#I mean he made Cubot so
ozzyoddity · 1 year
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A bit late to the trend but I feel like the sonicposters will enjoy this
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bumblekastclips · 3 months
Happy Throwing Him Thursday!
KYLE CROUSE: Next question is from @rabbithaver. “In 2018, you wrote IDW Sonic #14, which contained panels of Silver being thrown by the ankle by Metal Sonic. On May 19, 2022, tumblr user @catgirlkirigiri posted those panels with the caption, 'Happy Throwing Him Thursday.' Now, every Thursday, Sonic Tumblr celebrates by partaking in throwing Silver. Each week, participants render their followers' dashboards unusable by reblogging those panels dozens of times in a row. People have drawn fan art. There are multiple videos of people throwing their Silver plushies, including one of him being hurled off a five story balcony. In celebration of the two year anniversary of the first Throwing Him Thursday, would you both please rank Sonic characters based on how far you think you, personally, could throw them?” [TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: The balcony mentioned was seven stories, not five, which is much funnier.]
IAN FLYNN: [in exaggerated horror] Two years?! KYLE: [laughing] IAN: My poor boy has been yeeted for two years?! KYLE: He’s getting yeeted! He’s getting yeeted like crazy! IAN: I feel bad! KYLE: [laughs] IAN: I’m glad folks are enjoying themselves, but… what have I done to the poor boy? KYLE: [still laughing] Ah, well, I mean, the fandom got a— the fandom got attached to it. To be fair, you know. You did it once. [chuckles] IAN: And really, the credit should go to Tracy Yardley and the other artists for rendering it, but hm… KYLE: True, true. [chuckling] IAN: Half-tempted to sneak in a panel somewhere. [as Sonic] “Happy Thursday, Silver!” [as Silver, panicked as he’s being reminded of his trauma] “WHY?!” KYLE: [erupts into laughter, then as Silver] “What is this?!” [laughs] Man, if you made a reference to Throwing Him Thursday, I think the— I think there’s a lot of Tumblr people who would melt down. In a— you know, in a good way. IAN: [chuckling to himself] Shadow just puts him off a— puts him out a window. [as Shadow] “Huh, is it Thursday already?” KYLE: [laughing] Oh, man… IAN: Anyway, characters that we could throw on a Thursday — or any day, really. KYLE: Any day. I could throw— I could throw— I could take Charmy. [chuckles] IAN: Yeah, Charmy, Cheese… KYLE: But then I’d have to contend with not being able to throw Vector and Espio as they murder me. [laughs] IAN: [chuckles, then as Vector] “Nice arm there, Kyle! Wanna see how [unintelligible] it is?” KYLE: [laughs] Oh! IAN: And I imagine Cream, but only because she wants to, like, take off, so she’s already got her ears ready, and you’re like, out in an open field, and it’s like throwing a kite into the air or something. She’s having a grand time, just, “whee!” KYLE: Yeah, she can fly. [chuckles] IAN: Uh… how heavy is Tails, actually? KYLE: Eh, I don’t think Tails is very, uh, heavy, and he’d fly, so… you know IAN: I’m gonna look this up real quick. KYLE: You could throw Froggy a little bit— [stuttering unintelligibly] a little bit far. You know. IAN: [as Big] “Once.” KYLE: Once. [laughs] IAN: Huh! Actually Tails is like, over forty pounds! KYLE: Okay, he’s a… IAN: That’s not really a throw, that’s more of a heft. KYLE: He’s a beefy— he’s a beefy boy then, huh? Wow. [chuckles, then reading chat] I’m being told that Ray was born to be yeeted. [laughs] IAN: [chuckles] You know that’s what he and Mighty do all the time. KYLE: Of course! IAN: It’s kinda like— it’s like with Cream! KYLE: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. IAN: [as Mighty] “Ready, little guy?” [as Ray] “Ready!” Woosh! KYLE: Yeah, pretty much, exactly. IAN: How much does Orbot weigh? KYLE: He’s pretty small, but he’s also a robot, so who knows how dense he is? Uh… IAN: If he even has an official weight… [Googling] Uh, he is— holy crap, he’s over sixty pounds! KYLE: Yeah, I was gonna say, he’s probably real dense. He’s got a lot in him. [chuckles] IAN: [sigh] I could probably pick him up and hmph, but yeah, I ain’t throwin’ that. Goodness. KYLE: The irony is that you’d think Cubot would be the dense one! IAN: [chuckles] Well, now I’m curious, if Orbot is sixty-six point one pounds… KYLE: He would be one really heavy bowling ball, at least. [laughs] IAN: Self-steering, no less. KYLE: Yeah! IAN: [Googling] Oh, wow. Cubot’s, uh, almost eighty-six pounds. KYLE: Oh! He’s dense— he’s even more dense! IAN: He’s a hefty boy! KYLE: [laughs] IAN: So, yeah.
KYLE: Nice. [chuckles] Yes. Ah, yes. [reading chat] Cubot, the honorable— or, Orbot, the honorable Whipple. IAN: [snickers] KYLE: Welcome to the Whipple family. [chuckling] I don’t know if we could really throw any of them? I mean, sure, a giant mech could throw Jewel, as we’ve established previously, but I don’t know if I could. She’s pretty— she’s pretty big for a bug. IAN: Yeah, I… she might need to be hefted, not really thrown. KYLE: Yeah, yeah. You could throw a chao. IAN: Yeah. KYLE: You can throw Marine, maybe. IAN: Well, now I’m curious, uh… Charmy’s like twenty-two pounds. KYLE: Why is he so freakin’ huge? He’s a bee! [laughs] IAN: And I would imagine Jewel’s at least that weight, so… KYLE: Y-yeah…? [stuttering] How heavy are pounds on Sonic’s world?! IAN: [laughs] I mean, you could still maybe throw Charmy, but you’d have to put your back into it. You’d have to, like, limber up first. KYLE: Yeah! IAN: And just because we brought it up, you know, the idea is Cream’s just kinda using this as an excuse to be thrown, but— [Googling] she’s twenty-six pounds. She’s barely heavier than Charmy. What in the world? KYLE: [chuckling] What? What?! IAN: But yeah, I could definitely pick her up over my head and kinda, fwoop, and then she’d flap and she’d fly, and she’d have a fun time. KYLE: Yeah, yeah… yeah, yeah, I think they’re all a bit too heavy. It’s that— it’s that dang Beach Ball Head Syndrome they got going on. [chuckles] Those giant heads, you know?
EPISODE THUMBNAIL by @kiimeranova (lines) and @nintendoni-art (colors)! Exclusive Throwing Him Thursday Variant HERE!
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—— TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It’s just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don’t like an answer, you don’t have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It’s all just for fun!
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tenebraevesper · 8 months
Sonic Prime (Timeline Placement)
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So, now that the finale of Sonic Prime has aired (although I still wonder whether it was really the finale because were still missing one episode), everyone is asking themselves the question of when does it take place in canon.
