#I really hope this helps :(
fourdancingmoths · 4 months
"I want Payneland to get together in s2!" "I want lesbians!" Yes this would be nice but literally all I want is 8 hours of Kingham and Litty redemption arc. They could give us literally 8 episodes of Kingham and Litty trying and failing to be nice to Niko while they try to get out of Iglooland and I would eat all of it up. And then they save her life in the last episode and everybody claps and Niko and Edwin reunite and hug. The end.
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sleepanonymous · 11 months
Heya! I just got into Sleep Token and I'm enamored! Do you know of any links to posts or anything that talk about the characters and their personalities onstage? I'm having trouble differentiating between III and IV (I know II is the drummer) and I want to learn more about them!
Also, is it pronounced Two, Three, and Four, or Second, Third, and Fourth?
Hi and welcome! 😊 Glad to see a new fan of the band. For the sake of clarity, I'll answer your second question first. The Sleep Token lore technically dubs them all Vessel 1, Vessel 2, etc. so it's my understanding that fans started calling the other band members Two, Three, and Four, and used Roman numerals for their monikers.
TLDR: This Weblink has almost all of Sleep Token's lore, and This Video also has almost all of Sleep Token's lore. The easiest way to tell III and IV apart from each other is by their instruments and height. III plays bass and is taller than the rest of the band. IV plays guitar and is shorter than the rest of the band (except for II, he is the shortest of the four).
I'll be honest, I also had trouble differentiating between III and IV when I first got into the band. Up until very recently, they wore similar outfits, too, which made pictures difficult to tell them apart. You can always tell via the instrument they're holding (if it's visible). III is the bassist and IV is the guitarist. Another way to tell depends on which side of the stage they are standing on. 85% of the time III is stage right, in front of the choir (Vesselettes) and IV is stage left, in front of II's drum set. My favorite way to tell them apart (before it just became secondhand nature to know which was which) was if the musician had a bun under his mask or not. IV's hair is relatively concealed beneath his mask, but III has longer hair and puts it up into a bun to keep it all in place under his mask during rituals.
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The neck of III's bass is kind of in the way of the back of IV's head in the second photo, but here are two examples of the bun shape that III has. This is also a good way to tell them apart if they're standing next to each other, or, in this case, kissing. III is extremely tall and will always be taller than any other band member unless he's crouching or leaning over. If the two aren't standing near each other, you can always use Vessel as a measuring stick.
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The photo on the left probably isn't the best reference, but trust me, III is about 5 centimeters taller than Vessel, he's just leaning back. The photo on the right also probably isn't the best since Vessel and IV are both just dark shapes lol, but at least it's obvious that Vessel is taller than IV.
The band as a whole is anonymous so you might not find much in the way of personalities, even of their stage personas. If you're willing to read up on the Sleep lore itself, you can do that here (this is a link to boolintunes.com). Or, if you'd prefer to watch a friendly, lecture-style video, there is this one here on YouTube. Persona-wise the most concise I can give you is this:
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Vessel is very emotional. That is evident by the lyrics he writes, but doubly so when he is in front of an audience. He will cry, he will laugh, he will do silly dances, and he will hype up his bandmates. It's evident that he loves what he does, but he is also extremely humble about it. All of the love his fans give him he makes sure to give back 110% (the fact that he manages to do it without speaking is impressive in itself).
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II is a beast, like no joke. This man has got to have started playing drums before he could walk, I swear. He, like Vessel, obviously loves what he does, has a blast, and also gives zero fucks while doing it. He will sit at his drum set and kick out beats while drinking Red Bull and Diet Coke through his mask 🤣🤣 During moments in songs where there is little to no percussion he'll often stand up and react to the lyrics Vessel sings. He also comes to the front of the stage at the very end of rituals to hype up the crowd and hand out his used drumsticks and sometimes even a drum head.
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III is the most animated of the guys. I will often refer to him as the "main character" of Sleep Token because he is always front and center. This has also earned him the fandom nickname of Bassy Boi. I've seen him do everything from windmill headbang, to run in place, to high kick, to jumping up and down for 30+ seconds straight. He also has a knack for yelling at fans. There is a compilation video on YouTube here for reference. Also! Something I forgot to mention earlier in telling III and IV apart: III almost always has on his iconic checkered socks in the most recent shows.
