#I mean excluding that ficlet
anarcoqueer1994 · 6 months
Never Have I Ever (Steddie Ficlet)
The older teens—Jonathan, Argyle, Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Eddie,-- had been hanging out drinking at Steve’s house. No one can remember whose idea it was, but they ended up playing “Never Have I Ever” with who ever being the one who has done it having to take a drink. It was fun, mostly dumb ones, like “Never have I ever been out of Indiana (excluding the Upside-Down) or “Never have I ever smoked weed.” It was one of Robin’s though, that nearly gave Eddie a heart attack.
She looked around the table, smirking, half tipsy. “Never have I ever slept with a guy.” She laughed. Eddie thought nothing of it. He figured she used this one to get as many people at the table to drink as possible. Eddie wasn’t surprised when Jonathan, Argyle (they are dating now, he thinks), and Nancy take a drink with him. What nearly causes him to choke on his own beer is seeing Steve also pick up his glass and take a sip.
His shock causes him to cough up his drink, and though his reaction may have been the most dramatic, but other than Robin, everyone else looked confused too. Steve was oblivious to the looks around the table though, only drunkenly turning to Robin saying “That’s not fair, dude. You knew you would be the only one not to drink.” He playfully complains. 
Eddie clears his throat, being the one to ask the question everyone was wondering. “Harrington, you slept with a guy?”
Steve looks around, first confused with the reaction, slowly realizing that everyone was looking at him. They weren’t judgmental, of course, just surprised. He looks awkwardly at Robin who just shrugs her shoulders, before he says. “Oops I guess I forgot to tell you guys. Kind of figured you all knew since we are all…you know…queer. “
Robin laughs at the absurdness of his statement. “Aww Steve, they thought you were our token straight.” She sticks out her tongue.
Eddie doesn’t know why but he kind of feels…jealous. When he thought Steve was straight, it was easy for him to just accept that Steve in unattainable, that he doesn’t like guys. But knowing he does…changes things. Steve was into dudes, and he is a dude. But now he feels like Steve is unattainable in a new way…he is out of his league. Steve can’t want Eddie, no matter how big of a stupid crush he has on him. That hurt more. He can’t explain why he said what he said next, maybe he is a masochist. But his mouth works faster than his brain. “Who?”
“What?” Steve scrunches his eyebrows together in confusion, a strand of hair falling across his forehead. Eddie hates that this makes him more attractive.
He wishes he could pull the word back in, he wishes it would have stayed trapped against his teeth, but it didn’t so he has to go with it. “Um…I mean who was the lucky guy that slept with King Steve?” He tries play it off as a joke, like he’s teasing but honestly part of him wants to know what Steve’s type is.
“Oh, um a few guys, I guess. The first one was Tommy. Before Nance and I dated, I used to hook up with Tommy and Carol sometimes. Most of the time it was the three of us, but I have been with both of them separately.” Steve goes red, realizing all the attention is on him now.
“You were like a …throuple with Tommy and Carol?” Nancy asks in disbelief.
“No, nothing like that!  What we did was just for fun. Those two were their own thing. “ He put his increasingly flushed face in his hands before continuing. “Let’s…uh move on from this embarrassing can of worms Robin has opened.
Everyone nods, but Eddie’s big mouth strikes again. “You said there was a few…”
“Eds, you really wanna know all the guys I slept with?” Steve raises his eyebrow, embarrassment going to amusement. He shoots Eddie a smirk before adding. “Why? You wanna be on that list?” He winks.
Shit. Eddie was too pushy. He doesn’t need to know. His face turns red. “Uh no. I’m sorry, I’m just being nosy. I’m sorry.” He repeats without his usual confidence. He continues to ramble apologies.
“Eddie…” Steve interrupts. “I’m just messing with you, man. It’s fine. I don’t have secrets with you guys. There were a few random hooks ups from the gay bar Robin, and I go to in Indianapolis, and um my senior year, I hooked up with one of the guys one the swim team. See no big secrets.” He laughs.
The tension Eddie was feeling dissipates with the sound of Steve’s laugh. Steve doesn’t care…Eddie is reading too much into this. “No big secrets.” He parrots back. And with that, they were back to the game, no one bringing up Steve’s “come out,” No mention of Eddie’s weird reaction, nothing that should make him nervous. But part of him swears he notices Steve staring him down more as the night goes on.
They end up all watching a movie, everyone passing out in the living room, half tipsy, and just feeling safe. Robin and Nancy are cuddled together on the couch while Jonathan and Argyle are tangled together on the love seat. Eddie had been on the chair and Steve was on the third cushion of the couch. They had been the only two still awake, neither very comfortable where they are. When the movie comes to an end, Steve whispers, “Eds…come on man. Let’s go upstairs.”
“up..stairs?” Eddie stutters out like some pathetic 13-year-old kid with a first crush. But he couldn’t help it. Was Steve asking his to go to bed with him? Maybe he wasn’t crazy. Maybe Steve was flirting with him earlier. Maybe he was staring.  
Eddie watches as Steve stands up, walks closer and holds out his hand, Eddie instinctively responds, taking the other man’s hand, letting him pull him up. “Yea, upstairs. That chair is not comfortable.”
“No, its not.” Eddie agrees as they head for the steps, still hand in hand. When they get to the top of the stairs though, Steve lets go. He starts leading Eddie to the opposite end of the hallway from his bedroom. When they stop in front of the door at the end, Eddie understands. He feels his heart drop as Steve opens the door to the guest room. “Finally have an excuse to use this thing.” He softly laughs, before turning away, saying over his shoulder “Night, Eds. Let me know if you need anything.”
All Eddie can do is nod lamely, as he steps into his room for the night. He closes the door before collapsing on the bed. His brain is on an emotional roller coaster. He feels stupid thinking that Steve Harrington, queer or not, would be into him. Before he can spiral into self-deprivation, he is pulled back to reality by a knock on the door.
When he opens it, there is Steve Harrington, now clad only in the tiny red shorts he sleeps in. It takes every thing in him to keep his brain from short circuiting. “Steve? What’s up?” He hopes he sounds casual.
“Eddie, why did you react that way earlier when you found out I like guys?” Steve cuts to the chase.
“I..I told you man, just surprised.” He tells a half lie.
“I know, I know. You said that but why did you want to know who?” Steve continues, gears obvious turning in his, trying make the connections he thinks he sees.
“I don’t know.” Eddie looks down at his own feet. Looking at Steve feels dangerous right now, Like Steve could see right through him.”
“Eds? You don’t know?” Steve asks skeptically.
“Yea I don’t know. I just asked. Making conversation, man” Eddie deflects, still looking down.
“I don’t believe you.” Steve says back plainly. Eddie was about to protest, insist Steve was wrong. But before he can, he feels a gentle hand under his chin, pushing his head upwards, so Steve can meet his eyes. He’s frozen as Steve smirks whispering, “I think you wanted to be on that list too.”
Eddie can feel his cheeks going red. Without thinking he replies, “I want to be the end of that list.” As soon as the words leave him mouth, he wishes he could pull them back in. “Oh god, I am so sorry. I don’t expect you to just settle with me or anything. I’m sure you have better.’
“No Eddie. I wouldn’t be settling.” He lets out a sign. “ I should have phrased this better. Eddie, I want you. And not just for sex. Like don’t get me wrong, that’s part of it. You’re so fucking hot. But you are so funny and smart and dorky and such a good friend. I’ve been into you for so long. So um, what do you think?” All confidence and charismatic attitude is gone.
“You like me?” Eddie sputters out.
“Oh my god! Yes, Eds. I do. I like you. Honestly, I think I love you and I don’t know how else to spell it out to you. I just don’t get it, Eds? What more…” Steve is cut off by the soft lips pressed again his. It takes him a moment to realize Eddie is kissing him but when he does, he finds himself kissing back. His hands tangle in Eddie’s hair while Eddie wraps his arms around Steve’s waist.
When they finally pull apart, Eddie asks “So you wanna add me to that list?
“Yea, I do. Eventually. But for tonight I just want to cuddle with me…boyfriend?” He asks, worried he jumped the gun.
“Yea…I want to cuddle with my boyfriend, too.” He smiles, pulling Steve into the guestroom, closing the door behind them.
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mapileonxputellas · 2 years
Newbie (Leila Ouahabi x Reader)
Sorry my writing will definitely be less frequent over the next few weeks! A little fic/ficlet for you all. Please send requests for any players (I also have a love for whole team fics) Request can be found here. 1.5k words.
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You hated missing any international break, especially for something minor. In the final game before you were due to join the team for the November you managed to slightly strain your thigh, nothing serious but enough to force you to pull out of the upcoming matches.
Having just moved to Barcelona in the summer this was the first real break you were having since the week off you had between winning the Euro’s and moving to Spain. You were going to just rest up in your apartment when Patri and Claudia basically forced you to join them for a long weekend away with their extended group of friends, including most of the Spanish girls currently excluded from the national team.
All of that led you to sunbathing in the incredible villa they had rented out, not a care in the world with a vodka in one hand and your book in the other.
Just as you were dozing off there was a shout from the villa door. “Who’s ready to party?” You were of course aware of the party animal that was Leile Ouahabi having made the reverse move from her this summer.
Your eyes never once left the bronzed beauty in just her bikini as she went round saying hello to everyone.
“Hola, I’m Y/N.” You stood up when she got to you, placing a kiss on both of her cheeks. “You look great.”
“Lets not pretend I don’t know who you are, they practically worship you back in Manchester. I’m Leila.”
“Well Leila I can’t wait to show you my other skills.”
“Like what?”
You leaned in so only she could hear you, but that meant pressing your bodies together. You could almost sense her raised heartbeat as your bare skin touched one another’s, her breath fanning against your cheek. “Cocktail making, I make a great Sex On The Beach.”
“Maybe I should try it.”
“Maybe you should.”
You didn’t know what had come over you. It was always your one rule in football: don’t act on any feelings whether they’re your teammate or not. You’d seen the way failed relationships (and even just one-night lusts) had ruined friendships before and you never wanted to be the cause of that.
Having said that it didn’t stop you teasing Leila throughout the afternoon. Always choosing her as your partner in any ball games, stealing looks at her when you thought she wasn’t looking and it didn’t stop you bringing her in for an extra-long hug to celebrate winning the game when a simple handshake would have been enough.
“So how are you finding Barcelona?” Leile asked as you sunbathed together once everyone had settled down.
“I love the city, the people and lovely and the weather is much better than in England.”
“Tell me about it, I’ve just come from 5 days of rain. How is your Spanish?”
“Probably worse than your English.”
“Patri mentioned you’d just got a new tattoo.”
“You talking about me?”
The nervous look on her face just made your smirk even more, they’d definitely mentioned you were coming to her. “I was just telling her I wanted another tattoo and-“
“Do you want to see them?”
“If you want to.” Which obviously meant yes. You didn’t mind though, you loved showing off each and every one of the tattoos that were spread over your body. From the rose behind your ear to the football on your ankle.
  “You have to be lucky to see the last one.”
“Why? Where is it?”
“That’s for me to know and you to maybe find out.”
The group had decided to go for a meal and then clubbing on the first night, of course meaning there were varying times to get ready. You were noticeably one of the last to get ready along with Claudia, the two of you one of the last to go in to get ready.
That however left Leila free to question your teammates.
“Is she like that with everyone?” Leila questioned Mapi as the two waited for the rest of the group. “She’s very… forward?”
“She’s confident with everyone but not like she was with you. She was definitely flirting.”
“She wasn’t.”
“Fine then, Pat.” Mapi shouted over her fellow Barcelona teammate and one of your best friends at the club. “Tell her how obvious it was that Y/N was flirting.”
“She was definitely into you.”
“She’s hot.” Leila couldn’t help but admit the obvious. “Like stunning. She’s not like with anybody is she?”
“Not that I know of.” Patri answered. “She’s professional though, when she’s at training or before games she’s always really serious. It was only really on the first night out that she really opened up and became out friends.”
“So she never talks about a girlfriend or boyfriend?”
“She never really talks about anyone. No-one’s ever been with her family when she’s brought them to games.”
“Have fun. It’s only one weekend.” Mapi said. “If you don’t work then you never have to see each other again and if you do like her then see how it goes.”
“We’re not all like you Mapi, we don’t fall in love after one day.”
“Maybe, maybe not though.”
Their conversation was halted by the sound of heels clicking down the stairs, yourself and Claudia coming into view. You loved the footballing lifestyle but you also loved getting glam and that meant you’d taken this opportunity to put on your best dress. A wispy pink mini dress which just grazed the top of your thigh.
“Hola.” You greeted the group, quickly swiping Leila’s drink out of her hand and taking a sip from the straw. Your eyes never leaving her own as your lips were placed where her’s once was. “Thanks babe.”
“No-no worries.”
Of course at the restaurant you chose the seat next to Leila, the two of you immediately engaging in conversation almost forgetting about the rest of your table.
“Did you move to Barcelona on your own?” Leila questioned you as you shared the sushi platter between you both.
“I did, of course having Keira and Lucy there helped but yeah just me.”
“I bet you have loads of visitors though.”
“I mean my parents and sisters have come out but no-one else.” Even though you’ve only just met her, you already felt comfortable in her presence, your arm coming to rest over the top of her chair as your fingertips glided over her shoulder.
“Do you miss home then, leaving everyone behind?”
You weren’t stupid, you could tell where she was going with this but you were going to make her work for it. “FaceTime is a great thing.”
“For everything?”
“Great for talking, I don’t know what you’re doing on FaceTime Leila but I don’t need to do anything else.”
“Maybe I can persuade you to do something else.” The Manchester City defender took your initiative, her hand sliding over to rest on your bare thigh. “You look incredible tonight by the way.”
“So do you.” You weren’t exactly lying, the crop top and shorts combo suited her. “There’s no-one else by the way. No girl, or guy, at home or in Barcelona.”
“That’s good.”
“Who for?”
As the night continued on the two of you seemed to be joined at the hip. Whether that was sat together in your table at the club to dancing together. If you were there you could guarantee Leila was less than a foot away. Your hand was a permanent fixture on her hip, her arm looping round your neck as you danced together.
Every inhibition you had couldn’t be further from you right now. Happily moving your body close to her own. Not a care in the world who was watching or where you were.
“Come with me.” You were surprised when she made the first, or final, move. Simply giving you that instruction and guiding you to the bathroom in the corner of the club, her hand clasped in your own as you made your way through the crowds.
“Where are you two going?” Mapi questioned as you moved past her.
“Nowhere.” You mumbled as Leila ignored the question, a speed to her step as she stopped for no-one. Her only goal to get you two alone.
You’d barely closed the door before her lips were on your own, cornering you against the counter as her lips assaulted your own. It was like she’d known you forever, her body insanely aware of your own needs as the two of you kissed. You’d never had a first kiss like this, a representation of your continuous flirting and connection throughout the night.
“How about I take you up on that cocktail offer? I hear you like a bit of Sex on the Beach,”
“Maybe then I’ll show you my final tattoo.”
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reitziluz · 7 months
writing patterns (tag game)
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
tagged by @lethotep !!
i'm excluding the fic that exists just to hold fanart, the old version of shit-all, and the ones where the first line is word for word the prompt i wrote the fic for. here we go!
In the sunset glow, Serizawa felt at peace.
Of course Reigen had heard about that movie.
Serizawa’s apartment was barely bigger than his old room had been.
“Do you see that?”
With a weary sigh, Reigen sat down on the lone bench in the park.
The ramen shop hadn’t changed at all.
A strange couple lived two houses down from the Kageyamas.
This far out there was no shoreline to split the world into the sky and the ocean.
The first time Serizawa noticed it was during a lazy summer afternoon with scarce clients.
The gray skies and exhaustingly humid air had turned into an afternoon downpour.
fascinating results. i had to fix typos in 7. and 10. i didn't think there'd be such a strong pattern - and i can't really name the pattern either. it just feels like it's there. i mean, look at them!
also yes that first one is actually new! as in. i remembered i hadn't cleaned up a ficlet i wrote a year ago and got around to it due to being tagged in this game. so i posted it quick before finishing this!
i'm tagging @countthelions @kaosvrow @gittetj @feroluce but the invitation is open!!
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adhd-merlin · 7 months
I really don't write much but it's the second time @eeverlark tags me in a writing meme (I think) soooo alright lys I'll do it. for you 🫶🏻
1. number of stories posted to ao3: 4, and yes I'm counting the fic I updated in early January because 7 out of 8 chapters were written in 2023
2. number of words posted last year: 49k
3. fandoms i wrote for: only Merlin I'm monogamous 💛
4. pairings: Merwenthur; Merwaine; background Arwen in an Arthur & Merlin fic if that counts
5. stories with the most:
KUDOS || BOOKMARKS: Call It Anything We Want (281 | 48)
COMMENT THREADS: my merwenthur vignettes have 31 threads (excluding the chapter posted in January 2024). makes sense given every chapter is basically a self-contained ficlet
6. work i'm most proud of (and why): every fic I write is simultaneously the best and the worst I've ever written and it remains so until I post a new one.
Honestly though every fic(let) has some things I like and some I think I could've done better.
Having said that, Call It Anything We Want is the first fic I posted on ao3 after a long writing hiatus so. I'm proud of that and of the amount of time I've put into this story as a whole.
7. work i'm least proud of (and why): hmmm see previous answer.
there's a ficlet called The Hunting Trip that I think I could have done better – mainly the conversation Arthur and Merlin have about Uther – but I just wanted to get it done tbh. I do like how it starts though. And Cavall the dog :)
8. share or describe a favorite review you received: I absolutely love any time someone says they liked my characterisation. for example:
your characterization is insane i am so obsessed. its so so good. like. idk how to describe it you just write relationships meshing so well together and not in like. an unrealistically flawless way but in a warm and familiar way. im in awe.
