#I really hope we don't end up looking down the barrel of what's left of LOKI CROWN
It’s Week 3 and I promised I’d commit to my theory for Season of the Seraph’s story arc if hubris didn’t come knocking for me before then, so time to put my money where my digital mouth is. I’ve seen folks talking about the first part of this theory, but not the second, so here goes: 1) Clovis will try to make himself the new Warmind and 2) in the process breach the Ascendant Realm and open the way for Xivu Arath.
Clovis, by the way, gave away the game like two minutes in because he can’t keep his dang mouth shut. Clovis couldn’t resist a good smug gloat. He gave it all away when Ana said god, fine, hop on this disk and we’ll go. He said, “Once I am in control, all will be as it should be. The Warmind will rise again.” 
As it should be? That line stopped me cold. Clovis hated that Rasputin was in charge. He couldn’t believe he, the genius Clovis Bray the first, was expected to take orders from a jumped-up calculator he used to own. A restored Rasputin is not “as it should be” in Clovis-land. What is “as it should be?” It’s Clovis, so that’s easy: the way things should be is with him in charge. He doesn’t say, “Rasputin will rise again.” He says, “The Warmind will rise again.” Clovis is going to get all the subminds together except put himself at the center instead of the Rasputin core Ana has, and try to make himself the new Warmind. All of which would just be fun to watch as we wait for Red to break him, but: there’s Xivu Arath to deal with. 
We’re all worried about Xivu getting into the warsats. I don’t think she wants them at all. In the Judgement of Kelgorath lore she doesn’t order Kelgorath to go get her some warsats. She says: possess the Warmind. Xivu Arath has plenty of weapons already. What she needs, as Mara points out, is a way in. Mara comments in the encounter dialogue that moving an army through the ascendant realm is very hard. But Xivu did it over Torobatl. How? Sav showed her the way: she did it by getting someone on the other side to build her a gate.
I was surprised in Season of the Hunt by the extent of control Xivu displayed. I thought her unlikely to go for subversive powers like Oryx’s Taking or Sav’s manipulation. But she’s a lot smarter than I gave her credit for. Her Wrathborn contagion is effective, coercive, and quick-spreading. It makes sense metaphorically: violence is a kind of disease, an insidious way of thinking that spreads and snares people till they see everything as a conflict to be settled by force. Xivu invaded the Cabal by infecting Caiatl’s co-ruler Umun’arath, general of the Cabal legions. Driven further and further into obsession with the conflict Xivu Arath makes herself synonymous with, Umun’arath invoked her in the rituals of warfare - the same ones Eris and Eido were discussing - opening the way for Xivu’s armies to pour into the skies over Torobatl. 
For Xivu to repeat that trick in our solar system, she needs another Umun’arath. But Umun’arath was a singularly convenient target: the military chief of the war machine of a huge conquering interstellar empire, or in other words, someone you might call...war-minded. When scouting our solar system Xivu probably heard the name “Warmind” and thought hell yeah, that’s my ticket in. Except it’s not, because Rasputin’s a) not coherent right now and b) not fundamentally the personality she needs. That’s what we’re already exploring this season: at his core Rasputin was never a martial system. He was a pretentious art nerd who got drafted. They made him a Warmind. Xivu Arath needs someone coterminous with war for its own sake, with conflict as the apex of existence, with the supreme violence she represents. And ironically it turns out the Warmind Rasputin is not sufficiently war-minded. 
But Clovis is.
Clovis Bray already sees life as endless contest and conflict via his pseudo-evolutionary legacy bullshit. He’s Xivu’s dream target. When you first see her forces attacking him Clovis is like “they want my precious braaaaaain!” and Osiris goes, “no, they want him. Brought to submit.” That’s exactly what Clovis wants of Rasputin (and to a lesser extent Ana and Elsie): brought to submit. He’s neck deep in Darkness on his own, no convincing needed. And he’s a coward. If Clovis hasn’t cut a deal yet with either Xivu or the Witness to ensure “humanity’s” (his) survival in exchange for his allegiance, he will as soon as he has the reins. After all, let it not be said that he left humanity to fend for itself, right?
So that’s her plan: Xivu Arath attacks the warsat infrastructure to force us to go to Clovis and give him access to Red’s enclave. She waits while we do all the hard work of laying out the subminds to conjure back Rasputin. Clovis inevitably betrays us to slot himself in instead and take control, rousing Rasputin’s entire apparatus of violence to impose his own command on the solar system, helped along by the Wrathborn contagion already brewing in his subconscious. In doing so he invokes such immense rites of war that he opens the way for Xivu to step through. It’s Torobatl all over again...except I don’t think trying to “become the Warmind” is going to work out the way Clovis thinks. 
Clovis still doesn’t understand what Rasputin is, and he still doesn’t understand - as he doesn’t understand with any of his kids - that Rasputin is no longer as Clovis designed him to be. Even Ana hasn’t fully gotten there yet. Both Brays are still thinking of Red as a sort of jigsaw puzzle to be pieced back together. But assembling himself was the first thing Rasputin ever did. Ana still hasn’t cracked the real reason “plug engram into Exo, receive Warmind” isn’t working: because Rasputin is a distributed intelligence. He lives in connections, literally and metaphorically - between warsats, between worlds, with Ana, with humanity. He’s a creature fundamentally built on network and communication. Rasputin is already still out there. He’s in that engram, but he’s everywhere else, too. He’s still in the warsats. He’s talking to us through the Sleeper nodes. He’s going to fight Clovis for control of that Exo Frame; that’s why the frame has red eye-lights in all the season art even though Clovis uses blue ones. 
And in the larger paracausal sense our entire solar system still bears the marks of the Warmind’s influence. He’s synonymous with the Golden Age. The same way Oryx conjured back Savathun and Xivu Arath by recreating the shapes they made, Rasputin will be conjured back by the shape he traced out in a huge web of connections and actions and effects on others that Clovis, an isolated point, fundamentally doesn’t understand. So Clovis is going to pull his little coup, possibly smashing that engram along the way, and he’s going to think it’s working, too - right before Rasputin cracks him open like an egg, because the Warmind never left. I think this season ends with us fighting Clovis in full Wrathborn mode while Xivu Arath’s armies stand ready just on the other side in the Ascendant Realm, hammering to get in, and Rasputin will deliver the final blow from inside - or maybe not, since killing Umun’arath completed the ritual last time, maybe we just wedge Clovis into his own Pillory engram - stopping Xivu from getting her beachhead and leaving her angry but stranded in the Ascendant Realm. 
Hopefully. Either way I can’t wait to see what happens.
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
Hi, I wanted to say that I really liked reading your analyses when it comes to flaws in lmk's writing, along with the ranking of the villains that you did. I hope it's alright to ask for advice, since I'd like to make a romantic self insert story with Macaque, but the thing is that I'm worried on how to portray the platonic relationship between Sun Wukong and Macaque. While we still don't know entirety of how Macaque died in his fight with Wukong, I've already made decision to address both of their faults that caused their relationship's downfall. What I'm worried about is how to portray it clearly that it's both of their faults, without making them too OOC. Some fans have tendency to chose sides with their whole situation, which is something I'd like to avoid. But I'm not sure how to avoid that, which is why I'd like to ask for your advice on it.
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Sun Wukong and Macaque
A Rundown on the Fallout
This is an interesting question, and thank you for asking! Given how much of their personal backstory is left to viewer interpretation, I’ve included a little bit of mine.
I think the big, big thing that people miss with the Sundial/Shadowpeach fallout is how severely uneven it is. But give me a minute to get there…
Probably the biggest of Past!Sun Wukong’s biggest issues is what I’m going to call “externalizing”. (This isn’t the appropriate way to use that word, but I’m at a loss here) Wukong is bright and loud and happy- and very, very desperate for attention.
Sun Wukong’s literal first action in the world was to excitedly barrel towards a group of monkeys. His first words end with him asking plainly “Don’t ya like it?!” like a child begging for praise from a parent. He shows off to Subodhi’s other students. He eagerly tells a chaotic story to his sworn brothers and is implied to play it up to some degree for attention.
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This is direct opposition to Macaque.
Past!Macaque is quiet, withdrawn. He has no ties to other people. He doesn’t pipe up. He’s not bold or confident. So what does Macaque do?
Well, just about jackshit. There’s only TWO members of the six-strong brotherhood that he actually shares interactions with- Sun Wukong and Peng.
Azure Lion? Yellowtusk? Demon Bull King? Macaque literally doesn’t interact with any of them even once. Nobody calls him brother. Flash to the modern day, and he’s the last person Azure bothers looking for.
He doesn’t joke, or tell stories, or try to bond with the rest of the crew. This is literally how he responds to being called a coward and a rodent by a “brother”.
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By mildly frowning.
(Side note: WUKONG IS NOT IN THE WRONG FOR NOT DEFENDING MACAQUE FROM PENG. Macaque never went above a mild frown and never acted hurt or upset beyond this little facial expression. If he was sad ((WHICH HE WASN’T)) or seethingly angry ((WHICH HE WASN’T)) then it’s on Macaque and Macaque alone for not defending himself. Wukong is not his brother’s keeper, etc.)
(Macaque, even in the past, was a lot stronger than he’s often given credit for. Did this remark make him unhappy? Yes. Did it break or ruin him? No.)
He has no friends or ties to the past. No mentor and no fellows and no troop. No one likes him. No one wants him. No once cares about him… except for the Monkey King.
All he has is Sun Wukong.
So already they’re on this MASSIVELY unbalance scale where Wukong has a title and a troop and a heaping handful of immortalities and a band of brothers and a sacred weapon and a mountain and and and!!!
And… Macaque has… his shadow powers?
Yeah, they’re not on level footing. Wukong could pull out of the brotherhood and away from Macaque and throw down his staff and still have so, so much!
And Macaque, if he left Wukong, would have next to nothing.
Sun Wukong is his one good thing. His one star in a dark sky. Sun Wukong is all that Macaque has.
Already is this an EXTREMELY unhealthy dynamic, where you’re basically living for a second person without them putting that devotion back towards you-
Which is exactly what causes the downfall of this relationship.
Macaque doesn’t speak up for or against anything. He’s just willing to sit pretty and play along… because it’s for his one good thing.
Because it’s for Wukong.
