#and more spiteful and sassy
asher-turtle · 2 years
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So I got bored and I have this dress up app it's called batdoll and I was thinking about how Vlad clone Danny and his stable clone Danielle ended up younger (am female) so got me thinking of a younger clone of Vlad so I gave him off White color maybe reminiscent of cream instead of the gray color cuz I'm not giving a child gray hair I had fun with this ghost mode though picking out the colors of Vlads usual colors I may have gone with too much black but I think it looks good
Edit: so I was looking for a name for him I couldn't find any that weren't just Vlad with extra stuff (would probably do that though) anyways I settled on the name Victor
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luvuomi · 1 month
so american by olivia rodrigo x sethos has me brain rotting so hard and idk why
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 2 months
Dead Boy Detectives has everything:
Co Dependent queer platonic tough to define Best Freinds who would and have gone to hell for each other. they have an office with a cupboard full of board games, and a long history of Noodle Incident cases of '04, and also a bunch of maneuvers with code names. They are also ghosts who solve mysteries for other ghosts.
One is a sassy well read diva in a stupid little bowtie. he keeps meticulous notes, and went to hell on a technicality. he has no rizz and has a sexual awakening at the hands (paws?) of a supernatural Cat King
the other is a cheerful happy bruiser, the brawn with a pocket demension only he can navigate in his backpack, a magic cricket bat, and wells of anger deep down
they team up with a cool psychic (whos also a pretty tree) dealing with her asshole abusive boyfriend who was literally a demon while also trying to restore her memories (she also has a hilarious hate off off with the nerdy one)
then they add a sweet shut in who isn't very brave but is very inquisitive and has excellent reading comprehension and is actually the most brave
and their landlady is a hot goth Sapphic butcher who is done with their shit (but not really)
and the main antagonist is a cunt serving witch with an iron cane chewing up the scenery, just camp queen obsessed with Beauty and Revenge as she should be
she turns her crow familiar into an astrology loving twink to honeypot the nerdy one but the crow catches feelings whoops
the cat king who deserves his own mention again. he's here to seduce a stuffy British detective/tease, cause problems on purpose, reluctantly help solve those problems and mostly slut it up.
a bureaucrat learns to VERY reluctantly embrace the beautiful power of friendship after being swallowed by a fish
its set in a gorgeous seaside town with a light house! and a malt shop!
because this is all A Scooby Doo homage!
It's an episodic Case Of The Episode format! with strong serialized elements!
and as if that wasn't enough there's even Death of The Endless.
what more could any person possibly want in a show.
oh and there's a lot of really interesting themes around internalized homophpbia, abusive relationships and trauma and toxic anger and learning to love and trust and help other people again in spite of and because of the bad parts.
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Stomach Bug (Max Verstappen x Female Reader)
Genre: Fluff Word count: 1,4k
Max hardly ever gets sick, but when he does, he turns into a complete drama king.
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Y/N stepped into the apartment, immediately enveloped by an unsettling darkness. The silence was even more disturbing; the usual hum and glow from Max's sim racing setup were conspicuously absent. Her fingers fumbled for the light switch, fear gripped her heart. When she finally found it, the overhead lights flickered on, casting harsh shadows around the vacant living room.
“Max?” she called out, voice tinged with worry. She received no response, only the quiet pressing back at her. Panic bubbled up, and she hurried through the apartment, her mind racing with possibilities.
In the hallway leading to their bedroom, she tripped over something soft and warm. Looking down, she saw Jimmy and Sassy, their two cats, pacing restlessly. They meowed mournfully, their eyes reflecting the same concern she felt.
With a sense of dread, she pushed open the bedroom door. The room was dim, the curtains drawn tightly against the outside world. The only light came from a small bedside lamp casting a feeble glow over the disarrayed sheets.
On the bed, Max was curled up in a fetal position, his body trembling slightly. His face was buried in his arms, as if shielding himself. A pained groan escaped his lips.
“Max, oh my god, what's wrong?” she whispered, rushing to his side. She knelt on the floor, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. His skin was clammy and feverish.
Max flinched at her touch but didn't move away. “It's... it's the end,” he mumbled dramatically, his voice strained and barely audible. “I'm dying, schatje.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “Dying? Max, what happened?” her tone firm but filled with concern. She brushed a few strands of hair that are sticking to his forehead, her fingers lingering to check his temperature. He was burning up.
“It's my stomach,” he groaned, shifting slightly to peer at her with one eye, the other still hidden in his arm. “And I have a fever. I'm pretty sure this is it. Tell the team... tell them I fought bravely.”
Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at his theatrics. “Max, honey, you have a stomach flu and a fever. You're not dying.”
“This is no ordinary flu,” he moaned, clutching his stomach. “I can feel my organs plotting against me. They're staging a coup!”
Despite her worry, a chuckle escaped her lips. “A coup, really? Let me get you some medicine and water. Have you taken anything yet?”
“No,” he replied, his voice pitiful. “I was too weak to move. I thought I should conserve my energy for my final moments.”
“Your final moments are a bit overdramatic,” she said, shaking her head with a fond smile. “I'll be right back.”
Oh, if only everyone could witness how ridiculously cute Max Verstappen looks when he's under the weather.
Jimmy and Sassy jumped onto the bed, curling up near Max's feet as if trying to offer their own comfort. Their presence seemed to soothe him slightly, and he let out a shaky breath.
Y/N returned with a glass of water and some medicine. “Here, take these,” she instructed, helping him sit up. He took the pills with exaggerated effort, making a face as he swallowed them.
“Ugh, even the medicine tastes like defeat,” he grumbled.
Y/N couldn't help but laugh. “The mighty Max Verstappen, laid low by a stomach bug. The world will mourn.”
He cracked a small, weak smile at her teasing. “Stop it, or I'll vomit just to spite you.”
“You're going to be fine,” she reassured him, peppering a few kisses on the side of his head.“Just rest and let the medicine do its job.”
Max sighed dramatically, closing his eyes. “If I don't make it... remember me as I was. Fast, fearless, and full of life.”
Y/N laughed softly while adjusting his pillow and blanket. “I'll remember you as you are: a dramatic, lovable idiot who will be just fine by morning.”
Max managed a weak smile. “I suppose that's acceptable.”
Y/N watched Max until his breathing slowed and he finally drifted off to sleep. His dramatic groans and exaggerated expressions faded into peaceful slumber, leaving a quiet calm in the room. She smiled softly before turning her attention to Jimmy and Sassy, who were still perched near Max's feet, their eyes wide and attentive.
“Alright, you two,” Y/N whispered, her tone mock-serious. “I need you to keep an eye on our drama king here while I go make dinner. Think you can handle it?”
Jimmy meowed as if to say, “We got this,” while Sassy flicked her tail, as if acknowledging the weighty responsibility.
Y/N chuckled. “Good. If he wakes up and starts acting like he's on his deathbed again, just give him the 'you're being ridiculous' look. You know the one.”
With one last affectionate glance at Max, she tiptoed out of the bedroom and headed to the kitchen.
As she chopped vegetables, she couldn't help but imagine Jimmy and Sassy as tiny, furry nurses. Jimmy, with a stern expression, patrolling the foot of the bed like a guardian, and Sassy, lounging elegantly, occasionally casting a disapproving glance at Max whenever he stirred or muttered in his sleep.
The thought made her giggle, and she shook her head. “What a day,” she murmured, stirring a pot of carrot soup on the stove.
