind. She has corrupted this country.” Zoya raised her brows, oh, she’d certainly been busy then. She couldn’t care less what some pathetic little Darkling supporter cried about, but beside her she felt Nikolai tense suddenly. The king rarely lost his temper, and they could not afford for anyone to discover their identities, not here not now.         Before she could move however, he had already taken a step towards the monk, “do you really believe your king so foolish? That he is incapable of thinking on his own?”         “Well--” the man started haughtily, but he had yet to notice the lion toying with its prey before snapping his jaws.         Nikolai moved closer again, and now his voice was even lower, “do you know what the commander has sacrificed to save this country from ruin at the hands of your precious ‘Starless Saint’?” His tone was frigid, his eyes alight with mockery-- she had never known just how irritated the cult made him-- if that was even what this was. Was he irritated by their comments about him? He never seemed to lack confidence in himself but then again, he was a master of disguising his true emotions. Regardless, she couldn’t let their cover be blown. She moved towards them, maybe she could pry Nikolai away, but she stopped when he turned to her, and saw the quiet anger behind his eyes.          “Do you see that woman there,” he whispered, his tone barely leashed, nodding at her. The man’s eyes were growing wider as he began to tremble. “She works with commander Nazyalensky and the naïve king,” he laughed, but there was no humor in his voice. “Apologize to her for wasting her time and insulting what she stands for.”         “Ex-excuse me?         ”Apologize to her,” Nikolai smiled, “and if you don’t, I promise that you will regret it. And I am nothing if not a man of my word.”         The man mumbled out a shaky sorry but Zoya paid it no attention. She was fixated on Nikolai, he had never done anything like that before, and while she certainly didn’t need his defense, she could admit that she felt a thrill at how he had her back even with the pettiest of problems.         “That’ll be all,” she said, taking to Nikolai’s side as they walked back to the skiff together. Her nerves were still thrumming, there was something about Nikolai actually voicing his anger for once rather than concealing it that made her feel oddly content.         “Ever chivalrous, your highness.”         “Why Nazyalensky, we seem to have switched roles. His arm was still tense under her hand as she made to stop him.         “I didn’t need you to do that for me. I am more than capable of handling my own affairs.”         “Believe me, I know that.” Nikolai took a breath, “I forgot myself for a second and it won’t happen again.”         “Well,” she drawled, attempting to lighten the tone and wipe the somber look from his face, “I wouldn’t be opposed to it happening again…”         He shot her a tight smile as the skiff appeared ahead of them, “I’ll keep that in mind, Nazyalensky, but I don’t think it will.”         “Whatever you say, your highness.”
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domesticmail · 4 years
the bird and her cage; prologue
a/n: this is the prologue to my new colton parayko series (thank you colton anon!!) !! i’m a little rusty at plot writing, so bear with me! i’m planning about five chapters so far, but it could be more :) 
player: colton parayko
tagging: i don’t know if any of my moots are going to be triggered by this/squicked by this, so i’m just going to tag some people who i interact with frequently!! by NO MEANS are you required to read this, i won’t be offended!!! @jackiesquinn @jamiedrysdales @josty​ @matbarzall 
the bird and her cage; masterlist
warnings: physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, abusive relationship
please, if you are triggered by either of the above warnings, do not read below! this post is tagged appropriately, but to be sure, i want to inform everyone that THE TEXT BELOW CONTAINS PHYSICAL, VERBAL, AND MENTAL ABUSE. 
“I love you,” he whispers, lips buried in the strands of your hair. “You know I do, you know, you know - ”
“No,” you choke. The tears are soaking your face in wet anger, in that dark and hopeless feeling, that rock in your throat you’d hoped to escape. “No, you don’t - “
“Y/N,” he cries. You look up to him, and you are helpless in his gaze. Your faces are inches apart, lips centimeters, and your heart is aching to jump the distance, bridge the gap, give up and give in and feel hurt and love and pain and kindness and anger and happiness, feel something, anything that isn’t this.
This is the ache that comes with self-love. This is the pain of ripping yourself apart.
“I love you,” he says again, the wretched words leaving his mouth like lies from a sinner’s lips.
This is knowing your worth.
“No, you don’t,” you cry. His hands are gripping your sides, arms wrapped around you tightly. The sense of protection you once felt has now suddenly given way to possession; he does not want to protect you, but keep you here. You are a beautiful bird and he is the cage.
You twist yourself, trying to pull from his grip. Your palms find his chest and you plant and push, shoving him away from you, away from your heart and your feelings and your pain. You want him away, you want to get back get out get far far away from here, and in your furor and terror and worry and panic you slam yourself against the passenger’s side door, the handle pressing angrily against your spine. You cry out, and you’re unsure whether it’s from the pain of the movement or the moment.
Your eyes meet him again. Through the blurry tears, you know he is looking at you like he has been betrayed. You know in minutes his face will be burning red, his glasses will have gone cockeyed on his nose, foggy from his exhales, angry breath, heartbeat quick. You know you have minutes to get out of this car. Get out of the car and run, run anywhere but here. 
The adrenaline clouding your judgement, you sit up, and it’s now that his hand snatches your jaw, lightning fast. He is in your face and staring you dead in the eyes, the kindness and desperation of moments before having disappeared.
“Disrespectful little bitch,” he spits in your face, and the panic that floods your system is freezing cold.
You try to say his name - Steven, Steven - to snap him out of it, but when he sees your lips moving he grips harder and you know he isn’t afraid to leave bruises, so you stop.
“Where do you get off acting like that, huh?”
You sniffle. Answering him will make it worse, you know, so you shut up, you stay silent. Instead of responding, you sniffle.
Steven, usually quiet, kind Steven, begins another one of his tirades. He lets go of your jaw with a push. Your head smacks the window but you don’t cry out, you sit silently, lips pressed together, eyes trained on him. A tear or two slips down your face as he starts to rant to himself.
Is this how it is destined to be? Is this what you deserve?
“I give you everything,” Steven is spitting. “I do everything for you. I even put up with your stupid fucking feminist bullshit. You know what? You should be grateful. I pulled you from that fucking coffee shop like a fucking knight in shining armor, and this is how you thank me?”
Your hand slips behind your back. You sit up.
“You realize I could have anybody I want? I don’t need to be with you. I don’t need you. I chose to waste my time with you, with a dumb fucking whore.”
You find the handle.
“I could be fucking models in Paris right now. I could be in a bed in the nicest hotel in Paris with the most gorgeous girls on the planet fucking begging for my attention, but no, I’m in a fucking Ford Escape on the side of the road in some fucking hick town in Missouri!”
You pull.
The handle catches. The door’s lock pops up.
Steven’s eyes meet yours, widened.
“Y/N, wait - “
You pull again.
The door unlatches, and your weight leaned against it pushes it open. You fall out of the passenger’s side, back hitting the road with a hard thump. Adrenaline rushing through your veins, you push yourself around and up and take off running. You don’t know where you are but that doesn’t matter because you are out. 
The rubber soles of your years-old tennis shoes are slamming the road, and you are free.
The bird has escaped her cage, and now
she flies.
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celestianstars · 6 years
Viktor Drago x Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff
inspired by an anon that asked @dragothishole what Viktor would do if Ludmilla was talking shit about him and his s/o got tired of hearing it and slapped her like she deserves.
As soon as I read that ask I was like...yo I neeeed to write this so i hope y’all enjoy it ily!!!
Tumblr media
Your blood was boiling and she hadn’t even been in the room for more than a few minutes.
You tried to focus on Viktor, wondering what this must be like for him.
He didn’t talk about his mother very much but since starting a relationship with you, he told you about how she left him and Ivan when he was kid and then again when he lost against Creed and sure, you’d never met her before but you already hated her.
You were more angry about it than he was which he understood, you were gonna have issues with any person that hurt him.
While he still sometimes struggled with how he felt about her and everything she had done to his family, he could really care less about her. After she left the second time around he decided he was done with her and any thoughts of having some sort of relationship with her, he wanted nothing to do with her.
It’s not that he’d let it go and was down to forgive her, he knew Ludmilla was vile and cruel but he just refused to let her have any affect on him anymore and would try to keep healing from the wounds her absence had left little by little.
You weren’t even sure why she was here, showing up completely uninvited to one of his fights. You figured she was trying to weasel her way into his life now that he was doing fights in America and was being recognized more by the boxing world but you were also aware of what she had been saying about him in the past year since the fight with Adonis and you couldn’t think about it very hard because it made you angry.
The fight had finished, giving Viktor another win and now she had made her grand entrance in one of the private rooms of the stadium, Ivan looking startled and uncomfortable and Viktor, expressionless as the wrappings on his fists were being taken off.
“Кто она такая?” (Who is she?) Ludmilla gestured to you, asking Viktor. Your Russian wasn’t the absolute best but he’d been teaching you and you were also learning on your own and could understand pretty well.
“His girlfriend.” you state immediately after she asked, your arms crossed over your chest, glaring at her.
“Oh! You speak Russian, very good! Nice to meet you.” she smiled as sweetly as possible and held out her hand but you turned your back and walked over to where Viktor was.
No way you were getting her evil energy on you.
Ivan spoke up after a second of terribly awkward silence, asking her what she was doing here.
“I wanted to congratulate Viktor on his win tonight but to remind him not to get comfortable. You still lost against Creed and he owns the heavyweight title. That’s what you want, Viktor, you shouldn’t be his friend, it’s weak of you.” she addressed him again and you swore you could feel your blood pressure go up.
Adonis and Viktor had been in contact since the fight and from what you saw it was a really good thing for both of them.
They both understood what it was like to live with their father��s legacy on their shoulders as well as being impacted directly by the night their father’s had gotten in the ring. Viktor found some comfort there, using Adonis’ support to help get him through losing that fight and to try and repair his relationship with Ivan.
Of course she’d think it was weak of him, it was clear she only saw him as a means to get more money and status and wouldn’t ever acknowledge the damage she did to him or Ivan.
“I don’t need to prove anything to you. I get bigger fights now, more recognition, I’m doing fine.” Viktor shrugged, icing his knuckles now.
You smirked at his response, proud that he was showing her that he wasn’t gonna play this game with her.
Ivan wasn’t about to say a single word, he was so far out of his comfort zone with this entire situation and while he definitely had something he could say in his son’s defense, when it came to Ludmilla, it was only harder to communicate.
“You don’t need to prove anything? Глупый! (Stupid!) You owe it to our country to be what your father failed miserably to be. They still drag your family through the dirt, it’s no wonder I had to take Drago out of my name! You will always be just a loser, a failure!” she snapped back, obviously not liking his nonchalant attitude towards her.
You on the other hand were another story.
You tried to keep yourself busy, wiping down Viktor’s chest with a towel since he was still sweaty from the fight, and making sure ice got applied to the areas on his face that were starting to swell.
You tried really hard to just let her say her bullshit and leave but each second she stood there and talked down to him and called him names you inched closer to snapping.
“How dare you call him a failure! He doesn’t owe anyone or any country a thing! It was fucked up for them to make Ivan leave Russia in the first place, it was fucked up for YOU to leave him and your OWN CHILD too but you’re actually gonna stand there and tell him that he’ll always be seen as a loser if he doesn’t do what you say? You’re wrong on so many levels!” you weren’t shouting but your voice was definitely elevated a little and your tone was full of spite.
