#I ordered the book but it's like. 12 days shipping so I didn't get to read it yet
memento-mariii · 1 year
Is it possible to get brain damage (affectionate) (positive) from a book you haven't even read yet?! Read a tumblr post about the book on my dash, did some digging around on it, it seemed right up my alley, and now it's been eating my brain for the last 4 days. Ough.
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detectivebambam · 2 months
For the choosing violence thing.
I curious about your thoughts on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, and 25
(Your thoughts make my day tbh)
lol i gotchu pinky
the character everyone gets wrong: Dan. she's not a badass. i mean she is, but she's not. she's a scared little girl who had to raise herself and has no idea what she's doing at any given time and i love her for it
why andrew would never top or bottom: actually he does both, and tends to enjoy it. kind of an agressive top but Neil likes it, and sometimes likes to follow orders when he bottoms 🫣 i think they do anything and everything with each other. Neil could be dominant or submissive at any given time, which gives Andrew space to learn about what he actually enjoys. He finds that as long as it involves Neil, he doesn't mind
worst tumblr take I've seen: that Andrew was a misogynist because he doesn't like being manipulated, and "manipulation is a woman's weapon" like how is THAT not misogynistic be so real
why did you block that annoying person?: kept saying that Kevin abused Riko as much as Riko abused Kevin. don't know how far they had to reach into the depths of their asshole to find that one, i just hope they didn't get stuck
i don't have discord
which ship fans are the most annoying: y'all are going to absolutely murder me for this but kevaaron. 1) where did it come from? 2) what's wrong with Katie?? 3) no hate ship what u want but also, i can ship what i want? and it's fine it's literally fine
what character did you start to hate because of fanon: i hate to say it but Thea. i adored her when I read the books originally, but after 4 years of exclusively fanon content i didn't like her. but i did a reread recently and adore her again so it's all good
common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about: Andrew being a sex god. Neil is his first consensual sexual partner. like yeah he knows how to suck dick like a dying man, which he learned in juvie (when he was 13-16?) but in terms of sex? he doesn't know what he's doing and he's probably really scared and nervous
worst part of canon: kevin and thea turning their daughter into a mini Raven 😔
worst part of fanon: Renee erasure 😔😔
fandom related words you've filtered: as of currently? anything tsc related because I don't have access to it yet and people aren't tagging properly. but I also have Rinee (rixo x renee) blocked because,,, what do you actually mean
unpopular character you like and why people should like them: Aaron. yeah he's an asshole and a little homophobic but he was raised that way and he's getting better
worst blorboification: if this means what i think it means, fucking riko. like wdym "he serves cunt" he needs to serve time
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you can't understand why this is popular: kevaaron, any riko ship, riko himself, ichirou x neil, andreil breaking up in fics ?
there should be more of this: fic: oral fixation. sexual or non sexual idc but let's Freud these bitches. fanart: ANDREW WITH LONG HAIR PLS PLS PLS
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like: i don't feel guilt I'm Presbyterian
part of canon you found boring: anytime they were in class like wdym
part of canon you think is overhyped: this one is going to get me in trouble so i wanna start off by saying that yes, Riko was a victim of abuse. I'm not disputing that at all. but the part where he got beat by Tetsuji and "was more blood and bruise than skin", while being horrible, was also because of Kevin leaving due to Riko breaking his hand. Tetsuji lost one of his biggest investments because of Riko's petty ego
fav part of canon that everyone ignores: Stuart Hatford man
ship you've unwillingly come around to: Kandreil lol. i didn't like it at first but idk the more fanfic i see I'm like yeah that could be cute
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse: picture this, if you will: Nora Sakavic says something about her own damn characters. yeah that's all
common fandom complaint you're sick of hearing: "it's poorly written" it's not. if you can get over the first chapter of The Raven King, the rest is actually written very well and it's so so beautiful and depicts traumatized characters in a way I haven't seen before that is very refreshing
ty for the ask pinky ily
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zaenaris · 6 months
I think that Akane died when she was 16, she didn't look a lot older than that.
Since she is 6 years older than Koko and Inupi, it mean that they would have been 11 for Koko and still 10 for Inupi, at the moment of the fire, few days before Inupi's 11th birthday.
Because if Koko was 12 and Inupi 11 (or already 12), Akane would have been 18. So almost adult. And she doesn't look like a adult.
So i bet that she was 16/17, second or last year of high school, and that the boys were 11 for Koko, et almost 11 for Inupi. And they had still a year to do in elementary school.
Akane stayed in coma for few weeks, months. Inupi had already his short hair that he had in Shinichiro's ship when Izana visited him, Inupi and Koko had already grow up to look more like teen than that children. I think that they had already started their last years in school for some weeks when Akane died.
Koko was just a kid, he didn't manage to have enough money to help Akane in a so short period of time but he had enough time to get a reputation and having still a lot of money
But It couldn't have been only few weeks. It must have lasted for few months, maybe 6 months. Inupi has just a shirt when he call Koko to tell him, so it was warmer outside. Maybe it was summer or end of spring.
After that, Inupi was in 8th Black Dragon, then in 9th Black Dragon, then send in juivie.
Inupi is older than Mikey for a year. He was 13 when Mikey was 12. When Mikey beats the Black Dragon, it was almost his 13th birthday. And Inupi was in juivie at this moment. We don't know the date of his liberation but it was after Shinichiro's death, so after Mikey's birthday. He was 14 at this point. 16 in the BD Arc. and 18 in Mabu Arc.
So he must have been almost 11 when the fire happened, had spent his birthday at the hospital and Akane "survived" for at least 6 months, while Inupi was in his last elementary school year. Inupi has been send in juivie during his first year of middle scool and got released during his second year. But it must been less of a year in reform school.
Koko is few months older than Inupi, since he's born in April. But they are in the same year. So Koko was already 11 when the fire happened.
Yeah, I agree that Akane could have been 16/17 when she died, for sure she was still in high school given her uniform, but she's 5 years older than Inupi (ch.158)
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also Inupi is older than Koko!
Inupi is born on October 18 1989, while Koko on April 1, 1990, but they're in the same year at school because of how the Japanese scholastic system works (there was a typo in the first character book, the official twitter made a post to confirm that). Inupi, Koko and Taiju are all in the same scholastic year. If Koko were born on April 2, then he would have been a year younger! (school years start on April 1 and ends in March and kids has to be 6 already to start school, they cannot be, let's say 5 and 364 days old lol, at least, this is what I understand, this system is a little tricky for me, it's very different from the one used where i live lol)
We don't know exactly when the fire happens, but since they have long sleeves with no coat it's probably autumn or spring. And unfortunately we don't even know how long she stayed in coma, but i agree some months could have passed. Here Koko says 1 month was passed since the fire (ch.159)
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so either she dies after 1 month of coma (and in the meanwhile Inupi also gets out of the hospital), or some generic amount of time passed, no more than a few months tho. I agree with you, I feel some months should have had passed in order for Koko to start making some money
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(lol Inupi is calling from a public phone, how does Koko knows it's him??)
