#we usually start our sentences for it with “imagine ___” and end it with “couldn’t be me”
queensunshinee · 2 days
His favorite toy- Part 2 || Art Donaldson x reader
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Rating: Explicit (18+)
Warnings: SMUT (p in v sex, oral sex), super toxic relationship.
Word Count: 6.5k
(part 1)
His favorit toy- Part 2:
Two months have passed since the last time Art and I fucked. Although it wouldn’t be fair to call it that, because I don’t fully know what it was. I only know he said he thinks he loves me. Neither of us made the minimal effort to rekindle any kind of relationship. I kept sitting with Janet and Shane, and he stayed in his place next to the friend he invented.
Occasionally, if I focused, I could feel his gaze on the back of my neck, but maybe I was imagining it. Maybe I also imagined his declaration of love, maybe I lost my grip on reality for a moment. Maybe more water needs to flow under this bridge. Maybe Tashi Duncan needs to be his, like he is hers, so I can stop dreaming about him at night. How did I become so dependent on the emotions of a girl I have no desire to exchange a word with? How did I lose someone I’m not sure was ever mine? And more than anything- what made me spend so much time in this endless whining?
A few days after that party, Luke sat next to me in one of the classes we share. He looked so good that if I close my eyes, I can imagine it's Art. A remarkably pathetic thought, but it works. Except he isn’t cruel. He doesn't try to deceive me or lead me to the point he wants me to reach. He’s interested in me and my hobbies, and sometimes he walks me from class to class, but in these two months, he hasn’t made any move beyond placing his hand on my shoulder. Maybe he thinks I have lice. Maybe he thinks I won’t be good enough in bed to risk our boring conversations about the eco-intro professor.
Maggie, the girl I work with, canceled at the last minute, so I ended up alone at the smoothie station and the register. I took comfort in the fact that it's exam season and not too many Stanford students would prefer to stand in line for a smoothie instead of grabbing a spot in the library on a Sunday night. "The usual?" I heard Art’s voice and lifted my gaze from the book I was reading. I blinked at him a few times, as if trying to figure out if I was imagining his smug smile. Maybe it wasn’t smug, maybe that's just how he always smiles when he sees me. Like he knows a secret he’ll never tell me. "I..." I tried to hold onto the reality as I knew it, "I don’t remember," I smiled without showing teeth, half-forced.
"Peach—" he stopped himself in the middle of the stupid nickname. Apparently, he understood from my look that it wasn’t appropriate after two months of radio silence. "Almond milk, banana, pecan, and coconut," he mumbled. "That’s $4.50," he nodded. I wondered if he was surprised, because I’d never asked him to pay before. I’d always used the free smoothie I got during my shift on him. "How a—" he started to speak, and I turned on the blender, seeing out of the corner of my eye that he was smirking and shaking his head. "Fair," he muttered. "Here’s your smoothie. Goodnight," I handed him the cup after a few seconds, with the most forced smile I could muster. He rolled his eyes in response and sat down in one of the empty chairs.
"What do you think you’re doing?" I asked. "Sitting and drinking my smoothie, obviously," he spoke again as if I were two years old. Like I needed him to mediate reality for me because I couldn’t understand it on my own. "Do you see anyone else sitting here?" I asked. "Just because the tables are empty because it’s ten at night and you’re working in a cafeteria-" he began. "This isn’t a cafeteria. It’s the—" "Doesn’t mean I can’t sit at one of the tables and drink my smoothie. Or are there new rules I’m not aware of?" I rolled my eyes in response. Smug dickhead. I was definitely not going to give him a second of my time. I went back to the book I was reading for my philosophy exam, trying to ignore his presence but realizing I was reading the same sentence five times in a row.
"What are you studying?" he asked after a few minutes of silence. "Why are you doing this?" I threw the question back from behind the counter, sighing in frustration. "What am I doing?" The usual smirk was plastered on his face. "Why are you here on a Sunday night, Art?" If I could stomp my foot to express protest, I would. "Because you’re here on a Sunday night." The smirk turned into a smile. I couldn’t tell if it was sincere. I never know if he’s sincere.
"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes and sighed, realizing he wasn’t going to leave. I knew he was stubborn in an almost inspiring way (or nauseating, depending on who you ask) and that he was always at an advantage with me. He always had the last word. All I had left was to let him say it quickly and move on with life. "To ask how you're doing?" he half said, half asked. He sounded hesitant, but I knew he wasn’t. I knew he was as confident as any other day. He knew exactly what he was doing. "Amazing. Anything else?" I found myself crossing my arms under my chest and saw him, without shame, shift his gaze, well… to my chest, raising an eyebrow.
"Arthur!" I felt like I was his aunt as he shook his head, almost playfully. "I missed you, Peaches. Is that so hard to believe?" He chuckled, still completely shameless. "Well, I didn’t." That was the first thing that came to mind, and the face Art made, along with the eye roll, only emphasized how much he didn’t believe me. "Why are you so mad at me?" His voice was amused as he approached the counter with his smoothie, grabbing the book I was reading without asking. "What course is this?" "Philosophy," I snatched it from his hand, and he grabbed mine with the speed of an athlete who works too much with his hands. "Let go," I muttered, not sure if I wanted him to release my hand or release me. But I was scared he'd agree and disappear again, and that was so fucking pathetic. "Never," he replied, keeping his gaze on me and giving my hand a squeeze. "It’s not fair, Art," I hated how my voice sounded. "What’s not fair?" he asked, tracing small circles on my hand the moment he felt me relax the muscle that had been trying to pull away from his touch. "What you're doing right now," I sighed. If he weren’t in front of me, I probably would’ve started crying out of frustration. "What am I doing right now?" The smirk was once again plastered on his face. "Trying to convince me everything's okay between us," I hesitated, and he shook his head from side to side. "Nothing's okay between us, Peaches. I hate it. I actually hate it. I think about you 80% of the day. Every time I want to talk to you, you're either with your friends or with Luke." He wrinkled his nose as he said his name.
"Why do you know his name?" I asked, studying him. "Because I looked him up, and I'm telling you, Peaches, he's fucking weird—" "You're fucking weird," I shot back, and he laughed, trying to move the hair from my face with his free hand. "Well, maybe you like us weird, maybe you've got a type," he tried to joke, making me roll my eyes. "Who said I like you, Donaldson?" I tried to defend myself, and Art wasn’t laughing anymore. He wasn’t smiling either. He just looked at me, not letting me read his expression. His hand, which had been playing with mine, tightened its grip, and his gaze locked onto me as if I was on trial for the words that just came out of my mouth.
"Let’s study for the statistics exam together tomorrow?" He changed the subject, not breaking his intense gaze. "Art—" "Study for the exam. Just that. I won't pass it if you don't help me," he flashed his most charming smile. The one he fakes in seconds. The one he uses for interviews with the Stanford magazine and in photoshoots for the tennis team posters. "Study with Dylan," I suggested, raising an eyebrow, referring to the imaginary friend he chose to sit with instead of me. "You want me to beg?" he asked, poking my shoulder with his finger, causing me to shift slightly but still not letting go of my hand. "Maybe," I teased. "I can. My ego will survive if you study with me for statistics tomorrow." He said it quicker than I expected.
"I have a philosophy exam at eight. Can you do twelve?" I asked. "I can when you can. Where’s the exam? I’ll wait for you," he said. "Meet me at the economics library. There’s a room where you’re allowed to talk if you’re working in groups," I explained my choice. "That’s ridiculous. Let’s study at your place or mine—" "We’ll study at the library, take it or leave it," I stated firmly, even though the temptation to go to his dorm was strong since he never invited me. We always went to mine. "Library it is," he agreed. "What’s your philosophy exam about?" he asked, finally letting go of my hand, which had been holding the book I was studying from. "Aristotle and eudaimonia. What he thinks about happiness," I muttered, opening my notes again. "What does he think about happiness?" Art asked, leaning on the counter. "You wouldn’t get it," I smiled at him, and saw him nod with a somewhat thoughtful look, as if his combative spirit and desire to argue had evaporated the moment I agreed to study statistics with him. "Tomorrow at twelve, Peaches. Don’t break my heart and ditch me," he threw into the air, leaving the booth with the same dramatic flair he had when he entered. . . . I walked into the economics library, which was packed with people. Art was already sitting there, messing with his phone more than with the notes in front of him on the table. He hadn’t noticed I’d entered, giving me the chance to observe him. His blonde curls fell over his eyes in a way that likely bothered him. He was wearing his red tennis outfit (the one I liked the most, I should mention) and looked carefree. He always seemed too relaxed, maybe that’s how it is when everything comes to you with an ease that’s almost disgusting.
"You need a haircut," I muttered the first thing that came to mind as I approached, seeing him look up immediately. "Hey," he said, smiling from ear to ear, "I saved a spot because I knew it’d be crowded," he added. "How long have you been sitting here?" I asked as I took the seat next to him. "Since about ten," he chuckled, probably at himself, "How was the exam?" he asked. "Long. Have you gone over any of the material?" Yesterday, I decided I’d be practical. I’d promised to help him, and honestly, I always understood the material better myself when I explained it to him. And if Art Donaldson could take advantage of my knowledge in statistics, then I could take advantage of the situation too. Not just him. "A little, I pretty much lost track in the middle of the course." Art had taken this course as an elective. I always found it funny because who takes statistics as an extra class when it’s not even required for their degree?
"What, Kevin didn’t let you copy his notes?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and he lightly tapped my shoulder. "You’re mean. Since when are you so mean?" he responded with a humor I couldn’t fully read, unsure if he was joking or if part of him actually thought there was some cruelty in me. Maybe it was the philosophy exam I couldn’t shake off. Obsessive thoughts about happiness and potential. "I’m going to get myself some coffee, want me to bring you something?" I asked, changing the subject. "Sit down, get settled, I’ll get it for you," he nodded toward me and stood up, not giving me a chance to refuse before he disappeared from my sight, leaving me alone.
Art Donaldson will be the end of me. I’m certain of it. "My brain is fried, Donaldson. I can’t look at any more averages," I summed up after two hours of studying. "Yeah? Already gave up?" he asked, amused. "I remind you that I had an exam today! I don’t think I’ve eaten anything other than my own brain," I tried to remember what I’d actually eaten today. "So let’s go eat something," he smiled. His eyes practically sparkled. "Art," I sighed, resting my head on my hand. "What? We can’t go have lunch?" he asked with mock innocence. Speaking to me again like I was a child. Like I didn’t understand what he’d already figured out long ago. "No, of course not," I wanted to smack him on the head as if he were the dumbest person I knew. "I can’t let you stay hungry, Peaches, my grandmother would be mad at me," he quickly replied. Where was your grandmother every time you humiliated me to the core? Every time you made me feel empty and stupid? So stupid. "Your grandmother will survive," I rolled my eyes. "She’s a very sick woman, you don’t know that. I’ll tell her I let you starve and she’ll have a stroke. You won’t be able to live with that on your conscience. You’ll drag us into lives full of guilt—" "Okay, you’re giving me a headache, God," I mumbled, standing up. Art Donaldson’s smug smile returned to his face in an instant.
That’s how I found myself sitting across from him at the fancy cafeteria for athletes, eating nuggets after the woman working there flirted with him and gave me a threatening look. "Don’t hate Rosie, she always gives me extra pie," he said after I pointed out that she looked at me like I was the reason the Beatles broke up. "Because she wants to sleep with you," I rolled my eyes. "So she has a reason to look at you like that. Makes sense," he replied with a chuckle. "Okay, what is this?" I dropped the nugget I was holding and pointed between us as I leaned back in my chair. "What?" he continued eating as if nothing unusual was happening. "What are you doing, Art?" I asked, feeling my leg start to shake out of frustration.
"I’m eating and making sure you’re eating," he replied, taking another bite of his food, as if we were having a completely normal conversation. "We’re not going to fuck again just because you invited me to eat nuggets at the cafeteria, you know that, right?" I blinked at him, trying to signal that he was delusional. "Of course not," he said, leaning back in his chair as well. "I have principles, Donaldson," I continued. "I know," he smiled. "I’m not some girl you found on the street that you can treat however you want, disappear for two months, invite her for nuggets, and she’ll take off her bra just so you can vanish again until the next time you’re horny," my voice rose a bit, despite my effort to keep it calm. I saw his jaw tighten, his expression shifting from amused to cold. "Is that what you think this is?" he asked, and all I could do was shrug.
"It’s not like you’ve given me any reason to think otherwise, Art," I looked at him and felt that if I stayed there much longer, I’d start crying. "I told you that I lo—" he began, but I stood up. "Thanks for lunch, it’s definitely nicer than the regular cafeteria," I forced a smile, and he closed his eyes. "You didn’t eat anything," he replied. If I focused, maybe I could have seen his frustration growing. But I was trying to focus on not crying. Art Donaldson’s ego didn’t deserve to see me cry over him again. "I’m really tired, I need to sleep a bit before my shift," I mumbled. "Will you come to my match tomorrow?" he asked quietly. "Art—" "You don’t have to, but I’m saving you a seat, okay?" he cut off my answer, not wanting to hear a refusal, maybe not believing there was a bone in my body capable of saying no to him. . . . And it’s a little pathetic how I ended up walking onto the tennis court the next day, giving up the last shred of my self-respect. I was surprised to see how many people showed up to these things, especially at the end of exam season and right before the break. The place was packed.
‘You came’ -A- I got his message and tried to look around, searching for where he might be. ‘Down on the court’ -A- I could practically see his smirk in the words. I glanced toward him and shrugged. ‘Front row, saved you a seat next to Patrick’ -A- he added.
‘What the fuck is Patrick?’ -(Y/N)- I replied, not moving toward where he told me to go.
‘A friend. Please sit there.’ -A- He answered shortly. ‘Want to lift my head and know where you are’ -A- And when he says things like that, I almost forget how cruel he can be. So I find myself rolling my eyes and walking toward the seat he saved for me.
"Are you Patrick?" I mumbled, feeling my cheeks flush from the awkward interaction with the guy sitting next to the empty seat. "Depends who’s asking," the curly-haired guy responded, flashing a mischievous half-smile. I can see why they’re friends. Fucking twelve-year-olds in the bodies of twenty-year-olds, how is that even possible?! "Don’t be a dick," we heard from down below, and I turned to see Art approaching us. "Who’s this?" the guy I didn’t know asked, as if I wasn’t standing right there—seriously, rude as hell, but whatever. "Patrick, behave," Art wasn’t joking, not even smiling, scolding him like you’d scold a misbehaving pet. "You came," Art looked me over, grinning from ear to ear. "Don’t let it go to your head, I had some free time," I muttered, sitting down. Art nodded. "Will you stay after the game?" he asked. I think it was the first time Art had to look up to talk to me. "I don’t know, I need to keep studying for statistics," I answered. "Me too," he replied. "We’ll study together," he shrugged, not giving me a chance to respond before he walked off, taking his position. Getting ready to serve.
“Interesting,” the guy next to me said. “What exactly?” I asked, rolling my eyes and still not looking at him. “You, of course,” I could hear him smiling. “What’s so interesting about me?” I kept staring into the air, unsure if I should focus on Art, who still hadn’t started playing, or the phenomenon sitting next to me. Arrogant, just like the blond guy who’s been emotionally torturing me for months. “Well, first of all, I’ve never heard of you. You’re a surprise,” he said as if it was obvious. And it stung a little, even though I knew the chances of Art talking about me were slim to none. “Maybe you’re the problem, Pete,” I muttered, snapping my fingers like I was trying to recall his name. “Patrick,” he corrected, laughing, making me look at him. He had a loud laugh, unapologetic. I knew his name was Patrick, and he knew I knew, but he still found it amusing.
“Maybe you’re the surprise,” I told him. “He doesn’t talk about you either.” I tried to sound unaffected, like everything was fine. The game started, and Art looked distracted. Maybe he always looks like that when he plays tennis- I’ve never watched his games before, he’s never invited me. “You’re supposed to watch the other side too,” Patrick whispered in my ear, causing me to roll my eyes. “Hey, Stats Girl,” I heard the familiar voice of Tashi Duncan just before she sat next to Patrick, cursing the day I decided to trust Art Donaldson and show up at his game. “The one and only,” I muttered with the best smile I could muster, feeling myself blush at the ridiculous nickname she gave me. “How’s he doing?” she asked Patrick. I wondered what their connection was. “He’s good, you know, as usual. Ice.” he replied, and they started talking quietly about the game, about Art, and about the opponent.
All I could think about was how good Art looked. He looked as if everything came to him effortlessly, as if he didn’t need to try for anything—everything just happened. And I knew that wasn’t true, I knew he worked hard, trained, ate properly, invested in his studies, and that he was probably a good grandson and a good friend. He was good to everyone except me. “Are you enjoying the game?” Tashi asked, pulling my gaze away from Art for a moment. “Huh?” I asked, not understanding what she wanted. “The game, are you enjoying it? He’s playing well,” she clarified. “Yeah, he’s really good,” I mumbled. I didn’t know what else to add to make it sound convincing. “Leave her, Tash. She doesn’t know anything about tennis, she’s his cheerleader,” Patrick answered her, snickering. I shot him a murderous look. “Patrick, don’t be rude,” Tashi said, “I’m sorry about him, he doesn’t know how to behave around people,” she turned to me, as if he wasn’t there. “It’s fine,” I replied, feeling my leg start to shake from the frustration. They went back to talking about the game, and I suddenly felt how pathetic it was, showing up to watch him play. To come and see him in his element, when he wasn’t part of my life anymore. When his friend sat next to me, mocking me to my face. “I’ll be right back…” I mumbled, walking toward the exit. I had no intention of coming back. . . . Two hours later, there were chaotic knocks on my door. “You left,” Art walked in without waiting for an invitation the second I opened the door. He looked angry. “I told you I didn’t know if I’d stay, I have an exam tom-” “Bullshit. What’s your deal? Why did you come?” He practically shouted as I closed the door. “You asked me to come,” I mumbled. “I also asked you to stay, but you left in the middle, so what was the point of you coming?” He crossed his arms. I don’t think I’d ever seen him this angry. He’s always calculated and calm. “Did he say something?” he added, asking a question. “What?” I returned, not understanding what he was talking about. “Patrick, did he say something to you? Why did you leave?” He asked again, speaking to me like I was a child. “He didn’t say anything to me. I left because I didn’t understand what I was even watching. I don’t know anything about tennis, Art, and I have an exam to study for,” I tried to justify. “Enough with that exam. I heard you studying for it yesterday, you know the material, we both know you know it.” He sighed. “I didn’t ask you to come to give tennis commentary. I asked you to come because I wanted you in the crowd. I wanted to see you in the crowd,” he continued. I could hear the effort in his voice to keep it together, to not lose control.
“Tashi was in the crowd; that should be enough for you,” I muttered, lifting my gaze to him, seeing that he was already staring at me. We had never talked like this about Tashi. She had always been this figure hovering above us. He talked about her constantly, unrelated to anything. He talked about her like she was a god. He talked about how she played tennis, about her training, how she helped him. He talked about parties he only went to because Tashi wanted to go. But I never responded in a way that would let him understand that I knew. That I wasn’t completely clueless. That I knew he was completely in love with her. That he loved her the way I loved him and that nothing would change that. “Oh, so that’s the problem. You could’ve started with that. It bothered you that Tashi was in the crowd?” He chuckled. He fucking chuckled. “Why did it bother you?” He moved closer to me, and I had no choice but to avert my gaze from his piercing blue eyes, which felt like bullets at that moment. “It didn’t bother m-” “Look at me.” He was close enough to grab my head and turn it back to face him. “I asked you a question,” he added, not letting me escape. And if there’s anyone I didn’t want to talk about, it’s Tashi Duncan.
“Why did you invite me? Why did you want me in the crowd?” “Because I wanted you to see me play,” he answered without blinking, as if it was obvious. As if there wasn’t a single question I could ask him that he wouldn’t have an answer for. “You love Tashi, Art. You lo-” His lips were on mine the second I said it. Again, there was nothing calm or calculated about this kiss. He was trying to prove that he didn’t, that I was wrong. While we both knew I was right. “You can’t say things like that, Peaches. You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he mumbled as he pulled away from me to catch a breath. “It’s okay that you love her. I’ve made peace with it. I just need you to let me move on, Art,” I sighed, trying to catch my breath again. ���I don’t fucking love her.” He was angry; I could hear it in his voice. “What do I have to do to make you understand that you’re the only girl for me?” He kissed me again, and I could feel him getting hard from the way he pressed against me, causing me to moan into his mouth. “Yeah? Is this the only way I can get through to you? Is this the only way you believe me?” he asked, running his lips down my neck. "Art," it was half a moan, half a cry. My eyes closed, and as they did, I felt the weight of his hands on my shoulders, pulling me down until I was on my knees in front of him. I unbuttoned his jeans and quickly pulled down his boxers. I felt almost possessed as he sat on the edge of my bed, forcing me to crawl toward him. “There we go. Is this the only way I need to treat you for you to understand your place?” he muttered as I knelt before him again. I felt a light slap on my cheek from his cock, much more humiliating than painful. “I asked you a question,” he continued.
“N-no,” I mumbled. “Even your voice is annoying me right now,” he muttered, and without warning, I felt his cock in my mouth. He didn’t give me a moment to adjust, punishing me for leaving the match, maybe for bringing up Tashi, maybe for everything combined. You could never tell with him. I felt him hitting the back of my throat, and I tried to suppress my gag reflex with little success. Three months since he’d been in my mouth showed signs. “Shhh, you can do better than that,” he half-stroked my hair, half-held me in place by it. Then he pulled me back, leaving a trail of spit and precum. “You’re such a mess,” he chuckled, and again I felt a light slap of his cock against my cheek. I put my lips back where I knew he needed them the most, and this time, there was no gentle stroking of my hair. There was only a hand forcing me to stay in place as he used my mouth however he wanted. “Nothing to say now, huh?” he said, not very coherently, as I began to feel the warm, thick liquid spill into my throat. “Atta girl,” he patted my hair twice before letting me pull back.
I stood up slowly, trying to catch my breath. “Come here,” he mumbled, pointing to his thigh. I can’t refuse Art Donaldson, so I sat on his lap, placing my hands on his neck in an almost embrace, watching him smile. “Why is everything so hard with you?” he muttered, and his lips lazily found my neck. “I just don’t know what you want from me,” I responded, trying to focus on anything other than his lips currently on my collarbone. “I told you I love you,” he mumbled, his eyes locking onto mine. “You don’t mean that,” I shot back.
“Oh yeah?” His smirk spread across his face, and in seconds, he tossed me onto the bed as if I weighed nothing. He was above me. “For now, the one acting like a brat is you,” he said, his presence casting a shadow over me like a predator playing with its prey. “The one who left in the middle of my match is you.” His lips again left trails on my skin. I don’t even know when he took my shirt off. I felt a light bite on my nipple that made me moan. “Fuck, fa- Art,” I mumbled, unable to focus. “The one avoiding interaction with my friends is you.” His hand joined in, starting to torture my other nipple as his kisses moved further down. “I’m not,” I managed to respond, just as he easily removed my panties.
His breaths hovered over my pussy, short and hot, and if I didn’t know Art Donaldson so well, I would’ve thought he was looking up at me with almost a pleading expression. But he was in complete control. A small kiss on my lips, but not where I really needed him, made me shift my hips a little, and he chuckled- a laugh that was almost childlike. “Hey, ask nicely,” he managed to say, and I returned to the position I had before, legs around his head. “Please, Art,” I knew there was no point in arguing; he always got what he wanted in the end. “No problem, baby,” in seconds, his tongue was on my clit, starting slowly with circular motions and picking up speed with every moment. “There you go, you’re almost there,” he muttered, pulling back just before I could come. “What-” I tried to catch my breath again, craving the euphoria only he could give me at that moment. “I want to be inside you,” he answered without waiting for the full question, and in an instant, his cock filled me, making me moan. “Fuck,” I managed to mumble, feeling my eyes roll back. “Hold on a little longer, Peach,” he said, slipping his finger into my mouth like he liked to do, watching my lips close around it. “Now,” he muttered, pushing it deeper into my throat while he thrust into me, feeling me tighten around him like only an orgasm from him could make me do.
He fucked me stupid. There’s no other way to describe what I experienced, and as we both tried to catch our breath, I wondered how long it would take for him to leave this time and what his excuse would be. “Don’t you have practice tomorrow?” I quietly asked, trying to throw him off balance for a moment. “No, but I don’t know anything for the stats exam,” he admitted and chuckled. “Art! I taught you all the material yesterday,” I rolled my eyes. “I can’t concentrate when you’re teaching me.” “Then why did you ask for help?” It was my turn to laugh. “Because you’re the most beautiful when you’re in your element,” he shrugged like it was obvious. Like hearing me talk about statistics would make him fall in love with me. Like it wasn’t what I felt two and a half hours ago when he played tennis, until I almost choked on love.
“When are you going home?” he asked, probably knowing my last exam was in statistics. “I’m not,” I replied casually, and he quickly shifted positions. “Why the hell not?” he asked, and I saw a small wrinkle form between his eyebrows. “It’s no big deal, Donaldson,” I chuckled, “I picked up extra shifts, and I have a paper to work on. Speaking of shifts, I need to get ready for mine.” I added as I checked the time. He watched me as I walked around the room, trying to decide if I smelled too much like sex to push the shower until after work. “Are you coming to the study marathon tomorrow before the exam?” he asked, starting to get dressed too. “Of course,” I looked at him like he was crazy. “Don’t think about skipping it, Art. You need it,” I said, knowing exactly who I was dealing with. “Okay, Mom,” his voice was amused, and I rolled my eyes, looking at him for another moment. We don’t get too many moments like these. Almost domestic. Almost mine.
"Hey, we're good, right?" he suddenly asked, holding my hand and not letting me continue running around the room. "Yeah, Art, everything's fine," I smiled half-heartedly, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Because I don't want another two months like these," he muttered, and I knew it was hard for him to admit. It was hard for him to say that the past two months had been strange, to say the least. Difficult, to be honest. "Me neither." I nodded at him. "When are you flying home?" I asked as we were both already outside the door, after I had locked it. "Four hours after the exam, I’m supposed to be on a flight," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Wow, two weeks at home, excited?" I asked. "Not that much, mostly glad I get to visit my grandma. She follows my matches with her entire retirement home, it’s a big deal for her." "Ooooh, you've got fans, Donaldson?" I joked. "You know I do," he replied. "Seriously though, why aren’t you going home?" he added. "It’s not that deep, just an opportunity to make some extra money. Plus, my mom and I aren’t in the best place right now," I shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal. "Don’t you miss home?" he asked. "Not like most people probably do," I smiled at him. "I hate it when you smile like that," he said and suddenly stopped. "How?" I asked, looking at him as if he were crazy. "Without teeth. That’s your fake smile," he replied without blinking, as if it were strange that I was even asking. "I didn’t think you noticed," I mumbled. And I really didn’t think there was a possibility that Art Donaldson paid attention to details that, until now, I thought only I noticed about him. "I’ll see you tomorrow at the marathon?" he asked when we reached the point where I was supposed to head to the cafeteria and he to his dorm. "Don’t be late," I ordered, giving his face a small push, watching him chuckle and walk away from me. . . .