Even if his brothers don’t like him, or he gets mocked, or he doesn’t want to play along, Macaque grits his teeth and stays- because it’s for Wukong.
Because he can’t lose his one good thing.
So he’ll do anything.
And that’s the problem.
The Monkey King isn’t asking him to shut up and play nice. Nor does he ask for blind loyalty. And he doesn’t ask his friend not to voice his concerns and fears.
Macaque is choosing to do these things.
Because he can’t lose his one good thing.
Macaque is choosing to “internalize” (again, this isn’t the appropriate way to use that word, but I’ve set a precedent here) his thoughts and feelings.
Macaque pulls everything inside, and Sun Wukong pushes it all out.
The First Crack: Uneven Expectations
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Macaque is not honest with his thoughts and feelings. He never actually expresses the way he feels to Wukong, which leads to the Monkey King never understanding his feelings. But you know what Macaque DOES do?
He gently and softly nudges the idea of maybe kinda I dunno potentially not taking over the entire Celestial Realm???
But he doesn’t say no.
Macaque never expresses himself or genuinely tries to talk Wukong out of overthrowing the Jade Emperor. He just hints at the idea and EXPECTS Wukong to pick up on his thoughts and wants without any real effort on his own part. He puts ALL of the onus onto Wukong to understand and reach out to him, without putting that amount of time and effort in himself.
Macaque wants to be understood without putting on the effort to be understandable, which isn’t fair to Wukong at all.
The Second Crack: Unfairly Divided Consequences
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Wukong is solely punished for the crimes of six men, and left to rot while his sworn brothers run free.
(Quotes pulled from prior analysis)
Sun Wukong is trapped. For attempting to overthrow the Jade Emperor, he is sentenced to FIVE HUNDRED YEARS trapped under a mountain.
Let me elaborate for anyone who doesn't sympathize.
For the next five hundred years, Sun Wukong will be 75% immobile and alone under a nearly lightless mountain. There will be no noise, no stimulation, and no company. He will suffer in silence, and he will suffer alone.
But you know who ISN'T being punished for an attempt to overthrow the Jade Emperor?
Now, this is funny. Wukong leads a six strong band of brothers against the forces of the Celestial Realm, but only ONE of them faces consequences for the rebellion- himself.
Even five hundred years later when Wukong is set free and traveling with his fellow pilgrims...
No one else has faced consequences for the rebellion. All five of Wukong's "brothers" (Azure Lion, Peng, Demon Bull King, Yellowtusk, and yes, Macaque) get away scot-free to continue their plans and schemes.
I would be pissed. You would be pissed. There is not ONE SINGLE PERSON in this world that would NOT be pissed about how blatantly unfair this is.
(End Quote)
This is especially important if you read Azure Lion’s about Wukong “surrendering” as the truth (he is an unreliable narrator), then it’s likely his brothers were spared as a result of his surrender. And still, he’s all alone in this cavern, bored and uncomfortable and angry.
And probably very sad and lonely, too.
The Third Crack: Peach Symbolism
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When Wukong wants to cheer Macaque up, what does he do?
Engage in snacking and physical affection that leaves the two snuggled up side by side on a sunny beach.
Seems like the Monkey King has a pretty good read on his best bud!
Now, how does Macaque repay the favor?
After an unknown period of time spent in the extensively explained condition above leaves Wukong angry and frustrated, Macaque comes by to-
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Jam a peach into Wukong’s face and act like nothing is wrong at all.
Sun Wukong doesn’t want to pretend that nothing is wrong. He doesn’t want to act like everything is okay. He wants to be free.
But Macaque has put on an act this entire time. He’s played along and kept quiet and complacent and been “good”, and even now is he acting.
So he presents, of all fucking thing, a peach.
Sun Wukong likes peaches, yes. They’re likely a comfort food from a time long past, a constant in his long, long life.
(I bet that on Flower Fruit Mountain there’s a special strain untainted by the push of genetically-modified fruit that’s grown to be chock-full of sugar. I bet it’s his absolute favorite thing in the world to eat. I bet he shared it with the Pilgrims. I bet he wishes he could share it with them again. I bet.)
They’re a symbol of massive freedom- freedom from strife and pain and death.
And having that symbol presented to him so plainly and pretend-happily?
It’s just the final nail in his diminishing coffin of self-control.
The Fourth Crack: Wukong Lashes Out
So, as was unavoidable from the start of his imprisonment- Wukong snaps and rejects the peach, mocking Macaque for trying to cheer him up from a five-hundred year sentence with fruit and a false smile.
But he doesn’t stop there-
The Monkey King continues to castigate his best friend, blaming him for things that are the shoulderweights of six men.
Except he’s not really lashing out at Macaque directly- he’s just lashing out, and Macaque happens to be the nearest target.
There was bound to be a breakdown eventually. No matter how you look at this scenario, anyone would snap. There’s literally not even one person who wouldn’t break down eventually.
And then, Macaque lashes right back, and says something very interesting-
The Fifth Crack: Macaque Lies and Run Away
(Censored quotes taken from same analysis)
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No, he didn't.
Macaque nudges the idea. He implies the idea. He hints it, quietly and softly.
"You're really going through with this?" Is not him shutting down the idea of fighting the Celestial Realm.
It's him being a coward and trying to dance around the issue without a direct confrontation.
Not even once does Macaque say: “We shouldn't fight the Jade Emperor."
He directly LIES to present himself as being the better person during this fight.
Macaque is lying to his best friend’s face to make himself look better in this utterly pointless argument, then prepares to run away and never comes back- but not before placing literally all of the blame for EVERYTHING onto Wukong’s shoulders.
(End quote)
Final Crack: YOU are responsible for MY behavior!
Finally, Macaque makes a few last “Nothing is ever MY fault!” statements to Wukong, consisting of:
“You dragged everyone else into this!”
“You put yourself here, not me!”
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Which are BOTH blatantly untrue, given that
1. The Azure Lion is actually the one who started the Brotherhood in the first place
2. Macaque is a grown man who makes his own decisions
3. The rest of the Brotherhood are grown men who make their own decisions
4. Macaque went along with the plan willingly
5. The rest of the Brotherhood went along with the plan willingly
6. Everyone took part in the attempted rebellion of their own will and volition
Everyone is responsible for the end result, including Macaque who was there literally every step of the way, but he doesn’t want to accept that!
Macaque wants to be a perfect little victim who can wipe his hands of the matter, and who better to blame…
Then his “one good thing”, who is now utterly helpless and incapable of doing anything about it?
Macaque only finally lashes out and speaks up when there is literally no way to face recourse for it- which is proof of the cowardice lurking inside him.
There’s a big reason that Wukong calling him out for “running away” hits so hard and is what finally prompts Macaque into speaking up and tries to absolve himself of all blame.
Because Macaque knows that Wukong is right.
The first thing that Macaque does when things go wrong is to prioritize himself and run away. (Just remember how he responded to unleashing the Samadhi Fire.) Then, when all is said and past and it’s time to tell the tale, Macaque will whitewash himself- which he does blatantly in “Shadowplay”.
So when his gilded “one good thing” finally cracks the image Macaque built up by being a fallible person who stumbles and slips up and makes very human mistakes?
He abandons ship, and allows his flaws to start sliding out- now Macaque is “externalizing”, which he’ll continue to do to the present day- taking everything inside and putting it out- by projecting and slandering and lying and trying to hurt innocent people.
Essentially, Macaque puts his best friend on a pedestal and of his own will and volition plays the role of “lackey” for nothing in return without being asked, then ditches him over a fight and returns to a much unhealthier group of “friends”, while Sun Wukong is left to serve a lonely sentence as punishment. But because the Monkey King receives punishment and does his time, Wukong is allowed a chance at redemption under the loving and caring eye of his Master, Tang Sanzang, and manages to redeem himself, where his guilty brothers going free leads them to continually rack up crimes that leaves them on the receiving end of the pilgrims wrath.
Okay I’m tired now love you guys ❤️❤️
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drconstellation · 11 months
When Crowley met Jesus, and the other demon at Golgotha
You know the scene. 33AD. Aziraphale is watching the crucifixion take place and certain fem-presenting demon sidles up to him.
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Aziraphale greets them, and finds out they have changed their name.
"What is it now?" he asks them. " Mephistopheles? Asmodeus?"
I know most you have learnt by now that Asmodeus is the demon of lust, and this is obviously Aziraphale's idea of a flirty little joke (perhaps the first we see? because he's the one who's really as "mad as bag of frogs" after all and that's why Crowley's made an appearance, because he was probably just in the area, you know...), but I haven't seen or come across much meta about the first suggested name, which is a GO "lead balloon" moment.
Mephistopheles, Aziraphale? That's the name you thought of here? Of all places? jfc...you bad, bad angel! lmoa! This is a serious, sombre situation you are witnessing!
Mephistopheles is the name of the fictional demon sent to do a deal with the character Faust in a story that dates back to Germany in the early 1500s. Faust was a like a scientist in his day, well educated in things like alchemy and astrology and other mystical arts, maybe even having wizard powers (why not?) But he was hungry for more power so he did a deal with the devil for 24 years of assistance to achieve and gain anything he desired, and at the end of that time he would be claimed by Hell. Needless to say, despite starting off well it didn't have a happy ending. (I wont go into details as there are lots of variants, and its not that short, and they aren't all that relevant to the point of the post.)
It has been a hugely influential story ever since, appearing in many forms over the years; in opera, theater, movies, novels, adaptations such as Oscar Wilde's The Portrait of Dorian Grey, and Queen's famous song Bohemian Rhapsody. Terry Pratchett also did a parody of it in his 1990 book Eric, and readers have often noted the similarity to the Hell depicted there to the Hell in GO.
Its the origin of the idiom "to do a deal with the devil" and a Faustian bargain. The mortals that enter into the deal with a powerful supernatural entity are usually set up to fail, and we go along with it because we are so used to the trope, its one we've come to expect the bargainer to fail in some spectacular fashion. It's one that keeps being repeated again and again because it so interesting to explore - often the protagonist is looking for some form of happiness, sometimes revenge, and hopes the deal will deliver, but find out the hard way that they should be careful what they wish for because the delivery is a two-edged sword. They may find out that they don't actually want what they thought they wanted, or they get what they want in an very unexpected way.
