#I love her so much I—god dammit I just *clenches fists*
heaven4lostgirls · 1 year
Part two to your general kirigan x grisha!fem!reader please 🙏🏼
Act like you love me
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General Kirigan x reader
a/n: hii!! This is a lot longer than I thought it would be however I’m not mad at it!! I hope you enjoy<3
General Kirigan needed to find a way to get you back, but having you understand his plan for power was near the bottom of his list as he needed to gain the trust of Alina Starkov and put his year long plan in motion. His anger was palpable as he saw you helping Alina’s tracker friend through the castle, he was jealous that even if you were just being polite that Mal was able to hear your voice whilst all you ever gave him was a firm nod.
As you passed by General Kirigan you nodded your head and watched as he clenched his jaw, some part of you felt some sick satisfaction that he hated seeing you with anyone else as much as you hated seeing him with Alina.
Talking to Mal didn’t pain you as much as you thought it would, you had both realised that you had both lived at the same orphanage that Alina and him came from only a few years older than him. You two spoke of Keramzin and how odd it was at the Little Palace since you both were never used to such royalty.
Kirigan watched as a smile spread across your face in the middle of an animated conversation with Mal as you both waited for Alina to finish changing in order for him to speak with her.
Jealousy flooded his body as he felt his eyes sharpen into a glare, almost as if you felt his stare you turned around to look at him in an almost doll like confused manner.
His eyebrows furrow as he glares at Mal and suddenly it clicks with you that he’s jealous of the tracker. You almost giggle at how comical that a thousand year old dark heretic is jealous over a mundane tracker.
You realize you could have fun with this and make your way to the ballroom where everyone is conversing and introduce Mal to the important people and make sure to mention that he is ‘important’, to you or to destroying the fold? you never explain and They don’t question you.
Kirigan is slowly losing his patience as he watches you parade Mal around as if you two are together, he resists the urge to have his shadows choke the living daylights out of Mal’s innocent expression.
You’re fighting to smirk everytime you see Kirgans shadows wrap around his clenched fists and Mal seems to notice somethings up before he has to leave to meet Alina, he glances between you and a currently glaring Kirigan and makes the cheeky move to kiss your cheek and scurry away as he watches Kirigan stomp over, abandoning his conversation with someone probably important.
“Y/N” his voice sounds as soft and gentle as the times he murmured it in your ear as he held you face.
“Kirigan” you nod at him before you make a move to walk away from him. His heart broke hearing his last name leave your mouth, it was always Aleksander with him, never Kirigan.
“Don’t- don’t do that y/n, call me Aleksander again, please. Let me be yours again please my love” his voice is calm and collected but only you could hear the underlying desperation under it.
“You chose Alina General, I cannot fault you for that but in doing so you have to know that I will never be second choice to-“
“Stop. You’re never second choose y/n, you are my first, last and everything inbetween. Alina is a means to and end please do not mistake our alliance for anything more than it is, an alliance”
You scoff as you hear the words leave his mouth.
“An alliance Kirigan? Is that what you told Zoya was happening when you would summon me to your chambers at all hours of the night, like a little lapdog waiting at your beck and call, is that what I am to you? An alliance?” You hiss at him, pure venom dripping off your tongue.
“Listen to me y/n, I will love heaven and earth for you, my heart beats for you. Don’t let this be the end of us, you know that I care for you y/n. God dammit I love you!” His voice raises the slightest bit in frustration and it’s enough to have a few guests turn around to see what’s happening but he waves them off with a cool smirk and nod before he turns his dark eyes back to you.
“Love? Kirigan I-“
“Tell me you don’t love me and I will leave you alone”
“Tell me your heart does not beat for me as mine does for you, tell me you care not of whether I die trying to tear down the fold. Tell me now”
“I can’t” it’s whispered, soft spoken.
“I love you Aleksander” and suddenly you are being pulled by your arm to the map room where he places you on a table to press his lips to yours.
“You are the reason my blood continues to flow through my veins” he mutters as his forehead leans against yours.
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roosterbox · 10 months
Heyyyyy how about another Steddie thinky thought? You know ‘em, you love ‘em!
This one’s theme: Hanahaki. Yes, the Flower Sickness that makes any unrequited love as actually physically deadly as it feels.
This one’s a bit older than the rest. I posted tiny bits on the discord a while back, and may in fact eventually expand it into an actual story, but for now, this.
Also under a cut because, yet again, my hand slipped, lol. Warnings for, uh, more Steve pain I guess. Sorry about that. Kind of.
Hanahaki AU
Steve loves Eddie. But Eddie doesn’t love Steve (or so Steve thinks…). He has resigned himself to this, to just being friends. Good friends. The only person he tells is Robin, who encourages him but is sympathetic. He gets the Flower Cough. Which grows (heh) increasingly worse as time goes on. And Robin gets even more insistent that he tells Eddie. So eventually Steve just… gives her a half truth/half lie.
He tells her, “Eddie’s not interested in me.” Half a lie, because she takes this to mean that he actually DID talk to Eddie and got rebuffed (he did not). But it’s also half a truth, because that’s what Steve truly believes - that Eddie wouldn’t be interested. No way, why would he? Pick your favorite flavor of Steve Harrington insecurity and insert here.
Eddie, meanwhile, is more than a little distraught. Everyone knows Steve has the Flower Sickness, but every time anyone asks about who it is, he waves them off with “they’re not interested.” And this blows Eddie’s mind because he’s been madly in love with Steve for years now, so how could anyone with half a brain or heart turn him down? In Eddie’s eyes, Steve is perfect.
The sickness gets worse. Steve ends up in the hospital. Everyone is there, waiting on the doctor’s word for when they can go in to see him. Eddie rushes in, scared and sick to his stomach, afraid that this is it. And at the sight of him looking so forlorn, even though (she thinks) he’s the one who caused this, Robin finally explodes.
“You’re a fucking asshole, Munson!”
Eddie, of course, is absolutely clueless. “What the fuck?”
“You think you can- fuck!” She’s angry, she’s stressed, she’s heartbroken, she’s distraught. There are tears streaming down her face. And for a moment, Eddie’s never felt so intimidated. “How can you just show up here like this?”
“Like what? Birdie, can you please start making more sense, because I am at a fucking loss here.”
She gears up for a verbal beatdown the likes of which have never been witnessed before, but then a nurse comes out. Tells them that Steve is okay (relatively speaking of course), and that they’re just making him comfortable now. And that she’ll be back out with the doctor soon to talk about visiting. This update deflates some of Robin’s bluster, and she sinks down into one of the chairs.
Eddie is still confused, but slightly relieved that Steve is alright. For now.
Under his breath he laments, “god, I wish it were me.”
It’s so quiet, but Robin hears him. Of course she does.
“Wait, what?”
He startles, surprised at being heard, and maybe a little nervous about speaking something so close to his heart in front of this ragtag group of people. But, he tells himself, they all love Steve here. So maybe… maybe it’s time to be brave.
“I wish it was me. The person who…” he gestures vaguely. “For Steve. If it was me, this might not-“ He swallows, hard, and looks away. His eyes sting but he’s not gonna cry, dammit.
Robin is just. Staring at him, eyes wide. “Eddie. What do you mean?”
It takes a moment, but he finally looks back at her.
“If it were me this wouldn’t have happened. Because I love him. I love him so fucking much, Birdie. And when I find whoever it was that broke his heart, I’m gonna-“ he clenches his fist. Clenches and unclenches. Perhaps unable to quite articulate the truest depths of his feelings.
Robin, to yet more of his surprise, bursts into fresh tears.
“You are both. Such. IDIOTS.” But before he can ask, again, what the fuck she means, she says, “it’s YOU.”
Eddie’s brain just fucking STOPS. Crashes. Like a freight train with a girder dropped in its track. “Me? What about me?”
“You, you idiot.” She’s up now, crying and shoving at him. But they’re half-hearted at best. And… is she smiling a little? “You, you, you! He loves you too.”
“Loves… me? Rob, you’re not making sense again.”
So she tells him. Everything. Perhaps breaking Steve’s confidence in the process, but if this miscommunication were to cost her best friend - her platonic soulmate - his life? That’s a small price to pay, she reasons. By the end of it, Eddie’s lost his battle against his tears. Dustin is hugging him as he babbles out, “but why would he- How could he think- I wouldn’t have let him-“
The nurse and doctor appear, taking in the scene, but not knowing the finer details of course. They tell the group that they can see him, but only one at a time. “For now,” they emphasize, with small, encouraging smiles.
Through a silent exchange, Robin is selected to go in first.
Steve is sitting up against the pillows of the hospital bed. There are various lines and monitors attached to him. Beeping at a steady, if not quite normal, level. He’s awake, and smiles a bit weakly at her when he sees her.
She smiles back.
“Hey dingus. How’re you feeling?” She sits down on the bed and reaches out, pushing the hair out of his face. It’s damp, soaked through with sweat, but she doesn’t mind.
“I’m f-“
“Don’t say you’re fine,” she cuts him off. Gently. Still touching him. Her hand drops to his shoulder and squeezes. “Not after this.”
They look at each other, an entire silent conversation passing between, before Steve sighs. The deep breath causes him to cough a little, but nothing comes up this time.
“Okay. I’m not fine. But Robin-“
She shakes her head. “I love you, you know?”
“I love you, too,” he replies almost automatically. Because he does.
“And,” she gets up, “because I love you, I hope you can forgive me.”
Steve’s expression turns confused. And a bit worried. “Forgive…?”
She backs up. Towards the door. “I’ll be back in a little while. But for now, I think there’s someone else who you should talk to. And who needs to talk to you.” At that, her gaze hardens. “And you better actually talk this time.”
She leaves, and Steve is alone again. He has a minute or two to be terribly confused before the door opens.
Oh fuck, it’s Eddie.
Eddie, who only glances at Steve as he comes in before pointedly looking away. He leans against the door, arms wrapped around himself. It’s the quietest he’s ever been, for as long as Steve’s known him. It’s unnerving.
“Eddie?” Steve asks. “Are you…?” He trails off, unsure of what, exactly, he was trying to ask.
Eddie says nothing. But then-
“You’re a real piece of work, Harrington, you know that?” He sounds angry. Maybe even livid. His voice is practically vibrating with it. Steve focuses on that, missing the undercurrent of tears in the words. For him, this is exactly what he thought would happen. She must have told him. Of course she would. And though he wanted to be mad, he couldn’t blame her at all. If, god forbid, their positions were reversed…
Eddie was talking again. “So you, what, rather die? Rather die than just, oh jeez, fucking say something to me?”
Steve wishes the bed would swallow him whole. He looks down at his hands in his lap, fidgeting. Picking at threads in the linen. His heart monitor had picked up a bit.
Eddie was slowly inching forward until he was right next to the bed. His eyes were also drawn to Steve’s hands. At the IV line affixed to them. At the nails, bitten short. At the bloodstains still lingering against his skin.
“You stupid, self-sacrificing son of a bitch.”
Steve winced. This was it. The worst nightmare he’d had since everything with the Upside Down. Only it wasn’t a dream any more.
“I’m sorry, Eddie,” he whispers. Sorry, he implies, for falling in love with you. It’s okay that you don’t-
“Sorry? Steve you’re-“ Eddie chokes a bit. He sniffles. Steve finally hears the other underlying emotions his friend is struggling with. Is he… crying?
He absolutely is, and wiping furiously at his eyes. Part of him wants to grab Steve by the shoulders, to shake him, to scream at him. To demand to know why. What were you thinking? But then again, he already knows, doesn’t he? Robin told him.
“Why,” he asks, “why would you ever think that I wouldn’t want you?”
Now it was Steve’s brain’s turn to just… stop.
Very slowly, quietly, he whispers out a “…what?”
Eddie’s hands are gripping the bed railing tightly. He itches, how he itches, to reach over and take the other man’s hands in his. To twine their fingers together. But if he does, he knows that he’ll never want to let go again if he can help it. So before that, he takes the scariest plunge of his life. Lover’s Lake has got nothing on this.
“Steve,” he says, their gazes finally meeting, “I love you. I fucking love you, you idiot.”
Steve is shocked. Flabbergasted. Maybe this is a dream, he thinks. Or maybe I’ve finally fucking coughed myself to death. His mouth opens and closes soundlessly for a few seconds, minutes maybe, before finally, he manages to ask, “since when?” He swears he can actually feel the flowery vines in his lungs growing tighter.
Eddie smiles at him through watery eyes. “How long have I known you?”
Steve just fucking breaks. He cries, weeping into his hands, curling in on himself. Can’t breathe, he thinks desperately before strong arms wrap around him. Drawing him in against a solid chest. Eddie hugs him, tucking Steve’s wet face against his neck. He’s crying too.
“It’s okay, Stevie,” he says. “It’ll be okay now.” He hopes that this is true. That whatever fate may be, it doesn’t make him a liar. “I’ve got you. I’m here. I’ve got you, sweetheart.”
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artists-ally · 1 year
{Flatline} Harvey x OFC {Pt.3 Teaser}
tehehheehehe this part is gonna be such an emotional rollercoaster I hope y'all are ready. Enjoy this little tease (also big italic chunks indicate a flashback
Tagging: @rosedpetal @maxdamax @ashcosmo (I love you guys so much btw thank you for the incredible support through this little series)
“When did you start becoming so protective of her? I’ve never seen you like this with anyone other than Mike, Louis, Jessica and myself. You must… really really care about her.”
“I think it was during the mock trial. She was always off to the side, always attentive, but never spoke up. I couldn’t stop myself from glancing over at her every once and a while to see if she wanted to be included. But she never did.”
“This case may seem simple, but the husband is a grade A asshole. He has done everything to cover his tracks and is gonna come at us with everything he’s got. Find me some evidence and make it good.”
They all branched off, heading this way and that. Claudia went to the only logical place, right to me.
“Hi, Mr. Specter. I have one question about-about the case,” she said quickly.
“Of course, what do you want to know?”
“Was Mr. Saros the one who paid off that investment banker? Did the money come from his account directly or a different one?”
God she was so good. “It came from him and his wife’s joint account.”
Claudia had a slight grin to her lips, and she nodded before striding away. She was going to crack this wide open. I just knew it. 
I went back to my office to wait it out, to see if any one could come up with an idea before Claudia. Before I knew it, it was three o'clock and I had a meeting to go to for another case Mike and I were working on. When we got in the car, Mike was looking at me with a knowing smile. 
He shook his head, “Nothing, just wondering how long you’re going to pretend you’re not in love with Claudia Martin.”
“The first year associate?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know who she is. I see you watch her like a starving animal every time she comes into the office. And every time she leaves. And every time she asks Donna something.”
Uh oh.
“Oh please, I have far better things to do than get involved with a first year.”
“You didn’t deny that you were in love with her.”
“Do you want to get smacked? Or I could kick you out of this car at sixty miles per hour, see how you like the taste of asphalt.” Mike did not know when to stop pushing my buttons. 
“I think you just proved my theory.”
“What theory?”
“That you are in love and you are incredibly protective of Claudia. I heard about what you said to Griffin when he offered his help because Claudia was ‘too busy’. You know he pawned that work off to her, right?”
My eyes narrowed, my jaw clenched, as well as my fists. I fixed my gaze out the window and took some deep breaths. Jesus… he had a point. A huge point. God dammit I’m in trouble.
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divineluckfuckoff · 2 years
Happy spookday, Ace!
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“...” Ace sighed to himself, the room being empty despite him working his ass off to decorate it. What should he have expected? Nobody came. It just meant that his classmates didn’t like him.
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“...God dammit. I spent way too much time in this bullshit.” he mumbled to himself as he got up, throwing the party hat in the trash. He should’ve known better that no one would come.
*Ding dong!*
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“Eh?” he let out, surprised to hear the door ring. Walking over it, he opened the door. He didn’t know what to expect as soon as he saw his girlfriend looking like a mess.
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“PLEASE TELL ME I’M NOT LATE!” Togo exclaimed, panting heavily. She looked like she had run a marathon, and she was full of... black goo?
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“AGH- Jesus fucking christ! Togo, what the fuck happened to you!?” Ace questioned, confused and concerned.
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“Doesn’t matter! Am I late or not?!” she insisted, Ace now noticing the bag in her left hand.
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“W-Well, technically... you’re the first one.” Ace admitted. Togo’s eyes widened as she clenched her fists, pissed off.
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“...Those little shits...”
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“Well, you know, it doesn’t matter! We can just enjoy a party of two!” she smiled, taking Ace’s hand and dragging him inside.
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“A... party of two..?”
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“Yeah... Yeah you’re right!”
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“That’s the Ace I know and love!” Togo smiled as she placed a party hat on her head before she kissed him on the lips.
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“Heh! And that’s the Togo I love.” Ace smirked, although internally he was all flustered.
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“Hehe. Now come on, let’s eat the cake!”
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“Uhh, about that... I... didn’t know how to make one, so...”
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“That’s fine! I can help you with it.” Togo giggled as she dragged the red-eyed boy inside, who simply nodded. Maybe his classmates didn’t really show up at his birthday party, but his girlfriend did, and that’s all he wished for.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝐻𝑦𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑑 𝑃𝑒𝑡 𝐺𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 (𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)
Warnings: NSFW content. Read at your own discretion.
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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Loud and intense slurping sounds were the only thing heard besides your whimpers and moaning. You tried to move away from the face that was currently buried between your legs as you felt your 6th orgasm building up, but a firm hand placed itself on your stomach, holding you down to keep you from moving.
"Come on my little kitten, you know you want to cum one more time. Cum for me."
Hongjoong's skillful tongue laps up all of your juices, not letting a single drop go to waste. Coming up to lay on top of you, he kisses you tenderly, leftover arousal on his lips now being tasted by you. His fingers sweep your hair away, scratching at the back of your [insert color] ears and he chuckles when he feels you purring into his mouth.
"You feeling good kitten? You feel better?"
Although having him eat you out so many times was always a delight, you still felt like you needed more, your core starting to feel empty and needy. Looking up at him, your pupils dilated as your fingers brushed along the tent in his pants. Playing coy, Hongjoong tilted his head at you.
"What is it kitten? Do you want something from me?"
Hongjoong chuckled when he felt your claws began tearing at his jeans. Getting the hint, he began to take himself out, slapping his head on your clit.
"Don't worry kitten, master will fill you up."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Seonghwa let out a loud hiss when he felt your walls clench unbearably tight around him. His hand came down to caress the red prints he had left all over your ass, stroking them with utmost tenderness, before coming over to play with your little cotton tail, which briefly twitched when it felt his touch.
"You like that my little bunny?"
Your drawned out moan was an affirmative answer. Wanting to further tease you, he harshly tugged at your tail, sending you yelping into the pillow as you began cumming all over him.
"Oh fuck bunny! I'm gonna cum! Gonna cum inside you!" He cried out, his thrusts becoming more sporadic.
Your long ears began fretting uncontrollably when they heard his words.
"N-no master! You could get me pregnant! Humans can still-" Your sentence couldn't be finished as your body began getting heated once more.
Seonghwa's thrusts never stopped, in fact they got more desperate. Leaning over, he began kissing along your back.
"Really? I can breed you my little bunny?"
You nodded your head as you felt yourself cumming once again, nearly squirting when you heard his next words.
"Then let's knock you up. I wanna see you full of my babies."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Your fingers couldn't keep from fisting at your skirt, your eyes looking everywhere but at the tv in front of you, where a movie your loving master had put on for your weekly movie nights you often had. You hated this, you thought you could distract yourself and ignore the immense throbbing that started that morning, but it was becoming too much.
"Baby? Are you ok? What's wrong pup?"
Yunho's voice snapped you out of your thoughts and until then you realized you had been unconsciously rutting yourself on his thigh, your cheeks burning red with embarrassment. But Yunho didn't seem to mind as he began kissing your shoulders, hands sliding up under your shirt to knead at your exposed breasts.
"It hurts doesn't it puppy?"
You nodded, melting into his touch and tilting your head so he could suck hickeys into your neck.
"Is this ok? Does this feel better?" He asked you as he pinched your nipples.
You whined loudly, loving your master's caresses, but wanting them places elsewhere.
"Yes but-but.." You were too scared to ask him.
"But what pup? Still hurts? Where do you need it?"
Humming softly, Yunho dropped one hands inside your skirt, pushing your panties to the side to slide a finger, then 2 inside of you. You cried out at the stretch his long fingers gave you, spreading your legs out more so he could add a 3rd one.
"Master will take the pain away for you pup."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Coming home to find you, his fox hybrid, in pain and furiously grinding yourself onto a pillow somehow didn't phase Yeosang. He knew that you were bound to start your first heat anytime soon. You on the other hand, didn't fully understand what was happening to your body.
"M-master, please help." You begged him, your eyes becoming brimmed with tears.
Gently, Yeosang calmed you down first before ushering you to lie your naked body down onto the bed. Petting your ears softly, he went to his closet to get out the box he had stashed away until this moment arrived. Coming back over to you, he took out a weird device you had never seen before, but it was pink, long and cylindrical in shape. Turning on a button, it began making a buzzing noise and Yeosang then lowered it down until it touched your throbbing clit.
"Oh! Oh my god." You squirmed as vibrations pulsated all over your body.
Yeosang's fingers went back to your ears, stroking them as he moved the device around your sensitive little nub.
"This is called a vibrator my dear. It will help you out at times like these."
Soon he moved the vibrator from your clit and slipped it inside you, sliding it in and out of you until you were a shaking mess and came for the first time in your life. Taking it out of you, Yeosang studied the glistening juices left from your orgasm.
"Of course, one day even this won't be enough for you..."
You blushed and let out a squeak when you saw him lick some of the cum off as he winked at you.
"But that's what my cock will be here for."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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San's fingers yanked your hair from the pillow, not willing to let you muffle the screams pouring out of your mouth. You cried out even harder as he began landing hard slaps on your ass.
"Stop trying to hide now, acting like you weren't rutting yourself on Mingi's lap just 5 minutes ago like the little bitch in heat you are."
Tears came down your cheeks as your legs threatened to give out underneath you. You didn't want to make San mad, but your heat was unbearable and yes, you accidentally rutted yourself on his friend while he was cuddling you on his lap.
"I'm sorry master! My- can't control my heat!" You exclaimed.
San let out a pensive hum, his hips slowing down until they stopped and he pulled out of you, which made you whine harder at being denied to cum.
"You're right....you really can't control yourself when you're in heat. All you can think about is getting fucked over and over."
With a sadistic grin, he threw you over his shoulder and stormed out of the room and into the living room, where his other members had reddened faces at having heard what was going on, but now they looked in shock as San set you on the floor, displaying your naked form to them.
"Guys my little puppy hybrid is in heat and needs a little fucking. Correction....a lot of fucking." He emphasized the last part.
Using his foot, he made you open your legs so they could all look at your soaked hole which ached to be filled once more, stuffed to the brim with cum.
"Come on guys, I've seen you stare at my little bitch too many times. If you want to fuck her, now's your chance. "
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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You couldn't ask for a better caregiver than Mingi. You absolutely loved him and he absolutely adored you. He took great care of you and was always displaying his affection towards you. And he always made sure to satisfy your needs, especially when you went into heat. You always looked forward to those times because he was extra attentive and even romantic towards you.
"There you go my pretty little kitten. That's it. Just take it nice and slow."
Your head was thrown back, eyes closed as you lost yourself in the immense pleasure of grinding against his huge cock. Mingi's hands were holding onto your waist, guiding your movements so he could hit your sweet spot each time you sunk down on his length. The splashing sounds of the water in the bathtub you two were in were the only other sounds besides the moans coming out both of your mouths.
Mingi attached his mouth to your neck, sucking down on your wet skin, brushing away some of your dampened hair.
"You're so beautiful my pretty one, and you're doing so well taking my cock." You lived for his praises and sweet words.
"Thank you master. Thank you for making me feel-"
You were silenced when he suddenly pressed his lips against yours, his tongue running itself across your upper lip as he began bucking his hips harder into you.
"Shh. Hush kitten."
You melted and immediately came all over him, feeling overwhelmed with not only euphoria but with love as well.
"Don't thank me kitten. Master just wants to make sure you're taken care of properly."
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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Wooyoung hummed a soft tune to himself as he carefully flipped the pancakes he was currently cooking on the stove. It was early morning and he was wearing nothing but his sweatpants, hair a mess and in tangles from his previous night with you. He squealed when he suddenly felt a body press itself to his.
"Don't give me a heart attack so early in the morning." He scolded you, swatting the utensil on one of your fluffy ears.
Letting out a huff, you turned him to face you and he was kinda surprised to see you there naked. Just as he was about to ask, you pulled him in for a desperate kiss, fingers raking against his bare chest as you pulled him over to the table.
"God dammit Y/N, are you seriously this horny this early?" Although he complained, he still made no effort to push you off him nor stop your hand from palming his growing hard on.
"I'm still in heat! Please, I need you." You whimpered at him, taking one of his hands to cup and feel your dripping mound.
Growling, Wooyoung flipped you so you were laying on the table, his hands spreading your legs open. Pulling his sweatpants down, he surprised you when you saw he had gone commando that morning.
"What? I knew there would be no use in wearing underwear."
You gasped when he entered you promptly, immediately pounding his into you. He was going at it so hard you reached your hands up to grip onto his arms to steady yourself as you felt the first orgasm of the day washing over you.
"Fuck! You really are just a horny little bunny. Just wants to pounce on my cock and get fucked dumb."
You shook under him when he snaked a hand to wrap around your throat, making you go dizzy as you began chanting his name over and over again.
"I'll make sure to fuck you dumb my horny bunny."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Catching your ears poke out from the doorway, Jongho set his weights down and turned to look at you, who immediately hid.
"What's wrong my little vixen?" He celled out for you.
You nervously stuck your face out.
"No....nothing master. I'm sorry for disturbing you."
Just as you were about to run away, Jongho called out for you again.
"Wait! Babygirl come over here." He ordered you.
Seeing you walk in with your fingers tugging at your oversized sleeves, cheeks pink and ears down, Jongho could already guess what was going on. Cupping your chin, he tilted it up.
"Well then? What is it my little vixen?"
You wanted to cry from how embarrassed you were and for disturbing Jongho with your dirty needs when he was obviously busy.
"I'm sorry m-master ... I'll go-"
"Nonsense my darling. It's ok. I know you're still in heat so don't cry ok?"
Pecking your lips, he picked you up and walked over to the couch, sitting down and immediately stripping you out of your shorts and panties, which were drenched at this point. Jongho then gently placed you on one of his thighs just as he always did when you went into heat, his hands giving your ass cheeks a gentle squeeze.
