#I probably have more recommendations in the coming days once I settled in better
salvadorbonaparte · 1 year
Hello! I’m the anon that had asked @/Profiterole-Reads about any German or Latin American Spanish book recommendations. You said you may be able to help?
In terms of language levels, I’m about B2 with my Spanish, and A2 with my German. I’m looking to strengthen my reading skills in both, but am unsure where to start my search. I like reading fiction (contemporary, fantasy, and/or romance, but am not picky).
If you have any recommendations, that would be great! If not, that’s ok too; I just figured I’d ask. Thank you so much for your help!! Have an amazing day :))
Hello :) Sorry for the late reply but I have been moving back home for the summer haha
Well, I hope I can help.
First, I will recommend some resources that aren't books per se but help with reading. There are several apps and websites that offer parallel texts or texts with the option to look up vocabulary. Some examples include LingQ, Bilinguis, Beelinguapp, and Linga. These usually have short stories or novels with expired copyright, so usually classics. But because they offer parallel texts or vocabulary options, it doesn't matter that some of them look a bit more difficult.
My second recommendation are graded readers. They seem boring at first glance but they can be quite fun and helpful and eliminate some of the stress to read "real" literature. I know that the "short stories in XY for Beginners/Intermediate/Advanced" by Olly Richards are quite popular. I personally am fond of Circon books graded readers, who offer Spanish-German and German as L2 graded crime novels and short stories.
Now for some specific books:
Tschick - Wolfgang Herrendorf (this is technically a YA story but can be enjoyed by all ages, it's about two teenagers on a road trip and there is an English translation as well as a film)
Krabat - Otfried Preußler (this is technically a children's book but see above, it's a fantasy novel based on Sorbian folklore and full of dark magic, it's pretty dark actually, there is also a film)
Das Labyrinth des Fauns - Cornelia Funke and Guillermo del Toro (novelization of Pans Labyrinth, should be available in German and Spanish)
Mieses Karma - David Safier (this is a romance comedy novel about a woman reincarnated into an ant trying to get back with her ex, the same author wrote multiple funny romance novels that are quite popular and often have fantasy elements)
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roosterforme · 6 months
Covering the Classics Part 4 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Anna was afraid to face her new friends after the night out at the bar. Admitting she was attracted to Bob was easier to do than explain why she couldn't have him. When she finally sends him some book recommendations, she finds his taste in books familiar in an all too intimate way. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, eventually 18+
Length: 4700 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more! Thank you to @mak-32 for the beautiful banner!
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Anna spent the rest of her weekend working on lesson plans and looking at Bob's number saved in her phone. She had compiled a mental list of titles she thought he would like, and she'd even pulled a few dog-eared books from her own collection and stacked them up on her narrow counter. She would absolutely love to have Bob borrow them from her, but she'd completely messed everything up.
Why, when confronted with a decent man, did she shut everything down and destroy all hope? Because of Kevin. That's why. She knew this crush on Bob was a bad idea. Nothing good could come of it, but she still caught herself looking at his contact information on Sunday evening with longing in her heart.
She made herself a sad sandwich for dinner and packed herself a second sad sandwich for lunch the next day and then she settled in with her computer. The idea of taking her sad sandwich to the quad and eating with her friends was making her anxious. What if they didn't even want her around now that she'd made a complete fool of herself in front of their friend? What if they looked up at her as she approached them sitting on the bench with their perfect, beautiful lunches and scowled with their perfect, beautiful faces? 
"Oh no," she groaned, covering her eyes with her hand. She really liked them, but they probably hated her now. And she really liked Bob, but he probably went home with that better looking woman who was at the Navy bar and hadn't thought about Anna one time since. 
She forced her attention to her computer screen which was prompting her for a password. She entered Kev1n1s@t00L and watched as the website she'd had open on her browser came to life. She sighed as she scrolled through her saved favorites on PoetsAmongUs. It was kind of pitiful that she knew what she was going to end up reading before she could actually admit it to herself. 
Your whispers call out in the darkest shadows, My heart answers like a flame, Igniting this shared space with every breath I take, Giving you a love that will never find the end. It binds me to you, pulsing through my veins, Emotions like I've never known before. I've doubted that I could reach this place, But I feel endlessly sure here now.
Anna whined from her bed in her sad little apartment as she looked at the pen name of her favorite poet before clicking on it. He either never finished filling out his profile or he was being purposely vague. Male, 30s, United States. 
"Sky Writing. The only man I would trust with my heart ever again." She read the poem once more. That was her favorite passage, but she knew everything he posted by heart and got excited every time something new from him popped up every few months. 
It was late enough that she could probably just go to sleep without acknowledging that she hadn't texted Bob and probably never would. She couldn't set foot back in that bar ever again. Maybe that other place that Jessica loved so much would be somewhere she could check out next time she had nothing better to do. Chippy's or something? She started to doze off.
When her alarm started blaring, it was almost like she had slept too well. She'd dreamed about a faceless man with beautiful hands reading poetry to her while he ran his fingers slowly up and down her bare thigh. She couldn't shake the delicious feeling even as her alarm got louder. When she managed to turn it off, she lay there wishing she had time to go on the poetry website and masturbate before work. 
"Stop it," she whispered as she got up and started getting herself ready for the day. 
At least she got to teach English 522 this afternoon. Feminist Literature was becoming one of her favorite classes, as evidenced by her well worn copy of Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu which was in her bag. When she stood in her kitchen and ate a peanut butter granola bar and drank some coffee, she looked at the books she had pulled out as options for Bob, but she shook her head and left for the day without dwelling on how disappointing her life truly was.
Relying solely on public transportation meant leaving a lot earlier than you wanted to, but Anna still barely made it to her office in time to grab her notebook and teach her first lecture of the week. Half of the students still looked like they were asleep while the other half were looking at her like she was a literary messiah. It was almost comical, and when lunchtime rolled around, she was in a pretty great mood. Until she realized she was still on the fence about going to the quad. 
"Just do a vibe check," she muttered as she grabbed her lunch from her office. "If they look pissed off, you can come right back here and never talk to anyone else again for the rest of your life." She could subside on sandwiches and online poetry and only speak when she was giving lectures. That sounded simultaneously amazing and also terrifying.
The college campus was bustling today. There were some guys skateboarding through the quad, and she recognized a few other faculty members from the English department who waved to her. But that didn't stop her palms from sweating and her heart from thudding in a sickening rhythm that Edgar Alan Poe would think was beautiful. When she spotted the two women on the bench in front of the weird tree, Anna was shocked to see them waving to her with smiles on their faces. 
"Anna!" called Jessica. "You'll never believe it! The vending machine just gave me my bottle of Pepsi and a bonus bottle of ginger ale! Like it knew I was about to see you!"
"Chaos Theory at its finest," said the other woman before she bit into her carrot stick and hummus. 
"It's really more of the Butterfly Effect," Jessica replied. Anna had no idea what they were talking about, but they scooted away from each other on the bench to make room, so she decided to stay.
Anna swallowed hard as she sat and opened her pack of peanuts. "How was the rest of your weekend?" she asked the two of them, and soon her nerves calmed down. 
"Excellent. Bradley and I took a tour of the library yesterday."
"Pretty good. I helped Jake make waffles for breakfast. Lots and lots and lots of waffles. What did you do with the rest of your weekend? After the Hard Deck?"
Anna accepted the bottle of ginger ale that Jessica handed to her as she said, "Um, well I did my lesson plans for the next few weeks. And I started writing my midterm exams. Nothing exciting."
She was met with a bit of awkward silence, and she could feel the two women sharing a look behind her head. "Did you happen to text Bob?" Advanced Calculus asked cautiously, and Anna knew this was the part where it was all over. The dramatic climax, except she was actually the villain in this story.
"No, actually. I think that ship has sailed," she replied softly. 
"Why?" Jessica asked, not unkindly. "When we figured out that you and he already met at the bookstore in North Park, we were ecstatic. He's the mystery guy you were losing your mind over, Anna! The handsome one with glasses who smells so good!"
"He really does smell good," Advanced Calculus muttered as she dipped another carrot into the hummus which was probably unfairly homemade. "Are you no longer attracted to him? Was it his nerdy tee shirt? Or were all the guys so obnoxious you couldn't wait to leave?"
Anna held onto the cold bottle of ginger ale a little tighter as she said, "It's not that at all. I mean, who in their right mind wouldn't be attracted to Bob? And I thought his shirt was kind of charming. And the rest of the guys were welcoming in a slightly intense way."
Now Jessica was turned to face her, eyes wide behind her glasses. "Bob thinks you ran away from him twice now because he's unappealing and boring."
Anna jolted and the pack of peanuts went flying to the ground, nuts rolling in every direction. "He does?" she asked, palms beginning to sweat again.
"Yeah. Big time. But he's quite attracted to you. Apparently the red hair is a thing."
"Oh my god," Anna moaned in embarrassment. Bob liked her red hair? "Oh no. No. No. He's just.... he's so.... and he's also.... I can't even." She took a deep breath as she kicked at the lost peanuts. "Bob is so handsome. It's hard to look into his eyes for too long, because you start to feel like you're going to break out into song. And I don't think I've ever been around a man who smells quite that nice. And he's funny and just a touch nerdy, but that's a good thing." 
There was another beat of silence before Advanced Calculus said, "I'm not really understanding what the problem is."
Anna shook her head and unwrapped her sandwich to keep her hands busy. "Listen, none of my weirdness is because of him. It's all because of me. I can't have a crush on him. I can't be interested in him. I can't be interested in any men whatsoever."
Jessica nudged her shoulder and said, "Maybe you could just text him? Maybe making another new friend wouldn't be so bad?"
"Well if you can't find a girlfriend, I hope you're at least getting your rocks off with an attractive lady."
Bob was cradling his forehead in his hand and trying to escape from Suzanne's house without having this conversation. Whenever he stopped to pick up dinner instead of cooking something at home, he always brought something for her, too. It was the neighborly thing to do, especially when your neighbor was decades older than you, but right now he just wanted to vanish. 
"I wouldn't tell you even if I was," he replied, earning a laugh as she opened up the container of soup at her kitchen table. 
"Sit down and stay for a while," she told him, pointing to the empty chair. "I'll pay you back for dinner with my charm and witticism since you won't accept any money."
His phone started to vibrate in his uniform pocket, and he dug it out thinking it was probably Jessica having finished mocking up her barbarian character for their campaign, but it was a text from an unknown number. He was about to pocket his phone again, but then he saw the words book recommendations and paused. He quickly unlocked the phone and started reading the texts that were coming through.
I have some book recommendations for you if you still want them. I'm sorry I didn't send them over the weekend.
This is Anna, by the way.
I should have started with that information.
Wow. This is already embarrassing.
Bob laughed and started to type back immediately, and then Suzanne's voice cut across his thoughts. "Are you sure you don't have a special lady? You're smiling an awful lot at your phone."
He looked at her and shook his head. "I'm sure. I like this girl, but she doesn't return my feelings that way. She's just sending me some recommendations." He started to back away as he added, "Enjoy your soup. I'll see you later, Suzanne."
"Good night, Robert."
Bob ended up standing just inside his front door as he saved Anna's number and typed back a message to her. He thought keeping it simple would be his best move. Anything more than that and he'd embarrass himself once again by getting ahead of himself with his feelings. 
I would love some more recommendations from you. You're the expert.
He only had to wait about a minute for her response, which was just a list of book after book after book that he'd never even heard of. The first were the ones she'd given to him verbally on Friday night, but the rest were just as foreign to him.
Anna Webber: Persuasion by Austen. Northanger Abbey by Austen, Lady Chatterley's Lover by D. H. Lawrence, The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy, Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell, and The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas (because you like poetry so much)
Bob quickly ate his own container of soup while he read the list over and over again. Then without changing out of his uniform, he grabbed the keys to his beat up truck and headed to the bookstore in North Park to see if he could find any of these titles before they closed.
The store was virtually empty, and when he climbed the stairs up to the slightly dusty loft he could practically picture Anna's pretty hands and painted nails gliding along all of the spines. He could imagine her pretty, wide eyes looking up at him before she figured out he was boring. He could hear her laugh as he made his way to the spot where they had been standing together.
That horrible Vonnegut book was still there which made him chuckle. "Figures nobody else would want to read it," he muttered as he reached for it. Then he backtracked a little bit to start collecting everything from Anna's list. He referenced his text messages several times, hunting all over the Classics section until he had almost everything in order. Then he spread them out along the shelf and took a photo. He texted it to her before he could second guess himself after he added a short caption. 
Did I miss anything?
He was walking back down to the poetry section when his phone vibrated.
Anna Webber: You're at the bookstore right now? The one in North Park?
Bob froze in the middle of the stairs. He embarrassed himself without even knowing it. He must seem desperate right now. Running out to the store as soon as she sent him the list. "Shit," he groaned softly. When he got another message, he was almost afraid to look at it.
Anna Webber: I LOVE that store. I wish I were there right now, too.
Bob thought that sounded perfect, actually. Maybe if she were here now, she wouldn't run away this time. He'd been playing those kinds of scenarios over and over in his head, ones where she liked him back the way he liked her. Ones where they left the bookstore holding hands.
He continued downstairs to look for the book of poems she suggested for him, which he found quickly, along with Votive by Keiran Goddard. Would Anna like a copy of his favorite book of poetry? Did he even want to ask her? At this point, he had nothing to lose. She wasn't going to suddenly want him, but that shouldn't stop him from sharing a recommendation of his own. Especially when she might really enjoy something he found so spectacular. 
Bob held the book up and snapped a quick selfie, sending it away into the universe before dwelling on it too much.
Anna was preparing a piece of toast with jelly for herself or dinner, desperately wishing she were back at the bookstore. Bob was there, probably smelling so nice and luring everyone else who was shopping closer to him. Perhaps he was wearing another Dungeons & Dragons shirt like he'd worn to the Navy bar. Perhaps his biceps were straining against it.
She didn't have to use her vivid imagination for very long, because suddenly Bob was staring at her through her phone screen with his crooked little smile and his beautiful eyes. And his uniform. 
"Oh my god." The toast slipped from her fingers and landed jelly side down on her plate as she took in every single detail. Navy uniforms were khaki? Why had she assumed they were all navy blue? Why didn't she know more about the Navy? She was going to take the time to learn everything she could about the United States Navy. 
When she realized her mouth was dry, she reached for her glass of water and downed it. She was in a daze. A Bob Floyd induced daze. Even all the little pins on his shirt were distracting. She wanted to count all of them. She wanted to touch them. She wondered what they would feel like if she pressed her lips to them. 
"Stop," she gasped. But she couldn't. Now her eyes drifted up to his face again, and she thought she'd only really ever seen the exact color of his eyes in a Kandinsky painting at the Guggenheim. She couldn't look away. "No. No. No!" she moaned. And then she finally read the actual message he'd typed out after gawking at his photo for five whole minutes. 
Bob Floyd: Have you ever read Votive by Keiran Goddard? It's my favorite collection of poetry. 
Anna laughed a little hysterically. She hadn't even noticed he was holding up a book at all. His graceful fingers were wrapped around the damn thing, but she'd been too distracted by him to actually look at the book. But now the fact that she'd never read Goddard before had her flushed and flustered, because Bob had sent a book recommendation to her. Nobody ever did that, and all she could think about was how she absolutely needed to get her hands on a copy and devour the whole entire thing if it was something he liked. 
Very calmly and rationally, she typed back to him.
I have not read it yet, but I'll add it to my list of things to check out of the library. 
When she set her phone down and realized her toast had become a casualty to this text conversation, she moaned and flipped it back over. Her heart was still beating a little erratically from looking at Bob's photo for too long, and she didn't think she could even eat. There was no way she could waste any food in her current financial state though, so she took a bite anyway as he texted her back.
Bob Floyd: I'll just pick it up for you while I'm here. I hope you'll like it, but if you hate it, that's okay too. It's a bit of an acquired taste.
Oh no. She couldn't let him buy it, because she didn't have any extra spending money at the moment to be able to pay him back. But admitting that to him would be excruciatingly embarrassing, and she didn't even think she could do it. Perhaps she could scrape together twenty dollars if she skipped a few meals, but then she wouldn't be able to join the girls in the quad at lunchtime. They'd notice her lack of food right away. 
"Why are you such a disaster?" she asked herself as she scarfed down the rest of her toast and typed back to him.
Thank you. I can pay you back for it later.
She would figure it out. She always did. Even when she didn't want to, she managed to find a way to solve her problems. Even when it hurt.
Bob Floyd: It's my treat. I can give it to Bradley or Jake at work tomorrow. I'm sure either of the ladies wouldn't mind getting it to you when they see you. Or if you feel like it, we could meet for coffee one day and I could give it to you in person. Just let me know.
"Oh, Anna," she whispered, already typing out a response before she could think better of it.
Bob was surprised Anna took him up on his offer to meet for coffee, but he found himself looking forward to it in spite of the fact that he was still pining a bit. He'd get over it in time. He'd find someone new to crush on, or maybe he'd meet another girl that he was interested in, and maybe she would be interested back. But none of that stopped him from being excited at the prospect of being around her again. And none of that prepared him for the way he felt when Anna pushed through the door of the coffee shop on Wednesday evening and looked around tentatively. Her red hair was in another loose braid, and her freckles were so endearing.
As soon as her eyes landed on him, she looked less apprehensive but also more resigned. When she approached the table where he was sitting with three books, he stood. "Hey. Anna. How are you?"
"Hi, Bob." Even her voice was soft and sweet as her eyes swept along his face and body. She blushed a pretty shade of pink as she said, "Thanks for the book. Will you let me buy you something to drink?"
He didn't respond beyond nodding and leading the way toward the counter. He listened to her order a small coffee before he ordered a large hot tea, and when she reached for her wallet, he was already handing over a twenty. When she looked up at him with wide, brown eyes, he just smiled. "You don't have to buy me a drink."
She watched the money leave his hand as she said, "Well, you don't have to buy me one either."
"Too late."
She was quiet as they returned to the small table with their hot beverages, but as soon as she sat, she said, "You'll have to let me pay next time."
Bob slid two of the books across the table as he asked, "Next time?" But she didn't respond as she let her fingers brush along Votive before she picked it up to reveal the one underneath it.
Anna's laughter filled the small space as her eyes darted back up to meet his. "You bought Cat's Cradle? I didn't think that was the kind of thing you were looking for?"
He glanced down into his tea. "Uh, it's not. I got it for you."
"Bob," she said quietly, her fingers tracing the spine now. He liked her nail polish and wanted to touch her hands. "You did not have to get me two books."
"Yes I did," he said with a smile. "Vonnegut sounds horrible. I felt bad for it because nobody else was ever going to buy it. I couldn't just leave it to rot on the shelf when I know the only person who would be willing to give it a nice home."
When she laughed again, she seemed resigned to the fact that the books were both hers. "Thanks. Money is a little tight for me right now. You know how it is when you first move," she told him while she fidgeted a bit. "But next time, I'll buy your drink. Or your book. Or something."
"You keep saying 'next time'."
Anna poked at her coffee cup and said, "I thought maybe.... we could be friends."
"Friends." His voice felt and sounded stale. The word made him feel sadder than it should have. "Of course."
She looked even more relieved now as she took a sip of her coffee, but Bob was busy trying not to memorize the pretty pattern of her freckles across her nose and the way her lips were pursed. He wouldn't look at a friend that way. 
"Which book is that?" she asked, nodding toward the last one in front of him. 
He flipped it over so she could see the cover, and he said, "Oh, it's The Age of Innocence. I'm almost done reading it, and I was just hoping to get your opinions on a few things."
Anna's eyes went wider. "You're almost done reading it? Already?"
"Yeah." His voice sounded like a groan, and he knew he should be embarrassed since she recommended it two days ago, but he said, "Once I start a new book, I can't put it down if it's good."
"So you like it?" she asked, leaning a little closer to him as a smile played along her lips. 
"It's fantastic," he replied, and her foot brushed his softly beneath the table.
Anna licked her lips and shifted in her seat as she made a soft sound that just made Bob want to get closer to her. She clasped her hands on the table in front of her and cleared her throat before she blurted out. "You're really handsome." His lips parted wordlessly, unsure how to respond, but he didn't have to as she immediately said, "And you're not boring. Not at all. I could have stayed in that dusty bookstore all afternoon, tucked away in the loft, talking to you about book after book."
"Oh," he replied, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Really?"
"Yes. Really," she said, and it sounded like she meant it. "I didn't disappear because of you. I disappeared because of me. And I'm really sorry about that."
Then he realized what was going on. His friends got to her already. He'd told Jessica on Saturday night that he was sure Anna ditched him because he's probably not as handsome or interesting as she's used to. And now he was going to have to text her and tell her to lay off. This whole thing was embarrassing enough without having to hear Anna pity him like this.
"Don't worry about it," he told her softly with his best attempt at a smile. "We can be friends."
