#I mean I don't even know why someone would have *THAT* many 'badges' I thought they were hamburgers or something and it turns out they're
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Gurl ....
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The man himself exists to be a walking, talking Metrosexual Sex Joke! He had his own marble penis statue fall on top of him and nearly crush him to death!!! And I love that for him what do u mean? He's not real and he's unhinged, I love that...
Like I'm starting to think Medrano and Rogers' rendition of Bosco's Striker is lowkey 'revenge' for what the Hunicast did to Angel Dust by letting Ed be the butt of every joke for once and getting one of his characters get the shit beat out of him for once, and even if it's not, I'm accepting it as that because it's so good.
For real.
Also, I don't care if you're defending the fandom from antis or not, but for future reference, if I see you posting in the tags with a single obnoxious "tumblr badge" of any kind next to your username, unless you're like a high profile fanartist who likes to have one to promote your work and in which case I might already follow you, you're getting a block from me instantly, lol... Don't even want that tacky shit on my blog. Don't give a fuck who you are. You're just annoying.
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fallingdownhell · 8 months
As someone who loves poly relationships and rarepairs, I got something.
May I request a poly between Childe and Ayato with a reader who's a baker? Reader's always making goodies for the boys, especially when they're at work. They want to make sure their lovers are in good health and shape, so they spoil the boys a lot.
Why is this so cute? I never really thought about this ship, and now I can't get it out of my head. Thanks for that, anon xD Pairing: Ayato x Reader x Childe Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; general headcanons; fluff Word count: 824 words Enjoy<3
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well, first, let's get the obvious out of the way. Even with you involved, it would take a long time for Ayato and Childe to get along to the point where they don't fantasize about killing the other constantly
I mean, one is a Fatui Harbinger, so it's basically in his job description, and the other is the Head of his Clan, highly respected by his people, and expected to lead them fairly
and yet still, both have fallen madly in love with you. So for your sake, they try and get along, and over time, a genuine bond seems to grow out of it, which makes you all the more happier
since Childe has a lot of travelling to do with his job, it was mutually decided between you three that you would move in at Ayato's estate, and Childe could always come and visit whenever he has free time
Usually, when the Ginger comes around, you spend all of your time either with him alone, or with all of them together. In your eyes, Ayato has you all to himself most of the time, so when Childe is here, you spend as much time with him as possible, to make up for when he was gone
even knowing your job as a baker, the boys discover your passion for baking very early on. Whenever you got some free time to spare, you like to spend it in the kitchen, trying out new recipies that you found
sure, it's part of your job, but they are genuinely happy that you get to live off of your passion. With Ayato gifting you a small shop in Inazuma City that you can design like you want, and Childe declaring few of his underlings as your workers, you're fully equipped to open up a shop of your own, something that you've always dreamed of doing
the boys are just happy to see you all happy and smiling, gushing to them about the plans you have, what you want to put on your menu, etc. They are all smiles when they listen to you, clinging onto every word that leaves your lips
even with all the baking you do at work, you still often come home and head directly to the kitchen, baking some simple cookies or such for your boyfriends, loving when you see their faces light up when they eat your baked goodies
sometimes, Thoma also comes around, drawn in by the smell of it, and he always offers to help you with it, so you can make even larger badges. Wether you take him up on the offer or not, he respects your decision
Childe also likes to help you out from time to time. However, Ayato is no longer allowed in the kitchen. He "helped" you one time, and he put so many weird ingredients in the dough, the brownies tasting so weird that you'd banned him from the kitchen. He sulked about it at first, but came to terms with it. In the end, he still gets to enjoy your baking, so he can deal with it
when Childe tells you that he has to leave again soon, you sometimes bake him stuff that's a bit more durable, so he has something to enjoy during his journey back
days spend with the two of them are either one of two things. They are either the most exciting days you've ever experienced in your life, or they are spend just relaxing and cuddling, trying to make as much of the company you get to share while it lasts
You've experienced many adventures with them, as they are often taking you out to explore the islands of Inazuma, or even to other nations where you get to try as much food as you can
they love to see your face brighten up with excitement and since they both have a lot of money to spend, they love to spoil you by buying things for you. Wether that be food, a shop, juwelery or whatever else it is you wish for. Just say the word and one of them will buy it for you
Gift giving is a big love language for both Ayato and Childe. Childe always brings many presents when he returns from another trip and Ayato surprises you with a gift at least twice a week. It's just how they express their love to you
generally, they treat you very gently and with care. They are both powerful people, but they'd never want you to be afraid of them. They don't care if others think of them as weak for that. For you, they'd gladly be percieved as such if only you are happy
overall, I'd give this relationship dynamic like a solid 7,5-8/10. With both Ayato and Childe, you are very well taken care of and loved. What more could one wish for when having them both as your loving partners?
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Time to start Maximum for Trigun Book Club!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 1, Chapters 1-2 below. (More detailed thoughts will be their own posts.)
TriMax Volume 1 Covers
Kuroneko on the chapter index gives me serotonin.
Vash finally finds a lamp with a genie in it and all he gets is punched. He seriously has the worst luck.
Wolfwook looks VERY possessive over that cross of his....
LOL, switched to the sex doll. Of course.
Chapter 1: Hero Reborn
First Knives is reborn, now Vash will be reborn?
Yeah... kinda hard to forget someone literally shot the moon when there's a giant crater on it now....
Vash with dark hair has made his premiere.
Hmm. Needs more floaty cloth bits.
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Well, someone's having a bad day. I know I wouldn't want to end up tied up and tossed in a fountain....
LOL, they shout for the sheriff and the next character we see is Wolfwood. He's not a sherriff!
You gotta know a place is welcoming when you walk into a saloon and everyone immediately pulls a gun on you. I mean, that's just a normal day in Texas or Arizona, right?
Oof. RIP bus.
I mean, I realize Fifth Moon was traumatic and all, but somehow I doubt Vash would be filling someone with "twice his weight in lead."
I guess the person dumped in the fountain was actually the sheriff. Nightow could have shown the guy's badge or something to give us an indication of that....
Poor Vash. He doesn't deserve NEARLY that many knives in his picture.
Everyone has to ask about the cross. Wolfwood rarely actually answers. Deflection and misdirection is better.
LOL, Lina's face here...
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Oh, man. WW's face in literally the next panel after Ericks's entrance. He knows exactly who he's looking at.
Vash Ericks, I know you try to look for non-combative solutions, but female-bodied folk really don't have a lot of options when people get handsy if we want them to decide not to push their luck beyond just being handsy.
Ah, see, this is why he thinks she overreacted. Because now a lot more people are in danger.
Heheheheheheh, WW, Lina, and Vash are all in such a close clump here.
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Aaaand now "Ericks" has fully noticed Wolfwood.
Who the heck is this evil hamster of a human being?
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All I'm saying, buddy, is that her footpring miiiiiight just be an improvement.
Gods, WW is so intent in this situation. Just looking at everything and listening to everything.
Dude, who STOLE VASH'S JACKET?!?! Also, those sunglasses jut feel wrong.
Oh, Ericks. So gentle....
Yeah, pretty sure actual Vash the Stampede wouldn't stoop to humiliating people as part of a power play.
Ericks, though. He's like, "Cool, a bargain where people live at the end!"
I wonder how much of Ericks telling Lina to cover her eyes is because he doesn't want her to see his scars.
WW wasn't really with the group long enough to see Vash's scars before, but this really clears things up for the audience. And you can practically hear the gears grinding in WW's head as he observes this scene.
Dude. This imposter even copied his gay little earing. Now that's commitment.
Opening fire on a naked man? Rude.
*sigh* All of that for nothing 'cause Lina's still caught.
AGAIN?! How often does this guy get shot!?
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WW barely knows Vash and he's already like, "I WILL CLOCK ANYONE WHO SPEAKS SLANDER AGAINST HIS NAME."
What? He has super-healing? I mean, I guess that makes sense.
People really need to stop barreling their way into the infirmary....
Sheryl has a point. Things gotta get done. If the young folk won't help, then this old lame woman's gonna have to do it.
LOL, Wolfwood waking up Ericks will never not be one of my favorite scenes.
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Awwwww, Wolfwood! Don't remind him about Fifth Moon! He thinks about it every time he sees that moon, I'm sure. It's NOT a pleasant memory in any way, shape or form, and he hates the legends around him!
Ugh, someone give this man a hug....
Cruel, indeed. The way he looks when he picks up that gun. There are so many emotions going on here. Loss, resignation, familiarity, sadness. Seriously. Where are the hugs for this man??
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Wolfwood, always the pragmatist. He knows this isn't a great path, and how unfair it is for him to drag Vash back to it. But he also knows it's the path forward.
Heh. Yeah, just the two of them. For Vash to exhibit this amount of trust in WW suggests he's at least suspected WW's true nature for a while.
Annnnnd Vash's first thought on seeing the giant machine gun is, of course, "Please, no death."
This panel of them heading into the fight together just fills me with so much joy.
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Fake Vash is in a bit of a pickle, isn't he? Looks like he knows it, too.
Wolfwood reacting to Fake Vash demanding actual Vash say his name is beautiful. He looks like he's gonna die of laughter there in the dirt.
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Heh. And with that last gunshot, Vash reclaims who he is.
And even after that reclaiming, he gets a heartfelt, genuine, and warm hug from a young girl who has only really known him as her friend and adopted family member, Ericks. <3
Chapter 2: Lina
"Something freaky is going on here." Yes. You're dealing with Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Even one of those should be enough to cause serious alarm.
SHOES OFF THE BED. Geez. Barbarian....
Ugh, I love his expression here.
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I'm sorry, I can't get over Wolfwood's weird duck face in this panel.
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This is a very interesting take on the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti dinner scene. That poor sausage....
Aww, you can see where his hair's gone all dark underneath now that he has it tied back.
Well, that's one way to get Vash's attention. He doesn't have as much chill when it comes to his brother. And understandably so.
Uhhhhhh, what's up with that spiky weird shadow guy?
TBH, Vash has good reason to be suspicious of anyone who knows too much about Knives. Knives's games aren't about humans. They're about Knives and Vash. Humans are just pawns and casualties.
I love how this 12-year-old girl is able to cow a bunch of whiny, scared men with just her presence. I love how angry she gets on Vash's behalf.
"If he and his followers sniff me out..." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no comment. Vash just got really freaking lucky with exactly who's sniffing him out.
The comedy of this panel is great. Granny's all like, "Oh, no.... You're gonna end up beaten up in a ditch somewhere...." Meanwhile, her granddaughter has already begun just wailing on Vash. Without even dropping the groceries.
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Ugh, just... having someone take care of him for a bit. It's a small and much-needed kindness. But that's how it often is with small kindnesses.
Wolfwood: "That brat (affectionate)"
LOL, Vash gets head-pats. GOOD.
Wait, Evil Hamster Man is back??
What the heck is even happening in this panel? Is this a second guy? Is this a growth on Evil Hamster Man's back? I don't know. We already had a guy with a LITERAL GUN for legs, so either wouldn't exactly surprise me. Wolfwood's face sums up my feelings perfectly.
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Ohhh, Vash isn't having any of this guy's shit.
WTF, he just KICKED the round out of the sky?!
Vash isn't really prone to showing off just to show off. I'm guessing he's doing this to make Lina and Granny feel a bit better about how competent he is.
Even Wolfwood, who's seen Vash's weird before, seems a bit shocked.
Also, LOL, Wolfwood frog face.
Literally still can't tell if the second gunman is an actual dude or just some weird Evil Hamster Man growth.
Oh, there we go. He seems to be a separate entity, after all.
LOL, Wolfwood, calling them like he sees them. (Thank you, @trigun-manga-overhaul, for keeping the swearing. It makes it that much more funny.)
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And now Evil Hamster Man is given a choice: a chance at redemption, or having to deal with an angry Stampede. Let's hope he chooses wisely.
Well, Granny's feeling better about the situation. Lina seems more... resigned.
There's something so lovely about the hair-trimming scene. It's one last bit of domestic comfort with his little found family before he heads off to war.
I genuinely believe Wolfwood here. He has a good heart, even when he tries to hide it.
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*sigh* And as Lina cuts away at his hair, we just drown in their shared memories. The vast majority of it is simple things. Family things. Quiet moments. But they meant the world to Lina. And they probably meant the world to Vash, too.
I have thoughts about Lina burying herself in the cloth from Vash's haircut.
This chapter ends beautifully and makes me want to cry.
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Are they seriously having a gender reveal party?
Well Carmen looks delighted so I feel like I can't stay mad.
Tory is helping with the gender reveal party.
Someone ate all 12 of the cannoli (Amanda yelled at Anthony but it was Chozen who ate them all as a midnight snack)
Aww they even decorated the coors banquets.
Chozen has been there 3 months. I supposed that's about how long Carmen is along now.
You both think it's a bomb and literally just are standing there holding it and arguing about it? Why not put it back outside and wait a bit?
Movie name drop: Lethal weapon 2
If this is how Johnny looks I can only imagine how Daniel who was holding the box looks.
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Omg. Why didn't anyone think to warn these two that here was a box that was going to explode color? So Daniel wouldn't hold it?
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Aww poor Daniel. "I'm too old for this shit."
Kenny's dad will be in Germany next month.
Lee call your dad, tell him you're having people over tonight. I can't believe Johnny knows that much about Devon.
Daniel is packing up the Mr. Miyagi room?! 😭
Ah, Chozen's moving in.
oho secret door
Ayeeeeeee way to go set design team. Listen, so many shows/movies don't do dust or spiderwebs in places that haven't been touched in a long time and those spider webs? Great job.
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I know this kid is supposed to be the next kid Kreese takes under his wings and is probably supposed to be super dark, but I like Kwon.
Kreese why are you whispering in some kids ear?
Sam is prepared to be thrown into a creek or quicksand.
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Uh Johnny, maybe not that term...but also hilarious, for so many reasons.
We have bogglee, and twister and a footspa. Is this a sleepover? Also are all those the pink balloons from your gender reveal party?
Awww Devon. She's so excited because she's never had a slumber party before. She just ran out with all the nail polish. Oh damn girl, you bought nail polish for this? Nail polish is expensive. Like a single bottle is nearly $10 now.