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IV (at least the current IV) is probably the most reserved and collected on stage (fun fact, there were two other IVs in Sleep Token before our current IV, I wrote about that here), In earlier shows he played with the band, around 2021/2022, he used to be fairly shy. Sometimes IV would stand off to the very side of the stage and let Vessel and III have all the attention. Luckily he's seemed to get past his shyness and has become much more of a crowd pleaser. He'll often do things like serenade the crowd (a bit like II does, only a lot closer since there's no drum set in the way), get roped into Vessel's or III's chaotic stage antics, or, you know, tease pulling his mask off in front of an entire music festival crowd.
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byebyebbyblu · 5 months
Excuse me, I saw one of your posts--one where you said that what makes a butch a butch is who they are and not how they dress--and now I’m wondering if I am a butch or not because I don’t know exactly what “acting like a butch” means. I’ve been wondering this way before I saw your post because my family (conservative) sees me a super masculine, while my friends (queer) see me as androgynous, or even feminine at times. It’s a bit of a mess how people perceive me, but it’s interesting to see.
So, my question is, what are some traits that are “recognizable” when it comes to being a butch, if there are any? And how would you call an androgynous lesbian? Futch? Butch of Schrödinger?
Thank you in advance, and sorry for any inconveniences.
Hey thanks so much for the ask!
First of all I’m sorry if my post made you feel invalid that wasn’t my intention at all. I was trying to convey the complicated way that Butchness works and never meant to seem like I was positioning myself as some kind of authority because I’m not.
So far what acting Butch means. This question has a lot of nuance, it means a lot of different things to different people, you’re going to get a lot variety of answers. Acting Butch to me means loving your fellow Butches and Femmes, psychically and emotionally protecting the more vulnerable members of your community, and preforming masculinity in a way that challenges the “typical cis het male ideal of masculinity.”
I developed my idea of what acting like a Butch means from reading books by older Butches like Female Masculinity, Stone Butch Blues and Butch as a noun. I highly recommend them but please make sure to mind the trigger warnings. I’ve also learned a lot from older Butches on social media. @cowboyjen68 on here is a wonderful source.
For your last question some people do call themselves Futches (more as a joke then an actual identity) but there dosen’t seem to be a solid word for androgenous lesbian that I could find (maybe GNC or gender non conforming lesbian) If you feel like the label of Butch might fit you however I would suggest just trying it out. Labels are meant to fit you and if you try it and it dosen’t fit the worst thing that happens is that you were wrong. I personally tried the Butch label after IDing as a trans man for a while and it fit like a glove where the Trans man label didn’t.
Finally i’m sorry about your conservative family, I hope you’re safe and in a place where you can be loved for who you are. And if after reading this you find that the Butch label fits. Welcome home. We’re happy to have you!
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honeybeefae · 1 year
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Hi everyone!!
I know I've been taking a break but I really want to get back into writing so I came up with this *tentative* posting schedule! If the fic won't be out in time I will definitely give you all a heads up but I wanted to keep you all in the loop of what's going on!
I'm hoping this helps me with maintaining a schedule and also helps you all to know when to expect things!
I am keen to know your thoughts on this and if you guys would like this better or just me updating randomly? Also with the askbox games? Let me know <3
As always thank you so much for reading, talking, liking, reblogging, and just existing in general. I love you all and I hope you have a great night. <3
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theangrypomeranian · 9 months
I was gonna go on anon to ask this bc fear lol but do what scares you until it doesn't scare you ufeelme lmao ANYWAY
Do you have any guidance or advice to someone that has /never/ read fanfic but wants to start? I'm not really a shipper (outside of canon, anyway, like I love boblin but avoid the kids ships even if canon bc of the internet drama I've read. Obviously no judgment on my end, I just don't wanna be involved in it - that anxiety/ chronic stress life babey)
But I've been feeling like having scenes or stories to draw will be the next step in improving my art. I can draw the characters reasonably legible now so wanna draw them interacting with each other more! To encapsulate their dynamics and relationships with one another, any fanfic seems ideal for that! Otherwise I'd just be redrawing scenes and that's fine as is, but it's not necessarily enough? If that makes sense?
With all this in mind, I'm overwhelmed with the prospect of diving in without any knowledge on the fanfic/writing world whatsoever. As I only follow a small handful of writes, and you seem to be one of the most consistent/frequent, I would absolutely love and appreciate your help!
