#I love that tin is holding back because it makes sense for him
dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Laws of Attraction ep 4
I'm late to the ep this weekend for different reasons but I couldn't leave it any longer so I'm avoiding my responsibilities and finally watching it.
Tonkhao and Tin are so good.
I love it: Straight off the bat (no pun intended), Tin is in his blue shirt - staying true to himself - to talk to Tanthai. And I loved the red light on the baseball bat.
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Oh, shame, I thought Tin was going to give the ring back and admit he knows it wasn't Tanthai who started the fire. Oh well.
Okay, this fight sequence is pretty good. But seriously, please, for the love of the bl gods, I wish these actors would STOP PUTTING THEIR FINGER ON THE TRIGGER when they're holding guns.
"A packed meal, impossible to pay back" - so Thee is somehow indebted with his life to Tanthai. "Everything is not as you saw" - And Tanthai isn't as Tin thinks he is... Hmmmm... Was it Thee? Or another bodyguard driving instead?
(The whiplash of the actress who plays Nan with her character in The Jungle 😂)
Oh wow, Charn owned up to setting the fire. He cares what Tin thinks of him! Me: *rubbing hands together in glee*
Ok, Charn in a white shirt - NO COLOUR - as he admits to his failings, and that he's evil, whilst wanting Tin to see the good in him. Whilst wanting to be good like Tin. He's changing! And his transition is like a blank slate.
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Thank god for the Grandmother! Find a middle ground together 👏🏽
Oh sweet pea Charn. You just made a mistake letting on that you're emotionally invested in Tin's wellbeing. But you should know, you poke the bear, the bear gets angry and lashes back at you.
Have the cushions always been green and blue in the office?
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So something Bad happened which Thatthep covered up by using his son as a scapegoat but that blew up in ways he didn't like so he changed the plan and used an old gardener as a second scapegoat instead. It's so intriguing what the Bad Thing was that made him choose his son first.
The green of Tonkhao is still looming in the background of the guilty parties (or those who know the truth).
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And it's interesting that the scapegoat is in a blue shirt...Tanthai and Thatthep were also in a lot of blue again this ep and I'm still wondering what to make of all this.
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Oh you're right, @rocketturtle4, I absolutely ADORE Tanthai's shirt. It's perfection - Tanthai is bound by the lies of that fateful evening. Also, he understands how to use sarcasm. Ok, I'm being swayed into taking pity on him.
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I love the buttoning up of Charn's shirt but it's totally ridiculous 😂
Oh. my. god. HOW is Tin resisting Charn's advances. The way Charn said "We still have time to spare. Shall we do something else?". I melted. Tin is a stronger man than me.
I'm sorry, that shirt was ok until he tied the bow and added the jacket. smh.
I need Silvy to speak more English. Yes, ma'am.
A delicious red/pink background for Charn to tell Tin to go do what they planned - revenge is afoot. And then the deep blue behind Tin when he's trying to get Thee to reveal the truth. Yes, delicious.
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A dramatic zoom in!
(Does anyone else think Beer looks like the guy from Dear Doctor, Nut Nutchapon?)
I love flirty Charn! He's a gift. An absolute delight.
Oh yes! That waist grab and turn. Fucking brilliant. Public claiming!
Oh, oh my, that hand-holding scene with Silvy singing. Please! I'm a pile of goo! ajflbjdfcadljjcbadfclfjcb
They like each other so much!
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lovebugism · 9 months
How about steve with the prompt "You look so hot today, babe." "Hotter than yesterday?" "Hotter than yesterday." 
ty for requesting xoxo — steve always thinks you're pretty (yes, even in granny panties) (established relationship, fluff, 0.6k)
bug's one year celebration ♡
Steve knew you loved him the first time he saw you wearing his socks. He knows you love him still because of the underwear you have on.
It’s perhaps the tamest pair of cotton he’s ever seen you in, covering most of your ass and rising high on your waist. You’ve paired it with a freshly washed body, smelling distinctly clean and radiating with the warmth of your scalding shower. Wet hair, small shirt, no bra, bland underwear.
There’s something so emphatically domestic about the combination. Something soft and angelic, diabolically so. You might as well be telling him you love him without saying a damn thing at all.
“Have I told you how hot you look today?” Steve wonders from the center of the bed, curled in the sheets he hasn’t left all day.
“Uh… not since this morning…” you answer distantly where you stand before the mirror of his dresser. You kiss the tin of your chapstick (‘cause you hate putting your finger in it) and then correct yourself. “Actually, no— you said I looked pretty. Not hot.” You flash him a look over your shoulder, bare-faced and pink-lipped. You leer at him lightheartedly. “So you’re slacking today, Harrington.”
“Well, you look really hot today,” he atones with a crooked smile.
“Hotter than yesterday?”
He thinks for a moment, squinted eyes and jutted lips. Then he nods. “Hotter than yesterday.”
“You said that yesterday,” you scoff.
Steve tilts his head on the pillow, honey hair as wild as his eyes. He smiles, lopsided and pink. “Only ‘cause you keep getting hotter.”
“Well, I think it’s because you’re a boy, and you can see my underwear,” you argue half-heartedly. You cross your arms over your chest and angle your hip to the side, thighs rubbing like a harmony. “And now you don’t know what to do with yourself, like a Victorian child who just saw an ankle.”
“Well, yeah, that’s the half of it. But you’re also just pretty.”
Your nose scrunches. “You’re also just pretty, too.”
“C’mere,” he beckons with outstretched arms and grabby-hands. You gravitate towards him without thinking, crawling onto the mattress on your knees. His hands grip your waist the moment you’re in reach, wrenching you around until your back hits the bed. He smiles when you squeal.
The comforter wraps around his waist when he turns to lay over you. He kisses at your pulse, then gets lost in the way you smell. He runs the tip of his nose over the expanse of your throat. The softness of his barely-there touch makes you shudder.
“You smell good,” he mumbles, burying the words into your skin.
“Cozy by the fire,” you say as you twirl your hands in his hair.
“Cozy by the fire. That’s the soap I use.”
He hums into the nook of your neck. “Mm. That makes sense. You smell all warm,” he mutters and melts further into you. He’s pressed so intently against your body that the rest of his words are nearly inaudible. “I don’t wanna get off you…”
“Then don’t.” Your arms wrap around his neck as you hold him closer to you. Even if he wanted to move, there’s not a world where you let him.
“I’m not crushing you?”
“Yeah,” you murmur into his temple. “But in a good way.”
He laughs against your pulse. Your heart starts to beat with it. “What does that mean?”
“Don’t make fun of me! I just like feeling you.”
Steve figures he knows what you mean. ‘Cause sometimes he gets jealous of your pillow, all green with envy because he can’t be stained with your scent the same way it can. “Fair enough,” he mumbles.
You linger there for a while. Pinned between his body and the mattress, like a flower pressed in the pages of a book.
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luveline · 3 months
is it too late to request a Father’s Day request for kbd steve?🥹
KBD —Steve starts his Father’s Day. mom!reader, 1k
“What does that mean?” 
Steve leans back, baby toothbrush in hand, baby toothpaste dripping down Dove’s chin. “What does what mean?” 
“Father’s Day.” She licks her lip. 
“Dove, don’t eat it.” He rinses her toothbrush and beckons her carefully on her stepping stool to the sink. “Come spit, honey.” 
Dove spits her toothpaste. Steve grins, leaning over her, turning on the faucet and grabbing a handful of warm water to wipe her face. She spits again into his hand, but he’s unphased, wiping her down and turning off the water. 
She turns expectedly for a towel. Steve brings it to her face and dabs her dry gently. “Father’s Day just means a day for dad’s.” 
“Day to do what?” 
“It’s sort of like a birthday. Like, a day for children to show they love their daddy’s.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “So if you really love me, Dove, today’s the day to show it.” 
Her lashes kiss her eyebrows as her eyes widen. “Today?” 
“It’s today, yeah.” 
Steve looks down on her, his little baby with her mom’s surprised face and his everything else, give or take. She’s getting so smart, but she’s still so small, Steve can pick her up like a couple of cans of tinned pears. She’s never heavy, just whiny. She looks up at him and he can see a few cogs still turning. 
“Babe,” he says, holding her face softly, “it’s not a big deal. Every day we spend together is a good day, so you don’t have to worry. I love my girl, I love all my girls, and I’m just excited for mom’s big breakfast.” 
“I love you, too,” she says seriously. 
He smooths the temporary wrinkle from between her eyebrows. “I love you more. Are we all done in the bathroom? Do you need to pee before we go have breakfast?” 
She doesn’t need a pee. Dove offers her hand and he takes it, helping her down from the stool, and guiding her out of the bathroom back to the master bedroom. You’re sitting on the made bed with Wren laying down beside you, freshly changed and dressed for what feels like the millionth time. 
“Hey. Did you brush?” you ask him. 
“We both brushed, duh.” Steve leans down behind Dove to frame her shoulders proudly. “Show mom your pearly whites, baby.” 
Dove beams. You pick Wren up and prop her, smiling and quiet, on your knee to see Dove’s teeth. “Woah, look at that, Wren. Look at Dove’s clean teeth, aren’t they perfect?” 
Wren gurgles with a distinct sense of sisterly love. Wren and Dove get along well, all the girls do, but Steve believes there’s been a faction forming between Beth and Avery, so he’s glad for Dove’s fondness as she steps away from him to try and give the baby a hug. Wren doesn’t know enough to hug back yet, but you do. 
“Come on, let’s go have breakfast,” Steve says, sparing a glance behind you for the spoils of Father’s Day. There are some clothes, some candies, and a favourite tray of crafts made through teamwork for Steve to display at his discretion. He couldn’t be any luckier. 
You’re smiling too as you follow him out of the bedroom. You usually are, to be fair to you, you’ve always smiled around Steve because you’re both remarkable idiots in love with one another after everything, because of everything. Steve can’t believe he gets to be in one of those marriages that get stronger each year, and occasionally you return the sentiment aloud, whispering something kind in his ear when you’re both almost sleeping. They don’t have a word for how much I love you, H. 
He catches you for a quick kiss pressed to your cheek as you reach the bottom of the stairs. 
“Oh, thanks,” you mumble, rubbing your cheek against your shoulder in a mock demureness that actually makes his heart skip a beat. If he does it enough times, your faking it will become real. 
He kisses you again. “Beautiful,” he says. 
“Thanks,” you say again, your tone tipping into shyness, just a touch. 
“I’m beautiful,” Dove says. 
She paws at Steve’s leg. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he says, ushering her forward to make room for everyone to keep walking. “Dove, I think you’re the most beautiful three nearly four year old in the whole wide world.” 