As she continued cooking, Y/N kept an ear out for any signs of distress from the bedroom. The occasional muffled groan floated down the hallway.
Dinner was almost ready when she heard a particularly loud groan followed by a meow that sounded suspiciously like Jimmy trying to shush Max.
“Looks like my reinforcements are doing their job,” she said with a laugh, pouring the delicious smelling soup into bowls. She added some bread to a plate and carried the tray carefully back to the bedroom.
Entering quietly, she saw that Max was still asleep, albeit with a slightly dramatic frown on his face. Jimmy was curled up by his side, looking very pleased with himself, while Sassy had taken up residence on Max's pillow, one eye half-open in lazy vigilance.
“You two did great,” Y/N whispered, setting the tray down on the bedside table. "Now let's see if we can get him to eat something."
As she gently woke Max, he blinked groggily, his eyes focusing on her. “Schat... what time is it?”
“It's half past eight,” she replied softly.
Max groaned, his face scrunching up in dismay. “Oh no, I was supposed to play padel with Lando, Alex, and the others tonight. I forgot to cancel on them.”
Y/N smiled, shaking her head affectionately. “Don't worry about it. How about I call Lando for you and let him know you're out of commission for the night?”
Even in his sickness, Max managed to give her an incredulous look. “Why do you even bother asking? You can open my phone anytime. You're practically the other half of my brain.”
She laughed, reaching over to the nightstand to grab his phone. “I just like to be polite, you know? Didn't want to intrude on any top-secret racing strategies.”
Max chuckled weakly, then winced as his stomach reminded him of its displeasure. “Trust me, no strategies. Just lots and lots of cat memes.”
Unlocking his phone, Y/N scrolled through his contacts until she found Lando's number. She pressed the call button, holding the phone to her ear while keeping an eye on Max.
After a few rings, Lando's cheerful voice answered, “Max! Where are you, mate?”
“Hi, Lando, it's actually Y/N,” she said. “Max is feeling pretty terrible right now. Stomach flu and a fever.”
“Oh no, poor Max.” Lando replied, his tone immediately concerned. “Is he going to survive, or do we need to send an ambulance?”
Max, overhearing the conversation, groaned dramatically from the bed. “Tell him I'm fighting valiantly but I don't know if I'll make it.”
Y/N relayed the message, rolling her eyes playfully. “He says he's fighting valiantly but might not make it.”
Lando laughed. “Classic Max. Tell him to rest up and we'll catch him next time. And give him our best.”
“Will do, Lando. Thanks,” Y/N said, ending the call. She turned back to Max, who was watching her with a tired but grateful smile.
“You always know how to handle everything,” he said softly.
She smiled, setting his phone back on the nightstand and handing him the bowl of soup. “That's what I'm here for. Now, eat this. It's carrot soup, made with love.”
He took the bowl, looking at her with genuine affection. “Thanks, schatje. You're the best. This smells lovely.”
As he eats, Jimmy and Sassy moved in closer, as if to supervise the meal. Y/N sat beside him, ready to keep his spirits high.
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rcehb-art · 5 months
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I am so much more than what you made me. — Astarion
Long post in coming…
Initially started this with the feeling of spite because some fools on Twitter said he can’t be romantic and proceeded to dog pile on someone’s harmless headcanon of Astarion giving Tav a bouquet, saying that it’s better suited for Wyll.
But along the way, I started processing my own feelings and why I fell for Astarion in the first place. He was relatable for me as a survivor and as such, it’s incredibly limiting to be labeled as “you can’t be this or that”. We are capable of being romantic. We can also be mean and sarcastic and sassy. But we are all also capable of growth and change.
And Wyll is a fantastic character. If Astarion gives you a bouquet, Wyll Ravengard will take you to a field of flowers on top of a hill while serenading you. There’s no need to pit them against each other by shoving one trait to another. It’s not an erasure of Wyll’s charms and personality and neither is it racist (bc they’re accusing others of putting a black guy’s trait to a white guy like,,, that’s too much of a reach but ok)
And the real Wyll Ravengard wouldn’t even hesitate to help Astarion buy a bouquet for Tav. He’d be so excited and he’d give tips and tricks to Astarion about setting up romantic dates. He’s just that much of a nice guy and I’d love to see more of their friendship.
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frudoo · 2 months
John Price with his chunky baby and spunky baby mama 🫶
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Warnings: Spit-up, normal baby things!!
Fluff ahead 🤍
“Better stop kickin’ them legs, little lady,” John huffs, squishing the giggling infant’s round cheeks softly to make her lips pucker out.
Her incessant babbling and the playful growls that come from your husband’s mouth coax you into the nursery. As you lean against the doorframe, you have to stifle a laugh—there are about twenty used wipes scattered about the changing table, and the rowdy little babe is kicking off every fresh diaper John tries to put on her. Suddenly, her cute little coos and gummy smiles turn into tiny grunts and a concentrated face. Your eyes widen, trying to warn your husband.
“John, she’s about to-!”
“Bloody hell!” He groans, holding a diaper over his weapon of a baby’s bottom.
The laughs don’t cease this time, covering your mouth as your chest shakes with spiteful delight. You walk over to your grimacing husband, hugging him from behind and pressing a kiss to his shoulder. He sighs in defeat, grabbing what seems like the thousandth wipe and starting the whole process over again.
“Think it’s funny, do ya?” John jokes, turning around momentarily to give you a playful glare.
“I think it’s hilarious, actually. She gets it from her dad,” you shrug, crossing your arms and cooing at your chunky baby.
“Ha, ha,” John mocks dismissively, giving his baby girl a stern look as he lifts her legs up yet again. She replies with a belly laugh, and his pursed lips turn upward into an amused grin as he slides the fresh diaper beneath her bottom.
“Got a pair o’lungs like her mum, though,” he smirks, fastening the sticky tabs to the front part of the nappy.
That earns him a soft smack to the back of his neck, making his shoulders dance with each chuckle he lets out. John zips up the pink camouflage onesie he’d put on her and lifts her into the air, pretending to groan like she’s the heaviest thing he could possibly lift. She babbles and stares down at him adoringly for a moment before staring off into space and chewing on her fist. He lowers her into his bent arms, cradling her and tapping her nose with the tip of his finger.
“Here, give her to me, I’ll go get her a teething ring,” you suggest, holding your arms out to your chubby little infant.
John laughs heartily as the sassy infant glances at you through her peripheral vision before returning her attention back to her old man. The heart-eyes she gives him make you pout, bottom lip quivering in mock offense.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I guess she just prefers her daddy,” he beams, lifting the baby up into the air once more, but making one crucial mistake—pressing his hands into her soft tummy.
You raise an eyebrow as John continues to brag and boast about the tiny human’s favoritism. He misses the way her squishy body jiggles with a silent burp. You don’t.
“Ain’t that right, lovebug? Daddy’s your very fav-” he stops mid-sentence when the waterfall of rancid milk spews out of the wriggly baby’s mouth and right into his own.
Wordlessly, you take your daughter (who seems rather proud of herself) into your arms and clean her up with a burp rag, leaving John open-mouthed and horrified in the middle of the nursery. You snicker as you kiss the noisy babe on her forehead, cooing to her proudly. With a final glance over your shoulder, you smile innocently at your husband with one last suggestion.
“Should probably brush your teeth before you come back downstairs.”
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gotham-bird · 9 months
Tim, sitting in the car on a road trip: Here we are all, crammed into a car on an Antiques Road Trip! *pans the camera to Bruce driving*
Bruce:…. You’re out of the Will.
