#I love how the confession says secretly and yet I put the toys right on top of the control panel out in the open
thsc-confessions · 10 months
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"Rhm secretly watches and collects mlp stuff" submitted by anon
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bluexiao · 3 years
May i ask some High school au with Childe, Xiao, and Bennett (bby)?? Also Take your time on doing it ok !
#just friends? i think not.
CHARACTERS. Xiao, Childe, Bennett
THEMES. highschool au. modern au. fluff. friends to lovers.
NOTES. since this is highschool!au i see this as somewhat of a first love-ish moment so most of the scenarios i imagined are “immature” and “common” in a way. i mean, highschool is where we do lots of stuff that we laugh or be embarrassed at nowadays hahaha. i hope you guys will like this one! happy anniversary!!<333 even if it doesn’t feel like it
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is the huge introvert in class that’s always seated near the window, tucked in his hoodie or jacket, usually with a bluetooth earphone on.
I bet you all that he’s secretly well-off, he’s just not that braggy or showy about it.
He’s difficult to talk to at first; dismissive, responds in only one short sentence, and he’d reject any offer to sit during breaks with anyone else.
Remember: patience and consistency is the key!
The moment he trusts you, he’ll be more open with you. Step by step; little by little. When he begins to trust someone, he trusts wholeheartedly, but it will take a lot of time and effort to do so.
The slowest to realize that he likes you because he refuses to admit it to himself. You would probably be the one who’d confess to him.
“You… like me?” he pauses, “How absurd. I… I cannot be liked.”
“Why not?”
“Just because…”
To his surprise, you could only smile at him, “I still like you, Xiao, it doesn’t matter if you don’t reciprocate them back. You deserve to be liked, remember that.”
He’s tough on the outside but it’s opposite on the inside so please take care of him<3
Also! Your bonding time together would mostly involve indoors like playing games, watching series that he deems ludicrous most of the time but when you both watch The Notebook he’ll probably tear up lmao. Also, arcades! The ones you find in malls. He will definitely treat you with the tokens and will win stuff toys for you!
I imagine he’s also good at the Basketball game in the arcade (please i forgot if it has a term or what but yknow what i mean)
is definitely the boy everyone has a crush with, must be why everyone’s curious as to why you two are always hanging around each other. Are you two lovers, perhaps?
The answer is… no, not yet, at least. Both of you are too dense to realize that your own best friend likes you.
You two eat breaks together, he takes you out to eat together after school, maybe you two are even going to Starbucks early in the morning to buy coffee. Yeah! You two probably have a schedule that on certain days he’d be the one buying coffee and the others are for you.
He’s not exactly “flirty,” more like very friendly, so it’s not technically your fault that you cannot sense that he has feelings for you. Not only you are confused, even those who are around both of you.
A heartbreaker but doesn’t intend to. He thinks he is doing the right thing, but upon seeing you cry and burst in front of him, asking him if he truly has feelings for you, he’ll be straightforward then.
Sounds kind of common in a “love story” but it’s true.
“Shhh, don’t cry, baby, wait does this mean I can call you that now? Hold on, that’s not what you wanted to hear right now… oh, are you smiling?”
If you two got into a relationship, basically nothing will change… because he always had pampered you before with materialistic stuff or food. You’ll just begin to realize how much effort he had been putting to you all this time.
Also, quite of a bonus; he has a sketchy set of “friends” that they call themselves “The Harbingers,” he never introduces you to them and would refuse to, but they know about you. You think you’ve seen a few of them like Signora (or Rosalyn), and Scaramouche (he refuses to reveal his real name, apparently). All of them are either in college or are grown-ups, your boyfriend says, so he reasons out that they’re “busy” to even meet you.
Someday, he’ll just have to explain everything and he hopes you’ll understand why he and his “friends” do what they do.
is utterly one of the friendliest and sweetest guys out there! He’s the very first one who will reach out to you no matter who you are.
Literally the kind of guy that would chat with you if you even feel a little bit lonely or sad, so it’s quite easy for him to be your friend—everyone’s friend, actually. It’s just that nobody tries to get near that much since he’s very VERY unlucky.
You’ll be able to realize this quite quickly and if you do feel bad for him (you’re heartless if you don’t) and decide to befriend him, I tell you, this is one of the best choices you’ve made.
First of all, he’s rather adventurous. You two would probably be hanging outside a lot after school and maybe even on the weekends!
You two call yourselves “Benny’s Adventure Team” just for fun! Both of you would be going to kids' playgrounds, amusement parks, or maybe biking around parks and streets.
Well, you may have to bring band-aids, cottons and Betadine to nurse him because he gets wounded easily with his lack of luck.
“Thank you for always taking care of me, Y/n! What would I ever do without you?”
Giggling at his words while tending to a scratch he received from his bicycle tripping on a rock, you could only respond with “What about repaying me by taking me on a date this Saturday? I promise I’ll bring a First-Aid kit just in case.”
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TAGLIST (pls send an ask to be added)
@softlybeloved @rim0na @icecappa @simplyxkashi @scaraslover @beastielevi @cursedraiden @thesatanofpizza @izayanna @stellumi @coco-goat-milk @nonniechan
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twistedmusings · 3 years
What Are You Writing?
A/N: JOKES ON YOU GUYS, I'M AN OBEY ME WRITERS BLOG NOW. Nah not really, I mean maybe I might start thinking about making one in the future but I see all these awesome writers in that fandom and I get i n t i m i d a t e d. Nevertheless, I did want to pull a harmless prank on my readers so...enjoy a labor of love and possible regret as I now have to work on other requests ó uò
How would the brothers act with a Writer MC?
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-He almost jumps when you walk into the room, practically shouting his name as you go to stand next to his desk and take a peek at what he is working on.
“Can I help you? “You certainly can.”
-You place a notebook next to his stack of paperwork and take a pen out, opening it up to a blank page before staring at him and building up your courage to ask the next question.
“What would you do if I suddenly asked you to be my fake boyfriend for a day?”
-You certainly were keeping up with your role in being the one human he isn’t able to pin down, huh?
-He asks what in the world you are talking about and you squat near him so that you can explain what you were doing. RAD proved to be a lot more stressful than you thought and you didn’t need to remind him that you were playing therapist to seven demons so you needed some sort of break.
-You tell him that in the human world you had a habit of writing ideas, snippets and even random bits of dialogue when you got stressed so you had asked Satan to lend you a notebook and a pen so you could unwind but you had gotten stuck in one scene.
-The character you were writing was loosely based on Lucifer so you decided why not ask him what he would do in order to get some inspiration!
“So here I am! I don’t need an entire synopsis I just want to know because maybe that will spark something inside of me.”
-Pen to paper, you look up at Lucifer ready to write anything down and even though you were looking him straight in the eye you were not paying attention to just how hard Lucifer was staring at you.
-You really had no idea how he felt about you, did you?
-Even with the pact making, the Hellfire Newt Syrup incident, the countless of times he had tried to flirt with you to the point that anyone without eyes could tell how he felt about you, your human brain did not seem to accept the fact that the eldest of the seven demon lords had fallen for you.
-Was this just another way of torturing him? Who would have thought that you would be such a cruel master?
-If only he wasn’t bound to you by the pact. Not that he regretted it but without the pact the ‘need’ to submit to you wasn’t as strong, all he would have to do is grab your chin, turn your face towards his so that he could tell you explicitly what was going through his head every time he saw you--
“...I would walk you to class, first and foremost. We would leave the House of Lamentation together and arrive together as well. Maybe some impromptu dates. Free tutoring as well.” “That’s tempting~ Would you let me hang around in your study?” “You are already welcome to do that.” “Aw, when did you get so soft?”
-Get the hint already!
-Your hand is scribbling down every idea he says, making quips here and there as you both talk extensively about your fake dates would play out. The idea of having you all to himself without his brothers around was already so tempting yet here you were talking about it like it was just a passing thought.
-That wouldn’t do.
-He grabs the top of your pen and smiles when you look up at him in confusion.
“At end of the day, I want to make you feel like the most important person in my world. I don’t want there to be a single doubt in your mind that you belong with me. Pact or no pact, you changed me in ways I couldn’t even fathom, MC, and I am doing everything in my power so that you will see just how important you are to me.”
-Your eyes are staring up at him, wide and with surprise as he dares to cup your cheek.
-He did it. He had gotten through to you! All he had to do was lean in and--!
“Can you repeat that one more time?! Oh my god Luci that was so good! I’m showing this to Satan when I’m done! Thank you so much!”
-Lucifer’s hand drops to his lap as he watches you pick yourself up and run out of his study, his fist clenching in his hand as he thought of just how blind you could be for not seeing what he had tried to convey with those cliched words! Of all the humans--!
-He stops as he hears your giggles outside of the hallway, unclenching his fist and sighing as he tries to look at the positives.
-There had been a flush on your cheeks, of that he was sure. Which meant that in some way...his words had made an impact. He hoped it would take just a few more cheesy lines for you to fall for him.
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-From the top of his head to the tip of his toes, Mammon could feel himself shiver as you called out his name. Ever since he made that pact the way you would call out his name would send a pleasant shiver down his spine as he turned to greet you.
-Levi told him that you had been looking for him and he had practiced his greeting at least five times to make him look as cool as possible.
“Yo MC! I heard you were looking for the Great Mammon!”
-See? Wasn’t he cool?
-The brothers watched as you didn’t even greet Mammon, you just grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the living room telling everybody that you needed to talk to him privately.
-Privately? As in you two alone? Together?
-Well of course you wanted to talk to him alone! His awesome ways had probably finally gotten through to you and you were about to confess to him. Suck on THAT Lucifer!
-You push him into your room before closing the door and turning to look at him.
“I have something I need to ask you. Do you think you can help?”
-The words escape him before he even thinks them.
“I want to go out with you. Tonight. Almost like a pretend date.”
-Fireworks go off inside his head as he feels tears prickle at the corners of his eyes. This was real, you were asking him out! You had picked him out of all his brothers despite how many messes he got you in and how much trouble tended to follow him--
-Wait, pretend?
-You proceed to show off your little book of writings, explaining to him that you had gotten stuck in trying to describe a hidden date between the protagonist and the love interest.
“They are trying to hide the fact they are dating from everybody so that they won’t get in trouble. I figured that a human and a demon going on a date is already somewhat of stigma as it is so I just want to see how it feels so I can describe it better.”
-He can’t really describe the sadness that he feels when you tell him it would all be pretend. Too much for dropping Grimm on wishing wells. He was going to go back and fish them all out tomorrow. What a letdown!
-Here he was, the GREAT Mammon letting a human toy with his heart like this!
“You won’t get in too much trouble if we do this...right?”
-The worry in your voice is what makes him look into your eyes. Your hand was on his as you looked for any signs of discomfort from the Avatar of Greed. Your eyes were entirely on him.
-Mammon’s subconscious: More of that please.
-You looked so worried for his well-being. Mammon had no idea who had told you that humans and demons were not allowed to date but they had clearly lied to you. There was no stigma whatsoever. And in retrospect he should reveal that to you now so that there would be no misinformation on how much he wanted to take you on a not pretend date.
-But all your attention was on him. Your body was facing his way, your hands on his as you licked your lips nervously. More, more, more, more he needed for you to look at him more--!
“Tch. Making such a complicated request. You could really get me in trouble for this, MC!” “You’re right, I shouldn’t push it--” “But I guess if you are asking me, I could spare a couple hours...for you.”
-You both share a smile as you hug him close, his arms wrapping around you tight as he tries to keep his smile from breaking out into full blown giggles.
-This worked out for him as well! He was going to give you the best date of your human life so you would have no choice but to fall for him! You better get ready!
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-You wrote some fiction, he wrote TSL fanfiction, Levi was probably already aware of your talent once he asked to beta one of his other works and you came back not just with some beta but with some actual USEFUL feedback unlike Satan going on about his spelling mistakes. -So you are already in his room when you ask for his help, grinning as you hold up the small ideas that you had written for your proper introduction into the TSL fandom.
“I want to write an AU about Henry and the Lord of Shadows in an arranged marriage!”
-The premise was simple. You wanted to write about the Lord of Shadows and his Henry having to marry each other in order to bring peace to both of their kingdoms. The marriage proposition was sudden and each of the seven brothers was against it but you wanted to show just how much Henry was willing to sacrifice to help the people who he cared about the most.
-And you loved drama like this.
-You hold up your book as you keep ranting to Levi, the other caught up in your plot as he closed his eyes in order to better imagine it.
“And I want a moment where the Lord of Shadows tells Henry that he doesn’t have to do this. That he wants him to be happy and doesn’t want him to be stuck with a reclusive Lord for all his life.”
-Of course, of course. The Lord of Shadows had always hoped for Henry’s happiness and he had also sacrificed a great many of his previous ways in order to gain his best friend’s praise! Levi was proud, you understood these characters so well! So he pipes in with his own thoughts.
“I bet Henry turns to him and asks why he is so against the idea! It would push the Lord of Shadows to confess that he has secretly longed for Henry’s affection and attention all this time!”
-You both grin before you stand up, putting on a fake sad face as you take Levi’s hand in yours before pressing them to your chest.
“Am I not worthy to be your spouse? Do you hate the idea of marrying me that much?”
-Levi is caught up in the moment that he doesn’t even notice how close you two are, instead moving even closer as he cupped your cheek.
“You? Not worthy? It is I who is not worthy of you. After all you have done...can I be selfish enough to call you mine?”
-Oh this was practically writing itself! You really hoped that Levi remembered some of these lines. You pull away from his touch dramatically before sighing as you decide that this scene would be a good catalyst moment for a confession.
“Have you ever thought of me that way? More than what we have now? I’m embarrassed to admit it but...I have on many occasions longed for something more.”
-Levi’s expression softens in a way you haven’t seen before, keeping a hold on your hands as he follows up with you seamlessly.
“If I told you about my fantasies...about the deep need I feel to keep you away from prying eyes and hoping that yours would remain on me despite the others who so badly wish for your hand. Would you still see me in such high regard?”
-Shit he was good. The prying eyes bit was perfect! Now to end it with a bang! You feel Levi pull you by your waist so you are pressed against his chest, eyes looking down at you as if begging for your reply. So you do what you have read in many other books and take his face in your hands.
“Keep me. Forever.”
-You both stay that way for a few seconds before you pull away and let out a giddy squeal, rushing over to your book and writing down the lines that you could remember, gushing about how Levi had just given you the best ending ever.
-What you didn’t see was the poor demon standing there, arms still pretending to hold someone as the spell broke for him slowly. He needed to process just what the hell just happened.
-He had held your hands, touched you, had you close enough that he could feel you against him and you hadn’t even moved away! Levi could still see how warm your hands were on his cheeks and the words that you had said to him were now slowly coming back to him as he remembered his embarrassing replies!
-You jump and turn when you hear a clatter behind you, turning around to see that Levi had fainted and was now slumped against one of his many manga bookshelves, face all red and a dopey smile on his lips as he repeated your words over and over.
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-If you had a writing buddy in Levi, then you got a plot bunny buddy with Satan.
-With the amount of books that he has read and the number of genres he is into, you are surprised that he finds your ideas mildly interesting. They were all just cliches and purely for your enjoyment so when he asked you if he could read some of what you had written you were too shocked to notice that he had already taken the book from your backpack.
“A love story...interesting.”
-You two were in the library, looking for a certain book about black magic casting as well as some examples of ritual circles that you needed to complete for your next assignment. Or rather you were looking for the books, he was just following close behind you as he read your latest entry.
“How are you stuck in this scene?” “Huh?” “How the main character meets the second love interest. It’s pretty obvious.”
-Well excuse you for having writer’s block. You know that he was trying to be helpful but his help always came with some sort of sarcastic twinge that, while endearing during some situations, was incredibly annoying when he was criticizing your writings. You turn back to look at him as you stop at the spot the book was supposed to be in.
“I haven’t necessarily fallen in love with anyone lately, you know! It’s too specific a feeling!”
-Satan’s eyes take in the way you tip-toe to try and reach the book, cursing under your breath as you struggled to get it from the highest shelf. Devildom libraries were notoriously famous for having ridiculously large bookshelves and only a ghost attendant would be able to help you. He looks down at your book and then back at the small scene before smiling as he snaps the book shut.
-Surely a bit of inspiration is all you needed, correct?
-You feel a hand on your lower back, another brushing the hand reaching out for the book and grabbing it for you. Satan smiles as he holds out the book to you.
“Black magic casting...and you needed something about ritual circles, right? It seems the perfect book is right next to you.”
-He ‘accidentally’ brushes your cheek when reaching out for the book behind you, humming for a moment before he puts it back and looks down at you without moving his arm out of the way. Satan had just effectively trapped you in a rather flawlessly executed Kabedon.
“...Satan...the book…” “It wasn’t the right one. Or maybe I just wanted an excuse to get you in this position.”
-Your eyes were shining, the book was pressed right against your chest, he could even see the small blush adorning your face as the situation became quite clear to you. Now he wouldn’t tell you that he had practiced this sort of scenario by himself in his room just in case you ever asked him for help finding a book, better for you to believe that this had all been just a ‘happy’ accident.
“You are looking at me so seriously, MC.” “I know what you are doing.”
-He dares to move closer, his shadow casting over you as if to hide you from prying eyes. If you made the first move, there would be no one stopping him.
“Yeah?” “This would be perfect! A library setting! Gives me a chance to make the character like a cool librarian type!”
-Satan stays silent as you grab the books you need and snatch your notebook from his hand, stating that you were going to check these out immediately and then head home. He turns back to look at the place you were just standing at, the place where you had been completely at his mercy.
-Dammit, he should have blocked the other side too.
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-Asmo was ecstatic when you asked him for his book collection.
-It annoyed him to no end when people thought that the only way he consumed his erotica was through personal experience and porn. In his opinion, after personal experience, the best way to enjoy his usual favourite activity was reading erotica. The descriptions, to get into the thoughts of the inner characters and seeing how they essentially lose their minds to the pleasure. It was thrilling.
-So when you come knocking at his door one night and ask for one of the books you usually catch him reading, he is both excited and curious.
“Which one do you want darling? I have the first volume of ‘Eternal Dom Love’, ‘Baring My Soul to a Demon’, ‘Captive Human’--” “You have anything like...with dirty talk?
-Oh now he is really excited and curious.
-He looks around his small library and pulls out the book he thinks is best for what you desired, holding it out for you to take but pulling it back quickly with a grin. Asmo wasn’t going to just let you walk away after telling him something so interesting~
“I’m a bit possessive about my books, MC~ What are you going to use it for? Recreational reasons?”
-You blush and cover your face with your hands, not really embarrassed for asking but instead embarrassed that you were about to tell him what you were going to do with it. But you steel yourself, you had heard Asmo flirt in the club before and from how quickly his dates had insisted on taking it to a more ‘private’ area, you knew he had the thing that you desperately needed.
“I…” “Yes?” “I’m-trying-to-write-the-prelude-to-a-sex-scene-in-one-of-my-stories-but-I-have-no-idea where-to-start-so-I-need-material!”
-Asmo blinks before grinning as he got in your face, pushing the book into your hands as he asked you what the story was about, who were the characters, had you based them off of anybody and just what kind of sex scene where you planning?
-He had no idea you had that kind of talent, where had you been hiding that all this time?
-You slowly explain the plot to him, getting a bit more into it as you see how much attention Asmo is paying to your every word. Out of all of the brothers you didn’t expect him to be so interested in one of your stories! The scene you have in mind is somewhat clear to you so you try to explain to him just what you think is missing.
“It is a demon and a human. They are clearly not supposed to be doing this. Yet that is--” “What makes it all the more appealing.”
-Asmo had played this out perfectly given the little time he had to work with. The more you talked, the closer he got to you. The closer he got, the more you moved away subconsciously. Your body instinctively wanted to make room for him and give him his space but you let out a small ‘meep’ when the back of your knees hit the side of his hanging chair and you find yourself sitting down as he kneels in front of you.
“They both know that if they take such a intimate step with one another they might not be able to go back to how they used to be before. Everything will change.”
-You nod as Asmo touches your leg, hand moving towards your thigh as he rests his chin on your knees.
“But what is so wrong with change? You said the demon is a charmer so they would want to charm them throughout the whole thing. It would start out slow, teasing even, probably testing out the waters as they see what their human likes and doesn’t like."
-He scoots closer and traces your fingers, the digits wrapped tightly around his book as he continues..
“They would eventually lose control, wouldn’t they? The passion would be too much for them to handle and they both would lose themselves to their lust. Although it wouldn’t be just lust…”
-Asmo looks up to meet your eyes, straightening out as he leans in closer to the point that you are shutting your eyes and leaning in as well--it’s not that you haven’t had experience with kisses but surely the demon of lust’s kiss would spark something inside your head--!
-You open your eyes when you feel the book leaving your hands.
“I changed my mind. I think this would be a much better title for what you are looking for, Sweetie.”
-He holds out your hand for you to stand up and you almost want to ask Solomon to cast some sort of spell that would make you forget everything that happened in these moments. You closed your eyes like some highschooler waiting for their first kiss--you were better than that!
-You thank him and make your way out of his room, running back to yours as fast as you can without noticing Asmo’s mischievous smile as he waved goodbye. It was always good to play the long game~
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-You two had stopped at Madame’s Scream because Beel had complained about being hungry yet again. Besides you both had done rather well on an examination so--why not celebrate?
-You only had a small fizzy drink while Beel had ordered himself something called ‘The Herculean Parfait’, something about it holding 25 scoops of ice cream plus whip cream, nuts and some waffle cones at the bottom. Now the waiter had brought out two spoons but it was clear that Beel would only be needing one.
-This was rather normal for you two, Beel eating his fill while you stared at the blank page of your small notebook. You were trying to write a cute scene with a couple sharing a dessert at a coffee shop where they first met but you were struggling to think of a fluffy scenario.
-Was feeding your partner considered cheesy nowadays? You tap your page twice before looking at Beel. The second spoon remained untouched, some ice cream specks stuck to the shiny, concave surface as the Demon of Gluttony continued his ice cream carnage. You grab the spoon and take some from the side that had yet to be eaten.
“Hey Beel”
-The demon stops eating and looks at you as you hold out the spoon to him, his hunger suddenly stopping as he looks at the sugary contents stacked high on the spoon you were holding out for him.
“Say aah!”
-Beel blinks but doesn’t think twice the moment you give him the command, opening his mouth and eating the sugary confection off the spoon, his smile growing as you let out a small giggle.
“Did it taste good?" “Mmm~!" “I’m glad.”
-He abandoned his own spoon as you scooped up some more, opening his mouth as you kept on feeding him. Beel had no idea what had brought this on or why you were suddenly feeding him. It wasn’t like he was complaining, however. Yes your pace was slow and such a giant parfait would surely melt with how slow you were going but he didn’t care, instead opening his mouth wide as you kept on feeding him.
“So Beel…” “Mmm?" “Does it feel any different when I feed you?”
-Beel frowns when the spoon stops but decides to answer your question so that he could go back to eating. Why would it feel any different? Well, it somewhat did? He didn’t know how to describe it but he does feel a lot fuller than before. He is actually tasting the food as you take your time scooping up some more. He had picked out so many different flavors and he could taste almost every single one.
“I wouldn’t say different...but food certainly tastes better when you give it to me.”
-You immediately stop and put the spoon down, smiling as you start to writing down what Beel had just said. You could essentially build an entire scene around that! What a good idea coming here--
-Your pen stops as you look at Beel, your pen falling from your hands as you see the puppy dog look he was giving you. He looks at your hand and then at the spoon.
“Why did you stop?”
-Beel smiles happily as you go right back to what you were doing, the notebook forgotten as you continue to spoil your demon. You had a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last time you were doing this.
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-Belphie yawned as he cuddled you closer, your hands moving so they would be wrapped around his neck but still holding onto your phone. He closes his eyes and tries to drift off but frowns when he hears your fingers tapping on your screen. He could probably sleep through the sound but he didn’t want to.
“Turn around.” “Huh?” “Just turn around.”
-You do as he says, now pressed against his chest as you continue to type. Belphegor was close to falling asleep, pressing his nose against your shoulder as he breathes you in---
Tap tap tap tap
“Fuck this.”
-He grabs your phone and drops it off the bed, your protests being muffled as he wraps his arms around your neck to pull you close. You tap his arms twice before wiggling out of his hold, sitting up on the bed and looking at him while he glared back at you.
-What did you think you were doing typing away on your phone? Belphegor never really asked you for much but when it was cuddle time it was cuddle time. You weren’t supposed to do anything *but* cuddle during cuddle time so you clearly needed to stop being distracted.
“What do you think you are doing?” “Taking care of your distraction.”
-You both stare at each other as he sits up as well, clearly letting you know that if you were to go and dig for your phone he wasn’t going to let you. At this point, it really was useless to argue with Belphegor. As the youngest, he was used to getting what he wanted with little setback. So you lay back down, ignoring the triumphant smile Belphegor gave you as he went right back to cuddling you.
“I was writing something.” “It can wait till later…”
-Belphegor yawns and wraps his leg around you, ignoring the little ‘hmphs’ you were giving him as well as the words you were muttering to yourself. But what good would it be if you weren’t cuddling up to him as well so he decided to give in as well.
“What were you writing about?”
-Oh this was new. You turn to face him, talking about the scene you were working on. This couple had just had an exhausting day and they were eager to lay in bed together but their work or other responsibilities were keeping them from cuddling at night. You explained how you wanted to describe the exhaustion one was feeling from not having their partner with them.
-The demon of Sloth hummed when you mentioned how tired the character was and speaking up about how he knew how they felt. You chuckle and mention that it seemed that everything made Belphegor exhausted nowadays. He shakes his head, opening his eyes so he could look at you.
“No. I mean that everything gets heavier when you’re not with me.”
-You try to cut it in and ask him what he is talking about but he beats you to it.
“I get more energy when you are around. I actually want to do things aside from sleeping. “Are you saying you like hanging out with me more than sleeping?” “Don’t push it, MC.”
-Both of you laugh, your body cuddling closer to the demon as you yawn. A part of you was still annoyed that Belphegor had shoved your phone to the floor because now would have been a prime time to write that he had just said but as your eyes grew heavier you just hoped that you would remember it by the time you woke up.
-Belphegor opens his eyes once he feels your breathing evening out, smiling as he leans in close and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“You weren’t far off...I do like you more than sleeping...sometimes…”
-He yawns and wraps an arm around your waist. What a good idea it was to lock the door so none of his brothers would bother you two. Your nights were his, after all.
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thisnoodlewritesao3 · 3 years
Like Dusk And Dawn | Tsukishima Kei/Reader
Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Reader, Ukai Keishin, Sawamura Daichi
Pairing: Tsukishima Kei/Reader
Warnings: Angst to fluff, TW(hints of self-harm, suicidal ideation, depression) read at your own discretion.
Word Count:  2273
Summary:  As the day shifts into night, so do you. A change so smooth and noticeable when you pay attention, and so sudden when you don’t. Your head was always wracked with the fear and doubt; your boyfriend, Tsukishima Kei, never seemed to help the situation either.
A/N: I wrote this a little while ago and didn’t really think much of it, but now reading back on it I actually cried. Thank you @satan-ruler-of-hells for basically Beta’ing for this (sowwy I made you cry bb)
As the day shifts into night, so do you. A change so smooth and noticeable when you pay attention, and so sudden when you don’t. Your head was always wracked with the fear and doubt; your boyfriend, Tsukishima Kei, never seemed to help the situation either. Behind closed doors he could wash away your worries for the night, but when he was in person, he acted as though you didn’t exist, ego bloating at the compliments of other women.
Your body shook as you moved closer to the gym doors, gently knocking. You silently cursed yourself when you realised that they probably couldn’t hear you over the noises inside and proceeded to push the door open slowly, “excuse me.” Your voice is so soft that even the wind managed to triumph over you.
Tsukishima caught sight of you, expression not changing, only briefly switching to annoyance as he missed a receive.
“Can I help you?” The coach stepped in front of you, you’d heard Tsukishima mention his name, Ukai. 
“I need to speak to Tsukishima.” You swallowed hard, not sure if he even managed to hear you, that thought confirmed by the confusion on his face. “Tsukishima…” you slowly pointed at the blond and Ukai followed your line of sight and nodded with a smirk on his lips.
“Oi, Tsukishima, you have another love confession,” your heart strings tugged. You’d always assumed that he had at least told his team about you, but it only confirmed that he didn’t. Worry washed over you. He grinned at Yamaguchi, who almost looked jealous, jogging over to you. Closing the door behind him.
“What is it, Y/N?” He checked the windows over his shoulder before allowing himself to look worried.
Tears pricked in your eyes as you stepped back away from him, “another love confession?” You asked. You couldn’t help the pain it caused you; how were you ever going to compete with all the women? Kei ran his hand through his hair and rolled his eyes.