The audacity she had to come in here and speak to your baby that way was beyond you and nobody was calling her out for literally abandoning her family so you were taking it upon yourself to do that.
“You have no business speaking to me of what’s right or wrong! Viktor, your choice of women is a disaster, why not someone famous….and with money.” she raised an eyebrow at you, looking you up and down.
“Maybe it’s because I’m not a greedy snake who’s only with him for how much money he could potentially make. I love him and would never leave him, like you left him, doesn’t matter whether he wins or loses!” you felt your fists clench at your side before his large hand covered them, trying to calm you.
“Alright, enough.You need to leave, Ludmilla. Disrespect me all you want but don’t drag her into this.” Viktor’s tone was stern, commanding even, his hand leaving yours for a second to gesture at the door.
He greatly appreciated your urge to defend him and call her out on her shit but he also didn’t want you to waste your energy on her because he certainly wasn’t.
He felt his anger rise when she had come after you because protecting you was like an instinct to him but he knew he had to tell her to leave at this point, nothing was going to be fixed this way and it was only agitating everyone.
“You’re a complete waste of a fighter! Ты позорный!” (You’re disgraceful!) she just kept talking and talking.
You weren’t sure how to even process this, she kept trash talking him and his abilities as a fighter and then connecting that to how Ivan was also weak in her eyes and you were nearly becoming homicidal from anger.
Tired of hearing her, you walked up to her and got in her face, telling her to leave like she’d already politely been told to do, not in the least bit intimidated by how tall she was at this point.
Not that it stopped her from continuing to run her mouth, she wasn’t going to take you seriously and you knew that.
“Viktor you’re the greatest disappointment to me…” she disregarded your presence and addressed him again but she didn’t have time to get another word out because the next thing you knew, your palm was connecting with her face.
You weren’t sure if it was an accumulation of all the trash talking or that specific thing that made you snap but there was no holding it in anymore.
You put all the force you could muster into that slap, satisfied with how she stumbled back and looked at you in shock.
“Do you even fucking hear yourself? He’s a disappointment? You have NO idea how much of an amazing person he is! I can’t believe you can stand here and not be begging for his forgiveness for abandoning him but instead you degrade him…” you were definitely shouting now, stalking towards her, making her move backwards as you continued to rip into her with your words.
Both Viktor and Ivan weren’t sure what had even happened for a second it all went down so quick but the sound of your hand meeting her face was sickeningly audible throughout the entire room.
Viktor had never seen you get this angry before, he’d seen you angry, but not like this, this was coming from someplace deep.
Just like it was an instinct to protect you, it was also yours to protect him and he admired your fierce defense of him, though at this particular moment, he knew he needed to take you out of the room because he wasn’t sure if Ludmilla would hit you back or do something else and he was ready for things to simmer down so he could go home with you and forget about this.
You were inches away from her now as her back hit one of the walls, happy at how shocked she still looked but not backing down from yelling at her some more.
“You don’t even deserve his time of day, he’s sweet and caring and the hardest working person I know and...Viktor stop no no! Put me down!” you felt your feet leaving the floor, a pair of familiar arms sweeping your legs out from underneath you, keeping you anchored against his chest with his other arm wrapped around your waist.
You kept screaming at her even as he carried you to the hallway outside the room, thrashing against him, trying to get out of his grip but against his size it was pointless.
“Put me the fuck down, Viktor! I wasn’t done with her, she can’t say those things to you! Viktor please!” you kept struggling against him even as he set you down, his body pressing into yours to keep you from running back into the room.
“Hey, easy, easy, calm down. I know you’re upset but listen to me, Y/N.” he tried to get you to look him in the eyes but you were pushing against his chest, trying to get him to move because fuck this entire situation, you were so angry.
“No! She doesn’t get to talk to you like that and get away with it! She doesn’t know you like I do and I can’t fucking stand her insulting you when you’ve done nothing to deserve being treated like that!” you stammered, still trying to move out from under the grip he had on you but your efforts weren’t getting you very far.
He really was a wall of solid muscle and as much as you loved that, right now all you were seeing was red.
“Shh shh I know, you’re right, you have every reason to be angry but right now I need you to calm down baby.” he cupped your chin and gently made you look up at him, your body finally giving up on fighting him.
You took a few deep breaths and nodded, knowing that you had just made a really big scene and weren’t thinking with a clear head right now.
“I don’t feel bad for hitting her but I’m sorry if that put you in a weird position, I just...I love you so much and I can’t just sit there and not defend you.” you sighed, relaxing against his hands.
He didn’t say anything for a second and when you looked up again you saw a little smile on his face.
“I don’t think you should feel bad either. It’s ok, I promise. Thank you for caring about me so much.” he pressed his forehead against yours, softly whispering that he loved you too.
A few more minutes were spent like that, Viktor wanting to be sure that you knew that while yes she deserved it, he didn’t want you to pay her any more attention because she wasn’t worth it and you eventually listened to reason, seeing his perspective.
Ludmilla finally emerged from the room, not daring to look at either of you as she stormed away, her face still visibly red which made you smirk.
You hoped she remembered that for a long time and would think twice the next time she wanted to trash talk.
Ivan followed shortly after her, feeling a mix of things from the conversation he had with her just seconds ago.
Things would probably never fully heal between them but he finally managed to say some things to her that he always wanted to say.
He wouldn’t admit this to either of you but he was glad that Viktor had someone who cared about him so deeply and you served as an example for him to be a better person to his son.
You watched Viktor get changed back in the locker room, laughing to yourself a little.
“What?” he questioned curiously, swinging his gym bag over his shoulder as both of you made your exit.
“Um...gosh this may be awful of me to say but...how’d my form look when I hit her? You think I could have a promising career in bitch slapping?” you burst into giggles, covering your face because of how red you were getting.
He didn’t know what he was expecting you to say but it wasn’t that and he couldn’t stop himself from laughing either, the deep rumble of his voice filling the hallways as you made your way out of the stadium.
“Oh for sure, you’re deadly. I bet you have mean right hook too.” he shook his head and the two of you kept laughing about it the entire way home.
You had your protector by your side and he had his, forever grateful that you showed him how much you loved him and believed in him on the daily and forever making it a point to reciprocate that love back to you as often as he could.
Tags: @chaneajoyyy @dragothishole @themyscxiras @champagnesugamama
@dc41896 @dramaqueenamby @amirra88 @queen-of-the-jabari @fumbling-fanfics @tellybabes @endless00paradise @harduy
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anon-drabble · 6 years
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hey anon! in the interest of fairness, i also did 3 separate pieces for you. i had a loooooot of fun writing these so i do hope you enjoy!
almost a series of au’s. these all ended up being rather different from the mysme world we’re used to. this one is more of a pining jumin.
8. “I just wanted an easy day with my boyfriend/girlfriend. Is that too much to ask?”
Jumin was unsatisfied with it. It reminded him too much of V and Rika. He'd never allowed himself to think on his feelings for Rika, for V's sake. V was his best friend and the closest bond Jumin had in his life. To think of V's fiancee in any way other than “best friend's lover” would have been disrespectful and would have sent Jumin down a truly unpleasant path.
She called him again. It was after 10 at night and when his phone rang, Jumin knew it had to be MC. She liked to call him after her dates. For some reason. He had wasted many minutes wondering how their relationship had evolved into what it was. Jumin was unsatisfied with it. It reminded him too much of V and Rika. He'd never allowed himself to think on his feelings for Rika, for V's sake. V was his best friend and the closest bond Jumin had in his life. To think of V's fiancee in any way other than “best friend's lover” would have been disrespectful and would have sent Jumin down a truly unpleasant path. But MC had come into Jumin's life, the newest RFA member. She had no preexisting bonds with any of them but she was a bright light in an organization that had all but lost its way. She carried a sense of beauty and good wherever she went. Zen called her cute but Jumin found that wasn't enough. Luciel, at times, called her an angel. That was closer but still wasn't completely accurate. Jumin found she carried a certain sense of elegance similar to Elizabeth the 3rd. MC was immaculate and pristine.
Jumin had fallen in love with her.
It hadn't be a conscious decision of his, of course. He didn't simply wake up one day and think, Today is the day that I will fall in love with MC. It happened gradually for him. And they got closer until Jumin was a very good friend of hers. But he was only a friend because she was in love with someone else. She had a boyfriend. And as their friendship developed, MC had begun to turn to Jumin each night after a date. He didn't remember how it started. He was happy to hear her voice each night but to listen to her gush about another man was exhausting. It was torture most nights.
So when his phone rang late at night, he knew it was MC returning from a date. Many nights, he debated picking up. But the desire to speak to her and hear her voice often compelled him to accept the call. On that night, however, the call came and Jumin answered. Normally MC would give a cheerful hello, ask how he was, and launch into her moment-by-moment synopsis of her date. This time, she was meek and quiet.
“MC? Is something wrong?” he asked, sitting up, finding his attention focus solely on the sounds on the other end of the phone. So Jumin definitely heard her sniffle as if she was crying.
“He left me…’” she finally whispered, the heartbreak painfully evident in her voice.
Jumin felt his blood run cold. First came the disbelief. How could anyone leave her? She was so ideal in every way. There was anger. Someone had made MC cry and that was unacceptable. And as conflicting as it felt, Jumin was hopeful. Could he steal her away now? “Can you tell me what happened?”
He could imagine MC nodding. She was the type who would nod or point while on the phone, never even realizing the other party couldn't see her. “Yeah. It's…a little hard to talk about, though. We went out and he took me to dinner. We were planning to see a movie afterwards. But during dinner, he said he wanted to talk. And he broke up with me. Maybe there were signs before but I was just blind and stupid? I just wanted an easy day with my boyfriend. How did this happen?”
Jumin wished he could be with her. Offer her a glass of wine to calm her nerves. Maybe even put his arms around her. She needed comforting. “He does not deserve you,” he said softly. “Let that man go. There is no reason to focus your attention on one who does not deserve it. I am certain you can find happiness again.”
“I'm just…happiest when I'm in a relationship. I really love the romance, the closeness. The love. I just want that. But when it's like this, I wish I could be like you and just not have any interest in love.”
Jumin felt his body tense at her words. Uninterested? No, he wasn't. Not anymore. Perhaps in the past but now, he saw the value in such a relationship. “You also see me that way?” he asked. “I am not uninterested. In fact, I, too, am in love and wish nothing more than to be with her.”
He heard MC gasp quietly on the other end of the phone. “What?! Jumin? You are? Really? Who?! You have to tell me! I'll help you! I want you to be happy!” The sudden excitement of Jumin's confession temporarily pushed her heartbreak aside. Now, MC was eager to learn everything about Jumin's mystery woman.
Jumin didn't answer at first. He suddenly regretted his words. He couldn't confess to her. Not when she had just broken up with her boyfriend. But at the same time, he felt those suffocating threads loosen. “She's someone I call a friend first of all. She does care for me as a friend. She has a beautiful soul. She cares nothing for my money and has never once claimed I have no emotions. She was patient in winning me over. The reason I am alone is because she was unavailable. Her affections were given to another man.”
“Jumin, that's so sad. How can you stand it?”