Tim: oh no, whatever shall I do. 😮😑
Bruce: Keep it up and you’ll be out of the car too.
Jason: This bitch sassy, YEET!
Alfred: *sitting in the passenger seat, calmly reading* Please do not yeet your brother out of a moving vehicle, Master Jason.
Jason: Fiiine.
Duke: *whispering* ….. how far do you think you can yeet Tim?
Jason: *whispering* We’ll find out at the next rest stop. He’s composed of mostly spite and caffeine, so my bet is on Very Fucking Far.
Damian: *curled up in the back with Cass and Dick* my cow is more intelligent than this.
Dick: It’s kinda scary, isn’t it.
Bruce:…. I regret so much.
Jason: Too late now, the time window to return us has expired.
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vroomvroomwee · 9 months
There's all kinds of theories of how Crowley will act in season 3, ranging from he'll be an absolute mess dehydrated from crying so much, to being an absolute menace and glueing even more coins to the street, to being still in touch with Aziraphale and being a sassy little bitch in their conversations, to Duke of Hell Crowley out of spite/hopelessness.
But, at the end of the day, what really matters is what Aziraphale is like.
No matter how Crowley behaves, Aziraphale needs to make the decision. Crowley or Heaven/Earth. He needs to do something big, something drastic, so that Crowley will fully understand the extent of his love.
Crowley keeps rescuing him, again and again throughout the centuries, no questions asked, no thanks demanded. It's his turn to be saved.
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sunraies · 1 year
hey hun, could you writes a fluff with rafe where you’ve had an argument with a friend and he comforts you x
Of course! I hope this is ok. I think I ran with the argument more than the comfort, but I hope Rafe gives enough. If you need more Rafe and less plot, please let me know x
Tear-stained Cheeks
Rafe Cameron x Kook!Reader
Warnings - Fluff and angst. Reader has the nickname, Bug.
After an argument with Sarah, that is so big it could be friendship breaking. You find comfort and shoulder to cry on, in Rafe.
It started over a pair of shoes Sarah had borrowed. It wasn't even about the shoes, but it spiralled as quickly as it started, and soon, you were hurling the most spiteful things at each other.
Using your years of friendship and deepest insecurities to hit each other were you knew it would hurt.
Ever since she started dating John B, your friendship slowly started to fray. It wasn't like you had experienced in with her past relationships, she throw herself completely into them, and you were always there to pick up the pieces.
This time, you weren't prepared to be a broken piece.
That's how you ended up pushing your bike down the long drive of Tanneyhill. Shoes in the basket and tears threatening to spill. You breathed in through your nose, desperately trying not to break before you were away from a place you used to see as a second home.
You focused on the warmth of the sun on your face, the sound of the bike wheels spinning, anything to stop yourself spiralling.
"Hey!" You closed your eyes at the sound of his voice as his truck pulled up beside you. "Where you going, Bug?"
Of course, Rafe came home at that exact moment. The teasing tone of his voice, you couldn't deal with. Bug was something he'd always called you. It was meant to be an insult when you were children, and it just stuck.
You didn't respond and kept walking, causing him to frown. Normally you’d have some sassy remark or a come back to make him smile.
Rafe was just as much a part of your life as Sarah was. The annoying but unfairly gorgeous best friend's older brother. Your relationship was built on teasing, hating, and loving each other. As you grow, so did new feelings, and a few stolen kisses had been shared through the years, but nothing ever came of them.
"Bug?" His voice sounded more concerned.
You sniffed and straight your back, hoping your voice wouldn't break when you finally spoke to him.
"I'm going home." You had no such luck as your voice cracked.
"With your parents away? Weren't you staying here?"
"Well, plans change. Maybe I could throw a massive party. Who knows?" The only party you actually planned was a pity party for one, with your bed.
Rafe actually laughed. "You having a house party? Never thought I'd see that day." He tilted his head, looking you up and down. "Was it Sarah's idea?"
Of course, he would think Sarah was the one who would make you have a party in your parents' artefact filled house. They were both archaeologists. The funny part was that before the argument, she had been suggesting it. A pogue and kook party in your parents' manor style home.
Her name pierced your heart, and all you could do was shake your head as the tears that had been threatening to finally fall.
"Hey, whoa whoa whoa." Rafe quickly stumbled out of the truck, leaving the engine running and door wide open.
He gently took your face in his hands as your nose wrinkled, a tiny sob heaved from your chest. You dropped your bike on the grass as you held onto his wrists. Everything suddenly came crushing down. The weight of every hurtful word feeling like a brick on your chest.
His thumbs brushed the tears away as they kept falling. "Breathe for me, baby." He got you to copy his steady breaths as his blue, concerned, filled eyes searched your face.
Rafe checked quickly for any physical injury before pulling you into his chest. You could hear his heart beating just as rapidly as yours as his arms circled your shoulders and hands cradled your head. Calming shushes uttered from his lips as your sobs turned to slient hiccups.
"Can you tell me what happened?" He needed to know who the fuck made you cry and who to kill.
"Sarah," you sighed into his chest, your tears having soaked his shirt.
"Sarah's a bitch" He said without missing a beat.
"Then I'm a bitch too. We both said some pretty fucked up things" You still clung to the back of his shirt as you muttered.
"You can be," He admitted, but his tone was completely teasing. "The difference is, I like you"
You laughed, unable to help it as you let go, pulling back after he placed a kiss on your head. You wiped your eyes roughly and rubbed your nose with the back of your hand as you sniffed. "I'm sorry about the shirt"
He pulled it out to look at the watermark you left behind and shrugged before looking back at you, "Even with tear-stained cheeks and snort, your beautiful"
"Shut up." you hit his shoulder but still smiled at him as he held your hand in place.
Sarah appeared in the doorway. "Can we talk?" She asked. You turned to look at her as Rafe threw a protective arm over your shoulders.
Your smile immediately dropped, and Rafe shot Sarah a look so deadly that if looks could kill, she'd be laying stone cold right there.
"Not right now, Sarah." Rafe called over to her. "I'm taking Bug to get ice cream"
"How does ice cream sound, baby?" He glanced down at you as you nodded.
"Ice cream sounds perfect"
Rafe drove you to the ice cream parlour, his hand in your lap as Sarah was left watching you take comfort from her brother while your bike lay abandoned on the grass. The shoes long forgotten.
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merbear25 · 2 months
Separating fantasy from reality
Kid, Doflamingo, Caesar
After so much time pining for someone who could hold their interest, they were just about to lose hope before you drew them in. There were ways you drew them in that no one else could hold a candle to. When the ideal partner they longed for started being reflected in your actions, there was nothing holding them back.
CW: SFW but slightly suggestive, gn!reader
Kid: He’d always been attracted to fierce partners. There was something about a sassy personality being backed up by fiery actions which set everything in their path ablaze that made something in him snap—like putty in their hands. He never admitted what exactly twisted him in knots, but he needed someone who could give him some push back, not someone he would walk all over.
You always knew how to stand your ground, never being the one to back down from a fight or argument. Talking back was one of the most favorable parts of your personality. At least in his eyes it was magnificent—such a passion that burned everything in their path did wonders for his libido. Before he knew it, you were on his mind more often than he’d like to own up to.
