#I need to find a way to draw them as trolls and like it
paotulip · 10 months
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I still don’t like 100% how I draw them as trolls, so here’s a sketch of human! Branch and Poppy having a pillow fort date or something watching movies and being cute :]
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hypewinter · 4 months
Hear me out! Danny finds his human form slowly getting more eldrich as he gets older (and more powerful) and ends up going to Gotham where people are way less likely to ask questions!
Sadly when the people of Gotham see Danny, oops my shadow has eyes now, Fenton they just assume he's gonna be a new Rouge!
Que the bat fam watching Danny waiting for him to make his move, over-analyzing everything he does. Mans can't even buy a new laptop without Bruce breathing down his neck about it
This would be an issue if Danny wasn't such a little troll, and he starts buying more obviously ominous things only to openly use them in improperly boring and normal ways. Like buys a death lazer and can be seen using it to make toast, buys a cursed box full of death themed artifacts and uses it as a coffee table, that kinda stuff.
Every time the bat's assume 'this is it!' And gets ready to take him down, only to see Danny setting up a new 'coat rack' made of kriptonite
Even better when they see him tinkering on some kind of doomsday device, the kind that looks super evil and dangerous and even has a red count down timer on the front and- it's a fucking air frier again! He already has three! Why does he keep making air friers?! Obviously this must be some kind of scheme
I raise you: Danny starts selling his things out to random citizens (they've all been intensely screened). The bats panic thinking this is an attempt to cripple Gotham in one fell swoop. Nope. Ms. Randall just really needed a new air purifier and Danny had a toxin dispenser that was just collecting dust.
I imagine though that he might start to notice that the bats are focusing on him a little too much which is a problem considering there are things going down in Gotham that actually need their attention. But at the same time, our resident ghost boy isn't ready to stop being a menace just yet. So what does he do? Kill too birds with one stone.
Whenever Danny catches wind of a new plot going down, he does something to draw the bats's attention to it. Two Face planning a robbery? Suddenly Danny is showing up to the bank everyday to work on the vault (he offered to reinforce it for free). The bats get so suspicious they focus hard on the bank and discover Two Face's plot before he can do anything.
The bats pat themselves on the back while Danny giggles in the background. Wonder how long it will take for them to figure out what's going on.
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suedoodle · 8 months
I love your trolls art style do you have any tips on how to draw like that? Especially if I want to draw John Dory with an oc or an existing troll?
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Ohhhhhh, JD is the hardest one... How I approach drawing any character is kinda the same way I would approach drawing any subject matter.
Shapes, shapes, shapes! ✨ The build blocks of everything. Nailing down how a character is built is the first step in getting them to look and act the way you want. Combining multiple shapes to get the desired body part until it becomes second nature with practice.
After that you need good clear posing; a lot easier said than done. It might take a lot of trail and error, this is where it's best to do a lot of loose messy sketches till you find one that works and toss the rest. The more detailed you are in a sketch, the worse it'll feel to toss it if it's just not working how you want, so working loose early is better.
If you're working on drawing a specific character, it helps to take a lot of observation notes 📝 I prefer to watch things in motion to get the feel on how to draw them, but I know others prefer a still image to reference. Just depends on your preferences.
JD is a square, squishy, stocky design of a character. Not especially tall; he's got the biggest mouth out of the bros which cause his face to be extra malleable with full on grins or grimaces. Good luck with those goggles. JD maybe be squishy as a marshmallow but those goggles sure aren't; they are solid and unyielding in their task at framing his face no matter the angle. Necessary to bring the design together but man they are a pain in the booty to get right.
Hopefully this helps. 🫠
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thatbennybee · 25 days
ChordStriker!AU Q&A
I'm doing a bit of a Q&A about my ChordStriker!AU on insta after sharing this teaser WIP, so I figured I'd present some of the questions here! (Feel free to ask more btw!)
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Q: "Is Poppy's family (Peppy & Viva) still with her since the Bergens didn't attack them?"
A: Peppy is with her, but he is confused/in mental decline like canon King Thrash was. Viva is missing. Poppy was old enough to remember her.
Q: "Will Viva play somewhat of a role in this AU?"
A: Yes, she's had a much bigger impact on Poppy's life, even till this day even though she's been missing for many years now. Poppy has never stopped looking for her.
Q: "Is King Peppy still a liar in your AU?"
A: Nah, he's normal. Sometimes hating him with my entire being is hard, so he gets to be a good dad this time. He's just not all there mentally so Poppy is more like his caretaker now.
Q: "Poppy's relationships don't last long because she gets bored... So how long is Branch going to last?"
A: The Rat Pack (Snack Pack) is wondering the same thing, but Poppy's never used the bf/gf/partner labels before meeting him which is strange... 👀
Q: "Does Poppy still party?"
A: She's a total party animal! Her parties are even more intense than a Pop Troll party since Rock Trolls are pretty extreme. LOL
Pop!Barb (Barbie)
Q: "What does Barb look like?"
A: For now, this is her design, it might change once I have time to draw her digitally.
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Q: "Does this mean Barb has to go through the events of Trolls 1?"
A: Nope, Barb never befriends Bridget because they have never met. They have found a way to remain undetected in the forest. (Thanks to Branch’s constant nagging about safety)
Q: "How does Barb's gang look? Is there any significant differences in their dynamics?"
A: I haven't had time to finish them all, but here's some of them for now. There's more members of The Lunch Rush, but this is all I have for now!
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Val Thundershock → Valentina Wondershock.
Only Queen Barbie calls her Val. She is very optimistic & loves to sing & dance! She's Barbie’s right-hand troll, BFFL & knows everything about her. They have a very... "close" relationship. ;] She's a popstar who's managed by Demo and loves to help make Pop Village a happier place.
He's a university student studying to be an engineer. He's very soft spoken, doesn't like to make a fuss and is probably the nicest guy around. He's quite close to Barbie and sees her as an older sister. He's actually on friendly terms with Branch. His favorite treat is lollipops. 🍭
But you can call her Carrie! Everyone does. She's a bit of a diva, loves to look good & dull things bore her. She will ignore anything that doesn't catch her eye, even trolls. Best to be looking your very best!
Sid Fret
Just call him Sid, no need to be so formal. He is every trolls dream guy and he knows it! He's a great roller derby racer and loves the attention trolls give him. Sure, he's a little self-absorbed, but he's a very loyal friend.
Not much has changed about Demo. He's perfect as he is <3 He's just a little more excitable & cutesy than before. He cares about Valentina a lot & they are very close friends.
She is the blueprint, she's the moment, she's everything. A model, actress, singer, you name it, she can do it. She's perfect... Who doesn't want to be her?
Q: "How different is Branch in this AU vs canon Branch?"
A: He is the same Branch essentially, just without the development he gains at the end of Trolls 1 & so-on. None of it occurred, so he is still grey, miserable & a recluse. He helped Barb to come up with a plan to keep everyone safe after nagging & warning her for ages, but after that, he returned to his bunker & is still not well-liked by the village.