Back to Golgotha, and our demon and angel. We learn the demon has merely modified their name to Crowley. And yes, they met Jesus.
C: "Seemed a very bright young man. I showed him all the kingdoms of the world."
A: "Why?"
C: "He's a carpenter from Galilee, his travel opportunities are limited."
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This is a reference to one of the the tests of faith Jesus was put through before his crucifixion, from the Book of Matthew.
I like this modern version I found:
For the third test, the Devil took him to the peak of a huge mountain. He gestured expansively, pointing out all the earth’s kingdoms, how glorious they all were. Then he said, “They’re yours—lock, stock, and barrel. Just go down on your knees and worship me, and they’re yours.” Jesus’ refusal was curt: “Beat it, Satan!” He backed his rebuke with a third quotation from Deuteronomy: “Worship the Lord your God, and only him. Serve him with absolute single-heartedness.” The Test was over. The Devil left. And in his place, angels! Angels came and took care of Jesus’ needs. Matthew 4:8-11 The Message
Or, you could say: Crowley showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, and offered the bargain that he could rule them all if he would renounce God and worship Satan instead, but Jesus just turned to the demonic messenger and simply told him to "fuck off!"
And there we have it, folks. Mephistopheles, and Asmodeus. Touche, Aziraphale, you sly little shit stirrer.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Sliding Doors (The King, The Bat, & The Runaway) (Steddie X You)
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A/N: For my fellow insomniacs (and early risers abroad) I bare you a gift! I said before with this series I wanted to do a What If scenario where they followed immediately after her instead of it being 10 years later so that be this thing here.
The title refers to a movie starring Gwyneth Paltrow called "Sliding Doors" which is about a woman's choice to catch a train or not and the story is told parallel displaying both outcomes.
You don't have to have read the other parts to fully know what's going on but it helps!
The King, The Bat, and The Runaway
Warnings: Steddie X Fem Reader, SMUT of the softer variety, lots of dirty talk, FLUFF, they go on a date so to speak and the ending is fluffy as all hell (I regret nothing), ANGST, she does run away and they go looking for her. The discuss their night together and the readers panic.
Word Count: 4987
“Hey Mom.”
“Y/N! Baby, I’m so glad you called. Your note scared the hell out of me.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I just had to get away…”
“Why? What happened?”
Your mother’s heart broke as she listened to you cry. “I fucked up, mom. I…crossed a line. They’re my best friends and I…”
“Y/N, where are you?”
“Vegas. I know, I know. It was the first flight that was available and I thought it was a perfect place to get lost.”
“Y/N?” You froze at the sound of his voice. If he was there, that means they both were. “Y/N, sweetheart, come back. Please.”
“Eddie, I—”
“Honey, you…we…didn’t do anything wrong. Come back so we can talk about this.”
“Steve, I can’t. I’m…I’m sorry.”
You heard them both sigh. “Fine.” Your heart shattered at the word but you knew this was for this best. You couldn’t bear the thought of them looking at you with regret for what you three had done. Plus, they deserved better. 
“Then we’ll just have to come get you.”
“Steve Harrington, how are we going to find her in a big ass city like this.”
“I don’t know, Munson. Knowing her she’ll want to go somewhere she can clear her head.”
Steve’s eyes focused on the road as Eddie browsed through his phone trying to get an idea of where you might go. After they left your mom, they hopped on the next available plane and were there in under four hours. 
“Harrington… what about here?”
As soon as his friend shows him the picture, he knows. Of course you would be there. He quickly slams his foot on the gas, following the directions the metalhead gives him.
You softly smiled as you took in the beauty before you. The way the flowers bloomed and smelled had your head spinning. The way the Bellagio Conservatory had set up their displays was one of the most gorgeous things you had ever seen. After taking a picture you remind yourself to send it to your mom after you had left Nevada.
If the guys had been at your house, you couldn’t trust that your parents wouldn’t tell them where you were. The only reason you hadn’t left yet was because Las Vegas was a huge city. Even if they somehow managed to get a flight, they’d never find you.
You pictured their concentrated faces searching in every casino or driving slowly down every street hoping you would appear. It killed you…but this was for the best…right?
A tear escaped you as you hugged your arms around you body. As you turned to leave, you barreled into a broad chest, knocking you back slightly. 
“Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t—”
Your eyes glanced up to meet the face of the person you accidently ran into but was met with the beautiful face of one of the people you ran away from.
“We figured you’d come here. You always really enjoyed the smell of flowers.”, Eddie’s relieved orbs scanned your face as he spoke. “If not here then you’d be at that colorful fountain.”
“It’s only colorful at night, Ed.” You jumped, abruptly turning to meet Steve’s frustrated demeanor. “We need to talk.”
 “There’s nothing to say.”, you whisper. 
“Nothing to say right now?”, he shrugs. “Ok. Which state are we going to next then, hm? Because we can follow you all around the country until you're ready to talk. Honestly though, it’s kind of selfish of you to think you’re the only person with anything to say.”
“Fine.” You turn to walk away, pausing when they don’t move. “Come on! You want to talk. Let’s talk in my hotel room.”
You sighed from your place on the bed as you fidgeted with your hands. Both men’s eyes bore into your frame from their places across from you; Eddie on the other end of the bed and Steve with his legs crossed in a chair.
“I’m angry with you.” The metalhead was the first to break the silence and his words cut like a knife. “We woke up and you were gone. Then you were just going to disappear? What the fuck, Y/N? After everything we’ve been through? If you didn’t want a relationship or anything, that’s fine. We’re big boys we can handle it. What we can’t handle is you abandoning us without so much as a fucking goodbye like you’re my fucking mom or something.”
You flinched at his last sentence. You genuinely didn’t see it that way when you initially left.  Eddie’s mom abandoned him out of selfishness…you did it to protect him. Right?
“I…I thought I was doing the right thing.”
“No. You thought you doing the right thing for yourself. Don’t sit there and pretend you did this for us.”, Steve spat. “I think what pisses me off more is, apparently, even after four plus years you don’t know us at all. Did you really think we’d wake up and treat you any differently? That even if we didn’t have the best night of our fucking lives that we’d open our eyes, see your face, and say ‘Aw well. Fuck her. Time to move on.’”
“That’s kind of what you did.”, Eddie followed. 
“No. NO! I didn’t wake up and think that at all!”, you shouted rising to your feet. 
“Really? What did you think?! I would love to know how long it took you to get to ‘oh I’ll just leave them behind’!” Steve stood up as well, glaring down at you with angry eyes. 
“That’s NOT how I felt! You two deserve better!”
“Oh, did you hear that, Munson? Now it’s about what she thinks we deserve and not about her running away because she thought we’d reject her. Any more excuses, honey? We’d love to hear them.”
“Jesus Christ, Steve. If you’re both so fucking angry then why are you here?! Why chase after me if you’re so pissed at me!?”
“Because you’re our best friend, Y/N!”
“Please! Spare me, Eddie! Be honest with me, both of you. If we hadn’t fucked and I left Hawkins without telling you, would you still have come for me?”
“Yes and the fact that you don’t think we would is infuriating, Y/N.”, Steve growled.
“Me to. I’m starting to think all that time we spent together was a fucking waste. Should have left me alone at that lunch table, sweetheart.”
“Would you not have come for us?” The man’s anger fully boiled over before you could answer as he watched you fold into yourself again. “Wow. Well congratulations, babe. You got what you wanted and then some. Not only do we regret last night but we regret ever fucking meeting you. Come on, Ed. Let’s go.”
You hastily run to cut them off as you block the door with your body. “Wait. Please! I just…” Your hand reaches out to push against his chest as he tries to move you. “I would, Steve. I would! I would follow you two anywhere! I’m just a coward, ok!?”
You sighed as your head hung. “I panicked. You two mean everything to me. Even before last night… I don’t know how to fucking explain it. You’ve just always been mine and I’ve always been yours, you know? When I woke up, every memory came flooding at once, and I-I thought I fucked up everything. So I ran…”
Sneakers came into your field of view and you looked up to meet Eddie’s eyes as he pulls you into his arms, pressing your head to his chest. Another set of arms wrapped around your waist as Steve tenderly kissed the back of your head. 
After a few moments, they both pull away but the metalhead cups your cheeks in his palms.
“Are you hungry?”
You giggled as Eddie devoured his pizza slice in one gulp. 
“Oh my god. Do you even taste the food you’re eating?”, Steve playfully scolds his friend. 
“Yes and this is so delicious I need it in my stomach as soon as possible.”
After your conversation in the hotel room, they had walked down with you and brought you to a restaurant nearby to get some food. You didn’t realize how hungry you actually were till the waiter brought you your plate.
“After we eat, there’s a little carnival down the way here. We can ride some rides and let Munson’s inner child play some games.” 
“Is there a particular reason you are being so mean to me, Harrington? Is it because you’re jealous of me?”
“Yes, Ed. You caught me. I want to be just like you.”
Eddie grins as he hands Steve a slice of his pizza. “In order to be a true Munson, young padawan, you know what needs to be done.”
Steve met your eyes with joking annoyance before sighing and shoveling the whole piece into his mouth making you and the metalhead laugh uncontrollably. 
“Congratulations, Stevie. Welcome to the club!”
The carnival was packed with tourists and you’d be lying if you didn’t say it overwhelmed you a bit. Sensing your apprehension, Steve reached for you hand and without another thought you did the same to Eddie as you guys headed to play some of the games. 
Both boys had a blast on all the rides and you took every picture you could to hold on to forever. 
“Oh, sweetheart!”, Eddie exclaimed as he pointed towards the fun house. 
“Eddie! That’s how horror movie characters die.”
“Well, princess, thank God we aren’t in a Stephen King book. Come on!”
Pulling you towards the entrance, Steve shook his head in amusement as he followed. 
“Oh…oh, Munson, the room is slanted.”
“Steady on there, Harrington! Whoa!” The gravity of the room throws you off as you trip over your feet and stumble into Eddie’s arms. “I gotcha, sweetheart.”
When your eyes met his and his comforting smile, you felt like a fool. You almost left these two boys behind. The two people in the world who had been there with you through everything and made you feel loved and safe. Why? Because you were afraid it would change everything? That they would wake up with regret? That they would hate you? 
“You, uh, you have to use your feet to stand, Y/N.”, he chuckled.