You were never the type to allow yourself to be bested, and despite knowing this, he laid into you, further escalating the situation. Tensions were rising, the heat between the two of you growing hotter and hotter, until your brash behavior finally sunk in; you were gorgeous. All the fits of rage pouring out of you only enhanced his desire for you. Finally exchanging his lingering gaze, you two embraced the flames of passion with a searing kiss.
Doflamingo: Having so much power over others was something he thoroughly enjoyed, yet there were times he craved a bit of a chase. He could have anyone he wanted, yet it got tiring after some time. Where was the challenge in that? What kind of pleasure could he get from those who so easily threw themselves at him? He craved someone who had a bite to their words, someone who he’d enjoy breaking.
Usually the work you did was fabulous, going off without a hitch even. Today, however, the cards weren’t in your favor: you slipped up not just once, but a few times, and there was a lesson for you to be taught. He didn’t want to waste time in showing you what would happen if you so carelessly messed up again, so calling you back to his office was the obvious decision.
While he was reprimanding you for the minor mistakes, you risked giving him some lip. A wide grin stretched across his face when he realized he’d finally found the one to break this dry spell. You were just the right amount of scared and willing for him: the way your eyes held onto your spite, but your body squirmed under his touch made you that much more delectable, pushing him with this overwhelming need to punish you properly.
Caesar: Being surrounded by the goons who mindlessly obeyed each of his whims was growing dull. Such pawns served no real purpose other than to fulfill whatever experiment he could throw them into. He wanted someone to add some spark to his life, someone with spunk and wit to distract him from the lifeless bodies walking his halls. That’s why he found you so captivating. Observing you was such a thrill for him. Each bit of you calling out for him to explore.
Testing the boundaries here and there, you willingly gave him the titillating exchanges he’d been craving. With a mind such as yours in his presence, his interest in you heightened. The attention you gave him was never enough—always leaving him yearning for more. You quickly engulfed each of his wandering thoughts. Did you have any idea how charming you were?
You were sharing another one of your theories, leaving him absolutely spellbound. With the flattery you threw his way making his heart pound, you were truly seen as something special to him. The sinking feeling of finding that special person to hold on to brought on an attachment he’d never felt before. “Someone like you can never leave me.” He accidentally let his thoughts slip out, but it made no difference. You adored him just as much as he did you, right?
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bethanydelleman · 4 days
So thinking about this post and how maybe film makers just don't appreciate that some stories are about endurance anymore?
Sometimes there is nothing you can do, sometimes a sassy comment can get you beaten or killed; sometimes you can't talk back, cannot leave, and cannot find a way out so you just decide to live until you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, because right now it's only darkness.
There is a deep strength and nobility that comes in enduring no matter what; in living in spite of the pain and hopelessness, or even living just to spite those who would rather see you gone. It takes incredibly determination to swallow your anger and tears and just make it through another day hoping for a better future.
Do they think we don't need these stories anymore? Do they think there aren't queer kids trapped in the closet who need to believe that endurance will bring them a better, safer future? Do they think the world has no more suffering that has no instant salvation? Do they forget that speaking out can still get you killed?
Are they saying that only those powerful enough to act without consequences get to be heroes?
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treysimp · 2 years
“I don’t know how else to say this… do you want to make out on my couch?”
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Part 1
GN!Reader x Savannahclaw (Leona, Ruggie, Jack)
Implied spiciness, but nothing beyond kissing and pawing at each other described.
Reader’s looks not described.
Other parts:
Savannahclaw | Scarabia | Octinavielle | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Heartslabyul | Diasomnia
Want more TWST? Here's my Masterlist!
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“Thought you’d never ask” Leona says cooly, in spite of the rosy flush slowly creeping up on his cheekbones.
His kisses are slow, savoring, unhurried. It feels like he is trying to memorize every square inch he can touch, his bright eyes squinting at you every time you desperate for breath, like he’s afraid if he blinks that he will miss something.
His hands are calloused from Spelldrive practice, warm and rough despite the way he trails his fingers over your skin like you might break.
Every sarcastic and sassy remark he would say in any other circumstance melting in his mouth, desperately pushing himself against you for that small bit of more warmth, that second more of touch, that single breaths length of how you smell, the softness of your hair and the way that you feel better than he had even imagined.
“Hey…” he quietly whispers, barely able to be heard. “I want you… can I…” he can’t even finish his sentence. He’s terrified, he got this far but… but what if you…
“…yes.” You are barely able to finish that single syllable before he’s on you again, face burning, hands shaking.
He looks so focused on being cool, on being suave and taking you the way he has in his dreams where you pulled him closer by his tie and whispered how much you want to feel him.
Pulling your jacket from your shoulders, slipping the buttons from the holes in your vest and pausing when he finally sees your skin. You’re burning hot, just like he was, your eyes, half lidded, burned into him and he had to remind himself that this was really happening yet again.
He kissed and stroked every inch he could reach, you weren’t going to get any sleep tonight.
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“…it’s not funny to joke like that, you know? A guy could get the wrong idea.” Ruggie’s shoulders shook with his signature laugh, his hand desperately trying to cover the burning of his face at your suggestion.
You paused, eyes burning into his as you bit your lip in thought.
“…what if I want you to get the wrong idea?
Reggie’s eyes widened at the statement. You couldn’t be… not with him… right?
“Are you sure?” He felt so vulnerable, like he had pulled his heart straight out of his chest and held it out to you on a silver platter. He would be lying to himself that he would do anything for you to like him… to love him… but…
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
He gaze snapped to yours and in what felt like a millisecond he was on you. His breathing heavy, his kisses like a man starved as he balled up his hands in the fabric of your shirt.
He felt so warm and so, so desperate. Ruggie’s self-restraint was like a rubber band ready to snap, muscles tense and feeling like he would devour you before you could even imagine to stop him.
Leading you backwards and pushing you down on you ragged couch, he climbed on top of you and immediately set to start ridding himself of all of his layers while his smiling eyes never left yours for a second.
“…I don’t want to scare you Prefect, but you do need to know that I’m a ride-or-die kind of guy.”
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“…say that again?” Jack’s eyes were wide as they bore into yours, unblinkingly staring at your lips as if he could read different words on them and properly convince himself this was a dream.
With a sudden burst of confidence, you spoke each word with clear diction and emphasis.
“Can I kiss you?”
Jack swallowed loudly and nodded, though the shock on his face did not leave. He leaned his face closer to yours slowly, as if he was expecting you to take back your request at any time.
You trailed your fingertips to the back of his nape and slowly coaxed his lips closer until they met yours in a soft lock.
Jack’s eyes closed with a sigh as he melted into you, his stiff body language loosening as he draped himself on your body. When you finally separated, his eyes were glassy and unfocused, never leaving your lips as he spoke.
“…more.” He whispered, terrified that this whole situation was a fluke and that you would reneg on your request to kiss him at any moment.
You grabbed his hand and slowly sat him on your couch, slowly crawling onto his lap as he stared at you on awe.
“I’ll give you anything you want, Jack.”
Thanks for reading! Lmk if you have any requests I guess, I’ve never really tried to write fic before. I’m fixated on twst rn though so feel free to talk to me if you are too!
Love you, random reader!
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gotham-daydreams · 9 months
Honestly, if I was reader I would weaponize the fact they literally know next to nothing about me. Hear me out
Bruce and fam show up and are like: it's so irresponsible for you to just disappear and not tell anyone, did you drop out of school just to get away
Me, knowing they never paid attention anyways: no one wanted to talk that night so I left a note. And no I didn't drop out, I graduated with honors. I went to/am going to college for___ degree. I took my diplomas with me because it's MY accomplishment
Bruce letting his high tech medical machine do a series of tests because he's lost it and wants to know every detail down to your white cell count: you've had a significant damage to your pelvis in recent months
Me : oh yeah, My husband is going through a phase
Bruce : you're married???