Q: "Does she know Branch's whole past? If she does, what was her reaction?"
A: Not sure if you meant Barb or Poppy, so I'll answer for both. Barb—no. I don't think she'd ever find out, and she's also not the type to ask. Their personalities clash a bit too much, she stays out of his way like he asks her to.
For Poppy—I think it would come up naturally in conversation after a while when Branch feels more comfortable sharing. Poppy isn't the type to pry, but makes it clear that it's out of understanding, not a lack of caring. She can tell that he is closed off for a reason. She relates to that. I think she'd be beyond pissed once he told her, though.
Q: "Will Branch's brothers be in this?"
A: Yes, but Floyd will be getting the bigger role this time.
Q: "How quickly does Branch fall for Poppy? I'm sure the answer is yes, but is he happy?"
A: I'd say he's quite guarded in the beginning. He is cautious around her for the first few weeks, but he starts to come around once he picks up on Poppy being emotionally guarded herself.
Things move quickly once their walls come down around each other, & a mutual understanding is there. Poppy fell for him first. (At least, that's what Branch lets her believe, as it was love at first sight for him, but he'd never tell her that; she'd get a big head about it.)
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
In the au with the different spritefusions (Vrita, Equdan, Haleri, Tavlux) what would be the davepeta/jasperose equivalents?
Oooooooooooooooooh let me see.
Okay so in canon, the alpha session pre scratch has 4 kernels and the 6 elements thrown at them are 6 people. 5 trolls and an AI. Resulting in Arquius, Tavris, Erisol and Fefeta, all of which die in their timeline in diferent ways
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Now for the diferent sprite fusion you're talking about, i used the exact same people from canon, but mixed them in a diferent order. Creating Haleri, Vrieta, Tavlux and Equdan. You can find the post about them HERE
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Who most likely didn't exploded and followed Davesprite and Nanna to John's planet and survived te timeline's errasure.
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Pic fo their Godtiers just for fun.
Now, Davepeta and Jasprose come from Post-Retcon, which means the 6 elements conforming the sprites are diferent this time around, forming, not only Jasprosesprite^2 and Davepetasprite^2, but also GcaTavrosprite and Arquiusprite (again).
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SO! all i need to do is pick all the canon people/creatures from the Post-Retcon Sprites and mix them in a diferent way. Like this!
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Giving us as a result something like this
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The fussion of Davesprite and Lil Hal, ultimate self and ultimate Strider, would most likely romantically pursue canon Jade, like Davepeta did in homestuck, but more successfully. Also be an amazing sword master due to the knowledge from all timelines.
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I mean, it would just be Cat-Equius, doesn't have the cool character develompent that Arquius had, but has nice guardian powers and he's not alergic to himself. Plus he's a cat like his moirail Nepeta
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Oh boy, Tavrospersprite^2 has by default achieved ultimate self and is afraid of nothing, because he has knowledge of all Tavros and has learned all their lessons in a second. Will call Vriska a bitch and proceed to kiss Gamzee in one breath, to inmedialty go fight some villain and disappear like a Cheshire cat (isn't alergic to himself because he now knows it's in his head)
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RosepetaSprite is a chill gal, and now has the habilities of drawing and writing, making her the ultimate autor. She's a little heartbroken about not being able to be with Kanaya or Karkat, because this timeline's Rose and Dave are dating them, but she won't let that bring her down
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Ironically Rosepeta is now conected to the other three sprites. Tavros having the memories of her cat and guide, Equius being her moirail and Davar being a fussion of a copy of her father and of her doomed brother who wanted to see her again. She has some heavy back-up now.
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misscinnamonroll16 · 7 months
Brozone headcanons
Clay briefly took ballet. He took it to help with his balance bc he was a clumsy kid
Clay let Floyd play connect the dots with the freckles on his face when they were kids
Branch definitely thought some of the meals he missed were made by their grandma when they had actually been made by John Dory
Floyd and Bruce are often physically affectionate. Ones to often hug and just be touching the people they care about
The bros often sleep in a troll pile. They just want to be close with one another and know that the others are there
For a while, John is the only one who can read Branch's handwriting. He's used to reading the chicken scratch that was all of their handwriting at one point in time.
JD's handwriting is pretty in a way that it's hard to read.
Bruce abbreviates things all the time when he has to write it down. It doesn't make sense to the other brothers but as long as it makes sense to him
John never "officially" comes out as bi, it's just kind of found out and not made a big deal about, unless they're giving him shit for it
Clay is super skinny from the diet that all the putt-putt trolls had. His romper hides the fact that you can see each of his ribs and hip bones and vertebrae. Upon seeing that for the first time, John Dory is worried, he thinks he needs to feed Clay more. Bruce assures him that Clay is fine, just needs to work his way to larger portions
Floyd and John both have so many ex's
Floyd likes to draw his brothers while they're not paying attention. It's the way their muscles move more naturally and the different body types
Floyd has more piercings than just the one earring
John Dory loves nature. He could sit in the middle of the woods for hours just enjoying the sounds, the feeling of the sun on his skin and the wind. When it rains, he wants to just go stand in the rain
That being said, JD has tracked mud through the bunker and it pisses Branch off
JD chews on pens and pencils, never let him borrow yours unless you're ok with it getting chewed on.
If John could, he would carry Rhonda. She's his baby and he loves her.
John Dory has pretended to be eaten by Rhonda just to freak his brothers out and it worked.
Both JD and Branch have trouble sleeping so sometimes you'll find one of them in the others bed
Clay, John and Floyd often will forget what they were doing and stand there, spinning around in a circle saying "what was I doing? What was I doing?" Before either remembering or giving up for a moment to remember minutes later. It's funny for Branch and Bruce to watch as they try and remember.
Clay is a koala type cuddler. He latches on and doesn't let go. So is John and Branch.
The reason JD and Clay don't get along is because they're a lot a like. They don't see it, even if someone points it out.
Floyd can't sit in a chair properly to save his life
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The Beforus Ancestors
honestly, i didnt like how the drawings turned out. i searched for references for the ancestors but i didnt manage to draw them the way i wanted to. most of the designs are okay, though i still feel like some of them are missing something, like colors.
more info abt them ↓
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The Treasure Huntress (aka. Beforan Aradia) She was a very skilled adventurer and loved finding historic artifacts. She had a special taste for East Beforan art and culture. During her adventures, she met a violetblooded sea dweller who also had a fascination for history and dedicated his life to study and learn more about it. Together, they traveled along each other with the goal of learning more about the history of their planet, and eventually, they developed feelings for each other. However, the warmblooded girl was pale, while the coolblooded boy was red. The unspoken tension between each other lead to a fight, which ended in surprise on both sides over the admittance of feelings. Not wanting to disappoint each other, they agreed to just stay friends.
