#I just ate a brownie tho so I feel a little better about it
linescribble · 9 months
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Normally I would at least render it a bit but I didn’t have time to actually do lineart properly I’ll render it after seven months ig fuck
Also if anyone sees this does tumblr let you make another blog but under the same account cuz I think I heard that somewhere, and if yes how?
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sloilan · 6 months
I want to rate the silly ships like people have been doing so I will (my memory of them in canon is so bad) 
Percabeth: 9/10
by far one of the best ships in pjo, but there are times where the "tough love" is just too tough for me
Jiper/Jasper: 3/10
I don't remember much about this ship at all but it was a little cute? It did feel very fabricated with it being forced by Hera & I found Piper's heart eyes at Jason 24/7 annoying as hell- 
Frazel: 4/10
it was cute, but that could just be the characters lol I wish we saw them more developing their crushes on each other instead of Percy showing up and being like "oh these guys like each other lol" 
I don't like the age gap at all tho, it might just be like 2-3 years but when you're a teen that's a BEEG difference in brain development and maturity levels etc. 
Caleo: -100/10
no, just no. I can not even begin to explain why it is so bad and toxic. Richardio really saw Percabeth pop off and was like "let me do that again!" and made the most toxic ship i could find fr. Me and my homies hate Calypso frfr. Even if all their interactions were rewritten so that Calypso isn't constantly talking over and shutting down anything and everything Leo does I dislike it still because it just plays into the damsel in distress x savior knight which i do not like at allll 
Solangelo: 1/10
they had slight potential in blood of olympus (and that's me being nice) but otherwise everything after that just felt so stale, fake, cringey, and toxic. 
Will's character lacks,,, well, character. If you want to construct a relationship with characters you need them to be people in the first place- and not just a "__'s boyfriend!" 
It also just feels like those 13 yr olds in school that are so obnoxiously lovey in class and then they break up after a week you know what i mean? I have more to say but these are getting long-
Solangelo (in fanon): 8/10 
Hell yeah. Most of the fan content ive seen from solangelo has been DRASTICALLY better than canon, they actually make Will feel more like a concrete person, they give proper chemistry/shared interests to him & Nico, and overall it just flows better? Idk (big fan of when people make Will freakier than Nico, my favorite flavor of Will) 
Pernico: 2/10
I can see it? But I don't like it. They have so much built up miscommunication and bad memories from each other (Percy literally tried to strangle Nico to death) also the same with Frazel; I don't like the age gaps while theyre teens 
Jasico: 8/10
I get this one, but I really see them as more like besties, so I don't partake in it too much. Otherwise it's great. 
Valdangelo: 10/10
I am biased, but good looorrrd the potential :(( the similarities of them, both being the outcasts and just heguehfh i love them 
Valgrace: 8/10
same as Jasico, i see them as bros way too much but I don't deny it's a banger ship too. 
Shelper: 1/10
I feel the same way with this as i do Solangelo, there's no character for Shel, it's just Piper and "Piper's gf!!" Rick is so bad at writing queer rep, he just picks main characters and slaps a random blank slate character onto their side and thinks he ate, but he's just desperate for queer brownie points. 
Feirrochase: 10/10
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dykeskeleton · 1 year
better food day today. ate more than i should’ve but i was under my limit. made a tortilla pizza (274) a frozen indian meal (310) that i added chicken (100) to for more protein, and a low cal sundae w salted caramel halo top (93), banana (28) and low cal brownies (31) i made this morning. also was craving fruit so i had a little bit of mango (42), and had 2 coke zeros (0) which i feel kinda gross about, but they did help me feel more full. 878 total 🦋
i’ve gotta do a bunch of work and the weather is really bad today so i won’t be able to swim or kayak unfortunately, but if i have enough energy when i’m done w my work maybe i’ll be walk on the treadmill for a little while. if it doesn’t happen it won’t be the end of the world tho since i feel SO full anyway, i can’t see myself eating more without it feeling like or actually becoming a binge since i already feel kinda sick. started my 24hr fast but may go a bit longer, we’ll see tomorrow hehe.
tuesday i’m gonna aim for a total net of 850 or less… thinking of doing monday fast, tuesday 850, wednesday 800, thursday fast, friday 750, saturday 700, sunday 650 and repeat. obviously if i have less than any of those limits it’s good if not better. maybe meta days at the beginning and end of the month with a 48hr fast somewhere near the middle? i want to try to limit my lax doses unless i absolutely need them, or maybe even just before my monthly 48hr fast. i’m paranoid abt growing dependent on them
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~ And All That For a Lighter ~
Pairing: Damiano David x Naomi (fictional character)
Word count: 3035
Warnings: none
Summary: Naomi meets Damiano in a café for the first time.
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Naomi entered the café all soaked, her cheeks red from running and her hair messy and wet from the rain. It was pouring outside which was the thing she despised the most. Surprisingly tho she felt good. Fresh. She loved walking around Rome in the morning and for the first time in her life she admired this rainy weather. Little drops of water flowed over her cheek. Her life was a big mess and you could say she needed something new.
When a month ago she found her boyfriend cheating with her best friend she felt like her whole life collapsed. That’s when she decided to change something. Start a new life. She started admiring things she’s never liked before, she started dressing differently, she became more confident in her own body. She even started working out which was the most unexpected thing since physical education was her least favorite subject in high school.
Naomi always thought love was the most essential part of everyone’s life, but a sight of Alessandro having fun in their bed with Sofia made her hate love more than anything. She decided to move on and live life completely and only for herself.
- Buongiorno Joey - she said reaching the bartender standing behind the counter.
- Buongiorno piccola, what can I get for you?
- One espresso please, and one brownie - the bartender nodded and started preparing her order.
She decided to sit down since she would probably spend a lot of time working on her laptop and enjoying this rainy morning. The inside of café was warm and welcoming, comfortable couches, puffy pillows and a lot of plants. She visited this café every day for the past two weeks and she found herself enjoying this place maybe even more than her new flat.
Naomi went to sit in the corner on a cozy red couch. She took off her soaked jacket and pulled out her laptop with a couple of notebooks. She was a student of economy and since she had to find herself some more things to do she decided to actually try harder to have a better degree at her college. She wasn’t so fond of the direction she chose but she knew it’s gonna bring her a prosperous life. In fact her favorite thing in the world was art. She started painting when she was 8 years old. Since then she really enjoyed staying all day alone in her room painting everything she could, from beautiful portraits to mesmerizing landscapes. She had a huge talent but she was too afraid to chase her dreams.
When she met Alessandro he quickly bashed her ideas of becoming a professional painter, saying that it’s not something she will build her life on and that she will be only wasting her time. She was mad at him for a couple of days but then she quit her painting dream and chose economy for her main subject.
- Ecco a te, one coffee and one brownie - said Joey bringing her order to the table and putting it right in front of her.
- Grazie mille - Naomi answered and smiled to him.
She took a sip of coffee and smiled. It was delicious. That was another reason why she kept coming back here every day. They made the best coffee she’s ever drunk.
Two hours passed and Naomi was still working on her assignment she was supposed to give in till next Monday. It was about lunch time so she decided she will pack her things in an hour and she will go find a place to eat something. She took the last sip of the coffee and finished her first task when someone pulled her out of her little trans.
- Ah shit! I’m all wet! - she heard someone saying and moment later she saw a guy reaching the bartender.
He was tall and had slightly longer, dark brown hair. She could only see his profile but only that was enough for her to admit that he was really handsome. He was wearing black trousers, black Dr. Martens, white tank top and an oversized black jacket. He looked good and Naomi couldn’t take her eyes off of him.
- Damiano! It’s so good to see you man! - Joey said and shook hands with the new guy.
Damiano. The name really suit him. Naomi didn’t take her eyes off him even once.
- Ciao, ciao, Joey! - his voice was attractive as well. Raspy and deep but really calm.
Naomi didn’t know what was happening. Usually she didn’t pay attention to any guys after Alessandro but he was different. He looked edgy and bold but he seemed nice too. She was staring at him. And not in a polite way. She was literally eyeing him from up and down and she didn’t even realize.
- Give me an espresso man, I’m so tired, I just woke up. Yesterday we had so much fun. Victoria came up with this new idea of the song and we all stayed up late till 4 am trying to figure out how to pull it up together. - Damiano said.
So he’s into music. Nice. Naomi was still staring at him so rudely but she didn’t care at this point. Music is also art - she thought and smiled slightly not letting go of his person.
- Typical you, Dam, you’ve never slept a full night, did you? - Joey said and they both laughed.
- Do you have a lighter maybe? I forgot mine. - Damiano said and started searching his pockets.
- I don’t man, sorry. Let me make your order. Anything else for you?
- No, no that’s all. I’m gonna go search for a lighter and I’ll be back.
He turned around searching for people but at this time the café was empty. Only Naomi sitting in the corner. He started walking towards her. Oh shit, he’s coming here, stop staring, stop staring, stop staring - Naomi thought and looked at her laptop trying to pretend that’s she didn’t just checked him out for 10 minutes straight.
- Scusi, I’m.. - he reached her table and started speaking but stopped when she looked at him. - I’m sorry to interrupt but do you have a lighter maybe? - he said after a second.
- No, I’m sorry. I don’t smoke. - Naomi blushed and smiled lightly.
- Okey, grazie. - he smiled and started walking away.
- But there’s a store at the corner, I think they might have some. - Naomi said
- Grazie, grazie. - he laughed slightly and waved at her.
Naomi went back to her tasks still blushing not knowing why. 15 minutes passed and Damiano entered the café again carrying two bags. He came up to Naomi smiling.
- I uh.. Sorry to interrupt again but.. Do you want to maybe eat lunch with me? I just thought that it’s lunch time and you’re sitting here alone and since you helped me with the lighter.. - he couldn’t stop speaking and Naomi blushed again laughing. He looked a bit nervous.
- Of course, I would love to eat lunch with you. - she said interrupting him.
- I’m Damiano - he said pulling out his hand.
- Naomi - she said and grabbed his hand to shake it but he turned it and kissed the top of her palm.
She felt something weird in her stomach, like butterflies but she pushed them aside and only smiled to him. Damiano sat on the couch opposite Naomi and put two bags on the table.
- I didn’t know what you like, obviously because I don’t know you, yeah very clever Dam, whatever.. - he started speaking and Naomi couldn’t stop but laugh at him loudly
- Don’t worry, I’m not a peaky eater - she said sending him a reassuring smile.
- Alright, well, I ordered pasta with shrimps and some pesto and cherry tomatoes. - he said taking out the box with food from the bag. - I also got you a cherry smoothie but we can switch if you’d like.
