#I miss his ugly Phase but yeah he’s cute
beybuniki · 26 days
the way u draw katsuki makes me ill img onnan throw up hea so pretty
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silent-raven13 · 6 months
Sunflowers and Billie
Hobie talking to Mariana being amused by her wide knowledge of the amount of Spider-heroes just like Pavtri. Yet, she knows more out of the main Spider-heroes variants. He listens until he heard something that caught his interest, "No way? There's a Billie being Spider-woman? How come we haven't seen her?"
"Oh she's nervous. You know, how our canons involves in losing someone we love... her's was Miles. Her big brother was her Uncle Ben, then her dad. It's pretty sad." Mariana said being a bit upset, "I met her in her world and she was surprised to find me and pointed out how much I look like Miles. Then, I told her and invited her here. She sort of freaked out spotting Miles from Earth 1048 and another Miles with the buzz cut."
"Oh yeah, I've seen them before." Hobie nodded. "It's understandable. She can take her time, luv."
"I've told her, it's okay. I've talked to your Miles and the others about it. Miles 42 really wanted to see her and hug her." Mariana rubs her neck. "She might come around since she's having the courage to see them. She really miss her brother."
Hobie nodded, "Well, my Sunflower would gladly open his arms for her. He loves lil Boo."
"OHH! Ohh!" The two hears a little girl's voice.
"Speak of the lil devil." Hobie smirks knowing that's Billie's voice.
Miles came holding Billie in his arms, "Okay. Okay. I'll take you to see the pretty lights."
"No, I wann-wanna go to play!" Three year old Billie pouts, "I wanna play with Gabi, Gerry and May!"
"Okay. Okay. We'll go to day care." Miles carries Billie's baby bag being exhausted with watching his little sister and being Spider-man. Sometimes he doesn't know how to do it.
Then, the two noticed Miles 42 following behind Miles 1016, "I've told you to drop her off first! And what did you do with my baby? You got her dressing so goofy! What is this?" He gently touch the tutu being over Billie's grey sweats and wearing a polka dot shirt and socks. "Where's her jacket? Where's her shoes, man? You're gonna make my baby sick!"
Miles 1016 turns to Miles 42, "Your baby? Man, I've tried. This is all I can come up with. We didn't do laundry this week!"
Billie giggles as she turns her head to Miles 42, who's being so kind to her. He even made kissy faces for her that cause her to laugh. She got two big brothers, now!
"Aye no! Dame mi bebe!" Miles 42 huffs having to carry Bille 1016 in his arms. "Come here, boo-boo. Your too pretty to look all ratchet!"
"Excuse you, man! You're actin' very vicious. Look! This is all I could fine that was clean." Miles 1016 went into the baby bag to pull out odd patterns of shirts and pants that didn't look good at all. "And she's in her princess fairy phase! The tutu never leaves her!"
"Huh uh!" Billie nodded at her big brother. "My tutu!"
Miles 42 kisses Billie's forehead, "Awe, mi bebe. You're so cute. You shouldn't even be wearing these ugly sweats."
Billie laughs having her hands touching Miles 42's face, "Hahaha, yeah! It is!"
"Now, Boo-boo you said you liked it!" Miles 1016 being shocked. "Look we'll change her when we go to the daycare."
"The only thing you did right is her hair. I really like these butterfly clips and these braids!" Miles 42 touches Billie's thick braid to see the love and care of her hair. She had four thick braids with large pink balls hair ties and on her scalp braided with butterfly clips.
"At least that makes you happy." Miles mutters.
Billie pats at her brother's direction, "There. There, Mimi!"
"Mwah," Miles kisses his baby sister's cheek, "Love you, boo-boo!"
"Hehehe!" Billie snuggles against Miles 42 being bashful.
"Awweee, she's so cute! This is the iconic Boo-boo!" Mariana's voice rings as she happily went over to see the famous Billie Mariana Morales. Billie's eyes grew big and gleam brightly spotting a female version of her big brother! She had the same face, but with a feminine touch to it; with softer and fuller cheeks and bigger eyes.
"OHHHH!" She happily wiggle her whole body wanting to launch herself to be hug by her, she wants to smell her, study her face and feel her warmth. How different is she from her amazing big brother?
Surely, she will have that sweet scent like Miles 42. Miles 42 is so sweet to her, too. Oh, so many Miles and she wants to be greedy to have them all! "Oohhphff, careful, boo-boo!" Miles 42 got a hold of her seeing how excited she got. "Wow, your happy to see Mariana."
"She got my name!" Billie giggles.
Mariana hold out her arms, "Awe, come here, chiquita! She reminds me of my baby brother, Gonzalo!" Technically the opposite sex of Billie. Miles 42 handed her the toddler, and Mariana started to sniff her. "Mmm, she has strawberry and cream scented like Strawberry shortcake!"
Billie giggles having to snuggle against Mariana's chest, "Mari!"
"Is he bubbly like Billie?" Miles 1016 asked, being unaware of Hobie coming from the side then to give him a kiss on the cheek, "Oh hey, bae. Sorry I'm late."
"It's alright, Sunflower. I saw how you and..." Hobie side eye at Miles 42, "were talking."
"FU!" Miles 42 scowls.
Billie turns her head to Hobie and use her web-shooter, "Nononono! No Hobie!"
"Miss me, again lil Bloo." Hobie swiftly dodges with both his hands in his vest pockets, "Gotta be quicker, darling."
The toddler pouted with her cute plump lips popping out, "Awe, don't worry, boo-boo. I'll kick his ass for you!" Miles 42 started to stretched his arm ready to throw hands for her.
Mariana snuggles against Billie, "Awe, she so cute. Ugh, I wanna eat her up. Mwah! Mwah-mwah!" She gave the toddler kisses on her full round cheeks, "Que bonita! Que linda, mi bebe!"
Miles 42 happily got close to look at Billie covering her mouth being bashful, "Hehehe." They were obsessed with her.
Hobie spoke to his Sunflower, "Have the other Miles seen her?"
"No, not yet. Miles 42 known her for the longest. Heh, you think they would like her?" Miles asked.
Hobie looks how lovey dover the other variants were with Billie, "I don't think... I know they will. The only thing is... how will the Punks feel when she won their Miles' heart?"
Miles 1016 laughs in amusement, "Yeah, right. Like they would get jealous."
"You don't think I don't get jealous, darling?" Hobie smirks, getting close to kiss his Sunflower.
"Bae, seriously. She's my Boo-Boo!" Miles pouts then kiss him, "You and her are the loves of my life!"
"Mmm, sometimes I don't like sharing!" He kisses him back.
"Nononono!" Billie fumes at Hobie. "My mimi! Mine!" She waves her tony fist at him with a big pout on her face looking so cute being so mad.
"But, lil one," Hobie hugs Miles close to him, "you got two Miles and I got one!"
"Nonono! All mine!" Billie puffs her little chest out wanting all the Miles to herself.
Mariana giggles, "Just like my lil bro. I should bring him, so they can have a play date!"
Miles 42 could only imagine how Billie's male variant would look like, probably adorable and cute. "You need to bring him. I wanna see my lil bro."
"Okay!" Mariana agrees, "I'll bring him today. My mom is probably gonna want me to babysit him."
Miles 42 being happy, "Can't wait!" Billie looking back and forth at their conversation.
The group were unaware of The Punks and Miles walking down the hallway after they spent their time completing a mission. Hobie 138d smirks at Miles 1015, "I'm impressed at how many zombies you shot at."
"My daddy was a cop. He did show me a few things about protecting myself." Miles 1015 giggles holding her Hobie's hand, she had long blond braids and very abstract makeup; a bold purple lips and orange bright eyeliner with glitter eyeshadow and tiny star stamps on her cheeks.
"I still find it crazy that Miles didn't kill as much you did." Miles 43 laughs with amusement. He wore army cargo pants with combat boots, with a tiny black shirt all over his suit. His hair into a curly Mohawk with surgical line on the sides.
Hobie 138c chuckles, "I just loved how you drove that truck into that building, luv."
Punk Miles snorted, "I would if I had better guns! I was the only one with a pistol!" Fuming at how much running he had to do. "It was bullshit!"
Hobie 138e had one arm around his shoulders, "Luv, you were still tremendous. Luv, how you bash your guitar into that fucking pig zombie's brains!"
"Oh, look! There's Miles and Mariana!" Miles 1015 spotted a familiar group. "Hey guys! Why are you huddling around?"
The group pop their heads out to spot their friends, and Miles 42 and Hobie took a step back to show them. Then all the Miles' hearts melt when they see a cute bundle of joy, little Billie being carried by Mariana. The little girl spotted them and smiles widely, "HI!"
"OHHHHHH!" All the Miles quickly went to get a hold of her leaving their punk boyfriends in the dust. "SHE'S SOOO CUTE! OMG, can I call her Boo-boo!" They were talking among each other. "I call my baby brother Boo-boo!"
"What just happened?" All the punks look confused for the moment. Did a baby just won their partners' hearts, even punk Miles, who's already cooeing at the little girl.
"OMD, can I hold her?" Miles 1015 asked being so excited.
"No, I wanna her! Mari, passed her to me!" Miles 1019 said, he wanted to kiss those big cheeks.
"No, me! She's too cute." Miles 43 spoke up!
Billie's eyes gleamed being so happy to find more variants of her big brother. "Hi, I'm Billie. I'm-I'm tree years old!" She put on her cutely acts.
"AWWWEEE! She's too cute!" The Miles were in love.
Mariana handed her to Miles 43, "Here, she seems like Strawberry Shortcake!"
"Mmm, she does. Ugh! She's so warm too!" Miles 43 sniffs Billie's neck smelling her sweet scent, then kisses her cheek giving her hug, "Ugh, I never want to let her go!"
"Me next! Me next!" Miles 1015 wanting to hold her.
Miles 1016 laughs with amusement, "I guess, you were right, bae... they love Boo-boo." He saw how Hobie was grinning widely at the Punks being left out of all the loving, they were getting jealous.
Billie had one the Miles' hearts and she smiles even brighter as she noticed the Punks look at her. This made the Miles more joyful. "Awe, she has such a cute smile!" Miles 43 handed her to Miles 1015.
"Ughhh! She does smell freakin' amazing! I want her. Can I keep her? Mwah. Mwah! Mwah!" Miles 1015 kisses Billie's cheeks giving her snuggles, "Ugh, my baby! She reminds me of my baby brother!"
Mariana nodded, "Right! She's so cute! We need to form a play date!"
"For real. I love you, Boo-boo!" Miles 1015 said to Billie.
"I wuv you, too! Mimi!"
Miles 1015 gasps, "She call me, Mimi like my Gonzalo! This must be a sign! Ugh, that's it! My new name is Mimi!" Giving her kisses on Billie's cheek, "Mwah. Mwah! Thank you, cutie. Love you!"
"She never kissed me like that!" Hobie 138d frowns with his arms crossed, "The bloody lil sprog is taking my flower away from me." He pouts.
Hobie 138c frowns too, "Right!"
Then Miles 1015 handed Billie to punk Miles, the little girl gently touches his face being so fascinated by this version. "Ohh... you-you gots rings..." She tries to figure out what piercings were called.
Punk Miles normally cool, flirty and a bit bratty, but when he hold Billie in his arms all that washed away just like Miles 42's attitude. "These are piercings, nena!"
"Ahh, I got them too. See." She turns her head showing her little earrings.
"Awe, yes you do! Yes, you do!" Miles 1019 cooes and cuddles Billie, "Who's a smart baby? You are! Yes, you are. Mwah. mwah-mwah-mwah!" Giving her kisses on the cheek.
Billie giggles being so happy getting all the love from all these variant. She snuggles against Punk Miles smelling an odd musk with pine and... rain. So different from all the other Miles. Miles 43 smell like sandalwood, ginger and jasmine something along the line of Chanel Bleu. Miles 1015 smells like Rihanna's perfume Fenty; florals and musk. Mariana had a much sweet scent of juicy fresh apples possibly from Kayali perfume.
Miles 42 saw the Punks looming over their partner being jealous. Hobie 138e slouch on Miles 1019, "Darling, why you never kiss me like that! I need attention and love too!"
Miles 1019 snorted, "Boo-boo needs it more. Look at her. She's so cute." He holds Billie with so much care.
"No fair, what about me?" Hobie 138d whines at Mimi.
"Bae, you're fine." Mimi snorted.
Hobie 138c frowns snuggling against his Miles, "Yeah!"
Miles 1016 snickers, "I guess, most Hobies are needy."
"What's that supposed to mean, luv?" His Hobie pouts having his arms wrapped around Miles waist.
"Nothing!" Miles hums.
Hobie pouts with his chin resting on the nape of Miles' shoulder, "Sunflower, I need my daily dosage of your love. How else will I survive?"
"You will." Miles 1016 giggles.
"No," Hobie turns his head to kiss his lover's cheek, "I need your love!"
"Bae," Miles giggles.
Billie pouts, "No! My Mimi!" She waves her hand.
"Awe, look at how jealous she gets! It's just so cute." Miles 43 giggles.
Miles 42 said, "Don't worry, Boo-boo. You got all our hearts."
Billie smirks at the annoyed Punks and said, "Ara ara!" Trying to sound cool like those anime shows her big brother watches.
"Aweeee!" The Miles happily snuggles her!
The Punks were more pushed aside while they watch their lovers giving all their sweet love to the little child. Billie had a dark gleam in her eyes at them, which made them feel a certain stab through the chest. That cheeky little brat!
"See told yeah!" Hobie said to his Miles.
Miles snorts, "You guys really need to work on your jealousy!"
"Hey, where's Mariana?" Miles 43 asked.
A portal open from behind them revealing Mariana holding a three year old toddler, Gonzalo! The little boy had a little braids on his head with big bright honey brown eyes looking like Billie, he sucks his thumb! "Sorry, I went to grab my baby bro real quick!"
"AWE! That's GONZALO!" Miles 1016 pushed his Hobie away being so hype to go over to see the baby boy.
Gonzalo shyly hide his face until he gave a weak, "Hi. I'm-I'm Gon-zah-low! I'm tree years old!" He hold two fingers up still unsure how to count well.
"Oh my gawd, he's adorable!" The Miles went on cute overload. Miles 1016 had the chance to hold the male variant of Bille, his baby sister. "Ohh he smells so good! Like fresh oranges and baby powder!"
"Hehehe, Mari!" Gonzalo giggles being held by Miles, "Mari?" As he touches his face being so fascinated by his sister's variant.
"Awe, he's so cute." Miles 1015 bounced. "I need to bring my baby brother here too! Hold on, I'll be right back." She open a portal to her place to get her sibling.
Billie's eyes widen at Gonzalo as she tilt her head, "Huh?"
"Huh?" Gonzalo tilted his head the same way. It's like they seen a ghost! They stare noticed how they look like each other yet they don't.
Billie said, "Hi, I'm Billie."
"Hi, I'm Gonzalo!" He waves at her.
They were interacting being very happily. "You me? I'm you!" Gonzalo said.
"Ohh, I am?" Billie asked.
"Huh uh!"
Miles 1015 happily kisses Gonzalo's cheek, "Awe, Billie. How's it seeing your first variant?"
"Um... Um... confusion!" Billie and Gonzalo said at the same time.
"AWEE!" The Miles cooed and happily awed.
All the Hobies were in one group being left out. "Welcome to the club, mate." Hobie 138c said to Hobie 138b.
Hobie 138b grunts being left in the dust. Even his own Miles went on to be love struck by little Gonzalo.
Then Mimi 1015 appeared with her baby brother, Gonzalo too. This time he had a little afro and have green eyes. "Hey guys, look who I brought!" She happily said.
Gonzalo waves his hands being cheerful, "Hi, I'm Zalo! I'm three years old!" He had a bright smile.
All the Miles went crazy yet again. Miles 42 had the chance to hold him. They were all sharing the little ones being so in love.
"Why couldn't I get a cute baby brother or sister!" Miles 43 pouts as she holds Gonzalo 1015, "So not fair!"
"Hahaha, it is work tho." Mariana said.
Miles and Mimi nodded, "Yup!" They knew raising their sibling takes a lot of work, they couldn't help wonder how the other Miles would handle it.
Mimi said, "And sometimes you need to be a hero and babysitter at the same time."
"Awe, but they are so cute." Mile 1019 hugs Gonzalo in his arms. "How can you deny this cute face?"
Gonzalo giggles, "Yeah, I'm cute!"
Mariana giggles, "Seeing all of our variants acting like this makes me wonder how you guys will react with Omega Miles. He got triplets with his Alpha."
"WHAT?" All the Miles and Hobie look in shock.
"Oh wow!" Billie and the two Gonzalo had their hands on their faces making a shocking expression like the main character from Home Alone.
Mimi said, "I have to see them! Where is he?" She became hype to find Omega Miles.
The Punks were looking at Mariana, "Darling, who is the Alpha, hmm? It has to us, right? A Hobie, huh?" They were asking. They'll be damn to let an Omega Miles get pregnant with another man! A Hobie need their Miles, that's canon to them!
They were unaware of Punk Miguel coming from the other side of the hallway, he happily spotted his Mariana. Then, his facial expression turns sour when he saw the Punks standing around her.
"Easy. Easy guys!" Mariana looks nervous having all the punks looming over her. "I'm only- Whoa!" She suddenly being picked up by Punk Miguel.
"Oh wow, so hot!" Mimi said out loud.
The toddlers gawks at Punk Miguel never seeing such a huge man! "Whoa!" They said.
Miles 42 and Miles 1016 nodded being impressed at how fast punk Miguel picked up Mariana being protective, "Aye, Qué está pasando aquí? Ellos te aburren, carino?"
Mariana nervously chuckles, "No, bae." She tries to explained but Punk Miguel was ready to fight the other Punks.
The group were unaware of a slim Spider-woman appearing from the other side of the hallway having to walk by herself. She looked lost yet so scared. "Okay, Billie, chill. Relax. You got this. I just need to find Mariana." She walks the other way without realizing Mariana was at the other side.
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bwoahtastic · 9 months
I loved that ask about Nico having a terrible pregnancy and Seb being really reluctant about Nico and Toto's relationship. That family in all its iterations is so sweet and I just love them. If I remember correctly, didn't we have Mick as the Toto/Nico baby? What about Mick, a few weeks old, having really bad colic and Nico and Toto being so stressed because he just. will. not. stop. crying.
They're so tired, and feel like such awful parents for being unable to help their baby who sounds like he's in so much pain. Seb is still pretty iffy about the whole Nico of it all, even if they did bond a bit during Nico's pregnancy, and feels really weird about having a little brother who is younger than his own kids, but Max and Charles are very excited about there being a new baby in the family, so Seb takes pity on his dad and Nico, and comes over to help.
And by some miracle, Mick quiets down when Seb holds him. Mick absolutely adores Seb, and Seb can always get him to calm down, even after he's been screaming the house down for hours and hours. It's a huge relief for Nico and Toto, who finally get some sleep, and are able to do a few things around the house, like cook and do laundry, but at the same time (because I love torturing Nico) Nico feels incredibly insecure about it. He's trying so hard to be a good mother, he already feels like he messed up the pregnancy phase, even though it wasn't his fault, and now his sort of stepson is able to soothe his baby when Nico can't. It would really upset him and he'd try to keep it from Toto, but of course, it would only make things worse
Oh plss Nico struggling so much during tbe pregnancy and Seb,is apprehensive and a little shit but steps in to help and makes sure Toto is home more because Nico needs him no matter how much he tries to downplay his struggles
Then little mick is born and even seb has to admit its one cute pup lol! But yeah he is still weirded out thst it's his half brother and younger than the pups he had with Kimi. Charles and Max are super curious about the pup tho and miss grandpa so Kimi makes Seb come when they visit even though Seb is #sulking.
They arrive and its chaos, Toto looks exhausted and Nico has clearly been crying and little Mick is sobbing his little heart out no matter how Nico gently rocks him. Seb is more experienced than nico and Toto who never dealt with a newborn and the tummy pains they get and he gently takes Mick, shushing him and massaging him just right to help the pain and Mick quiets down, conks out against Seb's chest because the baby is exhausted too.
Seb telling Nico and Toto to get done what needs to be done and Kimi quietly helps them eith cooking and the laundry to make aure they get some sleep, all whilr Seb rocks little Mick and shows Max and Charles their tiny uncle
Poor Nico feeling awful! He feels tired and ugly, all crusty and still fat which is not true ofc but he hates being imperfect for Toto, and then what is even worse is.thst he clearly sucks at being a momma...
Nico not talking to Toto about it cos he frankly doesn't know what to say but Toto notices Nico doesn't really fuss over Mick as much anymore, keeping his distance and seeming awkward but whenever he asks Nico claims to be fine.
Seb is getting a little sick of solving their problems but he can see Nico is dealing with some post partum issues and knows how hard it can be, still hurting and suddenly having to deal with a tiny little human. Seb teaching Nico all th3 little tricks thst worked foe Max and Charles and being sure to compliment him (a tiny bit reluctantly) and telling Toto he better give nico compliments too!
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 (Blind Watch) - Episode 26
I felt like this episode was a little too exposition dump-y for my liking. I had trouble focusing and had to rewind several times when I missed what they said. Yeah, the jogress digivolution was pretty hype, but it's also really ugly so...mixed feelings there. (According to my googling jogress = join + progress and is called DNA digivolution in the localization. Both names are kinda bleh if you ask me).
At least I can now say I'm over halfway done with this season! Woo-hoo :'D
Digimon introduced: Minotarumon, Okuwamon, Paildramon
-The fansubbed version of this show just keeps getting jankier and jankier. As you may have noticed, the title screens have been missing some words. (I still appreciate the hard work of the anime community!)
-I wonder what the pitch was like for the evil lady's powers ("So she sticks her hair into the dark towers and then they transform into digimon!") Like...either we'll get a backstory or this is totally a "rule of cool" scenario.
-Very confused about how the dark towers function currently. When the dark towers turn into digimon I don't think they affect digivolution but maybe they do...? Patamon and Tailmon said something about not being able to evolve into perfect form but is that more about the lack of crests? I guess it doesn't really matter, but I'm having trouble keeping track of things.
-Speaking of evolution, now that there are more evolution options, it feels a little random which evolutions are chosen in the moment. I guess they use higher-powered evolutions for higher-powered enemies, but when they were fighting Minotarumon Veemon did an armor evolve and Hawkmon did an adult evolve. Also, they evolved and de-evolved like 50 times this episode lol. Talk about padding!
-New eye-catch and new ending!! The eye-catch is so cute and I was really excited to see Ken as part of the gang and acting silly. I straight up skipped the ED because, as usual, it was PACKED with visual spoilers. From what I saw, it looked like a cheesy 80s music video which made me giggle.
-Just simple things like Ken and Wormmon sharing a snack at home make me really happy :') his reaction to being shown kindness by Daisuke toward the end was also really heartwarming.
-So evil lady was behind Ken's "Digimon Kaiser" phase all along which is no surprise. Apparently she just chose him due to his vulnerable state which seems like a pretty common MO in anime bad guys. I felt really bad for Ken when he realized how exploited/violated he was. It's probably kinda good that he has a place to direct his anger now instead of wallowing in self hatred. (Although he still seems to be doing that). They're really making it easy for the audience to forgive him which is good. Sometimes anime redemptions happen really undeservedly and evil actions are just excused out of nowhere.
-I only just realized this, but does Ken fill the obligatory "rival" role this season? It was Takeru before (kinda) but Ken seems like a more natural fit, especially with the Jogress Digivolution.
-I was groovin to that Jogress Digivolution sequence music. So hype. The 3D animation was fun too. I think it looks slightly improved from Digimon Adventure?
-Is it just me or do these names keep getting more and more obscure? What the heck is a Paildramon? (The dub pronunciation is really weird, like "Pa-EEL-dramon!"). When the name first flashed on screen I thought they were playing on the word "Palindrome" and I thought that was really cool lol.
-So as I was spoiled in the ED, I guess we'll be getting a bunch of these fusion evolutions. It seems only natural that Ken and Daisuke would be partner up as MC and rival dudes, but the others...? Guess I'll have to wait and see where they go with this.
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britswriting · 2 years
Unbroken (43)
Last chapter of Unbroken! Presave Desire on Wattpad, will update the bottom of this when the first chapter of Desire comes out on Tumblr (wattpad always gets it first though.. shh)
Unbroken Masterlist
Read Unbroken on Wattpad
Desire - Wattpad
I didn't feel like spending a million years making IG stories, so ignore the half assed ones lol
Trigger warning: Struggles of bonding with the baby, thoughts of giving her away, suicidal thoughts
A/N: you're going to see Leigh waffle between the highs and lows of being a mom. Please be patient with her.
*Leighton's POV*
"Look how cute she is!" Aaliyah coo, placing the 24 hours old sign next to Gemma.
"I can't believe she'll be in this world for twenty four hours! Is your camera ready? We need to capture the exact moment!" I questioned, excited to capture this milestone.
"I still can't believe you named her after Harry Styles sister" Aaliyah said nonchalantly and I rolled my eyes.
"She's named after my mom"
"Yeah and Harry Styles sister"
"Shut up and focus on the clock so we don't miss it!"
We took photos of Gemma, and Lexi helped do my hair so I could take some hospital photos with her, Gabe taking over my bathroom mirror to fix his own.
"I still can't believe this came out of your body" Aaliyah let out a content sigh, softly rubbing Gemma's cheek.
"Right! I was in labor with her for like 30 hours! Pain in my ass she is!" I laughed, feeling my heart beat quicker when her face scrunched up as the sunlight hit it.
"I don't know how you managed that. If I ever have kids I'm opting out for a c-section"
"Colby was a lot of help. Gabe was too I guess.. I don't know. I don't remember too many details other than up till I got my epidural, and then Gabe passing out. Plus um.. I kinda stupidly kissed Colby.. and he's been ignoring me since" I admitted shamefully, watching her eyes widen.
"You kissed him?! Why?! Since when were you ever interested in him?" Aaliyah asked in a state of complete shock.
"I'm not.. I think I was just caught up in the moment you know.. he was there attentively my whole labor and delivery.. you don't just do that with someone you hate.. Can we not talk about my labor please, I don't want to start crying"
"You brought it up!" She laughed, bringing her camera up to her face to photograph my baby.
"I know.. I don't know. I'm struggling. Full transparency.. I know I've been laughing with you guys a lot.. but this is.. this is something else. I'm scared that I just went through something so personal.. and now things are ruined"
"What do you mean?" She asked, glancing over her shoulder at me, shushing Gemma as she started to whimper.
"I'm afraid that I went through such a personal experience with someone I barely know.. and now things are ruined. Like.. like.. he saw my baby be born.. and hasn't held a conversation with me since" I admitted, unsure of my feelings towards the situation.
"Leigh, don't worry about him. You just had a baby. The drama and the boys and worrying about anything that isn't your and your baby's well being isn't important. If you made a mistake, tell him. If you're worried, tell him, but don't let it consume you too much. Now, I'm going to need you to pick up this sweet angel and kiss her sweet face so I can take a cute photo"
After our mini photoshoot, a nurse came in and asked if we were ready to do the newborn bath.
Gabe and I watched her get the water lukewarm and carefully hand scoop some water over Gemma's head.
"When her hair comes in, you put some shampoo on the hair and carefully comb through it, then carefully rub their hair with water to rinse it out" She explained and we nodded, taking everything in.
She took a washcloth and carefully gave her a sponge bath.
After the bath Sam and Colby came in to hang out with us as my Cynthia and Lexi left to go pick up food.
"She really is gorgeous Leigh. She honestly doesn't have the ugly newborn phase" Sam noted, inspecting my baby which made me laugh a little.
"She could be a model for baby gap!" Kat squealed and I quickly shook my head.
"My baby is not being plastered all over social media" I informed, wincing as I sat down.
"But she's got the face for it! A star from day one!" Aaliyah announced, the others joining in.
Once things settled down a bit, and Gemma was laying against my chest, I told them her name, and watched the excitement build up in the room.
"That's your mom's name right?" Colby asked and I nodded, smiling at my sweet girl.
"What's her full name?" Kat asked and I grinned over at her, knowing she's going to be very excited when she finds out.
"Gemma Lorraine" I replied, Katrina's eyes lighting up.
"WE SHARE A MIDDLE NAME?!" She yelled, which caused Gemma to cry.
I worked on calming her down and they asked for the okay to post the announcement of my baby on social media and I informed them that they could, I just asked that they keep her name and face private, and that's when her first nickname was born.
A/N: pretend it's kat. I'm too lazy to actually edit a photo for a fake IG story lol
"You know in school, I was always called Sammy G, so we already have things in common" Sam grinned, seeming proud as he now held Gemma in his arms.
"Nope she's another girl in our group! She's closer to me! I can teach her all the girly stuff! Plus we share a middle name!" Kat playfully argued.
"She's my godchild. I trump all" Aaliyah grinned, seeming happy that she had the upper hand over the other three.
"I'm her mother, I win" I grinned, feeling giddy at this announcement.
I'm her mother
Another 15 minutes passed and Aaliyah ended up having to leave, leaving me with the YouTubers.
"I can't believe she's been off oxygen for three hours! She's growing up so fast!" I frowned, carefully waddling over towards the bathroom.
When I came back out, Colby was taking some photos with Gemma, and Lexi and Cynthia were passing around food.
"Do you know when you're getting released?" Sam asked, Lexi handing me my chicken.
"Once I go to the bathroom, I should get my discharge papers. She also has to pass a breathing test and the car seat test. Gabriel went to go as the nurse when he needed to bring it up" I took a bite of my chicken, smiling at my baby girl resting in my friend's arms.
"Leigh was given stool softener" Kat slightly snickered and I glared, huffing in annoyance.
No need to announce it to the world, Katrina.
"You know, once you have a baby, you can pick fun. But until then, shut it"
"Grouchy momma bear has arrived!" Kat teased and I rolled my eyes, eating my chicken.
It was maybe 10 minutes before a nurse came in to take Gemma away for a breathing test and Gabriel came back with his best friend Chase.
There was some small talk about how I've been doing and how Gemma has been doing as he handed me a Target bag.
"I'm ready to be out of the hospital. I know Gem has only been alive for twenty four hours.. but I've been here for days. I'm done" I griped, pulling out some of the baby clothes Gabe bought. "This is cute" I smiled at the light pink onesie.
I went through some of the new outfits, aweing over how adorable they looked when Gabe spoke up, catching me off guard.
"We still need to figure out whose last name she's getting" he said and I sighed, closing my eyes as I leaned back against the hospital bed.
Here we go
"Tell me why she should have yours"
"I'm her father" He said point blank and I snickered a little, "And? I'm her mother. Why shouldn't she have mine?" I fought back, opening my eyes.
"Because babies get their fathers names" Was his response and I swear the whole room rolled their eyes.
"How sexist"
"What? That's what it is, isn't it. Wanting to carry your legacy. Have someone to carry out your name. What about my name? Why should I lose my name? Why should Gemma have Bennett, and not Fox?"
"Because Gemma Bennett sounds better" He said and I stayed quiet, not in the mood to argue about this. "You know, I've let a lot of things slide Leigh, the least you could do is let our daughter have my last name" He continued and my jaw dropped.
"Excuse me? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"My girlfriend was a fucking drug addict. It was long days and nights of worrying, and wanting change. I watched you destroy yourself-" He stared and I quickly stopped him, fully aware of who was in this room right now.
"Can everyone leave please" I asked and they nodded, Colby slightly hesitant, but Kat tugged him out of the door.
"You had no fucking right to say that in front of them!" I hissed, glaring at him.
"To what? Say the truth?" He said in a strong tone.
"What truth?! You act like you're the fucking victim! We both fucked up! You know damn well why we broke up, so stop acting like my bad choices are what ruined us! If you didn't  abandon me, we wouldn't be in this room, arguing over our baby's name! I wouldn't have to live with Sam and Colby and go through hell! You're not the fucking victim! If anyone's a victim, it's our daughter! Let it go! I was fucked up and struggling, we get it! But you're no saint either! When I went to jail, who came to my rescue huh?! Who saw me?! Who helped me?!" I asked, my voice getting louder.
"Leigh you know why-"
"Yeah I do, and I will never forget it. Gemma's having my last name. You abandoned me, and you're abandoning her. Names are supposed to mean something. They're supposed to hold value, and I'm not letting your shitty excuses be her legacy"
"Leighton, that's not fair" He started and I quickly shook my head.
"No! You know what's not fair?! You leaving me to go move to New York! That's not fair! We have a newborn, and you're putting yourself before her! You're leaving her! When she asks baby stories about her, and she finds out that her daddy left to go to college instead of spending time with her, how do you think that will make her feel?! YOU'RE ABANDONING HER! IT'S WHAT YOU DO! YOU ABANDON PEOPLE!"
"Says the girl who wanted to give her up!"
"THAT'S DIFFERENT AND YOU KNOW IT!" I shouted, starting to get defensive.
"How?! How is that any different than what I'm doing?!"
"Because I wanted to do it for her own good! I want her to have a better life than I can give her!"
"And I don't?! I need a job Leighton!-" He started to defend himself, but by this point I was too far gone to stop.
"-A job I love! I want this Leigh! You're not going to make me feel bad about this! If I go to a good school and get a good job, she can get a good life! She's getting my name Leighton!"