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The Guardian (Beforan Tavros) He he stood up for the rights of trolls in special needs, and by that, he was also heavily against culling (as in the Beforan meaning of culling), saying that nobody should be treated that way (as helpless and fragile, making them too dependant) and by doing that, they would be "hiding the truth of the world from the children" by basically being way too overprotective. He was a farm boy, living in the country sides with his moirail, who mainly took care of the stables. Their farm was open to public visits, and one day, a certain coolblooded visitor has caught his attention. He wished to re-encounter with the man someday. One day, he has suffered a very sudden mutation that made him sprout wings, with him finally being able to realize his dream of traveling the world to spread the word about the dangers of culling and the rights of trolls in special needs.
(please correct me if I got the wrong meaning of Beforan culling, as I will talk about it again)
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Radiical Psygamer (Beforan Sollux) He was, perhaps, the greatest programmer that Beforus has ever seen. With his magnificent skills, he was responsible for massively improving trolls’ technology and has contributed to the creation of a few robots and helped with the coding of various popular games. He was, however, a terrible teacher, given his introversion and general social awkwardness. He was a big figure in the world of console games and was the first to actively encourage girls to play games too.
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The Unculled (Beforan Karkat) Because of his rare candy red blood, no lusus wanted to raise him, leaving him there all alone. One day, he was found by a purpleblooded man who took him to his hive in hopes that someone would pick him. They waited, and waited, and waited… but no lusus came. Tired of waiting, the big troll decided to raise the grub himself. Because of his caretaker, the mutantblooded grew up to be loud, tough and intimidating, but had a big, friendly heart and cared for his loved ones a lot.
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Sharpeye Furrline (Beforan Nepeta) She was a very skilled huntress. According to herself, she only killed what she ate, and if she didn’t eat, killing them would be mean. She could hunt creatures from a very small size to ones that were the double of her own. One day, while hunting for her dinner, she has killed a creature that was going to become a Lusus of a small wriggler. Therefore, she has accidentally unlocked the rage of a coolblooded troll. Terrified, she knew she couldn’t fight back, so she ran as fast as she could, far away from that beach. No one knows what happened to her.
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The Seamstress (Beforan Kanaya) A rare jadeblood with a rare taste for fashion. She became known for her dresses with odd patterns, inspired by the landscapes around her. She also traveled in search of different sights and, consequently, more ideas for dresses. Her works have eventually caught the attention of the Empress, who offered her a job as her official seamstress.
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The Attorney (Beforan Terezi) She was a blind woman who did not allow her disability to hold her back. She fought back against Beforus’ culling policy and became a excellent lawyer. Dedicating herself to fight against crime and bring justice to maintain the order and peacefulness of her planet, she chased a mischievous pirate lady who seemed to cause trouble everywhere she passed. She was The Unculled’s matesprit.
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Arachnid Cap8tain (Beforan Vriska) A troublemaker who caused mischief together with her pirate crew. She considered The Attorney her rival, as she was the only one who insisted in chasing her and never gave up on her quest to capture the spider pirate. A completely platonic rivalry. She held a special interest for snooker and said that the Ball 8 was actually “her lucky ball”.
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The Horseman (Beforan Equius) A STRONG man who really liked horses. He lived in a farm with his moirail and was responsible for taking care of the stables. Because of his interest, they ended up having way too many horses, which resulted in them having to build a larger stable for all of them. He loved every single one of them and took great care of each one. He said he occasionally had dreams where he was half a man and half a horse (basically a centaur), which is the origin of his title.
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The Clownish Caretaker (Beforan Gamzee) He rescued lususless grubs and wrigglers with an absent lusus and took care of them temporarily, until a new lusus came to become their official guardian. Despite being tall, lanky and overall intimidating, he was a very sweet and cheerful man, and loved entertaining others. Just like others, he was also heavily against culling and said that “every motherfucker should know and be able to defend themselves.” One day, a lusus was coming to his hive to pick up a grub, but it was killed by Shapeye Furrline. The man never felt so much rage before. The pure platonic hate he held towards the woman was bigger than the amount of hate he thought he could feel. Despite that, and contrary to popular belief, he did not chase the lady and took him quite some time to calm down. He was responsible for raising The Unculled and made sure to treat him properly.
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The Historian (Beforan Eridan) A seadweller with a huge fascination for history, he dedicated his life to learn more about the mysteries of his world. He read diares and looked for accurate informations, instead of believing in telltale stories. He studied ancient walls and occasionally collected some artifacts, purely for research reasons, and that’s when he met The Treasure Huntress. They decided to travel together, and it did not take long for him to become flushed for her. Unfortunately, she did not return the feelings, instead being pale for him. They agreed to stay friends, but very deep inside, he was still a bit disappointed.
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Her Glorious Imperialist (Beforan Feferi) The ruler of Beforus. She was a very kind and sweet woman, undoubtedly one of the best rules Beforus has ever seen. She treated her people with fairness, yet despise that, she was pro-culling, saying that some should not face the dangers of the world. After offering a job for The Seamstress, she and the jadeblood grew close. Despite being the one in charge of the planet, she decided to take care of Arachnid Cap8tain herself, and being a seadweller, it wasn’t hard to find her. She still congratulated The Attorney for her efforts in chasing the troublemaker pirate.
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tsaritza-mika · 6 months
More Tadfools Shit that We all Need
I need Astarion learning he can spider crawl on the ceiling, and then completely fucking with everyone. Everyone’s helms keep coming off their heads when they’re walking out the door? Astarion is failing at trying so hard not to laugh and give himself away. Lae’zel, Shadowheart, Gale, and Halsin’s hair keeps coming undone? Astarion is being a little shit again and stealing the ribbons/clips that hold them in place! Wyll and Karlach discovering their horns now have ridiculous looking ornaments/bells hanging off them? Astarion stole a bag from a shop and thought the two could use some more decoration!
I need Gale to decide that its time to remind everyone in camp where the real power is, and cast a protection spell on himself that makes him immune to intense heat, while making dinner as spicy as fuck! Then he can sit around calmly while everyone else is either crying about how they’re going to die, or rushing to dunk their entire head in the Chionthar
I need Halsin deciding he’s had enough of Minthara’s ‘Drow are so superior’ talk and secretly instructing everyone to act as if all is normal, while leaving an increasing amount of carved ducks around her tent area. Every time she enters/leaves her tent there are more and more freaking ducks!! And then she wakes one morning to find herself covered in them and her bedroll floating in the middle of the river!!