When he got home, she texted him to thank him again for the books and the coffee. But he was still thinking about her freckles and how far down her neck they might go. Maybe they made a pretty pattern across her shoulders, too. Maybe they would disappear into her bra, a perfect treasure for another man to find. But not Bob. Bob and Anna were just friends.
When Anna finally got home after taking two buses, it was so late, she knew she should go right to bed. But she was wishing for another cheap bottle of wine to try to take her mind off of Bob. He was perfect, and she couldn't let herself have him. They could be friends, but nothing more. She could send him texts, but they couldn't flirt. 
She already missed his soft voice and the way he gave her his entire focus when they were together. He bought her two books! Nobody else ever bought her books! And he read the ones she recommended to him! Maybe Kevin was to blame for most things that had gone wrong in her life, but literally no man she'd ever known was as kind and thoughtful as Bob.
She collapsed back onto her bed in her sad apartment were she could look at her kitchen and her bathroom at the same time, and she opened the book of poetry. Bob's favorite poetry. Within minutes of reading the first few pages, she felt warmer and maybe a little flustered. The passages were romantic and insightful in such a familiar way. Something was tickling at her brain, trying to trigger a memory. She kept reading, making it fifteen pages in before she gasped and realized what it was. 
"Sky Writing," she murmured, reaching for her computer in favor of the book. She was reminded of her favorite novice poet from her favorite website. The poetry in the book sounded a bit like the poems written by Sky Writing, and now Anna was even more of a mess knowing that this was the kind of intimate literature Bob preferred to read. 
She wanted him. She wanted to know what his big, sturdy hands would feel like on her body. What his lips tasted like. She wanted to erase that pinch of doubt she saw on his face when she tried to reassure him that even though they were going to be just friends, she definitely found him attractive. 
The next time she went shopping, she was going to need to stock up on some more bottles of cheap wine.
Just friends. Okay, Anna. Sure, babe. Let's see how long that lasts. Bob's wingwomen are powerful. Thank you @lauratang for the book/reading list! And thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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notbecauseofvictories · 7 months
Hi Sarah, I'm going to visit Chicago in a couple of weeks and when I think of Chicago I think of you. What would you recommend I visit/do?
Unfortunately, Chicago is not its best self for a couple months---while I maintain that the city is for all seasons, summer is undoubtedly when it's most alive. However, there are a couple things I will definitely recommend for the unseasonably warm spring traveler:
(1) Eat some food
A friendly word of warning: do not be tricked into eating Giordano's or Lou Malnotti's. Perhaps your companions might try to win you over with promises of Chicago-style hotdogs---do not be swayed! You must manfully resist! (Harold's Chicken is that good though, and if you're close to the one in Hyde Park, feel free to devour the three piece dinner of your choice. Cheap bottle of the too-sweet wine I preferred as an undergrad optional.)
A much better option is to find a place that serves whatever food you love, but does it really really well.
Do you like sophisticated twists on a brewpub menu? Try Moody Tongue in the South Loop
Or are you really more of a tapas person? Highly recommend mfk in Lincoln Park
Would you prefer something a little....meatier? My favorite steakhouse in Chicago is Tango Sur (though I would argue their empanadas are really the showstopper)
There's nowhere in the city that does Hong Kong-style barbecue like Sun Wah in Uptown---I just stopped by after the parade for the Lunar New Year, the duck is to die for.
Are you on the West Side? First of all, do not go to Big Star. I mean, it's fine, but....come on. I'd pick Forbidden Root instead, or head over to Pilsen for Rubi's if you can't survive without tacos.
There are so, so many different bars I would recommend. Chicago was the home of bootleggers for a reason, goddamn it. Still, if you can't get to Wang's (look, I like Violet Hour too, but sometimes you don't want to drink in near-darkness), Koval (the rare distillery in Chicago), or any of the many, many craft breweries we have in the city right now, you probably can stop by one of the many, many, many bars we have in Chicago, and get a drink anyway.
There are more---of course there are more!---but we don't have all day. So instead I will leave you with this bit of wisdom: don't eat at Navy Pier or anywhere too close to Lincoln Park Zoo. If you are at a bar, don't settle for a burger when sometimes, the chicken tenders are actually better. And if you absolutely must go somewhere for pizza, choose Pequod's.
(2) See a thing
Chicago has many things in it! So many things! A hundred thousand things! Unfortunately, I don't know what you're into, so I will just talk about them in general.
MUSEUMS: I am a devoted museum-goer, and Chicago has blessed me with an endless feast. There are the big ones, of course---the Field Museum of Natural History, the Adler Planetarium, the Shedd Aquarium, the Museum of Science and Industry, the Art Institute of Chicago. However, my favorites are smaller, more unique: the International Museum of Surgical Sciences, Intuit (though it's temporarily closed, more's the pity), the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures at UChicago, the Lincoln Park Conservatory. That's not even all the museums in Chicago! That's not even all the museums that I've been to. It's amazing.
EVENTS: I once joked that I was a person who needed to schedule her enrichment like a blue-haired senior, but the joke was on me---I am that person! Fortunately, Chicago supports me in this endeavor by publishing many, many different calendars of "what to do this week or weekend". Do you want to see something onstage? Well, here you go. How about some classical music? I have a trusty guide. What about non-classical music? Always go to the Chicago Reader for that. Are you thinking of catching a game? Well, we're still in spring training for the Cubs and Sox, but the Bulls are doing okay even if the Blackhawks aren't, and we've got soccer (male and female) now too!
(Unfortunately, the Chicago Sky aren't playing right now, they're my favorites.)
OTHER: Unless you are extremely efficient, coming here and eating good food, doing one other thing, is more than enough. I promise it is! However, if you have more time, I definitely recommend just---wandering around. The Loop in particular is great for this, because it's reasonably small and everyone there is busy doing things. Going places, talking on phones, getting into or out of ubers, protesting outside of the Daley center, etc. etc. It's amazing to watch, and the buildings are pretty neat too.
Or you could wait a couple months, and take the Chicago Architecture Boat Tour, which I think should be a requirement for all Chicagoans. Maybe even everyone alive in the world. Just saying.
(3) Walk along the lakeshore
Chicago offers many delights, but I really do believe that Lake Michigan and its vast expanse of water, sky and space, is a unique gift to the city. It is beautiful in winter, in spring, in storms, in sun. It is free. You can sit in the grass or the sand or amble along its broad paths for miles, looking at unexpected art installations and waving grasses and the way the beaches slope to the water; you can talk to a friend or watch bikers and joggers pass you by. In the summer, there are a dozen different stands offering warm elote or cold soda, and cheerful men on jingling bike carts that will sell you neon orange push pops. In the winter, there are still bikers and joggers but also Canada geese, and you can stare mournfully at the slate grey water and ponder existence.
It is the heart of Chicago. Nelson Algren called us an "October city, even in summer"; Carl Sandburg described us as a shirtless dude who gives great oral. Personally, I think of Montrose Beach in the setting sun of winter, the sand almost too cold to touch---and beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 2 months
ok ok ok your sub! john drabbles actually gave me the best idea. tattoo artist x john wick
tattoo artist reader is there to comfort him and make sure he’s okay and doesn’t pass out esp if it’s his first tattoo.
also writing this made me remember a fic i read that’s not finished but breaks my heart
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21060659/chapters/50100092 if you want to read 🖤
Thank you so much for this ask!! I've been thinking about this idea for a while actually. There was another ask about this a long time ago, maybe on my JohnWickCaretaker blog? I can't find that one, but if that was also you, then thanks a second time. Also, yaaaaay, fic recommendation! 🖤
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John Wick x Tattoo Artist Reader (Gender Neutral)
Author's Note: John is a little younger in this one (I’m picturing him being 18-19), so he’s not as mature. He’s even more shy and gets defensive more easily. Also, I'm not a tattoo artist, and haven't gotten any tattoos, so this is just based on what I've read about it!
CW: forced to get a tattoo, tattoo needle, crying, reader swears frequently, bittersweet ending
Image sources: 1 2 3
“You have time for a walk-in?”
You didn’t even hear this guy open the door. Once you’re done being startled, you notice…him. You’re not supposed to let yourself think this way about clients, but shit, he’s cute. He looks soft. Mostly clean shaven, with a thin, elegant face (maybe it’s the high cheekbones), topped off with a mop of dark hair. And probably inexperienced, based on how nervous he looks. A little part of you wonders how this is going to go for him. “You’re in luck. What’s your name?”
No answer.
“Can I see an ID?”
He hesitates awkwardly. “I’m coming from Mrs. Petrov.”
Oh. So he’s one of these. You doubt that’s her real name, but Mrs. Petrov sailed into your shop one day offering to double the usual price if you’d keep quiet and ask no questions, and you sure need the money. Your skin is crawling a bit but you take a deep breath and get into it.
“Okay, good enough for me. What design are we looking at?”
He hands you a paper. It’s the same one you’ve seen half a dozen times: hands touching in prayer over an image of the cross. Guys come to you for this tat again and again, “from Mrs. Petrov.” One told you it was a mark of his acting troupe, another said it was a family crest, another a symbol of his church. They’re probably all lying, but you know better than to call them on it – or to turn any of them away. You’re pretty sure it’s a mob thing. It breaks your heart a little bit to think he’s caught up in all that. He doesn’t look the part. But then, you also know better than to judge by looks alone.
You gesture to the chair. “Settle in, face down. It’s better if we have your shirt off.” He’s way too delicious underneath it. The perfect canvas...shhhhh stop it. You’re a professional and he’s…god knows what. “This will take about four or five hours. Is that okay?”
He nods.
“Silent type I guess?”
That gets a faint smile before he lays across the bench, chin resting on folded arms. You flip the Open sign to Closed, pull on your gloves, and start prepping tools. You turn on the radio to 80s rock, filling the silence between you - though it doesn’t feel like a stressful silence, surprisingly. Both of you know how odd this situation is and you’re both just trying to get through it. There’s a camaraderie to that.
You glance down at the design in your hand and whistle. It’s pretty big, taking up most of the center of his back, between the scapulas. “Is this your first tattoo?”
“Alright, well I’ll be real with you: this is going right over the spine, so you can expect some pain. Nothing that’ll kill you, just…not super pleasant. So I’ll check in from time to time, see how you’re doing. If you need a break, we can take one.”
“I won’t.” He sounds pretty sure of that. Standing behind him, you shake your head. It’s always the ones that are so sure…
“Well, after a while, I’ll need one.” You run disinfecting wipes over the center of his back and set to work. When the needle touches down for the first time, he winces once, but he doesn’t wince again for the next ten minutes of linework. It takes you that long to realize that he’s barely breathing. “Your muscles are tense, buddy. I need you to relax for me or this will hurt more.”
“…I just…don’t want to move.” There’s something so sweet about the way he says it.
“You won’t move. You’re actually less likely to shake if you can let yourself go totally limp, like you would if you were about to fall asleep. Here, sit up for a second, take a deep breath, and stretch out.” He listens, but he’s not looking at you. You’re pretty sure he’s blushing.
“Okay. I’m relaxed.” Liar. You can still feel the knots in his muscles when you touch him again. But at least it’s a little better than before, and he’s getting impatient. “Keep going.”
Well, the customer is always right. “Alright, let’s do it.” You grab your pen and get back into place. The best you can do is try to distract him. “How did you choose this tattoo anyway?” Might as well see what story this one will make up.
“I didn’t.” That’s probably the truest answer you’ve heard so far.
“Do you…like it?” God, you hope so.
“Not really.”
“…You’re telling me I’m putting something on your body right now that you don’t want there?”
“No,” he says, a little too quickly. “Forget it.”
That’s probably for the best anyway. You’ll get too pissed off if you keep going down this line of questioning. You take a deep breath and try for something lighter. “So what do you, uh…do for fun?”
“Reading, mostly.”
“Oh, sweet. You read anything good lately?”
“Kind of. I’m reading Anna Kerenina.” He slips into a faint accent when he says it, and you have a suspicion.
“What translation?”
“Just the Russian.” He sounds a little annoyed, like you caught him out on something. You suppose you did, and it was kind of fun.
“Bilingual. That’s badass.”
“Thanks.” There’s silence again for a minute, but it feels friendlier.
“So what do you think of it?”
You wrinkle your nose. “Yeah, it’s kind of dry.”
“I guess, but I don’t mind that. I just don’t like Anna and Vronsky. Which is Tolstoy’s whole point, but…”
“They’re both little shits to everyone. Makes it hard to get invested.”
“Right, exactly.” He shifts his chin. “If I was married, I can’t imagine cheating.” From some people, a line like that would sound like a transparent attempt to come across as a “nice guy.” But he says it so wistfully, you know he means it.
Don’t say what you’re about to say. Don’t say it. Be professional.
…Fuck it, you’re doing this under the table anyway. “Are you dating anybody?”
“No.” It sounds so bitter that, for a second, you think you really are dealing with a nice-guy-impersonator. But then he clarifies. “My…lifestyle doesn’t allow for that.”
“Oh.” You can’t think of any way to reply that doesn’t involve the burning questions in your mind about what exactly this “lifestyle” entails. So you lapse into silence again, for much longer this time, just thinking, wondering what it’s like to be one of these young men with the cross tattoos. Are they all friends with each other? What exactly do they do? Is it difficult? How does it pay? How did they get into it?
You stop when you’re done with the linework. “Okay, that went great! We’re totally done with the outlines, which is half the battle. I’m going to take a break before we start on the shading.” You circle around in front of him to grab your water bottle, and catch a glimpse of his face as he’s straightening up.
He’s wiping off silent tears.
Your heart almost drops out of your chest. “Oh shit. Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he says, but it sounds hoarse and shaky. “Just hurt more than I expected.” He huffs a laugh, trying to play the whole thing off as unimportant.
“Dude, I told you we can take breaks if you need. If you’re crying from pain, you’re too tensed up. Tell me next time, alright?” Before you realize what you’re doing, you’re rubbing his shoulder. He freezes for a second, and you pull back. “Sorry, I – I didn’t mean to – “
“No, it’s okay. I’m just not used to that.”
“Damn, how do they treat you at Mrs. Petrov’s place?” You’re half joking, but you want to know more and more by the second. And when he just looks grave and doesn’t answer, your heart does that weird dropping thing again.
“…Let me get you a water, okay? I’ll be right back.” You’re grateful for the short walk to the mini fridge you keep in the back of the parlor. It feels so heavy in that room. You’re starting to wish you hadn’t taken the deal, because whatever this is, you don’t want to be involved.
When you come back, he’s perfectly composed again, but looking at you more carefully this time, like he’s finally really seeing you. After he takes a drink of water, he hesitates for a second. “My name is Jardani.”
Warmly, “Nice to meet you.” You take the bottle back and set it on the table, within reach. “You’ll tell me if you get overwhelmed next time?”
“Good. I’m trusting you.”
You watch him settle in and get back to work. It’s okay at first but there’s a dark shadow under those praying hands that needs to go right over his spine. It’s basically pure black. A couple minutes into it, he exhales sharply, like he’d been holding his breath for a while. “Stop.”
You set your pen down right away. “You got it.” You pull up a chair next to him and he turns to look at you, without sitting up. He’s really pale. “How are you feeling?”
“Yeah, you can pass out if you get tense like that for too long. But you’re okay. We can take as long as you need.” You put your hand on his shoulder again, massaging it, and this time, he lets you. You can feel some of the tension finally seep away and the color returns to his cheeks. The dark pools of his eyes are fixed on yours, and if you aren’t careful, you feel like you could fall into them and drown. There’s something trapped in cold waters down there, pleading for rescue.
Yeah, sure. If you were being unprofessional before, now you’re being a downright sentimental fool. This guy has probably shot people.
Despite being deep and rumbling, his voice sounds so quiet that it’s almost shy. “You don’t know what this means to me, to have a…nice moment... Thank you.”
“Oh – you’re welcome. It’s nothing, really.” You’re absolutely done for. “Um, do you want to stand up and stretch before we get back at it?”
Your brain is fried but you manage to hold it together while the both of you get back into position. The rest of the session goes pretty smoothly, and you talk a little more here and there. At first it’s just about how he should take care of this thing when it’s finished – staying out of the sun and all that. But then he starts to ask you about yourself - what you read, how you got into tattooing, your favorite designs. Everything you say seems to interest him. You can’t quite believe it but he’s obviously developing a crush on you. Or at least getting attached in some way. You can’t blame him, if the smallest friendly touch is such a foreign concept.
It's too soon when you place the finishing touches. “Okay! You want to take a look?” You help him up, his hand resting in yours for an instant as he slides off the bench, stiff and probably aching. It sends a jolt straight to your heart, to support some fraction of his weight and to feel the way his fingers squeeze down on yours before letting go. You mourn the contact instantly, and distract yourself by adjusting the two mirrors that reflect into each other, allowing him to see his back. “What do you think?”
“It does look cool actually.” He cracks a little heart-melting smile, and you’re really relieved. He may not have wanted it, but at least he’s not devastated.
“’Course it does, it was done by the best in the business,” you joke. Though to be honest, you really are impressed with your handiwork. Doing the same tattoo so many times pays off – each one has looked more polished than the last. It’s almost a shame to see him put his shirt back on…for multiple reasons.
“Oh, uh…” He fishes something out of his pocket. A wad of hard cash – a LOT of it, as usual. “Here’s the payment.” And then he’s leaving, before you can do anything, say anything, even catch the breath you’d lost trying to comprehend everything that just happened.
“Hey, wait!” You don’t really know what you’re going to say, but then he’s facing you again and you have to say something, and it just comes out. “…Do you need help? I don’t know what’s going on, but look, I’m not an idiot. I know something’s wrong here. I don’t know who Mrs. Petrov really is and I don’t care, but if you need me to do something, like…I don’t know, call a social worker or something or help you get transport out of the city...” Your voice falters. You have no idea what he’d need and even less idea how to provide it without getting both of you killed. And what if you’ve misread the whole situation? What if you’re completely out of line?
It certainly looks that way. It’s like a switch flips in him. “No. Whatever you do, don’t fucking try anything. It’s none of your business.” It’s the coldest he’s sounded. “You won’t see me again.” The door slams behind him.
You brace a hand against the counter behind you, shaking. How could you be so stupid, honestly. This emotional roller coaster isn’t worth it. You wish you’d never seen Mrs. Petrov, let alone this Jardani with his damn pain-soaked eyes and cornered-dog behavior. There’s something awful going on, and you can’t do anything about it, you’re just making it worse. If you can get out of this deal, you have to, even if it means getting out of the city. Maybe out west - San Francisco sounds nice this time of year.
You’re just putting yourself back together and trying to decide what the hell you’re gonna do when the door flings open again and he storms back though it, stopping short right in front of you. For a second, you just stare at each other, breathing hard. Then he catches the flash of foolish happiness in your eyes at seeing him again and musters his nerves.
And he. Fucking. Kisses. You. Forcefully, with his strong hands gripping your arms and his teeth colliding with yours, pulling, desperate, rebellious, like he’s trying to tell you something he’s not allowed to say. You’re pretty sure it’s, “Thank you. For being one of the few people who cared.”
And then he’s gone again, and this time, you can feel it: he’s never coming back.
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poomphuripan · 4 months
what do you think of the comments on mdl of my stand in calling ming a cheater?
hi nonnie []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* that's actually something i've been thinking to write about because i saw those remarks as well but it is such a controversial thing to discuss. if you don't mind, this discussion post will be filled with mild spoilers of the novel.
!!!!!! novel spoilers warning !!!!!!
alright so first of all, @ineffable-opinions wrote an excellent post about the danmei tropes in my stand-in (which i highly recommend everyone to read). this is a great post as they discussed the white moonlight trope presented in my stand-in.
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i don't consider ming, a cheater because as i see it, tong was simply ming's white moonlight. ming never established a physical nor emotional connection with tong, throughout his time knowing joe. tong was always an idealised fantasy, he's mistaken it for it to be love. in other words, i see it as ming looking up tong like a delulu fanboy with an idol crush than him actually having any substantive feelings for tong ever. i mean if you had a partner that looked like a kpop idol, and sex with your partner makes you feel like you're achieving your sexual fantasy, are you cheating on your partner? maybe? maybe not? probably controversial and debatable question but for me, i don't consider it 'cheating'. i do think ming took for granted joe's genuine feelings and did not fully appreciate joe's affection (ming you ungrateful bish, repent).
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during their time together playing pseudo 'not boyfriends', ming showed that he could be an okay partner. whether it's caring about joe's day at work, how hard joe's job as a stuntman, accepting joe's invitation to accompany him to his wrapped filming party.
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i mean it's really bare minimum but that's already quite a lot coming from the dude who's afraid as hell once joe started mentioning the 'faen' word, triggering his self-defense mechanism, depreciating himself trying to claim that joe wouldn't be able to stand him.
