#I imagine him having a similar personality to Vlad
asher-turtle · 2 years
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So I got bored and I have this dress up app it's called batdoll and I was thinking about how Vlad clone Danny and his stable clone Danielle ended up younger (am female) so got me thinking of a younger clone of Vlad so I gave him off White color maybe reminiscent of cream instead of the gray color cuz I'm not giving a child gray hair I had fun with this ghost mode though picking out the colors of Vlads usual colors I may have gone with too much black but I think it looks good
Edit: so I was looking for a name for him I couldn't find any that weren't just Vlad with extra stuff (would probably do that though) anyways I settled on the name Victor
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My baby, you’re my baby.
Imagine dis…
You know, I have the songs Mitski - I Bet on Losing Dogs and Reba McEntire - I'm A Survivor.
So in memory of the ever ending loop finally dissappearing and now replaced with Wake up by Llunr… Here it goes…
In the heart of Gotham, The Teen Titans who are being led by Tim Drake (Robin), along with Conner Kent (Superboy), and Bart Allen (Kid Flash) are fighting a powerful magician. They had managed to hold their ground, but they were unable to pass the unending minions summoned by the magician, nor could they land a decent hit on the magician, who was fighting fire with fire. Knowing they needed magical ability, they asked Zatanna to handle the caster while they focused on the minions.
The air crackled with electricity as spells collided and blended in a frantic dance of light and power. Just as they were ready to gain the upper hand, two opposing spells from Zatanna and their opponent collided in what appeared to be a last-ditch attempt. A flood of raw, uncontrolled power surged toward them, wiping out the majority of the minions and now heading towards them, and before they could react, they were bathed in blinding light.
When the light went off, they found themselves in a completely dark room. Their senses heightened, and they stood alert, as all three of them wondered what the magic's effects would be. Light gradually appeared around them, presenting a scene that perplexed and concerned them.
A teenage male with dark hair stood in the center of the room, carrying a baby swaddled in a blue and star-printed blanket. The boy's eyes were sad and shiny, and his cheeks were swollen with unshed tears. He rocked the baby softly and sang a sweet tune. Surrounding him were walls and a small window that was too high and narrow for him to escape, but just right for a newborn baby.
On the other side of the window, another teen came this time with dirty blonde hair and freckles and bright green eyes. Crouching to look at the teen mentioned above, who is still humming as if in his little universe. He looked at the first teen, full of sadness and grief, and said, as no sound came from the scene, that it was time.
The dark-haired kid took a deep breath before pulling out a little necklace covered with snowflake decorations. He wrapped it around the baby's neck, his hands quivering. Tim automatically stroked the similar necklace that hung around his neck, disguised by the layers of clothes he wore.
Tim knew he was adopted; he had always known. He had always resembled his adoptive parents, Janet and Jack, making him the ideal heir to the Drakes. He had attempted to locate his biological parents but had only encountered dead ends. Now he understood he was seeing a long-forgotten memory.
The dark-haired teen gave the baby to the other kid, who cautiously reached through the window. As he did, Tim noticed the thick chains that shackled the dark-haired teen's body, blocking his escape. The boy stared at the infant one more time and mumbled something Tim couldn't hear.
The blonde teenager appears to convince the other teenager that he will find a suitable home for the baby he is currently carrying.
The dark-haired teen flashed a sorrowful smile and looked longingly at the baby, who was now struggling to wake up as if realizing that the person holding him was not his mom.
The blonde teen nodded and prepared his motorcycle, placing the baby who is now trying to have a crying feast in a sidecar alongside what appeared to be his dog with red eyes for further protection and sped off.
All three of them looked at the chained teen as he held his gaze to the vehicle up until it went smaller and smaller and until it vanished from his sight.
Just as they thought the scene was over they were immediately shattered as a large metal door that seemed to materialize behind them opened wide and out came walking someone they knew as they were already in the middle of investigating.
Vlad Masters
Someone who gained his wealth through mysterious ways that warrant an investigation as most of the deals are more favorable to Masters than to his so-called partners.
They saw Masters grab the teen roughly and began hissing through gritted teeth something, leaving bruises wherever he handled the chained teen.
The teen, on the other hand, seemed so detached, as if he completely removed himself from the present as he let Masters rough handle him.
Tim wanted to scream, to rage as both of his teammates were already holding him back from running towards something they know is something of the past.
That is his parent GODDAMMIT!, Tim raged in his mind, usually he would have been calm and collected, logical, and gathered the facts. But a single memory made all of his restraints snap.
All Tim ever wanted was to be loved, something he never received during his stay with the Drakes. Both Janet and Jack kept on mentioning how Tim should be grateful that he is the one chosen to stay under their roof with thousands of dollars at his fingertips.
But here he was watching something he was too young to remember, something that his head kept flashing.
The soft hum of a melody that he would sometimes hear deep within his mind as he tried to cry himself to sleep.
A single necklace is a connection between him and his biological parents.
Watching how helplessly his father was? Mother? Be abused, be chained down.
Maybe that’s why he couldn’t find a lead, Masters sent someone to handle the blonde teen who brought him to a nice orphanage before the Drake couple adopted him.
The scene faded as Tim, Conner, and Bart were brought back to reality. They awoke to find Zatanna watching over them, her expression filled with concern.
Zatanna said that they had been bound in a deep memory spell, which the magician had created to capture them in a recurrent memory, rendering them unable to discern between the memory and the real world. However, because she also sent out her counter, it only displayed a fleeting memory to stop them from ending up like Sleeping Beauty.
She chuckled as she glanced at them questioningly, hoping for the best, and thought they witnessed a memory that reminded them of a dark time during their hero times.
Tim sat up, still holding the necklace. He had observed a memory from his past that he had never known existed. It wasn't just a last-ditch attempt at a spell; it was a look into a long-held secret that he had forgotten.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
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inkbats-writing · 2 months
Au where the differences between Danny's and Vlad's accidents had a larger effect on their halfa status than in Canon. Because when you get to it they were very different and the fact they had similar end results is annoying.
So imagine with me for this au that a halfa can be defined as a person dying while exposed to a massive amount of ectoplasm that it excellerates the ghost formation process but before the ghost can exit the body they are resuscitated binding the ghost to the human body.
With that definition nothing really changes regarding Danny's accident. He was electrocuted while within an activately forming portal. He was exposed and then presumably resuscitated by Sam and/or Tucker bringing him back. But it does change things for Vlad.
Vlad was hit with contaminated ectoplasm. Rushed to the hospital they're treating it like an exposure to a poisonous unknown substance. They try treatments that should flush it out or neutralize it. But it doesn't work. The amount is rising in his body and it hurts. It burns. It chokes his lungs, screaming as he was shot might have doomed him, and his bones feel like liquid even when not moving.
And he dies. Many times he dies with the hospital staff quick to bring him back fascinated by this weird and interesting case. But while the ectoplasm is enough to start forming his ghost half the contamination prevents it from forming fully before he is brought back.
So 'Plasmius' forms mind and obsession locked onto the pain and agony of his death but then he fades only to reform with the next death now with anger and hatred at his former friends for leaving him behind to fading and coming back with a desire to control.
And then on the final death...when the amount of ectoplasm in Vlad is both large and purer than it has been that final death finally forms Plasmius ghost form, but it forms wrong. Too many times did Vlad's ghost half change the source of his obsession but yet still remembering the precious, still consumed by them too.
So you get two beings then. Seperate but connected one cannot continue without the other. But unlike plasmius, vlad is not truly bound by an obsession like a ghost is. He is not forcibly stagnant with his emotions. He can still change and better himself without risking his health or core.
And vlad recovers, with Plasmius watching over his human half (weaker more frail but important and needing plasmius' protection to ensure they both survive) and vlad sees how destructive and cruel and evil his other half is and feels guilt at what he indirectly created.
