#I like my final design x3
imagionary · 1 year
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Randomized Fusion between Dave and Cathal! Title is either Deceiver or Payola ^v^
Other concepts under cut:
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(Atari head and portable VCR possibilities I ping ponged in my brain)
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spookythesillyfella · 5 months
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my partner really likes litc so i wanted to make a little doodle as a gift and i figured i might as well post it here since i have no motivation to draw atm [nor the time]
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pianta · 3 months
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angel with bad thoughts 🩵💧
hii guys! ★彡 the kind folks from XPPen sent me their new Magic Drawing Pad to try out !! here are my thoughts ♡︎
🏞 i love to sit in the park and draw, so i've been taking the Magic Drawing Pad with me when i go out. this tablet is light and portable, ideal for on-the-go use and traveling, whether it's for a quick sketch or professional use. it's so easy to pick this up and start doodling when inspiration hits now. no need to connect to a PC! ✨
🖼 the Magic Drawing Pad feels like it was designed with artists in mind and I love that. tbh i'm an Android girlie and i have been looking for good alternatives for an artist-focused, standalone drawing tablet for years now. I'm so excited to finally see there are more options on the market!
⚙️ set up was a breeze, so easy right out of the box. it even came preinstalled with Medibang and IbisPaint -- i hadn't used those programs before so it was fun to try ! but you can also install CSP or any other apps on it if you prefer~
🖥 the screen has an anti-glare & paper-like surface, so it feels natural to draw on, like it's a sketchbook. plus it's easy on the eyes, even if you're out in the sun. it comes with a glove, pen nibs + a protective case where you can store your pen, so you won't lose it! phew lol
✏️ the 16k pressure levels in the X3 Pro Pencil make for a smooth and precise drawing experience. it doesn't need to be charged, so you don't have to worry about losing power while drawing, making this the ultimate portable tablet experience for me
tl;dr: the XPPen Magic Drawing Pad is an amazing lightweight standalone portable tablet designed with artists in mind, great for on-the-go use! def recommend it if you're an artist looking for a more versatile and portable experience, or alternatives to the ones that are currently on the market
i'm so happy to see more options out there so more people can jump in and start drawing digitally! 💞 if you are interested, you can find more info here: US Store // CA Store ✨
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loupy-mongoose · 5 months
Got more dergin stuffs
Starting with the Swablu/Altaria, who I have decided to call Daybreak.
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Finally got a solid idea for her evo~ (And how to draw Altaria lol)
As I mentioned earlier, the Swablu was designed and adopted from @vanilla-waffles (the smaller art in the first image), and the Altaria is obviously expanded on from that. So credit to them for the colors and pattern direction! ^^
Petal gives off a... very specific energy in my mind.
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Which means Ribbon has to be the twin, right? :3
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Although I don't really see Ribbon as awkward as Dipper, it's very fun to draw them like the Pines Twins.
So... who's Grunkle Stan?
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...No... XD
Nah, she doesn't quite fit that role. But I couldn't resist drawing that scene with them. X3
Oh, and a little doodle "explaining" why Jamie would call Walking Wake "Suicune"
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I named it that when I got it and I refuse to change it. XD
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blues-sues · 21 days
I'm working on crackships I swear... 😭 Have some art in the mean time!
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These are some mew twos! Basically testing how a more mewtish 'two would look but I couldn't decide exactly how to go about it.