"With you?" "I'm a girl dad now, I brought cookies and tampons and everything" I mean...he's trying.
Johnny has a Mr. T sleeping bag.
Apparently Ali's slumber parties were nonstop drama.
Scarface and Bambi (for the movie list mentioned)
Daniel, Mr. Miyagi is dead, open his box.
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Amanda: The curiosity might actually kill me.
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coins are from china
May 3rd 1947
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Aha we're trying to explain all the different names Mr. Miyagi had.
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Mr. Miyagi was born in 1924, not 1918. Shouldn't Chozen know some of this?
Did Johnny seriously make a mix tape for this slumber party? I love it.
Face masks with cucumbers
Pillow fight
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Johnny literally trying to start drama by flicking Tory's ear. Seriously dude?
Our detective group is going to get french dip sandwiches at Philippe's
"Why are we chasing?" Great question Daniel.
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"What? We're running plays now?" Daniel confused but still running and chasing. Guy probably thought you were an FBI agent or something you showed up in a suit and held a passport the way people in shows hold badges.
Miguel, Robby how did you not notice Johnny stealing your phones?
Kreese I don't think Kim is going to appreciate you stirring up her students and sending Kwon to fight her best prized student Yoon.
I mean...Kim...you were pretty brutal to Tory in the states, what did you expect Kreese to do when he got here?
Mr. Miyagi was a silent partner in a boxing gym.
Me: This guy looks familiar. Why does this guy look familiar?
KEEFE FROM THE RIGHTEOUS GEMSTONES???? Aka Tony Cavalero?!?!?!?! That was not on my bingo card
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Awww Tory crying over Sam's arm. Both of them apologizing. This is maybe what they needed Johnny even if it's not what you meant.
Sam and Tory hugging.
Something happened in Cancun for Daniel and Amanda that they'll never tell Anthony and Sam about. Or Chozen.
Aww all the kids wanted to go to Barcelona Spain, only 6 fighters is a bummer.
The girls will be easy, Devon, Sam and Tory but the boys will be really hard.
I would assume the 6 fighters would've been on the website or other information. It's kinda strange that no one researched it before hand. I would've thought even if Johnny and Daniel and Chozen dropped that ball Demetri, Hawk or Miguel would've picked that up.
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sunfudge · 2 months
(Gonna send you another ask because I really wanna talk about the new Sunday leaks. HOPE YOU DON'T MIND!!)
But I still don't understand the astral express thing 😭 Elio said "And a brother and sister were doomed for eternal separation", which means that Sunday and Robin will never meet again. So why and how did Sunday join the astral express then? If he joins the astral express, he will still has a chance to meet Robin again
This actually turned out a lot longer than I expected so I'll put this under a read more
The design is such a huge turn from the previous design, and I love that. The old design was almost entirely symmetrical apart from I believe the thigh belt he had, the piercings on his wings and the badge? Ooh actually I have the old design right here to look at and compare
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Like LOOK HOW SYMMETRICAL THIS OLD DESIGN IS and we're going to something so massively asymmetrical?
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I really wanna ramble about it but because we have so little information, like literally only his fucking in model boots for sure lol, and no information about what he'll be doing in the future so I have very little to go off, but I think this means massive change for him. To go from the way he is as an NPC design to his new playable design with an outfit that fucks on a number of levels we're looking at some pretty big character direction changing stuff
I really hoped they'd keep gold in his design, the gold suits him so well I love it so to see it still utilized in the new design is sending me to fucking Pluto
I'm still not 1000% sure that's even a ticket? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what was being said on the Telegram leaks chat, but I got the impression it was a redraw of the previous art we already got before by an artist. If so, then surely the ticket would be based on the guess that the previous artist made? Because I'm still not sure if that first art was drawn by someone who actually saw the model or not.
Unless they're super dragging us out, surely a leaker would've very simply stated 'that IS an astral express ticket on Sunday's deisgn' so idk. Maybe they wouldn't have? Maybe they're keeping that info to themselves for whatever reason LMFAO who knows
I do still think that the biggest piece of evidence we have for anything at the moment is that Death of a Crow readable, to the point that I think that even if he does join the Express it'll have something to do with Elio. Like you said, if he joined the express he'd be able to see Robin again, but the future Elio talked about was super clear that they'd be doomed to an eternal separation. People have claimed this is due to their differing paths, however they'd still be able to see one another in that case. I think it's literal. As in they will actually be physically separated.
I'm still a huge Path of Finality Sunday truther and this is honestly because apart from Order I don't see him fitting into any other path, but when we learned more about Finality this patch I thought instantly that that was the only other path I could see him treading, the only other path that would fit him. I still feel that way now.
Since there's so much conflicting information about whether that ticket is even confirmed or not I take any art with the ticket with a grain of salt because when that blurry image dropped people quickly guessed it was a ticket first and then all the art came after. I initially thought the art was drawn based off the description of Sunday's design, not the person having actually seen the model. I may be wrong but the whole thing has been so muddy that I don't know what to believe.
Even so, the art of the design will be pretty accurate because we got a description of what it looked like back on July 7th. I honestly think that until someone posts the model, we'll be in the dark. And if he does join the Express, I think there'll be more to it than just him deciding to do that, and I still think he'll be connected to Elio. I just think that readable is such blatant foreshadowing for something.
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deerydear · 3 days
I don't get why people write posts complaining about someone's personality, then complain when "that post summons the exact type of person you're complaining about". I'm sorry, do you forget that tumblr is a public website with millions of people using it?
Furthermore, I hate when this tendency extends into political discussions.
IDK, bro, you're gay if you think everyone's going to automatically agree with you. It's a much better skill to understand how to explain your viewpoint to another person who thinks differently than you, to the point they can come away with a positively-changed view of the issue...
It's another to just whine and bitch and hope the world changes itself for you, that all your 'adversaries' change their minds by magic, instead of having to explain how you think and what you would like done differently, in a respectful manner.
This seems like common sense living in the real world. On tumblr, though, it seems like some people get high off of making pronouncements to an assumed crowd of sycophants, but they're totally unable to articulate themselves when challenged. Sadly, some people fall back on a logical fallacy or a thought-terminating cliche. "It's not my job to educate you." Ok cool, but you're the one bringing the issue to everyone's attention? Explain what's wrong. We're not mind-readers. We're not slaves.
Excuse me while I bitch some more: I hate people whose personalities are geared towards overpowering the people who agree with them, rather than engaging with opposition and resolving real conflicts. This is the main point of my complaint. This is what I hate about 'the Left' this past decade. So many cults of personality. From what I've heard from other people, it sounds like 'the Right wing' has had similar issues. The whole political field seems to become more polarized, which leads to a reluctance to actually risk engaging with 'the enemy', which means you start making up shit to attack your opponent for, which can lead to them 'reappropriating' the insult you slur them with as a badge of pride. i.e. "the democrats support killing babies! sick bastards!" "hell yea, we're killing babies! I love to kill babies!" shock value bullshit.
This example can upset women who suffered during an abortion, but who still support the right to freedom of choice. Aborting a pregnancy can be very hard on the mother even if she believes it's the right choice for her. Pregnancy hormones and all the pain. I know this directly.
This exchange just pisses off the fundies, and I don't think they change their minds. Leads to more polarization because people are less willing to explain themselves or negotiate.
I've seen this become a cycle.
0 notes
Part Ⅳ The Port Mafia - Chapter 3.4
⚠ When Life Gives You Lemons . . . ⚠
3,253 Words
He tries to go as quickly as he can while Ougai stands outside the shower, reading an online news article aloud.
"An 18-year-old boy called Motojirou Kajii blew up his school's cafeteria with lemon-shaped bombs. He was the only one completely unharmed, despite being in the exact centre of the blast. The authorities have him in custody, but he has no living family, so they're going to lock him up in a mental institution." Ougai summarises. "What a waste, don't you agree?"
"And this requires our attention because . . .?" Yukichi asks, as he steps out. "Can you-" Ougai hands him a towel before he finishes his sentence, continuing his own thoughts.
"Because, this happened yesterday afternoon, and since then I've looked into the boy. He's brilliant in maths and the sciences, with exam scores off the charts. Furthermore, this isn't the first time he's blown something up, he has a proclivity for pyrotechnics, particularly with lemon-shaped explosives. A mind like his has no place rotting in a mental asylum, we could use someone like him, so why not go and investigate for ourselves?"
"Fair." Yukichi concedes. "Do you know why he chooses to use lemon-shaped bombs?"
"No, but there must be a reason, that's why we're investigating. We can even bring Ranpo-kun along if you like."
"Yes, I'm sure he'll enjoy the change of pace."
Just before noon, the three arrive at the mental asylum. Mori dressed in more casual clothes, as a psychiatrist, Fukuzawa as his bodyguard (warranted given the dangerous patients in the facility), and Ranpo, as Tarou, the police investigator.
The guard at the counter asks for ID and when Mori shows his medical licence, he asks no more questions.
'I thought this place was high security?' Ranpo thinks.
But it has more to do with Mori's intimidating stare than the badge itself, though it is amazing how many doors that small slip of paper can open.
A guard in a grey uniform leads them down the corridor to a room, one of the low-security cells. It has a metal door, but with a window and there appears to be a small cot in the cell too, more furnished than the padded white rooms you see on television.
'The old guy's intimidating. He would never pass as a plainclothes officer with that serious expression on his face. And what's with the other one? He looks young for a policeman, like a kid. An academy trainee maybe? The doc looks legit but I swear I recognise him from somewhere.'
"He didn't put up much of a fight. The mind doctors say he's a pyromaniac, not interested in physical violence, and there's nothing he can use to start a fire in the cell, so you're okay to go inside. I'll be right outside the door. This kid's a whacky one, he just rambles on about how he's the ambassador for the 'Grand Marshall of Outer Space' whoever that is?".
As they walk down the corridor Fukuzawa feels a tug inside of him, as if something is leading him forward.
When they enter the small room the boy is using a dry-erase marker to solve an equation on the wall. He turns, curiosity in his eyes, at their appearance.
"Hello, Motojirou-san. I am Mori Ougai. Have you heard of me?"
The boy puts down the marker. "Yup, sure have. What's an owner of a big company like Mori Corp doing here? Do you need a maths problem solved? How about: "if I were to drop some of my bombs from the roof of your building and explode them, what would be the approximate velocity of each shard of shrapnel?"'
"Hmm, an interesting inquiry. But, I'm more interested in your bombs than your maths."
"You mean my precious lemons?"
"You have a skill." Fukuzawa doesn't mean to voice his thoughts, but they come out anyway. A statement, not a question, somehow he just knows this boy is an ability user. Ranpo knows too. He deduced it as soon as he laid eyes on the boy.
Mori is surprised but doesn't let it show. "Precisely."
"That's right, I do indeed. It's called "Lemonade"! I can't be harmed by any lemon-shaped bombs, particularly the ones that I craft with my very own hands."
"Curious! Abilities really are such strange things aren't they?"
"The results of the universe's great experiment. We're all just test subjects."
"If that's the case, and we're being manipulated by the preset chemicals and nerve signals inside us, then nothing we do makes that much of an impact."
"Not in the long run, no. We're all just as inconsequential as . . . well even ants are more impactful than humans, all animals are.
"Then surely you wouldn't mind working for my organisation."
"I'm a little too young to be working for a corporation." he teases, "But I'd be interested in other types of work. However, I can't do much of anything while I'm locked up in here."
"It's settled then. I'm sure the warden we be to be rid of you. The less we discuss here, the better." Mori smiles, "Guard! We're done here."
The guard grimaces at being ordered around but leads them out of the cell and back down the corridor.
The next day Mori meets with the head warden of the asylum.
"Ikedo-san, I've come to speak with you today about a certain boy. Motojirou Kajii."
"What about him?" the warden says tiredly, the words sounding funny around the cigar dangling from his lips.
"I'm well aware that each ward you keep here costs you money to feed and house and clothe, and you must wonder why they bothered you instead of just sticking him in a penitentiary, no?"
"Yes, what's it to a guy like you?"
"I, or rather my company, is looking to buy him?"
"You want to buy a kid?" The warden isn't horrified or disgusted, but amused. He's no stranger to the black market, but "Why would you want him?"
"He has a brilliant mind and our research division could use some new blood. So, what do you say, I take him off your hands?"
"How much are you willing to pay?"
Mori smiles, he's done his research on the warden. The man is drowning in gambling debts. Having sudden money to pay them would be suspicious enough, he won't ask for any more than he needs. 
"As much as it takes," Mori says, still smiling.
The warden proceeds to name an oddly specific amount, exactly as the mafia leader expected. 
'What a bargain! ' Mori thinks as he signs the check, shaking the warden's ash-blackened hand with a well-practiced smile. He's thankful for his gloves.
By the end of the day, it's known that Motojirou tragically ended his life, the state of the body too distressing to show the public.
Once the police are satisfied that the bomber is sufficiently dead (an unclaimed body in the morgue helps in this ruse) they return to desperately fighting Yokohama's live criminals. A losing battle, as Yokohama is overrun with them. But . . . since a certain Hirai Tarou has begun consulting for the police the battle has seemed more and more hopeful. And something, some unknown greater force, is keeping Yokohama's underworld in line. The police are grateful, unaware that it is the new and improved Port mafia responsible for the peace.
It's almost midnight when Motojirou arrives at the Port Mafia. The goons escort him to the interrogation rooms, and funnily enough, a glass of lemonade is placed in front of him. It looks delicious. But as a scientist, Motojirou is sceptical of everything. 
'A test maybe? I must assess the situation with logic.'
Before he gets a chance the door is opened by a beautiful girl. She must be a few years younger than Motojirou-san. The Angel of Death. Yosano Akiko.
'I wonder why Dad asked me not to wear my mask, I'd make this a whole lot easier. He knows nobody takes pretty women seriously. Was that the point? For me to be disarming, to calm him down or convince him to do something for us? Gosh, If that's what it is, I'll really kill him!'