I need Shadowheart and Karlach to go around while everyone’s asleep and use her makeup to draw dicks and other offensive things on everyone else's faces, but then to make sure they aren’t caught, they do it to each other but it's super obvious they were the culprits cause they’re the only ones with compliments on their faces
I need Jaheira to absolutely misuse vine whip as an improvised leash so that keeping these stupid children she’s been saddled with from running off to die ridiculous deaths will be easier
@the-skeleton-speaks We need Astarion being designated the camp tailor, but he’s low-key salty about it because what the fuck do these people just not take care of their shit!? So he deliberately uses thread that is either the same color or just a tad too light/dark and embroiders insults into each of them
We need Karlach helping Wyll with his horns/hair, because he’s not used to working around them, but it takes her a while to get it the way he likes, and by the time she’s done, his neck and her hands are so damn sore
@ultimmmmmp We need Minthara and Lae’zel being absolute trolls and slipping Selunite trinkets/symbols all around Shadowheart’s tent, and then making comments about how bad she’s been at trying to convince them she was such an edgy cleric and followed Shar
@basiliskfree We need Karlach and Wyll getting too damn excited about all the hero stories to the point that they start role playing the fights and quoting terribly cheesy heroic banter
@ryttu3k (this is as close as I’ll get cause I’m not on the bloodweave ship XDDD) We need Astarion messing w/ Gale while he’s asleep by moving all of his bookmarks to the wrong pages, relocating his books around to other parts of the camp, and even being so brazen as to dogear a page or two in some of his known favs @soul-of-rei We need Astarion, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart to be the mean girl crew, commenting on everything and everyone and just being general catty menaces! The three of them turn Vicious Mockery into an art to be feared! Practicing your fighting technique? Pathetic Istick! A Gith wouldn’t need to do it more than twice, yet you’ve been doing it all afternoon and you’re still sloppy as a hatchling! How about your makeup? Shar save us from your pathetic attempt at a smokey-eye... Is yellow your color? Darling if yellow was your color, then it wouldn’t leave you looking like a rotten lemon! @scourgiez Gale and Jaheira just coming to the end of their patience with the aforementioned mean girl crew and casting silence on the lot of them, because holy fuck do they have to comment on every fucking thing within eyesight!? Also please tag me if you draw these, I want to see all the things XDD
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hanlimz · 1 year
[midnight thoughts: jongseong + domestic life]
pairing: park jongseong x gn!reader [ig implied fem!reader, but it isn't rly specified where jinsol comes from,,,, if u,,, catch my drift ig LMAOO] genre/warnings: domestic fluff bc i need to marry park jongseong asap >:( !!! / food cw !, corny flirting bc i love playful banter, misleading title bc i posted this in the evening lolol, also i finished this at 3am again so the end is prob a bit ramble-y (?) wc: ~0.9k (this is pretty short considering i could talk abt jay 4ever) a/n: inspired by jay's weverse post where he told engenes to eat more fruit &lt;////3 (i love him so much it's literally not even funny) / i also have no idea where "jinsol" came from ?? i've never had baby fever in my LIFE??? but oh to have a happy little family w park jongseong :'''''') / also i listened to seasons by wave to earth while writing 10/10 recommend
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humidity weighs heavy in the summer air as a bead of sweat threatens to trail its way from the valley between your shoulder blades down to the small of your back. the weather would be unbearable if not for the large bowl of freshly cut fruit in your lap and the angelic bouts of laughter spilling from your daughter's lips. a fake tiara is poised atop her tiny head, the bottom of her fairy costume is stained with dirt from the garden, and she's poking your husband with a magic wand you recently purchased for her birthday.
you giggle as you spot jongseong pretending to be some fantastical monster; he chases your daughter back and forth through the park with a menacing twitch of his nose and an undeniable fondness twinkling in his gaze. relishing in this moment of peace, large clouds billow out into the sweeping, blue sky to offer a temporary reprieve from the sun's unyielding heat. however, even in spite of the shade, condensation pools in your lap as the bowl of fruit succumbs to the sweltering temperatures.
"oh, princess jinsol!" you call, having to suppressing a chuckle as your daughter's face immediately lights up at the new title. "the fruit's going to be all warm if you don't catch that big, scary beast soon!"
jongseong shoots you a playful glare as an exaggerated pout is etched into his features. while jinsol is still distracted by trying to figure out how to defeat her father-turned-sworn-enemy, he scoops her up into his arms and peppers an array of kisses all over her face. another spell of that same, ethereal laughter graces your ears as the two of them draw closer; your daughter is squirming in jongseong's hold, and as soon as she escapes from the "monster's" clutches, she buries herself into your side to nuzzle her forehead into the soft fabric of your sundress.
"daddy's so silly—huh, babygirl?" you say, running two knuckles along the soft, rounded expanse of her cheek. as you move the bowl out of her way, jinsol nods into the crook of your hip; she seems to find solace in the damp cotton and the hypnotic patterns you're tracing into her skin. "never goes easy on his princess, hm?"
jongseong brushes his fingers through jinsol's hair before reaching up to pinch your cheek. "hey—i let her win, sometimes ..." he protests, glancing down at his daughter; her chest rises and falls in a rhythmic pattern, and the fatigued fluttering of her eyelids mimic the butterflies accompanying your summer picnic. jongseong places a loving kiss to the crown of your head while admiring the little masterpiece napping atop your thighs. your lover lowers his voice to a careful whisper, "i just felt like i had to live up to the title of 'big, scary beast' that was bestowed upon me."
"oh, i see ..." you hum with a playful lilt, "what were you even trying to be—a troll?"
he snorts, "an ogre, maybe?"
"some sort of mortally wounded dragon?" you offer, basking in the feeling of his shoulder bouncing against yours. jongseong leans into your side as he carefully reaches over you and jinsol to grab a piece of watermelon, but you're quicker. ever the bringer of mischief—you snatch the bowl away from him with an impish grin dancing at the corners of your mouth. "maybe instead of stealing the princess, though," you simper, wiggling your eyebrows in the way you know makes him laugh, "you could steal a kiss from me?"
your husband scoffs, but lets his fingers waltz up the length of your arm nevertheless. "hilarious," he deadpans, quirking an eyebrow to stare at you over the rim of his sunglasses. "you're pretty bold to assume that one kiss would satisfy a super strong, super awesome dragon with sexy shades."
"ugh, you're so lucky i love you," you groan, faking a gag before succumbing to his charms—regardless of the strange ways that they may manifest in. "how about two kisses and i give you the watermelon?"
"haggling, now, are we?" jongseong chuckles, hooking his index finger under your chin, "i'll raise you ... three kisses, the watermelon, and another picnic next weekend."
"you've got yourself a deal, park jongseong."
your husband moves forward to press a gentle kiss against the tip of your nose; it forces a symphony of giggles from your mouth, but everything goes quiet when his lips meet yours in a conjunction that mirrors the sensation of ice cold lemonade gliding down your throat on a warm, summer's afternoon. the way jongseong kisses you is light and refreshing; he never fails to send shivers up your spine, and his lips are always sure to leave you dazed when he pulls away. jongseong draws back, stopping for a moment to graze the pad of his thumb over your cupid's bow before craning his neck up to place one more lingering kiss to your forehead.