I ended up really liking the brown one in the second image as well as the one to the left of it... But also very much enjoying the one in the first image in the top left XD decisions... 😭 They were meant to be ADOPTS!!!!!!! Why do I do this to myself
@phlurrii actually now owns the spotty one in the second image! They clicked with it and I didn't so X3 I think it's a much better home hehe
If anyone's interested in my process for these specific kinds of designs, I saved two wips XD
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Anyway! Most recent art is a mirage mew because we watched the special in a call! (I feel violent towards it when it makes noise grrr)
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A design I have yet to finalize 😢... Sometimes when I'm about to sleep, I'll get sudden inspiration or a sudden design idea so I'll get up and very hastily draw a sketch and give a rough coloring (usually I wait until after lineart to do coloring at all even for new designs... maybe I should do concept sketches first more often instead of just one shotting XD)
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noodel,,, why him so nakey,,, put on pants,,, pls,,,
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Another spur of the moment middle of the night drawings. This one is meant to be a Rayquaza! I'll finish that eventually
Anyways,,, bye bye
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shycroissanti · 2 months
Kishin could have both Human/demon future. What if whatever turns him into a human? instead of giving him a way to shapeshift into a human. He already can shift into a bean and teach other demons. So this progression of shapeshifting skill could seamlessly turn him human -mainly just his appearance-. He can already walk in the sunlight. this form could let him eat basic human food again. and not scare normal humans. when he's in this form even demons might mistake him for one. But he could shift back into his demon appearance. the demon that tried to attack him the upper moon 2 or Irina would regret it. He would be slightly weaker in this Human form but strong enough to punch a weaker demon out. ( I love Kishin alternative future AU Upper Moon 2 and if you do make it the canonical future. I would love it. but if you want a form of "Human" Kishin this is my idea.)
I'M LOVING THESE IDEAS!!! ((o(^∇^)o))✨️💖
So, I don't know if this makes much sense with the KNY universe, because initially the idea was for Kishin to return to being fully human after the final battle🤔
But like this, Takahiro no longer makes any sense in the anime's canon story, so I'm already considering these ideas for my original story xD
In the future:
Kishin has become the upper 2, Takahiro, Yudi and Zenshin who are the biggest threats (because they are the strongest demons) are now more friendly with others and don't cause as many problems as before.
Now everything is more peaceful (of course there are still several threats and dangers in the world, but the main characters had some time to rest/train). Kishin spent some time training and meditating to improve his abilities, until he reached a point where he can kind of transform into a human again.
(This is also likely because Kishin has a completely clear conscience, as he has never attacked any human)
Now a small drawing that I made imagining his design:
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(I did it digitally so it would be easier to color X3)
The marks on his body remain, so he only hides the upper moon mark.
His hair changes color with each transformation.
His eyes return to white in his human form.
So, just one additional piece of information: Takahiro can very well disguise himself as a human with ease, but in his case it is by pure luck, since he barely has any demonic appearance (like horns or claws) the only thing he is able to do is change the color of his eyes✨️
And since this is in a slightly more distant future, Irina is already in her black hole phase, so Kishin and Irina changed almost simultaneously :3
Now Kishin can change form whenever it is more convenient, I imagine this can make him a bit tired at first, that's why he spends most of his time in his new human form and transforms into a demon again when he needs to fight.
Le tags💖
@c00kietin @larz-barz @knyinfinity @demonslayerdoodles @night-mince10001 @scaredyfurry2 @pinkwisteria @giyubabe @pulim-v @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @tor-the-tortilla @zenitsustherapist @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @sunbrokenswords
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ryuichirou · 24 days
AzuIde Marriage AU replies
A couple of replies related to the comic we posted yesterday + a reply for a pretty old ask from back when we posted the comic on Ko-Fi! Since the comic is finally edited properly and posted here, I can actually write a proper reply.
Thank you for your patience, and thanks to everyone for your interest!
Anonymous asked:
Can I just say how much I adore your design for adult azul? It just hits all the marks, the round glasses with chain? Yes! White suit? Yes! Hairstyle? fucking yes!
Thank you so much, Anon!!
Round glasses work super well with Azul’s face, he looks like even more of a villain somehow lol So I love making him wear those. And I am such a sucker for horrible people wearing white suits (it’s like a trauma from my Yami no Matsuei days). I am very happy you like this design for Azul!
In-universe though, I think Azul is very careful with what he wears and how he accessorses himself, so every one of his decisions is very intentional.
Anonymous asked:
Is Azul still going to be mad at Idia when they get home? Will he dole out punishment?
Partially replied here, as well as gave some more explanation about what actually happened (there isn’t much though because the story is very vague), and I’ll repost that explanation just in case! <3
Here is what I can say for certain: after being separated from Idia for quite a long time, Azul is going to kind of take care of him, as in “it’s okay, you’ve suffered enough” kind of way; but Idia is smart enough to know that this is just Azul trying to make Idia rely on him again, so he could shut the cage door and trap him once and for all. Azul is also very good at victimblaming, manipulating and gaslighting + has will-power that Idia doesn’t always have, so even if Idia knows that Azul’s kindness isn’t genuine (Azul never forgets those who betray him), he is powerless to change anything at this point. He just wants him and Ortho to be safe, and Ortho wants it too. So even though Ortho technically could blast Azul and the Tweels’ asses, Azul is perfectly aware of this risk, so he uses a different approach on Ortho. After all, Ortho is a smart boy + he and Azul have the same goal: they want Idia to be happy, right? It’s easier to do it while working together instead of fighting!
