#I never rlly post these but I kinda want to if people actually enjoy these and they're not like seen as cringy
broadwayfangirl222 · 8 months
A semi-rough edit I made
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the-moth-archives · 1 month
୨ৎ My Personal Logan Howlett Headcanons ୨ৎ
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Type: fluff, mild hurt / comfort
Word Count: 401
Notes: hello !! thank you guys for all the reposts and likes on my stuff ! it means so much to me :) i recently saw the Deadpool 3 movie and i’m now OBSESSES with Logan. i wrote this while half asleep so i hope u enjoy :) requests are now open for Wolverine !! also, rlly random, im probably gonna redo my intro !!
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
- once you guys first met, he was very stand-off-ish because he feared hurting you. he would talk to you but the second he started catching feelings, he kinda backed off. you were the one to confess and reassure him that he would never hurt you.
- the relationship started off slow but it was so worth it later on when he started to get more comfortable around you.
- he’s not the biggest fan of PDA but once you’re alone, he literally can’t stop touching you
- he likes to spoon you when you sleep and when he does, he goes under your shirt to cup at your chest. it’s 100% not sexual, he just really likes the idea of being close to your heart. he doesn’t care how flat or big you are, he’s grabbing your chest. (i can imagine him kneading your chest like a cat, if you have a bigger chest)
- his love language is acts of service and quality time. if you need anything fixed or touched up, he’s your guy. if you sit with him while he fixes stuff? he may now show it on his actual face but he’s smiling like a fool.
- hair… play w his hair…
- nightmares, sadly, come easy with Logan. most of the time he just jolts awake but in rare occasions where he tries to attack the air, you’re always waiting for him and trying to calm him down. ayer these dreams, he’d want you to lay on top of him so he knows you’re there and the pressure eases him like a weighted blanket no matter your size
- he’s not the absolute best at comforting people so he’ll mostly just be an ear to talk into and will hold you if asked. his ‘advice’ is usually “i can kill em for you”
- GOD forbid you get hurt. especially by someone else? he would burn the whole world down to make you happy. he made a promise to protect you and he doesn’t break promises
- i know this literally wouldn’t work but i can imagine him purring when you scratch and run his face. he pushes his head right into your hands and is completely blissed out
- he’s an early riser but tries to not wake you up. sometimes he does and he hushed you back to sleep while rubbing your back.
- i love him sm it’s not funny, logan pls marry me
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quick thing !! here’s some Palestine donation links if you wish to donate and help families !
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hatchetfield head-canons!
-Richie rlly likes amphibians has a frog named Sir Hop-A-Lot and another frog named Marcie
-Whenever Paul loiters in Beanies just to talk to Emma, she give him free refills without saying anything just so he’ll stay longer, and Paul never realizes it until he starts getting the jitters
-Max and Alice know each other thanks to the smoke club, but they don’t talk since Alice lives in Clivesdale and Max would never associate with anyone from Clivesdale
-Before he discovered suspenders, Pete had an era of wearing his belt very tightly and tying the strings of his pants way too tightly
-Sycamore is an all boys school (I don’t know where this one came from but I just enjoy it)
-Paul knows where Hatchetfield high is and the short cut (even though he went to Sycamore) cause he drives Richie to school
-Paul was very similar to Richie in high school (minus the whole anime thing) and even dyed his hair on a few different occasions
-Paul is demiromantic and demisexual
-Ruth has kinda straight hair, but just has never brushed it in her life and likes the potential attention her very curly hair can get her
-garygoldstienattorneyatlaw knew the whole wiggly madness was going to happen and wanted to get some new clients (and wanted to be involved in something)
-garygoldstienattorneyatlaw is also the only attorney in hatchetfield
-Linda and Becky totally had a fling in high school that ended very badly which is why they hate each other now
-at Ruth’s insistence, Richie has helped her put on a one woman show and filmed the whole thing to show others
-Max also has slightly overactive sweat glands, but people don’t make fun of him for it because he’s an athlete so they think it’s just how athletes work. also max would beat them up if he did
-Grace’s bedroom is themed around Noah’s arc, but it also has the corpses of all the dead humans littering the ground
-the “perky’s buds” episode take place in a universe where Emma never met Paul
-the hive can only infect Paul OR Emma/it can’t have both of them at the same time (I get this from how Emma is in the opening number (aka the start of the show which is the end of the show) but how Paul isn’t there and then in inevitable we don’t actually see Paul turn Emma we just see infected Paul)
-Black Friday is a loop and tomorrow never comes
-lex and Ethan are t4t
might post more of these later but just on specific character because yesss I play favorites
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nereidprinc3ss · 3 months
so um, you’ve probably have been asked this many times but how do you start writing fanfic without cringing at yourself? i already feel silly for reading it. i noticed you have gained recognition outside of tumblr which i believe to be an achievement but i can’t allow myself to go through that.
i work in the finance sector at a big american firm, i can’t have my coworkers knowing i’m writing fanfic. i already get teased for watching disney animated films (which it’s not that bad) how do you deal with this? ik you’re still at college and ofc, this doesn’t mean you’re stupid but i bet you know what i mean? do you have some advice on this?
