#I love the budding romance
dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Laws of Attraction ep 4
I'm late to the ep this weekend for different reasons but I couldn't leave it any longer so I'm avoiding my responsibilities and finally watching it.
Tonkhao and Tin are so good.
I love it: Straight off the bat (no pun intended), Tin is in his blue shirt - staying true to himself - to talk to Tanthai. And I loved the red light on the baseball bat.
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Oh, shame, I thought Tin was going to give the ring back and admit he knows it wasn't Tanthai who started the fire. Oh well.
Okay, this fight sequence is pretty good. But seriously, please, for the love of the bl gods, I wish these actors would STOP PUTTING THEIR FINGER ON THE TRIGGER when they're holding guns.
"A packed meal, impossible to pay back" - so Thee is somehow indebted with his life to Tanthai. "Everything is not as you saw" - And Tanthai isn't as Tin thinks he is... Hmmmm... Was it Thee? Or another bodyguard driving instead?
(The whiplash of the actress who plays Nan with her character in The Jungle 😂)
Oh wow, Charn owned up to setting the fire. He cares what Tin thinks of him! Me: *rubbing hands together in glee*
Ok, Charn in a white shirt - NO COLOUR - as he admits to his failings, and that he's evil, whilst wanting Tin to see the good in him. Whilst wanting to be good like Tin. He's changing! And his transition is like a blank slate.
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Thank god for the Grandmother! Find a middle ground together 👏🏽
Oh sweet pea Charn. You just made a mistake letting on that you're emotionally invested in Tin's wellbeing. But you should know, you poke the bear, the bear gets angry and lashes back at you.
Have the cushions always been green and blue in the office?
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So something Bad happened which Thatthep covered up by using his son as a scapegoat but that blew up in ways he didn't like so he changed the plan and used an old gardener as a second scapegoat instead. It's so intriguing what the Bad Thing was that made him choose his son first.
The green of Tonkhao is still looming in the background of the guilty parties (or those who know the truth).
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And it's interesting that the scapegoat is in a blue shirt...Tanthai and Thatthep were also in a lot of blue again this ep and I'm still wondering what to make of all this.
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Oh you're right, @rocketturtle4, I absolutely ADORE Tanthai's shirt. It's perfection - Tanthai is bound by the lies of that fateful evening. Also, he understands how to use sarcasm. Ok, I'm being swayed into taking pity on him.
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I love the buttoning up of Charn's shirt but it's totally ridiculous 😂
Oh. my. god. HOW is Tin resisting Charn's advances. The way Charn said "We still have time to spare. Shall we do something else?". I melted. Tin is a stronger man than me.
I'm sorry, that shirt was ok until he tied the bow and added the jacket. smh.
I need Silvy to speak more English. Yes, ma'am.
A delicious red/pink background for Charn to tell Tin to go do what they planned - revenge is afoot. And then the deep blue behind Tin when he's trying to get Thee to reveal the truth. Yes, delicious.
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A dramatic zoom in!
(Does anyone else think Beer looks like the guy from Dear Doctor, Nut Nutchapon?)
I love flirty Charn! He's a gift. An absolute delight.
Oh yes! That waist grab and turn. Fucking brilliant. Public claiming!
Oh, oh my, that hand-holding scene with Silvy singing. Please! I'm a pile of goo! ajflbjdfcadljjcbadfclfjcb
They like each other so much!
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oldbutchdaniel · 20 days
i genuinely would be so fine if the show doesn’t do past devil’s minion (though i think they probably will). i would be thrilled and elated even. i think it would introduce really interesting and fun new narratives and be just as compelling as the book story if not more. however that being said. if they don’t it’s going to be hilarious. because the only interpretation there is that daniel showed up in dubai in 2022 and armand was like “oh. i’m horny for this man in ways i never have been before. i think i need to have him forever.” and then spent the next two weeks lusting after him like a dog drooling with his tongue out. hooded eyes and long lashes and all. kind of worse if they weren’t together in the past because then that whole production isn’t even related to some nostalgia or reunion. it’s just one vampire so comically horny he can hardly keep himself from launching across the room
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pixelizedprince · 1 year
Listen tiktok is a godless land that treats Gale horribly but this came across my page and I was HOWLING
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kpop-s-akura · 3 months
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They just keep coming😭 how many versions are there again???