“Is that really what you want to talk about right now?” His voice is so cold that you shudder, nodding and trying to keep looking him in the eyes. “Fine, we’ll talk about that.” He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Some girls told me they liked me. There, did that make you feel better?” Harsh words. Maybe he was just trying to make sure no one heard him lose his cool.
You shook your head and he looked off into the distance.
“I just wanted to know why you don’t show me affection in public.” You clenched your fists hard until you were sure you'd broken the skin, shifting them and silently repeating the process.
There was that glare he was known for. It wasn’t special for you; you didn’t want it to be. You wanted the boy you’d fallen in love with, but each time it felt like he was slipping away from you with no hope to get him back. You weren’t any better. Each time he managed to break a wall, you’d be secretly building it back up.
“This shit again?” He growled.
“It would really mean a lot to me if you wou-”
“I already do all that shit for you behind closed doors, why do you need to make it so public?” He shifted his weight. Guilt settled in his stomach when you pulled back away from him.
Something changed on your face and his eyes grew wide. Your fists were still clenched but your body relaxed, a fire seething behind your eyes. “Because I shouldn’t have to listen to the way girls talk about you like your free game; and then you act like you aren’t even taken by me. You don’t even look at me.” Your body was still shaking, you felt so sick, but you knew you needed to face him. “Because I deserve to feel loved and not just like a broken toy.” You had to stop yourself from yelling.
“I’m not taken by anybody.” He turned to face you fully. You stared into his eyes, searching for a hint of sympathy that you’d see on those dark nights.
There was nothing.
“So, what am I to you?”
“You’re just what you said, a broken toy I can play with until I get bored.” He didn’t mean it. It felt like venom on his tongue the moment that it came out but he couldn’t stop it. “Did you actually think you were special?” Another wave of guilt and he glared harder against it. “Did you ever think I could love someone like you?” One final stab and the tears poured wordlessly down your cheeks.
He knew just how to hurt you. Every single time.
You didn’t step back away from him, neither of you moved; you were still searching for the remorse that you needed to be convinced he did still care; he was waiting for the fight back that you’d normally give him to show him you hadn’t given up.
It didn’t come.
“I guess, I thought you did.” Your voice was so soft again, shaking with a thousand emotions. Kei turned his back to you, not caring that the gym door was now open and his teammates stared at him. “I’m sorry. I’ll leave you alone this time.”
He stopped, hoping you were going to come back to him.
Instead, your head dropped low, letting the tears pour down onto you. Overwhelming numbness filled you. You could barely walk away from him. You just wanted to break down right there, but you had enough dignity left.
You didn’t see him staring after you, longing for you to turn around.
He ran his hands through his hair, biting back the tears that formed in the corner of his eyes. Everyone stared at him in shock as he nestled back into a glare.
True to your word, you left him alone.
No longer did you look at him with that intense love in your eyes that always worried him; he watched as you buried yourself deeper behind a mask. His team had said they’d never seen a girl bounce back so quickly from what looked like a devastating time, they called you strong. But he could see right through your little act. When the eyes weren’t on you, your face was empty, lacking true emotion. You hid yourself deeper down inside yourself.
The thoughts that wracked your brain kept him awake, for months he’d been worried about you tipping over the edge, he knew you’d been close before and even then he’d had to force you back.
Some days he’d managed to walk home a few metres behind you. Your eyes lingered a little too long, body moved just a little too slow, and there was a worrying smile that tugged at your lips when you crossed almost a little too late. But the car always stopped, and you seemed dissatisfied.
Today wasn’t any different. You’d walked to school with some girls; you were laughing, but it was so empty. You lingered a little too long in the road and the car honked at you, yet you didn’t jump, just sighed and followed them with the same smile.
“Tsukki!” A voice called out to him and he zoned back into what he was doing. He jumped to block the ball, but fell just short and cursed himself. The entire game he’d been out of focus, he was lucky it was only a practice match, or this slip-up could have cost him the game.
“Don’t mind, don’t mind.” Daichi patted the boy on the back, trying to gauge his emotions with a simple smile.
It wasn’t until the third time that he failed to block did he start to feel the rage boil inside of him, his movements so frantic that it almost scared the members of Nekoma. After that, he was quickly swapped out.
Tsukishima stormed out of the gym, slamming the door shut behind him. He wanted to scream, cry and punch something all at the same time. But the thing he wanted the most was to be able to see you. To talk to you. To say sorry for being a jerk. He wanted to hold you in his arms one more time, he’d kiss you a thousand times over and over until you were begging him to stop. He’d gloat and show you off to everyone. He’d put you up on that pedestal that you deserved to be on.
The door opened behind him and he lifted his head to yell, until his eyes landed on your figure, frozen.
“What is going on with you-” Ukai called out to the boy, worry dripped from his tongue. He stopped in his tracks as you stared at Tsukki, some fear danced on your face as you took a deep breath and faced him slowly. Ukai didn’t let the door close, he’d seen a scene almost too similar a few months ago and he wasn’t going to let either party walk away hurt this time.
“Ke-” You started to say, but quickly stopped yourself, “Tsukki.” He was watching you carefully; it managed to put you on edge. There was a wave of relief as you spoke to him, your voice as angelic as ever.
“L/N…” he spoke so softly that he wasn’t sure you’d heard him. “What are you doing here?” It was late after school had finished, it wasn’t like you had any club to go to, so why were you here of all places?
You paused, lips in a tight seal. That wave of sadness smashed through your eyes. How were they always so open and yet no one ever dared to look deep enough to see the horrors of your soul? “I… I don’t know.” You admitted, scratching your neck. “I just decided to come here, I guess. I wasn’t really thinking, I can go-” you started to walk away from him, the only thing stopping you was his desperate voice calling out to you. It tugged at your heart.
“Wait!” He sounded like he was in so much pain; every movement seemed to be more painful than the last, he could finally see you again and he’d never felt so much joy. You didn’t turn back to face him, your fists clenched again. Anyone could see you were fighting back tears. “Stay.” He pleaded with you.
The wind blew your hair away from your neck, revealing a few deep scars that made him want to drag you into his arms. “Why? I’ll just end up distracting you, or pissing you off again.” Your voice was shaking now, even as you tried to remain steady.
“Because I need you.” Admitting it almost felt like a deep burn. A betrayal to himself and everything he stood for; it was worth it when you almost turned to go back to him.
“I need you, Y/N, do you want me to scream it?” You didn’t respond and he took that as confirmation. “Fine…” he grumbled, and took a deep breath. “I need you, and I miss you! I just want you back and I want to make things better.” It was working, whatever it was, it was working and you weren’t running. “I want to kiss you. And hug you. I want to show you off to everyone and anyone. I want to hold your hands and eat your shitty lunches-” you choked back a laugh, “- I’ll parade you around on my shoulders and make sure every girl and guy knows you are mine!” This was the part he’d hated rehearsing in the mirror. “Because… I-”
You cut him off, turning around with tears streaming down your cheeks. You didn’t move any closer towards him, that anxious feeling pulled at you, warning you to stay back. He watched the hesitation in your eye before you took a step towards him.
There you lingered, one foot closer to him. He doesn’t mean it, your thoughts pulled you back to your senses, bringing your foot backwards. His heart shattered at the sight.
“Please…” he begged, falling onto his knees. In front of him, you broke down one barrier at a time, vicious tears slipped out of you silently. You didn’t care if their eyes were watching you as that strong exterior you’d spent the last few months building up came crashing down in front of them. You needed to hear it. You felt so weak.
“Do you mean it?” You stood in front of him like a small child, shuffling closer to him even as your mind fought to make you stay back.
Tsukki didn’t move, only kneeling in front of you until he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, he looked up at Ukai who knowingly smiled at him. Some shared understanding flowed between the two before Tsukki finally stood up, taking strides towards you.
He wrapped you in his arms, your head planted against his chest, listening as his heart picked up speed, pounding almost too much. He leant down his own head, craning his neck just to kiss the top of your head. If he hadn’t of been holding you, you would have crumbled. “I mean it,” he whispered.
After a few minutes of crying in his arms, you finally pulled away to look him in the eyes. There was something much sweeter in them than before, so apologetic and sympathetic for the pain he’d knowingly caused you.
He leant down further until his mouth was close to your ear, “I love you, F/N.”
“I love you, too, Kei.”
@pies-writes-and-more @realcube 
If you want to be added to my permanent Haikyuu taglist, then send me an ask or a DM! 
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years
Prince Charming - H.S
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A/N: So I apparently posted this as private, but I have fixed that! This is my entry for @hunflowers​ Halloween Fic Challenge! Gianna, I hope that you had the most amazing birth month and the best Halloween. I wrote this little bit about spooky baking with H and a big surprise. I hope that everyone had a great halloween and I hope that you enjoy this fic! 
Word Count: 6k+
Warnings: A shitty ex, smut, so much fluff “Harry, darling, please put that down.” I reached out, grabbing the ice cream scoop from his hand with a breathless chuckle. His eyes grew wide and he handed it over, crossing his arms behind his back with a cheeky grin as I turned towards the camera. “As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, today Harry and I are going to bake some Halloween treats for you all.”
“Before we start,” Harry glanced over at me. “Can I show you a trick?” 
“It depends.” I said slowly. “What is it?” 
“Have a little faith, sweets.” He smirked, reaching for three of the golden brown eggs that were sat on the countertop. “I’ve never done this in front of you before.”
“Don’t you dare.” I gasped out as he started to toss the eggs in the air. I lifted my hands to my mouth, my eyes growing wide. “Harry! We don’t have any other eggs. If you break those-”
“Calm down.” He settled them back into his palm after a few tosses into the air, each egg landing gently beside the next. “I’m a pro juggler, aren’t I?”
“You like to stress me out sometimes, I swear it.” I let out the breath that I had been holding, shaking my head out as he let out a loud chuckle. “Grimmy, I apologize in advance to you and your editing team for what you’re going to have to cut out in this video.”
Harry rolled his eyes, setting the eggs down on the counter. 
“So, essentially,” I glanced over the ingredients on the counter as Harry placed his hand gently on my hip. “We’ve got some serious baking to do and then some fun baking. Anne, Harry’s beautiful Mother, is hosting a Halloween party with a bake-off for everyone that lives round the village. Harry and I both decided that we don't want to bring shame to the Styles’ family name with crappy baking, so we’re doing something a little unorthodox.”
“The what?” Harry squeezed my hip with a smirk, holding back a laugh as he looked over my confused expression. “What family?”
“Don’t be cheeky, I said what I said.” I mumbled, my cheeks growing warm. “Going to the annual Holmes Chapel bakeoff with a Styles, aren’t I?”
“S’alright, you’ll be a Styles soon enough.” He pressed a teasing kiss to my temple and I rolled my eyes, exasperated and exhausted by his neverending proposal joke.
I hadn’t told him yet, but there was a certain Styles that was really pushing for a proposal. 
I rolled my lips in, doing my best to hold in the secret that was bubbling up in my chest. 
I looked at Harry as he pushed a few ingredients around absentmindedly, holding back the words that were practically clawing at my throat. 
“Well you better hurry up then,” I cleared my throat. “Got boys lining up around the block. Rather have my chance with one of them if you’re not gonna give me my ring soon.”
“Oi!” He glanced at the camera and then back at me. “There better no’ be any boys linin’ up ‘round this block.” 
He reached over for the toy sword that he’d insisted on buying at Homegoods during our Halloween shopping excursion. 
“You’re going to fight them off with that?” I giggled when he waved it in the air. “With poor posture and a terrible swing?”
“You’re just asking for it today, aren’t you?” He dropped the sword, narrowing his eyes. “I see how it is, then. Get back to your baking spiel, I’ll handle you later.”
“Kinky.” I turned towards the camera with my lips pressed together before I let out a loud laugh, Harry joining in right after. “I can’t do this with you, we’ll never get anything done.”
“Yes we will.” He reassured me. “Let’s crack on with it then.”
He reached for an egg and my eyes went wide as he prematurely cracked it, spilling the contents into the bowl carelessly. 
“My favorite thing about baking is eating what you’ve done after.” Harry confessed with a tiny hum, his hand dipping the measuring cup into the flour bag. “Always liked to take a cheeky bite out of whatever Mary was working on at the bakery.”
“You still do that.” I teased, bumping my hip into his. “I caught you sneaking some chocolate chips earlier. Don’t you think for a second that I won’t call your Mum in here.”
Harry snorted out a laugh and I glanced up at him, raising my brows. 
“You wouldn’t dare, you little tattle tale.” He mumbled, narrowing his eyes back at me. 
I opened my mouth, but he was quick to press his lips to mine so that I wouldn’t speak. 
I laughed into the kiss, pulling back when he reached up with a floured hand to cup my cheek purely out of habit. 
“None of that.” I pushed his wrist away. “This is serious business we’re tending to and I won’t be the one to disappoint Anne at the neighborhood bakeoff because you can’t keep your hands to yourself.” 
Harry let out a soft huff, turning back to his flour with a pout on his lips. 
“And now he’s pouting.” I turned towards the camera with a fond smile on my lips. “He’s cute when he’s grumpy.”
“Don’t make me rethink this.” He grumbled. “Might have to dump the whole bag of flour on your head if you keep teasing me.”
“You wouldn’t do that to me.” I cooed, sliding my arms around his waist, nudging his arm out of the way until I was settled against his side. “You know why?” 
“Not a clue.” He hummed out, glancing down at me. I could see the smirk teasing the corners of his mouth and it only made me smile wider. “Why?” 
“Because you love me.” I said softly, hoping that the camera didn’t pick it up. “And I love you.”
“S’true.” He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. “Love you loads.”
“Love you loads.” I repeated back, closing my eyes as he wrapped one of his arms around me tightly. 
“What happened to serious business?” He asked, resting his cheek on the top of my head. 
“Few more minutes of this, then we can get back to it.”
“Come here,” I held my hand out, grabbing his chin gently. “Think you could use a bit more around your top lip.” 
“What do you mean?” He asked, his brows furrowing. “My mustache is starting to grow.”
“S’not a mustache it’s a shadow.” I secretly dipped my free hand into the chocolate icing behind Harry’s arm. “But I can fix that.”
I reached up, swiping my finger across his top lip generously before I darted away from him. 
Harry was quick to catch me, both arms looping around my waist until my back collided with his front. Before I knew what was happening, I felt cold goop dripping over my forehead and down my neck. I gasped, shrieking ever so slightly as he lifted me off my feet. I reached out for his arms as a puff of white powder washed over me, Harry’s hand patting the top of my head. 
“S’that what you wanted then?” He playfully growled in my ear. “You should know better than to tease your elders, sweet pea.”
“Harry!” I whined when he spun me around, my hands swatting his arms. I was a little fearful that him holding me like this wasn’t the best idea for the churning in the pit of my stomach that was set off so easily these days. “Put me down you oaf.”
“Promise to be nice to me?” He asked. 
“Harry, you did way more to me than I did to you.” I turned my head towards his pouting. “It’s not fair.”
“Alright, if I put you down, you get one more shot at it.” He said. “Only one more though, and you can’t crack an egg on my head.”
“Deal.” I said. 
“No. egg.” He repeated and I chuckled, nodding my head. “Alright, go for it.”
He sat my feet on the ground and naturally, I reached for an egg. 
I pressed it against his shirt, squishing it the best that I could as he gasped out. 
He looked down at his shirt and then to me. 
“You said not on your head.” I clarified, dropping the shells to the counter. “You didn’t say anything about anywhere else.” 
“You little shit.” he scoffed playfully. “It’s on.”
Three hours later, we were still caked in our baking goods. 
Harry and I had fallen into a comfortable silence, working around each other to prep the ingredients for our cake that would be entered into the bake-off. We weren’t master bakers by any means, but we were doing pretty damn well. The top tier was a black cauldron with little eyeballs sitting on top. When people cut into the cake, the eyeballs would ooze out a slime green, mint flavored icing that would compliment the dark chocolate flavor of the cake. The second layer was a pumpkin cake with flesh colored icing that tasted of cream cheese and housed a few fake stitches held together with staples. Harry had taken great care to create a few ladyfingers to stick on top of the second layer, curved towards the cauldron as if Frankenstein himself were holding it up. The bottom layer was a simple apple spice cake with black icing and easy piped spider webs. All together, it was a pretty solid cake. 
“We’re so fucking talented.” Harry stood back, looking over every last detail of the cake. “I’m actually really proud of us for doing this. It looks so good, sweets, and I just...we did that.”
“I know.” I stood next to him, snaking my arms around his middle as I stared at our masterpiece with a fond smile. 
I bit the inside of my cheek as he brushed his fingers over my shoulder in a soothing motion, my eyes welling up at the proud tone his voice emitted.
“I think we should join bakeoff next year.” I said quickly, hoping to distract myself. 
“Yeah, let’s see if Jeffrey approves of that.” Harry snorted, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as he glanced down at me. “Let’s go have a nice shower before the party. We can do our fun baking together at home.”
“I love you.” I said softly. “That’s a great plan, Styles. Let’s go get this gunk off of us and get ready for the night.”
Harry and I floated around each other in the bathroom that he shared with Gemma at Anne’s house. I stood side by side with Gemma, working on my eyeshadow while she messed about with her hair. It was decided around April that we would all dress up as Disney characters to keep with a theme during the bakeoff. There was a lot of arguing between the Styles children until a decision by Anne, Michael, and myself was made in regards to the costumes. 
Anne would be dressed as Mary Poppins, but modern. I had helped her pick out the perfect outfit with a magic bag and cane just a few months prior and I was more than excited to see her all dressed up. Gemma and Michael were going to be Belle and Prince Adam post beast phase. Gemma was already dressed up, her hair in perfect curls and resting on her shoulders. 
It took me a lot of convincing to do on my part - which consisted of begging and a stellar blowjob- to get Harry to agree to my idea. My favorite princess growing up had always been Ariel. There was something about her rebellious streak that always appealed to me. I told Harry that I wouldn’t be dressing up as mermaid Ariel, but land Ariel instead. It felt a little more practical and wearable for me to wear a dress instead of a tail. 
“Sweetheart,” Harry popped his head into the bathroom, his fingers pressed against the doorway as I adjusted my bow. “Are you ready?” 
“Just about.” I nodded. “Can you tell me if my hair is okay?” 
He moved into the bathroom, brushing his fingers under the dyed red locks that I had insisted on getting a week or two before Halloween. It was a temporary dye that would come out in a few washes, but the color was starting to grow on me. 
“It looks perfect.” He said softly, reaching up to tweak my bow. “This red is starting to grow on me.”
“Me too.” I glanced up at him through the mirror with a small smile. “Well, let me see your costume then.” 
I turned around, pressing my hands into the small sink behind me as I looked over Harry’s body. I had seen him in a white, flowing shirt like this plenty of times before, but I had never seen wearing the exact outfit that Eric wore in the cartoon. I tried to keep my red lipped smile at bay, but it was damn near impossible to do when he looked so perfect. 
“I love it so much.” I said softly. “You look handsome, darling.”
“Thank you.” He mumbled softly, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck as blush tinted his cheeks. “But I pale in comparison to you, sweetheart. You look adorable.”
“Really?” I glanced down at my dress before looking back to Harry. “Do you think so?” 
“Better than the fucking cartoon.” He chuckled, reaching up to brush his finger over my cheek as he cupped my cheek. “I never wanted to fuck Ariel.”
“Harry!” I groaned, pushing his arm away as he giggled. “You ruined it.”
“I’ve done no such thing.” He teased, pulling me in by my hips. “I honestly think you look beautiful, my love. I don’t know anyone else that could pull this off better than you.”
“I think you can pull it off me later and then we can decide who does it better? I teased, lifting up on my toes to kiss his lips. “Let’s go, I can’t wait to win that contest.”
“I knew all of those years working at the shop weren’t for nothing.” Mary clapped her hands together, her eyes scanning the cake. “This is a work of art, love!”
“I can’t take all of the credit.” Harry wrapped his arm around me. “Had my princess to thank for most of it. She’s a wizard in the kitchen.”
“The two of you are quite the handsome pair.” Mary reached up to pinch Harry’s cheek and I laughed under my breath. “I’m glad you’ve found someone to deal with your terrible habits. Did he take a few bites out of your masterpiece while you were baking?” 
“He always does.” I chuckled, patting his tummy. “I always leave him bits behind so he can snack.”
“She treats me well.” Harry sighed playfully. “I wish you luck on the bake off, Mary.”
“You as well, darling.” 
As Mary walked away, someone filled her spot. 
“Harry!” Madeline smiled brightly, her eyes twinkling. “It’s so nice to have you back, babe.”
“Hello.” Harry gave her a tight smile, his arm pulling me closer to his side. “S’nice to see you again.”
“Is this your cake?” She looked down at our masterpiece and I tried to fight off my smile as Harry dug his fingers into my side instinctively. “It’s magnificent, babe!”
“It’s our cake, yes.” I cleared my throat as Madeline glared at me, a look of disgust washing over her face. “Nice to meet you, I’m Harry’s-”
“So, H,” She cut me off, looking back at my boyfriend. “Everyone is going for drinks in the pub after. I would love it if you could stop by.”
“Sorry, but I have plans.” Harry said. “My girl and I are going back to our home in London for a party with our friends.”
“Oh.” Madeline’s face fell. “You’re not staying in Holmes for a few more weeks?” 
“No.” He said. “We’ll be back at the end of November.”
“Interesting.” Madeline said. “Well, we’ll just have to catch up then.”
“We’ll see.” I said. “We’re quite busy.”
Madeline walked away, her jet black hair flipping over her shoulder. 
I looked up at Harry with a sympathetic smile. 
“You okay?” I asked, pressing my hand to his tummy. 
“I’m fine.” He grumbled. “I just wish people would stop treating you like a fucking doormat. I can’t stand when they talk down to you, as if you’re less than them. That girl hasn’t even left her fucking hometown and you’re a succesful-”
“Hey, look at me,” I moved in front of him, grabbing his face between my palms. “I want you to understand that I don’t give a flying fuck about Madeline or any other person that talks to me like that. They’re just jealous of what I have and what I’ve built, Harry. If I sat around worrying about them all day long I would always be a wreck and I refuse to give them the satisfaction.”
“But I love you.” He whispered. “I love you and I want to protect you, even if I know you don’t need me to.”
“I don’t need you to, you’re right.” I smiled. “But I want you to know that I already feel safe and supported around you. I don’t need a huge scene to feel protected.”
“I love you.” He lowered his head, pressing his lips to my own.
“And I love you,” I giggled. “My sweet prince.”
Somewhere in between watching Harry’s youngest cousin bobbing for apples and a quick make out session in the toilets, or cake was destroyed. It wasn’t hard to pin down the culprit after we saw Madeline smirking in the corner. She made sure that her eyes landed on mine exactly, smirking like the cat who ate the fucking canary. I glanced between Harry’s stony expression and the smashed cake that lay on the floor of the rec center, my chest burning with anger and frustration. Any other time, I would have ignored the feeling and powered through. 
But something in me had changed and I felt the need to protect Harry for once. 
He was so proud of our creation and Madeline destroyed in seconds out of spite. 
My prince was standing in a room full of family and friends with a quivering lip and watery eyes and I was beyond livid. I tried for a few moments to soothe the burning frustration in my chest, but I couldn’t do it. I knew the kind of girl Madeline was and I knew that she wouldn’t ever stop harassing Harry as long as she thought she had a chance with him. I needed to show her that she didn’t have a chance with him anymore.  It didn’t take me long to find myself in front of her with red cheeks and a heavy scowl on my lips. 
“I get that you’re still living in some high-school state of mind where you’re the ‘it girl’ and everyone else is just a pawn in the sick game you’re playing.” I started, sending Madeline into a state of shock, her eyes growing wide. “But this isn’t highschool and I’m not someone you can bully to get what you want. I’m a grown woman with a great career and a beautiful life. I don’t care if your feelings are hurt because you went on one date with my boyfriend in year seven.”
“I-” She stuttered out, but I interrupted her. 
“Grow the fuck up and move on with your life or you’ll find that one day, all of your friends and family are gone because you were too obsessed with someone who never wanted you back in the first place! I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but you need to lay off. I don’t care what you do or say to me, but you will not continue to hurt Harry’s feelings past today, is that understood?” 
She nodded meekly, her shoulders slumping slightly as I let out an angry huff. 
When I turned around, Harry was right there behind me. 
“That was a really shitty thing to do, Madeline.” He said softly. “I would appreciate it if you could leave us alone in the future, yeah?”
Harry and I left the rec center immediately after. 
The ride back to Anne’s house was so quiet that I could hear Harry’s harsh and uneven breathing from the passenger seat. I knew that he was beyond angry when we left the party, but it seemed to get worse with every passing second. It was so bad, in fact, that Harry hadn’t even put his hand on my thigh like he normally did when he was driving. I hated the absence of his hand, but my brain was too busy working around in circles trying to keep up with my current emotions. I gently rested my palm near my belly, worrying my bottom lip as I looked out of the car window. 
I was feeling so many things at once and eeing Harry so worked up had an effect on me that it shouldn’t have. I kept my thighs tightly pressed together as he accelerated down the winding road towards his Mum’s house. I could feel my walls growing slick as they fluttered, fueling that aching feeling in my belly that was spreading warmth across my body. I didn’t want to be turned on by his frustration and anger, but I couldn’t really help it. I watched him from the side of my eye, trying to soothe the feelings in my body and bring myself back down.
Unfortunately for me, it didn’t work. 
When Harry pulled into Anne’s driveway, he slammed the driver side door. 
I knew he wasn’t angry with me and I didn’t feel like I was in any sort of danger, but I still jumped a little. It should have scared me to see him do that, but if anything, it threw gas onto an already raging flame. I watched him strut around the front of the car in his costume, his lips pressed together and his jaw clenched. He was still a gentleman, holding the door open for me and offering a hand to help me out. I received a pert kiss to my temple as he slipped his fingers through mine, guiding me up the walkway to the front steps of the house. 
“Harry,” I said his name quietly as he shut the front door behind us. “Baby?”
“M’really not in the mood to talk about it.” He grumbled, brushing past me. “I’ll be in m’room.”
I let out a sigh, watching him retreat with a bruised ego and a soft pout. 
I kicked my brown flats off next to Harry’s vans before I walked up the steps towards the room we had been sharing for the last week. Inhaling deeply, I pressed the door open as he started to strip out of his costume. I shut it quietly behind me, leaning against the white wood as I watched him like a hawk waiting out its prey. 
“I told you I’m not in the mood to talk, love.” He let out a frustrated sigh. “Don’t want to say things I might regret.”
“I’m not in the mood to talk either.” I said softly, crossing my arms over my chest. “I am, however, in the mood to fuck.”
His head snapped around as he held his brown trousers in his pants, his eyes burning. 
“S’that what you’re up here for?” He asked, letting out a bitter laugh. “Want me to fuck you?” 
“You’re hot when you’re angry.” I shrugged, pushing off the door. “I’d like to put some of that aggression to good use.”
“M’not mad at you.” He said softly. “Mad at her.”
“Just...take it out on me.” I said. “I know you’re upset and I know that this will make you better, so fuck me like you hate me.”
“I won’t do that.” He swallowed around a lump in his throat. “But I will punish you for being an absolute brat in that kitchen earlier. I told you that you would get yours, didn’t I?”
“You did.” I tried to hide my smile when he tossed his pants to the side, his hardening cock on display. “No pants under those trousers? How naughty of you.”
“I want you on the bed.” He moved closer to me, brushing his thumb over my cheek. “Want you perched on the end with your ass in the air so that I can take you from behind.”
“Costume on or off?” I asked, raising a brow as Harry looked over my face. I shivered when he pulled a tendril of red hair from my shoulders, twirling it around his finger. 
With a shaky exhale, I nodded. 
Seconds later, I found myself stripping out of my panties and falling onto the bed with myy hands pressed into the center of the mattress and my feet dangling off the edge. I gripped onto the duvet we’d been curled under earlier that day, closing my eyes in anticipation. I waited for the sting of Harry’s palm against my flesh or the teasing tone of his voice. I waited and waited, but it never came. I heard him fiddling around behind me, shuffling through items and grumbling under his breath, but I didn’t feel his presence. I let out an impatient whine, biting my lower lip. 
“Didn’t say you could make noise, did I?” He said sternly. “Stay quiet for me, princess.”
I rolled my lips in, trying to keep in the whine that was creeping up my throat at bay. 
Seconds later, I felt the skirt of my dress being pushed over my ass. The hem rested on my lower back as the cool air of Harry’s bedroom washed over my skin. I heard him inhale sharply just seconds before I felt his thumb brushing over the lips of my cunt. I tried not to make any noise, taking a deep breath as he circled his thumb three times over my clit. 
Sweet relief only lasted a few moments before Harry’s thumb was gone from my clit. I gasped out when his hands started to knead at my ass, his thumbs spreading me apart.  
“You pissed me off earlier when you cracked that egg on my shirt.” He tutted. “If I remember specifically, princess, I told you no eggs.”
