#I love saying “I'm on hiatus” and then crawling out of it again
crispycreambacon · 1 month
I personally despise LGBT+ discourse, but I gotta say my favourite part about it is that whenever someone comes across a sexuality or gender they're unfamiliar with, they go, "Tf is that???" And when someone else explains it, they go, "Oh, okay. Cool!" and move on. Not only does it show just how pointless arguing about the validity of someone else's identity is, it's just a very nice and respectful way to approach it, and we really need to adopt that approach more.
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btsgotjams27 · 4 months
bust a move | jjk
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✨ title: bust a move | ✨ pairing: jk x f!reader ✨ genre/au: smut, pwp, married!au, parents!au ✨ word count: 825 | ✨ rating: m/18+ MDNI ✨ summary: you finally return the favor. ✨ warnings: kissing, groping, oral (m. receiving), handjob, he comes in her mouth (but she spits it out) ✨ a/n: i blame ck jk for this horny word vomit, and also thanks to ck jk for bringing out of my smut hiatus (err--i'm also a little rusty, so forgive me). this is definitely not beta'd, so i'm sorry for any typos or grammar mistakes.
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] previous > busted again
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You hum, “G’morning,” inching towards Jungkook, your hand moving to his crotch, but he resists your touch. “What’s wrong?” Brows furrowed and a pout on your face.
He scans your face, eyes dropping down to your chest that’s barely covered by your silk pajama top. “I’m, uh, wet.”
A soft chuckle escapes your lips. “You mean you had a wet dream?” He avoids your gaze, embarrassed at the fact that he still gets them occasionally. “It happens. You have a dick. It’s only normal.”
Jungkook sighs, embarrassment written all over his face as he hides under the covers. You follow suit, joining him under the duvet. “I’m just–I’ve been really horny lately, that’s all.”
Raising an eyebrow, you scoot closer, cupping his face, staring into those starry doe eyes. “Did you know that you can have sex with me anytime you want, and I will probably never deny you?”
He grunts, closing his eyes for a moment, imagining all the things he’d do to you. “Mm…don’t tell me that.”
With another wiggle toward him, your body soaks up his warmth along with the heat that’s encapsulated underneath the duvet. It’s early. 6 AM. Lucky for you, your two littles have decided to sleep in, but you have other things on your mind—mainly returning the favor since he wouldn’t let you suck him off that one time in the bathroom.
“Will you…” You pause, your fingers drawing invisible stars into his sculpted chest, then trace down the center to his chiseled abs. “Let me…you know,” you say softly with a smirk on your face.
“Baby, I’m all yours. I’ll take anything you want to give me.”
Your thumb hooks into the elastic of his sweats, pulling them down over his hips along with his briefs, letting his cock spring free. A soft hiss leaves him when you wrap your hand around his shaft. Stroking him a few times, you love watching him revel at your touch. The noises and staggered breaths has you clenching around nothing.
Jungkook remembers that he can touch you too, kiss you even. His hand grips your waist, then moves to grab your ass, kneading them with desire and lust. The ache for him builds within you, but this is about him.
You bring your lips to his, not letting his moan escape, for fear of little ones bursting through the door. The two of you don’t need to be busted again.
He breaks away from the kiss, molding his lips to the column of your neck and collarbones.
“Kook…” you whimper. “Let me take care of you.”
Pulling back, he sighs with a chuckle, “Okay—sorry, I got a little carried away.”
You draw the duvet, uncovering the two of you. Peering at the door, you make sure it’s closed. But for good measure, you jump off the bed, running to lock the door—just in case.
Running back, you push Jungkook on his back, crawling on top of him, legs on either side. His cock is erect, ready to go. Your mouth envelops his length, sucking the tip as your hand holds his shaft, pumping and twisting at the same time. His fingers comb through your hair, grasping it lightly. You look up and his dark eyes are focused on your mouth then flicks up to meet yours.
He sucks in a deep breath when you take as much as you can in your mouth, drool glistening as you’re bobbing up and down his hard cock. You hasten your pace, licking and sucking like your life depends on it. Popping off, you rub his tip against your tongue. He’s throbbing, quivering. He’s ready to topple over. You take him in your mouth again.
Jungkook sits up. “Baby—baby, I’m gonna cum. I know you don’t like it when I cum in your mouth.”
You love how considerate he is, but you’re mentally prepared for this. “It’s okay. Cum in my mouth,” you say, going right back to your previous position.
Your eyes flick to his, witnessing the subtle ripple effect of pleasure course through his body. His chest heaving, abs tightening, cock throbbing. With a strangled groan, he spills seed into your mouth. It’s warm, salty to taste, but you continue milking him for all he has.
He opens his eyes with worry because the last time he came in your mouth, you gagged not being prepared for him. But you’re confident and composed, calmly getting up, heading to the bathroom sink to spit out the cum in your mouth.
Standing at the threshold, a huge grin spreads from ear to ear and you open your mouth. “See, I’m totally fine,” you chuckle, heading back to bed. You place a kiss on his lips.
“You’re—” Jungkook grunts, “You’re too much for me sometimes.”
You sit beside him. “I’m too much for you?”
He nods, kissing you again.
And like clockwork, the handle on your door is rattling, busting the pair of you.
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foreverdolly · 3 months
first i would like to apologize for my constant flakiness. i'm in my mid twenties now and life is beyond hectic. i've been thrown so many curveballs, and i feel horribly guilty for teasing fics only to be pulled away by life with no way to execute what has been promised-
which is why i will no longer be teasing fics or trying to set any kind of schedules for myself.
i went and saw an elvis impersonator the other night and was shocked by how many people my own age were there. usually it's just me in a crowd full of elderly women. it had me wondering if i could connect with those girls in real life the way that i had connected with you all. i wondered if maybe- just maybe- i had conversed with one of them on tumblr at some point (though i highly doubt that). it was exciting. . . but also really sad.
my mental health is probably at it's worst right now, and a friend of mine unexpectedly passed over the holidays (hence why i suddenly disappeared). i'd like to say that the anon hate didn't get to me all those months ago, but it did. i became paranoid that the second i logged into this account i'd be met with hate. anger. people telling me they didn't like my writing anymore or those that i considered friends no longer wanting to talk to me.
so i logged out of tumblr. tried to ignore the urge to write or say "i'm alive guys and i still love you just as much" because i don't want to be seen as selfish or horrible for going on a hiatus. i also don't want any of you to feel as though i abandoned you.
this account was the reason i got up out of bed every morning for an entire year. i got to know some of your lives. your loved one's names, what you were going to school to become, your wants and dreams- and being in that crowd at the elvis show brought me right back where I needed to be. it slapped me right in the face.
guilt. regret. fear
and an overwhelming sense of love. i don't want to abandon this blog. no matter how many notes or lack-there-of i receive on future fics. . . i want to keep posting. i want to talk about austin and elvis with anyone that will listen. i'm tired of being tired. i want to be happy again, and i was so happy with all of you. i want to crawl back to this bubblegum pink blog and treat it like a dollhouse- live in here with you in whatever elvis-induced delusions we share.
so if there's anyone out there that still is active- hello. i really fucking missed you.
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bettyfrommars · 6 months
hi loves
a wee announcement/bit of reflection below the cut
nothing heavy, just some thoughts & updates
First of all, I want to say I love this fandom so much. Truly I do. It has carried me though possibly the hardest, loneliest year of my life (and this ol' girl has been though some dark times). I've made friendships here that I hope to cherish for the rest of my life.
I came into fanfiction in October of last year, after not writing anything substantial for almost a decade. My dear friend at the time said she was looking for a specific Eddie Munson story, so I wrote it for her. I wrote it in first person because I didn't even understand how "reader perspective" was a thing, that's how wet behind the ears I was to this world. My friend, on the other hand, is a well-versed fic reader, and I distinctly remember messaging her like, "okay, what the hell is a Y/N??"
I spent that entire dark, cold winter writing and passing it to her in parts like notes in a classroom. The rush of getting back to something I loved so deeply after so much time away turned me into a monster. I lived and breathed that story. We sent endless messages back and forth every day about what each character would do next, imagining ourselves in that world, with Eddie. We made playlists, we cried. We screamed and giggled and kicked our feet when they finally kissed. We mourned the loss when it ended and moped around a bit before going back to read it all over again. Some 40k words and four months later I realized, holy shit, I think I write fanfiction now?
In a way, fanfiction saved my life. It brought me back to a part of myself I had buried, a part of me that worried it might never see the light of day again. It came crawling out of the ground, gasping for air like, "you better stretch your fingers bitch because I have a lot to say."
In April, I started posting here when the fandom was notably beginning to wane, but I was happy to see there were so many still going hard for our man. I kinda creeped in, like a little scuttling crab, and was grateful to find that a handful of you embraced me.
Long story short, I am NOT leaving, not at all. I know the tone is there, but that is not what this is, lmao. I will hopefully keep this blog for as long as you will have me. I plan to finish writing I'm on Fire and Death Becomes Us, as well as maybe another bit for gargoyle!Eddie, and nightmare!Eddie, but the other series I've started (or planned to start) will stay on hiatus for a while, possibly forever. I will continue to post blurbs and hc's and whatnot, but I won't be committing to any new series or long fics.
My masterlists will remain intact for the time being for those who want to enjoy what is there. That being said, The Nightmare Factory and Stop the World and Melt with You, might be taken down in the future only because I plan to re-work them into original stories. I have a second non-fandom blog in the works that is dedicated to monsters, nightmares, and magic realism, and I will let those who are interested know about it when the time comes.