After all, it is general knowledge that the producers stated that it should be treated as part of the Sonic mainline series canon. But, what does that mean?
I still remember how people weren't happy about Sonic's more immature personality, especially since this just came after Sonic Frontiers, where we saw a more mature Sonic, and even TV Tropes lists the statement as Fanon Discontinuity:
As well-received as the series is, when the producers of the show stated it was being treated as canon to the mainline series, this did not go down well with certain fans, believing much of what appears in the show appears to contradict what the games state, such as Green Hill being stated to be the home of Sonic and his friends. Probably the most egregious change is a flashback that shows Sonic and Knuckles' first meeting in Hidden Palace Zone (which, while there is a boss fight with Knuckles in that stage, the two meet much earlier).
Fans then started asking Ian Flynn about when the show takes place in the game timeline, with Ian's answer being that he'll tell them after the show ends. Now, the ending of the show revealed absolutely nothing in regards to when it takes place, with Ian Flynn posting this tweet:
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Yeeaaahh, from what I've heard through the grapevine, people weren't happy:
Misblamed: People blame Ian Flynn for the rather vague suggestion of the timeline of when Prime is set, even though 1) Ian Flynn was not a writer of Sonic Prime. He was a consultant. 2) The Lore team weren't the ones that decided to make Prime canon. That's a matter that's decided by Sega's higher-ups. Likewise, any inconsistencies are the result of the writing team, who likely didn't (or couldn't) research every detail of the series' characters and lore within any time constraints they had.
That should explain things and it's bad enough that people are using Ian Flynn as a scapegoat over something he had no control over.
So, what is my opinion in regards to this situation. I believe that Sonic Prime's placement in the mainline series canon can be viewed from two different points:
Point 1) The show is a standalone story, taking place in a slightly different universe at any point after Sonic Advance 3. It has all the Sonic game characters and any detail that got messed up could be chalked to writer error as said above. It is connected to the main canon in some way, but not in the way that you could insert it directly into the mainline series games.
Point 2) It is an event that takes place after Sonic Advance 3, and connected to the mainline games despite the inconsistencies, but it is supposed to be treated similarly to Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) in the sense that, as Ian pointed out above, Prime wipes itself out. It happened, but it has no impact on the main canon aside from the fact that Sonic and Shadow remember the events and probably won't ever be mentioned again.
Now, these are just general conclusions to Sonic Prime's placement's in the canon, but what about my personal view?
In my personal headcanon, Sonic Prime takes place sometime between Sonic Colors and Sonic Forces. Why after Sonic Colors? Because Orbot and Cubot made their debut there. Why before Sonic Forces? Because the Sonic the Hedgehog IDW Comics detail the events that occurred after Sonic Forces.
One could argue that Sonic Prime could be placed between the Sonic IDW Comics and Sonic Frontiers, or maybe even take place after Sonic Frontiers, but I'm certain that people's argument over Sonic's lack of maturity in Prime in comparison to Frontiers nips that theory in the bud. Not to mention, we already got a game that takes place after Sonic Frontiers, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, and we saw how Sonic acts in that game.
Another thing I would like to add is that I'm treating Sonic Prime in the same manner as Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). It is a standalone story with minimal impact to the main canon, an adventure that happened and was subsequently erased, with the only ones who remember it being Sonic and Shadow.
So, these are my personal thoughts and before anyone starts an argument, I do not speak for the community. That said, what do you guys think?
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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jinxed-thylacine · 3 days
I didn't realize how much people fundamentally misunderstand Eggman and Sonic both as characters and as a pair until now tbh.
No, Phantom Rider Sonic is not out of character for Sonic nor for Eggman. Let's look at right before Sonic accepted the Eggstreme Gear.
Going undercover is implied to be incredibly beneficial to Sonic, Tails, and Amy's plan, something Eggman agrees with:
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Eggman took a sabbatical after Eggperial City was destroyed, then came across Orbot and Cubot watching the Clean Sweepstakes opening ceremony, and didn't like that he was being mocked:
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He was at least happy to see Sonic and the Babylon Rogues squabble, but then Sonic got disqualified (which Eggman claims he hated because humiliating Sonic is his job), which gave Eggman an idea:
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Since Sonic was indirectly responsible for Eggman's inspiration coming back, he felt like repaying him in some way:
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And throughout the arc, Eggman is shown to have been honest about this (unless something happens in issue 74/issue 75). This scene from issue 69 sets up mutual benefit; Sonic can more easily create a diversion because he's disguised, Tails and Amy can more easily sneak onto the shuttle, and Eggman repays Sonic for getting him his creative drive back and also gets to watch the chaos that unfolds as Sonic disrupts the event as the Phantom Rider, which he wanted to do before Sonic, Tails, and Amy were disqualified (and Eggman gets to watch the event that mocked him get disrupted).
Sonic causing trouble on purpose for the benefit of the greater good isn't out of character, he just isn't usually so chaotic about it, nor that intentioned about causing chaos, because what he's doing doesn't require a chaotic course of action. He does it in Sonic Adventure 2 to some degree (this is made most clear, in my opinion, in the recaps before each level) and he literally tells Merlina in Sonic and the Black Knight "Guess I can't be the hero every time!" after being told "If you remove that sword and defeat King Arthur with it, you shall forever be the worst of knights, slayer of kings!" and proceeds to fight the Knights of the Round Table and King Arthur. That's just in the games, if we factored other media into this there's a lot more I could cover.
Now, to be fair, that tends to not backfire on him as bad as it could. In Sonic X, when he's destroying Eggman's mirror towers, everyone eventually realizes that Sonic is doing it for the benefit of everyone else; he doesn't care about that though. In Sonic and the Black Knight, once Merlina admits she was essentially scamming Avalon, Lancelot, Percival, and Gawain team up with him to stop her. In Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic's already a fugitive, so him causing some level of chaos to clear his name isn't something that really affects public perception of him.
In the comics, specifically the Phantom Rider arc, it does backfire on him once he's revealed to be the Phantom Rider, and there's some indication in issue 76's solicitation that there are going to be long-term effects in regards to Sonic being the Phantom Rider, meaning this would be the first time Sonic feels long-term effects for playing the villain (I'm actually surprised it took this long but whatever lol). The aftershocks might not be as bad once Clean Sweep is revealed to be untrustworthy, but there are still likely going to be some trust issues within Sonic's friend circle, which will be the worst ramifications we've seen from Sonic's chaotic good antics thus far.
Sonic is not against working with Eggman if there's a level of mutual benefit in it, and usually it happens because of some potentially world-ending catastrophe (Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic X, Sonic Heroes, Sonic 06, Sonic Frontiers). I actually think Jimbotnik sums this up best; "If I can't rule the world, I might as well save it!" However, Eggman is not above teaming up with Sonic if, from his perspective, the need arises, even if the world isn't about to end. If there's even a shred of mutual benefit, they are willing to work together. The Phantom Rider arc just has an example of them teaming up for, on Eggman's end, petty reasons.
