#I lied I wanted strawberry to look nice too
leonisloresmith · 2 years
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Boom, parents Milk and Yam
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hotyanderedaddies · 9 months
you are legit my fav author on here your stories are amazing, could I possibly request yandere wolf daddy with a forced feminized male reader ( who secretly enjoys it)
and can I be 🪬 anon? :3
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[Yandere! Werewolf Daddy x Male! Reader]
"Princess, it's time to wake up," Daddy whispered into your ear as he tightened his hold on you, squeezing you in closer to his hairy chest. He leaned down and placed a large kiss onto your forehead, exaggerating his kissing noises.
You grunted in response, already rolling your eyes at the older werewolf's foolishness.
The big werewolf rolled out from under you and stood up from the bed, stretching his powerful arms over himself. He looked down at you and mock-frowned when he saw that you haven't budged, too tired to get out of bed at such an obscene hour (7 AM).
Daddy crossed his muscled arms over his beefy chest, tsking at you. "Princess," he warned, putting on an authoritative air, "it's time to get up so we can get ready for the day. Now be a good girl and listen to Daddy."
"Shut up..." you whined, shoving the bubblegum pink pillow over your head in frustration.
You heard Daddy utter out a low growl.
Before you knew it, Daddy threw your tiny body over his broad shoulder. He stomped over towards the bathroom, plopping you on your feet in front of the tub.
"I'll lay your clothes out on the bed," Daddy said as he reached over and turned on the hot water for the shower, steam already billowing out. "Unless, you want some of Daddy's help?"
"Pass," you muttered, slamming the bathroom door shut so that you had some semblance of privacy.
As you washed yourself under the hot water of the shower, you couldn't help but sigh as you lathered up your hair with the sickly sweet strawberry scented shampoo. It was such a girly smell and the bottle was even bright pink with flecks of glitter garnishing it- you wouldn't have been caught dead using it at the gym with all of your buddies around.
Still, even you had to admit that it did smell a little good. You couldn't resist taking a big whiff of the sweet strawberries as you lathered up your longer hair that Daddy forbade you to cut.
Normally, you opted for buzzcuts since it was an easier style to manage, but now your hair was shaggy and starting to cover up your ears due to its longer-than-normal length.
After rinsing out the suds from your hair, you grabbed your equally sweet smelling body wash (this one shaped like a red candied apple), and washed yourself.
It's been four months since Daddy stole you.
You'd been packing up your stuff to move out of your freshman dorm at college. You'd been all set to leave the next morning and had lied down to get some much needed sleep.
That'd been when Daddy had snuck in through your open window, and had snatched you out of bed.
He'd taken you to the cabin he calls "Home", where he'd claimed that you were soulmates and where he dotes on you hand and foot...
and where he insists on calling you "Princess", "Baby Girl", "Sweetiepie", et cetera.
Daddy dresses you up in the girliest clothes that he can find, and he keeps on giving you gifts that would traditionally belong on the more feminine side of the spectrum (roses, jewelry, vibrators).
It was mortifying for a manly athlete such as yourself... or at least, it used to be.
Despite your annoyance, even you had to admit that having such a strong, hunky, muscly wolf daddy pampering you constantly was sorta nice.
Ignoring your irritation for the time being, you stepped out of the shower and dried yourself off. You walked back into the bedroom and nearly wailed at the hot pink hoodie and light blue skinny jeans that Daddy had picked out for you to wear. It was a rather tame outfit considering that there were no frills or glitter this time; but you were never a big fan of pink to be honest.
Still, not wanting another spanking, you yanked on the clothes, surprised at how soft the fabric of the hoode was. Despite its garish color, the fabric was soft to the touch like fleece, and you could definitely smell Daddy's musk on it from when he absolutely rolled around on it to scent it.
As you examined yourself in the mirror, the bedroom door swung open and Daddy sauntered in, wearing tattered blue jeans and no shirt, allowing his buff chest muscles to be on display.
The split second his eyes landed on you, Daddy rushed forward and wrapped you up in his arms, nuzzling you lovingly.
"You look so cute, Princess," Daddy gushed happily. "You're Daddy's Baby Girl, right?"
The way Daddy looked at you with such love and adoration in his eyes, combined with the softness of the hoodie, the sweet scent of the strawberry shampoo, and the firmness of Daddy's large muscles caused you to completely melt into the wolf daddy's hold.
"Yeah, yeah," you mumbled, blushing slightly as you rested your head on Daddy's chest, hearing the deep rumble of contentment as he kissed your forehead.
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after-witch · 10 months
Gum Line [Yandere Mahito x Reader[
Title: Gum Line [Yandere Mahito x Reader]
Synopsis: You need to get your teeth cleaned and Mahito wants to watch.
Word count: 1740
notes: yandere, mentions of death and violence, mentions of past injury on reader, reader is getting their teeth cleaned, Mahito
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“You really don’t need to come,” you hissed lowly. “It’s fine. Really. It’s just a quick cleaning.”
Mahito puffed out his cheeks and peered through the glass door into the waiting room. “But I want to come. I’ve never been to a dentist. I want to see what they do to you.”
The receptionist was, at this point, staring at you and made a come-in gesture with her hands. You were standing out there too long for it to be normal. So you sighed and put your hand on the knob.
“Fine.” You bit out the words and regretted them as soon as they left your lips, but there was no taking it back. It didn’t matter, anyway. He was going to come in with or without your agreement.
“You can watch, just… just try to stay out of the way, okay? Please? I really need this cleaning.”
“Yay!” His cheer was too loud and too close, but he never cared about that, did he? Mahito wrapped his arm around yours and flung the door open with his other, only to pull you into the office with a giddy delight. To everyone else, it must have looked like you accidentally almost-tripped over the threshold after entering too quickly. 
“S-Sorry,” you said, breathless, smiling, to the receptionist. “I’m a bit clumsy today.”
She smiled back, all prim and professional. But you wondered what she must be thinking.  You were standing up far too straight, sweat on your forehead, and you’d just been standing there at the door muttering to yourself before you stumbled inside like a drunkard. 
“You know,” Mahito said, as you signed your name on the sign-in sheet, “you’ve gotten really good at making up lies on the spot!” 
You fought the urge to roll your eyes, and gritted your teeth instead. 
Why did Mahito make even the most everyday things in your life so complicated?
He pouted. Honest-to-goodness pouted. 
“You never open your mouth so nicely like that for me.” He rested his chin in his hand and furrowed his eyebrows. “I always gotta fight you for it." He pointed an accusatory finger at your chin. And you’re not even trying to bite her! No fair!” 
You choked a little on your spit. Couldn’t he just shut up–
“Are you doing all right?” She asked, pulling the tools out of your mouth for the moment. 
You closed your mouth and smiled tightly. “Mm-hmm. Sorry, I just have um, some dental anxiety, so…”
She wiped the scaler on your bib and moved the light up a little. Mahito followed the movement and began poking the bulbs.
“Do you think she’d mind if I broke this?” You almost said something, but he shrugged. “Ah, but the pieces would get into your mouth, and we’d be stuck here longer.”
The hygienist continued, not knowing that a curse which could end her life in a moment was hovering over her shoulder, pouting like a damn child.
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry. Just raise your hand if you need me to take a break, okay?”
“Thank you,” you said, and opened your mouth wide to encourage her to continue. She did, returning to examine your teeth with the little mirror, poke here and there, get a good idea of what she needed to tackle first.
Good. The faster she worked, the sooner you could get out of here. The sooner you got out of here, the less likely it was that Mahito would act up.
Act up. Hah. As if his acts of violence were a toddler throwing a tantrum in the grocery store, chubby fists hitting the hard floor as he wailed because he was tired, bored, hungry, didn’t get the toy he wanted, did get the toy he wanted but now it wasn’t fun, the sky was blue and he wanted it green…
No, no, the comparison wasn’t entirely off, was it? Sure, he wasn’t throwing a fit because the store was out of strawberry milk (but he might, you thought, if he took a liking to it) but he might kill someone waiting in the congested line at the grocery store because he was tired of you running errands and wanted you back in your apartment.
And he might kill this hygienist, to have you fleeing home, away from the blood, the carnage, the screams. And because it would be amusing to him, even if you weren’t around. 
But the notion went beyond his tendency to pout, to be impulsive, to want what he wants when he wants it, didn’t it? He was always learning, always eager to learn. What he did know often felt instinctive and unfulfilled, and he was using you to stuff the gaps. Watching what you did and said.
Testing you, teasing you, seeing what he could take away from your ordinary personhood. Like someone who’d never lived among people finally making it to the big city, taking in the sights and sounds and world with eagerness. 
He was just so damn new. Sometimes you felt like he should be covered in a thin, slimy caul. Only you didn’t know if he would be better or worse if he lost it. 
Mahito waved one of his hands.
“You look like you’re thinking really hard. What are you thinking about?”
“Nuffing,” you said, with a mouthful of dental tools.
The hygienist pulled them out again.
“Sorry, you needed a break?”
“Sorry,” you said. “I forgot to raise my hand. It’s okay now, I just got a little tense because my back tooth is a bit sore.”
“Oh, I’ll be more careful.” And the sharp tools went back inside your mouth.
Mahito was quiet for a while, which was both wonderful and terrifying. He was simply watching the hygienist work now. His eyes were intent on the repetitive movements of the scaler, the way she scraped your gum. You saw him look down at your hands–clenching the straps of your purse, as you always did at the dentist but especially so today–and back at your face.
He weaved around to the other side of the chair so that he could get in close to your face without risking knocking into the hygienist or the light fixture above your head.