The next morning, I woke up with the worst headache I’d ever had in my life. I felt my nose was blocked, and I knew for sure I had a fever, though I had no way to measure it. 'Where are you?' -A-
'Sick, I’ll come for the exam' -(Y/N)-
'What’s wrong with you?' -A- I didn’t respond to that message, preferring to sleep a bit more before waking up for the statistics exam.
I got in the shower, and when I got out, I looked at myself in the mirror, seeing my flushed cheeks as a contrast to my pale face. There was no mistaking it when you looked at me- I wasn’t at my best. The auditorium was partially full when I entered, people chatting among themselves, and I looked around, seeing Art already staring at me before he approached, getting ahead of Janet, who shot me a questioning glance. "Well, you look like shit," he stated, placing his hand on my forehead. "Fuck, Peaches, you’re burning up," he muttered, looking at me with an almost angry expression. "How did you manage to start dying in the minute and a half I left you alone?" he said. "I’m talented, Donaldson. Can you not yell? My head hurts," I mumbled, sitting in the empty seat I found.
The exam went smoothly and ended faster than it began. I physically couldn’t wait for Art to finish, so I texted him, hoping he’d enjoy his time at home, and I went to sleep. Half an hour later, there was a knock at my door, chaotic like the one from the day before. "Hey," he muttered. "You’ll miss your flight," I replied, running a tired hand over my eyes. "I’m not flying," he said quickly. "What?" I asked, not understanding what he was talking about, seeing him take off his shirt and pants, left only in his boxers. "Art, I physically can’t have sex," I chuckled, not understanding what was happening. "We’re going to sleep," he declared, pulling me toward him, leaving me no choice but to get into bed next to him. "Your bed’s worse than mine. Tomorrow we’ll sleep at my dorm," he stated.
"You're going to get sick too" I rolled my eyes, "Why aren’t you going home?" I asked quietly, while his hand traced shapes on my shoulder. "It felt weird going home when you’re sick and staying here," he replied, not ashamed for a second. "Your grandma must be disappointed," I mumbled. "I told her my girlfriend is sick," he said. I wanted so badly to see his face, but I had my back to him. "She must’ve been surprised you have a girlfriend," I said the first thing that came to mind, feeling my heart race. "Not at all, I talk to her about you all the time."
. . .
So here it is. The second part I didn't plan. Hope you like it even tho I wrote half of it while being super sick and didn't check my own grammar at all, so bear with me (a reminder: English is not my first language). Let me know what you think. It's always the best part. Also, I think I'm up for some requests. Let's see what we can come up with. Love you guys
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jellyjamheadobb · 4 months
Fucking listen to this. My friends and I. We playin Two Truths And A Lie. This was my fucking thrn
1 ”imagine being attracted to an old man twice/three times your age. Couldn’t be me”
2 “Imagine having been hit by a car twice in one week and being completely fine. Couldn’t be me”
3 “Imagine losing your virginity to a friend and then (casually) never talking about it. Couldn’t be me”
literally all four of my friends bro
friend 1: “1. You look like you’d fuck an old man”
friend 2: “yeah, 1”
friend 3 + 4: “old man fucker”
friend 2: “didn’t you say in 10th grade how you’d go down on our Economy teacher?”
they didn’t even fucking flinch. I got shot with a double barrel gun and then thrown in the pool of fire by them. Inconsolable. Fucking destroyed. I am. losing my shit. Sticks and stones can break my bones but fuck. Those words hurt me more.
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tealfloyd · 1 year
"Okay, okay! Hear me out on this: An MC who gifts every boy and the staff (minus Crowley) a specially made gift (alongside chocolate ofc) for Valentine's Day. For example, Riddle gets a bouquet of roses alongside heart-shaped chocolate, Ace getting a chocolate cherry pie and a watch, and Cater gets a skateboard and spicy chocolate.
I can just imagine the chaos that will ensue.
"Hey! Your chocolate is bigger than mine!"
"No fair! I wanted that too!"
Thank you and have a great day!"
“Congratulations, MC. You have now become the Santa of Valentine’s Day!”
SUMMARY: It's Valentine's Day in Twisted Wonderland, and you already know what that means: a mix of chocolates and petty discussions~! (Everyone x Fem!Reader)
WARNINGS: None... Other than MC’s empty wallet.
CONTENT: Ortho doesn’t have a section, but his reaction is described in the introduction. Me trying to understand these boys and their past, so they might seem a little ooc. Also Lilia’s part may have end up a little too philosophical. 
A/N: Okay okay. I know Valentine’s was five months ago, and that I was in an unexpected hiatus for more than six months, but I just really wanted to post this because this draft was eating me alive. Also, I don’t know why, but Pomefiore’s part was so difficult to write, and thus, I ended up giving up temporarily.
Annnd, I know that the request asked for the staff as well, but I didn’t want to make this longer than it already is, so I decided I will post it separately. Eventually.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this! :)
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Ah, Valentine’s Day. A lively festivity that encompasses love and friendship, usually celebrated by those who want to demonstrate affection to the people they care about the most, being in a platonic or a romantic way.
Yet, that’s talking outside of Night Raven College, an academy that’s full of eccentric students, and so, on behalf of that eccentricity, things are a little bit different.
And it all starts with your protective and small companion, Grim.
You finished checking your bag for the last time before leaving, assuring that all the chocolates and gifts you packed were inside, afraid of forgetting any of them in the dorm.
“Sevens, how am I going to carry this...?” You murmured while staring at the huge sack that contained all of your presents, thinking that it resembled the bag that a certain character would only use every Christmas.
All you did was sigh, mentally preparing yourself to carry that seemingly heavy Santa bag.
Or at least that’s what you were going to do, until a sleepy voice stopped you from doing so, effectively getting your attention.
“Where are you going, henchman...?” Grim groggily asked, yawning as he rubbed his eyes. “And why do you have that bag...?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Grim’s drowsy expression as you approached him, scratching his head lightly. “You see, since today is Valentine’s, I wanted to make something special for our friends, so—” And before you could finish your sentence, an excited scream echoed from the old dorm, startling you both.
"Did someone say Valentine's?!" Conrad yelled, cheerfully floating around.
"This brings back so many great memories! I still remember all the chocolates I've received when I was alive. Such great days~" Brawley said, his mind consumed by memories from his past, all while wearing a nostalgic smile.
"Oh, what do we have here~?" Arthur asked, curiosity getting the best out of him as he picked some of the presents that were at the top. "Some gifts for your friends, perhaps~?" He teased, wiggling his eyebrows in a funny manner.
Letting out a soft chuckle while trying to calm Grim down—who was certainly not happy after the abrupt appearance—, you answered. “Indeed, it’s Valentine’s after all. Do they meet your expectations?” You jokingly asked, prompting a playful laughter from the trio of ghosts.
“I absolutely approve them, but I don’t know if those students will.”
“It's obvious they will! She even has personalized chocolates for all of them!”
“That’s true... I wonder how long it took you to prepare all of this.”
They commented, starting a light chat about the festivity, all laughing and having fun. However, in between the funny remarks and jokes, Grim had enough, whining in annoyance as his brain tried its best to understand what was happening.
“What are ya’ talking about?” He complained, turning to look at you with an angry expression. “Henchman! Explain this madness!”
“Well, Grim,” you started, trying to find the correct words to clarify the meaning of this holiday to him. “Valentine’s Day is—“ Although it seemed that you didn’t have to in the first place, seeing that you were once again interrupted by your strangely excited fellows.
“Oh!”, Brawley exclaimed. “Can we explain it?”
“Yeah, we’re the best people, er- Ghosts when it comes to Valentine’s,” Arthur enthusiastically stated.
“Can we make the explanation, MC?” Conrad asked, and since you didn’t want to ruin their happiness, you agreed.
“The floor is yours,” and with that cue, they stood in front of a confused Grim, who looked at you with slight fear and overall confusion.
It took you a few moments to realize that they took it quite literally as you listened to their old-styled song about the festivity, which maybe overused the word “love” in a romantic way... Yet, it was a detail that you didn’t pay much attention to, instead deciding to enjoy the show.
But someone that didn’t take this lightly was Grim, being that a certain sentence was starting to repeat in his mind over and over again: “A day when love stories start! Who would be the next one to take this important step~?”
He was so alarmed that he missed the part where they explained that it was also a day to share with friends, so the first thing that passed through his head was: “They’re tryin’ to steal my henchman! I cannot let that happen!” 
And so, a genius idea was born.
“I’ll go with you, henchman!” He suddenly exclaimed, taking you by surprise, frowning in response.
“Really?” You inquired, and so did the ghosts, adding themselves to the confusion train while raising an eyebrow.
“What? I’m just sayin’ I’m going with you!” Grim repeated, further confusing you four.
“Yes, I heard that, but why...?”
“Why not?” Your companion said, avoiding answering since he knew you were going to tease him about it, instead choosing to walk towards the front door.
“Why though…?” You questioned for the last time, eyeing him with suspicion as you made your way towards the door, picking the bag—that was, to your surprise, much lighter than you thought—in the process.
“We don’t have time for this! If we hurry, we can come back in time for dinner!”
Now that was the Grim you remembered, and even if you never thought that hearing that sentence would make you relieved your wallet isn’t pleased to hear this though, this time it certainly did.
“Okay, let’s go then,” you said, turning to your translucent companions—who still had their mouths wide open, very much resembling to a cartoon—to wave them goodbye.
“Goodbye, guys! We will see you later! The song was amazing, by the way!” Was the last thing you said before closing the door, snapping the ghosts out of their trance.
“Aw! She loved our song!” Was the first thing Conrad said, happy that you liked their performance, not noticing the strange looks he received from the other two.
“Is he just going to ignore the fact that Grim seemed suspiciously protective over MC?” Arthur asked, and Brawley shook his head, disagreeing with him.
“It’s not weird that Grim is protective over her, that’s like a world-known fact,” he paused for a second, as if trying to think of the results of your sincere actions. “I’m more intrigued by how those boys would react upon receiving such a lovely gift from their oblivious love interest.”
And that, my dear Brawley, is what are we going to witness today.
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Heartslabyul was your first dorm of choice, and that was because you knew everyone will be in the same place at the same time. It was supposed to be easy; go in and go out.
Yet, what was the first thing you heard when entering the dorm’s living room? Screams. Certainly one of the most welcoming sounds while stepping into a place that embraces the idea of discipline.
Seeing that the other students (or at least most of them) were minding their own business, you thought it was not that big of a deal. After greeting the ones that weren’t busy, you both walked over to the kitchen, encountering a not so peculiar scene: Riddle arguing with Ace.
"Guys?" You asked, eyebrow raised as you wondered what happened.
"Oh, Prefect!" Cater exclaimed, cheerfully approaching you. "Thanks for appearing! This situation was #stressingmeout," he commented, thankful for your presence.
"Prefect," Riddle said after coughing slightly, attempting to compose himself. "What brings you here?"
“Well, since I assume you already know what day it is, I thought it would be nice to gift you some chocolates,” you voiced, chuckled at the expressions of your friends as you gave them their respective presents, who were pretty much baffled to hear that. “Or maybe you don’t know, and the heart motifs everywhere are misleading.”
The ones that caught up the fastest were Trey and Cater what a surprise, promptly putting two and two together and realising the reason behind your sudden but cute action.
"Sevens, is it Valentine's already?" Trey questioned, placing a hand on his hat to cover his face due to the embarrassment.
"Are these for us~?" Cater excitedly asked, already pulling out his phone to document this moment. "They are totes cute! Thanks, Prefect!" He said, taking dozens of pictures of the little red box.
“Valentine’s...?” Deuce muttered, face turning pale after his brain clicked and realised what that meant. “I’m sorry, MC! I don’t have a present for you!” He quickly apologised, bowing before you.
"You don't have to give me anything, you know?" You assured, trying to ease his concern. "I just wanted to gift you all something as thanks for all your help and support, and for being my friends, of course."
And that is how you make the Heartslabyul (and pretty much anyone in NRC) students blush in mere seconds; if these guys weren’t blushing before, now they undoubtedly are.
"Yeah, yeah, enough of these speeches!" Grim chimed, wanting to move onto the next dorm already. "We don't have all day! Let's go, henchman!"
"Geez, what has got into you today?" You said, turning to the students to wave them goodbye. "I have to go now; I hope you liked the— Agh! Grim, stop pushing me!"
In an instant, the two of you departed, leaving behind five startled students who were speechless by the sudden turn of events.
Riddle’s heart-shaped chocolates match his new bouquet of red roses.
Riddle never had a Valentine’s Day celebration before. Mainly because his mom, being the main factor in his life, used to call the holiday a “disruptive event,” and so, he ended up thinking that Valentine’s was an unnecessary and dumb festivity. You can now assume he doesn't think that anymore. As everyone already guessed, this boy was red; in fact, if you inspected his face closely enough, you would notice that his cheeks were tinted with the same shade the flowers gifted to him had, which he used to cover his face. And don’t get me started when he saw the chocolates; he nearly dropped the box out of embarrassment, not believing that you were bold enough to give him heart-shaped chocolates... But it’s not like he’s complaining so please gift this boy more heart-shaped sweets.
Trey’s hazelnut chocolates match his new set of heart measuring spoons.
Trey doesn’t know how he could’ve possibly forgotten about Valentine’s; his family owns a bakery, by the Sevens! He must’ve had the date imprinted on his mind by now! He's just wondering how he didn't think about it before while looking at the gifts, feeling a bit guilty that he didn't have anything for you. Although... That doesn't mean he wouldn't focus on your kind-hearted present, after all, who could after receiving such a detailed gift of your dear romantic interest friend? Immediately after this, he knows that he has to make something for you as well; something to remind you how special you are. Hence, why his mind is in a whirlwind of ideas, contemplating which chocolate would best match your taste, and what’s better, he can use that cute set of spoons you just gifted him.
Cater’s spicy pumpkin chocolates match his new skateboard.
Cater was very aware that today was Valentine's Day. Like, it's Cater we're talking about. He literally spent the entire week thinking of gift ideas for a friend crush in order to find the perfect one for you. He just wasn't expecting for you to pull an uno reverse card on him, or at least not before he gave you your gift. Less to say that he was over the moon with this action; he already had a new wallpaper and ten new posts featuring his new possessions. He was so excited that he forgot he had something for you, and by the time he remembered you were already gone. He figures out he can drop by Ramshackle later, but it didn't take long for him to realise that everyone would have the same idea. Oh well, what a perfect occasion to have a new skateboard~.
Ace’s chocolate-covered cherries match his new frog watch.
Ace has never been a big fan of Valentine's. After breaking up with his first girlfriend, he ended up disliking the romantic idea of the holiday. Though that didn't mean that he didn't like the presents and the chocolates, which he would sometimes receive. He used to feel confident when receiving those, yet he didn't give them too much importance, so he doesn't understand why he was blushing over some chocolate-covered cherries and a stupid frog watch. Like, are you mocking him, MC? Do you really think that he would use such a dumb thing? He definitely doesn't think that this is so cute coming from you, and he definitely is not going to use that watch everyday spoiler alert, he is definitely going to.
Deuce’s cinnamon flavored chocolate eggs match his chicken plushie.
Deuce isn't very versed when it comes to Valentine's. He did celebrate it with his mom, but that was literally it. The only times he received chocolates and other gifts were from anonymous letters, but he thought it was a joke, so he never tried to find the author (which ended up being a girl that had a huge crush on him). Hence why this boy is worried. He definitely appreciates you and your gifts, because it’s not every day that you get a Valentine’s gift from your crush! Like, what is he supposed to give you (even though you said it was fine) after you took the time and effort to elaborate such a wholesome gift? He ends up worrying so much about it that the chocolate has probably melted by now. But don’t worry, his plushie is still safe and sound!
You may be thinking that “they ended up living happy forever after,” right? No. That’s not how Heartslabyul works.
"Hey! Why is your chocolate bigger than mine?!"
"How is that my fault...? Hey! Stop trying to steal my chocolates!"
"There's no need to fight. I'm sure that the Prefect made sure to make everyone's chocolates equally."
"Yeah! You should worry about what to gift her instead~"
“I will take my leave then. You're free to come with me to try to find something that she would like.”
"Why did that sound so condescending...?"
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Savanaclaw’s was the second dorm you entered, and even if you loved the dorm, you weren’t sure how your chocolates were going to handle its weather because, surprise surprise: heat and chocolates do not go well together. Unless they like melted chocolate.
The situation didn’t seem to go any better, as you didn’t know where could the Savanaclaw students be. Well, all of them except for Leona, who was comfortably sleeping on the living room’s couch.
“Maybe we should find the others first. I don’t want to wake—” You commented, being abruptly interrupted by Grim and his yells, sighing upon the situation. “—Him up.”
"Hey, sleeping beauty! Wake up!" Your companion shouted, about to jump on his stomach before you grabbed him, keeping Grim from doing anything he might regret.
“Why are you being so goddamn loud...?” Leona grumbled, groggily standing up with a scowl on his face due to the sudden awakening. Looking at Grim, fully aware that he was the nuisance that interrupted his sleep, he sent him a threatening stare.
Before Grim could reply (or try to, at the very least), you stopped him from doing so, further explaining why you were in the dorm to begin with.
"I'm sorry, Leona. I'm sure it wasn't Grim's intention to wake you up in such a rude way," you stated, briefly glaring at the pouting creature.
"That's not true! And don't think that you've scared the great Grim! I—" Deciding that it was enough, you started to scratch behind his ear, sending an apologetic smile to the dorm leader in front of you, who seemed to be a little annoyed jealous of this action.
"I brought Valentine's presents for all of you," you answered, momentarily shocking the lion for a few seconds before his lips erupted into a smirk.
"Valentine's, huh?" He remarked, stepping closer towards you. "Then I guess today's the perfect day to—"
And just like we saw before (and will continue to see), Leona was interrupted, because students at this college apparently don’t like when people are about to finish their sentences.
Ruggie and Jack weren't far away from where you three were. In fact, both of them were preparing their meals before they heard your voice coming from the living room.
And when they decided to check, what's the first thing they see upon exiting the kitchen? His dorm leader shamelessly flirting with you at a really close distance while you carried a sleepy Grim.
"What do we have here~?" Ruggie chimed, walking towards your side so he could be near you. "What can we do for you, Prefect~?" He asked, ignoring Leona's death stare.
"And why did you bring such a large bag?" Jack questioned, making the two beastmen suddenly notice the heavy bag you were carrying on your shoulders.
"Glad you asked, Jack," you replied, looking through your bag’s different contents until you finally reached the ones that were labelled after them. "Happy Valentine's Day!"
Immediately following your statement, you presented them with their respective gifts, easily recognizable by the distinct yellow hue of the packaging.
The beastmen’s cheeks were slowly turning into a bright red after receiving the present, treating the little package like the most precious thing on earth, which was true, at least in their eyes.
"Are these… For us…?" Ruggie hesitated, unsure of how he should react.
"Duh! Didn't you just hear her?!" Grim said, annoyance showing in his voice.
"You're just jealous you didn't get anything," Leona guessed, smirking upon seeing how irked he got by that teasing comment.
"I'm sorry, MC, but I don't have anything for you," Jack apologised, and before he could even think of bowing before you, you stopped him.
"You don't have to give me anything. As long as you like the present, I have nothing to worry about," you explained with a small smile, starting to walk towards the exit. "Unfortunately, I can't stay for much longer. So, I guess I will see you later!" 
And with that, you managed to leave just before your fluffy companion started to complain.
Leona’s smoked dark chocolates match his new lion pendant.
Leona isn’t that used to celebrating holidays, and Valentine’s wasn’t the exception. He would sometimes receive large amounts of gifts, ranging from expensive jewelry to different sets of clothing; things that he would just leave unused and forgotten. But your gift is a different story. You can be sure this man is going to use that necklace until he dies. He’s not going to entertain the possibility of it going missing in the depths of his bedroom, already frowning at the imaginary scenario of looking at your sad face while you ask where his gift was. He even clicks his tongue in annoyance, putting on the pendant to make sure it wasn’t going anywhere. Let’s see how fast you catch on this one, herbivore.
Ruggie’s mini donuts covered in chocolate match his new handmade bracelet.
Ruggie hasn't received, nor gifted a Valentine's gift ever. Holiday presents were (and still are) something that he deems as important and special. The only times when he did gift something to someone were during birthdays and as thanks, and vice versa. He’s not used to receiving presents outside those situations, and what’s even more surprising to him is that you were the one that brought the gift. Actually, no; what’s more surprising than that is that you don’t want anything in return, something that really caught him off guard. Less to say that he is going to be over-protecting those presents; this was something that you made for him and him only, and so it shall continue that way except the donuts, he can’t let them rot, can he?
Jack’s pear cider chocolates match his new snowboarding gloves. 
Jack has actually received quite a few Valentine’s gifts, but the thing is, just like Deuce, he still doesn’t know who the person behind those presents was. He never paid a lot of attention to it at the time, and so he continued with his life. Now he’s aware that he had to paid attention before. The one day that he doesn’t check the calendar ends up being Valentine’s Day; I can completely assure you that he’s setting up an alarm for the next one, also adding to the reminder some present ideas that say: “you’re my crush,” but don’t scream it. When you leave, he stands so still you can mistake him for a statue; if statues could wag their tail, of course.
Savanaclaw is savage what a shock, right? These boys would not even let the other one stand next to their present. Sevens, they wouldn’t even let them breathe next to their present.
"I feel sorry for you. That's really all the Herbivore got you?"
"At least I will make sure to use it. I wonder how long it will take before that pendant disappears."
"What did you say?"
"I guess I will see you later. I don't want to be a part of this."
"Hey, come back!"
"We haven't even started on your present!"
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Octavinelle, as your following choice, felt like a secure place. You were almost sure you were going to find your friends in the blink of an eye, give them their gifts and head to the next dorm. Yet the variable you didn’t have into account was considering how empty and eerie the dorm appeared at first glance.
"Henchman?" Grim started.
"Yeah?" You answered, slowly walking towards the Mostro Lounge.
"Don't ya’ think there's something fishy going on today?"
"What do you mean?"
"Floyd and Jade aren't here."
And upon that remark, you stopped. Looking around to try to spot your usually welcome committee, you noted that Grim was correct. Jade and Floyd were nowhere to be found, slightly confusing you.
"Well, today must be a busy day at the Mostro Lounge. They are most likely working," you said, resuming your walk.
Although Grim didn’t seem to want to continue the walk, scared to be a victim of whatever evil scheme the eels were plotting.
You assured that you wouldn’t let anything happen to him on your guard, to which he responded by saying he didn’t need your protection, rambling about how you dared to think he wasn't strong enough to protect you— Ahem, to protect himself and you, until he suddenly stopped.
"Henchman," he started again.
"Yeah?" you answered a second time.
"I think there's someone behind us—"
Noticing two large shadows that covered yours, you both slowly turned around, encountering two identical faces that looked down on you with a sly smile, vocalizing:
"What a pleasant surprise to see you here, Prefect."
Grim let out a high-pitched scream, hiding behind your legs due to the shock, unaware of the death stare that Floyd directed at him.
"Ah, Jade, Floyd. We were just talking about you," you said, sighing in relief upon listening to their characteristic voices.
"Wah~! Did you hear that, Jade? Shrimpy was looking for me~" Floyd exclaimed, to which his twin only chuckled.
"I heard that she was looking for both of us, in fact," and before his brother could whine in response, Jade added. "Why would that be, Prefect?"
"Before I answer to that, do you know where Azul is?" you asked, looking behind them in hopes that the octomerman would appear.
"Azul? Oh, that's right," Jade let out a small smile. "He must be looking for us."
"Eh~? But I don't want to go back!" Floyd whined, thinking about what he could do to avoid going to work again. "Oh!" He exclaimed, an imaginary light bulb appearing over his head. "I can hide behind you, right, Shrimpy~?"
"You can try, but I don't think it would do much," you responded, and just when he was about to do it, you heard a yell coming from the end of the hallway.
"Jade! Floyd!" Azul screamed, walking over to where you were. "Do I need to remind you that you are still working? If you continue—"
"Hello, Azul," you greeted, seeing how the businessman yelped due to the surprise, unaware that you were behind Jade. "Great timing, I was about to look after you."
"Prefect!" He exclaimed, unconsciously tidying himself up, trying to distract you from his earlier action. "And why did you want to see me?" He stuttered, cheeks tinted of a light pink.
"I'm sure you already know what day is today, so I'm just going to give you these," you briefly explained, handing all of them their respective gifts and chocolates. "Happy Valentine's Day!"
"Valentine's...?" Floyd muttered, face brightening up due to the excitement. "Does this mean Shrimpy loves me~?" He boldly asked, trying to get a shy reaction out of you, all while Azul covered his face in embarrassment, making this scenario all the much more entertaining to Jade, who was lightly chucking.
Yet when all of this unfolded, you talked, saying something that took all three of them by surprise. “Of course, I love you all after all,” you replied with a bright and contagious smile; it was at that moment that Grim realised that if he didn't do anything about this soon, they wouldn't let you go, and he can't let that happen.
"Henchman! We have to get going! Is gonna take us forever to finish if we stay here!" 
You sighed at Grim’s impatient behavior, not really understanding where it was coming from. But he was right; your chocolates weren’t going to last a whole day outside, they just weren’t made for that kind of purpose.
"As you see, me and my new guardian have to get going, so I will see you later," you joked, being weakly dragged by your companion, biding them farewell (hoping that Floyd wasn’t going to carry you like a sack of potatoes, again).
Azul’s blueberry flavoured chocolate coins match his new octopus coin.
Azul didn't really care about Valentine's (and no, it’s not because he was made fun of constantly during this day, why would you think that? It was, please give this boy lots of hugs and support); the only reason keeps track of it is that he knows it's a very profitable holiday. And I said "didn't" because that was before he realised that he had a crush on you... Okay, maybe Jade made him aware, but he still realised it. He spent the last couple of months planning the perfect plan to confess to you or at least try to, but this wasn't on his schedule. He marked this situation as "very improbable," hence why he looks like he has a fever. Furthermore, he tries to dissimulate it since he doesn't want the twins to make fun of him (again), but it's too late. A flustered Azul is always going to be interesting to witness.