Eggman's not above teaming up with Sonic if there's mutual benefit and Sonic's not above playing a villain for the benefit of the greater good. Phantom Rider arc is not out of character for either of them.
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aqspec · 1 year
BUT WHAT IF EVIL SONIC AU WIP? *slides him towards you*
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i think i was going for an organic metal type of look to really sell that hes with eggman/evil
then we have some fun doodles to help me jot some fun ideas down, and also make them silly
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For characters I think:
tails in terms of appearance would be basically boom tails but I think personality wise I have the idea that he’s still an smart pants but like… snarky about it with Amy if you get what I mean, and also he doesn’t really care about the things he makes, like if he made a sentient robot he’d be indifferent about it and if it got destroyed he would be like oopsie daisy I’ll probably have to make a new one
Then to Amy I think shed be more inline with fleetway amy, since she never met sonic here she never tried to be more girly to get his intention. Sometimes she gets exasperated with tails being annoying and is sometimes concerned about the robot thing, because she still cares about all forms of life but knows he’s a good person at heart and sticks with him
For knuckles, I’m still thinking of what to do with him, whether to keep him the same or make some major changes but at the moment he’s pretty much normal knuckles
For sonic I think he’d be a sore loser and have a short fuse, he is still supposed to be a kid after all… he was raised by eggman what do you expect but still the cocky never gives up kind of guy as well which correlates with how he is previously stated to be. I think when he first met tails and friends they probably underestimated him but they quickly got the upper hand and now he just doesn’t like them, especially tails since he always says he’s ‘copying ivo’ on the fact that he makes machines as well. Then eggman, a big change to him would be that he cares about his robots, he considers them family, and he actually has a caring bone in his body which is why he took sonic in and raised him, doesn’t pummel orbot and cubot etc etc, which is supposed to be in contrast to tails with his nonplus care about what happens to robots and eggman doesn’t like that. He doesn’t care what happens to tails and all the other mobians, the only organic I think he cares about is sonic because of their history. But despite all that he’s still an evil guy bent on ruling the world, but he’s not heartless (that’s debatable for tails and friends because they don’t. Think he actually cares about sonic and just keeps him around to make tails and Amy hesitate when attacking because they would be hurting a fellow mobian)
Bonus: Super form idea/sketch ✨
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silly guy
you never know, i might say more about this idea in the near future, and also if people wanted to ask funny things for fun my ask box is open
And JUST as i finsihed this giant post i was, URETHRA, i have a wip name for this... Pint Sized Evil AU (i just came up with that it probably sounds cringe ass) so if i ever post about this again ill use that tag
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ask--eggman · 6 months
Rumor has it that tails is talking smack about you online. Saying your machines look stupid , your networks are easy to hack and that you should lay off the eggdogs and Eggcorn 👀
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Hoho, how cute and pathetic. You know what? He can run his mouth about my machines and networks as much as he wants, my machines speak for themselves. I've created many that are far more notable, iconic and powerful than anything he's ever made! I mean, can you even name anything of his compared to my superior machines? Exactly. Same goes for the rest of my tech, he hasn't created any network as impressive as the vast expansive Eggnet, which only improves in security the more the little twerp hacks into it.
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But taking a shot at me for my diet too, how dare he insinuate that I shouldn't get my necessary nutrition and calorie intake! Everyone knows it's important for me to eat well to maintain my perfect iconic figure and fuel my genius brain. The plentiful platefuls of Egg Dogs and big bowls of Poppin' Eggcorn contribute to both and are very important! In fact, I'm going to ask my robots for an extra plate of Egg Dogs just because he said that. I haven't put on that much weight recently, I mean I haven't at all. I've just been maintaining my current shape.
Some nerve he has criticizing my size when he's looking a little chubby himself. I mean I get it, like I said, our brains require a lot of good fuel. And maybe it's puppy fat and he'll grow out of it but there's always a chance that he could be just like me one day. But two can play at that game if he's going to shame me for it. I have a name to live up to! But in Tails' case, if he gets too heavy he might struggle to lift his body off the ground when he tries to fly with his namesakes, so he won't live up so well to his own anymore if he isn't careful, hoho.
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ORBOT! Tell the chef bots to whip up another batch of Egg Dogs on the double! And don't let Cubot serve them to me when they're done because I don't want the klutz dropping them again.
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duckapus · 9 months
If Mario Was in Sonic Heroes (...Sort Of)
We begin with what's left of the SMG4 Crew, Cubot, and Marcy already sneaking through the streets of Robotropolis, heading towards the overgrown Eggman Base that Metal Madness is attached to. Floating high above the metallic blue skyscrapers is the airship, shielded from view with an invisibility spell by Kamek and Sig.
Soon enough, they're in an alley only a street crossing away from the base, and Cubot starts looking for something on the wall, "Okay guys, there should be a side entrance just across from us, and with any luck Metal's been too out of his mind to bother changing the access codes. All we've gotta do is get past the guards."
At that, he points up at a nearby watchtower, where a mechanical Toad looks out over the dark streets. Another robot, this one a pink-and-white knight with a basketball-patterned faceplate, swoops down to address him for a moment before resuming his patrol.
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4 winces, "good thing Toadsworth isn't here to see that."
Cubot manages to spot the entrance, and as soon as the group sees an opening they make a break for it. There's a brief scare when Mario accidentally kicks a can (why is there even litter when everyone is in a robot hivemind) and catches Mecha Franky's attention, but thankfully the side of the base has plenty of alcoves to hide in, and a few more "civilian" level robots happen to walk by at the same time.
As it turns out, Metal Sonic really didn't bother changing the access codes, so Cubot's current status as leader of the Eggman Empire gets them in without issue. When they get inside, 4 realizes something pretty important.
"Uh, do you have any idea where they'll be keeping the Seed? 'Cause this is a pretty big place and I really don't thing wandering aimlessly would be a good idea."
"Well, the base is pretty different from how it was the last time I was here, but based on the structure there's a few spots in particular that would make sense. Plus the scanner's still working," he waves the tablet a bit for emphasis.
With that out of the way, the group keeps going, doubling their efforts at stealth now that they're this deep into enemy territory...and also doing their best to keep the more chaotic members of the group from getting distracted by the various robot-related memes they encounter along the way.
As they're moving, Root notices Tari scratching at the elbow of her Meta Runner arm, "Are you okay Tari?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah, my stump just started itching a bit. Haven't really had a chance to take my arm off in the past few days. I'll be fine."
"It comes off?"
"Yep! Just because I didn't get a prothesis the normal way doesn't mean I don't have to take care of it like everyone else."
"Oh, that makes sense. Just, make sure you tell somebody if it starts getting worse, alright?"
"Of course. Sorry if I made you worry."
As it turns out, she's not the only one having slight problems. Lil Coding's got a slight headache that's causing a bit of static on the edges of his hearing. Or...is the static causing the headache? Eh, either way it's probably not a big deal, so he doesn't bother to mention it.
Eventually they reach a dark room that seems as though it used to be a command center, with some sort of containment unit on the other side from the door.
