#pluse sized!reader
jawritter · 2 years
My Brother’s Keeper
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Chapter 2
Summary: Y/N, Sam’s roommate, so far have a pretty good thing going. Both work and function around one another well. What happens when his big brother comes down for the holidays with his mysterious past, mixed with Sam’s own mysterious previous life? Can Y/N and the grumpy older brother find a way to get along? Or will it be a not so happy holidays at the Winchester house?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus Sized!Reader x Sam
Word Count: 2682
Prompt: Reunion
Written for: @spnchristmasbingo​
Rating: Mature (because of future chapters, this story is 18 + only, and not fit for minor consumption.)
Warnings: Angst, self-hating reader. Brief mentions of past bullying. 
A/N: This is the first Christmas fic I have written in a long time! You guys will get this one real time, and I hope to finish it before New Years! Fingers crossed! Anyways, This fic is unbeta’d, so all mistakes are my won! Feedback is golden! My work is 18+ only! No minors! Thanks so much for reading!
Main Masterlist
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Y/N leaned heavily against the entryway that separated the mostly open floor plan of the kitchen and dining room with a heavy sigh. Off somewhere in the background, the TV played in the corner now instead of Pandora, having received an update on her phone about a possible upcoming snow storm she thought it best to see what the actual news might have to say. With their house guest with them, they might need some extra supplies to see them through the holidays, especially if Dean ends up having to stay longer because of the weather. Still, she wasn’t even really paying attention to it right now. All she could think about was the metal note that she made to herself to assign, Sam as well as herself, daily chores so that it didn’t get that bad again. 
She was exhausted, but she did have to admit that she felt accomplished. If a stranger looked around at this place, they might think that Sam and Y/N might actually have their life together, instead of the custerfuck of work and barely meeting at the dinner table most days. Which, she guessed, was the point of spending the whole day cleaning for some guy that all she could do was pray that he wouldn’t be a giant dick bag and was at least as descent of a guy as Sam had portrayed him to be. From the one picture she’d seen of him, he looked like every big bag of dicks that she went to high school with that did nothing but gain gratification of some sort by making her life a living hell. 
Shaking herself, she pushed herself off of the wall, and made her way over to the TV to turn it off, her anxiety was really too high to deal with any sound, and besides, Dean would probably be there any moment. It was too late to go and fix herself up, so she settled on making her way into the kitchen to go and fix herself, and Dean some coffee if he wanted it. It was fucking cold out, and honestly, if he didn’t drink Coffee for some reason, she had no problem finishing the pot for herself. 
She was trying her best to trust Sam, and not judge Dean before the man even pulled up in the driveway, because as Sam’s friend, she felt that she at least owed Dean the benefit of the doubt. If Dean had practically raised Sam, and Sam had turned out to be as nice of a guy as he was, that surely had to count for something, and besides, never judge a book by its cover. At least, that’s what she kept retorting to herself as she bustled around the kitchen making coffee. 
She hated this side of herself. This anxious, self-conscious, insecure mess that she was. It wasn’t as if it were bad enough, she didn’t really have all that much going for her in the looks department, but years of bullying through high school and collage had left their mark into adulthood, and even though she was damn near 32 years old now, and all those guys that harassed her shouldn’t have held any importance to her life now she still carried the baggage. It had affected her so much that she’d only had one real boyfriend, and it turned out that he was just using her to get a position at the company she’d been a secretary for at the time. She had thought at the time, he was the one, so needless to say, she hadn’t exactly had all that great of a track record with men… well ever. 
She had just pressed brew on the coffee machine, when a loud knock sounded at the front door, jolting her back from her traumatic past to an equally unsettling reality. Dean was here. 
“You’re an adult for fucks sakes Y/N get it together, he’s not here to spend time with you, he doesn’t care that you’re here, he’s just here to see Sam, that’s all,” she whispered to herself as she forced her sock clad feet to shuffle along the freshly mopped hardwood floor towards the front door, and the impressive shadow of the man that stood through the window. 
This must have been what Scrooge felt like every time it was time for a new ghost to come calling. 
Another loud knock sounded at the door, and she took a deep breath before reaching out and opening it to reveal the greenest eyes she’d ever seen, sat in a stern, but somehow boyishly freckle dusted face and military cut. He was even more handsome than she’d seen in the pictures, with the years of lines around his eyes that barely peeked back at her, but she assumed if he were to smile, or even laugh, it would make them even more defined, and himself somehow even more beautiful. 
Sam didn't mention the fact that his brother was some walking version of a Greek God!
“Hey, uhm… I don’t know if I have the right house,” Dean said, clearing his throat and fuck if his deep voice didn’t make fucking chill bumps rise up on her arms that she quickly crossed. “I’m Dean Winchester, I’m looking for my brother Sam Winchester’s house?” 
She didn't miss the way his eyes traveled over her body as he spoke, and she automatically took a self-conscious step back. 
"You, uhm, you got the right house," Y/N stuttered. "I'm Y/N, Sam's roommate, he told me you were coming."
She took a step back so that Dean could come inside, but he froze at the door with an old, green duffle bag over his shoulder, and a somewhat cautious look on his face. 
"Listen, I hope it's okay, but I brought my dog with me. I don't like leaving him behind when I travel," Dean confessed before looking over his shoulder to whistled for a medium sized, shaggily adorable dog to come trotting dutifully to his incredibly attractive owner's side. 
"Oh," Y/N blinked in surprise. "I'm sure Sam doesn't mind. Come on in, it's freezing out there."
This time, Dean stepped inside, sidestepping Y/N in the threshold of the door with a glance as he looked cautiously around the freshly cleaned house, while Y/N closed the door tightly behind him. 
"So, uhm… Do I just take the couch or…?" Dean questioned as Y/N turned around to face her, his four-legged friend already trotting off in the kitchen to lay under the kitchen table. 
"No," Y/N quickly corrected. "Sam has the guest room just down the hallway there across from my room all set up for you," she blurted out quickly, then regretted the overshare immediately. Like Dean really gave two fucks that the guest room was across from her room.
"Uhh, cool," he said, giving another clear of his throat. She wondered if she was irritating him, and that's why he kept doing that. God he was so hard to read! 
"Miracle, come on boy," he called over his shoulder with a whistle and a quick pat of his leg. 
His companion wasted no time in scurrying to his feet and following his owner to the guest room Y/N had indicated, but Y/N really saw none of that, because she was too stuck on the broadness of the man. He was tall, admittedly not as tall as Sam, maybe he would be had he not been adorably bow legged, but honestly, it was the shoulder to waist ratio that had her dumb founded on the spot as they disappeared, and the guest room door closed behind him, shaking her from the drooling mess that this man suddenly made her become. 
“Fuck Y/N! Get it together!” Y/N angrily whispered to herself. Her own behavior towards this man made her cheeks flush red with embarrassment. She honestly never acted this way towards any man in her life! The behavior was completely out of character for her. It wasn’t something she did, ogle after attractive men. Honestly, she usually hid from them, not wanting to fall victim to what would surely be hateful remarks, and disgusted stares. 
“But in all fairness, you’ve never encountered Adonis walking in the flesh before either have you?” The not so subtle little voice whispered inside her head where her continuous once was, and honestly, she made a reminder to mentally kick herself later as the aroma of warm coffee filtered into the living room where she was still standing, making her feet travel towards the inviting odor, which she guessed was better than standing in the middle of the floor like an idiot. 
She couldn’t help the inescapable feeling that this Christmas for her might be the worst one yet. 
She was so steeped in her own self-loathing, that she did not hear her abnormally attractive house guest wonder into the kitchen where she was as she made her cup of coffee, until the deep clearing of his voice made her jump as she turned around to be astounded once more as if it were the first time by the same astonishing green eyes. 
“Do you mind if I—” he stated unsure, gesturing at the coffee maker behind her right shoulder, and Y/N quickly scurried out of his way. 
“Oh, sure, of course, make yourself at home,” she blubbered out maybe a little too quickly, but he was nice enough to not call her out on her awkwardness, and she appreciated the effort.  It’s not like he had to be nice to her. She was just the roommate after all. 
She moved herself over to the small kitchen table that they had in the corner of the old kitchen setting, and settled herself down with her cup of coffee, because to be honest, he made her feel a little weak in the knees, and that scared the hell out of her. 
Dean made quick work of pouring himself a large, black cup of coffee, and came to sit down across from her at the table, which nearly made her fall out of her seat at the sheer shock that he was sitting anywhere near her at all. 
“So,” he stated as he took a long swig of the hot liquid from his glass as if they had been old buddies for years that needed to catch up, and not complete strangers that they were. “How did you meet Sammy, he’s pretty tight lipped when it comes to shit. He doesn’t tell me anything anymore. I didn’t even know you existed until a week ago.”
Y/N blushed deeply, forcing herself to look away from Dean, even though she really didn’t want to. Honestly, she could stare for hours at the man and never get bored. 
“We uhm… We met through work actually. I was a secretary at the firm he’d just started to work at a few years back,” she admitted, and she felt the air in the room shift dramatically, making her eyes drift back up to Dean’s stare, which had suddenly turned hard. Cold even. 
“You mean the two of you have been together for years, and he hadn’t even bothered to mention anything at all about it to me,” he questioned, and the thick rumble of his voice made her shrink down a little in her chair, but the surprise that he thought that that Sam and herself where ‘together’, was something she hadn’t expected, nor did she understand. 
“What? No, We’re not, ya know, ‘together’ like that,” she corrected quickly. “We’re just friends. Sam did know a lot of people when he moved down here, and we worked a lot together while he was at the firm I was working at. I didn’t move in here until Covid layoff took a toll on the office I was still at about six months ago, and Sam let me move in here when I lost my apartment, other than that, we’re just friends.”
Dean slouched a little in his seat, almost like a kicked dog or someone that had overstepped and was regretting it. 
“I’m sorry,” he said after a moment. “I assumed you were— Look, Sam and I have had our share of communication troubles in the past, and when he called me to see if I wanted to come down for Christmas this year, I assumed he’d at least be here, and I thought this was his coward ass way of trying to tell me he had a girlfriend or something, because when Sam gets a girlfriend, well, let’s just say I don’t hear from him after that.” 
She made a mental note to kick Sam’s ass when he got home. She knew that Dean was telling the truth, and honestly, she’d experienced Sam’s lack of communication herself, as well as lived through a few girlfriends, she knew what it felt like to be ignored, but never on the level Dean seemed to have experienced. 
“Wait,” she said after a moment’s thought, “I thought that he said YOU were the one that wanted to come down and see him because of your roommate and a girl or something like that?” she questioned, and Dean snorted in disgust as took a drink from his mug in front of him. 
“That what he told you?” he questioned, shaking his head. “Well sweetheart, I don’t have a roommate, and he is the one who called me and apparently couldn’t even have the decency to take time off work to be here when I got here.”
“I’m sorry, I told him the same thing, you know, that you are coming to see him, not sit here with me,” she stood a little too harshly maybe, and but she was irritated, not with Dean, but Sam. 
“I’m sorry,” Dean apologized again, and she hated that she made him feel that he had to keep apologizing to her. None of this was his fault, it was Sam’s. “I shouldn’t have dumped all that on you. My issues with my little brother shouldn’t be something you’ve been dragged into. Besides, I don’t mind spending time with you, honestly, I would have just been alone for Christmas anyway, besides Miracle that is.”
Three things stung her in that sentence. First, she was better than being alone with a dog, noted. Second, Sam is gonna have some serious ass kissing to do, because she had a feeling that this man that had put so much of his life into raising him had spent way too much time alone. Third, the look on his handsome face didn’t belong there. It just didn’t. He was too handsome to look that alone, that down, she knew that feeling well. But people like him, they were never alone. Pretty people always had people around them. Didn’t they? 
Miracle trotted into the kitchen to sit dutifully by his master’s side, and she smiled as she looked down at the light sandy colored, adorable creature. 
“Is he a service dog?” she questioned, attempting to lighten the mood. Dean smiled down at his friend, reaching to scratch him behind his floppy ear. 
“No, but I honestly never thought about it. He’d make a good one.”
Just then, the front door opened and closed loudly, announcing the younger Winchester’s return. 
“Well sweetheart, are you ready for the Winchester’s happy family Christmas reunion?” Dean announced sarcastically. 
Y/N snorted into her cup. Honestly, she was liking Dean a little too much for her liking, and she was pretty mad at Sam, so whatever he said to Sam, she was probably gonna side with him. Roommate be damned. 
“It’s feeling like a warm family sitcom already,” she jests, and Dean tossed his head back to laugh a full body laugh that she so desperately wanted to see more of. God he was gorgeous when he laughed. 
“Some twisted version of Christmas with the Fockers maybe,” he agreed, as he stood to go face his baby brother for the first time in what was probably years…
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Chapter 3 HERE!!!
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Jensen and Dean’s Babes
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ridingthatd · 9 months
𝄞 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤
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`• sukunaxfem!reader, nanamixfem!reader, gojoxfem!reader, getoxfem!reader, nsfw, heavy smut, bdsm, multiple orgasm, over simulation, brain fucked, kinky, filthy •`
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what did you just get yourself into... you should have known being nice to a men will always turn into something a lot more. men don't take being nice so easily. they think deep in their fucked up minds that nice is equal you wanting to fuck them. you wanting to have their fat cocks shoved deep inside your wet cunt, hitting your womb with their leaking tip, making it nice and moist before they fill you- gushing their boiling seeds inside of you.
after all, that's what men always think about. even business men. even uninterested men.
𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨. nanami was always about business, he took it very seriously. the gambling sessions. the gambling meeting. were all very serious for him. he never had time to get his cock wet with a pussy- he did enjoy the gentle touchs of woman. he did enjoy their heated skin against his cold one. he did enjoy a tight pussy being ripped- teared up with his fat cock. he did enjoy the taste of a juicy cunt squirting all over his face. he did enjoy being drunk off a pussy. but not all woman. specific woman- woman that he can share with his dear work friends.
woman like you.
𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮. geto was a busy men. he never liked to waste time on things that didn't give him anything he desired in return. he was simple instead of going around and looking for a pussy to keep his throbbing cock warm- his hands would keep his company. masturbation was something he did to relief his stress. tight grip on his cock, tugging on his hardness, feeling the veins that surrounded his dick pluse with need. swiping his tattood finger against his wet clit, before he tugs on the peircing that was placed directly on his red tip- prince albert peircing. loving the sting it gives him everytime he harshly pull on it.
and he knew a woman like you, would love having his pierced cock hitting your womb.
𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮. gojo was playful. a confident men who had no shame barking about the size of his huge cock. who had no enough shame to hide his hard on the moment he glanced at your perky ass. smirking at the sight, as his cock push against his zipper ready to spread your cheeks and fill your tight little ass. he was an ass men. loving the sight of a plumpy ass shaking, trembling as he ate it from behind. leaving bites, purplish red marks on it. he craved using toys to plug his warm seeds inside of the tiny hole whenever he filled it. having the urge to fill it again. and again. and again. till he leaves a tummy bludge from how much he spurted inside.
and he needed to claim your ass with his seeds.
𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧. sukuna wasn't on business like his friends were. he simply didn't give a fuck about ruining business when he shoots their future partnerships. he found women pathetic. and he wouldn't hesitate to make a hole through their skull if they as much as dare to touch him. touch him thinking they can seduce him. but little did he know that a woman like you would be into that shit. would be into getting her tight cunt fucked with his gun. gushing all over it, as he fucks you roughly with it. tearing your walls apart, while his finger was still on the trigger- it had him almost cumming his pants at the sight of you squirting on his gun, not giving a fuck that a bullet can almost tear up your insides. to lost in pleasure.
he won't deny that he was also indeed lost in pleasure to.
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your whole body buzzed. buzzed with unbearable pleasure. here you were tied up, hands behind your back- tied tight with a silk robe, the pain of how tight it was stinged. not in a bad way. but in a good way. tears of pleasure slipped out of your rolled eyes one by one. each drop followed by your body twitch.
your wet cunt was ripped apart with a huge dildo vibrating at full speed inside of you. not stopping even after you reach your 3rd orgasm. spurting your hot fluid, as it trails down the desk you were spread wide on. giving a full view to the four man in front of you. full view of your abused red puffy pussy.
they didn't utter any words. the only sound the was filled in the huge office was your whines, whimper, cries, screams, as you beg them to stop. the only sound that was filled in their huge office was your wet cunt, creating an embarrassing wet gushing sound as you release your fluid. your pussy creating filthy noises that pleasure their ears.
you can see the wet spot that was forming on their pants, their fat cocks pressing against their zippers giving you a view of their leaking cocks. and this seems to cause your 4th orgasm. your body arch as you squirt out your warm fluid, hearing a groan coming from gojo satoru at the sight of you shooting your cum.
"fuck hell, what a sexy little thing" gojo moan out, palming his desperate cock. while eyeing your trembling figure. he's never been this turned on.
"I guess we're going to have a lot of fun today".
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: ̗̀➛ for part 2 click 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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derangederensimp · 2 years
Fitness trainer Toji one shot
Toji Fushiguro x Fem Reader
CW: Suggestive comments, Toji is always horny for you, masturbation, teasing, fingering, choking, hickeys, biting, rough sex, spanking, praising, size kink, stomach bulge, mating press, and Creampie. Not proofread tbh sorry
Masterlist | Coworker Toji Part 1 & Part 2 | Your Roomate Toji
“Come on, you're doing so good. Finish up this set and I’ll reward you” He said, his arms crossed. He must’ve purposely worn this tank top clearly a size too small, his muscles protruding from them flexed as he glared at you.
“With what” you huffed
“Something that’ll make your legs shake more than this”
“F-fuck you” you said, finishing your set and resting. Toji always said things right as they came to his mind even if what he was saying was not appropriate. Or he’d say something like this that was a complete tease and fluster you. Your cheeks already pink from your work out, which hid your now blushing face.