I understand this may either be an unnecessary amount of info, or just a lot/ an intense amount in general lmao, so you don't have to answer this! But I had to try somewhere 👉😎👉 I hope you understand! I'm sure you'll understand 😆🤭
Hello! Sorry for responding so late, work has been taking all of my spoons this weekend and I wanted to be sure I could answer this with the gusto you deserve. (Also I HELLA feel the "do what scares you until it doesn't", I need to start living by that more. Good on you, mate!) For what to read, my number one rule is if I don't think I'll enjoy the story I stay away. AO3's tagging systems is a freaking lifesaver for that imo as you can filter away a lot of stuff you don't want to see, like certain ships or genre tropes or even physical acts of affection/intimacy. Sometimes the summary of a story can also help you decide if it's something you would be interested in. And if there are certain things you DO want to see or certain characters or ships, you can exclusively look for stories that have them (like how I hang out almost exclusively in the Zeke x Tina tag on AO3 lol). Knowing what you do and don't like is crucial for this, though. If nothing else, you can just go onto the Bob's Burgers AO3 tag and scroll through the fics until you see something you want to try reading. And always remember that fanfic is supposed to be FUN, so if you start something and start to not like it there is no shame in clicking out. You are not obligated to keep reading something you don't like, not even if it's posted by someone you DO like. This is supposed to be a fun hobby, after all. I hope this helps you a little bit! And thank you so much for asking me about this, I feel honored. <3 Happy reading!
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ikaikapup · 2 months
Hi! Puppy play anon here. What if I can’t find a local community? And how do I know what kind of play is for me? What kinds of play are there? Also, do you need gear?
Thank you, sorry for all the questions!
No worries about asking questions lol, it's the 2nd best way to learn 2nd to experience. If you can't find a local community, maybe look online. I first got interested in pet play after seeing a man with his hood on just vibing and I thought, "nice vibe, but what's this all about." Went online and found Wattsthesafeword and then went down the rabbit hole. I ended up finding a site called Pupspace, made an account amd started chatting with pups all over the world. The best way to learn what is or isn't for you is to first ask yourself what are your limits. What are things you find interesting, things you don't really care for, all of that. Then research it, ask questions, get feedback, experiment, and experience. Pup play is after all a subsect of pet play. I've come to know various different pets ranging from pups and kitties to horses and lions, but if your looking specifically at pup play, there's moshes (get on all fours and roll around with other pups. Might have some wrestling, might just be a nice cuddle puddle, might even play fetch with a few handlers), some prefer the hierarchy where there are handlers, alphas, betas, omegas, etc., and for some it's the social aspect of being around other pups and just shutting the brain off and enjoying the vibe and living in the moment. Remember though everyone plays differently so my definition of play may look different than others. As for gear, it is not necessary at all, but it can help get you in the right mindset. When I put my hood on, it makes it easier for the human to go to sleep and the puppy to come out and play. I really hope this has been helpful!
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aboutiroh · 2 years
I don't know if you still do advice but, I feel stuck. I didn't know what I wanted to do for college in high school. Now I feel like I have nowhere to go.
Hi anon, I think a lot of people can relate to you (or at least I can). Many- if not most- people don’t have life figured out at 18 and know exactly what they want from it. What I’ve learned over the years is that, deciding on a college degree or whether or not you go to college at all, while still an important decision, will not define the rest of your life. People change degrees all the time. They drop-out, re-enroll, take a gap year, go back to college after seven years or just start going for the first time at 52. There’s always going to be an infinite amounts of paths you can take, and none of them are wrong. All you can do is take a guess at which one you deem best suited for you (this could mean: the one you’ll enjoy the most, the one that will help you achieve a certain goal, the one that best suits your skillset or whatever else you want it to mean). You will never know for sure before trying it, so don’t beat yourself up for not making the ‘right’ decision. A choice that seemed smart at first, might get you stuck at a later point. A very lousy period may lead to a great opportunity. So, I guess if you’re feeling stuck, all you need to do is get moving, irrespective of what way you go.