“You’re bleeding a lot,” he said. “Is that normal? Is that why she keeps squirting water in your mouth? Why don't you just swallow it?” 
He ran a finger along your cheek, and you made a soft, high sound in your throat. The hygienist paused, but when you didn’t raise your hand or try to talk, she kept going. A small mercy.
“How much does it hurt? A lot? A little? Less or more than the time I broke your finger?” His pinky traced the beginning of a tear in the corner of your eye. You didn’t know if it was from the sharp pain in your gums or from the terror coursing through your veins. At his words, sure, but the very nature of this awful scenario was simply too much for you. 
In a moment, the woman who was simply doing her job to clean your teeth might be dead. The receptionist who probably gossiped with you to a coworker the second you were out of earshot might be dead. The people in the waiting room, the old man with an audiobook on tape and the little girl playing with the germ-ridden toys tucked in the corner–dead, dead, dead. Piles of pus and blood and bloated flesh.
You could be that, too. If he decided he wanted it. 
Mahito let his pinky slide delicately from your eye to your mouth. He touched the edge of your stretched lip, and when he brought it up to the light, you could see a smear of gum-blood.
A small tear finally made its way out of your eye. From the pain, that’s what the hygienist would tell herself. Maybe she would stop again, or maybe she’d be glad you were toughing it out, so she could move on to her next appointment quicker.
Mahito saw the tear and frowned. 
“Hey. Are you upset because I brought up the finger? You can’t be mad at me about that anymore, remember? It wasn’t on purpose–well, I didn’t mean to break it, anyway. And I fixed it, so...” He gazed down at your hands, clenched so hard around the strap of your purse that you had to reflexively relax them to keep them from aching. 
He looked so serious, so suddenly. It made your stomach do awful flips. 
“You’re the first person I’ve fixed, did you know that?”
You didn’t. 
“Normally I just play with humans. Take them apart. Turn them into something new. Experiment, experiment, experiment.” He sighed, almost dreamily. “It’s fun. Really! I’ve learned a lot. But with you–” 
He didn’t finish whatever thought he had. Instead, he sat down on the unused stool next to the dental chair, then, and took hold of your hands. It was nothing for him to pry your fingers away from your purse.
You hoped the hygienist wouldn’t look down–how strange would it look for your hands to be hovering in midair, like they were being held by nothing at all? 
If only he was nothing.
He squeezed your fingers.
“You don’t need to hold a bag, see?”
You raised your eyebrows.. You couldn’t ask the questions tumbling in your mind, and you’re not sure that you wanted to know the answers, anyway. 
Then the hygienist poked a particularly sensitive area behind your front teeth, and you flinched in the chair. You squeezed his hands tight. Reflexively, you told yourself. Reflexively.
Mahito glanced down at your intertwined hands. He looked serious again. Somber. Even soft, maybe? Or was that your imagination, pathetic, frightened as it was? You half-expected him to pat your hands and tell you that he was here, not to worry. Like your mom did when you were a kid and needed a root canal.
Then his gaze lifted suddenly and he grinned side enough to show you his gum line. He stuck his tongue out and poked one of his teeth, then spoke–you realized, with a bubble of sickness in your chest, that he’d given himself a second tongue. 
“I was thinking… if she has to pull out one of your teeth, do you get to keep it? Can I have it?” 
You groaned out a whimper, but the hygienist continued working.
Mahito didn’t let go of your hands.
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starboy-sirius · 4 months
may 6 | strawberry | @jegulus-microfic | 1026 words | slightly nsfw
James is going mad. Truly, stark-raving mad. 
He decided last week that he was going to be a good friend and take Regulus for a relaxing day out, because the boy had been cooped up within the library studying for his end of year exams. The dreaded week had finally come around and Regulus, eyes hard and decorated with dark smudges underneath, had flown through all of them. James already knew that his Potions work was going to be the best of the year because when he asked him how it went all of it flew over his head. And James, contrary to popular belief, is actually really fucking smart. 
It takes skill to pull off so many pranks flawlessly, thank you very much. 
But anyway, James wanted to treat Regulus to a nice picnic out by the edge of the Forbidden Forest where they wouldn’t be bothered by Sirius. As much as he loves his best friend, and he does tremendously, James got the feeling that Sirius was trying to block him from getting closer to his little brother. It seems mad to him because ever since Regulus ran away from home and moved in with the Potters, he and Sirius have rekindled their brotherly bond and James thought it only right if he bonds with Regulus, too. 
When he told Sirius this, his friend had looked at him with eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Do not fall for him, Prongs. I mean it.”
James had spluttered, completely taken aback. “What?! Why on earth would I fall for him?”
Raising one eyebrow, Sirius sent him a deadpan look. “You know why, James.”
At the time James hadn’t known. Looking at Regulus now, he thinks he totally understands. He also thinks that being friends with Regulus is going to be the death of him. 
Regulus is sitting opposite him on the blanket, raving about how stupid James is for setting up the picnic this close to the Forbidden Forest, and all James can concentrate on is the way he feels hot under the collar whenever Regulus insults him. 
Oh Godric, he does have a type.
James also can’t tear his eyes away from Regulus’ mouth and the way it wraps sinfully around a chocolate covered strawberry, his plump lips stretched around the fruit as some of it dribbles obscenely out the corner of his mouth. 
James thinks he might faint.
Regulus looks over at him then, looking at him with judgement. “Goodness, you really are mentally deficient aren’t you, Potter? Hello? Is anyone home or do I have to go back to Hogwarts and inform my brother that the best friend he’s ridiculously co-dependent on is braindead?”
James shivers at every biting word, loving the way they brand him as they fall from those sinful lips. There’s a good deal of strawberry juice lingering on his lower lip, some gathering in the corner just begging for James to take a swipe at it. 
So he does. 
Only, it doesn’t go down the way he was originally intending. He meant to swipe at the juice with his thumb, maybe bring it to his mouth afterwards to get rid of it. Only, his brain doesn’t seem to confer that to his limbs, and so James leans his entire body forward, brings his face so close to Regulus’ that the boy’s eyes widen comically, and swipes at the corner of his mouth with his tongue.
For a moment everything is still, even the sound of the forest hushing in anticipation for their next move, and then Regulus lets out a shaky exhale as his eyes flutter shut. James moves automatically, as if hearing that from Regulus sets him off and he’s determined to hear even more wicked noises from him.
James brings a hand up to Regulus’ jaw and manoeuvres him so that his neck is tilted backwards, giving James the perfect angle to swoop down and curl his tongue over the plump bottom lip. He brings it into his mouth and sucks, relishing in the high pitched moan Regulus makes. 
He’s so perfect, James thinks as Regulus lies there and just lets him take it. Take whatever he wants. 
When James thinks back to all his encounters with Regulus over the years, specifically those over the summer when Regulus moved in with them, he thinks he can see how gone he was for the boy. It was almost immediate, the way James just completely folded as soon as the snarky insults left his mouth. 
A mouth that is parting so beautifully underneath his own. James can’t hold back the guttural groan as he dives back in for a proper kiss, taking everything Regulus has to offer and returning it tenfold. Regulus reaches up to scratch his nails across James’ scalp and James realiates by nipping his bottom lip before pushing Regulus onto his back, moving in between his thighs to hover over him. 
Regulus opens his mouth, allowing James to lick into it and suck on his tongue. His other hand grabs tightly at James’ waist, his Gryffindor jumper clenched tightly between his fingers as he encourages James to press his crotch down into his own. 
James pulls away on a broken moan and Regulus whines at the loss, blushing when he opens his eyes blearily, realising the sound he just made. James stares down at him as if he’s the most brilliant thing he’s ever seen. 
“Please tell me you’ll let me do that again,” James almost begs, brushing his nose against Regulus’. 
Regulus shoots him an unimpressed look. “Potter, if you don’t kiss me within the next five seconds I am going to tie you to that tree and leave you there for the foreseeable future.”
James hums. “If you wanted to tie me up, Reggie, you only had to ask.”
“Fuck off.”
Smirking, James brushes his lips against Regulus’ in a teasing manner. “A bit contradictory with your previous statement, love.”
A pretty blush dusts the high of Regulus’ cheekbones and James watches in adoring fascination as the younger boy groans and pulls him back down to his lips. 
James can’t help but smile into it.
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
I really think Eddie would propose to Steve every time they go to a restaurant just to get free dessert
because this man is a menace
Oh man, he would’ve only started doing it after gay marriage was legalized too.
It’s romantic when Eddie tells the waitress at Enzo’s that it’s Steve’s birthday for free tiramisu. It’s their one-year anniversary and even though they can barely afford the meal, Eddie insists that they go. He makes the reservation months in advance, saves up all his money, and even dusts off Wayne’s one good suit so he looks nice.
His car battery unexpectedly dies a few days before and Eddie kinda already knows that he isn’t going to be able to afford the meal and dessert, but he is going to make damn sure Steve gets his fancy Italian cake. And he does, after a whole song and dance that colors Steve’s face pink.
Steve gets the last laugh when it turns out Eddie doesn’t like the coffee flavor of the tiramisu.
It’s sweet when Eddie accompanies him and Hopper to a specialist Dr. Owens recommended for Steve’s worsening symptoms. It’s sweet when Eddie holds his hand while they wait for results and sweeter when he insists in all his grand Eddie Munson fashion that today actually is Steve’s birthday and he deserves – nay, it is his god given right as a hero of this goddamn country  - to have cherry jell-o.
It’s cute when on that same trip, Eddie lies to the hotel staff that Steve just got engaged so they’d send complimentary champagne and chocolate covered strawberries up to their room (though they were bunking with Hopper so not too romantic).
