#I hope you like these
gojos-thot-patrol · 11 months
In that case any Ijichi headcanons? His turn ons and offs, how he'd react to a love confession, dates, even intimate stuff?
...Yah know what? Yeah, I can do that! Ijichi Headcanons
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Let's go.
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🚗I feel like his initial reaction to a love confession is disbelief. Like he just blinks at you a few times before asking "Oh! You're practicing, right? How exciting! Who do you plan on confessing to?" And when you clarify that this is in fact, not practice but indeed a confession for him he blue screens. You can see the math running across his eyes before he lights up like a Christmas tree from blushing so hard
🚗He keeps confirming that you like him. He's pretty insecure I think, so he's constantly like "are you sure you like me? are you sure you're sure? This isn't a prank?"
🚗But the moment he realizes that his is real and you're not fucking with him, I feel like he is the most attentive and caring boyfriend you could ever ask for. Genuinely just super sweet.
🚗He gives me the vibes that he's the type of guy to keep a lil notebook of all the things you like and little facts about you, so he can best plan for special occasions.
🚗As far as dates go, he's the kind of guy that likes simple quite dates. He likes reading dates where you go and get coffee at your favorite cafe, or going to the small ramen shop you both love. He appreciates the small beauties in life.
🚗10/10 would 100%build a pillow fort with you for movie night and call it a date.
🚗AS FOR TURN ONS I feel like praise kink goes without saying. I mean look at him.
🚗Call him a Good Boy and he's going to melt. Pat his head, he'll be putty in your hands
🚗Controversial take: He's a dom. Things tend to be pretty far out of control in his day to day life, so they will be in hos control in the bed room.
🚗As far as turn offs go, he hates Degradation. He takes it straight to heart.
🚗Same vein, but humiliation is also off the table. Again, he's humiliated enough at work lmao
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 11 months
You watch slasher movies? I haven't done so in years (much to my disappointment), got any recommendations, classics, popular, underrated, anything really?
I knew I hadn't watched them in a long time, but it wasn't till I had to try and write something based on classic slashers, that I realized how long its been since I consumed that kind of content.
My only plan so far is that I need to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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Alright, Pandora, it depends on your tastes, and what you look for in a "slasher" ❤️
As you may remember, I fucking love the OG the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and when I got pretty bad last month emotionally I watched it on repeat for two weeks straight. However, if you go in for a regular slasher film you will be disappointed. The first movie is incredible, focusing on amazing shots and atmosphere for nearly the entire first half. It's less of a slasher as we would come to know the genre, and more of an artistic film centered around the horrors of humanity. The series is a wonderful mess of multiple timelines and little continuity, but the sequels better fit the slasher archetype. The best sequel (imo) is the one directly after the first, and it's a black comedy slasher, focusing more on the kills.
Now, slashers ❤️
If you're a nerd and want to experience the slasher history, then before Halloween (which still holds up) there was Black Christmas, and before that the Town that Dreaded Sundown.
The Town that Dreaded Sundown is based off a true serial killer, and unlike TCM which is loosely inspired by Ed Gein, a lot of the kills (except the trombone scene) are based on actual murders, with his mask accurate to the only real world survivor's testimony of her assault. It's very slow pace, and with how desensitized we are as a society you might find it boring, but if you ever get a phonecall from Ghostface, then you have to know the Town that Dreaded Sundown. Fun fact, his mask also inspired Jason's mask from Friday the 13th part 2!
Black Christmas is awesome! I'd recommend it more than Sundown, because of pacing, characters, acting, and overall atmosphere. I love my second wave feminism horror (Stepford Wives (mwah)), and it did a lot better with it's feminist themes than the loose remake from 2019 that tried to be intentionally feminist (ignore the 2006 remake entirely, so bad, so lame, so gross). It did the first person perspective of the killer nearly four years before Halloween's iconic opening. It introduced the idea of the final girl, but she wouldn't become a sexually repressed younger woman until Halloween solidified the trope. It has some great kills that still hold up, and Billy is iconic. I really feel the only reason why he isn't more well known in non-horror spaces is because he doesn't have a mask or outfit that can be replicated and sold in Spirit.
After that we have our most well known slashers, and they're popular for good reason ❤️
A Nightmare on Elm St, Friday the 13th, and Halloween spawned sequels that spiraled off into varying degrees of madness, but still have fun moments.
After the success of Friday the 13th (and the realization of the franchise-ability of slashers) there were a lot of slashers that tried to capture the money magic of the first few success stories. Not all of them were great, but a few notable slashers imo are My Bloody Valentine and the Dentist.