“Am I the most beautiful…” Bethie pauses, standing on a chair at the table, her nightie creased but her hair done and out of her face. “How old am I?” she asks. 
“Six!” Steve says. “You don’t remember how old you are?” 
“I forgot.” She frowns, and then she shakes it off. “Daddy, we’re setting the table.” 
“And you’re doing such a good job!” He turns his head one way and the other, searching their tired kitchen for his eldest girl. “Avery, where’d you go?” he asks. 
She pops up in front of him with a roar. “Got you!” she declares, wrapping her arms around his legs. 
“You think so?” He grabs her under the arms and lifts her. She’s much heavier than the rest of her sisters, but she’s his big girl, so of course she is. Steve isn’t too old as to carry her yet, letting her torso fall forward, her back to his chest as he hangs her upside down. 
She bursts into terrified laughter. “Dad, put me down! You’re dropping me!” 
“How many times do we have to go over this, Ave? I have never dropped you. I will never drop you.” He chuckles nonchalantly. “Looks like I’m the one that got you.” 
“You’re not funny, dad!” 
“I’m very funny.” He manages to get her the right way round again, and puckers his lips for a kiss. She doesn’t kiss him. “Avery, it’s Father’s Day. You can’t be mad at me ‘cos that’s illegal.” 
“You’re illegal.” 
“Just one little kiss?” he asks softly. 
“You have to!” Dove says, attempting to climb onto the chair with Beth, your hand behind her back. “Avery, it’s Father’s Day.” 
“I know, Dove, he just said that!” 
Still, Steve gets his kisses and a good hug, too. He lets his voice go all melty and corny as he rubs his nose into her cheek, “Thanks, my little nugget. You give the best kiss in the world.” 
“I am not a nugget.” 
“Are you sure? How do we check?” 
You put the baby in her padded high chair, convince Dove and Beth that they’ll be happier sitting in their own chairs on their booster pillows, and then slide behind Steve and Avery to push at them. “Come on, I’m making breakfast.” 
“What are we having?” Steve asks, smiling over Avery’s shoulder as she nuzzles her face against his neck. She used to fit in one arm, but he doesn’t mind wrapping both of them around her as he sits down, his long girl tight to his chest. 
“Everything,” you promise. “The whole works for my guy.” 
“Whole works,” he says, kissing the top of Avery’s ear. “Can you believe that?” 
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choccyhearts · 1 year
i know im not the only thinking about renfield eating a bug before bedroom activities...
like, you bring it up to him once just as a genuine question; "what if you ate one before we had sex?"
he's flustered and speechless but secretly he's feeling tempted. he has experimented with his powers before, but that was mainly by himself to see of he could increase his pleasure
but if he did it with you, would he be able to hold back?
so one night, after some reassurance from you, he plucks a little gnat from his tin and washes it down with a glass of wine
next thing you know, you're both going at it like feral rabbits. usually, you're love making is soft and sensual, occasionally spicy but never this
he's able to keep his strength under control after a while, and he holds on to you securely as he thrusts into you. he's willing to try other positions, even lifting you up like a pathetic little rag doll
he's got you bent over a table and the wood begins to creak and wobble before collapsing -- of course, though, he holds you in place to keep you from falling
but its no biggie, he just moves you on to another surface. the only thing in his mind is how arousing it would be to take you on every piece of furniture he owns
but, after the couch splits in two, you ask him to just finish in the bed
and he's breaking the headboard just from how hard he's holding it -- like literally, just obliterated but he keeps going
he's humping you like some untrained animal, and in his mind he's thinking, "this is so dirty...so depraved...so sinful...so extraordinary". his mind is empty except for the need to cum. he needs it, and he needs it bad.
once he does, he slowly goes back to your sweet, gentle lover. his fingers run along your body as you both catch your breath. he's giving you soft kisses in your favorite places and asks if you need anything in a hushed tone.
he'll gladly help you with anything, especially the next day when your body is sore from all the poses and places renfield positioned you in. he's a bit embarrassed each time you remind him why you need him to carry you (although he isn't complaining). he feels a strong sense of pride, though, knowing it's all because of him
he most definitely got a noise complaint or two, his neighbors so concerned that one of them calls the police
rebecca ends up going to check on him and he opens the door red-faced, sweaty and breathing heavily, his pants hanging low from hasitly throwing them on.
it doesnt take a genius to realize what's going on, so rebecca, slightly amused, tells him to quiet down. renfield, obviously flustered, says he will try and closes the door as rebecca calls to him, "and you better be using protection in there!" )
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satureja13 · 4 days
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After Jeb and Kiyoshi finally came back to consciousness, the Boys went to Porto Luminoso. Since they're already here and the members of the Council scattered to the four winds, the Boys could as well cherish their time here before their meeting with athena and Ms Coombes tomorrow afternoon.
And since the Bond wasn't able to join Ji Ho and Vlad beyond the Veil and it's finally, finally allowed to run free (No curse! No spell! Nothing to hold it back anymore!) it's grimly determined to get its share! It's feeding off of the love shared between Ji Ho and Vlad and it's been starving all these years! Ji Ho and Vlad felt the pull from their Bond. It wants them alone. And close to each other! And they decided not to act up, since the Bond already hates Vlad (for trying to kill it - twice!) and they are afraid it would punish him again, should they not obey ö.ö' Vlad: "Eh, Ji Ho and I..." Jack laughed: "Got it! See you later for dinner at Porto Azzurro! And: don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
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The others went over to Porto Azzurro. Sai and Jeb fell behind because Sai was drawn towards 'Moda Capoliveri', the fashion store. To give Jeb and Sai some alone time too, Kiyoshi said: "Jack and I are going jet skiing. See you later!" Jeb was flustered, being alone with Sai after all those months apart is still a mine field, but answered: "Uhm, ok..." Jack was proud of Kiyoshi making a bold move like this: "You're totally my kind of scum. Fearless and inventive." And off they went.
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It still feels awkward between Jeb and Sai. They agreed to start over again but Jeb is afraid if he says the wrong thing, it would all go downhill again... But Jeb didn't need to talk. Like the Bond, Sai is grimly determined to make it work this time. Sai: "Do you remember our first date? Tomorrow it's two years ago. You also took me to a fashion shop." Jeb laughed: "It was just the Thriftea ^^' But of course I remember." They didn't have money to buy anything since they're already deep in dept for their tutoring, but Sai loves it to browse for new ideas for Noxee and his fashion store Strawberry Cake Fashion.
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Jeb sensed how tense Sai is and how much he dreads their meeting with athena and Ms Coombes tomorrow. Jeb: "We will be able to pay back the school fees and of course Ms Coombes will give us a loan. Vlad, Kiyoshi and I worked hard over the weeks you've spent at the beach house and we even payed back Rubyn and the others and were able to put some money at the side. Don't worry, hm?" Sai: "Gods, while we wasted our time with that stupid game and the tin can!" Jeb: "Don't say that. This game helped us a lot and it is going to help others too (Jeb sensed that Sai wanted to scream and disagree, but he kept on talking). Sai, the Therapy Game was worth the trouble. And our stay at Verdantis was worth it too. Look on the bright side, hm? We got amazing tutoring and improved a lot and the game helped us to overcome some of our hardships. I feel we're able to face anything now. You did a great job keeping us together and making us stronger." Sai smiled at Jeb, he always knows to say the right things to him. Then what Jack said earlier came to his mind (about Jeb trying to avoid woohooing with Sai) and so he tried to nudge Jeb in a different direction... Sai: "Since we improved a lot, will we also be be able to put our relationship to the next level? We could ask the owner of Hotel Elvis for a free room, since we chased the Council away from Tartosa again ;) We've spent our second date here, do you remember?" The Little Goats: 'Yes, yes, YES!'
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But Jeb didn't find it fair to the others (they are supposed to sleep at the campsite tonight to keep their money together) and does not want to exploit the hotel owner, so he declined Sai's offer... Or maybe he really tries to avoid getting physical because he does not want to hurt Sai should he want more...
'She: You know, sometimes I ask myself: What is this a kind of fear to lose you? What is inside of you that makes you unique And makes me fall in love with you?
He: I like to spend days teasing you With phrases that I get old And, perhaps, your impossible character Makes me fall in love with you
Cosa Sei - Ricchi e Poveri
'A volte, sai, non so perché, mi trovo a chiedermi cosa sarà questa paura che ho di perderti. Che cosa c'è dentro di te che ti fa unico e mi fa innamorare di te?
Mi piaci sempre e passo i giorni stuzzicandoti con frasi come «Sto invecchiando sopportandoti» e forse è proprio il tuo carattere impossibile che mi fa innamorare di te.'
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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teaandransacking · 1 year
Heyyyyy <3
I just wanted to ask if you could write a Lockwood x reader where the reader can't sleep because she had to much coffee in the day because of pervious nights events and she needed the energy. So Lockwood cuddles with her until she falls asleep
Love flames xxxxx btw happy easter xxxxx
Of course! Thank you for the request <3
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How much coffee can someone drink before the caffeine in it starts to give them adverse effects?
You stand in the kitchen of Portland Row, staring at the back of the tin of coffee. The only warning is: can lid and edges may be sharp after opening.
Fat lot of good that is, you think, snorting, and you’re about to spoon out another heap of coffee grounds into your mug when you notice your hand shaking a little.
Maybe it’s time to switch to decaf coffee. Or tea.
The kitchen door opens, interrupting you, and Lockwood saunters in. It’s the only way to describe his walk - although if Kipps is nearby, swagger works better.
He sniffs the air as he comes to stand next to you. “Not coffee again. Have you not tried tea?”
You shoot him a withering look. “Don’t you have any other jokes?”
He grins. “None you’d laugh at.” He takes a mug and a teabag from the cupboard, and looks at you again, and you get the feeling that he always sees more than you want him to. “Seriously, are you okay?”
You take a deep breath and sag against the kitchen worktop. “I keep thinking about the haunting last night. I expected it to be scary but instead, it was just…”
Letting your eyes drift closed, you picture the child ghost, scared, lashing out to protect itself from whatever, or more likely, whoever, had hurt it in life. 
“Sad,” Lockwood finishes, softly.
“And I don’t want to sleep, so.” You salute him with the empty mug.
He gently takes the mug from your hands. “I think I’m going to confiscate this and the tin of coffee. It’s about a hundred years old, anyway - definitely past its use by date.”
You chew your lip. “If you’re going to take the coffee away, I’ll need another way to stay awake.”
Lockwood shakes his head. “You’ve been awake for what, now - over twenty four hours? You need sleep, darling.”
The endearment makes your stomach flip in the most delicious way.
“No buts.” He pushes aside his own mug. “What can I do to make you less afraid?”
A memory surfaces, but you hesitate.