They keep getting me gagged fr tho😪
I felt breathless by every member at least once and I’m not surprised, this is amazing and the anticipation is really building!!
@/BELIFTLAB on X (Twitter)
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codsoup · 1 year
Silent Comfort / Ghost x Soap
Summary: During the bus ride Soap falls asleep on Ghosts shoulder and Ghost falls in love.
The bus ride was a welcome respite for the team, a moment of calm amidst their demanding missions. Soap and Ghost sat side by side, their camaraderie evident in their comfortable silence. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the gentle sway of the bus seemed to lull them into a peaceful state.
As the journey continued, the fatigue from their recent operation caught up with Soap. His head gradually leaned against Ghost's shoulder, his breathing slowing as sleep claimed him. Ghost's gaze shifted downward, his heart fluttering a bit as he watched Soap sleep.
There was a tenderness in Ghost's expression as he observed Soap's peaceful slumber. The lines of stress that usually marked Soap's face were smoothed away in sleep, leaving behind an expression of vulnerability that Ghost couldn't help but find endearing.
The sun's early rays began to filter through the windows, casting a warm glow over the bus. The sunlight illuminated Soap's face, the soft light accentuating his features. Worried that the brightness might disturb Soap's rest, Ghost acted instinctively, and gently raised his hands and positioned them in front of Soap's face, creating a makeshift shield to block out the sunlight. Ghost's fingers lightly covered Soap's closed eyes, ensuring that the warmth and comfort of his sleep remained undisturbed.
Around them, their teammates exchanged knowing looks, a mixture of amusement and affection evident in their expressions. Gaz, seated nearby, couldn't resist the opportunity and discreetly snapped a photo of Soap and Ghost with his phone, capturing the moment of unexpected intimacy.
As the bus journey continued, Soap remained blissfully unaware, lost in the embrace of sleep on Ghost's shoulder. Ghost continued to watch over him, his own heart swelling with emotions he had kept hidden for so long. The quiet moments like these were a reminder of the unspoken connection they shared: the camaraderie, the friendship, and the blossoming feelings that Ghost had secretly harboured.
Ghost you big softie ☺️
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collegeboysam · 2 months
waking up to that video felt like getting a shot of adrenaline directly to the heart
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skynapple · 6 months
Budding Romance | Ch. 22
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Love and Deepspace | Jeremiah x MC / slow-burn / friends-to-lovers | Themes: angst, guilt, fluff
warnings: none
Multi-chapter | A03 link
Beginning | <- Prev | Next ->
"Tulips." Jeremiah is a mess, but shares the meaning of tulips.
She ended up staying most of the day, sleeping a little longer and then leaving to change and eat at her own home, returning later with the key he’d given her to work in the back. It was almost that she fit naturally there, amongst the florals in the back, seated at his desk, working on her own things, or at least that’s what he thought. A few times he glanced over at her screen, smirking a little that it very much appeared that she was online shopping.
When he wasn’t busy, she perused the shop, making small conversation with him. She was as talkative as ever, about her work, about things she was into, asking questions on what he was working on.
“I’m not distracting you, am I?” She asked at some point.
“No,” he said softly, smiling as he pruned some leaves on a large bouquet.
I want to know everything about who you are. I want to know everything.
As she continued, he couldn’t help but wonder what her and Xavier ever talked about. If he knew all these things about her already, if she hung around him so often, if she ever whined at him when she wanted something or if he was used to her dramatics. It almost felt like he was seeing things that he wasn’t supposed to. At the same time, he greedily was grateful for it, knowing it couldn’t possibly last.
When he realized she intended to stay all day, he managed to convince her to go make a reservation for them in the afternoon instead of waiting around for him to finish closing and cleaning up. She agreed and left, giving him time to hurry through the tasks and head to one of the rooms in the back that he kept a spare change of clothes. Taking note that he looked like he worked all day, suddenly upset that his hair didn’t look right, and that he didn’t have time to do anything about it.
Nevertheless, he met her at the restaurant, sliding into the booth across her, on time. She was smiling in a way that he’d gotten used –addicted even– to seeing. They talked more, laughing and eating together. It felt like fresh air. It felt like stepping barefoot into the ocean for the first time on a hot day, a starkly crisp but wonderful feeling.