"Ok. Go on my little vixen. Put on your little show for me, fuck yourself on my thigh as much as you want."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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flamingo-writes · 3 years
Okay so I heard you also write about dark themes (y/n has a stalker in this request certain parts don’t have to be described it can be as vague as you want it to be)
And I wanted to request a Draken x fem reader in which they broke up because she thinks he still has feelings for Emma and thinks he’s been cheating b/c he’s been really distant from her but in reality he really does love her yes he’s been thinking of Emma but now realizes his mistake, and one night as readers at home her stalker breaks in her house and forces himself on her but she tries to make an escape n call draken not realizing he’s coming over to try n talk with her but he realizes somethings wrong and comes in to save her after seeing her stalker have his way with her all he sees is red and almost kills the guy and when they get to the hospital they rekindle n get back together and draken promises to protect her from now on
Yes I do! Ah, I loved the amount if angst in this request, writing this was fun (I mean, not because of what happens, but because I enjoy writing complex emotions)
Pull Me Down — Draken x Reader
(Tittle inspired in the song How Not To Drown from Chvrches as the song helped me out a lot both lyrics and music wise to set a vibe while writing)
Word Count: 3.1K
Warnings: Non graphic depictions of rape (still somewhat described), stalking, violence, angst.
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How long had it been? The last several days, maybe weeks, have all felt the same, looked the same...Has it been months now? Dull, empty, repetitive, sometimes feeling as if you weren’t awake at all and everything felt like a broken old tape, replaying the same greyscale routine with barely any sound, if anything, an annoying buzz in your ears. Barely any familiar faces remained in your life after you broke up with him. 
But, it was better this way, wasn’t it? Better being alone than being with the wrong people...wasn’t it? You were better off alone. 
Mitsuya had tried talking to you a couple of times. Possibly the only friend you had by this point, as everyone else seemed to fade away from your life as soon as you took him out of the equation. 
“You look skinnier” He pointed out as he held a paper bag in his hand. “Here” He said, stretching his hand, handing you the bag. “You need to eat” 
“What’s this?” You asked, trying to feign a smile as seeing Mitsuya hurt as much as seeing, hear or even think of Draken. After all, he had introduced you to Mitsuya. 
“Bento. I made it myself. Eat up” He said as he gave you a kind and warm smile, however, his eyes looked concerned. You knew he could look beyond your broken mask and see how you were not doing well. 
Barely sleeping, barely eating, you did the minimum effort in your classes in college, and avoided the street where his workshop was, as well as avoiding the places where he and his friends spent the most time in. However, Mitsuya always went out of his way to pay you a visit and check up on you. 
“Thanks…” You purred as you looked into his eyes. “I-I’ll...try…” 
“Hey, I’m worried about you” He said, his voice getting lower. “It’s been two months now...and you still look like shit” 
“Oh, shut up” You hissed annoyed as you crossed your arms. 
“It’s still affecting you” 
“You think?” You barked sarcastically as you raised an eyebrow. 
“Have you even been trying to get up on your feet? Or do you still want to lay at the bottom of your pit of misery?” Mitsuya said, hisnvoice getting slightly colder, as he hated seeing you too comfortable in your little pit of misery.
“Come on Mitsuya, I am...trying…” You growled. 
“Are you, really? I know you still love him, and I know you can’t let go of him…” his stare and voice softened as he saw the way your eyes got teary at his words.
You looked away, as a huge lump soon overtook your throat, making it hard to breath, to speak, even think. 
“What do you suggest I do, then?” Your voice broke at the end, as a few tears escaped your eyes, trying your best to keep your composure. 
“Talk to him” Mitsuya said calmly, as if it was the easiest thing to do. 
“Oh, fuck off” you laughed bitterly as turned around, ready to get back inside your apartment when Mitsuya held your arm gently. 
“I’m serious,” He said, whispering your name in a low voice. “Listen, don’t tell Draken I told you this, but he isn’t doing great either...He’s been overworking himself and avoiding talking about it even more than you are” He explained calmly as you looked at him. “Look, I get the reason why you broke up with him, but, can’t you see you’re still in love with him? Why break up with him if you were head over heels for him? And don’t bring up Emma, you know that’s bullshit” He said, perfectly reading your thoughts. 
“Are you done, Mitsuya?” you whispered, tears finally breaking free and falling down your cheeks as you moved your arm, and he let go of you.
“God, you’re just like him. If you talked about it, trust me, you’d feel even better...Go talk to him, stop being so stubborn” He said, staring at you, as you simply avoided looking at him as more and more tears welled in your eyes, blurring your sigh. 
“How did it go?” Mikey asked Mitsuya softly as they both looked at Draken too focused working on a bike. 
“God, for a second I thought it was going to be easier talking to her…” He replied in a low voice, slightly annoyed. 
“Kennchin wants to get back with her,” Mikey said looking at Mitsuya as he nodded softly. 
“Of course he does. She wants to as well, but she’s being stubborn…” Mitsuya said calmly. “Did he say something?”
“I asked him about her, he changed the topic right away, then I asked about Emma, he stayed silent...He still feels somewhat guilty for what happened to her, and apologized to me about ending things with her...He’s over Emma...But as soon as I even mention her name, he closes his fist and his knuckles turn white, he looks away, and changes the topic…He didn’t tell me, but I know he misses her...” Mikey explained as he looked at Draken.
Truth was, neither of them saw Draken like that before he met you. He was the calm, collected and always analyzing guy. He never acted impulsively, relying on his guts alone, he always had a plan. But when it came about you? You were his weakness. He acted without thinking when it came to you, he was spontaneous, and unpredictable. But only when he was with you. 
“Kennchin, Mitsuya’s here…” Mikey said standing up from his seat and walking towards him and the bike. “Let’s go grab lunch, yes?” 
“Almost done…” Draken answered as he was cleaning the pieces he had lying on the ground. 
After Draken was done, the three of them headed to a ramen place and had lunch. Mitsuya wanted to bring up the situation but found it hard. He didn’t want to upset Draken, but knew he was hurting as much as you were. Mitsuya’d been torn by the breakup of both his friends. He struggled with having to split his free time and be around both of them, since they both needed a friend more than ever. But he didn't want that to end. Especially Since he knew both sides of the story. And it all looked like a dumb break up that wasn't supposed to happen in the first place. 
“You went to her place earlier, didn’t you?” Draken asked out of the blue. 
“How did you…”
“You smell like her” He said cutting him off. 
Mitsuya looked at his jacket and grabbed the neck of it and smelled the fabric. After he had called you stubborn and that you reminded him of Draken, you broke down crying. He hugged you and you clung to him for your dear life. He looked at Draken as he stared blankly at his food, his hand shaking lightly. 
“Kennchin” Mikey began as he looked at him, noticing the way Draken had his jaw clenched at his eyes looked hollow. 
"You go often to see her, don't you? I can tell when you do...you always end up smelling like her…" 
"I check up on her every now and then...No-nothing happens, though...I just make sure she's fine…" Mitsuya explained, as he realized how bad it looked that he was smelling like her every time he went to see her. 
"I know...she's not like that...and I know you wouldn't mess with her either...I'm not mad at you" He said softly, as Mitsuya noticed what Mikey had said earlier. Draken was gripping his chop sticks too hard, his knuckles white. 
"What are you mad at, then?" Mikey broke the uncomfortable silence.
“I’ll go talk to her” Draken said as he continued eating. 
“A-are you?” Mitsuya stuttered.
“I’m tired of dreaming of her every night, and food always tasting like shit, I'm…" he stopped softly. "Dammit, I miss her…" he said letting go of his chops ticks and spoon and staring blankly at his barely touched ramen. "I really really do…" 
"When will you go talk to her?" Mikey asked. 
The night was quite cool, but the last days had been a torture with the awful heat. With all of your windows open, you were scrolling through your phone, not doing anything in particular. You looked at the bento boxes piled up messily waiting to be washed and returned to Mitsuya. You dreaded washing the dishes, as you grabbed your cup of coffee and gave it a sip. 
A shadow moving through the window caught your attention as you put your phone down and looked out into the backyard. The darkness swallowed the edge of your backyard, looking creepier than ever before as you wondered if it had been a raccoon or a cat. 
As Draken made his way to your place, he kept going on over what to say to you. He had a pretty vague idea of what to say. But where would he start? An apology? Straight out telling her he misses her? 
His thoughts were cut shirt when his phone began ringing in the pocket of his hoodie. He pulled his phone out, seeing your name shining in the screen. His heart skipped a beat as an unexplained happiness washed over him. He picked up almost immediately. 
"Hey, I was just about to call yo—"
"Ken, please help" A hideous whisper soon made his blood turn cold as your cry for help suddenly made his world spin far too fast for his liking. 
"Whats wrong?" He asked.
You soon broke down crying as he tried comforting you. 
"I'm so, so sorry, I didn't know who else to call...and you're in my speed dial…" you sobbed in a low voice. 
"Y/N, tell me, what's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked, his voice getting lower as his heart was beating strong in his head, almost giving him a headache. 
"Someone broke into my house, Ken. Please, I'm scared" you sobbed as his heart dropped to his stomach at the idea of you being in danger. 
"Shit. Okay, I'll call the police. Don't hang up, I'll be back with you as soon as I contact thr police" 
He soon started working on it. He put you on hold as he called the emergency number and explained the situation. He gave them your address as well as his name out of protocol. Once the person in the other end assured him the police were on his way, he quickly returned to his call with you. 
The horror he felt earlier was nothing compared to what he was about to experience. His heart stopped, his blood froze, he felt paralyzed by the sounds on the other end of the call, as he could only imagine what was happening. 
You were crying and gasping painfully, a rhythmic thud noise going over and over followed by the grunts of a male voice. Commanding you to be quiet and cooperate or else it'll hurt worse. 
Draken's mind went numb, and suddenly, everything he could see was red. He picked up quickly on what was going on, as the biggest feeling of impotence rushed through his body, warming up his blood. And soon, he was sprinting as fast as he could towards your place. 
Draken walked snuck into your backyard, his first instinct to sneak in and beat the shit of the intruder. However, he had no idea what he was about to walk into. 
The backyard door lead to the kitchen and as he stood on the other side of the glass sliding door, he saw it. His heart stopped and suddenly his heart was beating fast, his blood boiling, his stomach turned painfully as his ears began buzzing loudly. 
The way he was forcing on to you. The intruder had you leaning over the table, practically crushing you against it. Your face washed with horror, tears streaming down your eyes as you cried and whimpered useless pleads for him to leave you alone. The aggressive way in which he was pushing, torturing you as his eyes stared hungrily at you like a wild animal. Watching some random guy getting his way with the woman he loved made something in him snap.
Draken's world crumbled down the moment you spotted him from the other side of the door. Your eyes, hopeless, met him. As the pain in your face permeated into his own body
"Help me" you mouthed. 
He didn't hear you, but he could clearly read your lips. In a split of a second his heart was beating hard. 
Without realizing it, he sprinted towards the door, sliding it open and in a swift move, as your attacker looked up, Draken hit him on the neck with his forearm. 
Pushing him to the ground, your stalker fell on his bum as he coughed loudly. Draken didn't waste any time as he kicked him on the crotch and sat on top of him, beating his face over and over. The buzz still loud in his head as he hit him repeatedly. His anger driving him on and on as he couldn't think.
You slid to the floor, breaking down crying as you felt your legs and hips sore. Your mind was blank, as the recent memories kept rushing into your mind as you cried and sobbed, shaking. 
Your eyes slowly scanned the kitchen as they finally landed on Draken. He looked possessed as he kept beating the shit out of your stalker. 
"Ke-Ken…" you sobbed. 
It worked like an automatic button. Draken, upon hearing your voice, stopped at once. He got off your attacker and rushed towards you. He knelt by your side and hugged you tightly. Clinging to him, you cried out loudly. He squeezed you against him, in an attempt to comfort you as he ran his hand through your hair. 
As he pulled back from you, he looked at you. Your clothes torn, your shorts pooled by your ankles. And bruises. Many bruises all over your legs, arms, even your neck. 
Draken's eyes got tearful as seeing you in such a state. It pained him. How could he let something like this happen to you? He took off his hoodie and wrapped it around your shoulders. He kissed your forehead as your breath hitched.
"It's okay, baby" he whispered. "I'm here…" 
"Ple-please don't leave…" you sobbed, your shaky hand tugging on his white shirt as he looked at you. 
"I won't" he reassured you, as red and blue lights blinked from the window. 
The police kicked the door open and quickly spread around the house searching for anyone. Two officers walked inside the kitchen and saw the entire scene.  
Draken always hated hospitals. The wide white, silent, and odd smell of the waiting room. He disliked every bit of it. Even more now. As he was desperately waiting for any sign from you. He looked desperately at every doctor and nurse who walked out, hoping that any of you knew anything about you. 
After a nurse walked out, Draken quickly rushed to her side asking her about you. The nursed told him he could go inside and before she could say anything else, he was already in there, as his eyes desperately looked for you. 
He saw a doctor talking to you as you nodded. Your eyes still red, and your stare dissociated as you simply nodded like a broken robot. Draken rushed to your side, as he bowed politely to the doctor. 
"Ah, you're the boyfriend" he doctor said, as your first reaction was to cling to Draken and sob softly. 
Draken hugged you tightly, one of his hands going to your hair. He looked at the doctor without saying anything. 
"None of her injuries are critical. We will be running a few tests over the next few days to make sure she is alright with no STD's his attacker might have. She'll be prescribed a couple of medications for preventing measures only as well as some pain killers" 
Draken nodded as he kissed the top of your head. 
"May I have a word with you, sir?" Draken nodded at the doctor's request.
"I'll go talk to the doctor, love...I'll be back in a bit, yes?" He purred softly as your grip on his clothes tightened and pulled him closer as he tried to break the hug. "Hey, it'll be quick, okay? After I return, I'll stay with you for as long as you want, okay? I won't go anywhere without you…" he purred softly as he kissed your forehead. 
You nodded reluctantly as you let him go. He grabbed one of your hands and kissed her hand before going out of the ER with the doctor. 
"I'm so sorry about what happened" The Doctor began as Draken limited to look at him with a cold stare. "This is a tough situation. Not only on the physical aspect of it. These things take a huge toll in the victim, I suggest you contact a specialist that can help you two deal with what happened…" 
"We will" Draken answered softly as he felt his heart squeezing as the memories of seeing your stalker on top of you. 
"Its not necessary for her to stay over the night. But I'd like to see her tomorrow and three days from now as well, just to make sure everything is well and to keep running tests…" 
Draken nodded as he bowed once more thanking the doctor before heading back inside the ER towards your bed. 
His eyes teared up immediately at the sight of you. He approached you and slowly cupped your face in his big hands and brought you closer, kissing your forehead. 
"I'm so, so sorry, babe" he sobbed and pressed his forehead against yours. "This shouldn't have happened…I wasn't there to protect you" he whispered bitterly, mad at himself even when he, objectively, knew it wasn't his fault. His mind was desperately looking for someone to blame. 
"Ken" you cried softly as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer as he hugged you back. "Please don't leave. I'm scared…" 
"I won't, princess. I'll stay by your side. I'll keep you safe" he said as he pulled back slowly. "Let's go home…" he purred as you shook your head, whimpering.
"I don't want to go back there" you cried. 
"Let's go to my place then…" he whispered, wiping your tears away from your face. "I'm renting a small apartment above the shop...it's not that big but, we can both fit perfectly. I'll make us some dinner, you can take a bath in the meantime, and if you need anything whatsoever, I'll be a couple of steps away from you, okay?" He explained as you looked at him, nodding softly. He smiled, a lump on his throat and tears welling in his eyes as he leaned forward, kissing your forehead. "Lets go then" 
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monomonomagines · 3 years
Could I get uh a request of fuyuhiko, chihiro, teruteru and rooms of all being dads and just their reaction to their kid just suddenly being taller than them at a pretty young age? Thanks
No problemo! I’d be happy to write this for you since these are some of my favorite boys to write for! I hope that you'll enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! I love and appreciate you, Anon!
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Fuyuhiko knew he was short but he never thought he was THAT short.
How could his child already be so much bigger than him when they were still in elementary school!?
While he would be tempted to curse at his own kid, Fuyuhiko wouldn’t take it out on them.
He’d definitely clench his hands into fists, keeping them close at his side as he forces a smile trying hard not to sound pained.
He may need someone to comfort him later if nearly punching a hole in the wall of his room doesn’t work.
And whoever it is he does choose to turn to, they better be prepared for him to finally say what he wanted to at that moment when he noticed his kid growing taller than him.
“God fucking dammit! They’re already growing past me!”
While Chihiro isn’t too surprised that his child would quickly grow taller than him, it certainly doesn’t do much for the little confidence he has.
Unlike Fuyuhiko however, Chihiro isn’t very confrontational, nor does he lash out with anger.
Sucking it all up he’d wait until he’s alone before he lets everything out.
He isn’t very good at fixing things but he certainly does cry a lot so he may just need a good cry before realizing that his kid won’t at least be bullied for their height and small frame like he was.
“...I’m glad they won’t have to go through everything that I did. I hope...I hope that it stays that way.”
Like with Chihiro, Teruteru isn’t exactly surprised that his kid grew taller than him but he does feel odd about his kid being so much taller than him.
Can he even discipline a kid or talk to them seriously when they’re already a whole head taller than him?
While he may be conflicted, the most Teruteru can do is whine a bit to his mom as he asks for her advice on the matter.
He can always rely on his mama to help him figure out what to do so unlike Fuyuhiko or Chihiro he’s going to expect more help from his kid now that they’re taller than him.
He’ll utilize their height so that he can reach what he needs even when the step stool he keeps in the kitchen fails to work.
“Hey, sweetheart! Be a dear and help your dad grab the oregano from the spice rack, ok?”
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companionjones · 3 years
Triggers of Desire
Pairings: Lord Asriel x Fem!Reader
Fandom: His Dark Materials (HBO)
Summary: You stop Asriel from doing something terrible. The two of you argue about it. Things ensue (though not directly resulting from the arguing).
Warnings: Cursing, SMUT, Mommy kink, Dom!Reader, Sub!Asriel
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    “Don’t you dare,” you warned.
    “Dare to what?” Lord Asriel questioned. “I know what my life is for, what I was born for. She is not a part of that plan.”
    You were shaking, livid. “Say her fucking name, you arsehole! Her name is Lyra. She is your daughter!”
    “Not in any way that counts!”
    “Stop pulling that shit, and take responsibility for once in your goddamn life!”
    “Responsibility?! I was responsible when I left her at Oxford when she was born!”
    “Yes, and that’s the only good thing you’ve ever done, and that’s including all this so called ‘work’.”
    Asriel’s face twitched. “Now you’re the one who dares--”
    “Were you going to kill that child?” you interrupted. Your voice was deadly calm.
    He clenched his jaw. He stayed silent.
    “If I hadn’t stopped you and told you of the ripple that I found, would you have killed Roger to create your own doorway?”
    “...You know I would have.”
    That ripped your heart in two. “Jesus Az.” You sat down on your bed. “When did you get like this? When we were in school together, you were ambitious, yes, but you...you had a heart. I know that much.” You finished, leaving out some details you didn’t want brought up in that moment. “And when you started dating Marisa...Dammit Az, I had never seen you so happy.”
    “Don’t bring up that vile woman now.” He was facing the fireplace then.
    You furrowed your brow. “I thought you loved her. Even after all those years...”
    “She sent her daemon to attack Lyra. Hurt her,” Asriel spat.
    “See? Was that so hard? Using her name?” you almost teased. “I knew a part of you loved that girl.”
    “Now who’s not using her name?”
    If you didn’t know any better, you’d say Asriel was teasing you, too.
    He paused for a moment. Asriel sighed. He sounded tired. “I don’t think I ever loved Marisa.”
    You couldn’t help but laugh. “Then why--?”
    “Because I couldn’t have the woman I truly loved.”
    Your heart stopped. “...Why bring this up now?”
    “Because,” he turned around to face you, “It’s why I’ve distracted myself all this time with my work. It’s why I’ve become obsessed.”
    “So it’s my fault now?” You were on your feet.
    “No!” He cursed. “It’s mine. It’s just...seeing you after all this time. Thinking about how Jeffery--”
    “Jeffery’s dead,” you blurted.
    Asriel looked as if he had just gotten the wind knocked out of him.
    “Two years ago, he went out on an expedition...and he didn’t come back. His men said that he had fallen from a cliff.”
    A heavy silence filled the space between you and Asriel.
    “What are you doi--”
    Lord Asriel had been crossing the room to you, and he cut you off by capturing your lips with his.
    You moaned at the impact. Asriel’s hands went to the base of your head and the small of your backs when you were too surprised to touch him at all.
    “Az--” you tried once the kiss broke.
    But he was already talking again. “I’ve wanted to do that for...so long, but you and him were already together by the time we met. When you got engaged as soon as we graduated, I...I thought I lost my chance with you forever.” Asriel kissed you once-twice more before his lips trailed down your cheek to your neck.
    Finally, you could speak, but you weren’t sure you were able. When your gaze met his again, only one question left your lips. You thought back to all the little moments you shared with Asriel. All those times you caught his gaze lingering on your lips. You assumed he caught you in the same way many times. “You thought it was one-sided?”
    Asriel’s eyes darkened. His pupils started to dilate. His gaze shifted back to your lips with a newfound hunger. “You mean...to tell me...all this time...that you’ve felt the same?” he grunted between assaults.
    “Always,” you gasped.
    “Then why not say something? I would’ve taken you away. We could’ve had a life together.”
    “At what cost? I was already with Jeffery. If I left him and ran away with you...Do you have any idea what that would have done to our reputations?”
    He growled, “I have never once in my life cared about my reputation. Had you said the word, I would have taken you away. Damn everyone else’s thoughts.”
    The feeling of Asriel’s mouth all over you and the words leaving his mouth had caused you to not notice he had been undressing the both of you. You didn’t notice you were naked until your bare back hit the bed. Asriel was already on top of you, lips trailing down again.
    “Wait.” The word left your mouth out of shock.
    He did so. His eyes met yours again. His head was hovering over yours.
    Again, a thick silence settled over the two of you.
    “Do you want me to stop?” He swallowed, causing his Adam’s apple to bob.
    It only took you so long to respond because the word had taken so long to travel from your brain to your lips. “No.”
    Asriel took a shaking breath. It was clear to you how much he was holding himself back. “...I need to hear you say it.”
    His eyes were glued to your lips. So were yours to his. You didn’t know if you could handle what was coming. “Take me, Lord Asriel.”
    He leaned down, and captured your lips again. He breathed in the scent of you, and on his exhale, Asriel’s hands traveled up and squeezed your breasts.
    You gasped, as the action took you off guard.
    Asriel used the opportunity to slowly lick your tongue before his mouth started making a wet path down your jaw to your tits.
    “Fuck, Asriel,” you moaned when his lips closed around your nipple. You could feel his tongue rolling over the sensitive bud. His hand was tending to your other breast, his fingers pinching and tugging at your nipple there.
    At your loud moans in response, Asriel’s cock twitched. You could feel the hard member pressing against the inside of your thigh. He was only getting harder. He switched what he was doing to your breasts.
    One particular shock of pleasure caused you to call out and pull Asriel’s hair, and he reacted with moan and an involuntary thrust into your thigh. You could feel his face heat up on your tits, and made a mental note of the button you could push (or in that case, pull).
    Eventually, Asriel left your chest. His mouth trailed down your stomach.
    “Asriel, what are you doing?”
    His eyes met yours as he sucked at the inside of your right thigh.
    You almost drooled at the sight of him between your legs.
    Asriel must’ve known exactly what he was doing to you, because when his lips left your skin, he wore a mischievous smirk that you had not seen since you were in school together. “I thought it was obvious.” He kept eye contact with you as he leant down and licked a long stripe up your cunt.
    You tried to keep yourself propped up on your elbows so you could match his gaze, but you fell back and your eyes shut tight almost as soon as Asriel made contact. The strangled moan that left your lips was the most lewd sound you had ever made.
    Asriel’s hand moved up and down your leg as encouragement. He only parted from your lips long enough to express to himself, “Oh god, yes.”
    The last person to interact with you like that had been Jeffery, and...Well, the two of you had grown apart toward the end of your husband’s life. It had been a long time for you. Besides time, you had always been jealous of Marisa for having Asriel when you couldn’t, but in that moment, you were jealous of the woman for a whole other reason. Asriel had a gift. You didn’t last long with his mouth working on you.
    “Asriel-Asriel, oh god. Oh god, yes. Asriel, I think I’m gonna...”
    Vaguely, through the deafness your pleasure caused, you could hear Asriel. “Come for me. Please, come for me.”
    As your stomach and legs tightened up, you grabbed a fistful of Asriel’s hair and tightened your grip as well.
    His moan against your lips was enough to send you over the edge. “Oh, god...oh Asriel...”
    When you came to, Asriel was already making out with you again. It took you a moment to put together what he was saying. “...need you...right now.” Asriel pulled away from you. “You need to tell me in this moment if you can’t do this because once I’m inside you, I won’t be able to stop.” One of his hands was playing with your breast while the other was sliding his cock up and down your folds, spreading the slick. As if things weren’t already slick enough.
    You tugged him down to you using the back of his neck. You ordered, “Fuck me, Lord Asriel.”
    It barely took him a second to comply.
    You gasped when he entered you, and Asriel groaned, “Oh, darling.” He scrambled to find your mouth to kiss.
    While catching your breath from his thrusts, “Good boy,” slipped from your lips.
    It seemed to knock the air out of Asriel. He snapped his hips into you. The man whimpered.
    “You like that?” The corners of your mouth turned upward.
    Asriel didn’t respond. He stayed buried deep inside you. He seemed to be working very hard at keeping his breathing normal.
    You had no problem taking control. Suddenly, you flipped the two of you over.
    “Are you my good boy?” you smiled. You leaned down to kiss Asriel as you humped his cock. Making your way down his jaw to his neck, you repeated, “My good, good boy...my baby...”
    As time went on, it got harder and harder for Asriel to hold back his moans and whimpers. One of his hands slid up to the back of your neck. “Y/n...”
    Licking up to his ear, you whispered, “You think you can call me ‘mommy’?” You knew it was a risky move. Your kink wasn’t for everyone, but there wasn’t anybody you trusted more than your Asriel.
    His cock twitched inside you. “Keep going, m-mommy, please...”
    That was music to your ears.
    “Good boy,” you encouraged, “You gonna cum for me? Hm?” You gonna cum for mommy?”
    He looked so helpless as he nodded.
    “Then cum for me. Cum for me, baby. It’s okay. Let go.”
    “Oh god.” He tensed up. “Oh my god. Mommy-mommy, I gotta--” Without warning, he flipped the two of you over and started slamming into you.
    You tried keeping up with him, but you eventually fell back in ecstasy. Your orgasm overwhelmingly coursed through you.
    Immediately after you, Asriel filled you, and collapsed on top of you. As he came, “Mommy!” desperately flowed from his lips.
    Hearing it like that was enough to tighten your walls even more than they were before.
    That word fell from Asriel at least 20 more times before you two were done.
    After, as the two of you laid together, Asriel eventually whispered, “I am so sorry, darling. I shouldn’t have...I should have never even thought...”
    “I know, baby.” You pulled yourself closer to him. “I know.”
    He continued, “I think...I want to try to to be a better father.”
    That made you prop your arm up on an elbow so you could look at him. You stroked his cheek with your thumb. “Are you sure, baby? This is something you have to be sure of.”
