#I kinda rambled but im super excited about things
The absolute terror I felt while reading your last post- I thought I was about to be called out😭 Anyway yes, Dadler is a poor soggy sandwich of a character, but I just think he's neat. And I have a handful of fanarts I want to make for his fic xoxo
He is neat.
I can't wait till I do some more shenanigans in the Dadler lives au but there needs to be a few more reveals in Lofi before I can really get into some stuff. lol
really, the only fnaf part about my fic is that it just has the animatronics and the pizzaplex in it. The amount of human ocs I make for this is absurd.
But there's like only so much you can do with faceless and nameless humans.
I want you to know the names of the human employees laid off and the names of children who died.
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I probably asked this before but can you do a full analysis of halbarry, idk it's like i rarely see some analysis of their dynamic or as a ship
I recently saw this and thought to myself that there haven't exactly been any FULL analysis of these two together as both a dynamic or a ship. I mean I've seen people talk about these two in specific issues or mentions/team-ups but not in all of the things they've appeared in together as an item or mentioned of one another altogether. How their dynamic changes from the connection they had to earlier comics vs between and vs now.
So I WILL write a FULL analysis that will be posted (soon). And in this document we will be seeing both Hal Jordan/Barry Allen AND Green Lantern/The Flash; Basically the way the act around/with each other will for sure be different out there fighting rather than personal situations that come between them.
It won't be a full analysis but, I'll be starting where they appeared together through a JLA team-up back in 1960 within the crescent of the Silver Age, and going on from then to now (2023). This is quite a lot but I will explain things and talk about how things they come across change their dynamic or in general stuff such as deaths or rebirths, or even different writing.
(Also I will mention you once this comes out since you asked for it... But I also wanted to write about their dynamic.. they are dear to me.)
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( + Additional information, yes, I will be labeling every issue I talk about)
I got really excited once I saw this ask, and I quickly went to work with it and started to list off some of the things I talked about here but it will be posted when it's done.
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vilelittlecritter · 1 year
Me: "I don't like people, I prefer being on my own and not talking"
People: "oh okay we'll leave you be then"
#its not that i dont like people. its just that i have resorted to avoiding people out of habit and a sense that i make things worse#like its not that i DON'T want to message my friend. its just that I cant bring myself to since i usually dont#ha ha ha. god i am desperate to just speak to people but I want to be left alone and im scared of people turning out to be mean#i kinda feel like crying when i see people say how they love their friends and cuddle up with them and have fun#lol one of my old best friends caused me to have awful anxiety about myself because he judged and made fun of ke constantly#oh yeah and that other time after i broke up with a friend because we stupidly decided to try and date and it didnt go well#the bastard asked the person out that night. they said no because they aren't an ass or dumb. god i should have left him when he said that#oh yeah he also made fun of my sunny cosplay i did and then left me alone in the comic con crowd for half an hour#as someone with anxiety that fucked me up just a little#so yeah bad past friendships and terrible social skills have left me to just go lol cant get hurt if i dont have friends!#ha ha. this is agony.#i have like one actaul friend i talk to and she's going through some stuff and wants to be left alone#which is understandable but now I'm talking to absolutely no one#also even if i were to talk to people i just feel i make things worse#i feel like im obnoxious and weird constantly and I'm sobscsred that people are going to think I'm creepy#its not that im doing anything super weird its just that with my autism I can get overly excited and start rambling and not thinking#yet another reason why I've chosen to stop speaking as much#im also just really snappy sometimes#I remember a while ago someone i was kinda friends with asked me if i was okay and i said i was fine#they kept pushing because they were concerned and no ones ever really done that so i kind of panicked and raised my voice at them#i wasn't angry i just never had someone try and actually pry that deep before other than maybe my parents#they seem like a lovely person but i still feel so horrible for doing that to them#sure i apologises later and they understood but i felt like it was one of the most awful things ive done to someone#i hate even the thought of being cruel or mean and all they were trying to do was help and i snapped at them for it#sorry for being ranty but I'm starting to think im really not okay#I've pondered the idea of possibly having deppression but thats a conversation for my counselor#again sorry for sumoing and ill probably delete this soon#if anyone has read all of this im honestly impressed#personal rambles#vent tag
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arolesbianism · 9 months
Mark meeting ded is just gonna be him going btw have you heard of the music producer 8ballin' 👉👈? And ae is just gonna sit there like I've been in every wrong place that you can imagine for the past half a decade you tell me
#rat rambles#splat posting#just wait until he figures out hes talking to the guy who was putting out all those sick beats during the lowest point of his life#hes going to be inconsolable#also sorry for the self indulgent mark posting Im just excited for him to get to do things again#despite technically having a lot going on Ive always felt that his limited relationships have made him the weak link of my agents#I love him sm and I love his dynamics with the others sm but he just doesnt have the bond with either of off the hook that I wish he did#but its kinda inevitable because he definitely was way too up his own ass during octo expansion to willingly talk to marina much#and pearl by extention#in fact cuttlefish is who he ended up closest to but hes been busy being off with his favorite children#so Im hoping thisll give me more ideas for him and pearl especially in the modern day when hes much more stable mentally#bestie survived the horrors of being 14 nothing will ever get as bad as that <3#now would probably be a good time to read octo expansion retranslated tbh make sure Im not missing anything super important#itll probably also be good to make sure Im satisfied with the current state of marks octo expansion stuff and rework some stuff maybe#I probably wont touch it too much but I think maybe adding some early on mark marina interactions could be good#basically give him a frame of reference for what talking to her felt like before his old grudge starts to return to him#oh yeah btw for mark his temporary memory loss was from too much exposure to sanitized ink#he did in fact go there to sanitize himself the only reason he wasnt able to was because the fumes from the shower caused his movement to#get kinda fucked up along with his vision so he fumbled about for a bit as his body fought the bits of sanitized ink that got in his system#he thought he was straight up dying so he tried to retreat but ended up running into cuttle and sash and the rest is history#his mental and physical state would worsen a bit more and only after that would his body start to slowly but surely flush the stuff out#it wasnt nearly enough to properly sanitize him or cause any coloration but it was still very much enough to effect him poorly#part of the reason that the trials helped with the memory loss was that all that movement and moving ink through his systems helped a lot#but he still struggled a Lot with it initially due to his struggles with balance and coordination#even post oe he has worsened short term memory and has some nerve damage#so yay chronic pain time#despite this he's still a duelies squelcher main because ofc he is#but in all seriousness he often does have to wear wrist braces and has had times where hes had to take extended breaks from ink sporting#its smth he struggles to accept is a limitation for him especially since the whole reason he initially wanted to get sanitized was to focus#more on his combat skills and prove himself as a soldier of great importance
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flowerxbunnie · 6 months
since im like i love w/ ur writing can u PLEASE do nate smut??
idk what but like please
Nathan Doe x Fem reader
Warnings: angst kinda, SMUTTTT
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I’ve been friends with the triplets since I can remember. We’ve been on so many family trips in our time growing up together; beach vacations, skiing, boating. Never did I ever think I would agree to go camping with them.
But here we are in the mountains, setting up our tents and gear. It’s us four and Nate for three days, living out of tents and stuck with no cell service. It’s not exactly my idea of a fun time, but Matt loves the outdoors and Nick and Chris seemed super excited to get away for a while too.
“Pass me another stake, this one won’t go in the fucking ground!” Chris yells from across the jumbled up pile of fabric that we’re struggling to turn into a tent for him and Matt.
“This one is the exact same,” I laugh while grabbing another one out of the package and toss it his way. “But there ya go, have at it kid.”
He grabs it and replaces the one he had been trying to get in at first, this one going into the ground on his first attempt. He shoots me a teasing grin and sticks his tongue out like a little kid, earning a laugh from me in return.