“Wish you would” he held his hand out to you to help you up from the floor. Pulling you to your feet you stared at him speechless, your mind already replaying his words trying to comprehend if you heard the right thing come past his lips. That grin taunting you as he looked you up and down.
“Yea-uh I’ll see you tomorrow” you said, walking to the girls bathroom to wash away the sweat before you headed home for the night. Your muscles were sore as you laid your head against the tile letting the hot water pelt your back. His words repeating over and over again sighing to yourself. How long has it been since you got laid? Shaking your head you turned the shower off and dried off. Getting dressed and walking to your car to head home.
Once you got home you ran yourself a bath, your mind again returning to the thought of Toji. His arms caging you in against a wall, his breath hot against your neck as he spoke so roughly about how badly he wished to fuck you. One hand traveled down your body reaching your clit, your index finger moving in slow circles. Your mind going deeper as you imagined Toji pressing his lips against your neck leaving red marks behind. His tongue going up your neck, his hand squeezed on your jaw pushing your head up more. Hearing your whines at a specific spot he returned to it suckling on it.
Your finger going faster and faster adding pressure to your clit making you put your head back. You couldn’t help but think about how his rough fingers would feel on your body. His wandering hands feeling around your soft skin. Adding a finger inside you sighed wishing it was his, his fingers definitely could’ve satisfied you just well enough till he decided you were wet enough to take his cock. Recalling his dick print in those sweatpants he didn’t often wear, he looked huge there so what would it be like hard? Moaning out his name aloud keeping your pace.
Would your hand fit around it? “F-fuck” you moaned aloud as the pressure in snapped. Finally getting a release but you weren’t truly satisfied. Your cheeks burned red sorta being embarrassed that you got off just by the thought of him. You hoped that tomorrow you wouldn’t think about it once you see him.
Your hands were sweaty, avoiding eye contact like the plague. One look at him and you were done for, your brain replaying what you desired most. You tried to focus on your hip thrusts but you couldn’t help but take a glance at him. He was sitting on the bench across from you, his eyes looked like they were racking over you. An almost hungry facial expression is what he wore, his body leaned forward, his arms resting on his knees. “There you go, just a few more” he praised.
His voice alone had your knees buckling, wanting to just pounce him right there. Finishing your set you moved onto your last work out, Squat pluses. He stood behind you watching your form making sure you were doing it right. You heard him let out of puff of air before you finished your last rep. Turning around you saw his hands in his pocket “you ok?” You asked, puzzled by his cheeks looking sorta flushed. “Just perfect. Good job today y/n” he said, usually he’d say something about your ass but no comment. Today he wasn’t super talkative like he usually was, but you do recall he usually doesn’t talk much when it’s leg day…
You looked down at his hands in his pocket again and looking back up, his cheeks looked more red. The cogs in your brain started turning as you were curious if he was hard just from watching you do some squats. “Are you hiding something Toji?” You teased not expecting him to grab your hand and rush towards the bathrooms. “T-toji what the fuck I can’t be in here with you” you tried pulling away but before you could he pressed your hand against his pants.
Your eyes went wide at the feeling, a heavy sigh left his lips before he spoke “You drive me fucking insane. Can’t take it anymore” He stared into your eyes, his pupils blown black with lust as he eyed you up and down. “Can I touch you?” He asked, all you could do was nod, your throat not allowing words to come out.
“Why exactly are you working on this again? Isn’t it big enough” he grunted, his fingers squeezing on your ass. Moving his hands around and watching it jiggle in the mirror “T-toji gentle pl-please I’m sore”
“Mmm do you really like things gentle? The look on your face looks like you are desperate for me to just ruin you” he teased, his hand now resting on your waist. It was like he was reading your mind, his eyes went soft as he stared down at you.
His other hand coming to your jaw and holding it still gently lifting your chin up to get a better angle. “Kiss me” he said, the spot between your legs was starting to get hot from just his touch. His lips meeting yours went from soft pecks to hungry kisses, your tongues pushing against each other, his hand slide down to your throat softly squeezing making you let out a soft moan. Toji couldn’t help but grin against your lips. He was going to have his fun with you finally after all this time, countless nights of him fisting his cock to you and he'd imagine you’d sound moaning on his cock. Pulling away a string of saliva connected the two of you.
His hand on your waist slid down your curves and under your waistband, his hand felt so big. Spread out he was able to cover your cunt, his fingers slipped through your soaked lips collecting your juices on them before he thumbed circles into your clit. “So fucking wet and I haven’t even really touched you. You’ve been fantasizing about this have you y/n? You aren’t so innocent like you try to act” Toji scoffed, softly chuckling at how your body was always shaking. Your hands gripped at his biceps, trying to keep a loud moan inside so no one heard you. Toji didn’t like that he wanted to hear what you sounded like. Thrusting two fingers inside and hooking them he pushed continuously on your g spot. Squeezing your thighs together to try and restrict his hands moment, staring up at him tears were starting to form in your eyes trying to void off s your orgasm but it was no use.
Your body gave it away to him, he felt your walls clenching around his fingers beautifully unable to keep his own moan to himself at the feeling wishing it was his cock instead. “You ganna cum already sweetheart? It looks like you needed this more than me huh? Go ahead, make a mess on my fingers” he commanded. Your body reacting to his words as he pumped his fingers in and out his thumb picking up the pace on rubbing your sensitive nub. Your thighs shook under you as you got closer and closer to your orgasm, you grabbed at Toji’s shoulders digging your fingers into his back making him grunt. Your pussy gushing all over his fingers, he kept pumping them in and out letting you ride out your high before he pulled them out.
“Lick them clean” he stared down at you, a sadistic look you haven’t seen on him before appeared on his face, his grin drove you insane. His mouth agape as he watched you opened yours, your tongue lolling out to lick his fingers clean just like he told you too. Sucking his fingers clean he kept them in your mouth, reveling at the sensation of your tongue.
“My place isn’t too far from here. Want to take this over there?” He stared hungrily at you. “What about my car?” You asked, Toji just chuckled “Sweetheart, I don’t think you’ll be going home tonight when I’m finished with you” his comment making your cunt clench around nothing.
He was right his place wasn’t far from the gym but still far away in terms of not being able to keep your hands off him. After he closed the door for you and got into the driver's seat, buckling up your hands were already all over each other again. He was trying to be a tease rubbing his hand up and down your thigh getting closer and closer to your throbbing cunt but when you palmed at his cock through his pants he couldn’t deny your clit some pleasure if you were pleasing him. He was half tempted to just pull over and grab you into his lap and fuck you right there but he fought off that thought.
Finally arriving to his condo he quickly got out and opened your door. Picking you up your legs wrapped around his waist, feverish kisses shared between the two of you as he walked towards his door. Your head wedged between his neck giving him kisses and bites all over making him groan. His sounds were so gruff, it made your cunt tingle. Suckling on the spots to leave behind red marks like he had on you as he fiddled with unlocking his front door. “I want you so bad” you whispered into his ear making his cock twitch in his pants.
Stepping inside you looked around at the dim lit place as he kept walking further into his place and into his bedroom. His scent filled your nose as he laid you down onto his mattress. His body fitting perfectly between your parted legs he hung his head above yours before dipping his lips down to yours. He only parted away from your lips to lift your shirt above your head and tossing it to the floor, leaning up some he worked at undoing your bra and slipping it off your arms. He couldn’t help himself but to stare his hands coming to your breasts squeezing them between his fingers.
Watching your nipples harden he licked his lips starting at his scar. Your cheeks were beet red with how he was marveling over another part of your body. Taking one into his mouth the other he played with between his fingers pinching it to gain a soft moan from your lips. Letting your nipple go with a pop before he spoke “There you go sweetheart, now you can be as loud as you want” he praised.
Leaning up from your body he hooked his fingers around your waistband and yanked your leggings and panties off in one motion. You instinctively went to cover your body up but his big hand stopped you pulling away your arm “you look so beautiful, don’t you hide from me y/n” Toji said. Letting your wrist go he sat up on his knees pulling his shirt off revealing his muscles he purposely went slow to watch the way your eyes went all over his chest and his abs all the way to his v-line. “Like what you see?” He teased.
He rested beside you putting his arms behind his head as he watched you sit on your knees in front of him. “You want to help me out y/n?” He looked down at his pants, the obvious tent made you gulp seeing just how big it looked. You nodded your head, reaching your hand over to his bulge palming it before he put his hips up some to let you pull down his pants and boxers, his cock springing out, hitting his stomach. He was pleased to see your reaction. Exactly what he expected it to be, shocked from his length and girth he knew that look on your face was you wondering if he would even fit “don’t worry I’ll get you ready to take all of me” he reassured you.
He played with your clit as you wrapped your hand around the base of his cock going up and down pre coming from the tip. He loved the sight before him how small your hand looked compared to his cock. Closing his eyes he was in pure bliss finally having you wrapped around his finger, he knew after tonight there was no going back with you and he’d still help you train but knew you’d definitely end up in his bed right afterwards. How luckily he felt that he got to you before one of the many guys who had their eye on you.
Adding two fingers into your pussy he massaged at your walls, hooking his fingers up to touch your g spot. Opening his eyes he was met with your face, cheeks all flustered pink as you pumped at his cock faster. “The pace you were going at was good sweetheart. Go slow” Toji said, placing his hand around yours and moving it slowly. Tossing his head back at the feeling “good girl”, turning his head he licked at your neck. He felt your body finally relax to his fingers making him grin “think you are ready for me?”
“Mhm” you said, staying on your knees you got into your favorite position putting your ass in the air and your face down. Toji bit the inside of his cheek at the sight. Getting behind you he took his cock into his hand and rubbed the tip at your entrance coating himself perfectly in your slick. He softly groaned at the feeling of the entrance of your cunt trying to take him inside already. Teasing your entrance with his tip slipping only part of it inside before pulling out of you “ You’ll be good for me won’t you? I want to hear you cry my name out. If it gets too much just tell me ok sweetheart? Don’t want to break you right away” Toji said, waiting for your response but nothing clicking his tongue to his teeth at your lack of response.
The tip of his cock waited at your entrance, His palm hit the side of your ass making you whine “Don’t make me repeat myself. You understand what I’m saying right? I’ll even give you a safe word. How about oranges”
“Yes T-toji. Please just fuck me already”
“Mmm I see. Impatient” his hips slammed into your cunt. Bottoming out inside you, filling you to your hilt, he stayed still. His hands gripping on your hips kept you where you were, you wailed his name into the sheets. He was the biggest you’ve ever been with, your cunt squeezed at him tightly as it tried to adjust to him. “A-ah fuck- y/n are you on birth control?” Toji asked quickly, he was already starting to lose control just by how beautifully your cunt hugged him but he needed to know.
“Y-yes why?” You questioned but already putting the his answer together in your head making you bite your lip. “I’m going to fill you up, that's why”. His pace started off slow, not fully pulling himself out of you still letting you adjust to him. His balls hit against your cunt each time he was flush against your ass. “You are taking me so well sweetheart” he groaned, putting his head back at the feeling. Your cunt was swallowing him whole and he couldn’t get enough of it. His pace picking up as he leaned down on your body, his hand groping at your breast. His breath was hot on your ear as he panted “a-so uh good. Fuck”.
The sound of your bodies slapping together and your moans filled his practically empty condo. He was glad none of his neighbors seemed to have been home but he didn’t mind the idea of someone hearing your moans telling them how good he was making you feel. His other arm wrapped around your waist adding pressure to your stomach, a loud dragged out moan came from you as you turned your face into the pillow. Your knuckles going white gripping his sheets.
His tip hitting your g spot repeatedly made your legs start to shake, your walls clenching around him. Toji took it as a sign to change the position up a bit, resting on his knees he pulled your back up straight pushing your legs apart before bringing your back to his chest. Aligning himself back up with your entrance he put a hand on your stomach while the other trailed up to your neck softly squeezing it. “T-toji-“ huff huff, “I know sweetheart you need to cum. Cum for me” fucking into you from below your cunt spasmed around his cock pulling a low groan from the man.
His mouth feverishly went over your collarbone and neck as his fingers inched towards your mouth, you opened wide allowing him access, his fingers rested on your tongue. The pressure in your stomach finally burst cumming all over his cock, your juices soaking the sheets as he continued fucking into you. “That’s my good girl” he said aloud, slowing down before pulling out.
Making you lay on your back he got between your legs and shoved himself back inside you quickly. Angling himself just right for his tip to hit your g spot over and over again, your moans of his name was like music to his ears. “S-shit y/n your cunt is squeezing me so tight a-ah need to slow down before I finish too quick. That would be pathetic” Toji groaned, slowing down his thrusts. His head sinking into the crease of your neck, his teeth grazed your skin making you let out a strained moan.
You were losing it, so sensitive and he just kept going, blinking back tears. It felt so good, better than you have ever experienced. You stared up at the devilish smirk he had on his face when he picked his head up from your neck. He was getting off on seeing you cry, his thumb swiping away a tear that going to fall down your face. “You think I can give you one more orgasm before I finish sweetheart? Just wanna make you feel good.” He said, his arms flexed beside your head as he slowed his pace even more, almost coming to a stop, waiting for you to say something.
“Yes” you moaned, already feeling the next wave would be coming soon. Kissing your lips quickly before sitting up, hooking his arms around your legs he brought your body to him meeting each thrust. Your mouth hung open, no sounds being able to escape as he hammered into your body. Throwing his head back in pleasure as he felt your orgasm approaching “there you go y/n” he praised. Your hands grabbed at his arms squeezing them as your body shook cumming all over his cock and stomach.
Your chest heaved up and down as you came down from your high. His cock was still hard, pre leaking from the tip. Toji’s chest moved at a slow rhythm, his chest glistened with sweat. He has been holding himself off from finishing wanting to be selfish and keep you beside him as long as he could. “My turn, then I’ll let you rest” He stared at you with hooded eyes. Nodding your head in compliance he pushed your thighs to your chest putting you into a mating press. Tapping the tip onto your entrance he started at how wet you were before pressing into you, his balls clapped against your ass with each thrust. He was burying himself inside of you, keeping your legs pressed down to your chest with his hands.
His name in the air over and over again encouraged him to continue at his fast pace. His cock twitching inside you as your cunt squeezed him tightly. “Can’t get enough of your cunt sweetheart. It’s like you were made for me” Toji spoke in between his grunts. Bottoming out he pumped his cock in and out of your cunt hitting your already extremely sensitive g spot. His own release coming up “need to cum sweetheart. Last chance, do you want me to cum somewhere else?”
“N-no inside. Please. Please” your pleas sending him over the edge. Slamming his cock into you one last time before hot ropes of white painted your walls. Toji moaned your name over and over again, tossing his head back. His cum made you feel so warm inside, pulling over when he felt his cock twitch one last time Toji couldn’t get over how much of his cum seeped out of you. A ring around his cock as he pulled out seeing his seed spill down your ass and onto his sheets. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, his eyes tracing over every curve of your body lost in his own thoughts before you tried to wiggle out of his grip he had on your thighs.
“Let’s get you washed up. You did so good. I’m surprised you came as much as you did and not tapping out” he pecked your cheek. His praise made you blush. He helped you out of bed but seeing your legs wobble, he lifted you over his shoulder and carried you over to his shower, turning it on before he sat on the bench with you sitting on his knee. Letting the water wash away all your sweat and juices he massaged your legs before spreading them to wash away his cum leaking from your cunt. He slipped his fingers between your folds making sure you were cleaned off. He helped wash the rest of your body and hair before you did the same for him. He was smiling like an idiot proud that he made you unable to stand on your own.
“Looks like no workout for you tomorrow sweetheart” he teased.
He couldn’t help but laugh at your pouty face you made in response to his comment. He did not feel guilty in the slightest. “I’ll make you a killer breakfast tho to replenish your energy” he piped up. Standing up he turned the shower off, holding onto your waist taking a towel and drying you off before himself. Walking back into his room he set you back on his bed. You sat up looking at him pick through his drawers trying to find a shirt for you to wear and sweatpants that would also fit you and not fall off.
A caring side of him that you didn’t see of him often, as your trainer he would always push you to your limits. Praise you when you reached a PR but that was his job with how he was caring for you now was different. Maybe he wasn’t as mean as you thought he would be behind closed doors. All you knew was that you never wanted to leave his condo.
Taglist: @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @kazscara @liliorsstuff-blog comment below If you want to be apart of the tag list 🖤
Taglist: @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @kazscara @liliorsstuff-blog want to be apart of the taglist? Comment below.
Masterlist | Coworker Toji Part 1 & Part 2 |
Masterlist | Part 2 🤔 |
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Oscar Piastri x Reader x Lando Norris
Genre: Smut
Request: yes ;) and my request box is open ;););)
Summary: Two oblivious boys and an enthused female find their love for each other through her sport.
Warnings: Dom/Sub dynamics, mentions of past relationships not working out, feminization if you squint, humiliation, overstimulation, PinV sex, anal sex, oral (both m and f receiving), throat fucking
Notes: gonna go jump into holy water or something. This is absolutely filthy.
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She wasn't sure how both Oscar and Lando could be so horribly oblivious. They like each each other and they both like her. Yet neither of them know either of those facts, it seems.
She'd known about Oscar's crush on his teammate since he first introduced her to him. The Australian would not stop staring at him. Then, when Oscar turned away, Lando would stare at him. And she was left shaking her head at them both.
She confronted him about it that same night when they were alone.
"You have a crush." She says with a teasing smile.
"What! No- he's my teammate! I can't like - I don't know... do that?" The poor boy is as red as a tomatoe, and she can't stop laughing.
"You should ask him out!"