"Well, according to the scanner this is the place. I'm betting the seed's in that thing."
"Mario's on it!" immediately he grabs Meggy by the legs (she's got a deadpan "oh not this shit again" expression but dutifully goes into a T-pose) runs at the container with intent to Smash, "Here we GOOOOO!!!!"
Unsurprisingly, this doesn't work, and he drops Meggy and shrugs, "Well, I've done all I can do."
The rest of the group just rolls their eyes, and Cubot floats over to the main console, "I'll handle it."
It takes a bit to find the right program, but soon enough he finds the controls for the containment unit and opens it, revealing a yellow Wonder Seed.
"Alright!" 4 walks over to grab it, "Just two more and-" Suddenly the room is bathed in red light, and the central monitor changes from Eggman's desktop to a mechanical-looking black-and-red eye.
"Did you really think it would be so easy to steal from me?"
The group quickly backs away from the monitor, 4 remembering to grab the still-accessible seed in the process.
"Fortunately for you, that trinket matters little to me. Still, you are intruders, and intruders must be either converted or destroyed."
While most of the group is shaking in fear, Marcy scoffs, "And how do you plan on doing that? There's no weapons in this room, and if your troops were close enough to catch us before we were ready and able to fight our way out they'd be here by now."
"You are correct...for a few more seconds, at least."
"What do you-" She's cut off by the rippling colors and chime of a wonder effect, and the group turns to a horrible sight, "no, not them..."
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The mechanized Lil Coding points his claw at his stunned and horror-stricken father, "PRIORITY_1: ELIMINATE_INTRUDERS."
Mario pulls SMG4 out of the way just before Mecha Coding can hit him with a powerful energy blast, "RUN BITCH, RUUUUUN!"
And so the group books it back the way they came, their roboticized friends hot on their tail and Badniks and other conversion victims closing in around them, with Mario still having to drag 4 along.
Eventually they manage to get outside, where they see that the Airship, now in full view, is heading right towards them with pursuers of its own. They thankfully all manage to grab onto a hastily dropped ladder and climb up to help the crew fend off the robot army in their mad dash to the mercifully-nearby barrier between Robotropolis and the next Zone.
Unfortunately, their luck runs out, as Mecha Desmond appears high above them and uses his Galacta Knight powers to summon dozens of Heart Spears, which rain down and tear through the ship. It ends up crashing down just barely on the wrong side of the barrier, and the main group comes to in the flaming wreckage, robots closing in on all sides and the assorted minions and badniks all either unconscious, trashed, or beginning to convert themselves.
Desmond stands before them, eyes locked on Meggy's prone form because of course he'd be just cognizant enough to remember hating her, and in the blink of an eye lunges-
Only to be stopped short by Toadsworth's cane, the old toad shaking with the effort and half-metal already, but smirking up at his adopted grandson, "Come on my boy, I know you can move faster than that! This conversion nonsense really isn't doing your training any favors, is it?"
He looks back at what's left of the group, "Go on then, get out of here! We'll hold them off for as long as we're still ourselves!"
True to what he says, all the other half-converted characters jump into the fray, many fighting several full robots at once. Bomberto's among them, "Just like old times, eh?"
"If this is "just like old times," then you and I remember those times very differently, old friend."
Not wanting to squander this chance, the group follows Toadsworth's orders as soon as he gives them and runs for the barrier, which apparently when approached personally at ground level like this is opaque with a similar shifting rainbow color pattern to the unsprayed versions of the Super Mario Sunshine level portals.
They burst through with a bit of resistance, and then it's just SMG4, Mario, Meggy, Root, Marcy, Sig, Kamek and Cubot collapsing to the ground...and into deep snow, in the middle of the night, with a few errant bits of the ship half-buried nearby and the muffled sounds of the battle they just escaped behind them.
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ice-and-fire · 2 months
When Billie was going to leave, she heard the voice.
B: Great. What now-
They didn't sound happy about it. They turned around to see who called them. They expected to be another annoying robot animal but then their expression from annoyed turned into surprise. The were two robots, one of them was a small red orb robot with cyan eyes and the other big yellow cube with green eyes. Not only that but they were floating. They were going towards to Billie.
B: Okay, now I see everything.
?: You're not going anywhere!
?: Yeah, or else the boss would be really pissed off.
Billie was looking at the robots for few minutes. The orb one was smaller than her while the cube one was slightly taller than her. She was actually confused and decided to speak with them.
B: And you guys are...?
?: I'm Orbot and this is my partner, Cubot.
B: Orbot and Cubot...
The goat was looking at them again for few minutes.
B: Y'know Orbot, you look smaller than me.
O: And is something wrong with that?
B: I can surely kick you like a football ball, I mean look at you!
Orbot looked at himself and they were right. Head? Orb. Body? Orb.
O: You won't...
He didn't look very happy about it and his tone was a little bit angry. But Billie didn't care and prepared to kick him, rising their leg.
B: 1... 2...
When Orbot realized that she was going to do it, he looked shocked.
O: Now hold on-
Cubot went front of him, protecting him from not being kicked. And then Billie laughed. Silly classic Bill. The two shapebots looked surprised. The goat was very good for pretends and joke.
B: HA! You should had see your face! And the fact that the yellow box get front of you just to protect you is more funny!
Both of them calm down. Cubot looked embarrassment while Orbot looked angry.
B: Anyways, it was very nice to talk with you two, sooo... Time to go!
Orbot would NOT let that slide. So he grabbed her arm and very tightly.
B: Woah- Hey!
O: You are going to stay here!
Both of them looked very angry and serious right now. The one wanted to go home while the other wouldn't let them and wanted to do his job. Billie pulled their arm from him, freeing it from his grip.
B: Jeez... I didn't know you were so strong.
The sarcasm in her voice surely pressed Orbot's buttons. First, she tricked him and now she is making fun of him. How dare she!
O: Excuse me!? It's not my fault that I'm not strong!
B: Yeah, yeah, whatever. You two can't stop me, you are just two idiots.
C: Hey! That wasn't nice!
B: And? Look, I don't know you two and I wanna go home! I don't understand why you guys want to keep me here. So if you excuse me, I HAVE to go. And you can't stop!
Billie's tone was very serious and rude. Cubot looked at Orbot that was very disappointment. Probably because he didn't want to be yelled by Eggman for failing in something simple again. Who wants it anyways? This thought ate Cubot very badly because he didn't want to see Orbot to suffer like... Every day! He might be suffered too, but seeing Orbot suffer too, is making his... "Heart" to broke... So he decides to do something.
C: Y'know... You better change your tone and behavior!
The goat was going to leave until they heard the cube shapebot. Xe sounded very angry. Orbot was surprised about it and Billie looked at Cubot with confused and serious expression with wide eyes.
B: Or else what? Are you gonna stop me?
C: Yes! Exactly!
B: Alright then... Stop me!
