#I just wanted to get this opener typed up since it was dependent on happening during the festival
arcxnumvitae · 29 days
The festival was in full swing around him, and the streets of Ativere practically exuded festive cheer. The crowds had yet to reach their zenith, from Zhaohui’s experience that wouldn’t come until the third day, but the streets still boasted a healthy size. The dragon himself made his way through the revelers. He never was one for crowds, and at risk of seeming like the miserable, curmudgeonly old man he likely was, he still hadn’t quite gotten used to the cheerful air of Ativere and its residents’ friendliness. He nodded here and there to those who recognized and greeted him as he made his way to one of the blessings ceremonies. Aro’s blessing ceremony.
The irony has struck him a thousand times over that he’d somehow fallen in with a deity despite his qualms against them as a whole. But Aro was different. He looked at him, not down on him. It was because of that aggravatingly endearing fox that Zhaohui was on his way to his blessing ceremony. Right as Zhaohui began to turn a corner, he caught sight of familiar dark locks rounding a corner and vanishing.
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What was she doing there? She couldn’t be alone, could she? The others had attended the festival the last time, but, recent events considered, he had assumed they would all avoid anything that ran the risk of running across his path. Minglian’s own last hate-filled words echoed in his ears, and yet the tinge of concern that had appeared had Zhaohui following her trail without a second thought.
When he rounded the corner Minglian had disappeared behind, he was greeted by a familiar scent— Aro’s. The fox was standing in the alleyway, looking down the opposite end. Upon his approach, Aro turned his head towards him and smiled at the sight of him. Despite his confusion, something in Zhaohui’s heart softened.
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“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for your ceremony? You couldn’t have missed me that much.” Zhaohui chuckled, but the levity soon dropped from his expression. “By the way, did you see Minglian? I…thought I saw her coming this way, I guess. Maybe I was just seeing things.”
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“Yeah,” Aro’s brow furrowed, “I thought I saw her too. I need to go get ready, but I was worried.”
“Yeah…” Zhaohui murmured, his eyes resting a moment on the fox’s usually expressive ears and tails. They remained still as he spoke. His gaze drifted to the other’s neck and sharpened.
“I don’t know why you’re worried though since it seems like she’s still here, shapechanger.”
Aro didn’t respond, and for a moment Zhaohui worried that perhaps he really was being paranoid, but immediately after the thought crossed his mind the other let out a bark of laughter.
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“How did you figure it out? I was told this appearance would be perfect for sneaking past your guard.” ‘Aro’ crossed his arms with a smirk, eliciting a sharp grin in return from Zhaohui.
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“I guess your information is a bit outdated, you’re missing an important piece of jewelry. Besides, don’t insult me. I’d know him.”
“Fine,” the figure hummed, and their form changed. Silver hair darkened, and the smile that appeared was just as vicious as his own.
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“It worked well enough anyways, but we’ll do this the hard way then.”
Before Zhaohui could respond, a blow struck the back of his head and all went dark.
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Summary: The difference in how he fucked during his different eras.
Warnings: NSFW, taunting, lying, manipulation, virginity taking, marriage, he smacks you, degradation.
Coriolanus Snow x Fem!Reader
Please be aware of the content you read.
-University student-
University Coriolanus Snow kept most of his thoughts in his head during this time. He was a liar who just needed to keep up a good reputation for his name since that was all that he had.
He did not have the same riches as the other Capitol students.
So, when Coriolanus ended up having a sweet Capitol girl with a rich daddy fall into his hand, nobody said a thing. Everyone thought they were perfect for each other.
Coriolanus would have preferred to wait, but he needed the reassurance that came with taking your virginity. He felt that with being your first, he could somehow permanently plant himself in your mind in case you ever thought of leaving him and his lies.
And, as he had a thumb in your mouth, letting you suck on it while he ever so slowly eased himself into your virgin hole, he hoped he could somehow make you dependent on the way he made you feel.
His kisses were soft, as was the way he thrusted his hips. You'd call this making love with Coriolanus. At this moment, the two of you weren't two Academy students trying to get by while keeping their family names afloat. No, you were two lovers making love in the bed you've slept in almost all your life.
He made it all about your pleasure, wanting you to feel special, like he actually cared about how you felt.
With a slender hand, he reached down to thumb at your clit, making your back arch off of the bed and into his own body. "Shhh. I know, I know." He spoke softly.
If you paid enough attention, you'd notice how he'd momentarily get lost in his own pleasure and would speed up while holding your hips down onto the bed, neglecting whatever you needed in order to reach your peak.
Peacekeeper Coriolanus Snow is still knee-deep in his lying and manipulation. How he treats you depends on who you are.
If you were a District 12 inhabitant, then he's more than willing to be rougher with you. You're disposable in his eyes.
Coriolanus finds that he can take you while pressed up against the side of a tree, and when he's done, all that he has to do is give you a few soft kisses on your face before disappearing because of "work".
He's able to just seek you out for a quick fuck, not that he's the type to just sleep around. If you were someone that he was actively manipulating and using to keep him afloat while in (what he considers) the slums, then he would somehow use romance and lust as a way to get closer and closer to you. To make himself seem like the good guy in your eyes.
It would be in a compromising setting, in some sort of missionary position, with your faces right up against each other's. It's a tactic he uses to try and make you feel like you're special and have some sort of soft spot in his life. He'll try to be sweet but lose himself in the process.
Against some building, lit by the moon, Coriolanus' hips thumped against the ligaments near your pubic bone. Your legs were spread, his torso stopping you from closing them, and his hands were holding the flesh of your ass.
"Come on. Just give me a fucking kiss." He whispered, digging his fingers into the fat he holds. His mouth is open, as is yours, the two of you are breathing in each other's breath. It feels intimate to you, and the way he jams himself inside of you makes your breath stop in your throat. He took advantage of that, licking your bottom lip before locking your lips together.
Or you could always just ride him because he feels like you're not worthy enough to have him put in any work.
Now, if you were the same Capitol member as before, and you happened to follow him down to District 12, then he would be more comfortable. Hidden away in the cabin you've been staying in, your face is shoved into the pillows you've slept on for the last few months. A stolen moment between lovers. He finally had a break from his duties, and he was going to take advantage of it.
His body was hunched over yours, and his hands were on your hips, keeping them held up. He was grunting into your ear every time he pushed forward and breathing audibly every time he pulled back. You could feel his dog tag sitting on your spine.
"You're going to get me in... trouble." He panted, leaning back onto his knees, using his hands to guide your hips back and forth. "Can't stay away, can you? You need me, huh?" He smirked, watching as you nodded hastily.
"That's okay. Need you too."
No, he didnt.
-Post-Peacekeeper/Capitol official/New President-
President Coriolanus Snow only sleeps with the First Lady. Congratulations! You're married. Now you're a puppet that he controls.
There's no longer a need for lies. You're already trapped!
You slept together for his pleasure only, but he'll make sure you finish just so his reputation in bed is not tarnished.
He won't go down on you. He'll only give you a little bit of foreplay before he gets antsy and just dives right in. But he'll hold your hair while you're sucking his dick!
"I'm a gentleman." He defends himself.
Your bed is bigger and softer than it had ever been. It doesn't make your muscles stiff and sore like the one down in District 12.
With your legs hooked over Coriolanus' shoulders, he thrusted back and forth, listening to the lewd squelch your combined bodies make. When you let out a particularly loud cry, he gives you a smack to your face, berating you for breaking his focus.
"I shouldn't even be giving you this, my rose." His voice has an eerie stillness to it. "You've just been acting like a whore. Coming to my office like that? I should have just made you grind against my boot. Hell, I could have just taken you on my desk." He rolled his eyes before smiling. "But I take care of you, don't I? I brought you right back to our bed, where it's comfortable." His words and smile made you feel obligated to nod and give him a 'yes', despite how it felt like he was bruising your cervix.
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Welp... I hope it's good enough for you.
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rafesfavgirl · 2 months
boy, you got her — r. cameron
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part 1. part 2. part 3. here's part 4 (or whatever part this is to you, depending on how much you've read). i just couldn't help myself :)
❝ it's true, swear, scouts honor you knew what you wanted and,  boy, you got her ❞
pairing: rafe cameron x pogue!reader
context: after a fallout at the boneyard with jj and kie, you agree to a date with rafe.
words: 1.9k+
warnings: jealous!jj, mean!jj (kind of), so so SO fluffy.
"look, i know it's kinda sudden, a'ight?" rafe glances over at you, one hand on the steering wheel. "and you don't have to answer right now. just think about it."
when you and jj broke up, the last thing you would've guessed to happen next was getting into a friends-with-benefits situation with rafe cameron. now, you were sitting in the passenger seat of his truck after he just defended you to your ex-boyfriend and asked you out on a date. 
was it too soon? probably. could you really see it working? maybe. did you want to go? yes—as crazy as that sounded.
you turn your head towards him and shake your head. "i don't have to think about it."
a small smile pulls at the corner of his lips, but he fights it, just in case you said no. "you don't?"
"let's do it."
"yeah?" a chuckle falls from his lips, his smile widening.
"yeah," you nod, as he pulls the car to a stop in front of your family's house on the cut. you lean in to place a kiss on his cheek, making them turn the lightest shade of crimson, before opening your door to hop out. "come pick me up at noon tomorrow."
"fuck, fuck, fuckkkkk!" you slam your closet door close, just as your older brother peeks in to see where all the commotion was coming from.
"the hell's the matter with you?" he eyes you carefully, leaning against the doorway, sipping on a can of soda.
you ignore him and begin pacing around the room, tossing clothes from your dresser onto the bed. "what the fuck am i suppose to wear?" you lay out one casual outfit—a crochet top and dark-washed shorts—and one fancier outfit—a short, white floral sundress with pink flowers.
"since when do you care what you wear?" your brother walks into your room and looks at the clothes laid out on your bed.
"since i'm going on a date," you say, nibbling on your thumb, as your eyes shifted back and forth between the two outfits.
"jj's taking you out?" he asks, looking at you, clearly caught by surprise.
jj was never really the "date" type—not that you minded. while the two of you would spend time together all the time, you'd mostly do it with the rest of the pogues. either that, or you'd hang out in your room or the chateau.
"no," you shake your head. "we broke up."
"so who you goin' out with then?"
you pick up the dress from the bed, and hold it out in front of you, while turning to look into your full-length mirror. "...rafe cameron."
your brother almost chokes on his soda as he snaps his head towards you. "rafe cameron? you're goin' out with a kook?"
"is it really that much of a surprise?" you raise a brow and look at him through the mirror.
"nah," he shakes his head and shrugs. "just didn't think kook was your style."
"well i appreciate your insight, y/b/n, but it's time to go," you turn to shoo him out of the room and push him out your door.
"hey, could you—" before he could even finish his sentence, you slam the door in his face and return to getting dressed.
while you didn't clear up with rafe exactly what this date would entail, you figured it’d be better to play it safe than be sorry—he was a kook, after all—so you took off your robe and slipped into your mini sundress, before sitting at your desk to crimp your hair and scatter little braids around your head and do your makeup.
after doing so, your phone dings with a text from him, as you slip on some flat sandals.
rafe: downstairs, your brother let me in.
giving yourself one more glance at the mirror to fix your necklaces, you run your hands through your hair and spray on some perfume, before scurrying out your bedroom door and down the hall to greet rafe sitting in the living room with your brother sitting across from him.
"so what are you intentions with my little sister?" your brother asks, just in time for you to intervene.
"oh my god, y/b/n," you say, as rafe stands to greet you. "hey."
you walk over to him and he squeezes you to his side. "hey, doll."
"where we headed?" you asked, noticing him in a salmon colored polo shirt—which somewhat matched the color of the flowers on your dress—and light grey shorts. 
"a little change of plans, actually," he tells you. "i gotta go to this brunch at the club cause my dad's getting some award. you don't mind, do you?"
"we can totally leave any time you want," he adds, when a look of apprehension crosses your face.
you slowly nod, your eyes meeting his. "okay."
"yeah?" a small smile forms on his lips when you agree.
"yeah, let's go," you nod again, before turning to pull him towards the door.
"don't bring her back too late!" your brother jokingly calls after the two of you, as you walk out the front door.
"you're not dad!" you yell back, closing the door behind you.
the minute you enter a banquet hall at the country club, decked out with several round tables and decorations, full of kooks dressed in designer sundresses and polos, it dawns on you just how different your worlds are.
rafe was the kook king. these fancy brunches were a part of his weekly routine, while the fanciest place you'd ever been was the diner your parents took you to on your trip to new york a month ago.
"you ok?" rafe's hand snakes around the small of your back and he leans into you when he notices you glancing around, your fingers fiddling with each other. "hey," his finger comes under your chin to make you face him. "don't fret, a'ight? they'll love you."
they? who the fuck is they?
"top, kelce," rafe calls out to two of his friends, both of whom are dressed just like him, as he leads you to their table, which also sat two other girls—who you recognized to be rafe's sisters. "this is y/n."
"topper," the blond one holds out a hand to you, and the dark skinned one does too. "kelce."
"y/n," you shake both their hands, as rafe pulls out a chair for you to sit down. "it's nice to meet y'all."
"oh my god," the young girl seated next to sarah widens her eyes at you from across the table. "you're that girl rafe's been sneaking in and out of the house at night!"
"wheeze," sarah throws her a look, before smiling at you. "sorry about her, she has no filter. i'm sarah."
"yeah, i know," you nod at her. "kiara's talked about you."
"oh," the smile on her face drops a little. "you're friends with kie?"
"not anymore," you shake your head, and sarah's smile returns. "we were, but… she's showed her true colors." you reach for the glass of water in front of you and take a sip.
"tell me about it," sarah scoffs. "i had to learn that the hard way."
you continue making small talk with sarah, realizing she wasn't half the bitch kiara made her out to be, while rafe's hand rested on your thigh, as he talked to kelce and topper.
"drinks?" you hear a familiar drawl behind you, and find jj standing over you with a platter of mimosas, dressed like a waiter. "y/n?"
a smirk comes across rafe's lips as he turns his head, eyes shifting between the two of you. "hey, man. just one for my girl."
jj's clicks his tongue, as rafe smiles at you and gives your thigh a squeeze, but does his job, and leans down to hold the platter out to you.
"thanks," you avoid eye contact with him as you grab a drink from the platter, and are thankful when sarah calls on him from across the table.