    “I know, darling,” he nodded, “I know I want this. And...I know I want you by my side.”
    Your heart skipped a beat. You smiled. “Yeah?”
    His happy face matched yours. “Yes, darling. If you’ll have me.”
    “Of course I’ll have you, baby.” You kissed him. “Of course I will.”
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, I have more fics on His Dark Materials over on my page. You should check it out. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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BTS DRABBLE-Jeon Jungkook
You had been inseparable. Best friends. Joined at the hip. No one could say your name without it being directly followed by the name Jeon Jungkook. But somewhere along the way, things had changed, had gotten complicated, and now, you're not quite sure where the two of you stand. You know how you still feel about him-how you've always felt about him-but your once best friend is a little harder to read, and unfortunately, right now, he's thinking the same thing about you.
Tags: BTS, Bangtan Boys, Bangtan Seonyendan, Bulletproof Boy Scouts, Beyond the Scene, BTS Drabble, Angst, Fluff, Pining, Jeon Jungkook, Jungkook, JK, Jungkook x you, Jungkook x reader, Jeon Jungkook x you, Jeon Jungkook x reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Mutual Pining
Soundtrack: Love Race by MGK ft. Kellin Quinn
Title: Make a Change
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"Dude, just go and talk to her." Taehyung elbows Jungkook again in the ribs, making him hiss and take a step away from the other man, where they stand, leaning against the lip of the bar.
"Dude, I told you." Jungkook mocks back, shooting his friend a sharp glare, as he rubs at the now sore spot on his ribs. "It's not that simple."
Taehyung scoffs. "How hard can it be?" He gulps down the last dregs of his drink and motions to the bar tender for a refill.
He looks jaunty and handsome-Jungkook thinks-dark hair pushed off his forehead, jacket loose and open around his dress shirt, revealing a swath of tan chest. Confident and cool.
Just how Jungkook wishes he could be in this moment, but instead, he's filled with dread and something akin to nervous indecision.
"Weren't you guys like best friends growing up?" Taehyung asks, nodding in thanks to the bar tender who has slid another drink to him, before he cocks a dark brow in Jungkook's direction and pins him down with a knowing stare.
Yeah, and that's the problem. Jungkook thinks morosely to himself, as he dares another quick glance across the restaurant to your table.
You look happy. You're laughing at something one of your friends has said-Jungkook thinks he remembers her name is Ryunjin-head thrown back, eyes alight.
Happy without him.
Jungkook tears his gaze away, reaching for his drink to take another gulp, and as the whiskey burns its way down his throat, he forces himself to swallow any lingering hope with the alcohol.
"Hey, isn't that Jeon Jungkook?" Ryunjin, wiping tears from her eyes after laughing too hard, asks, as she reaches for her margarita which is now condensing onto the slick surface of the table.
"What?!" You whirl around in your seat a little too fast, and the other girls snicker at your eagerness.
But Ryunjin is right, because as soon as your eyes land on the broad shoulders and narrow waist of the man standing at the bar-back to you-you know, with a loss of breath and punch to your gut, that it is indeed Jeon Jungkook.
Even though he has changed his hair-it's long now, almost to his shoulders, and dyed a dark purple blue that makes his skin tone seem to glow caramel in the overhead lights-and you're fairly certain you catch a glint of an eyebrow piercing as he turns to his companion and says something too low for you to hear, your soul immediately recognizes him.
How could it not, when you've been in love with him ever since you first met at the tender age of seven.
"Oooh, Jungkook is back in town." Wheein nudges you playfully, and the other girls giggle once more around the table. "Why don't you go say hi, (Y/N)?"
You know she's teasing, but you can't seem to return the joke, or even a smile in her direction, because suddenly, you can't breathe, and though it's crazy, the only thing you can think about is tapping him on the shoulder, saying his name, watching his eyes light up and his lips part to reveal bunny teeth as he turns and recognizes you and then-
And then what?
Nothing. You think honestly to yourself, as you force yourself to look away from Jungkook and turn back to your friends, who are all watching you expectantly, but you don't meet their eyes, as you take a gulp of your drink.
Nothing will happen. Because Jeon Jungkook seems fine without you.
Jungkook manages not to think about you for a whole day-it takes a lot of mental gymnastics and conscious avoidance of his thoughts-and he thinks he might be okay, when you run into each other at the local coffee shop.
With one accidental bump in the doorway, all of his hard work from the last twenty four hours disappears in a cloud of nonexistent smoke.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" You yelp out, trying to avoid spilling your fresh coffee all over yourself, and he thinks you're going to say something else, but when you look up and your eyes meet his, the words seem to die on your lips.
He knows the feeling.
He forces himself to say something, anything, as he stares at you dumbly, coffee cup clenched a little too tightly in his fist. "I didn't-I'm sorry-" He's stuttering, something he knows he does when he's nervous or overly excited, and in this moment, the harsh pounding of his heart in his chest is probably a testament to the fact that he's both.
"Jungkook." You breathe out his name, and dammit all, it makes his knees weak, because he doesn't know how long it's been since he's heard you say it, or had you look at him so intensely.
"Get out of the way." A hurried patron, probably tired of the two of you frozen in the doorway, pushes past Jungkook and leaves the shop in a blast of winter air and jingling bells.
It's enough to force Jungkook into moving.
"Do you want to-" He motions toward a nearby table, not missing the fact that you check the clock on the wall with a flick of your eyes, as if you have somewhere to be, and suddenly he feels like an inconvenience.
"Sure." You smile at him, and it takes his breath away, because it's brighter and more beautiful than he had remembered. You nod. "I have a couple of minutes."
He feels the air release from his lungs as he follows you toward the table beside the window, fingers still clenched around his coffee a little too tightly, and heart still beating a little too loudly.
You take a sip of your coffee and try not to stare at Jungkook where he sits across from you at the small table.
The quiet between the two of you isn't awkward-like you had thought it would be-but is instead, almost comforting, as if you can just fall back into place where you left off.
Though you know that's far from the truth.
"You changed your hair." You blurt into the silence, offering him a sheepish smile at the volume of your voice. You swallow, and try again. "I like it."
"Thanks." Jungkook replies, offering you half a grin, and the glimpse of his strong front teeth has you feeling as if you're going to fall through the floor and disappear completely into the mess that is your own feelings.
He reaches up to twirl a finger around a loose lock of purple hair. "I just needed a change I guess."
You nod. "I get that."
And you do. Because ever since he left, you have felt like your life has been nothing but changes, all in the lame attempt to distract yourself from thinking about him.
The man sitting across from you now, as if nothing has changed, Jeon Jungkook.
"You got a tattoo." Jungkook remarks, eyebrow cocking slightly, as he reaches out suddenly to tug your forearm toward him across the table.
The touch of his fingers on your skin feels like electricity and you have to force yourself not to jump.
"Yeah." You say faintly, clearing your throat, as you meet his gaze-irises warm and caramel-and suddenly, you feel as if you're warm, regardless of the brisk breeze that keeps assaulting you every time the shop door is opened to admit another winter swept customer. "Just needed a change." You parrot back his own words lamely in an attempt to focus on something-anything-else.
"I like it." Jungkook sweeps a careful finger across the lines of the tattoo, tracing the curling black ink where it marks your skin, and he seems calm, unaffected, by the fact that he's suddenly touching you after years of being apart.
You, on the other hand, feel as if you're going to pass out from lack of air.
Your feelings are dangerously close to the surface, so you pull your arm gently from his grasp, and glance once more at the clock on the wall, before you say apologetically, "Ah, I have to go." You stand, almost knocking your chair over in your hurry to escape before you say something vulnerable and stupid.
Jungkook stands with you, and he offers you a smile-and it might be your imagination, but it's tinged with something akin to sadness-as he says carefully, "It was good to see you again (Y/N)."
You swallow hard. "You too, Jungkook."
And then you hurry from the coffee shop before anything else can escape your lips and potentially bare your soul.
The next time Jungkook sees you, he's more than a little surprised to witness you getting off a motorcycle in the library's parking lot.
As you pull off your helmet and shake out your hair, the only thing-shamelessly-that crosses Jungkook's mind as he openly stares at you is shit, you're hot. Like, really hot.
You must notice him staring, because stowing your helmet at the back of your bike, you flash him a sheepish grin and give a little wave in his direction.
Jungkook makes his feet move toward you, and before he can stop himself, he's running a hand over the body of the motorcycle, admiring the way it gleams in the early afternoon sunlight, as he says stupidly, "You got a bike."
You laugh, and god, he hadn't remembered how much he had missed that sound until that exact moment.
"Yeah." You shrug and offer him a mischievous smile, as you knock shoulders with him gently in a gesture that shouldn't, but nonetheless, gets his heart racing in his chest. "I needed a change."
"I get that." Jungkook realizes you're just repeating your conversation from the coffee shop-noting each other's differences that have developed in the time you've been apart-but he can't bring himself to care, because maybe this is a new thing developing between the two of you, and he kind of likes that.
"You got a-" You hesitate for a moment, as if searching for something to give away how he got here, and then finally seem to settle on, with a slightly teasing look, "New pair of shoes."
Jungkook sees you wince, as if silently berating yourself for the bad joke, but he grins, and that seems to relax you a bit, because you return the smile.
And he hates to admit it, but being around you is just as easy as he remembers.
You scuff the cement of the parking lot with the toe of your boot, and glance toward the library, and suddenly, Jungkook remembers he has stopped you from whatever errand you were in the middle of.
He blushes, he can feel the heat on his cheeks, and then motions with his head in the direction of the library. "Sorry. I'll let you go."
You seem to battle with yourself for a moment-the silence suddenly between the two of you makes Jungkook feel smothered-but then you stick your hands in your pockets and without quite looking at him, ask casually, "Well, I mean, if you're not doing anything else."
You glance away, and he can't tell if you're embarrassed or feeling as awkward as he is. You push on, as he holds his breath. "I mean, you're welcome to come if you want. We could get coffee afterward?" You finally look up at him again, and Jungkook thinks is heart is going to bottom out, as you offer him the hint of a smile and shrug, as if you don't really care either way.
But he cares. He cares way too much.
So he nods-trying to act nonchalant-and you walk side by side into the library.
The next time you spend time with Jungkook, things feel a bit more like a new normal, rather than an awkward happenstance of bumping into each other in a coffee shop or the parking lot.
This time, it all feels a little bit more deliberate.
And maybe, it's the cheap wine cooler you're both sipping from as the night progresses, but suddenly, you don't feel so bad inside when you're with him.
As if-maybe-things are getting easier, feelings are being buried, you're healing from the last time you saw him so many years ago.
And you've never seen Jungkook laugh this much, so maybe-possibly-he feels the same way.
"Whoa, whoa." Jungkook says in between laughs and another drink from the wine cooler, as he catches his breath and leans against the pool table, looking at you with doe eyes wide with mirth. "You did not. Sehun from high school? That guy was a dick, (Y/N)!" He grins at you, all bunny teeth and bright eyes. "Oh how the mighty have fallen."
"Shut up, Jeon." You snap back, though you're not serious, not in the slightest, as you shoot him a playful glare, and lean over the pool table to shoot another striped ball into your pocket. Straightening up, you grin at him triumphantly, before saying, "I had some bad years, okay? Don't judge me."
"Yeah, but Sehun though." Jungkook whistles, eyebrows raised, as he leans over to take his own shot, sinking the ball easily, in a way that has you admiring the ripple of his curled muscles over the table. "No judgement. Whatever gets you off."
"Oh. Really?" You scoff in offense, as Jungkook straightens and shoots you a slightly wicked grin across the pool table. He wants to play mean and he wants you to know it.
Well, two can play at that game.
"That's how you want to play?" You fire back, noting that Jungkook has set aside his pool stick and is moving around the pool table toward you, most likely trying to intimidate you. You won't let him, so you say the first thing that comes to your mind. "And what would you know about getting me off, Jeon? Hmmm?"
As soon as the words are out of your mouth, you regret them, Jungkook's expression instantly turning from teasing and open and playful to close and guarded, as he stops in his tracks, barely inches in his advance from being within touching range.
You part your lips, mouth suddenly dry, and you want to apologize, to take it back, but you can't, because all the feelings between the two of you are back, in the open, stifling the air you breathe.
And the only thing you can think, in that moment, watching Jungkook's eyes close off to you and turn dark, is shit, you've lost him again.
Jungkook is stunned into silence and frozen in place by your taunting words.
He knows-by the sudden horrified look in your eyes-that you hadn't meant to say them.
But they're out now, sitting tense in the air between the two of you, and as he watches the way your fingers turn white on the pool stick you still hold, he knows.
He has two options.
He can run away again-relive all the hurt and the distance and the unsaid feelings and ideas that he had been allowing to plague him ever since that last night years ago-or.
"You're right." He admits into the thick, tense atmosphere between the two of you, and the words, the words as they leave his lips, seem to release some of the pressure in the air, as if deflating a balloon. "You're right, I don't know anything about it."
He sees the way your eyes flash with surprise behind the guard you have put up, and his heart is pounding behind his ribs, threatening to choke off the air supply to his throat, but he can't, he can't, leave again, can't just let everything be unsaid, not like last time.
Because this time is different. This time, he knows what he's giving up if he doesn't stay.
So he makes himself face it. Makes himself say the words to you. Makes himself stay, makes his feet walk toward you, instead of away from you.
Because this time is going to be different. Because he'll make it so.
"I don't know what gets you off, (Y/N)." He repeats, because you're still staring at him like he's grown a second head, and hes careful, as he steps toward you, not to scare you off, because you're staring to look like a deer in the headlights behind the shock. "But I was hoping-"
He stutters over his words, his breath locked in his throat, as you stare back at him.
He forces himself to go on.
"I was hoping, maybe, this time could be different. And maybe, you'd be willing to teach me."
You can't think of a single thing to say in response to his quiet request, and as you stare dumbly at Jungkook standing before you-so close that you can feel his breath on your face-you have to force yourself to remember to breathe.
He's asking you to teach him? He's asking you to repeat that night over again, just in the hopes that it won't end the same? That you won't end up heartbroken and regretting ever messing around with your best friend?
He's asking you to relive the heartbreak, and trust that he won't run away like he did before?
He's asking you to tell him-stupidly, naively-just how you feel about him in no uncertain terms? And expect him to act differently this time? Expect him to be okay with it this time, all these years later?
Maybe you're looking too deeply into this.
Maybe you're being crazy, and all Jeon Jungkook-purple haired, eyebrow piercing, sneaker wearing, Jungkook-is actually asking you to do is teach him what you want, what actually gets you off in bed and nothing more.
But you can't help but read into it-not when his wide doe eyes are holding yours so intently, not when you've wanted nothing more since the day he left-and so, without thinking, ignoring the voice that's calling you a stupid over and over again in your head, you nod.
Jungkook's eyes widen, and you're cursing your future self already for the heartbreak she's setting you up for.
But It's Jeon Jungkook.
Your best friend, the boy you've been secretly in love with for years, and his words are ringing true in your head.
This time really does have the potential to be different.
So without a word, you step past him and lock the door to the apartment rec room.
Jungkook's brain doesn't register the click of the door lock until you're back standing in front of him and reaching for his hand.
"Ever done it on a pool table, Jeon?" You ask, and the way your lips are curling at the corners into the start of a mischievous smirk has Jungkook's heart racing in his chest as you pull him forward toward you.
"No." He's proud that he manages to keep the stutter from his voice as your back hits said table and you guide his hands to your waist, buts he's certain you hear the way his breath hitches as your body meets his. "Have you?"
"No." You grin and cock your head in an innocent sort of way that belies the fact that your fingers are creeping beneath the material of his shirt to stroke hot patterns across his skin. "But it could be a nice change."
Without thinking, because he can't think anyway when you're touching him, Jungkook lifts you up onto the ledge of the table and he can only marvel momentarily at how easy it was, before your legs are wrapping around his waist and you're pulling him even closer, if that's possible.
Your lips are so close to his that he's pretty sure he can already taste the mint chapstick you have always worn, and trying to distract himself from the sudden urge of need that has swept over him at your closeness, he teases hoarsely, "You're pretty into changes aren't you?"
You shrug, and your exhale washing over his face has Jungkook trying to hold back a shudder of anticipation, fingers digging into the pool table on either side of your hips, and you must notice, because you're doing that little nose crinkling grin again as your arms find their way around his neck.
"I dunno. I guess." You murmur under your breath, and you must know the way your body fits to his and the sudden low lilt of your voice is driving him mad, because you're leaning back, pulling him down onto the pool table with you. "But only if they're for the better."
You note the way Jungkook's pupils blow as you pull him down to you, and you like feeling in control as you hover your lips teasingly over his, although on the inside, your mind is screaming at the way his rock hard body feels covering yours, and you have to remind yourself to breathe as you tease his name quietly into the space between you, "Jungkook."
"Hmmm." He hums beneath his breath, the sound giving way to the start of a low groan, as you dance your fingers along the edge of skin above the hem of his pants, playing with the button there for a moment, as his hot eyes meet yours.
"Will you teach me?" You ask, only partially teasing, as you finally allow your fingers to open the closure on his pants.
Jungkook's hands slide down the line of your body, his fingers digging into the divet of your hip bones, and suddenly, he's leaning forward and capturing your mouth with his in a wet, sloppy kiss-teeth knocking together, tongues fighting for space-as if he can't wait any longer.
But regardless, as his body melds to yours on top of the pool table, you're pretty sure it's the best damn kiss you've ever had.
"I'm pretty sure you don't need me to teach you anything." Jungkook pants out when your lips separate for just a moment, his words once again biting off on a sharp intake of breath, as you guide his fingers further down to the bare skin of your thighs.
"Maybe." You shrug, your own breath caught in your throat, as Jungkook takes over.
Maybe he didn't need as much teaching as he thought either.
Jungkook collapses beside you on the table, out of breath, skin hot and sticky, thoroughly spent, and he's not ashamed to admit-as the two of you lay side by side, gasping for air-that he's just had the best sex he's ever experienced.
He feels you lean up and over him, and cracking open one eye, he reaches up to push sweaty, purple bangs out of his gaze, as he asks hoarsely, "What?"
You shrug, still staring down at him, and a sly grin cracks your lips, still swollen and flushed from kissing. "Nothing" You lay back down beside him, and somehow, his fingers tangle with your own. "You're just really good. Thanks to my careful tutelage."
"Ha." Jungkook barks out a sarcastic laugh at your jibe, and closes his eyes once more, allowing himself just to feel, just to be, in the moment with you for a little bit longer.
The quiet stretches on for a few more minutes, and once the shaking in Jungkook's legs has subsided, he props himself up on an elbow, running a hand methodically over the green felt of the pool table as he stares down at you.
Now it's your turn to crack open your eye and shoot him a glare. "What?"
"You top now." He acknowledges, trying to bite back a grin, as your eyes widen and you reach out half heartedly to try to smack him, palm warm against the bare cooling skin of his chest.
"I needed a change." You quip back, sticking your tongue out at him, as you sit up and reach for your discarded clothing.
Jungkook slides down from the table, pulling on his pants, as he mulls over the thought that keeps returning to the forefront of his mind, and he knows, he knows he should just bite his tongue, not say something stupid,
But he can't. He has to. Because he promised himself-and you-that this time would be different.
"I love you." He blurts it out before he can talk himself out of it and instantly berates himself for being so stupid, as the sound of your rustling clothes stops from behind him, and the room goes silent.
Jungkook swears he can hear his heart trying to beat its way out of his chest.
He forces himself to turn and face you, arm halfway in his shirt, and is surprised to see a soft smile flicker across your lips as you stare at him, eyes warm and open and affectionate.
His breath returns to his lungs.
"You said it first this time." You remark carefully, and Jungkook wonders how often you have replayed your last scene together in your head over the years, how long it has hurt you.
"Yeah." Jungkook nods, and bites his lip, suddenly feeling so much in one moment that he doesn't know where to start. So he settles on the easiest thing for now, the rest will come later. "I thought we needed a change."
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choco-exe · 4 years
the one where tsukishima and sakusa go too far with teasing their crush
anonymous asks:  Hiiiiii I LOVE ur writing, and I was wondering if I could request the haikyuu boys (whoever u think fits best) who constantly tease (borderline insult) their crush, who one day just breaks down from their harsh words and say to them something along the lines of “why do you hate me?”, and how the the haikyuu boys react to that. If possible, end with something fluffy 🥺? (Like a confession) TYSMMM ❤️❤️
a/n: hello! aww im glad you do :D wait i just realized you said to have the boys react to their crush saying why do you hate me- fuuuuu- ahem please forgive me for not reading the ask correctly ;w; i hope you still enjoy, nevertheless! and why did i write these long-
tw: mentions of self hate, kind of toxic behavior from sakusa
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𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊 . . .  🖉
  ☾ he’s gonna be meaner the more he likes you   ☾ like if he’s only realized he developed a crush on you, he’d treat you the same, but if it’s been weeks and you haven’t picked up the hint, he’s gonna be treating you like trash   ☾ you find him staring down at you with a dead eye stare   ☾ “what’s up, kei?” “you’re so short you look like a toddler” “..i’m the average height for a high schooler though-”   ☾ his comments about your height never got to you, but then he started to target other regions of yourself   ☾ like he’d give a rude remark about a low score you got on the quiz, or how you always look dead inside well he isn’t wrong   ☾ whenever he said something negative about you, you just shot back a counter and brushed it off   ☾ after a month of this going on, though, his words started to sting a bit   ☾ “hey kei-” “can’t you stay quiet for one second? it’s like you blab out words every chance you get”   ☾ imagine your surprise, since it was unusual of him to comment about you talking   ☾ and one of your biggest insecurities is being annoying to others; you knew you tend to ramble about things, and a nagging voice in the back of your mind was always telling you about how people around you would get fed up with it   ☾ did tsukki mean to say it like that? of course not; he was meaning to have a bit of humor in his statement   ☾ he just said it in such an annoyed tone and way that it made it seem like he was bothered by you talking   ☾ “..sorry, kei. my mind wandered for a bit..”   ☾ you figured that he just had a bad day, and you were over it after a full night of sleep i could really use that   ☾ the voice inside your head grew louder, however, and tsukishima’s comments didn’t help at all   ☾ “stop bothering me about the homework; cant you see i’m busy? ugh, fine, take my notes if you’re that stupid-”   ☾ “if you want attention, listen to this playlist. it should satisfy your longing for voices; i need to study for a test now”   ☾ it got to the point where your mind was yelling at you about being a nuisance, and the final piece you needed to break just so happened to be during a practice match..
“You did great, blocking them all, Tsukki!” You exclaimed, flashing him a grin as you pass him his water bottle and towel. In all honesty, you were forcing your smile so hard, it began to hurt your jaw. “I could’ve blocked better if someone wasn’t screaming the whole time,” the middle blocker said, wiping sweat off his forehead. You had been passing out water bottles to the other players, but you stopped dead in your tracks when his words hit your ears. “Y/N-chan..?” Shimizu asked worriedly, eyeing your expression that Tsukishima couldn’t see. The said blonde took off his goggled to switch them out with his regular glasses. “It was just a practice match; getting hyped up wasn’t exactly the brightest idea your mind conjured up.” Putting his glasses on after wiping the lenses, he looked down at you to see your tear ducts brimming with your sadness. “..huh..?” You touched your face as a tear slid down your cheek. The other club members looked at you in concern. “Ah- don’t worry, everyone..” You wave your hands frantically as Daichi and Sugawara stare disapprovingly at Tsukishima. “It’s nothing to worry about. I’m just gonna.. step outside for a bit.” You forced another smile out onto your face, then quickly scampered out of the gym. The silence was so thick, you could slice it with a sword. Four-Eyes clearly didn’t expect you to be that emotional over his statement, as his face was filled with a small mixture of concern and confusion. He ran after you, shoving his things in his hands to Yamaguchi and leaving the rest of the team shocked into standing still. You had fled to a nearby bench, where you collapsed onto and shoved your face into your hands, desperately trying to stop your tears from shedding. How stupid, you thought. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Look what you did; you made the team worry about you, and they’re all going to resent you the moment they find out the reason behind your crying. “Y/N.” Jolted out of your thoughts, you looked up to find Tsukishima staring down at you with an unreadable expression. Almost immediately, your face became flooded with streams of tears. You quickly looked down at your lap, fidgeting with your hands. “I-I’m sorry for talking so much, Tsukki, I’ll try to keep my thoughts to myself-” “Shut up, Y/N.” He interrupted. You sighed and calmed your breathing. “This is what I’m talking about, Tsukishima.” You muttered, putting your face in your hands once again. “I’m just a pest to everyone; anyone I encounter will automatically hate me-” “Stop insulting yourself, dammit.” The middle blocker clenched his fists in anger. “You aren’t a nuisance, and you most definitely aren’t one to be hated on- I know I can be a bit of an asshole sometimes, but did it really affect you that much-” You slowly took your face out of your hands to see the blonde crouching, staring up at you. “'Did it really affect you that much?’ What do you think?! God, it really seems like you don’t consider my feelings at all, Tsukishima! I’ve been suspecting that you hate me, but why-?!” Said boy quickly clasped your hands in his, surprising you greatly. His usual expressionless face was morphed into one in a slight panic. “It’s because I like you, idiot!” Taking a moment to process his words, your whole face flushed a scarlet-red. “What?” The tips of Tsukishima’s ears were dusted with a soft coral-pink hue. “You heard me. I won’t repeat myself.” He averted his eyes from yours, squeezing your hands in nervousness. “I-” You were internally melting inside; who would’ve thought the salty beanpole would like someone like you? “But you would always push me to the side! Telling me you were busy and such!” Tsukishima stared at you like you were the biggest dumbass in the world. “I gave you my notes because I knew you didn’t have the energy to take them in class, and the playlist was a collection of songs I thought would suit you. Are you that dense?” “Who are you calling dense?!” You replied hastily. “And for your information, I haven’t given you my answer yet! Let go of my hands, and I’ll tell you, okay?” The middle blocker leaned in close to your face with his dead eye gaze. “It’s an agreement or disagreement, Y/N. What is your response?” You leaned back into the bench, but Tsukishima followed with your movements. “Um- I-” Your words crossed with each other, the lack of personal space making your head spin. “Yes?” Satisfied, the lamppost removed his hands from yours and flicked your forehead. “Simple as that, shortcake. If you want to freeze to death outside, that’s fine by me.” He began to walk back to the gym. “Wha- I’m not short!” You exclaimed, running after the four-eyes. “Also, I’m not the one who’s been sweating profusely for the past hour, so speak for yourself!” Tsukishima gently smiled as he heard you rapidly firing back at his comment. Looks like she’s back to her usual self. 𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚜𝚊 . . .  🖉
  ✤ obviously he’s gonna be commenting about your hygiene 24/7   ✤ the fact that he’s developed a crush on you doesn’t help, either; it means that you should be extra clean if he were to date you   ✤ and of course he has to remind you almost every hour of the day; whether it be by text or in person   ✤ now, you didn’t mind him checking up on you every couple of days, but every hour??   ✤ you’re convinced that sakusa has had some sort of trauma in the past, fighting with germs ever since he was a child okay not really.. unless?   ✤ he doesn’t even do this to the other people he’s acquainted with; you’ve asked koromi about it, and he says sakusa just sprays him with holy water a disinfecting solution    ✤ now you’re confused as to why you’re getting special treatment from him, when you two aren’t as close as him and his cousin   ✤ so you personally went to his class to ask him about it   ✤ “hey kiyoomi, why do you remind me to be clean every hour that you’re awake?” “because you shouldn’t have a single germ on you.” “but it’s literally the same message every time; at least make it seem more interesting” “cleaning yourself should be simple, not complicated”   ✤ you got fed up with it as another week went by, which is understandable, since this clean freak was spamming your phone hour after hour without missing a single text   ✤ the fact that sakusa was willing to put effort into reminding you about your hygiene was kind of sweet, but the same message every. single. damn. time. was annoying you like hell   ✤ and when you tell him to stop and that you already know how to get rid of germs, he gave you a disgusted look   ✤ this had to be one of the most nasty expressions he had ever made, because you stood paralyzed to the floor   ✤ “i have been reminding you for your own good, y/n. why don’t you just appreciate what i do for you, instead of complain about it?”   ✤ your mouth stayed shut, your tongue feeling as though it was glued to the top of your mouth   ✤ “don’t mention anything like this again”   ✤ you meekly nodded, and he strolled out the classroom   ✤ the moment he was gone, you collapsed onto the floor out of fear, shivering as you replayed the scene again and again in your head   ✤ the main question that circled your head was: why was he acting so controlling?   ✤ the night after, you texted sakusa, and asked him to meet up with you at your favorite spot   ✤ surprisingly, he complied. and you were waiting for awhile by the time he got there..