"No! I refuse to give her the last name to someone who doesn't care! She deserves to know she's loved and wanted, and when she's older and looks around the room, all the faces she'll see are what?! Bennett's?! Your family doesn't care Gabe! You barely care! Did you even want this baby? Did you just say all this bullshit and make a nursery to what, humor me? To play me? Ha Ha good one! You got me so good!" I fake laughed, sarcasm dripping from every word as I vented. "Honestly, why the fuck did you make a nursery if you were planning to move to New York?! How are you supposed to give her a good life, if you're not here?! Do you think child support would cut it? It'll just magically make you her favorite person?! News flash, child support will not cover the years of therapy she will need if we keep going like this! If you're feeling bad or guilty or shameful, that's because there is something to feel bad or guilty or shameful about! Don't abandon your one day old to go across the fucking country for however many years! There are schools here! Jobs here! YOU CHOSE THIS! YOU DID THIS!" I shouted, my emotions getting the best of me yet again.
"And what the fuck do you mean that I can't make you feel bad for leaving?! I'm being honest! I'm telling you that your choices are going to affect us! I'm not following you to a huge city with a newborn all because you chose now as the perfect fucking time to go to college!" I ranted, not letting him get a word in edgewise.
"We talked about this Leigh! We talked about how it will be easier for her as a baby, then if she was a toddler or in school. I'm tired of going in circles with you! It's always the same conversation over and over again!" He expressed his frustration which only made my blood boil.
He was frustrated?
"Yeah. It won't affect her at all to have a single parent struggling because the other half ran away. Yeah, she won't be affected at all" I replied sarcastically. "Also, have you even for a minute considered that we're going in circles because we haven't solved anything? It's the same conversation over and over again, because we have the same frustrations and concerns each time!"
"How are we going to get through this Leigh? I don't want to be fighting all the time. We both want the best for her.. what do you want me to do? I don't want to resent you because I stayed. I want this so bad Leighton. I'm sorry that these plans are causing more chaos and stress... but think big picture-" He started and I felt the tears fall down my face, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.
"I can't think big picture Gabe. I can't. I try and I can't. I get stressed out and scared and you're one to be like "We'll get through this"! You're not the one going to be stuck across the country with a newborn! You're going to party and fuck around and get to be a young adult whilst I'm at home raising our child! Stop talking to me about what is fair or not, and how I should feel and to look at the fucking big picture! If we switched places, and I was going to college and you were stuck across the country with a newborn, you can not tell me that you'd be all cool and ready to go! I'm allowed to be mad! I'm allowed to be scared! I'm allowed to be afraid! I'm allowed to ask questions and try and figure this out!"
"I never said you couldn't.. I just.. we need to figure out what we are putting on her birth certificate Leigh"
I was quiet for a moment before looking over at him.
"Can I say something fucked up?" I asked and he gave me a look before slowly nodding. "Bennett sounds a lot like Bobet, and I don't know how I feel about my daughter's name sounding similar to a girl who bit off some guy's dick" I admitted and it was quiet for a moment and I felt my heart race, but all of a sudden he started laughing.
"Fine, she can have Fox" He laughed and I smiled softly, watching him basically lose his mind in front of me.
"I can't believe I'm about to change my first diaper" I sighed, reaching for the supplies as my infant wailed.
"It's not hard" Mom reassured me, handing me the wipes.
"It sucks to see the little tubes on her nose" I spoke softly, undoing the tabs of the very small diaper.
"I know, but she's breathing and that's all that matters" She reassured me. "Don't forget to put the new diaper under in case she starts going to the bathroom again" She reminded me and I nodded, placing the brand new diaper under my newborn's butt.
"Thank god it's just a pee diaper" I let out a breathy laugh, grimacing when I felt the blood pour out onto the pad I was wearing. "No one talks about how bad bleeding sucks" I grumbled, pulling out a wipe. "Front to back right?" I asked and she nodded.
I finished changing the diaper and my mom tossed it into the waste bucket as I tried to soothe my baby.
"Do you know when you're getting out of here?" She asked.
"Um, I think I'm getting discharged tomorrow. I don't know if Gemma is though. Depends if she's stable. I don't know if she has to be stable for twenty four hours or what since she's still on oxygen"
That night I spent trying to breastfeed Gemma again, but she still wasn't taking to it, and we quickly found out that she was born with a tongue tie, which led to the conversation about clipping it.
I knew it would be easier for her in the long run if we did the procedure whilst she was a baby.. but the thought of having her go through another thing scared me.
We ended up scheduling for it to be done that next morning and I found out I was going to be discharged that afternoon.
That night, a nurse had Gabe and I take an infant CPR video course to learn what to do just in case the unimaginable happened and that next morning I woke up to a nurse checking on me and telling me they were going to bring Gemma in for some skin to skin before her procedure.
It was November 27th now, also known as Sam's 25th birthday and I knew everyone was going to be busy hanging out with him, so I took this time for myself to write in Gemma's journal again and process some of the emotions I was feeling.
I have now been in the hospital for five days and I was itching to get out of this place.
I'm still very sore, but I was finally getting the hang of walking without crying, so I guess that was a perk.
I was also still bleeding heavily, but all I could think about was how my baby was still being monitored in the NICU and she wasn't by my side.
I tried my best to be allowed to go down and hang out with her when Gabriel wasn't, but I was still in recovery so actually being able to go and see my baby was a lot harder than I expected
Hanging out with Gabe has been weird since he dropped the bombshell about going to college.
I never thought my pregnancy, labor, and recovery would go like this.. and if I was being honest.. I was pretty sure this would be my last.
I had no desire to do this again.
It all sucked.
From the moment I found out I was pregnant, to delivering her.. it was hell.
I still was struggling to bond with her and I kept being told that the more I hang out with her, the more it'll click...
I went through these mood swings of being excited about having a baby and thinking about how cool it is that she's here now... to feeling dreadful and undeserving of her. It was a mind fuck for sure.
For the past few days I just laid in this room almost grieving my baby because she wasn't next to me. She wasn't here to cry or snuggle.. it felt like I lost her.
Was it normal to grieve someone you haven't lost? To feel alone? Confused? Scared?
Was this normal?
I was honestly so tired of crying, but it's all I could seem to do lately.
Colby has barely talked to me since I stupidly kissed him, and he hasn't replied to my texts. I tried to remember that they were all busy with Sam's birthday stuff, and that they'd reply when they could, but it felt very isolating.
I think the worst part of this whole experience is just how wrong it felt.
Nothing went to plan. From how she was conceived to how she was born.. it all went wrong.
She was perfect and precious.. but my brain kept waffling between she's mine and she's not mine.
I was too scared to ask questions, or even get opinions because every time I tried, I was just told it gets better. That this was just because she was in the NICU.. yet here she laid on my chest.. and I felt like I was holding a stranger's baby.
When they took her away to cut her tongue tie, I texted Sam happy birthday and told him I would make it up to him for missing his birthday. I knew his friends were going to take him out for dinner, but I hadn't really heard from anyone all day and I was starting to feel left out and forgotten.
What if they moved on?
I would be lying if I said I wasn't afraid of going home even though I desperately wanted out of this hospital.
I was slowly coming to terms with the fact that I would more than likely be discharged before Gemma... and that made my heart crack.
I truly felt like every minute I spent in this hospital was breaking me into pieces, and it didn't help that throughout the day Sam and Kat would send me photos and videos of them having fun.
"Knock knock momma, I got our brave little girl" A woman spoke, walking back in with a crying Gemma. "We did cut it, and she did a very good job" She reassured me, passing me my baby and I just stared down at her, feeling helpless.
"What am I supposed to do with her?" I asked, not sure why they handed me my baby.
Can I do this?
Can I care for a baby all on my own?
I carefully lifted up my daughter, trying to push away the negative feelings as I stared into her sleepy tearful eyes. "I'm not your mommy am I" I whispered, every bone in my body wanting to give her back to the nurse.
I felt the tears fall down my face as I cradled her. All I could hear in my head was that I couldn't do this. That someone would be able to do this a lot better than me. That someone can love her better. Someone else deserves her.. but then in the other ear I could hear Sam telling me to fight for her. To love her. To want her. For my mom to tell me how it takes a village and how we will get through this... and my dad.. God my dad was so excited for a granddaughter...
"Ma'am.. are you okay?" The nurse asked and I shook my head, holding out Gemma to her. "I.. what?"
"Take her please" I cried, my hands shaking.
The nurse quickly took her as a sob shook through my body, my head falling forward as I cried in agony.
"Ma'am, what can I do for you? Do you need a doctor?" She asked and I shook my head, hearing my baby cry.
"Just.. just take her away please! Get her away!" I screamed, crying in the process.
The nurse quickly left with my baby and I laid there crying, wanting nothing more than to forget this ever happened.
I can't do this.
Who was I kidding?
Me? Raising a child? Please.
I'd just fuck her up.
I already am useless to her.
I can't feed her, change her, snuggle her... and she's always on oxygen..
I should've aborted her. I should've put her up for adoption. I should've miscarried.. I should've died.
I should've died and I wouldn't be in this situation!
"Leigh?! Leighton!" Someone spoke frantically, quickly wrapping their arms around my shaking body.
I shoved them off of me, my nails clawing into their skin as I cried, wanting them off of me.
"Leigh! Calm down!"
I opened my eyes, my vision blurred and I could barely make out who it was.
"Leighton, shhh it's okay! It's me, Logan! Just tell me what happened"
"Yeah it's me Leigh, it's me" He hushed, walking back over to me.
I cried hard into his chest, feeling incredibly guilty for the thoughts that were in my head.
I explained my thoughts and feelings as he held me close, just listening to me.
Logan eventually called in Dr. Hughes and forced me to tell her what was going on.. and one of the things brought up was Postpartum Depression.. and I expected her to tell me that I had that, and I just needed to wait it out.. but much to my surprise, she told me it sounded like I had imposter syndrome.
"If it is imposter syndrome.. what can she do?" Logan asked and Dr. Hughes sighed, so I knew we were really in for it.
"There is no cure other than just overcoming it in time. You don't have signs of PPD because you aren't thinking about hurting yourself or the baby. You miss quite a few marks to be diagnosed with that. You're just thinking you aren't good enough. That your daughter deserves better. I can prescribe an anxiety medication, and evaluate you for things to help you sleep and such.. but.. I think you just need to give it time. I need you to know that you're allowed to feel like this. It's okay. Don't feel shameful or guilty because you're struggling. Having a baby is a big change, and it doesn't help that she isn't here with you. I promise my team and I are trying really hard to get her to you. She's getting stronger every day Leighton, and I promise one day you're going to look back on this day and think about how silly you felt to feel inadequate, but the truth is, that you are inexperienced and that's normal. I didn't help you bring this baby into the world and expect you to know everything. All babies are different, and that's okay. It's okay to struggle. It's okay to go through all of these emotions. I need you to try though Leighton. If you truly want this baby.. you're going to need to try for me. I know you're having ups and downs and it's a scary time... but you're not alone. She needs her momma, and you need her. Do you want me to go get her, or do you want to be alone?" Dr. Hughes asked, Logan rubbing my back.
"Go get her please" I whispered, wiping the tears off my face.
"Leigh, I think you should get back into therapy" Logan said softly and I nodded, turning to look back up at him.
"Please don't tell mom and dad. I'm sorry" I whimpered, my heart aching at all the horrible words in my head.
"You're an adult Leigh. I'm going to treat you like one"
"I know I just... god I'm a horrible person! What mother doesn't want her baby?!" I whined, covering my face again as I laid back on the bed.
"A mother who is scared. A mother who wants the best for her child. A mother who is alone, and tired, and can't think straight. You've been worrying for a year Leigh! You've been through hell and back, and it's all starting to finally come out. Your dam is breaking, and we're here Leigh. Let us be here. Let us help"
Dr. Hughes brought Gemma back in and I took a deep breath, Logan lightly squeezing my shoulder.
"Here's your gorgeous girl Leigh" Dr. Hughes handed me my baby and I carefully held her, regretting what I did earlier.
"Hi baby" I whispered, my hand lightly rubbing at her cheek. "I'm sorry" I sighed, rolling my head to the sign as I took a deep breath. "She feels lighter" I muttered and Dr. Hughes nodded.
"It's common for baby's to go under their birth weight, plus she's been struggling to eat. She'll get back up there. Believe in her Leighton"
Gemma laid on my chest and we both fell asleep, Logan staying next to me the entire time.
When I woke up, Gabe was in the room talking to a nurse and I felt Gemma's breath hitting my chest.
"Where's her tube?!" I said frantically, knowing she had it last time.
The oxygen tank that was next to my bed was gone too.
I frantically scanned the room as my baby's life flashed before my eyes.
"Hey hey hey, calm down! She's breathing on her own! She's doing so good Leigh!" Gabriel reassured me and I slowly looked down at my daughter, watching her inhale and exhale slowly.
I ended up crying out of relief as I felt the air hit my chest, her body rising and falling slowly.
"She's.. she's okay?" I asked and Gabe nodded slowly and I took a deep breath, trying to not cry.
"They're trying to see if she can stay off of it. This monitor is her breathing" He pointed to a small monitor next to us and I nodded, wiping at my face yet again.
"Hey Leigh?" Gabe spoke up and I asked what, still looking at my baby. "I'm sorry for earlier. I'm sorry for our fight. I'm sorry for choosing to do this now. I know it's selfish.. but Leigh.. I wouldn't do it if I didn't believe in you. I know you'll keep our baby safe. I know you'll be an amazing mother. I trust you Leighton Rae. I trust you with our baby.. and I'm sorry that I've caused you so much pain and stress.. but I promise.. if I didn't think Gemma was in good hands.. I wouldn't be doing this. I know you're mad at me.. and I know you are worried about doing it alone... and I know if I stayed with you that things would be easier.. but I think we both need this. I'll do whatever I can to make this work. I promise I love her. I promise I'm thinking of her and I swear I have her best interest in mind.. but damnit Leighton, I love you and I know you're going to be a damn good mother. From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were someone special, and then you got pregnant with my child after one of the hardest years of our lives.. and I was scared, I'll admit that.. but being here today.. I love you Leighton. I know we aren't each others soulmates and that we don't work well together anymore.. but I need you to know that I believe in you. I know you can do this. You've gone through far worse, and I know I've done a shitty job at being there for you, but I'm really trying. I'm trying to give you space and let you figure it out.. but I love you. I love you and Gemma so much and I know you kissed Colby. I know you did because Aaliyah told me... and I want you to know that it's okay. It's okay to move on.. it's okay to find love again. You deserve it Leigh, and if he is someone you want to pursue.. I want you to know that I won't stop you, or fight it.. and if he is someone that you think is good enough to be in Gemma's life.. I trust you. I trust your choices and decisions. If I didn't, I wouldn't be leaving. I would be putting up a harder fight.. but we can do this. It's going to be hell, but we can do this"
"She told you?" I finally asked since he wouldn't let me get a word in.
"Don't be mad Leigh. I asked. I was curious. You wouldn't have let him be that involved in your labor and delivery if he didn't mean something.. and because I passed out.. I just.. I wanted to know. I wanted to know if you were together or what the status was. Believe it or not Leigh.. I want the best for you. I know I've dropped the ball when it came to being there for you during recovery.. but I'm trying to get my time in with Gemma. I'm trying to be there for our daughter. I just.. Can I ask you something?" He asked, looking me dead in the eye.
"Uh.. sure"
"Do you like him?"
"Who? Colby?" he nods. "I don't know" I answered honestly and he nodded, glancing away.
"Can I ask you another question?"
I nodded, shifting the way Gemma was laying on me.
"Why did you let him be so involved in the labor?"
"Um.. I don't know.. I just.. he was there. He was always there... I just..... I've grown to like his company. I like when we hung out or the stupid talks we have. I like to annoy him and watch him get pissed off because it makes me laugh. It makes me laugh to see him be irritable. I originally wanted Sam, but he was on vacation at the time.. and I don't know. He was just there. He's always there"
"Have you talked to him about Gemma?" Gabe asked, and I was confused.
"It's just.. is he a friend or is he something more? Even if you don't know.. if he got a girlfriend.. or slept with someone.. would you be okay? Or is he something more to you?"
"I don't know Gabe. I haven't thought about it. We've just been working on building a friendship. We're trying to hang out more and see if we can be friends" I answered, confused as to why we were having this conversation right now.
Gabe groaned, showing frustration as he started to pace in front of me. "Can I give you some advice?" He asked, and I nodded, curiosity getting the best of me. "Don't need him, want him" He said and I gave him a weird look.
"What do you mean?"
"Be good without him. If you lose him, be okay. I couldn't stand to watch your heart break because of me, let alone another man. Leighton, I don't want him to break your heart or Gemma's for that matter. I know you're unsure how you feel.. but I know he means something more to you than just a friend. Whether he's a new best friend or becomes a romantic interest... be good without him. If I'm going to be okay with you seeing other people.. I need to know that you'll be okay without him. That you'll be okay. I don't want to leave, and something happens. I want the best for you Leighton"
Before I could reply, Dr. Hughes walked in with my discharge papers and started to explain that they're going to keep Gemma here at least for another twenty four hours, and that if I wanted I could just be discharged and walked down to the NICU, but the more she spoke the more I couldn't listen.
All that was repeating in my head was
Don't need him, want him
* * * *
EEEEEK DESIRE IS OUT NOW! - Book two to unbroken 🙈 Find it on my profile and add it to your library so you know when the next update is out!
I'm ready to continue this journey with you!
Written on: June 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th 2022
Word Count: 5945
Desire (book two) part one
9 notes · View notes
boldlyvoid · 2 years
Reacquainted on Christmas
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18+ Hotch x Reader
Summary: he just needs a new pair of pyjama bottoms, she just needs a sleep shirt while in town and there's only 1 pair of pyjamas left at the store on Christmas Eve.
content warnings: meet-cutes, mentions of divorce, getting together, smut face sitting, unprotected sex, cum play,
word count: 3K
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Shopping on Christmas Eve was never a good idea.
Sure, he wasn’t there for last-minute presents so his trip wasn’t as hectic as most. However, it was still horrible. Everything was a mess, picked over and left damaged for whatever sad person desperately needed it. He passed aisle after aisle of empty shelves and racks with only the ugly options left, wondering how the fuck he was going to find PJ’s of all things.
There’s a woman in the men's section, staring at the 4 options left and shaking her head. “Anything catching your eye?” He asks with a smile, attempting to make her night better.
She points to a set, “I literally just want a shirt, I don’t want to have to get pants with it, but there’s nothing else here,” she vents to him.
“I just need a pair of pants,” Aaron laughs, “want to split it?”
She lets out a sigh of relief, “I’d love that, I can’t believe I forgot a sleep shirt of all things.”
“Oh, you’re just visiting DC for Christmas?” He asks as he takes the pyjama set off the rack.
“Yeah, I work in New York but my parents live here,” she explains. “What’re you doing shopping on Christmas Eve?”
“Honestly,” he sighs, “it’s my first Christmas alone since my divorce, she has our son this year and I realized I don’t own anything that she didn’t buy for me… I needed a change.”
She takes the pyjamas from him, “so I’m buying these, then you can have something fun to remember with them?”
“Okay,” he smiles again. “Is there anything else you’re here for?”
She shakes her head, “no, but I did she some discounted chocolate over there that looks tempting?”
He laughs, “I’m Aaron, by the way,” he reaches out to shake her hand.
“Y/N,” she smiles back at him. “I’m actually staying at a hotel near here, would it be insane to ask you to come over for some room service with me?”
“Do your parents not have room for you?” He asks, not thinking anything of it.
She shakes her head, “no, they’re in a retirement complex, it’s a cute little apartment but I didn’t want to sleep on the couch.”
“That's fair,” he laughs. “And to answer your question, no I don’t think it’s insane to ask. I do however think that you should know a bit more about a person before you go somewhere alone with them…”
“You’re a cop?” She smirks like she got it right.
He laughs, “not really… I’m a federal agent.”
“Ahh,” her face lights up, she’s instantly more interested in him. “Me too, I work in the New York office… would I know you? You dress like you’re important?”
He laughs again, “It sometimes feels like a brag to say my title—”
“You’re not the director,” she cuts him off. “His first name is Jackson, the only Aaron I’ve heard of is the unit chief of the BAU. Agent Hotchner, I’ve sent a few applications to him and never heard back.”
He grinds his teeth together awkwardly, “that would be me…”
She laughs again, “well, now I get to show you what you’ve been missing out on.”
“Bring it on,” he nudges her playfully. “So are we going to stand in this aisle all night or are we going to get out of here?”
“Let’s get out of her,” she replies with a twinkle in her eyes, one he knows all too well from a life he lived a year ago.
Back before he was a husband and father before he was responsible and he could take home anyone he wanted. He never missed being free when he was with Haley, rather the love he had, and still has, for her was too pure to make him feel trapped. Even still, he never missed his bachelor phase until right now.
He knew this could go one of two ways. She either really does just want to split the pyjamas and share a meal and then never see him again, or they’re going to use this as an excuse to feel something good on Christmas Eve… and then never see each other again. Either way, he risked getting to know someone who would also leave him.
“I assume you have a car?” She rips him from his thoughts as they wait patiently in line to pay.
“I do.”
“Good, cause I don’t,” she laughs, trying to make small talk with him as best as she could. “did you have any plans for tonight?”
He shakes his head, “I was going to have some leftover Chinese in my fridge and work on some reports… but this sounds like a much better option.”
“The room service is almost as good as leftover Chinese,” she adds. “Something about it the next day just hits different?”
“You know, one of my team members might be able to explain exactly why that is,” he wishes he could fill the space with facts the way Spencer did. It was endearing in a way he admired.
“It really does feel like you’re bragging now,” she teases him with a smirk.
Her smile is infectious, he can't help but beam back at her. “I’m sorry, my team is more like family… I brag about them like I would with my son.”
“That’s cute,” she compliments him. “Did you see him at all today?”
He nods, “we exchanged presents at breakfast this morning before I took him to his mom's. It sucked but I want both of them to be happy.”
“So, I guess the divorce wasn’t your idea?” Her voice is as low as she can keep it so the people in line don’t hear them.
He presses his lips together awkwardly, nodding along with a sigh through his nose. “I couldn’t give her everything she deserved…”
“Because what she deserved isn’t what you deserve?” She profiles him. “She didn’t get that your job is important to you because your team is a family you never had?”
“Maybe I should have interviewed you,” he teases her. “I’ll consider you the next time there’s an opening.”
She shoves him, “funny. You’re just deflecting, I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable?”
“Oh no,” he shakes his head, keeping his voice just as low. “You’re right. She didn’t understand why I love my job and she couldn’t accept that I wouldn’t pick her over it.”
“Makes sense,” she’s quick to answer as it’s their turn at the register.
She pays, they put everything in a bag and she follows him through the exit towards his car. He places his hand on her back, guiding her towards his SUV and making sure they’re safe in the parking lot. His protective instincts were always on level 10.
He opens the door for her, letting her in and closing it once she’s safely inside. He’s not expecting her to pick the conversation back up as soon as he gets in and starts the car.
“How many people are on your team?”
“Including me?” He’s not sure why he asks, he could just say the answer right away. But he’s nervous around her suddenly. She gets him too well. “There’s eight of us. Where am I taking us?”
“My hotel is on 16th and Church street,” she says, and he knows exactly where that is, pulling out of the parking lot and turning towards the unknown.
“7 people who love you and see you every day over 1… I can see why you picked your job,” she shrugs. “I’m sure you’re either an only sibling or a lot older than them.”
“Younger brother,” he confirms her suspicion. “My parents were interesting characters, but I suppose you’re correct. Not having an abundance of affection as a child plays a big role in why I picked my team.”
“When doing what we do, that’s really important,” she reaches over and pats his hand as it rests on the gear shift. “You’d do anything for them, I can already tell.”
“I think they’d like you as well,” he can’t help but think about getting to see her at work all the time. She’d give him an opportunity to mix his personal life with work, if they overlapped somehow it might be easier.
“Are you expecting an opening anytime soon?” She teases again. “I’d love to transfer back to DC and be closer to my family.”
“We have agent spots available in the office, it’s still as important but I’m sure you’d like fieldwork more?”
“Does anyone work their way up in your office?” She asks, it’s a question he’d expect in an actual interview.
“They’ve had opportunities, but a lot of them enjoy what they do. While it’s not a normal 9 to 5, it’s still rewarding and doesn’t involve as much travelling.”
“I do enjoy office work,” she shrugs. “I think I spend more time doing follow-up reports and less time actually getting my hands on the creeps in the reports.”
“That's why I wanted to move into behavioural analysis,” he opens up to her rather easily. He always knew that driving made conversations easier for him, the multitasking took away his ability to feel anxious.
“What did you do before?”
“I was a lawyer,” he laughs, “can’t you tell?”
She laughs too, “I was thinking that or palace security— you have that stern look that the beefeaters have.”
It’s not often that he laughs at jokes about his sternness, they’re not all that funny. Unlike her, she makes him genuinely laugh which makes him incredibly comfortable.
“I was just tired of seeing criminals walk because the police didn’t build air-tight cases… I wanted to not only stop them before they killed too many people while also ensuring that they stay in prison forever.”
He pulls up to her hotel then, finding his way to the parking structure and paying for a spot. He pays for the whole night just in case, sure that it looks like he’s expecting something from her when really he just doesn’t want a ticket on Christmas morning.
When he turns back to her, she’s smiling softly at him while holding the shopping bag in one hand and reaches out for him with the other. “Come on, let’s go get cozy and order one of everything.”
He takes her hand with another smile, “Merry Christmas to us.”
To think she was sitting in nothing but a t-shirt and her underwear with a man who might become her boss one day was rather insane to her. She couldn’t believe that A; she bumped into a man she’s heard so much about on a whim, and B that he wasn’t at all as he was described.
He was warm and kind, soft and bubbly. She was told by friends that he was a hard ass, that getting a job with him was as unheard of as getting struck by lightning twice. He was someone who she imagined carried a permanent frown and never laughed, but this Aaron was the complete opposite.
They’re sitting on her queen bed with dishes of food scattered between them. Fries, pizza, deep-fried pickles, mini burgers, it’s the type of spread you’d see at a football party of 16, for just the two of them, but they eat it all. Placing the dishes back on the tray it came on and then to the dresser where it would stay till the morning.
He sits back on the bed beside her, nothing keeping them from moving in closer this time. He’s shirtless with just the plaid bottoms on, her legs are crossed with her shirt pulled down enough to cover everything and yet she wouldn’t mind if it didn’t. She felt confident and comfortable with him, he wasn’t expecting anything from her, she was saving him from a night of boredom and he was seemingly grateful for that.
The conversation carried between different cases they’ve had, ones that could have possibly overlapped and all the times they almost met before that. She really liked him, she really wanted to see more of him, and not just at work.
He’s so handsome, she tries her hardest to focus on his words and the conversation but she catches herself following the definition in his biceps and pecks, his cute pink nipples and the wonderful forest of chest hair that trailed down to his groin. He was more than handsome, he was sexy. Possibly the sexiest man she’s ever seen in her entire life.
“Y/N?” He snickers, drawing her out of her thoughts as she stared at him. All but drooling as she did so, embarrassing herself as usual.
“Sorry,” she shakes it off. “I just haven’t seen someone so buff in person before…”
“You can touch me?” He offers, voice soft and low so he didn’t scare her away.
“Yeah?” She double checks, “can I move in closer to you?”
He just nods, watching as she walks over on her knees, straddling his lap and hovering over it. Not sitting, because that would be too close, but close enough to grace her fingers over his skin. She moves along his muscled arm, he runs hot even in the winter, still so warm even with his shirt off all this time.
She rakes her fingers through his chest hair neck, down between his pecks and ghosting over the slightest tracings of abs. She smiles as he twitches, sucking in a shocked breath as her cold hands touch his belly button. “Are you ticklish?”
He shakes his head, “no, you’re freezing.”
“Oh,” she feels bad, “sorry, I’ve always had cold hands.”
“Here,” he interlocks both their hands, holding them in an attempt to share his warmth, “I’d like you to keep touching me, just as long as it’s not with your ice fingers.”
“Okay,” she whispers, tilting her head slightly and staring at him like he hung the stars in the sky. “I think my lips are warm?”
“Let me check,” he teases, leaning in and pressing his lips to hers.
It’s the first kiss she’s had in far too long. Melting into it, she presses against him harder, breathing him in and finally sitting in his lap. He starts to fall back against the pillows then, dragging her down with him, she rests their interlocked hands above his head on the pillow, holding him in place as she deepens the kiss.
She can already tell he’s growing hard under her, igniting something in her that she hasn’t felt in quite some time. She grinds against him as a result, moaning against his mouth as well, she’s too turned on to care.
He doesn’t mind, if anything he’s even more into it now. Letting her take control, laying there and letting her drag her barely clothed, slightly wet cunt over the crotch of his new pyjamas.
“More,” he says against her lips, “if you want more, that is?”
She laughs, “you’re so cute?”
“I’m nervous,” he admits. “It’s been 13 years since I’ve had sex with someone new.”
“So then pretend I’m not new,” she whispers. “We’re just getting reacquainted.”
“I like that,” he presses another kiss to her lips. “I like you, I like doing this with you, it doesn’t have to go any further if you don’t want it to…”
“But you want to?” She teases him, wiggling on his hard cock again, “I could tell…”
He bites his lip, closing his eyes and basking in the feeling of her dragging herself over him. “Please, I’ll do anything?”
“Yeah?” She’s intrigued. “Do you do oral? My last boyfriend didn’t.”
“Do I?” He looks almost offended. “Sit on my face,” he doesn’t ask. It’s an instruction.
She’s pulling her panties off so fast, crawling back over him and resting her knees on either side of his head, “are you sure?”
He licks his lips as he nods, spreading her thighs a bit and guiding her forward. She runs her fingers through his hair, disrupting his perfect quiff and watching as he digs in. Moaning at first contact, it’s all she wanted for Christmas. His tongue is like magic, he’s so good with his mouth as she grinds against it. Riding his face and tossing her own head back.
He reaches for her hands again, interlocking their fingers and holding her hands as she rocks back and forth on his tongue. Moaning uncontrollably, he groans against her and sends vibrations through her body. “Fuck, Aaron…”
“Cum,” he mumbles against her skin, returning his attention to her clit and attacking it.
She’s trembling, thank god he’s holding her hands or she’d be falling off the bed with the amount of power that rushes through her. Her orgasms have never felt that powerful before, her thighs are shaking, her vision goes black and she can’t catch her breath fast enough.
He lightly teases her as she recovers, making her body twitch and shiver as he does so. She crawls off of him, laying back against the pillow with a hand on her chest as she breaths heavy, “wow…”
“You have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen,” he whispers, kissing the side of her neck. “Your last boyfriend was a fucking idiot.”
“Yeah,” is all she can muster. “I’d return the favour but I’m dead?”
He laughs, “you don’t have to.”
She opens her eyes and stares at him like he’s the idiot, “if that's how good your mouth is, I bet your dick game will put me in a coma.”
He laughs, “you’re going to give me a big head.”
“It felt pretty big and thick,” she teases, spreading her legs again and pulling her shirt up and throwing it off. “Let’s test my theory.”
He laughs at her boldness, “condom?”
“I’m on the pill,” she shrugs, “I’m clean, I don’t do this… like ever?”
“Me either,” he doesn’t want her to feel bad for it. “Are you sure?”
She nods, “fuck me.”
“Fuck,” he groans, pushing out of his bottoms and settling between her legs.
He drags his fingers from her knees down the inside of her thighs before pressing them flat open, “look at you? Glistening and beautiful…”
He drags his cock over her cunt, rubbing her clit with the head and teasing her further. “Please?” She begs this time.
“Shh,” he whispers with a smile, pressing against her hole and pushing in achingly slowly. “Holy fuck.”
She loves the stretch, groaning with her head tossed back and eyes closed. When he bottoms out, he hovers over her and takes her hands in his once more. Interlocking them and resting them above her head this time, he presses a deep kiss to her lips. For their first time, it really did feel like they were lovers before, it came to them way too early to be the first time.
With each roll of his hips, his groin rubs against her clit as he fucks her. It’s the first time she’s been this close without direct clit stimulation like he really knew what he was doing. He was so good a this she couldn’t imagine someone giving him up.
Slowly making out, holding hands, raw missionary… it’s like a dream come true and with the sexiest man, she’s ever seen in her entire life. She moans into his mouth, she can’t help it as he hits that spot so deep inside her.
His hips sputter and she knows he’s just as close as she is. Grinding to meet his thrusts and gain more friction on her clit, she can feel another orgasm building in her gut while the sounds between her legs get louder. She’s soaking wet and it’s audible along with her moans and his groans, it’s more euphoric than any porn she’s ever seen.
“Gonna cum,” he warns against her lips, moving to kiss her neck and fuck into her harder.
She wraps her legs around him as she cums, holding him there and taking all of him just as he fills her up with the sexiest moan he’s ever heard. He trembles against her, it’s so hot she could cum again from just witnessing it. He breathes deep and hard, pulling out and releasing the mess he had trapped in her. It's a rush, the feeling is too intense she moans again as he sits up and uses his softening cock to push it back into her.