- Wow, and that all for a lighter? You really didn’t have to. But thank you so much, I was about to go for lunch anyways. - she said grabbing the box that he handed her.
- Yes well, you’re really beautiful.. I mean, no.. I mean you are beautiful but I just wanted to say that you’re really nice and yeah I don’t know I just thought you might like to eat something.. Not that you look like you’re starving but yeah..
- Heyyy, thank you, really, that’s so nice of you. - she said smiling widely.
Naomi took the first bite of her pasta and it was delicious. She remembered her grandmother cooking shrimps every Saturday and all her family gathering together for a family dinner in the garden. It tasted just the same.
They ate everything and after two hours of talking and laughing and getting to know each other it was time for Joey to close the café. Naomi stood up and packed her things, said goodbye to Joey and together with Damiano they stepped out of the café. It stopped raining and instead there was a full sun and a fresh breeze.
- So what are you gonna do now? - he asked standing in front of her.
- Umm.. I think I’m just gonna go back to my flat, make myself some snacks and watch Netflix till I fall asleep - Naomi laughed.
- Alright well, do you mind if I walk you home? - Damiano asked steeping a bit closer to her.
- Sure, why not, we can take a walk.
That day Damiano walked Naomi to her house and they exchanged numbers, planning to meet again. He kissed her cheek for goodbye and squeezed her hand and Naomi has never felt like that in a long time. She was happy and Damiano, even tho she met him today, made her feel really good. Naomi couldn’t sleep that night still thinking of him and wondering why she felt so different around him.
*3 months later*
- What do you mean you don’t like Star Wars! - Damiano shouted to Naomi while they both walked towards the beach where they were supposed to watch sunset and have a little picnic.
Since the day they met they spent almost every day together. Damiano surprised her with multiple occasions to go out together, either for lunch or dinner or even breakfast when he woke up earlier than usual. He found himself falling for her. In fact he realized he fell for her the day he first laid his eyes on her. He found her funny, spontaneous and really kind and caring. When she told him about her painting dream he was so shocked she gave up, that he argued with her till he convinced her to chase the dream even if she thought it was too late. Naomi really enjoyed his company, he made her feel really happy and safe and most importantly - loved. She knew she developed some feelings and she didn’t want to admit it but at the back of her head she knew she fell in love. He made her laugh and supported her when she was having bad moments. He became her best friend at some point. Both of them were taking things a bit slower tho, they were both afraid, broken-hearted after rough ended relationships.
- I just don’t, I don’t understand how they made so many movies out of such a lame plot. - she said defending herself.
- How can you even say that! The plot is amazing! The space action scenes, come on! - he said offended but smiling.
- Yeah I just don’t see the point of filming it, that’s all.
- I don’t know how Victoria can still be friends with you, we’re both huge fans of Star Wars! You’re lucky I like you - Damiano started laughing and put his arm around Naomi’s shoulders.
She got to meet Victoria, Ethan and Thomas. Bassist, drummer and guitarist of their band Måneskin. Naomi wasn’t really into music so she didn’t really know them and didn’t know they’re pretty known here in Italy. Victoria was the kindest person Naomi could ever see. When her and Damiano stepped into the studio where they were recording, Vic was the first to reach out to her. She hugged her tightly and was clearly really happy to meet her. She then introduced Thomas and Ethan to her. Thomas started joking around that Damiano finally found himself a girlfriend and Ethan was really polite, he kissed Naomi’s hand and hugged her too, smiling really kindly. They were all so nice. They started inviting her over for dinners or just to hang out by the pool. She also listened to them playing and recording their new songs. Damiano told them that she wanted to be a painter and they all started reassuring her even more, that chasing her dream is the best thing for her and that she should never give up. Naomi really felt like she finally found her place.
Naomi and Damiano reached the beach, they put the blanket on the sand, put out all the food from the basket and they sat opposite each other. They were both smiling widely and chatting about everything. They drank some wine, ate some pasta and then they sat next to each other admiring the sunset.
- I really like you, you know? - Damiano said glancing at Naomi. - And I mean, I like you a lot. You’re really an amazing person with so much talent and you’re just so caring and loving. You really make me happy. - he said not taking his eyes off of her.
- Dami.. - Naomi started but she was interrupted.
- What I want to say is.. - he took her hands - I fell in love with you Naomi. I fell for you hard and I’m pretty sure since the day I saw you at that café. I care about you so much and any time with you is my favorite time in the world. So if you want to.. We could try, you know.. Being together, like, in a relationship. - he said in one breathe.
Naomi was speechless, her stomach was squeezing and she felt her cheeks turning red. She never would have though that someone will make her feel like this again. She knew that he cares for her but she didn’t know that he would feel the same way she felt about him.
- Dami.. Of course I do want to try, you make me the happiest, and honestly I didn’t know you feel the same way, that’s why I didn’t say anything. And also because.. - Naomi wanted to tell him about Alessandro but she was scared that Damiano will back off, saying that he will give her time.
- What’s wrong, bella? - he said gently squeezing her hand.
- I was in a relationship before. His name was Alessandro and we met before I started college. We were together for 3 years and everything was going just fine. But then.. One day when I came back home earlier than usual I found him cheating with my best friend, Sofia. Since then I just decided to not get into any relationship and live only for myself because I was too afraid to get hurt again - Naomi said looking down at their intertwined hands.
- Oh bella.. - Damiano pulled her into a tight hug.
He stroked her back and her hair and he was whispering to her ear. A single tear fell down her cheek but not because she was hurt but because of how gentle and caring Damiano was. He hugged her and made her feel better and she couldn’t find herself with anyone else right now than with him. He pulled away, looked into her eyes and smiled slightly.
- I was in a relationship too a while ago. It turned out we didn’t match and our life goals and perspectives were so different that we decided to end things. Maybe it wasn’t as harsh as your breakup but I felt awful for at least a month. I didn’t go out of my room and I lost all will to write music. Victoria brought me food every day but I just didn’t want to eat. But it all passed.. Listen, if you need more time it’s all good, I’ll give you space and I’ll wait till you’re ready.
Naomi was silent for a couple of seconds. In her head there was a battle. She wanted to let go of bad memories and trust Damiano completely, start a relationship with him, but on the other hand she was scared to get hurt again.
- No Dami. I don’t need time, I know what I want and I know how you make me feel and that’s why I want to try. - Naomi said hugging him tightly.
She knew she just overcame her fear and she felt free. Like a huge stone fell off of her heart. She felt amazing and she wanted to live this moment as long as she could. Damiano pulled away and cupped her cheek with his hand. He pulled her closer and she could feel his breath on her face. Slowly, but slightly Damiano leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. Naomi touched his cheek and pulled him even closer. And then they both intertwined their lips in a gentle, yet passionate kiss.
Naomi felt her stomach squeezing when Damiano put his hand on her back. It was their first kiss and the sunset was almost turning into the night. They pulled away after seconds and smiled widely at each other.
- I promise, I’ll always take care of you. - Damiano said leaning his forehead against hers.
- Always. - Naomi said grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers together.
That’s when they both knew that they found soulmates in each other.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Peter Parker’s Younger Sibling
Peter Parker x sibling!reader
warnings: bullying mention, blood mention
a/n: a fuckin reach, its been a WHILE since ive seen tasm
prompt: y/n is peter’s sibling
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peter and you were playful kids
you were just a year and some months younger than him, so you had a harder time remembering your parents than him
but he always told you stories about them that made you miss them a little more
peter was a genius, we all know it
he was the one helping you with your homework most nights
“peter i cant do it!”
“that’s okay, y/n. look, start with two times four, that’s eight, then four times six, twenty-four, right?”
“can i say a cuss word?”
“math is shit”
you would cry during homework a lot
you’d also pass out on his floor after talking for hours
and you’d either wake up facedown on the floor or in your room since uncle ben would pick you up and put you to bed
peter took it upon himself to take you back to your room, but he usually dragged you by the arm, sooooo
you’d play action figures together
he was batman, you were robin always
“can i be batman?”
“oldest gets to be batman so im batman”
“but i wanna be batman!”
peter walked you to your school before taking off on his skateboard
and he’d pick you up on his way home
on half-days your brother taught you how to skate
you fell a lot
aunt may had to patch you up
“how many times do i have to tell you those skateboards are dangerous?!”
peter got you your own skateboard so that you could practice without him
you would text him after you did a trick and he’d always say hell yes! show me when i get home!
being his photography assistant
really you were his assistant constantly
science fair was the most boring day of the year
“y/n, stand right here, i need to get something from my locker”
*judges walk up while youre left unattended and in a state of PANIC*
you were bullied in middle school, same as peter, he’d always stick up for you and get beat up instead
it made you very mad but it was scary, too
“how’d you get into this fight, peter?”
“oh, you know, just happened”
“peter was sticking up for me, uncle ben”
“was he now? you’re a good brother, peter”
lonely when he moved onto high school :/
but you got there soon enough
you guys were kind of loners, just ate lunch together, lugged around your skateboards, you were an artist, he was a photographer
just spectating the chaos of high school, rolling your eyes at the drama
“i have two bucks, do you want anything from the vending machine?”
“uhh, a coke?”
you saw peter get bullied by flash and lost your shitttt
you actually started a food fight after throwing mashed potatoes in his eyes
“what the hell, parker?!”
“sit down and eat your goddamn food, flash, or next time it wont be potatoes”
peter was half-proud, half-embarrassed
trying to see how long you could skate through the halls before any authority figures stopped you
sometimes......you guys got sent to the office together :)
*phone ringing* “hello, is this ben parker?”
“which one of them is it this time?”
the principal’s office was a trip sometimes
you and peter exchange your glances and wait to get scolded
“ah, the parkers, come in, lets have a chat...why do you two always feel the need to get in trouble together?”
“we just happen to get along really well for siblings”
no you fuckin dont lmaoooo
it was always something with you two
like always
*banging on peter’s door* “I KNOW YOU HAVE MY BROWNIES, PETER, GIVE THEM BACK”
*peter through a mouthful of brownies* “I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT, YOURE CRAZY”
“is that my jacket?” -peter
“you mean my jacket?”
“y/n, i swear to god if you steal any more of my clothes it’s over for you”
“well, aunt may keeps giving me your clothes, so take it up with her”
and then there was just the little annoying things
“peter, can you stop clicking your pen?”
*clicks pen faster*
“you’re the worst”
and my personal favorite
“peter, open the door”
*opens bedroom door* “what?”