Jumin sighed, closing his eyes. How could she not understand the situation? “Are you truly dense? It is you, MC. I am in love with you.” He didn't want to tell her. But the sense that she might not know and the satisfying SNAP of those tight threads in his mind, and he had no choice. He had thought she could initially untangle the mess he'd been cultivating since childhood. But now she was breaking it. Cutting her way through with a metaphorical scythe.
MC didn't respond right away. There was no way she could. Not after Jumin of all people had just told her he loved her! She'd never even thought to look at Jumin that way. “I'm… Jumin… I guess I'm honored. You're so important to me and I want you to be happy. But I had no idea. And I just had a boyfriend not two hours ago. I need time. I can't respond to what you said right now. I just can't. Can we maybe still be friends for now?”
For some reason, he didn't feel that disappointed. “You are worth waiting for. I will continue being your friend. And the day when you wake up and realize you also love me, I will be here, waiting for your call. And that is all I will say on that matter until that day comes.”
His confidence and willingness to wait made her blush. “That sounds like a good plan,” she whispered, smiling for the first time since that fateful dinner.
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tpthvegebulevents · 6 years
Title: The Final Price
Chapter Summary: Vegeta’s gone, and Bulma is finding it impossible to cope with his death. In the midst of her sorrow, she finds hope when she begins to have strange dreams about him, and she realizes that there just might be a way to bring him back.
Genre: AU / Romance / Angst
Rating: E
Chapter Warnings: Profane language; Triggers: Mentions of depression and thoughts of suicide; Torture; Slight sexual content.
Prompt: The Glass Slipper
Word Count: 7,540
Chapter 5: The Undying Bond
(Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8)
In her thirty years of existence, Bulma had, on several occasions, experienced what it was like to be sad.
She had gone through breakups, and she had lost friends. She had even, at one point, lost literally everything, and has had close friends and family members pass away.
Loss and death were not new to her.
However, the feelings of hopelessness, her conviction that things would never get better, the complete loss of her will to even get up every morning… those were new.
She had usually dealt with her sadness and frustrations by burying herself in her work or studies, by going out with friends or by taking short vacations.
She had tried so hard to do the same things this time around, but she just couldn’t.
She could not keep her mind on her work, making stupid mistakes because of her wandering thoughts that made her lose her concentration.
She had thrown an epic tantrum when she failed to solve a simple equation that she previously could have done with only one eye half open and both hands tied behind her back.
She had filed for an indefinite leave of absence from work, after that frankly embarrassing meltdown.
Her parents were worried, confused as to why she had suddenly become so despondent and angry.
She didn’t care.
She did not want to see anyone, did not want to talk to anybody.
Every step she took made her shake with agony.
Every bite of food felt like sand on her tongue.
She was smart enough to recognize the signs...
She had never before truly realized that there was a profound difference between being simply miserable, and being depressed.
She needed to be strong enough to fight it…
But she did not want to.
Vegeta’s death had hit her hard, like nothing she had ever experienced before.
She loathed herself, for being useless, for being unable to save him, for ultimately not being able to do anything to keep him alive.
She was so utterly lost, so unspeakably dejected, and all she wanted to do was lock herself up in her room all day and sleep.
Yet all she saw, every time she closed her eyes, were gruesome images of his last moments… the ki beam that struck his heart, his shaky final breaths, the look of pride and acceptance in his eyes right before he faded from her arms.
All these horrible memories fill the backs of her eyelids, yet she preferred sleep to wakefulness, because in slumber, she found some relief.
Perhaps, if she slept, she could dream of him. Maybe she would have a vision of him, see him as he was in the afterlife.
Oh, how she wanted to join him.
But she could not, because he had asked her to stay safe.
“Stay safe. My precious Blue Moon…”
She could not, should not, kill herself, because she could not bear to disrespect his memory, his hard work and sacrifice, by failing him at this.
“My Bulma…”
She felt the tears sting her eyes, and she tried and failed to hold them back.
It had been three weeks.
She still could not get his voice out of her head.
She could still feel his hands on her body, his kisses upon her lips.
“My Bulma…”
She could still feel how cold his skin had felt as he began to fade into nothingness, how his lips had trembled beneath hers as he fought to keep his pain to himself, even as he wasted away.
He was gone.
Her Vegeta was gone.
And to her, it truly felt as if a part of her soul had died with him, as well.
Maybe, her soul really had been ripped apart.
After all, he was her soulmate. It made perfect sense for her very spirit to cry out and scream at his demise.
It wasn’t fair.
How dare the world just ignorantly go on, when Vegeta was no longer in it.
At the moment, Bulma was staring numbly out her large bedroom windows and into the distance, her eyes hurting from the weak rays of sunlight that filtered in.
She was hunched in on herself in bed, her hair a matted disarray while her white shirt hung loosely around her frame.
Vegeta had hugged her, while she wore that shirt.
He had lain his head on her pillow as he wrapped his arms around her, an arrogant smirk on his face as he told her of how he was going to melt that shirt off her if she didn’t immediately take it off.
The pillow he had laid his head on, was the same one he had placed under her hips, using it so he can tilt her up as he thrust into her more deeply. It was the one he had slept on after their last moments of passion, one night before he fought Frieza.
She had her arms wrapped around that pillow then, refusing to part with it in spite of the stains from her endless tears.
It was all she had left of him.
She had lost his amulet when she got kidnapped, and she never even managed to take a fucking picture with him.
A stained pillow case was all she had left.
It was so utterly unfair.
A soft knock came on her door, pulling her slightly from her lonely thoughts, and she looked on morosely as the knob turned.
Her mother’s small blond head peeked in, her normally jovial eyes brimming with concern while her small mouth was turned down in a sad frown.
“Bulma, baby? May I come in?”
Bulma nodded, and Panchy walked in slowly, feet hesitantly padding across the floor.
She sat down on the edge of the large bed, while Bulma squinted at her, waiting for her to speak.
Panchy took a deep breath, before she resolutely turned to Bulma.
“Baby, you know I love you, right?” she said softly, reaching forward to stroke Bulma’s thin hand that was clutching tightly at her pillow.
Bulma nodded.
Panchy stared at her, and Bulma watched helplessly as small tears began leaking out of Panchy’s eyes.
“You’re my little girl. And I love you. So, won’t you tell me what’s wrong?” the blond said, scooting closer to Bulma.
She started speaking again. “That morning, when those three men brought you here… you were unconscious and so pale. When I asked them where the fourth man was, they didn’t say anything. And you… you never spoke to me either, Bulma.”
Panchy began sobbing as she looked at Bulma, watched her pale blue eyes look back at her blankly. “I want to help you, Bulma. Like you helped me when I was sick. I can feel… I can feel that your heart is sick too, but I don’t know why. Please baby, let me help you.”
Bulma drew her brows together, not even realizing that the tears had started flowing from her eyes, as well.
“Mom,” she said softly. “No one… no one can help me. It’s over.”
“No! Don’t say that, Bulma!” Panchy exclaimed, lunging at her and pulling her into her arms.
Panchy began to weep, soft, feminine sobs that broke Bulma’s heart just a little bit more, and before she knew it, she had clung to her mother, bawling desperately into her chest as she heard her own voice begin to cry out.
“He’s gone mom! He’s gone! Vegeta’s gone!” Bulma kept wailing, pounding the mattress with her fists as the very words made her body ache physically.
“Oh Bulma, do you mean he left, or-”
“He’s dead!” Bulma screamed, and she realized then that it was the very first time that she had dared say the words out loud.
She had never had the courage to acknowledge his loss out loud, in a fool’s hope that if she didn’t say it, maybe it could stop being true...
“He’s dead! And I – I couldn’t do anything, mom! I just sat there. He’s gone!” she cried, slumping into her mother, seeking comfort from her mother’s loving hold.
But Bulma was trying to fool herself. She knew that her mother’s calming touch would never be enough.
She could only ever find her peace from a thick pair of powerful arms that would never hold her, ever again.
“Oh baby, I’m – I’m so sorry!” Panchy whispered into her hair as she rained kisses on Bulma’s head.
Her mother spoke to her as she cried, and Bulma heard her mother trying desperately to hush her, to soften the flow of her tears.
“I knew… I knew there was something there… but I never realized that he meant so much to you! I wondered why a random team of soldiers had gone to rescue you when you got kidnapped,” Panchy said softly. “Oh Bulma, I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry.”
“I miss him, mom. I need him. I don’t know how I could go on,” she sobbed, as she felt her mother push her down, gently lowering her so that she was laying flat on her bed.
Panchy sniffed as she pulled blankets around her, tucking her in before she lay beside Bulma as well, hugging her tight as they cried together.
“Bulma, I am sure that it hurts. But you have to try to move on. He… he would have wanted you to be happy, don’t you think?”
She nodded, sniffling loudly. “He… he gave his life for me. He refused to save himself because he wanted me to… to stay safe.”
Bulma peered up at her mother. “He… he called me, my Bulma. Do you… do you think he loved me, mom? Because I love him... I love him so much.”
Panchy burst into tears once again, pulling Bulma tight, laying her head close to her chest like she used to do when Bulma had been little, and upset over little things.
“Yes baby. I’m sure he did. It is impossible not to love you, my sweet little girl.”
Bulma sobbed against her mother until she was exhausted, and Panchy just patiently held her, offering her silent support as she soothed her motherly hands across Bulma’s back.
It took a long time, but Bulma finally felt the stirrings of sleep begin to wash over her, and before she knew it, she was lost in slumber, away from the aches of the waking world, and into the sweet nothingness of the darkness of unconsciousness.
Yet… it was not darkness that greeted Bulma as she succumbed to sleep.
She could still feel the dampness of her sweat as it dried slowly on her body.
She snuggled closer to Vegeta, laying her head close to his hard chest. She knew that the abnormal heat of his body should have been uncomfortable, but to her, it was like being in the gentle clouds of heaven, where nothing could harm her, and nothing could hurt her. It was just the two of them, nestled in each other’s arms, luxuriating in the warmth of their hearts.  
A small feather fell onto her nose, cutting off her tender musings.  She tried to flick it off with her breaths, blowing out her mouth so that the air would push it off her face.
Vegeta had ripped one of her pillows apart while in the throes of passion. She absolutely did not mind.
She felt his chuckle as it rumbled across his chest, before she heard the soft snickers leave his lips.
She watched him lift a hand, and he quickly plucked the offending feather from her before he lowered his head to drop a small kiss on the tip of her nose.
“I am sorry for the pillow,” he said with a totally non-apologetic smirk. “I can fix it.”
“Nah, it’s alright. Leave it for now,” she grinned back. She reached a hand up to trace the contours of his chest with the tips of her fingers, peeking up at him through her lashes. “I rather like the reminder that I was just so good in bed that you had to rip something up. It’s so… feral.”
She laughed as she watched him blush at her teasing.
She expected him to get back at her with an arrogant rebuttal, but the hand that he placed on her cheek, along with the soft look that entered his normally-stern eyes, threw her for a loop.
“I will admit this much, Bulma,” he whispered, as if a part of him was hesitant to say the words. “Being with you tonight was… different.”
“Different in a good way?” she asked, breathless at his solemn confession.
He nodded. “I have never… It has never been this way before. I nearly lost control.”
“Maybe it has just been too long?” she asked, hoping that it wasn’t for that reason.
It had been so incredible for her, as well.
He shook his head, and she nearly sighed in relief.
“No, it is not that… you are my most incredible experience,” he admitted.