"i'll take one too," she says and jj rounds the table to allow her to grab a drink, his disappointed eyes meeting yours.
a part of you felt bad—it had only been about a month—but then again, he moved on while you two were still together. so was there really a reason for you to feel guilty? you were just doing what he did—but better. at least you waited until the relationship ended.
"i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick," you whisper to rafe, who gave you a small nod.
"why?" he asked, concern falling over his features. "you okay?"
"yeah," you assure him. "i just gotta pee. i'll be back."
by the time you got back from the bathroom, applause was erupting around the room, as rafe, sarah, and wheezie joined their dad on stage with their stepmom.
a smile came across your face as his eyes met yours from across the room and you leaned an elbow on the counter of the bar beside you.
"can't believe you stooped this low," jj comes up beside you, placing the platter down on the bar and downing one of the drinks himself.
"no," you turn your head to look at him and shake your head when rafe becomes occupied taking pictures with his family. "we're not doing this here."
you head out of the room, and he follows. "why? scared your new kook friends are gonna realize you're not one of them? i mean, seriously, y/n— how far are you willing to take this? just to-"
you snap your head towards him. "just to what, jj?"
"to spite me," he says. "i mean, have you looked in the mirror lately?" he motions a hand at your dress. "you're dressed like them, you're eating brunch with them, you're with him—this isn't you!"
"no," you hold a finger up to him. "i am exactly who i've always been. you just don't know how i look when i'm not in love with you."
a scoff leaves his mouth. "so our relationship really meant that little to you, huh?"
was he for real?
you narrow your eyes and shook your head. "no. you don't get to use that against me. you meant the world to me, jj. you were the one who screwed shit up the second you decided to sleep with kie. you are not turning this on me."
"oh my god, would you get over it?" he asked, clearly frustrated. "you slept with rafe cameron, y/n! we're even."
"even?" you spat. "after you betrayed me? broke my trust? my heart? oh, you have no idea just how even it's about to be."
"the hell's going on out here?" rafe joins you and jj outside the banquet hall, immediately coming to your side, a hand on your lower back. "is he bothering you?"
"no," you shake your head. "jj's shift just ended. he was about to go."
rafe shifts his eyes between the two of you, you and jj's eyes focused on each other.
your ex-boyfriend scoffs and shakes his head, but walks away, taking rafe by surprise.
"you wanna tell me what that was all about?" he looks at you, after watching jj leave. 
"nothing to tell," you shrug with a smile, tilting your head up at him. "you wanna head back inside?"
"you wanna stay?"
"yeah," you nod, snaking your arm around his back. "i do."
part 5.
i love soft rafe almost as much as i love canon rafe tbh.
reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated <33
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ithebookhoarder · 25 days
your Eloise fics have me in a chokehold! If you would I need an eloise and fem reader first kiss moment! friends to lovers type best
First Kiss (Eloise Bridgerton x F!Reader) 
A/N: Well, I love me a good ol' 'friends to lovers' trope, so thank you for sending this in! I am in full S3 mode. 💕Also, side note, but I see this request existing in the same universe/as a prequel to my other piece 'This Love' - which you don't have to read to understand this but if you want to, then check it out.
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Warnings: Beginnings of smut, implied homophobia, era-appropriate sexism (let me know if I missed any)
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"What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy? If long-suffering propriety is what they want from me, They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly, I choose you and me religiously..."
('Guilty as Sin' - Taylor Swift)
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“I simply don’t see the appeal of such things.” 
“You don’t?” 
“No. What could be so appealing about kissing?” Eloise muttered, staring down at the couple on the other side of the library in which you had both hidden. 
Fed up with ducking dance partners for one evening, you and the Bridgerton girl (who had been your closest friend since infancy) had escaped the ballroom of the Smith-Smyth family town house and the festivities being held there. Of course, like most nights spent trying to hide from the Ton and its never ending scrutiny of young females, the pair of you had sought refuge in the library of the home. After all, it was typically the room least likely to be occupied, and had more than enough dark, quiet corners for you two to hide in, curled up with a good book until it was time to go home. 
It was far superior to being passed from one suitor to the next like some curiosity to be examined, admired, and appraised. 
Tonight had been no different so far, with the pair of you taking the first opportunity to bolt and conceal yourselves on the upper gallery of the impressive library. However, you had only been alone maybe a handful of minutes when the door had burst open and a rather amorous young couple had staggered through, a tangle of limbs and lips. 
Both you and Eloise had barely had time to even realise what had happened, let alone plan any kind of escape. Unfortunately, the upper level - whilst more private and out of sight - was only accessible via a spiral staircase. There was no way on earth either of you could make it down said staircase or all the way to the door without being seen.
You didn’t know who would be most embarrassed in that instance - you or the couple caught in a compromising position. That, and you’d also made the fundamental error of waiting too long to make such a decision and announce yourselves. 
As such, you’d had no choice but to scamper back into the darkness and pray the couple either didn’t hear the hushed shuffling above them, or that they simply left … and soon. However, given the groans and moans coming from the pair as they pawed at one another, you didn’t think they were in any rush to return to the ballroom anytime soon. 
 “I mean… mama says it depends on the person you’re kissing,” Eloise continued, eyebrow raised quizzically as she leaned closer to the railings as if trying to get a better look. “That if you’re with the right one then it all just feels ...” 
The word fell from your lips easily without a second thought. 
“Perhaps,” Eloise continued, tilting her head as the couple’s kisses began to move from their lips to other parts of their bodies. 
The sight was enough to make you blush, a sudden ache awakening inside you. It was an ache that had become strangely familiar to you in the past months, even if you would never confess such a thing aloud. You were a woman after all. You weren’t supposed to feel such things, let alone share that fact with other people. Maybe your future husbands, but that was ‘simply not done’ as your mother had cautioned you, whilst giving a rather harrowing talk about ‘the facts of life’. Demure, reserved, and dignified - that was what husbands wanted. 
Needless to say, none of those words could be used to describe you at present, nor your best friend. It was what had drawn you two together in the first place - a recognition of a kindred spirit, desperate to survive in a world that was clearly not designed for your kind. 
For the first time in whole your life, you hadn’t felt so alone. She too loathed everything society said you were supposed to enjoy - sewing, the latest fashions, making oneself appealing to the other sex. Instead, she encouraged you and your passions, sending you new books she thought you’d like about topics that interested you. She also spoke to you like an equal and wasn’t afraid to debate current issues like politics, female rights, and science. Hell, she hadn’t laughed when you had confessed that you’d be perfectly content living a life that didn’t involve a man at all (let alone as a husband). If anything, she had encouraged it. 
So, years later here you were, thick as thieves with Eloise Bridgerton and not the least bit interested in any kind of future that didn’t have her in it. 
“I just can’t ever picture me being like that with another person,” she continued, staring at the couple with seeming disbelief. “Especially not one of these boys that peacock themselves about the place, acting like they’re anything other than children showing off for the air-headed debutantes. It’s embarrassing honestly.” 
You tried not to laugh at your friend’s visible repulsion at the sight. She had never been one to hide her feelings and her expressive face gave their true nature away every time.
“Agreed,” you murmured, eyes still focused on the display despite vocalising your disapproval. “Oh. I… That hardly looks comfortable. In fact, she rather looks like she’s in pain.”
“Well, considering the fact that he looks like he’s trying to eat her, I’m not surprised.”
“What?” she scoffed, sitting up and finally crawling back from the edge of the railings. You followed, shuffling backwards further into the shadows and safely out of sight. Anyone who dared look up would be unable to see you from this angle. “It’s the truth. I’m merely surprised he hasn’t dislocated his jaw yet like some python and simply swallowed her, and her fortune, whole. I merely wish I could understand what drives a person to do such a thing. It isn’t exactly like one can simply look it up in a book. They all simply say that a kiss has some divine power that makes a person lose all sense. That can’t be possible.”
“I don’t know. Maybe it is.”
“Oh, really? What could possibly make you think that?”
You froze. 
How could you tell her the truth? That you knew it to be possible because every time you looked at her, what you wanted most in the world was to be able to pull her into your arms and kiss her like it was the last thing you would ever do in this lifetime? That, you had long known that your feelings towards her were well passed the point of friendly? 
Even now, your heart raced in your chest in a way it only ever did when she was near. The faint traces of her orange blossom perfume made your head spin and you knew you'd be smelling it hours after she had gone as you always did.
“I don’t know.” You gulped, trying not to let your warming cheeks give away your sudden train of thought. However, your mouth and your brain had never been the most co-operative of organs. They often had a way of defying one another, just like now in fact, as you opened your mouth and the words simply came tumbling out. “Maybe that’s the problem… maybe we don’t know because we have no experience. Nothing to base it on. Maybe, it’s one of those things you have to try and see for yourself… ‘find out’ as it were.”
Eloise’s eyes looked like dinner plates, they became so wide. 
“What? That’s… that’s a ridiculous proposition,” she choked, her voice raising dangerously loud. However, a well-timed moan from below brought her back to her senses as she remembered just where you were and what had brought you two into this situation in the first place. 
Switching back to a frantic whisper, she continued. “I … I mean - who - what… no one would agree to such a foolish idea, not when they’d think I was trying to entrap them into a marriage-“ 
“-and we all know they’d be desperate to brag about it to everyone. I would be dragged down the aisle by the end of the night, if my brothers didn’t drag them outside and shoot them first-“
“El!” You reached over and took her face in your hands. Holding her still seemed to do the trick as she instantly fell silent. “Breathe. Ok? I didn’t mean with a boy, or some stranger… I … I meant…” 
The words died in your throat as your mind raced to maintain in control. There were a million reasons why this was a bad idea, the first and biggest being that your friendship was the most precious and treasured thing in your life. Risking it was beyond idiotic. 
You knew that that was precisely what Eloise would tell you too, if she knew what you were about to say. However, you said it anyway. 
“I meant someone you trusted. Someone you knew. Someone who cared about you.” 
Eloise snorted. “And who would that be then? I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I hardly have a line of suitors waiting for me, let alone any that suit those criteria-“ 
That was it. You couldn’t wait any longer. You kissed her. 
The kiss was everything you’d been brought up to fear and avoid, but you knew that nothing in your life had ever felt so right. You hadn’t been made to want anyone other than Eloise, and you’d spent too many years trying to force yourself to believe otherwise. To believe that your mother was right, that you’d find a suitable man and feelings would grow in time. To believe that you were wrong to imagine kissing a girl rather than a boy… 
Well, it was happening. It was no longer just a fantasy and… in a word? It was thrilling. The entire world stopped. The moment was breathtaking… and then it was over. 
You paused, waiting with bated breath for her to react. However, moments passed by and Eloise failed to say anything - which in itself was a signal something was wrong. It took a whole minute for her to even open her eyes, let alone look at you. 
Ice cold fear spread through your veins and you felt the world crumbling around you.
“I- I'm so sorry,” you choked, hastily pulling away. “I’m so sorry, I … just … I shouldn't have done that, El. Please, if you don’t say a word about this then I’ll stay away from you and you’ll never have to see me again. I promise-"
“W- what?”
Eloise blinked, suddenly waking from her stupor as you began to scramble to your feet, desperate to make your escape - amorous couple, or no. However, her grip was tight as she grabbed your hand, refusing to let you go. She was surprisingly strong.
“No, wait,” she begged, her desperation clear by the way her voice broke. “Please, just - just wait. I … I just was surprised. That’s all, Y/N. I wasn’t expecting it or to… like it. Or at least, not that much.” 
“You ... liked it?” 
You could have been knocked over with a feather at that point. Instead of rejecting you, or rebuking you, or even feeling repulsed by what you had just done, Eloise seemed almost excited as the shock wore off.
She began to smile, making the tension simply evaporate between you two. Instead, she looked almost liberated, her cheeks flushed and her lips were plumped from where you had just pressed them against your own. Several strands of her hair had also come free from their perfect coiffeur throughout the evening and yet, Eloise had never looked more perfect in your eyes.
You’d have done anything to frame that moment to preserve it forever.
“I did," she murmured. "It seems you were right after all. Perhaps it was a matter of finding the right person to kiss.” 
“I was?”
“Indeed,” Eloise purred, a newfound eagerness surging within her as she reached out and pulled you back into her arms. “But, maybe we should test it one more time? Just to be sure. Any sound scientific theory must be based on evidence, after all.” 
Well, who were you to argue with that?
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cutielando · 2 months
Hello, I saw that your requests are open so could you please write something about Charles taking care of his girlfriend after getting a knee surgery, I got surgery not too long ago (nothing serious) from playing football and I just feel like he would be such a caring boyfriend.
a/n: thank you so much for sending this in!❤️
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Summary: Charles taking care of Y/N after a knee surgery. (grant the request🌸)
Words: 1.2k+
Other works: my masterlist
Ever since you could remember, you have always been the adventurous type.
You would rather go exploring than stay in, the thrill of a potential adventure overpowering the need for a relaxing day in with the one you loved.
Which fitted perfectly with Charles’ need for adventuring and going on as many trips around the world as he could.
But there was a slight problem with that. With the adventurous thrill also came the danger.
And you were very prone to injuring yourself. Just like you had done on the last skiing trip you had gone on with Charles, right before the F1 season started up.
Adventuring a little too much on a not so safe skiing slope resulted in your falling and injuring your knee. An injured knee which required surgery.
You had been devastated when you found out you would need surgery. Not only would the recovery be horrendous and strenuous on your body, but it also meant that Charles would go out of his way to take care of you, neglecting his training in order to make sure you were okay.
That was the biggest problem in your eyes. Not the injury itself, not the surgery that you would need to have, but the fact that Charles would move the mountains in order to take care of you.
Which is exactly what happened. 
You had your surgery two weeks after your knee was injured, a mere couple of weeks before the season picked up again. Charles was proving to be a great caretaker, dotting on you and being the sweetest person ever.
He would bring you food, medicine and anything else you would need in bed, he would help you to the bathroom by supporting you. He got in touch with the best physiotherapist that he knew and immediately started your road to recovery.
He would take you to every single therapy session, every doctor’s appointment that followed your surgery to track your progress and your recovery.
He helped you exercise at home, urging you to push yourself in order to get back on your feet as soon as possible.
He would hold you every time you would break down because it would all get too much. The pain, the recovery, the pressure of getting better, the stress on your body. He would hold you through it all, whispering sweet nothings in your ear that would instantly calm you down.
You didn’t like feeling this helpless, like you couldn’t do anything on your own and practically lived at Charles’ pity.
You hated it.
And Charles had begun suspecting as much. He had noticed how closed off you had become over time, but he didn’t want to say anything that might make you feel even worse than you already did.