It’s funny when Eddie tells every restaurant they stop at in every city they visit that it’s Steve’s birthday so they can get free ice cream when they’re twenty-somethings traveling the world on a nationwide tour.
It’s so fucking embarrassing when, for no reason other than his own amusement, Eddie tells their waitress that they’re waiting for Steve’s girlfriend to arrive. He says that Steve is going to propose and Eddie is there to capture the moment on his camera, and could they have champagne ready for when she gets there?
No one arrives because there is no girlfriend, no ring, no proposal, and the restaurant staff keep giving Steve sad sympathetic looks. Eddie spends the entire night laughing his ass off and is pleased as punch when the restaurant gives them the champagne for free.
The first time Eddie gets down on one knee at a restaurant, they’ve been legally married for sixteen days. They are not teenagers anymore. They are in their forties but Steve can’t even find it in himself to be mortified at all the people staring at them because Eddie is asking him to marry him (again) and Steve wants to (again). They get a round of applause and a free chocolate cake.
The second time Eddie does it, Steve threatens to kill him. Eddie asks ‘but you’ll marry me’ and Steve angrily says ‘yes, of course, duh.’ They get side-eyed and peach cobbler.
The fifth time Eddie gets down on one knee in the middle of a restaurant, Steve cuts him off half way and says, “Sir, this is a business meeting. I am your co-worker.” 
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f6bron · 9 months
delicate lilac.
pairing : badboy!iso x soft!gn!reader
notes : bad boy x sunshine trope, mutual-pining but both of them are unaware of it, potential friends to lovers, fluff fluff fluff >.<
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The campus buzzed with energy as students hurriedly moved from one class to another. Among the sea of people, Li Zhao Yu, also known as Iso, stood out—an enigmatic figure with a formidable reputation that sent shivers through many.
Yet, beneath the intimidating facade, a softer side existed, one that only revealed itself in the presence of one person.
And that's you, Y/N L/N.
As the two of you and your friends strolled through the campus, Iso couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy bubbling within him as he watched you interact with your friends. Laughter filled the air, and Iso's eyes followed the movement of your lips as you spoke animatedly.
Your plump cherry lips, soft skin, and the way the sun highlighted your features. He longed for the day he could receive a similar treatment from you.
"Must be nice," he thought, unconsciously fiddling with the rings on his fingers.
"Iso?" you called, snapping him back to reality.
Stammering, caught off guard by your sudden attention, he replied, "Y-yeah?"
You let out a tiny giggle, a sound that made warmth creep up onto Iso's face. "What were you daydreamin' about?"
"Oh, nothing. I… I was just thinking about–" Iso fumbled over his words, nervousness taking over. Are you being for real, Iso?! This is not you!
Before he could realize it, you slipped a piece of candy into his rough and calloused hands—a stark contrast between your soft and delicate hands and his rugged ones.
"Huh?" he questioned, giving you a puzzled look.
"You said you wanted a strawberry-flavoured candy," you reminded him, a soft smile playing on your lips.
Iso could feel warmth engulfing his heart, not expecting you to remember the tiny details he mentioned during the casual conversation you guys had on your way to class.
"Don't tell anyone, but… I kinda stole it from Jett."
"Really… for me?" Iso asked, his eyebrows raised.
"Yeah! For you!" you replied, causing Iso to chuckle. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach.
"All right, lovebirds! Enough of that," Phoenix interjected from behind, placing his hands on both Iso's and your shoulders. "We gotta get movin'."
"We're not—"
"Whatever," Phoenix shrugged, cutting Iso off.
"See you at the cafeteria later." he said, winking at you before leaving. Iso sent a harsh glare to Phoenix, the audacity for him to wink at you.
He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Take care, Y/N. Text me after you're done with your classes, okay?"
Iso sighed internally, wishing he could be there for you 24/7.
You nodded shyly before joining the rest of your friends to head to class. "Mhm… you too."
Even though Iso is a notorious class-skipper, up to everyone's surprise, he has been showing up to lectures lately. It's all because he couldn't resist the charm of Y/N's pout.
The thought of being the cause of that disappointed expression wrecks his heart a bit. He would trade his soul if it means seeing that cute smile of yours, and to get complimented by you.
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Iso caught up and walked alongside Phoenix, still holding the strawberry-flavored candy you gave him earlier. Phoenix shot him a knowing look. "If you're gonna play pretend, just give up."
"Are you being for real, lad?" Phoenix nudged Iso's shoulder. "You never look so ‘down bad’ over a person." Iso sighed, finally getting the point.
"Is it too obvious?" Iso replied, popping the candy into his mouth effortlessly.
"Yeah, too obvious. ‘Saw how a love shape starts forming in your eyes as soon as Y/N appears in your sight." Phoenix teased, smirking.
Iso chuckled, the image of adorable you started playing in his mind. Not like you’ll ever leave it anyway.
"Come on, man. You can't blame me. Y/N is too cute to resist."
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(A/N): THIS LOOKS RUSHED IM SORRY anyways im thinking of turning badboy!iso into a series but we'll see...
delicate who? | masterlist.
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aquagirl1978 · 4 months
Hi Aqua!! I love your writing! For your naughty or nice event, can I please request a nice Harrison using the prompt "carrying the other in their arms"? It can go naughty too if you'd like, entirely up to whatever you'd like to write!
Hi! Thank you - I hope you enjoy this - it starts out fluffy, then turns a bit spicy.
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Make This Go On Forever
A/N: Part of my Naughty or Nice event Pairing: Harrison Gray x Reader Prompt: carrying the other in their arms Word Count: 796 Tags: fluff to spice
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It wasn’t often when the castle was near empty and lucky for you, today was one of those rare days.
It was Harrison’s birthday, his second with you as a couple, and you wanted to make this day special. You knew he wouldn’t want some big, extravagant event, but something small – just you and him and a table full of his favorite sweets – should be more to his liking.
You were setting the final tray of pastries on the table, so focused on making everything perfect that  you didn’t hear him sneak into the room. Strong arms snaked around your waist, whispered words warming your cheek.  
“What’s all this for?” 
Twisting in his arms, you were greeted by the face of a very handsome man. “You wouldn’t happen to know anyone whose birthday is today?”
He pursed his lips, pretending to ponder your question. “I have no idea,” he said with a mischievous smile. Reaching blindly behind you, you grabbed the first treat your fingers found. It was a cookie, one covered with lots of sugary icing.
You brought the cookie towards your mouth, your pink lips parted. “I guess I’ll eat this then.”
In the blink of an eye, Harri snatched the cookie from your fingers and took a big bite of it. “Not nice to tease me on my birthday.”
“Oh,” you replied, stealing a bite of the cookie, “so now you admit it’s your birthday?” 
Rather than argue with you, he tightened his embrace and pulled your body, closing the distance between you. Dipping his head, he silenced you with a sweet kiss. Head empty, your only thoughts were of the man kissing you as you deepened the kiss.
When the kiss was finally broken, Harri grabbed your hand, eager to sample sweets.
“Oh, wait,” you exclaimed, quickly pulling your hand from his, “there’s something I have to get from the kitchen.”
“I’ll be waiting,” he called out, as you dashed out of the room.
A few minutes later you returned with a tray. Harri was practically beaming when he saw what was on the tray – two glasses and a pitcher full of his favorite, strawberry milk.
He took the tray from your hands and placed it on an empty space on the table. Like the gentleman that he was, he pulled out a chair and gestured for you to sit. Smiling, you thanked him and waited for him to sit next to you.
“Now, let’s eat.”
After a few dozen cookies were eaten and a copious number of cupcakes were consumed, you and Harri both had your fill of sweets.
“I don’t think I could eat another bite if I tried,” you declared, pushing your plate away. Harri eyed you as you rose from your chair, a fox-like grin spreading on his lips. You narrowed your eyes at him. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You’ve had too much to drink.”
“What? No, I haven’t. I’ve been drinking strawberry milk with you.”
He shook his head in disagreement. “You’re swaying, you clearly cannot stand up straight.”
“Harri, what is – hey! What are you doing? Put me down!” You let out a little yelp as your feet lifted in the air. 
“That’s better,” he said with a sly smirk, your body cradled in his arms. “You would have never been able to walk all those stairs to my room in your condition.”
Catching on to his trick, you threw your arms around his shoulders and clung to him, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek before he ascended the stairs with you in his arms. 
With a nudge from his foot and a bump from his hip, he had the door to his bedroom opened without needing to put you down. The moment he crossed the threshold,  he finally set you down.
“That’s better,” he mumbled as he leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a more passionate kiss than the one you shared earlier. Hands roamed, fingers fumbling for laces and buttons; the temperature in the room was rising and you both were wearing too many layers. 
Lips parted, his tongue invaded yours, the taste of strawberries from the milk still sweet. He ran his hands down your arms, your loosened blouse falling from your shoulders.
He laid you down on the bed, your arms circled around his shoulders, gazing into his darkened eyes, eyes you could so easily get lost in. He paused, his eyes locked on yours, as if he was simply savoring this moment, soaking it in for as long as he could, before he lowered his head, his lips seeking your heated flesh.