⚠️me not shutting the fuck up and getting way too personal below the cut
honestly at first i DID cringe at myself. i cringed so much that after posting my first fic in like november i dont think i posted again til january because i was writing and would just get so humiliated despite being alone and no one knowing who i was or what i was doing LOL but honestly the way i got over that was just to do it more because i truly love writing and why would i let feeling “cringe” stop me from doing something i love and that makes me happy? that would be so heartbreaking, life is hard enough, we deserve to do things we love and are passionate about without judging ourselves so harshly
as for not letting other people know well yeah i just don’t tell my friends or anyone ik in real life that i write fanfic lol, they know i love to write and they know im obsessed with spencer reid but that’s as much as i’ve told them! i know it’s a thing that maybe most people would consider “weird” but as someone who has a crushing fear of intimacy this is kinda my outlet lmfao. and it made me feel really insecure and weird at first but then i realized like… i try to be kind and caring and thoughtful, i have a lot of good qualities and the fact that i write fanfic doesn’t actually detract from any of them. it also helped for me to accept the reason why i write fanfic which is (and we’re abt to get real personal) i’m deeply afraid of intimacy of any kind and always have been so writing fiction abt the stuff i’m too scared to do isn’t a bad thing. there are a lot of people who wouldn’t understand it but they don’t have the same experiences as me and i don’t need them to understand it because i know that they never could. like they don’t understand what it’s like to so terrified of being known by another person that you obsess over the hottest guy in your school district for six months bc you want the validation of him liking you back and you do everything in your power to make him like you and then when he actually does reciprocate you immediately start icing him out to the point where he says hi at a party and you ignore him to his face cause you’re so afraid of men😂😂😂😂😂 they don’t get those vibes!!!
anyway basically you just have to remember that you’re doing it for you and it actually doesn’t mean something is WRONG with you if you enjoy writing and the safety and control that fiction offers you. it just means you’re one of billions of people living an entirely unique experience, just like anyone else, and honestly i think it makes you interesting. having hobbies and passions is rlly sexy and cool, regardless of what they are, and you deserve to do stuff you like doing. if anyone else is giving you shit abt it it’s probably because they genuinely don’t understand what it’s like to have interests and that makes me feel bad for them lol
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xx-slug-xx · 1 month
Hiii so I just saw ur post and ask reply about proshipper antis and ocd and I wanted to give my two cents because idk I'm like self important or something? But I do think I have a good perspective as someone who's never truly affiliated with proship or anti proship (I'm also not a huge poster or anything so.)
I've been diagnosed with OCD for most of my life and also have been a victim of sexual violence, which is only relevant because when I was younger I had a debilitating obsession with being "found out" as someone who consumed noncon and proship content. I was really disgusted with it while simultaneously consuming and writing it myself, albeit privately which I thought made it "more okay". It took me a long while to leave this mindset because, as most ocd obsessions are, it was not congruent with reality. I feel the trap that a lot of people fall in to is within the labels of pro or anti, that there must be one or the other. Mainly people will label themselves as anti because it's, to me, an elitism of morality that only serves to detriment their own values. (Ie if you're pro-morals then you should seek to understand and rehabilitate, if you rlly think some kinks are so horrible that anyone who enjoys them needs to change.)
I've found that in the real world, among my friends who are on irl kink communities or who I just candidly discuss these sorts of things with, most don't have starkly pro or anti mindsets. I think it's strange that the very common mindset of "I'm really not into it but it's none of my business" is labeled as proship online. Ive never heard an incredibly anti sentiment be expressed as outwardly as it is online, because it's really just socially inappropriate to judge people's personal thoughts like that irl..? All that being said, I believe that if there wasn't this loud anti proship discourse online, I would have not been so distressed with my private thoughts before I was in recovery, and really the intensity with which these "thought crime" ideals are expressed only serves to make more people label themselves as proship. People generally don't like being judged for intimate things, shocker.
Valid experience and good opinions, anon :D
Tbh, my experience is kinda similar, though not exact. I always felt guilt for anything I enjoyed in fiction and that includes virtually all my kinks since they are mostly all fiction due to me being aspec! I think my guilt stems from religious trauma tbh. It’s a sin to be happy after all! Must be the devils temptation /j! Growing up in fandom, seeing people online saying all these things I enjoyed actually made me a bad person caused me feel like I was dirty. That there was something wrong with me for actually really mundane things. And my OCD fed off of that like a leach. I still to this day can’t let people borrow my phone bc my OCD tells me that people will do or say nasty things to me if they find out. “Find out” meaning that they see the fanart and fanfics that aren’t even on my device that I looked at somewhere in the past (not even recent!). Wasn’t until the last four-ish years where I realized that was dumb lol. It was a long journey of self acceptance that I still struggle with today. It’s hard to get past mental illness, but you can live with it and still be happy! It may never go away, but you can absolutely learn to tell your brain to stop being dumb as fuck!
Like, why would I be kicked out of my house for watching South Park as a child? I wouldn’t have been, but my OCD brain told me shit like that all the time! I’m not bad for having fun! Neither is anyone else!
I absolutely agree with you that labeling the normal response to seeing something you don’t like, or meeting someone who likes that thing, as “ok not my thing but good for you ig” shouldn’t be a “proship” thing. I don’t like the pro vs anti divide all that much. But in reality, that’s how this internet argument is taken and seen. It’s rooted in it from a fandom history perspective (as lame as it sounds when I say it lmao). Normal people in real life don’t care about internet drama, and they don’t care what a proshipper or antishipper is. I honestly feel like a lot of people forget that, but I see a lot of people on the anti side of things applying their internet opinions to the real world. That’s why I’m concerned. I see a lot of antiship people dropping irl friends and spreading label against them too, and it’s not a healthy mindset or way to live. It’s fine to not have the same tastes, even being uncomfortable with someone else’s tastes. But I don’t think it’s healthy to worry so much that it affects your real life like how I see a ton of antis doing. Life is uncomfortable and it’s full of people who can make you uncomfortable. But life isn’t black and white, and people/things that make you kinda uncomfortable with certain things can also be things you could care less about. I know so many people in my life at least who I just don’t talk about certain subjects with for that very reason, but we are still great friends regardless of our differences! And they aren’t “bad people” either lmao
Proship vs antiship never should have been a thing. Imo, you’re either an asshole towards others for stupid reasons, or you aren’t and just agree to disagree unless someone’s causing real harm! Proshippers can be assholes just like antishippers sometimes lmao, so those aren’t synonymous!
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luckylambs · 2 months
hihi soo uhm, i kinda wanted to make a post abt this cuz ive seen it alot and it makes me uncomfortable and i dont rlly want people to think im into that kind of..stuff.
So alot of the stuff i post is animal related, but its anout playing as an animal, never do i want an actual animal (puppy, wolf, lamb, ect) to..do stuff to me.