“aunt may is making meatloaf”
“shit, uh...get your board, we’ll skate to mcdonalds and tell her we already ate”
peter and you RARELY ever brought your parents up until he found your dad’s briefcase, you didn’t have much to say
soon he was flooding his room with conspiracies and pulling you in to explain them
he began acting REALLY weird, but he was pretty open with you, he told you he went to oscorp
“your standards for me are way too high, y/n”
soon you started to feel not-so-good and weird things started to happen
“yeah? whats up?”
“this is gonna sound really weird...my hand is stuck to the door”
“it happened to you, too??”
“happening, pete. wait—this happened to you?? what is this???????”
yall done fucked up and got bit by spiders peter had so carelessly brought back into the house
it was an adjustment to say the least
and this adjustment got a whole lot harder that one night...you can remember peter just...so upset
you tried to chase him out to make sure he was okay, but uncle ben told you to stay with your aunt
maybe if you’d have been there...it would’ve been different, but when the cops got to your house you were at a loss for words
peter was covered in his blood still
“hey, hey, just breathe, okay? it’s not your fault, peter. just hop in the shower, yeah? i’ll take care of your clothes”
when peter took your advice and you were left alone, you just cried, you cried until he finally found you curled up in a ball in your room
then he cried, you just hugged each other sobbing your eyes out
peter got distant for a while, which was rough since the two of your were mourning for your uncle and dealing with these newfound powers
sooner or later he came around and helped you out, designing webshooters and a suit for you
“we match?”
*sigh* “yeah...yeah, we match”
ah yes, spider-team
you really tripped out new york at first, they thought spider-man was a teleporter
peter was still talking about your dad, but you really didn’t care, uncle ben was always going to be who raised you
you and peter would be covered in bruises after going out
“uh—peter punched me”
just being dumb scared teens that cant function to save their lives until they get a little bit lucky
seriously like, every big villain you guys fought was just the worst
peter didn’t help all the time, he was good at provoking them sometimes
“hey, spider-man, you mind shutting up for a minute? for my sake?”
“sorry, sorry, just couldn’t help myself!”
he gushed to you about gwen stacy, he actually dragged you to her apartment to be patched up by her SEVERAL TIMES
yadda yadda yadda peter graduated high school! how cool is that? but he was late (what a surprise) even though you put off spidering today just for this
but he made it and you clapped the loudest for him
“thats my brotherrrr!!!”
cute family picture! (aunt may printed a bunch of them and gave them to you two and peter pinned them to his wall)
you and peter actually have a lot of pictures of the two of you just goofing off
he has one of you stuck in a trash can that cracks him up every time
seeing harry osborn again after YEARS
“wow, y/n, last time i saw you i just thought you were peter’s annoying little sibling”
“aww, it’s good to see you, too”
this guy really worried you bc like, bzzzz shock
you and peter weren’t equipped for that
it took a while, but you were finally able to deal with that
and several other problems
including peter’s breakup, which was a whole ordeal of its own
*peter laying upside down on your bed* “i dont know, y/n, you know? i wanna be with her so bad, i love her...but her dad is haunting me”
*you, drawing on your notepad with your legs propped up on his* “yeah, makes sense”
you actually had to tap out during the end of electro, you were hurt pretty bad
“y/n, hey? yeah, you’re okay. stay here, just stay right there, i’m gonna be back for you”
*thumbs up to show youre still alive*
but when peter came back for you there was bad news, he’d lost gwen
he ripped his mask off and fell to his knees, you could barely move but you powered through it, giving him a hug while he cried
“we...we better get home before aunt may starts to worry”
she was at work, so you two had the place to yourselves to clean up and mourn before the official news was revealed
“i should have listened to her dad, y/n, this is all my fault”
he was a mess, you couldn’t bare seeing him like this. it’s been so long since you’d seen him like this
the funeral was rough, peter was grasping onto your shoulder the whole time
he insisted that he was going to stick behind and stay with gwen for a while
“okay, i’ll see you at home...love you”
“love you too”
you gave him a hug and left him to his business, the next few months you were the only spider-person operating in new york...until rhino popped up
“im coming with you”
“you’re sure?”
“yeah, im sure”
(these are kinda ass but anyways im tagging my marvel ppl even tho ik this isnt mcu so just ignore this post if you dont care, sorry!!)
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @allthecreativeonesaretaken // @frostedgiant // @praellee // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs //
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kodzukenscorner · 4 years
Atsumu, Osamu, Suna, and Akaashi seeing their S/O high
anon asked: How would the Miya twins, Suna Rintarou and Akaashi react, comin' home to find their s/o lying on the floor high af, totally fine tho? (If this makes you uncomfortable I'm sorry-)
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a/n: oof this took forever, i’ve honestly been so unmotivated lately
wc: 1,204
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Atsumu had texted you letting you know that he was going to be late heading over
You both had plans to hang out after his practice for the evening had concluded
But, of course, like always he was running late
He always insisted on staying late for practice and with people as eager as Bokuto and Hinata on his team, he could never say no to some extra practice 
So you were left to your own devices while waiting for him to return home
Lately you’d been feeling a bit stressed and Atsumu’s practices were getting longer and longer
So, to relieve all your built up tension you decided to get a little high, there was no telling when Atsumu would show up anyway
You were happily floating off, letting your tensions and worries melt away
You were lying on your couch but it suddenly just felt too small and you were cramped, so you moved onto the floor
You were spread out on the floor with your eyes closed when Atsumu opened the front door
“Uhh babe?”
“Hmm?” You didn’t even bother opening your eyes to look at him 
“You good?”
You just hummed again, giggling as you opened your eyes to look at your mildly concerned boyfriend
He could tell from the bloodshot look in your eyes that you were not sober and he just chuckled at you
Setting his bag down he laid on the floor next to you, snaking an arm around your waist
“Can’t believe you got high without me” He pouted
“Tsumu I don’t think athletes are allowed to get high” You mumbled as you rolled closer to him
“Still...” He held you close until you begged him to get some chip for you to munch on
He sulked but was glad to see you perk up when he brought the snacks to you
Honestly you weren’t expecting Osamu to come over at all
So you went ahead and decided to have some fun that night when you were alone
You had baked some edibles for yourself in the form of brownies and you went all out
They were triple chocolate with frosting on top and honestly you forgot you had put something in them because you were so focused on how good they tasted
You happily ate one and not even an hour later you began to feel the effects
Happy with being full and pleasantly high, you sprawled across the floor and closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling
You could hear someone walking into the room and soon heard the voice of your boyfriend
“Are you sleeping sweetheart?”
You shook your head, keeping your eyes closed and you could hear Osamu move from the living room into the kitchen
Once you heard him come back into the room and settle on the couch you asked how his practice match had gone
“Fine I guess, I’m tired now”
Something sounded off about his voice, almost like...he was talking with his mouth full?
You gasped and your eyes shot open to witness Osamu eating the last bite of his brownie
“SAMU! What are you doing??”
“What? They looked good”
Then you had to explain to him that the brownies were actually edibles 
He seemed surprisingly calm honestly, he only raised an eyebrow when you told him you had eaten one and gotten high
“You’re not mad?”
He shrugged “Nah, you looked like you were having a good time, might as well join in”
You moved to relax on the couch with him, waiting until the effects of the brownie kicked in
It was not uncommon for you and Suna to get high together
Honestly, people always suspected you guys were stoners but no one ever had any proof
You two always got high when you were at home alone together and tonight was no different
You had been happily buzzed together, just lazing about and talking about various things, attempting to pay attention to whatever was on TV
Ever since Suna got back from practice you guys were just tangled up in each other’s arms but you had enough
You pushed him off of you complaining about his musty smell
He sighed but went off to finally take a shower when you told him you weren’t going to cuddle with him unless he cleaned himself up
While he was gone you realized how warm it was in the little nest you had built on the couch
You threw all the blankets off yourself but you were still feeling too warm
You opted to lay on the cold hardwood floor and sighed at how relieved you felt
Suna was quick to finish up his shower and was surprised to see you just laying on the floor 
He squatted near you and poked your cheek, asking if everything was alright
You nodded at him and told him it was just too hot on the couch
“Can I cuddle with you now?”
“No way, I just told you it was too hot” You rolled away from him
“What if I told you I just took a cold shower?”
You perked up at that and he placed a hand on your cheek
You could feel the cold radiating off of him and looked in his eyes
“Ok, fine”
He wasted no time at all wrapping himself around you and you sighed happily at the cool feeling of his body against yours
Akaashi has always been calm and collected on the outside but on the inside, his mind was always racing
And to say he was surprised to see you lying across the floor of your room when he came to visit you was a bit of an understatement 
For a second, he was silent, trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong with you
Were you hurt?
Then he finally spoke up and asked if you were okay
You hadn’t heard him come in but you could hear the worry in his voice
You turned your head towards him and saw the slightest furrow in his brow
You just smiled at him and assured him everything was fine
He sighed, sitting next to you as you laid across the floor
You explained that you were feeling a bit stressed and got high to calm down a bit
He just nodded and listened to everything you said
In his mind he was wondering what it must be like to get high and if it could possibly help him calm down
His face was easy to read and you knew what he was thinking about
“Wanna try it?” You offered
He was taken aback but he knew he would be safe with you, so he agreed
You never in your life thought you would see someone as composed as Akaashi get high but here he was
Sprawled across your floor on his side, he was stroking his fingers up and down your arm with a look of wonder on his face
You chuckled at him, you’d never seen him look so carefree before
“Feeling better?”
He smiled one of his rare genuine smiles at you and nodded his head
He scooted closer to you and placed a kiss on your lips
“Thank you”
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akkurai-zandervos · 4 years
Okay clown u answer all of them too 🤡 (or if u want just 11,20 & 33 😌)
I’mma go ham (i guess)
1. What’s your sexual orientation?
2. What are you obsessed with right now?
Video games, (right now it’s Valorant and Yakuza Kiwami 2)
3. Ever done any drugs?
I guess? Not sure if alcohol counts, and I accidently ate a pot brownie, cuz no one told me
4. What piercings do you want?
Maybe like a third and first piercing for my ears, but I think I might just get magnetic ones :3c
5. How many people have you kissed?
I had to reach into the past for this one woof, 7?
7. Who are you jealous of?
Me? Who gave me the right to be this epic (I’m joking, not really jealous of anyone)
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
Not really a binge watcher, but I’ve been wanting to rewatch Bleach/naruto
9. Do you watch porn?
Eh, sometimes, but it’s kinda boring
10. Do you have a secret sideblog?
Nah, it’s just this and my art blog @akkurai
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
Making something cool and that I’m proud of
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced?