She flushed happily, beaming brightly up at him. “That’s great Vegeta, because… it was amazing for me, too.”
He smiled back.”Don’t let it get to your head, woman.”
She laughed, huffing jokingly as she answered. “Excuse me? You’re the one with the huge head!”
“Oh, is that how it is going to be?” he growled, a playful smirk on his face as he turned, pouncing on her, hands crawling up and down her sides, making her squirm before her laughter began to ring around her bedroom.
“No! No tickling!” she yelled, trying in vain to push away from his hands.
He started laughing as well, tickling her sides more vigorously. “I got you now, and I am not letting go!”
She opened her eyes slowly as she woke, already feeling the tears welling up behind her lids.
She smiled bitterly as she recalled the last vestiges of her dream, her memory of happier times with Vegeta.
“But you did let go, Vegeta. You let go…”
The next morning was too bright, too cheerful, and Bulma almost felt as if she wanted to vomit as she tried and failed to get up from her bed.
It was really pointless, getting up. Why should she even bother?
She was contemplating going back to sleep, when a bright flash of light suddenly appeared inside her bedroom, and she gaped as a male form with spiky, golden hair materialized before her.
A dozen flashbacks went through her mind as she screamed, tumbling carelessly from her bed as she bolted without thought towards the man who had appeared with his back to her, wearing a blue tank top and loose black pants.
“Vegeta!” she screamed, heart pounding through her ribcage as she desperately tried to move towards him…
Was he truly back?
The man turned, and the hopeful spark within her chest died as quickly as it had been lit, when she realized that the person standing before her was definitely not her dead lover.
It was Goku.
Indescribable rage filled her as he turned to look at her.
“What are you doing here?!” she roared, making him visibly recoil.
How dare he get her hopes up?
How dare he remind her of what she had lost?
“Bulma, I’m sorry,” Goku said, raising his hands up in a gesture of placation. “I just wanted to check up on you again. I didn’t think you would be awake.”
Bulma’s rage continued to simmer. “What do you mean, again?”
Goku winced. “I have been checking on you once every three days. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
She finally untangled herself from her sheets, rising up to stand and glaring lividly at Goku.
“Look at me! Do I look alright to you, Goku?” she yelled.
She knew her anger was unwarranted, but she was unable to stem the venom that flowed through her.
Goku appeared to deflate. “No, you don’t. You don’t look alright at all. You look awful.”
She glared. “Oh well, thank you, Goku! I-”
“You look sick,” he said, brows furrowing. “You are very thin. You look like you aren’t eating.”
Bulma was taken aback as she noted Goku’s hands clenching, and she watched his face slowly morph from a look of concern to one of irritation.
“You ain’t taking care of yourself, are ya?” he accused, and Bulma cringed under the accusation in his eyes. “Bulma, why? You have to treat yourself better. You-”
“What’s the point?” she asked bitterly. “Why should I?! There’s nothing left for me here. He’s gone, so why should I even-”
“He gave his life for you!” Goku said loudly, shocking her into silence.
She gaped at him, watching his aura flare angrily around him.
“Our Prince, our leader, who we waited thirty Earth years for, gave up on a chance to reestablish the Saiyan race because he couldn’t bear to let you die. He gave up on his legacy,” Goku hissed, “because you meant more to him than me, Raditz and Nappa combined, more than the thirty years of waiting and plotting to rise and lead us again. And all you are doing in exchange for his sacrifice is letting yourself waste away. The least you can do is to respect his death by surviving.”
He turned away from her, angrily looking out her window, and she was struck by the visible similarities between Vegeta and his fellow Saiyan.
That straight and powerful stance, the strong arms and narrowed, determined eyes... Vegeta and Goku looked nothing alike, yet, standing here now, Bulma could fully appreciate the fact that these men truly were not ordinary humans, as their presence resonated with something unmistakably powerful, and she was awestruck by the display.
Goku sighed, powering down so his hair turned back to its usual dark, spiky look. He turned back to her, his face now softer and slightly contrite. “I am sorry for shouting, Bulma. But Vegeta was our Prince. Our ruler, even before his father died. The first Saiyan to ascend to Super Saiyan in a thousand ages. We all looked up to him.”
He walked towards her, taking her limp hands in his, a brotherly gesture that had Bulma near-tears as she sensed his sadness through his somber gaze.
“He… he was my idol,” Goku said, swallowing audibly. “He had been telling me that I had what it took to ascend, and I never would’a tried so hard if it weren’t for him always telling me that I could. It… it hurts to know that he is really gone.”
“It does. It really does hurt, Goku. I… I’m sorry if I’m like this… I just… I can’t handle it,” she whispered, and she felt him steering her to sit on her bed, before he himself crouched before her, rocking back on his haunches as he watched her.
“You have to try Bulma. He wouldn’t wanna see you like this. And I’m here because I want you to be safe, like he asked. So I’m gonna try to look after you, alright?” he said. “I see why Vegeta liked you. You’re a strong girl. If I remember right, back on the mountain those years ago, you were the toughest in your group. You have to be that tough girl, again.”
She smiled sadly at him. “I… I am going to try. I am going to really try, Goku.”
He smiled back. “You should.”
The visit from Goku shook Bulma, and she decided then that she had to at least make an effort to try to get things to go back to normal.
She knew it would be impossible, but she should at least try to attain a semblance of normalcy, if not for her, then for the people who loved her and were worried for her.
Also, for Vegeta.
Goku had been right. Vegeta wanted her to be safe, he wanted her to live her life, and she was going to try, for him.
She tried to fight back the urge to stay in bed all day. She took baths with her phone right beside her, so she can call her mother to fetch her from the bathroom if the shudders started up again, or if she felt the urge to either not get out at all or to just drown herself in the bathtub.
She asked Goku for his number – which he had to go back home for a second to retrieve from his wife, Chichi – so she can call him whenever she was feeling down.
It apparently helped, to have somebody around who could understand the pain of her loss.
Bulma opened up to Lazuli, her assistant, and the blond surprised Bulma by sharing that she, apparently, had gone through a dark period as well when her parents passed away, leaving her and her twin brother as homeless orphans.
She tried to offer some help, supplying Bulma with books that had helped her cope with her own loss, and though Bulma knew that the self-help books would not really offer her much peace of mind, she took them, grateful for the kinship that she now shared more keenly with Lazuli.
Bulma tried to look back at her memories with Vegeta more fondly, and as the weeks passed, she found herself slowly becoming more able to smile as she remembered his words and arrogant smiles.
She could remember their small conversations, his nitpicking at her messy lab and office. She smiled as she chewed thoughtfully at some pineapple, remembering his face as he sniffed in disdain at how lazy humans were for slicing their fruit into bite-sized bits.
There was, however, one thing that helped keep her happier, that began after she cried her eyes out after coming clean to her mother… after she finally acknowledged out loud, that Vegeta was gone.
She had begun to dream of him.
The dreams were happy dreams, full of memories of their few days together, and sometimes of random encounters that she knew had never happened, and had regarded as simple figments of her imagination.
She thought of them more as alternate universe versions of a life with Vegeta.
She had once dreamed of them flying off to South City to fight villainous androids, where one of them looked uncannily like Lazuli.
She also once dreamed of watching him talking to a group of men who stood in neat lines before a large red mountain, and she realized that two of the men looked suspiciously like Raditz and Nappa.
Just that morning, she had woken up from a dream where they had met on a distant planet, where he had terrified her as they both competed in a search for what she had, in her dream, called Dragon Balls, wish-granting orbs that resembled the enchanted ball that had brought Vegeta into her life.
She dreamed of him every night, and she knew that she was bordering now on an insane obsession, but she reasoned that, it was still better than not seeing him at all, and just letting herself die alone in her room.
At least, with the dreams, she could be with him.
At least, in her dreams, Vegeta was alive.
After she finished her snack, she shook herself free of her thoughts as she stood, moving into the large laboratory that was adjacent to her office.
She sorted through her things until she finally found her ongoing project, a power core for a deep space machine that was inspired by her dream about meeting Vegeta on a distant planet.
In the dream, she had reached the strange green planet using a sophisticated ship that could enter into a form of hyperdrive, bypassing Earth physics and running at speeds faster than the speed of light.
She was trying to figure out if it would, in reality, be possible to engineer such a vehicle.
Bulma had been reading up on the possibilities of deep space exploration and the power sources that could potentially take the people of Earth into farther corners of the universe, but the answer constantly evaded her.
She was about to turn her attention to another project when she remembered a discussion that she had with Vegeta , just a few days after she and her family had returned to Capsule Corp.
“So this is what your family does for a living,” he remarked, looking around her lab, peeking through the various machines and smaller components that littered her workspace to look at her from behind her cluttered work table.
“Yep! We are engineers! Well, my father and I are. We are inventors; scientists, actually. And this is my home!” she crowed, gesturing grandly at the mess of parts before her.
“And what, exactly, are you working on here?”
“Well,” she began, lifting an energy source from her table, showing him the glowing liquid inside the large fiberglass capsule. “I am trying to make a compound that could function as an alternate energy source so we don’t have to be so dependent on gasoline. I know that there are several other methods now, but this one,” she shook it, “could potentially be powerful enough to send us to the moon with only a liter of it needed.”
“Impressive,” he agreed, studying the mixture. “So it is a highly-concentrated energy source that could potentially power your vehicles into farther distances, with far less quantity.”
“Yes!” she said, beaming with pride.
He frowned slightly. “Did you take into consideration though, how a compound like that could potentially drain other components of your ships? It would not be enough fluid to sustain the other functions that you would need for a habitable vehicle.”
“What do you mean?”
“It would cause a chain reaction of sorts within your ship,” he explained. “The other motors will be needing to work at an equivalently higher rate of efficiency for that compound to be able to sustain all of the functions.”
She chewed her thumb nail thoughtfully. “So you’re saying that if I use this energy source, I need to adjust all other functions on the ship.”
He nodded. “But I am sure you already knew that. What you could consider is this: is your planet’s current technology ready for a machine that could accurately utilize this compound?”
She looked at him, impressed. She had no idea that he even had an interest in mechanical processes and electronics. “You make a good point. However, are you saying that this experiment is not practical, then?”
“I believe it would be ambitious to use this experimental fluid on a large machine, such as a space ship,” he clarified. “Perhaps, you would do well to try testing it on a smaller gadget, to test how far the energy can go, so you can more easily make the necessary calculations as you proceed to larger undertakings.”
She smiled at him then. “Why Vegeta, that is brilliant! Any suggestions on what I could use it on?”
Vegeta smirked. “How about one of those phones that you use to communicate? The ones that you keep charging all the time? Or perhaps, something practical, like a blaster gun?”
Bulma stood from her chair, excited. “Vegeta, that’s a great idea!” she exclaimed, picking up the green capsule. “I’m going to start a different experiment right now!”
She moved around the table, and when she reached him, she leaned up, leaving a light kiss on his cheek.
She immediately noticed the dark blush that stole over his cheeks, before he covered up his embarrassment with a scowl.
Bulma went to the back of her office, opening a small drawer hidden behind her filing cabinets.
She reached in, smiling when her hand met the small item that she had stashed in there, a confidential little experiment that she had been working on without the knowledge of her father, an undeclared idea that she had personally financed so she can test its viability.
She pulled it out, and her smile turned melancholy as she continued to look at it.
