#I need 2 revive my social life
chickenisamazing · 2 years
I'm having so much fun with my hair but no one sees it besides my parents who only ever tell me how ugly and stupid they think it looks
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thegracefullion · 4 months
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10 Generations. 10 Different Heroines. 1 Legacy. Welcome to the Literary Heroine Legacy Challenge! I’ve been itching for a good legacy to revive my love for the Sims 4, and I haven’t found one so I wrote one myself.  I was inspired after reading Emma— the family dynamics, drama, and romance were everything I ever wanted in a Sims challenge. So I modernized the stories and adapted them to fit this game.  Special shoutout to Designergirl81, who I met through MissLollypopSims’ Discord! The generations of Anne of Avonlea and Dorothy were their brainchildren. 💗 I designed each generation to reference a famous literary heroine. This is a very story-oriented challenge but feel free to bend, tweak, and change as much as you can! Sims Challenges aren’t meant to limit your fun. 😉 TL;DR: Play your own way while letting these rules guide your storytelling! The official tag of the challenge is #TheLiteraryHeroineChallengeTS4. Have fun! Check out the rules here or keep reading!
Basic Rules
Play on any life span you want but I recommend playing on Normal life span.
You are encouraged to play with female heirs. Of course, this is optional!
You are discouraged from using money cheats. Some generations have stories that are related to their social class— so try to stay true to the story as much as you can.
You can live wherever you want unless the generation states otherwise.
Feel free to customize each generation’s race and sexual orientation
Unless specifically stated, each generation has to finish their aspiration and career.
Even if most of these books are classics, I wrote this with a more modern take on it. You don’t need any mods or CC to fit the eras’ aesthetics— but if you want to, you totally can!
⭐ means there’s a recommended mod for this!
Generation 1: Elizabeth Bennett 📚 Do not consider me now as an elegant female, intending to play you, but as a rational creature, speaking the truth from her heart. 📚
It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that all Sims 4 challenges must start with an heir. In this case, that’s you, which is surprising because everyone else in your life has decided that you are plain, especially when compared to your other two sisters. Lately though, you start to sense that you’ve been getting more attention from your neighbors. One particular Sim hasn’t been able to leave you and your family alone… and you don’t like them at all, not one bit. Well… maybe just a bit.
Aspiration: Successful Lineage 
Traits: Family Oriented, Hot-Headed, Bookworm OR choose/roll for the last trait
Career: Journalist
→ Master the Writing skill. → Live in a rundown family home passed down by your parents with two sisters until you are married. → Have a negative relationship with a neighbor. → Reject a proposal from your work boyfriend. → Build a relationship with your neighbor after you reject the proposal of your ex. → Have a scandal involving one of your sisters that your neighbor supports you through. → Fall in love and marry this neighbor then move in with him. → Have two children.
Generation 2: Emma Woodhouse 💗  It is very difficult for the prosperous to be humble.  💗
Growing up, you were always the sheltered one. Your father was very protective of you, and therefore never let you out of his sight. Of course, that didn’t stop you from becoming well-loved by the entire town. You were known for throwing the best dinner parties and befriending everyone your father and mother knew. Needless to say, this got to your head a bit. You weren’t arrogant, you were confident. In everyone’s eyes, you could do no wrong. Well, everyone except your childhood best friend— who was never afraid to call you out for being a bit clueless at times. 
Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante OR Party Animal
Traits: Self-Assured, High Maintenance, Music-Lover OR choose/roll for the last trait
Career: Romance Consultant or Lawyer
→ Master the Charisma and Piano skills. → Host at least 5 gold-star dinners. → Have a childhood best friend who’s a bit older than you. For example: When you’re 17 (end of teenage years), they’re already 20 (start of young adult years). * → You can’t have good friends who are your age until your childhood best friend ages up into a young adult. → Make a new friend that you treat like a “project” until you two fall out. Choose if you two will reconcile in the future. → Profess your love to your childhood best friend during a heated argument. → Marry your best friend and live with your mother and father in your childhood home until your parents die. Have one child. *It goes without saying to only get with your childhood best friend when the two sims are both young adults 🙂 No super uncomfortable age gaps, please.
Generation 3: Scarlett O’Hara ✨ “Tomorrow, I’ll think of some way to get him back.” ✨ All your life, you grew up spoiled. Your mother and father were so in love, and you almost expected to have a story as romantic and easy as theirs. However, when your high school flame elopes quickly with someone else right after graduation, you start to spiral. No longer able to get things your way, you begin to self-sabotage and jump from relationship to relationship. Deep down you know you should stop and smarten up but frankly, my dear, you don’t give a damn.
Aspiration: Soulmate— you fail this 
Traits: Materialistic, Genius, Jealous OR choose/roll for the last trait
Career: None until your divorce then become a Manual Laborer + Barista
⭐ Recommended Mods: Healthcare Redux Mod, Extreme Violence Mod
→ Don’t master any skill. → Have a high school flame who elopes with someone else. → Elope immediately with someone else. Have them die tragically.* → Marry another person quickly who you have bad compatibility with. Get negative romance with them right before they pass.* → Marry a third time. Have them catch you in a compromising moment with your high school flame, which leads to a divorce that leaves you with nothing. → End up working two part time jobs to keep your household running. → Have 4 kids with your 3 husbands (you can cheat for twins, if you want). *You decide how they die. I recommended having mods like the Healthcare Redux and Extreme Violence in your game for realistic roleplay reasons— but if he gets tragically eaten by a Cowplant that works too! 🙂
Generation 4: Jo March 🧾 “When the first soreness was over, she could laugh at her poor little book, yet believe in it still, and feel herself the wiser and stronger for the buffeting she had received.” 🧾 Growing up was not easy for you. Your childhood was incredibly unpredictable with your mother jumping from relationship-to-relationship. And when things started to stabilize emotionally, you ended up in poverty.  Luckily, you had your siblings to cling to, and a passion for writing that’s unmatched. You wrote a ton of things across different genres, except for romance which you didn’t quite understand. In fact, everyone always expected you to be a little woman, not rough or wild, but you knew in your heart that’s not what you were destined to become.
Aspiration: Best-Selling Author
Traits: Creative, Unflirty, and Ambitious OR choose/roll for the last trait
Career: Author
⭐ Recommended Mods: Writing Career Overhaul, SNB Banking
→ Master the Writing and Logic skills. → Be best friends with all of your siblings. → Start selling short stories as a teenager to help pay the bills. → Get a best friend in high school who professes their love to you during graduation. Turn them down. Optional: Have them marry one of your other siblings. → Move away to the city to focus on your writing. Always send 30% of your income to your mother until she dies. → Due to a tragedy in the family, adopt a child of one of your siblings.* → Win a Starlight Accolade for one of your novels. → Never marry but live a fulfilling life. *They are to be the next heir to preserve the bloodline. You can adopt more if you want.
Generation 5: Anne Shirley 📖 “I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string.” 📖 You were adopted by your aunt and lived a happy childhood. Despite being surrounded by family drama, you never let it dampen your spirit. You struggled with social cues and caused mayhem wherever you went— of course, that never stopped you from making your voice heard. You were, afterall, raised by someone who was never afraid to make a point. However, unlike your aunt, you always longed for romance. You always imagined big declarations of passion— but perhaps it’s time to learn that love creeps to one's side like an old friend through quiet ways.
Aspiration: Academic OR Soulmate
Traits: Romantic, Socially Awkward, and Loyal OR choose/roll for the last trait
Career: Education Career
⭐ Recommended Mod: Education Overhaul
→ Master the Research and Debate skill. → Have a childhood enemy that you become best friends with in high school. → Go to University and study Language and Literature. → Fall out with your best friend while in University. → Start dating someone you meet in University but break up right after graduation. → Get a job in the Education Career and write on the side. → Reconnect with your former best friend and realize you love them. → Get married to your best friend. → Retire from the Education career and become a freelance writer in your twilight years.
Generation 6: Nancy Drew 🔍 “I don't promise to forget the mystery, but I know I'll have a marvelous time.”  🔍 Every bedtime, your mother read you stories that she and your grandmother wrote. Among all of those, it’s your grandmother’s mysteries that impacted you the most. There was something so thrilling about being a heroic, fearless woman who helped others out. Because of this, you gained a bunch of friends who loved you very deeply. With their support, you grew up as a well-known detective who can solve any case.  It was a fun life, but you eventually settled down in Henford-On-Bagley to have a family of your own.