Cupping his face in your hands, you pulled his lips to yours. Hesitating only for a moment, Eddie began reciprocating, tangling his fingers in your hair has he tried to bring you closer to him. 
“Hey, guys. Come look at this!”
His thumb caressed your bottom lip as you slowly pulled away to head towards Steve’s voice. 
“Oh, wow.”
“I know right?”
The three of you were standing in a black lit room with mirrors all around you. In the reflection, Steve caught Eddie’s odd look and flashed him a confused gaze. The metalhead gestured with his eyes towards you and the other man looked your way to see you reaching out to touch the reflection in front of you.
“Ok, one of these is fake right? Or how else do we get out of here?”
Abruptly, you feel a warm breeze against the back of your neck, your eyes meeting Steve’s as you glanced up at the glass in front of you. You two stare what each other for what feels like an eternity before you are finally able to gather some more courage. 
“DO you regret what happened?”, you asked.
He silently shook his head and Eddie did the same as he leaned his back against the mirror in front of you.
“Did…did you like it? Being with me?”
Steve stepped closer to you, his arms coming around to bring you closer to his chest as he and his friend nodded. His large palm glided up your body to your jaw, tilting your head so he could kiss your lips.
Loud giggling pried you apart as a group of tourists entered the room shattering the moment. 
When you three made it back to the hotel, you crashed, completely exhausted from not just the flight but the entire day. Eddie fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow and without any hesitation you crawled in beside him, lifting his arm to wrap around you as you rested your head on his chest. After Steve practically fell in beside you, you grabbed his arm and wrapped it around your waist, feeling his grin on your skin as you both fell asleep. 
That following morning when you woke up, it took you a moment to remember where you were and why you were there. What threw you off even more was you and the boys were in the exact same position you were in yesterday morning.
You listened to them breathe as they slept, wondering what would have happened if you hadn’t of ran. Steve felt so good against your back and you liked being cocooned in his embrace. You felt safe here, like he would do anything to protect you. You were tantalized by Eddie’s chest as it slowly rose and fell. This boy was always bouncing off the walls and full of energy but when he was asleep he looked so peaceful. 
He was always obsessed with making you laugh especially since you were there for him when he thought he never would again. You cared about them both so much and absolutely hated yourself for hurting them. Maybe the universe was giving you a second chance…
Your hand roamed his chest and you softly smiled when a heavy sigh escaped through his nose as his head turned a bit towards you. As quietly as you could, you unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans before gradually sliding your hand through the waistband of his boxers. 
He groaned as you ran your palm along his cock, his eyes slowly opening to look down at you. Bringing your hand to your mouth, you ran your tongue along your skin and he got the hint, pushing down his pants enough for his dick to spring free. 
As you stroked him, Eddie bit his bottom lip trying not to make too much noise waking up Steve. It was no use because the sounds he was making had you rubbing your thighs together and the motions jostled the boy from sleep.
Unbuttoning your pants masterfully with one hand, you watched as Steve’s large hand disappeared below your waist and moaned when his fingers slid through your sex. Your ass grinded back against him and a heavily breath left his lips at the feeling. 
Eddie rolled onto his side and lifted off your shirt as the other boy removed his hand to hastily remove your pants and panties. The metalhead whimpered softly as he leaned down to kiss your lips while your hand pumped him at a faster pace. 
The sound of Steve rustling out of his jeans had your eyes flutter closed as your head hit the pillow knowing what was about to come.
“Please, Steve. I need you.”
He mewled at your needy tone, lifting your leg to rest on Eddie’s hip before spitting in his hand and rubbing it into your already wet, dripping cunt. 
You fingers reached out to tangle in the other man’s hair as Steve slowly guided himself inside of you. 
“You’re ok, sweetheart. I know. Harrington is big. Part of the reason he’s so fucking cocky.”
He grinned when you both exasperatedly laugh and bent down to kiss your forehead, brushing the hair back from your face. The man behind you tenderly runs his lips along your shoulder and neck as he does little thrusts to allow you to get accustomed to his size again. 
Craning your neck, you turn to kiss his lips and nod, signaling that you’re ready for him to move. His breath warms your face as he begins pumping into you at a steady pace. 
“Fuck Steve, baby, you feel so good.”
“Yeah? Is that the spot, honey? Mmm—fuck—you’re so fucking tight.”
Suddenly, you feel pressure on your clit as Eddie’s fingers rub circles into your bundle of nervous. 
“Oh! Oh my god…j-just like that.”
Steve thrusts his hips into yours harder making your eyes roll as you cling to the man in front of you tighter. 
“Please, please Steve, don’t stop. I’m gonna…”
His arms wrapped tightly around you as his pounded into you, his cock ramming that sensitive spot inside of you over and over until you shuddered in his hold, groaning his name as you came. 
“Fuck, Y/N. I love the way my name sounds when you cum.”
Steve’s forehead fell against your skin as he chased his high, your fingers reaching back to run through his hair. 
“I love you, Steve.” His rhythm faltered slightly as his eyes met yours. “I love you.”
The man smirked as he continued what he was doing till lips attached aggressively to yours and you felt him release his spend inside of you. 
“I love you to, honey…so much…I think…even before the other night…we were yours.”, Steve panted as he petted your head. “I remember seeing you for the first time…at the lunch table with Munson…freshman year…you had the most beautiful laugh. I fell for you then, babe.”
He softly kisses you again before pulling out and you fully turn your attention to Eddie.
“Well shit. How am I supposed to follow that epic speech from our illustrious king.” 
You giggle as he effortlessly picks you up and places you on his lap, circling your legs around his waist as he sits up and leans against the headboard. 
“You know I’ve always loved you, princess. You were so sweet and kind to me from day one. I never in a million years thought you’d ever fall for a freak like me.”
Reaching between your bodies, he moans as you take hold of his cock and gradually sink down on to him.
“I never saw you that way, Eddie. Not once. You’re funny, generous, a bit nerdy…”
“A bit…”, he laughs. “Fuck.”
“I love you.”, you whimper as you wrap your arms around his neck and bounce your hips. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I—mmm—I wasn’t trying to abandon you, Eddie, like her. I swear.”
“Hey, hey, hey. Look at me, Y/N.” Leaning back, his palms cup your cheeks. “I forgive you. You’re here now and like Stevie said we’ll follow you anywhere, pretty girl.”
As you turned your head to glance towards the other man, the metalhead clung to your back as he thrust himself up to meet your motions as he rested his head against your temple.
Steve nodded, reaffirming his friend’s response as you closed your eyes and fully absorbed yourself into the man around you. 
“Yes, Eddie. Fuck. Harder please.”
Taking hold of you, he flipped you onto your back, pushing up onto his palms as he slammed into you, watching your face as it scrunched in pleasure. 
“Like this, baby?”
“Yes! Don’t stop, please!”
Fully collapsing, he grinded aggressively into you making your toes curl as he sucked that sweet spot on your neck. 
Breathing filled you ear causing you clench tightly around his cock making him grunt as Steve’s voice echoed through. 
“Come on, sweet girl. Cum again. Cum hard all over Munson’s dick. It feels good doesn’t it? Him stretching you open. Show him how good it is.”
One of your hands threads through Eddie’s messy mane as your other digs into his shoulder while you repeatedly chant his name as you tremble against him and the coil snaps. 
“That’s it, sweetheart! Fuck me…”, the metalhead groans as his thrusts become sloppy and you feel his seed coat your walls. “Are you okay?”
You can’t help but smile as you reach up to caress his face.
“You don’t have to ask me that every time, Ed.”
The boy chuckles as he kisses your lips and falls to your side. 
“Ok, well, fuck you then.”
The three of you laugh before it tapers off and you lay there in silence. 
“Do you two have to go back to Hawkins?” Even though you were staring up at the ceiling you felt their eyes on you as both their heads turned. “I mean…I know we had talked about what we wanted to do but…since we had so much fun in Vegas…maybe we can go somewhere else.”
“I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii and boat in that clear water.”
“Are you trying to kill me, Steven?”, Eddie playfully sighs.
“Oh, Edward. You could use some sun!”
“Speaking of, seeing Dracula’s castle would be pretty cool.” You giggle as he hisses and leans in pretending to bite your neck. 
“What about you, honey? Where do you want to go?”
“I’ll go anywhere with you two.”
10 Years Later
You sift through the mail as you come back in from the warm but breezy California air. As you head for your office you pass by the multiple photos on the table by the stairs and along the walls. The biggest frame has a picture of Eddie and Steve in suits on a beach in Italy holding you in the air with your beautiful white dress for your makeshift wedding about a year after you graduated high school. 
Next to that one was you kissing Steve’s cheek after he graduated from law school and another of Eddie holding you with your limbs wrapped around him as you showed the camera Corroded Coffin’s first CD. There was a funny image of Steve holding open your first novel that had just been published in front of you as you were mid giggle at him asking you to sign it. 
Along the walls were photos of each of your kid’s ultrasounds pointing to where they were along with school photos that always made you feel old. 
Your favorite pictures were reserved for your office. On your desk, you had an image of Steve holding your first born the first time you brought him home. He was so scared those first couple of weeks that the baby would break because he was so little. You always caught him checking in at random hours of the night to make sure he was ok. Next to it was an image of Eddie at the studio with your daughter as he held her up to the microphone, both mid smile as she reached for the circle surrounding it. Beside that was your photo from high school graduation; the night everything changed. 
“Mommy!”, your five-year-old shouts as she runs into your office. 
“Mommy, Miles won’t share with the tv!”
“He won’t?” She shakes her head as she pouts and you pick her up. “Let’s go beat him up and shake him down.”
The little girl giggles, scrunching up her nose just like Steve does when he laughs. 
“Miles!”, you shout his name light heartedly as you round the corner and he pauses his game. “How long have you been playing?” Your soon to be eight-year-old shrugs. “Did you finish your homework?”
“Ok, well that answers that. Let your sister watch tv while you do that.”
“But moooooom…”, he whines, his long black curls tussling as he throws his head back.
“Oh, I know. I’m awful. You’re lucky. Layla wanted to beat you up.”
“No, mommy!”
The front doorknob jiggles slightly before it opens as Steve comes in and places his briefcase down so he can catch Layla as she runs to greet him. 
“Ah ah. Just because she walked away doesn’t mean you get to play again.”
“Hey honey! How’s my little girl?”