In chapter 81 Chifuyu says that 2 years before (so in 2003 since in ch.81 it's the end of 2005) there was the new born Toman (that was created to help Kazutora) vs Black Dragon 9th generation, that was lead by Madarame Shion, but there was no Inupi around in the extra chapter from the DVDs, later reunited in the full color volume "Stay Gold"
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Inupi is older than Mikey for a year. He was 13 when Mikey was 12. When Mikey beats the Black Dragon, it was almost his 13th birthday. And Inupi was in juivie at this moment. We don't know the date of his liberation but it was after Shinichiro's death, so after Mikey's birthday. He was 14 at this point. 16 in the BD Arc. and 18 in Mabu Arc.
Yes, Mikey is born on August 20, 1990, so since Inupi is not around when Toman vs 9th gen BD happens, we can assume he was in juvie at the time, in 2003, and it is heavily implied he was in juvie, since he asks for confirmation here (I mean, he could be just Wakui giving us some context + inupi finding a way like another to introduce the "i want to recreate the gang" topic, because i doubt Inupi would have waited to get out of juvie to get info about his beloved gang)
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I agree that Inupi probably didn't spent more than a year in reform school (i mean, Tora didn't stay long in juvie the first time, when he killed Shin) But when Inupi is released from juvie he's in his 3rd year of middle school -but we don't know what time of the year was, the only hint is that Koko's uniform was not the summer one- and 9th BD was no more(ch.105)
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I mean, depending on when the fire happened, Inupi could have spent his birthday at the hospital, it's a possibility. Unfortunately, Wakui has been quite vague with the dates, so we are sure Inupi and Koko were in elementary school when the fire happens, that Koko is younger than Inupi, the year of release from juvie of Inupi, but the rest is up to our imagination I guess
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Crosshair – My Beloved Enemy 42 – Harsh Words
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Warnings: Strong Language / Angst
Crosshair is anything but thrilled with what his brothers have told him. When he comes to your shuttle to confront you, he's pretty charged up.
What Happened Before:
Part 1 - Crash Landing
Part 2 - Hot And Cold
Part 3 - Hello Kitten
Part 4 - Look Who’s Back
Part 5 - Rebel Darling
Part 6 - Burning Anger
Part 7 - Love And Pain
Part 8 - A Difficult Reunion
Part 9 - The Bitter Taste Of Blood And Failure
Part 10 - Where The Dead Ships Dwell
Part 11 - A Lonely Firefly In Space
Part 12 - Broken Wings
Part 13 - A Helping Hand
Part 14 - The Justifier
Part 15 - The Bounty
Part 16 - Trapped
Part 17 - I Love You Too
Part 18 - When The Past Catches Up With Us
Part 19 - I’ve Never Been Good At Goodbyes
Part 20 - Unexpected
Part 21 - The Question
Part 22 - Sleepless Nights
Part 23 - Sleepyheads And Making Up
Part 24 - Crosshair’s Conclusion
Part 25 - Good Soldiers Follow Orders
Part 26 - I’m Sorry Kitten
Part 27 - Bracca
Part 28 -Rampart
Part 29 - It’s All Tactics
Part 30 - CT 6116
Part 31 - Of Wolves And Sheep
Part 32 - Dying Hope
Part 33 - Hero Of The Day
Part 34 - When The Wolf Eats The Sheep
Part 35 - The Shepherd
Part 36 - The Toll It Takes
Part 37 -Blowing Off Steam
Part 38 - Not Exactly Private
Part 39 - Accusations
Part 40 – Tension And Anger
Part 41 - Unloved Truths
Part 42 - Harsh Words
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When Crosshair came into your bedroom on your shuttle, you saw it in his face right away. He was upset. You didn't know why, but you were sure you would find out any moment. Your eyes met, and you slowly put away the holo-book you had just been reading. His gaze was cutting, you suspected he was belligerent.
"What's wrong?" you asked quietly.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and growled, "So I'm difficult, huh? You're unhappy with me?"
You blinked in surprise.
"What are you talking about?"
"About the things you tell Tech, but not me!"
You had regretted talking to Tech about Crosshair before, it had been a stupid idea and a weak moment. One night when you had all been drinking, you had been a little frustrated with Crosshair, Tech had approached you, and you had blabbed because you needed to get it off your chest. Here and now, you regretted it yet again.
You sighed and said, "I'm not generally unhappy."
"I smell a 'but'," he murmured.
He stood in the doorway wide-legged, arms folded in front of his chest, like a bouncer, as if he expected you to try to duck out of the conversation.
"Sometimes you're pretty... bossy. You're almost always in control of everything in our relationship."
Crosshair lowered his arms and began pacing.
"Is that so bad?" he finally asked.
With a sigh, you said, "I would like to be a little more than a supporting actress in our relationship"
He threw his hands in the air.
"What's that supposed to mean now?"
"That I don't always want to just follow, I want you to listen to me for once and consider my wishes and suggestions and not just decide everything over my head" you returned a little impatiently.
Crosshair stopped and looked at you again, penetratingly.
"And here you thought you'd tell my brother, who has a crush on you anyway".
You sighed and said, "It wasn't planned. We had a bit of a fight that day, you once again got your way, and I was frustrated and slightly drunk when Tech asked me what was wrong"
Crosshair started pacing again, this time even more agitated than before.
"Drunk, huh? Is there something more going on between you two that I should know about?"
You frowned.
"What?" you asked sharply.
"Did you fuck him?"
You probably could have cut durasteel with your gaze as you said, "You can't be serious."
"Did you?"
"No!" you snapped angrily, "And I can't believe you would think that!"
You were incredibly angry, but you tried to stay calm, you knew that a lot of what Crosshair was saying, so thoughtlessly, stemmed from a deep insecurity inside him that he hasn't let go of yet. But he was walking a very thin line right now, and you had your tolerance level like everyone else.
He stopped pacing once again, looking at you. His expression is a mixture of anger and guilt. He knows that the comment, the question he just asked, crossed a line.
He shrugged and said, "I didn't really think you would do that."
You looked directly at him, piercingly.
"I know. You're angry, and you said it to hurt me."
Crosshair clenched his hands into fists, but then he relaxed them again and avoided your gaze.
"Maybe that's true" he admitted softly, "Hearing that you told my brother you were unhappy with me hurt me too".
"That wasn't my intention"
Crosshair let out a deep sigh, finally looking back at you, "So I'm bossy?" he asked.
"Most of the time" you said honestly, "But that doesn't always bother me either. In moments, especially when I'm overwhelmed or feeling out of my depth, I'm glad when you take the reins, it makes me feel not quite as lost"
Crosshair raised his brows in surprise. He came over to you and sat down next to you. He looked at you carefully and asked, "So this isn't just a bad thing?"
You nodded.
"Sometimes I would like to decide some things though".