“Aaron,” she pants, “oh my god?”
He laughs, “that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Merry fucking Christmas,” she teases. “What a gift…”
“Yes you are,” he makes it sappy as he reaches for tissues on the night table. He cleans her up a bit, laying down beside her and cuddling into her side, “thank you.”
“For what?” She laughs. “I should be thank you, that was amazing.”
“So are you,” he compliments again. “I’d like to see you again the next time you’re in DC?”
“Does this affect me wanting to put in for a spot in your office?” She asks seriously, “because then you’d get to see me all the time.”
He nods, “you got the job.”
She pulls him in for another kiss, holding his face in her hands, “Thanks, boss.”
He smiles against her lips, “I’ll send you the established relationship papers with your contract.”
She laughs, “you have to take me on 3 dates before I sign that,” she teases him right back, it was so easy.
“Okay, you’ve got a deal,” he kisses her again, and again and again… all the way into the morning.
All it took was a pair of pyjamas to change her whole life.
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tainted-wine · 3 years
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I didn’t apply all of these descriptions but these are the main three I had in mind while writing this. How did I attract so many fans of the crusty boi? Either way, welcome to the club!
Words: 1.5k (how the hell did that happen there’s barely any sex)
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The website didn’t explain what the “LOVER” cheat does. Probably unlocks a deleted path that didn’t make it into the official game. Or maybe he just gets a head-start on his Affection progress with you at the very beginning. Or maybe it doesn’t do shit – that could be why there’s no explanation.
Well, now that he knows how to do it, it wouldn’t hurt to test it himself. Shigaraki absently scratches at the irritated skin on his neck as he boots up the game. The directions were fairly simple and easy to remember.
1. Start a brand new file.
Ugh, he despises games that hold only one save file. It’s not like a visual novel holds up much space. What if you want different files in order to experiment with different choices? It doesn’t matter in his case anyway; he 100% completed the game months ago. With no regrets, his original game was deleted and a new one began.
> What is your name?
He might as well stick with the one he used last time.
The introduction cutscene began, the protagonist going on about the new town he just moved into. Pretty by-the-books, as far as romance openings go.
2. Finish the intro. Once you meet Y/N, go to the menu. 
After skipping through a bunch of fluffy dialogue, you finally appear in all of your cute glory. Once you’re done introducing yourself, Shigaraki brings up the main menu.
3. Type in “LOVER”
Just like that? Alright then...
Right after inputting the final letter, a sparkly ping sound straight out of a magical girl anime could be heard, and that was it. Okay...it sounds like he did it correctly.
When he returned to the game, his success was much more evident. You were staring directly at the screen - almost through the screen - with a glowing expression he’s never seen. Each and every one of your reactions have been seared into his brain after so many hours of gameplay. This was new.
“You...do you really mean that, SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
What? Voice acting? Though you did say his name pretty stiffly, as expected when a computer tries to pronounce custom text, but what the hell? Why would this be hidden as a cheat?
“But it’s so soon, and I’m not very experienced...” You blushed and shyly twiddled your fingers.
“But I already trust you, and I want you too.”
It’s that kind of path.
A hidden adult route. Shigaraki really likes that, even though this would’ve had a much stronger impact if it happened on his original file, the one where he was fully bonded to you. Sucks that he needs a fresh file in order to fuck you.
Shit, he’s not even prepared for this. Maybe he should go grab the lotion and a couple of tissues, assuming that this special scene will make for pretty decent fap material.
But the dialogue continued automatically. You creeped closer to the screen as you gushed about your feelings for him. “I want to make love to you forever and ever!”
You were getting really close, and with a show of impressive animation, your hand reached out to touch the fourth wall...
And the screen began to distort and ripple.
What the fuck?
“I just can’t wait to feel your amazing cock.” Your fingers began to phase through the fucking computer screenWHAT THE FUCK?!
Just like that, a full-sized bitch materialized out of the game and onto his lap, nearly toppling his gamer chair.
Even in the darkness of his room, your eyes shined brightly as they studied his pale face. “You’re even more handsome up close!”
Shigaraki was still too stunned to even respond to the rare compliment. Only when you began to pull down his pants did he finally find his voice again.
“Wha–ah–who the–hey!” He knows that he shouldn’t be afraid of a hottie touching his cock but ooooh shit she’s already stroking him.
“Ah, you’re so big!” You stared at his untouched manhood in awe, watching him become more erect after every pump of your soft hand.
“Fuck, am I?” He gasped.
“Mmhmm! And I bet you’re really tasty too!” You say before he’s suddenly engulfed with the very real warmth of a mouth.
Fuck fuck fuck he isn’t gonna last. He was ready to jerk off, not actually get his dick sucked. It feels more amazing than he ever imagined, your tongue working along his sensitive flesh, and those lips sucking at him so eagerly.
When his hand grabs the top of your head, he realizes too late that all five of his fingers are tangled in your hair.
You nearly fall over from how suddenly Shigaraki rolls back in his chair. You look shocked, confused, and...very much not a pile of dust.
“What’s wrong, SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
He looked at his hands, then at you, then at his hands again.
Then he takes hold of your face and shoves you back into his groin, because he can touch you, he can touch another fucking living thing without any worries about completely destroying it. Must be some crazy logic about you being data from a videogame or something. He doesn’t care, he’s so horny, feels so good having his cock so far down a hot tight throat, he just might burst...
Wait, he might have just done exactly that.
“Ah, shit,” he watches you pull back and swallow with the most satisfied grin.
“That was quick, SHIGGY-SENPAI!” You really need to stop saying his name like that. It’s fuckin’ weird. “I didn’t even get to feel you inside me.”
“Shut up,” the mixture of emotions he’s been experiencing ever since your ass crawled out of the screen like a girl in a cursed video is starting to piss him off. He’s so insulted and thankful that this fictional bitch gave him his first blowjob and made him nut in the span of sixty seconds. “Just give me a few minutes.” 
A few knocks on the room’s door startles both of you.
“Tomura, the Vanguard Action Squad is ready to move out.”
“I’ll be out in a damn minute, Kurogiri.” Shigaraki moves to get out of his seat, only to be stopped by his new partner.
Your sparkly puppy eyes are so grossly cute, yet it has his dick twitching again already. “Are you leaving me already, SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
“Quit saying my name in all caps.”
“Okay, ˢʰᶦᵍᵍʸ⁻ˢᵉⁿᵖᵃᶦ.”
“Not like that. I can barely hear it.”
“How about SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
He slaps a hand over your mouth. “Just stop saying my name.”
A much harsher knock rocks the old door. “Hey, you ugly bastard,” That sounded like the Dabi asshole. “The hell are you doing in there? Jacking off to anime girls?”
Shigaraki scoffed. When’s the last time that burnt Stain fanboy got his dick sucked?
As much as he wants to join in on terrorizing the brats at U.A, he really wants to get laid today.
“Just go without me!” He yells through the walls. He nearly misses your muted squeak of joy.
“Eh?” Hearing Dabi’s annoyed muffled voice was pretty amusing. “You’re just gonna sit on your ass in your room while we do the work?”
The villain’s retort catches in his throat when you take his hand and begin to slowly lick at his fingers, all while pinning him with an innocent gaze.
“Your fingers are so pretty,” You whispered.
It’s so difficult to pay attention to the words being uttered outside of the room while his hands are being placed on your chest. BOOBS.
“Please trust Tomura. I’m sure he has faith in you all handling this mission on your own,” Kurogiri tries to explain. Shigaraki knows him well enough to know that he’s probably irritated as well, but there are titties in his hands so who gives a fuck.
Dabi releases an exasperated groan. “I knew this whole League of Villains thing was bullshit. Shouldn’t have bothered.”
Shigaraki slows his exploration of your breasts to shout, “If I make you the leader of the mission, will you shut up?”
“Well, I pronounce you leader of the Vanguard Action Squad. I’ll even give you a Nomu. Have fun.” The two of you are rushing to lift your shirt off for better access to your skin.
“Fuck yeah,” Dabi’s voice is still fairly close. The sooner he pisses off, the better. “I can probably pull this off better than you, anyway. Come on, psycho girl, we’re gonna go round up everyone else.”
Toga can be heard squealing excitedly as they both step away and finally give him his privacy back. You look absolutely lovestruck by the entire exchange.
“You gave up an important mission just for me? You really do love me!” 
He just rolled his eyes and lowered his head to take a hardened nipple into his mouth, enjoying your sounds of delight.
He can’t wait for the next time he faces those stupid heroes. He’ll be smarter, stronger, and can even tell them that he got his dick wet.
Oh, the collapse of hero society is going to be glorious.
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Soulmarks, Part 11
First part
She let her pleasant smile drop as the door closed behind the most recent akuma. Her grip tightened on her yoyo.
She and Adrien had missed the akuma’s appearance. Again.
“There’s just not enough time,” she hissed.
Adrien flopped onto the pavement with a groan. “Christ, Nette, why is working in two cities so hard?”
Marinette shrugged and tossed her lucky charm with a mumbled “miraculous ladybug”. Ladybugs swirled around them both and she felt the bones in her leg repair themselves. Perfect. Now that she could, she kicked the nearest lamppost as hard as she could and grinned at the tiny dent that it made.
“Property damage isn’t a good look on you, M’lady,” said Adrien.
She scoffed. “Fuck it! We save this city once a day, we get a little bit of property damage!”
“Fair enough.”
They ducked into an alley and detransformed, bitter expressions stuck on their faces.
They slipped out into the dark of the night. There was no one out, they’d been surprised to even find an akuma at this hour. Hawkmoth must have kept an alarm for three so he could catch people out when their emotions peaked due to exhaustion.
“School’s starting soon and there’s been no progress on Joker or Hawkmoth,” she whined. “There’s no way we can keep going back and forth like this.”
“Can’t you just do your creepy stalker-y thing and find this guy?”
Her face reddened and she sent him a glare. “The bats can hear us, y’know!”
She heard a click in her ear to indicate someone had turned on their comm and her face burned even hotter as she heard Barbara’s laughter.
“Of all the things for you two lovebirds to have in common, the stalking would not have been my first guess.”
There was a silence as this sunk in…
Then Adrien started cackling. “OH MY GOD HE DOES THAT TOO?!”
“Yeah! It’s how he found out our identities!”
He grinned. “It’s how she found out mine, too! Oh this is so good.”
“Shut up!” Said Tim and Marinette at the same time, which only made the others laugh harder.
“I only stalked you to figure out if you were my soulmate,” she tried to defend herself. “You were hot and nice to me! Those were my main two requirements!”
He snorted. “And Kagami?”
“She was hot and nice to me. I literally just said that was all it took.”
She heard the bats gasp. Shoot. Time to rush past that!
“Besides, you should be thanking me! I figured out she was your soulmate for you!”
He rolled his eyes and laughed.
“You shouldn’t be laughing, guys, stalking is serious,” said Dick.
Marinette blinked. She hadn’t realized he was on.
Adrien’s eyes widened in surprise as well. When he spoke next, he’d sobered a little.  “It’s creepy, Nette… but it’ll be useful. So, I’m hereby giving you permission to stalk Hawkmoth.”
“I don’t need your permission.” She hesitated, pulling a yoyo from the pocket of her hoodie and messing with it. “I’ll do it, though. School is starting soon, and since our class is so good for akumas, I guess it’s the best time for me to do my thing.”
“I’ll help,” said Tim. “If we work together we’ll be able to do this way faster.”
She blinked. “You’re going to help from America?”
“Nope, I have an idea.”
She and Adrien gave each other confused looks.
The three of them stood at the base of the steps, eyeing the unfamiliar building warily. They were all new students there, and none of them looked eager to begin their first day of high school.
Tim shuffled awkwardly in his uniform. He hadn’t attended school in years. His parents hadn’t noticed, and it gave him a lot of time to do what he actually enjoyed. It felt odd going back, especially since he’d be in a group with people who were two years younger than him and French and oh god he was going to be the new kid oh fuck.
Marinette and Adrien also looked like they wanted to run as far in the opposite direction as they could. When Tim had asked, they’d both instantly said that it was just ‘first day nerves’. It obviously wasn’t but they weren’t going to fess up and it wasn’t like he was going to interrogate them.
Even if he wanted to, getting them to talk about something that stressed them out was a dangerous thing in Paris. Especially for Marinette and Adrien.
The bell rang, pulling the three of them from their thoughts and they quickly joined the throng of kids struggling to find their classes.
In true Marinette fashion, she stumbled into class five minutes late with a shouted apology. However, this wasn’t at all normal for the two boys that rushed in after her. The class giggled a little and went back to what they were doing.
He was told to remain at the front of the class and both Marinette and Adrien sent him pitying looks as they took two out of three of the empty seats at the back of the classroom. They fastened tiny nametags to their chests, probably mandated because he was new, and Marinette flashed him a thumbs up.
He gave her a tiny smile and shoved his hands in his pockets.
Tim cringed internally as he looked up at everyone. Fifteen students when you included Marinette and Adrien. At least they didn’t seem all that interested, listening to a girl in orange talk about some prince she apparently knew. Maybe he could just coast through the school year without drawing attention --.
The teacher gave a pleasant smile and clapped her hands for attention. It didn’t work, so she raised her voice slightly to speak: “Welcome back to school, everyone! Before we go over our syllabus, I’d like you to welcome our newest student. Would you please introduce yourself?”
So much for that idea.
He jutted his chin out. “Hello. I’m Tim Drake-Wayne.”
Everyone’s eyes snapped to him instantly.
“Yes, that one. Great, we’re done here.”
Their gazes never left him as he made his way up to Marinette and Adrien. He tried to brush it off, but he just couldn’t seem to ignore the pair of eyes boreing into the back of his head. He turned slightly and looked at where the girl in orange sat.
She smiled and batted her eyelashes at him.
He rolled his eyes. He’d gotten used to people like her long ago. People always did that when they heard his name.
To her credit, she didn’t look at all phased by his blatant annoyance by her.
His eyes flicked down to her nametag and he clenched his fists in his pockets.
Lila Rossi.
He shook his head slightly and kept walking, taking his seat beside Marinette.
The teacher was trying desperately to pull everyone’s attention back to her as she practically shouted her syllabus, but it was useless. They were all whispering among themselves, not even bothering to hide the fact that they were staring, and he was thrown a few pitying looks.
He didn’t know why he was getting the pitying looks, he doubted it was because of all the attention, but it wasn’t like he could just ask.
The only people who were actually paying attention to the teacher were Marinette and Adrien, who were copying down everything she said diligently.
Tim looked back at Lila and narrowed his eyes slightly. She was a bit two-faced, but he didn’t quite get why she was so important that she had a spot by Hawkmoth. He supposed even superheroines have personal problems but, damn, that was definitely some skewed priorities.
He glanced at Marinette’s free hand resting on the table and laced his fingers with hers.
He watched Lila’s flirtatious smile morph into an ugly scowl and tried not to smirk too much.
Tim’s gaze found its way to Marinette again and his smirk softened into a smile. She was a brighter red than her costume and her already ghastly penmanship was now, somehow, even worse.
He reached into his bag with his free hand and pulled out a pen and some paper. As cute as Marinette was, he doubted that he could glean anything from her notes and asking Adrien for his would work but likely include a lecture on how he should pay more attention.
He could feel Lila’s glare the whole time he copied down notes.
Next part
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
SakuAtsu Fanfic recs pt2 leggo
I promised a pt 2 and here it is! Link to pt 1 here :) I was lazy so given summaries (I cped this time, but in the future I might paraphrase), and ofc these aren’t all of the ones I loved, just some :D So in no particular order, have some SakuAtsu <3
As always, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for fics before reading (esp cause I didn’t put individual warnings PLEASE make sure you’re okay with the content!!!!!!) and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
Teach Me, Tune Me, Tempt Me by Anonymous (E) 38.8k // Sakusa Kiyoomi needs to conquer many lifelong fears in order to enter his first romantic relationship. Miya Atsumu is there to guide him every step of the way, even if the one Sakusa desires is someone else.
Flowers Bloom In Our Masks by UnicornFlowers (G) 24.5k // "Mysophobia, also known as verminophobia, germophobia, germaphobia, bacillophobia and bacteriophobia, is a pathological fear of contamination and germs." "You read that off of Wikipedia." "That's the point, Omi-kun. I read up on it fer you."
the art of folding a handkerchief by Emlee_J (T) 5.6k // “Atsumu-san’s just realised he likes Sakusa-san,” Shouyou says simply, as though announcing the weather. “Ahh,” Bokuto nods sagely, standing up straight and nodding his head, as though this was a perfectly normal thing to hear and not monumental in any way. “'Ahh?'” Atsumu protests, indignantly, “what do ya mean ‘ahh?’” “We were wondering when you were going to notice,” Bokuto shrugs, and Atsumu gawps at him. “'Scuse me?” He splutters, and whips his gaze around to Shouyou, who bobs his head at him in confirmation. “How did you two notice before I did?” Atsumu blurts out. "Most people do," Shouyou says softly. -In which Atsumu develops something annoying, like feelings for a teammate, but at least he has a couple of wingmen and Tobio's seemingly infinite resources to help him out.
for whom the heart beats by cielelyse (T) 1.6k // Atsumu's heart keeps skipping a beat whenever Sakusa's around - so often that it's baffling and honestly downright concerning. "I think I might have a medical condition," he says into the phone. "Good," says Osamu, and hangs up.
as you are by papertulips (G) 5.8k // Kiyoomi learns that falling for Atsumu is the easiest thing in the world.
Hide and seek by badreputation (E) 10.5k // It’s just a fleeting infatuation. As long as he pushes through it he’ll manage. So what if nowadays there isn’t a night where he doesn’t dream of Sakusa pinning him down on his own bed, in the shower or make Atsumu go down on his knees in the hallway? Those are just pesky details.
People Will Say We're in Love by tirralirra (T) 9.5k // “Saku...Atsu? What does that even mean?” Atsumu says, squinting at the device. People seem to think that Sakusa and Atsumu are in love, so they come up with a list of things to do to deter that. Maybe it would work...if they weren’t in love.
do not separate! by aalphard (T) 5k // He knows he likes peanut butter and the tuna onigiri Uncle Shamu makes for him. He knows he likes volleyball and the way his daddy looks so, so cool when he’s on court. He knows he likes drawing and playing with toy swords. He knows he likes reading and it’s even better when Atsumu is the one reading for him. He knows he likes to have pancakes in the morning but he also really, really likes tamagoyaki and he knows his daddy can’t make those at all. He tries, but fails every single time. He knows his daddy’s teammates like him and he knows they’ll help him if he wants to play with them one day. But the thing is he likes Uncle Omi-kun more than he likes the rest of them and that is a secret he won’t tell anyone that’s not his daddy. He doesn’t like to make people sad.“Omi?” “Yeah?” “Nao said he likes you more than he likes the rest of the team. Don’t tell’em.” or atsumu is a single dad and kiyoomi can't help but fall for him.
you make my heart burn by myhopeisjhope (G) 9.2k // “What’s up with that awful expression?” Atsumu asked. He leaned against the counter with his hip, looking directly at Kiyoomi, his regular fox-line grin plastered on his face. Kiyoomi made eye-contact with him then, his eyebrows knotting in annoyance, but Atsumu was too interested in the cute pair of beauty marks above Kiyoomi’s eye to care about the glare that was sent his way. “What’s up with that awful hair?” Kiyoomi shot back. And that was exactly when Atsumu decided he liked the guy. 
somewhere in the middle (i think we lied a little) by akanemnida (E) 4.3k // “Body worship,” Miya said instantly, after Kiyoomi asked him what he wanted as reward as the winner of their service ace competition. “I can do that,” Kiyoomi said with a frown. “God, you really are the vainest person on this planet—”Miya shook his head, smirking. “Nuh-uh, Omi-kun. I meant I wanted ‘ta worship ‘ya.”(Or: Sakusa and Atsumu and all the blurred lines in between.)
san'yō expressway, 6:17 pm by yamabato (T) 8.1k // Atsumu tilts his head to watch a slice of orange light bend over the impassive planes of Sakusa’s face. He is absolutely, ruthlessly beautiful. It makes Atsumu want to punch something—put his foot through the windshield—scream, maybe. Kiss him again, maybe. They have 344 kilometers to figure this one out.
affection by papertulips (G) 2.1k // "I gave you the key to my house for emergencies only." “This is an emergency.” “What?” Atsumu pouts, looking up at him with wide eyes that definitely work on Kiyoomi but he will never admit it. “I missed you.”
love could be labeled poison and we'd drink it anyways by myhopeisjhope (NR) 21.3k // "Huh?" is Atsumu's response, and it's seemingly the only thing the man could think of after the minute-long silence that stretched between them. "We should break up," Kiyoomi repeats, more clearly now. He doesn't let any emotion seep into his voice, keeping it neutral and detached, as if breaking up with Atsumu was the easiest thing ever, while in fact it's the complete opposite.
And I'll Ask for the Sea by meeks00 (T) 6.9k // When a couple of his teammates reveal that Atsumu has feelings for him, Sakusa doesn’t react well. It doesn’t help that Atsumu is his typical petty and salty self. --“Come on,” Atsumu is saying in a wheedling tone behind a bright grin. “Just stop,” Sakusa snaps suddenly. “Will you just leave me alone for once? I don’t even like you!”Normally, Sakusa’s words don’t phase Atsumu at all. He’ll talk over Sakusa or brush off any harsh words easily enough and might turn to someone else for the attention he apparently craves. But this time, Sakusa’s words seem to stop him cold, the smile freezing for just a moment on his face.
the Definition of Miya Atsumu, by Sakusa Kiyoomi by orphan_account (G) 4k // Miya Atsumu is a self-centred prick who thinks he's top shit. Underneath the word 'asshole' in the dictionary is a picture of his stupidly pretty face. Sakusa Kiyoomi's definition is, according to him, 100% correct, until he takes a closer look.
i’ll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) by liliapocalypse (T) 7.6k // Seeing Sakusa stressed out, Atsumu writes random letters on Sakusa’s skin to soothe him during the team’s assisted stretches. Somewhere along the way, the touches shift from barely tolerable to something Sakusa actively craved for. One day, though, Atsumu accidentally writes a confession instead.
it ain't no matter of 'if' honey, it's just a matter of 'when' by irleggsy (M) 2.1k // With a beer in one hand and an accusatory pointer finger on the other, Sakusa slurred, shouted even, “Atsumu. If you wear those godforsaken cutoff camo jorts one more fucking time I’m breaking up with you.”Atsumu made a noise in his throat caught somewhere between a wheeze and a squawk that came out more of an avant-garde honk noise than anything else. He stared up at Sakusa with wide eyes, a bewildered smile just barely glued onto his face. Or: The MSBY Black Jackals go to a bar. Sakusa likes to run his mouth when he's drunk.
dog eat dog eat dog world by perennials (T) 8.4k // You are your first and only line of defense against the universe.
Who Could Have Seen This Coming? by crone_zone (M) 16.7k // Peering out the side of his eyes at the man walking beside him, Sakusa wondered why he’d impulsively changed his mind about his plans this evening when he’d noticed Miya’s reluctance. Surely he wasn’t worried about this asshole, was he?--In which Sakusa impulsively invites Atsumu over to his apartment when he sees he's upset and something entirely unexpected happens: he realizes he likes this asshole. Cue [off-camera]sex, mutual confessions, insecurity, and adorable losers who are opposite in all the right ways.
Miya Atsumu's unwavering love for Sakusa Kiyoomi and an unholy amount of terrible food analogies that should not have the right to Exist by aiviloti (G) 5.6k // Five times Miya Atsumu talks to (harasses) his friends and sibling because he has feelings for Sakusa and doesn't know what to do or how to deal with them and the one time he talks to Sakusa about it. “How do you make friends apart from showering them in praise?” Atsumu wails one night, and Osamu thinks, oh god, here we go again.
Sakusa's Secret Admirer by TwilaFrost (T) 20.2k // Every day after practice, Kiyoomi finds another letter inside his shoe locker. It's only every signed: -❤ He's determined to find this person. Is it crazy to fall in love with someone you've never met?
take what's yours and make it mine by claudusdiei (T) 5.9k // (this has a second fic hehe) atsumu falls in love four times in his life (or: in which atsumu gets his heart broken twice, has the self-awareness of a sober mule and really likes yellow tulips)
School Bus Yellow by yuuki (G) 4.9k // Atsumu has a crush on Sakusa, and it’s kind of ridiculous how much he likes a guy who wears ugly colored jackets and is afraid of germs.Though, Atsumu’s probably not all that great himself. He’s still figuring that part out.
show me how by emeraldpalace (G) 2.9k // Sakusa isn’t sure when or how it happened, but the fact remains: Miya Atsumu has become a comfortable constant in his life.
touch me (i want you to) by melstar (G) 3.9k // He should have seen it coming, really. Spend six months tip-toeing around the line of domesticity with the team’s resident germaphobe, and there was no way he’d be able to think of the guy the same way anymore. Or, Atsumu touches Sakusa's arm once and thus begins a downward spiral into the inescapable jaws of attraction.
Dreaming of You, Talking About You by kitkatwrites (T) 1.1k // Osamu learns that Atsumu talks in his sleep, especially about a certain wing spiker from Tokyo.
If your world falls apart, I'd start a riot by Serendipity (jenjaemrens) (NR) 3.1k // "It was Atsumu who was the older brother, but it was Osamu who was more protective of him. He would always protect Atsumu from things around them that could hurt him. "Or, the story of Sakusa Kiyoomi and Miya Atsumu through the eyes of Miya Osamu.
but soft what light by min_mintobe (T) 2.1k // "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day, Bokkun—" Atsumu drawls, "—hot. "In which Miya Atsumu woos Sakusa Kiyoomi by (gratuitously, seductively) quoting Shakespeare. One-shot.
sakusa kiyoomi's fixation on (miya atsumu's) lips by catsoncocaine (E) 3.7k // Everything about Atsumu is fucking beautiful, but there is one specific part of his that is like kryptonite for Kiyoomi. It is both his curse and his remedy, rendering him useless and yet egging him on to move at the same time. Kiyoomi hates it as much as he loves it.
The Jacket In Your Closet by dai_naning (T) 8.6k // According to the gossiping players around him, Miya Atsumu is an asshole. He's an incredible player in court and an obnoxious person off the court. He taunts people, points out their weakness, and doesn't give a shit if he's disliked or not. Some even say his teammates ostracize him. Sakusa looks at Miya Atsumu and can only see a player who keeps his eyes firmly forward, demanding the same to the players who want to stay on the court. Sakusa can't fault him for that. (That doesn't erase the fact that he's an asshole though. And that he's still the one who gave a jacket to a stranger.)
sakusa kiyoomi is....an uncle? by miyaudrey (T) 5.9k // “Oh, by the way, my nieces and nephews are going to be there.” “Your what now?” Or, Atsumu finds out three hours prior to a Sakusa family gathering that Kiyoomi is an uncle.
Confessions of a V-League Setter by Anubis_2701 (T) 3.3k // "Never?" Sakusa's lips thinned. "No, never. Now stop talking to me." Or, Atsumu discovers that Sakusa Kiyoomi, germaphobe and reluctant heartthrob of the Black Jackals, has never been confessed to before. He decides to change that.
Touch Me by cajynn (E) 3k // Sakusa actually likes being touched but he's very picky when it comes to who and how. When the who turns out to be Miya Atsumu he has a crisis.
Please Stop Crying by dauwtrappen (G) 2.9k // Friday starts off well until it doesn’t and Kiyoomi can hear something crash, feel something snap inside him when Miya, about to set him up for a quick attack, suddenly starts crying in the middle of their three-on-three. Kiyoomi doesn’t even react when the ball bounces off his head, doesn’t cringe when his face is smushed against the net briefly because he forgets to land in front of the it. He’s too shocked, too appalled with the tears pouring out from Miya’s eyes to care.
I can't take much more of your hesitating by playexodus (T) 2.7k // The curved sides of Atsumu’s pecs peek through that absurd tank top at just the right angle. Sakusa swallows. “Your entire chest is hanging out of that shirt. We’re in public. You could at least pretend to be a decent, morally upright person. Not to mention that this Los Angeles beach boy aesthetic is terrible on you.”Glancing back down at Atsumu’s chest to glare at his sharp, glistening collarbones is a bad idea. Sakusa wills his eyes to stay fixated on Atsumu’s face. As it turns out, this too, is a bad idea. “Oh?” Atsumu turns his half-lidded gaze onto Sakusa, the corners of his mouth curling. “Just to be clear: you’re definitely not enjoying the view then, Omi-Omi?”
curse breaking by allicanseeispink (T) 9.2k // Nearing the fourth hour of the silent treatment, Kiyoomi’s already frayed nerves began to whittle down to their last fibers. Today, it was raining. A proper Tokyo monsoon tantrum just shy of a full-blown typhoon that left puddles on sidewalks and fell from an angle so wicked it eluded umbrellas. It was raining and they haven’t spoken in almost four hours. (In which Sakusa wanders into the minefield that is Atsumu's feelings and tries not to blow things up.)
Summer Special: Omigiri by mika60 (T) 6.9k // Miya Osamu always comes up with the perfect marketing plan for his shop, even if it involves the two biggest idiots he knows.
a list of things sakusa kiyoomi hates by BrenH (T) 7.3k // “Just fuckin’ write shit down so ya remember it then. ”It was probably supposed to be a joke, just Osamu being as annoying and unhelpful as always, just reminding him that he shouldn’t have bothered trying to count on his brother for help. He’s forgotten about the whole thing until a few days later when he’s shopping and comes across a small, black notebook shaped like a cat, and his brother’s stupid suggestion flashes through his mind. Before he knows it, the cute little notebook is dropped in his basket, purchased, and in his possession. Or, the one where Osamu suggests Atsumu keep a notebook to track all the things Sakusa hates that he does, and he takes it further than he means to.
A Challenge, A Cat, and A Confession by Kitaa (G) 6.2k // Atsumu enjoys bothering Sakusa. One day he bothers him enough to be invited over to his apartment, only to discover that Sakusa has a plant, a cat, and a cute laugh.
Multiples Of Two by yuuki (G) 3.3k // He does everything in multiples of two. The day Sakusa Kiyoomi died, Atsumu checked his pulse twenty-eight times. Okay, so Sakusa Kiyoomi has never died. And Atsumu has never been close enough to Sakusa to be able to check his pulse. So what if Atsumu is just being dramatic again? He’s allowed to be dramatic when he’s in love with a man who has less emotion than a rock.
gold rush by sketchedsmiles (T) 18k // When the MSBY Black Jackals sign their newest team member, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Atsumu makes it his personal responsibility to befriend the indifferent player.
got sand in my eyes (and my shorts too, damn you miya) by luxnoctre (T) 4.7k // On one of their rare rest days, Hinata takes the part of the MSBY team to the beach. Chaos ensures. (or alternatively, do not piss off Sakusa when he is in the middle of relaxing)
mortality is found in the flesh of your sins by citronnes (M) 10.6k // dickhead one, sakusa kiyoomi. dickhead two, miya atsumu. neither understand how to communicate. Pray tell, why are you drawn to him?Are you drawn to him in the way he looks beautiful even when crying? When his eyes are red, shiny tears streaking down, lips quivering, is he beautiful?
This was v long ahahaha.... Anyway, is this finished? No LOL, but I’ll just make small additions via reblogs (?) over time. Maybe :) Sorry if you wanted me to ramble on about SakuAtsu,,,, slide into my messages/asks for that LOL. Maybe over time I’ll add the commentary from other posts I make in the future :’)
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So on my old blog, I would occasionally give my unsolicited thoughts and opinions on shows or movies (usually ones that either had a lot of hype or were just straight up bad). I just watched "365 Dni" aka "365 Days" because I had a couple hours to kill so be prepared for mental spewage because it's my blog and I do what I want.
Wait I thought this was a romantic thriller. They're talking about human trafficking. This is already gross.
Michele Morrone is very good looking though and I've been obsessed with his face for the last few weeks.
This whole conversation about these girls getting trafficked is gross.
Yes. Let's be extra pervy during a pervy business meeting and check out the girl on the beach with our binoculars.
Hold up. Why did they get shot?
I don't know what's going on. Freaking Italian mob, man.
This song about being addicted to someone that's playing while people are bleeding out on the ground seems tonally inappropriate.
So far we've seen Italy, San Francisco, and Warsaw. I didn't know we were globetrotting.
And we switched from Italian to Polish to English. Sure.
Yeah. Michele Morrone could get it. Also he survived being shot.
Is that the same girl from the beach? Probably. Why not.
They do a lot of spinning shots and it's making me dizzy.
So far this is a very expensive foreign Lifetime movie.
Yes. Because everyone takes boob shots in the back of their Uber while sober.
Homegirl's boyfriend looks like they picked him out of a burly henchman catalogue.
Yup. Michele Morrone is stupid hot. Even just sitting down he's hot.
Oh good. We've transitioned from potential human trafficking to cocaine.
Well damn. This is fairly explicit for a "mainstream" film.
Cool. I share a name with the female lead.
Still don't know the male lead's name yet.
Everybody in this movie is either stupid hot or stupid ugly. There is no middle ground.
Yes, Michele. Creeping up on this girl on a darkly lit path saying "Are you lost, little girl?" is definitely going to win you all the points.