“I missed you, daddy.”
“You missed me? I only went to work. Hey babe.”, he grins as he gives you a peck. “Kid, everything all right?”
“I want to play games. When can I get my own tv?”
“Even if you had your own tv, you’d have to finish your homework first. Now give me a hug.” Miles reluctantly gives his father a hug but his mood changes when Steve holds him tighter and tries to tickle him making him laugh. “All right. Get outta here. All of you.”
You beam up at him as you wrap your own arms around him and inhale the scent that is now Steve. In high school it was a mix of Hawkins outside and mint from the gum he was always chewing. Now it was his sleek suits he wore to court with his cologne and the delicious bodywash he used in the shower that morning. 
“I see you had your hands full.”
“Just since 3. How was your day?”
“Oh, you know. Sassy corporate businessmen defendants like my father and a tough as hell judge…”
“So, you had a good day then?”
He chuckles as he tilts your head to kiss your lips. 
“Daddy, come watch my show with me.”
“Ok, my love. Let me change real quick and I’ll be right there.”
You grinned at Steve from your place at the sink as you watched him help Miles finish his math homework. Layla sat across from them coloring a picture that was “for daddy” when he got home. They missed Eddie so much when he was on tour but after this one he said he would be taking break which made you ecstatic. 
Steve’s head abruptly turned as the front door swung open. 
“That can’t be him right?”
“Either that or we’re getting robbed.”
“Yeah but I’d make a sexy burglar.”
“Daddy!”, Layla shouted as both kids got up to run towards Eddie.
“Oof Jesus Christ!”
“What are you doing home, Munson?”
The metalhead grinned as he waddled into the area with both children clinging to his hip. 
“Aw, what, sire. You didn’t miss me?”, he laughs. “Naw, I told them since the last two shows were in state I was coming home and would just fly or drive where I needed to. I didn’t want to miss Miles’s birthday. Speaking of…”
You smiled as you hopped up on the counter and watched him disappear before reappearing with a bag. He handed his son a gold looking notebook with a dragon across it and a castle with a lock on the side. 
“I found this in Florida of all places. The guy in the store said it’s perfect for mapping out campaigns.”
“Oh wow! Thank you, dad. This is so cool.”
Eddie knelt down on his knee to Layla’s level and handed her a little orb. 
“This, princess, you plug into the wall and it projects images like stars or planets. I thought this would be good for your little reading corner in your room.”
“Thank you, daddy.”, she smiles as she wraps her arms around his neck and he kisses her cheek. 
Reaching over the table he hands Steve a small black box, watching his face as he opens it. 
The man stands to show you the watch his friend brought him and your grin grew when you saw the picture of you three from graduation on the face.
“I had that done in New York. I thought it would be a good present for our 10-year anniversary coming up and that night changed all our lives.”
“Oh I don’t think there’s anything in that black bag for me.”, you joke when he turns to face you and playfully narrows his eyes in your direction as he hands you your gift. 
Before you open it, you pull him into your embrace and hug him tightly to you. Eddie still smelled more or less the same as he did in high school; cigarette smoke, weed, and body wash. He must have had an interview that morning because he had light touches of cologne on his neck. He never saw the point of wearing any before a show because it was going to end with him smelling like sweat and alcohol anyway. 
“I missed you.”
Eddie leaned back, cupping your face as he kissed your lips.
“Ew!”, you daughter giggled. 
“Shouldn’t you children be in bed or something!” Layla sticks her tongue out at him and he does the same. “Now open it or I’m taking it back.”
“Nooooo!”, you whine as they both lean on either side of you. 
Inside was a silver necklace with the symbol on the cover of all your books for The King, The Vampire, and The Runaway series with an engraving on the back.
“We’ll follow you anywhere, Runaway.”
-The King and The Vampire
You started to cry as you pulled them into another hug. 
“Steve helped pay for that. The person at the store I bought it from looked at me like I was crazy until I told them I knew the author. Then SHE went crazy because she realized that meant I’m the guitarist of Corroded Coffin.”
He helped you down from the counter as you all sat at the table and Layla showed Eddie her drawing. 
“Speaking of 10 years…”, you tilted back to grab the mail you had long left behind and handed Steve one of the envelopes. “Our reunion is coming up. I’m not sure if you guys wanted to go to that.”
“Ooo we can fly down and visit grandpa.” Your daughter smiled showing off all little teeth. “I know Wayne never misses a chance to see them and your parents to, babe.”
“My mom has been dying to show Miles her new tennis swing.”, Steve laughs as he messes his son’s curls. 
“She says I’m her favorite sparring partner.”
“I should be through with this case by then.” He hands Eddie the letter who quickly scans the dates. 
“I don’t have anything around this time either.”
“Well would you look at that. Our schedules actually aligned for once.”
“No book deadlines?”, the metalhead asks.
“Nope. I’m all yours.”
“You were always ours, sweetheart.”, he winks as Steve nods his head in agreement.
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Hii hope all is well 💜. Can I please request Jack Sparrow being in love headcanon? Thanks if approved! 😊
Hello dear 💖, thanks for your request.
Jack sparrow being in love 😍
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This wasn't planned, nor thought out in any sense of emotions.
Jack being in love was something rare.
Sparrow had his ways with women. A corsair of the buccaneers, a Casanova of the seven seas.
Jack had many admirers and lovers; angelica, giselle, and scarlett, esmerelda, even Tia Dalma at one point.
Jack avoided you, and he deceived you. He didn't want to believe he was in love, such a cliche thing, really. A pirate falling for a woman/man/person and they live happily ever after on the pearl.
Jack sparrow hid in the most unusual places, even when you weren't expecting it.
Jack spent nights in tortuga ravishing himself with pretty wenches to take his mind off. But even then, when he came lip to lip with them, he didn't kiss them. Instead his mind thought of you.
He couldn't be in love, he didn't want to. He valued the freedom and the sea. He was committed to the sea and his ship.
Jack spent his days trying to figure out what his feelings were, why he valued you, or rather felt the "weird things" when you were around.
One night Master Gibbs was out with his bottle of rum "a yo ho ho, a pirate's life fo-".
"Psssst, Matser Gibbs" Jack whispered.
"Cap'n, be tha yer? Where ar' yer" Gibbs looked around the main deck.
Master Gibbs walked up to a bunch of cargo with a big barrell.
Gibbs looked inside the barrell to see Jack, hidden inside.
"Did they see me?" Jack's pupils turned left and right.
"What's wrong Jack, why ar' ya hidin', who ar' ya hiding from" Gibbs asked.
"Is it tha' kraken? As Jones spotted our ship, Gibbs looked worriedly.
"No mate, even worse than that," Jack stood up from the barrell.
"Her?/him?/them?" He whispered.
"Her?/him?/them?" Gibbs replied.
"The lass/lad/y/n," Jack muttered.
"The lass?/the lad?/y/n?" Gibbs questioned further.
Gibbs soon caught on to who Jack meant. "Ye mean, y/n, the landlubber."
"Ohhh, ar' they a spy from tha navy." Gibbs tried to realise,"I knew it, Jack, tha's why I said I didn't trust them from the moment they first docked."
"I've been having these," he gestures with his hands. "Things."
"Wha-what sort o' thins, ave' ye caught scurvy?" Gibbs still couldn't make sense of what Jack meant.
"You know, things, things that make you feel... funny," he couldn't make into words. How could he? It's not like Jack's ever felt this way before.
"So yer feel funny when ye see--ohhh Jack" Gibbs realised finally what was going on.
"Are ye, in love?" Gibbs smiled. "Aye I remember the first time I be tha way, and let me tell yer, she was a fine lass, one I couldn't forget".
"Turned out tha next mornin', I couldnt find er'-- or rather, she wasn't even human, Aye, Turned out ta be but a sack o' oranges" Gibbs rambled about his drunken tale.
Jack got out of the barrell and took Master Gibbs's rum and swung it down his gullet.
"Aye, I remembered that, bieleved that sack was named sally or martha, hm, also that night I do recall nearly losing a finger or two from that wager, was worth it though, got that map in the end" Jack explained.
"Aye, Is that how we ended up cursed" Gibbs leaned against the big oak railing of the main deck.
"The pearl's already cursed mate, I'm just the captain of it" Jack threw the rum over board.
"So whaddya gonna tell er/im/em then" Master Gibbs asked.
"I'll do em one better, ill set them off at some fancy port and they can tell their friends of how a devlelish, delightful captain Jack Sparrow saved them from the clutches of a bunch of rutheless scoundrels" Jack agreed.
"Now that sounds like a tale to behold, don't it?" Jack smiled.
"Jack, ye can't just abandon tha poor thing" Gibbs sympathised.
"Ye did that already--on an island" Gibbs recalled.
"Jack" a woman/man/person called from the distance.
Jack gestured with his hands for Gibbs to move.
"You never saw me, savvy?" Jack scurried away.
Jack would be like this for a while but eventually you would confront him about why he was acting strang-er.
Jack would come clean and admit "the world's a funny place innit darlin, things I can't explain between you and I, happens from me always wondering about you, wondering in Tortuga, wondering when I drink rum, wondering about these...things". He continued with a smile, "Things for you mate".
"Hm, does sound a bit cliche to say 'I love you' don't it" Jack places his first finger on his chin.
Jack leaned toward you "Hmmm, how about rather, your enduring, I can't figure out why I'm besotted to you"
"Suppose it ain't gonna sound cliche to say--" he admitted. "I loved you mate, I always have, I always will".
You blushed with astonishment. You had no idea yet it made sense for Jack's behaviour recently.
You could kiss him, and that would be that. You could marry him, and that's the end of your love story. You could sail with him, entailing the fantasy of many countless women, men, or anyone with pirates--or--rather.
You chose to endure the freedom as Jack did, being two souls that understood each other when no one else did.
A rather more passionate romance then the tales of Will and Elizabeth.
Jack was no fool when he was in love. A legendary captain like him would grant you protection.
Though for Jack, would it truly be the end? No, of course not, it only means another chapter is written in the tales of the captain.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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ladey · 8 months
When I Brush Your Hair | Chapter 2
Jinx x Fem!Reader 🌙🦋🎀
Word count: 4.3k
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
"How many do you got now?" Dorothy asks humorously, chin resting on her hand with a wine glass placed in front of her. Y/n juts her tongue out against the inside of her cheek and looks off into space. Dorothy chuckles.
