#I love headcanoning Casey and Donnie as lesbians-
excali8ur · 2 years
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Thinking about the time Casey said this and then nobody ever brought it up again
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tizeline · 15 days
Happy pride month and all!
I figured now was a good time to ask, but do you have any thoughts about the sexuality of the characters in your Sep AU?
Sorry if you’ve been asked already, and the answer can definitely be no, I’m just curious :)
Happy pride!! ✨
Here's the thing about headcanons about queer identities, I personally prefer to not get too stuck on specific labels. While there are exceptions, I generally try to remain flexible if that makes sense? As in I like having multiple different interpritation about characters' identities so deciding on One Particular Label can feel limiting to me.
I mentioned it before, but I do plan on making Capril an established relationship in the AU sooner or later, so April and Casey are definitely sapphic. But more specific than that? Are they lesbian or bi or pan or whatever?? I dunno!! It's not really relevant to the story so I might as well leave that up to interpretation.
My approach to creating stories is that I'll usually only decide on specific labels if it is plot relevant, Schrödingers Identity if you will, lol, it can be anything if you don't decide on it beforehand. Again, there are exceptions, Leo is gay 100% like duh I can't interpret him any other way XD. Splinter is a Bi-Icon and I will STAND BY THAT!
Raph, Donnie and Mikey? Man who knows, canon Donnie seems to be into girls at least so it's the same in the AU, but more specific than that I dunno, I'm not planning on the story really focusing on romance (aside from a little capril because every story needs sapphics that's like the law)
Actually, you know what I find fun? World building! I honestly tend to be more interested in how queer identities are viewed and treated in a story's world as a whole as opposed to induvidual character's identities. Human society in rottmnt seems to be mostly the same as our IRL society, but what about Yōkai society!? With how diverse yōkai are I think it'd be fun if people in The Hidden City just... didn't care about who you loved or what you identified as. As a result of that, I don't think yōkai would care that much about terminology and labels, you just kinda loved whoever you loved.
It'd be honestly be kinda interesting if Donnie and April used terminology that related to queer stuff and Raph, Leo and Mikey are just really confused. Like for example, April is complaining about one of her classmates who's homophobic and the The Drax Bros are just like "Home-phobic??? They're afraid of homes??" cuz the concept of discriminating against someone based on which gender they're attracted to is completely foreign to them. Actually, Leo might be more knowledgable about human queer culture considering he's interested in human cultures in general. He calls himself gay at one point and Draxum is all like "you're happy? good for you?" and he'd just be wondering why Leo is using such an old-timey word considering Leo doesn't exactly have the most advanced vocabulary.
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crow-the-fox · 8 days
(Another post!? Omg we’re on fire this week)
Happy pride month everyone!!! I’m late but it’s just because I forgot or procrastinated to post this here for absolutely no reason. (Please click for better quality)
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Headcanons and closeups under the cut! And again, happy pride month everyone!
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Ok now headcanon time
Nimona: gender-fluid lesbian
Peridot: aroace and maybe nonbinary, technically intersex? I mean she’s a rock so.
ROTTMNT: Donnie: nonbinary (he/they), arospec, ace and biromantic. Leo: transmasc, gay. Raph: bigender, ace, pan?. Mikey: poly panromantic ace. April: lesbian. Splinter: bi. Draxum: gay (they’re divorced /hj). Casey (senior): lesbian. CJ: aroace.
Uuhhh ok I think that’s it. I love y’all and have an awesome and safe pride month
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seaghosst · 6 months
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2012 april redeisgn cause no one gets her like i do esp the writers
i don’t actually have any big issues with her deisgn it’s just symbolic of how i’m rewriting her in my head because she was done so incredibly dirty
anywya. list of headcanon things slash things i’d change under the cut
it’s mentioned like once that she’s good at science maybe i think?? (i can’t actually remember if that happened LMAO) cool im taking that and RUNNING with it
she is good at science but likes focusing on outer space cause she feels a weird connection to it hm i wonder why!! she loses her MIND during the space arc she is having the time of her life nd taking notes and everything
so she focuses on astronomy and learning abt space :D she probably watches space hero’s w leo cause space but points out all the scientific inaccuracies
i kinda incorporated that into her design too, with the stars on her shirt and shorts (sewn in by mikey :) i think they deserve to be bffs)
instead of the stupid ass donnie centric intro in canon, BEFORE the turtles see her, we see her talking to her dad abt either his work or talking to him abt space or school or SOMETHING so we get her character before we see how the turtles (cough. donnie) view her cause what is that canon intro
i keep the love triangle HOWEVER. instead of the writers never giving her an actual response to it! she is uninterested in both of them and just doesn’t know how to tell either of them without hurting their feelings. eventually in like the farmhouse arc she does and it ends there. i tjink the bigfoot thing happens but when donnie talks to her she’s like oh it’s not bc you’re a mutant it’s cause i just see you as a friend and you lowk were being really weird abt it. can we be friends still girly and they are! i think casey notices donnie not pursuing her and asks one of them abt it and smth similar happens so they’re all FRIENDS. AS IT SHOULD BE!!