"can i snag a piece of watermelon, now?" jongseong asks, that same exaggerated pout reappearing on his face.
you laugh, "anything for you, dear."
there's a beat of silence. a delicate summer breeze coaxes a sweet melody from the leaves that hang on the surrounding trees. as you watch jongseong feast on a mouthful of fresh fruit, you card your fingers through jinsol's silken hair. your princess is safe once more, sleeping soundly beneath the hidden stars in the evening sky. perhaps, in the future, she will face dragons more dangerous than the one her father pretends to be—but, for now, she is peaceful in your arms. mesmerized by the sheer adoration swelling in your heart, you don't actively register your husband's soft hand squeezing at the back of our neck. instead, it's a comforting pressure, it's a quiet reassurance that everything is okay, and it's a resolute promise to protect his happy, little family until the end of time.
it's love.
and, really, what more could you ask for?
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straycalamities · 5 months
Entre's 12th Anniversary Big Birthday Bash!
Alright! So I'd say in about 11 hours, we're gonna start the festivities for Entre's birthday/blog anniversary! He'll be turning [redacted] years old today! And his blog is turning 12 :) (Sorry about the short-notice. It took me this long to come up with something.)
Official start time is 12 PM (Noon) CT (UTC -5)
My plan is we start with a Magma board and have a good old fashioned draw party! If you want to check out Magma (or aggie.io as it was absorbed into Magma) ahead of time feel free to do so! You don't need an account to draw or chat, though! We'll do that for a couple of hours.
If you don't want to draw, feel free to put out prompts or suggestions for the ones that are drawing to pick up if they want! There's a chat feature in the Magma. (You click on your name on the top right to find it.)
(But, for the record, you don't need to be da Vinci to draw. Anyone can draw if they want to regardless of skill level.)
The board's limit is 30 people, and I don't think we're hitting it so feel free to pour in.
Then after that, we'll be headed to Hyperbeam to watch one of Entre's favorite movies: Inception! Unfortunately the viewer limit is 12 people so it'll be first come, first serve. :(
Of course it'll be the big guy all day and NOT me. So. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
If you can't join for whatever reason, feel free to fill his inbox with gifts/birthday wishes! I'll get to them as I can. :)
Under the readmore is the courtesy rules so that we make sure everyone has a fun time. If you break them, it's a 3-strike system (you'll get warnings) before you're banned (on the 3rd strike) from whichever location we're at. That sounds big n scary, but they're easy to follow so don't stress much about it.
Overall Rules: (For clarification on anything just ask me/Entre.) Rules with * are insta-bans and not subject to 3-strike system.
No NSFW discussion or behavior.
No bigoted or hateful behavior. *
Stay as polite and respectful as possible. Take all beef elsewhere.
No ship wars. No askblog/onceler fandom OC favoritism or hate.
No heavy negativity, heavy topics, nor inflammatory topics.
No trolling of any kind. (harmless jokes/pranks okay, but always use discretion/best judgement)
Magma Rules:
Do not draw on or edit other people's drawings in any way without explicit permission from the artist.
No NSFW imagery.
No triggering imagery. (Like the basic stuff: self-harm, gore, etc. If you have a question on what you're allowed to draw, ask me/Entre.)
Do not abuse the Magma permissions/tools. (excessively making layers, moving layers around, etc.)
Do not draw outside your area/draw all over the whole canvas. Leave ample space for everyone to have a spot.
Hyperbeam Rules:
No spoilers.
Do not spam the chat.
The movie has been chosen and there will not be a different one, if you do not like the movie choice, you do not have to join.
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secretpostsposts · 7 months
What if for every year the brothers were gone for Branch made birthday gifts for every year on each of his brothers birthday and put them in special cabinets with their names above them and he even made gifts for them for whenever he was the giver he did this in case his brothers ever came back ok now he leaves his brothers in his bunker while he is with Poppy and they find their gifts what would happen next?
(I can always try and reword this if you need me to)
well I have this idea now, I think that Branch at some point due to his loneliness clung to the idea that Floyd would return, and with him his other brothers, so in an innocent idea he gave gifts and gifts, to the point that there were too many ( Branch was about 10 or 14 years old, and he didn't know what to do with them, many of the gifts didn't seem right to his brothers, Branch remembered little of their tastes so he separated a few that he hoped his brothers would like and placed them in his own room in the depths of his closet to keep them hidden, and during a quick trip to town he saw how the other gifts could help, so at night he left them at the other trolls' houses, that made him feel less lonely.
which soon became a tradition, as did every birthday of his; Branch and Grandma made a cupcake for each brother on their birthday, Branch memorized them every day and the recipes for the cupcakes, because they were his brothers' favorite, 4 different recipes that Branch wrote down and prepared once on each birthday. , and the gifts that began to accumulate in his closet, which was now more of a storage room in his room than a closet; Even though Branch lost hope that his brothers would come back for him, he continued making gifts for them, just as a way to torture himself for being so naive.
Now we return to the present.
So on one of the miraculous days when Branch can go out without a shadow (better known as his older brothers), the boys had decided to check Branch's room, look for something that would help them keep Branch with them, they had heard him. mention a newspaper (they find it, but that's not the point), they see the closet door and a wooden closet, which confuses them, so they check the door and find sets of decorated boxes, the same color as their hair, and yellow that were clearly for Clay.
So they check the gifts, the oldest ones were cards with drawings made by a child and the 'newer' ones were more complicated or personalized; It wasn't difficult for them to realize what they meant, Branch had been waiting for them, for them to come back for him, and they didn't do it until now.
the fact that they found those gifts (and if this is becoming canon, CONGRATULATIONS FRIEND, THIS WILL APPEAR IN A FUTURE CHAPTER OF THE FIC); The fact that the idea of Branch waiting for his older brothers to come back for him, to take care of him, to be a family again, only makes the idea of keeping Branch bury itself in their heads, that their little one little brother would do all this for them, only afterward, at least in their twisted minds, that they are the only ones who deserve Branch, that they are the only ones who can love him, protect him and take care of him.
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sleepingcup · 8 months
Married Headcanons with Horropedia (quick refix)
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Game: Reverse 1999 x Reader
Characters: Horropedia (Joshua) x Reader
Genre: Fluff & a little bit of spice
Disclaimer: This is made for fun purposes, be well aware of the mistypings and ooc. Also let's also point out that you and Horropedia are aged up. Update: I did not realize I press post when I was highly busy, sorry about that! QwQ
Who is in love first
Would it be fair to say that it was you first BEFORE Horropedia or the opposite?
It's hard to tell cause sometimes you two won't be on the same page all the time. But what I CAN confidently say is that it takes time for you two to realize you got a crush on each other.
Horripedia is pretty easy (not really) to fall in love if you got to understand his motives and insane ramblings about horror movies, but he does have to admit he likes you just the way you are.
You not being affected by the Foundation's regulations and guidance and you being yourself no matter the cost. Thats what got him to like you even more without realizing it.
Heck you might not noticed this but he did secretly defended you.
How you two become a couple
It was during a very cheesy moment while watching a horror movie or a more accurate way of saying it an un-noticeable first date. Horropedia won't shut up about criticizing the movie and here you are wanting to get closer to him.