She wears a blood-red blouse with a black velvet ribbon, a flowing black skirt and red heels. Her plait reaches down to her hips, adorned with red and purple butterflies, made from metal so thin they look as if they could take flight at any moment. They glint under the fluorescents, and so do her eyes, a fiery murderous shade of purple.
The scientist whistles, impressed by her looks, "Well, who might you be, madam?"
She smirks. "Your new boss."
He says nothing, for once at a loss for words, logic failing him.
She walks toward him, oversized cleaver in hand. "Do you know what they call me in the mafia?"
There's something about her that makes him pause, something that makes a shiver run through him, and suddenly the room seems much colder, "No?" It comes out as a question.
"They call me . . . the Angel of Death. Can you guess why?" She draws closer, leaning in, bearing teeth in a violent grin.
"Because you kill people." He guesses, determined not to be afraid. "But I'll have you know, I've never believed in angels. There's earth and space, nothing more, nothing less."
"Perhaps. But I don't kill, I fix."
"A healing ability, how rare. You must hold a high position?" he raises an eyebrow.
"Healing, huh? That's what I've always been told. But I disagree, because healing implies making something whole again, repairing, returning a thing to the state it once was, as you said, no more, no less. . . . What I do is not that. What I can do . . . is much worse."
Motojirou, for all his intelligence, doesn't understand.
"You have a healing ability, but you choose to kill, to go against nature." he says the last word with air quotes, sardonic humour lacing his tone, "If you're trying to defy God, you're wasting your time because he doesn't exist."
"No. Why would I bother with someone who's long forsaken me? He cast me out of society the day he gave me an ability, forever separating me from the natural world." She looks almost sad. She doesn't know why she's bothering to tell him this. Maybe because she thinks she'll get to kill him, maybe because she thinks a fellow academic will understand.
Motojirou shrugs, he can't fathom somebody who dislikes, much less resents their ability. "Don't think of it that way."
"What other way is there to think of it?" Yosano says before thinking, the words sharp on her tongue.
At her outburst, he smiles, not like his previous smirk but a look of pity. "Like you're better than them. Genetically superior, and stronger. Don't you know that we ability users weren't meant to exist with hoi polloi? Sure, we can mix and mingle with them, but at the end of the day, we are not the same. Ability users only have each other, common people will never understand the complexity that is us, and after the war, many resent and fear us. They can be our little experiments."
"What a thing to say! You're right. Ability users weren't meant to exist, we are the lesser, the cursed, and tableau monstrosities, yet here we are. We fight to maintain normality and coexist with others. You think that we're above others? How ridiculous. I've never met anyone so delusional! Ability users are the bottom, the rejects, the sign of a terrible world. We're here as a sign that changes need to be made."
"And so you kill people. What a way to prove you're normal."
"The Port Mafia is here to maintain peace in this city, without us criminals would run unchecked in the streets. Even the outcasts and rebels who denounce society and its structure need a leader. If they were allowed to continue as they were, roving and wreaking havoc without direction, this city would have crumbled into ruin. We are here to make peace, and perhaps profit a bit while doing so. Death is necessary, anyone who hasn't yet realised that is a fool. Those who defy us and threaten Yokohama's fragile order must die. But to have such a lack of regard for innocent lives, ones who are untouched by evil and uncorrupted by crime? If that is truly how you feel, then you shall die by my hand!"
"Your hand or your cleaver?" The joke is what Motojirou thinks is a clever way to hide his sudden and intense fear. Yosano looks positively murderous. Rage fueled by determination to be human, despite her ungodly ability.
"My ability is called Thou Shalt Not Die. It's fairly simple. I can heal any mortal wound, and return my patient to perfect health. However, if I wish to heal a minor wound, I must send my patient to a state of near death." She indicates her cleaver with her gaze, smiling darkly. "I am not in charge of interrogations, because after I've disassembled and healed victims a few dozen times they forget everything they know, and that would be pointless. I am in charge of executions. Those under my mercy cannot escape me via death. I can dismember them and return them as many times as I feel they deserve."
After a quiet moment, Motojirou says, "But, you won't do that to me." 
"Unfortunately, no. I have been denied the pleasure of your death. Mori-san told me to take you to your new office."
"How kind of him, and you, of course."
The lift ride is deadly silent, as if no breaths are being taken and the beating of hearts have been temporarily suspended, lest the situation become awkward for the sound. The descent continues a seemingly endless controlled fall.
When the lift dings it opens onto an all-white level, not like what one would expect of a subfloor, but similar to the infirmary.
"This is your new workspace. You'll have anything and everything you need to produce your little bombs. Every surface is fireproof and the walls could withstand a nuclear bomb, yet somehow I'm sure you'll manage to destroy something. Do try not to blow the place up, will you?"
"Of course. This is my precious lemon lab."
Yosano rolls her eyes in disgust. She would show him around, but she knows he is probably more familiar with the equipment than her. Still, she doesn't trust him to be on his own, so she stands in the door, watching him fawn dorkishly over the state-of-the-art scientific equipment.
The lab is indeed state-of-the-art. Every surface is bright white and metal lab benches are full of newly bought lab equipment. Colour is added by the scientific books lining the shelves. A small section of the lab houses a greenhouse containing a few lemon trees giving the lab a nice citrus fresh smell.
There is something about the way Motojirou-san gets so excited over the lab, a childish sort of joy that reminds Yosano of what she lost, and of what she got back. 
'For all his blabbering he does truly understand. Ugh. Gosh, I hate that. I hate that we're so similar but, I guess it can't be helped. This . . . this bliss is how I feel whenever I encounter a new method of medical practice or a new surgical tool. I suppose he and I are not so different after all . . . maybe having another academic in the mafia isn't the worst thing. I'll have to be careful though, he's a loose cannon.'
Deciding that for now at least, he's safe, she backs slowly out of the lab, returning to her office.
When she gets to the room the door is ajar. In the dark, her father figure waits for her.
"So, what did you think of Motojirou-san?" there's something in his voice that gives away the fact that he's not giving something away.
"He's a loose cannon." She answers honestly, voicing her thoughts from earlier, not having caught onto her father's meaning yet. "A bit annoying, but his job isn't to be agreeable, so it hardly matters, why?"
"Well, you're both part of the mafia's medical division, so it is at least somewhat important that you don't hate each other." Mori smirks, teasing his daughter.
'I don't hate Motojirou as much as I should hate someone who thinks how he does of humans, but there is no reason Dad needs to know that. Besides, there is a long way to go from not despising to finding them romantically appealing!' 
Yosano feigns ignorance.
"True." is all she says.
"He's handsome, isn't he?" Mori says, openly smiling now.
"I have no idea what you mean."
"Ah, but, don't you?"
"Father, Shut. Up."
"Alright." he raises his hands in surrender as she pushes him out the door, "I'll just go back to my office and call the florist. I heard wedding bouquets were on sale. Isn't that just wonderful?"
"Would you like red or white roses?"
"I WILL dissect you."
"Ooh, so mean, you'll scare poor Motojirou-san off."
"I sure hope so, get out before I decide to do more than just scare you off." She brings her hatchet up in a sword-wielding stance taught to her by Fukuzawa.
Mori hurries off, chuckling, not really scared.
"Want me to kill him for you?"
This voice startles her, she hadn't noticed the 13-year-old boy waiting around the corner. His void-like brown eyes stare back at her. They're not large like most children's eyes appear to be, they're elegant and angular, already sharp and alert carrying none of the innocence of childhood.
"Not today." Yosano concedes her annoyance in favour of worrying for her younger colleague's sanity.
"Tch." He sighs, already turning away, "What a shame . . . I guess you're right though. I can't have the ideal death if he's not around to get me the special pills." he pauses, still turned away, thinking for a moment, his gaze settled on a sunbeam as it crosses the dark wooden floor. "Not like I couldn't steal them, but why waste the effort, you know?" he laughs, turning back again, "Goodbye, Akiko."
And with that he's gone, crossing the shaft of light and vanishing into the darkness. The way he says it makes her even more afraid for him. The words are hollow and haunting, simultaneously empty and intense.
'That boy . . . he's going to do something great. It'll probably be the bad kind of great but either way I don't think Yokohama will ever be the same after he pulls whatever trick he has out from under those bandages.'
"Akiko, are you alright?"
Yosano is once again startled out of her thoughts. 'Jeez, I'm so spacey. Good thing I don't go out in the field.' It's not fair of her to judge herself, anyone would be startled by the Silver Wolf's signature silent approach.
The wolf in question wears a kitsune-style mask resembling the dog his nickname refers to. The mask is grey with subtle white details, completely hiding the face of the wearer, the man's simple black yukata and haori aren't much help in identifying him either. The Port Mafia is kept in isolated chains of command to prevent identity leaks, but this is a face that most mafia members know, The cold canine eyes staring down, the long blade, intimidating even when sheathed. But Akiko knows the face behind the mask. A kind man with silver hair. The hidden second head of the Port Mafia, Fukuzawa Yukichi.
"Yeah. Do me a favour and tell your boyfriend off for me, okay." Akiko smiles at him. Referring to Mori simply as Fukuzawa's boyfriend was a power move that brings her a spark of joy even if the victim of the jab was not here to personally receive it.
Fukuzawa laughs slightly, "Of course. I knew he'd done something. He never smiles like that otherwise." Rolling his eyes at her, he continues his path to Ranpo's office carrying three newly purchased mystery novels.
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yoonsdoll · 1 year
flower - ksy
content : n-i!hoshi x f!reader ; fluff , strangers 2 lovers ; 1.8k words warnings : brief mention of sickness - where you're a florist, and soonyoung (an incredibly cute customer) catches your eye. an : i hope that u enjoy!! ive wanted to write something like this for a while but ive been busy + not proof-read so apologies for any mistakes!
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“same customer again..? i swear he comes here every day… what does he need this many flowers for?” you heard your co-worker hum with a little smirk.
the familiar stranger, who without fail purchased flowers daily, has just departed from the flower shop where you worked at, the stupidly handsome guy who always seeks your flower advice, the one who boldly orders custom bouquets exclusively from you. you were the newest florist, the least experienced among your colleagues, so, why did he always choose to talk to you?
“how would i know?” you managed to shrug your shoulders tiredly, offering nothing more but a sigh. “he probably buys flowers for his girlfriend… or maybe girlfriends? i mean… i like flowers too, but what girl wants to receive flowers daily…”
“i wouldn't be surprised, he's a hot ass guy… i’d be all over him too if i had the chance.” your co-worker giggled. “i’m jealous of you, he always comes in and asks you for help, maybe you find him attractive too?”
“yes.. i mean.. no? i don't know. hes cute i guess, but i'm sure he has a girlfriend and is only asking for help cause he needs someone else's opinion on the flowers he gets. to be honest, i don't even know his name.”
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it blew your mind how you started working as a florist under three months ago, promising yourself that this job would just be a way to earn money for education. but now its been two weeks since the same nameless guy started visiting the store every day, two weeks since you've actually started to look forward to work. its not like you didn't previously like it, but it definitely made it easier when you started to indulge yourself in delusion, in dreams that contain the same handsome guy coming down to the store to see you daily.
you didn't mean it to end up like this, you told yourself that it was only a coincidence, that he really did just have a girlfriend that he cared for and loved. but you couldn't help and imagine what it would be like to be that lucky girl.
“how could you fall for someone who’s name you don't even know?” your friend hansol asked you when you told him about it.
…but how could you not? seeing all his different outfits - which you’d describe as streetstyle, with oversized pants and cool shirts, occasionally wearing jackets and hoodies - hearing his husky voice in the tiring afternoons, noticing the way he so carefully thought about the choices of flowers he would get, even doing so much as asking for recommendations.
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weeks passed and you’ve gotten into a routine of seeing him at this point. you always welcomed him with a “good afternoon” to which he would start to respond with “good afternoon, y/n” after you started wearing your name-tag badge that everyone was usually required to wear, but you never wore due to old people always reading it wrong or mispronouncing it.
but today was different. it was 5:43 pm, and you were going to close soon, yet he still hasn’t arrived.
time passed quickly, before you knew it, it was 6 pm and you just finished helping an elderly lady to walk down the steps of the store. it was now time to close, you couldn't help but feel disappointed. you flipped over the wooden sign on the door that said ‘open’ so that passer-bys wouldn’t walk into the store after hours. you hummed to yourself as you swept away any fallen petals that dropped on the floor, until you heard the bell that always notified you when someone entered. “it's closed..” you mumbled, turning around to face the door.
“i'm a little late huh?” the familiar face spoke, “ah… i should've hurried. something came up and…” his tone quietened as he spoke. “nevermind” he smiled once more, putting his left arm out, which held a cup of coffee that you recognised, a coffee from the expensive café a street away. “i got you coffee.”
“oh. thank you?” the corners of your lips rising into a smile, reaching out for the coffee, your fingers brushing against each other. “do you still need to buy flowers? you do everyday right?” you glanced at the clock on the wall that read 6:04 pm. “i can stay in a bit to help if you’d like” you added.
his expression turned into one of guilt, you could tell he didn't want to keep you in work for any extra time. “no it's okay. actually… i came here to thank you, for always helping me pick the best flowers, the bouquets you make are really beautiful. you have some real talent.” you couldn't help but giggle at the flattery, never really hearing words like these, especially from a guy that you found cute.
“ah… by the way, i’m soonyoung. i don't think i ever introduced myself. i'm sorry, that must be really awkward for you considering i know your name already.” you laughed softly, soonyoung's chuckles quickly following yours.
“its okay, its my fault for not asking previously, i was just nervous,” you quickly admitted, the awkward atmosphere melting away.
“no but seriously, my mother loves the bouquets you make,” he added to his previous statement.
oh. his mother.
suddenly it all hit you. he hasn’t been buying flowers for his girlfriend (or plural - considering at one point you thought he was a player). he has been buying them for his mother like a good son would.
“i feel so stupid oh my god…” you muttered to yourself, unaware of how loud your muttering would be in a completely quiet room.