Wrapping your fingers in his milk-tea locks, holding him close, you wondered what you could do to make this night go on forever.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee @kookie-my-little-sunshine
@pathogenic @ellisgivesmelife013 @ikemen-writer @nightghoul381 @judejazza
@xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia @ranhanabi777
@silver-dahlia @lunaaka @ikesenwritings @sh0jun
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divinelolita · 1 year
nah cuz i jus thought of smth..
kaulitz twins(together headcannons or full fic the amount of fucks i give are not even close to one) when their bf asks if they love him jus out of the blue like they could just be sitting down together and he jus asks the question not even lookin at em😪✌🏾
and ofc they finna be like duh why tf is wrong with u😀 this mf prolly says nvm and tries to shove it off as if its nothing like bro🧍🏾
HA not me thinking of tom panicking and heading to his phone deleting every contact(he ain't cheating or anything hes jus mad worried)😔🤞🏾
u can add more if u wish man🥲🥲
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"Ah, here we go!"
Bill grinned excitedly as Tom placed a plate of pancakes infront of him, drenched in maple syrup and a slab of butter on top. Tom smiled at his brother, then at you as he placed your own plate of food infront of you.
"You better eat that. Do you know how long it took to make?" Tom joked, sitting down next to you as he took a sip of his orange juice, gagging slightly as he nearly spit back into his cup. "Bill what the fuck! I told you no pulp!" he chocked, coughing as he shivered dramatically.
Bill rolled his eyes as he stabbed at his pancake, glancing at Tom with an annoyed look. "There's nothing wrong with pulp,'ya baby." he muttered, laughing quietly as he watched Tom gag, face all scrunched up. "Pulp is nasty as fuck! Right, M/N?" Tom asked, looking at you with a quirked eyebrow. Bill also looked over, biting into a strawberry.
"I don't mind it." You shrugged, giggling as Tom's jaw dropped, hanging low. Bill let out a triumphic laugh, taking a big gulp of his own orange juice. "I can't believe you betrayed me like this.." Tom sniffled, dramatically wiping away a fake tear from his eye.
The room was filled with the occasional "mmh.." when one of you tasted something good, or the clatter of glasses when you would put your orange juice down. The occasional scrape of the forks against the plates would sound commonly. It was..nice. The silence was comfortable, or at least for the twins.
For you? It seemed weird and strange. You felt as if..as if it was empty in here. You knew they were at ease, everything was fine but you just couldn't help but ask..
"Do you guys love me?"
You asked quietly, taking another bite of your food after stabbing it with your fork. Ah, now the table was uncomfortably quiet. Tom's hand stopped in mid air where he was going to take a bite of his bacon and Bill looked up from his plate, looking at you with concern.
"What?" Tom asked quietly, feeling his heartbeat pick up and his hands become suddenly too sweaty to hold his fork. He glanced over to Bill, but Bills eyes stayed on you, his mouth open yet no words could come through. You shrugged, glancing at both of then before taking another sip of your orange juice.
"Eh, 's nothing." You respond, taking the last bite of food and smiling as your taste buds rejoiced in the flavour. Really, Tom was a fantastic cook! Too bad most of the pancakes he flipped landed on the ceiling...
"Want me to take anything back to the kitchen?" You asked, grabbing your empty plate and utensils. They could only shake their head, Bill forcing a small "No thanks, babe." You nodded and headed off to the kitchen, placing the items in the sink. You turned the water on, grabbed the sponge, and whistled to yourself as you began to scrub the crumbs and sticky syrup off.
As soon as you left, Bill turned to Tom quickly, eyes big and wide. "Did you do something?" he whispered, poking his older twin in the shoulder with his fork. Tom hissed in response, swatting Bills hand away. "Why do you think I did something? What did you do?"
Bill immediately shook his head from side to side, becoming defensive. "I didn't do jack shit!" The air between them was quiet, before Bill asked under his breath, "Did you like, text someone else..?"
Tom's heart dropped, his legs felt numb and his phone in his pocket felt 10 times more heavy. "I mean.. I didn't text them." he said sheepishly, rubbing the bath of his neck. Bill raised an eyebrow, scorching over closer. "Who's 'them'?" he asked, tilting his head in confusion.
Tom hesitantly pulled out his phone, going to his contact list. Bill gasped jokingly, scrolling through what seemed to be hundreds of people. "Holy shit.." he giggled, not being able to contain himself. He yelped as his brother hit him rather harshly on the arm. "Help me out here, Bill. He's my boyfriend too."
Bill sighed, resting his head on Tom's shoulder as they scrolled through each contact.
"Who's Stacy?" Bill asked, saying one of the many contacts that had a girls name.
"I dunno, some girl from a concert." Tom responded, clicking on her contact. There was no profile picture, no notes, nothing.
"Yeah...no. Delete her."
And so Tom did. Girl after girl. To the point where he only had around 20 contacts left.
You hummed a song under your voice as you placed your now clean dishes back onto the dish rack to dry. Drying off your hands, you walked back to the dining room. You smiled softly at the twins, taking their plates aswell as their cups and utensils with you. Before yo could walk through the doorway, Bill yelped a small "Wait!"
You turned on your heel, looking at him with confused eyes as you leaned against the doorway, clinking your nails against the plates. "...Yes?" you ask slowly, smiling softly as you saw how he turned slightly red, leaning towards Tom. Tom sighed, looking up at you from his seat as he fidgeted with his dreads.
"I just..you know we love you so fuckin' much, right..?" he questioned quietly. You chuckled quietly, it was cute how they seemed slightly worried and almost cautious to ask the question.
"Yes, of course I do." You answer, flashing a grin that they quickly returned, smiles identical.
It was the happiest you've ever seen them.
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nochukoo97 · 2 years
im yours
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Summary: soccer player jk! is readers bf 😝 setting is mostly in their school’s cafeteria, mostly inspired from the scene in true beauty HAHHA, seojun and jk are ex bestfriends and when jk sees him trying to hit on HIS gf, jk gets madd, mentions of physical fights but not in detail, and reader gets angry at jk for being irrational with his actions, jk gets a ‘punishment’ (no smut btw HAHA) but he manages to sneak out of it in the end, happy ending
Word count: 1k+
You jump slightly as you see a figure slide into the chair next to you in the canteen, both Chaeyoung and Heejin staring straight at the boy who was now smirking at you.
“Hi babygirl,” Seojun, the infamous biggest player on campus, pushes the can of banana milk towards your tray of food, and you cringe at the awful name he has just called you.
“Get lost you pervert,” Heejin sneers at the boy who now raises both of his hands, giving your best friend an innocent look. “Just wanted to give this cutie a nice gift, what about it makes me a pervert? Just being a gentleman to this pretty girl,” Seojun smiles a little too sweetly for your liking, as you shift closer to Chaeyoung, who was sitting on the other side of you, beginning to feel uncomfortable with this interaction.
This was not new for you, Seojun had been targeting you ever since two weeks ago, but of all times, you always managed to excuse yourself, saying you had a class to rush to or that your parents were outside waiting to pick you up, both of which were clear lies. You always ran to your boyfriend, Jungkook, the top soccer player of the school’s soccer team. He and Seojun used to be good friends, until Seojun got kicked out of the team for bullying his teammates, and it was Jungkook who had outed him.
However, the last thing you wanted was to give your boyfriend additional problems with Seojun, not wanting to see another fist fight happen again, not like when Seojun had pissed your boyfriend off by ‘accidentally’ denting his motorcycle, and Jungkook had gone all out on the guy. So you’ve been keeping this to yourself, not necessarily lying to your boyfriend, but more of just not bringing the situation up.
However, what you don’t notice is Jungkook’s eyes narrowing from the other end of the cafeteria as he watches the situation unfold in front of his very eyes. His girlfriend getting hit on by his ex best friend.
“If you wanna buy my girlfriend a drink, at least get the right one,” Jungkook says in amusement as he chucks down a carton of strawberry milk in front of you, grabbing the banana milk and throwing it at Seojun. Your eyes widen as you realise, knowing this was not going to end well…
The next thing you know, Seojun grabs your boyfriend’s collar, fuming, as he drags Jungkook out of the cafeteria, and on the way out your boyfriend throws a few punches towards him here and there, and Seojun retaliates immediately. The cafeteria grows silent at the outburst at first, before whispers and quiet comments flood the silence. You want to stop your boyfriend but seeing the anger in his eyes, you don’t even dare to try, even though you know he would never do anything to hurt you.
After what seems like ages, along with you waiting in anxiety as Chaeyoung and Heejin try and comfort you, telling you that your boyfriend was strong enough to fight, and he would also not do anything unreasonable, but you sit there, fidgeting as you overthink the endless outcomes that this fight could end up with.
The cafeteria grows silent once again, as Jungkook walks back in, breathing heavily, with blood dripping down his nose and a few bruises along his arms, but he attempts to wipe the blood away as he approaches you with an apologetic smile.
“Hi darling,” Jungkook carefully says as he slots himself in the chair Seojun had previously sat in. “I told you before, don’t take your anger out through physical fights like this, you-” Before you can continue your nagging, Jungkook leans in and kisses you, shutting you up as your eyes widen, Chaeyoung and Heejin only looking at each other in amusement.
“Hey! I’m being serious you know,” You frown at your boyfriend, despite being flustered by his previous actions, you tell yourself to remain serious, to remind your boyfriend not to act like a child and get involved in a fist fight, to resolve problems with maturity, but Jungkook isn’t the best at listening. “I know, I know baby, I’m sorry okay?” Your boyfriend takes your hands in his, now looking at you with guilty eyes, as you mutter something about not allowing him to kiss you for the rest of the day as punishment, to which Jungkook gasps dramatically and sinks into the chair, a huge pout forming on his now sulking face.
“Come here,” you sigh as you gesture for your boyfriend to inch closer to you, as you take a napkin from beside your tray, wiping off the blood dripping down Jungkook’s face.
“Hah, your boyfriend is out of this world, one moment acting so alpha male the next he’s acting like a baby for you,” Chaeyoung tsks, and you only laugh in response as you watch Jungkook straighten up and frown at the comment, rebutting and claiming how he would never act like a baby, to which Chaeyoung only raises her eyebrow in amusement.
