#I know he’s playing a bad guy but I’m already rooting for him
nekohime19 · 16 hours
AITA for punching my girlfriend in the face?
(Part two of the previous post!! Let's go! Love writing funny looney toons style things like that. It's still Wukong POV.)
I didn't expect to get that much answers 😅. Anyway, thanks for the wisdom.
For those who didn’t see my last post (AITA for sleeping with the guy my girlfriend is cheating on me with) : I have a girlfriend (Venom) who cheated on me with another guy (Six). So out of pettiness I went to see Six. I learned he wasn't aware of my existence and was getting played too. We bonded, got wasted and kinda slept together.
Here are my answers to all your comments :
LaZen :
NTA, thought you definitely need to break up with her like yesterday, cheating is not cool and poor six who was the side dish :c its going to be awkward but six and you need to talk with a nice breakfast about what you two want to do now, revenge? Just a one night thing? Or get to know each other, wich i think is going to be the latter since both of you were getting along, the guy just got to town, maybe show him around as friends?
OP response :
Yeah, I think it's due time I confront Venom, even if I really don't want to. Idk, guess she's been with me for a long time so it's somehow scary to move on. I honestly don't know what I want with Six. I've never been interested in guys before? And maybe he only got pulled by the mood? Anyway, you're right, we do need to talk. Idk if I can make breakfast but, hey, burned egg aren't THAT bad.
Lagt :
Anyway not the asshole, maybe a stupid move but at that point why even bother coming back together if you two were already broke up? Like it feels like she couldn't decide
OP response :
😬 You're really calling me out with that one. Venom and I do have a pretty weird way to settle things. Guess I just got used to the constant breaking up and getting back together.
Sakurabloom_26 :
NTA, OP it doesn’t matter the reason, she cheated on you and played Six for a fool by making him her AP.
It wasn’t ok that you slept with her AP before breaking up with her (especially since the two of you were drunk), but considering you both were played for fools, I can’t blame you for shooting your shot.
As for what to do, wait for Six to wake up and decide on how the two of you are going to catch Venom in the act and then dump her.
Regarding Six, I’d take it slow, offer to be his friend and if you think there’s a genuine connection there, ask him out on a date (something simple like a coffee date, or a picnic), but be sure to assure him that if he doesn’t feel the same way that you still want to be friends (you both sound like you just need someone to genuinely be there for each other, so awkward emotions shouldn’t mean that your friendship has to end 😌)
Best of luck to you OP, I’m rooting for you 😊
OP response :
Yeaaah, wine really got into our heads and maybe we shouldn't have slept together. Honestly, being friends with Six doesn't sound bad. I’ve never been interested in guys before so it's pretty new. The thing is I don't know if I felt like that because of the mood or because of genuine feelings? Taking it slow might be better, especially since we're both kinda still with Venom at the moment?? Thanks!
Mystsong :
NTA, you were cheated on by Venom and Six had no clue what is or was going on. Not sure it was a good idea for you and Six to sleep together but you were also both impaired by alcohol so you both weren't thinking at the time. I'd definitely stay away from Venom and take things slow and steady with Six and see if there's something there. Also please be careful with Venom I've heard of some ex boyfriends/ex girlfriends doing some crazy things when they get mad at their exes or to keep control of their exes...and she sounds dangerous to do that. Also getting advice from some friends and family like your successor, Bud, might also be a good idea especially if you want to get proof of what Venom is up to and has been doing. Hope this helps you out. (Hugs sent)
OP response :
The things alcohol makes you do. Talking it out with Six might be for the best, idk if he'll want to see me again though? Guess I'll just have to ask. Maybe we can just be friends for now until we figure it out. Venom can be intense, yeah. I wouldn't put it past her to pull some shit like that. I don't want to involve Bud in this mess though, he's not really aware of me and Venom and he has enough problems because of me. (Hugs received)
Sag3mint :
Honestly wondering what Venom's reaction will be. Anger probably. 🤔
But once she realises that the reason why you and Six met is because of her, oh boy...... 🤭 That's gonna be massive blow to her ego.
OP response :
Oh boy, she's not gonna be happy that her bf and her side bf are getting it on together. This is gonna be a nuke field to travel through.
Halfdeadhalfpaniced :
Oh she’s definitely not going to take it well but technically none of this would have happened and you two would never have met if she didn’t cheat first. Honestly OP? He’s probably not the only one she’s ever cheated on you with and might not even be the only other person she’s currently seeing.
OP response :
It hurts to think about that, I hope she didn't… But I can't be certain.
Littleguy-dot-io :
nta.. you seemed to be doing yall a favor. venom. seems kinda like a bitch??? like bro.... pick a struggle. anyways sorry she did that to yall both but break with her
OP response :
At this point, Yeaaah, both Six and I really need to break up with her.
Furornocturna :
Okay, a LOT to unpack here, but I’ll try my best to give you some advice you desperately need.
Overall consensus? ESH.
Let me elaborate before you dismiss me outright.
Venom clearly sucks the worst here for cheating and stringing you and Six along.
You weren’t wrong for wanting revenge (I would too) and you weren’t wrong to tell Six about the situation (probably should have done it sober tho), but the two of you cheating on her back with each other… while admittedly a little hilarious as an outsider hearing this story secondhand, that doesn’t do either of you favors here. Not only did you sink to her level, but now the situation is messier than before that you now have to deal with when she finds out (which she will). You are going to have to confront Venom to end things with her, OP. Because that’s what you need to do.
From the looks of it, she checked out of the relationship three months ago, and the love there on your end was gone after you found out she was cheating, plus was likely already heading in that direction with the other background you gave on how things have been. And Six doesn’t deserve to be the side piece to her either.
First and foremost, you and Six both need to break things off with Venom (and deal with the fallout that comes with, as I have little doubt she’ll take the news well) before you proceed with anything else with whatever it is you want to do with each other. Which, despite the rather unorthodox circumstances, it appears that you two really hit it off.
But if this is something you want to pursue, platonically, romantically, or whatever else, you need to sort out yourself. You mentioned questioning your sexuality at the end of your post, so you’ll want to figure things out there before jumping headlong into another relationship. More than that, if you really like Six in any form, the last thing you want to do here is make him think he’s just a rebound. He was also hurt by Venom too. And make sure Six isn’t just rebounding on you either. You both really need to communicate on your wants, needs, feelings, etc, and how you want to proceed.
I hope things work out for you and Six. It really sucked that this happened (Venom cheating on you two, not you two finding each other), and I hope you both can recover from this and come out happier.
Since you mentioned Venom causing city-wide damage in the past and how she’s caused issues with your successor, I worry both Bud and the city might also become casualties if Venom decides to retaliate against you and Six for breaking up with her/finding out her cheating. Don’t let them get caught up in the crossfire of this.
Make your next moves carefully, and you’ll get through this with the least amount of hassle.
Hope this helps!
OP response :
Honestly, I do feel kinda bad for sleeping with Six because of Venom. Even if I'm really angry and some petty part of me thinks she deserves it, I didn't intend for things to turn out like that. Things with Six just… spiraled, the alcohol didn't make it better. Not the first time wine makes me do stupid things. But, somehow, I don't regret it?? I definitely need to confront Venom and I sure as hell don't intend to keep dating her after this. Things will be messy and, you're right, I do need to watch out for her reaction and make sure things don't get out of control. I don't know how things will go with Six. Tbh, I don't know what I'm feeling for sure either, everything is kind of a mess right now? But right, talk, we need to talk.
Sorry if I made a mistake on you guys names, 😅.
And sooo, I have an update 👀
AITA for punching my girlfriend in the face?
After that night with Six I got up and tried to make breakfast. You know, something nice to set a nice mood. Problem is idk how to cook (I usually eat hair, it's a mystic monkey thing) sooo my attempt failed miserably and I ended up with a black goo that was supposed to be eggs.
I just settled for fruits. Like Six should like fruits, no ?? He's a monkey. So I prepared a nice basket and waited.
I was kinda nervous.
Which was very unlike me. I'm not a nervous guy. But I never did hook-ups before, not with a guy, and not with my girlfriend's secret side boyfriend much less. It was a messed up situation tbh and I felt guilty for what I did (somehow it kinda felt I cheated on Venom??), angry at Venom and also excited to see Six again.
Six woke up after a few minutes, he looked ruffled and very much like he spent the night having fun in the sheet (I'm proud of that tbh). He froze when he saw me. Dear in the headlight froze and we stared at each other for a long minute before I managed to awkwardly gesture towards the basket.
Six sat down and nibbled on some mangoes. Our conversation kinda went like this :
Me : “so, last night was… ?”
Six : “... A lot.”
Me : “Yeah… Huh, what do you wanna do?”
Six : “Don't know… Guess I'm just gonna keep my distance a bit.”
Me : “From Venom?”
Six : “Yeah…”
Me : “How about we confront her together?”
Honestly I said that because I didn't really want to confront Venom alone. She could be intense at times and, well, it was perhaps better to do it with everyone directly involved present.
But before Six could reply, Bud barged in.
Now, I'm not the best at keeping track of time but I usually know when Bud is coming. But with the whole situation it just slipped by me. The three of us froze and Bud's mouth fell open… For context, the marks of what we did last night were still very visible so it wasn't hard for Bud to connect the dots.
Now, Bud knows I'm with someone but I never told him of Venom. The main reason is because Venom is more on the “bad guy team” and doesn't think that kindly of Bud. Moreover, Bud has been the cause of a lot of arguments between Venom and I and I didn't want him to be involved with an angry Venom. I just didn't want things to get complicated and thought it was simpler to separate my love life from my mentor life. Maybe I was also a bit scared of how Bud was gonna react to me dating a “bad guy”.
Maybe that's why Bud's first reaction was to be excited and rush to Six, rambling about how he's finally able to meet my partner. I'm not blaming Bud for thinking this but Gods above it was so awkward.
If I said that Six wasn't my boyfriend, then Bud was going to think I'm cheating on my true partner (Venom)... Which is kinda the truth?? Somehow???
I honestly didn't know what to do and, at this point, I was feeling a lot of different emotions. I didn't want Bud's image of me to be tarnished but I didn't want to lie to him either about the situation. Six, who looked quite overwhelmed as well, didn't outrightly reject Bud's claim but clearly didn't agree with it either. He just… excused himself and took the opportunity to leave. Which I can understand. Dealing with Bud isn't his responsibility and he just learned he was a side piece yesterday, he probably needed some time to cool off and think clearly about what happened.
He smiled at me before leaving so I assumed that he's not that upset with me.
Gods that smile.
I avoided Bud's questions after this and put the subject to rest. Neither confirming or denying anything. I just told him we'd talk about it later. It's not like I didn’t want to confide in Bud, but I didn't want to drag him into this mess, he has enough already on his plate.
So now, fast-forward to three days after that incident. I took a lot of tests on the internet to know if I'm actually bi ?? I questioned a lot about myself, my own sexuality, and what I wanted to do with Six and Venom.
Six and I decided to meet again and clarify things. Mainly about what we wanted to do with Venom and how we should confront her. He came to my mountain and we sat down around some fruits, trying to figure out this whole mess and how we should go about it now. Honestly, both of us agreed we should break up for good with Venom. But we weren't sure if we should tell her about our lil “fun in the sheet”. Venom can have an explosive temper at times (she did destroy half of the city) so we didn't want to anger her more than necessary. I know I may be TA for wanting to keep my “kinda cheating” with Six a secret but at this point I just wanted to be done with Venom and not give her any more reasons to put the city or Bud in danger. It was a moment where both of us were emotionally vulnerable, and waisted. It wasn't wise, especially given the context, but I did insist that I didn't regret it. I really felt like we had a connection that night. However, before Six could reply, I saw Venom stomping down this way with an enraged look.
We both panicked. The marks of our night together were still somewhat visible and both of us didn't want to aggravate Venom more than she already was. In hindsight, maybe it was kind of a stupid move and would seem even more suspicious to Venom, but I pushed Six in the nearest cabinet. He looked livid so I just told him it wasn't the right moment yet and that I'd deal with her for now. I quickly applied some glamors to hide any marks and waited for Venom to arrive (for context, glamors is kind of like magic make-up).
She was furious. She paced and accused me of cheating on her. I pried a little for information and it turns out she overheard Bud talk about my male partner and, yeah, things spiraled down from there.