Me : was it my ring or extraordinarily good sex life that gave it away??
Like seriously, I'd not pull any punches when it comes to hurting them back for what they did to me. Such as mentioning lasting injuries or traumatic events that happened while they were pretending I didn't exist. If anything I'd bring it up just to hammer in the fact that I.don't.need.them. And let them all have mental breakdowns. It gives me joy. And the best part is, they really wouldn't know what's fact or fiction. Let them go hunting for a husband that doesn't exist. Send them on wild goose chases for anything and everything they don't know.
Again, I love all of these spite posts and y'all are a RIOT and I love y'all for that, oh my god.
Icing on the cake? Of course the reader has gotten hurt in the past. They've overworked each and every last atom in their bodies just to have an inch of a connect with the Batfam, but still got nothing for their efforts. Which may or may not be mentioned in part 3 when stuff starts tumbling down even more.
Honestly, why not just make shit like that worse? How are they going to know?
You broke your wrist? Say it was your arm.
An ankle? Say it was both your legs and you were maybe even bedridden for a while. Or just on crutches (which may or may not be canon).
Hell, with the whole husband thing — why not lowkey turn it into a whole ass drama for the hell of it? You've had pervious partners in the past, and honestly some of them were kind of shit but there was this one person who you're actually kind of chill with. Maybe you still have a drink with them every now and again. You're married but have already been through your first divorce and have maybe been thinking of having children, or maybe you already do! (Which, of course, they can be pets but how is the Batfam going to know that right away?)
Basically, go off. They honestly deserve it, and especially because after years they still don't know the smallest thing about the reader. Well- besides that they're into music, and even then that's only about half of them? I believe?
The only one that would see through your bs is Alfred but he isn't going to say anything. Not without being sassy himself and heavily sarcastic. Even if he'll only play along for so long, your the favorite so it's okay. Besides it wouldn't be the first mind games he's played.
It may take everyone a little longer, but you can guess why. Hell, maybe some lies they'll never even find out about, since some of the best lies are told with a little bit of truth to them.
Regardless, it all spunds very fun ♡♡
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OK SO WHILE I WAS WATCHING SOME TOKIO HOTEL EDITS I GOT THIS IDEA(if it's too much feel free to ignore and I'm sorry if I confused you, I'm not good at explaining😭😭AND I LOVE YOUR WRITINGS GIRLY❤️😘)
Ok so. Modern! Dad! Tom Kaulitz with teen twins(maybe around 15-16 or sum). Like one daughter and one son. Both of them are super sassy and aren't scared of confrontation like they are really confident, they don't care what anyone thinks of them(like they laugh at haters and stuff) yet they take no disrespect especially not towards their dad or the other twin. Tokio Hotels' younger fanbase also literally simps for them and stuff, like they make edits of them and stuff. The twins also really remind everyone of Tom when he was their age. Like the boy, he has the same style his father did just with a little more modern touch to it. And the girl, her style consists a mix of Tom's style too. For exampld: cargo/parachute pants, tube tops, bralette/crop tops, trapper/biker/cadet caps, beanies, platform heels/boots(Demonias), oversized shirts/hoodies, hoop earrings, chains, bead bracelets, long acrylic nails, etc. . Like whenever anyone sees the twins, you know their outfits are never boring/dry. Like the girl is an absolute maneater and the boy is a womanizer(but they have admirers of all genders). Like both twins especially the girl really love Heidi because let's just say their bio mom went to get milk right after they were born. And like how would the relationship with their uncles(Bill, Georg and Gustav) be?
I know this is a hell lot so I won't be surprised if you just ignore it LMAO💀💀
(I love this idea sm hold up I'm finna add it to my Dr but Bill lmao. And so worries, I did a lot to match this so I hope you enjoy!)
Kaulitz Twins Gen #2
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The media went crazy when you guys were born
Or being brought into the world
If you do the math, Tom was only seventeen and even he was freaking out
Especially with your mother and media and his career
But, with help from the band, he actually managed to become a good dad
Tried to help your mother stay but she just walked out
He never really looked for her, thinking if she could leave two beautiful kids like you guys she didn't deserve to even be looked for
Or if she ever wanted anything from Tom after she left he told her to fuck off
He didn't think he would be a good dad
Until he finally held you guys in the hospital room
Then he finally realized maybe, he would be a good dad
And he promised to never fuck it up
And he didn't!
Bill was happy to meet you guys, Georg was happy for Tom and sorta excited for two kids runnings around the stage while Gustav was a bit nervous but happy nonetheless
Bill always took you guys out and dressed you up when you guys were kids
No matter your gender
Georg let you guys rain hell, eat candy, stay up, even bought you guys a puppy to spite Tom
Gustav was a more relaxed uncle who let you guys do what you want but be careful while doing it
As you guys grew older you grew up in the media eye
Especially because of who your family was and you needed to be brought on tour with them
Tom tried to control it but paparazzi would literally run after you guys when the band would try and shield you guys from them
Tom felt helpless in those situations and did his best to keep you guys safe
You were confused when you saw your dad upset and yelling at the random people with cameras and when you guys would go home he would apologize
You didn't know why he did but you knew they just made your dad upset
And that made you and your twin upset, very much
Whenever paparazzi would come around you guys would yell at them
Shit like "No pictures!" Or "go away!" "Leave us alone!" "Stop following us, weirdos!"
Your dad's and uncles taught you guys to speak your minds but couldn't help but be surprised when you guys yelled at paparazzi
When you were little you and your twin even threw shit at them for following you guys
You were like six mind you
Better paparazzi, not such prying and rude ones, actually found it funny and when you guys were photographed like that it went sorta media crazy
You guys were known as the second generation of Kaulitz Twins sort
You guys were very sassy, spoke your mind and didn't care what people thought of you guys even from a young age
If expressed any interest in media, like modeling, singing and your twin did too Tom would let you guys
He would watch over of course but you guys did modeling, photoshoots, even went into interviews when you guys were young
For being teenagers you guys had quite the fanbase
You guys aren't scared of confrontation at all
Like one time someone was giving your Uncle Bill a hard time at a signing and wouldn't leave him alone
You and your twin went over, pushed them away and started yelling at them to back up or you would have to put them on their ass
Safe to say they left
Bill was surprised but your dad was very much proud
He didn't raise you guys to take bullshit
Tom admires that you guys could be so confident even at a young age
You guys genuinely do not care about being talked about or what people think about you guys
You guys have so much fun making fun of haters and laughing at them
Especially ones that try and "confront" you guys in public
You even told one "Get the fuck out my face." Laughing so hard your twin had to hold you up as Tom lead you guys away
Tom likes that you guys don't any bullshit from anyone
Especially when you guys defend him and your twin
You guys don't stand for hate and God help anyone who tries you guys
You have fought a few people when it got out of hand
They were talking shit so I say it was justified
You and your twin poke fun at how the younger fans already are simping for you guys
You are sorta like your dad when he was young in that tense
Like you guys play with hearts, flirt, tease and shit like that
You guys see edits and posts about you guys and how people find you guys attractive
You guys are constantly commenting on the edits and shit like that or are so smug about it
You guys like the attention you guys get so much
You guys like the reactions you get from fans when they see you guys saw their edits or posts and are giving them attention
You guys are too much like your father
So much so you remind everyone who your dad is everyday by simply existing
Your brother has a few collections of your dad's old clothes back then and wears them a lot
Like his shirts, hats, pants and bands that Tom wore he has a lot of them, the ones that weren't donated
Your brothers style is almost exactly like your dad's and everyone sees it
Except it has a more modern touch and a few more stuff your brother incorporated
Your style was the most surprising to everyone but not at the same time
Your style was definitely influenced by Bill when he dressed you up when you were younger
Your style everytime you wear something makes a statement and is always photographed or edited by fans
Doesn't help you look fucking good in everything you wear
Some stuff is sorta revealing and short so obviously Tom being that dad he is says stuff like
"That's too short. You look good, I know, hon, but what if you get cold?"