Aspiration: Friend of the World 
Traits: Generous, Nosy, and Outgoing OR choose/roll for the last trait
Career: Detective OR  ⭐ Zerbu’s Simvestigations Mod
→ Master the fitness skill. → Be close friends with both your parents. → Have 2 best friends who are either your roommates (Discover University) or live in the same apartment complex as you (For Rent) for your entire YA life. → Get engaged to someone you meet on-the-job. → Before marrying your fiance, go on a trip to Selvadorada with your 2 best friends and explore the Jungle Temples. → Settle down in Henford-On-Bagley and have a farm life of your own. → Never move away once you settle in Henford-On-Bagley.
Generation 7: Dorothy Gale 🐶 “If we walk far enough, we shall sometime come to someplace.”  🐶 Growing up you knew that there was more to the world than what was outside your own backdoor.  Afterall, your mother was a famous detective— if she went on her own adventures, why can’t you?
With her and your father’s support, you spend your young adult life traveling. You made some great friends along the way (and even some loves), but eventually you start to wonder if there is no place like home.
Aspiration: Local Aspirations— complete at least two
Beach Life
Mt. Komorebi Sightseer 
Fount of Tomarani Knowledge
Traits: Adventurous, Dog Lover, and Loves Outdoors OR choose/roll for the last trait
Career: Any Freelance Career 
⭐ Recommended Mods: SimNation Travel, Home Region
→ Have a dog that goes everywhere with you. → Live in 3 or more worlds during your Young Adult life. → Make 3 best friends that each teach you a valuable life lesson. → After making your three best friends, use reward points to add the following traits: Brave, Savant, and Incredibly Friendly. → As an adult, realize you miss your family and return home. → Have a long distance relationship with the father of your children.
Generation 8: Wendy Darling 🌟 “She was a lovely lady, with a romantic mind and such a sweet mocking mouth. ”  🌟 You grew up waiting. First, for your father’s seasonal visits… which eventually stops when you become a teenager. Next, for the opportunity to leave Henford-on-Bagley to pursue your dreams of becoming an actress. And finally, for your first love, a man who refused to propose to you, no matter how long you waited for him to. Eventually you grew tired waiting and decided to grow up. You married a sensible man, had a child, and gave up your dreams of becoming an actress. Still, you held on to the dreams of your first love and end up reconnecting in a night of passion that leaves you pregnant with his child. Realizing that he’ll never grow up, you decide to dedicate your life to your family and husband.
Aspiration: Master Actor/Actress - you fail this or the⭐ Housewife Aspiration (after you marry)
Traits: Perfectionist, Proper, and Cheerful OR choose/roll for the last trait
Career: Actor/Actress
→ Master the Parenting skill. → Have a distant family dynamic with your father who never lives with you. → Join the drama club and meet your first love. Optional: He has the childish trait. → Give your first love all of your major romantic milestones. → Lose touch with your first love when you move to Del Sol Valley. → Marry a man you’d consider as sensible. Have one child with him. → Have a one time secret affair that results in another child. → Dedicate your life to your children afterwards.
Generation 9: Alice Liddell  🐰 “It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.”  🐰
There were times you felt like you never truly belonged anywhere. While everyone at home lived and abided by your parents’ rules, your head was always in the clouds. Sensibilities and propriety were never in your vocabulary, much to the disdain of your father and the rest of your siblings. Still, you were a free spirit that could never be controlled. After moving out as a young adult, you fell in love with cooking and mixology. You also met a group of misfits who were as different as you. Every Sunday, you’d host special “tea” parties with them, that broadened your worldview and made you realize that the world gets curiouser and curiouser with each passing day.
Aspiration: Master Mixologist or Master Chef
Traits: Clumsy, Foodie, and Childish OR choose/roll for the last trait
Career: Culinary Career
⭐ Recommended Mods: Basemental, Grannies Cookbook, Open Love Life
→ Master the Cooking and Mixology Skills. → Have a juice/nectar hobby on the side. → Have a club with people who have weird or eccentric traits.* → Fall in love with someone with the Erratic Trait. → Host “tea” parties every Sunday in your own home. ⭐ Optional: Use the Basemental Mods and have your Sims get high on dope/drunk on alcohol during the tea parties. → Dye your hair a different, brighter color. → Live in a quirky and colorful house. → Befriend a rabbit who you talk to constantly. Name them The Mad Hatter. → ⭐ Optional: Be in a polyamorous relationship with Romantic Boundaries OR the Open Love Life Mod → Have two children. *You decide what weird and eccentric means.
Generation 10: Countess Ellen Olenska  🎨 “The real loneliness is living among all these people who only ask one to pretend.”  🎨
You appreciated your mother’s lifestyle. You saw the world for what it could become, and not what everyone wanted it to be. However, you worried about your younger sister. You saw her innocence and wanted to protect it. When you turned into a young adult, you moved away and took your sister with you to start anew. However, life was not always easy. Straight out of teenhood, you married someone from a different city and had a tumultuous relationship with him. You separate with him and continue to care for your sister. You’re able to provide for her through your paintings, which also brought you a lot of fame. When she grew up into a Young Adult, she formed an attachment with a man that… intrigued you. She married him. This kept him in your life, but made it difficult for you to ignore your feelings. One night, you find yourself alone together, and you must make a choice: stay with him and break your sister's heart, or leave forever to give them peace. You have a price to pay either way— we can't behave like people in novels without consequence, can we?
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Traits: Gloomy, Art Lover, and Family Oriented OR choose/roll for the last trait
Career: Critic 
⭐ Recommended Mods: RPO, Wonderful Whims, Custom Relationship Bits, Soulmates
→ Master the Painting Skill. → Become a Level 3 Celebrity with your paintings. → Marry someone who isn’t your soulmate straight out of high school. Have a negative relationship with him before separating. ⭐ Optional: Only temporarily separate with him using the RPO Mod. → Be best friends with your sister. → Become soulmates with the partner of your sister without consummating the relationship. → When you’re an adult, invite your sister’s partner over, and make a choice— woohoo together and break your sister's heart, or end the emotional affair. → If you woohoo together - Tell your sister the next day and become enemies. Name your child after them. → If you end the emotional affair - Move away from your love and get back together with your ex-husband. Die without having your own children.
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imbiactuallyposts · 1 month
Hi, everyone. I have no idea who even follows this blog - if anyone does - but i’ve only just revived it to ask you guys for your help. My husband and I are currently both working full time to provide for our son (he’s almost 2 and the absolute light of my life) but our jobs have started to cut my hours and my husband’s as well. We’re behind on my bills, our rent, our car payment, and are at risk of being evicted from our home.
We need $1,000 by next friday (8/23/2024) in order to catch up on the finances. I will be getting a paycheck before that day, but it will still barely make a dent.
I don’t ever ever ever come into social media to make these kinds of requests, but i’m desperate. Please, if you can help, anything would be appreciated.
I only have Chime, as well, because I owe money to other money apps so I can’t use them. I’d like for no one from my real life to find this and know who this is, so i’ve changed my Chime tag to a pseudonym.
Tag: $NiaConnor96
Please help, if you can. Literally anything would be appreciated, even just $1.
Thank you in advance!
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nrieh · 11 months
Deciphering Gale's Book (page 2)
I did not have much hopes for the second page of his book. Most of the main text is truly beyond recognition, even after brightness\contrast tweaks. It's like someone had forgotten to hide their extra layer before rendering, actually😅... but those big scribbles in "Ancient Thorass"?? I think I could actually read them. And..gods, it brings up some...interesting things. See for yourselves.
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You can notice that T is nothing like what it looks like in the base font, but I just can't see what else can it possibly be. Real T symbol looks ugly in this font, so designer might have switched it just for the looks.. So, what do we have here? Some Latin magic, apparently.
Sapien - wisdom. proin - an dverb, something like "according to" or "hence" depending on the context. In pulvinar vox - the same thing is mirrored on the first page. It would roughly translate as "a word on the pillow/cushion". The 'word' can also possibly mean 'spell', as in 'word of power'. Now, to the bottom part. InTeger viTae placeraT... it shattered my heart into tiny pieces, and now it's your turn. In this form it means "He invests his entire life". And it might be totally random and unrelated... but I feel like it isn't... INTEGER VITAE is also happened to be a poem by Thomas Campion, which I stumbled across in attempts to revive my long-forgotten basics of Latin. I'll just...leave it here, I guess?..