“Maybe you should listen to the boys for once, Y/n,” Nate blurts out, my eyes narrowing in his direction. “Girls weren’t built for these tough woods.” He snickers and tosses a chip into the air before catching it in his mouth.
I turn my attention back to straightening out the fabric in front of me. “Maybe you should make yourself useful and put together your tent. How about that, Nate?” I shoot back without looking at him, my nerves getting more shot with each annoying thing he does. It’s been a fucking day already.
“It was a joke, damn. Someone’s panties are in a wad.” He laughs his smug laugh and I hear Nick quietly scold him.
He’s always been so immature. I deal with him because the boys love him, but if I had it my way I wouldn’t ever be in the same room as him. He just knows what buttons to press to piss me off and make me want to pull my hair out. He thinks it’s so funny to make jokes about me being a helpless, dumb girl, and that is far from the truth. Even if it’s just joke, why keep going if nobody else is laughing?
We spend what feels like hours getting the three tents set up, positioning them next to a little creek. The sound of the water is going to be incredibly nice once I finally get to wind down for bed. For now Matt is setting up a little fire in a pit so we can make some s’mores.
I walk to the back of the van and open the trunk, grabbing two of the fold up chairs we brought and start carrying them towards the fire pit. Nick sees me doing it alone and rushes to help, grabbing two more out of the trunk and trailing behind me.
“Thank you Nicky, there should be one more in the ba-” I cut myself off with a squeal, feeling fingers digging into my sides causing both of my chairs to crash onto the ground.
I whip around and Nate is behind me, a devious grin on his face and his hands up in defense.
“That didn’t even tickle, asshole. It hurt.” I spit at him, leaning down to pick the chairs back up.
“Not my fault you’re sensitive.” He laughs, retreating to the van to grab the other chair.
“I don’t know what his problem is, Y/n. I’m sorry. We can go somewhere fun just us once this trip is over to make up for it!” Nick apologizes, speeding up to walk beside me.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m still having fun with you three.” I smile, opening up the chairs and spacing them out beside the fire pit.
Matt finally gets the fire going and Chris gets back from his adventure of finding some nice sticks for roasting marshmallows. We claim our seats and sit around as the sun goes down, feasting on s’mores and listening to Chris ramble.
“No dude, I swear. I heard the footsteps behind me,” he says with wide eyes. “I was sprinting so fast to get back here.”
“There was not a fucking bear stalking you. We would have seen it.” Matt rolls his eyes, adding a piece of chocolate to his graham cracker.
“Not if it was stalking!” He takes a bite, marshmallow sticking to his cheek. “That’s like… the whole point of stalking,” he talks with his mouth full, “to be secretive.”
“Bro that would have been a cool story to be honest.” Nate chimes in, holding his marshmallow in the flames until it catches fire.
“Nate!” Nick says in a warning tone, his eyes widening as Nate pulls it out of the flames and starts whipping the stick around.
Nate stands up and starts doing a dance with the flaming marshmallow on top, carelessly lashing it back and forth. He runs in circles around our chairs, laughing as he holds it over my head tauntingly. Before I can even register what has happened, oozing hot marshmallow drops down straight onto my chest, a throbbing burn stinging my skin even through my t-shirt. I yelp and curse in pain and try brush it off with my fingers which proves to be no help, the stickiness makes it almost impossible.
“What the fuck bro?” Chris raises his voice at Nate, quickly standing up to help me brush the remnants away.
“I didn’t know it would drip..” he says while holding back a laugh, his hand coming up to cover his mouth.
Tears well in my eyes from the pain and I try to choke them back, pulling my neckline down to see a red welt already blistering up onto my skin. “Fuck you.” I direct at Nate, making eye contact with him as I stand up to head over to Matt’s backpack in his tent. It’s uncomfortably quiet, the only sound being the trickling of the water, the crackling fire and my feet stomping on the leaves.
I unzip the door and rummage through the backpack before finding the first aid kit, jumping when I fear the fabric rustling. Matt’s head pops in and he leans down so his head doesn’t hit the top of the opening. “You need some help?”
I nod and feel a hot tear fall down my cheek, brushing it away quickly as Matt digs through his kit for burn cream. I sit criss cross and he kneels down in front of me, sighing as he brushes my hair back and pulls my collar down. “He got you good, but it didn’t break the skin thankfully.” He swipes an alcohol wipe over it and cleans it up, using a swab to apply some cream. “All better?”
I nod and reach my arms out, sinking into his embrace. “Why does he hate me?” I speak quietly.
“Oh Y/n,” he laughs, “he doesn’t. He’s just immature. He doesn’t know when to stop.”
“Well it feels like he does. Haven’t even been through one night and he’s already getting on my last nerve.”
He pulls back and gives me a knowing look before standing up, holding his hand out and helping me to my feet. “I’ll talk to him. Just try to enjoy your time, okay? Don’t let him ruin your trip.”
I smile in appreciation of Matt and our friendship. I give him a nod and a peck on the cheek, jumping when Nate speaks up.
“The fuck?”
Matt and I snap our heads to him, his tall frame standing in the opening of the tent with a puzzled look on his face.
“What?” I snap, seething with anger. “Can’t even get five minutes away from you, huh?”
He raises an eyebrow and gives us a suggestive look.
“Nate, stop being fucking weird. Y/n is like my sister. Get your ass in here.” Matt demands, guiding me out of the tent and back to Nick and Chris, Nate bumping my shoulder as we cross paths.
The rest of the night is peaceful. Matt and Nate eventually came back to join us in our exchange of campfire stories, a grin across Matt’s face as he takes the seat next to me. We take turns talking about all things spooky, paranormal, conspiracy theories, you name it. When it circles around to Nate for his turn, he shakes his head and sits back in his seat. He remains quiet and standoffish for the rest of the night, engaging in conversation as little as he can.
It’s pitch black and the fire is dwindling down when Nick announces he’s going to head to bed, collecting the sticks and tossing them into the flames.
“Same here, Matt come with me so you don’t wake me up with that loud ass zipper later.” Chris ruffles Matt’s hair and gets pushed away playfully.
“I’ll be in there in a bit,” Nate looks at Nick. “I’ll keep a watch on the fire ‘til it goes out.”
Nick nods and retreats off to their tent, zipping it shut.
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” Chris yells as he sprints towards his tent, and Matt mouths ‘help me’ as he scoots in behind him.
The awkwardness in the air is thick and palpable, neither me or Nate uttering a word as the crickets chirp around us. He pokes and prods at the fire, sparks floating off into the air as he moves the remaining logs around. I watch, almost hypnotized by the embers and shake my head, snapping back to reality. As I look up I swear I catch his dark blue eyes looking into mine for a fraction of a second. I huff and stand up, brushing the crumbs off my shirt before I turn around to make my way to my tent.
I zip myself in and do the best skin routine I can do while camping, cleansing my face with wipes and applying my travel moisturizer and serums. I change into a tank top and sleep shorts, happy with the idea of being a little cold while I sleep.
I flip on my portable reading light and set it up beside my air mattress, grabbing a book to read to lull myself to sleep. The soft light is ambient and relaxing along with the steady trickling of the stream just behind my tent.
I read for a while, snug under my blanket and dozing off every couple minutes as my eyes trace across the pages. I hear rustling outside my tent, setting my book down as I listen closer. What if Chris was right and there is a bear stalking us from somewhere beyond the tree line? I jump and gasp as I hear tapping on my door, the fabric rippling and moving around.
“Knock knock…” a deep voice rings out just loud enough for me to hear.
The zipper starts moving around the arch of the entrance, falling down to reveal Nate’s figure standing outside.