Nah and nah
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
Giving it to someone else, I don’t need 1 mil, it’s too much and I could survive on much less
15. Are you in a relationship?
Nah I’m single ;)
16. Do you follow porn blogs?
Nah, and I don’t allow porn bots to follow me, so my blog stays fresh, clean, and sfw c:
17. Are you angry with anyone right now?
Not at anyone person, I mean I’m always angry but it’s calm rage because there’s not much I can do about the issue, so I don’t let it consume me
18. What tattoos do you want?
I have 2 already and want at least 1 more, maybe 2 if I’m feeling spicy
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to?
Whatchu mean, my name is flawless as is, Akkurai Zandervos
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
Swords and art
21. Describe your best friend.
I have 2, one is a lovely person who is mega outgoing and fills the silences I can’t but despite that she still likes hanging out with me and my other best friend has been my friend since middle school and even if me and him don’t chat for a while when we do meet back up it’s like no time passed at all
22. Tag someone you think is hot.
I don’t really find people hot, but I could tag some people who are beautiful or that I think look amazing (but I won’t because then I’d be hitting on them, and that makes me nervous cuz like y’know aaaaaaaaaaaa, hey don’t read this part plz) 
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
-Glass Animals
-Tame Impala
-Pale Waves
24. What are three places you want to travel?
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
Perfect? Alright grab your popcorn. I wake up at 10am, I eat some breakfast, I play video games with friends for a few hours, then I pick up my special someone and we go on a cute date and hang out for the rest of the night until we pass out from exhaustion and that’s as far as my brain goes
26. What’s your favorite season?
27. What’s your pet peeve?
Hmm, people who are rude for no reason and thinks it’s funny
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
My lil bro, he wildin’
29. What’s the most overrated movie?
Like people overhype it? Uhh I dunno, not really a movie person
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message.
But then I’d have to talk to them LMAO, honestly any mutual I have not chatted with
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
Paperrrrrrrr, I like turn pages
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
All custom one of a kind stuff, but not like made of fancy ingredients, I just mean something like tie dye, ya can’t replicate it even if the same person made it again, for example I have a jacket that I bleached and dyed so it’s carbon grey and orange my two fav colors, I will never see someone with the same jacket as me~
34. What’s your coffee order?
At the store? Caramel Frappe. At home? Medium roast coffee with 3 teaspoons of sugar
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes?
Nah, like I wish them well, but I don’t have any romantic feelings for them
37. Have any tattoos?
38. Do you drink?
Not really, alcohol taste bad, but IF i have to, Jack Daniels or Scotch
39. Are you a virgin?
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
This list is out for my life huh
41. How many followers do you have?
250 ish, we a small little family
42. Describe the hottest person you know.
The person reading this <3
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
I like sleeping on the floor, and I also eat frosting out of the container
44. Do you read erotica?
Ya might laugh, but sometimes I do try to read it for the plot (spoiler alert, they mostly bad)
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
Fun date at arcade, playing pool/billards, date got a text and it was there turn so I told them that just so they knew, they told me to shut up and be quiet as they finished their text. Entire date ruined for me
46. How many people do you follow?
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
Uhm, I dunno, it’s hard to say cuz I don’t really know what they are like
48. Describe your ideal partner.
I’m pretty simple, someone who is kind and likes me for me, and is comfy being themselves with me
49. Who do you text the most?
I don’t text anyone really, my phone do be kinda silent tho
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
Overcast with slight wind, about 65 F or 19 C
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bakusoftie · 5 years
getting shitfaced with tape daddy, DANKi, Mina “best girl” Ashido, and shark boi
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you know I just had to include the entire bakusquad 🥰 because they ALL smoking some shit
😁 tape daddy sero 😄
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Okay so,,,Sero is basically a canon pothead cause 1. This boi is always smiling so he gotta be high 2. He radiates crackhead energy
Sero tells you that he only smokes because of his “anxiety” but,,,let’s be honest it’s the only way he knows how to survive U.A. anymore
He buys his shit from crackwhores in the support class who grow that shit themselves (present mic might have caught them but let them go after he “confiscated” the evidence)
One day, your tape daddy invites you for some Fortnite and Chill 😏
And there he goes with his rainbow bong again (it is his most prized possession and he would kill a man if anything happened to it)
He thinks it’s funny watching you cough your entire left nut out of your throat but then he starts coughing because of how hard he was laughing and now you both are just crying and whEEzing while the tears run down y’alls faces
such chaotic energy
Soy sauce boy will use his quirk to suspend himself off the roof and try to spooderman kiss you but you’re so out of it that you collide your face into his and now his nose is bleeding and he is WHEEZING AGAIN
you’re getting blood on my Gucci Supreme rug
Y’all end up just laying on the floor at 4:20am, thinking about the reason for life and what happens after death and if the birds work for the bourgeoisie then is tokoyami a traitor ?!?
He gets sleepy and makes a hammock out of tape for the two of you to cuddle in
it wasn’t very sturdy tho
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⚡️ danki ⚡️
first things first, this gif killed me 🤤 damn do you gulp pussy like that
Denki is pretty well-known to be a dumbass crackhead
Except he doesn’t need crack because all of his brain cells are already dead (There are only 2 brain cells in the bakusquad and the first one is all bakugou but sero,mina,denki, and kiri have to share the other one)
This boy gets high on the regular I mean sero is his best bro
kaminari prefers getting high by eating edibles or brownies tho because he’s a little pussy whose lungs can’t handle smoke all that much
he thought you two could play some mario kart and chill out and it would be a fun little date in the dorms
until you find a baggy of gummy edibles and y’all decided to inhale that shit
when I mean fucked
I mean ‘let’s sneak into shinsou’s dorm and steal his voice changer thingy and make some prank calls’ fucked up
first of all, never disturb shinsou while he’s sleeping because he will bitchslap the both of y’all so hard y’all’s momma feels it
you first started with calling Endeavour (you just asked shouto and he delivered and told y’all to ‘make the bastard cry if you can’)
Y’all used All Might’s voice and
for some reason, denki goes from being a really happy and jokey high to calming down and being unusually quiet
he’s what you call
“fake woke”
like he’ll go on and on about how we need to save the turtles and use metal straws as he takes a drinks from his plastic straw
he drinking La Croix 🤢
he talks about how the moon landing is fake and how you two are side characters in an anime like what ?!?
like he just quotes Shane Dawson Conspiracy Theory videos
“Uh What’s up you guys, Here’s Danki with another spooky conspiracy about how Midoryia was given All Might’s quirk and will be the next symbol of peace”
“Kami...that makes no sense. You can’t give other people quirks”
“What if...you ate their hair tho?😳”
maybe he real woke 🤭
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🌸 alien queen 🌸
this beautiful ball of sunshine
this gorgeous piece of cotton-candy
my wife
okay back to the h/c
Mina doesn’t get high a lot but when you hang out with Sero and Kaminari, you’re bound to get shitfaced
She only likes doing it as a group or with someone else
It’s just more enjoyable to her to be in that state with someone else
She feels like it brings friends closer together in a way
Which is why when you agreed to get high with her, she was so excited
she brought anything she could think of to make this a comfortable experience like snacks and drink if you get the munchies and the best movies to watch when you’re high like ‘Shrek’ and ‘Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle’
she has such a big fat lesbian crush on you
she just wants to be closer to you and spend all her time with you
she also really hopes you don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of pink of her room
You knock on the door of your cute pink crush and nervously hoping for the best tonight
if you’re lucky
you and her will 😏
cuddle 🥺
She opens the door so fast that you swear the door hinge cracked but you couldn’t think about that when Mina had the brightest toothy grin on her face as she pulls you into her comfy room
“I hope you like Shrek”
“I love Shrek”
is it too soon to ask you to marry her?
because she thinks you’re the girl of her dreams
she sits you down on the hot pink and black couch of hers and starts rolling the blunt as the movie starts to play
you were so hypnotized by her tongue coming out to lick the sides of the blunt in order to close it and apparently you were staring so hard that she noticed because you saw her already pink face flush into a dark red
you two are so cute
let’s go lesbians
When your hand touches hers as she passes the blunt to you, you honestly think you felt electricity connect your fingertips as it burned and shocked you at the same time
Mina is such a giggly high
it’s so fucking adorable
especially when you both are sent into a fit of laughter when she says donkey reminds her of denki and you responded with ‘denkey’
you both get tired after the second movie and start to move closer to each other for warmth and
you couldn’t help but notice how sweet she always smelled and how her eyes are so unique and beautiful
she could help but notice the light blush on your face and think if it was there because of all the laughing or if it was because of her
neither of you were sure who leaned in first but before you knew it, you were kissing the girl you’ve had a crush on for so long, you only wish you had the guts to do it when you were sober
you both got the cuddles you wanted and fell asleep in each other’s arms with peaceful smiles on both of your faces
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🦈 shark boi 🦈
do you expect this manly boi to be the kind of person to 420 blaze it?
not at fucking all
he just seems like the person to not care about all that stuff
like ‘say no to drugs bc drugs are unmanly as fuck’
he 420 blazes it like every other weekend
it’s better to do it in moderation unlike sero, who is in a constant state of cloud nine
kiri’s mood doesn’t really change much when he’s high because
he’s already a smiling bundle of light
when kiri gets high
he kinda overshares 😳
“Y/n... have I ever told you that you have the tightest ass out of everyone in class like you could suffocate me between those cheeks and I’d die the happiest man on earth”
he’s so wild wtf
like he’ll go to tell you about his middle school insecurities to busting it down to Baby Shark
someone tell this man to stop referring to himself as ‘Daddy Shark’ blease make it stob
he is so flirty too like
“Baby let me show you why they call me a Riot 😏”
“Didn’t you come up with that name yourself?”
he is so sensitive tho so don’t be too harsh because he will start crying at the littlest things
don’t show him any sad movies while he’s in this state unless you want to be kept up all night with him ranting about how ‘Black Widow deserved better than what Marvel did to her’
did he lie?
😤 and i oop
you need to tell him how manly and strong and special he is just to get him to sleep
he will be out like a light the moment you run your hands through his spiky hair
he’s like a vsco girl on whiteclaw lmao sksksk
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Hiii Cookie <3 !!
