#I love the little reunions he got to have here 🥰🥰🥰
cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
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soosavy69 · 2 months
A sweet reunion
Sebastian solace x Fem! reader
This was just a little something I thought up after playing the game all day 🥰 enjoy.
What if there was an au were you guys reunited after he got taken away from you?
Tw: Angst, separated lovers, talks about death (no-one dies dw) reunited lovers, tooth aching fluff.
This was written for the people who have already played Pressure. I have not finished it myself, But there will be spoilers for Sebastian's file as well as doors '001' - '047' I highly suggest you play Pressure before you read this.
Life after Sebastian got convicted just wasn't the same. Your room felt empty without his warm body next to yours, dinner felt lonely. Lonely. You were so. so lonely. He was your love, your boyfriend. You wanted to marry that man. But, then he got convicted of 9 counts of murder.
You were devastated, to say the least. He was brought to court and tried. Found guilty, and sentenced to death by electric chair. You would never see him again. That day after the trial, you did nothing but cry in your bed. Your love, your life, taken. Just like that.
A few years later, you got convicted as well. You were sent down to Hadal Blacksite along with a few other prisoners.
You step into the waiting area and the head director gives you instructions over the radio. Looking around the large area and watch as several people walk into the submarines, taking them away to Hadal Blacksite. 'A death wish' You thought. A small snack bar catches your eye on the opposite side of the dock.
You trail over to it, spotting the several snacks and bottled waters. "Hi! How may I help you?" A small cat person appears from behind the counter and startles you slightly. "Can I get a water and a sandwich please?" You point at the turkey and cheese sandwich behind her. "Of course." She turns around and grabs your snack and water.
You tap your nails against the counter and she turns back with your load. That's when you spot the sugar cookie. Neatly wrapped in pretty pink packaging. Sugar cookies. That was Sebastian's favorite. You smile as you think of him. "Could I also get two sugar cookies?"
The submarine is dark as you step into it. The door folds and slams shut behind you. And down you go. You press a button on the control panel and the sub whisks you up to the surface.
The doors open and you step out onto the open dock. Grey and blue walls surround you with several crates and a forklift. A desk next to a door marked '001' in bright green lettering. Walking up to it, your fingers graze the slot where a keycard should go. 'Locked.' You turn around walk a few steps, ducking under a crate. On the other side is a few desks and a keycard on one of them.
You grab it a return to the door, sliding the keycard in the slot. It slids open with a beep and you walk into the next room. 'One down, 99 more to go.'
Along the way you had encounters with several monsters. A shark with several green eyes, and an Angler fish that you had to hide from. Your heart was pounding as your feet shakely carried you to door '47' It slid open to a dark room. The flashlight you had picked up flickers to life and you point it around the room. 'Good, no more of those squid things.' The grate on the side of the room is flund with a crash and you jump.
"Stranger, over here." A deep voice speaks. A shiver runs up your spine as you walk over to the grate. The voice is familiar to you somehow, but how? It couldn't be... could it? You crawl your way through the grate and come into a small room.
It was dark when you entered, standing up completely and stretching your arms above you. A small light flickers on in the coner of the room and you look up towards the source. "Welcome. Welcome! Don't worry i'm not going to hurt yo-" Wait. "Sebastian?" You say, cutting him off.
"Ah, Yes?" He pauses, a little confused. "How did you know my name?" You grab at the diving gear and pull it off your head. As your eyes met his, they widen. "Sweetheart?" He says shakely. Your eyes swim with tears as you two stare at each other for a while " I-I thought you were... you were dead." You sob out.
It had to be him. The short black hair, the voice, his mannerisms. He leans foward, putting two of his arms on the ground, putting another to your face, feeling your skin and wiping away a tear. You laugh and kiss at his hand. He smiles and chuckles softly. "Hi hun." He finally says. Putting hand on his, you lean foward, closing the distance and kissing him sweetly.
Warmth, love, finally. You'd found him. After all this time. You have him back. He pulls away and laughs. "Looks like someone missed me." You puff out your cheeks. "Of course I did. I thought you were dead!" He shrugs. "That's fair." You look over his body, his angler fish light, the gills, the large tail. Three arms?! "What happened?" A frown appears over his smile and he looks away.
An hour or so passes as he explains to you what happened after he was convicted. You sit on his tail, eating your sandwich. You can't imagine what he had to go through, the scientists, the pain from the DNA. All of it. You felt terrible. "So... yeah. That's what happened." You frown as you look at him.
"But it's okay. I've found you. I'm still alive." You finish the last of your sandwich and pull out the two cookies. A hand comes up to wipe your mouth and unwraps the two cookies. "Do you still like sugar cookies?" Your eyes met again. Shock appears in his eyes and he nods. "You remembered?"
"Of course I did love." A giddy smile is on his face before you can blink. "I haven't had a cookie in so long..." He leans down slightly and he opens his mouth. The sharp teeth scare you bit, but you giggle anyway. You make an airplane sound and wave it towards his mouth.
His teeth bite down around the cookie and he licks his lips. The flavour is sweet. The soft texture of the frosting and the crumble of the cookie itself is just... delicious. He almost cries. His hand comes fowards to take the rest of it from you. You place it on his hand and smile. He returns it.
"I love you." He says. You're stunned for a second before tears return to your eyes. "I love you too Sebastian." You say, taking a bite out of your cookie.
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Watching Are You Sure?! EP 1
A reminder of how I do these reaction posts as I watch things. I just write my reactions and thoughts down literally as a happen. Think more of a bullet point format. I'll include links when I can to videos, thanks to the people who twt who upload clips. And at the end, I'll do a better wrap up of all my opinions. I hope everyone enjoyed the show so far!!
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The episode starts with Jimin showing up right before JKs GMA performance and interview, July 14th 2023.
Them meeting up and talking about how he has his performance in NY on GMA later. Jimin saying that he hadn't seen him in a while, their schedules kept them SO BUSY 😭😭 this trip was so good for them. And the way he caressed JKs throat and told him to rest his voice and take care of it since it had been hurting. 🥺 So many soft touches too as soon as they were able to see each other again. And we didn't even get to see their actual reunion.
JK packing up his hotel room and talking about how he never traveled so freely before. They are so sweet and so busy and I'm so glad they were able to carve out even just a few weekends for time to themselves. And the way when the staff was talking to them about plans and who would drive etc, JK said he would drive and was just sitting there talking about traffic while they were holding hands interlocked resting in Jimins lap 😭 that's so??!!
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Then fighting over the AC in the car in efforts to take care of the other is so cute. Jimin wanting to make sure JKs throat stayed okay, JK not wanting Jimin to get sick. They baby the heck out of each other. And Jimin watching his GMA performance on his phone 🥰 JKs cute smile while Jimin was jamming out to his music 🥺
"JungJi" new ship name alert?! Lmao!
JK ordering for the table 💜
The absolute bickering over who is a bad driver/bad at parking. The get out. Lmao the way they absolutely irritate each other on purpose is amazing and soooo best friends/might as well be married behavior 😂🤣
When they went shopping together and JK said they should buy the same shorts together 😍🥰 matchy matchy always!!
And an ARMY recognized them and saying hello and they were so cutely excited about it. "We've still got it." 😍🥺🥰
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JK ordering for them again at the brewery 🥰 and I love that they went to an LGBTQ friendly brewery for one of their first hang out spots. Some ARMYs went and talked to the people working and said they everyone said Jikook were super polite, no one had recognized them and they kept to themselves a bit and just had some phones/go pros for recording.
The way that they also started talking about how this was their trip before military service. And how JK started bonking Jimin over the head with his camera when he mentioned it. Jimin was giggling but you KNOW that they was emotional from it too. This was when they were thinking there was still a chance they would be separated for 2 years. I know they were anxious to get to cherish this time spent together. I know it meant SO much to them both and probably so much to JK that Jimin traveled all this way and made it happen.
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The way that JKs kayak tipped over immediately and Jimin just was cackling as he continued to paddle away and the staff were fishing JK out of the lake 🤣🤣🤣 just for JK to furiously row up on him and be like "you have your phone?? Tip over!!" 🤣🤣 They are so funny and cute! And Jimin taking a photo of his baby 💜 the way Jimin spent the whole time on the water just laughing and smiling fondly at everything JK would do. It's so freaking sweet. They just really had so much fun together being silly and goofy.
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Not Jimin giving JK the "you come here often?" Pick up line and the immediate roleplay they both get into 😅🤣😂 they really can't go too long without at least a little bit of flirting lol
We know there was a getaway cabin with a 2 bed option but Jikook picked the one with just one bed. Lmfao good for them. Hey BH, we know you have no issues with filming the members while they sleep, even while they share the bed. How come we got zero footage of Jikook sharing the bed? 😂😂
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Jimin being like "JK, you are a good cook 🥺" and Jungkook just immediately getting to work on cooking them dinner 🥺💜 although when Jimin asked for a taste, why did JK feed him from his FINGER?! Lmfao and what the hell was the noise he made when Jimin licked his finger 😂🤣 half moan, half laugh? I don't even know lmao
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And the way he ran to go feed Jimin a piece of the chicken because he was proud of how his cooking was turning out. Sooo cute. Jimin accidentally dropped a piece of chicken and acted like he committed a great offence 😭😂 the way they spilt dinner duties though was so cutely domestic.
JK speaking directly to the camera to speak to the viewers. Man has done too many hours long live streams. Lmao he is too used to just chatting with ARMYs 🤣😂 that was adorable and Jimin thought so too. And the way Jimin goes "I miss V" and JK immediately is like "let's call him!" Anything to make Jimin smile! But they clearly cut so much of that convo, BH, give me my members loving each other istg I miss them too much. And don't even get me started on the yoonminkook conversation. I genuinely almost teared up. I miss BTS so much 😭 their laughter is healing
Jimin getting a stomach bug 😭😭 my poor baby. And the screen just going black while Jikook cuddle?? The give us minimal Audio and a black screen and then they cut away entirely and we KNOW they are cuddling. Lmfao TF BH!! We know they cuddle, where is my fanservice?! And JK turned over at some point and elbowed Jimin in the nose. You KNOW they were all up in each other's business on that bed for that to happen 😂😂😂
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And my poor Jimmie... He feels so bad 😭😭 JK is taking such sweet care of him though.
JK outside stacking rocks while Jimin rests is giving me Yumi vibes. Lmfao I love him (and her!) SO MUCH! The way he prayed after too for a good trip with Jimin. The rock tower is also (correct me here if needed) a way to pray for someone's health and well-being. My poor sick Jiminie. Yumi also used the rock towers as ways to pray and communicate with her Gods.
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Wrap up thoughts?
Not much I haven't already said honestly. Lol but just more emphasis on how special this trip is, both to Jikook themselves and for us to have it shared with us. This IS comfort TV. They bring each other such peace and happiness. They both banter and tease and have such fun. They both baby the heck out of the other. JK taking care of a sick Jimin was soooo nice seeing. The way Jimin wasn't feeling good, but rallied in order to have a good time for their weekend away.
It's also interesting that so much of this is honestly filmed from GoPro. They have some staff and crew there, but from what I've seen it's a smaller number than normally goes to film these shows and they are left alone with just installed cameras fairly often. That's extra nice for them. 💜
I am and forever will be salty about all the cuts. The Tae face time was cut short, the cuddling was cut, so much was cut. Which duh, I get why. But I still want more 😂 looking forward to the behinds to see if we get anything more. That black screen cut from them cuddling though was 👀👀😂😂
JK was such a good leader and took charge so much so far this trip. It was cool to see, Jimin ALSO thought so! The way he was speak for both of them, drove them around, ordered food and drinks for them, gave dinner prep instructions. Gave Jimin his medicine.... I'm not saying it's hyung behavior.... But... Lol also I did notice that there was a pretty even split of address between him calling Jimin hyung, or just by his name. Along with all the little random bits of flirting sprinkled through the episode lol so cute..
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Hope you guys enjoyed it!! And thanks for reading all my random thoughts! Onto episode 2!
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primeofprimes115 · 5 days
A "Marvel"ous Discovery - Mary Marvel/Shazam x Male Reader
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Contains: Fluff 🥰
A/N: Something different for a change, about time I did a different character other than my girl, Kara. Now shall we??
Attending Fawcett Community College in Fawcett City was something of an experience for Y/N, he himself obviously didn't attend this College on his own, he moved into a dorm who was someone he had met back years ago, reunited at last when he wasn't expecting it.
Her name was Mary Bromfield, who was adopted at a young age before the both met in school, starting a friendship that sparked for a while until he had to unfortunately move out of Fawcett City, due to his father's business trips, cutting off contact with Mary but she'd always remember him...
And so did he.
The reunion was... Emotional, almost nerve-wracking at first since Y/N had known he'd be Mary's roommate, she was informed of having a roommate but the details were scarce, she had no clue until he stepped through the door to meet her, there was a moment of shock, then questions, then tears falling down her eyes before she walked over and gave him the biggest hug she could give him, if she was showing her 'secret' to him, she'd be floating off the ground with him in her arms.
"Y-Y/N?" her heart dropped like a rock hitting the pavement upon him turning around. Her eyes struck wide, looking at the boy in shock as he dropped his bags and hanged up his coat on the coat rack on the door of their shared dorm. "Y-You're..."
The young man turned around to face the girl he grew to love, at least in secret, or he did have a thing for her or two back then, never even saying one word about it. He looked at her with an inviting look in his eyes, and with an all familiar smile, one that she missed seeing.
"Hey, Mary. Been a while?" he quipped, talking a little step forward as Mary stood still, unsure of what to even say or do next upon seeing her lost friend's presence, standing in front of the dorm she was to share with the unknown assailant.
She planned out ways to keep her secret away from whoever it was going to be sharing the dorm with her, figuring out different excuses to use if necessary. Her secret was that she was and is Mary Marvel, the renowned Superhero that worked alongside the main Shazam for a time along with other Shazams that this main Shazam shared his power with, before they disappeared one day. It was revealed they lost their powers and superhero form due to losing a connection to what was called 'The Rock of Eternity'.
However... Some time later... Mary as a new adult, gained her abilities back and became the New Champion of Shazam, though many call her "Shazam" now, she was and always has been Mary Marvel, eventually leading down to her reclaiming the title of Mary Marvel again later down the line.
Things did get complicated now that she was attending College now, she used to go to a College down in New York, away from her family, but recent issues surfaced that forced her to move back near her family's home, attending Fawcett Community College to continue her studies in Science, mostly Biology and Medical Science, she already knew most about it and vowed to get a job with it. A proper job without being Mary Marvel all the time.
And the last thing she didn't expect, was finding out her new roommate, is an old friend she hasn't seen in many years, even before getting her full powers of Shazam.
Mary began to walk forward, her vision got a little blurry due to the tears forming up in her eyes and wrapped her arms around Y/N, giving him a big, strong hug which made him chuckle. In response, Y/N wrapped his arms around her as Mary quietly sobbed in joy, overjoyed to see Y/N again. She didn't feel like letting go.
Y/N remembered the Mary he knew all those years ago, the innocent, sensible and cute brunette girl, and here she was... And still is the same girl he had to leave his friendship behind with all those years ago.
The two eventually would catch up with all things that has happened in their lives since they last seen each other, Mary had to keep most subtle details out of being Mary Marvel/Shazam mostly, wanting to keep him out of that business so he didn't get hurt by her family's enemies, or anyone bad for that matter.
Low and behold, the whole reason why Y/N had arrived to study at Fawcett Community College was to study under Science, Biology also which sounded like music to Mary's ears, bringing the both closer to each other again.
Mary recounted all the times she had spent with him when they were younger, how she viewed him as this sweet, out-going boy who wanted to be her friend one day, she had barely any from what she recounted, only her adopted siblings she had much communication with.
He was always by her side, even at lunch, most boys would poke fun at him for hanging out with a girl, until Mary had, in her way' heard enough of Y/N being picked on one day and decided to take matters into her own hands.
In a way, it was a cute gesture, a sweet one at best.