So my soon-to-be ex was ransacking the house in search of my supposed side piece and I was just nervously standing in front of the cabinet with Six inside. She approached the cabinet and was ready to throw hands. In a moment of sheer panic and instinctual reaction to years of fighting demons, I punched her in the face, not enough to truly do some damage (I can pack a mean punch) but enough to knock her out.
So now Venom is passed out on the floor and I'm feeling very guilty and Six is still inside the cabinet, I'm typing this with the speed of light.
Should I just tie her up???
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jcbbby · 7 months
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wroteclassicaly · 3 months
Warnings: Language, slight smut, touching, body-issues, reader has insecurities over big chest, ass slapping, oral sex (f receiving), self-esteem, mentions slight panic and anxiety, mirror play, and NSFW.
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Fem!Plus size Reader
Wordcount: 1,945
A/N: I’ve had a lot of negative comments from people/my family about my weight lately, so… This is self-indulgent. I need Eddie to make me and my body type feel appreciated.
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Buying lingerie to show Eddie and he’s honored that someone dresssd up for him.
You had fumbled with the bags all day, caught between regretting your decision and ready to take it on. Eddie wasn’t like other guys… other people, really. It wasn’t that you feared what he would do, no. It was the humiliating dread of him being nice to spare your feelings, the worst possible outcome equaling out to disgust at your surprise. But you had pushed it aside, freshened in your shower, applied a different makeup look to frame your features, then slipped an old parka on over the black lace.
You’d forgone heels and kept your boots on, those easy to take off once you had arrived at the trailer, your giddy boyfriend greeting you like he’s never seen you a day in his life. With the air conditioner properly placed in the trailer, Eddie’s hair was down, curled around his shoulders, a simple white tank top and black cut off sweat shorts over his trim form. He’s always beautiful to you. The amused smirk on his face did not go unnoticed, however, upon taking in your parka in this sweltering Indiana heat (even at night). It was an automatic “it’s cooler in my room, if you wanna?” offer, with him grabbing two bottles of coke from his fridge on the way.
Time to do this thing…
When he pushes his door open, the coolness that carries his Old Spice, nicotine soaked scent, it hits you square in the face. You relax a little, already sliding your fingers into your jacket buttons, popping them open and working the zipper. His back is to you as clears some space on his dresser, going on about why you’re wearing a coat, if you’re okay, what is it about. Your teeth sink into your lower lip, an anxious reaction, and you’re shoving the coat off your shoulders, exposed skin immediately stimulated with the prickles of electrifying goosebumps. And Eddie, god love him, he isn’t at all prepared for what he sees when your voice hooks into his attention span and gets him to turn around.
Initially, you take his shocked look as something bad. His widened eyes and slack jaw, the way he runs his fingers and tugs at his own roots. You feel an immature burn of familiar tears, reaching to pick up the coat and apologize. His voice leaves zero room for that energy in here.
“No, baby. No, sweetheart.” Layering on pet names to help soothe you, he calms the panicked nerves he can see escalating.
Though his own heart rate is out of control, his tongue’s tip on fire, touching his cheek, sweats suddenly tighter. You are his personal goddess on the daily — something he never expected, nor looked for. And you did this for him? The devil freak gets something special from an Angel like you? Temporarily halting your actions, you do notice the way his eyes expand into the depths of midnight black, how he reaches to adjust himself in his sweats - it keeps you here.
He reaches for you with that outstretched, tattooed arm. “Baby? Let me in. Let me see? I’m just not used to this…” He rushes to correct his phrasing, already knowing what it could do to you. “I mean, I’m not used to a hot fuckin’ woman getting dressed up for a guy like me, y’know? Takes a minute to sink in. And honestly? I’m waiting for Wayne to wake me up right now.”
It all clicks for you. It isn’t just about your insecurities, but this also giving something special to someone who also struggles to see confidence and self-worth. You’ve never been more proud of yourself than in this moment, overcoming your fears to get Eddie Munson this excited? You take his hand with a soft smile, albeit, still shy as he brings you around to pinch your chin between his fingertips, leaning in to press a kiss to your nose’s tip. His voice is gravelly, soaked in heat. Eddie’s mouth ghosts across your own, barely touching as he asks, “Permission to touch?”
You give into him, hand still in his, the other raising to hold onto the warmth of his shoulder, twirling his curls into your grasp to ease some nerves. His eyes immediately widen as he truly gets to look you over. Overflowing thighs in a beautiful thong, your thick curls peeking out of the sides, your beautiful legs — clad in silk sheer stockings, lace trimmed to meet, your stretch marks, your scars, the way, in which, you carry your plush stomach, to your full breasts that spill over the cups, and even your makeup — different, darker, more smoldering. He tips the digits of his spare hand, rings clinking together as he tickles his way up your forearm, tracing the vein back down, until he’s tapping on your pulse point inside of your wrist. Hands join, his grip shifting you into a twist, with your back pressed against his chest, and how badly he wants you nudging at your bare ass cheek.
You bow your head from immediate reflection in the mirror — something your boyfriend has yet to see. He’s too busy watching the way your ass swallows that thin black strap, this set showcasing all the indents that cascade down your thighs. And even your boots, he loves that you kept it you, that you didn’t force yourself into heels. You don’t like them, he knows this. He lets his fingers path their way along your spine, rubbing across the clasp on your bra, pausing to ask once more, now quite aware that you’re looking awkwardly at his messy floor.
“Sweetheart? You okay up there?” It’s silent for a beats, but then you’re mentioning his mirror.
He fights back a sigh, because how can you not see how perfect you look — without or without all of this. He wants to keep your comfort in mind, but it’s also important that he helps you see how fucking gorgeous you are. So he shakes his head, his curls tickling your shoulder blades.
“I don’t think so.”
You object, stopping yourself when his voice pleads into a softness that you’ve never heard from him before.
“I want to try somethin’. And if you don’t like it, we move away from the mirror, kay? Zero pressure, all your call.”
You have to admit that you’re intrigued, and excitement bubbling beneath your breastbone, dumping molten lava over your flesh. Eddie can see you inhale sharply through the mirror. He does that downward nod, brow raised, and you’re nodding. He’s so giddy that his tongue pokes out in concentration, joined hands freed, one of his dipping backward in a journey to slide the back of his knuckles across your thong strap. You arch into his torso, watching him watch you.
There’s a primal confidence that stirs in your belly, twists inside of your gut, ultimately soaking you between your legs. And as he finds the clasp on your bra, getting it unhooked in one go, only for his hands to dance along your sides, hook underneath your armpits, and immediately begin to tease your areola in languid strokes — you lose it. He allows his chin to rest on your shoulder, his voice the cure for everything you’ve ever needed, or will desire. “Look at yourself. Don’t look at me, just watch yourself.”
Your gaze finds your own body, not even caring at the exposure of your breasts or how they hang (something you are trying to be okay with, you know), heart accelerating full speed ahead, sure that Eddie can feel it. It’s almost like his mimicking the way he runs his fingers across the body of his guitar — easy, languidly, making sure to dip and curve when necessary. He goes with your head tilt, his voice finding your earlobe, hot breath causing your nipples to harden. “This body, it’s like the shield of your secret world. One that only I’m allowed into…” He breaks apart his sentence to drop his hands over your navel, curling into that ticklish spot that has you shivering.
“Eddie…” You watch your lips part, tongue licking to smear your lipstick.
It seems as if you’re watching a private show, beautiful woman and her beautiful lover. You’re out of body, yet you have never been more present. Eddie, he can hardly think, his breaths falling over uneven pants, his cock so hard that his eyes could cross. He can’t stop touching you, won’t dare miss how your eyes have glossed over at the performance your body is giving you. He can cry within this moment, so grateful, so fuckin’ proud of you.
So he keeps going, saying what he feels in several organs. “Your body is a map and I get to explore it with these.” He wiggles his fingers against your tummy, letting them fall above your elastic waistband, before they dip inside. Holy Christ, you’re warm, and he hasn’t even touched you properly.
“With my lips.” His lips find the flesh of your neck, sucking the skin into his mouth — tasting your perspiration, your body wash… you.
He watches your legs spread on their own accord, beckoning him to take what he wants. His fingers brush through your soaking wet curls, a moan leaving his throat so deep that it echoes inside of his diaphragm. Fuck. You’re a mess. Both of you hold your breaths as his fingers glide along your seam, combing through your hair, making it even sloppier, cruder.
And the way you sound…
It is you who looks up first this time to catch the reflection, enchanted by the way his knuckles and the rings adorning take shape beneath your lace panties. He lets his remaining hand smack your ass, one cheek at a time, before it cups your breast to give a pinch. You’re shocked when he releases you to come around and briefly block your view. But he presses his sticky fingers to your mouth and you suck them in without question, enjoying your own taste (something you would barely try beforehand), and Eddie literally gasps, tugging you by a love handle in for a crushing kiss. By the time you part, you’ve left your lipstick stain on his fingers and his own mouth — your claim.
That’s when he licks his lips, dropping to his knees, giving you an entirely different view. He’s at your feet, tugging your panties down, a thick creamy web threaded from you to the crotch, making you swallow harshly. You balance on his shoulder to step out, left in just your boots and thigh high stockings. He rubs his hands along the material, squeezing, appreciating the flesh beneath. His brown irises are left to a simple ring, a murky abyss shadowing his sclera.
His does that thing with his mouth, the one that causes you to fold like a lawn chair. And then he’s speaking to you, using two fingers to noisily part your cunt. “You can even take my tongue captive inside of you, empress.”
Your hands drop, fisting into his curls immediately, as he wastes to time to give you one solid lick, gathering what he has to circle your opening, his tongue’s tip then pushing into you. He’s whining in little grunts, vibrating between your legs, in absolutely heaven on earth. You begin to ride over his face, hand in his curls, unrelenting, one finding your nipple to play with. You’re doing exactly as he’d hoped — watching yourself receive his worship. And this is something he will never let you forget.
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neptunes-curse · 2 years
Can you pls do a headcanon of Neteyam being the reader's boyfriend and Jake and neytiri rooting for them both?? I'd highly appreciate it.
Neteyam’s Parents Rooting For You Headcannons
pairing: Neteyam x Omaticaya!reader
authors note: thank you so much for this request! it’s really cute :) I got so many requests for Avatar and i’m working through them all. Thank you guys for sending them in! this also slowly turned into childhood friends to lovers but also jake and neytiri rooting for them too is in there some <3
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You and Neteyam were childhood friends, you were never without each other
before you two were dating, you would often run around th forest exploring things for fun
you would be with eachother for hours at a time
but you never fought or argued
it felt like you could never get tired of eachother
you agreed on almost everything
when you were younger, you would play a lot of make belive games
you would be the princess and Neteyam would be the warrior who saved you
and when he defeated the “bad guys” or “monsters” you’d give him a kiss on the cheek and he’d blush like crazy
your mother was good friends with Neytiri, and they would joke together about the two of you getting married
they’d teased the two of you, aswell
“You know, the two of you could mate someday”
“Mama! Ew!”
“Just saying….”
The teasing never stopped, really
when the two of you got a little older, around 10, the other kids in the village starting noticing how close you were
they would tease Neteyam about the the most
most of the girls would jealous
Neteyam is a cute boy 🤷‍♀️
But when anoyone would make fun of you, Neteyam was the first to defend you.
If anyone said anything, he would basically jump to your side
but if anyone said anything about you two crushing on eachother, he would just sit back and blush
because, frankly, he did have a crush on you
he thought you were really pretty and sweet
but you were also best friend’s, so there that
since lo’ak is only one year younger than Neteyam and you, he knows about the teasing and the crush
one day, when the Sully family was all together, he decided to bring it up
Jake already had an idea, i mean you and Neteyam are together 24/7
but when Lo’ak brings it up one day while they are eating, Jake is intrigued.
“Neteyam likes Y/n anyway.” Lo’ak said.
“Y/n? Hm, she’s nice.” Jake added.
“NO! Friends. We’re only friends.” Neteyam responded. that was the end of the discussion.
Jake knew not to mention you in any romantic way after that.
Now, you were both 14.
It was sunset and you and Neteyam had decided to run off to the outskirts of the village to watch the eclipse.
you and Neteyam had started dating secretly about two months ago
It was easy to get time alone, but it was hard to keep the relationship secret.
atleast you guys thought it was a secret.