Cubot then grabbed her arm and it was tighter than Orbot's grip. She was surprised about it, but what made her more surprised was Cubot's expression. They were... angry. They weren't like that when she saw him.
B: Okay...
The goat was going to do the same thing with Orbot, pulling their arm to be free. But when they did it, their arm was still in his grip and it was slowly hurting them. That... Made them shocked...
B: What the!?
C: Oh what's wrong...? Can't free your arm...?
Cubot's cheerful tone was gone. Orbot didn't expect that...
C: Now then... Let's bring ya where ya was before.
Then both robots were floating, going back to the room where Billie was. Orbot was still surprised but he was refiled. At least, the boss won't yell at them again. Billie was dragged by Cubot.
B: Hey stop it! Let me go!
Cubot didn't care and was still dragging her.
(previous part)
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moderator-monnie · 7 months
Arrival Of The End (A Sonic Horror Story)
(Part 1)
The man slowly woke up, a long drawn-out breath left his mouth, and he blinked slowly. Standing up, he looked down at himself. He looked around, confused, and found himself covered in blood, remembering what happened to him. He quickly felt around his body but discovered no wounds or pain either.
He was very confused by this fact, remembering the last moments before he woke up here. He happened to have slipped on a banana and landed in front of a Sonic the Hedgehog train in Tokyo. The last thing he felt was the train hitting him, then suddenly waking up here.
But where was he? He wondered, finding himself in a beautiful, lush forest, full of what looked like small birds and other forest animals. He then noticed some blue fur and quills sticking out of the puddle of blood. A pair of shoes near by reminded him of classic Sonic, and thus he lifted both the quills and fur up.
He found himself compelled to take it and keep it. He slowly walked off to see if he couldn't find out what he looked like now, and after some walking, he rubbed his face, slowly finding he was wearing a mask that resembled an ugly sonic, and his eyes glowed out from under the mask; they were different from how he remembered.
But he found that he liked it; it made him look wonderful, but the look was incomplete. He took out the quills and fur he had found and glued them to the head of the mask and his bare feet as a sort of protection, and he smiled. When he smiled, the mouth of the mask opened up as well.
He let out a somewhat deep chuckle, cleaning the blood of himself using the lake of water, and began to wander off to properly discover where he was.
Dirus walked out of the forest, a camara near, by capturing his image, and Eggman found himself curious by the new face appearing out of the emerald forest. What was a human man doing out there, and why did he resemble Sonic? He had to investigate, so he decided to send Orbot and Cubot to investigate personally.
While walking through the grassy field, Dirus was in awe of the beauty of this land; it was absolutely stunning. He recognized several types of flowers he saw.
"Me see Lilium, which is part of the genus Herbaceous, a type of flower often growing from bulbs. Me love nature."
He was slowly just admiring the lilies and other types of flowers and smelling them. When he came out from behind him, there was Shadow, who was on a mission and just so happened to pass by the area Dirus had woken up in.
Shadow began to speak with a scoff in his voice, only seeing the blue quills from the back of the mask at first. "Ah, there you are, faker wha..." He then stopped behind him, quickly stopping in his steps, finding himself confused. This was not Sonic; it seemed to be a human, but what were they wearing?
Dirus slowly turned around his frog-like eyes, which glowed a bright green from the eyes of the mask. He looked at Shadow face-to-face slowly breathing, and he found himself quite surprised.
"Shadow the Hedgehog from Sonic Adventure 2 (2001)? ... Me don't really understand. How are you here?"
Shadow raised his eyebrow, confused by what the other man had said. What did he mean by 'sonic adventure 2' and why did he specify a year? This person confused him deeply, but he had no time to deal with this right now.
"Tch, I have no time for this; I will deal with you later, faker's faker."
He then began to run off, looking back once behind him, with Dirus slowly waving at him. For some reason, Shadow felt a pit in his stomach when he looked at the man; something about him was so unsettling.
and the fact he couldn't see his real face made it even worse for the hedgehog to witness, but for now he'd let it be; he had a mission to focus on, and he wasn't about to let it go.
Dirus was quickly accepting of this fact and slowly hummed, 'I am (all of me),' walking past the flowers, hoping to find a place to head to call his own shelter.
Things were about to get very interesting for this newcomer, and they were more intense than his old life could ever hope to be.
Dirus was home.
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bunny-j3st3r · 1 month
Archie sonic issue #2
And here we move on to the second in the #290 comic book series woof.
As I said in my previous post as much as I dilike the archie comics this isn't to to shit on the comics or those that like them. I'll be giving just as many positive thoughts as I do negative.
I'm just reading through them and just wanna share my thoughts on them.
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Issue #2 was released in July 1993 And publication was september 1993.
Must of been wild back then to wait so long in between as if tbf we do that now still with idw but I remember a lot of my own comics I read growing up were weekly.
Anyway this is like one of the few pins I wish I could own but trying to explain the gag to people would be a lot of effort.
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Sorry but Coconuts is like a really cute design I wish he was used more, I think he was in the tv series more?
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This was a fucking mob hit.
Also hello you two bastards I know you fuckos.
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This is so fucking stupid but "your non identical twin" made me laugh WAY harder than it should off.
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These are funny acutally. Like I forget early sonic also had a cheeky attidude, I mean his british comic self would tell tails to fuck off or he'll shag his mam in greggs but you know.
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WOW throw back to issue one /J
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I don't really recall seeing much of scratch and gounder after this, they were more involved in the tv show I guess and just didn't really hit of with comic audience I guess? Which is a shame because they are kinda funny as bumbling idiot servants.
I wonder what Cubot and Orbot would of thought about them?
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Kids who read the comic when it first came out are all like this now.
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I would say I think this is when they tried to insert lore but I think this is the one about the two gag characters and not the uh racist stereotype tribal men story line.
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Yep I believe they returned somewhere in the #90s issues? maybe I don't recall but I don't think they were like meant for anything other than to just make a fun story about the rings.
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Oh god this made me cringe acutally that looks oddly painful
also omg better look at sonic's lil nub tail.
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Awful scene that implies sonic's nose isn't the black ball on his snout
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They had this odd habit at the end of some of the comics like a desperate plea not to cancel them, I think it's in the mecha sonic comic to very bizzare espically consiering some kids prolly did send letters in but were most likely ignored.
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For years after I read this comic (my dad brought the collection when i was younger they are prolly worth some now lmfao if we had them) I believed this was how they made 'foil' covered things.
I remember doing it myself and being dissapointed my face just tore through it.
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That sure is a title.
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Need you guys to commit this image to memory for later.
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This was a cute little thing of people guessing why tails had well two tails. I don't think they had a solid idea at this point? I don't remember the cartoons that well.
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He's not naked he has shoes on.
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The sonic vs mario haters is as old as time
My thoughts on this one was pretty good again, it's a cute series at the start and it introduced characters from the series like scratch and grounder.
I guess they wanted to introduce the characters that were going to be in the tv series because as I said some of these characters weren't really seen again in the comics, well not that often.