“Can I come in?” He whispers.
“Uhh.. I’d rather you didn’t.” I groan and pick my book back up, trying to bring my focus back to the love story in front of me.
“Please? I’ll be quick.” He pleads, dipping his head farther in the tent.
I look up as the light catches on his face, and I can see the dip of his cheekbones, his jaw clenching lightly as he takes a deep breath.
“Fine. Make it snappy.” I concede, sitting up and drawing my legs to my chest instinctively, almost as an effort to protect myself.
I hear the zipper of the door being closed and feel the air mattress dip as he sits on the edge, a good distance still between us. He brings one leg up to rest on the bed and the other hangs down to the ground, nervously kicking back and forth. We sit for a minute without speaking, neither of us wanting to be the first to break the silence. He coughs and clears his throat, urging me to look his way.
“How’s the.. burn?” He asks as his eyes flick down to my chest and back up quickly.
“Really fucking painful.” I state matter of factly, exaggerating to try and make him feel bad.
He breathes out and closes his eyes, an apologetic look written across his face as he opens them again. “Look, Y/n, I’m sor-”
“You don’t have to do this.” I interrupt him, my tone full of annoyance. “I don’t want a half assed apology.”
“Let me talk.. please?” He asks calmly, pulling his other leg up onto the mattress.
I sigh and nod, playing with my fingers that are still interlocked around my legs.
“Y/n. I’m actually really fucking sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he looks down and shakes his head before looking back up, licking his lips. “I just d-don’t know how to..” he stammers, his fingers coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“Go on..” I huff, ready to dive back into my book and sleep this night away.
“Can I just see the burn?” He asks hesitantly, a shaking hand reaching up to toy with my fingers.
I swallow back a gasp as the heat of his hand radiates against mine, his soft fingers guiding mine to unlock. His eyes are filled with a softness, an innocence that I’ve never seen before. I release my grip and allow my knees to fall down from my chest, exposing the wound he left on me hours before. It’s nothing major, just a red welt filled with lingering heat. His shoulders slump as he scans over it, his eyes showing remorse as they meet mine again.
“It’s already a lot better.” I admit, regretting the harsh tone I had used earlier when I lied to him about it still being painful.
“Can I?” He asks softly, reaching a hand toward my chest.
I give him a hesitant nod as my cheeks burn, scared he’ll be able to feel my heart pounding in my chest. My blood burns hot as it courses through my body, a visceral reaction to the distance closing between us. His fingertips graze over it with a feather light touch, so soft it’s like he’s almost not touching me at all. He lingers for a moment, his eyes shutting as he shifts his position to be directly in front of me. His hand drops down, landing on my bare calf as his eyes flash up to mine again.
“I just don’t know how to act around you, Y/n.” He is barely audible as his hand squeezes my leg.
“W-what are you talking about, Nate?”
“I just..” his hand inches up to my knee. “I think I make a fool of myself to try and impress you.”
I shake my head, convinced this is just a weird dream that I’m having and I’ll wake up to the same annoying Nate that makes me want to claw at my skin. I can’t help but feel my stomach flip with the way he’s opening up to me.
“I’m serious. I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off you since we were in school together.” His fingers trail up my inner thigh, the rough pads against my skin causing a heat to rush between my thighs.
“Nathan… I-”
“Fuck.” He mumbles under his breath. “You can’t call me that, Y/n.”
“Why not?” I ask in a whisper, my better judgement taking over as I place my hand on top of his own, leading it higher up my thigh.
His breath hitches as he looks down and sees that he’s millimeters away from the hem of my shorts. “Makes me feel some type of way..” he trails off, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat as he gulps.
“What kind of way, Nathan?” I ask lowly, batting my eyes at him and feigning innocence as I scoot closer.
“Stop it. Don’t start something you can’t finish.” He warns, starting to draw his hand back.
I tighten my grip on his hand and move it higher, pushing the tips of his fingers under the hem and biting my lip. “Who said I don’t feel the same?”
It’s like a weight is lifted off his shoulders. He brings his free hand to my face and caresses it lightly, still a little hesitant but with a hungry look in his eyes. He moves his face closer to mine, hot breath fanning against me as his pink lips ghost over mine.
“Are you sure?” He asks seriously.
“I’m positive.” I answer, closing the distance and taking the opportunity to make the first move.
Our lips mesh together, working against each other slowly. His hand moves to my jaw, fingers resting against the nape of my neck as we kiss like it’s the only thing we know how to do. He pulls away and places a few quick pecks on my lips before diving back in, moving both hands to my hips. He pulls me closer and I take the hint, throwing a leg over him and straddling his lap, never disconnecting our lips. His big hands roam my body, squeezing and grabbing hungrily as he swipes his tongue over my bottom lip. I open my mouth and our tongues synchronize, exploring the parts we’ve both secretly longed for. The kiss is both passionate and filled with lust, low moans breathed into each other’s mouths.
He pulls back and scans my face, his pupils rapidly dilating as he drags his gaze down to my chest. My nipples have caught up with my arousal, becoming taut against the fabric of my tank top. He brings his mouth down and places a kiss on each one through my shirt, a whine escaping my lips at the sensation. He reaches up and places a tender kiss to the burn on my chest, careful not to be too rough.
His hands trail up my hips before moving up and pulling down on the neckline of my top, my breasts spilling out inches from his face.
“So perfect.” He whispers against my skin while placing kisses spanning across my chest.
My head falls back and I grip into his soft hair, pulling on it and earning a low groan. His tongue circles my left nipple before he latches onto it, sucking slowly as his blue eyes lock onto mine. I push his hair out of his forehead as he switches to the other nipple, flicking his tongue across it before sucking a little more harshly.
I can feel him growing beneath me, his erection pressing against my clothed core. I instinctively grind down against it, causing his lips to stall on my nipple and a low moan to escape his throat. He bucks up for more, his throbbing dick providing a delicious pressure against me. His hands leave my body and he pulls his shirt off, leaning back on his hands, propped up and staring at me intently. His defined torso is etched out in the light, a sheen of sweat over his skin despite the cool night air.
“Fuck.. just keep grinding… please.” He pleads, squirming his hips.
I do as I’m told, my hands reaching up to pull my own tank top over my head as I move back and forth on him. I reach down and run my fingers across his stomach, the rippling muscles tensing beneath my fingers as I circle my hips. His face contorts with pleasure, his chest rising and falling rapidly. I can’t help the little whimpers that fall past my lips, my core now dripping with need. The layers of clothing between us do nothing to stop the feeling of his rock hard erection against my clit.
“Nathan.. I need it.” I pant and start loosening the tie on his sweatpants.
“Stand up baby. Let me undress you.” He demands as he guides me to my feet and sits up on the edge of the mattress.
My stomach flutters at the new pet name and at the fact that his lips are now placing hot kisses across the tender fleshy skin. He inches lower, lips grazing against my waistband as he hooks his fingers into them. He looks up at me again with a questioning look, almost as if asking me to confirm I want this for a final time. I nod furiously and he slowly inches the shorts down until they pool around my ankles. He traces the fabric of my underwear lightly before pulling them down, my body now completely exposed in the soft light of my reading lamp. He removes his own pants and boxers in one motion, his dick springing up and a whine falling past his lips at the freeing feeling.
“Now get back on,” he says while resuming his propped up position, “I like seeing your tits in my face.”
The dirty words make my stomach flip. I climb back on top of him, my dripping pussy sliding up across his length, my core clenching in response. I repeat it a few times, gripping onto his shoulders as I slide back and forth across his cock feeling every vein running across its surface. He grips his base with one hand as I lift up, lining himself up with my entrance. I sink down, feeling my walls stretch around him as I take him inch by inch.