I've missed you too :D I understand, grr, school keeps everyone busy. My school has been cancelled due to the cases btw :// (4000+)
How has your week been? Please tell me all about it 💖 I've just been watching glee (the songs in it are amazing, acapella is just ✨✨✨💖🦋), and baking these days. Made cookies and brownies yesterday :D
(here's a picture of the cookies :)
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I hope you're okay tho!! And that you're not feeling overwhelmed or anything :3 please take care of yourself, (make sure to stay hydrated sir >:( and know that I love you so much 👉👈
(I know this answer was short but I hope you'll be okay with it, since I know longer messages can be harder to reply to, and I wouldn't wanna take up so much of your time :P so I hope this shorter one is okay? :)
—Ari ☃️
Yeahh, it kinda sucks, it does keep me occupied though so that's better than nothing😝
Ack!!! That's a lot?! Is something happening? Why are the cases going up so suddenly?
It's been pretty tiring, I honestly had trouble keeping up. Mom became really ill because of some circumstances, so I had to work for more money and take care of her. I felt nice, though. Not about her being ill, of course, about the fact that I'm taking care of her. Kinda feel like I paid off a little bit😔
I've been planning jn watching Glee, though I might have less time during the day😭 I'll try to sneakily watch it during classes, maybe during English or Turkish. Not like we do anything important anyway😋
Oh these look so good!??!?! They're so pretty!! How'd they taste? Send me the recipe😈 I wanna know for myself😝
I made a honey cake yesterday for mom. It was so good!! Sadly didnt get a picture because me and mom ate it all before we realised but uhh😅
I'm feeling great!! Next week is gonna go easy on me, hopefully, so I will be fine, thank you!! I hope you're also taking care of yourself. Don't forget about food, okay? I love you more<3
Awh!!! You're so considerate, thank you! It's definitely easier to answer, though I dont mind long messages!! Please dont think you overwhelm me, you'd never😩😭💓💕💓💕
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imacrowcawcaw · 5 years
@oblvions @shes-outta-sight @lazingonsunday @karrotkate @satans-helper thank you all for the tags 💗💕
A buttload of info about me:
Last thing I read: "Lovers" by @satans-helper 😍😍😍
Favorite Book: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
Favorite Movie: Beetlegeuse
Dream Date: Imagine this: a nice, plush couch, covered in down pillows and fluffy blankets. There is a fire in the brick fireplace, the wood smoke combines with the scent of Nag Champa incense and the homemade treats that cover the low table next to the couch. There are brownies, bread rolls, cheeses, bowls of fruit, dipping sauces, cakes, sandwiches - a whole feast of my favorite foods. My partner and I would cuddle up on that couch, listening to my favorite symphonies on the record player in the corner and talking for hours. This isn't really a first date thing, more like an established relationshil date, but god I'd love to just spend an afternoon surrounded with my favorite things and my favorite person.
Do I have a crush?: Not really. There are people I find very very attractive (a friend, Sam Kiszka, Duff Mckagan in his 20s, Lucy Lui) but nobody that I'm actually romantically and sexually into.
Hobbies: Swimming, observing nature, browsing Pinterest, daydreaming, writing, reading, making art, singing, listening to music, love to cook
My favorite time of day: late afternoon, right before the sun sets. I'm usually free to do what I like, the temperature starts to drop, I can watch the sun... it's nice
If I could choose what I looked like, anything, what would it be?: I want tattoos, and more piercings, I'd love to change my hair color again - it's been natural for awhile but I think I want either burgundy or bright blue. WINGS! I kind of want giant, strong fairy wings, and maybe glowing eyes, a forked tongue, and tattoos that move and change (kinda like Maui lol)
Am I romantic?: Yeah, I'd say I am. I love to treat people, friends and significant others, but I'd be especially affectionate and romantic for a partner. I'm constantly buying gifts and things that remind me of them, cooking for them, planning dates and buying tickets for things I know they like, quietly taking care of stuff I know they need to do, cuddling, complimenting... I love to shower my partner in affection 24/7
My favorite kind of weather: Late Autumn, generally. About 55ºF, cloudy but not raining, windy
What do I like to talk about?: Lol I talk a whole lot and I've probably talked about everything at some point. One of my close friends and I particularly love to debate religion, mythology, magic, history, and the intersections of those. We also regularly plan heists and crimes lmao
My turn-ons: Long eyelashes, pouty lips, dirty hands (motor oil, paint, flour, etc), sarcasm, seeing someone get excited about something, compassion, casual physical affection
My turn-offs: Nastiness without a reason, knees (I just think knees look weird idk), Trump supporters, 100% pessimism (I understand being depressed or doubtful or being generally a pessimist, but if you adamantly refuse to see anything in a good light and try to ruin it for others f u c k y o u)
If I got a tattoo, what would it be and where?: ohhh I want tattoos so bad but I'm saving up and I'm not certain about some yet.... but I know that I'm getting a tree of life matching with my mom, I want mushrooms, pine trees, lavender, wildflowers (all for personal reasons). I'd also like to make maybe a charm bracelet of sorts with little charms for my favorite bands, books, movies, and other peices of media. I know that interests change and I might not like something in 30 years, but I see my life in periods of interests and I want to catalogue the things that shaped me
My pets: I have 3 cats - Pumpkin Pie, Lady, and Sweetheart
My dream job: I just want to live a free life doing what I want. I want to grow my own food for the most part, and raise animals, and paint, and write, and play music, and go on random adventures, go antiquing, decorate my home from my travels, learn without expectations - I don't want to exchange a fulfilling life for financial security from some mundane modern job.
My dream place to live: Secluded, in the forests of Oregon (or maybe Pennsylvania idk) on the bottom third of a mountain, on my own little farm
My dream vacation: I just wanna go explore historical landmarks and buildings
My dream house: A beautiful historical house -- like an 1870s American farmhouse, or a craftsman cottage, or a Victorian painted Lady, or maybe a New York brownstone -- filled with antiques and records and books and artifacts that I've collected. I LOVE antiques so much, everything would be of fine craftsmanship, it would be lavish and inviting and packed with interesting items at every turn (I want my house to be a curios shop lol) I also want a big ass kitchen and nice woodwork, I literally get horny over original built ins
My piercings: Sadly, I only have my standard ear piercings right now, but I think I'll get more soon. A nose ring, eye brow bar (yes I know that's so 2000s but I like them), probably 4 more on each ear, navel, nipples
If I had kids, what would I name them?: I love older, interesting names, so - Euphemia, Hartford, Monroe, Malory, Louise (me lol), August, Fredrick
My worst traits: I'm incredibly stubborn; I love talking to people but I'm awkward; lazy and don't care; I'm a bit of a collector/hoarder; I bottle up any anger or sadness I feel so I don't inconvenience others
My best traits: I love to give and help; I try to make people comfortable around me/in my home; I have excellent taste; I appreciate quality, culture, and creativity; I have many interesting interests that I'm eager to share and learn more about; I'm very creative
My worst fear: a painful death - I'm not afraid of dying, even though I'd rather not, I just don't want it to hurt
What do I want to eat right now?: Well, considering that I just ate my first bit of solid food in 3 days and immediately had to run to the bathroom... nothing
My favorite vacation memory: *blushes* my first kiss AND nearly my first time (we went like halfway): making out with this dude, son of my mom's friend, at my family cabin
My favorite city: I really don't know. Timber, OR, let's say
My favorite social media platform: Tumblr or Pinterest (does that count?)
My favorite article of clothing: My leather motorcycle jacket. I can't actually ride a motorcycle (trying to remedy that because *sexy*) but I got it a few years ago and it makes me feel so fucking badass. It's heavy, about 15 pounds of good quality leather, has lots of secret pockets in the lining and some cool looking zippers and studs, but nothing crazy. It's hella warm and comfy, I wear it everyday it's cold enough to
Do I play any sports?: pfft no. I like to swim, and I'm interested in baseball and tennis, but I suck at them and also I just don't like team sports
My favorite meal: What I order when I go to Buffalo Bills - a pesto/feta/mozzarella/Italian sausage/basil/tomato/garlic pizza, with homemade potato chips and chunky blue cheese dressing for dipping. If I had room, I'd finish with Marionberry cheesecake pie from Sherri's (but I am incredibly sick and have no faith in getting better enough so I feel like I'll never be able to eat like this again)
What am I excited for?: The winter holidays! I'm atheist, so Christmas is all about the personal stuff and non religious family traditions for me. I love the decorations, the music, seeing my family, baking, giving and receiving presents, it's all just so fun
What am I not excited for?: Cleaning my room, it really really needs it though. Also just continuing to live like this. I'm not suicidal, I'm just in a lot of pain constantly and I don't know what to do
When was the last time I cried?: an hour or so ago, I'm in loads of pain right now
What is something I hate about the world?: There's too much to choose from
What is something I love about the world?: children and nature
My favorite scents: vanilla, lavender, pine, Nag Champa incense, BBQ meat, pizza with basil, rosemary, my Dad's cologne
Cats or dogs?: kitties 💗
What kind of sleeper am I?: A weird one lol. I can't lay on my stomach for more than 15 minutes without it making me incredibly nauseous for the rest of the day, but it's also my favorite way to sleep cause its comfy somehow... I can't lay on my back without a pillow either, 30 seconds in and the nerves pinch so bad I'm screaming. I snore, and I sleep deep, but it takes a long time to fall asleep and usually only beeping or banging noises wake me up??? Like I said, I sleep weird
How long would I survive in a zombie apocalypse?: I really don't know. I have some skills and the drive to learn to fight, but I am currently, as I'm sure y'all can tell, very sick and I don't think I'd be able to live with so much movement and so little medicine
Am I trusting?: Generally, I probably trust too much but I'm not gonna stop
What fictional characters do I identify with?: there are many I like but none I identify with
My most common labels: Mom friend, butch, that weird fat chick (doesn't bother me tho), the well behaved daughter, old soul
My life's anthem: I really am not sure if this is a good anthem song but I love it so so much... Take Me In Your Arms (Rock Me A Little While) by Kim Weston - you see where I get my love of long titles lol
Problems I'm dealing with: my health and whatever painful sickness is wrecking me, figuring out what to do with my life, saving money, getting my anxiety under control, getting the house to actually heat up because I'm cold as fuck
How can someone win me over?: let me express my interests and feelings, show kindness, be funny
What is something people don't know about me?: Idk
Not tagging anyone, this took over an hour
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Imagine Samuel being a father
A/N: So, in my opinion... Samuel Drake as a father would a killer. I think that he would be somewhere between Ryan Reynolds (find his parenthood tweets, oh lord) and Josh Wolf (such a good stand up comedian).
He would love his children endlessly, he isn't his own father, after all, but he'll maybe terrorize them a bit. Like in a funny way.