Which I don't blame them because I suppose keeping a lot of cast around takes away from the main villian himself and it's easier to concentrate on him.
It's a shame though because I have fond memories of vividly hating scratch and grounder but for a goofy kids cartoon they slotted in well.
I like eggmans use of skinny and square shaped idiot partners as his sidekicks. He seems to have a type for those being his personal servants, err, assistants.
my time lines could be funky on these because I'm not following along with the mini series of comics until later on.
But I like them.
We haven't reached ken penders era yet /J
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randomthefox · 2 months
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So like. This is the only reason Orbot and Cubot exists? So someone else can doot the keyboard instead of Eggman?
I dunno I still don't see what the point of them is. Sonic Channel japanese comic page where he said he created them to pass the time when he was bored not withstanding.
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Freshly squeezed planet juice!
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See this is the kind of thing that the fucking comics would probably spend way too long trying to "explain." The games just leave it as simple concepts. He made a machine that drains the planets energy. Done. Nobody is confused. The deeper mechanics of what that's even supposed to mean or how it makes any sense or what the fuck "energy" in this context even refers to is not addressed, because it doesn't need to be. The audience isn't going to question it or care because the story itself never brings it up. To try and do otherwise is indicative of an insecure author.
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He just wants to suck ENOUGH of the planets energy to empower his machines so that he can use them to conquer the world which has been crippled to the point of being incapable of stopping him.
Totally has a kernel of goodness deep at his core =) his concerns about preserving the planet totally aren't entirely pragmatic and self serving =)
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I do think it's funny how Zavok and the zeti's primary basis for their antagonism is just that they're fucking pissed off at Eggman. Everyone else is kind of just collateral damage.
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egg-emperor · 3 months
Cubot: The heart wants what the heart wants
It sounds like Cubot has a thing for being abused, and Eggman is the only baddie heartless enough to satisfy his cravings for rough handling 👀
He's literally me lol. Definitely one of the most relatable characters that have crushed on Eggman in official media, especially for the Colors Manga of him literally kissing him and Team Sonic Racing for that line and it's the one true game canon one of the lot for the latter
And he's berated, scolded, and hit by Eggman all the time but still wants him, even while acknowledging he "can't stand him", there's no delusion. I wouldn't be surprised if it's part of why. The times he's scared or punished by him could be thrilling to him. They would be to me 🥰
I mean, to remain the most enthusiastic between him and Orbot in serving Eggman, despite being the one to fuck up most and therefore insulted, thumped, and has things thrown at him most but without the affection wavering for a second, you've gotta be into it
And who's best for fulfilling it other than your big scary strong boss daddy who always exercises his superiority and control over you, is very cruel, short tempered and degrading, and puts you in your place and gives you the beatdown you desire. No holding back 🥴💜
Maybe Eggman intentionally or not programmed him with a kink for it so he'd stay loyal but he accidentally made him too gay for him to the point it bothers him when he tries to make more romantic advances as I'd imagine he'd react like in the Manga lol
I kinda like to imagine he did the same with Orbot to an extent but he turned out to be a much less extreme case that isn't obvious about it at all, as he's also very conflicted and only shows his dislike for it openly, even if it secretly makes him feel some type of way sometimes XD
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snaketailthecat · 2 years
So I may have caved and made a Sonic OC
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Meet Plasma the Serval! A being made shortly after the events of Sonic Frontiers due to the ancients’ technology.
Also tumblr killed the quality I’m so sorry
More info about them under the cut if you’re interested!
They were created shortly after the events of Sonic Frontiers, dazed and confused where they soon collapsed after coming in contact with one of Eggman’s computers, knocking out power to the entire EggNet for a few seconds.
The doctor went to investigate the cause and found a serval with electricity coming off of them on the ground, he soon took them with him to conduct a study on their abilities.
Plasma woke up a week later and was informed by their current situation via Sage. Upon hearing why Plasma was there they gladly agreed to the study, admitting they didn’t know about their origins either.
The tests were, inconclusive, to say the least, however Eggman’s leading theory is that the ancients’ technology along with a bit of Sage’s programming may have interacted with Sonic and co. memories leading to Plasma being created.
Plasma was trained on their energy but were never able to get the hang of it no matter how hard they tried. After accidentally interacting with a chaos emerald stored in the base they caused the area around them to collapse and was found unconscious.
It took them two months to recover.
That’s when the doctor decided to design a collar that would allow Plasma to balance the energy levels more properly, and assigned Metal Sonic to keep an eye on them.
-A bit of info on that shown below-
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Plasma enjoyed the company and wasn’t intimidated by Metal whatsoever, leading the two to form a sibling-like bond of understanding. This lead them to being paired on missions since Plasma could give Metal energy if he was running low, and could keep up with Metal and Sonic if at high energy.
Plasma surprisingly became a part of the Eggman Empire and has a sibling-like bond with Orbot, Cubot, Sage, and Metal, seeing Eggman as a father-figure. An unexpected addition to their little found family but a welcome one.
Plasma is very chipper and sees good in everything. They’re always trying to cheer others up and help in anyway they know how! They’re not naive though, they know the destruction the Eggman Empire causes and doesn’t want to be a leading factor in it. So instead they play support for the others not really getting into the conflict themselves.
This has lead to many interactions with various characters due to their non-violent and positive nature. One of which being Belle who they love as a sibling as much as they would Sage or Metal much to their siblings’ (and in some cases Eggman’s) disapproval.
They still stay by their found family’s side though stuck in an inner turmoil of morals, where they want to know others outside their family, but can’t due to said family’s reputation. Despite the turmoil they hide it with a smile knowing their siblings are experiencing some rough patches lately.
They’ll just keep quiet and continue sneaking out to meet Belle for the time being, at least until their family realizes this conflict between Sonic isn’t worth it.
Surely they’ll see reason eventually… right?
-Relationship chart with Plasma down below-
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-Relationship chart without Plasma down below which helps in understanding these character’s relationships outside of Plasma-
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-If you read this far thank you so much for listening to my dumb rambles about this character it really means a lot!-
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bgs-cave-o-thots · 2 years
i have a question, as a fellow Orbot and Cubot fan, how do you feel about most recent content showing all egg man's robots as his children and them all being siblings? i like it for metal, belle, and sage, but i don't know about Orbot and cubot. also i get worried about shipping them? i totally shipped them before frontiers but after sage referring to them as her brothers idk how to feel. i joke that cubot is a "brother in law", but idk how long canon will allow us to ship them before it gets weird. anyway, just wanted to know your opinion! thanks!
I'm not the biggest fan of the fanworks showing Orbot and Cubot as siblings/Eggman's kids, personally. Nothing wrong with it, never was, just not my thing. As for the canon stuff...honestly? I don't think it's as big of a deal right now as people worry about.
When I first heard the news I hadn't seen all that far into Frontiers yet (it was only a day or two old at this point), so all I knew was from seeing someone i follow saying "well shit theyre canon brothers now guess im not shipping them anymore" out of nowhere. Which. Without any context. Did make me a bit afraid at first.