He is to blame for Plasmius (or he feels that way) and he does his best to mediate the damage the ghost will do in his desire to follow his obsessions. He can't stop it all but plasmius will often let him choose the target (sometimes the best you can do is making something hurt less than it could instead of stopping it outright) but he knows this can't be a permanent solution not with plasmius worsening obsession with vlad as a person himself.
That's all I really have for that but I just kinda wanted to write it down ya know?
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the-random-phan · 1 year
I just finished A Glitch in Time (legit seconds ago)
(This post is tagged, but just in case you haven't filtered it yet)
I absolutely LOVE that it ended with a hanging thread in the form of Valerie. I need to re-read to see what her attitude towards Danny specifically was. But she is absolutely gonna be gunning for Dan if she finds out about him. And does this mean there's two Valerie's now? Or just one?
I wonder where Dani is in this new world, how she'd react if she ran across the new Dan
All Vlad has ever wanted was a family, and now he has Dan (Vlad redemption AAAA?)
Also, a surviving clone??? (Er, not anymore. Technically. Hopefully it didn't have a consciousness of its own, or that's one more person bouncing around in Dan's head to deal with)
I love how that tidbit was set up earlier, I didn't really question it at the time but it was a very very good move
Not quite Ghost Speak and Obsessions, but Ancient Runes and a Purpose are pretty similar :D
(I was expecting Esperanto to be one of the languages listed that the Runes were based on, but it wasn't meant to be.)
Also, VladxMaddiexJack lovers (idk what ship name to use) I think this quote is perfect for y'all :>
"All I ever wanted was love, but my quest for power drove everyone away. Maddie, Jack... even young Daniel." -Vlad, page 152
Also also also!
Ghost King fodder, (focusing on the use of the word pariah)
"But if anyone's gonna unite the Ghost Zone and the human realm, it's gotta be me. The new me. Even if that makes me a pariah again" -Danny, page 172
Oh! And I can't wait to see what people do with the 'What if' if Danny chose the door where he lost his ghost powers. I can imagine the crossover potential, if choosing that door messed up the world a bit and merged another universe with Danny's
"In door one, everything will be reverted as it was, but you will no longer have your powers." -Clockwork, page 171
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 7 months
Hi! I've read your ectoham bad end!au and I found it kinda interesting. Would you mind if I shared with you a small contribution to this au, if you are interested?
Basically, it would delve into the consequences Dan's tinkering with the timeline and Randy's abuse at Dan's hands has had on Danny and Randy psyche.
Like, let's imagine that Danny manages to fix things and restore the original timeline, preventing Dan from existing, and that randy is restored to his fourteen years old self, instead of being eighteen or twenty two years old. Unfortunately, Randy's memories with Dan in that alternative future didn't get erased with the rest of the timeline, and he has veritable memories of four or more years being Dan's pet and boy toy, with everything that entailed: the abuse, the torture, the possible sexual assault.....
And that breaks him. Randy, the fluffy ball of sunshine and rainbows ends up absolutely traumatized of everything he went through as Dan's prisoner, and, as you said, developed Stockholm syndrome and codependency to his captor, something that doesn't disappear when the original Danny rescues him and makes everything return to its original state.
At first, Randy tried to shrug it off with his typical antics, but that doesn't last that much and he finds increasingly difficult to bring himself to pretend. What's worse, his time with Dan has made Randy have mixed feelings towards Danny. He still loves the ghost boy with all his heart, but now these feelings are mixed with the dread he harbored towards Dan, which makes Randy fall into old behavioral patterns when he's around Danny.
Because, although Dan was cruel, he could also act all lovingly and caring when he wanted, specially when Randy pledged to his wishes, which meant that Dan would give Randy treats when he was a "good boy" and behaved accordingly. After all, victims of abuse that have a toxic relationship abusers often feel that, when their abuser punishes them, it's somehow the victim's fault. So now Randy, everytime he's near Danny, acts in a similar manner when around Dan, which means that Randy tried to be as complacent and less obtrusive as possible, which translated to his boisterous and cheeky nature being mostly snuffed out.
However, Danny soon picks up the signals that something isn't quite right around Randy, mainly because, despite Danny not being the most empathetic person (that's Randy's forte, since he's far more extroverted) his time with Randy has made him become more aware of how people truly feels, so it doesn't take a long time for Danny to notice that randy doesn't look at him in the eyes any more, or that he shivers and gets stiff every time Danny holds his hand, and, of course, randy doesn't crack nearly as many jokes as he used to.
Danny eventually confronts randy about the issue, fearing that Randy doesn't love him anymore, because Danny didn't quite realize the full damage of Dan's actions and only assumed that randy would only be freaked out by his evil alter ego being big and scary. The issue is, Randy still loves Danny, but everytime he sees Danny, he also sees Dan, and the trauma inflicted by Danny and Vlad's fusion makes Randy increasingly difficult to dissociate one from the other, which translates to a mix of fear, revulsion, adoration and dependency.
Upon finding out how much Randy was hurt by Dan, to say Danny gets absolutely furious would be an understatement, but this time, instead of ruminating on his own feelings, he does his best to be the anchor Randy was always to him, because randy was always a source of support for Danny, and Danny wants to reciprocate, so Danny tries to be as supportive and patient as possible.
However, Danny also has his own problems, the discovery of the full extent of Dan's abuse towards Randy takes its toll on Danny psyche, since although Danny had always had an ambivalent relationship with his ghost powers, finding out what randy went through causes a spurt of bitter self-loathing to rise within Danny, which makes him to blame himself for Randy's actual condition. After all, Danny can't be sure that the abuse inflicted by Dan was all Vlad's half, otherwise, his own half would have refrained itself from hurting Randy so much, which makes him question wether he's a good person at all.
Also, he feels that he's losing randy with each passing day, as they are becoming increasingly distant, and although Danny starts to ponder wether he should break up with Randy, so that the distance will heal Randy's emotional scars with Danny being out of the picture, the feelings he harbors towards the purple haired boy, and the void he feels everytime he tries to imagine his life without Randy, whom he loves so very fucking much, makes Danny cry himself to sleep in his bed every night.
At the end, they remain together, and they manage to support each other, but the process of recovery is incredibly difficult, and it involves many, many sessions of therapy with jazz, which almost always end up with both of them hugging each other and crying their eyes out.
So, what do you think? Would it serve for a fanfic or what?
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i've been trying to continue working on the AU, but i was just so consumed by different fandoms and my eventual job that it was difficult to make time for it
if i ever decide to abandon the AU, i'm more than happy to give to someone who knew what my brain was thinking at the time
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Newbie Frustrations
Summary: No One Knows AU Part 10, Valerie meets Vlad for the first time when he asks her for a favor.
Valerie Gray does not need sidekicks, thank you very much.
She hasn’t had any kind of contact with the Vlad who sent her the suit before now, but if this is going to be what their meetings are like, she’s pretty sure she could do without.
But no, for the first time the person who gifted her ghost hunting equipment actually makes himself known, and Valerie is finding herself nothing but irritated by the interaction.
It’s more than a little disappointing.  She’d thought before about potentially learning about and meeting who sent her equipment, and how she’d thank him.  But when Vlad approached her, introduced himself, and took her to a training area he’d apparently had made for someone else, she found herself feeling a tad offended.
“You said they just started learning how to use the suits a couple weeks ago?” Valerie asks, putting her hands on her hips in an outward display of her irritation.
“Yes, but Miss Gray, please understand—”
“I don’t have time to babysit a couple of newbies!”
“Miss Gray, please,” Vlad says, holding up his hands.  “Allow me to explain.”
Valerie crosses her arms, but doesn’t say anything else.