Anyways, Azul scary and powerful, and at this point in the story he has a lot of useful connections including STYX and probably even Idia’s parents. A lot more strings to manipulate the events in a way that would portray him as a forgiving and loving saint, but still ensure that Idia never leaves him again.
And after this position is secured, then he might start punishing Idia. But in a way that is very subtle to everyone around them, but painfully obvious for Idia.
So a TL;DR answer would be: yes, Azul is still mad, but he won’t punish him right away. He’ll act like a sweet and caring husband for a while (Idia won’t buy that bs), and when he gets tired of that act, he’ll start punishing Idia in a sneaky way.
As for what kind of punishment it would be…
Anonymous asked:
I remember the general punishments Azul would dish out to Idia from the original dark headcanons post but in a recent post, you said that when Azul punishes Idia in this case it would be in a way that no one would notice. Do you have any headcanons about these punishments? 😀
(Once again, sorry for the wait, Anon!)
I do have some thoughts! But when it comes to these kinds of scenario, it’s a bit difficult to come up with headcanons because I feel like no matter what I come up with, Azul would’ve came up with something more cunning, more sinister, more subtle and more cruel. So take whatever I’m about to write and keep in mind that it could be x3 times worse lol Azul is very bad when he feels rejected.
Azul would control the entire narrative of what has happened between them. He would play his cards in a way that would make everyone believe that Idia left him seemingly out of nowhere, and that this is just Idia causing trouble due to being bad at interacting with people. He will even manage to fool S.T.Y.X. people and their ex-classmates into thinking that yeah, Azul is notoriously pretty sleazy and cunning, but he seems to be genuinely in love with Idia: ever since that accident he’s been all over him, protecting him, taking care of him, even skipping work (!!!) to be with him. “Maybe even Azul has a heart, who would’ve thought”, “I guess it really was Idia’s mess-up…”, “He is such a good husband, Idia needs to appreciate him more”…
At the same time, Azul would defend Idia in front of all these people whenever someone would even hint at Idia hurting Azul’s feelings. He would insist that Idia is completely forgiven, and that it would be incredibly petty to worry about this little thing when he almost lost him. Azul might even say that the Universe has given them a second chance, and that this time Azul will make everything right just so Idia doesn’t feel the need to run from him anymore. What an angel you are, Azul Ashengrotto! Idia would feel like he is losing his mind hearing these conversations. It would be overwhelming and so horribly isolating, he’d feel like he can’t talk to anyone about anything anymore. His social anxiety would actually become way worse.
And yet, Azul would force him to come out more often. Together, of course. He would walk with him (Idia wouldn’t be able to walk properly by himself for a couple of months during his recovery), bring him to events (“You are probably very bored and lonely, let’s visit our friends at [company name], shall we?”). Not only it would make Idia see a huge swarm of people discussing his every move, he would constantly feel eyes on him because Azul would become more clingy in public. He would constantly hold his hand and kiss it, kiss his face and lips, bring him closer while hugging his shoulders, etc. PDA was never Azul’s style, but now it feels like he is showcasing their love to everyone and cementing their status as a hopeful young couple that is together against all odds. This would make all the social pressure on Idia absolutely unbearable. It feels like a walk of shame…
It’s not like the situation at home would be any better, mind you. Azul being sweet with Idia would make him feel even more anxious because it’s one thing to act all nice in front of people to save face, but when they’re all alone, it feels like Azul is preparing something, something big and horrible, and Idia would feel this anticipation so vividly every second around him. Azul would just smile and say that Idia is being paranoid and overly suspicious of him, and that it’s actually very hurtful. Azul would barely hide his smile because he hasn’t done anything yet, and Idia already looks like a caged animal with fear in his eyes. He wants him to marinate in this fear more, even if it breaks his psyche completely.