“I’ve never asked you,” she said shyly, poking at the food on her plate while all he could do was stare. “What’s your favorite flower?” Although his favorite flowers did not exist on earth, he knew what he usually answered when asked the question, and it was often given his occupation.
“Tulips.” He shrugged. When she questioned it he smiled. “Oh you know. Love, happiness, springtime, that kind of thing. After growing them for a while, I think it’s a cute shape. But you know what? A lot of people like seeing them closed but my favorite thing is - if you give them enough care, they open up so beautifully.”
By the end of the night, he felt bubbly. It was the most time he’d spent with her, he thought, in all of his life. She was swinging his hand, he couldn’t remember when she’d grabbed it, and singing one of the restaurant songs, a little off key. It was a better bliss than anything he’d ever felt in his life.
She nearly tripped in her heels on the sidewalk and he caught her, laughing. There was a whine in her voice as she chided him for doing so, but he didn’t let go, didn’t want to. The streetlights cast a warm glow on her features, creating dancing shadows from her eyelashes, and he could feel her sliding her hand against his chest. He wasn’t sure what possessed him in that moment, a singular thought as she had her arm around his waist now.
If only.
Her hand slid up around his neck.
If only…
He lowered his head and she rose a little higher.
If only you loved me instead. I wish you loved me the way you loved him.
Warmth reached his lips and he felt his whole being melt into her, moving slowly against her, feeling the way she pressed into him. It wasn’t enough. He slid both hands against her waist, chest burning at the sensation of the kiss, deepening it as he turned his head. Hearing her soft moan as he did, making the ache in his center worse. Her fingers wrangled through the hair on the back of his head, giving him chills. It became a dizzying blur, heart pounding into his head, drowning out any reason, all he could feel was her, all he could think was her, all he wanted was her, all that mattered was her in his hands. 
When they broke, breathless, he could see her smiling against him, only observing him for a second before leaning forward again to kiss the corner of his mouth, making him move to complete it, wondering if it wasn’t enough for her either. Suddenly he understood, feeling how much she wanted this, wanted him. How long? Since when?
"'Miah." She breathed against his lips.
No, please don't do this to me. Please not like that.
He pulled away from their blissful passion, taking her in. It would only last a moment before felt cold dread set it, along with shame, knowing the this time, he went too far.
How did this happen?
For the first time in a long time, maybe ever, Jeremiah wanted to be selfish. Guilt wrestling with desire. He pressed his cheek against hers, holding tightly to her, vaguely keeping an eye on the quiet nighttime surroundings. He wondered if she could feel the incessant beating of his heart, she wondered if it was loud enough for her to hear. 
“I had a great night, ‘Miah.” She said softly against him.
No, no, no, no. What have I done?
To avoid startling her, he pressed his forehead to hers, begging all the gods he believed in to let him have her for just one more moment. Seeming to pick up on something wrong, she pulled away, ducking her head to see his expression.
“Everything ok?” She asked, concern ridden in her eyes.
Jeremiah felt his stomach turn at the reality of it all setting in. “I can’t… we can’t do this.”
Her eyebrows furrowed but she did not release him from her grasp. “What are you talking about?”
Swallowing hard, he averted his gaze from hers. “…Xavier.”
“I’m so… I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to get in the way. I’m so…”
Attempting to soothe him, she ran a hand through his hair again and shushed him. “Wait. Wait, Jer… Shh, look at me. Jer?” Her finger drew up to his chin, guiding him toward her, the gentle action being the only reason he was able to face her again.
“Jer, wait, there wasn’t ever anything going on between me and Xavier. How could you think that?”
Jeremiah played her words on repeat over and over.
She did not hold affection for Xavier in that way, at least not in this world. That much, now, was clear. At first he questioned if she had back then too, but quickly disregarded. Back then, he was sure they lived and breathed for each other.
So what had changed?
Guilt swirled in his mind. Was this somehow his fault? Was it Xavier's for not encouraging it more? Was he too distant with her?
To him, Xavier had always been too distant both physically and emotionally with her. In the past, it was one of the reasons he had somehow become the middle person. He wondered for a moment if he didn't encourage her in Xavier's direction enough. Then again, in the past she never needed his help too much, and in the past if she did ask for help, any of his surefire ways to spur Xavier into action had always worked. Why were things backfiring?