“These are two individuals who have been hurt by Danny Phantom just like you have,” Vlad says, which is… not what Valerie expected him to say.
“Really?” Valerie asks despite herself.  She can relate to that, at least.  “Who are they?”
“They ah, wish to remain anonymous,” Vlad says.  “Surely you can understand that.”
Valerie gives a huff, but nods.  She can’t imagine anyone learning about her identity as a ghost hunter.  If these two want to keep their secrets, that’s fine.
“Fine,” she says.  “But that doesn’t mean I have time to show them the ropes.  I’ve got my own problems.”
“I understand, Miss Gray, but please,” Vlad says.  He gestures towards the two small chairs sitting on the other side of the room.  Valerie sighs and follows him over, then takes a seat across from him.
“I’m working with these two after a difficult time,” Vlad says.  “Surely you remember what it was like to lose everything in your life to Phantom and his ghost dog.”
Valerie nods.  It’s not a time she likes to think back on.  She’d spent the week watching her life fall apart around her, with nothing she could do about it until Vlad sent her the ghost hunting gear.  She’s adjusted better to it now, but there are still nights she goes to bed hungry and cursing Phantom’s name.
“These two are going through something very similar,” Vlad says.  “I understand that it’s a lot to ask, but could you please be there to help them work through it?”
Valerie sighs.  That’s a lot harder to say no to.  If Phantom is ruining other people’s lives, and she really wants to stop him and the harm he’s doing, how can she not be there to support other victims of his?
Finally, Valerie nods, looking back at Vlad.  “Alright,” she says.  “When am I supposed to meet these two?”
“If you can come back here tomorrow, about an hour after school, you can meet them then,” Vlad says.  “They’re eager to not put it off too long, I’m sure you can imagine.”
She can, though she doesn’t like it.  She does, however, agree to it, even if she heads home trying not to think about it too much.
Vlad made a training ground for these two, and not for her.  He met them first, and not her.
She supposes it was a bit much to assume Vlad would help her because he thought she was special.  He’s just trying to take out Phantom like she is.  She should just be grateful to have an ally who helped her become capable of joining the fight herself.  Of course he reached out to others, especially if they’ve been victims of Phantom too.  If he’d told her about them and then asked her opinion, she probably would have recommended they do the same thing.
…But he hadn’t asked her about it.
He’d met them first.
Today is a better one than most, because Dad’s work schedule lines up with Valerie’s, and he can pick her up and take her home instead of her adding an extra hour and a half by having to walk or take the bus.  Valerie’s pretty exhausted from her own shift, and more than a little sweaty from staying in the Nasty Burger mascot the whole time.  At least it’s getting colder, and she doesn’t have to wear the thing with the summer sun beating down on her.
Still, she stays awake on the drive home and listens to Dad talk about his day in favor of napping.  It’s a lot of boring science talk she doesn’t really understand, but she listens anyway.  If there’s one thing she can say the money troubles have done for her, she does like feeling closer with Dad.
Then, however, he finishes talking about his day and follows it up with “And how was your day, sweetheart?”
And obviously Valerie can’t tell him about the meeting with the Vlad or the coming meeting with Phantom’s latest victims tomorrow, so instead she talks about the math test that’s coming up that she’s not excited for, and how that’s definitely the biggest stressor in her life right now and it’s what she’s spending all her time thinking about.
…Okay, so maybe she doesn’t say all of that.
And maybe she doesn’t feel that much closer with Dad.
“I can help you study if it’s worrying you,” Dad says as they pull into their apartment complex.  “You have tomorrow off from work, don’t you?  You want to come by the lab after school and we can work on studying there?”
“Oh, uh, sorry Dad,” Valerie says with a wince.  “I have to meet with Mr. Lancer tomorrow to ask for an extension on my English essay.  I’ve been pulling too many shifts to have time to get it done.”
Which is… also true, actually.  She’s going to have to head there right after in order to kill just enough time to match up with Vlad’s schedule.
Dad pulls them into a parking space, then puts the car in park and turns to face her.  “Valerie, you know that your schoolwork needs to come before your job.  If you need more time to get things done I can pull some extra hours—”
“No,” Valerie says instantly, maybe a little too quickly.  But her Dad is too tired already, he can’t start pulling extra hours.  “Really Dad, I’m okay.  This is just a flukey thing, I normally have plenty of time.”
Though she’ll probably have plenty less of it if she has to start teaching two newbies how to ghost hunt—
“Alright,” Dad says, shutting off the car.  “Just let me know if I can help in any way.  And let me know when you want to study for that math test.”
“I will Dad,” Valerie says, thinking in her head about when in the world she’s going to find time for it.
She shakes the thought off as they both climb out of the car.  She grabs her backpack that has her schoolwork and hidden ghost hunting equipment in it, and Dad grabs his briefcase and the projects he has from work.  Dad locks the car behind them as they head up towards the building, and turns to Valerie as he uses his key to open the door.
“What are you thinking for dinner, sweetheart?” he asks, holding the door open behind him for Valerie as he walks inside.
“Do we have any ravioli?” Valerie asks.  “The kind with the meat inside?”  She needs filling food after an emotionally intense first meeting with Vlad followed by a long shift.
“I think we have a bit left,” Dad says with a smile as they both head for the stairs.  The complex’s elevator is still under repairs for another week (read: month), but thankfully they’re only on the second floor, and it’s not long before they’re inside the apartment and heading towards the kitchen.
“I’ll make some lemonade while you start on the ravioli?” Valerie offers.
“Sounds perfect,” Dad says with a nod, so Valerie pulls the lemonade packets out of the cabinet and the pitcher off the top of the fridge.
She dumps the lemonade packet in the pitcher first, then fills it with water, and starts stirring it with a wooden spoon as Dad sits down at the table, done setting the water to boil on the stove.  Valerie stirs for a little while longer, then sets the pitcher down on the table and goes back to the cabinet for cups.
She pours some lemonade in the two cups, then gets ice like Dad likes, and takes them both back to the table, handing the one with ice to Dad and sitting in the chair across from him.
“So hey,” Dad says as Valerie takes a sip.  “Do you wanna watch the next episode of Scalpels and Secrets while we eat tonight?”
“Oh hell yes!”
“Heck yes!”
Scalpels and Secrets is a medical drama her and Dad have gotten hooked on.  They decided pretty early on that they needed something to look forward to, since their life was likely about to get much harder than they were used to, and so they picked a cheesy medical drama to watch and get way too invested in.  It’s sort of a joke, but also Valerie isn’t sure what she’s going to do if Kelly actually forgives Kevin for cheating on her again.
But after the day she’s had, an escape with her Dad to the world of overdramatic doctors dealing with stupid problems sounds like exactly what she needs.
So while her Dad boils the ravioli, Valerie takes their cups into the living room and turns on the TV.  They knew they wouldn’t make the episode yesterday— Dad had a late shift and Valerie had ghosts to fight— so they recorded it, and by the time Dad walks in with two plates of ravioli for each of them, it’s cued up and ready to watch.
“Thanks Dad,” Valerie says with a smile at him as he hands over her plate.  He sits on the recliner, since they only have one and, like he always argues, his back definitely hurts worse at 45 than whatever Valerie’s done to hers.  (There are definitely some days after a long hard ghost fight when Valerie wants to disagree with him.)
But tonight she lets him with no argument and sits down on the ground next to the chair.  And with that, Dad starts the show, and Valerie feels her long day drain out of her shoulders as she leans back against the chair.
But seriously, if Kelly takes Kevin back again, she’s going to scream.
Valerie goes through the next day slightly dreading the meeting with Vlad and whoever Phantom’s latest victims are.  She’s not going to let any of them down, but she honestly wishes more than anything that there was someone else who could do this.  She has enough going on in her life without adding on taking care of two ghost-fighting newbies.