The man of life upright,     Whose guiltless heart is free From all dishonest deeds,     Or thought of vanity;
The man whose silent days     In harmless joys are spent, Whom hopes cannot delude,     Nor sorrow discontent;
That man needs neither towers     Nor armour for defence, Nor secret vaults to fly     From thunder's violence:
He only can behold     With unaffrighted eyes The horrors of the deep     And terrors of the skies.
Thus, scorning all the cares     That fate or fortune brings, He makes the heaven his book,     His wisdom heavenly things;
Good thoughts his only friends,     His wealth a well-spent age, The earth his sober inn     And quiet pilgrimage.
There, you have it. I'm not sure I can untangle the background fonts, but if someone can AI-clear it up somehow, then I can give it another try (or share the fonts for the reference, I'm pretty sure that my version is very similar to the one used here).
ps: Would someone pass that to Tim, may be? Somehow, I think he's going to appreciate it. I'm not doing any of those social medias, because I'm that...asocial. 🤐
Link to page 1 for anyone, who had missed it.
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dolliebabydoll15 · 9 months
Floyd x Boom fanfic!
this is my first oneshot, i hope you enjoy! 🫶
It was the end of a brodacious reunion concert at Vacay Island, for the crowd had gone their separate ways, as well as Viva and Poppy to spend much-needed quality time with their father. That left only BroZone, who had gone backstage to collect their things before leaving.
"We did it brothers! I knew we could do it!" said an enthusiastic John Dory.
"Finally, some praise." joked Bruce.
"Hey, can't you see I'm trying here?" snickered JD.
The brothers laughed, and suddenly, they saw Branch's buddies, Hype, Ablaze, Trickee, and Boom, who had performed with them. They were also there to clear backstage of their belongings. JD, Bruce, Clay, and Floyd were still just as amazed as they were when their little bro first introduced them.
"Branch...you wouldn't mind it if we offically met them, would you?" asked Clay.
Branch chuckled. "Sure, I have to go pick up the clue board anyway. Gonna take me a rough 15 minutes or something..."
The brothers smiled, and scampered off to get to know the boy band phenomenon known as Kismet.
Floyd suddenly noticed Boom, the rainbow-haired glitter troll whom he had seen before the concert.
"Hi," greeted Floyd.
"H-hi," Boom replied.
"You did great out there." said Floyd.
"Thanks, took me about 3 weeks to learn the choreo," said Boom. "I kept stepping on Hype's feet," he uttered embarrassingly.
Floyd giggled. "So, how did you meet Branch anyway?" he asked.
"Oh, we're childhood buds, we performed with him a lot after...you and your brothers left him." Boom responded melancholicly. Floyd saddened, remembering that woeful night.
"So...what's your story?" inquired Boom.
"Mine?" Floyd asked, surprised.
Boom nodded. Normally, Floyd was the one asking when it came to talking about emotional stories.
"Well, when I left BroZone to follow my heart and pursue a solo career, it got cut short when I was captured by a phony pair of popstars, Velvet and Veneer, for my talent. Every time they sucked up a piece of my talent, I lost a little bit of my life. This went on for 2 months, but I later noticed that Veneer, one of the phonies, wasn't as bad as I thought he was. He was really trying to make his sister happy, despite Velvet not caring about him at all. I told him that he shouldn't be around people who treat him like garbage, and no one should try to change him, but he didn't get the message until my brothers banded together with my little bro's girlfriend and her sister to form a family harmony to set me free. Unfortunately, since I gave the last of my talent to pitch in, I almost died."
Boom looked as if he were on the verge of tears.
"Don't worry, my brothers revived me with family love. Then, Veneer confessed to the crimes he and Velvet had done. He had a change of heart, but had to go the big house to serve his time. I hope he finds people who treat him with kindness. Afterwards, I forgave my older brothers and rebanded. So yeah, that's my story."
"Wow...I'm sorry all of that happened to you."
"It's okay, I only have the present to focus on now," Floyd responded with a smile, and looked at his brothers, cheerfully socializing with the other members of Kismet.
"Hey guys! We should go now," called Branch. Poppy's definitely gonna go looking for me if we don't leave now," he muttered under his breath.
"Bye, it was nice meeting you!" Floyd said as he got up to leave.
Boom suddenly realized he forgot the most important thing to say when you meet someone. "Wait! I...never got your name."
"OH MY GOSH, THAT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NAME I'VE EVER HEARD!" Boom exclaimed in enchantment. Just then, he realized he replied in a way that was a tad extreme.
Floyd blushed in a shade of rosy pink. "Thank you," he replied with a grin. "What's yours?"
"Nice name," replied Floyd.
They shared a smile and locked eyes. They were so into the moment that they couldn't hear Kismet's mischievous laughs or see BroZone's knowing smiles.
"Floyd! Let's go!" shouted Branch.
As the two groups dispersed, John Dory put his arm around Floyd.
"Well brother, I think this is the start..."
"...of a beautiful friendship!" Trickee chimed. Boom nodded agreeably.
note: sooo, i've had this idea in my head since last night. if you want to give me ideas on how i could do better, tell me in the replies. should I write more in the future?
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ariesphysics · 1 year
3. my interest in astrology had been revived and now i’m going to spill my guts to probably 20 people on the internet :D
[TW: Mentions of ch1ld 4buse]
🦋 Dejanira in 4th house (Capricorn, 6°): It’s unaspected to all of my planets and to my Nessus in 5th house. Dejanira represents the areas of life where one is susceptible to abuse, either from external sources or due to themselves [1].
Coincidentally, I also have 4° degree Saturn and there had been interpretations that the degree your Saturn will tell you what age you had to mature [2] and around this age, I was physically and verbally abused in the house by a caretaker my parents hired because both of them were working and couldn’t really look after me, so it took a while for them to notice that I have been abused by my caretaker.
I have always felt a little neglected in my home because my parents were not really around and my grandmother definitely favored my cousins than me for some reason (I do feel my mom is her least favorite child, mommy issues run deep in this household, lmao.)
My home is comfortable but I do feel a sense of suffocation inside.
🦋 Anyways, from my constant observation of friend groups when I’m bored... I have noticed that the leader or someone who is the group’s core friend is a Libra moon. The link between the other people in the group.
(+) I find it cute when people become friends and they end up adapting each other’s habits, lol. Makes you know what friend group they belong to and the person they’re really close to.
🦋 I finally have my friend’s birth time (straight from the certificate). I might have an explanation as to why she’s the only person I feel comfortable with skinship (Taurus Moon close friend). She has her Mars in my 4th house as this house also represents intimacy and bonding, and with her Capricorn Mars there, I feel physically safe and comfortable when I’m with her.
🦋 Mars signs and body movement!
I came across this Lindaland forum about Mars signs and body movement, and for me, it is accurate (Link is in the last part).
    🌸 Gemini Mars: being restless, darting eyes, fast-paced walker, and clumsy af (keeps tripping and stubbing toes even on a flat surface)
🦋 Leo Moons really care and is meticulous about their physical appearance, how they present themselves, and how they appear to others. This might be even more emphasized if their Moon is in the 1st house, however this placement might lead caring for their looks to being obsessive about it.
🦋 Someone with Juno conjunct Saturn might marry after 29 (Saturn’s years of revolution), will only have one romantic relationship in their life, and is a monogamist. Marriage might come later in life but is long-lasting.
🦋 Other people with Venus sextile Pluto, do you also tend to be obsessive with your crushes to the point of limerence? I have it at 0° which probably explains why I will rarely be attracted to someone, but when I do, I go all in and become limerent. every. single. time. Oh, and I also get deeply jealous even with an Aquarius Venus.
(+) Also, we are talking about Aquarius which is described as somewhat aloof and detached but friendly and humanitarian. This is how my friendships are, I am fine with being alone for some time and okay with just meeting once every six months with my friends. Just like my crushes, my social circle is very limited and I make new friends rarely. However, with my Venus-Pluto aspect, I also tend to be obsessive with them, the thirst to know every piece of information about them, because you need to know your friends, right?