“So tight, fuck..” he groans, hips stuttering and resisting the urge to shove all the way into me.
“Y-you’re so big, Nathan.” I whimper, pain turning into pleasure as I begin to loosen up and sink completely down.
“Don’t flatter me, baby.” He smirks and brings a thumb to his mouth, licking it and bringing it down to rub my clit.
I moan out and immediately stop myself, worried about waking the boys who are just a couple thin fabric walls away from us. Nate shushes me and rubs back and forth tantalizingly slow, his pressure rough. I start to bounce up and down on him, gripping onto the arm that’s still propping himself up. The muscles are flexed and hard, and his tanned skin is clammy beneath my fingertips.
His finger leaves my clit and reaches up to pinch my nipple, rolling and tugging on it as I ride him. We’re both panting and holding back our sounds, swallowing them down before they have the chance to escape. His eyes are fully blown out as he bites onto his lip.
“N-Nathan please.. touch me again.” I whisper, sinking down to take all of him back inside and rolling my hips.
“You like when I play with your clit?” He asks with a smug grin before bringing his thumb back down, rubbing faster this time.
“U-uh.. mhm… fuck.” I can barely form words, the pleasure making my brain cloudy.
My thighs burn as I bounce up and down, feeling his swollen tip brush against my walls with every movement. He starts to buck his hips up along with my movements, pushing himself impossibly deep into my core. I taste iron in my mouth as I bite onto my bottom lip, desperate to keep my moans contained. A pressure is building in my lower stomach as he toys with me, his index finger inching its way to my clit to roll it between his thumb.
In the blink of an eye he’s on top of me, his chain dangling over my face. He hooks one of his arms around my thigh and pushes it up against my stomach, the other sprawled out to the side. His other arm props himself up above me, his veins lining his arms and straining underneath his skin.
He pushes into me and curses fall out of his mouth as he begins to pump in and out. His hips slap against my skin rhythmically, my breasts bouncing with each impact. Each thrust brings me closer to the edge as head brushes repeatedly against my g spot.
“I’m close, baby. F-fuck.. wanna cum in you so bad..” he groans, his head falling down into my neck.
I lean over and hover my lips by his ear. “Please, Nathan..” I almost beg, my pussy starting to clench around him already.
My pleas send him over the edge, his dick twitching as he shoots his load into me. He pushes all the way in as he paints my walls, and the sensation brings me to my own climax. My stomach clenches as I throb around him, his name falling out of my lips over and over. We moan out together as we ride through our releases, my hands clawing down his back as I arch up off the bed against him. He falls down on top of me, my breath hitching at the feeling of his dick sliding out, still so sensitive from my climax.
“Oh my god.” He pants out as he rolls over to lay down beside me.
My head is swimming and my entire body is pulsing. I look over and place a soft kiss against his lips, too tired to even think about talking right now.
We lay together for a while, drinking in the bliss and caressing each other with soft hands. He eventually gets up to rummage through my bags, finding a pack of baby wipes. He tenderly cleans me up before grabbing a new one and cleans himself off. We redress and he plops back down into the mattress.
“As much as I would love to sleep in here..” he starts, leaving the statement open ended.
“I know. It’s okay.” I smile and pull him closer, brushing the hair out of his eyes.
He melts against me and cuddles against my chest. Time feels slow as we listen to the babbling creek and the crickets chirping in the woods.
A different kind of chirping causes me to shoot my eyes open, panic flooding in as I see the light through the tent and Nate’s chest rising and falling underneath my blanket. I hit his chest and he jumps, his eyes flying open and the same panicked look written across his face.
“What are we gonna do?” I whisper, rubbing my hands across my face.
“Hey.” He grabs my hands, pulling them away from my face. “I’ll just sneak into my tent and go to sleep next to Nick like I was supposed to.”
I nod frantically and lay down, faking sleep as he presses a kiss against my hair and hurries to undo the zipper on the door.
“Fuck.” He mumbles.
“What, Nathan?” I sit up, scanning around to see what he’s so worried about.
To our surprise, all three boys sit around the fire pit with a flame already blazing, cups of hot chocolate in their hands as they smirk and laugh over at us.
“You guys have fun last night?”
tag list: @lustfulslxt @whotfisade @soursturniolo @recklesssturniolo @lxvlysworld @chrisolivia4l @kiarastromboli @mattnchrisworld @cupidsword @kvtie444 @xplrfear @knowingnothingnoel @karlybbx @chrisfavoritepepsi @mwah0mwah @starsturniolo
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elsweetheart · 6 months
omg idk if this is ok to ask since you’ve never written for hazel but like what do you think her reaction to you mindlessly wearing a super short skirt in front of her would be like… maybe ur like freshly into the relationship n didn’t have sex yet so she’d go crazy i 🤭
no because she’s so silly and awkward but like so horny ♡
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waiting in line for your iced latte at the university cafe and she’s backed up a few steps, literally removing her arm from around your shoulder so she can ogle at you without looking like a total creep. you look back to glance at her and she nearly does a full spin trying to pretend she wasn’t looking — and she wasn’t! honest! she was trying to read the rhinestone lettering on the tiny pink skirt that just happened to be spelling something out across your ass!
you didn’t even say anything or acknowledge her gaze, and yet excuses come tumbling suddenly — “n-no—i wasn’t — you had a…” she waves her hand like she’s casting a fucking spell, mumbling something about a stain and your attention is captured again by the barista handing over your drink, paying no attention to hazels rambling as it certainly wasn’t out of character. it’s only back in the safety of your dorm when she brings it up again, because she quite literally cannot keep her eyes off the skirt so she figured she should say something, you know out of politeness.
“so, ‘that a new skirt or?” she trails off hoping it sounded casual and nonchalant. you stand from where you’re sat at your desk, absolutely elated that she noticed the tiny skirt you wore just for her, and she’s breaking into a grin of her own at how cute you were when you were excited. god, she was down dreadful.
“yes! i literally went to get it from the post room yesterday, it’s so cute — it says spoiled across the ass look!” you turn around, twisting at the waist to look down at it yourself. hazels eyes widen naturally, rubbing her sweaty hands on her knees, self soothing so she didn’t nut in her pants there and then. the swell of your ass peeks from beneath the skirt, having ridden up and her mouth waters. she wants to bite the flesh there, not in a weird way or anything just… shit.
“y—i mean, yeah it’s…” she stands up, wandering over to you gently slapping her fist into the palm of her opposing hand, smile fading into more of a smirk— not cocky just… relaxed. whatever it was, it made you bat your lashes a little. “you kinda have this thing where you look good in everything you wear?” she squints, leaning back a little, her voice getting higher as if she was gently breaking news to you. “but the skirt is really pretty. you’re really pretty.” she smiles simply.
you feel all hot in the face and appreciated, rolling your glossy lips over eachother (which she doesn’t miss, her eyes flickering downwards chanting ‘oh fuck’ in her head undoubtably.) “well im glad. i did buy it because like… i don’t know, wanted you to like it.” you get all shy on her and she smiles even bigger.
“well i definitely do. a little too much.”
you giggle and so does she, your fingers interlocking where they hang before you lift them up, looking up sweetly through your lashes to kiss the ring on her knuckle. she shouldn’t get a shiver up her spine from that, because it was pretty innocent— but she was having some urges all of a sudden. she gently shakes a hand free and cups your cheek. “you uh— missed my mouth.” her voice gets breathy towards the end of the sentence as she closes in, pressing her lips to yours.