Again, he sighed and said, "Like that crimson summer dress you wanted to buy on Naboo?"
You nodded again.
"Yes, for example."
Crosshair smiled barely noticeably and said, "You looked so pretty in that dress."
Questioningly, your gaze rested on his profile as he avoided looking into your eyes.
"Then why did you want me to buy the other one?"
"Because I saw Tech staring at you when you tried it on, he almost devoured you with his eyes, even Hunter was looking a little longer than usual" Crosshair grumbled softly, scuffing his foot across the floor.
"So you were jealous?"
He shrugged, but finally admitted, "Yes, I was."
Now that he thought about it, many of his decisions concerning you were made out of jealousy. Even Crosshair knew that was a problem. He looked at you meekly and said, "I've shared absolutely everything with my brothers my whole life, we've always lived together. We didn't have any privacy or a private life. And then I met you, and I know I want you just for myself. We've always bickered about things, even as cadets. I think part of me just fears that one of my brothers might lay claim. And we both know Tech would be only too happy to do that."
You smiled at him, kissed his cheek and said, "But I'm not a protein bar, I'm not a weapon, I'm not another inanimate object. I have my own mind, my own will. I only want you, Crosshair, no one else. No matter what happens around us. You are the one man in my life, the one I want to share my life with. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't have married you."
Crosshair leaned his forehead against yours and said, "So you want a little wedding celebration?"
"That would be nice," you said with a satisfied smirk.
"Okay" he said softly, "How about you and I have a little make up sex right now, and then we discuss how we want the wedding celebration"
"That sounds excellent"
Seems like there is a smut chapter ahead...
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@ladykatakuri @inthemoshpitt
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battlekilt · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank to @ink-in-books for tagging me.
How many works do you have on AO3?
Technically, 3. Though, one is just the "smut" content of another fic. So, really, I just have the two.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
141,494 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
On this O3 account, just Clone Wars.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
M'dear, I only have two fics.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I do! Especially if they are engaging questions that ask about the world-building, the character study, or my plot.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It isn't ended, but it has the most angst in it, and it has also left-off in the angstiest way. But, it would be Aay'han: Mournful Celebration.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
From what the readers can tell? Aay'han: Mournful Celebration because it has a clear end; it is after Order 66, so the damage has been done, and now it is time to recuperate. Nightmare for Others, Dreams for the Self ends off pretty early in the war, meaning I haven't gone over with the readers what happens. However, when I can update Nightmare for Others, I know how it will continue. And, there's gonna be some angst, but other things that will make up for Anakin's poor little life.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. Though, I get a lot of comments asking me to write Cody-wan instead of, say, ObiRex.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do. I just didn't get a chance to write any for Batakin.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, and I don't particularly care for it, either. There's some Universes that I'd love a crossover, but I'd be picky as hell. I'd love to write a TCW and Transformers crossover!!!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, I ain't important enough. Either is my works.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Just like Inky, I sort of did? Batakin was the love-brain child of @spacingstars and I. We were supposed to work on it together, however, I got possessive, and they were also busy with work. It ended up easier for me to just write it myself. Mournful Celebration was an event gift, and I used some things from our private roleplay together. Does that make it a co-author?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Again, I'm like Inky, that it depends on what my interest is. In TCW, Rexwalker has risen to the top of my OTP list, and that is entirely unexpected. I came in with a very different ship that I've mostly abandoned due to just... not vibing with its community. ObiRex is still so dear to my heart, and survives in a better state than say... other ships I'm still a registered with the manifest. But, Rexwalker rose to the top. It tickles all my required ish-es. I love the potential for intrigue, for defiance of the narrative, the "solution" to so many problems found in simple places, and boyish cuteness.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A few that will never see the light of day because I lost interest. For the most part, I keep my WIPs down to a low. Once a WIP will no longer be finished, it isn't a WIP; it is a dropped project, and it is okay to drop them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Long plots, contextual detail, world-building, dialogue, characterization...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
There's some grammar things I'm weak as thinning cheap denim. I wouldn't call it a weakness, but I am not the author for anyone if they want concise, short stories.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Painful. I'd rather not. I don't like it because I'm trying to figure out the best way to convey to the reader what it translates. Including Mando'a is hard enough as it is.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Uhhh... I think a tiny little anime fandom called The Slayers. None of it will be found ever again. It has been lost to all time.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Star Wars: Come From Water, which is unpublished. I am still working on it!
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beautyofsorrow · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @ceruleanphoenix7. tagging @zannolin (u can skip the stats questions <3)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
91 visible to the public, which will go up to 92 in a couple weeks. 100 counting the ones i've perm-anoned
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
various star treks, some original work, and a lone yellowjackets and murderbot diaries fic each. plus some fringe, tho most of those have been perm-anoned
oh yeah and a barbie fairytopia: mermaidia fic that i wrote for a forthcoming zine. y'all aren't ready for that one
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
lol. seeds of order, how shall i touch you unless it is everywhere?, what i have shaped into a kind of life, do you love the colour of the sky?, and bruised hips and salt-stained cheeks
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
if i have something to say, yes. i like it when readers really engage with what's on the page, because so often i have loads of meta or research or lore-building or background info that never made it into the fic but which i'm really excited about and enjoy info-dumping. comments that invite that kind of response are my favorite. i also really like it when they tell me how they felt reading it, or -- if the fic mentions a book -- that they went and read that book. i LOVE that shit and will talk books with people for days.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
discounting all my high school fic, which thankfully is no longer accessible to the public, we do what we do in the dark. love a good fucked up seven/jay fic
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
they pretty much all end happily? but the "happy" that feels most "me" is the end of the way old friends do, where seven leaves to go heal from bjayzl and icheb in her own way, alone, and tom and b'elanna send her off with the assurance they're there when she needs them. that felt very happy and healthy and aromantic to write. and aromantic endings are extremely important to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have been vagued about, sure. a few flames back in the day
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes <3 femslash, always. it's pretty much just friends with benefits and/or angsty alterously attracted grief!sex now. no more romance for me <3 feels good feels organic
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i write trek crossovers all the time. i'd say my jadzia/raffi fic was pretty gutsy. as was pioneering the b'elanna torres/ro laren/kira nerys tag with a 3k post-canon oneshot on religious doubt and belief.
the weirdest like, true crossover (and only true crossover) i've written was a star trek: voyager/murderbot diaries fusion that i wrote in order to be matchable in a gift exchange. stupidly fun. i did not expect anyone to read that fic but people really really liked it, and i am so thankful for all the kind commenters, because that fic held a lot of personally important elements to me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nottt that i know of, and i don't go looking, because that's just a lot of work i don't need in my life
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't think so
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, i think about 3 times?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
probably the b7 griddlehark au i'm APPARENTLY writing now. it takes two 500+ page books as inspiration. yes. it's a multichap. i swore them off. i know.