Although Candyman is often lumped in with slashers, like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the first movie is more than a traditional slasher. I recommend the first one as a beautiful love story about the horrors of American racism. It's score is still incredible, the behind the scenes are so interesting, and Tony Todd is absolutely beautiful. Such an amazing actor. (Not so) Fun fact: Tony Todd said in the behind the scenes that there originally was a romantic scene where Helen proclaimed her love for Candyman, but they were forced to cut it, because "they were okay with a tall, black man covered in bees.. but, mm, when it came to a kiss, or something like that, it was a little bit too risque..." ( :/ )
(Please please please watch Candyman)
Then the best, or worst (depending on your views), thing happened to the genre; Scream.
One of the best slashers there is, it isn't the first self referential, meta horror (see Wes Craven's New Nightmare), but it did change the slasher genre for a very long time. It was a revival for the genre, since it was declining in popularity by the early 90s. However, post Scream horror was very meta. See Chucky's personality changing from the occasional funny quip, to Bride of Chucky levels of silly (still love him tho). Of the terrible horror trying to copy Scream, I'd recommend Urban Legend over I Know What You Did Last Summer. It was a shame, just how silly a lot of scary movies got back then, trying to be as smart and self aware as Scream was.
But my favorite (outside of Scream) meta horror slasher film is Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon ❤️ took meta to a whole new level, mockumentary style, a camera crew follows a wannabe slasher killer explaining how to be a slasher icon.
I've watched too many slashers to remember all of them right now, but if you want really meta black comedies, Tucker and Dale vs Evil isn't a slasher but a loving joke on the genre, and the Final Girls made me laugh and cry like a little bitch.
A lot of slashers since the late 90s have drifted closer to the black comedy sub genre. Killers that kill for the sake of killing are often B-rated blood fests, that can be great for mindless fun but not so great for box office gains, especially in our current horror renaissance. Slashers don't fit in to the current horror culture. Serial killers aren't scary for desensitized audiences, and the mindless gore expectations set by older slasher films have created a pretty specific genre setup and pay off (dumb people who only exist to die get brutally murdered). It either has to be B-rated mindless fun (Laid to Rest 1 and 2 had terrible camera work and directing, making even incredible actors like Lena Headey feel lackluster, but the practical effects are so impressive I'd recommend it just for the blood and guts (and bewbs)), or comedic (the Hatchet series has great cameos, genuine laughs, and more impressive practical effects, but with good cinematography and directing (still bewbs)). Slashers that don't lean in to how ridiculous the concept of slashers are and try to take themselves seriously often end up falling short, either creating boring killers with no personality or trying to force a plot into a generic slasher shaped hole.
This does include most remakes of slasher movies, as a lot of slashers were remade in the early 2000's with less interesting characters to be killed off by the slashers. The remake of Candyman was an exception, because even though it wasn't as good as the original, it did go back to it's non slasher roots, learning from the mistake that was the third Candyman.
Non slashers that are considered slashers because of the slasher sequels/iconic murderers:
the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Child's Play
Best Precursor to the genre:
Black Christmas
Popular Classics:
Friday the 13th
a Nightmare on Elm St
Pre 90's Slashers that I recommend:
The Dentist
Sleepaway Camp (it's divided on whether it's problematic or interesting representation)
Alice, Sweet Alice
My Bloody Valentine
Post 90's meta commentary/black comedy:
Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon
The Final Girls
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
There are obviously a lot more, but these are a few off the top of my head ❤️
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l0ganberry · 7 months
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It must be quite the adventure.... but I imagine it also being a hassle for him.
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The fact he has no legs must already be a big struggle for him. This must mean that he's just dragging himself around everywhere to find his legs. But.... where would they be???
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He's already checking around corners, looking under objects, roaming around hallways and looking in things. Poor Dogday.....
But he will find his legs, for sure. There's no giving up.
He just needs some help.
Anyways.... Thank you @mcfries123 for this suggestion. I had fun and am pretty excited to do more!
if anyone else would like to make an art suggestion..... go to this >post<
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Futaba with a male S/O who is an infamously strong delinquent and muscle of the Phantom Thieves that LOVES fighting, he has a sort of spartan code of honor as to where he will only fight one-on-one, he sees using weapons as a cowards way of fighting unless you actually NEED it to fight, he never picks on the weak calling it: "Dull and pathetic.", his fight hungry personality matches his appearance with him being tall (Like 6'5 ore something), bulky, and covered in scars from his fights, but when he's not beating the life outta someone, he usually just follows her around to make sure people don't try to hit on her.
have a good day, night, or afternoon friend :)
Sorry it took so long anon! Hope it was worth the wait!