He sees it. “What is it?
His voice is so gentle and his brown eyes are warm and bottomless.
“My mum used to curl herself around me, when I couldn’t sleep as a child.” Your face heats. “But I don’t-”
Lockwood nods, as if it’s settled. “That’s what we’ll do.”
You stifle a surprised laugh. You’ve been yearning after him for weeks and all you had to do was develop a little bit of insomnia?
Except it’s not really funny, is it? Not when you think back to the naked fear on that little visitor’s face.
“Are you sure?”
“I need my agents at full health,” he responds, but his tone is feather soft. He holds out his hand, palm up, and you put yours over it. His fingers curl around yours, and just that bit of contact sends every fibre of your being into a flurry of sparks.
Will you get any sleep with him so close?
“Where?” you ask.
“Your bed? If that’s okay, of course,” he adds.
That he’d repeatedly check with you is such a balm to your tired soul. “Yes. That’s perfect.”
Lucy and George are out. Lucy’s been drafted in as a deputy researcher today, so it’s just you and Lockwood at home. He leads you up the stairs to your room, and they creak under your steps, but it’s a happy, familiar sound.
You push the door open with your free hand.
“Pyjamas?” Lockwood asks.
“Nah.” You’re already wearing comfy clothes. Now that you’re faced with your bed, you’re exhausted. Tiredness drags at you with heavy hands. You yawn hugely.
“Excellent sleep prep,” Lockwood teases gently, as you toe off your slippers. 
You’re hesitant to get into bed, but he says, sensing your discomfort, “You go under the covers. I’ll go on top of them.”
He inclines his head, says nothing, just waits for you.
You slip under the covers, but then your whole body tenses up. What if you dream of that small, sad face, frozen forever in fear?
Lockwood climbs on to the bed and settles in beside you.
“We put the child to rest,” he reminds you.
You turn to face him. “I’m afraid I’ll have a nightmare.”
Whisper-soft, he presses a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll stay here, so if you do, you can wake me up and tell me about it.”
You wouldn’t, you think. He always looks so tired. You wouldn’t wake him. You’d do anything to get him the rest he needs.
Maybe this will serve you both.
You snuggle up to him, as much as you can with the sheets and quilt between you. His lips are warm against your hairline. He folds his hands under his cheek and you do the same, facing each other like kids on a sleepover.
“Okay?” he asks.
Perfect. But you just say, “Yes. Thanks.”
But you can’t bring yourself to close your eyes.
Lockwood clears his throat and begins, “Did I ever tell you about the time George and I found a stray cat? It had this awful smell, and we decided to bathe it…”
The story is hilarious and sweet by turns, but you don’t hear the end. You fall asleep to Lockwood’s deep, soft voice and the feel of his warm body snuggled up to yours.
And in the morning, when you wake, rested, he’s snoring softly next to you, and it’s your new favourite way to wake up.
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demonparmour · 7 months
QSMP+MISTBORN (characters and their metals)
Foolish: Iron/Lurchers (the ability to pull on nearby metals). He uses it to pull himself on to his builds, and you often see his tools whizzing across the air into his hands
Leo: Pewter/Thug (the ability to temporarily gain physical strength). She loves being able to be strong and protect her parents
Sunny: Zinc/Rioter (the ability to strengthen people’s emotions). I feel like she is still learning to control it which leads to her making people around her feel what’s she’s feeling
Ems: Tin/Tineye (ability to enhance all senses). She is super aware at all time, and loves using her powers. Doesn't understand why Tina hates hers
Phil: Copper/Smoker (ability to disguise magic use) . Uses it to create safe places for his kids to use their magic without it being found out about (from the idea of his whole nest thing)
Tubbo: Feruchemy (can store things like information in metal that can be accessed later): keeps all his knowledge of create on him at all times.
Tina (gained through Hemalurgy): Pewter/Thug+ Copper/Smoker. She is ashamed of her powers because she was “made” and people had to die for her to inherit them. I feel like the spikes that hold her power would be in her back or maybe on her head as her horns
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noblesixjm04 · 1 year
A Worm
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While out in the field. Fixing the wheel on the Worthog.
Reader: "Hey Fred?"
Fred-104: *Hums in response. Keeping watch over the open field as he holds the Worthog up so that you could fix the wheel.*
Reader: *Pausing from loosening the lug nuts.* "Would you still love me if I were a worm?"
Fred-104: "I." *He stops. Trying to figure out if all those 'crayons' you had eaten earlier were messing with you.* "Y/n why would you be a worm?"
Reader: *You shrug and go back to twisting off the lug nuts. Tossing them into an old tin cup as you respond. Alibiet quietly.* "Dunno. But would you?"
Fred: *Sighs and stays quiet for a minute as he looks down at you. Your face dirtied and bruised. There's a hopeful look in those eyes of yours. Those eyes that have yet to dull even this far into the war.*
Fred: *He could tell that this meant something to you. He just couldn't tell what. And clearly he had taken to long to answer because you bit your lip and looked away. Shoulders hunching towards your ears as you went back to the busted tire.*
Reader: *You were a little embarrassed now. Maybe all of your dumb questions were now catching up to you with this one. Maybe Fred had just hit his limit with your shenanigans. Either way.* "Nevermind. It was a dumb-"
Fred: "Yes." *Something in his chest burned when you looked up at him. A grin so wide it was a wonder how your cheeks didn't hurt.* "I'd keep you in my pocket. Now pull the tire off. This is getting heavy."
Honestly he couldn't fight of his own smile on the way back. Your own bright grin almost blinding the entire way there.
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The two of you had been meditating. Well. Linda still was. You were laying on the floor with your head in her lap. Counting every breath she made as you waited.
Reader: "Linda. Would you still love me if I were a worm?"
Linda: *Barely opens her eyes. You catch a sliver of green before she closes them again.* "Depends. Did I know you before you were a worm or are you just a random worm that I met?"
Reader: *You think for a moment. Reaching up to play with Linda's dog tags when they fall out of her shirt.* "You would know me before I was a worm. Doesn't make sense if i'm already a worm."
Linda: *You catch the barest hint of a smile on her lips before she's looking down at you. Red hair falling loosely past her shoulders. Her hand curling around your own."
Linda: "Then yes. I'd even have the UNSC make you your own sniper rifle so you could get into places I couldn't."
Reader: *Laughing softly.* "How am I supposed to shoot if I don't have hands?"
Linda: Thoroughly amused with you. Loving the silly questions you'd have for the others and her. The humanity that you would draw forth from them.* "You would have a tail though."
Reader: "Oh ya! Worms do have tails!"
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The two of you were in the mess hall. Going over your respective playlists together and swapping old rock music when you randomly ask the question.
Reader: "Kelly. Would you still love me if I were a worm?"
Kelly: *Shrugging. Fred had told her about your strange question a couple of days ago.* "Ya."
Reader: *Beaming.* Really?"
Kelly: *She thinks its cute the way your hands patter against the table in your excitement. The grin on your face and the way your laugh sounds as it spills from your lips.* "Yep. Maybe we could get you some Spartan armor. Then you could be the strongest worm in the universe." *She nudges your foot with hers beneath the table.* "You could give the Hunters a run for their money."
Reader: *You snort a laugh. Adding on a led zeppelin song to the playlist.* "Now you're just messing with me." *You wave a finger at her. Laughing as you do so.*
Kelly: *She smiles. Picking an apple off her tray and handing it to you.* "Maybe. Now here. Eat."
Reader: *You look at her. Dead pan as you hold the apple, your elbow on the table as you look to it then her.* "Is this because of the worm thing?"
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You had just finished training with John. You were tired, sore, and sitting cross legged on the floor. You were curled over your water bottle as you waited for John to finish up.
John-117: *Unwinding the wraps from his hands. Sitting on the floor across from you. Waiting for you to catch your breath before beginning your stretches.*
Reader: *You were regulating your breathing. Watching as John unwrapped his hands. The movements were methodical. Almost mechanical in their familiarity with the action. Slowly, more and more of his paled, scared skin was shown to you.*
Reader: *Your own still wrapped hands tighten around your bottle. You could feel your heart flutter in your chest as you open your mouth.* "Hey Chief?"
John-117: *Hums to let you know that he is listening. Moving to unwrap his other hand.*
Reader: "Would. Would you still love me if I were a worm?"
John: *Stops altogether. Blue eyes pinning you down. Searching over you. He sees your near death grip on your bottle. Could hear the hitching of your breath. See's the way your chin ducks down into your chest.*
John: "Why would you be a worm?"
Reader: *You glance away and shrug your shoulders. Feeling a little silly now.* "Dunno. Just am." *You begin to unwrap your hand. Trying to search for something to do besides stew in your own emotions.*
John: *Finishes unwraping his and begins to help you with yours. He knows you didn't need it but still.* "How did you become a worm?"
Reader: *You shrug your shoulders and try to will your shaking hands to still.* "Dunno." *You watch as John soothes your first freed hand. Feeling comfort from it and his calloused fingers trail against your palm. Feeling comfort from his steady warmth.*
Reader: "Does it matter?"
John: *He was trying to calm you in one of the few ways he knew how. That by being close to you and letting you move, work with your hands, allowed to to speak more easily.* "It does. I'd want to know how to turn you back. The universe is dangerous for a worm."
Reader: *You don't say anything for a moment. Mulling over your thoughts as John guided you through the first of your stretches.*
Reader: "Would you still love me though?"
John: *Pauses in what he's doing. One of his large hands is still pressed to your back. Moving upwards as you sit upright. Its steadying. Grounding as you look up at him.*
John: "I would find a way to turn you back." *His chest hurts when your face falls. He sighs a breath when you let out a soft 'oh'. And look away.*
John: "Look at me." *He's still kneeled down next to you so he moves to sit instead. It almost hurts him when you do look at him. Eyes glossy and he could tell that you were biting the inside of your cheek.*
Reader: "Ya Chief?" *Your voice is tight. You don't know why this mattered so much to you but it did. The others would be ok if you were a worm. Why not John?*
John: *Softly bumps you chin with his knuckles.* "I'd change you back from a worm because I would miss you."
Reader: *You tilt your head. Confused. Mainly because that wasn't the question.* "What do you mean?"
John: *Looks over your shoulder. Surveying the room before turning his attention back to you.* "Worms don't talk. Worms don't ask the questions you do." *Worms don't fill that empty spot in his chest like you do. The thought of losing you. Just the thought.*
John: *Taps a finger against your cheek.* "And worms don't care if people love them." *And oh how his heart burns when you cry. Brushing away the tears before more could form.*
John: "I would find a way to turn you back."
I love you how you are.
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topazy · 8 months
Inside, outside
Pairings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, usual violence towards Z’s
Chapter: 5.05
People. Zombies. Bombs. Chaos.