🦋 Piggybacking on the Aquarius discussion, Aquarius Moons tend to be the first person in a room to greet you and acquaint you with the group, they also tend to have a wide social circle. An Aquarius Moon classmate of mine will bump into a person they know in, literally everywhere.
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[1] https://moongoddessastrology.com/2022/06/08/dejanira-in-astrology/
[2] The Deep Way Saturn Degrees In Astrology Affect Your Life | YourTango  
[3] http://www.linda-goodman.com/ubb/Forum24/HTML/229929.html
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phosphorusab · 2 years
Things that I liked about Ricky Potts being an explicitly disabled character (because rewriting him as able bodied with curable PTSD, because people don’t want to see/work with real disabled people onstage is fucking stupid)
1. Him being disabled should’ve been an opportunity for other disabled actors, who often don’t get a chance to shine in big roles. It’s also kinda weird to suggest that one’s disabilities will disappear when they go to the afterlife, as if they wouldn’t be allowed in if they didn’t. Karnak letting Ricky speak/sing was important, but removing his crutches/wheelchair is just erasing the fact that Ricky was disabled in his life.
(Also, when Karnak was going over Ricky’s life, I’m pretty sure the characters casted as Ricky’s parents made random hand gestures instead of actual ASL or LSQ. I find it bizarre that the Potts family would just make up a whole new language, rather than learn ASL/LSQ with Ricky when he lost his ability to speak.)
I could totally see some really creative and neat choreography with crutches or a wheelchair. Hell, Glee fucking did that with an able bodied actor. There are literally people who do dancing tricks with crutches out there, why can’t they do that on stage? It honestly shows a lack of creativity.
2. While all the other Ricky’s were very talented, there was a big difference between how Yannick Mirko portrayed him and how the able bodied Ricky’s did. I noticed that some of the able bodied Ricky’s portrayed him as very nervous, soft spoken, passive and genteel, almost to the point of woobiefication.
Yannick Mirko’s Ricky was none of those things. His Ricky was very sassy and charismatic (which makes sense for Space Age Bachelor Man, now that he got to express his thoughts out loud) and did not take any shit from Ocean.
3. Speaking of Ocean, I think that Ricky being disabled really showed Ocean’s true colors- casual cruelty and literal eugenicist ideals in What The World Needs (Ocean is arguably the character who goes through the most growth in the show).
Ocean is a character that pretends she’s all woke and stuff, but her core philosophy is social Darwinism. Her song demonstrated to the audience that she was not only better than the rest of her peers, but that she was the only choir member fit enough to live. In the song, Ocean mentions that Ricky didn’t deserve to survive the crash because of his (in the original script) degenerative disease, so reviving him would be a waste.
Despite her true feelings about how her life should be prioritized over Ricky because he was disabled, she made a big deal about adding him to the choir despite his mutism, using him as a prop to make the choir look more “inclusive”.
She also constantly infantilizes Ricky for being disabled, and was at first disgusted that “sweet little Ricky Potts” had sexual desires and enjoyed porn. One thing I noticed when Yannick Mirko was Ricky, is that he visibly did not like Ocean, unlike the Ricky’s of the past who seemed to be afraid of her. Mirko’s Ricky would give Ocean attitude, talk back to her- and I remember this one moment where Ocean pushed Ricky around in his wheelchair without asking, causing Ricky to be visibly irked and freaked out.
Ocean is always shown to be in the wrong. So the lesson the audience *should* learn from her is to not treat disabled people as a burden on others and to not infantilize them, they are adults with the same needs, interests and sexual desires as able bodied people.
4. Yannick Mirko being cast as Ricky should have set a positive precedent for other disabled actors. Instead, it seemed like the opposite happened. It just goes to show how shallow and cruel the theatre world is to disabled actors. As an actor with a chronic illness that causes lots of pain and fatigue, I can do literally everything my able bodied castmates can do- I just would need some accommodations and support. I’ve had that before, it’s literally not that hard to be accommodating. But some people see people with a health issue and think that they are such a burden to work with.
A new layer of irony has been added to Ocean’s line, “Accessibility for All 🥺”.
And it really stings.
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laylajeffany · 10 months
Hi! As you can probably guess, I completely love Chaos, and I have a few more questions. Thanks for the playlist by the way, it’s been all I’ve listened to since you linked it. Sorry for all the questions, I’m just curious.
1) In the Spotify playlist, the first song is “Sea, swallow me”. Is that song referenced somewhere in the fic, or does it just give off a general Chaos vibe? I’ve been trying to remember if it was mentioned somewhere but cant recall. As an additional Note, it is my new favourite song, so thanks!
2) You mentioned that all the OCs appearances are physically based on real people. Who are Dr Zypher, Emiliana and Holly-Jane based on? Is Emiliana based off of Eva Green, because thats how I imagine her. You’ve done an excellent job with the OCs, they’re just so perfect.
3) When you describe clothing, do you make them up in your mind or doe they actually exist? I get that some, like the custom ordered dresses in the latest chapter, must be made up, but are some of them real? Do you have some Pinterest board with all of their clothes just to keep track? 😂
4) How do you find time to write? I write 1000 words for my fic every day, and it takes me about an hour. 50K chapters in 2 weeks is a miracle. Do you sleep?
I’ve probably forgotten a question or two, so I hope you don’t mind if I ask more in the future😅
Thank you for all you do, I’ve never been so invested in a fic before. Just remember to relax and take breaks when you need it, don’t force yourself to write on 2 hours sleep!
I am happy to answer questions about Chaos for the Fly, the writing process, and other fic/writing related things. Thank you for your interest! 1. I think I referenced near the beginning somewhere that Wednesday had discovered some music on her own outside of classical when she accepted an algorithm to suggest songs for her. It had been 80s imports of some kind - and that was probably the one that I had in mind, even if it wasn’t mentioned specifically. There’s probably a few songs that weren’t actually mentioned by name but were alluded to in the fic - meaning I didn’t say the title in dialogue, but had something playing in the background for myself, and there you have it. 2. You have opened a VERY DANGEROUS can of worms with this question, lmfao.
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You are a dead ringer for Emiliana! That’s Eva Green, 100%, the ONLY person who could play the role. It would be like a touch of Penny Dreadful for the out-of-her-damn-mind demon possession vibes, but mostly, just as herself (she’s cray and I love how socially awkward and accidentally funny she is in interviews) not so much Vanessa Ives. Eva Green has worked with Tim Burton a ton of times and wouldn’t even need a single line of direction in this role. Emi is SO easy to write because she is pure chaos both in physicality, mentally, her linguistics, her magic, and personality. I honestly think she’s one of the characters I’m saddest isn’t real because she’d fit in to drive Wednesday absolutely MAD as her big bird. I have a feeling we’re not going to explore Raven lore in S2 and the two of them trying to figure out their powers together, after Emiliana spent half her life suffering alone, has been some of my favorite parts of the fic to write. I always write scenes with Emiliana the fastest. Her love of Beanie Babies and bad influence is entirely, too much fun. Her voice is so easy and she will never truly understand American idioms. 
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Dr. Zypher is AMY ADAMS, because GAY-ME, for Amy Adams. She’d absolutely crush the role, the fact that she doesn’t have a closet full of Oscars is just despicable (6 time nominee bro). SHE HAS THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL and I don’t think anyone ever lets her sing enough in movies. Put this woman in some broadway revival of an old musical and you’ll catch me personally saving the economy from collapse by taking the train up to see her every weekend. She's so adaptable and different in any role, and I just feel like she’d volley SO WELL with JO’s Wednesday. She's a professional who understands character layers that sweet and angsty Josie requires.
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Dr. Holly is Emily Blunt plucked right from the Jungle Cruise movie in terms of how she’s styled but a far cry from her character there with her boldness - even if they would likely have competing career ambitions. ALSO HAVE YOU SEEN EMILY BLUNT IN ALL THE SUITS IN THE NEW NETFLIX PAIN HUSTLER MOVIE? I’m deceased. This is a ghost writing. Holly is really in the story 1) because I needed a plot line for Larissa, post-transformation, that didn’t involve Wednesday and was TRAGIC but beautiful and could GO SOMEWHERE, and2) we REALLY do need something to stabilize the molecular structure of shifting-type Outcasts, and 3) it helped give some context as to how desperate Larissa was to hire Normie "Thornhill" and why she took that chance against her usually better judgement- so there she was! Emily Blunt is a CLASS. ACT. In everything she does and I imagine her in a scene with Gwendoline COULD NEVER exist because it would be too powerful, solve all the world’s problems, and capitalism would break, societies would collapse. It could never happen. It wouldn’t be safe. Here’s her glow up, from fresh-out-of-the jungle, to letting Larissa buy her some new clothes and maybe letting her hair down every now and then, to nerdy botanist bombshell, at the New Nevermore Network, helping her girl rebuild things to be a more fair society for Outcasts. GORGE. 