16. What are your writing strengths?
oneshots, nailing the character voices (or knowing when i didn't), pretty sentences, rhythm, lore, sensory details, queering the narrative, smut
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
finishing shit. also plot. who the hell has the attention span for plot? not me [stares in despair at WIPs]
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'm monolingual, so i don't
19. First fandom you wrote for?
lord of the rings
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
probably come on and prove it. i reread it weekly. no one wants to admit they like it on main but i see ur private bookmark count and your 50% guest kudos rate lol. i knocked it out of the park with that one.
honorable mention to of warm limbs hooking your heart to the world and it's not the weight you carry but how you carry it. my beloveds.
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impulsea · 1 year
What would your ideal TLM continuation be like?
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That's a great question! I have so many ideas, plot-wise, but overall these are the things I wish we got more of after the first film/general content that would've been incredible and that I want and think about every day:
Vanessa. Her emergence into this universe, seemingly ushered in by the nighttime tide, with the wind caressing her hair and Ariel's voice shining on her chest is one of the most potent moments of iconography in film. I want more of her, more of Jodi's powerful singing as her, more of Andreas Deja's animation of her having a private show for herself in her bridal chamber while she's preparing for the wedding, more of how deceptively sweet she is, more of her range, more of her expressions, more moments where the Ursula in her is threatening to reveal itself before being enclosed beneath layers of angelic acting. I think any of her spin-off films or episodes or whatever the case would be would have to be adult audiences so that we can get more evergreen content, as opposed to so many people who primarily discuss children when talking about The Little Mermaid.
Ariel's sisters! People say we got them in the third movie but, first off, they didn't even get the birth orders right, they messed with their personalities, and the target audience for that was Pre K-12. We need actual substance and there's so much to work with here! How does Aquata feel about humans, after everything their father has told her and what family secrets does she know that the younger ones aren't privy to? Could she potentially become more of an advisor to Triton than Sebastian? Andrina's athleticism would be wonderful for more scenic shots of life in Atlantica, Arista's personality is so engaging and it'd be interesting to see Disney pull off a character that's so simultaneously bitchy but likable, Attina's love of books and how that connects her to the world around her, Adella's vanity and all of her beauty secrets, and Alana's gardens and mer-pals would be so informative to general marine life!
More feature film animation work! As I mentioned in my previous tags, The Little Mermaid was extremely, extremely, extremely low budget and, while they were still able to pull it off and it holds its own alongside other movies like Beauty and the Beast that were made on a much grander scale, I wish we could see more of Ariel and the world of Atlantica on a higher production value. Ariel is probably one of the princesses that is the most off-model, there's at least four versions of her in the film, and I'd love to see more of her and better consistency. The animation is so poor in the following film and she just doesn't feel like herself in the third film. The series is hit-or-miss but general offers more of a wooden performance, because of the budgetary restrictions.
More Ursula! Ursula's a theatrical character, so I can only imagine all the more life she has to give. I want prequels about her life and time in the palace, about her relationship with King Triton and their affair, about her origins with her family, about her banishment, just- everything. The TEA would be piping!
I want them to offer more original characters, namely Crystalla, that actually fit within the universe as opposed to the ones the series and sequel gave us (looking at you, Lobster Mobster, Marina, and Morgana).
So, Ariel and Eric are one of the best canonical ships in all of Disneydom and I love them...but I want more! I want to see them leading up to the wedding, I want to flesh out their shared interests and what they talk about and what their relationship is like once they do get to know each other and begin to establish communicational patterns. I want to see Ariel with Grimsby and how she flourishes under a loving male authoritative figure (and I really want as much Grimsby as I can get btw). I want to see Eric tell her it's okay and comfort her when he sees her visually get triggered in fights or moments of tension, or when her past trauma acts up. I want to see how his kingdom accepts her, who was formerly a mermaid. Now that she's made it to be part of that world, I want to see what her part in that world is.
More family backstory with Ariel, as I mentioned above, but also I want canonical material about the mother! Athena isn't it.
How Ariel navigates her mermaid roots. The name of this franchise is "The Little Mermaid" and she'll never be able to escape it, it's a part of her. Because she was born this way, does she feel sometimes out of place in the human world since she's not a part of either and is in this weird middle ground? Is it jarring to drown, or look at the water and know she couldn't swim beneath its surface the way she once did? Does she not miss it at all? Likewise, I think it'd be a cute plot idea if she continues to embrace her mermaid roots, if only to continue her expeditions with Flounder at sunken ships. While Eric is sailing overhead, she continues learning and studying his world and brings him back historical things that were rotting at the bottom of the sea that could be used in museum exhibits for his country, helping preserve the history. Maybe she could even find some artifacts from members in his family that were lost at sea.
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twistedingenue · 11 months
The hardest point of something like GenCon for me, with chronic pain and social anxiety isn't the event itself. Don't get me wrong, that's hard (hello extra painkillers and xanax just to enter the vendor hall), but the need to take the day AFTER I get home off is the worst. Because there are things I need to do (cleaning, cooking, unpacking) and all my body wants to do is recount every bit of soreness and strife from the last Best Four Days in Gaming.
Anyways, next year we are going to try to get a connecting hotel because I'd really like to go to some of the later events. Being by the airport meant condensing the day together. What helped was actually scheduling some events this time and accessibility services.
I got to skip the will call line since I started with my cane (another good call on my part) and not having to stand for an hour was wonderful.
FYI: We stayed at Crowne Plaza --Airport. Our AC was struggling, but the rooms were clean and quiet. The hotel seems to be at the tail end of some big renovations, and we never quite knew what new thing would open up. We ended up eating there every day -- the breakfast buffet was WONDERFUL and well priced. It wasn't a huge buffet but everything tasted good. Their lounge was open and had a small dinner service, that was a little more uneven. A salad was underdressed but my ribeye with a sriracha glaze was amazing. If they added a shuttle service towards the convention center, it would be a great budget option.
Next year, more writing workshops and seminars. Those were fun. I really enjoyed the worldbuilding one and one on children's lit. I've got an idea for a novel percolating right now, and I hope I can actually start writing with it soon.
We also tested out the following games, all co-op: Sail- a wonderful 2 person card game. Very simply to pick up the rules (even I could do it). A great game to have around for like -- internet or power outages, camping. They didn't have any copies available (shipping delay), so we'll be looking out for it at our local game store.
Conquest Princess: Fashion is Power: Do you like sci-fi? magical girls? mechas powered by your pets? Fashion is Power? TRANSFORMATION SEQUENCES? And arcade game mechanics? This is your game. The mechanics are a little more complicated than I usually like, but I picked up on it by the end of the hour. It's a bag builder game, the artwork is lovely, and both my husband and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We played a demo copy, but the game is fully funded and in production. You can late pledge for it here.
Avatar the Last Airbender: Crossroads of Destiny: A rehash of the series in board game form. There are 12 plot-point scenarios to play through, in any order, and you can do one or two at a time. Mechanics are pretty simple and easy to learn, and it really encourages the co-operative behavior. By the time we tested it, Funko had sold out of what they brought with them, but we ordered it off of Amazon because I really want to play more of it.