It occurred to him that the woman he'd known had an entirely different upbringing. She was born with a purpose, quite literally to always be at Xavier's side. This version of her... hadn't.
She had close family members that she'd grown up with, in stark contrast to her alternate self. This version of her had her own self accomplished hopes, dreams, goals, hobbies, habits, and was brilliantly independent. Could he have seen the woman he knew back then devising a plan to beat a video game that served absolutely no purpose to her real life? No, probably not, not when it either didn't have to do with the man she adored or didn't serve purpose to being a Grandis Knight. And yet... it was still the same determination and grit she always had, just applied differently. He had always loved seeing it.
He had never, ever considered the possibility that a world could exist where she loved anyone else, where her gaze wasn't looking outward towards the stars, waiting for someone else. Here, this brand new individual, with brand new thoughts, and brand new devotion, brand new livelihood... was a version that did not love Xavier with every fiber of her being.
And he had no idea what do with that.
She spoke, interrupting his raging thoughts. “Why did you think there was something going on?” When he didn’t respond, she shifted even closer against him, as if she even could. “Jeremiah…does he…?”
He took a breath. "You... don't like him? At all?”
“No! I never did. I'm so sorry you thought so.” At that, she huffed a sigh and flicked his cheek lightly, the sensation making him snap out of the glazed look that had befallen him. “Dummy.” She said.
At that he looked up at her, looking stunned, but taking in the way she was looking at him. It was the way she always looked at him before.
He couldn’t say what he really wanted to. Silently he gave a slow nod, not able to verbalize anything coherent in that moment.
I can’t take you away from him. He needs you.
“Jer, look at me.” At that she broke away from him, letting a hand linger on her upper arm. Now, he observed, she looked a little upset. Rightly so.
“Were you just…were you just trying to get me and him together? Did you even care?”
“No! God, no.” He said quickly, not liking the weakness in his voice. It was half true, at first, but he needed her to know that that’s not what this was. “Of course I care.”
“Then!” It was almost like she pouted, but she still looked compassionate. “You can’t make people feel what they don’t feel. He has to know that. Besides, he’s never given me a proper confession. What matters is what you feel.” Now she seemed nervous, but in her tone was the same guiding strength that made her such a great leader in the first place. “What do you want?”
"You don't... you don't understand." He set his hands on her arms, trembling, emotions threatening to spill.
“Fine.” She frowned, the hurt in her voice spilling through. “Don’t tell me.” She started to walk away from him, tearing him apart inside.
I shouldn't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't.
"You don't know what you do to me.” He said after her, attempting to catch up. When she didn’t look his direction, he felt the sting of tears in his eyes, but he would not let them fall. He took a few broad steps and caught hold of her arm, calling her name as he did.
This is wrong. 
“I am so... I'm so in love with you."
That answer was enough for her. "I am too."
The answer created knots in his stomach as she embraced him again. It rang in his mind though, and he couldn't help but start to smile, against his will, against all his better judgement. For now, he reasoned not to make her sad, wanting to enjoy her a little longer, wanting her to be his a little longer.
Gingerly, he stepped away, taking her hand in up to his mouth, kissing her knuckles. They were a little dry in texture from all the work in her profession. “I’m sorry I just. I thought you…”
She shook her head. “No, Jer. No. It’ll be ok. I’ll talk to him-"
Now he shook his head, the dread setting in again and he patted her hand. “I’ll worry about that. Let’s get you home.”
This time he walked her inside. He didn’t mean to stay, knew that he couldn’t. But she pulled him in, tugging at his jacket to pull him into her as the door closed behind them. It felt magnetizing.
He could just as well sense her desire as she looked at him, drawing closer. He had never felt so weak against her whiles before. In the stillness and darkness of her living room, he kissed her again, telling her goodnight as he did. It felt like a mistake. For all of her long-held desire, she wouldn't let him go. 
Vaguely he could feel her hands on his chest, then where they moved to hold him tighter, then it was a sensation of her hands in his hair again, almost tugging at him, whispering his name in bated breaths between her kisses. He repeated her name back to her in reverence. The jacket he wore became like a prison and he ripped it off, giving him more ability to hold her. She mischievously used the opportunity to accidentally brush her fingers against his skin from where his shirt lifted up. The candle inside him that had threatened to blow out was set ablaze.