“Sakusa, hi!” You greeted your friend with a small but warm smile. The ace frowned; it was unlike you to call him by his last name. In fact, it had been months since you’ve said his name with such coldness in your voice. “..why did you call me out here?” He questioned in a low tone. Your eyes grew dark as you thought about what to say to him. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened yesterday. I feel as though we need to.” Sakusa’s own eyes narrowed as you spoke each word. “Are you still going to complain about my reminders to you?” Shaking your head, you stared at your feet while hugging your arms to your chest. “Of course not, I heard what you told me to do. I just.. wanted to know why you got so angry, is all.” The jet-black haired boy stared down at you, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to remember what specifically happened the day before. “I don’t know what you’re remembering, Y/N, but I wasn’t angry in the slightest. Are you sure you aren’t thinking of another memory of yours?” Your head snaps up when he said that he wasn’t angry. “Yes, I’m very sure.” You firmly say. “Maybe you don’t think you seemed angry, but you were downright furious. It was.. kind of terrifying.” “Are you saying I was out of control yesterday?” “No, just..” You subconsciously hugged your arms tighter to your body, trying to make yourself as small as possible. “..intimidating.” Sakusa tilted his head, his eyes narrowing. You found him intimidating? Just from a little conversation that happened because of you’re questioning ways? “I’m tired, and I’m sure you are, too,” you continued, not catching on that your friend was becoming annoyed with your talking. “Which is why I want to end this quickly. Sakusa, I have a life, too. As much as I appreciate what you do for me, I can take care of myself without your help-” “You’re repeating the same words you stated yesterday, just in different phrasing.” The germaphobe harshly cut in. “I said this once, but I will say it again, for your sake. I am doing this for your own good-” “-and I know what’s good for me and what isn’t, Sakusa!” You exclaimed, your arms no longer crossed. “I can make my own decisions! I’m not some dumb little kid you have to look after-” “Y/N-” “-so just drop this already! It doesn’t help anyone; it doesn’t help me, it doesn’t help you-” “Y/N.” Sakusa lost all patience. He towered over you, his hands clenched tightly into fists. You slightly shrink at his actions, your arms up in defense. The ace didn’t seem to notice your fear as he took a step forward. “You are crawling with so many germs, I can practically see them all over you. You are in no condition to be deciding on your hygiene, when you can’t even rid of the many dirt particles covering your skin.” He took another step forward, and you step back, unsure of what to do. Sakusa broke out of his anger when he heard a slight sob leave your lips. “Why do you hate me so much, Sakusa?!” You asked, pain laced into your voice. “I’m perfectly capable of not being dirty, can’t you see?! Why can’t you just leave me alone-” You used your sleeves to start wiping the tears away, although they doubled to replace the ones you removed. The ace hesitantly enveloped you in a hug, making you break down even more. “Sakusa- no- you’re gonna get germs on you-” You stammered, resisting the temptation to bury your face into his chest. “..I made you cry. I need to pay the consequences.” Said boy murmured, rubbing shapes onto your back. You continued to cry for a good 5 minutes, before slowly pushing him away. “..thank you.” You sniffled. “I know consequences has nothing to do with that. Why did you-?” “I like you, Y/N.” He cut you off, making your eyes widen. “The reason why I’d been constantly reminding you to wash up is because I thought I should date someone who was clean to the touch. That was wrong of me, so very wrong. I apologize, and it’s fine if you reject-” You shut him up with a kiss to his mask. “Are you traumatized yet?” You asked, trying to crack a smile. “That’s my revenge from yesterday.” Sakusa blinked multiple times before realizing what you did. “..I guess I deserved that. So is that a yes..?” You broke out into a beautiful, radiant smile this time, the moonlight making you glow even more than you already were. “Of course, Kiyoomi!”
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britishboystm · 3 years
The Goodbye Prank | The Day We Met: A Fred Weasley Mini Series
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Inspired by:
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW 18+ (minors dni), oral f receiving, fingering, unprotected vaginal penetration, swearing, lots and lots of crying, deep hand cuts, angst!!
WC: 7k+
Chapter Summary: The boys are ready to move on to bigger and better things. What happens when Y/N finds out?
Series Masterlist
March 13th, 1996
“Hold still.” Y/N spoke sternly as Fred jerked his hand away from her, wincing in pain.
George was pacing back and forth in the background, glancing over at the couple every so often, anger filling his entire being.
She had really gone and done it this time. That poor excuse for a professor.
“Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.” Y/N seethed through gritted teeth as she concentrated on the task at hand.
“It really isn’t that big of a deal Y/N. It’ll heal on its own.” Fred cried out, not wanting his brother and girlfriend to worry about him.
“No, Fred you don’t understand! That bitch has gone too far this time. Detention is one thing... but this,” She placed a drop of alcohol on the plethora of cuts, making Fred cry in pain. Tears welled his eyes and he kept his lower lip beneath his teeth to quiet himself.
He didn’t want to be a bother.
“This is abuse, she can’t keep getting away with this!” She continued to rant.
“Y/N darling,” He spoke assuringly, slipping his hand away from her tending grasp and placing it on her cheek to calm her down. His eyes were soft and pleading for her to settle.
“She will never hurt me. This is temporary, but she will never truly hurt me.” A tear slipped out of her eye. She couldn’t help but feel that this was all her fault, that she was the reason he had gotten detention in the first place.
The day before, Y/N and Fred had been snogging in a dark corner near the restricted section in the library, and while she was doing her daily lurking, Umbridge came across the couple, threatening punishment immediately.
Before she could get a hold of both of them, Fred pushed Y/N away, demanding for her to run back to her dorm.
He himself hadn’t had the time to escape which led to him getting captured by Umbridge’s evil clutches, even if she only stood at a whopping four foot eleven.
So here he was, bleeding from the hand, all thanks to that pink toad's “special” quill.
In Fred’s chicken scratch writing, his hand read;
I will not coerce with mudbloods.
It had been speculated since she began “teaching” at Hogwarts that she was secretly a death eater. This was strong evidence to support said claim.
“This is all my fault.” Y/N murmured, making both twins shoot their heads up in surprise.
“Godric no! Y/N never say that again! I don’t care what it takes to keep you safe. And I also don’t care about your blood status. You are kind and smart and beautiful and a brilliant witch.” His words were full of hurt, hurt that she would think that of herself.
Fred knew Y/N was self conscious of the fact that she wasn’t raised in a wizarding household. That she had to work twice as hard to be where she was in terms of her studies, all because she had to play catch up with her classmates. It took a toll on her and Fred knew this. George knew this. Everyone knew this.
“I’m sorry Freddie I ju-,” He quickly grabbed her cheeks and kissed her to shut her up.
“Just heal my hand love.” He muttered against her lips.
George looked away, feeling like an intruder during a very personal moment.
“Alright.” She sighed out with a soft giggle and sniffle, resting her forehead against his. He soothed her further with a tender caress of her hands. Something she had grown to appreciate deeply.
“Vulnera Sanentur.” She finally spoke, slightly moving her wand and watching as the venomous words began to vanish from his skin.
“Thank you.” He sighed in relief, feeling the pain dissipate with every passing second.
“You’re welcome Freddie.”
April 2nd, 1996
It was the day of the OWL examinations and Fred and George had only one thing on their mind.
After a quidditch incident in which they knocked Malfoy off of his broom for speaking badly about their mother, Umbridge had made the biased decision to ban the twins from ever playing again. And then on top of that, she confiscated their brooms.
Then it was detention for Dumbledore’s Army along with two of his brothers, his sister, his girlfriend and a bunch of his friends and classmates.
Then he and George got in trouble with Umbridge once again for consoling a crying first year who had been a victim to her cruel and unethical detention practices.
Expulsion was a given for what they were about to do. But they didn’t care.
The boys had decided that after Umbridge ruined everything that was good about Hogwarts (e.g, Dumbledore's Army and Quidditch), education was no longer a beneficial part of their lives. Instead, using the money Harry had so graciously given them from his Triwizard earnings, they decided to finally jump ship and start a joke shop in Diagon Alley. Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes they would call it.
Now all that was left was what they considered to be their most brilliant prank yet.
And this was where Y/N came into the picture.
The three of them strolled down a corridor towards the great hall where Professor Umbridge was administering the OWL examination for the fifth year students.
Y/N was more than happy to help the boys with their prank, often being used as a siren for their sneaky schemes. She didn't, however, know the exact reason for this prank.
She didn’t know this was goodbye.
Fred and George drew a blank when trying to figure out how to tell Y/N about their plans for the future. It killed Fred to think that this could possibly mean leaving his girlfriend behind, even if it had been a dream of his and George’s for so long to start the biggest pranking empire the wizarding world had ever seen.
So while the twins spent weeks and weeks planning their departure, Fred also tried to think of ways to ask Y/N to go with them and leave Hogwarts for good.
Finally at the entrance of the great hall, they quickly went over the plan in secret whispers. Y/N then waited for her cue to enter the large space to create the much needed distraction.
With a tap on the shoulder, Fred and George gave Y/N the go ahead to start her one woman show. She let out a shake of nerves and ran in, coming to a complete stop at Umbridge's feet at the front of the hall.
“There are OWL examinations happening in this room. What is the meaning of this?” Umbridge spoke in a rather agitated but sickly sweet tone.
“There’s a few students playing around with banned Weasley products outside in the halls Professor. Causing a real disruption.” Umbridge clenched her fists. She couldn’t stand the twins.
All eyes were on Y/N. Most students knew she was Fred’s girlfriend so it was quite amusing to see the confusion on their faces.
Umbridge would have also seen through the act if she hadn’t been currently seething to the core.
“Right well, lead me to them Ms L/N.” She said tugging at the bottom of her pink tweed blazer. Y/N nodded, beginning to walk ahead of Umbridge towards the entrance, all the while, giving the boys the countdown for their surprise.
At one, Y/N noticed a gleam in the twins' eyes as Fred tossed a Whiz-bang right in front of Umbridge’s nose. Y/N quickly got out of the way as the Whiz-bang began to wreak its havoc. Umbridge yelped and screeched as she tried to outrun the now fully formed dragon that had emerged from the sparks. The professor was no match for Fred and George Wealsey, that was for certain.
As everything began to escalate, Fred and George mounted their confiscated brooms with conviction.
Fred took a moment to look over at his beaming girlfriend before placing a quick reassuring peck on her lips. The boys then pushed off the ground and zipped through the large room, their hoots and hollers of adrenaline trailing behind them.
Students cheered as examination papers floated about, all caused by the gusts of wind from the speed of the boys brooms. Then once enough students had gathered on to the balcony, the letter W appeared in the sky in the form of fireworks. It stood proudly amongst the clouds that it almost brought a tear to Y/N’s eye. These boys were legends.
It was quite spectacular to say the least.
Later that night, Y/N laid awake, feeling slightly concerned about the twins. Neither one of them had contacted her to say where they were or when they would be back.
Feeling uneasy, Y/N pushed her dark maroon sheets off of her body and headed towards the window hoping to see any sign of the twins returning.
She let out a shaky sigh but became startled when she heard a quiet thump behind her.
Once she quickly spinned around she noticed the outline of her boyfriend standing in the darkness, with just a splash of moonlight cascading over his face. Even in the shadow she knew which twin she was dealing with.
“Fred!” She whispered through a smile before jumping from the window seal and running over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He held her with a tightness that she had never felt from anyone else. It was almost as though if he were to let go she would simply slip away into nothing. She frowned over his shoulder and pushed back from the hug to look into his eyes, hoping to find all of the answers to the questions she had in them.
“Fred?” She asked, beginning to notice that sick stomach feeling again within her.
“Y/N, I need to talk to you.” His tone was stern and pointed.
She felt an inkling as to what this was all about.
“Fred don’t worry, If Umbridge tries to expel you I’m sure Dumbledore can override it, right?” His expression didn’t shift.
“Right?” She repeated with an unsure tone, starting to think that the worry of expulsion wasn’t why he was here. The flips and turns in her gut became more and more alive. She could hear her heart beating in her ears. Why wasn’t he saying anything god dammit?
“Did something happen Freddie?” Her voice was shaky, almost as if she couldn’t trust it.
“I need to talk to you about something. Something important that could change the rest of our lives.” Y/N could sense his nervousness from a mile away.
“Bloody hell Fred this doesn’t make me feel good.” He quickly placed a hand on her cheek to calm her nerves. She instinctively leaned into his calloused palm.
“Before you say anything, let me explain and then you can tell me what you think.”
“I’m thinking that the other girls will wake up if we don’t have this conversation somewhere else.” He finally looked at their surroundings noticing the other bodies sleeping soundly within the room.
“Come with me.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the dark dorm and down to the undisturbed common room.
“You’re scaring me Fred. Tell me what’s going on.” She watched him closely as he paced back and forth, clearly thinking about what to say next.
“George and I are leaving.”
“Not if Dumbledore has anything to say about it.” She responded, still very much left in the dark. Fred released a sigh and sat her down on one of the couches. The crackling fire filled the tense void between the two lovers.
“No, Y/N, we are leaving tonight. Getting away from Umbridge, from Hogwarts. We have a storefront in Diagon Alley that we are going to turn into the most wicked joke shop any witch or wizard has ever seen.” Y/N’s face was unreadable.
“Freddie the prank is over now. You don’t need t-” She said with a nervous laugh which he cut off.
“Y/N I’m serious. I know it’s hard to believe, but this time I need you to trust me. We are leaving Hogwarts, for good. George and I are going to be creating one of the biggest wizarding enterprises ever…. and, I want you to come with us…. with me.”
Y/N pulled her hands away from Fred’s. The skin on her neck crawled.
“Fred I- I don’t know what to say.” Her breathing began to quicken. She was panicking. She couldn’t just leave. She had friends, an education, a life here at Hogwarts.
“You don’t have to say anything right now. I just need you to know that I love you and this doesn’t mean that I want us to end.” She shook her head repeatedly, wiping away the tears streaming down her face.
Fred grabbed her cheeks and pushed his lips against hers. He could feel the salty wetness from her eyes transfer from her skin to his, and it broke his heart into a million pieces knowing that he was the cause of it.
Y/N wanted to push him away so badly. He had made the choice to walk away from everything that they had built together. How could she ever forgive him? Instead of conveying this to him, she moved to straddle his lap. He leaned against the back of the couch and placed his hands on her hips, holding on for dear life.
“Please.” He whispered.
She didn’t respond but rather pushed herself deeper against him, slightly grinding her hips.
“I’m sorry.” Was all she said, in a soft shaky tone. They both knew what she was apologizing for.
They took a moment to just look at one another.
Y/N then spoke before she had time to think her words through,
“Show me you really mean what you say. Show me that you truly love me. Show me before you go and forget all about me.” Tears flowed between the two of them.
“I could never forget you.” He said in a hurt whisper. Her eyes trailed down to their connected laps in shame, embarrassed that she was making a huge selfish fuss over his plans of a brighter future. Fred took her face in his hands and made sure to really get a good look at her before swiftly laying her flat on her back against the couch.
“Is this alright?” He asked while softly stroking her thigh. She let out a trapped sigh and nodded as she shimmied herself further into the cushions. Fred gave her a melancholy smile before leaning in and enveloping her mouth with his.
Immediately they began to collectively moan as Fred grazed his hand up and down Y/N’s goose fleshed skin and her clothed pubic bone pushed up against his sensitive groin. Just the feeling of his light feather touch had her trembling to his every will. Once he felt that her legs had gotten enough attention, he removed his lips from hers and moved his hands from her thighs as he looked down at her with a face filled with care and worry.
“Is this okay?” He asked.
His fingers were creeping up her inner thigh and past the fabric of her cotton pyjama shorts. She nodded with a soft hum of approval. She bit down on her swollen bottom lip as he began to circle her clit with his middle and index fingers. Then her hand shot up to grab his forearm at the same time as her legs tensed up with pleasure.
“Please Freddie, m-more.” She whined while using her hand to dictate his speed and movements against her sensitive centre.
Fred watched in amazement as his girlfriend laid submissively beneath him, her hair sprawled out as she shimmed and jerked about, all because of his large strong hand that was currently between her legs.
They had never had sex before. The two of them had talked about it a great deal throughout their relationship, but because they spent so much of their time surrounded by friends during school and family during the holidays, it was difficult to ever get a moment to do so.
Fred never really cared about getting caught or the idea of a quicky. He was Fred Weasley after all. Any way he could feel her skin against his was ideal. Y/N on the other hand, had always wanted her first time to be something meaningful. She wanted it to be thought out, where they wouldn’t be distrubed and could have all the time in the world to express their love for one another.
So never once did Fred imagine that this was how the night would end. In the middle of the warmly lit common room where any insomnia stricken student could walk in unannounced.
Fred wanted her to drop everything. He wanted her to follow in his footsteps. But she was her own person, and she had to make her own choices, no matter how much it pained him. At the very least they were able to say their goodbyes by finally giving themselves to each other, whole heartedly.
“I’m going to put a finger in. Is that alright?” He asked softly in her ear, intentionally making it so his mouth hovered close to her neck. She shivered at the feeling of his breath rolling off of her skin.
“Yes Freddie, more than alright.” She was his to take, anyway he wanted.
“Tell me to stop if you don’t like it, okay love?” She nodded lightly, completely under his spell.
Fred detached his fingers from her hypersensitive bundle and slowly dragged them down to swirl around the wetness that had formed at her entrance. Once she was fully prepped by his digit, he slipped his index finger inside of her. Even with one digit, he could tell just how tight she was.
“Merlin, you’re so fucking tight.” He groaned out his inner thoughts before attacking her neck again with a plethora of horny kisses.
Her jaw slacked open in pleasure and her back arched off of the sticky fabric beneath her. His methodical breathing gave her a pace in which she could thrust herself against his finger.
Fred noticed her clench and speed up her hips movements. Not wanting her to finish so quickly, he slowly pulled his finger out of her warmth, resulting in a whine escaping her lips.
“Freddie, come back. Please!” She cried out, reaching out for him. Instead of giving in to her (no matter how badly he wanted to), he slipped off of the couch and got onto his knees in front of her. Y/N sat up and faced him, looking like the goddess Venus herself.
“Off, darling.” He finally said before tugging at the waistband of her shorts. Y/N happily obliged by lifting her hips up and letting him pull the shorts past the curvature of her bum and down her legs to the floor.
“Can you open up for me darling?’ He asked gently, caressing her knees in a circular motion. Y/N adjusted herself in her seated position, the sound of the leather couch filling their ears as she shifted her hips. She then took a deep inhale before slowly opening her legs more and planting her feet far apart from each other. The draft of the room hit her, making her clench her toes for a moment.
Fred’s face heated up as he took in her glistening inner thighs and centre.
“Absolutely stunning love, really.” He bashfully admitted while stroking her spread apart thighs.
This was not the Fred Wealsey that everyone else knew. The crazy, careless prankster who had everyone wrapped around his finger. The Fred Weasley who constantly told innapropriate jokes and boasted about his pranking achievements along with his party animal ways. As he sat there on his knees, between his girlfriends legs, he came to the conclusion that he was the one wrapped around her finger. He was nothing more than a desperate boy who was hopelessly in love with the girl above him.
“All yours Freddie.” Her voice was like sweet red velvet cake getting sliced into on a warm late spring afternoon. Fred let out a soft groan in response to her inviting words before pushing himself forward slightly, preparing himself to attach his lips to her core. He slowly tilted his head to the side, allowing himself full access. His stomach contracted and he squeezed his thighs together, trying to keep the ache in his trousers at bay.
Once he was able to somewhat pull himself together, he placed a gentle kiss to her clit, resulting in her hole clenching and her hips abruptly bucking forward. She grabbed his short red locks in the process and looked down at him through half lidded eyes.
“Look at me baby.” She whispered seductively. His soft brown irises slowly shifted up along her gorgeous welcoming figure to meet her eyes, a clouded look of lust filling them. Now giving her his full attention, Fred moved on from the light kisses he was administering to fully lapping up her arousal with a new found confidence.
“Fuck.” She groaned out while jutting her hips forward and threading her fingers through his hair harshly. He sighed in contentment as he continued to watch his girlfriend unravel above him. All because of his tongue.
And once more, right before she could finish, Fred removed his mouth from her core, wetness covering most of his lower face, chin and all. Before he could make any witty comments about how spent she looked, Y/N grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him up onto the couch to lay on top of her.
His shoulders rose and fell as he panted, still catching his breath from devouring her seconds ago. His covered torso pressed against hers and they could both feel each other's hearts racing, keeping in time with one another.
“Stay with me. Just for a bit.” She pleaded quietly, sadness evident in her voice and tears sitting in the lower waterline of her eyes. Fred immediately sat up and watched her lay deeper along the couch before straddling her waist. He then unzipped his striped sweater, throwing it behind him absentmindedly. Y/N looked up at the red headed boy on top of her with so much love and admiration, moving her hands up and down his clothed chest and stomach. Fred then pulled off his t-shirt, exposing his bare upper body.
Feeling absolutely feral from seeing his lightly freckled porcelain chest, Y/N yanked Fred down by the neck to press their lips together. Most of the time when they kissed, it would be fairly contained and sweet. Now was not one of those times. Teeth clashed and tongues swirled freely making the kiss messy, sloppy and feverish.
Wanting even more contact, Fred pulled one of his hands out from behind Y/N’s head and tucked it under the button up lounge top she had on. She let out a small gasp as he began messaging one of her breasts. He couldn’t go another second without having them exposed and ready for his tender touch.
Quickly sitting up again, Fred started to unbutton the fabric with shaky hands, prominent pants of lust coming from his throat. Noticing him struggling, Y/N anxiously placed her hands over his and started helping him with the buttons.
Once the final button was undone, Y/N’s supple breasts were finally exposed. The cool air caused her nipples to harden and once Fred had fully taken them in, he brought himself down to her chest, sucking on the flesh happily.
Needy for more of him, Y/N dragged her hand down his stomach, stopping at the buckle of his belt. With a few aggressive tugs of the hand me down leather, Fred brought his hand down to help her unbuckle it, gently grazing her hand in the process.
Once the belt was removed, Y/N feverishly pulled at the zipper of his trousers. She was able to achieve the action on her own fairly quickly and began to feel around his lower section, putting her hand past the elastic band of his striped boxers. When she felt his hardened dick, a multitude of somersaults awoken within her. She was hoping somersaults wouldn’t be the only thing she would feel her gut that night.
She took him in her hand, making sure not to grip his aching member too harshly. He bucked forward and closed his eyes, letting out the most beautiful sound that had ever graced Y/N’s ears. Seeing her effect on the older boy had her stroking him faster and faster. Precome from his red tip began to seep between her fingers.
“Yes, yes!” He let slip out with a gasp, digging his face into her neck. She then slipped her hand out from his boxers and trousers, not letting him finish. It was a small act of defiance for doing the same to her earlier.
He whined quietly, nuzzling his nose further into her skin, begging for any kind of release.
“Lift up love.’ She said sweetly, which he did with very little objection. Her arms came around his waist and she pushed his trouser and boxers down more, giving her a full view of his arse as she looked over his shoulder from where she laid. She couldn’t help but stare.
Getting frustrated with the inconvenience of the material, Fred kicked off his shoes and used his feet to push the constrictive material off his lower half completely, including his socks.
Y/N and Fred were now fully naked and exposed.
“Fred, I need you in me.” Y/N begged, desperate for the feeling of being filled up by the boy above her. Fred brought himself up further on to his elbows and tucked a piece of loose hair behind her ear.
“Yeah?” He asked, needing her to be one hundred percent sure that this was what she wanted.
“Yeah.” She responded, eyes full of wonder. He couldn’t deny her what she wanted, especially when she gave him that look.
He moved his gaze down to his swollen member that was just barely hovering over her pubic bone. With a steady grip, he jerked himself a couple times to bring up a bead of precome before shifting slightly, laying the tip of his length against her lower lips.
Looking up one more time for confirmation, he was met with a soft expression on her face and her hand stroking his hair gently, giving him a sense of reassurance.
That was all he needed to continue.
He moved forward, looking down to watch his aching length disappear past the folds of her pulsing centre.
The feeling made him release a shaky breath and he laid himself flush against her naked chest, knowing deep down that he wouldn’t be able to hold himself up for much longer even if he tried. Y/N hissed when he slowly pushed himself further and further inside of her, his member dragging against her contracting walls. To ease the pain she gripped onto his toned freckles biceps. All those years of swinging his beater bat could be felt underneath her fingertips.
“Freddie,” She cooed, indicating that the pain had started to subside. Her soft words sent sharp bolts of energy through his scalp and all the way down to the soles of his feet. The sensation made him want to move instead of this agonizing stillness they were currently in.
“Ca-can I-I m-move? Fuckin’ ‘ell, can I please move?” He begged, shakiness laced within his words.
“Yeah.” She whispered, tightening her grip on the roots of his hair. He groaned at the tugging sensation and began retracting his hips, watching Y/N tense and hiss as he did so. He waited a moment and then pushed forward again, watching as she let out a prominent sigh, releasing all of the stiffness she was holding. His thrusts were small, only moving slightly back and forth so she could get used to the feeling. Every once and a while she would let out these little mewls that made him want to snap his hips. But he had to have restraint.
For her sake.