“M’sorry.” I whimpered when he dug his nails into the flesh. I knew he wouldn’t do anything to seriously hurt me, but I liked the sting. “M’sorry I didn’t listen.”
“You’re just being greedy.” He hummed out. “Gonna say whatever it takes to get my cock in you, huh? I’ve seen you do it before, my love.”
“Harry.” I whimpered his name as he pulled his right hand away. “Please.”
Seconds later, the crack of his palm against my ass had me letting out a small moan. 
I jolted forward on the bed ever so slightly, but Harry’s hand on my hip stopped me from falling.
“You were acting so bossy, too.” He sighed. “Putting on a show for Nick and the camera as if you’re the one who’s in charge here. We both know that isn’t true, don’t we? We both know that you like it when I take control, when I boss you around. Isn’t that right?” 
“It is.” I nodded before I tucked my head between my biceps, slightly arching my back “Fuck, I love it when you’re in control, H.”
“S’my job to take care of you.” His voice lost it’s edge, a softness to it. “Don’t need you to take care of me, princess. M’your prince charming, aren’t I? It’s my job to stand up for you and defend your honor.”
I lifted my head up, glancing over my shoulder with parted lips. 
The words died on my tongue when I felt Harry’s tip against my entrance, the rest of his cock following lead as he sunk into my warm walls. We both let out breathy moans of relief and the burning ache that had taken over my tummy earlier was now being soothed by. Harry’s hips settled against the flesh of my ass as his fingers flexed into my hips, holding me tight against him as I adjusted to his size. I closed my eyes when he finally pushed me off of his cock before pulling me back against him. I hated not being able to see his face, but this position felt so amazing that I couldn’t help but give into it. 
“Harry,” I gasped out as he repeated his previous move a few more times. “I need you to really give it to me.”
Another smack landed to my ass as Harry’s cock simultaneously brushed against that soft spot inside of me that only he could reach. I whimpered, biting my lower lip as he pushed my hips off of himself again, pulling me back a little harder as his hips moved forward to meet me. 
“S’not your turn to call the shots.” He gritted out, his fingers smoothing over my ass before it fell to my other hip. “If I wanna fuck you slow, I’ll fuck you slow.” 
He really made a point, pulling me off of his cock until the tip was barely nestled inside. 
He waited a few moments before he pulled me back onto him. 
“If I want to fuck you fast, I will.” He moved his own hips this time, delivering three fast and sharp thrusts into me. “If I want to pull your hair, I will.” 
I felt my mouth practically watering when he reached up, gathering the strands of my hair in one, large ponytail. I gasped when he pulled, guiding my head up and my body to a sitting position. I dropped my head back against his shoulder, my back pressed into his front from ass to shoulders. I turned my head ever so slightly as he grunted. 
“Do all princesses act like this?” He gritted out, guiding his hand to the front of my belly as he started to move his hips, thrusting into me just how I needed it. “Acting like brats until their prince comes along to teach them a lesson?” 
I slipped my hand over the palm that was pressed to my tummy, gripping his wrist to take some of the pressure off. I felt his palm ease up on the sensitive area as if he could tell exactly what I was trying to say. I was just a little nervous about things, especially since I hadn’t told him yet. 
 “I need to cum.” I cried out.
“No.” He flexed his hips, pushing deep inside of me as I tried to guide his hand to my clit. “I’m not done with you.”
“Shh, princess.” He pressed his lips to my neck. “I’m going to fucking wreck you.”
And he truly did. 
He alternated between fucking me on all fours and holding me up with his palm as he drove into me from behind. I didn’t get much clit stimulation until the end of our tryst, but it still felt phenomenal anyways. The feeling of Harry plunging in and out of me with such vigor was enough to get me close to the edge of my release. He went on with his pattern of alternating positions until I was begging him, tears in my eyes and desperation in my tone. 
“Please let me cum, H.” I cried out, turning my nose towards his jawline as he pushed his palm into my lower tummy. “Let me cum, let me cum.”
“Shh, princess.” He cooed softly, pulling out of me completely. “S’alright, I’m gonna let you cum.”
“No, no, no.” I whimpered when he pulled his body away from mine, his hands dropping from my hips. “Harry, what are you doing?” 
“I want you out of this fucking dress.” He growled out, his hands tugging at the zipper on the back until the fabric fell loosely around my shoulders. “Need to feel you.”
I nodded, helping him push it all off of me before I fell forward on the bed. 
Harry patted my thigh, guiding my hips until I was on my back with my heads propped up against the pillows. I gratefully accepted the bruising kiss he offered, his lips molding against mine as he guided his cock back into my aching walls. I let out a soft moan as he bottomed out, wrapping my legs around his hips as he slipped his hands under my body. 
“Love you.” He gasped out, flexing his hips in sloppy thrusts as he panted into my mouth. “I love you so much. I love that you stood up for me and I just...fuck, I love you.”
“I love you, too.” I whined out, guiding a hand up to the back of his head until my fingers were tangled in damp locks. “Make me cum.” 
“M’close too.” He warned. “Together?” 
I nodded before tucking my face into the crook of his shoulder, my lips pressing into the bare skin there as he tucked his hand between our bodies. I knew Harry’s body just as well as I knew my own at this point. I knew it well enough to know that four or five more thrusts would bring him to his release. I softly bit into his shoulder as he circled my clit, waiting for me to clench around him as a signal that I was ready. It didn’t take long, his fingers slipping against the bundle of nerves fast enough that I was clenching around him in less than a few minutes. 
“I’m gonna move.” He whispered. “You ready?” 
“Please,” I mewled out, kissing over his shoulder as he started to thrust his hips. “Just like that, Harry.” 
“I love you.” His breath tickled the baby hairs along my temple as he delivered a few sharp thrusts. “Love you so fucking much.” 
When our highs hit, his body stilled against mine. 
I let out a high pitched whine, trying my best not to bite down on his shoulder too hard. I felt him cum, his cock twitching before he let go of his release. His hips flexed into mine a few more times, a primal movement that ensured every drop of his cum was pushed as far in as it could go, before he fell lax against my body. I let out a soft chuckle, gently scratching at his scalp as we both tried to catch our breath. His lips pressed gently over my forehead and down the bridge of my nose until they met mine in a soft and sweet kiss. 
“Thank you for sticking up for me.” He whispered. “Thanks for sticking up for us.”
“She would have never stopped hounding you.” I whispered. “She needed to be confronted in front of other people to realize exactly how horrible she’s been.”
“I was really upset about our cake.” He pressed one elbow into the mattress, brushing his fingers through the strands of hair around my face. “We worked so hard on it and she just...destroyed it. I felt like that was a big milestone for us, creating something together.”
“I know.” I gave him a sympathetic smile as his thumb caressed the skin of my cheek. “What if I told you that we’ve created something so much better than a cake together?”
“What could be better than that cake?” He asked, his brows pulling together. I watched his eyes dart around, the gears turning in his brain. “I don’t know, love. What have we done?” 
I smiled, rolling my lips in as my eyes started to tear up. 
“Are you sure you can’t think of anything better than cake?” I asked, my voice a little hoarse from a combination of moaning and the emotion creeping up in my throat. “Like, baby, you can’t imagine anything better than-”
“You never call me baby.” He searched my face, his expression changing emotion every few seconds. “Are you saying-”
“Yeah.” I nodded. “I think that’s a little better than a cake, right?” 
“Holy fuck.” He let out a breathless chuckle. “Yeah, it’s much better than a bloody cake.”
He pressed a series of playful kisses over my face, both of dissolving into a fit of giggles.
In that moment, I knew that this would always be the one thing no one could ever ruin for us. 
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rason-rodd · 4 years
All The Time We Need - Jason Todd x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Summary: Reader and Jason meet again after two years being apart and reconnect with their long lost love.
Warning : Angst, Fluff, Smut  
Author’s note: A OS definitely inspired by my 2-years long hiatus and that somewhat acknowledges it. It was almost cathartic writing it and allowed me to reconnect with Jason on a writing scale. You can read it as a sequel to “Summer Love and Swimming Pool” or not. Some moments are a bit too cheesy to my taste but I hope you’ll enjoy it nevertheless. NSFW Part is at the end. You can skip that part if you want to.
You actually realise Time flies when you take time to acknowledge it. And sometimes acknowledging is like getting buried under a mountain of sand and feeling each grain slowly chocking you and reminding you there is no escaping. The sands of Time cannot be stopped, nor can they be shoveled. They run and slip through your fingers like dust in the wind and the tighter you try to grasp them the faster they go. And when they’re gone, there is no catching them back.     That’s why Time is scary. Because no matter what you do, it won’t allow you to go back or to put an end to it. And it will certainly not allow you to forget about it either. Time will pave your life until the day you die with a constant reminder that, unlike it, you’re not eternal. And the saddest thing is it doesn’t care about what you think of it.           And yet, it seemed like Jason Todd had managed to tell Time to go fuck itself. “How long has it been?”
He hadn’t changed a bit. Looking as handsome as ever. Always and eternally sporting the same disheveled short black hair and the same mischievous yet tortured blue eyes, eyes that had put you in more trouble than you could remember. “Two years or so … I don’t know.”             All you could remember was a passionate summertime infatuation that had burnt your body and your heart night and day like a hot and dazzling sun. A fading yet intense memory you secretly cherished and replayed in period of loneliness and that you couldn’t seem to be able to replace on the timeline of your life. “Still so beautiful, I see.” You scoffed and he chuckled. “What?”       “You haven’t changed a bit, have you?” He scratched his head; arm muscles compressed in a leather jacket à la Jason that made you wonder how he could bear wearing such a light jacket in such freezing weather. “I tend to believe constancy is a quality.” You goggled at his smile, childish, adorable yet naturally so seductive. The same smile that used to make your legs shake and turn to jell-o. “I didn’t know you were back in Gotham.”         “Right back at you. Last time I heard of you, you were in this little town … Hopletown, was it?”   “Appleton.” He corrected. “Looks like Timbo talks about me in my absence.”           “You’re his brother. Of course, he talks about you, just like everyone else in your family.” Judging by his signature small crooked smile on his face he seemed touched by your words, taking even time to ponder over them. Did the family really think of him in his absence?
Shivering, you tightened your wool coat around you, attempting to prevent the cold wind to infiltrate under the cloth and steal your body heat, as you let Jason think about what you had just said. But your reaction didn’t go unnoticed and it managed to pull him out of his train of thoughts. “Do you want to go somewhere warmer? We could have something to drink, catch on. I’m sure you got plenty to tell.”         “Not plenty but I could use a hot tea.” You confessed, already imagining the spicy smell of cinnamon and chai in your nostrils and the hot steam caressing your cold face.     “Amazing.” He grinned, genuinely happy and excited, a bit like a little boy at a toy store, and lowered your beanie to properly cover your ice-cold reddened ears. That gesture got you confused for a small second but it was so sweet and caring you eventually smiled. Ah Todd, always the overprotective type I see.
“So, what are you doing in Gotham City? I thought you wanted to ‘travel the world Dora The Explorer-style and get the hell out of this cesspool’?” He quoted you and your genuine chuckle made him smile but only briefly as you gained back your seriousness in a matter of seconds.
He could tell you were not the same girl he used to date two summers ago. You had changed, matured. You had become a woman, a woman who seemed to struggle with responsibilities so heavy they could crush her at any second. You looked tired, weary… sad even. The cheeky light in you was gone. And he wanted to know why. Not out of curiosity but to help you.           “Well, I did travel and it was awesome, like a dream come true. But I guess we always wake up from dreams eventually.” You looked down at your tea, looking at your pale reflection in the hot water, melancholia hitting you like a train. “My mother got sick and, well, her savings were not enough to pay for all the medical care so … let’s say I had to swap my backpack for a satchel… I work at Wayne Enterprises now. Bruce hired me, out of pity I suppose.”         “I’m sure it wasn’t out of pity.” You shrugged and Jason grabbed your hand and you looked up at him. “And I’m sorry about your mother. I know how it’s like to …”     “Do you still think about us?” You abruptly cut him short, not willing to keep talking about your personal issues or to plunge Jason back in dark memories that you know were very hard for him to handle.     Sure, you could have chosen another question, another topic of conversation but the thing was that those words were niggling at you since the moment you two broke up. “I mean do you happen to think about what happened between us?”
Jason didn’t answer at first, more out of surprise than out of hesitation because there was none. There was just one answer to that question. Of course.             Of course he had thought about you all over those two years. Of course he had thought about what happened, about the moments spent with you – however ephemeral they had been -, about that love he had felt and had never learned to completely erase despite the women who had entered and exited his life. Of course there had been nights in which he had replayed the lustful burning memories of you in his arms, against him, against his naked body. Of course was the answer. But not the answer he gave you. “Come with me.” He forced you to get up and slammed a fifty-dollar bill against the table, not caring about the hot chocolate he hadn’t finished or the blueberry muffin you had barely touched. “But … the change.” You tried to protest.         “Fuck the change. I want to show you something.”
           Out of all the places in Gotham, you never thought he would have brought you here. “Why are we here, Jason?”       It was an ancient building, far from the fancy city centre and only a few blocks away from Crime Alley. Dilapidated, covered in colorful yet ugly graffiti, this place looked liked a landmark for drug dealers and junkies and it was an understatement to say that, without Jason’s company, it would have normally made you feel unsafe and uncomfortable.         “I grew up here, before Bruce took me in.” You glanced at Jason who was staring at the place with both disgust and melancholia. “I’ve always hated that place. But it was home. And I guess it made me… I guess that is because of that place that I somehow became the man I am today… I mean, if Jason Todd hadn’t grow up here with a junkie mother and a lousy father he would have never met Brue Wayne and never became …” He stopped, on purpose, you could tell it. “Even if I hate to, I come back here when I want to think of my past, when I’m looking for a reason to keep on fighting. This place is like my temple, a memento of who I am. Damn, you must think I’m crazy.”         “ No, not at all… ” You smiled and put your hand on his arm to reassure him. “Just very Romantic for the bad boy of the Wayne family.” You teased him, knowing perfectly that literature always been Jason’s hobbyhorse and that the whole bad boy thing was a persona, a thick armour he had made to protect himself.     “Blame Alfred. He’s the one who made me ready Wordsworth.” He joked, appreciating the small banter. “Follow me.”           You took the warm hand he offered you and followed him inside the decaying building, minding your step and trying to ignore the dirt and the potential rats.          
Once on the third floor, Jason pushed a rackety wooden door that cracked and squeaked on its hinges and you entered what once was his house. “You grew up here?” You asked only to fill the heavy void caused by this dreadful place. “It was the living room. Used to hide under the table there when my parents were fighting.”
You looked around you, trying to imagine a small Jason living in here. You always knew about his crappy childhood but there is a huge difference between what you had imagined based on the stories Jason had told you in the intimacy of your bedroom and this place.       “You asked me why we’re here.” You turned around and spotted Jason knelt on the dusty wooden floor, a small dusty shoebox that he had just taken from under a floorboard between his hands. “I’ve had this since I was a child. Used to keep the things I loved most in it. Somehow, even after I left this place, I never could take it away from here.” He handed it to you and you slowly opened it, careful not to drop it. You could tell this box was important to Jason.
The content left you silent and you sat on the floor near Jason to study it. “I never really opened it. I don’t like getting stuck in the past. It terrifies me.” You frowned, thinking about all the nightmares, all the anxiety attacks he used to have back in the days you were together. “I never showed it to anyone either but hopefully that’ll answer the question you asked me in that coffee shop.” The question? You had forgotten about it, way too overwhelmed by the sudden solemnity of this moment.  “Never?”           “You’re my first. You should be proud” He tried to joke to lighten the mood and it worked for a couple of seconds. Then, you saw it, among a dog toy, a broken necklace, a batarang and other small tokens. A photo of you two kissing and smiling. A Polaroid you had personally taken on the day when Tim had offered you the camera to illustrate your travel book. “You kept it.” You declared in a whisper.     “I told you. I keep the things I love most in that box.” You stared at Jason, at the cracks of melancholia and the vulnerability in his beautiful blue eyes he allowed only a few people to see. “Of course I thought of you over the years.”       You were not the cheesy romantic type. Jason was - something rooted to his love for gothic literature and poetry you supposed. But that sincere and pure confession got you all … flushed? bothered? You couldn’t really pinpoint the feeling but you could feel the shaky warmth spreading in your body, now paralyzed by the beauty of that moment. “Did you … think of me?”
If Time could stop, you would have chosen this moment to stop it. Here, now, away from your stressful life and its issues, away from all fears and all pains, with Jason and only him, forgetting about the past you’ll never be able to change or the future that vows to be uncertain and scary, thinking about what truly matters, now. “What do you think?” He chuckled and you saw his hand slightly twitch, as if he was hesitating to do something. And so you took it in yours and shared an umpteenth intimate look only he could read. “Sometimes I wish I’d never left.” Meaning, sometimes I wish I would have stayed and be with you.           “Trust me, princess. You made the right choice. Your life would have been miserable with me.” He tried to reassure you, in vain. After all, he could barely convince himself? “More miserable than the one I have right now? I seriously doubt it, Jay.” You frowned and finally got up, leaving Jason’s box on the ground, to watch at the sunset and its red golden rays from the shattered window. “What do you think would have happened had I stayed?” You had your ideas; small little ones of pure love, happiness and bliss that Jason would have managed to lock in that little box of his. “I have a better question, Y/N. What do you think can happen right now?” He was towering you, expecting an answer, waiting as he was gazing at your skin glowing under the soft light of the sun and at your shining eyes. “You tell me, Todd.” This sentence echoed in Jason’s head as a call.
And so his thumb brushed your cold cheek and you looked up at his face, your eyes glued to his features observing them and all the small details you hadn’t noticed before. A little scar thin as a needle on his right brow and a much bigger one, an invisible one that you could see in his eyes, the scar left by all the losses and the pains he had gone through recently. Roy, Bizarro, Artemis. Maybe Jason had changed as well after all. Maybe there was no secret to stop time. But he didn’t let you ponder over this and gently pressed his lips on yours.
He needed that. He had thought about it all day and the truth was, you had too. You welcomed his kiss without hesitation or second thoughts and came to press your small body against his - which seemed so tall and strong in comparison to yours – to instinctively look for safety and protection. “I missed you, princess.” He whispered close to your mouth for a brief second before capturing your full lips with his again. “I missed you too.” You confessed, hands over his hard chest, feeling his heart beat loudly under your palms.     Jason was holding you close now, his arms tightly circled around your form as if he was scared for you to leave, scared to be alone again. His fingers weaving in your hair, his head buried in the nape of your neck, he was pecking your delicate skin, smelling the sweet and heady perfume, glad it was exactly like the one he remembered. “Damn, Y/N. You’re still driving me crazy.”  He murmured as he allowed his hands to slide in your coat and under your jumper to caress your bare back, awakening a cheekiness that you thought was long gone. “I tend to believe constancy is a quality.” You quoted him.
           As soon as the door to your apartment slammed shut, your coat dropped to the floor and with hasty hands, Jason threw your beanie across the room, showing an excitement you had almost forgotten. It almost knocked an old crystal vase over but he couldn’t care less.   He had waited long enough. Two years to be precise and he couldn’t wait a second longer. “Bedroom?” He asked between two hungry kisses that were making you almost suffocating against him. “ At the end of the corridor.” You whispered, already breathless, as you managed to finally get rid of his leather jacket.       “Okay.” He suddenly grabbed you to hoist you up with incredible ease, hands under your ass, squeezing it on purpose. A lustful yet cheerful action that made you yelp in surprise.  “I’m already making you scream? Perfect.” He declared with an amused smile as he rushed towards the bedroom, with you in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist, his lips devouring yours.     “Wrong door.” You said as he tried to open the bathroom. “Fuck.” You giggled and very soon your body finally bounced on your bed as it landed on the soft mattress.
You attempted to sit down to admire Jason but before you could do anything the hasty young man was already on top of you, right in between your legs, his lips already kissing your hot belly as his hands were slowly pulling up your jumper above your lace-covered breasts.           That’s when your first moan finally escaped your mouth. “God. I missed that sound.” Jason mumbled against your shivering skin as he cupped and squeezed your round breasts. “Do it again.” He demanded, his tongue licking you up until it reached your cleavage. “Jason.” You moaned his name, feeling a very specific humid warmth forming in between your legs as you fingers were struggling to get rid of his green t-shirt.   He cursed and knelt on the bed to take off your jumper that he carelessly tossed on the nightstand. It knocked the lamp and the radio alarm clock to the ground with a loud clinking noise. “Can you stop breaking my stuff?” You joked and he apologized with another amused bright smile. “I’m sorry, princess”             “Are you? Show me how much.” You declared with an audacious confidence you hadn’t seen in a while. “Yes, ma’am.” Jason winked and immediately unbuttoned your jeans to pull them down along with your panties, revealing your wet and rosy womanhood begging for his attention. He sighed and took a deep breath when he saw it, glad to rediscover that little part of you. Slowly, his calloused fingers went to caress it, making you draw a sharp breath as your fingers tightened around the covers. You didn’t want him to tease you too long and you somewhat you know he wouldn’t. Not today. He was too excited and needy for that.     And so were you in a way judging by the certain frustration that made you mewl when Jason’s expert finger slowly entered you while his thumb came to tickle your swollen clit. You wanted him now but you had to admit you had missed his fingers down there, the same way you had missed everything about him. Which reminded you there was something you had to do. “Let’s even the odds, shall we? I want to see how you handle such a sweet torture.”   “Sweet torture?” He repeated with a cute chuckle as you unbuckled his leather belt. “How am I torturing you, Y/N?” You unzipped his black trousers and immediately plunged you hand in his underwear to gently grab his already hard cock, making Jason curse even more crudely than before.           You chuckled and free his shaft from his boxers to jerk him off. He was as thick and long as you remembered. You bit your lower lip, impatient to feel him inside you. “Like what you see?”             “Shut up.” You knelt on the mattress and immediately took his tip between your lips to suck it like a lollipop, enjoying the taste of his bitter pre-cum on your tongue and the sound of Jason’s sharp breath in your ears. “Damn it, princess.” He managed to say with half lidded eyes.   You licked his penis with a grin before finally welcoming it in your mouth with a lustful moan. How much you had missed it. “You know. I think I get what you mean by sweet torture now.” Jason confessed as he weaved his fingers in your soft hair, torn apart by two ideas: one, let you continue your amazing blow job. Two, fuck you like he never did before. But you did not listen and started bobbing your head the way you knew he loved, taking his dick as deep as you could without gagging around him. “Fucking hell, Y/N” Jason groaned as he grabbed your head between his hands to accompany your pace. “You’re fucking amazing.” Then, his hand gently slapped your ass and he bent over to kiss it with a loving smile that was swallowed by another growl of his as his abs violently tensed with pleasure. “Alright, enough.” He pushed you flat on your back and placed himself between your legs again. He kissed your folds and licked your slit to wet it even more than it already was to finally lingered on your clit that he sucked eagerly, forcing a guttural crying moan out of your tightly sealed lips. Damn, that tongue! “I thought you said enough.” You complained, your voice as low as a whisper.
Jason chuckled and smiled brightly before he eventually knelt in between your spread thighs. “God, how gorgeous you are.” He declared as he tapped his hard cock against your reddened lips, a cheeky gesture whose sole purpose was to make you beg. You knew it. “You want this?”       “Fuck, Jay.” You grumbled, moving your hips vigorously against his shaft, looking for a way to finally welcome it inside you. But Jason ignored your whim and bent over your body. “You want me?” His face was so close to yours you could feel his hot breath caressing your lips. “Yes.” You murmured. “I want you, Ja…” He did not let you finish your sentence and caught your lips with a burning eagerness, his hand around his cock guiding it inside you, making you moan in his mouth. “Fuck.” Jason growled between his gritted teeth as he felt himself slowly sinking inside of you. “I almost forgot you felt so tight.” “ I almost forgot you were so big.” You cleared your voice, an inexplicable mechanism to relax and allow his cock to fully enter and stretch you. “I know. Sorry.” He winced, adjusting his position on top of you to admire how beautiful you were around his penis and how perfect you pussy was for him. “Damn. I don’t know if I’ll last long, princess.” Jason admitted with a shiver and you cried out when he suddenly pulled out to push himself back inside of you with one long exquisite move. “That’s alright. We’ll do it again.”
Those last words made Jason grin in a way he had never done before as he was genuinely happy that you didn’t want this to be a one-time thing, a casual lay to remember the old good days.       So he immediately took a nice pace that quickened after each new thrust and you let your hands caress his smooth chest from his strong pectorals down to his divine abs and the chiselled V below his navel, finding him simply handsome. Then you nudged his rear with your ankles, pressing his hips closer to yours to take him deeper inside of you, and started moaning his name again, a strong wave of pleasure forming in your core, ready to drown you. “Jay!” His mouth met your neck and sucked on the thin skin with ardour. “Are you gonna cum for me, princess?” That was too much to handle. “Yeah” You cried out, tears of bliss watering your eyes.       “Cum for me then.” He didn’t have to say it twice. You dug your nails in his back and screamed loudly as your walls clenched around tightly his thick cock. “That’s it, princess.” He said as you kept calling his name on and on, sending him closer to a most awaited orgasm that he eventually reached and let explode in you under the shape of a loud growled “fuck” and beads of white seed right inside of you. “Y/N” Jason groaned between his gritted teeth as he thrust hard and deep in you for the last time, his sweaty forehead against yours. “Jay!” You shouted again while clawing at his back painfully enough to make him wince and hiss.     Then he stopped moving, exhausted and breathless just like you, and watched you sink in the mattress trying to catch your breath. He caressed your hair as you both slowly came down from cloud nine. A kiss on your nose and he whispered. “You’re okay?” and in spite of the silliness of the question you nodded. “Never been better.”
Your lips found each other again and Jason let himself lie down on you, placing his head on your breasts, listening to your hearts pounding and to your loud ragged breaths. “I missed you.” He whispered and he held you body against his.     “I missed you too.” You repeated as you planted a kiss in his wet dark hair. “Did you have to keep your jeans on?” The question escaped with a laugh and Jason chuckled. “You know me. Didn’t want to waste any time.” He managed to gather the little energy he had left to sit down and finally remove his trousers as he thought he would feel more comfortable without them. “Oops. I think I broke your clock.” He grimaced as he noticed you the broken device on the floor and the flickering numbers flashing up endlessly on the screen. “I don’t care.” You said as you pulled Jason back against you. “We’ve got all the time we need.”
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formenis · 3 years
Score of zero: Love (”Gym” pt.2)
@ everybodyhatesluh asked: “I need part 2 of "gym"! Plss! Where the reader tells her love for L! And then her dad askes her who is her boyfriend! I would Love! Luh~💫💛🦋" 
Tennis references~
I like putting L in a difficult position, ehehe~
pairing: L x Yagami!fem!reader
warning: fluff I guess?
requested: yes
Remember English is not my first language (and it’s a bit late here) so I’m sorry about the mistakes in my stories.
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«"Chocolate Covered Strawberry Brownies"? No, I don't have the mould»
«"Heart-Shaped Cake"? Too obvious»
«"Strawberry Shortcake Fudge"? It's too pink»
Y/N closed the book and groaned. «Ugh! I can't get my head round this! The fact that he loves all sweets bothers me…»
It was late afternoon at Yagami house. Orange sunbeams lighted up the kitchen and the living room creating a relaxing atmosphere, all despite the narrow space of the house. Y/N was alone in that moment: Light was somewhere with Soichiro, Sachiko was visiting one of her friends and Sayu was at school for some project.
Y/N took advantage of the situation to bake something for Hideki on the occasion of Valentine's Day. However, she sensed that Hideki would never reciprocate her feelings: he gave her the impression to be out of her reach.
«Come on! I'm a Yagami, after all! At least I have to try» Y/N leafed again through the cookery book when she heard the front door open.
«I'm home!»
It was Sayu, she came back earlier from school. Y/N quickly tried to hide the cookbook but Sayu entered the kitchen in a rush. «Y/N~ What are you doing?»
«Me? I wanted to bake something…»
«Really? For who?~» Sayu asked with a strange smirk.
«For myself I guess?» Y/N lied hoping Sayu would go away. But her little sister's smirk just grew wider.
«I don’t believe you~» the two sisters stared at each other for entire minutes. They were secretly hoping the other would give in.
Y/N sighed. «Fine, it's for a boy…» she admitted after a while, Y/N couldn’t lie at her cute sister.
Sayu, on the other hand, was squealing like a fangirl. «I knew it! I knew it! My sis has a crush!»
«Sayu please! Don’t yell…and don’t tell dad!»
Once again, the youngest Yagami smirked mischievously. «I will be as silent as the grave…at one condition»
Y/N sighed again. «What condition…»
«You have to help me with homework for a month»
Y/N complained loudly but if it was the price for Sayu's silence, she had to accept it. So Y/N agreed with her sister and together they started to choose a good sweet to give to this mysterious boy. Y/N told her about how they met and how she became infatuated by him despite most people would define him as "weird".