Azul would start gaslighting Idia into thinking that his health is declining, both mental and physical. He would act very protective and caring, he’ll even manage to make Idia believe that he is genuinely scared for his well-being at some point. The amount of unnecessary potions and drugs he would make Idia consume both sneakily and openly is insane. He might even do that toxic husband thing and pay a therapist to make them tell him everything Idia was talking about to them during the session… if he managed to make Ortho make Idia go to the therapist, that is (no way he’d manage to make Idia go himself).  
He would guilt-trip Idia a lot. Even though Idia doesn’t love him, Azul would still manage to make him feel bad for leaving Azul like this. Even if Idia knows that Azul is playing games with him, he would feel guilty all the time, but this isn’t even the worst thing. What is much worse is that sometimes Azul just sighs and goes “I didn’t want it to bring this up because I know how bad it is for you, but…” and drops the bomb about Idia putting Ortho in danger again. Blaming Idia for harming Ortho (intentionally being vague, knowing that it would reopen old wounds) is another thing that Azul would never usually do, but right now he’s spiteful, angry and genuinely wants to hurt Idia as much as he can. Even if Idia doesn’t care about Azul and wants to run away again, would it really be the best move for Ortho? He barely survived the accident, after all.
Idia isn’t the only person Azul would guilt-trip. He would also guilt-trip Ortho who feels very responsible for everything that’s happened to Idia. He would’ve easily sensed that Azul is lying, but it seems that even a machine could be messed with if the most important person in its life is hurt. Like I mentioned in another reply, Azul would make Ortho feel like they want the same thing and should work together. Of course Ortho would feel like he is betraying Idia in a way, but he would still cooperate because of his guilt + feeling that giving Azul full access to everything that Idia does online would make Idia more safe and happier somehow.
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
So I couldn't help myself plz stop me it's consuming my brain!!!
"Chang'e!!" The goddess startled at the sound of her name as a monkey suddenly spouted from her shadow. Holding a hand to her chest as she tried to catch her breath, Chang'e glared at her little brother who looked sheepish as scaring her, but before she could reprimand him for his antics she took in Liu'er's appearance. The Six-Eared Macaque's fur was puffed up in distress, and he was clutching something small close to his chest, eyes wild with panic. "Liu'er!? What happened?" The goddess gasped as he pounced upon her, pulling her into a hug. "I messed up, I messed up big time!" The monkey was babbling, "Can you help me, jiě jie?" "Of course! Oh my xiǎo yuè guāngshí, what happened?" Chang'e ran her fingers through his fur, taking in the scent of the forest and fruit that surrounded him. She hadn't seen him in many years, not since he left to live with his own kind after hearing tales of a monkey born from stone like himself on the breeze. They'd tried to stay in contact through astral projection, but that's hardly the same as seeing each other face to face. "I..." Liu'er gained a lost expression as he pulled back, holding out his clenched fist and allowing her to see what he was holding. It was a gemstone, a citrine to be exact, braided into a pendant with orange cord that looked to have been weaved from fur, the design if the pendant and braid had clearly been done with care and she coupd sense a multitude of protection charms from the stone. A faint scent of peaches wafted from it, "Shíhóu gave me this. I- I didn't know what it meant at first, but... according to the spirits, it's a really big deal!" Realization hit the goddess at the implications. She is an old goddess, old enough to remember some of the tales. Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, had given her little brother a courting gift! "Alright." Chang'e forced herself to remain calm and neutral, "What do you want, Liu'er? Do you accept this?" "I-" Her little brother's face turned red as he cleared his throat, adverting his eyes, shy. "I... I didn't know what it meant when i accepted it, but... now that I do, I... I kinda of want to? Reciprocate, I mean." Chang'e nodded, accepting his answer. A grin slowly spread across her face as she let her excitement finally show. Her little brother was growing up and getting engaged!! "What do you need?" "Do... do you still have the geode form my egg? I want to... to make him a pendant in return. The spirits say stone monkeys exchange pendants with their mates using one of the gems from their eggshells as a symbol of their devotion, usually with a bunch of protections charms and spells attacked and braided with their own fur." That... that was so cute! The thought of it sent a pang through her heart as she was reminded of Hou Yi, forever lost to her. Perhaps if they had something like what Liu'er was describing, the distance wouldn't feel so far. "Of course, I'll add a few charms of my own to help! Goodness knows you're not the best spell weaver when it comes to that type of thing!"
uwaaaah!! Chang'e calling Macaque her "little moonstone"!!! X3
And she's trying her best to stay calm cus little brother is getting ENGAGED!! Chang'e is the biggest romantic out there - and she knows true love when she sees. And at that moment she sees it in the face of her little brother as he holds and gazes upon the pendant Shíhóu gave him.