With more revealed coming from Mary, Y/N had told her he took self-defense classes, under his father's guidance, his father's "business trips" weren't exactly normal, he worked under the United States Government and at the time, his family was in danger, the only suitable option was to move his family to a safer location, which Y/N had no choice in.
All the time for catching up came to be and the pair became friends again... Or so they thought.
Y/N's feelings for Mary soon came back up after two weeks, from all the times they spent with each other at the end of studying together, going out for lunch and all the teasing he did on her, he couldn't help but begin to catch feelings for the brunette girl again.
Even though she sometimes and oddly disappeared whenever something she was informed about was happening, or when danger was being reported, she'd later come back, finding Y/N all safe and sound, though one time... He was caught in the midst of danger - searching for Mary before a red blur transported him to safety from a villain tearing through the city, who had a grudge to settle with Mary Marvel herself.
He had heard about the Heroine before plenty of times, but never got to see her up close much, the only time he did was at that moment of the blur saving him, which was Mary Marvel herself, telling him to get to safety quickly, though her voice did sound very and oddly familiar, he listened and did as told.
Of course that day, he was going to confess his feelings for her and ask her out, though they've been getting lunch together and are living in the same dorm together, he really liked her and wondered if she felt the same way...
"In truth... Yeah. I did like you for a time" Mary gave him a genuine smile, shifting her hand over to his and planted it in his palm, feeling his warm hand close up against hers. She looked away for a moment as Y/N's heart paced rapidly. "And... I still do, I still have... Butterflies in my stomach every time I think about you" she admitted with her cheeks flushing warmly, her gaze coming back to him.
She still likes him to this day, she often hanged around in space, out of Earth's orbit or on Earth's Moon, trying to configure a way to even tell how much she had feelings for him, it felt like a weight coming off from her as soon as Y/N told her how much she meant to him. However... The other weight on her shoulder was her secret of being Mary Marvel, which is an even more nerve-wracking explanation to tell him.
Y/N's heart swelled in that moment, a part of him wanted to jump up and celebrate but that would be a little too vague, he was shocked to say at least, he'd thought it wouldn't end well and she'd be mad at him, but Mary has never gotten mad at him once.
Sure, she did tell him off for running into danger to 'search for her', though she was lying to him at the time of being safe at that part then, being Mary Marvel and all, she never raised her voice or yelled at him angrily. She was a pure and innocent person at heart.
The same could be said for Y/N, who's just defensive over her, especially around guys his and her age looking her up, though she could defend herself quite fairly which was a surprise to him to say at least.
"That's... That's great!" Y/N said, overjoyed. The two sharing a big hug afterwards on the couch...
Days turned into weeks after the confession, the two currently were holding hands, walking down the street. The pair haven't kissed yet but there has been some pecks on the cheek and on the hands. The both agreed to take it slow first to see how it goes.
And it was going well, very well in their experience.
Mary always had bad luck when dating guys, as she was inexperienced much, so was Y/N but the pair were happy nonetheless. They had to keep their slowly building romantic relationship under the rug in College, in case anyone would find out, as it was Mary's obligation to suggesting that idea, and Y/N agreed.
However... Mary Marvel was needed mostly than rather not very much, now that she was apart of this 'New Justice League' that's been set up and put together by Supergirl, the Woman of Tomorrow, who was a mutual ally and friend towards Mary. Which meant she had to skip dates unfortunately.
It was only a matter of time until Y/N was going to eventually discover that Mary Bromfield is in-fact Mary Marvel/Lady Shazam, the Marvelous Innocent Superhero, and it worried Mary.
But fortunately, today was a day for Mary to relax and not go out as Mary Marvel as often as she had to be, as much as she finds it enjoyable to fly around and keep the world safe.
She had rather a goofy, innocent smile plastered on her as she walked hand in hand with her boyfriend, who in turn looked back at her while she thought back on what had been going on in her personal superhero and normal life, while in the midst of walking back to their shared dorm.
"What's got you giggling?" Y/N's voice brought her back to reality, she looked at him and softly laughed to herself for a moment.
"Oh, sorry! I was just thinking on some things" she brushed aside happily, sparking Y/N's curiosity.
"And what may they be, mi-lady?" he cocked his eyebrow up with curiosity, smirking in her direction as the brunette giggled with her cheeks slightly flushing.
"Oh... Just back when I defended you from those rude boys back in Elementary" she replied softly, clutching his hand tightly and warmly before colliding her shoulder into him gently.
"Oh yeah, I remember that" he thought back on it with her, softly laughing at himself about it next. "For an innocent girl, you sure know your way with words back then".
"And I still do" she sent a wink in his direction.
"And it's cute, honest" he smiled in her way. "Have I ever said it's adorable when you come up with words instead of swearing?" he brought to her attention.
"Well..." she shrugged innocently before giggling and pecking his cheek.
The pair continued walking down the streets of Fawcett City, eventually stopping near an alleyway which Y/N thought of taking the shortcut.
Much to Mary's suspicion of seeing it completely empty, as any other alleyway would be but she had a feeling it was reeking of suspicion.
"Here, we can take a shortcut through here" he suggested.
"Uh, Y/N, are you sure?" Mary asked with a worried tone, looking down the same alleyway.
"Yeah, it's a shortcut".
"I'm not really sure, it looks... Ominous" she showed her suspicions toward the idea but Y/N rolled his eyes nonetheless.
"I've been using this route all the time, it'll be fine! Trust" he replied softly, holding her hand still.
"Okay..." she sighed after a few seconds of careful thinking, knowing if things didn't go well through this... 'shortcut', she'd have to reveal her secret as Mary Marvel at least.
And so... The pair walked in through the alleyway... All was going well...
Until someone stepped out from the corner, as another followed behind the pair.
"Ah shit" Y/N mumbled to himself. "Maybe I should've listened to you" he said towards Mary.
"What we got here? Two stranglers walkin' in our turf, huh?" one thug talked with a New York accent.
"Mary... When I say run, you run" he whispered to her.
"What?!" she whispered back to him, completely took aback by his suggestion.
"Just do it, okay? I can take these guys on".
"When they have guns and shoot at you?" she pointed out with her observation, the two thugs had sidearms on them, one aiming toward them and the other, his hand reaching the inside of his jacket where his concealed firearm was.
"Shit" he whispered again.
"So, pretty girl. Give us the purse, see what ya got" the thug who originally spoke walked forward, closer to them while backing the young couple in the corner.
"If you want to get to her, you'll have to get through me!" Y/N bravely defended her, opting to shield her like a real gentleman, as the thugs laughed at his eagerness to defend his girl.
"We got guns, pointed at you, you ain't some superpowered being".
"Ha!" Mary scoffed loudly. "Ironic" she then said with a sarcastic tone, while the boys looked at her in confusion.
"Enough talk, lady! Now give us-"
"I am a superpowered being" Mary then said loudly to them and to her boyfriend.
The thugs laughed at her, thinking her delusional, an idiot even, much to Y/N's displeasure of hearing them insult her.
"No seriously, let me show you" she was dead serious, walking past her boyfriend and out in front of all of them.
"Mary, what are you...!" Y/N immediately stopped himself from talking, originally he was going to plead her to not do something stupid like he was about to do, which was getting herself killed.
But the moment he saw a glint in her eye, like an electric beam phasing across her beautiful chocolate brown eyes... He saw it.
He saw what she meant and his eyes widened...
"You're -".
"SHAZAM!!!" with a shout out to the sky, and the magic word, a bolt of yellow lightning came crashing down onto Mary's body, blinding the thugs and Y/N for a brief moment with smoke covering where she was...
And when the smoke cleared...
Mary was wearing something different, clad in a white and gold outlined cape, connected to a clasp that was just over her left corner of where the lightning bold was on her chest, dressed in a red long-sleeved top and skirt with a gold outline on the basis of her skirt and red shorts underneath. A gold belt over her skirt and gold braces over her arms. And to top it off... Gold boots.
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She transformed into Mary Marvel!
"Alright boys, times up" Mary quipped while striking a superhero pose, before she zoomed her way up to the thug on Y/N's right and punched him once, sending him flying onto a dumpster down the alleyway as his friend watched in horror.
The thug couldn't even believe it... The boy he was about to rob was hanging out with Mary Marvel?! It seemed he didn't even know it was her.
"Oh, that's gonna hurt for an entire week" Y/N felt a little bad for the thug his now superhero girlfriend knocked across the alleyway, tumbling down from the closed dumpster and onto the concrete floor, groaning in pain.
Then, Mary zoomed near to the thug who was about to fire at her boyfriend, using herself to shield Y/N from getting shot with the bullets bouncing off her as she stood heroically.
"Did anyone tell you, no guns in my city?" she scolded the thug, zoomed up to him in a whoosh, her cape billowing behind her like her dashing hair, flicking away the last remaining thug into a nearby wall with her finger, knocking them out.
"That. Was... Amazing!" Y/N praised her girlfriend's efforts as she turned around with an all-around, guilty look on her face while she began walking up to him. "You look... Marvelous" he laughed at his own joke, making her smile and cringe a little.
"That was... Bad, but in a good way" she replied, before sweeping him off his feet and into her arms, before the wind began to get a little stronger.
It was then he noticed Mary was taking flight up into the air, while carrying him, her hair, skirt and cape billowing in the wind as she began to fly in the sky, above the city foremost with a look like she had been caught trying to open the cookie jar when she wasn't supposed to.
She failed to notice how optimistic her boyfriend looked currently, he had just witnessed his girlfriend turn into the superhero, Mary Marvel, confirming his little suspicion, and watched her embarrass the thugs that tried to rob the both of them on their weekend date.
"I... I know you probably have a lot of questions" she broke her oath of silence, Y/N seemed lost in thought of being carried by her, she noticed him blushing about it. "And... Whatever questions you have, I can explain... I'm so sorry-".
"Sorry for what? Being a superhero this WHOLE TIME?!!" he said with excitement in his voice, something Mary didn't think how he'd react. "This is mind-blowing! I never thought our relationship would be more magical, but this?" he chuckled very happily, gloating over the fact he was really close to a superhero this whole time. "It's... It's spectacular. I've never felt more safer until now".
Mary couldn't help but smile but a sense of dread came over her, she'd lied to him, when she promised she would never, NEVER EVER, lie to him, she was always genuine with him.
"The thing is Y/N - I lied to you" her smile faded, replaced with a saddened expression, much to Y/N's displeasure of seeing her unhappy. "I lied to protect you, when lying can put strain on relationships, I promised I wouldn't lie but... But this-".
"Mary" he placed a hand on her cheek, while his other arm was still wrapped around her neck, her wavy hair in the wind tickled his arm which he liked. "It's okay that you had to keep this from me" he eyed down the part of the lightning bolt on her outfit, which glowed in the shadow of him as she carried him and soared through the air. "I understand the rules of being a superhero, I mean... My mother was one back then".
"R-Really?" she asked with a surprised look.
"Yeah, she was a vigilante back in the 90s, but enough about that" he brushed it to the side for a moment. "I know you had to keep this away from me because you wanted to keep me safe, and that's okay" he rubbed his thumb on her cheek as the white caped brunette superhero with the full powers of Shazam began to smile. "And I gotta say... Dating a superhero is something I didn't expect until I began to suspect of you being a superhero, I know it was a wild thing to think, but when you kept disappearing, Mary Marvel - - you - - would show up to save the day, and I still remember you saving me a month and a half ago as well, I had a feeling that was your voice I heard, nice trying to cover it up by the way" he smirked near the end as Mary rolled her eyes with a groan.
"I thought it worked! Should've known you'd figure it out sooner than later" she grumbled before giggling away. "But of course, you know me very well".
"That I do" he smiled before looking out to the view as Mary Marvel soared through the air. "So this is what flying is like? The view is beautiful" his eyes lit up with pure joy, feeling the breeze hit his face as he was being flown by his girlfriend still.
"I know, I've always wanted to show you this" she exclaimed, Y/N looked back at her and smiled.
"I'm happy you are now" he said, the sky-blue sky around them as he smiled deeply at her with him closing his face in toward hers.
Mary's eyes saw what he was doing, she stopped herself from flying for just a moment to share the view with Y/N like she was originally going to do and met him halfway, closing the gap.
A spark of joy erupted between the two as their lips touched, strong senses of feeling sparking in them while it seemed the world around them just faded in the background, only the wind and the movements of Mary's skirt and cape being picked and blown around in the same wind could be heard.
Their eyes closed, lips softly pressing against each other's, it soon drowned out Mary's butterflies that were in her stomach while a loving sense of spark was sent through her body along with Y/N's as the two shared their first ever lip-to-lip kiss.
And it was at the perfect moment...
Soon the two pulled away, a smack of their lips prominent as all smiles were shared towards one another with their eyes slowly opening.
"I know we're in College still, but I can't imagine my life without you in it, and the fact I'm dating a superhero makes it so much better" Mary's smile turned bright and joyful upon hearing his words. "I really want to build a life with you after College, to one day have our own house, and everything we've ever wanted. The thing I've always wanted... Was to just be with the best and dare I say it, marvelous person I've ever met, who is in fact the most beautiful girl that's ever came into my life, who needed a friend in a time of need".
"Aww, Y/N" Mary puckered her lips. "You're gonna make me cry".
The young man softly laughed at her response, he couldn't help it.
"Mary... I love you" three magical words is all he needed, not the other magic word that could transform one person into a superhero form, or at least... Put a superhero suit on in Mary's case.
She choked up on hearing his three magical words, smiling ever so lovingly as she tried to hold back her tears from earlier. "I... I love you too!" she brought him into second kiss, her lips pressing against his firmly but gently, knowing she was in Shazam form, any wrong slip-up, she could break his nose accidentally... Though she had firmly crashed her lips with his without realizing.
"Ow" he muttered in her lips, prompting her to pull back quickly.
"Oh my heavens, I'm so sorry!" she panicked, her face scrunching up thinking she screwed up.
"Haha, it's okay" he gave her a smile. "I'm okay" his drew his face closer to her again and lightly kissed her back on the lips, continuing it for a brief moment before pulling back. "This is why I love you, you're so sweet".
"I thought I hurt you badly there, forgot we were in the air for a moment there that I thought I wasn't Mary Marvel there for a moment, which you probably know what my powers are" she expressed her worry.
"Lost in the moment type of thing, completely understandable" he reassuringly smiled at her. "Hey, are you gonna fly us back or... Continue flying me around..." he looked at her with a mischievous look. "Mary Marvel" he smirked the next, making her smirk back at him.
"Hmm, well... I've always wanted to take you on a flight, so..." she puckered her lips suggestively, before smiling right at him.
"Then, what are you waiting for? Let's go... My Hero"...
Word Count: 4145
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
Hello can you please do a jealous Hobie x reader
Where they were out at a party while at the party reader just happened to see one of her male best friends and they're like in a back room smoking together and Hobbit just happens to walk in to see readers male best friend blowing smoke in her mouth 😊🥰
You don't have to put in the smoking pot if you don't want to 😊😋
Hello hun! Thank you for your request! I changed some things, hope you don't mind!
Some drinking and smoking, a lot of cursing. 1.2k
You feel lightheaded, the booming music pounds into your skull, coupled with the bright strobe lights, and people screaming over the loud music trying to hear each other, you feel your social battery draining with every clink of glass.
Partying seemed like a good time for the first two hours of being there, but as the night continues on, you just want to go to bed, and wash the smell of cheap beer off of you.
The only good thing about this is spending time with Hobie.
You wince when another screech of a guitar riff booms out of the speakers, you lean towards Hobie's ear, an excuse falling on your lips.
"I'm gonna go to the loo for a bit"
"Sure, love. I'll watch your drink" Hobie moves your pint closer to his while he continues talking to his friend.
You slide off the booth, fixing your shirt. Weaving through the sea of people, you try to avoid crashing into them, the wc sign looks like a beacon, beckoning you for a much needed reprieve.
Suddenly you hear your name getting called, or rather screamed at you. You do a 180 trying to find who called you.
"Here! On your right!"