However, alot of peoples posts do, and kink or not that is borderline beastiality, its no different to wanting a baby/child to have as a toy, thats pedophiliac.
You can have your kinks but when it involves abuse towards animals thats where the line needs to be drawn, animals like dogs,cats, and others can NOT consent like we humans and having an animal do sexual acts with you or another is not hot, its beastiality.
Watching those kinds of videos is like watching cp, its still illegal and wrong wether youre doing it or not. You cannot convince me otherwise because i know im right.
What i mean is, if yoy actually want an animal, a wild animal to do sex acts with you, get the fuck off of my page, please. I do not support beastiality/animal abuse, nor do i support child abuse.
By taking advantage of a creature with no voice or way to communicate you are abusing it, no matter if the dogs tail wags or not, it doesnt know any better because it is an ANIMAL.
Before you say pet play is no better, it id. You are playing as an animal, and some even feel spiritually connected which is great! But its all fantasy and sex play, its even in the name. Pet - play, you play as an animal for pleasure or even fun!
But we are adults and are capable of consenting to those acts, a little baby lamb cannot. A puppy cannot. A kitten cannot. That right there isnt a kink or fetish, its beastiality and makes you an animal abuser.
Thank you for reading, im sorry if i ever gave you the impresdion i actually enjoyed this, because i do not.
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anzynai · 2 years
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Scaramouche Hcs
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helloooo this is a super SUPER old request but i thought now would be a good time for these since he’s finally here hehe i hope u guys enjoy bc this is my man
y’all also i haven’t posted in so long so here’s this lol pls love me ALSO i am aware that “lee:” is in there three times but idk something is wrong with the post cuz it’s not going away ugh anyways 😭
warnings: tickling, contains 3.3 spoilers!
NONO ok it’s kinda funny- cuz he’s like.. the type to be like “i definitely do not enjoy this. unhand me!” don’t. he totally does.
NONO ok it’s kinda funny- cuz he’s like.. the type to be like “i definitely do not enjoy this. unhand me!” don’t. he totally does.
NONO ok it’s kinda funny- cuz he’s like.. the type to be like “i definitely do not enjoy this. unhand me!” don’t. he totally does.
his pale ass face gets so FREAKING flushed cuz it’s so embarrassing cuz the big and scary scaramouche??? ticklish??? no way!!!
he once asked childe to tickle him to increase his tolerance (who ofc agreed cuz who wouldn’t want the chance to tickle THE balladeer) but.. never again. childe is a ruthless tickle monster and scara is too ticklish for his own good.
he is.. uh slightly violent so if u wanna tickle him, be careful. it’s not even like he could help it, but he will kick, hit, do literally anything to get away LOL
honestly one of his biggest weaknesses (to him at least), ESP since his worst spot are his hips and sides (and knees but no one rlly knows that) and that’s like the general tickle spot! though, his thighs definitely aren’t a bad spot.
this poor man has the most adorable shriekiest, squeals and giggles that u would never expect from a man like him like literally everyone who has heard it cannot stop teasing him for it.
FOLLOWING THE 3.3 UPDATE, imagine whenever he’s thinking bad thoughts or is upset, nahida tickles him bc she just knows the way to cheer him up and even tho he’s never verbally thanked her, she knows it works
he actually rlly enjoys those soft tickles on like his chin and ears, he’s not too sensitive in those spots and it gets him lightly giggling and on most days, he will swat at ur hand to make u stop but occassionally… he will let u and he will love every second of it
bro gets into tickle fights a lot and when he loses, it’s funny because u can literally watch him crumble under ur touch LOL
probably obvious but he’s a very sadistic tickler LOL like if he says he won’t stop until u scream for mercy, he means it
he loves watching his “victim’s” reactions most of all. this is why he tends to tickle their neck on random because he likes their neck scrunching up
ok so what about since he’s all good now (ehh well more an anti-hero) he vents his frustration with.. get this… TICKLING instead of violence?! so if he’s angry or if he’s had a bad day, he will tickle u until he’s satisfied
i know what i said about him being sadistic but what if i say.. gentle. bro he’s kinda gentle because on most of the people he’s tickled, gentle tickles work wonders so it’s just kinda become a thing.
teasy teasy teasy!!!! bros not gonna relent hntil ur face is bright red and ur blushing like crazy, just another one of the things he likes to see so he always wants to see it.
he’s typically the winner in tickle fights (by using backhanded tricks), and once he has u… uhh. just good luck! he has a lot of experience with childe and now, traveler.
if he’s not absolutely wrecking someone with tickles, it doesn’t mean ur safe. he typically will swipe a finger down ur spine or neck whenever ur occupied and just catch u off guard.
sometimes, he thinks it’s funny to tease u and be like “you wanna be tickled, don’t u?” or “you wanna be tickled so bad, it’s pathetic” and then, scribble somewhere on ur body until u begin to laugh. and then, stop. and walk away. just because he thinks it’s funny to see u all shocked (and sometimes even a little disappointed) and he just laughs until he eventually tickles u.
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yellowvixen · 8 months
Hi, hello! Binturong anon with a lot of word vomit here, so be warned. I just read your reply to my ask and I'm so happy right now! I was slightly worried for a bit that you didn't like my silly little story, but hearing that you put off posting it because you liked reading it made me feel warm inside. And you want to draw it someday??? 😳 I can't believe this I'm hdhdjgk
As for my Sol OCs, I do have a few that are specifically parallels, but I'm never quite happy with them. There's always so many good ideas and I sometimes end up finding other people's takes on them that are SO cool (like Rime!) or that have ideas I was thinking of and I'm suddenly paranoid that I'm ripping off somebody else's character...
I absolutely get the struggle of deciding things like species, there's so many cool animals to use and I freaking struggled deciding on ones for mine. The Knuckles one is probably one of the most complete actually, but unfortunately I cannot show you her or any others because I'm not an artist. 😞 So I just rotate them all in my head until I think "Nice" and put it down on a digital notepad. I'm always interested to see others create their takes on them though! I'm certainly interested in all of yours!