Chang'e had only really heard of Shíhóu before, but he was clearly a kind and protective person. So much of his stories of valor reminded her of her dearest Hou Yi.
She knows what it's like to mate for life.
Chang'e helps Macaque's unsteady hands form the rope of the pendant from his long silky fur. Stone monkey fur is thankfully stronger than the average locks, so it's nearly like diamond filament keeping the gemstone in place. Lots of trial-and-error is done to get the gemstone secure.
Chang'e of course adds her own charms to the pendant - she's a powerful goddess after all. She's also so honoured that Macaque agrees for her to be the one to bless it - she was really worried that he resented her for raising him as a celestial would, and cried when he told her that she was the closest thing to a sister/mother that he had.
She blesses the pendant to bring the owner warmth when away from it's partner, and to grant comfort when they feel their loneliest. It's blessings she's wished for herself for many years.
I love the idea of Macaque being terrible at complicated magic when he was little, lots of Nat 1s for this little guy XD
After barely half a day after her brother's return to Earth; Chang'e receives two excited astral calls from Earth. One her little moonstone, and the other an unfamiliar ginger monkey. Now she finally knows what Shíhóu looks like - and he's the sunshine to her brother's moonlight. She wishes them the greatest of happiness.
All this talk of pendants and marriage reminds me of another Chinese mythology work including Chang'e;
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i was gonna wait until i finished the bitd and deadlands line-ups before posting these, but i'm not gonna get those done before the final season starts, so might as well bite the bullet now XD woohoo, oxventure d&d designs! i'll go into further detail below the cut for all of my thoughts on these designs and reasoning for smaller details, but for now, just know that i will never draw a cape. i simply cannot do it. hoods and weird draped fabric or nothing XD
okay i put like. waaay too many thoughts into a lot of these small details so im gonna allow myself to geek out here X3 firstly - though they're way too small to read properly, i did the little symbol eye shines i used in my first art for them! dob gets music notes, prudence gets fire, corazón gets hearts, and merilwen gets flowers. i usually draw egbert's pupils pretty thin to resemble a reptile, so he just gets normal eye shines, but i probably could have given him some here... he would get suns if i thought of that
dob - muscular in a wiry and dehydrated way, lol, hence having a more defined stomach/hips despite not being as strong as prudence or egbert. he has sad/down-turned puppy dog eyes at all times because i think the big-eyed endearing look is fitting for him, though i do make them darker blue than his canonical baby blues because i just... like how dark blue eyes look, lol. i'm pretty sure he canonically has the stomach scar, and obviously his facial scar has always been there, but i gave him a couple other ones just to show that hes pretty reckless. and he gets freckles because even though they arent mentioned in the dragon dogma's video, i noticed luke added some and. i like freckles a lot
prudence - i've said this before, but i love the thought of pru getting muscular after the werebear bite <3 i just think she should be a little bit hench. as a treat. once again, the heavy stomach scarring comes from the dragon dogma's video, because i found their design choices in that really fun. i change prudence's outfit the most out of any of the characters, just because her canonical outfit confuses me. i'm really bad at understanding/drawing fantasy wear as is, but her fit... i'm lost entirely XD so i free-balled a bit. her inner sleeves that hook around her fingers are based on jane's various prudence looks, and then the looser outer sleeve is just because i love prudence with a dramatic sleeve. originally the colors were closer to her canon outfit, but it just looked messy without all the details of the original, and then i tried red like jane's prudence looks but it didn't contrast enough with her skin. so i restricted them to just deep purples and black with pops of gold and dark magenta!