«Since you played tennis with him, why don’t you do something that recalls a tennis match?» Sayu said casually while browsing through the cookbook bored. At first Y/N didn’t pay attention to what she said but then, after a long reasoning, she hugged Sayu very tightly.
«Sayu, you're a genius!»
Something in L's plan went wrong. Impossible, nothing planned by him went wrong…but what happened?
Originally, his intention was to get closer to Y/N Yagami in order to find some evidence about his involvement in the Kira case. More in particular, a proof that Y/N's older brother was, indeed, Kira himself. L would appear in the right places at the right moments, he would always say the right things and he would always be a great listener. Of course he already knew everything about the Yagami family so every confidence Y/N would do to him, the greatest detective L was already informed about it. But he acted as if he never heard anything.
Initially, it went well. Y/N was getting closer and closer to him, her confidences became more intimate and she opened more to him. L was even touched when he heard from her –during the period of surveillance- that she was in love with him, he found her cute. In this exact moment everything fell for him. And L fell too…yes, he fell in love with Y/N Yagami.
In this situation we shouldn’t forget about Soichiro. He, being Y/N's father, was more than bothered by what he heard from the cameras in his house. But not because he didn’t trust his Y/N but mostly because he didn’t trust this "boy" she talked about.
«Uhm Chief…are you sure about this?»
«Matsuda, we have to investigate. This boy could be Kira!»
«But Chief…I think your daughter would never date a potential Kira» Aizawa replied looking at his superior with shock.
«Aizawa is right, Yagami-san. Please, focus your energies on the Kira case and not on your daughter's romantic life»
Soichiro snorted, not fully convinced, but Ryuzaki was his superior co-worker and he had to obey. At least for now.
«Casual or formal attire?»
«Casual of course. It's not a date…yet»
The two sister, together in Y/N's room, were deciding the outfit for Y/N's love confession. Now she understood her classmates' nervousness about Valentine's day.
«Dress or not dress?» Y/N asked unsure in front of the mirror with two cute dresses in her hands.
«Y/N, wear whatever makes you comfortable…even your school uniform if you want»
She nodded at Sayu and chose F/C shirt / blouse / sweatshirt / hoodie paired with F/C pants / skirt / shorts and favourite shoes. In her bag / small backpack she put all her belongings and the cake she baked for Hideki. Y/N applied a little bit of makeup and brushed her H/C hair in a cute hairstyle.
«How do I look?»
«Gorgeous sis~»
Y/N smiled at Sayu and thanked her for all the advices. Shortly afterwards she would confess her feelings for a boy met at the gym.
And then, the day came. 14th February. Y/N decided to meet Hideki after one of his tennis matches at the To-Oh University. She was so nervous, she could sense how sweaty the hands were and how the heart was beating fast.
She was going to come back home and to postpone everything when she saw Hideki at the door of the gym.
«Y/N-chan, hello» Hideki walked closed, slouched as always with his tennis racket in one hand. He hadn’t no sweat on him despite the other athletes behind him were tired.
«H-Hideki-kun! Hi…how was the training today?» Y/N wanted to slap herself for the stutter when she greeted him.
«Quite boring, the others were not skilled as you or your brother» he smiled at her clearly moved by that sudden shyness from the second-born Yagami.
«Would you…would you go to the nearby cafeteria? I heard there's a special menu today»
«Gladly Y/N-chan»
And together they went to this new cafeteria near the To-Oh. However, the too much mushy aspect of the place made Y/N regret the offer she made to Hideki.
«Ah today is Valentine's Day…» Hideki said once inside the cafeteria, looking curiously around like a child inside a toy store: pink and red hearts everywhere –even sweets and candies had that shape-, a strawberry scent filled the air and on TV there was a famous musical.
The waiter asked if Y/N and Hideki were a couple and Y/N quickly said they were only friends. With a fast look, Y/N noticed that Hideki didn’t flinch at that statement. Maybe he really didn’t fell anything for her. A wave of sadness and disappointment hit her like a train and suddenly she started to hate that day.
Hideki and Y/N, once the waiter showed them a table, sat down they talked about many things: sport, University, school and about Kira too.
«What do you think of Kira, Y/N-chan?»
«Well…» she thought for a bit before answering. «It doesn’t matter how noble their ideals are, killing people is always a crime. So I hope this L will catch them»
«Yes, I hope it too»
The two of them were so much focused on their conversation that they didn’t notice someone recognised them from the shop window.
«Matsu look! Isn't that Ryuzaki?» Misa was looking at the shop window searching for something to buy for Light when she spotted a familiar black haired boy who was crouched on the chair instead of sitting.
Matsuda, who was with her according to L's orders, spied inside the cafeteria and he recognised not only Ryuzaki but Chief Yagami's daughter too. «That's Light's sister! So the famous "boy met at the gym" is Ryuzaki! I have to tell the Chief»
In that moment, Y/N grew nervous when she remembered the cake in her bag / small backpack. And Hideki must have noticed it.
«Are you alright, Y/N-chan?»  his monotone voice distracted the young girl from her nervous thoughts.
«Well…actually no»
«Is something bothering you?»
«I…have something to tell you, Hideki» she shifted anxiously in the chair.
«What is it?» again, Hideki's emotionless voice didn’t suggest her what he was feeling. Had she to continue? Or was it better to end the "date" there?
Her shaking hands curled into fists, determination was clear in her E/C eyes. «If I tell you I… You know… Care about you… Would you laugh at me? I never felt so good around someone…for once I was not Light Yagami's sister or Chief Yagami's daughter. With you I can be just Y/N, a girl who clearly cannot even choose a proper place to confess, eh!» she chuckled at the last part, maybe her attempt to wash away her current nervous state.  
Then she took a cute pastel purple box from the bag / small backpack and placed it on the table. «I made this…for you» she didn’t dare to look up at him, scared of his reaction.
Y/N heard he took the box and slowly he was opening it. Its contents were chocolate-covered cake balls that recalled tiny tennis balls. «Since I first saw you after a tennis match, I thought it would be nice doing something in memory of that day» she added shortly after, her gaze was still focused on her lap.
On the other hand, despite from outside he would appear calm and composed, L was panicking inside. He knew Y/N was going to confess, he knew what day was…so why that confession, those simple words hit him so hard?
"Internal check: sweaty hands, dry mouth, quickened heartbeat and…warm face. Wait…warm face?" L thought while observing the tiny cakes in front of him.
Yes, L was blushing and his brain was in tilt. Too many thoughts, too many emotions so suddenly. It floored him.
«But it seems…I imagined everything» Y/N broke the embarrassing silence that filled the air between them. Her voice cracked showing how much hurt she was. «Thank you for your time, Hideki-kun…and sorry» she stood up and bowed at him.
She was going to leave the cafeteria when a strong grip at her wrist stopped her. She turned and a tint of pink painted her cheeks, in front of her one of the cutest sight: a tomato-red Hideki who was looking away embarrassed.
«Excuse me, Y/N-chan, I have to say something against what you said earlier…»
«I apologise if I didn’t reply to you but…hm…I don’t know the protocol for this kind of situations. Few moments ago I had so many thoughts in my mind but my mouth wasn’t able to formulate a proper phrase» L started to say, now it was his turn to be embarrassed, something so rare for him. «And about what you said before…I accept them. Your feelings, I mean. People like you are rare and precious…and since I always want the best, I want you by my side» he moved his dark eyes on her noticing she was even redder than him.
Y/N was staring at him in disbelief. Did she hear it right? He said…he accepted her feelings. She wasn’t dreaming, right?
«So…would you eat those sweets with me?» Hideki asked her and she nodded with a bright smile on her face.
At the same time, at the HQ, Matsuda informed Soichiro about what he saw at the cafeteria. At those words, Soichiro became gloomy and baffled.
«Ryuzaki is my daughter's boyfriend and my superior co-worker…this is even worse than I imagined»
Aizawa and Mogi were looking at him concerned. «Matsuda…you owe me 30.000¥» (A/N: something like 275$ USD with the actual exchange rate).
The young detective sighed defeated and gave the money to Aizawa.
«I knew I was right all along»
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megan-is-mia · 4 years
So I'm not sure if you'll do something like this but Azul's groovy line, "let's enjoy tonight to our heart's content, let me hear you scream so loud that it'll reach the moon" can you do a yandere prompt where he recognizes her at the venue sees she's not taking pictures secretly drags her away with bandages to reward her for obeying the rules spiciness please. If not it's totally fine!
(Okay confession, i have zero idea what was going on in the Halloween event. But from what I can infer people were taking pictures of the boys without their consent? So I guess Reader is a good girl who’s gonna get dicked down for being obedient) Groovy Line:  "let's enjoy tonight to our heart's content, let me hear you scream so loud that it'll reach the moon"  (Yandere! Azul Ashengrotto x Fem! S/o) (WARNING NSFW AND NON-CON AHEAD)
Azul had never liked having pictures taken of him, and had tried his best to rid the world of every photo of his childhood self. Even now when he was on the cusp of adulthood, he still detested the flashing lights and clicks of cameras being aimed at him. So it would be an understatement to say he was relieved to see at least one person obeying the “no photography” rule during the Halloween party.
In fact, his attention remained on the solitary figure who did not hold their phone at the ready for picture taking. After looking at them long enough, recognition kicked in and he found himself grinning softly. (Y/n) was just one of the many first years that had been sorted into Octavinelle at the start of term. However, she’d carved out a unique niche for herself with her talent for song. Despite himself, there had been times Azul had been distracted from his work on contracts by the sound of (Y/n)’s soft voice ringing through the empty Monstro Lounge before opening time and after closing time each day. Over time, the octopus boy had come to the revelation that he had a crush on the girl and struggled with how to confess his feelings to her without embarrassing himself severely. He’d made up his mind just to never tell her how he felt. Yet tonight… he was feeling a bit bolder than usual. So as he gazed at (Y/n) a plan began to form in his mind, he quietly excused himself from the others claiming that fatigue had finally caught up with him. Only he did not leave, instead concealing himself in the shadows of the room waiting for the right moment to grab (Y/n). The opportunity eventually arrived as the girl parted from her friends to grab herself a drink and with a simple spell, Azul was able to bind her in the excess bandages dangling from his costume. Without wasting a second, the octopus scooped (Y/n) up and headed back to Octavinelle cooing into the young woman’s ear as they made the journey to the dorm. (Y/n) tried to scream for help but the bandages over her mouth muffled her cries completely.
Azul kicked open the door to his room before locking the door behind them with a magic spell. He didn't want any interruptions, not even by the twins, tonight while he showed his affections for (Y/n). Dropping the girl on the bed he used another spell to remove the bandages from his costume but not from the girl’s arms which bound themselves neatly against the headboard above her head. “I’ll never understand why land-dwellers are so bad at following instructions. Everyone at that party knew damn well they weren’t supposed to take pictures and yet they were snapping photos left and right. Except you, you were the only person there who respected the no photography rule. Good behavior like that deserves to be rewarded, don’t you think?” Azul said with a purr as he sat on the bed and caressed (Y/n)’s cheek.
“Besides I’ve been waiting for awhile to do this you know. Ever since I heard that lovely singing voice of yours, I’ve been wondering what you’d sound like in the throes of pleasure. How you’d sound when you’ve completely lost your rational mind to a fit of passion” the octopus went on pressing a hungry kiss to (Y/n)’s lips as he made himself comfortable between her legs and continued caressing her cheeks. “The thought of it all makes me so excited” Azul crooned as he broke from the kiss, panting lightly as he did so. He went in for another greedy liplock, his hands dropping from the girl’s face to tug at her clothes insistently. When the fabric did not give as easily as he wished, the young man simply tore it apart before groping roughly at (Y/n)’s boobs and drawing a gasp from her that allowed him to slip his tongue in her mouth. Azul brought his knee against (Y/n)’s crotch, grinding insistently as his fingers pinched at her breasts through the bra she still wore. However, he would not be satisfied by this indirect contact for long and ripped the girl's bra in half so her bust spilled free into his waiting hands. Once again he broke away from a kiss, this time to start peppering hickies on the young woman’s neck and shoulders before latching onto one of her tits. Sucking roughly on (Y/n)’s breast left one of Azul’s hands free to dart between her legs and start teasing her cunt through the fabric of her panties before eventually pulling the garment aside to tease her clit directly. The girl let out a soft moan and tried to squeeze her legs shut to deny him further access to her intimates but found that quite impossible with the octo-boy situated so snuggly between her thighs. Azul removed the hand still toying with (Y/n)’s chest to start fumbling with his own clothes and free his already half-hard cock from its leather prison. He jerked himself off while at the same time beginning to finger the girl in earnest and drawing even more cute noises from her lips. In fact, if the young man wasn’t careful he might just lose it from hearing her voice tremble so sweetly for him. It took a great force of will to stop, forcing himself to stop jerking it even as he was about to burst and pulling his fingers free of (Y/n)’s pussy which clung to his fingers like a vice as he removed them. The girl let out a disappointed whine that made both Azul’s heart and cock twitch in longing. However, the octo-boy contented himself for a moment by licking his fingers clean of her sweet fluids and then positioning the head of his cock at her entrance. “Let's enjoy tonight to our heart's content, Angelfish” Azul said as he began sinking into her warm depths with a groan. The term of endearment slipped off his tongue so easily and it felt so right. (Y/n) was his Angelfish, and she’d always be his Angelfish as long as he had a say in the matter. “Let me hear you scream so loud that it'll reach the moon” he added as he continued sheathing himself in his darling’s tight cavern with another groan leaving his lips. Once he was all the way in, Azul stilled to allow (Y/n) to get used to the sensation of him being inside her. Only when the girl’s body had relaxed did he begin to move, thrusting in and out of her with a slow but steady pace. At first, the young woman tried to stay quiet but eventually she couldn’t hold back her cries anymore as a series of moans slipped from her lips like a waterfall. Azul smiled softly, picking up speed a little but still making an effort to hit (Y/n)’s sweet spot as he took hold of one of her bound hands. Entwining their fingers as he pressed his lips against his love’s and swallowing the adorable sounds she made before they even reached the air. The octopus picked up the pace once more as the climax he’d denied himself before began building again and this time he would see it through. He came with a low growl and his hips stuttered as he filled (Y/n)’s cunt with his seed. However he was not finished quite yet, no he wanted to make his darling see stars before he’d be satisfied. So after a few breaths to collect himself, Azul began thrusting once more, focused on making (Y/n) cum as he latched onto her breast once more and sucked until the combined stimulation drove her over the edge and she came all over his cock. Having achieved his goal, Azul collapsed while still buried deep in (Y/n)’s pussy. He was careful not to put his weight on her as he panted softly and nuzzled his face between her boobs. After he’d somewhat recovered he set about undoing the bandages around his darling’s wrists before removing her ripped shirt and bra. The next thing he did was finally pull out of her if only to remove her skirt and panties and throw them on the floor. With (Y/n) totally naked, Azul attended to himself discarding his clothes onto the floor beside hers and tucking both of them under the covers. He pulled the young woman against his chest, intent on spooning her when he noticed she’d begun to tremble. The octo-boy held her closer, mumbling words of affection into her ear hoping that his feelings were being conveyed properly. Eventually, the girl’s trembling stopped as she drifted off to sleep. It didn't take long before Azul was nodding off as well, the fatigue he’d claimed to have finally kicking in now that the adrenaline of making (Y/n) his one and only was draining from his system. He barely had the energy to set his glasses on the nightstand and get comfortable again as thoughts of what he’d do with his love tomorrow began swirling in his head and a sleepy smile spread across his face… THE END
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In the Shadows (Romantic Analogical Pining)
Words: 1,832 Warnings: Food, Animals/Pets, One-Sided Pining Characters: Logan, Virgil Ships: Analogical Universe: Gen Human AU Genre: Pining, Fluff Additional Tags: Pining!Logan, Oblivious!Virgil
   Logan couldn’t help it. He was not observing the screen as the movie wrapped up. He was enjoying seeing Virgil emote along with the characters. Virgil picked at the dregs of the popcorn absentmindedly and kissed popcorn bits off of his fingers, engrossing Logan even further. Logan had selected the movie, even, for all intents and purposes, he should be watching it. But something about the way the lights from the screen bounced off of Virgil’s face had drawn his attention and enveloped him. He was lucky that Virgil didn’t seem to notice him outright starting at that mesmerizing lopsided smirk and listen to him mutter critiques of character choices to himself.
   The movie ended and Virgil patted his legs and deposited the empty cup in the paper popcorn bag before standing up out of the seat. Logan panicked when Virgil looked over at him and grabbed Virgil’s sleeve to stop him. He had to say something. He was utterly enchanted by Virgil, and it felt like the affection might burst out of him if he kept avoiding it any longer. Virgil paused and peered at Logan in confusion.
   “What’s up, L?” Virgil asked curiously.
   “Virgil, I…” Logan trailed off, swiftly losing his nerve. He swallowed heavily and drew a struggled breath. “Prefer to watch the credits. These people put significant effort into the creation of the film and deserve acknowledged.”
   “Oh, sure,” Virgil nodded and settled down into the theatre seat again. “You’re totally right, I feel like an asshole now,” he murmured, and Logan could barely hear his voice over the blaring end credits song playing over the speaker system.
   Shit. Logan shook his head. “You’re not,” he corrected him. “No one else is bothering to stay, either,” he pointed out.
   “Just because everyone’s doing it doesn’t make it right. No, I liked the movie, it’s worth watching some names scroll.” Virgil shot Logan a small smile, making his heart clench in his chest. “If I hated it, though, I’d storm out of here,” Virgil added with a roguish look before glancing up at the gigantic movie screen again. Logan watched Virgil’s pupils scan the movie before turning to study them himself.
   Virgil started whispering interesting sound last names to himself as he read along. “Holy crap, Killmaster is such a cool name,” he muttered reverently. If Logan wasn’t leaned in so close, he might have missed it.
   “If the last name was from a profession and not chosen, I would wonder if their ancestor was a gladiator or perhaps a legendary hunter,” Logan mused quietly, though he had no reason to other than the fact that it was polite to talk softly during a movie.
   “A legendary badass,” Virgil hissed back, bumping Logan’s bicep with his shoulder. Logan’s heart jumped at the contact, and once more he was overwhelmed with the need to try and tell Virgil his feelings.
   “Virgil, have you ever… struggled to tell someone something important?” Logan asked, hoping he didn’t sound as pathetic as he felt.
   “Sure, all the time,” Virgil nodded, keeping his eyes on the screen. “What kind of thing? Maybe I can help,” he offered guilelessly. Logan gripped his jeans nervously.
   “How to inform someone that you like them,” Logan clarified, his throat betraying him and tightening as he spoke. He exhaled harshly, trying to calm back down.
   “Oh, that’s a tough one. I guess, for you, it’d be best to be straightforward and say you like them. Just force it out if you have to,” Virgil suggested thoughtfully.
   “I see.” Logan wrung his hands together and glanced down at the ground. Being direct. Logan wasn’t good at using flowery, romantic language. Virgil was right. He just needed to do it. Logan took a deep breath to steady himself. “I like you,” Logan said evenly, looking at Virgil hopefully.
   “Yeah, exactly like that. You got this,” Virgil looked to Logan with that little smile that usually melted his heart. But at the moment, it was too wrapped up in confusion to react. Did Virgil not… Perhaps he was so caught up in trying to express his feelings that it did not occur to him that Virgil wouldn’t be interested in hearing it. Perhaps it was best if Virgil didn’t understand.
   Logan sat back and examined the credits in silence. He was deeply conflicted between the desire to clarify his feelings and respecting Virgil’s space. If Virgil didn’t even think of Logan like that enough to have the context that Logan was confessing, it seemed like Virgil wanted to remain friends. Or perhaps cut ties altogether after this, now that he knew Logan liked him. Pining helplessly hurt, but being completely cut off would be worse. Logan had to prevent that outcome at all costs. He would rather remain friends than be nothing to Virgil, and if he had to quell his feelings, he could do that. He hoped.
   The last of the credits rolled, and Virgil got out of his seat once more, holding out his hand to help Logan up. Logan gave him a compressed smile and stood up on his own. Virgil tilted his head in confusion and shrugged lightly, and they walked out of the theater together.
   Virgil and Logan walked into the mall and Virgil pulled out his phone to check the time. Logan panicked, wondering if he was already looking for an excuse to leave. He had to come up with a way to combat it. He needed more time to prove he could be just friends.
   “I have some free time. Do you want to go around the mall? I haven’t been in ages and probably need to walk off all that soda. I’m feeling a little jittery,” Virgil offered, scanning the area.
   Logan let out a sigh of relief. “I would like that.” Logan nodded, gripping at the hem of his shirt.
   They walked together down the narrow hall that connected the theater to the food court. Virgil stuffed his hands into his hoodie pocket and Logan mirrored him by shoving his fidgeting hands into his jeans pockets. They meandered the mall together companionably, and Logan felt relieved that Virgil didn’t opt to just leave after the confession. Virgil pointed out interesting things to Logan as if he had never said anything during the credits.
   “Oh, dude, look at those birds,” Virgil stepped up excitedly to a pet store window, glancing back to Logan with a hopeful look on his face.
   “They are lovely, yes,” Logan agreed with Virgil’s unspoken compliment as he beamed into the window.
   “Let’s go in.” Virgil pulled at Logan’s polo and headed into the open store hastily. Virgil rushed up to the large cylinder full of parakeets and leaned in to watch a pair grooming each other. He sighed happily and circled it, checking out all the birds it contained before moving on.
   Next, Virgil looked at all the various tank pets. He cooed at dwarf hamsters, stuck out his tongue at the lizards, hissed at the snakes, and lingered at a tarantula he seemed enamoured with. Virgil seemed determined to look at every pet in the store, and Logan had to admit he loved seeing him be so animated, even if he was trying to deny the part of himself in love with Virgil. He could pretend he watched Virgil purely platonically on the outside, at least.
   Virgil got permission for the pair to enter the cat enclosure and stepped in quickly. Virgil sat down on the bench and held out his hand instead of approaching any of the cats. Logan leaned against the wall and crossed his arms to watch Virgil’s determined face. Logan had concluded that Virgil was so interested in the small creatures that he was paying zero attention to Logan, and thusly Logan could secretly enjoy Virgil’s presence without maintaining any pretense.
   A black cat with a small tuft of white fur on its chest walked up cautiously to Virgil’s hand and sniffed it carefully. It reared back twice, seemingly unsure. It backed up and watched as other cats did the same, not letting Virgil touch it yet. A white cat bumped its hand against Virgil’s hand and he stroked across its long body. The cat looked incredibly satisfied and kept circling around again to get more pets from Virgil. The black cat approached slowly, sniffing again. Virgil raised his other hand for the black cat to sniff once more.
   The white cat wandered over to brush up against Logan’s legs, startling Logan from observing Virgil. Logan knelt down to let the cat sniff its hand before he offered it a few pets as well, since it was working so hard for the affection. The black cat didn’t push into Virgil’s hand, but instead hopped right up into Virgil’s nap and nestled in. Virgil made an expression like his heart exploded, rubbing the cat’s cheeks. The black cat purred so loudly even Logan could hear it over the light purrs of the white cat Logan was still petting.
   “Oh my god, I love her,” Virgil whispered, looking up at the poster on the wall with her information. The cat’s name was Shadow, and she was two years old. Compared to the kittens, she had a very reasonable adoption fee and was listed as ‘skittish, but affectionate’ in her personality profile, along with ‘vocal and independent’. Logan had to agree with that assessment.
   Virgil sat with Shadow for a few minutes, and the white cat had lost interest, wandering off to play with a ball track toy instead. Virgil kept stroking Shadow’s cheek tenderly, totally taken in by the cat. Logan stood back up and returned to viewing Virgil and Shadow interact.
   “Are you going to adopt her?” Logan asked softly.
   “My lease has a no-pets policy,” Virgil murmured, his face betraying how absolutely heartbroken he was. He stroked the cat’s back sullenly, sagging into himself.
   “My lease does not,” Logan blurted out, and Virgil’s eyes shot up to Logan’s in surprise. Logan cleared his throat, disbelieving the words that were coming out of his own mouth. “I could adopt her. That way, you may come over whenever you like to see her,” Logan offered. Was he truly willing to adopt a living creature just to hold on to Virgil? Yes. Yes, he was. “I would need help taking care of her, of course,” he added as Virgil stared at Logan in astonishment.
   “You’re serious?” Virgil asked flatly, his hand never moving off of shadow.
   “Necktie.” Logan pulled at his tie and dropped it on his chest, smiling at Virgil.
   “Right, right,” Virgil chuckled and looked down at Shadow. “Then… you’re sure?” Virgil asked meekly.
   “I’m certain.” Logan relaxed and moved to sit on the bench with Virgil. If Logan had an excuse to see Virgil every day he could, he’d happily care for a cat. He wouldn’t mind the company for his lonely, pining heart, either.
   “Thank you,” Virgil whispered softly.
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Part 11- Shape of My Heart
Pairing: Rudy Pankow x Plus Size Reader
Summary: Falling in love with someone you can never have is the worst feeling in the world...
@jeyramarie @drewswannabegirl @sexualparkour @teamnick @jiaraendgame @agirlwholovescoffee @outerbongs @jaxxandcomet @velyssaraptor @baby-pogue @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @must-be-a-weasley-92 @kaitieskidmore1 @ma10427 @ifilwtmfc @lasnaro @justcallmesams​ @judayyyw​ @lonely-kermit​ @gviosca​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @fernweh-fangirl​ @runway-to-my-aid​ @eb15​ @hurricane-abigail​ @tangledinsparkles​ @fandom-phaser​ @sunwardsss​ @http-cherries​ @bibliophilewednesday​ @evaporatedrosepetals​ @thetomatosaucee​ @tomatosauceagent​ @redosmo​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​ @obx-direction-sos​ @mxltifandoms06​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​
Part 10 Part 12
Note: After crying over the last chapter, I was finally able to muster up this one. Also just in case anyone was wondering, we’re pretending COVID19 is nonexistent in this story because it would just ruin everything and I’m not about it!
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It’s been a month and a half since Rudy told me about his short film, our conversations became less frequent which worried me deeply...
I didn’t want to drift apart from him, and that’s exactly what I feared was happening now. I tried to indulge into my school work, but it became harder to focus when I kept checking to see if I had a text or at least a SnapChat from him. I didn’t want to bother him by blowing up his phone either, becoming an annoyance he’d soon grow tired of. I expressed my concerns to both Maddie’s on our daily FaceTime call, hoping to get some reassurance for my MIA boyfriend.
“We’ve been in a lot of meetings with Jonas and Netflix to try and get season 2 of OBX approved, I don’t even know why we have to be there because they don’t really talk to us.” Maddi B commented.
“Plus Rudy has that short film on top of everything, so I imagine all of this is taking up his time. Don’t fret though, he said in our last meeting how horrible he felt that you all couldn’t talk as much with the both of you being so busy. He talks about you to everyone and how much he misses you.” Maddie C inputed.
“Awww, he’s so sweet. Maybe I am overthinking things, when I go to work tomorrow I’m demanding a week paid vacation because I need a break. Midterms are coming up and I’ve barely had any time to study.” I sighed.
“You need to focus on school, that’s the most important thing right now. You know Rudy would say the same, you need to take that week to relax and get everything in order.” Maddie B pointed out. 
“Yeah you’re right, jesus I forgot I have to fucking close at work tonight. I’m going to start applying to different places that actually care about their employees, and will work with school schedules.” I huffed, swinging my legs off of my bed.
“We’ll let you go then babe, love you!” Maddie B called, waving in the camera.
“Love you y/n!” Maddie C said, blowing a kiss in the camera.
“I love and miss you guys, I’ll see you later.” I smiled, hanging up.
Work was awful, being a shift manager was not all it was out to be. I hated dealing with difficult people and sometimes the other employees. I had just finished have a shouting match with this lady who was down right insulting both me and the other cashier working. I was so glad to be locking up once we closed, practically sprinting to my car, I was stopped by the cashier I had worked with tonight.
“Hey y/n, I-I was wondering you know if um..” he said.
Shit, I knew where this was going...
“Maybe we could hang out some time, I think you’re really pretty and uh...yeah I think we should get together more.” he spoke.
“That’s nice and all pal, but she has a boyfriend.” was heard from behind us.
I froze in my spot, tears coming to my eyes. I whipped around to see Rudy leaning against my car, his blue eyes zeroing in on the guy. He scurried off, leaving just Rudy and I.
“Hi baby,” Rudy spoke, a smile so wide on his face.
He looked different, having grown a mustache and slight beard. His hair was longer too, but still handsome as ever. I let out a watery laugh once I was out of my trance, blinking to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. I dropped my stuff in front of my car, throwing myself in his arms.
“Oh my god, are you real? Are you really here?” I blubbered, pulling back to hold his face. He held me tight against him, combing some stray hair from my face.
“I’m here, you’re even more beautiful than I remember.” he gushed, beaming as he laid his forehead to mine.