“whys that?” soonyoung concerningly asks, his head slightly tilted at the sight of your flushed cheeks and embarrassed expression. but his concern quickly changing into a smirk as you stutter trying to let any words leave your lips.
you felt as if the universe was torturing you. the fact that its been weeks since you met this cute stranger but kept your distance because you didn't want to be a homewrecker. and the fact that you were now standing in front of him having to explain the comment you made that you assumed he wouldn't hear.
and worst of them all, having to explain that same comment with his pretty face staring right at you, acting stupid, when in reality you had a feeling that he knew everything.
and know everything he did. in fact, he was even worse than you. ever since he entered the store with hopes to find his sick mother some cute flowers, he couldn't get you off his mind. he told himself everyday that it would be the day he would ask for your number, but always ended up leaving with just a little more knowledge about your favourite flowers and a bouquet that his mother would later put in a glass jar next to her hospital bed. he acted so sweet, he put on his best outfits, he did anything to hint that you should maybe make the first move, but he eventually came to the conclusion that maybe you didn’t find him attractive. he was a mess, telling all his friends about the cute girl that worked at the flower shop, making them hype him up prior to entering the store, yet he never even had the guts to even tell you his name.
but seeing your smile as he entered, seeing you in your cute uniform with your name-tag he assumed you wore for him, seeing how fast you were to come up to him and help him with the selection of flowers he might’ve wanted that day, it all ignited hope within him that maybe he had a chance with you. a chance that you wanted to talk to him just as badly as he did with you, a chance that you counted down the hours till he got to see you just as he did, a chance that there would be something out of this random crush he developed on a late tuesday afternoon a few weeks ago.
“i assumed you were buying these for your girlfriend,” you finally spat out, doing anything to avoid eye contact. his smirk only getting wider, and his cheeks a shade redder.
“you got it all wrong,” he chuckled once more, admiring your sudden shyness. “i wouldn’t be coming to this flower store with the knowledge that such a pretty girl worked here if i did have a girlfriend.” he casually told you as he fixed his jacket.
you looked up at him surprised, your heart beating a little faster at the sudden confession.
“don't act so shocked… why in the world would i need to buy my mother flowers everyday? i like getting her gifts, but her room is filled to the brim at this point… all ‘cause i didn't know how to ask for your number, so i just visited everyday to see you.” soonyoung’s heart now picking up a pace too, his confident expression masking the amount of thoughts he was having in the moment.
his confession ended up leaving you speechless, looking at him with wide eyes and a half-pout, half-smile trying to figure out if he's serious or not.
“your coffee will get cold.” he then pointed out, zipping up his jacket. “i promise to bring you a bouquet next time, with all your favourite flowers in it.” he smiled at you so adoringly as you nodded your head a little in response. “see you y/n!”
soonyoung soon left, leaving you in silence. it took you a few minutes to gather yourself together, remembering the coffee you were still holding in your hand, which was keeping its heat from your warm hands. you lifted the cup to your lips, noticing some writing on the side of it. your eyes quickly shifted to see what it said.
‘please text me. - soonyoung’ with his number written underneath and a cute doodle of a baby tiger next to his name.
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that night you opened your phone and typed in his number into your contacts as soon as you got home. you saved his name as soonyoung, but struggled picking an emoji to put, stumped between a flower emoji and a tiger, but eventually coming to the conclusion a white heart would be the cutest. you spent the rest of that night texting him about literally everything, even calling him at some point.
the next day he kept his promise and brang a big bouquet full of your favourite flowers that you always rambled about to the store, with the offer of a date, which of course you would never decline. it didn't take long for you and soonyoung to start seeing each other outside of work. texts ended up in more dates, and dates ended up in promises of regularly seeing each other.
you would've never thought that the cute guy who came in to buy his ‘girlfriend’ flowers would become your boyfriend, your soonyoung. but maybe those weeks full of heartbreak and delusion were really worth it considering you had the privilege to finally call him yours, and he had the privilege to call you his.
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Reason Why Lyrren is Fucking Awful #2: the League
Getting this one out of the way now, because I know very well I'll get people who are like "Yeah, but it's worth it! H4rdc0r3!" because travelling one of the most fucking remote and dangerous regions in the world is fine if it lets you take part in, as that one fucking mewtuber called it "The Secret Hardcore League They Don't Want You to Know About!"
Can you tell I'm peeved about this part?
Like everything, the reality is more complicated. Lyrren's league is hard, yeah, but especially for foreigners it's not a kind of difficulty that's any kind of fun.
First of all, the league is deeply important to Lyrren in many ways. For one it's part of their Journey, which is significantly more significant there than it is elsewhere. The paper I read estimated that something like 80% of people there go on one at 15. I shouldn't need to mention that that's a truly ridiculous number, the statistics I've dug up for Sinnoh are closer to half that. Back home it's pretty important too yeah, but in Lyrren it's considered a major milestone in their life, the transition from childhood to adulthood, and evolved directly from a literal pilgrimage.
And there was I, blundering in because I thought it sounded fun.
The sheer fucking vibes of "YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE" in every step of my journey there did a number on me, even without all the straight-up xenophobia. I'm honestly surprised they even let foreigners participate, might just be because they don't have a way to legally differentiate us from locals.
The second way is very literal. Lyrren is one of the few nations that still has League Rule absolutism, AKA the league is the government. It also serves as an absolutely spectacular argument against that form of government because holy fuck. It's about as competent in governing as you'd expect for a bunch of people selected for their battling skills. Way it got that way is a long story but let's just say there was a massive power vacuum, and the league was the only entity capable of even vaguely filling it.
So, an exercise for the reader. You are the head of the Elite Four. Your region has been torn apart by war, the champion is dead and no one has replaced them yet, the government is essentially gone and you've somehow found yourself the closest thing your region has to a leader. What is the first thing you do?
Cement your own power by any means that won't get the population to revolt, of course. If someone manages to climb their way through the league and beat you, they'll become your boss, and we can't have that. There has not been a champion of Lyrren in almost fifty years.
As a result of that philosophy, I've seen gym regulation in Lyrren summed up as "don't let too many trainers through." Not joking, they have one guy, and his only job is to make sure the gyms aren't too easy. And like, yes, the gyms are very difficult because of that, but not in the way other regions are. Leagues elsewhere are meant to be a challenge, but in the end it's intended that a competent trainer be able to progress through it. Lyrren's league exists to stop people from reaching its elite. It's designed to be unfair. Plus there's an age-old law against anyone with under 8 badges even setting foot on Ticsi Island, the home of the league. Which is also the seat of their fucking government. Do you smell the corruption yet?
As for the gym battles themselves, while their standards for each badge are significantly higher than most places (gym leader I challenged for the first badge had a fucking Metang), difficulty spikes and dips because the leaders decide themselves what mons they want to use for which level, doesn't matter to the league as long as not too many people get through, and apart from using weaker mons they do not fucking go easy on you. 6v6 battles from badge 2, I almost lost that one because the gym leader used several techniques I'm pretty sure would be illegal anywhere else, including painting the walls with horrific war imagery and revealing it mid-battle.
Also, because gyms are, like most things in Lyrren, handled almost entirely locally the gyms themselves can be... strange. The gym puzzle of Chaca City involves fighting a gym trainer. Like, not with pokémon. Steel-type specialists too, I didn't even dare to try. Watched it a bit, but there's only so much of adults beating up teens you can take. On top of that, apparently gym leaders often look at how you complete the puzzle to determine who they rig the match against if they need to get some wins to pump up their stats, and also whoop for me because being a foreigner pretty much automatically puts you on that list.
So let me walk you though a few steps of my hell. I arrived in Xochi City, the only port in Lyrren that allows foreign ships, and went straight to its gym, grass type. Take most of the day to finish the puzzle, a maze where you need to answer questions I assume are obvious to the Lyrrenese but I had no clue about, before getting to the leader. Fun fact: Lyrrenese badges are not internationally recognized, but apparently Lyrrenese gyms can decide to recognize international ones if they want to? Not sure if that's how it works or if he was just fucking with me. So there I was, seven-badger from Sinnoh cluelessly walking into an eighth-badge match. Another fun fact: in an eighth-badge match, Lyrrenese gym leaders are required to use their personal teams. Yet another fun fact: the gym leader of Xochi City used to be an Elite Four member. And as a side note, the Elite Four of Lyrren are sometimes called the Four Champions, and that's not an empty title.
So yeah. I got fucking annihilated. Didn't even beat his Ludicolo.
Like, I've gotten top 8 in the Lily of the Valley since then, and I still know I 100% would lose like a chump even now. From what I've read he's one of the three gym leaders people there make sure not to leave for last because their personal teams are nearly impossible to beat.
Sounds fair, right?
So let's say you make it past that. You're strong enough to get past eight gyms that are stacked against you and all the other fucking hurdles in your way (will get into more in later posts, but it's a lot), and you make it to the Spring's End Tournament. You just need to win that, and you get to challenge the Elite Four, and beat them and you become the champion of Lyrren. Hard, but possible right?
Well too bad, your journey ends there.
I could go into the caliber of trainer who participates in Spring's End (I recommend looking up recordings sometime, picture quality's shit but the battling is not), but I don't need to. Of the four foreign participants in Spring's End I've been able to find concrete evidence of, three were disqualified on the first day of the tournament for "poor sportsmanship" (read: We Don't Want You Here) and the last, some poor idiot from Unova, just straight up disappeared. I don't think they even bothered looking for the body. The league may not want anyone to have a fair shot at the championship, but, and I can't emphasize this part enough, no one wants a foreigner to become champion.
And for the record, the Elite Four matches are also incredibly stacked against the challenger. Once one is beaten the next steps in immediately to continue the fight, so not only do you have to beat four of the strongest trainers in the world, you need to beat them in a row without resting. Apparently a good two thirds of challengers lose to the first, and there's like three occurrences of anyone beating the second. The third crushed all of them within minutes of stepping onto the field. Frankly I seriously doubt any trainer alive could take on that challenge unless they got a high legend or something to join them.
So yeah. I'd call it less of a hardcore challenge, more butting in on a century-old tradition centered around a fucking mess of a system that's had a hatchet taken to it in order to fuck it up even further. Still sound worth it?
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mr-gallavich · 2 years
Analysis of Mickey Milkovich's Bedroom
So I saw these screenshots
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In this post by @jomilky and I would like to break them down.
So the first thing I notice is the Chicago police star.
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So this is super blurry but that's about as good as it gets.
This, in its blurry state, looks very detailed and I highly doubt season 1 Mickey Milkovich has a computer lying around to look it up so that means he has to have a police badge on hand that he definitely stole from a cop. How? I don't know, but he's Mickey Milkovoch and if anyone could steal a badge off a cop it would be him.
Next is the Mandrill Baboon sign, under the badge drawing???
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I'll admit I was just as confused as you are right now until I realized... that looks like a sign from a zoo. Like the one on the fence around the enclosure? Yeah.
Mickey stole the fucking Baboon name sign off from a zoo. Why, again, I don't know. But I bet he has the funniest fucking story of stealing this and then hightailing it from the security guards that definitely caught him on camera.
Next is the knives to the very right. It's half in shot and even in my cropped version I had to include a lot of wall to stop it from being giant
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Ya know what those remind me of?
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Rafael's swords... from the 1990 live action ninja turtles movie. Mickey was 100% obsessed with the ninja turtles as a kid and wanted to live in the sewer and eat pizza and play with swords all day. And he 100% is a Rafael kinny, I will die on this hill.
I would be willing to be money he saw those in a thrift shop and had this vivid flashback of being obsessed with ninja turtles as a kid and bought them for cheap and now he plays with them in his room and pretends to be a badass vigilante.
And Iggy or Mandy have definitely walked in on him pretending to fight someone with them and they don't let him live it down.
Next is the doodles drawing next to the star. Here's a close up:
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As we can see there's a syringe, a star, a hearr, a dude with dreads smoking a blunt, I think that's like an attempt at a 3D hole in the bottom right? There's a pentagram, some words I can't make out.
And then the next picture is the one on the dresser drawer.
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The hand, the cross, the s, the bone, the dick, the arrow, all these pluse the last paper are mostly very standard doodles (maybe not the pentagram but givem his area and up bringing I would say so, and some would argue the guy with the dreads but I remember drawing random people as a kid) and yet he kept them which tells me he is proud of his art, even the small shit.
So basically we have a confirmed ninja turtle nerd Mickey Milkovich who is also an artist. I want a fic where at one point Ian teases Mickey for having such a hard on for ninja turtles and Mickeys like "come on, you have to admit ninja turtles are fucking badass" and Ian's like "Yeah I guess, if you're a child" and Mickeys like "have you even seen the movies??" And Ian's like "Yes, I have." And Mickey says "so you at least think Rafael is the best right?" And that sparks an argument where Ian argues that Leonardo is obviously and Mickey gets exasperated at his husband and decides he's going to sleep on the couch over ninja turtles.
Next on the list is candles:
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Why does he have so many candles? I have my thoughts, but none of them are clean.
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Is that.. is that "fuck love" under a drawing of a dude jerking his dick? Yeah it is.
Angst, emo, philophobic Mickey in action. Cute, cringey, love to see it. I bet when he was like 12/13 he has the urge to grow out his hair and get a fringe cut and the only reason he didn't is because he would get jumped for being an emo.
Now I want a fic of Mickey going to therapy post South Side and his therapist diagnosing him as philophobic and Mickey or his therapist making a joke about curing his philophobia through exposure. But Mickey kind of takes it to heart. So he wants to ask his sister, who lives in his apartment with him (like the beginning of very good Gallavich fic) but he's a little ashamed and embarrassed so he's super casual about it and she's like half paying attention to him, half paying attention to the tv and she's like "Ya know I have this work friend, Ian Gallagher. He's gay and totally your type, I'll hook you two up" and Mickey is kinda quiet and Mandy is waiting for the "fuck no" but instead Mickey is like "okay... yeah sure" and then she sets him up on a date with Ian and they meet up at this restaurant and it's crush at first sight and then the rest of the fic is them meeting up and going on dates and bonding and shit until suddenly Mickey realizes he's in love and it actually worked and then it ends with a scene of Mickey in a therapy appointment and he reminds his therapist of the joke and is like... yeah so not a joke.
I'm out of image slots so imma have to make a part 2.