(everyone knows)
well anyway, you and Neteyam found a place to sit on a branch or something a little ways away from the village.
the two of you were sitting together, and your head was laying on his chest.
it was pretty late and you had had a tiring day, so you fell asleep on him.
Neteyam felt bad if he moved you so he just let you stay there
he eventually fell asleep too
meanwhile, back in the village Neytiri and your mother were freaking out
i mean they didn’t know where you two were an it was after eclipse
they recruited jake too and they all went looking for you two.
after a couple minutes, Jake stumbled upon the branch you two were sitting on
all he could do was laugh.
i mean Neteyam had been denying it for 13 years- and now you two were together.
Jake started to walk back trying to find Neytiri and your mother to explain the situation to them
Your mother wasn’t having that though, her baby was going to get home.
Your mom went to go wake you up, also waking up Neteyam in the process
The two of you quickly jumped off eachother and chuckled akwardly
When Neteyam got home, he could not hear the end of it.
Of course the word had already gotten around to his siblings.
He decided to just go to sleep, but Jake had one final word to say before that.
“You know, she would make a great Tsahik.”
This time, though, Neteyam didn’t have to deny it.
“Yeah. She would.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
hey! if you liked his fic, you should read this one right here. thank you so much for all the likes :)
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lecl4 · 1 year
Hiii!! Could I request a neymar jr smau?? One where the reader is an f1 driver and they reveal their relationship???
silly season — social media au
summary. one announcement that f1 fans (& football fans) did not see coming during the summer break warnings. none ? pairing. neymar jr x fem!driver!reader
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22 july 2023.
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liked by mbappesney, recentpsg and 48,613 others
paddocknws neymar jr is present for qualifying today in hungary. this is his seventh appearance in the paddock this season!
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vettelswdc the redbull in his hands, i know what he is!!
purples.ector atp just let him drive a car
formularbr he gotta give me one of his paddock passes i’m begging
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liked by redbullracing, florencepugh and 876,213 others
yourusername p2 for tomorrow’s race. let’s make the most of it!💪🏼💙
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racinggp p2 in the fastest car🤣🤣 skill issue
↳ strgirly/n just shut up already
simplylovely y/n and max are gonna be dominating f1 for like 20 years straight
hamiltonation lewis on pole, you ain’t getting that win my friend
fstpitstop world championship incoming
23 july 2022
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly and 621,804 others
yourusername not the result we wanted but regardless we move on to the last race before the break and work hard for a better result. congrats to max on the win and to the team for breaking a new record :)
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artd€co better luck next time!
swiftstappen rooting for youuu <33
redsandbulls dropped to p2 in the championship😔
↳ fstnfurious still lots to play for, don’t worry, she’s getting that trophy.
24 july 2023.
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liked by neymarjr, carmenmmundt and 773,982 others
yourusername on our way to spa!!🇧🇪
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parcf.rme i need all of them so bad
↳ dutchlion3 not you being horny on main lmfao
ha44ertime can’t believe the honey badgers back
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liked by monzasainz, itsl1ghtsout and 32,684 others
paddocknws neymar is in the belgian paddock!!
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ncymars bro has a 75% attendance rate
msnfavs hamilton & neymar >>
onlynorris he’s so real for that, if i had the money i would go to every single race fr
29 july 2023.
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liked by lissiemackintosh, maxverstappen1 and 976,281 others
yourusername 1-2 !! another great weekend for the team, this streak will resume in august but for now i’ll be enjoying the summer break. thanks for the support belgian fans, you were awesome💙
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racingblue STARGIRL
lissiemackintosh going into a well deserved break!
↳ yourusername ily💞
y/nsgirlf racing queen
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liked by thiagosilva, charles_leclerc and 1,284,612 others
neymarjr the defending world champion
tagged: yourusername
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dududumv33 not for long
yourusername 😊💙
↳ vroomvroomm the cutiest patootiest girl ever
drkbluecarz my multiverse of madness
12 august 2023.
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liked by niko, dudafournier and 1,873,442 others
yourusername summer break babyyy
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leclercore they are both so incredibly hot?? wth
neymarjr te amo❤️
sltfory/n is this…a platonic relationship ?
↳ discussingf1 considering his comment, i don’t think so girlie
primeneymr so happy for them and not at all jealous! just happy, so very happy!!!!!
daylight.y/n i do not know what is going on but however this is peak silly season
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liked by lewishamilton, vinijr and 3,005,293 others
neymarjr ❤️
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prttybaes this is so
yourusername ly❤️
psgslawyer jaw is on the floor
bal10ndor we lost him💔💔
↳ fast1644 we lost HER😔😔
honeybadg3r storytime
tracklmts adopt me? (please)
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note. i really liked doing this request !!
bye guys, i hope to see you at my next post!👋💋
540 notes · View notes
lovecanyon · 2 years
can you make a instagram blurb of band!reader and harry when they were broken up? i live for drama…😝
band!y/n x harry
day two!
MAY 2019
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liked by y/nfan3, harryfan5 and 209,681 others
enews Stevie Nicks guitarist Y/N L/N seen with actor Robert Pattinson in London yesterday, first time photographed after her breakup with musician Harry Styles. Sources say L/N and Pattinson had been seeing each other for a while.
ynfan4 did i just read this correctly
ynfan4 did i just read this correctly
harryfan7 imagine how harry is feeling right now….
ynfan10 i didn’t think of that
ynfan8 she really loves the british men
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liked by harrystyles, stevienicks and 920,681 others
yourinstagram date nights
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ynfan14 i literally am crying
pillowpersonpp CUTIESSSS!!!
ynfan6 i hate it here
harryfan9 this is not harry…..
harryfan17 he’s probably crying right now ngl
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liked by ynfan20, harryfan24 and 106,473 others
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ynfan27 no. no. no.
ynfan25 i feel so bad for harry…
harryfan28 she should’ve been mrs. styles 😭
ynfan26 @yourinstagram you know what to do!
harryfan29 didn’t need to see this
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deuxmoi has added to their instagram stories!
JULY 2019
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liked by ynfan36, harryfan32 and 330,941 others
updatingyn Y/N and Robert attending a Gucci show today!
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ynfan30 omg
ynfan35 i’m sliding down the wall sobbing 😭
harryfan33 i already know what harry’s next album is going to be about
ynfan31 it’s so obvious too
harryfan37 these are not my parents!
ynfan34 i feel like a mother who disapproves 🫠
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liked by harryfan41, ynfan43 and 256,101 others
stylesnews Harry leaving Beachwood café earlier today in LA!
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harryfan47 isn’t that y/n’s favorite place to go to?
ynfan45 @yourinstagram YOU ARE TRULY MISSING OUT
harryfan49 maybe we should let her move on…
ynfan40 loving y/n’s style on him!
harryfan42 not him wearing his ex girlfriends rings 😭
ynfan44 harry really is reminiscing
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liked by pillowpersonpp, jefezoff and 703,114 others
caradelevingne the real housewives of beachwood canyon
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harryfan53 beachwood canyon…
yourinstagram the residents of b.c definitely love us!
caradelevingne they are most likely planning their revenge on us
harryfan54 isn’t cara also friends with harry?
stevienicks coolest girls i know
ynfan50 harry was at her fav café yesterday just a fyi
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liked by harryfan66, ynfan64 and 57,482 others
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harryfan60 let her live in peace
ynfan68 y/n and harry…you guys can get back together now
harryfan65 I MISSED HER 😭
ynfan61 i’m wondering if she’s still going to be in harry’s band
harryfan69 i honestly hope so 🙏
ynfan63 why is it such a surprise that y/n’s there? It was her place before harry’s…
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liked by harryfan70, ynfan74 and 101,723 others
yndaily Y/N playing guitar at Stevie Nicks’ show tonight!
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ynfan75 stevie and y/n are seriously the best duo ever
harryfan71 i’ve been waiting for this moment 😫
harryfan73 oh. my. god.
ynfan76 y/n performing with stevie again…harry being at the concert…
harryfan77 isn’t that the guitar harry gifted her
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liked by ynfan85, harryfan82 and 127,604 others
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ynfan80 HELLO? WHAT!
harryfan88 just an ex supporting his fellow ex!
ynfan84 harry looks so good 😭
harryfan81 he’s still in love with y/n it’s so obvious
harryfan83 it’s seriously the best thing ever
ynfan87 we are getting our parents back 😌
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deuxmoi via instagram stories!
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 721,604 others
yourinstagram back home
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harryfan93 SHE IS SO CUTE
ynfan96 “back home” *insert eyebrow raise*
harrystyles My love.
yourinstagram i adore you ❤️
kidharpoon see you in the studio soon!
pillowpersonpp i have never been so excited
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liked by yourinstagram, stevienicks and 2,750,317 others
harrystyles FINE LINE . THE ALBUM . DEC 13
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ynfan91 OH MY GOODNESS 🫠
harryfan97 all the songs are probably about y/n too…
yourinstagram couldn’t be anymore prouder!
harrystyles I love you my baby.
ynfan92 mom and dad have reunited 🙏
harry_lambert already one of my favorite albums of yours
harryfan94 fine line = album written all about y/n
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liked by harrystyles, jefezoff and 994,628 others
yourinstagram fine line, out december 13. pink & blue forever
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harryfan102 she worked on the album 😭
harrystyles The woman behind it all.
yourinstagram i seriously love you so much h
harryfan107 soulmates always find their way back to each other 🥹
annetwist so gorgeous darling ❤️
ynfan104 y/n is the muse for this album!
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liked by harrystyles, florencepugh and 5,740,382 others
yourinstagram a little throwback from my baby shower two years ago! ❤️
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ynfan113 y/n had a baby shower 😭
harrystyles My beautiful wife.
yourinstagram i’m obsessed with you
harryfan112 she’s so me 🤭
gemmastyles one of the best times ever 💖
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liked by yourinstagram, jefezoff and 7,947,106 others
harrystyles Love my precious girls.
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harryfan120 AWEEE OMGG
ynfan124 y/n and cherry’s hair clips 🫠
yourinstagram we love you daddy! ❤️
harrystyles I couldn’t be more happier to hear that darling.
harryfan122 SOULMATES 🥹
pillowpersonpp my best friends are so cute
ynfan137 the way harry probably took this photo of them 😭
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @lomlolivia @b-reads-things
962 notes · View notes
vexcraft · 8 months
Writing prompt:
Cub and Scar have had naturally white hair ever since they sold their souls to the vex. They dye it though cause they just prefer having black/brown hair.
However, nobody except them are aware of this fact. Not because they’re hiding it or anything, it’s just cause it’s never really considered it a possibility. It’s a bit of a shock to everyone when eventually news gets out.
There’s a tug at Cub’s hair and he instinctively tries to shy away from it, only to create a painful pull on his scalp. 
“Cub’s getting old again! His hair’s getting white!” Bdubs yells and Cub hisses at him from where he’s crouching on the floor trying to fix redstone so they can continue playing the game. The other man lets go of his hair and Cub turns to glare at him. “I knew it was some magic trick that’s now wearing off!” Bdubs adds almost proudly, more directed at Cub than the others. 
Cub rolls his eyes and runs a hand through his hair. “I’m not getting old,” he says a little defensively. Scar had told him he looked fine earlier!
“That’s not what white hairs from age look like,” Etho comments, leaning over Bdubs’ shoulder to inspect the crime scene. “Bdubs, you should know that.”
“What?!” the man gapes. Cub watches Etho take a few steps back before Bdubs turns around in faux rage. It’s quite amusing. “What do you mean I should know, are you calling me old?! Wait, how would you know what those look like? All of your hair is white!”
“I’m not stupid?” Etho suggests and there’s a wave of laughter from the few other hermits present that are actually listening to their conversation. 
“Etho’s right,” Cleo says, walking over. “That’s definitely root growth.”
“Like from hair dye?” Bdubs questions, his intense gaze switching between Etho, Cleo, and Cub’s hair at light speed as he tries to make sense of the situation. “You dye your hair?” 
It feels a little demeaning to have everyone stare down at him – especially at his apparently not very well dyed hair – while he’s just trying to fix his game mid event. 
“It probably wouldn't look like that if I just did it myself,” Cub grumbles. “Where did Scar go? I have a few words to say to him.”
“Scar dyes your hair?!” Bdubs asks unnecessarily loudly. “Dude, I would not let that man near my precious hair with hair dye in a million years!” 