When neither could breathe again, they broke, and he rested against her, not able to remember how they'd made their way to the couch. Not wanting to move, he had stayed put, and found himself tangled in her, her hands everywhere on him with strength and passion. It was mesmerizing, mind numbing passion. She felt so good. Indulging himself in her touch felt like scratching an itch, a deep itch on something he definitely was forbidden to scratch. Still, he managed to hold himself back, fearing they were teetering on the edge of crossing another line.
Long past midnight, he awoke, still on her couch, feeling the weight and warmth of her head against his chest. She had rolled over and wrapped herself around him in her sleep. 
As he was contemplating how to maneuver himself out of her grasp, he felt the hum of her voice against his chest and though nothing much was comprehensible, he did hear one thing:
The sensation of warmth and familiarity coursed through him. When he'd known her before, they never used nicknames. It was somewhat a respect thing, somewhat a culture thing. He realized he had never had a personal nickname for or from her before. He wondered if now, he could.
It was undeniable. As she murmured his name in her sleep again, arms wrapped around his waist, all the rushing thoughts from earlier settled into place.
He knew a few things now.
One, that whatever world they were in, or whatever version of her this was, somehow she ended up not being romantically interested in Xavier. At least, not yet. Not now.
Two, he knew what this was between them.
He felt his arms lift up around her, holding her, pressing his lips to the top of her head, taking in the scent of her.
He just didn't know when it started, or for how long he'd felt this way about her. He wondered if it started centuries ago. Maybe it had, but so deeply buried that it just was never a consideration in his mind. Out of respect, he'd kept a safe distance. 
I love her.
As it stood, he had two options. He could be the honorable man and leave, and maybe give her the room to fall for Xavier because he considered that maybe they just hadn't had enough time. Or...
He felt his fingers dance through the stray strands of her hair. 
I love her so much.
Swallowing hard, he began to move her off him delicately, trying to think of how best to quietly leave. Then he felt her strong arms clamp back down around him.
"No..." She moaned, much like a little kid.
"Sorry. I didn't want to wake you up,” He whispered.
"Don't leave."
He felt a lump gather in his throat. The ache in his chest was growing and growing.
He drew in a shaky breath. "I can't stay."
She nuzzled her head into his shoulder. “Mmph…’Miah…Please.”
He felt his whole being melt, caressing her close to him now, giving in and burrowing his head against hers. "Why do you do this to me?"
"Because." She responded, although barely awake.
He hummed in response against her. He had never once considered himself a weak man. But tonight, the entirety of the evening up to then, he had never felt so weak to her desires.
After a moment more of breathing her in, he attempted to get up again.
"Nooo." She whined as he tore himself from her, and he felt his insides knit together. He wanted to crash back into her. 
"I have to go..."
She didn't look all that more awake, but he could feel her gaze on him in the dark.
“Please.”  It sounded curt. It killed him inside. 
He hesitated, not wanting to pull away from her. “I have to go.”
Grumbling, she moved enough for him to get off the couch, but shifted to face away from him after. The action told him she was upset about it, and it made him adore her even more. 
He leaned over, kissing her temple gently. “Goodnight, tulip.”
“Mmmph…” She moaned with an upset tone, but when she turned to face him, in the dark he could see the flash of a smile as she muttered against the couch. “Night.”
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kateblakes · 1 year
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treasure planet 2 should have existed to give the world jimkate (the greatest bi4bi t4t couple in the world)
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grapecaseschoices · 1 month
the way fenris wont even consider turning in mages in the team bc it would upset hawke.
the way sebastian DOES considerate but struggles because there is no middle ground.