“Mon amour, what’s wrong?” he asked one evening after you had got back from a particularly strenuous physical therapy session.
You smiled at him, shaking your head as you rested on the edge of the bed.
“Nothing, I’m okay. Just a little tired” you lied smoothly, but it was not enough to convince him.
“Please don’t lie to me. Something’s been bothering you ever since your surgery, don’t think I haven’t noticed” he said, sitting down beside you.
You sighed, biting your lip. You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes, everything that you had been bottling up threatening to boil over.
“I hate how dependent I have become on you” your voice was small, too worried that you could hurt his feelings.
Charles frowned, the wheels in his head turning to understand what you were really trying to say.
“Am I bothering you? Is that it?” he asked, his face sad and broken like a puppy dog’s.
You immediately shook your head, wanting to get up from the bed and comfort him but it would take you way too much time.
“No, don’t ever think that. It’s me that’s bothering you” you said, your frustrations slowly making their way towards the surface.
If Charles had been confused up to that point, he was even more confused now. How could you ever bother him?
“What do you mean? You’re not bothering me, what are you talking about?” he made his way towards you and took a seat next to you on the bed.
You sighed, tears slowly welling up in your eyes as you rested your head in your hands.
“It’s just this stupid surgery. I can’t even get up to go to the bathroom without needing your help. It’s pathetic, I can’t do anything on my own anymore” you cried silently, hiding your face in your hands.
Charles’ shoulders suddenly slumped into realization, his heart heavy. He didn’t say anything, instead he brought you into his arms and pushed your head into the crook of his neck, wary of twisting you too much because of your knee.
You let out strained and tired sobs, clinging onto Charles like your life depended on it. You had missed him, even though he’s been with you the entire time up until then. You had missed his touch, missed him holding you just because you both needed it. Both of you have been so preoccupied with your recovery, with taking your meds, going to physical therapy with Andrea and managing the pain that you forgot to be just Y/N and Charles, a couple.
You stayed in his arms for a while, just needing to let it all out. He understood that, holding you against him without saying anything, just planting kisses on your forehead from time to time.
Once you calmed down, you slowly pulled away from Charles, who wiped away your tears and gave you a small smile.
“Mon amour, I’m only going to say this once. You will never, ever in this life be a bother to me. I don’t care if I have to take care of you every single day for the rest of our lives, I would drop everything in a heartbeat to be with you. Don’t ever doubt how much I love you and the lengths I would go to just to see you happy and taken care of” Charles’ speech did nothing to stop your sobs, in fact they got even worse.
Charles knew it was the pain and frustration talking from you, and that you didn’t actually mean anything you had said to him. However, he didn’t mind one bit reassuring you and telling you anything that you might need in order to feel better.
“I’m sorry” you mumbled out once you started to calm down a little. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for. I get it, I would probably be the same if I were in your place. Just don’t ever doubt how much I love you and how much I enjoy feeling needed when you need me to take care of you” he joked a little at the end, bringing a smile to your face.
“I love you so much” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing his lips down to yours.
Between salty kisses and whispered nothings, you realized that even through the rough patches, Charles would always be there to get you through everything.
Your caretaker for life.
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tadc-ragatha · 8 months
Being Their Friend
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TW: Breakdowns/crises (mentioned), knives, swearing, centipedes, bullying, general mental health stuff, Zooble's limbs being (painlessly) moved/stored/body horror
Type: Headcanons
A/N: Hi. These are just for fun; don't get up in arms if they aren't perfect (they can't be anyway, considering how far into the show we are). Requests aren't open (EDIT: they are open now). Spoilers obviously. Includes only the main six because I honestly don't know enough about Caine yet.
Being her friend entails a multitude of existential crises. Everyone's trying to find their own way to cope, but expect to be helping her through many a panic attack. She's a hot mess most of the time, and doesn't really know what to do.
As seen in the trailer, she still gets scared of getting hurt, much unlike people like Ragatha who know they can't be harmed by knives or whatever else Caine throws at them. It'd be your job to help calm her down during these situations and help her adjust to not being hurt.
Other than that, I imagine once Pomni gets (semi) used to living in the digital circus you'd spend a lot of time looking for the exit. She definitely wants to get out of there before she becomes abstracted--something she knows is possible with her mental state. She also just wants to get her and everyone else out of there. Even that jackass Jax.
Pomni would take a lot of comfort in the things that connect her to the real world like food. If she offers you some food, you know you're really friends with her. If she had access to drawing/painting equipment or whatnot, I reckon she'd try to draw herself in her real form (if she could remember). She's like to see what you look like, and would compliment you on your appearance.
Ragatha's been in the digital circus for a while, and is much more comfortable with it than some of her other friends (or so she likes to pretend). She's fine with getting hit with knives as seen in her introduction short and likely wouldn't be scared of dying by anything else. As she said, her only fear is centipedes.
Still, it'll be your job to get them out of her room for her. Everyone knows what an arsehole Jax can be, and she sure as hell isn't risking walking into her room to find tens of thousands of them. If you don't do it, she's staying in your room for an indefinite amount of time.
Actually, I think Ragatha would like to have sleepovers anyway. It'd keep her impending thoughts at bay. Even if she doesn't require sleep, it's fun and reminds her of home. Like I said in Pomni's section, I think she'd enjoy drawing or painting. Or any creative visual art really, but especially drawing and painting for the purpose of making pictures of what you look like outside of the digital world.
Though be warned, the sight of her may send her off on a spiral of homesickness. Since Ragatha serves as a kind of rock of stability (as best as her overly optimistic self can), seeing her collapse may cause the others to collapse, too. Except maybe Jax, but it'll be up to you to try and get everyone back together before abstraction happens.
First of all, I don't know if this is possible. Not only are we so little into the show to really know, but Gooseworx also said he's going to have some really bad scenes. So, I suppose you won the lottery in doing this...Maybe. It really depends on how you look at it.
Because first of all, he's still a massive dick. He's just rude to everyone, so expect nothing different. He'll still be a jerk to you, "prank" you, or really, just straight up bully you. Honestly, half the time you can't even tell this guy is supposed to like you. He doesn't even really say sorry unless it's sarcastic.
The only way you can tell he likes you as a friend is when he gets all up in arms about you being annoyed at him. At first, at least, he's confused as to why you can't just let it go. Over time, though, he gets more in tune with his emotions and starts to mellow out a little.
However, it does come with the perk of having someone who will beat the ever-loving life out of whoever hurt you. Okay, well, not that far--he's got to keep his reputation as someone who doesn't care about other people, so he'll at most just be a bit of a bigger pain in their side. But it's still there.
Things you'd do together include terrorising the other members (or, he tries to get you in on it, anyway), sneaking into people's rooms to snoop around, and all-in-all just being a bit of a pain. But you also do other things; he seems like he's not one for visual arts or theatre, but maybe he could play an instrument and may--very heavy on the "may"--teach you some stuff. Otherwise, I don't think he's an arts guy. He'd enjoy video games, though, if they had those! And going to the digital carnival for thrills along with just exploring the grounds.
Kinger would be an interesting friend. I have two routes for this guy based on a theory I saw. Route one follows him actually being on the brink of insanity/abstraction. In this route, you have to make sure he's alright. Just be gentle with him and check up on him every now and then. But don't be in his face all the time. Everyone needs a bit of personal space.
You can still hang out with Kinger, obviously. You can still talk about things you'd normally talk about, whatever that may be. Just don't bring up the abstracted queen (who I shall be calling Queener). It'll bring up some...Bad memories.
Anyways, my second route is this: based on a theory, Kinger is actually one of the more stable ones in the group, and is just pretending to be on the brink of losing it. Basically, if I remember right, he's pretending in order to get out of the activities/shenanigans of the group.
But no matter what his reason for doing it is, he's smart as hell. Having tricked everyone, it'd take a keen eye to figure it out. If you do, he'd be impressed. Once he trusts you enough, the two of you will discuss the other circus members and how to outsmart them secretly. You'll also just hang out, gossip...He feels like a guy who'd be into drama, with his whole being the actual king thing. You two would do some impromptu skits and whatnot to pass the time.
Oh, Gangle. What would you do with Gangle? Well, you'd certainly have to be gentle with her. She's a very fragile soul--and also fragile physically--and needs some care. Help her repair her mask, or better yet, stop Jax from breaking it in the first place. In fact, just stop him from doing any mean stuff to her in the first place.
Other than that, Gangle is someone who'd actually enjoy drawing as a hobby and not just a memories thing. She draws anime, and would make you and her anime personas with cool abilities and features like wings and shit. I imagine her art style is very early-mid 2000s anime, with the really big eyes and whatnot.
Anyways, I reckon she'd also write. Mostly fanfiction when she wasn't stuck in the digital world, but since there's no fandoms to write about now she'd start branching out into her own original stories. But don't get me wrong; if anyone was going to write about their friends and fellow members it'd be her. She just hides it somewhere other than her room. Gangle would like to write stories about your sonas going on adventures and saving the world.
Eventually, these stories probably get found by Jax or someone else (but probably Jax). He'd laugh his arse off at them and would run to tell everyone about it. Unless you can absolutely beat the shit out of him, prepare to do some explaining and also comforting for her.
Zooble does not give much of a shit about the others. They wouldn't let them die (at least I think so), but they're in no way buddy-buddy with them. In order to be friends with them, you'd have to meet their strict criteria. So, good job on that!
Being friends with them would either involve lots of gossip because they want to talk shit about people and complain, or it'd have no gossip because they honestly couldn't care less about the others. I can't tell. But if you do gossip, I imagine they know a lot about the other members. You'd be filled in on everything they know, too. They've been dying for someone to tell this too.
Zooble's also very particular about their looks, as seen in their introductory short. They have many stored limbs and whatnot to swap around for their mood. Don't mess with their body by switching around their antennae-like things or ripping off their body parts like Jax. They will retaliate.
Going off of this, though, I imagine they're pretty strong. I mean, they choked Jax like that. So, if anyone (him) comes around to piss you off, you best bet they'll be on their way to beat his arse. Though, it probably ends in a tug-of-war with one of their arms.
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lovekz · 6 months
told you
syn-> rindou’s friends don’t believe him when he says he’s got a girl. and she’s fucking crazy
warnings : reader is possessive (not too bad), rindou gets no play, alcohol mention, reader drinks, crack
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“wanna go out tonight?” shion asks, laying across the couch.
rindou was typing away on his phone, legs propped up on the coffee table.
every saturday, shion would come over and spend a night at the haitani’s, seeing as he was best friends with the younger one.
he was always welcomed, as long as he brought his own clothes.
which rarely happened anyway.
“depends. where?” rindou asked, not taking his eyes off his phone.
shion shrugged, before leaning back and thinking.
rindou didn’t rush him, and decided to continue what he was doing on his phone.
after five minutes of hearing loud videos from shion’s phone, he sat up immediately.
rindou looked at him with a raised brow, not understanding why he was so excited.
but the minute he took a look at his best friend’s phone, he understood why.
shion was showing him some club called angels that opened up a few months ago.
“think i’ll pass on that.” rindou chuckles, before leaning on the arm rest with a yawn.
“what? why?! all the hotties will be there, and drinks- and your best friend! why wouldn’t you wanna go?” shion complained, throwing his hands up.
rindou rolled his eyes immediately at shions little tantrum.
it happened a lot over the years, so it wasn’t like it was new to rindou.
besides, he’s got a valid reason as to why he doesn’t want to go.
“izana said he’s having a party at his tonight. besides, i have a girlfriend. i’m loyal.” rindou explains shortly, looking at shion from the corner of his eye.
shion grows silent, watching rindou with an unreadable expression.
the front door opens, and ran walks in with izana and kakucho following in tow.
ran immediately looks around suspiciously, knowing his home too be too quiet for shion madarame to be here.
his eyes finally landed on the two, slightly confused as to why they were sitting in silence.
until shion burst into loud, obnoxious laughter.
he laughed so hard his face had begun to turn red.
“you? have a girlfriend?! ha!” shion yelled loudly in his face, tossing his head back with howl.
izana immediately catches on to shion's outburst, and breaks into laughter right beside the boy.
kakucho tries to hide his laugh behind a cough, but anyone could recognize it fighting his throat.
ran joins in as well, putting a hand on rindou’s shoulder as he holds his stomach.
“no way! you haven’t kissed anyone since second grade!” ran teased, laughing loudly in his ear.
rindou was getting irritated, looking at everyone in the room mocking him. his so-called 'family' making him feel small.
was it really that hard to believe he got a girlfriend?
“why not tell us where she's from, rin? an a.i app?” izana snickered, making shion laugh louder.
now he felt embarrassed, although he knew you were real.
he’d met you around campus, and even had multiple class with you.
but for some reason, everyone around him didn’t think that you were an actual person.
rindou stood up from the couch, stuffing his phone in his pocket and shoving ran off him harshly.
“I’m going out.” he says, shoving izana out the way out of anger.
izana doesn’t react to it, just watches rindou as he puts his shoes on.
“be safe rinnie. tell your girl I’m having a party tonight and she’s invited.” izana giggles, watching rindou slam the door immediately.
if that was the case, rindou would prove them wrong by tonight.
“babe can you get my shoes?!” you yelled from upstairs in your room, fixing your dress.
you stood in your mirror, fixing your top and spinning in different angles a few times, making sure you liked the outfit.
it was the fifth outfit you put on, and you didn’t wanna be any more late than you were.
rindou came up stairs with your shoes, placing them before you and helping you into them.
“you’re sweet rinnie, but you didn’t have to.” you smiled, letting him help you out regardless.
rindou nods, before buckling them and standing up straight.
“do you like it? think i should change again?” you question, spinning in a circle to show off the outfit.
“mm-mm, don't change. love it.” rindou mutters, pulling you closer by the hips and kissing your lips softly.
you knew he was genuine, not just because he didn't want to wait another ten minutes downstairs.
you smile into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you.
he maneuvers you over to the bed and towers over you, beginning to tug on your shirt.
you immediately press a hand to his chest and push him lightly, smiling up at him sweetly.
“let’s save this for later. we got a party to go to honey.” you whisper, hooking your pink acrylic onto his chain.
he stares down at your own, his name engraved in it with a heart.
you got it custom made for his birthday, along with his name on your thigh.
rindou would never get over it.
when you make it to the party, you immediately leave rindou’s side to go hang with your own friends before meeting his.
he let you know not to get too drunk, but you didn’t have to listen.
so you only handed him your bag that had your emergency slippers and your purse and made your way to the kitchen.
once you left, shion immediately draped his arm around his shoulder and walked him to izana with a cheeky grin.
they were all sitting around in the living room, talking about god knows what.
when they don’t see rindou with a plus one he claimed he'd bring, they burst into loud laughter.