“Baby please,” Jungkook whines for the tenth time since you both arrived back in his apartment, “I’m sorry I’ll do anything just let me kiss you okay?” He attempts to lean into you as you push his face away, turning your head to pretend to read your book.
At the corner of your eye you see your boyfriend groaning as he sinks back into the couch once again, but you whip your head in his direction when you hear Jungkook wincing and hissing in pain as he grips his head tightly.
“Baby? What happened, Are you-” The moment you come close to your boyfriend's face, tone laced with worry and you look at him with concern at his sudden outburst of pain, you should have known better when you feel his lips crashing onto yours, before you gasp and pull away.
“You! You tricked me!” You point at your boyfriend in accusation as he gives you a boyish grin, this time you let him lock his lips with yours once again, finally giving into his actions.
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wehaveimagineshere · 7 months
Oh you say you want more Carlos? I got more Carlos for ya! How do you feel about domestic fluff, cuz im thinking of a scenario where Carlos and Reader are newlyweds who just finished settling into their new house together after a long honeymoon, ready to live in bliss together (until the next BOW threat but we don't think about that). Could it be kept gender neutral too? Thanks! You write him so in-character I couldn't resist asking you for a little more!
Hell yeah more Carlos! Oh man, just thinking of them having finally unpacked most of the important boxes and just sitting down with the buzz of being freshly married and having their own home...
Love it anon. Thank you so much for sharing this prompt with me! <3
"Hey, where are the mugs?"
Flopping your head back against the couch armrest, you squint your eyes in thought. "Uuuhhhh, top left shelf above the microwave."
A short pause from the kitchen. "Nope, these are the glasses."
"Shit. Uh."
"I'll just use glasses. You like the one with the flower decals, right?"
Silence settles back as you stretch your legs out, aching from the move and all the adventuring you'd done on your honeymoon. When Carlos said he knew how to have fun on vacation, you'd honestly expected him to be talking about the bedroom. Instead he'd taken you to beaches and cafes and hikes across multiple different countries, always having some sort of story to accompany each location.
One perk about being stationed all over the world was that after the work is done, you can explore a bit. And man had he taken notes.
"Where're the hot chocolate packets?"
How long was it going to take until you two could remember where everything was in this brand new house? "In the pantry?" Shifting, you spot the blanket folded along the opposite side of the couch and inwardly groan. Blanket warm, but moving bad.
"This kitchen looks so damn nice," you hear him call again. "We have the little hanging rack for wine glasses. That's fancy as shit."
"You said I could have whatever I wanted."
"Yeah, and I'm saying you're fancy as shit."
"Is that bad?"
"Hell no. People are going to think I'm sophisticated now."
"We can't have that. Don't want to lie to them."
There's another pause as you hear cupboard doors open and close. "How do you feel about strawberry hot chocolate?"
Your nose scrunches. "Uh. Ew? I thought we had caramel syrup?"
"Oh we do. But if you find yourself telling lies about me again you might just find yourself with strawberry hot chocolate."
Laughing quietly, you reply, "Who knows, I might just like it."
There's clinking of glasses. "That sounds like a quick way to divorce."
"You dragged me across so many trees and bugs and bears and I'm not demanding divorce. Sounds like you're a little bit of a baby. Little Carlos Oliveira, so fragile he can't let anyone know he grabs glasses from the cupboards like a peasant."
Finally, you spot your husband round the corner, two glasses of hot chocolate clutched in his hands. You sit up as he sets his down on the coffee table and holds out yours, pulling back when reach for it. "How much do you trust me?"
"Absolutely not at all with that question," you respond immediately, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
He hands the drink out again in silence, this time letting you take it from him. Settling down beside you and retrieving his own glass, he snags the remote and calls the tv to life.
Tucking a foot underneath yourself, you squint hard at the drink before giving your nonchalant boyfriend a side eye. "If this has strawberry we're getting a divorce."
"Now who's a fragile peasant?"
Pressing your lips together, hating that he's using your own words again you, you slowly bring the drink to your lips. Hesitate. Take a small sip. Hesitate. Take a larger sip. Smack Carlos across the shoulder. "You're such an ass."
"What? You got your caramel hot chocolate." Sitting back, he grabs the blanket you spied earlier and starts one armed shaking it loose. "The boys were right. Marriage sucks. Can't ever win."
Laughing, you lean into his side and take another sip. "I'm not going to forget this."
"Yes, your Majesty." Tossing the blanket over your laps, he curls his arm around your shoulders and tucks you in tight. "What do you want to watch tonight?"
You raise an eyebrow. "Well, there is that one movie that came out not long ago."
There's a pause. "You going to make me guess?"
Placing a rather grumpy kiss on the crown of your head, he tosses the remote onto your side of the blanket. "You're going to be the death of me."
"Good. I don't want anything else taking that privilege from me."
In a faux murmur, he laments, "Who did I just get married to?"
Smiling wide, you shift so you're curled up and bring up Netflix. "The love of your life, obviously."
"I dunno, that ice cream back in Denmark has been haunting my dreams."
Unable to keep the laugh back from that one, you click onto your movie and settle back. "Alright big guy. Thanks for the drink."
"You're very welcome."
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felixsramen · 1 year
Yours Truly
Previous<<<< Next>>>>>
This is part 4 to my Skz poly fic. It's short because there'll be smut next chapter.
Warnings: Guy hits on reader when she doesn't want it but is dealt with
Here you were at 4 something pm putting gems on your face in the bathroom mirror. The week had gone by pretty fast and it was currently Saturday the day of Felixs birthday party. Your eyeliner had taken quite a bit of tries when you finally decided to give it up and settle instead for gems.
'What should I wear?' sits on your phone as you wait for Felixs text message.
You had already decided it'd be much easier to gel your hair down and hoped it'd stay yet that depended on the humidity outside.
You finish putting the last gem on your face. You look in the mirror proud of your handiwork and how little time you used doing it. 4:45 sits on the phone.
Your phone lights up with a notification. 'Whatever you'd like to. No one's judging😊'
You sigh going through your closet. Hopefully you could find the outfit you were thinking of. You finally find it and head back to the bathroom and change.
You finish and look at your phone. 5:17. It had taken you a while to find the right outfit.
'I'm about to leave the house I'll be there soon' you text Felix.
Within seconds he replies.
'Can't wait😁'
You grab your keys, and your phone. You walk out of the house to your car.
You already know the address considering you've been to the house twice. You sigh thinking about what will unfold tonight.
You turn the radio on to get rid of the thoughts. You eventually pull up to the house and you walk up to the familiar house and knock.
The door opens and you're met with Jisungs face. "Hi Y/N!" Jisung says excitedly and you smile at him.
"Hi." You say and Jisung moves out the way so you can come in.
You're met with loud music and a whole bunch of people standing around with cups in their hands. "Felix Y/Ns here!" Jisung yells out.
You wonder if Jisung is already drunk. He looks back at you smiling.
Within seconds Felix comes out of the crowd of people with two drinks in his hands. When Felix appears Jisung disappears back into the crowd following after one of his boyfriends he saw.
"Hey Y/N!" Felix says over the loud music.
"Happy birthday!" You say rather loudly and excitedly.
Felix hands you one of the cups in his hands. "Thank you." He says smiling.
"You're welcome." You say sipping from the drink. It was strong and you make a face. Felix laughs at you.
"Too strong?" Felix questions you and you nod.
"Here let's go make you another drink." Felix says grabbing your free hand and pulling you towards the kitchen.
In the kitchen you see Hyunjin leaning against the counter head on Seungmins shoulder sipping from his cup.
"Hey Y/N." Hyunjin says putting his cup down.
"Hey Hyunjin and Seungmin." You say waving and Seungmin waves back to you.
"Enjoying the party?" Hyunjin asks an eyebrow raised.
"Well I just got here." You say and Hyunjin nods. He really was beautiful all 8 of them looked like they were handcrafted by God himself. You still couldn't believe you had not just slept with him but also Chan. Then now you've ended up pretty much becoming somewhat friends with the group of guys.
"Y/N?" Felix says breaking you out of your thoughts.
"Hm?" You say looking at him.
"Try this. It's more of a fruity drink." Felix says and hands you a red cup.
You take him from him and sip it slowly. It was sweet yet also had a nice burn to it.
"Do you like it?" Felix says eyes brightening.
You nod smiling at him. "It's really good is it strawberry?" You asked curiously.
Felix shakes his head no. "Its fruit punch." He says and you sip it again.
From behind Felix comes a drunk Changbin who places his head on Felixs shoulder. "Baby?" Whines Changbin and Felix chuckles at his boyfriend.
"I think you've had a quite a bit of drinks." Felix says and Changbin goes to kiss Felix who dodges him. Changbin pouts.
"I want a kiss." Changbin says still pouting. Felix gives in pecking Changbin lips.
Changbin frowns. "A real kiss." He says and Felix sighs.
"You know normally I'd love to but you're drunk." Felix says turning around to face Changbin.
"Fine." Changbin pouts.
"I think we should get you to bed." Felix says at his moody boyfriend.
"No I want to party." Changbin says and Felix laughs.
"Babe you're drunk I think you've partied enough." Felix says.
From the kitchen door comes Minho. He looks at Changbin. "So this is where you went." Minho says sighing.
"I was worried about you. One second you were standing beside me while I was talking to someone and then I turn to find you and you were gone." Minho says concerned.
"I'm sorry." Changbin mumbles.