Cub almost disagrees and points out that Scar isn’t too bad with it, before remembering the very situation he’s in right now. Speak of the devil and he shall appear – Cub watches Scar walk over, probably alerted by Bdubs’ yelling.
“Who’s talking about me?” he asks with a wide grin, too-sharp teeth on display. Cub gives him an unimpressed stare.
“Is it true you dye Cub’s hair?” Bdubs questions instantly and Scar looks a little taken off guard by the sudden question thrown his way.
“Oh, yeah,” he replies casually. “It’s a vex thing, the white hair. What about it?”
Bdubs stares at him like he just said something more outrageous than that, clearly not impressed by the nonchalance. “A vex thing- does that mean your hair is white too?!”
“It is, yeah,” Scar shrugs. “I prefer brown though. I thought you knew this, my hair was white in Last Life when I didn’t feel like dyeing it.”
“I thought your hair just kinda did that or something!” Bdubs tries to defend himself and Cleo snorts. “Don’t laugh! He could’ve dyed it white or something, I didn’t think he'd been dyeing it brown for like, what, seven years! And Cub too, he does not strike me as a hair dye kinda guy! Don’t act like you guys knew about this!” 
Etho and Cleo both shrug. The other hermits don’t disagree, though Cub knows Joe already knew this but seems to have decided to remain quiet, probably for his own entertainment.
“Well, the more you know,” Scar replies cheerfully. “I don’t think I’ve really talked about it to anyone to be fair. How did this come up anyway?”
“You said I look fine this morning,” Cub finally speaks up and Scar turns to look at him. “But apparently I have root growth. Scar, I look stupid.” 
Realization finally dawns on Scar’s face as his gaze shifts from Cub’s sour face to his hair, noticing his mistake. His smirk turns into a sheepish smile. “Whoops?”
147 notes · View notes
ovenproofowl · 1 year
a lot of people have said it, but I’m throwing in my two cents just to get it off my chest.
Picard season 3 was . Bad . For a LOT of reasons . It felt like - as many before me have expressed - a self-insert fanfic with the dullest self-insert in history.
Jack Crusher wasn’t much of a character but he could have had some promise if they hadn’t spent an aggravating amount of time having him decree how different he always felt, you guys. Did you get that part? He’d always felt different. That sort of dialogue might have flown if we were dealing with Picard’s adolescent son, but instead we’re dealing with a 24 year old played by a 35 year old who looks every bit his age. (It was a hard 24 years, we must assume.)
The reason that Jack Crusher didn’t work for me personally, though, wasn’t because of how cliché his character was. I would have let that pass much easier if it wasn’t for the big ol’ elephant in the room. And that is simply that :
Jack may have served a purpose to the storyline that was presented if only because he was the sole reason there was a Big Bad to be defeated in the first place. Everyone wanted to kidnap him, he brought the old gang back together just to protect him and then later save him from said Big Bad which was also actually .. him. Everything Was About Jack. But I’m not talking about the main plot. I Really Don’t Want to Talk About the Main Plot. Ever. What I want to talk about is what Jack represented that made him so unnecessary:
He was intended to represent Jean-Luc Picard’s only reason to start living.
Personally, that really, really offended me. Picard didn’t need to have a biological kid to have a purpose. In fact, it’s been established time and time again that he wasn’t ever really dad material. More of a... weirdly intense uncle. For a while, he wasn’t a fan of kids at all. Eventually, though, Picard is seen to warm to the idea of letting children within his general vicinity. This starts in TNG and continues on in season 1 of Picard. The Only Categorically Good Season of this whole. show.
In season 1, we see flashbacks of Jean-Luc’s relationship with a young Elnor, how he would read him stories and have sword fights with him. He was an absent father to an adopted child he hadn’t even realised he’d adopted and yet Elnor still fought for his hopeless cause. In much the same way, Picard meets Dahj and then later, Soji. He feels a kinship with these androids because of their connection to Data. He wants to protect Soji becase he couldn’t protect Dahj and Soji even canonically questions whether she should allow Picard to act as her father figure before she begins to remember where she came from. Both of these dynamics were infinitely more interesting and a lot deeper rooted. Soji and Elnor were both young twenty-somethings without parental guidance but found that guidance through Picard. Soji had her connection to Jurati, too, and Elnor had his with Seven and Raffi and that’s what made the whole group so intriguing to follow. They all had interesting connections to each other that had so many avenues to explore.
Unfortunately, the show decided to more or less write Soji and Elnor out of the story come season 2. Elnor was killed off for the majority of the season and only brought back by Q intervention in the last episode. Soji wasn’t even a part of the story at all. And do you know what’s sad about that? What’s really sad? Season 2 was trying to sell us the exact same message as season 3. That Picard needed a reason to live. But, like, not that reason. Not the reasons he’d already been given in the form of his found family with his Romulan and android adopted children, or even the rest of the La Sirena crew. No no no, we can’t have that, better get rid of them. This time, Laris is the focal point. Picard had been avoiding a romantic relationship with her because of a never before mentioned dark history surrounding his mother’s suicide. Because, sure, at this point, why not? While we’re at it, let’s also kill off Rios in the most slap-in-the-face out of character way possible and fling Jurati at the Borg for good measure just so she won’t be around for season 3. Her character development into the Borg Queen was pretty intriguing, but we’ll totally ignore that they even exist post her departure, just for funsies. Oh, and Soji and Elnor? Best not mention them at all come that third and final season. Otherwise, people might get the crazy notion that Picard already had a reason not to hunker down and die at the vinyard at the tender age of 104.
Season 3 picks up where season 2 leaves off in that Picard is now in that aforementioned romantic relationship with Laris. Except, no he isn’t because he immediately gets an emergency call from his ex and literally never sees or talks to Laris ever again. There wasn’t even a throw-away line or implied reference to her, but by now I’m sure you know the reason for that.
That’s right, folks. Because if we were allowed to remember Laris and what she meant to Picard, then we might just remember that other thing. Say it with me now!!
In summary, there were so many brilliant options to give Picard for signficant found family dynamics, but the show just wasn’t interested in any of them. Season 3 wanted a Picard who had given it all up, who was ready to die because he’d never had a family to pass on his legacy. They wanted him at his lowest so that we’d all rejoice to see him return to the TNG crew. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a massive TNG fan and I could rave about the fan service and nostalgia porn for hours on end. If season 3 had stood alone as a singular unconnected event, it might even have been passable as a warm hug from old and beloved characters with some fun new spins to their stories along the way, juust so long as you didn’t squint too hard at the actual attempt at plot writing going on in the background.
But the fact of the matter is, Picard season 3 came far too late into the game. Season 1 held the building blocks to something new and interesting. By the end of season 2, it was becoming clear we were never going to see those blocks stand. By season 3, those blocks were just scattered headstones in a graveyard.
They teased us with the potential new show of Captain Seven and her Number One Raffi Musiker and that might have just been okay. . .
. . .If the La Sirena Crew had been allowed to be a part of that future.
In closing: Picard season 3? Too little, too late, mate. 👎🏻
333 notes · View notes
berylcups · 20 days
I don't know if you take requests like this but I'm interested in your general headcanons for La Squadra — if you have any! I like the way you portray them :)
Aw, thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoy my interpretations of everyone’s favorite blorbos! 💜
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La Squadra General Head Canons
CW: blood mention, death mention, grief, alcohol, weed, transphobia, child mental abuse mention, bullying, sex work, toxic masculinity, internalized homophobia?(im gonna add it just to be safe even though it’s used as a joke by an LGBTQIA+ person…a trigger is still a trigger)
Notes: This is technically number 3 on my list but I'm submitting this one first since it got finished first! I hope this will satisfy your appetite while I continue to work on the earlier asks in order! If anyone wants a deep dive in-depth general HC list of any specific character feel free to send in an ask! 🥰excluding Melone of course... there's already one done of him!(that doesn't include other genres, yandere, romantic, etc. Mel HCs are still on the table!) Hope you all enjoy! 💜 Beryl
1- He has PTSD and lingering symptoms of grief. This developed after his cousin died. He has conversations in his head with his dead cousin when he feels lonely or stressed.
2- The smell of blood gives him the same response as cuteness aggression. He needs to cuddle and squeeze the life out of something when he smells that iron-y goodness.
3-He's into leatherwork and knows how to skin an animal. He would help his grandparents in Sicily kill and skin the cattle. Blood and viscera are a common thing in his life.
4. He refuses to drink alcohol. He can’t stomach it knowing that it’s what caused the driver to murder his cousin. He opts for marijuana instead. It's really therapeutic for his PTSD. Formaggio, Pesci, and Melone are the best guys to smoke with. They always know how to show Ris a good time!
5- He doesn’t play favorites when it comes to his men. But only Formaggio knows how to make him laugh. He also has a soft spot for Sorbet and Gelato since they were the first men in his group. He cares for all his men equally, no exceptions.
1- He’s a 30 year old man who’s half Spanish and half Italian. He was born and raised in Firenze. He’s proud of his colorful family roots but he’s always going to cheer on Italy when he’s watching football!
2- Crazy cat man. This guy has five cats and they all are named after cheeses. And they are all orange cats. That grey one you saw in the bottle? You didn’t see shit. There was no grey cats being abused put into bottles. No you can’t change my mind. 😤 There’s Brie, Asiago, Colby, Fontina, and Queso.
3- always says “where’s my hug at??”. Also says “no homo” before doing anything that might be suggestive. This man is bisexual. 🤦‍♀️🤦 saying that doesn’t make it any less queer my Bi- King 👑 he’s the best hugger, 2nd is Pesci, and 3rd is Risotto.
4- This man is the hairiest in the group. He's always trimming his hair and shaving his chest and happy trail. If he doesn't shave he'll end up with a full beard and mustache, full chest of hair connected to his happy trail. The only thing he doesn't shave are his arms, pits, and legs and they are ridiculously hairy. 😬
5- Illuso is actually his best friend. Shocking? I know. They’re very competitive and sadistic hitmen. They always try to outdo each other on how gruesome and creatively they can take someone out. They both like to get drunk or high and watch football and wreck up the base.
1- This prideful 28 year old is half Swiss German and Italian born and raised in Milano. His bad attitude came from always being compared to his younger brother. His little brother could do no wrong and Illuso always had to set a good example for him. The pressure got to him and just like Fugo he snapped but it turned bloody. His mom and younger brother are afraid of him and want nothing to do with him anymore and his father is sleeping 6 feet under.
2- He’s very sensitive and has rejection sensitivity dysphoria. As a child he was a big crybaby and his dad always scolded him to “man up” and fight back when he’s being bullied. It wasn’t until Secondary school where he started fighting back and becoming a bully himself. Now it’s all second nature to him. He puts up a façade of being an unpleasant person to hide his weaknesses.
3- He’s an avid artist who loves working with charcoal and graphite. His still lifes, landscapes, and portraits are near photorealistic. If his name didn’t give it away, he loves illustrating reflective surfaces the most. He wants his own studio where he can display his work. He doesn’t want to show off his work to others though. He’s very sensitive about his art pieces. He only does it for his own self satisfaction. He does want to be able to share this with a special someone though if he were able to find someone that he didn’t scare off.
4- He was born with Man in the Mirror. He used to use the mirror realm to hide and cry so he wouldn’t get made fun of by other kids or get yelled at by his dad for being “weak”. He obviously now uses it to store dead bodies and uses it as a safe place to attack people.
5- He was very sheltered as a child. The first time he saw masculine genitals besides his own was he went to Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze with his parents seeing Michel Di Angelo’s David. He embarrassed them by loudly asking his father “papà why is his pìpì so tiny???” 😳
1- He’s the youngest member at 19 years old. He’s from Sardinia.
2- Pesci has a mild form of Klippel-Feil syndrome. This doesn’t affect his self esteem. He’s actually pretty content with his body image! He just wishes he had more mobility with his neck. He does worry about passing that specific gene down to his potential children so he’s going to avoid having them. He fears his children will get bullied and not be able to develop a thick skin like he does. 😢 maybe his future s/o can help change his mind about that? 🥹
3- He’s a farm to table type of man. He fishes for his meal, cleans and debones , and cooks it to perfection. He knows how to prepare anything that lived in the water. Even the poisonous Fugu. But he doesn’t trust his skills enough to serve you that though! …unless you’re the boss. 😈
4- When he’s fed up with Prosciuttos harsh treatment, he’ll mock/impersonate him behind his back with Formaggio. 😅 his voice could use some work but he has the cadence and body language on point!