But somehow, and out of nowhere Horropedia looks at you before trolling you around about the who romance part.
You might got your hopes a bit too high, but you decided not to give up.
Instead you gently hold his chin to meet with your eyes and say...
"I will give you a kiss if you do that again."
That got him stunned and was a massive stammering blushing mess but, deep down Horropedia doesn't mind. After all you all he wants.
You got his heart and he got yours.
So its ONLY fair that Horropedia stole your first kiss.
Yes it is a draw.
Who proposed first
Horropedia would be....but.... in a extreme chaotic horror map.
Let's just admit that his dating scenarios are full of exploring the haunted places together with you and only you. The face that he just wanted to see how scared you are or find ways to admire your dedication was something to behold.
After all, you are his target in the first place to marriage one Joshua realize how much he really loves you.
Life as a married couple
It was peaceful but also chaotic.
Joshua IS a messy boy, and you had to do the cleaning. But there are times where he stop what he was doing and help you out.
After all your more better than the past that took his favorite horror collection away.
Ah right before I forget....
This might be a bit explicit, but Joshua WOULD be the type of hunter to hunt a survivor like you just to heavily make out with you in private.
Oh and let's not forget how a bit protective he is when he got jealous or when he saw you being asked out by other guys.
What happened to them?
Who knows! ^^
Chances of having kids? (NEW)
Well.... I don't think Joshua is ready for kids just yet... for now.
After all he has you.
And IF by any chance Joshua REALLY needs you.
I don't think you will be able to sleep for tonight. ^^
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Mayhaps an explanation on how each class can effect the session? I know kights usally means there's a lack of its aspect but what about the others?
Maids’ sessions are controlled by something. Aradia’s session had doc scratch orchestrating all this bullshit event-wise. Jane’s session has the condesce who had all the power in their universe.
Pages’ aspects are kind of what the players hope their futures will bring post-sburb. The trolls lived in a very unpleasant, highly controlled dictatorship. The kids were kind of thinking they would win without any problems.
Mages’ sessions are full of their aspect. There was so much doom in the beta trolls’ session. People kept dying for no reason. There was basically no way they would be able to get along and play cooperatively. Also karkat creating Jack noir basically fucked everything from the start.
Knights’ sessions have very little of their aspect, so the knight is assigned to protect what little is there. Dave had to haul ass to get rose in the session. There was also just a time crunch to finish in general. All the trolls had different ideas of what they wanted, and their conflicting ideas were hard to keep working together.
Rogues have sort of an unaddressed problem waiting to come up. Rufioh grew up to lead a revolution. Roxy’s session had a lot of unaddressed stuff in general. Lots of misplaced confidence, lack of communication, hidden feelings, etc. There are a lot of times in the trolls session where they have the little heart or spade or clubs symbol in their eyes or over their heads and nothing ever comes of it. Nepeta never god tiered.
Sylphs sessions have a dire lack of their aspect in their session and are charged with nursing it back to health. Kanaya was the lone tender of the matriorb that would ensure the troll race keeps being born. Aradias session I guess is full of meaningless nonsense and plot irrelevant shit. She kind of builds it up for thousands of years or however long and then unleashes it all at once. But… she brings information and plot relevance to her session members and to the combined session.
Seers’ aspects are a resource their team hasn’t tapped into yet. They know nothing about it. Even Dave, who seems to be the most cynical and down to earth member of the gang (besides rose) still does not see his brothers actions for what they are (bad) and clouds himself in a shame induced misidentification of who he is and who he is allowed to be. Terezis team has never considered the consequences of their actions. They never set their sights on a goal and plot a course from here to there. They set one foot forward and then the entropy guides them forward with no brakes.
Thieves... I think the session actually needs a leader in that aspect! The thief's job is to find a hidden resource (and looking at the trolls' session, light seems really unavailable lol.) and draw it out, creating a hub of aspect where it can exert itself. For some reason, Vriska also liked pushing Tavros to be stronger and the best him he can be. Actually, that might be a pitch thing... The Sn0wman told her to "steal his will" because "that's what a thief does" or whatever. But Vriska thought he was capable or wanted him to be capable of mercy killing her.
Heirs have plenty of their aspect all around them to work with. I guess they have to kind of bring that to the session themselves, actually! But they have no trouble doing it. John successfully retrieved his presents, fought his dad, started the game, and just began slaying like a beast and rocketing ahead no problem. The world John was born into set him up with a good place to stretch out. Sburb was created without John doing anything at all. The ultimate escape from earth, right? Equius was set up with a world with arbitrary rules and little independent thought. His hemospectrum placement is high enough to give him a superiority AND inferiority complex. For some reason, he has incredible roboti% skills SO THAT he always has something intelligent and logical to destroy.
Bards seem to have an aspect that is like... I don't want to say an abscess because that's gross... It's like their aspect is under a lot of pressure from being suppressed by the world and their team. Just about every member of the team has rage that isn't fully expressed. Gamzee definitely brings out rage and disgust in Terezi. He also makes the rest of his team very aware that just because it doesn't look like it, his aspect is definitely there. It's just waiting to come out. Gamzee himself is the first thing to express its rage... That no one expected him to have. I read somewhere that Gamzee became an agent of his aspect after he "calmed down." He brought chaos and anger and pain to everyone. He's the one who threw all the bodies of people who hated each other (and fefeta) into the sprites to make them useless. I guess Equius was a sprite by himself but. Equius is pretty fucking useless anyway. He's the heir of useless. Gamzee was taken out of mind control and saw that Terezi was stabbing him, and he decided to trick her by acting like his old self to manipulate her emotions. And as soon as she let her guard down, he went apeshit and beat her crazy clown style. He is like a harbinger of confusion and pain.
Princes. Princes' aspects are overgrown. They're clouding the session's ability to function. Dirk basically successfully exploded the romantic tension between all 4 of his team members. In a very destructive and painful way. If they didn't have a prince, they would have been too distracted by their crushes to finish the game. Eridan is a much suckier person, but he does have the same job. Dirk has a more precise excision style like a surgeon, but Eridan prefers mowing down "enemies" with abandon, which makes it harder for his team. In one fell swoop, Eridan killed the future ruler of the Troll race AND the ability for more trolls to be born. And the only troll babysitter. I don't know why the trolls thought this would be a fun game they could easily win, but Eridan completely took care of that.
Witches have an aspect that needs to be understood in a new way. Like gender. You guys know what I mean by that right. I think this is clearer with Feferi-- wait! No, except Jade has a new way for planets to be created! She's not the first one to PLAY sburb, but she's the one to INTRODUCE us to it as a character. Remember, these roles are about your purpose in the story, not in a watsonian way. Jade finds new ways of creating things. Feferi finds new ways of leading that creates beforus which still sucks but is much better than alternia.