Jade’s chocolate shaped mushrooms (like the Meiji Kinoko Chocolate), match his new decorations for his terrariums.
Jade is sort of neutral about Valentine's. He's not one that usually gives gifts (he definitely gave Floyd some mushrooms as a Valentine’s gift, and you can tell he was not happy about it), but he has definitely received a couple of presents, which he usually doesn’t keep unless they're interesting enough. But, if he's being honest, he wouldn't throw away anything that you gift to him; most people would call it "simping", he calls it "courtesy." His first reaction is to smile upon receiving it, yet unlike most of his mannerisms (which he keeps very controlled), this was something that to the untrained eye would go unnoticed, yet his twin and his boss childhood friend know that there's a hint of genuine happiness in it.
Floyd’s sea salt caramel lego-shaped chocolates match his new eel bracelet with his name on it.
Unlike his brother, Floyd thinks Valentine's is a very interesting holiday. He considers it the “funniest” day just because he finds the rejected Valentine’s faces so amusing. One thing he has in common with Jade though, is that he doesn't keep most of the presents given to him, especially if he can't see the reaction of the person. So, to meet his expectations you have to: one, give it to him directly, and two, wait for the best. Fortunately, we're talking about you, so that’s good news for you. Although the bad news is that you only have two options now that you’ve given him something: run or face his clinginess. 
If you didn’t know who these students were, you wouldn’t be amused, but if you do, well, it certainly was strange seeing all three (especially Floyd) staying idle in the middle of the hallway just... Existing.
"Why are you standing there? Go back to work."
"Aren't you going with us, boss?"
"Yeah! That's really unfair!"
"I have some important things that I have to take care of."
"Really? How strange, I remember you said that you had some paperwork to do."
"Oh~ Jade caught you lying, Azul~"
"Just go back to work, and don't even think about following me."
"Do you want to follow him, Jade~?"
"Of course, Floyd."
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Since Scarabia was your next stop, you were a bit worried. Mainly because Scarabia’s weather, just like Savanaclaw, wasn’t the ideal for your chocolates to be in. Yet, something that kept your hopes high was your positivism, assuring yourself (in order to not panic) that you were going to find your friends rapidly.
"Henchman, don't ya' think we should hurry? I don't think those chocolates can stand this heat."
"I know, it’s starting to worry me," you responded, face changing from concern to determination. "But I think I know where they could be."
Grim tilted his head, as if asking: "What do you mean?"
"I called Kalim earlier to ask him about his and Jamil's plans. They don't stay in one place for long, so it was only to be sure."
"And where are they then?"
"Right here," you stated, standing in front of a big door: the one that contained all of Kalim's treasures.
You grabbed the handle, ready to open it when suddenly, the door pulled towards you. It collided with your forehead, making you lose your balance slightly, trying to not fall since it could make it worse.
"Prefect!" The Scarabia students exclaimed, worried and confused about what just happened. "Are you okay?!"
"It's okay, I'm okay," you reassured them, holding your head as a reflexive reaction.
"Henchman! Can you hear me?!" Grim yelled, making you wince slightly due to the headache. "How dare ya', pesky humans! She could have died!"
"I'm so sorry, Prefect! Do you need to go to the infirmary? Jamil and I can bring you there!" Kalim exclaimed; eyes full of concern out of fear of something severe happening to you.
"Don't worry, Kalim. I know it was an accident," you said, feeling much better now that they were starting to quiet down. “I’m sure it’s not going to leave a scar or something.”
"Prefect, are you completely sure? We don't have any problem accompanying you to the nurse," Jamil suggested, but you refused.
"Guys, seriously, I'm fine," you said, crouching down, so you could look for their gifts. "Now onto the thing I wanted to talk about..." You handed them the presents and chocolates. "Happy Valentine's."
"Valentine's...?" Kalim asked, thinking about something for a moment before an imaginary light bulb appeared over his head. "Oh, that's right! We also have a present for you as well! Right, Jamil?"
Jamil didn't answer, seemingly lost for a few seconds until he snapped out of his trance. "Yeah, that's right," he answered, murmuring a little "thanks," loud enough for you to hear.
"It's nothing. I hope you like it, I tried to make them the best I could."
Before they could show you your gift, Grim had enough of this and decided that it was time to move on, practically dragging you outside Scarabia.
"Goodbye guys, maybe we can see each other later— Grim! Stop pulling me! I only have this pair of pants!"
Kalim and Jamil may be very different, but if they had one thing in common as of right now is that they were completely happy to receive such a heartfelt gift.
Kalim’s coconut chocolates match his new friendship bracelet.
Kalim has definitely received plenty of Valentine's chocolates and gifts in equal amounts, even if most of them came from his parents and his thirty siblings. All of this made Kalim believe that celebrating Valentine’s like that was very normal to be honest, it’s more of a lovely Halloween than most things, but that’s fine, it’s Kalim; at least, the platonic side of it. This could explain why it felt kind of odd when he received your gift, but don’t worry! It’s a good type of odd. He knows that he has a crush on you Jamil’s courtesy, so this gave him the slight hope that you might see him more than a friend one day. And even if not, he’s totally okay with it, since he will still be able of being your friend.
Jamil’s chili pepper chocolates match his new talking parrot plushie.
Jamil isn’t very fond of Valentine’s. It is not a surprise that he didn’t receive as many gifts as Kalim, but he never showed his discomfort to not anger his family; after all, he already knew that he just wasn’t made to give and receive something like that, or at least, that was his mentality until you and your adorable present came into the picture. He just thinks you’re a box full of surprises He had absolutely no idea that he was going to fall for you, but just like he never expected to like you, you surprised him with a gift. You gifted him something. MC, let me tell you that if he wasn’t head over heels for you, he now is.
Scarabia is by far the most normal one out the seven dorms. They’re happy, and that’s all. The difference is that one of them shows it and the other doesn’t.
“Did you see that, Jamil?! She said she made them herself!”
“Yes, Kalim, I heard it. You don’t have to yell”
“Oh, right, sorry!”
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Pomefiore, being the next one on your list, gave you hope. Hope that maybe your original plan will work, and that you would be able to leave quickly enough to continue the rest of your long journey.
But, as you already may have guessed, things can’t be that simple.
“How strange...” You muttered, walking away from the common room after finding it empty. “Where could they be?”
“Nyah! It’s gonna take us forever to find them!” Grim whined, already tired from all the searching. “Can’t we just leave the gifts at their doors?”
“I’m not going to do that, Grim,” you stated, intently searching for your friends. “The whole point of this was to hand them the presents personally, even if it takes me the whole day.” Believe me, MC. It is going to take you the whole day.
“But we can’t just expect them to appear out of nowhere!” He claimed, unaware of the towering figures that stood right behind him after voicing those words.
“Yes, that seems certainly impossible,” Vil said, scaring Grim to the point where he climbed to your arms, hissing at the student. “Oh, did I scare you?” He teased, a bit more playful than usual.
“For your information, ya’ didn’t scare me!” Your companion quickly retorted, and although he tried to come up with an excuse to fight back, you stepped in to prevent a petty argument—certainly a wise decision—.
“So, before Grim can start a discussion here, in the middle of the hallway. Again,” you called out, eyeing him, trying to make him understand the hint. “I would like to give you these.”
“Are these... Gifts?” Epel asked, unsure of why the sudden display of affection. “Why are ya’ giving us this...?”
“Epel, don’t be disrespectful,” Vil corrected, sighing upon seeing that his little apprentice apparently didn’t know what day it was. 
“You see, Monsieur Crabapple. Today is the magnifique holiday called Valentine’s Day!” Rook briefly clarified, proceeding to deliver a monologue embellished with fancy words, listing all the wonderful things that Valentine’s entailed. “How wonderful out of you, dear Trickster, to grace us with these detailed presents!”
The hunter approached you, taking your hands in his as he gazed into your eyes, seemingly aware of the looks he was receiving from his housewarden and dorm fellow.
It wasn’t until Vil coughed that Rook stopped, only chuckling slightly while leaving your hand, not wanting to infuriate his beautiful friend.
“They do seem very elaborate. So, I’m grateful for this present, dear potato,” he thanked, looking at Epel to remind him that he hadn’t thanked you yet.
“Oh! Thank you for these gifts, MC. I’m sorry that I don’t have anything to give you in return...” The boy apologized, making you sigh once again.
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” You commented, amused at your friend’s sincere words. “I’m not doing this in exchange for gifts. This is a gift to thank you all for being amazing friends.”
Ouch. Collective friend-zoning. That must’ve hurt.
“Yet, we do have presents for you, ma chérie,” Rook voiced, not wanting you to go before you received their display of affection.
“Indeed. We don’t have them here, but—”
“No!” Grim interrupted, having enough of the whole conversation. “Henchman, it’s getting late and, we still have lots of gifts to deliver!” He said, trying to convince you to get out of Pomefiore before Vil and Rook’s charms trapped you there.
You turned to the students, doing an apologetic bow before explaining. “I’m sorry, he’s right. I can’t stay for much longer. But I appreciate the intention, and I hope to see you later— Grim! Why are you so impatient?!”
“We have to keep moving! So say goodbye to them already!” The little creature demanded, threatening to rip the hem on your pants.
“Okay, okay! Goodbye, guys! Maybe we can meet later!” Was the last thing they heard you say before disappearing behind a corner with your protective monster-cat.
And so, surprised and with rosy cheeks that weren’t part of their makeup, they headed towards the— Oh, it seems like they don’t remember anymore... You’re giving people amnesia, MC.
Vil's chocolate-covered berries match his new bouquet of violets.
Vil has a long history with Valentine’s Day; specifically the gift part of Valentine’s. This man right here has received countless gifts and cards from fans and people around him confessing their love in extravagant—and sometimes expensive—ways. He’s used to this by this point, but his balance point was broken the moment you decided to hand him that present. Dear potato, have you ever thought about being the partner of a renowned celebrity? No...? Well, would you like to? Because Vil takes this detail as your way of expressing your fondness for him. Sure, you said it was because he’s an ‘amazing friend’ (which he obviously is), but that doesn’t mean you can’t see him as more than a friend. After all, Vil’s patience is truly one of his virtues just don’t tell him you have a gift for Neige. You know, only if you want him to live a bit longer.
Rook’s mint chocolates match his new poetry book.
Oh dear, when I say no one at Night Raven College loves Valentine’s as much as Rook does, I’m being completely serious. We’re talking about a holiday that’s all about expressing love, and taking into account that Rook calls himself “le chasseur d’amore...” There’s not much left to piece together, is it. He is mesmerized by this gift; it doesn’t matter if you said it was to appreciate his friendship, he’s focusing on the fact that you, kind and wholehearted you, seemed to put so much effort to make this present that was for him and him only. Oh, beautiful Trickster; I hope you are prepared, for this dedicated hunter is going to be next at your feet expressing his admiration and appreciation for you in a very... ‘Rook manner,’ for the next couple of days... Or weeks. Maybe months, but it’s not like he didn’t do that from before, so that’s fine.
Epel’s chocolate-dipped apple rings match his new apple plushie (with an evil smile, may I add)
Epel isn’t really involved in Valentine’s. His experience with it consists of him occasionally receiving some gifts from his family and carving out some apples with Valentine’s elements on them. Being the only young boy in a village full of elderly people, we can assume that he never really got into touch with the romantic part of the holiday; at least, not until now. And I have to congratulate you, MC; you just made Epel’s face resemble an apple, and all because of your thoughtfulness. Now, does he think that having plushies is manly? No. But will he put your gift aside because of this? No. Not only because it will make you sad, but also because he assumes it wouldn’t be so bad to have an evil apple plushie in his room. You know, at least it’s evil, and that makes it a bit more manly. Sevens Epel, a manly apple-?
Pomefiore are just turning on the passive-aggressive mode. Nothing can stop these boys from feeling superior just because they received a personalized gift (which everyone got, but let’s not ruin their fantasy).
“Isn’t our belle Trickster so endearing. To take her precious time by making all of us these detailed gifts; ah, what a beautiful way to celebrate Valentine’s!”
“Although yours doesn’t seem that detailed, Rook. Are ya’ happy with that pocket diary?”
“I could ask the same to you, Epel. Although I may say that plushie compliments you.”
“Quit that, please...”
“There’s no need to be embarrassed, Monsieur Crabapple! The magnifique shade of this plushie truly enhances your beauty!”
“I’m not going to ask you anything from today onwards...”
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Ignihyde had to be the easier dorm to “infiltrate” so far. The housewarden was known for being a programming genius, but also, and most important of all, for staying in his room.
It was a fool-proof plan. Entering Ignihyde, encountering Ortho along the way, and finally, greet Idia at his bedroom Nothing could go wrong.
And this may surprise you, but contrary to all the things that happened to you today, nothing went wrong. In fact, the list of events I just spelled did happen in that order.
After entering Ignihyde, you were greeted with the usual sight of an almost empty living room, saluting the few students that weren’t occupied with winning an intense game of Animal Crossing.
Subsequent to the first stage of your plan, you encountered the youngest Shroud brother while walking towards the oldest, seeing his cheerful face approach you with a welcoming voice.
“Hello, MC! What brings you here today?” Ortho said, instantly noting the large bag behind your bag. “And why are you carrying that bag? Are my brother and you going to study today?”
You giggled at his comment, shaking your head in refusal. “Not exactly. I’m here to gift Idia a Valentine’s present.” You explained, followed by asking if he was in his room.
Ortho stayed silent for a couple seconds, quickly searching for the holiday you just mentioned, and when he knew what it was about... Let’s just say that his expectations of you confessing to Idia (because honestly, at this point he knows his brother isn’t going to, for now, at least) were rising like the sky-high.
“Of course! My brother will be very happy to see you and to receive your awesome present, MC!” The little one answered, taking you by your hand to guide you to Idia’s room.
As soon as he arrived, Ortho knocked on the door, patiently waiting for his brother’s response.
“What is it, Ortho?” Idia asked, lazily opening the door, thinking that Ortho had come up with another plan to hang out with you. Jokes on him, no plan was needed, as you were right in front of him, a wide smile plastered over your face. “MC—!” He blurted out, surprised to see you.
“Hello, Idia,” you exclaimed, assuming that it would be best if you explained the meaning behind your visit. “I know you may be busy, and I don’t intend to take much of your time. I just wanted to give you this,” and thus you gifted the blue haired boy a small blue box, alongside a translucent bag of chocolates.
“Huh...? W-why are you giving me this...?” The boy questioned, only to be smacked with a reality check by remembering all the special side quests he completed regarding the love and friendship’s special day. “Oh. OH—”
In the blink of an eye his hair goes from blue to a bright pink, not giving you enough time to comment about it since he shuts the door just as fast, too embarrassed to pronounce a word other than a small: “thank you.”
“Brother! Are you okay? Your heart rate is going extremely fast!” Ortho voiced, not really helping Idia’s situation don’t tell him that, he’ll get sad.
“Don’t worry, Ortho. I’m pretty sure Idia’s okay. He must’ve been taken aback, that’s all.”
“Yeah, he’s definitely fine and we should definitely go to deliver these last presents,” Grim suggested, already making his way back to the mirror chamber.
“Not so fast, Grim. I have yet to give Ortho his gift.” The mentioned raised an eyebrow, certainly not expecting that.
“A gift? For me?” He uttered while moving his head to the side in curiosity.
“Yeah, for you,” you reiterated, handing him a little box—no chocolates this time because, well, he’s a robot—. “I hope you like it. You can place them wherever you want, and they also got little chains in case you want to bring them with you.”
He stares at the keychains, looking at the similar characteristics between him, his brother, Grim and you; and with a bright smiley face, he exclaims: “thank you, MC! I will make sure to take great care of these!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. We have to keep going, if you don’t mind.”
“Goodbye, Ortho. And goodbye, Idia! Hope you like your present too!” You voiced, unsure if he heard you or not.
Oh, and indeed he heard you, it’s just that he’s a little too occupied trying to not die from cuteness overload— Never mind, he just short-circuited.
Idia’s peanut butter chocolates match his new videogame.
Taking into account his past, we can safely say that Idia didn’t really have a lot of experience with Valentine’s, aside from the games, that’s for sure. He never gave or received any chocolates nor gifts, and you know what? He was fine with that; just enjoying his games and not worrying about love and romance at least irl, because this man proclaims himself as an expert when it comes to ships in manga and video games. He was fine, and now he isn’t. His mind is flooded with too many questions, like: why on earth would you give him anything? Is it because of social etiquette or because you wanted to? How did you get your hands on this game? Should he take this as a sign to finally confess his undeniable crush on you—? Okay, he may have gone a little too far with that one. But don’t worry! He is going to do it, it’s just that it might take a bit of time. He’s absolutely going to gift you something back, don’t doubt it. But you may want to wait after the short-circuit passes.
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Now, you knew that Diasomnia was going to be a tough one. Firstly, you were sure there was going to be a lot of shouting (Sebek’s courtesy), followed by Lilia, and possibly Malleus’ teasing. Silver was the only one that didn’t really do much apart from being the most normal being out of the four that’s a compliment, Silver. You make MC’s life a bit easier.
“Okay, Grim,” you started, happy upon seeing that this was the last location. “After this, we can go back to Ramshackle and eat the dinner you were so impatient for. Isn’t that exciting?”
No response.
“Well, I know you’re tired, but I have to thank you for accompanying me today. Even if you were a bit rude and odd, it really means a lot that—” 
“The Great Grim is going to fight all of you...!” He interrupted, mumbling incoherent things while you looked at his sleeping face, not sure when or how he fell asleep.
“I should have guessed that a whole day of walking may end up in this,” you muttered, carefully lifting him up so he could rest in your shoulders, trying to accommodate him the best you could as you made your way towards the Witch of Thorns’ dorm.
If felt strange having Grim by your side and not hearing him chit-chat with his characteristic tone, after all, it’s not like Grim and silence usually got along unless he was sleeping or reprimanded.
Feeling a bit bored, you started to hum softly, slowly strolling to find the garden, where you thought your friends might be.
It didn’t take long for you to encounter them, and they, likewise, didn’t take long to notice you were there. 
Malleus approached you first, a smile spreading across his face upon seeing you. “How delightful it is to see you, Child of Man. What brings you here today?” He asked, unsuspecting of the surprise you’ve prepared for all of them.
“Oh. Don’t tell me the rumors are true,” Lilia voiced, floating behind you to take a peek inside your bag. It seemed like him, unlike the rest of the dorm, was aware of your intentions.
“What rumors...?” You questioned, keeping him from grabbing one of the small boxes sitting at the bottom of the bag. 
He blinked in surprise, followed by a giggle after realising that you had no idea what was being said behind your back. “I wouldn’t like to ruin the surprise. It’s something you may want to express yourself, am I right?”
“Master Lilia! What do you mean by that?” Sebek shouted, prompting you to shush him quickly so Grim wouldn’t wake up. “You dare to quiet me down, human—!”
“Sebek,” Silver intervened, noticing the sleeping being on your shoulders, and thus he pointed it for the green haired boy to see.
“I’m sorry for shushing you, Sebek. It’s just that Grim is asleep and I don’t want to wake him up,” you apologized, hoping that your crocodile friend would try to lower his voice at least a little.
“O-okay, human. But—!” He paused briefly, trying to not raise his voice. “I’m not doing it because of your orders.”
You sighed, thankful for his thoughtfulness, even if he didn’t want to admit it. “Thank you, Sebek.”
Malleus coughed as he eyed his guardian’s red face, wanting to continue the original topic. “Say, Child of Man. You were about to tell us the meaning behind your visit.”
“Oh, that’s right,” you replied, cautiously taking the four remaining gifts to give them to the students. “I wanted to give you something as a Valentine’s Day present. So, I hope you like these details,” you stated, sighing after handing out the gifts, glad that this would be the last parade.
“My, my. I didn’t expect to receive a Valentine’s Day gift until a couple more of years,” Lilia muttered, seemingly happy to see his gift. 
Silver stood silently for a few seconds, quickly realising that he had to thank you, softly expressing his gratitude over your recent action.
Sebek felt in the obligation to ask the purpose of this unexpected act, but since he wasn’t able didn’t want to express it his usual way, he recurred to mumble a small ‘thank you,’ taking you by surprise.
And the last and most dramatic reaction of all had to be given to Malleus. Just as we’ve seen before, he tends to... Overreact a little when it comes to small details like this one; so, in truly dragon-fae fashion, he kneeled before you, took your hand and prepared to say the words he’s been wanting to say for a long time now.
Lilia, however, had to step in, immediately clarifying how Valentine’s Day is also a day express your love for your friends. Less to say that if Malleus had his dragon ears, they would be flopped down like a puppy.
“Well. It seems that your wonderful visit has brought new moments to reminisce about,” the old fae said, trying his best to ease the situation. “We are very grateful for what you’ve gifted us today.”
“I’m happy to see that you’ve liked them,” you voiced, chuckling a bit after witnessing their reactions. “And, although I can’t really stay for much longer, I enjoyed this moment with you.”
You were about to head out after biding them goodbye, only to be stopped by Malleus, who was still a little gloomy for the news he just received. “Do you really have to go now, Child of Man?”
“Unfortunately, I do. It’s already late and Grim might get mad at me if he finds out that he’s not at Ramshackle when he wakes up,” you calmly explained, softly caressing his cheek as you walked away, promising him that you would have more time to spend together tomorrow.
You better keep that promise, MC. Malleus is already too dejected to suffer another deception.
Malleus’ gelato truffles match his new gargoyle keychain.
Malleus’ knows what Valentine’s is, but his knowledge about it is limited to the romantic part of it. Hence why he is about to pursue you, ready to propose, again, and take you to his castle so that you can live a long and happy life together; until Lilia explained him the other side of the holiday, disappointing the dragon fae. Well, excuse him, Lilia, but how was he supposed to know that humans also celebrate their friendship during Valentine’s. He’s frustrated, but also enchanted  in a nutshell, he’s a mess right now. Yes, he’s still quite sad that this wasn’t a confession and that he may have to wait a bit of time before making a move on you, but nonetheless, you just expressed that you care and appreciate him, and that, at least for now, was enough for him.
Lilia’s green tea chocolates match his new bouquet of black and fuchsia roses.
Lilia has witnessed and experienced many Valentine’s days during his life. He probably has enough information to fill an entire encyclopedia about it, maybe including some of his stories as a bonus. Having lived for so long, Lilia finds enjoyment in how humans celebrate their holidays; and Valentine’s wasn’t the exception. He reminisces about his past lovers and confidants, basking in the subtle aroma of his recently acquired bouquet while thinking about all the memories he made along the way. This may sound like something an old man would say, but Lilia truly relishes in the fleeting moments that life graces him with; he most definitely takes delight in spending those moments with you, happy to see that you also enjoy his presence.
Silver’s cashew chocolates match his new deer plushie.
Silver’s pretty much indifferent towards Valentine’s. He doesn’t have time to celebrate these kinds of festivities when he has to make sure his young master isn’t in any danger. But he guesses that once a while won’t hurt... Malleus and Lilia are within his sight, Sebek is right next to him, and he doesn’t have the will to reject your gift. After all, who is he to decline such a selfless act? He gives you a warm smile as his cheeks turn into a slight shade of pink, uttering grateful words until he was too sleepy to continue the conversation. Just as he was slowly falling asleep, he unconsciously hugged his new stuffed plushie, unaware of the future teasing his father would carry out. Well, seeing the bright side of it though: he had an splendid nap and you had another sleeping beauty Silver picture. A win-win situation indeed.
Sebek’s lemon caramel chocolates match his new crocodile and dragon mug.
Sebek wasn’t and still isn’t fond of Valentine’s Day. In fact, he’s not fond of almost any of the holidays that you, mere humans, like to celebrate. However, even if he states that he doesn’t care about your gift and complaints about your display of affection towards his young master, Sebek ends up liking you a little bit more than usual. Don’t be mistaken, human! It’s not because of the cute action you just confer upon him, why would you even think that? He just thinks that a gift like this can be very useful, that’s all! He’s not smitten by your sweet smile, kind and thoughtful self, or the way your eyes shine when you’re happy... Wait, what was he saying? Oh, of course! He’s definitely not smitten by any of those things I just mentioned, so don’t you dare to think that after he gifts you your Valentine’s gift. What? It’s called being polite, you know?
Diasomnia might be the only dorm that doesn’t take down the gifts from the other students. Most likely because they were all a happy and beloved family... And also due to them thinking very highly of their presents. But is something that most people have done at this point, so the first part still stands.
“How come I didn’t know about this...”
“Oh, don’t worry, my prince! For the Prefect most certainly did this with love and effort for all of us!”
“It certainly seems that human put so much care into these...”
“What are you mumbling, Sebek?”
“That’s right. If I gift Child of Man a present deserving of her, I can partake in this celebration with her.”
“What an enlivening idea! This makes the perfect occasion to try out that cookie recipe I got from Jade, kee hee~”
“Father, please don’t.”
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The wood of the door creaking was the only sound that could be heard upon returning to your dorm. Being accustomed to it, you didn’t think of it as you left Grim on the couch, sitting next to him while watching his peaceful face, far away in dreamland.
“Aww, isn’t he the cutest when he isn’t awake?” Brawley commented, appearing out of nowhere as he floated around the little creature.
“So, tell us, MC. How did you Valentine’s journey go?” Conrad asked, anticipating an answer that never came. “MC?”
When the ghosts turned to look at you, all they found was your sleeping form, who couldn’t resist the tiredness after a whole day of walking and searching.
“Poor thing. She must be so exhausted,” Arthur said, dragging a blanket to shield you from the cold weather. “I can’t believe she really took it upon herself to prepare all of those gifts.”
“Right? I haven’t seen anyone so determined to prepare so many boxes and chocolates without expecting something in return,” Brawley added, trying his best to sneak a pillow under your head.
“Well, she may not expect anything in return, but I’m almost completely sure those boys are going to return the favor,” Conrad voiced, placing Grim in a more comfortable spot close to you, careful to not wake him up.
After that, your ghost fellows decided to float around for a bit, talking amongst themselves to guess what the gifts your friends had for you might be, also questioning if they were also thinking of competing not only for your attention, but for your love as well.