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cornmazehater · 6 months
how many boops do you need to get the black boop badge T^T
you need a casual 1000 boops :)
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Hi! I’m a first year uni student and I was wondering if you could help me out with something? It’s my second week and I’m already having trouble balancing my time. In general, how much time should I spend on each class outside of lectures a week? If it changes things I go to a decently prestigious school
[don’t feel pressured to respond if you don’t want to. I just saw your other advice posts and thought it was worth a shot :)]
Hi lovely! Figuring out time management was hard for me when I started undergrad, too. A general rule of thumb I've heard from professors is that for every credit/hour of class you have per week, you should spend 2-3 hours outside of lectures on that class. So in theory, for a 3 credit class you should spend 6-9 hours on it per week. However, I'd say that that isn't always the case! Sometimes you don't need that much time and sometimes you might need more, and I think that comes down to the class and professor more than the school (not the most helpful answer, I know, and I'm sorry for that)
I'm just going to brainstorm some general ideas below 💕
What are you studying? If you're in STEM, you might find yourself doing a lot of problem sets (my best friend was a math major and she was constantly doing work because each class would assign a certain amount of problems, and each would take a long time to do), and maybe some readings on top of that. She said that something that helped her was working with study groups can help keep you on track, and if you like them then it's even better because then you're hanging out with a friend too. She also set a cutoff time everyday where she would stop doing work so she could have a little time for herself
For me with linguistics, I had a LOT of readings to do for all my classes. Learning how to effectively skim texts and still understand the general point is a valuable skill, and it saves a lot of time! Most professors don't expect you to remember every single detail from readings, they often just want you to understand the argument and the general takeaway so you can apply it to the class (my point with asking what you're studying is that depending on the types of assignments, you might need different tips - even though I'd say my friend's tips can apply to anyone)
On a related note, lots of people take notes while reading. I had so many readings sometimes that I didn't have time for that, so if you're in a similar situation, instead of doing detailed reading notes, try reading your chapter/article, and then take a couple minutes to figure out your top 3 concepts from it that you think are most important and write those down with a quick blurb to refer to and what chapter/article the concept is from
Plan ahead and prioritize what you NEED to get done. Sometimes you won't get to everything, and you can't be too hard on yourself about it (which is easier said than done)
I've not tried this personally but I have some friends who set timers when they have multiple classes to study for. When the timer is up, they switch to the next class so they know they at least spent some time on it (it worked for them, maybe it would work for you! Again, I've not tried it)
As classes move forward and you have essays and projects come up, try to break them down into steps over multiple days/weeks. I've found doing that helps keep me from waiting until the last minute
I live by my planner. I tend to forget things if they're not written down, and it helps keep me organized as well (I write down my assignments in different colors based on what class they're for). I've found that if I can see everything I have to do it helps me prioritize and keep on track. Also it's silly but it really feels like you're getting things done when you get to cross things off, which can be oddly encouraging
Schedule in some time for yourself when you can. Part of balancing time in uni is making sure you're not being over worked. Join a club or make sure you have time to do something you enjoy, or even just time to relax :)
I hope this helps and I'm sorry I couldn't help more! Figuring out how to balance time can be pretty tailored to the individual and the classes being taken, but I hope any of these ideas are helpful! Also feel free to keep asking me things, or DM me if you want! You're going to do WONDERUL and AMAZING things ✨️
I'm also going to tag @peregrination-studies! She is my go-to studyblr buddy for if I need any tips or encouragement or a buddy to talk to 💛 check out her blog too (also hi grace! If you have anything you'd add, feel free but of course no pressure <3)
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seraphdreams · 1 year
hihiiii kinda a weird question but have you ever had thoughts of not being good enough for your favs? how if they knew you irl they'd probably not like you and think you're ugly or annoying? if yes, do you have any ideas how to fight against these negative thoughts?
sometimes the insecurity gets to me and even the selfship blorbos in my head :(
no it’s not a weird question at all ! i’m gonna be honest and say i haven’t really felt like this much but sometimes the feeling does rise. for me, when i felt this way, it was probably because i was comparing my selfship to others’ selfship with the same character — what helped me was realizing that this character is fictional, this character doesn’t have a “type”, and that i can think about this character freely because they’re in my head and no one else’s so i must be selfish about it.
characters are here to comfort you n make you feel happy — they wouldn’t judge you at all because 10/10 they have no room to judge. they love you because you’re you ! no nonsense about it!
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proton-wobbler · 1 year
hi!! firstly i would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS TOURNAMENT i love obscure birds with my LIFE. secondly, i wanted to ask about your policies regarding extinct birds? i just submitted one of them, but i wanted to know if the standard for disqualification was basically the 'bird's' classification as a bird/bird-likeness (as stated in the submission rules)? or are there other factors as well? thank you again! <3
My preference in regards to extinct birds is that you could look at one that was magically brought back today and go "oh yeah thats a bird". I mostly want to keep anything that could be considered a dinosaur out of the list.