"As long as you let me borrow them, girl." Her raspy laugh travels through the room as Y/n smiles at her.
"Sure, Dora." She sighs and looks down at the pallet in front of her. The design is evidently high-end; royal blue crystalline surface with gold design cutouts along the sides of it. Her fingers trace the smooth edge as her mind wanders again. She feels kinda bad; usually she's so much more lively and engaged when visiting her aunt. She hopes she isn't being too boring or depressing. She's aware of the kind of job she has too. So she likes to think she can be a sort of relief and sense of home for her. However her aunt's voice halts her running thoughts with an unexpected question.
"So that white haired boy, ey? You two a little duo?" Her voice is teasing, but Y/n can detect a sense of actual curiosity.
Y/n jumps back in her chair with a look on her face that resembles revolt.
"Ew, no! Gross. Just the thought makes me wanna vomit!" She gags as Dorothy laughs at her, shifting in her seat to pull out a long skinny cigar from her pocket.
"Coulda thought you had a little crush on him. You're with him all the time with that other girl— what's her name again?" Dorothy asks while she lights up her cigar. Y/n doesn't immediately answer at first. Her mind wanders and she feels a funny feeling in her stomach.
"N-no. And it's Powder." She answers vexed. She narrows her eyes, feeling almost offended that she'd forget her best friend. She wasn't sure why though.
"Oh my apologies." Dorothy chuckles with a trail of smoke leaving her lips, feigning defense.
"Whatever." Y/n gets up from her seat and walks around while her eyes flit around for the smelly sticks her aunt keeps in a jar.
"Where are the smelly stick thingy's?"
"The incense is in my room on the night stand." When Y/n comes back with the jar in her hands, she's smiling mischievously.
"You got the lavender ones."
"Yup, you can take em' out of your bag now."
About a month has passed since then. Not much has changed. The weather is slowly getting warmer, which Y/n is exuberant about.
Except now it's a late Saturday night. The Last Drop is filled to the brim with visitors seated at the tables holding vast amounts of different concoctions of alcoholic drinks.
That's what Y/n, Power & Ekko are trying to steal at the moment.
Not too long ago, the three were sitting outside on a couple of discarded barrels and crates left at the side of the building. They were getting bored of playing the same card games over and over again, when Ekko brought up the epic idea of sneaking into the bar to steal a bottle of alcohol. Powder was reluctant at first, and   Y/n was having an internal battle with herself about trying to be more "grown-up and live a little."
But in the end, the two girls gave in. Because why not? You only live this life once. Plus they're bored, this could be fun; sneaking around. Growing up Y/n always really enjoyed exploring the smaller hidden areas of the Undercity, crawling through secret doors and windows into other buildings to find out where it would take her. Her excitement would soar whenever Ekko told her about a new area he found while out doing whatever he did.
Now the three of them look through the glass door, peering at the people surrounding the bar, and at Vander who's currently leaning on the bar chatting with folks.
"Okay, we need some sort of distraction." Ekko whispers.
"Can't we just ask Mylo to get something for us? I think he'd be willing-"
"Are you stupid?" Ekko cuts Y/n off before she can finish. She crosses her arms with a pout.
"It was just a suggestion..." Y/n mumbles. Ekko sighs.
"We don't wanna risk anything."
"He'd probably end up keeping it for himself, anyway." Powder scoffs rolling her eyes. Ekko agrees.
"Yeah. We need someone to distract Vander while another sneaks behind the counter and gets the goods." He peers into the bar then looks back at the two girls.
"I'll distract. As for the sneaking... The smallest needs to do it." There's silence when Powder and Ekko stare at Y/n. She looks at both of them bewildered.
"Oh, c'mon!?" She exclaims as she throws her arms in the air. Powder giggles at her and Ekko gives her an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
"Sorry shortstack." Y/n just sighs defeated.
"When I give you the thumbs up that's your signal. Be quick and don't get caught." He then opens the door and shoves them inside.
"As for Powder, you can come with me. I have an idea on how we can cause a little mayhem..." His face and tone scream mischief as he rubs his hands together.
"O-okay." The two head off in the opposite direction and Y/n veers over to the left side of the room.
She wonders what Ekko could have planned. It's sometimes a mystery with him. Although he always keeps her informed, the ideas he comes up with can sometimes get risky and chaotic in some way. Not to mention they've gotten caught a handful of times over the years. He's agile but clumsy.
Y/n slowly makes her way over to the far end of the bar, being mindful to stay hidden behind crowds. A part of her is scolding her about looking too suspicious while another is yelling at her to just keep going and ignore her nerves. In the meantime she stays standing beside a pillar a few feet away from the bar, where Vander continues to chat and pour people drinks. She tries to look at the bottles stored behind the counter, eyes flitting over the array of alcohol, when she hears a loud laugh on her right. Her head automatically whips around at the noise and her eyes land on some middle aged man sitting at a table smiling patronizingly at her as he lifts a drink up to his lips.
She hopes to whatever's out there that he doesn't ruin their plan.
Only a minute or two passes when she spots Ekko and Power walking between a couple of small crowds. Their eyes are searching around the room when they finally land on Y/n. Who is smiling at them, but it looks more like a grimace. They stop some 12 feet away from the bar, then Ekko gives her a nod and turns around to face Powder, who stands timidly behind him with fidgety hands. That's when Y/n takes notice of the bag around her shoulder.
She watches their mouths move and Powder reach into her side bag who pulls out one of her bombs... Is this going where she thinks it's going? Powder hands it to Ekko then takes out a second one. They briefly look around scanning the room, and it's all Y/n sees before a group suddenly blocks them out of view. She curses under her breath and leans over to try and see past anyone. But it's no use.
She feels her heart begin to drop. What if she misses the queue? She doesn't want to disappoint them by failing what should be a simple role she was given. Should she just try and go get a bottle now? But what if she does end up given the opportunity to see her queue but misses it, all because she went too early and ends up screwing up the whole plan by making Vander catch her?
There's suddenly a boom resounding within the whole bar. There are shouts and screams coming from everyone in the near vicinity. And those observing from a distance watch on in shock and confusion. The people previously blocking Y/n's view are scurried away by what looks like a second blow of some sort of pink goopy substance. In that moment she catches the back of Ekko's figure and Powder slowly backing away as she looks around at the crowds with an as equally apprehensive face. She stays trained on Ekko, determined not to mess up when he hides his hand behind his back with a thumbs up.
Y/n had been so focused on the others that she didn't notice Vander staring at the scene unfold with a nearly dumbstruck look on his face before stomping off in the direction of the chaos. She wastes no time and makes her move.
Weaving between a couple of people, she makes it through the opening to the bar, making sure to stay crouched. Wanting to make this fast, her eyes zoom across the agglomeration of liquids and bottles; some bubbling or having some sort of odd object submerged inside. She feels herself beginning to get overwhelmed by it all. She has no idea what to grab, some literally look deadly.
In the heat of the moment, her hand reaches out for a square shaped bottle filled with a purple liquid; which she thought had looked pretty. She stays crouched as she peeks around the corner of the counter. Vander is still dealing with crowd control, and there seems to be a great deal of people standing around watching to use as cover. The geezer from earlier had stood from his seat and was now watching with his jaw slack and his drink spilling onto his shoes which he seems to completely fail to notice.
Standing up, Y/n begins to run. Letting out panicked noises as she clutches the bottle in her hand with a death grip. Squeezing through more people, she meets her friends half way who are waiting near the wall covered by some other folks.
And with a giddy triumphant lift of her hand holding the bottle, the three run to the exit and down the street, letting out laughs and giggles that echo through the foggy night air.
The three kids end up finding an empty grotty alleyway with a big dumpster and crates. They heave as they finally sit down to rest. Powder slides down the wall into a ball across from the dumpster, where Ekko leans back and looks up at Y/n. He gestures to the alcohol in her hand with a nod.
"Shall we?" Y/n slowly walks over to him while glancing down at the liquid inside.
"There were so many back there. I didn't know what was what so I grabbed this because I thought it looked pretty. I hope it's up to your expectations..." She rambles timidly. She saunters over to the crate beside Powder and jumps up onto it, sitting on her hands. Ekko turns the concoction around in his hands as he inspects it. His eyebrows suddenly shoot up.
"Plum vodka.. I hear that stuff hits." Ekko says with an eager expression. He pops the cork off with his teeth,  Y/n visibly cringing, and looks back up at the girls across from him.
"You still in?" Y/n purses her lips and looks down at Powder to her left; she looks up at her. Y/n shrugs with what she hopes looks like an encouraging smile. She sticks out her hand for Powder to take and the bluenette stands up. Ekko smiles wickedly and raises the bottle up in the air.
"Salud." The boy swings his head back and takes a big gulp. How he didn't spill it from his mouth was beyond Y/n. He immediately starts coughing as he pounds his fist against his chest, eyes watering as he tries to catch his breath. The two girls giggle as they watch their friend struggle.
"Holy shit-" He chokes out between coughs. He extends his arm out to Powder, almost desperate to get the thing away from him as soon as possible.
"Fair warning, it burns." He breathes out. Powder gently grabs it and looks into the funnel of the glass bottle, wearily examining the purple liquid before releasing a deep breath.
"You got this!" Y/n shouts softly, shaking a fist into the air. Powder smiles gratefully. Bringing the bottle up to her lips, she too takes a mouth full. She struggles to get it down at first, a bit dripping down her chin as her face screws up in disgust.
"Bleh! That's gross!" She covers her mouth and nearly bends over into a coughing fit. Y/n has to pat the poor girl's back. The bottle is shoved into her hand, the alcohol sloshing around and almost spilling into her lap. Ekko can be heard laughing, but it grows distant as Y/n stares at the bottle in her shaky hands.
She wants to do it. But she's scared of the outcome. Not that she's much of a pessimist; she loves doing sneaky things. But why does her anxiety have to be acting up now of all times? She's beginning to notice a pattern of fear and over-thinking as of recent; she wants to slap herself in the face over it. The other two did it! If they can why can't she!? Stick to your guns and just take a drink like it's juice.. Yeah! Pretend it's juice! She tips her head back and downs two gulps.
Even if it tastes like dog shit.