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kingofpopmj · 6 months
hii. can you please do an imagine, where michael in his mature era (aka: mac daddy mike), has a naive soon to be wife, and she doesn't know ANYTHING about sexy times, so Michael decides to teach her. Please and ty
Oooo hunni! You guys keep summoning Naughty Nevaeh lol
Here you go! I hope you enjoy.. 🙈
Let Me Fill You With My Dreams
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Michael and I had finally arrived home after a long day full of appearances. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. The hysteria that follows Michael wherever he goes is unfathomable, yet he handles it with such grace. Usually, we keep a safe distance at public events, I appear more so as apart of his entourage than his partner, but it’s how we planned it. However, that was all in the past, now that I’m his fiancée we decided I’d be by his side. We were more than ready. As always he was extremely protective of me and made sure I felt safe. We announced our engagement only a few days prior. Michael and I were elated, the media on the other hand was relentless, I was labeled a gold digger, Michael was attacked and mocked— nothing too out of the norm, which pissed me off to no end, but he insisted I bite my tongue. He ensured me that he could handle it. It was tough to say the least. The noise surrounding us was so hateful— so loud and they were all rooting against us. It was infuriating. Unfortunately, as much as I tried to ignore the noise, it successfully added fuel to the flames of my own insecurities and I had no idea how to come clean to Michael, but it had to happen and soon.
“Baby?” I heard Michael’s voice, along with his footsteps nearing his— our bedroom— where I was currently hiding. “There you are! What’s wrong?”
“Hi. Nothing. Nothing” I answered quickly.
“You haven’t been yourself all day. I know these events can be draining. The crowds of people, the bright lights and the screaming. It’s a lot to get used to. If you don’t like them I promise I won’t force you to attend. I’ll understand. It won’t upset me.” The concerned look on his face made the knot in my stomach tighten. “Are you having doubts? Do you not want to get married?” My heart ached at the pain evident in his voice.
“No! Michael, of course not. I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“I’m sorry. I know I wasn’t the best date tonight.” I tried to ease my way into this conversation.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No. It’s just last night—”
“I knew it. I’m sorry if I did too much. I was trying to be spontaneous you know? I completely understand if you want to wait until our wedding night. No matter what it’ll be perfect.”
“It’s not that I want to wait.”
“Talk to me.” He whispered with pleading eyes.
“I’m— I’ve never really— I don’t—” I began stuttering, unable to complete a sentence, my hands trembling as I tried desperately not to hyperventilate.
“Woah. Okay, breathe. Baby, it’s okay. Everything is okay.” Michael wrapped his arms around me, leaving a kiss on my forehead and began to sing to me softly.
Every night she walks right in my dreams
Since I met her from the start
I'm so proud I am the only one
Who is special in her heart
The girl is mine
“Keep going.” I smiled into his chest, loving the sound of his voice.
“Baby, if you wanted me to sing for you, all you had to do was ask.”
“You’re so annoying.” I playfully rolled my eyes, moving to sit on the bed.
“I’ll keep going if—” he paused dramatically, putting his hand in the air. “You tell me what’s on your mind. You can talk to me about anything.”
“I’m nervous about going further because—” I drifted off, feeling overwhelming embarrassment. “I’m a virgin.” I said barely above a whisper.
The only clue I was given that Michael heard my confession was how his grip on my hand loosened before pulling away all together. This was just what I was afraid of, he’s going to leave me.
“I should’ve told you sooner. I’m sorry Michael. I understand if—” I couldn’t bring myself to finish the sentence, so instead I slowly twisted the engagement ring off my finger, trying to fight the tears that threatened to fall as I reached my hand out to return the ring to Michael.
“No. No. I don’t want it back. No. Baby, it belongs right here.” He spoke softly, he sat down next to me as he slid the ring back onto my finger. “Thank you for telling me. I’m sorry if I pressured you. It wasn’t my intention.”
“I don’t feel pressured. I want to. I want to be with you. I just— I’m terrified of disappointing you.”
“You could never disappoint me.” Michael moved closer to me, pulling me into his chest. “I love you so much.”
Suddenly, I didn’t feel afraid, with the weight of my confession finally off my shoulders, I was able to feel something else. Love. Desire. Yearning. Craving. It was all I could feel and I couldn’t help myself— I couldn’t wait any longer. I looked up at him, his beautiful chocolate brown eyes staring back at me. I grasped at his collar with my fingers, pulling him into me, desperately needing him as close as possible. He kissed me back, his hands finding the small of my back, holding me tenderly. I moved into his lap, straddling him as our kiss intensified. I began to unbutton his shirt, before I heard Michael’s voice.
“Slow down.” He gently took my hands into his. “Baby, we don’t have to do this right now. I’ll wait as long as you need. You’re more than worth the wait.”
“All I need is you. Right now. I’m ready.”
“Are you positive?”
“Yes, just maybe talk me through it? Teach me a thing or two? I really want you to enjoy it.”
“Baby, I’m already enjoying it.” He smiled, gesturing to the erection poking into my inner thigh. “Just call me Professor Jackson.” He said, with a flirtation wink.
“You’re making me blush!” I giggled, burying my face in his neck. “I’m trying to be serious! Sexy even..”
“You’re always sexy. You don’t have to try.” He spoke lowly, picking me up, laying me back on the bed as he placed himself between my legs. “Oh, I can do serious.”
“Michael!” I yelped, feeling his warm hand slipping underneath my dress, moving up my thigh teasingly.
“Relax. Let me teach you.”
“Please. Teach me.” I begged, the anticipation building as his hand hovered between my legs, fiddling with the lace of my panties. Michael kneeled down in front of me, causing the air to get stuck in my lungs.
“Do you trust me?” He whispered, his breath tickling my thigh. I was desperate for more.
“Yes what?” He asked, looking deep into my eyes, his long fingers slipped underneath the lace, his touch sending a shiver throughout my body.
“I trust you, Professor Jackson.”
“Oh, that sounds so much better coming out of your beautiful mouth.” He smirked, kissing me and quite literally taking my breath away. He ripped off the lace that covered my modesty, this side of Michael was quickly becoming my favorite.
I felt an overwhelming urge to scream as Michael began moving his fingers in a circular motion. My breathing becoming unsteady, struggling to process the pleasure I was feeling for the very first time.
“It’s all about touch.” He whispered. “It comes naturally once you stop overthinking.” His pace increasing as he spoke. ���When two people are as connected as you and I— every kiss, every touch, everything feels— amplified.”
“Michael! Michael!” My body shaking, falling back into the mattress, suddenly I didn’t feel his fingers anymore. I felt something else— something even better. I slowly glanced down, seeing the top of Michael’s head, his face buried between my legs. The sight alone was enough to drive me crazy. I could feel his tongue, the way it curved, the way it moved, the way it sent shocks of electricity through me. My back arched, unintentionally thrusting my hips forward, locking my leg around the back of his neck. I began to curse profusely, feeling his hand slowly travel up under the fabric of my dress, the skin to skin contact made me shiver as he took a firm hold of my breast.
“Oh! My!” I felt a build up in my core, gripping the comforter tightly, attempting to ground myself, but there was no use. My thighs clenched around Michael’s head as a sound fell from my lips— one I didn’t know I was capable of.
“Just breathe.” I heard his voice, as his fingers slid the straps of my dress down my arms. He leaned down kissing and sucking down my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut. “I got you.”
“Please—” I pleaded between my gasps for air. I had no idea what I wanted. I just knew I didn’t want this to end. Not yet.
“I’m going to try something first.” Michael said before I felt his lips on my nipple. “How does that feel?”
“So good.”
“Open.” Michael murmured, gently tapping my knees. I did as I was told, watching as he removed his pants, taking a place in between my legs.
“Is it going to hurt?” I said quietly.
“I’d never hurt you.” He grabbed my arms, placing them above my head and intertwined our fingers. “I’ll go slow.”
As he looked into my eyes, the sensation of him entering me ignited a flutter in my chest, tears of pleasure puddled my eyes and I squeezed his hands so tight I began losing feeling in my fingers. Once he was fully buried inside of me he made gentle movements by rotating his hips in small circles. The tingle that raced through me was indescribable. I never knew that this feeling existed, but now that I do, I was sure that the reason was because subconsciously I was waiting for Michael.
“Michael!” I cried, ripping one hand free, tightly gripping his shoulder, digging my finger nails into his skin.
“Y/N, baby, you have to loosen up.” He said sweetly, unwrapping my legs that were locked around him. “Now, I can do this.” He started carefully moving in and out of me. As great as it felt I craved more. “How does that feel?”
“God. I love that.”
“I have an idea.” Michael said, moving away from me, I frowned, ready to protest until he laid on his back pulling me on top of him.
“What are you doing?” I panicked, at the extreme withdrawal and our new position.
“Teaching.” He smirked. “You’re going to learn how to ride me.” He said so seductively it gave me goosebumps.
“What if I hurt you?”
“You won’t. Just follow my instructions. All you have to do is—” He guided my hips with his hands, explaining what I had to do, but I couldn’t hear a thing. I was to focused on wanting him inside of me again. As he spoke I slowly spread my legs, coming closer to him until I felt his tip. The rush it gave me was so intense, my knees slid further across the silk comforter and I felt our full connection again. Michael’s eyes widen at my speed, he briefly glanced down, admiring how I took him whole. “Oh god!”
“Oh crap! Did I hurt you?” I panicked.
“No. No. It feels amazing. I just— wow. You’re a fast learner.”
“Well, I have a great teacher.” I slowly began to move my hips, watching Michael bite his bottom lip, his hands squeezing my thighs firmly.
“Baby. You’re gonna make me—”
“Make you what?” I questioned, slowing my pace, waiting for his answer. “Am I doing this wrong?” I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment as I stopped my movements all together.
“Don’t stop!” He moaned loudly. Holy shit. That was so hot. I began moving my hips like my life depended on it. Michael had beads of sweat on his forehead and his chest was glistening. “Baby, I’m gonna— I’m almost—”
“Michael!” I begged, Michael pulled me down onto his chest as I felt him twitch inside of me.
“You feel so perfect.” He purred in my ear as we lay still for a few seconds before Michael excitedly propped himself up on his elbows. He rolled us over, so he was now looking down at me. I laid against the mattress with a confused look on my face.
“We’re gonna be here all night.” He finally spoke as he touched my lips with his.
“Well, I do have more to learn. If you’re interested in teaching into after school hours.” I teased, wrapping my legs around his hips.
“Your wish is my command.” He declared, kissing me sweetly before he started up again, his quick pace taking me by surprise.
The wooden bed frame shrieked against the floor boards with each thrust. Our kiss becoming sloppy, needy even. Everything felt so intense. I couldn’t catch my breath, but I didn’t care. As long as Michael stayed on top of me, beneath me— inside me, I didn’t care about anything else. It’s just us.
“Amazing.” I breathed out, working up the courage to speak. “Can I— can I try to use my mouth?” I asked nervously, staring straight up at the ceiling. Michael slowed down, dragging his finger along my jawline, forcing me look into his eyes.
“Baby, you can do whatever you want to me.”
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ladamedusoif · 1 year
My Kiss, Only For You
The Thief x Museum Guide F!Reader - One Shot
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Pairing: The Thief x Museum Guide F!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Rating: Explicit (18+; MDNI)
Content/warnings: oral (f receiving); theft (I mean, obviously); smut; did I mention theft; strong language
Summary: You've noticed a regular attendee on the guided tours you offer as part of your job at the museum - and one day, he decides to ask you for more information on a favourite exhibit.
Notes: I keep on getting sent to horny jail by @lunapascal and @julesonrecord. (P would be very disappointed in you two insisting on incarcerating me all the time.)
This time, for reasons I'm still not entirely sure about, I was sentenced to 'double jail' and have two punishment pieces to write to get myself free. This first one, chosen by @julesonrecord, involves The Thief (from the wine ads) and the prompt "stealing a kiss".
Please enjoy my first foray into writing smut about a (very sexy) man from an ad campaign.
I wrote this at like, 1am and am still worried there are sections I thought I wrote but that were actually happening in a dream. Bear that in mind as you read.
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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“And we finish with the jewel - if you’ll permit me a little pun - of the collection, the remarkable Katarzyna’s Kiss ruby.”
The afternoon’s tour group is mostly teenagers on a school trip, and they couldn’t be less interested in the bright red gemstone illuminated in the case behind you if they tried. One of them lazily lifts their phone to snap a photo, apparently of the display. It’s only when you see them pouting for a selfie that you realise they’ve had a BeReal notification.
You keep going with the standard tour script, putting your heart into it as always. You notice a familiar face at the back of the group, listening attentively: a handsome, dark-eyed man you guess must be in his mid to late forties, who is a regular attendee of your tours in the museum. He seems to be particularly interested in the gemstones and jewellery collections, always turning up for those tours with a notebook and a random, specialist text on the subject. 
“The story behind this gemstone and its unusual name is that a seventeenth-century Polish princess supposedly fell in love with the apprentice to the court jeweller. Now, as you can imagine, in those days an apprentice jeweller would never be considered an appropriate match for a princess, and their love was doomed from the start.”
The handsome man smiles at you, eyes twinkling behind his spectacles. You offer a little smile in return, noticing how the museum lighting catches the attractive patches of grey in his sparse beard.
“The poor young apprentice had never kissed his princess, and not because he didn’t want to - they were afraid they would be caught in the carefully-monitored world of the court.” Your expression turns sad as you move to the next part. 
“One day, the young jeweller heard that his beloved was to be married - the next day, in fact. He was distraught. But when the princess woke on her wedding day, equally heartbroken, she found this ruby - so the story goes - in a gorgeous, handmade silver box, engraved with the words ‘My kiss, only for you’”.
One of the teenagers at the front yawns dramatically, setting the others off into fits of giggles. You sigh. “And that brings our tour to an end, I guess. Gift shop that way, toilets over there, if you want to find out more about the collections you can purchase a guidebook…”
Your voice trails as the group rapidly disperses. Only your handsome regular is left. You hadn’t noticed before how nicely dressed he is - not showy, not in the least, but his clothes have that unmistakable air of quality and expense. Today he’s wearing a dark green, beautifully cut casual jacket with a Nehru collar, combined with dark jeans and a pristine white grandfather shirt. 
“Thank you for a wonderful tour, as usual.” His voice is warm and low, a pleasing sound in the near-empty gallery. 
“Thank you,” you return the compliment. “You’re one of our regulars, aren’t you?”
He pushes his glasses up his nose and nods. You notice he’s holding a small green notebook in one hand, and a pen in the other. “I must admit, though, that I prefer to go on your tours. You are a natural - truly, a joy to listen to. So knowledgeable!” He turns and looks at you out of the corner of his eye. “And, if you’ll forgive me for being forward, even lovelier to look at than Katarzyna’s Kiss.”
You raise your eyebrows. The closest thing to flirting you’d experienced in your time as a guide was when elderly men would corner you near the military history displays and wax lyrical at you about nineteenth-century battleships.
The man has moved closer, now, to you and to the display case. He appraises the ruby at close range. “I’d like to talk to you a little more about this beautiful thing - I’m fascinated by the story.” He turns and looks at you over the top of his glasses. “Would dinner tonight be a good time to talk about this kiss?”
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To your surprise, he’d booked a table at the fanciest restaurant in the city. Dinner had been a delight, swapping stories of rare jewels and favourite galleries and museums around the world. 
He had changed since this afternoon, and arrived dressed in an exquisite green and black check suit with a black shirt and tie. He was attractive, there was no way around it - but you preferred to keep your guard up a little longer.
You were about to order a cab when you realised you didn’t have your phone.
“Shit. I must have left it in the office.” 
“It’s not too far away, is it?” He is the picture of concern. “I’ll gladly accompany you back to the museum.”
So he does, offering you his arm at one point like a man in an old movie. You huff a laugh at the gesture until you realise he’s serious. 
“Oh, god. I’m sorry.”
He keeps his arm out, offered to you, and smiles at you with an eyebrow raised. “Chivalry isn’t quite dead yet, ma chérie.”
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Maybe it’s the sneaking into the museum after hours, with its connotations of illicit shenanigans, maybe it’s the whiskey you had after dinner, or maybe it’s just the way his suit sits so perfectly over his broad frame, as if it’s begging to be touched and clung to. 
Whatever it is, you’ve barely entered your small office when you’re pushing him against the wall and kissing him like your life depends on it. He groans into your mouth and it goes straight to your pussy. 
He guides you back onto the desk and sits you on the edge, lowering you down carefully as he stands above you. He trails a long, thick finger across the neckline of your dress, slipping his fingertip under the fabric to trace the outline of your breasts.
You whine in pleasure and frustration as he kisses your body. 
“Tell me more about Katarzyna’s Kiss, beautiful. Do you believe the story?”
He keeps kissing as you talk, through the fabric of your dress down to your thighs, where he hitches up the skirt and encourages you to open your legs a little wider. You moan as you feel his fingers tracing up the inside of your thighs.
“I want to kiss you, mi amor, but I will only do so if you say the word.”
You nod frantically, all thoughts of the bright red ruby forgotten. 
He brings his torso down to meet yours, placing a soft, wet kiss to your lips. You hear the zipper of his pants come down and you know that he has taken his cock in his hand. With the other, he reaches past the top of your head, stretching his hand out along the desk and resting his fingers on the marass of papers and, you judge by the clicks going on behind you, your computer keyboard.
“Aren’t you going to kiss me again?” Your voice is heavy, confused. He’s kept one hand behind you, still resting on the keyboard, as he intersperses caressing and kissing your breasts with giving his cock a quick stroke.
“I am, chérie, be patient. The kiss I plan to steal now is more valuable than any ruby - tastes better, too.”
He drops to his knees and pulls your legs apart, dragging your panties down over your soft thighs and knees. He begins by literally kissing your cunt, placing soft, delicate kisses to the wet folds before his broad tongue strokes its way from your opening all the way to your clit. It elicits a muffled scream from you.
“You can’t be there already, beautiful thing.” You aren’t, but the way he’s ‘kissing’ your pussy, then driving his fingers inside you, is getting you very close.
When he begins to suck your clit you feel the pressure building, and soon your slick is coating his perfect nose, his mouth, his face - and his beard. It glistens in the soft light of your desk lamp. 
“Fuck me,” you murmur quietly. 
“Not tonight, dear one,” he says as he returns to standing, zipping back up his pants. “Stay put, I’ll get something to clean you up. Where are the bathrooms?”
You point him towards them, unable to stand up just yet. He’s made you feel completely boneless, fucked out with just his mouth and fingers on your own desk. It had been a while since anyone made you come at all, let alone like that.
You realise you don’t even know his name.
And soon, you realise he’s been gone a rather long time.
The museum’s back corridors are unsettling at night. You wander up and down, calling quietly into the darkness to see if you can find him.
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The wail of the siren is deafening as you race back to your office, frantically trying to log back in to check where the alarm has been triggered. You try to contact the night security team, but there’s no response. The screen eventually lights up and you see it: the Kiss ruby. That’s what they’re after.
Security arrives in the exhibition gallery a few minutes after you, leaving it to you to reveal the carefully opened case and the empty plastic clasp that once held the ruby on display.
Where was he? Did he get stuck in part of the building and panic when the alarm went off?
You reach into your pocket to find your phone before you remember you don’t even have his number. 
You find a crisp, folded piece of paper in your dress pocket. It had definitely not been there earlier.
You sneak off behind another display to open the note, before police arrived to question you. The handwriting is fanciful, rendered in pen and ink:
I have helped myself to Katarzyna’s, I’m afraid, but remember that the kiss I gave you tonight - my kiss - is only for you.
Adieu, chérie!
Your Gentleman Thief
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xetlynn · 9 months
IMAGINES- (Vampire) Bella Swan
Bold Moves
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Where Bella is a vampire and way more confident and flirty. She’s a vampire from the Cullin’s but Renesmee doesn’t exist and she never fell in love with Edward. (Her short backstory of getting turned is, she started to be best friends with Edward and James found her, wanted to kill her and the Cullin’s wanted to protect her, basically when she went to Arizona to find her mom, Edward and the others didn’t make it in time and the Vampire venom already got to her heart and they couldn’t save her)
“[Name], did you hear about the new people?” My friend, Alecia comes up to me as I just opened my locker.
“Um, people? As in numerous?” I raise a brow, putting some books away, along with taking one out for my first class.
“Yeah, I just seen them in the parking lot. It’s like six foster siblings or something. Four of them are dating each other by the way.” She gossips, whispering the end of her sentence.
I guess what she said should be shocking but we don’t know their back story or anything that’s happened with them so it’s none of my business.
“Oh wow,” I hum. Shutting my locker, then the hallway grows loud and I glance down.
“It’s them.” Alecia gets closer to me, hugging my arm. I roll my eyes and try to walk away but Alecia doesn’t let me.
I hug my book close to my chest and watch the new kids walk down the hall with everyone gawking at them.
There’s one at the end who I make direct eye contact with. A girl who has dark longer hair. Her brown eyes piercing through my own. I try to look away but it feels hypnotizing.
As she begins to pass me I see her smirk.
Scrunching my face in confusion I feel Alecia shake at my arm.
“She’s totally into you!” She laughs, I don’t even respond, just taking my arm back and walking away.
“What? I’m telling the truth!” She insists, following after me.
“We haven’t even talked how is she into me?” I question her, both of us getting to our first class that we luckily got together.
“Love or lust at first sight, it’s a thing [Name].” She tells me, sitting down.
“What’s a thing?” Our other friend, Christopher plops down across from us at the table.
“Nothing.” I was quick to say but of course it doesn’t even matter because Alecia informs him on what it was.
“One of the new girls totally has a thing for [Name].” She excitedly whispers to Chris who laughs in response.
“Alecia are you just being delusional again? You say this about anyone who looks our way.” He reminds her, she gets quiet for a second but then sits up straight once someone walks into the room.
Leaning into the table. “It’s her!” She mouths. I let out a deep breath, opening up my work book and getting out a pencil.
As the class starts the more Alecia fan girls and is practically talking with her eyes.
I start to tune it out the more she taps me repetitively. I also try my best to not even make a glance at the new girl across the table.
Once the bell rings, saying that the class has ended I immediately shot up and went to talk out of the room. Accidentally bumping into someone,
I mumble out a sorry and try to continue on my way. “It’s okay, but hey, what’s your name?” It’s the new girl, of course it is.
It’s like she wants Alecia to live out her weird fantasies.
“Um, why?” I ask, watching as the other students leave the room.
Alecia is giggling as Christopher practically drags her out as well.
“Because, you seem nice and you’re pretty. I want to be friends.” She smiles, stepping a little bit closer to me and I inhale sharply.
“It’s [Name], I have to get to class, sorry.” I tell her, my face turned hot and I rushed out of the situation, not letting her respond to me.
The next week at lunch, I sit at my usual table. Hoping that I won’t have to bump into the new girl again.
All week it’s like I’ve been seeing her everywhere I go.
No matter what, even if it’s just going to the bathroom. It’s driving me crazy.
Alecia and Chris sit down in front of me and I give them a small smile before checking my phone.
“So, Bella is her name.” I tell them. Knowing that’s exactly what Alecia is going to ask me.
“Bella? That’s cute.” Christopher says, taking a bite of his food.
“I guess.” I shrug.
“So are you gonna be friends?” Alecia questions me and I look up at her.
“I don’t think so.” I shake my head.
“Awe, I thought we were really hitting it off looking at each other the way we have been.” I close my eyes right as her voice hits my ears.
My breath hitched.
“I didn’t mean that we didn’t I just didn’t think you were for real earlier this morning.” I explain myself anxiously.
“I was. Maybe we could be even more.” She smiles after whispering the last part, sitting down beside me.
“Hey, I’m Bella, which you’ve already heard.” She introduces herself acting as if she didn’t say what she just did.
“I’m Alecia, this is Chris.” My best friend replies with a huge grin her eyes wide on me as I sit there tensed up.
“Beautiful name.” The girl tells Alecia, who is obviously starstruck. “Oh, thank you.”
“So, where are you from, Bella?” Chris messes with his food as he talks. “Forks, Washington. Small small town.” She answers and I feel her eyes on me.
“Oh wow, that’s a gloomy place like us. You enjoy that type of weather or something?” Alecia doesn’t even touch her food, more interested in this new girl.
“Not really, my foster parents on the other hand do. A lot.” She chuckles. “Oh cool.”
“I guess you can say that. But [Name] you haven’t talked much, don’t you have some questions for me?” She turns to me and I glance up at her then back down at the table. “Hm, I don’t think so.” I shrug my shoulders to which she smiles, looking down at my phone then back at me.
“Cute case.” She compliments my phone.
“Thank you.” I mutter out, suddenly feeling nervous.
“You should give me your number. I do want to be friends.” She brings out her phone and my eyes widen, I look over to Alecia and Chris who are grinning like Cheshire cats.
I look back to her and open my phone, going to the contacts app. “Um, sure.” I take her phone and type in my number as she does the same with mine. I just put my name in like normal with a smiley face.
I place it down and then she hands me mine back with her name as Bella with a “<3” next to it.
I turn my phone off and put it in my pocket.
“I should get back to my family. Nice meeting you two. I’ll text you [Name].” She waves to them then before she goes she winks at me.
I watch her walk away with a confused expression as Alecia was already starting to freak out.
“Okay normally, I don’t feed into Cia’s delusions but she definitely has a thing for you, [Name].” Christopher whispers to me and I furrow my eyebrows.
“I wouldn’t go there.” I shake my head.
“I mean it’s pretty obvious. She’s been trying to talk to you all week.” Alecia points out. “We don’t even know if she’s into women she could just be messing with me.” I disagree with them.
“I- Really?- [Name], look at her.” Christopher stutters out, all three of us look over at Bella just to see her and the one guy she’s always with, Edward I think his name is, staring at us.
“Damn, we got caught.” Alecia laughs and I hide my face in the sleeves of my sweater, putting my head down.
“That was so embarrassing.” I quietly cry out.
“A little bit but she was smiling, definitely already talking about you.” Christopher informs me, still observing the fostered family in front of them.
I would have to turn my body to look at them. Which I did and of course they were already looking. But now that I know that I feel more self-conscious, sitting up straighter. 
At the end of lunch, I had to go to my locker to grab a paper I forgot for my next class.
“See you at the mall right?” Alecia asks, leaning against the locker beside me.
We don’t have anymore classes together, she leaves after lunch.
She says it’s to hang out with both Chris and I but I know it’s just for Chris.
She’s had a thing for him for years just never had the confidence to say it. Christopher doesn’t talk about anything so I wouldn’t know how he feels.
“Yeah, want me to ask Chris to come?” I smirk, she rolls her eyes mumbling to tell me to shut up.
“So that’s a yes?” She nods her head and then flips me off, walking away.
I snicker to myself quietly right as someone else walks up to me.
“Came back to apologize for flipping me off?” I ask with a shit-eating grin on my face, slamming my locker after finding my paper only to see Bella with a surprised expression.
“I would never do that to you.” She places a hand on her heart and I feel my face heat up.
“Sorry, that was for Alecia.” I tense up, feeling my heart beat extremely fast.
“It’s no problem, hun.” Her voice rasps and I felt my knees buckle a little bit.
“So, I was thinking maybe we could see a movie?” She tucks her hands into her jean pockets. I glance around, not expecting that question out of everything.
“Me?” Her eyebrows furrow.