I love this story, your writing, this relationship, this dynamic, your details, your characterization, your everything and I’ve been meaning to tell you for a very long time. I’m sorry for not expressing this earlier. Your continuation of the original story was incredibly, believably, wondrously fantastic.
Comments like these give me life 🥺
9. a time when writing was really, really hard: 99% of the time if I'm being honest
10. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: I wrote a ficlet that was supposed to be magically genderbent!Merlin x Arthur smut but it ended up being fem!Merlin x Gwen instead because Arthur wasn't cooperating
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing:
“Ah, the court sorcerer himself!” Gwaine exclaims, spreading his arms wide, and some wine sloshes out of his goblet and spills on the floor. He claps one hand on Merlin's shoulder. “Congratulations, Master Merlin.” “I told you to stop calling me that.” Gwaine just looks at him. Head to toe, with a grin that does nothing to hide what he's thinking, and must therefore come across as incredibly lewd. “You look good in green,” is all he says. Merlin raises an eyebrow. “You think I look good in anything.” Gwaine leans closer; close enough to purr in Merlin’s ear: “And even better in nothing at all.” Mainly for the pleasure of watching the tips of Merlin’s ears flush pink. — UNWAVERING
12. how did you grow as a writer last year: well I actually wrote something which is a good starting point
13. how do you hope to grow this year: I'd love to write a multi-chapter fic with an actual plot someday. also get better at titling things
14. who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer, beta, cheerleader, etc.): I think all the lovely people that left me some feedback made me push myself a tiny bit harder to keep writing and posting. a special shout-out to @castelled-away for writing whole essays about my merwenthur ficlets, I've loved every single comment 💛
15. anything from your real life show up in your writing last year: nothing apart from my desire to kiss Colin Morgan on the mouth
16. any new wisdom you can share with other writers: sometimes done is better than perfect. just get it done and move on it's fine if it's not a masterpiece. at least that's what I often have to tell myself but also I suspect I have adhd
17. any projects you're looking to starting (or finishing) this year: I would like to finish my Sefa-centric WIP, I wrote like 8k words but I'm not sure where it's going
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nocturnalghoul · 1 year
Mushy May Day 15: Standing up for them
For the longest time Cowbell has only really had Special to back them up, but now he has Ifrit too.
Partner ficlet with my Day 19 entry partially about Bell and Spesh as brothers and how much they mean to each other. This is the Bell side of the pair, and the one about what Bell means to Special will be for Day 19 (edited this to add link).
The next Mushy May I'll be posting is the Day 19 one partially because they go together, but also because I will be out of town most of this week and didn't want to have to stress writing those days. See ya then :)
Words: 1222
Rating: Gen/Everyone ; Note- light mentions of bullying etc.
Read below the cut or on AO3 here
Cowbell is well aware of his status within the organization. They know they are far from anybody’s favorite ghoul, the siblings and higher ups all finding them rather strange and unusual even for a ghoul. 
Their pack loves them, he knows that, but he also sees the way that they are not normally anyone's first choice. It’s never a conscious decision made by the other ghouls, it's something that just is. Anytime they notice Bell getting left out the rest of the pack will make an effort to include them but the original sting of being excluded is still there.
The exception to all of this is Special, the two of them being like brothers. No matter what the problem, Cowbell knows that without doubt or hesitation he will be there, and Special has proven it time and time again. 
Bell has always struggled to advocate for themselves properly. With the other ghouls they are more than comfortable stirring up mayhem and speaking their mind, but outside of that tends to be a more soft spoken and awkward presence. Luckily for them, having the silver tongue of the abbey PR ghoul comes in handy. 
When there was discussion from Imperator that he wasn’t good enough to serve as a band ghoul, Bell had accepted it, but Special immediately marched to her office and wouldn’t leave until the matter was settled. Several hours later the two emerged, Imperator looking more annoyed than she had in years, and Special with a cocky shiteating grin. Not only did Bell get to keep their intended band ghoul status, but also they would be added into any special privileges awarded the band ghouls from then on. 
Even for unrelated matters Special always had the little earth ghoul’s back. Everytime Bell would skitter down the hall and hear a group of siblings talking about them, they always saw Special later that day chewing them out. The PR ghoul tried to be subtle about it, supporting his brother from the shadows, but Bell always knew.
Then there was the day Alpha would not stop giving Bell shit all day, pointing out every little idiosyncrasy that makes them different from the other ghouls. The fire ghoul kept insisting that he’s only lovingly teasing “the goofy little weirdo”, but the words stick with Bell harder than they are willing to admit. Every protest from the earth ghoul is met with dismissal from Alpha because he is “only messing around.” 
Right as they decide they have had enough and stand to leave, tears already welling up in their eyes, he notices Special speed around the corner, fuming.
“Spesh, it's nothing. You don’t have to-” is as far as they manage to get before Special finishes closing the distance to Alpha, punching him so hard that the fire ghoul’s shoulder dislocates. 
As good as Special is with his words, he’s even better with his fists, and Alpha has always been a more tactile learner. 
“Aw come on Alpha, it couldn’t have hurt that bad. I’m only messing around” he spits out before escorting Bell out to the gardens. They never told him how much they appreciated the gesture, but it was clear Special already knew from the wink they gave them. 
Given the protective role his adoptive brother has always served, Bell understands the skepticism shown to Ifrit when they first start getting close. For the longest time it has always felt like Bell only truly has Special to back him up, and the fire ghouls loud and boisterous nature does little to convince Special he won’t eventually hurt his brother. Bell knows that the various “talks” his brother has given Ifrit are only to impress upon him how much he cares, but Ifrit is still rightly terrified.
Despite the looming threat of Special, Ifrit is still insistent on joining Bell whenever they take their evening walk through the section of abbey gardens they are in charge of. The fire ghoul always insists it is the perfect time for the two to just enjoy each other's company in peace without the other ghouls butting in. Of course Special sometimes can be seen watching out from the distance at some point but Ifrit does his best to ignore it. 
As they round the corner to the small shed full of supplies Bell keeps stocked, they notice a few siblings attempting to vandalize the structure, tacking up flyers warning others against “the terror that is that freak ass earth ghoul” they hear one sister say. It’s a common prank that he is used to at this point, but Ifrit immediately springs into action. 
By the time Ifrit is done reprimanding them and threatening to expose all their plentiful secrets to Imperator, two of the siblings offer what seem like genuine apologies. The fire ghoul is a favorite among the siblings and they all know the plentiful secrets he has witnessed in an attempt to impress him. Ifrit does his best to keep a level head, however his intimidating presence definitely has an effect. As the siblings scamper off, Ifrit rips down the posters burning them in his fist.
“Thanks, but you didn’t have to do that, Fritter. I’m used to it at this point” Bell laments. 
The fire ghoul immediately sighs, casting a look laced with so much affection their way that Bell thinks they might melt under the attention. “Maybe so, but you shouldn’t have to be used to it, love. I don’t care if it takes a thousand tries, I will always be there for you no matter what, okay?”
Bell lets out a happy little chitter and clambers up onto the fire ghouls back, demanding to be carried home. 
“I of course don’t mind, but you could have just asked for the piggy back ride instead of climbing” Ifrit teases, already walking back towards the ghouls dorms. 
“Maybe so, but if you’ve allegedly always got my back it only seemed right that I get some proof by hopping onto yours” Bell retorts before leaning down into Ifrit’s ear. “Also, I saw Spesh appear at the top of the hill and wanted to fuck with him.”
The two continue their way back to the dorm, laughing and joking around the entire time. Right as they get to the patio leading to the common area, Special appears seemingly from nowhere. 
“Ifrit. It’s good to see somebody else look out for Bell even when they are resigned not to look out for themselves. Thank you.” Special remarks tersely before turning to let the two enjoy some actual alone time. “However, if you let him get hurt… well you know the rest.” he tacks on, but his heart is clearly not in the threat this time. 
Bell can see on his brother’s face that the switch from “if you hurt them” to “if you let them get hurt” means that the fire ghoul has finally won him over. 
“That is incredibly high praise, Frit. See I told you he would grow to like you” Bell chirps once they get inside. Ifrit doesn’t look entirely convinced, but Bell knows their brother. Knowing that Ifrit is a second person to look out for them and entrusting him to do so is the highest blessing of approval he could give. Someday the fire ghoul will come to see it.
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lothiriel84 · 1 year
A Pleasant Countenance
In all his three-and-twenty years, Charles Bingley had not once stopped to consider how different he was from his peers.
A Pride and Prejudice ficlet. Sex-positive asexual!Bingley.
It was fair to say that Mrs Bingley’s disposition was hardly ever inclined to discontentment; if anyone were to ask her, she would without a moment’s hesitation express her perfect contentment in her husband’s affections, and it did not occur to her to start questioning the veracity of her own statements until several months into their marriage.
When Charles had mentioned he was planning to invite the Darcys to Netherfield Park for the summer, she had rejoiced at the opportunity to spend some time with her dear sister; straight away, she had devoted herself to the preparations for their arrival, personally inspecting the guest wing until she finally selected a suite of connected chambers she felt sure would do nicely for Lizzy and her husband. She was therefore more than a little befuddled when upon the guests’ arrival, her sister thanked her for all her troubles, only to playfully remark that they would scarcely require more than one bedchamber between the two of them.
Jane held her peace for a grand total of four days before sequestering her sister to her own dressing rooms, and haltingly enquired as to the couple’s usual sleeping arrangements both at Pemberley and the Darcy town home.
“We always share a bed, unless Fitzwilliam is away on business,” Elizabeth replied simply, a slight frown creasing her brow. “You will pardon me, dearest sister, if I dare to presume what these questions tend to?”
“Oh, you will think me the worst kind of shameless busybody, Lizzy,” Jane exclaimed, twisting her hands. “It’s only – oh, I know it is hardly proper of me to even broach such an indelicate subject, but I hardly know who else I could turn to at this juncture.”
Lizzy was immediately on her feet, gathering her sister’s hands in her own. “You know you can always speak to me, my dear Jane. I shall spare you the indignity of needing to ask, and tell you that more often than not, my loving husband is wont to solicit my favours several times a week, and that they are most willingly bestowed on my part – heartily encouraged, even.”
Mrs Bingley’s head was spinning, and she felt more than a little faint as a result. “Several times a week,” she breathed, disbelief apparent in her voice, wondering for the briefest of moments whether her sister was teasing her for some strange reason. Her long familiarity with Lizzy excluded such a possibility, and she reluctantly had to acknowledge that her sister was in earnest – which begged a series of questions regarding the state of her own marriage she was scarcely ready to contemplate.
“Jane, are you – that is to say, does Mr Bingley,” Elizabeth bit her lip, clearly considering how better to address the issue. “Are you not satisfied with your marriage bed, then?”
Jane buried her face in her hands, her cheeks burning with shame. “Oh, Lizzy, I am the worst creature in the world.”
“Nonsense. I hate to be the one to tell you, dear sister, but if you are not happy with your husband’s attentions, your best course of action is to openly discuss it with him – you will do no favours to your marriage by keeping your feelings a secret to him.”
“How could I ever do such a thing? He would think me a wanton and the most ungrateful of wives, for he is very deeply in love with me, and the most considerate of husbands besides. And if he truly does not desire to share my bed, I can only conclude it is my own fault – that I have disappointed him, or that he finds my lack of experience in such matters off-putting in some way.”
“Jane!” Elizabeth exclaimed, obviously scandalised that she could even express such a thought.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I – I know I have no right in presuming anything about Charles’ past, but you must not think me so naive as to believe that he never – but that is irrelevant to our current situation, in any case. Perhaps he merely finds me not pleasing enough to tempt him, after all.”
“Promise me you will talk to him, Jane,” her sister pleaded with her in a most urgent tone. “If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for him. He would hate to find out you’re hiding such a thing from him, believe me.”
She swallowed, looked around the room as if hoping that the solution to her problems might suddenly materialise out of thin air, but in the end, she could not find it in herself to deny her sister. Elizabeth hugged her tightly, and promised everything would be all right; all she had to do was keep her faith in the strength of her and Charles’ love.
In all his three-and-twenty years, Charles Bingley had not once stopped to consider how different he was from his peers. Even before inheriting his father’s fortune, his good looks and pleasant disposition had garnered him the attentions of many a pretty lady; and while he had always been partial to a good flirt – and even the occasional stolen kiss – he had scarcely given any thought to the many possibilities afforded to a young man when presented with a female of inferior birth eager to share her favours. At university, his friends used to jest that young ladies might consider themselves quite safe in his company, which he actually took as a compliment to the propriety of his conduct; it was on one such occasion that he had made the acquaintance of his good friend Darcy, as the gentleman was similarly being teased for being ‘too uptight to know his way around a woman’s petticoats’.
Upon his coming of age, his father had of course summoned him to his study and provided him with a series of entirely mortifying instructions as to how to conduct himself with females of good breeding, and what was expected of him when he entered the married state. What his father had failed to inform him of was how often a husband would be expected to share his wife’s bed, and after spending the past few years overhearing his eldest sister’s complaints concerning the frequency of Mr Hurst’s visits, and the many excuses she employed to discourage him in such endeavours, Charles had come to the natural conclusion that he ought to impose as little as possible on his adoring wife, regardless of his own inclinations on the subject.
If someone had ever chanced to draw his attention to this particular matter, he would have been forced to conclude that he had no strong inclination either way. The actual reality of conjugal relations had come as an utterly pleasant surprise for him, and he enjoyed every moment spent in such startling new intimacy with his blushing bride; however, more often than not he would straight up forget that such activities were now open to him, let alone expected of him.
As it was, he had been sparing no thought whatsoever to the whole state of affairs, and was therefore entirely shocked when his beloved Jane haltingly brought up the subject one evening, soon after the Darcys had departed for a short stay in town where his friend had been unexpectedly called on business.
“I – I would understand if you didn’t desire me anymore, all I ask is that you’re completely honest with me, Charles,” she concluded, very nearly in tears, and it was all he could do to take her in his arms and hold her quite possibly too tightly for her own comfort. He was about to vehemently deny such an outrageous suggestion, when he was suddenly reminded of the few – and entirely too reticent – confidences he had managed to extract from Darcy with regards to his marriage, and he stopped in his tracks as if struck by some kind of revelation.
Had he ever desired a woman, in the way most gentlemen of his acquaintance intended when discussing such matters? He knew he loved Jane in a way that surpassed any of his previous infatuations; he was most pleased to share her attentions when attending to their marital duties, though he realised now he had perhaps misjudged how affected she was in turn by such intimacies. But did he desire her? He – wasn’t entirely sure, but he was inclined to think that the nature of his love for her would make for a strong argument to disregard such a trivial distinction.
“Does it matter, when I love you more than life itself?” he pleaded by her, and was rewarded with a heartfelt sob she endeavoured to stifle into the lapel of his dinner jacket. “Jane, I am utterly pleased with everything that has transpired in our marriage bed, and if you wish for me to visit you more often, I shall be delighted to do so.”
“Oh, you must think me such a selfish, wanton creature,” she demurred, but he would have none of it.
“Nonsense. I am beyond grateful that you should value my attentions so highly,” he promptly assured her, pressing a tender kiss on her golden curls. “And I would suggest we retire to our chambers this instant, so that I might start making amends to my long-suffering wife.”
“Charles!” Her cheeks had blushed a dark shade of pink by now, which only made her more becoming to his eyes. “What will the servants think if we were to retire this early in the evening?”
“I have to say, my dear, I do not care a jot what the servants might thing,” he smiled at her, and offered his arm with all pretence of formality so that he might escort her upstairs.
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combatfaerie · 1 year
Ficlet: The Eyes Have It
Story: The Eyes Have It Word count: 1,306 Prompt: "Still think I'm cute?" Disclaimer: I don't wear makeup, so... again, take pity on my mistakes. Also available at: AO3 and Wattpad and dreamwidth Summary: Damian had helped Rhea with her hair, so now she's repaying the favour.
"When I said you owed me for helping to dye your hair," Damian remarked, "this wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I thought I would get to pick."
Rhea sorted softly as she sorted through her makeup. "Ha. You thought. That's cute. Come on, Priest. This is in the same realm. It'll make us even."
"Not really. Dyeing your hair involved protective equipment and several gallons of water. Picking out eyeliner?" Damian raised an eyebrow. "Pretty sure I could walk into the drugstore down the street and someone there would be able to help me with that."
Rhea had to concede the point a bit. Damian wearing eyeliner certainly wouldn't have the shock effect her dye job had. And who's going to tell a guy his size that he shouldn't be wearing eyeliner? The thought almost made her laugh. "Sure. But would you get this type of camaraderie?"
"Is camaraderie the new way of saying I'll take incriminating pictures and save them for a future blackmailing opportunity?" he asked dryly.
Rhea rolled her eyes. "Stuff it, Priest. Just because you're old enough to be my dad doesn't mean you have to act like it."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence in my fourteen-year-old self, Rips. It means a lot." Sighing, Damian pulled his hair back and put it in a bun. "Just eyeliner, right? You're not trying to turn me into The Crow or something, are you?"
Standing back to get a better look, Rhea gave a slow nod of appreciation. "You could do it, honestly. I know there were talks of a Jason Momoa remake for a while, so it wouldn't be a stretch. He's a big, tall dude; you're a big, tall dude."
Damian shook his head. "I'll leave that for you. You can be the first female Crow on screen. So... just eyeliner, right?"
"Yes, for fuck's sake!" Rhea's laugh was almost a cackle. "Don't tell me you're afraid of a little makeup, Priest." She pulled a brush out of her bag and waved it at him menacingly. "You'd look good."
"You're welcome to think so," Damian replied, "but that still doesn't mean it's going to happen."
Rhea pushed him down onto a chair and kissed his cheek. "Don't be afraid of being pretty. You never know; you might like it."
"Keep trying, Rips. Maybe you'll run out of breath and then I can make a break for it," Damian retorted. But he stayed in the chair and dutifully shut his eyes. "Okay. Do your thing."