#grapecase plays da2#maior hawke pt#drawing lots.#huh pretty interesting way to try and get out of it while trying not to look like youre getting out of it#which one of us. did fenris say he would? were you hoping that you and your fellow 'fuck apostates/malifecars!' bud would help bolster your#waving? what you feel should be right - aka what you believe and what youre taught - vs what your heart wants#the chantry says this. aand with the danger it brings to the grand cleric - and likely friends he's made at the chantry - OFC he's#talking about what SHOULD be done. ofc he's like this SHOULD be done. and he's all like 'we're gonna do it1'#but he CANT bc his heart belongs to hawke to [whether in romance or friendship or just gratitude of having an ally]#he cant find it in himself to BETRAY that#but he “KNOWS” what is “RIGHT”! [he knows he shouldnt put his desires before what is right]#but could he bare to turn in merrill? who he likes? could he bare to turn in merrill - and even anders -who matters so much to hawke?#no he cant so he tries to pass the buck or share responsibility ... or idk what im looking for but i think he needs / wants#a similar minded person's convictiion.#tl;dr sebastian didnt let jack stop him from avenging his family. bc when his heart and his sense of duty are in line. it is easy and he#jumps in. but when it doesnt [starkhaven vs chantry. hand in hawke's loved ones vs dont/hand in people who may be a threat to the grand cle#ic vs dont] he wavers#i feel fenris' uh huh is also like im not gonan decide for you#[but also bc fenris is ride or die even if he doesnt like it#lmao 'fellow you to hell and back with mild complaining']#im just vibing emotions its probs all wrong lmao#sebastian vael [and even fenris] feelings hour#.... day rofl
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Workforce Tuvok is my cringefail babygirl
#why are you a Vulcan suffering from dysphoria syndrome?? So you can get held down by other men???#I really want to know what 'humorous anecdotes' he had to share.....I love him so much#I love that without his Vulcan discipline he becomes even more clearly annoying <3<3 explaining a joke TO the guy who TOLD IT to him#+ laughing SUPER hard at someone else being 'humiliated'#Also Janeway looooves being romantically quirky in an old romance movie way and idk how else to describe it#Neelix: If I had a tarynian nickle for everytime I had to rehabilitate a friend who'd lost all their memories I'd have two nickles#which isn't a lot but-#st voyager memes#bea art tag#OH! Janeway seems like she's two seconds away from swinging herself around a lamp post in the rain with a dazzling smile on her face#Workforce Tuvok (and thus normal Tuvok) contains so many multitudes...he is SO friendly he is VERY annoying he is SCARED of needles#he is OFF putting and PUSHY and he is KIND <3#He seems like if I made a mistake he'd VERY loudly laugh and point it out but also help me correct it while telling a story about himself#Literally a CRIME that Tuvok and Neelix didn't interact in this ep they would've become buds#another crime is that Tuvok does nothing in the second half of the episode v_v not even a little 'ribbon scene' at the end#Janeway: Thank you so much Chakotay and only Chakotay for helping get us all out of there <3#Tuvok in the background: ..........................................................................................#the 'ribbon scene' would have been between him and Seven - she completed the research he started v_v
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laney-rockin · 10 months
Kirk is an agent for the Federation/Starfleet and he's suave, he's confident and he's the most efficient agent they've had in the past fifty years.
Then he has to work with Spock, a Vulcan intelligence officer known for his logic and his willingness to go off script that is nearly unbefitting for a Vulcan.
The two of them are chasing a organization that's hellbent on destroying everything the federation is and the two of them chase the group through space and time while falling in love.
I think it's a banger idea ngl.
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adamsuniverse1144 · 2 months
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what more do i need to say about this?
ask me anything!
and yes, that’s steven and connie over there and YEA this is a polycule 🖤✨
art by @screwpinecaprice
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gunstellations · 1 year
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villainesses · 7 days
Now, if you’ll forgive me, I’ll go inside, pack my little bags, and return to Vienna where I belong.
The Sound of Music (1965) dir. Robert Wise starring Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, and Eleanor Parker as the Baroness Schraeder
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skynapple · 6 months
Budding Romance | Ch. 15
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Love and Deepspace | Jeremiah x MC / slow-burn / friends-to-lovers | Themes: angst, guilt, fluff
warnings: none
Multi-chapter | A03 link
Beginning | <- Prev | Next ->
"Something" Jeremiah has an addiction.
Jeremiah could feel that things had changed between them. He just couldn't put his finger on how.
It was furtive glances, everyday text conversation, plant updates, song recommendations, cute emojis, the way he couldn't see a cropped jacket without thinking her direction.
I'm just keeping her company while Xavier's away.  I'm just helping out. I'm just being a good friend. This is what friends do.
The excuses kept piling up.
He liked this version of her. The unique playfulness in her tone whenever they spoke, distinctly different from the way she spoke to him before, had an addicting quality, like sugar and honey.
It was the same teasing tone as ever. But it felt so... affectionate. 