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Futaba will be pretty intimidated by someone like you but she’ll also be very impressed and definitely cheering you on from the sidelines. Seeing you fight in the Metaverse gives her a rush like never before and your code of honor is also amazing to her as she doesn’t like it when people play dirty either. This makes you trustworthy in her eyes. She also wants to see your scars and loves hearing the stories about how you got them! But please don’t give her a heart attack and get new ones! 
Your height is definitely something Futaba loves and although she will never admit it, she loves getting piggyback rides and being picked up by you! She feels safe and secure when you’re around and she finds your protectiveness attractive and adorable. Futaba practically considers you her bodyguard and will always have you around when she goes out if one of the other Phantom Thieves is available! No one’s gonna mess with her while she’s around!
Futaba doesn’t want you to get in trouble or end up in jail because of your love for fighting. She recommends you join a dojo instead and try to fight the legal way so you don’t get arrested for aggravated assault assuming you haven’t already! Futaba only wants you to be safe and while she does enjoy seeing you fight in the Metaverse, fighting in the real world is a different story! 
The biggest obstacle to you dating Futaba is definitely going to be Sojiro! If you wanna date Futaba openly and in peace, you’ll need his approval! Futaba won’t be afraid to defend you or your relationship regardless of who states their opinion and she’ll still date you regardless of Sojiro’s approval but she knows that getting and staying on his good side will make things easier. 
In the Metaverse, you two are like Bonnie and Clyde! Futaba will always protect and shield you from attacks as well as buff/heal you when you need it! You’re getting special treatment from her whether you like it or not so deal with it! No Shadows are taking her man down if she’s got anything to say about it! 
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madocactus · 2 years
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old edeleth doodles
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lvrelliposts · 2 months
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twofacedharveydent · 9 months
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••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Fandom: CSI Pairing: Samantha Lincoln x David Hodges
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hesitant love prompts: Author's choice: “what can i get you? do you need water? a hug? space?” “don’t apologize.” “sorry.” “name.”
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What can I get you? Do you need water? A hug? Space?
Neither Bucky nor Tony are convinced that Steve staying back in time with Peggy was a good idea. At least, they have Loki to bring him back right? But what's more nerve-racking? Steve fucking off and breaking his promise to his best friend, or Bucky and Tony realizing their feelings for each other?
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A Kiss to Build a Dream On
Emma is so done with Scott and Jean's bullshit. Can Steve make the Gala better?
Graphic by @scottxlogan
Hesitant Love Prompts
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hoperays-song · 2 years
So we know Johnny has his truck, Mike and Miss Crawly like their red sports cars and Rosita probably owns one of those cars in her apartment driveway. If Buster, Ash, Gunter, Meena, Porsha and Nooshy had their own vehicles, what would they drive?
While I personally do not drive and have about as much car knowledge as a stack of bricks, I surprisingly have thought about this. I hope you enjoy! - <3 Gooseless
In a lot of my (still in the works, sorry) fics, I actually have Ash driving a motorcycle! One, it's cheaper than a car, two, it's easier to find parking in a city with a motorcycle, and three, to be like her idol Clay Calloway.
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Small, shiny, and yellow were obvious choices to me for Gunter's car. He actually brought it with him when he moved to the states! It helps that it's so bright when he's watching Rosita's kids because it makes a good landmark for them.
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Jointly owned between him and Eddie, Buster has a grey Mini Cooper. Why? Idk, it just screamed Buster to me. Eddie ends up using it the most however since Buster prefers to bike.
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Meena is in the same boat as Johnny, as in her car is actually her mom's like Johnny's is his dad's. It's pretty old but runs decently well so Meena doesn't really mind. She doesn't drive much after all.
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A fancy silvery-blue car formerly of her dad's collection. He gave it to her on her 18th birthday so it's only a year or so old. She rarely uses it however since it is back at her house and she's staying in the city due to the show.
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When Nooshy does get a car, it is on sale and hardly working. But she does cover it in stickers for a while instead of fixing it, so when it inevitably breaks down, Johnny and Marcus both yell at them for being careless.
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Once Johnny gets his own car (and stops sharing one with the rest of his family), he does not actually get a truck. I think he'd also get something vintage but more subtle (at least than the truck). And probably refinished it in the garage with his dad.