"I highly doubt he'd be into that. Pluse, he likes you more. I swear he's your number one fan." Oscar reasons.
She's not in formula on. Instead, she is a motor gp rider. They have four wheels she has two. Earlier, Lando had gotten giddy and asked for her autograph. "I feel like he might be, and we'll never know if we don't try."
"How about we pick this conversation up later, and I reward you for doing so well in your race today."
She knows exactly the games he's playing. The worst part is it's working. Oscar has successfully turned her brain into a complying ball of mush with a single sentence.
Looks like she'll have to do things the hard way.
Her race in Silverstone ended up at the beginning of the F1 summer break. Meaning: Oscar and Lando are able to come watch and support her.
Lando could not be both more excited and nervous at the same time.
McLaren had made it possible to do some PR with her. Supposedly, her team thought it would also be good publicity for them and said they could come early on Thursday to film some things.
And now Lando has to get onto a bike with her. It's not her bike, but something similar that goes fast.
His body is vibrating with excitement. He'd never gotten to do this before. He was a little shocked when Oscar suggested he go with her, claiming that he'd gotten to do it a few times already.
The girl hops onto the bike first and gets herself settled. Then she motions for Lando to come join her. The friction that happens when he gets himself settled makes him want to whine. Despite all the protective gear, it's horrendous rubbing up against her back.
"Lando, you're going to have put your arms around my waist." She giggles. He's barely touching her right now, and if he wasn't wearing a helmet, then everyone would be privy to his blush.
"You ready?"
"Born ready!"
She takes off down the pitlane. He can tell she's being more cautious than how she usually drives. Probably accounting for the fact there's new weight and balance to think about. And yet, the speed at which she's driving sends Lando into a state of exhilaration.
They talk back and for a bit. But for the most part, Lando let's her focus on keeping them upright.
The friction of their body's and the vibration of the bike sends his head into a whirlwind. He has to will strength into the lower regions of his body, or he thinks he might actually get off on this alone.
The ride is over before that can happen, and he's so thankful for it. He's not sure Oscar would be pleased if he came while rubbing up against the Australians girlfriend.
They hope of the bike and Oscar comes to great them. What Lando was not expecting was the look he received. Brown eyes size him up, inspecting every inch if his body.
Before he knows what's happening, the female tugs on his arm and drags her back to her private room.
Everything is moving too fast. They take off their helmets, and the girl slams the door shut behind her. Only to get slammed into it herself by the Aussie.
Lando would wonder what he'd gotten himself into if he wasn't so damn turned on by the sight of it.
"I did it." She says with a proud smile. "Told you he'd get all worked up."
"I'll have to reward you for it later." Oscar purrs into her ear.
Lando looks back and forth between the two. Why had they wanted to get him worked up?
His eyes stay trained on Oscar as hel pulls himself away from the female. Those deep brown eyes once again scan every inch of his body. Lando can't help but blush at the action. To say he's embarrassed at the very obvious hard-on is an understatment. Yet the more Oscar continues, the more turned on he is.
Oscar closes the gap between the two. His hands find Lando's waist. "You seem to have a bit of an issue." His thigh presses into the now painful bulge in Lando's pants. The Brit yelps in surprise at the new feeling. "I'll give you a choice. If you want, you can come by our apartment tonight, and we'll help you out. Or you can walk away, and we never speak of this again."
She'd been very giddy when Lando accepted the proposal. Oscar is now admitting she was right and plans on rewarding her well for it tonight.
She knows Oscar's wants and needs by heart. He likes control. It's obvious in the way he holds himself. He's always in control of himself.
The more control of the things he has around him, the better he feels. This includes her. And she knows just how to push to get him to feel as though he has either maintained or created said atmosphere.
Tonight was going to he completely different. They'd had a few different partners before. Not just for sex but also for everything else. They just didn't stick around.
The problem usually was with the dynamic. The couple females that had joined them had broken things off mutually. The males, however, did not like Oscar's lustful desire for that feeling of having everything exactly where he wanted it.
She'd ended up getting hurt on multiple occasions in their desperate attempt to assert their dominance over her. It became aggravating that so many saw them as a way to fulfill their own fantasies and played a role to get into their bedroom. So, they stopped looking.
Then Oscar met Lando, and everything came crashing down.
They'd talked about things before they'd separated for the afternoon. Oscar had been very clear about what would probably happen, and there were a few boundaries set. It's better to do it before he comes over, so he has a chance to think and doesn't feel pressured to do anything.
The doorbell rings through the flat. Lando is right on time. She bounds to the door and swings it open. The Brit jumps in surprise when he sees her.
It probably didn't help that she was already gone. Willing to comply and do as told. Neither of them spoke as she grabbed his hand and led him to the couch.
He ploped down and shrunk in on himself. His eyes looked to her expectantly. "Are you going to sit?"
She shakes her head no. Her place is on her knees next to the armchair. Her hands folded neatly behind her back.
She throws Lando a reasuring smile as another set of footsteps enters the space.
"Thought I heard someone come in." Oscar sounds warm and gentle. His voice lulling her into a sense of peace as he sits himself in the armchair across from the Brit.
She leans into his leg, his fingers run comfortingly along her scalp. "You can relax, darling. We're not doing anything yet." She sighs at the words. Her legs then fold into a criss cross position as she continues to let herself relax. "You can relax to Lando. I asked if you wanted this because it seemed like you did. We're not going to do anything you don't want to.
The Brit visibly relaxs. The air is much less tense now.
"How do you feel about letting her help you with the issue she helped create earlier." He quirks his eyebrows.
"Yeah, uh, that sounds - that sounds great." Lando nods his head eagerly.
She crawls in between his legs and unbuttons his jeans. They make eye contact. Her hands tug on the waistband to ask permission to take them off. He lifts his hips, and together, they manage both his jeans and boxers off.
He looks painfully hard. And she can't help but stare at his very pretty looking cock. She licks a few stripes from top to bottom. "You look very pretty, Lan." He shivers and moans as she hollows her cheeks and works her way down him.
Oscar slips around behind him. His fingers nimbly pull off the Brits shirt. His hands run down the sides of his body. "Green means good to go. Yellow means to slow down and talk. Red means complete stop. Color?"
"Green! Fuck I'm so green." Lando all but shouts. Then, the Aussie reaches further and takes a handful of her hair. The gentle tug pulls a whine from her. He stops her and pulls her off of him.
"Go ahead and fuck her mouth Lan, she'll tap your thigh if she needs to stop." He slams her mouth back down onto Lando. His grip held her in place, and the Brit slams his hips in and out of her mouth. The tip bruises the back of her throat, and she focuses on not gagging.
She can tell Lando is close by the way his hips stutter. "I'm close, fuck, mouth feels so good." He pants.
"Go ahead, Lan. Finish down her throat."
She runs her tongue through the slit and then her mouth is coated in the warm and salty substance. Lando lets out a string of profanities and his muscles contract.
He collapses back down on the couch. His chest heaving to regain air. She pulls off of him and wipes her mouth off.
"You do you both feel? Want to bring this somewhere more comfortable?"
The mix of exploring hands and wet kisses took over everything. Her and Lando had lost all their clothing, and Oscar is down to his boxers.
"Fucking hell, you're both so pretty. So good for me." Oscar leans down to whisper in her ear. "Want you to eddge him. Can you do that for me?" Obviously, she can. The rapid nod of her says everything.
Oscar then pushes Lando down to his knees. His body towers above the Brit. The Aussie grabs his chin tightly and forces his gaze onto him. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like being embarrassed. Are you really that much of a slut that even shameful things turn you on?"
A high-pitched whine leaves Lando's mouth. She takes that as her cue to drop back behind him. She runs her fingers along his torso. His cock already hard again. He whines again as she just barely touches the head.
"Gonna put your whiny mouth to use." Oscar discards the last of his clothing. He grips Lando by his curls and coos at him. "Hand on my thigh. Three taps if you need to stop." Lando complies and takes a deep breath in before Oscar is slamming into his throat.
She begins stroking the Brit at a similar pace. She deliberately slows down and speeds up as she reads the signals from his body.
Oscar is pratically vibrating. His deep gurreral moans and occasional praise signal he's getting close. His knees are becoming increasingly weaker. And soon, he's barely giving any warning as he spills down Lando's throat. His legs buckle, and his hands grip Lando for support.
The Aussie pulls out of Lando and catches his breath. "What a filthy mouth you have, Lan!"
The female is still stroking Lando, and it's obvious how bad he wants it from the way he's begging. "Please- can I, fuck, can I cum again?"
"Not yet." Oscar signals for her to stop, and she back away completely. She pouts at the lack of warmth Lando's body was providing her with.
Now, they actually fumble into bed. The softness of the mattress envelopes her body. Her legs are being spread by the Brit, who has found himself on his stomach and a pillow sitting comfortably beneath him. His teeth nibble at the insides of her thighs, and she moans at the stimulation she's finally getting.
A slap echoes through the room as Oscar's palm lands on the Brits ass. He bites down into her in surprise, causing her to yelp. The smug smirk of the Australians face tells her this is exactly what he's been fantasizing about for months now.
She can't really see everything that's going on, and words sound muffled to her cloudy brain.
"You can cum when you make her finish on your tongue." And oh how grateful she is to hear that. The lack of needing permission gives her the freedom to just lose herself. The feeling of Lando's warm tongue lapping where she needs it most sends shivers of pleasure coursing through her spine.
"Gonna fuck your pretty pussy now Lan, is that okay?"
The Brit detaches from her and wails for him to continue. The vibrations from his moans send another wave of lust crashing over her.
It feels heavenly. Watching Oscar snap his hips into Lando and getting to feel it by proxy every time they move.
Her eyes roll back. Her spine arches. She can feel the inevitable fall of the edge as she inches closer to the ledge.
Everything is fast. The heavy pants and moans fill the space of the room. And then her mind goes blank.
Her mouth falls open as she finds the everwhelming ecstasy filling her veins. She tries to push herself away, but Lando's grip on her legs is strong and determined as he wails in his own pleasure.
Oscar follows with them. His body nearly topples onto Lando.
They are panting and trying to catch their breath. Oscar places sloppy kisses down Lando's spine and whispers praises to him. "What do you say we reward our girl now, Lan? She's done an excellent job getting us here, and I think she deserves it."
She's not quite sure how she found herself in the positions she did. They used every advantage they had. Slammed into at every possible angle.
Oscar used his words to keep her exactly where he wanted her. Degrading and vile words leave his lips only to be followed by sweet praises. She is so deep that he manages to pull his title from her mouth like a prayer.
Lando maps her body with his hands and his teeth. His tongue runs across every area he can get to. He leaves hickeys in every place they won't be seen.
She list count at one point. The never-ending stream of pleasure clouding her mind and corroding her judgment. She lets them use her and takes everything she's given.
Her body twitches, and her heart beats rapidly as everything comes to slow.
She doesn't move. She can't move. But the boys do, and she almost cries as it's away from her.
She panics as Lando starts collecting his things. "Where are you going? You're not leaving, are you?"
"After this, you couldn't get rid of me if you tried." He smiles.
Oscar comes back freshened up and with water for everyone. "We should probably talk about this."
"How about we talk later and cuddle now."
"I second that."
"I agree, but first." Oscar looks directing at Lando. It's much different from the earlier lust. "We really like you, Lando, both of us. We want you to stay for more than just this."
Lando looks like he might cry. Instead of tears, though, he smiles and kisses them both sweetly. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
He flops down on the bed. And pulls them both in. "Now I'm thinking movie and snacks after that. Did a number on me, Osc. Seriously!"
They all laugh at the at the Brits antics. The atmosphere now relaxed as they bask in their newfound love for each other.
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jxckchxmpi0n · 1 year
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Ethan landry x reader
Warning : NSFW! (Sub! Ethan Dom! Reader) edging (m receiving) praise, pet names, uhhhhhh idk (this is very short) | m.list
(It's a weekend, guys, and I'm feeling so bold so.....like hope this is okay - this is my first full NSFW)
I'm back lovelies!!!!! And I'm testing my writing with Smut, so be nice ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Did not proof read
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It's late, and Ethan has been a pain in the ass. For the past two hours, he's been bothering you while you've been doing homework. Finally, the tap on the shoulder threw you over the edge. You now stand over Ethan as he sits on the bed. "I told you not to bother me!" Your face held anger.
"I know, but I was just wanting your attention." His voice was soft as he was somewhat nervous about how you looked at him.
You rolled your eyes. "Well, you have it, so what do you want?" You would be lying if you said you weren't horny. Truth be told you were stressed the fuck out and having Ethan here walking around shirtless with the only thing being those gray fucking sweatpants.
"Fuck, y/n please I'm- I'm sorry I didn't-" he was cut off by your hand palming him. His hips shooting up, wanting more friction, a groan from his throat echoing out. "Y/n I- God please don't- don't stop" your hand ran in circles over his dick you could feel him twitching under his pants.
"Please, what? Use your words, pretty boy. " You sat up closer to him, pulling his head up so he could look at you. You sunk down on the ground, and he watched in awe as you were on your knees for him. The friction your hand was giving him....he wanted more.
"I- I want you, baby, please!" His words were broken up as he tried to keep his needs hidden- which was not working.
Your hands left his groin, causing a whimper to leave his lips. He looked down at you, and your eyes were on him, biting your lip as you thought about your next move. "Lift your hips for me, pretty boy." he didn't think twice before his hands flew to the side of the bed to support himself. Your hands danced slowly, rose to his hips, drawing lines as they reached his waistband.
"Y/n, please stop with the teasing!" His voice tried to be strong, but you could see through the facade. You knew he liked the way you were teasing him. It made it more exciting.
His pants rested at his ankles now, the boxers falling with them. Your mouth watered at the sight of him, still shocked by his size every time. "I can never get over how beautiful you are." You lean up, capturing his lips. He moans into it as he feels your hands grasp him. He pulls away slightly, resting his forehead on yours. "Look at you, such a good boy for me"
His hand rested on your neck. He didn't want you to move. "Fu-fuck, don't dont stop." Your eyes never left his. Your hand pumping him hard and fast. His hips buckling every few seconds. His voice cracked with sounds that were music to your ears.
You could tell he was getting close by the way his hand tightened slightly on your neck. "You want to cum?" You voice laced with venom.
"Yes, yes, please please I wanna cum let me cum please" his hips thrusting up matching the rhythm of your hand. You felt your own pluse between your legs. Seeing him like this always made you wet, you could feel your underwear sticking to you like never before.
"Too bad," you let go of him and backed away. His hand and head dropped at the loss of contact. "What? No, please y/n pleassee" he was so whiny.
"No. You distracted me from my homework so what makes you think you can cum?" He tries to grab your hand but you pull away. "If you can sit there for thirty minutes, no distraction, no touching, no whining, then maybe I'll let you cum"
He only nodded his head. He didn't want to risk it by speaking. He watched you as you turned to the desk, sitting down continuing your work. He was still painful hard. Any movement he made want to whimper out. He wanted to get on his knees and beg you, but he knew he couldn't.
This was going to the longest thirty minutes of his life.
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broz0neglitters · 6 months
𝕀 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕣𝕖 🫶🏻🌷💕🎀🌸
Floyd x Fem reader Smut/NSFW
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Warning: Smut & P*rn mention, Vaping Mention, and Alcohol mentioned
-Floyd, likes to take things slow so nothing to serious yet but he'll mostly dry hump you is that good enough?
-Floyd just like branch he watches P*rn 24/7 you will often catch him jerking off you would get angry at him for jerking off at those beautiful girls on there but he can ensure you that he was thinking of you when he's jerking off
-He wants you to bloom for him (Meaning he wants you to show off all your beautiful naked body body size/breast sizes don’t matter to floyd he likes you just the way you are <3)
-Floyd owns a weed pen and a flavor vape (Flum pebbles icy peach) he isn't big on those flavor vape but he sometimes gets those sweet desires from those icy peach cuz it reminds him of you
(Side notes: I own two vape the greek pluse pink lemonade which I perfer the most and a flum pebble icy peach which burns my throat sometimes No I'm not addicted to it I have my limits I only use it for partys or when I hangout w friends/get together so don't worry about me i'm okay i know my limit still struggling to manage two vape plus hide it from my strict parents and yes i'm legal i just turn 21 recently :) and also I been keeping myself healthy and checking my health I'm not suggesting you guys vape or anything is not worth it for your health I'm planning on throwing it away if you do vape please know your limit and think about your health i have tons of friends who are addicted to it so please be safe for those of you who vape I'm not judging just want you all to be safe just putting a message out there anyways back to the Headcanon <3)
-Floyd would offer you to vape just to get in the mood vaping plus drinking gets him in the mood
-floyd has high alcohol tolerance (all his brothers dose)
-Floyd Likes to cockwarm so do expect to cockwarm
-His Cock is small not too small he's a late bloomer he's insecure about it but you told him it dosen't matter
-Don't underestimated his small cock I mean it
-Overtime he's ready for some real fucking action meaning he is ready for base two he often would asked if he could finger you but you told him that he dosen't need to ask you permission cuz he's all yours
-like I mention before do not underestimated his cock size cuz once his cock is inside of you; you would constantly beg him to go harder and faster which he dose
-He starts off slow but hearing your moans and cries and how needy you are for him to go faster so he went faster to the point he's a rough fucker (I feel like all of brozone brother are rough during sex but the roughest of them all is john dory and the least rough is floyd)
-He's super careful when he finger you but you ensure him that you wants him to go faster cuz it feels so good
-He is super loud aswell you so you both were worried that other trolls would hear you both
-Would he dominate you during sex yes, and? but you also dominate him aswell so switching postion
-You love to cowgirl/ reverse cow girl ride on his dick is his sweet desire because while you're riding on him he holds onto your hips and trust you til it hits your sweet spot
-don't ask why but he has a whole playlist of slowed reverb songs but you can barley hear it because all you can hear is his moans and yours
-did i mention that he has ELD Lights in his room he would turn it on to pitch red it would set the mood real quick
-Also I forgot to mention when he drink the alcohol hits him making him drunk so he would drunk fuck you
-When you're sleeping he would be so needy cuz he's drunk and had too many to drink he would just take your pants off and fuck you right on the spot you can't tell him to stop cuz it feels good
-When eating you up he would tell you that "I get this sweet desire just from licking your soft smooth cunt." he said teasing your clit with his soft tongue you couldn’t take it because it feels so good you would hold onto his hair
-He'll cum in your mouth and body and breast
-He will suck your breast like a literal baby + he'll even tease it while he's fucking you
-He would want to fuck you while watching P*rn
-He would even vape when going to town on you again is his sweet desire
-his cum is milky
-you like licking his cum off his cock especially his tips cuz its also your sweet desire
-You're his sweet desire even during sex
-He and you also would take a couple of shots of pink lemonade vodka before continuing to have sex cuz it sets the mood for him and he wants you to be real needy since you're super drunk
-His sex after care are the best so he and branch has the best sex after care he would give you tea or drink of your choice and even fesh cut fruits or any food you request and he will definitely cuddle you afterwards
Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it anyways fill free to request me at anytime :^) *it might take a while to get back to you as I mentioned before I would just write it on my own without any requests plus I've school and real life stuff so be patient with your request your requested are heard loud and clear <3 -------------------- Like and Follow are very much appreciated 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ ᰔᩚ
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soupbabe · 2 years
RZ Myers, Vincent Sinclair and Martian Mathis with a plus sized reader wearing something more form fitting, formal, cute, etc just like so excited to see what their partner thinks.