Inside a brand new bar and arcade across town, conveniently a little ways away from where either of them lived, the two had spent the last hour abusing the claw machine until she had achieved a prized star plushie. He'd been quick to retrieve it from where it fell into the bin, and was now holding it up high in the air, forcing her to stretch up high to reach it. Aggressively, she swatted at it before resorting to poking him in the ribs and arms as if she hoped he would be ticklish enough to cave. He did cave, but not because of the touch. It was the sound of her voice with a slight whine as she said his name that made him stoop to hand it to her. It always did. Even back then, she had a way of making him cave the way she said his name. It occurred to him that maybe that's why he teased her and Xavier so much. Because maybe...  deep down, he loved the way she called to him.
Stop that. Don't think like this.
He halted his thoughts in their tracks and dug himself back into the present where she clung to her retrieved plushie like her life depended on it.
"How dare you!” The tone was stern but there was a lightness and humor to it. They both knew they were joking around.
He wondered how long this would last. How long before Xavier took his stead as her suitor? More importantly, it had not escaped his notice that this version of her wasn't quite pining for him the same way. If she was, she was better at keeping it quiet then before. 
Then again…why would she be so insistent on meeting with someone else? Could she truly not yet have feelings for him? Yet. There was always a yet.
When he'd known her before, there wasn't a day that went by for her without some kind of mention of their former prince. To her, loving Xavier was just as breathing air; it was just a part of who she was. Every time he thought about it, his stomach turned as if he wasn’t ready to watch that process again, especially with his friend was being as insufferably jealous as he was. Plus, Jeremiah had secretly held a grudge at the way he made her wait time, and time, and time again. Now, the man had the nerve to try to prevent Jeremiah from being her friend. He was slowly realizing he wasn't quite comfortable being so flagrantly in the middle... Always the wingman for both of them. So for now, this was fine.
Yanking the toy back from her hand, he used it to bop her forehead and then all over her face. “You didn’t retrieve it fast enough. Now you made him angry!” He laughed.
"Ugh!" She ripped it from his grasp again, using both her hands and to his utter surprise, planted a huge kiss its cheek, leaving a stain. “All better!” 
Odd. The unexpected response left a strange feeling in his chest, meanwhile they exchanged a laugh as he processed it. This strange adulterated bliss, to be so carefree with her like this, left him craving more, like a growing itch in his very being.
The thought of Xavier stepping in at this moment left another knot in his stomach. It would mean the the end of this. No more sneaking her into new places. No late night snack runs, hands brushing together at the train ride home. No plant growth updates. No more frequenting his shop with dead plants in tow. He dreaded it.
"Jer?" She asked, breaking his thoughts. "You tired?"
"Hmm? Oh, maybe a little. Let's get going?"
This is...
The way she was looking at him eagerly –a look in her eye that he never remembered her looking at him in the past– made him smile back, idiotically, uncontrollably. She looked so happy. She made him happy.
With the plushie set down on the bar where their things were, she reached up, slinking her arms around his neck, leaving his arms to settle instinctively on her back, although he was still subconsciously cautious. Everything around them fell away. It was like glitter descended into her eyes, dusting over her, making her glow. Sound itself blurred together. He exhaled in a near soundless chuckle.
“Not yet.” She said softly. “I’m having a good time."
He hesitated, "Me too."
"This song is good."
She started to move them, bodies swaying together, spinning. He spun her the old fashioned way and let the sound of her gleeful laugh fill his ears, far surpassing any beauty in the music that was playing. The spin ended with her pressing up against him, accidentally, as if she had almost tripped. An apology was given but no move was made to separate, and they continued to sway, laughing, and singing the lyrics badly. It made his throat feel suddenly raw. He was trying not to think too much of the feeling of her against him, the way he could feel her warmth seeping through the fabric that was shyly concealing her soft skin, the way he could feel its springiness as she moved, the way she felt so supple in his hands. He was a man, although it never occurred to him how weak he could be against her, especially when her chest pressed up against his. 
He stepped on her toes. She laughed at the accident. "'Miah!"
Though he laughed along and offered an apology, inside his heart had lurched, and he wished she wouldn't have called him that. Anything but that. It was soft –so exceptionally soft. 
So affectionate. 
So sweet. 
She was so addicting.
There was no denying it anymore. He just couldn't believe he had let his feelings for her get away.
This was something.
And it wasn't good.