It was as if she had read his mind because as he continued his methodically shallow pace, Y/N finally spoke up through her moans.
“More Freddie. I need more.” He lifted his head from the cozy spot he had created upon her chest to look her in the eye.
“Are you sure?’ The last thing he wanted was to hurt her.
“Christ Freddie, you’re being too gentle! Please just fuck me like you mean it!”
He was dumbfounded by her words. Her begging and pleading awoke something within him and he went to grab her thigh, placing it against his hip. He then set his forehead against hers making sure their eyes stayed connected.
“Like this?” He asked confidently with a tinge of a smirk as he began to roll his hips hard against hers. She let out a loud whine and nodded before looking down to their connected bodies, biting her lip as he continued to slowly and deeply fuck into her the best way he could.
“Yeah just like that.” She responded softly, rubbing her hand along his toned and flexed upper back.
Moans and pants filled the room. Y/N was fully laid back, pulling Fred down with her. With their bodies so intimately entangled, Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist, pushing her heels against his tailbone, allowing for a new angle to emerge. He was now hitting her g-spot in this position, though she didn’t know that. To her it just felt euphoric.
It just felt right.
After a while she made it so she was fully wrapped around him when she flung her arms around his neck, clinging to him almost as though she were a koala.
“Oh my merlin, you f-f-feel so fu-fucking amazing Fred!” All he could respond with were low grunts of pleasure.
Fred began to quicken his pace when he started to feel his orgasm creep up like a distant sneeze. This had Y/N holding on to him for dear life, also feeling her own climax slowly approaching.
“I-I think I’m go-going to cum.” He spoke in broken words.
“Me too.” She replied through a gasp, gripping onto his shoulder blades that tensed up every time he pushed forward into her now overly sensitive core.
After a few more deep and needy thrusts, Fred began to pull his hips back so he could finish on Y/N’s stomach.
“No.” She breathed out, tightening the grip she had on him, digging her heels deeper into his sweaty lower back. He looked down at her with a confused but blissed out expression, still thrusting sporadically.
“Finish inside me, so I still have a part of you with me when you leave.” He stopped, completely caught off guard by her words. She wanted him to stay with her that badly. It killed him inside, especially as he watched a single tear run down her flushed cheek.
“If that’s okay.” She continued, beginning to retract into herself. She started to think that she had made him uncomfortable and had ruined the moment with her loose words. She covered her face in embarrassment, wishing she could disappear. It would be difficult though with Fred still very much buried inside of her.
Y/N was about to apologize for stepping out of line when she felt him begin to thrust into her with more vigour than before. She took her hands off of her eyes to see Fred concentrating heavily, his face turning into a light shade of red.
“ ‘m close. Gonna fill you up so well love.” Her heart swelled at his words. He was going to do it.
“Fuck, me too Freddie.” With a few more passionate and hard thrusts and a plethora of I love you’s, Fred let out a guttural groan while sloppily painting her jaw with wet, salvia ridden kisses. Then he finally spilled his seed deep inside of her. She gripped on to him roughly, jutting up against his now partly soft member as her legs shook along with her orgasm.
Fred could watch her do that all day.
They had both mostly come down at this point as Fred collapsed on top of Y/N, their sweaty bodies finding a perfect rhythm through their erratic breaths and heartbeats. No words were spoken. Instead they stared off into space, finding a sense of peacefulness in their collective blissed out state. Only the crackling fire made itself known.
Amongst all this, Y/N drew hearts over Fred’s naked back absentmindedly with her fingers. He had almost fallen asleep at her soothing touch. It was what he would miss the most. The silent recognition of love that the two of them shared.
He hummed in response, far too gone at that point to give her a coherent sentence.
“I hate that I’m asking you this but, when are you leaving?” Fred’s eyes widened and he quickly shot up to check the time.
It was one-thirty in the morning. He was supposed to meet George at the front entrance half an hour earlier.
“Shit!” He yelled as he jumped up and ran around the common room, resembling a chicken with its head cut off. He frantically collected his clothes that were scattered on the floor.
“Get dressed and grab some shoes.” He said while hopping around, attempting to get his long lower limbs through the leg holes of his trousers. Y/N didn’t ask any questions as she quickly slipped her pyjamas back on and rushed upstairs to grab an old Gryfindor sweater her aunt passed down to her, along with a pair of worn in white converse.
Once she made it back down to the common room, Fred was lacing up his shoes. He must have heard her come down because once she got to the bottom of the stairs he looked up at her from his crouched position, watching her intently as she sat on the bottom step and concentrated on getting her own shoes on.
This moment reminded him of the night of the Yule Ball and how beautiful she looked when she came down those very same steps.
She took his breath away.
Now sporting a ratty old sweater and wearing no makeup whatsoever, his breath still caught in his throat.
She had always been so beautiful.
After a moment of soaking her in for what may be the last time for a while, Fred walked over and grabbed her hand, leading her out of the common room.
“Where are we going?” Y/N whisper yelled as they stealthily ran through the dark ghostly halls of Hogwarts. The only light source they were gifted came from the full moon that could easily be seen through the plethora of archways adorning the castle’s outer walls. The only sounds being the echo of their shoes slapping against the cobblestone beneath them.
Every once in a while when they came to a turn, Fred would abruptly stop and peak around the corner to make sure Filch wasn’t creeping around in the shadows. A habit he picked up when he first became a student at Hogwarts.
“Almost there.” He stated while swiftly moving around a corner, making a non verbal announcement that the area was clear of any caretaker activity.
Y/N helplessly wanted to tug Fred backwards and have them retreat back into the common room for a second round of passionate love making. Possibly even use the Room of Requirements to spice things up. But unfortunately, things don’t always go the way you want them to. Instead she tried her best to keep up with Fred’s lanky legs as he maneuvered them through the halls of Hogwarts.
After what felt like an eternity, they finally made it to the large grand entrance of the school, surprisingly not having gotten caught in the process. Y/N could feel her legs almost give out as they stopped to look out to the vast land of grass, forest and bodies of water, partially due to the large stretch of running she had just done and partially due to the activities that took place in the common room not that long ago.
Her lungs felt cold and sore as she gasped for breath.
“What are we doing here?” She choked out, not paying much attention to her surroundings. She then stood up fully and noticed a few meters away, the other half of her lover. He turned around, travel bag in hand and Angila behind him in all her bright blue glory. The fact that the car still ran was an absolute miracle. Especially after what Harry and Ron had put her through in Ninety-Two.
Fred took her out of her thoughts as he grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him. George had a beaming smile on his face. He initially thought that the plan had worked and Y/N chose to go with them to help bring their dream to fruition. Then he noticed his older twin shake his head sadly. George’s smile disappeared and his shoulders dropped once he realised what his brother was trying to tell him.
This was goodbye.
“I hear you boys are dropping out?” Y/N called out to George as they got closer and closer to him, an attempt to lighten the mood. He let out a sad laugh as he stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets.
“Yeah, was thinking about it.” He responded leaning against the passenger door. Y/N snickered softly as they finally came face to face. She dropped Fred’s hand and pulled George in for a hug, rubbing his back to console him, feeling bad that she had gotten in the way of their perfect plan.
“You sure you don’t want to come with us?” He asked, words filled with hope.
“I can’t. I need to finish the year and graduate. But this isn’t goodbye Georgie Poorgie.” She said before pulling away from the embrace. He smiled at this and playfully rolled his eyes. He always hated that nickname.
“Will you write?” He didn’t want the last seven years to just go to waste. Neither did she.
“Of course I will.” She moved in closer and whispered,
“Keep an eye on him will you? You were always the more reasonable one of the two.” He chuckled lightly and nodded before leaning in for one more bone crushing hug.
“Bye Y/N.”
“Bye George.” And with that he retreated back into the dodgy Ford to make sure everything was in order for their journey to Diagon Alley.
“So.” Fred said breaking the awkward silence, kicking the stone beneath him, his hands shoved in his sweater pockets.
“So.” Y/N repeated in a light mocking tone. So much had happened in the last few hours that neither one of them really knew what to say.
“I’m never not going to love you, you know that right?” He finally said stepping closer so they were only a couple inches apart from each other.
“Yeah I know. Still wish you weren’t just going and deserting your education but it’s not my place to stomp on your dreams you know.” Y/N let out a sniffle, collecting a couple tears with her fingers.
“I’ll wait for you.” He blurted out. She looked up and gave him a sad smile, taking his hand into hers.
“No you won’t. You will work and work and one day some beautiful girl will walk in and sweep you off of your feet. She will be the perfect girlfriend and one day the perfect wife who will help you and George run the shop and raise your kids while you live out your dream. I know you love me and I love you, more than anything in the world, but Freddie, I cannot and will not hold you back from what I know you can achieve. Be great, focus on that. I’ll always be here for you. But I can’t be who you want me to be. I can’t be a shop owner's wife.” Tears began to trickle down both their faces by the time Y/N had finished her little speech.
“Is this you breaking up with me?” His voice was cracked and hoarse. He had thought about this being a possible outcome but chose to push it to the back of his mind, not wanting to face it.
“Yeah...I think it is.” She replied weakly, feeling absolutely guilty and awful. No, this was what was right. He needed to move on.
“You are the only woman I’ve ever loved! No one else!” He said, his voice raising.
Y/N flinched slightly, not used to seeing him this genuinely angry, not even on the quidditch pitch. How could she? The only other time he got this mad was when she was passed out cold.
“Freddie, please. Not here.” Her voice was quiet and shaky as tears streamed down her face. She then noticed George watching from inside the car with a face full of remorse. Under normal circumstances he would have intervened to protect her but he knew she was safe and this conversation needed to happen sooner or later.
Seeing her scared demeanor, Fred pulled back immediately. He hated to see her frightened and vulnerable.
Slowly, he walked towards her and gently brought her into his chest as she sobbed, placing a plethora of gentle kisses on the top of her head.
“I’m sorry Fred, I just can’t I-” She rambled as her small frame shook with tears.
“Shhh. It’s okay, no need to apologize. I shouldn’t have yelled”. His eyes closed with frustration as he let out a sigh. He was angry at himself for getting so cross with her.
“Fred?” She asked once her tears had finally subsided and she could gather her thoughts.
“Yes love?’ He kept his hands around her waist as he leaned back a touch to look down at her.
“One last kiss? Before you leave?” Both of their hearts broke for what felt like the millionth time that day.
“Y/N please don’t.” He felt as though he could cry now.
“Fred, I don’t want to argue. Just do it” She was tired, emotionally drained and not in the mood to negotiate. He let out a shaky exhale and gently took a hold of the back of her neck, leaning down to capture her lips with his.
It didn’t take long for the kiss to deepen with desperation. It felt nice and warm, but also painful. Fred moaned into Y/N’s mouth and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. In response she placed a hand on his cheek and rubbed her thumb gently back and forth against his soft freckled skin. His hand then came up to lay gently over hers. The size difference of their hands always made his heart swell.
“I love you.” He said against her lips.
“I know. I love you too.” She muttered. And with that, they separated and embraced for a couple more seconds. Neither one of them wanted to let go, but they had to.
“Bye.” She said with a weak wave once he had finally pried himself from her grasp, backing away further and further before getting into the driver seat.
He couldn't even look her in the eye as he started up the bunged up car, it would just be too painful. Merlin knew if he did, there was a good chance he would run back out to her and forget about everything he had worked so hard for.
The headlights shawn brightly, creating a stream of yellow light against the gravel in front of it. The sound of low rumbles, occasional putters and clanks drowned out Y/N’s re-emerging sobs as she watched the boys begin to drive down the path and up into the night sky. The old beat up Ford swiftly flew further and further away. Then it rippled into oblivion.
Y/N held her sweater tightly to her shaking body as her teeth chattered, the only sound being the chilly April wind passing by. The wetness of her fresh tears brought an extra sense of coldness to her face. She stood in place far longer than necessary, secretly hoping that piece of junk car would reappear.
It never did.
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[SUMMARY: Negan takes a liking to Karina in Alexandria, unaware she is Dwights sister.]
Negan and Karina.
After losing everything you didn’t care much about anything anymore. Alexandria was where you now stayed, you didn’t exactly call these people friends but they weren’t all that bad. You kept hearing them go off about some Negan guy coming by today. You didn’t understand why it made everyone so nervous but you didn’t bother to ask. A few hours later you worked on your brothers old bike, you wondered what ever happened to Dwight. His bike was all you had left of him.
Standing from where you were you could see these trucks come in through the entrance, you figured it was Negan and his people. Minding your business you continued to fix up the bike not caring about whatever else was going on. Negan had barely got out of his truck when he noticed you beside the motorcycle right from where he was. Completely distracted with the view, curiosity got the best of him.
“Who in Gods name is that woman?” Negan leaned over towards Rick as he watched you climb on top of the bike. Rick remained silent as Negan watched on.
“Now that’s a woman I wanna meet.” He whispered to Rick before he walked towards you.
“Need any help with that, sweetheart?” You looked back to see a man in a leather jacket, instantly you found him attractive.
“Mm mm...look at how you handle that.” Negan passed his hand along your bike as he checked out your legs straddling it.
“Who are you?” You squinted your eyes up at him.
“You mean to tell me these folks haven’t told you about me? Shit, you must be new.” He had a smile on his face but a look in his eyes you didn’t trust.
“I’m Negan and you are...?” He raised his eyebrows leaning forward confidently waiting for a response.
“Karina. I like you.” He spoke excitedly as he walked around you from behind, stopping on the other side.
“How about you tell me a little about yourself, Karina?”
“There’s nothing to tell.” You got off your bike and looked right at him. He was obviously interested in you, but he looked like any typical asshole with a big ego.
“How about you?” You spoke with a sly sarcastic tone but he liked it. You actually made him laugh.
“Hm-“ he placed his hands on his hips looking up at the sky.
“I run a sanctuary, I’m a single, I think you’re hot, I have a bat named Lucille, did I mention I think you’re hot?” He looked down at you playfully, you had to admit you thought he was hot too.
“Hm, interesting.” You stared up at him, charisma in your voice, you turned away to walk inside. Negan frowned a bit puzzled, he didn’t expect you to walk away from him so easily.
“Now wait just a second, sweetheart-“ he followed you inside as you walked to the kitchen.
“I was thinking maybe you and I...shit...I find you attractive, you find me attractive...we should..you know...”
“I beg your pardon.” You turned to him with an arched brow and a hand on your hip. The sight making him grin with excitement.
“Oh come on now..” he leaned towards you, his voice low and husky.
“You look like you could be a whole lot of fun.” His eyes drifted down to your cleavage, with your index finger your pushed his head up to face you again eye to eye.
“Oh you like to take charge huh?” He spoke in a smooth voice.
You had no words, you squinted your eyes at him stumbling in your mind on what to say in return. Truth was, this stranger turned you on. You hadn’t felt this excitement in a long time, he leaned towards you, his lips so close..you wanted a kiss until you were both interrupted by one of his men.
“Negan-uh..-“ you practically stumbled back thinking it was someone from Alexandria.
“God dammit, Simon. What the hell is it? What the hell are you doing here?!”
“It’s Dwight.” The mention of your brothers name made your heart stop, it could’ve been a rare chance but you couldn’t help yourself.
“What name did you say?” You suddenly asked making both men look at you.
“Dwight.” Simon repeated, you grabbed your backpack close by and started going through it as the two men watched on confused.
“This Dwight?” You pulled out a photo and waved it in their face.
“Is this the Dwight you’re talking about?! My brother... is it him?!” You asked desperately. It was indeed the same Dwight.
“Ah..shit.” Negan whispered low making you gasp.
“Where is he?!” You charged towards Negan, who at one point knew exactly what to say was now speechless.
“Where is he?!” You looked at Simon and shoved his shoulder making Negan put his arm in front of you pulling you away.
“Easy, Karina. Let’s talk about this.” Negan motioned for Simon to leave you both alone.
“Where the hell is he? He’s with you guys, take me with you then-“
“Woah, darling I’m gonna need you to slow down for me.” He stood silent for moment remember what he had done to Dwight. With his thumb he scratched his brow wondering how he would explain to you that half of your brothers face was practically burnt off.
“Take me!” You screamed shoving him unexpectedly.
“Fine! You want me to take you? Let’s fucking go!” Negan got tired of your impatience and pulled your arm walking out with him.
“Wait where are you taking her?” Rick yelled as you climbed into the truck.
“My brother, Rick. They have my brother. I’ll be back.” You called out to him before Negan slammed your side of the door shut. Negan drove following behind the rest of the trucks as you sat eager to get to the sanctuary.
“How is he? How long has he been with you?” Negan gripped the steering wheel tightly still attempting to explain to you what happened. Attempting to find a reason to explain why it even happened. You were nothing to him and he barely knew you but something in him felt regret, he felt wrong for what he did. He couldn’t bring himself to tell you the truth just yet.
“Why aren’t you answering me?”
“Listen sweetheart, I’m gonna need you to lower that pretty little voice of yours.” He responded before suddenly swerving his car opposite from where the other cars were going in front of him.
“Where are you going? Where are you taking us?!” You screamed looking back as the other cards disappeared. Negan didn’t respond racing down the empty road in silence.
“Where the hell are you taking me?!” You yelled at him hitting his arm but he ignored it. He didn’t want to tell you on the drive there how your brother would look and he didn’t want you to find out by seeing him, he thought a talk alone in a old cabin he kept occupied would warm you up for what you were about to see.
“I’m gonna open this damn door if you don’t answer me.” You had your hand on the handle but you knew you didn’t mean it.
“You better stop testing me woman.”
“Just tell me where we’re going.”
“Relax. You’re going to see your brother.” He responded calmly not taking his eyes off the road. You sighed crossing your arms and looked out the passenger window.
Half an hour passed and Negan pulled up to a cabin. Eagerly you jumped out rushing towards the door. Negan didn’t say a word heading right beside you to unlock the door. Opening the door you ran inside to find an empty cabin, you stopped and turned to Negan locking the door shut.
“What are you doing?” You asked confused.
“Where is Dwight?”
“You and I need to talk before anything.” You frowned before you looked around, your eyes stopping on the only thing in the room.
A bed.
“What the hell do we need to talk about?” You walked towards him.
“Where is my brother, you told me you’d take me to him.” Your jaw clenched as you stared up at him. You wanted answers.
“Where is he?!” You screamed shoving your fists into his chest. He could see the anger in your eyes, what the hell would you do if you knew what he did, he wondered.
“Oh...I get it. You’re one of those assholes.” You began to laugh looking over at the bed.
“Do I need to do something for you to take me to my brother?”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Negan asked with a puzzled expression.
“Please....you men are all the same.” You laughed with sadness in your eyes before you unexpectedly took off your top revealing a black bra to him.
“Karina what the hell are you doing?”
“What isn’t this what you want?” You stepped closer to him as you reached behind your back to unhook your bra.
“Karina stop it.”
“What? Come on, Negan....isn’t this what you asked for before?”
“I said stop it.” He grabbed your arms not allowing you to remove your bra making you bite your bottom lip staring up at him.
“Oh is it you who likes to take charge?” You spoke playfully but there was no expression in your eyes. It seemed you were familiar to this treatment.
“Go ahead do whatever you want to me. You made it clear before you want to fuck me.”
“Karina!” He gave you one hard shake with an intense serious look.
“I don’t know what the hell men you’ve come across, sweetheart.” He looked down at your body.
“Trust me, I would love to fuck your brains out. But not like this. That’s not why I bought you here.” His eyes connecting back with yours, he seemed to be telling the truth.
“Now put your shirt back on, cause I definitely can’t concentrate like that.” Slowly he took his hands off of you. Pressing your lips together, you took a deep breath and grabbed your shirt off the floor aggressively.
“Well why the hell are we here then?” You put your shirt back on and turned to him. Rubbing his facial hair, he looked a bit uncomfortable.
“I have to tell you something about your brother.”
“What?” You looked at him strangely.
“Aright, sit down.” He pointed at the bed against the wall.
“No, I don’t want to sit-“
“God dammit, Karina. Can’t you just listen to me once?!” He lost his temper quickly raising his voice. With a sigh you crossed your arms and sat down on the bed. He grabbed a stool and across from you unable to look you in the eye.
“Your brothers alive.” He started off bluntly.
“But....me and him had a bit of a....problem at one point.” You began to shake your leg nervously.
“What kind of problem?”
Negan looked up at you finding himself almost nervous to tell the truth. Never had he met a woman with such a strong character, let alone a woman he barely knew who made him nervous.
“See, at my sanctuary there’s some rules. Your brother....he broke one of them. So he faced some consequences.”
“And they were..? Let it out already.”
“He’s not gonna look exactly the way you remember him, sweetheart.”
“What the hells that suppose to mean?”
Negan put his head down before taking a deep breath.
“I put an iron to half of your brothers face-“
“You what?!” You stood up abruptly making Negan look up.
“Listen, if I would’ve known he was your brother I wouldn’t have-“
“You burned half his face off? You sick fuck!” You stared at him in disbelief and shock.
“What rule did he break for him to deserve that?”
“Shit.” Negan mumbled under his breath knowing you would only get angrier once he explained.
“He slept with my wife.” Negan blurt out making you frown in confusion.
“You’re married?”
“Not my wife, shit I mean... I have a few-“
“What?” He could hear the disgust and confusion in your voice.
“Look I have a few fucking women alright and the rule is they can’t sleep with anyone else. Your brother screwed Sherry and-“
“Sherrys there too? Wait Sherrys with you?” You moved towards him with your arms crossed.
“Wait you mean to tell me, you burnt half my brothers face off for screwing his own wife?”
Negan was silent as he looked up at you, you could tell there was regret in his actions but it didn’t matter. Unexpectedly you smacked him across the face and hard. He looked back at you with a smirk.
“Am I a dick if I say that kinda turned me on.” He chuckled.
“Pig. I can’t believe I almost let you sleep with me.”
“To be fair, he was warned there would be consequences.”
“Please.” You walked passed him towards the door when he caught your arm.
“And where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“To find my brother.” You pulled your arm back roughly.
“And how the hell do you think you’re gonna do that without me? You don’t even know where the hell we are.” He stood up walking towards you.
“I’ll figure it out, I always do.”
He scoffed in response.
“Oh you always do huh.” He squinted his eyes looking down at you. He could see through your tough layer you’ve been let down a lot.
“Just let me take you in the damn car, it’s going to get dark and I don’t need your death on my conscience.”
“You think I can’t survive out there by myself at night? Who’s to say I haven’t already?” Negan didn’t know how to respond, he raised his eyebrows and pressed his lips together.
“Fair enough. You’re still coming with me though.” He walked passed you leading the way out. Giving in without saying a word you got in the car and let him drive the rest of the way. The two of you did not speak, staring out at the road you didn’t notice him look over at you a few times. There was something he couldn’t explain about you that captivated his interest. There was more than just looks.
After an hour drive, he finally pulled up towards a gated area. Eager yet nervous to see your brother you got out of the car and quietly followed his lead.
“This better not be another set up or whatever.”
“You have my word, doll.” He responded without looking back.
Negan led you to a room with a desk, you sat on the chair patiently as he ordered one of the men to get your brother. Taking a deep breath you stood back up, pacing in the room waiting for your brothers arrival. That’s when you heard the doorknob turn. Dwight opened the door letting himself in, the first sight of him making your mouth drop.
“Karina...” he whispered as Negan stood outside peaking through the crack of the door.
“Oh Dwight..” tears formed in your eyes, his face partially destroyed. More than anything you were just happy to see him. Without warning you ran up to him and grabbed him as your sobs echoed in the room. Negan frowned, your tough layer easily cracked at the sight of your brother. This was the Karina he wanted to know.
“It’s okay little sis, I’m here.” Dwight held you as you composed yourself before looking up at him.
“Look what he did to you..” you whispered looking at his face, Negan looked down in shame hearing your words.
“It’s okay, don’t even worry about that. It was a long time ago.”
“And Sherry?”
“What happened with Sherry was a mutual agreement we had.” You shook your head looking up at him.
“Look Negan isn’t so bad. We have food, shelter, everything we need.”
“He’s still a dick,” you responded stubbornly.
“Where have you been?” Dwight asked with an arched brow.
“Some other group, they aren’t bad at all but I’ve mostly stayed to myself. Let’s go get Sherry, let’s get out of here.” You walked towards the door to find Negan on the other end unexpectedly. Sherry was standing down the hall with Simon, he had already requested for her when he returned. Negan stepped back and motioned for Sherry to go with Dwight. She quickly went in the room reuniting with Dwight privately as you stood outside giving them privacy. Negan stared at you for a moment before you turned to walk away.
“Woah. Don’t I get a thank you?”
“You’re joking right?” You responded without turning to him, not knowing where to go you walked through the first door you saw.
“Where the hell are you going?” He spoke loudly making you turn to him.
“I’m trying to get the hell away from you!” You yelled back at him.
“Why? Afraid you might still want me?” He teased getting closer to you.
“Nobody wants you.” You responded low.
“Im sorry, what was that sweetheart?” He leaned his ear towards you.
“I said nobody wants you.” You spoke louder but he could sense the bullshit in your voice, hell you even thought you didn’t sound convincing. Who were you kidding?
“Admit it, Karina. You’re pissed at what I did but you still want me to fuck you. Hell I think you might even wanna get a little rough on me.”
“You know what?” You yelled at him but suddenly got lost in the look in his eyes. A look of excitement with a grin, he knew he had you in the palm of his hand.
“What?” He spoke in a whisper, his face close to yours when you suddenly grabbed him and began to kiss him. The both of you stumbling against the wall as you pushed his leather jacket off.
“Oh yeah baby,” he muttered as he watched you unbuckle his belt.
“Shut up.” You responded unzipping his pants.
“Yes mam.” He watched you get on your knees as you pushed his pants down far enough to reveal his cock to you. Looking up into his eyes you slowly took all of him in your mouth. He closed his eyes throwing his head back, a rough moan escaping his lips. You felt him grow harder in your mouth making you moan excitedly. Feeling the tip of his cock reach the back of your throat his hips jerked against you. You began pushing down your pants before you stood up, his body still reacting to what your tongue was doing to him.
“Well-“ you stood before him with your hands on your hips.
“It’s your turn to take charge asshole.” His heart racing, he chuckled.
“Oh I’m an asshole?”
“Yes- oh!” You screamed not expecting him to aggressively pick you up and slam you down on the table.
“I’m an asshole?” He looked down at you with playful eyes before grabbing your face and kissing you. His lips never leaving yours as he placed himself between your legs and thrusted his hips against you. In that moment you didn’t care about what he did or who he was, all your mind was wrapped around was the intense pleasure building up inside you. For so long you yearned for sexual pleasure, you moaned into his lips as he continued to thrust. His lips trailing to your jaw and down to your neck when Negan noticed Simon at the door quietly closing it. A devilish silent grin on Negans face as Simon chuckled closing the door.
Simon walked down the hall as Dwight stepped out of the room with Sherry.
“Where’s Karina?” Simon raised his brows scratching the side of his head.