ARE THESE ALL JUST WOMEN IN THEIR MID 40s THAT I HAVE A BIG LESBIAN CRUSH ON? YEAH, YEAH THEY ARE. There’s obviously more for staff at Nevermore and the Network but I have a solid 5k to get to writing still this evening. The rest of my OCs are pretty minor (well villain aside), and I don’t really care enough about any man to spend the time looking for pictures of /boys/. These are the 3 OCs that are featured the most, anyway. Some day I’ll find enough energy to do the rest. I have extreme face-blindness when I read, and the ONLY WAY I can thusly write an OC is if my beta makes a powerpoint presentation for me with an actor/ress in mind for me to visualize in the role. When I tell ya, she hit the nail on the head with those three above? Unbelievable.  Another favorite not-OC, but someone I HARDCORE RECASTED FOR THIS would be Granny Frump. We went from Margaret Hamilton (OG Wicked Witch of the West from Wizard of Oz) in the 1960s Addams Family, which is EXCELLENT CASTING, but to fit the more modern-era Wednesday 2022 adaptation, and to give a flair of the drama as to perhaps where Morticia “gets it from,” I decided to cast someone only two years older than Catherine Zeta-Jones to give that “Frump Homespun Magic” storyline some weight of ‘the potions and beauty charms work’ and went with a non-actress, for the aesthetics (though she could KILL IT her appearances are small), and that is the one and only, What Not To Wear’s Stacy London.
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Like IMAGINE that matching vibe with CZJ’s Morticia? Stacy has similar build/some features in common, and with the all black hair BUT WITH HER SIGNATURE gray stripe? Iconic. (And that was also Grandpa “Clint’s” backstory last chapter, as in Stacy and Clinton’s dramatic saga. HEY - IF YOU DONT HAVE INSIDE JOKES WITH YOUR BETA in your writing, what’s the point??) Stacy’s voice and CZJ’s Morticia voice together would be SO GRATING and Wednesday would just be so in-her-element between them, I LIVE.  3. I usually just visualize what I’d want the characters to wear! I don’t often have picture inspiration - though sometimes I am writing and it says in bold highlight DESCRIBE THE DRESS - TRACEY FIND ME A DRESS, and she sends me some pictures to go through so I can just describe a garment without having to make it up. I don’t have a Pinterest I’d be willing to share. It’s just a binder full of women in a way that would probably unsettle most. 
4. I usually write about 2-2.5k an hour if that is all I’m focused on. I probably average 4-9k on a work day without a second job or social obligation after work, and the most I’ve ever written on a single day that I had no work, other ‘sponserbilities, or social plans was 21k. On an average weekend with like one thing to do during the day and some chores and relaxation time not writing, I probably go around 14-16k per day. At the same time I started this fic, I set a new year resolution to myself to only work my contracted hours, so with the exception of a few crazy times in the school year - like conferences - I work from 8:00-15:30 M-F, and I live a three minute walk from my school, so I don’t even lose time commuting. I also stopped working on weekday evenings on the side in August, and starting in 2024 will not be doing any extra side work at all. I don’t sleep great but I do try! :) Thanks for the questions! I've been meaning to give some faces to those 3 OCs. I strongly encourage you to print out pictures of them and post them on your fridge, you will be 100% happier if you do.
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henrysglock · 11 months
Several opinions that would probably get me banned from the ST subreddit (at least some of them lol)
1) Nancy and Steve would have a toxic relationship if they got together again
2) Jason would've killed Eddie if he actually catched him (even if on accident)
3) Argyle is not a bad character and actually important to the plot + I'm so happy that Jonathan finally got a friend that isn't his girlfriend!
4) Max will probably stay blind even if she gets revived AND THATS OKAY
5) Hopper was absolutely not ready to take care of El in s2. Yes he gave her food and clothes but he abandoned her for days! (That whole argument he had with her aside) also in s3 he acted like a helicopter parent
6) Mike kissing El in s1 was rushed
7) Brenner is the actual villian of the whole story
Agree. They're not right for each other, even though Steve's grown up. Nancy's not built for a "6 nuggets" life, and she expresses as much when she says it sounds like a nightmare.
HARD agree. Jason would have murdered Eddie, undoubtedly.
YES! YES YES YES!!! Argyle my beloved <3 He's the unsung hero of this season. Where would be be without him? Stranded in Cali and completely cut off from Hawkins. That's all thanks to Argyle.
SPEAK!!! SPEAK!!!! Max should be permanently disabled after Vecna's attack, and that should be okay. She doesn't need to be magically healed in order to live a full and happy life when she wakes up, and honestly it would be very deus ex machina if someone were to magically heal her. Ew.
Anon you are on FIRE tonight!! Hopper wasn't mentally or emotionally prepared to care for a high-needs child. El is a high-needs child. She's traumatized, socially and emotionally stunted, and she's not nearly old enough to be left on her own. In ST3 he was a toxic overbearing father. Miss me with that.
Absolutely. It drives me up a wall, even if I understand why they stuck it in there the way they did. Was it purposeful? Can I see the logic behind it? Yes and yes. Does that mean it's not rushed and painfully awkward? No.
Anon. You are 7 for 7 tonight. Brenner and his curiosity without morality is the root of the entire conflict. If he hadn't been involved with the Creels the way he was, we wouldn't have a story. Kate Trefry just said it herself: There's a reason One ended up the way he did. He wasn't born like this. He was shaped. Brenner was that ultimate shaping force in our villain. Brenner, from the start, has been the ultimate evil in Stranger Things.
Send me unpopular opinions!
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acgames · 3 months
I've been bombarded with Dragon Age posts since the 4th game is arriving soon and that has kinda reactivated my interest in the franchise, + I remember you making some posts about it in the past so... OC lore? Pretty please?
Well I am glad I am not the only one who had my love for Dragon Age revived.
But yeah, I am huge fan of the series and own/have played all three previous titles as well as have my own worldstate I absolutely love and wish to keep adding upon with the fourth game... Eventually.
I have three main protagonist OCs for each of the main games: my Hero of Ferelden from DA:Origins, my Hawke from DA2 and my Inquisitor from DA:Inquisition.
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Gerard Cousland is my Warden and youngest son of noble house Cousland. Despite being from very influential and rich family, he is very free spirit and prefers to do things his own way than to follow social norms, which puts him in pretty problematic relationship wih his own mother, who is very strict and wants for Gerard to marry and start family life, which Gerard greatly resents.
Personality wise, Gerard has short temper, sharp tongue and a streak of mean sarcasm. He prefers to get things done his own way and do not dally in helping others. yeah he starts as bit of a selfish scumbag, but he learns to take responsability over the journey. Still he means well, just complains alot...
In a twisted way of fate, Cousland family gets betrayed and massacred with Gerard being the only survivor (his brother survived too but it is only discovered later), pretty much dragged against his own will. Gerard's survival came with a price tho, so he became Grey Warden: pretty much poisioned himself to help save the world and dedicated his now greatly shortened life to stop the Fifth Blight (yet still almost entirely against his free will). Still despite being tasked to save the world and rally an army with his trusted bunch of weirdo friends, Gerard is obsessed with idea of revenge, which he comes to learn won't fix things anyways...
Still in the end Gerard and his bunch of friends/comrades succeeded in stopping the Blight, Gerard ended up leader of Fereldan Grey Wardens and kept leading them since then.
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Gerard did end up in unlikely relationship with Morrigan, witch of the wilds, but two of them actually had more in common than differences: both prefered individual freedom of making their own choices as well as not feeling like their relationship made them both feel "tied down". Still two have stuck up together for more than a decade at this point and even have son together, Kieran.
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Gerard had "dropped by" Halamshiral to have a meeting with Morrigan while being away on his search for the cure of the taint. In other words I modded Inquisition to let me have two of them together... Yes I have priorities...