Mostly, I wanted to let you know that, even if you notice some changes, I will continue to persist with "My 2 Joe's" delulu era, possibly until the earth swallows me up. I am no longer taking requests, but my asks will always be open for thots, blurbs, obsessions, etc. You know how much I love hearing from you.
That's all really. Perhaps this is simply one of those "end of year" thought dumps, but I also wanted to say a heartfelt Thank You to those who continue to support me, enjoy my work, and share it. My Ride or Die monsterfuckers and biker Eddie enthusiasts. My nightmare Eddie dreamers, my Twilight Zone Eddie pineapple heads. My gargoyle Eddie romantics who cheer on our Stone Boy, and my Hybrid Steve lovers who leave their windows open at night. My True Blood friends who appreciate a vampire Eddie who is nothing like Bill Compton. My darlings, my fellow rebel rousers and misfits, my friends.
This is a very symbiotic relationship, and I could not/would not do this without you ❤️
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 6 months
Active Authors Masterlist (3)
Part 1 / Part 2 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: November 17th, 2023
Last Checked:----
ipsygrace :: ao3, ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Peeta's Games: The Hunger Games from Peeta's point of view. This follows the original work as closely as possible and much of the dialogue is taken from the original and owned entirely by Suzanne Collins. (@igsy-blog)
JHsgf82 :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: What's Mine Is Yours: Peeta's POV. Post-Mockingjay/Pre-Epilogue. A pregnant Katniss is feeling sick and scared. Peeta does his best to care for her while dealing with his own fears. Response to the Fluff Drabble Prompt: “This was my lap. Now apparently this is your lap.” (@jhsgf82)
JLaLa :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Two Wrongs: “Katniss, you’re my best friend and I love you but seriously-marry you?” A marriage for the unmarriageable. Modern Day AU, set in San Francisco. (@jlalafics)
katnissdoesnotfollowback :: ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Wrapped in Red: Katniss is trying to be a good friend to her recently divorced pal. She really is. But this holiday season, fate, her own feelings, and Peeta’s daughter have other plans. An advent style Everlark story. (@katnissdoesnotfollowback)
katnissmellarkkk AKA VanillaCottonCandy  :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Gravity: But he just stares at me for a long moment, his smile never wavering, then admits simply, "I'm just so happy that I threw you that bread." I feel my chest constrict, both moved by his words and exhausted from even standing inside this place again. And my eyes overflow then and all I can manage to say is, "so am I." / Katniss and Peeta, growing back together through a series of snapshots. Set Post Mockingjay. (@katnissmellarkkk)
LemonLuvGirl :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Both of Us: An alternate ending to Catching Fire in which both Peeta and Katniss are rescued from the arena during the Quarter Quell. Our lips collide with gentle urgency, two half conscious minds struggling in the murky waters between sleeping and waking, layered with a need for comfort and something more. We kiss until he pulls back, panting, angling his hips away from mine. I know what he’s trying to avoid. He doesn’t want to scare me. But the thought of his body reacting to me isn’t nearly as scary as the idea that we almost never got to have this. (@lemonluvgirl)
LilyMaid :: ao3, tumblr, ff.net
Popular Fic: The Awkward In-between: Days after winning the 74th Hunger Games Katniss recognized her life was changing, not just her home. She was already mourning for that old life, when things were difficult, yet so simple. With a tightening in her chest and a fear she didn't understand, she wondered what would be left. Cannon Divergent AU- pre Catching Fire (@wistfulweaverwoman)
loungemermaid :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: no grave could hold my body down (I'll crawl home to her): Finnick makes his way back to Annie, alive but in several pieces. He loses his right arm and leg to the lizard mutts in the sewer. While Thirteen can patch him up, he's going to have to go back, back to the Capitol, if he's ever going to get better. As it turns out, Peeta has to go too, has to try and pull his fractured brain back together. They help each other keep it together. Finnick is there to help when Peeta can't remember what's real and what's fake, and Peeta helps Finnick cope with limb loss (@loungemermaid)
MegaAuLover :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Katniss Everdeen Is Not A Stalker: Canon AU- Katniss as a little problem, she can't stop looking through Peeta's window, trying to find a way to pay her boy with the bread back but as time goes on she realizes she wants more. But there is a problem the District is flooded with Peacekeepers and everyone faces danger as the Capitol tightens its reigns on the district. Can love bloom in the middle of adversity? Or will it shrivel in the face of surmounting danger? (@mega-aulover)
melissaeverdeen13 :: ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: give you my wild: a look into katniss and peeta's life as they grow back together after the war; their experiences with friendship, love, and parenthood. (@jenniferiawrence)
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unorthodoxx-page · 1 year
Hi. I know that you are currently on hiatus with your ROTTMNT X ATLA , but I wanted to tell you that I'm huge fan of your fic.You took Rise's characters and on their personalities wave them into a different story without much clashing with the original plotline.And you not just cleverly adjusted them to the lore of ATLA, but you also created some of your own (the JiaMo deal is great idea,it creates new subdue stake and I love it).I'm huge sucker for ROTTMNT and even thought I don't like Avatar that much,this makes me want to watch it.That's how great it is.But to not make this post just about praise,I have some questions too:
1)What does the JiaMo sign look like exactly?You mentioned it looks like as a lotus with elemental symbols with different colors on each turtle,but that is,without offense, really bland description.I just can really imagine it.Can you describe it in more detail or even better,draw it,please?
2)How did Leo found out what happened to the Air Nomads?Did he asked the gang,did someone from North Water tribe told him or did he figured it out on his own?How did he react to it? Because it's clear from chapter 2 thet he already knows it.And do Raph and Mikey know it to?
3)Did Mikey ever crawl into his sheel during the trip with Zuko?Or is it just about to happen eventually?
4)Will characters explain their world's words and their meaning?Like,what is apocalipse,bat,Agni kai,Kyoshi warriors and going into full Kyoshi mood😂 etc.
5) Where did get the idea on this fic?Did it just puffed as idea in your head or did you take inspiration from somewhere?I ask cause I saw some cartoon rewievers compare Rise to the Avatar,so if it is coincidence,then it's really a big one😳.
6)If someone wantedy to make full comic of your fic,would you be pro or against it?Cause I peronally think it would make it more popular.I also saw some comic of your fanfic on youtube and I wondered,is it you or someone else.?
Of course,if some of these questions can't be answered without big spoilers, I understand.I hope that you will start writing it again soon.Also sorry if there are some gramar problems(english is not my first language).
So, I'm going to try and keep this short. Only because I can get a bit longwinded lol.
I've actually drawn this out before and posted it, but it's probably buried deep in my Tumblr at this point. I'll look for the post and/or find the file. Once I have it I'll update this post with the picture. I will say though, I cannot describe a symbol to save my life! It was so hard!! I seriously wasn't expecting that lol.
2. So this is one of those organic conversations that happened off-screen. I will say it's something he learned while behind the Northern wall. I originally had a whole chapter or two dedicated to everyone's arrival, but they didn't make the cut. Leo's and Donnie's arrival specifically spoke to the more political landscape of the Avatar world.
For example, there was more arguing in the North about who 'gets' the spirit. It was during this time that Leo would get a small breakdown of the war. He's horrified by it and likens the Fire Nation to the Kraang, to be honest. It's partly why Leo was so rough with Zuko. He knows, instinctively, that the world will have to work something out with the Fire Nation, but he's not really giving them the benefit of the doubt at the moment.
Side note: there was originally supposed to be more Ozai and Donnie before he left with Azula, but I couldn't make it work. I think if I were to give it another chance now then it would work, but there will be time for that later.
3. He hasn't actually! We'll see it later in Ba Sing Se....for various reasons.
4. Yes, they will explain words along the way. Mikey already knows what an Agni Kia is (another off-screen moment) but the other turtles will learn what it is soon enough.
5. It honestly popped into my head lol. I don't remember anything about a comparison of the two before writing. I remember that I was in the middle of the last two chapters of Recoil when the idea hit. Sometimes I'll just think of fandoms and see if they would cross. Like, I had this idea for a Stargate x Xiaolin Showdown oneshot simply because I think the Stargate people would believe Chase Young was a goa'uld. I mean....He drinks a dragon soup (with the only image being a tail in a bowl), then his personality changes and his eyes turn gold...... that screams goa'uld all the way!
6. I'm all for it!! Any comics you see on youtube and/or Tumblr aren't by me. I love seeing them though. It really makes me feel good that people like my writing enough to draw for it. So if anyone wants to make a full comic then you have my full blessing! Just tag me so I can see it and reblog it!
Let me know if you have any other questions!!
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noteriii · 1 year
Helloo!! I'm in love with your shxtou × yn ficsss!! Can you do one where they spend their first holidays together, just a fluffy domesticated feel-good vibe wherein maybe they bake and sing cheesy Christmas songs all while incorporating that in a shared stream, perhaps? THANK YOUUUUU
here it is!! hope this is what you wanted, anon!
established relationship! shxtou x streamer! reader
title: flour + sugar
synopsis: you spend your first holiday with shou, with a little twist.