“I don’t know man, I saw her go that way.” Simon responded pointing in the opposite direction of where you both were actually in.
Screaming in pleasure feeling him continue to thrust deeply, you felt his body tightly pressed against yours. The temperature of your bodies rising from the arousal and movements you both made.
“I’m still an asshole?” He whispered breathlessly looking down at you.
“Yes-“ you responded cutting yourself off with a moan.
“Yeah but I’m an asshole that makes you cum,” he ran his fingers through your hair, roughly pulling it as he moved faster. Your eyes rolling back, you screamed as bursts of pleasure ran throughout your entire body. How could
you argue with him, he didn’t know you but he knew how to make your body feel good just as you did with him. Quickly he pulled out and you watched him release himself all over your inner thigh. His moans were deep as you spread your legs wider for him, his cock pressed against your thigh you passed your finger over his cum and stuck it in your mouth.
“Oh yeah...” he whispered when suddenly a loud knock on the door made you jump.
“Karina are you in there?!” You gasped hearing your bothers voice. Negan chuckled watching you jump off the table and quickly clean yourself off. Nonchalantly he picked up his pants watching you fix yourself nervously.
“Hurry up!” You whispered as you fixed your hair.
“You’re a big girl sweetheart, you can fuck who you want.” His words slowing you down, he was right.
“I’ll be right there, Dwight!” You yelled towards the door.
“You’re going to let them go right?” You whispered looking up at Negan.
“Of course as long as I have that sweet pussy.”He asked with a smirk.
“You’re such an asshole.” You rolled your eyes playfully before walking to the door with Negan behind you.
“Sorry-“ you opened the door to find Dwight, his eyes instantly looking at you strangely with Negan behind you.
“What are you doing here with him?” Dwight asked before he looked up at Negan.
“Oh I was just showing her some things she could use.” Negan subtly reached for your ass, giving it a tight squeeze he made you jump with a gasp.
“You ok?” Sherry asked raising a brow.
“Yeah, yeah I’m great. Listen I’ll meet you guys out front.”
“And what do you have to talk about here with Negan?” Dwight asked defensively.
“You do know he’s the one who bought me here right. Relax, we’ve already spoken much more than you know.” Dwight looked over at Negan before silently walking away with Sherry.
“Way to go Karina.” Negan teased before you turned to him and shoved him playfully.
“Don’t do that in front of my brother.”
“Hey-“ Negan laughed lifting up his hands.
“Can you blame me?”
“Seriously, if you want any of this again you’ll listen to me.” Negan licked his bottom lip in response.
“You got it, doll.” You walked out leaving Negan speechless and wanting more and he knew the feeling was mutual.
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babbushka · 3 years
Beyond Reasonable Doubt (ch.2)
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–      A Lawyer AU      –
You and Kylo Ren have hated one another for as long as you can remember. He, a criminal prosecutor, and you, a defense attorney should be natural-born enemies, and you are. But when Kylo comes to you seeking representation after being charged for a murder he didn’t commit, you both learn a thing or two about life, the law, and love…
[5.8k, cw: mentions of murder, NSFW: PIV, fingering, biting/marking, possessive hate-fucking]
Available on AO3
It feels as though the world has stopped. Time and space have come to a standstill, as you stare at him. Slightly, ever so gently, you pinch the back of your thigh because surely this must be a dream. You must have slept through your alarm – he’s not really there behind that pane of glass.
He can’t be.
Kylo smiles at you, an exhausted sort of smile, like he hasn’t slept in days. He shrugs his shoulders, too broad for the jumpsuit they’ve put him in. You pinch yourself again, but the sting of pain doesn’t jolt you awake in your bedroom, and so before you can do anything at all, you calmly hang the phone up on the wall and turn to the guard that has escorted you to this room, demanding with as much professional conviction as you can muster:
“Get me a private room with my client.”
There were perks to being this high up on the food chain, as it were. Not only did everyone know you, but they mostly trusted you. Trusted you enough to lead you down a hallway and around a corner, nothing but bleak grey and off-white walls passing you by, linoleum under your feet. You recognize these rooms from your previous dealings with Rikers, but never in a million years – a billion years – did you ever fucking think you’d be in one of these with Kylo.
He’s wearing orange, neon and bright. A number is splashed across the back in black paint, and you hate it. You hate him so fucking much, hate how he could have been so stupid to get himself in here. The second the guard closes the door, you’re crossing the small room to get close to him.
Kylo misinterprets your meaning, and as he closes his eyes and puckers his lips, anger flares up through you and you can’t help yourself from doing what your first instinct had been – smacking him across the face.
“Hey!” Kylo scowls, eyes snapping open as he brings his cupped hands up to his cheek to soothe the stinging skin.
Immediately you are on the prowl, stalking him around and around the room.
“What the fuck did you do?” Your breath comes in harsh pants as your mind reels with the implications of why he’s here, “I ignore you for two fucking days and you wind up in jail? Are you insane?”
“Sweetheart – ” Kylo puts his hands up in front of his face, trying to deflect another irritated smack, but you only swat at his hands instead, before clenching your jaw and practically backing him into the corner of the room.
“No, fuck you! You don’t get to call me sweetheart. I’m supposed to be in a meeting right now getting a goddamned promotion and instead I’m sitting here with some dipshit who couldn’t handle his liquor?” Exasperated, you run a hand through your hair.
“Would you just listen to me -- ?”
“Let’s see, what did you in? Was it that big mouth of yours? I saw the photos in the paper, you looked like you were yelling at them. Kylo you know better than to provoke already pissed off cops!”
“They’re charging me with murder.”
Kylo’s voice cuts through the tension in the room, and the air rushes out of your lungs. You remain frozen exactly where you’re standing, your noses nearly touching, your hands fisted in his orange jumpsuit like you’re some schoolyard bully about to lift him off his feet to demand his lunch money.
Your hands only clench tighter in the scratchy rough fabric, but for the first time in a long time, it isn’t anger that spikes through you, it’s fear.
“Excuse me?” Is all you can manage, your eyes searching his, knowing that if he’s joking, you’ll knee him so hard in the balls that the Skywalker bloodline will end with him.
He holds your gaze steady, and your throat closes because he’s telling the truth.
“In the first degree.” Kylo replies, and only then do you release him, your mind spiraling.
You move to sit down at the table in the center of the room, missing the way his hands reach for you. Head pounding, you point at the chair opposite the table. Kylo sits without a word, his face drawn in a frown, his teeth grinding. You’ve always reminded him not to do that, to unclench his jaw and unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth, but you find that you’d be a hypocrite to say that now.
“My grandfather.”
“Did you do it?”
Kylo reacts to that question like you’ve slapped him again – he recoils physically from it, nose scrunching up as he bares his teeth at you like some wild thing, so very unlike the Prosecutor you knew. This must have really rattled him, and you’re almost sorry for asking, but it’s a question you have to ask nonetheless.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Kylo hisses, “Did you seriously just ask me that question?”
“Yeah, I did.” You reply, repeating yourself with a level, “Did you?”
“No I didn’t fucking kill my own grandfather.” He scoffs, “I’m being framed, obviously.”
You can’t help but let a small smile begin to creep up at the corner of your mouth, only Kylo could say something with that much gravity so flippantly. You look at him, and he looks at you, really looks at you. In all the years that you’ve known Kylo, you don’t think you’ve ever really looked him in the eye for very long, one of you always pulling away after a moment.
But now, in the quiet of this private room, there is nothing stopping you from staring at him for as long as you’d like. His eyes are brown, but they’re a strange sort of brown, the kind that looks light from within under the fluorescents. Even in the ugly color of the room and the jumpsuit, he’s handsome, something you positively abhor him for. It shouldn’t be fair, for a prisoner to be so handsome, you think.
You’re reminded briefly of that morning, when he brought you croissants with the jam that you like, when the two of you chuckled softly in the light of morning and kissed the fruity flavor of raspberries and the sweet snap of chocolate off one another’s lips.
God, how you fucking hate him.
“Can you prove that you’re being framed?” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Yes.” He whispers back, looking too vulnerable for your liking as his eyes shine, as he clasps his hands in front of you and says something that you never thought would come out of his mouth, “Will you help me?”
Part of you wants to say no.
Part of you wants to pound your fist on the table and leave, because dammit you should be thrilled about this. Kylo is the man who has caused you more stress than anything in your life, more than the LSATs or the BAR, more than the first time you ever stepped foot in a courtroom, even more than that time you had been chosen to speak at your cousin’s wedding. He is the only person you have ever lost a case to, he is the only person who has ever broken your win streak and your resolve, and he gloats about it.
You should be gloating about this, you should shove this right in his face the way he shoves everything into yours. Instead, you sigh, try to calm your frazzled nerves, and in a halfway defeated voice ask, “When’s the preliminary hearing?”
“Already had it – plead not-guilty, it’s going to trial and bail is set at a million dollars.” Kylo shocks you by answering, and you frown at him.
“You already had the preliminary hearing?” You suddenly feel very small, almost offended by that. Having the hearing meant he technically already had representation, especially if he already got a trial motion and a bail, which means he asked someone before he asked you.
“Well someone wasn’t answering her fucking phone!” Kylo can sense your mood shift at once, and he rushes to say it before you can even get your mouth opened fully to scoff,
“If you already have a goddamned lawyer then why are you wasting my time – ”
“Do you think I want your help?” Kylo snaps, once again sucking all the air out of your lungs as his face gets red, as his teeth bare once again, the vein in his neck thick and pulsing. “You think I want you to see me like this? You think I want you to have enough to gloat about for the rest of your life? No, so I’d appreciate it if you’d not be such a bitch about everything for once.”
“Why am I here, Kylo?” You whisper, wondering who is representing him. It’s probably his cousin, Rey, or maybe his business associate, Hux.
You want to fight him on it, but at the end of the day he would be right. You didn’t answer his calls.
Kylo looks away, a deep crimson blush blooming angrily across his face. It splotches over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, as he lets out a pent up breath in a deep sigh that has his shoulders sagging.
“Because you’re the only person I trust to do this right.” He says truthfully, even though he hates himself for it, “You’re the only person who can. This is the rest of my life that’s at stake, I need the best attorney I can get, and that’s you. Let’s not pretend otherwise.”
Kylo wasn’t one to give out declarations like this, compliments like that. You decide not to push the issue, not now anyway, when you’re both clearly in such a bad mood.
It’s hard seeing him like this, hard thinking of him as anything other than the pain in your ass that he was. He wasn’t just Kylo now, he was a client, a high profile client with a murder charge sitting heavy on his shoulders. And you’re the only one he trusts to help him.
“Did you post bail?” You ask, knowing he has that kind of money.
“I’m working on it, it should be in sometime today.” He replies with a nod, and you nod back.
Getting up from the chair in the table, you bite at your lip. Kylo does the gentlemanly thing and stands out of respect for you, before taking a few measured steps over to you. He looks around, makes sure there’s no cameras hidden in the space, makes sure there’s no one watching.
Very carefully, ever so slowly, he leans forward and closes his eyes, his nose gently rubbing against yours. You want to kiss him, but you know you can’t, not here, not while he’s in custody like this.
“When you’re out, and whenever you’re ready, give me a call.” You whisper, and he smiles one of those cheshire cat grins of his that show off all his crooked teeth.
“Will you answer this time?” His lips ghost over yours, just barely, just a hint.
“I’ll answer.” You pull away, leaving him huffing and puffing and frustrated.
Good, you think. Let him be frustrated, if there was one thing you were certain of, it was that this case was going to age you nearly a decade from the looks of it – and you didn’t even know anything yet. Just knowing it was Kylo that the world is up against is enough.
You gather your things and brush past him to the door, knowing you’ll be seeing him again very soon, possibly even that evening, depending on how quickly the process his bail. Maybe you’d put in a good word with the office for him, get him a little higher on the priority list.
Giving the door a gentle knock to let the guard know you’re finished, the two of you wait as the locks shift and turn.
“And for the record,” You say, when the door swings open and they begin to usher Kylo back to his holding cell, you look him dead in the eye and swallow your pride to tell him, “I would’ve taken your case no matter what.”
Neisha is waiting for you with a fresh cup of coffee in one of those disposable paper cups, and even though it tastes like shit, it’s still a calming balm on your nerves. You thank her for it and the two of you sign out through visitation, walking the way you had come to go back to the car.
“Who was it?” She can’t help but ask, curiosity in her voice.
“Who do you think?” You groan, downing another gulp of the watery caffeine, “Our favorite asshole.”
Neisha stops in her tracks at that, surprise written all over her face. Part of you wonders how she hadn’t recognized his voice over the phone, but then again, maybe you were the only one who cared enough about the deep baritone of his to notice it.
“No way!” Still, she’s shocked, and that shock turns to confusion almost at once, “He wound up in Rikers over a DUI?”
You sigh, and shake your head, chugging the rest of your coffee. You used to down two pots of the stuff a day in law school, and now nothing ever seemed strong enough. Even chain coffee didn’t hit right anymore, everywhere either burned their beans or under brewed, it was a mess. A million coffee shops in Manhattan and the only good cup of joe was the kind Kylo made for you. The bastard.
“If only it were that simple.” You chew on your lip, the two of you finally approaching the company car that’s been waiting for you the whole time. “Do you want to stop anywhere on the way back to work? Part of me is dreading facing Holdo.”
“She’s called you three times.” Neisha winces, holding out your phone for you to take. You had to leave it behind before going back to see your client, and so of course you left it with her.
“Voicemail?” You almost are too afraid to ask, but you bite the bullet anyway.
“One.” She confirms, and you groan.
“Are you going to listen to it?” Neisha raises a brow while she watches you slip the phone into your purse, decidedly choosing to ignore it in favor of finding a better cup of coffee somewhere.
“No.” You chuckle, explaining, “We’ll be back soon enough, if she’s going to bitch at me, I want it to be in person where I can bitch back.”
“Maybe we can pick up lunch for everyone.” She suggests cheerfully, “No one can be too mad when you’re bringing them food.”
At just that moment, your stomach growls, and you cast a glance up to the sky wondering how you ever got so lucky to have a mind-reader as an assistant. She only smiles at you, and you smile back, letting her know, “I love the way you think.”
In the end, you decide to skip out on the rest of the day of work entirely. By the time you and your assistant had ordered and picked up food for the office, it was almost three o’clock, and you knew that there was no point in trying to get anything done when you had already been scheduled to leave at five. Mondays were a waste of time as it were, you decided you’d just go in early and stay late tomorrow to make up for the time.
Giving your assistant the rest of the day off too, you retreated back to your apartment and tugged your clothing off. You had a strict rule about keeping outside clothes away from your bedroom, and it was a relief to change into something less professional and far more comfortable. Not quite pajamas, because it was early enough in the day still and you weren’t completely giving up on the evening just yet, but still comfortable.
You wondered what Kylo would change into when he got home, wondered if he’d take a long hot shower, or a deep soak in the tub to scrub prison off of him. He hadn’t been there long, but it didn’t take long to shake a man up, even a man as tough as Kylo. Guilt ate at you inside, if only you hadn’t been so stubborn, and adamant in your misery to ignore the world…maybe you could’ve sweet talked the judge into letting him stay on house arrest or something.
If you hadn’t been so stubborn, maybe Kylo never would have gotten himself drunk and angry, driving around town and getting himself arrested. Not that you could really blame yourself for that, you were perfectly in your rights to be pissed off with him for winning against you. And if he was framed like he says he was, then they would have had a warrant for him anyway.
But still, it eats at you.
You groan, smacking a hand to your forehead – the DUI isn’t going to look good to a jury, not at all. Especially if the police think the murder happened that day, that was going to cause him trouble, and by extension, you. He needed to have a rock solid alibi, and as much as you hated it, if he was so plastered as to get pulled over, he might not remember where he was or what he was doing. That was going to give him trouble too.
Speak of the Devil, you can’t help but think, as your phone rings. You pick it up right on the second buzz, recognizing the caller ID and smiling to yourself about it.
“Kylo?” You say stupidly, because you know who it is. You just like to make sure, want to know that it’s him.
“Hey sweetheart, go outside.” He answers, and you frown, your heart-rate spiking.
“You have a key, let yourself in.” You scoot over on the couch enough to peek out through the living room window, looking down the ten stories to see his shiny black car indeed parked on the curb, flashers on.
“No, it’s just my car, we’re going out to dinner.” Kylo chuckles, and you frown.
“Right now?” It was barely half past four o’clock, it wasn’t even time for the early bird dinner specials yet at most of the diners around the block.
“Right now, put on something nice.” He instructs, before hanging up.
You blink in surprise for a few seconds, before springing into action. Curse that insufferable man! If only he could think far enough in advance to warn a woman before sending the car, you bounce the thought around in your head. You quickly brush your teeth while you step out of your sweatpants, tug the t-shirt over your head.
Wondering what the world record is for getting dressed for a surprise dinner date, you throw on something elegant, really dressing to the nines. Not having much time to do anything with your hair, you put it up in a style that you hope looks purposefully messy as opposed to just sloppy, and you clasp on subtle yet expensive jewelry.
You almost wish you had timed yourself as you spray a few squirts of perfume, slip on some heels and dash out the door, grateful for the fact that you live in an upscale enough apartment that you don’t have to worry about getting your shoes caught in the grates of a stairwell, taking the shiny polished elevator for a ride.
Kylo’s driver is waiting for you next to the car, and when he sees you, he straightens up his posture, squares his slim shoulders. The kid wasn’t more than nineteen or twenty, but he was nice, and you knew he was family, and it was always a pleasure to see him.
“Hi Dopheld, it’s been a while.” You smile at him as he opens the back door for you, giving you a hand to balance yourself as you securely settle in.
“Hey (Y/N), how have you been?” Dopheld is soft spoken and kind, a very gentle soul. How he manages to deal with Kylo’s road rage, you’ll never know, but you’re glad that it’s him picking you up and not his boss.
“Better than you I bet.” You chuckle as he closes the door and rounds the car. When he’s back in his driver’s spot and pulls out onto the road, curiosity gets the better of you so you ask, “Where are we going?”
“Del Frisco’s, you know Kylo.” Dopheld’s eye meets yours in the rearview mirror, and you let out an exasperated sigh.
“That man and his steak, oy.” You mutter to yourself with a roll of your eyes, admiring your reflection in the glass of the window.
“Well you can’t blame him, he’s been eating prison food for the past four days.” Dopheld shudders at the mere thought of it, and you sigh.
“He really was in there all weekend, huh?” You feel that guilt again, it rises like acid up into your throat.
“I’m surprised you didn’t know, it was all over the news.” Dopheld’s eyebrows raise, and you sigh.
“I uh,” You clear your throat, trying to find some way to not tell this kid that you threw something of a temper tantrum over losing your case, “I didn’t really pay much attention to anything these past few days.”
Somehow, even though you didn’t say it, Dopheld seems to know anyway.
Del Frisco’s is a real swanky place just shy of Times Square, and undoubtedly one of Kylo’s favorite places to eat. He’s got a host of restaurants he likes, but there’s something about a well-cooked steak that can’t be beat, he’s told you this too many times. Just about every time he’s had a steak at Del Frisco’s, anyway. It’s a three story tall building, and a dress code, and if there was one thing Kylo loved more than steak, it was an excuse to put on his expensive suits, his nice shoes.
He hasn’t said so, but you have a sneaking suspicion he likes an excuse to see you all dolled up too, which is just what you are, as you step out of his car at five o’clock on that Monday in January, bundled up in a coat that you can’t wait to dramatically remove in front of him.
“I’m meeting a Mr. Ren.” You say quietly to the host, who recognizes both you and the name you give her at once.
“Right this way.” She invites you further into the restaurant, up a flight of stairs to a secluded corner of the floor that overlooks the main level.
Kylo stands when he sees you, looks utterly mesmerized by you. Good, you can’t help but feel pleased, you like the attention, like the way he gives it to you. He’s pulled out all the stops himself as it would seem; a custom tailored Gucci suit in rich brown, with deep green and burgundy stripes running down the length of it that makes him look impossibly taller than he is.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wonder if all your teasing about his solid black suits day in and day out finally got through to him. He wears a beige turtleneck underneath for warmth, and his hair is smartly styled. You want to run your fingers through it, want to muss him up for all the trouble he puts you through.
“I like you better like this.” You say teasingly, playfully, “Orange isn’t your color.”
“I like you better like this too,” Kylo chuckles back, carefully slipping your fur coat off your shoulders, revealing the dress that hugs your body and shows off all the assets you’re proud of, “When you aren’t smacking me.”
“Don’t tempt me.” You smile, taking a seat opposite him at the small circular table.
“Thank you for coming.” Kylo says, and you roll your eyes.
“You didn’t give me much choice, did you?” You point out, he gave you no notice at all, no option to opt out, not that you would have.
Sitting across from you, you can feel the way his shiny polished dress shoe nudges up against your heel, a purposeful invitation that you pretend to ignore just to rile him up. You like getting him annoyed, just as much as he likes annoying you.
“No, but you do always have one.” Kylo pours you a glass of something bubbly, and hands it to you with a soft, “You look lovely.”
“I already agreed to take your case, Kylo, you don’t have to lay it on thick.” You shake your head, accepting the glass. He was so charming, too charming for his own good. This was how he wound up in situations like being charged for murder, that charm of his.
“Maybe I want to.” Kylo shrugs, “Maybe I missed complimenting you.”
“Go ahead then.” You lean back against the chair for a moment, your arms crossing over your chest, an eyebrow raised.
“I love when you wear this dress, your body is dynamite in it.” He settles on, “Makes my mouth water.”
“Are you sure that’s not just the steak talking?” You take a sip of the drink, and he groans in the back of his throat, ripping a piece of fresh bread off the loaf and dipping it into a small plate of oil.
“Remind me never to go to jail again.” He mutters, “Imagine spending the rest of your life there.”
“No thanks to you, too many of my clients don’t have to imagine, now do they?” That strikes a nerve in you, and you’re suddenly reminded of the way the last case really went down, the implications for that poor man, probably in Rikers himself for a crime he didn’t commit.
“Hey – ” Like lightning, Kylo reaches out and grabs your wrist, preventing you from getting up and leaving, afraid of you bolting away, “I’m sorry.”
“What?” You blink, stunned.
“I’m sorry, I mean it.” He rushes to say, “I’m sorry. But you have to know that I’m only doing my job, when I do that. Same way that you do yours when you let guilty men walk free.”
It’s the first time he’s ever apologized to you…about anything. You’ve known him for years and years, and this is the first time he’s ever uttered those words. Jail must have really fucked with him, if he’s apologizing to you.
“I know, but it still sucks.” You eventually say, not moving your hand at all.
“Stay with me? Have dinner, I already ordered.” Kylo licks his lips, eyes dark, glittering.
“Most women don’t like you assuming their order.” You find it important to mention.
“You’re not most women.” He counters, and well, you can’t deny him that.
Hours later he’s stumbling with you through the hallway of his apartment, kicking his shoes off and unclasping your gown desperately, kissing you deeply, his nose bumping against yours as he hungrily sucks on your tongue, hands groping at you. You lead him to the bedroom, your eyes closed, going off intuition alone.
It’s dark in the apartment, the lux lavish thing, rent probably four times what you pay for your already expensive place. No, knowing Kylo he owns the fucking penthouse, that’s just like him, isn’t it. You smack into a wall accidentally, and he laughs, and you laugh too, before you’re both moaning, trying with all your might to get into his bed.
“I’m not doing any of the fucking work tonight.” You gasp and moan against his mouth as he shoves you down onto the mattress, wrenches your legs open with his warm broad palms.
There’s a fireplace in his bedroom that he turns on with the press of a button, filling the room with an ethereal quality that bathes you both in an orange glow.
“When do you ever do any of the work?” Kylo grunts against your throat as he kisses down down down the length of your body, his hands kneading in the flesh of your thighs. You’re too desperate to come to snap back at the remark, so you let it slide, especially as he begins to shove two fingers into your cunt, thick and hot, “Let me take care of you, just take it, I know you can take it sweetheart.”
You squirm under the intrusion, too tight. Trying to relax for him, you breathe deeply, your voice shaky shuddery on the exhale. Already your toes are curling as you let your head fall back against his pillow, your back arching as he stretches you open, determined and focused to bring you pleasure, to get you ready for him.
Kylo sucks on your hip, at the spot where your thigh joins it, that crease there that he loves to run his tongue over over over, his thumb rubbing rough circles on your swollen clit. He pulls back enough to spit on it, right on your pussy, not that you need any help, you’re practically dripping for him.
“Kylo, fuck, forget it just give me your cock.” You grow impatient, shifting your hips around, nudging the side of his jaw with your knee when he leans up to look at you.
“You sure?” He’s transfixed with the sight of his own fingers disappearing into your folds, but he’s already pulling out, his cock hard and heavy, aching and throbbing for the hot wet tightness of your cunt.
“Yes I’m sure, just fuck me, fuck me hard?” You pat at his shoulder, and he nods, scrambles up your body and covers you like a blanket, warm and wide and strong. If he weren’t such a fucking asshole, you think you might like him.
But that’s not what this was, this was something you both agreed on a long time ago – a no strings attached arrangement, fucking out frustration and pent up aggression that otherwise was exploding all over the courtroom. This wasn’t anything more than an excuse to relieve some tension, since you two were the only people in your caliber, the only two you could trust to do it right and not mess anything up.
“I fuckin’ missed this pussy, missed the way she stretches for me, god you look so good getting stuffed full.” Kylo moans as he presses the head of his cock through your folds, chasing the heat.
Your pussy sucks him in, swallows him down as it clenches around him, your body thrumming with pleasure as he bottoms out in one swift thrust. You egg him on, throw your arms around his neck and pull him down close close close, your mouth open for him to kiss.
“Oh!” You gasp when he starts to thrust in earnest, grabbing the headboard for leverage as he rails you hard, “Yes, right there! Come on give me more!”
His dick drags against your gspot perfectly, and your legs lift to wrap around his waist, holding on to him tightly, your hands scratching up his shoulders. He is relentless, dangerous, dark with his desire as he makes your mind white out, makes your vision go spotty as he shakes shakes shakes the bed, the frame creaking and groaning under your sweaty bodies.
“Greedy whore, that’s what you are isn’t it? My greedy girl. I bet you missed my cock, didn’t you?” Kylo grunts, grabs a hold of your jaw with one of his hands and sticks his fingers in your mouth, leans down to kiss your cheek. He bites at it, bites at your face like an animal and you lose yourself in the pleasure of being so consumed.
“No,” You lie, not wanting him to have the satisfaction of knowing you got yourself off angrily to the thought of him, not wanting his ego to get any fucking bigger than it already did.
Kylo doesn’t buy it for one second, he licks up your cheek, licks away the sweat that drips down your temple, suckles it off of the dip in your throat, the space between your tits. He bites and sucks at your breasts as he fucks you hard, as he pushes you up up up the mattress, until you have to throw your hands against the headboard and push back down so you don’t smack your head.