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i think one of the most obvious example of how afraid ming was to lose this relationship, was him using the word 'faen' in the last breakup fight with joe. this line was very ironic of him to say, because i'm sure even ming knows this line applies more to himself (how in this life, ming won't be able to find a better boyfriend than joe).
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i absolutely love ming's emotion progression in ep 4 because it encapsulates perfectly his 21 year old spoiled brat attitude. he was confused when broken up over the phone, then mad and started throwing tantrum trying to get joe to coax him (like joe always does), until he realized it wouldn't work this time and he started frantically begging for joe to stay so they could go back to playing house and being happy.
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personally, i don't consider it cheating because by around ep3/4, you can already started seeing ming settling down with the option that makes him "happy". some may even argued that by this point, he has 'recognized' his feelings (not me though, i think he just wanted his simple happiness/domestic bliss back, i still think it's during the period he lost joe 1.0 that he learned what love truly is).
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now the most important question of all: is ming cheating on joe 1.0 with joe 2.0 or vice versa?
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to quote chapter 63 of Professional Body Double (My Stand-In novel), i think the author puts it best how ming views joe 2.0.
He has fallen to the point of looking for the shadow of that person in a substitute. This is his punishment. When he thought that he was using [Joe] as [Tong]’s substitute, he was not aware of the actual person who had entered his heart. He had failed miserably with this method but still could not help himself from wanting to try. There are no other reasons. Just that he was in too much pain. He can’t endure anymore. He was adamant that [Joe] is not dead but no one could confirm it. That little doubtful voice in his heart is getting louder and louder, but is roughly suppressed by him time and time again. To continually be persistent with this thought, he needed a lot of willpower. He knew better than anyone else. Even if this [Joe] could bring him a little comfort, he wanted to be close to him, just like a long frozen person wanting to be close to a matchstick. This can’t save him… but he couldn’t stop himself from taking that little warmth.
i LOVE this metaphor and this little inner thought of ming we got because we can see how he's very much aware that he's falling right back into the bad habit that got him into trouble in the first place but... he's a fucking fool... who resorts to spiritual shamans for hope...
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but also the familiarity he got from joe 2.0 is way too strong to joe 1.0. so for me, i'm seeing it as ming is using joe 2.0 as a means for comfort and relief as well as keeping him close to observe the similarities between him and joe 1.0, rather than viewing joe 2.0 as a replacement for joe 1.0 (because keep in mind, at this point he doesn't know they're the same person yet).
so !!!!!!!!! BIG WARNING of spoilers from the novel !!!!!!!!! if joe had considered joe 2.0 to be a direct replacement of joe 1.0, i don't think he would have had this conversation with joe 2.0 about joe 1.0.
Ming spoke right at this time. His voice sounded very faint and very soft, “Joe, are you hiding something from me?” Joe didn’t know what Ming meant by this. He asked cautiously, “I don’t understand what Khun Ming means.” Ming, “The feelings you give me is too familiar. It’s as if I’ve known you and have lived with you before. Why is this?” Joe forced himself to responded, “Maybe this is fate.” If it wasn’t because they are fated, they would not be in the predicament of today…with a relationship that is so unclear in both past and current lifetimes. “Joe. Tell me….If a person had been missing for more than two years, do you think he may still be alive?” Joe’s tensed up and smiled, “Most likely impossible. If still alive, he would have come back already.” “Why can’t he be alive? It could be that he didn’t come back because he doesn’t want to come back.” Joe is silent for a moment, “Khun Ming, are you talking about the other Joe?” Joe clearly felt Ming’s body stiffened. Then Ming asked, “How much do you know about him?” “I don’t know anything at all. I just heard from what others have said.” Ming quietly asked, “Then do you know what relationship I have with him?” Joe’s heart tightened, What relationship? You say, what relationship? He clenched his teeth in the dark, “I don’t know.” Ming’s voice is like the rising of the quiet abyss, cold and empty, “I feel that he’s not dead. He just doesn’t want to come back.” Joe heard his own voice dissociated from his thoughts and automatically asked, “Why won’t he want to come back?” Ming didn’t respond to his question, instead he tightened his arms around Joe.
i like that in the 2.0 timeline, we got ming learning but also not learning his dumbass mistakes at all. ming learned that he should be upfront about his feelings and be straightforward with his sexual partner, but at the same time he's still impatient, hot tempered and say hurtful things easily.
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so i think through and through the second half of the series, you'll see his fidelity to joe (the soul) only. while perhaps it was the shadow of a back that mesmerized ming in the first place, but it's the kindhearted soul of joe that ming truly fell in love with, the person that showed him what love means, the only period in his life where he felt happiness.
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© gif courtesy of the talented @alienwlw
you can also check out @befuddledcinnamonroll and @ineffable-opinions discussion on matters of transmigration, attachment of the soul with the body in their excellent posts, here and here. to sum it up, i think up kinda succintly puts it here in this interview.
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of course, this is not to excuse dating/fucking anyone who resembles your missing ex but then treating them like they're your object ;_; like i'm just saying i don't think what ming is doing with joe 2.0 can be categorized as cheating (for me). it's something scummy, foolish, dumb, really stupid but... not cheating ┗( T﹏T )┛.
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also if you notice, ming doesn't sleep around. surely he could have slept with dozen of nice looking man with similar physique to joe 1.0 to "keep the warmth" if he was that type of dude... but he doesn't... so for me, i see this proposal he has for joe 2.0 is not simply because of a physical attraction/similarity to joe, but it's the vibe/the aura/the ✨energy✨ that joe 2.0 radiates that is too similar to joe 1.0, drawing ming to him again.
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tldr: ming is a lot of things but for me, i would never characterize him as a cheater. ming is a scummy, spoiled, arrogant, entitled, hot tempered hi-so brat but also a foolish little crying bag with zero wife-chasing skills. his only tactic is begging and getting his waterworks flowing.
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ps: i'm not sure if this ask actually answers your question at all but hopefully some of my thoughts made sense ಥ_ಥ
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The Taming of Man: chapter three - Dragon Shifting!Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
I'm pretty sure I'm starting to burn out a little, so while these chapters are only a couple days a part, the next ones might have a bigger gap. Still loving this so far, the plot is plotting, and I hope you love it too!
This is incredibly based on the song The Willow Maid by Erutan, I highly recommend giving it a listen for the best experience.
Warnings: Cursing, reader is She/Her and will be AFAB in later chapters, Shirtless Katsuki, hints at a toxic relationship between reader and her mother, slight misogyny
Words: 2,513
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The walk home was different than the walk back for Katsuki. First of all, it was nightfall, so he had to rely on his limited, albeit better than human, night vision.
Leaving Nebel was easy enough, all he had to do was walk in any direction and it seemed to teleport him right to the border between it and Leben, which was a lot quieter than before.
Schatz wasn't so glittery in the moonlight as the sunlight, making it easier to ignore (Despite his stupid lizard brain wanting nothing more than to build the shiniest nest), and no animals seemed to live in it, meaning less danger.
Eisen was a little taxing, because he had to climb up the sturdy and unmoving orange trees, walk on it's branches above, and then climb back down, but at least it didn't feel so eerie and liminal as the last three.
And lastly, there was Böse, the forest he knew well, as alive and bitter as ever. Home. He made his way past the clusters of Portobello mushrooms and thickets of thistles (the one he beat still withered on the ground), over the Acrimony tree roots, and around the rocks covered in Magma Moss. He could see the exit, the clearing of trees, leading to the back of his Palace.
He knew everyone would probably be asleep, or at least resting in bed, so as he made his way through the courtyard and to the royal kitchen door he tried his best not to raise any red flags. He crept through the halls, climbing lengths of stairs all the way to his chambers. He walked past his study, stopped at the bathroom to piss and replace his substitute shirt bandages with actual gauze, crept into his bedroom, and quietly shut the door behind him.
His room was dark and warm, if that made sense, his bedframe made of rich oak, his linen sheets parylene red, his shelves lined with books, a mirror framed in gold hanging above his mahogany desk, and the entire area being lit by yellow flames resting on candles. He sighed with relief, glad he didn't wake anyone who might have questions. Since he told everyone he was going camping, he'd have to explain why he was back so soon.
"Dude, why do you smell weird?"
Katsuki jumped, spinning around to see his personal servant Kirishima standing in his room preparing his clothes for the next day. Katsuki huffed and shook his head, gritting his teeth. "None of your damn business..." he grumbled, beginning to undress. Kirishima grabbed him his pajamas, which he changed into without another word. "Weren't you supposed to be camping," he asks, to which Katsuki borderline shouts, "Weren't you supposed to be minding your damn business?"
Kiri just laughs a little and finishes with Katsuki's clothes, coming over and patting his shoulder. "Fine, don't tell me, but I know a pretty girl when I smell one" he taunts, singsonging "Pretty girl" and making his way to the door. Katsuki tensed, his teeth gritting a little. "What the hell are you talking about," he mutters, trying not to give away the fact that he was right.
Ejiro turns around, an amused grin on his face. "Last I checked, honey and roses aren't a part of your natural scent," he laughs. Katsuki pursed his lips, face turning red and eye twitching a little. "...Don't you have more important things to do," he barked, evading the situation with all the grace of an elephant in skates.
Ejiro sighed, shaking his head with a smile and leaving. Katsuki relaxed a little once he left, settling into bed and getting ready to sleep. Damn it...he did smell like honey and roses. It was probably that stupid hug she gave him, all soft and close and relaxing...
He pushed his face into his red silk pillow, groaning loudly into it and squeezing his eyes shut.
Going home for you was easy, all you had to do was grab your things, go through the portal, and walk through the forest until you reached the palace. It was late, but not as late as it could have been, so you had to pay closer attention to the little rocks and roots that might trip you, even if they always seemed to move out of the way.
you knew from first glance that everyone was settling in, the courtyard lacking the busy and energetic sounds it usually had, and so you felt safe enough to climb back up the wall and waltz in to the palace like nothing happened.
"Where have you been," Ururaka whisper-shouted, standing in the middle of the courtyard and apparently looking for you. She had her hands on her hips, her brows creased as she stared you down sternly. "..." you turned around, moving to climb back up the wall. "Get over here," she ordered, making you wonder who the servant really was here, and you begrudgingly obliged. "You're lucky you got back when you did, your mother is looking for you! Do you realize how long you've "Been in the bath?" A very long time, (Y/n)!" You smiled, giggling a little as Ochako led you to your chambers and helped you strip to put on your pajamas. "What," she whined, clearly this who thing stressed her out. "You lied for me," you said blithely, putting your arms up as she slipped the silk nightdress over your head. Ururaka was silent for a moment, before relaxing a bit. "Well, yeah, what was I supposed to do? Now come on!" She yanked you out of your bedroom, the two of you dashing to the throne room to meet with your mother. You both slowed once you neared it, walking gracefully in and curtsying at where your mother sat on the center throne. She looked just like you, or rather you looked like her, with the same hair color and eye shape, the same grace surrounding you turned to regality surrounding her.
She glided down to you, taking you by the arm and beginning to walk you away from your maid and to the gardens. "is...something the matter," you asked, hiding your fear of the fact that she might have found out about your near-daily escapades to the other realm. The two of you stepped out, now walking among the rows and rows of roses in all colors. You loved these roses, how elegant they were, you even had them made into perfume, along with some sweet fruit blossoms that grew locally in the gardens.
"Not at all...actually, I have something to run by you."
Crap. When she wanted to "run something by you," she really just meant that she would tell you something, and then you'd agree. "What is it," you asked brightly, hoping not to let on that you in fact were not enthusiastic about this. "Well, you're getting to the age where...you see, when I was twenty I already had you and..." she was struggling to put things lightly for you, so she just came out with it. "Some suitors are coming by this week to...chat with you." Double crap. A suitor? Wasn't all this a little early? You supposed they must be eager, after all your kingdom was the only kingdom around. Any man put before you would be a grand duke at best, and the way things worked in your country, he would be brought up to be prince instead of you being brought down to be duchess.
"Lovely," you sighed, smiling at your mother to show how "happy" you were. She smiled back, taking your face in her hands and kissing your forehead. "My perfect princess...you always do the right thing," she said contentedly. "Yep..." you responded, nodding. what were you going to do?
"I think you'll find my manor to be quite satisfying to your needs, princess, although of course we have no female wait staff, so we may need to blah blah blah blah bladi blah..."
You smiled and nodded along, listening to a sales pitch as to who you should sleep with for the rest of your life. This was going to be a rough week. You might have responded, if the corset around your waist weren't so breathtaking. You remember being squeezed in to it, Ochako's foot on the wall you faced for support as she pulled the laces tightly.
You didn't mind the dress, a soft pink and cream colored gown with floral lace detailing and pink heels to match, your hair fixed in yet another bun, but it was uncomfortable as hell. Besides, you had plans! Your basket was currently sitting in your room on the vanity, containing the health elixir you would give to Katsuki. It was stupidly easy to make, using few and abundant ingredients, the hardest part being sneaking into the palace Enchantment Room and waiting for it to brew.
All that was left to go and give it to him, you'd finally be able to learn about the world beyond your realm! It'd be great, you could just feel- oh shit, wait, this guy's walking up to you now.
He took your hand and kissed it, looking up at you flirtatiously. You smiled with all the grace you could muster, taking your hand away as quickly as possible without alarming suspicion. "well, this was lovely, but I must go..." you looked over at Ururaka, who screamed "don't you dare," with her eyes, before looking back at the man and continuing to smile. "and attend to womanly things." He just nodded absent mindedly, it was the perfect trump card over any ignorant man, and watched as you stood and walked off to your chambers, practically gliding. The second you were up the first flight of stairs, you kicked off your heels and booked it to your room. No way in hell you'd be late, even if you didn't necessarily plan a time you knew this was an hour or two past when you left yesterday, and therefore around the time Katsuki would be there.
You had no time to change, so you just grabbed your basket, double checked for the potion, and began to run out the door. You slid to a stop though, pausing for a second. Quickly, you grabbed a little piece of paper, a pen, and quickly scribbled. "In the forest, don't wait up!" You didn't want Ururaka to worry.
You ran back out, out the window, up the wall, through the forest, to the creek, and into the water. You swam up, tossing your basket out first, and then hoisting yourself up. Once again, you were immediately dry, and you breathed in the fresh air of the ever-alive forest.
Looking around, you noticed Katsuki wasn't here yet, so you just took a seat on the stump. Bored for the first time ever in this place, knowing you could be interacting with a real life Dragonborne, you began singing. It was the same song you always sang, the song your countrymen knew so well. You never stopped singing, even when you ended the song, something inside you just compelled you to do it.
After about 10 minutes, Katsuki pushed his way through the brush, this time wearing a shirt and carrying a satchel. You turned to him with a smile, waving at him from your seat. "Heyyy Katsuki! I brought you the potion!" Katsuki made his way over, sitting down beside you. "Why're you so excited, 's not like we're doing anything fun," he huffed. You laughed a little, taking out the bottle out of your basket. It was cylindrical and sealed with a cork, the liquid inside golden and glittering in the sun.
"Oh but we are, you don't know how much I've been looking forward to this." You were that excited? For some reason, he found that a little endearing. He knew you weren't excited to spend time with him specifically, anyone could have walked through and you surely would have been equally happy, but it still did something to his cold little heart.
"whatever...So how does this thing work?" He took the bottle from you, surprisingly gentle, his calloused and scarred hands grazing yours. The sensation on your hand lingered a little, making your heart beat just a little faster. Why did he make you feel like this? He was rude at best, and yet something about his brutish nature made your cheeks heat.
"Well, you apply it to whatever wound you want, unless you're healing a sickness, then you drink it." You took the bottle back and popped open the top, the thick scent of vanilla and mint pouring out. His nose wrinkled at the strength a little, which was adorable, and wordlessly took his shirt off. He planned on putting it on those thistle punctures, and he needed to have his shirt off to do that.
"Do you always do that," you asked with amusement, this being the second time you've seen him shirtless and the second time you've seen him period. "Shut up," he grumbled, tossing his shirt aside. "Yeah yeah, what are you gonna use it for?"
Katsuki sucked his teeth, rolling his eyes to you. "What do you think? Look at my arm," he scoffed. It was true, the little holes were pretty gross looking, so you shrugged. "Well, hold still, it might sting," You said, to which he replied, "huh," before you applied it to his wounds with your fingers. "Hey," he barked out, pulling away from you. You frowned, pulling back ever so slightly.
"Relax, Ok? It's not gonna kill you," you said, gently coaxing him with your voice. He stared at you hesitantly, before sitting in a little closer and holding still. You smiled at him and got a little more of the potion on your fingers, gently rubbing it in to each of his wounds. He was wincing a little, so little you could hardly notice, but the punctures disappeared almost immediately as you healed him.
"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" You corked the bottle, putting it back in your basket. "Shut up! I was just surprised, because... because your hands are so damn cold!" He was clearly making that up, the sting definitely startled him a little. "ok, I get it, you're super strong and tough, now what are you teaching me today?"
"Just shut up already...and you're learning about the countries today." He opened his satchel, pulling out a rolled up map. There was one big circular mass in the center of it, with scraggly lines separating the borders inside it. There were perfect rings surrounding the very center, each one labeled with the names of the forest rings. You could see where he scribbled the words, "YOU ARE HERE," with an arrow pointing to the very center ring.
"Wow," you whispered, the way your eyes lit up tugged at Katsuki's heart strings. You really found this interesting, didn't you? He was silent for a moment, staring at your side profile, before quickly getting a grip.
"Right, So this is the Atlantic ocean..."
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Gosh, I hope reader doesn't sound stupid 😅 If she does, I hope you'll see in later chapters that she's really not. Anyways, please comment what you thought, I love hearing it! If you have any questions, please direct them to my Ask Me box :)
Taglist: @sky-angel101 @the-galaxy-fiend
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gorbalsvampire · 11 months
V:tM at the Movies: a film rec list
The Hunger is about as close to the Platonic ideal of Vampire: the Masquerade as you can get. Nightclubs! Gratuitous Bauhaus! Lesbian kiss! The aesthetic is spot on: it looks and feels like early Vampire art, or rather early Vampire art looks and feels like this film. V:tM may have come out in 1991 but it's rooted firmly in the 1980s and the vampire chic this film defined. The Hunger will dump the vibe of the game right between the eyes and it's as close as I dare come to "must-watch."
V:tM's Gehenna concept is heavily mirrored/inspired by the novel Queen of the Damned, which was filmed around the time Gehenna was actually happening and the line was coming to a close. The Hunger defines where V:tM came from, all Eighties post-punk writhing - this chuggy post-industrial apocalypse-glam perfectly sums up where it's going.
Although they have no real connection to each other besides parallel evolution, Night Teeth absolutely nails the "rival conspiracies" energy of Hunter: the Reckoning and Vampire: the Masquerade, as well as the burnout, the irony, the neon and the party-at-the-end-of-the-world vibe of V5. It is a perfect fifth edition Vampire movie and it must drive Paradox mad that it had nothing to do with them or their IP.
Shadow of the Vampire is about a vampire playing a vampire in the first vampire movie ever made. In a weird way I think that's perfect for the sense of the Masquerade, hiding in plain sight, preying on the worst instincts of humanity and encouraging them to let you get away with all the awful things you want to do. In microcosm, it's the perfect analogy for the "vampires secretly run society" vibe.
Depending on what type of vampire you want to be (and I'm going with V5's categories here), I recommend at least one of the following:
Thinbloods lend themselves well to the What We Do In The Shadows conceit of vampire flatmates (or The Carmilla Movie, I guess, but I haven't seen that one). They're millennial vampires; all the power and resources are concentrated in the hands of previous generations, so they pretty much have to bind together and find something else to enjoy in life, 'cause they're never going to be powerful in the conventional sense. Thinblood games are low power, a bit domestic, and often the closest to "normal life but we happen to be vampires and bigger vampires try to kick our heads in occasionally."
Neonates are your classic Gen X eighties/nineties vampire movie - The Lost Boys. Still weak enough that they're better off standing together, strong enough that they can afford to be a bit cocky around humans. Probably share a sire, mentor, authority figure of some sort and should probably be working on his agenda once they've finished prowling the boardwalks and clubland at night. They're a step further removed from society, but they can pretend to be human for an hour or two if they really try. Also, this is the other one that was in the air and influential when V:tM first came to be - along with The Hunger, I'd recommend it as the closest to a must-watch.
Ancillae (the upper reaches of age and power offered by the V5 corebook) are more your Interview With The Vampire  kind of deal. You've lived a long life, your adventuring days are behind you, and now you're something of a mover and a shaker - you're probably permitted or at least not prevented from siring and you're looking to give someone the choice you never had. Modernity gives you a headache but at least you can work a smartphone four times out of five. Ancillae games are a nice balance between "you're powerful" and "you still have to answer to someone".