Really? Rhea was so stunned for a moment that she couldn't move. "But you need to pick out what type you want," she said, pulling all the eyeliners out of her makeup kit and holding them out like a bouquet.
Damian cracked open an eye. "Rips, I'm not going to know the difference. Pick something. I trust you. I know you're not going to give me Liv's sparkly blue one or anything like that."
Rhea scoffed. "As if I'd let sparkles that close to anything I own. I know better." Most of her eyeliners were black, so that helped narrow it down. She figured Damian would want a more subtle look, so she chose one of her favourite eyeliner pencils and put the others back. "Eyes closed, chin up."
"Is this for eyeliner," Damian joked, trying not to move too much, "or some prank where I open my eyes and Finn has his dick right in front of my face?"
Rhea burst out laughing, taking a step back so she didn't accidentally stab Damian in the eye. "Finn's not even here."
"Pity. If anyone would look good with eyeliner," Damian replied, "it would be him. Present company excluded, of course."
"Aw. Aren't you a sweetheart?" Rhea kissed his forehead and wiped away the lipstick smudge. "Okay. Eyes shut."
Damian only flinched slightly when he felt the pressure of the pencil against his eyelid, but otherwise he kept still. "It's not hard to get off, right?"
"Nah. I've got some makeup wipes with me," Rhea added. "I'll give you one later." After she finished one eye, she stepped back. "Open your eyes. I'm not done yet, but I want to judge symmetry."
Damian slowly opened his eyes as if he expected one to be heavier or something. "What's the verdict?"
"Good so far," Rhea said, stepping forward again. "Close your eyes again."
"Well, at least it doesn't take long." Damian let out a long breath and relaxed again. "But don't think this is going to be a regular thing."
"Why not?" Rhea asked, leaning close to work on his other eye. "Like I said, you might like it. Look at Riddle: he has painted nails all the time."
"Riddle also used to talk to his scooter." Damian's nose twitched slightly. "Sorry."
"It's all good. Open your eyes again." Rhea stepped to one side and then the other, then grabbed Damian by the chin and tilted his head from side to side. "I think I've got it pretty even. Go look in the mirror and see what you think."
Damian rose from the chair and walked past Rhea to his bathroom. "I look like I belong in The Mummy or something...." He had to admit he didn't look bad, though. The effect was subtle—you definitely had to look for it, and while the television audience might be able to spot it, the live one probably wouldn't—and it helped make his eyes look sharper.
"But what do you think?" Rhea called out. "Do you like it? Do you want me to take it off?"
"I'm thinking." Damian shut the bathroom light off and went back into the main room. Rhea looked so anxious it was almost cute. "I like it," he said at last. "I mean, not as a regular thing, but—"
"Yes!" Rhea jumped up and hugged him, making him catch her so they didn't both topple over.
"And you call Liv a koala?" Damian chuckled, squeezing Rhea before setting her back on her feet. "So, still think I'm cute?"
Rhea laughed and smacked his chest. "You're six foot five!"
"So?" Damian grinned and ruffled her hair. "Is there a height limit on cuteness now? An age limit? That doesn't seem very fair."
Rolling her eyes, Rhea leaned into his chest and hugged him. "Yes, you're cute. Happy now?"
"I don't know. When you tell Liv's she's cute," Damian replied, "you sound a lot more genuine."
"You're horrible." Rhea reached up and tugged on his hair until it came free of the bun. "Shake it out. I want to see how you look with your hair down."
Damian did as she asked, then tossed his hair behind his shoulders. "Acceptable? I can always pull the sides back...."
Rhea nodded. "I think it works either way." Then she grinned. "Can I do your makeup for Halloween?"
"No," Damian said flatly. "Too much sitting. Now go get your shit. We have to leave for the arena in twenty minutes and you probably still have sex toys on your bed."
"Nah. Liv said she was going to clean those up," Rhea retorted, sticking out her tongue, "but I should make sure she remembered to take the batteries out of the vibrator. See you down in the lobby?"
Damian nodded, handing Rhea her makeup kit. "Don't forget that."
"Maybe it was going to be a present so you could start practicing," Rhea teased. With a wink, she grabbed her phone from the bed, made sure she hadn't forgotten anything, and headed for the door. "See you soon!"
Once Rhea was gone, Damian went back to the mirror and looked at himself again. The look wasn't something he would do every day, but he had to admit it was growing on him. "Why does she always have to be right?"
0 notes
lunarsands · 2 years
Empires SMP Season 2 theories/headcanons that are completely wild speculation because the series just started! These are mainly about Scott and Sausage’s characters because @cynthrey​ and I are in a pit of brainrot over them in particular.
This might read a bit disjointed because it’s snipped from different discussions we’ve had but I tried to put them in order.
Regarding Scott’s character:
A collector of things, and that might not be limited to physical objects. He might have magical powers for all we know, which leads to him collecting things like other people’s memories.
The two different color eyes: one eye “collects” the memories, the other returns them.
Mix in some symbolism of "moon" eye takes the memories = like a dream, "sun" eye returns them = wakefulness
(The innocent, wholesome flower field is just a cover, the man is up to something)
Re, Sausage:
What if...going by the "all new characters" thing, it's not exactly S1!Sausage but a parallel version and similar things happened. Like maybe he was actually a blood relative of fWhip and Gem, or had a deeper relationship with Pearl, etc., and also ended up travelling dimensions.
Also throw in the concept of Sausage being cursed with immortality. (Y'all might see where I was going with this ficlet now)
(I’m putting the rest under a read more to save your dash and possibly your sanity)
Now have Scott poke around in Sausage’s memories. Scott seeing the memory of Pearl dying and just casually starts mentioning pearls around Sausage to see what sets him off, because he's mischievous/antagonistic like that.
(More Scott villain arc yes pls)
Him seeing Sausage’s past mistakes and everything he hates about his past (he does see a few happy memories but it’s like 1 out of 5). Then imagine Scott taking previous memories hostage -- snatches the memory of the Wither Rose Alliance -- and forces Sausage to collect something of great value or bye bye to one of the few good memories he still has.
Back to the Pearl relationship thought, maybe they never admitted their feelings and Scott has been memory viewing then hints about her out loud, which really presses Sausage's buttons because he lost her.
-first is just a peek and then when Scott notices how he can use that to his benefit he full on yoinks the memory of her -
Sausage being like "Hey why the f*ck does my heart hurt so much all of a sudden, I have no idea"
(Scott yoinking the memory of Pearl and then starts bringing sunflowers to Sausage, just to push buttons.)
Imagine Sausage threatening to kill him when he finds out and Scott just goes "yeah, no, bad idea, if I die so does the memory. Wanna lose her again?"
(In this house we love our angst)
turn things around and have Sausage asking Scott to remove a memory because it's so bad.
Not-so-evil (redemption arc?) Scott helping others get rid of memories that are just too painful to deal with = cute and sad
- would be extra painful if he sees the memories in first person too.
- one minute he is helping a friend, next one "he" is causing a bloodbath.
- But! What if it's so bad that even Scott doesn't want it in his head, and he will collect anything. Like something exceptionally horrific about something out in the dimensions Sausage traveled through.
Sausage: "What do you mean you are not going to take that memory???"
Scott: "Listen, Sausage, you are my friend but if YOU can’t deal with that memory what makes you think I can?"
Like before this anytime he stole a memory it was just being able to observe it but now he's experiencing them and feeling the emotions. (Oh look more shared feelings trope) Then he starts feeling things from the POV of other people in the memory, not just who he stole it from.
Scott: "Hey before I met you I was just watching these like a movie, now I'm feeling things, what did you do to me?"
Sausage: "Uh yeah there are side effects to travelling through dimensions. Um. Sorry I guess???"
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
Prompt: remus and lily as siblings or half siblings or biological family in any capacity pls 🥺
Oh God!!! Baby!!!🥺🥺😭 This is such a favorite AU of mine!! I’m literally— sorta— writing a To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before AU right now and they are the bestest siblings in that!!!  They share a little sister and they are just so cute!! And Petunia is conveniently off in university oaiwefjoiaswejfiogreghoij And I just love Remus and Lily both so much it hurts!!! And so I wanna spit out a bullet point Ficlet at you! And I’m not even sorry just because I love you so endlessly for tossing this into my inbox foiwaeifmkaeoirfgjieoarujoidkioweajgh 
So like in my head, becs that Voldy bitch doesn’t know how to actually world build, the Muggle born children who get their Hogwarts letters, are also invited to join this like support group for ordinary folks with magical children. It’s like a thing that’s held in the Ministry of magic over in London once a month, and the parents are taught about the Wizarding world while their children kind of go to this separate room to intermingle and read Hogwarts; A History with one another, and just vibe, because pure bloods and those close to that have always sorta known one another and such, so this is a nice way for the Muggle borns not to feel so excluded.
So the thing is, obviously Lyall was a wizard, but also we all know I don’t fuck with him lmfao. So I picture that after he leaves for the final time when Remus is around nine, and finalizes the  divorce with Hope, she— being the bad bitch that she is, just marches to the ministry with her half-blood, werewolf son, and demands to learn everything about the world he’s part of, because she refuses to let him be deprived of anything. 
Eventually she becomes one of the tutors for the adult section because she’s such a quick study— being a professor herself back in Cardiff and just being an all around bombshell tbh. So one day, in February of 1970, there’s this ginger haired, northerner who stumbles in with his daughter who looks so much like him that it’s crazy— dimples and smile and upturned nose. Though she has her mother’s eyes, who had past away when she was only seven from a freak car accident.
And when he first shake’s Hope’s hand, he’s like kind of mind boggled over how beautiful she is, and thinks that maybe all wizards just put on some sort of charm to look unearthly, till he finds out that she’s as Muggle as he is towards the end of his visit. And he is just entirely love struck tbh.
And for the next couple months or so, he kind of just yearns from afar, and then spends the ride home to Cokeworth listening to Lily’s excited chortling about her friend Remus who’s apparently a half blood and who likes the same treats as her and knows how to draw things so amazingly, and it isn’t until like May, when he ambles to the other room and realizes that Remus is actually Hope’s fucking son, and he already knows that she said she began this group after separating from her husband who was a wizard himself. So Lily’s father— Nate— quite literally just shoots his shot and asks if Lily would like to get ice cream with her new friend since Petunia won’t be coming back from there Grams’s house till late, and Hope sorta smirks from over the kids’ heads because she sees exactly what he’s doing and is impressed that he’s finally done something for fuck’s sake.
And like obviously they fall hard for one another, and they probs get married like Lily’s second year at Hogwarts.
Wait, just Lily’s you ask??
Yes my beautiful duckling,  because plot twist!! (We lovee plot twists!!!)
In this AU i picture that McGonagall kind of visits during the summer months leading up to the children’s first year at Hogwarts, just to give them some supplementary readings and answer the questions for their future schooling, and when Dumbledore tells her about Remus’s full situation with his lycanthropy and all, she does some research, and figures out how Beauxbatons is much, MUCH more accommodating to “dark” creatures, and she’s already pretty chummy with Hope and knows that she’s actually a French citizen herself, the daughter of Algerian immigrants. So Remus technically has the possibility to attend Hogwarts or Beauxbatons, and so Hope and Remus talk on it long and hard, and she knows he’s already become fast friends with Lily and their thick as thieves with one another, but it’s also just so much safer for him.
So the week before Lily is set to go off to King’s Cross, they fly over to France and they get Remus settled in his dorm abroad.
I think while they’re away, Lily and Remus actually somehow become closer, because their parents are still dutifully dating and neither of them are all that familiar with their surroundings, so they send one another so many fucking letters through that first term, that the owls of their schools always give them the dirtiest looks lmfao. And they really catch on like a house on fire, like it’s one of those relationships that is just innate? Like you know when you have a best friend you guys kind of just slip into one another lives? Like even when you don’t talk for a while or whatever, it’s just natural<3 <3 
So neither of them ever spend the hols of winter or spring in Hogwarts/Beauxbatons, becs that’s when they really get to vibe.
They tell one another the different cool charms they’ve learned, and hate that they can’t show them with their actual wands yet. And they watch all their favorite films and almost adopt this secret language that’s only the quirk of their brows and twitch of the lips, and Petunia hates how freakily attuned they are with one another and sneers at them for being such freaks in all aspects. Also in this AU Lily fucks off from Snape wayyyy sooner, because instead of having to deal with that nasty, bigoted, slime ball she has the cutest and funniest and most amazing bestie in Remus!
And before Hope and Nate exchange vows in the winter of their second year, the little family of five go to this tiny park that’s all lush grassland and a shiny jungle gym and a pair of swings tucked away by trees, and they sit at this picnic table, and Hope— with her steady, ever buoyant voice, explains to them why she and Remus decided to send him to Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts, and Petunia is like gawking in fright, and Nate looks sort of distressed, but Lily just cocks her head and shrugs her shoulders, because it’s still Remus— her closest companion Rem— and nothing could change that. So she takes his hand from where it’s fiddling with a splintered piece of wood on the tabletop and she squeezes it tightly, watches him glance up at her with the late summer wind billowing in his tawny curls and the fear in his honey eyes, and she simply tells him that it doesn’t matter. And Lily will never forget the way his features spasm at that, going suddenly loose and bright and thankful, and then Nate probably tousles his hair and kisses Hope’s temple and shyly asks how they should accommodate once they move in with one another.
And that park becomes sorta special tbh.
It’s in that alcove with the swings and trees where Lily and Remus go when things are becoming too much, or they would just like to escape the world by one another’s side.
It’s where they tried their first cigarettes that Remus had gotten from an older bloke in Beauxbaton’s when they were thirteen and feeling adventurous. And where they go to listen to the releases of their favorite albums, and when Remus told Lily that he’s gay for the first time before leaving to both their fourth years and it’s like one of those spots they both think of and feel golden.
Oh God! Imagine how cute of a celebration that Nate and Hope hold for them both becoming prefects!!! Hope and Nate definitely insist on some sort of summer todo! And they invite their friends and all that jazz and OMFG what if Lily’s wearing some sorta powder blue sundress that matches Remus’s oxford shirt and they both are grimacing in all the photos and are just not thriving foieajfoierjgiearfoijsdkgxh But like they would be doted on rotten that whole day! This is so cute! OMFG! And this probs means James became Prefect as well and so Remus gets to tease her when he sends her some sort of congratulations letter and she’s totally blushing and trying to hide her grin, and Lily retaliates by kicking his ankle tbh bahaha 
Okay also now I’m thinking of like Lily’s like fifth year, and her Muggle studies class is doing some sort of seminar to see if these idiots can actually survive in a totally Muggle area without a lick of magic, so like it’s spring hols, and guess who she’s partnered up with??? 
Cookies for you because we all know she had to work with James and Sirius lmfao!!! 
And she’s totally still trying to hide her crush on James— who’s nearly always leering and winking her way— and she might actually punch Sirius’s face simply because he’s such a smug bastard, and being from a working class family like herself, she’s like always ready to fight preppy rich boys tbh
So James and Sirius decide to plan out the simulation in her house that’s right outside Cardiff and Remus is cackling the entire morning before they’re set to arrive because she’s so pissy about it lmfao
Okay so like obviously the boys end up taking the port key and land in front of her place and it’s Remus who answers the door, still painted with humor because Lily was just screaming about “if Potter brings that insufferable snitch here I’ll bloody shove it up his arse” and James is immediately on the defense because Lily’s only ever talked about her sister and brother who live with her at home, and this dude is golden where she’s pale and has curls over her straight hair and just, obviously they’re not related by blood at all. And for his part, Sirius is like *Oh! Oh! Oh! Pretty!!! Pretty boy!! Muggle boy? Pretty Muggle boy!* 
But Remus obviously knows who they are straight away, so he like waves them inside before rounding to the stairs and calling for her to stop clogging the toilet or something else mortifyingly embarrassing, and Lily promises to put like pickles in the next set of face masks that they do because she knows how fucking allergic he is to them, and she wants her chuckles damn it!!  
“Potter— Black,” is how she greets them with a derisive sort of glower that Remus can completely see through, so he has to excuse himself while laughing over to the kitchen. “You’ve met my delightful brother I see.”
And James’s entire posture relaxes and he’s back to grinning like a dope, and the only weird part is that Sirius has got on the very same face, *Pretty Muggle boy is Evan’s brother* So like they are both scary levels of elated, rip.
But sucks to be Sirius because Remus leaves after that to meet up with a friend from town who’s also the best dealer tbh, and  so he has to deal with James’s awful levels of flirting with Lily while they scrounge up their itinerary to send their professor for the seminar type thing, and he doesn’t even have a pretty distraction XS
But Lily does force Remus to come along with her on the trip to London because “On God, if I spend a day alone with those bellends by myself I will punch a wall” 
And it is literally the worst, but best double date/first date that’s full of Sirius and James fucking up with everything— including asking some poor Tesco employee where are their fudgeflies and giving a homeless man a hand full of galleons and James’s snitch somehow ending up in the meaty hands of some kid at the tube. But also tbh it’s hella cute when Lily lets James give her his jacket when they’re walking along the Thames and it’s getting chilly, and when Remus lets Sirius share his stick of cotton candy and they both sorta stare at the sugar on each of their lips.
But then they go to some tiny museum, and while they’re looking at a impressionist piece, Sirius is totally trying to show off to Remus and is explaining how he could turn the bench their sitting on into a really nice bouquet of Lupins, and in the middle of his stupid showboating, Remus lightly corrects him on some facet of Gamp’s law, and Sirius freezes— shocked still— and he’ sort of gaping like an idiot, before Lily stops his blustering with a scoff “He’s a damn wizard also you arse.”
And Sirius is floundering for the rest of the evening, and he has so many questions, but they all die on his lips every time he glances over at Remus and he’s just smirking at him with this electric glint in his golden eyes
So obviously when they’re back at Hogwarts he pesters Lily every second of every day about Remus, and why he’s not at Hogwarts. “None of your fucking business.” And asking where Remus goes instead. “Beauxbatons, thankfully far away from you.” and he asks her about a thousand other questions that Lily either scoffs at or simply cuffs him around the head for daring to even try getting his address.
