#I hope this helps and sorry if this post is too long aha;;
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Also, aftermath with Edgar, My narrator: (He's a littol shy camera boy.)
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In all seriousness though, I felt as though I definitely owed something to this fandom, as much of a hellscape as it is. TSP and everyone in the fandom has helped me so much with staying happy and keeping my head up. Everything you all do for this fandom brings me so much joy, albeit mainly being fueled by the hyper fixation on it, BUT NONETHELESS YOU ALL MAKE ME SO UNBELIEVABLLY HAPPY! So why not pay you all back by drawing a bunch of Narrys belonging to a bunch of different people! They're all gathered for a little photoshoot! Think of The Oscars, but instead it's just for Narrys. Thats what they're up to. All just meeting up and chatting, grabbing some photos. Some catfights may occur, but oh, what the hell! Who cares, as long as they're all just being British n' junk, eh? Anywho, I'm most likely going to make a part two in the future since not all the Narry's I could of put into here are there. And theres alot more Narrys I want to draw!
Happy 4/27!! I love you all so, so much!
(Rare Soppy Strawberri Sighting)
The Narrys in the Picture: (Not sure if all of these people have tumblr, so some people won't be @'d just yet BUT I will add the credits when I find out where the fuck they are and who they are, since some designs were grabbed from Discord.)
Black - @blackkatdraws
Arthur - @indigo-art
Mantra - @deviousnarrator
Silk - @bucketttt4
Henry - @r3naissancee
Wilbur - @marsalta
Sir Narrator (I genuinely don't know if he has a name I'm SO sorry if he does, I'm too pathetic and eepy to ASK) - Sui chan (I NEED YOUR TUMBLR TOO)
Thierry - @vellichorom
Nolan - @peripalz
Oliver - @lamuliz
Lings Narry (...Also don't know his name. AHA IM SO ORGANISED-) - @ling-doodles-draws
I hope I did everyones Narry justice.
If your Narry's on here and you have a tumblr I didn't know AND if he has a name, TELL ME SO I CAN CHANGE THIS AND MAKE IT PROPER SINCE THIS POST IS SO UNORGANIZED.
Anyway, toodle-pip!
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silent-sanctum · 5 months
I hope you're doing fine mijin🤩💗....
Can I request a fic where the stone ocean group survives and jotaro meets his wife(the reader) or ex wife that's upto you
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Aha! A 2-for-1 special! Also, hiya @jotarosimpforever and to you too anon 👋 I'm doing fine thank you! Sorry it took this long to answer your requests, I'm currently on vacation so I was busy doing stuff 🫡 But here it is! A post-Stone Ocean fic featuring domestic times with our favorite DILF 6taro 😘 Hope you enjoy ♡
Way Home - Part 6! Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 3.3k
“Breaking news: The recent events people termed as the “Shifting Skies Phenomenon” comes to an abrupt halt, resulting in mass casualty midst the confusion of countless civilians worldwide”
The scene was in complete chaos just the way it was for the past few hours. Where it was due to destruction as the heavens changed hues, from burning autumn to midnight void and back in a blink of the eye, now everything and everyone were in complete loss of control, emergency respondents dispatched to numerous vehicular accidents and spontaneous locations with crowds sporting spontaneous injuries.
Where others wouldn’t know what else to brand this phenomenon but “otherworldly”, you knew it as a catastrophic Stand attack.
And you’d come to know these information because of none other than your own husband- A solitary individual who opted to keep his responsibilities a secret from the people he loved, to sacrifice his happiness and suffer a life of “kill-or-be-killed” if it meant giving his family the normal life he could never have.
If it weren’t for circumstances that got yourself involved in one of these Stand encounters, you wouldn’t find yourself falling into the rabbit hole that was learning the nature of Stands, and eventually taking up a managerial role in an exclusive private organization as one of their agents. If it weren’t for that eventful day, you wouldn’t be able to meet Jotaro.
That stoic, abrasive, yet loving man…
Images of him smiling at you with fondness glazing his sharp blue eyes flashed in your mind as you imagined the same man charging head first into the battlefield to save and protect his and your only daughter from this grand scale threat.
And with the sky and the Earth’s gravity returning back to its usual state, you should be relieved knowing the enemy was defeated.
But without being there to witness how it ended, you gave into overthinking, imagining the repercussions that were dealt to achieve the cost of such victory.
As if snapping back to reality, you found yourself running through a plethora of bustling Speedwagon Foundation employees, almost crazed and frantic. The organization was just as rushed and busy as the rest of the world was with one half of the Foundation attempting to get shit under control by getting in-contact with non-government networks for aid and support, and the other half accommodating injured civilians to help reduce the local hospitals from overcrowding.
And just as what’s written in paper, you’ve received information that a chopper had just arrived with 2 members of the Joestar family onboard, injured from a fatal fight. You wasted not even a split second to bolt from the safety of your room and here in the private foundation’s building.
You rounded a corner, pushing past a couple more of people until you were met with a signage that read “Medical Wing”. You’ve studied the place’s layout enough times since Jotaro first brought you here during your orientation. While the place crowded with panicked and wounded civilians, you knew that the Foundation had exclusive areas and services reserved for the convenience of the Joestar bloodline.
Frustrated, you were desperate enough to seek the first nurse you could see and ask where her family was, but you’d find out that wouldn’t happen. Your hurried steps led you to the emergency room and instead of a random nurse, your attention landed on a teenage girl with messy space buns and torn clothing sitting on one of the benches lining the hallway leading to the operating room.
With one arm in a cast and her waist bandaged, the young girl had her free hand curled into a fist, head bowed as she struggled to hold back her sobs.
At the sight of her, your eyes welled up with tears. “Jolyne…”
In an instant, she jerked her head upright at the sound of her name. It took her a couple of seconds before she saw you standing a few feet away from her. Like mother and daughter, Jolyne’s face crumpled into one of sadness, the tears that she held back now rolling down her cheeks. “Eomma-”
You crossed whatever distance was between you and your child and brought her into a tight hug. “I’m sorry,” she started. “I’m really sorry mom.”
With ease, you withdrew enough for you to do another quick scan over her body. “Are you hurt bad?” You grasped her shoulders with a hand, the other reaching up to cup her wet cheeks. “Does it hurt anywhere?”
Your questions only sent Jolyne into another sob, breaking into tears the second you showed your extreme concerns. “I-I’m fine, but appa-”
You paused. “What… What happened to him?”
“He protected me, my friends, b-but…” She furiously swiped at her eyes despite her sobs. “He’s injured the most. He was bleeding everywhere and now-”
You kept yourself as calm as possible, even if you were on the brink of collapsing yourself. “Where is he?” Jolyne pointed to the double doors leading to the operating room.
Your heart caved in at the thought of your husband laying unconscious being worked on by surgeons and nurses to preserve his life. With a heavy and shaky sigh, you nodded as you willed yourself to not cry in front of your daughter.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do better,” Jolyne cried. “I’m sorry for letting that stupid accident with that asshole happen that led to dad going through all this bullshit for me-”
You quieted her as you pulled her into another hug, softly caressing her head. “It’s not your fault, pearl,” you said with a whisper. She continued to sob as she buried her face on your shoulder. “Your father knows that too.”
Gently, you led your daughter to one of the benches and sat her down with you beside her. Considering you’d thought the worst before arriving at the Foundation, you looked at the closed double doors with a newfound sense of reassurance. Another sigh.
“Let’s just wait and hope for the best.”
The consistent beeping of his vitals echoed throughout the dimmed room and you were left alone with Jotaro, still unconscious with half of his face heavily bandaged together with his throat, an oxygen mask fit on his nose and mouth.
Jolyne visited minutes earlier and told you that she’d be checking with how her other friends were doing.
An hour ago, you and Jolyne stood up immediately as soon as the surgeon stepped through the swinging doors. To everyone’s relief, they managed to stabilize him from his critical state.
According to him, your husband had a pre-existing heart condition that caused his pulse rate to beat at irregular, rapid intervals. Combined with the knowledge of him having to exert excessive strength despite waking up from a comatose state and the heavy amount of stress piling up the past few months, his body had chosen to shut down the second his adrenaline depleted.
Thinking about that again made you scoff through your tears. “You were always an impulsive idiot…” Saying those words caused your eyes to swell again and sniffle.
But what’s done was done. The doctors did what they could and all you can do was to sit beside him, holding his hand with both of yours, praying that he’d recover faster, enough for him to wake up and calm your worrying heart.
Without realizing, you ended up falling asleep still sat on your chair by his bed. You didn’t know how long time has passed in your slumber and you couldn’t be bothered to find out. All that mattered right now was staying by your husband’s side, letting him know, in spirit perhaps, that he wasn’t alone and that you were with him now.
In a way you couldn’t perceive, you somehow felt like he was comforting you as well. A comforting chill would brush against your cheeks, hair, shoulders, or hands and you welcomed the sensation like an old friend.
Eventually, time would pass from mere hours to days and throughout it all, you continued to stay where you were- always making sure to watch over him with persisting hope.
Today marked the 15th day since his admission in the Foundation’s infirmary ward. His fresh bandages still wrapped around the half of his face and throat. His assistive oxygenation was removed the week prior once his vitals stabilized within normal range.
By now, you stayed so much in the medical room that your responsibilities started to catch up as evident with the numerous phone calls and text messages alerting you from your pocket. You figured you’d answer a few and explain the circumstances surrounding you and your family.
That time, you stood by the window hoping to receive better signal. You were in the middle of arguing with a non-compliant employee that worked under your supervision, and through their whining in the speaker, you picked up the sheets shifting behind you.
On that cue, you turned around with supposed foolish hope but in clear daylight, there he was- stirring into consciousness, brows furrowing and scrunching as his eye slowly opened.
You never hung up on someone this fast before but you dropped whatever conversation you had and rushed over to Jotaro’s side, immediately reaching to grasp his hand. It took him a bit to adjust to the natural light, but he lolled his head to you and locked eye contact with you.
You exhaled a shaky breath. “Jotaro-ssi?” With a weak baritone voice, he croaked back your name with instant familiarity. Your eyes welled with new tears. Right then and there, he grunted as he struggled to prop himself upright. “W-What are you doing? You just woke up. You’re supposed to rest!”
At this point, you didn’t realize you started crying when you light-heartedly scolded him. You gripped his hand tight with frustration and relief, teardrops spilling onto your skin. He’s awake. Thank god he’s awake. “Do you know how much of an idiot you are?! I told you you shouldn’t jump into dangerous situations so recklessly! And now look at you! You should be taking your time and recover lying down and here you are forcing yourself to sit! You really are an idiot-”
“I missed you.”
Your heart skipped a beat and whatever ramble you had left trailed off into the thin air. Jotaro sat there patiently, watching you wistfully with hooded eyes. In your hand, he turned his palm upwards and interlocked his fingers with yours. He had that usual air of stoicism in his expression, but there was no mistaking the wet sheen glossing over his aquamarine eyes.
That was all it took for you to break into a sob as you gently wrapped your arms around him in a soft embrace. You felt him tuck his face against the crook of your neck, his tears pooling on your skin in silence. “Next time, tell me at least. Alright?”
“Don’t scare me like that again, you hear?”
“I’m sorry…”
“You ass.”
It’s been 6 months since then and after the chaos had settled across the nation, the Kujos returned to their seaside villa, settling in for the time being to adjust to the new life after the time phenomenon.
Slowly but surely, every member of the family began to live their lives the way they wanted to- Jolyne would often leave the house to hang out with her best friend Ermes and potential boyfriend Anasui, one day bringing home a kid in baseball uniform named Emporio waiting to be adopted into the family, you returned to work to help the other agents in the Foundation, and Jotaro begun to resume teaching in university, choosing to take a break from field research to give him time to rest.
And considering the stress of the whole Stand ordeal they had dealt with since they were 17, you could get used to a mundane life like this.