corazón - what can i say besides. transgender. LMAO honestly though, besides adding the top surgery scars, i just really like his canon look. i simplified the details, obviously, but i really love his big coat and his tall boots and the earrings and the black-on-black-on-black of it all. i didn't particularly feel like drawing hats when i was doing this, lol, so i stuck with a red bandana instead. the beads that are strung from it are black, red, purple, green, and yellow to match their guild's canonical color associations/the colored name plates they get in later seasons :] because corazón is the sentimental sort, even when he won't say it. also he gets a little cateye for his eyeliner, i dunno if i've ever said why i do that before haha
egbert - egbert my dearly beloved. literally just his canon look except he has la vache mauve on his tunic instead of fire! and the nose spikes i give him, i guess, but i forget those aren't canon. i actually usually draw him in mike's egbert get up, with the black robes and the golden dragon sigil, but i kinda wanted to move away from that to lean more into the end of legacy of dragons, where egbert fully commits to never going back to the dragon d'or. also i just love drawing little cow heads <3 also! i like the idea that rather than typical scar tissue, dragonborns grow thicker scales over places where they've been injured. so the thicker patches of small scales on egbert's body are meant to be scars! including his kidney scar, lol. the larger scales and the ones on his face were always there though, that's just dragonborn biology baby
merilwen - if i said i based merilwen's body on cartoon bears, would you forgive me... i just think it's cute LOL tummy <3 for the final dragon dogma's video reference, that's where her freckles and tattoos come from. ellen was right, merilwen with floral tattoos fucking rules. who am i to deny it. as a hairy woman myself, i also like making merilwen a hairy woman. she's a hippie, she would NOT shave. i also really love the red earrings she wears in her canon art, so i tried to carry that through to some other small parts of my drawing for her, and landed on the bands she has on her pants as well as the odd feather for her arrows. fun archery fact, for those who may not know - in modern archery at least, you usually will have a differently colored feather (or for my arrows, rubber fins lol) that indicate how youre meant to string the arrow! so i took advantage of that to give merilwen some more red, hehe
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stargoosie · 4 months
So, I finished The Bad Batch finally, and I have to say I was really pleased with everything they did. They gave us an ending that felt wholly satisfying. Like many of us, I was holding out for some hope that maybe Tech was still alive but I guess it just has to be accepted ;w; I got sad every time they showed his goggles hdfsdhfg
That aside, the ending was so good. I really enjoyed the time skip and it made my heart happy to know that they got to see Omega grow up and lived to be old (which i know is accelerated but still ) It was a really sweet ending. I wiiiish we coulda seen older designs for the others but that's okay x3
Also, a bonus. I was so happy they didn't pull the 'force out of nowhere' trope at the climax. xD SO pleased. TBB proves that you don't need force wielders to have a great SW show. I hope they do more.
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djai-the-curious · 13 days
@the-elder-polls Hi TCS friday yayyy (i'm @bookworm-driven-insane btw this is my side blog for TES oc related stuffs/Djai RP. Kinda empty lmao)
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I have decided to draw a family tree of my khajiit!! Without their respective spouses, for now, because they aren't as important for this/in general. Basically the important members of the family only for now xD
Also, as a side note, only Djai and Eric's designs are final, others are a rough sketch only.
Lore below!!
At the top is (Ma')Eric, aka my nerevarine!! I'll ramble about his entire backstory sometime later. I have an outline of his backstory, but I haven't finished morrowind yet and I will complete his backstory once I finish it so it's as lore accurate as possible. x3
Long story short, he has twins, but has to give them away for their own safety because he himself gets death threats basically daily- and his children were already kidnapped once. Also he just doesn't have time, like, at all to care for them. Both twins are ohmes-raht btw!! [possibly. . . with the mix of some dunmer in there. . . but shhh. . . spoilers]
The one of the left ends up in an orphanage in Cyrodiil, before getting adopted by some necromancers. Again gonna ramble more about them later, but I have something planned for them already!!
The other one ends up in Elsweyr, and gets raised by a regular family. He actually has no idea that he is adopted his whole life, I mean, nobody told him and he had no reason to suspect that. He's also, like, a pretty shitty person. Has a talent for magic but never really uses it outside of charming people for his own gain.
He has two children, Murrsea [The one on the left, with a scar on her face] and Djai [the one on the right], Murrsea being two years younger than Djai.