You're not sure if that was for you, still you looked to your right. Lo and behold you see your old high school mate, peeking behind the doors to the bar's balcony.
"David! Is that you?!" You squint trying to find his distinguishable features.
"Yeah! Get your arse over here!" He opens the door fully for you.
Scrambling towards the door, you try to push past dancers. Finally entering the balcony, your best friend hugs you tightly, slightly lifting you off the floor. You giggle at your reunion.
"Holy shit, duck! Long time no see!" He pulls away, taking a good look at you. "I haven't seen you since graduation! You look fucking fit!"
"Shut it, you arse!" you playfully slap his arm.
"Come, it's quieter over there" he leads you towards the railings, bringing out a fancy case of smokes. "You want a ciggie?" He offers you one. You take it.
You whistle at the fancy engravings on the cigarette case.
"Wow, Daddy dearest is still paying your bills? You daddy's boy" you tease him as he helps you light your cigarette with a matching lighter to the fancy case. "Fucking hell, even the lighter!"
"Shut up! It was a gift!" He teasingly shoves you. "Do you remember when we used to sneak around chain smoking in our attic?"
"Yeah, we almost burned your dad's postcard collection" you laugh at the memory.
"So how're you?"
You two get to talking, exchanging stories, remembering fond memories, until you get to talking about your love life.
"Ooh, little duckie has a man" he jokingly blows smoke on your face.
Meanwhile Hobie leans against the doorway, watching the interaction. He got worried when you didn't come back to the table. Basically searching the entire bar, he finally found you cozying up to an unknown man.
See Hobie isn't usually a jealous person, whenever someone flirts with you, while he's sidled up close to you, egging them on.
"Can I have that drink too?"
"Oh shit, look at that black card, you're loaded bruv"
"She has two left feet, I'm available though"
"Mate, you like the Ramones too? What's your favourite song?"
"Oof, nice shoes bruv"
He does this because he trusts you fully, at the end of the day, he's the one who goes home with you. Of course whenever someone gets a little too touchy, or invades your personal space, he jumps to being protective. If they don't let up, he's more than ready to square up.
When he sees the blond blowing smoke on your face as you giggle, it's the same smile you give him, he sees the man lightly push your shoulder. Something snaps at him, his ears ring, he didn't even catch what the man said.
Hobie stomps towards you, not noticing him, you continue on smiling and talking to your friend.
Feeling a familiar arm snaking around your waist, you look towards Hobie, His eyes glare angrily at your friend, a dark aura emanates from him.
Hobie's knuckles shake as he clenches it tighter, he's ready to strike.
Noticing his emotion, you quickly try to douse his anger, but he opens his mouth before you.
"Who the fuck are you?" He holds on to your waist tighter "and why the fuck are you flirting with her?"
Some nosy people start looking towards your way. You try to speak up, but again David beats you to it.
"I'm guessing this is your man? I'm David a –"
"Fuck off, David" he barks out "stay the fuck away" he angrily points at your friend.
David gestures in surrender "alright, mate, calm down, she's all yours" Hobie already turned his back away. David winks at you, thank god, Hobie didn't catch that.
Hobie guides you by your hand, you try to explain but he couldn't hear you through the blaring music.
He brings you outside, Hobie heads towards an alley, you follow closely behind, trying to get his attention.
"Hobie! Will you stop?"
Hobie kicks an abandoned box, sending it flying across the alley.
"Shit, I'm sorry" he breathes heavily, his left eye twitches. "Fuck, you okay?" Hobie finally turns towards you.
"Yeah, are you okay? I've never seen you so angry" you cross the gap between you, you tentatively try to hold him. "Just breathe" your hands hover over his arms.
He takes a deep breath, slowly calming down. Hobie pinches the space between his eyes.
"Better?" You rub his arms lovingly.
"Yeah" he avoids your eyes, his eyebrows still knit together in anger.
You can finally explain everything "Hey, David's a close friend of mine since highschool, trust me you don't have to worry about him" you hug his torso.
"I'm not jealous"
"Sure, of course not" you cup his jaw, he finally looks you in the eye.
"I'm not bloody jealous" he huffs, looping his fingers through the belt loop of your jeans, bringing you closer to him.
"I know" you placate him "but hypothetically if you were, you don't have to worry, you're it for me, babe"
You move your hands over his neck, guiding him down towards your face. "Whether it's an old friend, or some stranger, know that they'll never replace you in my life, I love you Hobie Brown, never forget that"
Hobie looks into your eyes, searching for an ounce of dishonesty, he found none, except for love and affection towards him.
He drops his forehead on yours, savoring all the love that oozes out of you. You close your eyes as you rub circles over his neck, trying to ease the tension folded into his muscles.
"Love you too. let's go home, yeah?" He reluctantly pulls away, holding your gaze.
You nod enthusiastically, "does that love extend to apologizing to David?" You ask, testing the waters.
Hobie tilts his head, with a slight glare, non verbally saying 'why would I do that?'
Understanding what he means, you continue "I invited him to lunch tomorrow" you smile, gauging his reaction.
Hobie drops his head on your shoulder with a slight thump, he groans, realizing he needs to make peace with your friend.
Hope you liked it angel! Thank you again for requesting, and for being patient ❤️❤️❤️
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Good morning, lovely lady! I'm very sorry to bother you again!
I have a little request if you find the time :)
I'm going through some stuff in my life atm that's really getting me down, so I need as much escapism as possible! 😅
So after Hogwarts, MC and everybody went their separate ways. She hasn't seen Sebastian for years, but occasionally, they talk via owl. I'm thinking that Seb went on and got a really exciting job where he could travel and explore? Maybe MC got some kind of job at the Ministry that was a little less exciting?
Anyway, MC ends up meeting a handsome man at the office she works at, and he courts her before proposing to her. She says yes, even though she still harbours deep feelings for Sebastian, but she hasn't seen him for literally years.
At first, the fiance is really nice and kind, but he's been wearing her down little by little. A bit controlling. MC feels she's becoming quiet and docile.
There's a Hogwarts reunion in Hogsmeade and MC reunites with everyone. Sebastian attends, and there's still this literal connection between him and MC. They chat, and she introduces him to her fiance, whom Seb dislikes very much. He sees how they interact with each other and is furious.
Seb corners MC later in the night, after a few drinks, and tells her her fiance is an ass. That he's draining her spark. MC is angry at Seb, but there's so much sexual tension between them. Queue elicit affair-y smut between them.
Maybe fiance discovers and tries to drag MC away, but Sebs having none of it? Meh, Im rambling now, but you get the idea 😅❤️
Thank you for the Ask! 💜 I hope this meets your expectations...I got rather into it, so it's quite long!
Emotional/Fluffy/Spicy ❤️🥰🌶
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC x OC William Bennett
Dearest MC,
I hope this letter finds you well. How is London? I hear the weather has been very hot this summer. I can only imagine the assault on the senses a bustling city like London conjures in such heat.
As for me, I have spent three weeks in Italy, and it is beautiful, rich with history. You would have loved the library archives with its relics. It made me think of you and our times together. I wish you could have seen it. Currently, I am making my way back to England, stopping off to meet with Ominis, before returning to Feldcroft.
I hear there is a reunion of our old class mates in Hogsmeade at the end of the month. All being well with my journey, I hope to make it and see everyone. It will be nice to reunite with old faces and hear new tales. Are you attending? It would be lovely to see your face again. If I am lucky enough to attend, then I hope to see you there.
Be well. I miss you, as always.
The parchment was beginning to curl at the edges, she had read it so many times. MC smoothed the tip of her finger over Sebastian's name, signed by his own hand, and felt a weight settle heavily over her chest. His letters were few and far between, but each one woke up the most secret part of her heart. That special place where she kept her feelings for Sebastian curled up tight.
MC had not seen Sebastian for years, not since he had left to travel the world for his new job, leaving her behind to sit at a stuffy Ministry desk all day. She cherished every letter he sent, but her deepest desire was to see him, to hear his voice. It tightened her throat just to think of it.
"Darling, are you here?"
MC jumped at the sound of William's voice and quickly folded the parchment, tucking it away safely inside her blouse. She smoothed her hair and set her face into one of calm sweetness, William did hate it if she didn't look pleased to see him.
She grabbed the pile of files from her desk that needed to be stored and stood up, making herself look busy as William appeared in her office doorway. He looked dapper in his fine suit, top hat in hand, his coat over one arm. He smiled, blue eyes lighting up at the sight of her. "There you are, my love," he said. "Care for some lunch?"
"Of course," she said. She patted the files. "Do I have time to file these?"
He looked at the folders, a slight frown on his lips. "If you must. I will be glad to see the day when you no longer have to be messing about with old, dusty archives."
"It's not so bad," she replied. She attempted a smile, trying to please him. "I quite enjoy it. When I was at Hogwarts..."
"Yes, yes, I know," he said, waving a hand to brush away her words. He moved to tug the files from her arms and dump them on her desk. "Soon you will not need to worry about such things. You will have social events to attend, girlfriends to have afternoon tea with. As my wife, you will want for nothing, I promise you. No need to sit at a desk all day wasting your time with your nose stuck in a book."
He chuckled and shook his head, fetching her coat from the hook. "Honestly, women who read!" He clicked his tongue and held the coat up for her. "I thought we would lunch at that lovely place near the river we like."
"Of course," she agreed. "Whatever makes you happy, my dear."
His smile was satisfied as he took her arm and led her out of the office. She kept her head down and her smile polite, nodding and saying all the appropriate words as they walked from the Ministry towards their restaurant.
Behind this meek mask, her heart was twisting at the feel of Sebastian's letter against her breast. How had she let her old life slip so far through her fingers? How had she ended up so lost?
She tightened her hold on her fiancé's arm, thinking that he might be the only thing holding her up right now. Handsome William Bennett, heir to a railroad fortune, deep in favour with the Minister for Magic, and admired by many. He had charmed her, courted her relentlessly, and then he had proposed. It had been the bottom of a long, lonely, slippery slope and she had accepted.
The huge diamond glittered on her finger, but her heart felt dull, empty. Somehow MC had lost herself and she wasn't sure how to get herself back.
The train slowed to a stop at Hogsmeade Station and MC stepped from her carriage, hand in William's as he escorted her, the image of the perfect gentleman. Behind his polite demeanour, he was quietly seething. He had not wanted to make this trip, but had refused to allow her to travel alone. It was unbecoming for a young woman, he had lectured. So, despite his disdain, he had accompanied MC.
The Scottish Highlands were looking as beautiful as ever and MC took a deep breath, her eyes drinking in the familiar sights. She felt some of the weight lifting from her heart. It felt like coming home.
The next port of call was The Three Broomsticks. William had reserved two rooms for them.
"We could, of course, share a room," he murmured, near her ear. She felt herself clam up, her fingers clutching his arm a little tighter. He mistook the movement for something a little more desirable and brushed his fingers over her knuckles. "We will be wed come the winter, it wouldn't be the most terrible thing to share a bed, and you could almost say it is a romantic setting."
He gestured at the quaint little village, his eyes warming with desire as he gazed down at her. "I would love nothing more than for you to come to me at night, share my bed."
She flushed and lowered her gaze. William was handsome, to be sure, and MC had shared kisses with him, polite courting touches. But there was no fire there, no burning need to feel him closer. Waiting for marriage was an excuse, and one that would soon be void. MC didn't want to think on it.
"I...I'm not sure if that's entirely appropriate," she said, quickly. "This is a close knit community, people talk. We should wait until we are married, William. It's the right thing to do."
William's lips tightened in disappointment, but he nodded, regretfully removing his caress from her hand. "Of course, my love. Seperate rooms it is."
MC fought back her shiver of relief.
That evening, dressed in a dark green dress with silver threading in the bodice (not in the hope of impressing a certain Slytherin, of course), MC entered the bar of The Three Broomsticks. Her corset was tight, but she was breathless for a whole other reason. Tonight, she might see him. Sebastian might have come.
"MC!" Poppy came bounding out of nowhere, cheeks flushed with happiness, her hands clasping MC's tightly. "Oh, I am so glad you came!"
The girls embraced and MC felt the burn of tears as her old friend squeezed her tightly. "I have missed you, Poppy. And look at you! So beautiful!"
William frowned at such open displays of affection, but he was polite when introduced. MC couldn't help but see the flicker of confused disappointment in Poppy's eyes at the word, fiancé. MC fixed her smile in place and moved to greet the others.
Garreth and Leander were there, Natty and a few others MC was pleased to see, but her eyes couldn't help but stray to the entrance, her heart hoping for a glimpse of unruly brown hair.
William was bored, his face a little sour as he stood by the bar. He watched MC closely, frowning when Garreth and pulled her in for a hug. MC had soothed William with soft touches on the arm, reassuring smiles, but she was tense, afraid of doing or saying something wrong. If only he had let her come alone. If only she could breathe.
And then the doors opened, two men walked through, and MC's heart dropped, stilled and then soared, beating a mile a minute. Ominis looked so dashing, and tall, commanding the space around him as his wand led him further into the bar. Beside him, as always, was Sebastian.
"Oh," MC breathed. The sound escaping her lips without any thought for hesitation. Oh, but he looked so wonderful! Better than she had ever imagined!
Sebastian's face had lost it's smooth roundness of boyhood, but it had filled out in other ways, ways that made MC's mouth feel so very dry all of a sudden. His shoulders, his hips, the length of his legs, the way he laughed at something Ominis had just said, his head falling back just so. Her starved eyes gobbled it all, hungrily. He pushed long fingers into his hair, rumpling the brown locks and MC felt her hands clench into tiny little fists. Oh, how her fingers longed to do the same.
She thought she might cry, faint like some over dramatic socialite, or maybe just lose the entire contents of her stomach right here in front of everyone. Butterflies were flipping madly in there and she pressed a hand to her chest, that heavy tightness seeming to become a pounding thud. Or was that her heart?
"Goodness me, is that the youngest Gaunt boy?" William asked.
Ominis was hardly a boy any longer, and would no doubt frown at the term, but William could be pompous and irritating at times. He had a habit of behaving as if people were below him, and MC wondered how it had not bothered her sooner.
MC tore her gaze from Sebastian to nod at him. "Yes, Ominis Gaunt," she replied. Her words were a little breathless, her eyes desperate to return to Sebastian. "I thought I had told you I attended Hogwarts alongside him."
William's gaze was sharp, almost irritated. "You did not. You must introduce me, MC."
"Of course," she agreed. She took William's arm and they moved to join her two favourite Slytherin boys at the bar.
Sebastian's gaze fell on MC and he stilled, pure delight washing over his features. "You came!" He exclaimed.
Ominis stilled beside him, his head tilting a little in the direction Sebastian had spoken. His words were soft, filled with warmth. "Don't tell me MC is here?" He smiled and held out a hand. "Then I must greet her at once. Where are you, my dear, for I have missed you a good deal."
MC flushed and held out her hand, placing it in Ominis', who then placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. William watched the whole thing, his mouth tightening at the familiarity between his fiancé and the young Mr Gaunt.
Sebastian was watching too, his eyes only for MC, as if he needed to savour detail as she had of him.
"Ominis, may I introduce my fiancé, William Bennett?" She guided Ominis towards William who shook his hand in greeting.
"Bennett?" Ominis asked. "Of the Bennett Railroad family?"
"The very same," William said, proudly.
Sebastian's eyes at darkened at this introduction, his eyes now assessing William closely, his lips thinning a little. Ominis turned to introduce him, and while William was polite, he had no interest in Sebastian. He was more keen to speak with Ominis, to rub shoulders with a well known Wizarding family.
William looked down at MC. "Why don't you run along and chit chat with your little chums, my love, and let the men talk."
Sebastian's eyes widened, his eyebrows shooting upwards as he glanced between William and MC. A flush darkened MC's cheeks and she nodded meekly, unable to even meet Sebastian's gaze. If she had, she would have seen the shock in his eyes at her timid behaviour. The girl he knew would have been spitting fire if someone had belittled her like that.