“I look like shit Ru, I don’t even have makeup on.” I giggled, feeling his facial hair under my fingertips.
“You don’t need it, fuck I’m so happy to see you. I’m sorry we haven’t talked much, I’ve been so busy in meetings and filming.” he sighed, shaking his head.
“You came just at the right time, I have a whole week off of work.” I said, both of us grinning wide.
“Plenty of time for you to show me around then.” he smiled.
Rudy gripped my face in his hands, crushing his lips to mine. I had craved them for so long, having been deprived of the feeling. My heart went soaring, the feel of his facial hair tickling my skin. He moaned into my mouth, his hands moving to hold my hips to bring me closer. My fingers weaved their way into his now long blonde hair, tugging at the roots slightly. 
I pulled away once I became dizzy, pulling my hands back to caress his face. He gave me little kisses all over my face, fully caging me against him so I couldn’t move away. Rudy laughed along with me, pulling back fully now.
“Guess you’ll be my chauffeur for the week babe.” he smirked, opening my door for me.
I chuckled as I got in my car, Rudy jogging to the passenger side. He held my hand for the drive to my apartment, pulling it to his lips to kiss the back of it. We jammed out to some of our favorite songs, dancing crazy. I had the windows down so we could blast my speakers, probably waking everyone in the neighborhood up. Rudy even pulled out his phone to record us rapping Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice, he got embarrassed after the first chorus though because that was the only part he knew and I was still going.
“Ok show off, trying to outshine me on my own Insta story.” he scoffed teasingly.
“Not my fault you don’t know the lyrical poet Ru,” I joked, sticking my tongue out at him. 
I threw my bag on the end table as soon as we walked into the apartment, Rudy taking a walk around. He picked up pictures, looked at my bookcase, and even pulled out some of the books I had to skim through. I sat on my couch to flip through some movies for us to watch, not wanting to miss a single moment spending time with him. Rudy walked into my kitchen, opening my cabinets, and my fridge. 
“Baby, why don’t you have anything to like eat or drink?” he called from the kitchen.
“I uh...I couldn’t afford to go to the store this payday. I had to pay my rent and my car payment which is basically my whole check, and the rest is for gas to school and work.” I murmured, knowing he was going to be upset with me.
“So like...what do you eat then?” he asked, peaking his head around to look at me.
I stared at the floor, chewing on the inside of my cheek. I could feel his anger radiating off of him, the tension in the room becoming nerve wracking. I was a poor college student ok, I didn’t have the luxury of my parents buying my way through it. I was lucky some nights to even have stuff to make a fucking cheese sandwich.
“I...I don’t.” I confessed, hearing a sharp scoff come from Rudy.
“Get your shoes back on.” he demanded, snatching my keys.
“Wha-...Where are we going?” I questioned.
“This shit isn’t going to continue, not on my watch. I am seriously pissed you didn’t tell me this.” he snapped, taking me aback for a moment.
“It’s not that big of a deal, you’re being over dramatic! It makes me lose weight so what’s the fucking problem?!” I yelled, Rudy whipped his head around, his mouth hanging open.
“The fucking problem is that I’m not going to sit here and watch my girlfriend struggle when I can help. Let me help you and stop being so stubborn. If you want to lose weight for you then that’s fine, but I don’t want you to have it in your head that you need to do it for me. You’re perfect to me.” he stated, earning an eye roll from me. 
“Alright Ru, let’s get this over with.” I sighed, secretly melting at how sweet and thoughtful he is. 
Goofing off in the store was all fun in games until I saw him..
The guy that shredded my heart, still yet to be fixed. The guy that messed me up so bad I never thought I was deserving of love until Rudy came into my life. Rudy was in the middle of talking to me when I abruptly spun around and high tailed it out of the aisle. 
“What’s wrong?” Rudy asked as soon as he caught up to me. 
“We need to leave.” I declared.
“Babe, we haven’t even made it through half the store I-” he spoke.
“Hey y/n, long time no see.” someone said, my blood turning to ice. I turned around to see Nick with some of his friends, smirking at me. 
“Um..” I stuttered.
“Who’s blondie?” Nick scoffed, pointing at Rudy. 
“I’m her boyfriend.” Rudy said, glancing between the two of you. He must have put the pieces together from the very uncomfortable expression on my face.
“Boyfriend? Really y/n? You’re so desperate you hired someone to be your boyfriend? Pathetic really...” he laughed, his friends joining. I just wanted to ground to swallow me whole, I had to turn my head so they didn’t get the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
“You’re Nick, the piece of shit who thinks he can just toy with women how he pleases.” Rudy concluded.
“Guilty, y/n and I had a good run didn’t we?” Nick commented, going to touch my shoulder.
“You lay one finger on her and I swear to god you’ll regret it.” Rudy said, his voice going an octave lower. 
“Oh please man, you seriously don’t have to keep your act up. How much is she paying you?” Nick asked, tilting his head.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but this isn’t an act.” Rudy hissed.
“Guys that look like us man don’t go for fat chicks.” Nick chuckled.
“The fuck did you just say?” Rudy bellowed, getting in Nick’s face. I had to intervene now, I couldn’t risk a fight in the middle of the store.
“Rudy please, he’s not worth it.” I said, tugging on his sleeve.
“Nice seeing you again y/n, remember what I said last time we spoke.” Nick cackled, leaving with his posse.
“What did that fucker say to you?” Rudy inquired, his chest heaving with anger.
“I’ll tell you when we get back, let’s just go to a different store.” I offered, checking out whatever we had in hand before heading to the car.
Rudy spent way more than I told him he could, but I wasn’t surprised he didn’t listen to me. It took us four trips to carry in all the stuff we bought, I’m sure I’d be stocked up for a year now. I was seriously exhausted, and my mood hadn’t gotten any better since our run in with Nick. Rudy had tried to cheer me up, but I think he knew that my mood wouldn’t be saved tonight.
I planned on taking a quick shower, but I couldn’t stop my mind running through my past. My chest started to burn, my hand came over my mouth to conceal my sobs. I had hoped the water would drown out my cries, but Rudy still heard them. He shed his clothes and jumped in the shower, taking me in his arms. I leaned my head on his chest as I sobbed, his lips moving to kiss my wet hair. 
“I don’t understand! What did I ever do to deserve that!? I did everything for him! I was some sick game our whole relationship, how fucked up is that?” I laughed humorlessly.
“What did he say to you?” he inquired.
“He told me that I would never find someone to love me, that I was undeserving of love, and that I was the ugliest being on this Earth who was stupid to think I ever stood a chance with him.” I recalled.
“That’s fucked up, you should have let me beat his ass.” Rudy muttered, switching places with me so he could wash his hair.
“He’ll get his karma one day, someone will shred his heart beyond repair just like he did mine.” I whispered.
“I’ll have the best time repairing it then,” Rudy shrugged, leaning to plant a sweet kiss to my lips.
“Are you sure you want to go through that Rudy, I-I’m not...I’m not as happy go lucky as everyone thinks I am, I’m broken deep on the inside.” I said, shaking my head as I looked down to the tile.
“I wouldn’t of chased after you if I didn’t want all of you.” he spoke, tilting my chin up.
“Well I guess so but-” I started.
“It’s you and me against the world, no one will ever compare to you y/n.” he inputted. 
I kissed him hard, a moan leaving his lips. He pinned me against the wall, showing me exactly what I meant to him....
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doexoeyes · 3 years
Of Finches and Firsts
Alright, alright now we’re getting to the fun parts. Thank you again to those that are continuing along with the story. I hope you enjoy this chapter ♡
(Already uploaded chapter 5 on these sites)
Archive Of Our own link:
Wattpad link:
Summary: “A Hufflepuff? Crushing on a Slytherin? Sounds like the start of a terrible joke to me, but ok.” You’ve harbored feelings for Draco Malfoy since your first year at Hogwarts. Secretly, of course, and very much from afar. But when you’re finally taken out of your role of being a background character in his life, will it be what you always wanted, or what you wish you never knew?
Chapter 1 ♡ Chapter 2 ♡ Chapter 3 ♡ Chapter 4
Chapter 3: A Forced Confession
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A few days later, on the way to classes, you passed by your friends at the courtyard who you caught laughing and hollering together, clearly looking very amused.
“What’s got you all so entertained?” you asked, a single brow raised in questioning.
Mauve turned to look at you, trying her best to stifle her laughter.
“Oh, you completely missed it! Malfoy was starting up trouble with Potter once again and Professor Moody intervened and turned Malfoy into a ferret!” she informed you, bursting into a fit with the others.
“He was even white, just like his hair! It was bloody hilarious,” Milton chimed in, letting out a very unflattering snort.
Your eyes widened, and although you tried to, you were unable to keep your face straight. The thought of Draco as a ferret was too funny to act like it wasn’t.
“No way! Isn’t that like, against the rules? I’m pretty sure a professor can’t use transfiguration on a student, especially as a punishment,” you noted, putting a hand over your mouth as you tried to control your giggling.
“Oh yeah, McGonagall was furious, but it was too good. He even forced him to go into Crabbe’s pants!” Mauve answered and you just about lost it then and there, clutching at your side with the rest of the giggling Hufflepuffs.
“He’s gonna be scrubbing himself till Christmas. I can’t even imagine what that must have felt like,” Augustus said with a shudder.
“He made a very cute ferret though, didn’t he? For the first time he looked rather sweet and harmless,” Mauve added.
“I say he should spend the rest of the year as a rodent. See if maybe that humbles him,” Milton teased as the rest chorused in favor.
You shook your head at this, finally able to regain your composure.
“Come on guys. He’s not that bad...” you said and immediately regretted it once they all directed their attention towards you.
“Not that bad? Y/n, do you not remember the countless of times that boy has terrorized the students here? Not including the barbaric way he treats Harry and his friends, mind you,” Mauve said, looking at you as if you grew another head.
“Yeah, remember how last year he casted that dreadful Bat-Boogey Hex on me? I had bats flying out of my nose for an entire night! Our bed chambers turned into a bat sanctuary and never mind the fact that I had my exams the following morning,” Augustus complained, clearly still upset about it.
You grimaced, imagining the scenario in your head.
“And how he talks back to the professors and flaunts his status in front of everyone. Do you know how tired I am of hearing him say ‘my father will hear about this’? I’ve started hearing it in my sleep!” Milton adds in frustration.
You recoil at their gazes and could feel the judgement radiating off of them. You weren’t a fan of this kind of attention.
“I’m aware that he’s done terrible things, but...”
“But what?” Mauve interrupts. “He’s different on the inside? Seriously Y/n, it’s almost as if you’re in love with him,” she says with a roll of her eyes before turning back to face the rest of the group.
You remained there, focused on keeping your face blank when you felt Mauve’s eyes back on you again. You noticed your friend’s eyes widen and her mouth part, looking as if she caught on to a secret she wasn’t supposed to know.
“Will you excuse us for a second,” Mauve announced to the others, grabbing hold of your hand as she pulled you away from the group.
“You’re in love with him!” Mauve stated in shock, trying to keep her tone hushed.
“What?! No, I’m not! I am not in love with him,” you quickly assured her, shaking your head rapidly.
“But you definitely like him! You can’t lie to me, we both know you’re terrible at it. You seriously have feelings for Draco Malfoy!” she spat out in exasperation, looking as if she were going to be sick.
You could feel the heat rising on your face, completely embarrassed. This was exactly the reason why you kept your feelings to yourself.
“Mauve, please...”
“Listen,” she said, cutting you off, “I honestly think that it’s a terrible choice on your end, but it’s your choice nonetheless. If you have feelings for Malfoy, then there’s nothing I can do but respect that. But please, Y/n, do keep in mind who he really is. Don’t let your feelings romanticize him for your benefit, because in the end there’s a pretty high chance you’ll only get hurt and disappointed,” she warned, eyes softening in concern.
You silently processed her words, instinctively biting your lower lip.
The words Mauve had said weighed heavy on your chest.  You were grateful your friend cared enough to say what she did, but you didn’t understand why it was even necessary in the first place. You weren’t in love with the boy, and even if you were, nothing was ever going to happen with him. You were just pining from afar, as pitiful as that sounded, but you were quite content with that.
You just wish your friend understood.
Mauve’s words continued to replay in your head for the entirety of the day, even after classes were finished. As your friends ate and conversed during dinner, you remained quiet, lost in the ghosts of the words Mauve had recited back in the courtyard.
“Don’t let your feelings romanticize him for your benefit, because in the end there’s a pretty high chance you’ll only get hurt and disappointed.”
That was the line that haunted you the most.
The day of the first challenge for the Triwizard Tournament had started with giddy excitement from the entire school. You had been dressed from head to toe in Hufflepuff pride as you and the other girls in your dormitory, Mauve included, got ready together, enthusiastically adding yellow glitter to your faces and yellow ribbons in your hair.
Walking out of the castle building to where your section would be located, you felt someone tap you from behind. Turning around to see who had done it but finding no one in sight, you furrowed your brows in confusion before turning forward once again and coming face to face with Draco Malfoy.
“Hello, Finch,” he stated, a mischievous smirk taunting you from his lips.
You instinctively swallowed.
“Hello, Malfoy,” you responded back, eyes looking up at him, unsure.
He tilted his head, silver-gray eyes scanning you.
“I see you’re dressed for the occasion. Rooting for Diggory, I see. Although, if you really were loyal, you would wear those ‘Potter Stinks’ buttons he had his lackeys pass around,” he said with a dark chuckle.
You nervously adjusted the yellow ribbon tied to your ponytail, clearing your throat before responding.
“Actually, Cedric wasn’t a fan of those in the first place. He told everyone to stop wearing them, which I think was the right decision. We want to see him win without the need to put any of his competitors down,” you answered, quite confident in your statement despite the nervousness you felt around him.
He raised a brow at this.
“Is that so? You really believe that he’ll win this?”
Despite the smirk disappearing from his face, you still felt like he was taunting you.
You nodded. “He’s been working really hard for this. He’s determined to win and he can do anything he sets his mind to. I think anyone can,” you answered sincerely.
He remained quiet after that, gaze still transfixed on you. Nervously, you played with your ribbon once more and caught his eyes following your hand movements.
“That’s a pretty ribbon you got there,” he commented.
Your eyes widened slightly, surprised at his choice of words and the sudden subject change. “Oh, t-thank you.”
He stepped up closer to you, a little too close, and your breath immediately hitched in your throat.
“Mind if I...” he trailed off as he raised one hand, purposefully grazing it against your cheek as he reached for the ribbon, causing you to nearly sputter out a strange sound of surprise at the sudden feel of his skin on yours.
Even though it was just for second, you could feel how cold his skin was against your cheeks and a shiver ran down your spine. He was so close to you at that point that you could breathe in his scent; old wood, green apple, and some very strong cologne. You could feel his hand toying with your ribbon as his eyes stayed locked on yours.
“...keep it?” he finished, and in one swift movement, you felt him pull at it, smoothly untying it from your hair as he dangled it in front of your face, nearly brushing your nose with it.
You were frozen then, unable to process what had just happened.
With a wink, he walked away, but you couldn’t figure out a way to get your legs to work just yet. Instead, you stayed standing in place, eyes fixed on the yellow ribbon hanging from his hand.
Tag list: @sadgirlnumber92899​
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
Sotto Voce: Chapter Four | John McGinn
Word Count: 1,549 Warnings: 'audio' descriptions of semi-public sex, mentions of being tied up and multiple orgasms
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She spends the next few weeks going through TheScottishLad’s audio portfolio. He’s got the standard scenarios, but they’re even hotter to her than the audio she occasionally listens to and she can’t explain it. John’s name is on her lips with every orgasm, but she quickly grows accustomed to her ‘new normal’. Her lust for him increases tenfold, but at least she’s got her new Scottish audio porn to get off to now.
There are a few she can listen to over and over again while still cumming as hard as the first time she heard it. Among them is the very first audio he put out because it makes her think back to all the times she’s worn one of John’s kits to bed and woken up in it the next morning, grabbing coffee and breakfast in it without him saying anything; it’s what she’s secretly always wanted to happen, and now every time she does it, she can’t stop thinking about the audio whenever she reaches for a mug and hears John’s sleepy voice behind her. Another one of her favourites is just five minutes of TheScottishLad stroking himself, his breathing and occasional grunts and groans go straight to her clit each time.
The audio titled ‘Mutual Masturbation’ is by far her favourite. TheScottishLad spends nearly fifteen minutes edging himself as he talks her through her own orgasm. She always has at least two orgasms when she listens to it, especially when he says, ‘Cum for me, love’ in the thickest Scottish accent she’s ever heard, her pussy spasming around the toy as she cums hard.
When she’s finally through all of his audio catalogue and is waiting weekly for content, it’s easier to figure out. It takes her longer than she should have to put the puzzle pieces together, but once she does, she can’t unsee it.
TheScottishLad is John McGinn.
Or, more accurately, John McGinn is TheScottishLad.
All of the weekly audio drops are based on something that had happened a week or two prior, and it blows her mind. She goes through TheScottishLad’s page again, her mind racing as she puts it all together. The week before his first audio, she’d worn his kit to bed and he’d caught her in the kitchen before she’d changed. The sexual tension had been palpable (to her at least), and now she knew he felt the same.
The bathroom audio - the first one she’d stumbled upon - was uploaded the week after she’d hung out with him while he was getting ready.
There are a few other similarities that match up with her theory, but she doesn’t have complete proof yet. Her first thought is to confront him, but she doesn’t want to be wrong or end up scaring him away.
After his most recent upload, she gets her idea.
TheScottishLad’s most recent audio somewhat corroborates her theory.
She hates that she presses ‘Play’ without a toy in her hand or any sexual frustrations she needs to get out; this is purely for research, and a part of her wishes it wasn’t.
“Look at you, all dolled up in your sundress,” is the opening line, and she gasps. “Your hair frames your face as your eyes meet mine across the room and you give me a small smile. I smile back, watching you blush as you look away, trying to focus on something - anything - else.”
She can picture it now. It’s almost exactly like last weekend's team get-together at Tyrone’s place. She was wearing a sundress and her hair had been styled to frame her face. At one point, she and John had shared a look across the room; she’d been certain she’d hid her blush from him well, but maybe she hadn’t. She pressed play again and TheScottishLad continued…
“We both know what’s coming next, but we have to wait. After all, we can’t fuck in my friend’s place.” A pause and he chuckles, the sound making her pussy clench around nothing. She tries to remind herself that she’s just doing research right now, but her body can’t stop betraying her.
“I mean, we could, but we run the risk of getting caught. Does that make you wet, love?”
“Yes,” she can’t help moaning out loud as she pictures John coming up to her at the party last weekend and whispering that question in her ear.
“‘I can’t take it anymore’ I whisper in your ear when I’ve had it,” TheScottishLad says and her eyes flutter closed as the fantasy comes to life. “I know you want this. I do, too.” He lowers his voice. “Meet me in the upstairs bathroom in five minutes.”
The audio continues, the sounds of steps and a door opening and closing setting the scene.
“It’s been five minutes,” the voice resumes, and she pictures John waiting in the upstairs bathroom at Ty’s place for her. “Where are you, naughty girl?”
The door opens and shuts again, and he whispers, “Finally.” The sounds of kisses fill her headphones and she imagines being pinned against the bathroom door by a needy John McGinn. “I wasn’t sure you’d come,” he says in-between kisses, “but you were just as needy as I was, weren’t you?”
It keeps going on until TheScottishLad makes the girl in the audio cum quietly, and she has to stop it there. Her body is flushed from head to toe and she’s sure she’s breathing heavily. She wants John to make her cum like that, but she isn’t sure how to make it happen.
The next morning, she wakes up feeling more than a little sexually frustrated. Her mind had been racing all night and she’d been unable to get herself off no matter how hard she tried. All she kept picturing was John with every audio she played - even the ones that weren’t by TheScottishLad - and she knew she wouldn’t actually be able to cum again until John’s cock was inside her or she found out the truth; whichever came first.
“I found the best audio porn recently,” she blurts out as John’s making breakfast, hoping to shock him.
“Oh yeah?” He asks, seemingly unfazed as he stirs the eggs into a nice scramble. “Good for you.”
“I’ve never cum so hard in my life.” Now she’s really pushing it and she hates that he doesn’t really react.
“Better than with a man?” John turns off the heat, transferring the eggs to their respective plates and handing her one of them.
She shrugs, a smile playing on her lips. She’s got him right where she wants him. “Honestly? I’m not sure. It’s been over a year since I’ve fucked anyone - I’d probably cum from a kiss or the right touch.”
A flash of something unrecognizable flashes in John’s eyes but it’s gone a moment later before she can truly get a read on it. “Makes sense. Your body’s probably so sensitive at this point.”
“Mmhmm,” she hums in agreement, taking a bite of her eggs. “I’m sure the next guy I hook up with will end up making fun of me for cumming so quickly.”
Since her confession, all week she can feel John’s eyes on her when she’s preoccupied or her attention isn’t on him. She doesn’t call him on it and he doesn’t press her for any additional information after breakfast that morning.
A sick sense of glee fills her when she logs into the website to find that TheScottishLad has uploaded his new weekly audio. She’s almost certain it’s John now, especially, when the audio starts.
“Look at you, all tied up in my bed,” he chuckles, and she knows it’s him. He’s disguised his voice well, and anyone who heard him speak like this wouldn’t even put it together that it’s him. Except she has, and only because she’s paying attention and knows what to look for. “You’ve been a little tease all week, love, and I’m gonna make sure you regret it.”
A moan escapes past her lips as she thinks about being tied to John’s four-poster bed. She’s sat on it plenty of times as she’s watched him get ready for match days and training, and she knows how plush it is - and how good it would feel to be restrained and at his mercy.
“Don’t think I didn’t read between the lines earlier this week - I know exactly what you need. You told me you wanted someone to help take the edge off because you were sick of having to do it yourself. Don’t worry, love - you won’t have to do anything. I’ll make sure you get all the orgasms you need.”
John keeps speaking as he does various things to the girl in the audio, drawing out almost five orgasms before he stops. “Good girl,” he praises over the sound of the restraints being untied, the praise going straight to her already-sensitive pussy.
A wave of jealousy washes over her as she realizes that John might already have a girl he’s been using for these audios. The girl always seems to be silent, but her jealous brain can’t think of any scenario other than that.
The day after John’s audio drops, she decides to play one last game. She calls in sick to work on Monday, finally putting her plan to work.
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chibienvychan03 · 3 years
My Fictional Secret Admirer - Part 1 of That Damned Pikashaw Series
Secret Santa gift for Sakurras on a MLQC Discord I’m a part of.
Pairing: Gavin x MC, side of Minor x Willow
 Warning: potty mouth/pervert Shaw, Sassy MC, little shit Zappy
 Summary: Argh a certain someone is moving slower than an ice berg on a cold day. You voice your frustration to your gal pals, but a certain brat happens to overhear. He somehow convinces (ropes) you into pranking Gavin big time.
After a long day, you and a few female employees decide to have a girl’s night out. Sorry, not sorry Minor. It’s been awhile since you’ve done something with only your gender, and you’re going to have fun, not worrying about the opposite gender especially a certain someone who moves slower than an ice berg on a cold day, and that’s his good day too.
 “And I’m not kissing him until he gets lessons.”
 WHAT?! This sends you crashing back to reality. 
 “Ouch. So mean to your boyfriend,” Kiki pouts as she plays with the straw in her drink, twirling it around and sometimes blowing bubbles just because she can.
 “And what about you? You haven’t kissed yours,” Willow points out as she’s stirring her drink. At least she can drink alcohol. Due to your low tolerance and Kiki turning the age where she can legally drink alcohol, you’re the designated safe person/driver.
 Kiki sticks out her tongue and blows a raspberry. “We’re taking things slow. You’ve told me not to rush into things.”
 This statement Willow can’t refute. “For once, you actually listen to me.”
 “HEY! I listen to you, but that doesn’t mean I’m paying attention,” Kiki replies with a cheeky grin. “But at least we have boyfriends.”
 You want to say the two of them have boyfriends. On the other hand, you do not as someone is taking his sweet time and NOT asking you. You’re not even sure he wants to be with you on that level. Instead of responding, you flag down the bartender and ask for another soda, but this time with a few cherries in it. The bartender doesn’t give you a look this time as he knows you’re the designated driver, meaning you can’t become impaired. He doesn’t question it once he finds out.
 The two are looking at you. “What?”
 “You have a boyfriend, right?” Kiki pokes you.
 “Er… I’m too busy with work to consider having an intimate relationship.” In other words, you have no boyfriend even if you want one in the first place.
 “Aren’t you dating that handsome cop? Gavin.” Willow prods while waggling her brows. How she manages that move, you don’t know nor do you ask.
 In response, you turn a bright red, enough to make a tomato green (red) with envy. “He hasn’t asked.”
 “He what?!” Kiki shouts after she almost chokes on her drink. She hits her chest to clear her airway.
 “He didn’t ask her,” Willow reiterates your response, saving you the trouble of answering two times. She picks up her cherry by its stem before twirling it. “Then why don’t you ask him?”
 “I don’t know if he feels the same way I do, and he doesn’t give other women any thought,” you say after some hesitation. It’s not that you’re jealous of the other women. More like frustrated with him and how slow he’s moving. Sometimes you wonder if he’s even moving at all.
 Willow snorts upon your confession. “Girl, have you seen how he’s all over you? He’s crazy about you. And you’re crazy if you let him go.”
 “He’s worried about me,” you say, not wanting to admit it… just yet. “Being his junior from high school. You know?”
 This time Kiki snorts. “Oh it goes beyond worrying about junior classmates. You’re too blind to see it.”
 “What do you mean by that?” you huff and cross your arms over your chest while waiting for your soda to arrive so you can have something to play with.
 “Oh my gods, the two of you are painfully ignorant. It’s ridiculous.” Willow picks up her drink and starts sipping from what remains of it. “Woman up, ask him on a date. It’s the twenty first century. Unless he grows a pair of balls, it’s up to you.”
 “What do balls have anything to do with dating and boyfriends?” You glance between the two of them who in return are giving you looks of exasperation. What? “Aren’t they toys for kids and pets?” Last time you recall, balls are spherical objects mean to give joy to whoever played with them whether it be for sport or simply having for.
 “Even I know what that is, and I’m younger than you.”
 Like ouch. Does Kiki have to point that out? “Gavin does have a ball cactus.”
 As if on cue, both Kiki and Willow bang their heads on the bar like you see in the manga you’ve read where someone is exasperated at another person. What? Is it something you said? You’re left in the dark again. Maybe it’s time to do research on this kind of stuff… if you ever have the time. Between your work, taking care of yourself/home, and hanging out with friends, you don’t have time to do this research. Besides you do a lot of research for your work and sometimes you’re researched out!
 “His name is Thorny and is surviving.” Surviving from Gavin giving it too much love (more like water).
 “So is Gavin’s love for you,” Willow adds. “Don’t keep him waiting too long.”
 “Yeah, you don’t won’t to become that old cat lady.” Gee thanks Kiki.
 “HEY!” You huff. “It’s not my fault he’s moving slower than an ice berg on a good day.” Finally the bartender arrives with your soda, and he’s given you a little umbrella. Oh how sweet. It’s your favorite color too, pink.
 “This dance is never going to end,” Kiki sighs a long one. She knows something or maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but either way, you want to know.
 “Touche. It’s too painful to watch these lovebirds dance around each other.” Willow glances upward as if she’s asking some heavenly deity to do something about these two lovebirds.
 “Someone has to get it going,” Kiki says as if you’re not sitting right next to them at the bar.
 Willow nods her head. “Indeed. Dropping hints is useless since we all know how excruciatingly painfully oblivious both parties can be.”
 Ouch and double ouch. Are you really that ignorant? Scratch that, you don’t want to know. “You two are drunk.” Yeah, that has to be the case.
 Kiki bursts out in giggles. “You wish. I think I’m a bit tipsy, but I still can think! Unlike a certain someone we all know too well.”
 Great. Now Kiki’s roasting you too? It makes you wonder if she’s been secretly spending time with a certain CEO who has a penchant for roasting you on a regular basis. Nah, it couldn’t be, could it? Between her school work, work, her boyfriend, and close friends, you doubt she has much time to learn the fine art of roasting people.
 You smack her with your purse, not too hard since you need her to be able to work in a couple days.
 Her response? She starts giggling hysterically.
 “Ignore her. She’s drunk.” Willow waves her hand, the one not holding her drink. “But all things serious. Be direct and up front with Gavin. Dropping hints will get you nowhere.”
 “I don’t know. What am I supposed to do? Walk up to him and demand to know why he hasn’t asked me on a date?” Or kissed, but that happens after you start dating. It’s not like you’re complete strangers. You already have a long history with him even if a fair chunk of it is you misunderstanding him.
 “I’m sure you’ll figure something out. You always have.”
 “Or you can pull him down by his tie and kiss kiss.” Kiki makes kissing sounds.
 The mere thought of doing what Kiki suggests causes you to turn bright red. “I don’t think he’s into PDA.” As for you, you don’t think your heart can take it even if you want it.