I don't understand why writers insist on putting powerful women with schlubby dudes. It's tired and cliched and inevitably leads to annoying arguments.
Yes. Let's wander around Sicily at night all alone. That's totally safe.
And my point is proven.
I hope if I ever get kidnapped and holed up in some random ass castle in Sicily my makeup looks as good as Laura's.
So this just turned into a horror movie.
Called it about Laura being the girl on the beach.
Yeah, that's not creepy at all, dude. Let's obsess over a girl we might have hallucinated for five years and then kidnap her and give her a year to fall in love with you. Solid plan.
This is literally making my skin crawl.
Ah yes. "I won't do anything without your permission" he says as he literally grabs and sexually assaults her.
So basically this is trying to be "erotic thriller, Beauty and the Beast style".
Her pulling a gun on him has been the best thing so far.
I'm so confuuuuuused.
That's nothing new though. I live in a state of perpetual confusion.
Why the hell is there a man chained to a rock in this dude's basement.
I have many concerns.
Also his name is Massimo so that's good to know.
Besides the man chained in his basement his house is pretty cool.
Just kidding the man is no longer chained in the basement since he now has a bullet in his head.
I'm only 30 minutes in and this has been a wild ride.
"I'm not a bag of potatoes you can move without my permission!" is very Polish and as somebody who's family is Polish I'm living for it.
I'm going to need him to stop laying hands on her.
Whoever chose the music made some odd choices.
He keeps watching her sleep and it's creepy.
And there he goes grabbing her again.
I do like that she's giving him a lot of attitude and isn't putting up with his shit but you know that's going to change 🙄
Yes. Go spend all his money, honey.
He is disrespectful as hell.
I don't care how hot he is, he's creepy and abusive and I don't like it.
"I am not the monster you think I am." You would be incorrect, my dude.
Like, she went on vacation with her boyfriend and friends, and I can't for the life of me figure out why they aren't looking for her unless they explained it and I missed it.
Pierogi. The most romantic of Polish foods.
"I do business." He's a drug trafficker, honey. Run away. Run far, far away.
Honestly I would turn this off if I wasn't so far in it already.
I feel like I have to see this trainwreck through to the end.
"I would like you to show me how to be gentle for you" would be more appealing if HE LITERALLY HAD NOT KIDNAPPED, ABUSED, AND ASSAULTED HER.
Ew. Did he sneak in her bed while she slept?
One good dinner and now she's all "let's gently touch him in bed and take a shower in front of him" 🙄
Why is this bathroom set up like a communal shower? It's weird.
Although to be fair if he hopped in the shower with me I'd check him out too 🤷
They tied her to the seat in the plane. What the hell.
I'm so uncomfortable.
Ugh. Why. Why is this a thing.
So far this has been creepier than 50 Shades and 50 Shades is creepy as hell.
Hold on. I thought they were at a hotel. Why does he have a giant ass portrait of himself hanging up in his room?
I. Am. Uncomfortable.
Oh man. He has a nice butt.
Don't get distracted by the pretty man, Laura.
Onscreen Laura too.
He asked her to teach him how to be gentle, then handcuffs her to the bed and makes her watch while he hooks up with another woman.
Yup. Doing a great job there, Massimo.
Cool I'm back to being confused.
She can't walk in her heels and I'm dying laughing. Same, girl, same.
"What are you wearing?" "A couple thousand euro of yours." GET HIM.
Now we've entered the Scarface phase of the movie because there was just a copious amount of cocaine snorted.
Where did he pull two guns from??
So I don't know how long she's been with him at this point. I feel like that's something that needs to be clarified.
And she fell off the boat.
Of course she did.
Oh man. Why's he gotta be so cute with his fluffy curls and stubble and tattoos?
Also I'm pretty sure he only owns like two shirts because he's walked around shirtless for most of this movie.
We are now in the part of the movie where we've screamed awful things at each other and now we're going to bone it out.
All over the boat. Like every surface of the boat they have now banged on.
If y'all were dissatisfied with the raunchiness of the 50 Shades series, this is the movie for you because it far surpasses that.
Of course they're going to a ball. They always do in these rich people movies.
Makeover montage because why not.
Oh no. He's hot in a tux.
It always cracks me up in movies when people just automatically know how to ballroom dance like professionals without any training.
Every time I think this movie can't get more cliched, it does.
Why do I do this to myself? Why do I subject myself to bad movies?
I take it back. I know why I did it this time. The reason is 6'2" and looks damn good in a button up shirt.
"I thought you were kidnapped!" She was. You were a good friend for thinking that.
The switching between languages is giving me whiplash. It's very jarring going from Italian to Polish to English to Polish to Italian.
Her friend seeing through her bullshit is giving me life.
Also loving the fact that she's acknowledging she has Stockholm Syndrome. But because it's a movie it won't change anything.
Another makeover montage? So soon?
Also her friend keeps calling Massimo Mozzarella and it's hilarious.
That wig looks like it's about to crawl off her head.
Of course the ex shows up.
Honestly just knee him in the nuts and be done with it.
Why does Massimo think it's okay to break into her apartment and wait in the dark for her?
I don't know who thought using a blue light for her apartment was a good idea but it just looks like they're in a giant tanning booth.
"I don't need 365 days... Because I love you." GIRL NO.
I mean it was inevitable but it's still gross.
Yup. That's normal. Let's marry our kidnapper.
I want to snatch that wig off her head.
"What are your intentions with our daughter?" You don't want to know what his intentions are with your daughter, sir.
I will say that I love all her clothes in this movie.
Also she's pregnant. Calling it right now.
Called it.
Also good to know they've only known each other two months and they're going to get married and have a baby 👀
Her best friend is my favorite character and is the only likeable person in this whole movie.
Plot twist. Shocker.
This is so dramatic.
I will give them credit for the ending because that was unexpected.
In summary, this movie is trash and while the "love" scenes are pretty hot, it's not worth the time or effort that I clearly put into this.
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morganreid · 4 years
Summary: Spencer Reid, who has a severe touch aversion, joins the touchy feely profiling team at the BAU. He finds himself becoming more comfortable with physical contact as he grows more comfortable in his new family. But when things go south, Derek Morgan is there to lend a helping hand.
Read on ao3
Spencer Reid had an aversion to touch. It wasn’t surprising. Anyone who knew the exact amount of germs that could be transmitted by shaking hands would be. The sensory issues didn’t help much either. He tried to avoid being touched as much as possible.
That became much harder when he joined the BAU. They were a touchy-feely bunch. It was hard not to be, living in each other’s back pockets.
They all quickly realized how much being touched made him uncomfortable. The first time Hotch placed a hand on his shoulder to tell him he’d done a good job, he actually flinched away. Hotch had snatched his hand back quickly apologizing.
Spencer had fumbled through an explanation to the entire team and he’d been shocked that it didn’t phase them at all. They’d all laid off on the physical affection, even Derek Morgan.
From the second that wide eyed, baby faced Spencer Reid entered the BAU he had called dibs, taking the younger man under his wing. He’d had to fight Garcia off, claiming that she couldn’t take every cute baby that walked into the bullpen.
Spencer was confused by his big brother attitude. Derek called him kid and ruffled his hair, teasing him relentlessly but there was never any mirth behind it. His face was always split into a grin and his eyes sparkled in a way that showed him it was all in good fun.
Once Spencer explained his touch aversion to the team however, he backed off. His jokes stayed the same, but there were no more lingering touches and half hugs. He found himself missing it.
So slowly, he started to initiate it himself. He would bump shoulders gently with JJ who in turn would grin at him brightly, which made him happy. He would lean against Derek on long jet rides and had even once shyly lifted his hand to ruffle his hair. From then on he didn’t have to ask again, Derek would walk by and muse his hair, and Spencer found himself leaning into the touch.
It didn’t surprise him that Garcia was a hugger and once she caught him accepting affection from the others, she was jumping into the fray.
He found that he liked her hugs. She was soft and always smelled good. Her curls always tickled his nose but the endless supply of candy and soft things in her office made up for it.
Sensory overload however, was still very much a thing. It reared its ugly head on a late night during a case that hurt even his brain.
“Pretty boy,” he jumped at the sound of Derek’s voice. “Woah sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s fine,” Spencer dropped his forehead into his shaking hands. “I just know I’m missing something.”
“Why don’t you take a break? You’ve been sitting here for hours just staring at that journal. Hotch brought back food. Come sit with us and eat then come back with fresh eyes okay?”
“Okay,” he stood, scrubbing his eyes with his fists. He followed Derek into the bullpen and was hit with the smell of pizza like a brick wall. His stomach rolled and he resisted the urge to vomit. He snagged a bottle of water and took a long sip not realizing how dry his throat was. He screwed the cap back on with shaking hands and sat down, feeling like he was going to pass out.
“Spence you want some pizza?” JJ asked.
He shook his head, “Not hungry.”
She shot him a concerned glance but went on about her business. He tried his best to relax but there was too much going on. He could hear Garcia’s cheerful voice over everyone else. The smell of tomato sauce was too strong and even his soft sweater felt scratchy against his skin. His hands shook violently and he stood, shoving his hair back harshly and rushed into the conference room. The door slammed behind him, making him whimper and he slid down the wall, burying his head in his knees. His hands gripped harshly at his hair and he rocked back and forth, trying to soothe himself.
“What was that?” JJ asked as Spencer rushed away.
“I don’t know,” Derek was already standing up. “I’ll check on him. He didn’t look so hot when I went to get him.”
Derek slipped into the room, shutting the door softly behind him. His heart melted at Spencer’s form on the floor, whimpering softly to himself and rocking back and forth.
“Pretty boy?” He spoke softly. “What can I do to help?”
“Too bright,” came his muffled response.
Derek located the light switch and made the room go dark. Spencer sighed and relaxed as he picked his way across the room to sit on the floor next to him.
“Anything else?”
Spencer reached out for him and Derek pulled him practically into his lap. Spencer grabbed his arms and pulled them around him, making Derek squeeze him tight. He caught on quickly, clutching the younger boy tightly.
“That’s it,” He whispered as he felt him start to relax. “Calm down baby boy. I gotcha.”
He kept his tight grip on him until Spencer wriggled in his grasp. He let go, allowing him to turn so that they were facing each other, knees touching.
“Hi,” he said shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.
“Hi,” Derek chuckled. “You wanna tell me what just happened.”
“I’m sorry,” Spencer said immediately.
“Hey it’s fine baby boy,” Derek didn’t even register the nickname. “I just wanna know what’s going on with you so that maybe we can avoid any more incidents.”
“It uh- it’s called sensory overload. It’s a side effect of being a genius and borderline autistic. Basically my brain gets overloaded when there’s too many sounds and smells and stuff like that. It’s worse when I’m tired or frustrated.”
“And tonight you were both.”
Spencer nodded in agreement.
“You work too hard, kid. You can’t know everything, and it’s not your job to solve the entire case on your own. That’s why we have a team.”
“I just want to make Hotch and Gideon proud. I want to show them that I’m not too young for this job. I know you all look at me like I’m a kid. Everyone but you treats me like a baby.”
“They are proud Reid. If they didn’t believe in you then you wouldn’t still be here. You are a kid, you’re barely over twenty. But you’re not a baby, I’ve seen first hand what you can do. You’re an asset and everyone knows it.”
“Thanks Morgan.”
“Of course. Can I ask, what helps when you get like this? What makes it better?”
“Usually I have to wait it out. But dark rooms help, something to block out the noise and you hugging me like that. It grounded me.”
“Okay,” Derek patted his knee. “You wanna go back out there or sit for a while longer.”
“I think I’m ready to go back.”
Derek stood and helped him to his feet.
“Hey Morgan?”
“Did uh- I just- did you call me baby boy?”
“Yeah I guess I did. Sorry I guess it just slipped out.”
“It’s okay. I kinda liked it. A little bit. I guess.”
Derek grinned at him, “Come on baby boy. They’re probably wondering what happened to us.”
Spencer’s blush undoubtedly covered his whole body as he exited the room, which Garcia and Elle would undoubtedly tease him about later.
He sat back in his chair feeling slightly more relaxed. He wasn’t sure how they knew, but everyone kept the volume low as they continued their banter as if nothing had happened.
He caught Derek looking at him and turned to catch his eye. Derek grinned and lifted his Coke can in a sort of salute. Spencer smiles and raised his water bottle in a similar fashion.
For the first time in his life, Spencer Reid felt comfortable in his own skin, safe in a crowd. He wasn’t alone anymore. He had a family.
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simplyyeol · 4 years
back then (when we used to)
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—pairing; byun baekhyun x reader
—genre; fluff, college! au, childhood friends to nobodies to lovers! au lmao
—tws; swearing
—word count; 16.439 (whew)
—synopsis; when push comes to shove, and baekhyun suddenly appears in your life again taking your heart as he walked along the road beside you, you wonder if you really could have a happily ever after, with him, just like back then, when you used to.
—author’s note; hi guys! it’s me, cough, aj. you probably all forgot who i am right? well anyways! i made this after a long time of not writing since im on break. thank you all so much for the love you’ve given me so far. it means the world to me. i hope you love this one as much as my last work. thank you so much for supporting me !!11!11 (ugly cries)
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“I mean, Baekhyun is cute and all, but I don’t know why you like like him that much if you haven’t even had a proper conversation with him,” Sehun explains as he takes a sip of his orange juice. “It seems kind of... farfetched, you know?” You roll your eyes as you take a bite of your sandwich. “Don’t be a drama queen.”
“I mean! Why don’t you like someone like...” he taps his chin in thought, fork stabbing through the lettuce leaves before he looks back to you, signature smirk in place. “Jongdae.”
You choke on the food.
“He’s pretty cute. And he’s really nice too. He’s even on the baseball team with Baekhyun and you guys seem to get along well. It’s a win-win situation.”
You shrug. “He’s cool, but he’s just a friend. And since when do you care about my love life?”
“Nonexistent love life,” he snarkily corrects and you stick your tongue at him.
“And you’re some best friend. Totally supporting me in my silent love affair.”
“I’m being realistic,” he defends, shrugging.
“And a horrible best friend,” you retort, grimly.
“Maybe you’re just going through this phase—” he starts.
“Okay, look,” you interject, dropping your sandwich on the table. “I have a crush on one of the star players of our college’s team. That just makes me one of the many of the girls fantasizing to be her. That’s all it is. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna throw myself at him and forget who I actually am or some stupid shit like that.” You narrow your eyes at him and pick up your sandwich. “Period.” And then you take a bite.
Sehun drops his fork in his bowl, the clatter ringing even through all the chatter in the cafe. “Wow, Y/N.”
“What?” you bark, bread in mouth, so it sounds more like ‘mwa.’ Even if Sehun is monotone in basically everything that comes out of his stupid mouth, you can hear the smirk.
He shakes his head. “Nevermind. But... since we’re already on this road. You know Park Chanyeol.”
You nod and swallow. “Yeah. Why?”
“Well, he gave me two tickets to his game since Mina and I were gonna go, but you know...” he trailed off and you look at him. He just broke up again with Mina. His now ex. They have an on and off relationship. You don’t really get it.
“I dunno,” you say, eyes flitting from the table to his face. You didn’t want him to go alone, sure, but more often than not, when he takes you to these kind of things, he usually gets sidetracked and well, forgets about you.
“Oh, come on, I won’t leave you this time, I swear,” he says, fist slamming the table.
“Sehun,” you breathe, talking to him as if he was a child. “You said that last time for that basketball guy’s party. And do you remember what happened then?”
His eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed. Apparently your best friend has horrible memory as well.
“You went home with Mina, asshole,” you spit. “And yes, you are my bestfriend and deserve the best romantic life, but you can’t just leave me. Jeez, you’re heartless, Sehun.”
“I won’t leave you this time,” he pleads once more, puppy eyes now in place, hands placed together under his chin. “Please, noona?”
You stick your tongue out at him and continue with your sandwich.
“Oh, come on, I want to go with my bestest friend in the world, and not anyone else. And we’ll have so much fun and I won’t even leave your side, or anything, and as a bonus! I will personally get you a jersey as an added bonus with a certain Byun printed on the back.”
Your eyes flicked to his for a split second at the sound of a certain man’s name.
“I can even arrange a chance at the after party for the two of us, so you can have some even more fun. There’s gonna be free drinks too!” he tries.
You raise an eyebrow at this offer.
“Free food, too!” he chimes.
“We’ll see,” is your final answer.
His straight posture is slumped at your answer, pout adorning his face as he dejectedly looked at his salad that was a part of his so-called, healthy diet, that he put together himself. His eyes flicked to yours as you took another bite of your BLT.
You waved it at him. “Want some?”
He looks back to his salad before dropping his fork and stretching his hand out. You hand the sandwich to him and he takes a few bites before giving it back to you.
The rest of lunch is spent in light banter, talk about classes and upcoming finals.
The two of you have been close since the start of college after there was a mix up in the dorm distribution and you ended up in the only co-ed dorm in college. With a playboy of course. You would think you’d somehow fall in love with him, but the boy being two years your dongsaeng, the spark was never there. He became a little brother figure who you could bully whenever he came over to you to gush about his new girlfriend at how pretty she is. It’s cute enough to pinch his cheeks like you were a distant relative who claimed to used to change Sehun’s diapers. He hated it, which is exactly why you loved it.
He doesn’t bring up the game until you see Byun Baekhyun walk through the cafe doors. You being the shy person that you are, immediately duck your head and finish the rest of your sandwich in one bite, and stand up announcing your departure to Sehun.
“What? I’m not finished yet, wait another minute. We’ll go together.”
“Uh, I actually forgot I’ve got to meet a friend before class starts,” you explain, twisting and untwisting your fingers, eyes locked on Baekhyun’s figure that was currently walking towards you and Sehun’s table, which was conveniently in front of the register. 
Sehun looks at you, nose scrunched then looking somewhere behind you, and then it dawned on him, your predicament. “Oh,” he breathes.
And Sehun being the asshole he is calls Byun Baekhyun over. You never wanted more for the ground to open up and swallow you whole than at this moment.
“Hey, Sehun, what’s up?” Baekhyun says, his honey voice rolling over you in waves. You couldn’t leave due to the iron grip Sehun had on your wrist, caging you and erasing all attempts of escape.
“Hey, hyung. I just needed an opinion. Do you know, Y/N?” Sehun nods to you and you freeze as Baekhyun finally sees you. You hold your breath, waiting for the answer on the tips of your toes even though you were the one who didn’t want it.
His eyes lock with yours and you see the warmth even standing nowhere close to him. You see the small mole on top of his lip, the bridge of his nose, the cherry pink of his lips and all you can think is how he hasn’t changed one bit. 
His eyes flit down to your wrist in Sehun’s hand and you quickly pull it away. Sehun doesn’t hold you back. And then he’s looking away as fast as he saw you, and you miss the warmth that he brought with just a look but you’re glad for the lack of his fierce gaze on you alone.
He hums. “Yeah, I know Y/N. We went to the same middle school but you probably already know that,” he states matter of factly. You purse your lips. Sehun didn’t know that.
Sehun’s jaw goes slack. “Wait, what?” He turns to you, eyes narrowed. “You never told me that!”
“Uhhh—” you dumbly respond as Baekhyun looks between the two of you.
“Right, I just wanted to know,” Sehun clears his throat, grasping Baekhyun’s attention once again, “if we could come to the party after the game?”
“Oh, you’re coming to the game?” He poses the question towards the both of you, but he only looks at you.
“Well, I’m going, but Y/N doesn’t know yet—”
“You should come,” Baekhyun states simply, looking into the depths of your soul. Your heart beats just the tiniest bit faster.
“I’ll see,” you mutter under your breath.
“Well, I’ll see you guys later then?” Baekhyun waves, the corner of his lips raised, and eyes sparkling in a way that only fits Baekhyun. 
Sehun’s arm falls on your shoulder as he rises to his full height, effectively breaking you out of the haze that Baekhyun put on you unknowingly. You scowl at him as you grab your backpack.
“How come you never told me this precious piece of information that came from Baekhyun himself. I’m so disappointed in you,” he remarks as you exit the cafe. You dare not look back.
You shrug, a small shiver running up your spine from the breeze. “It never came up.”
“Bullshit. This stuff is already supposed to be established in our,” he motions exasperatedly in the space between the two of you, “relationship.”
You snort. “I’m not dating you.”
“We’re best friends!”
“That we are,” you deadpan.
“Were you guys only classmates?” he inquires, shoving his hands in his pockets and blowing out a breath.
“If you’re asking if we dated, no. But we were friends, I guess.” 
An understatement but you don’t say.
Starting middle school in a whole new city was overwhelming to say the least. Having just moved to Seoul was already climbing in on itself over you. The whole car ride you refused to meet your parent’s eye on the trip to your new house. They pointed out famous landmarks and beautiful scenery of the ocean on the way, and yet, you refused, the stubborn 11-year old side of you coming out, as you blinked the tears away, never letting them fall.
And then came Baekhyun, a whirlwind of a boy, all smiling, eyes crescents, and hair a raven-colored ruffled. He flew into your life and you were grateful to him. He suddenly became a staple in your life but really you should’ve seen it coming sooner.
As fast as he entered, he left, and you didn’t like to think about whether it was your fault or his. One day, he stopped trying. Avoiding you, or maybe he just became too busy for you. He grew out of the pre-teen Baekhyun, a child in and of itself and became the popular teen Baekhyun who suddenly became the star of your junior high. You drifted apart, as Baekhyun entered the spotlight and you steered towards the sidelines, suddenly becoming a wallflower in Baekhyun’s life. And then you weren’t in it anymore. But you watched him grow up and everytime you passed him in the hallways in highschool and eventually college, a part of your heart clenched, happy that he was happy and sad because you couldn’t share that happiness with him.
Sehun saw the lingering glances, the almost spoken hello’s to the star player and deemed that you had a crush. He wasn’t wrong so you never corrected him.
“Earth to Y/N?” Sehun called, hand waving in front of your vision. You blinked, slowly turning over to him. “Blanked out there, for a little. You good?”
“Oh, um, yeah. Just thinking.”
“About a Byun Baekhyun?”
“Shut up,” you mumble and he snickers.
A few beats of silence pass as you walk side to side, shoulders brushing against each other.
“You’re not telling me something,” he says.
“No,” you respond.
“Yes,” he retorts.
“Whatever you say.”
“I’ll get it out of you, sometime. I already have a lead.”
“What? Are you Sherlock?” you tease, lips quirked.
He slides in front of you and you stop watching as he dumbly salutes, fingers all crooked. “Holmes, reporting for duty,” he announces.
You laugh and then he smiles. 
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Most of the spots are filled when you enter the auditorium, a mess of hair, clothes and Y/N.
You spit out some of the hair caught in your mouth, which probably happened somewhere between where you left the pet store, your part-time job, in a hurry after seeing the time and from now, where you stood, just barely making it into class as the professor entered through the adjacent door . You got a little carried away with the new puppers that had just arrived and that was all your fault. Not that you regretted it, though.
The professor set up his laptop, plugging in wires and setting papers aside, that you really hoped weren’t of the test you took last week. You scrambled to your regular seat, right next to the TA, Kim Minseok’s desk, and next to Kim Jongdae. 
You dipped your head in greeting at Jongdae as you slipped past him to the seat and muttered your ‘hello’ to Minseok who waved you back.
“Please don’t tell me those are our tests from last week,” you say to absolutely no one. 
Jongdae, from beside you, hears this and turns to you. “Those are totally not our tests from last week.”
“Those are totally your tests from last week,” Minseok pipes from the other side of you. You swivel towards him, lips pursed, frown in place.
“Is it bad?” you ask, grimly.
“Can’t say,” he grins. 
“A hint?” you egg and Jongdae echoes your question.
Minseok shakes his head no and points towards the front just as the professor starts speaking. You melt into your seat, hoping that time would tick just the tiniest bit faster, if only to finish this hell you’re in.
45 minutes pass, not that you’re counting every second of it but you just happen to see after sneaking a glance at the clock hung on the opposite wall, when the professor finally announces the very dreadful thing that has you in a slump.
“And now for your tests!”
A series of groans echo your sentiments and you wait as he calls out the names of the other students, fists clenched, nails digging into the skin of your palm. He goes through a few people before stopping on the nervous human sitting right next to you.
“Kim Jongdae!” he calls and you give a pitiful look at Jongdae as he stands up to retrieve it. His face looks almost like a kicked puppy. The professor hands him the paper, says something, that you can’t hear (distance), or read (bad eyesight), but there’s a smile on his face. You sit at the edge of your seat waiting as Jongdae gets closer to you, his eyes lighting up as he reads the grade and when he comes to stand next to you, showing it to you, a cheshire-grin stretching across his lips.
Your jaw drops. “An A? That’s amazing!” He has his hand out towards yours and you high-five it, smiling for him. You sit back down waiting your turn, back straight, hairs raised.
You get up, walking as fast as your legs could take you, grasping the paper with eager hands. The professor smiles and says that it was better than your last and then your walking back, not daring to peak at the letter.
“Did you see it?” Jongdae calls when you get back to your seat. 
You shake your head. “Can’t. You do it.”
You hand the paper to Jongdae and he chuckles leaning over. He faces the paper towards you, back slanting so he’s looking at it as well.
“A B!” you cry.
“An 89!” he exclaims.
“If you round up,” you start excitedly.
“An A!” he finishes.
“Yes!” you yell, fist pumping in the air and once again before exchanging another set of high-fives.
The two of you sit back at your seats ruffling through your tests exchanging answers for the questions you got wrong. The teacher rambles on about how well you all did this time, much better than the last. You paid it no attention, though, wincing as you saw another question you got wrong. You even remember studying about that one!
“Okay, students!” the teacher finally announces and you look up, setting the paper down on the table. “You’ll be doing a project—”
A series of groans cut him off.
“Now, now don’t be like that. It gets even better; you’ll be doing it in partners! The person next to you should do—oh! Would you look at the time? I better be off! Class dismissed!”
The screeching of chairs being pushed in, the mull of the chatter of students, and the scratching of pencils on paper fill the silence that the teacher brought and you stared at Jongdae, dumbfounded. And Jongdae stared at you.
“Is this real?” you breathed, voice ragged.
“I really hope not,” he answers back. “Maybe it's all just a dream.”
“More so a nightmare,” you remark.
Minseok snickers at the two of you. “Don’t be dramatic and get out of here, you two.”
You frown at Minseok as he shoots you out of the auditorium with the rest of the lingering students. You handle your bag, throwing it over your shoulder, carelessly, before turning to Jongdae who walked to your side with another classmate.
You wait for a gap in their conversation before pulling Jongdae away. “Do you have class right now?”
He shakes his head. “No, you?”
You mirror him, before cocking your thumb behind you, head tilted. “Library?”
“Better now than never,” he grins.
Jongdae steps off to the side when someone asks him something about plans on Friday night. You tell him you’ll save him a seat and wave before leaving, begrudgingly thinking about the fact that you wished to have plans on Friday night, ugh.
The library is vacant, spare the few students like you who thought to actually use it other than the librarian that no one ever sees. You tensely smile at a girl who you really can’t remember the name of but told her that one time in that one class after she made eye contact with you. A second later, though, no later, you looked away, wincing because if that wasn’t awkward. 
The tables in the library were settled in clusters if you make your way through the library, high shelves of the paperback on your left, and non-fiction on the right. It’s almost like a maze as you enter the space, and really it's no surprise, when you spot ten people. Max.
You take a seat at the nearest empty table, pulling out your textbook and your laptop. It only takes a minute for you to get sidetracked after you tap in your password the already open tab of Twitter pulling you in.
It wasn’t your fault really! The posts kept rolling in and sucking you deeper and when finally your throat felt parched and you took a sip of water, checking the time, still not seeing Jongdae, did you see half an hour had already passed.
“The fuck is the dude, doing?” you mutter under your breath, opening a seperate tab for your email. The chair across from you screeches and you think, finally, before your eyes land on the person currently sat across from you.
His hair was ruffled and the tip of his nose and cheeks were blushing red, as if he ran. And it wasn’t Jongdae.
“Oh,” he mumbles, more to himself. “Y/N.” A deep breath then, “hey.”
“Oh, um, Baekhyun. Hi,” you dumbly respond, stomach flipping at the sight of him. Your tongue had the sudden urge to fail you at the moment, barely making the cut.
“Sorry, to, um, bother your studying,” he starts, eyes flickering to your open screen which displayed the email log-in page. Thank god he did not see your Twitter account. Maybe you would have actually died. “But, uh, I’ll just sit here for a few minutes and then leave.”
The way he’s fidgeting in his seat makes it seem like he’s trying to avoid someone. “Oh, okay. That’s, um, fine?”
His eyes narrow at you as you purse your lips. Awkward. You are very awkward and you know that. You shuffle in your seat when he looks away and chuckles silently. “Thanks,” he says.
A few beats pass before you deem it awkward enough to drag your laptop closer to you, and look through the few emails that were unread in your inbox. Okay, lie. You weren’t actually reading. It was more so that your eyes skimmed over the same from email at fifteen times, your brain not registering the contact.
Baekhyun apparently decided to break the ice, starting with a deep breath. “So, what class are you working for?”
“Um, microbiology. I’ve got this partner essay and decided to get started on it,” you explain, biting your lip from a nervousness that you’re not sure the cause of.
“Partner?” he asks.
“Yeah... partner,” you repeat, thinking that he needed clarification.
“Oh, are you waiting for them?”
You nod. “He was literally right behind me too, jeez, what is he doing?” you ramble, picking up your phone and searching for Jongdae’s contacts.
Baekhyun doesn’t say anything else as you type a text to a certain essay partner.
You set the phone back down on the table and sneak a peek at Baekhyun who looks, even at a first glance, stressed. Eye circles ring underneath his eyes, the hint of purple tinting his fair skin. His eyes look puffy, like he just took a nap, even though it's the middle of the day, and your heart clenches at the thought that he doesn’t get enough sleep. You notice the way his fingers drum silently along the table, his teeth worrying his chapped lips, like he’s always doing that. Maybe a habit...?
“Are you... okay?” The question comes tumbling out of your mouth in a hushed whisper, like some dirty secret that can’t be revealed. Your eyes rake over him with worry as he looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights.
He’s wary, his mouth opening and closing repeatedly as he forms an answer. “What do you mean?” he finally responds. Answering a question with a question. 
“You look tired,” you point, motioning to the undersides of his eyes. 
He winces, hands fisted as he rubs his eyes, laughing half-heartedly. “It’s nothing. Just got a big game to prep for—speaking of,” and then his eyes turn to you, determined, fiery, fist placed on the table and any sign of tiredness in his eyes vanished. “Are you going to come to the game?”
“You’re going to the game?” 
Your head whips towards the side as Jongdae strolls in to the area, nonchalant. You take your pen and whip it at him with all the aim you could muster at such a short notice.
“I’m sorry!” he yells as he catches the pen and holds it to his heart before gently setting it down on the table a distance away from your hand.
“Thirty minutes,” you huff, as Jongdae takes a seat beside you. His attention turns toward Baekhyun who looks between the two of you. You can’t tell what the furrow of his brows or the scrunch of his nose conveys.
Jongdae ignores your complaint and addresses Baekhyun. You turn away pointedly, hands crossed over your chest, lip slightly jutted. 
“What are you doing in the library, Baekhyun?” Jongdae questions.
“Um, just, you know, talking to Y/N—”
“Is that Eunha?” Jongdae interjects, leaning over the table, jaw dropped.
“Who?” you ask, curious.
“Yeah, who?” Baekhyun repeats, feigning innocence. You see the way, he blinks at Jongdae owlishly, and his straight posture.
“Your ex-girlfriend, Eunha! Is that why—”
Baekhyun’s over at Jongdae’s side in an instant, hand clamping over the blabbermouth’s mouth, looking around the library maniacally to see if anyone overheard. You choke, not sure what to feel about the new information, but when she leaves out of view, you figure it's her since she is the only one there that wasn’t there a moment ago. You look towards the two idiots at your side.
And if that wasn’t any worse, Eunha suddenly reappeared again right in front of you three. And she looked Baekhyun up and down, and then it was Jongdae. And lastly you.
With her sleek black hair sectioned off into braids, her makeup flawless, and her clothes without a single crinkle in them, you envied her from head to toe.
“Baekhyun what are you doing? Really? Running away?” She gives Baekhyun an incredulous look as he retracts his hand from Jongdae’s mouth, sheepish look pasted on his face. 
“Um, actually—” he starts.
“Seriously, I just wanted to talk. I won’t bite,” she promises taking a step closer. You see Baekhyun’s eyes flit to anywhere but Eunha, and then you see him take a step closer to Jongdae, his hand suddenly coming down onto Jongdae’s shoulder. Hard.
“I’m dating Jongdae!” 
Eunha’s jaw drops open, you choke on air, Jongdae shrieks and falls out of his chair, and Baekhyun colors a scarlet in the next few moments as crickets chirp through the library.
“What?” Eunha breathes, looking as if she just got slapped in the face. And in this case, you felt that it would have been a better situation. “You’re dating—” she stopped mid-sentence, closing her eyes, straightening her back, and taking a long, deep breath. “Jongdae? Is he lying?”