5- Coffee, tea, Cigs, energy drinks, or anything that is a stimulant will give poor Pesci the insta-shits. 💩 his tummy is DYING. Give him the entire toilet roll he’s gonna be in the bathroom allllll day. 😭 give him dairy, spicy, greasy, or anything else that’s irritating to the bowels. He can handle it like a CHAMP. Just no go-go juice.
1- He’s a 26 year old Roman man. He’s a bastard child who never knew his father. He’s the oldest out of his 6 half siblings. His mother was a sex worker and a single mom so she always had to rely on her eldest Son Prosciutto to take care of his siblings. He never had a real childhood and had to grow up fast. This explains the aging nature of his stand and his stern attitude.
2- He sort of followed in his mother’s footsteps by sleeping with tourists and robbing them blind which is how he was able to get so much designer clothes and jewelry. Don’t ever bring up the part of his life before Passione, unless you have a death wish. He’s very ashamed of his past.
3- He has a hobby of winemaking and tasting. His dream is to have a villa in the countryside and have his own vineyard where he can make, drink, and sell his own wine .
4- He’ll take this secret to his grave but he has a mild phobia of taxidermy animals and embalmed corpses. Something that looks so life like yet is completely dead never to walk again really unnerves him. He doesn’t enjoy seeing things decay either. He finds it very unpleasant, but at least he’s aware that they are no longer among the living.
5- He’s a huge technophobe. Outside using his cellphone for calls and laptop for emails, he does NOT want anything to do with technology. Don’t come to his house and expect to Netflix and chill. You’re gonna gramophone and whoopie LMAO 😭. He likes old stuff because it “lasts longer “ totally not because he doesn’t know how to use anything. 🥲 he thinks video games are a waste of time and gets on the guys for playing them…they completely ignore him. 😂
I did a deep dive on this fella already click the link below to see it!⬇
1- He’s a proud 23 year old Venetian. He was born AFAB and became his authentic self as a trans man. Only Melone knows Ghiaccio before he became his authentic self. He's very supportive of him and refuses to deadname him or even speak about his life beforehand. If you mention anything about it you might get beaten up by Melone first before Ghiaccio gets a chance to scream at you. They bicker alot but they are close friends.
2- He got kicked out of multiple schools for beating the living shit out of his bullies for making fun of his nerdiness and LGBTQIA status. He eventually dropped out and joined passione.
3. He has a hobby for sports. He loves competitive swimming, hockey and ice skating the most. He wanted to go to the Olympics for it but transphobia prevented him from competing. (You can see why he might have an anger problem…)
4- Ghiaccio can see without his glasses. He just has severe astigmatism and gets headaches if he stares at the screen too long without them.
5- He has level 1 autism. He’s grumpy but sociable. He becomes awkward when you’re genuinely nice to him. He's not used to not having arguments and having an actual cordial conversation with someone. You can help him get used to that! He’s very sensitive to textures when it comes to clothes or food. Loud noises don’t bother him but certain noises do (pens clicking, fluorescent lights humming, mouth noises, high pitched whining like police or ambulance sirens, etc)
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akkivee · 11 days
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ik i’m not that stage btch but i’m going to pretend i am for a second and do this thread of questions lmao
1. so far, which stage play is your favourite and why??
mine is bb vs dh actually lol!!!!! ofc canon’s btch prefers the more canon stages lol but i also really love how they handled dh’s emotional beats
like!!!!! the rosho vs ichiro as produced by sasara is top tier stage moments!!!!! sasara revealing that rei was on his team and the disbelief on ichiro’s face???? and the way ichiro hit him with that yung thug look when sasara started pry???? sasara being that asshole and setting up the entire fight, cheering on rosho like his personal cheerleader???? rosho demanding (ichiro) to stop look acting like he’s just some side piece/stepping stone to sasara and that’s when ichiro properly looked at rosho, impressed as hell and that’s when their true battle started???? except sasara, the orchestrator may i remind you, could see both rosho and ichiro genuinely getting into it for the thrill of a good battle so he put a stop to it???? AND ROSHO FINALLY CALLING SASARA OUT ON HIS BULLSHIT????? AND SASARA TRIED TO APOLOGISE BUT ROSHO WASNT HAVING IT AND STORMED OFF????? AND SASARA LOOKING AT HIS FAN WHERE THE CHARACTER FOR LAUGH IS WRITTEN ON IT TO REMIND HIMSELF TO SMILE THRU IT ALL BUT HE GENUINELY CANT AND EXITS STAGE LEFT TEARFULLY ohhhhhh i’ve already written an essay and it’s only the first question let me stop lol
2. who's your favourite actor in the first generation cast? (including actors who were recast before graduation) does your favourite actor play your favourite character, or are they different?
i feel like fav actor implies i cared/knew of any of these actors before hypstage which would be very false lmao. but akira-san was a real one and fck nelke for taking his ichiro away from us, ayukawa-san was so adorable and friendly and it made his jakurai genuinely adorkable and fck nelke for making him cry, and hirono-san i will not shut up about if you get me started and fck nelke genuinely 😌
3. which stage original division is your favourite? who is your favourite original division character?
uhhh i think it’s a toss up between north bastard and d4. i love kazu so much y’all don’t even know lmao he’s ichiro’s very own unami; childhood friend who loves him very dearly (*grips heart* i…..icchan….) but has a complicated family situation that drives him to do bad things and he does his best to make sure ichiro stays out of his way bc he doesn’t want to hurt him by doing said bad things but ichiro is stronger than that stronger than him and it makes kazu want to step up so he can stand on the same stage as ichiro again AUUUUUUUUUUUGH KAZUUUUUUU—
and d4 being written as characters from the worst sides of tdd is so ingenious bro wtf 😭😭😭😭 ibuki’s drive for revenge for his older brother vs the side of him that’s just a really nice guy???? arima’s unmatched violence and the way they portrayed it as a weapon with focus???? jyobu being so into ill doc the assassin and therefore never letting sensei forget his roots???? rindo being the og chuuoku spy and therefore ramuda’s discarded predecessor???? bruh 😭😭😭😭😭😭
4. did you watch any of the 1st gen cast seiyuu x haiyuu division leader cross talks? which was your favourite?
i watched all of them and went out of my way to record the hayama✖️hirono one bc i’m very not normal about it lmao
5. did you watch any of the new cast seiyuu x haiyuu division cross talks? which was the best for you?
i watched all of them and i watch the bat one what feels like every other week lmao. i also watch the mtc one religiously lmao
6. which rep lives did you watch? which one was your favourite, and what performances or moments did you enjoy from them?
this is completely my fault but i watched all the rep lives except dh’s SFHDASGJKDAAGHJFS gomen 😭😭😭😭😭 my favourite ones were bb for its short story, bat for the performances and mtr for all around best lol. everyone’s best songs came out from the rep lives tho i hope y’all know lol
i remember loading up the mtr stream and i could tell even from being behind the screen the energy in that venue was kinda crazy and the actors were all feeding off of it which gave us some really fantastic performances lol. also 😭😭😭😭 dohifu playing around with jakurai in an adlib scene where ayukawa thru sensei confessed it’d been a very long time since someone goofed off with him like that and he could barely get the sentence out bc he was trying to not laugh and stay in character uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…………
it’s so hard talking about hirono kuukou without feeling like i’ll explode the moment i start lol but his energy levels reaching a frenzied peak where he shouted NAGOYAAAAAAAAAAA until he blacked out mid song kinda leaves an impression on you and how much he loved the role lol
that bb story was so funny lmao hey siri play ‘can’t keep it cool’ by takano akira for how badly ichiro panicked at the thought saburo got a girlfriend and how he roped jiro into pretending he’s the princess of aoyama so he could practice leaving a good impression on her (even tho saburo DID NOT get a girlfriend and quite literally broke down into tears bc his brothers are stupid and it overstimulated tf out of him lol)
7. favourite song and character from track.1:
KAZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and my fav song is actually buster bros vs mad trigger crew vs north bastard lol. idk like, that first stage was incredible for a lot of reasons and one of those was showing how masterful the stage is juggling storylines and character beats, depicting the rap battles and all to some banger music
8. favourite song and character from track.2:
*jinpanchi voice* JINPACHI lol he’s my lightning meow meow 🥺🥺🥺 and my fav songs were blast wolf and asakusa bounce!!!!! i attempted to learn blender for the first time after watching ayukawa jakurai dance in that song, i wanted to immortalise that choreographed lean that happens in the song it’s so hhhrrghffgggnnffrff
9.favourite song and character from track.3:
i like danjo lol i think he’s horrible and funny!!!! his song i think also stands out to me in that play as well
10.favourite song and performance (and character i guess lol) from track.4:
i uh, don’t really remember any songs in track 4 and i also hate track 4’s main theme *wheeze* i like ramuda in track 4 tho!!! like that is a mean ramuda lol and i always respect someone who tries to make everyone as miserable as they are when provoked lol shout out to jakurai being the actual villain in that play
OH YEAH and who can forget come back to me!!!!! troy bolton wishes he had the power samatoki does in his longing for nemu song lmao
11.favourite song and character from track.5:
fav character is probably rindo??? or maybe jyobu???? arima deciding gun violence solves everything is so funny tho but ibuki’s ichiro foil-ness is really peak i—
as for songs, uhhhhhhhh all of the themes???? king of kings is peak jailbreak rock like bruh and shout out to the revolution still gives me chills track 5 bro 😩🤌 immaculate work
12.favourite song, performance and moments from DH vs BB:
pls refer to the first question for my answer lmao but i can also add i really liked the reirosho talk date number. i’ve always liked that scene in canon, where rei opens up a little bit to rosho and they both are vulnerable towards each other and getting it in song and dance form with a hell of a lot of jazz was sick lol
13.favourite song, performance and moments from BAT VS M:
i don’t revisit this play much lol but i love the scene where jyushi gets separated from kuukou after they raid fragrance and jyushi has his very own shinjuku meltdown LOL. i also really liked kuukou seeing the error of his ways and in order to fix them, he decides to act like the villain he very well could be lol but jyushi the goober wrecks that vibe and hits him with the funniest kuukou impersonation LOL
14.favourite song, performance and moments from FP vs MTC:
15.have you seen New Encounter yet? what did you think of it? who is your favourite new cast member? do they play your favourite character or someone else? what new song do you like most?
i liked new encounter!!!! i haven’t rewatched it since my first few initial watch thrus tho so i can’t remember the music all that well save for the OI OI OI parts in bat’s song and the way nakanishi-san gave it his all to fill the hole hirono kuukou left behind is commendable!!!! but the mtc actors kinda stole the show lol that samajuto cigarette kiss??? the way uehara samatoki beckoned juto over with a grunt and the tilt of his head so he could light em up???? samariou bonding in a different way from canon but hits even harder????
ik it was everyone’s first stage back and it kinda showed but there were plenty of moments that made you think ‘oh they still got it actually’ lol
16.are you going to watch grateful cypher? what do you hope to see from it?