Altura still hadn’t recovered from the bombing, and survivors were still scrambling to try and find their loved ones. You felt a sense of guilt knowing that some had lost everyone and everything, while you still had 10k and Red. Red was more concerned than either of you that Doc, Warren, and Murphy were nowhere to be seen, but you had a gut feeling they were gone but not dead.
“I’d bet any money the three of them will turn up soon. Murphy, no doubt caught up in something dangerous, he’ll drag the rest of them into.”
10k suddenly jolts up in the cot; it takes him a moment to gather his bearings. Once he realizes his place in your shared rent, he leans his head back, using his hand to grip the bedsheets before feeling for you.
“Do you feel any better?”
“A little,” he confirms. His voice was raspy from being in a deep sleep less than a minute before. “I had a dream we were still living out on the road, still on the mission to get that dickhead to California, and we kept encountering the same issues as before except this time we had a baby... I was useless. I could hold my own child or even take out a z; everyone had to do it for me.”
You lean forward and kiss the crown of his head. “You will be able to use your gun again; it will just take time to adjust.”
“You don’t know that.”
Seeing the doubt in his eyes, he said, “Yes, I do. Because I know the second you sense danger, your fatherly instincts will kick in, and protecting this baby will be the most natural thing in the world.”
He closes his eyes. “I hope so.”
You stand and offer him your hand. “Come on, once we’ve had breakfast, I’m going to help you practice.”
Behind the main buildings in Altura is a wooded area in which Red has set up a shooting range for 10k to practice his aim. So far, he has missed the tin can with every shot he has taken. The part of the hospital that had prosthetic limbs was destroyed during the bombing, and Sun Mei said it would be a while before new ones were made. He was given a leather pouch to cover his stump with a hook on the end of it, which was causing him to struggle to keep grip on his weapon.
“Just take your time,” Red says, reassuring him.
When 10K misses the target again, he lets out a hiss of pain. You motion to his stump and say, “Let me take a look.”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine if you’re in pain.”
Knowing you wouldn’t let it go, 10k pulls down the leather pouch for you to inspect his stitches. The swelling was going down, but infection was weeping from the stitches. “You need to show Sun Mei and get more antibiotics.”
“Maybe you should take a break or use your left hand,” Red suggests.
“Just forget it.”
Red looks upset as 10k walks away. You place your hand on her shoulder and say, “Hey, thank you. It might not seem like it, but I know Tommy really appreciates everything you’re doing for him.”
She pulls you in for a hug. “I’m really scared; we are lucky we survived the first bombing. What if there’s another?”
“Then we do the same thing: keep each other safe.”
When you can’t find 10k in the medical bay, you go looking for him in the woods, but he spots you first. He puts his finger to his lips, signaling for you to remain silent, then waves you over. Crouching down beside him, you watch as two men shock a z with an electric baton, forcing it into one of the buildings, which looked empty aside from a few vans.
“What do we do?” You whisper.
“We gotta know where he’s taking it.”
You stay close to him as you make your way into the building. You jump back and grip onto his shoulder when Z's fingers peek through the crack underneath a large metal door, with metal chains covering the door as an extra precaution. 10k presses his ear against another securely locked door.
Quietly, you say, “It sounds like wild animals behind the doors.”
10k says nothing and leans back. Seconds later, a beeping sound fills the room, followed by the sound of a door opening and footsteps. 10k points to a large shipping truck, and you both crawl underneath it to avoid being seen.
From the spot you’re in, you notice Florida license plates on the back of the van in front. The man paces back and forth before eventually leaving the building.
You crawl out first, being careful so your stomach doesn’t rub against the concrete ground. You help 10K up and begin to dust yourself down, noting the fresh trail of mud tracks with traces of blood on the ground.
10k whispers, “We should go before—oh shit.”
A man’s voice comes from the opposite side of the truck. “Let’s get this shit over with.”
Not knowing where to go, you run to one of the other shipping trucks and climb into the back of it. When it starts to move slowly you ask, “Do we jump?”
Before you can make a decision, the back of the truck is facing the large metal doors, which are now unlocked, and a large ball made up of Z’s clutched together comes rolling towards you.
With no way of escaping, 10k points to the panels on the ceiling of the truck. “Whatever you do, don’t let go.”
You feel physically sick watching as 10k struggles to hold onto the wooden panel, which was the only thing keeping him from being devoured by the Z’s below. He was too far away for you to help him, and if you made any noise, the driver would hear it and most likely shoot the both of you.
When the truck comes to a sudden stop and the doors at the back open, allowing the Z’s to roll out of it, When the engine is turned back on, you both let go of the panels and jump down just as the truck starts to move off again, leaving the both of you deserted in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but trees. You sigh, noticing the pouch 10K had covering his wound was gone.
Even though you land on your feet, 10K is beside you with a worried look on his face. “Soon as we get to safety, we are done; no more adventures for either of us.”
You place your hand on your stomach and say, “As happy as I am that we have Doc and Warren back in our lives, I sometimes wish we never left the treehouse.”
“How far along do you think you are?”
Because of the bombing, you never got your scan. You tried to work it out, but since you didn’t track days, it was impossible to actually know. “Since I’m not showing, I’d say I’m still in my first trimester. Maybe in five or six weeks, what do you think?”
When you don’t get an answer, you look back and see 10k crouching down, looking at some footprints left in the dirt. “These are Doc and Warren's footsteps.”
Noticing a small hill, you run up it and see newly dug graves. Seeing a fairly clean bandana on the ground, you kneel down to get it. You wipe it off and give it to 10k; he ties it around his stump to keep it covered.
You study the graves and are thankful you don’t know any of the names carved onto the wooden crosses above each one. Hearing a faint, snarling noise, you turn to see a Z coming up behind you.
You stumble backwards, “Tommy!”
He grabs one of the wooden planks sticking out of the ground, snaps it, and then stabs the Z in the head.
“Eight thousand six hundred and nine.”
While getting to your feet, you notice a red mark on a wooden sign. “It looks like spray paint. Do we follow it?”
He nods.
While following the road, you notice a few more of the red marks left behind on trees. Luckily, it was only the odd Z you came across; 10K was trying to shoot and was swaying on its feet, walking in your direction. After several failed attempts, he uses the opposite hand and manages to shoot it in the head.
“Eight thousand six hundred and ten,” you smile.
Soon as you make it to a small town, you take cover behind a car with the same red markings on it. It was parked outside a building with distant music coming from it.
“Are you sure about this? What if it’s a trap?”
“I’ll go in first,” 10K says. “You keep a good distance behind me; if it’s safe, I’ll wave for you to follow.”
You plant a soft kiss on his lips and say, “Okay.”
A side door is open, so it’s easy for you to get inside.10k enters the building first, checking it was clear before waving you to follow. When you reach the room the staircase you’re walking down leads to, 10k goes in first. Sweat drips down your brow as you wait to hear his voice call out, and you let out a sigh of relief when you finally hear him again. “Oh my god,” he calls back to you. “Astra, it’s safe to come in; it’s Doc!”
The room is filled with red lights, giving the impression that it was a seedy nightclub. Soon as you walk in, you see 10k and Doc hugging, and you rush over to join them. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Doc; we've got so much shit we need to tell you! Are Warren and Murphy with you?”
“I’m glad you kids are safe.”
10k steps back from the hug first and taps you on the shoulder. “Uh, it’s your sister.”
You open your eyes, and for the first time in years, you see Addy standing before you. Her hair was much darker and longer than you remember, and from the glaze in her eyes, you could tell she was drunk.
“Hey sis.”
You stare at her speechless; nobody has ever broken your heart like she did, and seeing her again, smiling as if nothing happened, opens up the old wound you tried so hard to heal.
Hearing more steps approaching, your hand goes to a glass bottle sitting on the table next to you.
“Oh my god,” Warren says when she notices you. “You two have no idea how worried we were after hearing about the bombing.”
Warren sees your struggle to hold back tears and pulls you in for a hug and whispers, “I’ve got you, baby girl; I’ve got you.”
You look at Murphy suspiciously as he pours out drinks from behind a bar. He was dressed in a red suit, which matched his red skin. When he offers you a cup, you push it back and say, "No thanks.”
He grunts, “Not good enough for you, princess.”
Rolling your eyes, you walk over to join the rest of your group, sitting around a circle table. It felt weird to be with 10K, Doc, Warren, Addy, and Murphy at the same time again. George was there as well, but it still felt like old times.
You sit beside 10K, who was explaining what you saw. “Those vans are being loaded up deliberately. Somebody’s shipping a truckload of zombie tourists.”
“So you think it’s Altura?” Warren asks.
“I don’t know.”
“It’s where we saw the vans, but it could be anybody.”
While the conversation continues, Addy tries to make eye contact with you, but given the amount of alcohol you witnessed her drink, you pretended not to notice.
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a-butterfly1 · 1 year
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Part 1- (Lloyd, Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Zane)
This is the continuation for my spirit ninjago au (yeah the au doesn't have a proper name yet so I'm just sticking with that) there may be a third part Idk yet, I'm trying to expand a lot but keep my line of thought straight, expecially since I've been playing honkai star rail my imagination as been going on getting a lot of inspiration with that, mostly the paths system the thing is it may not make sence in a timeline because of dates, and honestly I do want to follow that since It makes some sense but I'll see.
Skylor Chen Smith
Age- 1000+ (ghost) Died at 96 Height: 5'8½ (1,74m) Status: Kai's wife
A never ending hardworker, Skylor is a dedicated person, even with all that has happened in her life she moves on, "don't let the chains of the past hold you back" is her biggest quote. She still worked at Chen's Noodle House keeping the legacy even after everything, Kai helped even if not has much as she would have liked, but I guess thats a them problem. She is now residing in the cursed realm, the realm of the evil and dead, unfortunately for her the good deeds she practiced were in vain, and even worst for her, her father and clouse were also in the cursed realm, shall she have the pacience to deal with both of them, especially after it got to them that she married one of the ninja, Kai, the worst one in their eyes. Kai visits her in the cursed realm, mostly to hangout and sometimes is able to drag her out of that realm and spend sometimes in the living world.