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jjinx1998 · 5 months
xxtc-96xx Callout post
To start I want you to know I didn't want things to have to come to this but after recent developments and discussions from others I cannot ignore what's been going on for years now. This is a problem revolving around the user @xxtc-96xx , the comic Endertale, and the Undertale fandom. I will try to explain what I know and offer proof when I can, but there might be some sloppiness as this is my first real post on Tumblr. If there is any technical issues about this post, please let me know so I can fix it.
Let me start from the beginning. I have been a long time fan of xxtc-96xx since about 2016 (I will refer to them as TC to make it easier). I have enjoyed looking at the art they create for many years, mainly the ones revolving around Endertale.
Endertale is a fan comic that TC made of the game Undertale. It's a very decent story with a pleasant art style. I would recommend it but I cannot and I will get to why. You see TC has suffered from something that just about any creator can relate to, burnout. The most recent comic page being posted in 2021 though there was already a hiatus established before that.
While they made it long clear that they needed to go on break for personal reasons, people wanted to ask for when they will continue it. Some of them calm and reasonable and other's were very much not nice. TC answered them honestly at first.
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Then it started to devolve into troll responses or just not answering.
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Not just on Tumblr but people kept asking on Deviantart as well. In fact people are still asking today in 2024. It has gotten so frequent that TC felt it necessary to change their profile header to this:
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And it has stayed that way for so long I lost track of when it started. To be fair, even I found the frequent questions to be overwhelming and they just like every artist who makes stuff for free is entitled to take a break from their work. However this post isn't a complaint about how long it takes to finish a comic, it's about something that started because of the wait.
See, their original reason to take a break was because they were too busy with personal matters for them to commit to an actual comic. But as their history up to today has shown that's no longer a valid excuse. As time went on they started to show an interest in the Pokemon fandom. specifically the pokemon known as Mewtwo. To make a long story short, what started as small doodles grew into a whole bunch of fancomics and animations. To compare, they have drawn nearly four times as many Pokemon drawings compared to Undertale. Now, it is perfectly fair and acceptable to find an interest in a different fandom. And while I personally prefer Undertale over Pokemon I completely supported their decision to focus on other fandoms and enjoyed what they made. I also understood their issues with the fandom at the time, some people were rather aggressive, rude, or demanding the comic to be completed, a comic that's completely free that they make no profit out of. I even recall one point they tried to unsuccessfully drag a different content creator into this issue as if it would somehow work.
However I started to notice they had a warped perception on the fandom. Rather than blame the few people that harassed them online with constant asks, they believed that the entire fandom as a whole is to blame as declared it all toxic. Something they insist on repeating to all their fans and making them believe their opinion as fact.
Now for the record I am very aware of how toxic this fandom was and can be at times. I was around since the beginning and have seen just about every drama that has come. From the fans harassing you for not doing the pacifist route in the first time playing, people arguing if either Frisk or Chara is a really bad person, arguing over Frisk's and Chara's gender, is genocide the right choice, is Toriel the bad guy or Asgore, and a controversy revolving around a certain creator of the au Glitchtale (the last one TC coincidentally emulates their "Delay work for one week for every ask" and finds it amusing). I know this fandom is not the best but I love it all the same, it's as much a part of my life as it is for TC. I know I am not perfect at showing my interest for Undertale, as this image of a private ask shows.
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Or this time I made a obviously joke ask and apparently I didn't realize a lot of people don't understand sarcasm.
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Or when I tried to ask this sincere and nonaggressive question, one of the few times TC isn't putting up some kind of attitude.
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Or this other ask from me.
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At the end of the day this is just a comic. No one has any right to demand them to continue it or make death threats, this is completely unacceptable. However, at the same time this doesn't mean the creator should dehumanize the entire fandom or punish the few that are being respectful. They wait and what do they get, people mocking them and bullying them. That's what I realized in the past week when I engaged in the comments of a few posts. TC allow their fans to bully the fandom.
I tried to be as calm and reasonable as I can and yet I get called out as a toxic fan. And in the end did TC scold everyone else, no, they basically told me to shut up. I overestimated the fans intelligence and if they could handle basic logic, read the comments for yourself to see my point. As someone with Asperger and anger issues, it's a god given miracle I am still trying to maintain my composure within this insanity that has been going on for years. I have spoken with several content creators who asked to remain anonymous about this entire fiasco and we have similar conclusions about TC.
TC has been through a lot of painful and hurtful comments over the years that they did not deserve in the slightest. They are entitled to do whatever they want with their comic and works. Saying a fandom is or isn't toxic is unhelpful as you fundamentally miss the mark on how fandom culture works. As a creator, it is not right to hang this hiatus over people's heads and string them along. TC does not respect their Undertale fans in the slightest and mocks those who is still waiting. They indirectly encourage their other fans to bully and dehumanize the rest.
I held back on making a comment about all this for two reasons. One, TC's fandom terrifies me. They are complete smug hypocrites who spend way too much time on the internet that they don't realize that if they use their words in real life they will get punched in the face for it. Two, despite everything I still believe that TC can change. I like to believe the best in everyone and that there is hope that maybe this time TC will realize they have become the very thing they hate. That hope has faded to cinders. I'm done with TC, my only concern is the people remaining to wait for the comic.
To everyone who is waiting for Endertale and/or following TC because you like their Undertale stuff, leave them and never come back. They do not respect you, they look down on you, they laugh watching you wait, you deserve better than them. Even if they do finish the comic eventually it will not be made out of love or passion.
DO NOT harass and bully them because of my words. I will not tolerate any attempt to do so.
My final words are for TC if they even decide to read this:
TC, I know we are not friends, you made that clear long ago but I was hoping we could've been. You were a huge inspiration for me in the past and was what pushed me to attempt learning about art. I looked up to you and tried to support you when you were feeling down. You are no longer that person.
You do not have the right to condemn an entire fandom as toxic and declare it as a fact of life. It's people like you that keep the fandoms so divided to this day. It's because of people like you I am scared for my life if I ever mention Undertale in public. Your fixation on the sins of the past prevents us from moving forward. I do not excuse what happened but the past is in the past, get over it and grow up, you are an adult so act like it.
You say you don't owe us any comic or works, well at the same time if you want to mistreat the fandom I care about then I or anybody don't owe you any respect yet I did for nearly five years.
Why? Because I cared about how this all made you feel. What do you see when you look at me, another obsessed toxic fan who should keep their mouth shut or a PERSON with their own thoughts feelings and beliefs?
One of your problems is that you think nothing ever seems to be your fault, just the fans who keep asking. Well maybe they wouldn't have asked if you didn't leave them hanging for almost five years. To me, it no longer matters if you finish Endertale or not.
Maybe you still think it isn't your fault, then that makes me the idiot for hoping you can be better. You hurt me, really hurt me. I don't think I can ever trust someone like you again.
Do you know what I really want?
Your apology. I want you to make a genuine apology to me and the fandom at your actions over the years. I won't block you because being the idiot I am I hope my words mean something to you and you'll want to chat.