“rin! what happened to your plus one?!” izana asked immediately, tossing his head back and laughing.
rindou rolls his eyes and takes a seat on the loveseat, holding your things in his lap.
his brother notices the extra items, and laughs even harder.
“oh my god you went and bought those? that’s why you weren’t home?!” ran cackled, bringing attention to the items.
rindou puts his middle finger up, rolling his eyes.
“I have a girlfriend. she’s with her friends.” rindou sighs, slouching in the seat a little more.
izana snorts, muttering something about her also being with her other boyfriend.
the group laughs at that.
they make fun of him some more, until the topic of the girlfriend rindou 'doesn't have' grows a bit stale.
shion changes the topic sooner or later, finally in the mood to talk to any female around.
“aren’t they bad?” shion brings to attention, gesturing to the two girls that were standing by the speaker.
rindou shrugs, not paying attention and being loyal to you.
shion groans and snatches rindou’s phone out of his head and looking at him.
“come on! let’s get you a real girl and not a ai. not imaginary either.” shion jokes, before standing from his seat.
knowing shion, he would say some shit that probably wasn't true, or worse.
get everyone's attention.
once that thought runs through his head, rindou grabs his arm and shakes his head, trying to get him to sit back down.
“don’t do it shion. my girl is seriously fucking crazy and i wanna have a good night.” rindou practically begs, looking at his best friend.
ran kisses his teeth and looks at the blond boy, before waving him off.
“go introduce him to one of them. he’s so picky.” ran scoffs in annoyance, looking at his younger brother.
ran seemed to be growing annoyed with his brother's supposed lie.
rindou doesn’t get to object, because by time he tries to, shion is already running over to them.
he talks to them for a while, and the girl in the white mini dress that barely covers the top of her breasts looks over to him.
she sends a wave and a wink, to which rindou just jerks his head up in a small, lame greeting.
he doesn’t show any interest, just looks back down at his phone.
eventually, he feels weight next to him and a head leaning over his shoulder to look at his phone.
at first he believes it’s shion, fresh off rejection and in pain silently.
until he sees a shiny white nail tap on his phone.
he knew yours were baby pink with both your little zodiacs on it with a heart, of course.
rindou had paid to get it done after he broke your other set last week.
“his videos are hilarious. i love watching him.” the girl fake giggles lightly, smiling big at rindou.
it was the girl that had winked at him earlier, now sitting next to him closer than ever.
it wasn't like he'd recognized her from anywhere other than here, or even cared to figure out her name to tell her fuck off.
he was only worried about you.
his eyes immediately began to scan the room for you, but you couldn’t be found anywhere.
“yeah i bet you do.” rindou says shortly, still sounding completely unamused and uninterested.
shion and the other girl was sitting across from them, while ran, kakucho, and izana returned with drinks.
ran hands his brother a cup, probably the same thing he had.
so he takes a little sip of the orange looking liquid and hums at the fruity flavor.
the girl grins and sits up, looking into the cup.
“that looks good. can I try some?” she says sultry, and he knows she’s pushing boundaries.
rindou still can’t find you anywhere in the room to help him out.
before rindou can politely reject her though, she snatched the cup out his hand and drinks from the exact spot he drank from.
she left her lipstick stain on it, smiling at rindou as she licked her lips.
“mm, I was right.” she whispers, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in.
before her lips could try to connect with his, rindou feels her arms forcefully ripped from his neck and his face pushed back.
before long, the entire bottle of taylor port and pink whitney was dumped on her.
“why the fuck are you touching my man?” you asked, giving her the ugliest look ever.
the party seems to pause, music turned down and the entire friend group looking at rindou.
the girl doesn’t get the chance to reply, because she’s receiving punches faster than she can think about it.
she’s throwing her hands in the air and trying to defend herself, making rindou stand up immediately.
your coat was long gone, and your breasts were beginning to spill out your tube top.
rindou grabs you up off her, but then you shove him off and start fighting her friend.
“oh shit!” izana curses loudly, only because his drink was spilling all over the place during the maneuver.
now you’re fighting both of the girls at once, winning even though you were obviously drunk.
rindou groans and lifts you into the air, before shoving the other girls off you by their face.
“i’m not the one, ask about me bitch!” one of them yell out to you from in shion's arms, making you laugh.
“don’t gotta, you’re pussy and butt!” you yelled back, throwing your middle finger up.
rindou takes you up to izana’s bedroom in silence and sits you on the bed with a light frown.
you cross your arms with an angry pout, seeing yourself in the mirror across the room.
your hair was a mess and the tops of your areolas were showing.
rindou fixes your shirt and sighs, not sure of what to say.
“baby you think I won that?” you question with a smile, still a bit tipsy as you stand.
he holds you by the waist to steady you and looks into your eyes.
it was almost as if you didn't just get into a fight with two girls you didn't know over rindou.
not like he didn't expect it though, since it has happened at least twice before when you started dating him.
“didn’t have to do all that mama. was gonna stop her.” rindou says, rubbing your thigh in soft circles.
your skirt was hiked up during the fight, showing off your red thong.
you shrug, wrapping your arms around his neck and smiling big.
“gotta make sure they know you’re mine. I didn’t get this jewelry and tat for nothing.” you whisper, rubbing his cheek.
the door opens and rindou shields you from the view, looking behind him to see who it was.
it was izana and the rest of the friend group, still a bit in shock after the altercation downstairs.
rindou rolls his eyes, before turning back to you and fixing your skirt.
“who’s that? is it your friends? the one's you want me to meet?” you ask, peeking over his shoulder to see.
rindou nods, before deeming you decent enough and letting you go.
you wave sweetly, fixing your hair. “hi! sorry you had to see all that.” you giggle, having a seat on the bed once more.
izana nods, waving you off and sitting on the corner seat. he won't lie and say he didn't enjoy watching it.
“you’re.. his girlfriend?” ran asked in a unsure tone, looking you up and down.
you cross your legs and raise your eyebrow, nodding at him.
“there a problem with that or something?” you ask, immediately feeling offended by the question.
everyone shakes their head, recalling how you handled those two girls down there.
rindou stands up and sighs tiredly, before handing you your purse and your slides.
“gonna go get your sweats out the car. we’re leaving.” rindou informs, kissing the corner of your mouth.
you nod, smiling at him and waving a bit.
“oh! can you see if you see my coat? and my nail? damn, mira’s gonna kill me!” you cursed, looking down at your hands with a pout.
rindou nods, knowing he was just going to end up paying for another set on sunday.
when he closes the door behind him, all eyes are on you.
it stays silent for a bit, before izana speaks up first.
“so how much is he paying you?” izana asks, still in disbelief that you were his girlfriend.
and you were just as crazy as he said you were.
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your outfit : <3 rindou's outfit : <3
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mybelovedwoo · 1 year
choi san as boyfriend, please 🥺🙏🏻
choi san as boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
gn!reader x bf!atz
wc. ~0.9k
an: this one was so much fun to write, thank u some much for requesting it. you can request headcanons if you want to!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
-he is the definition of "the perfect boyfriend" and I'm not even overexaggerating
-this boy is so sweet with you, he acts as if you are made out of glass, he's so gentle and caring
-the biggest cuddle bug, is attached to you in some form in every given opportunity
-he likes to pick you up when you hug, and you wrap your legs around him, and after that, you can't go anywhere, he carries you around
-he is the type of boyfriend who hugs you from behind while you pay at the cashier, or when you do something in the kitchen
-he loves to hold your hands, he just thinks it's so cute, he even pecks it every here and there
-he also loves kissing you, and he's an excellent kisser, definitely knows what he's doing, he's giving you butterflies all the time
-he loves when you hold him in your arms, he feels the safest there
-he prefers to be the little spoon, but ever since he got this big it's just impossible for you to hold him in your arms as you used to
-he's a bit sad about it, but doesn't mind it that much as long as he can hold you instead, he is just not able to sleep without hugging you
-he rather stays home with you, where there's just the two of you, sharing intimate moments, he's a homeboy
-gives you all his attention, you never catch him being on his phone when you're there, he thinks every moment with you is precious, and he appreciates all of it
-he expects the same from you, gets all whiny and pouty when you aren't paying attention to him
-loves watching movies with you, cause when he goes abroad he watches them again and he thinks of you all the time, it comforts him
-loves it when you sit on his lap when he plays video games, he always strokes your back with one of his hands, and you always fall asleep hugging him tightly so you don't fall off (although he would never let that happen)
-his texting you all day long, even when he's at work, he always finds 5 minutes so he can check on you, and can send cute little texts
-at the end of the day, if you can't meet up, he's calling you, because he can't live a day without hearing your voice, you most definitely fall asleep still being on the call
-he is just so soft, nurturing, loving and he cares deeply for you, he makes sure you get all the love you deserve
-he is very supportive, he open-mindedly listens to your views and problems, he wants you to know that you can always rely on him
-he motivates and boosts your confidence, there's not a single day he doesn't tell you how beautiful you are inside and out
-he remembers every special occasion, date, and fact about you, your family, and even your friends
-he can be quite moody though, every activity depends on his mood, one moment he only wants to stay home with you, and the next he takes you on the craziest date ever, like going on a rollercoaster in an amusement park or bungee jumping 
- he doesn't show his soft spot to anyone, he prefers to cry and get emotional only with you
-he feels that you are the one in the first month of your relationship, he is very family-oriented, so he's been thinking about having a family with you early on in your relationship
-he's really romantic, sometimes he just lights candles and makes a warm bath for you with roses and champagne, because he thinks you deserve it
- he calls you really cute names like, sunshine, bunny, or gorgeous, although, in front of his family and friends, he likes to call you his wife, even when you aren't married yet
nsfw +18!!!
-i think he's a soft dom, I don't care what anyone says
-he loves to control you, but would never do something you don't like, and he could never hurt you, his heart could not bare it
-his sex drive is crazy, you have sex almost every time you meet, and can go multiple rounds, he has a lot of stamina
-he's worshipping your body every minute of it, he says things like "god, you're perfect" and "I want to kiss every part of you"
- and there's definitely not a single part on your body he hasn't kissed yet
-respect and trust are very important for him in the bedroom too, he would never say something to you he wouldn't say out of it, and he makes sure you feel safe and respected
-he loves to make you feel good more than himself, sometimes it's enough for him if he gives you head, and he doesn't want anything in return
-something that is a huge turn-off for him is when he's seeing you being hurt, either physically or verbally, so that's a no-no
-he asks you every here and there if you are enjoying yourself or you're feeling good, likes to know what you are thinking
- he always starts off slow and affectionate, but after some time he loses it and gets more and more faster and a little rougher (as I said he has a lot of stamina and needs to let it out somewhere)
-he's not too loud, he just groans and moans a lot into your ears
-he loves it when you sit on his lap and ride him though, he always holds your hand and tells you that you're doing good
-he's so soft and sweet after, aftercare is really important for him, first, he likes to cuddle, and after he likes to clean up with you, maybe taking a shower with you while you cuddle and wash off each other
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lovemomhatepolice · 1 month
charles leclerc nswf alphabet (part 2!) (minors DNI!)
navigation taglist requests
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N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) There is no question of any degradation. Never in his life would Charles turn to you - whether during sex or in normal functioning - in an offensive way. No sluts, whores, bitches. To him, you are the queen and mistress of his heart, so that's not an option. O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Honestly, it depends on your mood. Sometimes he can't get away from you and all he would do is spend time between your legs (you can't accuse him of lack of talent, the boy knows what he's doing) and not pull away. However, he also likes it when you take the initiative and take care of him. Especially if you both have developed such a mode that you are damn satisfied. P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Here, in the same way, I can say that it depends on the mood. Mostly, however, he puts on intimate, hot close-ups that are so infused with romance that one could even dream of such…. But if you just ask him to be faster or harder, he won't refuse. Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) Despite his fondness for romantic close-ups, he is not opposed to quick rounds. If you just don't have much time, and you're already both bursting from lack of touch, definitely a quickie in the toilet is a great opportunity for him to be able to feel all of you. However, it's definitely more common for you to have quick oral sex when a man dives under your dress or you go on your knees. R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) Since Charles told you directly that he would like to have children with you, you happened to have sex once or twice without any protection - to his disappointment, it didn't work out. And as for the risk of space, Charles tends to shy away from that. He loves to show that you are together and love each other, but the sexual sphere is only for your eyesight. S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) I think so 2-3 rounds at ease. I do not think more is needed here. Your sex mostly lasts quite long because of the techniques you use to make it better and longer, so don't need more than 2 rounds mostly. T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) No. I don't feel like Charles has any toys or wants to use them in his relationship with you. Don't take me wrong - Charles is not the type who would be jealous of toys, however, he doesn't feel the need to own them. He is not against them - on the opposite, if you do own one, it will definitely come from his lips at some point that you should show him how these wonders work on your body… U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh, Charles on the one hand loves teasing you and on the other hand hates doing it. It all depends on the moment - if it's a quick round, there's no time for teasing either. If you have intoxicating romantic sex, he mostly doesn't do it either. But when it comes down to it, and it's Charles who is on his knees in front of you, oh my gosh! He loves it when you're one big moaning pile in front of him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) The middle of the Leclerc siblings loves to pay compliments during intercourse. Sam also constantly shows how good you are to him, but I wouldn't say it's somehow super loud. Yes, his mouth often opens with a loud breath or moan, but it's mostly you who are louder, which doesn't bother him at all… W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) A man loves the sight of you on your knees in front of him. It's really never been a big deal to him in his life, but if it's YOU kneeling in front of him with the intention of doing him good, you don't have to wait long for the finale… X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) Not too big, not too small - a little larger than standard. The main thing is that it's perfect for you. Well, I swear! The two of you are so made for each other that you connect like a puzzle. Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) When he sees you in skimpier clothes, you don't have to wait long. Oh, Charles himself just has his hands on you already. It doesn't take much for him to come running to you like a stray puppy. But let's not kid ourselves, you also have a high sex drive and it doesn't bother you at all. You have sex often, but without exaggeration - you love the intimacy you can give each other, but in a fit of exhaustion or stress, you just let it go. Showing love in other ways with you is as much as possible, and you do it all the time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Oh, it takes Charles a long time to fall asleep. So you practically always have a long talk with each other after sex, and mostly you fall asleep first in his embrace, and he falls asleep quite a while later. Despite your best efforts, he chooses the moment of his own falling asleep. He loves to contemplate, stroking your hair and smiling to himself at how lucky he is.