You watch as Baekhyun pinches Jongdae’s back as he opens his mouth, and proceeds to say the words that you are just dying to hear with some popcorn in hand. “Uh... no.”
Eunha’s eyes are almost about to fall out her head as she looks between the two of them. Baekhyun laughs a small laugh, pressing his index finger to his lips, and shushing Eunha. She barks a laugh, hikes her bag up her shoulder, and stomps out of the clearing.
Jongdae’s chair is thrown to the side courtesy his legs as he stands, towering over Baekhyun. “What the fuck—” 
Baekhyun claps his hands together in front of his face, eyes clenched together. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise!” he squeaks.
“I should’ve just let you suffer—”
“—and I am so, so grateful you didn’t—”
“—in pain. Why the hell do I—”
“Coffee, for a month?” Baekhyun pleads.
Jongdae narrows his eyes at Baekhyun. “Two.”
“One and a half?”
“One and three weeks.”
“Okay, okay,” he surrenders, plopping into the chair next to you before turning to meet your eyes. “I am so dead.”
You smile. “I didn’t know you were gay.”
“Y/N!” he whines. “You know what? I am leaving, I have had way too much drama for today, and I feel my wrinkles popping out, god dammit.”
He walks away from the table as you erupt into snickers and Jongdae hollers an ‘8:45 AM sharp!’ after him.
“Don’t be late! I have class first thing and need my supply!”
Baekhyun doesn’t turn around, opting to flip off Jongdae, back still turned. Jongdae swears at him, and you laugh even harder.
What you don’t see is the small smile gracing Baekhyun’s lips as he exits the library doors, a little skip in his step.
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Having to take an advanced sociology class for your major made absolutely no sense other than the fact that the people, whoever they were, that assigned the classes, were absolute idiots. You would know since you’re always surrounded by them.
The class ran for two terms but you only needed one, joining in at the beginning of the second this year. Everyone already had managed to find a place to sit, some people to work with, and a nice view of the screen in front of the room. You just wedged into some seats with some of the more friendlier looking girls and somehow managed to blend in to the wall, only needing a passing grade for this class.
You didn’t know many people in this class, but you at least recognized their faces. And that guy sitting at your desk with the suspicious looking hood was not one of them. You stood a few feet away from him, wondering if you should demand your seat back or just sit next to him. Or in front. 
But that’s your seat.
Well. Your inability to communicate with people caught up to you and you took a seat right next to him.
It wasn’t until the end of class that you figured out who he was. You could hear a faint purr from the hooded boy next to you, his pencil strewn next to his head that was lain on the table carelessly. A string of drool marked the paper and you chuckled. But you couldn’t judge. That would be you today if it weren’t for the fact he was giving apparently important information from the girl on your right.
You pondered on the thought if you should just leave him, but if class had finished while you were sleeping you would want someone to wake you up. What if he had a class after this?
You drew closer to him and tapped his shoulder. “Hey. Wake up. Class is over.”
The boy groaned, shifted in his seat the tiniest bit, and continued sleeping. You tapped him a bit harder this time. “Hey. Hey. Wake up.” 
You checked the time on your phone, before placing it back on the table. Taking your time, you placed your notebook back in your bag and zipped it up before tossing a look back to the boy. Still sleeping. The pencil and pen in your bag as well. Another look. Not even a little.
Boy, was this kid tired.
You tried again, and again, with even more force and smiled when the guy stirred, blinking his eyes, movements hazy. He smacked his lips a few times before finally moving his head up and locking eyes with you.
“You take this class?” you both said in unison.
A look passed between the two of you, as you blinked and he started giggling with you following shortly after.
“I take this class, but I’m pretty sure you don’t,” you finally say, smile placed on your lips.
“I owed my friend one and filled in for the day to take some notes.”
You snickered before motioning to the side of your face, your fingers ghosting your skin. “You have drool here.”
“What?” he squawks, hands wiping the opposite side of his face. 
You shake your head. “Other side.”
He pulls the sleeve of his hoodie up and finding the drool, quickly wiping it off before embarrassingly pulling his hoodie on his head tighter.
“What’s with the get up?” you question, as Baekhyun grabs his notebook and you grab your backpack, both walking towards the door. 
A group of students brush passed you and you notice how Baekhyun makes sure to duck his head down as he whispers to you. “You didn’t hear...?”
“Hear what? you whisper back.
He pouts at you and you shrug. “The rumors?” he tries again.
You filter through any gossip Sehun might’ve told you about in the past few days and come up blank. “Nothing,” you state.
He groans, hand coming up to slide down his face. “Come on, man. The rumors?” he harshly whispers, face turned towards you whilst walking, hands outstretched at his sides, and eyes blown out. 
You suck in a harsh breath as he comes closer to your face, and that weird feeling in your chest blooms again. Almost like an eruption of lava, but more lowkey. A good volcanic eruption.
“Me being gay?”
He pulls back when he sees your lips pursed, smile begging to be released. “Oh, from when—”
“Oh my god,” he groans, walking faster in front of you.
“Okay, okay, sorry, I won’t laugh!” you exclaim, speeding up your pace and walking next to him. He took a look at the twinkle in your eyes and the smile playing on your lips and huffs before looking away. Drama queen.
“Seriously!” you repeat again. “Okay, wait, wait, slow down a little.”
He begrudgingly complies, hands now folded over his chest as you swing your backpack to your front and bring out your notebook. You zip it up and he sneaks a glance before voicing his curiosity. “What’s that for?”
You shoot him a smile. “Your favor?”
His eyes widen. “Oh shit! I fell asleep!”
“That you did, but I take pity and give you this.”
You hand him the notebook and he takes it, hand almost brushing yours but you can’t tell from how fast its gone even though the aftermath leaves your heart beating a mile a minute. You don’t even notice.
“You are an angel,” he breathes and sends you the most breathtaking smile that you think he could ever send you.
“Your welcome,” you state, voice soft.
“Thank you,” he says back. 
You continue walking, where? You don’t know. But you move closer to him as he opens the notebook and you show him the pages that you wrote down today. You stop at a small bench on the side of the hallway where Baekhyun sets it down and takes pictures of the pages.
He slides his glasses up when they fall off his nose, before tapping the screen to make sure that its readable. You watch to the side as he ruffles through the pages make sure he got everything. His bangs falling over his eyes, and he shakes his head, the hair stubbornly staying put.
“Baekhyun!” someone calls from the side. You look over and recognize him to be from the baseball team. You forgot his name, though. Something starting with Jong but you weren’t sure. He jogs over to Baekhyun, talking about a late baseball practice and where the hell he’s been.
Baekhyun looked sheepish as Jong-something scolds him, calling him hyung and you can’t help but smile at the interaction. 
“Oh right, that reminds me!” Baekhyun turns towards you suddenly and you feel warm under his and Jong-something’s (Jongin? Is that his name?) gaze. “Are you still not sure about the game?”
You inhale, looking at the way, Baekhyun pulls out his lower lip just the slightest and how it looks adorable (you’re cringing on the inside at your thoughts) on him. “Uh... yeah. Still don’t know,” you mutter.
“Well,” Baekhyun says, looking straight at you and placing his hand on your shoulder, “I hope you come.” 
And then he sends you a smile and you feel your heart strings tugging at each other as he turns around, jogging to the rest of the team. Jongdae shoots you a small smile when he sees you and you wave back but then he’s gone.
It’s not until a good twenty minutes later do you remember that Baekhyun didn’t give you your notebook. You rushed back to the bench where you saw it last. It wasn’t there also.
Well, shit. You’re screwed for that test next week.
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hey, this is Y/N. i don’t have your number so i’m texting you though sehun’s. 
You read over the text and groan. Why would he care if you have his number or not—of course you don’t. Delete.
uhhh, anyways, do you still have that notebook you took pictures of? I can't remember if I took it back or not haha
‘uhhh, anyways’ is too awkward, dammit. Delete that as well.
hey this is Y/N. do you still have my notebook you took pictures of? I can't remember if I took it back or not haha
Okay, okay. Not bad, straight to the point. A little laugh in the end to ease the awkwardness. Hit send, Y/N, before you freak out even more. You press the blue button and thrust the phone back into Sehun’s hand before diving into your pasta. Nothing like food to hit your biggest worries.
“You’re such a coward, worrying about texting him,” Sehun snarks, tapping on the screen.
You glare at him, mouth stuffed, and he glances a look at you, smirking at your appearance. “Ass,” you mutter.
“That’s me.” 
The door to the cafe jingles open and it's almost like a fairy tale when your eyes dart to the customer in the almost empty restaurant, with you sitting directly in sight of the door, and lock eyes with Baekhyun.
“Oh, Y/N! Sehun!” he exclaims, waving at the two of you with his signature smile, fingers straight as a stick, gaps wide between them in that weird way he waves at people (he still makes it cute).
You smile a small smile, and Sehun gives a weird ass cool nod that Baekhyun takes a greeting does a weird nod back. He pulls a chair from the empty table next to you, dropping the bag and sitting in the middle, your left, Sehun’s right. His side profile was astonishing.
You looked back to your food, taking another bite, as they engaged in baseball talk, wallowing about whether or not you should bring up the elephant in your room.
Thankfully, Baekhyun, ever the one with many gifts from God, looks towards you abruptly, slamming his hand on the table. You flinch, eyes startled to his, wide in shock, almost mirroring his.
He chuckles and you clamp your lips and relax your posture, eyes drifting away. Well, that’s embarrassing.
“Sorry,” he snickers. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“She’s a coward. She’s always scared,” Sehun interjects.
“No one asked you,” you retort, throwing the closest object to you (a napkin) hoping it would hit him straight in the eye (it didn’t; it floated to a stop in the middle of the table).
“Anyways, your notebook. It’s in my locker, I totally forgot to give it back, my bad.” His hand comes up to unconsciously rub at the back of his neck and you inwardly coo at the small pout on his—no! ”If you want, we can go now to the lockers since I have practice. Do you have a class?”
Your mind went blank for some strange reason and the only thing that came out was an “uh...”
Sehun, the sometimes-angel he is, saves you and you are so very grateful. “She doesn’t.”
Baekhyun looks between you and Sehun, an unrecognizable expression on his face, before his lips turn into a smile. “Great!”
He makes small talk while you finish your food, helping Sehun occasionally on the essay he was pumping out. He leaned over Sehun’s shoulder, his glasses slipping down his nose, and his eyebrows scrunched as they glazed over the screen. He’d gotten annoyed from his bangs that he clipped them up exposing his forehead, and—oh god, what is wrong with you.
“Okay!” you announce,  a little too high pitched and chair screeching back at a screech that resonated through the empty shop. You freeze, coughing awkwardly when Baekhyun looks up at you through his circle lenses and Sehun snickers in the back. You chuckle, smile tense, before grabbing your backpack in light speed, fixing your jacket.
You cock your finger back towards the door, and tilt your head. “Sehun are you coming? Let’s go.” Your heart pounds—probably because you made a fool of yourself. Sehun shrugs before packing his stuff, Baekhyun following.
Sehun and Baekhyun, with their longer legs and faster pace, strode in front of you on the too thin sidewalk. You lingered behind sometimes joining in on the conversation but you felt as if you’d interrupt them with all the sporty jock language they were using.
You just decided to stare at Baekhyun. And admire. And daydream about what it would be like to marry and have tiny babies together. But at the moment. Admire.
Even the back of his head was adorable, added to the fact he was wearing the team’s hat and hoodie combined. Really, whoever designed them was genius. Baekhyun looks absolutely swallowed, only the tips of his fingers peeking out from the sweater paws.
“Y/N? Earth to Y/N?” Sehun knocks on your head, and your eyes immediately snap towards his the moment Baekhyun’s eyes meet yours. “Is the back of his head that fascinating?”
“Wh-what? No, what the—” you end up smacking Sehun feeling the nape of your neck warming up and letting your hair curtain over your face on the side that Baekhyun faced towards you.
“Woah, there, no need to get violent, I was just joking,” he intonates the last word, a smirk voiced and you glare up at him hoping your message traveled light years fast. You take back what you said about him being a sometimes-angel. He’s the devil reincarnate.
Baekhyun laughed his small cute laugh like ’hahaha’ and said something about zoning out. You nodded dumbly and continued to trail along with him.
“As I was saying...” Sehun says, hand waving in the air nonchalantly, “Y/N’s just using me as an excuse for leaving her at the game because she’s probably just embarrassed that she doesn’t want to miss the new episode of Extraordinary You—ow! What was that for?”
You smile up at him, lips pursed, words venomous, “what?”
He looks away, pouting muttering how you’re a big fat meanie. Baby.
“Oh Extraordinary You is so good. Are you caught up with all the episodes? I haven’t had time to watch the last two,” Baekhyun comments and your neck snaps as you look up at him.
“Oh, uh...” with the thought that he didn’t find it embarrassing that you spend your free time watching romantic dramas that could never actually happen in real life, you spoke up. “I’m caught up.” You still mentally threw Sehun into the pits of hell where he belonged.
Sehun snorts as Baekhyun hums.
A curious smile peaks over the edges of Baekhyun’s lips as he looks at Sehun. “Why... is it weird or something?”
“No, just, she thinks that she’s uncool to watch dramas twenty-four seven—mmmph—what are you—!”
Your hand stays at Sehun’s side as you smile at Baekhyun. “Just ignore him. He spouts bullshit twenty-four seven,” you give a pointed look towards Sehun at the end. 
Baekhyun laughs. “Okay, then.” 
“He spouts bullshit twenty-four seven,” Sehun imitates, voice pitches higher.
“I don’t talk like that!”
The walk to the locker rooms aren’t too far, just outside the school campus. It’s only a 10-minute walk from the food court area and you’re there in no time. 
Luhan from the baseball team, which you know of from how much he frequents your apartment to hang out with Sehun, stole the younger boy, stating that they’d be back in a minute after stepping out of the locker rooms. You sat on the bench in the middle of the locker rooms while Baekhyun shuffled through his lockers that was packed to the brim.
“I’m not usually this messy,” Baekhyun mumbles as he takes out another bundle of what looks like an old sport jacket. “I’ve just been really busy these days,” he adds.
“It’s fine, take your time,” you commented, twiddling your fingers.
A few boys stepped in to the locker room, and you looked up briefly recognizing their faces but not their names. 
“Oh, Baekhyun?” one of them called. “You brought a girl into the locker rooms? You never did that with anyone, even Eunha.” The two at his sides snickered and you watched as Baekhyun’s ears turned red at the implications.
“It’s not like that,” Baekhyun barked as he continued ruffling through his lockers. “They’re idiots, don’t listen to them.”
You chuckle softly. “Okay.”
“Found it!” he grins, spinning it around and holding it out towards you.
“Oh, cool, thanks,” you state, taking the book from him.
“Yeah, but I should be telling you that,” he chuckles. “Why do you use a notebook anyway? Laptops are a thing, you know?”
“Yeah, but I like writing the stuff. It helps me remember everything,” you say, stuffing the notebook into your bag.
Baekhyun hums. “Good point, but the hand cramps are so not worth it.”
You shrug it off. “Whatever, Byun.”
“Hey, Baekhyun! Practice is starting. Your girlfriend can stay if she wants, I already asked coach,” one of the boys called.
Your face warms up at the title, and you’re meek ‘I’m not his girlfriend’ is muted by the raucous of the other boys coming in. Baekhyun sends you a shy smile and shakes his head. “Again, idiots, but you can stay if you want.”
“No, it’s alright,” you breathe, “I have class anyways, so it’s time I go. Can you remind Sehun to buy dinner, and say no chicken, please?”
“Yeah, sure. Isn’t his phone broken or something like that?”
“He’s an idiot also.”
“Looks like everyone on this team is an idiot.”
You hum, thinking over the words, one thought shining brightly in the midst of all the others.
The next thing you say is totally uncalled for and if you were in a less delirious state and not around Byun Baekhyun, it would’ve never escaped your mouth. “You’re not, though. That’s why I l love—”
Baekhyun suddenly frowns and your heart drops. You idiot! Why would you say something like that? What if he—shit. You totally messed up. The whole getting to know him, shit, shit, shit. You totally messed up. He doesn’t have time to respond as one of the boys steals him, shoveling him out of the room, throwing you a beaming smile in compensation. You can’t seem to reciprocate.
The locker room is awfully quiet, now.
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It has been exactly one day since you spilled your mouth in front of Baekhyun and it has been exactly one day since you have regretted saying that. You saw him this morning, at the coffee shop down the street. He was just minding his own business, looking through his phone while taking a few sips of his drink here and there when you accidentally bumped into him. Nothing precarious happened, like you fell into his arms or his coffee spilled all over your shirt and he let you wear his spare.
No. You blushed as red as a tomato and stuttered a sorry, before scurrying off like a mouse at the stony gaze pointed directly at you.
Why did you even open your mouth and say something stupid like that? You weren’t an idiot. You knew what was implied with those words, and yet you had to go and say it. You probably ruined the friendship you had slowly progressed with Baekhyun, too. What a stupid person you are.
You walked in to the microbiology class with a huff, no regular coffee in hand as you were far too flummoxed after the run-in with Baekhyun to go back into the cafe. Jongdae had noticed something was off and shared a look with Minseok. The TA shrugged. 
You made a small burrow surrounding yourself with first, your books, second, your water bottle, and third, your bag, making a small barrier that you wished would shield you from all the remorse you felt upon yourself. Once the professor had walked in and started the presentation, you pride yourself from behind the wall. 
Your motions were robotic as you copied important things from the presentation, highlighted key concepts in your textbook, and answered questions prompted by the professor. But it was as if your mind and body were separate and your soul was nowhere to be found.
At the end of class, the professor had called you and Jongdae up, mentioning something about the project. 
You forlornly walked up beside Jongdae, the scuffling of your feet earning another worried stare from the boy.
“Y/N, Jongdae, I just wanted to note that since there’s a new student in the class, and an odd number of people, I would like for him to work with you,” the professor explains.
You nod numbly. Jongdae questions as to who. 
“Oh, he actually attend today’s class, I told him to meet me as well… oh, there he is!”
You felt someone sidle next to you and Jongdae shifted to look towards him. “Oh, Baekhyun!”
Your head snapped towards the side, and true to his words, Baekhyun stood to your side, not bothering you a glance. He smiled at Jongdae then at the professor, thanking him.
Jongdae glanced to you, your mouth agape. “Y/N, do you want to come with us?”
“H-huh?” you stutter as you look towards Jongdae. “Sorry, zoned out.”
“Yeah… uh, do you want to come with us for lunch? We’re having pizza,” Jongdae reiterates.
Your eyes flicker towards Baekhyun and sure enough, the cold stare from this morning and the last time you saw him were still there. 
“No, I’m fine. Thank you, though,” you say, lips pulled in a tight smile. 
“Oh, okay, then. See ya!” Jongdae grins, before turning towards Baekhyun who still stared at you. He nudged Baekhyun’s side. “Let’s go, then.”
His eyes are clouded as he looks at you. You can’t tell what he’s thinking and it makes your skin tingle from all the attention. He finally pulls them away from you and you let out the breath you were unknowingly holding. “Yeah, let’s go.”
What an idiot you are.
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The smell of meat filled the room packed to the brim with college students. Baekhyun sat stuck in the middle of Chanyeol and Jongdae and was somehow appointed to the meat as he got the lowest runs during practice. The room was far too hot, even for Baekhyun and he grabbed the air conditioner remote, setting it at the coolest. The boys burst into raucous laughter at a story that Junmyeon was recalling but Baekhyun couldn’t find it in himself to laugh. He merely blinked as he flipped another piece of samgyeopsal.
His thoughts were running all over the place, like a hurricane. But it was all trained on you. 
Like that one time when he’d been coming from his class, he’d somehow spotted you in the midst of the crowd. You yawned, pulling down the hood covering your face and he had to hold back a snort at the way your flyaways stuck up filled with static energy. He started walking towards you, wanting to pet down the hairs but he stopped midway. Why would he want to do that? And he stood there like a fool, in the middle of the courtyard staring as you walked away from him.
He’d seen you so many other times and each time you drew him in to you and he didn’t know what was happening. Why his heart sped up at the sight of you so much, as if it were about to burst out of his chest. Why he had the urge to hug the living daylights out of you at the sight of you, as if you were his lover and he was yours. Why he blushed whenever you complimented him like a lovesick teenage boy. 
The not an idiot thing was the last straw. And what followed scared him to the deepest parts of his soul. You couldn’t just go around telling people those kinds of things with that much sincerity and stupid sparkle like you held the sun, stars, and meteorites in your eyes. It made him realize something. This whatever he felt, was different. 
It felt like how he used to feel back when he would consider you his best friend in the skip of a beat if anyone asked. It felt like that, but even more. And it scared him.
It was different from anything he felt when he was with any one of his past girlfriends. It was similar but far too different to even be compared. It was much more than that.
Was it friendship? Was it attraction? Could it maybe be… love?
Chanyeol knocked his elbow into Baekhyun’s ribs, lightly. “Baek, the meat’s burning.”
“Shit,” Baekhyun muttered to himself, still in a daze. This could be called love, couldn’t it? He always went on and on about how, all the girls he’s dated, he’s never loved. His heart was never full enough whenever he was around them to even be considered love. But around you—
“Baek,” Chanyeol called more loudly, this time jolting Baekhyun.
Baekhyun snapped his head towards Chanyeol, voice clearer. “Shit.”
“Yes, shit, the meat is burning,” Chanyeol pointed out and it finally registered in Baekhyun’s mind as to where he was. 
Baekhyun scrambled to save the meat, hurriedly flipping them, and blowing out a sigh as they were still edible.
“What’s wrong?” Chanyeol breathed, mouth full with meat. He placed a piece in a perilla leaf, adding a tiny dollop of ssamjang and placing it in Baekhyun’s hand.
Baekhyun takes it, mulling over the question. “I don’t know.” He put the wrap in his mouth, slowly chewing. “You know Y/N, right?”
Chanyeol nods, sipping his water and swallowing. 
“What do you think about her?”
Chanyeol hums. “She’s nice. Why? Do you like her?”
Baekhyun chokes on the water he’s drinking. “What? Me? Like her?”
Chanyeol shrugs. “You asked me what I thought.”
“But I don’t like her,” he wrongfully states. The way those words fall out of his lips, every word placed in it, feels wrong.
“Didn’t she used to be your friend or something like that?” Chanyeol reasons, eyebrows furrowing.
“Well, yeah, but—”
“Okay, Baekhyun,” Chanyeol interjects, seeing the inner conflict and what exactly Baekhyun was trying to get at here. “I’m going to ask you three questions.”
Baekhyun stares at him, confused. “About what?”
“One.” Chanyeol holds up his index finger, ignoring his question. “Do you like spending time with Y/N?”
Baekhyun blinks but slowly nods. Over the past few weeks where your interactions with him have slowly raised, he realized that whatever time spent with you, whether it was just a few moments, or hours on end, he never despised it. He even sometimes looked forward to it. No matter how cold he acted towards you. 
“Two.” Chanyeol pops another finger up. “Do you think she’s pretty?”
“W-what? How is that even… relevant—?”
“Answer the question, Byun.”
Baekhyun bites his lip. “Okay, yeah, she’s pretty, I guess.” This question doesn’t take long for him to answer. When you were little, Baekhyun always figured you were pretty with your blinding smile and sparkly eyes, and as you grow up, your features maturing and becoming more distinct, he’d say you’d become beautiful. In his eyes at least.
Chanyeol claps his hand, a smile spilling over his features. “Close your eyes for a minute.”
Baekhyun complies, albeit hesitantly, just in case this was just some prank and Chanyeol is just sneaking some raw garlic in his wrap. But Chanyeol’s words pull him in.
“You’re standing there, okay?”
Baekhyun imagines this well enough. He stood in the middle of a road that he’s never seen before, alone. He doesn’t know what Chanyeol’s point is but he doesn’t open his eyes just yet, intrigued as to what comes next.
“Y/N is there next to you,” his deep voice continues.
Baekhyun places you right in front of him. You’re standing there how he saw you the last time you crossed paths. Bundled up in an oversized hoodie, and jeans, your go to outfit everytime he sees you. Hair pulled into a low ponytail because as you said, it’s annoying when its down, and it hurts when it’s too high up. And only a touch of lip balm because makeup takes too much time and according to you, doesn’t fit you. He thinks you’d look pretty in anything—wait, no! This is exactly what he’s not supposed to be thinking. However, the butterflies in his stomach start to stir.
“And then she’s leaning closer  and closer…” Chanyeol hums again. 
The you behind his eyes, mirrors the actions and he watches, wide eyed as you’re almost nose to nose with him. Your breath fans over his cheeks and you flutter your eyes shut, standing there, waiting. He knows what comes next and his heart aches, his skin tingles, waiting for him to continue. He can’t even pinpoint whatever he’s feeling. He needs to repress it, he knows that he should or else it will just end up absolutely horrible. Baekhyun can’t seem to make a decision. His lips press into a thin line before his body is moving before he can react.
And he’s kissing you.
Baekhyun’s eyes fly open. He’s met with Chanyeol’s trademark grin set in place and a slight rise to his eyebrows. “So? What did you see?”
“We…” Baekhyun voice was barely above a whisper and he felt his skin tingle. That was it wasn’t it? “We kissed.” The butterflies raged and he let them.
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Jongdae knows the tension between you and Baekhyun. He can quite literally feel it when he’s in close proximity between the two of you. It’s so thick it suffocates him. But he knows he can fix it. He’s good friends with the both of you and he knows where the two of you went wrong. Baekhyun is scared and running away from his feelings and you are beating yourself over having feelings for him. It’s a never ending cycle and Jongdae just wants it to stop. Which is why he’s strategically planned this last work study to the tiniest detail naming it: Let’s Get Them Together Because Everyone is Fucking Sick of it. The name needs work but the sentiment is still there.
The warmth of the cafe drafts over him as he opens the door, with you following closely behind him. He meets Baekhyun’s eyes for a split second before they immediately go towards you as you hide behind Jongdae like he’s some barrier. He doesn’t appreciate this and would prefer more eye contact between the two of you as to initiate something, so he moves away. 
Jongdae reaches the table and hovers, as you take a seat on the edge seeing that Baekhyun took the other. You face each other, but don’t dare to look at one another. The both of you were thoughtful enough to leave a seat for him straight in the middle, so there was that at least.
Operation Let’s Get Them Together because Everyone is Fucking Sick of it is now a go.
“Y/N! Why don’t you show Baekhyun that thing you showed me last night?” Jongdae chimes, smiling. Baekhyun looks questionably between the two of you before focusing his attention on you where you pulled out your laptop and materials. “Would the two of you like anything to drink?” He further questions, inwardly patting himself on the back when the two of you scoot closer together to ‘see’ your screen.
“I’m fine,” you chimed, voice soft. “Thank you.”
“Baekhyun?” Jongdae questions before looking at the cup Baekhyun taps at.
“I’m good too.” 
“Alrighty, then!” Jongdae exclaims, clapping his hands together, before narrowing his eyes at you. “Make sure you tell Byunnie here, everything alright? And in detail too!” 
Jongdae proceeds to skip off, laughing heartily at the weird stares you probably shared behind his back. Jongdae wasn’t planning on doing anything. Just fueling the spark that already came between the two of you.
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Baekhyun’s eyes have opened into a new dimension and he knows about what’s driving him to act like this towards you. Well of course, he knows, he’s always known but always chose to ignore it. But now, he wants to change. He wants to change but now, he doesn’t know how. 
It’s been one week since his talk with Chanyeol and the three of you had met up almost everyday, seeing as you didn’t have much time to cram it all into the last day. He felt his walls breaking around you. A small smile whenever you scrunched your nose at a term you didn’t understand, turning to Jongdae all confused with some tech problem only to find out that it was something stupid—you would turn in to a blushing mess after. Whenever he met eyes with you, you would immediately look away and it made his heart clench. 
Sometimes you made yourself so small, he forgot you were even there, letting his walls break down thinking he was only in front of Jongdae. He would then remember that you were present, making eye contact and he would then see the pretty blush you would sport. He’d shut up straight away.
Jongdae had planned to meet at a cafe this time, going out for ice cream later in celebration for finishing. Baekhyun had come far too early, going straight after his last class just in case he came too late—a bad habit of his. And once the two of you arrived together, he’d straightened, ready to get this done and over with. He still didn’t know what was going to happen with the two of you, but has accepted that whatever would happen, would happen. But after that weird encounter with Jongdae, he felt like something was up.
“That was… weird right?” Baekhyun spoke, looking at you.
“Yeah,” you breathed, “totally weird.” You didn’t look him in the eyes as you said this.
There were a few moments of silence that drifted between the two of you, the ambiance of the cafe seeming to make up for the lack of conversation, before you spoke up.
“Did you manage to find the stuff about the stool analysis? That’s what Jongdae was talking about earlier, I guess. He told me about it and I found some stuff just in case you didn’t,” you started shifting your computer towards him.
He leaned over, hoping with the depths of his soul that you couldn’t hear how loud his heart was beating in front of you. You pointed out the parts that you found interesting and the differences between the analysis you’d come up with the days before. Baekhyun hummed, nodding along to everything you were saying, before one point caught his eye. He pointed this out. “This one seems nice to use.”
You grinned, before flipping open your notebook. “Right? I thought so too. I found some additional information about that specimen and compiled them so we could add it to our presentation.” You slid the notebook over to Baekhyun as well, and he had to scoot his chair closer to see. 
“If we use this in our presentation...” he started, lifting his head up and locking eyes with yours. His voice faltered. 
You were a breath away from him, nose almost brushing into his. He stayed there, frozen, wondering as to what to do in this situation, mind running a mile a minute and yet doing nothing at all. You were the first to move, coughing haphazardly, and leaning away from him, before pulling open a few more tabs saved on your bookmarks.
It would be okay, right? It was just you that his heart was beating for. Baekhyun was just a little too late in realizing that.
Jongdae entered at just the right time and Baekhyun spent the rest of the time, avoiding your eye now and trying his very best to control the beating of his heart.
Night had fallen as they exited out of the cafe. Baekhyun and you both carried a drink, yours being hot chocolate and Baekhyun’s another coffee to keep him awake for the rest of the night. With increased practice for baseball came less time for him to focus on his studies. And he really needed that stable GPA.
“Well, I go this way,” Jongdae states, cocking his thumb to the right. You and Baekhyun turn to look at him, confusedly.
“Isn’t your apartment like right next to mine, though?” you ask, confusedly.
“Well, yes, but I promised to meet someone earlier. Sorry I can’t walk you home, Y/N, and no ice cream,” he apologizes before his eyes brighten up again. “Oh, Baekhyun! Can’t you just walk her home? You’re headed in somewhat the same direction, right?”
Baekhyun scratches the back of his head. “I guess?”
“Great!” Jongdae exclaims before skipping off once again.
“Jongdae is acting really weird today…” you comment and Baekhyun can’t help but nod his head in agreement.
It’s a twenty minute walk from where you are now to your apartment building. Half of the time is spent silent with Baekhyun. 
Until you meet Sehun at the crosswalk.
“Oh, Y/N-noona, Baekhyun-hyung!” Sehun calls, and you wave at the familiar face, Baekhyun nodding in greeting. “Didn’t know you were such a gentleman, hyung,” Sehun teases, poking at Baekhyun’s sides. The older man swats at his arm in retaliation sticking his tongue out at the former. You laugh to the side at the two children it feels like you’re walking home.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, and you pull it out, eyes lighting up at the name.
“Who is it?” Sehun asks, as he slides next to you.
“My mom,” you reply.
The words are falling out of Baekhyun’s lips before he could stop them. “Tell her I said hi.”
You smile. “Okay.”
You pick up the phone, voice soft as you slowly walk in front of the two boys. “Hi, Mom.”
“Yes, yes, I’m good. Oh, by the way, Baekhyun says hello. Yes, the one from next door.”
You look back at Baekhyun. “My mom says hello back and that you should come over some time,” you state. “You don’t have to if you want to, though,” you add as an afterthought.
“I’ll come over if I have some time later,” he tries.
“Sure,” you answer, relaying his words to your mom. Baekhyun can’t help but look endearingly at you from the back.
Sehun brings Baekhyun’s attention on to him, then. “Hyung.”
He looks over, eyes blinking, as he places his hands in his pockets, craving the warmth as a particularly fierce wind drafts through. “What’s up?”
“You like her, don’t you?”
Baekhyun blushes at the sudden confrontation. He thinks about it for a second before replying, not once thinking that it not be true. “Yeah, I do. Why do you ask?”
“She… talked to me earlier about you. Like a few days ago,” Sehun started, voice lowering. The three of you passed the crosswalk and continued on the side of the road. Sehun and Baekhyun lagged the tiniest bit as you walked along unaware of the conversation being shared between the two boys.
“She said she said something to you and you just turned cold and it was all her fault. I didn’t push her, but I asked her why she didn’t just play it off and say that she didn’t mean it,” Sehun started, getting straight to the point. Baekhyun waited on the balls of his heels for the answer. “You know what she said?”
Baekhyun shook his head.
“It’s better this way. What if I grow too attached and he just leaves again. I don’t think I can do that.” Sehun looked at Baekhyun gauging him for an answer.
So... that’s how she felt?