She looked up at him the way she always did, humming a little out of tune. Her fingers brush against his hair, fixing a stray curl. He almost didn't feel it against the warmth in his cheeks, eyes transfixed on hers. He didn't want to acknowledge it. If he did he'd have to break this something between them bordering on something that could not be. As she turned her head to lay it on his shoulder, he felt himself tremble, her fingers interlocking with his as they danced. He almost cared about the meaning; almost didn't. Seeking to elongate the moment, he closed his eyes, as if it would help, or if it would conceal this moment that felt all too much like it was a dream. 
If I don't open my eyes it's not real.
The moment didn’t –couldn’t– last long. Pulling away, he left his head close to hers, maintaining distance, yet his eyes were still closed. He next said something he shouldn't have.
"You're so beautiful. I should have told you a long time ago.”
"Yeah, you should have." There was humor in her response. It made the corners of his lips turn up in a way he could no longer control.
He opened his eyes, taking her in fully, the expression in her eyes killing him inside. He pulled away suddenly in mild panic, making an excuse to check on their things at a bar as a cheap excuse. At that moment another slow song started - another wistful ballad. She slipped her hands around his waist from behind, sending shivers down his spine and laughter into his lungs. She tugged at him, begging for another dance. At first he refused. 
"Ok, ok, ok.”
He knew this something between them could not last. For just a brief moment he may have been able to hold her close, because he knew he was not the first man to do so, and he wouldn't be the last. 
Is she... confused? I'm confusing her. I shouldn't--
She was speaking again, he tried to pay attention at the way her voice rose and fell against him.
"-wanted to thank you for the pen and notepad and stuff. You really didn't have to."
"Course I had to. You were sad about what you lost before." He found it in him to respond.
This time there was no alcohol to blame. They'd both racked up a tab full of sickeningly sweet mocktails. It crossed his mind if she refrained from alcohol on his behalf, but that left him with realizing that everything that happening was done all sober. Knowing he had to get it together, he tried to make excuses in his mind for why she was acting this way. Why either of them were acting this way. The music, the lighting, the environment, anything. The warmth she'd left him with left him wanting more. A stray thought to his jealous hunter friend sent a prickly sensation the back of his neck. There would be no teasing this time if he let this moment get away from him. It wasn't like him to feel so out of control.
In the back of his mind, he clung to a safety net like a security blanket. There was no way she would not choose Xavier eventually. Not a world in his mind existed where this something could ever reach anything more than it did right then. 
No, this is ok. Friends can dance. Just like practice in school. This is fine.
When she raised her head up from his chest as the song ended, she smiled a coy smile and leaned up, letting her breath brush against his neck that sense a rush of blood to, well, everywhere.
"Well, thank you." She offered again, and then planted a kiss on his cheek. The motion was quick, but the place where her lips had been on his cheek burned as if she'd lit a flame on his skin. The sensation made his mind falter.
"Careful." He warned, almost to himself.
She only grinned innocently like a child trying to deflect some kind of chastisement, laying a hand on his chest. "Or what?"
He brushed a thumb over her jawline as dangerous thoughts swirled in his mind, his self-control threatening to break. 
"Or..." He glanced over at the star shaped plushie where they left it at the bar. "Mr. Plushie will get jealous. He got the first kiss after all."
She laughed again, following his eyes to the bar and then back. "But they say you should always save the best for last."
"Then," He reluctantly pulled apart from her, feeling her light resistance as he did, not sure what it meant. "All the more reason. Let's get going. Don't want to get you home too late." Upon returning to where they'd left their things, he focused on paying her tab, then picked up their things in both arms, an excuse not to touch her any longer. 
This time he took her home, but made sure to leave as she approached the gate to her complex, mindful of how close he was in view.
This was too far tonight. This won't happen again. I'll be careful.
As he walked away, a feeling of dread set in. Xavier was right, he shouldn’t have taken her anywhere.
She’s getting the wrong idea. Although, it astounded him that there was any kind of wrong idea to be had at all.
In his heart he tried not to think to what would have happened that night if he didn't already assume she belonged to someone else.
In the distance, a light shone from a familiar window, as if a beam from a lighthouse to warn distant ships of dangerous land ahead.
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markantonys · 7 months
ghost grandma showing up at the club with her whole ghost polycule is such a vibe
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