. ₊ ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚ 。 . ⋆
you watched anxiously from the counter of the newly furnished kitchen, tugging at your sleeves out of habit. a few feet away from you, your boyfriend prepares his setup for both streams. though you had been on a streaming hiatus for a few months, after the announcement of yours and shoto’s relationship, your fans hounded you for new content. however, that was quickly pushed to the side when you and your lover decided to find a new place together as you two were reaching an almost two year anniversary. the jump was odd, in many ways. going from a solo, independent streamer in your childhood bedroom- to a notable virtual duo paired with shou- to then announcing your relationship more than a year after it became official- to then going on hiatus for months to just move in with him to a completely new place- to now, this returning stream on both your ends. 
from the corner of his eye, shoto noticed your anxiousness as he laid basic cookie ingredients on the table. “you’ll be fine, yn. it’s only a handcam stream anyways.” he tells you in hopes of reassurance. however, that was the least of your worries. what if your viewers thought of you two differently now that you were dating? what would they say about your break? what if- “if you don’t want to do this anymore, we don’t have to yknow” his gentle voice breaks your thoughts. “no, i want to start streaming again.. just a bit nervous,” you tell him, folding up the ends of your sleeves neatly. “what if they don’t like us together? with this stream being the first on my end for months.. what’re they gonna say? what if no one even joins?” you begin to ramble your thoughts, glancing at the set up in front of you. the table is covered in ingredients to make your favorite cookie recipes from scratch, along with the store bought cookie dough in case you two mess up too much. two cameras face the table to provide different angles for your viewers, a mic sits to the front of the table and two laptops sit not too far away displaying both yours and shoto’s twitch streams on a loading screen. your boyfriend makes his way to you, pulling you close and sliding his arms around your waist. “that’s why you’re so nervous? yn, come on, you can’t be serious.” he rests his head atop of yours and you feel yourself relaxing in his hold. “there’s thousands of people on either of our streams waiting for us to start. plus, what does it matter? it’s just you and me, our new apartment, cookies, and our very first christmas together.” he tells you, drawing small circles on your lower back. you take in a deep breath and nod. “yeah.. you, me, and our very first christmas.” you repeat, a smile crawling onto your features as your heart swells at the thought of this being the first of many holidays to come. he pulls back and kisses the tip of your nose, sending you a look. “and it isn’t christmas without some sappy christmas music,” he says, dragging you back to the table and pulling out his phone. from the small device, he plays a random christmas lofi music, muttering about how it better not be muted through twitch. you giggle softly as you glance at the chats, flooding with comments and words of waiting for the ‘new’ couple clips. maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as you thought. 
. ₊ ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚ 。 . ⋆
hours into the stream, 2 to be exact, all of your worries from earlier were the least of your concern. the christmas music is louder now, as you laugh, completely off camera as you run around the kitchen in attempts to keep your nice sweater clean. shoto smiles widely, trying to hold back his own laughter as he chases you around, flour and sugar coated hands extended out. “get away, shou! i haven’t even done anything to you!!” you whine, trying to bargain with your boyfriend. the cookie dough sat on a bowl on the counter, ingredients strayed about as the viewers can do nothing but stare at it and listen to the light banter between you two. “i’m not even doing anything! ‘m just trying to give my lover a hug!” he argues back, taking a small step forward. you shake your head, carefully but quickly making your way to the stream set up and to the microphone, quietly talking into it. “chat, help me. he’s trying to get my favorite sweater dirty.” you eye the purple haired mischief who laughs at your words. “am not! why can’t i give you a hug?” he whines before moving quickly, pulling you close. you yelp in surprise, realizing your mistake of staying still for too long. it was too late. shoto pulled you into a deep kiss, cupping your face with both of his hands before going to grip your wrists gently to get them dirty as well. you laughed into the kiss and you can feel his stupid grin against yours. when he pulls away, you glare at him in annoyance (though it was so obviously faked, he knew). reaching up, you take his face in your palm and rub your cheek against his, coating his skin in the transferred flour and sugar mixture. he gasps in surprise and you stick your tongue out at him, content in your own revenge. “loser,” you tease, glancing into his dark eyes. he’s so close you can feel his breath against your face, noses so close to each other as he looks down to you. your heart speeds up, a blush gracing your face. he’s been even closer than this before, but your heart leaps out of your chest doing loops and figure eights. you were so in love with him. “santa doesn’t give gifts to people who say mean things, love.” your boyfriend says quietly, glancing down to your lips. “well, i don’t need anything from santa this year.” you tell him in the same tone. “why’s that?” he questions you, confusion glazing his eyes.
 “because.. all i want for christmas is you.” 
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d-earest · 29 days
𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖘𝖚𝖓𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖊(Rhea x dom x Reader)
A/N This isnt my gif nor did I make it, i'm sorry if the fanfic seems short Im tryinnnn
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Rhea and Dominik were cuddled up to Y/n while they were sleeping, y/n wasn't as sleepy so they just watched them making sure neither of them fell, they couldn't sleep somehow so they started to twist and turn all over feeling a bit hot you didn't know what was wrong but they just stayed there. The more you squirmed Dominik started to wake up saying with a husky voice,"Que ocurre, Baby" he nuzzled into their chest slightly while y/n stayed quiet thinking he would fall back asleep but no he said,"I know you're awake Chiquita.. cmon.. tell me whats going on-" they sighed before whispering,"I'm nervous about my match coming up.. After this its probably summerslam and Rhea wont be able to be there due to her injury with liv and.. I-" they started to tear up which woke Rhea up slowly,"Look... I know My arm might be injured but Paul didn't say I couldn't be there to support you. I'm on hiatus Yes but please.. don't worry You'll do amazing love" y/n teared up more,"Demi.." she turned around to Y/n and seeing dominik latching onto them from behind,"How about this all of us go on a late night drive" Rhea said while crawling back to y/n and wiping their tears very slowly,"Dom you're driving- and y/n grab some snacks and a blanket-" y/n nodded and dom smiled and said,"Okay mami get ready Amor -" he smiled once again soon walking off to get the car ready, y/n on the other hand knew something was up with rhea so they got off the bed and ran to rhea and hugged her,"Whats wrong, mami?" they looked at Rhea and smiled but all Rhea could do is return the smile,"I hate seeing you cry like that- me and dom fucking hates it a shit load.. so we try and make you happy I need you not to worry about my injury. It's my karma I broke her hand so I cant do anything about it-" She chuckled soon planting a small kiss on Y/n's lips and holding her tightly,"I promise. So when this fight does occur I'll be in the audience cheering you on- I'm just worried about the judgment day without me what if things go downhill and I-" Y/n cut her off with a kiss,"Don't stress about it. Work on your skills as soon as that arm gets fixed- now lets go" Y/n grabbed rhea's hand before grabbing the blankets and the snacks and heading to the car while dominik is left there confused,"What took you guys so loooooooonnnggg" he whined like a cat but all y/n and rhea could do is snicker,"Shut up moody cat!" rhea said before dominik took a dramatic gasp like a damsel in distress which lead y/n to a giggle,"not now you two- we can do that when we are at our destination-" he huffed,"Fine" Rhea giggled and got into the passenger seat while y/n was in the back laying down, y/n hummed a familiar tune it was a song that came to mind but they didn't care
Y/n ended up falling asleep in the car while they drove up the hill and to their destination. Y/n was stil asleep so dom opened the backseat door and crawled ontop of them hoping a kiss would wake them up, he kissed their cheeks and mouth, soon waking them up he smiled,"Did you sleep well amor?" he kissed them again before y/n could speak they blushed and looked at dom,"Yeah.." they kissed his nose then looking at rhea in the background wanting some kisses,"Rhea needs affection too hold on baby-" they kissed dom on the cheek soon pushing him off very softly and walking over to rhea and kissed her softly, Rhea smirked and tangled her fingers around Y/n's hair and pulled them closer,"Hm.." she huffed before pulling away the kiss smirking at them, Their cheeks flushed a dark red and turned to dominik, he let out a small giggle,"Don't steal them all Rhea" Rhea snapped back,"Oh hush pretty boy you stole damn near 100 kisses" Y/n giggled and signaled dom to come here and get a kiss. Dom instantly walked over to y/n and kissed them deeply. It turned them on to see both of their lovers at each other's neck for your love but you didn't deny the kiss, after the few seconds past y/n pulled away and smiled,"There so now both of your had kisses.. now please lets watch the sunrise.." they said turning to the sun and grabbing rhea's and dom's hands to hold, both of them blushing and leaned their head against your shoulder(Dom on shoulder rhea on the other shoulder) as you three stare at the beautiful sunrise.
A/n: I Hope you enjoyed my fanfic and remember I'm always taking requests and I love you alll
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phanfictioncatalogue · 5 months
Are there any domestic/fluffy fics set between the time since they've come out to now?
Yes! There’s quite a few! Here’s some of the ones I could find!
A Sleepless Night With Phil (ao3) - not_joeys_secret_account
Summary: A jet-lagged Sleepless Night With Phil
all of these small things (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: It’s Dan’s first day back from his American tour, and Phil can’t believe how much he’s missed him.
At the turn of a page (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Phil’s had his reasons for not continuing liveshows during lockdown, but they’re ready for a comeback—a domestic one, at that
Basically I'm Gay (ao3) - ChainedKura
Summary: Dan is editing his coming out video when a deep sadness takes over his body. Lucky for him, he counts with a Phil Lester on his side that will do everything in his power to make his partner feel better.
distracted (ao3) - sunflowerwitches
Summary: phil telling dan a story but dan isn't paying attention at all because he’s too busy thinking about what a cutie phil is.
fools before april (ao3) - okaydoomer
Summary: April fools day 2023 was in a few weeks and Dan and Phil still weren't sure what they wanted to do.