Baekhyun didn’t like to think about the period when you stopped being friends. He thought it would be better for you, to stay away from his crowd. You would always used to point to them, saying that you didn’t like them because of how snotty there were. And when Baekhyun joined the baseball team, with those same people, he thought you would hate him for that or at least grow to hate him so he just... distanced himself before he could get hurt. Because he was childish. And immature. He didn’t account to how you would feel, thinking that you would get over it. Maybe Baekhyun was as much a stable in your life as you were in his.
“I’m telling you this, because I know you’re a good person and I really don’t want you to hurt her again. When you left her before, I think it affected her more than she lets on. She doesn’t show it much, but I think that’s why she’s so wary with people in general. I really don’t want to see her like that, ever. So please—”
“It’s okay, Sehunnie,” Baekhyun interjects. “I know. I’m planning on making things right between us and I don’t plan on letting her go.”
“Are you sure?” Sehun asks warily.
Baekhyun nodded in confirmation as you finally turn back, hanging up on your phone call and noticing the distance between you and the two of you boys.
You laugh. “You guys are so slow!”
Yes, Baekhyun is sure. He knows what he wants to do. What he needs to do.
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You shivered under the touch of the cool autumn sky, the breeze ruffling up your hair. As an attempt to block yourself from the harsh winds, you pulled up your hoodie, the fabric covering your ears giving you just the warmth you crave. 
A familiar mud green slide that twirled around like a pretzel came into view as you turned the corner. Your heart felt full at the images of sunny days and fall evenings spent in the very same space years ago, with a certain child.
It was surreal when you turned towards the swings and saw the same kid that you remember from your childhood. Tousled mop hair that went past the eyebrows, button nose, rosy cheeks, and the poutiest of pouts adorned his lips as he glared at the rock a few meters away. His jean clad legs, swung back and forth and the momentum carried him down then up then down and up again, a repeating cycle. As a child, you could never stand the swings for long—they made you get butterflies in your stomach, and not the good kind.
He spotted you, eyes widening and legs skidding across the wood chips to halt his flight, before you could even wonder whether you wanted to be there or not. It looked as if you’d intruded on a rather private moment. “Y/N? What are you doing here?”
You stepped out of the shadows, clammy hands gripping the strap of your bag. “I’d ask the same to you.”
The swing only slightly rocked back and forth now and you walked up to him, taking the adjacent seat. You didn’t look at him, absentmindedly kicking your legs back and forth but then decided against it when a wave of nausea passed over you. Some things never change. 
Baekhyun exhaled a heavy breath that somehow had layers to it. The creaking of the metal joints, rusted over years of children taking turns and calling dibs, showing, as he rocked back and forth. “You remember this place?”
You look towards the side, his voice drawing your attention. Clear, resolute, brights, but at this moment it sounded much different than the Baekhyun you remember. His head was tilted back, eyes closed and face relaxed, serene, and you couldn’t help but feel that way too. This place did something like that to you. All the jitters, and nervous butterflies were drowned out by the aura of this place, and it made you feel calm, comfortable. Home. “Of course I do,” you whispered. You were afraid that if you spoke too loud, something would break, and this, whatever this was would go with it. Your voice merely echoed through the space between the two of you, the buzz of cicadas quickly rebutting it.
“I come here sometimes,” he looks towards you as he says this, and you hold his eyes. Your eyes wander across his face. He looks so tired. “To think.”
You smile a small smile. “Funny.” He cocks an eyebrow at your comment. You shake your head at his pointed look. “I came here just to do that.”
“Do you come here often?” 
Your breath comes out in visible puffs in front of you. “No.” Another, but larger. “Yes.” 
He chuckles, his signature laugh making your smile grow even bigger. “And we’ve never seen each other before today? Crazy.”
“Yeah,” you grin. “Crazy.”
Your eyes bore into him, as Baekhyun, and as you see the way his shoulders hunch back, the furrow of his eyebrows, how his skin almost sags, the shadows bringing out the darkness under his eyes. You can’t help but ask, again. “Are you okay?”
His head tilts to your side and he opens one of his eyes, peering at you almost upside down, sideways. “Of course I am,” he chirps, “just a little tired ‘s all.”
“Then why don’t you go sleep?” 
He tilts his head back up, eyes closing. “Can’t.” Silence looms over the two of you, but he breaks it, once again. “I actually need to apologize to you.”
You turn towards him, confusion etched over your face. “Apologize?”
“Yes,” he confirmed. “I’m really sorry for being super... distant to you these past weeks. I don’t really know what got over me.”
“No, no, I mean,” you stutter, grasping his words and reason for an apology. “I should be apologizing. I guess, I stepped over a line, and your reaction was normal for what I did—”
“For what you did?” he interjects, puzzled. “I don’t get it, are we even talking about the same thing?”
“The locker rooms?” you try, wincing at the harsh memory and its outcome.
“Yeah… but you didn’t say anything like that—”
“Yes, but I said something that were implied in my words and—”
“Okay,” he grins and you warily meet his eyes. “How about we just forget that ever happened and start over again?” He cocks his head cutely and you inwardly coo, being reminded of the child you once knew (and now know again).
“Okay,” you agree, smiling.
The small smile he sported suddenly turned larger and much more wary. A mischievous grin pulled at the corner of his lips as he stood up to his full height, the swing twirling erratically at the loss of his weight. “I have an idea.” He bends down to pick up the backpack perched on the corner pole of frame when he looks at you, almost shy, and you were transported once again to the time when you were just a child and didn’t know anything better in the world. “You don’t need to be anywhere soon, do you?”
You shake your head no as you mirror him, dusting off your behind for remaining dirt, and straightening out your jacket.
“Great,” he beamed. “Let’s go!”
The arcade was still the same as you remember it. When you came to, wondering where in the hell Byun Baekhyun was taking you and whether you should’ve followed or him or just ditched to a sauna for the rest of the night was swiped clear out of your memory when you arrived at the front. A few of the letters balanced on a hilt of the building, were fused out, the A, C, and E, black in the darkness of the night. The sign now spelled, ‘RAD’ but you remembered the time when all of the letters dazzled bright colors all on their own.
Baekhyun shot you one of his award winning smiles when you looked at him, incredulously, mouth agape. “This was still here?” you marveled, breathlessly. 
He nodded, excitingly. “It hasn’t changed one bit.”
And he wasn’t wrong. 
The entrance was dimly lit, only one person over the counter and the teenage boy looked eerily dead, the light above him flickering on and off. When the bell chimed as you entered, he jolted, eyes glazing over the two of you.
“For two?” He queried, monotonously.
“Yes, please,” Baekhyun replied, bouncing on the tips of his toes.
The boy registered and handed you the tickets as you and Baekhyun paid for your own. Baekhyun tried paying for you saying that he dragged you into it, but you stared him down, and he eventually caved. Why would he even pay for you? It’s not like the two of you were on a—no! Y/N, don’t go there! Bad territory to be roaming around especially this close to a guy in a seemingly empty space. You shake your head free of thoughts as you focused back on the game at hand.
Baekhyun had got the lead when you glanced at his screen, but you quickly overpassed him, a trick from so long ago, now muscle memory, taking over you.
He groaned and you cheered as the tickets from under piled out and a crown displayed on your screen and a frowny face on his. You had an urge to soothe the scrunch between his brows when you saw him gloating off the number of tickets you accumulated over the time you’d been here. 
As you headed to the counter filled with different toys and stuffed animals, the clock behind it showed that it was almost 10. You’d been here for two hours? It barely felt like 1.
Baekhyun’s eyes were trained on a pikachu plushie to the corner. He didn’t have enough tickets to buy them.
“I’ll get the Pikachu, over there,” you pointed, and couldn’t help but coo at the small almost inaudible whine that blew past Baekhyun’s lips. “Are you going to get anything?”
His eyes flitted between the number of tickets displayed on the machine and back to the wall of toys. 
“How about that tiger over there? It kinda looks like you,” you nudged, smiling, when his eyes brightened up again at the sight. 
“Okay,” he states. “I’ll take that one.”
The walk back was heavy, silent. The impending doom and the utter discomfort at not having a bed for the night loomed over you and you cursed yourself for ever giving in to your roommate's enticing offers. Dammit, you and your weak heart.
Baekhyun took a deep breath as the ticking of the crosswalk, halted you from the street. “I go this way.”
He points towards his left and you know your apartment is in the opposite direction but you can’t help but want to lie and walk with him just a little bit more. Everything about today had just been so... nice. There was no other way to describe. It made your cheeks blush red, your breath unsteady, your legs stagger and you heart beat so hard you felt as if it would burst out of your chest.
The words were falling past your lips and you wished to take them back as soon as they escaped when you saw the worry fall onto his face. “I was just gonna crash at a cafe for the night.”
“Too much homework?” he questioned.
“Well, yes, and I’ve been kicked out of my room for the night,” you laughed the last part off, hoping that it didn’t sound as bad as it really should. And then you realized that it did sound as bad as it did and you were quick to rebuke just in case a tiny part of Baekhyun worried for you. “I mean! It’s not a big deal or anything, just I owe Sehun a big favor and apparently his plus one’s house is under plumbing or something and I do have that essay do the day after, and I guess, it just all works out...?”
“You don’t have anywhere else?”
You nervously chuckled. “I already tried...? And it’s fine. Not the first time—”
“You can stay with me,” Baekhyun interjected. You coughed a sudden cough. “If you want to, I mean.”
“Uhhhh, well—”
“You’ll have to owe me a favor, of course, it’s not every day I let someone borrow the mattress under my bed, but it’s fine if its you, as long as it is a big favor.”
You stood speechless for the minutest of moments. “I—is that okay?”
“Yeah, it's cool. A big favor, though, okay,” he pointed. 
You held your hands up in surrender. “A big favor,” you repeated. 
He dropped his finger and a lazy smile that brightened up his face all the more, washed over him. “Let’s go then, I’m bunked.”
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You startled awake, eyes shooting open. Darkness meets you and it takes a few moments to register the room you’re in with the only light source being from the tiny gap in the curtain. Curtains. Blue curtains. You don’t have blue curtains. 
You’re currently on the floor. Laying on a mattress. There are two bunk beds on either side of you. One of them occupied with Byun Baekhyun who is currently dangling from the bed and drooling. Your brain finally registers awake and reruns everything that happened the night before, starting from your unexpected meeting all the way to Baekhyun’s gracious offer. Considering where you are now, last night wasn’t a dream.
You throw off the covers, suddenly feeling hot. Did he always sleep with no air conditioner? You wondered whether or not you should stay until he woke up, or if you’d be overstaying your welcome. Padding around for your phone, it was half past nine. You didn’t have any classes until the afternoon. You decided to kill time going through your social media, having nothing else to do. But your eyes soon got bored and trailed towards Baekhyun’s almost right above you.
You could make out his distinct features in the dim lights, the ones you are used to and everyone saw, but there was something so peaceful with the way his eyelashes laid against his cheeks and his lips and cheeks a rosy pink. And the drool. You stifled a laugh when the drool started to roll down his chin, threatening to drop off.
It wasn’t long for your heart to start pounding in your eardrums at the serenity of this environment and how quiet everything is. It starts getting louder, almost deafening until you peel your eyes away from Baekhyun.
You suddenly make eye contact with Chanyeol, who gazes at you blankly, face held in his palm.
You intake a sharp breath at the confrontation as he narrows his eyes at you. “Did Baekhyun bring you here?” he whispers.
You nod slowly before realizing the implication of the statement. “Wait, no! Not like that,” your harsh whisper makes Baekhyun stir and your wide-eyed as Chanyeol hold his finger to his lips. Like a deer caught in headlights you slowly nod in understanding. “I just didn’t have a place to stay, and Baekhyun offered. That’s all.”
Chanyeol’s eyes are clouded. You can’t tell what he’s thinking. For such an expressive person that everyone claims him to be he seems far too intimidating in front of you right now. “Do you like him?”
“What? No! Of course not.” you refute harshly. Chanyeol’s eyes narrow down at you. You wither under his gaze. “Okay, maybe a little. But don’t tell him, alright?”
“And why is that?” he presses.
“Just, please, I—” 
I’m scared. You choke back the words.
“I don’t want to lose him as a friend.”
Chanyeol nods. “Okay. Just be careful with him, okay? Some people use him because he’s Byun Baekhyun and he just lets it happen because he’s too nice and won’t say anything, so just when you’re with him, take care of him alright?”
You look at him questionably. “Why are you telling me this?”
He laughs, waving the question off. “It’s nothing.”
“Huh... you’re awake?” Baekhyun slurs from above you.
“Oh, Baekhyun!” Chanyeol grins. “I was just about to make breakfast, Y/N, will you join me?” A flip had switched in Chanyeol’s demeanor and your eyes don’t leave his, even as he shuffles out of his bed, his earlier words bouncing off the walls in your head. 
Baekhyun groans and flips his covers on top of his head, muffling a five minutes. Chanyeol cocked his towards you. “Coming?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, trailing behind Chanyeol.
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xxx - xxx - xxxx [6:15 PM]: hey, Y/N! this is baekhyun! I got ur number from sehunnie if ur wondering 
xxx - xxx - xxxx [6:15 PM]: i gave sehun a lil something for you :) make sure you wear it to the game tomorrow!
xxx - xxx - xxxx [6:15 PM]: also u forgot your pikachu at mine
‘xxx - xxx - xxxx has been added as a new contact: baekhyun’
y/n [6:16 PM]: ...should i be worried?
y/n [6:16 PM]: and you can keep it. u probably wanted it more than me. think of it as... payment? for letting me stay the night
baekhyun [6:17 PM]: it’ll look cute on u i swear!!! just please :,( for me??
baekhyun [6:17 PM]: also the pikachu will do
y/n [6:18 PM]: i hope ur not lying 
baekhyun [6:18 PM]: i'm not!!!
y/n [6:19 PM]: sehun just came so i hope u stick to ur word
baekhyun [6:19 PM]: you’ll love it, trust me ;)
baekhyun [6:19 PM]: oh, i’ve gotta go now, duty calls
y/n [6:19 PM]: oh okay
y/n [6:20 PM]: get lots of rest and gl for tomorrow!!!
baekhyun [6:21 PM]: dw ill win it :)
baekhyun [6:21 PM]: just for you 
‘message failed to send. try again?’
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Baekhyun gave you one of his old jerseys, and a yellow t-shirt. You got the reference, his favorite color being yellow, and ‘byun’ printed on the back of the jersey.
“All the Baekhyun fans have one of these, but hyung said this one was special since he got it personally for you or some bullshit.” You didn’t care much for Sehun’s snarkiness, taking the clothing with gentle hands and scurrying off into your bedroom to squeal because Baekhyun got this just for you!!!
You’d tucked it into a pair of loose-fitted jeans the afternoon after, spending hours doing your hair and makeup before topping it off with a team hat. You’d gone for a minimalistic look, trying too much to make sure it didn’t look like you actually spent hours on it. Not that you were dressing up for a certain someone—who are you kidding, you are totally dressing to impress. Sehun took one look at you and snorted. You swatted his arm ignoring the look he gave you. “I haven’t seen this much effort since prom in senior year.”
You huffed a whatever, stalking out of your apartment and placing yourself in the backseat of his car, as you went to pick up Mina. Apparently the two of them were together again. You figured you knew when that happened.
When you get to the field, Sehun announced that he’s hungry and went off to the hot dog stand. You and Mina, meanwhile, climb up to your seats taking in the view. The bleachers are filled to the brim with people from your school and also people from not. You underestimated the sheer popularity of the baseball team in your state.
And you also noticed many other girls dressed up similarly to you. 
“So there’s something between you and Baekhyun?” Mina spoke up, from beside you.
Your head whipped towards her and your mouth opened and closed like a fish, unable to make a response. 
She glanced towards your shirt and then to the fine print of ‘byun’ across your back and raised an eyebrow at your lack of an answer.
“W-were just friends,” you finally stuttered out.
Mina’s eyebrows raise up another level. “Sure…” she says, sounding totally not convinced. “Because friends blush at the mention of another friend’s name.”
Your hands fly to your cheeks patting them down. “I’m not blushing,” you frown.
She laughs. “Whatever you say, but I personally think you’d be good together.”
You look at her, curiously, egging her to go on.
“I mean, Baekhyun doesn’t really date that often. Eunha—was a stupid decision on his part, I don’t know what got into him. But he’s a good guy and I think he really likes you, Y/N.”
“He likes h-h-uh?” you bumble, head spinning.
Mina snickers. “Yeah, I think he does. And I’m the best when figuring out these types of things,” she grins, adding a cheeky wink towards you. 
Your left to mull about her words, as Sehun enters, handing you your hot dog and soda.
“Oh, it’s starting!” Sehun comments and the pitcher throws the first ball. The crowd goes wild.
The game ends with your team winning 6-4 and you find yourself cheering for them along with the others in the crowd.
Sehun drags you towards the locker rooms, telling you that it’ll be fine, and Baekhyun will totally not be weirded out by you visiting him after the game and telling him a good job. 
“Sehun!” One of the team called out as you entered the locker room. A horde of sweaty boys swatted at your friend and took the compliments he threw out. You craned your neck searching to find a familiar pink-haired boy before someone called your name from behind.
You turned to find Baekhyun, with a towel slung over his neck, bangs sticking to his forehead, and cheeks flushed. Not to mention the smile that spread over his face like he just saw an angel. He looked effortlessly hot. So unfair.
He jogged towards you and before you could even say a hello, he threw his arms around your waist, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You froze for a split second before wrapping your arms around his shoulders, a small smile playing on your lips. You forgot that he was really touchy realizing he must’ve never outgrown the habit, not that it was a particularily bad one. His drooling was far worse. With how tight he was hugging you, you figured it must’ve been out of relief. You knew it. He really was worried for the game.
“You did really well,” you breathed, lips hovering over his ear. He smelled like sweat, undoubtedly and you were sure the warmth would stick to your skin soon enough, but didn’t dare shy away from his hold. He would always hold you like this back then as well and you felt comfort from that fact. Some things really do never change. 
He groaned, voice muffled by your skin. His lips moving against your neck sent shivers through your skin so even if you did hear it, your mind was on another level. Finally he pulled his head back, still crouched so he looked up at you, a smirk sporting his lips. 
“You wore it.”
You rolled your eyes, and pulled your hands away from him, as he stood to his full height. “You’re the one who begged me to, Byun,” you huffed.
“No, I didn’t!” he exclaimed, sounding aghast at your presumption.
“Oh, really?” you egged, eyes sparkling. “Please? Just for me? Ring any bell?”
“Okay, okay, whatever, you say,” he grinned, hand coming up to ruffle your hair.
You frowned playfully before continuing. “But you did a really good job! You worried over nothing.”
“Who said I worried?” he pouted.
You laughed before motioning to his eye bags. He swatted at your hands, before the two of you burst into giggles. 
And then suddenly he’s grabbing your free hand, his encasing yours in warmth and raising it up into the air before shouting a loud ‘let’s go!’ to the rest of the people in the room.
The team chorused shouts in answer before Baekhyun tugged at your arm, eyes smiling like they held the galaxy and stars back at you before pulling you with the crowd that filed out of the cramped room. 
You lost Baekhyun to the crowd once you got to the party. Migrating towards the kitchen, you grabbed a soda from the fridge, deciding to pass on the drinks tonight, no matter how enticing they were. Sehun found you brooding in the corner not two minutes later, and true to his word, didn’t leave your side. You, Sehun, and Mina, played in a beer pong game with some guys you vaguely recognize from your sociology class, but can’t put a name on. You played rock, paper, scissors, every time to see who’d drink and it was as if Sehun got on the wrong side of Dionysus tonight. You quickly got bored, however, gravitating away from the crowd when Sehun and Mina headed out on to the dance floor. It couldn’t really be called that when really it was just the living room with some strobe lights and stereos that blasted half-assed music.
You took a seat on the empty two seater, sipping on your soda, and looking up when Jongdae came down to sit next to you.
“Having fun?” he asked, voice almost muffled by the music even though he was practically screaming.
“I think I’ve had enough for the night,” you laughed. “I’ll just find Baekhyun and Sehun and tell them I’m leaving before I go,” you say before getting up.
“Oh, I think I saw Baekhyun before, I’ll take you to him,” he commented, before leading the way.
It isn’t hard to find Baekhyun, what with his eccentric hair color and white outfit. However, Jongdae suddenly stops in front of you, making you bump into him. 
His mouth opened to say something and you peeked over his shoulder, thinking that there was something there that you just had to see. “What is it—”
Your voice falters and then you lock eyes with Byun Baekhyun. And he’s kissing someone. He’s kissing Eunha.
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Baekhyun regrets it the moment it happened. His eyes fly open, when her mouth comes into contact with his and he sees your eyes undoubtedly meet his across the crowds of people hovering over the shoulder of Kim Jongdae. You stare into his eyes and before he can even pull away or shout your name, your gone, surrounding yourself in the shadows with Jongdae running behind you. He snaps his head back, glaring at Eunha.
He doesn’t bother to speak a word to her, opting to run after the way you came from. Shit, shit, shit, this probably would not end well. No, no, no need for negative thoughts, he will make it end well.
He doesn’t find you in the kitchen which was the way you were headed but he found Sehun and pounced on his immediately.
“Did you see, Y/N?”
“Huh, no, why?” Sehun asked, eyebrows furrowed. The smile was wiped off his face and in place a frown. “Hyung…”
“Just, see if she texted you maybe?” Baekhyun pleads, voice growing louder at the upturn of music. Sehun cocks his head but does as he said, eyes widening before showing him the text.
y/n: sorry sehunnie, didn’t feel too well. went back home if you need me ^^
Baekhyun’s heart runs into overdrive, and he’s out of the door a split second after. His feet are carrying him as fast as possible and when he’s finally on the elevator going up to your floor, eyes blown out and breath ragged from running, he takes a moment to conserve himself. It was a mistake. And you have to understand that. Because what Baekhyun realized as he was egging the taxi driver to go faster across the city, was that he wanted you there with him. He wanted to kiss you. Not Eunha. Not anyone else. And he wanted to kiss you really fucking bad. 
The door dings open and he sees the color of your jacket as you shuffle through your bag, presumably looking for your keys.
He’s by your side in a second and you turn and look around to see what's all the raucous. You visibly stiffen. Your face is streaked with tears, eyes puffy, cheeks blotchy, and lips a dark rouge as if you’ve been biting them for hours. 
“Y/N…” Baekhyun starts hand reaching for your wrist unconsciously. You shift away from this and Baekhyun notices that deflating.
“What are you doing here?” you question, voice wobbling, as if you were about to start crying any second now. And from the way it looked, it seemed to be true.
“That kiss—” he starts, and Baekhyun realizes his voice is far too loud for the quiet of the empty hallway and as you flinch, he takes a sharp breath. “That kiss meant nothing. Eunha doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. She’s just an ex, and I guess she thought since I was being nice to her that meant that we could be together again, and really it isn’t anything like that because I don’t like her anymore.”
You blink owlishly at him, looking as if you aren't digesting what he was saying, which made Baekhyun halt. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Be-because, you saw! You saw me kissing Eunha, and I obviously had to explain it or else there would be too many misconceptions—”
“You don’t have to tell me that. It’s not like I’m your girlfriend or anything.” You laugh heartlessly and sniffle. “I’m just some delusional girl who thinks that just because she used to be your friend ages ago, she would somehow have even a sliver of a chance that you would like her, but again that’s delusional! Because it somehow managed to slip my mind that you’re Byun Baekhyun of the baseball team. Handsome, smart, athletic, kind, caring, loving and not the Byun Baekhyun who’d tripped over his own feet and have dirt and drool over his face all the time—”
Your crying as Baekhyun kisses you.
His weight leans into you and you take small steps back as your back hits the wall behind you. He adds more pressure, tilting his head, hand gripping your hand more just in case you felt as if this wasn’t real, which he believed what would be running through your mind now. 
He feels like absolute putty when you soften at his touch and splay a delicate hand over his chest, and when he bites down on your lip you make a noncommittal noise from the back of your throat that has him falling. 
You squeak when Baekhyun’s hands, one placed on your hip and the other on your neck and in your hair and everywhere, tilt your head higher, bringing him deeper into the kiss. It isn’t until you gently push him back, breathless, and eyes hooded that he takes a moment to consider the predicament he stood in. 
“I’m not dreaming, am I?” you breathe, wiping the stray tears away from your face.
Baekhyun chuckles softly, patting down your hair. “I thought you would say that.”
The clicking of a lock from the other side of the hall, snaps both your attention towards it. Baekhyun is amused as you look at him wide-eyed as the clicks continue. You pick up the key that somehow dropped to the floor in the midst of everything and are quick to open your door pulling Baekhyun in. 
When the door shuts behind Baekhyun, with you leaning against his chest, breathing deep, and Baekhyun leaning against the door, he can’t help but feel like the luckiest man in the world.
His hands snake their way into your hair, one of them tilting your chin up. “Round two?” he smiles, cheekily.
You blush a pretty red before nodding and meeting him in the middle for a kiss.
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moon-yeongjun · 3 years
The Gay Cousin Pt. 1 || Moon Bros
Summary: Jun and Tae’s cousins from Canada zoom in... and reveal a pretty shocking secret! 
TW: anxiety, thoughts/mentions of homophobia (no actual homophobia expressed) 
JUN: A couple of times a year, the Moon family skyped the other Moon family. It happened only on your standard occasions: Chuseok and Christmas. Much more common were phone calls to Eomma’s extended family still living in Korea-- her cousins and aunts and uncles, most of whom Jun had never met. 
But the other Moons-- his father’s younger brother’s family who had immigrated as well, but to Canada, not England. Well, they were like Santa Claus. Or a unicorn. Popped up, said hi, sent cards but only over email. In fact, there were times they could not work out the time difference between Toronto and Swynlake and so they missed the Skype call. 
But not these days. Oh no, these days, ever since Abeoji died, Eomma was making a real effort to keep in touch with Nam-seok and his two sons. Whether it was out of guilt or maybe her way of feeling closer to her late husband, Jun didn’t know. 
He also didn’t argue though when she told all the Moons that it was Jacob’s birthday in a few days and they were going to Skype him from his new apartment. 
“After church, this Sunday, so no plans!” Eomma said fiercely to all of them, waving a knife in the air. She glared more fiercely at Star, who was truly going through the rebellious-teen-phase on behalf of both goody-two-shoes Sky and eager-to-please Sunny, and was texting at the table. 
“But Eomma, I was going to go over to Janet’s--”
“No. Jacob emailed me, eh? We’re doing it. No excuse.” 
And so now it was Sunday, at 2:26 p.m., which was 9:26 a.m. in Toronto, which seemed pretty early for a 25-year-old (and shouldn’t he be going to church too? Jun was not going to point this out to Eomma, for Jacob’s sake). They gathered around Jun’s laptop as he logged onto Zoom, which was much better than Skype, he told Eomma. 
“Agh, your butt is too big, Star!” yelped Sunny behind. Sunny and Star were fighting for Jun’s nice desk chair, trying to shove each other off with their hips. 
“I called it!” 
“Aish, girls!” Eomma snapped. “Sky, put the book down.” 
“We’re not even on yet?” Sky huffed, not lowering her book. 
Jun rolled his eyes and glanced at Tae. Who knew that Tae would be the best behaved of his siblings? Not him. Though, his brother was almost 18 now, so maybe his bad attitude really was just a symptom of those early teens, like the girls now. 
Just then, his screen began to ring. “Yah, he’s calling!” Jun announced. 
Eomma ripped the book from Sky’s hands. “Okay everyone, be nice or I’ll kill you!” 
The next moment, his cousin appeared: Jacob with his big grin, which immediately reminded Jun of Tae. But that was about the only resemblance. Jacob was blond now! Aish! A second after, his other cousin leaned in onto the screen: Kevin, with his hipster glasses, wearing a beanie even though it was spring there, unruly hair poking out. Too long, thought Jun. What was with kids these days and growing their hair so long? “Yooooooo, Moon fam, hi!” Kevin said. 
“Gomo, hello hello!” sweet Jacob said, waving both his hands. “How’s everyone doing?” 
When Tae was younger, he used to wish he belonged to the other part of the Moon family. It wasn't because he hated his life or anything even though he sort of did sometimes (at least back then), it was because they just seemed so much cooler! Like right now his cousins were smiling so big and Jacob had dyed his hair blonde! Tae had a feeling that if he tried to dye his hair blonde his eomma would try to slap some sense into him with a kitchen spoon! Ha! 
"We're great," Tae said, leaning closer to the screen and blocking his sisters' view of the screen and smiling big in return. They didn't need to see anyway. 
Predictably, though, the second he was fully in the way he felt shoving at his back. 
"Oppa you're in the way! We can't see!" 
"You don't need to see anyway," he said and laughed when Star yanked him backward by the shirt. "I like your hair! How long did it take to turn it blond?" 
"Like, a long time," Jacob said with a laugh. "It looks good though so it was worth it." 
"Maybe I'll do it next," Tae said and smiled really big. "Eomma will help me, right, Eomma?"
Aish, was Tae trying to pick a fight? He took back what he was thinking about one minute earlier: Tae had not grown out of his annoying teenager phase at all. He was still in it, a troublemaker to the end. Because he knew! Oh he knew, he heard the fights between Star and Eomma as Star pushed and pushed. It had taken her almost a full six months to convince Eomma to let her and Sunny dye bleach their hair in the first place. And she’d not even asked about the blue colour, just showed up, tossing those locks and letting Eomma lose her mind. 
Remember what Eomma had just said too? Behave. Picking a fight in front of their cousins was not behaving. 
“I think Star has more experience with that,” said Jun swiftly, so Eomma did not have to answer. Eomma nodded, not adding anything else, which Jun knew was because she did not like the idea of Tae-- any of her children-- dying their hair at all. 
“Yes! Girl, I saw your Insta pics, that blue was so cute!” Jacob said. 
“Fire!” Kevin added, putting his hand to his mouth like a megaphone. 
Star preened. “Thanks! It was super hard to manage though and like, washed out to this ugly green colour.” 
“Right, yeah, I get that,” said Jacob. “So what’s everyone doing?”
“No, you tell us about you, you are both so busy,” Eomma interrupted with a smile. “I see Jacob’s graduation pictures?”
“Right, yes! I finished my Masters in Music Ed,” said Jacob. “Kevin’s still working on his degree, he’ll be done in like no time though. And then I just moved here! Ahh, first place of my own! Well, not like on my own, on my own, but you know--” 
Eomma clapped her hands lightly. “That’s so wonderful! So responsible. You have a job?” 
“Um, yes, but not actually teaching music yet!” Jacob laughed. “I’m just like, working in a restaurant right now.” 
“Music is a very hard degree to find a job for,” said Jun. Then flinched as he felt Eomma pinch him. He shot her a confused look. What! It was! Who could get a degree in music education and expect to make real money?! 
“Haha, yeah it is but like, I just graduated so I mean, I’ll be interviewing for stuff for next school year.” Jacob went on like he didn’t notice. “But so wait, no, everyone tell me what’s up! Tae, aren’t you going to uni soon?” 
Tae's smile fell for a moment before he could control himself but he quickly recovered, pasting it back in place. The thing was, theoretically? Yes, Tae was supposed to be going to uni soon. Actually, he was supposed to be going to uni next year if everything had gone the way it was supposed to, but he was a giant failure of a human being and had to repeat an entire year. 
He didn't really want to get into all of that, obviously, so he just kind of smiled and nodded. "I still have one more year before I have to get into that, but yeah, I can already tell that year is going to go by fast."
There, that was much easier than talking about how he felt like an utter failure and like he was too stupid to ever get into any uni, right? Perfect! 
"Jun-hyung is really doing great with the store, too! We actually have employees now and he's even dating one of them." 
He looked over to his hyung with s little wince, hopeful that Jun would take pity on him and not kill him later. 
I'm sorry, he tried to communicate with his eyes. I just can't talk about uni. 
Now this wasn't fair. Why should Jun have to suffer because Tae was irresponsible and lazy and didn't study enough or own up to his choices???! 
Okay, maybe that was putting it all a little harshly but Jun was not feeling very forgiving when Tar mentioned the g word. 
His cousins were going to gobble that up, two hungry hyenas scenting gossip.
And sure enough, both Kevin and Jacob gasped. 
"Yooooooooo no way! But wait-- wait wait, what about Tiffany?" exclaimed Kevin. 
" They broke up! Kevin that was in Gomo's Christmas email! I'm sorry Gomo, I swear he read it--" 
"Course I read it, I just forgot! Tiffany was around forever!" 
"Anyway, this new girl? Tell us about her!" Jacob beamed. 
Jun would rather not. He would rather do anything but talk about Haru. He needed to say something fast though or else-- 
Already too late. Jun's one second grimace opened the window for Eomma. 
"Oh she's wonderful! Her name is Haru, she is Japanese but very beautiful! Very polite and friendly and she goes to church--" 
Jun cleared his throat. "Yes, we are still getting to know each other. It's new." 
"Well she has worked for us for a year, that isn't very new--" Star said with a smirk like the traitor she was. 
"Don't you want to show us your new place, Jacob?" interrupted Jun maybe a little desperately, who could say! 
"Oh yeah, Zoom tour!" Kevin flashed rock our signs. 