 “Oi vey. Of course he’ll want to stake his claim on you, but it’s only if you let him. Guys are like that. Trust me. He’d want to let the entire world know you’re his.”
 “Wow, I didn’t know Officer Gavin has a possessive side. Maybe Kiro would be a better choice.” Ah the Kiro fangirl emerges.
 Willow rolls her eyes. “Not that kind of claiming, more like being in an exclusive relationship, and you’re off the dating market.”
 “I’ll think about it.”
 Just not that night. All you want to do is go home and sleep.
 But first you need to make sure your drunk and slightly drunk friends make it home in one piece. After all, you’re the designated person… and a responsible boss.
 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin
 Unlike your so called friends, you wake up the next day hang over free, which puts you in a very, very good mood. Good enough to tease those two through texts about what a wonderful day it is. When they do not reply, you’re not surprised. They’re probably hiding underneath their blankets and covers, waiting for the world to stop spinning or for the loud noises to go away. You’re tempted to suggest getting noise cancelling headphones. Being an unfortunate traveler (for work sigh), you procured a pair of your very own. Plane and train terminals tend to be quite noisy. Sometimes you want to hear yourself think.
 When you unlock your phone, you notice you have a few messages. You start reading your messages. 
 Levi : When’s a good time to bring over my gifts for you?
 “Big brother spoils me,” you giggle. While you’re not officially related or by blood, he’s taken you under his wing. The last time someone tried coping a feel, well let’s just say he wound up in the hospital with two broken hands.
 You then remember him saying something about an overseas trip he’s taking back to the States, something about visiting his adopted family. He rarely mentions them and when he does, it’s bits and pieces. Since you respect his privacy, you try hard not to poke your nose into it and ask too many questions. If or when he’s ready, he’ll tell you. So far, you know he’s adopted and has one adopted brother but no sisters.
 MC: How about having lunch? It’s been a long time since we got together.
 Levi: Sounds like a plan. That new café? The one you mentioned in your moments post? :D
 Wow. Does he have his phone in his hand all the time? Or maybe you’re lucky and catch him when he’s actually looking at his phone?
 MC: That sounds great, and no we’re going double dutch. You’re NOT paying for mine.
 Levi: ): I’m catching up on all the years I haven’t spent with you.
 MC: I bet you bought me a ton of souvenirs. 
 Levi: XD Caught red handed. Okay, we’ll pay our own bill.
 Seeing those emojis, you can’t help but giggle again. It’s not that many, however, you don’t recall any male you keep in contact using them on a regular basis. You decide to not say anything about it especially since it appears he’s having fun.
 Anna: You forgot to text me when you arrive safely at home.
 Oh oops?
 MC: Sorry! D: I knew I forgot something, but I couldn’t remember. Next time I’ll write myself a reminder.
 Okay next text.
 Kiro: Miss Chips! Hear anything about Souvenir? QAQ They haven’t been opened lately, and I’ve been craving their food.
 Kiro: Forgot to tell you, I’ll be busy for the next 2 to 3 weeks. If they open, you have to let me know. K?
 MC: Are you planning on sneaking out if they’re open?
 Kiro: Please don’t tell Savin! I’m tired of the same old, same old food.
 MC: Fine. You owe me for keeping an eye on that restaurant.
 Kiro: Miss Chips is the best! Crap. Gotta get back to work. Chuu.
 You stare at your phone. Did he just? Nah, you’re probably reading too much into things like a certain couple of busybodies do on a regular basis. Since you don’t want Savin to catch him texting you, you decide to text him later with an update on his favorite restaurant.
 Gavin: I’m free today. Would you like to have lunch with me? My treat.
 Er… You already made plans to have lunch with your big bro. But the more the merrier, right?
 MC: You can join me and my big bro for lunch. He got back from his trip.
 Gavin: Since when do you have a big brother?
 MC: A few months ago. I meant to tell you then, but you were swamped with work and then it slipped my mind. Sorry! It wasn’t on purpose I swear.
 Gavin: He sounds kind of fishy if you ask me.
 MC: He’s not like that. Just wait until you meet him. 
 MC: For the record, he broke two hands of someone trying to touch me.
 Gavin: Why didn’t he beat the guy up?
 Unbelievable. You can’t believe Gavin would suggest such a thing.
 MC: It was crowded and we’re in public.
 Gavin: Give me his contact info. I can help him.
 Something tells you between the two of them if anyone so much as looks at you the wrong way, he’d be sent to the hospital with multiple broken bones, and that’s if they’re feeling generous enough to let the guy live. You’re having second thoughts about the two meeting, but then again, big bro has been pestering you about the guy you’re interested in.
 MC: Ask him at lunch.
 Gavin: Understood. 
 The next text you send is where and when to meet. You hope this won’t be your worst decision, letting these two get to know each other and having team up against anyone who bothers you. “I’ll worry about that later.” While you hope they get along, you hope they don’t get along to the point of being accomplices.
 The last few texts are spam. Didn’t you sign up for that thing about spam texts? These companies obviously aren’t letting that stop them. Whatever. You delete them.
 Thaw: Unlock your window. I know you’re awake.
 MC: Why are here this early?
 Thaw: Just open it!
 MC: It’s early for YOU! *suspicious eyes*
 Thaw: You want to know why I’m here or not?
 This guy. Although you’re tempted to leave him out there in the cold, your curiosity once again gets the better of you. Wait a second, Shaw never said which window, leaving you to look out of every window until you manage to find the one he’s crouched next to.
 “Took you long enough,” Shaw grumbles once you open the window and slips into the warm room. The way he’s dress, he resembles a punk snowman. It causes you to giggle and him to pretend he never heard or saw what you did.
 “If a certain someone told me which window he’s behind, I would have opened it five minutes earlier. Did you forget, I have a lot of windows?” You poke him on his chest, which he swats away your finger.
 “Whatever.” In his language, it means he admits his guilt without actually admitting it. “A little birdy told me something interesting yesterday.”
 “What the hell?”
 “You describing me or yourself?”
 “The fuck?”
 You’ve run out of birds you know, which is a total of four who belong to a certain Birdcop the one you want to move faster. Sheesh. Sometimes you wonder if he’s moving backwards in spite of him wanting to spend time with you.
 “Forget about the birdy. Don’t you want to know?”
 “Something tells me I don’t want to know.” You close the window as soon as you’re reminded you have yet to close it. No need to let perfectly good warm air outside or let the cold air into your warm home.
 Shaw pretty much laughs in your face, to which you’re tempted to slap him… using both hands. “My brother is an idiot.”
 “That’s not nice to say,” you pout. Sometimes you wish you had biological siblings, but you suppose your adopted big brother is better than nothing. His spoiling you has no part in your decision. How does he have all that money in the first place? His first job must be well paying though he never tells you nor do you think he will.
 “I could call him something much worse. You want to hear?” One shake of your head. Nope. “I admit he’s damn good at his job, but when it comes to his personal life, he’s very shitty.” While you don’t appreciate his language, you do agree with him.
 “What about it?” 
 “Grab your laptop or a pen and paper. We’re going to get my fucking moron of a brother to ask you on a date.” Did he just say what you think he said?
 “What are you waiting for? Chop, chop. Unless you want me to look for them myself.”
 On second thought, you’d rather find the items he requested than have him poking his nose or any other part of his body where it doesn’t belong. You grab both your laptop along with a pen and paper. Laptop for research and the pen/paper for keeping notes. Sure, you can use your electronics to keep your notes, but your older brother has told you many times that even if you delete it, that incriminating information can be pulled from the depths of the hard drive. You’d rather not take any chances.
 “Pen and paper? Old fart.”
 You scowl. “It’s called decreasing my paper trail. Did you know they still can find what you’ve deleted on your computer or laptop?”
 Shaw gives you that disbelieving stare. “You finally said something smart for a change. Who told you that? I know you couldn’t have figured that out.”
 Why you! Then again… “I also have a big brother. Want to meet him?” you tell him as you bat your eyes in a suggestive manner. More like you want his face to meet your big bro’s fist.
 “What the hell? You don’t have any siblings. Quit fucking messing with me.” As if he doesn’t do that to you on a regular basis.
 “Well I do now. A few months ago. Got a problem with it?”
 Shaw plops himself down on one of your plush chairs. Hey. Shoes! But he doesn’t seem to be too concerned with it. “As if I care about your family.”
 You tap your foot while crossing your arms over your chest. 
 “Next time have a pair of fucking slippers next to the window.”
 “Normal people enter through the front door.”
 “Have I ever been normal?”
 Point taken. You use his distraction to yank off his shoes, much to his surprise and bring it to where he’s supposed to place them. Since you never know when your older brother or Gavin will drop by, you have a few larger slippers waiting for them. You grab a pair and then throw it at him.
 “Feisty. No wonder my stupid brother is smitten.”
 Shaw pushes off the slippers until they fall onto the floor near him. “But he’s too much of a damned chicken to ask you.”
 “Ask me what?” Not that you’ve actually gone on a date with him or been together long enough for him to pop the question.
 Shaw sighs a long one. “You’re just as stupid as he is. No, it’s not marriage. You haven’t even kissed or gone on a date. So what do you think?”
 “If it’s not that, then… on a date?”
 “FINALLY! She gets it. Yeah, we need him to get his shit together and grow a pair of balls.”
 “We?” There’s that reference to balls. You’ll have to ask your big brother later.
 “Being the ‘loving’ little brother I am, I want him to be with the woman he’s heads over heels over.” Loving? Ha, yeah right. What’s his motive?
 “And how do you propose we do that? You plan on pranking him?”
 “Heh, maybe you’re not as stupid as you look.” Grrr….
 “Like whoopee cushions? Stink bombs? Switching the salt and sugar? Bucket of water on his head?”
 “I take that back. You’re fucking stupid.” Geee thanks, THAW!
 “Whatever you say, Thaw.”
 “You want my help or not?” He’s about to put his stinky feet on top of your nice and clean table. When you glare at him, he plops his feet on the chair nearest to him.
 “Is it illegal?”
 “Is it illegal to be this stupid? If things go according to plan, it shouldn’t.” How many times has he told you his fool proof plans only to have them spectacularly backfire in both of your faces?
 “Then what is it?”
 Your stomach interrupts him as it reminds you that you have yet to eat breakfast. Oops? Since you know the big brat of a mooch is on your chair, you might as well feed him before kicking him out of your apartment. 
 “Is that a stomach or a dragon?”
 “You want free breakfast or not? Yes, I do have Pepsi and Coke.”
 Shaw shrugs and follows you into the kitchen area where you have a table for everyday meals. “I like living on the edge. Why not? It’s free food.”
 What is that supposed to mean? It’s not like your cooking is hazardous to one’s health, not after all those lessons from the certified teachers and your mentor (big brother) and even rare, a certain Tsundere who happens to be a 5 star chef in the disguise of a CEO. You pull a can of Pepsi and Coke from your fridge before placing it in front of your so called guest. Next you set a large plastic cup in front of him.
 “Plastic? I’m not a kid.”
 “I’m not taking any chances.”
 Since you’re going to be discussing… plotting how to get Gavin to “grow some balls and ask you on a date,” it should be something that doesn’t require much concentration. You decide on egg scrambles. As to what you’re going to put in it… Your fridge is nicely stocked thanks to you having gone on your weekly grocery run. You’ll put in red bell pepper, spinach, onions, sausage, and a bit of cheese.
 “No complaining,” you say this as you’re about to start chopping the veggies, waving a large (and sharp) knife at him.
 “Gee. My brother is going to be so whipped when you two get hitched.” He holds hands up in a mock surrender. “Smitten kitten.”
 “So what is your big and glorious plan to get him to ask me on a date?” Thanks to your big brother, your knife skills have vastly improved to where you’re no longer cutting yourself… unless you’re surprised or startled. Since you pretty much live alone, there isn’t much to distract or startle you.
 Shaw props himself up on his hands, his arms on your table. “We are going to give you a secret admirer.”
 “Say what?!”
 Shaw winces and in an exaggerated manner tries to clear his ears. “Gods… I don’t think they heard you in Japan or Australia.”
 You ignore the comment on the volume of your shout. “What do you mean by giving me a secret admirer? Is that supposed to be you?”
 Once Shaw ceases his fake deafness, he becomes as serious as he can be, which compared to others isn’t that much. “No, it’s not me. Why would I want to be a secret admirer of an idiot?” Intense glaring. “We’re going to make up a secret admirer.”
 Of all the ludicrous plans of his, this takes the entire take and then some. “… Are you planning on hiring someone to give me gifts?”
 This time Shaw laughs, but stops when he sees your knife. “No, we’re going to do it ourselves. Mail takes too long. Borrow Zappy from my idiotic brother.”
 Eh? Does not compute. How does Zappy come into this? “Why Zappy?”
 “The little guy is like me. He’ll be more than happy to be a little shit to his owner.”
 “And he’s easier to bribe. Hope you have canned mandarin oranges.” Recalling your most recent grocery run, you remember picking up more than a few cans of mandarin oranges. What? You like eating them out of the can when they’re stored in your fridge.
 After chopping your ingredients, you crack several eggs before you beat them in a bowl, imagining each yoke to be a certain annoying person’s face. It’s a productive way to get your frustration out. “Yeah, I have some cans.”
 “One less thing to take care of. Knowing you, you wonder what Zappy’s involvement in it is. Remember way back when, birds were used to deliver messages?” Nod. “Zappy is going to be our delivery bird.” Wait a moment, how would this cute little bird know where you are? Or carry anything? “Trust me on this. That little shit can find anyone when he wants to and I’ve seen him carrying several kilos in weight.”
 “But how would he get what needs to be delivered?” Now you’ve moved to your pan and heated up the oil. Your next move is to stir fry your onions, sausage, and veggies until they’re mostly cooked. If you put them in all at the same time, your eggs will end up burned before the veggies and meat finish cooking.
 That’s when he points to himself. “I’ll be holding onto Zappy until it’s time for delivery and you get back home. My idiotic brother doesn’t recognize my handwriting.”
 “Then how would you get the gifts to give me? I know you’re not fond of shopping for anything you’re not interested in.” Not to mention, he was a cheapskate… most of the time.
 “We’re going shopping today.”
 “I’m having lunch with my big bro and Gavin.”
 Shaw scowls at first but then brightens up. “You can ask your soon to be bf for Zappy.”
 “Won’t it be weird if I ask him?”
 “Heh. Must I explain everything to you. Never mind. I’ll go ahead and do it. You’d think the wrong things. Tell him you need Zappy for a project you’re working on. Technically you’re not lying to him. You have a project but it’s not for work.” Ah that smug smile whenever he comes up with a brilliant plan.
 Since you’re not lying, you decide to go along with it. What Gavin doesn’t know won’t hurt him in this case. “Logistics taken care of. What is my ‘secret admirer’ going to give me?” He gives you a blank stare. “You don’t have any idea.”
 “How am I supposed to know what you like? Remember the key is to make him jealous enough to ask you. That means your secret admirer knows your every preference.”
 That totally makes sense. “And I guess we’re going to be buying everything today?”
 “Most of the stuff. Your secret admirer will be buying you meals to be delivered to your work.”
 Once the scrambles finish cooking, you start toasting the bread. It’ll be done by the time you finish plating your creation. “I guess you’ll be making those calls?”
 “Correct. He can’t see or know you’re ordering them for yourself. Otherwise what’s the point in creating your secret admirer? He’d have to be blind and deaf.”
 You nod your head. “Minor tends to be a blabbermouth.”
 “Fuck… I knew I was forgetting something.” Eh? So Shaw does make mistakes. Good to know.
 “Um? He can tell Gavin what I receive?”
 “I was going to say post your gifts to your moments…”
 “Can’t I do both? It’s one thing to hear about it, but it’s another to see.” You slide over his share, toasted bread and fork included.
 “So you do have a brain. Why don’t you use it more?”
 You reach over to your used frying pan. “How about I start using this more?”
 “You’re perfect for each other.” What is that supposed to mean? “Since you have time, we’ll need to figure out what your secret admirer will be giving you. Minimum of three per day.”
1. Favorite tea
2. Favorite snack
3. Fine candy from overseas
1. Bouquet of flowers
2. Lunch delivered from fast food restaurant
3. Cute cell phone case
1. Tea set
2. Lunch delivered from fancy restaurant
3. Coupon for massage
1. Earrings
2. Bracelet
3. Necklace
1. Lunch for employees
2. Candy making machine
3. Me in a naughty lingerie
 You make another list and group them according to where you’re buying them. Grocery, candy place, cell phone store, your fave tea place, jewelry shop, massage parlor, and that naughty ahem. Seven shops. Looks like you have your work cut out for you that afternoon.
 “Don’t take forever to eat lunch.”
 You roll your eyes at him. “Of course not, we have a full day of shopping and not a lot of time to do it.” The New Light mall should have everything you need except for that shop. For that, you’ll need to walk a block down, but that’s the last thing on your list as it’s open much later than the others. You guess it’s due to the cliental and emergency purchases.
 When Shaw starts talking about the naughty lingerie, you decide it’s time for him to leave so you can prepare for your lunch date. You kick out a hysterically laughing Shaw.
 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin
 When you arrive at the restaurant on time, you notice two things… or rather two people having a nice conversation with each other. Your big brother and Gavin. Seeing their phones out, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out they have exchanged contact info. You hope it won’t end up with either of them in the hospital as you care for them both in different ways. You race up to them.
 “I hope you haven’t been waiting for long.”
 “Nope. I’m excited to see my little sister.” That’s when you notice several bags near him. “These are all yours.” How are you supposed to carry them?
 “I’m too early, and I can give you a ride,” Gavin offers. 
 Speaking of which, you remember what Shaw has told you about your plan. “Er… mind if we swing by your place?”
 Gavin blinks several times in response.
 “Mind if I borrow Zappy? It’s for a project I’m working on. Please?”
 Gavin runs his hand through his hair. “Sure, but don’t expect him to cooperate. He can be… a pain to deal with.” That’s what he thinks. You know how to bribe this little birdy so it’s no problem. The three of them are smart and each have their own personalities.
 “I have my ways. So let’s grab a table?”
 “Why don’t we put this in my car?”
 Eh, car?
 This time Gavin blushes. “Bought one.”
 Oh. You recall you complaining about the rain and snow whenever he drives you anywhere. While he doesn’t mind it, you do. Not that he’s a horrible driver in inclement weather. You know you’ll arrive in one piece, but that doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy the ride there.
 When you carry your gift to Gavin’s car, you notice your big bro’s truck parked nearby. While it doesn’t stand out, you’ve ridden in it enough time to be able to recognize it even if it’s raining or snowing. Considering how much he’s given you, it makes sense for him to drive this beast of a vehicle. It seems your big bro and Gavin approve of each other so far.
 After you placing your order, an awkward silence ensues. You fidget in your seat as you’re unsure what to start talking about, and you notice your big bro is tired in spite of him trying not to show it. Also you have no clue as to what they’ve discussed in the time before your arrival. You want to know, but at the same time, you know both of them well enough to know they’d clam up before they tell you anything they don’t want you to know.
 “So how was your trip?”
 “Eh. It’s okay. My little brother wasn’t his usual pain in the rear self. My parents were their usual selves.”
 “You mean pestering you about getting a boyfriend and adopting a kid?”
 Your big brother chuckles as he scratches the back of his head. “Yeah. I haven’t found the one, you know?”
 You nod your head, glancing over at Gavin who has taken to playing with his drink as the two of you chat. “You can say that again.” You pause. “I found someone, but… I don’t know if I’m good enough.”
 “Pah. He should be grateful you’re interested in him. If anything, it’s he who isn’t good enough for my little sister. I mean you’re funny, friendly, caring, generous, talented, and hard working.” Just like your one, your brother says what he means and means what he says. So in short, he’s being his genuine self. “If he breaks your heart, let’s just say he’s going to need an ambulance.”
 “Er… that’s not necessary. He’s sweet and caring, but he’s kind of slow on the uptake.” You say while you keep watch of Gavin from the corner of your eye. It seems he doesn’t take a hint as his demeanor becomes sour. Maybe you should stop talking about this as you want him to be in a good mood. “So what are you looking for in a guy?”
 “Hm… Someone strong, honest, loyal, direct, caring, and has an open mind. It helps if he’s smart.” Oh wow, your big brother has really given thought to this. Your thoughts wander to the guys in your life. Two of them fit his description, but one of them happens to be the person you like and the other… well you’re not sure which way he swings. Hell you don’t know if he’s interested in a romantic relationship with anyone. “Not anyone would do.”
 You nod your head. “Agreed. You need to have that special connection.”
 “So who’s your one?” Your brother just had to ask that question. In spite of you two knowing each other for about a year, it feels like you know each other since you were kids. You know he can’t read minds nor see into any time. He so happens to be too smart for his own good.
 Seeing as Gavin is focused on his drink, you nudge your big brother with your foot and then point to Gavin from under the table. It takes him less than a second to get the hint. Could get any more awkward? You have the feeling the answer would be yes, it could. “It’s a secret,” you answer in a sing song way and then stick your tongue out at him.
 Your big brother chuckles before reaching over and ruffling your hair like a pet. By now, you’re used to this and actually don’t mind it. He’s your first sibling, and it gives you the warm feels. “All right, keep your secrets. When I find mine, I’m not telling you.” He glances over to the silent Gavin. “What about you? Have you found your one?”
 Gavin stops playing with his straw and profusely blushes. He attempts to say something, but it comes out as gibberish. Between you and your big brother, you have no clue what to make of it other than he’s completely embarrassed about who he likes. Part of you wants to poke him until he confesses, however, you want to respect his privacy just as he respects yours.
 Although a blushing Gavin looks incredibly adorable and you somehow manage to sneak in a short video of him playing with his straw, you decide to help him out of this. “What about kids? You said you’re going to adopt once you find the one.”
 “Probably two, one girl and one boy. Personally I could care less what their gender is so long as they’re healthy and happy, but I suppose that’s how most parents feel about their kids.” 
 Gavin’s mood goes down. You know bits and pieces about his past, but enough to know that his shit of a father never treated as a son, more like a useless tool. Hah. Useless. Just because someone doesn’t have an evol doesn’t make them useless. Sometimes having an evol is more dangerous than it’s worth.
 “Until I find that person, my kids have feathers and beaks.”
 “Birds?” You hope you can pet them or maybe birdsit them while your big brother is away.
 “I’m in the process of adopting three siblings.”
 “Three at once?”
 Your brother scratches the back of his head. “I’d rather not separate them. They’re close.”
 “Then what’s the delay?”
 “They’re not old enough to leave their parents.” That makes sense. Young birds need their parents just as humans need theirs. “I’ll let you know when I bring them home.”
 “Do you know their genders?” You plan on spoiling his babies, but you need to know their gender, not that they care about colors.
 “Won’t know until their first molt unless I get them tested.” Levi pauses. “I don’t plan on getting them tested. They’re all getting unisex names.” Before you can ask, he answers your question. “They’re normal grey cockatiels. My friend thought he was getting two guys. Turns out he has one guy and one gal. He never saw it coming.”
 “They’re going to a good home.” Between the two of you, they’re going to be so spoiled. Thinking about it, you notice Gavin has gone back to playing with his drink. “How’s Pearly, Fiery, Icy, and Zappy?”
 Gavin looks up. “They’re doing okay. Those three keep breaking out of their cage.”
 “No way. I lost count on how many locks you’ve tried.” It appears all three of them are master escape artists. Good thing they’re well behaved and don’t cause much damage. Before you can ask more questions, your food has arrived.
 You each ordered something different. Gavin has a burger with fries, your brother some pasta, and you have their house special salad. Your brother decides he also wants fries so he orders two. Why two? Because he knows you like them. Ah screw it. You need your carbs to keep you full longer. Plus since your salad is healthy, you can afford to eat the fries he ordered for you. Since he ordered it, he said he’d pay for it. You two squabble over it until you hear someone chuckling and look over to find it’s Gavin. It seems the two of you behave like siblings. You let him buy you the fries since they don’t cost a lot, but you’re not budging on the salad. However, when you go to pay for it, you discover someone already has paid for it. You round on your brother who shrugs and promises you he only paid for the fries. Additionally Gavin is acting strangely around you. It appears he paid for your salad. Your brother has kept his promise, however, you know Gavin made no such promises.
 Oh well. It frees up funds for your next project. After giving your big brother a few hugs and telling (warning) him to get some sleep, you join Gavin in his car and head to his place. He doesn’t ask you what or why you need that specific bird to which you’re thankful for. 
 At his door, you hear all four of them making a racket. You wonder if they know you’re there. Since the three birds keep clustering up in one cage every single night, Gavin sells two cages (reserves third for transport) and buys one large cage for the three of them. They’ve been content. Once he unlocks and opens the door, the three birds rush out to greet you, chirping happily. Meanwhile Gavin groans and covers his face with both hands.
 Once again, they’ve outsmarted him. Birds: a lot, Gavin: 0
 “Nice to see you too.” You give each of them scritches as you greet them.
 Gavin relieves you of Fiery and Icy who are annoyed they’re being taken away from you. Zappy cuddles against you, enjoying the attention you’re giving him.
 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin
 After acquiring your delivery bird and dropping him off at your apartment, you head over to the New Light Mall where you plan on meeting your partner in prank. Unfortunately, you’re not dealing with one little shit, but two of them. You feel something on top of your head and then comes that familiar chirping. 
 “Zappy, you’re really an escape artist.”
 Zappy happily replies as if to confirm your statement. They jump off your head down to your shoulder and snuggle against your neck. Since it’s more of a pain to go back home and put him in their cage, you let them be. More than likely, Zappy will escape again and again until you let them stay with you. They maneuver to underneath your hair. Silly bird.
 Your wait for Shaw is rather short.
 “I see you have that bird.” Shaw skateboards towards you. When he’s close, he hops off and does this weird trick where he flips his board so he can grab it.
 “He followed me,” you grumble. While you don’t mind them, you prefer they stay in their cage where you leave them. “Reminds me of you.”
 Shaw laughs. “You don’t say.” He reaches over to pet the bird who hesitantly accepts it. His expression is all too clear, the ‘I told you so’ one.
 “Let’s start from one end and work our way to the other,” you suggest. It means less walking, which your feet greatly appreciate.
 “Works for me.”
 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin <3 Gavin
 Once you’ve finished your errands at the mall, you’re more than ready to go home except you have one last store and the most important one according to Shaw. However, you’re completely embarrassed to even think about going there. You have a feeling you’re going to be resembling a tomato until tomorrow at this rate. Your little stowaway doesn’t care where you go. You don’t think they’d be embarrassed by anything.
 “You can’t chicken out on me. I don’t know your size, and you’re not willing to tell me.” Point taken.
 You pull your hood over your head, dislodging Zappy in the process. They squawk before poking you with their rather sharp beak (not enough to break skin) to voice their displeasure. When you get to see them, their feathers are fluffed up and they’re glaring at you. They wait until you finish adjusting your hood before they crawl into it and settle between your neck and your hood.
 At least you know where they are and don’t have to chase them like at the mall where you had to chase them more than a few times. It takes bribing them with mandarin oranges to get them back to you. Good thing there’s a supermarket in the mall. You buy extras even if it means carrying those heavy cans. Actually you make Shaw carry them since he’s usually the main reason why you have to chase after that bird. Shaw grumbles and makes threats against Zappy, but he sees the little guy as a bird version of him. In fact, you swear they can be siblings… if they’re the same species.
 “Fine, let’s get this done and over with.” You really want to go home before you die of embarrassment or are mortified (petrified) in place. 
 Zappy keeps your neck warm the entire walk there. They’re like a little heater though not effective unless you’re trying to warm your hands or in this case your neck. Every now and then they poke their head out to see what’s making that noise. What a very curious little imp you have there. It makes you wonder how Gavin manages to deal with all three of them. You recall him mentioning this little one is the ring leader whenever they’re up to their shenanigans.
 Once you reach the door, you hesitate until a certain someone shoves you into the store. It turns out Shaw predicted your hesitation and made you go in first so he could give you a little push when you stall at the entrance. You stumble a little inside, causing Zappy to fall off their perch, but you manage to catch them in spite of your bags. They climb back up your arm before snuggling against your neck and chirp in appreciating of you saving them from a harsh meeting with the hard, unforgiving ground.
 Shaw grabs your hand and drags you to where they display the lingerie most men would like to see their women dressed in. He scans the racks as they have quite a selection of them. Anything that catches his eye would be pushed in front of you as he determines whether or not it would look good. They end up back on the racks as he doesn’t think it suits your complexion and/or figure. How would he know what you’re figure is considering you’re wearing baggy clothes, thanks to the weather. At least by now, it’s dark outside. You hope it’s enough to make you less conspicuous. It would help if they place your purchase in a plain bag with no store logo on it. Somehow you have the feeling they would.