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A/N: part one if anyone missed it!! i will be very pleased if you leave something behind - orders are open, and I am very close to 200 followers! maybe I can get in by the end of the week? please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
this time, according to the votes, the chapter with lando won, so there you go!
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thesunisatangerine · 8 months
against all odds (to wait for you is all i can do) – part three
alexia putellas x photojournalist!reader
warnings: explicit sexual content
(a/n in the tags) [parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve]
word count: 3.4k
You woke again nearing midday and, as expected, Ale was nowhere to be found. If it weren’t for the still sensitive marks that she left on your neck and the soreness between your thighs, you would’ve thought it was all a pleasant dream. Something on your nightstand caught your eye as you stretched and when you picked it up, all the remaining doubt shattered. 
On the piece of paper was a phone number with a little note that said ‘text me?’ and you couldn’t help the grin that made its way to your lips at the drawn smiley face at the end of it. You picked your phone up, added her to your contacts and sent her a hello-it’s-me text, noted the notification of an email from Derek, and then you got out of bed to get ready for the day.
When you returned to the bedroom from your shower, a message from Ale was waiting for you. 
‘Hey, good morning! Listen, as much as I’d love to… have fun with you again, I can’t see you the next few days.’
You laughed at the varying degrees of sad emojis that superseded her text. Then you messaged her back. 
‘That’s fine. Just text me when you’re free. And you already know where I am so…’
You abandoned your phone after that in favor of your laptop as you remembered Derek’s email. Upon opening your mail, you found it immediately.
‘Good news. Robert sealed a deal with a client and they want you to follow FC Barcelona in their Liga F campaign this season. We got 5 match passes so far–Robert believes that the client might be inclined to commission for more photos depending on how the club progresses throughout the season.
Find the passes in the attachment as well as the in-depth commission details but in short, apart from the customary team photos, they want photos of the following players prioritised in order: Alexia Putellas, Maria ‘Mapi’ Leon, and Caroline Graham Hansen. I’ll leave the research to you.
On an informal note, the window to decline is still open. As previously discussed, you don’t have to do this. Let me know what you decide as soon as possible.’
You checked the attached files and sure enough, you found the passes for Barcelona’s matches against the following clubs: Real Madrid, Roma, Alhama, Atletico Madrid, and Sporting Huelva. You noted the date for the one against Real Madrid–it was in a couple of days, the same one Ale suggested and a thrill of excitement went down your spine at the thought of possibly seeing her again. Maybe you should message her to let her know that you were going. 
You sent a confirmation to Derek before you created a new tab to begin your research. ‘Alexia Putellas’, you typed and hit enter. When the results came back, you stilled. 
You blinked. 
Then you blinked again.
Of all the places you’d expect to find Ale’s face, a search result about a professional football player was the last thing you could think of. But memories flashed unbidden through your mind: the exclusive night club, Ale’s vague answer about her job, the way her eyes shone whenever you mentioned sports or football, her reflexes, her physique, Ale… Alexia–it all made sense now. 
Groaning, you put your face in your hands as your cheeks and ears burnt from the embarrassment that flooded your veins. Oh, how dense could you get! She must’d thought you ignorant for not knowing who she was. Foolish! 
But then again… if she didn’t get a kick out of you not knowing, why did she allow the second time to happen? And why promise a third? The thought calmed you down enough to decide not to text Ale–no, Alexia–about this like you’d originally planned especially since you were most likely going to see her at the game anyway.
After another moment to regain your composure for the time being, you proceeded with your research. You clicked on an article, and an article lead to another, which carried you over to a video, and so on. By the end of it, evening had settled and you only managed to discover little. But from what you found out, there was no question to Alexia Putellas’ nascent legacy, both on and off the pitch–an undisputed, modern trailblazer for current and new generations of female athletes. You were gutted to know about her ACL injury though–a quick deviated search made it known to you how serious of an injury it was, especially for an athletic career–and you wondered when she would be able to play again or if she would be playing in the match against Real Madrid. After all, she did say she was going to be there.
You wrapped up your research about Alexia then and you finally moved on to Mapi Leon, then Caroline Graham Hansen. Afterwards, you briefed yourself on the rest of Barcelona Femeni’s 1st Division players as well as the rules of football to come up with a strategy to tackle this task.
A mixture of anxiety and excitement rushed through you as you settled in for the night at the thought of seeing Alexia again now that you know about her identity. You didn’t know what you had gotten yourself into the moment you let her take you to the dance floor but the pull was there from the very beginning. And you decided you were going to see this through to the end.
No. This wasn’t going to change anything at all.
There it was: Estadi Johan Cruyff, home to Barcelona Femeni, stood proud in its blue and red glory.
There was still about an hour and a half left before kickoff but already, people had gathered and started to enter the stadium, you being one of them. Security scanned your press pass as you entered and you were told to head through a different corridor which lead you out to the pitch. Once inside, it was no surprise that the stadium’s interior was no less grand than the outside, the well-tended grass was just a taste to the quality that this place had to offer. 
Greeting the other photographers who’d settled in earlier as you walked, you searched for a spot and found it by the space adjacent to the corner flag farthest from the tunnel entrance. There, you placed your duffel bag and your portable stool as you worked to set up your equipment: you double-checked the batteries, attached the right lens to your camera, unwounded your monopod and connected it to your camera. 
By the time you looked up, there was already a significant crowd awaiting the players for their warm-ups. You took this chance to take a few shots of the still half-filled stadium, tweaking your settings as you did so and you waited for the players to come out.
About an hour before kickoff, you spied movements inside the tunnel and immediately, your eye was to your viewfinder.
Players from both teams emerged from the tunnel and names popped in your head as you scanned the faces from Barcelona, taking shots of them as they stepped foot on the grass and took off in a jog. There was no sign of Alexia though but you spotted two of your marks on the pitch so you wasted no time to frame them in your camera.
A moment later though, you heard a sudden cheer from the crowd followed by a collective flutter of camera shutters. You lifted your eye from the viewfinder, turned your head to the side and saw that your fellow photographers had their cameras focused to the direction of the tunnel entrance. Your heart quickened. Could it be? And sure enough as you looked to the sidelines, you could make out Alexia’s blonde hair and her unmistakable silhouette. Through your camera’s lens you were able to see her better. 
Alexia had on a black leather jacket paired with a top that revealed a strip of skin before the cut of her jeans, finishing her look off with a pair sneakers on and loose blonde hair. She was conversing with her coach, bumping fists and patting the backs of players from both teams who went over to greet her. Then she turned to the stands, waved at their supporters, and she moved close enough for pictures and autographs. She gave one last wave to the fans, shouted an encouraging word to her teammates with a fist in the air, before she headed back into the tunnel. While all of this was happening, you’d framed her through your lens yourself, taking the photos you needed, cheeks warm despite the cooling afternoon air. 
Then all the Barcelona players jogged over to the sidelines and huddled, side to side, arm in arm. You took a shot. Not long after that, all of them left the pitch. 
The game was about to start. 
Alexia wasn’t lying when she said the stadium would get crowded: the stands were filled with blues and reds, flags were flown and waved about, chanted anthems resounded loud and proud in the air–the atmosphere was nothing short of electric. 
You’d moved by the sideline close to the tunnel entrance for the beginning of the match along with your fellow photographers so you could capture Barcelona’s starting eleven. When the players came out, they were welcomed by singing and cheers from the crowd. And as they stood there, you took photos of the entire team first before you moved on to focus on Mapi and Caroline. 
When the whistle blew and the match began, you were back to your original spot, looking to the stands above the tunnel entrance as you tried to pick Alexia out from the sea of faces through your camera. You managed to a few minutes later, and you found her looking rather pensive: one arm crossed over her chest, the other resting on it as she rubbed her chin with her thumb, eyes focused down at the pitch with her brows slightly creased. It looked like longing to you, a burning desire to return home–to start playing football again. The sight evoked such a feeling in you that you couldn’t help but capture the moment. This shot, however, you were going to keep for yourself.
 Now that you knew where Alexia was, following the client’s requisites just got a lot easier. Up until the final whistle, you immersed yourself in your work and the game, focusing more on Mapi and Caroline as they were playing. There were times that allowed you to shift your camera to the stands to where Alexia was and took shots of her, too. By the time you knew it, the game ended and Barcelona won 1-0.
You expected a celebration from Barcelona because they were in their turf after all so you loaded up your camera with a freshly charged battery. The next thing you knew, Alexia was there with the team, hugging and patting them congratulations and her teammates beamed at her, happy to see her there. 
Click You took a shot. 
The players then began their procession around the stadium, waving at and signing things for their supporters. Through your camera, you saw Mapi signing the shirt of a young girl. Click. Next to her was Caroline, reaching over the barrier to sign a ball, smiling as she talked to the boy holding it. Click. 
The procession was near enough that you could hear their banters, growing louder as they approached where you were and the beating of your heart thumped as loud as the chants from the crowd. You congratulated the players as they passed and kept your camera away out of respect. You looked at the end of the line and you met Alexia’s gaze. She was smiling at you while she talked to Irene Paredes beside her and she never took her eyes off you. There was a gleam in them, something akin to mischief and… a challenge? If so, why? 
At that you raised an unimpressed brow at her, both a question and a statement. Your reaction seemed to amuse her because her smile turned into a full smirk.
The procession passed but Alexia lagged behind, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Irene who threw Alexia a questioning look. You watched as Alexia waved her off before she began walking your way and you didn’t miss the fluttering of shutters from your fellow photographers’ cameras. Some called Alexia’s name to get her attention but she ignored them, her attention only at you. You barely had enough time to school your features and hide any signs of familiarity before she was standing in front of you.
“Hey, you. You made it here after all.” Alexia said cooly, lips slanted in a half-smile, one hand in a jean pocket.
“Yeah, I did. Sorry, but do I know you?” You asked in an excessively dry tone paired with an raised eyebrow, but you made sure your voice was just loud enough for her to hear. Catching your drift, Alexia laughed, rubbing the bridge of her nose to try and cover it up. 
“I suppose not,” she extended a hand towards you, “I’m Alexia, and I’m sorry about… you know.”
“Nice to officially meet you, Alexia. Congratulations on the win, by the way.” You shook her hand, ignored the way her warmth seeped into your skin, and hummed. “You know, you remind me of someone I know. Your resemblance to her is uncanny.”
Alexia nodded as she took her hand back, lips quirked. “I think I know who you’re talking about. I think she also wants to know if she could stop by later tonight?” 
Your cheeks warmed and you didn’t fight the smile that made its way to your face. “I did tell her she could whenever she’s free.”
“So, yes?”
You braced your weight against the headboard, forehead over your folded arms, eyes barely open and the erotic sight in front of you did nothing to help the building flood in you. With your thighs bracing her head and from this angle, you could only see Alexia’s closed eyes but you felt her hands roaming and supporting your lower back as her mouth and tongue worked on you. 
She was taking her sweet time though, brushing her tongue over your clit lightly, sucking just enough to build up the pleasure but nothing too much to bring you over the edge. You whined because she did it again only with more pressure this time, circling your clit a few times before she moved away again. You were starting to learn that she liked to play; she liked to take her time and get as many reactions from you until she was satisfied, until she’d completely unravelled you.
A particularly cruel swipe of her tongue, accompanied by the obscenely wet sound it made, nearly incited a sob from your lips but the plea you made was nothing short of similar.
“Ale… please…” You panted.
“–my name.”
“Huh?” You whined out, not hearing what Alexia said after a flick from her tongue sent shivers down your spine.
“Say my name.”
Then she circled your clit with more urgency after she said that–demanding. You keened and ignored her, canting your hips forward to chase that delicious friction you were desperately searching for. 
“Ale… Ale… please!”
Then she stilled completely and you cried out in protest, eyes flying open to meet lidded hazel ones.
“Say my name.” She licked your inner thigh deliberately close to where you wanted it the most.
“Alexia, pl–” You didn’t even need to beg because right after her name left your mouth, overwhelming heat was all you could feel as she ate you out earnestly. Her hands gripped your thighs so tight that you wouldn’t be able to pull away–not that you could ever do such a thing.
“Oh, fuck!” 
Euphoria tore through your body in concurrent waves with brutal intensity that it ripped the strength from your bones while your muscles shook helplessly. Even the gentle touches from Alexia tongue as she cleaned you up were enough to make you hiss from overstimulation. 
God… she really did a number on you this time.
After you finally calmed down, you shifted so that you could lay by Alexia’s side, kissing your way up from the column of her neck to her lips where you found your taste heavy on her tongue. You dragged your fingers from the crest of her hip to her breast, feeling the ridges of her hard-earned muscles as you did so and revelled in the way they tensed beneath your touch, the softness of her breast a beautiful contrast to the firmness of her stomach.
Alexia gasped when you rolled her nipple between your fingers and you gladly swallowed it as you deepened the kiss. You slotted your leg to apply pressure between her thighs, ample wetness coated your skin and you couldn’t help but moan at her arousal.
You nipped a path down between the valley of her breasts but not before you had given both of her nipples the attention they deserved. You continued your journey, licking and nipping at her skin as you moved down her toned stomach.
As soon as you reached her navel, she parted her legs to make space for you. You kissed her inner thighs, loving the way they tensed beneath your lips and as you trailed closer to her core, you flashed your gaze upwards to meet hers. When you finally got the first taste of her tonight, you watched intently through lidded eyes as she closed hers, dropping her head on the pillow and sighed out a long, low moan. 
You gave her a few slow and broad strokes, closing your eyes as you savoured her taste. When she began to urge her hips quicker, you picked up your pace all the while mapping her thighs and stomach with your palms.
You found you liked how responsive she was to your touches, liked the way she demanded for more which you gladly gave to her as she asked for them. And when she cradled the back of your head and buried her fingers in your hair so she could meet your tongue the way she wanted it, you moaned loudly, taking from the way she took hers from you.
“Yes, right there, just–” Her back arched and you clung to her hips like a lifeline. You rolled your tongue against her and sucked, not wanting to disrupt the pace of her fall. 
And fall, she did.