Haunted Hearts (ao3) - vanilladolli
Summary: Dan & Phil find that their apartment may be haunted.. In the midst of this they comfort each other while filming spooky week videos and trying to expell the unwanted ghosts from their home
- time set in 2023 after the hiatus ended
I can't help falling in love with you (again) (ao3) - Findus26
Summary: It's 2020, the world is falling apart and Dan can't help thinking back to October 2009 when everything was new and exciting. Phil finds a way to recreate the feeling
In another life you still would’ve turned my head (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan comes across old black and white photos of two queer men messing around, one playing with the other's hair, just like he did in a recent video with Phil. He gets caught up in the emotions that he would have fallen in love with Phil in any universe. He crawls into Phil's lap and tells him exactly that.
Our Little Quarantine (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Life is different but no less comforting for Dan and Phil when locked down at home together; the couple decides that there is no safer place in the world than each other's arms.
perfect accident (ao3) - maestronomy
Summary: after dan and phil filmed the new gaming video about heart throb - and they realise they weren’t as secretive as they thought.
phuture phusbands (ao3) - N_Chu4Ever
Summary: Dan’s opinions on weddings are pretty clear — marriage is piece of paper with some benefits, and organising a big fucking wedding is exhausting, and really, Phil, do we need it? Do we? The answer, of course, is no, and yet Phil is still thinking about it. As Dab and Evan’s Sims 4 wedding approaches, that thought process goes into overdrive.
Or: Phil proposes to Dan just after the Devan wedding is filmed.
pyjama week (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Dan and Phil enjoy a relaxing day during their annual Pyjama Week.
quarantine date night (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: Exactly what it says on the tin. Dan and Phil have a date-night in during the corona virus lockdown.
Santa Buddy (ao3) - philsbignaturals
Summary: In which the boys host joint family Christmas in their forever home
what a great day to be gay (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan just published Basically, I’m Gay last night and he wakes up with a lighter feeling in his heart and a pair familiar of warm arms ready to wrap around him. It’s a great day to be gay.
Phil just published Coming Out To You last night and he wakes with a sense of accomplishment in his heart and so much love for the boy sleeping next to him. It's an appropriate time to share a photo of him bathed in rainbows.
Welcome home! (never leave that long again) (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan comes home from tour and stumbles right into Phil’s arms. He is more touch starved than he’d realised.
Worth the Wait (ao3) - JudeAraya
Summary: It's pretty hard to stay mad at Phil, even when he's forgotten date night.
would it be okay if i came home to you: part 2 (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: dan comes home after the final tour date
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leehqnrio · 7 months
[CIX] Movie star - Bae Jinyoung
I'M BACK FROM HIATUS/BREAK/WHATEVER TF HAPPENED TO ME!! I started writing this way before i left y'all in the cold but i'm back now and i've finally finished this, my ass got too delulu and came crawling back LOOL anyways- ;-;
Listening to Movie Star whilst writing this. I've never told y'all but I am quite literally in love with Bae Jinyoung so (he's my ult bias ;) ), my delulu mind has had this idea for a while now- literally every time I listen to this song which is a lot because it's literally my favourite song lol. There are a lot of lyrics hidden in here, which is ironic, cus i generally dislike lyric fics, so idk- 😂 Hope my fellow delulu FIX audience enjoy this one :) <3 (And if you're not a FIX then, what're you doing? Go stan CIX!?)
HardDom!Jinyoung. (?) (Dom!Jinyoung, whether he's a hard dom or soft dom is up for debate)
Cam sex / Filming.
"Sir", "Baby girl" and "Good girl".
Reader wears a skirt. Not for long-
Sorta face fucking??
Unprotected sex.
"C'mere." He says lowly, barely above a mumble. You smile, walking through the door to see Jinyoung leaning against a desk in the middle of the room. It's dark, bar the red LED lights lining the top of the walls, drowning the entire room in a dark shade of crimson, matching the red turtleneck sweater he wears. (If you get this- I love you <3 ) You look over his outfit, the black dress shoes and tight black dress pants to match that fit him just right. He looks incredible. "What's this?" You ask, shutting the door behind you and placing your handbag on the floor to your left. "I wanna play with you." You giggle at the cheesy answer he gives and take a few steps towards him. You notice a camera to your left against the wall, directly pointing to the table. "You wanna play with me?" You ask. Although the room is dark, you could clearly see his gaze on your body. He looks you up and down, smirking, before his own eyes meet yours. "Of course I do baby. You took so long... You get lost?" He jokes. You laugh and shake your head, apologising. You reach the table and stand in front of him. He's leaning against it, his arms and legs crossed, his stare both cold and yet full of love. His face is unreadable, however it doesn't take a genius to know what plans he has in mind for the two of you. Especially, when you think back to the last time you two shared an intimate experience. The two of you laying there, calming down from the vigorous activities.
"Hey babe?" He asks, having almost fully regained his breath, as he panted, his bare chest shone in the dim moonlight as it rose and fell with each inhale and exhale, your head lay on top. You simply hummed in response, trying to also catch your breath. "You know how you said you're open to try things?" He asked lightly. You raised your head and met his eyes, curious as to what he was suggesting. "Yeah? What do you have in mind?" He seemed to think something over in his head before finally coming out with it- "I wanna film it one day- I mean us- Film us... You know..." You smiled and laughed, burying your face in his neck. "W-what?" He also laughed nervously. "Nothing! I think it's a great idea." You raised your head again and smiled. Jinyoung let out a breath and gave you a toothy grin before pulling you into a long loving kiss.
"Pretty, isn't it? Our studio." He asks, gesturing to the room he has set up. "What's it for?" You ask, wrapping your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes to give him a quick kiss. His hands land on your waist, his thumbs rub comforting circles on your bare skin under your shirt. "You're a movie star, my love, you know that?" He whispers in your ear. A chill falls down your spine and reaches deep within your core, your breath hitches and you can feel yourself growing wet at just his words and the thought of the act you're about to commit on camera. Jinyoung begins to leave soft gentle kisses on your neck as he slowly raises your shirt up and over your head. Lights, camera, and action. As the material leaves your body your hands quickly cup his face and you hungrily kiss him. He turns the both of you around and traps you between himself and the table.
His knee rests between your thighs, as his hands rest on the edges of the table, your hands behind you holding you up against it. "I want you to let it all out, no holding back. Show the audience what a good girl you can be for me." You moan into his mouth. "Understand?" He pulls his face away and looks into your eyes. His pupils are dark, as he searches your own for any sign of hesitation or discomfort. "Y-yes sir." He finds none. He can see just how much you want it. "Good girl. Your remember the safe word?" His hands begin to trace up your thighs and under your skirt as he kisses your jaw underneath your ear. "'Safe', or tapping three times." "Mhm, and what colour for me baby girl?" "Green-"
As you breathily confirm go, he cups your heat with his hand and begins to palm you through your underwear, and your breath hitches in your throat, desperate for more friction. He growls as the answer falls from your lips feeling himself growing harder beneath his dress pants. He sits you on top of the table before taking a step back. You put your hands behind you to hold yourself up and watch as he undresses you with your eyes. You look delectable in your skirt, tights, and bra. He picks up one of your legs by your ankle and begins to undo your shoes. You giggle as you watch his veiny hands move along your shoe, before he takes it off and moves on to the other. He throws them somewhere to the side and returns back between your legs. He leans down to kiss your lips, and you stretch your head upwards to meet him. Your lips move in sync as one of his hands finds your cheek and the other finds your waist. The sight is sickeningly sweet compared to the intention of the situation and setup. Only pure love being shared between you in this moment. However, the lust soon returns as his tongue swipes slowly across your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You give it to him. His tongue roams your mouth and you suck on it. You feel his hips buck into your crotch and he lets out a deep groan. You smile before going back to the kiss.
You push him back by his pecks and jump off of the desk. He smirks as he watches you get down on your knees and begin to undo his belt. His hand finds your hair and he begins to pet it. "Such a good girl for me." You work your way through his belt. His dress pants. Then his boxers. And finally get to what you want. You free his cock from it's confines. His tip red, wet, and angry from the lack of friction. He hisses as you gently blow on it, the cold air providing him a slither of pleasure. He twitches in your hand and you smile, looking up at him, meeting his eyes. His gaze softens. You look so cute like this, so small and delicate. He groans at the thought. Then, his mouth hangs open in a silent moan and his eyes roll, throwing his head back as you lick a strip up his slit. "Fuck baby- Don't tease now." He says, lowering his tone. "But Sir... We need to make it entertaining for the audience..." You tease, smiling, and he groans. His hands gather your hair into a ponytail before he tugs your head away from his cock. "The audience aren't being waiting to be sucked off now are they?" You moan at the feeling and at his words and nod. "Good. Now get to work." He releases your hair, pushing your head back to its original position, and you comply. You pump him a couple of times before taking him in your mouth. "Atta girl." He says throwing his head back. You bob your head a couple of times before releasing him. You lick a strip up his length and kiss his tip before taking him fully again. "Fuck baby. Just like that. So good." He praises you, once again petting your hair, pushing it away from your face. You rub your thighs together, trying to provide some kind of friction to your aching clit. Yet, like an endless maze, you can't reach anything further. Instead, you try and focus all of your attention on the man in front of you. He pets your hair again before tightening his grip, holding you in place, his hips begin to thrust, meeting each bob of your head. It doesn't take long before he is fully in control and is fucking your face. You both moan as his tip hits the back of your throat. You place your hands on his thighs to steady yourself and close your eyes as he thrusts harshly.