Also, I might start a series of one-shots, because I have a ton of ideas for this one.
Warnings: Samuel being a kickass father. There's some weed mentioned in here, but it is meant to be fun.
You and Samuel were together for some time.
Let me say, you were that badass Californian couple - partying, drinking your ass off, smoking weed and doing a lot of fucking things.
Like, you were practically animals. Party animals.
And of course, you were on your pills. We don't want any accidents here, right?
But, if ya know and are aware of - antibiotics and hormonal pills kinda don't do a single shit when mixed.
You should let him know that when you were finishing your antibiotics after a looong illness.
But you somehow magically forgot when he started to nuzzle you on the sofa. You know the drill really well. But why not, you were horny as hell, you missed his weenie and his body. Boy, it shouldn't be a sin to make love with your boyfriend, right?
Ya know how this goes, don't you? You don't? But I do and let me tell you.
Nuzzling > nude dudes > just the tip > oops, I cum in you.
It wasn't a sin to make love with your boyfriend. But you didn't count on that you actually get pregnant.
Yet there you were, holding that goddamn stick in front of his hazel brown eyes.
"Alright, young man." - You went. - "You wanna tell me something about dat? Because I'm pregnant and I don't certainly didn't impregnated on my own." - You asked, looking at him with that you know what you have done. But he just slapped you in the face with his answer.
"Maybe it's God's will?" - Samuel asked and you didn't know if you were about to cry or laugh actually. There was a fucking baby on the way and you two weren't that couple who would get rid of it. Maybe it hadn't the most perfect timing, yet you two have done it, so it was your responsibility now.
"Are you joking me?"
"Babe, I have one question and I am scared of the answer." - He whispered and you waved your fingers as sing for him to go on. - "I've heard some... Rumors? Like... Will your vanana be the same when he or she gets out of your body? I kinda like your tight little girl."
So yeah. There were no fights, no yelling or tears. The only two things Samuel was concerned about was the health of the baby and how actually make your vanana tight again after that.
He's an idiot. Don't mind him. At least he was looking forward to being a father. He looked like the type who runs away directly after telling him - but he was fucking pumped for your child.
That didn't mean he would be a good father. Not at all. You could tell, you could fucking tell, that he'll be that prankster, pretty tough dad with some terrible fucking jokes and you were sure that when your child will be an adult, they'll have some freaking funny memories to share.
Let me say one thing - he read as many books about labor and pregnancy as he read on the topic of vanana. He has his priorities straight. And you couldn't tell otherwise.
But no one else could believe.
"I'm with a baby." - You told Elena and Nathan who has their daughter just a few months ago. She was gorgeous after her mother and you were all scared that she'll catch Nathan's attributes.
Nathan started to laugh hysterically, but you guys were looking at him with a frown. Elena slapped his back and her stare was like can you calm the fuck down, man?
"I meant that they were joking."
Nobody could believe that Samuel Drake is about to be a father.
But when your belly got bigger and bigger, they figured out you might not be joking at all.
Samuel loved when he could speak with your belly, whispering to it when the evening came and you two lazily lied on the sofa, watching some dumb movies with Bruce Willis.
"Hi there, little one." - He carefully descended between your legs, nuzzling your belly with his lips and nose. You unconsciously messed his hair with your hand.
"Had a crazy day, I tell ya, buddy. My head is blowing up with one thought at the moment." - Samuel sighed dramatically.
"What thought, daddy?" - You messed with him with a quiet laugh. You were all in about calling him daddy in the family way and in a naughty way as well.
"I was thinking about marrying mommy, little fellow."
It wasn't history's greatest proposal, but it was something, right? It was romantic in its own way and it made you really happy.
And when the baby moved under his palms for the first time ever, it made him legit cry like a little boy.
At the moment he officially started the age of Sam, the sensitive and loving father™ (even tho it was insanely lovely, it didn't stop you from making fun of him).
He acted around you as if he was walking around some porcelain which he could break easily. He made sure you don't drink, you don't even get close to some weed, he was cooking you the healthiest recipes and even bought you some pregnancy clothes.
You wanted to know the gender, of course, but Samuel was strictly against it. So you knew it would be a boy from the start, right?
But his curiosity almost killed him. He asked you many times during different events.
Once you made dishes? He asked. You were cooking? He crept being you and almost killed you because of freaking out. You were washing clothes? Dear, that man just magically stood next to the washing machine.
But in the end, you finally told him.
And he cried again - he was about to have a baby boyo. His own son. Someone to pass the legacy on.
That made him the happiest man under the sun.
When that day came and Thomas finally saw the light of the world, Samuel was under serious pressure, shaking and crying a big time, white as a fucking wall - and you were screaming that you'll kill him if he ever tried to have another child with you.
And yes, your firstborn son was named after a pirate - Thomas Tew.
It was a long and let's be honest, painful a fucking lot in the end, labor but there was a small little bean in your arms, both of you were crying like little fucking girls and you almost immediately fell asleep after breastfeeding the baby and having all of those pregnancy things out of your body.
"You can breastfeed me as well." - Samuel whispered wickedly, thinking about sexual stuff again, and you were so disgusted by it after baby just fucking crawled from your vanana that you smacked his cheek hard. He was mesmerized, shocked and partially amused.
"If you ever put your lips close to my boobs or your penis somewhere near my vagina, you better be sure that I'll cut your weenie off, you motherfucker." - You sighed painfully with your eyes closed. He chuckled.
"From today on I'll be a motherfucker, I solemnly swear." - Samuel said in a loving tone.
He called Nathan as soon as he left you when you fell asleep. Both of them cried and they decided to have a shot for the welfare of his son - which meant that Nathan vomited in the park at three am and Samuel tried to kick hydrant because that hydrant insulted him.
They were fucking high, having the biggest hungover of their lives, waking up on the beach and neither of them knew how the fuck they got there.
You came home after a few days with a baby in a safety cradle and you couldn't believe your eyes. Those little things which made baby safe about sharp edges and some fuses.
The funniest was when Samuel forgot how to open the one on your toilet. And he needed to pee desperately. 
He always thought that babies are more fun than just crying, eating and pooping - why would everyone want them then? 
He kinda didn't understand Nathans feelings about Cassie. It doesn't mean that he doesn't love his little baby boy, alright? He was just that kind of a man who thought that babies crawl out of the woman and they immediately do everything. He needed to learn that it takes some time before they walk and talk.
So when he was holding Thomas in his armchair, he whispered him his pirate stories and fact and that little one didn't understand a single word, but it calmed him down.
So be sure that Samuel was PUMPED when the boyo started to crawl around and saying those sweet nonsenses. Samuel also almost threw a huge celebration when Thomas said mama for the first time or when he did his first step.
“He's a genius! Have you heard the pronunciation? Our little boy is exactly like his dad - fast, charming and extremely good with ladies. Have you seen him with Cassie?”
“Samuel, I think that you're freaking out and overthinking it a lot.”
He was basically pumped every everything Thomas did. 
And when his boy started to draw? Jesus, Samuel was ready to call him Picasso. In his eyes, he was extremely talented (and you didn't ruin it by saying him that Thomas is completely normal, little boy).
You were pretty lit parents, to be honest. 
When you had a long day at work and Samuel was too sick from Thomas making him angry (like when he fucked up your beautiful white wall with Nutella and fucking ketchup), you just waited until your son fell asleep.
“Are you ready for it?”
“You bet your ass, Samuel. I just need to turn off my brain.”
And you two smoked some tree (weed, who doesn't know). You were high as a kite. You didn't smoke weed much, just sometimes and it wasn't even a lot of it. Just to make you feel ok, restart your brain.
But one day you came to the bedroom and Samuel was pale and looking into your closet. 
“What is up, baby? You look scared.” - You said and stood next to him, looking into that closet next to him. - “Babe?”
“You were... You know, eating our happy brownies what you've baked for today's evening?” - Samuel asked and you shook your head and his eyes and expression went to “What?” to “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Thomas ate your weed baked in brownies. There was not a lot of it, thank god, so he was mostly okay. He was totally fine the next day - but the evening, man, that was a wild one. You both didn't leave his side all night, watching him and you didn't even fall asleep. Nothing happened, thanks to god.
Even tho, years later you burst out of laugh when Samuel was talking about his baby boy getting high on accident.
Yet, from that day on, you started to hide your edibles and weed more carefully.
From that day on, Samuel sometimes didn't leave his side all day - he woke him up, prepared breakfast, took him to kindergarten, took him out, went out with him and so on - sometimes he even fell asleep during telling him a proper pirate story. 
Especially when you somehow got pregnant, again. What should I say? This man just has good genes and really good sperms. 
Nobody knew how it happened again. 
But Thomas was just about to have a sibling when he was four years old.
So Samuel took the role of father for 24/7 when you got really pregnant. It was nice and Samuel was a lot calmer this time. 
He was a self-proclaimed pregnancy expert since Thomas was born and he was pretty sure your vanana can be tight once again after labor because you were successful the first time.
Especially he loved to take Thomas out to the park. 
He was sure that his son will be like him. When he was five years old, he was pretty good with the girls his age and because he took after your beautiful face and he took after Samuels' eyes, he was good even with women. Thomas was an adorable boy.
But that's what made Samuel worried - if he would be like Samuel as a teenager, you will through some tough shit. 
But hey - for that moment, he was only five and he had a little sister named Anne after a pirate woman Anne Bonny. Sam did his puppy eyes for that one and he promised you endless nights of eating out if you name her Anne. 
And Thomas was like “Why the fuck should dad eat mommy?”. He was pretty scared at that moment.
When Anne was actually born, you had already learned from the mistakes you have done with Thomas. 
Your life went on - you got a house, Sam was still in the business with Sully and yet Sam wasn't exactly the youngest, he had a hella energy for his children and job. And he got a hella money from that. Sully knew really well what he was doing. Tom started to go to elementary school and it wasn't a much of time before Annie went to kindergarten.
You stopped smoking tree at home; Elena and Nate were looking after Tom and Annie and you just got off to the woods or you want on to some mountain cottage. But you have still done that only when life was too hard on you and you needed to relax really badly.
Sometimes you took Cassie to your house, planning the evenings of their life to them.
Samuel and Nathan even started a competition who will do it better - but let's say that Samuel wasn't as much pussy as Nathan. That prison made him crazy a bit.
But oh man, then it started. 
Thomas was twelve years old and he was a high-school boy. So watch out. Obviously, you are old as fuck and you don't know shit about his cruel, tough life.