She came on your tongue and you accepted it with a grateful moan, slowing down your pace as she came back down from her high. It was sticky and heady, a reward that you lapped up eagerly, and from the pleased way Alexia threaded her fingers through your hair, she was satisfied. Like her, you took your time cleaning her up because after all it was only polite to do so and you enjoyed the way her leg muscle tensed when you kissed her clit one last time. 
Content with your work, you kissed the top of her left thigh as a form of gratitude but instead of making your way up, you traced the line of muscle that lead down to her knee where scars from her injury had carved themselves permanently into her skin.
You’d kissed those same scars the last time you were together without knowing the story behind them and now that you know, you dragged your lips over them ever more softly, looking Alexia in the eye as you did so. She watched you intently with lips slightly parted, eyes dark and lidded.
Alexia bent forward so she could reach out to you, lifting your chin with a gentle hand. Then she brushed her thumb over your upper lip to wipe the wetness there but before she could pull it away, you parted your lips and took her thumb into you mouth, sucking and licking off the taste there, never taking your eyes off hers.
“My god,” came her breathless murmur before she moaned out, “come here.”
Then she guided you to her mouth with her gentle grip on your chin and before you knew it, you were under her again, sighing in grateful surrender to the mercy of her and her hands. She kissed and ravaged you many times over–and you, her–that by the end of the night, you’d completely forgotten the weight of her name.
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shadowlali · 9 months
happy independence day
COD - Alejandro Vargas x fem!reader 
[18+] wc: ~3.4k  summary: Coronel Alejandro Vargas is thanked for his service. masterlist
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warnings: NSFW, no use of Y/N nor too many details on reader’s appearance, some proofreading, implied age gap (no ages stated but let's keep it legal y’all), oral (f! receiving), unprotected sex
You couldn’t remember the last time Las Almas was this close as a community. Everyone was excited for tonight’s celebrations, not only because of el Día de la Independencia, but because El Sin Nombre’s reign was finally over. Los Vaqueros were the guests of honor, although you weren’t sure if Coronel Alejandro Vargas would attend. There’d been some parties and events since El Sin Nombre had been pushed out of town, but the Coronel was notably absent. You get the impression that he doesn’t like big crowds or celebrations. Still, you hope that he shows up tonight.
- - -
Your crush on Alejandro started the year before when he gave you a ride home after he found you walking alone. It was a straight walk from the lake to your parents’ house, you really had nothing to worry about. You knew what time and what roads El Sin Nombre’s men took, but that didn’t stop Alejandro from practically dragging you into his Jeep. 
“No debes caminar sola por estas carreteras, mami.” [You shouldn’t walk alone on these roads, mami.]
You chose to ignore the pet name and the flutter in your stomach, thinking that maybe it was a slip of the tongue and he didn’t actually mean it. He asked you for your name while he navigated the road through the hills. You introduced yourself, but tried to tell him the ride wasn’t necessary. 
“I’m fine, really. I know these roads.” 
“It doesn’t matter. Bad stuff can happen en cualquier momento,” his hands clenched on the steering wheel until he turned to look at you, ”¿Júrame que no lo harás otra vez?” [Bad stuff can happen at any time. Swear to me that you won’t do it again?]
He didn’t look at you for long, only a brief moment until his eyes returned to the road. But as Alejandro held your stare in those few seconds, there was no denying how scared he looked. Nervous maybe? You didn’t want him to worry, not about you. Not when the entire town depended on him to free Las Almas. 
“I swear.” 
Alejandro gave a nod and the rest of the drive back to your house was quiet, only speaking when you gave him directions to the house. He drove up the driveway, asking you to stay in the car. You thought he was going to speak to your parents about walking alone, but instead he walked to your side to open the passenger door. 
“Gracias, Coronel.” 
He gave a small smile before looking away, his eyes scanning the neighborhood. You began to walk around him before you felt him place his hand on your elbow. 
“Give me your phone… Please.” 
You turned to look at him, confused but nonetheless complying. He typed something and then showed you the screen, a new text message thread to an unknown number. Alejandro’s own phone chirped in his pocket with a notification. 
“La próxima vez que necesites un aventón, me llamas. ¿Vale? ” [The next time you need a ride, you call me. Okay?]
Alejandro handed you the phone and waited until you were inside to get in his car and leave. You replayed the interaction over and over in your head for the rest of the day. And you never walked alone after that, too nervous to face Alejandro again and make a fool of yourself. You’d see him sometimes around town and he’d smile at you in passing. Your friend happened to be with you during one of those interactions, feeding into your delusion that he might be harboring a secret crush on you. 
“The Coronel usually doesn’t smile like that to anyone else, just saying.” 
You felt your cheeks heating, “I think he’s just being nice.” 
- - -
You try to calm your nerves while getting ready for the party. Your parents had left early and were expecting you in the plaza later that night. They’d become more lenient, knowing that since you were an adult, most of the night was going to be spent with your friends. 
You lock up the house and begin the walk into town, your short dress flowing with the slight breeze in the air. As you near, you can see Alejandro’s Jeep parked a few meters away. The streets are mostly empty, everyone already gathered for the celebration. You feel a burst of excitement, Alejandro is here. That’s until you see a familiar face walking alone towards the parked car.
“¿Ya se va, Coronel? ¿Tan temprano?” [You’re leaving, Coronel? So early?]
He looks up in surprise, not expecting anyone to be out here. When Alejandro’s eyes find you, his gaze softens.
“¿Caminando sola otra vez, mami?” [Walking alone again, mami?]
There it was, that pet name. 
He continues with a much softer voice, “Y por favor, tutéame. ” [And please, don’t speak to me so formally.]
You try to hide your reaction. How often was he calling other women, mami? How often was he letting people call him by his first name? 
“Okey, Alejandro. But you’re leaving? All of this is for you, for Los Vaqueros.”
“I… I appreciate that Las Almas wants to thank us,” he pauses, ”but this is my job. I don’t need anyone to thank me for that.” 
You internally groan, of course he’s handsome, nice and humble. 
“I think you deserve it Alejandro. You and Los Vaqueros made Las Almas better for all of us.” 
He gives an imperceptible nod.
You continue, ”I guess I’ll see you around? Have a good night, Alejandro.” 
You give him another smile before continuing your walk. You’re disappointed, having spent the majority of the day coming up with ideas on how to start up a conversation if you saw him. Oh well, it would have to happen another day – 
“You want to take a ride with me?” 
You turn to look at him, Alejandro still standing in the same spot. You’re not sure if you heard him right. 
“I can walk the rest of the way. It’s only a block, you don’t need to worry.” 
Alejandro shakes his head, ”No, not into town. Just… drive with me somewhere?” 
He must’ve taken your surprise as a denial because he immediately starts backing away. 
“If not, it's okay. I just thought that –” 
You interrupt him, ”Yes, I’ll go on a drive with you.” 
- - - 
Alejandro’s not sure if you feel the same fire burning inside, if you’re doing nothing more than being polite. At this point, he’ll take what he can get. He helps you in the Jeep, placing a hand on your lower back and feeling the warm skin underneath your thin dress. He forces his hand to leave your body and closes the door.
He feels an erection forming in his jeans and tries to hide it while getting into the driver’s side. You're in the middle of fixing your short dress over your thighs as you situate yourself in the seat. His breathing becomes rough at the sight of your soft thighs. You don’t notice, switching between the radio channels to find something. You land on a channel while Alejandro discreetly tries to even out his breathing.
While the first interaction and each one after that has been brief, you were constant in his mind. Your kind nature, smile, and gorgeous face drew him in. He's kept his distance so far, reminding himself that he's older than you. What if you like guys your own age? What if you don’t feel the same way? But he has to take his chance.
Inviting you on a night drive seems like the best and only opportunity to get to know you. Plus, it's true. Alejandro doesn’t like parties. Sure, he's patriotic and wants to celebrate today, but the attention is focused on him and his team.
Luck was on his side when you called out to him. You stood there with a smile on your face and in a short dress without any idea of what you did to him, what you meant to him. 
“Where are we going?” your voice interrupts his thoughts. 
“Thought I’d take you to a hill that overlooks the town and lake. It’s quiet up there.” 
A hum escapes your lips, ”Do you like the quiet?” 
“Sí,” Alejandro laughs, “life on base can be hectic. I like to come up here… get away from it for a while.” 
“That sounds nice, Alejandro.” 
You place a hand on his arm, running your fingertips up and down. Alejandro can’t suppress the goosebumps that rise on his skin. The drive there is mostly silent, you hum along to the low music and continue dragging your fingertips along his arm. Eventually, he arrives to the destination.
All you see so far is a dirt patch where he parks and trees blocking the rest of the hill. Alejandro grabs a blanket from the backseat and tells you to wait while he walks to the other side. You can only see that you're at the top of a hill, but you can’t see any sign of the lake that runs through Las Almas. He opens your door but blocks you from getting out. 
“It's a short walk, but I need you to promise me you won’t give away my secret spot.” 
You smile, his stern look more playful than serious. 
“Lo juro.” [I swear.]
And you truly mean it. Alejandro helps you down and you two begin walking, his arm close enough to yours that your knuckles brush with every swing of your arm. Alejandro leads the way, being the first to speak again.
“No pregunté si había alguien esperándote en la fiesta.” [I didn't ask if there was anyone waiting for you at the party.]
You laugh,” A little late for that, no? Just my parents, they wanted me to check in with them later.” 
“No one else? ¿Novio?” [Boyfriend?]
You turn to look at him, a teasing smile on your lips. 
“You think I'd accept your invitation if I had a boyfriend?” 
Before he can formulate a response, you hear it. The trees open to grass and the sound of running water. Far enough from the edge that you don’t fear falling off, you get closer. The grass is soft and you can see the twinkling lights of the center of town in the distance, and the running lake in front of you. More hills and mountains surround the area and the moon is shining especially bright while this high up. Alejandro places the blanket on the ground and takes a seat, smiling as you take in your surroundings. 
“Nice, right?” He says. 
“Alejandro, this is… Wow, it’s amazing,” you turn to look at him, ”thank you for bringing me here.” 
“You don’t need to thank me, mami.” 
Alejandro can’t help but gaze at you. The way the moon reflects on your skin and how your eyes twinkle with happiness as you approach him. You sit close to him, leaving a respectable amount of space between you two, shivering despite the warm air. 
“¿Tienes frío?” Alejandro says, patting the space right next to him. [Are you cold?]
You scoot closer, nipples tightening as his arm wraps around you and places his hand on your shoulder. You lean your head against his shoulder, the sound of running water and crickets making you comfortable. His fingers run soft circles on your arm and you feel wetness pool in your panties. He turns his head, placing his lips lightly on your forehead as he begins to speak. 
“I’ve been wanting to bring you up here for a while, just didn’t know how to ask.” 
His beard tickles your skin, but you enjoy it. You begin to imagine where else his beard might feel nice.
“I’m glad I caught you before you left,” you respond. 
He moves his free hand to stroke your exposed thigh closest to him before tilting your chin up. Your eyes flutter close as you feel Alejandro’s soft lips press onto yours, a groan releasing from his throat. You feel lightheaded, his mouth warm and his fingers caressing your jaw.
You grow confident, turning your body into him and dragging a thigh over his lap, seating yourself directly on the hard bulge between his legs. It's your turn to moan this time, feeling his hands move to grip your ass closer. You pull away from his mouth only for a second to then press small, kitten licks on his swollen lips. Alejandro immediately gets the hint, opening his mouth for you to taste him. 
You stroke your tongue on his, tasting and then sucking his warm tongue. The kiss becomes more desperate, teeth nipping each other and your grip in his hair much tighter. You roll your ass against his jeans, shuddering from the rough friction.
Alejandro moves his mouth to trail kisses and suck the sensitive skin on your neck. You keep moving your hips, one of his hands pushing you into his jean-covered cock and another reaching to tilt your head to the side. His beard is rough on your neck, pleasure blooming from each scrape of his teeth. 
“Te voy a comer a besos.” [I’m going to smother you in kisses.] 
You can only whimper in response, massaging your clit with each bounce of your hips. Alejandro bites your neck before softening the sting with a warm lick. You feel an orgasm approaching, having soaked his jeans from your wetness. He brings both hands to your hips, stalling your movements. 
“Alejandro,” you whine, “please.” 
Alejandro has a surge of possessiveness while looking at your pouting lips and the glazed look in your eyes. Grabbing the bottom of your dress, he brings it over your head, exposing your hard nipples to the night air. You’re left in your slick panties, having ditched a bra since it didn’t fit with the dress.   
“Lie down.” 
Trying your best not to fall over from how shaky your entire body is, you lay down and kick off your platform sandals. Alejandro lightly runs a finger up your panties, pressing right on your clit. Your hips twitch, so close to cumming. 
“¿Me dejas probar tu piel, mami?” [Will you let me taste your skin, mami?]
“Yes, Alejandro, yes,” your voice high-pitched. 
Alejandro kneels between your thighs, pulling your sticky panties down your legs. He places them by on the blanket and brings his lips down to yours. He trails kisses down your collar bone until reaching your tits, sucking and licking the skin.
His fingers are calloused while they roll your nipples, his jean-covered thigh pressing right on your core. Alejandro groans into your chest as he sucks each nipple into his mouth. You're so close, rubbing up and down his thigh, marking his jeans with your juices. 
He pulls his thigh away, a laugh escaping his throat as he continues his descent down to your pussy. Alejandro spreads your legs and runs his tongue from your opening to your clit. You try to rub against his tongue, wanting more pressure. He continues to tease you by pressing open mouth kisses on your inner thighs.
Alejandro’s beard burns sweetly on your skin with each move of his face. He finally gives you what you want, firm strokes with his tongue on your clit and a finger plunging inside of you. You rub your pussy on his face, syncing with the rhythm of his finger. He adds a second finger once you reach down to grip his hair. 
Your vision goes black and your back arches in hot pleasure as you come on his face. Alejandro doesn’t let up, continuing to gently suck your clit and plunge his fingers inside of you. He moans at the taste, your pussy wetting his nose down to his jaw. You feel dizzy once he stops, feeling as he rubs your wetness from his face onto your thigh. You hiss, his beard rough on your sensitive skin. Alejandro sucks your slick from his fingers before standing up.
“Eres tan dulce, mami.” [You're so sweet, mami.]
He takes his shirt off and throws it to the side, quickly moving to unbuckle his belt. Alejandro removes his jeans, briefs and boots, kicking them to the side. Even in the moonlight you see every hard muscle across his chest and arms, eyes trailing down to his thick cock and muscular thighs. He kneels down and spreads your thighs to accommodate his hips. He pumps his length, rubbing the drop of pre-cum across his flushed tip. You reach a hand down to stroke him, marveling at the heat emanating from him and the velvet feel of his length. He throws his head back, his throat rippling from a harsh swallow. You try to wrap your hand around him but he stops you.  