“Bet you thought about it every fucking day like I thought about your tight cunt, damn you’re wet.” Kylo groans, his voice muffled as he buries his face between your cleavage, his cock pulsing and throbbing inside your pussy, the pleasure making your shoulders pinch in, your knees and thighs shake, body starting to convulse.
“I did not!” You lie lie lie, “Believe it or not but you don’t consume my every waking fucking thought, you know.”
“Don’t I?” Kylo pushes, drops a hand back down to your clit and brings you to the edge, painfully hot white sparks dancing through your nerves.
“No?” His voice is dangerously sweet, charming, handsome. You hate him, fuck he’s so handsome.
“Fuck you – yes, okay! Yes!” You glare at him with a deep frown, frowning while he grins with all of his teeth, until your eyes are rolling back into your head and your toes curl and your body snaps up with tension as you come and come and come, “Oh yes, Kylo, yes right there, right there…!”
You let out a strangled shout of his name as your orgasm hits full force, and Kylo grins like the cat that got the cream as he comes inside you, collapsing down onto your chest. He’s too heavy though, and he knows that, he knows because you tell him all the time, so he rolls over to a spot that isn’t sticky, pulls you with him so you’re both resting on your sides.
Kylo doesn’t dare pull out, and if he gets his way, he won’t until morning. You’re too tired, too well fucked to challenge him about it, even though you know you really should go to the bathroom, at the very least.
You’re both breathing hard, heartbeats pounding together, until eventually, somehow, inevitably, your lungs and hearts sync up in a slow even rhythm, breathing in and out together in the quiet of the night. The fireplace flickers gently across from the bed, making shadows dance across Kylo’s face as he leans in to rub his nose against yours.
“Let me kiss you?” He whispers, a strange sort of vulnerability you don’t want to deny.
In the morning, you’ll grill him about everything that happened over the weekend, exactly what the charges against him are from, as much as he knows. In the morning, you’ll yell at him and hate yourself for taking on what is going to be probably one of the toughest cases of your career.
But for now, you shuffle as close to him as you possibly can and crane your head up to make up for the height difference from where your bodies are still joined, and kiss him, and kiss him, and kiss him, until you both fall asleep.
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e-jaegerenthusiast · 3 years
so this is goodbye
aot manga spoilers (everything + 139 included)
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sketch by me (ik, ew)
warnings/tw; angst. heartache. agony 😁
summary; except for mikasa and armin, what did eren say to the others when he came to visit them?
song; visions of gideon-sufjan stevens
note; i was expecting the extra pages for 139 to be this. but oh well, i love them either way— aot has many stories to tell still. cant wait.
it was the least eren could do for him. after being his captain for so many years, making countless sacrifices for him, listening to him. he knew levi didn’t have a dream for himself, he knew his dream was erwin’s dream, erwin’s promise. so he could only guess what else he would like.
Levi flinched, one second he was sitting with the others on that damned ship, on their way to stop eren, but with a blink of his eye, he was sitting behind a bar. he glanced at his surroundings, trying to figure out what’s happening, he was always good at that, he needed to be. it wasn’t a bar, it seemed to be a counter of some sort, he ran his hand on the underside of the wooden counter, yet no dust came off when he brought his fingers to his own face.
the faint sound of a kettle diverted his gaze onto the stove not so far from him, he furrowed his brows, where was he? as he listened to the way the kettle boiled slowly, a familiar voice caught his attention. “hey...captain,” he had heard that voice call him captain one too many times. he didn’t even need to turn to know who it was, yet he still did. wanting to see with his own eye. eren was sitting in one of the round tables with 3 chairs, he looked younger. he looked like the same fifteen year old brat levi taught and looked after himself. his hair short, eyes burning a bright jade, no longer teal like present..present?
levi wanted to beat that brat up so much, didn’t matter if he was taller than him, or held the power of three powerful titans, he wanted to beat him to a pulp with his own knees. teach him how he has wasted his whole life protecting the boy, was war and genocide how he was going to repay him? repay their sacrifices? repay his sacrifice?
all thoughts were dusted away, sucked away into oblivion as eren spoke to him, levi looked down at his own fists, why were they clenched? why was he mad at fifteen year old eren? he was just a kid. “this is your tea shop captain, do you like it?” eren talked with a monotone voice, it felt like deja vü to levi, yet he didn’t know why. he couldn’t tell why his voice didn’t match his appearance. yet there was this nagging feeling in his brain , he shouldn’t be here.
“tea— tea shop? tsk, i don’t own a damn tea shop.” never in his life levi had doubts about anything, yet for once he spoke his words without knowing the truth behind them. eren looked down at his hands, stretching his fingers out before unstretching them again, he let out a sound, levi’s brows furrowed. was the damn brat laughing? or was he crying? he couldn’t tell what emotions eren held anymore.
“y’know captain,” eren spoke slowly as he got out of the table in the corner of the shop, making his way to the counter and sitting infront of levi, “you’re an ackerman. so obviously you won’t buy this stupid fake reality i made to try and condone my actions to you.” eren put a hand on his own forehead, tugging at his own hair, a tear drop rolled down his face, “it’s pathetic really, out of all the others, i don’t have anything planned to tell you, captain levi.” levi’s eyes widened and he seemed to be deep in thought, “it doesn’t matter if i apologize captain, it won’t bring back the lives of our soldiers who died for this, who died for me.”
levi was getting glimpses of memories back with each word that left eren’s lips, erwin’s limp body laying on that rooftop, petra’s neck pulled back against that tree, “i’ve failed you, captain levi.” hange’s hopefull eyes even as she dived into her own demise.
levi’s eye twitched, lunching towards eren over the counter, both of them falling down to the ground with what should’ve been an ear deafening noise, yet it was quite. it was quite as levi’s punches landed against the boy’s cheeks. it was quite until levi broke the silence, finally shouting. letting it out, “why?! why?! why did you do all this?! huh?” another punch to eren’s nose, yet he wouldn’t say anything, his eyelids low as he looked at levi with a grim expression. “god dammit you brat! why?! if you’re the all knowing! why couldn’t you change things? make it so that so many people wouldn’t have to die?!”
‘tell me if there’s another way!’ he had shouted at hange past the cells of his prison. he knew she was going to die. he knew and yet, shouting at her about not being able to change things was the last encounter between them before she burned within eren’s hell. he would see her later, not in this life. but he would cry and beg for her forgiveness as she smiles at him, making jokes about the bang she went out in.
levi’s knuckles were dripping blood now, yet he didn’t feel even the slightest of burning pain. he brought his hands up, the blood dripping down his fingers and onto his palm, painting it red. with a flick of both his wrists, the blood from his palm splattered onto eren’s face, mixing with the blood running down his nose. “this blood,” levi clenched and unclenched his fists, making more blood drip onto eren’s neck. “all of this blood, it’s on you, it’s on me, it’s on us.”
bang! a bullet. a damned bullet. shot by a young girl, a young hotheaded brat that reminded him too much of himself. he had seen it. he knew it was going to happen, yet why? why was he shaking? why was his heart trembling for the potato girl? why did he burst out crying? his own friends family forgetting the way he copes as they accused him of laughing at their friend’s death. how would he laugh? how could he laugh? it was all on him. he knew it. but he had to continue. for them.
with that, levi rolled off of eren, sitting on the wooden floor next to the boy as he took deep breaths, trying to calm himself. what was this feeling? he felt it all the way in his guts, traveling up his vocal cords and settling right above his adam’s apple. his lips trembled, his bloody hands coming up to cover his face, to try and mix the blood with the tears running from his eyes. why was he hitting eren?
they wouldn’t mix. his tears were hot, steaming down his cheeks as it burned him. eren’s blood.. eren’s blood had ran cold. blood shouldn’t be cold, levi of all people knew that, having felt it cover his hands and face one too many times. blood was supposed to be warm.
blood. blood everywhere. it was warm, burning his palms, burning his soul. he was just a kid, yet he had just killed two grown men. blood covered his hands, blood covered his soul. he knew he wouldn’t be the same. he knew the girl wouldn’t be the same after he wrapped the scarf around her.
he looked next to him, eren sitting with his legs crossed as they both sat in the center of the tea shop. levi looked down at his own hands, covered in blood, matching eren’s face. he blinked, eren’s face now clean, levi looked down at his own hands again, the blood was gone.
eren got up, holding his hand out for levi to hold, levi sighed, getting up as he used eren’s hand for leverage. “captain levi, i’ll explain everything to you as fast as i can, but you have to promise me something,” levi looked up at him, a sad expression on his face. “you have to help mikasa kill me. it’s the only way.” eren said as his face contorted into his older self, messy bun with loose strands falling down to his forhead. only way to what? it gave levi a headache.
levi never wanted to visit that god forsaken island again. he was content in marley, he had made a life for himself. his own tea shop, somehow it looked exactly like the one eren showed him. gabi and falco helped him take care of it, while taking care of him without his knowledge. sometimes he would find himself wishing he could visit eren’s grave, so he stared at the wooden floor of the tea shop, blood passing by his eyes as he wishes he didn’t paint the floors with it when he saw eren. he looks away as he feels a tear sliding down his cheek. that selfless brat.
he would always be fighting with the boy, over things that did not need fighting over. but that’s what they say about frenemies, even as they act like they despise eachother, they truly admire eachother secretly. that’s what Jean felt for him. he was jealous sometimes, but mostly out of admiration for the brunette.
he always wanted a peaceful life, wanted to live happily next to someone he loves, he wanted a normal life. he didn’t even want to join the survey corps at first, wanting to thrive in the easygoing state of the military. yet, something about the hotheaded, determined boy sparred him on to risk his life, over and over.
Jean opened his eyes, the sunset could be seen on the distance not too far from the hillside. tall, green spruce trees sat around him, a cool breezing hitting them as he closed his eyes again, taking a deep breath. he was at peace, he didn’t know why but he was comfortable.
he opened his eyes the moment he heard the annoying voice of his rival, “oi, jean,” eren was sitting next to him, hair fanning around his neck. he looked like he was sixteen, but in jean’s mind, he always looked like that.
jean rolled his eyes, closing them and sighing as he laid down, feeling cool grass tickle his ears. “what are you doing here, idiot? don’t bother me when i’m relaxing.”
eren raised a brow as he looked down at jean, a small smile creeping its way accross his lips, “you’re always smart when you’re giving orders jean, what happened now?”
jean opened his eyes again, this time a slight shock twirling in his hazel orbs, leaning on one elbow as his face relaxed a bit, “right. we’re sitting here in your brain or something, as in reality, you’re actually destroying the whole world.”
eren rolled his eyes, a sad smile residing on his features. “listen jean, this isn’t going to be easy, none of this is. i’m just asking you to see eye to eye with me here?”
jean gave eren a sympathetic smile, slowly nodding his head, motioning for him to go on.
eren didn’t expect that, he didn’t expect jean to just sit and listen to his point of view of all people. his face contorted into one of confusion.
jean put his hand on eren’s shoulder, squeezing slightly as he nodded his head again, “i trust your judgment, eren.”
eren could feel tears pool in his eyes, threatening to fall any second, he was quite literally exhausted in every way. he needed a shoulder to cry on, he knew armin saw him breakdown, but it wasn’t enough. he felt like he could cry a river if he let himself. if his pride let him.
there was a heavy weight on his shoulders, the weight of the whole world, the weight of his friends’ and comrads’ lives, the weight of his own dignity, the weight of his decisions. the weight of the past, present, the future.
a single tear rolled down his cheek, he turned his head to the side quickly, wiping it away with his elbow but it was too late, jean had noticed it.
jean frowned, getting concerned as he wrapped one arm around eren, not really knowing what he’s doing.
eren’s body stiffened, his breath getting caught in his throat. jean took the silence as welcoming, wrapping another hand around him hesitantly, bringing eren close to his chest.
involuntary, the next breath eren let out turned into a broken sob, taking himself and jean by surprise as he broke down in jean’s arms, his screams echoing in the mountains and hilltops around them.
after a few seconds, eren calmed down a bit, moving away from jean as he wiped his eyes, hiding his head in his own arms.
jean chuckled, “idiot, did you just cry? what a baby.” he teased. eren looked at him with red eyes, letting out a chuckle, and several after that. playfully hitting jean’s shoulder
after their shared laughter died down, jean took a deep breath, “y’know eren... i never really hated you, i hope that—“ eren caught him off, saying in a low voice “i didn’t either, promise.”
jean gave him a sad smile, tears burning his own eyes as he tried to blink them away, “i know everything that you’re doing is for us. i know the others don’t realize it, but i do. i know it all has a reason behind it, yeah? suicidal bastard.”
eren nodded rapidly, weakly smiling as he spoke “i promise, yes. yes it does, i’m trying—“ his voice shook, “trying to do the right thing here, jean. everything— everything is happening so fast and at the same time and i just—“
jean ran his hand up and down eren’s back, “i know eren, i know. actually no, i’m stupid, and probably not even half as smart as you are. i can’t imagine or even begin to know what you’re going through.”
eren sniffed, looking back at jean with a pleading look in his eyes, “live a long life jean, please.”
jean gave a broken chuckle, “if you let me, yeah, that’s the goal.”
with that they both broke down, their tears not stopping as broken laughs left both the grown men’s mouths, pressing their foreheads together as they couldn’t even tell the difference between laughter or sobs anymore.
“and jean— make sure mikasa’s happy.”
jean tried to speak but eren shushed him,
“please, draw me for her. i know you can. make sure she doesn’t forget my face, yeah?”
“and take care of her jean, make her happy.” he said with a broken sob.
he would hug his own knees as he visited eren’s grave, he would talk to him as if he was there, teasing him and calling him an idiot, in hopes he could hear it from somewhere. he would sit in silence, covering his own ears occasionally. suicidal bastard, he thought as he would repeat their conversation in his head by the hillside as the sun rose.
Connie was always the goofy guy of the group, he’d make eren laugh a lot when they were together. his compassion being shown with jokes and snarky comments here and there.
they were really good friends, eren didn’t know when connie stopped being his goofy self, he didn’t know when he stopped making jokes with him. he had forgot it all, his memories like broken fragments of glasses all messed up in his head.
maybe it was when sasha died, when connie was left alone and broken. when he lost his twin, his other half. when he looked eren in the eyes with horror swirling in them instead of humor, tears rolling down his cheeks as it seemed all of the color from his face was drained and thrown off that damned airship.
maybe he lost all hope in eren then, maybe he thought of him as maniac, a complete psychopath who would laugh at his own family’s death.
little he knew all that eren was going through for them, little he knew all the things the young boy had to endure just because he was born into this world.
hot embers of fire swirled around in the cold air as wind blew, it was silent, peaceful. connie looked around himself, the crackling fire burning brightly on what seemed to be a rocky side of the beach, the sound of waves crashing against nearby stones filling his ears.
he looked up, sky littered in twinkling stars that seemed to be winking just for him. and not long passed before he heard eren’s smooth voice, mildly startled as he looked next to him.
eren was sitting there, staring up at the stars as each of them seemed to twinkle in his emerald green eyes, he looked fifteen, like when they first became friends. like when he would hear his stories and be impressed by the brave boy that wanted to take on all the titans by himself.
“hey, connie, why do you think starts die?”
connie chuckles, “i don’t know, they get sick?”
eren raises his brows, “well, kind of, yeah.”
eren sighed, “fine i’ll tell you, you’ve always been bad at riddles anyway.”
connie pushed him with his elbows slightly as he rolled his eyes.
“they die out, one day they just... get tired and exhausted of shining. even though they look really pretty, they die too.” eren sighed.
connie frowned, slowly realizing where he is and why eren is there. he looked at eren with wide eyes.
eren turned to him, eyes pleading as he spoke, “i’m sorry about sasha, connie. i really am. i swear i couldn’t stop it, if i could, i would. it’s not like that it’s—“
connie stopped him, startling the boy as he hugged him. “it’s okay eren. she would forgive you.”
eren smiled, another tear rolling down his cheek, god dammit.
“your mom can be saved, i’ll save her. i’ll do it connie. live a long life with her.”
he would smile at the sky constantly, always staring at the starts as they twinkled down at him, he knew eren was one of them. he hoped at least. “my mom did live eren, thank you.”
eren would look up to Reiner like his own older brother, like his mentor. times were he fell on his ass during training, reiner would be there to pick him up. to always lend him a hand when he needed it.
he didn’t know he would have to go against eren numerous times, every battle of theirs ending with both of their titans beaten down and their souls exhausted, never really having a clear winner.
reiner hated that part of himself, that part that thought of eren as a younger brother, as an ambitious kid that was too goal-driven for his own good.
he also hated the part of himself that longed to kill eren, to finally fulfill his task that made him lose bertoldt, to finally have that weight off his shoulders. to finally be at peace with his family.
in conclusion, reiner hated all parts of himself. he wanted to put an end to himself, yet he couldn’t do it, he was too cowardly, and he also hated himself for that.
the sound of a river could be heard in the distance as reiner sighed, his head aching and not knowing his surroundings, he wasn’t supposed to be here. he was supposed to be fighting. fighting for his life, fighting for other’s lives.
“oh, reiner.” eren’s voice startled him as he looked to his side, eren’s hair long and facial hair on his face was bringing deja vu to reiner. if he weren’t terrified that day, he would be impressed by how much eren has really grown.
reiner sighed, nodding his head in response. “help my friends, they were once yours too. they still are, reiner.”
reiner felt a stinging in his eyes, yet he couldn’t tell what it was as he looked at eren, nodding rapidly, “i am. i know. you were all my family too, eren.”
reiner cried, eren having a sad smile on his face as he watched him. “i want you to live a long life reiner, just like all of them, okay? please don’t end it yourself.”
reiner’s hands shook as he looked at eren, “i’m not even half the man you are eren.”
“you looked out so well for all of us, i promise i will too, i’ll take care of them, bro.”
he never thought suicidal thoughts anymore. he stopped hating himself for everything. he would visit eren’s grave with a smile, thanking him under his breath quietly, checking in on all of his friends more and more as he found his true self.
Annie didn’t feel much towards the boy, he thought he was a hotheaded idiot who was going to meet his end by annie herself.
yet she was wrong, he was way stronger than she thought. and she admired that.
annie blinked, warm sun dancing on skin as she stood up, she was surrounded by flowers, the smell of colorful tulips filling the air with the soft breeze.
she walked through the field, closing her eyes as she breathed in the scent of the flowers, calming her senses.
when she opened them, eren was standing infront of her, hair short and physique small as he looked just like the last time she saw him, the last time she tried to kill him.
“long time, annie.” he mumbled, his hands inside his pockets as he walked closer.
annie clenched her fists by her sides, taking a deep breath as she looked at him, and then she realized it.
she realized where she was and how she was one of the many people who started this. who turned eren into this, a frown sat on her features as she started panicking, wanting to scream.
she felt eren’s hand on her shoulder, calming her breathing slightly and taking her out of her trance.
“calm down, annie. it’s okay, it’s not your fault.”
“i’m sorry, eren.”
eren gave her shoulder a squeeze, reassuring her as he gave her a soft smile, “take care, annie.”
she kept the ring, it reminded her of eren, the only stupid little thing reminding her of all the hardships she’s had to overcome, all the things eren had to overcome as she was frozen in time in that damn basement. she would live her life to the fullest now. his sacrifices wouldn’t go to vain.
and so, even if war continues, even if all eren’s sacrifices barely made a dent in history, at least his friends were thankful. they were thankful as they lived long lives without no longer having to fight for it constantly. thanking eren and holding him dear in their hearts at all times.
© all content belongs to e-jaegerenthusiast, do not repost or copy any of my work
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Mistletoe - Izuku Midoriya x Reader
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KEY: H/N = Hero Name
“H/N, who are you wearing tonight?”
“Do you have a date?”
“Congrats on cracking the top 10!”
“What are your plans now?”
With a gracious smile, as much of a gracious smile as you could muster, you wave to the paparazzi outside of the event you were attending. Your publicist basically had to beg you to RSVP with a ‘yes’ to this thing. Wearing a heavy dress, heels, and your hair being tugged in all different directions? This was definitely not your idea of a Saturday night. But, there were two factors that eventually swayed you. It was a Christmas charity event - you had already donated beforehand, though - and it was being hosted by one of your closest friends from highschool, Izuku Midoriya. Now being finally ranked as the number one hero, he decided to host this gala in an effort to raise money - he really was the most selfless person you had ever met. The venue was genuinely beautiful. Garlands were wrapped around every banister and railing, wreaths were hung up on the walls, and several christmas trees dotted the floor, all wrapped up in twinkling lights. You felt like you could get lost in the scenery, but a sweet voice interrupted your thoughts.
“Y/N! Long time no see!” You turn your head to see another one of your former classmates, Kyoka Jirou.
“Wow Kyoka! You look great!” You notice a small hand grasping hers and your smile widens. A blonde toddler, dressed in a sweet blue suit, peered up at you. “And I haven’t seen you,” you say, kneeling close to meet his eyeline, “since you were just born.” Little Habiki Kaminari poked his head around his mother’s dress and gave you a shy smile. Jirou smiled at the exchange and moved to give you a hug.
“Where’s my little man?” A deeper voice said from behind Jirou while wrapping an arm around her.
“Right next to his gorgeous mother,” you say, winking. Denki looked up to you and gave one of his signature smiles.
“Y/N, good to see you! You bring anyone?” He asks enthusiastically. You shake your head and give a small smile.
“Nah, haven’t found anyone yet.” You say, waving him off.
“Oh you’ve found someone, you just haven’t acted on it.” Jirou quips, catching you a little off guard. Yeah, okay. So maybe your sweet little school girl crush on the hero named Deku had never really left you. It had even managed to evolve into something more. Seeing Izuku grow into the man he was today left you in awe. He was much more confident and collected now, but still held many nervous mannerisms that you believed would stay with him for as long as he lived.
“Oooh, are you talking about Mr. Midoriya? Because-”
“Hey guys, I’m so glad you made it!” Jirou’s, Denki’s, and your eyes all went wide as you turned to see the holder of the voice. A tall man with a mop of green hair was grinning at the three of you. Well, four, including Habiki.
“Midoriya! How’s life as number one man?” Denki said, slapping a hand on Izuku’s back. He gave a laugh as his cheeks twinged with embarrassment.
“It’s, uh, it’s pretty cool.” He says, a hand coming up to rub the back of his head in modesty. 
“Well, we were just going to greet Todoroki, so we’ll see you later!” Jirou says, tugging her husband away and leading her toddler towards a corner of the room. You stand there awkwardly for a moment, but buck up enough courage to greet him.
“Thanks for inviting me, that was really nice of you.” You say with a shy smile. Izuku turns to look at you with a wide grin on his face.
“Of course Y/N! How could I not invite you!” He says, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. While you had done this hundreds of times, you still got butterflies whenever he touched you like that. “And hey, congrats on ranking at number nine!” You boast a bashful smile.
“Thanks. And number one! You got your dream!” You say as he leads you around the room.
“So what’s been up with you? Any, uh, guys you’re interested in?” You laugh which causes Izuku to smile a little basfully. “What?”
“Nothing, it’s just the way you asked that question reminded me of high school,” you giggled. “But no, I’m not in a relationship right now. You?” He shakes his head.
“Nope.” Out of the corner of your eye you spot Denki with little Habiki in his arms, playing with him. A soft smile graces your lips which Izuku spots.
“Makes you think, huh.” He says, pausing in his gate. While you both were only 28, still plenty of time to meet someone and start a family, it started to feel like you were trying to beat a deadline that was set in stone.
“Yeah.” You breathe, glancing up at Izuku. You find him already looking at you, causing pink to dance across your cheeks. 
“Hey, you wanna find a more quiet space? It’s getting kind of loud in here.” You nod and let him grab your hand, walking with you to find a private room in the big building. The two of you end up finding an empty storage room and walk right in, shutting the door.
“Ugh,” you huff, slumping against the wall and letting your weight be steadied. “This dress should not be worn for more than an hour at most.” The layers of your dress swish around your legs as you lean your head back.
“Well, you certainly look stunning in it.” Izuku says, making your head snap back into its regular position to look at the man across from you. You roll your eyes and blush, letting your heels fall off of your feet to get more comfortable. “I’m serious, Y/N. You look beautiful.” You open your mouth to speak but no words make an appearance. Izuku smiles at you and takes a step closer, a shy smile on his face. “I might know something I shouldn’t…” he says, a sweet look in his eyes. Your heartbeat quickens but you remain calm.
“O-oh? And what would that be?” You stammer, the distance between the two of you getting shorter and shorter.
“Denki might’ve mentioned, um, some feelings you have about me.” God dammit Denki, you cursed. One of your fists clenches but you make yourself stay put.
“Oh, yeah, about that…” you say, trailing off. You look down to your hands and start playing with them, trying to do anything to calm yourself.
“How long?” He mumbles, causing you to look up.
“Our second year at UA. When we were paired up for team battles,” you say quickly, causing his freckled face to break out in a grin.
“I, um…” he stammers as he digs something out of his pocket. What appears in his scarred palm is a sprig of mistletoe, making you melt. He raises his hand to hold it above the two of you. “I, mmph-!” His sentence is cut off as you grab the tie around his neck, tugging him towards you, and pressing his lips against yours. They’re softer than you imagined and he’s definitely more skilled than you thought he’d be. What started off as a sweet kiss evolved into something more. His hands ended up wrapped around your waist and yours were in his hair, mussing it up a bit, but neither of you cared. Heavy breaths graced the room here and there before they were silenced again. You felt as if you were on cloud nine. Here you were, kissing Izuku Midoriya as he holds you so closely and with care. It probably would’ve gone down a further, less PG route if it wasn’t for Izuku’s phone ringing. He sighs and shoots you an apologetic look as he answers it, putting it on speaker.
“Deku where are you?! You’re supposed to start your speech in five minutes and we haven’t even done a mic check yet!” Cringing at the sharp voice of his publicist, he apologizes and turns his phone off.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. We have plenty of time after, yeah?” You say, helping him straighten out his suit as he tucks a stray piece of your hair behind your ear. He has a smug smile on his face as his eyes lock onto your lips, causing you to shoot him a confused glance. He licks his thumb and rubs it right next to your mouth, yet another blush erupting on your cheeks.
“Lipstick stain. So unprofessional, H/N.” He jokes, letting his hand cradle your cheek.
“You’re one to talk,” you shoot back as you fix his messy hair. He smiles at you with a loving expression and starts to make his way out of the room.
“Wish me luck!” He says, his hand now on the door handle. You nod.
“Hey, if you get nervous, just find me in the crowd. Channel that confidence you got from pulling that mistletoe stunt, okay?” Izuku’s heart felt like it was gonna burst as you kissed him on the cheek and made your way to the main floor. Thank God for mistletoe.
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winchest09 · 4 years
Life for Rent - Chapter Twenty Seven
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Pairing: Mobster!Dean Winchester x Escort!Reader
Universe: AU
Summary: Y/N can be anyone for a price. Her life is ruled by contracts, men and money. It’s all she knows; countless identities, seedy clients, and strict regulations. She has to obey the rules, but her past is full of secrets and her future is resting in the wrong hands. But will her next client be the same as the rest?