"It's okay you were just drunk and I didn't want you to wander off and get hurt." Minho says placing a hand on Changbins back.
Felix smiles at you sadly. "I'm sorry I need to help put Changbin in bed. He's drunk already and I don't want him to get hurt." Felix says hands on Changbins hip.
"No it's fine I'm sure I'll find someone to talk to. You guys do what you need to." You say smiling. Felix and Minho smile at you.
"Let's go love." Felix says and Changbin whines.
Minho puts one of Changbins arms around him and Felix does the same.
"I don't want to go to bed." Changbin whines.
"I know babe but you need to." Minho says to him.
"Do I at least get a goodnight kiss?" Changbin says hopeful. You smile at him and both of the boys holding him laugh as they start off down the hall.
"Yeah we'll give you a goodnight kiss." Felix says as they disappear out of sight.
You walk into the crowd and find a seat on the couch. You sigh out loud and put your head in your hands.
Someone sits beside you. "Are you okay?" Someone says and you look up eyes meeting the stranger.
"As okay as someone can get." You say and the girl laughs.
"I get that." The girl says.
"I'm Maria." She says and holds out a hand for you to shake.
"Y/N." You say and shake her hand.
"Boy problems?" She asks questioning you.
"Kind of." You say sighing.
"Sounds about right." She says.
"Do you mind if I ask what's going on?" She says asking you.
"Well I'm sure you know the hosts of the party or you wouldn't be here." She nods at your statement.
"I'm sure you know they're all dating. Well a couple weeks ago I was at a club and I met these 2 guys they came up to me and they told me they had boyfriends it wasn't like they didn't tell me. They said it was okay with their boyfriends if we fucked. And they took me back to their house." You say continuing your story.
Her eyes are wide. "Well we had sex and I woke up early in the morning and called an Uber. Yet as I was leaving I ran into 2 of their boyfriends. They didn't say much to me. But like a week later I was back at that same club and two of these disgusting guys tried getting me to dance with them and one tried kissing me. Can you guess who knocked the guys out?" You say asking her.
"The guys you slept with?" She says guessing.
You laugh. "I wish sometimes. No it was the boyfriends I met that morning. My friends had left me for my birthday and I had no ride or even my keys. They offered me to stay the night and I drive them home because the guy that knocked both dudes out had a gash on his hand. I ended up staying the night. I woke up and had breakfast with all of them." You say and Maria listens intently.
"It wasn't awkward?" She asks you.
"Surprisingly no. They were all really sweet and treated me nicely. Felix the ones who this party is for ended up inviting me to the party." You say and you sigh.
"That's the problem?" She asks you and you shake your head.
"No I think I'm falling for them. I know I'm nuts for falling for 8 guys who are dating and I've only ever met them like 3 times now." You say running a hand through your hair.
She laughs and it relaxes you for some unknown reason. "Oh sweet girl you're not insane for that. You sound like how I was when I first met my boyfriends." She says.
"Boyfriends?" You say asking her and she nods smiling.
"8." She says and your eyebrows raise.
"Though I didn't sleep with 2 of them. I met them all at a club though. Some dude was getting too handsy and one of them came up to him who I would know later as San hit him in the face." She says laughing at the memory.
"San invited me to the table and I agreed and that's when I met the rest of them." She says sighing dreamily.
"It was a nice night you know and we all ended up exchanging numbers. It took us only meeting twice to know that we all wanted each other. So if you're nuts I'm most definitely insane." She says to you.
"Yeah well I doubt any one of them see me like that. They've all got each other and I don't really fall into any category of them." You say and Maria laughs.
"Can I be for real with you for a second?" She says and you nod.
"I don't think Felix would've invited you if he didn't have some kind of interest in you but I may be wrong." She says smiling and shrugging. She takes the cup in her hands and brings it to her lips.
Suddenly from behind the couch two guys peek over at you both. She lifts her head and rolls her eyes playfully. "This is San and Wooyoung who love listening in on conversations." Maria says and you wave. "This is Y/N my new friend." They wave back.
"You drunk yet?" One of them says.
"No I'm not San. Why are you asking?" She says an eyebrow raised.
"No reason love." The other one who you assume is Wooyoung says.
"Joong says we're going to leave in like an hour or two." San says and Maria sighs.
"Okay." Maria says and frowns.
"Don't do that. You know how Yeosang doesn't like parties he's only here because you wanted to go." Wooyoung says frowning back at you.
"I know love. I just made a new friend though." She says looking at you.
"I know baby. But you can get her phone number and hang out with her anytime." San says acknowledging you.
"You're right." She says.
"Invite Yeosang over here. I want to make sure he's okay." She says concerned.
"Okay. We'll see you later. Love you." Wooyoung says and both of them kiss her cheek.
"Love you guys too." She says and both boys leave.
"Those are the two troublemakers." She says smiling.
"The one they're talking about Yeosang?" You question and she nods.
"He's not a social butterfly. Most of them aren't but especially Mingi and Yeosang they have bad anxiety." She says sadly thinking about her boyfriends.
You nod understanding. A guy approaches the couch and tries to sit beside you both and Maria gets up sitting on your other side.
"How are you ladies?" The guy says and you cringe.
"Disgusted." You say.
"Grossed out." Maria says at the same time as you.
You assume the guy is drunk by the way he places a hand on your leg. You grab his hand moving it off of you.
"What don't want me baby?" He asks you both.
"No." You both say in Unison.
"Come on. Just one night." He asks you and you roll your eyes.
"Piss off." You say in response. He places his hand back on your thigh. Suddenly a fist connects with the guys face.
"What the fuck!" The guy yells as you look at the unfamiliar guy who hit him.
"Yeosang!" Maria yells and his eyes meet hers for a second.
"They said piss off or you'll leave with a broken nose next." Yeosang says angrily.
"Fuck you. What are you going to do about it by yourself?" The dude says getting in Yeosangs face.
"You want to fucking find out?" Yeosang spits back into his face.
"Leave. Now." Comes from behind Yeosang and Chan is behind him.
"Whatever. I didn't want these stupid bitches anyways." The dude grumbles and that's when Chans fist connects with the dudes face and this time you hear a snap and blood comes from his nose.
"Fuck!" The guy yells out as he practically runs out the door in pain.
Chan and Yeosangs eyes meet yours and Marias.
"Are you guys okay?" Yeosang asks and you both nod.
"Thank you." You both say to both guys.
Chan nods and Yeosang smiles softly. "Maybe we should go home." Maria says and Yeosang nods.
"Whatever you want to do love." Yeosang says as Maria hugs him.
Maria pulls away and looks at you. "I'm sorry Y/N but I think I'm going to leave now." She says.
"No I understand." You say reassuring her.
"Here. Put your number in my phone. I'll be back to get it. We're going to round our boyfriends back up so we can go." She says laughing softly. You smile as she gets up from the couch and Yeosang wraps an arm around her.
They walk off to go find the rest of their boyfriends.
You type your number in her phone. You look up as Chan sits beside you now.
"You good?" Chan asks quietly.
That's when you break down. You can't take it anymore and cry softly. Chan brings you into a hug and rubs your back.
"It's okay. I'm here." Chan says and you cry into him. Chan could care less right now if you ruined his shirt he wouldn't and couldn't let you cry by yourself.
You slowly stop crying and pull away from Chan who sadly smiles at you.
"I'm sorry." You say and Chan shakes his head.
"Don't be. You've been through a lot." Chan says and you cling to his shirt.
"It's not your fault." Chan says still rubbing your back.
You really were falling for these boys.
Taglist: @queenmea604 @lolareadsimagines @tinyworld18 @liv302
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Can you write the goths with a s/o who's aesthetic is the opposite of theirs like pink and cute stuff? I'm a sucker for opposites attract if you couldn't tell lol💕
This is so cute omfg
Opposites attract is the only trope that actually matters
Warnings: Mentions of bullying (nothing too serious)
- Michael thinks you are quite possibly the cutest thing that has ever walked on Earth
- The first time he met you, he developed a soft spot for you, as well as a need to protect you from any harm that may come to you
- Except the only harm that has come your way has been the multiple Sanrio and Squishmallow stuffies that he flooded your room with
- For real though, he spoils the hell out of you
- He can’t help it. He sees something pink or sparkly, he thinks of you, and before he knows it, he’s walking out of a store with a shopping back full of random pink items and a new hole burned into his pocket
- Michael won’t wear pink clothes, but if you gave him something like a pink bracelet, he’d always have it on
- When you started staying at his house more, it was like a pink takeover
- Dishes, blankets, pillows, EVERYTHING
- But he couldn’t have been more happier with you, so he happily enjoys it just to make you happy (just realized that I used all variations of ‘Happy’ but I’m not changing it lmao)
- Henrietta picks on you for your taste, but she’s just being an asshole
- She really loves how sweet and innocent you are
- She’s gonna taint you 😈
- For real though, she loves how cute you look when you show her your new skirt or shoes
- Always always ALWAYS is making you some sort of dress or skirt whenever she finds a nice fabric she thinks you’d like
- She thinks she’s revolting in your clothes but can be convinced to try again just to see you happy
- Anytime she finds any snacks that are strawberry or cherry flavored, she buys them for you
- She just loves you a lot even though she thinks pink is an eyesore
- Oh, my sweet uncaring of what you wear Pete
- I’m serious. He could care less about what you wore
- There’s absolutely no doubt that he thinks you are truly the most precious thing to ever walk this Earth, but he sees you for you, not the clothes you wear
- You’re sweet, you love him enough to be with him, you don’t care about how he loks
- Pete feels like he hit the jackpot when he found out you returned his affections
- Loves when you grab your favorite stuffy, your signature pink blanket, and cuddle up beside him on the couch. You can force him to watch whatever you want once you have him flustered, and if that means the entire Hello Kitty collection, then you guys are gonna watch the entire Hello Kitty collection
- Whistles and pretends he knows nothing about the packages with your name on it filled to the brim with pink everything that have suddenly started showing up at your home
- If people make fun of you for what you wear, you’d have to hold Pete back because he can, AND WILL, beat the shit out of anyone who dares speak bad about you
- You can, and absolutely have, dress him up to match you. He doesn’t care, and he’s never lied about pink looking good on him lol
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kingofthe-egirls · 9 months
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(cw: you are still the narrator, wano spoilers, hiyori gets sick from motion sickness, food/eating)
Songs: “Leader Of A New Regime” by Lorde
words: 1.4k
Luffy sits across from you, his legs spread and dangling from the wooden crate he’s straddling. He’s appraising you, his eyes hazy and his soft lips parted. He’s staring at your frame shamelessly. His crew is somewhere above deck, far away from this smuggled-into, tiny space.