she is also a lesbian cause i’m a lesbian lolz but i think she doesn’t figure it out until later in the series
i think she and karai can be haters to eachother for awhile but eventually they should get to be friends. they meet up and beat the shit out of eachother (train together). shout out to girls who were intended for a greater purpose they had no say in with parental issues
she evaporates both donnie and casey and they stay dead (/j i love them so no. it’d be funny to me though)
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rainnybear · 7 months
Heterochromia (Left eye blue, right eye red)
Fawn Stress Response
Leo gets understimulated and overstimulated (Donnie carries noise cancelling headphones for him and Mikey shares his fidget toys)
Inferiority complex
Rants in Spanish when overwhelmed
Speaks spanish when overtired or sick
When Leo can’t sleep and wants company, he goes to Donnie’s lab and watches him work
Constantly feels like an annoyance
Takes sleeping meds
Fear of abandonment
Reads ao3 when can’t sleep
Medic of the team, hyperfixated on biology when he was little and it didn’t go away
An absolute baby when sick
MLP fan
Has nightmares and flashbacks about the Krang fright and tries to pretend he doesn’t
Heterochromia (Right eye blue, left eye red [opposite from Leo’s])
Freeze Stress Response
Lots of scars from working on his tech
Gets overstimulated
Blasts music in his lab at 3am
Speech therapy when he was little
Weighted Blanket
Goes nonverbal
Sound sensitivity
Black nail polish
Panromantic Asexual
Blue Eyes
Flight Stress Response (I don’t think that’s even a hc)
Makes stickers and patches
Can’t tie his mask correctly so it always looks messy, used to always fall off before he got used to tying it
He gets understimulated
He has a backpack filled with EVERYTHING (More things fit in it than they should and it confuses the hell out of the others)
Sound Sensitivity, whenever it’s too loud, he gets more quiet and sad and holds onto one of his brothers, he gets overwhelmed and touching people around him helps but it feels worse if too many people are touching anything other than his hands
Gender unlabelled
Dark Brown Eyes
Fight Stress Response
Autophobia (Fear of being alone)
Loves to play dress up
He can’t tell the turtles apart without their masks and that’s why he gave them masks in the first place
Loves Minecraft and Animal Crossing
Casey JR
Knows Spanish because of Leo
Knows medical stuff because of Leo
Has nightmares about the future
Loves garlic bread
Disaster Twins
They help eachother when overstimulated
They clash together sometimes because understimulation + overstimulation does not mix
Donnie likes to act like he doesn’t care about Leo but he’d be an absolute mess without him
Donnie is Leo’s favourite sibling
When Leo can’t sleep and wants company, he goes to Donnie’s lab and watches him work
Sometimes Leo falls asleep on him and he’ll complain about it in the morning but he lets Leo sleep because he knows he isn’t getting enough and he’s just glad he’s finally sleeping
PB & J
They clash together sometimes because understimulation + overstimulation doesn’t mix very well
Donnie carries fidget toys for Mikey (Mikey doesn’t wear his bag during battle which is where all his fidget toys are)
Mikey is Donnie’s favourite sibling
Donnie and Mikey talk about their hyperfixations/special interest(s) together
Portal Duo
They were Pokémon kids and played Pokémon together, they shared a card collection and sometimes argued over the cards, they are now under Leo’s bed, they still play every once in awhile
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sk3tch-rottmnt · 8 months
Has anyone asked you about the specific reactions to Lethena coming out yet?
I would love to know 👉👈 I lot of people tend to think that Splinter would have a hard time with it so I would love to see your take on that.
Also I imagine if Raph was fighting with Lethena at the time then Raph would've been like 'ok but I'm still mad at u'
My own headcanon is that Leo keeps her name and doesn't change anything except the pronouns ppl use for her. Also. I also headcanon her as lesbian :3
Sorry if I wrote too much; uh I also want to say that I like the name. I think it's very her. And Mikey having a hand in naming her is the most Mikey thing ever and I love it.
~(anon because I have crippling anxiety) 🐈‍⬛
Thank you for the ask, and thank you for all the nice words about my bbg. Now for all the specific reactions <3
Splinter: Had a difficult time adjusting to having a daughter but supports her in the long run he has messed up on her pronouns a few times but was quick to correct himself
April: First to find out and is very happy to have another girl to talk too :)
Casey: Totally cool with it
Raph: Was in a fight with Lathena when she came out, super supportive, but still mad about her teasing him about his fear of cockroaches (and he has said and I quote " If any one hurts my sister, they'll get what's coming too them!")
Donnie: Very happy with her coming out (Secretly knew the whole time but wanted her to come out on her own)
Mikey: Super ecstatic, excited to have a big sister (has even made her some bows to clip on her mask 💙)
Thank you so much for the ask :)
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
What is your sexuality headcanons for not just the mad dogs ,but the tenshu crew+ mona lisa (sorry if you answered this before)
And speaking of Mona why do I feel like the line
"A monster,is that what you think you are? Is going to come back?
Oh goodness. I’m still feeling some of these out.
Leo is gay.
Raph is the straight out of the group. The most supportive straight there is.
Mikey and Donnie are the two I am still feeling out. I know a lot of people see them as single or as ace/aro. I’m still figuring them out. I’m leaning that way for Mikey. Donnie is someone who loves so deeply and it’s hard for him to express those emotions. I’d love to explore him more and see where he ends naturally rather then slapping a label on it and then trying to make that work.
April and Sunita are lesbian
Cassandra I know a lot of people see her as a lesbian but I can see her as pansexual but with a preference for women.
Casey. I have kinda logged Casey in my brain as baby so I have not even thought about a future pairing or relationship for the boy. I also don’t think he had a lot of time to figure this stuff out in the apocalypse. We will put him under questioning for now.
Usagi is bisexual but has a preference for men.
Gen is aromatic. He might have future partners but it’s more just one night and moving on. He’s glad his siblings are falling in love and eventually having families, it’s not for him. He loves being the fun uncle.
Kitsune is bisexual with a preference for girls.
Chizu (I know I rarely talk about her) is a Demisexual lesbian.
Lisa is pansexual.
(NOTE: if you see them as something different that’s totally cool. Outside of the main pairings most of this won’t come up so if you want to just graft your beliefs on to them, that’s fine by me.)
And I just realized I missed the best part of this ask. The monster line.
No why would that ever come back. It’s not like she’s going to be horrifically mutated and have to deal with the change of her appearance and have to relearn how to love herself. It’s not like Raph’s going to bring this line back to remind her she’s not a monster. It’s not going to be a backbone of their relationship I promise.
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zizzy-rie · 2 years
hello i love your tmnt headcanons, do you have any more?♥️
Hiiii!! Thankss am glad you love em!!
Hhhmmm these are some of my thoughts [may or may not be headcanons]
It's kinda long :>
-April and the turtles' first meet up-
Donnie's the one who spotted April and her dad getting kidnapped by the Kraang. Not sure if it's canon to the show but in what I percieve of him, he's got a gentle heart and he isn't gonna let that situation slide. Leo protested at first, saying it's against Splinter's orders but with the convincing of his brothers, he reluctantly agreed to save her and her dad. April of course, still got kidnapped along with her dad. Back in the lair, the brothers told Splinter about everything that had happened and also convinced him that they save the girl. The guys get to save her, not her dad though [pretty much similar to what happened in the canon, except Donnie still doesn't have feelings for her and he's just being a good boy wanting to do what's right].