Rating: 18+ W/C: 5216
Warnings: (spoilers) Angst, violence, threats, death threats, talks of death, imprisonment, suicidal thoughts, violent outbreak, swearing, blackmail, deceit, double crossing, guns, trafficking.
A/N: So...three chapters left after this one...are you ready? ;) 
Special thanks to this absolute babe @katehuntington​ <3  My worldie, my bestie, my beta whose reaction to this always has me beaming, without her, i’d go insane. She’s my cheerleader <3
I hope you guys enjoy this add! Thanks everyone for sticking with me and this fic <3
Love you all.
– I absolutely adore your reactions to this, so please if you do read, reblog, comment or send me an ask and let me know how you feel! It means the world to me.
Life for Rent Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Let me know what you think!
<– Chapter Twenty Six
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Do it.
Those words echoed around Dean’s head as he stared down at the woman who had managed to fool him entirely. Not again, not her, not Y/N. After everything they had been through, after what he had done for her; what he felt for her. He didn’t understand how she could do this to him. He’d given her everything, he’d allowed her to be a part of his family and yet here she was, on her knees waiting for him to end it all. Never in his life had he come across someone that was so accepting of death. She wasn’t pleading her case or begging to be spared. Neither was she making excuses for what she had done. 
His hand shook as he felt the weight of her forehead pressed against the muzzle of his gun. Her eyes closed as she waited for him to pull the trigger. Dean had always been so collected in these situations, taking the shot without hesitation, but staring down at the woman who had invaded his heart, he lost that impulse. Turmoil rolled through his mind as he fought with his instinct, with the way he had been raised. A traitor’s life is ended. No ifs, no buts, no maybes.
Dean didn’t move to swipe at the tears of regret that stained his cheeks, he didn’t blink away the pain that was captured in his green orbs; he couldn’t tear his gaze away from the escort who had threatened his entire family. She had pulled the wool over his eyes, had been the wolf in sheep's clothing this entire time. He’d let her into his home, into his bed; he’d allowed her to fill his head with an endless stream of unachievable dreams through her sweet words. Dean thought she was different, that he could finally break down the wall around his heart and allow himself to be happy. He was a fool. 
There was no excusing what she had done, not now his family was in danger, their lives threatened. She was a traitor, and traitors needed to be put down. His lips curled in a slight snarl as his jaw clenched, tears of frustration coming together at the end of his chin. His thumb steadily made its way to the hammer of the gun, pulling it slowly back, hearing the chilling click of the readed shot. The pad of his forefinger twitched over the trigger, the tip pressing harder against the metal ring as he made his decision. 
No ifs, no buts, no maybes. 
With a loud echo, his shot rang out. The noise ringing through his ears as fresh tears caraded down his cheeks, his weapon hot in his hand. He didn’t make a sound, his eyes now hazy with unshed sadness as a vice gripped at his heart. He really wished it hadn’t come to this, maybe it had just proved to him that he wasn’t allowed to give himself to anyone, that he would be better off on his own. With a short sniff, he moved to tuck the gun into the waistband of his jeans. The sight in front of him was getting too much for him to bear, he needed to get out, he had more important matters to attend too. 
The broken Winchester marched out of his room, slamming the door shut behind him before he turned to lock it with his key. Shutting out his darkness, his shame and the woman who had been the cause of it all. He frustratedly slammed his fist against the wood, his angered roar tearing from his throat before he pushed himself to storm down the hall, trying somehow to formulate a plan in his mind to protect the people he cares for most. 
Hurriedly pulling his phone from his pocket, Dean’s shaking thumb quickly dialled Sam’s number as he put his cell to his ear. He paced down the hall, one hand combing through his hair as time seemed to slow. 
“Pick up, dammit,” Dean growled down the line, his heart pounding in his chest as the dial tone echoed in his ear. Each ring longer than the last. “Pick the fuck up, Sammy.”
The relief that flooded his being at the sound of his brother’s voice felt like ice on fire. 
“Turn around, get home. Now!” he barked, rushing down the stairs towards the foyer, his eyes scanning every doorway in case of a possible ambush. 
“What’s happened?” 
“Just do it, Sam,” Dean snapped, “It’s a trap.” As soon as the words left his lips he felt the anger surge through his veins. 
The older Winchester made his way to the windows next to the front door, gingerly using his fingers to peel back the voils in the windows, peering to see if anyone was coming for him. 
“We know.” Those two words that Sam uttered made Dean frown, his gaze breaking away from the outside, “Charlie figured out it was a ruse a few moments ago, we’re setting up a diversion so they don’t follow us home.”
“Good,” a silent sigh of relief left him, his eyes squeezing shut briefly as he was thankful for his brother's safety. Dean strode into the living room, his mind trying to formulate any kind of strategy to keep his family safe from harm. “Watch your backs, go the long way home, keep your hand on your gun at all times.” 
“What’s going on?” 
Dean bit his bottom lip, his tongue running over his teeth as he resisted the urge to spill everything there and then. “Just get back in one piece,” he instructed, “both of you.” 
Immediately ending the call, his next thoughts were on Benny and Cas, the two of the best soldiers he had in this raging war of dominating gangs. With his phone back to his ear, he listened to the agonisingly slow dial tone as he walked around to the pool table, his fingers running slowly along the wooden frame.
“Come on,” he muttered under his breath, another long ring echoing in his ears. “Come fuckin’ on,” he growled, his eyes pinched closed as he tapped his digits against the wood. “Dammit Benny.”
He couldn’t prevent the worry that ate away at his stomach, the way his heart thumped harder in his chest and the panic that tightened his torso. Dean needed to keep a rational head, his friend may have not heard his phone plus there was always Cas. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he dialled another number and waited impatiently for him to answer. 
“Answer the phone, answer the phone,” he chanted, his fist curling into a tight ball tighter at the sound of each ring. 
I’m sorry, this caller is unavailable. Please leave your message after the tone.  
Before he could react, his phone pinged with the sound of an incoming message, one that his thumb was quick to open when he saw it was from Benny. Even though he thought he was prepared for whatever was in the message, he still felt like he had been punched in the gut when he opened the text. There, tied to two chairs, blindfolded and gagged were his men, his best friends. Their faces were beaten and bloody, their shirts stained with crimson. 
“NO!” Dean screamed, throwing his phone to the floor in a blast of rage. He was too late, Nick and Alistair had gotten to his family and he didn’t know how long he had until they were dead.
He couldn’t contain his anger as his torment roared from his chest, his hands breaking and destroying everything in their reach. Picture frames; shelves were ripped from the walls, Dean was on a destructive warpath and nothing was safe. He surrounded himself in glass, in broken porcelain and tainted memories, the noises that left his lips were nothing short of animalistic. He didn’t stop to take a breath, he didn’t falter as he tipped over a bookcase and sent many works of fiction scattering across the floor. He spotted the rows of pool cues resting against the wall, and one by one tore them from their fixtures and beat them against the table, splinters of wood flying through the air. He broke every single one of them, leaving his bloody hands holding nothing but the broken remains of his rampage. His eyes burned embers as his face wore a snarl, his nose flared as he looked for the next perfect thing to destroy. Because that was all he was good for. 
“What the hell happened here?!” Sam’s voice cut through the red mist that had descended over him, his head snapping over to where his sibling and Charlie were standing, visibly confused. 
With his chest heaving, Dean dropped the broken pieces of wood to the floor as he walked over to where the two were standing, pulling his little brother into a crushing hug. He could feel Sam hesitate for a moment before he returned the embrace, the action calming his enraged spirit, relief flooding the fire. Thank god he was safe. 
After a few drawn out seconds, he pulled back, clapping the shoulder of the taller Winchester before he headed towards the one thing he didn’t destroy, his alcohol. He needed the burn of whiskey in his throat for the news he was about to tell them, the liquor in his system to numb the sting of the past hour. 
Dean’s bedroom was still. The dust had settled on the broken scene; on the shattered glass, the split wood and the broken body that was still rooted to the spot. There was not a sound to be heard, the screams were long gone and so were the uneven sobs from the woman who had torn his world down around him. 
It was then that Y/N heaved in a shaky breath, her eyes still clenched tightly shut as she hadn’t dared to open them. She had never expected to still be kneeling in this spot with air in her lungs and a beat to her heart, yet here she was. Her ears ringing with the sound of the gunshot, her body tense with fear as she didn’t know whether she should be grateful that she was still alive, or dreadful because of it. When she had heard Dean pull back the hammer of the gun, she was at peace. She accepted that this was the end of her story, but he chose not to finish it. He chose to aim the gun and shoot it in another direction, leaving her in dismay. 
Y/N didn’t understand his actions. She deserved the bullet that Dean was going to shoot into her head. As far as the escort was concerned, she shouldn’t be here right now, she should be long gone and away from this world, away from the torment and this horrendous life. She hadn’t expected him to keep her alive and she would never forget the look he gave her when she fed him the truth. The way his eyes grew cold upon the realisation that she had betrayed him; it solidified her view that there was no coming back from this. Her thoughts were chasing their metaphorical tail as she went around in circles. There was nowhere to run, no way to forget what she had done.
Her body was still shaking as she gained the courage to open her eyes, bracing herself to cast her gaze over the damage she had caused.  The room was a mess, his belongings destroyed and it was all because of her. Her lips trembled as a warm tear dropped onto her pale cheek. It was then that she looked upon his bedroom door, the barrier she heard him lock with a faint click as she was dazed on her knees. Y/N knew there was no point in trying to escape, she wouldn’t get very far even if she tried. Dean would most certainly see her leaving his manor and if on the slightest chance she did get away, The Master would find her. 
The Master.
She couldn’t leave this house, she didn’t want to subject herself to the hours of torment she was going to face in isolation. The humiliation, the beatings, the assault. Her body was fractured enough as it was, her wings had been snapped and her spirit had been broken long before Dean had found the light in her again. But like a long burning candle, her flame had burned out, she simply had nothing left to give. 
With quaking legs she stood, her cheeks still warm from the overflowing shame she felt, as she turned around in the spot she was standing. On the floor she spotted Dean’s clothes from which he had changed out of, the clothes in which he was teaching her how to defend herself from the horrors of the world. If only he had known then, he wouldn’t have wasted his time or energy on her. Taking a sharp breath, the defeated woman took an unbalanced step towards the mobster’s bed, her forehead slightly creasing as her mind plagued her with a question. Where did the bullet go? 
She knew it didn’t matter, it was just a piece of metal to anybody else, but to her it meant something, to her that was the thing that was meant to end her life. So, with curious eyes and a determined head, she calculated the shot. Casting her vision over the room as she scanned every possible place it could be. It was then that she saw it, the small, circular entrance that had been created on the side of Dean’s luxury mattress. 
Y/N took a deep breath, her feet taking her the small distance needed to clamber onto his bed, eyes fixated on the hole that was meant to be in her. With slim fingers and a bit of patience, she located the small metal casing and pulled it out. Bringing it up to her eye level, she rolled it between her forefinger and thumb. She could just throw it to one side and be done with it yet, instead, she allowed it to fall into her palm as she curled her hand around it, squeezing tightly. It was a stark reminder of what her life had led too.
As the day bled into nightfall, Y/N was going under fast when she was desperate for somebody to hear her. But she came to realise that there was no one left to change the course of action. She didn’t mean for any of this to happen, she didn’t want to break his trust or his heart, she was just so terrified of any consequences. For a month, the escort had been living a life that she had longed for since she was six years old, a life without rules or chains, a life where she was free to breathe. Dean eased her suffering, yet he could only mask her agony for so long. 
Flickers of faint moonlight caught her attention, her face slightly angling towards the broken glass on the floor next to the bed. Y/N almost felt as though they were calling to her, one shattered object to another. She gracefully bent down, her fingers tracing the shards that were scattered amongst photo frames. It was then she saw Dean’s warm smile staring up at her, his eyes crinkled and light as he stood next to his family. Her hand hovered above it, the pads of her fingertips gently caressing his face on the picture. He had already given her so much more than she could have dreamed and for that she would be ever thankful. Now, it was about time she took matters into her own hands. If he couldn’t stop the horror that she had been living, then she would. 
It was bound to end in blood and tears. 
“Sammy, sit down.” Deans instruction was calm, one finger lifting off the glass of his whiskey filled tumbler to point at the couch. “You gonna join him, Charlie?”
“I think I should leave you guys to it,” the redhead mumbled, hooking her laptop bag over her shoulder before turning to move out of the room. “I’ll be in the dining room if you need me.” 
“I need you to look into The Hemlock, Alistair and Nick. I need everything that you can find. Surveillance, movements, birthdays, I don’t give a fuck. I want it all.” Dean didn’t bark his orders but the authority in his tone made Charlie instantly nod in submission. 
“I’ll get right on it.”
Sam scoffed as he watched their technical right hand walk away, his head shaking causing his brunette locks to frame his face. He was visibly perplexed by his brother’s sudden change in demeanour. 
“What the hell is going on, Dean?” he questioned, one large hand gesturing to the rest of the room. “You’ve snapped every single pool cue we own, the room is a complete mess and where the hell is Y/N?!”
His voice rose at the end of his burning question, one that made the older Winchester’s burning eyes snap to his. With a shake of his head, the defeated mobster took down the rest of his liquor in one hit, hissing as it stung his throat. 
“Benny and Cas have been captured and Y/N... She’s locked away,” was his simple response as he turned to grab for the whiskey bottle, the remainder of the alcohol calling to him. 
“How?!” Sam's brow knitted together. “And what the fuck do you mean ‘locked away’?!”
The news Dean was about to share felt like a hard pill to swallow. He still couldn’t believe it, he didn’t want to, but it was the bitter truth. “She betrayed us, Sammy. betrayed me...that’s how.” 
He scoffed harshly as he brought the liquor with him, sitting opposite his little brother on the couch. “Lied to our faces, just like fucking Cassie.”
Sam watched as Dean refilled his glass before placing the bottle on the still intact table, the gears turning in his head as he tried to understand. “You’re not making any sense. Wh--”
“- You were right, okay?!” the mobster snapped, rubbing at his forehead frustratingly with his palm. “I shouldn’t have hired her, I should have never stepped foot in that bastard’s place.” With a deep breath, he took a moment to calm the rage that was flowing through his veins like molten lava. “Nick, Y/N... They have been working together to bring us to our knees.” 
“What?” Sam urged, not quite believing what he was hearing. She was part of The Hemlock, how could she be working for the enemy?
“That’s right, she told me, Sam,” Dean disclosed, a disapproving tone laced in his words. “Judging from what she said, I can only assume that the plan for today was meant to be our undoing.” 
It was that statement that caught the younger Winchester’s attention, “What did she say?”
“What does it matter? Benny and Cas are in danger, Sam. That’s our priority right now,” the mobster stressed, his voice gruff with emotion.
“We have other men, we’ll send them ahead to scope the place out but we don’t even know what we’re walking into right now. We’ve got to be smart about this.” 
Dean knew his sibling was right, yet the feeling of losing his blood brothers because of one stupid mistake was more than he could bare. “I can’t lose more family, Sammy. I just can’t.”
“And we won’t, not if we play this smart,” his little brother advised, sincerity lacing his tone. “Now I need to know what Y/N said. Her exact words.” 
“I helped plan it,” Dean fired back, shaking his head as he clicked his tongue against his teeth. “That it wasn’t just her but The Master and Nick.”
“Wait,” Sam held up his hand,  “The Master?”
Dean threw his head back against the couch and sighed deeply, his forefinger and thumb pinching across his eyes and nose. He still felt like his head was swimming with information, that he couldn’t focus on one particular thing. When he woke up that morning, he was happy and was ready to take on the world. Now he was back to square one, on the break of losing the family who he loves yet again by his own stupid actions. 
“Alistair,” Dean sighed, his focus on the ceiling. “That’s the name his girls call him.” 
“That’s seriously messed up.” Sam grimaced, shaking his head as he stared at his brother. 
“So he’s into pet names,” Dean shrugged while he lifted his head off the couch with annoyance. “You’re missing the entire point of this.”
Sam just huffed, his tongue poking in his cheek as he looked over at his older brother. It didn’t take him long to look at the bigger picture here. Unlike the man in front of him, he could see the situation clearly as he wasn’t being driven by his raw emotion like Dean was. There was a lot more to this situation, it went a lot deeper than just Y/N double crossing them. Sam had suspicions about her behavior since he had spoken to her after playing pool, and especially after the previous night when a phone call had interrupted them, but his doubtful thoughts were never about her dedication to her job and his family, it was about her past and what she had been experiencing. 
“I don’t think I am, Dean,” Sam announced, lacing his fingers together in front of him as he rested his arms against his knees. 
“Y/N betrayed us all.” Dean’s face turned into one of exasperation, his mind not fathoming how he couldn’t understand exactly what the escort had done to them. 
“How?” Sam questioned, his tone still steady and reasonable. “By saving us?” 
“She sent you to your death, Sam!” the mobster snapped, his deep voice bellowing off of the walls as he stood from his seat brashly, his right hand throwing his glass against the wall. His green eyes darkened, his lips twitching as he held back a snarl. “I was the one that pulled you out of there!” 
“Because she told you too,” came the younger Winchester’s reply, not even flinching at Dean’s actions, which he had gotten used to by now. He raised his eyebrows as he watched the pacing man in front of him, sucking in a deep breath as he ran a hand through his long hair. “Look, calm down for a minute and let’s talk this out, yeah?” 
“Why are you on her side in this?!” Dean fumed, his hands running through his hair as he continued to pace the broken mess of the room. 
“Dean, I’m not. Believe me, if I’m wrong in all this, I’ll be handing you a loaded gun,” Sam assured, his dark eyes that were trained on his big brother full of conviction and promise. 
It was then that the frustrated man stopped in his tracks, angling his body to look down at the voice of reason. “You wanted me to murder Cassie the first chance I got, hell you still do. So what’s changed?”
“She’s not Cassie,” Sam’s reply was almost instant and it basically winded the head of the family, the darkness in his gaze fading as he collapsed back onto the couch. “Dean, Cassie did what she did maliciously, off her own back. Y/N’s held her hands up and told you before it got too far,” he began to explain, his hand rubbing at his jaw. “Look, when I brought Azazel back here, and I kept Y/N company whilst you did your thing, she opened up to me slightly. I didn’t like what I had to hear.” 
At that, Dean frowned, his anger subsiding slightly to make way for the uneasiness in his stomach to break through. “Which was?” 
He watched his little brother, how he rubbed his hands together before he spoke. It did nothing to settle the anxious feeling that was resonating in his chest. 
“She said that you were the first man that had treated her like a person and not an asset,” Sam began to explain, his voice soft and compassionate as he judged for a reaction. “She tried to cover up her words but I know how to read body language, Dean. She was uncomfortable, she was lying to me. Even when I challenged her about it, she couldn’t tell me the truth, so what does that tell you?”
“That she’s a liar,” the mobster seethed, pulling in his bottom lip with his teeth. 
“Or that she’s trapped in a corner with nowhere to run,” Sam implored, causing the older to halt his actions, the words resonating through him. 
His anger faded, the red fog clearing slightly, causing him to think carefully over his brother’s comments. Maybe he was right; all the evidence that he had gathered so far had already pointed to a not so normal life. So could it be that she was forced into this situation? That she was truly trapped, or was that an easy excuse to make?
“Yeah, maybe,” Dean sighed, shaking his head slightly as he pursed his lips. “But you don’t know everything.” 
“What do you mean?” Sam enquired. 
“Charlie found some information. I asked her to look into Y/N and report back to me,” the mobster admitted, rubbing at his chin as he edged closer to the edge of his seat. “Her records were dodgy, Sam. There was nothing past the age of six. It was like her life had ended there. I was convinced she had taken on someone else’s life as an alias.”
“But that’s not true?” His little brother's question made Dean shake his head slightly, his lips pursing.
“No. She told me a bit about her past, she confided in me and the woman I saw was so damn vulnerable. But Hell, that could have been an act too right?” A scoff past his pink lips as he reached for the bottle of whiskey that was on the table in front of him. “I don’t know, Sammy. Something isn’t sitting right. The woman I returned to The Hemlock yesterday morning was not the same one I got back. Something changed in her while she was there and then I noticed a tattoo on her neck.” 
“A tattoo?”
Dean nodded, walking over to where he’d thrown his phone earlier. “I don’t just think it’s just any kind of ink, Sam,” he doubted, picking the device off the floor and hoping it still worked. A slight wave of relief washed over him when he noticed that all his cell had suffered was a partially cracked screen. 
He pulled up the picture that he took, zooming in slightly on the detail before handing it over to the younger Winchester. “I just need to work out the numbers.”
Sam took a moment to study the photograph, the image fanning the flames of his suspicions with a heavy heart. “That’s because it isn’t normal ink, Dean,” he started, swallowing hard as his gaze went back to the awaiting green orbs. “I think she’s been a victim of trafficking.”
Dean’s face changed, his expression slack as his eyebrows twitched. “What?”
“It makes sense, right? The way she acts, the fake personas, the change of personality, the way her walls fell down around you when you took her to do perfectly normal things.” 
Did his brother have a point? The mobster took another long gulp from the glass bottle in his hands, his mind racing as he tried to pinpoint his thoughts. Surely he would have noticed it, he’s a mob boss for fuck’s sake, surely he would have seen something. How could he not know? But then even if he did, would it change how he felt about her now? Y/N had still deceived him, lulled him into a false sense of security before aiding the capture of two of his men. If Sam had been caught too...
“I still can’t trust her. Not now, not after this,” Dean admitted, the morbid thoughts of losing his family taunting him. 
“She’s just been a pawn in this war, Dean,” Sam tried to reason, sliding his phone back over the table. “And the fact that you’ve left her alive in your bedroom speaks volumes for itself. You need to talk to her.”
The older Winchester huffed a breath before he ran his tongue over his bottom lip. “And what is that going to solve, huh?” 
“I know what she means to you, and she means more to you now than Cassie ever did,” Sam spoke truthfully, his eyes full of empathy as he stared at the stubborn man across from him. “You need to speak with her, maybe now she’s in a position to tell you the full truth.”
“But Benny and Cas--”
“- I’ll deal with that. You need to do this, Dean. You need answers.” 
There was a brief moment of silence between the pair, neither of them breaking their gaze on the other, a psychological standoff. 
“Fine,” Dean relented, closing his eyes briefly as he took a deep breath, pushing himself back off of the coach. His legs felt heavy as he made his way towards the staircase, his palms sweating, his throat dry, even though he tried to drown his thirst with liquor. He hadn’t got the time he needed to process the series of events that turned his world upside down, Benny and Cas were in danger, the woman who had captured his soul laid on his bedroom floor. A possible victim of trafficking. Could she have really been forced into this? Why couldn’t she have just told him the truth? Did she not trust him? 
Making his way along the long corridor towards his room, he brought the bottle of whiskey back to his lips, his eyes slightly glassy as he thought about how he had left her. Broken, defeated, at his complete mercy on the floor. She was so accepting of punishment, so willing to welcome any harm that was coming her way. Casting his mind back to the first time he truly spent time with her, he remembered her not knowing how to shop. That memory bled into the one where he told her she could keep the dress he had made for her; the look of childish glee when she tried pizza for the first time, the eyes full of wonder when she tasted chocolate covered strawberries. It was all flashing in front of him like it was a damn show. The need to do well continuously, to be the best of the best. The fear in her eyes when she thought she’d failed him. It all made sense now. 
With a partially shaking hand, he pulled the key to his room from his jeans pocket, the metal shaking in the lock as he slowly turned it to open. The click echoed through his soul, causing him to inhale deeply as he readied himself to face Y/N once again. With a forceful push, he opened his door, words spilling from his lips before an unexpected sight greeted him.
“You need to explain yourself.”
——————————————– Chapter Twenty Eight --> ——————————————– A/N: *screams* Guys...three more chapters...that’s it! *sobs into a pillow* We’re so close to the end of this story. I hope you’re enjoying these last few stops. 
I love you guys so much for reading this…so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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Dean Queens: @x-waywardaf-x​ / @adoptdontshoppets​ / @roonyxx​ / @squirrelnotsam​ / @ellewritesfix05​ / @hardcoresupernatural​ / @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart​ / @noneedtoknow789​
Life for Rent: @fandom-princess-forevermore / @deans-baby-momma / @tftumblin / @rainflowermoonlibrary / @icedemon1314 / @thewintersoldierswife /  / @taetaewonderland / @jadesupernatural / @anaelyreads / @spnfamily-thewinchesters / @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce / @deansgirl-1968 / @1000roughdrafts / @becs-bunker / @scarlettwitcher  / @shamelesslydean / @imsuperawkward / @lessons-of-red  / @picturesinjuly / @atomicloverdonkeyperson / @moodycastiel / @holylulusworld / @rosey1981 / @waywardsistersandpie / @the-is13 / @sister-winchesters99 / @babypink224221 / @superlockedtimelord  / @internationalmusicteacher / @spnarrowfan / @divadinag / @ign-is / @pleasantly-average / @chaldei / @tryin2lovemyselfagain / @deanmonandnegansbitch / @socalgem1124 / @closetspngirl / @gh0stgurl / @kickingitwithkirk / @cookiechipdough / @unicornqu33n17  / @mrsbluesmize226 / @lilred254 / @dxftprettyboys / @sandlee44 / @claitynroberts / @vickyfarley  / @sirod-30 / @kaz11283 / @lbyers28 / @theholyfoxface / @keepcalmandbeajunkie / @jbbarnesgirl /  @shelbylazarus / @for-the-love-of-the-fandom / @voltage-my2dlove / @monkeymcpoopoo  / @buckybarneshairpullingkink / @simplycheyenneautumn / @kat-daddy99 / @kbl1313 / @focusonspn / @one-little-anon / @teddybeardoctorr / @daydream3r-xo / @deans-sweets / @indrarose / @doctor11ms / @i-am-a-mes / @dawnie1988 / @savagemickey03 / @briagallen / @poshpinklace / @faithfullcompanion / @kyjey / @collette04 / @imaginemyboys / @indecisive20something / @mayaslifeinabox  / @marvelranger / @kcrews74 / @we-are-band-sexuals / @cheyentjj / @lidibug / @swinchester27  / @lyarr24 / @urmbecky / @bagpussjocken / @phoenixdoll  / @winchestersmark / @nathaliabakes / @winchestergirl82 / @missafairy / @sharabp / @supersassyprobablysad / @starchildwild / @dancingalone21 / @kalesrebellion / @padfoot11  / @wish-i-had-something-better / @i-make-questionable-choices / @komekoro /  @animegirlgeeky​ / @elsenthal​ / @nothing-else5​ / @xrosegoldwolfx​ / @peachyafshawn​ / @tenaciousnerdbucket​ / @fatalcrossbow​ / @vicmc624​ / @teresa-67​ / @thevanishedillusion​ / @lady-pswrld​ / @gabavaldman​ / @msmarvelouswinchester​ / @mrsjenniferwinchester​ / @midnight-dreams-23​ /  @beachy2014
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