The early morning sun beamed a warm orange, filtered through the curtains before it could touch both you and your husband. You opened your eyes to find yourself side-lying on his arm to face a still-sleeping Jotaro, tucked bare-chested underneath the sheets with his face mushed against the pillows
You huffed and snuggled closer, nuzzling to bury your nose on the crook of his neck. With a feather-light touch, you raised an index finger to gingerly trace the faded scar across his throat, the shallow dents across his collarbone, the scar on his left shoulder, and the one on his abdomen. One-by-one, you took the time to feel the skin of each in contrast to the rest. “You’ve been through so much…”
He stirred possibly from your tiny motions and soon enough, the arm you lied on curled in to pull you into his hold.
You couldn’t help but giggle as you looked up to see your husband glance at you with sleep-ridden eyes. You propped yourself on his chest and with your chin planted on your overlapped hands flat on his pecs, you whispered out a simple, intentionally-cute “Good morning~”
Jotaro smiled back. “Morning.”
“Break day?”
He nodded.
Life never felt so ordinary after what had happened but you could get used to this. Where every moment in this new era, they could live out the rest of their lives as a normal couple with a normal family.
And what’s a better way to start their new lives but with the domesticity of a newlywed pair.
Both you and Jotaro started the day accomplishing your morning routines- you in the bathroom washing up, he on the balcony to simply soak in the early morning sun. You made your way to the dining area where he stood by waiting for you with two steaming mugs of coffee in his hands. You took one, returned the favor with a chaste peck on his cheek, and went over to cook breakfast for the family.
On cue with the smell of bacon and eggs permeating throughout the house, two pairs of footsteps bounded down the stairs and barged into the area.
“Well good morning to you too Jolyne,” you glanced at her companion with a smile. “Emporio.”
“Going out again?” Jotaro said, glancing at the duo. “This early?”
“Ermes is gonna go shopping for the new line of clothes that got released yesterday. She invited me and Emporio over saying it’s going to be ‘her treat’, but I know she’s lying,” Jolyne said, picking up a toast from her plate and another to offer her adopted brother.
“Is that pink-haired guy going?”
“His name’s Anasui dad and no, he’s not going,” she puffed her chest. “It’s girl’s day out today.” You and Jotaro looked at the blond boy beside her. “He’s not tagging along. I’m just dropping off Emporio at the nearby bookstore on the way out.”
“And I can find my way back no problem,” Emporio said as the teenager slowly pulled him with her to the door. “I won’t take too long.”
Jotaro still had his doubts from where he was on his seat, but knowing your little girl was able to survive a life of imprisonment and was able to get around the harsh facility, you smiled at her. “Alright. Be back by 9!”
“I will!”
Once the duo were out of sight, you and Jotaro were left alone to themselves. “Nothing like seeing your kids all grown up, huh?” You said as you took a bite of your eggs. He hummed a sound of acknowledgment. “But that just means we have the day to ourselves.”
At that, your husband couldn’t help but smile.
And just as you said, the rest of today consisted of simply staying indoors and “hanging-out” with each other in a life of old-couple domesticity. You cooked the meals and he washed the dishes. You did the laundry and he helped in folding them. You dusted the shelves and he vacuumed the floors. You picked today’s playlist to listen while doing chores and he chose what movie to watch.
Then there were instances in-between chores where either of you can’t help but hover close to one another, seeking each other’s touch and affections. May it be when you’re cooking and Jotaro passes by stealing a piece of sliced vegetable, you sneaking behind to pat his ass when he’s drying the plates, him momentarily resting his chin on your head as you wait for the washing machine to finish, him offering you a glass of water in the middle of dusting, or ending up in a never-ending banter over genres of media.
By the time they finished everything, including the short time freshening up, the afternoon began its transition to night as the skies changed its hue from blue to orange.
You shared one look with your husband and with one wistful stare, he rose a hand to you and you held it. With no worries plaguing your mind, you and Jotaro slowly walked down the stairs to the coast, hand-in-hand. A gentle breeze blew a strand of hair across your face and before you could, he tucked it behind your ear.
Both of you walked across the sand until you stopped a few meters away from the gentle waves.
Jotaro took the initiative to break apart from you, only to step behind and engulf your body with his long coat with his hands still in its pockets. You smiled and leaned back against his chest, closing your eyes as you do so.
For a few minutes, the couple simply stood by, basking in the ambiance- the refreshing sea breeze against your skin, the soothing crash of waves, the birds chirping above. The sea was your comfort place after all, and it was his too. Despite it being months later, you cherished every calm walk such as this as if it was the last.
You’ve never felt at peace this much. It was so nice.
“23 years…” You glanced up at Jotaro when he spoke. “For 23 years of us knowing each other, finally… Finally we can just live like this.”
You chuckled. “Makes it seem like we’ve just been married and this is our honeymoon even though it’s been years.”
“We’ve been fighting the world for most of our lives. Is it strange that until now, I’m still not used to this kind of ‘quiet’? As if I’m cautious that someone could appear at any moment?”
You shook your head, your gaze drifting to the horizon as you thought of your next words. “It’s not. It’ll take some time for us to adjust to this new normal. For all our habitual anxiety to disappear. Hell, it might not go away entirely.”
“But I can assure you this-”
You stepped out of his coat and turned to face him. From this angle, you looked at Jotaro with a smile bearing all the gooey fondness you had in your heart. Gingerly, you rose a hand to his face and with tender care, traced the vertical scar lining the right side of his face. From the top of his brow, down to his blind eye, until your fingers stopped at the bold line of his jaw.
Only then, your hand returned to cup his cheek with your thumb stroking the smooth line of his scar. “Whatever may happens next, I’ll be there with you. Work, people, lingering Stand users… I’ll stay by your side, hm?”
With hooded eyes, Jotaro leaned against your palm and laid his hand over yours. “I can’t say much to change your mind anyways.” He huffed. “You were always so stubborn.”
You chuckled. “You’re not wrong.”
Getting on to your tiptoes, you planted a soft kiss over his cheek, nose, and his lips last, to which you lingered on for a second longer. Pulling away, you wrapped your arms around him and buried your face on his chest.
“Our lives are finally ours, starlight.”
You closed your eyes as you felt him tuck his chin on top of you, an arm wrapping around your waist, and a hand caressing the back of your head.
“Then let’s live them together, sunshine.”
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elsa-fogen · 3 months
So uhhh quick question what would you do if you wanted to finish something (an art cough cough) but everytime you tried to finish it, your motivation just keeps flicking in and out and made you have a hard time finishing it and almost made you wanna give up and leave it unfinished?
Sorry for the long question but i have SO many unfinished drawings that i want to post so bad but couldn't for sum reason 😭
And you're the only artist so far that i know almost post around every 3-5 days
You don't have to answer this but can you pls give me youtube art tutorials that help you?
So very sorry for disturbing you 😅
i'm not the best person to ask for advice, honestly. Maybe it'll sound too prideful, but i consider myself a really special case. I don't hate myself and my art (mostly), i don't suffer while drawing, and i've never had an "art block" in my life. I've been drawing my whole life, and if you count all days when i didn't draw anything you'll get... well, maybe 2-3 years out of my 24. I think. so, anything i say may not be helpful.
Actually almost everything you see in my blog are just colored sketches, not finished art
woops haha
Maybe that'll work for you too? try to just color your sketches and post them as they are. When i realised that my works don't have to be fully finished, my life become much easier. And i was really surprised to find out how many people can enjoy my comics even if they're just sketches. Of course, comics with cool art and colors will get more attention, but in the end, you won't get any attention if you don't post anything. so i know for a fact that i can't pull out a fully rendered comic, and all i can do - just sketches, and in this case it's better to post at least them then post absolutely nothing. There will be people who enjoy them.
and very often stuff you did for fun has more attention then those things you spend much time and effort (like how my shitty meme got 10k notes out of nowhere)
but when i need to finish something i just make myself do it. Just breaking myself over a knee. And don't start anything else before it's done.
It helps when you have a date when the art should be finished, and consequences if it's not. Yeah.
And EXCUSE YOU, I ACTUALLY POST EVERY DAY! gee, no respect on this hellish site for my hard work /very much J
And i don't watch any art tutorials aha- i watch reactions or game playthroughs, or some blogger ramble about some cartoon while drawing.
so yeah, kinda messy, as all my text posts are... but hope it'll help you. Good luck with your art!
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incorrect-mltd-quotes · 2 months
Thank you so much.
Hello, all. This isn't a post I've wanted to make, and still don't, but I think the right time has come and it's apparently better to rip that bandage off, so to speak.
I've mentioned offhandedly a couple of times that I'm struggling to keep this blog going. I've considered stepping away but wanted to continue these silly quotes for as long as possible, in the hopes they make someone out there smile. I still hold true to this and didn't think I'd feel so gutted when writing this out, aha, but I think I finally have to admit defeat.
Without absolutely rambling about my entire life story, it's sadly just a matter of how busy (and stressed) I am. I do still study, and work, and that will likely be the case for quite a while longer. It's a challenge for me to find quotes that I can use, and this is made harder by the fact that I'm barely able to keep up with Mirishita anymore. I still love the idols and the series, but if I'm finding it difficult to keep up from a fan perspective, doing it from one that's supposed to be running a decent blog is almost impossible. My mental health isn't the greatest and while I do adore making up funny things that the idols say, I need to see how I get on without it.
Thank you for all the years you've given me with this blog. Checking back to jog my memory, it's been going for a good six years, which is baffling to me. I didn't think it was as long as that! I've truly enjoyed seeing your reactions to my little posts, and I'm pretty sure my heart died from too much love whenever I got a message sent in. I'm truly sorry, but I do have to go. I did try cutting the amount of posts down, and it did help, but not enough.
I will leave this blog up for anyone who might want to peruse it. I've checked, Tumblr shouldn't delete it, and if they do, I will be very miffed. I may try and put a quote up every once in a while, perhaps a break is all I need, but unless I announce that I'm properly back, please assume that this blog is inactive for that time. Who knows? I might just be able to get my crap together and come back one day. I hope so. But, until then, thank you all. It's been an honour, and I hope I was able to make you feel even just a bit happier.
Until we meet again!
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dqllzdqys · 2 years
• MHA pro heroes and how they met you / reader <3 •
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Okay, so, plz request things, I need ideas for content :'). Requests are allowed just about anything thats, 1. Legal 2. Consensual and 3. That I'm comfy writing.
This part contains Hizashi Yamada & Aizawa Shouta.
This is how Bnha pro heroes met GN!Student!Reader :))
Nonbinary/gender fluid/ gender neutral Student reader. (platonic)
• Hizashi Yamada ° Presentation Michael.
You met him on the first day, you were walking with a kid you went to middle school with when he ran right into you while turning a corner.
"Oh shi- shoooot... Aha, you okay little listener?" He asked, reaching his hand out to help you up. You take it and he pulls you up with ease. "Yup! I'm okay! How about you, hope you didn't get hurt" you said. "I am A-Okay little listener! Anyways, yo ha go, hope to see ya soon!!" He says speed Walker by down the hall.
You did indeed see him again. He came in during the end of 3rd, you believe, period.
"SHOUTAAAA!!!!!!!" he yells making you wince slightly. "OH! Sorry little listener. Hope your okey, again, haha!!" He says in a softer tone. You nod and continue drawing/reading/writing. "Mic, what do you need." your homeroom teacher says, err, asks (?) Monotone in his voice. Yamada-sensei walks closer to his desk. "I met the cutest little listener earlier, so polite aswell!" He says, too quiet for you to hear if you had been listening. "okay?" Aizawa-sensei replies. "and, I was hoping to yk..maybe....read their file with you??" Aizawa groans.
He ended up convincing Aizawa to read it with him.
He gets you small gifts whenever you get top test score, or do the best in training that week.
Normally its a ring or neckless, but he's gotten you a few bracelets by second year.
Nemuri calls him "Dadmic" whenever they talk about you in the teachers lounge.
• Aizawa Shouta ° Erasurehead.