I never considered Team Dark, apart from my Sol Shadow, who's definitely the least thought out. There's so many other cool ones out there, so I never really bothered. The few I have, if you're curious, are supposed to be Knuckles and Amy, to round out Blaze and Marine's Classic Quartet basically. And also a different Sol Eggman, because Blaze's nemesis being Eggman in G-major feels like a kick in the face to both Blaze and the actual Eggman 😒. (I also have a Sol Big but she's technically a joke character. She's also really small. I gave her a dinosaur though, as all women deserve.)
Anyway, basically just wanted to let you know that Rime is cool and I'm going to be thinking about that reply for the foreseeable future. Have a good week!
SORRYY I LEFT THIS SO LONG stuff kept happening and then I got ill and then more stuff happened 😩
But! Yeah!! I think it's cool seeing other people's ideas for stuff like this, like I know for sure there are other versions of Sol Shadow out there that are ice powered cats like Rime!! I don't rlly think it's the end of the world if people independently come up with the same ideas as long as you don't purposefully copy anyone.
God you're so right about there being so many cool animals to choose from... Sol Rouge was easy for me but everyone else is being a pain skfjfhdgd. Eventually I'll figure them out though. (One day I promise...) Also! It seems like you have the descriptions of characters down even if you can't draw them, so you could always commission someone!!
I love the idea of Sol Amy too, I personally have 0 ideas for them so might not design my own version tbh. But having a Sol Classic 4 is super cute! You could have a lot of fun with their designs too, the way classic Amy looks pretty different from modern Amy. Sol Eggman too... I've just kinda retconned Nega and made him actually be from the Sol dimension idc about canon LOL I haven't thought about it too much.
Also TINY SOL BIG??? I'm in love that's so cute and such a fun alt version. With a dinosaur too FUCK yes.
I really love how imaginative people are when it comes to the Sol dimension, actually giving it more characters and lore! If sega won't give it love then at least we will 😤
Thank you sm for enjoying Rime, and once again sorry this took so long for me to answer 🥲🩵 I hope you have a nice week too!!!
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butchyeons · 26 days
author… i’m starving… do you have any hcs for the alphas!jeonghyo au? 🍽️
omg my best friends who are so madly in love with each other yes! icl that au was fully meant to just be a smut oneshot but now we’re here. i don’t have nearly as much developed for them but the people seem to love it so! here’s some general stuff
they’re all p much in a big open relationship with one another even if there’s set pairs (mainly momo and sana)
dahyun and chaeyoung are basically mates at this point, too. they say it’s bc the betas have to stick together to deal with everyone else, but rlly they do love each other a lot lmao
jeonghyo have been in love with each other for years and only rlly said i love you as like. comfort or reassurance bc they’re best friends up until jihyo got rlly, rlly serious abt it. ty nayeon for that
jihyo takes rut suppressants! you will probably see why in a future fic lmao
a few of the members take suppressants due to the natures of their heats/ruts. for example, mina and sana don’t take suppressants, but nayeon does. nayeon’s heat is wayyy more intense and therefore she rlly does not feel like dealing with it
jeongyeon doesn’t take rut suppressants bc they make her head hurt rlly bad. like she gets migraines from them. she hasn’t found one that works for her and it’s genuinely just a hassle to to the nature of them being idols so she just deals with it (aka. has jihyo)
jihyo is literally the only member who’s ever helped jeongyeon with her ruts. jeongyeon loves to lie and tell everyone she doesn’t want help bc she gets rlly aggressive, but rlly it’s bc she only wants jihyo
random as hell but jeongyeon likes to longboard! she’s tried to teach momo a few times but she gets so scared that they usually end up giving up. but momo likes to be pushed around on it by jeongyeon though. it’s free entertainment for the rest of the group
up until the jeongmo fight there had never been an actual physical altercation between any of them. they’ve argued and bickered over the years but rlly nothing like that has ever happened before- so it was genuinely shocking for everyone to see
and one last rlly important thing! in this au alpha/alpha and omega/omega mating marks fade over time. they have to get redone every once in awhile- every few months basically. do not ask why i am telling you this now :)
jeonghyo rlly aren’t as smart abt hiding it as they want to think they are. LMAO
and that’s pretty much all i have for them! like i said it’s rlly not as developed aka i am kinda going at this blindly but. yknow! it’s been rlly fun to write so far. i love starting drama. i love my two dumb alphas. of course i have some nsfw hcs too if you’d like to hear abt that LMAO. tysm for the ask!! i should be writing more for them (aka finishing the fic that i recently posted) soon!! i hope all of you enjoy it when it goes up
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gemharvest · 3 months
I found you through your post about transfem BF, and to put first words first: THANK YOU. I was honestly looking for someone who shared the headcanon.
And relating to what her name would be, I imagine she would keep it as Boyfriend, mainly because the phrase "This is my boyfriend, Girlfriend, and I'm his girlfriend, Boyfriend," somehow came to my mind. Note that I don't headcanon GF as transmasc, it just popped up in my mind and I laughed my ass off.
HOLDING YOUR HANDS ANON I feel like I'm soooo alone with how prevalent transmasc BF is; I'm so glad there's other transfem truthers out there. She is so Girl to me it's crazy I'm kinda sad there isn't really a lot out there for her (I'm mostly thinking about my time perusing AO3 ship tags and being met with every fic involving a trans Boyf being transmasc and not transfem, though I do not, for a second, think the general fanart space/ whatever fairs much better).
I feel like people aren't giving her a good shot just cuz.. fans do have this weiirddd tendency to only do trans headcanons towards what the character already presents as in canon, this specific case being "oh well canonically Boyfriend is a Dude so my trans headcanon should make him a trans dude" and I'm not saying that's the only reason people will do that, but idk you end up in these spaces long enough and it's a trend you will pick up on. This is not to say I think it's Bad to have a transmasc Boyfriend headcanon, I just cannot see it personally beyond wanting to project transmasc experiences. Which is cool but idk I think she deserves estrogen. As a treat.