"Definitely! I was just hoping we could wait for--" Jacob turned at that moment. "Did you hear that? Oh I think he's here! Wait just one minute everyone!" Jacob waved a hand and then scurried out of the room. 
Kevin leaned in to the screen. "Soooooo… anyone else got any hot significant others, hmmm? Star-- Tae, my man??"
“Ha,” he blurted, and then instantly he panicked and shut his mouth. 
Tae had literally been about to say he had the hottest one. It had been right there on the tip of his tongue, because any chance to talk about how hot Nemo was was something he wanted to take advantage of. Then he remembered that most of his family had absolutely no idea he was gay and if his eomma knew that about him she’d probably tell him he was going to hell. 
This zoom call was quickly turning into a nightmare. Not only was he forced to think about how dumb he was, now he had to think about how closeted he was too. He wanted to leave, but he couldn’t, so he sat there and tried to keep a smile on his face while Star babbled on about someone in her class and all her boyfriends or whatever she was talking about. 
If Tae had been panicking a little bit less, he might’ve caught it. He might’ve been able to prepare himself for what he was about to see because all the hints were there. No one was trying to hide anything at all. 
Jacob had clearly said he’s here and then right after that, Kevin had asked if anyone else had any hot significant others. So yeah, Tae should’ve been prepared when Jacob walked back into the frame holding an unfamiliar boy’s hand. 
He should’ve been prepared, but he wasn’t. 
In fact, when he saw Jacob walk back into the frame, everything around him went black and he stopped breathing while he gripped his chair so hard his fingers hurt. He was going to pass out. 
Tae looked over at his eomma, trying to read her expression, but all he saw was a blank stare. 
Tae blinked and the world filled back in around him. Star was pushing at his back and giggling. “Aren’t you going to say hi? Jacob is introducing his boyfriend!” 
“Right, sorry! Hey, it’s nice to meet you,” Tae said with a respectful little bow of his head. 
From Jun’s point of view, it went like this: 
“Star’s flirting with like six different guys right now,” Sky spoke for the first time, right after Tae’s very strange squeak. Jun met Sky’s eyes for a beat, his own eyebrows furrowing down for a moment. Did Sky…? But he thought only Sunny--
“Oh my god, am not,” groaned Star. “Sides, Eomma won’t let me date yet anyway.” 
“You’re too young,” said Eomma. “Whoever these boys are too, stop flirting with them--”
“I’m not flirting! I’m friends with them. You won’t let me go out with Tyler--”
“Ooooh, who’s Tyler?” said Kevin, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“A friend,” said Star, looking very pointedly at Eomma. 
And this was when the door opened and Jacob returned with another boy. He looked Korean, maybe-- was he Korean?-- with short black hair and thick-framed, stylish glasses. He carried coffees with him and a large, friendly smile. But that smile was nothing compared to his cousin’s. His cousin’s smile had crinkled his eyes into precious rainbows and he squeezed the boy’s arm once--
And Jun knew, right before Jacob said anything, but not fast enough to suddenly smash his hand on the keyboard and instantly disconnect them. The panic seized his throat. 
“Gomo, everyone, I wanted you guys to meet my boyfriend. This is David!”
“Hey everyone, I’ve heard so much about you,” said this David as he pulled up a chair. He grinned again, leaning closer to the screen. “Seriously, Jacob is always talking about his cool British cousins.” 
“Wait, I’m screaming!” squealed Star (not actually screaming). “You have a boyfriend?”
“It’s nice to meet you!” piped in Sunny, and Sky echoed her, “Nice to meet you!” 
Jun, meanwhile, was trying not to look at Tae, but could not help himself. And so he kept jumping his eyes around like he was following the path of a fly in the air. Look up, look to the side, look at the mouse, okay, look at Tae--!
Tae looked like he’d been punched in the face.
Eomma looked like she was listening to some very serious news. 
“Yes, very good to meet you,” said Eomma finally, after Tae had spoken too. She smiled very politely. “How do you know Jacob?” 
“We went to school together,” said David. “Undergrad, I mean.”
“We started dating our third year,” added Jacob. His knee was bouncing, Jun could see it on the screen. Ah, so he was nervous too. Good, he should be, he might have just exploded the Moon families forever! This was sabotage! What was he thinking?! “So it’s our third year together. So we decided to get a place. He’s great,” Jacob gushed. “I mean, totally genius level smart, he works at an engineering firm.” 
“Yeah, David’s awesome,” chimed in Kevin. 
“What do your parents do?” asked Eomma. 
“They’re both teachers actually,” said David. “That’s how they met, uh, in their PhD programs. My mom mostly does after school tutoring in sciences, but my baba’s a professor at McGill.” 
“Oh, very impressive,” said Eomma. She pressed her lips together. Jun was staring at her; he could not look away. “And has David met your appa and eomma, Jacob?” 
“Yes,” said Jacob with a nod. “Yes, yeah. That’s one of the reasons I wanted you guys to meet him too, you know? We’ve just been dating so long it felt silly at some point, haha!” 
Tae was having a heart attack. 
They’d learned all about it in school--the sweaty palms, the shortness of breath, the unbearable pain in the left side of the chest. He was absolutely going to die right here in this chair while talking to his cousins from Canada. Or he was going to puke. One of those two things was going to happen and it was the most important thing in the world that he not give any of that away with his face. He had to remain still. He had to remain stoic. He was not allowed to talk. 
He heard everything Jacob was saying. They’d been dating for a long time. They’d been together so long, actually, that Jacob’s new apartment was actually Jacob and David’s new apartment and his parents knew all about it and they still loved him. They loved him enough for Jacob to think it was a good idea to introduce David to their family. 
Their very traditional, Christian family. 
Tae was actually dying. 
The screen in front of him started to waver. Actually, the whole room kind of looked a little misty, and Tae realized there were tears in his eyes. His Eomma was barely moving. She was talking, but they were like short little clipped sentences and Tae was so afraid of what she was going to say when they ended the call. He didn’t want to hear it. 
Slowly, Tae looked over at Jun, his eyes big and pleading. He didn’t know what he wanted his hyung to do, but he needed to get out of this. He didn’t want to be here anymore. 
A hand, small and warm, was suddenly covering his where he was gripping the chair with all his strength and he looked down to see it was Sunny. She’d leaned forward just a little to reach him and Tae had to cough to cover what sounded suspiciously like a sob. Ha.
He couldn’t think about David meeting his aunt and uncle. He couldn’t think about how cute it probably was and how much they probably loved their son’s boyfriend. If he did, he’d start wondering if it would ever happen for him. 
He’d start thinking about bringing Nemo over to his eomma and telling her they were dating. He’d start imagining how happy she would be for them and how supportive she would be when he said they were going to move in together. He’d start daydreaming about what it would be like to live with Nemo and how happy he would be because his family could come visit them and they could cook dinner and entertain and--
He pulled his hand away from Sunny’s and wrapped his arms around his knees. 
Tae looked at Jun the way he used to when he was just a kid. It had been a long time since Jun had seen that sweet boy in his brother’s face. Those big eyes, that nervous lip. He was five years old and crying about his scabbed knees. He was six and begging Jun for chocolates. He was seven and teary-eyed as he struggled with his maths homework, Jun sitting with him at the kitchen table.
And Jun wished he were the hyung he had been all those years ago-- bad hair and acne but all the time in the world to answer to his brother’s needs. He’d once been a superhero, the smartest person Tae ever knew! There was nothing he could not fix!
But this. 
This was Tae, eight years old, asking him not to go away to university. That had been the first time that Jun had ever broken a promise and let his brother down. 
And here he was again. He stared back helplessly. What could he do, eh? Stop the call abruptly? Make an excuse for Tae that wouldn’t upset Eomma? Turn back time, call his cousin, tell him that coming out was a bad idea?
And was it?
Jun could not say. Eomma was not causing a scene. She had not shut down. She was not as happy as before, but maybe it was a shock, or maybe the slight had nothing to do with Jacob bringing a boyfriend, and instead it was about him bringing anyone at all to a family call. 
Jun would just have to wait and see. 
And so he sat there. Just like Tae sat there. He sat there, failing his brother all over again. 
“Well I think that’s all super awesome!” blurted Sunny, proving to be more useful than Jun. “Maybe we could visit you guys one day!” 
“Totally!” said Jacob.
“Oh yeah, the first ever Moon family reunion!” said Kevin as he pumped his fist. “Man, we’d gotta get some of the O-G Moons.” 
“O-G?” David snorted. 
“He’s talking about the real Koreans,” said Jacob. “In Korea.” 
“You... are real Koreans--” David started. 
“Point is, all the Moons!” Kevin said. “One day! Would be fun.” 
Jun could only nod and press his lips together. At least they were not talking about David anymore, not really, eh? Best keep it that way. Maybe that was what Jun could do. “So eh, you wanted to give  a tour of the apartment?” He prompted. 
The rest of the call was mostly that. Jacob walked them around their place. They had been in the spare room, which was mostly an ‘office’, but Jun saw the massive computer screen and knew it was a gaming computer, mhm. And then there was a rather new kitchen, brand new appliances, David bragged. David also talked a lot about some of the apartment complex amenities, the on-site gym, a movie theater big enough for a group of say, eight to ten. He was proud, Jun saw that-- it was an expensive place, and no doubt he was covering most of it for Jacob. Jun wondered about that aspect of their relationship, he wondered if Jacob really was ready for it all, only 25 years old, on the cusp of his start of career, to depend on someone else… 
And then the bedroom, which they did not spend much time in, because they wanted to show the bathroom with its nice sized tub.
And then the balcony, which had a nice view of Toronto. Star sighed dreamily. “I wanna live in a city like that one day!” 
And then they all said their goodbyes. “This was so fun, I’m so glad you guys could call in,” said gentle, naive Jacob. He did not seem to suspect anything. Maybe he was hiding it. Maybe not. 
Eomma stood up first as the Zoom ended. “He is doing very well,” she said. “What a beautiful place to live, eh? See, this is what happens when you study hard.” She looked at Tae sternly. 
“Tae, I need your help!” Jun blurted at that moment, slapping the arm of his chair and making his sisters flinch. “With-- there’s-- the thing, you know, I told you to do this morning. You didn’t do it.” 
The second his hyung spoke, Tae jumped out of his chair and nodded, heading to the back door where he kept his mud boots. He couldn’t breathe. The air in their house had gotten too thick  and every time Tae tried to take a breath it stuck in his lungs, gummy and wet. 
His eomma hadn’t looked happy. In fact, she hadn’t looked much of anything, her face kind of a blank slate, and Tae’s brain had absolutely no problem projecting all of his fears onto that blank slate. She’d been disgusted. She’d been upset, mad, disappointed. 
That last one really was the worst one for Tae. 
Pulled his boots up over his jeans and stomped down the stairs, heading toward the barn with one thought swirling through his head over and over and over. You’re already such a disappointment, and when she finds out you’re gay that’ll be the last straw. 
It was true, though, wasn’t it? He’d failed a grade. Now, the second time he’d done this school year, he was passing, but just barely. He was stupid. He was a giant idiot and his eomma knew that. That’s why she’d taken that dig at him, told him that if he studied hard he could have a nice apartment like Jacob. 
Tae hated Jacob. 
Well, no, he didn’t hate Jacob, but the jealousy burned through his bones and left him shaking and empty, barely able to stand. Wait. He wasn’t standing. 
Tae looked down at his hands and found them covered in dirt. He was on his knees behind the chicken coop, his chest heaving as his heart attack finally caught up with him. He was going to die. It was kind of a relief actually, because now he wouldn’t have to come out to his eomma at all. He’d just die and be buried in a cute little grave and she could cry and say he’d had so much potential and maybe she’d even believe it because he hadn’t lived long enough for her to see how wrong she was. 
He should probably call Nemo before he died, his brain offered up, but he’d left his phone in the house and it was probably better this way anyw--
A loud, rasping sound caught Tae’s attention and he looked around, his eyes wide and wet, until he realized it had come from him. 
“I can’t,” he was saying. “I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.” 
Tae hopped up right away. Good, good, that was what Jun wanted. Jun could not follow his brother as quickly though, caught in the dynamics of the Moon women before he could escape. This mostly consisted of Star gripping at his arm and saying, “Junnie oppaaaa, you need to post a picture of you and Haru on Instagram, so Jacob can see her!” 
“I don’t have a personal Instagram,” Jun said and tried to drag his arm away. 
“Ugh, I’m making you one, that’s so sad,” said Star. 
“Posting a picture would be good, Junnie,” said Eomma. “Maybe Facebook?”
“No one uses Facebook anymore, Eomma!” said Star. 
“Aish, that’s not true, I use Facebook all the time,” said Eomma. 
“I have to-- help Yeong-tae--” Jun cleared his throat and managed to squeeze out this time around, leaving talks of Facebook and selfies behind.
But not Jacob. 
No, he carried that with him as he went outside. He had no idea where Tae would have gone, considering that Jun did not actually give him a task. He headed toward the chickens though, because that seemed to be a good distance from the house. And sure enough-- there was his brother-- on his knees. 
Jun stopped, still far away as though he’d stepped in mud and it had sucked his feet down. He did not know what to do. Jun was not someone who comforted others-- not well. Whenever Tae had cried on his shoulder in the past year, he had sat like a useless, limp pillow, just there to be grabbed onto. He did not know what he’d say to Tae now either. He didn’t know how Eomma felt. Maybe she’d never talk about it, and maybe that was a good thing? Maybe later today, she’d rant about it all much too harshly. Jun could make Tae no promises.
Perhaps he should just leave. Hadn’t he already failed his brother enough today? Space could be what Tae needed, just...space, and time, so he could calm down…
This was not the right answer, Jun knew that and so he hesitated, second after second, before finally forcing his feet to move.
“Tae-yah, what are you doing? Get up, come on now,” said Jun, and he reached down to help Tae onto his feet again. His hands went clumsily up to his brother’s face, wiping away the tears over his splotchy red cheeks. “Look at me, eh? Why are you crying?” It was a genuine question, but also Jun felt like Tae needed something firm right now-- someone to keep him grounded, not have him spin off into whatever painful scenarios he was concocting in his head. “Eomma doesn’t know about you, okay? You’re okay. This is a good thing--” 
He said it. And he believed it.
His hands moved down to grip his brother’s shoulders. “You aren’t alone anymore, don’t you see that? Jacob understands you, eh? He knows exactly what you’re going through!” 
“He doesn’t!” Tae heard himself say. 
He wasn’t being fair, but he didn’t want to be fair. He wanted to be Jacob. 
“He doesn’t know anything. Jacob--his eomma probably didn’t care at all! She probably smiled and hugged him and told him to bring David over for dinner and our Eomma just stared at him like he was gum stuck on the bottom of her s-shoe.” 
Tae’s sobs caught up with him and his whole body shook. He didn’t care if what he was saying was true or not because in this moment it was how he felt. Alone. 
Except Tae wasn’t alone, and for a moment, it was like he was six all over again. Jun-hyung, was standing here with him, his hands on his shoulders, and telling him everything was going to be okay. 
Why couldn’t he live in a world where who he loved didn’t matter? He was a good person! Or, he tried to be at least. Sometimes he got a little bit angry and he was definitely short-tempered but...he just wanted his family to love him. He just wanted to be accepted. 
“Hyung, you can’t let her hate me,” he said, his voice a little smaller--like maybe if he said it quiet enough the universe wouldn’t get any ideas. Hot tears slipped down his cheeks and  Tae gripped at the hem of his hyung’s shirt. “She’s going to hate me, but you can’t let her.”
“She won’t hate you,” said Jun. “I promise.” 
It was not something he should promise.
But Jun had always felt this way, since Tae came out to him-- that there could be no other alternative. He could not imagine his loving eomma turning on one of her own children like that, no matter what she believed or didn’t believe. And really, did they know? A belief in God did not mean a belief that all gay people should be damned. He had seen plenty of Christians to argue the opposite: that God meant love, and love was for all of His children. 
Maybe Eomma would be shocked, maybe she would be-- disappointed or confused. That was what Jun tried to find on Eomma’s face when Jacob had introduced his boyfriend, but she had been much too polite about it all for him to figure it out. And yes, those emotions might hurt Tae too, but it couldn’t be hate. Never hate. 
Jun wished his promise could secure that. He would trade anything in order to give Tae that peace of mind.
As it was, he could only fumble his way through this like always. “Tae-yah,” he said then gently. “You should talk to Jacob again. You don’t know what it might be like for him. He was probably scared too, even if our gomo did accept him right away. I’m telling you, this is good.” He said it again, wiped his brother’s face again. “No matter what happens with Eomma, you will always have family, see? Me, and our sisters, and Jacob and Kevin-- and yes, even Gomo. So many people are going to be there for you.”  
His hyung was right. Tae knew his hyung was right and he shouldn’t be scared, but it was just so hard not to be. He took a deep, shaky breath and nodded his head. And when he really thought about it, maybe he was just a little bit less scared now than he had been before, because Jacob had come out and nothing had caught on fire. His eomma’s head didn’t explode and she didn’t start praying for him immediately and saying he was going to go to hell. So really, it had been a little bit like a test run and no one had died. 
Now that he was a little more calm, Tae really wanted to know how Jacob had done it. 
“I--Yeah I think I want to talk to him,” he said in a small voice, still holding onto his hyung’s shirt. “And I think I want to tell Sky and Star too. I think they should know.”
A small seed was starting to bloom bright with hope inside of Tae’s chest and he wanted to water it. He wanted to give it all of his energy until he wasn’t scared at all anymore. He leaned into Jun and wrapped his arms around him, squeezing him tight and pressing his cheek to his chest.
“Thank you, hyung,” he said, and he meant it so much. “Thank you for helping me.” 
Maybe it was stupid, but what Tae really wanted now was Nemo. He wanted to tell Nemo all of his feelings. He wanted to explain to him that maybe he was ready, but he was also still so scared and he wanted Nemo to hold him and tell him everything was going to be okay just like his hyung was doing now. 
Tae felt safe in his brother’s arms and he wanted to tell Nemo about that too. He wanted to tell Nemo that his hyung was a hero. 
“You--I wouldn’t be able to do this without you,” he said, still mumbling. “You’re a good hyung.”
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stjernfaerie · 4 years
I finally watched all of MCU
in release order because IT MAKES SENSE!!!!
special thanks to @littlegingrnut who watched ALL OF THEM with me. She’s the best. 
Idk if anyone cares at all, but I feel like sharing, so here’s some thoughts and reactions, enjoy: 
Phase 1: 
Iron man
okay but like how was Tony such a jerk in the beginning only to become like the most lovable character ever??
did not like the antagonist what was that
I mean he’s not bad I just didn’t like him that much
I wanna get myself a jarvis tho 
all in all, really enjoyed it
got me really excited to watch more
The Incredible Hulk
didn't watch cuz aly said not necessary
we just skimmed over the important parts 
oh and watched the end credits scene
Iron man 2
this was really great
okay but like I love Ivan Vanko hes such a great antagonist
oh damn ~Natasha Romanoff~
Pepper as a powerful business lady? YES  
just... really great shit right here
Mmmmmm I don't see the hype about Loki??
his two faced-ness is annoying me
also Thor? I didn't love him at first,, he's a bit cliché
okay but Thor is a good boi actually,,, I take it back he’s pretty great
Oh nooo Loki - yeah lol as if he actually died 
YO WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT END CREDITS SCENE that got me all like WTF and shit
also told ya Loki didn’t die
Captain America: The First Avenger
okay full disclosure, I actually watched this one time before bc I started watching them in chronological order but never got any further than this
it made so much more sense this time
I liked it so much better this time 
this was good !!
I'm gay for Peggy omg
and Steve is such a good boi
all in all not my favourite tho, not too memorable tbh
"I had a date" 😭
The Avengers
ohhh man
Oh hello Dr. Banner nice to see u
Loki bro pls chill
still don't get the Loki hype tbh. maybe a lil bit but idk
oh okay he's good
I love them all so much oh gosh
Phase 2
Iron man 3
this movie changed me
aly can confirm - I was very much not okay after seeing this
literally had anxiety through all of it
I mean I LOVED it
but like
the ptsd :(((
although I do love that they showed that, just made me love Tony even more
just... showing the ugly parts - love that shit
but also like noooo tony bby :(((( 
just.... Tony Stark man.
great antagonist, love the whole mandarin thing
EXTREMIS? NO THANK U that honestly gives me like zombie ish vibes or smth I don’t like it
but like it was great 
all in all loved this so much and I am still not really okay
Thor: The Dark World
I see why people think this is the worst Thor movie.
but like,,, meh? the big end fight was so anti-climactic? not epic at all like what the fuck
but she's clearly gay so stop makin her fool around with the intern
but like Thor is such a soft boi and I love him
again, Loki's two-faced-ness – aRH
but,,,, I get the Loki hype now
I'm aboard the train
I love Loki 
oh oh oh the part in his prison cell when Thor comes to talk to him and is all like "enough tricks" and then his cell is all torn up and he's all torn up and AH BABY 😭
Thor just needs cuddles 
Aaaaand this is where I accidentally got the worst possible spoiler. :)))
I wanted to watch some wholesome Tony Stark content before bed and so I searched youtube for "Iron Man" and clicked on a video I thought looked nice and wholesome. I accidentally read the top comment and then proceeded to break down and freak out to Aly and Hanna on Aly’s live, and they comforted me and stuff <3 
Aly then told me that “hey remember that I told you that the little boy in Iron Man 3 comes back at one point? Yeah that’s at the funeral” 
STUPIDLY, I then watched the death scene on YouTube, went to bed crying, and of course, dreaming about it. I will never be okay again and I will never be ready for Endgame thank you and goodbye.
Captain America: Winter Soldier
I thought that Bucky didn’t deserve to die - and he didn’t - but like,,, DYING WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER THAN THIS 
the ~bromance~
nat and steve I mean, so good
Natasha tho mmmmmhhf
I was rly confused while watching but like everything came together at the end and it was so nice and damn this is one of my favorites so far
Sam is great I want more of Sam
Guardians of the Galaxy
multiple people had told me that they thought I’d really like this movie
honestly? I didn’t
it was kinda meh?
like I found it very predictable and cliché and not in a delightful way
idk if it’s just that I know that Chris Pratt is a dick but I don’t like Peter
I rly like Gamora and Nebula, but like I’m a lesbian, so I don’t think anyone’s surprised that I like the traumatized warrior gals
but like in general I’m kinda disappointed
I only gasped like twice, and it was barely gasp-worthy moments
Avengers: Age of Ultron
All of them together just makes me so happy, they’re so cute with each other AH
loved Ultron as the antagonist. that was great.
but,,,, I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t really get to see any regret from Tony bc he created Ultron
whatever’s going on with Bruce and Nat, I don’t like it
TOO MANY moments that reminded me of the spoiler that I refuse to speak. Did not enjoy
everyone just needs to be hugged why doesn’t anybody HUG THEM????
not happy about Jarvis dying :((( even tho he technically didn’t die but like HE’S NOT JARVIS ANYMORE IS HE
and then Tony just replaces him with this Friday just like that??? no i’m not okay with that
in a ranking scenario this one falls in like the top of the middle range? Like it’s not one of the favorites, but it’s still up there. 
I was just reading about new MCU projects that are coming up and THERE WAS A SPOILER WARNING, but STUPID AS I AM I DISREGARDED that and kept on reading. I was just skimming through the text and I read “Loki who dies” and stopped right there, because AAHH FUCKING SHIT
I was on a call with Aly as this happened and so I told her that I had given myself a spoiler again and that it was about Loki, and she was all like I can’t remember anything that happens to Loki hmm, and so I thought YAY it’s okay, they just meant one of the times when he fake died!!! so I went on to keep reading, but before I could read anything else Aly stopped me, remembering. She told me it would be gut-wrenching and terrible and I’m just- 
So disappointed in myself. 
it was an enjoyable movie, but like,,, a little meh? 
I feel kinda the same as I did with GOTG
but I like each of them better than the other for different reasons? idk???
the plot wasn’t very thick, like I could have gone away to pee without pausing and probably not miss too much
I didn’t really get invested in the story or the characters
but it was enjoyable for sure
Sam!!! Hello!!!! 
Again, like with GOTG, I found it kinda cliché, but in a more delightful way this time
Phase 3
Captain America: Civil War
I constantly needed to be hugged while watching this
in the end I was fine, like I’ve been way less okay after some of the other movies, but during? needed hugs and cuddles
I love that they were fighting each other it was just... umff you know
but also like,,, LOVE EACH OTHER 
Wanda and Vision? no thanks I HATE IT
Steve and Sharon?? NO THANKS I HATE IT
literally that’s just weird on SO many levels
and that kiss was-- ugh I hated it. 
Black Panther heLLOOO
Tony and Steve fighting in the end got me :( 
Doctor Strange
This one falls at the bottom of my list
It was the shortest movie but it felt SO LONG because I was so bored through all of it
it just never got me hooked, I didn’t get invested in the story at all. 
there weren’t even any characters that I liked enough to want to see more
sure another infinity stone and getting to know doctor strange and shit, I get why you kinda need to watch it
but I doubt I’ll watch it again
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
just like with the first one, kinda meh
I didn’t really get into it until the last half hour or so
the music really carried this movie tho
and baby groot !!!
I love Nebula so much, such a great character
Yondu dying was really great, it did a lot for his character
I still don’t really like Peter Quill
I feel like it was barely contributing to the infinity saga, the only thing that’s somewhat connected is that Nebula wants to kill Thanos, and the only reason I know that’s connected is because of spoilers
because I’m not really supposed to know the significance of Thanos at this point
but then again, maybe I’ll feel differently when I’ve finished all the movies
Spiderman: Homecoming
SPIDEY BOY !!!!!!!!! 
AND LIKE,,, CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS FIGHTING SOUNDS COMPARED TO EVERYONE ELSE’S???? Like steve and thor and shit are all like huOH heeeUH oAH ya know?? and then peter’s over here like eeh heh mmmMHF 
except when things were going bad and during the fight scenes and shit and when he was in big danger and stuffs
hehehheheh and the end credits tho heheheheh
Thor: Ragnarok
Kinda mad that we didn’t get a hug there in the end but oh well
Thor is so sassy and goofy in this one I love it
ugghhhhh I love Loki so much
Hela has so much Maleficent vibes
Heimdall yESSS !!!
all the Thor/Hulk interactions were so PRECIOUS AAH
this was just such a great movie with great character development for both Thor and Loki and ughhhh IT WAS SO GOOD
“get help” was fucking ICONIC
oof not excited for infinity war :(( 
Black Panther
this one falls somewhere in the middle for me
like it was good, but it’s not up there
my main issue with it is that it didn’t really feel so much like a superhero movie, it was more just like... family drama
but Shuri tho, love her
and all the awesome ladies fighting!!! yes!!!!
Avengers: Infinity War
I am not okay
I will never be okay again
I thought Loki dying was gonna be the worst part - and honestly, knowing about it beforehand made it less painful actually
but NO NO NO 
oh gosh I can’t even think 
I told y’all I didn’t like Peter Quill and well, HE DESERVED WHAT HE GOT 
oh gosh nope 
I’ve been feeling guilty that all of y’all had to wait a full year for endgame but AT LEAST THEN YOU HAD TIME TO BE OKAY AGAIN BEFORE ENDGAME
fucking shit what have I gotten myself into
Ant-Man and the Wasp
I liked this one better than the first ant-man
It’s still not up there but it was good
idk it could just be bc I know the characters more this time or because I kind of had pretty low expectations but I liked this more
oh also maybe I was just happy that I didn’t have to see like all my favorite characters die like I did yesterday :((( 
still not okay
anyway, ant-man and the wasp
I really liked Ava, really great character honestly
I liked Hope a whole lot more this time around
still don’t really like her and Scott together, especially after her mother like talked through him and shit. I feel like if I was Hope and my mother talked to me through my love interest, I would feel pretty weird about it all
but maybe that’s just me idk
oh but what I do like about scott and hope is all of hank’s comments about them
he’s funny hehehe
also Luis! great dude
there’s too many double names in this whole ass franchise and I’m upset
two Peters, two Eriks, two Fosters.... like I know that’s what real life is like, people have the same names, but THIS IS FICTION
that wasn’t totally related to this movie specifically but this was the third strike dudes, I couldn’t just ignore it anymore.
oh oh oh and I did not appreciate the mid credits scene, I DON’T NEED REMINDERS OF THAT PAIN THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Captain Marvel
this one falls somewhere in the middle for me
like it was good, and I enjoyed it a lot, but it just wasn’t really anything that left me all like woooaaaah omg AH you know???
I really liked how it connected back to previous movies like with Ronan and the Kree people from GOTG and the tesseract and all that jazz
where can I get myself a flerken tho I want one
I appreciate that no one turned into dust, that was nice
my main problem with this movie is that HER POWERS MAKE NO SENSE 
like in the beginning it was kinda okay. I didn’t understand her powers, but at least they felt reasonable
then we got to the end and all of a sudden she’s flying and glowing and strong enough to stop and redirect a fuckin missile, and then she’s FLYING INTO BOMBS AND COMING OUT THE OTHER END COMPLETELY UNSCATHED?? 
it just makes no sense, it’s completely unreasonable and it makes her too perfect to me. Too unbeatable. I don’t like it. 
but all in all a good movie, loved seeing young Fury and shit
Avengers: Endgame I WILL NEVER BE READY
As I thought, I wasn’t ready
But, I actually think that knowing about Tony beforehand made it a bit easier
I still wish I hadn’t known
and I still bawled like a baby 
but like,,, I think I would have been way worse off if I hadn’t known
I’m just so sad now
I really need a hug
and even though I just cried more than I’ve done all year I need to cry some more I think
I’m glad everyone who got dusted came back, although I kinda knew they would 
well, I would have been fine with Quill staying dusted tbh. I really don’t like that guy
oh gosh yeah I know I have more thoughts about this movie that I wanna say but I need to be more okay first oh man
okay hi again, it’s the next day and I’m still sad but here are some more thoughts: 
I hated the whole Bruce/Hulk think. All the good parts about each side of his character were just erased.
I don’t even see the purpose of it. 
Okay I kinda knew that Steve was gonna go back to the 40s, but I WASN’T SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT SO SHH
anyway, I didn’t like Steve staying in the 40s, and here’s why: 
he knew that this was the single one out of 14 million times they won against Thanos, so he knew that changing anything at all would fuck it up
but at the same time, I find it hard to believe that Steve could be aware that Tony and Nat dies and not want to do anything about it
even though he knows he can’t
so wouldn’t it have been easier to just go back to the present after he returned all the stones? So he wouldn’t have to live with that dilemma?
ALSO, I WILL NOT ACCEPT that after everything he did to get Bucky back, he just leaves him. Just like that. 
Literally the only reason this makes sense is as a setup for the Falcon and The Winter Soldier Disney+ series. 
But I still don’t like it
Spiderman: Far From Home
This was nice, I needed this. 
I didn’t like it as much as homecoming, but I didn’t expect to considering how much I loved hoco
it was really nice to see some more Peter Parker bc i love him but also like,,, most of it was traumatized spidey boy :((( and that was sad :(
He’s literally just a child and he’s already so damaged and it’s big big sad
the high school vibes were immaculate
not that I’ve actually been to high school in the US but like,,, it felt like a high school movie okok
Okay but like May’s character really did a full 180? I don’t really understand where that all came from, but uhhhh okay then
Okay, Quentin Beck. 
before we realized he was bad, I already didn’t like him, cuz it seemed like he was gonna start to become a new father figure for Peter and I WAS NOT COOL WITH THAT
but then I understood that that wasn’t happening so it’s all good
he’s a pretty cool antagonist. not a fave, but pretty cool. 
he actually got some real nice character development that I had not expected, that was nice
all in all, great movie, I love my spidey boy. 
pretty sad that I’m done tho... :( 
but also like, I watched all of them (except incredible hulk) in 34 days. That’s kinda impressive, right?
and finally, here is my ranking of the movies based on how much I liked them: 
0. The Incredible Hulk ( didn’t watch )
Thor: Ragnarok
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Iron Man 3
Captain America: Civil War
Spiderman: Far From Home
Iron Man 
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
Iron Man 2
Thor: The Dark World
Captain Marvel
Black Panther
Captain America: The First Avenger
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Guardians of the Galaxy
Doctor Strange
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Level Up, Chapter Seven (Branjie) - Holtzmanns
“Mom, I’m not going on a date with your financial advisor.” Vanessa has to resist the urge to roll her eyes, knowing that her mom won’t hesitate to rip her a new one for it if she catches her.
“He’s young and tall and wears a suit.” Vanessa’s mom points the spatula in her hand in her direction. “Don’t you wanna date a suit?”
“I’m pretty sure it’s you that wants to date a suit.” Vanessa raises an eyebrow as she hops onto the counter, her legs dangling.
AN: New chapter time - thank you guys for being so patient and waiting for this one. Writing is going a bit slow for me these days, which means slower updates. To anyone who’s left a review on this story, hi I love you, thanks for being great and giving me even more motivation to write. Seeing people are actually reading and enjoying a fic because they say so is a good kick in the butt for any author’s muse. Let me know what you think of this chapter, too. As always, thank you writ for betaing <3
“Absolutely not.”