YEAH and i’m most curious about kuukou’s writing as y’know, your local kuukou enthusiast and stalker lol. seven divisions is a lot tho, so i hope there’s focus!!! they know who they want to challenge and they pull thru on it while still feeling like there is enough pie for everyone lol
17.favourite actor, song and character from Renegades of Female:
ALL OF THEM ARE QUEENS and i’m fond of the oriwomen!!!! like i can’t really say i liked the music lol??? i did but i also didn’t lol they were bops but they sang so much but the songs were catchy god why did they sing tho the callbacks tho in nemu’s songs were so powerful otome’s could rally soldiers honobono like yaaaaaasssssss the singing tho—
18.what made you a fan of hypstage? have you ever attended a show in person (or plan to) or watched a live stream?
i’m pretty sure i’ve watched at least one stream for each show except track 5 (i was off the grid) and dh rep live (IM SORRY) i don’t plan to go to jp to watch one either, unless these new gen actors somehow blow my mind in ways the legends era never did. but that’s a tall order bc the legends era defined so much of the characters despite not being canon. it was fun seeing the way the stage grew and how the actors grew into the characters and how it kept evolving until that era’s end
2019 hypmic’s clowned on the stage upon initial announcement bc what story could they possibly tell. well lmao!!!!! track 1 set the story straight and that’s when i knew the stage had magic 😭😭😭😭
19.do you own or collect any hypstage merch? what's your favourite? what confuses you to this day? what's your holy grail item?
not really lol. i own all the dvds in season 1 and track 5 but none of season 2 (which is tragic bc i enjoyed season 2 far more 😭😭😭). i did splurge a little after bop2023 bc i believe in retail therapy lol and i care about them so much 🥺🥺🥺
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does hypstage have freaky merch??? or is this bait to talk about the hypstage plastic wrap WHICH IS INGENIOUS BTW
20.have you followed any past or current actors from hypstage and seen their other work? what did you think?
i follow hirono-san wherever i can lol he’ll always be a kuukou and therefore i’ll support him 😌 i also poke around the nmcd actors works and maybe bc he’s such good friends with hirono-san, i often see fukuzawa yuu in my media too lol (he dropped a killer ep recently by the way outside of his usual group y’all should check it out)
(and watch nanashi while you’re at it it’s peak fiction lol)
21.what are your thoughts about the new original division, WESTEND-MAFIA (hachioji division)?
sick designs!!!!! as much as i hate seeing the echoes of the old oridivis lol!!!! i’m excited to see what they cook since they haven’t missed with these oridivis yet lol
22.are there any characters you wish interacted with each other more in the stage plays (or even between the stage and main canons)?
pls go back to my kazu answer from question 3 and tell me that’s not just kuukou rebranded for the stage lol. a best friend who left but suddenly reappeared??? will do anything for family??? admires ichiro’s strength and wants to stand with him on stage again??? snake imagery???? had a really fcking gay duet with ichiro????? i’m so sick they never got to interact together like yeah i get it hypmic is the samatoki ichiro show so everything’s gotta lead back to their dynamic hence why we were getting another stage with north bastard and mtc (and fp lol) but north bastards’s initials are nb and their unifying symbol were green bandanas and green is red’s complimentary colour IT WAS SO OBVIOUS NORTH BASTARD STOLE NAUGHTY BUSTERS FLOW BRO AT LEAST LET KUUKOU AND KAZU HANG OUT LOL
i’m also really sad jakurai and jinpachi never saw each other after their fall out 😕
23.is there an event in the main canon (that is, the audio drama tracks) you hope they cover in the stage plays that hasn't been depicted yet?
i wonder lol!!!! i would have loved a leaders play to balance out having a tdd play in the legends era and ig i can still ride with one now!!!! but where canon’s at with its story makes me grateful the stage rebooted bc i personally couldn’t have seen how the stage would have adapted post 2nd drb stuff with its notable lack of women and the division beef resolving itself
maybe we can get the honobono hifumi doppo dynamic in stage tho!!!! get a proper nemu and samatoki duet!!!! lol do me a solid and have samatoki and ichijiku fight over nemu we got possibilities now with proper women
24.or do you prefer when the stages have their own, separate storylines and canon? if so, what kind of story do you want to see one day?
that’s a great question lol and one i don’t think i have an answer for. like the stage thrives in a state of non-canonicity but it drives me insane that there’s a subsection of hypmic fans who look at stage kuukou and don’t see how self-immolating he can be for others and have no reason to suspect he is. he’s the coolest and most shallow version of kuukou but that’s their canon and i genuinely hate it lmao
i’m a little partial to these quasi canon stories tho!!!! like i don’t think we would have ever seen nemu rise to her current rank without the stage so it’s neat to see the stage get utilised in that way. i’m personally interested in worldbuilding details no one else would be unless they were balls deep with no plans to pull out lol so the stage can keep surprising me there
25.who has the coolest mic onstage? silliest? most lethal?
i like that asakusa’s mics were all based on oni lore lol like jinpachi had an oni’s spiky club, doshiro had an oni axe and masamune fits in the silliest with a sake cup mic since oni are also known to love drinking lol
i also think kokuri’s drill mic was also silly lol and it’s so funny nobody knows why he has it
and most lethal??? gotta be arima’s gun right lol????
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juceynightmare · 1 year
pink carnations part 5 finale - cody rhodes x reader
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my masterlist
pink carnations masterlist
pairing(s): cody rhodes x reader, cody rhodes x brandi rhodes, austin theory x reader
warning(s): swearing
genre(s): heavy fluff
<< previous part ||
“junior, go and tell your dad and cody that dinner’s ready.” y/n told the teenager who was sat on the couch, laughing as junior complained about having to pause his game. she watched as junior walked, while dragging his feet along the floor, down to the basement where the two men were playing their own video games in the “man cave” as it was dubbed. she found it endearing how much junior looked like his dad, austin. the teenage boy even picking up on austin’s hobby of bodybuilding.
y/n began to set the table, smiling when her daughter, cora, bounded over to her to help with the table. she shot her daughter a knowing look, giggling when a blush creeped up on her daughter’s face. “you and junior are sure getting real comfy on that couch. you’re lucky i’m not dad.” y/n mused.
“stop! austin and i are just friends. swear. he’d never even look at me as a potential girlfriend. especially when he’s already being surrounded by senior cheerleaders who are drooling over him. oh -oops, sorry i mean junior.” cora quickly corrected herself, remembering that whenever she was around her parents to call austin, junior, as to not confuse him with her mom and dad’s austin.
y/n and cora sat across from each other at the table, waiting for the guys to emerge from the man cave. the two began to gossip, as girls do, as cora informed her mom of all the new high school freshman “tea” and how different it was from previous years “tea”.
“and then, this same girl comes up to me and she asks if austin, sorry, she asks if junior and i are dating but then she says it in like, you know that tone mom? the one where its like ‘oh i’m into him so you should back off’” cora rambles on, before eventually being cut off by her dad who gently pats her head.
“wait, start from the beginning. we just got here.” cody mused, smiling at his daughter’s red face as she looks as if she got caught doing something bad.
cody walked over to the other side of the table, leaning down to greet y/n with a kiss before sitting down beside her. austin took the seat beside cody while junior sat down beside cora on the opposing side of the table.
“looks good, y/n. smells great too.” austin commented, picking up his utensils and already beginning to dig in.
y/n giggled, watching the others take their first bites of the food before she did herself. she couldn’t believe the situation she was in, remembering how so many years ago it took them forever to get to this spot.
she remembers how mad cody was when she told him she wouldn’t be getting the surgery. she also remembers shutting him up with a kiss and leaving him breathless that morning. cody had convinced her that their love would be enough, and so, y/n decided that she didn’t need surgery. if their love was truly enough, then contrary to cody’s beliefs, time would be on their side.
and they were right.
the flowers cleared up a month after that fateful night, although they both thought that y/n was certainly dying because of how much she was dry heaving without anything coming out. eventually though, the entire plant, including its roots, were expelled into the toilet of their shared hotel room as the two cried tears of joy in each others arms.
and brandi? to no one’s surprise, brandi contracted hanahaki. it was sad to experience for cody, but his selfish mind had reminded him that he has y/n. brandi didn’t need to know cody’s opinion before deciding to go through with the surgery although her hanahaki was in early development. because of the decision to undergo surgery, brandi and cody had to unfortunately terminate their pregnancy. the two mourned separately over the loss of their unborn child but knew that, in time, their wounds were heal and that the decision was ultimately for the better.
once the divorce was finalized, cody remembers immediately going out to buy a bouquet of pink carnations. the flowers were bittersweet in a way, but they were still so undoubtedly his and y/n’s flowers that he didn’t need to ask for different flowers. he remembers the joy on her face when he asked her to, finally and officially, be his girlfriend again.
and then, came their wedding day years after. austin served as cody’s best man, the three of them becoming an unstoppable trio together. y/n and cody would find out they were having a child together not too long after, and austin, in seemingly true austin fashion, had found out he would also be having a child - just with someone that was a one-night stand.
two weeks after austin had been granted full custody of his son not too long after junior was born, cora had been born. to their parents’ eyes, junior and cora were fated to become best friends - and maybe more - from the start. and from this formed their unusual, yet very exciting family dynamic.
y/n looked around the table with a wide smile, so incredibly happy with how life had turned out. she defeated hanahaki, is now married to her first ever love, has a child with this same man, and her child is best friends with the son of her own best friend.
cody seemed to have caught his wife getting lost in her thoughts, pulling her away from her mind by placing a hand on her thigh and squeezing it. just before he was able to address her, junior cleared his throat from the other side of the table and caught his attention, “uh, mr. runnels.”
all eyes were suddenly on junior, y/n and cody looking on with confused looks while cora seemed hopeful. austin, though, fought back a smile knowing exactly what his son was about to do.
“yes junior? and i thought we were over the mr. runnels thing. you’re practically family at this point, you can at least call me cody.” cody addressed junior, setting down his utensils. he removed his hand from y/n’s lap, sitting upright in his chair. he could tell junior was nervous, judging by the way the boy was practically shaking in his seat. and if cody’s instincts were to be correct, he has a suspicion on what junior was about to ask him.
“i was, wondering if.. you know, i could take cora out on… a date.. sometimes… it’s ok if you want to tag along of course! you know, i know you’re very protective of cora and, and i am too! i wouldn’t want to hurt her, of course. i uhm, yeah.” junior caught himself rambling, his face turning beet red in embarassment. it did help when he felt cora grab his hand from under the table and squeeze it.
y/n giggled besides cody who had seemingly tensed up, frozen in shock and disbelief. she nudged cody as if to break him out of his trance. “well, mr. runnels. what do you think?” she teased him.
austin brought a hand up and rested it on cody’s shoulder, squeezing his friend’s shoulder as he urged him on, “come on, mr. runnels. what’s going on in that head of yours.”
cody sighed, relaxing back into his seat. “in all honesty, i was more afraid you were going to tell me that you were already seeing my daughter behind my back and had gotten her pregnant.” he laughed, earning a gasp and slap on the chest from his wife, a whined out “dad!” from his daughter, and a slight nudge on the arm from austin.
“but yeah, sure you can take my daughter out on a date. but where are we going and when is the real question.” cody continued, picking his utensils back up and going back to eating his food.
“we?” junior questioned, enjoying the way that cora had shoved her face into his shoulder to hide her blushing face after her dad’s comment. knowing that the adults were, in fact, more observant than he thought they were about the way he and cora felt for each other, junior didn’t think twice about wrapping his arm around cora to pull her in closer. this, of course, earned him a whistle from his own dad and caused cora’s blush to deepen.
“well yeah, i said what i said. did you already forget that you basically invited me out on your date too? i was going to let you two kids off and do whatever since we’ve already let y’all do that but if you insist on having me there then i will gladly be there.” cody said with a laugh, using a napkin to wipe away at his mouth. cody, y/n, and austin all laughed at the realization that washed over junior’s face as his mouth dropped open to form an “o”.
yeah, y/n thought, this was certainly the good life. she glanced over at the vase of pink carnations that was out on their coffee table, the pink carnations that cody would buy her every other week whenever the old bouquet would die out.
it was odd to think that the lowest point of her life would open new doors that lead her to finding another person to call her best friend, as well as eventually being able to openly love her first love, but y/n wouldn’t want it any other way.
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Limoncello - Chapter 6
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Pairings: Nick Folio x OFC, Bad Omens x OFC
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Fluff, cursing, one mini flashback, I didn't proof read half of this bc I hate myself, a stupid joke? or exchange??, like it's really fucking dumb i'm warning you.
Series Masterlist
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“To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.” ~ Mark Twain
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Mountains of different shirts, shorts, pants, skirts, and dresses littered the floor in Maeve’s bedroom. She couldn’t even see the floor anymore. When Nick had told her that he found it hard to believe that she owned anything black, she hadn’t expected that the nail polish would actually be the only black thing she owned. She also hadn’t realized that she had this many clothes. She growled in frustration as she grabbed yet another colorful article of clothing. She looked over to her vanity where her phone was propped up against the mirror, her best friend’s bored face covering the screen as she watched Maeve through the ongoing facetime call. 
“Presley,” Maeve whined to her friend, striding towards the phone and picking it up as she anxiously ran her fingers through hair. “What do I do? I have nothing to wear to this gig.” 
Presley sighed and rubbed her eyes. “Your floor looks like the opening scene of Clueless. You have plenty to wear,” she started. “What exactly are you going for?”