Suddenly, he stops and you open your eyes, looking up at him. You give his cock one last suck as he removes himself from your mouth. He takes your hands and helps you stand up. He wipes your mouth with his thumb before he kisses you. He fully removes his clothes before helping you out of your own. He guides you back on to the desk whilst again making out with you. You moan as one of his fingers begin to tease your slit. He lightly pushes it past your folds and moves it around. You whimper each time his fingertip brushes over your clit. "Please..." "You're so wet for me Baby Girl. You like being filmed hmm?" You whimper and nod your head, resting it on his shoulder and grabbing onto his wrist as he begins to draw circles around your clit. "You think it's hot hmm? Well, I do too. I can't wait to watch this back. Watch me fuck you. Watch as you whimper and whine under my touch as I fuck you so good. You want that? Hmm?" You moan loudly at the words dripping from his mouth. Your head feeling lighter and lighter as he brings you closer to the edge. "God Jinyoung, just fuck me please." You groan out as you feel your high approaching. "Ah, ah, ah. Who am I?" "Jinyoung- Please-" "Say it. Say my name. What do you want me to do to you? Ask nicely like a good girl." "Sir- Please fuck me- Please- Make me cum around your cock please- Fill me up with your cum." And as you finish your sentence, he does exactly what you ask of him.
His hand quickly leaves your folds and you whimper at the loss of contact. But it isn't long before his fingers are replaced with the tip of his cock. You clench around nothing as he collects your arousal and pumps it further down his cock. Using it as lube, he easily enters your hole, letting out a gruff moan. "Oh- Fuck..." He bottoms out, giving you enough time to adjust. You nod your head that has once again fallen over his shoulder and he begins to move his hips, a slow and steady pace to start off with. The moans coming from the both of you are almost pornographic, the scene equally as lude. You throw your head back as he leaves more marks on your already purpling neck. It isn't long before he finds your g-spot, his tip skilfully hitting the spongey wall with every rock and thrust of his hips. And it isn't long before you reach your high. He lets out a deep groan as you clench around him, his hips never stilling, not until he pulls out completely, sliding you off of the table by your hips and turns you around. He bends you over the table, smacking your ass once before repositioning himself in front of your hole again. He thrusts deeply and slowly, wet sounds erupting from where you are joined. He bends over top of you, pushing your bodies even closer together. Your hands cling on to the edge of the desk as his thrusts quicken. You whimper as he leaves open mouth kisses down your neck, behind your ear, on your shoulder, anywhere he can reach. The table rocks beneath you with every thrust as he stands again. His hand slowly drags it's way around your throat and he squeezes gently, taking your breath away. You arch your back, leaning into him. He pulls you so you are standing against his body as he continues to rock his hips into yours. He groans into your ear as you lose control of your legs, the pleasure quickly taking over your body. One of his arms wraps around your waist, the other remaining on your neck.
It doesn't take long for his high to approach, your limit arriving even quicker. As you cum for a second time, your body becomes sensitive and you whimper at the over-stimulation. The hand that was wrapped around your waist makes it's way to your clit and he rubs fast circles around the nub. You whine as your legs begin to shake with the overwhelming amount of pleasure. "Good girl. Cum for me baby. I know you can do it." He praises and encourages you, quickly tipping you over the edge. It only takes a couple more thrusts for Jinyoung to meet you there. He paints yoru walls white with a long groan. His hips stutter and slowly come to a stop whilst he is inside of you. His hands land on the table either side of your waist as he gives you both time to recover from your highs.
Once he has regained his breath he stands up and slowly pulls out of you, careful not to overstimulate you much more. He pushes his hair back with one hand and watches as his cum drips out of your cunt. The sight of you leant over the table, eyes scrunched, recovering from two intense orgasms, his seed filling you up is almost out of this world for him. You look so beautiful like this, a mess for him. An art piece he has created. And he can view it time and time again. He smirks thinking about watching the video you have just created back. "Thank you baby. You did so well." He says, rubbing soothing circles on your ass. You pick up your head, having recovered, and turn around to face him, smiling. You sit on the table again and he wraps his arms around your waist, resting your heads on each others shoulders. He whispers sweet nothings in your ear and share a few short, sweet kisses before he helps you into the bathroom to clean you both up.
(2383 words)
I really never know how to end these LMAO
i'll learn eventually- probably-
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manonamora-if · 2 years
Confession. As an IF author, I obviously enjoy feedback, especially if someone took the time to read and think and even analyse my work. But sometimes I am seriously annoyed at some comments, and wish readers would leave some things alone.
The story has barely started and some readers already demand things explained. They want that I make changes to the scenes because "my MC wouldn't have reacted that way". The nitpicks about the ROs get to me in a way I can't explain, especially if it's about core aspects of their personality that just can't be changed.
I honestly, genuinely love the IF community. But sometimes some very few readers can be so discouraging or so entitled they make your skin crawl with anxiety and you just want to quit. Like, we do this for free. Maybe we just want to see people enjoy our stories and if you don't and have nothing constructive to say, please don't take the effort to vent in an ask about all the things you didn't like. Read something else.
Hi Anon,
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Some hugs, because I've had some anons like that too. That suuucks.
Unfortunately for you, anon, there is not much you could do. I'm assuming turning off your inbox is not something you want. Having clear boundaries with your audience about what is appropriate to send you might be what you'd want to do (if you haven't yet). And then delete any asks that do not follow that.
It's also ok to just not respond to asks. I don't want to reveal the twists in my projects either (even if they are completed lol). Or to turn off the inbox for a few days. Or to take a break from being online :) Or putting your project on hiatus until you feel better about your project.
Creating stuff should be fun, not fill you with anxiety.
Genuine question: do people do the same to actual non-IF/more-than-one-dev games? Like send that kind of messages to creators/coders/companies?
~~~~~~~~ CONFESSIONS ARE CLOSED FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK, I NEED TO CODE YOU GUYS. IF you send some, I won't post it. Ask again on Saturday.
I get wanting to know the whole story when a WIP starts, but that's the thing with WIPs, they're a work in progress. You'll get the information eventually, just be patient. Pressuring authors for information won't make it come faster. If you feel the need to know everything right away, maybe reading WIPs might not be the best idea...
Same with playing a game and thinking uh but in my cannon MC wouldn't do that... Like come on... Do I need to spell it out why it's not cool? (also damn I talked about those readers in an earlier post just today...) and the author of A Tale of Crowns had those anons too like last week...
Not every story will fit what you are looking for in a game. Not every story is meant for you. If you don't like it, that is fine. There are plenty of them out there. You can choose not to be a dick and move to a different story. Because it is never ok to ask an author to change their story to fit your personal cannon.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years
The Academia Life
White Uniforms
Princely Behavior
Side Effects
The Little Things
A/N: Sorry I took so long. I went on vacation for nine days. I also want to try my luck on making original stories again, so I'll be taking a hiatus so I can plan everything out. All I will say is that it features a foggy gothic town, a vampire in love, and a girl who eventually has to escape the bloodsucker.
Idia wakes Yuu up and brings her to the cafeteria for breakfast. Idia and Yuu sit with Ace and Deuce while eating their food. 
"Have you noticed the Diasomnia members have been showing up less and less?" Ace asks, looking at the lack of green in the cafeteria.
"We're not thinking about that right now. I'm not putting Yuu under any more stress," Idia says, trying to redirect the conversation.
"I know, but Malleus has been borrowing and buying a lot of stuff lately. Plus, I'm disgusted to say this, but he's starting to smell," Deuce states, shivering at the memory of PE class with Malleus. "Not only that but Sebek has bug bites all over him. We should investigate."
"No-Yuu? Yuu, where are you?!" Idia exclaims, not noticing that Yuu has run off with Ace, Deuce, and Grim to Diasomnia. "Why won't that girl listen to me?!"
When Ace and the gang get to Diasomnia, they pound on the doors begging for someone to open them.
"Hey! Open up!" Ace yells, banging on Diasomnia's doors. "You know what, fuck it. We'll enter through a window. Deuce, give me a boost."
Deuce puts Ace on his shoulders while Yuu watches from behind. Ace crawls into an open window and pulls Deuce, Yuu, and Grim inside.
"Holy Crap! There's nothing but junk!" Yuu exclaims in shock, looking at all the clothes, trinkets, and jewels stacked upon each other in the hallways. "You don't think there's something in the trash, do you?!"
A rotten soup can falls onto Yuu's head, and its contents drip onto her. Yuu dreadfully looks above her and sees a pale white hand in the mountains of trash.
"AAAAHHHH! OHMYGOD! A DEAD BODY!" Yuu shrieks, hugging Grim and backing away. 
The body moves, and trash starts to fall from the mountain of junk. 
"AAAAAHHH! ANOTHER ZOMBIE!" Yuu screams, running away with Deuce and Ace. "Oh no! It's got me!" 
"Quiet down, would you? It's early in the morning," Silver says, releasing Yuu's hand. "What are you guys doing here?"
"We decided to investigate when the Diasmonia members stopped coming to school. Though it's clear, there are more pressing issues," Yuu answers, looking at her surroundings. "Why is there trash everywhere?"
"Shh-shh! Don't let Malleus or Sebek hear you! Malleus started going through the possessive part of dragon puberty. We thought he would get possessive over you, to be honest, but instead, he started a hoard of treasure that has now spread," Silver explains, "Don't even try talking sense into him. He gets upset."