He stopped telling you everything, but you know it was only a natural thing that you had to accept. Annie was seven at the time and she was Samuels little sunshine and princess and you were her best friends.
But Tom had a strong relationship with Sully and Nathan and Sam. And the older he was, the stronger it was. 
He wasn't that little boy anymore. He slowly started to be a man. And you couldn't be prouder.
He had his moods, yeah, but he helped you at the home, he cared about his grades, he even hadn't that much of a mess in his room and he was really well brought up. And he loved you more than anything else in the world - you were his mommy. 
But just as Sam, Nate, Sully, and Tom had their club, you, Elena, Cassie and little Annie got you a one.
But oh my fucking Lord, you loved the stories what Sam was telling you when you got to bed. He didn't tell you Tom's problems in from of him, but you two were still his parents and you know how the drill goes: what does your dad know, your mom knows too.
"Dad?" - Tom came to Samuel one evening and he was looking like a piece of shit. Samuel frowned immediately and put his newspaper on the table. He was still worried about Tom even tho he was really smart, pretty non-problem thirteen-year-old boy. He knew how to take care of himself.
"What's up, kid?" - Samuel smiled and massaged his son's shoulder with his palm, trying to calm him down.
"I, uh, oh damn I don't know how the hell I should start." - Tom said quietly and if you were there, you would look at your son and mouth language, but there was only the two of them, so it was cool. - "Okay, okay, okay, I have a problem. It's a huge problem. I think that there's something wrong about me." - Tom whispered.
"Why would you think that? Look at you, you're a handsome young lad, just as I was back in my days." - Sam chuckled and gulped a sip of beer.
"I just gonna tell it, okay?" - Thomas took his face into his palms and started to mumble. - "So my classmate Lindsay had a really nice, tight shirt on today and I saw her boobs in a coincidence and something happened in my pants, you know, with my weenie. And then it happened again when I was a math class and I don't know what to do, because it never happened before and I'm so scared." - He finished and Sam just smiled and patted his shoulder.
"There's nothing wrong with that. Your body just tells you that you're ready to have a woman. But try something when you're underage and I'll kill you, understood?" - Samuel told him with a proud smile. - "And I don't know if this happens, but if you get hard for a man, I don't tell you it has to happen, it's just as good. I don't care whom you bang when you'll be an adult, understood? But you are still young for doing that, so try anything and I'll tell your mother."
He was so proud at that moment. His boy became an official man in his eyes. He wasn't little anymore. But still fairly young.
And you also worked as the biggest threat to Tom, so he was almost shitted because of fear at the moment. You were worse than a hurricane when he did something really bad, like throwing up on your mom's dog or when he broke a toilet at his school.
And you giggled when Sam told you that your son is a man.
He talked with Sam about everything as he grew up - he had told him about his first making out with a girl, about his first boob-touching session which he was really excited about (Tom hummed songs all evening, which wasn't a thing he would normally do) and he even asked for advice when he was about to touch his girlfriend's, her name was Carmen and she was a lovely girl, vanana for the first time ever. They had a big group meeting with uncle Nathan and pa Sully about that - it was huge for Tom and they just quietly remembered how it was for them.
But let me say - Samuel and Nathan aged like a fucking good wine. They maybe weren't the youngest around, but hell, they still did something to the women around and they had plenty of experience.
And it was three times more for Sully. Even he got married to a woman named Florence (@missdictatorme I had to) and when he was twenty years younger, he knew how to do her good.
"Alright, old man." - Eighteen-year-old Tom sat next to his father and grinned at him in the Drake-typical way with his corner-turning upwards and his eyebrows risen a little. - "Might I ask you for some tips and tricks? I think I really love her and I need to be gentle with her so she would enjoy as well."
"I might be an old man," - Sam grinned and looked at his younger brother. - "But I think your mom doesn't think so at times. Am I right, boys?" - He looked at Sully and Nathan, and every one of them laughed a bit. Sully was a really old man; each one of them was considered old, and he was now sitting on a wheelchair. He could walk, but those years of treasure hunting hadn't done any good to his poor knees.
"Ew, Jesus. That's gross. I don't wanna think about that at all."
But they got him some useful tips. Like: don't try to find her vanana on her stomach or when you stick a finger inside, make sure it's wet and don't your hand just, you know, stuck out there. Move it.
They had a great bond. Otherwise, he and Samuel would never talk about it this openly.
You two as parents got a lot of fun with your son, especially when he was nineteen and he was ready to try some new stuff. You knew he will get drunk - but when he vomited all over your terrace and when you heard him speak and say I love you for a million times while you recorded him, you had the fucking time of your whole life. Don't worry, you made it clean up after himself.
Samuel recorded all of his son's bullshit - how he spoke when he had eaten those weed-brownies when you were camping in the wood while he was eight and somehow he got his shit on his earlobe when he totally burned your Christmas sweets... Baby, there is a lot of your son's mistakes you had a proof for.
But the biggest fun actually came when he wanted to try weed. You and Sam acted a bit mad, but you knew it had to come at one point.
So, in the end, you told him "Okay, you're eighteen, so you're in law, but we'll do it together so when something happens, we are with you". And of course, he went like "Wtf no".
But you have all of that shit recorded, and when you have your bad day, you just play the speech of your stoned son. It's embarrassing and he wanted you to delete it immediately - so you knew you'll play it at his wedding.
But when it came to Annie, his baby princess and a flawless small girl being in the same age his son were when he started his sexual life, oh dear lord.
A boy looked into her direction? Sam was there, looking at him like "touch her and I would fucking break your hands, hands and penis, punk".
But you knew it is going to happen someday, so you went all in about hormonal pills, condoms, other sources of protection, you told her a hundred times that she shouldn't do it because every girl has done it but because she loves somebody... And she was like "mom, you've told me a million times and I'm not an idiot."
But you know - Tom, now a twenty-two-year-old adult, and his fiancée moved into a flat together, so you took care of Annie even more intensely.
Annie accepted your opinions if they were useful and not too idiot-sounding like. But you know girls her age - she was sure that Samuel is a huge dick who just wants to make her life harder.
And he almost fainted when she came home with a boyfriend. His name was David.
In your opinion, he was a nice boy, he was really nice to you and your daughter and polite to Samuel as well. They got through everything together - first kiss, boob-touching, making out, even first sex.
Annie even married him five years after that evening. And they moved out as well.
At the end of the day, besides for your son getting high as a kite when he was just five years old, your daughter accidentally drinking aid alcohol, losing your children in the mall a few times, a heck of bruises and a load of embarrassing, childhood stories... You were good parents.
And your son and your daughter knew that they were very lucky to have you because you taught them how to love and enjoy life and every time they need you for anything...
You were there for them.
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gosecretscribbles · 5 years
MonthofMaybel2019 Week 3: Living with Your Average Nerdbro
A/N: After last week's angst I NEEDED FLUFF so have some mabel/stan bonding over their adorably nerdy nerdbros!
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Grunkle Stan
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Grunkle Staaaaaaan
brassknucklegrunkle: what
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Dipper's hogging Anansi and I wanted to get
him to try on a sweater but he's too busy doing 'experiments' with his
brassknucklegrunkle: the heck is anansi
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): He's this smoking-hot six-inch-tall Spider
Person with little chocolate freckles and a big fluffy spider butt
brassknucklegrunkle: we really need to talk about your taste in boys
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Dipper is hogging him and I'm so bored I
could die
brassknucklegrunkle: YOU'R bored
brassknucklegrunkle: try bein stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean
with a guy who's mostly interested in poking things that want to kill you
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): to be fair you do that too
brassknucklegrunkle: Hey, I poke things and run away
brassknucklegrunkle: HE WANTS TO STUDY WHAT THE
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Right?!  Last week Dipper found some kind
of raccoon with crab pinchers digging through our neighbor's salami pile
and the first thing he wanted to do was poke it with a stick
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): I man I think it was a raccoon
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Either way it could pinch harder than an old-
timey grandma
brassknucklegrunkle: That's nothing.  Last week this little trash island
bumped up against our boat and it was covered with these little blue
singing things that numbed your face.
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Why would they numb your face?
brassknucklegrunkle: They looked like mushrooms and i was sick of
fish okay?
brassknucklegrunkle: ANYWAY they were the food for this sea serpent
the size of a sky scraper, which was pretty cool until it ate a ton of the
mushrumbas rolled over and played dead
brassknucklegrunkle: More like a conman with a million-dollar mark
brassknucklegrunkle: Ford was like OH LOOK DEAD CRYPTID
PERFECT FOR SCIENCE and leaped right into its mouth, started poking
at its teeth. I stayed on the boat until i saw its one eye rolling, I was
shouting at Ford to get out but he was doing his stupid genius thing and Ii
had to jump in there to save his sorry butt
brassknucklegrunkle: Worst part I couldn't even get a good guilt trip out
of it because halfway down the throat got claustrophobic
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Ohhhhh bad
brassknucklegrunkle: I punched our way out and Ford didn't get
flashbacks but he shut up for like an hour and not in a good way.  He
wanted to just hole up below deck with his nerd stuff but I was aafraid his
brain would panic so I gassed him out
brassknucklegrunkle: YEAH BABY WHO ATE TOO MUCH CRAB
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): I thought the point was NOT to freak him
brassknucklegrunkle: Eh, I brought up all the nerd junk that wasn't
nailed down and some coffee, he was fine,
brassknucklegrunkle: kinda reminded me of Dipper
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Dipper's not claustrophobic tho?
brassknucklegrunkle: Not that part, the anxious nerd part.  For the last
half of the summer sometimes I'd be coming up from the portal, frick that
is weird to say, and he'd be walking around the Shack muttering under his
breath but still asleep.  
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): uhhhh that's probably from bill
brassknucklegrunkle: no, that was way before weirdmag
brassknucklegrunkle: wait
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): uh, yeah, Dipper kinda made a deal with
him? and Bill stole his body and tried to ruin my puppet show? that was
Bill in Dipper's body you were filming, ahaha whoops???
brassknucklegrunkle: WHAT
brassknucklegrunkle: YOU CANNOT CUSS ON THIS WEBSITE
brassknucklegrunkle: YOU CANNOT CUSS ON THIS WEBSITE
brassknucklegrunkle: HE MADE A DEAL WITH YOU CANNOT
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): sorry sorry sorry!  
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): I can airlift you brownies!  Full of guilt!  Guilt brownies!!  
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): It's getting better I think??  