“Don’t,” he responds roughly before softening his voice, “I’ll finish too fast.” 
“I want you, Ale,” your voice pleading. 
“You’ll have me, mami. Don’t worry.” 
Alejandro drags his tip from your entrance to your clit, gathering your wetness and teasing your folds. You whimper, feeling him push in gently. Alejandro stops halfway, needing a moment to control himself while you pulse and flutter your gummy walls around him. Your whines and moans, the nails digging into his back, overwhelm him beautifully.
He sinks until the hair at his base touches your wet skin. Alejandro looks down at you, watching you writhe from impatience and move your hands up to pinch your soft tits. With another loud groan, he pulls out and plunges back into your wet heat. He curves his upper body into you, almost folding you in half. 
“Mierda– ah, you feel– fuck, so perfect.” [Fuck]
Alejandro can barely talk, each word becoming more difficult to say. You move your hands once again to his lower back to dig your nails into his skin. He stretches you with each drag of his cock into your swollen pussy. He brings his mouth down to yours as his hips speed up, plunging his tongue into your mouth at the same rhythm.
You yelp from the position, the hair at his base massaging your clit. He whimpers when you accidently nip his tongue, the hands placed at each side of your arms clenching the blanket. He moves to bite and suck your lips and chin. Ah, ah, ah escapes your mouth once the speed of his thrusts increase.
No coherent thoughts form in your head. Alejandro’s masculine scent invades your nose, the warm breeze caresses your skin, and the sound of running water lulls you in pleasure. You feel a second orgasm forming in your lower belly, clawing its way up your back.
You're close to tears, “I’m gonna – I'm gonna cum!” 
“Fuck, mami. Where – meirda – where do you want me to finish?” 
You dig your nails deeper into his back, not wanting him to stop. You have the sudden urge to feel his hot cum spray your insides and mark you as his. The thought alone tips you over the edge, your mouth dropping into a scream.
“Inside, Alejandro, inside,” you manage to say. 
His mouth swallows your scream, hips pistoning roughly into you until his body shudders and he groans into your mouth. You feel him, his cum filling you up. Your hips keep twisting, riding the high of your second orgasm. The wet, rough slaps echo all around. He can’t believe it, your pussy gripping him tight and draining every drop of cum from his cock.
Alejandro drops his head into the curve of your neck, breathing heavily. You place wet kisses on his shoulder and lick the salty sweat from his skin. After a few moments, he rolls over. He grabs one of your hands and holds it against his beating chest. 
“That wasn’t,” Alejandro sucks in a shaky breath, ”that wasn’t my plan when I brought you here. But fuck, mami. I’m happy this happened.” 
You wait before responding, your heart rate slowly returning to normal.
“I’m happy too. I got to thank a soldier for his service.”
He turns to look at you, a confused expression on his face, “¿Qué?” 
Alejandro rolls back on top of you, tickling your sides as you laugh. 
“I’m the only soldier you’re going to thank for his service. Ahora levántate, vamos a comer.” [Now stand up, let’s go eat.] 
You both put your clothes back on, walking slowly to the car because of the wonderful soreness between your legs. You convince him to drive back to the plaza instead of his house, fireworks lighting up the night sky as his Jeep approaches.
Alejandro grabs food for you while you slip away to say a quick "hi" to your unsuspecting parents. He guides you to a private bench, fireworks the only source of light. You sit in his lap and he feeds you both, fingers dipping into your mouth and dragging against your tongue with each bite of food.
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Oral Exam
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
When your academic rival gets the graduate assistant job you wanted, you’re standoffish towards each other until one party changes everything
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, oral (both receiving), thigh riding, thirsting for Nat
Note: I just couldn’t get college Nat out of my head again so here we are. Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
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It’s finally summer break. Well, for exactly one week it was. You decided to stay for summer classes and try to graduate early, so you only got one week of break.
That part isn’t ideal, but some of your friends are also staying. You’re determined to make it a fun summer anyways.
As you and Wanda walk to class, you catch up on her week at home.
“How was your family?” You ask her.
“Clingy,” she says. “But really good. Pietro asked about you.” She says the last part with a grin knowing that Pietro has had a crush on you since he met you.
“Not my type,” you say, laughing as you open the door to the building.
Wanda chuckles and you follow her inside.
“Right. Your type is redhead sisters of your close friend,” she teases.
“Wands, I do not have a type and it’s certainly not Natasha!”
Wanda laughs it off and you two walk into the classroom. You sit next to her and later Kate comes in and sits on your other side.
“Who got the graduate assistant job?” Another one of your friends, Peter, asks the group.
“I don’t know. I just know it wasn’t me,” you say with a bite to your tone.
You were up for the role despite being a year away from graduation. The professor, Dr. Banner, had loved your writing this semester and he was going to make an exception for you. But at the last minute someone else applied and got the job.
You’re still teeming from the memory when none other than Natasha Romanoff walks in. Was she in this class? Surely she had taken it already.
“Hello everyone. Dr. Banner is running behind, so I’m going to be leading class today. I’m Natasha your graduate assistant,” the redhead introduces herself.
She throws a glance your way and you cross your arms over your chest. Of course she got the job. Dr. Banner practically drools over her.
Natasha starts going over the syllabus with the class and dives into the material. You don’t say a word the entire lecture. She notices.
“I will see you all tomorrow,” Natasha says. Everyone gathers their things, but you’re stopped by her voice. “Can you hang back, y/n?”
You stay put and wait for your classmates to leave. Natasha leans against the desk and looks you over. You feel warm under her gaze.
“Are you not going to participate in class?” Nat asks.
“Not when you got the job I deserved,” you say.
“Ah,” Nat revels. “I’m sorry.”
You scoff at her words. She stands up straighter. You don’t miss the way her dress hugs her hips as she does so.
“I am sorry. Even if you don’t believe me. We both applied for the job. It’s not personal,” Nat says.
“You only got the job because Banner wants to fuck you.”
“How dare you?” Nat says. She invades your space and you’re overcome by the scent of her. “Maybe Bruce wants to sleep with me, which never ever will happen. But I got this job because I’m qualified for it. I worked for it. Do not reduce me to something that man wants.”
You don’t really know how to reply. You know everything she said is true and you feel bad for even questioning her qualification.
“Are you going to say anything?” Nat asks.
“I’m sorry. I’ll participate in class tomorrow,” you say.
Natasha backs away from you and gathers her papers from the desk.
“Good. Your grade depends on it and I’d hate for a pretty girl like you to fail this class,” she says. Her tone changed and for the first time you really think you might be attracted to her.
You leave the classroom and meet up with your classmates to do your homework. The next couple of weeks go by pretty smoothly. You participate and find Natasha to be tolerable despite her position.
She wears dresses and button ups that threaten to distract you, but you keep trying to fight your attraction to her.
It’s one week before finals when you meet up with your classmates to study.
But at some point the study session turns into a drinking game.
You’re a few shots in when your friend Yelena walks in the door. She’s been home for the summer, so you haven’t seen her.
“Yelena!” You pull her into a hug and kiss her cheeks.
“Hi drunk, y/n,” she says, chuckling at your over affectionate self. “I brought Nat hope that’s cool.”
Before you can reply, Yelena is off to talk to her girlfriend. Natasha appears behind her. She’s wearing a light blue button up shirt and khakis. She is wearing what she had on in class today and she looks so good.
“This doesn’t look like studying,” Natasha says, taking in the scene. There are people everywhere drinking and chatting.
“You want a drink?” You ask her, ignoring her comment.
She nods and you grab her a beer. You get pulled away to play a game and beer pong, but after you win you try and find Nat again.
She’s outside and you bring her another drink. Nat accepts it easily, getting a little buzz of her own.
“You look good,” she tells you. It catches you off guard.
“Oh, thanks. You look good too,” you tell her. And she does. She’s undone some of her shirt buttons and her bra peaks out just a bit from her shirt.
“Thank you, y/n,” Nat says. It’s dark but you think you see her blush. It’s quiet for a moment as the two of you stand together. She breaks the silence. “I forgot you were friends with my sister.”
“Oh yeah. Yelena and I have been friends since freshman year. She’s great.”
“I’m inclined to agree. Do you think Kate is good for her?” Nat asks. It’s already the longest conversation you’ve ever had with the woman.
You nod. “They’re both really happy.”
“Good,” Nat says. “What about you? Are you seeing anyone?”
“Nope,” you say. “Although my friend’s brother is into me, so it is nice to be crushed on.”
Natasha chuckles and takes a sip of her beer. You notice the way her neck flexes as she leans it back and swallows the drink.
“You’re so beautiful,” you blurt out, feeling unfiltered from the shots you took earlier. “I mean- yeah you’re beautiful and I’m annoyed by your academic success but I also find you incredibly attractive.”
She smirks at your rambling. Natasha shifts closer to you. Her lips hover over yours.
“I also find you attractive,” Natasha says. “And I really want to kiss you right now.”
Natasha closes the distance and kisses you. Her empty hand comes to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. When her tongue moves into your mouth, you feel weak in your knees.
“My bedroom is upstairs,” you tell her once you break for air.
“Let’s go,” she says.
You take her hand and pull her through the crowded rooms to your bedroom. She closes the door behind herself and kisses you again. And again and again.
“I want you,” you tell her. “I thought about this when you were up there teaching today.”
“Oh yeah?” Nat asks. She kisses your neck and bites against your skin gently.
“Mhm, I don’t remember what the lesson was about.”
Natasha smirks against your neck and slips her hand under your shirt. Her strong hand moves over your side and pushes your shirt up. She stops kissing you long enough to slip the shirt over your head.
“Fuck you’re gorgeous,” Natasha says as her eyes rake over your body.
The two of fall back into your bed. You reach for her hips to pull her closer. She straddles your hips and kisses you again. You begin to unbutton her shirt and you leave a kiss to her exposed skin with every button.
When you open the shirt completely, you waste no time unclasping the bra that had just barely been showing earlier.
“Oh Natasha,” you say before you take her nipple into your mouth. She moans at the feeling.
“I get the feeling you don’t hate me,” Natasha says as she begins unbuttoning your pants. You continue your efforts against her chest.
“Not right now I don’t,” you say. She smirks and slips a hand into your pants. You can imagine how wet you are down there.
Nat pulls her chest away from your lips and moves down the bed. She slips your pants off and takes off her own. Her red lacy panties don’t leave much to your imagination.
“Fuck me,” you mumble. She chuckles and lays on her stomach, settling between your legs. She kisses the dark spot against your underwear, teasing you with her hands on your thighs.
“You’re so wet for me, baby. God I love it,” she says. “You don’t know how many times I imagined you just like this. All spread out for me.” She drops kisses to your thighs as she slips your underwear off your legs.
“You imagined this?” You ask her.
Nat pauses and moves back up your body. She hovers over you with her arms on either side of you. Leaning down she stops just short of your lips.
“I’ve imagined this. I’ve wanted you for so long. I had to take care of myself every night after class because I couldn’t get you out of my head,” Natasha explains.
You pull her lips to yours and kiss her until you’re dizzy. She grins and moves back to her previous spot.
“Fuck Natasha,” you moan as she dives right in this time. You’re not embarrassed for how wet you are for her. It makes you feel so good how she basks in the pleasure of you.
She uses her fingers to work around the edges of your folds and her tongue licks and sucks expertly. She’s definitely done this before.
When your legs begin to shake, she knows you’re close but she doesn’t stop her ministrations. She goes faster, adding a finger to work in tandem with her tongue.
“Nat,” you whisper, pleasure keeping you from being any louder. “Please.”
“Let go, detka,” she says. Her deep voice vibrates against you and cum hard against her tongue.
Natasha keeps her lips on you until you’re pushing on her head to ask for a break. She kisses your hips, stomach, and breasts as she makes her way to your face again.
“Are you okay?” She asks. Her hand rests on your cheek, it feels so loving, so soft.
“I’m- I feel amazing,” you tell her. She smiles and brushes her thumb over your face.
You kiss her softly, but the want for her takes over quickly and you’re pulling her onto you again. You slip off her panties and can’t help the gasp that you let out. Her body is just so perfect.
She moves her hips against you and moans when your leg falls between hers. You feel her wetness against your leg.
“I’m going to ride your thigh, baby,” Natasha says. You’re not going to say no to that.
You reach for her hips and help her move against you. She’s above you, her perfect breasts moving with every thrust of her hips.
“Come for me, Natasha. Show me how you thought about me each night after class,” you say. You know the talking is working when Nat has to fight to keep her hips going. “You’re so hot right now. Being so good for me.”
“Fuck,” she mumbles.
“That’s it, sweetheart. I thought about you when I touched myself too, Nat. Keep going.”
Her movements become more erratic and she’s coming on your thigh. It’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
Once Natasha’s recovered, she lays next to you and you reach for her hand. She grips yours back easily.
“How do you feel?” You ask her, turning your head to face her. She’s got her eyes closed, and when she opens then you’re lost in the sea of green.
“I feel like I’m dangerously close to falling in love with you,” Natasha admits.
“Is that a bad thing?” You ask.
“No,” Nat says with a smirk. “But technically I am your teacher.”
“Yeah, that’s true. Well, maybe you can give me an A on my exam then?”
Natasha laughs and leans in to kiss your forehead.
“It was worth a shot,” you joke. “Really, I like you so much.”
“I like you so much, too. The class is over in a week and then we can go out,” Nat says. “If you’d like to,” she adds shyly.
“Of course,” you say. “Would you like to stay tonight? I mean it’s already late and you live across campus and-“
“Yes,” Nat interrupts your rambling. “I think technically this would still count as the same evening so we could-“
You cut her off with a kiss. The kind that is definitely going to lead to more. When you pull away, Nat is smiling mischievously.
“Oh, you’re definitely getting an A for tonight,” Natasha says.
“I haven’t even taken the exam yet,” you climb onto her and she giggles happily. It’s the most carefree you’ve ever seen her.
You sink down onto the mattress and settle between her legs.
“I get it,” Nat says aloud. “An oral exam.”
You share a long laugh with her. Mostly because you didn’t even mean to make that reference. But when you bury your face between her legs, suddenly everything becomes clear about how you feel about her.
And you know that you want her more than anything else in the world.