April thanked the guys, and they assured her that they'd help her find her dad. She's very grateful of the offer, and asked them if they could be friends. Of course, the guys are delighted because they've never had friends before. April exchanged contacts with the boys to keep in touch.
-An overhaul to the love triangle in the show- [@bogkampilan-in-a-well ]
Casey is nonbinary and uses he/they pronouns. Realization only hit him when they and April temporarily switched bodies that one time. They mistook gender envy for romantic feelings hence the flirting with April. Once he finally figured it out, he immediately dropped all the flirting and also told april about their gender. The guys were confused since casey forgot to tell them. 
Donnie's not really jealous of Casey flirting with April. He really just hated his guts, well, at first. Though he does get hurt at the thought of them getting together, he doesn't really show it and still very much respects April with her choices. There's no love rivalry between Casey and Donnie over April. Every time the two fight or argue, it's mostly because they have a different opinion over things and wouldn't hear each other out [this mainly happened when they just started getting to know each other]. Their arguments mellowed out at the start of season 3. They do still throw jabs at each other from time to time.
Whenever the trio are together, April's mainly the one holding the brain cell, despite donnie being the smartest among them. 
-Karai and the Turtles-
Leo is the brother Karai is closest to, though she still treats all of her brothers equally. They would talk to each other about their duties to their respective clans, since she's staying with the foot clan. Karai is the eldest among the siblings so she would lord it over Leo and throw out banters to one another from time to time. They'd also help each other in training their clan members. Karai calls Leo, Raph, and Donnie "little brother" while she calls Mikey "baby brother". 
Rottmnt [sexualities]
Leo is gay. I know it's kind of implied in the show but since it's not exactly confirmed, I'll keep this as a headcanon. His awakening was from an actor in a tv show he watched as a kid. He's never made it a big deal about himself and pretty much accepts his sexuality very quickly.
Donnie is demiromantic bisexual. It takes awhile for him to realize it since he doesn't focus that much on crushes and romantic stuff, especially when it's about him. Leo took notice about it first before himself but didn't say anything so Donnie can figure it out on his own pace.
April is Lesbian. She didn't really understand whenever her peers would talk about boys and just thought that maybe she was just a weirdo for it. Her gay awakening was on a classmate in her middle school years. 
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autismsubway-remade · 2 years
waitok. rottmnt headcanons GO.
autism + ocd (hes just like me for realsies)
trans/nb, bisexual (he/they/it prns)
hes YOUNGER THAN LEO (by 5 minutes. he figured it out w science stuff idk)
likes baking bc its like chemistry but you can eat ur experiments it w/out dying (usually)
stress baker
knows asl and a little bit of japanese (from splinter)
back/posture issues (worse after the kraang bc of shell damage)
chronic back pain...bones of an 80 yr old
agender + aroace (uses any pronouns but mostly he/she. none gender left boy is how he describes it)
has a deep interest in psychology and would pursue a career as a therapist if it wasnt for the whole. turtle thing
looks up to leo and thinks hes sooo cool until she turns like 12 and realizes oh hes kinda lame actually. still his idol though bc hes funny
besties w sunita ^_^ bc i said so. new sister acquired
likes watching raph knit
chronic pain after the kraang, as well as tremors
adhd + autism
needs glasses like donnie but thinks they make him look like a nerd so he never wears them..hed rather be blind (until he eventually gets contacts that is)
is actually a nerd, just in denial
trans + gay (he/him)
the WORST flirter ever. so bad at it. absolutely abysmal. he gets zero bitches
is afraid of cold, dark spaces after the whole Kraang Fiasco
saw gram gram in the prison dimension for a bit b4 being rescued <3
knows the most languages (english, asl, spanish, japanese)
likes boxing
cried for an hour when casey jr accidentally called him dad
anxiety + ocd
trans + biromantic asexual (he/they)
loves knitting <3 he makes his brothers and april new sweaters every year
stress knitter. it helps him calm down. after the kraang incident he knit so much that he ended up w 3 piles of scarves, blankets, sweaters and other various items. april donated some bc there were just So Many
watches donnie bake a lot and vehemently denies eating the raw dough (even when donnie catches him)
sometimes sees gram gram in his dreams
rly good at dancing actually
sleeps w a mountain of teddy bears. cries if he accidentally knocks one off the bed
adhd + anxiety
nb lesbian (she/they)
TWO GIRLFRIENDS (cassandra + sunita)
has a cat named mona lisa :] shes a calico and frequently hides in aprils backpack to sneak into the lair. donnies her second fav
has Eldest Sister Syndrome
literally the only hamato who actually knows how to take care of herself. frequently reminds her brothers to do that as well
HUGE gossip. w donnie specifically. she'll come over after work and shit talk customers/shitty co workers and he'll just listen and occasionally suggest manslaughter
lied abt being 18 to get a crane license </3
helps the brothers w their post kraang issues
trans lesbian (she/her)
casey jrs biological mom despite saying she found him in the trash
named him after the greatest warrior she knows. herself
raphs bestie! he scruffs her like a cat when she gets too violent.
theyre vigilante buds! shes commited murder before
bit so many kraang zombies. claimed they tasted like bubblegum (they did not)
slightly feral, maybe rabid
actually scarily intelligent, she's just. a little insane
cried when she met casey jr. shes so proud of him
casey jr
So Much Trauma. All Of It. anxiety + ocd + autism
trans + questioning (no time for teen romance in the apocalypse, he/him)
once he gets more comfy w the turtles and family he stops w the sensei or master and starts calling them uncles ^_^ (leo is dad, casey + april + sunita r mom, draxum + splinter are grandpa and big mama is nana)
so many parental figures, watched them all die
the worst fashion sense known to man. its so bad its embarassing
very smart bc he was taught by future donnie, ended up just going to college immediately despite being like, ~15/16
very proud of his stubble :]
loves hockey! plays it w his moms
showers everyday once he figures out what showers actually are
cant sleep alone, if he wakes up alone he freaks out rly bad
good at cooking! not amazing, but good! was mostly joking about eating rats (thinks its funny)
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wingstobetorn · 10 months
For the fandom ask game hit me with that TMNT hyperfixation lol
Doing this for ROTTMNT!!
3 male characters I love: Donnie... Tch. Of course. Leo and Raph... I LOVE MIKEY TOO BUT I LOVE RAPH SO SO MUCH
3 female characters: April (ofc) Cassandra (my trash queen) anddd Karai!