Idk I don't think there's a deep issue with this in Boyf's case (and I want to stress the fact that I do not hate transmasc BF nor look down on people who headcanon him as such) it's just kinda.. MAN I wish more people let her be a girl. Y'all are missing out this is so fun.
ANYWAYS LOL sorry if you can't tell I have been Stewing with thoughts and I never pass up the opportunity for a good ramble. As for her name, HONESTLY my first thought was also that I don't think she'd actually care enough about her name to want to change it. I do enjoy calling her Girlfriend2 for the giggle or also Joyfriend (someone in my replies also suggested Babefriend, which is honestly rlly cute even if I don't see myself using it for her) but if I am being real she tooootally seems like she'd be fine with sticking to Boyfriend and maybe even getting a chuckle out of it confusing people. It fits with me not rlly seeing her to be the type to transition to be hyper-feminine. The most I see her doing is growing out her hair + effects from going on E. I don't think she'd even care to voice train LOL. And the hair thing is solely because I think she'd look cute with this kinda hairstyle:
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(sorry for letting my interest in scene slip into this, it will happen again <3)
AND YOU'RE SO RIGHT THE WHOLE "This is my boyfriend, Girlfriend, and I'm his girlfriend, Boyfriend" LINE IS SO FUNNY. I don't see myself adopting a trans HC for Girlfriend but it would be worth it alone just for that. New headcanon dropped Girlfriend is still a cis girl but she lets Boyfriend refer to her as her boyfriend for the fun of it. Love wins.
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a-dumbass-jester · 1 year
Og post Im just going into detail^^
OK so I started tjis like over a year ago and i never put my thoughts down anywhere and at some point I lost my yttd hyper fixation and is now violently regaining it so some stuff might be a bit inaccurate
{Human to doll}
I came up with tjis hc/theory of how the human dummies and doll dummies are the same because:
One(1): tragedy and angst
Two(2): I didn’t rlly like that fact that they were two completely separate people (especially clones) so this somehow became a tjing
OK SO, right after the human dummies died Midori (being Midori) was like “hm I wanna see if I can transfer their human souls/ ghost/ spirit into their doll copy”
and then he did and because it’s asunaro it somehow works
Before the AIs were put in the dolls they were conscious but just couldn’t move without the ai put in.
Because the AIs gave them the ability to move and do basically everything their souls attached itself to the ai
(PLEASE bear with me)
As for Hinako I don’t rlly know how exactly she becomes a doll but I assume asunaro has a doll (and ai) copy of her (because why not) and Midori did a similar thing to her but her doll was like underneath the coffin or smth
Summary: the dummies human soul was transferred their doll copy after they died (all six(6) of them) and it latched onto the AIs
{how their all "alive"/ together}
OK so this whole thing centers around kurumada being the dummie that is still alive so he can miss the others and ask to see their AIs
Because everyone remembers everything and because everything asunaro rebuilds their dolls
This is also for selfish reasons to because they’ve literally gone from being human to doll and can and have experience the differences and uses them (as much as they hate it) as test subjects to test differences
Summary: kurumada is the only dummie left alive and he missed the others a lot so he asked so see their AIs
Asunaro then rebuilds their dolls after the death game 
Most of this ending actually focuses of after the game
Human dolls
Ok so most of the time after the game they stay at asunaro because:
One(1): their like legally (and physically) dead
Two(2): they’re dolls. They wouldn’t age , I would be weird if someone just stopped aging(ESPECIALLY the kids). They’re made of plastic so if anyone got hurt they would just crack (especially kurumada with him being a boxer)
So most they just stayed with asunaro
Sleeping(even though they don’t need to any more) in the rooms the participants slept in in chapter 2
Also since they would be staying there for god knows how long asunaro let them customize the rooms however they’d like
Also because Asunaro kinda did:
- Kill them
- Stuff them into dolls
- Take away any life or future they would’ve had
- Keep them here
(-experiment on them)
So asunaro’s kinda like “yeaaa, Soooorrryyyy about that” and like lets them to whatever they want. They’ll also like get them stuff from the store or smth if they want.
OK SO tjis part is basically like 100 years later of smth, Sara (who won and took over asunaro) has died and asunaro did another death game to have someone take her place.
The dummies were used as floormasters because:
One(1): The irony of having people who were victims of the last death game and turned in the ones in charge
Two(2): They didn’t rlly have anyone else so they just went with them
So asunaro whipped their memories, messed with their heads and personality’s and turned them into floormasters
(I have entire designs(kinda) and concepts on what they would be and look like)
Finally resting
So after they’re back to normal, and the new participants find out about all of this they set a plan to finally free the dummies and let them rest
The participants delete their AIs from the database(?) and set their dolls on fire so their no longer attached to their AIs and can be freed.
Ok!!! So there is that!!
Hope you enjoyed, i guess!!