Mugiwara no Luffy.
He’s sliding his strawberry tongue across his lower lip. A small, raspy breath leaves him as he kicks a sandaled heel against the wooden crate. He swings his leg, the dark hair shadowing his calf muscles.
“What’s your name, stowaway?”
He asks you, plainly.
His black coat sits heavy around his shoulders, his red cardigan left open over soft, strengthened abs. You shift, in the barrel he’d seen you pop out of after he’d spied you in this closet space. You lick your lips, switching between the lies in your mind you’ve studied like prayers.
It’s your true name,
the one your father
gave you.
He smirks, pleased. “Nice to meetcha, Hiyori!” He says your name plainly, with an accent so different from your own dialect. He says it like—Hee-ya-or-ee—as he sounds it out. He seems to like its taste.
“Same,” you murmur.
He squats on the crate, his sandals firmly planted with his heels flat on the wood. You scratch the back of your neck, behind your satin collar.
“So, whatcha stowin’ away for?” He tilts his head, steady in balance even as the ship tips in rapid waves. Your own stomach is seasick, sweat beading cold along your face.
You swipe away the moisture on your soft upper lip. “Escaped,” You whisper, throat scratchy. You haven’t had fresh water in several days.
His expression scrunches, as he stares at you with a crooked head.
“Saw your wanted poster—in the News Coo,” You say, stepping out of the barrel on shaky feet. You’re wearing plum, pleated pants that billow out before tucking in at your ankles. Your kimono is a matching plum satin that’s embroidered with cream-silk cherry blossoms. Your wooden sandals clack on the storage room’s floor. You reach out to steady yourself on a nearby crate. “Sick—,” You warn, heavy-headed, before swallowing down the bile in your throat.
Strawhat Luffy suddenly hops down from his perch, his face stricken as he closes the short distance between you. His hands are warm and soothing as they cradle your face. “Hey…,” He whispers, worried, “Are you okay?”
You shake your head.
Your stomach churns.
Luffy sees you turn to wretch into the barrel you’d just been stowing away inside. It smells vile.
“Sorry…,” you rasp, swiping the back of your hand across your mouth.
Luffy is silent, before grabbing your hand and leading you upstairs.
It’s four days, before you’re allowed to leave the infirmary bed.
Sanji—chef with an even stranger accent than Luffy’s—is sitting next to you, spoon feeding you ginger soda.
“Slow sips,” he’s saying, his voice gentle and quiet. His flaxen hair is sifting over one eye.
“S’okay…,” You say, reaching for the bottle yourself. You’re sick of feeling sick. “I can drink the rest myself.”
Sanji scowls, but he hands you the green-glass bottle. You sip from it, gently. Eventually, your stomach settles.
“So…are you looking to join our crew?” He sits back in his chair, splayed out legs strong and lithe beneath his black slacks. The style is so strange here. So varied.
Searching the ceiling for answers, you suck your teeth as you decide what to say next. The spiderweb in the rafter isn’t helping you much at all.
“Sort of…,” you say, drawling out the words as slowly as syrup. They taste strange on your tongue, too.
“Is someone after you?”
You shake your head.
Sanji stares at you, his eyes burning hot coals into the side of your face.
You study the floor.
“So, what is it you want, Hiyori?”
You stare at the floorboards, your eyes focusing in on the glossy wood. There’s an acorn-shaped spot of knotted wood. It doesn’t help keep your head from spinning, and your saliva still tastes like ginger.
You sip the soda, and
So now you’re straddling the neck of the Going Merry’s goathead. Your hands steady yourself as you spill your stories to Strawhat Luffy.
He’s scrunching his eyebrows at you: drawn dark and serious over brown, sunlit eyes. He’s silently listening.
“…and I just wouldn’t. He said I had to, so I left. Escaped. Swam in a barrel until I somehow found my way to your ship. I need ya,” you sigh, swiping your hand across your face as you slurp up the sweet juice of the plums he’s feeding you.
“Need me?”
You nod, sinking your teeth into the plum’s scarlet flesh.
“Aren’t ya supposed to be the best, most dangerous pirate in the seas? News Coo says so much shit about ya,” You swallow, squishing the stone fruit between your forefinger and thumb. You steal another bite. “So you’re the person I want to have help me…find something. M’not sure what it is yet,” you sigh, seeing him perk up at your words. You stare at the plum’s stone heart. You scratch it with your thumbnail as you speak. “It’s silly, but…i have ambitions, y’know?”
Strawhat Luffy finishes your sentence. He regards you with softness: curious and honest.
You nod.
“What are your dreams, Hiyori?” He asks, sparkles in his eyes shot gold from the sun. He grins, radiant.
“Um…,” You stare at the side of the ship, at the sea’s choppy waves. The boat rocks still, but ginger and plums have settled your stomach—somewhat. You scrunch your nose. “I’m not sure…of the specifics. Yet. It’s something—with dreams. And…stars. And moonlight. But that’s it,” You say as you shake your head. Your thoughts are so scattered—so symbolic.
“It’s a song.”
Strawhat Luffy tilts his head. “A song?” He seems curious, intelligent. Interested. Chewing your lip, you respond.
“Yeah…a song. Something so—beautiful, that. Everyone else will listen to it and…say that they’re in love with me,” you trail off, swallowing the last of your plum piece.
Luffy scratches his head.
“Sounds like ya just kinda want someone to fall in love with ya,” he snickers. He sees your maddening blush and stops in his tracks. “S-sorry! I wasn’t meaning to be rude—,”
“No, it’s alright,” you snicker, scrunching your nose as you shrug in defeat. “That’s a way more honest way of saying it.”
“So,” he touches your knee, leaning in like he’s whispering you a secret, “What is it you actually dream about?”
“Sex,” you whisper, sedated by his chestnut eyes and sweet stone fruits.
“Sex?” He asks, tilting his head in earnest curiosity. You nod, far too risky with your own honesty.
“Sex is something I’ve dreamed about for a really, really long time. It’s something I really wanna start having, so that I know what it is and if it’s something I wanna keep doing. Y’know? So…for sex to start happening, I need…someone in my life. Who sees me. And…”
Here is where you turn sheepish.
“…falls in love with me.”
Luffy is staring at you, his eyes tracing your features like he’s an artist studying a painting. His breath is sweet, as he speaks in whispers, “Is…sex something you need, from me?” He asks it curiously, appreciatively, as if he’s admiring you for saying such a secret thing.
You swallow.
“So…yeah,” you admit, fearsome blush staining your cheeks rosy. He smiles as you fidget with your fingers in your lap. They’re still sticky from the shared plums.
“Is that why ya liked my wanted poster?” He grins, all teeth.
You nod.
“Shishishi!” He snickers, hand on the back of his head to keep his sunny hat in place. He rocks back and forth, pleased. “Seriously?” He asks, wide grin only getting wider. He shrugs, delighted. “Me?”
You nod, sober as the sea breeze blows wispy turquoise hairs across your face. Your voice is steady.
He smiles even wider now, as he slaps the back of his hand against your kneecap. He stands, letting out a satisfied grunt. “Welp!” He says as he helps you stand up, “We’d better get started,” he supports your elbow as he helps you stumble down from the Merry’s sheephead.
“Started on what?” You ask, flushed and rosy from the brief physical contact. He stares at you like he’s confused as to why you’re not getting it yet.
“Falling in love, duh!”
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
There isn’t a lot of mochi from Tokyo revengers writing so imma make a request on that character if it’s alright and based of this headcannon I have of him. And it’s that he tends to take huge bites out of his food which leads to us to the request
The reader and mochi are just having a nice time together and then they stop across a bakery and they both get pastries, and mochi ask the reader “can I have a small bite” and the reader lets him only to see mochi take a huge bite out of the reader pastry and is baffled and a bit mad and mochi quickly apologizes saying it’s a habit he has and unfortunately it continues through the time they get ice cream mochi ask for a bite and accidentally takes a huge bite, and they go get donuts and it happens again and lastly they go to get burgers and the reader decides to try and take a huge bite of mochi burger but barely makes a dent (cause I’d imagine mochi would get the largest burger the place sells cause he’s a big boi) and at the end mochi apologizes and buys the reader more snacks/food
Okay I'm gonna be honest and just say it. I don't know much about Mochi. He never really stuck with me in all honesty. But I hope you enjoy this!
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(Name) smiled brightly swing his and his boyfriend's joined hands. Mochi couldn't help but chuckle at (Name)'s antics. He was always like this when they were together and it always warmed Mochi's heart honestly.