3 romantic ships I love: Leochi (I feel like the dynamic here is carries him like a pretty princess x carries him like a sack of potatoes), Capril (theyre lesbians harold), and I think Splinter x Draxum is complicated but also funny as hell when you think about it
3 platonic dynamics I like: Leo and Donnie, Donnie and April, anddd... F! Leo and Casey Jr! (Honorable mention: Hueso and Leo)
3 favorite moments in canon: just three? Okay, that scene where Donnie started crying because he thought Splinter wanted to spend time with them when in reality Splinter took them there for his own selfish motivations. “You tricked us into coming here. You said you wanted to spend time with us-- YOU LIED!” filled me with physical pain. HE LOVES HIS DAD SO MUCH WHILE HAVING DADDY ISSUES AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!! AAGAHAGA!!! .... Anyway. I also like the scene where Donnie sings in the library (check my pinned post) and the scene where Leonardo sacrifices himself, knowing fully he would suffer greatly from the hands of Kraang, all the while his family grieves over him :)
3 favorite headcanons: I have so much.... Leonardo and Donatello are twins. Casey Jr sometimes accidentally calls Leo dad, which is awkward since this version of his father figure is the same age as him. Donnie thirdwheels (spies) on Aprils dates.
3 least favorite things about it: no long lost sister :(? wish Cassandra and April interacted more AND wish Cassandra interacted more with Baron Draxum.
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bucketofbugz · 1 year
Alr alr
ROTTMNT Pride headcanons then 🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻
Yippee the easy one!!!
I'll do the turtles, the main 3 humans, and Splinter for this but if there are any additional headcanons you want you can ask for them too!
Mikey Mikey is one of those characters who I have kind of a mass of headcanons for I'll accept almost anything for Mikey's gender but for most fics and aus I have him as genderfluid (although I do have a few where I projected too hard and he became pangender like Magic and Masks). Usually I headcanon Mikey as aroace also as a projection thing since I am aroace-spec and heavily kin Mikey! Usually I'll either cycle through pronouns or use he/she for him.
Donnie Donnie is almost always bisexual and genderqueer when it comes to my fics because those are my main two headcanons for him. Although him being gay or aroace do not bug me! Rise Donnie always has he/they pronouns when I write him.
Raph It's probably very clear from every time I post about Rise Raph but I headcanon her as transfeminine (specifically a transgirl, but I think bigender Raph as a concept is cool. Just not my personal headcanon). I also headcanon her as lesbian and you'll see this a lot with the non-men characters because I project onto them. I use she/her exclusively on Raph.
Leo I am not free from headcanoning Leo as gay because-- Look at him. But I also headcanon him as transmasc! usually as a transguy but I also see him using xenogenders. Mostly space-themed ones because I gave him my space special interest.
April I really just don't see her liking men, so I've always headcanoned her as lesbian. I haven't really thought about gender identity for her, though. Personally I see her using she/they pronouns.
Casey (sr) I love Casey sm I think about her too much for someone who barely has her relevant in any of the aus he's currently writing. I see her as someone who doesn't really care about her gender identity or the pronouns that people use simply because she didn't think of it that much in the Foot and why should she have to think about it now? I am jumping on the train that she is a raging Lesbian though because, once again, I am projecting.
Sunita SUNITA!! Literally love Sunita. Always trying to figure out a specific gender identity to give her because I think she's Not Cis but I haven't decided on one. However, like Leo, I think she'd use xenogenders! I feel like it would take her a while to figure out her identity romance-wise, but I think she'd settle on using omnisexual. I've always used she/her for Sunita.
Splinter Personally I see him as cis but I think trans headcanons for him are cool. You can't tell me this man isn't bisexual though.
Sorry this took so long but thanks for letting me ramble!
I wrote this instead of writing my next fic chapter so I really need to get on that.
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rottmntliberation · 2 years
PLEASE when you have the time tell us about your oc's and hc including about lego monke kid i would love to hear it too!!
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Lego Monkie Kid:
Overall 11/10 the animation is SO gorgeous and you should to watch it right this second
BUT ANYWAYS I think Casey Jr would probably find a part time job or smth so my friends and I agree he'd work at a comic store
I have a Rise OC I like a lot but I always get nervous talking about them bc I don't wanna be annoying lmao
Leo: He/him, gay
Raph: He/They, unlabeled queer (will date anyone but is very attracted to masculinity)
Mikey: He/Him, aro/ace
Donnie: He/Him, Bisexual
I also like to HC Karai as lesbian bc 💖 I love her she can smooch me if she wants
I also have a 2012 AU called Kintsugi I sometimes post and draw about on my Insta so lmk if you wanna hear about that!!
- Mod April 🍑
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criminalmutantsins · 3 years
Rise Donnie Headcanon
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When Donnie first met April, he had a big crush on her, but it went away as they grew closer as friends.
I've had this feeling that Donnie had a small crush on April when they first met. At first, I kind of shipped them but I really love the idea of April being a lesbian and dating Casey (once April turns 18). Plus, I'm not a fan of the age difference between Donnie and her. I know it's only a two year difference, but a 16 year old and 14 year old have different mind sets.
I adore their friendship though.
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juviaszen · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could request an imagine or headcanon of the 2007tmnt with a 14 year old little sister reader that’s human (she’s lived with them since she was a baby). So basically the reader has been staying over at April and Casey’s apartment and has been avoiding her brothers because she’s worried about coming out to them as a lesbian. So the boys think that she’s avoiding them because she wants to be with only humans and they get really sad but confront her. So she starts crying because she thinks they found out and the ending can be fluff. Also maybe Master Splinter somewhere in the mix. I just noticed that there’s been a lot of bayverse and was like my 2007 boys need love too ya know! 💚💚💚
This idea is awesome! I’m lesbian so this was very enjoyable to right! I decided to do this as an imagine because I wasn’t sure how to put it into headcanons. But I hope you enjoy! ☺️
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“Y/N you really should be heading home soon. I’m sure your brothers are worried sick about you” April said, then proceeded to sit on the couch next to you.
“I agree” casey walked into the living room and sat down, “I’m surprised they haven’t came here to see if you were staying here”
April noticed there was a depressing expression on your face, and she wanted to do what she can to cheer you up, “Y/N if you want…you can tell us what’s wrong. We don’t judge” April started to rub circles on your back, and a small smile formed on her face.