She’s going to do it anyway, though.  It would be a betrayal of everything she stood for otherwise.
So, after school, and after hanging around a little longer and successfully getting her extension from Lancer, she walks towards the building she met Vlad in yesterday.
She hears voices as she approaches, and stops outside before going in.  She looks around for a second, confirming no one else is there, before activating her suit and walking quickly through the door.
Vlad is talking with two people, who are also wearing suits, one that’s red like hers, and one that’s purple.
Great, she doesn’t even have an originally colored suit—
Valerie shakes the thought off and clears her throat.
All three of them turn to face her, a little too quickly for them to have known she’s there beforehand.
“I’m told there’s some people who want to meet with me?” Valerie asks, looking back and forth between the two people in suits like hers.
The one in the red suit almost seems to shrink back slightly, and the one in the purple suit immediately stands up taller.
“Yeah,” they say, and Valerie is pretty sure she picks out a girl’s voice from under the suit, though there’s clearly some kind of voice modulator going on there.  “You’re Valerie then?”
Valerie jerks backwards, then turns a glare at Vlad, even though he can’t see it from under the suit.  For a minute she wishes he could.  “So I can’t know who they are, but you told them who I am?”
“I’m sorry my dear,” Vlad says, looking genuinely remorseful.  “I figured they would have guessed eventually.  It’s not exactly private knowledge, what happened to you.”
Valerie feels her cheeks warm in anger and a little bit in shame underneath her suit, and is once again glad he can’t see her expression.  She keeps her hood on, the fact that they know who she is be damned.
“Fine,” she groans, turning back to purple suit.  “Yeah, that’s me.  Vlad said you two are the newbies I’m supposed to help?”
“I’m not a newbie,” purple suit snaps.  “We’ve been training for like a month and a half.”
Valerie raises an eyebrow, though still no one can see it, and looks around.  “In here?” she asks.
“Yeah, so?” purple suit asks.
Valerie doesn’t say anything, just turns her gaze back to them.
“I thought you might appreciate having some allies,” purple suit says.  “Since, you know, you’ve been doing this all alone?”
Valerie laughs a little, unable to stop herself.
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” purple suit snaps.
Valerie doesn’t say anything, and glances back at red suit, who still hasn’t said anything and is now looking at the ground.
Oh, the ghosts are going to eat that one alive.
“Alright,” Valerie says, glancing back at purple suit, who she dubs “Thing 1” in her head.  “Yeah, I’ll help you.  But come with me, we’re not training here today.”
“You want to just fly out there in the open?” Thing 1 asks.
“Well, you’re gonna have to get used to that anyway,” Valerie says, crossing her arms.  “We’re going a bit outside of town.  Come on.”
She turns and walks back out the door, pulling her board up so she can fly as she does.  She doesn’t look back, but eventually hears the sound of two other boards following her.
“Hey,” snaps Thing 1, flying up next to her.  Thing 2 stays thoroughly behind her, and Valerie doesn’t pay them much mind.  “You want to explain why you’re dragging us out to the middle of nowhere?”
Valerie glances over at her.  “You’ve spent all your time training in there, have you?” she asks.
“Yeah, so?  What, are you just jealous you never had someplace like that?”
Valerie laughs to cover the spark of anger at Thing 1 having guessed a little bit right.  “As if,” she says.  “That place is calm and stationary.  Practically peaceful.  Good for learning basic controls, but not much else.  Ghost fights aren’t like that.  They’re fast-paced, and they regularly change with no warning.  You can’t be prepared for them if you spend your whole time practicing indoors.”
“Vlad never mentioned that,” says a new voice, and Valerie turns in slight surprise at the first time Thing 2 has spoken.  Sounds like a boy, still with voice modulation.
She narrows her eyes a second later, turns in midair and crosses her arms.  “Well it’s not his job to teach you everything,” she says.
Thing 2 doesn’t say anything in response, and after a second Valerie turns back to Thing 1.  “We’re going out to the woods so you can weave in and out of trees.  You need unfamiliar terrain to practice in.”
“Fine,” Thing 1 says, though she doesn’t sound happy about it.  Valerie smirks a little under her hood.
She leads them all towards the outside of town, going on until they meet the woods, which takes them about half an hour.  Valerie slows to a stop in midair and turns to Thing 1 and Thing 2, who have stopped behind her.
“So we’re just flying around the trees?” Thing 1 asks, glancing around.
Valerie smirks again.  “Sure.  But oh, one more thing.”
“What’s that?”
Valerie raises her blaster and fires it at the same moment, aiming for the space right in between Thing 1 and Thing 2.  Both of them cry out in surprise and dart to the side.
“Hey, what the hell?” Thing 1 snaps.  “A little warning would be nice!”
Valerie laughs.  “You think ghosts are particularly inclined to give you a heads up?  If you’re so qualified after your indoor training, prove it!”
This time she aims and fires right at Thing 1, who dives out of the way with an angry growl, then behind a tree for cover.  Valerie aims for Thing 2, who hasn’t moved, like an idiot.  But the second she fires at him, Thing 1 dives out from behind the tree and shoves Thing 2 to the side, putting herself right in the line of fire with just enough time to dive out of the way again herself.
Valerie laughs again.  “Aww, that’s adorable, you like each other,” she says.  “That’ll get you killed, you know.”
“You know, you could stand to be a little nicer,” Thing 1 snaps, whirling to face Valerie and firing her own blaster at her.
“There you go!  You’re finally getting it,” Valerie says with a grin that Thing 1 can’t see.  She dives easily to the side and fires again, once at Thing 1 and twice at Thing 2, who clearly needs a little more practice.  Thankfully Thing 2 finally starts to get his head in the game, and dodges the blasts instead of waiting for Thing 1 to shove him out of the way again.
Thing 1 fires at her, and Valerie flies over in between the leaves of two trees, staying just low enough that she can dodge larger branches while still being able to use the leaves of cover.  She weaves back and forth, as well as doubles back around a couple times, and while the leaves do make it a little harder to see Thing 1 and Thing 2, she still gets four shots in, which is four more shots than Thing 1 and Thing 2 get at her.  In fact, most of the time after she fires a shot at them they whirl around from having been facing the complete opposite direction from her, meaning they clearly hadn’t had a clue where she was.
After a couple more minutes of this, Valerie takes pity on them both and flies up above the trees entirely.  “Alright, truce!” she calls.
With a frustrated huff, Thing 1 flies up after her.  Thing 2 follows a moment later, panting, and rests with his hands on his knees.
“Do you see my point yet?” Valerie asks, crossing her arms.
“Yeah, alright,” Thing 1 snaps.  “You don’t have to be a bitch about it.”
“Excuse me?” Valerie raises her arm and fires another blast at Thing 1, this time not at all trying to miss her.  She’s not aiming to hurt her, though, so Thing 1 just gets blasted back a few feet.
That doesn’t stop Thing 2 from leaping in front of her to prevent further blasts, though.  So they’re both idiots.
“Hey!” Thing 2 snaps.  “We’re on the same side here!”
“I am finding time in my life, which is always incredibly busy, to help you two not die,” Valerie snaps.  “I don’t really have the time or desire to babysit, but I’m doing it anyway.  And now you’re yelling at me because I don’t have the right attitude?  Who’s the bitch exactly?”
“We don’t need babysitting—” Thing 1 starts.
“You’re right,” Thing 2 says, shoving his arm in front of Thing 1’s face.  “I’m sorry.  We clearly do need your help, we should be nicer about you offering it.  Thank you.”
Thing 1 huffs and crosses her arms, but doesn’t say anything else.
Valerie looks at them both for a minute, then sighs.  “It’s alright,” she says.  “Look, Phantom messed up my life too, so I get it.  That doesn’t mean I’m gonna go easy on you, but… I know what you’re going through.”