Other than that, I bought a few gifts, tea, enamel pins and small bits of artwork and books. Husband bought tshirts and pre-ordered a modular backback system that will probably arrive in time for next gencon, lol.
I wasn't planning on going back next year, instead doing a resort type vacation, but it looks like we're getting a group together and let's face it, that's more fun.
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trickster-whim · 2 years
My Pleasant Company Angelina Ballerina stuff came from Goodwill!
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The pictures are terrible because I was eating and missed the sun and also my room is so messy it's giving me anxiety so I can't take photos there.
There were three lots of these furniture pieces on the site: kitchen stuff, living room stuff, and bedroom stuff (roughly). I don't have that much spare cash right now, and these weren't exactly cheap, but they hit me right in the nostalgia, so I bid on the living room and bedroom stuff and just hoped I'd get them, and I did! There was only one other bidder, so I got these sets for about $11 each, plus shipping and handling. (Kinda jelly I didn't have money for the kitchen stuff, but I'll live.)
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And, man, this took a concerning long time to get to me lol. The auction ended on Nov 12, but I had a question about shipping, so that cost me a couple days waiting for them to answer. I paid on Nov. 15, and then they shipped the package on Nov. 22. And the tracking never updated. It just gave errors, so I wasn't sure it would get to me, but it did, on Nov. 28, almost long enough for me to forget I had ordered anything lol.
Like I said in a previous post, I also bought some stuff from an online hobby shop, and that processed and arrived in three days, so. I'm not complaining, but... I am complaining. (Also yes I've been shopping online for xmas gifts even though my sister and I said we didn't want to stress about it this year. I can't not stress about it lol)
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Anyway, back to the things I actually bought. I'm going to see if I can put the pieces together easily and take photos of them because again, nostalgia! I loved these sets as a kid, but I don't think anyone I knew ever got any Angelina Ballerina stuff, other than books. And the quality of these old dolls, oh, don't get me started. These were obviously built to last and with the state of Mattel lately, I absolutely love to see it.
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Anyway, more detailed review... sometime soon I hope! My mom's sick, so I can't just take over the living room to set up a doll room. We'll see~
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I feel like anyone who knows me knows what a big Bangel fan I am-- like I make so many posts about them these days, and sometimes I feel like I'm even unintentionally taking up way too much of the tag for them and sort of feel embarrassed about that. And I'm so sorry if that's true. ^_^'
So, yeah... clearly a big Bangel fan here. And obviously, most of that comes from the shows.
But now that I've started reading the tie-in books, there's a part of me that feels like they handled them better.
It's just that they have so many nice moments in them. And, I mean, obviously the shows aren't without their nice Bangel moments: I wouldn't be here if they didn't have them. But I guess I feel like the novels have room to breathe more? And that makes sense, because they're sort of missing moments.
Well, that's not entirely true. And that sort of takes away from them. That makes it sound like they're just slice of life fanfictions or something. They're more like missing episodes. But I guess since a lot of them weren't beholden to the overall season arc, maybe that's why it feels like they had more room to add in some nice romantic moments. Also, more page count to do so.
I also feel like Joss Whedon and team eventually got too caught up in the whole "Buffy and Angel are Romeo and Juliet and can never be happy, or else the audience will lose interest in them" thing: so much so, that they forgot they also needed to give them good moments with each other, in order to make the audience care at all. And I feel like a lot of writers of TV shows in this era had the same problem. It was the whole, "The obvious intended canon pairing can never get together, because the audience will stop watching, so we must throw in all this useless angst and crazy road blocks!" thing. Looking at you, eight seasons of Clana Smallville pain, even though I do ship Clana. (As an aside, I hate this idea and trope so much. It's almost a sign of a lack of creativity and lazy writing to me, because I feel like if you were a good writer, of course you could keep your audience around once the canon couple becomes, well, canon, by giving them other things in your show to be interested in! I feel like if all an audience cares about with your show is a ship, then you have writing problems. But that's a rant for another time.)
And don't get me wrong, these book authors definitely try to stay true to canon and do a wonderful job doing so--and there's definitely angst here--I just feel like they're not dripping in angst, like I feel the show (and especially the S8-12 comics and Angel & Faith!) later were, if you feel me.
And I just think the tie-in novels had the time to show some of the stuff that we knew were going on in the show, and that were definitely hinted at there (and that we saw a few times), but to give it to us a lot more: like Angel being the one person that Buffy opened up to and was her comfort through the storm, so to speak.
Like, when you watch the show, you kind of feel like there was probably a lot of stuff going on with Buffy and Angel that we didn't get to see, that helped to explain why they loved each other (especially in season three, that really seemed to jump around a bit). And the tie-in novels really seems to fill that in for me. IDK.
If someone who wasn't a Bangel fan read the tie-in novels, they might change their mind about them. Or at least see why we like them. That's kind of what I'm getting at here. And that's one of the reasons I think the writing is pretty exceptional.
Edit: You also have to appreciate that the tie-in novels allowed for more crossover moments with Buffy and Angel, after they had their separate shows, that eventually we didn't get with the actual TV shows, because of dumb legal reasons: which I think was the original intention/dream, for them to have more moments like that, even after they'd separated.
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lonewolfshayu · 2 years
The Rise of Nine thoughts(Not in order)
1 RIP Crayton. Most badass Cêpan, who makes me think of crab and the word crustacean because of his name.
2 Seriously, Crayton was the best
3 Commander Sharma said very strange things happen at night in the mountains, things they aren't ready to see, which was why they had to hurry and get to Eight. This went nowhere. Seriously, WTF was that all about?
4 Six says Ella is a 12 y.o. girl when one of Eight's soldiers makes her fall in that India scene. Ella is 11. She was 11 the day before that and nothing was said about that present day being her birthday. Also, when did the Mogs attack Lorien? What date? That's Ella's birthday.
5 John and Nine just chilling in an abandoned house while Six is going to India to meet Eight. Sweet.
6 Nine booby traps the place where he hid John's Chest. This scene was funny af. And Bernie Kosar barking at Nine and him and John just double teaming him haha. What was Nine's logic anyway with that trap? If John wanted to use his Chest, which he did want to do, how would he have gotten his Chest without setting the trap off?
7 No handshake from Eight. He turns into monsters and beats up the Loric girls. Man, The Rise of Nine was awesome. This was the last good Lorien Legacies book. The series went downhill after this.
8 Awesome dream sequences
9 Crayton should've survived. I hate the killing off Cêpan cliche. Somehow they refused to kill off Lexa in later books. She wasn't interesting at all. Crayton was way better. Hell, even Adelina was more interesting than Lexa. Wish they just kept Crayton throughout all of this. It would've been fine. YA fiction tends to keep adults out of the way so kids can have their little adventures, but LL series didn't do this all the time. There was Crayton for some of The Rise of Nine. Then Malcolm Goode in The Fall of Five and the books after that. Then Agent Walker. Adult figured stayed in the later books. The writers might as well have kept Crayton alive.