Get Heidi to talk to him, and plus your his little girl so he lets you rain hell if you wanted too
Bill absolutely loves your style and helps you pick out what to wear
Is holding your hand above your head, spinning you to get a full look of the outfit and applauding y'all's work
None of your family stands for any shaming of your outfits though
Especially when people say you're asking for attention or are dressed too skimpy and shit like that
Your response is always the same, that you want the attention and to fuck off
But when you're not wearing stuff like that you also wear some of your dad's old clothes or stuff that fit his style back then
Especially his shirts and his old pants
Everyone knows when you step outside your outfits are gonna be fucking good
Always making a statement and never leaving in a "basic" outfit
Tips you find from uncle Bill that are always helpful
You guys have a lot of fans, all genders, who simp for you guys and some even throw themselves at you guys
Let's just say you guys take up some offers
But you guys are described as two twins who is a maneater and a womanizer
You guys are exactly like your father in that sense when he was your age
He tries to get you guys not to like players or absolute dick like he was when he was your age
He just wants you guys to be safe and not play around with people's hearts
But bring up old interviews and he'll leave you guys to your own devices
You guys flirt, tease, kiss and sometimes more with fans but he's still your dad so he'll object
He'll take you guys away when he sees that so be careful not to do it flat out in front of your dad
Be sneaky, whisper and sneak off
You both really love Heidi
She's your mom
Not step mom or anything but your mom as she took you guys in and raised you as her own kids when she didn't need too
You and your brother are a mama's boy, mama's girl, daddy's girl and daddy's boy
You both love them equally no matter what
You both really loved by both your parents and your siblings
You helped your dad propose to Heidi and we're so excited when they got married
You two were so happy to see your parents happy and officially have siblings
You guys are little schemers with Heidi's kids
Heidi helps you guys with anything and no matter what it could be
Heartbreak, outfits, crushes, stress, happiness, anything and she is there
Even if your mom tried to come back in your life Tom and Heidi would leave it up to you guys
But when you say no it's a weight off their shoulders
You call Heidi mom and so does your brother
The first time you did Heidi froze for a moment but couldn't help but pecker kisses all over your guys' faces and hug you guys
You're her kids and she wouldn't have it any other way
You guys are very famous around the world and it can be very stressful at times
But with your uncle's, dad, mom and your twin, you wouldn't change it for anything
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sadtonight · 2 years
"He's like, a family member to me or something!"
Summary: over the course of your impromptu stay at Night Raven College, you gained two new important figures in your life: a boyfriend and a cat look-alike monster. In fact you grown on Grim and he on you so closely that now he actively "gets in the way" of your daily life, according to your boyfriend that is;
Characters: dorm leaders;
Warnings: none, reader is gender neutral, established romantic relationships, grown up characters;
Side notes: thank you for the wait, don't have motivation to do just about anything! Kalim's and Leona's part is kinda sad, damn, I'm sorry. I'm projecting on Leona like crazy- (I don't kin him but we are painfully similar 😔)
— you being accompanied by Grim back in Night Raven College wasn't something unusual to Riddle. The feline had been reserved a special seat beside you at the Unbirthday parties (the chair with a stack of pillows) and was expected to wear special Heartslabyul bow around his neck and to follow the rules of the dorm;
— so when Grim moved in with you and Riddle, the later considered it to be a given for Grim to adhere to already established order. However, in spite of your boyfriend becoming laxer about the rules the monster still argued with the red haired more times than you could count, unlike Riddle who have been compiling lists of rules the weasel had violated ever since first setting foot into your shared house in the Queendom of Roses;
— amends were made each time, though one perpetual cycle of breaking a single rule drove Riddle straight into madness: Grim regularly ate the desserts meant for you in secret. The desserts your boyfriend ordered Trey to make FOR YOU to eat together. It was a tradition in your little family to hold afternoon mini tea partiers just like in Heartslabyul, in the yard surrounded by colourful roses, if the weather was appropriate, or in the house in the main room;
— eating delicious sweet treats, drinking tea and chatting about nothing in particular with you, his partner with whom he felt he could let loose and indulge in his hidden childish side, was like a dream come true, the pastime bringing him genuine delight. Riddle loved having your hand wrapped around his as you visited Trey's family bakery and choose what to feast on at today's party. Riddle loved setting up the table and brewing tea along with you, pulling our the china the two of you adored. And of course he loved the main process, during which your boyfriend couldn't prevent himself from beaming due to sheer elation;
— but none of those positive emotions would take place if Riddle upon opening the dessert box with your treat finds pastry leftovers. "GRIMMM!! Come here right this INSTANT and face the repercussions for your offence!!" were spine-chilling words you knew would make the cat monster dash into your arms instead of Riddle's. Your boyfriend would insist on putting his signature heart-shaped collar on the perpetrator, while you would do your best to master the most doe-eyed face and plead him to settle on letting Grim go with a warning;
— Riddle's hand's were tied: no matter how much the male protested, you would squeeze the grey feline to your body and pat Riddle's head to calm him down. If Grim was not to be punished, it was who who had to be. And the penalty was to be feed Riddle's dessert by him personally and to spend more time with your boyfriend today! You wouldn't dare to disobey Queen's orders, isn't that right?
— two cats living under the same roof rarely led to anything productive. Their relationship, if you could call it that way, hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows since Night Raven, although you did become an unwilling mediator, but the two would always try to make you pick a side;
— usually it was Leona who got the short end of the stick because he was a stronger magician and, well, stronger in physical and in mental senses too. It didn't mean that your boyfriend wouldn't take any opportunities to put a sassy monster, who celebrated his victory way to openly and loudly, and consequently you, back into place;
— for instance, if Grim managed to convince you to go out on the cloudy evening instead of lazing around on the couch with warm blankets for the rest of the day just like your boyfriend suggested, the beastman would straight up hide all the umbrellas in the house while you were getting ready to go out;
— as a result, both of you came back from the walk dripping wet, Grim accusing Leona of the sabotage. Meanwhile the male would shift on the couch making some space for you, smugly adding: "That's what ya get for not listening to me. Hah, it's better if you crawled here under the covers now unless you want to get sick. If that happens, you are all by yourself";
— another reoccurring practice happened in the morning. At last, no one was there to shake Leona out of the bed, so he opted for cuddling with you until he got bored or grew extremely hungry. Unlike him though, famished Grim couldn't just sleep on his grumbling stomach and needed you to order food or cook him a huge breakfast. In both cases it meant you were forced to get up, which Leona couldn't allow to happen;
— before the cat monster could make his moves, the male would swiftly take the feline and put him on the other side of the bed, away from you, and slam his free arm on top of Grim. This way, the cat was trapped, pinned to the mattress. The monster would try to wriggle free to no avail and scream for help, but Leona's arm basically got him in a chokehold, so poor creature couldn't make any loud noises to stir you awake;
— your boyfriend desperately wanted to have your attention and care solely for himself. Of course he felt jealous of that stupid weasel monster, obviously he wouldn't admit it out loud, whom you spoilt a tad bit more. But Grim meant a lot for you, and you always reassured your lover of deep infatuation you held for him, so the male tried to tolerate Grim for your sake. Leona hugged your body closer to his chest with his other hand which wasn't pinning annoying monster down. What he wouldn't do for you to not give up on him...