"Where's everyone else?" Ace asks, getting frustrated.
"Either stuck in the trash or locked in their rooms," Silver responds.
"I got it! Silver, you wake Malleus up. Deuce, Ace, and Grim, you guys stay here," Yuu exclaims, the lightbulb in her head going off.
"So, the princes at RSA want to meet me?" Malleus asks, walking down to Royal Sword Academy. 
"Yes, they want to meet the famous future ruler of Briar Valley," Yuu lies, hoping the princes follow her plan.
I hope Malleus is distracted long enough for Ace and Deuce to help clean out Diasomnia.
"I highly doubt that, but I'll take your word for it," Malleus responds, making Yuu nervous.
"We're here! You wait outside while I tell them you've arrived," Yuu says, rushing inside to tell everyone her plan. "Everyone, I'm ba- what happened?!"
"Your bodyguard happened. He tore up the school looking for you," Ambrose explains, fixing Chris's damage. " Anyway, Neige has all your school work in your room."
"Listen, I know you guys are the help the desperate and poor type, so I need you to help me help this desperate person. Please, help me distract Malleus so my friends can clean out his hoard?" Yuu pleads, getting on her knees. "I swear it'll probably count as community service."
"Sure, you can never help too many people!" Neige exclaims, doing his signature smile.
"I don't think that's true, but I'll take it. Malleus is outside. Are there any gargoyle structures on campus?"
"We have humanoid gargoyles."
"That's even better. Everyone, go, go, go!"
Yuu opens the doors, and Malleus walks in, squinting his eyes from the bright decor.
"So this is what Royal Sword Academy looks like, it's so bright," Malleus says, blocking the gleam with his hands. "Well, what activities do you have planned?"
"We're seeing the humanoid gargoyles. Neige, lead the way, please," Yuu answers, holding onto Malleus's arm.
"Please don't take all day!" Yuu mentally yells.
"AAH! Lilia's possessed by one of the spirits in the amulets!" Silver screams, terrified at his father hitting on Epel.
"Why is your father hitting on me?" Epel whimpers, trying to pick up trash while running away from Lilia. "Help! He's got an unhealthy obsession with me!"
"Speak for yourself! I accidentally cracked some cat necklace and Rook won't leave me alone. Not like he did before he was here helping Diasomnia, but this takes it to a new low. What the-that bastard cut my hair!" Leona shrieks, whipping his back and forth to find Rook. 
"This is a disaster, and it's only been 5 minutes. I should've known this wouldn't go well," Vil gripes, rubbing his forehead. "I hope Yuu is having better luck than us."
"Vil! Help me! Make Lilia go away!" Epel screams, hiding behind Vil.
"I didn't know your school had so many gargoyles! Never have I been so delighted!" Malleus squeals, looking at the garden of gargoyles.
"There's my baby!" Chris yells, running out of the pushes and hugging Yuu. "I'm glad to see you back at school!"
"Oh, it's you. I thought you and your partner left..." Malleus scowls, looking at Chris.
Tag list: @nai17 @saire00 @youdrinksoupandeatwater @hipsterteller @animeketsu-yander @r-0-tt-3-n-m-1-lk @naughtybodypillow @nightmare7644 @animepikagirl @curatornil @leabbmao @kairiko @kousaka-ayumu @meepizumi @lizzileth @depressed-bitchy-demon @plaguelingvesper @mythicbiotch @enrydice @mimisworl @recklesssketches @ann0nz
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milkybonya · 2 years
Ahhh Milky I hope you're having a good last week! It's unfortunate you can't do more during your last week but I'm sure packing is very time consuming and saying good bye is so important! I hope your flight home goes smoothly too btw!! When I studied abroad I had a layover in turkey which took me in the wrong direction from getting back home so it ended up being like a 12 hour flight home when it could've been 8 😭 it wasn't very fun 😭 I'm sure it'll be really long coming home all the way from Korea. I hope you're able to sleep well or stay entertained~
I have exciting news! Or well it isn't that exciting but I've really started learning Korean now! I was doing it very casually earlier, but now I've installed the Korean keyboard and I'm trying to write little mini letters to Kingdom all in my own Korean! I used to solely use a translator even for short messages bc I couldn't spell or anything 😭 but I'm taking my duolingo more seriously and I'm actually making a lot of progress! I was able to tell Kingdom that I love them and introduce myself but I also did more complex things (at least imo LOL) like say their songs are cool~ I felt so proud of myself hehe one of the members who speaks English cheered my message where I told him I was going to write out a short message to him in Korean and then I did it and I'm just 🥰 Dann is our polyglot king so for him to cheer me on (literally) was so special. This might be a silly question, but what was your favorite word/phrase that you learned while in Korea??? Like it made you feel cool to know it or you were proud of yourself for learning it. I wanna feel cool too hehe 😎 Milky는 멋있습니다 😎
And now, comments on the smau 🤩 why is no one commenting on sunwoo's destroyed can??? 😭😭 It was just in there and everyone was like yep nothing to see here LOL but I mean it is fair that reader not liking rapunzel is a CRIME that's one of my favorites 😭😭😭 and like YES I'm biased bc she has a reptile but STILL I uwu over her and Flynn's romance so like.. I love it. Also reader calling Younghoon a hag LOL I love that they are Savage 🤩 also Eric is so funny like "I'm just covering my arms so you won't fall for me" ITS TRUE THO??? Eric is unofficially my bias wrecker with sunwoo (idk why I say unofficially like.. They always have my attention when watching mvs jfjdsj) and I WOULD fall in love with him don't test me 😭 I'm excited for changmin to come into things~ it'll be so cute, I know it!! And pls slow burn is the best 😭 I'm sooooo excited 🤩 you're going to make my heart yearn for love I just know it jdjsj
Oh and Im glad seeing treasure was so fun!! I'm sure it was heartbreaking to see only 10 of them up there :(( I'm just glad they were still glowing and full of energy for you 🥰 I hope your sunburn is doing better by the way!! I'm sure it is by now since it's been a while since you responded, but I hope it wasn't too painful for the first few days! I haven't gotten a sunburn in ages thankfully but all that does is attest to me never going outside LOL what songs did they perform?? Do you have any pictures?? I'd love to see them 🤩
Sending you lots of love!! Here's a Stalin pic for you hehe he crawled into my banana flavored candle (we call it the banandle) and did a "banana split" LOL he smelled like banana after I took him out lol he's so silly~ love you!
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okay tumblr. pls dont delete my reply to my bestie's ask this time. there i'm manifesting that it won't be deleted >:O i was so mad it has taken me days to come back and reply T-T
but even though i was a bit busy packing during my last week, i still had a lot of fun and squeezed a few things in ! also,,,, the universe just aligned and i ended up getting accepted for kard's comeback showcase, which was 3 days before my flight,, and again by luck i was front row! kard are actually my ults and finally meeting them after 6 years and their 2 year hiatus meant to world to me T-T and then each member gave a polaroid away to someone in the crowd and i received Jseph's T--T so insane..
but layovers are confusing and the worst ㅎㅁㅎ that's why i feel so lucky we found a flight without one! so even if it was long and rough, we at least were not so confused <3
waHHH you're learning korean?! i'm so proud T-T learning a language takes a lot, especially when the country you live in doesn't speak it, and i'm especially touched that kingdom have become a motivation for you to learn this new language :")
ah! rather than learning any big cool phrases, i found learning smaller things like how to greet a restaurant owner or store worker goodbye cool. ah but!! i find it interesting that to ask if someone has eaten, you say have you eaten rice? (밥을 먹었어요?) rather than have you eaten food? (음식을 먹었어요?) because rice is such an important part of the korean diet that rice is the equivalent of food and vice versa :D
p.s. Kelsey 씨도 멋있어용~
omg the smau :(( i wanna say thank you for always commenting on it even though it's so messy and slow aH i appreciate you saying you like the slow though!! now that Changmin has finally been introduced officially, i wonder what you'll think :O
seeing treasure as 10 was so good definitely!!!! even though Mashidam were gone, the rest of them did so well <33 and you're so sweet ahh the sunburn healed quickly !
(i figured out why tumblr deleted my reply to your ask--the treasure festival photos didn't save to the ask properly and it ruined everything T-T so imma just direct message them to you hehe)
STALIN IS SO CUTE AND TINY IN THAT CANDLE I COULD CRY!! also omg i love banana scent/flavouring 🥺 so i just know i would live the banandle (i love the name) as much as Stalin hehe,,
i love you and Stalin so much and hope you have a good weekend!! ♡
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Rose Has a Nightmare (singledad!harry)
AN: finally wrote for my singledad!harry series. its been in my drafts for a while and i finally got around to finishing it up. hope you enjoy...
This story contains: crying, comfort, fluff
{ dad!harry - singledad!harry - 2016 Harry but still has long hair - Rose age 4 }
word count: 1040
original story- Single Dad Harry & His Daughter Rose (journey through life)
After thinking he successfully got Rose to sleep in her big-girl bed, Harry is woken up to loud cries from his daughter who's having a nightmare.
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Harry has been trying to get Rose to sleep in her own bed. They have been home for a few months due to One Directions hiatus and when they were touring, Rose always slept with either her daddy or one of his bandmates in their bus bunk. That was a normal accustom to her. All she'd ever known. So you can only imagine the struggle Harry has had with trying to get his daughter to learn to sleep by herself, in her big-girl bed.