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): I wake up when he does that here because
our bed creaks and he's only done it like twice, I hold his hands until he
wakes up and basically pump him full of hot chocolate with mountains of
whipped cream and so many colored sprinkles it turned into a rainbow
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Although one time I woke up for a midnight
snack of sugar packets, as you do, and I heard Ford call him on Skybe and
they talked for a while
brassknucklegrunkle: I told him not to wake you two up
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): please, Dipper's awake like all the time, he's
practically an honorary vampire
brassknucklegrunkle: he's pale enough
brassknucklegrunkle: i don't get it, Ford knows he can talk to me, right?  
Why doesn't he?
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Aw, Grunkle Stan
brassknucklegrunkle: I mean we are literally the only two people around
for hundreds of miles and he still skybes with someone else, either that or
he's doing more weird nerd stuff
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Maybe that's just his way of coping
brassknucklegrunkle: There are better ways of coping than jumping
feet-first down a sea serpent's throat
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): okay point
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Dipper's like that too sometimes, he's all
obsessed with Anansi and I want to hang out with him but I kind of feel
like I'm getting in the way.
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Grunkle Stan, sometimes I get scared that
he'll obsess over his nerd stuff so much that I'll lose him even when he's
sitting right next to me.
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Grunkle stan what do I do
brassknucklegrunkle: first of all stop stress knitting
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): how did you
brassknucklegrunkle: knitting is fine stress knitting is knot
brassknucklegrunkle: That's my girl!  
brassknucklegrunkle: Okay second, that nerd can get so deep in his
nerdery he doesn't even realize he's ignoring you.  So what you need to do
is be as loud and obnoxious as possible to get his attention ,and once you
have it go do something you both love doing!
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Dipper likes science and I like cooking,
right? I can ask Anansi if we can feed him colored powdered sugar and
see if his webbing turns into a rainbow!  It shall be a perfect smoothie
blend of art and weirdness!
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Then Dipper will be like 'uuhhh that's so cool
mabel I should've included you sooner' and i can GUILT TRIP HIM
brassknucklegrunkle: Yes!  YESS!!  
brassknucklegrunkle: USE HIS OWN NERDERY AGAINST HIM
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Open a selkie-slash-mermaid dating services
so yu get hot dates and he gets to study weirdness!!
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): And then you can talk about your dates for
HOURS and he'll have to listen to EVERY SINGLE DETAIL because it's
brassknucklegrunkle: GENIUS
brassknucklegrunkle: Mabel sweetie you make me so proud
brassknucklegrunkle: Now go commit emotional blackmail, and don't
forget to make me those brownies
KOALA_PIG_QUEEN))): Yes, Grunkle Stan!!  MABEL AWAY!!!!
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angelblumes · 3 years
food ment. Helllooooooo ugh would you like me to beat her up perhaps end up like her namesake, og mischa?(jk im not a (cannibal)) time to bust out the therapy voice tho , you will find your people and they will love you. Ok. ok wtf is happening? are we like the same person or something? wellbutrin buddies ❤ my room needs to be clean and moved the whole sha bang but I cant😔 life needs to be lived and such. I hope you arrived safely and happily and that everything is slightly better for you than it was last message and that you didn't get too carsick. my power went out today for like 3 seconds everything turned off everything , it usually takes alot for that to happen for my house just because its old and other reasons that I dont actually know. I've had a jam out session yesterday, it was so relaxing 😌 🙌 danced my little heart out to them guys I told you about. There's something abt the murders in hannibal that just does it for me... the artistry of it all. I love it when we talk outside of the 5 daily things too!!! hey, did you get that 'you're so mature for your age' as a kid or 'you've got an old soul' ? whats ur thoughts on that? I personally cant really imagine saying that to a kid maybe its a generational thing? ok 🙄😁 I like commentary ive been watching reactions? on youtube its a guilty pleasure, also I've been getting into some reality tv. Wife swap is crazy I love it alot and then the dating ones because ofc. whats one of the 1st reality show you remember watching and not hating? Honey Boo Boo and I Am Jaz (I think?) were my top two choices of reality. maybe a rewatch is in order for me. ok daily things um a guitar got brought into my house today i... its very.. it made me weirdly happy I love music and its instruments. thank goodness tbh my med were just a little later than usual, the pharmacy gave me emergency 3 days for they can figure out whats up because this is the second time we are having the same problem 😅 I had the best brownie of my life, it was store bought but like from the bakery fav dessert. I got this "new" shirt on so comfy, its tie dyed splattered different blues with an astronaut and nasa logo in white, its cute but also like 3? sizes too big (its a hand me down) dont worry abt the guy if a next time happens ill be ready for it 💪 it will go down, I personally know the man's family I will ruin his life if it comes down to it (we live in a town idk if it's small)or realistically just sic my family onto him. I found out my cousin has a gf now and is apparently very much happier than she was with her ex man (who made awesome cheesecake btw off topic tho) gay people stay winning, I did not know she was not straight tho so happy little surprise 😁 jeez its a lot of words uh I hope you're doing good and you had a good sleep and other nice stuff happen to you and you had a good trip🌷🤟🤙❤
HELPPP u are an angel. thank u❤️. and right exactly. normalize thinking fictional murders are artistic or something . thinkin abt how i used to think criminal minds murders were interesting but never had the right words so i'd just be like "woah he *kills them weirdly*? cool"😭. BUT YEAH i did get that all the time omfg "ur so mature for ur age!!" like thanks it's because i have issues and problems 💀....hmm i hate reality tv HAHA. this gc i'm in was just talking abt wife swap the other day how crazy !! idk if i've EVER liked reality tv .... i like watching commentary abt it (like uhh cody ko's stuff) but watching it myself... nope😭. daily things lets see!!! i went to the baltimore aquarium:) i was exhausted tho. saw that a tiktoker i like (hello fem will graham cosplayers...) went there a few days before me. how funny! i wish we had met and fallen in love or something. i went to bed at 5pm yesterday and slept til 3am. then went back to sleep from 6am to 10am. i think my new adhd/anxiety meds are the cause. sadly. cuz they work! but by making me too tired to be nervous or start thinking too much🥲. i'm tired 24/7 already and thats not helping LOL! i had this fancy meal ok multiple fancy meals and it was really nice. i got chesapeake chicken (haha like chesapeake ripper am i right?!?) and it had crab but i'm crazy i'm crazy i didn't eat the crab. the texture was soooo bad. anyway at another place i got a burger bc i'm lame i don't eat seafood (besides shrimp. which i am allergic to.) and i ate almost the whole thing and my friends mom said she was proud of me😭❤️. i always feel so guilty after eating a lot and that made me feel good. i've started watching more vampire video game play throughs. what can i say. vampire masquerade: bloodlines did something to my brain where i like vampire games now. it's the same guy which is cool. i dont like finding new youtubers becuz i've never kept up w whose problematic or not... like what if i get really into someone and mention it and someone's like oh yeah he preys on women. wtf. like umm cry? is he a youtuber? is he evil? cuz i was looking for a pathologic gameplay and he had one and i was like hmm... he sounds familiar. he has probably done something ? maybe? mm lastly.... i read this hunger games hannibal crossover WEEKS AGO but it's just still on my mind. i don't particularly love the hunger games but it's only bc i don't really know a lot abt it. i enjoy it but i've only seen the movies and read the first book (until rue died. never picked it up again after that! i cried a lottttt) and there's like an absurd amount of hannibal crossovers. i guess bc hannibal would totally rule in the hunger games. like come on a CANNIBAL? the uh.. capitol? they'd go crazyyyy for that. the fic itself wasn't even that groundbreaking or anything i have a lot of criticism for it tbh but it opened my brain to the concept. i have another one opened in a tab but it's super long so i haven't made much headway. i want one where it's like.... the one where the old winners come back for a game! and then they escape😈. but in the one i read will and hannibal sort of just escape anyway in a normal hunger game. like ok cool but i don't think that's plausible. but then how would it work ? like could will win a game on his own? maybe i should write my own fic. but then i'd have to understand what happens in the hunger games /j. ugh ok i was thinking abt that one scene where idk they do the little hand signal thing and drag katniss away and go to shut the door like right as they shoot that guy in the head. THAT WAS SO CRAZY. or when katniss shoots the lady instead of president snow and then everyone just descends on him💀 i feel like there's a level of nuance and understanding that i just don't have so i say "woah! cool :)" i hope ur doing well too ily❤️❤️💗
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toodi-imagines · 7 years
Can I request hc's for the band with a s/o who loves to bake and is really good at it? Thank you!
2D:-This boy loves to eat-Please feed him-He���s very picky tho-So you should take it as a compliment when he eats pretty much everything you make-He has a sweet tooth like none other and your treats do not last very long-He literally hoards them -He begs you to bake sweets-Always excited for his birthday because he knows you’ll make his favorite cake-“2D, you ate half of the cupcakes!”-Wiping chocolate off of his face and frantically shoving wrappers into his pockets “No I didn’t!”-He’s also very impatient and eats your batter and dough before it even makes into the oven-Tries to sneak weed into your brownies frequently 
Murdoc:-He actually got a little emotional the first time you baked his favorite meal for him as a surprise because no one has ever cared about him enough to bake for him-He’s surprisingly decent enough when it comes to cooking because he had to learn at a young age (seeing as his father wasn’t going to cook for him)-But most of the time he just doesn’t care enough to cook real meals for himself-He talks about what a good cook you are a lot-Looks forward to dinner with you every night-Makes the other members of the band try all your food-He suggests cooking everything with alcohol-Literally everything-sometimes if you’re out at a restaurant, he will embarrassingly say “You could have baked this better”
Noodle:-She’s not very good at it, but she loves baking with you-Has more fun being silly in the kitchen with you than actually eating the food-But of course she loves your food too-Sprinkles on everything-Her favorite thing is frosting because she gets to draw cute stuff -But also her drawings look really sloppy and poor and she loves them anyway-25% of all of her snapchat stories and insta posts are of the food you baked together-she gives lots and lots of compliments-she eats so much of it????-you don’t know where she’s keeping it all in that tiny body????-She tries to invent new recipes a lot and they’re always a disaster-“Baking doesn’t work like that, Noods, there’s specific rules about how much yeast to use.”
Russel:-He’s already a really good chef!!-The two of you make so many meals together, which you sit down and enjoy with a glass of wine at dinnertime-You both complement each others’ cooking a lot-He learns about baking from you, and you learn about cooking from him-you have matching aprons-being in the kitchen with Russel involves: talking about your day, bumping into each other, lil kisses, giggles, sass-sometimes you endeavor on new food adventures where you both try to make new foods-ultimately, cooking/baking with Russ just feels natural 
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