Arioniel (or Arion) Hawke is my well... Hawke and protagonist of Dragon Age 2. He is just too pure and too good of a guy to have to go through the plot of DA2, but yet he did.
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Arion is oldest brother, who was forced to fill shoes of his late father, and not only become a breadwinner for his mother and siblings, but also provide security and care for them, so he did the best he could, even if it meant Arion had work for some shady people and acquire skills you wouldn't think someone like him could possess.
Personality wise, Arion is altruistic, kind and a softie, but he can be cold and tactical once he needs to defend his loved ones or fight for his goals. His "dark side" is that Arion is professionally trained assassin who had worked for Antivan Crows. Yeah looking at him no one would tell he's actual expert killer, but if pressed Arioniel will be ruthless and efficient in ending someone's life. Yet, he hates himself for this.
Well there's isn't much to say about Arion without reciting plot of DA2, but he is mage rights supporter and has only remaining sibling who is alive: younger mage sister Bethany and even so Arion still lost her to the Circle of Magi, where all mages are locked up. Still despite that and Kirkwall in general being filled with foul things, Arion tried his best to do a positive difference no matter how many times life just beat crap out of him.
Arion ended up in relationship with Merrill, elf apostate and dear friend. I guess two of them had to carry a lot on their shoulders and be responsible for safety and wellbeing of others around them, while also harboring dark powers/skills/secrets (Merrill's a blood mage), both just fell for eachother (also both have really good hearts in them). They canonically have no kids, but I think it's possible they would, because I see both Arion and Merrill and type to want at least one kid.
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Tallah Adaar is my Inquisitor and a Qunari warrior. He just ended in wrong place at wrong time, thus becoming an Inqusitor and leader of Inquisition, an organisation revived to bring world stability back.
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Tallah is oldest son of two Vashoth, refugee Qunari who escaped the Qun, so Tallah and his younger sister naturally were raised as close to human way of living as was possible to his parents, still that did not help him and his family suffer from violance and racism. Yet, despite the hardships, Tallah managed to make living just as his parents did.
Tallah is easy going and very humorious type. He is a sunshine despite quite scary looks and can act as such. People around him know him as someone who is almost always in good mood (because then he isn't Lord save us all)
Tallah ended up in relationship with Cassandra Pentaghast, who is quite older than him and also a noble human, but both of them don't really acknowledge any racist remarks their couple ever gets. In start Tallah and Cassandra butted heads over their different opinions, but realising how much Inquisition's success matters to Cassandra, Tallah relented, soon starting to see Cassandra in the new light. The light which made him fall for her hard.
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(yes Tallah is that tall...)
In the end Tallah as Inquisitor decided to stay working as honor guard to newly appointed Divine, Cassandra joining him in the duties. So two of them are coworkers and actually get married (then you are buddies with a pope and work for her, interracial marriage is minor feat). So far two of them have no kids as there are no canon info if their races even can have biracial kids or not. If it's not possible I probs imagine they adopted in the future...
Hopefully I did not ramble too much. I also assumed you know the plots of all the games so I did not go into detail about that or choices my guys picked. If you want some specific answers, feel free to ask. Also I have one more OC: Tallah's younger sister Karaah, but I might make her my future DA4 protag.
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a-zira-fell · 1 year
This post is a Work in Progress and will be edited.
The Second Coming
Jesus comes back in a Judgement Day kinda situation - some Good Omens thoughts
(Footnotes under readmore) (1)
1. Who is Jesus?
At the time of the setting of Season 3 (2026?), he should be in his mid thirties (2)
A carpenter? It seems in keeping with the humour and charme of GO that he may well be a carpenter
I don't care about Jesus's gender at all. Might be a guy, might be a girl, might be neither or both, but what i know for sure is that Jesus has to be queer (3)
2. His Parents
Son of a Carpenter and the 'Virgin Mary'
maybe their names are Joseph and Mary maybe not
Young couple just got pregnant (Jane the Virgin type situation?), decide to keep it, one time there was a weird posh guy who told her she would bear the Second Coming of the Son of God and she replied "I don't even want an abortion, man" and forgot about it (4)
Punk adjacent working class parents in the 90s
Atheist-raised Christ?
3. Jesus had a hell of a weird childhood
Sparks of divine energy at random times, often emotionally triggered
Brought objects to life and revived dead pets for friends
4. Good Omens tie-in
The events of GO 1 may have triggered something in him (5) and since then miracles happen more and more frequently and he's learning to control them
He finds himself speaking truths he can't quite wrap his own head around
There are still bursts that are linked to emotions, so sometimes it's not as easy to hide. With social media and all
It has attracted people to him, some of whon may see in him the Second Coming of Christ. It's true, he knows, but it feels like a dark secret because there is so much he doesn't understand
It's like a cult that he's barely a part of, yet he is the leader
5. His Environment
He's got this close circle of friends but twelve is a lot by those standards and it's mostly just hanging out with some of them at one time
There are few occasions with all of them present but it's always a good time.
Jesus doesn't have a favourite. He has some friends that are closer but everyone contributes to the group.
He still feels set apart from them all except:
6. Judas
is the boyfriend
Absolutely devoted to Jesus but also a natural born helper who puts the cause first and manages the budget of the group as organisers of protests or booths at pride
Crowley finds he is easy to tempt to do many things, but his resolve to protect Jesus is unwavering, temptations that involve Jesus in any way don't catch on Judas (6)
Jesus relies on Judas a lot. He's torn between his fate, this whole unknown side to the world, and Judas, his foot in the real world. His rock in the stormy sea.
7. Miscellaneous
Jesus has for sure taken apart a queerphobic booth next to a church once, at the far side of a Pride Event
He was drunk one summer night and came by a plum tree in someone's yard, plums not ripe just yet. He cussed it out half jokingly, forgetting about magic bursts. Then next day the tree is completely shrivelled up
Got thoughts about Jesus? 💌 (69)
(1) yeah, it's that kind of post
(4) is there one christ per generation? That never goes off bc it's never the time. Like a switch needs to be switched to activate the sleeper agent Christ within. (All humans are made the same. Anyone could be christ.
(2) to my knowledge (adequate) Christ's birth is placed ca 4-7 BC, making him 34-37 in 30 or even 37-40 in 33 ad where his main work that we usually know him from (not the carpentry) took place.
(3) I'll refer to Jesus as he in this post bc that's easier
- is there one woodworker's kid per generation, across the globe that is just Soooooooooo fucking weird?
- does Gabriel visit one mother per generation and activate a Jesus Gene or ...
(5) or was the book of life used to activate that?
(6) I am a firm believer in 'Judas tried to deescalate the situation in Jerusalem before Jesus could come to any harm by choosing the lesser of all evils, which to him seemed to be having Jesus arrested and locked up for the duration of Pesach.' This plan however, spectacularly backfired. He unknowingly sent humanity's God-approved sacrificial lamb exactly where it could be most effectively used. Poor sod. He was just in love and unaware of the power of a mimetic crisis.
(69) This is the last footnote. Please step into my inbox 💌 with opinions and ideas. As I update this post, I will tag to credit ideas that weren't mine.
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the-white-soul · 5 months
*Flowey listens to Alphys and Kris’ roleplay carefully, mentally noting things that would be good to mention in the actual court case. He’s seen the Alphys from his world have some confident sparks or even a complete attitude change in his past runs, so it's not new to him, but it still is cool to see that bit of passion flow from a regular trainwreck.*
I say they’d argue back that killing several children wasn’t a mistake, but that was a good start! We’re not focusing on the actual arguments not anyway, lucky for you, just the way you hold yourself.
Law stuff is really uptight I say you should be careful of what you say, yet you also should have some emotion- hold off on crying for credibility- so you're not putting everyone to sleep.