Morro Wu
Age- 1000+ (ghost) Died in his 20's Height: 6'4 (1,93m)
The people call him "the ashamed" as all that proceeds him as been the shame in his previous actions, a anti-hero. He stills remembers the day he was given a third and/or even fourth chance at redemption, he was in the cursed realm, sulking and poving his power the both new and old ghosts, when Lloyd appered in front of him, he had his arm extanded to him waiting for Morro to take it, Morro was mad but he had to let go at some point, right? So he did, and after a danger in Ninjago that even the Ninja had been spread a little too tin to deal with, Morro joined the battle, but due to him being a little rusty Lloyd gave him a bit of his power, with that the battle was won; to Morro's suprise Lloyd never toke the power back and instead insisted that Morro joined the Ninja becoming the 7th ninja. The rest of the team wasn't too pleased with this, but even soo, who are they to question Lloyd's decision…
Age- 2000+ (ghost) Died in his 1000's Height (Before death) : 7'3 (2,21m) Height (After death) : 6'4 (1,93m) Status: Misako's husband and Lloyd's father
A tarnished name for sure, all that he has are distante memories of his horrible actions; being separated in two halfs after being revived is sure to bring conflict; one remained in the cursed realm, mostly wandering around, missing his family to no end, and the other was destroying anything that could be considered family. When the half in the living realm died, in came the extended influx of memories that didn't belong to him but at the same time did, he didn't know what to make of it the harm and despair he caused after long having accepted what he had done before- it was too much. But in the depths of that new memory… he could only smile; after everything died down and the living Garmadon stayed alongside Lloyd- the father and son moments he had only dreamed of ever being true had become reality, the laughter and genuine love he felt coming from and with his son, made him the happiest man in the cursed realm; after all he was givin a couple 100 years by his families side until he finally passed away, he made sure every moment counted. Even his marrige had healed to some degree. Now, in the present, Garmadon makes sure to have frequent visits to Lloyd, even if Morro is his only way there, the routine is quite fine for the both of them, Garmadon gets to visit his son and Morro always prefered the quiet atmosphere of the island, where the monestary is currently on. And truth be told, Garmadon, for sure, has given both Morro and Harumi a good death stare for the things they have done to his son, reasonably so.
Age- 1000+ (ghost) Died in her 30's Height: 5'11 (1,80m)
Harumi, often refered as the "wicked princess", in the living she owns a place in the new and improved "hall of villains", while in the dead she continuasly has an aura around her, even if she emitted regret in her past life, now she was surrounded by people who only sang praises about what she accomplished; after all now the people around her were as morally deranged as she was, if not even more. Unfortunatly for her, or fortunatly for the speck of regret she still holds, Morro had long been made aware of what she has done and due to him having to show that he has some moral grounds to be able to continue have the amount of power he was given, he keeps tabs on her and reminds her that she is supposed to be upset at all the praise. And to the new Garmadon she encountered in the cursed realms? A lot of mixed feelings for sure, either way, Morro just makes sure Harumi doesn't get to close.
Skylor and Kai often just walk around Ninjago and think about the past, very old people style; The others tend to comment on their behavior but their stupidity just gets ignored not a whole lot can bring this woman's confidence down.
Kai was very self-conscious about his old lookin' self, Skylor would just make this man's ego go through the roof at times.
Morro, Garmadon have been living in the same home for a while, Harumi just kinda made herself at home, already knowing Morro from a previous prison visit from Lloyd, and just didn't bother giving a reason to why she was there, and Morro just ended up so feed up with kicking her out everytime that he just gave up.
Lloyd has Garmadon's, Misako's and Wu's graves at the end of the backward, beautifully siting under a weeping, tree very well taken care of. Garmadon often wonders if his body is really there or if it's just a memorial (he doesn't really want to check or ask Lloyd about it).
Many attempts at Morro's life have been made, mostly coming from Nya and Kai (water doesn't kill him persay but it sure hurts a whole lot), Jay just annoys him at any moment given, Cole and Zane give him side glances and try not to be hostile, and Lloyd well, his relationship with him has for sure gotten better, time can often heal wounds left by past actions; they often help eachother without much complain, and if there is, it mostly comes from Morro pretending to be upset.
Morro often pretends to despise Lloyd but he does actually care for him; Lloyd is very aware of Morro's true feelings thanks to the power connecting them both, so he just disregards the behavior.
Morro uses Lloyd as a human shield /aff, most of the times he's just possession Lloyd and hanging around but not willing to interact.
Harumi had a redepction arc inside prison and Lloyd would visit occasionally, sometimes he would have Morro with him, that's how they knew eachother, first time they met tho, let's just say, they weren't all too friendly with eachother.
Yes, Harumi died inside the prison, how? Idk, someone didn't like her I guess.
I should mention that most of Ninjago citizens are completly aware of the Ninja's past, mostly due to Cloud Kingdom just releasing many books each with one of the ninja's story, and after years those books were re-written many times and it may have become a game of broken telephone.
That is also why, the people of Ninjago are to the full extent aware of the Harumi's actions, and let's just say Lloyd's die hard fans aren't too happy.
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thecrenellations · 1 year
me running around in circles about the parallels that come together at the end of Checkmate:
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what it says on the tin, below. Contains maximum spoilers.
(also contains references to themes of suicide, sexual violence, live chess, etc, because everything is connected.)
and because everything is connected, this is something like how it flows together in my brain. I’m not sure if it makes sense outside of it, and it’s certainly not exhaustive. I was mostly thinking about Marthe and Francis vs Kuzúm and Khaireddin. Bringing Sybilla, for example, more directly into it is a whole other spiral…
As Francis decides whether Khaireddin or Kuzúm will die, Jerott asks, Which? The one who had experienced love and a modicum of happiness, or the one who had not.
Lymond said, “Marthe.” Marthe is the piece that takes Khaireddin. I think about Khaireddin as Marthe, sacrificed, while Francis and Kuzúm, loved by Philippa, are saved. Strangers switched as infants; siblings switched at death. In Amiens, Marthe convinces Sybilla to bully her son back to life. In Edinburgh, Philippa convinces Francis to spare Gabriel in order to save the son he has just learned exists. “I will not fail you, ever.”
Which child? The one whose life had been innocent, or the one who had been earliest corrupted and whose first uncertain steps had just been taken towards his birthright of friendship and joy?
Philippa rides to St. Mary’s with information that will destroy Joleta and Gabriel. Francis lets Gabriel kill Joleta when he could have died in her place, and I think about it as a sacrifice of his sixteen-year-old, vilified self. Like how Francis lets Khaireddin die to finally kill Gabriel. Khaireddin is Marthe, but he’s also another version of Francis, whether or not he’s his son. And the knight was the child who had not yet known happiness; the child Lymond had drawn to himself. Who is corrupted, and who is innocent? Who gets to know happiness?
“Then allow me to take the child’s place. I have no objections.” Roxelana and Güzel refuse, Khaireddin dies, and Philippa makes Francis promise to live. Marthe has told her he will not want to and told her brother that Philippa will not be thinking of herself. The marriage holds longer than the promise, but he still lives.
When Güzel is dead and Francis has made a new promise to his mother to live and return home, Marthe rides to Philippa’s home with news that would destroy Richard. Richard tries to save Marthe, but Austin destroys her, and they both do so thinking she is Francis. Depending how you count, there are four Crawford siblings and two of them are bastards. “Your father’s two sons will never meet again.”
“Like your son, I am a bastard.” “No, my dear. Forgive me, but I think you are a bastard like nobody else.” Marthe comes to England and dies before reaching Scotland. Francis tries to leave Scotland forever, to keep his brother safe. He fails. “Richard will be safe.” For the sake of someone he is just beginning to love, he does not let himself drown. The irony of “not yet.” He fails that Richard, too. It is an impossible task. The Crawford brothers take turns riding through the night to find each other alive and fracture again. Richard can never learn why Francis left, because that is the truth that would destroy him. And the sacrifice Francis made was unnecessary.
"Five years—even five such as these—can’t tear me drop by drop from your blood." Francis thinks of 1547-8 as the year he fought his brother. Richard’s sole, desperate purpose is to kill Francis, and he saves him instead. Francis’s purpose is to save Richard, and he tries, so hard, to kill himself. “I’m here to help you. You’re going to be free.” What can ten years tear apart?
Ten years later, Marthe says, “I am going to move the pieces. I am going to direct the end of the game.” Nostradamus tells her her part is still to come. In Constantinople, Francis is king and Marthe is queen. But Roxelana watches, and Güzel watches, making sacrifice necessary. In Dumbarton, the father of one pawn finds the mother of the second in his room. Adam watches, and then Richard finds them both. “So this is the outcome of it all. This is why Tom Erskine preserved you; why Christian Stewart died and Gabriel has worked to redeem you … for this. Francis, I would sooner have discovered you dead.” Richard doesn’t mention what he did that year, himself. The year he saved his brother. “Francis! I can’t let you take your own life.”
Lymond screamed once with agony, and then screamed and screamed again.
Joleta screamed three times, a thin, breathy kind of scream, with her hands spread rigid, like shining, flesh-eating plants before her.
In Volos, Francis will not let himself scream. He recites, and Marthe joins him. “I called you sister. Was I right?” “Yes. What made you sure?” “The luggage of poetry you carry.” In the sweet summer’s dell north of Hexham, Richard tells stories of everything but their father and does not want Francis to explain about Eloise. But, before that, it’s Richard who brings her up minutes before Francis stabs himself with his brother’s knife. God, Francis had screamed.
"My sister … Who will speak for her? ... Are you so short of rods that you must despoil young trees: so short of stones that you need to walk the very graveyards for them...?"
It’s a series bookended by dead sisters, dead by powder. Francis asks those questions when his own trial drags up rumors. If they were about Gabriel’s abuse of Joleta, they would be true. In Moscow, the night Francis comes to her room, Güzel says, “I too have had my Margaret Lennox and my Agha Morat and my child-whore Joleta Reid Malett.” But who is she? I think of Joleta, Míkál, and Philippa in his rooms in Dumbarton, Thessalonika, Constantinople, and Paris. Those are four very different nights. On one, he calls out to Eloise.
“I am going to call on Philippa, when we get to London. What will you do if I take her straight to my lodging and rape her?” Austin was very white. “Kill you,” he said. “If I can.”
Is Joleta innocent or corrupted when her brother kills her on the stairs? How much does it change the meaning of what Francis did to her at Dumbarton? That year, Philippa’s moves in the game are to tell Trotty Luckup’s version of Joleta’s story and to spare Gabriel to save Khaireddin. Which child?
Two great women who play with fate steer Philippa towards Kuzúm and towards Francis. In Algiers, a pawn’s mother dies and Oonagh turns to fire. Lymond was dedicated. And she…she was the sacrifice. He doesn’t know she is alive, and then he doesn’t know that he will find her dead. To Francis Crawford, this unknown son was a tragedy of which he must never learn. But he does learn. He sees her, but she will never see him again.
There were other children, and nothing to tell her whether the bubbling purr she heard at night, of a baby full and content, was his. … She did not know Khaireddin’s scream, or the sound Francis Crawford might have made when once he too was branded for the galleys.