Tonight, Harry thought he finally succeeded. He put Rose in her  bed and stayed until she fell asleep. Harry does this most nights, but tonight, it was already pretty late and Rose was still in her room. Meaning all was going well. Or so he thought.
It's currently three in the morning. Harry is asleep in his own bed at their London home. He has a body pillow to cuddle up with because he's the clingy type while sleeping. But his peaceful state of sleep doesn't last long because he's woken up to a loud, bloodcurdling cry. Harry jolts awake and his dad instincts go off fairly quickly, making him think something is seriously wrong with his daughter.
He's quick to jump out of his bed and run down the hall where the cries are getting louder and more heartbreaking to the ear. As soon as he steps inside, Harry sees Rose sat up in her bed, making grabby hands to her daddy. There are tears running down her face and she sounds on the cusp of a panic attack from how her breathing is coming out; uneven and gasp like.
Walking up to her bed, Harry picks Rose's small body up and holds her tightly to his chest. She immediately wraps her arms and legs around him and shoves her face in her daddies neck. He runs a hand up and down her back and then mutters, "Shhh my love, what's wrong? What's got you so upset?"
Through broken sobs, Rose cries, "Scary dream. You....you were gone and I couldn't find you daddy." When Harry hears her tiny voice say daddy, he thought he may burst into tears himself. She sounds so scared and vulnerable and Harry always feels the need to protect her. But in times like this, he feels so helpless and not in control of the situation.
Harry sits down with Rose on the edge of her bed and rocks them both back and forth, trying to calm her body down. When she has calmed down a bit, he whispers to his daughter in a gentle manner, "Baby, daddy isn't going anywhere, alright. I'm right here. Never ever leave you. Love you so much."
The reason this is so hard for Harry is because Rose is already growing up without a mother. So the thought of Rose being scared or even dreaming that her daddy would also leave her or disappear is enough to make him sick to his stomach.
Knowing she won't be able to fall back asleep in her room tonight, which he probably wouldn't let her anyways after hearing her horrific cries from the nightmare that occurred, Harry says to Rose, "Want to sleep with me my love? Cuddle with daddy in his big bed?" All Rose does is nod her head franticly and clings onto him more tightly. Harry reaches over and grabs her stuffed animal that her uncle Niall gave her and carry it with them to back to his room.
When they get into his bedroom, Harry goes to set Rose down so she can crawl in the middle of the bed but she cries out and clutches onto him saying, "No daddy." It's like she's scared to let Harry go in anyway, shape, or form.
Harry respects her wishes and just slides into bed with her body attached to his front. He pulls the duvet up over them, making sure to keep their bodies warm. Then instead of having Rose lay on top of his chest, he shifts on his left side and pulls his daughter into his chest that way. Her face burred into his neck and Harry's chin rests on her curly head. Harry slips her stuffed animal between their bodies and Rose grasps it in her tiny hand.
Before he can go back to sleep himself, Harry wants to make sure his daughter is alright and asleep. Therefore Harry rubs over her back with his large hand, going up and down, and hums to the tune of Hey Angel from One Directions last album, Made in the A.M..
When Rose's breathing levels out and Harry can feel small puffs of air hitting his neck, he know she has succumb to her sleep yet again. She feels safe in her daddies arms. Always has. Being raised by her daddy and other polite young men in her life, Rose has only ever found comfort by men unlike most girls who love comfort from a women, usually a mother figure. That can be scary for a young child to only feel comfortable around men, but Harry has and will teach her who she can trust and how to know who's dangerous or not.
With Rose laying on her side, face pressed into her daddies neck, Harry falls back asleep as well. He may not like it when she has trouble sleeping in her own bed, wanting her to be a big girl and learn to sleep on her own, but in moments like this where his four year old daughter in curled up, asleep in his hold, he couldn't be more happy. Plus like mentioned earlier, he's a cuddly sleeper so it's honestly very comforting for him. Harry just hopes one day it can be a special lady in his life that's cuddling him in bed and maybe they can make Rose have a mummy.
Masterlist (regular smut, fluff & sicfics)
My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
Harry Styles Series - One Shots & Blurbs Masterlist
Harry Styles blurbs, concepts, & short stories Masterlist- (short writing with little to no dialog)
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daincrediblegg · 2 years
Hey guys.
I wanted to make an official announcement on the Fanfic/Fanart front.
I've decided I'm gonna take an indefinite hiatus from these things until I'm actually feeling it again. Lately I've been feeling a little boxed in with my own stuff and way burnt out on just trying to push through it without addressing the root of the myriad problems that brought it up, and I'm tired of trying and getting anxious not just about what others are expecting from my writing, but what I'm expecting from myself as well. I'm just not in the headspace to do this anymore, and doing things the way I have been has not been sustainable- and I've elected to instead take a long ass break, play some videogames, work on some stuff that isn't in the fandom sphere for a while, and see how I feel if something gets my gears going again.
I'm not physically going anywhere or deactivating though. I want to make that perfectly clear. I'm an original tumblrina: the cockaroaches of the internet. You'd have to obliterate this entire website to get rid of me and even then I'd probably find a way to wayback machine this website so I can still look at posts. And it's still totally fine to interact with my shit and send me asks and stuff- all I'll ask is no more requests/asks about fics I said I'd do but haven't. It's part of the reason I've been feeling the pressure lately and man... I'd rather just hang out and chat for now about things I'm genuinely getting enthusiastic about. Aight? Aight.
And in closing this PSA I'll say this: I love you all. I love this blog. I love the friends I've made being here and I love you whacky little funny people a lot. Things have been rough for everybody it seems- especially lately, but they are gonna get better for me and for you. I'm gonna try to make them better for sure on my end. And I certainly hope that by existing this way for a while y'all get a much needed laugh of relief out of it too. That won't change. And my previous works aren't going anywhere either. And when I feel like whatever I want to do suits me again, you can bet your ass I'll be back to terrorize you all.
But until then, take a deep breath with me y'all. And relax. We're gonna crawl out through the fallout. We've got this. Take it easy.
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champagnebrock · 3 years
b,s&t | six
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SUMMARY — you have dinner with the guys and your sister which goes over incredibly smoothly and you have a heart to heart with your little brother that goes over much better than you’d anticipated.
PAIRING — eventual yoongi x fem!reader
WORD COUNT — 2,625
WARNINGS — nothing notable, let me know if i should add a warning for anything ig
NOTES — so, i will be taking a 2-3 week hiatus to regroup, and plan the coming chapters, because as of right now, this is the last chapter i have written. i pre-wrote most of part one, and then got a little stuck, figured i’d write more as i posted, but y’know writer’s block is a bitch. so yeah.
POSTED — 09/13/22
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CHAPTER SIX: noodle head
March 24th, 2015
—"I WAS CHANGING YOU noodle head!" you shout, smacking suki as she crawls into the van, sitting in-between you and jin.
"my bad! i thought you died," suki says, buckling her seat belt up.
"oh and you decided to just keep texting? i have sixty-two unread messages from you."
"well i figured if you weren't dead, at least i'd get to annoy the hell out of you," suki smirks, and you roll your eyes.
"anyway, how are you guys? long time no see," suki says, craning her neck to look behind her at the other two benches behind them. on bench two, is hoseok, namjoon and yoongi, behind them on the third bench is jimin, taehyung and jungkook.
jimin looks annoyed, and jungkook looks like he's seen an angel. "oh my god!" he whisper shouts at taehyung, "hyung, that's suki,"
"oh my god," suki mimics teasingly, "it's jungkook."
"oh my god," jungkook whispers again, slapping taehyung's chest rapidly. "hyung she was knows my name,"
"oh lord," yoongi groans, "she's another jin-hyung."
"hey!" both suki and jin say in unison, then turn to look at each other.
"okay i know why i'm offended by that, by why are you?" jin asks, narrowing his eyes.
"because he says that like you're not hilarious," suki replies, a 'duh' look on her face.
jin leans forward to make eye contact with you, "i know it's wrong to have a favourite, but i really like her."
"i'm not offended," you reply, giggling waving him off. "so where to?"
"dynasty?" jin suggests, looking into the back seat.
everyone gives a nod, all suddenly too tired and/or hungry to reply. the drive is short, when they get there, they have to shake jungkook and yoongi awake. both are less than thrilled, but when food is mentioned, their attitudes quickly change. they end up pushing two tables together, which suits them fine. you end up sitting between yoongi and hoseok, and suki across from you, between jungkook and jimin. taehyung sits beside jimin, and jin takes up the head of the table with namjoon between him and hoseok.
"i could eat a horse," jungkook sighs, looking down at the menu, his hands keeping his head up, a dazed-post nap, not quite awake yet look on his face.
"ugh, me too." suki agrees, looking down at her own menu, "what are you thinking of getting?" she asks him, and suddenly he looks awake, eyes wide, rosy cheeks, embarrassed for having forgotten suki is right beside him.
he quickly becomes a stuttering mess, "i— uh— the—"
"jungkook really likes the number one, two and seven." you fill in for him, having taken the boys orders enough to know what they all like to eat. jungkook looks relieved that someone saved him. he shoots her a smile, and nods.
"you can even trade out the chicken for shrimp if you'd like that more," jungkook says, and suki nods. "i would— i would suggest the number two, if you like—" just like that he's no longer struggling, and instead back to himself, chatting suki's ear off. however, from the look on her face, you can tell that she's actually very interested in what he's saying. having been in love with food for as long as she's been alive, any chance to talk about it brings suki joy.