It was a blaster gun.
She had decided to make a prototype, as Vegeta suggested, and she had completed her first model only a few hours before she had been abducted by Frieza, and everything that she knew had gone to hell in a hand basket.
The blaster was small and sleek, made of transparent fiberglass and polished titanium. Due to some adjustments she had to make in the internal machinery, the blaster was unconventional, and did not look like a typical gun.
The handle curved slightly around her hand, and when placed flat on a table, the shape reminded her of a glass and metal slipper. She had wanted to show it to Vegeta, but in all the action, had completely forgotten, and she stared at it now with a mixture of sadness and longing, as she tried to imagine how he would have reacted to seeing that she had managed to turn his suggestion into an actual prototype.
He would have been so proud.
She slowly placed the blaster back into the hidden drawer, knowing that it was actually a rather dangerous trinket, as she had seen the damage it could inflict, first-hand. She had tested it out on some very thick metal sheets, and the powercore had aided the blasts so that the gun had easily melted through the tough metals, and she knew that with the energy held by the weapon – a mere medicine capsule-sized chamber of the fluid – the gun would not need to have its energy cartridge replaced for a very long time.
She turned back to her current experiment, intent on working on it now, to take her mind off the bitter taste that the happy memory with Vegeta had left in her mouth.
She was in space. That much was clear.
However, it felt strange, as she realized that she was enclosed in a single pod that was controlled by nothing but a very small keypad with unrecognizable square-shaped symbols.
The darkness surrounding her was thick, and she could feel a dull throbbing on the side of her left arm, an inconvenient sensation that had her wanting to rip off her own limb.
Now, that right there, was an odd thought.
She reached behind her, pulling out a thick roll of paper containing diagrams written in a foreign script, and she stared at the schematics as if she could understand the letterings.
“Tch,” a very familiar voice said, the sound ringing clearly in her ears, as if the voice had come from her.
“This makes no sense,” the same voice muttered, frustrated, and Bulma felt shock enter her as she finally placed the voice.
She wanted to turn, to look for him. She wanted to see him, but her body refused to follow her, only reaching up, and apparently turning on a very dull light within the space pod.
The light filled the pod, and she squinted, looking up at the thick glass window that was right in front of her.
She nearly jumped when she saw Vegeta’s face reflected back at her.
She looked down then, and she saw his very familiar hands clenching and unclenching in what she knew was his way of displaying annoyance.
It was then that Bulma understood, that she was in Vegeta’s body.
What a strange dream…
She watched his fingers reach forward, tapping on a few keys before him, before a small screen lit up, a low beeping sound filling the pod, before Nappa’s face showed up on the screen.
A communication screen.
Bulma noted that Nappa looked younger, maybe more than ten years younger than the one she met a few months ago.
“Nappa,” Vegeta said. “How is the squad? Did you bring the boy with you?”
“The squad is fine, your highness,” Nappa responded. “As for the boy, Kakarot is within the larger ship with Raditz.”
Kakarot. That was Goku.
“Good. That boy needs to be trained, Nappa. I can feel his power within him. Raw and unused. He could… he could be another Super Saiyan.”
Nappa looked shocked. “You believe so, my Prince?”
“Yes, I do. We need him to get stronger. He could be a powerful warrior, more so than Raditz and their father, Bardock, combined.”
“Raditz is a very strong fighter, your highness.”
“And Bardock, before his injury, was stronger. This boy is even stronger than that.”
Bulma listened to their exchange, realizing that this dream was about Vegeta’s time before he had been thrown into the ball.
“We will need him,” Vegeta continued, “in our rebellion against Frieza. I shall train him, myself.”
“He is but a boy, my lord,” Nappa responded.
“And I was even more of a boy when I had first been stolen by Frieza and forced to work for them, until my father retrieved me. Kakarot will be fine.”
Vegeta fidgeted then, bringing his right hand up to clutch at his left arm, and she felt him violently tug at the limb, the pain making stars flash behind her lids.
“As you see fit, my Prince”, Nappa said, nodding his head in acknowledgment.
“If I am right, and the boy does indeed ascend, then we will have two of us able to perform instant transmission. It would be a tremendous tactical advantage,” Vegeta said.
“And I am certain that he will be delighted to be trained by you,” Nappa said. “Raditz told me that the boy idolizes you tremendously. That he has said that he wishes to be just like the Prince.”
Bulma felt Vegeta smirk at that. “As he should.”
Bulma woke with a start, disoriented by the darkness.
As her eyes adjusted to the meager light, she realized that she was in her bedroom, lying down on her same, soft sheets, clutching her favorite pillow to her chest.
That had certainly been a strange dream.
She could still feel the throbbing in her left arm, the ache of an old injury that sometimes recurred and refused to fully heal.
“Wait a minute,” she muttered, as a very small memory surfaced.
She could distinctly remember Vegeta begin to use his right arm more and more as she watched him during his fight against Frieza.
His left arm could have had a recurring injury.
She bolted upright, unsettled.
That dream… did not feel like a dream, at all.
She immediately ran to her dresser, pulling her mobile phone out. Uncaring of the time, she scrolled down to the number of the one person she knew could help her understand what had happened.
The phone began to ring on the other end, and a few moments later, a groggy voice answered.
“Hello?” Goku greeted, voice thick with sleep.
“Goku! It’s Bulma.”
“Yeah, hi Bulma. It’s two in the mornin’,” he said.
“I know, and I’m sorry. But I need help,” she said.
Goku’s voice was more alert as he answered. “Are you in trouble?”
“Not really, but-” she cut herself off when the familiar glow of the instant transmission appeared in her bedroom once again.
“What’s up?” Goku asked as soon as he materialized into her bedroom. He was wearing a loose shirt and boxer shorts, clearly coming directly from his bed.
“Goku, I am so sorry. I just wanted to ask you…” she said, hesitating before she continued. “When you were younger, did Vegeta train you, because he thought you could be Super Saiyan?”
“Well yeah,” he answered. “He asked Nappa and Raditz to bring me with them to the outer base one day, and the next, he showed up in the training arena to train me. I was shocked.”
She felt the blood drain from her face, as Goku tilted his head, regarding her more closely.
“He… Vegeta was taken hostage by the Colds, at one point, right?” she asked shakily.
Goku nodded. “He was with them for about seven Saiyan ages – fourteen Earth years – before King Vegeta started an uprising to retrieve him. It was during that battle that the Queen Papaya was killed, and Prince Vegeta turned Super Saiyan for the first time.”
Bulma felt her hands began to shake as disbelief filled her.
She had been right… That was not a dream.
She had seen Vegeta’s memories.
But how?
Goku stared at her in concern. “Bulma, are you alright? Haven’t you been eating again, because you are a little pale.”
Bulma looked up at the tall Saiyan, a confused grin on her lips.
“I’m fine, Goku. More than fine. I think… I think I just dreamed of Vegeta’s memories.”
Goku’s eyes went wide. “What? How? That’s impossible, ain’t it?”
“I’m pretty sure that it’s supposed to be impossible,” she confirmed. “But I am sure. I saw Nappa, and I heard them talking about you having the power to ascend.”
Goku looked baffled. “What does that mean?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “But I need something from you now, Goku. I need you to talk to Uranai.”
A day after Bulma sent Goku off to Uranai, she began researching on the theories regarding sleep and memory transfers. As of then, it was nothing but a part of science fiction mythos, but Bulma was sure that she could find something that could help her understand just how it could have been possible for Vegeta’s memories to have manifested in her dreams.
She spent the entire afternoon reading up on various sci-fi novels and conspiracy theories, and the only thing she could come up with were a few readings about soul bonding and psychic connections, but most stories concerned subjects who were both still alive.
As the day gave way to night, Bulma was nowhere closer to finding the answer to her questions, and she went home, feeling rather dejected that her research had basically gone nowhere.
She contemplated calling Goku to ask how his trip to Uranai had gone, if his asking the old crone for her theories had been more successful than her own efforts, but she decided against it, thinking that she could just call him in the morning. It was a bit late, after all, and she didn’t want to bother his sleep twice in a row.
She went to bed then, hoping that she would dream once again of Vegeta, or that the answers to her questions would come to her in her sleep.
It was scorching.
Flames licked up every single inch of her skin, and she wanted to recoil from the agonizing heat of the perpetual fires that surrounded her.
However, her feet remained pinned down, and she realized that she was being held against an iron-like beam, her arms and feet bound by spiked chains around the searing barrier.
Around her were screams of agony, and she could sense the anger boiling up inside her, deep hatred for her situation blistering inside her soul as the fires torched her limbs.
The flames never left a mark, but the endless pain remained.
It was hell.
She wanted to scream, but her pride warred with her need to let her suffering be heard, and she remained silent, teeth gnashing in fury as she tried valiantly to ignore the ongoing torture.
A large blast of fire appeared beside her, clearing up to reveal the form of a large man with red skin, with horns protruding from the top of his head. He had terrifying yellow eyes with slitted black irises, a dark goatee, and he wore a large blue cloak with a long white cape.
She felt herself spit in disdain, a growl rising from her chest.
“Dabura,” she felt herself say, and Bulma was once again surprised to realize that the voice belonged to Vegeta.
She was in Vegeta’s body, once again, probably dreaming of another memory.
Vegeta’s voice had been dripping in contempt, so Bulma thought that perhaps, this was a part of his servitude under Frieza.
“Hello, your majesty,” the large, demonic man greeted sarcastically. “I do hope you are enjoying your stay.”
“Fuck you,” Vegeta hissed.
“Unfortunately for you, I do not find you attractive,” Dabura laughed. “I believe the only ones who would ever fuck you are your Saiyan courtesans, because they didn’t really have a choice, did they?”
“Tch,” Vegeta said. “I’ll have you know that I was the favorite lay of all the Saiyan courtesans.”
“And who was your favorite lay, Prince Vegeta?”
Vegeta shut his mouth, pinching his lips hard against the urge to say something caustic back.
Dabura laughed. “Oh, I had nearly forgotten. You did fall hard for that little Earthling woman, did you not?”
“You fucking leave her out of this, Dabura,” Vegeta growled.
Bulma felt his anger rising once again, and she realized that Dabura had hit a sore spot with Vegeta.
Wait… an Earthling? Vegeta had never been to Earth before he was sealed. Could this mean…
“Would you like to see her again, Prince?”
Vegeta turned his head away from Dabura, but the large devil simply floated towards him, holding out a small mirror that began to glow in his hands.
“Watch, you wretch. Watch!” Dabura leered, and Bulma saw the mirror begin to turn into a viewing screen of sorts.
She could see her bedroom, and she saw a small lump of blankets gathered into the center of her bed.
It took her less than a moment to realize that the lump was none other than her.
It was as she had been while she was still deep in her depression, a frail bundle of skin and bones that refused to get up from her bed, the worst version of herself that had been wishing for nothing but death.
It was difficult, even for her, to see.
She felt Vegeta gasp as his eyes fell on her miserable form, and she felt him clench his hands into tight fists. She felt his conflict, his wanting to look away, but being unable to tear his gaze from the sight of her in her darkest moments.
“Do you see, Vegeta? See how you have made this woman suffer?” Dabura asked, and Vegeta gulped, as she felt an onslaught of guilt and pain fill his chest, a pain that made the agony of the flames licking at his body seem dull in comparison.