And she pokes fun about the situation to Remus and tells him how much more of an idiot he’s acting like, and how hilarious it all is. And she’s shocked when he responds to her letter merely by saying, “Hah- he’s cute.”
And so obviously she shoots back a reply that’s a letter of all his worst traits, mainly that he’s an arrogant toerag, and that he’s a posh idiot who could probably live off his inheritance for three lifetimes without blinking, and about how he doesn’t date anyone for longer than a couple months, and how he’s practically brothers with James bloody Potter, and yet again, Remus just tells her, Hah- he’s cute, before mildly moving to talking about his latest charms paper and how he’s been asked to be their DADA’s professors TA next year, and how Andrew keeps trying to try again with him but Remus would rather poke his eyes out with a spork.
So Lily is totally fuming when she recognizes that she’s lost and begrudgingly gives Sirius Remus’s info, after telling him lowly and with her most menacing glower, “IF you fuck around with my brother I will murder you without a flinch.” And she’s quite literally five feet nothing to Sirius’s broad, six-foot frame, but he knows that she could do it with a snap of the finger, and he promises that it’s not just a gag on his end. And Lily actually believes him.
So Remus and Sirius begin writing to one another a sickening amount, like so steadfastly that it gives Lily a complex whenever she finds Sirius waiting at the Owlry every Wednesday morning for the bird that arrives with two letters tied to it’s leg, one for each of them.
And God, one time, right before they let out for summer hols, Lily accidentally takes the one marked for Sirius— and holy christ!!!, She did not need to know just what exactly her brother has been getting up to in the sex department of things— like she legit contemplated using a memory charm on herself JFC
And Sirius probably ends up on their doorstep again in late July, with James at toe, and somehow their is a small harmony painted between the four of them, and it’s by Christmas of sixth year when James and Sirius begin talking about how amazing it’ll be when they’re actually in-law brothers, and Lily blames Remus for everything when she’s pretending to be cross over it, but then James puts his arm around her shoulders, and she sees how gentle Sirius is when he twines his fingers into Remus’s own, and it feels good, feels right. 
It feels like something that can be forever.
Send Me A Prompt/Chat With Me💜  |  My Wolfstar FIC Masterlist
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Prompt: a continuation of you NMJ/WWX ficlet. LWJ chaperones their courtship meetings while desperately pining, torn between proposing to WWX himself and not wanting to jeopardize WWX and the Wen's chance for safety. Either NHS or NMJ are well aware of his crush. Thank you for writing for this rarepair! I love all your stuff
continuation of this fic
Lan Wangji knew that duty sometimes – often, even – called for sacrifice. Personal sacrifice. It was something he had long ago accepted: to be good, sometimes one had to suffer.
And oh – how he was suffering.
He’d been at Qinghe when Jiang Cheng had arrived with his proposal, visiting alongside his brother in a way he tended not to do if the visits were to Koi Tower instead of the Unclean Realm; he’d waited outside while they’d had a discussion between sect leaders, more than happy to absent himself from the trouble –
His brother had explained it all, after, and had asked him if he would consider acting as a chaperone.
A chaperone to Wei Wuxian, who would be marrying – Nie Mingjue.
“He’s not a cutsleeve,” Lan Wangji had blurted out, then checked; the expression of those around him indicated that his tone had remained indifferent and above it all, stating a mere fact that didn’t relate to him, and only his brother’s eyes started to widen a little.
His brother had always understood him too well.
“He’s not not a cutsleeve, anyway,” Jiang Cheng had said with a shrug. “He indicated he was willing – and it’s better than the alternative. My Jiang Sect can’t defend him right now…it would be very good if you would agree to be chaperone, Hanguang-jun. Not only is your reputation flawless, you would add the implicit support of the Lan sect; it would give it additional legitimacy.”
“I’m not sure –” Lan Xichen had started to say, but Lan Wangji had known that he was only refusing because he’d just realized that Lan Wangji wouldn’t be happy to see Wei Wuxian marry another, that he’d wanted – that he’d –
“I’d be happy to go,” Lan Wangji had said at once.
“I wouldn’t have anyone else,” Nie Mingjue had said, and that had been that, no matter how Lan Xichen tried to talk to him about it later.
He hadn’t wanted to talk.
There was nothing to talk about. The Lan sect was still rebuilding the Cloud Recesses – they, like the Jiang Sect, couldn’t afford to shield someone so inconvenient as Wei Wuxian, the Yiling Patriarch.
Inconvenient. It was a good word for Wei Wuxian: he was very inconvenient. Inconveniently appearing in Lan Wangji’s thoughts, in his dreams, in his heart –
It didn’t matter. The Lan sect couldn’t stand against the entire cultivation world for him, and so even if Lan Wangji were willing to do so, it wasn’t a good match. And that was that.
And now he was here, at Yiling, and Wei Wuxian kept talking about it.
About – him.
Nie Mingjue.
Lan Wangji sincerely respected the man: he was a brilliant cultivator, an awe-inspiring swordsman, an effective and admired sect leader, a just and upright man with solid principles that he never backed down from. He was skilled in virtually all of the six arts – music excluded, as he couldn’t play an instrument to save his life, but it really wasn’t fair to hold being born half-tone-deaf against him.
Wei Wuxian didn’t talk about any of that. No. That would be too easy – Lan Wangji would agree with him, and that would be fine.
No, what Wei Wuxian wanted to talk about, apparently, was the man’s body.
“– and his arms. Did you see his arms?”
“En.” Lan Wangji hoped his admission that he had, in fact, observed that Nie Mingjue had arms would be enough to forestall Wei Wuxian.
It was not.
“Magnificent, aren’t they? Big as a tree branch. He went out for saber training earlier in that outfit, didn’t he, the tight one without armor to cover them up; maybe he’ll swing by this way on his way back and we’ll see them again…”
Lan Wangji wanted to die.
“I never knew I liked arms so much before, you know? I’ve only been noticing lately – you have excellent arms yourself, actually – huh! These robes really cover a lot, don’t they? But in fact your arms are quite sturdy –”
Wei Wuxian was touching him. Lan Wangji pulled away as quickly as he could, which was probably not as quickly as someone else could.
“Oh, Lan Zhan, why do you always ruin my fun? It wasn’t as if I was stripping you down, I was just feeling them through the robes; even you can’t object…object to…”
Wei Wuxian trailed off, staring at something over Lan Wangji’s shoulder.
Lan Wangji turned.
Nie Mingjue had, in fact, taken this route back from his training. However, he was no longer wearing the tight robes – old ones, clearly designed for use during training – and was, in fact, not wearing anything on the top half of his body at all, the robes bunched up on his arm and clearly messy with mud and dirt; someone must have played a prank or something, to judge by the irritated look on his face.
Not that Lan Wangji was spending a lot of time looking at the man’s face.
Not when there was so much else to look at: sloped shoulders, a collarbone, rich supple flesh glistening with the slightest sheen of sweat –
Wei Wuxian was right about Nie Mingjue’s body being very nice, he found himself thinking to his horror – why was he thinking about this, he’d gotten over this years ago – and he shook his head and turned back to Wei Wuxian.
Wei Wuxian, who was staring at him with a growing grin.
That was not good.
“You like him!” Wei Wuxian declared and no, no, this was not happening. “You think he’s attractive.”
“No,” Lan Wangji said firmly, and sat down, determined to ignore Wei Wuxian.
Predictably, it went about as well as any of his previous resolutions to ignore Wei Wuxian.
“How long has this been going on? When did you first start noticing him?”
“Tell me! When did it start? How long has this gone on?”
I was six, he picked me up with one arm and told me I was a good boy and later that night I asked Brother if I could marry him and Brother thought I was joking but I wasn’t and then when I got older I had spring dreams about him right up until I met you.
“No,” Lan Wangji said again.
“‘No’ isn’t ‘I don’t’,” Wei Wuxian crowed, far too delighted by this revelation of Lan Wangji’s inappropriate interest in Wei Wuxian’s future husband. “You have to tell me, please. I’m dying of curiosity. You of all people had a crush! On Nie Mingjue! I have to know everything! Please, you have to tell me, I’ll do anything!”
“What is anything?” Lan Wangji asked, because his voice was a traitor that did things without consulting his mind, and anyway this would be just like that time in the cold spring where Wei Wuxian had offered him ‘benefits’ and it turned out he meant that he’d introduce him to girls…
The next thing Lan Wangji knew, Wei Wuxian had thrown himself into his arms, disregarding all propriety. “I don’t have anything you want,” he wailed, and that was the most wrong thing that had ever come out of Wei Wuxian’s mouth. “You have to give me a hint, I can’t live without knowing, Lan Zhan…!”
That, of course, was when Nie Mingjue walked in.
Lan Wangji froze at once. This was horrifically inappropriate – not merely as a breach of etiquette, but of principle. He’d known from the beginning that he was the wrong man to stand chaperone for Wei Wuxian, but he’d agreed regardless, thinking that he could force himself to be righteous; he’d even convinced Lan Xichen that it would be better for him to feel the sting of the loss all at once, from close by. And what was he doing instead?
Allowing Wei Wuxian to clamber all over his lap as if he were an especially affectionate monkey.
In front of his future husband.
He opened his mouth to say – something. Anything.
Nothing came to mind.
“Huh,” Nie Mingjue said, his voice low and amused. “Huaisang has been handling the details of all of this, but he really should have mentioned it if I was going to be marrying both of you.”
Lan Wangji blinked.
“…no?” he said. It was both hesitant and a question, neither of which he meant for it to be.
“I think you mean yes,” Wei Wuxian said, looking as though it were his birthday and New Years all at once and he’d just been given every present he’d ever dreamt of as a child. Lan Wangji could very nearly sympathize with the feeling. “That’s a wonderful idea!”
It was a terrible idea.
None of which were coming to mind right now, but Lan Wangji was certain they existed.
Didn’t they?
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fireflyingaway · 3 years
it is time...
time for iris’ 100 follower celebration!!!
with this in mind, i’m marking my requests (for both moodboards and ficlets) as officially open for the next 72 hours!! just send in a character and/or pairing with your prompt and i can get to work on whatever you please! just be sure to specify if you want me making a moodboard or a ficlet and-- if you mention a pairing-- whether you want me to write it as platonic or romantic! i’ve listed romantic ships i’ll accept below the keep reading. (there’s a lot down there, so go wild but if it’s romantic, please don’t veer outside of that list. this means that if you mention a pairing off of the list and don’t mention whether the relation’s meant to be platonic or not, i’ll be assuming it’s platonic.) i did find some links for some really fun dialogue prompts i could do ficlets with (one, two, three), but you can generally send over any prompt you please and i’ll run with it as long as it’s sfw (which definitely excludes r*pe, inc*st, p*dophilia, su*cide, and self-harm).
your time starts now and ends thursday, september 9th at 1pm cdt! can’t wait to see what you got for me 👀
the ship list!
*bold = personal favorites
willex (jatp)
juke (jatp)
boggie (jatp)
flarrie (jatp)
ruke/peterpatter (jatp)
julynn (jatp)
lobby (jatp)
jularrie (jatp)
kaylie (jatp)
rulie (jatp)
wilmon (yr)
sara x felice (yr)
anderperry (dps)
luberto (pixar’s luca)
merthur (bbc’s merlin)
arwen (bbc’s merlin)
morgwen (bbc’s merlin)
gwencelot (bbc’s merlin)
perwaine (bbc’s merlin)
adrienette (mlb)
lukamari/lukanette (mlb)
adrigami (mlb)
lukagami (mlb)
lukadrien (mlb)
marigami (mlb)
peterpatterlina (jatp)
julyrrie (jatp)
rebuke (jatp)
bollex (jatp)
lalexie (jatp)
willexie/ralexie (jatp)
klarrie (jatp)
julie x luke x bobby (jatp)
luke x julie x nick (jatp)
benji x victor x rahim (lv)
jukebogs (jatp)
lukadrienette (mlb)
adrigaminette (mlb)
boregallie (jatp)
lukadrigaminette (mlb)
luke x bobby x reggie x alex x willie (jatp)
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doctorgerth · 3 years
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𝟚,𝟘𝟘𝟘 𝔽𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣 & 𝟚 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝔸𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕒𝕣𝕪 ℂ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
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Just want to say a BIG thank you again for all your love and support that has gotten me this far! You guys mean the world to me!
I have A LOT planned for this event, so please be sure to read this information page carefully!
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… What type of event is this?
This will be a prompt event with multiple openings and a limited amount of slots per opening. First come, first serve to reserve slots. Separate fluff prompts and nsfw prompts. Kinda similar to Bas’ fluff and spice event!
… What are the writing lengths?
On top of a celebration, this event will also serve as a personal challenge to get more writings out and to get better at writing shorter fics. The post types will be in blurb, imagine, and ficlet formats. Aka less than 1,000 words.
… What will the prompts look like? What do you mean by multiple openings?
Below is a sample of the prompt format. At the top will be a specific category and the numbers are how many prompts AND slots I will take with each opening! I will have one fluff prompt list and one nsfw prompt list with each opening, and there will be about 35 prompts/slots (20 fluff; 15 nsfw - excluding the last section which will be 10 fluff; 15 nsfw) with each opening. So I will take 35 requests (excluding the last section) at a time. No more, no less.
A. TOUCHES (from this list)
Touching foreheads
Running fingers through hair
Patting the other’s head
Shielding the other one with their body
Pushing a strand of hair behind their ear
Holding the other’s chin up
Squishing the other’s cheeks
Falling asleep on the other’s shoulder
Carrying the other one in their arms
Pulling the other one towards them
Feeling for each other in the dark
Play wrestling
Lifting the other one up
Putting their head on the other’s chest
Sitting close with knees touching
Braiding the other’s hair
Piggy back ride
Sitting on their lap
Linking arms
… But what if I don’t secure a slot?
Don’t worry, I will more than likely open for a free for all when I either 1) finish the requested slots before the next box opening or 2) at the end of the event, when all sections have been completed!
… How many sections are there? How many prompts in all?
There will be 6 fluff sections with a total of 110 prompts. 6 nsfw sections with a total of 90 prompts. So 200 prompts in all! With each opening, there will be one fluff prompt list and one nsfw prompt list. So there will be 6 total openings. I have full intention for this to be a huge event that lasts all summer.
… When will you open for requests? What will be the time frame between each section?
I can’t say for sure how long it will take me to get through each section, but I will make a tentative schedule for when each box opening will happen, and will adjust accordingly. I’m also going to try my best to open each section at various times so everyone has a chance to request!
… What about the Valentine’s Day Event requests? What about suggestions?
I’m SORRY, I’m still working on the VDay event requests. I’ll just work on those when I can and post them when I can. I also currently have some suggestions in my wips that will go up when finished. Remember, you can send suggestions at any time, but they might not get out in a timely manner as I will be prioritizing event requests!
… What are the rules?
To keep this post from getting any longer, specific rules will be posted with each box opening. The main rules are to list 3 potential characters with your prompt request (just so I have freedom to choose) and to follow my general rules, especially in regards to nsfw.
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The first section will open TODAY (Saturday, April 24th @ 6:30 PM US Central Time). There will be 20 slots for the fluff prompts and 15 slots for the nsfw prompts. So 35 slots in all. Again, it will be first come first serve!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! I’ve given a lot of information that makes sense in my head but might not make sense to you, so I’d love to clarify anything I need to! 🥰
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Final Nominations List
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Sorry for the delay, but the number of nominations that came in last minute was overwhelming and I also had to create the voting form as I went. Here is the final list of nominations.
Nine creators have asked to be excluded from the awards, and one creators chose to limit their nominations, so if there’s someone you nominated that’s not on the list, that’s why. There was no shortlist. Every creation/creator that was nominated and wished to be part of the awards, was included.
There are an additional two questions on the voting form for you to kindly fill out - one of which is optional though.
1. THE ONE THAT MADE YOU GASP! — A story which had a plot twist you didn’t see coming. Something that caught you so off guard that you had to stop a minute and take a breath before devouring the rest. What’s the story for you?
 5 Times Peter Parker Ignores Flash And 1 Time He Didn’t by Dorthea
A Beautiful Lie by Rayrox360
A Broken Promise by Hanjihyun
A Difference In Husbandry by Happy_Cloud
A Peter Parker Problem by Spagbol99
Archetype by Bean_Reads_Fanfic
Chaotic Peter Parker by Isnt_It_Pretty_To_Think_So
Cycle Through by Ambivalentangst
Ever In Your Favor by Iron_Spider
Every Fifteen Minutes by Matter_Of_Loyalty
Fallen Angel by Musicheart08
Figure-Out-Able by  Aimaim94
Flying And Flips by  Myglassesaredirty  
Give Him The Life, That I Couldn't Give You by Superherotiger
Here Comes The Sun (Series)  by Motherkarizma
Identity Theft  by Kitcat992
If They Knew All About You by Mshermia
In The Dark Of The Night (Just Before Dawn) by Emily_F6
Inevitable by Annie_Walker
Irondad Ficlets by Ironxprince
Like Father, Like Son by An_Odd_Idea
Love Leaves A Memory No-One Can Steal by Ironmum
More Peril In Thine Eye by Iron_Spider
No Longer In Service by Starryknight09
Peter-Man - Oh, F*Ck - I Mean Spider-Man.by Orphan-Account
Proof Of Concept by Flurrbee
Serenity by Jolinarjackson
Shock Therapy by Solstice
Spidey Tot by Kevy_Grayce
Stab Me In The Back (I'll Catch You From Behind       by Lansfics7
Stop, Look, Listen by Forthenightisdarkandfullofterror
The Case Of The Sinister Spider by Ironfamjam
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle
Through The Oblivion  by Wayward_Avenger
Thunder And Attrition by Magniloquentchanteuse
Time Will Tell by Tonystarkissist
Unforeseen Circumstances by Jlmonroe1234
We're Here For You by O0citrusee0o
Worst Summer Vacation by Mysterycyclone
 2. THE MULTI-CHAPTER YOU COULDN’T PUT DOWN — A story which kept you up all night or calling in sick for work so you were free to read. Who’s the culprit?