If you’re feeling a little extra you can add in reader showing off top surgery scars <3
Slashers Reacting to Plus Size! Reader Trying on Clothes
Featuring: Martin Mathias, RZ! Michael Myers, and Vincent Sinclair
Anon I adore you and this request thank you so much!!
Tagging: @slaasherslut, @rottent33th
Warning: Mention of top surgery scars in Martin's part, but these headcanons are still gender neutral and okay for anyone to read♡
Martin Mathias
- I think it's no surprise that Martin daydreams about you
- He has visions of you in outfits that are sheer. Doesn't matter if the silhouette was loose or form fitting, your body was always on display for him to gaze at and to yearn for
- So actually seeing you in a similar style left him speechless
- Literally the entire time you're asking him his thoughts on the newest mesh shirt you bought, he's red and the face and his jaw is on the floor
- Undershirt or nothing underneath, it doesn't matter. Martin is transfixed on your body
- He adores how your body is soft and rounded, the mesh looks painted on your body
- If you have any top surgery scars, they're on full display. Martin is holding back everything in his being to trace them through the shirt, murmuring praises about how gorgeous you look in your new shirt
RZ! Michael Myers
- Michael isn't expressive, but when he likes something, you'll know
- So when you came out in a cute pair of shorts, showing your thick thighs in all of their glory, he immediately reacted
- Honestly it's scary to how swift he was to pull you into his lap
- You looked so good in your new clothes and apart of Michael wonders if you were showing off your legs just for him </3
- He's pretty handsy, so as long as your in his lap, his hands are on your thighs
- Not like you could escape anyways
- He doesn't say anything, but he buries his face into your soft neck and kneads your thighs like a cat
Vincent Sinclair
- I think the best thing Vincent has seen you in is formal wear
- Doesn't matter if you're in a suit or a gown. Seeing you in rich, dark colors and in something so perfectly tailored to your body is an experience Vincent wishes he could see everyday
- You look utterly glamorous, like a celebrity who's gracing their presence in Ambrose
- Vincent dedicates the moment to memory, I wouldn't be surprised if he asks you to model the outfit for a painting later on
- He spends hours making sure the brush strokes look just right, that the light illuminates your round face, that he documents your curves accurately
- The artist wants nothing more for his lover to be immortalized, to remind them that their beauty is long lasting
- I'm so here for Vincent being obsessed with his chubby muse <3
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redroomwidows · 5 months
I got one🙋🏻‍♀️ can’t you do Lee Russell x Neal’s younger sister reader? They’re secretly seeing each other behind his back and Neal walked in Lee’s office about to have sex or always having sex…. Up to you ☺️
Oh I absolutely can! Usually I reply with the fic written, but I need some peer review. How would we all feel about a self indulgent fic with plus size! reader.
Imagine sitting on Lee’s desk, sloppily making out after he’s principle and his hands are squeezing your thighs, slowly stating to unbutton your jeans. “Gotta christen the office darlin’”
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the-phantom-author · 11 months
can you do hasan piker x plus-size gf please?
you don't have to do it ofc 💜
I love you, but I have said this this before. As someone who is plus sized, I don't really imagine writing readers as not plused sized, if that makes sense.
And when I've tried to specifically write plused sized reader before it felt really weird and was near impossible for me to do.
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avocado-writing · 1 year
Hii could I request a crowley x pluse size reader smut ?
hello I’m afraid my requests are closed at the moment!💕
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morning-sun-brah · 2 years
Hey it's me again but I hope you don't mind me asking, is there a possibility for a Raph × reader (who's possibly plused size 👉👈) in the near future? 🥺🥺🥺
“Gotta change the safe word,” Donatello had said as soon as he’d slipped through your living room window, a burst of cold air following him inside. 
February was proving to be an especially cold month this year, and the bite of winter wind seemed to pull all the heat from your little apartment. You were buried under a large fleece blanket, but you could still feel the rush of cold air as it hit your face and couldn’t help but shiver. 
“If I’m cold I know your cold-blooded ass is dying. Hurry and get under the blankets!” 
Donatello removes only his battle shell, shoes, and coat before joining you, leaving on his trapper hat and gloves, his scarf still wrapped over his face and hiding everything but his eyes. Even through his sweatpants and thick sweater you can feel his chilled skin and know he must be miserable. You grab another blanket to cocoon the both of you in, and then ask, “So, what’s wrong with ruby?” 
The two of you have fallen into one another, Donnie pressing his face into the crook of your neck and stealing all your warmth, his body half laid on your own, curling into you and seeking heat. 
“It’s a perfectly good safe word,” comes his muffled voice. “But I’d rather not hear the name of Raphael’s new girlfriend in the throes of passion.” 
BABE- I was already setting it up! 👀😈
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jawritter · 4 years
Request: May I request a Dean Winchester x plus size reader where the reader is very shy and she at a bar and some dirt bags are picking on her about her shortness and weight and dean stands up for her? Some smut and fluff ?? Also want to say you are a bop of a writer my love! ✨💕🥰❤️
Word Count: 2961
Warnings: Some angst I guess, language, hint of insecure reader, mean drunks at bar, SMUT, unprotected smut, oral (female receiving), I think that’s about it...
A/N: As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!!
Want more? Check out my masterlist!!
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You had no idea why you agreed to come out again with Dean and Sam tonight.
It was always the same.... 
Dean would find him a little whore to spend his night with, and Sam would either find himself something to blow off some steam with, or sit at his laptop looking for another case to keep them busy with, because you all seemed addicted to the hunt as much as the next guy, and you were all at your best when you were killing things that shouldn't be allowed to exist. And you would sit alone at the bar, miserable, and avoiding other human contact as much  as possible.
It's what you expected anyway.
So when Dean threw baby into park you were out of the car, and heading into the bar without so much as looking at the brothers. Heading straight for the bar to order the strongest whatever they had. 
If you had to go home alone tonight, you'd at least get drunk enough to sleep without the nightmares.
To your surprise though Dean came, and slipped onto the barstool next to you, ordering a shot and a beer for the both of you before you could even get the bartender's attention. You looked at him strangely, and he caught it before you could even fix your face.
"What?" He asked you, as he threw back the shot the bartender slipped to him. Green eyes dancing with mischief as he looked at you.
"You're not going to start looking for tonight's lucky lady?" You asked him, and he chuckled a little next to you. 
"Na, not tonight." He said, brushing off your concern as he pulled his beer bottle to his perfect lips, and took a long deep drink.
"Think I'd rather hang out with you." He said, giving you a wink that, even though you'd never admit to anyone, made your knees weak. 
Dean had always had a soft spot in your heart, but you were too shy to ever admit to him that you had a crush on him, and plus he was way out of your league.
He was tall, strong, and gorgeous.
You were overweight, with more than a few extra pounds in places that made you feel self conscious on your best day, and to top it off you were short. Barely breaking 4'9. 
Sam often teased you that you still legally should be riding in a car seat. 
Dean never really teased you all that much about your height or your weight, sure he still teased you, but he had enough common sense to know what seemed to get under your skin, and he respectfully avoided any topic that made you uncomfortable.
Dean had just ordered the drinks when two guys came up, and sat down on the oposite side of you, The large, stupid, and obviously drunk one that smelled strongly of whiskey leered at you like your very presents disgusted him to his utter core. 
"Hey Roy?" The large smelly guy that honestly looked like his name could have been Lurch said to the much smaller guy that was just as drunk, maybe more so than he was sitting beside him. "When the fuck did they start letting whales into the bar? This one looks like she should be in a display take at the aquarium. Better call PETA and tell them they're missing their prized whale!" Lurch slurred, and Roy burst into a fit of laughter. 
You tried to make yourself as small as you could on your stool, trying to not even look at these two dirt bags that seemed to be sent by Crowley himself to torment you, Dean hadn't heard them because the music was so loud, and he was busy paying for your drinks, but when he turned he noticed the red sheen of your checks and furrowed his eyebrows at you questioningly. 
"What's wrong Y/N/N?" He asks, handing you a beer, and turning to face you fully.
He didn't have long to be confused, because before you could even answer Lurch spoke up again.
"Oh don't tell me you're trying to get with him Shammo, he's way out of your league!" Roy fell into another fit of laughter, and you looked down at your beer bottle, a tear slipping past your defenses in spite of yourself. 
Dean said nothing just got up from his bar stool and went over to stand in front of Lurch, a look of pure murder on his face, one that reminded you of his Demon days when Sam had dragged him back into the bunker and cured him.
"What's wrong pretty boy?" Lurch said, and that was all it took. Dean swung, landing a hit right to his jaw, knocking him cold off of the bar stool. 
Roy took off running towards the exit as fast as he could. Leaving his fat, smelly friend on the ground in front of Dean. 
Dean turned around to you, cupping your face in his hands, and looking you over. "You okay sweetheart?" He asks you, genuinely concerned. 
You were humiliated, embarrassed, and you could literally feel the whole bar staring at the three of you, seeing as Sam joined Dean on his left side, taking a look at Lurch still laying on the ground groaning.
"I'm fine Dean." You said, trying to pull away from him, but he wouldn't let you, instead he laced your hand in his, gave Lurch there another kick with his steel toe boot clad foot, started toward the exit with you in tow,  Sam said nothing, just followed along like this was nothing, but a normal Saturday night for Dean.
Dean opened the back seat door for you, and you climbed in. Grateful to be away from those two idiots, and that grimmy ass bar that seemed to be full of douchebags, Sam got in along with Dean, and the three of you made a short, but silent drive back to the bunker. 
You felt horrible. You felt bad that you were the reason Dean caused a scene at the bar, you felt bad that Sam and Dean didn't get to blow off steam like they had wanted to after a long hunt, and you felt bad that once again, you didn't seem to measure up enough. 
Lurch wasn't wrong. You have always been a little overweight, shy, and you are definitely short. That was just stating the obvious. Even though it did bother you, what bothered you even more than that was he was right about one thing for sure. Dean was out of your league, and even an idiot like that could tell it.
You did everything you could not to burst into tears in the back seat of the car, and ignoring the pair of green eyes that were shifting constantly from the road to the back seat, and when mercifully Dean pulled up into the Bunker's garage, you were out of the car before he could even put it in park and heading towards your room. 
You couldn't face Dean, and you didn't feel like an awkward 'chin up' talk from Sam that he would try to do. You just wanted to go to your room and cry.
Which is apparently all you would ever be...
You weren't in your room long before a light knock sounded through the mostly quiet room.
"Sweetheart? Can I come in?" Dean said softly. When you didn't answer him, and just continued to stare at the wall he let himself in, closing your door behind him. Slipping on the bed behind you, the bed dipping under his weight slightly.
You thought if you just ignored him he'd go away, but Dean was persistent, and your silence only made him more persistent. So he slipped under the covers behind you, and like he had every right to be there, slipping his arm around you, pulling your back to his strong chest. 
"Don't worry about what those dicks said y/n/n. Those drunk ass wipes wouldn't know what a real woman was if one walked up, and slapped them in the face." Dean said, running his fingers through your hair. 
Dean had never been this close to you before. Usually he would just knock at your door and tell you that dinner was ready, or that they had another case. Every once in a while he would ask you come watch a movie in the Dean cave with him, but never had he been this....intimate... with you, and it had your heart fluttering in your chest in spite of the tears that you were trying to wipe away from your face before Dean could see them.
"It's okay Dean," You said, ignoring the way you hated your voice after you'd been crying. "It's not like I'm not used to it. Men do that shit to me all the time, always have, that's why I don't go out with you guys very often, and it's not like what he said wasn't true." 
Dean huffed in frustration, wrapping his arm around you tighter, and then flipping you over quickly to face him as if you weighed nothing at all. Surprising you for a moment. His piercing green eyes stared into yours. Softer than you had ever seen them. Those little lines that you loved so much showing more today than they usually did.
"Baby girl NOTHING those dicks said at that bar was true, Sam told me he heard what they said to you, and was making his way over there when I turned around and noticed them. Your are not fat, you don't belong in an aquarium, those idiots were just pissed because they thought that you were with me, and some people are just so fucking misserable with their own lives that they try and do everything that they can in order to make everyone else as misserable as they are."
Dean brushed your check with his thumb. Wiping away stray tears that were still falling down your face.
"Your beautiful, your smart, you funny, you put up with our shit like no one else has even been able to before, you are not fat, your perfect, your a woman, your curves make you even more beautiful, just because your short doesn't mean shit. You could still kick my ass if you wanted to, and I've seen you take out freaks twice your size." Leaning down before you could say anything else Dean brushed his lips softly over yours, before capturing your lips in his, his mouth dominating yours quickly, his tongue sliding through your lips and gliding over your tongue in a slow but building give and take that had your toes curling. His strong arms wrapped around you, holding you tight against him, rolling you over as if it were nothing, hovering on top of you.  Breaking the kiss and leaving you breathless.
"Shush." He said, putting a finger to your lips. Let me show you just how fucking gorgeous you are to me.
You sat there in wide eyed in disbelief at the man smirking above you as he sat up just long enough to rid himself of his top layers of clothing, then quickly coming back down to hover over you. Placing chaste kissing to your lips and all over your face. Making you giggle and blush all at the same time.
Dean's lips found yours in a deep, needy, passionate kiss, as his hands explored your body, riding you of your clothing as he went. Only breaking the kiss long enough to pull your shirt from your body, and throw it on the floor with all the rest of your clothes. Leaving you in just your bra, which he made quick work of getting rid of. 
Every little touch, every little trail his fingers made over your skin seemed to wake up something deep inside of you that you had never experienced before. A need, a burning fire, one that started as a smolder, but was quickly bringing to burn out of control.
The way his tongue danced with yours, the way his hands lingered on your thighs longer than most men you had been with ever did. The way he worshiped your body, trailing kisses over your stomach and between the valley of your beast. Teasing you as before finally coming up to take your nipples into his mouth, giving each the same attention until you were arching your back to get close to him. His hands never left your body.
All the insecurities, and the mean words you had heard all your life seemed to finally be melting away. Dean treated you like you were some precious treasure to him. He never said anything about your thighs being too thick, or your stomach not being flat and perfect.
His green eyes were hooded and dark with lust like you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on.
Sliding down your body, never making eye contact with you, throwing your legs over his broad shoulders he all but growled at your glistening folds exposed to him. 
"So fucking perfect baby." He said, his voice deep and thick, making a deep shutter run down your spin before he ran his tongue through your slick folds. A deep moan fell from your lips as he growled deep in his throat. 
"Fuck sweetheart." He said, before devowering your sex like a starving man having his last mean, and God did the man know what the fuck he was doing. Most men didn't bother to go down on you, they were only worried about getting themselves off and leaving, Dean though, Dean seemed intent on making you cum before he even got started.
Your legs trembling at every lick and suck of his sinful mouth hand you all but panting above him. That familiar burn building in your abdomen. The coil threatened to snap, and when he added two thick fingers into you and curled them, hitting that spot most men never found perfectly, that was it. You fell apart around him. Your walls clinch down on his fingers. 
Dean slowed his administrations, but didn't stop. Working you through your release and lapping up everything you had to give him.
When  Dean finally crawled up your body and hovered over you, his thick leaking erection lay heavy against your inner thigh as he rutted himself against you, desperately needing some sort of friction.
"You okay baby girl." He asked, and you nodded before he began peppering your face with little kisses before his lips found yours again. When he was sure you were ready and your hands started to explore his large shoulders and back he made himself ready at your dripping entrance.  Sliding himself in slowly. Stretching you and filling with inch by glorious inch. When he was finally fully seated inside your tight heat he burned his head in your shoulder, kissing your neck and nibbling on your skin there, making your walls clench around him and he hadn't even started moving yet. 
A deep moan falling from his lips as your walls fluttered around him. He stayed still until you rolled your hips against him. Letting him know  you were ready for him to move. 
Pulling himself almost all the way out of you before sliding back in. Setting a deep steady rhythm. His tip hitting that same spot deep inside of you over and over again, and the drag of his manhood over your silk walls had both of you barrelling towards your end before you knew what was happening. Every time he was fully seated inside you a deep moan would fall from his lips. Sweat shining on skin in the dim light of your room as you held onto his shoulders, his body rocking into yours at the same slow, but deep pace. 