If you're extending into Elder territory, settle down with a small glass of something and enjoy one of my favourite films ever, Only Lovers Left Alive. It's a slow story, and not a lot happens, but that's elders for you. They become introverted. They fall into a groove. They keep to each others' company. It's beautiful and haunting until some clueless childe comes along and screws it all up for them and they have to admit what they really are.
Want to figure out the Sabbat? Watch 30 Days of Night and thank me later. The vampires there are getting away with something horrible because they've fallen through the cracks in the world. They act alpha-predator but they still live on the fringe or civilisation, the little savages. (I am told that Near Dark is basically Sabbat: the Movie, but I haven't seen it, so I'm going to have to take that on trust.)
It would be deeply remiss of me not to talk about Underworld, the film series transparently inspired by V:tM,.to the point where White Wolf as was took the producers of the original to court over it. Underworld reflects V:tM at its most "gamery" – all custom weapons, trenchcoats and corsets, fighting werewolves in the dark, flashing back to the Middle/Dark Ages and preoccupied with impenetrable why-does-this-matter world-building. It sits at the end of that unfortunate tendency toward Desert Eagles, katanas, Dragonsbreath rounds and C4 appearing on every character sheet that found its way into V:tM's DNA from Shadowrun, along with the penchant for double handfuls of d10s and wearing sunglasses indoors. I dislike that sort of game and I'm not mad keen on Underworld either, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that this sort of thing is also peak Vampire.
V:tM is synonymous with politics and backstabbing, and there isn't in my opinion a vampire movie that really hits that. Thing is, Rein-Hagen also loves Mafia movie and cites them as an influence. Vampires exist as organised criminals, after all, and the concept of omerta is atomic to that of the Masquerade. This is why, to grasp how a Prince or Baron holds court and influences people, you really should just sit down and watch The Godfather. Pretty basic recommendation, granted, but I don't know if anyone else is here for my "Guy Ritchie's V:tM" style of action storytelling...
What are your top three movies? Why? That'll give you an idea of what you, as Storyteller, are most interested in running. Now grab some friends and ask them the same question. Wherever you find an overlap in your tastes, that's something that's worth focusing on in your actual game. Try to make sure there's a couple of vampire-themed answers in there, but also something else, because "being a vampire" in and of itself doesn't make a story (unless it's a quiet, short one like Only Lovers Left Alive, but that's a one-off, not a chronicle). 
People often expect an RPG to come ready-made and ready-to-go ("We're playing the Lost Mines of Phandelver") and Vampire, at its best, is a bit more bespoke. Asking players about their taste in media is one way to start that tailoring process, making your V:tM something a bit different from everyone else's and getting into that transformative stuff that makes RPGs so gosh-darn amazing.
Mine, discounting the one I've already gushed about up the line, are a nebulous "pick one from Guy Ritchie's early career" and Franklyn. My games run on generally have a couple of seemingly indestructible SPCs nobody likes and a dark secret that can absolutely take them down, someone WILL have an impenetrable regional accent, but there's also a layer of exaggerated Gothickry over everything, neuratypical characters will perceive the world very differently, vengeance and trauma will drive the major players and love may conquer all but you'll have to lose a lot to get there. None of this is essential to V:tM but it's what makes my V:tM different from A. N. Other Storyteller's.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hello, can you recommend some longer fics that are super in character? Not necessarily ones that feel like the book just ones where you feel like it’s really them, maybe even in the direction of a character analysis like Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma. Thanks in advance xx
Hi. Characterisation is very subjective as everyone interprets characters in different ways. I recommended some fics I personally thought were in character here. So now I've got some more character study fics for you...
The Art of Longstanding Deception by PollyPocalypse (T)
Aziraphale wouldn’t say he didn’t like being in Heaven.
Of course he wouldn’t. He was an angel. It was his domain. He wouldn’t say he disliked it at all.
He wouldn’t say that sometimes, quite often really, getting out of Heaven felt like shrugging off a too-tight, scratchy jumper. That he always felt just a little more at ease, a little more himself, when he was away from them all.
Aziraphale would never dream of saying any of these things.
The Quiet, Persistent, Gnawing Unease by LollipopCop (M)
Aziraphale looked away, and poured himself another drink. “In any case, that looked unpleasant and I’m sorry to hear that’s a regular occurrence for you.”
Crowley felt weird, like he wanted to yell and punch a wall and cry and hug Aziraphale all at once. He settled on being defensive. “Oh, save it. You probably think it’s what we demons deserve for our wickedness.”
Aziraphale’s gaze turned serious. “You don’t deserve that, Crowley,” he said, quietly but firmly. ~ An exploration of the serious toll Hell's physical and psychological grip has taken on Crowley since his Fall.
The things we lost in being Blessed by Eturni (M)
In a church in 1941 Crowley burned to be on consecrated ground. In Heaven, after Armageddon, Crowley did not burn.
What if there was only so much that could burn away when a demon came into contact with holy things? What would that make him at the point that what was consecrated no longer harmed him?
Crowley grapples with this across the ages. Considers punishments, his place in the world, his place in Hell and, worst of all, whether Aziraphale has any understanding of the things that are happening to him. (There's a happy ending, but happy isn't easy and is rarely everything you wanted)
something wretched about this by IvyOnTheHolodeck (T)
You might wonder why Aziraphale can't seem to enjoy his retirement in peace. You could ascribe his distress to the series of terrifying thoughts that haunt his days, or the only book he wishes he'd never read, or even the wound that still hurts after six thousand years.
Really, though, you should blame the fact he's never learned to talk about his feelings.
The Other Arrangement: or, How the Angel Got so Hungry by burnttongueontea (T)
‘It’s just… funny. Don’t you think it would be funny, if it turned out we’d had it the wrong way round all these years? If I ate all the time, and you hardly ever?’
Crowley discovers that Aziraphale has been strictly and obsessively limiting his food intake for millennia, due to fear of punishment from Heaven if he gets caught eating too regularly. The angel’s confident facade comes apart at the seams after they move to the South Downs, as he struggles to cope with new-found freedom while still keeping his past a secret.
With the future of their relationship soon hanging in the balance, Crowley must find a way to convince Aziraphale that he is a safe pair of hands to collapse into – and that they can rebuild things from the ground up.
For Want of a Seed by cassieoh (T)
A plant grows, a plant dies, Aziraphale takes a wrong turn, and a few truths are revealed. The first of which is this; painful truths cannot be buried for they will sprout and flourish while one is busy having lunch and raising supposed devil-spawn. From this, each of our heroes takes a single lesson; Aziraphale learns that it is better to never bury truth in the first place and Crowley learns the altogether less palatable lesson that truths should be mulched into nothingness when one has the chance, lest they regrow.
I will leave it up to you, dear reader, to decide who is correct.
(aka: post-Apocalypse Crowley finally deals with the issues he's been ignoring for the last 6000 years)
Mind the tags on some of these!
- Mod D
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magicalbats · 11 months
Kinktober Day 17: Threesome
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 7513
Warnings:Afab!reader, gendered language, f/f/m threesome, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, pegging, piv sex, ass to vagina, double penetration
A/N: I know this is probably common sense but just to be clear - I do not recommend engaging in ass to vagina or even ass to mouth irl! It’s hot as hell as a fantasy but no one wants the kind of infection that could potentially cause! Always practice safe sex guys! Health comes first! 👏😤
Hushed laughter filters through the cabin, secretive and soft. The playful sound only seems to emphasize the rustle of clothes, feet on the floor, hands caressing the other's body with the stilted whisper of contact. Even the ever present groan of ocean waters lapping at the ship to gently rock the hull is not enough to conceal the static shuffle of two people indulging in one another but it was safe here, far away from any prying eyes. A haven for simple hedonism. 
Your knees sink into the downy mattress next to his hips as you climb into Kazuha’s lap and he welcomes you in with open arms that curl around your body to pull you close against him. A slow breath of contentment sighs out of you to tease some of the loose flyaways in his hair. He tips his head back, issuing a quiet hum, and gives you that always placid smile when you get settled on top of his thighs. Bringing your arms up, you wrap them around his neck and lean in, and he does the same. Your lips meet in a savory, unhurried kiss while his hands knead around your waist, tugging you into a tortuously slow grind on top of him. 
The two of you retreated down here not long after the festivities got into full swing up on the deck for some privacy and entertainment of your own while the rest of the crew partied for half the night. It was no secret that Kazuha was a lightweight so he was often barred from taking part in any celebrations that involved drinking no matter how much he pouted or sulked about it, and this time was no different. The captain had been adamant that he was to stay away from the booze and you’d decided to keep him company so he didn’t feel quite so put out about it. You suspected he actually preferred it this way, though. Kazuha was a little too keen on satisfying life’s simple pleasures to decline the gratification of another’s touch. 
And he kisses you, slow and easy, while his hands map out the curve of your body. Those long fingers dip into the bend of your waist before dragging higher to palm at your ribcage with a tight squeeze. Your breath puffs out in a stilted exhale, but he just takes that opportunity to deepen the exchange. The way his tongue dances with yours feels poetic, almost; confident and enticing yet so gentle at the same time, so light it masterfully pulls you into his pace as if of your own volition. Rolling your hips over his lap, you arch and press your breasts into his chest as one hand slides up into his hair to close around the roots. That makes him moan, and you smile against his mouth. 
Quickly smiling as well, Kazuha wraps his arms around you once more so he can pull you down with him when he plops back to sprawl out on the bed. Thoroughly tangled in each other now, you shift to lay next to him on your side and throw your leg over his hip when he nudges himself up against you again. He continues to kiss you through it all, even when he grinds his stiffened cock into the stifling hot space between your legs. A slow motion shudder works through you as you push back, gradually falling into a steady push and pull with one another. Just enjoying the press of each other's bodies, the quiet promise of more to come. Bigger things, better things. 
Oh, you could hardly contain your excitement. 
“Do you think we’ll have to wait long?” He asks when he finally separates his mouth from yours a lifetime later. His always soft voice is a bit raspy with desire, thicker, and you reach up to brush some of that silky pale hair back behind his ear. 
“Doubt it. If it was just one of us that might be a different story but … the absence of both of us is sure to be sorely noticed soon.” You grin at him and he smiles back, a soft note of laughter coloring his words when he leans in to brush his lips over yours again. 
“Then it will be my pleasure to keep you entertained in the meantime.” 
Giggling with each other, you spend a long time just touching one another and slow grinding like horny teenagers who didn’t know what to do beyond that point but weren’t quite brave enough to take the plunge just yet and find out. Both of you were aware that this was primarily a warm up though. An appetizer to the main event, the preview before the feature, and neither of you were in any hurry to rush it. Just basking in the warm glow of kisses and fingertips caressing along strips of exposed skin, and the excitable nudge of his cock against your cunt through layers of clothes. That was enough for right now, and it suited each of you just fine. 
And it’s so easy to get wrapped up in him like this when every brush of his hands was so deliberate and purposeful. Controlled with fine tuned patience that keeps his fingers steady even when he slips back to reach over the swell of your ass so he can tease your slit from behind. His ministrations neither turn jittery or impatient even when you feel his rigid length pulse against your front, clearly getting off on touching you like this but disciplined enough not to give in to the baser urge to tear at your clothes. To spread you out underneath him so he can sink into your body. Kazuha’s temperament is as mild as ever even now, sequestered away together like this, and you groan when he carefully tugs you half on top of him in a sprawl. 
Stretched across his chest now, you lean up to capture his mouth once again while one of your own hands slips into the folded layers of his top. His breath hitches slightly when you find his dainty nipple, and flick and tweak it in time with the still steady pass of his fingers rubbing over your cunt. It was an almost perfect synergy thrumming between you and him, but there was still one final piece of the puzzle missing … 
Your ears perk when you eventually catch the sound of approaching footsteps out in the hall. Kazuha tenses underneath you, his cock jumping at the implication, and you kiss him harder. More fervently. Give his stiff nipple a twist to make him whine into your mouth. His fingers finally stutter against your pussy, stilling altogether for a split second before grabbing a clutching handful of your inner thigh. You can feel the fleshy swell under his grip, how it pudges up between his digits, and you issue a faltering moan of your own. As if your need had been mutually stoked to the point of desperation, you start to grind against one another with a renewed sense of urgency. 
The door swings open behind you with a creak but you’re a little too caught up in the way Kazuha softly pants into your mouth to bring your head up. You already knew who it was anyway. A silent pause filters into the cabin and then the door swings shut again. The resounding click of the lock turning in place makes both of you whimper. 
“So this is where the two of you ran off to. Should have known.” Laughing briefly, Beidou steps closer to the bed, and the solid thunk of her boots on the wood flooring makes the cock under you twitch in excitement. 
Finally finding the strength to pull back, you look down at Kazuha as if in a daze. His cheeks were flushed a charming shade of pink, his gaze distant and dreamy. He already looked wrecked and you hadn’t even truly gotten started yet. But before you can tease him for that Beidou’s hand smooths over your upturned ass to make you whine low in your throat and you instinctively jut your hips up a little higher in humble supplication. Her battle hardened fingers trail a path over the curve and dip into the space between your thighs, brushing Kazuha’s knuckles in the process. Lightly, she touches along your slit and then flattens her hand against it, cupping you possessively in her palm with a knowing press, and you can’t quite stop yourself from yelping in delight. 
“You’ve been having fun without me, I see. You're so wet I can feel it right through your clothes, sweetness … hasn't Kazuha been taking care of you?” 
The man under your noises a plaintive little sound and shudders, jostling you slightly when he needily rolls his hips upward. Seeking out the same attention, begging for it. Offering himself up for her inspection just as willingly as you had. 
Turning your head to glance back over your shoulder, you find Beidou smirking to herself as she bends to drag her hand down lower. You know the exact moment she cups him the same way she’d done to you because he jolts and issues a flustered little groan that seems to bounce and echo off the walls. A small pang of jealousy creeps into your chest but he’d patiently awaited his turn while she greeted you first so you decide you can do the same as well. 
Even though you wanted all of the captain’s attention on you … 
Beidou soon straightens up again when Kazuha trembles underneath you, prompting him to keen very softly at the loss of her touch, but she doesn’t seem to pay it any mind. Coming close to bring one knee up and brace against the mattress, she leans over you. Her hand finds the root of your hair, much like you’d done to Kazuha earlier, and she tugs your head back at an angle that leaves you gasping. Gorgeous long brown tresses slip forward when she bends to claim your mouth in a casually possessive kiss. Kazuha wheezes quietly and his fingers dig deep into your hip and thigh, but he remains obediently pliant while she leaves her mark on you. 
Groaning dazedly when she finally pulls away, you let her tip your head down and watch as she then does the same to Kazuha, kissing him deeply until he eventually mewls into her mouth. Straightening up again, Beidou takes a moment to just look at the both of you, taking in the sight before her. You can’t help but whine when she eventually pulls back completely and her fingers slip away from your hair, leaving your neck feeling heavy and sluggish without her there to direct it. 
“Alright. We can play.” She murmurs, reaching up to shrug out of her short, fur embellished cape. Carefully sitting upright to straddle Kazuha while he pushes to his elbows, you attentively watch together as she tosses it aside to hit the floor with a near silent whisper of fabric before leaning forward to brace on her hands. The spill of her full, shapely breasts very nearly overtakes the halter like this, the cock under your straining up in response when she sends each of you a slow, knowing look. “How do you two troublemakers want it? Should I get out your favorite toy or will my fingers suffice for my favorite sluts?” 
“The toy, please.” You and Kazuha slur out in almost perfect unison, the thought alone making your pussy eagerly clench. 
Bawdily laughing again, Beidou shifts back to sit on the bed. “Both of you are insatiable. Come here then. If I’m going to be taking care of you guys all night I think I deserve to get mine first.” 
Neither of you needs to be told twice. 
Quickly untangling your limbs, you scoot across the bed to join her and Kazuha soon follows on his hands and knees. She reaches for him at his approach, cupping the nape of his neck with a clear sense of ownership. It makes him warble out a tremulous moan when she pulls him into another heated exchange that she leads the pace of and he eagerly submits to. You try not to pout about it as you lean into her side and reach up to paw at one breast. Beidou’s opposite arm comes around your shoulders, pulling you flush even as Kazuha heatedly groans into her mouth. She wasn’t wrong to call you both insatiable, but she handles it masterfully. Almost without even needing to try, or so it seems. 
Finally pulling away to leave Kazuha softly panting, she offers one more lingering peck to his kiss-swollen lips before tipping her attention down at you. Eagerly, you lean up to meet her when she bends her head close, letting her lay claim to your mouth yet again. You’re distantly aware of Kazuha shifting around on the other side and she soon issues a soft, pleasant sigh at what he’s doing. Cracking an eye open, you peer over to find his face buried in the crook of her neck, licking and nipping at the thin strip of skin between her collar and jaw. You promptly decide you aren’t going to be outdone, and lean back with a stuttering inhale so you can undo the single tiny button holding the neckline in place. His hands soon join yours in their task and together the two of you work to disrobe her. 
And Beidou is a sight to behold throughout all of it. Her hair shines lusciously in the lamplight when she flicks it back over her shoulder to make it easier for you to peel back the thin red qipao, eventually discarding it altogether to leave her in just the band around her chest, spank shorts and thigh high boots. She looks like a queen, regal and proud, even in this state of undress, and she smiles knowingly at the way both of you run your hands over her firm, powerful sides. Her strong arms, the swell of her hips, across the powerful muscles along her back. You would have worshiped her for hours on end if she would allow it, and you suspected Kazuha felt the same way. 
“Now you.” She purrs, and your heartbeat further quickens when you share a quick look with the man to your right. This was something else that didn’t need repeating though, and you shuffle a little closer to him when he reaches out a hand to take your upper arm in a loose hold so he can pull you in. “Kiss while you do it.” Beidou adds, a sly edge in her voice. “I hope you brats put on a good show for me.” 
A brief, shuddering exhale slips out of him, brows drawing inward as if stricken by overwhelm and carnal bliss. But he obediently leans close, heavy lashes drooping low when he opens his mouth and slips a pink tongue out. Quickly following his lead, your lips part and close over his, gladly accepting the hot, wet warmth that slips past your teeth to flick over the inside of your mouth in a taunting, enticing dance. Your hands work together to get each other's clothes slipped off, quickly joining the growing heap on the floor until both of you are at last down to your underwear. 
Gently, Kazuha takes hold of your silk chemise and inches it up over your head when you lift your arms for him. His palms — one bare and one layered in wrapped bandage — descend upon your breasts to knead and pinch, making your back bow in pleasure. You catch the soft sigh Beidou breathes out, your own fingers eagerly skittering down his sides to dip into the thin fundoshi tied around his hips and give the swell of his ass an appreciative squeeze. Figuring out the seemingly complicated garment had been a real challenge at first but you were familiar enough with it now to easily locate the knot, tugging at it to make the fabric loosen. He sedately reaches down to help you unravel the long strip, still kissing you, and Beidou chuckles very softly when his cock finally springs up into the space between you. 
“You’re just as bad as she is, Kazuha. You sure you don’t want to give your ass a break tonight?” 
He moans into your lips, higher in pitch and keening, before pulling back enough to quietly whine out, “I want both.” 
It was such a typical Kazuha answer that you can’t help but giggle. His favor for indulging in life’s simplest pleasures extended even to this, the most base form of gratification that existed in the natural world, and that was the crux of it, wasn’t it? How the three of you ended up sharing each other's time and pleasure between yourselves on long nights out at sea like this. 
But something in him seems to stir awake at the sound of your laughter, his eyes clearing from some of the fog that had fallen over him. You don’t get a chance to react when he reaches out to grab hold of your hips and half lifts, half yanks you closer to slot you between his knees. Tipping over at the sudden movement, you bounce back onto the mattress with a burst of giggles as he tugs at your bloomers to get them inched up your legs and finally discarded a moment later. 
“Man, you two always look so good together …” Beidou remarks almost wistfully. 
Kazuha sends you a slow look from under the messy fringe of his hair, one hand curling around your foot to pull it close for a brief kiss against the arch. You draw a slow, stilted breath while he does it, knowing too well how committed to putting on a good show for her he could really be. “Not half as good as you look with her, Captain Beidou, I’m sure.” 
“I think we all look good together,” You whisper into the statically charged air. “That’s why this works out so well.”
“Agreed.” Pressing another quick kiss to your foot, Kazuha lowers your leg and turns his head to look at the other woman. “Shall I proceed, captain?” 
Beidou pretends to think about that for a moment, humming as if in thought. “No need. I’ll deal with both of you soon enough.” 
Your heart gives a little thump at that, and you move to untangle yourself from Kazuha again. He helps you up and together you return to Beidou who leans back to brace on her hands. The shift in position leaves her chest presented in invitation, and you lean close to press your mouth to the swell of one breast. Kazuha’s hand crowds close, stiltedly pawing at the other, and she breathes out a quiet groan as you attack her in near perfect tandem. Slipping a finger into the band, you slowly inch it down until the meaty swell of her tit slips free, inspiring a shudder that makes her arch her back. You capture the stiff nipple in your mouth, sucking and flicking at it with your tongue, while Kazuha brushes his bandaged thumb over the other. 