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danganphobia · 1 month
thinkign about laishuro but in a college au setting. mini fic kinda incoming im having brainworms.
toshiro keeps to himself and doesn't really talk to many people (but i like to think he's already good friends with kabru because they share some of the same classes together) but he shares this one class with this incredibly talkative guy that the professor absolutely despises named laios that always makes the class fucking bust out laughing. laios is the class clown but he's popular because he's just that guy that kinda knows everybody. and he sits next to toshiro and often asks him about assignments or to copy his notes because he didn't get to read all the slides on time. meanwhile toshiro's just like ok whatever (doesnt think anything of it)
since kabru already knows laios by default toshiro kinda gets roped into his whole friend group of different majors but i like to imagine they're all good friends because they're in the DnD club and toshiro's initiated like Immediately against his will. every now and then the club hangs out after classes and it's actually really Obvious that laios likes toshiro. he's like going out of his way to make sure the newbie is "comfortable" and other than kabru it's laios who toshiro ends up talking to the most. laios is sitting next to him the whole night, leaning in when toshiro needs to say something because it's super loud at the restaurant and everyone's like Lmao this is so painful.
kabru the instigator is like "guys let's add toshiro to the group chat" and he's making eyes at farlyn and marcille and chilchuck, who's just like fucking facepalming because they're horrible at being subtle, and it's laios who's like "OH YEAH TOTALLY, toshiro what's your number?????" so toshiro gives his number and he's added to the DnD group chat but really it was just a ploy for laios and toshiro to start texting each other. it works bc laios texts toshiro individually and says "hey its laios from bio i got ur number from the dnd gc i hope it's okay lol" i can see this fucking happening when kabru and toshiro are hanging out and kabru's like "bitch i FUCKING KNEW IT!!" and toshiro's like "of course i know it's him. why does he have to say that. he's very odd." kabru's just Staring at him like my dear friend laios likes you. toshiro's confused because ????? the thordens talk to like everybody on campus i think he's just friendly. and kabru says there's at least 20 other people in your class that he could ask for notes and assignments yet he always asks you. he's always asking all their friends where toshiro is when he's not around. he's like the first to look for toshiro when he walks into a room that laios KNOWS toshiro is in. he's always excited to see you to come club meetings. he texts you like every other day. he's even asked you to hang out, alone??? many times??? like how people ask each other on dates????
toshiro telling kabru its just to work on assignments together. and kabru brings up laios walking him all the way back to their dorm and giving him a hug, and toshiro can agree that's a bit Strange but it's "not even a big deal" until he's wide awake in bed at night thinking of the last time laios hugged him after walking him home and he's red in the face like FUCK. THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME.
anyways toshiro unable to handle the fact that what he has, as kabru calls it, is a Crush(TM) and refuses to believe it so he begins avoiding laios until it becomes a big thing. laios is genuinely upset and thinks he did something wrong. so he tracks toshiro down to ask him about it and he's rambling on about being an idiot and thinking he did something to make toshiro uncomfortable, toshiro doesn't rlly know what to do bc all his feelings the past few weeks have been piling up and is about to explode and he just. grabs laios and kisses him square on the lips.
a minute passes and they stare at each other. and laios is just like. Wat. toshiro's internally freaking out. and when he opens his mouth and says "laios-" laios cuts him off and very shyly asks, "can you... uh, can you do that again?"
toshiro just feels himself relax. laughs. and laios laughs. and toshiro kisses him again.
anyways i need fanart of this so bad bye
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solaariia · 1 month
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omg i forgot that here i said my first post when i returned would be my shifting success story!! i got too excited checking out other posts i forgot to write it.
so here it is :) it’s gonna be a little ramble.
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the day i made that post, i woke up from a shift.
i’m not crazy i promise. but from that day on i am convinced i shifted to a parallel reality.
so the night before, i set the intention that i would shift when i opened my eyes. i visualized a little and then went to sleep affirming that “i woke up in my desired reality.”
the next day, i woke up without an alarm; not in my hsr reality. naturally, i was super disappointed and in a very bad mood, but didn’t go back to sleep because i had a social psych test. i even marked it on my calendar, and spoke with my classmates on the group chat about it the night before—so i did remember i had the test.
i ate breakfast and studied like normally. it didn’t feel like a dream or anything, it was just a normal day. yet before i left my apartment something compelled me to check my email to see if the professor said anything, because that day the only class i had was that one.
people… she sent an email when i woke up saying something like (not verbatim): “remember the test on monday. there is no class today because i want you all to study.”
i was convinced that i had that test on friday 19. i had it marked on my notion too, but when i went to check, it said the test was on monday. not friday.
to corroborate, i checked the class group chat and it said nothing about it either; when i clearly sent a text the night before and got many replies.
i remembered that i had scripted that if i shifted, something would be clearly different. sort of like the matrix? my stuff would look the same except i would have yellow curtains, or two chargers. etc.
since i found nothing like that, i chalked it up to just me being delulu. i was stressed and probably got the date wrong. and i had woken up early, so i decided to take my ass to the library to be productive and got in my car.
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ignore how dirty my desk is lmao, but this hello kitty was one of the hanging ornaments in my car. THIS HELLO KITTY WAS NOT WHITE.
I AM NOT CRAZY i clearly remembered the hello kitty in my car was black with a white outline and a red bow. i had to take it off my rear view to show my neighbor (she practically lives in my car) and she said it had always been white and pink. so yeah, i think i had my proof that i had shifted(?
that’s why i made that post too. to kinda process things. i still don’t know what happened, but that glitch in the matrix still sticks out to me.
to this day, my friends from that class still tell me the test was never on friday. so idk what to think.
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i probably went to bed stressed about my test, and that’s why i shifted to another reality that wasn’t my HSR DR.
on a good note, my confidence rose exponentially that day too. so now i feel like i know that shifting realities is as easy as thinking :)
nevertheless, i still haven’t shifted to my HSR DR, idk why :( but if this post can help people see shifting as something possible, then it will make me very happy.
love you all! im happy to see all of your posts on my dash again. 🩷
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blusandbirds · 10 months
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okay so finished product. here's the blue beetle jacket (blue beetacket) inspired by the design by @drempen in their fanart. ill ramble a bit about making it under the cut but overall this was super fun and im excited to wear it to theaters!
basically i wanted a blue beetle varsity style jacket more then life and when it became clear this movie was getting very little promo and probably merch i realized i’d have to do it myself.
the design itself is heavily inspired by these pieces of fanart which i rotated around in my brain for So Long before deciding to make this.
it was actually easier to make than i thought it'd be. but honestly that's just cuz im lucky and know someone with a cricut machine who is much craftier than i am. the scarabs on the back and sleeves i used the cricut machine for. i just got some htv online and then cut and pressed those on.
the letters and numbers are iron on patches. i honestly kinda wanted a "class of 06" patch as a nod to the varsity style and jaimes 06 debut, but unfortunately thought of it too late to get one in time for sdcc (which is where it obtained the slight wear you might see in the first picture)
the "reyes" i embroidered by hand. its super messy cuz i'd only embroidered like two things previously, but i'm pretty proud of how it turned out.
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They need to make a second Moon Knight season. People also need to make more Moonboys x Male reader, not a lot for some reason. Here’s my pitch, Moonboys with a Summer like s/o. Like they are just like super hyper and cheerful but also really temperamental and kinda scary, lots of emotions at once type of person.
Please good Sir, I beg thee🙏🌆
Moonboys x Summerlike male reader
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It’s been a while since I watched moon knight or written about the boys, and I feel like im forgetting what their personalities are like :/
Marc Spector
I’m not sure Marc knows how to deal with you in the beginning with you having so many strong emotions wrapped inside you at the same time. Its probably a bit intimidating for him, since he himself tries to stay coolheaded and focused on the mission.