But later I saw what was actually said in game and realized...this is just some kid trying to learn what a family is supposed to be, and what her family would be compared to that, with her father figure basically going "yeah if you say so i guess". This is not Orbot and Cubot calling each other siblings. They aren't even there to call Sage their sibling. Sage is trying to connect the relationship of inventor/invention to parent/child, which, while functional sometimes, is not an accurate assumption 100% of the time.
I am an extremely firm advocator for how relationships involving sentient robots has very different rules to organic beings. A robot and their creator can have a parent/child relationship, sure, but they could also be a couple, siblings, friends, enemies, literally any relationship to each other should they choose. The parent-child dynamic could even be swapped, with the robot taking the parental role and the creator being their child (they've done this in the Sonic franchise already, see Mombot and Eggman from Sonic Boom). Same goes for multiple bots of the same maker. Partners, families, anything. And one robot seeing the creator as a dad doesn't mean the other robots made by that creator have to see them that way too. I feel like this especially applies to things on the scale of Eggman's robots. He's made thousands, if not millions or even billions of robots. At that point it's more like a whole race/species/community/something on that larger scale than one single family.
I also have a distaste for the "all eggman robots are siblings and are kids of eggman" thing especially when it gets used for ALL Sonic universes, not just the modern universe? For example, if you apply that to Boom, you get some...uncomfortable clashes with some canon relationships (see: Cutebot & D-Fect, Mombot, every time Cubot hits on another machine, probably other things I'm forgetting)
Anyway. Obviously I have a lot to say on the topic, but in the end...who cares? I don't see them as siblings, I probably never will, regardless of what canon does to 'em. None of my shippy art or writing will ever have them as siblings, and I assume the same of all that I reblog. I've been here on the cuorb/cueball train for years, other people have been here even longer than me. Definitely a whole lot longer than Sage's little throwaway 'brothers' comment in Frontiers, or Orbot's 'big bro' gag in Rise of the Wisps.
If those things make the ship feel icky to you when it hadn't before, and you don't wanna ship it now, that's fine. Sure, it sucks when a ship you love doesn't work out, but it's not your fault canon threw a curveball at you. Sometimes that ball hits you in the gut hard, makes you feel sick. You can hit it right back - choose to ship it anyway, via au or canon divergence or whatever else - but there's no shame if that ball hits you hard enough that you gotta sit out the rest of the game.
So, my final verdict?
Just do what you want. It's more fun that way.
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steeltwigz · 10 months
i LOVE orbot and cubot so much. can i talk abt orbot and cubot for a minute. they are eggmans longest running bot sidekicks. cubots been around since colors. orbots been around since UNLEASHED. orbot fucking HATES eggman all the time. they survived the cringe era. cubots main character bit is that his voice chip never fucking works. they refer to metal sonic as "big bro" which is SO CUTE. their relationship is sooooo. Unconventional. theyre robot siblings. theyre eggmans two freak gay henchmen. orbot is british? theyre so inept at fighting, even more so than any of their predecessors who at least had drill hands or could merge into a giant killer mech. cubot is so dumb (malleable? i dont know) that his AI will automatically assume the personality of whatever body his head is attached to, and they never use this again. he almost killed tails once. in at least One game continuity, eggman made like. 9 different cubots before Giving Up and settling because they kept turning out So So Dumb. there are occassions where eggman Refuses to repair cubot, and orbot has to go ask tails for help. occassionally cubot will press his own self-destruct button (why does he even have this???) just to see what it does????? orbot is scared of eggman but also so so snarky even if it means he's going to get hit about it. is this his programming? is this just him being snarky even at threat of harm? why is he programmed to be scared???? I LOVE THESE BOTS theyre so FUNNY
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dragbunart · 1 year
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Working on Trinity's story
so here's a little story
Robotnik kicked Metal Sonic's head. The robot had failed him again and landed in a local forest... If it could be called that. It was near enough to the Evil Geniuses base to be polluted, the flora around him dying.
Suddenly he felt eye's on him. He took out his gun out and aimed it in the direction of... A tiny fox... Holding that blasted Tails Doll he had made for espionage.
"Ah, a child." Ivo sighed. "Go, unless you want to become a robot." It stared up at him curiously.
"Is this yours?" Based on the voice it was a little girl.
"Put it on the bot and go." He ordered.
"You're not an egg..." She announced. "My name's Trinity... It means three. I was named that because..." The girl frowned looking at her... Three fox tails appeared behind her. Trinity huffed, sitting down and braiding the tails together.
"Go back to your parent's child before I change my mind." He marked the robot to be collected later.
"They're out getting food." Ivo took a good look at the kit. She was tiny, and couldn't be older than Starline's experiment, or Sonic's companion. Hell, she looked barely to be the rabbit's age. She was skinny too. Her clothes were dirty and torn.
They went out a long time ago and didn't return... He couldn't help but sigh. I'm not doing this because of her but because I can use the child in experiments. Not often I find someone no one will miss. Besides... Sage could use some sort of playmate. He reasoned with himself. The kit and Sage were probably similar in age maturity-wise.
"They won't be returning for you." He merely stated facts. The girl looked down at the doll in her hands. "You know this."
"They promised... They said they'd come back when Sonic... dealt with the monster that made me like this."
My pollution caused her birth defect. And her parents couldn't handle it. He didn't feel guilty. Honestly, Ivo was just surprised it took so long to see the passive effect he had on nature.
"I need a new pet project," Ivo stated. "If you come with me, you will be my new experiment." He left no room for argument. The girl had a choice, certain death out here, or be experimented on, and maybe die with him. Trinity stared at Metal Sonic. "You may be taken apart and put back together. Or even die." Her stomach grumbled.
"Will there be food?" Trinity's voice wasn't small, she wasn't scared, instead, she was very cautious. "Can I take a bath and change into clean clothes?"
"For your loyalty, yes." He gestured to Cubot and Orbot to make room for the kit. She stared up at him curiously... Then placed the doll on Metal Sonic and climbed onto the Egg carrier. "Trinity, this is Orbot and Cubot, for now, they are your superiors."
"Ooh and underling! Finally!" Cubot moved to poke the tiny cross fox, who responded by growling at him.
"Uh, sir, are you sure we should take her, she seems less than..." Orbot shrank into a ball as Trinity growled at him. "EEEP!"
The Cross-fox sat on the workbench swinging her legs. Orbot and Cubot entered and began examining her. She came here once a day for tests, she didn't know what the Doc wanted from her, but she was finally being taken care of.
"Reflexes good." Orbot began his usual shpiel. "She's finally up to a healthy weight for a child her species and age." He wrote stuff down as he examined her. "None of the three tails lay limp, the patient seems to have complete control over all three." Cubot acted as a nurse of sorts, usually making funny faces to keep her occupied. "All seems in order for the Doctor to begin his experiments."
"What is he going to do to me?" Trinity asked. Cubot and Orbot shared a look, they weren't sure if they were allowed to share the Doctor's plans.