• you met during the Sports festival, surprisingly, you and shinsou, aka your best friend were against each other and they had to call a tie between you two.
• You throw a punch to his nose and he almost immediately kicks your ribs. you kick his leg and he falls a bit, you go to use your quirk but he's back up. He throws a punch and your pretty sure your nose broke. "L/N how much do you hate [bad person / bad parents name] ?" He asks, you stay silent. "Hm.. Getting smarter aye?" You still stay silent. He attacks again and your sure you and his hands are busted. Its more a street fight at this point. You throw a kick and he stumbles. He gets back his stance and kicks your side again.
•this went on for like, another ten minutes before Mic yelled out.
• "OKAY LITTLE LISTENERS, ITS A TIE, LETS NOT KILL EACHOTHER, HAHA!" He yells out. you sigh in relief. "Good one hito" you say walking off to recovery girl, him following behind you. "thanks n/n, same to you." He replies.
• Aizawa walks up to you and shin after your in civilian clothes and walking to the gate.
• "Hey, N/N wanna go get coffee at the Cate cafe?" Hitoshi asks. "Oh, which one? Kitty frappes??" "Yeah, or we could go downtown to meowing maids to see snowflake. Either is fine." He replies. "L/N. Shinsou." You hear a gruff voice say from behind you. "Hey Monona we were- ...uuhm, hi?" Hitoshi says to the person. "Uuuhhh, hello??? You need something?" You ask. "Yes, I'd like to ask if you'd want me to be both yours, and shinsous mentor." Your eyes open slightly wider. "y- woah.. Wait. You as in pro hero Erasurehead wanna train the 'villains' of class 1-b?" Shinsou asks in shock. "Yes." Erasurehead says. "Oh my god... Oh my god. N/n. N/N. BROO..." Hitoshi says in shock. "Uuhh, yeah uh, yeah.. Mr. Uh, Erasurehead uh, me and toshi would love that." You reply still shook.
•thats how you and hitoshi ended Up outside the 1-a doors on a fine Monday morning.
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Btw, thanks for all the support on our last post !!!! I'm so exited RN ur all so sweet !!
Anyways, I won't rant for long, just drink water and eat something if you haven't <3
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shizukufangirl · 4 months
A/N - Hello sweeties, I couldn't write chapter 2 yesterday because of the poll, looks like you guys picked both Chuuya and Dazai hehe, I hope you enjoy this.
Chapter 1 ↑
.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*..・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You were on your bed, thinking of how could you possibly join the Armed Detective Agency.. Hmmm... What if you pretend that you were evil, but want to be 'kind' now?.. No, too obvious.
what if you pretend to be an orphan who's an ability user?.. No, too weird, your 21 for goodness sake!
Hm... What if you just pretend to be a normal human who just wants a job?
That was kind of strange.. But for this paycheck you would do anything, literally.
And you decided to tell Chuuya your plan.
Fuck.. Why do I feel this way.. Everytime I'm with them my stomach feels weird.. Do i- No!! I can't get distracted by them, I need to sign these documents..
*knock knock*
As [Name] knocked on Chuuya's door, they couldn't help but think.
'Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember-'
(Sorry, what [Name] actually thought of ↓)
'Is there someone in the ADA that's gonna know who I am immediately when I walk in?'
"Come in" it was Chuuya's slightly muffled voice.
You opened the door and you swore you could see Chuuya's face Redden a bit.
"Oh, it's you.."
"The one and only, why is your face so red Chuuya? *gasp* don't tell me.. You have a crush on someone!"
"Wha-?! No I don't! It's just hot in here!"
"Yeah sure.. Anyways I have something to tell you...
"Really? That's the ''Genius'' plan that you made up?"
"Hey! That's the best one that I could think of!"
"Whatever.. This may be your weirdest 'plan', but it may work, good job"
Achievement Unlocked! - Praise from the big bad executive :3
"Yay! Thanks Chuuya!"
"Your welcome..?"
It was finally the day if the plan.
As you were walking down the street, you suddenly bumped into someone
They had messy brown hair, a long sand-colored trench coat, brown eyes and bandages literally almost every where
"Oh! I'm really sorry sir, I wasn't looking at where I was going."
"It's fine..."
"But Miss/Mr... Would you be willing to commit double suicide with me?"
Now that's a question our dear [Name] didn't expect
'This is the Dazai Osamu? He looks goofy..'
Yelled out a voice that belonged to a man with dirty blonde hair tied into a low ponytail with glasses
His yell startled you, making you let out a little Yelp in Surprise.
"Oh! You found me Kunikida, Well done!"
"Ugh, I'm so sorry for his behavior, Mx."
"Aha.. It's fine."
"Did he do anything to you??"
"No! He didn't, he just asked me if I wanted to commit double suicide with him.. "
"Ugh that bastar- are you okay Mx.? You look troubled"
"Ah, about that, I'm looking for a part time job"
The man, Dazai moaned hummed (?), he then looked at Kunikida as if saying 'you know what I'm thinking?'
Then Dazai suddenly said..
"Then.. Do you want to join the armed detective agency, Mx.?"
Hehe, can you tell that I forgot the entirety of episode 1? Did you also notice the genshin reference at the beginning?
Chapter 3 will be posted tomorrow, if I made any mistakes please tell me sweetie :)
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Also, good luck on getting Alhaitham/Clorinde!
Also, question of the day ↓
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cathchicken · 2 years
I think I need to clarify a few things from my last comic. I posted this on reddit as well, earlier today, and I think the mention of non-toh subjects sparked some confusion/discussion. So I want to make a few things clear and go over what I probably messed up on. Sorry, it got a little long, but if any of you were from the reddit post/indulge in dimensional/multiverse theories, you may appreciate this:
- So, a lot of people mainly pointed out how I sort of fumbled the definition of the Kardashev scale. I am aware the scale specifically ranks a civilization’s use of power, NOT how powerful the civilization is. The collector was a pretty bad person to rank, and I was also aware of that, which is why I tried to explain that my ranking of him was just a VERY rough one. He is only an individual, and we have seen so little of his capabilities in general that I couldn’t possible try to theorize how his species would function. I think the confusion spawned from my terrible wording in the comic, as the collector references his physical powers, and then directly moves on to the Kardashev idea. In my head this was a separate thought, but when I wrote it, they weren’t even separate sentences aha. My bad!! Also, someone smart pointed out how we don’t even KNOW if the collector is even a species, or if he’s actually a rando just blessed with really powerful abilities. All in all, adding the kardashev scale in the comic and frivolously ranking the collector was sort of pointless... a fun sort of pointless, but I can see where you all are coming from. Sorry about that!
- Other people discussed my mentioning of the term “god” and what the definition of a god is. So, this idea is ENTIRELY up to your opinion, to be honest, but to make the comic less confusing, this is how I see it: An actual god, in reference to this comic and potentially other things I may talk about, are 10th dimensional beings (or higher) that, essentially, are all powerful, exist in all timelines, exist in all physical places/universes, all at the same time, and can manipulate whatever they want. Now this to some will sound ridiculously silly, which is why I even talked about it in the comic. This definition is not the actual Wikipedia or dictionary definition, it is just my own idea. It is not inherently real, it is just theoretical. Hopefully I made that clear... people in the comments started to reference other “gods” (and when I use quotations, I do not mean they are wrong, just not relevant to the definition I previously explained) in media, like Greek gods. I hope I didn’t offend anyone by trying to explain I wasn’t really talking about them, and just expressing my own idea, but I have a feeling I probably read some responses wrong and a lot of confusion came out of it. Other definitions of godhood in media are not more “incorrect” than mine, I was just trying to explain that the comic was taking place in a universe where my definition was inherently real. I added it for fun, not to challenge other people’s beliefs/ideas. My mistake by sort of just going off about how I personally like to see these dimensions instead of clarifying they were only my opinion, didn’t help either. In conclusion: these were my little headcanons I made up, and I didn’t mean to offend anyone, so I also apologize for that!
- One last little thing: I added string theory at the end purely for jokes. I thought “oh haha string theory is supposed to take place in 11 dimensions right?? hah what if the collector knows about that too”. So yeah, I REALLY didn’t think about how string theory would even be connected to the universe, and I am also not an expert on it either. If that bothers you... I don’t know what to say, but I’ll avoid talking about it in future posts so I don’t mess things up. I should educate myself first!
Alright, that’s pretty much it... I know me making a post about this is silly, but I am just as invested in theories like higher dimensions and multiverses just like you guys. If anything, talking about this stuff is actually pretty cool! You guys are like me :) And learning more about these things and revising my theories is probably a good thing too. This was a silly little toh comic, and I only wish to continue making more silly toh comics!!
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c-e-d-dreamer · 1 year
I Was Enchanted To Meet You: Part Three
A/N: It's still Wednesday and thus still Day Four of @elucienweekofficial somewhere, right? So we can pretend I'm totally not the worst and super late posting this, right? Aha? In my defense work was a bit crazy and then I went to see the Lion King (the musical) soooooo whoops? I hope everyone still enjoys?
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Read on AO3 // Chapter Masterlist // Previous Part // Next Part
“Alright, you need to leave.”
“What?” Elain asks, blinking those wide, brown eyes of hers and tilting her head.
“I’m sorry, but you need to…” Lucien’s voice trails off, his gaze flitting from the new dress Elain has on to the curtains hanging over the windows just behind her shoulder. What’s left of the curtains. “Did you use my curtains to make a dress?”
“Yes, isn’t it lovely?” Elain answers brightly, not an ounce of shame present in her tone as she twirls around in place. “I just love the pattern.”
Lucien can do nothing but gape at her, can do nothing but blink slowly as Elain continues to smile sweetly like nothing is amiss at all. He’s gone insane. He’s suffered some sort of psychotic break, and this is all just some absurd hallucination. It’s the only explanation.
Lucien closes his eyes and takes a deep, heaving breath. He can feel a hysterical laugh tickling the back of his throat and threatening to burst free. Can feel fires beginning to spark and threatening to spread through his veins, and it takes all of his willpower to douse them. When he opens his eyes again, unsurprisingly, Elain is still there, still smiling sweetly up at him. He hates how much that sight extinguishes those final fires like a soothing balm despite her being the cause of them in the first place.
“Look,” Lucien begins, keeping his voice calm and clutching back to his anger, to the look on Nesta’s face as she left, desperately. “I’ll help you get a car or a bus or a train or hell, even a plane back wherever it is you need to go, but you need to leave, okay? You’ve clearly done enough.”
Elain’s smile starts to slip at that, but Lucien doesn’t have time to hear what she might say in response. He turns on his heel and stalks down the hallway, calling out to inform Willow they’ll be leaving in ten minutes as he passes by her room. When he’s finally behind the safety of his closed bedroom door, Lucien slumps down onto his bed with a sigh and rakes his fingers through his hair. He swipes his phone off the nightstand and dares to send a text to Nesta, but of course, there’s no response.
It’s barely eight in the morning, and already, he’s sure that it’s going to be a long day.
~ * * * ~
When the elevator dings and the doors slide open, Lucien all but herds Elain out of it and toward the glass doors that lead into the offices of the Vanserra firm. Vassa’s head perks up as they step inside, her eyebrows climbing practically to her hairline as she takes in Elain walking beside him.
“Vassa, this is Elain. Elain, Vassa,” Lucien offers when they’re standing in front of the reception desk.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” Elain greets, reaching her hand out to shake Vassa’s.
“Likewise,” Vassa answers slowly before turning a bewildered expression toward Lucien, a thousand questions blazing through her eyes.
“I’ll explain later,” Lucien dismisses with a wave of his hand. “Listen, I need you to help Elain get back home. Whatever you need to do, just book her a ticket. Okay? Okay.”
Before Vassa even has a chance to agree, Lucien offers her his best winning smile and walks away, ready for his first meeting of the day. He’s sure Vassa will get him back later, but perhaps Elain’s personality will win her over and ease the sting of the last minute request a bit. He just prays that whatever transportation Vassa books isn’t too expensive, since he’ll clearly be the one paying for it.