MC left William to talk to Ominis, every fibre of her being trying to resist as she turned her back on Sebastian. It hadn't been enough, not nearly enough, and she almost gasped at the need to be nearer to him.
They sat for dinner, William dominating Ominis' attention, but he kept a possessive hand at MC's arm or lower back at any given opportunity. When they ordered, MC had quite fancied the chicken, but William ordered the beef for the both of them, not even consulting MC to see if that's what she wanted.
MC risked a glance towards Sebastian and swallowed at the fury in his eyes as he glared at William. Her heart pounded. Shame made her gaze drop to her lap, her fingers twisting her napkin. She felt like an outsider imposing in on her own body. Her very ears rung with the horror of losing her own sense of self.
She looked at the people sitting around the table, chatting, laughing, her own lips moving and attempting to smile, but it felt strange. Her heart craved all of this, these familiar and much loved faces, but her head was warped. She felt trapped.
The only thing that helped was the wine, and even that had been chosen and poured for her by William.
Poppy clasped her arm after they had finished their meal. She leant across to William. "I am going to steal your lovely fiancé for a time, we have some much needed girl talk to catch up on."
A crease appeared on his brow as he stared at Poppy, then he glanced across the table towards Sebastian, who was deep in conversation with Garreth. Slowly, he nodded. "Of course, you two ladies have fun."
Poppy led MC away from the table and outside into the cooling evening air. MC gulped down her breaths and held on to Poppy, grateful for the escape.
Sebastian may have been talking to Garreth, but he had been keeping an eye on MC all night, his fury mounting at the way that pompous bastard had belittled and shamed her. His fingers ached from the need to smash his fist into the prick's pretty face.
Poppy pulled a hip flask from her silk bag and held it out to MC. "Here, you look like you could do with some of this."
MC saw the flask. "That had better be fire whiskey," she said.
"What else?" Poppy grinned.
MC took the bottle and swallowed two long gulps, gasping, but relishing the burn as it went down.
"Why him, MC?" Poppy asked, bluntly. "Why William?"
MC shrugged. "He was kind to me."
Poppy frowned. "That is no reason to sign yourself up to marriage with him," she said. "I mean, you don't look yourself, not a happy, blushing bride in the slightest. And, yes, he is pretty, but he is no Sebastian, MC. Not by a long stretch."
MC gaped. "Wh...what?"
Poppy gave her look. "Oh, MC, really? We're not kids anymore, and you are not fooling anyone, especially me. The tension between you two is so thick, you could slice it with a good Diffindo!"
MC's blush touched the tips of her ears. "Do you think William has noticed?"
"If he hasn't, then he is even more of a fool than I thought."
MC stared at her. Horror was one emotion tugging at her. The very idea of William knowing the depth of her feelings for Sebastian was chilling. But she could also see the ridiculous predicament she had found herself in, and it really was one of her own making. But how would she get out of it?
Maybe it was the alcohol going to her head, or maybe she was going mad. Either way, she started giggling, and then she couldn't stop. And then Poppy was giggling. It felt good, so good. It was a release and MC seized it with both hands. She held up the fire whiskey. "I think I need some more of this."
The air inside the bar was becoming too suffocating and her corset felt like an iron band. MC was flushed from the whiskey, hot and flustered by the presence of one Mr Sallow, and yet he still wasn't close enough for her liking.
She met his gaze for about the 100th time and he smiled, a delicious, sinfully beautiful smile. Her lips parted. Oh, Merlin. She really might faint this time. And then he was moving towards her. Her pulse picked up the pace and she wiped sweaty palms against her hips.
William was visiting the bathroom, there was no other distraction, and then Sebastian was in front of her. "There you are," he said, softly. His gaze was warm. "Finally, a moment alone."
"Yes," she breathed. She stared at him, inwardly kicking herself. Yes? Is that really all she could say?
A torrent of unspoken words hung between them, suspended, dangling like tempting fruit. Now that he was right there, in front of her, her tongue seemed frozen and all she could do was stare.
A flicker of concern clouded his eyes. "I did worry a little when you didn't reply to my last letter. I had hoped you would be here, even if just to ease my mind that you were alright."
"I'm sorry," she said. "That was rude of me. But, I am glad to see you here. I am glad you made it safely home."
He nodded, a small smile on his lips, but he still looked concerned. "I didn't expect to find you engaged, though. That was a surprise. At least you have someone looking out for you, if that's what he actually does?"
Her lips tried to lift into a smile, but she had never been able to lie to him. The words that fell from her lips felt stilted, wrong. "I'm fine."
His eyes narrowed a little. "You are happy, aren't you? I mean, it's what you want."
She knew what he meant, oh she did. He knew her better than she knew herself, even though miles and time had kept them apart. She needed to smile and nod, the perfect little puppet she had become, tell him that she was happy, she was fine. Her life was all roses and smiles, etc, etc.
Her lips parted but nothing came out. His eyes dropped to her mouth, distracted by their movement and nerves made her tongue dart outwards, flicking over her bottom lip. Her breathing stalled at the way his eyes darkened, a fire building behind them, and her traitorous body responded. Flame, searing and coiling deliciously, overwhelmed her and she actually gasped, because she was leaning forward. Her body, like a magnet, was drawn to him, impossibly drawn to where it belonged.
Shock at the realisation made her straighten and she pressed trembling fingers to her cheeks. Where she belonged!
Merlin, she couldn't breathe. She turned on her heel and made a dash for the door, not caring who saw as she grabbed up the skirt of her dress and headed out into the fresh air.
Of course, Sebastian followed. Hadn't he always?
He caught up to her, took her arm, and spun her to face him. "Please...don't." She gasped.
He didn't let go. She looked down at where his long fingers held her forearm, not gripping her, just holding her. No possession, no demand, just a touch. Her lips trembled.
"I've seen you face countless monstrous enemies, take down the darkest wizards and slaughter trolls in broad daylight," he said. "But I have never seen you cower, or hide as much as you have tonight, MC, and it rips me open. It kills me to see you so, a shadow of your former self. How did this happen? Is it him? Does he hurt you?"
"Of course he doesn't hurt me! Don't be ridiculous."
"You're aren't happy though, are you? Not really," he pushed.
Her chest heaved against the tight laces of her corset, tears stinging the backs of her eyes. He was right, gods he was right and she hated it, because it meant she was wrong, she had failed.
"I...we shouldn't be talking like this..." She glanced around the now darkened street.
Sebastian's face tightened. "Why? Because dear William won't like it?"
She flinched.
He tugged her a little closer. She let him, her eyes glued to his. "Well, I don't give a flying fuck what he thinks."
A small cry left her lips as he grasped her hand and began to walk her away from the entrance of the pub, his stride determined. She had to jog to keep up, her little heels clacking on the cobbles, her other hand lifting the hem of her dress.
He took her to a darker, more secluded corner, and a thrill shot through her despite everything. She found herself backed up against a stone wall, his face inches from hers. He leant a hand against the wall near her head, his other hand coming up to gently cup her face. She closed her eyes, the touch of his skin against hers a forbidden flame.
Merlin, she was leaning into it!
"Tell me the truth," he begged. "Tell me he makes you happy, and I will leave you alone, I promise. But if he doesn't, even if there is the smallest doubt, then tell me. You can tell me."
"Sebastian..." Her voice was a whisper, a plea. "Don't..."
"I cannot bare the thought of leaving you with him if he is going to continue to crush you like he is, because that girl I knew at school, that wonderful, fiercesome girl, who knocked me on my arse on my first day...that girl is going to die if you let him bully you like that."
She stared up at him. Her heart hurt. Maybe she was already dead inside and that was why she had let things slide so far.
He looked down suddenly, and she followed his gaze. Her breath stilled. When had her fingers threaded themselves into his clothing? She was grasping the front of his vest, a fistful of cloth under white knuckles. She couldn't let him go either. If she let him go, then she might just float away, lost to the skies, a drifting ghost of herself.
Their gazes met again. How she had missed those eyes!
"Don't look at me like that." His voice was rougher, deeper, an edge to it that made her skin erupt with goosebumps.
"Why not?" She was playing with fire. She was going to burn herself.
"Because it makes me want to throw decency out the window, and kiss you until I can't breathe," he said, darkly.
Oh, she was definitely going to burn. She realised she didn't care.
The fingers curled in his vest pulled him closer until his lips were a breath from hers. "Do it," she sighed. "I can't breathe anyway."
The moan in her throat was relief. His lips found hers, a soft, teasing taste that promised so much more. Eagerly, she welcomed him, parting her lips and offering her tongue, the taste of him more intoxicating than any fire whiskey.
Her fingers found their way into his hair, sliding through the softness, and it sharpened the ache growing within her. Her body pressed up against his, the solid length of his frame so safe, but exciting. Their clothing was an irritating barrier, her skin screamed to feel his, like she wouldn't feel complete until she could wrap herself around it.
"Gods, MC..." He groaned, his mouth moving to taste her jaw, her throat, his tongue swirling up to flick against her ear. Her grip in his hair tightened. Yes, this was what she wanted, what she craved.
MC closed her eyes, savouring the feel of his lips on her neck, his mouth sucking, tasting her flesh. The warmth of his hand seared through the silk of her dress at her waist, the bones of her corset stressed under the pace of her breathing. "More," she panted. "Sebastian..."
He claimed her mouth again, his hips rocking against her, her back scraping against the stone of the wall. She smoothed a hand down the expanse of his back, melting at the flex of muscle, before drifting lower, daring a squeeze of his delicious backside.
"Fuck," he breathed. The profanity sent a crackling thrill through her, and she moaned. Yes, she would love to do that, craved it even.
He began moving his mouth downwards again, lower this time to swirl his tongue against the tops of her breasts, the flesh moving rapidly above the rim of her corset with every panting breath. His fingers tugged at the damned thing. "I need more of you," he muttered.
And she would give it, gladly, she realised. A pin slid from her hair, a long lock tumbling free to tickle against her flushed cheeks. She was lost, drunk on his kisses, his touch, and it was nowhere near enough. She felt like a woman starved.
A rustle of silk, cool air against her legs and then a warm hand smoothing up the flesh of her thigh. The sound that left her throat was almost feral. "Yes, yes," she panted. She grabbed at him, fingers tugging his shirt free from his trousers, a hand sliding up underneath to explore the hot, firm flesh waiting for her there.
She ached for his touch, her thighs trembled in anticipation as he slid his hand higher. Just a bit more, she begged silently, her eyes squeezed tight. Just a bit higher. His finger tips grazed against damp silk, and then he was gone, ripped from her clutches forcefully, and someone was shouting.
"How dare you!" William held Sebastian by the scruff of his neck, shaking him, fury twisting his face into something terrible, frightening even. "How dare you lay your hands on my fiancé!"
MC was gasping, her hair in disarray, her skirts caught up revealing a bare leg. Red marks of passion bloomed on her throat and chest, all the way down to her neckline. Her legs shook, not from fear, but from a need unmet.
"William!" She held out a hand for him to stop, the other hand hastily smoothing down her skirts. "Stop, William!"
Sebastian shook himself free of William easily enough, shoving him backwards and whipping out his wand. He aimed it at William, his lip curled. "Grab me like that again and you'll know about it!"
William pulled his own wand out, eyes narrowed. A stand off. William flicked his gaze towards MC and his fury faltered, his mouth gaped at the sight of her so dishevelled. "MC..."
She smoothed the loose strands of her mussed hair back from her face, the beginnings of a flush flooding her cheeks. She kept her hand held out, stepping between both men. "Lower your wands," she said. She looked at William. "Please."
"I think not," William said. "He dares to put his hands on you, violating you in such a way. I ought to castrate him for this!"
"I'd like to see you try," Sebastian spat. He adjusted his stance.
"Stop it, both of you!" MC had thought herself in a mess before, but this, this was something else.
"I knew it! I knew he was going to do something like this, just from the way he was watching you at dinner. His eyes never left you," William growled. "Disgusting, loathsome piece of trash. You are not worthy of her!"
MC gasped, her body moving to guard Sebastian. He was more than capable of looking out for himself, but she couldn't help it. Out of the two, she would jump in front of Sebastian first. Every time.
"Did he hurt you? I've a good mind to call an Officer to deal with this," William said. He was trying to aim his wand around her at Sebastian, outrage twisting his mouth.
He thought Sebastian had attacked her! It had not occurred to William that she had been willing. MC put her hands to her forehead. Oh, Gods, this was getting worse!
"There will be no need for an Officer," she said. She backed up towards Sebastian.
"Don't be ridiculous, MC," William snapped. "Now, step out of the way and let me deal with this filthy heathen."
MC went calm. She straightened, her eyes growing hard as an old fire awoke in her, the part of her that had been a fearless fighter. She backed up further still, her hands feeling for Sebastian and he took hold of one, his wand arm coming over her shoulder, still pointing at William.
William's eyes bulged as Sebastian wrapped his other arm about her waist, holding her against him. "What is this!?"
"Lower your wand," she said, coldly.
William hesitated, torn, but lowered his wand. "MC, you better start explaining this," he said. He looked from her to Sebastian, to the way Sebastian's arm held her protectively. "Did you let him touch you like that?"
William looked horrified, disgusted. MC felt a brief flash of shame, but shook it off. "I'm sorry, William," she said, calmly. "But, yes, I did."
William's jaw clenched. He stared at her, his humiliation playing out across his face. She swallowed. And then, William looked a little smug. "What will this do to your reputation?" He spoke with an oily undertone. "Oh dear, MC, rutting with a nobody in the street. Of course, how could I marry such a harlot? Your name will be a shameful piece of gossip whispered in parlour rooms. I expect it would be highly unlikely that the Minister would appreciate such behaviour. Such a shame to lose your pathetic little job over it too."
"You wouldn't," she gasped.
Sebastian moved his mouth closer to her ear, the warmth of his breath brushing her hair gently. "Let me take him," he whispered. "It would be my pleasure."
And he could do it, she knew he could. She had seen him kill before, just as he had seen her kill. She had covered for him, lied, to save him from Azkaban. She did not make that choice only to see him sent there anyway, and for her honour.
William shook his head in distate. "You would honestly choose him, over me?"
Her hand gripped Sebastian's arm, holding it against her stomach. "I love him," she said. There was no doubt, no faltering in her words. It was the truth at last. "I always have, ever since I was a girl."
She heard, and felt, Sebastian's breath hitch, and his arm tightened around her. She hoped with every fibre of her being that he felt the same way, otherwise she was making a monstrous fool of herself.
William flinched at her confession as if she had slapped him. He rubbed a hand over his face, shaking his head, and then his wand flicked upwards, a spell shooting from the end of it. His face pure rage.
But, Sebastian was ready. He blocked the spell with ease, and cast Bombarda in return, sending William flying across the street into a stack of crates. The crash echoed across the cobbles and MC gasped. "Sebastian!"
"It's alright, I've got you," he said. "I've got you."
She sagged against him. "Don't let me go," she whispered.
And then the world spun, blackness, and with a pop, they landed onto a wooden floor. MC sat up, disoriented, gazing around. Her stomach still catching up with her after Apparating.
She turned to look at Sebastian. She recognised where they were. It was his cottage in Feldcroft.
She was sitting on the floor with Sebastian, in his home, just the two of them. She had admitted that she loved him. The weight in her chest had lifted. The enormity of the whole evening crashed over her and the tears gathered in her eyes. Her lips trembled, and then she was sobbing.
Immediately, Sebastian pulled her into his arms, kisses rained down over her hair, her face. His lips kissed the tears from her cheeks and his hands soothed her, calming strokes on her arms and hair. "It's alright, you're safe here," he murmured. "You never have to go back there, to him. It's alright now."
She pulled back to look at him, her hand moving to his cheek. It was real. He was real. "You were gone," she sobbed. "You left and I thought I might never see you again."
His face was pained, his eyes regretful. "I had to leave, get away from this house. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you."
She buried her face into his shirt, clutching him tightly. "I can't believe you're really here."
"I would have taken you with me if...if I had known..." He faltered and took a breath. He leant his chin on top of her head. "Did you mean what you said back there?"