This sounds kinda bad written but here I guess
I wrote this at like 3/4 am
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minquiec · 3 months
Why GiftedEyes is kinda special to me
Oh my goddd it's been a while since I yapped 😭 I've just been busy I promise I never stop the yap but this is uhmmm smth new that I haven't really posted about cause I literally came up w it 3-5 weeks ago but it's a oc PLUS canon not oc X canon cause it's a platonic pairing between an oc and.....GOJO SATORU OUT OF ALL PPL but yea enjoy I think
This is but a temporary diversion from jipunk hshahaha cause thinking abt moving on makes me wanna throw up cause I don't like change 😍😍 but I realise it's okay to like multiple things at the same time and it doesn't define me 🤺 so anyways
(I still love all my ocs and characters and ships and what not I never move on I just can't multitask and fixate on two things at once [me trying to self affirm LOL])
So how the fuck did I get here
How did I join the masses and suddenly become a gojo satoru enjoyer? Tbh idrk cause I've been into jjk for a while and it kinda appears in phases where I'd be pretty into it for a week and then ease out and then repeat for the next couple of months but this time round it's especially bad for some reason bc???? Hello??? I suddenly grew heart eyes for gojo satoru?? Scratches head fr but LAWD ITA SO FUN cause fanart wise jjk is a way more popular series than spiderverse and i can literally feel my starving body being replenished
But besides him being obviously a pretty boy I've actually grown to like his character a lot
So you see ☝️🤓 the problem w me is whenever I like a character I always gotta really REALLY like them to the point when I start analysing their personality to see if I actually fr like them and that's how it lasts longer than an average "he fine I want him"
And w gojo I think I realized I rlly like characters who have compassion for other ppl? 😭 but it's gotta have layers idk I have a range of types so maybe I'm just talking bs
Cause it's not rlly obvious w gojo but he's really kind in terms of his compassion for humanity which makes me ssooo 🙂‍↕️☝️😭🙏🙆‍♀️🤺🫶💔💔🧍‍♂️🗣️📈📈🔥🔥‼️🆙🆙 and it shows in the way he treats his students (ignoring the fact bro stepped on peoples faces in shibuya but you sort of get what i mean not really) and in that one line where he said smth like "no one should take the youth away from young people" and im going to leap because of his own youth that was taken from literally his birth cause of his groundbreaking, historic birth with his six eyes AND limitless
So very obviously he didn't have a normal childhood, probably put on a pedestal and worshipped which meant he grew up! Kinda weirdly! And when he met suguru he could probably experience his youth for the first time (geto!! Suguru!!! Was his first and last blue spring!!!! Blue spring is a poetic way of saying youth!!!! I'm gonna LEAP) and that youth was prematurely taken away at FIFTEEN and SSEECONNDD YEAR when riko was killed which could basically be a metaphor of the death of their youth with their morals and principles being thrown into a clothes dryer and tumbled around
And I'm not gonna. Get into how much stsg make me wanna tear my hair out cause tbh I Will Cry cause I've cried atleast 4 times about them before and I'm trying to keep my peace and they actually make me so sad bc the depth of their connection Makes Me Want to dddiiieeeee 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ they're so much more than just ahaha silly ship tgt and it drives me crazy but I'm not gonna get into it bc once again; I'm Gonna Cry
Anyways back to sat or oo gojo, he can do very easily be that cold typical guy that doesn't care but instead he chooses to hold the responsibility of the jujutsu world on his shoulders alone bc unlike the higher ups who are fucking useless!!!! He doesn't want the youth to suffer for the mistakes (they inevitably do anyways though 💔) cause I saw this tweet where he literally, could've solved the whole shibuya incident in a split second if he wanted (hollow purple the whole place and easy as that) but because of the innocent people involved he chose to literally risk vulnerability by over exerting to the max like wtf did you see that he's insane he's crazy he's gojo satoru (which in the end cost him his temporary freedom 💔💔💔 but I digress)
But uhmmm that concludes why I like him so much rn 🙏🙏 I saw this rlly good tweet where it mentions from who I believe is a jjk screen writer?? And mentions that gojos attractiveness stems from his ability to show weakness and that he isn't all invincible in terms of character and im like uuueEEEEEE but I appreciate him a lot
So ofc as any normal person would deal with loving a character, obviously my crazy ass decided "wow!! What a tragic character who's so, so lonely!!! I can't stand this and my heart cries for you so I'm gonna give you a companion because the canonical media treats you too painfully!!!!!"
Like a normal person does
So now we enter mins crazy bitch domain, my mind palace, my noggin if you will and all this takes a sharp detour to Cringeville but when have I ever gaf
A key aspect of Ruri's character is that she revolves around the failure of authorities in her life, starting from young where she is exploited for monetary means because of her jujutsu talent. I kinda made it on purpose that she parallels w satoru in a way where both were deprived of a normal childhood due to their talent? She is then failed again by the higher ups in the incident where she loses an eye due to their mistake and it's important to note that during this time (around ~2006 to ~2007) the star vessel plasma stuff happened and haibara dying due to higher ups so it really just solidifies that theme of children being exploited and burdened for the mistakes cause by the generation before them.