“What do you mean, you? I’m only talking to you.” She says.
“Right, you want me to bring Alecia or Chris too?” I don’t believe she’s actually trying to be just my friend.
There has to be some sort of catch.
“I would’ve asked if I wanted them to come too. But I just wanted it to be us.” She gives me a toothy smile. My breath hitches.
“As a date.” She adds in and I freeze up.
“A date?” The final bell rings and I scramble with all the things in my hand.
“I uh, I have to get to class.” I try to start walking but her hand catches my wrist, stopping me.
The coldness of her hand rushes to my spine and I shiver.
She instantly pulls her hand back.
“Sorry, just forget I asked.” She chuckles, she looks like she’s going to say something else but instead she walks away.
And as I watch her I begin to feel incredibly bad. It’s not that I wouldn’t go on the date.
I just don’t like having the spotlight on me.
As I want to go chase after her, I notice the hall being empty and I rush to my classroom.
Later in the day at home I get dressed to go out with Alecia. Still thinking about what happened during and after lunch. Continuously clicking on Bella’s contact on my phone but only to turn it off and try to ignore my phone exists.
Another week passes and Bella hasn’t really tried coming up to me. I’ve told Alecia about everything and she’s been practically bullying me for not apologizing by now. But I don’t know what’s stopping me and I’m scared to be rejected back.
I think I really do like her?
I’ve barely even talked to her but she makes me so nervous though.
Throughout the day, this time I’ve been staring at Bella.
Watching out for her and trying to get the confidence to say something.
I go on my phone and click on her contact again. Then pressing the message button, staring at the keypad I think of what to say.
As I’m trying to type something out, someone takes my phone in a swift motion and I gasp, going to take it back but then seeing Bella’s face.
“Hey.” She smiles, waving the phone around.
“Hey.” I breathily let out, feeling as if the air in my body just got squeezed out.
“Awe you were about to text me?” She looks down at the screen of my device. My face heats up and I glance at the ground.
“I felt bad.” I take my phone back.
“That you were going to reject me?” She tilts her head and my eyes widen.
“I wasn’t going to reject you.” I denied it.
“You weren’t?” She crosses her arms. My heart thumps loudly, now hearing it in my head and I start to sweat a little bit.
“No, I just,” I close my eyes trying to find the right words. “You put me on the spot and I freaked.” I pick at the dead skin on my lips as I finished talking. Nervously watching her as she is quiet.
“You like me?” She breaks out into a big smile.
“Bella.” I make a straight face and she laughs. “You like me.” She laughs, teasing me now and poking my side.
“Not if you keep doing that.” I push her hand away.
Requested by: @darkmemesworld
I hope I did what you wanted justice!!!
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What’s in it for me?
Chapter 6/?
Chapter 1 Masterlist
Pairing: Kyouya Ootori x Reader Author: see-the-fandom-imagines   Warnings: None at all.   A/N: I struggled a lot to see if I want to put the whole Okinawa beach thing in 2, 3, or 4 chapters and it turned into 3 more or less long-ish ones! None of this is beta-read, as usual, so let me know if you realise any major issues! I hope you like it :) Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46325452/chapters/116633701
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You couldn’t believe they had actually invited you to the sea. Haruhi had told you that they had been in a holiday resort from Kyouya’s family a few weeks ago, so you really did not have expected to be invited to their Okinawa beach trip. But here you were. Your aunt had been a little suspicious at first, asking why a drama club needed to go to Okinawa – you hadn’t had the guts to tell her the actual purpose of the club yet, and let’s face it with all the drama going on you were technically not lying – but you had managed to convince her in the end, saying something about how you and Haruhi helped out behind the stage to make her believe you, as she was well aware that neither you nor Haruhi were really talented actresses. Something told you that Kyouya also had something to do with the fact that you had been allowed to go, he probably had promised her to keep her updated on everything, but you didn’t care. The beach was the beach and you really needed a little vacation after the last couple weeks. Although vacation was a strong word. You blinked a few times, the sun in the blue sky blinding you, while you kept handing out drinks to the girls, smiling slightly, while trying not to spill anything. This is not how you had imagined this trip to go. But at least you got to see the ocean. You had always loved it. You had given away the last glass, and let your arm rest for a second, as two girls approached you. “(Y/n)-chan, it’s really nice to see you here, too!”, they said, seeming a little embarrassed and you smiled at them. “Yeah, when Kyouya told us, you’d be joining, we immediately signed up.” She blushed. “Yes, these two princesses are new members to our host club. When I told them you’d be coming they were very willing to pay our vacation fee.” Your face fell and you turned around to the host that had just appeared behind you, sending you a smile, while writing something up in his notebook. He seemed to be very pleased with all the different ways he managed to profit off of you being on this trip. Typical. You sighed. “Won’t you come swim with us?”, one of the girls asked, sending you the broadest smile and forcing you to turn around again. You hesitated. “Ah, the truth is, I didn’t really bring a bathing suit.” Maybe you would have brought one if Kyouya hadn’t told you last second and sent the twins to pick you up straight after school to bring you here. At least they gave you more comfortable summer clothes to change into, but somehow you got the feeling that you’d be charged for these, too. “Well, that isn’t a problem”, the voice of the Hitachiin twins suddenly rang out behind you. “Yes, we brought an arrangement of bathing suits for…” “… every occasion”, Hikaru ended the sentence for the younger twin and they grinned at you, already having grabbed you underneath your arms to pull you away, but Kyouya’s cool voice rang out, stopping them in their movement. “I am afraid that won’t be possible.” “Huh? Why not?”, the twins asked again in unison, turning around with you. You felt a little like a ragdoll, but at this point you were somehow used to it. “Because she is here to work, not for vacation”, he turned towards you smiling his ice-cold smile that never reached his eyes. “Didn’t you say you wanted to help Haruhi?” Your blood froze in your veins, but you managed to wriggle free from the twins’ grasp, although they did seem a little disappointed. “Is it really just that”, Hikaru started and a smirk grew on his face. “Or are you just jealous, Kyouya?” “Yeah, maybe you just don’t want other guys to see (y/n) in a bathing suit.” “She’d look awfully cute, wouldn’t she, Hikaru?” “Awfully.” “Well, I guess, he wants her all for himself.” “How terribly egoistical.” You could feel his gaze on you and you looked up at him. You knew the twins were just teasing, but your cheeks had slightly heated up at their suggestion. Suddenly you remembered the last week.
 “(Y/n).” You could hear a voice call your name. “(Y/n), wake up.” Sleepily, you blinked a few times, opening your eyes a little. But when you realized who it was that knelt just a few inches away from you, your eyes widened and you could feel the heat rush to your cheeks. “K-Kyouya-senpai?” Quickly you sat up, needing a second to adjust to the sudden change of position. You felt his hand on your shoulder, to stabilize you and somehow this made everything even worse. “You fell asleep during club hours”, he stated, unnecessarily. You were heavily aware of that. His hand left your arm and you mourned the loss of his touch for a millisecond. Your vision came back and you saw his expressionless face still closer to you than you wanted it. “Sorry”, you mumbled, looking around for your book and bags. Kyouya looked at you for a second, expression unreadable for you, before he got up, shouldering his own back. “Come on, hurry up, I have other things to do.” Quickly you shoved all your things in your school bag and stood up to, walking past him, your face bright red. “Sorry”, you mumbled, and wanted to start your flight, when you stopped in your tracks and sighed. “Thank you”, you added and bowed slightly, fully avoiding his eye contact, before actually leaving as quickly as you could.
You quickly avoided his glance, not ready to face the past embarrassment right now. “Sorry”, you muttered, “I’ll go back to get more drinks.” You smiled apologetically at the girls, who smiled at you kindly enough. You heard them talk about you, while walking away and you were glad that they had given you an excuse to leave the situation. “(Y/n) does care so selflessly over Haruhi.” “Yeah, she really does.” “Killjoy.” The twins accusing Kyouya was the last thing you heard before you were out of earshot.
“We are gonna play ‘Find Haruhi’s greatest fear’”, the twins proclaimed and everybody seemed really into the idea, especially after Kyouya had shown the possible price for the winner. “Did Ranka give you these pictures?”, you asked, eyeing them suspiciously. You had known Haruhi’s dad for a few years now and you knew how much he loved to talk about his daughter. “I like to protect my sources”, he solely smiled, watching the other hosts fawn over Haruhi’s pictures. “Ts”, you just scoffed, ripping them out of his hand. “If you guys don’t mind, I’ll hold onto these.” Kyouya let you keep them, but you were sure he had digital copies of them anyways. “(Y/n)-chan are you gonna play, too?”, Honey asked but you also shook your head and shrugged. “I know what she's afraid of. That wouldn’t be fair.” Also, you really didn’t feel comfortable with revealing her biggest fear to everybody just for a bet. You had found out years ago as she was staying over at your place and had suddenly vanished. Later that night you had found her in your closet. Immediately the twins cornered you. “You know?” “Well, tell us then!" But you just shook your head, stepping back next to Kyouya. For a change it seemed safe next to him. You had already been abducted twice today, a third time really didn’t suit you. “You wanted to make it a game. Let's see who wins.” Kyouya raised an eyebrow at you but smiled a little and yo"u tried to suppress the fuzzy feeling it triggered in your tummy. “Well then! Let the games begin.”
Kyouya had generously allowed you to sit down and relax with the girls for the rest of the day and while you were drinking some water, he stopped his writing, watching the other boys trying to find Haruhi’s biggest fear. “So, who do you think will win?”, you asked, trying to break the silence. He averted his gaze from the twins and turned towards you smirking. “What, are you willing to bet?” You scoffed. “Of course, I am pretty confident about this one. But it wouldn’t be fair, would it?” “I suppose not”, he admitted, looking at the huge transporter that had just pulled up on the beach. “Well?”, you asked, looking at him intently. The sun was highlighting the colour of his eyes, as he looked around, analysing the situation. He was in deep concentration, taking in every necessary detail. You just stared at him in slight awe. He really was beautiful you noticed. You knew you weren’t supposed to think these things, it was Kyouya after all, but you couldn’t help yourself. The way his dark hair contrasted his light skin, the way his face changed completely when he smiled. Really smiled. It didn’t happen often, but every now and then something caught his interest and then a real smirk appeared on his face. You were just glad that you had a reason to actually look at him, because otherwise you would have turned bright red, when he turned his head and caught you staring. He placed his right elbow on the table between you, resting his chin on the back of his hand. “Tell me first”, he said, eyeing you just as intently. You had caught his interest, you noticed slightly proud of yourself, while trying to withstand his intense gaze. “Is there anything Haruhi actually is scared about?” “Of course”, you shrugged. “Otherwise, would I ask you, who would win?” He seemed to think a bit, before he chuckled. “I do think you would.” “Only one way to find out”, you teased, keeping the eye contact. You were not going to lose this time. “I assume you’re not going to tell me?”, he asked, leaning a little closer toward you, his voice smoother than silk, one eyebrow raised. You had seen that move before, he had used it with some of the girls in the club, usually to make them buy another addition photo album. Nonetheless, your heart was beating a little faster. “You don’t actually think that works on me?” You held his gaze, trying to convince yourself that it actually didn’t work on you. He was just too handsome in-between. He chuckled and broke eye contact. “Well, given, that I am not part of the game…”, he hesitated, but then looked back at you. “Tamaki is going to win.” You raised an eyebrow at him. “Really? That guy?”, you said and pointed at Tamaki who was still running away from the snakes he had let loose on himself. “You’d be surprised”, he said, turning his gaze from Tamaki back to you. “So, who do you think will win?” “Easy”, you shrugged. “No one.” Kyouya tilted his head slightly. “So, you are saying it is impossible to find out?” “Well… not impossible, no”, you said, looking up into the clear-blue sky. “But very unlikely.” Kyouya followed your gaze and you were wondering if he had understood what you were implying. You knew that he could have won every single game of theirs easily, if he bothered enough to play. It made you wonder about whether he had in fact just let you win last week. He smirked at you, an eyebrow raised. “But you let them play anyways.” “Of course”, you took a sip of your water. “I wanted to see what they’d do.” Kyouya chuckled again, and you looked at him over the rim of your glass. There it was again. That real smile. When he genuinely seemed to enjoy something. “Don’t act like you’re any better than me”, you teased, but he just shook his head, leaning back in his chair, as well, watching the other hosts run around the beach. “Now, would I ever think that?” You left that question unanswered and took another sip of your drink as you saw Mori approach her with a huge harpoon. Where on earth did he get that?
You were strolling along the beach, enjoying a moment of peace and quiet and the feeling of the ocean air in your hair. You really loved the beach. Always had. You smiled slightly to yourself. Work or not, you were still really thankful they had brought you along. Suddenly you heard someone calling your name. “(Y/n)!”, the girls from earlier called you. They had climbed on top of a small cliff. You smiled up at them. “Will you come up to watch the sunset with us?” You thought for a second, but then decided that there was no reason to reject, so you climbed up the hill and sat down next to the girls. “Have you ever been to the beach?”, one of them, her name was Asuka you had learned earlier, asked, and you nodded. “Yes, a few times. When I was younger, my aunt sometimes went with me. I really like the ocean. The smell, the wind … It kind of makes you feel… free, doesn’t it?” When you were younger you had imagined how the ocean would keep you save, carry you away to strange countries you had never seen before. You smiled at the memory. “Oh look, Haruhi-kun is here, too!”, you heard one of the other girls say and wave down to your friend. You didn’t understand what Haruhi was replying, though, because from the corner of your eye you saw figures closing in on you. Three men, and they did not look like the friendly type. “Whoa, there are girls up here!” You felt the hairs on your neck stand up as they mustered you. Immediately you got up and stepped instinctively between the group of men and the girls. “Lucky”, one of them proclaimed, throwing away his beer. You didn’t dare to let him out of your sight. “Get behind me”, you ordered the girls, who immediately stood up, too, and did what you told them to. They were scared. So were you, but it was you against them and it was your job to protect them. Also you were somewhat used to this kind of behavior. “Let’s play together!” Your heartbeat sped up as they got closer, and you could smell the alcohol in the mens’ breath. They were drunk and if you had learned one thing about drunk people that they were unpredictable. Your breath quickened and your vision went blurry. Goddmanit, keep yourself together. You took a deep breath, this was really the wrong moment for a panic attack. But the smell, the smell was so familiar. Your knees gave away underneath you, but you didn’t fall, because you felt the strong grip of the guy on your wrists, pulling you up towards him. Fuck, you had reacted to slowly. “It must be dull, having no one but girls around, huh”, the guy who held you tightly by your wrists, asked, his face only inches away from yours. You felt sick, but you still couldn’t move. Your father’s face flushed before your eyes and you were close to passing out again, only the voice of the girls behind you keeping you awake. You took a deep breath and tried to get out of your stupor. You couldn’t let them hurt them. “Please stop”, Asuka tried to protect you. “This is a private beach.” But it didn’t matter what she said, for you saw from the corner of your eyes, how one of the other guys grabbed her. “What so you are rich girls?” You took deep breaths, biting your lip hard to stop the panic from creeping up on you. You needed to protect these girls. You were used to this, they weren’t. “Stop it!”, you yelled, your voice surprisingly stable, trying to free your wrists but the guy was too strong. In the matter of a second you decided to spit in his face and used the short moment of distraction to kick him in his balls as hard as you could. He let go of you long enough so that you could free your wrists and you turned towards the girls, ready to free them next, but suddenly you felt a hand in your hair, yanking you back painfully. One hand still buried in your hair, he wrapped his other arm around you. You could feel his hot breath against your ear and you smelled the alcohol again. It made you dizzy. “Little bitch”, he spat in your ear, pressing you tight against his body. Despite your kick you could feel the erection press against your leg and you wanted to throw up. This sick fuck was actually being turned on by this. You tried to wiggle free once again, but the grip on your hair was too painful. He let go of you with his other hand, forcing you to turn around to him and pushing you backwards a few steps. “You think you can just kick me like that, huh? You think you can play the little hero.” He let go of your hair, but he was grabbing your wrists again, painfully this time. You tried to step backwards, but stumbled, as you realized there was no more ground behind you. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the cliff ending. The only thing keeping you from falling was the guy in front of you and your breath quickened again. You were scared and you saw how it turned him on. His face came closer to yours again and your vision started to go blurry. It was all too much. The pain, the smell of alcohol, the fear. The fear. The fear. You had felt this way before, one too many times. You thought you had escaped; it had been four years since you had felt this scared, you thought, you had become stronger but instead you felt as helpless as you had felt your entire childhood. “Hey!”, you heard Haruhi yell, and the last thing you remembered was the man letting go of your wrist. And if you hadn’t been as dizzy as you had been, if you hadn’t been panicking this badly, you’d have safely fallen to your knees, but instead, with loosing the grip of the man, you lost balance and fell backwards. You had lost consciousness before you had even touched the water.
You woke up coughing and confused. Breathing heavily, you blinked so that your eyes got used to the sunlight again, and looked into the worrying faces of the host club. Right in front of you sat Haruhi and Tamaki. “Thank god, (y/n)!”, Haruhi yelled, but you could barely process it. You felt strong hands helping you sit up and as you turned slightly you realized it was Mori, hair dripping wet. You shivered slightly, realizing that you, too, were soaked. What happened? Haruhi wrapped her arms around your neck, not caring that she got wet. Oh right, the guys, Haruhi had tried to save you. “You’re alright”, you noticed breathlessly, and looked around, “how are the girls?” “Everybody is fine”, Tamaki assured you as Haruhi broke the hug to give you some space to breathe. “But you should rather worry about yourself. Haruhi told us what happened.” “We took care of these bastards”, Kaoru said, both twins noticeable angry. You bit your lip. You had had a panic attack. When it would have been your responsibility to be strong. “He was drunk”, you whispered, looking up at Haruhi, hoping she would understand. You felt how you started to shiver again, not from the cold, but from the memory of his breath on your face and felt Mori’s hand gently caress your back. “A doctor will arrive shortly”, you heard Kyouya’s cool voice speak out from somewhere behind you, but when you turned towards him, you realized he wasn’t looking at you. Was he mad at you? You turned the other way, to look at Mori, who was still staring down at you with worry in his eyes. His hand felt save on your back and although you knew you shouldn’t, you appreciated the touch. It grounded you and made you feel save. They couldn’t hurt you anymore. You watched a water droplet dripping from his hair and running down his face. He was the only one who was wet. “Did you save me?” Mori didn’t need to respond, you knew that he had. He really looked worried. “Thank you, Senpai”, you smiled weakly, and he nodded, helping you stabilize yourself as you were trying to get up, when suddenly you felt Kyouyas grip on your arm, forcing you to stand, while at the same time still stabilizing you surprisingly sturdy. “Let’s go”, he ordered, pulling you with him. You stumbled a few steps, but managed to follow. “The doctor will be in the house.” You looked back at the other hosts, who just watched you being pulled away and you were wondering why they just let it happen, but you didn’t have another choice other than to follow Kyouya. You didn’t see his face, as he had turned it away from you, but you followed. “No worries”, you reassured him. “I won’t trouble you because of this. I am fine.” Kyouya stopped walking for a second, taking a deep breath. You noticed he trembled slightly, before he pulled you with him again, grip as steady as it had been before. “Free of charge”, he said, still not looking at you. “You need to be checked. We don’t want the Host Club to get a bad reputation of not looking out for its members.” Surprised you blinked a few times but didn’t say anything. If you hadn’t known better, you would have almost thought he had been worried about you.
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Chapter 7
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jaggedhorseteeth · 1 month
Better in the Morning // Ch. 2
word count: 2700
CHAPTER WARNINGS: Drinking, language, arguing, insults, mentions of violence, mentions of sex, drunk creeps harassing women in bars
Over the course of the next few months, Jake and I grew closer than I ever imagined we would. We had our separate lives, giving each other plenty of space so as to not smother ourselves, but lately we had been spending more and more time together. He was attentive- we talked daily, and I was getting used to the ‘good morning’ and ‘goodnight’ texts. Since coming to Tennessee, I hadn’t had much time to explore but he remedied that, and we experienced what Nashville had to offer together.
It felt as though we never ran out of things to talk about, and we were constantly learning new things about each other. I loved that we never let the banter die down; having fun with him, joking around, pushing each other’s buttons, it all came naturally. His laughter made me feel like I was home.
Oh, he was always a perfect gentleman, careful not to overstep any boundaries, but when the time came (pretty early on if I’m being honest), the sex was phenomenal. It was full of fire and passion, and usually ended with us both so fucked out we couldn’t form actual sentences. There was a perfect balance of sensuality and roughness, being given and received on both ends. I was more than happy to let him take control, to exert that dominance that made my knees tremble and lit a fire in my gut. But being with him, exploring each other, made me realize that occasionally, I quite enjoyed reversing those roles. More than once he got on his knees and begged me to give him release. And damn, he sure was pretty like that.
The first time he brought me around to meet his brothers, there was almost an immediate connection. I really enjoyed their company and for the most part, they treated me like I had been a part of the group forever. Josh was slightly standoffish at first, but he was always kind. His personality was so different from Jake’s, but the unmistakable link between them was surreal. Sam was a goofball, always making everyone laugh. I pretended I didn’t notice the way he watched Daniel like he was the most precious person on the planet.
Even Richie was starting to warm up to Jake. I was thankful they, at the very least, had one thing in common when they could bond over guitars. The occasional grumble from Richie when Jake would flirt in front of him became less threatening, and more of something we would laugh about later.
Jake was able to witness my excitement firsthand when Richie and I finished restoring the Gretsch. He was just as fascinated when I opened the case, now cleaned and restored as well, to show it off. I watched his eyes light up at the sight of it.
The 1957 6-string electric guitar had all new hardware, including two single-coil pickups and a Bigsby vibrato tailpiece. Jake examined the wood, astonished at how smooth it all looked, like it was brand new. “It’s got a chambered mahogany body and neck, a maple top, and the fretboard is rosewood,” Richie explained, clearly proud of our work. I was especially proud of the finish, in a dark Cadillac green. Jake carefully ran his fingers along the neck, examining all the details like he was trying to memorize it. Judging from the way he looked at it, I’d bet if it didn’t already have a buyer, he would have been first in line.
With how smoothly everything was going, it figured that we would hit a road bump soon. And we did, when we had our first actual argument.
We were at a local bar with the guys, having a good time drinking and chatting, and generally shooting the shit. I made my way to the bar for another drink, Jake absorbed in conversation with Daniel. While I waited for my drink, I felt the approach of the stranger before I saw him. I didn’t turn to look at him until he spoke.
“Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing buying her own drinks? Your man not taking good enough care of you?”
I rolled my eyes and ignored him. First chance to take the hint and back off, buddy.
“C’mon, don’t be like that, gorgeous. Let me buy you a drink, and later I can show you how a real man oughta treat you.”
“I’m not interested. Beat it.” Second chance.
He closed the distance between us until I could feel and smell his disgusting breath on me. Give me just one reason, please. I was preparing to defend myself if it came down to it, as I’d unfortunately done many times before. There was never any fear, just annoyance at this guy’s utter audacity. If there was one thing that I was thankful for from my father, was his insistence on me learning how to fight.
I heard the man chuckle as he took his third and final chance before I got to the part about kicking his ass. “You sure about that, sweetheart? I think you-“
“Don’t fucking touch her.” Everything happened so fast, I barely had time to register Jake forcing himself in between myself and the stranger and shoving the man backwards. “Back the fuck off, asshole.”
The guy shook his head, deciding it wasn’t worth the trouble. “Fucking crazy,” he mumbled, disappearing into a group of patrons. I can’t say I wasn’t grateful; I had never seen Jake fight so I wasn’t sure how things would have gone on that front if that man decided to fight back. But I sure was livid.
Jake turned to me. “Are you oka-“
“What the fuck was that?”
The confusion on his face was clear but did nothing to quell my own irritation.
“I don’t need you to fight my battles for me, Jacob. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Are you serious? Pardon me for trying to protect my girlfriend-“
“I don’t need your fucking protection!” I’m sure we had turned a few heads by then. I let out an exasperated sigh and marched past him, towards the exit. He followed closely, continuously trying to argue his point.
“That creep was fucking harassing you.”
“There will always be creeps in bars harassing me! I had it under control.”
“Yeah? And what if he got physical with you? Got violent? Then what? I was just supposed to let him hurt you?” He was still hot on my heels when we made it outside, the cool air a welcome change from the stuffy bar.
“Then I’d get violent right back. I know how to protect myself; I don’t need a man to do it for me!” I’m sure I was yelling at this point, but I couldn’t be bothered to care.
“You really think you’d be able to fend off someone that’s twice your size?”
“I’ve done it before! I’m not a fucking damsel in distress, Jake. I wasn’t raised like that. I’m not afraid of some pathetic, drunk asshole who isn’t even capable of walking straight!”
“Well maybe you should be! I get that you want to play the ‘I’m a badass and don’t need help’ card, but you don’t have to be stupid and reckless!”
I scoffed. “Oh, I’m stupid and reckless because I didn’t come crying to my boyfriend to save me from the mean ole’ frat boy trying to buy me a drink? I’m not the one that was trying to start a fight in a crowded bar. How do I know you wouldn’t have gotten your ass kicked?”
“I was trying to help you; don’t you see that? But fine, I guess I’ll just go fuck myself for trying to be chivalrous!”
“What you’re being is a pain in the ass.” I’ll be the first to admit I was stubborn as a mule often, when the situation called for it, but I could recognize when it was time to walk away. We were both heated for our own reasons, and I didn’t see anything happening other than the situation escalating. I was seeing red, and the more he talked the worse it got. “I’m gonna go.”
“No, Kya, wait-“ He made like he was going to reach out and touch me. Sighing, I put my hands up and stepped back.
“Jake, right now I need some space, and we both need to cool off. Go back inside, enjoy the rest of your night. We can talk tomorrow.”
He rubbed his hand over his face in frustration, but he didn’t argue. He had a dejected look on his face that tugged on my heartstrings. I wasn’t enjoying this, and I hated making him feel bad, but needed to understand this about me if we were going to make our relationship work. I refused to let anyone walk all over me, whether it be a stranger or my own boyfriend. I was sure we would talk later, and I could nip the issue in the bud and hope we could move past it.
“Goodnight, Jake.”
“Goodnight,” he whispered sadly as I walked away from the man I definitely did not want to walk away from.
I still wasn’t feeling good about the whole incident when I walked into the shop early the next morning. I should have known Richie would notice right off the bat.
“Why do you look like someone pissed in your Cheerios? Do I need to kill someone?”
I sighed. “I’m fine. Jake and I got into an argument last night, is all.”
He raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes back and forth like he was thinking. “So, I can kill him? ‘Cause I gladly-“
“Shut up,” I chuckled. “You’re not killing anyone. I’m sure we’ll talk it out later.”