Lucien pauses in front of the door that leads into the conference room, taking a moment to gather himself and clear his mind of all thoughts of Elain and his crazy morning. Squaring his shoulders and letting out a quiet huff, he pushes open the doors, ready to take on another round of arguments and hopefully negotiations around this case.
Three hours later and Lucien feels like they’ve finally made some headway on this case. At the very least, there’s less arguing between the couple in question. He and the other lawyer shake hands and agree to draw up their respective papers before leaving the conference room and walking back toward the front lobby of the office.
Elain is still there, sitting on one of the sofas arranged in the seating area and staring at the different fish swimming in the aquarium they have set up there. When Lucien turns his attention toward Vassa, raising an eyebrow in silent question, the redhead merely gestures with her head to encourage him to step closer. Her expression doesn’t seem to promise good news, and it has Lucien frowning. Vassa gestures again with her head, more urgently this time, so Lucien turns and offers a final goodbye to his client, her soon to be ex-husband, and his lawyer.
“What?” Lucien asks when he finally steps over to the front desk. “What is it?”
“Where did you find this girl?” Vassa shoots back instead, chancing a glance toward Elain. “This place she allegedly comes from? Andalasia? It doesn’t exist.”
“Are you sure?”
“No, Lucien, I’m lying,” Vassa says sarcastically with a roll of her eyes. “I called every travel agency I know. Nothing. And when I tried to get more information out of her, she just started talking about a chipmunk that fucking talks.”
“Great,” Lucien sighs, dropping his head down onto the desk in defeat. “What am I supposed to do now?”
“Return her where you found her?”
“Very funny. Maybe I can get some more information out of her,” Lucien offers before turning his head back toward Elain and raising his voice. “Elain? Come on. Let’s go get some lunch.”
With a wide smile in his direction, Elain jumps up from her seat, practically floating over to him. He settles a hand on the small of her back to lead her out of the office, pointedly ignoring Vassa’s sarcastic good luck remark as he leads them to the elevators. They step out into the afternoon sunshine and across the street to the park there, Lucien guiding them toward the line of food trucks he knows always set up camp on the other side. He can feel Elain’s eyes on him as they walk, like a brand tingling along the skin of his cheek, but he keeps his own gaze pointedly forward, hands clenched and stuffed deep into his pockets.
“You’re still upset,” Elain notes, finally drawing Lucien’s attention back to her. “Is it about Nesta? She seemed lovely.”
“Well, considering she’s still ignoring my texts…” Lucien comments with a sigh, reaching a hand up and pushing it through the strands of his hair. “I was planning to propose to her, you know, and now I doubt she’ll say yes.”
“A proposal?” Elain practically squeals excitedly. “How romantic. So, Nesta is your true love then?”
Lucien can’t help but laugh at that, at the absurdity of this woman. “True love? There’s no such thing as true love.”
“Yes, there is,” Elain argues, and when Lucien glances toward her, she’s actually scowling. It’s the first time he’s ever seen a negative expression on her face. It’s almost adorable. “Cassian is my true love.”
“Is that so?” Lucien asks dryly. “Tell me about him then. How long have you two been together?”
Elain sighs almost longingly, pressing a hand to her chest. “About two days.”
“You mean it feels like two days because you know each other so well?”
“No, it’s been two days. And tomorrow, it will have been three days.”
“You’re fucking with me, right?”
“You can’t be serious. And you’re going to marry this man?”
Elain stops walking abruptly, crossing her arms across her chest. “I told you. It’s true love.”
“So you say,” Lucien mutters, slowing his own steps to a stop as well and mirroring her stance.
“I do say. And how long have you known Nesta?”
“About five years.”
“Five years? No wonder she’s upset. I’d be upset if you made me wait that long for a proposal too.”
Lucien’s mouth drops open in shock at the quip before he recovers himself and scoffs. “Because you know everything, do you?”
“Exactly. I do,” Elain tells him primly, continuing walking down the path through the park. “Although, I’d be surprised if Nesta even knew how you feel about her.”
“Trust me, she knows,” Lucien argues, falling back into step with Elain.
“But how?”
“How does she know,” Elain begins to sing, twirling in place with her arms outstretched. “You love her?”
“What are you doing?”
“How does she know, she’s yours?”
“Please don’t sing.”
“How does she know that you love her?” one of the buskers in the park jumps in to join, his musical companions playing the tune on their respective instruments.
Lucien frowns, blinking in surprise at this turn of events. “He knows the song too?”
“How do you show her you love her?” Elain continues to sing.
“How does she know that you really, really, truly, love her?” Elain and the busker sing together, much to Lucien’s shock and confusion.
His bewilderment only seems to grow with every passing minute. Despite his best attempts to keep Elain walking through the park, it does nothing to stop her continued singing, and it does even less to deter the other buskers and general park goers from joining in. It seems everyone but him is familiar with this song, and by the time they reach the center of the park, it’s practically an all out, large musical number complete with singing and choreography. If he thought his morning was insane, it clearly has nothing on this.
“That’s how you know he’s your love,” Elain finishes the song, standing atop the ledge of a fountain with her arms reaching up toward the sky.
Lucien can do nothing but stand there and stare as everyone around him breaks out in cheers. Elain hops down from the fountain and flits around, thanking almost every single person individually, a kindness and openness to her that has warmth thrumming deep between Lucien’s ribs, has a smile tugging up his lips as he watches her.
“There’s no way this is real life,” Lucien mutters to himself.
~ * * * ~
Despite Lucien’s words about her needing to leave earlier in the day, Elain finds herself back at the Vanserra apartment that evening. Though she’d never admit it aloud, she’s quite happy with the turn of events. She’s certainly happy for the opportunity to spend more time with Willow, but even more than that, there’s something about Lucien that’s burrowed deep beneath Elain’s skin, and she’s not sure she minds.
“I found it!” Willow declares loudly.
Willow clambers out of the kitchen pantry, the bag of brown sugar clutched in her hands. She walks back over to Elain, a big smile pulled across her face while she hoists the bag up in offering.
“Perfect. Thank you,” Elain tells her, taking the brown sugar and setting it down beside their other ingredients.
Willow climbs back atop her kitchen stool beside Elain, watching with wide, enraptured eyes as Elain continues to measure out the ingredients they’ll need. Elain lets Willow hold each measuring cup steady before dumping the ingredients into the large mixing bowl, and when everything has been added, she hands over a wooden spoon for Willow to stir it all together.
“Now, we sprinkle some flour on our hands to keep the dough from sticking,” Elain explains, pulling the bag of flour closer again.
Willow holds her hands out expectantly, so Elain picks up some flour and dusts it over the little girl’s hands. She does the same for her own hands then rubs them together to make sure they’re correctly coated, Willow mimicking the same movement. She demonstrates to Willow how to pick up some of the cookie dough and roll it into a ball, and it doesn’t take long before they have lines of cookies ready to be baked on their cookie sheet.
Carefully, Elain pulls open the oven door and slides the cookie sheet inside. Willow hops down from her stool and presses her face against the closed oven door, excited to watch her cookies bake. Elain smiles at the adorable sight, turning to meet Lucien’s gaze in hopes of sharing in the feelings at the little girl’s joy, but instead she finds Lucien watching her and not his daughter. His smile is soft, russet eyes practically glinting beneath the kitchen lights.
“What’s that look for?” Elain asks, her heart suddenly stuttering in her chest.
In the blink of an eye, Lucien’s face smooths out as he shakes his head. “Nothing. Just… you’re good with kids.”
“You say that like that’s surprising.”
“In a way it is. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people who take… issue with having a kid. Especially when it comes to dating.”
“Dating?” Elain questions, sliding into one of the spare kitchen chairs beside Lucien.
“Something us normal people do, instead of marrying after twenty four hours,” Lucien teases, earning a fond eye roll from Elain as she knocks her shoulder against his. “You do some sort of activity, just the two of you. Usually, you go to dinner, but other things work too. And you talk.”
“Talk about what?”
“Anything really. About yourself, about your likes or dislikes, about your hobbies. That sort of thing.”
Elain hums quietly as she thinks about it. Dating. This place she’s ended up certainly is strange and yet so intriguing at the same time. It had been quite startling at first, but, Elain has to admit that she’s slowly grown quite fond of it, grown quite fond of this little family that has shown her such kindness. Perhaps, she’ll figure out a way to bring this dating back to Andalasia.
Perhaps, she can figure out a way for the Vanserra’s to visit Andalasia.
“I think the cookies are done!” Willow announces, turning to peer at Elain and Lucien expectantly.
“Let’s check on them, then,” Elain tells her, standing up and walking over to the oven.
She grabs the set of oven mitts and carefully pulls open the door, the sweet scent of chocolate pouring out and swirling around the kitchen. Elain pulls the grate out and grabs a spatula, lifting up one of the cookies and checking that the bottom is the nice golden brown she’s looking for. With that confirmation, she gives a decided nod, pulling the cookie sheet fully out and placing it atop the stove top to cool.
“Are they done? Can we eat them now?” Willow asks, pressing up onto her toes and trying to see the cookies.
“We have to let them cool first,” Lucien jumps in to say, undeterred when Willow turns her head to pout at him.
“But I want to eat them now.”
“We don’t want to burn our tongues, though,” Elain reminds her placatingly. “Just twenty minutes and they should be good to eat.”
“Fine,” Willow concedes; although the whine to her voice suggests otherwise.
“How about we play a game while we wait? It will make it go by faster,” Lucien offers.
The suggestion has Willow lighting up with a smile again. She goes running out of the kitchen, and when she returns, she has a small box clutched in her hands, setting it down on the kitchen table with a decided thunk. Elain steps closer so she can read the words on the box, black block letters declaring Uno.
“Don’t worry,” Lucien promises, clearly having noted Elain’s expression. “It’s an easy game to learn.”
Thankfully, his assessment of the game is correct, and Elain picks up the rules and how to play quite quickly. She also finds herself excited as they go around and around for each turn. Every time she proudly puts down a wildcard, every time Willow giggles when she puts down a plus four card that Lucien has to deal with, lightness fills Elain all the way down to her toes. She can’t stop smiling, can’t stop that warm, comforting feeling that blooms in her chest and sets up roots in the space between her ribs. Here, in this kitchen, with this little family, it’s so easy, so comfortable, in a way Elain can’t explain yet can’t get enough of.
Elain gasps as Lucien all but slaps down a plus two card, his second of just this round. “You’re cheating.”
Lucien laughs, light and easy, the sound skittering across Elain’s skin until goosebumps flare in its wake. “I am not.”
“How else would you have two of the same card like that?”
“You’re the one that shuffled.”
“Uno,” Willow declares loudly, breaking up their good natured arguing.
“Clearly, it’s not me we need to be worried about,” Lucien teases, earning a giggle from Willow.
Despite Elain and Lucien’s best attempts to thwart her, Willow wins the round, and she decides her prize should be the now cooled cookies. Lucien organizes and packs up the cards, while Elain makes a plate of the cookies. When that’s finished, all three head into the living room, settling on the sofa there with Willow in the middle and the plate of cookies poised on her lap.
“How do they taste?” Elain turns to ask Willow while Lucien turns on the television.
“Yummy,” Willow informs her around a mouthful of cookies.
“Take that, you foul, metal beast!”
Elain’s whole body freezes at the sound of that voice, at that all too familiar voice. She snaps her attention toward the television, just in time to see Cassian. He’s standing atop a bus, his sword stabbed clean through the roof. Elain can do nothing but stare, a niggling ringing starting to take up home in her ears. She barely even registers the shocked sound that escapes her.
“What?” Lucien asks, the concern clear in his tone. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Cassian.”