"Code Name: Vixen." Sage appeared out of thin air. "Using Dr. Starline's failed research with Kitsunami and Surge, the Father is going to use cybernetics to advance you. He believes since you are willing to undergo the experiments, he believes he can perfect the process. Using her grandfather's research on Project Shadow he believes he can make you match Sonic and his companion's abilities."
"To what end?"
"Take over the world or defeat Sonic." Sage shrugged. "The file also states that he expects us to get along. That socialization would be good for me."
"Trinity Vixen Robotnik." Sage clarified. "He went through the trouble of legally adopting you, so even if Sonic tries to take you away, you will be forced to return." Sage held her holographic hand out. "I suppose this makes us Sisters, of sorts, Sage." It was like shaking hands with a ghost, Trinity could see the hand and it moved along with hers, but she couldn't feel a thing.
"Sisters..." She always wondered if her parents had started over. Had another child without any defects caused by Robotnik. In a way, she was one of his creations. His base and pollution caused her to have three tails.
"Sage, Trinity is not yet ready." Ivo walked over holding something. "You two can play after I begin the enhancing process. Bonds form loyalty in living creatures like this kit."
"Are you my dad now?" Trinity asked.
"Legally I am your guardian."
"Can I call you Dad?" "If it helps instills loyalty in you, I see no issue."
Project Vixen was going smoothly. Especially with a willing participant. Ivo couldn't help but be proud of Trinity's progress.
She was no genius like Tails or Kit by any means, but she was a crafty kid. It was probably how she survived on her own when she was abandoned. The fox had no interest in hacking, for the better he supposed, should she defect he didn't want her hacking his systems. The child was quick to adapt.
The cybernetics he perfected off of Starline's research gave her the potential to match Sonic's speed, Tails' flight, and Knuckles's strength, in theory. Using his own grandfather's research he made her rocket shoes, similar to Shadow's. These would make it easier to control her speed and navigate when flying. The design of Shadow's inhibitor rings was used to make Power Core Rings, so she could access her new potential with the aid of the rings. Ivo even made a hear-aid-like device that would stay in her ear so she could receive orders from afar like any robot could.
Now it was a matter of training her properly. Currently, she was still getting the hang of using her new enhancements. She could only use one Power Core setting at a time, due to her own stamina restraints, and it took more energy to use one after another. Trinity was learning how to think fast enough to use her newfound speed, often running into walls on the obstacle course. But she had started using her tails to fly, focusing on using her rocket shoes to turn. And she figured out that if she used speed to build up force, she hit hard with the strength power core.
Currently, he had the kit sparing with Metal Sonic. He had told the bot to not use lethal force, he didn't spend all this time enhancing the child just to kill her.
He noticed Trinity wobbling on her feet. She was exhausted but lasted longer than he expected her to against Metal.
"That is enough." He announced.
"No! I can keep going!" Trinity shouted.
"Trinity, I said enough!" Ivo growled.
"Sonic and his team arn't going to stop when they see I'm tired!"
"Yes, they will. I want you to remember this level and energy. And use it as a means to escape if you encounter them... In fact, if you really aren't ready to stop..." An obstacle course appeared behind her. "Metal will chase you through that, make it to the end, or cause him to lose track of you, and you win. I'll even turn his connection to your enhancements off to make it more realistic."
Without waiting for his signal Trinity bolted off into the course.
"I didn't say go." He scolded.
"Will your enemies give me a 'go'?" Trinity challenged.
Her first mission against Sonic and his friends. She was nervous. trinity held onto Metal's hand. Her uniform looked like a modified version of Ivo's.
"It's ok, they will hold back on you." Sage comforted in her earpiece. "They will see you as a child victim of fathers."
Metal stared down at her silently. He stared at his unoccupied hand for a second before patting Trinity on the head. Trinity stared up at him.
"Yeah, I got your back too!" Metal pointed at Tails, from their hiding spot, then Trinity. "You want me to attack him?" A quick nod. "You got it!"
She set her Enhancers to speed and lept onto Tails, knocking him into a rock.
"TAILS!" Sonic ran after the duo, only to be cut off by Metal. "Oh, you must have a new friend! Tails finally got himself a Metal counterpart? Took Egghead long enough. That doll was creepy!"
"OW! It's biting me!" Tails shouted trying to pull one of his tails from the other fox's grip. He froze upon realizing this wasn't a robot but another fox... with Three tails. Trinity used that opportunity to punch him in the jaw. "Wait! I don't want to fight you! I'm like you! See?" He hoped the shared trait of their multiple tails would stop her.
"Good for you!" She growled, this time biting his arm.
"Trinity I did not enhance you for you to use feral means!" Robotnik flew over in his Eggcarrier. Trinity's ears flattened on her head.
"Trinity? Is that your name?" Tails tried to get her attention. "Look Eggman's using you." She punched him again.
"Yeah? And?" She stood tall. "He's spent too much time on me and my enhancements to abandon me. And He's done more for me than anyone else! He can use me how he sees fit." Tails seemed shocked as she used the strength setting to throw him across the forest. It would take him some time to fly back.
"Good girl! Now go help Metal with that infu-" Metal's was thrown over eye's blinking to deactivation.
"Leave the kid alone, Eggface!" Sonic announced. He smiled down at Trinity. "Hey there, Trix, can I call you Trix?" He held his hand out. "Forget Eggman and his tech, we'll make sure we take you back to your parents, safe and sound."
Sonic soon realized that was the wrong thing to say as Trinity attacked him with feral vigor. Eggman had to pry her off with a robotic arm.
"Trinity Vixen Robotnik! I said cease!" Eggman scolded, plucking her from the arm. "You'll short out all my hard work at this rate."
"Let her go Eggman!"
"Not so fast rodent!" Ivo held a hand up. "You take the child, and you are kidnapping! I am her legal guardian. She was abandoned and I adopted her. Right, Trinity?" Trinity nodded with a smile. The exhaustion from using the power cores finally started to take its toll. Ivo plopped her by Orbot so he could perform a quick check-up. "I just wanted to introduce the latest member of my little family to you."
"I threw the fox pretty far, Dad!" Trinity announced.
"Yes, you did! Very good job!" He patted the top of her head.
This continued on for years until Robotnik became too old to keep up, while he still suggested plans, he largely retired. Sage began to take over the analytical part of the Eggman empire, while Trinity, known to Vixen to the general public, took over the physical takeover under her sister's orders.
Ivo tried teaching her how to make his machines, but she was extremely uninteresting in the coding and programming side of things. She had Sage to do that after all. But she had become proficient at building things, a necessity when surrounded by robots honestly.
She came back from another failed conquest, Passing by Orbot and Cubot, she entered Ivo's office where he was finishing up the final touches of Sage's physical shell.
"I'm home!" She announced. Safe's hologram appeared in front of her.
"Welcome back sister. I'm sorry the plan did not proceed as we wanted."
"Just a day in the Eggman empire." Trinity shrugged.
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