She nodded. "Every word."
He groaned, squeezing her tighter. "Gods, the time we have lost. Years apart...I should have taken you with me."
She looked up at him. "We still have time," she said. She hesitated. "We could have the rest of our lives."
Their gazes locked. "I've always loved you," he said. "I thought it was only in my dreams that you felt the same way."
She shifted up and put her forehead against his. She huffed a laugh. "We're both as bad as each other. Ominis was right, we are a right pair of idiots."
"I won't tell him you said that, he would be far too smug," Sebastian grinned.
He took her left hand and pulled the huge diamond from her ring finger. "Let's get rid of this shall we?"
"I should return it," she mused.
"Not in person you won't," he said, firmly. He twirled the ring thoughtfully. "Wait here."
He climbed to his feet and moved towards a chest in the corner. He rummaged through it until he found a small box and returned to kneel on the floor beside her. He flipped the lid and turned it to face her. "This was my mother's," he said.
MC looked at his face, surprised to see him looking so shy. She couldn't recall a time she had ever seen Sebastian shy. Then, she looked in the box. Inside was a silver ring set with a pretty emerald, a tiny diamond each side of it.
"It's not as big as the one you were wearing," Sebastian said.
"It's beautiful," she said immediately. And it was. Not flashy, not heavy, not a statement. Beautiful, and sentimental to him.
"Would you wear it?" He asked. She met his gaze, lips parted. "As my wife."
He honestly had to stop stealing her breath like this, it really couldn't be healthy for a girl.
He smirked, his eyes playful. "You could come and see the world with me. I think it might look even more beautiful with you beside me."
She smiled. "How can I say no to that?"
"Quite easily," he said. "But I would rather you said yes."
She looked down at his mother's pretty ring and held out her hand, fingers spread a little. "I suppose you had better make sure it fits then."
His fingers shook as he took the ring from the box and slipped it on to her finger. Of course, it was a perfect fit. He smiled. "It's like it was waiting for you."
She took hold of his shirt front, fingers gripping hold of him like she had back in Hogsmeade. "Now, where were we?" She asked.
His lips curved into that delicious smile she loved so much. "Allow me to refresh your memory," he said.
His mouth claimed hers as if he never intended to stop, and she didn't want him to. Ever.
Click HERE for part 2
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captainlunaxmen · 9 months
Be My Queen
Chapter 4
Eddie Munson x reader x Steve Harrington
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
Chapter summary: a big reunion at the hospital.
Chapter warnings: mention of non-con. The reader sort of summarises what happened to her.
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I open my eyes and I see white. All white. My sight is still groggy and I can't figure out where I am. I just know that I'm laying on a bed.
I start to hear voices around me.
"Are you sure she's gonna be okay?"
"For the millionth time, yes"
"Well, I'm sorry if I'm fucking worried" he snaps, rather harshly.
"So are we, Dustin," Max replies just as harshly.
Alright, I'm in the hospital.
"Okay can we all please just calm down?" this is Steve.
"What the hell even happened? How could that... veiny monster manage to hurt her like that? Why? Wasn't he like on love or something?" And that's Robin rambling.
"We told you what she told us." Max sighs "she was very weak when she woke up... so maybe when she gets better she could explain better... I don't know"
I do hope I could explain.
"Does anyone know how Eddie's doing?" Dustin asks.
Eddie? Did something happen to him?
I slowly move to sit up, catching their attention.
"Hey hey hey, careful there, sweetheart" Steve's immediately by my side helping me sit up.
"Did... did something happen... to Eddie?" I weakly say.
As I speak I feel a harsh pain in my neck, I hiss holding my hand to my neck and feeling the bandages.
"Careful, please" Steve whispers to me.
"He... he's been bitten by... by those bats, he lost lots of blood..." Dustin starts to explain, and hearing his voice break only makes me tense more.
"We managed to bring him back though" Robin rushes out "we got him here too, we just don't know how he is doing"
That somehow feels like a relief, a small one, but it's still something.
"How do you feel?" Max asks sitting beside me and I go to hold her hand.
"I'm okay," I say when I look at her I see her looking down, almost guilty. "Hey... what's wrong?"
She just stays silent.
"Could you... could you guys leave us a minute?" I ask.
They all walk out, Steve smiles at me sweetly before closing the door.
"What's wrong, Mayfield?" I ask again, nudging her shoulder.
"I just... when I saw you falling to the ground, not being able to help you... I thought we lost you, I just... I just felt like it was my fault" she admits.
"How was that your fault?" I ask confused.
"You did it to save me"
"So? Max, it's not like you pushed me into Vecna's grasp. I wanted to." I give her hand a little reassuring squeeze "plus, you could protest all you wanted, I wouldn't have let you."
"And you almost died"
"But I didn't" I smile "Max, stop being so hard on yourself, okay? Please? For me?"
I jokingly pout, batting my eyelashes, it makes her laugh and roll her eyes.
"Okay," she says quietly.
"Promise" she smiles looking at me, I notice her eyes are a little glossy so I hug her with one arm.
We hear a knock on the door and then Steve comes in.
"Hey, they just told us." He smiles relieved "Eddie's okay."
"Really?" I ask and Steve nods, "Oh god... can we see him?"
"Well, we can, you gotta stay there a little longer and rest," Steve says.
"No fucking way," I say, moving my arm away from Max and I try to get out of bed.
Steve immediately rushes to me to prevent me from getting up.
"No no, the doctors say you need to rest for a few days if we want you to recover properly, so that is what you're going to do" Steve basically orders.
"He's in motherly mode, you're in trouble, L/n" Max teases as she goes to walk out of the room.
"C'mon, Steve. Please" I try to beg, pulling the best puppy eyes I can.
"No-uh, you too lost a lot of blood, and I'm not letting you strive... especially when you have no forces left in you." His expression is stern, crossing his arms. I gotta say he looks really hot like that.
"No buts" he holds his finger up to stop me, "the doctors say he's fine and out of trouble. He's still gonna be there when you recover properly"
"Fuck... fine." I move back up on the bed (with Steve's help).
"Now" he sat down on a chair beside my bed, "you think you can tell me what happened?"
I take a deep breath and he holds my hands in his, stroking my knuckles to reassure me.
"We went into the house and when we got your signal I started to call for him." I start "at first I thought it wasn't working, or that he wasn't falling for it... then he was there. But he didn't show himself as the monster Max described, he was still a man."
"Why?" Steve asks confused.
"He... he said he didn't want me to see him like that. He wanted me to look at him."
"And... then?" He's hesitant to ask.
"He caged me" I look down at our hands, "he says he would've helped me remember him. Then... he kissed me." Steve tenses, but I continue "when he started to... to touch me I ran. I found myself in the Lab where... he caged me... again. But before he could... before he..."
"It's okay, love"
"Before he could do more, El arrived, I don't know how, why, but she arrived and they started to fight."
"He managed to hurt you before she arrived?" Steve asks.
"No, uh... El and I ran and we arrived in Vecna's mind, the place Max described you know? There he trapped me and... he wanted to leave a mark so I could remember him..." I brush away a tear that fell and blink a few times to prevent more tears from escaping "then I woke up"
"I'm... I'm so sorry, Y/n" He says holding hands a little tighter.
"Please, Steve. It's not your fault." I say "and before you try to say some shit like 'I should've been there with you' don't. Plus you were needed somewhere else."
I smile at him and he just shakes his head.
"You're unbelievable," he says smiling at me.
"Because you knew exactly what I was gonna say" he chuckles.
"Well... you're pretty predictable, Harrington" I joke.
He looks at me raising his eyebrows, faking offence.
"Predictable? Me?"
I nod.
"I'll give you predictable," he says before moving up to kiss me.
I gasp surprised, but I kiss him back right away. One of Steve's hands moves to cup my jaw gently, careful not to touch the bandages.
When he pulls away he gives my nose a little peck before sitting back down.
I chuckle, feeling my cheeks heating up.
"Alright... alright, Harrington. You got me there" I smile.
"Told you" he winks.
A knock interrupts us.
I'm surprised to see Jason walking in, flower in hand, I was expecting one of the kids or even the police, definitely not Jason of all people.
"Hi" he waves awkwardly.
"Uh... hi" I wave back.
"What do you want?" Steve snaps.
"I... just wanted to apologise," He says.
"I'm not the one you should apologise to," I tell him.
"I know... no.. well, I do have to apologise to you too actually." He says "I wasn't exactly nice to you either"
I just nod, not knowing what else to say.
"I'm sorry," he says, I look him in the eyes and for once I see he means it.
"Thanks" I softly say.
Jason then comes close to hand me the flower he brought.
"Thought you might like it... I.. yeah I'm gonna apologise to Munson too, I swear" he promises.
"You better" I warn.
With that, he walks out of the room without saying another word.
"That was weird" Steve mutters.
"Oh.. definitely" I agree, I pause for a moment, "so..."
Steve looks at me with a tender smile.
"Can I go see Eddie now?" I ask.
Steve rolls his eyes. "You're unbelievable, you know that?"
"I rested long enough" I defend.
"I said no," he repeats.
"Shit," I mumble.
"You're gonna rest. End. Of. Discussion." He says this with a proud smirk.
"I hate you, Harrington" I playfully scoff.
"I definitely felt hate in that kiss," he says leaning towards me to kiss me again before I could reply.
There's another knock on the door followed by a grinning Dustin.
"Yes?" Steve asks.
"We tried to stop him, but he didn't want to listen" Dustin answers. "So now he's your problem"
"Thanks, Henderson, now get out of the way"
Eddie's limping figure appears from the doorway, walking with difficulty towards the bed.
"Eddie!" I exclaim trying to get off the bed.
"Easy there, sweetheart. I'm coming there" He tells me, Steve stands up to let him sit in the chair next to me, while Steve sits on the bed.
"How do you feel?"
"You alright?"
We ask at the same time.
"I'm okay, sweetheart." He grabs my hand in his "You?"
"Better knowing that all of you are alive, at least" I smile at him.
"We're all alive"
"Did Jason apologise?" Steve asks.
"Yeah... weirdest shit that happened in the last few days" Eddie laughs.
"Right?" I laugh with them. "He brought a flower"
"He better not try anything with my girl" he casually says.
"Your girl?" Steve raises an eyebrow at him "Our girl"
"Calm down, both of you" I chuckle "plus... you, sir, haven't kissed me yet"
"What?.. you mean Harrington didn't wait?" He points an accusatory finger at Steve "not fair"
"Not my fault. She looked so pretty, calling me predictable and stuff" Steve defends himself.
Without saying another word Eddie slowly moves up to kiss me and, just like with Steve, I immediately reciprocate.
The kiss is sweet and soft, like Steve's, but in Eddie's there is also a hint of neediness.
"Alright, we agreed to share, didn't we?" Steve jokes.
"Give me a break, I almost died!" Eddie replies chuckling.
"So did I!"
"We all almost died" I interrupt their bickering.
"You more than us" Steve points an accusatory finger at me "don't you ever do that again. You hear me?"
"You know I would, Steve. A hundred times if necessary" I tell him grabbing his hand.
"Hopefully that won't be necessary" Eddie takes my hand in his.
"Yeah... hopefully" I smile at them, it's a forced smile like I'm afraid this is just a dream and that Vecna actually won.
"Hey" Steve gently shakes my hand "it's over. He can't hurt you no more, he can't hurt anyone"
"I know..." I force out another smile "it's just... I don't know... he did make sure I'll remember him"
I see Eddie glancing at my neck, taking a deep breath he stands up and slowly lifts his shirt to show us his side.
"Eddie..." I instinctively reach out to caress his wounded skin.
"We'll just help you forget him" he smiles sitting back down.
"Eddie... do they hurt?" I ask.
"Not that badly. Not anymore." He shrugs, grabbing my hand again "yours, love?"
"Same" I gently smile "what about you, Harrington? Your neck?"
"It's all good."
"We all have scars on our bodies. We're perfect" Eddie jokes clapping his hands together.
"Yeah, let's start a club" I laugh, hissing slightly from the pain in my neck.
"Or... a relationship" Steve hints.
"Or a relationship" Eddie and I agree.
"But... how... how does it work?" Eddie asks with a timid chuckle.
"However the fuck we want," I say.
Steve and Eddie laugh.
We spent the most afternoon talking and laughing (despite the pain) then Steve, being the rightful mom of the group, sent Eddie back to his hospital room so we can both rest.
"Alright... uh... you know I can stay here, it's really not a problem" Steve tries one more time to convince me to let him stay.
"Steve, love, I'm fine. Go get some rest yourself. You need it too" I tell him.
"You sure?" He asks again.
"Yes" I laugh at his stubbornness "C'mon, give me a kiss goodnight and I'll see you tomorrow"
"Tomorrow morning. I promise" he swears, leaning down to give me a proper kiss.
"Sure. Bye, Steve" I tell him.
"Goodnight, sweetheart," he says and then walks out.
I lie down, trying to get some sleep.
I repeat to myself "it's over. It's over. It's finally over"
Probably, letting Steve stay here would've been better, but he needs rest just like Eddie and I do. So I take a deep breath and start to think about Eddie and Steve and the kids. Slowly I feel myself finally fall asleep.
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nalyra-dreaming · 5 hours
Thank you for answering all those questions! It's really enlightening and I love it very much!
I have a question but I'm sure you have already answered it. Unfortunately I can't find it 🙈 but if it's too bothersome please ignore everything.
It's about the fall. I know Armand had his little mind in it so it didn't happen exactly like this but Louis fell and it was at least partially Lestat's fault, wasn't it? I know your theory about his hair. There are many question marks in my brain and I hope they answer some of them in the future seasons 😊
Glad you like! 🥰
Ahhh, the "drop". They better give us more context next season, because there are still sooo many things off there, despite Lestat admitting to it at the trial.
So, if you know the "hair" theory you know about the lack of blood there, and ... well.
Even back then, when the episode 5 aired, many theorized that the "drop" (or fall) would be set up as a parallel with another fall - namely Armand throwing Lestat off the tower after the trial.
Now, they gave us the tower scene instead. The "psychological wound". Personally I don't buy that one, sorry. For one, there is a comment by Sam that he wanted to go "full ghoul" (but Rolin pulled him back because they show us that psychological wound), and also there was a comment ages ago that you cannot "set him on fire twice". And I do think that the skin on Lestat in the reunion scene looks still healing. And then the weird discussion there, and Lestat just "hanging out" to "find his origins in Magnus' dungeon? Where he was kept chained with the other bodies? Tortured? No. Don't buy it. Sorry not sorry.
In the books, Armand takes a tortured Lestat out to the tower after the trial, and lies to him that Louis is already dead. And Armand lays the blame of the destruction of his old coven to Lestat then, refusing to help him, even though he told him he would if he ever returned to Paris.
"And it was you who drove us out of it with a flaming sword. What do we have now! Answer me! Nothing but the love of each other and what can that mean to creatures like us!"
That last sentence is particularly interesting here.
What do we have - nothing but the love of each other and what can that mean to creatures like us!
Armand is extremely disillusioned with Lestat in Paris, when he throws him off the tower - because he had hoped Lestat would return to Paris - for him. He offered help to him after all! Told him that only them could love each other! But Lestat returned, to get help - and save Louis and Claudia. And in that context... the words that were spoken in the sky between Louis and Lestat are really interesting:
I have waited, Louis. I have patiently waited in vain for you to love me as I love you. Just say it. Say, "Lestat, I am never going to love you". It would help me a great deal to hear that from your lips your quivering hateful lips.
I would not be surprised if we would get a similar scene between Armand and Lestat in season 3, which would then at least echo what happened there, in the sky.
And I wouldn't be surprised if the part outside, and the part up in the sky were maybe still different than what we got to see.
The fall happened, I think that's clear now. But there's still details missing, imho. Details they hinted at only.
We will have to see what Lestat's version of events is. There is definitely a lot of context missing, a lot of reason (to the whole of the story). There are events which can only be told by Lestat or Armand... and well, I don't think Armand will be telling them in s3. And he was not willing to do so last season, obviously^^. S3 is The Vampire Lestat... it will be very interesting if they include that part of the book - and how.