“Like…A rockstar girlfriend type of look,” Maeve sounded unsure. “At least something that won’t make me stick out like a sore thumb.” 
Presley visibly held back laughter. “Babe, that’s so not you. You’re not going to find anything that fits the bill in your closet.” 
“Well what do I do? I can’t go buy anything,” Maeve whined. “I have to be ready in an hour.” 
Presley thought for a moment, “Do you still have those dark green corduroy shorts?” 
Maeve nodded and set the phone down to dig through the closet once more. She found them relatively quick and put them on to ensure that they still fit. They did. 
“Great,” Presley approved. “Now just style those how you’d usually style them. You’ll look gorgeous. If that boy likes you for you, he’ll think so too. Plus, it’s a dive bar. Don’t overthink it.”
Maeve felt her face heat up at the mention of Nick possibly liking her. She hoped he did, but she continuously convinced herself that he was just friendly. Presley had been rooting for them the moment Maeve told her about him on the day the band moved in across the street.
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“Presley!” Maeve beamed once she answered the facetime call. “I have new neighbors! Across the street!”
“I’m assuming you already went over there?” Presley questioned, knowing her friend’s tendency to be hospitable. 
“I just got back from bringing them cookies,” Maeve confirmed. “It’s four guys. And! They’re a band. From what I can tell, they play pretty heavy stuff. Well, heavy for me at least.” Maeve rambled on with the biggest smile that Presley had seen from her in a long time. Maeve usually was one to get excited about meeting new people. But Presley could tell this was different. 
“How did it go?” Presley asked gently, trying to get more information about these neighbors and why they had her so excited. 
“It went really well! They’re all so kind! They loved the cookies,” Maeve giggled before she continued. “Oh! Their drummer is really cute.” 
Presley watched as Maeve’s face turned bright red. “Tell me more about this drummer.” 
“Well, his name is Nick. He seemed a little bit shy. But when we shook hands, neither of us let go when we definitely should’ve. I feel really stupid for that. It’s probably my fault,” Maeve’s smile faded a bit. “Oh my God, he probably thinks I’m so weird.”
Presley laughed and shook her head, “If he didn’t let go either, it’s probably fine.” Presley didn’t say anything then, but she knew that Maeve had a crush and that Nick probably had one too. 
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Maeve dug through the clothes on the floor and in the closet looking for some very specific pieces. She grabbed a fitted, cropped white tank top, a thin brown belt, and some brown boots. After dressing herself completely she threw on a dainty, gold necklace and matching stud earrings. She backed up so she was in frame to show Presley. “This is cute right? I don’t think I’ll stick out like a sore thumb.” 
“Super cute. Super you.” Presley gave her a thumbs up. “I love it.”
“Cool,” Maeve nodded. “One more question. Bubble braids?”
“Oh, absolutely!”
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After throwing her hair into bubble braids, doing some light, glowy makeup, and saying goodbye to Presley, Maeve grabbed her purse and made her way across the street. She smiled as she saw the garage door open the second she stepped into their driveway. ‘Perfect timing,’ she thought. 
Nicholas stepped outside first, his hair sitting messily in a bun on top of his head. He offered a tight lipped smile. “Hey Maeve. You’re still riding with us, right?”
“If that’s still okay with you guys, then yes,” she grinned as she approached him. 
“Well, you’ll be riding with Folio in the truck,” he explained. “And trust me, he’s more than okay with it.”
“Oh you guys take separate vehicles?” Maeve tilted her head to the side. 
Nicholas nodded, “Yeah. The drum kit takes up a lot of space, so we have to.”
The door leading into the garage opened and Nick emerged. He seemed to be on autopilot as he went straight over to the drum kit without even glancing in their direction. As he began to prepare it for loading, Nicholas leaned over to Maeve. “Watch this,” he whispered. He cleared his throat. “Hey, Folio.”
Without turning to look, Folio responded with a hum. 
Nicholas tried to hold back a smirk, “Maeve’s here. You’re not gonna say hi?”
Folio froze in his spot for a moment. His eyes widened as he finally turned around. His face had turned beet red in a matter of seconds. 
Maeve tried to hold back a laugh, “Yeah what’s up with that?” She played along. “You invited me and you’re not even gonna say hi?” He looked nervous, embarrassed and clearly didn’t know what to say. Maeve couldn’t hold in her laughter anymore as she walked over to him, “I’m just messing.” She placed her hand on his bicep and gave it a comforting squeeze. 
His face settled into a goofy grin as he looked down at her, “Very funny.” 
“Nicholas started it,” Maeve jutted her thumb to point behind her at Nicholas, who had a hand over his mouth still trying so hard not to burst out laughing. 
Folio rolled his eyes as he turned his focus to Nicholas. “Since this is so funny, why don’t you help me load this up?”
Maeve stepped to the side as Nicholas began to help Folio. Once they were far away enough from Maeve, Nicholas decided to tease him a little more. “You are so fucking down bad,” he mumbled to him with a shit eating grin on his face. 
“Shut the fuck up.”
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With all the instruments and equipment loaded up, they all left for the bar. Maeve sat in the passenger’s seat of Nick’s old truck and tried not to stare too hard at his profile while he drove. Nick was trying to keep his eyes on the road. It was proving difficult with how pretty she looked and how nice she smelled, so he kept stealing little glances. 
He then realized how quiet it was. Even with the music playing from the radio, he still felt like there was an intense, awkward silence. He needed to say something. He didn’t want it to seem like he didn’t want her there. So, he began to talk about the first thing that came to mind. It just so happened to be a shower thought that he’d had earlier. “You know dog whistles?” he asked her.
Maeve furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at him. “Yeah…” she trailed off, confused. “What about them?”
“So, only dogs hear them, right?”
“I guess…yeah.” She had no idea where he was going with this, but she was curious enough to play into it. 
“Alright. Have you ever heard of a death whistle?” he questioned, seemingly changing the subject. 
“Like the Aztec ones?” Maeve asked. A smile began to form on her face at the strangeness of this conversation. 
“Exactly,” said Nick. “Do you think it’s the same? Like only dogs can hear dog whistles. Can only dead people hear death whistles?”
She bursted into a fit of laughter. “Definitely not,” she responded. “How would that even work? How do they hear it if they're dead?” 
Nick started to laugh along with her, “I don’t know! Maybe their souls have ears or something.” 
“That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard,” Maeve laughed, clearly amused. She lifted her hand to cover her mouth as she continued to laugh harder and harder the more she thought about the absurdity of the question. 
Nick looked over at her fully as he laughed at his own stupid question and her reaction to it. Then he noticed her nails. “Hey, did you paint your nails? They’re black.”
Through heaving breaths in an attempt to control her laughter, Maeve nodded. “Yeah, I painted them last night. Thought it could be fun for us to match.” 
Nick swore he felt his heart swell at the admission and he was rendered speechless for a moment. “Yeah,” he said softly, his own laughter long faded but a fond smile still present. “That’s sick.” 
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eurydicees · 4 months
so i’ve had a night to sleep on it and a full day of work and i still feel fucking deranged. so. thoughts on the haikyuu movie (*SPOILERS* + long post under the cut):
ok general impressions first—
oh my god it was so good. i’m inconsolable. it was really really good.
i was so strong and normal in the public movie theater until the start of the third set.
at which point i started trembling violently.
which turned to silent crying at the last like five points until the end of the movie.
i’m so sorry to the one other guy sitting in my row.
Anyways. i know we were all apprehensive abt it being a movie but i think it actually worked really well
pacing was good and iirc they managed to fit almost everything in there, which. is very impressive
plus the experience of getting to watch this game all at once in a theater was really fun
HUGEEEE props to the sound editing team oh my god. i could FEEL every spike in my chest and every breath was tangible and the cheering sections were phenomenally mixed and the squeaking of sneakers on the floor throughout….and then the CRAZY moments of pure silence…….man.
AND THE SOUNDTRACK. THE MUSIC. THE MUSICCCCCCC. there is one thing haikyuu will never do and that is miss with the music. oh my god even just the OPENING had me shaking. the music added SO MUCH and was SO well done.
the animation in general was REALLY good. especially that final point of the game which i will mention more later bc man. god. the animation was REALLY GOOD.
the characters were all so well done. like yeah ofc but. they were so good.
i walked in with an already deep love for nekoma and i walked out feeling like my heart had burst with how much love i have for them
kuroo and kenma in particular were REALLY good. there was a good amnt of childhood kuroken and when i tell you i was sobbing for half of it…
also very good was tsukishima!! he’s not one of my faves usually but he had me silently screaming in the movie theater during this game
and OF COURSE hinata. how could i not mention him. he was done so well. i watched it dubbed and the voice acting was VERY good.
no fukurodani game so. Sad. but also i do think if they had put that in there it would have broken the tension in a bad way, so i’m not actually upset about it. praying for an ova or smth
overall good blend of memory/flashback and realtime gameplay
re: flashbacks--a lot of them were to childhood kuroken and a lot of them were also just to training camps and scenes we've seen before but in a different pov....biting down on things rn
re: gameplay--saw some review that was like "gah they expect you to care about the characters/teams already and dont tell you who to root for" bitch YEAH and that's the POINT ! so yeah. if you care about the characters already and love both teams. *chef's kiss*
besides that they did NOT pull ANY punches. the game is REAL from the FIRST whistle, maybe only 10-15 minutes in
which like. that was the only way to do it. and they did not fucking hesitate
some stand out moments for me, in no particular order—
*disclaimer i have a rly bad memory so if im mixing some moments up i apologize. you shouldn't take this as an official source for anything.*
oh my god the last point was done BEAUTIFULLY. it’s already such an insane way to end the game and i swear the movie was just as insane.
they did the last few minutes of the game through kenma’s eyes, so you’re seeing his pov of the court and the ball, and that glimpse of the practice match moment, until the ball slips and it cuts to his eyes. oh my god. i went crazy i went crazy i am STILL going CRAZY.
kenma falling down and “that was fun” going into kuroo’s laugh……………changed LIVES !!!!!!
similarly, kenma’s last speech of the game oh my god oh my god oh my god
we KNEW it was one of my favorite speeches in any manga ever but they genuinely did it justice. the cuts between shots of the court and kuroo inviting kenma to play volleyball and kenma following him out the door and leaving behind a video game controller and a volleyball magazine……what if i went crazy forever and ever and ever !!!!!!!!
ALL of the childhood kuroken moments…..literally feeling deranged about them
everything about tsukishima and kuroo’s banter across the net was incredible
tsukishima laughing...... im EMOTIONAL !!!!
all of the little glimpses and montages they had to training camps and practices outside of actually playing, when they were just hanging out……sir im crying !!!!
they all reminded me a lot of the special one shot where kai has that moment of reflection on his volleyball career but all that came to mind were the breaks where he was hanging out with his friends…..i’m gonna cry thinking abt it.
HINATA’S CENTER BOOM JUMP. oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. i think i actually like. gasped. <<< knew it was going to happen
OOOOOOH. when kenma has his panic moment of oh what do i do and then kuroo comes up and it flashes between that spike and them learning to spike together as kids……what if i went ballistic right fucking now
the “we are each other’s teacher” moment jesus fucking christ. they didn’t say that line but. you’ll know it’s that scene when it happens. i think it broke something inside me.
that might've been around when the tears started coming but it's all kinda a blur lol
kurodai hug. yeah.
after the game kai's im glad i spent these three years with you...felt that scene in my bones
kenma "keep surprising me, shoyo. this is good" << lines that will live in me forever
getting to see kenma and hinata's first meeting again but from kenma and kuroo's pov.......killing biting kicking maiming sobbing
lmfao post-credit scene. daishou <3
the glimpses of tendou and goshiki watching together were rly funny. obsessed w tendou as always.
kenma "i thought kageyama would lose interest in hinata if he had no wings" kozume vs tobio "i will make you fly" kageyama.........showdown of the century
oh my god. fuck ok i can't forget this one, in that final “i never want this to end” scene youre in kenma’s pov and you fall down and all you can see is kenma’s reflection in his own sweat dripping onto the court i am SHAKING remembering it
speaking of, they wove the foreshadowing w the sweat on the court and the ball etc into the game really seamlessly and aghadlgkjahg;ajdgfkal. god. ok. this is fine.
anyways. the animation in that sequence goes SO HARD. the animation overall goes so hard. im in hysterics.
ok this got long but there's DEFINITELY more things that im missing...idk these are just my first thoughts. i want to see it again. i NEEEEED to see it again. oh my god i feel crazy. i love haikyuu so much. i love it so much. like so much. did you know i love haikyuu.