Updated Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added): @moodymelanist @nesquik-arccheron @sv0430 @talkfantasytome @bookstantrash @eirini-thaleia @ubigaia @fromthelibraryofemilyj @luivagr-blog​ @lifeisntafantasy @superspiritfestival @hiimheresworld @marigold-morelli @sweet-pea1 @emeriethevalkyriegirl​ @pyxxie @dustjacketmusings @hallway5 @dongjunma @glowing-stick-generation @melonsfantasyworld​ @isterofimias @goddess-aelin @melphss @theladystardust @a-trifling-matter @blueunoias​ @kookskoocie​ @unlikelypersonalknight1 @blurredlamplight @hereforthenessian @skaixo @jmoonjones @burningsnowleopard @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk @ofduskanddreams @rarephloxes @thelovelymadone
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wzrd-wheezes · 2 years
Lost! George Weasley x Muggle!Reader
can I request some post war george x muggle!fem!reader fic, her lil sis just got into hogwarts so they go shopping in diagon alley but end up losing themselves, george saves them and helps with the shopping or something like that, thanks!! 
AN: Sorry this has taken me so long to get around to! The ending is a bit rushed but I hope you enjoy!
Masterlist here
“Right, so we’ve got your uniform and wand sorted,” Y/N said, looking over at her younger sister, Evie, who was checking her watch anxiously, “What else do we need?” 
“Erm, all of the books on this list and all of the things I need for potion making” she frowned, “What if we don’t have time to get everything!”  
“Don’t worry, you’ve got a couple of days before you start school anyway,” Y/N smiled, giving her sister a reassuring squeeze, “Now, I think the bookshop is down that way... what’s it called again?” 
The pair began to wander down the streets of Diagon Alley trying to find the bookshop. Neither of them had ever visited before and it was proving to be a struggle.  
“They really should give you a map with your letter, you know, for us Muggle folk.” Y/N laughed. 
“That would probably have been a good idea,” Evie said, “It’s down this alleyway I think.” 
The alleyway grew darker as they walked further down it, and the street seemed to get less and less crowded. Dark shadows were cast on the floor and the shop signs creaked eerily. Every so often someone would scurry by trying to avoid eye contact with Y/N and her sister. 
“I don’t think we’re supposed to be down here...” Evie whispered, “I don’t like it at all.” 
“Me either,” Y/N agreed, “Although I’m not too sure how to get back, it’s like a maze round here.” 
As much as they tried to retrace their steps to get back, they had no luck. Evie was becoming stressed, and Y/N was trying her best to calm her down.  
“Everything alright?” a voice spoke, coming from an adjoining alleyway. The two whipped their heads round to see a tall man emerging from the shadows. 
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to make you jump” he smiled apologetically, “You know, a creepy bloke coming out of a dark alley,” 
“It's fine!” Y/N said, turning to face him properly, “We’re just lost is all.” 
The man stepped further out of the shadows and into the light that came from one of the shops. It lit up his face, his long eye lashes casting half-moon shadows onto his cheeks.  
“I’m George, by the way!” He reached out for a handshake. Y/N took his hand and shook it firmly, his hand seeming to linger as she pulled away. 
“I’m Y/N and this is my sister, Evie.” She gestured, “she starts Hogwarts in a few days so we’re just doing some last-minute shopping.” 
“In Knockturn Alley?” George laughed, “You really must be lost!”  
“These streets aren’t very Muggle friendly, you know.” Y/N rolled her eyes at him. 
“We could use a guide!” Evie piped up, shooting a look at her older sister and smiling. 
“It would be my pleasure.” 
George took the list and scanned over it. 
“By the looks of it, you’ve only got a few things left to get. Let me lead the way!” He held his arm out. 
The girls followed him out of the dark alleyway and back to the bustling streets of Diagon Alley. Every now and then Y/N would look over at George while they were shopping, sometimes he would already be looking at her, to which he would respond with a sheepish smile. They spent some time in Flourish & Blotts, combing through all the shelves in search of the final book on the list. 
“Aha!” George exclaimed, “On the top shelf!” He reached up to grab it, his shirt riding up slightly, exposing his toned stomach. He looked over at Y/N, ready to pass her the book and caught her staring. 
“So, this was the plan all along, eh?” George smirked, “Pretend to be lost so some tall bloke would come and help you with your shopping?”  
“Shit, you caught us!” Y/N joked “I think I pulled a muscle earlier trying to reach something high up. Looks like you found us just in time.” 
George grinned and Evie looked at the pair shaking her head.  
“C’mon, let’s go and get a drink somewhere before you pull another muscle.” George quipped. 
The Leaky Cauldron was bustling with people, the tables full of witches and wizards who had also stopped off for refreshments after a busy day of shopping. 
“Blimey, it’s busy in here!” Y/N remarked, looking around for an empty table. George grabbed her hand and swiftly led the girls over to a table in the corner. 
“Sorry! I saw someone get up and leave and I wanted to get their table before anyone else could nick it!” George said, “You girls wait here and I’ll go and grab us some butterbeers.” 
As soon as he left, Evie gave her sister a knowing look. 
“Could you make it any more obvious, Y/N?” Evie asked, “You fancy him!” 
“I do not!”  
There were a few moments of silence before she spoke again. 
“He is bloody gorgeous though, isn’t he?”  
“Who’s bloody gorgeous?” George had suddenly reappeared at the table. He set three glasses of butterbeer down on the table. The overfilled cups sloshed slightly, sticky liquid dripping onto the scrubbed wood. 
“You, apparently!” Evie laughed. Y/N pressed her lips together and shook her head. George looked at her smirking. 
“Very smooth.” He chuckled, pushing a glass of butterbeer towards her, “Nothing like a younger sibling to drop you in it!”  
“Tell me about it!” Y/N said, shooting a look across at her sister, “D’you have siblings then?” 
“Seven of ‘em!” he replied, “Although it was always me and my twin brother causing all the trouble when we grew up.” 
They spent the rest of the afternoon in the Leaky Cauldron, before Y/N decided it was time that they headed off home. They were walking towards the exit when Evie decided that she needed to go to the bathroom, leaving her sister and George alone. 
“Thank you, for all your help today,” Y/N smiled at him, “Who knows where we would’ve ended up!”  
“The pleasures all mine.” George said, he touched her arm briefly, “I’d like to see you again, if that’s alright?”  
Y/N grinned, “Of course!” 
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kiwikiswia · 2 months
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hey @9617saphs totally didn't forget about this but, sighs
first of all, *them (blasts you with spelling mistake gif)
second of all, you SHOULD'VE TELL ME THIS IN THE ASKBOX dumba dumma I literally just found this from scrolling the tags of the post (i don't usually check activities <- scared) and found out you rb'ed my post which i'm sorry for noticing it late but then again you should've send this to my ask it's literally an ask game!!!! dum
(/lh /nm at the fullest i hope the way i word it kinda funny/unserious makes me actually sound not mad at all, I just feel like this funny)
anyway back to the answer,
I actually kinda expect someone will ask this 😭but at the same time I have to thought of the answers like "how do I make you know that this character mean so so much to me" since wooooords are hard and idk if anything I say is comprehensible to people but aight I'll try.
ok what was the questions aga- okay.
long post ahead whoops!
1.) How do I feel about this character?
short answer, I have uncountable arts and comics ideas about them what do you think i feel about this character
long answer,
the "they look cool but tf is that goofy ass hair tie brah is that a feather duster 😭" -> "grumpy cold freak /neu" -> "wait actually. I need to learn more about them" (no reason, but full of spite and curiosity) -> "FFUCKCKFUFUXKCUDK WHY ARE YOU SO COMPLICATED" (trying to figure things out) -> "ough this is not normal I'm not normal actually. /pos" -> "self projection beam go" pipeline.
can a character I used to mock on turn into character I've written and theorized on a lot? Into a character I self project onto? apparently engel from the hit game pk2 can do this to me, and as one of the most mysterious character in the game engel gave me so much headache long time ago it's making me insane (still am) but worth it! but I can't escape now! i might be forever staying in this regalle hellhole! wow!
2.) /r pair you like of this character
Need I Say Anything next question
3.) /non r pair you like of this character
the above answer goes too here actually. i've ever mentioned somewhere they're like. a secret fourth thing to me. their love is something incomprehensible to the world it *can't* be classified as merely and only romantic. sure it can be seen as such but I don't rlly want to strict the two's relationship under a status.
but for other answers is of course the other two of the main 4, leif and especially evelynne
don't get me wrong I do am insane more about zefirengel and the writing I have about their dynamic is a lot more (yes i'm biased thanks to the past me and how I want to bring back that old spite. sorz), but
never forget that evelynne is canonically the only person in regalle that engel has positive relationship with. they're friends and lynne mentioned engel helped her since the early days she became a merchant and said multiple times they're nice despite that cold cover of theirs. how'd they get along in the first place? that's the question. there's so SO many things I thought of about their friendship story and her perspective prove a thing that engel isn't always a very quiet cold and meanie person and can be soft and nice if you actually get them right.
(though smth to note I see them as queerplatonic. I think lynne would shriveled up if she found out she's in a romance with someone for a second and. idk they fit better as that honestly I don't think they understand romance or want to aha)
and leif. goodness. if they interact more perhaps prism may fall into apocalypse they're too powerful. they could be a good student-mentor duo. Leif called them "librarian friend" and I believe he would ask for guidance to engel despite already have gwynelle. engel too would admire his bravery and determination to help everyone and just being so friendly with anyone. how's he's just. a contrast with the so-called arrogant and strict aegles. I can list MANY similarities they have esp like. their mindset. actually If i have to list what things are the main 4 share the same it would be uncountable since each second passes I would thought of a thing then another.
OH AND DON'T FORGET GRETTA THEIR SO-CALLED SISTER i can't even say anything here it would be a lot LOT. God what are you two hiding. what are your motives to hide on places? what. what. what. wh
engel why are you such a complicated character (i AM the one making it complicated) (i give too much a fuck)
4.) unpopular opinion of said character
bitches who call them librarian aegle version of peanut pk1 needs to be executed
(this one is [mostly] for me ->) also people mostly thought they're mean and "annoying" or just see them like "ok sure you exist but you're kinda nothing with that grumpy personality", which I get people see it that way esp when you aren't into the game deeply but you've got to know there's more than that about them and once you learned atleast their origins you realized you can make things up, interpret how they are this and that and how they act that and this, it was so much fun to figure out how their actual personality blend with the others. you can actually have so much fun with them considering the many things about them unrevealed. truly the character to self project onto. it's fun.
5.) what you wish happened to this character in canon (?? smth smth around this I forgot)
grabs kurechii devs' shoulders. hey.
I know they really just seem really want to stay distance and unbothered by the people in regalle but. c'mon. can you develop more interactions of the main 4 with each other. I promise I know how to get it right I can help you I can give you ideas. more things about gretta and engel please. where could this engel enthusiast get other sources to learn about them. hey. can you still make them able to befriend others despite have to stayed mysterious. do I have to stay making things up forever like this. hey. hey. are you really gonna make them stay mysterious forever. that would be so bad you know. hey. can zefirengel become the 2nd sapphic rep of this game. why did you make them terrible. can they be more developed actually whether it's onto the healthy yuri or toxic yuri or tension yuri lead but can you not just left them like that. hey. h
ok that's all for now props if you read all that and idk if what I'm explaining is accidentally out of topic or I fully don't answer what the question asked aka I go off with what the question asked or. I actually just yap nonsense or nothing at all but idrc at this point i. certainly talk about things. and. I think my brain's fried from typing all of this. have this little doodle okay bye
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gregorybacon · 2 years
Gregory headcanons!!