So because of this, there's already a different kind of connection between all of the surviving students of this time (mmm sort of minus suguru cause he went off and uhm,, started his cult and became public enemy #1)
On top of this initial connection of trauma, prior to it ruri and satoru had a more whimsical thing going on where they both have special eyes kind of (hence why I named it GiftedEyes cause they're technically both gifted in their own sense and they got fucked up eyes hahahaha) and during this time period, he's just very cheeky and cocky and she barely tolerates him bc ehhh he's just like that but he's nice in his own fucked up way
For shoko and suguru it's more of a normal friendly close relationship cause ruri's canonically likeable HaHaHa she's just very nice to be around so the 4 are in this close friend group tgt but I won't get tm into their dynamic or whtevr the fuck they have going on
So after the star ves incident and ruri's accident, she disappears for like ATLEAST A DECADE I THINK,,, TO HEAL?? (I'm still working on this but all ik is the higher ups took her away for healing) so none of the three see her again till 2018 (WHAT REALLY FUCKS ME UP IS THAT SHE NEVER GOT TO SEE SUGURU AGAIN,,,,, there's one situation where she actually sort of walks past mimiko and nanako in a public setting and she recognises a bit of his CE [this shit ain't canon, making this up cause it's part of her CT ajjajaj] but she brushes it off)
But anyways the dynamic changed when they meet again as adults in 2018 where instead of barely tolerating his shenanigans, ruri grew to be one of very few people who actually indulge his personality (as masked as it might be bc cmon now) because seeing familiar faces after all they've been through makes her sad 😞😞 it doesn't help she's older AJAJA only by a little but she's biologically inclined (ruri: oct 20 shoko: nov 7 satoru: dec 7 suguru: feb 3)
And while I say indulge, I don't mean she's actively encouraging it LOL she still has that stoic calm personality from adolescence but it's more like she turns the other way whenever he's being goofy (she buys him sweets and souvenirs whenever she comes back from missions)
And its cause like, the idea of someone who's on the top of the chain, the world even, finding comfort in an old friend makes me soooooo sssssssooooooo aAAAUYYEEUUGGHHHHHH it's what he deserves after so long so this is my coping okay and it kills me cause i think he (bear with me here lemme be cringe) would find a lot of comfort in her presence again cause sometimes it's like she's a time capsule from the distant past where he was actually happy and can't help but almost revert to the silly cheeky version 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ he may be suffering from his breakup for the past decade BUT atleast he got his girl SPACEBAR friends to support him (shoko and ruri)
Platonic love also really makes me sob cause like ,,, it's the way you've formed such a connection and affection (non romantically) strung by the mishaps and tragedies you've suffered together,,,ueueue but yea that's it i think i need to honk shoo mimimi they r special to me
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So I'm aro and kinda ambivalent/slightly pos on sex stuff. So like from an aspec perspective on all your posts is very interesting to watch. Idk. I feel like people only use my identity to mask they still have growing to do and that sex isn't... Like, scary I guess? Its just a thing people do, Yk? Also that lots of different people have sex, conventionally unattractive people have sex, you don't need to "beautify" them. Adults have sex. These characters are all adults, by the end of the comics Scout is in his late 20s, like. I'm fairly certain these characters have had sex, and infantilizing characters like Scout, sometimes Engineer, or especially Pyro, whether they realize it or not, reflects on them and their feelings on how people "should act" and mental disorders. They can have sex! The sex can be weird! They are weird people! Like... They're adult men. They range from mid 20's to possibly their 50s-60's. Who are messed up a bit. I don't think they're timid little virgin babys who have never seen a genital or came in their life, like, be serious. I think it CAN be interesting to explore how someone in the 60's-70's would navigate asexuality in this scenario. Like, that can be an interesting take IF you put the actual thought, understanding, and nuances of being aspec. But like, it's always just like, filler sexuality here to be there cuz I don't have a strong grasp on the character. A pretty flag for the sake of having another flag. And because of that lack of character and world understanding they lean on stereotypes under the guise of progressive ideas.
Sorry about the all over the place rant, just been thinking about this kinda stuff every time I see ur posts.
Nooo don'tworry this is rlly nice to hear n a perspective I can't rlly give! Obviously I'm not aspec myself AHGKLAGA but I definitely don't like stuff like "well of COURSE Pyro is aroace bc they're baby uwu" it just doesn't sit right with me LMAO. None of this is to say that I think it's "wrong" to have ace Pyro or ace Sniper or ace whoever headcanons, of course I don't think that. I especially think it's really nice when someone sees themself in a videogame man, regardless of what their identity is. I just think yknow, stuff like "this guy has Brain Problems (Sniper has social problems, Pyro has delusions, Scout has a disorder I'm calling 'being in his 20s') and therefore does not have sex" or in Pyro's case especially "cannot even UNDERSTAND sex" is kinda just harmful and offensive across the board, to mentally ill people and aspec people alike. I'm always reminded of that ask I got like "if autistic people can't handle bright lights how are they supposed to handle sex" bc like 1) plenty of autistic people are perfectly Fucking capable of understanding, having, and enjoying sex and 2) ace people aren't ace bc they "can't handle" or "don't understand" sex LMAO. Sex is a thing some people have, and a thing some people don't, and like either of those things are good and okay and fine. Idk there's just a veeeery wide societal problem of really infantilizing both asexual people and disabled people that I think extends far beyond "fandom" or whatever, it's rlly deeply ingrained so a lot of people aren't aware of how they perpetrate it. Basically I just don't think an ace or aro headcanon should surround "X character is just completely incapable of understanding and/or consenting to sex or romance" ESPECIALLY if that character is disabled (like Pyro tf2, or even to a smaller degree like Sniper tf2 if the person doing it hcs him as autistic or whatever). If u want someone to be ace they can just be ace! It doesn't need like a "shy baby uwu" reasoning behind it
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nereidprinc3ss · 4 months
how do you start building a following and getting people to read your fics i love yours sm it’s inspired me to write my own but idk how to get a reach out to people or even someone to just read it idk just feels like im talking to a void do you have any advice :(
ofc! this is gonna be a mess but here we go
first of all, if your blog is brand new, your post won’t show up in the tags, and second, the first five tags are the most important ones. so if your blog is brand new tumblr might think you’re a robot and have a sort of shadow ban on your content in which case you just need to post and be active on that blog for a while and let it get a few weeks old so that tumblr will recognize you as a real person and let your posts be seen.
in terms of tags use only the relevant ones and use the most relevant ones first, like if you’re posting spencer smut the first tag you’ll probably want to use is spencer reid smut.
(also just general tagging courtesy: if it’s not smut don’t tag it as smut, and don’t tag pure filth as fluff or angst. for x reader only tag the relevant character ie if it’s x spencer don’t tag it as x aaron hotchner!!)
engage with people!! reblog fics, respond to asks, stuff like that!! people wanna engage with nice fun people! be yourself!!! 😍🌈😁💕💐 (no but actually)
be patient too, fics don’t get like 1000 notes overnight. you kinda just have to stick to it because at first you just won’t probably get a lot of interaction. but don’t get discouraged if you’re not seeing super big numbers or getting tons of comments/asks right away, that just comes with time
the most important part (and this is gonna sound stupid) is to have fun! write what YOU want to write. if you’re solely posting to get as many notes as possible you’ll lose faith and probably go inactive pretty quickly. i started posting fic after months and months of reading it and being obsessed w the show, and i had ideas for scenarios that i was rlly excited to write!! not because i expected to get a bunch of notes. if numbers are your only motivation, you won’t stick to it, which means you’ll probably lose interest sooner and never get to that point where you’re getting a lot of rewarding engagement from the community.
also writing what you wanna write is super important because it will show in the quality! requests can be fun but you’re not a content machine, you’re someone with ideas of your own that you’d like to express.
and I can’t stress enough how important it is to write what YOU want to read. that’s really the only way to sustain a fanfic blog, otherwise you’ll burn out. if you try to write like someone else, you’ll burn out. it’s gotta be all you because you enjoy it, not for anyone else!
so that’s what I got lol i hope this is mildly helpful!! and thank you im so flattered i inspired you to start posting!!! good luck!!