“Ugh, fine. You wanna talk about it?”
Throughout my life, I could always rely on Richie to have my back for almost everything. He was the parent that I did have, the one I could open up to without fear of judgement or being brushed off. So I explained what had transpired and what was said during the argument, how I chose to distance myself, and how shitty it made me feel to walk away from Jake.
“Ah, shit. You love that fucker, don’t you?”
I groaned at his forward, but very true, assumption, bringing my head down to meet my arm on the counter. “I don’t know. Maybe. Probably?”
He patted my shoulder. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“He just made me so mad last night!”
“And I’m sure it won’t be the last time. Hell, you’re bound to piss him off plenty, too. Doesn’t mean it ain’t right. It’ll be hard sometimes but you’re tough, and if you love him, you’ll work through it.”
“When did you get so wise?”
“Ha, I’ve always been wise, young grasshopper. Now, listen up.” He lowered his voice, putting on a more serious tone. “You’ve always been bullheaded. You’re the most stubborn but one of the strongest people I know. You’ve been through some shit that toughened you up and made you into who you are now. The world you were brought up in, you needed to be tough to survive. That’s why your dad and I made sure you could protect yourself and taught you push back fear. And it’s great; it means I don’t really have to worry about you. Now, I don’t know him all that well, but I think it’s safe to assume Jacob didn’t grow up in a world like that. If I had to guess, he probably has a mom who raised him right, and raised him to be a man who, drumroll please, protects his woman. I know you ain’t used to that, but I bet he ain’t used to having a woman he doesn’t need to protect. He intervened ‘cause he cares about you.”
He was right. I knew that. I felt like such an asshole. I treated Jake badly and he didn’t deserve that. “This is where you tell me that I’ve got to learn to compromise, huh?”
“Let him take care of you, Kya.”
As if on cue, my phone buzzed. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Jake <3 – 8:13 AM
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Can we talk?
I’m sorry, too. I can come over after work. If you’ll have me.
Jake <3 – 8:15 AM
Of course. I’ll make dinner.
I smiled at his offer. He was still willing to go out of his way and put forth an effort, even after our argument. It made me feel better and gave me a little hope that I hadn’t completely fucked everything up.
It was about 6:30 PM by the time I pulled into his driveway. I swallowed my nerves, walked up to the house and knocked on the door. Why the hell am I even nervous?
It didn’t take him long to answer, greeting me with that sweet smile of his. His hair was pulled back into a messy bun, a few stray hairs peeking out, and he had a dish towel draped over his shoulder. “Hey.” He stepped to the side, allowing me to cross the threshold, and shut the door behind me.
“It smells really good in here.” He demonstrated early in our relationship that he was an excellent cook, and he really enjoyed it. He always jumped at an opportunity to cook for other people. I wondered if it would have been his calling if not for the music.
He grinned. “Thanks. It’s Bolognese. Uh, it’s got to simmer for another ten or fifteen minutes, but it’ll be ready soon. Do you… want a drink? You know, since you never got the one you ordered at the bar last night?”
I furrowed my brow. “Shit, you’re right. I forgot about that drink.” I noticed him fidgeting with his fingers, picking at the cuticles. He’s nervous, too. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I pulled him to me so I could plant a kiss on his lips. “I’ll take you up on that drink. Surprise me.” I smiled sweetly at him, the interaction seeming to calm both our nerves.
He brought me a glass of Amaretto on ice. “My favorite. Suck up.”
Laughing, he retorted, “Babe, I’ll gladly suck up to you however I can, whenever you want me to.”
“I’m not complaining.” Rubbing my thumb across the glass, I averted my gaze to my lap. “I’m sorry about last night, Jake. I know you had good intentions, and I overreacted. I don’t want to make excuses, it’s just not something I’ve had a lot of experience with, someone standing up for me like that. I had to learn how to fend for myself when I was really young. It’s not an easy mindset to break. But it doesn’t give me the right to act like a bitch.”
Jake leaned back on the couch and tilted his head back. “If I’m being honest, I think I was jealous.” He drew in a deep breath. “I saw that guy practically breathing down your neck and it pissed me the fuck off. He had no right to be that close to my girl, you know? But you were right, you had it under control. I shouldn’t have gotten involved like that. And I don’t think you’re stupid or reckless. That was really shitty of me to say. I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me.”
Finishing off my drink, I placed the glass on the table and leaned into him. His arm landed across my shoulders, and I rested my head on his chest. “Of course I forgive you. I hope you can forgive me, too. I just need you to trust me, let me do my thing. If you can promise me that you’ll try, I promise to try to let you do your thing, too. To let you take care of me.”
He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed the top of my head. “I can definitely do that.” The beeping of a kitchen timer rang through the room. “C’mon, baby, let’s eat.”
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imzadi-caskett-huddy · 4 months
It Started With a Kiss (8/?)
Thanks so much, everyone for your reviews on the last chapter! I’m so glad you all enjoyed my take on the Alex Conrad situation. And now for one of my favorite episodes of the show, To Love and Die in LA. Seriously, this episode is in my top 5…maybe even top 3 depending on my mood that day.
Date wise, the last chapter took place around April 11, and this one takes place around May 2. So that’s a 3 week time gap. Wonder what our favorite couple got up to after the way Kate kissed him in the last chapter, hmm?
Again, I want to remind you that this will be the last update on this story until after I return from vacation on June 15…and Hell Hath No Fury will be due for an update first. So enjoy this one, because it will most likely be several weeks before I get around to writing the next chapter. I promise I’ll get it up as soon as I can though!
Also…there is a section rated M in this chapter. It is clearly marked where you will want to stop reading, and then when it ends. It’s sex heavy, but not smut heavy. Still, read at your own peril, lol!
I still don’t own Castle…
Castle had barely seen Beckett since that night 3 weeks ago when she’d kissed him. The first week she’d been tied up prepping with an ADA for a trial, which worked out with him needing to finish a couple of chapters for the next Heat book, as well as some edits. And then Gina and Paula had worked together to ambush him with some promotional book signings and appearances in an effort to drum up more presales for his newest novel, not to mention the graphic novel for Storm that was being put together.
He’d seen her exactly twice…both times at the precinct when he’d brought her coffee. Neither time for very long, so they hadn’t been able to discuss their relationship or if the kiss she’d given him was a sign she was ready to move forward, but she had made time to spend several minutes with him in the break room since he had come all the way to the precinct just to bring her coffee. They would spend those ten minutes or so in the break room together, innocently flirting and occasionally standing just close enough to brush up against each other. And it always ended with the most brilliant smile from her, thanking him for the coffee. Castle knew he would go out of his way to bring her coffee every day for the rest of his life if she continued to smile at him the way she had those two days.
They had, of course, chatted via text and twice over the phone, but neither of them seemed to want to discuss the kiss or their relationship over the phone or text messages, and rightfully so. It was a big step for them; when it happened, it needed to be in person. She had known he was returning to the city that afternoon, so when his phone rang, he didn’t bother to look at the caller
ID, simply assuming it was her. No one else usually called him after 9 anymore.
“Did a body drop, or did you just miss me so much you couldn’t wait another day to see me?” he asked with a grin.
“Castle, I’m going to send you an address, and you need to get down here,” Lanie said simply.
“Lanie? What’s wrong?” he asked, the smile falling from his lips. Lanie never called him. Kate was the one who called him about a body drop.
“A body was found…”
He swallowed hard. “Kate? Did something happen to her?” he had to ask, interrupting before Lanie could finish her sentence. He felt his heart sink. Was Lanie calling to tell him something had happened to Kate?
Hearing the worry in his tone, Lanie realized what he must have thought. “The body we found is Mike Royce. Espo is just now calling her, so she’s not here yet, but you need to hurry. I doubt she’ll admit it, but she’s going to need you on this one.”
“I’m on my way,” he said, already out the door. He’d watched her go through hell several months ago when she’d realized Royce was part of their investigation and she’d had to arrest her former training officer. He could only imagine how his murder was going to hit her.
Castle’s eyes were on her the moment she got out of her unit. He could tell, just in the way she carried herself…the tension in her shoulders, the firm set of her jaw...she was torn up and doing everything she could to not appear that way.
“Where is he?” Beckett asked as she approached.
Montgomery stood beside Castle, shaking his head. “Turn around, go back home, and let me handle this.”
“Sir, I’ve seen dead bodies before,” she insisted.
The captain studied her for a moment but knew it was better for everyone if he just let her through. He nodded toward the back of the alley where Lanie was standing.
Castle was immediately at her side as she headed in that direction. “Come on, Kate…you don’t want to remember him like this,” he tried to get through to her.
“Castle, if it were me lying there, would you just walk away?” she turned to look at him.
Just the thought of that possibility sent a chill through his body and made him nauseous. He didn’t have to answer her question; the look he was giving her was answer enough–hell no, he wouldn’t just walk away. He would find whoever had hurt her, and then no one would ever find the body.
“I’m so sorry, honey,” Lanie offered her condolences.
Beckett clenched her jaw and blinked, but Castle could tell she was struggling to hold onto her composure. “Tell me what happened.”
“He was shot in the leg. Judging from the blood trail, I’d say the bullet broke the bone. He tried to hide, but…” she trailed off with a shake of her head. “I found this in his pocket,” she handed Beckett an airplane ticket stub. “He flew in from LA this afternoon.”
Castle took a step closer to Beckett then. “What was he doing in LA?” he asked curiously.
“I heard he moved there after he lost his bounty hunter’s license. I guess he was trying to make a fresh start,” Beckett answered, looking over the ticket stub.
“When was the last time you spoke with him?” he asked her softly.
She swallowed hard, staring at the ticket stub before folding it back. “When I arrested him.” She took a deep breath. “Lanie, could I?”
“Sure,” Lanie answered, stepping out of the way and exchanging a look with Castle as Beckett approached Royce’s body.
Castle watched intently as she crouched down near the body and took a few minutes. He watched as her shoulders tensed a little more. He watched as she touched Royce’s hair and either sniffled or inhaled deeply…he couldn’t tell. He was ready to move to her side the minute she stood and headed back in his direction.
“Royce had something else in his pocket. It’s addressed to you,” Lanie handed her a note.
“Is it about the case?” Castle asked her as she opened it.
After reading for a few moments, Beckett folded the note and put it in her pocket. “No.”
Esposito approached them, carrying a gun. “I think we got the murder weapon. Found it in the garbage around the corner.”
“Gun was definitely fired recently,” Ryan added as he joined them. “Shooter took the time to empty the ammo before he dumped it.”
“Worried we’d find fingerprints on the bullets?” Castle raised the question.
Beckett took the gun and examined it. “This is a cheap street gun. It’s a throw away.” She studied the gun a little more. “There’s threading on the barrel.”
“Silencer?” Castle suggested.
Esposito nodded. “Yeah.”
“Allowing our killer to shoot Royce in broad daylight,” Beckett stated, handing the gun back to Esposito to bag as evidence.
“Listen, Beckett…we’re gonna get this guy,” Ryan assured her. “We got uniforms heading to every store and apartment within a 5-block radius.”
“This is New York. Somebody had to have seen something,” Esposito added.
Castle turned to her, placing his hand on her shoulder lightly after the boys walked away. “Kate…”
“Castle, I’m fine,” she insisted.
“You’re not fine,” he said softly. “Royce was your friend. It’s okay to take a few minutes to grieve,” he added. After a minute, he let his hand fall from her shoulder. “Why don’t you let me take you home? There’s nothing else you can do tonight. You can get some sleep and start fresh on the case in the morning,” he suggested.
Beckett was about to protest when Montgomery walked over to join them. “Alright, you’ve seen him. You paid your respects. Now go home, Beckett.”
“Sir,” she started to protest.
“There’s nothing else you can do here tonight. Dr. Parish won’t have anything for you until she does an exam. Uniforms are canvassing everywhere. Ryan and Esposito will handle anything else. They’ll call you if anything pops. Go home, Beckett. That’s an order.”
She looked between her captain and her partner and finally relented, wordlessly stepping away from them to go back to her unit. Castle was quick to follow her.
“Castle, you go home too,” she told him, stopping him as he went to get into her car. “You just got back from a book tour. I know you’re tired.”
“I’m okay. I can just sit with you. You shouldn’t be alone…you don’t have to be alone,” he offered.
“I’m fine. I’ll be fine,” she assured him.
“Rick, please,” she said. She needed to be alone. She was going to fall apart when she got home, and the last thing she wanted was for him to see her break like that.
The way she said his name, coupled with the look in her eyes had him nodding. “Okay. I’ll go home. But if you need anything…you call me. Even if all you need is me to sit on the phone with you in silence, ok?”
“Do you even know how to be silent?” she teased lightly, trying to show him that she was okay.
“I do, actually, when it matters. And I’m serious. Call me,” he insisted.
She nodded. “Okay.”
“Beckett, I’m not sending you to LA. You have no solid evidence linking Neal McCauley to this murder,” Montgomery insisted.
“He came to New York for 6 hours. Who flies in for that short a stay?” Castle pointed out.
“Businessmen do it all the time,” Montgomery countered.
“Businessmen don’t use fake IDs,” Castle countered back.
“Or pack silencers,” Beckett added.
Montgomery shook his head. “That’s supposition. I need a lot more than that to justify flying a detective across the country.”
Beckett shook her head as well. “You and I both know the longer I wait to go out there, the colder this trail gets.”
“Take a day to shore this up. And then if there’s sufficient evidence, I’ll contact the LAPD.”
“You’ll contact the LAPD?” Beckett asked incredulously. “This is my case! This happened in our jurisdiction. You think the LAPD is gonna lift a finger?”
“Kate, you’re too close to this!” Montgomery insisted.
“No, Sir, I am committed. I am not compromised.”
“You’re torn up,” he interrupted her. “Kate, things between you and Royce ended badly. I get it. But that emotion is exactly why I need to assign this to someone else.”
Beckett paused then, taking a step back. “You know what? You’re right. I am too close to this. I have some vacation days coming up. I think now would be a good time,” she stated, turning to head out of the office.
“Kate,” he called, stopping her. “I hope you’re not thinking about doing something reckless.”
She turned to face him, meeting his eyes for a long moment. “No, Sir,” she stated, leaving the office.
Castle’s eyes met Montgomery’s and both men seemed to understand each other. Montgomery’s look told Castle to follow her…something he would have done anyway…because neither man believed she was stepping back and doing nothing.
“Where are you going?” Castle called after her.
“Home,” she insisted.
“The hell you are. I know you better than that,” he tried to stop her with a hand on her arm.
“Castle, please,” she pulled it away. “He was my training officer…my friend. I just…I really need to be alone right now,” she told him, making her way to the elevator.
Castle watched helplessly as the doors closed. Why did it always feel like they’d take one step forward and then something happened to make them take two steps back? He was really beginning to hate that dance.
“You know she’s going to LA,” Espo said, coming up behind him.
“I know,” Castle sighed.
“You really think she’s going to just willingly let you go with her?” Ryan asked as he joined them.
“She won’t have much of a choice if she doesn’t find out until the plane is already in the air,” Castle stated simply, already pulling out his phone to check for the next flight to LA, knowing she’d be on it. “Whether she likes it or not, someone’s got to have her back…and I’m her partner.” He headed for the elevator himself; he had a couple of hours to pack a bag and get to the airport, already calling to arrange a hotel suite for them.
Kate Beckett hated the middle seats in airplanes. Unfortunately, that was all that was available to her last minute. She knew she was lucky to have gotten on the flight at all considering she’d been on standby status. Still, being squished between two larger men was going to make for a very uncomfortable flight across the country…especially if the baby screaming in the cabin didn’t eventually tire itself out and fall asleep.
“Excuse me, Detective Beckett?” one of the flight attendants approached her.
“Yes?” she answered.
“You’ve been upgraded to first class.”
Beckett didn’t even question the reason. “Thank you,” she smiled, standing quickly. “I’m sorry…excuse me,” she said to the man, climbing over him to get out of the cramped row. She followed the flight attendant to the first-class cabin.
“Seat 3C,” the attendant told her.
“Thank you,” she smiled her relief. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the man she’d be sitting next to.
“Champagne?” he asked innocently with a smile.
She took the seat beside him, fastening her seatbelt. “Castle, what are you doing?”
He shrugged with a grin. “The studio’s been after me for weeks to fly down and do a set visit for the Heat Wave movie. Imagine my surprise when I saw your name on the standby list,” he took a sip of the champagne.
“You cannot be a part of what I’m gonna do out there,” she told him simply.
“I thought you were on vacation,” he pointed out.
“Castle,” she shook her head. “Look, it’s one thing for you to follow me when we’re in New York, but I’m not a cop in LA. I don’t have any authority or backup,” she told him.
“I’ll be your backup,” he insisted. Seeing her roll her eyes, he continued. “I’m your partner. Besides, going rogue is kind of my specialty.”
“Yeah, but subtlety isn’t,” she countered with a small smile. “I’m not going to get rid of you am I?” she asked him. Seeing him shake his head, she sighed. “Okay, if we do this together you have to promise me that we’re gonna fly under the radar.”
“Of course,” he smiled, offering her the extra glass of champagne.
She studied him for a moment before taking it with another roll of her eyes. She took a sip, offering him a small smile. “Thank you for upgrading me. I was kind of miserable back there.”
“You mean, you didn’t enjoy your seat sandwiched between two of the linemen for the Giants?” he asked with a chuckle.
“No,” she smirked. “The screaming baby didn’t help either.”
He laughed softly. “You’re welcome. Besides, how are we supposed to talk strategy with you in the back of the plane and me in the front?”
“We weren’t supposed to talk strategy at all,” she laughed, nudging his shoulder playfully.
“We have a 6-hour flight, Beckett. It’s going to be a long 6 hours if we don’t talk.”
She smiled and took another sip of her champagne. “Some people sleep on a flight.”
“Are you one of those people?” he asked with a smile.
She shrugged. “Sometimes. Probably not this flight. I’ve got too much on my mind.”
He nodded, placing a hand over hers. “I’m here for whatever you want to talk about,” he offered her a smile. “Or we could just drink,” he joked.
“I think one glass will suffice,” she chuckled, stretching her legs out.
He smiled and squeezed her hand before releasing it. The surprise was evident on his face when she took his hand back in hers a moment later.
“Thanks for coming with me, Castle,” she said softly, offering him a smile and pulling their joined
hands back into her lap.
“Always,” he smiled, stretching his legs out to get comfortable as well.
“Is this what you call under the radar?” Beckett asked, gesturing to the red Ferrari they were currently in.
“In LA, this baby fits right in,” Castle insisted. “So what’s our first stop?”
“My hotel. It’s on Ventura Blvd.”
Castle shot her a look. “That’s all the way in the Valley. How are we supposed to work together if you’re an hour away?”
“Castle, we weren’t supposed to work together at all,” she reminded him.
He shrugged. “Okay, well the studio comped me a two-bedroom suite at a 4-star hotel. You just stay with me,” he stated as though it were a no-brainer.
She snorted a laugh. “Yeah right!”
“What?” he asked, turning to look at her. “You’ll have your own room.”
“No! I am not staying with you!” she insisted, biting back another laugh.
He raised an eyebrow, almost in a challenge. “Worried you can’t control yourself when we’re alone together?”
Her smile faltered only slightly. It was a legitimate concern of hers, yes, considering the current state of their relationship and how close they currently were to crossing the line between friends and lovers…but she wasn’t going to admit that to him. “Actually, it’s not me that I’m worried about,” she replied.
“I assure you, Detective, my intentions are pure,” he insisted as the light they were stopped at turned green. He paused a moment before continuing. “Need I remind you that the last two times we were alone together, you were the one who kissed me,” he commented nonchalantly, keeping his eyes on the road.
She tugged her lower lip between her teeth. She couldn’t even deny that. Even though it had been months ago and she hadn’t ended her relationship with Josh at the time, she’d still been the one to kiss him on Valentine’s Day over wine in his loft. And now that they were both single,
she hadn’t been able to resist kissing him when they’d gone out 3 weeks ago after he’d been so jealous of Alex Conrad.
Yes, they were here to work…at least she was…but she also couldn’t deny the attraction and connection that pulled them together, couldn’t deny that they were one “Yes” from her away from becoming romantic partners in addition to professional ones. Here to work or not, she knew it was a very real possibility that when they were alone together she would give into the temptation that was her desire to be with him. Simply having her own bedroom didn’t guarantee she wouldn’t seek him out in the middle of the night without anything holding her back anymore.
“Fine, I’ll stay with you,” she finally agreed. She knew herself well enough to know there was a very real possibility she would find herself in his bed…or invite him into hers…before they left LA. She only hoped she was ready for everything that entailed. Because once they crossed that last line between them, she knew there would be no going back. If she messed it all up, if they crashed and burned, she would lose him forever…and she wasn’t sure that was a loss from which she’d recover.
“We’re so happy to have you back, Mr. Castle,” Maurice the concierge smiled. “I’ve taken the liberty of setting up the suite just the way you like it.”
“Thank you,” Castle returned the man’s smile.
“And I’ve scheduled a couple’s massage at 7,” Maurice added.
Beckett paused looking around the suite for a moment to cut Castle a look. “Pure, huh?”
Castle’s eyes widened slightly. “Uh, Maurice, you can cancel the couple’s massage. We’re actually here to work, so we won’t be needing that tonight.” He didn’t ask for the champagne or flowers to be removed, however.
Maurice nodded. “Very good, Sir.”
Castle handed the bellhop who handled their luggage a tip and offered Maurice one as well. “Thank you, Maurice.” He followed the men out and closed the double doors behind them. “The last time I was here, I brought this Parisian supermodel, so he…” he trailed off when he caught the look Beckett shot him and he realized bringing up the fact that he’d been with other women here was probably not the best idea considering they were working toward a relationship with each other. “You know, that is not important. Would you like to choose your bedroom?”
She rolled her eyes and went to her carry-on to get her jacket. “No, I would like to start the investigation.”
“But we haven’t even ordered room service yet,” Castle pointed out.
“Castle, I’m not here for room service, I’m here for justice,” she stated, heading for the doors.
“Can’t we have both?” Castle called as he followed her. “Wow. In LA for all of a minute and already she’s spouting cheesy movie dialogue. Must be something in the air.”
“Picture this: a gullible young actress, desperate to make a name for herself. She meets our mastermind at a club. He needs a pretty girl to help him get the voice code. He tells Violet he’s a producer, promises to make her famous if she helps him play a practical joke on a friend,” Castle theorizes. He turns to face Beckett on the couch in the living room area of their suite.
Beckett turns a little more facing him, her elbow resting on the back of the couch with her head resting on her hand. The bottle of champagne from earlier is opened and mostly empty on the coffee table in front of them. “She doesn’t even realize that she’s participating in a crime until afterwards. She can’t call the cops, so she contacts Royce.”
“But then, our Mr. McCauley finds out,” Castle continues to build theory with her.
“And Royce tries to change the game. He goes to New York; home-field advantage. Classic. Classic Royce,” Beckett smiled slightly. “I was so in awe of him, Castle when I first met him. I just hung on his every word. And then later, I realized he was just making up stories to mess with me,” she gave a soft laugh, but her smile faded. “I can’t believe that I’m never gonna see him again.”
He studied her for a moment, shifting just a little closer. “You know what I first thought when I met you?” he asked her.
She turned her attention back to him. “Mm?” she hummed the question.
“That you were a mystery I was never gonna solve. Even now, after spending all this time with you, I’m still amazed at the depths of your strength…your heart…” he trailed off as the faintest smile teased his lips, “and your hotness.”
She looked down for a moment and then met his smile with one of her own. “You’re not so bad yourself, Castle.”
Their eyes locked and they held each other’s gaze. He wanted to kiss her…so badly. Under any other circumstance, he would have. But she was vulnerable now. She was dealing with her grief over the loss of her friend whom he knew she cared for deeply. He wouldn’t be the guy who took
advantage of that. He cared too much about her to be the guy who did that to her. If there was a move to be made, she was going to have to be the one to initiate it.
“I should go. It’s late,” Beckett stood, finally breaking the moment between them as she headed for her bedroom door.
“Goodnight, Castle,” she stated, stepping inside and closing the door. She leaned against it, running her hands over her face and through her hair. A hundred thoughts were running through her mind: She should have kissed him. Why was she running? How badly she wanted to kiss him. How badly she wanted to lose herself in his arms tonight, let him make her forget everything else but him and the way she knew he would make her feel. But was that fair to him to do it this way? Was it fair to either of them to spend their first night together under these circumstances? Was she ready to fully embrace the depth of her feelings for him? Was she ready to embrace the depth of his feelings for her?
Her hand lingered over the door handle for another moment as she hesitated. The words from Royce’s letter echoed in her mind: And now for the hard part, kid. It’s clear that you and Castle have something real. And you’re fighting it. But trust me, putting the job ahead of your heart is a mistake. Risking our hearts is why we’re alive. The last thing you want is to look back on your life and wonder, if only. A moment later, she’d made her decision. She wanted the comfort he would provide. She wanted to touch him, to taste him, to feel him. She just wanted him. She opened the door and met his eyes as he stood from the couch. “Castle…” she breathed from her doorway.
He wordlessly approached her, coming to stand in front of her in her doorway. In her bare feet, she was a good 5 or 6 inches shorter than him, and his eyes were soft as he looked at her. “Kate…” he murmured, unable to resist reaching out to run his fingers gently across her cheek.
Her hands moved to his chest and her eyes closed as she leaned into his touch. Her fingers tightened in his shirt and she pulled him closer against her, opening her eyes to look at his lips.
He leaned down, his lips stopping just before they touched hers. Swallowing hard, he had to make sure. “Kate, I don’t want to take advantage of you,” he murmured in a whisper.
Her nose nuzzled his, her lips moving the tiniest bit closer until they were only a hair’s width apart and she could feel his breath tickling her lips. “You’re not…” she breathed, her lips barely brushing his as she spoke. “If we hadn’t been so busy the past few weeks, this would have already happened…”
He swallowed hard again. She was making it so damn hard to think straight, to try to be the
gentleman. “I thought you wanted to wait…”
The last words from Royce played over again in her head. The last thing you want is to look back on your life and wonder, if only. “I’m done waiting,” she told him.
“You won’t regret this in the morning?” he had to ask her. Because he wouldn’t be able to handle it if she did.
“No regrets,” she promised, unable to take it anymore and closing the almost invisible distance between their lips with a slow kiss. She stepped back from him into her room a few moments later, her lower lip tugged between her teeth and the look in her eyes inviting, imploring him to follow her.
He was powerless to resist her now, and he knew it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening them a second later, he followed her into her bedroom and closed the door behind him.