Y/n has to repress the urge to gag from the burning sensation travelling from her throat all the way down to her stomach. The others eye her with raised brows.
"Oh my god-" She says between coughs.
"Yeahh told ya." Ekko steps over and takes the drink back.
"Doesn't even taste like plums." Y/n says upset.
"Maybe we can try a different drink next time." Powder suggests, taking the other two by surprise. Ekko chuckles.
"Is the alcohol hitting you already?" The three laugh, and proceed to take turns having their share of the purple concoction.
It's been over an hour and all three of them are no doubt visibly intoxicated. Initially, the bottle had been filled nearly to the top. Now it sits discarded on the ground, a couple gulps away from being empty.
Powder is sitting against the large crate, and Y/n lays on her back on the ground. Both are laughing at Ekko who stands ahead of them, moving in odd and silly ways while making a hard attempt to resemble a scarf. They're now currently playing a game where they take turns guessing what they're pretending to be.
"A tissue."
"A unicorn!"
"A lion! RAAAA!" Y/n roars. Ekko huffs.
"You guys aren't even trying."
"Pfft I got no clue.. A kite?" Y/n guesses, a slur to her speech noticeable. Ekko sighs and stops what he's doing to stand awkwardly in the middle of the alleyway.
"C'mon you guys. I'm a scarf." He says, like it's the most obvious thing ever.
"How were we supposed to guess something like that?" Powder scoffs. Y/n slaps her hand against her forehead with a groan.
"It was kinda obvious."
"Scarfs are used in so many different ways. You could've demonstrated more. And much better than that." Y/n patronizes.
"Oh really? Like how?"
Before an argument can take over, a shadow coming from the entrance of the alleyway casts over them.
"Oi, what you lot think you're doin'?"
Sheer panic washes over all three of them.
Benzo stands with his arms crossed and a deathly glare shooting at them like lazers. The three kids make eye contact with each other, silently communicating.
"I heard about a couple of bombs going off in Vander's place. Think you have any idea what that could be about?" It's silent for a couple of seconds before Ekko hesitantly speaks up.
"Must've been a robber." Benzo loudly huffs.
"Off you go, boy. I should see you in your bed by the time I get home." Ekko wastes no time to speed off, stumbling into the wall as he passes Benzo. When he's out of sight he eyes the two girls with squinted eyes.
"Get on with it." He says simply. And the girls get up as quickly as their unsteady bodies allow them. Powder grabs the bottle that was beside her and hides it behind her back as she passes Benzo with a sickeningly sweet grin, trailing behind Y/n.
They survey their surroundings in fear that Benzo is still around before falling into a steady stroll down the empty side street. Neither have any idea what time it is, but both assume it must be early in the morning considering only the odd person is seen walking or standing outside smoking.
"That was so scary." Powder giggles, the bottle swinging with her arms. Y/n turns her head to look at her. Her figure is relaxed, much more carefree than the Powder she's familiar with. Although Y/n likes to think she has that effect on her whenever they're together no matter the situation.
"Yeahhh." Y/n says, elongating the last syllable and giggling too, stumbling over her feet a few times. Then Powder giggles again. And now both girls are having a small giggling fit and bumping into each other as they continue to bound down the street.
They very soon come across a ladder that leads them up to a rooftop. Y/n's foot slips when she almost reaches the top making her let out a frightened squeak.
"Here.." Powder reaches her arm down for Y/n to take her hand, and she hoists her up. They tumble onto the ground below them in a fit of giggles and don't even bother to get up, choosing to crawl over to the edge and lay down on their backs. Both are out of breath, and    Y/n groans.
"I'm so tired now." She says just above a whisper, eyes fluttering closed. She hears Powder hum in agreement and shift beside her. She suddenly feels something soft brush against her right hand but it's gone before she can even fully process it. Her cheeks warm and she opens her eyes.
"I wish I could see the stars from here." Y/n mumbles. Powder hums in agreement again. Y/n turns her head to look at her with a teasing smile.
"Why are you being all quiet now?" She can only see the side of Powder's face. She always thought she had such a pretty side profile. While lost in her thoughts, she ends up poking her cheek. This causes Powder to laugh, eyes closing as she grins.
"I don't know." She shrugs nonchalantly, voice airy. Y/n purses her lips then sighs, turning her head to look back up. There's only silence between the two girls as they stare up into the misty sky, watching as it dances around in the lights shining through the windows. A butterfly suddenly lands on Y/n's nose making her squeal, but it flutters away before she can swipe it away.
Y/n is suddenly heard giggling playfully making Powder look at her with furrowing brows, and Y/n is turning onto her side to face her.
"So Miss Powder. Do you.. have a crush?" Her tone sounds as though she's interviewing her. The blue haired girl beside her is startled by the question.
"Uh- What?!"
"I asked you if you have a crush. I was just thinking, even though we've been friends for so long you've never talked about people that you liked before." Y/n says thoughtfully. Powder thinks about it too for a moment as she turns so she's now facing Y/m as well.
"True. I guess neither of us have." Y/n nods at that. But then shes giddy and starts the dreadful discussion again.
"Sooo, do you?" She tries to pry. Powder shakes her head quickly with a funny look on her face.
"Are you sure?"
"Mhm." Powder nods her head.
"I don't believe you. You're all rigid." Y/n laughs out loud, making Powder pout.
"C'monnn tell meee." She boops Powder's nose, making her scrunch her face with a giggle. Then all of a sudden, all foolishness is wiped from Y/n's face.
"You can be honest with me.." Powder bites her lip, a nervous tick of her's that Y/n had taken notice of the more she spent time with the girl.
"Is it a boy?"
"Is it a girl?"
"Do you have a crush on anybody Miss Candy?" Powder veers the topic onto Y/n instead, smiling triumphantly at the taken aback look on her face.
"Uh-" It felt like the air got punched out of her lungs.
Y/n should've expected that to be honest.
She always knew that she wanted to experience some sort of romance in her future, but she's only twelve. She never really thought too deeply about it before. Even so, she can recall certain moments where she felt some sort of attraction or "giddiness" that ones gets with a crush.
She thinks about Ekko; her visit at her aunt's house where she had that very awkward but very brief conversation about her "relationship" with him. Obviously, they have no relation of the sort. And she still feels the same since that day. So he's a no-go.
She thinks about Vi; who she's always viewed as a person of guidance and wise words. Strong words. Strong arms. Which she hopes to achieve someday possibly. She always liked tall girls, they made her feel safe and protected, that's all... But she can't lie to herself. Vi is a good looking girl and she knows that. There had been numerous times where she smiled softly at her and praised her for finally achieving something and she'd feel her face redden with faint butterflies in her stomach. In fact; when she first met her she couldn't stop smiling and would always have to turn the other way to force herself to stop.
But then her mind wanders to the girl laying in front of her, only inches away from her face. She considers Powder to be one of her closest and dearest friends. She barely remembers her life before she met her. She always was fascinated by her. She couldn't get over the fact that both her eyes and her hair were nearly the same shade of blue. Whenever shes with her she finds herself admiring a specific feature on her face, and her soft hair that she sometimes has the urge to run her hand through just for fun. Not to mention she loves it when they get into a teasing match that eventually ends up turning into a play fight. And lastly, there's no ignoring the racing of her heart the moment she first sees her on a brand new day.
Powder is staring at her expectantly. Y/n is panicking. But she's saved by the bell when both girls lift their heads up at the sound of heavy foot steps approaching them.
"Where the hell have you guys been?!" Vi's wild voice immediately breaks the aura surrounding the two girls, and suddenly they're overcome with the feeling of being caught. They shoulda guessed she'd come looking for them. They stand up, Powder more quickly which causes her to stumble.
"I was worried sick! And your dad's been looking for you!" Her face expresses fear and worry. She's panting, seeming as though she's been running around for a while. She probably has.
Then Vi eyes the two of them with suspicion, noticing the dazed look in their eyes and the way they waver in their spots. And then her gaze travels down to the ground where the empty bottle lays forgotten. Ah..
Vi scoffs and has to look away as she takes a deep breath.
"Y'know? I can't believe you two sometimes. Come on." She guides them down the ladder, and soon they're making their way back to The Last Drop. Vi occasionally having to hold onto one of the girl's arms to prevent them from tipping over.
What happened back on the rooftop lingers in the back of both the girl's minds. But it would soon be pushed away to be forgotten until a very long time.
Chapter 3…
the actual plot starts next chapter. there you go.
fair warning though, evidently my chapters tend to end up being longer than i anticipate them to be. not to mention i intend to write a tiny bit more chapters about their childhood/teenhood before the time skip, just for relationship development and dynamic purposes. i want y'all to have a clear idea of it. just wanna let yk in case u start questioning why it seems to be a slow start.
(this book also may or may not be based off of my arcane dr. so idk how things are going to play out in the future just yet... we'll see).
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theloveoffootball10 · 15 days
sᴛɪᴄᴋᴡɪᴛᴜ : ɴ ɪ ɴ ᴇ
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m a s t e r l i s t
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Waking up in Lando's arms once again I pull myself closer to him. Last night was the first time we've been together and not had sex. As good as the sex is it was nice to just climb into bed together and spend time talking about anything that came to mind.
"Thank you for last night Lucía. You completely turned around a shit day for me" feeling Lando trail the tips of his fingers up my spine I completely relax in his arms.
"Lando you don't have to thank me. If I can be there for you it's what I'm going to do. When I can see you're visibly upset like you were yesterday I'm going to do what I can to change that"
"You really are something special. I'm annoyed I didn't come across you in the paddock before this year, I would like to have known you for longer. Tomorrowland has always been one of my favourite places to come but last night with you and your friends was one of the best nights I've had here" Lando says and I feel like he's just got no filter this morning. Everything he's thinking is coming out of his mouth.
"Tomorrowland is always a good weekend. You could come alone and still leave with a new group of friends" looking up at Lando I can't help but take in his features. His dark curls, mesmerising eyes and a smile that instantly brings a smile to my face "I did like having you there though, you've got some moves Norris" I say with a laugh hoping to lift the mood. I know Lando will be going over yesterdays race in his head and he needs to process what happened in his own way but this morning I just want to bring a smile to his face.