 “Are you planning on looking through the entire lingerie section?” you ask as you reach in your hood to pet Zappy, who is more than happy to receive this attention. They say petting animals can calm a person. Right now, you need that calm before you strangle your accomplice in this prank.
 “If you had a better figure, I wouldn’t have to.” Now you’re tempted to throw a bag at him, but since you paid for it, you’d rather not waste it.
 You look beside you to find a cute pink lingerie and pick it up to inspect it. When you hear Shaw snort, you lower it to see him giving that disappointed look. “What?”
 “You want it to contrast with your skin, not blend in. What are you not thinking?”
 “I’m thinking I want to get this done and over with,” you grumble as you place it back. So pink and skin tones are out of the question. That’s when you see something shoved behind the lingerie Shaw vetoed. Reaching over, you somehow extricate it. Oh, it happens to be your size.
 Shaw sighs and is about to tell you not that pink lingerie, but stops when he notices you’re holding a red one. He tilts his head and then grabs it to place it before you. “This will do.”
 As he’s inspecting the garment, you notice a certain STF uniform. You can’t see who it is, but you’d rather play it safe than sorry. They know who you are thanks to you knowing a certain someone and being friends with his friend. Gossip travels faster than Shaw to his favorite band playing in a concert. You shove an unsuspecting Shaw behind the taller racks, hoping that the person hasn’t seen you and that they’d go away soon.
 Shaw squawks, but at least he hasn’t dropped the lingerie. “What is it?”
 “It isn’t illegal to be in this shop,” Shaw points out.
 You counter with, “But you forget a certain someone will find out when word gets around.”
 Instead of giving you a complement, Shaw peers in the direction you’re looking. You both watch as that STF officer talking with someone who you don’t even know is as they’re standing in the shadows. When are they going to leave?
 Minutes go by.
 At last! They leave. You two scramble to the cashier who doesn’t question you about your odd behavior. Maybe it’s normal for people to hide in there? It’s better you don’t mention it at all. You pay using cash. Good thing they have ATMs at the mall since you were running low. You try not to keep that much on you as you don’t want to be a walking target. Since you’re with two living stun guns, your safety is assured. Zappy wouldn’t let anything happen to you as you spoil them along with the other birds, and Shaw needs some entertainment in his life which unfortunately happens to be you.
 When you see the nondescript bag being used, you let out a sigh of relief. The cashier doesn’t bat an eye. They’re probably used to this kind of behavior from new people. However, they raise a brow when they see the two of you together.
 “Something you’re not telling me?”
 Shaw rolls his eyes. It seems the two know each other. “Not what you think. She isn’t my type. I prefer messing with her and my brother.”
 “So you’re her advisor?”
 “She’d be completely lost without me.” Shaw leans close to that person. “Trying to seduce my idiot of a brother.”
 “I thought you hated each other.”
 Shaw shrugs. “He’s okay. We tolerate each other now.” He glances over to you. “A certain someone played therapist.” Gee thanks, Pikashaw. “And I get to mess with him.”
 “Nice. Good luck on seducing Gavin.” Just great, they know.
 Leaning forward, Shaw whispers something in their ear and both have impish grins. “I’ll let you know what happens.”
 “We have your favorite flavor in stock.”
 “I’ll grab some later.”
 The person reaches below the counter and pulls it up. “I came prepared. How many you want?”
 “I’ll take them all.” Shaw then tells the guy a size and requests double his usual.
 When he’s finished, you try to see what he bought, but he keeps it above your head, and you’re not about to jump on him to find out.  You’re tired and you’d have one unhappy Zappy, one unhappy combo. Not to mention, by now the little bird is most likely full, thus, not as easy to bribe. Well outside of finding something shiny they’d be interested in. A glittery ball (one that doesn’t have glitter glued on) will suffice. Alas, you’re short one glittery ball.
 After you arrive at your place, you’re both dead tired on your feet. You order take out to be delivered, and oddly enough Shaw is willing to fork over the money this time. With the exception of lunch, you paid for everything including Zappy’s bribes. Good thing Shaw doesn’t like to move when he’s tired. You’d rather not have to explain to your neighbor, Lucien, why you have male company who isn’t him or one of your employees.
 As you’re digging into your Chinese take-out, you feel something brush up against you. You’re first instinct is to scream, but your mouth is full of egg roll. Oh, it’s just Zappy who’s stealing a noodle from you. HEY! You doubt you’re supposed to feed them that since it’s probably not healthy, but something tells you that they most likely snag some from Gavin when he’s not looking, It’s just one noodle.
 On the other side of the table, Shaw laughs at the sight of the bird pilfering one of your noodles. Why don’t they grab one of his noodles? Since he paid for dinner, you let it slide. After you finish eating and throw out the empty containers, you plan on kicking Shaw out, but when you’re back from getting ready for bed, you see him out cold on your couch. Perched on top of his chest is a sleeping Zappy.
 Just this time, you’ll let him stay. After all, you don’t want to wake up the cute little bird.
 Day 1 <3 Day 1 <3 Day 1 <3 Day 1 <3 Day 1
 When you wake up this morning, you find Shaw organizing your purchases and nearby him are materials to wrap the gifts from you “secret admirer.” Next to him is a playful Zappy. They’re rolling around with one of those shiny bows. You figure Shaw threw it at them or let them have it to keep them entertained while he worked on the prank.
 “Chirp!” Zappy’s on their back with their legs holding the bow up. What an odd position, but the bird seems fine and isn’t panicking.
 “Breakfast is on the table.”
 You glance over in the direction of your kitchen. Did he cook something? You’re not sure how good of a cook he is, but you definitely know your culinary skills are much better than his.
 As if reading your mind, “I woke up early and got breakfast.”
 “Okay, who are you and what have you done with the real Shaw?”
 Shaw rolls his eyes. “I can wake up early if I have an incentive.”
 “And pray tell, what is the incentive?”
 “I get to mess with my brother.” Why doesn’t this surprise you?
 In addition to breakfast being on the table, you see he brewed a pot of coffee. You squash your giggles. The brothers are more alike than they care to admit. Breakfast is on the cold side, but it’s edible and tastes good. Coffee could use improvement on. At least he tried.
 Once you’ve changed in your room and grab what you need for work, you give Zappy some scritches which they want more of and leave a surprised Shaw a spare key to your apartment. You tell him it’ll be a pain if he keeps breaking in, and when he leaves to do whatever he does, you’d rather have your place secured. He can’t lock it from the outside.
 When you reach the spot, you find your ride nowhere in sight. You glance at your watch to find you’re actually early for a change, early by ten minutes. Normally you’re a patient person, but with this weather, you’d rather not be waiting outside. Three minutes after texting, your ride arrives.
 “Good morning, Gavin,” you greet him as he hands over the second helmet.
 “Morning,” Gavin replies. Something is bothering him like really bothering him. It’s not your place to poke your nose in his business. At the same time, you don’t like seeing him this way.
 The ride becomes awkwardly silent as neither of you know what to say other than your greetings. It’s as if you’ve gone back to square one. No matter, by the end of this week, he will definitely be happy. You’re sure of it.
 At your place, you hear your employees gossiping. Haven’t you given them enough work? Working and gossiping at the same time? Meh, you’ll deal with it. However, it’s the topic of their discussion that grabs your attention. A few of them move out of the way so you can get to your desk. On top of it, you see a very familiar package.
 “A gift? It isn’t my birthday,” you say pretending to be surprised.
 Kiki slides over to you and starts shaking you. “Open it. Open it!” She’s more excited than. Granted she has no idea about your plan.
 When you reach your desk, you notice the gift has been meticulously wrapped. Not a single crease or ribbon out of place though it’s a bit bent in a few areas due to delivery. You open the card first. In it, Shaw has written some sappy poem and signed it with Secret Admirer. Knowing your employees will not get any work done until you tell them, you read it out loud. A few catcalls and one shut up glare later, you’re tearing through the wrapping.
 “How did he know I’m running low on my favorite tea?” He doesn’t. You picked it yourself. Having received random gifts in the past, you take it in stride. The idea of it being poisoned doesn’t pop in your mind.
 “Oh wow, Boss,” Kiki whistles. “I bet it’s from Kiro. You two like the same stuff.”
 “I doubt it. He’s been too busy with work.” You decide to make yourself a cup. As you’re heading to the kitchen area, you realize the tea arrived before you did. Not to mention, Shaw was in the middle of getting it ready when you woke up.
 Oh right, messenger has wings so of course they’ll reach your work faster than you.
 When you return from making your tea, everyone scrambles to look busy. You know they’re very much curious about who your secret admirer is. Trying to ignore their stares is harder than it appears. How does Gavin do it?
 Time to enter the battlefield.
 Some time later, Willow calls for you. She doesn’t sound panic, more like confused.
 At the window, you find Zappy outside, tapping the window. No one has opened it. You open the window to let them in. They stay for a whole minute before high tailing it out of there. What they leave you is another package wrapped in a similar style as the tea.
 You pull out your phone to take a picture of it and then proceed to open it. As to why you hadn’t taken a picture of the previous present, it didn’t occur to you until now. After you read the cheesy romantic poem, you tear through the wrapping and reveal your favorite snack. Good timing too as it’s too early for lunch, but your stomach says it wants something. You (along with your employees) take a picture of it. As you’re nibbling on it, you make a post on moments and include the photo.
 By the end of the day (no need for OT yet), you’re gathering your belongings and ready to head home when you hear something run into a window. You (along with your employees) rush over to the window and find that same bird. Zappy appears to be fine, making you wonder if they purposely flew into the window.
 You open the window and go over the same process. This time it’s foreign chocolate. Wait a moment, this isn’t the one you picked up with Shaw. You wonder if the brat went out to buy something else. Nah, he’s too lazy to do it when there are acceptable options available to him.
 Now your entire office is buzzing. Perfect.
 Instead of Gavin coming to pick you up, it’s your big brother. “Lev! What’s up?”
 Levi crosses his arms over his chest. “Your last moments post.” Eh? “Those are the chocolates I bought you.”
 Aw crap, they looked familiar to you. “Ehehehehe. Funny you should mention that.” You break down and tell him your secret admirer plan.
 Instead of being angry or annoyed, Levi seems to be on board with this. He offers his help without being prompted or hinted. You hug him before you put on the helmet and hop onto his motorcycle.
 What’s up with guys and their motorcycles?
 Day 2 <3 Day 2 <3 Day 2 <3 Day 2 <3 Day 2
 Second day. Gotta hang in there and keep it a secret. When Shaw found out you told your other brother, he almost lost it, but you reassure him that your brother is on board with the plan. Now you have someone who can assist should you need it. Somehow you have the feeling you’ll need all the help you can get.
 An hour into work, a delivery person shows up with a bouquet of flowers. He asks for you since you’re the recipient. When you make yourself known, he hands over you the bouquet and an electronic device for you to sign it saying you’ve received the package.
 In this time, your employees gather around you, whispering and of course gossiping. They also pull out their cameras and are openly taking pictures of it. Are they paparazzi? You search for the card and read it out loud, the customary poem and signature. Thankfully you have the foresight to buy a vase to be delivered with it. After a moment arranging it on your desk, you take a picture for you moments post.
 Concentrating on your proposal, you forget you’re supposed to eat until another delivery person arrives. Instead of flowers, it’s your lunch. He hands you the bag and an envelope as if he does this on a regular basis. You tell him to wait a moment and tip him with a snack as you don’t have time to dig through your purse. Also, it looks like he could use something to eat. He thanks you for noticing it and heads on his way to his next delivery.
 By now everyone is crowded around you, you use your outdoor voice to tell them the latest poem except this time you leave out who sent it to you. They should know it’s from your secret admirer. After all, who has been giving gifts on a regular basis? Well yesterday.
 You, Kiki, and Willow have lunch together. It’s almost like a pot luck with the way you’re sharing your lunch. Both Kiki and Willow spend time trying to figure out who your secret admirer is. Kiki believe it’s Kiro while Willow says it’s from Gavin due to the poems. You remind them poetry is more of something Lucien would do. They have forgotten him.
 Close to the end of the day, you manage to have good timing when you look out the window and see that familiar yellow/black bird flying in your direction. You abruptly stand up, startling your employees and open the window. They stare at you until they too see that bird drop off your latest gift and leave.
 The same routine happens and you open your gift to find a cute cell phone case. “Oh wow, how does he know I have this model of phone?” you gasp in (what you hope) surprise.
 Willow frowns. “Your secret admirer knows a lot about you. You sure this person isn’t a stalker or something?”
 You wave her off. “I doubt a stalker would go through this.” Once you take a picture of the case, you replace your old one with it. Then you upload the picture onto moments.
 Day 3 <3 Day 3 <3 Day 3 <3 Day 3 <3 Day 3
 “Hey Boss,” Minor says hesitantly as if you’re going to attack him. Or maybe it’s Gavin.
 “Bro is upset. I mean really upset. Haven’t seen him this way since… high school.”
 “Which bro are you talking about?” Your question reminds him that you have a bro, and that he should specify which one when referring to them.
 This worries you as it’s way too early. “He hasn’t done anything, has he?”
 Minor shakes his head. “I mean I like hanging out with him and all, but all he does is sulk or rant about your secret admirer.”
 “He’s not drinking?”
 “I offered him a can, but he refused. He takes his job seriously.” Minor sounds proud of Gavin as if they’re father and son instead of being high school friends.
 You lean closer to Minor. “Whatever you do. Do NOT give him alcohol unless you want your New Year’s bonus to disappear.”
 “Yes, ma’am.”
 “And no telling Gavin I told you this.”
 Minor gulps. “I’ll try.”
 When you return from making your morning tea, you find that tea set, sitting on your desk. How Zappy delivered it without breaking anything leaves you confounded. You scurry over to your desk and open your gift. The rustling draws the attention of your employees. After removing the last piece of wrapping, you hold it up as high as you dare to show everyone. Unlike the other gifts, the note is in the tea pot. You open it since you hadn’t seen any note. Where is Shaw getting all these poems? You don’t think he’s into poetry.
 Then it dawns on you… big bro is helping.
 Anna brings order to the office as she ushers everyone back to work. “How many presents have you received?”
 You start ticking off each one. “I think this is the seventh.”
 She shakes her head. “Don’t lead him on. If you’re not interested, tell him.”
 “Uh… how am I supposed to tell him when I have no clue who he is?” You’d give yourself a pat on the back for that superb performance if it wouldn’t look foolish as no one would have a clue as to why you’re congratulating yourself, and you’d rather not them questioning your sanity… what’s left of it once you and Shaw finish this plan.
 When you open your moments, you notice a number of replies. In fact, this is the highest number you’ve received ever since you started the account. It’s what you don’t see that starts worrying you. In all your posts, Gavin has yet to make a comment. You know that he knows, thanks to Minor blabbering to you.
 What sounded like a good idea at the time is now sounding like a horrible one. You don’t want to see Gavin this depressed or crushed. It’s almost the halfway point. You can do this. You just hope the other two birds can keep Gavin’s spirits from sinking way down. Sure, Pearly is cute and cuddly, but he doesn’t pick up on emotions like the other two do.
 You text your big brother asking him if this is the right thing and that you’re questioning yourself whether it’s a good idea or not. His quick response doesn’t surprise you by now. You’re used to it. He tells you it’s like going to get a shot at the doctors or pulling off a bandage. The thought of what’s to come is worse than the actual act. You thank your big brother. He always knows what to say to encourage and support you even if it’s something you regret much later on.
 Lunch is delivered and served from a fancy restaurant. The chef herself has put on a performance for you as she prepares your meal. Your coworkers look on in awe by the way she moves her cooking utensils and the food goes where it’s supposed to go, not flying all over the place. At the end of her performance, she hands you the card with the cheesy, romantic poem.
 Your female employees are gushing over how you have a very generous and thoughtful secret admirer as he’s giving the stuff you like. Not to mention, he isn’t cheap either and going all out for you. You laugh nervously, saying that one day you hope you can see who likes you enough to go out of his way. The girls swoon over the thought and their vision of what/who he is.
 The next delivery is a simple envelope via Zappy. When you show what you receive, they’re clearly disappointed and go back to working except for those two and Anna. You open it to reveal a coupon for a complete massage package at the trendy massage parlor. When Kiki squeals in excitement, your other employees snap their attention back to you and gather around you. This has become quite normal.
 “So what are you planning to do?” Kiki asks as if you’re planning to give it away, and she hopes you’d pick her.
 “Go after work. I haven’t been sleeping well.” Your thoughts drift over to Gavin and how he’s coping with all this.
 You chuckle before tapping her on her head with the envelope. “Last time I checked, it’s addressed to me.”
 “This secret admirer must want you badly.” Willow whistles. “They only have the highest quality service and equipment.”
 Anna gives you that look, but at the same time, you promised not to tell anyone else. “Kids these days.” She sighs and heads to wherever she is before your envelope arrived.
 Day 4 <3 Day 4 <3 Day 4 <3 Day 4 <3 Day 4
 That was one of your best night of sleep ever since you could remember. Ever since the first day, your big brother has been playing chauffeur. He doesn’t mind since he can arrange his work schedule around to fit yours and has assured you many times that you’re not a burden to him. In fact, he’d be quite troubled should you ask someone else to drive you to and from work.
 You hear bits and pieces of a conversation you’re not supposed to be a part of. It’s not that you’re trying to eavesdrop. More like, your entrance isn’t noisy so they don’t know you’re here. You frown when you piece together the info.
 When you appear, they cease their conversation and act as if nothing has happened. You decide to let them off with a warning this time.
 “There will be no gambling here so you can stop wagering on who is sending me these gifts.” Your employees groan and grumble, but they comply with your wishes or at least they appear to. You hadn’t thought this far ahead. As for Shaw, you’re not sure he has even considered this.
 When you reach your desk, you find a small jewelry box. Unlike the other gifts, it’s not nicely wrapped but placed in a see through bag for transport. You read off the poem. The first part of today’s gift is a pair of earrings.
 “Oh my, he is serious,” Anna says as she looks over your shoulder.
 “I’d answer only if I had someone to give that answer to.”
 Anna gives you a supportive smile. “I know. You’re not the type of person to play with someone’s emotions.” She heads to her desk.
 Hearing her say those words, you start feeling guilty. Are you playing with Gavin’s emotions? You’re not stringing him along as you’re trying to get him to ask you. The easiest way is to go up and tell him to his face, but as they say, easier said than done.
 Willow leans back in her chair. “Why are you moping around? You have a very generous and wealthy secret admirer.”
 You sigh a long one. “I just don’t want to be seen as taking advantage of his generosity.” Yeah right, you paid for all of these.
 “Then he should grow a pair and tell you how he feels.” You know Willow is on your side no matter what you do and that includes the amateur mistakes you made when you first started. Not to mention, Kiki and Anna feel the same way. As for Minor, you’d rather not have him choose between you and Gavin.
 “I hope he does soon. For my sanity.”
 “And for Bro’s too,” Minor chimes in the conversation.
 Everyday you’ve brought your own lunch even though you know you’re going to be receiving something from your secret admirer. If you brought your meals on the days you’re not going to have food delivered, then it would appear suspicious. As you’re about to tear into your sandwich, you hear a familiar chirping. You grab a mandarin orange, hiding it in your hand and head over to the window where an expectant Zappy is waiting with your gift. Positioning yourself between you and the bird, you use the hand with the orange to reach over and grab the parcel. However, you let Zappy grab the orange and let them take off.
 “What is it?”
 “Calm down, I’m opening it.” True to your word, you read the poem and open the jewelry box to reveal a matching bracelet. By now everyone knows the drill. They gather around you taking pictures. However, you decide not to post anything in moments as you know certain people are following you.
 “I bet you’re going to get a necklace,” Kiki giggles from her seat to which you roll your eyes.
 “We’ll see.”
 Hours later, that necklace arrives. Kiki gives the ‘I told you so’ look. You two tease each other for a few minutes. Now that you think about it, she’s like a sister you never had, a younger sister. Maybe this is how Levi feels towards you. It takes Willow pulling on her ear to get her back working until you all call it a day and head home.
 “Having second or third thoughts?” Your big brother asks when you approach him.
 “Yeah. I just wish he’d do something, but he hasn’t contacted once,” you grumble and take his place behind him on his bike. Of course, you wear a helmet.
 “Oh he’s been doing something all right,” Levi says though he doesn’t start his bike. “He’s been bothering me about who your secret admirer is. He believes you tell me everything.” Yeah, while you do tell him a lot, it’s not everything.
 “Did you tell him?”
 “I told him to ask you directly.”
 Day 5 <3 Day 5 <3 Day 5 <3 Day 5 <3 Day 5
 When nothing arrives for you in the morning, your employees are greatly disappointed. Don’t they have something like work to do? You suppose it has been their entertainment for this otherwise boring week, and they need something to help them get through it.
 “Everyone!” Anna yells over their chatter. After it becomes quiet, she continues. “Courtesy of our boss’ secret admirer, we have lunch!”
 Your employees cheer and anyone close to you thanks you for having such an awesome secret admirer. Some even tell you to keep this person. You’re relieved when they don’t ask any questions. Between you and Anna you organize how the lunch is to be distributed. There will be four different groups, going at staggered times to pick up their meals. When the current group is almost finished, you call for the next group to line up and begin. It’s like one of those buffets or pot lucks where people fall in line and then pick up what they want.
 Later that afternoon, you hear a thud and a squawk at the window. You rush over since you know who made that noise and find a very tired Zappy on top of a very large box. Poor little guy. You pick up the bird and take them in, leaving the box for now. Once they’re at your desk, you go back for the box. It’s heavier than you thought. No wonder why Zappy struggled to fly it over.
 “I knew it. That bird looks exactly like bro’s,” Minor announces to the entire office. He reaches over only to pull his hand back when the bird snaps at him. “Maybe not. Zappy’s nicer.”
 You keep the window open for when the delivery bird feels ready to make the trip back to your apartment where you know Shaw has been hanging out lately. He claims he doesn’t want to haul your gifts to his place and would rather crash at yours. You’re annoyed at first, but then realize, it’s more practical for him to stay there with you, the gifts, and the bird.
 “Boss, do you even know how to use it?” Kiki asks as she reads the side of the box. This isn’t wrapped, and instead of being in an envelope, your poem along with signature has been taped to one side.
 Your eye twitches. “That’s why they come with instruction manuals.”
 “How many instruction manuals have read and understood?” Trust those two to give you a hard time. They’re not doing it maliciously. It’s more on teasing in a good way. Like you’re three sisters.
 They both sport this ‘oh’ look as if they practiced doing it in synch. You guess you’ve been around each other long enough that your small habits have rubbed off on each other.
 “And here I was going to share the candy with you.”
 The two become much more friendly and helpful. When you open it, they’ll help you use it… at your place on the weekend.
 Zappy is too tired to fly back, and you hide them until everyone has left. Then you call your big brother up to your company and have him carry down the candy making machine while you carry the little bird. On your way, you give a slight nod of your head to the security guards who do a double take when they see your little bundle. By now, they’re used to having your big brother come and go from your work place. It also helps he’s on friendly terms with them.
 Instead of his bike, Levi brings his truck along with Shaw and Zappy’s cage. You hand over the exhausted bird to Shaw before hoisting yourself into the front passenger seat. Then you notice the gift you’re supposed to be wearing and the other items to set the mood.
 Your next stop is Gavin’s place. It dawns on you that you don’t have a key to his apartment. How are you supposed to enter his apartment without one? You glance over to Shaw and then your big brother. It seems they have it planned out or so you hoped.
 When you reach Gavin’s apartment, Levi pulls out what looks to be a lock picking set. He gets to work on the door. A few seconds later, you hear the sound of a door being unlocked.  He gives you a cheeky grin. “Bet you didn’t know I could do this.”
 “You never told me.”
 “You never asked.”
 Levi apologizes for driving you there and running. He has an appointment with a client. You’re grateful he at least brings up Zappy’s cage. He tells you he’ll drop by your place after to deliver your candy making machine.
 Shaw shrugs. “He demanded I give him your spare key.”
 Right. You thank every deity Levi has taken things into his own hands and got your spare key back. Knowing the brat, you figure he’d give you a hard time for awhile and then let you have it. It occurs to you he may have created a duplicate. You’ll ask your landlord if you can change locks later at your expense. Your landlord can be a real piece of work, but if you’re offering to cover the expenses and the request is within reason, he’ll give it the green light.
��You place Zappy back into their cage with the other two who are very worried for their companion. The birds start chirping up a storm. You have no clue what they’re talking about and figure they’re catching up on whatever they missed. Not like Icy and Fiery have anything interesting to say except for how Gavin has been behaving lately.
 Shaw takes out your lingerie. “You get changed. I’ll set up here.”
 Since you’ve been there quite a few times, you know your way around even without any lights. You can walk around there in your sleep for crying out loud. “Thanks for everything.”
 Instead of replying with ‘You’re welcome,’ Shaw motions for you to get going and rifles through the bag for something.
 Once in the bathroom, you realize you’re not sure how to put on this lacy garment without accidentally ripping it. You were too embarrassed to ask the person who sold it to you, Shaw’s friend… acquaintance. Turning it around and around gives you no clue how to don it. As you become frustrated, you take a deep breath. What did you say about Youtube? Oh yes.
 Good thing you take your phone with you and start searching for instructions on how to put the thing on. You find something, but it’s not on the website you thought you’d find it. As you’re following it step by step, you see something off. Oh Shaw has removed all the tags. How thoughtful of him… when he wants to be. You swear he does most of the things on purpose to get a reaction of you.
 Since you’d rather not rip it before you have a chance to actually wear it, you go through the motions slowly and handle the lacy gently. With the tags removed, there goes any chance of returning or exchanging it. You swear it should come with a set of instructions on how to wear it.
 You look at yourself in the mirror and turn around to make sure you have everything where it needs to go, not that there’s much in the way of fabric or lace. This is for Gavin so it has to be perfect. He’s given so much to you and you want to show how much you appreciate him. You squash your rising feeling of guilt for what you’ve most likely him through these past… four and a half days. This day isn’t over so it doesn’t count as a full day.
 Seeing everything in order, you blush as you think about how Gavin would respond. Would he be a stuttering and blushing mess? Tripping over his words? Or would he be like a hungry wolf ready to pounce on his prey? It brings up memories of when you dressed as Little Red Riding Hood while he was the Big Bad wolf for your Halloween party. You’re not the only couple who came dressed as a set. Kiki and her boyfriend came as Cinderella and Prince Charming while Minor and Willow as Snow White and her Prince. Before the party, you decided to go with a fairytale theme.
 When you pick up your phone, you notice how much time has passed. You place your hand on the knob ready to exit, but… do you want Shaw to see you like this? Maybe you can cover yourself with your jacket until he leaves. No, that won’t work as he needs to help you arrange yourself on Gavin’s bed. That means he’ll have to eventually see you wearing it.
 “Here goes nothing.”
 As you open the door, you involuntarily hold your breath. Your body reminds you to breathe once you step out of it. “Shaw, we need to hurry up!” With your attention on carrying your clothes and cell phone, you miss seeing something important.
 That is until…
 “Shaw, what the hell are you doing with her?”
 This voice could only belong to… Gavin. You raise your head to see Gavin on the verge of strangling his own brother who was trying to fight back the tears… no, laughter.
 “This isn’t what it looks like!”
 Gavin’s eyes drop onto the bed where Shaw has laid thick ribbon, a bow, a flower, and a pair of fuzzy handcuffs. Then his gaze moves over to you and your huge blush.
 “SHAW! When did you get this?” You point to the fuzzy handcuffs. The ribbon, bow, and flower, you already know about it. But that adult toy is something you’ve never laid eyes upon until now.
 “You two are boring. I’m spicing things up between you two so sue me.” Shaw shrugs as if it’s an everyday occurrence to break into a brother’s place with someone who likes him and that kind of toy.
 Gavin frowns before he slams Shaw into the nearest wall. Good thing they’re not far away from it. “You…”
 Instead of being upset or angry, Shaw starts laughing hysterically as if he’s lost his mind. You stare at him as if he’s grown an extra appendage. On the other hand, Gavin is too furious to care.
 “Date. Date. Date. Date.” Since none of you are talking and no one else should be in the apartment, you and Gavin start scanning his room for the source. Meanwhile Shaw is laughing so hard he looks like he’s crying. If isn’t for his older brother, you swear he’d kiss the floor by now.
 As soon as the chanting resumes, you and Gavin stare in disbelief. Never in either of your wildest imaginations (and you have a very active one) did you think any of these birds can speak, but here they are chanting one word. Date.
 With Shaw out of the picture (laughing), Gavin turns to you for an explanation and when he really gets a good look at you, he too resembles a tomato. He averts his gaze to anywhere except you.
 After taking take a deep breath, you somehow manage to get your feet moving over to him. You place your hands on his arm as if reassuring him. “Nothing is going between us.” You point to Shaw and then to yourself. “Promise.”
 “Then why is he here and you’re wearing… that.”
 Shaw manages to calm himself down to where he can speak. “My idiot of a brother needed to grow a pair of balls.”