Her eyes never left his as he approached her. She took the final step toward him necessary to close the distance between them again and took his face in her hands. This time when she kissed him, the dam broke; her feelings for him, their physical attraction to each other, the past two+ years…everything poured into her kiss. She was drowning in his kiss, in him, and for once she didn’t care.
Her tongue ravaged his mouth, and he let her take what she needed, what she wanted from him while his hands gripped her hips and pulled her closer. One hand slowly ran up her back and curled into her hair, deepening the kiss until both needed some oxygen. His mouth ran along her jaw to her neck and finally along her throat, grazing her skin lightly with his teeth as he tasted her.
Her hands moved to his plaid button-up shirt and shoved it over his shoulders, causing him to release his hold on her long enough to yank his arms free from it. She grabbed his t-shirt and tugged it over his head as well, her eyes and fingers traveling the lines of muscle across and down his now bare chest appreciatively. Her lips grazed against the hollow of his neck where it met his chest, her tongue darting out to taste his skin. Her arms moved around him, her fingers sliding up the muscles of his back as she pressed an open-mouth kiss to his chest, smiling against his skin at the low groan that escaped his throat.
When he felt her fingers at his belt before he’d even had the chance to get her shirt off her, he
caught her wrists and brought them to his lips for a gentle kiss. “Not so fast,” he murmured with a smile. He caught her playful look and returned it with one of his own before grabbing the hem of her shirt and bringing it up and over her head. His eyes darkened at the exposed skin, the black lace of her bra a stark contrast against her tanned skin. His fingers gently traced along the length of her bra strap at her shoulder as he circled behind her.
The feel of his lips on her shoulder and then her neck as he pushed her hair aside drew a gasp from her lips. His mouth lightly danced along the curve of her neck as his fingers unclasped her bra. She leaned back against him as his hands slowly slid the straps down her arms until the piece fell from her body to the floor. Her head fell back against his shoulder and her eyes closed as his lips slid to her shoulder, one hand flattening against her stomach to hold her against him, the other moving to her breast, eliciting a soft moan from her lips.
He bit her shoulder gently as he squeezed her breast. One of her hands moved to cover his on her breast, and her other moved to his head, pulling him into a smoldering kiss. As she tugged his lip between her teeth and bit gently, the hand on her stomach slid lower, dipping inside her pants, his fingers lightly tracing along her underwear. She moaned her approval into his mouth and released her grip on his hand to guide the hand in her pants lower until she could press his fingers into the heat between her legs.
Even through her panties, he could feel her arousal, causing him to groan against her lips. “Kate…” he breathed, his mouth moving to her neck as his fingers slipped past the barrier of her underwear to slide between her legs. The feel of his touch where she was already so ready for him caused her hips to buck against his hand and nearly sent her spiraling. The hand still joined with his on her breast flexed and squeezed, while her hand that had guided his into her pants gripped his hip, her fingers curling in his belt loops.
He continued to work her up with his fingers at her core, his lips gently sucking and nipping at her skin, and his other hand on her breast, alternating between massaging and rolling her nipple between his fingers. It wasn’t long before he had her a whimpering mess, his name escaping her lips in a breathless moan as she crashed over the edge. His fingers continued to work her through her orgasm until she couldn’t take it anymore and gripped his forearm, tugging his hand away. He smirked against her skin, moving his hand to her stomach to hold her against him as she recovered, his lips softly caressing her skin.
Once she regained her senses, she turned in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and meeting his smile with one of her own. “Hi,” she murmured, kissing him slowly.
“Hi,” he returned, resting his forehead against hers. He slowly walked her back toward the bed, easing her back and lowering her down on it when her legs hit the edge. He moved over her, capturing her mouth with his in a passionate kiss, his tongue slowly stroking hers. This time when he felt her fingers slide down his chest to his belt, he didn’t stop her.
She easily unfastened his belt and the button on his pants, and then slowly slid the zipper down. Her fingers teased just underneath the waistband of his boxers before her hands moved to his hips. She pushed both his jeans and boxers over his hips, her hands sliding around to grab his ass, squeezing the ample flesh as she pulled him into the cradle of her thighs. “Get them off…” she murmured, her lips brushing against his jaw as she pushed them as far down as she could.
He did as he was told, standing and removing his last remaining clothing. She pushed up to her elbows to watch, her eyes darkening as she took in the sight of him for the first time. She sat up, her hands moving to his hips as she pulled him to stand in front of her.
“Kate…you don’t have to…” he started.
“I know,” she met his eyes with a smile. She knew he would never expect or even ask her to do what she was about to do. But she wanted him, wanted all of him; she had for awhile. “I want to taste you.”
Her lips pressed a soft kiss to his stomach, glancing up at him as one hand moved to his length, her slender fingers stroking him slowly. She smirked against his skin at the low groan and moved her mouth to his hip, nipping playfully before blazing a trail of open mouth kisses across his skin as she worked her mouth further down. She looked up at him watching her and saw his eyes close as she ran her tongue the length of him before taking him in her mouth and sucking gently.
It took all of his willpower not to buck his hips into her mouth, but he somehow managed. He forced himself to keep his eyes open, watching her, one hand tangling in her hair…not to guide her movement, but to simply caress her. After a few moments, he hand to stop her. “Kate…” he managed to choke out her name on a strangled moan, his hand gently caressing her cheek. “I can’t…you’ve got to stop…or it’s going to be over to soon…” he managed to get out, trying to force his breathing to return to normal.
She raised an eyebrow, slightly amused as she leaned back on her elbows. He moved with her, leaning down to kiss her again, moaning against her lips as her tongue sensually tangoed with his. His hands gripped her leggings and pulled them down her legs slowly, standing to toss them aside as she shifted to push herself up on the bed, resting her head on the pillows.
He crawled up the bed to her with a grin, dropping soft kisses to the inside of her knee and trailing his tongue along the skin of her thigh. When he reached her underwear, he paused and looked up at her. “You’re sure?” he asked her again.
She pushed up on her elbows so she could gently caress his face. “Make love to me, Rick…” she told him softly, pulling him to her for a slow, deep kiss as she slid her body against his.
He groaned, wrapping her in his arms as he deepened the kiss. When he finally broke away, he pushed up to his knees and hooked his fingers in her panties, drawing them down her legs slowly before dropping them to the floor to the side of the bed. He swallowed hard as his eyes traveled over her body slowly. “You’re beautiful, Kate…” he murmured in awe. His hand slowly, lightly ran up her thigh as he settled between her legs.
He trailed kisses across her stomach before getting sidetracked by the tattoo on her hip, which she’d fully expected, tracing the outline with his tongue. His mouth continued it’s path, until his tongue dipped inside her, finally tasting her, and he knew at that moment he was addicted. Each touch of his fingers to her skin, each press of his lips, each stroke of his tongue was reverent, as though her body was a temple at which he was worshiping. He took his time as he worked her up, enjoying the taste of her, enjoying the soft moans and whimpers of pleasure as he explored her body, learning the way she liked to be touched so intimately.
It wasn’t long before she was moaning his name as she came, her fingers clenching in the comforter on the bed. He gently but firmly held her hips in place as mouth continued to work her through her orgasm, and then suck on her bundle of nerves until she quickly came undone again, his name falling from her lips in a strangled scream. Only when her fingers curled in his hair and pulled him away slightly did he move his mouth to her hip, biting enough to leave a mark and soothing it with his tongue.
His kisses were slow and gentle as they moved back up her body, giving her time to recover. It wasn’t until he was settled in the cradle of her thighs with her hips rocking against his as they kissed passionately that he realized–he didn’t have protection on him. “Kate…” he pulled away breathlessly. “I didn’t bring…I mean, I didn’t expect that we would…I don’t have condoms…”
“Neither do I…You don’t carry one in your wallet?”
“Not if I don’t think I’m going to need it…which I didn’t…because we weren’t together…and I did not come out here with the intention of sleeping with you…” he murmured, moving to shift off her.
She gently stopped him, her fingertips lightly caressing his jaw. “Castle, it’s okay,” she assured him softly, pressing a kiss to his chin. “I’m clean. And I’m on birth control. So I’m good without one if you are.” He was the only man she would ever consider doing this with, and only because she trusted him implicitly. She'd never even had unprotected sex with Josh. There was no one she trusted the way she trusted Castle.
He stared at her for a moment, because he knew the level of trust that she was putting in him with that statement, with that action. “I’m clean…” he promised. “You’re…you’re really sure about this, Kate? Because I can’t promise you I’ll be able to pull out before I…”
She interrupted him with a kiss. “I’m sure. I trust you completely, Rick…”
This time it was him who cut off her words with a deep kiss. I love you, was right on the tip of his tongue to say, but he didn’t dare say it now. He’d told her before…on more than one occasion, admittedly not always at the best moment. The last thing he wanted was to send her running now if she wasn’t ready to hear those words from him again. Instead, he’d show her.
One of his hands found hers and he laced their fingers, pushing their joined hands above her head. His other hand lightly caressed her thigh and shifted, meeting her eyes as he slowly slid inside her. She gasped softly, and his forehead rested against hers as they both took a moment to savor the connection.
Her hand squeezed his and her free hand caressed his cheek as her lips met his again in a tender kiss. One of her legs hooked over his hip, pulling him in closer, and a soft moan escaped her throat. Another moan escaped, this time from each of them, as she rocked her hips against his to get him to move.
They exchanged breathless kisses, gentle caresses, soft moans as their bodies moved together almost seamlessly, meeting each other perfectly, each knowing what the other needed or wanted as though they were in a well-choreographed dance and not coming together for the first time.
As he felt his climax approaching, he released her hand and shifted so that he had a deeper angle. “Kate…I’m close…” he warned dropping his mouth to her neck.
Her lips moved to his ear as her hands slid down his back, her nails raking across his skin. “Let go with me…inside me…” she panted breathlessly, tugging on his ear with her teeth as her legs pulled him in closer to reinforce her words.
Her breathless moans and the way she moved her body with his, the way her legs tightened around his waist, was enough to push him over the edge and pull her with him. He thrust a few more times until he was completely spent, and dropped down, rolling them so she was on top of him.
They stayed wrapped in each other's arms silently, both catching their breath. He caught her hand drawing patterns on his chest after a few minutes and brought it to his lips for a gentle kiss.
“You were right…I had no idea,” he admitted with a grin.
She laughed softly and pushed herself up on his chest to look at him. “You still don’t,” she grinned. Seeing his look, she kissed him as she laughed again. “That was just a preview,” she murmured against his lips before pushing herself up off the bed. “Be right back,” she promised, pressing one last kiss to his lips before disappearing into the bathroom.
When she returned, he’d gotten under the covers and made no attempt to hide his enjoyment in the fact that she hadn’t bothered to put any of her clothes…or his…back on to cover up. She met his gaze with an amused arch of her eyebrow, turning the lights off on her way back to bed. “Staring is still creepy, bud.”
He chuckled as she slipped back into bed beside him. “Can’t help it,” he shrugged, turning on his side to look at her. “I told you before…I’m still amazed at your hotness.” He couldn’t help but reach out and let his fingers trace along her curves.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” she echoed her own words from earlier, sliding closer to kiss him. She grinned against his lips as he deepened the kiss and threw her leg over his hips, quickly straddling him, running her hands over his chest as she stared down at him. “You wanna find out what you really had no idea about?” she asked in a husky tone, already sliding her body sinfully against his as she bit her lower lip.
He swallowed hard, his hands moving to her thighs. “Yes, please,” he managed to choke out. The way she was moving her body against his was similar to every fantasy and wet dream he’d had about her since that undercover date in the club back in February. Only now it was real…she was really here, it was really her body moving against his, and it was better than any fantasy.
She leaned down to kiss him with a wicked grin. “Your safe word still apples?” she purred against his lips.
All he could do was nod.
Okay, I am aware this is only the first half of the LA episode. I went a little crazy here…I told you guys it was a favorite of mine! And I am sorry, but you will have to wait until I return from vacation to get the chapter dealing with the second half of the episode. But I did make this a long one to tide you over in the meantime!
I really hope you enjoyed this one! And I look forward to reading all your comments for those who leave them!
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casanovawrites · 3 months
FROM season 2 sentence starters (part 2)
we can’t have new people stealing what little food we have.
you fucking stabbed me!
they probably all think you’ve gone crazy.
you’re talking to a figment of your imagination. but hey, sometimes crazy is the most rational response you could have.
you tried. not every story gets a happy ending.
it’s real, and i’m fucking terrified.
you’re okay. you’re okay. look at me.
i’m not really good with blood.
i can feel them. even if i can’t see them, i can feel them.
you wanna play games? i’m right here. i’m ready.
i told my mom and dad i wasn’t scared. but i am.
i’m a little scared, too. but guess what? that’s a good thing.
fear is something that lives inside us, just like hope or joy or love. they’re all things that make us special. but fear might be the most important one of all because without fear, we wouldn’t know how to be brave. fear is what makes us heroes.
i should’ve listened to you. i should’ve trusted you.
you’re about to willingly bring something evil into your home.
i know you want all this to make sense, i know you want there to be a rational explanation. 
what’s the point of being friends if we can’t BE friends?
you’re shivering. here. 
it’s dead. how is it going to hurt us?
all i do here is put broken things back together. 
yeah, i’m scared. i’m fucking terrified. that’s why i need you in there with me. i can’t do this without you.
we’re in this together, remember? you and me.
i love you. and all i want is for you to be happy. but i can’t watch you do something that might get you killed.
what if this place is trying to torture me, mock me?
we have seen a lot of horrible, impossible shit here. we just assume anything impossible that happens here is bad.
you met the love of your life in the middle of your worst fucking nightmare.
a miracle is just the other side of a nightmare.
you’re not being punished. maybe this is just a scary place where fucked up shit happens, and there’s no explanation why.
when things change here, it’s usually bad.
this was our chance. it couldn’t have been for nothing.
this place, it’s like as soon as you start to think, ‘you know, maybe today i won’t go insane,’ something new comes along, and it’s like, ‘hey, wait ’til you see this!’
i’ve just accepted that i’m never going to be comfortable again.
i’m gonna be all right, you know? you don’t have to worry about me.
what if the answers are out there, we just didn’t go out far enough?
there’s no place for me here. no one even wants me here.
there’s a difference between going out there and running away from here.
is it just physically impossible for you not to be an asshole for 10 minutes?
what this place did to you, it isn’t fair.
people shouldn’t go looking for answers. they don’t come back.
bad things happen here no matter what.
i’m afraid to remember.
i got so used to being scared, it just felt normal.
are you honestly saying that our fucking dreams can hurt us now?
things here feel different now. they feel wrong.
this place feeds on our pain. but what if it does more than that? 
i’m not planning on dying here tonight.
i’m not going to lose another person to ‘probably.’
i’m not listening to this shit all fucking night, okay?
everything is a story, and we’re the ones who decide how it ends.
i know it’s painful for you, seeing me every day.
i know what i’ve done. i’ll never be able to take it back. i ruined people’s lives.
i didn’t ask for any of this. 
you think you’re the only one who lost something? i’ve lost everything. 
everything i was, and everything i could have been, is gone.
this place destroyed the only person i ever get to be, and i’m tired. i’m tired of being afraid, and i’m tired of being ashamed. 
i don’t want to be here anymore. i don’t want to be your monster anymore. i just want it to be over.
it’s like trying to imagine a jigsaw puzzle without all the pieces.
we can’t just sit here hoping for the best. 
i don’t need a fucking reminder of what’s at stake.
why do people ask if i’m okay, when the answer’s obvious?
let’s get married. today. we have no idea what’s going to happen.
if this is the end, then i want it to end with you.
how far are you willing to go to find answers?
you know what, motherfucker? i’m not here to pray. 
all i am is a dumb motherfucker who keeps getting people killed.
is this how it ends?
i actually allowed myself to believe that there was a plan to all of this. that there was something we were meant to do here. 
we’re all going to die here, and all of this would’ve been for nothing.
did i say give up? this might be the last few hours any of us get. 
life is a journey through the unknown. though your eyes and mind sometimes deceive you, your heart will never lie.
my heart’s belonged to you since the moment i met you. you’re the love of my life, for as long as that life may last.
there has been so many times here when i felt like i was stumbling in the dark. but each and every time, you were the light that guided me through.
you are my love. you are my home. you are my light in dark places. 
they’re all going to die screaming.
hope is what makes you willing to suffer. 
it’s not your fear that feeds the forest. it’s hope.
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awaytobeunshaken · 1 year
Angstpril 2023 - Day 3: No Escape
Dorian had asked about it before, what had drawn Orym away from Zephrah. Always got the same answer. ‘Didn’t feel like home anymore.’ In his heart Dorian knew there had to be more to it than that, but he of all people had no right to pry, and if Orym wanted to elaborate, he would. Besides, ‘anymore’ implied that it had felt that way at some point, which was more than some people got.  
The equation changed a bit, the morning that Dorian woke to find Orym awake before him, as usual, but not going through his normal exercises. Instead, his sword and shield are already firmly strapped on as he tucks various belongings firmly into his pack.  
“You know, if you were wanting to get an early start this morning you could have let the rest of us know. We’ve got our own—” The surprise and touch of guilt on Orym’s face cut Dorian off in the middle of the sentence. “Oh. You were going to leave leave.”  
“It’s not like that.”  
“Like what? You sneaking off at the crack of dawn without telling anyone? Were you at least going to leave a note?”  
Orym pulls a scrap of parchment from his armor and lays it on the ground between them. “Cute,” Dorian mutters under his breath, but he unfolds the paper and begins to read.  
Word from home. Need to head back. Please don’t follow.  
Stay safe. I’ll try to find you again if I can.  
His eyes go back to those three words. Please don’t follow. Orym still hasn’t said a word, remaining fixated on his pack. “Why?”  
Orym shrugs. “Duty calls.”  
“I mean…” Dorian pauses, breathes. Obviously something there had hurt Orym deeply. Dorian can't really blame him for not wanting to talk about it. But the thought of him sneaking away at the crack of dawn leaving only the most cursory notice hurts. And the thought of whatever pain the halfling might be avoiding hurts even more. “I meant to ask, why do you have to go alone? What did they do to you there that you don’t even want your friends to see where you come from?”  
Orym doesn’t look up, but he stops fidgeting with his gear, taking a handful of long, slow breaths before taking a seat on the ground facing Dorian. He pulls the sword from his belt and lays it in front of him, then does the same with the shield. “I told you about my father… the one that left. But he wasn’t the only one. There was a friend of my mother’s, Nel, and she and her husband kind of helped raise me.”  
Dorian glanced at a figure moving at the edge of his vision; Fearne was awake now, too, and was sitting on the ground beside him. “They had a big family already,” Orym continued, “and I was as much a part of it as any of their kids. He had a son, Will,” and at the mention of the name, Orym affixed his gaze firmly into the ground, his thumb tracing the leaf pattern in his blade. “He was around my age, and we were inseparable for as long as I can remember. And then I fell in love.”  
Dorian’s fingers freeze on the chord he was plucking in the air. An unrequited love interest might be enough to drive Orym away, but it hardly warranted the intense secrecy that Orym has displayed. There was something else there. “What happened?”  
Orym smiles, oddly enough. “He asked me to marry him, and I did. You couldn’t imagine a happier ending. Except that wasn’t the end. We were Tempest Blades together. And there was an attack… on Zephrah… almost six years ago. On our leader. It wasn’t successful… but it wasn’t without casualties. Will was killed; Derrig, his father, too. We… there are some of the Ashari with resurrection magic, but none of their spells could bring them back. It all happened so fast, and then they were gone. And the thought of staying there, where all my memories are of Will, of having to look every day at the place where they were cut down.”  
“But ‘duty calls’?”  
“We don’t know who attacked us. The ones we killed, they left no remains behind.”  
Orym nods. “Yeah, like in the warehouse. We had no clue who did it, who sent them. If the Tempest is calling me, maybe that’s changed. And if that’s the case, then I owe it to my husband and my father to see this through.”  
“And you have to go alone.”  
“No.” And though it should have hurt, that he’d meant to leave them behind regardless, Dorian finally though he understood. “The message said to bring whatever companions I wished. I just didn’t want anyone to feel obligated to come with me.”  
As if Dorian had done anything for this man out of simple obligation. “I see. But what if I want to?”  
“If you want to, well… I guess I can’t stop you.”  
“Good. Because I couldn’t bear to leave you to deal with all this on your own.”
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preciadosbass · 1 month
15/8/24 [1 DIY/2, if you concider the jacket diy due to the custom aspects + got 2 CDS!! key & significant photos at end]
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reguarding the end of yesterdays journal, the update for when i actually went to sleep was 3:40-50. i woke up today at 8, fed boris and briefly said goodmorning to him, checked my socials, and got to adding a new addition to the things i post. i’ve decided to do weekly recaps/highlights to focus on the cool things i’ve done because i can imagine most people dont want to read the long journals i write and find out if there’s anything interesting hidden in there. i therefore started screenshotting parts of my previous journals to write it down and make a draft/drafts. at 9:20 i started making just random drafts, like unposted pictures ive taken at reptile experience, things like that.
AND saw the new gerard way sighting via my tumblr feed!! apparently he was at the cinema again XD — at 9:30 i started downloading drawing references of my fav musicians and got to drawing my killjoy oc again at the same sort of time. i finished at 10:30 and had to keep on redrawing stuff before uploading it to my phone because i couldn’t find a layer id drawn scribbles on so i could delete it lmaoo // i’m not really happy with how it came out, look for more than a quarter of a millisecond and you notice everything wrong with it. hopefully if i keep up drawing everyday i’ll improve.
i cant expect much from a second time drawing since like 4 years ago but i’m just disappointed. everyone else on here is so talented *cries /hj* i scrolled on scenemo-related posts on my tiktok feed until getting ready to go out. i didn’t plan on going out today, mostly because i thought i’d be sleeping all day, but i didn’t have the urge to go back to sleep so i tagged along to see some family with my parents. i got dressed into my dark cargo jorts [told you i’d be wearing these a lot] and my skinless shirt, as that and my silent hill shirt are the only ones that go with the cargos. i also accidentally forgot all of my bracelets, so i felt naked the entire time i was out. 11:20, i went outside with boris.
he was SO affectionate and spent the whole time i was out there circling around me while pressing his-self onto my back and then going over to my hand to nudge it, and prompt me to stroke him. he’s like this almost all the time but something about it today just made me more happy than usual. i literally couldnt stop smiling. like he was propped up on me that’s so adorable 😭. i must’ve looked crazy to all the people driving past though. i stayed out until 12:10 when i had to leave.
i went out to see my grandad at his assisted living facility, his daughter [my distant aunt], and my other grandad, of whom i didn’t know was coming until we got there. i listened to underoath and paramore during the car ride and we got there at 12:30. i was greeted by the care home’s cat and with my grandad [the one who lives independently] WITH LITERALLY JUST HIS FRONT TEETH AND NO OTHER ONES APART FROM HIS BOTTOM SET 😭 he talked about something to do with this when i came round his house not too long ago but i thought he’d have more than two?? just joking, he found it funny i was surprised too.
the care home had this outside music thingy on so me, my mum, and my mums dad sat in the garden while my aunt and dad wheeled my grandad down to our table. he wasn’t as unresponsive as he sometimes is today. it was clear he tried to make conversation and said a few things which were just so - him. [he has dementia and dosent usually speak/has little to no mobility to an extent/has been this way since i can remember etc. just tryna give you an idea of why this was amazing.] a few times he came out with like, full sentences, which was nice to hear. my aunt also gave me the can tabs shes been collecting for me. me and my dad left to go charity shopping [thrifting] at 2, while the others stayed. we went into at least seven/eight and in the third i found an evanescence cd RAA - such a good find. not even a minute later my dad pointed out an avril lavigne cd which i also took and bought.
i cant wait to play them both, i just need to find something to do while listening. i’m bad at just listening to music without another task, i end up focusing on my thoughts and not taking in or processing any of the lyrics etc. me and dad walked back to the home and sat with the others for a bit before my dad and aunt took my grandad back up to the living room area. to be fair it was getting colder and we had to head off anyways. he didn’t like the lift very much but they eventually got him into his signature chair around all of his housemates and i said goodbye to him. i gave him a hug and he kissed me on the top of my head without any prompt whatsoever, which was heartwarming. we starting driving back at 3 and i listened to gerard way on the way home before having not even a minute long nap.
we got home at 3:10 and boris was so happy to see me. he ran up to the car once we’d parked and meowed at me while lifting up his head for me to stroke it. i stayed outside with him and added the new can tabs to my tab bracelet. it was enough to finish it so i tied it off and it’s a perfect fit. its big enough to go down my arm a bit, but not big enough to fall off my wrist. at 4:50 i randomly sparked an idea to make an upcycled necklace with one of my favourite musicians on it. i didn’t have any pictures of jaime or chi that were small enough to fit on a bottlecap, so i resorted to a print of kellin quinn. my dad drilled holes through a corona bottlecap and once he was done i used mod-podge to still the picture onto it. i left it to dry on a book and went back outside with boris.
he came inside to sit on the table so i also sat there with him until around 7:20 as my phone ran out. while i was sitting with him however, i attempted to draw my killjoy oc again. its honestly embarrassing so i’m never letting anyone see it and i hope i neevr do again — but it’s a shame because i genuinely thought it’d turn out alright. in my room i checked to see if my necklace had dried [it had], doomscrolled on tiktok, and saved outfit inspo. this lasted up until 8:30 and at this time i got dressed again to try on one of the outfits in question, just so i knew how it looked on me so i can wear it the next time i do something.
the outfit was: [there’s a photo at the end but you can’t see a few things because of the lighting] a sleeping with sirens shirt, with a long sleeved burgundy shirt underneath it rolled up to just above my elbows. with my can tab bracelet, a studded single rowed cuff, a wooden bracelet, a string bracelet consisting of lots of shades of blue, an earth colour schemed crystal ball bracelet, ripped skinny jeans, and a sleeping with sirens band bracelet. after taking photos for journal reference and so i don’t forget anything when i wear it, i found a plain black zip up jacket. i took a few pins off my backpack and added them to the pockets and neck piece/line.
they consisted of: a saw pin, a paper clip with the gay flag on [again, not even really because i’m gay - i just love the colours, a paper clip with a black stone/crystal sphere attatched, a pin implying taxidermy, a kellin quinn pin, and a pentagram pin. i tried it on, and maybe it’s just because of the general heat [although i tried it on at night and my room dosent have a working radiator or anything] but it warms me up almost immediately. which is great because i haven’t worn a coat since i started dressing alt and im always cold. i did all of the above while listening to my new evanescence cd — my favourite song from the album hasnt changed, its imaginary. afterwards i went out to the kitchen table and sat with boris.