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
Leverage 2x01
Yo ✌️ been some time since I’ve watched this show, but I am here!!!! New season new heists idk what I am getting into
Episode calls itself “the Beantown Bailout Job” 👀 so someone will be going to jail??? We’ll see I guess
the hell is Nate doing at an office??? no heist???? 🥺🥺🥺
no wait y’all they got back together end of s1 right????
the cut off at the finale was a fake out right???? my criminal found family are still in touch with each other right????
lmao he did a batman (and yes!!! you would have hated it there Natty-boy)
ooooh ok and here we have our new poor souls for the episode 
Oh he’s the banker????
What are you doing dude listen to your daughter 
ok if they hit Nate that will be a little funny
what a way to meet a new client lmao
oh no the dad is gonna die
Leverage stop stressing me out challenge 
Oh hey! Dad isn’t dead
Oh it’s so dated but I love it
Ok ok I think I see where this is going
Boss is so shifty. How dare you be so judgmental about alcoholics to Nate >:( he has just placed you on his shit list
awwww poor babygirl 🤧 
y’all I’m crying 🤧 so bad 
how dare they give Sophie bad reviews >:((((( 
Eliot 😂😂😂😂
“That’s very….Catholic” HELP 💀
Parker I love you
Hardinson I love you
“Not me!” Says the most criminal of them all
“I am not a thief” says the biggest thief of them all
Sophie what accent was that???
Hardinson already hacking shit my beloved
Eliot looks so excited saying he nabbed a briefcase
“What, you think she dresses like a nun for no reason?” “….she’s Parker.” no yeah that’s valid
Y’all we cannot just be 15 minutes in help me
This is such a nice apartment for one guy
Poor Eliot, always the guy (child) caught in the middle of the Nat/Sophie disaster affair
fucking dying Parker the nun and Hardinson the priest help me
“I did look for you” NOBODY TOUCH ME
Parker are you flirting 👀👀👀
They just made his apartment their new office lmao
Love how Hardinson knows how to play Nate
“Oops,” says Hardinson because he, in fact, did see Eliot before he left and sent him to go look for more shit which just so happens to be in mob territory :)
Parker I love you
Nate :) it’s ok :) don’t hold yourself back :) help them out :) just this once yeah?
He can’t even help himself it’s so funny. He has to speak. He must share his knowledge 
I love how they all are like “yeah of course, Nate. Just one last job. Of course.”
YES HARDINSON AND PARKER FBI DUO BACK AGAIN (they aren’t playing fbi rn but you know what I mean)
Eliot & Hardinson my beloved
“Jimmy Ford’s kid” oh? They know his dad?
Love you Sophie <333333
Ohhhhhh I get it
Wait so is the dad going to die?????
Nate’s fatherly behavior coming out my beloved
ok so I just know they did some extra shit we didn’t see which will tie this heist up nicely but AGH I WANNA KNOW
“There’s a problem” oh no! how will this interfere with the heist! i sure hope they have many contingencies 
Oh shit wait ok this is a big problem
“Make this up as we go” oh fuck 
Wait this guy sounds sO familiar
man, i sure hope Nate recorded all of that 👀
Eliot will not die 
Oh ok he’s fine it’s just Sophie
Sophie what are you planning 
Aw poor O’Hare
Love how Hardinson changes his voice for intimidation 
You are going shoot the dad in a hospital. Where the gunshot will be heard. As if no one will catch you. Yeah, sure go for it banker man
Awwwwww happy ending 🥰
“Still your last job?” Lmao 
Sophie you fucking liar you do not have a boyfriend
No 🥺 (y’all she doesn’t right?)
NO NATE >:( stop being dumb (ok fine just sniff it like a weird person i guess)
Well at least he paid 🙄
General thoughts: 
My only hope is that they don’t separate ever again in the future. Please. They are so lonely without each other. The fact that a Hardinson looked for Parker 🥺 and how he has probably looked for the rest of them. Just to keep tabs. Also how Hardinson knows a lot about Pakistan through White House emails and Eliot was in Pakistan!!!!! My ot3 heart 🤧(Yeah I am totally believing Hardinson checked the White House emails to keep tabs on Eliot. what about it?)
And how Sophie invited all of them to her show as a way of reuniting them, and her and Parker may have stayed in touch since they seem to have planned a surprise like 🥺 idk just the fact that Sophie and Parker are close gives me the warm and fuzzies
Omfg and the fact that their new office is Nate’s apartment and how everyone just falls into their roles so nicely. Like they never left it. As if it they’re all meant to be together 🫠
Love this show
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader P. 41
click here for the master list
Hi my pretty babies! I am finally back. Sorry that is reunion has taken so long! I hope you are all having a great week and are enjoying the holidays. I am so grateful for each and everyone of you. I love you all so much! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: You and Bradley’s little vacay is over and you are reunited with your little girl! How will it go? 🥰🫶🏼
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: cursing, sexual jokes, mocking, name calling, but soooo much love 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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You woke up to Bradley calling over the radio. You opened your eyes and it was dark. You rubbed your eyes and sat up. 
“Rooster in bound, Mav do you copy?” He started to push some buttons and laughed. “10-4 papa Mav, Daddy Rooster in coming. 10 minutes. Coming from south west.” He shook his head.
You grabbed for your headset and put it on. Bradley looked over at you and waved. You looked up at him and he flashed his ten digits at you and started to dance a little bit. You laughed and reached over to give him a high-five. He high-fived you and interlocked his finger with yours, slightly shaking both of your fists together in the air. He leaned over and kissed your hand. He took off one of his earphones off and covered his mic. You did the same.
“Vapor girl, here we come!” He started to clap loudly in excitement. “I am going to cover her face in kisses.” He smiled, “First, I am going to tackle her and then I’ll cover her face in kisses.”
You laughed, “Not a chance. I am her favorite. She will come to me first, Brad.”
He made a straight annoying face at you and put his headset back on. He hit his ear and gave you a thumbs down, “Sorry, babe! I can’t hear you!” He continued to prepare the plane for landing. 
“Papa Mav, Rooster in bound. Starting descent.”
You put your headset on. “10-4 Daddy Rooster. Cleared for landing on south west runway. See you soon. Love you both.”
Bradley disengaged the autopilot and the plane started to descend. You looked out the window and started to see the lights below you. You heart started to flutter and you were over joyed with excitement. You started to bounce in your seat slightly. You couldn’t wait to have Leia in your arms.
Bradley flipped a couple of more switches and steadied the plane for landing. He touched down smoothly and reversed the engines to catch wind to slow us down. Once the plane was stopped he called over the radio again.
“Daddy Rooster ready for taxi.”
There was a slight static in the radio traffic. Bradley looked over at me and pointed at his headset. You gave him a thumbs up and he repeated himself, “Daddy Rooster ready for taxi. Do I have granted permission to taxi, Papa Mav?”
“Vapor giving permission for Daddy Rooster to taxi.” 
You gasped hearing Leia’s voice over the radio. You looked over at Bradley and his eyes were wide. His mouth was hanging open and he grabbed his hands to his chest. He was muffled but you could hear him scream out.
“Oh my baby!” He started to tear up. He got back on the radio, “Hi baby girl. Daddy Rooster is entering taxiway. Approaching hangar in 5 minutes.”
“Copy, Daddy Rooster! Entering nest in 5!” 
Bradley started wiping the tears from his eyes as he taxied the plane in front of Mav’s hangar. He cleared one last time. 
“Daddy Rooster’s in the nest. Starting shut down.”
“Vapor copies. Shut down starting.”
He started to laugh as he pushed buttons and flipped switches. The plane was finally off and all the cabin lights came on. The door’s suction popped and the stairs went down. Bradley ripped off his headset and ran for the door. You did the same. Bradley was already running down the stairs with his arms open.
It was dark outside, the only light was the one coming from the from inside the hangar and the one that resided on top of Mav’s hangar. It lit up the whole front of the building. A little Leia emerged from the big doors of the hangar.
“Daddy!!!” Leia was sprinting at Bradley with her big headset on and her arms open. 
“My baby girl!” Bradley slammed into her hard and laid her on the ground. He started to pepper her face in kisses. She was giggling as he kissed her face. “Daddy! It tickles!” She started to laugh loudly. Bradley picked her up and spun her around. “I missed you so much, my Vapor girl!” He continued to kiss her face. “I missed your voice.” *kiss* “I missed your laugh.” *kiss* “Your little face!” *kiss* “Your little squeals!” He kissed her over and over again.
She held Bradley’s cheeks and kiss his nose, “I missed you too, daddy!”
He put his hand on her stomach and gave it a little squeeze, “You did so good with your radio calls, baby girl! You are a natural!” He gave her one more big kiss on her cheek. “How did you know what to say?” He looked at her with the biggest smile.
“Papa Mav taught me some of the basics and I’ve been practicing!” Leia excitedly bounced in her dad’s arms.
“Gosh you are so good, baby!” Bradley kept covering her faces in kisses. “Ugh, you are so perfect. I love you so so much, Leia Rey.” He scrunched his nose and ribbed it with hers.
You jogged over to Bradley and Leia. Bradley was still holding her against his hip. When she saw you she screamed, “Mommy!” She started to wiggle around in Bradley’s arms. She reached her arms out for you and you grabbed her. You held her tightly against you and held her head to yours. You kissed her cheek over and over again as you cried slightly. 
“I’ve missed you so much, my sweet girl.” You held onto her so tight. Leia pulled back and gave you kisses on your face. “I missed you the most, momma!” She clung back to you. Bradley wrapped his arms around the both of you and gave you both a squeeze. 
The three of you walked over to the hangar. The door was slightly open. When you all three walked in the whole squad was there with Mav. 
“Welcome back!”
You were all shocked to see them all there. They all came over and gave you hugs and kisses. The guys mobbed Bradley and started shouting. They were throwing him around between all of them and chanting, “Daddy Rooster, Daddy Rooster, Daddy Rooster!” 
You went over to hug Phoenix. “Gosh, I missed all of you. How was Leia Rey while we were away?”
She hugged you and rubbed your back. “She was such an angel, y/n. We all took turns taking care of her and helping Mav. Not going to lie, girl. It gave me the absolute worst baby fever.” She laughed and bumped you with her hip.
You slapped her shoulder and your jaw hung, “Stop Phoenix!” You started to laugh.
After the guys stopped brawling with Bradley they all came over to you and gave you a group hug. 
Hangman stepped back and looked between you and Bradley. “Of course he would pick out matching outfits for you two.” He stuck his hands out to the both of you and laughed. “Typical Rooster with his Hawaiian print.” He went over and slapped his chest, “You did not need any more of these shirts, bro. You have a color coordinated closet full of these.” He pulled at the shirt and shook his head.
Bradley laughed, “You’re just jealous that I can make something so relaxed fitting look like its formal wear.”
Hangman squinted his eyes at Bradley, “I do have to admit, you look good in them.” He winked at Bradley.
Phoenix came and placed her hands on their shoulders, “Maybe the two of you should get married instead of y/n and Rooster?” She laughed.
Bradley and Hangman looked at each other and then to you. “I couldn’t do that to y/n. I just want him on the weekends.” Hangman smiled. Bradley looked at Hangman and shook his head. 
He patted his back, “In your dreams, Bagman.”
You all sat around Mav’s hangar. Talking about the trip, the things you did while being there, and the places Bradley brought you. You and Bradley didn’t disclose that you were planning on getting married there. You wanted to keep it under wraps until the time came closer and you and him made the final decision.  
After talking about your trip, Bob came over and sat with you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and leaned close into you, “Hey y/n. Do you think we could all go out and take little Vapor mini golfing tomorrow? When it was my turn to watch her, I told her we could go mini golfing when you both got home.”
You put your arm around Bob‘S back, “That sounds perfect! That is a great idea.”
Bob put his hand in a fist and shook it in victory. “Yes! Everyone we are going mini golfing tomorrow!” He jumped up and high-fived Leia.
“Yes she said yes!” Leia clapped and put her hands up.
Leia jumped up and did a little dance. Bob grabbed her hands and the jumped around in a circle giggling. He picked her up and spun her around as they sang, “We are gonna go mini golfing! We are gonna go mini golfing!”
Everyone watched and laughed as they excitedly sang and jumped.
Later that night, you and Bradley returned to his house. You put Leia down for bed. Bradley unpacked the luggage and threw the clothes into the laundry. You and him cleaned up for bed and laid down. The two of you were face-to-face. He caressed your cheek softly until you fell asleep. “I can’t wait to marry you, sweetheart.” 
You kissed his palm, “I can’t wait to be your wife.” You slowly muttered before you fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning you woke up to Bradley cuddling you. You were the little spoon in his embrace. You grabbed his hand and brought it to your lips. You kissed his hand softly and held it to your lips. You smiled against his hand and closed your eyes. You placed a few more small kissed on the back of his hand. You turned your head slowly to look at Bradley. He was asleep and looked so relaxed. His breathing was steady, his lip quirked up into a little smile, his arm twitched against your body, he readjusted, and took a deep breath. He was slightly on his back and his head slowly stated to fall back to face you.
“Bradley.” You said in a sweet hushed tone. “Bradley.”
He shifted around slightly. You stirred around in his arms and faced him. You scratched his cheek softly and combed his mustache with your nails. You kissed his lips and he woke up. He looked at you with red eyes. He blinked slow a couple of times to wet his eyes. His vision focused on you and he smiled. “Good morning, beautiful.” He pulled you close and kissed your forehead. “Is it time to get ready for golfing?” He took a deep breath in and let it our slowly. You nodded. He smiled and kissed your lips.
He got off of the bed and picked you up and brought you into the bathroom. You both got ready together. After you got ready you went and got Leia ready.
You all met at Mav’s hangar. After meeting up, you all piled into your car and Hangman’s truck to head over to Tiki Town Adventure Golf. In your car was you, Bradley, Leia, Payback, and Coyote. In Hangman’s car was Hangman, Phoenix, Bob, Fanboy, and Mav. It was a 20 minute ride to the mini golf place. When you all got there Bradley helped you down from the car. Coyote and Payback got Leia out of the car. Payback gave her a piggy back ride to the entrance. 
You and Bradley turned around from the commotion coming from Hangman’s car.
“I am never sitting in between you two bafoons again.” Mav jumped down from Hangman’s car laughing.
Bob had his hands out in confusion. Fanboy hopped out after Mav. “But you’re the smallest. You were the only one that would fit in the middle!”
Mav scoffed and placed his hands on his hips, “You are as big as me, Garcia!”
“Am not. I don’t need a booster seat to fly a plane, Mav!” Fanboy slammed the door behind him.
Hangman went over to them and put his hands up, “Hey hey hey. The only baby on board here is Bobby boy.” He pointed at Bob, “You are sitting in the middle on the way back.”
Bob groaned as you all walked to the building.
The golf course was partially indoor and outdoor. There were also other activities including, wall climbing, a huge jungle gym, and laser tag. The whole place was tropical island themed. 
You all entered the building and paid for each of your game. You all made the game super competitive. It was the worst between the squad. Bob, Payback, and Leia were doing the best. You, Phoenix, Coyote, and Mav were all doing mediocre. Then, Bradley, Hangman, and Fanboy were all in competition of who were the worst. They had the worst aim out of everyone and they kept over shooting the balls. 
“GOD! Over shot again!” Hangman slammed his club on the floor.
Fanboy started to laugh, “At least you’re not Rooster. He’s in dead last.”
Bradley took his shot and came up too short. “Damn, I am not doing as good as usual do. this sucks!” He shook his head and gripped his club. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. 
“Rooster, you are already 20 over where you’re supposed to be.” Hangman laughed at Bradley.”
Bradley smirked and shook his head at Hangman, “I don’t finish in small strokes.” He chuckled. “Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” He yelled over to you at the next hole. You looked at him confused. “Just say yes, baby!” He smiled over at you.
You looked at Phoenix confused and shrugged your shoulders, “YES!” 