“Doubt it,” Thing 1 mutters, and Thing 2 elbows her in the side.
Valerie narrows her eyes at Thing 1.  “Just don’t expect me to have time to help you every day,” she says, glaring at Thing 1, then Thing 2, even though they can’t see it.  “I do have my own problems.”
“I understand,” Thing 2 says with a nod.  “We wouldn’t ask you to anyway.”
“Good,” Valerie says.  She looks around them with a sigh.  “For now, I’d say you two should get outside more and practice in less familiar environments.  And be prepared for things in an actual fight to change very quickly.  I can’t always be there to watch your back.”
Thing 2 nods again.  “Thanks.”
“I have to go now,” Valerie says with a nod back.  “I have things to do.  I’m guessing I’ll see you at the next ghost fight.”
She flies off before she can get an answer, heading for the Nasty Burger.  She’s going to have to find some way to get enough energy to work as a customer service mascot for the next six hours.
…She’s doomed.
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new-revenant · 1 year
I want to suggest more headcanon!
Even if Danny can't remember his former fairies, there's still nothing stopping them (a list of rules that Timmy breaks 24/7 and most of that is "fixed" by using by erasing memory) from visiting him? Let's say Cosmo and Wanda remember their former godson (maybe that's Timmy's wish) and they tell and show Timmy about Danny, at least their year together and the reason they left. But Danny was a good boy.
Timmy, who knows nothing about Danny at first: How miserable was he to be given fairies? I don't think there's anything worse than my silly parents, school bullies, and evil babysitter Vicki with a chainsaw.
Wanda: total disregard for her children, ignoring them, ghost hunting, hunting us which was worse than Crocker. Building a portal, huge amounts of ectoplasm that gets on food and attacks you
Ghost! fairies who flew by: Ah, and don't forget the Fentoms and GIW hunt for Danny himself for the purpose of experimentation and possible vivisection on him
Timmy and Wanda: Holy crap. //
A little suggestion of an idea where Timmy and the others visit Amity Park with the hope of making friends with Danny. Besides Poof, Timmy could have another brother! Maybe Cosmo and Wanda can only make themselves visible to the kids or Timmy himself, but they still behave discreetly.
Maybe Timmy and Phantom meet when Danny is hiding in an alley and he is badly hurt, and Timmy cautiously wishes the danger would go away and Danny himself would be healed.
Several other situations are possible for encounters followed by friendships, there are the usual ones where Danny can appear through natural portals to Timmy for companionship and relaxation. (Imagine that he could moonlight as a babysitter for Timmy, Timmy's parents wouldn't notice the difference or what's going on around him anyway) Cosmo and Wanda are watching their old godson. // If Sam and Tucker see Timmy's fairies, Danny's new friend, I'm sure they won't be surprised, since they've seen plenty of similar ghosts. Timmy tries to conjure something? He is immediately gagged, stopped and warned about Desiree, whose wish fulfillment always makes bad sense
Link to first fairy post - Link to the second
I imagine the way Timmy finds out about Danny is by wishing(or just asking) about who was the godchild they spent the least amount of time with, just cause he was curious about it.
Cosmo and Wanda look at each, shudder, and explain about this poor kid who’s parents tend to neglect because they hunt ghosts, build ghost hunting weapons, and were currently building a portal to the Ghost Zone at the time which took up so much of their time. And it was also Christmas time, which was the worst for Danny. You know, all the things you’ve listed and more. All of this is very interesting to Timmy, so he wishes to go to the town Danny’s in, Amity Park.
He walks around and right into a ghost fight. He’s on the sidelines, looking at Phantom dodge countless boxes from the Box Ghost. Cosmo tries to point out that he looks a bit like Danny and Wanda shuts him up real quickly.
The moment Timmy tries to wishes for something, Sam and/or Tucker covers his mouth and swiftly explains the whole Desiree situation to him. They also explain that Phantom’s fine. And Danny is fine, he traps the Box Ghost in the thermos and comes over to group. Timmy says hi, that he’s visiting the town for…reasons.
Then Shulker comes in with a steel chair and knocks Danny out. Danny reverts back into human form and Timmy(and his currently-disguised-on-his-person-as-buttons fairies) freak out. Sam and Tucker jump into action and managed to drive Shulker away, with Timmy’s help once they throw him a blaster.
Timmy tries to explain that he’s here because of ☆magical reasons☆ to help Danny out, trying to not say anything about his fairies. He explains enough about his knowledge of Danny that Sam and Tucker think that he either could be telling the truth, or he’s a pawn of Vlad’s.
So now Timmy’s stuck in Amity Park and can’t just wish himself away. And to he pretends to be Danny’s cousin so he can temporarily stay with him while trying to get the hell out of here. Let’s hope it’s summer time and that Timmy’s parents are on vacation.
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galahadwilder · 2 years
While Gabriel is searching for a new Akuma victim for the evening, he happens across a man who stands out to his magical senses for some reason that Monarch isn't entirely certain of. Curious, Monarch scans his emotions, and finds a man of startling similarity to himself: a misanthropic hermit of a man who loved deeply, selfishly, passionately, and self-destructively. A man who has lost his love, whose grief and rage over the loss burn within him still, would burn the world if he could. It is a deep, abiding rage, not a flash--one that, if harnessed to Nooroo's power, would lead to an intelligent, calculating opponent for Ladybug instead of one who would lash out blindly as most do.
Monarch, delighted at the kindred spirit, sends out an Akuma, though the man possesses no Alliance ring. The butterfly lights on the man's wedding ring, and Monarch speaks.
"Hello, Eternal Flame," he says. "The world has taken your wife from you. I offer you the power--"
"There is no power you can offer me that I do not already possess," the man interrupts.
Monarch's brow furrows. "I am Monarch," he says. "I am the most powerful person in Paris. I command the gods themselves."
The man snorts. "Only the gods?" he says. "Paris' standards have certainly fallen since my youth."
Monarch is utterly flabbergasted. How dare this man? "Young man, I can cause you--"
"Mathias," the man interrupts. "My name is Mathias."
"I do not care what your name is!" Hawkmoth shrieks. "You will bow!"
"How quickly humans forget," the man murmurs with a rueful, almost boiling growl in his voice.
Monarch barely has time to process that the man has said "humans" before suddenly he is not where he was. The seat at the cafe where the man was sitting is filled with empty air.
Instead, the man is standing in front of Monarch. Inside his lair. Towering over him.
The man is two meters tall if he's a centimeter. Maybe more. Calm, implacable menace radiates from his pale skin like light from a star. He wears an open black coat that covers him from chin to knee, a coat that would have stretched to the ankle of an ordinary man.
The man lifts a hand, lazily, his fingernails stretching as he does. Growing into talons. He places one sharpened nail beneath Monarch's chin, and the villain feels it--impossibly--pierce his mask, dig into his skin. Feels the blood well up.
"You would seek... to command... me?" the giant man intones, bemused.
Monarch says nothing, save for the fear he can feel screaming from his widened eyes.
"In my youth, I was known as Mathias Cronqvist," the man rumbles. "Paris was my home. You are not welcome in it."
"What..." Monarch croaks, feeling the deadly point beneath his chin shift against his skin with each word. "What are you?"
The stranger smiles, but there is no mirth in it. His smile is one of fury, of superiority, of violence. Monarch isn't certain whether he imagines the fangs that seem to creep from the man's mouth.
"I am Vlad Dracula Tepes," the man growls, his voice soft. "I. Do not. Bow."
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elzifelzi · 1 year
so what if like he ends up having to go to their school cause technically he’s Danny’s age and people call them twins? I’m wondering if he changes how he looks and his name to avoid that
Oh i don't doubt that he's gonna have to go school.