You could feel that familiar coil tightening again, and your walls were already fluttering around him. Dean seemed to be just as close as you, his hips beginning to stutter and his pace getting faster and more erratic.
His lips found yours again as he stilled deep inside of you, his warm seed coating your walls, throwing you over the edge with him, your walls clamping down around him as he swallowed your moans, slowly rocking his hips into yours, helping you both ride out your orgasms as long as possible until he finally stopped. Rolling off of you carefully,  and pulling you into his chest. His breaths still came in short bursts as his lips found the top of your forehead.
"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that." He said, his voice quiet and ragged from your previous activities.
You buried your face in his neck, not knowing what to say until he lifted your chin with his fingers again.
"Now I don't want my girl to ever get upset over what some dick bag says at a bar because he's never had a real woman in his life and doesn't get to see what I see. Your beautiful Y/N/N, and now your mine, there's not getting rid of me. I'm going to spend the rest of our lives, no matter how short they may be, showing you everyday just how gorgeous you really are." 
His lips found yours again in a kiss that made your toes curl, and his arms tightened their hold around you. 
You were his, something you never thought you would be, but yet here you were, safe and warm in his strong arms. 'His girl' as he kept calling you, telling you over and over again how beautiful you were, until you maybe, just maybe started to believe him yourself.....
Tag List: @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ 
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fat-bottom-demons · 2 years
Really hate how some people write content for fat people.
Some of it is just straight up "this character will full on bully you and call you a whale" or just goes on about how a character will help the reader lose weight?!
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This shit particularly passes me off. If you don't know how to write for fat people without being rude, then don't write for fat people.
Not every fat person wants to lose weight. Not every fat person hates themselves. Not every fat person thinks of food 24/7.
Please write fat people as human beings
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dwaekkiiracha · 6 years
Thor meeting King T’Challa for the first time
Thor: Ooh, I like your accent, mmm, where you from?
T’Challa: *heaviest Wakandan accent ever* I’m Liberian.
Thor: Ooh my bad. *whispers* I like your accent, where you from?
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sixofpomegranates · 3 years
i am BEGGING for a plus size, anxious reader who is very much attracted to her BAU bestie spencer reid, but she's too scared he wouldn't like her bc of her weight n then one day penelope has everyone going out for drinks and reader decides to wear something more form fitting to get reids attention but is too trapped in her mind to function and spencer helps her feel better. essentially: spencer reid loves me through my daily panic attack
♞𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕♘
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Pluse-Size!Reader
A/N: I love this one. Talk about comfort. 🥺 Hope you like it! 💕
CW: slight angst, fluff, comfort | Mentions of Weight/unrequired love, insecurity about body, anxiety, pining, self-hate, misunderstanding,
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*picture does not describe the looks of the reader* **********
For all my life I've been plus-sized... Well, not for all my life. I started off as a child with a normal statue, as normal as you should judge the figure of a young girl of course, but when puberty hit, it hit me harder than my pinky toe would hit the coffee table on a regular.
Suddenly I was getting a stomach, boobs, and a butt, and while I waited for the moment I'd finally grow tall enough in high so my weight and bodily proportions wouldn't be as... eye-catching, I had to wear the clothes all chubby little girls had to wear back in the days when we couldn't just simply order cute plus-size clothes online and celebrate the fact that all bodies are beautiful.
I had to wear baggy shirts, mostly from the boys' section in the store, and low-rising flared jeans hanging from my body. The motto really was to somehow cloth this unfortunately big body and hide its size away as good as possible, not to have me dressed and feel confident... or even pretty.
Most of my youth, I, therefore, had spent as the tomboy with a great personality. Only as I got older, finished college, and began working for the FBI, confidence finally came to me.
Yes, I could say it came with the gun I was now holding on the regular, or with the thankful eyes of the people whose lives I saved. But actually, it came with the friends I made along the way.
All sizes, shapes, and colors. No judgment for me, or my clothes, or appearance. It felt incredible to finally be in a safe space where I was not defined by the number on my scale.
I mostly even found my own clothing style. So I had, over time, laid my tomboy style to rest and dressed as girly as I'd like to. Nowadays I could simply go online and order a bunch of cute things in my size, I could dress in the same styles every other woman could.
That being said, I still struggled with my self-worth behind closed doors. That was why I loved the colder seasons so much. I could hide away my body like people had taught me all my life.
Cute cardigans, long jeans, sweaters with sunflowers or mushrooms on them, a tightfitting shirt and a loose one over it so it would hide my stomach... Those articles of clothing made me happy because they showcased my personality and still hid away my insecurities.
But as all good things must come to an end at some point, we had entered the season of summer, sun, heat... and less clothing than I felt comfortable in.
As I finally packed my things from my desk this especially hot Friday afternoon, I couldn't wait to go home and strip from my cardigan and band t-shirt. Air-conditioning only ever betters so much.
I really wished I'd just have the gut to walk around in a tank top like Emily or wear a short skirt as JJ did, but I really didn't like showing my naked upper arms, and don't even get me started on my thighs.
"Hey, you're going home for today?" Looking over the separation between our desks, I nodded at my Spencer, my best friend in the world, and the most beautiful man I'd ever seen.
Not that I was crushing, no, I had given up on that years ago. He was an amazing person and that curly hair, hazel eyes, and sharp cheekbones made him look like he was made by the gods... But that also made him to be way out of my league. That had been while I had – after my initial crushing and nervous giggles had stopped – settled for being the chubby friend... As always.
"Yep, I need a cold shower. Seriously, I feel like a fried fish stick in here," I joked, making him chuckle.
"Yeah, Morgan played with the air-conditioning and I think he broke it," he shook his head, while my eyes wandered down his rolled-up sleeves and veiny hands. "No, I am actually most certain that he broke it."
In all our years of friendship, I had managed to let my guard down quite a bit. Once you know somebody would never in a million years be attracted to you, you stop pretending and trying to look nice for them. And once he had grown accustomed to me as a new team member and I began to understand his little quirks, we started hanging out outside of work a lot.
Going to book stores, having sleepovers in each other's apartments, Dr. Who and Star Trek marathons, Comic Conventions, and watching Russian movies – that always had me fall asleep because I got sensory overloaded by watching, reading, and listening a movie all at the same time – had become our regular thing when we weren't in relationships.
We both didn't date much, Spencer rarely seemed to be interested in anyone and me? Well, I already mentioned the fact that nobody wants the chubby girl, therefore, I sort of stopped trying. So we had a lot of time to pursue our shared hobbies.
"You're coming tonight though, right? I don't wanna come if you're not at Penelope's get-together at the bar."
Fuck. I had completely forgotten about that.
"You forgot," Spencer surmised, looking at my face with a hint of entertainment.
"No, I didn't," I lied, only making him start to giggle and flash his beautiful smile at me.
"Oh, you so forgot about it."
I joined his contagious laugh, admitting, "Okay, yeah, fine. You got me. I forgot about it. Happy?"
He nodded happily, starting to pack his things as well. Most likely would he ask me to drive him home soon. "So, are you going? Because if not, I need you to help me come up with an excuse for me as well."
Playing with the string attached to my water flask, I sighed. "I'm gonna go. Pen is talking about it for weeks now."
"Which makes it even more astonishing that you were able to forget about it." At Spencer's sassy comment I stuck my tongue out.
"Very mature," he chuckled, making me nod proudly. "Hey, do you think you can give me a ride home?" Ah, called it.
"Sure," I smiled, watching Derek sneak up behind Spencer and mess up his hair.
"Pretty boy," he chuckled, "Will we be seeing you at the bar tonight?"
Fixing his hair, Spencer nodded. "Yeah, sure. I was just asking-" Derek interrupted him, looking in my direction. "You coming too, pretty girl?"
I hated that nickname. It always felt like a joke at my expanse, even after Morgan had assured me countless times that it wasn't and he meant it the same way he meant it regarding Reid.
"Yes," I answered quickly, making him clap his hands. "So that's why Reid's coming," he laughed, turning to him. "I was already wondering what pretty little thing got you whipped enough to leave your apartment on a Friday night."
Spencer was quick to throw him an angry look, thinking I didn't notice it. "Don't say things like that," he mumbled, Derek continuing to egg him on. "What? That pretty girl has you-"
Spencer stood up abruptly, exclaiming, "Stop calling her pretty girl and stop insinuating that I'd like her like that."
Ow. Okay, that was painful. But a chubby girl learns how to handle rejection. Teenagers are way less careful in the way they turn you down when confessing a crush.
Ignoring both Morgan and Spencer's nervous looks – both seemingly worried about having hurt my feelings during their brotherly bickering – I stood up, grabbing my bag with a smile. "Okay, boys, that's enough for today. I need to get ready for tonight."
Taking a few steps in the direction of the elevator, I turned around. "Spence, are you coming?"
He quickly nodded, grabbing his satchel, and hurrying after me. Passing by Derek, he slightly hit him in the chest as he chuckled about Spencer following me like a puppy.
The car ride was painfully silent, Spencer only fidgeting with the strap of his bag. I didn't know what to say, either. Like I said, I was used to rejection but he had been so quick and embarrassed shutting Derek down... The thought of being with me or people thinking there was something between us seemed to really make him uncomfortable.
No wonder actually. I knew his exes and his former crushes. He instinctively always went for the skinny, pretty blonde.
While I hadn't ever considered having a type until I had met him, he was an absolute dream to me but I was so not his type, it made me want to cry.
"I- I didn't..." He started shortly before we reached his apartment. "I'm sorry."
"What do you mean?" I smiled. "You did nothing wrong."
He shook his head, fingers starting to become more fidgety. "I shouldn't have said-"
"Spencer, I am well aware I am not a 'pretty girl', okay?" I snapped at him before I had to go through the humiliation of him trying to find something pretty about me.
"Y-You just- I wanted to help because you said you don't like it when Morgan calls you that. I- I never meant that you're not pretty. I think you beau-" I abruptly stopped the car in front of his apartment, smiling in his direction.
"Everything's okay, Spence. Don't think about it because I definitely won't either." Yeah, that was a lie. I was going to cry all night and overthink why I was never going to be the girl he wanted.
"O-Okay," he stammered, opening the car door. "I'll still see you tonight, right?"
I nodded, the fake smile still plastered onto my face. "Sure. See you later."
As he had said his goodbye and closed the door, I drove off so fast I was probably going to receive a ticket in the mail for it. Finally alone in the car, I allowed myself to cry a little, humiliated and broken-hearted seemed to be the way I was starting into the weekend. Just great.
I knew Spencer didn't think I was a pretty girl, he would only ever in my dreams consider being with someone like me. Yet, it didn't stop me from putting on this short, black bodycon dress hugging every curve of my body.
Penelope had talked me into buying it the last time as we had online shopped with wine. She had said something about me going to look hot in it and Spencer falling to his knees for me once he saw me in it.
Easily said by somebody embodying an angel's personality, confidence, and rainbows... Yet, although I envied her for all that, Garcia was the only one knowing about my feelings for Spencer and all my insecurities.
She too wasn't a size 2 and as much as a skinny girl could try, if you've never been in the skin of a chubby one, you don't understand just how worthless you sometimes feel because of it.
Looking into the mirror at home, I swear I had never felt sexier. Maybe I was going to turn Spencer's head tonight, or at least have him notice that I wasn't only the fat friend. But when I turned to the side, my stomach immediately began stressing me out.
Too much, too fat. Not flat. NOT. PRETTY.
That was okay. I was aware of the problem, so I could fix it. There was no time to change again, and honestly, if I'd have to try on another outfit and look myself in the mirror again, I was going to stay at home and cry.
Grabbing a gray cardigan from my wardrobe and putting it on, I quickly felt better. Swallowed by all the fabric, there was no chance somebody would notice my rolls. This was a great solution.
Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
The stupidest of them all.
What had I been thinking?
I fucking hate summer.
The evening had started out nice. I had gotten some compliments from Penelope and Spencer seemed no longer to feel bad for stating his obvious disinterest in me as a love interest.
Then the bar got fuller, people started dancing, alcoholic drinks began heating my blood...
The cardigan I had grabbed to hide my way too tight-fitting dress and body, had been made for winter temperatures, and by now it felt like I was melting. But the thought of somebody seeing me in the dress alone was too humiliating and keeping me from taking the cardigan off.
"Aren't you hot?" Penelope whispered over the music, which actually was yelling, making the rest of our friends listen to our conversation.
"N-No. I'm fine," I smile, hoping my foundation wasn't melting off my face.
Emily shook her head. "It's fucking hot in here. You should take off your cardigan before you'll get a heatstroke."
Spencer looked back and forth between me and Emily, agreeing with her. "She's right. You look hot."
He quickly became pale, shaking his head. "I- I didn't mean that. You're not hot. I meant you're looking like you're warm because it's summer and it's warm."
Emily was quick to kick him under the table and Spencer stopped talking, Morgan whispering something into his ear that sounded like a solid scolding. Swallowing hard, I licked my lips and began holding my cold beer as a distraction to how warm I was.
When Derek stopped talking, Spencer quickly tried to establish eye contact with me, looking shocked. "I- I'm sorry, that came out wrong."
I waved him off. I couldn't handle any more humiliation today.
"I didn't mean to say you're not hot," Spencer repeated a little louder.
"I understood it the first time," I answered, having a hard time hiding the hurt in my voice.
"Please just take off that cardigan," JJ insisted, already having a hand on my clothes and pulling it off my shoulder like I was a stubborn child. "I promise you'll feel better."
Shaking my head, I struggled to put the cardigan back on while everyone tried convincing me to just take it off.
"JJ, stop that-" Spencer tried to intervene, leaning over the table to grab her hands and knocking over my beer, drowning me in it.
I quickly jumped up, taking off my cardigan before the beer could soak through all my clothes and I would smell like a distillery for the rest of the night. Meanwhile, JJ and Penelope sponged up the spilled beer on the table with some napkins.
"Fuck." I and the entire table looked at Spencer who stood across from me, staring at my dress.
He rarely cussed, which made me look down to and pray I hadn't been misfortunate enough to have one of those shitty dresses that became see-through in certain lighting. As I saw that that wasn't the case, my heat melted brain also registered that I now had to be seen in my dress.
"That's the dress we bought together, right?" Penelope asked amazed. It instantly felt like everyone in this bar was staring at me.
The one thing every insecure girl in a bar, or a club, or anywhere, is thankful for is the one chubby woman wearing something daring. They always got the attention, good and negative. Unwantedly, this woman seemed to be me tonight.
"Y-Yeah," I stuttered, sitting back down.
From the corner of my eyes, I could see Spencer sitting back down too. He was still staring at me with an intensity that made my face become hot and unable to really take in any of the complements our friends were giving me.
"Pretty girl, you're looking fine as hell," Derek chuckled, nudging Reid. "Doesn't she, man? Give the lady some compliments."
"I'm not going to do anything," Spencer hissed at Morgan louder than he'd planned.
I am not into sports, never even having played any of them – excluding the one short period where I thought I could 'Kick it like Beckham' – but I knew that three strikes meant that you were out. So, before anyone could see just how out I was for tonight, I stood up, grabbed my bag, and bolted out of the bar.
After being cat-called and whistled after by a group of guys that were now probably laughing about ever seriously hitting on me, I embraced the cold air on my warm skin.
Of course, it was a nice temperature outside the bar. Chuckling at this like it was an unfair joke, I wiped away my tears. This had all exactly gone as my anxiety-filled nightmares had expected. Those Cinderella moments didn't work for me, I should've just stayed at home, ordering a pizza, and continuing to watch my K-Drama on Netflix.
The worst thing of all, came to my mind as I walked down the empty road. I had no idea how I could face Spencer again. Some silly part of me had stayed stubbornly optimistic that he could one day fall for me and look over the fact that I was a multiplication of his own weight. Today had once and for all shattered that dream and made me painfully aware of just how unattractive I seemed to appear to him.
"Hey, wait!"
Turning around to the person calling after me, I saw Spencer running towards me, my soaked cardigan in his hand. I had totally forgotten about that one, too busy with running away.
"God, you're fast," Spencer mumbled out of breath as he had finally reached me. "You- You forgot your cardigan."
I took the reeking piece of clothing from him mumbling, "Thanks," hoping he wouldn't see that I had cried.
Face turning red, he mumbled, "Y-You look good..."
This compliment made out of pity, made me shake my head. "Look, you really don't need to give me a meaningless compliment, okay? I know how ridiculous I look."
"It's not meaningless," he insisted, making me start to sob. Today had definitely been too much. Spencer immediately closed the distance between us, cupping my cheeks. "I- I'm so sorry. I said something wrong again, right? Please don't cry."
There was no chance I could ever face him again after this stupid, stupid day. So I pulled my face away from his grasp and started walking home.
Over the next couple of blocks, I continued to cry silently, still hearing Spencer walk behind me. As I'd finally reached my apartment, I turned around. He stood there, his big hazel eyes filled with worry, mouth slightly open as if he tried to say something.
"Did-" He swallowed roughly. "Did Morgan tell you to wear that?"
My eyes snapped at him. "Why should he?" I finally said, humiliation eating away at me. "I wanted to impress you tonight."
"Y-You what?" he whispered, having me laugh sadly. "Clearly didn't work because I'm just your chubby friends in a way too tight dress."
"I think you're beautiful," Spencer said, taking a step towards me. "Y- You look like a dream to me. You always do."
As if somebody had pulled the floor under my feet away, I stood there, lifting a warning hand. "You're better not fucking with me, Spencer Reid," I warned him.
"I- I- I'm not- I-" His stuttering stopped and he just looked at me mortified. The phrasing of my words had probably thrown him off.
