#I mean the memes were funny
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Moments before disaster.
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moonilit · 7 months
just went through the second part of the AQ and to put it mildly, im not handling these sad Victorian children well
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blujaydoodles · 1 month
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followup to this crossover doodle that I've been thinking about since the first one, lol. tfw the person whose house you accidentally broke into turned out to be so chill that you almost forgot she's got other party members you're still gonna have to explain yourself to :Ic
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sisterdivinium · 10 months
Warrior Nun truly is the most fucked up fucking show in the whole fucking world isn't it
Thecla (Ancient Greek: Θέκλα, Thékla; Greek: Θέκλα; Turkish: Tekla) was a saint of the early Christian Church, and a reported follower of Paul the Apostle. The earliest record of her life comes from the ancient apocryphal Acts of Paul and Thecla.
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In one scene, female beasts, particularly lionesses, protected her against her male aggressors.
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It is also said that Thecla spent the rest of her life in Maaloula, a village in Syria. There, she became a healer and performed many miracles...
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...but remained constantly persecuted.
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In one instance, as her persecutors were about to get to her, she called out to God, a new passage was opened in the cave she was in, and the stones closed behind her.
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Around AD 280, Thecla features as one of the characters in Methodius of Olympus' Symposium, in which she displays considerable knowledge of profane philosophy, various branches of literature, and eloquent yet modest discourse. Methodius states that she received her instruction in divine and evangelical knowledge from Paul, and was eminent for her skill in sacred science ("Logos 8").
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According to some scholars, Thecla's story inspired many later stories of women saints who dressed as men
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All of these women were empowered by Thecla, a woman who did things that not many women would ever dare to do
In Spanish-speaking countries, she is also facetiously counted as the patron saint of computers and Internet, from the homophony with the Spanish and Catalan word tecla ("key").[citation needed]
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(text on Thecla of Iconium taken from Wikipedia)
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trickarrows-bishop · 9 months
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Person whose gender was directed by Todd Howard and published by Bethesda
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jellyjamheadobb · 1 month
Fucking listen to this. My friends and I. We playin Two Truths And A Lie. This was my fucking thrn
1 ”imagine being attracted to an old man twice/three times your age. Couldn’t be me”
2 “Imagine having been hit by a car twice in one week and being completely fine. Couldn’t be me”
3 “Imagine losing your virginity to a friend and then (casually) never talking about it. Couldn’t be me”
literally all four of my friends bro
friend 1: “1. You look like you’d fuck an old man”
friend 2: “yeah, 1”
friend 3 + 4: “old man fucker”
friend 2: “didn’t you say in 10th grade how you’d go down on our Economy teacher?”
they didn’t even fucking flinch. I got shot with a double barrel gun and then thrown in the pool of fire by them. Inconsolable. Fucking destroyed. I am. losing my shit. Sticks and stones can break my bones but fuck. Those words hurt me more.
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post-futurism · 2 months
It is very disappointing to be connected to Australians on this website only to quickly discover they are terfs.
#terfs are so close to discovering that abolishing the gender binary is actually a good thing#this one i just blocked came up with the idea that in a future where there was no gender there would only be sex#and went on to 'support' their argument by saying there would be no pronouns only people with penis or vagina#like how do they not understand those are still pronouns lmao#terfs are so caught up with hating trans women and despairing over trans men that they have forgotten what a pronoun actually is#like this person didn't realise they were creating a binary again based on this fictional idea that there are only ppl with penis or vagina#that there is no inbetween or ability to change whether naturally or socially#and it's so funny because they'll think the binary sex is normalised by nature when it's not!!!!#God#insert that meme where it's a guy on a fashion show criticising someone calling s colour a fancy name#'in a world post gender there wd be no need for nb or trans p bc it wouldn't make sense there would only be two sexes'#shut up. you mean you want to trade one binary for another#you want to revert back to when we didn't fully understand the expansive breadth of being#and pretend that there are no intersex people or even a social contract#terfs are so blind imagine living in a world so restrictive#like abolishing any social binary in a way that recognises multitudes of being is the outcome that will benefit society#not abolishing the gender binary only to fall back on the sex binary#it's the same thing!!! it's the same thing!!!