Already rambled about Djai, so going to ramble about Murrsea, but in a more 'meta' way first.
Murrsea is actually really important to me!! She was a shared OC with one of my parents, I helped create and name her a long long time ago when they were playing skyrim and I wanted to watch them play [that was the first time I've ever seen an elder scrolls game, I didn't even know what it was back then]. Since they're not really into OC stuff, though, and they know that I am, they gifted Murrsea to me after finishing skyrim!! :'D Murrsea is also a mage [Duh, everyone in their family is. At least everyone in their family has a natural talent for magic]. She is pretty well-known for killing a dragon once (not completely ofc because she couldn't take its soul), and it was actually rumored she was the dragonborn. She, however, isn't the dragonborn- She's just a really really great battle mage. She took Djai's place when he resigned from being the archmage, and that's kind of what she does now.
I think that's all? Apologies for any mistakes. And once again, a lot of stuff I've written here will likely change later, but the core elements will likely stay.
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elitadream · 11 months
I have a quite a few questions to ask X3
like firstly, Bowser’s inside story is a pretty popular mario and luigi rpg but what would change in your version? would Bowser be disgusted seeing this more evilier bowser created by the dark star (which i randomly imagined would be an artefact created by Bowser’s ancestors and hidden under Peaches castle which only the Toads know about) and the whole “Mario and Luigi inside bowser’s body” thing i’m really curious about your Bowser’s anatomy cause game bowsers body anatomy was pretty silly for the most part
secondly, another random thing which i thought would be silly is that Game bowser’s design would be like a cartoony version of your bowser (basically being a mascot cartoon character) the toads would find this version funny and Peach would definitely find it amusing too, although i definitely think it wouldn’t happen in your version 😫
thirdly (and finally, for now at least) how would your versions of Mario, Luigi and Peach would react to their game versions? :0
sorry if this long 🙇‍♂️ i’m just fascinated by your version of the mario characters and i love your lord and world building!
I talked a little bit in this older post about how I imagine these events would go in my version; IF the bros and Bowser were to ever collaborate, that is! As for his general anatomy: no, his shell is not detachable in my version. 😆🐢 He can't go inside of it either. I think of him more as an ankylosaurus! A walking tank whose whole back is like an impenetrable armor, making it nearly impossible to attack or wound him from behind.
Omg, Game!Bowser's design being a somewhat simplified/cartoonish representation of mine that the citizens would come up with is genius! 😂👏 I have to include this idea in my art somewhere. Love it!
I'm fairly certain that my main trio would get along quite well with their canon counterparts. 😊 Both Luigis would enthusiastically talk about their beloved bro and sympathize about the things they're each terrified of. >< My Peach would note a certain peacefulness and spontaneity about her game self that she has a little more trouble assimilating (being quite concerned about her royal duties and her level of competence as a ruler), but would otherwise find her delightful and inspiring. And Mario? Mine would wish he can be as unfiltered and silly around the princess as his original self is! 🥺😅 Game!Mario would give him a warm smile and a thumbs up in encouragement to help his confidence, and they'd enjoy doing parkour together in various areas across town.^^
And no worries!! I don't mind longer asks. 😁✨️ I'm glad you enjoy my portrayal of these characters. 🤗💕
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otokowrecker · 9 days
I'm rootin' tootin' miserable rn, and I really wanna write but I've decided to take a chill day instead of trying to force it and feel worse. So instead I drew for a little bit!
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Ogawa is actually half-German, half-Japanese, and only likes wearing designer brands! He's a material girl - too bad I'm too lazy to draw him in fancy clothing!
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I'm gonna eat my own hands if I have to draw someone's profile again!! (Forgive me, Yashiki). Someone else draw it better, lol x3
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And finally, the Beatles soundbite has been lurking in my head.
Okay, Imma go play Friends of Mineral Town to try and chill for tomorrow!
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loupy-mongoose · 5 months
I’m still stuck on this dragon trainer Jamie thing. Yesterday I went through the effort of getting the eventual Altaria and the Roaring Moon I want her to have, but as fun as that was, it consumed all my drawing time. (I spent hours trying to get a RM in one of the two biggest sizes, and finally got what I was after with help from in the Discord server. Altaria was considerably easier, lol.)