"I meant that it would be mean if you'd be playing a prank on me," I said in a child-prove manner.
"Why would I ever joke about something like that?" Spencer asked confused, and I shrugged. "People can get really mean to a chubb-"
"Stop talking about yourself like that," Spencer interrupted me loudly. "That's not okay. You're so- You're so- I think I'm gonna throw up," stuttered, breathing out more air than he had to offer.
A sarcastic giggle tore through my chest, "That is really not proving your point."
He joined my laughing and as the silence between us became louder again, he sighed, taking a deep breath. "I like you, you know?" he asked gently, smiling his wide, closed-lip smile.
I nodded. "Sure hope you do. I'm your best friend."
"Not like that," Spencer corrected me. "Not like friends. I- I like you as a woman. A very, very beautiful woman. Derek knows and- and he set me this ultimatum where he would tell if I didn't, so I would finally tell you how I feel because he says that it's been too many years. And if I continue to just be your friend you'll friendzone me and fall in love with somebody else and I don't- I don't want you to do that."
I just stood there, not able to find words to anything he had just said. Lifting his hands, Spencer now began talking as if his life would depend on it.
"I think you're so beautiful that I get dizzy when looking at you for too long and I tried to make sure you're comfortable around me first but then we became friends and you never seemed to like me the same way I like you. And today, every time I wanted to help you – with Morgan calling you pretty girl and then with JJ and your cardigan – I only made you feel bad about yourself. But I knew that I could only fix it if I told you that I like you and that scared the shit out of me and then you wear this dress that makes you look so sexy that I can't even glance at you because I start thinking very inappropriate things-"
Not knowing if this was just a very beautiful, rambling dream right now, I asked, "What do you mean by that?"
Scratching the back of his head, he smiled, "I-I thought I was being pretty clear." I shook my head, needing to hear it before I could even remotely believe it. "I should probably get to the point then, I love you."
"You love me?" I asked, making him nod and I just couldn't comprehend it. "You know you could have any woman, right? You're handsome, kind, the best friend in the world... Why me?"
"Why not?" He asked back baffled, looking down on himself. "Also, I am a scrawny, unhealthily pale guy that can't control his information dumps and has been called a pipe cleaner with eyes before. Not to forget that the only one I want is looking at me like I'm lying right now."
"You could still do better than me," I said, clearly out to ruin this for myself and make Spencer see me as I saw myself.
"Okay. You're crazy," He concluded as I had just insulted him. "You are so pretty! I- I mean, looks don't mean anything but GOD you are so stunning. The way you smile, the way you dress in your cute sweaters and pull them over your thumbs... The way you look in that dress."
The last sentence he had almost growled, licking over his lips and trying not to stare at me. He really thought I was beautiful, just like I had thought it when getting ready. Maybe this little part of me that had felt confident had been right and I really looked good in this dress... Looked good in general.
All this time I had pulled myself down, although Spencer had clearly wanted to be with me and just tried being thoughtful about it.
All this time I was thinking it was better to hide my body and my emotions just because I had a negative belief system going on right from the beginning, instead of deciding to let it be and be happy.
"I wanna kiss you," Spencer said, instantly shaking his head. "I'm sorry," he said, shaking his head again before coming to his final conclusion. "No, I'm not. Can I kiss you?"
Instead of listening to the part of my mind that questioned why he would ever want that, I nodded. Yes. Yes, I wanted him to kiss me.
Closing the distance between us, he once more cupped my cheeks, his hands shaking violently.
"You're shaking," I whispered, feeling his breath on my face. "Nervous," he whispered back as we smiled at each other.
I laid my hands on his, leaning closer, and kissed him.
Saying that I, as a chubby girl, knew rejection was wrong if me. Yes, I knew it, yes I knew how it could hurt, but I had let this mindset decide that I never had the chance of being with Spencer before ever even giving him a say in it.
Life and previous disappointments had made me too afraid. In hindsight, I could've been happy so much earlier, if I would've only let myself.
We are to make our own happiness, and let's be honest, what is better? Crying over a person that didn't want you for a few days, or passing out on the love of your life just because you're too scared to take a risk?
As Spencer broke the kiss, he was still shaking but a smile was plastered across his face. "Do you wanna go back to the bar?" he offered, but I shook my head.
"Nope. I'm gonna change into some sweatpants and order some pizza," I announced.
He took a step back, "Oh, okay."
Walking up the stairs, I felt his eyes on me – and definitely on my butt – as I opened the door to my apartment building. Turning around, Spencer still stood at the end of the stairs, looking up at me like this was a goodbye.
I smiled at him, "Spence, are you coming?"
Blinking a little surprised, he nodded, taking two stairs at once so he'd be beside me faster. "Sure, pretty girl," he chuckled, and before I could complain about him using this nickname, he pressed his lips on mine again.
As he pulled away, his knuckles brushed over my cheek and he smile in awe, whispering, "My pretty girl."
And for once, I didn't hate being called a pretty girl because I knew Spencer meant it with every fiber of his being.
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frostironfudge · 2 years
If Only I Could Get To You First (Bucky Barnes One Shot)
Summary: Bucky Barnes and you have been best-friends, but unknowing to the other you both are also in love with the other. Though everyone else seems to know.
Pairing: Modern!Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Modern AU, swearing, past domestic abuse (non descriptive), mutual pining, fake dating, confessions, best friends, angst, fluff, i just want to squish bucky into a hug, brock rumlow is a dick head, hurt/comfort, love confessions, crying, loving from afar
playlist: taylor swift: treacherous (taylors version) / mohit chauhan: dooriyan (from ‘love aaj kal’ 2015) / aditi singh sharma & arijit singh: raabta (night in a motel) highly recommend this song seriously.
a.n. originally this was supposed to be full of angst, but it turned into this beautiful world of feels.
Word Count: 10k
Main Masterlist || My AO3
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In the list of bad ideas your best friend compelled you into, only two ever worked out in your favour. 
One was sneaking into your first high school party, you’d had your first kiss. 
The second was when she pushed you onto the dance floor at the frat house’s halloween party and you bumped into the warlock.
“Woah, easy there.” He’d caught you with a charming grin and his blue eyes. Your lungs would not breathe till he would tell you too.
“Are you alright?” Those blue eyes to a once over, checking for any sign of injury.
“I’m—I’m so sorry, I lost my footing.” You look to the side to glare at your best friend but she is luckily not in your line of vision.
“Woah, doll, who is on the receiving end of that glare?” He wonders loudly over the music which somehow doesn’t bother you.
“My best friend pushed me.” You explain, sighing.
“We could work on a hex.” He offers, you let out a laugh, he’d interpreted your last minute outfit well enough, deep red turtle neck and skirt with a borrowed blonde wig.
“You’re the first person to know who am I.” You smile, he bows.
“The others are beneath our intellect. Do you want to move to the side?” 
You nod, his hand finds yours and the night floats away.
“James Barnes, warlock for tonight. What is your name Sabrina Spellman?” He offers his name and then you give him yours.
Conversation flows on, in the little nook of the house.
Movies, TV Shows, a heavy argument about Professor Snape and Dumbledore and then academic choices. 
Time went on numbers exchanged, as were memes.
Coffee tumblers refilled over hours every Wednesday.
Movie marathons, study dates, celebrating A pluses and even the occasional C minus.
Pranking his very unhygienic third roommate by placing cups of detergent all over his room and a few cups of water.
You had known his close friends called him Bucky, it was never defined across the months of your blooming friendship if you could call him that name.
Bucky wondered why you hadn’t yet, maybe you did not consider him as close as he presumed. He had no inclination to ask out of fear to ruin the friendship he found within you.
it changed one night, at three a.m. your phone vibrated near your head, you were still dressed in the day’s clothes. Work had been terrible, so you deserved a night off of regular activities.
Reaching for the angrily vibrating device your bleary vision widens, you pick up the call.
“James? Is everything okay?”
“Could I come over?” Is all he asked, sounding broken.
You answered with an instant yes, quickly changing into a jumper and a hoodie. waiting for him in the living room.
His knocks sounded hesitant, almost as if he were reconsidering his choices.
You’re greeted by a heartbreaking sight.
James Barnes, with his hair a tousled mess, eyes puffy and red. Your heart seizes with worry.
“Natalie and I broke it off. I well, Sam saw her out with Zemo. She did not even deny it. How could she do this to me, Firefly?” He even sounds broken, as your nickname falls from his lips.
He lets you pull him into your warm embrace, his arms wrapping around you, pulling your body close into his. He sighs deeply as he finds comfort. 
The tears do brim anew, his shoulders shake.
“Bucky,” You hesitate, a hand stroking the back of his head. You guide him to the couch, retrieving your stash of ice cream and running back to him.
He gives a half hearted smile seeing the flavour, a shared favourite. 
You give your own beaming grin of encouragement.
“Here is your mission choose you accept it.” You hand him a spoon. He chuckles slightly.
“To finish this entire pint of ice cream with me.” 
The ice cream doesn’t stand a chance.
Bucky has good days and bad ones for three months after the break up, the timing awful between midterms and assignments but they served distraction. 
To celebrate the end of the torturous examinations you both make your way around New York City. In search of 1 am pizza. 
“How are you?” You know it is a question she could dodge but the way he seemed to carry himself slowly coming into his own had given you hope. 
Bucky only stiffens for a moment at the question, progress you deem. 
“Honestly I feel it was a good thing.” He takes a bite; the cheese pulls and he grins in approval. You take a picture of him as he makes a silly face, both laughing now.
“I might not date for a while but I know I will eventually.” He informs of the decision.
“That is good.” You pat his back, taking your own bite as he in turn takes a picture of you pulling a silly face.
Slowly your phone memory is filled with several outings with your now extended group of friends, and several more with Bucky. He returns back to himself after a few months more, after a few okay-ish dates and he finds himself seeking your company.
He grabs a bouquet of your favourite flowers, his legs need no guidance to the familiar path of your home. Bucky stands near the entrance as the doorman, Percy smiles at him with kind eyes.
“She’s gone out.” Percy tells him, therefore Bucky waits, leaning against the wall phone in his hand scrolling through the fresh batch of micro sized comedy he could send to you.
Familiar sounding laughter pulls him in, your bright face greets his view, then your fingers curl around an arm. He follows the touching limbs to see the face of Rumlow. 
You seemed so radiant around the man. Bucky clutches the bouquet tighter as though in an attempt to ground himself or stop his heart from breaking before it could even be given to you. 
Rumlow turns you before you can leave his embrace to go to your apartment. Your laughter carries through to Bucky. He watches, lips pressed into a thin line.
Rumlow pulls you close, whispering something your ear, you bite your lip nodding. 
Bucky could hear his heart cracking over the noise around him, as your lips are upon that man’s own. He turns, walking away still clutching the bouquet. 
Bucky Barnes and you — best friends through college. Maybe that shouldn’t change. 
Bucky nods to himself, his feelings probably arose because of the time spent together and your friendship growing deeper. So he tucks this little crush upon you away, and decides that best friends is what you both are meant to be. 
Seven months after graduation, Natasha nurses your busted lip. Vodka on the table is also for drinking she tells you. It soothes the ache from your broken heart and lip. 
Your phone still unresponsive from the one person you need. How many texts does it take for a best friend to respond?
“I could call him.” Natasha offers as you shake your head. 
“I, my texts should be enough, I left him calls as well.” You explain, “Could, could you ask Steve where is he?” 
Natasha studies your face, she knows you’re hurt over Bucky not responding. Brock Rumlow was the furthest thing from your mind and heart.
“I will,” She promises and your phone rings, your best friend’s face flashing across the screen. 
You take the call knowing the odd time difference between the two of you had her more on edge. 
“Hey,” You greet. 
“Don’t hey me, did you report him?” She all but yells. 
“I don’t want to associate any further—,”
“Bullshit, you absolutely should report that piece of shit unless Barnes has murdered him already, so you cannot call the cops cause then he will be in jail.” She cuts you off. 
“I don’t think he knows yet.” You admit, Natasha looks at you, quietly speaking to Steve and updating him about what occurred. 
“What do you mean? Is he okay? Because Barnes would not let that asshat breathe. Hell I’m taking the next plane out of Melbourne.” Her nails on the keyboard resound.
“No, no, don’t! Just, okay, look Nat patched me up and she also said vodka’s good for the pain as well so I’m fine and he’s, he’s probably busy…” You defend Bucky, once again. 
“Babe, he has been busy awful lot since he started dating that bimbo bitch.” She clicks her tongue, annoyed at the man. 
“Look can we just, drop the whole thing, I, I think I need to sleep, and you need to get to work.” You remind her. 
“Just leave me messages through the day alright and no memes or links coherent language only.” She warns you. 
“Yes alright coherent language only.” You promise. 
Nat comes by with a plate of food, placing it in front with a fork. You stare at the pasta for a minute. 
“I called Steve, he got through, Bucky is out with her…” She trails off.
“Oh, did Steve say anything?” You hesitate to ask, Nat shakes her head. 
“He knows you wouldn’t like her to know so he just made sure Bucky would check his messages.” She gnaws at her bottom lip struggling to say something.
“What?” You look at her. 
“You should really report him, this wasn’t the first time was it?” She states you look down at your hands. 
“No.” You close your eyes at the admission.
“How long have you kept things from us? From Bucky?” She places a gentle hand over your forearm. 
“He, he was very particular, no where where anyone would know. Started two months ago. I tried breaking up after the first time but—,” Your vision blurs, the tears are harder to hold back. 
“Do you want me to take pictures? I know we can file a case, or at least a restraining order…” Natasha tries to coax you to listen to her but you just shake you head.
“I can’t I don’t want more trouble, Nat. It’s over he’s gone. The fight was more about him shifting to L.A. and me not wanting to follow.”
“Are you in love with him still?”
“I never was, I just, I thought I could learn to love him and then he just tried to beat it into me…” You shudder in remembrance. 
Natasha leaves the topic, knowing that it was difficult to walk away even let alone relive the ordeal. 
It is four days later at the scheduled game night that you see Bucky, you don’t greet him.
He furrows his brow when you move away from the living room to the bathroom before he can take a good look at you. 
“Where’s Rumlow?” He questions and the room turns silent. 
“Did you not see her messages?” Steve crosses his arms. 
“What messages?” Bucky retrieves his phone.  
“Barnes, when did you last speak to her?” Nat questions then scoffs as Sharon wraps her arm around his wrist pushing the phone down. 
“A few days ago, why?” He answers, running a hand along Sharon’s arm. 
“Bucky.” She pouts. 
“What is it baby?” He questions, being distracted from the conversation at hand by his girlfriend. 
“Bucky you should go speak to Y/N.” Steve adds with a bit more seriousness. 
“What happened, is she, is Firefly alright?” He looks up in worry.
“Ugh, she always wants your attention.” Sharon whispers loudly, “Does she not have her own boyfriend?” 
“Don’t you have better things to do than cling to Bucky’s arm? Or is your default personality trait whiny girlfriend only?” Natasha uses the same tone as Sharon. 
Sam covers up his laugh with a cough. 
“Bucky.” Sharon whines again then moves away to go to the balcony sniffling and tears welling up. 
“Crocodile tears.” Nat rolls her eyes. 
“Nat.” Bucky gives an exasperated look, chasing behind Sharon to mend things. 
“Steve, please let me punch him.” Nat pleads. 
“You know she doesn’t want us to tell him, how has he not responded after the texts? We all got them.” Steve sighs taking another sip of his beer. 
You return, wiping you eyes, for any stray tears or mascara. 
“Whats got her in pain now?” You ask, a look of disdain taking over. You try not to stretch your lip as the sting from the cut still presents itself. 
“Nat called her whiny.” Sam chuckles. 
“Nat…” You sigh. 
“What, it’s about time we call her out.” She shrugs. 
“How are you holding up?” Sam questions, eyes on your busted lip. 
“Eh, been better will be better soon I guess?” You shrug and wince as the pain in your shoulder blade presents itself. 
“And now she’s making a face at me!” Sharon accuses you and then goes back to the balcony. 
Bucky’s heavy sigh echoes through the room. 
“Firefly, can you not? I know you all don’t like her much but I do okay? Christ some best friend you are,” Bucky turns back to once again console his girlfriend running a hand through his hair in frustration. 
“Some best friend?” Your cold tone makes Bucky turn to face you, a quip ready on his exhausted tongue, he doesn’t get to speak because he finally takes in your appearance. 
The bags under your eyes, the redness housed within them, the busted lip you have and the slight wince as you take a deep breath. 
“I’m going to kill him.” Bucky connects the dots in his mind. 
“No need, these were days ago, I needed you and you were not there James.” You accuse, tears brimming once more. 
“I, Steve said to see my texts but I had none from you… Steve why did you not say anything?”
“You could have called me. You, I left you voicemails, crying sobbing, asking for you. For your help. You weren’t there. They didn’t say anything because I wanted to tell you but then again, your time and devotion is pre-booked. Let me know when a slot opens up, I can summarise the whole thing in two minutes, the least I can do as some best friend.” You sneer, walking towards the door in no mood to stay any longer. 
Bucky mechanically follows you, 
“Firefly, I—, I swear I don’t have any messages, I’m not lying!” 
“You could have called!” You accuse.
“I was out—,” Bucky tries to grasp your hand.
“Like I said, I know you’re too busy, for me.” You press the call button several times more waiting for the elevator to come up faster. 
“That is no excuse, I’m so sorry, I just, please stay, we can talk.” His hand reaches to grab your shoulder. A painful sound escapes you and you flinch away from him. 
“Where else did he hurt you?” Bucky’s tone holds no emotion, you look up at his face, the stoic expression masks his feelings but the anger in his blue eyes is reaching its summit. 
Your eyes shift to the elevator when it dings to signal the opening of the doors. 