— oh this man right here could solve any "problematic situations" involving Grim through talking alone. And by "talking" Azul usually meant solving troubles by using contracts, bribery, blackmail, implicit threats etcetera, something he considerably improved upon after graduating from Night Raven College;
— thankfully, learning from past experience wasn't grey monster's forte, thus allowing octomer to constantly play same tricks again and again. Though he had to be creative about his convincing since if he didn't succeed in persuading Grim, the feline would tell on him to you and that would lead to unnecessary confrontation which only damages your blooming relationship!
— that's how your boyfriend would frame it: Grim wanted to create a divide between you two so you would break up with him and become lonely and lost, with no-one to confide in, with no benevolent soul to turn to, no shoulder to dry your tears on... All those theatrics happening because you ordered a take out, with the monster's preferences in mind which he voiced beforehand, and forgot to ask your boyfriend if he wanted something other than what he would usually order;
— neverless, the most hearted arguments between Grim and Azul happened on weekends or on the days when Azul was free of work. The male retained his interest in board games, requesting his fellow former club mate Idia to send new noteworthy board games if any appeared. The game night were established, and in concept it sounded entertaining if not for the weasel who couldn't stand playing logical games all the time;
— octomer never ever wanted to drabble in the whims of the lady luck and enjoyed winning "fair and square", even with the use of witty remarks that setted Grim off. Thankfully, Azul was your boyfriend so whenever you lost he would instruct you to do harmless romantic gestures, like to kiss him one hundred times or spend the rest of the day sitting on his lap but the monster wasn't nearly as fortunate as you: Grim had do to the dishes for a week or clean the bathroom spotless;
— the frustration Grim had after losing to Azul several times per session, knowing well what kind of things Azul would assign him do, agitatined monster would drag you away to do something way more fun. Your boyfriend, in theory, could play along and lose on purpose for Grim's sake, but there was no point in doing so when he could get easy wins: "Grim, if you wish to be victorious so badly, you should practice more instead of wasting your time on complaining. But I feel rather gracious tonight, so I could teach you a few tricks, however it would come with a price tag";
— they both played dirty: Grim would use his natural cute animal charm to woo you and Azul would get handsy and try to sweet talk his way not only into your heart but also into your mind. Gosh, you just wanted to have a normal board games session for once.
— unlike a good portion of individuals you have meet during your time in the magical college, Kalim was among those who treated Grim nicely from the get go despite a rocky first meeting. When the question of you moving in with Kalim raised, your boyfriend immediately wondered if Grim was going to live with the two of you, hoping to hear affirmative response;
— your grey fur companion was more than satisfied with local delicacies, and since the feline could summon food with a swing of his shaped tail, there was no shortage of silver plates and golden trays scattered around the premise you lived on;
— one tiny problem did make Grim's fur stand upwards: Kalim's pets. He acquainted the weasel with colourful and diverse bunch, consisting of non venomous snakes and pythons, a few elephants, over a thousand of exotic birds and parrots, little monkeys, camels and many more animals. With some, Grim got along fine, but with other he couldn't even stand being near, like with alligators who jokingly warned the monster not to come close when they yawn;
— Kalim was worried sick about Grim not fitting in and liking new home, although the male masked it by being overly indulgent. You had to grab your boyfriend's hand and lead him to secluded, unoccupied room or area to talk it out. Your boyfriend insisted on handling everything on his own just fine, yet his wavery smile couldn't fool you;
— "I'm not making everything worse am I? It doesn't look like Grim is unhappy but..." the male lost his trail of thought as you gently combed through his a bit overgrown white hair, his head not being tied by anything and laying on your lap. You knew Grim for quite a long time and could read him like an open book, so you were up most truthful when you reassured Kalim: the gray cat monster was very happy living here;
— with time your boyfriend also learnt to read Grim and successfully pamper the creature. Everyone in the house could see how close they came to be, often causing mischief that you had to witness or take care of. It was amusing when they took turns talking your ear off telling you about what sort of things they did today. Naturally, you didn't pass opportunities to join in with them, laughter and tears doubling in quantity as a result;
— at the end of the day, Kalim would lie on the huge king-size bed, surrounded by warmth radiating from you and Grim, thanking whatever entity for giving him a chance to meet you, his priceless partner, and fun, little, cat-looking companion Grim;
— constant squabbling... No matter if on those long or short occasions when Vil was able to be home for a week or no more than ten minutes, they always, ironically enough, fought like a cat and dog;
— to give some credit to your boyfriend, he did try to treat Grim like a person. But to an extent, the monster was resembling a feline animal not in a visual way alone, but also in his behaviour. Probably the loudest argument thus far was when beautiful male made a mistake of condescendingly offering to call to a vet clinic when monster became as sick as a dog, after eating an entire box of spoilt tuna Vil had hidden from Grim long ago so the latter wouldn't eat it in one go;
— prior queasy, dead looking Grim who was flatten out on your thigh was immediately replaced by an enraged fiend who threatened to burn Vil to crisp for making fun of his crippled state. You had to beg your boyfriend to cook up a potion for stomach relief, which he actually made in advance, but pretended to be unassuming and struck up a deal which was to spend a several days holiday alone with you whereas Grim would stay at home;
— the struggle for attention wasn't the only challenge, Vil additionally was forced to lead continus and draining war with cat fur. He had approximately 3 different lint rollers in every bag he carried with him, not to mention the whole house being dry and wet cleaned, vacuumed and dusted every two days by you, maids or Vil personally;
— no matter how many times your boyfriend brushed Grim's fur with a cat brush, while holding poor creature in a steel death grip, that peaky fur found it's way on his clothes: "Grim, if you won't groom yourself more like a proper cat is supposed to, I swear not even our precious darling here would save you from the shaver!";
— needless to say, the weasel sleep in your arms every time after those words, in fears of Vil finally acting upon his threats, and letting out a sigh of relief when he woke up to finding himself still in his grey coat;
— there were positive moments in their lives as well. It was a rare but incredibly satisfying to stumble upon your boyfriend sitting on the sofa reading a book while patting napping feline beside him. Or when Grim boasted out loud about managing to flawlessly replicate Vil's yoga training, the latter putting his hand on the mouth to hide his striking, proud smile;
— Vil actually invited Grim to parties and formal gathering too, though he wasn't allowed to talk a lot. You were grateful to see your monster companion with a glint in his eyes eating expensive food and taking in glorious sights, and in turn your boyfriend was admiring your beautiful gladness you subconscious expressed;
— kitty-cat~~ Truly, it was a love from the first sight. No no no, not with you, but with your adorable, grey feline friend you spend time with! Hey...Idia loves you too, if he didn't, you wouldn't be living with him and Ortho in the same house in the first place;
— anyways, Grim was put off by your boyfriend in general, and also by the love towards the weasel, since he would rather not be treated like a cat, unless it was you. Don't forget the fact that Idia had tendency to make weird faces and noises, so when the feline was toeing between dream land and reality, he would sometimes be spooked by tall lanky figure standing before the bed and giggling like crazy in the dark after clearing raid in an online game;
— Idia couldn't tell for sure if he was envious of how close you were with Grim or how nice you were to the monster. Like, now he could relate to main characters who got pissed off when the mascots received tons of affection from their love interests in anime and visual novels. "Not faaair, if I had been a cute cat like Grim I would be getting stacks of kisses 24/7~..." Idia would lament under his breath, thinking you couldn't hear him, when he saw how you babied the cat;
— however, flame haired male would be lying if he didn't find you playing or just spending time with the monster adorable. Idia would shamelessly a with his toothy grin take pictures of you sleeping on your shared bed with Grim nested to your body, the thoughts in his head revolving around "stocking up his moe folder with more pics of you and Grimmy";
— Idia totally is that person who loves cat's but they are not that fond of him. Poor man would buy the tastiest tuna found on the internet and yet the instant Grim was finished with food he would leave from the male's lap. That was your que to wear cat ears, which belonged to Idia for some reason, and plop on your boyfriend's lap instead. W-well, your company wasn't all that bad too... Please don't mind the pink hair tips;
— even though Grim considered Idia to be strange and in turn Idia endlessly pined for cat's affection, they were chill with each other. One thing that bothered not only you but Ortho was that they both ate junk food in large unhealthy amount every day and holled in the house with curtains closed shut. Seriously, even you couldn't spend this much time watching films and playing video games!