After a while, Marc would get used too it though, and would come to enjoy it since its part of who you are. He does end up floundering sometimes when your emotions get a little too bright or loud all of a sudden, and he needs to figure out what caused it.
Knows some de-escalation exercises he’s gotten form Steven that he helps you go through when you start to get a little too angry, or angry enough for it to start effecting your choices and actions. Marc wouldn’t want you to end up doing something you might come to regret later.
Steven Grant
Steven would be a little more prepared to have a partner whose emotions can be quite strong and a little all over the place. He might have to catch up sometimes, but he’s more likely to match your vibe. It might cause a bit of a loop, especially when he gets excited talking about his interests and you just egg him on.
Knows multiple types of de-escalation exercises or focusing exercises, that he needs to use himself quite regularly. This means hes great at helping talk you down or get you to focus on something else when you get a little too angry or frustrated on something.
Quite enjoys how happy you can be at times, especially on days where Steven himself is feeling stressed. Its like a breath of fresh air, or maybe a shot of espresso.
Jake Lockley
Even worse than Marc when it comes to dealing with all your strong different emotions in the beginning, he just doesn’t show it. Jake is more the type to lay low and observe, letting him feel out what’s on the agenda today before he interacts.
He doesn’t talk much, so he’s more than happy to sit back and listen to you ramble for hours if you get excited about something, or just need to angry rant about one thing or another that pissed you off today.
When you start to get too worked up, both positively or negatively, Jake will wrap an arm around your waist and pull you to his side. Or he will grab your hand and give it a squeeze. Not enough to hurt, but enough to bring you down to earth so you guys can think whatever is going on through logically.
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transingsomeformers · 2 months
something thats been eating at my mind to write/draw but if my boy hotrod/rodimus guest appeared in rescue bots this is whats been swimming around in my brain a while rambles down below
he wouldnt be like the main main focus hed be a guest star ofc
a new bot shows up on the island in vehicle form at first, but thats not really subtle cause hes a racecar and everybody is like "whats a racecar doing by this lake?" one that nobody super recognizes at first glance except fr salvage and blurr.
and blurr starts getting ecstatic when the bot transforms and its hot rod! (studio applause) and while blurr is going a lil nuts with excitement salvage fills them in that hes an old racer from velocitron and blurr is all like
"dude, hes not just 'an old racer' hes one of the greatest racers velocitron has ever seen!!!" and he starts infodumping abt him and in the back of his mind heatwave is like "greaaat another bot who doesnt think before he acts we gotta deal with" so they all go and approach him to find out what hes doing there
and blurr is really excited cause he thinks hot rod is so freaking cool and they can race and he can show hot rod his moves but hes not there on any kind of autobot business or even for racing much to everyones surprise.
hes only there to go fishing.
hes on vacation and been really excited for his fishing trip that hes been planning especially on a bot friendly island and by god hes looking to catch himself a real prize to brag about to the boys back home.
chief burns perks up at this, and its about time for the burn's annual fishing trip so they kinda end up combining the two trips. hot rods down for any good spots, and the others (mainly heatwave) wanna keep an eye on him
so the next day they all get ready and they go on the burn's trip first and are out to sea.
Salvage wants to try out something hes been working on around their spot and he stays on shore
Blurr is disappointed that hotrod isnt there to race but hes not passing up an opportunity to hang out with hot rod so he offers to go out with them on the water even tho he couldnt care less about fish. and maybe he can talk him into a small match later. Salvage kinda warns him not to get his hopes up, and that maybe he should take time to talk about other things with him. (blurr kind of blows him off tho which ruuuuuude!!! be nice!!!)
They get out on the water and everyone else is rlly casual and hit it off with hotrod p well. the burns family exchange stories with him, he talks about the states hes visited with some friends of his on earth. and ofc the conversation circles back around to the different fish hes caught chase questions if he has the proper liscenses for that. to which hotrod pulls up copies of some fr the different states he been in (all of them have the last name witwicky on them ;) ) all in all everyone is having a good time
everyone but blurr. he was hoping that maybe he could get some tips on racing, or anything to do with racing at all while theyre out there but hot rod's just really passionate about this trout he caught out in oregon and its driving him nuts. he ends up moping about it and just goes back to shore with blades cause he forgot his little hat and its just not the same without it.
They get back to the shore and salvage asks how its going and blades is like "Oh its great! turns out he speaks a bit of pirate too!" and stuff and blurr is sarchastically like "yeah its greaaaat" and they both kinda give him a look.
salvage is like "i take it hes not quite what you thought hed be like huh" and blurr is just "HE ONLY CARES ABOUT FISH. im never gonna be friends with him at this rate, hotrod is nothing like i thought he would be. im just gonna go back to hq"
and blades nd salvage just kind of look at each other and blades blades laughs a lil bit and blurrs a little peeved hes laughing but then they all get to talking a bit cause this reminds blades of when he was first getting to know bumblebee after their first meeting and he tells blurr a bit about it cause it was a bit awkward fr a while
blades had some ideas fr how exactly it was gonna be with bee and bee while he was enjoying hanging out just kinda asked him
"Do you want to be friends with me, or just the idea of me?"
and it made him stop and reevaluate things a little. ultimatley fr the better cause that kinda helped blades to take bee off the pedestal he had him on and just start really connecting with him just as he was.
and blades asks blurr if he was actually looking to be friends with hotrod or just the idea of how theyd be in his head and blurr kinda sits on that fr a bit without really saying anything
and salvage talks abt the time he and blurr first met a long lonnnng time ago and that the first impressions they had of each other weren't the best admittently and that salvage thought he really didnt have much in common with blurr but one day after they got to talking and racing came up in the convo and salvage saw a lot of the passion he had about it and it reminded him about a lot of his own passion for creating/inventing, he tells him that maybe you just need to give it some time and ask him about his other interests as well. really engage with him on it.
blades finally remembers he was there to grab his hat so he does and hes about to head back to the boat and blurrs like "wait, let me come back with you" and he gives it another chance
and it ends up working out. he asks him some more about his previous travels and they all start fishing again and the competitiveness rlly comes out in hotrod cause hes determined to catch the most and the biggest fish out of everyone on the trip now and blurrs trying to beat him and shenannigeans and hijinks ensue but they end up really connecting after that.
soon they get back to shore and everyone goes back to hq and theyre having fun and chatting late into the night hot rod decides he wants to take a quick ride around the island and he gets the ok and he asks blurr if he wants to join him!!!
blurrs really excited cause this is what he orignally wanted and was waiting for...but...
he turns him down, theyre hanging out again tommorrow anyway gotta make sure hes ready and all that and htos rods like "cant argue with that see ya tommorrow" and heads out
blurr goes down to where salvage is and just kinda watches as hes working on his projects and blurrs like "so uh... that thing you were workin on today... I didnt get the chance to see it in action..." and salvage glances over at him fr a second and then he smiles and they get to really chatting and talking abt it
and the first moral of this story is don't put people on a pedestal, take time to get to know them for who they are
but the second and most important moral is that there should be rodimus fishing memes
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thats all i got rn
and reading this back this feels more like a bad my little pony plotline but yknow what that is ok.
friendship IS magic and the fish ARE biting
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dragcnbreak · 7 months
more autistic little mike……. please im begging.. Begging..