“Well…I’m lesbian. I want to come out to them but I don’t know how. I’m worried how they’re going to react. I constantly wonder if they’re going to dislike me or leave me” You finally confessed as to why you were crashing at April and Casey’s apartment.
“Y/N….your brothers are probably the least judgmental people I’ve ever came across before. I know they will accept you for who you are. And Casey and I accept you as well.” April hugged you, and so did Casey, “we will always accept you, and I know your brothers will as well”
“Thank you, it means a lot” You got up from the couch and headed to the guest room that you were staying in. It was only 7pm and you weren’t feeling tired, you decided to watch some TV and kill off time. You suddenly heard a knock on the door and it was April, “psst Casey and I are going to head out and get some ice cream. What would you like?”
“Chocolate is fine”
“Okay, we’ll be back soon”
With that, April closed the door and left with Casey.
Meanwhile at the lair…..
The boys were all sitting awkwardly on the couch, all of them kept quiet with worried expressions on their face. Splinter walked into the room humming to himself, he grabbed something from the fridge and turned to his boys, “What is the matter my sons?”
“Y/N doesn’t want to be around us anymore. She wants to be with humans” Mikey said. Splinter became confused and then looked over to leo, “Leonardo is this true?”
“I don’t know master splinter. Y/N left one day and we all assumed that she didn’t want to be around us anymore” Leo was starting at the floor and didn’t feel like making eye contact with Splinter.
“I said we should go and check April’s apartment but fearless over there never listens to me”
“Raphael! Now is not the time. Why don’t you guys check April’s apartment. She’s a 14 year old girl, she can’t get far” Splinter sighed and exited the room, hoping the boys can bring her home.
“Well let’s get going” Raphael was filled with confidence and got up from his spot on the couch. He deeply missed his sister, and wants her to come home as soon as possible. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey all followed Raph and made their way out of the sewer.
Back at the apartment…
The apartment was cold and quiet, April and Casey were still out and anxiety filled you up. You were still laying in bed waiting for Casey and April to come home. There was a loud creaking coming from the living room, but you were to scared to check, “Hello?” You wanted to scream it out but were to scared.
“Y/N!” Someone said out loud, you recognized that voice.
“Y/N, it’s us” You heard another familiar voice and this time it was Donatello’s.
They entered the room you were sleeping in, and you broke down. Tears were falling from your eyes, and you couldn’t control it, “Did April and Casey tell you?” You covered your face with the blanket so you didn’t have to make eye contact with them.
“Y/N what are you talking about?” Raph stepped forward and sat on the bed next to you, “We were worried sick about you. We thought you left because you wanted to be around humans more than us.”
“No…that’s not true at all. I left because…” You wanted to come out and say it to their faces but it was hard. Your chest was feeling heavy, and your breath was short, “because I’m lesbian…I wanted to come out but I was worried you wouldn’t accept me so I left”
The brothers looked at each other and Leo took your hand, “you’ll always be our little sister no matter what”
“And you don’t have to be scared of telling us something. We’re not ones to judge” Mikey said.
“Yeah, and master splinter will accept you as well” Donatello chipped and tried to cheer you up.
“Thank you guys”
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ghost1643 · 5 years
Headcanons of a tmnt AU I did in middle school
Mainly Venus so be warned. I am so sorry to my followers. Lol
Venus’s was born a human boy who’s mother died in a car crash shortly after they were born. Their father went mad trying to find a way to revive her which eventually results in him working with the krang. He experimented on his three children eventually turning his youngest, Venus to a turtle when she was three. He physically abused her along the same time while her aunt..well we’ll mention her later.
Once she’s turned into a turtle he tries to kill her since he find he can no longer mutate her. Her brother helps her escape into an alley way where he tells her to just wait. However he never comes back. Instead his father gets him. While Venus waits some drunk homeless men finds her and demands food her brother snuck her in her tiny backpack. When she refuses to give him any, he almost beats her almost to death. She’s rescued by splinter who promptly adopts her and names her after Galileo which is short lived name.
She grows up close to Mikey. Yet, she’s also an easy child. She’ll do anything anyone asks because she doesn’t want to be abused or abandoned again. However she still plays pranks with Mikey while believing her brother will come back for her one time.
While Mikey is into a human stunt show and Leo is into a star trek show, Venus is into a sailor moon like tv show. She loves sailor moon so much that eventually she asks splinter when she’s gonna be a girl like sailor moon. When splinter asks what she means she explains that since she’s a girl shouldn’t she get to look like sailor moon too. Splinter accepts this and lets her rename herself Venus. As for the boys, they just grew use to her being a girl just around them, so they’re just relived they don’t have to worry around spilenter anymore.
She gets sick a lot after she turns six since her body was experimented on. So she doesn’t train much. In turn she works on her interest in arts came from. This ends with her obtaining an amazing art skill which always has her drawing hyper realalistic objects and people.
Mikey hangs out with her a lot thus creating a strong bond between them. They’re almost like twins. It’s to the point where he begs for a tutu for her at one point.
Donnie admires her art skills and helps her learn math. She’s good at everything up to graphs. She’s got a bone to pick with graphs.
Ralph treats her like a rival until she finally gets in on a training session with them. Once shes training is he smacks her which some how end up with her really hurt. She’s sobbing in pain looking death,y pale memories of her bio father abuse flashing through her head while Ralph rushes off to get their dad. After that point on he’s nicer and more kind to her than his other family members.
Leo thinks she’s a Great artist and funny. They however argue with each other a lot over her not training as much as they do. Despite this theytill love each other.
Splinter treats her like a daddy’s girl since she gets so sick so often and seems to have a form of mental health issues such as ptsd from her past life. He however is more tough on her about everyday things like going to the surface fearfully she’ll be more likely to die. Heck he thinks her mental health issues make her more likely to give in and die at any time.
When the boys meet April in the 2012 version, when she’s sick with the flu stuck in bed with only splinter, tv and Ralph’s pet spike for comfort. However when they bring April to the sewers to meettheie father Venus instantly realizes she’s a legalism. However she ignores her feelings seeing as aprilis obviously straight and Donnie loves her.