“You aren’t leaving.” Bucky informs you. 
“I do not want to talk about this.” You tell him, feeling like your heart might break again.
“I do. I need to know what did he do, because he won’t be breathing after I’m done with him.” 
“It doesn’t work that way.” Your eyes shift to Sharon who rolls her eyes at you, then puts on a pout when Bucky turns to look at her. 
“Bucky,” “Not now Sharon.”
Bucky turns back, but you’re inside the elevator. He steps ahead to join you, the doors begin closing his fingertips just graze the border where the sensors would have the automatic doors reopen. 
He’s pulled back by his arm by Sharon, you look down. Heart breaking again, that you can’t even be prioritised by your best friend. He won’t even fight for you.
Bucky catches the quiet sob that escapes past your lips at wrapping itself around his heart squeezing upon it.  
“Do you have any semblance that someone else could have bigger problems that you?” Bucky looks at Sharon, taking his arm out of hers. 
“Baby,” She begins her fake tears again. 
“God, not with this again. Sharon, seriously please.” Bucky groans in frustration. 
“You want to spend all your time with that stupid bitch.” She complains as Bucky turns to press the elevators if he is fast enough he can catch up to you. 
“She’s my best friend. She needs me.” Bucky glares at Sharon. 
“No, she does not she managed to find help elsewhere four days ago, she just wants your attention.”
“What the fuck did you say?” Natasha verbalises the question brewing within Bucky. 
“I-, no I said nothing! Nothing!” The blonde stutters in defence. 
“Oh I’m going to smack this fucking bitch—,” Nat is pulled back by Steve. 
“Did you delete Firefly’s messages and voicemails?” Bucky’s voice is low and cold, almost similar to what yours was towards him. 
“I—, no,” Sharon gulps audibly, sweat breaking across her forehead.
“You have one more chance, did you fucking delete messages my best friend left for me, at a time she needed me?” Bucky’s hands form fists. Sharon had kept asking to take pictures on his phone, then sending herself the ones she liked thats when she must have deleted all of your communication to him. 
“Bucky, it’s always, Firefly this and Firefly that, what about me?” Sharon defends, trying to move close to Bucky. 
The elevator dings, opening on the floor. Bucky crosses the threshold. 
“I’m going to send the elevator back up, I want you out of my life. My house key can be dropped off here at Natasha’s, don’t you dare try to contact me or anyone. It is over.”
Sharon’s final plea falls on deaf ears as the doors are closed and Bucky lets out a heavy sigh. He brings out his phone trying to call you as he jogs through the crowd towards the nearest station, checking the watch he knows the next train leaves in ten minutes. 
Bucky calls out your name through the station, his breathing erratic. You have your hood up, not wanting to be spotted by him. 
You can hear his calls, the way your phone vibrates in your pocket a frantic echo of his own booming voice. 
“Firefly.” Bucky finally breathes, standing behind you. 
You say nothing as you turn to face him. 
“I’m sorry, I really am so sorry, it is no excuse she deleted the messages, fuck, I should have called. I should have been the one there. I’m your best friend. I should have caught on earlier.” He tenderly cups your face between his hands, guilt seeping into his bones. 
His thumbs wipe your tears, you don’t want to have a public meltdown. 
“Come on let’s get you home, I think we still have time to grab ice cream from Mrs. Lorena’s store.” His warm hands leave your face, but the warmth returns on your hands as he intertwines them with his, you want to cry all over again. 
Bucky takes charge of leading you through the night train, you both stand in favour of the elderly couple who need the seats. They look at the two of you warmly. 
You feel small, your hand never leaving his, he stays close with almost a protective stance over you. 
Bucky notes the change in your demeanour. How you’re hiding away, flinching at loud sounds. 
It eats at him how these small things had inculcated themselves into you the past months you were with Rumlow. He didn’t care about the consequences, he will beat the shit out of that fucker. 
Your mind races, back to the night you first went out with Rumlow. Somehow your mind kept comparing what he did to Bucky. As though your tall brunette best friend should be the standard of all men. 
You weren’t going to call Rumlow back, realising that maybe the reason you were comparing him to Bucky was because you were in love with your best friend, your Bucky. 
The conversation was going to be simple, carry a bouquet of his favourite flowers, a letter in your hand filled with your confession. Your nerves singed with each step towards his door. 
You rang the bell, once, twice; then you heard the laughter and kisses. Your heart sunk, you scrambled to hide at the other end of the hallway. 
Bucky came into view with Sharon, the business major. They make their way to his door, lips meeting ever so often, you feel each one deliver a crack to your heart.  
Maybe, maybe you were meant to be best friends only. The door closes and you can hear their sounds, you move past the corridor and exit the building. 
Nodding to yourself, Bucky Barnes and you best friends through college. 
“Firefly?” Bucky waves a hand in front of you, you blink, looking around. 
“Huh?” You speak before realising. 
“I asked where is your key ring?” Bucky looks at you in worry. 
“Oh um,” You fish around for the familiar keyring handing it to him.
Bucky opens the door at sets down the bag of groceries. How long did you space out for?
“So, here is your mission, should you choose to accept it,” He brings out your favourite ice cream tub from the bag.
Your face breaks out into a grin, a laugh finally reverberating in your chest rather than sobs. 
“Is it to eat this ice cream and talk to your idiot best friend.” Bucky holds up two spoons as an offer. 
You grab one, then grab the tub and make a run for the living room couch. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Bucky chases after you, you twist around the last minute your foot and his tangling with the fluffy carpet under the coffee table, you both land on the couch. 
Bucky is above you as your foreheads collide and the tub of ice cream rolls onto the floor. 
“Are you okay?” He questions, as you rub your forehead and his, the ache dies down slightly of the impact. 
“Sort of,” You wince, then look at him. 
The two of you lock gazes, heat blooms between you both. Red tinged cheeks. 
Bucky had wondered how it would be, to hold you this close. 
You had wondered how it would be, to have him in your arms.  
Both of you break out of your thoughts and scramble to sit up. Ankles still caught in the carpet, you both slide down the couch, ending with your straddling his hips. 
His hands move to your hips and yours wrap around his neck. 
Bucky feels your warm breath fan across his face, how is it you fit so well against him, as though you belong next to him. 
You feel his fingers gently squeeze your hips, how is it that your arms encircle him as though he belongs between them, next to you. 
You feel something poke your thigh. Bucky’s eyes widen. 
“Um, is is that…” 
“No um, no,” 
Bucky panics at your suggestion quickly moving you from his lap to beside him on the floor. 
The spoons clatter to the floor between his legs. 
The sigh that leaves from Bucky’s lips has you laugh, he joins in. Shoulders shaking and heads thrown back in mirth. 
Your head on his shoulder and his resting on of top yours. 
Laughter and giggles filling the apartment after months. 
It is another month later when you all are at your weekly game night at Bucky and Steve’s place. 
“Barnes, who are you taking to the wedding then?” Sam questions between shuffling the deck of Uno Cards. 
“What wedding?” You curiously look up Bucky sighs, shoulders deflating. 
“Maya is getting married, and insisted I bring someone along, and well they wanted to meet my girlfriend but I’ve broken up.” He explains, placing a chip in his mouth. 
“So just tell them?” You quirk an eyebrow. 
“You remember Maya right?” He looks at you with an incredulous gaze. 
“And Mr. Barnes here hasn’t told her, he’s broken up. Wanted to show off the whiney girl.” Sam announces. 
“Winnie Barnes would not approve.” Steve adds quietly and Bucky groans. 
Nat gives you a look before looking down into her phone. You blink a few times not understanding what that look meant. 
Your phone chimes, your eyebrows furrow at the message. 
Best Friend: go as his fake date to the wedding, his family adores you. 
Me: who even told you? 
Best Friend: not important. 
You look up with a glare at Natasha. 
Best Friend: don’t glare at her. She’s an innocent baby.
Me: I’m not doing the fake date thing. Not with Bucky, it will be hard. 
Best Friend: come on, he looks at you the same way. 
Me: he doesn’t. and also bye. i’m not having this conversation again. 
You place your phone back, looking up at the four of them staring at you. 
“What?” You question, picking up your seven cards. 
“Do you have any solution for Bucky?” Steve wonders, you look at Nat, she shrugs innocently. 
You narrow your eyes at her. 
“Let me think.” You bide your time. Bucky inhales deeply, seeing his own set of cards. 
Your phone chimes again, you control the groan that whats to leave you.
Best Friend: listen, just trust me okay? When have I said something that turned to shit? 
Me: its only twice your plans have not turned to shit.
Best Friend: ouch. this won’t turn to shit come on, help him out. I’ll ask Nat to let you win. 
Me: as if I need to be let to win.
Best Friend: she has 4 draw fours. 
Me: what the fuck?
You look up and Nat discreetly shows you proof. 
“Say the word and you get them.” Nat whispers. 
More encouragement comes through from your best friend. 
“What if, Bucky, you take a fake date…” You clear your throat. 
“Maya will catch on its a fake date and then it will be a mess, I just will fake a work thing.”
“What if I go? As your um fake date?” You offer, placing your cards face down near the space between you and Nat. 
“Are you sure? I mean they may believe it…” Bucky trails off in thought. 
“I mean, only if you’re comfortable… Just Maya will be upset if you don’t go at all and not having a date should not stop you—,”
“No, I think it should work, we know each other well enough to pretend to be in love.” Bucky grins. 
You try not to wince, “Yup, yeah, won’t be hard to pretend.” You agree. 
“Thank you, Firefly.” Bucky beams for the remainder of the game even as you beat his ass with your exchanged cards. 
BestFriend: so who wants to bet on they return as an official couple? I place a 100 bucks. 
Natasha: add my 100 to that
Sam: nah man they’re too scared to admit it. 
Steve: they won’t damage the friendship. 
Best Friend: Oh lil Samuel and lil Steve ya’ll better be ready to pay up. 
You grasp the handle of your suitcase a little tighter as Bucky’s car pulls around the corner. You walk closer to the edge where he could park for a few moments as you would load up your things. 
Bucky set the car into park stepping out and greeting you with a wide smile. You return the gesture, he envelopes you into one of his warm hugs. Easing your nerves. 
“Here give it to me and you can hang the dress near the suit.” Bucky takes your small suitcase and you open the backseat door his navy suit hanging from the hook, you place your own dress near it. Checking for any folds and then getting into the front seat with him. 
“So um,” He says after a few moments of silence. 
“Yeah?” You look at him, he seems nervous. 
“We need to get our stories straight…” He hints you nod.
“When did we start dating, first date, who asked who?” You list, he nods. 
“Guess watching those rom-coms proved to be useful.” He chuckles, you swat his arm lightly. 
“Okay so we sort of confessed a few months ago, but we were scared to ruin the friendship.” He offers, which in a sense was true for him, though he never confessed. Even though he had fallen for you. 
“Yes and we decided to date other people, but those didn’t work out so we decided to give it a shot cause the feelings never went away.” Which was true you think, at the back of your mind you were in love with him. 
“Okay, yes so we’re dating since a month and a half…” He offers, you hum in agreement. 
“Yep and first date…” you pause to think.
“Ice cream parlour.” He offers, you smile that was actually your first outing as friends. 
“Yeah, and you had the cherry stuck to your nose with whipped cream.” You begin to laugh. 
“Oh right miss, whipped cream moustache.” He gives you a look, chuckling as well. 
“Oh right, you looked like a clown.” You roll your eyes. 
“And you were my sidekick.” Bucky teases. 
“Alright, alright, and we both confessed, got each other flowers and stuff.” You admit, you had put the flower in resin. 
Bucky grips the wheel, he had gotten one flower’s petals from the bouquet preserved. 
“Yeah, that, that sounds romantic enough.” He clears his throat. The earlier tension seeping back into him, was this a mistake? What if he said something stupid. 
“Hey, um, Buck?” Your hand rests on his shoulder. 
He looks at you at the stop sign. 
“If, if at any point you feel the whole faking thing gets too much lets you know keep a safe word and we’ll you know revert to being best friends and try to exit that situation okay?” You offer. 
“You’re perfect you know? I was nervous what if it gets too much for either of us and this yeah the safe word is sensible.” He agrees. 
“So whats our safe word?” You question. 
“Draw-four.” His mouth twists as though he can taste the loss against your multiple draw fours that you saved just for him at the one on one game. 
You can’t help but laugh, “Okay, draw-four it is.” 
Bucky shakes his head, shifting the gear as the green light comes into view. 
“Also, Firefly, I want you to be comfortable I know what the fucker did might linger or come back at random moments, I know you’re doing well with therapy but if it gets too much or if anything triggers you, please tell me. I will get you out of that situation or help you as you need okay?” He says, you feel your chest constrict at the intensity of him caring about you.
“I will, Bucky, I promise.” You give his hand a squeeze oer the gearshift. 
The two hour journey to the venue has you both slightly tired, mostly hungry. The rehearsal dinner was the event you both had to dress up first for, as you both enter the venue. 
A squeal has you both turn. 
“Maya.” Bucky grins opening his arms for his cousin to come crashing into him. 
“I thought you were going to ditch my wedding.” She complains but then bounces excited, “Now introduce me to your date!” her eyes turn to you, widening. 
You offer a smile your congratulations to her caught in your throat as she screams excitedly once again. 
“Oh my god, I knew it! I knew this would be best friends to lovers! James you did good! Wait till I tell Aunt Winnie and Becca!” Maya cheers pulling you into a hug. You hug back and Bucky scratches the back of his neck giving you a nervous look. 
Maybe it would not be hard to convince them that you both were in love he thinks…. The only problem was how does he convince himself not to blabber to you. 
You feel Maya’s excitement seep into you as well when she pulls away, jumping slightly. 
“Congratulations!” You cheer. 
“Girl, you have to tell me how did you both realise.” She raises a finger up in warning. 
“I will, I will.” You give a promise to the bride. 
“What is all this commotion?” Winnie Barnes steps out of the room that Maya was in, her smile widening as she spots her son. 
You admire them as they hug after months of staying apart. 
Winnie pulls away from the hug, running a hand over Bucky’s hair and then cupping his jaw. 
“Ma, don’t cry you saw me yesterday on video-call.” Bucky wipes her tears. 
“Not the same,” She pats his head, placing a kiss on his forehead.
“I love you.” He engulfs her in a hug again. 
“I love you too, sunshine.” She smiles warmly. 
“Now where is this mystery date of yours, hiding things from your Ma,” She gives him a small glare, Bucky widens his eyes. He scrambles to turn and his hand is outstretched towards you, you intertwine your fingers with his, stepping next to him. 
“Bucky, you better not be lying.��� She looks between the two of you, his grip tightens on your hand.
“We’re not, Mrs. Barnes—,”
“Sweetheart, Winnie for you always.” His mom corrects you, a warm smile. 
She cups your cheek as well. 
“So he finally came to his senses.” She teases. 
“We both did…” You add with a smile, looking up at Bucky, admiring him. 
Bucky looks down at you, your gazes transfixed upon each-other his blue eyes inviting. 
Bucky wants to be lost in your eyes, drowning in their deepness. Submerging himself in the affection that they currently hold for him. 
A flash has you both turn and shake your heads. 
“I need one for the album.” Maya reasons and Bucky sighs. 
“Send me a copy?” You offer trying to dissipate the tension. 
“Why don’t you both settle into your room? And no funny business.” Winnie warns, you both pale. 
“Ma, I would, no—,” Bucky stutters, a blush coating his cheeks. 
Winnie looks at you, before laughing. 
“He better be treating you right, sweetheart, if not just tell me. I’ll sort him out.” She gives him a warning look. 
Then Winnie cups your cheek, “I am so happy you’re with him.” She says earnest. 
Guilt gnaws at you, Winnie probably would be heartbroken if she knew you both were lying through your teeth. 
“Sir, Ma’am, your room is ready, we’ll have the luggage delivered to your room in the next ten minutes.” The receptionist hands you the keycards. 
“Well go freshen up I’ll see you both at seven-thirty for the rehearsal dinner.” 
With a final hug to Winnie and Maya both of you sauntered into your room. Bucky looks at the bed. The only bed. 
“Um, I’ll take the sofa.” He offers. 
“Bucky that sofa is not even going to fit your legs…” You inform him. 
“We’ll just make a wall of pillows?” You offer.
“Are you sure?” His mind wanders to the night you were in his arms, straddling his lap. 
He coughs to remind himself; not to let his mind wander astray. 
You nod, at what you don’t know, it’s not like you both haven’t cuddled or been in each other’s physical space before. Road trips you both pretty much sat next to each other fell asleep listening to songs so why was this different? 
“Is it cool if I shower first?” Bucky turns to the bathroom, “Oh fuck me.” He mutters. 
“What?” You follow his line of vision. 
What kind of hotel was this? 
The wall between the bathroom and bedroom wasn’t opaque it was a glass, a very transparent glass. The door was made on frosted glass, but again you would be able to understand what was going on. 
You gulp audibly. 
Bucky opens the door to check if there is a curtain or towel to cover the pane. 
The bathroom proves to be larger, inside, the toilet seat away from the view only the glass shower and bathtub can be perceived from the glass. 
You peek from the glass as Bucky rests his hands on his hips as he looks around for a solution. 
“Shower with swimsuits?” He offers an idea. 
“Bucky I didn’t carry one…” You scratch the back of your neck, suddenly everything feels incredibly warm.
“Underwear then…” 
“How about we just shower while the other one faces away? Or lays in bed…” you counter. 
It seems plausible, Bucky purses his lips, then nods. 
“So um, you lay down, stretch your feet out and I’ll um, shower first then I’ll lay down…” He runs a hand through his hair and then over his stubble. 
You nod, grabbing your phone and turning to the bed. 