(Alphys) "Thanks. Talking can be difficult, but I can practice more some other time. Now, I'll study some monster/human history to check I didn't miss anything important. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my lab." Alphys goes out the door. (Undyne) "I was only speechless because I didn't want to interrupt her. She does have a side to her, I see. You should hear some of what she said about Mew-Mew Kissy Cutie 2 online. That's the problem. I can tell she can say so much, but she doesn't out of either social anxiety or thinking no one will care. I love her and wish she would love herself." (Kara) "We can only hope. Someone's life is on the line, and by the way, Chara talked, it seems like multiple lives could be on the line. Does anyone believe in a religion? If so, pray hard. We'll need all the help we can get." Sans walked down, and everyone explained what Chara's plan was. (Sans) "That kid has ruined our lives again? What's next, the sky is blue?" (Kara) "I have a question about that. How did Chara turn into Flowey?" (Toriel) "It was all my fault. After coming back with arrows in his back, my son, in his last words, said, 'They didn't deserve this. Take Chara and put them to rest.' I was so filled with grief that I ended up going to a mad doctor. The man refused to say his name but said he might fix Chara. When I asked why he didn't inform us earlier, he said, 'I wasn't around then.' I shouldn't have trusted him, but when you hear your kid may be revived after your other is dead, you don't say no. It is impossible. I agreed, and he explained the process. It is not like it mattered to me. If it works, I would do anything. He mentioned how humans are born with determination unparalleled by others. Unfortunately, that determination is lost when you die. So he replaced some of the determination from some fallen monsters and injected it into Chara. They melted, and I thought it was over. My guess is since a flower was on the ground, they got turned into it. Me and that scientist are responsible. I'm so sorry, I was so desperate that…" (Kara) "Shh… you were struck with grief. It was an accident, and you didn't know any better. We'll have to clean up the mess made. Who knows, maybe one day Chara will become a good person. Then it might be worth it." (Toriel) "Perhaps one day."
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imagines-babes · 2 years
This are the story I’ve written so far and more is to come so come join me. Also if you have requests I will take them. I will try to post each week and this will be updated aswell so bye.
Spotify playlist (full of the songs I’ve used)
One last Dance
This story was inspired by  'One Last Dance by  Us the Duo'  This song was made by someone's grandparents true events. Their granddaughter explained it to the duo as they made this song.
The Red Means I Love You (c!Dream)
This story is related to the dsmp lore of when dream got out of prison and meeting with punz in the snow. This is also c!dream.
In My Dreams
One believe in true love sight as the other isn’t on broad to it till their dream.
Every couple has things that the other person doesn’t like. Dream loves your hiccups while you hate them.
Inspired by the song of Ariana grande and social house. Really not that good as some other one. Don't like it Don’t hate it.
Meant to be
IThis story is basically about how two lovers thought their relationship is good but when you look deeper it's not all flowers and sunshine.
Can’t pretend
This is about how the reader gets trapped in a dream. Sapnap and his friends try to help you leave the dream but at what cost.
Here with me
An random gesture can go a long way. For the two people.
On this night you and him have to leave your life behind or tried to. But it all feels similar. Too similar.
Learn To Love
You and george have been friends for the longest time since middle school. Then a dance with the words I love you change the ways they see each other
So George and the reader have a son. One day George picked his son up at school. The son, Brian, asked "what is his home?" 
i’m yours (spicy)
The villain need to be stop so 404 goes down to try to stop everything to only see she isn’t there. Hearing her voice behind him make him aware. As they get closer to each blossom a kiss
While We're Young
Based on the movie 51 dates. The reader and alex meet at a dinner. Alex starts to fall for reader. Till he finds out the reader won't remember him.
Only (c! Quackity)
This has somethings to deal with las Nevadas lore. When c!quackity came back from seeing his ex-fiance. Ten seeing dreamxd saying the reader knows what's gonna happen next. To ether risk their life or to risk Charlie.
Curl up & Die (c! Quackity)
This also has to do with lore. But lore from c!Wilbur of the hitting on sixteen. And dash with other lore. The reader will always be there for c!quackity maybe even risk their life as well.
Who is She? (c! Quackity)
This is from Las Nevadas last lore Stream. Where not only slime die but so did you losing your last life in the dsmp. Dream helps revive you and Purpled tells you the reason you died is because of Quackity. So now it’s revenge
2 hours till you say I do. Now remembering the night he asked you to be his partner.
Lovers Rock
You learn to speak Spanish and surprise quackity.
Karl jacobs
So this is love
Royalty au. Rumor say once you dance with someone. You can tell if the two dancers are in love. But that is just a myth right?
Young folks
Learning how to play blackjack with karl. Making a bet to whoever wins gets to get something in return.
When he asked me to go out with him was the best feeling in the world. But now those feelings were fading as if we are two candles and our light is dimming slowly.
Revenge (c!karl Jacobs)
Love is what he wants in this timeline with you but you love Alex and Rodger. He will stop at that and will do anything for your love but he went to far this time.
Y/n wakes up first to see him still asleep. Slowly starts to look at all his features. Feeling grateful for everything that his has help.
Wilbur Soot
Les yeux noirs
Wilbur has an assassin. Maybe the assassin won’t kill him or maybe they will. Would they want to risk losing their job for him.
A trip down memory lane for Wilbur. Moving into a house he notice a box full or memories.
Love in the Dark (c! Wilbur)
You and Wilbur were passed lovers and you stayed with Techno. They need your help with it. The lore is still the same but you kill him and not Phil.
The married couple with the willow tree journey
Starry Starry Night (c! Techno)
Techno wasn’t always uptight and had no time for fun. Then he had y/n to smile and laugh. Till one night change everything
Rise the moon (c! Tommy)
C!tommy been though, hell and back.one goddess looked at the poor boy with tears. Till c!dream kills him with punches. Now the goddess has to wait for their arrival.
Goodbye to a world (c! Tommy)
You and Charlie have to survive 100 days in a zombie apocalypse. Meeting tons of people along the way. One being a blonde boy name Tommy. Will you both survive.
I bet on losing Dogs (c! Tubbo)
With all the things that c!tubbo has done or lost. He feels alone. Their sibling is still with them but in the shadow and has a reason why they left. But what the sibling doesn't know that c!tubbo is in the shadow as well. Minecraft au
Eventually (c! Punz)
You and Punz we're fine till one night you overheard something. Then left everything to live outside the smp. One night a knock came to the door. Only to see Dream and Punz. What do they want with you?
I Was Made for Loving You (prt. 1)
In summary it’s 2 friends who love each other and are scared to admit while being on a FaceTime call.
Would That I (prt 2)
It was long waited till I get to see him again. Now I’m just meeting him but his mother as-well. Now there are lovers within minutes apart.
Love me Please (prt. 3)
It’s New Year’s Eve, you have stayed with till going to the dream team house. Seeing the 3 men with Hannah and Sylvee. Maybe tonight the night you will tell him how you feel.
No time to die
The gods say you and foolish were meant to be, but how are you meant to be when one’s a god and you are just an ordinary human. Finally after years of not seeing you foolish finds you in the Roman’s maybe it will last
I Won’t Say(I’m In Love) (c!foolish)
In every part of your body you swore that you weren’t going to fall in love only because it a myth. Till you meet a demigod.
Another stream was done. Foolish builds his ship and lays with you asking about his build and how you think of it.
I’ll Never Smile Again
An apocalypse happened slowly yourself and Noah are going insane till you found an abandoned place. I hope you and him can make it to it.
After the White House you make your journey to the safe haven. Along the way you happen to meet someone. But on the bridge things change.
If the world was ending
It was ordinary day, watching Sam stream till the tv muted to only hear an alarm saying The world is ending. How would you end that day with Sam
i can't help it
It's Sam's turn to take you on a date this week. Him remembering one of the things you used to do as a kid. You both spend the evening together and dance in the rain.
Waking up to smell good. Walking downstairs to only meet Niki. Spending the day with her. Then sleeping together to only notice it was all a dream.
Multiple people
Fool (Dreamx reader x wilbur)
You really like dream but Dream didn’t like you back. On April fools a prank has been made. Maybe just maybe you were liking the wrong guy.
Black Out Days (dsmp)
Y/n life in the dsmp and finding her peace with old friends.
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stargaby13 · 1 year
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The Taylor Swift Eras Legacy Sims Challenge
So, I have an ideia: A Legacy Challenge inspired in TS eras, using the songs from the albun and facts we know about her life at that time. I'm a big (like BIG) fan and want to do something cool inspired on her and her work, and now with this new tour and all this "revival" of the past eras, well, why not? But please, keep in mind this isn't to be a "based on real facts" kinda a thing, i'll be using the songs from the albuns as primary source of information for the generations on this challenge.