She gets worried about these feelings. Sure the bus and her father can accept her as a girl but, what about her liking girls. The boys can like girls, they don’t have to worry about seeming to masculine. They don’t have to worry about their family thinking they’re messed up. Either way she keeps it to herself as she behind to training to keep her anxiety Down. Eventually she breaks and confines herself in spike, Ralph’s pet turtle. She starts sharing everything with him since he’s just a pet and can’t tell anyone. So she begins to calm down and allows herself to get closer to April. They become good friends while all becomes good again.
That is until you know, spike gets mutated into a turtle like them. She started to freak out knowing he’ll tell her secrets. She freaks and is obviously uncomfortable around him. Spike waits until they’re alone before he tells her straight up he’s not going to put her and she should come out as a lesbian when she feels cmoftable too. She just smiled an dhugs him as an instant bond is created. Mikey on the other hand walks in, sees them hug and just jumps a step assuming they’re in love.
Anyways unlike in the 2012 show spike stays around after a fight with Leo. He becomes like a cousin of sorts whom Venus enjoys trying to teach math to. He trains with the male’s and soon begins going on missions with them. Soon he gets an okay and Venus goes on a few minion missions with them. She actually becomes part of a big happy team for a while. Then the shred is introudced
He collapses a building on the team pinning Ralph under some debree. Spike rushes in to save him but, doesn’t come back out. The floor opens up allowing spike to drop to his ‘death’. Venus proves herself by saving Ralph.
As for Ralph, he stays silent all the way home seeing as he just watched his best friend die. He explains this to splinter and Venus sketches a picture to remember spike by. She works late into the night before realizing only her and Ralph are left always. He steps on spikes old toy on his Wha to bed. She joked baoyt the toy being louder than spike ever was. Ralph laughs before breaking down in sobs only to promptly have his sister hug him tightly.
Ralph soon refuses to leave his room suffering from a mild moment of depression. To cheering him up Mikey tries pulling pranks which fails. Leo offers to let Ralph kick his butt which fails. Donnie makes him a robot turtle which almost works. Yet, late at night Venus sneaks into his room and drags him out at night which for the record she’s only ever planne dto Do once before. She takes him out to a place marked to be torn down and lets him go bat shit crazy on it. The week the place before meeting Casey Jones, who’s a trans man in this AU. This ends up with case and Ralph becoming fast friends
They sneak back in undetected and Ralph is bakc this normal self now. Except he won’t go anywhere alone anymore scared he’ll be almost killed again if he is. So he’s a little damaged. Eventually he introduce Casey to the family and he’s accepted into the family more than his own.
Soon Mikey is searching for a friend. This ends up with him sneaking out at night a lot. One night Venus catches him sneaking out. She’s gets concerned and tells Leo what she saw knowing he’s the best at following people. So they both head out with Ralph and Donnie for back up following Mikey.
They follow him to a sewer system with Leather face in it. Leather face attacks ether other until he gets a good look at Venus’s eyes. Once he does he stops attacking and calls Venus by her old human name. As soon as he does her memories come back as the world gets darker around her. She can hear her father screaming as he pops her shoulder routine of place. She cane feels the needles being wedged into her skin. She gpcan hear her sister breathing her for being the ‘favourite’. She can feel her aunts hand on her getting lower and lower until she star5 screaming as loud as she can before fainting.
That my friends is the result of Venus first anxiety attack. She faints in a sewer.
Donnie and Ralph carry her back home where splinter breathes them for sneaking out. Ralph feels guilty. Meanwhile leather face is just confused as to whyvenus fainted and freaked out about being called her dead name. Mikey sits him down and explains about Venus being transgender along with what it means. It take a while but, Leather head comes around still being a little confused. After all it’s the same person/mutant, just a different gender.
When Venus wakes up Leather face apologizes. He just sits there chatting with her making her feel a bit better. Mikey comes with him. Then soon the whole family is getting to know Leather face and they all just talking getting to know the difference between their lives now. As they do leather face just mentioned he was mutated shortly after something happened but that was it. Venus is just to tired to ask.
She dozes off again as her brother head off to bed as spiel goes to the room she’s staying in since her dad’s gone missing. Casey head home when splinter asks what happened to make him like this. Leatherface dances around the issuer before reaching two years after Venus and her brother had tried to run away, one of her father’s experiments killed her brother. As for Venus’s older sister, she grew cold. Cold enough to attempt to kill her father. Her father fought back knocking over Leather faces tank. Leather face rushed off before seeing the outcome but,had heard her scream and seen a gush of blood on the window. He got half way the sewer when the krange, an alien race her father worked with found him.they made him into this before turning him into this.
Splinter decides to wait to tell Venus her biological family is long gone. In the meantime Leather face lives with them and helps them train incase the orang come to the sewers to getthem. Venus becomes a better fighter making Leo proud. Leatherface bond with splinter over both of them having forms of ptsd over watching their loved ones die. He helped ralphchnanel his anger.
Soon he sees t fit to leave and moves into a different sewer system to help other mutants like him. As soon as he’s free, Karai steps into the picture during Venus’s first big mission with Leo. Leo crushes on karai for a bit while Venus justhas to deal with being the on,y sane one when it comes to ideas on Karai during the mission.
Long story short Leo’s maskgets ripped and Venus just gets snippy seeing as Karai literally tried to kill Leo when he spared her. Then it happens again. And again. And again. So needless to say she hates Karai towards the end of it.
Then Donnie gets kidnapped by the foot clan who think he has in formation on how to reverse the mutatagion for a reason I can’t find but I remember being a big deal. I think Shreder had bend slightly exposed to it and wanted a way to reverse the effects. Anyways it comes down to Mickey and Venus being in a control room looking for his cell while Leo and Ralph fight off the soldiers. They begin losing heavily.
Ralph says “well guys if this is it I guess it’s time to admit that I don’t actually hate you all. You’re the bets family I could ask for.” This ends up with last minute admitions.
Leo admits “Mikey I secretly like all of your jokes. I just pretend their childish.”
Mikey’s admits to breaking Venus’s sailor moon doll when they were five that she just loved more than anything.
Venus just is silent before a bulletproof whooshes by her head nearly missing her. She realizes this might acatully be it. It might be the end and she was never true to herself fully abou who she was. Not true about what happened to her. So she just says it. “I’m a lesbian.” Yet, she really Wabtedto admit to something else too.