my sister suddenly [i say suddenly, she’s always like this - which is why it’s so draining.] started screaming at the top of her lungs and jumping and punching the floor [the ceiling above the kitchen] and it was terrifying boris and archie. boris was already panicking, and then it set off the dog because he must’ve thought someone was dying. it was deafening. i went upstairs, frustrated, because she genuinely acts like she dosent share a house with anyone else and screams while gaming everyday; despite also being told to quiet down everyday. she also knows how loud she’s being, and how sound sensitive me and the animals are. anyway, i asked her to be quiet because she’s scaring boris [in an slight angry tone, because it was angering. but not like, anywhere near shouting.] and she replied with something along the lines of ‘no im not, and i don’t care.’
i told her to stop again and she shook her head and continued speaking to whoever she was playing a game with. i just said her name, again, implying for her to stop and she smirked and started waving at me. i said ‘what is wrong with you?’, she told me she hates me, and i walked off. then i cried for like 30mins because i felt guilty about saying that. i’m just really sick and tired of my cat, who lives here, feeling scared in his own home because of her. aswell as me, i also feel on edge here because of the whole screaming thing, and how angry she gets over it when she’s told to shut her door or quiet down. [shutting doors dosent make a difference though, as our house is from the 1800s and the walls are paper thin.] i carried on accompanying boris and made a couple of gerard way gifs at 11.
i went into my room for a split second and when i came back i saw that boris was sitting in corner beside the doorway of the kitchen. which i immediately thought was really weird, and then i saw that he’d been sick. i called my dad because i don’t know how to clean stuff like that up from our old floors and tried my best to comfort him. he wasn’t really having it, which makes sense because he obviously couldn’t have been feeling good. it was a hairball, thankfully [and unkthankfully, of course], most likely due to him licking/biting out lots of his hair because of the bugs from outside getting on him. my mum will be giving him treatment for it soon, it’s just always trouble when its applied, because he gets very agitated and one he runs away, your not getting another chance. and if you do get through to him and apply the treatment, you can’t really fuss him for over a day.
which is such an obstacle for me because i try my best to spend a lot, if not all, of my free time with him. he kept on wanting to go outside afterwards, so i left him to his own devices as he was still quite skittish over being around anyone. at 12:20 i was in my room after checking if he wanted to come in, when i decided i was gunna nap. i slept on and off for 10 minutes before my mum came back from being out with her friend. i napped again, this time on and off for 15-20 minutes. she came back once id woken up and let boris in with her. he straight away had something to eat at the bowls outside my room’s door and was purring. my mum told me that it was raining outside so i felt terrible that id accidentally left him out there while i slept. hopefully he managed to get under my dads car/the bit over the front door but he was clearly wet.
i attempted to fuss him and apologise. i spoke to my mum about why i think he’s not okay and then got the yes to coming up and doing the questions. on the way upstairs, boris followed me round the living room and onto the living room table. he put his head back for me to stroke it and purred again. which sort of gave me the idea that he was/is feeling better, which i hope with every part of me is the case. upon going up to ask the questions, my sister got into a huge heated argument with my parents over some update that’s coming to one of the game she plays tomorrow. she said that it’s being released at 4am our [UK] time.
my mum said my sister could put an alarm on her phone, but she said that it won’t wake her up and started begging my parents to wake up at 4 to get her up. they said no and she started screaming and everything. she finally went into her room after my dad looked it up and found out it’s allegedly happening at 9, so she got her phone back for 10 minutes to put on another alarm and tell her friend that the original time is most likely wrong. i started doing my questions after my sister agreed she wouldn’t disrupt them and everything would still be okay, even though she’s not supposed to be awake when i do things like this. mainly because of change in routine.
i started doing my questions and she came into my parents room and i had to stop. she eventually left after kind of verifying that didn’t mess everything up and i finished doing my questions. i actually managed to get downstairs at 2:25, so that’s also when i finished them. it took longer that it should’ve because of the really long argument and after boris being sick, i had even more reasons to believe he isn’t okay. and, my parents didn’t ask me to do them until quite late. i went on to pour myself some icy water, feed boris, do my teeth, and then say goodnight to boris.
i showed him what i’d done today and fed him his treats like always. he was purring like crazy throughout the whole time i was speaking to him which made me feel really relaxed. i finished at an unknown time [i thought i logged it but apparently not] and went to sleep at 4:10.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, archie/immediate family’s dog, questions [about boris]/i ask my parents questions about my cat to verify he’s okay + will be okay in the morning. its a compulsive thing and i’m hopefully going to be tested for OCD in the future.
have a good day/night O_o
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sebastianorion · 2 years
I still taste the chapstick from your lips when you kissed me last night. Unexpectedly, I couldn’t commit the moment to memory, just the feeling afterwards. My sensory attributes, like the taste of your lips, the flowery smell of your perfume. The absence of the usual songs in the background. I leave the parking lot in a better mood than usual which is already always good considering I usually leave there from work. I shout and scream in excitement as the 3rd shift walks in, confusing them thinking a ghoul or a goblin just found something they’d been looking for for a while. I ran back into my car, feeling like a grand mission was just accomplished. I get in my car and lick away the rest of your chapstick. Still trying to commit the memory to my mind. File it in deep storage and be able to recall it whenever and relive the feelings and the touch of your lips so unexpectedly. Unannounced but not unwanted, not uninvited, a good surprise.
Something to write about, Everything we do ends up being something to write about. To remember, the tiniest interactions and incidents leave the biggest crater in my mind. We leave and the hole is still there. Just the memory of something being there and now there isn’t. The memory of that void once being filled but now empty. It sucks leaving but coming back is always the best part, just tough not knowing when we come back, when to see you again or how much space you need, how much space you take or how much you want me to give. People ask about us and I always know what to say.
It's kinda weird. The transparency I just seemed to pick up. I don’t want to return to my old self. The idea of it afterwards leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’m waiting for you in the breakroom. Imagine me: sitting in the first spot you’ll see down a long aisle. A blue chair at the usual table we sit at. Writing this with much thought and care. A little bit of love. Now imagine when you read this for the first time. You can’t but I can. Seeing the excitement after each sentence. Finally someone is actually dedicating their time to you. Just questioning if it’ll be different than it was before.
A scary thought to think about in a dessert on a horse with no name. Now imagine- reading this after a significant amount of time has passed. Our relationship flourishing or since long diminished, along with whatever feelings attached. Wanting to sulk, to sit and think about knowing how dangerous that ends up being. Because people arrive in your life without a timer hanging over their heads. So it’s always a risk of time spent when trying to establish a meaningful connection. I never worry about the start because that’s the easiest part. During and afterwards is when it gets worrisome. The feeling of things thinking back after time has passed. Thinking about how I will think about decisions with hindsight and live to regret possibly. I wish I could occupy more of my brain space to think about you. 
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othernaut · 2 years
Just throw me out with the trash.
“Orange rinds,” said Burney, up to the arms in filth. Someone in the thick cavern darkness, Les or Maxim maybe, went, “Really?” He nodded, his thick chin pressing into a warm half-moon at the height of his chest, a gesture for no one in particular. We all had our own shit to sift through.
“Yeah,” he said, quietly, and then once the thunder of his voice had returned, “Yeah. Just something about them, you know? They feel like something trying really hard to be skin.” A beat, a slow-rolling sift of trash and bones from Burney’s place midway up the midden. “Not that I don’t like oranges. Love ‘em. I’d have a Terry’s Chocolate on my desk every Christmas. It’s just the packaging, you know? The presentation.”
“Would love an orange rind right now,” said a voice in the darkness. Definitely Maxim; I could hear his wistful lisp at the end of the sentence, the tonal signifier of his ascent into imagination. ”I’d slice it very thin and boil it with the sweetest thing I’ve got. Or just as a tea, drinking the juice. Just for the memory of it.”
“What the fuck, Max?” echoed a voice from the far end of the cavern. Apex, further away than we thought they’d gotten, so distant that their usual thoughtless shouting dimmed to an echoing average. “You could daydream about anything. You had a chocolate orange right there. Boiling orange rinds?”
“Eyes on the prize, boys and girls,” said Burney, some ancient managerial impulse stirred to life by the barest threat of social decohesion. “Let’s keep the game going. Les, you’re up next. Name a question and a trigger.”
I could hear Les rifling through a drift of cloth, somewhere above and to my right. There was a plastic click, and then the lime green reading light Les used as an ersatz miner’s lamp clicked on, illuminating the bottom half of her pale, round face. Off again, something clinking into the bottom of a bag. You navigated by feel, in the piles, but sometimes you had to check. Lights weren’t, couldn’t be a constant thing down here. You had to be circumspect.
“Okay. Okay. The question is this. What’s been your greatest failure? And the trigger is the first two people who find something that would be worth more than fifty dollars on the surface,” she said. It was quiet, but the enormous chamber made all sound both sourceless and intimate. I could hear the grinding, gastrointestinal slosh of Maxim’s hungry stomach. Far and away, I could hear Apex breathing hard, no longer muffling their exertion into the tattered black T-shirt they wore like an oversized ascot.
We had to do these things, this obscene crossbreed between work song and online quiz, or then we’d be alone with each other, in the dark, nothing to think of but the foul work we were doing and how we came to be here.
It went quiet. I rooted through my own slice of detritus, letting the question circle in the back of my brain. This kind of scavenge-work was wholly sensory. You felt, you smelled. You ran your fingers around the edges of metal cylinders and over the faces of plastic squares. You felt along long, thin spans of dry and flakey material, testing with taps of your fingers, feeling for the knobbly ends of bone. Sticks were useless. Bone meant, maybe, a whole skeleton, and they might have something good in their pockets.
We all had our methods. I wore a rubber gardening glove over my right hand, nothing on my left. Burney was safety-focused, wore a pair of jaundice-yellow oven mitts over cheap, dollar store skeleton gloves, valuing his nine remaining fingers over touch accuracy. When Apex first started with us, they’d used a rake, noisily dragging the trash out onto a flat section of cave floor and then going over it quickly with a light; that had lasted until the tines caught in the grill of an ancient, leaky riding mower. Unsalvageable but for the blades.
Bit by bit, in frantic half-seconds each, lights bloomed in the darkness. Burney, working by candlelight carefully screwed into the shelf edge of a firetruck-red plastic coffin, pulled out bits and pieces with his yellow oven-mitt crab hands, holding them to the light for inspection. Maxim, working with a square, grey LED flashlight lashed to his head with a bandana, clicked it on for long sweeps over vast drifts of trash, his whisper-thin body a photo negative silhouette. You heard more of Apex than you saw of them, but they had the Maglite; when they needed it, huge blares of luminescence shone like a foghorn made visible over piled grit, sludge and bodies. No sense of smell, you see, so they had no trouble working with the newer dead.
A rustling below me. A careful series of grunts. The square window of an LED headlight blossomed, remained on. It illuminated an unquestionably nice overcoat. Blue wool, oversized, definitely floor length. No belt, but still with a full line of bright buttons down the front. Maxim stuck his arm through the collar, hung it on his forearm like an ersatz clothes hanger. It had suffered for its time in the midden, but it had no visible rips or tears. Everything else would wash out.
“Shit,” Maxim said, “I think I’m number one.”
“You’re up, kid,” said Burney. We all stopped, or at least slowed our scavenging to listen. Maxim worked his arm through the sleeve, hung the heavy greatcoat over his thin shoulders. The empty left arm kept its shape, filling out his asymmetrical silhouette. It couldn’t possibly get dirtier as he worked, after all.
“I almost killed my sister,” he said.
“Aw,” said Les, “That’s sweet.”
“No, that’s not... This isn’t coming through very well. I almost killed my sister. I didn’t fully kill her. That’s the mistake,” he said.
The work, perfunctory as it was, slowed to a stop as Maxim spoke. Even enlarged as he was by the coat, it was hard to imagine Maxim intentionally doing harm to anyone. He just had that affect to him, a dreamer’s quality. He was like the ghost of a priest, drifting through caverns as if they were confessionals, wanting to understand people, wanting to forgive people. With this assertion, he had made a stage for himself.
“I had one sister, younger than me by three years. My parents, they had to work very hard for us, to make it look like everything was okay. They didn’t want any of us to be thrown away, not at first, so not long after my sister was born, both of them had to go back to work. They tried to work it out so that one of them would be home all of the time, but there were always a few hours each day when it was just me and her. They tried to teach me everything I would need to take care of her, but I was very young. Four, maybe, or five. Young enough to be very stupid, to not have older experiences, to be able to translate them into new ideas.”
“Compared to everyone else, our pool was very small, but I loved it. I would have lived in it if I could. And one day my parents were out, and I wanted to show my sister this thing that I loved. I watched my father splashing her up and down in the pool and thought that I could do the same thing. The idea that I was smaller and weaker than my father did not occur. I was made from him, so I could do anything he could do. Of course, i dropped her a few times. She floated once or twice, but sank, too. And I didn’t notice. I was just so happy to be in the water, sharing the thing I loved with someone I was responsible for. Like feeding your dog chocolate. I just wanted her to feel the joy I felt.”
“She was lucky that my mother came home when she did, and that her work’s hospital subscription was very good. The oxygen deprivation hadn’t been debilitating. She would still be able to walk and talk. But after that, everything my parents had went to her. They were so afraid of losing her that they gave everything to keep her. And as she grew older, she knew this, too. All she had to do was stay away from home for half a day and they would do anything to bring her back. I don’t think they resented me for almost killing her. After a while, life got so hectic that I don’t think they even remembered. ”
“I don’t resent my sister. She was just trying to live as best she knew how. I don’t resent my parents, either, but I was always the person that they knew they could rely on, and she was always the person that they knew they could lose. There were big consequences and little ones. When the credit report came in, when one of us had to be thrown away, there was no question who it would be. But even before that, they knew that I would forgive them for missing my birthday, where they knew that she would not. Her crying was an emergency, while mine was an inconvenience.”
“I wonder, sometimes, how things would have been if I had fully killed her. Maybe, instead of relying on me, my parents would have hated me. Maybe they would have forgiven me, or just the same as it happened in truth, forgotten. But, at least, the credit report - the one that said that the world could only afford to bear one of my parents’ children - that wouldn’t have changed anything. I wouldn’t be down here. I wouldn’t have accepted it. I wouldn’t have thought it was okay to forget me, because then, I wouldn’t have been used to being forgotten.”
The silence had a different texture when Maxim stopped speaking. There was a downward drift of garbage, up and to my right. I saw a heavy body sliding through the glare of Burney’s candle. Les came into Maxim’s headlight like a burgundy rhino, both arms wrapping around the thin man, enfolding him. “I’m so sorry, you’re okay,” she said, but he doesn’t move. Just stands there, still, waiting for it to be over.
I looked up, past the tip of the cold, clogged heap of human refuse that I must, again, soon, begin digging through. Up to where the cover has been pulled over the cave mouth, blocking even the memory of starlight, leaving us down in the dark. I didn’t want to filter Maxim’s experience through my own, but I couldn’t help it. Old memories drifted outside the cave cover, locked away, never to be seen again.
I didn’t want to believe they were right, up there. That we deserved to be forgotten. But what else is there? What else, after all, is the purpose of an oubliette?
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goddess-evelle · 2 years
In this video X
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We coded it so that
Our girlfriend edges us every time we die. If we cum we lose. Can we beat the game, or will we end up coming, and losing the game? We are about to find out.
Warnings: Edging, unprotected sex, breeding kink (kinda), desperation, possessiveness, hair pulling kink, eating out. I think that’s it
A/N: I am dying, but I loved the way this came out. Enjoy!!!! First time I write something so long in one go
This writing is based on the video of Dream and Sapnap sharing damage.
Words: 4,073 in total, divided in 5 parts.
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V
“It will be fun, come on! Don’t be a coward. Are you scared that you are definitely going to lose? I mean George and Sapnap already agreed to do this challenge. Just say yes you dumb huge baby” You practically begged Dream to accept your video idea.
You knew it wasn’t easy for Dream to give up control, but you were hoping that he’d agree to the video. Mostly because you wanted to see him suffer a bit, but also because it was a really good idea. They can’t even complain because you’ll be doing most of the work anyways. They just had to sit pretty, play and not cum. That isn’t even difficult, or at least it seemed that way to you. You were used to being edged almost every time you had sex, so it had become something that you enjoyed and needed.
You won’t lie, it took a couple days to get Dream to agree, but something in you told you that it was going to be worth it. You couldn’t wait to see his stupid face all red and teary; exactly how he had you when he fucked you dumb. Of course, you only wanted to return the favor, it’s the least you could do for him. Your other two boyfriend were happy and quick to comply; they loved the idea of you having so much control over them at least once. George always presented as a sub, so he didn’t surprise you. However, Sapnap amazed you with how quickly he joined into the idea. Usually, he fought for control with Dream, so you’d imagine he liked to be in control, but maybe he just wanted to spend as much time as possible with you.  
Patience is a virtue that you were lucky to possess. Specially when Dream took 2 weeks to finally decide *news flash* that he wanted to be part of the video. The setting of the video was simple. Three desks munched together in the master bedroom. The computers barely touching; to say the least it was comfortable for a few hours. You smiled at the three man-children sitting in the chairs arguing about who should get you on their lap. Of course, you had to do something to be able to get them all content.
“Don’t worry you’ll get more than just having me in your lap if you lose” you winked finishing your sentence and continued “I will have to edge you each time you lose, so I don’t think it matters. I’ll just watch from the sidelines until… you die” you gave a mischievous smile as the boys gulped at your implication. However, they were quick to move to their respective seats to start the game. They were slightly scared that they would have to attempt to not die when they had to share damage. I mean sure Dream and Sapnap would probably kill each other just for fun usually, but there was George and his obsession with eating a FULL steak when he only had 1 hunger bar down. Of course, it was going to be difficult, but it wasn’t rock science. You knew they’d figure it out.
“In this video, my friend coded it, so that we share our damage. However, if we die, the person that got us killed has to get edged by our girlfriend. Will we be able to win without too much stimulation or will we end up overstimulated? We are about to find out.”
Firstly, they were confused underestimating the challenge (Like usual) Talking about how they were “Professionals” and they wouldn’t even die a single time. It was no surprise that George was the one that got them all killed. The boys cursing as they had gotten way too into the game to remember the real challenge of the game. Therefore, you were expecting the spooked jump that George gave as you suddenly appeared kneeling in front of him. He swallowed nervously as he looked at the other boys with a snarky smile that was soon wiped off his face as you yanked his pants off. His cock resting softly against his right thigh; you bent slightly down to give a kiss to the head of his dick watching it twitch at the touch. The boys were quick to catch on to what you needed as Dream walked right next to George bending down to spit right on top of George’s cock. You smiled up at him gracefully as you started pumping his dick softly although the way Dream spat on his cock, and the kiss you gave him had him already half hard. It only took a minute for him to get completely hard. You kept pumping him as you bent down to start lick him. George held onto the armrests of his seat as he tried his best to keep his hips from bucking into your mouth. You smirked at the action; even in this moment he was still trying his best to be a good boy. You winked at him shortly before starting to move your mouth effectively sucking him off slowly. His head thrown back as he got himself lost in the pleasure. Eyes rolling back as he could feel the tightness of your throat around his length. The wetness your mouth provided had him almost going completely crazy. His hips buckled into your mouth as his whines and moans got more desperately. Hard cock being engulfed by the tightness of your mouth. The gummy wet feeling bringing him close to heaven; a harsh tug of your hair pulled you back from the wrecked man that was trying his best to stop himself from cumming in your mouth. Dream was quick to pull you back from George as he started watching the way the older man was slowing losing his sanity. You pulled away from George as Dream helped up from your knees.
You weren’t too surprised to see that Sapnap was already hard in his pants as he took a long look at George. You smiled at him as you bent down to spit in his mouth like he had done to you so many times; you simply wanted to give him a taste of George’s precum. Sapnap immediately swallowed as he let out a moan at the taste of the older man. You smirked as you took a sit back were you used to be as the boys got less happy with the idea of the game; they just wanted to fuck you as they continued to play the game reluctantly. They resumed the game as George grunted about having to start over again while the other boys teased him about being whiney because of the edging. You watched the game intently until Dream stupidly got knocked back into a cactus making Sapnap (that had low health) die. Unsurprisingly, the two of them started bickering about who’s fault it was until a sharp clap cut through the discussion making all of them turn towards you. You sat silently with a smile in you face as both boys swallowed nervously.
You walked towards Dream slowly cupping his cheek as you looked into his pretty eyes. “Come on baby, you know that was your fault.” He mindlessly nodded entranced by having your lips just a gasp away from his own. He closed his eyes waiting for you to make your lips collide together; you simply swiped your tongue against his awaiting. His eyes opening quickly at the unusual feeling of your wet muscle. You swore you saw his eyes getting just a bit darker as he understood what had happened. You could hear a distant “shit” from one of the boys, but you were too focused on the green orbs in front of you to even analyze which of the boys said it. You didn’t need to tell him any further as he took off his pants. Cock springing free from his pants looking almost painful; you took him by surprise as you pushed him back onto his chair. Mouth hanging open as you looked straight at his eyes using one hand to push your hair away from your face while your other handheld his cock; your own mouth parting to let out a blob of spit onto the head of his cock. His chest rose violently at the sudden heat from your spit hitting the tip of his cock made him shiver. Your hand wrapped around his cock without a second thought which made the tall man jump at the sudden feeling. His cock practically jumping into the hole you made with the hand that held your cock as he accidentally fucked his cock into your hand. He looked almost weak which was ironic to think that your 6’2 boyfriend could look so submissive just for you. The sight just tickled the right parts of your brain making your mind almost hazy with the feeling of being in power after so long. His nails digging themselves into the armrest of his gaming chair, and you wished you could engrave this picture into your eyelids to watch it forever. He was pushed back into his chair almost making it lay down completely; neck holding his head forcefully in position just so he could see your movements on his cock. Veins bulging in his arms as his nails dug deeper into the armrests of the chair. His chest was moving quickly up and down as he tried to calm himself down, but his hips seemed to ignore him as they bucked into your hand with such force. The action sparking a small memory in your mind of how that same movement of his hips could make you cry every time he fucked you. The memory disintegrating in the distance of your mind as you were brought back to reality by a rough hand wrapping around yours. You looked into Dream’s beautiful green eyes to find his eyebrows pushed together as his mouth let out whimpers begging you to hold him tighter. He implored you to squeeze your hand around him as if your hand could ever compare to how well your cunt squeezed his cock. He was letting himself go just a little too much, but just when he forgot the whole point of the challenge. Just when you were giving him exactly what he needed your hand pulled away; ripping with you a loud whine from your boyfriend. Hips fighting to get his cock back to your hand. Whimpers and groans left his lips as he tried his best to calm down after you stole the sweet relief from him.
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httpsdohyun · 3 years
𝗧𝗜𝗟 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗗𝗢 𝗨𝗦 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧 — lee eunhyuk
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❝ is this the only promise you’ll fulfill? ❞
( SUMMARY; ) —  spoiler warning for episode 10! when the military had finally ambushed the apartment, the residents had rushed to the bunker to escape. eunhyuk promised eunyu that he will come back, but you knew that what he said was false, he himself had said that promises were only meant to be broken.
( PAIRINGS; ) lee eunhyuk x reader ( GENRE; )  angst ( WORD COUNT; ) 731
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author’s notes
╰►  episode 10 made me cry so i couldn’t help but to make a short one shot
╰► slight mention of suicide
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“I’LL COME BACK SAFELY,” Eunhyuk said while Eunyu held his arm, you looked at the siblings with worry visible in your eyes, you mentally prayed that he wasn’t lying. “You promise?” Eunyu asked hesitantly as Eunhyuk smiled at her and said yes before letting go of her
He was lying, you thought while watching his figure slowly disappear. You and Eunhyuk had only dated for 10 months and despite how short you guys have dated, you’ve always caught and noted the things he’d do if he would lie. “Go now- Eunyu, I’ll wait for him here,” You gave her a smile that hid the opposite intentions from the words that had come out from your mouth.
Eunyu watched back and forth, from the direction where Eunhyuk went and to you, finally, she walked away which made you let out a stressed sigh. “I’m sorry, Eunyu-ssi,” A sad smile appeared on your face before running to where Eunhyuk had walked away, the only emotions you felt at the moment was fear and worry because no one knows what Eunhyuk could do right now
The first destination you thought was the security or daycare- I mean he was always cooped up in that area so you had no doubts that he was there, and you were indeed right
There you see him sit on his usual chair. You stopped right in front of the door and watched him grab the headphones, “Eunhyuk,” You called out his name calmly while slowly walking to him, “Y/N? What are you doing her-” You cut his sentence by wrapping your arms around his shoulder
“Why did you lie to your sister? Why are you ending your life?” Tears started to form in your eyes as you let your jaw rest atop his head, “I have to, Y/N, I’m infected, If I’ll stay, I might harm you guys and that’s the last thing I want to do,” He sobbed, letting his tears stream on his cheek
“Then let’s die together,”
“What?” He said in disbelief, you only chuckled before speaking, “Do you remember what you’ve said exactly 9 months ago? We will never separate... only death will do us part,”
“Even if we won’t reach our first anniversary... even if we won’t get married... even if we won’t have kids... and even if we won’t grow old together... at least we’d part together,” Tears formed in the corner of your eyes, you tried hard to hold it in as Eunhyuk slowly held your hand and made you sit by the chair that was next to him
“Come on now, Y/N, let’s die most romantically,” Eunhyuk joked which made you punch him on the arm, you released out a sign and sat next to him, letting your shoulders rest on his shoulders while he caressed your head
Eunhyuk cleared his throat and asked, “If we’re to have a child, what should we name it?”
You sighed and said, “If it was a boy, I’d go with Hyuk, but if it was a girl, I’d name it Eunwoo,” You smiled, imagining if you guys had a child. “That sounds nice but I actually wanted twins,” The both of you laughed as the building started to shake
Eunhyuk’s smile faltered and turned to you, while you did the same. “I guess this is goodbye,” He smiled but you only shook your head and said, “This isn’t a goodbye, we’ll meet again- maybe in heaven or hell”
Eunhyuk only shook his head with a smile before leaning in to kiss you on the lips, one last time. This kiss wasn’t the same as the previous ones you guys had, instead of the sensual or intense one, this one felt meaningful
Both of you felt the love through the kiss, the two of you had backed up as the shaking continued to become more intense. Wrapping your hands to his shoulder, you let your head rest on his shoulder as he did the same
“Is this the only promise you’ll ever fulfil?” You said while caressing his back, you felt his head nod, “That’s good, at least you kept your promise,”
The shaking was already intense enough to shatter the whole building
“I love you, Eunhyuk,” “I love you too, Y/N”
The both of you squeezed your eyes shut as tears kept releasing on both of your eyes before your mind went blank.
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