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humunanunga · 2 years
Project: Eden’s Garden prologue just dropped and here’s my thoughts on the cast so far 👀
Damon: Oh, so we finally get to play as a tool. Just a total trashman. It’s almost like if we went into the first Danganronpa playing as Byakuya LMAO. Can’t wait to watch his guy slowly figure out he was being a gatekeeping prick just to feel self-important and not have to think about having an identity apart from his talent.
Eva: I love her. I already liked her design when the voice cast was announced, which I also really like, and now I’m really looking forward to how her arc pans out. I like how a lot of her dialogue consists of questions/guesses, directives, or observations you wouldn’t need to take her word for. I also like that, assuming it’s true-- and so far, I’m willing to bet it is-- that, while hesitant, she was honest about being the Ultimate Liar. Imagine how that’d blow up in her face later if she tried lying about what kind of Ultimate she was. She knows it’s a lot to ask for with her talent, but she definitely acts like she wants to be trusted. I already said this in Youtube comments, but the contrast against Kokichi really makes a point for why she’s the Ultimate Liar: a good liar knows when not to lie. For one, a bad liar tells lies they can’t get away with, and for another, if your reputation precedes you, all it takes to deceive everyone is to tell the truth and let their suspicion do all the work.
Grace: Uncalled for, but Damon kinda earns it later.
Wolfgang: A polite boy. A lad, even. Save for how riled up that “demo” got him. Wondering whether he’ll be Damon’s Kaito or his Kokichi... Right now, it seems like Damon’s set himself up to be Wolfgang’s Kokichi. Yikes.
Toshiko: We haven’t seen her mouth yet... curious. Could mean nothing... but if this fangame also includes a plant among the killing game participants, she’s my first guess. Danganronpa loves red herrings, so I don’t think it’d be Eva, but Toshiko? Her color scheme would also fit, everyone woke up in pairs, and a lot of those pairs seem to work well together or at least balance each other out.
Eloise: Hello, so you have red eyes, huh? Is there something you’re not telling us? What was that about analyzing your opponent and predicting their next move, almost like you would in chess? Sorry, you seem very sweet, I just know how these games go.
Desmond: Oh no, you’re gonna get a lotta heat for your talent later, aren’t’cha. I am so sorry, you seem like a real chill dude.
Jean: idk, guys, he's jacked and reliable, and beefcakes with integrity tend to strike out on the fourth case in this series...
Ulysses: Another design I loved from the get-go. I get the impression his habit of note-keeping could be important later... I’m rooting for his survival, but that journal could easily be evidence later.
Ingrid: We love a beefsteak.
Kai: I could see the Ultimate Influencer being a traitor or mastermind and using their talent to gather an audience for their killing game, cuz the games are always streamed and he has a lot more black and white in his outfit than Cassidy, but I... kinda doubt it’ll be him unless they’re all revealed to play roles as the mastermind.
Diana: tbh I’m really hoping she’ll be one of the killers. There’s a lot of potential for a makeup artist to cover their crime, like concealing or faking injuries. They did say she’s done makeup for cinema, I’m just saying. I’m just saying! At the very least, even if she’s cleared, I really hope she’ll be a suspect.
Jett: Don’t know what I expected, but I’m loving his energy. He is doing his best.
Mark: What was with that leer on the train? Did he recognize Damon?
Cassidy: Ohhh boy, are she and Wenona gonna duke it out at some point?
Wenona: Damon... my guy... I woulda thought you’d get along with her. You are a certifiable hypocrite if you’re gonna judge her for being an Ultimate elitist.
Cara: Oh, this wasn’t Eden’s first killing game, was it. I’m surprised none of them pointed out after the practice trial how Cara was an Ultimate too... Wolfgang was right. Asking why would’ve been just as important as asking how. We’re gonna circle back to this case later, aren’t we-- hold on... was... was the point of doing this... did... could Cara’s killer have won a class trial?
Tozu: Did... did he sound like Dr. Frank-N-Furter to anyone else or is that just me? Great voice either way, interesting that it looks like he’s wearing a grey body suit under that coat that'd make him look more like an unnamed Danganronpa culprit. Interesting.
Mara: idk, she yoked tho.
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playboyy ep 12 stray thoughts
- “damn i hate myself” real
- first soong being cute 🥹🥹
- you know shits about to get emotional when the soundtrack switches to yoiyami
- “you called me a friend when you weren’t pretending to be nant” AND WHAT IF I LOSE MY MIND
- zouey and nont besties agenda
- i guess the evidence is staying hidden then like boy are they in their failvestigator era oh nvm they found something (that they already knew but still that’s more than they usually get
- promnont !!!
- hold on they finally showing zoueyteena. they can never just give a quick handy either always gotta be invoking the religious implications of a renaissance painting… good for them (yes i include the popcorn scene in this) also top zouey truthers this one was for you!!!
- what are you hiding under that tarp zouey 🤨🤨 i think it’s of nant
- hold on teena’s necklace lmao. is the t for troy no it’s for *too sleepy to finish the bit*
- finna beat the shit out of jason lee give me 10 seconds i could take him out
- what does he mean by keep an eye on…
- oop that scarf zouey in his horse girl era
- she is not scared of them at all like two absolute kitty cats of toruturers MEKEKFKKRKRJFJFJF NOT THE DUSTERS I CANT
- the drop of sweat deserves an award for perfect timing and i’m being so serious about this
- AHH PROMNONT i can’t handle them being affectionate like it makes me lose my oh not the fuckass product placemntsjdjjdjdjrjrjjejdjr you know what i got me some promnont crumbs i’ll take it
- so i’m gonna see this scene expanded in fic later right 👀 i’ll give a million kisses to anyone who decides to do it
- they can never argue using simple sentences it’s always “i feel bad that you feel bad that i felt bad” and “im mad that you got mad that i got mad” and “if you have a problem that we have a problem than the problem is you’re invalidating my feelings” “i didn’t think you would think about me thinking” like besties….
- see but zouey was kinda right… why is he being made the bad guy, first and captain kinda pissin me off
- girl YOU got him expelled. captain needs to be fr
- these college athletes are plain evil
- puen lowkey the only one in this show consistently talking sense. i hope he gets his licks back on these bum bitches cause i’ve had it with them
- the coloring the coloring the coloring the coloring the coloring the projection the projection the projection
- captain talking big game for someone who took sneaky clips. hoping this shows growth on his part cause deep down im still rooting for him
- captain sweaty blow up the whole establishment i support you
- ooo the outro track finally making sense!! kejrjejdnjdj
- i love the when soong carries first
- oh more food, user @jeffsatyr i’m so sorry
- firstsoong enthusiasts we are so back oh there goes firsts fuckass dad
- captain needs to stop picking fights AND CAPTAINS A YANKEES fan i can’t defend him anymore
- puen fight back!!! he was going easy on captain cause he’s a nice little boy oh shit now aobs gonna kill captain isn’t he…
- captainkeenpuen enthusiasts don’t lose hope!!! we can still win!!
- aobpuen enthusiasts were so back
- the characters and 'accurately assessing the media their in' saga continues
- porsche looks like such a baby here. jump listen to porsche pls do not see him again
- cry by johannes bornlof is playing they fr pulling out the nuthphop ballads for the other couples today
- puen is my boy and i will lay down my life for him actually
- NONT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT IM GONNA WALHAT WHAT WYHAHW ok sorry yall him with the gun did sumn to me
- nont once again will not be caught slacking holding someone at gun point be damned AND ITS CAPTAIN WITB THE STEAL POLL?!?!?!?
- nont… i need to know how he picks outfits like did he want the color to match the gun????
- nont chuckling in the corner... i fear he’s lost it
- playboyy once again with the themes of tech and privacy
- captain is lucky puen is lowkey a pacifist
- nont and captain: torturing aob and puen for info about the murder, zoueyteena: painting time !!
- oh my god yall im getting chills like fr speechless i am so…
- nuth coming through with his amateur directorial visions let’s gooooo
- nont being like “please do a little bit of torture, just for me, please 🥺”
- he playing the funeral violin oh it’s not ending well oh god
- jason lee you will crumble i am so serious about this count your mother fucking days
- nuth scurrying away in the back… also nont where is your marksmanship now
- puen keeps suffering tremendously and he doesn’t deserve a single second of it. free my boy he fr has never done anything wrong
- i think i was right and nuths screenplay is autobiographical
- nuthphop my beloveds i love them so fucking much you don’t get it no wait why he deleting them oh shit ! phop play shitty games win shitty prizes dawg
- welp
yall this might be one of the strongest eps in a hot minute i loved this one had me at the edge of my seat the whole time
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horsetailcurlers2 · 6 months
back again with my obnoxiously long stream of thoughts while watching greys anatomy for the first time (SEASON 17 bc the show is going downhill but i’ve invested way too much time to give up now)
-i really don’t like watching the covid seasons of tv shows. it just makes me depressed
-i have been getting to the point where idk if the show is worth watching anymore, but i’m going to stick it out and also cut this season some slack
-i like the flashback thing. maybe this is dumb but i’m wondering if some of that was footage they already had before covid happened and they found a way to repurpose it??
-“i’m not okay with you dying, owen” very unrelatable, teddy
-at the risk of sounding like i care for owen hunts well-being, i am BEGGING for him to just be single for once in his life. figure your shit out without having to have a new wife every five minutes. i thought he’d make progress with that therapy thing but at the end of it he was just like “figuring out the root of my trauma made me realize i DO love teddy :D”
-i know she’s not dead but this also isn’t the same limbo from the drowning incident so i’m confused
-so are we saying that heaven is canon in the greys anatomy universe??????
-owen has every right to be pissed at teddy, but it sounds like he’s forgetting he also cheated on his first wife lol. not that that makes it okay, i just mean that some of the things he’s saying are beyond hypocritical
-i am the worst person in the world for shitting on a child actor like this but the little girl that plays zola sucks at fake crying
-a death has not upset me this much on this show since mark and lexie
-part of the difference in the writing that i was talking about with the last few seasons is that i feel like they aren’t letting us draw our own conclusions about how we’re supposed to feel about things anymore. like they’re telling us through dialogue exactly what we’re supposed to think and feel about every situation and it’s kind of annoying. or it’s spelling out exactly what each character is feeling all the time instead of showing us. the dialogue is just sort of forced and clunky and after-school-special-y
-i like that there’s been more of a focus on teddy. other than the henry storyline, she’s sort been a bit unexplored until recently
-damn teddy’s life really has just been rife with tragedy
-tell him amelia !! get his ass
-is teddmelia a ship??? i kind of want it to happen
-lexie and deluca would’ve gotten along like a house on fire :(
-the beach is beautiful and the scenes are great but i DO NOT need to be seeing derek’s bare feet and ankles so much
-“i just really need to be crying right now” amelia is so real
-this season is the most upsetting to me i think because it’s the most real. i think that’s why i don’t like covid seasons of shows. other seasons might draw inspo from real world events but in 2020 there was no way to write a show without talking about all the awful tragedy going on so even if they try to infuse hope into all the bleakness there’s no escapism. which i’m not saying is a bad thing at all. like it would’ve been worse to just write the storylines as if nothing was happening in the real world.
-baileys immediate reaction to the guy who thinks covid is fake being to go to the stairwell and just yell “WHAT? WHAT?!” is so real
-i like the idea of jo switching to OB but i think it’s a little ignorant and naive to say it’s because it’s “happier” than surgery. like realistically it’s bc she likes the idea of bringing babies into the world bc she’s been unpacking the way she came into the world and stuff. but saying it’s happier just feels like a way of saying “easier” and i thought we were past the weird elitist attitude a lot of the characters had towards obstetrics and gynecology in the early seasons.
-i’m happy for tom with his activism and his hospital shares
-a semi public proposal and using the kids to pressure her (inadvertently?) does not seem like amelia’s style even if she hadn’t been questioning whether or not she wanted to get married.
-overall a good chunk of this season was alternately too bleak or too boring. i wish we got to know winston a bit more. everyone felt just slightly off kilter. giving it a pass bc covid season. hopefully the next season (and my possible reaction/commentary??? if it’s worth reacting to) will be better
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