Needless to say there’s a moment of silence before Ralph spins around yelling what. Thankfully they survive but, there’s a bit of awkward tension as Venus breaks Donnie out of his cell. He didn’t ask what happened until they’re safe on the top of a building. Ralph just chuckles mumbling not to worry about it until Venus tells him. Donnie doesn’t mind but is curious.
Venus waits until two days late retell him in private. Donnie just hugs her instead of distancing himself like Ralph as begun to. Mikey acts like nothing changed. Leo meanwhile just lays in her room waiting until he knows splinter isn’t around before gushing about women with her. It’s the most the two have ever gotten along. After Donnie heals nothing really changes except him joking about building her a robot girlfriend. Ralph meanwhile distance himself which hurts Venus a lot, she puts more focus into training until she gets sick..again.
While she’s laying in bed trying to nap Ralph sneaks in.
“Hey you up?” “Yeah I am now.” “I....I know I’ve been distant but it’s just...well I know it’s still you. I mean you’re still my sister...it’s just you know..” “Ralph it’s fine.” “No, no it’s not fine. I know I’ve probably been hurting you..I realized it this morning..and I...look I figured you needed a lot of things to support you. I would like to be one of them so I did some research and uh...well me and Casey got you something.”
He drops a heart pin that’s split in two. One part is the trans flag and the other is the lesbian pride flag. Needless to say Venus cries and hugs Ralph close who just happily returns it.
Soon she comes out to Casey first about being lesbian. He doesn’t care mush seeing as Ralph let it slip but lets her know he’s here if she ever what’s to talk. As for April, she comes out as bisexual to her at the same time. Long story short Venus finds out she’s not her type but, Casey is. However she hides it from her father.
Anyways soon the turtles find what looks like a mutant lizard named moan Lisa who’s on edge. She tries to gut Leonardo but, is okay with Ralph. Then Venus notices Ralph being nice to her and actually blushing when she looks at him. She puts two and two together joking with him about meeting hsi true love. He just argues back with her as they move Mona in with them until they can get her another safer place to stay. Mona soon finds herself bonding with the turtles while getting really friendly with Ralph.
Venus and Mikey make bets on who will start the first kiss. Donnie finds out and joins saying t will be an accidental kiss. Leo’s bets they will never kiss. Then splinter finds out and bets they will kiss when Mona leaves.
Meanwhile Mona seems on edge. Soon she admits to not being a mutant but an alien who’s species in at war with the Krange. She came here to find help or their secret weapon which she did. It’s the mutangeon which Venus’s dad helped make into a weapon. And she did find help in the form of other Mutants who are in hiding throughout New York. She rushes to get back to her ship to keep her species from invading to find the information out by rove. However before she leaves she kisses Ralph before giving him her contact and rushing off.
Yeah well the turtles each lose a bet to splinter.
From what I can Remember the story continues to follow them as the turtles try to find the other mutants to help Mona’s species. They find mondo gecko who’s nonbianry and low key flirts with Mikey a lot who is to clueless to catch onto this. A bunch of other mutants move in with leather face and train Incas ether are neede dto for the alien war.
Karai gets into a battle with theturtles and ends up stuck in a building with Venus. They are forced to work together and get to know each other better becoming frenamies. Leo confesses his love for Karai whom rejects him but, offers to be friends. He accepts but cries in private...then Splinter regales Karai is his long lost daughter and Leo feels like he dodged a huge bullet.
Mikey also gets a sort a human love interest from April’s school. She’s into video games, anime and loves his jokes. Heck she even has her own cat who loves ice cream kitty.
Casey and April start going out making Donnie a bit upset. In the end he’s just happy if she’s happy. Venus finds out he’s a bit upset and takes him out on a night on the town for fun. Once there they have the time of their lives.
Leo starts to get crushes on male mutants they find and female mutants. He confines these feelings in Venus who supports him fully. Then he comes out and gets more support from everyone. Two days later, with support from Leo, comes out to splinter. Splinter just hugs her tightly before hugging love to just happy they’re being true to themselves.
April sneaks Venus out to a pride march. Once there she’s assumed to be a furry of sorts. She gets embarrassed as a few people crack jokes but, soon discovers they accept her no matter what.
Donnie finds out where Venus’s mom is hurried and takes her there on her birthday. After all she’s always wanted to meet her mom. Venus brings flowers and just cries happy tears talking about how she was so proud to meet her mom at all. Like it’s emotional enough to make Donnie cry. He doesn’t have the heart to make her leave so, he just sits there talking with Venus and her mom for hours when the other brothers show up. They all take to her before heading home by night falls. After that night Venus fists her grave every other month just to talk.
Splinter tells the kids what the shredder did to his family.he gets a lot of hugs from Venus after wards.
Karai finds out the truth and breaks into the sewer to meet her dad. He moves her in without thought and she shares a room with Venus. They bond a bit more since Venus is staying in her room a lot, still constantly sick while Karaiis just being locked in a room for protection for a while. Then she helps all the turtles train. It’s a little awkward between her and Leo but soon it gets to a normal brother sister relationship. She offers to se Venus up too which is awkward before she realizes Venus Is a lesbian. Then it goes more awkward when she apologizes like every five second about not knowing sooner.
Karai gets curious and asks Casey and Venus about dysmorphia. The two a very blunt about how it makes them feel like everything in their body is wrong down to a depressing note. It ends with Karai baking cupcakes to cheer them up which surprisingly works.
Casey comes clean to Ralph about being abused as a child one night. He just gets mad and yells before just breaking down and admitting his mom is sometimes drunk and beats him. Ralph gets worried and asks splinter what he should do. All splinter says is have him move in. As Ralph goes to get his friend Venus just breaks a bit and is a bit more jumpy. Everyone ignores ituntil a week later splinter asks her about it. Genus just break bfeore hinging at her father abusing her.
Shredder gets a hold of Karai again and mutates her into a snake like creature but unlikes in the 2012 show she doesn’t go insane. She can control hersefl a little. Leo calms her down enough to get her to come home. Once there everyone bands together to help her with her new mutant powers. Which goes well for once.
April’s dad is rescued from a krange base. He moves into a farm house with April and brings Casey with him. He also brings a few Mutangs to help April train for what mught happen. Yet, April calls the turtles every night to talk with them.