Bradley laughed and looked over at Hangman and Fanboy. Hangman looked at Bradley with his jaw hanging to his chest. Fanboy laughed and clapped, “Man, You are good, Rooster.”
Hangman started to laugh, “Bradshaw, You really do always have a comeback. I fucking love it. I’m going to have to steal that from you. That was good.” He winked at Bradley and finished his put.
After mini golfing, the winners were Bob and Leia. You, Bob, and Phoenix took Leia to the big jungle gym so she could play, while the guys went to go play a round of laser tag.
Bradley’s POV
My team consisted of Fanboy, Coyote, and me. Mav’s team was Hangman, Payback, and him. I was hiding behind a wall in the dark room. I was breathing heavily. I peaked around the corner and saw Payback walking down the hall slowly with his eye looking through his sights. I held my breath and right as he passed me I took a shot at his vest and his lights turned off. 
“Awh, what the hell?” He turned around and I put my finger to my lips. He laughed and shook his head. “You suck, Bradshaw.”
I started to walk slowly around the corner and down from the way he came from. I held my breath when I heard Hangman teasing Fanboy because he got him.
“That’s what you get Fanboy. You have to hide. Not stand out in the open. What were you even doing just standing here?” He threw his hands up in confusion. 
I crept over and Fanboy slightly saw me behind Hangman. His eyes shifted back to Hangman and he just shrugged. “Because I knew what I was doing.” He chuckled.
Hangman cocked his head back, “What the hell are you talking about, Garcia?”
I came out from behind the wall and did a front roll. I propped up onto my knee and took the shot. Hangman’s vest turned off.  “Son of a bitch! What the fuck?” He turned quickly and I smiled at him.
“Always watch your nine, sweetheart.” I winked at him and blew a kiss.
He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Fuck you, Bradshaw. Cheap shot.” He groaned and aggressively placed his hands on his hips. He snapped his view to Fanboy. 
“Damn it, Fanboy! You’re a cheater!” Fanboy laughed in Hangman’s face.
I started to walk away slowly. I heard Coyote yell in the distance, “Damn it, Maverick! I didn’t even see you. You have an advantage of being short!” 
“That hurts my feelings, lieutenant. Just because you have a bad shot doesn’t mean you could be mean and be-little me.” Mav started to laugh.
I started to approach them. I turned the corner quickly and had my laser right on Mav. “I’ve got you now, old man.” Right before I pushed the trigger he turned quickly and shot at me. I ducked and avoided his shot. 
“What the hell!” I fell back and got up quickly to run. I could hear Mav’s steps behind me. 
“Where are you, Bradley?” He called out for me in a mocking umber tone. “Don’t under estimate me.” He started to laugh in an evil manner.
I had my back up against the wall and I was sweating. “Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit.” I gulped and held my breath as he walked by. I let out my breath slowly as I peaked the corner. Mav had his laser right on me. “Oh shit!” I pulled back behind the wall and came back out to land a shot on Mav. “YES! GET THAT OLD MAN!” 
I danced around and Mav fell to his knees. “Noooo!” Both of our teams came to meet us.
“Awh damn it, Mav!” Hangman slapped his hands down onto his thighs and threw the laser gun on the floor. 
I laughed as I gave high-fives to Coyote and Fanboy.
Mav stood up with his head down. He came over and slapped my shoulder. “Finally, you don’t think and just do.” He forced out a breath, “But you decide now?” He rolled his eyes at me.
I laughed and patted his head. “Don’t be sad, Papa Mav.” All of our laughter echoed in the halls.
We made our way back out to you, Leia, Bob, and Phoenix.
Your POV
You turned when you heard the guys coming out of the laser tag room. You heard Mav and Hangman yelling at Bradley as he gloated around. He came up to you and grabbed your face. He tilted your head up and smashed his lips to yours. “Daddy Rooster chalked up a win, baby girl!” He started to laugh and he kissed you hard again.
“They’re a bunch of cheaters. I want a rematch.” Hangman pouted and crossed his arms. 
Bob looked at you and shook his head. “That is why I didn’t want to go. They get too competitive.” 
Hangman plopped down next to Phoenix and rested his forehead on her shoulder. She patted his head. “There, there, Bagman. You can’t be good at everything.”
He covered her mouth, “Shut up, Nix.”
You all started to laugh.
Finally! You’re back home with your sweet girl and the squad! It feels good to be back 😎 I missed you all so much! 😭 I hope you all enjoyed this part! I will see you in the next chapter, babes! 🫶🏼
Some of my pretty babies are tagged in the comments 😘
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jimiminily · 3 months
Happy 11th anniversary BTS 💜💫
Congratulations on reaching 11 years together 🥹🫶
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(This pic was taken yesterday at Jin's discharge day♡)
Today's festa was so fun with Jin, I'm thankful that he made it possible even tho he got discharged just yesterday! 🥰
Jin is finally here I'm so happy 🥹💫 I love him smmmm such a precious person
I wish the rest of BTS so much succes, healthiness and happiness in your military journey, let's see each other next festa 😌
(Getting kinda emotional rn)
But hobi is coming this 17th october 2024! 4 months left, I'm excited!! The rest
- Namjoon & Taehyung: 10th June 2025
- Jimin & Jungkook: 11th June 2025
- Yoongi: 21th June 2025
They're all coming in june festa 2025 🥰
I absolutely can't wait for the 2025 reunion! I wonder how everything's gonna be 😚
They're so hardworking, sometimes I wonder how they're still so humble ugh not me tearing up again 🫠 I love you so much BTS, became an ARMY in your 7th year (16 years old), and now today it is your 11th year, and I'm 19 🥰 I love growing up with bangtan and having them in my history/story
I love you all so much im gonna say this again but you really taught me love and warmth yall are so precious and adorable TT you're so wonderful there really is no other omg 🫠 NOT ME TEARING UP AGAIN WHILE WRITING😫 your lyrics really really comfort me
I'm never letting you go 😌🤍
I'm thankful to have such amazing artist, my 7, my bangtan
I always wish you eternal happines, healthiness and safety, live your life the way you want 💕
I'll always wait for you, support you and love you
My forever favorite artist, people, group, comfort, friends & home, BTS, lets go forever and together ☺️
Apobangpo 💜
📬Letter from jhope
🐿 "wow~~ it’s 613!! the year of 2024 613!!!~~~ it’s been 11 years since we’ve been together with our ARMY… wow!! the fun/interesting thing is is that our jin hyung’s discharge date was yesterday??!!! jealous!!!!!~~~ i’m the most jealous of him in the world~~!!!!!!! haha~^^ being half sincere and half joking, i wanted to feel a little less jealous <of his discharge> so i enlisted early!! hehe anyways that was too much of a personal story!! I can’t believe it’s already been 11 years since being with our army!!…. thank you for continuously liking and believing in me/us. all i have in mind right now is wanting to show you a better me a day quicker,,, heh because it’s today <festa> ,, i can more picture/draw <inside my head> me standing cooly on the stage in front of you all, you probably feel the same way too right?? i miss you!! and miss/long for you!! i love you ARMY!!!"
Letter from RM
🐨 "Hello.I’ll keep this simple, I miss you all so much and can’t wait to see you soon. There’s just a year to go until we will meet again. How did you like my RPWP album that was released last month? I hope you are all doing well. A year seems too long and it’ll take a lot of patience, but i’m trying to make the most out of the situation with my soulmate, the tenor saxophone.. I’ll perform Dynamite with it when we meet again. I hope everyone has a rejuvenating summer vacation. Being in a new environment brings a blood of new emotions It also makes me wonder how Jin must’ve felt when he was the first to be discharged from service. Congratulations, Jin, on all your hard work! Please convey our love to our fans. It must be hard doing all this alone. But don’t worry! Hoseok will join you soon! My love for you all remains unchanged. Our love will grow even stronger and more beautiful upon our return. Waiting is hard, but I believe there is a reason for this. And besides, it is not the end for us. This is only the first line of Act II. Although I miss everyone so much, I’ll try to hold up well. It’s been 11 years since we met, and there’s only one more year to wait.
ARMY!! Its been a long time since I’ve called for you aloud. It fills me up with emotions and reminds me of our history.
Letter from SUGA
🐱 "Hello, ARMYs! I'm Suga! It's been a long time, right? It's been a long time for me to write a handwriting letter, so I feel kind of awkward. Hahaha I'm doing really well... I went to the training center and I'm living a busy life. ARMYs, are you doing well? haha
it’s the 613 that has come around again
as it comes around every year there’s been a lot of memories (attached to it)
it still doesn’t feel real that I won’t be able to see ARMY on this day but i think you’ll have so much fun while spending it with Seokjin hyung so my heart is a little more at ease!!
Our 613 festival, enjoy it thoroughly! i’m also holding onto solely the day that i’ll be able to see ARMY as soon as possible!
if you can please don’t get hurt please don’t get exhausted and i wish/hope that we can wait until the day that we meet again! i miss you ARMY!! let’s see each other in a bit bye~!!"
Letter from hobi
🐿 "Hello, ARMY! How are you doing?
I am currently a second-class sergeant as well as a squad leader. Only four months are left until I complete my military service. I’ve been spending the remaining time working out hard so I can lose some weight, and practicing English speaking… in my own way, at least.
I’m not sure if you will agree… but I think I’ve grown calmer and more mature.
I now feel like I true grown-up!!
Bwahaha!!<- Hmm… Or maybe not…
Anyway, time sure flies. It’s already June! Jin has joined us, which makes things all the merrier and makes it clear that it’s time for us to get closer to all of you.
Enough about me. Now I’d like to hear about you.
How have you been?
I hope you’re all in good health.
What are you into these days?
How are you doing without us?
What would you like to say when we meet again?
honestly did you cheat or not~?
did you carry sunjae on your back and run or not~?*
Now, be honest,were your hearts miles away like Lovely Runners?
It’s strange. Now that I’ve reached thirty, I have a ton of questions for you! ♡♡
But actually that just means I want to hear more from you and miss you so much! And we don’t have to wait much longer until that day comes…!!
I’m so excited…
Actually… A day seems like a year these days…
And I toss and turn at night… I try to stay patient, but it’s hard…
I’m unsure if my emotions can be fully conveyed in writing, but I sure hope my sincere feelings reach you well…! ♡♡
I miss you! ♡
I’m desperately looking forward to seeing you!! ♡
Take care, and enjoy June and the rest of the time until we meet again in October! ♡
See you then! ♡
I love you all! ♡♡
⁃Your hope -
Letter from Jimin
🐥 "To. ARMY
ARMYs, this is Jimin. It's been a long time since I said hello to you like this.. l'll just write down what I want to say! I really miss you all. It's not easy, really ㅎㅎㄱㄱㄱㄱ
Every day, I live imagining what it would be like to meet you all.
When we meet again, what hair color should we have? Your body will feel a little better by then, right? And how long should your hair be? What earrings should I wear when I go out? What clothes are you wearing? What should I sing? lf I lie down thinking about this, my heart is racing and I can't sleep. I wonder how overwhelming it must be
Are our ARMYs doing well? Are you eating well and doing some exercise? Of course you're not doing it, right? ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ ( You really should). Nothing much will happen, right? lf there is, I hope it won't be too difficult.
You should be happy, our ARMYs I want to make you happier, but it's a shame. Still, l'm doing well here, so don't worry too much.Jin- hyung, you'll be discharged soon! Please play with Jin- hyung first. Then, we will return to you one by one. Let's all meet up, hug each other, and play. I'l come back with another letter next time. I love you, Ami. How are you?" -JIMIN
Letter from V
🐻 "Army! I really miss you. Are you all doing well? I eat well, sleep well, train, and live a fairly healthy life. I am receiving good energy from my younger colleagues and senior classmates, and I am enjoying a variety of new experiences. I'm a little proud, but I also got first place.
I’m good at shooting too!! I received praise, and learned a lot from our warrior friends in judo and jiu-jitsu, and I just felt like I was born again!! The bodies of our warriors are, I am thankful that I can train with this person, and I am barely keeping up! It's a bit irritating, but I won't overdo it!!
I overcame my fear of heights. It wasn't a big deal. It was really scary, but I got over it in the end. It’s because I’m so excited. Will you understand?? These days, during my free time, I go alone to a corner and dance. Just in case, I try not to lose that memory little by little.
So, since I told you that I am doing well, ARMY is also saying that you will be doing well. I hope you are not sick and anxious (even if we don't tell each other because neither we nor ARMY have each other?) Don't worry and we will see you soon.
When we see our members and ARMY again like this, let’s pour out all our long-awaited emotions! I miss you so much, I love you so much, Apobangpo, Borahae, goodbye."
Letter from Jungkook
🐰 "Hello, this is Jungkook.
It's been a while since I wrote a handwritten letter, and my handwriting seems to have gotten worse. I'm sorry ㅋㅋ
everyone!! I'm doing well
There aren't any difficult parts, but I'm getting through it just thinking about the day I'll meet you all again, and sometimes there are fun moments that make me forget about how difficult it is ㅎㅎ
By the way, did you listen to the fan song “Never Let Go” released in June? Even when I was working on the song, I really wanted to release it as a fan song.
I hope my feelings were conveyed well.
Originally, I was going to show a performance as well, but unfortunately I couldn't do it because I didn't have enough time.
If I get the chance, I really want to show it on stage later (nothing ready yet).
But I really want to perform on stage.
I want to hear ARMY’s cheers quickly
I want to do great songs again
It was so cold and the hot summer hasn't even come yet, but I hope winter comes quickly...
Time is running out ㅠㅠ
I guess I miss you all so much.
If you enjoy it, I will be standing in front of you someday, right?
Ah ah ah..! Anyway, everyone!
Until the day we meet again, don't get sick and take care of your health! That way, you'll be happier when you meet, right?!
I miss you so much..
I love you so much!
But I really can’t write letters ㅋㅋ
I'm leaving now!! hi!!"
- jungkook -
Letter from Jin
🐹 "Hello, this is Jin.
I hope everyone is in good health. I'm reaching out to you for the first time in a while.
I'd like to be able to say hello more often, but unfortunately my situation hasn't allowed that.
I'm so excited that my discharge from military service is just around the corner haha.
I heard that my bandmates have been working hard to entertain you during my absence. How nice of them!
Now, it's my turn ARMY!
Although it won't be easy to do it alone, I will try my best.
I've been planning to entertain you for a year now and I will put all my plans into practice once I return to society.
I thank everyone for being with us for such a long time. I love you ARMY ♡
P.S: Keep up the hard work, boys!"
Their words are so sweet :') might have shed some tears, they really are precious souls 🤍 I really adore them
Today for festa we had
In-person Event with Jin
2024 FESTA
First Session: Jin’s Greetings
- The first session (Meet-and-Greet with Jin) is a time for light hugs with Jin per request from the artist, and is expected to last about three hours.
- If you win the raffle but do not wish for a hug, you can replace it with a handshake.
- Every precautionary measure will be put in place to ensure no unpleasant incidents occur during the event. We ask for your kind cooperation.
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Second Session: Message from Jin : June 13 2024,☀️
- The second session will last about one hour.
- Jin will showcase various performances that ARMY wish to see.
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(BigHit tweets 👇)
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2024 June 13th’s Seokjin, Clear Skies☀️
armys, its nice to see see you again💜
#TodaysJin #BTS #방탄소년단
#2024BTSFESTA #BTS11thAnniversary
#/ReturnedBackHome (t/n: wordplay with 돌아왔지 (dolawa-ji) -> 돌아왔진 (dolawa-jin)
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He just posted on instagram too! ☺️💕💕
My love it's been so long TT I missed you, welcome back precious Jin 🤍💫
Happy 11 years bangtan💜
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child-of-the-danube · 11 months
So this is truly it, huh? Just like that, no more Doom Patrol?
I don't think I can completely explain how I feel about the show as a whole and how much it means to me, but this final episode just left me empty for both good and bad reasons.