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maridoodles · 2 years
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i put some oopsie bags in my shop!
each bag contains 8 prints & 3 sticker sheets
get your oopsie bags here
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mystic-story-lover · 2 years
♤Welcome to my blog!♤
Here are all the links for everything
♤Inbox Rules♤
♤Wrestlers I Write For♤
♤About Me♤
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koobiie · 4 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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sylvies-kablooie · 8 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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spineless-lobster · 9 months
I am not the divine masculine or the divine feminine I am the divine comedy and you will address me as such
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Sex and The City: Teen Titans Edition
Just a little something I decided to dabble in and try out :) I might do this with other fandoms if the interest is there or if I feel a spark of inspiration! Obviously everyone is aged up for this so no worries there!
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Is such a workaholic that it’s honestly a shock he even has a sex life at all, much less an active one. Still waters run deep after all!
Robin lives by the phrase “work hard, play hard”. For him, sex is a way for him to relieve tension and anger. He also uses it to express his love for his S/O since his love language is physical touch. But this can backfire since Robin prefers to use sex as a distraction to avoid talking about his feelings and to avoid arguments. Yup he’s that kind of toxic.
Has a pretty high sex drive but is selective about his partners. Robin’s not above one-night stands or flings but he doesn’t wanna just fuck anyone that crosses his path either. If he doesn’t have a partner, he’ll just masturbate instead, which he does regularly whether he’s single or not.
One would expect Robin to be quite dominant in bed (which he is) but he secretly wishes to be dominated himself for once. To him, nothing is sexier than someone just taking control and fucking his brains out. His favorite position is cowgirl and any variation of it. Having his partner on top of him talking dirty will make him come with much haste!
Doesn’t mind being teased and doing some PDA but save the sexy stuff for the bedroom. Robin likes to have privacy when fucking. His room is soundproof so his partner can be as loud as they want!
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As expected, Starfire is very passionate and emotional with far less sexual restrictions than most people are comfortable with. Tamaranian culture is very different when it comes to sex and nudity overall so it can be quite jarring to people from other planets.
Lost her virginity long before she came to Earth and had a few partners under her belt as well. Most people assume that Starfire is super innocent but she’s far from it! She’s very experienced and prefers to sleep with people she has a relationship with whether romantic or platonic as opposed to one-night stands or flings. Starfire has had her fair share of casual sex and she finds it unfulfilling. Her first sexual experience on Earth was with Robin as expected.
Starfire is definitely a romantic person and pretty easy to seduce as long as her partner is authentic and doesn’t have ulterior motives. Just be upfront and honest and she’ll be putty in your hands! Her sex drive is average but she’s a people-pleaser so she tries to match her partner’s libido the best she can.
Starfire LOVES oral and anything to do with it! As long as it involves your mouth or hers, she’s all for it! She prefers more sensual and erotic sex as opposed to just rough fucking and loves to be praised and worshipped! Starfire is a sub at heart and she’ll definitely return the favor, treating her partner like the king/queen they are!
Starfire has had many accidents and mishaps during sex because of her powers which are embarassing and hilarious to say the least. Think “Sex Sent Me To The E.R.” kind of accidents. Needless to say, Starfire will not use her powers during sex and it’s one of the few things she refuses to budge on. 
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Has the most experience out of all the Titans and has the highest sex drive hands down. One-night stands, casual sex, FWBs, relationships, Raven has done it all and possibly even more! There isn’t much she hasn’t done honestly and yes she has slept with some of her fellow Titans at least once.
Raven enjoys sex and is very comfortable in her sexuality and body but is understanding towards others who are more conservative and/or repulsed since she has that outward appearance herself and doesn’t talk about sex unless the subject comes up. “Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets” is Raven’s motto.
Raven describes herself as an Ethical Slut and fits that trope perfectly to a T. She’s great to go to for sexual advice as well as relationship advice. She doesn’t shame people for having preferences or kinks nor does she shame people for having relationships that one might consider unconventional. But she will shame people for immoral and unethical views and actions and won’t sugarcoat her feelings either so be careful when confiding in Raven cause she’s no enabler!
Has a secret area in her room that’s a mix between a sex store and a sex dungeon which is where she keeps all of her sexual items. Toys, BDSM gear, various kinds of lube, the Karma Sutra (she’s done every position in it), porn, you name it, Raven’s got it. She always practices safe sex and will only have unprotected sex if she’s in a monogamous relationship and her partner has been tested first. Consent is also very important to Raven and she won’t do anything without her partner’s approval. Safe words are also required with her!
Raven’s favorite position is The Eagle and she likes rough sex with deep penetration. Talking dirty is a specialty of hers and she loves it whether it’s praising or degrading! She also loves spanking and choking. Raven is a switch and loves to roleplay so feel free to use your imagination! The sky’s the limit!