  A Beautiful Lie by Rayrox360
A Difference In Husbandry by Happy_Cloud
A Parent Apparent by Happyaspie
A Peter Parker Problem by Spagbol99
A Right Hand Grip by   Aebleskiver
A Sailor Went To Sea by by Yellowdistress
A Stark Contrast by Melodicrunes
Accepting The Tides by  Emma_Anacortes
Acolyte by Macabre
Air I Breathe by Heartofcathedrals
All The Devils Are Here by Yellowdistress
All The Senseless Scars by Notapartytrick
And You’ll Blow Us All Away   by Losingmymindtonight
Astronomy In Reverse by Pansley
Baby's Firsts  by Mainstreamelectricalparade
Breathe, Then Repeat by Thesecretuchiha
Come My Darling, Homeward Bound by Iamirondad
Coming Home by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Concentrated Capacity For Trouble And Love by Lemon_Meringue
Cycle Through by Ambivalent Angst
Ever In Your Favor by  Iron—Spider
Every Beautiful Lie (Always Has An Ugly Truth by Da_Moose
Exploding Head Syndrome by Foolscapper
Five Times Tony And Peter Chaotically Cleaned by Ironmum
Found Family  by  Thedisneyoutsider
Free Like A Broken Heart by Notapartytrick
He’s My Kid by              Jennylarner
Here To Help by Joyful_Soul_Collector
I Will Carry You (Always) by Thestarvingwriter
Identity Crisis  by Kitcat992
If They All Knew About You by Mshermia
In Unlikely Places by Looneylizzie
Irondad Ficlets  by Ironxprince
Just A Little Bit Longer by Mrs_T2019 (Allthehc2020)
Learn To Live Again, by Books_Entertain_The_Mind
Legacy by Docseuss
May Parker's Complete Guide On How To Raise Your Spiderling by Embarrassing_Myself
More Peril In Thine Eye by Iron—Spider
Mr. Parker Declined To Comment by Apisdn
Only For A Little While by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Pain Will Always Come Back To Haunt You by Kevy_Grayce
Permanence by Theexhaustedalchemist
Peter-Man - Oh, F*Ck - I Mean Spider-Man. by Orphan-Account
Petey And The Hermit by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Pieces Of Echoes by Geekymoviemom
Proof Spiderman Loves Clickbait by Mauvera
Rise From The Ashes; Just To See You Again by Mintstream
Silent Screams And Surprising Saviors by Normalisoverrated
Sins Of The Fathers by Geekymoviemom
Spider-Man: Avengers (And Midtown High) React by Gayplums
Stab Me In The Back (I'll Catch You From Behind) by Lansfics7
Stop, Look, Listen by Forthenightisdarkandfullofterror
The Darkest Hour Is Just Before The Dawn by             Starryknight09
The Definition Of Family by Queen (Ramble)
The End Of Infinity by  Friendlyneighborhoodfangirls
The Guardian  by Emily_F6
The Haunted by Emily_F6
The Lost And Forgotten by Lizcraz
The Rattle Of Their Hearts by Iron_Spider
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle
Thunder And Attrition by Magniloquentchanteuse
Time Will Tell by  by Rockinheaven
Transitions by Neuropsych
Turn Back The Clock (And I'll Try Again In The Morning) by Madasthesea
Wait, You're Spider-Man? by  Fritokays
Wake Up And Smell The Coffee by  by             Bergen
We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve by           Polaroid15
We Will Foresee Obstacles by Blackwatchandromeda (Avenris)
We're Gonna Have To Do This Together by Edibna,
With Great Care by Giggles96
You’re Killing Me Smalls by Phoenixhp5
 3. THE ONE-SHOT THAT THAT HAD YOU HOOKED — Some writers can cram more greatness into less words than a 100k monster. What’s the one-shot that did it for you?
 5 Times Peter Needed His Dad by Teaandtumblr
5 Times Peter Sleepwalked And The 1 Time He Pretended He Did by Losingmymindtonight
A Different Kind Of Surprise by Winterturtle
A Foreign Feeling by Imgoingtocrash & Savvysass
A Little Gray Area (Where I Can Keep You Safe) by Divineprojectzero
A Lot Can Happen In Approximately Two Years  by Soverysesual
Ace Of Hearts by A_Matter_Of_Loyalty
Adventures In Babysitting  by Victori
And If You Need A Friend, Then Please Just Say The Word by Frostysunflowers
Blessed Be The Boys Time Can’t Capture by Killerqueenwrites
Born Anew From Dust And Blood by Superherotiger
But I'm Stuck (On Cold Weather) by Parkstark
by Any Other Name by Emily_F6
Countless Ways To Say I Love You by Hopeless_Hope
Different Doesn’t Mean Wrong by Dorthea
Disappearing Bruises by Happyjuicyfruit
Everything I Wanna Say About You Is More Than Enough To Write A Novel by Magnetichearts
Familiar Faces by Happyaspie
First Wednesday Of March by Crowkag
Fitting In (Tiny Spaces) by Aloneintherain
For Good by Madelinedear
Give Hime The Life, That I Couldn’t Give You  by Superherotiger
Guess How Much I Love You by Jack_Hunter
Hear You Me  by Starryknight09
How To: Art  by Aijato
I Can Hold The Weight Of Worlds (If That's What You Need) by Bluesweatshirt
I Did It All For You (So I Can’t Lose You Now) by Another_Introvert
I Didn’t Ask To Be In This Family  by Webtrinsic
I Have A Nephew!  by Zimnokurw
I Just Wanted To Protect You by Sunflowerspideyy
I Promise I'll Do Better by 221broadwayiron
I Promise You Kid, You're Safe Now by Bstarship
I Will Soften Every Edge by Losingmymindtonight
In My Heart There Was A Kind Of Fighting by Iron_Spider
It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year  by Freyaatterton
Keeping Watch  by Oreoluvr13
Let Sleeping Heroes Lie  by Attackonomelas
Monkey See, Monkey Don't Do by Pokeydotes
Move Back Home Forever  by Chasingflower
New Dream by Writerllofllworlds
Of Flying And Falling by Polaroid15,
Parallels by Kianisabitch
Peter-Man - Oh, F*Ck - I Mean Spider-Man. by Orphan_Account
Peter's Ghost And One (1) Obnoxious Orange Stone by Bean_Reads_Fanic
Petey And The Hermit by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Physics Class  by Fictionalworldsareexquisite
Place In Your Heart by Potrix
Quantum Mechanics 5010  by Pipgraham
Quaranteens by Blueh
Retrograde by Madasthesea
Someone To Want Me by Fritokays
Something Here Will Eventually Have To Explode by Madasthesea
That's Not How You Act by Opal_Earrings
The Case Of The Missing Museum Bea-Storer  by Ironmum
The Lightning Strike by Covo728
The Little Things  by Crowkag
The Primary Reason Tony Stark Would Throw Down With An Anti-Vaxxer In The Street by Caraminha
The World Is Not Kind by Trickster88
There’s A Fine, Fine Line  by Faerialchemist
Til The Fight Is Done by Jinxquickfoot
To Be Like You by Polaroid15
Turn Back The Clock (And I’ll Try Again In The Morning) by Madasthesea
Unauthorized Field Trip  by Duskblue
Voices Carry by Ferretshark
Waste Not, Want Not by  by Mttraspberrypie
What Do I Look Like To You, A Clearance Rack?   by Peterstank
What You're Feeling Is Probably Normal by Finny3120
Who Saves The Hero by Camelotqueen
You Got Lost While Getting Older  by Kuragay
You'll Always Get There First by Crowkag
 4. THE BEST THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES — A drabble (under 1k) can pack in all the goodness that you need in a coffee break read. What’s that story for you?
 A Scene In Space by An_Odd_Idea
Adopted Cuddles by Madasthesea
Asthmatic Spider by by  Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Buttering Me Up by Iron_Spider
Can’t Breathe (Unless You Are Here To Help Me)              by Kyu_Writes
Carry Me by by Shitforbrains
Clint II   by Captainstarspangled
Cramps by Thisrosehasanothername
Cuddle Bug by   Marvelous_Writer
Dressing Up As A Hero   by Madam_Sunflower
F.R.I.D.A.Y, When Did I Get A Son by iwritesometimes (Orphan_Account)
Food At Home   by Aimaim94
Home Is Where The Heart Is   by Wentrinsic
I Don’t Want To Rule My Own Country, I Just Want To Pass 10th Grade by  by Andromath
I Feel A Filth In My Bones (Wash Off My Hands Til It's Gone) by Madasthesea
Insomniacs In The Dark  by Littlemissagrifina
Irondad Cuddles by Lilacsoulw
Let The Mind Games Begin by Ironmum
Nice To Meet You, Peter              by Loubuttons
Nothing Like A Fresh Cup Of Humiliation In The Morning by Madasthesea
Of Christmas Lights And Car Chases by Marvelous_Writer
Of Masks And Memories.  by Littlemissagrafina
Outsider by Pinkeastereggs
Patterns  by Nokurde
Place In Your Heart bypotrix
Quentin Knows Best by  Undercover_Royalty
S.O.S. (Somehow Obtained Son) by Madasthesea
Safety Net by Baloobird
Sleeping At Last  by Webtrinsic
Spider Cooties  by The_Forgotten_Nobody
The Dangers Of Sleeping On The Upside Of The Bed by by Honorable_Mention
The One Where Peter Gets A Group Hug              by Icylightning
The One Where Peter Loves John Mulaney by Subarucrosstrekxv
You’re Always My Kid  by Cyn_Writes
  5. THE BIODAD THAT TOUCHED YOUR HEART — Some of the greatest stories flip canon and make Tony Peter’s biological father. Be it baby Peter taking his first steps or Tony dealing with the fact his son is following in his superhero footsteps as Spider-Man, which is the one you loved most of all?
 A Gift Of Blood by Theeclecticsoul
An Abstract Concept by Iron-Spider
Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It by Savana_Marlark
Blood And Iron by Aliciamirza
Built From Scraps by  Peter Stank
Coming Home by  by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Congratulations, It's A Boy by Capiocapi
Happy Birthday - And Merry Christmas by Thequeenofwhump
Happy Hogan Never Forgets A Face by Jen27ny
Hardest Lessons (Softest Results) by Mainstreamelectricalparade
Hydra’s Not A Home (Series) by Tempestaurora
I Hold You Closer Than I Ever Knew I Could Do by Yourgaydad
I Love You More Than Anything by Iron_Spider
I Told You To Be Better(And You Became The Best) by Haru_K
If They Knew All About You by Mshermia
Let Me Pave The Path Until You Come Back  (Series) by Elliahrose
Little Demons Like To Play by Raccooncati
Made Of Iron Born Of Fire (Series)  by Savvysass & Imgoingtocrash
Made With Love by Madasthesea
Move Back Home Forever by Chasingflower
My Little Bambino by Maicaly
Premature Love by  by Seeingthoughtsthroughwords
Pretty Maids All In A Row by Finny3120
Promotions Aren't Always A Good Thing by Agib
Rest Your Head Close To My Heart, Never To Part (Baby Of Mine) by 14million_Constellations
Return To Me, The One I Love So Endlessly by Superherotiger
Slow Down, Start Again From The Beginning by Cassiecasyl
So Many Things Left To Say (Series) by Sarcasmismyweapon
Sometimes Goodbye Is A Second Chance by Ardenskyeholmes221
Sound Logic by Aytheria
Spiderson by Emily_F6
Stars, Hide Your Fires by Yellowdistress.
The Circle Of Life by Lansfics7
The Gift  by Uskblue
The Less Than Secret Life by Yellowdistress
The One Where Peter Is Related To Tony by Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_Fan
The Ties That Bind Us by Winterturtle
They Say Boys Don't Cry (But Your Dad Has Shed A Lot Of Tears) by Tempestaurora
Tomorrow And Tomorrow by Yellowdistress
Tony Stark Vs. Babies "R" Us by Mainstreamelectricalparade
Twist Of Fate  by Karenninaaa
What We Are (Series)  by Yellowdistress
What’s In A Name? by Geekymoviemom
You Are My Sunshine  by Iamconstantine
 6. THE ONE WITH THE FIELD TRIP — The field trip trope is one of the most popular in the fandom. What’s the story that you think pulls all the elements together to make it great?
 A Different Take by Cyberwolfwrites
Academic Commitment by Underoosstark
Air Force by Pomegranateboy
Bullies, Interns, And Secret Things by Thecuriousclockwork
Constant Internal [Spider] Screaming: Semi-Connected Scenes From A Graduating Senior’s Life by Isadancurtisproduction
Everyday Superhero by Stoneage_Woman
Field Trip by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Field Trip Flip by  Happyaspie
Field Trip To Home, Joy by Every_Fandom_Trash
From Your Perspective, The World Is Flat by Blueh
I Don’t Want To Talk About It Anymore by Bees_And_Wasps
I. Am. Spider-Man by  Lisa_Yo
It's Above My Clearance Level by Tsk
Living With Superheros? Not Cool by Groot_Is_God
Mr Stark Enough For You? (Another Field Trip Fic Bcs We Dont Have Enough) by Livinei
Ned Leeds And The Best Field Trip Ever by Aripotter
Neon Liar (Hiding In Plain Sight) by Isadancurtisproduction
No Reason To Go by Pokegeek151
One Fall Weekend by Marvelous_Writer
Open For All by Jointexisting
Patterns by Nokurde
Perhaps He's Not Missing Out After All by Notyocheese
Peter And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Field Trip by by Cazei
Peter-Man - Oh, F*Ck - I Mean Spider-Man by Orphan_Account
Peter's Disastrous Field Trip by Superfamilyfan
The Field Trip: Tony And Peter Reunion Edition. by              Moreofareaderthanawriter
The Worthiness Of A Spider by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Top Ten Anime Betrayals by Kernsing
Tower Of Donuts And Doubts by Platinumdollz
Who Is He? by Velarisstars
You're What?  by Shewritesall
    7. THE TIME AFTER TIME ONE — There’s some great time travel stories out there, but which is your favorite?
 Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It  by Savana_Marlark
Breathe, Then Repeat by by Thesecretuchiha
Don’t Look Back by Rowan_M
Every Beautiful Lie (Always Has An Ugly Truth) by Da_Moose
Hero     by Lady_Oneder
I Have Time by Peterparkr
I’ve Learned To Lose You by Peterparkr
It’s Me, Remember?    by Nanixerka
Like You'd Know How It Works by Mshermia
Oh, Take Me Back To The Start by Theregularwriter
Peter And Morgan's 40-Year-Long-Day by Thismarvelouslife
The End Is Just A New Beginning by Tytach
The Other Mr. Stark    byjelly_Pies
The Rules Of Time Travel Do Not Apply To Peter Parker  by Baby_Spidey
The Time Traveler’s Mentor   by Iamirondad
Time To Pretend by Rowan_M
Time Will Tell by by Tonystarkissist
Turn Back The Clock (And I'll Try Again In The Morning) by Madasthesea
We Will Foresee Obstacles by Blackwatchandromeda (Avenris)
Whatever It Takes by Starryknight09
 8. THE ONE WITH ALL THE OWIES — Another massively popular Irondad trope is hurt/comfort, and there’s some amazing stuff out there. Which is the one that you love most of all?
 A Beautiful Lie by Rayrox360
A Day Off  by Icylightning
A Difference In Husbandry by Happy_Cloud
A Different Take by Cyberwolfwrites
A Peter Parker Problem by Spagbol99
A Scare In The Stark Household by Marvelous_Writer
Air I Breathe by Heartofcathedrals
Apartment 43B by Ironfamjam
Atlas by Polaroid15
Be Weak by Fluencca
Before, After, And Beyond by Mainstreamelectricalparade
Broken by My Own Hand (Put Back Together by Yours)  by Gwenoakley
Built From Scraps by Peterstank
But What Is Grief? by  Odd_1
Casualty Of War by Wolfypuppypiles
Caught In A Lie by Krystalpomme
Contentiously Ambiable by Ktoon
Control by Wolfypuppypiles
Cycle Through by Ambivalentangst
Danger Pizza by Alice_In_Ink
Darkness Will Be Rewritten by             Marveal
Didn’t Ask To Be In This Family by  Webtrinsic
Dude, Do These Tacos Taste Funny To You? by           First_Page
Faulty Lines Of Communication by Deancasdrodracohar
Five Times Peter Said "Sorry" To Tony Stark by Agentnerd
Follow The North Star Home  by Fallingforbees
Foolish, Fragile Spine  by Plnkblue
For Want Of A Dad (In Need Of A Son) by Ghostinthebau
Funeral by Mjscorner
Hammering Out The Dents by Webtrinsic
Held On As Tightly As You Held On To Me by Itsreallylaterightnow & Killerqueenwrites
If They Knew All About You by Mshermia
Lazarus, Come Forth by by Iron_Spider
Let Me Hold You Close, Until You Forget How Cruel The World Is by Maicaly
Lost Boy by Dorthea
Mercy by Wolfypuppypiles
More Peril In Thine Eye by Iron—Spider
Mr. Misunderstood     by Parkrstark
Of Flying And Falling   by Polaroid15
One In A Million by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Outnumbered by Heartofcathedrals
Peaches by Peterparkr
Peppermint Allergy by Carpediem369
Peter's Ghost And One (1) Obnoxious Orange Stone by Bean_Reads_Fanic
Popsicle Protocol by Marvelousbutterfly & Thisisnotourlasthunt
Project Pride by Thesleepingowl
Seeing Without Sound by Astronomical_Alien
Shelter by Unluckyolive
Skewed Perspective by Itsallavengers
Sometimes It’s Easier To Just Swim Down by Mjscorner
Stab Me In The Back (I'll Catch You From Behind) by Lansfics7
Statistically Speaking by Foolscapper
Stop, Look, Listen by   Forthenightisdarkandfullofterror
Stuck by Jelly-Pies
Tell Me What To Do by Krystalpomme
The Adventures Of Spidy-Son And Iron-Dad (Series) by Eva7673
The Darkest Hour Is Just Before The Dawn by             Starryknight09
The Little Things by Crowkag
The Past Is Knocking On My Door by by Maicaly
The Room Where It Happens by Notapartytrick
The Third Option by    Uncertainty_Principle
The World Is Not Kind by Trickster88
Thirteen Minutes by Solstice
To Build A Home by  Ashleyparker2815
To Save A Life  by Starryknight09
Too Much by   Peterstark
Wandering Child (So Lost, So Helpless) by Almond_Blossoms
We All Chase After A Few Dying Stars by Losingmymindtonight
Weak Spot by  Grilledcheesing
Weapons Never Weep by Mcsquishee
What I Have, I Give To You by: by Aatticsaltt
What If There Is No Tomorrow? by Iron_Spider
When My Body Won't Hold Me Anymore (Where Will I Go) by Madasthesea
You Better Watch Out by Ciaconnaa
You Got Lost While Getting Older by Kuragay
You’ll Always Get There First by Crowkag
Your Heart Changed (Mine Stayed The Same) by Loisselina (Loisselina)
Your Injuries Belong To Me by Duskblue
 9. THE ONE THAT HURTS SO GOOD — We all like a bit of angst sometimes, so what’s the story that you wanted to hide from but you had to keep reading to get to the happy ending?