I did manage to eek this out, after a chat with a friend. (Don’t know if it’s canon, it’s just a silly. X3)
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Its name is Gummy the Peckish, btw. It’s an unorthodox Quiet Natured fellow who likes sweets and steals Jamie’s fruit snacks~
I look forward to working out some designs later today!
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fricchead · 8 months
Hai Fricc!! Hope you're doing great!!! 🌹
So, I had randomly decided that I'd send you an ask and if you don't mind, I have 3 questions for you:
1) Who are your favorite UY characters (asides from the obvious Ataru and Lum)?
2) What are the funniest moments in the series to you? And..
3) What are you looking forward to the most in the remake?
Hope you'll answer them X3
I luv luv luv getting asks so I’m glad you reached out !!
1. Fav characters besides Lum and Ataru ?? Aaaaa I would have to go with the big three:
RAN: she’s so fockin funny and her personality switch up is my fav and not to mention her character design is BEAUTIFUL like I feel like if you saw a pic of Ran without knowing any of the characters you would think she’s the main protagonist
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SHINOBU: it’s crazy how Shinobu was originally the main character alongside Ataru before Lum was (I know she was robbed from the spotlight and her man but STILL) and I love how insane hers and Lum’s rivalry was like holy shit I felt so bad for Shinobu. But as the series progressed I’m glad the two became friends and the awkward tension between the three characters died down (Shinobu, Lum, and Ataru). I also luv how much of a sweet heart and has such a gentle voice, but could flip a bus if she needed to AND be beating TF out of men 10x her size.
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2. Okay funniest moments aaaaaa I would say there’s too many to count but I think one would be the time where Lum was training to fight this bully without her powers to prove to a underclassmen like “you can do anything if you put your mind to it.” And Lum arm wrestles Ataru and just completely fails and when Mendo gets a turn she just SHOCKS THE SHIT OUTTA HIM
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Another would be the time with the gossiping flowers, and everyone thinks Mendo wet the bed when he was younger when it was actually Lum and she just LEAVES HIM OUT TO DRY AND TAKE THE BLAME. Wait now that I realize it these are just when Mendo gets hurt by Lum, I PROMISE I DONT DISLIKE MENDO AT ALL IT’S JUST FUNNY
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3. Moments I’m most excited for the show, look I know Urusei Yatsura isn’t only about Atalum and I like the episodes we’re getting but CMONNN. WE’RE GETTING SO MUCH ATALUM CENTERED EPISODES AND IM SO SO SO EXCITED IM EATING PLYWOOD. Particularly very happy to see the Inaba arc (finally Shinobu gets a good man even though it’s kinda rushed) and the Boy Meets Girl ending AAAAAAAAA IDC IF ITS THE SAME SCENES WE’VE SEEN TWICE ALREADY IM ENJOYING EVERY MINUTE OF IT.
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But Tysm Yume for the ask !! I could go on for hours talking about this series bc I’m literally in UY BRAINROT but I hope you have a GUD dayyy 💗💗💗
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phlurrii · 1 year
Alright, I'm curious. What's the meaning behind the name "Phlurrii", if there is any? Or is it just something that you thought, "That sounds fun, let's use that!"
Actually, it’s kinda interesting!! I’m about as consistent with my screen names/sona’s as scarlet and violet is performance wise lol
I’ve seriously struggled settling on one for almost 4 years now, partly due to those years having A-LOT of changes going on. So every time I designed a new persona or found a name I liked, 2-3 months later it didn’t feel right anymore. I finally got out of a bad home and was able to live a more normal life, which subsequently lead to a stabler mental state ;D! That Christmas we had a wicked snow storm that kept us trapped for 3 days, huge bad weather fan here ;3, and while the news was on, they said,
“And we expect to have another snow flurry tomorrow”
I can’t explain why, the airy, light, and I guess “bubbly” sounding nature of it realm struck me. It felt like a fitting embodiment of my happier situation, that and it had a very nice sound too X3 So I ended up using it, but because “Flurry” was already taken everywhere, I had to adjust it and abuse the English language some to find an alternative!! Hence the funky lil name ;3!
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And since I could ham fist this in, have a mewified version of the sona that accompanies it!
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