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mistyresolve · 4 months
| This Isn't Normal - Simon “Ghost” Riley X Reader
Word Count - 560
Summary - Simon Riley believed himself to have moved past the anger issues. He never thought he'd have an outburst again, least of all have it directed towards you.
Tags/Warnings - Trigger Warning! Abuse, untreated anger issues, yelling, established relationships (ending of said relationship), angst, disassociation.
A/N - As some may know Simon canonically had anger management issues and I'd like to think my baby girl version of him would NEVER act like the Simon in this one shot. I would also everyone to know that this type of relationship is not healthy and if you find yourself in a similar situation please seek help. Everyone deserves love and respect.
Masterlist  ❤︎   
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It was nights like these where Simon truly wished he was anyone else, where he could step out of his own skin and turn away from himself. The nights that were made silent by his shouts and outcries of anger. He hated the putrid rage that seeped from his pores, how his fury rushed through his veins like fire. Yet, he couldn’t stop himself. He couldn’t control himself. His mouth had grown a mind of its own and words had left his lips before they were a fully formed thought. 
At some point, he’d stopped seeing. His vision of blur of colours and shapes. His perception of his surroundings was made skewed by the overwhelming disgust toward himself. He couldn’t remember what even started this fight. 
He was sure whatever it was wasn’t deserving of this reaction. 
But he couldn’t stop. 
You had long since stopped responding. Your eyes glazed over as you stared off into the distance, your mind undoubtedly protecting itself from the onslaught of his anger. You didn’t even try to defend yourself. 
He would never understand why you didn’t just get up and walk away from him. He didn’t understand why you didn’t lock the bedroom door behind you and call the cops on him. 
He has never and would never hit you. He never got violent like that. Never punched walls or threw glasses but he yelled. He spewed hatred like it was a sport when he was triggered. 
He thought he was doing better. It had been nearly a year since his last outburst. Or his first outburst with you, depending on how you wanted to look at it. He had promised you it would never happen again.      
A memory flashed before his eyes and he froze, his eyes widening his shock. His father's face, red from yelling at him and his mother, seared into him. The air was sucked out of his lungs and his mouth snapped shut. 
The silence in the room was deafening, and his ears rang from it. He backed away from you, biting hard into his fisted hand. 
Finally, your eyes shifted to his, emotionless, and his heart shattered. What was he doing to you? He was once again sick with himself. 
You took the pause in his attack as your time to leave. You stood from the couch and walked out of the living room. 
Several hours later he found you on the back balcony, leaning on the banister with a very full glass beside you. 
He opened the door to the balcony, stepped outside and leaned on the banister a few feet beside you.   
“I think you should leave me,” He murmured into the cold air, his breath curling in front of him, “I know,” he corrected himself, “I know you should leave me.” 
You turned to face him, your cheeks blushed from the cool air. Your eyes searched his face, before looking back out the skyline. You remained silent for a while before saying, “You need to get help…This isn’t normal.”  
He nodded, “Yeah. I do,” he had gone to therapy and gotten treatment for his anger before, and had thought he’d moved past this. 
“I think you should find a place to stay for the night. Maybe even the week,” you took a sip of your wine. 
He bowed his head between his arms, his chest tightening, “I do too.” 
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So I was wondering for a long time what would canonically happen if a human stayed inside a Cybertronian while they transformed. I came across two pages in IDW comics that mostly answered my question:
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However, would this apply to all other Transformers or does it only apply to those with the same body type as Bumblebee or only Bumblebee? Does the alt mode have anything to do with this? Would the transforming noise be louder or muffled from the inside?
It definitely depends on the bot’s body type and alt mode. It probably depends on the show and continuity too.
In the second episode of Prime, Miko forgets to grab her guitar before hopping out of Bulkhead. It ends up somewhere in his “subspace”:
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Notice how she says “back seat.”
In the IDW panels you sent, Bumblebee shifts his passengers to his back seat before transforming.
This tells me that, when a Cybertronian with a car mode is transforming from alt mode to root mode, people and items are probably safer and/or more comfortable if they’re in the back seat.
A couple of episodes later, it’s discovered that Miko tagged along without Bulkhead realizing it. Twice:
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In the moments leading up to this part, Bulkhead is seen launching from the ground in alt mode and transforming to his root mode midair to grab onto a rocky cliff side. Miko was inside the entire time and survived, although she definitely suffered for it.
What about root mode to alt mode transformation? What would happen then?
Well, in season 3, Miko does what she does and ends up inside of Wheeljack’s subspace:
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It’s never shown whether WJ first transformed to alt mode to let her hop in or if he just opened up his chest and dropped her in. My guess is the latter since, on the way out of the hangar to the ship, Magnus and Bulkhead weren’t far ahead of him when she asked if she could come. They probably would have noticed him switch to his alt mode, which neither Wheeljack nor Miko wanted.
The thing is, did he think before dropping Miko inside?
I doubt that he did, but these are the questions I would have:
Since combat might require split-second transformation, did he drop her in knowing she would survive an emergency transformation to his alt mode? (Unknown)
Did he tell her in which part of his subspace she’d be most comfortable in case he had to transform to his alt mode? (Probably not)
Was his plan to let her out in Magnus’ ship before going outside? (Maybe)
So, in TFP, The safety and comfort of a human inside a bot going from car mode to root mode is unknown.
Unfortunately, I have nothing I can go off of for fliers.
Rescue Bots
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Several times throughout the series, the human members of the rescue team ride inside their partners’ chests when they switch to and from their alt modes. It’s safe and comfortable. They even get nice seats. lol
Barring the fact that this is a kids show which requires this feature, I wonder if the bots were able to choose this for their human partners or if they just made sure to scan alt modes with that particular type of subspace.
It would definitely be interesting to know if Cybertronians have the ability to choose which insides and kibble go where when first scanning an alt mode…
Rise of the Beasts + Bayverse films
RotB gave us a golden glimpse of Cybertronian transformation abilities.
Behold…one of my favorite parts of the movie:
Originally, I was going to use the AoE clip of Optimus scanning his new alt mode and transforming around his human passengers, but this clip works better. It’s an excellent display of what a Cybertronian body is capable of.
With more than a handful of distinct alt modes, Mirage appears to be a special case. I mean, the guy can literally separate pieces of his body to give to others and become an armored suit for a human.
Can all Cybertronians do that? I have no idea. When’s it my turn to be lovingly wrapped in living metal armor? Hm?
Looking at both AoE and RotB, Cybertronians appear to have the ability to move individual parts (within limits).
It would make sense if all bots could at least do what Mirage does in the above clip, if nothing more than that.
This is incredibly useful when transforming with human passengers.
Now, to answer your last question (finally):
The noise level inside a bot during transformation would depend on which parts are being moved and how much shifting is taking place. Cosmetic shifts would be muffled since they’re happening outside, but if parts surrounding the human(s) are being shifted, it’s going to be loud and clear to the passenger(s).
Movies are almost never a good way of determining realistic noise levels, but in the clip with Mirage and Noah, things don’t sound muffled at all.
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ctitan98official · 5 months
Anonymous: Hi! Can i request what would the re8 ladies + mia winters react to y/n sending them nudes
18+ Minors DNI
Hi! Of course! I’m happy to see someone request specifically for Mia! Let’s get into it!
Hopefully, she wasn’t in the middle of taking a huge sip of wine when you sent that text. Otherwise, the entire side of the room she was in is now covered in sanguis virginis.
Depending on if the pics show a lot or a little, Alcina will be flustered accordingly.
Alcina asks if you could send a few more. She claims the first one was a little blurry. Little minx.
I hope you know what you started. Alcina demands nudes at least once a day now.
Oh, poor baby. You better tell her you plan on doing this beforehand. She will go into a complete gay panic otherwise.
She has never felt so naughty in her life.
If you send her a few, she’ll pick a favorite and periodically check her phone throughout the day to ogle it.
Donna might even go so far as to send you one as well… This will only happen if you’ve been together for a long time, though. She’ll blush like mad when you tell her you got the picture… Then ask you what you thought.
Miranda doesn’t quite know what to think when she first opens your text… Don’t be offended. I feel like homegirl just doesn’t understand a lot of modern things.
Once she has time to process, hot damn. To her, this is the best thing humans have come up with since the invention of tea bags! She should know, she was there.
Miranda taunts you with a few pics of her own.
You almost develop a nosebleed after she sends you the first one.
She is also the type to freak out if you don’t tell her what nudes are before sending some.
She is a prim and proper woman! She shouldn’t be looking at such dirty pictures!
She does try to bait you into sending more because she loves them even if she won’t admit it.
Bela giggles like mad when she opens any texts from you. She is constantly hoping you will have sent a collection of steamy pics. It’s like Christmas for her.
Cass doesn’t understand a lot of modern technology, I’m convinced.
If she has a phone, I bet it’s like one of those simplified phones for seniors XD
You’ll probably just have to shove your phone in her face so she can see them. Cass’s eyes widen when she realizes what you’re showing her. She is a big fan.
Cass is obsessed and wants to know if you’ll help her take some pics of herself. Lucky you 😏
Dani would have sent you nudes first. Definitely. It’s part of her flirting strategy.
She really goes all out too. Elaborate outfits, sexy poses. Wowee.
If you send her nudes? She knows you’re a keeper, for sure.
Dani immediately drops everything and forces you to help her relieve some… Excitement that your photos caused her.
Dani would be a great camgirl. 100% She has the perfect personality and gorgeous features to boot!
Mia is a sweetheart. She’s pretty innocent, but your photos have her in a constant state of sexual frustration.
She just wants you all the time now. Day or night, you better come and see her when she gets nudes from you.
I think she would send you nudes of herself to pay you back. Fair is fair.
Mia’s pretty face and banging bod? Yes, please.
I think Mia would be somewhat embarrassed at getting nudes from you at first, but she quickly gets over that because she just loves looking at the pictures so much.
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reikissu · 6 months
Baji Keisuke dating headcanons.
a/n: a new dating hcs for baji, since my last ones were ooc as hell 😟 (mikey, draken, mitsuya, pahchin, kazutora)
genre: fluff, a bit of comedy
reader: gender neutral
warnings: cursing, mentions of violence and injuries
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baji’s an odd one, despite him being an infamous delinquent and being held back a year, he’s the sweetest boy ever.
he’d call you baby, dumbass or babe, it depends on different days.
he’ll do anything for you, even if it meant killing someone. need help with something? alright, he’s up for the job, but if it involves homework, he’ll try his best. you hate someone with a burning passion? he’ll beat the living hell out of them for you.
he sometimes gets into fights on purpose so you’ll take care of him, you’ll hear a stone hitting your bedroom window and you’ll see your beaten up boyfriend with a shit eating grin outside your house.
“babyyy! treat my wounds please!” “you got into another fight? oh my god. 😠” “hehe.” “don’t hehe me, keisuke! whatever.. get in here.”
his mother adores you, she’s very happy for you and keisuke. she’s proud of her son because you always tell her how well he treats you, she now knows her son will be a good husband. ryoko would give you food as thanks for making keisuke happier, she’d also always ask him about you.
“how’s y/n?” “huh? oh, they’re doing good.” “oh okay, when will they stay over again?” “hmmm.. not sure, i’ll ask them tomorrow.”
there’s times where he’s in a bad mood, he gets the urge to punch someone or burn cars, but he then remembered that you told him not to. so he just pays you a visit whenever he feels cranky.
his type of dates would be after school or at night, after school you both would go to his favorite café and eat while telling each other what happened in your day, at night he would take you out on a ride or bring you to a night market.
he dreams big, and he works hard to make sure he’ll be able to achieve that life with you. a life with you where you both are newlyweds, living in an apartment without a single worry, having cats and cute kids. it makes him blush when he thinks about it.
if you’re a hardworker who never takes a break, he’ll drag your ass out. “Huh? Kei, where are we going?” “We’re going to that place you like so much.” “Why? I was doing something you know!” “Dumbass, it’s been days since you haven’t left your room, i don’t wanna open the door and see you dead on the floor.”
he would give you small things as his way of showing you his love aside from kisses and hugs. like your favorite snacks, keychains of your favorite flower or animal, and jewelry he can afford.
you both would have matching phone charms and rings, the phone charms would be cats and the rings would be sun and moon themed. he never takes off his ring, even if he was in a fight or if he was taking a bath.
he would proudly introduce you to mikey and the others, he doesn’t care if it’s embarrassing, he wants to show you off.
“Meet Y/N, they’re my lover.” “Wait, what?!” “Woah, you got yourself a saint if they can handle how much of an asshole you are.” “Nice to meet you, Y/N.” “Man, i never thought you’d be able to get a lover!” “They’re hot.” “HA?!” and everyone else has to hold baji back from beating kazutora up.
he gets jealous, even of kids. one time, a little boy came up to you and told you that he wants to marry you one day, you just said thank you and laughed it off… while keisuke, was glaring down at the kid and was like “😠… Hm.”
he would introduce you to every cat he owns. “This one’s Yuko, this one here is Peyoung, and this one, my favorite is named Y/N Jr.” “You seriously named a cat after me?” “Duh, you should’ve expected that from me.”
he’d always crave for your warmth, even at school. whenever you two are alone in a place at school, he’d hug you, if you two are staying over at his place or your place, he’d cuddle you. his arms around your waist, his face buried into the crook of your neck as he takes in your scent.
if you have younger siblings or pets, he’d gladly take care of them if you are busy or anything. he’d be the type to get along well with your parents too.
he would smell like Versace Eros, he would probably have that as his perfume because one of his rich relatives gave him that as a birthday present. so it makes you giddy inside whenever you hug him.
he isn’t very talkative and nice to other students except you, if they’d try flirting with him he’d immediately tell them you’re his lover. you are the only exception to him, no one else can play with his hair, touch his body, or even try to fix his necktie and fake glasses.
rando: “Ah, Baji-kun, your collar’s wrinkled.” he’d swat their hand away if they even try to touch his clothes, “Don’t touch me, i can fix it myself.” but if it’s you, it’s an automatic yes.
baji would ask help from you if he was having hard time with some topics in some subjects, and he’d feel bad for bothering you. but you always assure him it’s fine for him to ask for help. that’s why his test scores went up, all thanks to everything you taught him.
in short, he’s the type to improve his flaws, to study hard, to be more careful with his attitude, all for you. he’s willing to do everything, even if it has risks of death. his heart only belongs to you.
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© reikissu do not repost/steal any of my works and repost it on other platform/s. I do not own the characters i write for at all, reblogs are appreciated though ♡
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