 ... And When You Can’t Crawl ...  by Jolinarjackson & Shoyzzart
5 Times Tony Forgot Peter Was Just A Kid by Parkrstark
A Beautiful Lie by Rayrox360
A Difference In Husbandry by Happy_Cloud
A Peter Parker Problem by Spagbol99
Between How It Is And How It Should Be by Frostysunflowers
Built From Scraps by Peterstank
Can't Part The Sea, Can't Reach The Shore by Forensicleaf
Caught In A Lie by Krystalpomme
Cycle Through by Ambivalentangst
Dear God by Krystalpomme
Don't Worry About Me by Chvotic
Ever In Your Favor by  Iron_Spider
Fifteen Years In The Making   by Potts89
Goodbye Mr. Stark, Thanks For Trying by Jelly-Pies
Held On As Tightly As You Held On To Me by Itsreallylaterightnow & Killerqueenwrites
I Do Listen To You by   Icylightning
I Need You (To Be Free) by Marveal
I Promise I'll Do Better by 221broadwayiron
I Promise You, I Literally Pledge by Iron_Spider
I Want Go by Chvotic
I Will Carry You (Always) by Thestarvingwriter
Identity Theft  by Kitcat992
If They Knew All About You by Mshermia
If You Can't Catch A Breath (You Can Take The Oxygen Straight Out Of My Own Chest) by Losingmymindtonight
If You Listen You Can Hear The Ibis by Yellowdistress
Inevitable by Annie_Walker
Its Always The Little Things by Uncertainty_Principle
Jealous? by Chvotic
Let's Get On With Living (While We Can) by  Almond_Blossoms
Love Leaves A Memory No-One Can Steal by Ironmum
May Parker's Complete Guide On How To Raise Your Spiderling by Embarrassing_Myself
More Peril In Thine Eye by Iron_Spider
Not So Friendly  by Ramble_On
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)  by Myglassesaredirty
Of Drizzly Skies And Saltwater Taffy   by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Of Flying And Falling   by Polaroid15
Peter's Ghost And One (1) Obnoxious Orange Stone  by The-Reverse-Mermaid
Please, Understand by Jipseebree
Protect  by Watermeloness
Reviving Peter Parker  by Yellowdistress
Stab Me In The Back (I'll Catch You From Behind) by Lansfics7
Standing On My Own Two Feet  by Minigigi
Stop, Look, Listen  by  Forthenightisdarkandfullofterror
Stuck by Jelly-Pies
Sunlight by Ardenskyeholmes221
The Art Of Losing by Fluencca
The Darkest Hour Is Just Before The Dawn by Starryknight09
The Missing 92 Days by Yellowdistress
The Room Where It Happens by Notapartytrick
The Third Option  by Uncertainty_Principle
The World Is Wide (But I Feel So Small)  by Buckets_Of_Stars
Thunder And Attrition by Magniloquentchanteuse
To Fall (And Get Back Up) by J_J_Underscore
Turn Back The Clock (And I’ll Try Again In The Morning) by              Madasthesea
We Forgot To Tell Peter by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
We Will Find Our Way Through The Dark  by Ashleyparker2815
What You Were Then I Am Today (Series)  by Madasthesea
When My Body Won't Hold Me Anymore (Where Will I Go)  by Madasthesea
When Trauma Comes Knocking by Kevy_Grayce
   10. THE ONE THAT SOOTHES THE PAIN — What’s The Story That You Go To When You Need A Pick-Me-Up After The Angst?
 5 Times A Spider-Baby Got Dad Smooched by Buckets_Of_Stars
5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud by Grilledcheesing
5 Times Tony Calls Peter Baby by Madasthesea
5 Times Tony Stark Protected Penny Parker   by Emily_F6
A Numb Road Forward by Whimsicalethnographies
A Stark Is Born  by PS_Nothanks
All Good Things Come In Threes by Bergen
Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It  by Savana_Marlark
Bedside Stories  by Wildwaveswhist
Bitch Better Have My Money by Neicy286
Career Day: A Short Story by Shewritesall
Congratulations, It's A Boy Capiocapi
Cuddle Bug  by Marvelous_Writer
Early Childhood Education by Thedisneyoutsider
Every Time by Aimaim94
Five Times Peter And Tony Chaotically Cleaned by Ironmum
For Want Of A Dad (In Need Of A Son) by Ghostinthebau
Ghost Of Christmas Past by  by Ciaconnaa
Hardest Lessons (Softest Results) by Mainstreamelectricalparade
Him Before You by Icylightning
I Can Hold The Weight Of The Worlds (If That's What You Need) by Bluesweatshirt
Instant Kill Mode by Isnt_It_Pretty_To_Think_So
It’s Quiet Uptown by   Sdottkrames
Keeping Watch   by Oreoluvr13
Kids These Days by Isnt_It_Pretty_To_Think_So
Leave Me Where I Am (I'm Only Sleeping) by Hopeless_Hope
Let Me Tell You The Truth (I Can't Hide From You) by Lovesfrogs
Macho Macho Man by Iron_Spider
My Boy  by Thisisnotourlasthunt
No More Lonely by Shewritesall
Nobody Understands Us And I Don't Understand It by Searchingforstars
Peter Revs His Engine by Punkybunny
Peter-Man - Oh, F*Ck - I Mean Spider-Man. by Orphan-Account
Petey And The Hermit by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Pick A Place To Lay Your Head  by Bluesweatshirt
Proof Spider-Man Loves Clickbait by  Mauvera
Research And Disaster by Blueh
Sensitive  by Nhasablog
Storm   by Parkerxheart
Superheroes Get Scared, Too  by Little_But_Mighty
That's How You And I Will Be by Frostysunflowers
The Little Things by Crowkag
The Reinvention Of Tony Stark by Losingmymindtonight
The Road So Far  by Nicolemoon8
The Sun's Starting To Rise (These Are Beautiful Times  by Jelly-Pies
Titan's Lullaby by Starstepper
Too Pure For Your Own Good by An_Odd_Idea
Trapped In The Elevator  by Riseuplikeglitterandgold & Mainstreamelectricalparade
What You're Feeling Is Probably Normal by Finny3120
Whatever It Takes by Starryknight90
Where You Never Would Have Looked by Jwriter819
With Great Care  by Giggles96
You And Me Lying On The Tile Floor (Trying To Keep Cool) by Madasthesea
  11. THE ONE WITHOUT A HOME TO GO TO — There’s some wonderful homeless Peter stories out there, so which is the one you were blown away by?
 A Difference In Husbandry by Happy_Cloud
After The Landslide by Freyaatterton
Distracted by A Dime by Happyaspie
Home Is Where The Arc Is by Peer_Parker
Hope Is The Strongest Power  by Sarayin
I Told You I Had Issues by Bergen
I’m Lost (I Feel So Very Found)  by Cold_Nights_Summer_Days
In The End by Annie_Walker
Is It Too Much To Ask For Home That Lasts? Ft. Peter Parker by Wakandaforever2357
Living With Superheroes? Not Cool by Groot_Is_God
Make Way For Tomorrow by Hopeless_Hope
One Step Unto The Lonely Road (Has Scarred Me For Life)  by Hopeless_Hope
Paradise by Last_Of_Her_Kind
Reintroducing Hope by Fernandidilly_Yo
Taking Leaps (And The Falls That Come With Them)  by Kamomile_Tea
The Art Of Publicity by Xmypandabear
The Little Things (That I Miss) by Da_Moose
The Lost And Forgotten by Litcraz
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle
Thunder And Attrition by Magniloquentchanteuse
To Find A Home  (Series) by Aceofstars16
To Have A Home by Doctorineandthreequarters
Unexpected (Everything I Never Knew I Wanted) by Moonchild2593
Unexpected Finds by Snarkymuch
Unwanted by Agib
 12. THE ONE THAT’S A WHOLE NEW WORLD — There’s lots of imaginative AUs in Irondad fic. Whether it’s Steve and Tony as baseball players or Pepper being Peter’s mom, which one is your number one?
 A Beautiful Lie by Rayrox360
A Guardian Among Us by Superherotiger
A Just An Honorable Hand by Friendlyneighborhoodirondad
A Little Monument Of Stones  by Yellowdistress
A Long Way Forward by Rxcrcfllptrs
A Soul's Best Friend by Superherotiger
A Whole New World by Icylightning
Ain't My Blood; Still My Boys by Parkrstark
And The Band Played On  by   Bobee
Archetype  by Bean_Reads_Fanfic
Blood On My Hands (Beast In My Heart) by   Baloobird & Buckets_Of_Stars
Bouquet by Canonismybitch
Can’t Erase What I Wrote In Ink (Tell Me How Can I Change The Story) by Littlemissagrafina
Caring accommodations by Punyparker
Dear Fellow Traveler (Series) by Superherotiger
Engine 12 by Bethy_277
Ever In Your Favor by Iron_Spider
Have Patience, A Quick Wit, And A Gentle Heart by Ironfamjam
Hydra’s Not A Home (Series) by Tempestaurora
I Battle My Jerk Step-Dad by Andromath
I Will Carry You (Always) by Thestarvingwriter
In A Galaxy Far, Far Away (Series) by Madasthesea
It’s A New Life But Always The Same Love  by Wisterispidey
Like Smoke by  Adoraberry
Moulded Mind by Wingswithoutstrings
My Friends Are Ghosts by Firecracker121
Never Tear Us Apart by Imeanthatsprettysnazzy
No Matter What (You Keep Finding Something To Fight For)  by Rejectedmarvel
No Matter Where You Are, I'll Be There For You by X_Writingn_X
Nothing Left To Lose by  Notapartytrick
Oh, Bite Me  by Nanixerka
Once Upon A Reality by Bean_Reads_Fanfic
Only For A Little While by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Petey And The Hermit by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Pilot by Cold_Nights_Summer_Days
Quantum Mechanics 5010  by Pipgraham
Return To Me, The One I Love So Endlessly by Superherotiger
Riding The Waves by Jwriter819
Sea Spider by Bean_Reads_Fanfic
Spidey Tot by Kevy_Grayce
The Boy Who Would Be King  by Writerreadsstuff
The Day Peter’s Name Finished With Stark by Skyrocket25
The Phoenix Project by Geekymoviemom
The Princess Initiative by Sdottkrames
The Will Of The Force by Madasthesea
Though Everything Is A Miracle by Overtures
To Continue Being  by Censored
Tony Built A Son (Series)  by   Footloose_Poets
Triple Axel, Triple Loop by Jointexisting
Until It Disappeared From Me by Ashleyparker2815
Unto The Breach  by Melissabosquez
What I See In You I Hope You Find In Me by Frostysunflowers
What If We Never Were?  by  Ladylangst
What Occurred In Raychester Castle  by Fictionart
What We Grow To Be by Killerqueenwrites
When I Am On Your Shoulders by Ladyblackwater
Where Life Begins And Love Never Ends  by  Kitkatwinchester
Why Can’t The Past Just Die?  by Enchantingwriting
Written In Blue by Erica45 & Snarkymuch
You Got Lost While Getting Older  by Kuragay
You Mispronounced Spider by Lliblo
  13. THE TWEAKING THE SETTINGS ONE — There’s things we all wish we could change in canon — *cough* Endgame *cough* — so which canon divergence does it for you?
 5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud by Grilledcheesing
Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It by Savana_Marlark
Beautiful Boy by Emily_Davison
Before, After, And Beyond  by  Mainstreamelectricalparade
Bittersweet by Kevy_Grayce
Breathe Again by Gwenoakley
Built From Scraps by Peterstank
Dear Mr. Fantasy by Iron_Spider
Every Breath Of Me by Doctornineandthreequarters
Exploding Head Syndrome by Foolscapper
Found Family   by Thedisneyoutsider
Home by Patrochilles_Trash
I Did It All For You (So I Can’t Lose You Now) by Another_Introvert
I Will Restore All That Was Broken by Killerqueenwrites
I’ll Make This Feel Like Home   by Ashleyparker2815
Idiot Billionaire Superhero Father by Killerqueenwrites
Invulnerable  by Imgoingtocrash
Keeping Watch   by Oreoluvr13
Like You'd Know How It Works by Mshermia
Living Proof by Arwenkenobi
M&M Paradise (Series)   by Galaxythreads
May Parker's Complete Guide On How To Raise Your Spiderling by Embarrassing_Myself
Moulded Minds by Wingswithstrings
One In A Million by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
One Thing I’ll Never Know (Is How You Could Be A Ghost)   by              Gwenoakley
Peter-Man - Oh, F*Ck - I Mean Spider-Man by            Orphan-Account
Peter's Ghost And One (1) Obnoxious Orange Stone by Bean_Reads_Fanfic
Pieces Of Echoes by Geekymoviemom
Stop, Look, Listen by Forthenightisdarkandfullofterror
The Battle by Oblossom
The Burning In My Bones   by Happyjuicyfruit
The Crack In My Voice by Happyjuicyfruit
The End Of Infinity by Friendlyneighborhoodfangirls
The More You Say, The Less I Know by Forthenightisdarkandfullofterror
The Rattle Of Their Hearts by Iron_Spider
The Returned by Nicolemoon8
The Thrill Of Hope   by Chasingflower
Titan's Lullaby by Starstepper
Up Came The Sun (Series) by Whimsicalethnographies
We Got Lucky   by The_Muses_Summer_House
We Will Foresee Obstacles by Blackwatchandromeda (Avenris)
What If: Peter Had Been Injured In The Ferry Scene  by Wolf5bane
What Makes A Family by Doctornineandthreequarters
What Was Missing Was You by Happyaspie
What Were The Words I Meant To Say Before You Left by Madasthesea
Whatever It Takes by Starryknight09
When Peter Forgot What Day It Was by Goldenambedo
When You Wake by Katierosefun
Where He Belongs  by Asherkoyal
 14. THE ONE YOU GO BACK TO AGAIN AND AGAIN — Some fics deserve a re-read or ten. What’s the story you go find yourself going back to?
  5 Times Peter Fell, And Tony Caught Him. And The 1 Time Tony Didn’t by Eva7673
A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood by Ambivalentangst
A Difference In Husbandry by Happy_Cloud
A Guardian Among Us by Superherotiger
A Parent Apparent by Happyaspie
Age Regression Was Impossible... Right? by Chvotic
All The Devils Are Here by Yellowdistress
Am I Just A Shadow You Drew by Ironxprince
Apartment 43B by Ironfamjam
Archetype by   Bean_Reads_Fanfic,
Baby's Firsts  by Mainstreamelectricalparade
Back To Bed by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Beautiful Boy by Emily_Davison
Built From Scraps by Peterstank
Child’s Play by Spicyjarvis
Coming Home by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Constant Internal [Spider] Screaming: Semi-Connected Scenes From A Graduating Senior’s Life by Isadancurtisproduction
Dreams Don’t Scare You (They Ain’t Big Enough) by Jumpfall
Ever In Your Favor  by Iron—Spider
Family Is More Than Blood (It Is Light) by Moonchild2593
For Want Of A Dad (In Need Of A Son) by Ghostinthebau
Ghost Of Christmas Past  by Ciaconnaa
Golden Boy  by Sticksandinfinitystones
I Just Wanted To Protect You by Sunflowerspideyy
If They Knew All About You   by Mshermia
I'm At One by Patrochilles_Trash
Into A White And Soundless Place  by Weatheredlaw
Kangaroo Care by Tonystarkissist
Keeping Watch  by Oreoluvr13
Lean On Me by Parkerxheart
Let This Moment Be The First Chapter by Ephemeralstark
Moulded Minds by Wingswithoutstrings
Move Back Home Forever   by Chasingflower
Mr. Misunderstood  by Parkrstark
Mutants by Sameuspegasus
My Boy by Thisisnotourlasthunt
Never Gonna Let You Down by Emily_F6
Patient #2252   by Thesoulofstrawberry
Peter-Man - Oh, F*Ck - I Mean Spider-Man. by Orphan-Account
Play by Losingmymindtonight
Project Pride by Thesleepingowl
Reviving A Spiderling by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Rules Are Made To Be Broken by Ironmum
Sins Of The Fathers by Geekymoviemom
Spider-Man: Avengers (And Midtown High) React by Gayplums
Stay With Me by Princelesstrashpanda
Superheroes Get Scared, Too  by Little_But_Mighty
The Closest Thing He's Got by Grilledcheesing
The Darkest Hour Is Just Before The Dawn by Starryknight09
The Lost And Forgotten by Litcraz
The One Where Peter Gets A Group Hug by Icylightning
The One Where Peter Is Bucky’s Weakness by Jinxquickfoot
The Rise And Fall Of A Spider by Spidersoning
The Spider-Man Conspiracy by Tempestaurora
The Stars The Moon They Have All Been Blown Out (You Left Me In The Dark) by Madasthesea
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle
The World Is Not Kind  by Trickster88
Things I Almost Remember by Icedaquarius
Tomorrow Is Another Day (Series) by Frostysunflowers
Trust Issues by Kianisabitch
Webcams And Webshooters (Series) by Losingmymindtonight
What You Were Then I Am Today (Series) by Madasthesea
When You Assume Wrong by Tentativetreason
With Great Care   by Giggles96
You're Killing Me Smalls by Phoenixhp5
 15. THE SERIES THAT SWEPT YOU AWAY — Some of us love to go on a long ride with a series, so which is the world of multiple stories that you binged or waited anxiously for each update?