10 I can't remember Crayton being badass in this book during the fight scenes. Sucks.
11 How tf is Commander Sharma still in the military, when he's worshipping Eight and doesn't seem like he does official military business? Things get weird with these LL books sometimes.
12 Minus Crayton's death, everything about this book was awesome.
13 Lola. The Indian woman who sold out Eight. How did that even happen? She was working with the Mogs and knew Reynolds and Eight were Loric??? Also, this is crazy, but Reynolds is the only Cêpan we never saw. He always was an unseen character. We saw all the other Cêpan.
14 This book is the first book where Mogadorian spaceships are shown in person. Well, there was Setrákus Ra's ship in The Power of Six. But that hardly counts.
15 The first nine Garde spaceship was in Dulce base the whole time, but they pretty much walked past it.
16 Nine can seemingly fight Setrákus Ra without dying, but I think Setrákus was just toying with him and not even trying to kill him.
17 Setrákus Ra's powers go crazy
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introverted-author · 1 month
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Questions 11, 12, 16, 20, 23, 26, 29, 31, 38, 39, 42, 45?(sorry if it's too much)
Haha don't worry about it, I'm bored and need something to do :D
11. Which season had the best ending?
I love the ending of S2 with the Snow Ball!! It was nice to see the party and a few of the older kids just enjoying normal life to some degree (plus it was the first time I thought Jopper might be a possibility!!)
I also really love the end of S3 though, even if it makes me sob lol
12. Favourite quote?
I can't really think of any of the top of my head anamskdkmfnt but I think when Nancy and her mother are talking after she gets fired in S3 and Karen tells her that she's a fighter and always has been. Basically that whole discussion is AMAZING!!
16. Favourite deceased character?
Alexie!!! I loved him so much and he did not deserve that ending!! He was so happy at the fair 🥺
20. Favourite emotional moment?
How could I not say Robin's coming out scene?? To see lesbian representation done SO WELL in a show I love was just so validating and made me so happy!! I also love that Steve didn't make a big deal of it and just carried on teasing Robin as he always does. I really hope Robin will come out to some more people next season, especially Nance!!
23. Who has the best hairstyle throughout all the seasons?
Well I would say Nancy, but I really didn't like her hair in S3 😭
So instead I'm gonna say El!! I particularly love her hair in S2 and I was kinda upset when it all got cut off in S4.
26. Favourite icecream flavour?
Cookies and cream, although I also really like vanilla!!
29. Opinion on Jopper?
I LOVE THEM!!! I didn't ship it at first in S2 when I started to sense something was up but when we got to S3 and 4 I was shipping them so hard!!! And I freaked out when they actually finally kissed!!! They better get their date at Enzo's next season...
31. When was the first time you watched Stranger Things and how long have you been an fan?
I started watching it in early March. I had been to hospital the previous night and I was EXHAUSTED and my parents had watched it and my best friend likes it, so I decided to spend the day watching it. Obviously, I loved it haha!!
38. Top five favourite songs in the soundtrack?
Ohmigosh I love 80s music now haha thanks Stranger Things!! My favourites are probably (in no particular order):
1. Running Up That Hill
2. Every Breath You Take
3. Seperate Ways (Worlds Apart)
4. (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight (I did love this song before the show though)
5. California Dreaming
39. Opinion on Billy?
I think Billy's character is really interesting. I hated him at first but came to sympathise with him (although his trauma does not excuse his behaviour). I was quite upset when he died.
42. Opinion on the Wheeler family?
All that aside though, I find the dynamic between Karen and Ted really interesting and I also love how Nancy starts to be more open with Karen over time. Holly should be protected at all costs!! And I don't really like Mike, I find his character annoying, but I often like the Mike written in fanfic lol
45. Have you read any of the additional content?
I finished reading Rebel Robin the other day!! I loved it so much, I really saw myself and my journey with my sexuality represented in a way I hadn't seen before. I was laughing a lot cause (beside it being an entertaining book) I had experienced a lot of the same thoughts and confusion as Robin when trying to figure myself out. I'm now waiting to get Runaway Max from the library!!
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purplesurveys · 10 months
1. Is there currently any snow on the ground where you live? Where I live has never seen snow ever.
2. Do you have any nieces or nephews? I don't. I don't think any of my siblings want to be parents either, so I feel like the most I'll have are godchildren from my friends.
3. Have you ever sold anything online? I've sold a few photocards, but that's it. I'd love to try my hand more in selling but I'm just so busy as it is and have little to no time to even respond if inquiries come in. Then there's the effort in making some sort of microsite like Carrd so you look legit, the time and resources needed to pack the orders, then booking the shipping service...I'm just way too busy to become a full-time seller.
4. Have you ever been to an extremely dirty house before? Whose house was it? I don't think I've ever been in a dirty house per se but I've visited families or classmates whose houses are just loaded/packed with so many things in one place. Filipinos like to hoard stuff, so a typical Filipino living room would have things like graduation portraits and diplomas lining up the wall, every single medal their kids have won, religious statues, a bunch of miniature art sculptures that don't necessarily complement, a china collection...the list goes on. Like it's not messy, but it's filled to the brim with so many things that it ends up being an eyesore.
This applies to most households I know of but I'm glad my mom didn't pick up that tendency. She likes to keep the house looking clear and I've ultimately picked up that preference too.
5. Would you ever or do you hunt? It doesn't sound interesting to me in the least and I wouldn't do it.
6. Have you ever blown smoke into a bubble (kids bubbles) before? No. Is something supposed to happen when you do that? Hahaha now you have me curious.
7. What bothers you most about the customers you serve at work? If you don’t directly serve customers at work, what bothers you most about your job in general? It makes work-life balance a myth. Even things like people getting to turn off their notifications in the evening make me jealous because I can't do that – I have to be on call literally, like, 24/7.
8. Do you like to play games on your phone? What games do you play most often? Sure. These days I've been pretty obsessed with Rhythm Hive, which is a (surprise!) rhythm game for Hybe groups. I used to be addicted to In the Seom but I haven't played that in a while. :( I should reinstall that soon...
9. Do you take a lot of pictures of your pets? Of course. I'll whip out my phone every chance I get.
10. Do you screen shot a lot of things on your phone? Way more than I think I do. It's just second nature for me to do so at this point, especially if I feel like I'll need to backtrack on that screenshot sometime in the future.
11. What is the most recent video you took of? Cooper barking threateningly at a nonexistent stranger/noise.
12. Do you have any future tattoos planned out? Will you actually go through with them or is there something stopping you from doing so? I have design ideas but they will always remain as ideas because I'm terrified of needles lol.