But until you wise up ask yourself this familiar question,
Do you really think you are above consequences?
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kittyball23 · 10 months
can u do a pov fanfic of either poppy or branch when she went after him and wants to go with him to save floyd?
Can do 🙂I chose Poppy, since my "By Your Side" oneshot was primarily Branch-centered:
With You (a Trolls fanfic)
“Wait, what?”
Poppy could hear the confusion in Branch’s voice, as though his brother’s words were unexpected, contrasting to what the blue Troll had believed the outcome of their journey would be.
When John Dory replied, it was terse, straight, and to the point. “What? The mission’s the mission. You didn’t think we’d all live together when this was over, did you? Singing songs, and roasting marshmallows…” The Troll then laughed, finding the scene he’d pictured flat-out ridiculous. Clearly, going separate ways was what he’d intended from the start. And, given that there was no pushback from the other two brothers, they agreed. There seemed to be amusement written on Clay and Bruce’s faces, like they also found the idea too far-fetched.
But Branch wasn’t amused. Poppy’s brows furrowed in worry when an expression of hurt flashed across his face, before it switched to anger.
“Oh, I’m sorry, is that funny to you?” Branch snapped at John Dory. “That I might want us to actually be a family again?” Reaching into the inner pocket of his vest, he retrieved a piece of paper, sparing it a glance, and calling out to the front of the caterbus. “Tiny Diamond, pull over. Now.”
Rhonda lurched to a stop a few seconds later, the Trolls stumbling in an attempt to find their footing.
Bruce rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Don’t be a baby, Branch.”
Branch tensed, and whirled on him and Clay. “You’re mad at him,” he started in, speaking of John Dory, “but you guys do the exact same thing to me. You all still treat me like the baby of the family. But guess what? I stopped being a baby the day you guys walked out on me! Cuz’ I had to. Then Grandma got eaten and there was no one else to take care of me. This time, I’m walking out on you.” Without waiting for anybody to respond, he crumpled up the paper he was holding, tossed it on the floor, and stormed out of the bus without looking back.
Hesitantly, Poppy knelt down, unfolding the crinkled paper and smoothing it out so she could see. A child-like drawing met her eyes, with large, blocky letters, colorful stickers, and sparkly glitter. There was something awfully familiar about the design depicted. She’d seen this place before. “This is Branch’s bunker,” she said aloud. Suddenly, she realized something else. “He built it for you guys.”
Poppy’s eyes were still fixed on the drawing, overcome with emotion at the deeper meaning unveiled, when John Dory spoke up again. This time, she could tell he was more subdued, a hint of guilt wavering in his tone. “I… didn’t know…”
The Pop Queen solemnly glanced at him and the others, quietly replying. “I guess you never asked…” Then, she turned and exited the bus.
She had to find Branch.
Branch had already made some distance, and Poppy hurried herself to catch up with him. “Branch, wait!” she called. “Branch!” But the Troll continued to walk onward. “Where are you going?” she asked. Certainly he wasn’t going to walk all the way back home, was he?
“To save Floyd. Alone,” he stated simply. “I didn’t need them growing up, and I don’t need them now.”
Well, he may not need them, but he’s sure as hair not getting rid of me.
Putting on a small burst of speed to cover the last few feet, she finally reached his side. But instead of the relief she’d anticipated seeing on his face, she was confused when he raised an eyebrow at her, puzzled. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean? I’m coming with you.”
Branch scoffed at that. “Why bother?” he spat bitterly. “Aren’t you going to leave me eventually anyway? Everyone else does…”
Poppy stopped in her tracks, stunned beyond belief. Did I hear him correctly? She didn’t think she did. He really, genuinely thought that she was going to leave him? That there were no other options in his fate aside from loneliness? That she was just there to have her fun while the getting was good and then hit the road? Branch had said plenty of things in the past that had been laced with pessimism and negativity. But this by far was one of the worst things she had heard. No, not one of them - it was the worst she had heard.
Stepping forward, she grabbed his hand firmly, finally bringing him to a halt. “I have been by your side from the moment we met, and you’ve been by mine,” she reminded him, speaking slowly to give each word weight, “so let’s give each other some credit here.”
Just as slowly, Branch finally turned to face her, allowing her to see the shift in emotion on his face from something hard to something much softer. He let out a sigh. “Right. I’m sorry. Thank you.” When he flashed her a little smile of gratitude she grinned right back.
“You’re welcome.” Poppy thought the thank you perhaps was a little unnecessary. Being there for him was just something that came along with them being together, and the love that they had for one another. But just to be absolutely certain he knew of her commitment, she spoke again, softly and sweetly, taking hold of his hand and gently running her thumb across the back of his knuckles in a sympathetic caress.
“And I’m not going anywhere. Unless it’s with you. To save Floyd.”
The Pop Queen felt her heart swell when her words finally seemed to get through to him. There was comfort in his features, in the way his blue eyes shone with gratitude and in the way his cheeks glowed with the smallest hint of a blush. She didn't deny him when he opened his arms out towards her, easily melting into the warmth of the much-needed embrace.
They broke apart only upon hearing the sound of a dinging bell. A tricycle was making its way down the path towards them, and Poppy beamed when she saw its rider.
“Tiny!” she cried, delighted. “You’re coming, too?”
The small glittered Trolling shrugged his shoulders. “Eh, what can I say? I was moved by Branch’s speech, and his sad, sad little drawing.” He smirked and waved them over. “Now, let’s roll!”
Giving Branch’s hand one last affectionate squeeze, Poppy boarded the tricycle alongside him, the couple feeling a lot better about the rest of the journey, and pedaling towards the diamond-studded, glittering land of Mount Rageous.
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innaillus · 1 year
1000-follower event CLOSED!
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First of all, thank you for your support! It's been a lot of fun to interact with you all here on tumblr. I thought I'd do something extra to commemorate this milestone.
To enter
you need to be a follower of mine (new followers are welcome!)
like this post
reblog this post
comment under this post! who is your favourite fictional character and why? what do you like the most about them? (they must be from anime, manga, manhwa, a Hoyoverse game, etc)
tag a friend in your comment
The prize
An artwork - based on your comment!
The rules
only one comment per person is allowed
no giveaway blogs!
trolls and strangers will be ignored: this is a game and prize for my followers, people who appreciate my work and are interested in the same things as me
please let's keep it SFW for now
if the winner doesn't reply in 48hrs, another winner will be drawn
Bad example for comment:
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Better example for comment:
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You are welcome to write more than in the example. Feel free to mention appearance, personality traits, bits of their background, anything that makes that character important to you. However, everything should fit in one comment. Thank you.
EDIT (05 July 2023): Some comments+tags did not fit. I'm finding other ways to draw a winner, so that everyone has an equal chance. Thank you for the participation so far, I'm really excited!
Good luck!
P.s.: This is my first time doing something like this, I'm doing my best, please bear with me.
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