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Society if Disney brought back The Nightmare Before Christmas shows/Haunted Mansion Holiday Anniversary events at Disneyland
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sonknuxadow · 28 days
my feelings on sonic boom (the show to be specific, im not really familiar with the games. #fakefanalert) are so complicated these days like there are things i like about sonic boom. i wouldnt revisit it every time i cant find anything else to watch if i hated it . but sometimes the characterizations in boom really bother me . like i dont think their personalities being a bit different is an inherently bad thing i understand its an alternate universe where the characters have been living completely different lives, and its also a comedy show so things are often gonna be exaggerated for the joke. but i hate how some of these characterizations that do not work well for the mainline characters impact peoples view of those versions of the characters anyway and sometimes even bleed into the games themselves
basically every time i see someone call knuckles a himbo or amy a girlboss mom friend i look at sonic boom and go THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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duckapus · 2 months
Thought up a few interesting things for the Squid Memes AU
1- Desti was an Elite Octoling back during Splatoon 1, and she and her squad (the three other Octolings that would go on to become the Octoposse) were among those who defected after the battle. Though interestingly, she didn't actually hear Calamari Inkantation like the other defectors, seeing as she was recovering from injuries she sustained fighting Agent 3 and thus wasn't present for the battle/concert. She just found out that her teammates were running away and was like "not without me you're not."
She's fully aware that Paige is Agent 3 (once she finally runs into them on the surface at least) and thinks it's honestly kind of funny that the so-called "Scourge of the Domes" was a freaking kid when they tore through the place, and that of all the people she could've gotten into a rivalry with it of course just had to be 3's big sister. She doesn't tell Meggy both because she's not about to out the kid like that and because it amuses her a little that Meggy doesn't know.
2- Axol and Pearl have been friends since they were kids, partly because I figure it would make sense if the tiny angry rich girl who sings too loud and the otaku who figured out fucking magitech and built a pen that could bring his drawings to life because he was lonely got lumped in together as the Weird kids nobody likes. Plus Marina canonically reads manga so even if Pearl doesn't like anime stuff herself we know someone else liking it isn't a turnoff for her.
3- So for this one I'm also pulling from Spongebob Squarepants canon because I needed an explanation for Heavy Squid and all the other Squidwards we see.
Okay, so we've seen in a few episodes of Spongebob that there are a bunch of squids/octopi/whatever Squidward's meant to be that look almost exactly like him. Obviously there's Squilliam but there was also that town of Squidward lookalikes he moved to once. Well, in this that's because they're not Squids or Octopi, they're instead a fourth (yes, fourth. we count Salmonids in this house) type of Inkfish that I'm tentatively calling "Schnozlings." In terms of abilities they're sort of a halfway point between the playable Inkfish and Salmonids, where they can live underwater thanks to having the right kind of respiratory system and thick enough skin to not get splatted by the ink-eating microbes, while also having Swim forms (which unfortunately aren't microbe-resistant like their humanoid forms).
Their swim forms are round, with six tentacles that all look similar to the long tentacles of an Inkling's swim form, while their humanoid forms are...well...Squidward lookalikes. Complete with four "legs," no fingers, a long droopy nose (hence the name Schnozling) and in a few cases the ability to grow hair on their heads like a human. As a side-effect of their microbe-resistant thick skin, most of them don't have any way to display their ink color in humanoid form, while their Swim forms are color coded just like Inklings and Octolings.
(And yes this means I'll have to redesign Heavy Squid to look less like Heavy and more like Squidward. But still big and muscular because that's his Whole Thing.)
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blue-orangeade · 11 months
every leo in the world lands somewhere on this chart
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darabeatha · 3 months
the rules are simple! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ). please repost, don’t reblog!