Leo falls for a certain rabbit samurai, who in this AU is a disowned young teen whom was mutated during a pride celebration turned kidnapping. A rabbit samurai who feelsthe same way.
Mona comes back for a visit. She helps rescue a few more mutants befeore officially going on a date with Ralph...too April’s new house. Either way it works. They start going out.
Karai with her family’s support fists her mother grave. Then fists Venus’s with her.
The krange team up with the foot clan sending an assaying after the turtles. The turtles fight back but Leo is badly injured by a assaying Karai knows to well. The assaying almost behaved her twice by her father orders. However the turtles are able to fight her off and get Leo in a card. The family starts to leave and gets half way gone when the assaying rips down the door. Venus fights her off before she is demasked showing her eyes to the assaying who just freezes. She closes her eyes preparing for an attack when she hear her voice. “Brother?”
Venus looks up seeing her sisters famous blue eyes yet, in a turtle form.one with scars and scratches and bruises. She just is frozen in place before kicking her sister off. Venus starts yelling that she knew what she did. She told her father about them trying to leave. She wrecks dtheir escape. Her sister wa the reason her brother died. All her older sister does is freeze up before being kicked outside onto the road as they escape to a farm house.
Once there Venus what’s until Leo is safe and everyone is asleep to cry. She cries heavily as her sister just is numb knowing she tried to kill her brother, the only family member she has left.
That was all I came up with in order before the end of season three I think. I had a few other idea but couldn’t fit them in becaus dto he honest it focused on Leo healing from his psychic scaring his fight left behind and Venus healing from the mental scarring her family left behind.
Venus was supported to have a few more run ins with her sister whom never got names, but I know I am now happy to call Jenika. Jenika was supposed to a cold rouyhless killer who hates everyone but has deep rooted sadness.
Venus was also supposed to get a girlfriend who I never decided on a sign for. Mikey’s love interest was supposed to help out more with Leo’s healing process and keeping an eye out for mutangs in new York for them. A certain rabbit samurai vista Leo a lot while he heals falling mode in love with him. Specials father becomes more accepting to mutangs n venal.
I just didn’t know how to write it is all but if this gets a lot of attention I could write more I guess.i mean I have no idea but if anyone had any recommendations for her girlfriend let me know.
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spectrumscribe · 6 years
2012 Leo + Mikey (cuz you gotta complete the set)
the circle of stupidity is complete with this ask, oh boy. (long ass ask sorry y’all)
favorite thing about them: his socialization skills are exactly as bad as his brothers’. nothing is funnier to me than when he’s trying to interact with someone, using all his lifetime’s worth of accumulated experience. which is to say, he literally grew up under a rock and doesn’t have the first clue how to person.
least favorite thing about them: his Favorite Son & Best Student complex holy shit do i loathe it. i mean that was mostly Splinter’s fault, giving Leo all that extra attention and love, but boy, get a better attitude already. inflated egos makes anyone look awful.
favorite line: don’t have one. most of his one-liners made me roll my eyes and i barely listened to his dialogue towards the end of the series.
brOTP: pass on this one. he’s too much of an asshole to his friends & fam.
OTP: Leo/Shutting The Fuck Up Once And A While.
nOTP: le*rai. just no.
random headcanon: i like sad headcanons so i’ll say that while Leo spent a ton of the time working hard as possible to meet Splinter’s expectations for him, he probably harbored envy for his siblings. he wanted his father’s approval so much he gave up majority of his hobbies, while his brothers got to pursue their passion interests. (on the flip side, his brothers were definitely envious of Leo, getting all the special attention none of them did. it’s a lose - lose situation.)
unpopular opinion: 2012 Leo was a shitty leader. he stopped even trying to plan attacks back in season 1 or so, and he barely utilized even half the skill sets his team had. there was never any consideration of how he could combine everyone’s individual strengths in a battle, zero thought of how to cover each other’s fault lines before they cracked, and his ability to encourage moral was abysmal. 0/10 leadership performance.
song i associate with them: Control by The Vincent Black Shadow, for a kid that had his life fall apart in his hands so many times he’s desperate for some sense of stability.
favorite picture of them:
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crisis mode activated.
favorite thing about them: this is literally the least trustworthy version of him ever. truest chaotic neutral, can’t stop won’t stop, would definitely stab someone for the last slice of pizza. he’s so? fucking?? scary??? the writers completely missed their chance to push his character to its potential. 2012 Mikey is a dumbass, but he’s a dangerous dumbass.
least favorite thing about them: please, Mikey. stop flirting with every lesbian you meet. they’re never gonna be interested in some teenage boy who smells like sewer and leftovers constantly.
favorite line: that one line in the final season where he roasted Leo over being a lone-wolf idiot (Donnie getting roasted in the reacharound was a bonus).
brOTP: Donnie+Mikey, because they had a decent thing going when the writing wasn’t shitting on them both, and Mikey+Casey, because of the sheer destruction they’d cause. i crave chaos as much as them. oh also Leatherhead+Mikey, because honestly? that had to be the single positive relationship Mikey had through the whole series that never involved the other person saying nasty backhanded stuff to him. which is still sad, thanks tmnt.
OTP: Mikey/Good Roll Models. everyone in this family was an asshole, so naturally, he turned out to be an asshole, too.
nOTP: every single heterosexual ship they tried to set him up in. ooc in every instance and just plain weird to watch.
random headcanon: this is basically canon anyways, but in my opinion Mikey was definitely the best ninja in his family. he had all the raw potential to be a top class fighter, plus assassin, but literally never got pushed to be anything more than someone’s backup. multiple times canon showed us hints of how skilled he could really be, and then no one helped him build on that. anyway long story short he’s still an idiot, but Mikey is totally the top ninja in 2012.
unpopular opinion: 2012 Mikey might make a lot of jokes, get spooked by stupid things, and generally act juvenile, but he’s not a little kid. i hate it when people write him/treat him like he’s ten yrs old or something. he’s the same age as his brothers (if not older, thanks dimension-x time dilation), and he’s had the exact same shitty life experiences. he’s not some naive kid and i don’t get why the fandom wants to act like he is.
song i associate with them: IDGAF by Watsky, because let’s be real here. 2012 Mikey gave -1 fucks about other peoples’ problems.
favorite picture of them:
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the unforgettable moment when Leo totally woulda been dead.
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