Her breathing gradually deepens, becoming heavy and thick, and she groans a low sound when he eventually pulls his side of the band down as well so he can latch his lips around the opposite nipple. Another tremor works through her muscular frame to accompany the slow grind of her hips against the mattress. Both of you take your time with it, occasionally pulling up to pinch or roll the spit lathered buds between your fingers, the buzz of excited arousal so palpable in the room it almost feels smothering. 
Tipping her head back to shudderingly groan up at the ceiling when Kazuha reaches down to rub her cunt, Beidou gives her head a dull shake that makes her long hair dance against her back. “You’re going to be the death of me at this rate …” 
“But you like it, captain.” He murmurs, playful amusement lacing his tone as you release her nipple with a muted pop. 
Kissing your way down her stomach, making sure to give each defined abdominal muscle their own individual peck, you steadily work your way down to her spanks where you slip your fingers into the waistband. Kazuha’s quickly join you and together the two of you peel the fabric away from her and down her legs, tossing them aside without a second thought to where they might land. Finally left in nothing but her tall boots and the black halter bunched under her tits, Beidou reclines further back to brace on her elbows now. The spread of her tight body and the expectant glimmer in her visible eye makes your own arousal double and then triple. Archons, you’d never seen anyone more beautiful … 
“I expect you two to share. No fighting over who gets to eat me out like last time.”
“Yes, captain.” You once again answer in unison. 
Shuffling closer, you lay down between her spread thighs and lean in to kiss at the firm, meaty lips of her cunt while Kazuha nudges himself in from above, leaning over her pelvis at an angle. You roll your eyes up to share a brief, heated look with him as you spread her open with your fingers. Keeping his gaze locked on yours, he bends close to flick his tongue out and nudge at pink creases and folds, and you follow suit. It’s a bit cramped like this but, somehow the two of you manage to make it work. Keeping your head tilted, you lap at Beidou with playful little kitten licks, your tongue brushing against and entwining with his from time to time, and she groans in deep satisfaction as the two of you attack her clit from both sides. Shuddering, her hips slowly find a stilted thrusting motion that lets her fuck her pussy between one mouth and the next. 
“Gods, that feels good … keep that up and I’ll have to make sure to spoil you guys later. Would you like that?”  
You and Kazuha noise two flustered sounds of agreement, and your eyes slip closed in ecstasy at the mental image that comes to mind. Just thinking about Beidou taking her time with you, rewarding you for being so good for her has your own cunt fluttering around nothing. You couldn’t wait to feel her inside you … 
“Mm, that’s what I like to hear.” Breathing out a sigh of pleasure, she shifts underneath you and Kazuha to fully lay out on the bed. One of her legs curls out and up over your shoulder to loosely wrap around your head, giving you a bit more room to work with between her thighs. You tremble and moan at the dull press of her boot heel against your back at almost the same time Kazuha groans a tremulous sound as well, and you quickly realize she’s reached down to grip his hair in a fist. Beidou’s ability to keep both of you perfectly under control and equally engaged without getting overwhelmed herself was something truly impressive in your eyes and you can’t help but be star struck by it even now. 
It spoke to her talents, her strengths both physical and mental, and the inherent respect she commanded from those around her. If it had only been you and Kazuha rolling around in the sheets you likely would have traded roles between yourselves, switching seamlessly to suit your mood and needs. But with Beidou both of you were free to submit, to enjoy your domination in the most deliciously satisfying way possible. 
Even when her hips judder and tremble, Beidou still has the presence of mind to grind Kazuha’s face down into her cunt so she can fuck herself on his tongue. Even when her breathing becomes thin and shallow with the building tension in her body, she still has the wherewithal to squeeze her leg around your head to damn near smother you in her cunt. Panting heavily against slick, satin soft folds, you blindly reach under her thigh until you find Kazuha’s hand braced on the bed. He gives a little jolt at the contact but quickly turns his hand so he can grasp yours, fingers interlacing while Beidou rides both of your mouths with stunningly expert precision. 
“M’gonna’ cum … you guys ready?” 
Whining low in his throat, Kazuha leans down a little further to truly crowd his face in next to yours. Your cheeks squish together, breath mingling in the tight space between Beidou’s legs as your tongue tangles with his over her clit. A powerful tremor tears through her, muscles stiffly tensing up to accompany the way she hisses through her teeth. You’re vaguely aware of her pussy squeezing tight under your mouth and then a sudden deluge of slick floods your tastebuds to make your eyes roll back. You can distantly hear Kazuha moaning at the taste as well but you’re far more focused on the way Beidou twitches and heaves through her orgasm, positively soaking your face in sticky arousal. 
She basks in the waves of intense pleasure for a long moment, still softly rolling her hips until she eventually starts to come down from it one piece at a time. Slowly, her leg loosens around your neck and then falls away completely to splay out on the bed. With a final, lingering lap of his tongue, Kazuha slowly pushes up and you do the same. A brief, molten look between the two of you is all it takes and your mouths crash together, hungrily kissing and passing the taste of her back and forth between each other. Beidou chuckles softly, just watching the show for an extended beat while she recovers from her shuddering climax.
“What good brats I have … you both did well, but if you want your reward you’ll have to let me up first.” 
Flushed and groaning, you and Kazuha reluctantly break apart to look at one another. He was even more of a wreck than he’d been before, his hair askew and sticking to his sweat-dampened cheeks and forehead, but you probably didn’t look much better in that moment. Slowly, the two of you start to untangle yourself from Beidou, sluggish with arousal, and she reaches out to palm both of your necks in a possessive hold when she sits up. 
“I want you to lay at the edge of the bed while I’m getting ready, is that understood?” 
“Yes, Captain Beidou.” 
Giving each of you a squeeze, she moves to stand so she can go over to the chest pushed up against the far wall. While she’s rummaging around and fiddling with various straps, preparing for the main event, Kazuha takes your hand again so he can pull you to the side of the mattress. Together, you get situated on your backs, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, and you offer him a cheeky little smile full of anticipation and eager excitement as you get settled in. 
“Who do you think will cum first this time?” 
He cocks a playful brow at that, his thumb tracing idle circles over your knuckle. “Shall we make a wager?” 
“Okay … first one to cum ends up on the bottom.” 
“I can hear you, y’know.” Beidou calls over, making you laugh and giggle with Kazuha. 
“Deal.” He whispers and, still holding your hand against the bed, he leans over to close the scant distance so he can kiss you again, humming quietly at the lingering taste of Beidou’s cunt on your lips. 
The thump of her boots soon approaches again, and you give your hips a supplicating shake as you spread your legs in invitation. Kazuha does the same, his bare thigh brushing against yours when he curls his leg up to open himself for her. Beidou’s hand caresses over your knee, prompting you to disengage from Kazuha’s mouth, and you glance up to find her leaning over the two of you. Your eyes immediately land on the thick length now dangling between her legs from the complicated rig of straps and buckles fastened around her waist, and your pussy clenches tightly in response. 
“Making bets like that behind my back … I wonder who’s going to win.” Gently humming, she dips her hand further in to tease along your slit and smear the copious arousal she finds there before zeroing in on your entrance. A quick glance to your side reveals her doing the same to Kazuha, his chin tipped forward against his chest and his lips parted in a silent moan while she prods at his vulnerable hole. You tighten your hold on his hand and both of you gasp when she starts to push into your bodies. The sly gleam in her eye makes you feel ten times hotter when she looks up, glancing between you and him with a knowing smile. “I have half a mind to make you both cum at the same time just to teach you a lesson. What would you do then, hm?” 
Panting, you slip your eyes shut to fully appreciate the way her calloused fingers penetrate your cunt and spread it open for her. The sensation makes every nerve ending in your pelvis light up like a goddamn firework, toes curling in the air. You wonder, idly, if she’s also using two on Kazuha, and the way he seethes and twitches at having his ass stuffed makes you suspect that she was. Beidou’s favorite lubricant from Liyue was a potent and extremely effective concoction though so you didn’t doubt that she would easily be able to make him take that many right off the bat … 
Beidou’s fingers curling inside you to attack the tight nerve cluster behind your upper wall quickly distracts you from thinking about what Kazuha is experiencing, and you toss your head back to groan up at the ceiling. A soft click soon rises in the cabin, highlighted by the quiet sound of his ass sucking in her fingers, and together you writhe with him on the bed. You were already so wet she could have easily taken you by now but Beidou always liked to show you both equal amounts of attention. Whatever prep Kazuha needed you would receive also, but you couldn’t quite find it in yourself to be upset about that when it felt so damn good.  
“Ooh? You’re sounding mighty needy there, sweetness. Don’t tell me you’re the one who’s going to lose.” 
“I … I’m not.” 
Laughing, Beidou withdraws her fingers and shifts to line herself up between your thighs. Grasping the fake, hefty cock in one hand while the other stays busy in Kazuha’s ass, she starts to lean her weight into you and you freeze with your mouth wide open at the stilted pressure it exerts. “We’ll see about that, won’t we?” 
Inch by excruciating inch, her cock slides into the hot squeeze of your pussy and you lurch with a high pitched, faltering groan at the intense stretch. It brings sensitive, deeply satisfied tears to your eyes as you lift your head to peer down at yourself. Beidou looks amazing crouching over you like this, your cunt lips spreading around the intrusion and clinging to it in a meaty grip, and you outright wheeze as more and more of her disappears into your body. You’re so caught up in watching her claim you that you almost miss the way Kazuha shifts next to you, but then his unoccupied hand slides over to tweak your stiff nipple. The sharp friction makes you clamp down on her with an almost violent shudder, whining in the back of your throat.
“N - no fair!” 
“I didn’t hear nothing about any rules that said you couldn’t sabotage each other.” Beidou chuckles, amusement thick in her voice. 
She slides home a moment later and she takes the time to grind her pelvis against yours, both to tease your throbbing clit and also apply a blinding amount of pressure to your guts. The sound that bursts out of you seems to border on frantic and you jerkily turn your head to pin Kazuha with an imploring look. You weren’t sure if you were begging for him to stop ratcheting up your arousal even further or to keep going, but he only smiles though. That small, vaguely mischievous smile that belied his usually placid demeanor for the rarely seen sadistic streak hiding underneath. Leaning across to kiss you again while Beidou slowly eases back, dragging at your inner sleeve, he continues to tug at your aching nipple to make you whimper and mewl into his mouth. 
Desperately, you try to bring your hand up to stave him off as Beidou falls into a steady rhythm and the soft, wet clicks of your cunt sucking her in deep quickly grows louder, but he fiercely holds on. You arch against the pleasure making you tingle from head to toe, and instead lift your unoccupied hand from where it had been clutching at the sheets. But Kazuha doesn’t even react when you latch onto his wrist and weakly try to pull him off, relentlessly pinching and rolling your teat between his fingers until you have no choice but to tear your mouth from his with a haggard sound. Bleating into the static stillness, you glance down again to watch Beidou thrust that stiff, merciless length deep into your body, the force making your tits bounce and jiggle, and you cry out in fast mounting distress. Being the first to cum did not seem like such a far off possibility … 
“Captain — aahhn, please!”
“What’s wrong, sweetness? Ready to tap out already?” 
You jerk your head in a quick nod and she laughs, giving the meat of your inner thigh a tight squeeze and a taunting jostle before abruptly easing out of you. Brows drawing together in stricken bliss, you loose a faltering groan at the resulting little slurp when she slips free but she’s quick to stuff you with her fingers again. Seething at the sensation, you numbly watch her shift to the opposite side and position herself between Kazuha’s legs. His hold on your hand tightens with the faintest tremor that runs through him, and then he’s going stock still when Beidou starts to lean into him next. Glancing down, you take in the sight of his stiff cock resting across his lower belly and, beyond the fleshy mound of his ballsack, that thick toy slowly disappearing into him, much the same as it had done with you a moment ago, and you can’t help but issue a sympathetic moan that makes your head vibrate. 
“Look at you taking me so well, Kazuha … your pussy is just as greedy as hers, isn’t it? Both of you are always so damn hungry for my cock and it shows.” 
Whimpering softly, the man beside you twitches and arches his back, wheezing quietly under his breath as she gradually slides inside of him. The knowledge that she was using your slick to penetrate him, lubricating his ass with your arousal, just leaves you feeling so hot it almost makes the room spin. Subconsciously squeezing down on Beidou’s fingers at the sight of him so stricken by pleasure as much as the words she speaks, you let go of his arm in favor of reaching over to tweak his nipple in retaliation. It seems to punch a low moan out of him and, turning his head to look at you again, he gives your teat a reciprocating tug. 
“Is this how we’re going to play this game?” He whispers, distant and dreamy. Clearly distracted. 
“You started it.” You remind him, making Beidou chuckle as she quickly falls into that same steady rhythm she’d fucked you with. 
The fleshy plap, plap, plap of his firm ass hitting her soft thighs sounds loud in the otherwise quiet room, and his heated gasps and groans quickly rise up to join it. He really does take her cock so well, keeping his legs spread like an absolute slut even when each thrust jostles him against the mattress. Beidou wasn’t exactly sweet or gentle in the way she took her lovers, more often than not maintaining a demanding pace that begets submission on both the physical and mental level. It wasn’t really a matter of if you would cum but, rather, when she would pull a shuddering climax out of you. 
And it’s so easy to envision yourself in Kazuha’s place, to feel the spectral stretch and slide of her cock deep inside your cunt, that your guts instinctively milk at Beidou’s digits in a tight, palpitating squeeze. You moan at almost the exact same time he does, and he mirrors your shuddering tremors in near perfect unison. The two of you were feeding off each other, taking from the others pleasure and giving it back double, and Beidou was the expert conductor leading it all. 
“What do you brats think now, huh? Who’s gonna’ win?” 
“M - me,” You warble out, and Kazuha gives your throbbing nipple a sharp tug in response to make you gasp. 
“I don’t think so.” 
“You’ll see …” 
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Beidou drawls, her tone light and lilting, eventually slowing her thrusts to a drawn out, slow motion glide before pulling out altogether. The resulting wet pop has Kazuha whining, but just as quickly as she’d done to you, Beidou stuffs her fingers into his ass again and then moves back over to stand between your legs. “Something tells me sweetness here isn’t going to last much longer …” 
The blunt head of the toy presses into your sticky, swollen cunt lips and you go stiff as a board, mouth dropping open as if to scream, but nothing comes out while she gradually sinks back into you again. Kazuha issues a dazed little sound of fluster, squirming on her fingers beside you. Her pelvis meets yours a heartbeat later and you toss your head back, groaning so hard it makes your throat feel raw and abused, but she barely even pauses. Immediately finding that quick, snappy pace, Beidou reaches up with her free hand to grab the breast Kazuha wasn’t currently latched onto. 
“Come on, baby girl. I can feel how hard you’re squeezing me … you want to cum, don’t you? It’ll feel so good once you finally just let it go, so come on. Show me and Kazuha how hard you can cum for us.” 
“N - noooo! Not yet, not yet!” Deliriously, you toss your head against the sheets but it was too much. Between the two sets of hands fondling your breasts and the unrelentingly hard, stiff toy pounding in and out of you, you could feel yourself tipping dangerously close to the edge. “Please, captain, please, fuck Kazuha again just — ahhn! Aagghhn! Just for a moment, please!” 
“Nuh-uh, sweetness. You’re not getting off that easy.”
You suck in a sharp, gasping breath with every intention of begging some more but it gets caught somewhere in your windpipe. Practically choking on it, you desperately thrash and try to twist away from the intense pressure bearing down on you but it’s useless. There is no escaping it when you were effectively trapped between them, Beidou’s cock spearing you straight down the middle, and your frantic moans quickly start to take on a dire, urgent tinge. 
Kazuha giving your captured nipple a slow, taunting tug is what eventually makes the coil snap, and you cum with a jerk and a high pitched shriek. Your pussy spasms around the thick intrusion as you shake and writhe through your release, oversensitized tears clouding your eyes when Beidou fucks you right through and damn near into another. It feels like you’re falling apart on her cock, uncontrollably quaking between the two of them until you slowly start to come down from it what feels like an eternity later. 
Panting and wheezing in the aftermath, you let out a soft whimper when Beidou finally slows and then pulls out completely to leave your pussy weakly contracting in the aftermath. She takes a step back, untangling herself from both you and Kazuha, and he quickly takes advantage of that to roll over on top of you. Ignoring your mouse squeak protests, he slides his knees under your thighs and nudges them up to leave you spread out underneath him as he brings his face close to yours, that content and undeniably victorious little smile curling at his mouth. 
“I win.” He murmurs, nuzzling his nose against yours softly. Huffing and pouting, you try to turn your head away but he just follows you, pressing his forehead against yours so that you have nowhere to run to avoid his gaze. “Don’t be a sore loser, pretty girl.” 
“M’not …” You were and you knew that, and that’s why you tip your face up to accept his apologetic kiss when he tips his head down. It wouldn’t do any good to be petty about it but you would certainly get your payback later when he least expected it. 
“Aww, aren’t you guys cute.” Beidou purrs behind the two of you. She shuffles close again, the thunk of her boots warning you of her approach, but you still jolt when she swipes her hand over your defenseless cunt. Moaning into Kazuha’s mouth when you realize what she’s doing, you subtly tip your pelvis up for her and when she pulls back to grab hold of his cock, no doubt smearing pussy slick along his length, he promptly groans as well. 
Stiltedly, Kazuha pulls up in favor of wheezing into the scant space separating you from him. You can’t see it but you know she must be tugging at his length by the way he dully twitches, trembling at the sensation. 
Even knowing it’s coming isn’t quite enough to prepare you, and you give a quiet little squeak when she directs his cock head to your spread cunt. Obedient and pliant in her hands, Kazuha allows Beidou to direct him where she wants, at the speed she wants, and he slowly starts to sink into your waiting body. The two of you gasp and then groan in tandem, shaking against and with one another. He was less stiff and rigid than the toy, but so incredibly warm inside your guts that it makes you go cross eyed when his pelvis finally meets yours. His flesh and blood felt good — not necessarily better or worse, but a different kind of appeal — and you carefully bring your arms up to twine them around his neck. 
“How’s she feel, Kazuha?” 
“Amazing …” 
Quietly laughing, Beidou shifts around behind you and just the thought of her lining up to slide into his ass again has you shuddering on his cock, and both of you impotently rock against one another in anticipation. 
“Ready for my cock, baby? Your cute little hole looks so hungry and needy right now.” 
He hiccups at something she does, breath hitching in his chest with a barely there gasp. “Yes, captain. Please fill me up …” 
Beidou sighs in pleasure, followed by another brief shift, and then Kazuha goes so completely still over top of you that you know she’s breaching his body again. His eyes slip shut, thick lashes fluttering against the apples of his cheeks while he takes her straight down to the hilt. The cock inside you jumps and flexes, straining almost desperately against your guts when she hits his prostate, and the two of you once again shudder together in mutually felt ecstasy. 
Lifting your head to tuck your mouth against his sweat-dampened shoulder, you look past Kazuha to find Beidou squeezing around his waist, her attention focused on his upturned ass, and you outright moan when her pelvis presses flush against him. You watch for as long as you can when she starts to fuck him in earnest, her full tits jiggling with each thrust and her long hair swaying with the motion. It mercilessly rocks you and him against the bed to make the pressure on your guts double, and then triple. Finally, unable to hold out any longer when it felt like you were having the air punched right out of your lungs, you fall back to lay out on the sheets. 
Kazuha turns his head with a dopamine induced sluggishness, looking at you through the fall of heavy lidded eyes for a long beat before leaning in to kiss your mouth again. He whines and whimpers against your lips, his hips weakly flexing to fuck himself between you and Beidou, and you’re keenly aware of your toes flexing in the air with each stilted thrust. He was so sensitive for her, so stiff and hard for you, and your head starts to spin from the intoxicating rush of it all. 
You may have lost this round, but perhaps you could win the next one …
Crossposted: here
21 notes · View notes
goldeneyedgirl · 10 months
TwiFicmas23 Day 2: In the Dark of the Night 2 (Eye of the Storm)
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Good evening everyone! I hope your December is going well and slightly more organized than mine! I am also exhausted, so please excuse any ridiculous errors.
Tonight, we have a section from the sequel to In the Dark of the Night; Cryptid Alice-verse is a favorite of mine - the world is bonkers, Alice is nuts, and Jasper is just here for a good time. This was requested by an anon early in the year, and I was happy to add it to the list. (Heads up, for 2024, I am changing how ficmas requests work for my own sanity.)
This is a very early first draft of this fic, so everything and anything is liable to be retconned but we're here for vibes above all else. I highly recommend reading the first story or this is going to be extra weird.
tw: allusions to rape & abuse; generalized descriptions of body horror.
eye of the storm.