My whole thing was would Vlad actually end up sending him to casper high so that he can learn to be a normal teen again or if cuz he's rich Vlad sends him to like a preppy private school.
Appearance wise he'd definitely need to change it somehow just so that his blatant resemblance to Danny becomes more fleeting.
Cuz I imagine that it would be kinda difficult for Vlad to explain to the Fentons why his adopted son looks 100% like Danny to a T and also shares a similar name
I personally like the idea of him having longer hair possibly piercings and keeping his red eyes in human form like punk Danny or delinquent Danny.
As for Names I keep calling him Dean Masters in my head.
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 3 months
Because I have been thinking a lot about Vlad's mother and crafting her character these days, I have been thinking about all the ways Vlad takes after her. I make them have a close bond and imagine Vlad to be a bit of a momma's boy (mostly because we know that Vlad Dracul favoured Mircea)... but what if their bond is so close because his personality is so similar to hers?
The popular interpretation is that Vlad was hot-headed, short-tempered, and passionate after Vlad Dracul. It kind of makes sense — you paint a picture of a valiant and brave hero, super masculine and badass, while the wife is more subdued and reserved, more analytical, and tame. But when you look at the facts, Vlad Dracul's rule was hardly marked by bravados and risky endeavours. In fact, he seems to be more of a cautious ruler, even a very diplomatic one. Vlad's character and ruling style actually resemble the House of Mușat a bit more. Bogdan II, Vlad's uncle, was known for his strict policies against the Moldavian boyars in a manner that Vlad later incorporated into his own agenda. Stephen the Great was also a ruler prone to taking greater risks, and the two voivodes often shared similar policies and outlooks.
We could argue that Vlad could have been greatly influenced by his mother's side of the family during his stay in Moldavia, but I feel like it would be plausible to work with the option that the philosophy and worldview he found among this side of his family closely aligned with his own... because those values came from his mother.
In my story, I want to shed more life on the women in Vlad's life, mostly because we know next to nothing about them. We know their names (if even), but they were often deemed uninteresting — yet they were living and breathing human beings, and I believe they must have possessed brave and strong personalities because of when they lived, who they lived with, and who they raised. We also have this rooted image of medieval women being soft and submissive, hiding in the shadows, even though the reality often could not have looked more different. I believe they deserve as much spotlight as the brave men whose stories are being told — obviously, more fictionalised as we lack the facts, but deserving of having a voice, too.
I love the idea of Vasilisa being a hidden little spitfire, a graceful and poised lady who, at the same time, spoke her mind and thought for herself, sharing those traits with her son and encouraging him to protect that fire within himself. Because he can. Because he does not have to hold it back the way she has to but can instead use it to reach his full potential.
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syneilesis · 11 months
perhaps a question, or a few: i’m sure kicho knows his actions are behind y/n’s eventual death, but is there wishful thinking, you think, on his part? because he doesn’t strike me as a person who’d say declarations of love, promises of a better future, assurance of protection just for the sake of it. surely, somewhere somehow, there’s some form of self-deception somewhere?
and and if this is true, i can’t imagine (or rather, curious) how he’d come to the realisation that he’d actively cause the demise of his love one. will he chuck it as collateral damage? as a means to an end? or will he just buckle and spiral?
cries would you be so kind to give us a peek? a short drabble maybe? or perhaps just a few liners 😩😩😩
Ohh! First of all, thank you for these questions! Questions about my fics make my heart aflutter 🥺😊💖
But to answer your questions: Well, I actually have two kinds of answers lol. The first one is: everything that isn't explicitly mentioned in the fic can be up to the reader's interpretation! The fic is written in a way that we know only what the MC is going through, so the ambiguity in those gaps can be filled by your imagination :D
The second answer is much more lengthy and detailed and contextualized, so I'll put it under a cut.
I wrote i bruise my hands on the living cage when Kicho's route hadn't been announced yet in JP, and the only information I had of him was from his introductory story, Nobunaga's sequel, and Motonari's route. I've always been drawn to morally ambiguous characters whose goals may be good but the means to achieve them isn't necessarily moral itself (hehe I'm looking at you, too, Vlad). So, in this case, I'd like to explore what might happen if, ya know, Kicho won.
Some things that I had to be firm about writing the fic: Kicho wins, at a cost. And that cost is MC. Try as she might to stop him, MC ultimately fails. So she disappears/dies/is erased from existence at the end of the fic. Sorry, MC lol
I also had this flavor of Kicho in mind: so absorbed in his goal that he'd do everything to achieve it – which in a way broke him. So he's a little more mad and deluded in the fic.
For your first set of question, you're right! This Kicho is overconfident about his capability to fulfil two things: achieve his goal and keep MC safe beside him. It's his hubris that would do him in, and it did. He got the former, but not the latter. I don't know if it came across in the writing, but the scene where Kicho found out that MC was affected by his tampering with historical events, his reaction was supposed to come off as unnerving and alarming. At that point he's already blinded by his goal; he's going to win no matter what. This man had such severe tunnel vision!
For the second set of question ... hmm ... this is the more ambiguous area where you can imagine whatever you want. Honestly I've thought little about the aftermath haha, because I was focused on MC's POV. I'm torn whether to say something further! Lol. Because what I'd think may be different from yours and it may not be what you're looking for. But! For you, anon, I'll try hehe.
Let's see ... (please brace yourself?)
The symptoms I used in the fic was similar to the ones in Nobunaga's sequel: blackouts, etc. But once Kicho won, the result would be an altered future, where MC would not exist. And then time travel rules and all got applied – which meant that MC would get erased in existence in the present (past?) timeline. She'd disappear. Kicho wouldn't be there when it happened. Back in his manor (?), MC would feel and see herself disintegrating, and her last thought would be, I'm sorry, Kicho.
When Kicho came home, there's no sign of MC anywhere. At first he thought that she'd left, but eventually he'd figure it out. Her things were, after all, still there. And it would devastate him, like a maw suddenly devouring his heart. He'd be in denial at first. He was so sure of the results, never did he think that he'd miscalculate. It was impossible. This was the one thing that he had no contingencies.
He'd probably fall to his knees and for a very long time stare at the futon where they'd lain together the night before. His mind would be blank the entire time.
And then, more effects of the timeline disruption! Because MC's existence had been erased, the people who knew her began to forget her. As if she never existed in the first place. Kicho would feel in his mind the slow death of his memories of MC. One memory after another, it would fade into oblivion, and he couldn't stop it. Before the last of his memories of MC disappeared permanently, Kicho swallowed and thought to himself, This is the price of my conviction.
So he lived the rest of his life under the consequences of his ambition. In that regard, he was satisfied. But there were times when an inexplicable sorrow consumed him, and he couldn't identify the cause. Sometimes, he felt emptiness: when he'd lie down to sleep, he'd seek for a warmth that wasn't there. When he'd appraise a kimono for trade, he'd turn his head as if to talk to someone, but he had nobody with him. These were some things that confused Kicho, but no matter what he did there were no answers to soothe his clamoring heart. No answers.
That was the price of his conviction.
Phew, that got long. So long story short: Kicho genuinely loved MC, but ultimately chose his ambition 🥲
I hope I answered satisfactorily? If not, I'm sorry 😂😭 But I truly enjoyed your ask, anon! I hope you'll come back in the future 💖
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Ashley and Tubbimura are my brotp, because somehow, despite how volatile they can get with other people on their side, I think they're really click. Jack would even get annoyed at how well they get along with each other. Plus their outfits are kind of similar, they both wear dark bodysuit things and fight with concealed blades, Katnappe's just has a cat theme. (I don't know if Muffinface and Katnappe's cats would get along, though?)
You took the words right out of my mouth!