The only exception is Archaeopteryx and that's because they get the "first bird" moniker, but that sort of proto-avian is who I'm hoping to avoid.
I wish I could be more clear, but I'm kinda bad on prehistoric taxonomy when it comes to the divide between birds, near-birds and dinos. I was going to say "only Neo-avians" and then couldnt remember if things like Moa or Ostritch are considered Neo-avian...
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venbetta · 1 year
Hi!! How's it going? I really love your comics and fanfics, and since you're really good at that.... Could you give me some advice to start writing my own comic? I have a lot of ideas and I want to start writing now but.... I don't know how to start with the story because of my selfdoubt... I want it to call the public's attention right away but I don't wanna start with the important stuff right now... you know?
Hi I'm doing okay!
I didn't expect to get asked this so I'm sorry if my advice doesn't seem cohesive.
Well, for me, I've been drawing for a long time and I even made comics when I was a kid. I recently made it my own personal goal to become a full time comic artist in the coming future (I'm only 19 so I have a long way to go).
One of the things to start with is first learning how to write and create stories, whether that's for yourself or your friends or whoever you're comfortable receiving advice or critique from. I started out writing fics on wattpad and over the years learned how to write better original stories and eventually become comfortable to let my friends read them. I'm not particularly good with writing advice but there are a lot of resources out there to help regarding writing a story.
Now for comics, I think it requires a lot of patience and thought, especially if it's being posted online. I'd recommend looking at webcomic series (if that's what you want to do) or find a physical graphic novel series that you enjoy and take inspiration from them and break down what made you like the comic. It took me a little while to eventually start a comic-- specifically a webtoon-- which I posted on Webtoons during 2021-2022. It's a little nerve-wracking to start but if you never try, then you won't ever start...
I think it's good to start small and simple, whether it's a black or white comic or a silly 4-panel gag comic; so that you can understand how to layout a comic and develop a work flow. Write outlines and scripts for your comic if there's a overarching narrative!!
I've done fully rendered comics before and while it's rewarding to see the finished product, they are very draining (especially if you have deadlines alongside a busy schedule). Example here:
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This took 12+ hours... I still see stuff wrong with it today haha
I don't regret it obviously, because I know I'm a perfectionist and I like my stuff looking nice, however it can really take a toll after a while. So if you're going to fully render everything, try to keep it simple/presentable.
Comics really do take time, along with gaining an audience, which is a whole other can of worms. You just need to put yourself out there, post things you enjoy and what other people might enjoy. My current fixation is FNAF right now, so most of my content right now is catering to it, and people will flock to it more than my original stuff. Once you start posting original content, it solely depends on if the viewers want to consume your original stuff (and it's okay if they choose not to!). It all takes time.
Now for the self-doubt, I can definitely relate to and I understand that completely. I have a good case of imposter syndrome when it comes to most of the things I create. There were countless times when working on my comics I had the repeating thought of: "Is this something I really want to do?" "Am I good enough for this?" "Why am I trying it looks awful..." etcetera etcetera!
This was when I was doing webtoons. It's very easy to fall into that self doubt/insecurity, especially when you see other artists who's art styles/writing are prone to comparison with your own work. That's something I'm still working on myself, I'm still young y'know, the self doubt comes and goes, but I think one way to combat that is to take a step back whenever you think of something negative, try and figure out why you feel that way, if there's something you can do about it, and work from there. Look at some old drawings or read old stories you've written and reflect on how far you've come and realize you're still growing and there's going to be growing pains when it comes to working on projects. It's so easy to compare yourself and to think you're inadequate but if you focus on bettering yourself and doing what you think what's best for you then you don't need to worry about what other people are doing.
Personally something I do to keep myself focused on my work (and not spiral) is listen to podcasts, music, or video essays (if you can listen to someone's lets play, that works too, but it can be distracting sometimes). Having some background noise can definitely help you stay focused and not let your thoughts get so distracting. Take breaks obviously, take naps, do what you need to.
I have some videos that I watched when I was looking into starting a comic/webtoon along with some writing tips here:
I'm sorry if this was very long winded, I hope I covered most of it, I just needed to get some points across. I hope this helps you, and good luck on your story!