General rules:
Most of the traits and other things have a base game option and an alternative, so is up to you choose (but, for me, I'll always prefer the ones I don't usually use on my games);
Each gen have a color (like a berry/not so berry type of challenge), but you don't have to use it, absolutely optional!
Starting the challenge:
Start the challenge with a Family (Parents and the heir - as a baby/toddler - and after the heir becomes a child, have at least one more sibling. If you want to expand further, make a Grandparent who must be best friends with the heir and have the same profession he will have in the future). They live in a nice house - if you have cottage living, a farm - (the heir will move out at some point), only one of the parents can go to work and the other stay home taking care of the house and kids. This is just a starting and optional rule, after this, each gen keeps going as usual for a legacy challenge;
IF you want, you can move out from the "farm" when the heir becames a teenager, and go live in a "bigger city".
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Generation One:  - Taylor Swift (2006)
Color: Mint / Teal
Traits: Creative, Romantic & Bookworm (If you have Highschool years, change one for Socially Awkward)
Aspiration: *If you have Highschool years - Goal Oriented and after completing/becoming a young adult - Soulmate
Carrer:  Entertainer - Musician Branch
Master entertainer (musician branch) career and complete Soulmate aspiration
Master guitar and charisma skills
Have four romantic relations: 1 - a highschool sweeatheart type of thing, ending in good terms when you grow up to be young adults; 2- A cute sim you go on a date with, but then get to now better and they turns out to be awful (this sim need to have a bad trait); 3 - a crush you don't get to date, just befriend and keep in touch every now and then; 4 - You start a relationship and all is well, then you move in togheter, but they cheat on you and you see it = bad break up!
The 3 will be The One: after some time apart, they call you to meet and throu the conversation you notice they like you back and then confesse your feelings and get togheter.
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Generation Two: Fearless (2008) 
Color: Yellow/Gold
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emeritus-fuckers · 9 months
MATCH-UP TIME MATCH-UP TIME! Congrats, first of all, and thanks for reviving the events!
1. Your identity!
I am a trans guy, use he/him and I´m bi!
2. Who do you like? (pick from these ones)
I would like to be matched with a Papa :)
3. What do you look like?
I´m just a silly little guy honestly. I only have 2 styles, color vomit (Look like a clown with how colorful I am) or I dress more into the direction of techwear! I just like comfy clothes :) since I am rather short too I sometimes just drown in my clothes but I like it that way, very cozy
4. What's your personality?
I would say I am very chill and calm, very collected too, it takes a lot for me to panic or get even the slightest bit angry. I am very loyal and try to comfort my friends when they have a bad day/time, but I do sometimes get awkward since I tend to miss social cues now and then
5. Tell us about your interests!
I looove sci-fi and fantasy in general! I love dressing up and cosplaying and whatnot, everything to make life just a tad bit more fun, interesting and adventureous! I also looove reading (just about anything, fiction and non-fiction) and also writing myself!
6. Trivia time!
I drink about a bazillion gallons of tea a day and also nap 24/7, I tend to give bugs names and try to keep them safe (especially the lil spider friends)
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is... Papa Emeritus IV
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He saw you keeping a spider safe and then naming it, he just fell in love with you in that moment.
He often lends you his hoodie, it's very cosy and comfy. He loves seeing you looking happy when you wear it.
You are really good at being there for him when he needs you. It's good you can stay calm and chill as this helps him stay calm. Sometimes his job and stuff can get stressful but you always help him leave that behind when he is with you.
He is also always there for you, he is just as loyal and if you ever need him he will drop everything and be there for you.
He helps with cosplay and dressing up. He finds the coolest stuff to help with an outfit. He is totally up for joining in.
While you sit and read he'll let you snuggle close to him. You are both very content on the sofa, him playing his video games with his arms around you while you read.
If he finds you napping he will carefully put a blanket over you and kiss you on the forhead.
He knows to always have the kettle on so he can bring you lots of tea. He gets the tea from Primo so it is the best tea you've ever had.
Written by Nyx
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vote-gaara · 2 years
Let's say no tragic betrayals happened to Gaara. What kind of personality and s/o do you think he'd be?
Anon, you have asked the question that has always been my greatest fear.
Now don't get me wrong, I've asked this question to myself many a times...And the truth is that...Well...I don't really know.
The problem is that I don't think Gaara would be the same character without all the torment that he eventually overcame. I'm not saying that it would be a bad thing...but it would be different. Indeed, Gaara would also be a lot less notable and I would also argue that he would make even less of an impact on the shinobi world than he did in the canon universe.
Actually, in a lot of ways, Gaara can be crowned "King of the Assist" as the war would not have been won without his contribution. The world would be a much darker place if Gaara was anyone else but his current self...Someone really ought to tell him...
But forget about that for a moment, and let's focus on your specific question by breaking it down into two possibilities.
Personality 1: Gaara still had Shukaku but Yashamaru didn't betray him.
Personality 2: Gaara never got Shukaku and got to live a normal life
Personality 1
Gaara would still have many of his current (more notable) personality traits if Yashamaru never betrayed him.
Since Gaara would still possess Shukaku, he would still have to bear the hatred of his village, loneliness, and the pain of being alienated from his siblings as well as the disapproval from his father. He would be incredibly shy, afraid to insert himself into conversations in fear of being rejected by his peers, and a little weird (lol).
As Gaara got older - into his teen years - I think he would become more and more bitter towards people, and perhaps this is where he would sharpen his quick wit and lethal sass; however, he wouldn't go around killing people as he did in the canon universe. Rather, he would become more of a bystander to people, not caring to socialize with them for pleasurable reasons and not assisting them if they needed help.
Eventually Gaara would come out the other side a lot less tormented by guilt, as he wouldn't have murdered anyone outside of missions or by accident (including loss of emotional control). He may even grow to be more social and talkative since - as he got older and gained more control - he would be integrated back into his sibling's lives.
Perhaps in this universe Gaara would be more of an "underachiever" in comparison to his canon self. There would be no pressure and no personal purpose for him to become Kazekage, as his bonds with Yashamaru, his siblings and perhaps the small friend group he made through these connections would be enough to sustain him. Rather than embracing his path of solitude to repay his village and do good by his people, he would simply just be a shinobi and pursue more self-serving relationships and motivations.
He would likely not be friends with Naruto, as he would have likely followed the guidelines for the mission to crush The Leaf Village, which would pose a colossal threat to his life. He may also be more protected during his kidnapping at the start of Shippuden, though he would've likely die eventually at the hands of the extraction, since there would be no reason for anyone to revive him after he had died.
In this way, I think Gaara would have lived a very short life, but perhaps a less painful one. Since this is what I think, I don't think Gaara would be mature enough to develop as a romantic partner, and he would likely not have even considered this part of life yet. All of his romantic connections would probably be short, immature bursts of teenage romance. He likely wouldn't be interested in the individuals, but would have a superficial affection towards them for the self esteem boost; they also likely wouldn't like him and perhaps would only be "dating" him to rebel or to seem "cool" by "dating the Jinchuriki"
If he did live to adulthood, he would probably require a SO much like his canon-self would. They would have to be individualistic, sassy, emotionally intelligent, light hearted, idealistic and self sacrificing. Gaara would likely be the same kind of SO as he would in his canon-self, but he would devote a lot more time to his partner, and he would require a lot more from them to feel secure in their relationship. After all, idle hands are the devils workshop, and if Gaara didn't have the huge commitment of being Kazekage, he would have more time to feed his insecurities and ask for his SO to cull them.
Personality 2
I don't know.
I have no idea who he would be without his trauma, as he would be a totally different character for me.
Certainly he would be a kind boy and a kind man. He probably would be a lot less shy...I guess he would just be a regular dude???
I think if he had no betrayal or anything like that, he would likely be the safest as there would be no reason to kill or kidnap him. He would also be safe during The Leaf Village attack, and would probably be in the same ninja class as his siblings. However the world itself would pay DEARLY.
I can't even speak to what kinds of things he would enjoy in a SO (or even what kind of SO he would be) as his values would be drastically different. The Gaara we currently know values bonds and people over all else because that was the thing he never received, and so if you take away that struggle, you immediately change his values.
I'm not saying that he wouldn't care about things like friendship and popularity, but it would be in the same league that everyone else does.
You take for granted what you currently have, I suppose, and so Gaara would just handle relationships the same way anyone would.
But again....I have no idea.
Thanks for the question!
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