Although in the beginning, Ashley feels resentment because, according to her, he smells like a dog. But as they interact more she changes her mind and considers him 'the most OK freak in the team' (I refer to Spicer Squad, which consists of Jack, Vlad, Tubbi, Katnappe, and Cyclops).
And I think they'd click in more 'opposites attracts' sort of way? because despite these similarities anon pointed out, still, they have way waay different personalities. Tubbimura is all about getting the job done, the honor of a warrior and I could even say he's more introverted, while Ashley does not matter about any rules, she does what she wants and I get an impression she likes being in the center of attention, hence her more extroverted behaviors.
On top of that, we have Tubbimura as someone who is hard-working while Ashley has more 'yeah work can wait' attitude. I've seen somewhere a fanart in which Ashley interrupted Tubbimura's meditation practices only to mess with him and tbh their relationship in my mind, can be boiled down to this. They accept each other different outlooks on life however Ashley has also that quality of playfulness. If she likes someone, she can ruffle that person's feathers. It happens very rarely, tho. (that's why it's hilarious to imagine other xs characters who see Tubbi and Ashley getting along and assume their immediate thought is: 'wait why isn't she insulting him? Something's ain't right')
As for their pets - I'll say Ashley's kitties would go full enemy mode on Muffinface. Cats in general do not like dogs and vice versa. Although, with these residual scenes featuring Tubbimura's dog - I think being scared of everything is literally almost its character trait. Once Muffinface sees Ashley's kittens hissing at him, he immediately runs away.
But tbh I can't help but imagine kittens softening to Muffinface the same way Ashley had to do so with Tubbi. I'm a fan of videos of cats cuddling with dogs and you have to admit that would be extremely cute if Ashley's kittens hugged Muffnface so he would stop trembling in his sleep. Sometimes a chihuahua has to get from 4 to 9 emotional support mutated cats.
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Twisted truth 9: By @magmacartoons
Warnings: Foul language
Y/n and T Freddy found themselves in a different hidden room
“Is this the place?” Y/n asked
The girl nodded and floated towards a chart of some sorts
“What’s all this?” T Freddy asked
“I don’t know, but honestly, this looks chaotic as hell.” Y/n said, slightly uncomfortable and confused
“Wait a second.” T Freddy said, and he pointed to a year 1984 down to 1987. “Is this a timeline chart?” He asked
The spirit nodded.
“I see. But what’s it all for?” He wondered
Back in his office, Detective Chase was looking over some papers
“Here you are, Chase.”
“Thanks.” Chase said, holding the cup of water
“Going over those files on the murdered children again, huh Chase?”
He just said nothing, and stared blankly at the files
“Why do you keep looking through those? That case was closed almost decades ago. I don’t see what it has to do with today’s Fazbear pizzeria at all.”
“The case was never closed. It was just dismissed since there was never a lead on who murdered those kids. Besides, if you recall, my daughter was one of those kids.” Chase said, looking at the picture of his daughter
The man nearly spit his drink out after that. “Oh. Yeah. I’m so sorry, Chase. I forgot-”
“It’s fine, Vlad. Like you said, it’s been a long time since it happened. Why don’t you go and stay home for the rest of the night? I can finish the rest of the work on my own.” Chase suggested
“You sure?” Vlad asked. “I don’t mind staying late and helping out.”
“It’s fine, Vlad. I can handle the rest.” He said
“Alright then. But don’t overdo it this time. I better not come in tomorrow and see you still here. Say hi to the wife for me.” Vlad said
“Will do.” Chase said, blankly
Back at the pizzeria, the 3 were talking about what the chart was for
“This newspaper talks about your killing.” T Freddy said
“And it leads to…no way. Five more killings?!” Y/n said, realizing what it really was
“Holy crap! I get it now! This is a timeline chart for the events that happened at the pizzeria!” T Freddy exclaimed
“T Freddy, look.”
He grabbed a newspaper with pictures of different kids. “These must be the other murdered kids. That’s awful. They were so young.” He said sympathetically
“Poor kids. I can’t imagine what their parents were feeling at the time. What kind of sick person would do something like this?” Y/n asked out loud. The spirit really felt bad for her because she didn’t know the truth yet, but at the same time, she wouldn’t be able to handle it
“Hang on a second.” T Freddy's voice broke the girls out of their thoughts
“Hey, that’s the man in purple who murdered her.” Y/n mentioned. “And it says here, his name is…”
“William Afton.” Chase read on the paper. “Accused of murdering five kids at Freddy Fazbear’s pizzeria, but proven incorrect, due to the lack of evidence.”
“Why does this man seem so familiar? I know I’ve seen him somewhere else before.” He thought
“Is he the one who murdered those five children, too?” T Freddy asked and the girl nodded
“That sick bastard!” Y/n said, gritting her teeth in anger
“It says here in this paper that he went missing after proven innocent.” T Freddy read
“Well, hopefully, he’s gone for good.” Y/n muttered
“Huh. He kinda looks… familiar for some reason.” T Freddy mentioned
The spirit grabbed a picture and handed it to them
“What’s this?” He wondered. “Hey, this one’s about Mr. Dave.”
“That’s a picture of my dad.” Y/n said feeling confused
“Jeez. That Freddy Fazbear’s place went up in stocks again.” Chase said. “God, Mr. Dave. Something just seems off about you. I know it.” He thought.
“Wait a damn minute.” He said as he grabbed a picture and tried to connect the dots
“But I don’t understand. What does that have to do-” Y/n said, as the spirit held the picture towards the other of Afton
“With… the… murder?” She finished
“Huh. They look so similar.” T Freddy said
“Their eyes, their noses, they look almost identical, and their facial structure…” Chase said
“It’s the exact same as the other.” He said
“No way.” T Freddy said, realizing it
“Wait… what?” Y/n said
They were both finally connecting the dots and realized what it was all for and who the daughter’s father really was
“Holy shit” Chase said
“Oh my god.” T Freddy said
“No…. It… it can’t be…” Y/n said
“Are you telling me that…”
“Mr. Dave…” T Freddy said
“My own father is…” Y/n said
“Is actually…” T Freddy said
“WILLIAM AFTON!” Chase finished
“The man who slaughtered the kids.” T Freddy and Y/n said
And when she found out the truth, it left her distraught
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eliasbookshelf · 2 years
Elias' Bookshelf Thoughts No. 13: The Bromance Book Club #1 & #2
The title caught my attention first, because it's just so damn catchy. And truth be told, when people talk about book readers, they rarely refer to men. Like, men don't read books or something. Like men who read books are such an abnormality, we're like unicorns. So yes, the title caught my eye because its reference to both men and books.
Flipped the book over, and the synopsis got me immediately. It was an easy decision to pick up the first book. No regrets; I loved it so much I got the second and third book. Didn't pick up the fourth one yet (and apparently there's a Christmas novella I can't find) so that would be a future buy.
So, the premise of the first book is simple. Gavin, a famous football player (and super hot, my imagination ran wild) is having a problem with his marriage to Thea. His friends, fellow (hot) football players came to help. Simple, but then it got interesting. The other guys gave him advise based on a romance novel the group is currently reading. (just imagine, super hot straight football guys, reading romance novels, ones which they could have been on the cover, which they consider life guides to understand women better. I guess in a fictional world, that's plausible. I personally never thought of those books that way, but now I'm super curious about them. I may just pick up one some time eheh). He didn't buy that at first, but eventually their marriage troubles were resolved. Thea (i think) gave them the nickname the Bromance Book Club.