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Current Muse:
Constantine XI (fgo)
Ashwatthama (fgo)
Vlad III (fgo)
Jason (fgo)
Camazotz (fgo)
Arjuna (fgo)
karna (fgo)
Odysseus (fgo)
Edmond Dantes (fgo)
Robin Hood (fgo)
Billy the kid (fgo)
Sherlock Holmes (fgo)
Daybit (fgo)
Tezcatlipoca (fgo)
Charlemagne (fgo)
Moctezuma II (fgo)
Duryodhana (fgo)
Ritsuka Fujimaru (fgo)
kukulkan (fgo)
tlaloc (fgo)
Saito Hajime (fgo)
Nitocris (fgo)
Moriarty ruler & archer (fgo)
Nero Claudius (fgo)
Castor (fgo)
Asclepius (fgo)
Antonio Salieri (fgo)
Morgan (fgo)
Baobhan Sith (fgo)
Barghest (fgo)
Oberon (fgo)
Arash (fgo)
Gilgamesh caster & archer (fgo)
Arthur Pendragon & alter (fgo)
Henry Jekyll and Hyde (fgo)
L.ucifer (fgo)
Want to write:
TO BE HONEST; right now I'm pretty chill but I definitely want to write an angel! Gabriel or Uriel or Michael
Have written (in Tumblr & other platforms):
(I'm not going to list all my f.ate muses bc that would make the list super long so I'll mainly focus on characters from different fandoms, if they are all on the same line its bc they were inside a multiuse)
Norton Campbell ( Identity v )
Aesop Carl ( Identity v )
Espresso cookie ( Cookie run )
Zhongli, Xiao, Kazuha, Diluc, Albedo, Kaeya + more ( Genshin Impact )
Giyuu ( kny )
Tsurumaru Kuninaga ( Touken Ranbu )
Heshikiri, Ishikirimaru, Kasen, Nagasone, Ookurikara, Shokudaikiri, Mikazuki ( Touken Ranbu )
Doppo Kannonzaka, Gentaro (as guest muse) ( Hypnosis mic )
Samatoki ( Hypnosis mic )
Akutagawa, Chuuya , Ranpo, Fyodor, Dazai, etc ( bungou stray dogs )
Cain, Shylock, Mithra, Lennox, Nero, Oz, Bradley, Chloe, Faust ( Mahoyaku )
Would write again:
Norton Campbell ( identity v )
Aesop Carl ( identity v )
Tsurumaru ( or any of my other touken ranbu muses )
tagging: Y O U
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bittersweetbuttercup · 9 months
can’t stop thinkin about the post on here with thousands of notes about the women’s ick memes being like “i understand why men are driven insane by women (not Andrew Tate levels tho)” like yea, good save lmao
men give themselves any and every reason to hate women and us making jokes and laughing at them comes separately. it’s almost like women being able to talk shit about men is not for the comfort and approval of men 🤪 it’s kinda like the opposite. it’s kinda like why it’s subversive.
you know the whole “men are afraid women will laugh at them women are afraid men will kill them” thing. yea it’s kiinda like that lol
this website is so weird
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mazojo · 10 months
Cory’s back must be tired of holding the brain cell of that house 90% of the time
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adreamingrevenant · 28 days
Unenlightened: The Knight of the Dawn and Princess Leia were both perfect analogues for both Aurora's parents and the Aurora and Prince Philip from the 1959 Sleeping Beauty movie relationship wise.
Enlightened: The Knight of Dawn and Princess Leia had a relationship superficially like the stereotypical fairy tale couple, but actually married/make it seem like their relationship was romantic out of convenience and to spite Henrik so Leah could secure her right to the throne and eventually fell in love along the way/did still have Silver and loved him but didn't love one another like that.
Ascended: The Knight of the Dawn and Princess Leia were in a fake relationship but one was either Ace/also batted for their own team and fake dated mostly so Leah could get suitors off her back, on occasion they were one another's wingman/woman.
#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland meme#kinda#twisted wonderland knight of the dawn#the knight of the dawn#twisted wonderland Princess Leia#I know it's highly unlikely#but I think it would be really funny in hindsight#and a fun twist to the usual fairy tale trope as twisted wonderland likes to do#with people being analogues and walking similar roads to their og counterparts but never quite aligning due to different circumstances#I personally think that since we didn't get much on Leia (which might actually be on purpose) that we can do a lot with her#and personally I think it would be interesting if her and Dawn were closer relationship wise to Lily Orlamunde and Duke Randolph#from the Holy Grail of Eris or Kaeyena and Raffaello from The Villainess is a Marionette#than the usual fairy tale couple. I mean she likely was the first in succession unlike Henrik for a reason#I mean the bar is down in the Underworld for that. But I like to think it's because she was more capable alongside being know for her beaut#might just be me#I have way too many thoughts on TKoD and Leia#I also think that maybe the reason Henrik knew he could get Dawn to fight by threathening Leia is less because she was vulnerable#but because since Henrik is a rank above Dawn he techinically could raise enough of a fuss to separate them#And that could put Leia in a VERY unfavorable position in the future alongside taking one of the few things TKoD truly has#Might just be the sleep deprived thoughts tho I dunno
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