“You were so selfish, Prince. If you had never tried to come back to life, this woman would still be living her wonderful life, full of energy and happiness,” Dabura whispered maliciously. “She would never have been targeted by Frieza, would never have had to suffer from her father’s trial. She would never have had to be in such pain…”
“Shut up!” Vegeta choked out. “Stop this, stop this right now!”
“Listen to her cry, Prince!” Dabura said, and all at once, Bulma heard her own voice surround them, her heart-wrenching cries of her own suffering leaving Vegeta breathless in despair and guilt.
“Vegeta… Why… Why?” she heard her voice say weakly, and Vegeta closed his eyes, willing the vision and sound of her sadness away.
“Please…” Vegeta began, and Bulma was shocked at the rawness of his voice. “Please stop. Let her just live. She… she does not deserve to be in this sort of pain. This was all because of me.”
“Well, I am glad that you at least know that, Prince,” Dabura said gleefully, removing the mirror as he began to back away from Vegeta. “Until the next time, your highness.”
With that, Dabura disappeared, leaving a despondent Vegeta to breathe heavily, fighting the despair in his heart.
Bulma could do nothing but listen to his harsh breaths, feel the heaving of his chest and the single tear that trickled down his cheek.
“Bulma,” he whispered, his voice soft, loving, reverent. “Be safe, my beloved...”
As she woke from the dream, Bulma bolted up, her chest heavy with Vegeta’s pained thoughts, her limbs still stinging from the fires that burned her body from the inside and out.
She had been in literal hell.
Vegeta was in hell.
And he was in extreme agony.
She stood up, pacing her room as she gathered the scattered bits of her mind to piece together all that she had learned.
Vegeta was dead, but somehow, whether he knew it or not, he was still communicating with her. Perhaps, it was the fact that their spirits had been linked for so long, that he was able to reach out to her from the afterlife.
Perhaps… if he was still linked with her…
Then maybe, she could still have him back.
She looked out the window, smiling at the rising sun, as she went to her cabinets and pulled out a pair of denim jeans and a comfortable white shirt.
She ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face, then she dressed hurriedly, before she picked up her phone, and dialed.
“Hello,” the man’s voice was more alert than the last time she had called, so perhaps, he had already been awake this time.
“Goku, hi.”
“Bulma, great that you called! I found something when I went to Uranai yesterday-”
“You can tell me later. I need you to come and pick me up, now,” she said.
Goku paused. “Where are we going?”
She grinned.
“We are going to Uranai, you and I,” she said. “We are going to bring Vegeta back.”
To be continued…
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speedreiding · 7 years
Worth Fighting For (Spencer Reid x Reader)
A/N: hey guys! I really liked this plot and it was very fun to write! Also gueeesss whaaat?? I only have two more imagines to write until I will open my requests again! Anyways I hope you enjoy this imagine and also P.S. I picture Spencer as like s2 -s4 like a smol Spencer idk you let your imagination run that’s what just went through my head as I wrote this 😋
Warnings: sexism, men being mean to reader
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Prompt: A case where they meet Reader from another team and Spencer can see how badly they treat her (always "you're wrong, shut up, I'm talking, do something else, ...") and she can barely talk to him especially because he is so intelligent. After some time he begins to see that she is smart too and he's falling for her and in the end she quits her job to come with Spencer and the team and they offer her a job there because Spencer
Requested by: @anon
Upcoming Imagine: the reader and Spencer have only been living together for about a week…
“My name is Agent George Clemens from NY FBI. This is my partner Agent Daniel Roose.“ Your team member said putting out his hand to shake the other FBI teams hands.
You stood behind them, in the shadows as always.
“We’re going to need all of your files on Austin Mathers.” The chief said with a stern look.
You observed the team; they looked strong, bonded, much unlike yours.
Drama, sexism, and racism runs in your team.
Only a few men were really close, they worked together for the most part leaving two men and the women out of the picture.
It’s not like you could stand up for yourself, you would get fired and this is your dream job, you’ve worked so hard to get to where you are now.
One man on the team seemed to catch your eye more than the rest.
He was tall, skinny, and very handsome.
“What about her?” He asked, making eye with you.
“Oh she’s no one. Right this way.” George said pushing past you, along with Daniel.
You stepped out of the way to let the Quantico team pass as well.
A black haired girl smiled at you, along with a blonde, and it made you feel a little bit like you belonged, but you knew they would leave in about a week and you would be left with your cruel team again.
You watched as they all passed you, even the tall man that caught your eye.
You sighed and started to walk the other way to your desk.
“Y/N take these files to the Quantico FBI squad down the hall, would ya.” George said plopping 3 boxes of files on the table.
“Uh yeah sure.” You said struggling to pick them all up at once.
“Not all at once, stupid.” He yelled before scoffing at you.
Your face turned red as you took one box at a time.
As you left the room, you almost ran into the tall man from earlier.
“S-sorry I can be…”
“Let me help you with that. I can carry two.” He said walking into the room you came out of and coming out with the two other boxes of files.
Spencer had been walking by to get coffee when he heard the men disrespecting you.
He watched through the window as you tried your best and they shot you down, and it pissed him off.
You both walked to the room his team was in.
“I’m Spencer by the way, what’s yours? I asked earlier but those idiots didn’t give me the chance to get an answer.” He said with a smile.
You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach.
You felt needed and wanted for the first time in this building.
“Oh uh I’m Y/N.” You said with a smile.
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N. Would you like to stay in here with us? It will take you away from those jerks.” He said setting the boxes down.
“Yeah! Your welcome to hang with us!” The black haired lady said with a smile.
“As wonderful that would be, I need to go back. If I’m not helping them I could get fired.” You said shyly.
“What? But you are your own independent person. You shouldn’t have to do others’ work to keep your own job.” Spencer said.
“Well that’s just the way it is around here I guess.” You said sadly as you left the room.
“What the hell took you so long?” Daniel asked throwing his arms out.
“I-I don’t know I just walk slow.” You said standing with your fingers intertwined.
“It’s not the only thing you do slow. Why don’t you pick up the pace before I report you. I can get you fired in a phonecall.”
Throughout the day, Spencer helplessly watched as you were bossed around and yelled at to do things when the lazy slobs were sitting back and talking.
You had dropped a file and George just walked past you like nothing happened.
Someone had bumped into you (probably on purpose) and you spilt coffee all over your new blazer.
But each time, Spencer came and helped you.
He helped you gather all of the papers.
He offered to go buy you a new blazer as he helped you attempt to get the coffee out of the cloth.
Each time he helped you, George and Daniel were watching, and they weren’t kidding when they said they could get you fired in a phone call.
You got called to your bosses office, and you knew your time was up.
“Your fired Y/N. Your wasting time on the hour and your constantly bugging the visiting team. Your out by the end of the day.” He said simply.
“O-okay.” You said as your voice cracked.
You left his office and quickly walked to your little cubicle.
Tears ran down your cheeks as you started to pack your things and you heard a faint knock on your wall.
You turned around and saw Spencer standing there with a frown on his face.
“Did I get you fired?” He asked kindly.
You furrowed your brows. “I mean… you didn’t but I did get fired.” You said quietly as you wiped your eyes.
“Good.” Spencer said with a smile.
“What the hell asshole!” You yelled making his eyes go wide.
“No no I’m saying good because that means you can fill the spot in our team.” He said quickly.
You let what he said process in your mind, and your face lit up. You jumped up and into his arms as you hugged him tightly.
“Your so not an asshole. I was just kidding.” You said with a big smile.
“Okay good.” He said as he awkwardly hugged back.
“I never thought I would of wanted to be fired so bad until now. Thank you so much.” You said squealing and jumping into his arms again.
“I-I guess I just couldn’t handle seeing those men treat you so poorly.” He said with a smile.
A couple months later, you had passed your training and were now officially a member of the BAU.
You and Spencer had found a similarity in both of you, being your insane intelligence.
Your high IQs and science jokes had brought you both closer, and even sparked a relationship.
Spencer had asked to take you to dinner, and now you stood in front of your mirror, checking your adorable outfit once more before grabbing your purse and heading out the door for the first man that had respected you in a long time.
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marias-studyblr · 7 years
Hey Maria 😊 I have a really big problem. I just can't stop comparing myself to my friends. There was this project that I worked so hard on, yet my friend who did it the night before got a higher grade, and although I got a great grade (97) I just feel terrible, and it happens all the time; even when a teacher compliments anyone. It makes me so frustrated and anxious and I just wanna cry. Words of advice? :(
Hi dear anon! ♡
Firstly, I want to congratulate you for being so honest with yourself and approaching the problem so openly! A lot of people don’t even know it’s there and turn angry, cynical and frustrated without even noticing.
Secondly, you are not alone. This is something that affected me and still does, personally, even though it’s getting better. There was a particular situation where I got a 99% and someone got a 100% and I felt miserable. I’m a very competitive person and dare I say with self-confidence issues right from a young age. So those are the roots of the problem.
If you are extremely proud and confident in yourself, you will never have a problem with others succeeding. Makes sense? Because you’re too focused on yourself. That’s something we should all strive to. This is something I had to learn how to block, remarkably in my gap year, when I saw all my friends move to university and I had to resit exams. But I got more kind, humble, proud, confident, intelligent, all at the same time and it has helped me succeed more and be happier. So bear with me.
I also have slowly come to understand that this is a problem of the human race in general. We all are competing with each other subconsciously. It’s rooted in our brains. At the start, competition for food or partners was literally a problem of life or death. In nowadays society, it’s become more superficial. But it’s evident in so many obvious aspects in our behavior.
This problem will never completely go away, I think it’s just a first reaction that is kind of deepened or rooted, like I said, for multiple reasons. But, definitely, a first reaction that comes unconsciously. And that’s the keyword: unconsciously. As soon as you see it coming, you can rationalize yourself out of it. And that’s something you progressively get better at, with practice.
This is my thought process:
As soon as you identify your frustration and anger, identify it’s caused by someone else succeeding.
Understand how strange and wrong that is: everyone’s allowed to succeed, there’s a place for everyone to win.
You have nothing to do with other people.
Everyone has different journeys, different background stories, and different personalities. Everybody has places where they are naturally better at than someone else. And that’s something to be celebrated.
You should focus on your own work, on your own grade.
Imagine a situation where you had 10, 20, 30 points lower than you got. Imagine you had gotten a 90, an 80, 70, 60! This is a lot better, isn’t it? Start feeling proud of yourself. The teacher was focused only on you when giving the grade. So focus in only you too. Congratulate yourself. Take the compliment. Smile!!
If you have failed, don’t leave with empty hands. Take as much from this failing experience as you can. Ask the teacher: what could have I done better? What were my mistakes? What didn’t I see? Pay close attention to the correction if there is one. The situation will definitely make you remember it for next time, and that’s what’s important.
Remind yourself you’re in a learning process. Nobody’s expecting perfection from you. Nobody.
Be remarkably good at dealing with failure. It hurts now but it’s only leading you to a better direction. We learn with mistakes. And we get better with them, with the right mindset. Failures are not tabu.
This is the mindset I want you to put yourself in, whenever you feel yourself slipping. I want you to understand, this is not perfect clockwork. You’ll have to repeat this thought process several times and pep talk yourself. There might be some parts that reason more with you.. and others that I haven’t mentioned that you’ll discover as you go on with life. The key is to never not call yourself out. Always correct yourself.