That element, the bros reading romance, is definitely a novelty I really liked in this series. It's fresh and unique, I think, since I haven't come across a similar concept in the books I've read (either that or I haven't read that many books yet). I was instantly bought over by the concept, and throughout the book, Gavin too reads the book-within-the-book to get ideas on how to fix his marriage. Along the way, hilarity ensues with their attempt to hide the fact that the guys are reading such novels (or reading in general, I wasn't sure, but it definitely feeds to the stereotype that hot athletic men don't read. Although I don't know any hot athletic men to ask them if they read at all. I don't have many guy friends IRL *sad*) The story is a fun ride, and the few sex scenes are quite hot. Also, thanks to Thea for the really good description of Gavin's sexy body, we love that.
The novelty (heh) of the guys reading got me super interested in the rest of the books in the series, so I picked up book numbers 2 and 3. The second book is Undercover Bromance, and third is Crazy Stupid Bromance.
I've recently finished reading book 2, Undercover Bromance, so let's continue talking about that.
While book 1 focuses on the book club newbie, Gavin, this second book (and it seems the third book as well) shifts the focus on Braden Mack, the only single guy in the book club. A hotshot bar/restaurant owner who always knows how to charm the girls (also the way he's written, he sounds really hot, damn). The story's main plot shifts from the guys to a side character from book 1, Thea's sister Liv. She works at a restaurant, then got fired after uncovering a dirty little secret of the restaurant's owner, then goes on a mission to expose her former boss. Her mission eventually leads her to Mack. There's drama along the way, with Liv's efforts to fall into the trap of Braden Mack's charm.
This book also features the same running gag of the Russian guy, named Vlad (very ... stereotypical?? I don't personally know any Russian so I don't know if it's a super common name) having gastrointestinal problems, with a hilariously-written fart scene (not unexpected, but still hilarious).
The thing about book 2 is that it lacks that unique novelty that's heavily featured in book 1. There's little to no reference to the book, even with the first scene in the book featuring the guys going to a bookstore and Mack picking out a book titled The Protector (foreshadowing his relationship with Liv). The story then prods casually but steadily and switched between Liv and Mack's plotting, Liv's life struggles, Mack's internal conflicts, and both of them resisting each others' charms and not acknowledging the sexual energy forming between them (one they eventually but not surprisingly succumbed to, although I don't blame her. I feel his sexual energy radiating from the pages; either that or I have a very good imagination I never knew I had. Also, they kiss a lot of times though). There was some mention of the book Mack's reading, but we don't get the excerpt-style info like we did with Gavin and his reading of Courting the Countess. It's not a bad thing, but I was expecting something similar. It doesn't devalue the story, though, but that's probably because I was invested with the series and the guys already.
The plot moves along the similar lines as the first one but thematically different, so it's nothing unexpected or particularly surprising. A good read, nonetheless.
Stars: 3.5 Recommended: Yes, but you have to read the first one before going into this or some things don't make much sense without context from book 1.
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It’s a quark-gluon plasma.
No. Nothing with quarks.
It’s an observational rebuttal of the Lambda-CDM model of the universe.
It sounds like a chocolate chip cookie.
All Might:
You got that from their descriptions?
I legit do not understand physics.
Vlad King:
Why are Eclipse’s dads here again?
No. 13:
Kurogiri Senpai said it would be fun.
And it is.
I’m literally drawing a circle with dots in it-
No you guys get a point, it does look like those.
I know right?
The similarities they share!
I should’ve drawn triangles instead of dots.
Power Loader:
Okay next. I’ll draw.
Sir you need to focus on this, this can be real hard.
All Might:
Really? I gotta watch then. Do you just listen, Eclipse?
I’m smelling my iced tea instead of the pen’s ink so I’m just gonna use my hearing and imagination.
All Might:
I still don’t understand how do you imagine pictures when you haven’t even seen.
I dunno how does it work either.
Are those bacons?
Power Loader draws in science ways but not even the math teacher understands him.
Power Loader’s so bad drawing.
Power Loader:
I’m trying okay?!
Recovery Girl:
Any guesses, Principal?
Principal Nezu:
No, I’m good here with my tea.
May i have some?
Shota Aizawa:
Yeah here’s the teapot.
A hot dog!
Power Loader:
I am spoon-feeding this to you.
Just airplane it to us. Is that the outermost shells of an element?
It could be but what element??
Casper the alcoholic ghost!
All Might:
Why is there a dead body??
Power Loader:
Yes! Finally! I have no offence but a blind guy just beat all you people can see properly! Once again!
Eclipse is the only person who can guess what Power Loader is drawing even with just descriptions.
All Might:
That’s incredible!
Vlad King:
That just means Power Loader’s really really REALLY bad at drawing!
Recovery Girl:
And Eclipse is very smart.
His brain is like a huge internet network.
Just pure luck.
Ain’t no pure luck can help you guess whatever those things were.
Power Loader:
I said I’m trying my best!
Well then try harder!
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kawaiijohn · 2 years
For @dannymayevent day 2: No One Knows AU
Rating: G WC: Almost 600 Warnings: Depression & Self Esteem Issues
Please leave me a comment/kudos Ao3 if you read!
“So will we actually see you at movie night tomorrow?”
Danny snaps out of his half-asleep daze and stares at Tucker for a second. His friend’s face has the same furrowed brow he’s worn the last couple of weeks and Danny hopes it doesn’t become permanent. Tucker doesn’t deserve to look at him like that. 
“I think I should be able to?” Danny replies, rubbing the back of his head. “Unless–”
“Unless something comes up again, yeah,” Tucker finishes. “Stuff always comes up, dude. I’m worried about you.”
“I’m doing fine, Tuck. Just busy with a lot of after school stuff– parents keep having me help in the lab lately, you know how they’ve been since the portal suddenly opened.” 
Tucker’s face falls as he talks and Danny has to stop every instinct in his body from both laughing nervously (his tell) and falling through the floor (he can’t risk him knowing, can’t have him leave like Sam did). 
“Yeah dude I get it, but you never wanted to be anywhere close to their ghost stuff, and suddenly you’re their personal beaker jockey? Don’t blame me for being curious. And maybe a little paranoid.” Tucker shrugs as he finally packs the last of his books into his backpack. “Later dude, don’t skip out on me again, okay?”
Danny winces as Tucker walks away. He knows Tucker’s suspicious, but he’s ridiculously lucky Tucker isn’t as bull-headed as Sam is. 
It sucks that she hasn’t talked to him in weeks, but he had to lie– he had to obscure what was really going on. She’s too smart to overlook the obvious and he couldn’t afford having her react negatively to his current freak status.
And just like with Sam, he can’t afford Tucker finding out how much of a freak of nature he’s become, not after he’s heard how his parents talk about ghosts. Danny already deals with enough at the dinner table, he doesn’t want to imagine Tucker spewing that sort of poison at him too.
But Danny always wonders– when will he become a monster himself? Vlad is completely evil, and keeps trying to get him to join his evil bullshit. And every other ghost he’s fought has tried hurting innocent people. Even more hurt him just because he’s a freak of a hybrid. Some even hunt him.
But he’s trying his best, even if the town absolutely despises him when he’s in his ghost form. Danny’s lucky he looks so different, he doesn’t think he could handle looking similar enough to get hunted by the town for fucking up (and damn is he a complete fuck up). He doesn’t want to think about how close he’s gotten to letting people die, so he tries to forget how lucky he seems to be.
If lying about his parents demanding his help with their ghost bigotry will get Tucker off his back, he’s going to keep doing it. It’s not like he’s going to ask Danny’s parents– they’re pretty nuts on a good day, which is great!
Danny sighs deeply as his ghost sense goes off.
He sometimes has this selfish wish of someone knowing, of understanding him. 
But he knows better– nobody will accept how much of a freak he is without ratting him out to either his parents or the government. 
He’s not a ghost. He’s not a boy.
He’s just a creepy little boy with creepy little powers.
And nobody could care for a thing like him.
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