The whole Immortus/Butts resolution felt like such a cop-out. Immortus just going "Nah, you know what, I'm fine. Here's your longevity. Oh, and I'm besties with the Butts now. Too-da-loo 🥰" after being presented as their biggest threat ever? Meh
It would have been more cathartic had they somehow defeated Immortus when she was occupied with the Butts and got the longevity thingy off her neck to then run home only to find Rita already dead with Laura frozen with shock/grief beside her. To have them think they managed one more victory but with their biggest loss yet. And for Rita and Laura, the moments before she died could have been used to have a proper conversation and resolution between them. I would have loved if the final scene between them (and with alive non-ghost Rita in general) would have been Laura bringing her the Immortus nail just for Rita to decline cause she's at peace with dying. Even a simple "You're forgiven" would have been enough. And what was the point of telling Laura she's part of the Doom Patrol now to go "Yeah, you should all go your own way now" five minutes after she kicked the bucket???
Vic's ending was expected. It was obvious from the start that he would make it. And I'm glad cause he deserves happiness and to build a future that HE feels is right for him finally.
I'm also delighted Jane (a.k.a just K now) got her happiness both within herself and with Casey. And she's the only one we saw on screen saying goodbye to at least one person properly. Her and Cliff's realtionship was one of my absolute favourite things about the show.
Seems I managed to guess Larry's ending almost exactly. It was so sweet and beautiful. He didn't just return to space with Keeg but Rama as well. Can't lie, I've shed some tears during that scene. And his moment with ghost Rita... 12/10 wouldn't change anything about it
Cliff's ending is my favourite and the one that got me bawling my eyes out. "It's ok. I made it home" Uhm, excuse me?????? How dare the writers break my heart like that???? I am unwell and will need 5-7 business days to recover from it. Poetic, beautiful, amazing, showstopping etc. I love Cliff so fucking much
Dorothy who? Guess she just fell off the Earth after Immortimas
Also, Shelley? Never heard of her. Try looking in the woods when it gets foggy maybe 🤷
I guessed Rita would definitely die too but her whole "Each of you will be better off on your own" turnaround just didn't sit right with me. She's the one that spent her life keeping this little, broken, miserable bunch of just the unluckies motherfuckers known to the world together and managed to create a family that loves and supports eachother to death and THIS is her conclusion?? That they should just disband? Nope, not buying it. I guess it's somehow a way of telling that now the one that held them together, the heart of the show if you will, is gone that it's all done but I feel like that's a an insult to the rest of them and to the strength of their bond. Yes, Rita's insistence brought them together at first, but they've grown and gotten close so much since then even without her interfering in their one-on-one relationships. It just doesn't feel right. I also knew we'd get a Malcolm reunion scene but am I the only one that doesn't really care about him? Tbh, we didn't get to know much about him beside the fact that he was Rita's lover that tragically died. I just can't care about a character I know nothing about. I guess have fun posthumously frolicking in a field, Rita and Malcolm 🤷
So Jane got Casey and her sanity, Larry got Keeg and Rama, Vic got his friends and students, Cliff got see his family, their future and die peacefully beside them, Rita got to reunite with the love of her life in eternity and Laura got to, uhm, *checks notes*, play with a flamethrower? Like, ok, I do dig that she got to destroy the place that ruined her whole life guns a-blazing but what exactly does she get to do later on? The ones who remained alive all got someone to share their new found joy with, a proper plan for the future, they're at peace. Laura didn't get to neither truly reconcile with Rita, nor the Sisterhood, and now the only people she felt close to either died or went their own way without a true goodbye. What, pray tell, does her future look like beside, once again, loneliness and grief???? I fucking hated her ending. Give us a Laura de Mille spin-off, you cowards. Make it right...
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Also I went through your entire fake dating reclist cuz it’s one of my favorite tropes of all time I’m an absolute sucker for it and now idk what to do with myself 😭
Love that for you anon! And since you love it so much, here’s a part 2 with more recs. To anyone who’s interested, the original fake dating reclist is here. Its from early 2021 so this one has more recent fics and two old ones. Enjoy anon! 🥰
Snow On Snow by @tackytigerfic (2021, T, 1k)
Harry and Draco were deep undercover in Europe, and had to pretend to be a couple. When everything went wrong, they got out by the skin of their teeth. Little did they know they'd be stuck spending Christmas together in a Ministry safe house in Muggle Edinburgh. And that's where our story picks up.
Game On by @pennygalleon (2021, T, 5k)
Draco blows Harry a kiss and the press goes nuts. Harry suggests they use this to their advantage.
Yours Truly by @skeptiquewrites (2022, M, 15k)
Every single one of Harry’s exes has gone on to marry the next person they date, and with the upcoming nuptials of numbers six and seven to each other, Harry’s feeling exhausted by it all. It doesn’t really matter if he lets people assume Draco Malfoy is his boyfriend for a moment of peace. In any case, Draco’s been away for five years and there’s no way he would find out, right?
Drawing Down The Moon by scoradh (2006, E, 20k) - Cw: major character death
After breaking up with Blaise, a drunken Draco begs Harry Potter for help in winning him back. In a fit of misguided philanthropy (plus one or two ulterior motives) Harry agrees. In the midst of the ensuing chaos, at least one person falls in love.
Historians by Anonymous (2022, E, 30k)
It’s the Dumbledore’s Army Reunion Holiday, and Harry’s found himself in hot water with his friends once again, after telling them he has a boyfriend he definitely does not have. In an attempt to fix things, he’s made it his colleague on Level Nine, Draco Malfoy’s problem too. Featuring a ski chalet in Switzerland, a pair of bunk beds, and an agreement that should’ve been simple, were it not for all the bloody feelings getting in the way.
What You Do With Your Life, A.H.K.B.C.B. (After the Hero Kills the Batshit Crazy Bastard) by oldenuf2nb (2008, E, 39k)
Draco Malfoy had waited years in hope of seeing Harry Potter utterly humiliated....
Thine Enemy is Sweet by @xx-thedarklord-xx (2019, E, 53k)
A story featuring a ragtag team of morons, bickering enemies that can't agree on anything, a heist that surely won't end well and a connection that neither Harry or Draco can deny.
Fire Meet Gasoline by Anonymous (2022, E, 62k)
When Draco’s anger management issues land him in St Mungo’s, he thinks his Quidditch career is over. But Harry, A&E Healer and notorious workaholic, is faced with a similar predicament. To save their jobs, the two of them decide to fake a relationship. All they have to do is convince their friends and employers… and not fall in love in the process. Simple, right?
Loverboys by @corvuscrowned (2021, E, 84k)
As post-war violence and tensions rise, it seems as if there’s no hope to unify the wizarding world. Except, maybe, a manufactured relationship between resident Saviour Harry Potter and known purveyor of the Dark Arts Draco Malfoy. (The fact that they detest each other is beside the point.)
Chasing Dragons by @the-sinking-ship (2021, E, 98k)
Draco can think of only one way to outclass his pleat-front-khaki-wearing politician ex, and that’s by making headlines with an obvious upgrade. And who better to upstage the cheating bastard than the Saviour of the World, Harry Potter himself? Sure, Potter is a little rough around the edges in ripped jeans, a rumpled tartan shirt, and a permanent scowl. Draco reckons a haircut and a shave wouldn’t hurt, either. But Potter is also in need of a Healer willing to keep his secrets, and Draco is just the man for the job.
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 4x03
such an iconic episode, I'm so ready😩 (edit: ignore any typos you might find, I was going through it💀)
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Honestly I'm so thankful that not a single one of my schools was like this, it's like everyone just reached an unspoken agreement that bullying was uncool and we'd mind our own business.
"Have I told you how much I'm gonna miss you?"
no you haven't but you definitely should, go on😌
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*in unison* around where????
"Come on, do you know how many people would kill to relive their senior year of high school?"
No way in hell, and I had a relatively peaceful experience💀😭
"The last thing I want to be is a reporter."
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She would absolutely be perfect but let's get one thing straight: If there's a person on this show who knows when to mind their own fucking business, it's LOIS🤷🏻‍♀️
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I mean both Chloe and Lois make valid points, she's 17 and while I totally understand why Abby did it, it really is a bit concerning. Especially considering her mother has been pushing her to do it for the last 3 years😬
I got a comment from a helpful user under my post for last episode (ty🥰), apparently Jason is roughly the same age as Lex?? And he started dating Lana when she was 17?? AND HE'S THE FKN ASSISTANT COACH AT SCHOOL?
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Clark wants to try out for the team again🥺
Jonathan let Martha have a job off the farm dude come on, be supportive. YES THANK YOU
omg did he fake his parent's signature on the permission slip???
"...they want people to look at them differently."
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he's making points🤷🏻‍♀️
UGH I'm so weak for happy, excited Clark just look at himmm😭🥹
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"Maybe if I'd been more patient I would've seen who you really are." EEEEEEEW throw the whole man away🤢
honestly fuck everyone who destroyed her self-esteem to the point where she's flattered bc a crusty man like that shows interest
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he's not even denying it-
PLSSSS their faces, especially Lois😭
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and look at Lois "not interested in journalism" Lane right on the story😌😌😌
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I'm connecting some dots here and I don't like ittttt😬😬
"I still can't believe that you have a job at my school."
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I feel like Lana has had more personality in these last few episodes than she had in the last 3 seasons combined, so that's great to see.
Lex knowssss👀
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look at herrrrr😭 LISTEN IF I HAD CLARK'S POWERS-
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I mean I agree that beauty is on the inside but that's very easy to say when you look like a literal angel💀 OOp evil surgery lady just said the same thing I did idk how to feel about that💀💀
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I love that they're already establishing little things about her, she's messy, she can't spell etc. (though Chloe sounded a bit passive aggressive in both instances, maybe I'm just reading it wrong tho😬)
"It looks like Lois is one step ahead of us." THAT MAKES ME SO PROUD🥺🥺
Clark saving Lois and then Lois saving Clark is something so personal to me actually-
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*kicks woman* "Bitch."
her lil smile seeing her article in the torch😭
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yesss she has fans as she fucking should😌
(Can I just quickly say that as much as I love Homecoming, they could've had at least ONE person at the reunion remember Lois from high school, watching that shit left permanent scars on my soul, it was so cruel😭 Like come on, if reading her article was a "life changing experience" for some students, it would make total sense for SOMEONE to remember her. (yes I'm super salty and what about it))
omg here it comes
"Come on Lois, didn't those guys at the base teach you anything?" "Wouldn't you like to know."
akasjkasdjak YOU KNOW HE WOULD
they wanna bone so bad it makes them look like absolute fucking clowns there I said it
DOESN'TMATTERCAUSEYOU'REGOINGDOWNTHAT'LLBETHEDAYSKADWNKW can you tell I'm losing my last shred of dignity here
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and Tumblr won't even let me upload my 5732893 screenshots where's the justice😭
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childotkw · 2 years
hi jordan! extremely happy to be part of your little community and watch you receive the love you deserve! 💘
Harry Potter and HOTD/GOT have been my favorite books since forever and I couldn't be more excited to read your next story.
now, since I'm a hopeless romantic, i was wondering if there will be any? i know it's a silly question when you take in consideration all the snippets and ideas you've shared with us until now, but at the same time i can't help but think how lucemond would play out in your story.
wish you the best 🥰
Hello sweetheart! I’m happy to have you here as well 💕💕 You’re very sweet!
I’m kinda nervous but also kinda excited to try writing for a new fandom! HP has pretty much been it for me, aside from one or two dips in other fandoms - but HOTD is seeping into my little brain 😂 I can’t wait to start dropping some chapters lmao
As for the romance in ruination - the main pairing is obviously lucemond, but there will be background relationships as well.
For lucemond, I’m actually going to be mean and make it take a bit before they actually get to see each other face to face again. I want both of them to be simmering in their emotions for a while, building up their obsession and fascinating with each other; to let the strange, pulsating connection between them to fester, separate, before coming together once more.
For Aemond, those days when he thought Lucerys was dead haunt him. He had spent years with his anger and bitterness towards his nephew acting as his guiding star. It’s what he built so much of himself on, and with Lucerys so suddenly taken from the world, by his own actions…there is no satisfaction. No vindication. Instead he’s adrift, his fire all but extinguished.
But finding out Lucerys survived? That his nephew, in spite of Aemond and Vhagar and the fucking gods themselves, had clawed his way back to life? It brings that fire roaring back, a hundred times stronger than before. Lucerys is suddenly all he can think of - because it had to mean something. Aemond needed it to mean something.
And on the other side of things, Lucerys’ slow metamorphosis is directly guided by his anger towards his uncle, the rage he feels - and betrayal, a small part of him can’t help but think - since that night.
Aemond is now the force behind Lucerys’ drive. Every action he takes, every limit he pushes himself over, every training session, or every time he flies on Cannibal and not Arrax - it all trickles back to his uncle.
That level of obsession, coupled with the trauma, coupled with the tangled and confusing emotions that come with growing from a boy to a man - it means more often than not, it’s not hatred he feels when he thinks of Aemond.
Their reunion, as such, will be very emotionally charged - with Aemond honing in on Lucerys like a thirsty man on a glass of water; and Lucerys wanting to put his teeth to Aemond’s neck and bite (but not necessarily with the intent to kill).
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chuuyascumsock · 2 months
hi pookie <33 sorry its been yearsss, lifes been a bit of bitch but im just going to be bitchier 😎
how are you doing? and also i love that you re-watched my little pony, that show RAISED me, I CRIED over Princess Celestia and Luna's reunion and the hundreds of other arcs that it had
The old MLP is in my heart forever ❤️ (can you tell i was a horse girl 💀)
i miss you and tumblr moots :(
and ive been TRYING to deal w my writing burnout 'cause i have an idea for a fic that ive been trying to write but words just aren't wording !!!!
and not to mention its been so unbearably hot where i live its actually horrific, i cant sleep at all because of the heat T-T
but on a lighter note ive been hanging out w some of my friends after we all got back from our respective trips and we're planning a little roadtrip later this month !!!!
i got snorb a sibling
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this is my second baby 😋 im a proud dino mother here !!!
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(this is a cry for help)
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stay sexy 😘😘❤️💐
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Hiiiii Pookie, I’m glad you sent an ask, I was getting worried about you snookums 🥺
I started watching MLP when I was like 10 because my baby brothers wanted to watch it and I liked it but after that I hadn’t seen it in years so I thought I’d get back into it. I was especially into the mlp creepypasta stuff (it was like the first official fandom I got into when I was 8 and it lasted until I was like 14 and I got a new hyperfixation which was Assassination Classroom, let me tell you— being in the Fnaf, Minecraft, Undertale, and Eddsworld fandoms in that time frame as well was wild. The fanfics and crossovers were embarrassing, y’all.)
Also, horse girl? I had to be one in middle and high school cause my mom made me take riding lessons and at least one competition lol. While I didn’t like it because I nearly broke my hip doing so, I’m still salty they sold the horse I mainly rode for two years and the new owner was a bitch and wouldn’t even let me walk past his stall because she was so possessive. Genuinely was only there to make friends with the horses, I still miss you, Cinnabar :[
And yessss, I love the blanket I made with Libby cause it’s so soft and warm which is great cause my hands and feet are naturally cold like a corpse.
I also get the burnout, I wanna write so bad and I have so many ideas but I just can’t write. I want to finish my second Chuuya hurt/comfort fic and Dazai hurt/comfort fic cause they’re almost done (my Chuuya one is 4k+ words long and the Dazai one is being a bitch and deleted half of my progress). But it’s okay because I named them appropriately so look out for fics called “I said break it down, not have a break down” and “This homeless man won’t leave so I’m spraying him down with dirty brown water” (I think you can guess which is which). So yeah :]
Hurray for hanging out with friends!! I watched the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie with my friends this passing week and my god, Hugh Jackman is the straightest man crush I’ve ever had, he is so fine. I rarely like irl men in general (only do so with celebrities bc irl girls is where it’s at, dating boys is gross) so when I do, yk he’s got IT. God, I’d shred cheese on those abs of his.
And you got Snorb a sibling‼️ Name ‘em Sneeb, Sneeb and Snorb <3
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