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mackjlee9 · 3 years
Kannonzaka Doppo x Male!Reader [Fluff]
Hypnosis Mic; Rhyme Anime
I love this man :3
Working in the same company as someone as great as Kannonzaka Doppo was like a dream come true to (M/n).
Being a huge fan of Shinjuku's division, Manterou, he obviously wanted to meet them, but alas, he never got the chance to encounter any of them outside of the divisions' rap battles or on tv. And as he started running out of money, he desperately tried to look for a job, and somehow, he got one.
The first week was kinda tough, this annoying boss he had got on his nerves more times than he'll like to admit, and he wasn't the only one he was an asshole too. He heard things from some of his workmates about how someone in a different department in the building had to stay extra hours working, hardly even being paid for those hours.
And he kinda wanted to meet him, he felt pity for the poor male who was probably just trying to buy some food to eat and have enough money to pay the bills, so he thought he could maybe lessen some of the heavy work he has.
Of course, he never expected that overworked man to be none other than Kannonzaka Doppo, from his favorite rap division. But Manterou wasn't just his favorite one, Doppo himself was the one that always made (M/n) enjoy their raps so much. So, the nice act he wanted to do for him and help kinda backfired.
However, every day he would go and check on the red-haired male, seeing the mountain of paperwork he had to do basically every day, and (M/n) felt like he just had to do something.
And so, after taking some deep breaths, attempting to relax his tense body and racing heartbeat, he walked in. But, since he wasn't looking or paying attention at all, he bumped into Doppo, who dropped some of the folders he was carrying.
"Oh, god! I'm sorry." He muttered as he knelt on the ground, picking up a few papers that flew out of the folder, and handed over them to Doppo.
"Is my f-fault... I was ki-kinda distracted..." (M/n) heard him whisper as he grabbed the papers and looked at him.
The moment he locked eyes with Doppo his nervousness seemed to fade away, but he dismissed it as he stood up, helping Doppo up on his feet.
"No, is fine, I'm not supposed to be in this department either way," he chuckled as he scratched the back of his head. Doppo stared at him with a confused look in his eyes.
"Then, why are you here-?" He trailed his eyes down to the badge he was wearing, reading his name, "(L/n)-san?"
Weird... why did I get goosebumps so suddenly?
"I-I... I just heard that someone was being treated worse than me here, so wanted to help them... I had no idea it was going to be you, Doppo-san," he said with a smile, glancing away, when he realized something. "I-I mean... Kannonzaka-san..." his voice trembled as he fixed his small mistake, not even noticing the subtle blush the red-haired male had on his face.
"Just Doppo is fine," he responded with a cute grin, starting to walk towards his boss' office, where he needed to drop off the folder. "So, I'm guessing you know about me?"
And Doppo wasn't expecting such a reaction from the male he just met.
"Of course I know about you, Doppo-san, Mantenrou is my favorite division! I love going to the rap battles events or just seeing the three of you on tv, but I especially love seeing Doppo-san mo-" he abruptly stopped when he realized he was just talking without filter again, "S-sorry am I... big fan of yours, Doppo-san..."
While Doppo felt kinda flustered at (M/n) words, he also noticed how many stares (M/n)'s words caught the attention of, and that was making him anxious.
"Well, I'm h-happy to hear that, (L/n)-san... people usually don't notice me and are more fans of Hifumi or sensei..." he mumbled in a defeated voice, something that made (M/n) hold him by the shoulders, making eye contact with the flustered male.
"Those people are blind, Doppo-san is definitely the best one in Manterou and I wholeheartedly support you!" Seeing Doppo completely silent and just blinking every couple of seconds, he once more realized what he had said. "Oh, look at the time! I should go, see you tomorrow, Doppo-san!"
He exclaimed staring at the none existent watch on his wrist and running away from him. Doppo just stood there before chuckling at what just happened.
"That was kinda cute..." he whispered to himself as he resumed his walk towards his boss' office.
Ever since that day, (M/n) would reunite some courage and go to Doppo's work department, helping him or talking to him whenever their boss wasn't around, and eventually, they became friends.
He got to meet Hifumi and a few days later, Jakurai.
He was talking with Doppo during lunchtime, and they were outside of the building, eating some katsusando (pork-cutlet sandwich) and talking freely, both with huge smiles on their faces. That was the scene that Hifumi witnessed when he arrived a little late with Doppo's bento.
That's how (M/n) met Hifumi. Meeting Jakurai was a similar story too.
He was on his way home after a long day of work, Doppo was finally able to leave home after the regular eight hours of work, and he didn't want to make him wait until god knows when, so (M/n) told the red-haired man that he could go home. And that's how he met Jakurai.
All the Manterou members were out in town, shopping and talking among themselves, and seemed to be heading home when he made eye contact with Doppo. He was dragged with them, and Jakurai offered to take him home, something that he couldn't refuse even if he tried to.
But now that he and Doppo had become such good friends, there was the next issue.
(M/n)'s feelings.
He wasn't completely stupid -he was to some degree, but not fully stupid-, and he always thought that he only felt the typical celebrity crush towards Doppo, of course, until they became such close friends. And now, those feelings were growing stronger and stronger by the day, making him doubt his actions as he became flustered near the red-haired male.
He would brainstorm ways to try and stop this romantic feeling from getting stronger, but he couldn't help feel his heart pounding whenever Doppo would do something like this.
"Here, (M/n)-kun, you can eat this," he would say with an adorably closed-eyed smile, offering him some of the food Hifumi made for him, feeding him with the chopsticks he used to eat.
That was like an indirect kiss... (M/n) thought to himself as he covered the lower half of his face with the back of his hand. "This... is delicious," he mumbled when he was done swallowing his already chewed food, and his words caused a hearty chuckle from Doppo.
"I know, right? Hifumi's food is so good-," he stopped talking for a moment, his face turning a light shade of red, "Actually, Hi-Hifumi wanted me to in-invite you over for... dinner, of course, if you don't mind and aren't busy! I wouldn't want to force you or anything-!" Doppo stopped freaking out once he heard (M/n) chuckling softly.
"I don't mind it, Doppo-san," and his gentle smile seemed to be enough to calm down the red-haired male.
Seeing his blond childhood friend excitedly going everywhere in their apartment, humming happily, and displaying a huge smile made Doppo wonder if inviting (M/n) over was a good idea.
He felt really nervous and anxious about the male coming over, but he tried to calm down for his sake, so he went to take a shower so he could change out of his work clothes.
(M/n) had gone back to his own apartment too, wanting a warm shower and some appropriate clothing. He wasn't sure what he should wear, but he opted for a black long-sleeved shirt, black jeans, a military green jacket, and his shoes. He wondered for a long time if he was dressed appropriately, but the moment he saw the clock, he wasted no time in getting out.
He read the address Doppo sent him almost twenty minutes ago, and he called a cab, telling the driver where to go.
Doppo's apartment was kinda far from his, so the ride took almost thirty minutes, but the moment he went up the stairs and stopped in front of the door, he felt his heart pounding inside his ribcage and his palms getting all sweaty, but he managed to take a deep breath to calm down enough, and he rang the doorbell.
"I'll get it!" He heard Doppo exclaiming from the inside, being followed by a 'Thanks, Doppochin~', and (M/n) gulped down his saliva, sighing as he tried to relax his tense body. The front door opened and he was greeted with the unexpected yet adorable sight of Doppo out of his work clothes. "Oh, (M/n), come in, dinner is almost ready."
He followed behind him silently, staring at him up and down as discreetly as he could. Doppo was wearing a slightly oversized pale pink sweater, and white jeans, along with the slippers. (M/n) stopped by the front door, and Doppo handed him a pair of slippers that probably Jakurai wore whenever he came over.
He was guided to the main room, kitchen, and living room made up a single big room, and he was amazed at how expensive everything looked, he was kinda scared to touch anything too.
"(M/n)chin~, it's been a while!" Hifumi exclaimed as he finished setting up the dinner table, rushing over to him and wrapping his arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly.
Neither of them noticed Doppo frowning at their physical contact, and he cleared his throat, showing them a small smile as he sat down.
"The food is gonna get cold, let's eat."
Like that, dinner time was spent between laughs and getting to know each other better. (M/n) was having a good time with both males, enjoying the stories Hifumi told him about his work as a host, and even if he was interested in what he was saying, his eyes couldn't stop staring at Doppo.
He looked so comfortable and relaxed, his casual clothing making him cuter than he already was.
He was in love with him, it wasn't just a silly crush anymore, and he knew that, but even so, he couldn't help it.
Obliviously to him, Hifumi also knew about his feeling for Doppo, and he smirked to himself as he came up with a small plan.
(M/n) only snapped from his staring when he saw Doppo standing up, "I need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." And like that, the exact moment Doppo was out of sight, Hifumi dropped an arm around (M/n)'s shoulders again.
"So... Doppochin, eh~?" His playfully teasing tone let (M/n) knew that he wasn't being discreet about all his staring -which would've been obvious to anyone-, and that Hifumi knew he was into Doppo. "Say (M/n), why haven't you asked him out yet? Believe me when I tell you he'll go crazy if you do."
However, even if Hifumi's intentions were genuine, (M/n) was barely listening to his words, too busy thinking about what to do. But his frantic thoughts started calming down when he realized something the blond said. Doppo will go crazy about me asking him out...? Wait-.
"Hifumi-kun... what do you mean,.exactly?" The male just chuckled and sighed with a smile, staring into (M/n)'s eyes with a serious look.
"(M/n)chin, you obviously do not know about this, but Doppochin talks about you pretty much every day, and he would get this cute subtle blush on his face whenever he did, even when he's texting you." (M/n) felt his heart beating faster at the mere thought of Doppo's behavior when it was about him. Cute, subtle blush...
"Why did you say 'cute', Hifumi-kun?" The blond just chuckled and dismissed the situation with a wave of his hand.
"I'm pansexual, (M/n)chin, and I can call Doppo cute or adorable without second intentions, we've been friends pretty much our whole life," and like that, Doppo finally came back.
Hifumi made eye contact with the red-haired male, who just frowned at him again, and he let go of (M/n), getting up to go get the dessert he baked.
With more talking the time went by, and it was already ten-thirty at night, so (M/n) had to leave already.
He was standing at the front door, taking the slippers off and putting his shoes back on, behind him, were Doppo and Hifumi nudging one another. Doppo had a light blush on his face as he whispered-yelled at Hifumi to stop, since the blond had been bothering him to take (M/n) home.
The moment Hifumi saw (M/n) opening the front door and walking out, he held Doppo's wrist and pushed him towards the (h/c) haired male, "Have fun~" and like that, after winking at (M/n), he closed the door and locked it.
(M/n) blushed when he realized Doppo was pressed against his body, his hands holding onto the red-haired's waist.
"Hifumi!" Doppo backed away and walked to the door, trying to open it, but to no avail. "God... damn it," he mumbled to himself and turned around to stare at (M/n). "So, uh... I-I'll ta-take you home, (M/n)..."
"S-sure," completely silent, they walked out of the building and started heading towards (M/n)'s home.
The way there might've been long, but both of them enjoyed their time together, even if none of them were talking. The subtle chill night breeze was hitting their faces and preventing the heat from coloring their cheeks a red tone.
Doppo followed (M/n) up the stairs and to his front door, the (h/c) haired male was hesitant for a moment, but he took a deep breath and turned to look at Doppo, who was looking down and fidgeting with his fingers.
"Doppo..." he called him, his bright blue eyes staring up at him, and (M/n) felt shivers down his spine when he saw the innocent look in his eyes, "I..." he stepped closer to him and held his hands, "I'm in love with you, Doppo."
(M/n) was capable of witnessing first-hand how Doppo's face turned bright red and his eyes widened with a shocked look, making his heart pound at how adorable he looked. The red-haired male moved his hands away from (M/n)'s, and he covered his face with them. However, (M/n) couldn't hold on anymore.
He gripped his wrists and pulled Doppo's hands away from his face, leaning down to kiss him. However, as soon as their kiss broke, (M/n) blushed too and started apologizing frantically.
"I-I'm really sorry, Doppo! I shouldn't h-have-!" But before he could finish freaking out, Doppo held his face and kissed (M/n) this time.
Doppo pushed (M/n) against the closed door, his hands lowering to grab him by his belt and bring their hips together.
(M/n) felt his body burning at Doppo's bold move, and he rested a hand on his hip while the other one held a handful of his red locks, pulling it and causing the kiss to break.
"You wanna spend the night, Doppo?" The older male smirked and licked his lips.
"Yes, let's go in~"
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the-kingshound · 3 years
I think people know it's not a King Arthur documentary - I think people were expecting this story to be kinda gritty - with reading the plot and that stellar opening and then we kinda get this...uhhh...well people kinda babying the MC and I don't think anyone was expecting that kinda outcome imo
Think people were expecting this to be....not a welcoming experience - I mean hell, who would want to be called the King's DOG, even as their spouse??? I guess people thought it was gonna be an optional title where the MC gets to wear it as a badge or honor, like yES I am fiercely loyal or wear as a shameful title or regard it as a insult lol
The way the story played out was not what people were expecting, hence why so many people are like...where is the conflict that stems from this arranged marriage? Yeah the war is over, but surely someone or people would still harbor hate, it's just odd to see it go so smoothly I think lolol
The thing is that most of what is described in the opening is yet to happen, it's what awaits you but not just yet. For now, the little taste MC had of was was of the last two battles their House fought in, and they were basically treated as another elite fighter, skilled but just another fighter.
After that, MC gets what awaited them all along: an arranged marriage for the political gain of their family.
The thing with MC's title is exactly as you described: it will come years from now and MC will wear it with pride. But for now they are basically powerless and in unfamiliar land.
The ROs are accepting because they feel compassion towards MC. Why would they hate or antagonize them when they are to be the King's spouse without even their say in that? The knights are not going to act on the difensive of suspiciously around MC because one it's not their place (they'd have to follow the King's orders) and two they sincerely want to welcome MC as best as they can.
Everyone is raw after the battle but they can't just act like MC was a spy or a traitor because that wouldn't make sense and since Arthur actually wants to trust and welcome MC so will the others.