The coloured lights flash over the room at random - hundreds of sweaty, reeking human bodies and the kind of music that rattles its way through your bones. It’s loud and dark and has become one of Alice’s favourite places in a very long time. The raves in Berlin - and most of Europe - are the easiest places to hunt.
The music is good, too. And she loves to dance. 
She blends in well enough, with the skin-tight skirt and the top that only covers up the bare minimum, and the artfully smudged makeup. Enticing enough to catch attention, but not memorable enough that she’s at risk. Not that it would matter that much, but she prefers to be just another face in the crowd. 
It allows her to hunt for longer in one place, when she’s utterly forgettable. 
She orders a drink, and then another, because human alcohol makes her feel warm and her limbs feel looser. It makes dancing better, and the people easier with her - some of them can sense that she is not like them, that she is something old and complex and terrible. The alcohol makes her more likeable, more human, even when it’s her imbibing it. 
But her head is still clear when she finds a mark, when he sidles up to her with undeserved confidence. He’s the kind of smug that comes from money and a lack of consequences. She doesn’t miss the pill in her next drink or the way his smile widens when she tosses the drink back like water. The effect of the pill is minimal on her; it manifests several moments later, when they’re sneaking upstairs to the store rooms, past the velvet rope blocking the narrow steps. She stumbles on her high heels and he chuckles low; unfriendly and the kind of laugh that would chill anyone else. 
And then her dizziness passes, and she almost pities him. 
It goes the same way as always - he thinks he’s got the upper hand; she acts enthusiastic to his ministrations and she knows he almost feels bad - mostly that he wasted whatever tranquilliser he slipped into her drink, not about the harm he planned for her.
Her venom tingles on his lips and tongue, and he blames the drink or five he’s had and settles in. 
She thinks about asking him some questions once her venom addles him, questions she shouldn’t know to ask. About girls and pills, about hurting and pain, about the haunted little sister he’s not allowed to see anymore. 
But that’s not why she’s here, and would just agitate him. It always gets messy when they get agitated; she hates it when they panic. 
Luckily, he’s easily subdued because she’s absolutely starving. Probably the alcohol. Her venom does funny things when alcohol is in the mix.
She’s not in the mood to take her time and be neat about this; she tears into him like an animal - first is that ephemeral part of him that humans have no word for him. The sacred part, similar to a soul. The pain of that defies understanding; she remembers hers being flayed from her being, once. Punishment for poor judgement. Humans’ are delicious and she savours it. 
It’s all over too quickly, and she leaves him behind without looking back - lying in the middle of that dark, dirty room with the music ponding through the floor. His throat ripped out and ragged, and his chest cavity open, gleaming wet and red but hollowed out for her hunger. His left femur is broken; a rather pitiful attempt at a protest. 
The blood on her skin and in her hair sinks in, pulled through to other hungry parts of her in different points of time and space. She’s nothing and nobody, and no one pays attention as she slips back to the bar for one last drink; sugar sweet enough to make her teeth ache but with that hot dry burn she enjoys more than she should. 
It’ll be at least a day, if not two, before they find him. A horrific death, the work of a psychopath. A little sister will hide in her bed to muffle her relief that he’s gone and never, ever coming home. Almost a dozen girls will smile at the knowledge that he might not face a judge and jury, but something took their pound of flesh. 
But her messiness means that she’ll only have another night or two before she has to move on. She’ll eat again, and that should last her for a while. 
A pity. She liked Berlin. 
The next night - her grand finale before she leaves for Norway - is a grown-ass man who shouldn’t be offering her the things he whispers in her ear, shouldn’t be sliding his hands up her stocking-clad leg - shouldn’t have even approached her and brazenly taken a seat at her booth. 
This time, it’s in an all-night coffee shop with dim lighting and a faint haze that comes from carelessly bold patrons lighting up at the late hour. She demurs and gives the old pervert every opportunity to leave, but he laughs at her and boxes her into the booth, and the look in his eyes is hard and absolute. 
She’s never been fixed in time and space, so she can see exactly the path that this old bastard has planned for her - either she consents or he takes it by force. He will hurt her if he needs to, like he has to other young girls before, some of them his students. 
The shadow he casts has his wife, his daughter, his mother cowering from rage and violence. He won’t be missed. So she pretends to be afraid, to be cowed by his aggression, allows him to drag her out of the booth by her elbow. She lets the flesh mottle and bruise, lets him feel like the predator. 
She lets it last as long as it takes for him to find a place where no one will hear her scream. She even lets him push her out of her shoes, but that’s no loss - she wishes she’d gotten the purple. 
And then when he’s staring down at her, his eyes greedy and violent, she smiles and she takes her prize. 
He dies in that alley, his eyes wide in terror as he faces down the kind of demon that are only meant to be found in books. Disappointingly, the honour of the killing blow goes to the dumpster he fell again, slamming his neck against the edge hard enough to break bones. She always likes the sound and the flavour when their deaths are her own. 
He’s gone before she even tastes him; she’d wish him a speedy trip to hell, but some say that’s where she was born. And the parts of his essence and soul she’s going to tear into… there won’t be anything but shreds of him left to dissolve into the air.  
The call is soft and so far away and blows away the dust of an open path in her mind, a singing thread, that she had not forgotten but had long since made peace with its silence. It had been a shrine to something sacred, and she almost gasps out loud at its echo in her mind. She wants to call back, to holler down that open path, but she pauses, blood running down her face, as she listens. 
The words are faint, but heartfelt and it hurts her own head to widen that path. It’s been a while and, unlike her others, she’s only ever opened one path to one soul. One person. She’s out of practice, and it’s like untrained muscles screaming at a sudden lurch into a run. 
“Alice, I always hoped we’d cross paths again.”
The regret is heavy in his thoughts, and she presses closer, trying to see through his eyes. It’s blurry and white and green. 
“I’m sorry.”
Oh, he tastes like forest and sunshine and leather on the back of her tongue, and she missed him. He was supposed to call for her decades ago. 
But why now?
“You could have helped us. Hell, you probably could have saved us.”
That’s when he touches the ribbon in his pocket. Her ribbon, the one she left him with. A talisman, a physical anchor, a key that reinforces the path; she’s relieved he kept it. Oddly touched that he’s carrying it, but it makes everything easier for her. Clever boy; his hand on the ribbon is enough for her to grasp onto, to pull a fragment of herself into the scene in his mind. 
“I wish you were here.”
The scene sharpens as if she is standing there in the snow, barefoot, facing…
Facing down the thrice-cursed Volturi and their entire court.  
What has happened?
Aro’s smile is wide and that of a crocodile about to close its maw around the thing it wants the most. And that thing includes Jasper.
The entire city of Berlin shudders for a moment, something that will later be uneasily explained away as an earthquake, but is her rage that shakes the city at its core because she can reel it back inside of herself.
A shiver, not a storm. 
Not yet, at least. 
Aro, who has made himself untouchable over the centuries, and still manages to strike wildly at them, her and her kin. His blows rarely kill but they do cut and wound; her own scars are still fresh enough in her mind. One of the downsides of being outside of time; the memories never age right. 
The Old Ones have warned them all not to go after Aro; they are allowed only defence, never offence. They say that creatures like the Volturi, full of avarice and wrath, will pave their own downfall. They have seen it so many times before; Aro and his kin will burn themselves out, and another will take their place. 
The Old Ones and the Eternal Sleeping will not rise for anything short of war, and it will not be a war of their own making. That is the first law, and one she has obeyed. 
But this… Jasper is hers. Marked and strung together, crudely but holding fast. He is hers to defend above all else, and no one can do anything about that. She just wants to know why Aro has come after Jasper and the Cullens. What she knows about the Cullens is vague; mostly gleaned from other fragments of herself, other lives they lived. They are peaceful people with too much money and little concern for those outside themselves, no matter what they tell themselves. They are human, it is their nature. But she is certain that they are not a danger. Not to Aro, not to the human population, not to anyone. What flimsy excuse is Aro using now? A desire for more gifted bodyguards? More power and land and wealth? 
Whatever he wants, it’s nothing good. 
The words are muffled, and she takes a moment to look over at Jasper. He’s standing there beside her, stoic and staring, not flinching. The anger streaming off him is palpable and she wishes she’d seen him before now. 
You could have called me at any time, Jasper. Just to talk, just to see how I am. I would have come in a second. I wondered if you’d forgot about me, truly. I supposed I am flattered by the fact I am your last regret, your longing thought, though. 
She shudders and looks around, her senses stretching. He’s right where he’s supposed to be, and that’s a long, long way from Berlin. It’s been a long time since she had to take herself apart this way, and there’s a risk. A price that has to be paid, and she’s not unwilling to pay it, if he’s amendable. 
Of all the ways that Jasper thought he would die, this is not it. Not standing shoulder-to-shoulder with his closest people, staring down the army - there is no other word for what Aro has brought, larger than the biggest Southern army Jasper both faced and wielded - of Volterra, trying to defend the life of a half-breed child with ribbons in her hair and pompoms on her coat. 
This is not a trial. This is an execution, a public one as a reminder that they were here by the grace of Aro’s will and that no one is safe if the King of Volterra is displeased. 
He’s sorry he brought Peter and Charlotte into this mess. He should have known better than to trust that the Volturi would play by the rules, especially when the Volturi wrote the rulebook. 
No, this is not how he thought his death would go. 
But to be fair, he thought that once back in Texas when he was faced with three red-eyed women with smiles full of promises. So perhaps he should be more surprised that he didn’t see this coming. 
Edward gives him a pinched smile that is more of a grimace. Aro is still talking, still taking this opportunity to remind everyone who he is, that he should be considered a wise and compassionate leader. 
He wonders if Marcus considers him that; the man looks like a shadow, like the death of all things. Jasper has heard rumours about Didyme’s demise; some of them are farfetched, ridiculous even. But others… the way Aro smiles at the Cullens and their friends, Jasper cannot doubt that he is capable of terrible things. 
“Of course, there is the hidden crime, one that I’m not even certain that you yourself are aware of, dear Carlisle,” Aro smiles benevolently, but there is no kindness in his emotions. He’s angry and jealous and greedy; his gaze is flickering over all that have gathered here, for the Cullens, as if 
“You have seen my thoughts, you know of all our doings,” Carlisle intoned stoically.
“Of course, my friend! And I am delighted to discover the joy and miracle that is young Renesmee,” Aro beamed at the child, clutching tightly to Bella. “I trust that you have no comprehension about what is going on, and that loyalty to our long friendship is cherished, Carlisle.
“However, the crimes that are occurring under your nose are ones that risk not only our world, but the human one also - they are toying with things that should never be disturbed. It is an act of violence, of terrorism, unspeakable evil…
“The oldest creatures that roamed this earth, they were dangerous. Monstrous in a way that we cannot comprehend. Ungovernable. Very, very powerful in ways that have been lost to us before the first vampire walked the earth,” Aro spread his arms out, as if he is performing for a crowd. And perhaps he is. “Many of those creatures are long gone, but there are a small few that still exist amongst us. We have tried to protect our kind from them, to exterminate them to protect our secret and to protect our kind from them. They cannot be reasoned with. They are dangerous to everything we hold dear.”
Aro has everyone’s attention with that little speak, but all he can think of is a kiss that stole his mind and his will. Of limbs snapping and cracking around too-many joints, and those big eyes, with that knowing smirk. Of blood that was too hot, and the puff of a heartbeat in the back of his mind. 
Of something that lasted a night, however warped and strange it turned out, that marked his memories indelibly. 
The ribbons twists through his fingers. 
“…And yet, as I stand here, one of your friends, Carlisle, has summoned one, called one here. Is that not an act of war in itself, dear Carlisle?”
Carlisle splutters, the denial genuine and frustrated. “Aro, you’re being ridiculous!”
“I’ve been tracking this particular one for many years. She possesses a skillset that is very… dangerous if left unmonitored. Her anchor lies here, we’ve traced it. And, dear Carlisle, I believe you when you say you are ignorant of all of this. But someone here has betrayed you, and they alone should pay the price."
Aro stares at them, all good humour gone, and not a single one of them understands what he asks. Except him. 
He knows exactly what - exactly who - Aro is searching for.
It’s been a long time. Since he saw her. Not since he thought of her - she is one of those people who lingers in the memory; it seems impossible that it was just one night, all those years ago. Her presence always lingered; like she fundamentally changed him, changed everything, the second she hitched a ride in that truck. 
“I was… in hiding. Then I was exposed. Then I made a choice.”
“There are so many names for us, Jasper. I’d prefer if you just used mine.”
And he doesn’t understand this at all. That Aro has dragged the entire court here, across the fucking world, under the guise of a trial because of Renesmee’s existence and now, suddenly, Renesmee doesn’t matter. 
It was no secret that Aro was looking for an excuse. Of course she doesn’t matter. He knows that there are much more terrible, unseen things out there than a little half-breed girl.
(He had been prepared for that, had waited curiously to see if Renesmee came out a monstrosity, an abomination that had too long limbs and a void where her eyes should be. He had been oddly disappointed how utterly mundane she was, as if she was the key to something, to better understanding of things that were probably best left alone. Edward have been confused but annoyed at his reaction and Jasper hadn’t bothered to explain.) 
Aro knows as well as Jasper himself that Carlisle would never allow Renesmee to become something dangerous. He would sooner build her a gilded cage somewhere far away than allow Renesmee to do harm to human beings. 
Carlisle knows it as well as Jasper; that it wouldn’t be Jasper’s hands left to break Renesmee if she’s too strong, too dangerous, too unreasonable. It will be Carlisle’s, with a tender kiss and a prayer for her redemption. Aro sees Carlisle as weak and easily manipulated, and the rest of the family sees Carlisle as a pacifist, as a champion of life beyond all else. 
And Jasper sees him as a father who will protect his family from anything, even their own poor choices. As a doctor who recognises that to save a life, sometimes you must amputate, and Jasper is surprised no one else sees that in him. That they call him ‘doctor’, but they only see the man of faith. 
But he digresses. Aro has come here and it is not solely for Bella or Edward or Renesmee. It is for Alice, and she isn’t here. The Cullens have never met her, and he’s never told them about her. What would he say - “I met a demon-god-monster on a highway, and she was beautiful? We talked and argued and fucked, and then we parted ways. And I’ve never forgotten her”? They’d think he was crazier than ever. 
He’s always tasted arsenic on everything, since that terrible kiss. Always heard that faint heartbeat in his mind. Kept a ragged ribbon to worry at, looped around his keys, in his pocket for fifty something years. 
They are going to fight and they are going to die because no one else here has the answers Aro wants, and Jasper is never going to breathe a word. The Volturi numbers into the forties, with the entire court and their witnesses. There just aren’t enough of them to win this. 
He should have fetched Maria, should have rounded up every stray, every nomad, every disenfranchised asshole this side of Monterrey for this debacle. 
Alice, I always hoped we’d cross paths again. I’m sorry.
The heartbeat in his head is beating louder, and the taste of her venom is strong on the back of his tongue.
If only a reunion could have been one of a time-stopping kiss, of being able to look the other in the eyes and say, “I’m so glad you’re safe, that you’re well. I missed you.”
Instead, it is this. 
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wyyrmwood · 6 months
Settle down for a green text formatted tale my friends, I have a taste of a new classic fantasy book I think you all may enjoy. Its a little long, so I added a show more break for convenience.
I present to you the plot of The Troll's Grindstone. Cannot recommend it enough and there's so much good shit I left out for the sake of not just rewriting the entire book. Its got everything, cool horses, a Kronk parallel character down to the evil right hand status and everything, your dads weird friend that you have beef with, some hot lake monster girls that totally won't eat you ahahahahah come closer baby, elves getting their pompous asses WHOOPED, ghosts, and a main character who is just a guy. No inherent powers, just a decent swordsman who really really didn't want to be here but literally can't leave (because he got teleported to the elf realm)
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>You are an evil wizard night elf who wants more power
>tired of smelly light elves crashing your sick parties
>corrput a light elf prince who was well known for greed, arrogance, and kind of just being an all around d-bag
>"hey kid want some magic get in my van"
>commence world domination to get rid of the stinky day fairing elves
>cash in on the troll alliance aw yeah
>going better than expected, elf prince is such a little asshole that he fully doesn't care he's leading his race to extinction, just keeps betraying entire cities for you
>feeling pretty good, but poison him with fantasy heroin that only you can get for him anyway for good measure
>"yeah yeah ill give you coke or whatever just keep betraying your people and leading my little crusades"
>he does
>world domination complete, pretty easy just massacred some magic pussies and desecrated some sacred locations so I own the magic there and also kind of dunked on the sacred sites and magics ancient far more powerful race of magic elves too because I hate them and the light elves worship them as almost gods.
>kill elf princes little prince brother too for shits and giggles, takes his sword and uses it to curse all other swords in the realm to decay and never sharpen
>back to the stone age with you, fucking nerds
>"ok freaky little guy go away"
>kick out elf prince because ew light elf, he crawls back to his father and is banished for betraying his people, facing punishment for his crimes etc. etc. etc
>like 100 years pass life is ez elf prince is probably dead from super heroin withdrawal by now so no worries about him coming back
>he assasinated* you (you're an evil wizard, you just turn into a giant bear for a while) and also he's back
> yeah he's actually back, he looks great and also is mad asf saying he will kill you
>also hangs out with his dads useless wizard and some coked out old homeless guy
>kind of weird but you basically made this guy and know he's a bit of a coward so its no problem to just manipulate him again, bros probably also absolutely FEINDING for more heroin because fantasy heroin withdraws last forever and also kill you so there's that
>oh yeah and everyone hates his guts for destroying their civilization and holy sites
>haha loser
>prince begins on a quest to undo your destruction of the magical sacred sites and also kick dark elf ass just because
>he's kind of actually doing it
>"ok what the fuck guy if I give you heroin will you stop look here's some heroin"
>its not working he doesn't want the heroin
>proceeds to kick your ass all over the map and purify sacred sites and everyone starts loving him again
>aw hell
>keep trying to manipulate mansplain malewife him but it isn't working like it used to and also he's not dying from the death heroin but you KNOW he loved drugs so whats up with that
>also his pet wizard is kind of getting good from all this ancient site purification
>wizard kicks your ass and destroys your cool monsters
>finally get his ass and sell him as a thrall after kicking his ass for once
>"see u later smelly"
>says I'm a cunt, correct but ow
>"remember ur dead brothers wife that you are kind of into but respectfully just friends ? i have her captured and shes also a thrall now haha look"
>oh he actually got really mad about that, probably shouldn't have said anything
>guy I'm selling him to is really not into having an extremely agressive servant who would absolutely kill him so I cut his knee, bye bye leg
>holy fuck this owner guy is throwing a bitch fit about now having a lame thrall fine ill buy him back and just have him work in the mines to desecrate another sacred site
>pain in my ass but he's balls deep in a mountain that used to be a giant now mining out its heart
>what's that
>HE BLEW UP* (catastrophically flooded and collapsed) THE MOUNTAIN WITH HIS BITCH WIZARD AND OLD HOMLESS MAN?
>awwwwww hell
>find his ass outside the mountain with dying coked out old homeless man and wizard again, this is so embarrassing
>????? Wait What why is everyone laughing and not shivering their timbers
>the guy you've been fighting is just some guy that looked like the prince a bit who the actual prince abducted from his human realm and forced into pretending to be him
>you, a powerful wizard and nigh immortal elf, lost your entire kingdom, power, status, and prestige to Mr. Normal Human Man who didn't even want to kick your ass to begin with and got roped into all this magic shit because he went poking around the wrong barrow over in Human Land
>he kills you
Thank you all this has been the plot of The Trolls Grindstone.
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mykingdomforasong · 2 years
Skysolo where Han is a chef and Luke is a cute regular
T, Han's pov + Han Solo trying to ignore his feelings and failing completely. I'm also picturing this vaguely in the 1990s/early 2000s
[always accepting any prompt ideas. Gonna try to write more this weekend]
The greasy spoon diner Han found himself in was suppose to be a temporary stepping sone as he got settled in a new city. Really, his culinary skills could be put to better use making a mushroom risotto instead of bacon cheese burgers. But that wasn't in the cards yet.
And, anyway, it wasn't all bad. At least once a week one of those bacon cheeseburgers went to a handsome young professional-looking-type. Yuppie by day, Earring Magic Ken by night.
Luke was a regular on Monday nights, always taking a seat at the counter right in front of the window into the kitchen, letting him see Han in all his hair-netted glory.
He'd been a regular since before Han got hired, but Han had become fond of him. He'd started folding a paper placemat in half and scrawling "reserved" on blank side, making sure Luke always had his stool. Han had even started wearing his earring again; the window gave Luke a clear view of his right ear and single stud.
"Happy Monday," Luke said, picking up his reserved sign and tucking it into his shirt pocket.
"Your usual?" Han asked.