Beast Boy
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Sex? What’s that? Beast Boy would rather play video games instead. In spite of all the dirty jokes he makes and the occasional flirting he does, he’s not a very sexual person. Beast Boy is quite picky about his sexual partners and doesn’t have sex with just anyone. His libido is average and he can go a long time without sex if there’s no one special in his life as meaningless sex bores him to tears.
Beast Boy was indeed a virgin when he first joined the Titans and wasn’t in a hurry to lose it either. He did eventually lose it (to Raven no doubt) and he found sex more enjoyable than expected. The only other sex partner he has had is Terra and his sexual experience ends there. If he doesn’t have a partner, Beast Boy will just settle for porn and masturbation instead. Yes he does have a porn stash and some of his supply has come from Raven.
As one would expect, Beast Boy does indeed have a period of when he goes into heat and during this time, his libido skyrockets to the point where it could be higher than Raven’s! Beast Boy is unbearable to be around when he’s in heat because if he doesn’t have a partner, he becomes snappy, irritable, and mostly holes himself up in his room until it’s over. If Beast Boy does have a partner, they better be ready for the most animalistic, wild sex they’ve ever had! Unlike Robin, Beast Boy’s room isn’t soundproof so there will be a lot of noise coming from it to the point where it might be concerning. Let’s just say safe words are definitely a must with Beast Boy and his partner won’t be able to move let alone walk for quite some time once he’s no longer in heat!
Beast Boy’s aftercare is out of this world thanks to Raven teaching him! He’ll clean his partner up with a luxurious bubble bath, massage their sore limbs/muscles, and definitely feed them (he’s a pretty good cook!) all the while praising them and telling them how good they were. His partner will definitely feel pampered and be able to relax in luxury! 
Beast Boy’s favorite position is doggystyle and he prefers a slow build-up to rough sex with heavy anticipation. Teasing and making jokes is his trademark and it applies in the bedroom too! He always comes up with ways to make sex fun and memorable! Laughter will definitely be had when in bed with Beast Boy!
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Since Terra was a drifter prior to joining the Titans, her sexual experiences vary from borderline traumatizing to something that would make an erotica author blush. Although she’s not as experienced as Raven, she does have her own share of stories and doesn’t really mind sharing them as long as she’s comfortable with someone. Terra used to have a cynical view of sex but having more positive experiences has warmed her up to it and she’s become more sex-positive as a result.
Terra’s sex life has slowed down after joining the Titans and she has had sex with Beast Boy on many occasions as one would expect. She doesn’t mind having casual sex or relationships and they’re practically the norm with her. Terra also masturbates regularly and has her own collection of sex toys that she uses on herself and any partners that are interested. She doesn’t care much for porn and prefers to watch and read erotica instead, being a big fan of authors like Zane. Her erotica collection is pretty huge too.
Terra’s libido is pretty average and she can go a pretty long time without sex whether single or not. She has trouble initiating sex because of previous bad experiences so patience is needed in that area. If you initiate sex with her, it will be rare for Terra to turn you down and if she does, she has a good reason. Ethics are also important to Terra when it comes to sex especially because of said bad experiences and even bad things she’s done in the past.
Terra’s favorite position is The Lotus and she likes to be facing her partner regardless. She likes passionate sex and deep penetration as long as you don’t hit her cervix. Talk dirty to her and praise her please! Terra doesn’t like degradation so don’t even try it! Safe words are also a must with her. Terra has had issues with boundaries in the past and speaking her mind when it comes to her likes and dislikes so being sensitive to her needs and wants is a major plus.
Aftercare is something that Terra has rarely had so she doesn’t really have any expectations for that. All she does after sex is pee and shower. Pillow talk is also something Terra has rarely had but really wants. She’ll slowly try to initiate it and if you respond in kind, she’ll talk your ear off for hours! It’s so adorable honestly! Please give Terra some much needed attention and TLC!
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youthofpandas · 3 months
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What’s up with how the dunmeshi fandom just lies about this kind of stuff all the time. It is easily confirmable information that it was a monthly series, something incredibly common in the industry.
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A not weekly magazine schedule is literally common !! Especially in the seinen shoujo and josei demographics, sometimes monthly, sometimes biweekly, sometimes every two months, sometimes seasonal! Please stop lying about how Dunmeshi was some special unique creation that defies all standards of manga just to hype it up because it is so clear that every single one of these comparisons is centered around Weekly Shonen Jump (and understand that SJ has many magazines under its brand that are monthly or semimonthly). Not everything is WSJ and it needs to stop being the only point of reference in conversations like this 🤧
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