“Why not, he’s cute! And polite too, you know how much I like that.”
“Mom, I’m not going on a date with your financial advisor.” Vanessa has to resist the urge to roll her eyes, knowing that her mom won’t hesitate to rip her a new one for it if she catches her.
“He’s young and tall and wears a suit.” Vanessa’s mom points the spatula in her hand in her direction. “Don’t you wanna date a suit?”
“I’m pretty sure it’s you that wants to date a suit.” Vanessa raises an eyebrow as she hops onto the counter, her legs dangling.
Vanessa’s mom shrugs her shoulders. “Just tryna help you out, baby. You haven’t dated anyone in a while, have you? Who was the last one? That ugly looking-”
“No need to roast my exes.” Vanessa makes a face when her mom snickers.
Vanessa appreciates her mom’s intentions, but sometimes they’re a little off the mark. Or a lot off the mark, from the guys that she’s tried to set Vanessa up with lately.
It’s not as if Vanessa isn’t out to her mom. She is, or rather, has tried to be. Multiple times. The first time was in high school, when Vanessa had kissed her best friend and cried about it to her mom after her friend had started to avoid her, and her mom had told her that it was a phase that she’d grow out of. And then there was college, where Vanessa’s mom would meet her various girlfriends with brightly coloured hair and piercings and eclectic fashion senses, only to call them her close friends. It’s the difference in how Vanessa’s mom has treated her ex-boyfriends versus ex-girlfriends, paying way more attention to the boys even when they hadn’t been anything to write home about.
Vanessa’s tried. But it’s hard to make the point stick when her mom laughs off the idea of having a girlfriend, changing the subject a little too quickly. But hey, it’s better than her mom wanting to disown her. Vanessa will take it.
A knock on the door gets Vanessa out of her head and she hops off the counter to pull it open, as her mom sets the dishes on the table. The pastry box in Alexis’ hands makes Vanessa light up and she grabs it, bringing it to the table while Alexis follows her inside.
“Nice to see you, too, Vanj.” Alexis sits down across from her, sticking out her tongue.
Vanessa sticks hers out right back. “I saw you earlier today at our place, chill. Didn’t even have time to miss ya.”
Their mom, at the head of the table between them both, waves her hands. “Shh. Don’t ruin the family dinner ambiance.”
Alexis snickers. “As if we don’t get into at least two arguments every time we all have dinner together.”
The monthly dinners remind Vanessa of a simpler time when the three of them were always under one roof. Her mom would make an extra effort to get home from work on time, cook them something that they could all eat together rather than something for Alexis and Vanessa to reheat when they got home from school. It’s nice that no matter how old they get, the dinners have stayed the same. The dishes are the ones that Vanessa’s enjoyed since being a kid, ones that she’s tried to replicate in her own kitchen with little success. But at least she still gets to enjoy them now, as an adult, at her mom’s.
“Pass me the rice.” Alexis holds her hands out, wiggling her fingers, and Vanessa’s about to reach for the corningware before noticing the glinting on Alexis’ wrist.
“Where’s that bracelet from? Damn, Rob splurged. Good for him.” Vanessa has to admit, Rob doesn’t have bad taste. The bracelet on Alexis’ wrist is delicate, the stones on it sparkling under the light.
“It’s from dad.” The nonchalant tone of Alexis’ voice makes Vanessa’s fork clang harder on her plate than she intends it to.
She has to resist the urge to roll her eyes. “Really? He’s buying your love now? That’s what it’s come to?”
“Don’t be jealous that he’s buying me gifts and not you.” Alexis sniffs, before taking another sip of her drink. “At least I’m making an effort with him.”
“I’m not jeal-”
“Stubbornness doesn’t get you anywhere. He says he misses you, ‘cept you won’t give him the time of the day.” Alexis shrugs, and Vanessa can feel her hands balling into fists.
“‘Cause he doesn’t deserve it, that’s why.”
“Not that he’d want you around with that attitude anyway.” Alexis raises her eyebrows, and Vanessa’s seeing red, she really is, because fuck her sister-
Vanessa’s mom’s hand is up at her shoulders, blocking her from standing up before she can do so. “Don’t punch your sister.”
“I’m going.” Vanessa growls out, trying to scoot her chair back because she hates it, the smugness radiating off of Alexis for absolutely no reason. When she has nothing to be proud about.
“No you’re not. Sit down and eat your food.” Their mom looks tired as she takes a drink of her wine, nearly draining the glass.
Vanessa scowls. “How do you not care about this? Doesn’t it bother you?”
Because heaven knows, it bothers Vanessa. It doesn’t make sense, their dad wanting to connect now after not giving a shit for so long, and why is Alexis playing right into it? Why should their dad just get whatever he wants whenever it’s convenient for him?
Their mom sighs. “Because I am an adult, and so is Alexis. And so are you, if you’d mature a bit. It’s not a bad idea to give people second chances.”
“He’s not buying my affection back. Fuck that.” Vanessa crosses her arms. “How’d he even afford that bracelet, anyway? He’s never been the type to be financially stable.”
“If you’d ever talked with him, you’d know he’s turning his life around. He’s doing better.” Alexis’ smug tone is nauseating, enough to make Vanessa’s skin crawl.
It all sounds so fake, so put on. Like their dad’s trying hard to impress them and the fact that Alexis is buying into it? Pathetic, in Vanessa’s opinion.
She can do better. They all can. Not that Alexis seems to want to do so.
Vanessa’s brain feels like it’s floating inside of a dark cloud as she leaves her mother’s apartment with Alexis. The subway is only a few blocks away, but it feels so much longer to Vanessa while trying not to talk to her sister, as to not give her the satisfaction she wants. Because she knows Alexis thinks she’s in the right, and that she always is, as the older one. That Vanessa’s eventually going to give in and follow her advice.
Her phone buzzes as they wait at a busy intersection, and Vanessa almost misses the signal to cross when she sees the picture that pops up on her screen.
It’s a cat so fluffy that it’s reminiscent of a mountain lion, and Vanessa can’t help but squeal. Brooke’s mentioned her cats before but Vanessa’s never seen pictures of them, because she’d definitely remember such a sight.
The cat in the picture is stretched out on a couch, his paws up in the air as he sleeps. Vanessa hits the text notification that follows, trying to ignore the smile growing on her own face.
BLH: Henry’s as excited for our practice tomorrow as we are. His hands are already protecting his face.
VVM: sorry no caps lock
VVM: but also yes caps lock
BLH: You should meet him and his brother sometime!
“Alexis? We should get a cat.” Vanessa nudges her sister as they descend the steps towards the subway.
Alexis rolls her eyes. “Oh, so you’re talking to me now?”
Vanessa doesn’t respond right away, in favour of looking at the second picture that pops up on her phone, the grey cat sleeping on Brooke’s coffee table. “Bet Rob would like one.”
“He already gets enough p-”
“Don’t complete that sentence, ew!” Vanessa pretends to dry heave as her sister cracks up, the ice that has been building up between them the entire evening breaking into pieces.
Vanessa knows Alexis and her will be fine because they always are, for how much they bicker. It would just be easier if neither of them were so stubborn. Not that Vanessa’s going to be the one to give in this time.
Brooke’s already in the gym when Vanessa pushes her way in the next morning, trying to hide the yawn behind her hand that betrays the fact that it’s 6:45 and the sun still hasn’t risen outside. Vanessa’s eyebrows push together when Brooke spins almost comically to face her, coffee in one hand and breakfast burrito in the other.
“Why are you so perky this morning?” Vanessa herself isn’t, that’s for sure. Not when she’s used to pressing snooze on her alarms until the last possible moment before she has to get up for work.
Brooke shrugs, though her energy is nervous, her foot tapping on the floor. “This is our first training session.”
“You’ve been training me for months.” Vanessa replies, raising an eyebrow as she does, and Brooke shrugs.
“Yeah, but this is the first actual session. I’m coaching you. Trying to get things into your brain.”
“You’ve done that plenty with your terrible singing. There’s no way I can get that belting out of my brain, ever.” Vanessa snickers, reaching out to pat Brooke’s shoulder as she pouts. “Kidding.”
“I’m a great singer. I got the gumption,” Brooke sniffs, “I can’t help it when Celine is on.”
“Is that why your workout playlist has so many ballads?”
Vanessa ducks out of the way when Brooke grumbles, reaching over to shove her shoulder. “Tell me why I should coach you again?”
“‘Cause I’m a delight, and you know it.” Vanessa grins, batting her eyelashes, and Brooke rolls her eyes.
“Go get changed, you delight. We have stuff to do.”
Vanessa pauses at the locker room doors once she’s in her workout clothes at the sight in front of her. There’s a mosaic of pages ripped out of notebooks scattered along the floor, interspersed with diagrams drawn on chart paper, all neatly arranged while Brooke sits in the middle.
“Wanna explain?” Vanessa’s not sure if Brooke hears her at first, from the way she’s furiously scribbling on the page in her lap, but then Brooke’s head comically bobs up as her fingers tap on her knee.
Brooke shifts in place. “Okay, so I didn’t exactly know where to start. I mean, I was thinking I could try and think back to how my dad used to coach me but that’s not a box worth opening right now, y’know? I mean I could, but repression is way more tempting. So then I was looking up coaching methods and what works for one person may not work for another, and then I started thinking about how I really didn’t know what style worked for you best and what would be the most effective way for us to collaborate and…” Brooke cuts herself off as she takes a breath, weakly pointing to the mess around her. “So we have this.”
Vanessa whistles, crouches down beside Brooke while trying not to rustle any of the papers. “There’s a lot to untangle here.”
“We can’t go wrong with being too prepared, right? At least we can try everything and then maybe one thing is going to work and I’ll actually be useful as a coach.” Brooke shrugs sheepishly.
“What are you out here talking about, useful as a coach? You’re plenty useful. Look at how much I’ve improved over the last few months.” Vanessa throws a look at Brooke, who for once, looks slightly self conscious, from the way she fiddles with her sleeves. “You’re telling me our practices together haven’t made a difference in my fighting skills?”
“Maybe a little,” Brooke admits, “but how do you know any of it was me? You’re taking classes at the same time, you’re building that muscle memory. That plays a big part.”
“And how would I build muscle memory if it wasn’t for our practices?” Brooke looks unconvinced, so Vanessa carries on. “Look. I ain’t asking you ‘cause I think you’re an Olympic champion boxer, or anything like that. I’m asking you ‘cause you know your shit and you can handle me in the gym and know how to get me to cool down. I need that.”
Vanessa thinks back to their last practice, when all Brooke had to do was hand Vanessa a granola bar to give her some sugar and Vanessa found herself able to focus, less frustrated during their drills. It’s almost like Brooke is learning the little parts of her that don’t necessarily come up in conversation, more so the ones that only become obvious when you truly pay attention.
She nudges Brooke’s side. “I don’t care if you haven’t coached before. I’ve never been a boxer before any of this shit. You think I know what I’m doing? I don’t care if you don’t know what you’re doing.”
“Okay, but I really, really, don’t know what I’m doing-”
Vanessa shrugs. “Well then, we make a good team. If we’re gonna do this blindly, at least we’ve got each other for the journey.”
Brooke gathers up some of the papers around her, holding them out in front of Vanessa. “We won’t be doing it completely blindly, though, I was thinking we could try out methods that are evidence based and see what works the best and what leads to carryover-”
“I don’t know why you’re bringing up some academic shit right now, in a gym of all places, but what we’re gonna do is try shit until something sticks.” Vanessa grabs the pile of papers in Brooke’s hands, smoothes them out.
Brooke snorts. “That’s basically what I said.”
“Be less boring about it, then.”
It’s enough to get Brooke smiling, though, reducing the nervous energy that is radiating off of her in waves. “Get your gear on. We’re going to get to work.”
“That’s more like it.”
And so it begins. Vanessa’s alarm clock is set an hour and a half earlier every morning, the sun rising in tandem with her body heat during her first workout of each day. Brooke doesn’t pull any punches with the conditioning routines that she drafts every morning - Vanessa had thought in the past that Kameron was bad with the cardio and strength outside of the ring, but Brooke’s making her feel like she’s a beginner again, from how much her muscles are complaining with every move she makes.
Take today, for example. The circuit that Brooke’s written out on her clipboard is torturous, positively torturous, and Vanessa knows that she has to get through it eight times, but she’s only on her third round and she’s already about to collapse, never to get up again. She wipes the sweat off of her forehead before resting her hands on her knees, bending over in half to try and catch her breath, before Brooke’s voice behind her rings like a bell.
“Mountain climbers, let’s go! No stopping.”
“Bitch, do you want me to die?” Vanessa pants out as she gets on all fours nonetheless, her arms shaking as she presses her palms into the ground.
“No. But what I don’t want is for your endurance to putter out during a match at the worst time. You’re gonna have to build it, and not only that, but learn to push through when it feels like you can’t.”
Maybe if Vanessa wasn’t currently dripping sweat onto the mats below her, her arms about to give out, then she’d be moved by the almost poetic words. But she’s too out of breath to care, especially when all she can focus on as she stands back up is the way her legs feel like jelly and her arms like anchors that are about to break off.
Brooke’s look is sympathetic as Vanessa rolls out her shoulders, preparing to do her set of burpees next. “It’s not always going to be this difficult. Your body is going to build and build and build that strength and endurance and soon, you’ll be able to do all of it without breaking a sweat.”
Vanessa has to pause as she crouches down to shoot Brooke a look. “See, I’d believe that, pants on fire, if you weren’t making the circuits longer and more intense every damn session. How’s it gonna get easier if you keep upping the difficulty?”
“You haven’t died yet, have you?” Brooke sips on her iced coffee almost languidly, not a hair out of place, and Vanessa has to hold back a grumble.
She’s going to kill Brooke one of these days, she really is, if Brooke doesn’t kill her with these workouts first.
But Vanessa does trust Brooke, and so keeps pushing herself, follows each routine as best as she can and not skipping reps if she can help it. Sure, she can’t move her muscles without pain, and Silky and A’keria look at her funny even though she swears that her waddling isn’t because she’s getting some good dick, she’s just working out, that’s all, but…it’s worth it. It has to be worth it, Vanessa isn’t going to allow herself to believe anything else. She’s pushing her body to the limit for a purpose, and that purpose is to kick some ass in a boxing ring and feel good about it.
That’s what Vanessa tells herself at least, as more and more of her hours not spent at work become dedicated to training, going for massages for her sore muscles, and watching old boxing matches instead of Netflix whenever Brooke gives her boxers to research. It doesn’t feel like it’s a drastic change because it’s still fun to Vanessa, pushing her in ways that she’s never expected.
A’keria gives Vanessa an apprehensive look, though, when she hides one too many yawns behind her palm one day at work. She’s not necessarily falling asleep as she does the client’s makeup, but her morning workout today had been more grueling than usual, and having to stand for hours on end at the moment isn’t doing her sore limbs any favours.
“Can I ask you something, Vanj?” A’keria’s eyes remain on the client in front of her, the comb in between her fingers expertly parting the woman’s hair.
Vanessa squints her eyes as she blends the shadows on her client’s crease, trying to get both eyes to match. “Yeah, what?”
“Why are you doing all of this? The boxing, the gym?” A’keria looks up at Vanessa, the motions of her hands stalled. “What’s the point?”
“Didn’t I tell you at the beginning? Alexis made me so I’d stop blowing up in her face.” It may be the short answer, Vanessa knows, but it works for now.
A’keria sighs, and her eyes are too knowing, too willing to look into Vanessa’s soul. “Sure, I get a couple of classes here and there. But you’re running yourself ragged.”
Vanessa scoffs. “Am not.”
Because she’s not. It’s just what she needs to do, and how’s she going to get anywhere if she doesn’t? The next tournament is coming up soon, and if she does well in this one at the higher level then hey, maybe she can compete even more regularly and maybe have a proper match and-
“Just promise me that you’re taking care of yourself. And I don’t want an empty promise of you just nodding your head and saying yes, Kiki, I will, I want an actual promise that you’re gonna put yourself first.” A’keria points her comb towards Vanessa and she feels like she’s five, being reprimanded by her kindergarten teacher.
“I am putting myself first. Have you seen my guns? That’s self love, baby.” Vanessa flexes her bicep, pretends to give it a kiss and it’s worth it when the client in front of Vanessa lets out a giggle, and even more so when A’keria rolls her eyes.
“Tell me why I still care about your stupid ass.”
Vanessa doesn’t miss a beat. “‘Cause you love me.”
“Somehow.” A’keria mutters, turning back towards her model. “But if you don’t take care of yourself while doing this boxing nonsense, I’m gonna have to whoop your ass.”
“Duly noted.” Vanessa snickers, and it’s enough for A’keria, whose frown lines smooth out between her eyebrows. “Didn’t know you were so worried ‘bout me.”
A’keria shoots her a look. “Why wouldn’t I be? You’re one of my best friends. And who else would listen to me griping about my man? You think Silky pays any attention to anything but Jerry Springer on the TV?”
“You’ve got a point there. So, update me,” Vanessa leans towards A’keria, a conspiratorial tone in her voice, “are y’all back together yet? Or are you still leaving him on read for exactly seventy two hours before texting him back? Which, by the way, makes no sense as a strategy.”
“It’s kept him for this long, hasn’t it?” A’keria shrugs her shoulders, a proud smile playing on her lips. “He always comes back. It’s like I have him on a rubber band that always snaps back into place. Never fails.”
“That makes no damn sense, and you know it. But men never do.”
Vanessa’s glad she’s not with a guy for now. She’s always found it so confusing, with the games and the signals that inevitably get crossed and the misunderstandings and it’s much easier, really, hearing about it secondhand from her friends.
Not that being interested in girls can be any better, from what she notices at their next practice before the next tournament. Vanessa had her session with Brooke in the morning and she’s back now hours later in the gym, a place that she feels like she never leaves anymore, curled up on a bench in the locker room and watching the scene that’s unfolding in front of her.
To any ordinary bystander, this scenario would be representative of any millennials - a girl swiping through Tinder with her friends providing commentary beside her. But what Vanessa really sees is Monique showing off the various pictures that pop up on her phone, while remaining completely oblivious to Monet sulking on the bench that is perpendicular to her. Sulking may be a stretch, but Vanessa can tell that the force with which Monet tugs on the zipper of her gym bag isn’t typical - it’s a sign that she’s unhappy with the situation.
“What about this girl? She put a quote from Shark Tale in her bio. And she lives on the east side. Imma swipe right.” Monique holds up her phone, and the brunette on her screen is cute, yes, but Monet’s shoulders slump a little and it becomes just a little bit harder to react in a blase way.
“Uh, yeah. Super cute. Love that.” Vanessa gives Monet a thumbs up, and she can feel Asia’s elbow in her side because of how unconvincing she is but hey, she’s trying.
She scoots down slightly on the bench, leans over to whisper. “What do you expect me to even say?”
“I dunno, but flashing a thumbs up ain’t gonna do the trick.” Asia mutters under her breath, jerking her head towards Monet, who’s begun to braid her hair with a scowl on her face.
Vanessa shrugs her shoulders, trying to keep her voice from exploding as much as it wants to. “So what the hell do we do?”
“What do you mean, what do we do? We don’t do anything because they’re adults, and they can sort it out themselves.” Asia’s look is pointed, one that Vanessa delicately chooses to ignore.
“We can’t do that. They’ll be miserable. Neither of them even realizes how much they like each other, and they’ll just keep doing this stupid dance.” Vanessa chances a glance towards Monique, who’s slowly lowering her phone back towards herself after Monet turns away with a curt nod. “This is ridiculous.”
Asia sighs. “You think they’re gonna hear a word we say? Hey, dumbasses, you both have a crush on your best friend, spoiler alert, it’s each other. They’re gonna tell us that we’re being silly and they’ll be in even more denial.”
Vanessa bites her lip, because the jealousy that’s radiating off of Monet is hard to miss, except apparently for Monique, who shuts off her phone and sighs as she stands up. “Ugh. You’re right. Doesn’t make this shit easier to watch.”
Vanessa keeps an eye on them throughout the class, nearly catching a jab in the face from Asia in the process. Monet and Monique seem to be back to their normal selves, bickering as they practice their drills but Vanessa doesn’t miss the lingering glance from Monet as Monique fills up her water bottle, or the way that Monique opens up her mouth to say something, eyes wide, as they finish an exercise before abruptly closing it. Vanessa feels like she’s watching a movie where she just wants to yell at the main characters to kiss already, except it’s two of her friends who should be together but are only now beginning to realize how much they like each other.
“Don’t do it.” Brooke’s holding back a smile at her desk when Vanessa falls into the chair across from her once the class is over, after regaling Brooke with Monique and Monet’s situation.
“Not doing anything. But I want to.” Vanessa slouches in her seat, resting her cheek on her palm. “Those two clowns are perfect for each other. Hell, I thought they were already together when I first started here.”
It’s not a lie. Vanessa remembers the way that Monique and Monet would always finish each other’s sentences, and be holding on to each other in some form or another. They still do, though Vanessa does notice more hesitancy lately in the way they reach out, more tentativeness in their words.
Brooke shakes her head, leaning forward on her desk. “You have to let them work it out themselves. Forcing something between them when neither of them seems fully ready is only going to lead to a mess.”
“You say that as if we’re all not already a mess.”
Brooke snorts. “True. You most of all.”
“Good, you better be.” Vanessa sniffs, though she can’t keep a straight face for long, not when Brooke’s already holding back a laugh.
Brooke shrugs, thumbing through a pile of papers on the corner of her desk before pulling one from the stack, turning it towards Vanessa. The flyer for the upcoming tournament is a bit of an eyesore with the neon colours, but Vanessa tries to ignore the attempts at graphic design as Brooke points at the upcoming date. “Isn’t the tournament that you all signed up for coming up soon, anyway? It’s at least a three hour drive to get there. Maybe the two of them will talk it out during the ride.”
“Or they’ll ignore the huge elephant in the room and just pretend like absolutely nothing is going on.” Vanessa shrugs. “I feel like it could go either way.”
“Sooner or later, they’ll reach a point where they have no choice but to confront it. And when they do, they’ll see what’s been in front of them this whole time.” Brooke leans back in her own seat, and Vanessa can’t help but raise an eyebrow.
“That’s somehow the sappiest thing I’ve ever heard you say. Are you a secret romantic?”
Brooke makes a face. “Most definitely not. I’ll take a comedy over watching something like The Notebook any day.”
Vanessa’s mouth drops open. “You take that back. That’s my favourite movie!”
“The Notebook? Really? You can’t call me sappy if that’s your favourite. Do you cry every time you watch it, too?”
“Maybe?” Vanessa raises her hands in surrender. “I can’t help it! It just tugs on the heartstrings.”
“Why watch it if it just makes you sad?” Brooke has confusion written across her face, and Vanessa has to pause while she thinks of an answer.
“I dunno. It’s sad but it’s a good sad, y’know? The kind that makes you feel something ‘cause even if there’s loss they still had so much love, and those moments are the ones that make everything else worth going through.”
Vanessa can’t help the longing in her voice because as silly as it sounds, she wants something like that. Something worth fighting for. Maybe it’s cliche, maybe it’s the thoughts of a teenage Vanessa from all those years ago who’d watched the movie for the very first time, but she still wants that feeling.
But who knows. Teenage Vanessa had also wanted a perm back in the day, and that had been a mess that had taken years to grow out.
“You’re the secret romantic between the two of us.” Brooke tilts her head and Vanessa shrugs, because she can’t deny it, not really.
“Who said it was a secret? I got taste between the two of us.” Vanessa can’t help but snicker at Brooke’s mock offended face.
“Just for that, we’re starting half an hour earlier tomorrow for training.”
Vanessa though, is unperturbed. “Liar. You hate waking up early as it is. I know you too well.”
“Maybe.” But the way Brooke’s eyes are glimmering, the way she has a grin of her own, somehow makes Vanessa want to know her even more.
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yandere-society · 4 years
Day 11 | Santa Tell Me
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Synopsis: You’ve always been strangely scared of Santa as a child. The thought of a stranger in heavy boots breaking into your home and rummaging through your stuff has always terrified you. And you felt that terror right now, in this instant, as you laid there with two men in bright green suits hovering over your pretend-sleeping form.
The 12 Days of Black Christmas Event Masterlist
Pairing: Vmin x Female Reader
Admin: @roses-ruby​​
Trigger warnings: Yandere themes, bad crack, attempted kidnapping, stalking, stupid jokes, joke about religion, swearing, bad mouthing Santa 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You really hated Christmas.
You hated everything that had to do with Christmas. All the sugary deserts, the unhealthy binging, the fake family bonding and seasonal depression longing. The freezing weather that froze your toes and pipes, the blinding red and greens, otherwise known as holiday delights. The overzealous consumerism around every corner, the empty materialism that gave everyone boners. The deforestation and self-righteousness, the ugly sweaters and proud religious mess. You hated Christmas and its warping spider’s net and all the very, merry, happy, holy, holly, jolly shit that went along with it.  
It wasn’t like you ever had a good Christmas to change your mind. When you were six, every girl at school had the brand-new light up Princess Dolly sneakers for Christmas but thanks to your skinflint of a dad, you got the direct knock off; Princess Polly sneakers. Polly with a PUH. They didn’t even fucking light up. To this day you get nightmares from the bullying. At 15, you got typhoid fever before the big ski vacation and while everyone else got to go have the time of their life, you were stuck rotting at home with your weird cousin Sigil who collected the dead skins from snake sheds. And just last year, at an unbearably boring office party, your ex best friend and crush made out under the mistletoe for 15. Whole. Minutes. Last you heard of them, they were engaged.
Let’s not even start about your irrational fear of Santa Claus. Every bad Christmas could be traced back to him. You cried the first time you heard your dad describe the bearded old man. Your reaction confused the hell out of him but to you, he was the strange one. What kind of parent allows an overgrown, capitalist bear man who dresses in red and brainwashes elf and reindeer to come into their home using the chimney and spy on their kids throughout the whole year? Was he a sadist? When you were younger, you would wet the bed just thinking of him stomping around your house in the dark. Safe to say, you never left him any cookies. Now, you’re just glad you grew out of the phase of believing in such a horrid creature like Santa Claus. Finally, you could sleep happy knowing that no one would sneak into your house in the middle of the night.
So, while we’re on that topic…who exactly were the two men whispering in the dark inside your room if it’s definitely not Santa?
“We have to quickly get back before he notices we’re missing. QUICKLY, Taehyung.”
“I know, I know. Let me just untangle this rope, Jimin.”
Who the fuck were Taeyoong and Jimmy and what the fuck were they doing in your house? That’s what you were thinking as you laid on your bed pretending to be asleep, absolutely still in the complete dark. Of course, you had a break in on the night of Christmas because why the fuck not. What made you think this one year, your Christmas day would turn out okay?
You were stuck even further because you lost the window of opportunity to wake up and startle the intruders and perhaps scream for help because since the moment they snuck in (3 minutes ago) you did nothing but lay there listening to their banter like the idiot you are. Maybe you could pretend all their ‘noise’ woke you up, but then again you weren’t too fond of your acting skills.
But honestly, who were they? What did they want? Why did they keep mentioning returning before this ‘he’ found out they were gone?
As you were pondering your crisis, someone blew straight into your ear. You shot up from the bed with a scream and immediately turned on the lamp beside you. Two men in strange green tunics and stockings, pointy ears, and tall hats with a bell stare back at you with an equally horrified expression.
They were dressed up as…elves?
“See, I told you she was awake.” The one on your right, resembling a small animal, possibly the bastard who blew in your ear, chirps.
“Wow, you really do have night vision, Jiminie.” The taller one behind the edge of your bed, the one holding a rope says, while staring at you in a daze.
“Who the fuck are you both? How did you get in? What do you want?” You shout, bringing your comforter to your chest.
All they do is stare at you with lovesick eyes to which you scowl. Hold on, why were your potential murderers so hot?
“_-___,” The one on the right calls you carefully. He had round and soft features with a sharp jaw. Slender eyes and bright pink hair matching his rosy cheeks on his otherwise cute pale face. “It’s an honor to finally meet you…my name is J-Jimin.”
“I’m Taehyung.” You turn to the man with the rope. His features were extremely well proportioned and downright lethal. A devilishly handsome face, beautiful golden skin and dark brown mopy hair. He appeared and sounded like a mature sugar daddy but stared at you like a 12-year-old pervert.
You sat silent after the two men’s greetings. What were you supposed to say after intruders introduced themselves? Nice to meet you? And how did they know your name?
“…O-Okay…Jimin, Taehyung…why are you in my house.”
“We’re here to kidnap you.” Jimin smiles, his eyes turning into crescents.
“E…Excuse me?”
“Yeah! We’re here because we love you and we want you for ourselves, so we have to take you from your home.” Taehyung says, stretching the rope in his hands.
“WHAT?” You couldn’t believe your ears. Did you perhaps start hallucinating after your edible once again? Because that would explain this crazy ass dream you were having right now. Since when did you have an elf kink though?
“So you see,” Jimin begins walking to stand beside Taehyung so now they were both in front of you, “We’re Santa’s elves. We were the ones assigned to watch over you, see if you were naughty or nice.”
“Pfft, you’re very naughty~” Taehyung giggles, blushing like crazy. You raise an eyebrow at him.
“And over the years,” Jimin continues, “We came to fall in love with you to the point of obsession. So now we want to kidnap you and take you to the north pole where we three will live in a polyamorous relationship and only me and Taehyung will get to be with you.”
“We’ll fuck every day.” Taehyung chimes in proudly, earning a smack to the back of his head from Jimin who mutters ‘not yet.’
“Ahahaha, what Taehyung meant was…of course any sexual relationship would be consensual. No means no, after all.” Jimin winks awkwardly
You just sat there, mouth wide open as your brain refused to process all the information that was just presented to you. So not only were your intruders dressed up as elves, but they were also clinically insane.
“I’m calling the cops.”
“W-wait! We can prove it to you!” Jimin jumps, rushing back to your side. “When you were 10, you really wanted a MayaMaya doll collection set didn’t you? You didn’t tell your dad about it because you thought he would get you the knock off; the Papaya doll collection. It was the first and only time you were okay with Santa coming into your house, so you didn’t even set the bear trap in the fireplace like you did every year.”
He was right. What the fuck.
“W…how did you know that?”
“We saw you.” Jimin says, eyes soft and smile tender, “You were wishing so earnestly that Christmas Eve, it almost made me cry.”
“W…wait so…Santa is real?”
“Of course.” They sang in unison
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, time out.” You huff, “He’s been real this whole time, yet he’s never gotten me what I wanted for Christmas?”
“Oh, my love.” Taehyung strides up and sits on your side of the bed, taking your hand in his. “It was out of our hands…we tried to get you on the nice list, but he could sense your bad vibes…also I’m pretty sure he was salty you never left him cookies. He is sort of petty.”
“So you’re telling me that hippy bitch Claire really did deserved that large purple dollhouse more than me?”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, she hasn’t been on the nice list for a long time now…all she asks for are sex toys.” Taehyung stares off into the distance.
“How long have ya’ll been watching me?”
“We are supposed to stop once a kid doesn’t believe in Santa anymore...but we were just always rooting for you. Before we knew it, we were watching you way into adulthood...and then slowly we started falling in love with you.” Jimin blushes
“...Have ya’ll seen me-”
“Naked? No...but we really want to.” Taehyung bites his bottom lip.
“I can’t believe this…” You groan, placing a palm over your forehead.
“Hey now, Jesus didn’t die today for you to be full of despair.” The taller elf rubs your hand with his thumb
“No, you idiot. He was born today…I think.” Jimin tsks
“Oh…well the point still stands. Don’t be sad my love. We never want you to have a bad Christmas again.”
“Anyway, we should hurry before Santa notices we abandoned him. That ass-kisser Jin also tagged along so we don’t have to worry too much about our portion of the presents since he would love to show off how competent he is to Santa all by himself. We can just say we ran a bit late because some kid almost woke up.” Jimin tells Taehyung to which he nods, getting his rope ready.
Oh right, this was a kidnapping. You forgot.
“___, just stay perfectly still and we’ll easily load you into the bottom of Santa’s gift sack. That thing is huge, no one will notice but us.”
“Guys, wait.” You say to which they freeze. “Let me think about this.”
They look at you with pleading puppy dog eyes and you start to contemplate it. Should you go with the two elves that barged into your house and tried to kidnap you and possibly turn you into a sex slave?
What were the pros and cons?
If you go to the North Pole, you’d basically be stuck with everything you hate about Christmas all year round. But could it be that bad seeing how smoking these two elves were? They could easily keep you warm. Were all elves this hot? Wait…could Santa possibly be hot? Your mouth watered thinking about it. Is this an enemies to lovers AU after all?
Whatever it was, it was interesting and more importantly you had a lot of unfinished business with the man in red. You could see it now, forming a mutiny with all the elves. Killing Claus and taking over his empire. Then it would be you who rules Christmas and boy, do you have a few changes you wanted to make like the beginning of this story states. Finally, all your wishes will come true. This time you WILL get the light up Princess Dolly sneakers and MayaMaya doll collection set.
And so, with a sinister plot forming in your head, you smile at the two eager elves in front of you.
“Alright boys, let’s go.”
Maybe this Christmas won’t be so bad after all.
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