Luke nodded. Han wasted no time throwing his burger on the grill, ignoring the few other orders that had come in ahead.
He watched Luke through the window, trying to be subtle. The days were getting shorter, so the deep orange light of sunset was already flooding through the windows, making Luke's hair look almost ginger. He was reading some novel Han couldn't make out the name of, and he'd undone the top few buttons of his shirt and rolled up the sleeves. Han could tell he was strong under all the business casual.
Luke licked his finger to turn the page, and Han looked away, blaming the heat on his face on the flat top. He flipped Luke's burger, letting the sizzle hide his deep sigh.
He needed a smoke.
When Luke's burger was assembled and in the window, he shouted to Chewie that he was stepping outside.
"You told me you were trying to quit," Luke said. "Said not to let you go outside."
Han leaned forward on the window. "How'd you know I'm going out to smoke?"
Luke shrugged, his face red. "You're easy to read."
Han's heart or whatever did a little flip in his chest, not that he cared about it too much.
"Yeah well," He tried to think of something to say, "guess I won't go. Since I've got such a good smokers-anonymous sponsor and all."
Luke smiled. His food was still sitting still in the window. Han moved out of the kitchen into the dining room, and then behind the counter. He dropped Luke's plate in front of him.
"What great service," Luke said.
"I'm use to classier, faster-paced places," Han said. "I can make you something nicer one of these days."
"If you're so used to nicer places, what are you doing here?"
"I like the customers more," Han said. He spared Luke the sob story of there not being a single other job in this city. Besides, it wasn't a total lie.
"Well, if the chef ever does have recommendations, I'm open to some change," Luke said, biting into a fry.
"They don't have the stuff I'd need here. But I could probably whip you up something good at my place, if you'd ever be interested." He was already making a menu in his head.
Luke nodded. He took the "reserved" sign out of his pocket along with a pen that looked too rich for Han's blood. He wrote his phone number on it, before sliding it back to Han.
[I might write smut for this eventually 👀. It's about time I actually write some bottom Han instead of just implying it.]
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gettothirdbase · 30 days
Pros and cons of live-in relationship in India
If you’re in a relationship, I strongly recommend that you live together before getting married! In short - are you compatible? I’m aware that Indian society is a little uptight about 'living in sin' but then again, society is uptight about so many things!- Source 
1 out of 2 Indians agree that it is important to be in a live-in relationship before moving ahead with the M-word aka marriage.
Living together before marriage was once seen as inappropriate, but it's more prevalent and widely accepted. If your relationship is going well, you may think about moving in with your partner. In their defense, living together enables better understanding. Coming to what one has or does varies from place to place, even person to person. While there are endless probabilities.
“I feel even Romeo and Juliet of 2024 would have thought of moving in together before making their fairytale.”- GenZ
The age-old love stories are flawed for sure. We feel the same too and that’s a no brainer! Ever wondered if Romeo and Juliet would still be together if they knew about each other's anger issues or poor money management skills? Doubtful. There are reasons as to why people opt to live together. Their primary concern is to evaluate their compatibility. We are not going to deny that living together brings in an added advantage of being cozy as and when you desire. IFYKYK. I mean it can be interesting to find new people but deep down we want to settle with the one true love.
Live-in relationship makes it easier to become one step closer to finding the “ Ideal Match”.
1. Testing Timeframe:
You get to realize an individual extensively better when you live with them. You get to study their day to day schedules. Likewise, when you put in a couple of hours daily with your better half or sweetheart, you commonly emphasize that time and act well with each other. However, when you live respectively, things become genuine and not wonderful 100% of the time. It's significant to grasp the general mismatch about your accomplice, including their curious propensities, cleanliness, and morning schedule, and to guarantee that you're locally viable, as the pressure, gloom, and uneasiness that could result from a terrible relationship are not forgivable.
2. Deeper Bonding:
Individuals are only able to establish genuine connections when they are completely truthful with each other. When you are living together, you start to easily feel at ease with each other. Sharing your deepest fears and secrets (wink, wink) with each other shows a strong level of understanding and desire. I mean the dream to be close with your love one’s knowing what all they desire, what all one gushi and pushi wants. You can experiment and try new stuff like massager. In a live-in relationship, you start to feel at ease around each other naturally. 
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3. Easier transition into long-term commitment:
Live-in relationships can serve as a helpful middle ground for those uncertain about the lasting nature of marriage. Living together allows partners to experience numerous advantages of a committed relationship without the formal commitment of marriage. Just like how Monika and Chandler did , I mean who doesn’t need a sweet ending and a love like one.
4. Freedom to leave, make choices, etc:In a live-in partnership, both individuals have a significant amount of freedom to make choices. There is no legal obligation for you, meaning you can end the relationship if it is not going well. The concept of "Log Kya Kahenge" has not influenced Indian culture yet, as families do not typically interfere in live-in relationships. Living with your partner can be done according to your own rules, with mutual understanding and free from societal pressures that often worsen feelings of anxiety, stress, and sadness when in a relationship with the wrong person.
But sometimes live-in-relationship can turn bad and  it’s not always pretty to stay as things can get messy. Live-in relationships have their downsides as well.
1.The honeymoon phase is overWhen you tie the knot with your partner following a period of living together, you might discover that the honeymoon stage has already passed. Because you have been cohabitating, you and your partner have grown used to each other, and the need to constantly impress each other decreases both.The magic, attraction, and excitement, along with the patience needed to make it all happen, diminish soon after the couple gets married due to the years spent trying to make the relationship function. It affects the feeling of euphoria.
2. External pressures: 
Even with shifts in society, some specific social groups or ethnic backgrounds might still stigmatized or reject live-in relationships. Managing these outside factors can be mentally draining for certain individuals. “With the partners in a live-in relationship are under constant scrutiny and resentful stares of the society and often face difficulties to find accommodation in metropolitan cities where the landlords are reluctant to provide them a place of living. The children born out of such an arrangement are considered illegitimate in the eyes of the society and women are called ‘vulnerable’[vi] for cohabiting in an unstable form of relationship which is considered immoral, unethical and against the religious principles.” - Source
3. More Flexibility: The key characteristic of a live-in relationship is its flexibility, yet an excessive number of weaknesses can occasionally lead to the relationship falling apart. While leaving a relationship can be seen as a positive in some situations, it can also be difficult for many people who have invested time and effort into making changes in their lives. This challenge is not limited to just live-in relationships, as even marriages can experience breakdowns.4. Lack of Commitment:
Although living together can show potential for lasting compatibility, it can also prolong the commitment decision-making process. Not having a formal, legally binding contract can result in ongoing doubts or ambiguity. I mean no offense but imagine being in a relationship with Joey ( F.R.I.E.N.D.S) being with someone who doesn’t value or appreciate you or take it as he/she is fine but not meeting your needs.
How to manage a live-in relationship in India?
If there is one word on how to manage a live-in relationship in India, it is understanding the desire. Be open about your intentions and expectations to your partner, so that you both have mutual understanding and respect for each other. Talk your plans over with family and friends; more importantly address their concerns and get their support. Cultural traditions should be respected. 
Boundaries and responsibilities must be set by you both shared to bring in harmony and balance in the relationship. Don't forget to be patient and compromise. The way towards a successful and enriching live-in relationship within the Indian setup is through focus on communication, respect, and understanding.
Live-in relationships in India represent a contemporary method of companionship wherein individuals get an opportunity to test their compatibility before getting married. While the advantages involve greater understanding and strengthening of emotional bonds, one cannot turn a blind eye towards the issues that cropped up during the study in the form of social judgments and family expectations. Before starting a live-in relationship, it is proper to weigh the pros and cons of this kind of relationship. Ultimately, success lies in understanding, mutual respect, and a willing tolerance of cultural norms. Being responsible and prudent in attitudes toward live-in relationships will thus help couples to lay proper bases for a healthy and enriching partnership in every respect within the context of Indian society.
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Castle fanfiction 
Why did you elbow me? 71
Out of breath
Castle: pov He said if she gets worse or her heart rate gets anymore elevated take her to the ER and make a follow up appointment with her pulmonary Dr. On the way home I picked up her meds and some soup. Once home I got her comfortable in bed and called Lanie to give her an update on Kate.  I also called the boys to give them an update, Kate slept until noon. I gave her a bowl of soup and put a movie on for her. I decided to eat a sandwich. After she was done eating I set her up with her nebulizer treatment, then we cuddled in bed for a bit until she fell asleep. I got some writing done while she slept, Martha and Alexis arrived home before I started dinner. I explained to them what happened, Alexis suggested she look up a soup recipe that Kate could have but we never tried. I went to check on Kate while Alexis looked it up. I helped Kate to the living room and gave her another nebulizer treatment, then started on dinner. 
Kate: pov Castle gives me the second pills for the day. I'm having another coughing episode. It is decided I'm eating in the living room, my stomach is kinda upset from the meds the Dr gave me. The soup tastes amazing. Alexis is telling me about her day, I start to cough when suddenly I feel my stomach churning. It happens so fast I barf all over myself and the blanket. Castle helps me to the bathroom to shower, while Alexis does the laundry. Once I'm nice and clean, I put on a no sleeve shirt and shorts. Castle helps me back to bed. 
Alexis: pov ugh we are out of detergent, I finished off the container a few minutes ago doing my own laundry I tell Dad I'm running to the store, at the store I realize they don't have the detergent we use. I call Dad and tell him the bad news, I finally make a decision and head home. Once the laundry is in the washer, I head upstairs to study since I have a test coming up. 
Castle: pov Kate is laying on her right side in the bed while I rub her back, Kate's heart rate is still elevated, but not yet in the danger zone. She Is due for another nebulizer treatment, while I set it up, Alexis knocks on our bedroom door asking if she can come in. I say yes, Alexis hands me Kate's fuzzy blanket fresh out of the dryer, once Kate is all settled I put the nebulizer mask on her face. Kate seems to be doing better, still has a nasty cough, once the nebulizer treatment is over I quietly head to my office since she fell asleep, I talk with her Dr on the phone he said keep doing what we are doing. I decided to write for a bit then head to bed, in the morning I wake up and shower while Kate is still sleeping. Once she is up I ask her how she is feeling, she starts to cough then says ow, i say ow what she mentions her chest hurts, and it hurts to breathe I quickly call Lanie and ask her opinion on the matter. Lanie says it's probably from the coughing. You need to talk to her cardiologist because it could also be something more serious. She needs to be seen by a Dr. Her cardiologist recommended I call 911.
Kate: pov once my coughing fit stops Castle hands me my meds, then helps me get dressed. He then calls 911, he says this is Richard Castle my wife Captain Kate Beckett of the 12 precinct is having chest pain she has a heart condition, arrhythmia to be exact she is also a heart surgery, shooting and tca survivor. He mentions I have an upper respiratory virus and have been coughing. He has Alexis wait by the front door to let the medics in. 
Castle: pov once the medics arrive I tell them Kate has a heart condition, arrytmia and  visited urgent care yesterday because she was not feeling well and the Dr said it was an upper respiratory virus. I explained that Kate has been coughing and says her chest hurts and it hurts to breathe. The medic takes Kate's vitals and asks about her heart condition, heart surgery, shooting and TCA. He says dispatch told him about it. I tell him she got shot at a funeral, Kate was shot on the left side of her chest by a sniper causing her to flat line in the ambulance they had to use the paddles on her. Our friend Lanie the Me did CPR the whole way to the trauma room.The bullet nicked her left inferior pulmonary vein causing Tension pneumothorax on her left side requiring a chest tube to be inserted. They did emergency thoracotomy surgery on her, to gain access to the area. The trauma Caused her pericardium to distend it was full of blood compressing her heart.The Bullet also grazed her left ventricle causing Kate to bleed into her heart causing a cardiac tampon. The cardiac surgeon had to cut some of her pericardial sac to let some of the blood out, the trauma resulted in vfib causing her to go into cardiac arrest during  surgery on her heart. They had to use the internal paddles and manual heart massages.
Kate: pov The medic says I have a slight temperature, my blood pressure is a little elevated, my oxygen levels are low and my heart rate is elevated. He hooks me up to heart and oxygen monitors, I start to have a coughing fit which is making my chest hurt and making it harder to breathe. I'm grabbing my chest, the medic puts an oxygen mask on me. In the ambulance the medic put an Iv in my arm and gave me some fluids. At the ER it's  a rush of activity. I'm transferred to an exam room.
Dr Kenny: pov I usually  treat people with just respiratory issues, the medics informed me that Kate Beckett has a respiratory virus, heart condition and is experiencing severe chest pain. To be continued.  ……..
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pingguins · 2 years
What Can You Lose? | Prologue
Tommyinnit x Reader
Words: 3,671
Warnings: Swearing
Synopsis: Sometimes, a quiet night at the beach is all someone needs to calm the mind. But no one mentioned anything about the vulgar loud-mouth who likes to hang out by the ocean.
A/N: So, this story is actually a rewrite of 'In The Pale Moonlight' by sutosomi on Wattpad. It ended up drifting from the story more than I expected it to, but the plot is still inspired by that fic. So thank you to the original author for giving me the inspiration to write this! And yes, I did ask permission from them if I could rewrite their story. It's never good to steal someone's plot, folks!
P.S the title is a song that I also took inspiration from. I recommend you give it a listen. It was written by the great Stephen Sondheim, so you can expect it to be good XP
'It's All Futile! It's All Pointless!' by Lovejoy was playing. I was only wearing one earbud as the other was loosely tossed over my shoulder, my hands were tucked inside my coat pockets while I mindlessly walked up to the front of our house.
As I opened the door, the fact that my mother was cooking my favourite food became apparent to me. The smell and the sounds coming from the kitchen lighting up my mood as I closed the door and called her.
"You're home! How was school?" she asked, turning off the stove. She walked over to me with her arms open wide. I hugged her, humming as I shrugged. She pulled away at arms-length, with her hands still gently placed on my shoulders. “Not good?” she cringed; her eyes sympathetic.
"Not particularly, but it's better now!" I gestured to the kitchen. I can feel my stomach growling just by the thought of being able to eat my favourite meal.
She chuckled, removing her apron as she pulled out a chair for me. "If you think school wasn't good today, don’t expect it to be good moving forward. The food is just to prepare you for that," she teased, making me roll my eyes with a pained groan.
She’s right; I don’t doubt it. It might have been boring today, but as the school year progresses, the workload would pile up and probably I wouldn’t even have time to get bored.
The table was already set, all she needed to do was prepare the meal. She handed me my plate and I practically inhaled all the food before my mum could sit down and eat with me.
I hadn't realized I’d finished eating already, giving her a nervous smile once she's settled in her seat. Normally, I’d wait for her to sit down so we could eat together. "It's okay. Eat, then rest up. You don't have to wait for me, you must be exhausted!"
I sighed in relief. "Thank you, you're the best!" I hugged her quickly, standing up and giving her a kiss on her head before I ran up to my room, crashing onto my bed. Only then did I realize that I never took my one earphone off, and that Spotify was playing a completely different song that I wasn’t familiar with.
Luckily, the first day of school meant no homework. So, I opened, Discord, messaging my cousin as I craved some valuable use of my time before school inevitably takes it away from me.
Hey, wanna play Minecraft? I'm bored af .-.
I dropped the phone beside me, staring at the ceiling before closing my eyes. I wasn't sure he'd reply immediately, so maybe I could sneak in a nap.
Or maybe not.
I'm streaming. So, if you want to be in the stream, sure. I pity your boredom.
Instead of replying, I opened my laptop and pulled up his stream, donating a five and typing up a message.
I don't want your pity, I need entertainment! I thought that's what this stream is supposed to be, hmm?
“Y/N! Join the stream!" he yelled through his laughing fits. He adjusted his glasses, phone in hand as he typed something out of the audiences’ view.
Per usual, chat went crazy at the mention of a girl’s name. Most of the messages consisted of “who’s Y/N?!” and “Is she your girlfriend?!”
Noticing this, he stopped typing, scrunching his face in disgust. “Ew, chat! Y/N’s my cousin, relax!” He exaggerated a shiver before sending his text.
Join the stream! Chat's gonna love you!
I smile to myself, shaking my head ‘no’ even though I knew he couldn't see. This was probably the hundredth time he asked me to join one of his streams. I always say no and still he kept asking.
"Join the stream, Y/N!" I heard him yell again, slightly louder this time. "Y/N, my dear, amazing, lovable— and dare I say, best—cousin. Join the stream! Come on, you never join!"
I laughed audibly at his words, donating another five. Just take my money and shut up. Flattery doesn't look good on you "dear cousin". Ew.
There was another set of laughter after he read my message, continuing to try and convince me to join, which obviously didn't work. I truly had no interest in being in his stream.
I played Minecraft, yes, but I'd never taken interest in streaming. Nothing against it, I wouldn't mind doing it, actually. It was mostly because I just simply had no cause or motivation to. On my own, I wouldn’t mind. But this stream? With thousands of people watching? No.
He wasn't asking me to join the game, just the stream. But I still wouldn't know what to do if I did, so I thought it best to opt out every time.
"Y/N if you don't join the stream I will march into your house right now," he threatened, knowing well he wouldn’t go through with it.
He was particularly pushy today for some reason, the smirk on his face telling me he had something planned, which only made me want to avoid joining even more. This was live, if he thought it was a good idea to make fun of me in front of thousands of people, I wouldn't be able to edit anything out.
If you march into my house right now I will not hesitate to leave you to edit your future videos on your own, I typed in the chat.
"Not fair! I just wanted to introduce you to someone!" he said.
Introduce me when I wouldn't be vulnerable to be made fun of in front of an audience XP
"You're no fun, Y/N," he pouted, telling someone in the stream that the plan was off. I furrowed my eyes at this. So, he was planning something! I guess I just dodged a bullet there.
"Awe, I guess we're not seeing the child embarrass himself in front of a girl today," another voice said.
"Well…it would be better to see it in real life," he answered, a smirk still evident on his face as he looked directly into the camera.
This piqued my interest, and also made me slightly paranoid. He’s acting suspicious; he knows what he’s doing. For all I know this was another practical joke. And if he got his friends into it, he’s probably planning something serious.
I trusted him, sure. But as the younger cousin, I usually ended up being the butt of the joke. Not in a bad way; he usually knows where the line is and not to cross is. I’m probably being too anxious, but with enough thought, I clicked the Discord link he’s sent me a while ago and entered their VC. “Wilbur! I swear to God if you're planning one of your pranks again I will march into your house and throw my shoe at you."
There were collective cheers in the call, none of the people were familiar to me except for Will. At least, not personally. Will’s told me a bit about them. Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy, oh and Niki! She wasn’t in the call though, unfortunately. Turns out most of them were waiting for when I’d finally join the Discord group.
Out of all of them, though, Niki’s the only one on Will’s YouTuber friends that I’ve met personally and whom I love very much.
"You joined too late, Y/N. The child already left," he pouted. "Guess I'll have to set you up another time," Wilbur smirked.
I scoffed. "The last time you "set me up" it was with a guy who you knew would talk my ear off about how we'd be an unfit couple because of our Zodiac signs." I shivered at the memory, feeling bad for myself that I had to sit through 2 hours at a coffee shop only to hear all about clashing personalities and relationship dynamics according to Astrology.
"Wait, what?!" the guy from before yelled. I realized this was Ranboo, as I saw a green ring light up around his profile in the Discord VC. Without answering, I left the call, wanting to leave an air of mystery as to how that date went.
I considered looking through their old chats; I'd save it for next time though. What could be so interesting about the group chat of a bunch of streamers? Millions of people would pay their entire bank account to even get a glimpse, which I get, in a way. But I've known these guys for ages now. Not personally, just through Will.
Be it directly or indirectly, being close to someone who's got millions of supporters and followers dampens the feeling of fanaticism. It makes you realise that they're also just humans doing what they love to do.
Maybe I'd consider streaming—maybe. Wilbur said he'd help if I wanted to; introduce me to his friends and whatnot. Regardless of streaming, he's always wanted to introduce me; I would just always find a way to postpone it. It just felt like it was more of his thing, you know? That's his group of friends from his streaming community and their SMP.
Part of me didn't want to impose. I didn't mind whether or not I met them, though. With Wilbur's persistence at getting me to join one of his streams, I probably would soon. I was already in their Discord group, pretty soon I’ll probably give in to Wilbur’s pestering about properly introducing myself to his group of friends.
Please tell me you'd join the next stream. Chat wants to meet you!
I rolled my eyes.
And if I don't want to meet "chat"?
Then I'd call in that solid you owe me.
Fuck. I forgot about that.
...then I guess I don't really have a choice. Just tell me when your next stream is and I'll go there.
HA! YES! (you don’t really have to go if you’re uncomfy tho)
hmph. I know. but you know I can't say no to you. Your music's too good.
Flattery doesn't look good on you, either, cousin dear.
I don’t need to flatter you. If I owe you, then I owe you. It only means I’m telling you the truth, Wilbur dear.