Now, I want to leave you with some more advice.
never confront or think about the person you felt jealous about directly.
it’s only going to make you feel worse if you do. But most importantly, energy flows to where or to whom you give attention. Don’t waste your precious energy talking or discussing people who cause you these thoughts. Defriend them from freaking facebook if that’s necessary lol who cares!!! You already know it: focus on yourself.
separate people from their grades.
as a matter of fact, don’t even know their grades. Don’t ask, don’t answer if you don’t want to as well. Don’t check their grades on the list. Don’t be curious about other people’s business. Be that person who is completely uninterested.
stop looking at people like they are only competition to you. Some people in your life have so much more to give and you might lose some cool conversations when all you can think about is that person got a higher grade than you in the project.
trust me, I’ve been through this, and the best way is always not knowing. It makes it easier on you.
have personal goals for your grades.
imagine your goal was a 95 in that project. You would be super proud and happy to get a 97 so you would have a different perspective. you wouldn’t care less if someone got higher. you reached YOUR goal.
this helps a lot because once again you are focusing and working to beat your own goals, not to top someone else. this is healthier and wiser.
and even if you don’t reach them, that’s ok, they are only your own standards and there’s always next time.
be around people who respect you for you.
I know that can be difficult to find depending on your people circle, but if someone is disrespecting you and putting pressure on you to be better than the next student, then stop listening to them, no matter who they are.
be someone who respects you for you.
Know when you are in a toxic situation and know how to kindly remove yourself from it.There are truly a million different turns a life can take, back, forward, left, right, around and around in circles! Comparing yourself to someone else’s is…  stupid, useless! Your own already has so much to look at.
Also, here’s a quick thought. Who told you that person did their project the night before? The same person who got the grade? Because I bet they’re lying to show off. Or maybe had someone to help them do it. You never really know the work that other people put in their projects and on their studying. You might think you are the only one working hard to get your grades and that everyone else doesn’t have to work as hard to achieve equal or better, but let me assure you: even if the people don’t want to tell you because of some particular reason, consistent straight A students always put in effort. They always study their butts off.
My mom knew the mom of a straight A student in my class in 10th grade and she told my mom that student spent the whole day studying. But that person at school when asked always said they didn’t study much. They avoided that question so they didn’t pass as a “nerd”.
So that’s a note that I wanted to say because I assure you, your hard work isn’t unusual or uncommon in the top of the class.
This is so long because I want to say everything I know that can possibly help you, so here’s my last piece of advice:
enjoy yourself. Sitting around in a classroom terrified the next student has a better grade than you is not fun at all. It’s degrading and makes your life miserable. All this when you should be enjoying learning, growing! This is YOUR life, my love! This is YOUR LIFE. So act like it! Step up!
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer this for you and I hope the advice reaches you.  ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ lots of love!
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welovekpopscenarios · 7 years
Confessions (Jimin x Reader)
Admin: Candi Request: “One night stand with bad boy jimin (smokes drinks etc) and you to fall in love after 😉😉 – anon” Fandom: BTS Member/reader: Jimin x Reader Genre/warning(s): smut, drug use (weed), stripping, fluff Words: 3.3k Authors note: This was so enjoyable to write for some reason idk. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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           “Strip for me.” Jimin said as he sat in the chair intently watching you while smoking a blunt. You slowly took off your clothes while swaying your hips to the music Jimin put on. One night stands weren’t your thing but Jimin persuaded you into going back to his house tonight and you knew you were going to end up in his bed. He was the local bad boy, he could have any girl he wanted and you were his choice for tonight. You knew it was stupid of you but you couldn’t resist him. He looked so good in college today, black ripped jeans, military boots, white t-shirt with rips on it and a leather jacket. His smile always got you, the way he carried himself, he was the walking definition of sex appeal so, why not have some fun and sleep with the bad boy of the college?
           You were putting on a show for him, there was no awkwardness and you didn’t feel uncomfortable, you went hard. His room was lit up with red lights, setting the perfect atmosphere for you. He sat on a black chair in the middle of his room, his legs spread, one leg stretched out while the other rested on the leg of the chair, his arm hanging down the back of the chair while the other held his blunt. You were completely naked aside from still having panties on. You walk over to him while you squeeze your breasts, his eyes scanning your whole body. You sit on his lap and rest your hands on his shoulders, your lips lingering over his neck, your hips rolling to the sound of the music. You took the blunt from his hand and smoked it yourself, you were astonished at your reckless behavior but it felt right.
           Jimin was extremely good at controlling himself, he didn’t touch you while you were giving him a lap dance, he didn’t even get hard. It worried you but you remembered he probably has sex with twenty different people in one week so you realized he can easily contain himself. You finally got the courage to kiss him, your hands slipped under his t-shirt, feeling his defined abs. The contact made him sit up and put his hands on you, his hands wrapping around your waist bringing you closer to him. His hands were all over you and you enjoyed every second of it.
           You stood up and pulled him by his collar, standing him up and you quickly pushed him to the bed and got on his lap. He moved the material of the panties off to the side so he could feel you. His touch sending goosebumps all over your body. Your lips pressed together, his tongue swiftly making its way into your mouth. He threw his jacket on the floor next to his bed and his t-shirt followed. He lied down and you wasted no time in kissing his chest. Your tongue moved from his chest to his abs, your mouth watering and leaving a trail of wetness from his chest to his abs.
           Once you were at his jeans you undid his belt and put it next to him, your mouth so eager to put his length in your mouth that you felt yourself salivate. After you were finally able to take his jean off all that was left was the boxers. You teased him through the fabric and that’s when he finally started to lose control, his dick grew bigger in your hand and Jimins breath got much more intense, it eventually started sounding like moans and growls. While rubbing his growing dick you stuck your tongue out and licked all the way up his length through the fabric, that was Jimins breaking point, he quickly pulled down his boxers and tangled his fingers into your hair. You wrapped your fingers around his member and began to pump. Eventually, you put your wet tongue on his tip and sucked him. The sensation made Jimin moan and you felt so good about yourself.
           You finally put his whole dick in your mouth and his fist tightened in your hair. Your mouth over his dick while your hand was on his balls, lightly massaging them. You took your time with him, your core was burning and your panties were soaking but you wanted to enjoy him for as long as possible, you knew this was a one night stand and nothing else would happen. The moves were light and slow, making him way more sensitive.
           “Let’s see if I look as good between your legs because you look hella good between mine.” Jimins voice was raspy, the sound of the sentence stirred up a storm in your stomach, your core was burning and the thought of his lips coming in contact with your slit made you feel lightheaded. Jimin got up and flipped you onto your back, his tongue entered your mouth once again. As he was kissing you his hand squeezed your breasts and then made its way to your panties. His middle finger pressed into you, he moved it from your entrance to your clit, getting your juices to spread all over your folds. He followed your steps and lowered his kisses from your mouth to your chest then your stomach until he was finally facing your pussy.
           Ultimately, he ripped your panties off and pressed his mouth into you, he didn’t ease you into it, he was hungry for you and all he wanted to do was taste you. He sucked your clit and ate you out, no one ever ate you out so well. His tongue made perfect circles around your folds, he added two fingers to the mix and pumped them inside you, pressing into your gspot. The combination of his wet tongue on your clit and the two fingers pumping inside you made you climax very fast, you were surprised that you didn’t last but it felt so good and the sight of him between your legs sent you over the edge as well.
           “Already done babygirl? Better recover fast because we’re not done yet.” His eyes met yours and you got excited over his remark. He reached over to his drawer and pulled out a condom, he slipped it on so fast you didn’t even notice. Before he enters you, he looks at you for reassurance, you bite your lip and give him a nod. He spreads your legs and rubs himself all over you to cover the condom in your juices for an easier entry. It finally happens, his dick is finally entering you, you wanted it so bad for so long. He was gentle, making sure you were adjusting well to him but it seemed like he was the one having a problem adjusting to you.
           “You’re so fucking tight, oh my god, this feels so good.” He said and he wasn’t even fully in you, probably one third of the way. His moans got extremely loud and his eyes were shut tightly. This felt amazing, the bad boy wasn’t able to handle how good you felt, it definitely boosted your ego. Once he was finally all the way inside you he started moving in and out.
           “I’m not going to last long with you.” His breath heavy on your neck. You smirk to yourself and cross your ankles on his back. His dick felt so good inside you, his size was perfect and every stroke felt delectable. You licked his neck and nibbled on his ear, you could see the sweat starting to form on his body, with every push his abs became more defined. His muscly arms were starting to shake, he was growing even more inside you. The pleasure from the strokes was becoming more powerful, his forehead was on yours and his breath was warm on your mouth. He went faster and as he did his moans became more frequent, you whined his name and held him closer, it was physically impossible for two people to be closer than you and Jimin at the moment. Both of your bodies started to tense up, every push felt more intense and you both finally released. Jimin practically screamed and his name involuntarily left your mouth.
           He collapsed next to you and threw the condom into the bin next to the bed. You were both out of breath so you let yourselves rest. Once you regained your breath you started to dress and pack up.
           “Where are you going?” Jimin asks, sounding quite confused.
           “Oh, I was going to get a cab home. You’re probably busy with something I don’t want to bother you.” You felt quite awkward for some reason, you didn’t want to interrupt him with his busy life and you didn’t feel like staying longer, the cuddles after sex wasn’t how you’d want this night to end, it felt forced and he probably didn’t want you to stay anyway.
           “It’s 1am, what am I going to be busy with?”
           “I don’t know, it’s you! You’re busy all the time.”
           “You might think that but it’s not entirely true.”
           “Please stay, I want you to stay.”
           The butterflies in your stomach made you nauseous. You decided to stay anyway, 1am wasn’t exactly the safest time to go out and look for a cab. You sat on his bed and he got up and gave you one of his t-shirts to sleep in, it was nice and baggy and made you feel safe, it smelled like him too.
           “I know everyone has their own opinion about me and what I do but they’re all wrong.” Jimin began to explain. Your attention was fully on him, it felt like he was opening up to you and you didn’t understand why, what made you so special?
           “My exterior looks way different than who I really am. I mean, yeah, I do smoke, I drink but who doesn’t? I dress a certain way but everyone has their own sense of style, right?”
           “Jimin I’m sorry if this comes across as rude but why are you telling me this? I do want to hear what you have to say but I’m not really sure if this is something you say to everyone or?”
           “You might be under the impression I sleep with a lot of people but I don’t. Girls are always interested in me but I’m not interested in them. Everyone thinks I’m a badass who just disrespects everything around him, I know that that’s my reputation. Sure, when I go out I tend to get crazy but I have a lot of respect for a lot of people.”
           “Then why are you interested in me?” You ignore everything else he said and focus solely on that part, once you heard him say he isn’t interested in the girls that fall to his feet you wondered why the interest in you.
           “You don’t act like they do, you always treat me like a human. I know we’re not extremely close but whenever you see me you just say hi, you don’t giggle and turn to your friends to say how I made eye contact with you. You help me if I need it in class and you don’t try to seduce me.”      
           “Well I mean, we did just have sex.”
           “True but it was me who asked you, I’m the one interested.”
           “I am too though.”
           “Yeah but if I never initiated it, you never would have tried to persuade me and that’s what I like about you. You’re just different.”      