Bucky grabs his toiletries and powers through going to the very open bathroom. Maybe the hot water will fog up the glass? 
You immediately text your best friend and Natasha about the one bed and very daunting bathroom situation but they just send stupid laughing emojis in response. 
You groan. 
Some friends they are, the shower runs and from your angle on the bed you can’t see a thing apart from the ceiling of the bathroom, you sigh. 
It would just be easier to admit to Bucky you have feelings for him. You can’t risk your friendship though. 
Bucky sighs in content as the droplets hit his skin. The warm water taking away the stress of the day and tenseness in his shoulders. He watches the rivulets trail from his body to the anti skid flooring. One hand on the wall. 
His mind briefly wonders what would it be like to have his ex here and then he dismisses the thought. Sharon and he were supposed to be a one off a distraction from his growing feelings for you. 
Then she got clingy, demanding every waking minute of his to be hers to fill with herself and her own needs and wants. 
Bucky sighs again, the suds of soap now turning clear. He grabs the towel, checking the glass sure enough it is fogged up by the heat. 
He puts on his boxers and jeans as he exits and your voice catches in your throat as a lone rivulet makes its was down his neck then chest then abdomen, ending just over the taut band of muscles and you feel as though the world is in slow motion. 
“Take a picture it will last longer.” Bucky teases bringing you out of your staring. 
“I h-hope you didn’t use up all t-the hot water.” You stutter get up grabbing your set of things from your bag. 
The outfit for tonight was a simple purple jumpsuit that brought out your curves, and chest. Long sleeves but very comfortable. 
Bucky lays down, texting Sam and Steve finally about what was happening. They both offered him advice on avoiding the shared bed but then the picture of the couch he sent had them agree with your pillow wall idea. 
As the shower runs he feels himself grow less confident in his plan to have you both pretending, he was so sure he’d slip up. 
When you exit Bucky’s lips part the deep purple of the jumpsuit bringing out the colour of your skin and eyes. The neckline of the outfit was probably his favourite, it was low, and accentuated your chest as the sleeves were the ones that had slits on them. 
It showed skin but in a way that was risqué but classy. 
The fabric hugged the curve of your hips and Bucky wanted to pull you close to him just so he could feel your warmth. 
“Take a picture it will last longer.” You tease him and he shakes his head, observing you do your make up. He’d seen it before the way your tongue would poke out in concentration as you picked which eyeshadow to use or if the colours were going well with what you were wearing. 
You turn to him once you’re done, 
“Can you see if these are even?” You sit next to him on the bed closing your eyes. 
Bucky’s eyes are on your lips and not eyelids. He traces their outline with his gaze, appearing so soft and so inviting. 
“Bucky? Is the eyeliner equal?” You open your eyes as he looks up at your confused expression. 
“Yes, um w-was just ma-making sure they were equal…” He stammers out quickly getting up and to further aid drying his hair. He was growing it out again. 
The two of you make it downstairs, Bucky’s arm slips around your waist before you enter. Pulling you close to his warmth. You smile up at him. 
“You look beautiful.” He admits looking down at you with a smile that sends flutters through your stomach. 
“You look quite handsome yourself.” You offer him an equally butterfly inducing smile. 
Bucky knows his heart will break this weekend but if he gets to pretend to be yours then its worth it. 
You look up at Bucky stealing a final glance before walking through the door. You suddenly realise that maybe, maybe basking in this pretend would at-least give you a taste of happiness, even if the magic would end come Monday morning. 
As the two of you find your seating next to Rebecca, who also is elated at you being the secret girlfriend. The dinner begins to go by without a hitch. 
Emotional words are said in the practice speeches and the love between Maya and her to be husband, Marcus; is felt through all the attendees, tying them all together. 
Bucky has his arm around the back of your chair, as you all wait for dessert. He doesn’t realise it when he begins to trace soft patters along your mid back. You lean into his comforting touch, allowing him to continue. 
When you look up at him, your breath hitches at how intently he looks at you. Those azure eyes taking in every bit of your own eyes. 
“Oh come on, just kiss already.” Rebecca’s voice stops the patterns being drawn upon you. 
“W-what?” You look at her in confusion. 
“You both look like you want to tear into each other.” She rolls her eyes, “Just kiss we’re all adults. Well except the kids table in the corner but,” Rebecca shrugs. 
Bucky leans in deciding to kiss your cheek just to shut his sister’s mouth. You then turn to face him just when his lips were to brush you cheek. 
His soft, slightly chapped lips brush over yours, his eyes widen for a moment. Then he closes them, his hand cups your jaw. You feel that damned fluttering feeling again, as you kiss him back. Your palm resting on his chest. His heart thundering wildly against his chest.  
The kiss lasts for a few moments, that feel as though time was slowed down, all too soon you pull away from him. Biting your own bottom lip and a deep blush creeping across your chest and neck. 
“What did you just start dating?” Rebecca comments, “That looked like a middle schooler’s kiss.” 
Bucky tries to make sense, you try to make sense as well. Because what the fuck, you both just kissed each other. 
“We aren’t into PDA.” You defend with a sip of your drink to soothe the nerves. 
Your hand rests on Bucky’s knee, a grounding action that the two of you needed. 
Back, in the room; he begins to undo his shirt, he’s halfway done when he pauses. 
You turn to face him, the make up from your face gone. 
“Was, was the kiss okay?” He fidgets with the cufflink as he undoes it. 
“I um, guess yeah? Why?” You bring your eyes back up to his, 
“No, no, um Rebecca’s comment just well, what if we don’t appear that comfortable?”
“Do we practice kissing?” You wonder, god just dig a six feet deep hole and bury yourself in it. 
“I, thats not, I’m not—,” He lets out a frustrated sigh, closing the space between you two. 
Your ears begin a ringing at the way his cologne floods your senses. 
Bucky’s warm hands cup your cheeks,
“I’m not, not trying to take advantage of this but um, maybe we could table kissing? Because I guess handholding and all of the other things we’ve done as, as best friends, so…”
“Yeah no um, yeah I get what you’re saying,” you agree. 
“No kissing then.”
“Nope, no kissing.” 
With the rule established you both wind down for the night the pillow wall is built and the covers are pulled over your frames. 
Exhaustion tugs at your body but sleep seems to be at its wits end not wanting to arrive to you. 
Bucky shifts around in bed, staring at the pillow wall. That should not have been the first kiss between the two of you. 
His mind is running a mile a minute, he wonders if you’ve fallen asleep. 
“Bucky, you awake?” Your soft whisper has him tug one pillow away. 
“Hey,” His soft smile greets you with his hair tousled and eyes craving sleep. 
“Hey,” you smile back, your eyes on the verge of sleep, a few strands of your hair curling around your forehead. 
“Can’t sleep?” He wonders and you nod. 
“You too?” You ask and he nods. 
“Do you want to talk till we fall asleep?” You offer as a plan. 
“Sounds like a plan.” Bucky’s heart feels warm. 
It is quiet for a moment before Bucky decides to tell you about his promotion at work. It’s hardly been time at the firm but they recognise his potential. 
You reach across the wall and hug him, Bucky grins and wraps his arms around you, relishing the moment. 
“Thats great! I’m so proud of you!” You cheer him on, he grins. You both slowly pull away from the hug. Returning to your respective sides. 
The conversation flows from there, about what his new responsibilities would be and how he would have to divide his time. Both sets of eyelids get heavy and Bucky dozes off mid conversation, you chuckle lightly. Brushing his hair back and then slumber find you as well. With your hand resting on his cheek.
It’s very warm for the cooler spring day that was predicted. 
Bucky is usually feeling like a furnace but today he is exceptionally warm as well. Not that he is complaining but something about the warmth is inviting. 
A soft whimper presents itself to Bucky and his eyes peel open. You’re pressed against flush him, his head was buried in the crook of your neck, an arm around your waist. Your arm resting above his own. 
“Firefly…” He tries to coax you out of slumber. 
“Five more minutes…” You mutter sleepily, shifting around till you face him and your head rests on his chest. How do you have a death grip on him to not let him escape he doesn’t understand. 
“Firefly… we gotta get to breakfast…” Bucky manages to free his hand and brushes his thumb over your cheek bone. 
Honestly he wouldn’t leave the bed if he woke up to you everyday. 
“Shhh, the dough is resting.” You grumble, shifting closer.
“The dough?” Bucky grins amused. 
“I’m the dough, must rest in the oven.” You complain again. 
“I thought you’re my Firefly.” Oh he’s going to ask you about this. 
“I can be two things.” You pull away looking at him. 
Bucky looks at you, waiting for the sleepiness to leave you. 
“Bucky?” You ask, then look down at your intertwined bodies, well you clinging onto him. 
“Firefly, good morning.” He chuckles and then you move away from him all too soon. 
“Why didn’t you wake me earlier?!” You sit up on your side, face hidden in your hands. 
“Because the dough needed to rest.” He says matter of factly
“What dough?” You question, then it hits you the drunken analogy you had come up with your best friend and Nat, 
“Oh that no, um, i’m, i’m going to the bathroom.” 
You grab your phone and things as quickly as possible, Bucky remains laying in bed you know he’s still laughing, the endearment is clear in his demeanour but you have half a mind you’re going to be called dough from now on till you spill the reason.
Me: i sleepily blabbed to him about resting the dough.
Best Friend: you know this is why I too up night classes here, to stay awake for the fresh batch of well rested dough stories. 
Nat: 🤣🤣 So how was the resting of the dough on the very hot oven?
Me: i hate you both. It was a drunken analogy about Bucky being warm.
Best Friend: that made you want to be dough resting in the oven. 
Nat: so when will you get to baking? Now that you have rested. 
Best Friend: oh I think very soon, Bucky’s probably stiffly up to the right temperature. 
Me: i will smack you both. stop it. 
You groan silently. Keeping your phone on the counter. Useless, your friends are useless comedians at your expense. 
Breakfast passes by in the hotel as an uneventful affair, Bucky and you decided that meal times without family intervention would be on best friend mode so the conversation was mutual topics and trying to see if you could squeeze in a marathon of harry potter movies to commemorate the time you did the same in college a year ago. 
The ceremony is at five which gives you a few hours to kill before absolutely needing to get ready. 
“Do you think we should ask your mum or Maya if she needs any help? It just feels weird being just a guest…” 
Bucky’s hair is falling upon his forehead when he looks up at you. Unthinkingly you reach over to help move it, and for a moment he wants to just have your fingertips run through his hair as he lays next to you. 
“I, yes, we should.” He wonders if you can hear his heart beating almost as if it will leap out of his chest. 
And you both find yourselves barely making it in time to get changed for the ceremony. Bucky takes over ironing duty since he knows your absolutely need to wash your hair before an event otherwise you don’t feel yourself. 
In the nick of time you make it, Bucky eternally grateful you had his cufflinks set up and he helps you zip up the dress. 
You both are panting by the time you reach the attached ballroom. With just two minutes till the bridal march. The wedding planner shoos you both off with a glare as if Bucky and you never helped set the decor because five people of her team fell ill. 
“Shouldn’t have fixed that centrepiece.” You grumble as Bucky snickers before you settle into the seats. 
“Firefly, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have left it unfixed.” He whispers leaning in, 
“I would.” You whisper back. 
“You’re too nice.” 
“I’ll break it. Let the reception begin.” You warn him. 
He wraps his arm around your shoulder bringing you close. 
“I think the dough needs some rest.” He teases. 
“James.” You warn, the redness of your cheeks only urging him onward. 
“Sorry dough, won’t bother you.” Bucky says, giving you puppy eyes. 
“James—,” Your voice caught in your throat at his proximity. He licks his lips, eyes on your soft ones. You’re wearing that red lipstick from the brand you frequently stayed up at night to order from, and he could lie and say the shade does nothing for you because your lips seem so inviting the shade of red adding to your allure. 
If you ask him for his heart he’d give it to you right there, he’d get on his knees and beg you to have it. 
The bridal march breaks his reverie and both of you stand up with the crowd as Maya walks down the aisle with her father, looking every bit of an angel in her wedding gown. 
When you look at her fiancé, your heart lurches, he’s crying tears of joy watching her close the final bit of distance between them and their forever. 
As her father gives her hand in her to be husband, the intimate look of hidden smiles they share almost has you look away. 
Bucky watches the ceremony play out, Maya and Marcus have to say their vows now and he knows they were best friends before Maya admitted her feelings and they have been together four years before they got engaged. 
“I believe the couple have prepared their own vows.” The minister gestures and Marcus’  best man hands him his folded papers. 
“Maya, I met you in high school and you were instantly my best friend.” Marcus begins. 
“We made a list of promises of what we would do and a set of friendship rules, you may not remember but I still have those pieces of decorated cardboard.”
Maya laughs, recalling the memory. 
You look up at Bucky, recalling the moment from where you both turned into each other’s best friends. 
“The first time as best friends when we had an argument was over where would we go to for college, because in all honesty you and I can only function if we’re close enough to share our one braincell.”
Their entire bridal party laughs at the joke. 
You recall the time you were paired with him to play Charades and the two of you sucked so horribly that the entire group banned the game.
“That day I was so angry but when I went back home I saw those cardboards. I knew college could be done anywhere but my best friend? I couldn’t leave her. That is the best damn decision, I made, well that and proposing to you and today standing in front of you, vowing to be by your side, even when you hate me leaving my clothes scattered on the floor, loving you even when I may be annoyed at you for not being able to pick a place for dinner,” 
Maya lightly swats him, then wipes a tear. 
You stare at Bucky catching the smile on his face, you wonder what he thinks about, then you feel him about to look at you so you look ahead. 
“To cherish you even when things around us may push and shove us to not remember what we’re together for, to nourish and nurture our love, our life, 
to work on myself to be the best I can be for you. To support you in everything you need me to support you, to catch you if you stumble, to be held by you if I tumble. I vow to be your best friend, love and husband as long as time is ours.” Marcus gazes lovingly at his bride. 
Bucky tears his eyes away when he hears your sniffle. You wipe your tears with the back of your hand. His hand shifts to wipe your tears and to hold you closer. Press his lips to your temple in promise. 
“Marcus, how am I supposed to speak now?” Maya complains with a chuckle that masks a small sob. 
Her groom shrugs innocently making all the teary eyed faces laugh. 
“My Marcus, the day you entered my life, was the most ordinary day I thought but little did I know your doodle of a covalent bond in my notebook would be setting up the reaction for an extraordinary life ahead where I get to stand at the altar with you.” Maya looks up at him, Marcus smiles at her, eyes getting watery. 
“When I admitted my feelings to you, I was scared to lose you. So scared that I was going to hold my silence. Then you brought those damn sliders from the place we went to as best friends and I knew I had to tell you how much more love my heart held for you.”
Buck looks down at you, every memory with you playing in his mind, taking in Maya’s words and replacing them with moments he has with his Firefly. 
“I vow to not nag you for your clothes strewn across the floor.” 
Bucky adores you as you laugh. Then looks back at the bride and groom. 
“I vow to be brave when you need me to for myself and for you. I vow to let my fears show so you can be brave for me and yourself. I vow to cherish you for who you are and who you become. To nourish and nurture our love, our life. To work on myself for being the one you need through any stage of life we are at; to be your best friend, love and wife as long as time is ours.” 
You gaze up at Bucky when his hand moves in your periphery, you catch the redness of his cheeks, he cried as well. Your hands ache to offer comfort.
Bucky gazes at you, both of your visions blurry from the tears. 
“Beautiful words, now I ask you, Marcus Finnegan, do you take Maya Barnes as your lawfully wedded wife?” The minister questions Marcus.
He places the wedding band on her finger.
Bucky grasps your hand in his, fingers curling around the space between yours. You look from the half intertwined hands to Bucky questioningly.
He isn’t going to let you go, no. 
If he had gotten to you first that night, maybe if he was brave enough he could have prevented the heartbreak.
“Now I ask you, Maya Barnes, do you take Marcus Finnegan as your lawfully wedded husband?” The minister questions Maya.
She places the wedding band on his finger.
You curl your fingers around his hand, letting tears flow down your cheeks. You hope with all your heart you’re interpreting his gesture correctly. If only you had gotten to him first that night.
“I present to you family and friends, by the power vested in me, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes-Finnegan. You may now kiss the bride.” 
The cheers and clapping around the ballroom die down into a dull buzz, Bucky cups your cheek with his left hand, pulling your lips onto his own. The kiss filled with a longing and hunger that you both carried for months. Salt mixes with the taste of his lips. Fears slowly let gone off as you grasp his left hand that rests upon your cheek.
When the two of you pull away for air, hidden by everyone standing to keep clapping for the newly weds allowing you both to be tucked away in your little corner.
“Why didn’t we say anything?” Bucky laughs through the tears.
“I was scared to lose you.” You rest your forehead against his, Bucky wipes your tears as you wipe away his own.
“Firefly, I’m never letting you go. Should have walked upto you and that fucker.” He finally admits, confessing his entire plan to you.
“I kept thinking of doing the same when you were with her, showed up with your favourite flowers too. Have it preserved back home…” 
“I’ve kept it preserved too.” Bucky admits, joy ceases his heart at your elation.
Your lips meet again, this time with lesser longing than before but the need to have each other ever present. Bucky’s lips peppered kisses all over your face, drawing out laughter from you. 
Each mirthful moment tucked away for him to keep. 
Your head resting on his chest as his arms around your waist, the slow notes of the song cascade around the two of you, Bucky had you on the dance floor from the first song, dinner left for later. 
You tilt your head back looking up at him with so much adoration.
“Waited so long to have you look at me this way.” He admits.
“Always looked at you this way when you weren’t looking.” You confess.
“Never looking away from your gorgeous eyes, Firefly.” He promises, his lips ghost over yours, as you rise on your tip toes even with heels to kiss your Bucky.
He finally got to you. You finally got to him.
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