This child; this unknown son of his blood, was worth one life: his own. … This, one felt of one’s son. Was it not also true of Gabriel’s?
In the chess game, who knows whose child is whose? Who makes sure they are there? Kiaya Khátún, with her whims, switches children and lovers. Marthe and Jerott marry each other as substitutes for Güzel and Francis. Philippa marries Francis because he promises to preserve his own one life. Francis believes that to live and return would be to kill his brother. Forced to go home, he believes he will return to Güzel.
Güzel, who was dead.
Francis reminds Archie that Philippa has released him from his promise. Archie has saved him so many times before. So has Jerott, who knocks the opium out of Francis’s hands and turns it to powder. So Francis decides to die joyfully, in fire and flood, ground by a burning mill on a river. Jerott pulls him from the river anyway, and holds him in his arms as he faces his mother and comes back to life, surrounded by love and tapers burning like Oonagh’s. "My life has a rudimentary value in that you were moved to preserve it." In Amboise and Blois, Oonagh leaves his survival to chance, but she also saves him.
“No. Oh Christ, no. It should have happened long ago.” Jerott knows that he has taken away a death Francis wanted. He stops Richard from intervening and lets Austin kill the rider none of them know is Marthe. “Don’t stop it. No one else could do it for him.” Jerott kills Austin without knowing whose death he’s avenging. It is the death of Marthe, who wanted her own life. The words from the garden in Djerba come to Jerott once he knows, as Francis and Philippa embrace. My beloved is dead. 
As he aims, Austin is so sure he’s the only one who sees the real Francis Crawford, rotten and arrogant and undeserving of life. “Is it for this thou wast created?” thinks Philippa, who first saw Marthe as a shadow and a voice and mistook her for Francis. For Marthe, the answer to that question is yes. “Poor sister. A pawn more helpless even than…”
They had used a knife, so the child’s face was not distorted.
He aimed into the fair, weary, rancourless face, and then at the heart, and both balls found their mark and brought death in the end.
“Consider: who — stretching the imagination, of course, to its most grotesque outer limits — might be taken for my younger brother.”
Acting and not acting, Marthe speaks with the voice of the woman who created both of them, a dead chessmaster who won’t be silent. “You will harm her,” Francis warns Camille. Marthe tells Jerott, “I enjoy acting, as he does. The human scene is well rid of us both.” Many agree. Richard says to his brother, “My dear, you are only a boy. You have all your life still before you.”
“God damn you both. You summon and you throw away. You treat love like a bird for the table… Like a pawn, now in frankincense, now discarded and thrown in the dirt. You don’t know what love is, either of you. And God help us and you, if you ever find out.”
“Whatever made you think you were free? But because of you there will be something, I promise you, by which men will know Francis Crawford has been.”
“There’s an unnatural conspiracy to keep me alive, that’s all.”
“How do you take leave, for all time, of a brother?”
They set off that evening to take Marthe Crawford to the home of her fathers, which she had never known.
And they bury her in the dirt of Midculter, which her brother owns and will never own, where Kuzúm knows happiness.
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rambleonwaywardson · 5 months
Lonely Traveler
Part 3 of the Home to You series now posted on AO3! Part 1 Part 2
I'll put a preview below. All 3 chapters of part 3 now posted!
Summary: "I thought I'd lost you." "I love you too much." War does its best to tear love apart, but that doesn’t mean love goes away. It just becomes something that can hurt you more.
Total Word Count: 10,101
War messes with your mind in a way that a civilian will never fully understand. It messes with your body, with your heart, and with your soul. It goes after love, even, grinding it down like another enemy, when all it is is collateral damage in the raging gunfire. People like to think of war as somehow romantic. Maybe some parts of it can be, in a way. 
But war is not, never will be, kind to love. Especially not in a POW camp deep in the Reich, where if the guards don’t kill you, the cold or starvation just might. 
And if none of that does you in, well… war sure does mess with your mind, doesn’t it?
Who knew the sound of bombs in the distance could carry so much hope. It’s a sick side effect of the human condition: one person’s suffering is another’s salvation. The world isn’t so black and white, though, and when you think about it, it could be said that a few bombs over Berlin isn’t nearly enough to make the Nazi’s pay for what they’ve done to this planet and its people. In a few years time, the human species will wonder how such violence can be natural, if this is just how people are meant to behave. How could this possibly be true? But then again, how could it not?
In a POW camp in 1944, the sounds of an air raid play like a symphony.
The gunshot outside, the man on the ground, the dog trying to tear him limb from limb, the shouting – those instead are the sounds of tyranny, of wielding power just because you can. Suffering for suffering. Death for death. 
When the guards yell at the airmen to get back inside, Bucky tells Gale that the goddamn Nazi goons are gonna take them out one at a time. Gale says nothing. He can’t stand it here any more than anyone else, and he is well aware that a toe out of line could mean fade to black. But at least here, he knows that he and John are both alive. They’re alive. They have each other, and at least Gale isn’t alone. He clings desperately to these facts that he knows to be true. This could be worse.
Days pass, and hope is tangible in the barrack once again as the men gather around Gale, watching intently as he fiddles with the crystal radio that Bucky had spent days gathering the measly materials for. News from the front seems to be the only thing anyone really wants these days, short of being far, far away from here. It’s the only thing that carries any promise of an end. The only proof they can get that they aren’t stuck here for nothing, that their sacrifices are worth the pain they’ve endured. 
When Gale slams the headphone down on the table, he can’t believe he’s failed. The bubble of hope pops like a sad balloon.
When Bucky asks him one day if, when the weather clears (will it ever?), they should make a move, Gale tells him all but no. Tells him to find a plan with better odds. Tells him “my plan is to get home in one piece.” 
He remembers all too well the deadly state John was in when he stumbled into camp months ago. He remembers the sleepless nights spent trying to keep him alive. His own harrowing journey to the Stalag he barely lets himself think about. He has nightmares – about John dying on him, about hands and ropes around his own neck, about crashing through the sky in a tin can in flames, about being the only one left standing like a lost little kid in the street with no one to call home. Sometimes he feels like he’s holding on by a thread to the only sense of hope he has – the fact that they are both here and they are both still breathing. Beyond the fences of this camp, none of that would be guaranteed.
Bucky’s the opposite. Sure he has nightmares, just like everyone else in the sleepless night – about getting beaten to death in a burning town, about Buck’s plane going down, about hiding behind marsh grass with a gun just waiting to be killed, about everyone he loves getting taken out one by one until he’s alone with nowhere to go. This place, though, is not the answer. He’s damn sure of that. The Luftwaffe doesn’t care which of them lives and which of them dies, and Major John Egan is not about to stand by and let them use him – or, God forbid, Buck – as target practice. Why doesn’t Gale get it?
“You’ll die here in one piece,” Bucky tells him.
Gale stays quiet, and Bucky doesn’t even notice the way that he nervously grabs at the ring hanging on the chain around his neck. Gale clutches it for all it’s worth though. Why doesn’t Bucky get it? This could be worse.
They go on, living day to day but hardly living. They eat their rations and assemble for appel and try to sleep in rickety bunks and freezing cabins. Occasionally, Buck gets a letter from Marge: news from home, sending thoughts and prayers for him and John, telling trivial stories to make him smile. She’s even started including baseball stats and scores for Bucky to follow. Gale tries to get Bucky to read them, to maintain a connection with the outside world and understand that someone beyond these fences is thinking about him. John refuses, won’t even touch them. Gale writes Marge that he’s concerned about Bucky. Her heart breaks for them. 
None of the men can seem to find a balance between thinking of home and trying not to let the thinking drown them. 
They find ways to entertain themselves. Books, music, sports, the occasional play. Gale has started holding classes for some of the other POWs, teaching them about physics, mathematics, and astronomy. It feels good to learn just to learn, to understand something about the world that isn’t shrouded by the war. It’s Gale’s escape, his offering to the men who offered up there lives. Bucky used to love listening to Gale go on about these things, would look at Gale like he’d hung the stars himself, smile and kiss his nose and make him blush before insisting he keep talking. He could listen to Gale talk for hours, and Gale had rarely felt so loved.
Now Bucky leaves the room when Gale starts teaching about the beauty of their universe. He doesn’t want to hear it anymore. Somewhere deep within himself, it hurts too much. It doesn’t line up with the situation in which he’s found himself. He can’t stand the way he feels alone in a crowded room. He can’t stand accepting that this is who they are now, where they’re meant to stay. 
Sometimes, Gale will find him, will try to hold Bucky’s hand. He’s getting worried, doesn’t know what to do. Bucky tells him he’s fine, just needs some air, just needs some space. He’s just cold, just hungry, just tired, just angry at the fucking world. He’s fine. Gale tells him he loves him. Bucky doesn’t say it back.
He doesn’t feel right anymore. He hasn’t in a long time. He can’t say why. Words like depression aren’t commonplace yet.
Gale thinks it’s his fault.
After Gale manages to sand down the copper wire of the radio, he’s thrilled to hear actual transmissions coming through the headphone. The BBC, news from the front, their saving grace. Suddenly, the fact that they’re all stuck in this camp means something again. They went down swinging for something far bigger than themselves, and the allies had filled in the gaps. They hadn’t narrowly defeated death for nothing. The men scramble to start copying down and disseminating information, and the bubble of hope starts to grow. 
Something like that is awfully fragile, though. It ebbs and flows and hesitantly tries to fill the cold and musty corners of the barrack, wrap itself around these men like a blanket. It’s enough to keep them going, but never quite enough to keep them warm. To keep them sane. 
After dozens of men are executed for trying to escape the camp, that bubble bursts again. Things are about to get worse around here, not better, and Gale wonders if they should’ve taken a chance when they had it. Maybe they’d die trying, but maybe they’d die anyway. 
But Bucky tells Gale that he might’ve been right, they shouldn’t be so hasty with an escape after all. Gale has about two seconds to feel like maybe they’re on the same page again, maybe Bucky is finally coming back into himself. About two seconds of that hope he’s been trying to cling to. Then Bucky declares that he has nothing worth rushing home for anyways. 
Gale’s heart drops. The hope flies away, fading tendrils swirling in the air that he can’t quite keep a grip on. He wants to scream, aren’t I enough? 
How many days and nights had they spent dreaming about a future? About a life after the war? It’s enough for Gale to hold onto, but his gut twists as he wonders if the private vows they’d made to each other before they shipped out, the rings they’d had engraved and carefully gifted to one another, had been nothing but words and hunks of metal. What the hell had happened to I made it home to you? Did it all mean so little to Bucky, now? Did Gale mean so little? 
Sometimes the words you don’t say hurt the most. He tells Bucky that it’s just this place getting to him, but he doesn’t know how much he believes it. For the first time since Bucky made it back to him, Gale starts to feel alone.