13. Who was the last person to break your trust? How did they do so and how did you deal with it? The supplier we got for our event last Thursday. They've been our go-to since last year, never disappointed us, the team's always been a joy to work with; but idk they've had quite a bit of booboos over the last few months and last Thursday was simply mine and my team's last straw. They were extremely unreliable on the day of and for some reason their manpower kept disappearing at crucial points? - like where tf were they hanging out??? - that I had no choice but to manage the entire event myself until the end.
14. What did you dress up as for Halloween? Or if you didn’t dress up, was there a specific reason or do you just not care about that sort of thing? I went to one Halloween party last year, which was Disney-themed, so I DIY'd some clothes to be Winnie the Pooh.
15. Has wind ever done any extreme damage to your home or anything that you own? No. That happened to our neighborhood once though. There had been a typhoon that started off with extremely strong winds, and you could hear windows smashing and glass shattering every minute or so. Fortunately for us we had all of our windows closed that morning so our house was left unscathed.
16. Is your pet very snuggly or are they more independent? Agi lives on being snuggled, and he isn't opposed to whining and barking if he feels like he's not getting enough of it. Cooper is very independent; he'll actively wrestle out of your grasp if you try to cuddle with him haha. Kimi had independent as well.
17. What shirt were you wearing the last time you took a picture of yourself? A white oversized polo with handpainted doodles.
18. Do you enjoy Smile Cookies from Tim Hortons or any of their other charities and/or seasonal promotions? If you don’t go to Tim Hortons, do you dislike the coffee, live too far away from one, or is there another reason? I don't think I've ever eaten anything from Tim Hortons beyond their wraps.
19. Are the photos on your lock screen and on your homepage of your phone the same or different? If you don’t have that option on your phone, what is your background on your phone? They are different, yes. I feel like it'd so boring if they were the same.
20. Do you enjoy taking photos with your significant other or are you just not that type of couple? If you don’t have a significant other, do you enjoy taking photos of yourself more or of your friends and/or family? I definitely take more photos of other people than I do myself.
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randomthunk · 2 years
I once had some dude mansplain to me how the clip where Peter Capaldi calls 12 and Clara a “truly romantic relationship” isn’t actually Peter confirming the two characters are in love but that the two are just bond through the “romance of travel and adventure” and that he was using the old term that had nothing to do with my silly ideas of romantic love and that it was all in my head that 12 and Clara were in love. WTF thanks for telling me your a pompous ass who didn’t remotely pay attention.
I will kick off this post by saying I don't like the word "mansplain", particularly because in my experience with fandom, I am just as likely - if not MORE - to encounter asshole women who decide to do the "well ackshually" at me. Especially Whouffaldi, my word, you start talking ship wars and women will just straight up go for the jugular, no questions asked. Just remember, everybody has the capacity to be a pompous dickweed.
What I find particularly interesting about the argument there is that it's a very roundabout way to avoid accepting what the word "romance" means, but still trying to sneakily slide into homeplate and claim you totally know what "romance" means. You can certainly use "romantic" in the context of "the romance of travel and adventure", but that's not what Capaldi said. It was "a truly romantic relationship". I guess you can do backflips and twists and look at the various definition of "romantic" and go "yeah it's about the adventure and wonderlust of time and space and how that bonds people", though I find that a really tortured path to get there. At a certain point, your best argument really becomes "uhh, do you know how ridiculous that sounds?"
What is maybe more important here is that you need to divorce the word "romantic" from "sexual", which is synonymous in current pop culture. They are not the same thing, at all. Any married couple will tell you that, and I also think it's worth mentioning how often 12 and Clara were compared to and felt like an old married couple. We are so tied to this idea that, in order to prove a couple loves each other, they have to do the do on screen, which is truly weird. Though, have you watched Mummy on the Orient Express recently? Anyway.
It's worth looking at meta stuff, like Capaldi not feeling comfortable with the idea of kissing his younger co-star, and I can respect that. You do not need physical acts like that in order to validate a romantic relationship. Likewise, Jenna stated several times that Clara loves the Doctor, so we know how she feels, very plainly. Really, have you watched Mummy on the Orient Express recently? I digress.
If you're here, then you know all the other stuff - there's things in episodes, there's lines and quotes, there's scenes we've giffed eight thousand times, there's Moffat interviews, there's books and passages - there's a whole lot of stuff I can cite that says "mmm, no, I don't think you're quite right". I felt extremely validated on my feelings in series 8, and only got more validated in series 9. The novelization of Twice Upon A Time described 12 seeing Clara as "to see her was to see hope" - get out of here with that 'it wasn't THAT kind of romantic' nonsense. It's fine if you don't ship it yourself, but come on.
And at the end of the day, no matter what anyone says, Heaven Sent exists, which is there to whack you in the head with a 2x4 in case you didn't get it yet.
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elrhiarhodan · 3 years
12 and 23 for the fabric ask would be magnificent! 🏜
Fabric? Autocorrect issue? But I am so glad you asked.
12. Favorite character to write about this year
Hands down, Luke Skywalker. I have been in love with Luke since 1977 and I was a very impressionable 13 year old. All of my friends (all two of them) were "Han girls" but I loved Luke with the passion of, well, Tatoo I and Tatoo II burning down on the sands of the Jundland Wastes. I hated how the Sequels destroyed his character and just lost all interest in SW, but I had heard so many good things (plus a free subscription to D+) about the Mando Show, that I started watching. And when he made his surprise appearance at the end of the S2 finale, well, all my love, long buried, burst back to life like a star reborn. Since I was not (and likely never will be) deeply conversant with Canon and Legends outside of the movies and some knowledge that happens just by existing in the world, I felt more comfortable writing an AU and using it to explore things about Luke that I wouldn't be able to do within a GFFA setting.
I am, at heart, a hurt/comforteer, and Luke Skywalker is the perfect character for me to exercise my Force-given rights to cause pain and bring comfort
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23. Fics you wanted to write but didn’t
(Thank you, Tumblr, for chewing up my post).  Let me reconstruct...)
In addition to falling into the Din/Luke ship, I also fell hard into the Qui/Obi ship.  And there's a funny story to that.  My bestie,@timeforalongstoryis NOT a Din/Luke shipper. Her GFFA ship is Qui/Obi, but when she told me that, I had just finished reading an amazing reverse-padawan story by SPQR (title escapes me at the moment), where the Council denies Obi-Wan his knighthood and makes him Anakin's padawan. I was brand-new in the whole Star Wars fandom and didn't know jack from shit, and this story leaned hard into the Jedi Apprentice books (which I really knew nothing about) and all of the crap that Qui-Gon dealt to poor wee Obi-Wan (Melida/Daan, New Apsolon, even the stupid elevator incident), so at that moment, I was feeling A LOT of unkindness towards Qui-Gon, and kind of shrugged off the idea of Qui/Obi.
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Then I encountered @darkisrising's Vampire AU, and well, that kind of spun me right round baby. (Dark, please finish this. I will bribe you with pretty jeweled things for the end of the story). I got stuck in the hospital for nine days and worked my way through almost all of the Qui/Obi tag, including some truly incredible Old Skool fic imported from the Boys in Chains Archive, some written circa 1999.