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pileofpawns · 1 year
Intro post!!! Wauuugh! Finally!
I have been meaning to make one these for ages but I've never gotten around to it lmao
Hi there, I'm Plum! I'm 17 years old and my pronouns are she/her (though idc if you use they/them on me either). I'm a disabled aroace cis girl. Nice to meet ya! This is where I tip my brain contents into - Consistency does not exist here! I mostly post about my interests (which can change very rapidly), but also make generally nonsensical shitposts and rarely post art I make.
Misc info about me:
I'm okay with any and all gendered language being used on me. I'm not a guy but you can call me one if it's funny (or even if it’s not funny)
Common speech quirks and things I say and type a lot include "wowzers", "eep", abbreviating "-ing" to "-in", and capitalizing words for emphasis
I LOVE turtles. Can't get enough of em. My favorite species is the three-toed box turtle!
You are always free to mention me on posts or send me asks for literally anything! People nudging me to show me something they think I'd like brings me SO much joy.
Fruity fella who loves (literal) fruit
🐢💕 <- favorite emojis
I am disabled!! (I know I said it at the top) My disabilities include ADHD, dermatillomania, misophonia, mitral valve prolapse, and major depressive disorder. I’m only sharing these because I’m comfortable doing so and I want to talk about them!
I have a habit of calling anyone who I am even slightly acquainted with "bestie". If this makes you uncomfortable please let me know and I will stop!
I make visual art, write, and craft things sometimes! You can check out my stuff under the tags #plums art and #plum writes . I've also been playin the violin for uhhh... 7 years now?
I HATE discourse and I'm a strict inclusionist. This blog is safe for endogenic and mixed origin systems, self-diagnosed folx, folx who use microlabels, and pretty much anyone not trying to cause harm to others. Please keep discourse out of here.
I'm a scalie and also alterhuman in some kinda way!! I don't really label it lol but I am a three-toed box turtle in some capacity.
You can find me on ao3 here
You can find me on YouTube here
And you can find me on Discord under the user pickledplums ! If you shoot me a friend request or DM please let me know who you are first or I will likely not respond.
My blog name is a lyric from the song “Ghostdubster” from the “Super Ghostbusters Deluxe Edition” album by Vargskelethor. Give it a listen, funniest shit I’ve ever heard.
Spam likes/reblogs are okay!! They make me rlly happy :))
Non-definitive list of fandoms I'm in/media I enjoy:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (mostly 2003 and rise but I love all iterations)
Tales from the Stinky Dragon
Usagi Yojimbo
PaRappa the Rapper/UmJammer Lammy
Rhythm Heaven
Samba de Amigo
Magic the Gathering (not really versed in the lore but I do play the game!)
Dungeons & Dragons
Spongebob Squarepants (the main cartoon and the musical)
Kid Cosmic
South Park (I am not very active in the fandom anymore and have not watched the actual show in ages, but I will occasionally like/reblog fanart. I recognize the problems it and it’s creators have.)
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userbox credits: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (bottom two are by me)
Welcome to my silly little blog! I hope you enjoy your stay :}
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t4tbedehopmar · 1 year
KOHERS important. uh. i uh. i read piers wiki like onc e . and . something interesting happened there. uh. how. is he like in the game. i gotta know because UH UHHHHH . dont ask. for now.
◕⁠_◕ um. OK this sure is interesting! OK THEN short essay here i come >:O
SO if u've read my long as hell marnie essay u'll know he's her older brother! he's the dark type gym leader of the region and lives in spikemuth obviously AND there's smth i forgor to mention during my marnie essay! u see in every single town in galar u can dynamax or gigantamax ur pokemon in the gym BUT in spikemuth u can't bc there's no um. how's it called in english. well in spanish it's called nodo dinamax and that's what makes it able to dynamax ur pokemon! so he's the only gym leader that never dynamaxes his pokemon :] NOW THEN he's also the only gym leader that doesn't show up in the opening ceremony of the gym challenge so u only get to meet him when u arrive at spikemuth and he's having a concert there bc our guy is a singer AND songwriter BOOM!!!!!! what a guy fr....... COUGHS ANYWAYS he puts himself down saying he thought no one came to challenge him bc he was useless and. that kinda seems like u. BUT YEAH it's actually bc the town is closed down so yeah our fav guy isn't and will never be useless 🫶🫶 ANYWAYS like any other gym leader u rlly don't get to see them during the game BUT piers is special! as i said during my marnie essay he wants marnie to be the next dark type gym leader and since marnie doesn't become champion he's free to do wtv he likes! and so during the post game these two evil guys from the novelty appear and start dynamaxing their pokemon in all the cities and since he's no longer a gym leader and there's no um. nodo dinamax thingie in spikemuth he helps protagonist and hop (<3333) to take care of that! so we get to see more of piers LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOO AHEM anyways let's go to what u rlly care abt fkhfjdjkd personality! by his looks u probably think he's dark and scary and all that BUT just like marnie he's actually pretty sweet and nice! he's very overprotective of marnie and in general of his friends too :] he's also kinda shy i think? like he seems kinda closed off upon first meeting. kind of. THAT'S JUST THE VIBES HE GIVES ME OK DKHSKDBAJDHJAHDJSHDJJSJJD but yeah overall he's pretty nice puts himself down is protective of the people he cares of so yeah sounds like u 👍👍 um. if u end up being piers i might go a bit. insane maybe <- normal piers fan BUT ANYWAYS hope u enjoyed my essay byebye
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