           “I just don’t see why people would treat you that way. You’re cool and all and you carry yourself a certain way but everyone can be cool if you get to know them. As humans we judge though, it’s in our nature to judge the exterior because we’re lazy, it’s too much work these days getting to know the real person.”        
           You continued to rant about how disgusting it is that people don’t try to get to know Jimin and just assume how he is. You were both on his bed, you were lying down while he was sitting up, his hand brushed off you from time to time and you knew it was on purpose. After a while of innocent touches he put his hand on your thigh as you were talking and delicately rubbed it. You felt such a strong connection with him you felt yourself fall for him. You weren’t friends, you were just acquaintances, you helped him in college and you’d see each other on nights out and make small talk but right now, it felt like you were more than that, he opened up to you completely about how he felt and how people treated him.
           The next day you both woke up quite late but still made it into college. You both got out of his car and all eyes were on you. Jimin never showed up to college with a girl. As you walked down the corridor everyone was whispering, you felt so vulnerable. His hand was over your shoulder and you looked like a couple which didn’t feel right. He was extremely popular and you were just an average student.
           When you got to class he sat next to you, every student was talking about you and some even dared to sneak pictures of how close Jimin was to you. It was definitely being sent around to people. You never had this much attention from one person, nevermind the whole college. You started wondering if Jimin wants more than just sex, he never was this close to you and he was showing you off to all of his friends, it made you feel good though, you felt like you were important to him. Once your class was dismissed you decided to meet up with your friends but Jimin followed you.
           “Can I just meet up with my friend alone? I’m really liking your company but I need to tell her what happened and I’d feel quite awkward saying that you were ramming your cock inside me, in front of her while you’re next to me.” You smiled and him innocently and his mouth parted at what you just said, he got shy and nodded his head. You knew what you just said was quite out of character but it was the only way to actually get him to agree to let you have some time to yourself.
           You hurried to the canteen, basically ran, and your friend stood up and ran towards you the second she saw you enter the canteen.        
           “Y/N what the fuck happened?”
           “What do you mean?”            “Are you and Jimin together? Everyone is talking about it!!!” She was practically screaming at you. You both walked to the seat as every eye in the canteen followed you.
           “Okay this isn’t going to work, we need a more private place.” You said to her and you quickly left. Thankfully she had a car so you ended up evacuating to it.
           “Tell me everything Y/N this is huge! I didn’t even think you were that interested in him.”
           “That’s the thing! I wasn’t but I always appreciated his looks.” You began to explain how you were out and met up with Jimin and things just escalated. You told her every detail and each minute her eyes widened. She was shocked at what she heard, from the stripping to the ex to the confessions after. After a while, you were finally done telling her every detail and silence filled the car.
           “Can you please say something?” You plead.
           “First off, wow I’m so proud of you, you got laid. Second off, you got laid and it was Jimin. Third off, do you like him?”
           “It sounds stupid because we aren’t that close but after last night I feel so connected to him and today he hasn’t let go of me once, I was barely able to make it without him to you because he started walking with me towards the canteen.”
           “So, you like him.”
           Your friend suddenly burst with excitement, you weren’t expecting that reaction at all form her, to be quite honest, you didn’t know what you were expecting but definitely not that. She started saying how cute that is and how he’s the bad boy but he’s falling in love with an average student and how romantic and cliché it is. You rolled your eyes at her and asked for advice.
           “I don’t think you should care what anybody says. This would be huge news obviously seeing as Jimin is never seen with a girl that way and people would talk about it for ages and I bet 99.9% of the girls in college would hate you but who gives a shit?”
           “99.9%? I’m pretty sure it would be 100%.”
           “No, I’m that .1% that wouldn’t and I’d still love you, support you and love the both of you.”      
           “That’s cute.” You smiled at her. You finished your lunch in her car and both continued to talk about last night and how much you like Jimin.
           You walked to your next class, Jimin was standing around with his friends and you walked past him, you weren’t used to the fact that you were showing him attention now. He grabbed your wrist and stopped you from walking away.
           “Did you chat to your friend?” He smiled at you.
           “Yeah, she was really nice about everything.” You blushed.
           “I’m glad.”
           His arm over your shoulder once again. The group started becoming smaller as everyone was going back to class. Jimin said bye to his friends and you started walking to your class together. On the way, you suddenly felt a push against your back and you turned around to see three girls around Jimin. They were asking him a million questions and asking for help after college. He looked at you and pouted, you laughed and walked towards him, you found his hand between the girls and pulled him away.
           “Thank you.” He plants a soft kiss on your cheek. You feel yourself blush and you smile to yourself. For the rest of the day you continued to avoid eye contact with everyone. Once your classes were over you told Jimin you have to go home to study and you made up some lame excuse to just be able to go home and be alone. He offered you a lift but you didn’t take it, you needed some air to clear your mind.
           At home, you went straight to your bed, your mind racing. You suddenly felt so much emotions that you haven’t felt towards Jimin before. You knew he was falling for you too because of how he acted with you. He wasn’t scared to show you off to his friends and he didn’t care what anyone had to say. You couldn’t help but squeal at the thought of you two together, you were so into him and you were the only person that knew how he really is, he told you everything about him and you didn’t have much to say about yourself because you weren’t that exciting but you told him everything anyway.
           It’s crazy how much one night can change everything, there was no expectations of Jimin ever liking you but to your surprise he was interested in you for a while. It felt like a new chapter was beginning and you couldn’t wait to see how it turns out.
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franeridart · 7 years
hi. hello. this is a bit embarrassing but i'm trying to buy my bf a tablet sort of thing so he can draw his arts. he's been wanting one forever but hasn't rly shown me which one he wants. i want to surprise him n buy a good one worth the money n was just curious if you had any suggestions. i've looked into wacom products, but i'm just such a noob to these things n was hoping you can help... i understand if this is silly, you don't have to reply! ur just so amazing, ur opinion is trustworthy 😅☺️
Okay, so, this is just my opinion and since it’s based completely on personal experiences it’s gonna possibly be incredibly different from other people’s opinions, so I just wanna make clear from the start that this is a personal preference and isn’t in any way meant as an absolute truth
Anyway, as far as I’m concerned when you’re just starting out you don’t need anything fancy at all. As an aspiring digital artist your bf might have looked up tablets and cried tears of blood over how much he’d like a cintiq or anything similar, but my very personal opinion is that fancy stuff is gonna be pretty much useless to you and be generally a waste of money? You’re just learning, you don’t need anything more than the basics. My suggestion is that you pick something simple and easy to use - I own this wacom intuos, had it for a long while and I like it a lot, but there’s also less expensive options you can go for too that people seem to like just as much! I’ve lately read on my dash about the Huion H610, they say it doesn’t cost much at all but it’s just as good as the Intuos, that could be a good option for you~
Anon said:  Hey!!! I was wondering if its ok to rb your oc art? I realized a lot less people rb those and i get anxious easily so... also i really don't want to disrespect either! But i always thought of rebloging as a way of saying "i appreciate your art" and i really really (really ) like yours (both the style and itself in general). (I hope you dont mind my bad english ha ha) i hope you don't mind this stupid ask! Im still kind of new to tumblr
It’s 100% okay!!!! *O* Thank you for liking them enough to want to reblog them ;A; !!!!
Anon said:i miss ur bokuroteru so much 😭💕 i love ur art but whenever i see ur header, i just remember ur bokuroteru comic and my heart cries storms for them to be seen again.
Aw anon I’m super happy you like my stuff for those three but as of now inspiration in that department is... super low... and tbh the haikyuu fandom is being incredibly unresponsive and non-vocal about their appreciation of fanworks in this period so even when I do have ideas for that fandom I sort of. Let them go. Or just sketch them out and never finish them.
Like, you know the whole deal about having to draw for yourself and not for others? That’s what I do 100% of the times when I’m starting a drawing, but to draw for myself I don’t exactly need to finish a drawing, you know? Sometimes there’s a scene I wanna see and I sketch it out in a super rough way and as far as my personal desire to see it goes I’m satisfied with that, and everything after that - the cleaning and lining and maybe even coloring - I put the effort in it because I want to share it with people. And the deal with the Hq!! fandom lately is that they don’t share my excitement for it. They either only like it, or don’t comment on it, or comment only to complain about this or that thing. In the worst case posting hq!! only ends up with people asking me to draw something else (ie I feel like drawing Karasuno so I draw it and post it and no one comments/rb/says anything about it but there’s 20 asks in my inbox asking me why I haven’t drawn any bok*ro lately)
When I think about posting stuff for hq lately I automatically compare it to posting stuff for bnha where I could draw a background character that appeared once 120 chapters ago and there’s still gonna be people that go “yes! that character!! I love that character!!! can’t believe there’s actual art for it oh my god!!!!” - that’s... that’s the sort of reaction that makes you wanna share stuff
I dunno, maybe I’m just expecting too much out of the hq fandom. But anyway, sharing for bnha makes me way happier and glad I decided to finish a drawing lately, so I guess that’s what’s happening there.
Anon said:Every time your soft doods art shows up on my dash I have to pause and take a deep breath and just thank god for all the good in the world because I'm blown away every single time
This is s o s w e e t oh my god ;A; thank you so much!!!!
Anon said:Johnny is a fucking angel dammit. Have you read the new DGM already?? I'm in tears. I love this manga so much. The frequency of the releases are killing me... it has such a great story and great characters. It needs more love
I did read it!!!! And yeah the fandom used to be way bigger, but honestly I’m glad it’s just the couple dozens people it is. Like a small town where everyone knows everyone else. No drama, no discourse. Everyone ships what they want and we all pass each other tissues to dry the tears. The only argument that happens regularly is people complaining about the relase schedule and the old fans telling them to let Hoshino live. A good place, this fandom’s a good place.
DGM was my playground for most of my experimenting as far as creating art goes, I really did reach in all directions with it through the years and it helped me shape myself a lot, so I really want it to stay quiet and nice and peaceful, that’s my dream for it haha smaller fandoms have a better chance to keep that freedom
Anon said: Oh man, I live for that Togata x Amajiki interaction
You talking about the color spread cause yes that was adorable!!! ;A;
Anon said:I look a little, and do you still draw Bakugo x Kirishima x Kaminari?
Sure, it’s still my main ship for Kaminari and my main ot3! Just wait for Denki to start being relevant in the manga again, I’ll probably fall headfirst into it all over again haha
Anon said:Your art is so wonderful you're wonderful everything's so wonderful i'm crying omg
SOB no anon you’re wonderful!!!!
Anon said:Due to my brain not wanting to cooperate with me (ever), Bakugou Katsuki is now Batsuki Katsuki in my head.
This is the funniest thing I’ve read today and I’m in t e a r s hahaha
Anon said:Artistic!Mina making pop art and colorful paintings :o what are ur thoughts
HELL YES that’s my main headcanon for Mina, she’s definitely an artsy girl!!! I like the idea of her sharing it with Bakugou t b h
Anon said:I'm still just repeatedly looking at your newest KiriBaku because hot damn.
I’m super glad you liked it!!!!!!! oh my gOD!!!!!!!
Anon said:Heyy please rec Kami comics please! I'm in a Kami art shortage and I currently can't find art as awesome as yours...
I’m so sorry I wish I could help you with this but I don’t know anyone who draws lotsa Kaminari either ;---;
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