With a satisfied sigh, I exited our messages. It was already pretty late, considering the stream lasted a while. It was pitch black outside, nothing but the Brighton lights to guide you.
It was less polluted here than London, and since it was close to a beach, the air was good, too. Great for the asthma—maybe that's why Wilbur likes it here so much.
After the stream, with nothing much to do, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go down to the shore. It would be pretty dark, but if there aren’t too many clouds today, the street lights may just be enough to help me get there safely
I put on my oversized hoodie to combat the cold and hoped that my leggings would be thick enough since they were really comfortable. Mum would be deep in sleep right now, so I didn't bother waking her up.
I was allowed to go to the beach; she knew how much I loved it there. As long as I left her a text message that I would go—which I did—I could go. I went out quietly, slowly shutting doors and walking on pointed toes.
                                                            * * *
Thankfully the beach wasn't so far from here, and the streets were mostly silent. Only a few people here and there. Some appeared to be going home from work and some were like me; just taking a stroll to calm the mind. The moon shone bright and barely covered by clouds, which usually wasn't the case.
It added light to the view, making it a little more beautiful than it already was; especially the beach. With the moon sitting just on top of the horizon, I wish I brought a good camera with me. My phone won't do this any justice.
Other than the sand, the moon, and the ever-so present ocean breeze, there was a figure of someone close to the water. They were sitting, doing nothing. No phone light, even, which to be honest, surprised me.
Most people would hangout by the shore only to take pictures or use their phones. I rarely saw people on the beach without using some type of gadget.
Just from the silhouette of this person though, they seem to be doing fine enjoying the view.
I guess it's not just me.
I pulled my hood up, hoping to be more discreet as I sat just a few feet away from them. I hoped the hoodie would send a message that I didn't want to be bothered.
"Until now I'm the only one who's usually out here this late."
And now the silence is broken. I nod my head, looking at them. From their silhouette, they seemed to be a guy. Shadows covered their face, though, and I assumed mine was, too. "Well, if you're here often then you should get used to seeing me. I like it here."
For a moment he just looked at me— well, their head was turned to my direction, so I can only assume. "You-you're a...fe..male. You're a female," they stuttered. Yep, definitely a guy. There was a slight gulp there that I heard, most of it being drowned out by the waves.
"Yes...?" I answered, not quite sure why he would be so perplexed.
"Woman, the way you dress makes you look like a man," he snarked. Woah, what a complete 180 from his previous, shy-sounding attitude.
I scoffed. "Yeah, and your mouth makes you sound like a misogynist." I rolled my eyes, though I knew he couldn't see me. "To counter that, maybe you should smile more," I smirked as he dramatically gasps.
"What's your name?"
"Can't tell strangers my name," I shrugged, only trying to annoy him.
"You insulted me and you won't even give me your name?"
"I don't owe you anything, dipshit."
"Bitch," he mumbled, making my eyes widen at him. Though he couldn't see, I was pretty sure he could somehow sense the tension increase. "Wait—sorry— I didn't mean—"
"Asshole," I laughed, interrupting him since he kept stumbling. I suppose I should just shut him up for his own good before he embarrassed himself completely...again.
It was easy like this. Talking to a stranger felt safe, ironically. They don't expect anything from you, and they don't know anything about you, so they can't judge either.
He sat still; I could almost imagine his face scrunched up slightly in thought despite not knowing what he looked like. "uhhh...do you play Minecraft?"
A loud laugh made its way out of my mouth before I could stop it—this guy had no socialization skills.
"Sorry, sorry!" he held his hands up, chuckling. "I dunno how to start conversations, okay?"
I took deep breaths in, trying to calm myself down. "Judging by how awkward you got earlier, I think you saying 'I don't know how to start conversations with a female' is more accurate....and yes I do play Minecraft."
"POG— do you stream??"
Though I wanted to point out how he blatantly ignored the first part of my sentence, I decided to give him some mercy. Minecraft, streaming, the enthusiasm for both—this guy was basically Will. Of course, he wouldn't know how to talk to a girl.
"No... but I'm guessing you do?"
He huffed; I could see his shoulders sag. He didn't answer right away, which I thought was weird based on how excited he got earlier. "Kind of?" he answered reluctantly. "Not too often, though. I'm not a big streamer or anything, just a small one. I only play with a few friends—no one big like Dream or Wilbur Soot. That would be crazy. Absolutely crazy—"
"You're overcompensating, dude," I interrupted, mostly to save himself from looking more like a liar. I respected his reluctance—if he was actually a big streamer, obviously he wouldn't tell someone he doesn't even know the face of.
He was frozen, like he was in fight or flight mode.
"Don't worry, I won't ask," I reassured. "I understand if you don't want to tell me who you are. My cousin's a pretty well-known streamer so I've seen the struggle first-hand," I shrugged.
It wasn't just him who was anxious. The moment Will's name left his mouth I tensed up, thankful he wouldn't be able to see me through the darkness. I was fine telling him about Wilbur, just not how we’re related. My voice was heard in his stream earlier. If this guy watched Wilbur, then he might find my voice familiar.
"No shit I knew you sounded familiar!"
Shit. I cringed, waiting for the ball to drop.
"But UGHH I can't put my finger on it!!"
I let out a sigh. At least he couldn't figure it out.
"Are you like, Dream's cousin or something? That would be insane!" His hands moved around a lot as he talked—he definitely had more energy now than before. So much for a relaxing night by the shore.
I didn't mind, though.
"I don't even know who Dream is. Well, not really. I only know him because my YouTube recommendations won't shut up about some guy wearing a mask and a green hoodie who plays Minecraft."
He gasped, "OH what if you're like— Wilbur Soot's secret sister or something??"
Well, he kind of got it right. Will's basically my brother.
I was laughing at his antics again. "I listen to his music." I changed the subject, not wanting to risk myself giving away any more details. He’s getting close, but I did say cousin. Not sister.
He excitedly shifted so he was facing me, buzzing with energy. "YOU LISTEN TO LOVEJOY?!"
Of course, I helped make it, I thought. Damn, this dude seemed like a hardcore Will fan.
I nodded. "Of course, I do."
"What's your favourite song??"
I hummed in thought. Since I helped Wilbur and the rest of the band with most of the songs, I couldn't really choose one. It was all a nice experience. Wilbur said they were making new music, but I couldn't be much help because the closer school got the busier I was, too—especially since I just moved to Brighton.
"Perfume. That's gotta be my favourite." It wasn't a lie. It was the song I got most involved in, so it has a pretty special place in my heart.
It wasn't even supposed to make it to the album, but Wilbur said someone specially requested for it to be. At that point the songs that were going to make it to the album were already decided, so when Wilbur asked for my help on polishing ‘Perfume’—though, yes, I was honoured he went to me for help—it was sort of a rush. My mom and I were in the middle of moving from the US to the UK, then suddenly, Will is asking me to help improve the song.
Busy with packing my things at the time, I refused. But Wilbur was persistent, telling me that the song meant a lot to someone really important to him. Embarrassingly, it only took him a day to convince me to help him, although I did complain a lot about having to unpack my instruments.
By that point, most of my things were already packed. But we didn’t leave for a few days, so I went ahead and took my guitars and amplifiers out of the boxes and repacked them the day before we left.
I didn't have to help, but how could I say no to helping Wilbur?
If it wasn't so dark, I'd probably see the mystery man's eyes light up. I could sense it.
I flinched, not expecting his voice to be so loud. I shushed him, gesturing around us. It was late in the night; his voice would probably wake up the everyone in Brighton.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
Then silence. It wasn't awkward or tense. Weirdly enough, I’d say it was comfortable.
The sound of the waves, the wind—that's what I came for. Not loud voices and energetic teenage boys—
"How old are you anyway?" I crossed my fingers, hoping he wasn't some creepy old guy. Would a creepy old guy stream?
Judging by how his voice cracked from time to time, I'm guessing around my age. But I can never be too sure.
"Pshh, I'm not telling a stranger anything about myself." He pulled his legs up to his chest, still facing me. I chuckled, copying him. It was pretty cold; I could use the extra warmth.
"I'm 16." Hopefully I could encourage him to tell me his age too. I mean, he streams. I'm 90% sure he's gonna slip at some point. If he's anything like Wilbur, he'd be used to telling people stuff about himself.
"Were you born before or after April 9, 2004?" He asked.
And there it is.
Laughing, I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle it.
"What?" he asked, oblivious.
"What's it to you, Mr. "I'm not telling a stranger anything about myself"?"
He face-palmed, mumbling a soft "shit" under his breath. Then a louder one. "Shit!"
I kept laughing. I found his personality ridiculous, but nothing short of charming. "So, you're 18?" I asked as a matter-of-fact, my laughter dying down to uneven giggles.
"Oh of course not—I'm obviously 32." The sarcasm dripped from his words effortlessly.
"Yeah, and I'm Wilbur Soot's cousin." I rolled my eyes, letting a smile spread across my face. It was rare to converse with a stranger as freely as I am now, I don't mind sprinkling in some truth to our conversation. In all honesty, he's probably the first person I would consider a friend since I moved. It was a shame I didn't even know his face, but maybe it was better that way.
"Thank you," I told him. "It was a pretty shit day today—first day of school and all. I feel much better now, though."
"Ah, so you're saying little ol' me made your entire day better?"
I could probably feel his smug attitude from a hundred miles away. He wasn't wrong, though. "Of course," I stood up, dusting my clothes of any sand and dust that might have clung to the fabric. I extended my hand, offering to help him stand up, which he took graciously. "You're my Manic Pixie Dream Boy," I chuckled.
He was dusting himself off as well, and when he stood up straight—who am I kidding, he has a hunchback comparable to the protagonist of a certain Disney movie—I could finally see him in his full height.
"Holy shit, you're tall as fuck," came out of my mouth before I could stop myself.
He laughed, shaking off the last of the sand that made its way into the creases of his hoodie's sleeves. "So I've been told— wait, what's Manic Pixie Dream Boy? Bitch, do I look like a pixie to you? I'm a man!"
"Be honest, you're bitchier than I am," I joked, laughing until an idea popped into my head. "OH!"
He jumped, not expecting the sudden volume of my voice.
"MANIC PIXIE BITCH BOY!" I practically doubled over, clutching my stomach and occasionally wiping my eyes.
"I still don't know what that means!"
He tried to sound mad, but the smile I could hear in his voice proved otherwise.
Once I've composed myself, inhaling slowly to regain control of my breathing, I smiled at him. I found myself wishing he could see it for the first time that night. "I'll tell you next time?" I suggested, biting my lip, once again finding myself feeling different since I first talked to him.
There was a pause. Only the waves and the wind could be heard. The silhouette of his hair moved with the breeze as he ran his hand through it; the same one that went to rub the back of his neck a few moments later.
He extended his hand for me to shake, which I did, suddenly cautious if I seemed too eager with how I didn't hesitate to take shake it. "Next time," he replied, letting his hand linger in mine for a few more seconds than necessary. He gave it a squeeze before letting go.
I slowly walked backwards, "Bye, Manic Pixie Bitch Boy!"
"Bye, dipshit." He gave me a two-finger salute, which I reciprocated, before turning around to go back home.
Wilbur will have a field day if he hears about this.
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Mob bucky/seb or mob chris/andy recs??
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Updated 07/04/21 ✨ = Just Added
To be added please tag me in your future works!
Hey Anon! I’m so glad you asked this because Mob/Mafia! Any version of those boys is my favorite. In my previous fic recs I recommended...
If love was an option by @mianorth » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Part 1 🦋 Part 2 🦋 Part 3
Good Little Wife & Good Little Girl by @donutloverxo » Mob!Andy Barber x Reader – A little dark and it has some really good smut in it.
Blackmail by @stargazingfangirl18 » Soft!DarkMafia Andy Barber x Female Reader — You were just doing it to protect your family, at least that’s what you kept telling yourself, especially once you started to like it. (One-Shot)
Blow Sweet and Thick by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky x Reader — Bucky is having a bad day, you can help him feel good. (Part of Mafia Monday’s)
Run To You by @bestofbucky » Mob!Boss Bucky x Reader — Mob boss Bucky Barnes hires you to be his bodyguard. (Series)
Can’t Run, Can’t Hide by @angrythingstarlight » Dark!MafiaBucky Barnes x Reader — When you get noticed by the infamous mob boss, you flee. But Bucky doesn’t like to be denied anything and he’s coming for you. (One-shot)
Six Feet | Ch.1 ⚰️ Ch.2 by @queenoftheworldisdead » Dark Mob!Steve x Reader + Dark Mob!Bucky x Reader — Your family’s small funeral home comes into financial trouble. In desperation your father finds the most unlikely solution to solve his financial problems. | (Short Series)
Bankrupt by @mypoisonedvine » dark!40’s!Mob!Stucky x Reader — Your husband’s gambling addiction quickly got him in hot water with the mob, and you by extension. When some debt collectors come by to settle what is owed, you realize that you have a lot more to worry about than money problems.
Partition by @angrythingstarlight » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky comforts you after a bad day, and your boss learns why no one messes with his girl. —> Part 2: Let Me Show You — You wanted to know what your mobster boyfriend did, lucky for you he’s more into the show then tell.
Say the word and it’s yours by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your mobster boyfriend rescues you from a long, boring day at work. Bucky always said, “ask and its yours”
Lost Without You by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky Barnes would be lost with you. You’re his everything and he plans on spending Valentine’s Day proving it to you.
All Dressed In White by @angrythingstarlight » Dark!Mafia Bucky Barnes x Reader — You were going to marry someone else, Bucky won’t let that happen. You belong to him now and forever. Till Death Do You Part.
Thick As Thieves by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader x Mafia!Steve Rogers — The only thing the Mafia hates as much as snitches are thieves. And you’re planning on stealing from Bucky and Steve, what happens if you get caught?
Won’t Let You Go by @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay » Mob!Bucky Barnes x OFC!Kori — Kori met Bucky in one of his clubs, out to get shit-faced with a couple of friends to forget about her worries and maybe take home a guy to further rid herself of her numerous frustrations. Little did she know that the one-night stand with Bucky would turn into so much more than that.
Tell Me What You Want by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Steve Rogers x Reader; Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your mob boyfriend, is none other than Steve Rogers and he is willing to get you whatever you wanted, all you have to do is ask. And be careful what you ask for because he’s going to give it to you over and over again.
To Have & To Hold by @slyyywriting » Bucky Barnes x Mob Boss!Reader — Bucky is trying his best to provide and care for his daughter who just entered first grade. Everything was alright until she asks why everyone else seems to have a mom except for her. You’re just a plain mob boss who wants to turn a new leaf. Challenges arise when the world refuses to let you take a softer, non-violent route. A little girl helps you navigate a compromise.(series)
✨ Mob!Sugar Daddy!Stucky Moodboard by @brattycherubwrites » Mob!Stucky x Reader
✨ Laced Around Your Throat by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Steve x Reader, Mafia!Bucky x Reader — Your Mob boyfriend knows that the only thing that looks even better than his hand around your throat is his custom made necklace. You’re his girl and the world needs to know it.
✨ Hidden Gems by @jtargaryen18 » Mob!Steve Rogers x Mob!Daughter Reader — Your father is the head of one of the most powerful crime families in Boston but he’s protected you from that life. In your quiet home outside the city, you’ve been cared for and protected. When the desires of a more powerful man with the will to dominate bursts into your life, all your illusions are shattered as he comes to claim what is his.
Necessary Arrangements by @stargazingfangirl18 » Andy Barber x Fem!Reader, Ari Levinson x (Different) Fem! Reader ft. Ransom Drysdale » One of my favorite series, chapters are decent sized and the smut is so good!
Hugs My Love by @thatfuckingweirdo » Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Reader — You just really need a hug, and Bucky is the only one you want it from.
my old man is a tough man, but he got a soul as sweet as blood red jam by @cloudystevie » Mob Boss!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader — steve gives you what you want… kind of.
Brooklyn Wars by @world-of-aus » Stucky x Reader
Petals and Bullets by @revengingbarnes » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader (One of my all time favorites series)
I would check out @sinner-as-saint’s Masterlist they have quite a few Mob!Bucky series and one-shots that I have loved in the past.
Special by @buckycuddlebuddy » Bucky Barnes x Reader — this one-shot is really hot.
Love, Honor, and Obey by @constantwriter85 » Bucky Barnes — This one is good and I need to catch up on.
Mafioso by @captain-barnes-writes » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Please do yourself a favor and read.
Lipstick and Crayons by @oneoftheprettynerds » Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader - In Progress
A really good DarkMob!Steve Drabble called Please Hurt Me by @gotnofucks *chefs kiss*
The Mobster’s Little Girl by @smutsonian » Steve Rogers x Reader
off to the races 🐻 off to the races 2 by @harryspet » Soft!Dark Steve Rogers x Reader
The Ignorant Beauty & the Beast by @mysterioh » Steve Rogers x Reader – With 21 parts sadly it hasn’t been updated in 8 months, it’s one of my favorite Mob!Steve Roger fics out there. *Thanks to @inactivewhore I found out this story was moved to AO3 and is now called where angels fear to tread it was last updated on 13/11/20*
What It Takes by @cherienymphe » Bucky Barnes x Reader — You left Bucky once you found out who he really is. The one thing you thought would guarantee your safety ends up sealing your fate.
Welcome Home by @punani » Chris Evans x Black!Reader — He’s been away for awhile, but he knows that his girl’s loyalty to him knows no bounds. Knows she’s been waiting for him after her adamancy in telling him there was no other option. It’s only right to make the reunion a memorable one. | So, so, so, so freaking good!
These are what I found on Tumblr that I plan on reading.
Handmaid by @extremelyblackandwhite » Sebastian Stan x ingenue!Reader — y/n works as a handmaid for the daughter of an influential mob leader who is promised to the new boss of the most powerful mob family in new york, sebastian.
AO3 Website Reccomendations
Satellite Heart » Stucky x Reader — You used to be Steve and Bucky's girl. Then they fucking left without saying goodbye. Little did they know, you were pregnant. But life went on. You raised your Talia to the best of your ability. But one day, everything goes to shit. Now your boys are back in your life. And they're not planning on leaving anytime soon.
Little Fox A/B/O Series » Soft!Dark Bucky Barnes x Soft!Dark Natasha Romanoff x OFC! & Peter Parker x Soft!Dark Tony Stark — So I can’t stress this enough you need to read the tags for this series and I kept getting confused as I read this story as to how old Violet Mason is. But this series takes you on a roller coaster, I like it, my cousin didn’t finish it, I need to catch up.
Pelmeni *finished* » Stucky x Reader — James Bucky Barnes has a good life, as a member of a powerful organized crime syndicate. His best friend Steve is a member too and his literal partner in crime. Bucky's got a problem though. You. His longtime love and secret girlfriend. Unfortunately, your father is his boss and has plans for you that involve normal life. Steve has a problem too. Steve wants in on your relationship and more than the semi-regular/occasional steamy threesomes. You don't have a problem, you're just busy with a big mob wedding coming up, which means a big celebration, that you're busy catering for.
Dying For This Love » Dark!Bucky x Reader — That was before. When you were Bucky’s girl. Now, you have a score to settle. That’s why you’re wearing Bucky’s favorite red satin dress, the one with the cuts that reach right up to the tops of your thighs, the tennis necklace he gifted you for your anniversary, and are fresh off of a mani/pedi and hair appointment. He’s going to regret the day he fucked with you. | This one is intense and a tad bit dark, but the smut is good.
off to the races » Steve Rogers x Reader — In which you call the kingpin your Daddy.
The Mobster’s Little Girl » Steve Rogers x Reader — what happens when the big bad mobster gets blackmailed by your father to marry you? (kind of fluffy kind of not. kinda dark kinda not.)
Brooklyn Sweethearts » Dark!Stucky x Reader — Bucky and Steve had always been meant to keep her safe and happy. As far as anyone else was concerned, that was their sole reason for being alive. Unfortunately, the things that kept her safe were not always the things that kept her happy. Lately, she was making it pretty damn hard for them to compromise. | Probably one of my all time favorite Mafia!Stucky stories I have ever read, just sadly it also hasn’t been updated in like 8 months and I keep hoping it will get updated.
Hot Doll » Skinny!MobBoss Steve Rogers x Reader — Steve Rogers is on the rise in the New York underground as you’re trying to keep your own place there. | Dark and good!
Doctor Doctor » Steve Rogers x PlusSize! Reader — (1940 Mobster AU!) You're a war widow down on her luck; and the King of Brooklyn, Steve Rogers, takes notice. | Another one of my favorites. A little bit dark as well.
The Widow » Dark!MobBoss x Reader — It’s the 1920s and everyone’s having a roaring time but you. | Trust me it’s just dark enough.
Those are just some on AO3, I would just go through Mafia AU tag and go to filter and click Avengers or Captain America.
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