Anyway, that set my brain percolating on Qui/Obi almost as hard as it's been bubbling away on Din/Luke. I have notes on the following stories:
1 - Broken Qui/Obi, post Naboo (Qui-Gon lives, of course, no Clone Wars), where the Council is pressuring Obi-Wan to take a padawan. Obi-Wan refuses, disavows his master and lineage. Much, much pain... Not sure how to get to a HEA.
2 - Obi-Wan kills Maul in anger, touching the Dark Side and Sidious feels that, and tries to form/force a bond. In his rage and grief, Obi-Wan rejects it and actually kills Sidious (who is back on Coruscant!) Qui-Gon lives, but is, of course, terribly wounded and is in a bacta tank and a force-induced coma/healing trance for months. When he wakes up, he's told that Obi-Wan is dead. Qui-Gon does not train Anakin (Mace or Depa does), and he spends the next 20 years grieving and doing his diplomacy thing across the galaxy. He decides to retire from the Order, but Yoda asks him to take one more mission, to return an artifact to a small, restricted world on the Mid Rim. Guess who he finds...
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3 - Modern AU where General Kenobi is taking an adult ed class taught by hippie professor Qui-Gon, who is outraged by the bodyguards watching over the damn warmonger student.
4 - And then there was the Beethoven AU that I wanted to write (musician Obi, conductor Qui-Gon) which I tossed out to the wonderful people on the Qui/Obi writer discord, and while at one point, it looked to become a group project, the amazing Temve wrote the whole thing - and it needs to be read: Save Me From The Grave and Wise: A Qui/Obi Fic in Nine Symphonies if you have any love for either music, Star Wars, or breaking your heart and getting it mended perfectly.I've nattered on way too long, but I've got a bunch of Din/Luke and Din/Boba/Luke ideas that I've started but have stuck in my WiPs folder, hoping to get a chance to finish them next year. Right now, I have to write my Qui/Obi Winter Exchange fic, finish Stars/Scars, and finish Lost and Found - those are my priorities. I signed up for the Star Wars Big Bang, but will probably drop out - I don't really need to do a Big Bang, not when I average 5-7 thousand words a chapter. Having art is nice, but not that much of a reason to drive myself nuts. I may let myself get distracted by the Chocolate Box exchange. It's one of my favorite pan-fandom events, and I've always liked what I've written for that.
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dottielovegood · 3 years
20 Questions Writer’s Edition
Thank you for tagging me @fawnandshadows Sorry that it took me a small eternity to answer these questions. 1) How many works on AO3? 5 I am quite new to writing fanfiction. I started writing this April. 2) AO3 total word count? 195,774 Wow. That's a lot. For reference, here's the word count for the Harry Potter books: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – 76,944 words Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets – 85,141 words Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – 107,253 words Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – 190,637 words Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix – 257,045 words Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – 168,923 words Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – 198,227 words
(I love being able to say that I've written something that is longer than some of the HP books) 3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Only ACOTAR so far. And only Elriel. But I would like to write for some other fandoms at some point. 4) Top five works by kudos? 1. Pretty Little Angel 2. Please 3. ASMR 4. Happy Halloween 5. The bet 5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I try to! At first when I started writing, I didn't reply to most comments because I didn't know that people usually replied to comments. I mainly replied if someone asked something or commented on something specific in the chapter. However, I do try to answer all/most comments now because I have realized how much I like it when people reply to my comments :) I do know that I suck at replying, and sometimes I just forget (or it can take WEEKS). I am, unfortunately, the same with messages from like friends and family, so just be happy that you have never tried to text me. I am the absolute worst when it comes to texting (and replying to comments.) But I read every single one of them and they really make my days <3
6) Fic with angstiest ending? None. I like happy endings. And honestly, I am a bit afraid of receiving hate if I wrote something with an angsty ending. 7) Happiest Ending? All of them. (I haven't finished Pretty Little Angel yet, but I think it will have a happy ending too) 8) Do you write crossovers? What is the craziest one? No, not really. Unless my Halloween fic where Azriel and Elain dress up as Rey and Kylo can be considered a crossover? But I don't think so. So no. 9) Ever received hate on a fic? No, thank god. I don't deal with criticism (or hate/drama) very well. 10) Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. All of my fics are more or less smutty. What kind? I guess the kinky kind with a lot of praise. 11) Ever had a fanfic stolen? Nope! 12) Ever had a fic translated? No. I didn't know that people translated fics? That's kind of cool! But I don't think I would want someone else to translate my work. I'm too much of a control freak, and I have a hard time trusting translations. (Probably because I have studied language and translation and KNOW how difficult it is to translate correctly.) 13) Ever co-written a fic? No. Or actually. Yes! I took a creative writing course at Uni where we had to write collaborative fanfiction (Yes. It's true!). But apart from that, no. I have not. And I don't think I will. 14) All time favorite ship? Reylo! (I mainly read reylo fanfics actually) I also like Elriel and Dramione. 15) What is a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I don't have very many WIPs. If I start something, I will try to finish it! However I did start writing a Nesta/Amren fic once, but I only wrote like half a page before giving up. So maybe that's my WIP that I will never finish? 16) Writing Strengths? Smut? and I think I'm pretty good at writing dialogue, and I get a lot of positive comments about my characterization, so I guess I'm good at that too? (I've always been very bad at seeing my own strengths...) 17) Writing weaknesses? I find it very difficult to write kissing scenes (hence why it took like 24 chapter for them to kiss in PLA, hehe). But my biggest weakness is probably the fact that English is a foreign language to me. I don't speak it daily (but I do speak it a few times a week for work), and even though most people speak English quite well in my country, we don't really speak English to each other in our every day life. I did study English at university, but I still feel that I am lacking. And since I tend to compare myself to English writers, it's very easy for me to criticize my own language skills (even though I know that my English is very good). I feel that I repeat the same phrases quite often, and that I use the same words over and over again, even though I try to be mindful of repetitions and synonyms and such. 18) what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic? Hmm... I only like it if the author translates the dialogue. (I also think that the author should know the language to some degree and not use google translate). I prefer it if the translation is given naturally in the context of the fic, but I'm okay with providing the translation in the end notes. 19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? If I told you, I would have to kill you. No, but honestly. That information goes with me to my grave. It's too embarrassing. But I can say that it was for a band I liked when I was like 16. It was not a cool band. 20) What is your favorite fic you’ve written? Pretty Little Angel. Even though it's like 80% smut, I'm quite proud of it. Especially since people seem to like it. When I first started writing it, I didn't think people would read it since I wasn't a part of this fandom or anything at the time. I think that I've written Elain and Azriel very well in this fic, and I have tried to stay true to their characters, so that's why PLA is my favorite. I also think that some of the smutty chapters are very sexy :)
--- I tag anyone who has ever wanted to be tagged in one of these lists.
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