So when (Name) pulled him to a Bakery he had read about Mochi could only shake his head. (Name) and his sweet tooth. Mochi watched as (Name) practically pressed himself completely against the display glass as he looked at the many sweets. It didn't take long for (Name) to order.
Although with how many he ordered Mochi worried for not only his wallet but (Name)'s stomach. When they sat down and was able to enjoy the pastries, (Name) immediately started chowing down. But after biting into a strawberry pastry he stopped. "Stomach hurting already?" (Name) shook his head. "No. This one is just extremely delicious!"
Mochi hummed the leaned forward. "May I have a small bite then?" (Name) immediately nodded and held out the pastry. Mochi leaned and took a "small" bite. Which turned out to be the rest of the pastry....(Name) stared at his empty hand while Mochi actually enjoyed the treat. "Hmm that really is delicious." Mochi noticed his quite boyfriend and lightly nudged him. "(Name)? You good?"
(Name) turned and glared at Mochi. Terribly confusing the taller male. "(Name)?" "You said small bite! Not the whole pastry!" Mochi winced. "Sorry. It's a bad habit I have." (Name) huffed and continued to pout. Which Mochi found adorable. (Name) warned him to not let it happen again. Which Mochi said he wouldn't.
He lied. On their next date they had gotten ice cream. (Name) had a cone of (Flavor) ice cream. Which he was enjoying very much. Until he let Mochi take a bite. "Mochi! You said small! You took a huge chunk of my ice cream!" Mochi bashfully apologized and rubbed the back of his head. (Name) huffed again and finished his cold treat. He once again warn Mochi. Mochi said it wouldn't happen again.
He lied again. This time (Name) wanted donuts. So when they got donuts and Mochi asked for a bite. (Name) was hesitant to let him have a bit. But when Mochi pouted (Name) felt bad a let him. But he once again took too big of a bite! "Dammit Mochi! I swear the next time you ask for a small bite and it's not small. I swear to god." Mochi once again bashfully apologized and promised it wouldn't happen.
So when they went out to Mochi's favorite burger joint, (Name) decided to ask Mochi for a small bite of his burger. Mochi was confused when asked. "Are you sure (Name)? You might not like it." (Name) nodded determined. Mochi shrugged and let him have a bite. Thats when (Name) tried taking a big bit of the burger. But sadly failed. Poor thing didn't even make a dent in the burger.
(Name) pouted while Mochi only laughed. Realizing what (Name) was doing. So the Mochi promised he'd work on taking smaller bites when they share food. (Name) had only huffed and glared at Mochi. So to make things better Mochi bought (Name) his favorite snacks as payment for the large bites he'd been taking.
Which (Name) hesitantly forgave him for but he gave him a finally warning. "I swear, if the next time you ask for a small bite and it's not. I will not only bite you, but I'll bite you so hard you bleed." Not gonna lie (Name) had slightly scared Mochi with that warning.
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
congrats on 3k!!! 🎉🥂
I would like to get midnights with frank castle with song 'The Loneliest' by Mäneskin, I was thinking this lyrics:
'Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
You're still the oxygen I breathe
I see your face when I close my eyes'
but you can choose different ones, thank you 💕
thank you so much!!
I wasn't sure if you wanted angst...but that's immediately where my head went when I read these lyrics
but, there is a slightly nice ending :)
blurb below the cut
the loneliest (frank's version)
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I see your face when I close my eyes
Frank wasn’t sure what city he was in tonight. Hell, he wasn’t even sure what state he was in. Every highway seemed to stretch on endlessly into the infinite horizon, and the scenery flying past all started to look the same, like a condensed blur of muted colors and fuzzy shapes. He didn’t pay attention to the towns he passed through, and when he eventually made it to his next destination, he couldn’t even remember fully how he had gotten there. It was like he was stuck on auto-pilot until it was time to get the job done, and even then, he wasn’t fully present.
Because in the back of his mind he was with you.
He couldn’t feel the cheap motel sheets scratching against his raw, wounded body. He couldn’t taste the metallic tang of copper from blood that had dripped from his broken nose and past his lips. He couldn’t smell the sterile sting of alcohol he had used to sanitize fresh gashes that pierced what his vest couldn’t protect. He couldn’t hear the dull roar of live music coming from the seedy dive bar the street over.
But when he closed his eyes, he could see you.
Frank could still see the crestfallen tears shimmering on your cheeks in the moonlight the night he left. The night he lied to you for the first time, giving you the half-assed excuse that it was too dangerous to be with him, and that it was safer for you if he disappeared. The night he couldn’t confess that he had fallen in love with you and that meant he had something to be afraid of again. Because he knew deep down that if you were ripped away from him because of what he was, then it would all be over for him.
Frank couldn’t survive that kind of hell twice.
As much as he tried to convince himself that he was doing right by you, his heart didn’t agree. And every time he closed his eyes, he was haunted by the sight of your dejected face in his rearview mirror, illuminated by the crimson glow of his tail lights. From the night he left you, there was this pit of unease that was constantly falling in his stomach, like a boulder passing through a void that had no bottom to reach. Frank couldn’t bear the dread that he had made a grave mistake.
Even as Frank laid in the motel bed alone, he swore he could feel the tenderness of your phantom touch caressing his bruised jaw. He could faintly taste the strawberry chapstick that was always coated on your soft lips. He could just barely smell the aroma of your green apple scented shampoo tickling his nose. And as delicate as a whisper, he could hear your angelic voice in his ear, begging him to come home.
Frank had been running away his entire life. He ran away to join the Marines to escape his small town life. He ran away to other continents so he didn’t have to face his shortcomings as a husband and a father. He ran head first through every layer of hell seeking vengeance and ignored his own nightmares by creating them for those that owed him a debt in blood. And now he was running away from you.
Letting out a heavy exhale, Frank reached for the burner phone on the nightstand, wincing slightly at the stress it caused on a rib that was most likely broken. With his thumb, he flipped the phone open and typed in the number that he knew by heart.
Pressing the call button, Frank closed his eyes while he listened to the line start to ring, sending a silent prayer up to a God he hadn’t believed in for years that it wasn’t too late to stop running.
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
Little reward
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Iceman x Reader
He works hard, so he deserves a little reward. You just want your husband to know he's appreciated every single day.
A lil something for @ladylanera in this fic 😘
A lot of people rely on Ice for a lot of things. In the Navy and outside of it too. He works hard and receives a lot of respect. Keeping Maverick where he is needed is just one of his jobs, and he has to make a lot of calls for him sometimes.
Ice was always doing something.
Naturally, you want do something good for your hardworking husband. He deserves time for himself. No phone calls, no paperwork, no organising anything. No Maverick for a while.
You knock on the door to his office. There is a slight pause before you hear his voice. Pushing the door open, you enter.
Tom is typing something up on his computer. He has his back to you as you enter the room. Sighing softly, you make your way over to him.
You come to a stop beside his chair and hope that he will look up at you. He does not. He types away, seemingly tense with whatever it is he is responding to. Hating seeing your husband so worked up, you place the treat you brought to him on his desk and place your hands on his shoulders. He eases up almost immediately.
"Finish that email and then turn your computer off."
Tom's fingers hover over the keyboard.
"I can't," he whispers.
You dig your fingers into his shoulders and squeeze slightly. You lean down a little and press a kiss to the top of his head.
Tom closes his eyes as he leans his back, eager for the feel of you. He wished he didn't have so much to do. He wants to spend his time with you, but duty calls. It calls far too often these days.
"Can't I have my husband for myself for an hour at least?"
Ice sighs.
He could spare an hour. Surely.
His fingers continue their typing and you watch as he sends the email. With the click of a button he shuts his monitor off and then turns his chair. He halts when he sees what you left on the desk.
You smile and look at the little dish of strawberries you brought him.
"You do still like them, don't you?"
Tom smiles.
He reaches out and takes one from the top. You chuckle as you watch him bite into it and eat it. He smiles up at you.
You chuckle and reach for his hand. Tom stands from his chair and let's you guide him, bringing the rest of the strawberries with him in his free hand.
You take him to the bedroom. Tom looks at the bed and then at you.
"We're a bit old for fooling around, don't you think?" He says, smiling at you.
You laugh.
"Don't be silly! I want to cuddle with you. You deserve a break and some relaxation. Come on," you let go of his hand to climb onto the bed.
Tom watches you get comfortable and chuckles softly. Placing the strawberries on the table on his side, he gets onto the bed with you and lies back. You shuffle closer and he lifts his arm, letting you get cosy. You rest your head on his chest and wrap your arm around him. His head rests lightly against yours as you both get comfortable.
"You work so hard and don't take much time for yourself."
He remains quiet.
"I miss my husband sometimes."
Tom closes his eyes as he gives you a gentle squeeze. He misses you too, but when duty calls he has to answer.
"I know," he whispers.
You look up at him and see the expression on his face. Softly, you press your lips to his cheek and he opens his eyes, gazing at you with so much love and adoration.
"It's nice to just have a moment to sit back and relax. To cuddle and just hold one another," you remind him.
Back in the early days of your relationship, there was a lot of cuddling and kissing. Tom often had an arm around you wherever you both went. A reassurance that you were there and you were his.
"I miss it," he whispers.
"Then let's make sure it never stops," you tell him. He nods his head softly. "Now, do you want to take a break and rest quietly, or shall I read to you?"
Ice smiles.
"Read to me, darling."
You smile softly as you reach for the book on his nightstand. You get into a comfortable reading position where you're still close to him and still touching him. Tom closes his eyes as be listens to your voice.
He had almost forgotten what it was like to rest and take it easy.
But it's okay. He has you to remind him. Tom Kazansky would be lost without you.
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