 A Hero's Journey by Annie_Walke
Another June Day by Skeeter_110
Autistic Peter Parker   by Marvelousbutterfly
Chaotic Peter Parker by Isnt_It_Pretty_To_Think_So
Dear Peter Parker, What To Say To You by Littlemissagrafina
Family Business- Supernatural Au by Killerqueenwrites
Home by Glwilliams97
Hydra’s Not A Home  by Tempestaurora
I Kill Peter Parker Once A Month Of 2021 by Dorthea
I Love You More Than Anything (Bio Dad Au) by Iron_Spider
Identity Saga by Kitcat992
In A Galaxy Far, Far Away   by Madasthesea
Irondad NSAP by Chvotic
Kindred Spirits by Superherotiger
Learning To Parent  by Bowtiez
Lights To Guide You Home by Jolinarjackson
Like You'd Know How It Works And What Comes After by Mshermia
Made Of Iron, Born Of Fire by   Imgoingtocrash & Savvysass
Movie Aus  by Imeanthatsprettysnazzy
Mr. Stark & His Kid by Writerstrash
Nice Work, Kid by Madasthesea
Once Upon An Adoption by Kevy_Grayce
Out Of Darkness by Starryknight09
Paint It Black Verse by Queen Of Crystallopia
Peter Parker: Future Hearts by Xseshatx
Pieces Of Echoes by Geekymoviemom
Single Parent Peter Parker by Prettymalfoy
Soul Stone Realm by Marvelmusicmystery
The New Normal by Baloobird
The Room Saga by Iamirondad
Tony Built A Son   by Footloose_Poets
Tony Stark Is A Good Mentor by Happyaspie
Under Influence Writerstrash
Was That A Star Wars Reference, Dr. Stark? by Jen27ny
We Forgot Peter by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Webcams And Webshooters by Losingmymindtonight
What Makes A Family by  Doctornineandthreequarters
What You Were Then I Am Today  by Madasthesea
Whumptober 2019 by Iron_Spider
 16. THE IN-PROGRESS ADVENTURE — What’s the story that has you checking your email each day, hoping for an update?
 (Un)Breakable by A_Matter_Of_Loyalty
A Beautiful Lie by Rayrox360
A Difference In Husbandry by Happy_Cloud
A Perfect Storm by Grilledcheesing
A Stark Contrast  by Melodicrunes
Ain't My Blood; Still My Boys by Parkrstark
All The Stars Align by Ashleyparker2815
And The Band Played On by Bobee
Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It by Savana_Marlark
Beautiful Boy by Emily_Davison
Come Undone by Capiocapi
Contentiously Amiable by Ktoon
Dream In Colors Borrowed From The Sea by  by Buckets_Of_Stars
Every Beautiful Lie (Always Has An Ugly Truth) by Da_Moose
Fifteen Years In The Making by Potts89
Fire With Fire by Agentianlegend
Found Family by Thedisneyoutsider
How Sharp by  Uncertainty_Principle
How To Repair A Broken Heart by Influentialpineapple
If They Knew All About You by Mshermia
If You're Going Through Hell, Keep On Going by Baloobird
In Unlikely Places by Looneylizzie
Irondad And Spiderson (Series) by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Is He Or Is He Not? by Omenthia_Arc
Lets Get On With Living (While We Can) by Almond_Blossoms
Lonely Generation by Prosperdemeter
Mr. Stark, Something Is Wrong by @Simping-For-Peggy
Not So Friendly by Ramble_On            
Only Going Over Home by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Outnumbered by Heartofcathedrals
Permanence by Theexhaustedalchemist
Peter’s New Step-Brother by Bowtiez
Peter's Hitchhiking Guide To The Time Heist by Randomsketchez
Priorities by Jlmonroe1234
Return To Me, The One I Love So Endlessly by Superherotiger
Rewind by Losingmymindtonight
Ring Of Stones by An_Odd_Idea
Sleeping Through A Rogue Winter Storm by Pogokitten
Sound Logic by Aytheria
Spider-Man: Avengers (And Midtown High) React by Gayplums
Survivors Guilt by Ember_Darla And Marvel_Cinematic_Universe_Fan
Tech Of Nondestructive Yakking by Wabisabi
The Case Of The Missing Museum Bea-Storer by Ironmum
The Hero Of Our Own Story by Kingdomfaraway
The Many Adventures Of Iron Dad And Spider Son by Lbigreyhound13
This Warm Repair by Peterstank
Tune The Piano by Yellowdistress
Unforeseen Dangers   by Starryknight09
Unto The Breach by Melissabosquez
Wanting To Be Better by  Mz_Supermanfan
We Can't Have Faith For Everybody by Hale13
Webcams And Webshooters (Series) by Losingmymindtonight
What If We Never Were? by Ladylangst
What Occurred In Raychester Castle by Fictionart
What You Were Then I Am Today by Madasthesea
With Great Care  by Giggles96
You Are My Sunshine by Iamconstantine
You Stay, I Go  by Cinnamonrollstark
 17. THE COMPLETE FIC THAT YOU CHERISH — Whether Or Not You’ve Got The Patience For An In-Progress Or Not, There’s A Wealth Of Complete Stories You Can Devour At Leisure Or All In One Coffee-Fuelled Binge. What’s Yours?
 5 Times Peter Fell, And Tony Caught Him. And The 1 Time Tony Didn’t. by Eva7673
5 Wishes Peter Didn't Ask For And The 1 He Did by Alice_In_Ink
A Peter Parker Problem by Spagbol99
A Soul's Best Friend by Superherotiger
All Good Things Come In Threes by Bergen
Always Silent, Peter Darling by Lliblo
And You’ll Blow Us All Away by Losingmymingtonight
Because I Said So: Adventures In Parenting (With Commentary by Peter Parker) by Teamironmanforever
Come, My Darling, Homeward Bound by by Iamirondad
Coming Home by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Darkness Will Be Rewritten by Marveal
Engine 12 by Bethy_277
Everybody's Fine by Fluencca
Everyday Superhero by Stoneage_Woman
Five Times David Didn't Understand What Was Going On With His Girlfriend's Nephew by Bumblie_Bee
Five Times Peter And Tony Chaotically Cleaned by Ironmum
Five Times Peter Was Tony’s Son And One Time Tony Was His Dad by Zojnks
Five Times Tony Stark Got To Be A Normal Dad by Captainstarsong
Good Publicity by Bergen
Heart Made Of Glass, My Mind Of Stone  by Princessironspider
Hydra's Not A Home (Series) Bb Tempestaurora
I’m Here, Always by    by Rosesandribbons
Identity Crisis  by Kitcat992
Identity Theft  by Kitcat992
If You’re Gonna Love Someone, Let It Be Me by  Ianalystark & Scooter3scooter
Intern Spider by Emily_F6
Let In Light (At Christmas Time by Josywbu
Let Me Pave The Path Until You Come Back (Series) by Elliahrose
Man In A Can by Jinxquickfoot
On The Other Side Of The Door by Iron_Spider
One To Ten by Jolinarjackson
Only For A Little While by Eccentric_Artist_221b
Pupper Parker by Bean_Reads_Fanfic
Sins Of The Fathers by Geekymoviemom
Starlight, Star Bright by Mainstreamelectricalparade
Stars, Hide Your Fires by Yellowdistress
Stop, Look, Listen by Forthenightisdarkandfullofterror
The 5 Times Tony Stark Helped Peter Parker’s Reputation. (And The One Time Peter Helped His.) by Deductioniskey
The Darkest Hour Is Just Before The Dawn by Starryknight09
The Guardian by Emily_F6
The One Who Made It Out by Tiaylasglass
The Root Is Expectation by Yellowdistress
The Stars And The Moon They Have All Been Blown Out (You Have Left Me In The Dark) by Madasthesea
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle
Time Will Tell  by Tonystarkissist
Too Pure For Your Own Good by An_Odd_Idea
We Are Family by Icylightning
What Do I Need? by Scooter3scooter
Your Heart Changed (Mine Stayed The Same) by Loisselina (Loisselina)
 18. THE ONE THAT GAVE YOU ALL THE LOVE — We all love Irondad, but some stories come with bonus bonds that give us just as much. Do you have a Peter & Bucky, or a Peter & Steve working alongside which delivers all the found family goodness?
 5 Times Happy Hogan Nearly Had A Heart Attack Because Of Peter Parker by Thespydersargon
Aiding And Abetting: A Peter Parker Saga by Floweryfran & Peterstank
Astronomy In Reverse by Pansley
Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It by Savana_Marlark
Between How It Is And How It Should Be by Frostysunflowers
Bits And Pieces by Killerqueenwrites
Brighten Up, Sunshine by Iron_Spider
Can You Hold Me by Ironpengu & Parkrstark
Flame On, Dream On  by Marvelous_Writer
Give Him The Life, That I Couldn’t Give You   by Superherotiger
I Have A Nephew! by Zimnokurw
It Must Be Nice (To Have Mrs. Potts On Your Side by Sdottkrames
It Takes A Village (To Make Sure You're Okay) by Baloobird
Keeping Watch  by Oreoluvr13
Kingdom Come Undone by Killerqueenwrites
Let Me Pave The Path Until You Come Back (Series)  by Elliahrose
Living With Superheros? Not Cool by Groot_Is_God
Love Changes One's Views by Elisaphoenix
May I Have This Dance? by Canonismybitch
More Peril In Thine Eye by Iron_Spider
Not by Blood by Dorthea
O Blessed Child (Series) by Orionlady
Parallels   by Kianisabitch
Perfectly Parental  by Bergen
Popsicle Protocol by Marvelousbutterfly & Thisisnotourlasthunt
Project: Get Bucky Barnes A Dog by Ruxian
Road Work Ahead by Toniwilder
Rules Are Made To Be Broken by Ironmum
Sea Of Expectations  by Astro_Cat13
Something About This Kid by Eemolu
Stars In The City by Parkrstark
The Darkest Hour Is Just Before The Dawn  by Starryknight09
The Definition Of Family by Queen (Ramble)
The Missing Lego Piece by Thedisneyoutsider
The Puzzle That Is Peter Parker  by Neuropsyche
Thunder And Attrition by Magniloquentchanteuse
Timshel (Series) by Justanotherblond
Titles    by Aimaim94
When In The Dark by Kevy_Grayce
Will You Be My Found Family?   by Frostyqueen
Worst Summer Vacation by Mysterycyclone
  19. THE PROLIFIC WRITER AWARD — Irondad has some amazingly prolific writers. Which are the ones you’ve subscribed to get at that fic-wonder goodness of 10 works or more?
 20. THE NEWBIE — New writers are joining the fandom all the time. Who’s the newbie (posting for 12 months or less) that’s delivering the good stuff for you?
 21. THE OG — Who’s the writer that’s been around for a while (12 months or more) that keeps you captivated?
        22. THE WILD CARD STORY — The story that does (or doesn’t) fit into the above categories but you believe deserves the prize. Which one is that for you?
 5 Times Peter Sleepwalked And The 1 Time He Pretended He Did    by Losingmymindtonight
A Beautiful Lie  by Rayrox360
A Different Kind Of Surprise    by Winterturtle
A Fic Where Superior Iron Man Gets DECKED  by Nanixerka
A Peter Parker Problem, by Spagbol99
Aliens Really Are Out To Get You Aren't They? by Some_Sort_Of_Trash
An Uncomfortable Issue by Summerartist
Bank Robber by Purplecat7
Born To Cherish by Ironfamjam
Camping Blues  by Chvotic
Career Day  by Superhusbands4ever (Potterwatch97)
Chickpea And Bleach Curry by S0lstice
Coming Home by Inkinmyheartandonthepage
Doing Good by Thestubb
Everyday Superhero by Stoneage_Woman
Father’s Day Troubles  by Willienillieflys
Five Time Faculty Members Had To Call Peter's Emergency Contact + 1 Time He Shows Up Anyway by Kingdomfaraway
Five Times Tony And Peter Chaotically Cleaned by Ironmum
From Fraud To Father by Tonystarkissist
From Mr. Stark To Tony  by 1minute
Glittering Green  by Aimingarrows
Guess I’m Not Good Enough  by Freyaatterton
I Can Hold The Weight Of Worlds (If That's What You Need) by              Bluesweatshirt
I Exist In Two Places, Here And Where You Are           by              Mindshelter
I Will Soften Every Edge by Losingmymindtonight
I’m Not Telling Him. Period by Scooter3scooter
Iexist In Two Places, Here And Where You Are by Mindshelter
Inimitable by Ephemeralstark
Irondad NSAP (Series) by Chvotic
It's In The Job Description by Iron_Spider_Suit
Just A Normal Kid by Eye_Of_Purgatory
Kids Suck, But You're Great by Gymlily06
Long Gone | Marvel Au  by Strangerlyparker
Nothing Wrong With Being Yourself  by Kitkatwinchester
Play by Losingmymindtonight
Regards, Steve Rogers by Evotter
Research And Disaster by Blueh
Secret  by Aimaim94
Somewhere Beyond The Sea  by Andveryliterary_Theatricaltoo
Tall Skies by Black_Briar
Tech Of Non-Destructive Yakking by Wabisabi
The Case Of The Tyrannical Two by Ironfamjam
The Ghost Of Heroes by Enigmaris & Scarletnightfury
The Long Way Round  by Undeerqueen
The Peter Parker Conspiracy  by Tempestaurora
The Real Hero  by Jilycslove
The Reinvention Of Tony Stark by Losingmymindtonight
The Right Call   by Boleyn13
The Stark Family, by Tonystarkissist
Things That Make It Warm  by Dredfulhapiness
This Ride Is A Wild One             by Just_Ppeachy
Vouchsafe by Sagemb
We Are Family  by Icylightning
What You're Feeling Is Probably Normal by Finny3120
Winterturtle    by A Different Kind Of Suprise
Wrong Number Kid by Blackshadow030930
 ART 1 — DIGITAL MEDIA - Who has those PhotoShop skills, who makes the best mood boards? We have some wonderful artists in the Irondad fandom, and we’re here to celebrate them. Who's your favorite artist?
 @blackchessknight (Tumblr)
@broskepol  (Tumblr)
@dakt37 (Tumblr)
@itsybitsyspiderling (Tumblr)
@monireh (Tumblr)
@spidey-art (Tumblr)
@steviesboy (Tumblr)
@superherotiger (Tumblr)
Ellarie.png (Instagram)
  ART 2 — SKETCHES — Who has the skills with the original medium of art in sketches? Whose pencil can create the characters we love best?
 @broskepol (Tumblr)
@dakt37 (Tumblr)
@dchanberry (Tumblr)
@monireh89 (Tumblr)
Ellarie.png (Instagram)
  ART 3 — CARTOONS — Chibis, Manga, Anime, who can create the very best?
 @akira-akatsuki (Tumblr)
@broskepol (Tumblr)
@maryo274 (Tumblr)
@mjscorner (Tumblr)
@yes-i-am-happyaspie (Tumblr)
Ellarie.png (Instagram)
Ironkrispies (Instagram)
  ART 4 — FANVID — Some of the greatest creators are the ones that match the music to the mood, find the perfect scenes to make us laugh and cry. Who does that for you?
 All My Life || Tony & Peter (Father/Son Au) By Akapotatogirl (YouTube)
Ellaire.Png (Instagram)
Emsxworld (YouTube)
Mblaqminoz (YouTube)
My Dad's A Hero To Me By Msmorganstark (YouTube)
Tony Stark & Peter Parker (Adoption Au) || Home By Andrea D (YouTube)
Tony Stark & Peter Parker | A Stark Family Au | Home By Ineffable Films (YouTube)
Tony Stark & Peter Parker | Ashes By Mythicalroyalty (YouTube)
You Are The Reason L Tony Stark & Peter Parker By Chocolala
 ART 5 — BEST IRON FAMILY FANART — Who can create those feeling of Ironfam with their art? Who captures the characters we love in that iconic family.
 @broskepol (Tumblr)
@moonestaly (Tumblr)
@peterokii (Tumblr)
@spidey_art (Tumblr)
@superherotiger (Tumblr)
Ellarie.png (Instagram)
 ART 6 — MOST HEARTBREAKING FANART — Art can move us to tears. Who captures those moments and brings tears to your eyes?
  @cottoncandyofterror (Tumblr)
@eccentric_artist_221b (Tumblr)
@spidey-art (Tumblr)
@superherotiger (Tumblr)
Artinggrace (Instagram)
Cozy Paint (Instagram)
Ellarie.png (Instagram)
 ART 7 — BEST HURT/COMFORT — Who captures the pain of the moment best for you?