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically 27
JOYOUS NEWS!!! We are now seeing our first two-parter that is
A) Actually supposed to be a two-parter, and
B) Set in the same time period so we can watch them back to back like you're meant to.
It's just nice to have a bit of normalcy in this deeply stupid watch order.
Anyway: Family of Blood. We pick up where we left off. Tim, aka the boy with the fob watch from Love, Actually, opens it just slightly, which is distracting enough to the Family that Martha promptly punches Mother firmly in the solar plexus, steals her shrimp-shaped gun, and takes her hostage.
"You won't shoot!" says Son. "You're scared!"
"Yes, guns and fear are a famously winning combination, Mummy's Little Genius," says Martha, and tells the Doctor to get everyone else out.
He does not. Human Doctor is still a trembling useless wimp. Instead, Nurse Joan the Love Interest takes over, and herds everyone out.
... and then we get the first of many Very Upsetting Scenes in this episode, as the Doctor turns back to Martha, who is still holding the Family at gunpoint.
"What about you?" he asks.
And Martha visibly steels herself, doesn't look away, and says perfectly evenly, "Mr Smith, I think you need to get your lady friend to safety, don't you?"
And he leaves her.
... fuck me, this one has more emotional resonance than that time Amy got shot by her plastic fiance
Martha is then menaced by a scarecrow and yet still manages to get away. To their credit, the Doctor an Joan are waiting for her outside, at least, and they all run back to the school where the Doctor gets all the school boys to unload the guns and get ready to fight in preparation for Very Upsetting Scene #2. But just before it, we get given an emotionally charged warmup that punches our hearts out the backs of our ribcages like Mortal Kombat characters, as my excellent friend Maia once put it, because as the Family gather outside with their scarecrow army, the headmaster goes out to talk to them.
It's such a good exchange and so incredibly acted and edited that I literally looked up the quote:
Headmaster: Well I warn you, the school is armed. Brother: All your little tin soldiers. But tell me sir, will they thank you? Headmaster: I don’t understand. Brother: What do you know of history, sir? What do you know of next year? Headmaster: You’re not making sense, man— Brother: 1914, sir. Because the Family has travelled far and wide looking for Mr. Smith, and oh the things we have seen. War is coming. In foreign fields, war of the whole wide world with all your boys falling down in the mud. Do you think they will thank the man who taught them it was glorious?
I literally cannot convey how well delivered both that "Tell me sir, will they thank you?" and that "Do you think they will thank the man who taught them it was glorious?" is. The little blond inbred lad who loves dragons on Game of Thrones. By god. Sweet christ does that boy deliver the hell out of those lines. My husband literally GASPED.
Meanwhile, we have what passes for a pallette cleanser in this episode - Martha is tearing the study apart looking for the watch, and Joan the nurse comes to speak to her. Martha tells her she's a doctor from the future.
"Don't be ridiculous," Joan says. "You can't be a doctor, you're a woman and black."
I mean I know I said Freema Agyeman is not... the BEST at acting. And I stand by it. But the LOOK she levels in this scene, my lord. Somehow, in spite of only saying the words "Oh, do you think?", she manages to convey the sentiment "Let me just disembowel this bitch real quick."
"Bones of the hand," Martha says, and lists them all.
"You read that in a book," says Joan.
"YES, TO PASS MY EXAMS" says Martha.
Anyway, it's enough to convince Joan that her new boyfriend is an amnesiac alien (we've all been there, sis), so she goes off to talk to the Doctor. She asks him to describe Nottingham; but he can't, other than facts. And he has the first hint of a breakdown. He does NOT want to be a Time Lord.
"But you know this is wrong," Joan says. "These are children, going to fight the Family. The Doctor wouldn't want it. Nor would John Smith."
Tim is setting up with Classic White Bully Hutchison. But he decides that he needs to do something else with the watch to help. "It's okay!" he tells Hutchison. "You and I will survive this! I've seen us in a WW1 trench in 1914!" and then runs off, as though that is remotely comforting.
Which sets us up nicely for Very Upsetting Scene #2. Outside, a truly unfeasibly large number of scarecrows has now amassed (when did the family make all these scarecrows??!?) The shooting begins, a hymn playing over the top as these weeping, sobbing children load bullets into machine guns and fight supernatural terrors...
And the Doctor, standing there with a loaded rifle, cannot bring himself to shoot a single shot.
Fucking. Harrowing.
Anyway then Daughter-of-Mine turns up and shoots the headmaster for not listening to black women or somethign IDK Martha told him to stay back, he told her to fuck off, the Daughter killed him. Seems fair. Freaks the Doctor out though so everyone retreats into the school, the Family in hot pursuit, and then it's Chaos for a bit until the Father turns up with the TARDIS.
And then we get Very Upsetting Scene #3, as the Doctor cries and begs to be allowed to stay human. A good man, with a good life, in love. This segues into Very Upsetting Scene #4, where Joan takes them to the house of the Daughter on the well-reasoned grounds that the real child who used to be the Daughter had parents who would have tried to stop their little girl from leaving, and been killed. The Doctor lashes out at Martha.
"You're his companion!" he rages. "What good are you, exactly? Why does he need you?"
It is SO fucking upsetting. Poor Martha.
Anyway then Tim turns up with the watch, so THAT becomes Very Upsetting Scene #5, as the Family start bombing the village i.e. St Ffagan's village square, and Martha is telling him to open the fucking watch, and the Doctor is now screaming and begging and pleading to be allowed to live because he doesn't want to go and become someone else. But Joan realises he has to - otherwise, the Family will consume a Time Lord, and then they'll live forever and destroy everything.
She tries to convince him. He says he wants to stay and love her, but knows he won't as the Doctor. And then they touch the watch together and so they both see the life they could have had together INCLUDING THE CHILDREN WHO NOW WON'T EXIST and fuck me we all need therapy forever. Who okayed this. Who allowed this on television. Why must David Tennant be so good at acting.
So it's a bit of a shame it's then all downhill from there tbh.
Obviously, he opens the watch, although it happens off screen, so in this watch order we have had THREE SEPARATE WATCH STORIES but still haven't seen one be opened. He blows up the Family's space ship, and then... well, it's a bit weird. Bit fairytale. He suspends each of them in time in some way so they'll be imprisoned for all eternity, including trapping the Daughter in mirrors... somehow, bit vague on the details. "He ran from us to be kind," the narration says dramatically. "To spare us the rage of a Time Lord" and whoa there Mary Sue, we're back on this bullshit.
A final scene with Joan, with upsetting exchanges like
"Could you change back?"
"Will you?"
It's another difficult scene, but then it ruins itself by doing the old "People here died because you came and that's your fault" thing, which is eternally boring and terrible and I wish successive showrunners would stop doing it. The Tortured Man Pain side of the Mary Sue. Fuck off.
Anyway, the Doctor and Martha hug it out back at the TARDIS, which is sweet. Tim turns up.
"I've seen the future," he declares. "And I know now what I must do."
You're very intense, Tim.
The Doctor gives him the old watch, and away they go. I hope they're off to an ice cream planet where twelve-fingered aliens give great massages. Martha needs some serious aftercare.
Flash forward. Tim and Hutchison are staggering through a WW1 trench. Tim realises it's the moment from the watch vision he saw, and makes them dive right out the way of a shell. He saves Hutchison. Then Hutchison says "I'm not going to make it."
"Oh yes you are," declares Tim. "Didn't I promise you, all those years ago?"
Tim. It was last year.
ANYWAY this episode was fucking harrowing. We've now seen what the fob watches can do! But no further plot threads I don't think, nor any resolved, so the list remains... extensive.
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole (And Nardole was “reassembled???”)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
What’s With The Silence?
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Who is Captain Jack Harkness? (Is he the one who gave the companions a warning about the lone cyberman?)
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window?
What’s with the Doctor’s future involving getting shot by an astronaut?
Is Amy pregnant and why is it inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
Who did the Doctor lose to Cyber Conversion?
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What’s with the Weeping Angel statues, and why can’t you blink at them?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi.)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
What happened with Amy’s pregnancy?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Hello can we just get some conversations between Eddie and Southern Belle? Maybe one where someone was mean to him and she protects him
Hiii babes!! Ohh yes you can get some conversations that include a protective Belle! I hope you enjoy💖
-find all things Eddie and his Southern Belle here✨
*Eddie doesn’t think you need to say anything but that’s where he’s wrong because no one talks to your sugar plum like that*
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“Baby you don’t have to say anything.” “Yes I do…she called you a weirdo and that is just not gonna fly with me sugar plum.” “Sweethea-” “oh I’m so mad I could spit…who does she think she is talkin to you like that? It’s just beyond rude.” “Baby it’s okay we can just go have lunch somewhere else.” “I’ll be damned if she’s gonna get away with being mean to you Edward…now be a sweetie and hush while I tell her where she can shove her weirdo remark.” “Baby-” “Hi sugar…oh…Amy is it? Well you made quite a rude little snide comment about my boyfriend when we walked in so I’d like you to say you’re sorry.” “Excuse me?” “Bless your heart you mustn’t have heard me…tell my boyfriend sorry…now if you don’t mind.” “Uh…sorry?” “Now honey I know you can do better than that.” “Here we go…come on baby she said sorry let’s just go eat.” “Yeah I’d listen to your little boyfriend…go enjoy your meal…sugar.” “Oh fuck…” “what the actual fuck did you just say to me?…hold my purse honey bunch.” “This isn’t gonna go well…”
“What is the fresh hell is goin on in here? Why does my livin room look like a crime scene in a craft store?” “Sorry baby I got a little carried away with the campaign…I’ll clean it don’t worry.” “Oh I’m not worried sugar….but why is the coffee table all cattywampus?” “Catty what?” “Oh lord honey you ain’t never heard of cattywampus? It just means crooked.” “Oh..who the hell came up with that instead of just saying crooked?” “Edward James what the hell did you do to my kitchen?” “Oh shit I forgot to clean from lunch…don’t worry it’ll all be cleaned up by the time you get out of the shower.” “Oh honey bunches you’re bout to be busier than a cat on a hot tin roof cleanin this mess up.” “Busier than a what on a roof?” “I don’t have the energy for this sugar…I’m gonna go stand under some hot water and cool down.” “Baby that-” “tell me that doesn’t make sense and I will throw this frying pan at the back of your pretty little head.” “Sorry sweetheart…I love you go enjoy your shower.” “I love you too puddin…good luck fixin all this.”