 “What did you say?” Gavin pushes him back into the wall.
 “Man up.”
 “Isn’t it obvious why she’s doing this?”
 “…. No.”
 “She wants you to fuck her.”
 “SHAW!” You’re tempted to slap him, but with the way the two brothers are positioned, you’re not tall enough to reach over and give him a smack.
 “All right. All right. Since you’re too much of a coward, she needed to take drastic measures.”
 “You’re not the secret admirer?”
 Shaw snorts. “There never was one.”
 “Then how… what… those gifts.”
 “I bought them and Shaw helped me send them to myself,” you finally admit. “Are you mad at me?”
 Gavin exhales in relief, all that pent up anxiety and frustration released at once, now that he knows you never had a secret admirer. At the same time, he’s a little annoyed. “But why him?”
 “Err… he knows you better than I do.” You hope this will suffice. It does to a certain extent.
 “Now that you know, you can let go.”
 “Why should I?”
 “You plan on going on a date with her holding me like this?” Shaw motions to the two of them.
 “No. Why didn’t you tell me?”
 You puff up your cheeks. “For the same reasons why you didn’t ask me.”
 Conflicting emotions appeared in those amber eyes. “I see.”
 “Great, now that you two lovebirds have made up, you can release me.” Shaw pauses. “I left you a little surprise under the pillow.
 Curiosity gets the better of you and you reach over to yank the pillow off. What you reveal causes your blush to intensify, Gavin to become a stuttering mess, and Shaw to laugh hysterically again. You hastily shove the pillow back over the items, wanting them to disappear.
 “Gavin, I—”
 You notice Gavin on the move still holding a hysterically laughing Shaw. You follow him until he reaches the entrance and literally throws his brother out. He slams the door with a little too much force, causing the walls to rattle along with your nerves. You gulp.
 Man, you’re in big trouble.
 The loud pounding on the door diverts both your attention. “I forgot to mention. I left a book in the bag. You’ll need it for tonight.”
 “The bag” happens to be on a table close to Gavin. He reaches over to open it and then closes it immediately.
 All three birds wolf whistle and make suggestive chirps. At least they’re out here and not in the bedroom. You open your mouth to say something when you’re swept off your feet and carted off to his bed.
 Gavin uses his weight to pin you. “A little bunny has been very naughty.”
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raven-witch-01 · 3 years
Stay (Taltal x Servant Reader) - Part 3
Tapjahae's Pov
I couldn't believe what had happened to y/n but at the same time, I didn't even know what came over me when I brought her to the empress dowager room while one of her maids left to find a physician, empress dowager was filled with worry but didn't ask what has happened to y/n only just escort me to her bed so I could lay y/n down. "You have to leave the room so we could get her out of these wet clothes Tapjahae" I turn to see empress dowager, knowing that y/n is in good hands, I left the room to go outside only to see that the rain has finally stopped. When I heard footsteps behind me, I turn only to see empress dowager maids finally found the physician and brought him in. I turn away and started thinking if only I told her the truth then none of this would have happened, it felt like hours when the empress dowager came outside and looked at me then she told me something that shocks me to the very core "y/n is 2 months pregnant". How could I not notices this sooner, "Taltal is the father of the child, isn't he" I answered her that both Taltal and y/n spent some time alone together in the past but right now I'm more worried for her and her unborn child "will she and the baby be alright" she was surprised that I asked her this but either way she told me that they will be alright "tell me everything about what happens".
meanwhile, Reader's pov
I've only woken up a few minutes ago and found out that I was not only indeed pregnant but I was two months along "can you bring in Tapjahae in please" the maid nod and left to get him only I was alone with the physician. A moment later I hear him coming in then he sat beside me "you need some sleep before morning y/n, I'll walk with you until we reach your room" I turn to look at him "can you stay with me once we get there, only for the night" he was surprised but he gave me a small smile, letting me know that he would happily stay with me only for tonight. As I  got up while Tapjahae left outside so I can change some warm clothes then we both left the empress dowager room and walk outside then straight towards my room. We were nearly there when I saw Taltal talking with the empress dowager oh no why is he here I thought, I didn't hesitate to hold his hand which he gladly returns.
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When we saw one of the maids that were pointing a different direction till I realise that they were trying to distract Taltal while I and Tapjahae would go around the back, "Don't worry y/n, I would never leave you unless you ask me otherwise" I then looked towards him and smile little. We then walked as quietly as possible, once we manage to reach inside one of the maids told us that Taltal has finally left after being here for the past 2 hours. I thank her for the pieces of information and let her go, I then realise that I'm still holding Tapjahae's hand I tried so hard not to blush but he notices it, either way, he finally lets go of my hand but he too tries not to blush. "I have to leave this place, this palace, this country and back to Goryeo so my baby will have a home and maybe my parents will happily see me return but the question is, will they accept the child I'm carrying within me" he knew that I would say that but secretly he hopes that she would ask him to be part of her life and the child she carrying, unless "what if that I take you there y/n so that you would not be alone till we reach to your parents" I was surprised yet happy at the same time, without thinking I hug him "you would really do that for me?" he smiled and hugs back "I would move mountains from the heavens and the earth for you". He and I hugged for a while till we finally let go of each other. Before anything else happened Taltal barged in and swing the sword at Tapjahae neck "why are you here with my women?" Tapjahae looked at him with so much anger "your women? last time I checked you were getting married to Haru in next month instead of y/n" Taltal doesn't realise that Dangkise and his uncle was right behind him "is this true nephew, I thought you said that you were planning to marry Haru instead of the servant girl" I looked at Taltal with so much anger that I did the most unthinkable thing that not even anyone in this room could saw it coming.
The room suddenly went quiet the moment that sound happened. Dangkise, Tapjahae, Baek Ahn and heck even Taltal was in fact quite surprised that for a girl like me has the guts to slap a Yuan general in front of the other Yuan generals but I did not give a damn, "HOW DARE YOU, I'm NOT SOME TOY YOU CAN PLAY WITH, NOT ONLY YOU USED ME BUT YOU ALSO LIED TO ME TALTAL, HOW CAN I TRUST YOU AND LOVED YOU, AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO ME WAS UNFORGIVENABLE" I knew nothing will be the same ever again. I then turn to Tapjahae while he has the surprised look on his face "I think it would be best that I'll leave in the morning" even with the shocked face, he nodded and took both surprised Dangkise and Baek Ahn with him then left the room to be prepared the horses, once I turn to back to Taltal while his uncle was trying to figure out how the hell did it happened. "It not what you think, let me explain" Taltal begged. For the first time in my life never have I heard him begged. "I'm leaving the palace Taltal and I'm not coming back" I then looked into Taltal's eyes one last time, "remember when you promised we'd always be together? because I remember when I thought you meant it" he looked at me with so much guilty, then he finally confesses "I wasn't planning on keeping a secret from you for so long yet I did, either way, y/n" I've looked the other way trying not looked into his eyes anymore. Before he said anything else Tapjahae came in "the horses will be ready in the morning y/n, just say the words and I'll take you back to Goryeo" Taltal didn't think that of all people, Tapjahae would be the one that would go with her. "Thank you Tapjahae, just let me pack some of my stuff and we'll be off in the morning" I smiled at him and hugged him in front of Taltal knowing that it would make him feel both angry and jealous.
The next day
Thankfully when I went outside only to see Tapjahae and the horses that he prepared for the both of us. "Does your father know about this or will Dangkise tell him by the time we already left?" Tapjahae came closer then he grab some of my stuff and put it on what I would be my horse "my brother will tell him, we should get going before either Taltal, my father or the empress dowager will try to stop us." he was right about the three of them, I walked towards the horse then Tapjahae carefully lift me til I'm on the horse then he hops on his horse. Little do I know that Taltal saw both me and Tapjahae leaving, Taltal then felt something wet on his cheek till he realises that there were tears, he quickly wipes them away.
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Then we ride fast from the palace gates to the capital gates to the border gates then finally we reach to Goryeo lands "I think we should camp here for the night y/n" my home is only a few more miles away yet the horse's much rest as I do as well "I agree, besides I'm starving" he looked at me then he tries so hard not to laugh "don't worry y/n, it's a good thing that one of the maids gave us more food along just in case" knowing that maid was, in fact, one of Seung Nyang's maids thank you Seung Nyang.
To be continue
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
Hi hi, love!☺❤🌈 Here is ya matchup lol. Hope I didn’t make you wait tooo long lol! I hope you enjoy this dear and I hope you have a super good day! Sending ya lots o hugs!☺❤🥰 @yunohawkeye​
So I match you with................... Arthur
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Oh, the second Arthur spotted a new little skirt coming into the mansion, all his attention was solely on you. It’s no secret, Arthot loves to charm a woman, so he definitely made a beeline straight to you to introduce himself. 
You were chatting with Vincent, and from where Arthur was standing, he couldn’t tell which one of the two of you were more pure and innocent, you or Vincent. You were wearing a shy smile as you chatted with the blond and simply radiated an innocent energy. What Arthur didn’t expect was the personality beneath
The next day after helping Sebastian with all the chores, Arthot spotted you sitting in the library all alone reading. He honestly wanted to get to know you better, so he decided to kill two birds with one stone. He invited you out to the pub with him and Theo. That is how you landed yourself sandwiched between the two men, drinking away. 
Naturally, Arthur was on the hunt for his night time companion after you had shot him down for the 3rd time in a row. The two of you were now scanning the bar for potential prey. You were determined to act as Arthur's wing-man, considering Theo wanted nothing to do with Arthur's escapades. You found that after the first drink, your bubbly quirky personality started to shine through. Arthur absolutely loved this new side of you! He found it refreshing that he could be himself with you, treating you like one of the guys, and not having to put up his classical playboy front. 
You couldn’t help but bust out into laughter at Arthur and Theo’s shocked expressions when you let a dirty joke slip, sometime throughout the evening. “Looks like you aren’t as innocent as you look Luv,” he said howling in laughter. 
After seeing how red Theo’s face went after you made the joke you and Arthur teamed up and started teasing the younger van Gogh brother. Although the victim to merciless teasing, that night Theo noted that, that had been the first night, since knowing Arthur, where he hadn’t nibbled on a single little skirt. Instead, all his attention was solely on you and your hilarious jokes. He hadn’t tried to charm you or get into your pants, instead the two of you chatted and joked around like old friends.
Visiting the bar with the two boys had actually become somewhat of a regular occurrence after the first night. Although neither of you ever realised it, Theo couldn’t help but chuckle at how genuinely smitten Arthur was with you. You would always tag along to act as Arthur's wingman to find him the perfect girl for the night. But between the dirty jokes and flirty banter, he would never leave your side, instead, shooting down every option in the bar and opting to spend the evening drinking with you. 
Since you had arrived in Arthur's life he, in fact, hadn’t looked at any other woman other than you. Not that either of you noticed this revelation. 
Arthur loved how you were just so different from other women. He loved your tomboyish style and teasing nature. He loved that the two of you could talk about any topic, especially NSWF topics. He loved that the two of you have equally dirty minds. And whenever someone says something seemingly innocent, both you and Arthur would lock eyes and burst out laughing. The two of you will definitely irritate the mansion’s residents with your shenanigans and inside joke, and no one is safe when the pair of you were in the same room.  
For example, one day as Sabastian placed a huge big fluffy pancake in front of Vincent. The blonds eyes lit up as he innocently said, “Thank you so much Sabastian, but this is simply too big for me” cue you and Arthur snickering and in sync saying, “that’s what she said”, followed by a prompt high five. And after you had explained to Arthur what a sex tape was, the two of you started doing “name of your sex tape” jokes. Arthur were like your best friend, and whenever the two of you hung out, you just had the best time. It honestly took no time at all for you to fall in love with the secretly sensitive man. 
Honestly, how could Arthur not fall head over heels for you. The two of you could go from serious conversations, to joking in 2.5 seconds flat. He loved how quirky and weird you are at times and honestly loves that he too can be his complete self with you. 
Your fun-loving, caring nature has actually helped him to show you his more vulnerable side. He half thought you would run for the hill after finding out about his past. But instead, you to opened yourself up and let yourself be just as vulnerable, telling him about all the struggles you have had to deal with in your life. The two of you have had a few hearts to heart moments with each other in the past, which has allowed both of you to grow and heal. The funny thing is that often after chatting about a heavy topics seconds later, the two of you are back to joking around and talking about the most random of things.
One day Arthur came by your room to invite you to the pub as he does, and noticed your notebook open on the table. Curiosity killed the cat as Arthur gently picked it up and read the first few sentences. To say the mystery author went as red as a beet would be an understatement, especially when he was reading the naughty scene of your latest smut. You walked into your room to find Arthur reading through your book wearing a sly smile. “well well well I always knew were a little minx, looks like I should be taking some notes from you,” he said with a wink, as you lightly hit him on the chest and dragged him to your usual seat at the bar. Wondering what he would say if he found out about your NSFW games. No doubt he would probably enjoy playing them just as much as you.
The day Arthur confessed his love was when the two of you were out at the bar together. A woman approaches the two of you, with the intent to steal Arthur away for the night- if you catch my drift. Arthur having eyes for no one but you, politely decline the ladies offer at company for the night. But this woman was rather insistent. That’s when Arthur reached over to gently cup your cheeks and looked deeply into your light grey-blue eyes. He examined your face, and once he found his answer, he leaned in and kissed you. He then turned to the woman and proclaimed loud enough so that the whole bar could hear, “This adorable woman right here is my dearest Luv, whom has captured this poor old chaps heart, so I’m afraid I am off the market indefinitely as of tonight.” He then sat down and looked at you, with that vulnerable boyish look in his eyes, before leaning in to steal another kiss
Your relationship is very much built on mutual trust, communication, respect and understanding. Because your relationship had been built on the strong pillars of friendship, you and Arthur know each other reasonably well at this point. Arthur knows that whenever the two of you have a little spat, that the only way to solve the problem is to talk it out. Whenever either of you is mad at the other, each of you will follow the unspoken rule of, talking out the problem to find a suitable solution or compromise. Neither of you think it is productive to yell and throw toys out the cot to get your way. Arthur honestly loves and adores the fact that he has found a companion with the same relationship values as him. 
You and Arthur have a lot of fun together. The two of you just seem to bring out the best in each other, and Arthur can’t help but fall even more in love with you every day, as he gets to know you better. Like when he discovered you could play the French horn and piano, he was in complete awe. And he very much insisted you play for him. This man will randomly dance along with the melody and tune as you play for him, and you can’t help but laugh at his goofy dance moves mid-way through your performance. Arthur will legit give you the cutest pout as you laugh at his clumsy dance moves, and before you know it he is taking your hands in his so the two of you can randomly dance together. 
Its is most definitely not uncommon for the two of you to randomly break out into dances, especially if you are cooking together.
Arthot knows you often get insecure about your skills and appearance, just as he knows that you are the absolute worst at accepting compliments. So he will shower you with love and affection the only other way he knows how, through action. He will find any and every excuse he can just to kiss you. If you are feeling insecure, he will wrap you up in his strong arms and whisper to you the sweetest words of encouragement and reassurance. And if you don’t accept his sweet little words, he will start to tickle you until you admit out loud just how absolutely perfect you are, cause that what you are in his eyes, flawless.
He knows you don’t like shopping trips or large crowds so this sneaky little playboy will bring Vic along and disguise shopping trips as dog walks. He will always be sure to pick the time of the day and route that is most quiet. And if there are still too many people, Vic will back you up and growl at the people in front of you so they can clear the path for the three of you. 
Cause online shopping does not exist yet, you are low key forced to go shopping, but with Arthur by your side taking you to all your favourite stores with Vic, it actually makes shopping trips fun and more bearable.
Often the two of you cuties can be found nestled in each other’s arms as you read Arthur your newest smut piece. Hope you are ready to be teased mercilessly after, cause this man loves to tease. Often when you are done reading, he will smile that boyish smile up at you and pull you down for a kiss while seductively whispering against your lips that he would like to try that weird position or kink that you had mentioned in your fic.
Arthur thanks his lucky stars every night as he sweetly kisses your sleeping face, for sending you to him. You are honestly his best friend, and he couldn’t imagine life with anyone else by his side. You have helped him to heal from his past, and every day spent with you is the happiest day of his life, even though the hard times and fights.
Other potential matches…………… Theo
I hope you enjoyed this, dear! And I hope you have a wonderful day.🥰❤☺ 
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sinner-as-saint · 5 years
(Post Endgame) Bucky x Reader
Requested by Anon.
 “Hi hun so could you please do a bucky reader where you borrow his sweater and then he walks past your room and over sees you masturbating and you are wearing his sweater and he gets so turned on??? Xxx”
 Themes: masturbating, smut, dirty talk
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 A/N: I hope I did well, Anon. ILY! 
  “Hey Buck! Say, can I borrow a sweater?” you asked, walking into the kitchen.
Bucky looked up from his enormous cup of coffee and simply nodded, flashing you a smile.
 “You steal all my clothes. Why?” he asked, not really caring why you did so; he just wanted to talk to you.
He noticed you blushed right after he questioned you. It was no secret that you did, indeed, steal the soldier’s clothes – mainly sweaters and hoodies. He caught you doing the laundry once, and while you were getting the clothes out of the dryer, you picked out his grey, NASA sweater and put it into your basket purposely.
He smiled and decided not to confront you about it. Secretly, he liked seeing you in his clothes.
 “They’re much more comfy than mine. You have at least twenty-five of them, can I borrow one, please?” you pleaded, leaning against the door frame in PJ shorts and a tank top.
 “Fine. Take whichever you want, doll,” he shook his head smiling, his metal hand picking up the coffee mug once again and brought it to his lips.
You yelled a quick ‘thanks’ as you ran back upstairs. The compound had been rebuilt; but not many lived in it now.
 There was no denying that you had feelings for the super soldier. And you were almost 70% sure that he felt the same towards you.
Everyone visited often, but it was mainly just you and Bucky at the compound; which meant that you spent most of your time together. And it only further confirmed that you were slowly, but surely, falling for the super soldier.
 You loved sleeping in his clothes. Not just because they were softer than any other material, but because despite being washed – they smelt like him. His cologne lingered in the fabric long after he wore them, and sleeping in it gave you a weird comfort that there was someone else here with you.
Before being an Avenger, you had nobody. Then you found a family, but then Thanos happened and even that was snatched from you.
Now all you had was Bucky. And you couldn’t risk your friendship with him by confessing your feelings for him, so you kept your one sided love hidden.
  Rushing into Bucky’s room, you went straight for his closet and pulled out a random sweater. It was a beige one; simple and cozy. You sniffed the soft material in your hands, you were aware how weird the scene would look from another person’s point of view, but you didn’t care.
Bucky’s cologne infiltrated your senses; his signature rosewood scent, mixed with just the slightest hint of nicotine.
 Happy with what you found, you made your way back to your room; hoping that Bucky would forget about the sweater because you planned on keeping it.
You stepped into your room and immediately discarded what you were wearing; the shorts and the tank top. Once bare, you slipped on the sweater.
The soft material rubbed against your nipples and a soft whimper escaped your lips, your eyes widening right after the sound left your mouth.
What was that?
  You had trouble sleeping that night, you tossed and turned in a desperate attempt to find a comfortable position so that your body could shut down and allow you a good sleep but, nothing helped.
You tried reading but you had already read each and every book you owned at least twice.
You laid in bed, absolutely still; until you finally figured out what the problem was – you were horny.
 Instinctively, your hand slipped under the sweater you borrowed from the super soldier and flew straight to your erected nipples.
You pinched and rolled the buds in between your fingers – back arching off the bed in the process, as soft whimpers left your lips.
Your blood rushed to your face as you thought about how much better things would be if it were Bucky’s hands instead of your own.
You thought about how his cold, metal arm would feel against your warm skin, and how skilled his tongue would be against your body.
 As your sinful thoughts carried you away in a haze; mind clouded with lust – you didn’t notice that a certain metal-armed super soldier was watching you from outside your bedroom; through the door which was left ajar.
 Bucky couldn’t sleep that night, perhaps because he had too much coffee in the evening. Wanting to tire himself out a little bit, he decided to make his way to the gym downstairs.
Often, he would drop by your door, knock and ask if you wanted to join him as well because he knew that on some days – you had trouble sleeping as well.
 He soon reached the hallway which lead to your bedroom, and he noticed that the door was slightly open and the dim light from inside could be seen.
She must be reading, he thought and made his was to your bedroom – glad that he got a partner to work out with.
 The soldier had feelings for you, but so as not to make things awkward between the two of you; he decided not to tell you about it. He believed that you only thought of him as a friend, nothing more.
 As he approached your room, he thought that his ears are playing tricks on him because he could’ve sworn he heard a soft moan coming through the semi closed door.
His heartbeat increased as he steadily approached the door, soundlessly.
His breathing stopped for a good 2-3 seconds when he saw the enticing sight in front of him.
 The lights in your room was dimmed to the lowest and you were lying down on your bed; hair sprawled around your head messily, legs parted, whimpers escaping your lips and your hand rubbing lazy circles over your core.
His lips parted as he took in deeper breaths. He couldn’t believe he caught you in such an intimate act. He knew he should leave just as soundlessly as he came, he knew he should leave. But he couldn’t.
You had him under a spell and his body refused to turn away.
 Bucky watched you intently; your head was turned the other way so you couldn’t see him as he inched closer to the door.
He watched how your fingers toyed with your wet folds, and he was so close that he could even hear the obscene sounds – and it made all his blood to rush to his lower abdomen.
He watched how your back arched off the bed and how the delightful sounds left your mouth. Your breathing quickened as your fingers sped up against your core.
His hungry eyes raked all over your body; drinking in your ethereal appearance. He smirked when he noticed that you weren’t wearing anything but his beige sweater.
It was lifted up till you chin so it gave him a clear view of how you toyed with your breasts; it was the first time he noticed how perfect they were.
Sure, he checked you out all the time; but this was different.
 Bucky watched how your fingers slipped in and out of your folds and how the palm of your hands rubbed your sensitive bundle of nerves.
He was shamelessly enjoying the show, but his entire body froze when he heard the most pleasing sound ever – you moaned out his name in your haze.
 “Oh . . . Bucky,” your breaths came in shreds as you moaned his name again.
The sound of his name leaving your lips, right as you were indulged in a provocative act; aroused the wildness in him.
The starved animal in him surfaced once he heard you moaned his name a couple of times more, and he wanted nothing more than to just replace your fingers with his, and attach his mouth to your nipples and touch you wherever he wanted to – marking you as his.
His preying eyes watched with more alertness, taking in every single movement; the rise and fall of your chest as your release got closer, the muscles in your thighs twitching as you pleasured yourself.
 His cock twitched in his sweatpants, and his hands itched from holding back from touching you. Bucky wanted nothing more than to just walk in your room, settle himself between your legs and just rock in and out of you until you could no longer bear another stroke of his member against your pulsating walls.
 Something in him flipped like a switch. He no longer wanted to you work out with him, he wanted to thrust his cock into you relentlessly until you begged him to stop.
He closed his eyes, and tried to calm himself down; knowing that he shouldn’t be invading your privacy like this.
But the way you were whimpering his name wasn’t helping at all.
 Damn you, doll.
  Intuitively, he pushed the door open and stepped inside. You were much too preoccupied with pleasuring yourself that you didn’t even notice the arrival of the super soldier.
Bucky approached your squirming body with caution, until he reached the foot of your bed. He watched you with nothing but lust and an insatiable hunger in his eyes.
 His sweater being the only thing which barely covered your naked body added to his need to have you. Your eyes were closed, and your lips parted as ragged breaths came through.
  “So, this is why you steal my clothes. So, you can think of me while you touch yourself, huh, doll?” his voice rang in your ears and the sound of it immediately halted your actions.
 His voice was deeper than usual.
 Embarrassment washed over you as you wanted to just disappear. You immediately reached out for the covers and tried to hide your bare body from his hungry eyes.
He smirked as you buried your face into the blankets.
 “Shit!” you screamed into the blanket and it came out muffled.
 Bucky chuckled darkly.
 “There’s no need to hide, doll. I’ve seen it all now. Come here,” he sat beside your covered body and pulled the blanket down, revealing an embarrassed girl whom he had just caught masturbating while she thought of him.
Messy hair, flushed cheeks, and a certain dampness flowing out of your glistening folds – he thought you were the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen, yet he couldn’t wait to ruin you. He couldn’t wait to be buried deep inside you. He couldn’t wait to stretch you to your maximum as he took you, over and over again.
 His hands cupped your face; his metal arm felt soothing against your flushed skin and you sheepishly looked at him smiling down at you.
 “I bet I feel better than those pretty fingers, doll, don’t you think? ‘Gonna let me touch you? Let me fuck you to sleep?” he asked sternly, sending chills all over your body and his words didn’t help the non-stop flow of desire which escaped your folds.
 You nodded.
 “Speak up, doll. I know you weren’t shy when you were moaning my name out loud just now. I wanna hear you, tell me, will you let me have my way with you? You’re gonna let me make you cum over and over again around my cock?” he asked again, his vulgar words making you dizzy with lust and the need to have him.
 “Yes,” you whispered and he wasted no time in connecting his lips with yours.
 His mouth moved feverishly against yours, claiming your lips as his and he pushed you down on the bed; his hands running along your sides as he slowly took his sweater off of your body.
 He got rid of his clothes in no time and focused back on you. His lips trailed all over your skin, kissing and biting your neck, collar bones and breasts.
His mouth latched on to your soft swells and he instantly fell in love with the raw taste of your skin.
 “Bucky . . .,” you moaned as you felt his tongue gliding downwards on your skin. He stopped right above your dripping heat and placed a kiss over your wet folds, your slick coating his way too pink lips.
The sight was sinful; he never broke eye contact as his mouth latched on to your core. His tongue circled your clit and trailed down to your entrance, teasing the tight hole.
 You cried out as his teeth slightly grazed your clit. Your body squirmed under his touch and he loved each and every second of it.
He believed you tasted divine, and he couldn’t get enough of your taste, but he knew he had to be in you soon because he was having trouble controlling himself.
 “Gonna make you feel so good, baby,” he spoke, lips wet due to his previous assault on your heat.
His hair was messy and the hair band could barely contain it as your hands ran through it multiple times, tugging at his roots every now and then.
 You moaned out loud as he roughly wrapped your legs around his waist, his rock hard member pressing right onto your core.
You started removing the sweater but he seized your wrists.
 “Leave it,” he said sternly.
 You panted, sighing at the friction caused by his member as he abruptly moved.
 “Why?” you whined as you grew more and more impatient for his touch.
 “Like it. Like seeing that you belong to me,” he replied, his gravelly voice signaling how possessive he was and you liked it.
 Wasting no time, he aligned his tip to your entrance and slipped into you with ease. He immediately started thrusting in you, allowing you very little time to adjust to his size.
Like he fantasized, he stretched you to your maximum; and the sight of your tight hole wrapped around his thick cock was driving him more and more feral with each passing moment.
 He rocked into you, and gradually increased his speed as your moans got louder and more and more improper.
 “Fuck . . . Bucky, I’m-,”
 “No you’re not! Not yet, doll,” he growled and moaned out loud as well as your walls milked him perfectly.
His head dipped down and his lips found yours, roughly kissing you while he pounded into your tight entrance.
 His mouth moved to your ear where he whispered the filthiest words you had ever heard. He voiced out all of his vulgar thoughts and you listened in delight.
 Your hands found their way into his hair yet again, you pulled at his roots and he groaned in pleasure, and sped up into you even more.
 “Fuck . . . God, baby, you feel so g-good,” he moaned out, his breath coming through in shreds as he panted right in your ear.
 You cried out as his thumb found its way to your clit; he rubbed the little bud and you were a moaning mess within seconds, squirming under him like he imagined you would. Except, you were better than his imagination.
 He groaned and his thrusts got more and more rough, his tip caressing all your sensitive spots as he brought you closer and closer to your orgasm.
Soon, you came with yet another cry of his name. The waves of euphoria washed over you and tears accumulated in your eyes at how good he felt, his thick cock throbbing inside you.
Bucky came right after; pulling his length completely out of you and slamming into you one last time before he fell limp into your arms.
 You were both panting, too worn out to move; so you just relished the feeling of having each other.
You felt Bucky’s cum shoot at your walls; his cock pulsating against your walls – dragging another moan out of you.
 “Be mine,” Bucky spoke and your previous embarrassment washed over you again.
He lifted his body up and hovered over yours, his hair falling out of his messy man bun.
You smiled shyly and reached out to tuck his hair behind his ears. He was so close that his body heat warmed you as well. And it was something you could easily get used to.
 “I’m all yours,” you pecked his nose, causing him to smile down at you. You started getting up to go and get cleaned up, but he stopped you.
 Bucky stopped your actions by pushing you back down on your bed.
 “Who said I was done with you, doll? I bet you look ravishing on your knees, don’t you, baby?”
 His voice sent chills down your back yet again. And the tone he used had you wet all over again, but you weren’t complaining.
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