"so, how did you find filming?" jin asks you, taking a sip of his water.
"good, it wasn't as nerve wracking as i'd expected it to be." you say, leaning back in your chair, crossing your arms over your chest.
"i told you, you had nothing to worry about," and you rolls your eyes, "you were really good though,"
"definitely," taehyung chimes, earning a glare from jimin, if he sees it, he doesn't react. "you were really natural up there."
"thanks," you smile, "you were really good too, like really good. you all were," you look pointedly at jimin, as if to 'and yes, even you' without actually voicing it. jimin quickly averts his eyes, a blush rising up on his face.
"do you think sihyuk is going to let us sleep in a bit tomorrow? or do you think he's going to want us up again at like nine?" yoongi mumbles, leaning his head on his hands.
"likely, but we get the day after off." namjoon says, and yoongi just groans dropping his head onto the table.
"i wish i didn't like my job so much, otherwise i'd organize a strike..."  yoongi mutters, making everyone laugh.
the waiter comes by, stopping at their table, ready to take their order. everyone orders, and as the waiter walks away, you excuse yourself. you watch as he places the order, then heads back to the hostess station.
"hi miss, is there something else i can get you?" he asks, smiling, but behind his smile is a pair of tired eyes.
"i'd like to pay for everyone's dinner at my table, if that's okay. just charge it to this card, okay?" you slip your card across the hostess stand, you feel a pair of eyes on your back. "but as to not look suspicious, may i get a pitcher of water sent to our table?"
"of course miss," he says nodding.
"thank you," you smile, and turn around to see jimin staring daggers at you. you continue to smile sweetly, and returns to your seat. laughing along to whatever joke jin had just told.
the waiter comes over moments later with a pitcher of water. you thank him, and he bows before walking off again.
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"your unwavering commitment to be nice to jimin, even though he's an ass is actually quite admirable," yoongi says, you and yoongi are seated on the couch in the livingroom, suki's passed out in your room, hogging your entire bed.
"i'm just trying to not provoke him," you reply, throwing your feet over the side of the couch, and dropping your head down onto his thigh. "i sense that he's capable of ruining my life."
yoongi's sitting with his legs stretched out, feet propped up on the coffee table, and his head leaned back over the edge of the couch so you can't see his face. you cross your legs, and scroll through your phone.
"i think he could be, but i don't quite think he'd take it that far," yoongi replies, then lifts his head to look down at you. "who's that?" he asks, looking at the small screen in your hands.
on the screen is a picture of you with your arm thrown over the shoulder of a boy, who's clearly taller than you. "my little brother, sam." you reply, looking up at him.
"i didn't know you had a brother,"
"that's by design," you wink at him, and yoongi laughs. "i'm kidding, well, i don't really talk to him all that much... he's busy with school and stuff,"
"how old is he?"
"same age as jungkook, sixteen," you say looking back down at your phone. "this was from two years ago. warped tour in los angeles, he was so excited to see his favourite bands... i miss him,"
"i'm sure he misses you too," yoongi replies, playing with your hair.
"i should text him?" it comes out as a question. you're staring at the screen, looking at his contact in your phone. the last time you'd spoke you'd had a huge fight, and sam had told you he never wanted to speak to you again. that had been a year ago.
"life's too short not too," yoongi replies, leaning his head back again, his fingers still twirling a lock of your hair. taking a deep breath, you click on his contact name and begin typing out a message.
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[ sammy | 4:05 am ]
you: hey sammy, i know it's late but i wanted to let you know that i'm thinking of you x
sammy: new phone, who dis
you: why yOU LITTLE
sammy: i'm kidding you noodle
sammy: also, it's 9pm here... not exactly late but okay
sammy: anywhore, how are you?
you: tired af 😩
you: you?
sammy: same tbh
sammy: i heard from dad that you started filming today, that's cool!
you: yeah i'm super stoked about this
you: you're going to watch the mv when it comes out right?
sammy: of course, what do you take me for? i'm already a stan, number one (besides dad bc you know how he is)
you: how's school going? how are you classes? are you passing everything?
sammy: ofc i'm passing everything lmao, and as good as school goes i guess
you: that's good, how's dad?
sammy: he's good, working like a mad man as always
sammy: we're moving back to tokyo in a few weeks
you: i heard!
you: are you looking forward to that?
you: are you missing akiko and eichi?
sammy: more than anyone (except you)
you: i miss you too sam
sammy: hey... i just wanna say that i'm sorry
you: don't apologize, it was my fault. i shouldn't have yelled at you like that.
sammy: i still owe you an apology
sammy: i never should have said what i said. i was bitter because i never got to see you and suki. i missed you guys—i still miss you guys.
sammy: i shouldn't have taken that out on you. i should have just kept my mouth shut, and continued to support you the same way you would have supported me...
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you feel your heart break a little. it was never sam's fault that he reacted by lashing out. you and suki were never around, and that was hard for him and your dad. however it was even harder on you and suki. especially on you when suki made her debut and you were left in a dorm with nine other girls who made no secret of how much they disliked you.
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you: you were right, everything you said was true. however what you failed to realize was that at that time was every time i left you and dad, i wasn't going home to suki. i was going home to a dorm of ten girls who weren't particularly fond of me. i had no one. at least you and dad had each other.
sammy: i... y/n... we had no idea...
you: i know... that was intentional
you: i didn't want you or dad to worry
you: suki doesn't even know
you: it doesn't matter now, i'm not alone anymore
sammy: i'm glad to hear that, i really am.
sammy: i love you, y/n/n
you: i love you too sammy
you: now go to bed before you become a zombie
sammy: okay, have a good night :)
you: you too little brother :)
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"you're smiling," yoongi comments, and you look up at him. "it went well then?" you hum in response, "well you should probably go to bed."
"can't suki took up my whole bed." you sigh, sitting up. "i'll just sleep here."
"no, you can take my bed." yoongi replies, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "i'll sleep here."
"yoongi— i can't let you do that, it's my fault that suki's even here. you go sleep in your bed." you stand up, and cross your arms.
"we could just share the bed." yoongi replies, staring up at you. "we're both adults, we can manage to share the bed for one night. then nobody has to sleep on the couch, problem solved."
"i mean, i guess we could do that." you say, rubbing the back of your neck nervously.
you're starting to realize your growing feeling for yoongi. you know that you can't pursue a relationship with him do to the contract you signed, you're unable to have any form of romantic relationship or otherwise until the two year time limit is up. its a precaution set by the company to try to minimize dating scandals with rookie groups. the boys have already surpassed their two years. in all honesty, you're surprised the boys haven't all gotten girlfriends yet. you know how the girl groups fawn over the boys, it wouldn't be hard for them. snapping out of your thoughts you follow yoongi back to your shared room. yoongi grabs his pyjama's and leaves you to quickly change into your own. you change into a baggy knit sweater and a pair of black nike shorts, throwing your clothes from today into the laundry hamper at the foot of your bed.
you check on suki, who's starfished in the middle of your bed. arms spread out wide above her head, legs kicked out. smiling to yourself, you grab the blanket at the foot of your bed, and pull it up over suki's sleeping form. you cross back to yoongi's side of the room, and you sits down and pull the blanket up to your chin. yoongi comes in a few minutes later, and you scoots over, pressing yourself right to the wall so that yoongi has some room. he crawls in next to you, your chests touch, yoongi barely fits next to you. they'd have more luck both fitting on the couch.
“good night," you mutter, praying he doesn't see the blush rising on your face and neck.
you can almost hear the smile in his reply, "good night y/n," he leans backward to turn off the small lamp beside the bed, and nearly falls while he reaches, but you grab a fistful of his shirt in an attempt to keep him anchored to the bed. when he sits back up your noses are almost touching.
"thanks," yoongi mutters, and you quickly release your old on his shirt, you flip over, pressing yourself as close to the wall as possible, feeling embarrassed, and self conscious.
why wouldn't he let you sleep on the couch? you both would've been more comfortable that way. damn yoongi and his niceness. you barely sleep that night, scared that if you breath wrong you'll push yoongi off the bed accidentally. it feels as though as you finally find yourself drifting off, you begin to hear the boys rushing around outside.
"up! up!" she hears jin screech, banging loudly on the door. "our manager will be here in thirty to pick us up."
suki groans from across the room, and you try to sink into the bed, hiding from your twin. suki sits up, and looks over at them.
"where's y/n?" suki asks, running her fingers though her hair.
"dunno, must've left the room already," yoongi replies, and you poke his back.
"oh," suki says, "well i should go. if you see her before i do, tell her i said bye and to text me. i need to talk to her."
"for sure," yoongi replies, as suki gets up and shuffles out of the room.
breathing a sigh, you hop up, shoving back the blanket to bounce around the room grabbing various things for the shoot. you turn slightly to look at yoongi, who's leaning up on his elbows watching your every move. "i'm going to do a coffee run after i change, iced americano?"
"mhmm," he hums, cheeks tinged pink from being caught staring. he flops back down, throwing his arm over his eyes as you slip out of your shared room into the hallway.
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taglist; @bjoriis , @alienarchimedes , @kirbykook , @s4ilor-m4rs , @victoriadeangeliswifey , @lvstcd , @gee-nee , @teti-menchon0604 , @kat1412 , @sabbb-5 , @peachyaeger
* if you would like to be added to the taglist just let me know :) *
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