“This looks horrible…” “we just need to church it up a bit that’s all.” “Church it up?” “Yeah…you know..make it pretty.” “How are we going to make a casserole pretty?” “Aren’t you just so precious sugar plum…don’t worry you’re little head about it.” “You’re just going to cover it in cheese aren’t you?” “And if I am? What’s it to you?” “Nothing…that will…make it prettier that’s for sure.” “Are you bein ugly to me right now? In my own kitchen?” “I’d never…” “that’s what I thought…” “I’ll just go wait in the living room.” “That sounds like a great idea honey.”
“I’m jus sayin…she could start an argument in an empty house…but you gotta love her.” “I mean we…don’t have to.” “Edward James…” “I’m just saying she argues with you about everything…why do we have to hang out with her?” “Because she’s one of my dear friends and just because she likes to argue and poke fun doesn’t mean we just abandon her…that would be like if you stopped hangin out with Dustin because he was a little annoying.” “Your friend being rude isn’t anything like Dustin being a little annoying….” “Whatever you say sugar just…promise you’ll be nice?” “I promise…”
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The sweet scent of blossom blooms is forever tainting the air along side the morning spring mist of dew on the very few grassy patches of meadow and windows of buildings and homes. The sun was out and about giving warmth to some and misery to others.
Fine brown shoes walk along the grey stoned street on this fine morning. Within his needle pricked and bruised hand holds a smaller paler hand of a little boy no more than seven years old dressed rather put together for his age who holds a grey tinned lunch box in his other small hand. Dalmatia, handsome, smart, suave, a good speaker, and loyal are just a few terms he got used to since before and during his time on the Isle of the Lost. Loyal and kind minion of Cruella De Vil, fashionista with a roaring personality of boldness and just a touch of crazy, he remained by her side like the loyal dog he is and helped raise her little pup after the father was no longer around.
The pair finished their stroll at a red bricked building where children are either running around screaming, standing and talking, or on the ground or on the single tree of the lawn. Dalmatia took a deep breath in through the nose, chest puffed out, "Well, look at this, first day of school." He smiled proudly and looked at the boy beside him. Carlos, ever so timid, sneaked behind the older's longer legs and buried his cute face behind his knee cap.
Dalmatia smiled softly and kneels down, "Carlos," He started, waiting for those brown eyes to peek behind the bangs that were combs before leaving the house but seem to have fallen just so, "I understand it's scary, but I promise you this is fun." "But I like to help you and mama with outfits..." The boy pouted, eyes looking down. In any other situation that look would make the dog cave and give Carlos everything he ever wanted and more, but he has to be strong for this case.
Taking in another breath to collect himself to not be swept by the emotions of spoiling the puppy rotten, Dalmatia fixes his coat and tilted Carlos' face up as his voice speaks calmly and comforting, "I know puppy, and we love you helping us to. But you can't always do that forever, you need to let your mind grow and make friends. And I know plenty of the kids here because they're were raised by amazing recruiters like yours's truly." As if on comedic que, a little boy with long black hair runs around the yard with a bucket on his head. The two watch as he runs screaming in strange child glee, and kept watching until he ran into the tree and falls on his back. ". . . Okay he's a little different cause his dad isn't that smart in his life choices..."
Carlos messes with the rubber handle of his lunchbox, lip quivering. His small shoulders tense and jump when a loud bell chimes above them. Dalmatia looked at the building and back down at Carlos, shining down a reassuring smile. The boy looked at the adult and took a breath in before slowly walking towards the steps of the entrance.
The dog waves after, "Have a good day Carlos!"
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The stars aren't as bright within his eye sight.
The music was muffled and dare say distant from his hearing.
The taste of bitter saliva that mingled with stale wine he gulped was nothing among his tongue.
All his senses are hyper focused on staring at the floating lights of a little boy smiling so innocently.
Dalmatia gulped another swig of the wine as his tired burning eyes watched his special box show a new memory of Carlos on his first picture day, how proud he looked with his first fashion choice and proudly showing it off. Right now he should be inside celebrating the wedding of Mal and Ben, the future King and Queen of Auradon but as of right now he's hiding in one of the marble polished balcony having his fourth glass or the luxury squeezed grapes alone with a box of memories, a usually normal box full of little memories over the years of Carlos from his birth to his letters talking about possibly being in love with the Fairy Godmother's daughter, but after the Isle became open for all to enter and leave Carlos surprised the loyal minion and his mother with a magic spell that can project the memories as fluid and real as if they aren't images of mist at all.
"It's not healthy crying all alone you know..."
Dalmatia turned to the voice's source to find Hades walking out to the midnight air, rubbing his red leather gloves across his pale cheek for any makeup smears that may be showing as the God walked right beside him. "I remember you used to not cry in situations when the kids were younger too. Yet you always encourage Jay and Carlos to cry as open as they can." Hades said with a soft smile, eyes to the stars.
The once dalmatian doesn't look at him. Doesn't react to him. Eyes drifting back to Carlos' projector face of the memory when he was about to leave for Auradon, his smiling freckled face so fresh of anxious and hidden excitement of adventure he never dared speak of then in fear of how others' will think. The God look at the projector and his smile slowly fades off, his voice got more gentle, "You know, he would've love this... Seeing Mal being married... Seeing Evi get her dream come true... Seeing you all dressed up at a party the first time in forever..."
"He would..." Was all Dalmatia said as he rubs the box's rim, neat eyebrows frowning. "You know..." His voice cracked softly, small but Hades doesn't punch at it, he sniffs as a pause, "When... we first got the news... Cruella refused to accept it... She acted as if he was going to come in through the door as if he never left the Isle in the first place... I never heard her cry as much as I did that whole week... Or month... She barely ate... Hardly slept... It was like seeing a new person..."
Memories of Carlos' wake enters his mind, tarnishing the happy ones he just printed with the box's help, the way the room was so heavy and dull. Carlos wouldn't want that, he would want the room to be colorful like he was, would want people to laugh and smile like he did, but I guess you can't have either at a funeral. He recalled the pain he felt when he held back any sobs and tears deep inside him as he kept a brave face for everyone until he stepped outside the venue's back door and finally let it all out for only the moon to witness.
His hands shook as he feels the tears burning his eyes and even his cheeks as light black streaks began to drip down to his chin as his breathing hitch, "I-I know... I'm just a dog who helped raise his master's child, but I cared for him... As if he was my own pup... I raised him for 19 Goddamn years and now he— H-He's somehow—!" The ball of sorrow clung to his throat flesh, stopping his voice from speaking anymore words as if it hurt more than the tears and the lump.
Hades slowly put his hand on Dalmatia's back, accepting when the dog quickly shook and sobbed openly into the gentle breeze of the magical night, the box still projecting the brave soul as the memories restarted into the first time the pup opened his eyes...
I wanted to write something since I haven't written/done anything related to DVR in a long long while, sorry if it's short and/or crappy! Also I decided Carlos was 19 due to me in my last fic of the gang I had Jay be 18 when the barrier was lifted which I think was a typo and I personally headcanon Mal and Ben's wedding happened a year after the third film since I think it's canon the boys are younger than Mal and Evie or maybe I headcanoned that to the point I believed it lol
This takes place in the AU I've written before which I'm going to be sticking to since I personally love it and am kind of sad Aubrey doesn't marry Harry Hook in the future;
Part One of Aubrey Saga
Part Two
Part Three
Farja & Jay Story and Farja's Reunion
Hopefully I'll right more!
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i-rate-horse-games · 6 months
starshine legacy playthrough part 4.3
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i had a lot of glitches with the dialogue there… what did i miss… guess i’ll find out! ouch burnt my finger on my poor laptop
Level 3 - The Destiny of the Soulriders
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oh ok thanks game!!
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lisa referenced her dad but alex’s mom has a Portrait! impressive! and her roots are brown! so alex’s hair probably is also brown! that makes sense bc the Prophecy Fortold that the warrior would have brown hair but only the sightseer has brown hair. been wondering about that
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girl WHAT are you planning with a lil kid wearing a soda hat
ah. she’s ransoming him for the horse. ok
i love how anne was all “ugh lisa’s crazy, talking about magic powers and talking to her horse… what’s that? my horse is talking to me? nah, i’m just stressed…” but alex never even questioned it. she just went straight from “oh, that’s my horse whose thoughts i can now hear” to “whoa, just like lisa and linda! cool…” like she just got shown a psychic vision and she’s not at all concerned about the mystical parts of that. good for her!
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like she JUST got initiated into secret magic society and she doesn’t even know if mr herman has heard about it or believes in it or anything but instantly she’s like THIS HAPPENED in full confidence that he’ll believe it. alex rocks
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FINALLY SOMEONE ADMITS THE PATH IS TREATUEROUSE ! Treah. trecharuous. treacherous . thanks autocorrecet
we just fell off a cliff into the sea… rip alex.
aw rats! fripp says katja is with the baddies…   …wait. wait, was katja the cool emo violinist who made storms who i met in sso? was that her??? i just noticed recently that the four girls in the sso loading image are Those Four… the plot thickenings!!
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so funny… big complex explanation to alex on how to use her powers by being in two worlds at once and then he just says “(click left mouse button)”. incredibly dangerous powers that can never be used… click left mouse button
wwwwWWAIT A SECOND! katja’s face is on the GLAMOUR POSTERS!! 
Level 4 - the legend of Garnok
alex just said she would simply Stun the goons with her power, the dangerous power, the power that takes life away,
in this chapter we learn that Garnok exists and is bad & lisa’s dad who works for the dark core just got summoned to the garnok project work site, so garnok is the thing sleeping in the spaceship under the sea and they’re about to be raised! wahooooo
Level 5 - Dark Core Garnok Project
aughh there’s 5 goons to murder without getting caught and i’ve been caught twice so far. this is major because there’s a cutscene and a trail to follow every time i have to restart the mission. murder is hard
wait…     there’s also a tunnel that goes under the sea straight to the garnok project that i’ve been walking past??? so what’s the place with the fight i’ve been going to, then??? mysterious…
ah, ok. gotta fight the goons in order to open the grate they’ve got on the tunnel to keep kids like me from breaking and entering. wah
i got to the keycard that i need to pick up but i couldn’t click to pick it up because it just kept doing the soulstrike again… guess i need to kill all of the goons first in order to get it…
i have lost track of the number of times i’ve restarted this mission
I GOT THE KEYCARD!!! and only killed 1 goon!
love it when you’re eavesdropping on a guy and he says “good thing that scary girl doesn’t have this book that i’m holding, otherwise she’d be able to defeat us! lmao ammiright lads”
phew! it onlys sent me back to the tunnel!! i don’t have to get the keycard again!! thanks game!!!
missed again
my blast went over their head this time
ok we did all that to get a book about rules that even evil people follow during fights, and using it we can now banish people to the shadow dimension???? isn’t that anne’s thing? oh well
last part
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