ANONNNN why are you me. autistic and little mike are such important headcanons to me so here are some thoughts on how his autism would interact with his littlespace >< also this isn’t really an x reader. there’s no mention of the reader at all. just pls let me be autistic about mike ok
◞♡࿐ (TW for mention and small description of self harm)
• his depression has caused him to fall out of love with a lot of his hyperfixations and special interests so being little feels like the only time he can really indulge in them
• with the help of people on here, i landed on some special interest headcanons!!! i think he really liked legos and airplanes when he was younger so that translates over to his littlespace
• vanessa finds the airplane that garrett had when he went missing and gives it to mike. he cries for a while every time he sees it but he grows used to having it around and plays with it when he’s little
• he also gave up his legos to abby when he thought he aged them out. but she does eventually figures out about his age regression and sneaks the box of them into his room one day
• along with his airplane and legos, he also draws and watches cartoons. he draws so many planes and could definitely specifically name the ones he draws. he read a book when he was young and just never forgot them
• I FORGOT ABOUT DREAMS. dreams are definitely one of his special interests and that translates over to littlespace too. he’ll always draw scenes from his dreams right after waking up from one. he thinks they’re super cool (or sometimes really scary) and he just has a huge collection of his dream art
• also like i said in my first little!mike post, i think he allows himself to stim more when he’s little. he represses it as much as he can when he’s working or with other people but when he feels safe enough to be little, he feels safe enough to stim too
• his stims are more tactile than anything; his hands always have to be doing or touching something. he flaps them when he’s excited or just doing something stimulating in of itself.
• he also rocks a lot, either on his feet or just his entire body. and this is a stim that helps him feel better when he’s having a meltdown or breakdown too
• speaking of meltdowns, they don’t happen too often because he Hates feeling weak. but they do occur when he’s little more often than not.
• (self harm mention and description here) it’s not like the happiest headcanon but I think he punches himself and bangs his head against walls when he’s having a meltdown. it’s sort of a stim but also self harm because he feels like he deserves it
• he doesn’t regress to too young, maybe around 10, so he knows what he’s feeling and he’s aware of why he’s feeling it so he’s just not always a happy little. but that’s okay
• he doesn’t have a lot of sensory issues tbh? when too many things are happening at once, he can feel overstimulated but it’s not often. he prefers the dark but doesn’t mind brightness. he doesn’t mind something that’s loud but he does get scared by a loud noise easily, but he can handle things like concerts. he’s kind of a picky eater and does get autistic about certain food (like having a comfort food or eating something once every day)
this kinda turned into me rambling about autistic mike sorry HAHHAHA I told y’all he was important to me. Anyway. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed <3 I have a lot of requests that might take me a bit to get around to but they’re still open and always welcome
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weskin-time · 2 years
Jill or Carlos with a S/O that has autism or ADHD? Listening intently to their partners rants and rambles about their hyperfixations or stimming with them when they get too excited or their emotions get too strong
YES! i am on the spectrum so this made me so fucking happy to write you have no idea
Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira with an Autistic S/O HCs
i am. on pain medication from getting my wisdom teeth out today so im sorry if anything makes no sense or there are errors i am just vibing
Jill Valentine
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she keeps a pair of ear plugs in her pockets when you two go anywhere just incase
loves to hear you infodump and stim after shes had a rough day. just loves to unwind at home while listening to your voice
and she’ll nod her head, hum in agreement and ask questions when you’re talking. never in a ‘im not fully listening’ she actually loves to see your eyes light up and the happy expression on your face when you talk about a hyperfixation or special interest
she was a little confused when you first visually stimmed but instead of asking you she just followed your movements which made you even more excited
if you get too excited about something where you’re starting to hyperventilate and you feel like you’re going to explode she will open the bedroom door and make you wiggle around on the bed. full body stim so good good yes
will get you little trinkets or gifts from the things you’re obsessed about to show how much she listens and cares
doesn’t mind cooking you your samefood over and over again, it gives her a chance to brush up on her cooking skills plus she loves to cook with you (she kinda sucks at it but it’s okay i love her so much *smooch*)
if you’re starting to get overstimulated in public she quickly learns the early signs and tries to get you away, or you could just tell her “i’m starting to get overstimulated here” and you’re out of wherever you’re at instantly. she can come back another time if there’s something she needs
she keeps every rock, flower, marble or what ever you bring her. she has old police books with pressed flowers you gave her, the rocks are in a jewelry box.
when you start to freak out and have a breakdown she’s sorta at a loss to help but in a split second she runs and grabs your weighted blanket and puts it around your shoulders while getting you your favorite drink. it all depends on you and how you deal but she’s quick to make adjustments
non verbal moments? she will help you make little cards to show your wants and needs and other information.
angry? ripped your shirt in anger? banged your head against a wall? tore some hair out? she will try to help you calm down as best she can and then patch you up. she’ll take safety pins and pin your shirt. she’ll give you an ice pack and some pain relief medicine. she gives you kisses
don’t like a certain texture? boom it’s gone. if you feel it still even after you’ve touched it she’ll bring you your favorite texture
loves it when you sit on her lap and rub your face on her like a cat. she will join you in the face rubbing
food textures you don’t like? give them to her she’ll eat them. don’t like mushrooms bc they’re squishy and weird and make you want to punch a man? she’ll give you a tiny fork to pick them off your pizza and she’s putting it on hers
Carlos Oliveira
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he’s an adhd haver
autism and adhd solidarity
when he washes his hair it’s so soft and fluffy and thick that you could sit there and pet his head and rub your fingers thought it for hours. he doesn’t mind at all. he’s sitting there almost purring like a cat
vocal stim echo chamber
y’all can make sounds or words over and over again and just keep bouncing them off each other for hours no matter what you’re going
his beard is also very soft. he keeps very good care of his appearance so it’s not like super scratchy it’s a very good texture please rub your face against it once or twice before kissing his nose
this man can’t cook for shit. normally it’s take out. most of the time y’all develop a samefood at the same restaurant so you two must order the same place for weeks and just get the same food
WILL LAY ON YOU AND CRUSH YOU WITH HIS WEIGHT.!! he loves cuddles so much and now he’s getting cuddles and helping you? his new favorite cuddling position is him laying on top of you while you run your finger through his hair
He’s the one who goes into places and talks to the workers there for you if you need him too. want to order lunch but feeling not up for it to order? tell him what you want he’s got you <3
non verbal moments? he talks enough for the both of you honestly. he knows sign language so you two could take that way or he’ll use cards too. if you text him he will read out your text before responding lol
pillow fort movies/tv show/ video game nights. filled with all that good sensory shit and your favorite snacks and his.
he stims with you. every time. it’s involuntary on his part.
more than likely there is one texture he loves that you hATE. you hate velvet? the first time you come over to his place he had a velvet blanket on his bed.
stocks the fridge with his and your favorite food textures. he likes pudding and cottage cheeses textures
he’s better at preventing meltdowns or breakdowns before they happen than helping you during the act
you two bring each other things. he picked up his paperclip to throw it away but he gained emotional attachment to it and he’s giving it to you bc he doesn’t want to loose his new friend. has all the thing you give him in a shoebox under his bed for safe keeping
one of his favorite stims is running his callused hands up and down your softer skin at a medium pace. he starts out slow before speeding up a bit more. just placing his hand on your body and running it down before picking it up and putting it where he first started. loves if you do a ‘cat making biscuits’ stim on his body while he does that to you
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enden-k · 6 months
i didn't catch most of the sumeru events and I so get it. i want more of it too, it's like so-so. Big and colorful. fontaine is just sort of the same
Hoyoverse really popped off with sumeru tbh, both characters and quests.