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Hello Mr. Blackquill,
Do forgive me if I am overstepping or prying into your personal life, yet if my assumptions are correct, you have a rather difficult relationship with Ms. Aura Blackquill, right? Do you have any advice on how to deal with estranged family members?
Have a wonderful holiday season,
A curious anon
Anonymous reader,
I am not certain of what all your assumptions are, but you are correct, Aura and I have a complicated relationship at the best of times. She has gone to extremes that I can not hold to to achieve her goals, and vice versa.
That being said, I also fully comprehend her reasoning and can not say with certainty I would change the entirety of my actions were our roles reversed, as, misguided as they were, they were driven by love.
Which brings us to your question about estranged family, and an important factor to consider. Is your family attempting to love and care for one another, despite whatever factors are pulling them, and possibly you, apart?
If no, then you may, if you so choose, be polite, but need not seek contact with them outside of whatever may occur naturally, and should indeed consider how you could lessen said encounters. There is no reason to spend time with family who do not give a damn about you.
However, even if they are driven by love, that does not mean you should spend time with them. It is not that simple.
To use a personal example, Aura and I love each other. We also live in separate homes and pursue separate lives. Simply put, we are happier seperate. On the other hand, Cykes-dono has had a turbulent life, which, sadly, I contributed to. She has made the decision to remain in my life, which has improved both. That said, it has not been easy, and requires open communication from both sides. I would be lying if I said I had never hurt her, regardless of intent.
I can not advise more fully just now, as I do not have enough information, So I leave you with this.
If a family member is a danger to you, your loved ones, or your sanity-
Avoid them.
It may cause hurt feelings, either for them or for others. I don't give a damn, and neither should you.
Their emotions are not your responsibility. Your safety is. Anyone who can not understand that is a fool. Protect yourself. Protect your loved ones. Protect the people who can not do so themselves.
Do whatever necessary. It will not be easy, but it must be done, be there love or no.
-Simon Blackquill
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regardingjenmish · 2 years
Hi! I hope asking this is not annoying, I know you've answered this already when the pilot aired but I searched your blog and couldn't find your answers. I really really really want to watch The Winchesters, definitely in a way that helps the viewings if possible, but I'm not from the US, nor Europe, and I have no idea how? I have googled and found nowhere where the episodes are available. I apologise if this is too basic a question, I have no one I can ask this and I have some difficulty dealing with and understanding the internet. I hope all is well and you're having a lovely day/evening <3
Hi sweetheart! Don't apologize for asking this! So I watch the show live by using a VPN which helps you change your location to wherever in the world (i use windscribe) and I watch it on this link here , here's also a post that links some other options/sites to watch the show :)
You could also use a VPN and then stream the show through the CW app/site but I don't know which VPN could unblock the site/app. Since some do and some don't. But if you want to watch it live you can use any VPN and just watch on one of those links :)
I'm so sorry I answered this so late btw! Hope this helps and you can watch it later :)
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longingdq · 2 years
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a little visionboard I did to try to keep motivation. lets see how this works :) 
got every pic from pinterest! 
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heybaetae · 2 years
hello! long story short, i've abandoned tumblr a while ago and now that im back again im having some issues that i haaaate.. i have the same theme as u and always liked to have multiple sidebar photos every time u refresh and idk why with this particular theme is so hard to be done?? how did u do it 😔
oh trust me, I KNOW.
this theme took me hours upon hours to customize to my own liking and my biggest hurdle with it was figuring out what part of the code to replace with the randomized sidebar code. some theme codes are written very straight forward and it's easy, then some (like this one) are way more complicated. i tried so many different things, but the gifs kept ending up in weird places and messing up the entire theme and i'd have to start from scratch repeatedly even though i was sure the line of code i was replacing was correct.
anyway, i eventually figured out that in order to get the code to work, you have to upload one sidebar gif to the theme itself under the "theme options" section on the left hand side tab before editing the code in. so click the little pen icon next to "sidebar" and choose a gif.
after that and many errors, i landed on exactly which part of the theme code to replace with the sidebar code that i use (which is this one btw) that finally put everything in the right spot: { block:ifSidebarImage } < img src="{image:Sidebar}" id="side-img" alt="Sidebar image"/>< /a>    {/ block:ifSidebarImage }
The line that I italicized was what I deleted and where I inserted the custom code with all my sidebar gif urls (minus the one I uploaded). It takes away the default rounded corners from the original theme's sidebar gif, but whatever!
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