SO I WAS ORIGINALLY GONNA PUT CHRISTOPHE ON HERE BUT THE POST GOT TOO LONG SO ENJOY AHA <3 LOL eff you tumblr GREGORY!! - Trans (FtM) and Bisexual! Usually he does not have a lot of struggles with body dysphoria, but only when someone tries to force femininity onto him which his parents do a lot. Christophe tries to help him out by feeling more masculine and giving compliments that are considered masculine as well. (ex: handsome) - He has high testosterone naturally which makes him feel more confident in his voice and appearance. ^^
-Gregory struggles with Autism, ADHD, and PTSD. His Autism makes it harder for him to handle loud noises or overwhelming moments. His PTSD sadly developed through his childhood with his parents. - As you can tell, Gregory's parents aren't the greatest. They push him into becoming perfect and overstress him to become successful no matter what, not really caring for him in general. Gregory would always gets scared if he gets something below a high grade and would speak "professionally" around people because he was taught that way by his parents and was forced onto him. - He's an outdoor kid, he sees the outdoors as a safe place away from his home, he spends most of his day in the neighborhood or in the woods with Christophe or other friends. - His first ever long-term friend was Wendy, him and Wendy were really close before Gregory met Stan, which disappointedly ended after Stan thought he was trying to get with her. - Gregory is the reason why Christophe found the nickname "Ze Mole"!! He figured it'll fit him, and he kept it as a nickname for other people to use. - Gregory was born in South Park actually, he only went to Yardale (which is in the UK) for a year because of a business trip his parents had to make. His family is originally from the UK which explains his accent. - Gregory's last name is Harrison! Gregory is actually Gary Harrison's cousin, who Gregory soon moved into his house after being taken away by his parents due to what they have done. - He doesn't care about getting dirty at all, he prefers to roll in the mud if he wants to tbh - Gregory has 4 pet snakes! He has a huge fixation on snakes, which is his favourite animal <3 The pet snakes names are: Spicy, Snoopy, Batter, and Basil - Gregory is in LOVE with Military Planes, he knows a lot about them, mostly the Spitfires (the UK military planes!) He will ramble to you if you asked him about it - Gregory likes to bother Christophe by knocking on his window at 3AM <:] - Gregoryufjf is ddating chrisotphe..... kd[spad;p[s....... he was actually confused by his feelings towards Christophe before he confessed to him, completely realising that he was gay all along - He can't fucking cook for shit. - You have no idea how many times he has injured himself or broken a bone... (He has scars to prove it) - Gregory owns a tree house that he shares with Christophe! He calls it their "base" and would go in there with Christophe to plan things out or to simply use as a hang out spot. - He likes to pass out randomly if he's tried.. just for no reason, and it doesn't help that he stays up at night a lot OK THATS ENOUGH FOR NOW I HAVE A SHIT TON I'M SO SORRY. I hoped you like it though .. <33 It means a lot aha ok bye bye
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finelinefae · 3 months
Hello my love! I hope you are finding joy in some way or another!!
About your anxiety question from a while ago (I’m a bit late sorry aha!) but I have some tips that I found really helpful- you might have tried a lot of these but these helped for me!
-writing. But specifically about a certain part of the anxiety at the time-like a specific feeling. Like when my anxiety is really horrible my jaw feels so stiff, so I’d write a poem about that. I love writing and I find like writing poetry (specifically about the anxiety) can be really helpful as it not only sort of distracts you cuz your focused on like rhyming and metaphors and shit but it also acknowledges the anxiety and that can be really scary but acknowledging specifically really how it is effecting your mind and body can make me feel a lot freer
-crochet. So a lot of them are distraction techniques but add some music to the crochet process and it can be really fun
-find a therapist. Therapists are so so helpful long term I cannot stress this enough these are amazing but I’m also aware they can be really expensive so if you have like a kofi I’d love to donate towards a therapist to help
-the 5 things in the room thing. So first thing to do is make sure your feet are directly on the ground to like ground yourself, and then focus on your breathing but that can feel weird and hard so try and pick 5 things out in the room (e.g clock,chair,brush,blah blah) and then like do 3 specific things about said items (like silver frame on the clock idk!)
-get a cold ice pack. -get your favourite perfume and spray it on your hand and sniff it and identify how it feels and just breathe it in.
I hope this helps I love you and know you’re here for a reason-you are special and deserving xx
hiii bestie !! Oh my goodness this is the kindest sweetest most perfect advice ever !! Honestly a lot of the things on this list I haven’t ever even thought about trying before so this is so helpful 😭😭 the fact that you took the time to write this down is so so so kind 🥹gonna post this so that other people struggling can also take away any tips but thank you so so so much for this truly 💕 I love and appreciate u and this very very much !! And I’m sure other people will appreciate it too 🫂🤍
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sealovinq · 6 months
XELLE OMG HI its been way too long 😭😭 idk if u rmbr me .. previously @/recordplayershipping (scout) !!! i saw u as i was clearin out my discord friends list recently n i wanted to come see how u were doing 🥺 i hope schools going well!!! also take this as a free pass to introduce me to the f/o ur fixated most on rn!!!!!!! <3
HELLO HELLOO!!!! AAAAAAA SCOUT I MISSED YOU SM!!! of course i remember you omg you're literally one of my fav moots /gen i'm sorry if this took too long WAAA i didn't know which f/o to talk about.... and yes i've been SUPER busy with school and it's starting again in a few days so 😭 BUT TYSM FOR STOPPING BY, I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL TOO<3333!!!
it's actually been a while since i got a new f/o... but i started rewatching m.lp (my lit.tle pon.y) and am currently around season 5 and erm... ya girl got a crush on one of the main 6 GGRGRBRHRJFJ she reminds me of my partner irl so WIWIWIEIJEJ HAHA NOT SURPRISING....
in reference to that previous post of mine i was actually referring to appl.ejack 🙈🙈 LOOK who doesn't like a masculine woman (mare in this case) who can carry me without breaking a sweat amiright WEEEHEHHEJD.... and the human version (NOT E.QG) fanarts of her DID NOT HELP because they all drew her with a muscular body and i am literally!!! so weak for that!!! HELLO!!! SAVE A HORSE RIDE A COWGIRL 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
i've made a ponysona too UABAYUSBDHDJ i haven't drawn her with aj as of yet because i suck at drawing ponies 😭 and i haven't made much lore about them either but i just like thinking about them hehehehehe
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here she is!! my precious lil gem!! i based her off of the color palette of the beach hehe classic ocean-loving me. she's besties with ra.rity and would often come to her for advice about what to do with aj (pre-dating). again i haven't developed her but she's very Pretty and i love her so so so much. i would love to see her getting introduced to farm life by aj even though she's a bit icky about dirt but she'd do anything for the Girlfriend!!!
speaking of ra.rity i actually kin her! so it doesn't bother me when i see ra.rijack or any other ships involving aj tbh. BUT HELL when i do see ra.rijack I GET SO HYPED BECAUSE WE ARE SO CANON<333!! yes she is holding my waist and kissing me on the mouth yes that is me with the curly purple hair ehe
idk i just love aj a lot 🥺🥺🤧 i love especially how she's so blunt sometimes UABSHDIJD and she's so hardworking and does everything for her friends and such a sweetheart eeuuuuuuehhhh.... i wanna smooch her so badly and make her flustered AWAWWAEAEEEEEE
also i've re-explored my gender and decided i am more of genderfae (basically a gender that fluctuates to any gender except masculine ones, for example i can be feminine or neutral any time but never masculine ones) and have developed an attraction to mascs which aj perfectly fits into... aha <33
i don't think i'd be shipping with her e.qg version. they're canonically high schoolers and usually range around 16-18 but it's not confirmed so it's still kinda weird so i'm sticking to her pony version! og is always the best anyway 😍😍🙏
look at Her and her Handsome Face
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SHE!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🧡🧡🧡🧡
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hoebaring · 2 years
Just The Two Of Us (7) | Kim Taehyung
In which two ambiverts who are conscientious, resourceful, firm, and slightly egoistic happen to realise, discover, and explore the possibility of being in love. It’s a dream-like almost magical romance focusing on what I love to call “the butterfly inducing effect”. So, get comfy, grab a tub of ice cream, maybe get a few tissues and be prepared to experience romance like no other and fall in love.
I fell in love with you, I don’t know why, I don’t know how, I just did.
Tags/Warnings :- An Office Au, Ceo!Taehyung, Secretary!Y/N A fairytale at an office. Cheesy. Highly Romantic. TaehyungxReader.
Written by Author L
Cross posted on Wattpad
Word count :- 2.5k Words
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That is all I could think of.
I hate how my morning had to start with this. With him.
“You see, I’ve always admired the way you work Y/N.”
There we go again.
“Thank you, sir.” I say trying to sound grateful.
I go back to the spreadsheet on the laptop screen and continue typing quickly to look busy. I’m currently in a meeting room with…you guessed it, Mr. Cheong. Ever since we got the deal, we, I have been working my ass off for it. And you know what is super-duper annoying? This creepy bigshot who’s desperately trying to hit on me. And since all the Gods want me to suffer on this particular morning when it’s particularly bright and beautiful outside, I’m stuck with this bobblehead in the most boring place ever, alone.
I’m sitting on a chair with my laptop on the conference table. Mr. Cheong is on a couch, beside the projector screen on my right side. He has been eyeing me for the past 23 minutes and I’m at the verge of grabbing my laptop and smashing it onto his head. If it weren’t for my job and the Cheong Corporation contract, I’d be looking for new laptops by now.
Everything about him is just so uncomfortable. The snide and flirty comments, the pathetic eyeing, and the desperate tries to touch me. Ugh. To make things even worse, Mr. Kim who was supposed to arrive half an hour earlier is late to the meeting. After being unnaturally nice to me, he went to California the very next day for a business trip. The unexpected trip lasted three days and ideally, the airplane should have landed two hours ago, giving Mr. Kim enough time to get to work, and not let this unfortunate situation with Mr. Cheong unfold. But, the world hasn’t been so kind to me. The flight got delayed and thus my morning got ruined.
‘Lord help me’
Suddenly, Mr. Cheong got up from the couch, walked toward me and stood behind my chair. He bent down, looked at the spreadsheet over my shoulder and with his breath dangerously close to the right side of my face, he eerily said, “So this is what is keeping you so busy.”
Looks like the Lord isn’t listening at all.
I let out a nervous chuckle as he stands up straight, turns around swiftly, leans back on the conference table, and looks down at me.
“Ms Y/N…”
“…I think I’d truly recognise all the work you do better at my company. You really should reconsider”
Aha! Of course.
“People over…”
Maybe this time I should get a MacBook.
“…here won’t…”
How about Lenovo? The convertible one.
“…appreciate what you do”
It's cheaper too, that way I wouldn't feel bad even if I smashed someone’s head with it.
“What do you say? I can…uh…offer other…better benefits as well” he said while leaning forward.
Okay what the actual fuck? Someone call an ambulance.
“I’m so sorry for being late! Hope you guys didn't wait for…”
Mr. Kim who barged into the room unannounced paused and looked at the two of us.
“…long” he frowned.
I'm not exactly sure what seemed odder. The look of relief on my face or the confusing sight of Mr. Cheong leaning forward and being so fricking close to my face. Arghh it feels so weird when you say that.
Either way, I think the Lord finally listened. Thank you.
“Good morning sir!” I got up so quickly that my chair was almost about to fall down. I couldn’t care less though.
I begin walking towards Mr. Kim, I don’t even know why. I just want to stay away from that hideous man.
“I hope your trip went well. I’m glad you’re back sir.” I actually am.
Before he could say anything, I continued.
“Now that you’re here, let us begin the meeting. I’ll inform the others as well.”
I immediately leave the room to call some of the employees involved in the meeting.
Now, I know what you are thinking, why weren't they present earlier? That is because earlier, Mr. Cheong very conveniently asked everyone to get on with their work while he and I could wait for Mr. Kim in the meeting room alone. And what crap was that earlier? Better benefits? The man is nuts.
“Guys, Mr. Kim is here, let's head to the conference room.”
Author’s POV
The meeting ended at lunch hour and Y/N made a mandatory mental note to stay six feet away from Mr. Cheong at any given moment, for her safety. And…for her laptop’s safety.
Knock knock
“Yes, come in”
“I’ve rescheduled everything you had to miss in the last three days sir. This is the new schedule for the following week.” She says while handing a black file to Taehyung.
He opens the file, takes a look at it and frowns.