tbh I'm of the opinion that like. there should be one new location event with each update (like the thelxi stuff, tho it was not very exploratory, could have been better) and then they should just do one in a Different nation (I guess they had that poetry thing but it was kinda boring)
also like. they need the hsr thing where you can play story events even after they're done. I missed the fucking interdarshan tournament and I'm still so fucking sad about it. I haven't even been playing genshin all that long and the events already bore me to death. i know they're hard to make but like hoyoverse come on. genshin is you most popular game, Make An Effort
...this kinda turned into complaining I'm sorry. long story short I get you
this is my main issue too and also probably why hoyo decided to take the focus off playable characters and instead make npcs important for events. i have difficulties connecting and feeling so easily so im really unfazed when some random ass same face npc who i know for not even 5mins suddenly dies (cough teppei or what that silly guy was named) or smth- what im saying is that i need the time and chance to know more of this character before i can have a connection and then im able to feel. its why i fucking CRIED and felt so much for jeht and why shes honestly the best npc in this entire game to me HAHAH we honestly need more npcs and stories like jeht and the one cartographer in the chasm etc
bc hoyo locked some important character stories/lore behind events where the focus was on them (albedos events with SUPER IMPORTANT lore to the game), the scara event before his release, kavehs event,...) it sucks a lot for people who missed those. i guess its why they started to bring in more npcs instead but honestly, those events feel very bland to me most of the time (ofc its different for others) bc of my issue with connecting with a character in a limited time. im excited to see some familiar faces again and then the main story is some random ass npcs lovestory
idk i feel like the events really drop lately. maybe its also just bc im a pampered little noodle spoiled rotten by lantern rite and interdarshan championship. idk if ppl get me there hhghg i think if they either create unique npcs and give us the time and chance to make a connection with them, the events they create around them might get better again. this, or they bring back more events focusing on playable characters but make those accessible after the event end for new players missing them
this turned super long and rambly sorry, im tired and brainless today uhghgh anyway
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kozykricket · 2 months
deltarune rambling time yippee
i think deltarune is in an interesting spot in terms of like... theres a lot of theories that have had a lot of time to develop, and like. i dont think these specific conditions have really happened to a game before. having a big audience of lore nuts AND giving them 2 chapters worth of solid concrete stuff and then havin em wait? its very, very interesting
(rereading this post i think i might reword or add an addendum to it later since i kinda didnt quiiite word my thoughts on Big Theories below exactly right. it feels like im saying that every theory is just gonna be wrong... when i just think that the nature of the lore has a decent chance to be able to almost... parody theorizing, if its based on the nature of fiction and creation. which would make deep theories not WRONG but not RIGHT, just unprovable)
like, ive skimmed through big theories that seem larger than i could even imagine deltarune itself being... not to say i believe theyre entirely wrong, but just that. it definitely wont be explained to THAT degree in game...
what im really tryna say though is, yknow, i distance myself from the bigger theories because im patient and also because i ... dont wanna spoil myself if the theories are perfectly right but especially, a big reason, is the typical classic "don't get your hopes or expectations up" dont get me wrong, ive got big hopes for deltarune and some healthy hype, but i aint gonna get my expectations all fixated on some gigantic theory of the entire overarching metanarrative. i think its great that people are developing so many theories though involving like, the depths and stuff. because worst comes to worst? well, toby fox has just convinced people to write their own stories. and for a game that seems to be shaping up to be about the nature of fiction and creation? seems fitting (genuinely i expect chapter 3 to be the birth of SO many deltarune AUs, out of what is proven wrong or left ambiguous) so yeah, i dont say this to be like "nah no ones gonna be right, toby doesnt have big plans" because im certain he does have some big master plan in the lore but i also believe the lore wont necessarily focus around what we're expecting, if that makes sense. if the game is about fiction, which it clearly is to some degree with the whole. ralsei pushing us down the path of a generic prophecy where we are heroes and vanquish evil... and then immediately dissecting Good Guys vs Bad Guys in ch1 and very much making it a point that we're trying to be kept ON the path of a very specific story. both us and kris.
i think i kinda worded some of this wrong but like TLDR? i do believe toby has big lore plans, but i think theres a decent chance they wont actually get super deep into like, worldbuilding all the logic of dark worlds for example. because... well, the lore could very well be that dark worlds arent logically explainable, yknow. something like the collective unconscious kinda logic. or like terapagos in pokemon being a kind of... paradoxical thing because its born based on belief in it
maybe im wrong thjough. either way, i am excited for deltarune. whatever direction it goes in, ill be happy.
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firstdivisiongirl · 3 months
ok i'll just drop some background info abt myself here :33
i'm aromantic + nonbinary, i am an entp 7w6 and i'm a pisces !! i like to draw, listen to music (either metal or just mainstream music i listen to whatever atp) and dance in my freetime !! :3
based on my personality ::
my friends tend to tell me that i'm the embodiment of the quote "dont judge a book by its' cover" cuz on the outside i act like a full on metalhead and really passive aggressive but at home i sleep next to a whole tower of plushies 💀🙏 and i collect stickers of silly little cats and otters (not my fault that they're so cute oml) i'm usually the clown of the group !! i tend to be hyperactive but my emotions change a lot- one second talking to me is like trying to get a toddler to pay attention to your teacher and the other is like trying not to get bitten by a rabid dog (my friend's words not mine). i tend to be a loud mouth srry . . . i do try to be quiet if necessary but if i get excited when talking i am a walking speaker . . . i get rlly excited if my favorite things are mentioned ?! like i would get rlly happy, smiley and would talk about it until i forget to breathe !! i like to consume horror media ?? idk if i can say that without sounding like an edgelord sobsob im sorry . . . i just love consuming those types of media (as a former kid w unsupervised access to the internet-) and i tend to ramble abt them along w other philosophical topics !! i like to discuss abt meaning of life, whether there are other universes, abt the capabilities of the human mind, etc. they're just so interesting!!! :] i guess im proud to say that my best trait is my humor 😋 maybe im overconfident abt this one cuz i just have pretty dumb sense of humor if im being honest frfr i tend to say things out of context . . . i like terrorizing my friends by saying the most outrageous things and overexaggerating them for the fun of it :333 though sometimes i kinda mean what i say
for my ideal partner ::
i'd say i would like someone who's fun to be around but at the same time they gotta be interesting for me to find them fun . . . like they gonna have smth to them that makes me wanna observe them like they're a lab rat being experimented on and being put under observation :33 ppl like that make me wanna see whats inside them and how they see the world around them !! i just love those kinds of ppl aaaaa ik im overdramatic for this one but like . . . i need someone who can handle me- as in my emotions and sometimes my way of loving . . . cuz if i did love someone, i would obsess over them and would dream of dying w them out of euphoria cuz being w my partner is the only thing that keeps me alive and human 😞 i wanna feel genuine happiness and pure bliss w my partner so thats why after that i think we should die together, that way we both know that finally we lived our life to the fullest (in my pov, 'the fullest' means you finally reach the climax of ur happiness/u live to the moment where you're the happiest you've ever been) (idk if that makes sense but that has always been my fantasy LAWD IM RAMBLING) need someone whos as crazy as i am :333 if he aint insane i dont want him fr i need to make him worse /j
i think thats all abt me :333 pls take ur time and make sure to put urself first btw !! aside from that, its ok if you ignore this one cuz at the end of the day its up to u <333 have a wonderful day/night mwah you're super cool
Hello! Of course you can have a matchup. Thank you for the kindness. I would like to warn you that I picked a somewhat controversial character. I hope you like it!
You Got...
Tetta Kisaki!!!
Tumblr media
If boy can handle the chaos the is Shuji Hanma, he can handle you!
You wanted crazy...
Would love to see you smile when you get super excited about something! His favorite thing is to see the person he loves happy.
He is really really smart. So you would have very intellectual and philosophical discussions.
Would love that you aren't all you seem. Because he is the same way. You two can be badasses when out, but totally different when it is just the two of you (and Hanma sometimes when he is being Hanma and not leaving you all alone.)
Movie date nights. He'd let you pick it. If you're happy, he's happy.
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