Some people will harbor hate towards MC, but not the ROs.
This, after all, is a story about growth, found family, healing and devotion. There will be conflicts, but later in game and most of all the ROs are always going to be a safe place for MC not a source of conflict - not even at the beginning.
I apologize if I set different expectations, but with the demo out now you actually know the general vibe for the story.
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bestruction · 4 years
Falling in love with a marleyan pt.2
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N/A: It was really hard to write for Eren because of all of his background. That’s why I’m insecure about this one. I hope you can enjoy 
You can read the part 1 here 
- Eren Jaeger 
After the war that started in Marley because of the failure of the founding titan's mission, the government sent marleyan nurses to the hospital of the Liberio District. Since many people had died on the battlefield, it would take some time for the eldian medical unit to fully recover.
You were one of them.
It wasn't your first time taking care of war survivors, but putting your feet inside the district's central hospital and seeing all those poor souls made your heart sink in your chest. The atmosphere was heavy, especially since the other nurses who were with you saw no reason to care for and treat eldians.
What was the purpose of the war? This? More blood and hatred?
You were in charge of caring for the patients in ward B. After a long day cleaning your patients' psychological and physical wounds, you felt relief when you reached the last one.
"Mr. Kruger" was what the chart said and notes below about his amnesia, left eye, and leg.
"Good night, Mr. Kruger"
"Good night, nurse"
"You can call me by my name," You said, pointing to the badge on your chest. "We're going to see each other a lot from now on"
He looked at your face and then at your arm, noticing the lack of the armband.
"You are marleyan" he stated
"Yes, I am" You pulled up a stool to sit "Have you had any pain in your left eye or in your leg?"
"No, nurs-" he interrupted himself and looked at your badge before completing the sentence with your name.
"That's good. Please look at my index finger"
You moved your finger from side to side to test his reflexes.
“I'll need to change the bandages on your leg to make sure it is healing well, and the next week, we will look at your eye ”
He nodded, and you bent down to undo the bandages wrapped around the man's leg. To your surprise, there were no scars or even stitch marks.
"You must have an incredible body, Mr. Kruger" you exclaimed, touching his knee looking for any signs of injury "It's almost as if it's regenerating"
"It would be incredible if that were possible"
"Yes of course! It's just my imagination"
Carefully, you bandaged his leg again. Since he said that he would feel better even if he didn't need to. Of all your patients that day, the man with the long brown hair seemed to have something different about him. He was not in paranoia or outlined any kind of stress, but probably thanks to his amnesia.
You helped him sit down, undress for the bath, sit in the wheelchair, and waited at the door until he was finished to help him get dressed again.
That was your first night with Eren Kruger, one very similar to that of the other patients.
The week dragged on at the Central Hospital of Liberio. In the afternoon, it was time to take the most mentally stable patients for a walk around, and as the days passed and repeated, the more you watched Kruger.
Even during the afternoon hours, he did not walk around like the rest. Unlike other patients with amnesia, he didn't even try to search for a loved one or recover some memory. He was unusual, and you were curious.
Every day, you went to his room to perform the same procedure.
"Good night, Mr. Kruger" You greeted him after entering his room, and he responded by saying your name.
"You look tired"
"Is that your way of telling me that I've been prettier?"
You placed his dinner tray on the small, simple table there and sat next to him on the bed.
"No, just tired, but still beautiful"
You smiled at him more than you would like.
"I will test your reflexes as usual and then I will assist you in the shower as usual"
He was always your last patience. He was the best in health and with whom you talked the most.
"Aren't you going to let me see your eye yet?" You asked, helping him to take off his coat.
"You said it wasn’t necessary since I didn’t feel pain"
You shrugged. He probably didn't want to show it because of vanity.
"It is a pity. I really like the color ”
"Why you say that?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm an eldian, but unlike other nurses, you don't seem to be disgusted by your work"
"Why would I, Mr. Kruger?" You asked, unbuttoning the last button on his shirt "I'm sure the blood runs here" You said, placing a hand on his chest "It's the same one that runs here"  and completed placing his hand on your chest "We are the same ”
You didn't notice, but Eren Kruger frowned before pulling your hand away abruptly. At that moment, you thought you were over the line. A silence fell over the two of you after such a simple sentence. That was how the night ended, with you two in silence.
Honestly, Eren Kruger had not been offended by your words but intimidated. The last thing he expected to hear from a marleyan was something like that. Eren was intimidated by your kindness.
Kruger was not just your patient. After that few months, he was your friend as well. It was not easy for you to establish a relationship with the other nurses. The marleyan who came with you avoided you because they saw the way you treated the eldians. The eldian nurses did not know what to expect from you, so they kept their distance. He was the only person you could talk to. After what happened, you were afraid that you had ruined things between you. So in an attempt to apologize, the next day, you took a chessboard to entertain him. It was a simple thing, but it was what the hospital protocol allowed.
When Eren saw you enter the bedroom door carrying the dinner as usual and a box, he thanked you for the poor lighting, or maybe you'd have noticed the blush that appeared on his cheeks when he heard you saying "Good night"
He answered you, but he did not look you in the eye. You left the tray of food on the bed and dragged the wooden table in the room to the front of him.
"I thought we could play a little bit" You suggested showing the box.
"It would be a great idea"
You set up the board on the table after dinner, and in silence, you started playing. You were surprised at how strategist the man in front of you proved to be and even more when he won the game.
“I bet you were a great soldier in the war. Why no one comes after you?"
He remained silent, and you sighed.
“I know I made you uncomfortable yesterday, but it was not my intention, Mr. Kruger. I hope you can forgive me ”
Eren looked at you and blinked a few times.
"You didn't ... You didn't do anything wrong" He ran a hand through his hair "I didn't expect to find someone like you in a place like this"
"Well, I didn't expect to find someone like you either"
The silence fell over you two again, but this time in a cozy way.
"Let me prepare you for your bath"
You took off his coat, unbuttoned his shirt, helped him remove his pants, and sit in the wheelchair before taking you to the bathroom.
Everything as on other days, just like with the other patients. So why did your heartbeat so fast against your chest?
"Good night, Mr. Kruger," You said about to leave the room.
"Please call me Eren"
"Yes...Good night, Eren"
Your foolish heart was beating so fast that you could barely sleep through the night. The blood hit the walls, reverberating his name in your head, and the same happened with the eldian lying in his bed meters from you.
Time passed quietly, with the two of you talking during the afternoon outings and his daily checks. Eren loved those moments. Being with you brought back a part of him that he thought he lost some time ago.
You made that place without colors, the closest thing he could call home.
You liked how things were between you, but you were afraid.
Nothing good would come from a relationship that shouldn't exist, and you would be sent back to your city soon. So there was nothing to do about it. You thought Eren Kruger would become a good memory, and maybe he would have if you hadn't noticed him handing a letter to Falco.
The moment you saw him hand the paper over to the boy, it all made sense. So he didn't try to find out who he was because he already knew, but why stay in the hospital? Why pretend amnesia? Why send a letter if he didn't seem to want to come back?
When you went to take his dinner that night, you were nervous. How to start a conversation like this? Should you even bring it up?
"Are you okay?" He asked, taking you out of your daydreams
"Yes, just thinking about something"
"About what?" He asked, taking a tablespoon to his mouth
You swallowed hard and, without further ado, asked:
"You don't really have amnesia, do you?" Eren stopped the spoon in his mouth and waited for you to continue. “I saw you handing a letter to that boy, Falco. You wouldn’t send letters if you didn’t remember who you are ”
He put the silverware on a plate and stared at you.
"And what are you going to do about it?"
"What I'm going to do…? What do you think I'm going to do? Tell the hospital board? ” You sat next to him “It hurts me that you lose faith in our friendship for so little. I would never do that, Eren. If you don't want to go back… ”You took his hand in yours“ You must have your reasons. I just don't want you to have to lie to me ”
"I wish I didn't have to lie to you, too"
He intertwined your fingers with his own and patted the back of your hand briefly. You were close enough for your legs to touch each other.
Eren raised his free hand to your chin and lifted it towards his face. The months of tension between the two of you succumbed to a calm, slow, almost frightened kiss.
"Sorry. I shouldn't… ”
Eren stumbled over the words. He didn't want to force himself on you.
You knew how wrong it was. Ethically and logically, but none of that seemed to matter. So, you kissed him back.
"I want to kiss you too, Eren" You whispered between the kiss
Eren smiled without breaking the contact. How long had he been since he smiled like that?
The kiss started a spark that turned into a fire of desire. None of you dared to stop or even wanted to. Eren kissed you as if it were the first and last time as if he was afraid to let you go. His hands went down to your back, undoing the apron knot, and yours did the same with the shirt buttons. You removed the usual coat he was wearing and right after the shirt. He pulled you into his lap, squeezing your waist. You had to hold back a groan as you felt his erection against your clothed core.
Eren put his hands on the front buttons of your dress and looked at your eyes carefully. Those jade eyes were looking for your permission. You kissed him again, touched by his concern, and got up from his lap.
You undid the buttons on your dress and took off your underwear, leaving you naked. That was the consent he was looking for.
"You're..." He searched for words looking at your face, at your body "Beautiful"
This time, you saw him blush. Eren had never seen a naked woman, more than that, he was sure he had never met a woman like you.
He undid his belt, and you helped him take off his pants before accepting the invitation to return to his lap. To be honest, he didn't quite know what to do, and if you think he was flushed before, you should have seen his face lying on your shoulder when he said:
"I don't know what to do exactly ..."
So you took one of his hands and guided it to the middle of your legs.
"Here" He pressed his finger above your clit "Move your finger in circles"
He did as you said, and he had to restrain himself not to cum at the exact moment you moaned.
"Keep...Agh...Doing it, Eren"
Eren felt an adrenaline rush up his spine and his cock throb when he heard you say his name like that. He wanted more. See more, learn your reactions, and listen to you say his name like this more often.
That night left a mark on you two forever. There was no turning back. Not because of sex, but because you fell in love with Eren, and he fell in love with you long before that.
Thinking about the afterward was something you avoided, but when your period didn't come a second time. You knew it was necessary.
You planned to apply for permanent leave to work as a nurse in the Liberio District and somehow get Eren out of the hospital. You could live in a more remote part of the district without attracting attention and, if necessary, would use one of the eldian armbands. That way, you would only be more of a couple among many. After all, the government would not bother to investigate the life of a nurse.
You were happy despite everything, but that was until you told him.
"Are you ... What?"
"I’m pregnant"
"Is it mine?"
You opened your eyes wide when you heard the question.
"Excuse me? What are you trying to say? ” You controlled yourself not to raise the voice “Of course it’s yours” You completed feeling a lump forming in your throat.
“That wasn’t part of the plan,” He said more to himself than you“You were not part of the plan” Eren rested his hands on his knees and lowered his head.
You wanted to cry. Not for him, but for trusting him, for making plans for the two of you.
“So this is how it will be? God ... I'm such an idiot ”
Eren looked at your figure with slumped shoulders and closed countenance. He hated himself for causing your smile to end. He hated himself for being not the man you deserved and needed, but he wouldn't leave you by yourself.
Even though he couldn't be that man.
"Don’t go out of hospital tonight" He said breaking the silence. "Under no circumstances go to the speech today"
"What? Why?"
"Promise me you won't, please"
"Eren, you are not making sense"
"Please" He begged you seriously
He told you to wait on the hospital terrace. He would come to pick you up, and once again, you trusted him.
It was difficult to watch the confusion that happened in the hospital. Countless wounded and killed. You never forgot the horror stuck in those people's eyes, and doing nothing to help make you feel guilty.
Is that why he told you not to go? If so, how did he know what was going to happen? Why did he know?
You were about to come down to help when a short-haired woman appeared on the terrace saying your name. If you were confused before by not knowing what was going on, now even more.
"Who are you?"
"Eren asked me to pick you up"
"He told me he would come"
She held out her hand with a tender face that you couldn't decipher.
“You will understand everything. Now come on, we don’t have much time to reach others ”
The wind was blowing hard on the terrace. You thought about refusing, going down, and helping the patients. At that time, you were no longer sure if you knew who Eren Kruger, the father of your child, was. You wouldn't know if it was for fear of what could happen if you stayed or for the love you felt for Eren, but you accepted her hand.
You climbed on the airship with that woman.  The pairs of eyes there were looking at you with as much curiosity as you to them. You hated the feeling of being the only one in the dark, the only one not knowing what was going on.
"We'd better keep an eye on her"
"She doesn't know anything" You heard Eren say without looking at you "She wasn't part of the plan"
"No? So why did you ask to pick her up? ” Asked the man without taking his eyes off you
"She’s pregnant with my child"
All the heads in the room turned to you.
"It seems that conspiring was not the only thing he did during that time"
You had so many questions, but there was no time for any of them right now.
Finding out that Eren Kruger was actually Eren Jaeger was like a punch in the gut. The army agreed to accommodate you, and in return, Eren would be imprisoned since he could leave if he wanted to. The woman who came to pick you up on the terrace answered all your questions and explained the current situation. You didn't know what to say, just that you needed to talk to him.
It took a while, but after so much insisting, the survey corps commander agreed to let the two of you talk under her supervision.
Eren was sitting on the bed when you stopped in front of the cell with Hange at your side. He didn't look at you, and he didn't think he could do it too.
"Eren?" You called him, putting your face between the bars "What does all this mean?" You asked even though he knew the answer "You lied to me"
You didn't want to cry, but how could you not? Especially being more sensitive because of the pregnancy.
"Eren ... why?" A sob cut you off “Now I don't know who you are, I can't go home, and is that all you have to say? Nothing? Eren! ” You hit the bars causing a loud bang.
“Try to stay calm. You can't be exasperated because of the baby, ”said Hange, touching your shoulder.
Eren got up from the bed and went to you. You looked deep into his green eyes, now understanding why he never let you take off the bandages, why he didn't have scars.
“I didn't lie about everything” He rested his forehead over yours on the bars “I know this is hard to believe right now, but I'm not going to leave you by yourself. That’s why I asked Mikasa to pick you up ”
For an instant, you saw the Eren who spent his days in the hospital there in front of you. He wiped away your tears and whispered an apology accompanied by your name before kissing your forehead and apologizing again.