“Woah, looks like I'll be quite busy this week Y/N.”
Y/N shrugs for a spilt second and makes a ‘I don’t know man, you chose this life’ face to which Taehyung chuckles.
“So, how did the California deal go sir?”
“Well, it was...moderate.”
“They are way too sceptical and paranoid. They will be coming to Seoul in order to ‘personally' and ‘thoroughly’ understand how things at Kim Enterprises work. I don't understand why dad wants them as our clients.”
“Oh, when will they be here sir?”
Taehyung looks at Y/N for a brief second.
‘The heck? That soon?’
“Alright, let me take that back, I’ve got to make some changes now.” Y/N says as she takes the file from Taehyung’s table, scribbles something on it and starts to walk towards the door.
“I’ll be outside sir.”
Y/N turns around with a ‘huh’ expression on her face.
“Wha...What is your plan for lunch?”
“Ah, I’ll be having lunch at the cafeteria sir.”
‘Should I join her?’
‘Should I ask him to join me?’
‘Ahh no, Taehyung that’s too desperate.’
‘Ahh no, Y/N don’t cross the line.’
“Okay go ahead, have your lunch now, revise the schedule later.”
“Uh alright sir.”
Y/N nods and walks out of the room.
‘Maybe I should’ve asked her.’
‘Maybe I should’ve asked him.’
Y/N arranges some files on her desk before leaving for lunch. Just as she grabs her phone and walks out, she hears a loud and annoyingly high pitched scream.
‘Okay, what now?’
Upon hearing the obnoxious shriek, Y/N turns on her heels and walks over to one of the many white wood desks. This particular one had a tall glass tumbler filled half-way with water which kept the blooming pink tulips in it alive. As the bright light shined on the lovely petals, Y/N looked at the not so pretty looking part of the desk. Followed by the person who interrupted her exciting journey towards joy- which was, in fact, disguised as food.
“Ms. Seon, what seems to be the problem?”
Seon Mi Cha, an often bubbly yet nervous intern started working a month or two ago at Kim Enterprises.  
Her usual cheerful eyes were full of dread and guilt at the moment.
“Ms. Y/N, I…I think…I may have, by mistake, absolutely unintentionally…misplaced the investment plan details from Velocity Estates.”
 ‘Okay, we’re screwed.’
I close my eyes, look down and sigh.
“Ms. Y/N…could you please help me out? Pleasepleaseplease-”
“Uhh alright stop now!”
Puppy faces never work on Y/N. But the fact that she was once an intern too, made her give in to Mi Cha’s pleas. She has a soft corner for interns. Interns make a minimum of four million mistakes a day and get hated on by their superiors. Y/N knew that very clearly. However she was lucky enough to be working under Taehyung. He forgave people quickly. Moreover she didn’t want to seem like an unhelpful bitch to those poor souls.
Probably two hours went by in helping out Mi Cha. A lot of other interns gathered around and helped out as well. They often engaged in some office gossips while sipping some coffee- courtesy of Mi Cha. Some of the “tea” came from Y/N herself. She was professional when it came to work, but never boring. Y/N actually knew the interns and junior employees well. She chimed in when something interesting came up, like the mysterious case of the missing desk from the fourth floor. There are five rows of four desks on each floor. But the fourth floor had a row with one missing desk. It was a big deal when the issue first came up. Many believed in many rumours. Even though it could have been just a simple mistake in the delivery and arrangement of furniture, people loved to think otherwise. Y/N spent another tedious 45 minutes figuring out Mi Cha’s problem while simultaneously listening to the HR department’s head, Mr. Jun’s romantic involvement with Ms. Kook.
“Ms. Seon, I’d really appreciate you treating me to a meal soon.”
Y/N says as she finally finished retrieving the files and stretching her arms.
“Oh my god! Thank you so much Sunbae! I’m eternally grateful to you.”
“Woah, Ms. Y/N is truly the best” Choi Ji Moon, another intern announces in awe.
“What would we do without you?” A recently promoted junior employee says as he wipes away a fake tear.
“Guys calm down please, I know I’m awesome.”
Y/N stands up from the chair and arranges some papers.
“Ji Moon get five copies of these.” Y/N says and points to the copier machine near him.
He playfully salutes and walks over to the copier.
“Okay something is wrong with this.” Ji Moon says in frustration and aggressively pats the side of the copier in hopes that it would start working.
‘Another problem? Classic.’
Ji Moon opens some random parts of the machine and tries to fix them.
He mumbles a few ‘This goes here’, ‘Got it’, ‘Okay maybe not’ before sighing and putting it back together again.
“Maybe you should put it inside.” Mi Cha says while gesturing to a random part of the copier.
“That’s what she said.” Y/N says very casually with a straight face.
Probably around ten or so people started laughing hysterically at Y/N’s impeccable timing, although they suddenly stop and frantically go back to their desks, pretending to seriously work.
‘Oh God no, please no.’
Just as every comedy has to have a dramatic ending, this harmless, jovial little joke of Y/N’s has the most tragic ending ever.
Y/N immediately turns around to find Taehyung standing a few steps away. The perfect distance for an audience to watch this little scene play out and hear all the dialogues very clearly.
‘Holy fuck’
I have messed up. Terribly. I mean, just who the heck casually goes around saying “That’s what she said” at a workplace? What is this? The Office? Who am I? Michael Scott? Please push me off an airplane. Or bury me. Please. This is so embarrassing, awkward, unprofessional and what not.
I don’t think I’ll be fired though. That’s too silly of a reason to be fired, don’t you think? Oh my god, that makes it even worse.
“Ughh what am I gonna do?”
I stab the broccoli on my plate with a fork as I say so. I decided to hide in shame at the cafeteria for the time being, in order to be completely self absorbed in my embarrassment and rethink my life choices multiple times. The worst fricking part of this entire situation is the fact that Mr. Kim and I, for once, were getting along in a…argh I don’t even know in which way.
I thought maybe there was tiny chance for me. Maybe a tiny possibility. But again, it was for one goddamn day that he was unnaturally nice to me. It could have been a totally unplanned thing. I don’t like how I’ve thought about it so much and I definitely don’t like how I’m sort of letting it affect me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not desperate. I was just trying to be like an elegant, kinda mysterious and feminine lady until I blew it all up. And all I’m doing right now is contradicting and over-justifying myself.
You know what, screw this whole “oH mY gOd hE wAs sO sWeEt tO mE” and the “maybe” concept. I’m highly overthinking about this crap. Y/N you’ve got a lot more to worry about. For instance, your terrible attempt at being Michael Scott. So how about we deal with that? I’ll just continue with the rest of my day, pretending like nothing happened. Avoiding Mr. Kim would only make it more obvious and awkward. It’s okay. It was a casual joke. Maybe Mr. Kim laughed too. Maybe he didn’t.
Author’s POV
“…focused on increasing our cooperation at a global level and how we would achieve that in the short-term. Those were a few of our future goals and their implementations. I think that is all, thank you.” Y/N finishes her presentation with a smile.
“Impressive, Mr. Kim. Very impressive” Rachel the CTO of Affinity Assets pvt. Ltd. says. They’re the “California deal” Y/N mentioned earlier today.
Y/N was a little confused about what Taehyung meant when he said these guys were a paranoid. Little did she know, she would understand exactly what he meant later on. Affinity Assets is a trading firm offering advice which focuses on high frequency trading in certain markets. However, they were quite new to the business game and deeply mistrusting. Which for a company like Taehyung’s is already a red flag. Taehyung only went forward with this because his father thought Affinity Assets had potential. Mr. Kim is usually always right.
Taehyung thought Y/N handled the meeting very professionally. Since she gave the presentation, most of the questions were directed at her. And Y/N couldn’t have done a better job. Although towards the end, there was one particular question, which seemed more like a silly and unreasonable demand. Rachel questioned Y/N about their proficiency regarding meeting with deadlines and sticking to commitments. To which Y/N replied by saying-
“Oh, I can confidently assure you that you need not worry about our expertise in providing timely results.”
“In addition, as per your request, we can have Y/N handling this contract on a more careful and cautious note.” Taehyung continues.
Weirdly enough, Rachel doesn’t seem to be satisfied with that.
“You see Mr. Kim, I’d prefer if you were the one taking additional care in this matter.” Rachel says while looking Y/N as though she was a burglar.
‘Paranoid? No, these guys are crazy.’
“I don’t quite understand-” Y/N begins but soon gets interrupted by Taehyung’s chuckle.
“I think, Ms. Y/N is truly the right person to cater to your requirements. You will not be disappointed. She is the best we have.”
Taehyung leans forward, places his arms on the table and looks straight at Rachel.
“I trust her with the whole company.”
Y/N’s heart skips a beat. Heck no. That is a serious understatement. She feels an excessive amount of joy and gratitude swell up inside her. Blood rushes to her cheeks as she is unable to contain her smile.
‘Did he really say that?’
Rachel finally accepts her defeat and agrees to the deal. Unfortunately, that meant more work for Y/N. Time passes by and Y/N & Taehyung almost never leave their desks. Y/N at some point feels a tingly, itchy sensation in her throat but decides to shrug it off. She later realizes that she’s worked overtime when she looks at her phone for the first time in four hours. She starts packing up and things start feeling a little cold.
‘I’ll just go by cab for today’
“Mr. Kim?”
“Come in.”
“Sir, I’ll get going. Will you be staying for long?”
“Uh, I’ll leave in an hour. Will you go by walk?”
“I can’t walk, I’m exhausted.” Y/N says chuckling.
“That’s what she said.”
Y/N’s jaw drops and eyes widen.
Taehyung starts laughing out loud at Y/N’s face.
“I can be funny too sometimes, you know?” he says looking kinda proud.
“That… was hilarious” Y/N nods while laughing.
“I’ll take a leave sir.” Y/N says smiling, as she walks out of his office.
“Alright, good night Y/N.”
“Night sir.”
Y/N takes a shower, has some leftover rice, and checks her phone.
Mr. Kim
Hope you’ve reached home safely. Sorry couldn’t drop you home today.
Get some good sleep, you looked a little pale earlier.
Aw man her heart is surely gonna explode. This is definitely bringing the “maybe” concept back.
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Hi there, Bababird!!! Hope you're doing well 💗💗💗 Mayyybe 🎵 for Cassandra if you have any? I love how you've written her in your Sparrow/Cass fic btw - I still think about it an unhealthy amount dbfkhabfskhbs. And since the fandom on tumblr has collectively agreed that it's his day, mayhaps a 🎵 for Hermie as well hehe :]c
aw shucks she called me Bababird hehe Hi Happi!!! Thank you- I hope you're doing well too! I *definitely* have some for Cassandra! 😅 For better or for worse though a lot of them are either in the context of Cass/Sparrow or Cass/Nicky- so apologies in advance for any rambles I go on about either of those two ahaha I promise in either case things will eventually wrap around to being about Cass (and songs)!
Also, if you'll humor me, I don't think I'll be able to help myself but ramble a bit about the fic as well- it's just an easy way to talk about how I see Cassandra! 💜 ^_^* I'm very very flattered that you enjoyed her that much! You know at first I was maybe gonna do thing's from Sparrow's POV but then I was like- "PFF, fuck that, let's try to figure out what's going on in Cassandra head!"- it's the least she deserves, really.
And I know I'm too late for his "b-day", but I do have some Hermie songs as well! Mostly in the context of Oakworthy though ahaha... Those will be at the end! Edit: actually just the one this time around aha sorry I got lazy
(*slaps post* this baby can fit so many tangents! Sorry in advance for how stupid long this is!)
Okay *well*, let's start with a simple one that's just about Cass yeah? I can't say I've listened to much of their music in general, but "That's My Girl" by Fifth Harmony is *definitely* a Cassandra song for me!