 @broskepol (Tumblr)
@spidey-art (Tumblr)
@tonystarkissist (Tumblr)
I will always love you (no matter what...) by @monireh (Tumblr)
You Are The Reason by Chocolala (YouTube)
  ART 8 — THE WILD CARD ART— The art that does (or doesn’t) fit into the above categories but you believe deserves the prize. Which one is that for you?
 @cainternn (Tumblr)
@Iwritedumbshit (Tumblr)
@rhymewithrachel (Tumblr)
Hannssm (Instagram)
37 notes · View notes
antiloreolympus · 3 years
6 Anti LO Asks
(Slight spoiler warning)
1. One thing that bothers me with the whole Persephone is a fertility goddess blablabla is how would Leto know that she is one? Since Apollo was manipulated by Leto and whatnot.. how exactly did she know that Persephone is a fertility goddess? Bc Demeter made sure that noone met Persephone and kept her in the dark about her powers and everything.. so it doesn’t really make sense for Leto to know that Persephone is a fertility goddess for her then to manipulate Apollo into raping her and trying to make her his wife
2. Y'all who want a good Persephone theia-mania-comics is right there
3. Another thing among the so many things that comics get wrong about Persephone is her hair and skintone ( for skintone LO is going to be excluded since Persephone there looks like bubble gum) but all of the comics have Persephone with pin straight hair (and them being light brown or red) and it doesn’t even make sense.. Persephone is from Greece, she’s Mediterranean and yes although you can argue that Mediterranean don’t all look the same doesn’t it make more sense for the gods to look like the stereotypical Mediterranean? Especially Persephone since she’s the goddess of vegetation and personification of spring.. she’s supposed to have thick wavy to curly hair, black, dark brown or a brown-reddish colour.. she’s supposed to have olive skin tone and maybe even a little bit of a tan.. dark brown eyes and a greek nose... in LO persephone has short straight hair and sometimes when it gets long it looks a bit wavy but at least it’s fluffy but in HxP ficlets for example she has this dark reddish straight hair and looks pale.. in LO she almost looks like an american girl? Like how are you going to make a comic about greek mythology and not have them look greek or a mix of roman and greek since their mythology intertwines
4. The fact that RS made Chiron a woman shows that she wants for Persephone to have only Hades as the stable and understanding male figure in her life.. which he even isn’t. The only thing that relates both of them is that they have trauma and even this basically relates all of the Olympus together.. it’s not sth special.. Hades is such an asshole in LO it’s bothersome and to have him obsessing over a 19 year old girl who is then forced to stay with him bc she is on the run? Which also doesn’t make sense bc she’s a wanted criminal and meanwhile she is out there shopping? (In the beginning they were trying to hide her and make sure she wouldn’t be found by anyone and now everyone knows where she is and is not doing anything about it bc she lives in Hades house? Zeus and Poseidon should be calling and dealing with Hades every single day about this not just ignoring it) and now Persephone is going to therapy which is great and I actually loved how Chiron asked her what she wanted to do with her life and what she liked and although she only said things her mother wanted to do I really hope she realises that she has done mostly what Hades has wanted to do and that she takes a break from him..
5. The fact that Hades is such a volatile man and gets angry so easily is not a good thing.. like in the latest fast pass you see him yelling at Persephone for sth she said (i think she said she had a bad experience with a doctor or sth? ) and then you have him yelling at workers and just about everyone and then fighting with civilians as well? Like i’m sorry but what about this screams husband material? Bc to me Hades is literally a walking red flag (in his case a blue flag) and it’s so insane to me how LO fans think this is what a man should be like? Like in the previous chapters Hades would make fun of Persephone and just try to make her feel small but just because he was nice to her a couple of times and has the hots for her he suddenly is a nice guy? Hades is the oldest brother and the oldest king and he is supposed to be wise and calm and instead we have a 40 year old looking 2000+ year old man who acts like a 13 year old boy? With everything that Persephone has been going through she doesn’t need another man who is aggressive and yelling at everyone.. she doesn’t even need a man? She needs therapy and to find herself but that’s a whole other thing.. and you could say that Hades has his own trauma and that’s why he acts like that and like no? Hades needs to go to therapy and i think he even was going in the first few chapters so what happened there
6. I 100% agree with the other anons saying that so far no comic in Webtoon has portrayed Persephone the way she should be.. she almost acts like a child and is way to bubbly and sweet and like? She’s the queen of the underworld she shouldn’t be like that? And i don’t know if it’s the whole trend of making characters look as intimidating as possible and then giving them the personality of bubble gum but even in the other comics Persephone is drawn like a bubbly girl which doesn’t really make sense.. Persephone isn’t even technically a spring goddess she is a vegetation one? And yet everyone in their comics is like Persephone goddess of Spring.. she’s not only a vegetation goddess but also a chthonic one meaning that she should look more dreadful and serious and even a bit scary? Them giving her red, pink or blonde hair and a cute face doesn’t really make her look fit to be an underworld queen
21 notes · View notes
salandition · 4 years
maybe something about getting your mail at the same time?? like you're apartment/house neighbors with Leon and/or Raihan & at first it's just coincidence, but then they start waiting for you to get your mail so they can come talk to you?? & then eventually you both always wait until the same time to get the mail each day to talk to each other?? idk just something cutesy and slice of life-y, i love your writing!!
A/N: Decided to make this a mini-ficlet for both. The idea is a bit hard to diversify so hopefully I’ve done a good job making the scenario unique for both of them! I put it under the cut for 5 seconds before I had to edit it on my phone, and doing that erases the link cut (hooray for our shitty app! Hate it), so now there’s no longer a cut! Hope you all don’t mind the long post for now, I’ll try to edit it in the morning !!
Leon ☆
He rolls on the balls of his feet as he waits, hands in his pockets and digging deep into the cloth.
It’s a bit embarrassing to wait for you- even more embarrassing to admit it, even if it’s just in his head. It’s shameful to admit the times he’s fastly raised his head, raised his shoulders in anticipation only to drop them when he sees the person who entered the building wasn’t who he was waiting for- and to pull his hat down further on his head as the apartment tenant just trying to get their mail notices him lurking around the corner and gives him a strange look. Add that one to the pile of looks he’s gotten today from waiting around for you.
But surely- surely you will be coming soon. So all this awkward flustering and waiting around will end and be worth it for- what- a brief conversation? Something that might barely last five minutes if Leon insists on it?
He starts to chew on his lip and doubt this silly thing that he’s doing. It’s kind of creepy- definitely weird. If you come to get mail today on Tuesday, just like you do every week- just like Leon does- then surely you’ll just want to pick up your mail and leave. Maybe you don’t even have any this week! That’s also possible. So maybe waiting around is possibly very stupid and he should just head up to his apartment now-
Then the door opens again, and Leon looks up one last time. And of course it’s you- of course it is. His heart jumps.
...He’s not sure what to do now. Hm.
Right as he’s starting to doubt this idea once again, your eyes meet his. And you smile at him- happy to see him- making Leon bless Arceus as he smiles back. Maybe a little too eagerly, but oh well.
“Mail?” He asks lamely, and nearly curses himself out for such a dumb introduction, but you laugh anyway as you nod at him and head to your mailbox.
“How’d you know?” You tease lightly, opening your drawer and taking out the contents inside, tucking it under your arm. “It’s interesting how we check mail the same day. Why Tuesday for you?”
Leon hums, acting casual as he leans against the wall in a very cool way. “It’s the same day I do my laundry. You?”
You raise your eyebrows at his reply. “That’s a non-answer. First you’ll have to give me your reasoning for doing your laundry on Tuesday.”
“Ah, well that’s because it’s the same day I check my mail, of course.”
Your expression lights up as you bark out a laugh. “Alright, keep your secrets!” You snicker. “But I’m not telling you my reason, then.”
“Mm, you shouldn’t. It keeps you mysterious, and therefore alluring.”
“So I’m alluring to you?” Oops, perhaps he shouldn’t have said that. You look a bit smug now as Leon opens his mouth, fighting to find a different adjective, but none are coming to mind fast enough. You hum, “good to know that the great ex-Champion finds me alluring.”
He pouts. “Well now, you didn’t have to add the ex part.”
“I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. I’m a stickler for truths, as harsh as they may be,”
Leon straightens up his posture as he leans off the wall, taking in the new information about you and putting it in a little folder in his mind for later thought. “Good to know,” he says, and taps his own mail against his thigh. “I should be off now, but I appreciate the new information about my neighbor,” As he heads for the doors, you follow him out, and Leon tries not to skip at that.
“As do I. It’s always good to know I’ve got someone around that’s willing to give me a cup of sugar,” you smile, “or go for a late night skinny dip in the pool for pure adrenaline rush reasons, who knows,”
He spits, and you laugh at him.
“You shouldn’t tease like that!” Leon coughs, but he can’t help the laugh that escapes him either as he tries to rub the smile off his face, along with the blush that’s festering on his cheeks. “But you have my number. House number, that is. For sugar reasons only.”
“Well, that doesn’t exclude the skinny dipping then, because depending on your description of such events, it can be pretty sweet.”
“Stop!” Leon laughs and risks shoving you in a playful way, and thankfully you just giggle along and let him push you.
“Okay, I’m done, I promise,” you snort and slow your walk as a split comes in the sidewalk. Ah, yes, the dreadful split. Where Leon goes right and you go left, to your respective buildings. When you look up at him and smile again, Leon almost sighs- it’ll be a long week before he sees it again. “Unfortunately I have plenty of sugar at home, so I’ll most likely see you next Tuesday if fate allows it.”
“Yes, fate,” Leon agrees, and the two of you go your separate ways. Surely it was fate that had you both checking mail at the same time, Leon thinks... And he groans as he flusters at the thought, lowering his cap on his head again and letting the material rub harshly on his forehead. Of course it was fate, and not at all was it because Leon can’t stop thinking about you and how he waits for you every Tuesday on purpose. Definitely not.
Raihan ☆
The day you had moved into the house next to him was a day Raihan will remember- and usually he doesn’t remember such mundane, unimportant things- but you had left an impression that day. And you hate it, too, so that makes him remember it even more, grinning as he brings up the incident whenever he can.
It was a simple mistake, of course. And it was quite cute, as well, which Raihan also tells you, and it just makes you hit him on the arm, which is also very cute. You had moved in, several Corviknights out in your yard that carried your boxes. They hopped around in boredom, rolling around with each other and such as you unpacked, but otherwise not causing a disturbance of any sort. It was while you were packing that you had decided to introduce yourself to your neighbors- because you were definitely in need of a break from hauling everything around after a few hours. That’s what brought you to Raihan’s porch, which you had no idea was Raihan’s porch, and knocking three times on his door.
And that’s when Raihan had opened the door, surprising you not only with his mere presence but also because he was clad only in a towel that hung low around his lean hips. It was an image that had you at a loss for words-
“Holy hell-“
Well, at a loss for eloquent words, that is.
Raihan had raised his eyebrows at your statement, but otherwise said nothing- obviously waiting to see why you were on his property. And you, unfortunately, couldn’t even breathe, much less tell him that you were his new neighbor as you ogled at his wet and naked body.
“I’m. Next door. If you ever want me-“ no, that’s not right! “-need me.” That wasn’t better? “None of those things. You don’t- no- alright. I’ll be next door. I live there now. ...Farewell.”
And after that fucking mess, you quickly left, and you were quite positive in your decision to never speak or look at Raihan ever again. Even on the telly. But he had ruined it when sometime the next week, after you had finally gotten the post office to register your new address and stop sending all your mail to your poor old gran- you hopped over to your mailbox.
Only for Raihan to be there too. And boy, was he just staring at you, grinning and everything. You immediately froze when you saw him, and that just made him grin wider as he leaned on his mailbox.
“Pray tell, neighbor,” he said, “what’s your name? I want- no, I need to know, so I hope you’ll tell me.”
Never had your face gotten red so fast. Except maybe that one time- that you saw him half naked. Yeah. 
Since that awful, awful introduction- you were able to thankfully move past it and become good aquatintes of a sort with your neighbor Raihan. And he moved past it with you, but only to a certain extent. Because of course he brought it up every other time he saw you to tease you- but it’s becoming less frequent after you told him that the joke will lose it’s affect the more he uses it. So now he’s spread out the teasing quite a bit.
But whenever you go to get your mail, you see how he basically bursts out of his own home and skips down his steps to meet you there. He says he simply needs to get his own mail- which he does, and he’s always got loads of it (unsurprising), but you know it’s also because he’s just waiting for you to humiliate yourself again.
And eventually, you do just that.
You’re just trying to peacefully gather your mail again, and of course Raihan is there, chatting away before once again mentioning how you were so embarrassed by his body- and you finally snap. “What?” You ask him, abruptly. “Would you not be?”
“Not be what?” He asks, raising his eyebrows, and you gesture wildly with your arms.
“Embarrassed! Like, be honest- if I came down suddenly one day in a towel and I was wet and dripping and all that- I mean, that would be- kind of embarrassing... for you, probably?” You lose confidence the longer you talk, unfortunately, because you’re suddenly aware of what you’re saying.
Raihan’s eyebrows have successfully disappeared beneath his beanie as he stares wide eyed at you, and then he asks- “is that an offer?”
Because of course he asks that.
“Stop stalking me when I get mail!” You yell at him instead, face successfully red and hot- and Raihan explodes into a fit of laughter as he doubles over on his mailbox. “I mean it! You’re going to ruin me- I could testify to the police that it’s harassment!” Of course you don’t actually mean this, but you’ve had quite enough. You’re not sure how much more of a beating your poor heart and soul can take from this man.
Raihan just keeps laughing.
“For Arceus sake,” you curse under your breath and turn on your heel, heading back to your house in quick steps. You make it to the door when he finally calls out your name, and you consider ignoring him- but he pleads, even if it’s laced between giggles.
“Wait- wait! I mean it, you left this behind- come on!”
His voice gets closer, and when you look over your shoulder, he’s on the stairs of your porch with mirth in his eyes as he holds up a package. You purse your lips. “Come on now, take it and I’ll leave you alone.”
Quickly you swipe it out of his hands.
“For now.”
Of course. Shouldn’t have expected it’ll be so easy. “Goodbye, Raihan,” you tell him tiredly and he barely waves as he watches you disappear into your house. You’re already dreading the next time you get mail- maybe you’ll train your Pokemon to do it for you...
Pssh. Yeah, right.
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katierosefun · 3 years
Fic writing question: 4, 12, 19 and 20!
thank you for the ask! // from this ask game
4. Which has the most “you” in it, however you’d define that?
oh, i think that would have to be until the starlight fades into night. i don't really know where that story came from except one day i was in a weird, blind panic and i scribbled as much as i could of this story in my notes app: something that's usually only reserved for personal writing. so i guess the fact that i wrote this on my notes app, something that's usually meant either for fic outlines or personal poetry / journaling / prose pieces means that i might have poured a bit more of myself into it.
12. What WIPs do you have going now? Are you excited about them?
so many. so many. excluding star wars related wips, i think my main wips (that haven't been posted yet) for beyond evil is the joseon dynasty jwds au (which i am . . . so excited to post, bc it's already very near and dear to my heart. i also think it's . . . very different from anything i'd written before, in part because i think the pining/slow burn levels are genuinely off the charts this time (and i say this after / while writing the fake married jwds au, where joo won and dong sik only finally kiss after 97k words).
besides that au, i've got some other shorter wips: i have one that has something to do with joo won and dong sik and ice skating (brought to you by a real life event that happened to me yesterday lmao), another wip that has something to do with joo won, cats, and growing trust/affection . . . another wip that's about ghost yu yeon, another wip that's like . . . i think it might be a two or three-parter, but it's hades/persephone jwds au (there is one scene that started that au and i am so excited) . . . there's yet another fic that i haven't started but i want to start, but so far it's just titled "alexa play this is me trying by taylor swift" . . . i have one fic about jeong je and dong sik and whatever the hell was their youth (i'm as much on team "park jeong je unrequited feelings for dong sik </3" but also "park jeong je and lee dong sik may or may not have actually had some kind of "more than friends" relationship, but mostly because a) they know each other best + so think okay, it's harmless to try this with each other, right? and b) two queer boys growing up in a small town? yeah.). oh, and of course . . . a midnight mass/beyond evil au that's so far called "and to dust you shall return", and there's one scene that lives rent-free in my mind and i don't really know if i'll survive it.
i realize this answer is now three paragraphs long, so i'll stop here--but as you can tell, i am very excited about them.
19. Do you make up scenes at work/on the bus/at the gym? Who are the characters that pop up the most? Do you write them down?
i make up scenes wherever i go! although i'm more than willing to admit that some of my fics were written/scribbled down in my notebook during my 10 am class last semester . . . i'm pretty sure that was where i wrote the entirety of with paper rings lmao--
the characters that are currently popping up in my head the most are, of course, probably han joo won and lee dong sik. although oddly more of han joo won these days. i'm not sure why--i think he needs attention right now. obi-wan kenobi comes to mind every once in a while too (we're currently on a break, but y'know, we get coffee from time to time).
but anyways--i do write them down! or try to, as soon as i'm able.
20. Go nuts, and talk about writing. Or write me a little ficlet-whatsit using a character/image/line I shall now specify:
talk about writing . . . just writing itself? i feel like after watching things and noticing the interweaving themes/character archetypes, i'm becoming pretty influenced by mike flanagan. or at least, i want to write something that draws on what i've learned/observed of a lot of mike flanagan's works: something that's frightening, but something that's also very quiet and very lovely. something about loss, for sure, and something about a love story disguised in horror. i've honestly fallen in love with that genre--something twisted and terrifying turning out to actually be a love story (beyond evil, the haunting of bly manor, the haunting of hill house, midnight mass) . . . and so, i think it would be cool to write something like that of my own one day. (which is what i'm kind of doing? i have a few original works that very much sit in the horror genre, but also, it's about people falling in love despite the potential of loss and so on and so forth.)
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