— their relationship was akin to the swings: Malleus at times found Grim amusing and at other times...annoying, dare he say. In the same manner once Grim found out the identity of "Horton", he was against of you dating literally "the scariest guy ever" but along the way he kind of grew to admire Malleus, but the monster was still wary of the fae who frequently summoned lightning bolts when he was disgruntled;
— you often playfully fought with Grim and got bite marks and scratches on your body and especially arms from the feline. Initially, Malleus mistook your antics for something more sinister and would almost waterboard the cat if you didn't decide to check out the bathroom. When the situation was cleared up your boyfriend showed genuine remorse, sincerely apologizing to the monster, whom you were drying up with a towel, but Grim never really forgot about the incident;
— although your boyfriend was still pleased with how skittish the grey monster was, because he could scare him easily and in this way take out revenge for stealing your time that you were supposed to spend with the briar prince. The weasel could run up to you and show you something on the phone, making you laugh, while Malleus would get an awkward chuckle when he tried to tell a joke. His pride was hurt and day was ruined...
— with this much knowledge stored in one person, the dragon fae had lots and lots of stories to share which he had read from the books or heard directly from Lilia. You loved listening to those, handling them like a bed time stories, though you never got to hear the endings due to Malleus using low, lulling, a bit murmurous voice, soothing you to fall asleep in the process;
— Grim on the other hand was thrilled to discover new interesting individuals of Twisted Wonderland. When the male's tale came to a halt, the monster immediately demanded to get the ending. Malleus only softly patted Grim's head and kissed your forehead, talking to you but words directed at Grim: "Please, be patient. I wish for your friend, and my lover in the same time, to hear how this legend ends. I can't help but wonder what sort of reaction it would spark?" he said mysteriously and layed back down on the bed, cradling your body, green eyes ominously twinkling in the dark, sending chill down Grim's spine and as if telling him to go to sleep already.
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wildlife4life · 3 months
Seven (+) Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the super lovely @prosperdemeter2 @gayedmundodiaz @lemonzestywrites @rainbow-nerdss @devirnis @cal-daisies-and-briars @buddierights @disasterbuckdiaz @exhuastedpigeon @dangerpronebuddie @daffi-990 @tizniz @try-set-me-on-fire and @rogerzsteven Thank so much! Go check out all their snippets and works!
Well would ya'll look at that... I'm actually participating in a tag day with an actual wip and not a coda. Whoa. And even better... Its an NFL Buck snippet! WOOOOO! Want to see more NFL Buck? Please check it all out here!
"So." Karen begins, pulling Hen's attention from the book she's been trying to read for the past week. She quirks an eyebrow at her wife, "So?" "So my boss's son's, partner broke their leg Tuesday after tripping over their 15 year old terrier." Karen explains and Hen can't help but look back towards where Paisley is lounging on the arm chair (Hen's favorite seat that she has lost to that sassy fur ball) with worry. Her wife chuckles reading Hen's internal concern, "Babe, Paisley is as pure bred as they come. We'll be lucky if she makes it to 10." "That pure bred survived an earthquake and a collapsed building. I wouldn't put it past her to make it way past 10 out of spite alone.” Hen remarks, turning back to Karen. Karen rolls her eyes, but gets back on topic, "Anyway. Harris, that's the partner, got their hands on some passes to that super exclusive gay club, The Green Carnation for this Friday." "You mean the place that runs a background check rivaling the FBI, makes every patron sign NDA's, and will blacklist a person from every gay bar from here to Vegas if they break said NDA? The place that is rumored to host not only out celebrities, but also the deeply closeted, tilt the world on it's axis if they ever came out, big names? That gay club?" Hen questions, her excitement starting to rise. Her very sexy and somehow very connected wife smirks, "The very one. And poor Harris just can't fathom trying to hop around on one leg and not drink thanks to their newly acquired pain meds. So they had their partner-" "Your boss's son." Hen remembers, leaning towards Karen, who instinctually gets closer as well. "Karson, with a K, starts to asks around his dads work because you know, we're literal rocket scientist working on very classified information." "Who better to invite to a secret club than those who work on secret projects." "Exactly." Karen's smirk becomes wicked (and very sinful), "And wouldn't you know, the only non-straight and married person around is yours truly." Hen honest to go squeals, loud and bubbling with elation, "You got us passes to The Green Carnation?!" "With a pre-paid drink package. All we have to do is agree to the background check and sign the NDA." Karen replies with a broad grin. Hen can no longer hold herself back and practically tackles her wife with a teeth clattering kiss. Karen, as always, catches her and kisses back 110%. ("So, my 48 off falls on the weekend." Eddie states and he takes notice of Buck's sly grin forming, his boyfriend most likely on the same train of thought, "And since it's still your bye week..." "You want to dance the night away with other secret gays." Evan finishes. Eddie smirks, "And get a private room blow job." The quarterback's smile is almost feral like, "I'll make the reservation." And Eddie watches Buck tap on the contact Florists with the green clover next to it. The phone rings twice before a deep voice comes through the speaker, "State your member id." "Buckley, 201-09-18." "Diaz, 201-09-19." A quick moment of silence, then, "What can The Green Carnation do for you today Mr. Buckley and Mr. Diaz?")
Hmm... Is a certain run in going to happen???? We'll see!!! Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure): @hippolotamus @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck @perfectlysunny02 @aroeddiediaz @loserdiaz @diazsdimples @jesuisici33 @fortheloveofbuddie @evanbegins @buck-coded @glorious-spoon @thekristen999 @spotsandsocks @sunshinediaz @lover-of-mine @hoodie-buck @elvensorceress @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @goforkinard @bekkachaos @thewolvesof1998 @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @eddiiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @transboybuckley @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie @thebloomingheather @bigfootsmom
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