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There are a few lyrics in this one that standout for me in this one- but honestly it's also just the general vibe. I see Cassandra as someone who's very independent and hardworking, and also someone very capable of continuing to move forward in spite of hardships and "roll with the punches", so to speak (and Taylor definitely gets this from her hehe for sure for sure). Really the more I think about Cassandra, she's kind of a fucking badass LOL. Splitting from Nicky didn't stop her from staying on top of career all the while maintaining probably one the (if not the) healthiest of parent-child relationships in the show with her son, and really I just love that for her.
That said, for a few standout lyrics...
Yeah, who's been working so damn hard? You got that head on overload? // You've been down before. You've been hurt before. You got up before. You'll be good to go, good to go. // Get mad independent and don't you ever forget it // Nod if you've been played by every boo just tryna show you off. Thought he was the best you ever had, until he cut you off. // ain't nothin (x3) put your heart and your soul in it!
(also *points at Cassandra* that's my girl!!!)
ok ok next again if you'll humor me, I need to ramble about Sparrow for a bit in the context of the fic so that I can then ramble about Cassandra LOL.
So, ok, firstly I must confess that like, for me, I tend to read canon Sparrow as allo-aro (alloSparo? Maybe just Sparo... heh). Less popular of an opinion still is that I actually quite like that for him haha. And so for *me*, in the fic, he's prolly like aro and demisexual? That said, I know that ace Sparrow (Sparoace, Space- you get me it's funnier to do it this way) is very dear to many of you (which tbh I super understand), most especially the people who I most wanted to read the fic! So... I wanted to write something that was compatible with both interpretations? Not as a burden! I liked the challenge of trying to write something that was *sensual* but not inherently *sexual* (and in that regard... I think I did an *ok* job aha I'm sure there are certain parts that might be pushing it for some people but I had to be honest with myself about what I wanted to write too!)
Of course, as *you* know Happi, I'll still gladly drop aromantic Sparrow for a ship that tickles my fancy (and in fact I actually like these two in a romantic context as well even if it's not my default/preference- but that's for someone else's ask lol)... 😤But I was keen on keeping things platonic for this fic! Sure because I like that for Sparrow, but actually... It also had a lot to do with what I wanted to explore with Cass!
(Somehow this post is about Cass *and music* I SWEAR)
Right right right so- as far as canon goes I think it's fair to say that Cassandra is sexually and romantically a lot less ambiguous than Sparrow right- and so, well based on the little we have seen of her I get the impression that Cassandra has probably gotten fairly accustomed to a pretty "standard" kind of partnership style? And for a number of reasons... 😤 It seems she's struggled to find someone who can give her the level of commitment she deserves! Otherwise, based on her relationship with Willy (ew yucky Willy), I also feel like she might have a bit of a tendency to rush into things a bit.
Enter QPR with Sparrow! As I see it, this puts Cassandra especially in a very interesting situation. She's navigating forms of intimacy that are pretty foreign from what she's used to! To love someone... Without being *in love* with someone, per se. She gets the commitment she wants, but in a form that is unquestionably different from how she's always imagined it. Physically, there's room for intimacy (be it to one degree or another)... But she has to work up to/for it this time around, no more rushing into things!
But I see Cass as someone who is always up for a challenge. I think the novelty of these ideas is something that she would find exciting in its own right, and really she's someone who goes after what she wants at the end of the day. Not without her own insecurities I'm sure, which hopefully I got across! (And again, yeah, I definitely think Taylor takes from her in a number of ways haha).
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"She had the world" from Panic! At the Disco is *also* a Cassandra song for me 😌
That was waaay too much lead in for a fucking patd song, honestly Happi I'm really abusing this opportunity to talk about Cass and the fic LOL
But ok ok, so with the above points in mind, this one for me is about Cass... From (an aromantic) Sparrow's perspective, and it's hard to explain exactly what I mean for this one, but yeah it's like- there's kind of this mix of insecurity and admiration and I guess... How to put this, on Cass' end she has to let go of the things she's come to take for granted a bit, and on Sparrow's end I think some fears that this kind of relationship won't be enough for her? Let me just give you the important lyrics hahaha:
She held the world upon a string, but she didn't ever hold me. Spun the stars on her fingernails, but it never made her happy, cause she couldn't ever have me // I don't love you I'm just passing the time. You could love me if I knew how to lie. But who could love me? I am out of my mind. Throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream. // But that girl had so much love. She'd wanna kiss you all the time. Yeah, she'd wanna kiss you all the time. // She said she'd won the world at a carnival. But I'm sure it didn't ruin her, it just made her more interesting.
OKAY that was a looooooong tangent for that one I hope like it sort of makes sense why I associate that one with her???
Finally Nicky, I'll make this much shorter lol. I'm not sure how people feel about these two in general, but I actually *love* them together tbh, and I hope we learn a bit more about their relationship (er what it was) in canon at some point! Still, everything I said about Cass probably being the type to rush into things probably applies here too, and ultimately I imagine that these two likely had a relationship that was... passionate, and intense, and exciting, but maybe not what either of them really needed in the long run.
So funnily enough
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The song is actually called "Nikki", by Forever the Sickest Kids. And, well I think you'll catch my drift with a lot of these lyrics and why it makes me think of them so much aha:
He was the man of every hour. He was a party all alone. He'd give his jacket to a stranger in the cold. She was the beauty queen from Dallas. She could put a lion on a leash. And before he knew himself, she knew the man that he could be. // It's alright Nikki, it's alright, baby, you can let you hair down. // She was an angel craving chaos. He was a demon seeking peace. But they were each other's toxic cure called codependency.
And yeah! So yeah there's a lot of lines in that song that makes me think of them- more than the ones I listed here but for me these are kinda the standouts?
ok ok ok I made this post waaaaaaay too long Happi I'm so sorry ahahaha thank you for entertaining my thoughts I hope some of this makes sense??? I have a lot of feelings about Cassandra but they can be hard to convey!
Also, I'm starting to get a bit lazy, so I hope you'll forgive me if I leave you with my favorite song for Hermie (and well Oakworthy) without much of an explanation. Which is
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"A guy that I'd kinda be into" from the musical Be More Chill :]
I think this one is *very* funny for both of them- especially cause of how many of the lyrics you could read as both Normal and Hermie's POV? If you haven't heard this song, go listen and I think you'll understand.
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sklifasofski · 1 year
Western, tickle, love, friendship, and a pinch of betrayal
Hallo) How are you all doing?) I decided to post one of my fanfiction stories here. In this case, it's a story on the world of Sonic, where our heroes have fun on a beautiful summer day. I was inspired by @ratrrriot​ drawings and headcanon, I highly recommend checking their page, their art is wonderful!
I also want to apologize to the ratrrriot themselves, if I suddenly frightened them with a link in the question from myself, which I sent them a month ago or so. If it was decided to just ignore the question, that's okay too. (I also do not deny the fact that the question could simply not reach them and get lost ._ .)
I hope you all like this little funny story) Please, enjoy!
High noon. There was silence all around, disturbed only by the rustling of leaves and the flight of insects. In the open clearing, Sonic and Tails stood.
They faced each other. Sparks were almost literally running between them, so tense was the atmosphere among them. They waited for each other's actions.
Sonic raised his hand with his gun in an instant. But Tails was more nimble. The water jet hit Sonic right in the eye. Hedgehog immediately dropped his gun, covering his face with his hands.
- Yay!!! I won! - Tails rejoiced, throwing up his hands in joy. - I'm the fastest shooter! Ha ha!
His joy didn't last long. When he saw Sonic kneeling down and continuing to cover his face, he immediately sensed something wrong.
- Sonic? Are you okay?
- Right in the eye... - said his friend, massaging his face.
Tails understood at once and rushed to help him.
- Oh, Chaos! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! - he ran up to Sonic, tossing his pistol aside. - How much did it hurt?
Tails gently tried to pull Sonic's arms aside to see how bad it was. But to his surprise he saw a satisfied smirk on his friend's face, which confused him. Sonic took advantage of this.
- Tickle attack!
The little fox managed only to shriek as Sonic began to tickle him quickly.
- Aha-ha-ha! No! Not the tickling! - laughed Tails trying to defend himself.
Unbalanced, they both fell to the ground. Sonic tickled him some more, then hugged him and kissed his cheek.
- Ew, ah-ha-ha! - Tails chuckled some more, shielding himself from the kiss that followed. - Why do you like kissing me so much?
- Because you're my favorite friend! - Sonic smiled. - Almost like a little brother! And I want to express my love to you!
- Ew, ha ha... oh...
Tails froze, looking away, Sonic followed his gaze. Amy was standing next to them and she was staring at them intently, folding her arms across her chest. The shadows made her face look menacing. There was an awkward pause.
- I. Knew it. - She said slowly and clearly.
- A... um... Amy-Amy! W-W-Wait! It's n-n-not... it's not what you think! - Tails knew right away where this was going and tried to handle the situation.
- No, Amy! That's exactly what it is!
Sonic jumped up from the ground, holding Tails like a toy. The little fox only blinked in surprise.
- I've loved Tails for a long time! - Sonic sounded a little too theatrical. - He's the only one who understands me and shares my interests. He's the best person I've ever met. And because of that, Amy, I love him and I choose him to be my husband!
- Sonic, what are you doing?? - Tails looked at his friend with undisguised horror. - She's gonna kill you! And me, too!
- How could you? - Amy spoke, in a suddenly theatrical voice, too.
The little fox turned on her in confusion. Amy, meanwhile, got into her most tragic pose and continued.
- We've always been together! I gave you attention, care! I even made you chili dogs! And you leave me for little Tails? How could you?
She ran up to them and deftly grabbed the still-uncomprehending Tails out of Sonic's arms.
- If that's the case, I'm taking Tails! - Amy said theatrically majestically. - I will make him my husband, and will love him with all my heart!
Sonic made the most shocked expression he could. At that moment, the little fox came to his senses and freed himself from Amy's arms.
- What are you playing at? - he tried to understand. - I'm not marrying anyone! Come on!
- Tails! Pick me! - Sonic got down on one knee in front of him.
- No! Pick me! - Amy repeated after Sonic.
Tails was even more confused, not knowing what to do. He didn't want to choose.
- But I can't choose either one of you guys, - he tried to step back. - You're both like family to me!
Sonic and Amy looked at each other.
- Well... - Sonic said. - If that's the case, we have no other choice, - he raised his hand slowly, wiggling his fingers. A grim smile slowly appeared on his face. - We have to do this, Amy.
- I'm afraid so, Sonic, - Amy parodied his smile in a flash, raising her hand in the same way. - We'll have to tickle him.
- Uh... a-am... guys? - Tails had already figured it out and prepared to run. A nervous smile played on his face.
- Tails~ - Both hedgehogs said in unison as they slowly started to get up and walk toward him.
The little fox immediately run of, with a loud shriek. His friends ran after him. They could have easily caught up with him and captured him, but it was much more interesting to chase him. Tails ran away from them for a while, until suddenly he noticed a familiar figure in the distance. There stood a bored Knuckles, staring peacefully at the clouds.
- Knuckles! Help! - Tails shouted, trying not to laugh out of nervousness.
Sonic and Amy noticed the echidna, too, but didn't stop chasing Tails. They only stopped when the little fox ran up to a surprised Knuckles.
- Knuckles! Sonic and Amy want to tickle me to death! - Tails flew up to his friend, standing right next to him. - Please help me!
Knuckles looked first at him, then at his pursuers, then back at him. And didn't hold back a chuckle, trying hard not to smile. The little fox understood everything at once.
- No... - Tales chuckled to himself at the realization that Knuckles was about to join in the fun, too.
Knuckles quieted his laughter and said to Sonic and Amy with a calm smile.
- Tickle me.
For a second, everyone froze in incomprehension. But then creepy smiles appeared on the faces of all three friends, and they prepared their hands to attack. Knuckles was surprised by their behavior, and then realized his mistake in an instant.
- N-No! W-Wait, wait! I meant to say "him"! "Him," not "me!" A-a-a-a-a! - And started running away from all three of them.
So the four friends had fun together, and then they went to eat ice cream and relax under the beautiful summer sun.
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