It was unfair how your heart sped at the mere touch of him. Foolish heart.
Falling in love and having a child never crossed Eren's mind when he went to Marley. He didn't feel like he deserved you and even less your love. Several times he wanted to tell you everything, but how?
Hange looked at her watch and said that the time was over. Eren took your cheeks in his hands and whispered looking into your eyes.
“I wasn't lying when I said I loved you. I love you"
Hange took you back to your room and asked if you would accept that she questioned you about your time with Eren. She had waited until the moment she judged it right due to your pregnancy.  As a way to repay all her kindness you accepted.
Eren could have said he wouldn't leave you alone, but while you were telling what happened during that time in a country you didn't know, in a room that wasn't yours and pregnant with a man you weren't sure you knew more about, you felt more alone than ever.
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Pick a card reading: What you should like more about yourself!
This one is for the ones on that self love journey, the ones that need a pick me up or have a hard time with self confidence/esteem especially.
So I'm sure it's quite clear. The cards that you pick will reflect why you deserve to be more loving to yourself, what wonderful qualities you have, and maybe help convince you to lessen your negative inner language.
Please pick one of the groups ( 1, 2, 3 or 4.)
You might be drawn to an item, the card itself, or a number. Please calm your mind and meditate for a minute.
Side note: If you have a hard time choosing, or nothing seems strong to you, perhaps you could come back later on and try. Do not pressure yourself, darling.
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Number one is the badge saying "yup"
Number 2 is the wing
Number 3 is the little bird
Number 4 is the chain saying "BE MINE"
GROUP 1 : (Yup badge)
Morning affirmations, Joy, Strength
6 of wands, 4 of pentacles, Mother of swords
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What an interesting blend of character you are!
With the owl, this is a strong suggestion that you are able to see through deep into situations and understand "in between the lines". A great communicator, the queen of swords can be straight to the point, brilliant and not to be messed with. Your ability to say it like it is might be perceived as a little harsh to very sensitive or younger people, however it is a strong and much needed trait in the world. We need people with the organisational skills and know how of the mother of swords! The queen always reminds me of someone who is a good teacher, and a fair person.
With the 6 of wands and the 4 of pentacles, the combination hits in a way of potentially dulling that light. The traits I list may be some that you are aware of in a way, but perhaps have a lesser opinion of. The interesting mix of you is in the way of you being so strong, able to endure and be positive, yet a wonderful balance of being able to have boundaries. Again, I'm seeing the strong ability to recognise when someone is being a "rat" as the animal is right next to the owl. I can't help but get the idea that it is direct experience. I would be surprised if you haven't recently come to a revelation about a person in your social circle, or cut someone out/created more boundaries.
Strength mentions having resilience, coming through things more compassionate, stronger and brighter. Brighter being strong in focus to me, as it is next to joy. Your ability to have fun *despite* issues or obstacles is an enviable trait! I really feel that while you might have your difficulties, you never let them suck you in for too long mentally. You seem to try and stay positive through things, and not everyone can do that. You are also much more smart/knowledgeable than you give yourself credit for. Don't let anyone put you down, because you're being shown that if you go for what you've been studying/working at, with strong persistence you can succeed. I feel like the branches signify people who have acted as obstacles, or your troubles in life. This is confirmation you can rise above them, and if you're stuck right now, please accept my confirmation that things can and will change. Life can't help but flow, no matter how people may try and resist. So if anyone is putting you down, or getting in your way - know that their resistance to your future and well being is futile.
You keep having those boundaries. Keep on keeping on. You're sharp, you're witty, and of all things you have kept your kind heart. One day the joy you try to find in the little things will come to you effortlessly and in x100.
I got the need to call you cherub. Chin up, Cherub.
GROUP 2 (the wing)
Wait, generosity, magic, peacefulness
The hermit, Ace of swords, Son of swords.
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eYou're an extremely thoughtful person, aren't you? I get social activist vibes, the kind of person who thinks about bigger issues than just in their personal world, and could debate very well. The ability to get to the kernel of truth within an argument or bigger pattern in the world seems equal to none. If you have a hard time accepting that your opinions mean something, or you would be able to be persuasive, this is confirmation for you that actually - yes - you do have something meaningful to share with others.
In this pile I'm seeing a more peaceful, patient character. Someone who simply tries to be good, and do good for others. You create magic for other people. My heart swells at this, as I'm seeing reciprocity of kindnesses between you and others over time.
While The son of swords on it's own could potentially be quick to intervene or make a judgement, with the hermit and wait, I'm feeling more that you take the time to think things over. For example, if asked to make a decision, you would want to take your time and really think. If you were asked what your thoughts were on a political stand point, you would think in depth and make no judgements from the surface. This is so helpful, as there's less chance of misunderstanding/unkindness as well as the ability to make better long term decisions for yourself.
Very introspective, and the ace of swords suggests you have great clarity of mind. I can imagine you would be a wonderful person for explaining complicated matters to a wide group of people.
Generosity is what it says on the tin: You are a generous human. That is so, so important. There are many people out there who might feel like no one thinks about them or cares, and you come in and surprise them with something, or offer them help without them asking. It makes people feel valued, and like they are important or have a place in someone's life.
Peacefulness suggests not inviting drama, and I get 2 things. You might be described as grounded, or "chill". As well as this likely suggests your lack of interest in being within a dramatic situation. You are likely very good at looking at others drama, and seeing where it truly stems from, as well as having a good idea of advice for them. If you have friends right now, it's likely they feel peaceful being around you and that they can truly calm down or get your advice on their *own* drama.
You are so important to the people around you, and if there are people that can't appreciate you, I promise you they have *no* idea how lucky they are. You offer so much as a friend, confidant, and as a person who cares for the worlds well being. I appreciate you.
GROUP 3: ( Little bird
Blessed change, gratitude, engagement, follow your heart, father of pentacles, the empress, the star
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You're cool.
Right off the bat, I see your ability to see the silver lining, to take changes as they come (and I don't mean you happily drudge through hard changes, I mean more like you accept them more easily than others). Do you know, it really helps a persons resilience in life if they can have gratitude for things in general, as well as seeing the positive affects of life changes. You have an ability to notice the opportunities in said silver lining. An example I've read in the past involved a man who lost his job, but an opportunity came up for something he was passionate regarding his hobby. He would not have been free to do it unless he was let go of.
You're my free flowing group. Very adaptable. You're able to take time out to really think about what you truly desire in life. When themes like this come up, I really get the idea of authenticity. To put a focus on following your heart, being grateful for what you've taken part in and even quirky circumstances is a massive strength. Do you have any idea how scary that is to people? To wake up and think "My heart wants this, I'm going to actually aim for it because I need to be myself." That's terrifying to many!
Note: If you are finding it hard to be upfront or true to yourself due to fear, this is confirmation that you will be able to in the future. Take your time, as this will come naturally to you.
I know you might be shrugging thinking, but sometimes I get really negative or scared too. I won't say that's not a thing humans experience. What I am saying however, is that you have that strength of character to say actually, nothing would be worse than to answer to my fear. Fear of self expression, fear of being judged. Fear of not having your project liked. These kinds of things.
I feel like you're a fun person who is very interesting to people/has had at least one very interesting or unusual experience. I want you to know the cards are showing that people really enjoy speaking with you, and hearing your stories. So no negative self talk of being boring, or disliked.
Your flexibility, and your ability to be sociable, yet able to pull back appropriately is wonderful. The world needs those who can be more easy going as this can help people de-stress and stop thinking about their worries.
I'm seeing wonderful creativity, and again, being able to be social and talk to many people very well. You're a shining star, and you're supposed to be!
I wonder if sometimes you feel like you need to be "more" productive, but let me tell you... Networking with people is half the job.
I'm also wondering (as a rainbow stands out) if some here are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. It would make sense with the authenticity. If you have a social media presence, or a creative project you want to get out, or expressing your personal experiences to the world - this is confirmation to keep standing tall, stand proud because yes, you do have a lot to offer! King of pentacles next to the empress also suggests you might be on to something that can bring in some income for you. Again, even sharing your experiences is very valued and may well be it. The world itself wants to see you, or whatever you desire to create.
If you have a hard time focusing or being practical, darling, you get along well with others for a reason. Ask for help, whether it's family, friends online, a teacher, anyone. There's help to steer you further in the right direction. You're a beautiful person and you matter to people. You are loved, so please love yourself.
There's something here that seems upset, and I just have the biggest urge to hug you! So if you will, accept my many energetic and virtual hugs!
GROUP 4: "Be mine"
Worthiness, Ups and downs, courage
Ace of pentacles, Ace of wands, daughter of wands (reversed)
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Daughter of wands reversed suggests to me, that you have the traits such as this, but perhaps not the confidence in yourself right now about those things. The book describes her as passionate, visionary, cares more for career and starts a family later; stubborn, strong (i take this as physically actually) and may be going through a spiritual breakthrough or a big change. With this I get the thought that you probably don't recognise just *how* passionate you truly are. You might be finding it hard to go a certain way in your career and studies. There might even be some worries that you might not stick at it. But what you are not realising is your actions have magic in them.
If you are interested in LOA: Your actions manifest not only in a practical sense, but *that's* what truly gets the energy moving. You need physical expression of some kind.
I'm getting such practical, but passionate energy. The ace of wands with courage? That's amazing. Fire sign or not, you have classic fire energy. Even when you lack confidence, you have a strange inner ability to be brave even at your worst times.
Oh, if only you had the confidence to aim!
Your energy and action are seriously magnificent. You have a *lot* of inner energy, spiritual energy, physical vitality. If you have health issues this might sound strange to you - but I get the idea your body was built with a lot of vitality available. You might have really struggled in life with ups and downs here, but I'm seeing you crash right through all the barriers and try to do life the best way you know how. No matter your struggles, you are a warrior here.
The 2 aces here (that is so interesting to have seen) show that you are probably quite good at beginning new things, and when you're motivated, you're MOTIVATED. I'm getting the idea that when you *do* take action on a goal, you go at it with everything and it can surprise people.
I'm seeing creative ability. It's an ability that I have seen myself. An example would be.... A mistake is made in a piece of art. It didn't go the way you wanted originally. But, wait a minute... that's starting to look like something, so I'm going to change it all up and create something completely different than intended.
It's seeing potential in a small detail. I'm seeing original thinking.
I just see a bulls eye, and such great energy and ability, but the lack of confidence. And so, I feel like you're at a time where you're stopping yourself, or won't aim for something out of fear of failing. I also got the sentence biting your tongue. I'm sorry if you're in a situation where you can't speak up for yourself, as this is not aligned with your character.
Overall I believe your a creative but practical person, and have the ability to really pull through and create wonderful things. You can be *very* brave as well as motivated and so I feel you inspire others, as well as surprise them.
I really do feel that with worthiness, it is hinting to confidence/self esteem issues as it says "know that you deserve to receive good in all ways".
You deserve to be successful. You deserve to take the career path that you have been thinking about. You deserve people to treat you well. You deserve to have that hobby, whether you're "good" or not.
Deep down somewhere you know you are bigger than this. I am wishing for a healthy full confidence boost for you and some new energy to help push you.
Please have the courage to aim, as bob ross says:
"we don't make mistakes, we make happy little accidents"
And that's the last of them! I hope you enjoyed, and I hoped this help you feel a little better about yourself. We need to cheer ourselves up sometimes and let ourselves think good things. We attract more honey with sugar after all!
Until the next pick a card!
Thank you!
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peachyysugaa · 3 years
blood castle i. || enha 02z
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♜ main pairing: vampire! 02z x gn! reader
♜ genre: hogwarts au, mystery, fluff/angst
♜ wc: 2k
♜ warnings: mentions of blood (pg13), purposefully lowercase
♜ other pairings: lisa x namjoon, slight rose x jungkook
♜ a/n: disclaimer that i don't actually ship these pairings, i just find it fitting for the story :] also kinda boring chapter but we're setting things up <3 also hearts at the end of each chapter to keep track of how oc gets along with 02z hehe lmk what you think!
♜ index: teaser | next | masterlist
i. make the most of it
"what will i do when you're both gone? jennie just left and you two are next!" you pout in your train seat as your best friends exchange teasing smiles. as you get closer and closer to hogwarts, you can't help but keep thinking about rose and lisa inevitably graduating this year.
"i don't know y/n, maybe find some friends your age?" lisa teases. you groan outwardly, tilting your head back.
rose, the ever-exemplary hufflepuff, extends her hands out to yours on the table and grabs hold of them. you stop your obnoxious groaning to stare back at her kind smile. "lili has a point, y/nie. it wouldn't hurt to branch out this year so that lisa and i don't have to worry about you."
your eyes widened. "worry?! what's that supposed to mean?"
rose lets go of your hands to cover her mouth as she laughs while lisa is losing it. the gryffindor 7th year is wiping joyful tears out of her eyes, which isn't helping your case.
you sit, pouting once again and waiting for them to explain.
"two words, y/n," lisa begins while holding two fingers up in a peace sign that you know is anything but peaceful. "you're. clumsy."
"am not!" you defied. your best friends exchange looks once again before raising an eyebrow at you. "tell me one time when i was clumsy!"
"remember that time you tried to shut a mandrake up by putting your hand on its mouth and then it bit you?" rose asks.
"oh! that was so funny!" lisa says, trying to hold back her laughter. "my favorite is when she made a lizard instead of a mini dragon in transfiguration but then it burned her eyebrows off!"
as they share your most embarrassing moments, your ears begin heating up and all you want to do is transfigure yourself into the train seat.
"i stand corrected..." you mumble out unwillingly.
"we love you, y/nie. we only want someone to look out for you when we graduate," rose says as lisa nods.
"fine, fine. i get it, moms."
"you love us."
"yea, yea, i love my two moms who come after my clumsiness all the time."
"as you should, now let's get changing. the train is almost at school."
the older hufflepuff was right. you could see the tall towers of the second home you've come to love in the distance as you glance out the window. this year may be bittersweet since the last of your friend group would be leaving you behind, but you were determined to make the most of it with them and perhaps make some new friends this year.
"i'll stay to keep our spot, you two go ahead," lisa tells you and rose.
"going to text your joonie?" rose teases. the gryffindor's ears have a red tinge at the sound of her nickname for her boyfriend.
"just go before the changing rooms fill up," she mumbles. but as you close the door to your shared booth, you can see that she has already pulled out her phone with a cheeky smile as she waves hi on facetime with namjoon who is slightly older than her and currently working as a magizoologist for the ministry.
you smile to yourself, remembering their relationship when you were just a first year. "come on, yn!" rose calls out.
you break out of your daze and see her several feet away from you. "sorry, eonnie!"
you take your hand off the handle, which you didn't register it was still on, and start to move towards her, carrying your blouse, tie and skirt. before you could reach her, you bump into a hard chest.
you hear a deep oof noise from the figure as you rub your forehead.
"i am so sorry!" you hurriedly whisper.
"you're alright, y/n." you recognize the voice and look up to see sim jaeyun from your house and year. "did you hit your head too hard?" he kindly worries.
"yn!!" rose shouts.
"sorry, jaeyun," you apologetically smile as you brush past him. "coming, eonnie!!"
you could've sworn he said something like it was nice to see you, but you were far too focused on not letting rose wait any long. she's definitely amicable like most hufflepuffs, but like most hufflepuffs, you probably don't want to see them angry. you should know since lisa says you're already bad hangry.
it's a quick in and out of the changing room and back to your booth where lalisa waits, staring out the window and watching the castle come closer. it's like a wrestler tag team as you and rose high-five her on your way in and her way out. immediately, the two of you settle down and as you get comfortable in your seat, you notice that she's smirking with you, her eyebrow raised.
"why are you looking at me like that, eonnie?" you ask hesitantly. your fingers look more interesting picking fights with each other.
"oh, nothing," she replies, not giving up her smirk. "just wondering when you and jake were close."
"he's literally the same year and house as me. i can't go a year without a class with him."
she hums like she doesn't believe you. "really?"
"really, really."
"really, really, really?" you groan at her response as she starts to giggle.
"do you wanna talk about your crush on jeon jungkook then, eonnie?" she shuts up then and there, and it's your turn to smirk. "thought so."
"that's hogwarts' idol right there, yn. everyone likes him one way or another, so hush!"
"hush about what?" lisa asks as she slides the door open.
"jeon jungkook." rose glares at you.
"ohh, rosie's crush of 6 years?" your other friend confirms as she closes the door.
"the one and only."
"you know, he and i are co-captains this year for quidditch. you should just come to our practices."
"will he even notice me? i mean..." your focus on their conversation starts to waver as you glance through the door window. outside your door is the familiar trolley witch with all her pastries and drinks, and you can't help but have a craving for your favorite chocolate frogs. you also can't help but notice the other figure with the trolley witch: the very same sim jaeyun you bumped into earlier.
"eonnies, i'm going to buy some chocolate frogs. do you want any?" you ask, keeping an eye on the figures outside your window.
"cauldron cake for me please!"
"let's have every flavor beans for old time's sakes!"
"alright," you say as you slide the door open and close. they go back to their conversation about a plot to get the hogwarts idol that you're sure is bound to go wrong.
"7 blood lollipops please." you hear jake order. you recall him having a large group of friends across different houses and different years, but for all of them to like blood lollipops is quite unheard of.
"you're not going to have all of those, are you?" you ask him, approaching the trolley.
"y/n," he greets with a smile and a shake of his head as he hands his coins to the witch. "no, my friends and i all really like them. i think i would have a headache if i were to eat all 7."
"2 chocolate frogs, bertie's beans, and a cauldron cake please," you order before turning back to him. "does it really taste like blood, or is it just to trick people into thinking you're vampires?"
jake's face pales though it's hard to see because he's already on the pale side and you're counting out your coins to give to the trolley witch. "personally, i think it tastes like cherry."
you hum as you gather your goodies together, and jake is thankful that you're not paying too much attention to how he reacted. "i'll take your word for it."
the trolley witch moves along, doing what she's done for many years and more to come. you're finally focusing on him more now that you have all your snacks and accomplished being a good citizen by paying the fees. your eyes search his face, go past his sharp jawline, and make their way to the shiny prefect badge on his black and gold robes. the prefect engraving is hard to see against the blinding gold of the hufflepuff badge, but it's hard to miss.
"oh, are you a prefect?" you ask curiously.
"yup, so don't stay out too late. i might have to write you up," he teases.
you playfully roll your eyes at him. "please, when am i not a model student?"
"i would say right now because we're about five minutes away from the castle, and you still don't have your robes on, miss l/n," he jokingly tsks at you.
"ahh, but you see, that's not my fault there, mr. prefect," you banter back.
"oh? then maybe i won't have to give you the first detention?"
"well, mr. sim, i was only taking care of my precious eonnies and buying them snacks. i paid my fees and also engaged in conversation with my fellow classmate, so i've been a little preoccupied," you acted out, playing the role of an innocent student.
"hmm.. engaging in conversation with your classmates on the first day does seem to follow the rules," he lightheartedly agrees. jake is about to add more, but his friends call out to him.
"hey, jake, what's taking so long?!"
"you'd better go take care of your friends, mr. sim," you tease. "be a good hyung, won't you?"
his beaming smile causes your heart to skip a few beats. "alright, miss l/n, but make sure not to let me catch you out of uniform." he waves before hurrying to his own booth.
when you open the door to yours, a chorus of oooh's from your eonnies is what you receive. you roll your eyes at them before shutting the door and grabbing your robe. you can see theirs were already on, the equally shining, gold head girl badge pinned on rose's robe.
"i think she'll be just fine on our own when we're gone, rosie," lisa teases as you slip your arms through your sleeves and tuck your wand in your pocket.
"just don't keep one of my prefects distracted, y/nie," rosie adds.
"so long as you aren't distracted by your head boy, rosie," you tease back.
"no way, jeon jungkook is head boy," she gasps at you.
"i don't know, but i just caught you simping in 4k!" you stick your tongue out at her as she whines and lalisa throws her head back in laughter.
"there really is only one choice though, so it probably is him," lisa affirms.
"i swear, if you two are wrong..." rose pouts.
"but if we're not, you'll get to spend more time with him and get to know him instead of just admiring him from afar like everyone else!" you console.
"well, we'll find out soon enough. we're here," lisa announces as she grabs her trunk from the top rack, helping you get yours and rose hers.
"thanks, eonnie! so glad your long legs are so useful!" you thank.
"yah! they'll be useful for kicking you too, ungrateful brat," she jokingly chastises.
"oh no, lisa eonnie is going to kill me!" you shout dramatically. "rose eonnie, save me!"
"it's going to be a long year," she sighs with a smile keeping close behind as you run off the train and lisa chases after you.
jake's expression mirrors rose's as he watches the trio run off to the nearest carriage. a crack forms in his blood lollipop as he sucks on it harder, the sweet taste of blood running across his tongue. "hyung, come on. let's get in the carriage," jungwon calls to him, his own sucker making his words slightly muddled.
"coming," he mumbles, securing his trunk and stepping into the carriage where his 6 friends wait for him.
their fangs are dripping with the blood of the lollipops.
jake: ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
jay: ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
sunghoon: ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
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stay-tinystars · 3 years
Traveling Teacher
Ship: Mark (NCT) x fem reader.
Traveling teacher, non idol au
Word count: 1585
Warnings: reader has very anxious thoughts at the beginning.
A/N: random story I started months ago. I hope you all enjoy this random story. I wanted to write something for Mark, because he's just adorable. I'd love feedback on what you think of this story.
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Deep breath in, deep breath out. That's all you kept repeating in your head. You had to calm down, it was going to be alright. He would be here any minute, he was just running late. He wouldn't have asked you here just to stand you up, or would he? This couldn't be another prank.
 Leaning forward you rested your head in your hands. Trying to focus on the things around you to ground yourself. You felt the slight breeze around you. The sound of the birds, and the city. The wooden bench beneath you. The feel of the gravel under your shoes. The light weight of your jacket across your shoulders.
The anxiety of the situation seemed to decrease as you focused on the things around you. The sound of shoes against the gravel sounded calming.
"____, You actually came." his words pulling you back to the present, immediate relief flooded through your chest. You looked up to see him smiling at you, he seemed pleased.
"Of course, you asked me to come." You smiled as you stood up dusting off your dark jeans, fixing the hem of your shirt and adjusting the light jacket. You felt lightly undressed. He looked like a model, per usual. His perfectly styled, yet messy hair swept back from his forehead, the leather jacket over a vintage band shirt, and a pair of jeans.
"I wasn't sure that you would actually show." his eyes on the ground as his fingers ran through his hair. His eyes then met yours. "You're usually really reserved, I was afraid I might have scared you off, saying it was a date. I'm glad it didn't." his eyes becoming little crescents, as he gave a genuine smile.
The butterflies in your stomach seemed to swarm, as he guided the way. You started down the path towards the main part of the park.
Mark was a traveling music instructor, so he came to the primary school twice a week to teach beginning band, and choir. Being an office aid you saw him when he picked up his badge checking in for his class, and when he returned his badge. 
The first day he came in, he took you by surprise. The last traveling teacher was a grumpy older man, Mark however was literal sunshine, always kind and friendly to everyone he came across. The children adored him, and all the ladies at the school gushed over him, single or not.
In the few words you would exchange as he checked in and out, you slowly got to know him. You both shared a love for music, especially live music. Last week when he mentioned going to the free concerts in the park you talked with him about some of the ones you attended last summer. That's when he invited you to join him for the mini festival of cover bands that weekend. Completely ignoring the other flirtatious aid, who offered to go in your place, being as you 'didn't get out much'. He just smiled and looked back at you, stating it would be a great getting to know you date. After that he left. You were as red as a tomato, laughing internally at your coworker who was now insisting that there was something wrong with him.
"We haven't ever discussed what made you want to be an office aid at a school" Mark noted, as you strolled towards the outdoor amphitheatre.
"Truthfully I never planned on being an office aid" you laughed. "I wanted to do something with kids, but I didn't want to teach. I considered being a school librarian, but every job I applied for fell through. Then someone my mom knew was retiring from being an office aid, and my mom gave her my resume. I got a call for an interview for a job I never applied for. They ended up hiring me immediately after my interview. I guess the rest is history."
"They must've known you'd be great with kids." He remarked as he guided you towards the small seating section.
"I'm not so sure. I think they needed someone who was kind, but had a firm hand. So I got the job."
"I've seen you with some of those kids. Even the troublemakers listen to you." He praised as he motioned towards the reserved seats in the third row off to the side.
"I'm nowhere near as good with them as you are. You helped Jin get into that special summer program, which I never expected to happen. Especially after he flushed Mrs. Kim's prized fish last year." You praised back as you both took a seat.
"I heard about that." He chuckled. "Jin has a lot of potential, he just didn't know how to direct it. All I did was guide him, and help him on the right path."
"Is that why you became a traveling teacher?"
"Actually, no." He let out a small laugh. "I was supposed to be in Law school. After the first semester I knew I couldn't handle it. I had been tutoring kids in music lessons when I decided I would just try that path. I must say I feel like I make more of a difference now, then I would've as a lawyer."
"You do make a huge difference at my school. The kids are always excited when they get to have Mr. Lee's class. We also have less absences on the days you teach."
"I don't know that I make that much of a difference." His ears turned a slight pink.
"You do. I'm sure we will see many kids in the music industry in the future because of you." 
"Guys look it's Mr. Lee, and Miss ____." A child yelled from behind you. The two of you turned in your seats,, to see a few students getting settled in the grass a ways behind you. You both smiled and waved.
"I bet they are on a date!" Another said loudly, your eyes looked down, as you turned around in your seat. The blush was apparent on your cheeks. As Mark made a big scene of stretching and putting his arm around you. A light giggle left your lips as you looked over at him, with a questioning look.
"What?" He asked, and you glanced at his arm then back up to his face. "The kids have to learn somehow. This is how to be smooth." he nodded then did an over the top wink. You laughed again, covering your face with one hand, shaking your head. He was anything but subtle or smooth.
Soon the music started, the energy pulsed through the air. You both sang and danced along to cover after cover. The first band played music your parents listened to.
The second band played music from the early 2000s which Mark ended up serenading you with.
Between bands you just sat, and talked. He found out your favorite movie. You found out he loves cookies and cream Ice Cream.
The last band was a big band 1950s style cover band. During a slower song Mark spun you around, dancing between the rows of seats.
The mini festival seemed to end as soon as it began. The sun had started to pitch in the sky, when Mark asked you to join him for dinner. With a nod of your head you both set off towards the main road in search of food.
"Can I ask you a question?" Mark asked, as you both strolled the main walkway.
"Of course" you looked towards him, curiously.
"If I were to hold your hand would it make you uncomfortable? I mean if you don't want to we don't have to. I mean this is our first date. If you want to consider it an official date. I am but..." he stumbled over his words, he seemed as panicked as you felt. Your lips slightly turned upwards as you reached for his hand.
"We never know unless we try right? That's what I tell the kids." you stated with a small nod, as his fingers encompassed yours. His thumb gently rubbing the back of your hand as you walked together.
"That's a good way to look at it. I like the way you look at things. I've noticed that you like to look for that silver lining." He noted, as he glanced towards you, slightly bumping you with his shoulder.
"I have to, it's the only way to keep the storm clouds from taking over." the words came out before you could stop them. His hand gently squeezing yours.
"Storm clouds are part of life. I've encountered my fair share of storms, but most people dwell on the storms." His words settled in your skin. "You don't seem to though."
"It takes rain to make a rainbow." You said quietly, taking a deep breath. "I've been through a lot of storms, some destroyed me. Though those I've learned as the storms come to try to make the best of it, because I know there is a rainbow coming."
He paused his stride, softly pulling your hand making you stop, you turned to face him. His smile was genuine and pure. The setting sun gave him a warm glow.
"You know, I'm starting to think you're my rainbow." His soft words made you melt.
You could feel the heat in your cheeks and ears, as you looked towards the ground. Then back into his eyes. "You might be mine as well"
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