"There's nothing wrong with my moves! Anyway my moves can't be that bad if I still ended up with you in my bed"
"Actually you're the one in my bed on this occasion" lifting myself off the bed I throw my leg over Lando's body straddling him "but I'm not complaining"
"I'm not complaining at this view either" leaning down I press my lips against Lando's kissing him gently. I don't want this to be gentle but I want to make the most of being with him. Grinding my hips against Lando there's a noticeable bulge in his pants and I feel it getting harder with every move. "Fucking hell Lucía you look so good on top of me like this" I don't say anything. I lace my fingers with Lando's holding them above his head as I kiss him, this time harder. I need him to know I want him. 
"Morning shaggers!" Max practically screams as he comes barrelling into my room.
"Fucking hell Max!" I practically scream hearing Max's voice. He's just caught me straddling his best friend as I was about to take my top off.
"He obviously had sex last night to put him in a good mood this morning" Lando says with a roll of his eyes knowing exactly what Max has just interrupted.
"Sounds like someone didn't"
"I might've been about to there mate if you didn't come flying in here like a bat out of hell" now he's got me in the mood I really hope he doesn't back out of this. I'm too turned on to be left high and dry. "Max mate I really need you to piss off"
"I'll leave you alone love birds but remember the sock on the door next time" Max laughs at himself as he finally leaves Lando and I alone.
"I thought he'd never leave" leaning down I kiss Lando gently taking his bottom lip between my teeth "I would like you to fuck me"
"How could I deny such a polite request" Lando smirks as he throws me back on the bed. He's rough but never too rough however I know I'm about to have a mind blowing sex. I feel Lando grind his hips against me as his lips find my neck, pressing the tip of his member against me in no time at all.
I spread my legs and gasp at the way Lando fills me in a single thrust. We move against each other, and I savour the way the he feels inside of me. He kisses everywhere he can reach, and I shudder at the way his hand is around the base of my throat, it's not too hard but it's hard enough it turns me on even more. Lando's tongue draws a hot line down my body from my neck to between my boobs.
He holds one of my legs up his hand moving from my throat to my hip, using this opportunity to thrust even deeper inside me. Our bodies are slamming together in a heated frenzy and I can't help but moan out his name.
"Fuck Lando" With every thrust his dick brushes against the sweet spot inside me. I can feel my orgasm building. I clench around him without realising and he moans at the tightness. I slip a hand between my legs and add to the pleasure.
"No let me pleasure you" when Lando sees what I'm doing he removes my hand and replaces my fingers with his own, expertly rubbing my clit as I get closer to the edge. His hips move against me in a quick rhythm and I arch my back not holding back. I don't care if anyone can hear me. I want them to know how much Lando is pleasuring me right now.
All it takes is a couple more hard thrusts before he goes still and I feel him shiver against me as he reaches his own climax. The feeling of him releasing inside of me is what tips me over the edge. His hips roll lightly against me to keep my climax going.
"Fuck you're incredible Lucía" Lando mumbles as he places a kiss on my shoulder working his way back to my lips. His forehead is pressed against mine as he pulls out of me leaving another quick kiss on my lips as he lays back on the bed next to me "best morning ever. I wasn't too rough was I?"
"Definitely not Lando. I'm not glass, I won't break if you're rough with me" leaning up next to Lando's ear I whisper "don't tell anyone but I like it rough"
"You really are something else. I think I need you on the road with me. I don't think I can wait until Miami to see you again"
"It's less than two weeks until the race you don't need me with you and seeing you this weekend was unexpected. Just think how good the sex will be plus I'm staying in a villa so you're more than welcome to come and see me any time"
"Two weeks is way too long without you. Me and Max are going to stay in Miami for a while after the race. I have plans the Monday night but can I take you out on the Wednesday?" I knew Lando wanted to take me out, he's made no secret of it but this is the first time it feels like we've made actual plans.
"You can take me where you want any day"
"I want you on the Wednesday. All day. Possibly the night as well"
"What on earth have you got planned?" I question wondering why a date is going to take a full day, possibly longer.
"That would be telling" the tone in Lando's voice tells me he's not going to tell me anything about his plans for us. Instead of pushing I enjoy the time I have with Lando before I leave Belgium for home and he makes his way across Belgium to Spa for the next race. There's something about this man that has me completely addicted.
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i don't know what this is...but i like it
this was literally just me typing in tumblr which I've like never done before and it ended up WAY longer than I originally thought so that's my b...if you want more of this idk lmk or somethin'...👀👀
"Ya wan'me t'what?" Rhett asked, aghast as he looked around at the three girls looking at him expectantly.
The post-rodeo bonfire was in full swing. Music blaring from someone's suped-up pick-up truck and beers spilling from a cooler in every truck bed. Rhett did well. Coming in a close second that left him craving another ride just to one-up the guy who beat him - or someone's body to get lost in. Make him feel good. Just for one night.
"She doesn'know we're askin' y'this," Laney looked over her shoulder at the girl in question, standing on the other side of the bonfire talking to a barrel racer, then back to him. "But she needs it...Bad."
"Jus'a few pointers, s'all. Don'have t'marry'er r'nothin'," Chessler said.
Then Riley quickly added on. "We jus'...We wan'er t'be happy. But she's never gonna do it on'er own, so..."
Rhett looked out at her one more time. She was pretty. That was for sure. Long light brown hair and big blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the firelight. Her smile was almost contagious, almost too big for her face. He vaguely remembered her from high school. A barrel racer on the rodeo team. She wasn't his usual type. Someone familiar. Someone he would see around town from time to time who would either make him feel guilty or too much for him to handle. He liked casual. He liked a fast fix. No strings attached and only occasionally his number left behind in hotel rooms states away.
But what her friends were suggesting...It was out there. He nearly felt bad for her - not knowing what her closest friends were asking almost a complete stranger to do with her. Revealing something so vulnerable to him that was really only her's to share. She at least deserved to know. And part of him really wondered if she actually even wanted what they were suggesting.
Did he hope that she did?
"Fine," he grunted out as he swigged the last of his beer. "Lemme talk to'er."
The three of them smiled around at each other as he pushed through them. Whispering excitedly once his back was to them. Rhett rolled his eyes as he walked around the fire.
She was laughing at something the barrel racer said. It was a nice laugh. Full and unafraid. He liked the sound of it. But it quickly died down, her smile falling from her face, as she watched him approach with his hands shoved in his pockets.
"Hey, Tessa, c'n'I talk t'you f'r'a sec?" he questioned quietly as he squinted his eyes down at her.
"Um..." She licked her lips anxiously. "Sure?"
The barrel racer walked away. Rhett stepped closer and she didn't shy away from him. She was prettier up close. Cheeks pinked from the slight chill on the air. Head cocked to one side like that would help her figure this situation out.
Maybe some part of him did hope she wanted it.
"You were on the rodeo team'n high school, righ'?"
"Uh-huh," she answered, not giving him an ounce of wriggle room as she looked up at him with her arms crossed. Then she seemed to resolved something inside herself and relaxed, uncrossing her arms to put her hands in her jacket pockets instead. "Was just tellin' that racer about it actually. She was good tonight."
"You were good too, if I'member right." He smiled.
Tessa rolled her eyes playfully and grinned like they shared some secret. "Honestly, I's a little surprised ya even remembered m'name, Rhett."
"Bull ridin' hasn't givin' me that many brain injuries...Yet."
They both laughed, and it felt nice. She was nice. It was a kindness he felt he didn't deserve and worse he felt didn't deserve what her friends were trying to scheme behind her back.
"Look, uh - " he started, "I don'know how t'say this, but...Y'r friends jus'asked me t'...T'give ya lessons?"
Her brows furrowed low over those big blue eyes and it nearly made him laugh. "Lessons for what? I don'wanna ride bulls'r anythin'."
"No, no, it's uh - lessons in sex."
just taggin a few people who may be interested in this idk idk: @bobfloydsbabe @becks-things @onebigfangirlworld @gigisimsonmars
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skiiyoomin · 1 year
would you consider doing a nikolai lantsov imagine in which the reader is a mercenary and they meet in ketterdam 👀?
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Content: slight enemies to lovers?, TIME SET BEFORE THE WHOLE ALINA THING, swearing, slight violence (mentions of guns) fluff at the end
Summary: When you unexpectedly "steal" a job from Nikolai, currently under the name of Sturmhond, a playful rivalry forms between you two. When your life is suddenly put in danger, that relationship changes for the better.
a/n ABSOLUTELY!! I tried to fit the reader into the whole mercenary thing and i dont really know if its accurate or not, i hope you like it tho!
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
ღThe Mercenary | Nikolai Lantsov
Lively chatter could be heard in the distance, the soft glow of the moon illuminating what the street lamps couldn't. Ketterdam was like that, never asleep.
Your feet splashed on a puddle as you walked through the street of the Barrel, sharp eye on the look out for anyone who was bold enough to pick your pocket. Finally, after a few turns, you stepped down a dark alleyway, stopping at a dark wooden door. Without bothering to knock, you slammed the door open, stepping into a small room, the fireplace bringing forth a warmth in sharp contrast to the cold of the city.
The person, a man around his 60s jumped slightly, head snapping towards your direction before relaxing slightly once they saw your figure "Jeez, always trynna gimme a fright ey"
You rolled your eyes, snickering slightly. Taking a seat, you leaned your elbows on your knees as you nodded towards the envelope "So what do you have for me?"
He chuckled, "Always straight to business huh" You cocked your eyebrow upward "Well that's exactly what we're here for are we not?" Chuckling once again, he looked down at the envelope before handing it to you "I don't know what it's about but a lil' birdie told me it pays well"
You snatched the envelope, quickly ripping it open. Your eyes scanned the letter, a small smirk settling on your lips "Well your little birdie wasn't wrong" Abruptly, you stood up, opening the door "Are ya not gonna tell me what it says" "You'll figure it out, don't stress it"
A soft sigh left your lips as you streched your arms upward, walking out into the fresh crisp air of the early morning. 'Damn that took longer than I expected' You walked back into the busy streets of Ketterdam, weaving between bodies, one should never stay out too long in the streets.
Despite the crowds, you noticed a change in the air, you were being watched, maybe even followed. You picked up your pace, trying to confuse your follower, however luck was not your side when you realized you wound up in a rather empty alleyway with a dead end, great.
Taking a step backwards, your back bumped into something hard, whirling around you came face to face with a young man, a smirk on his face. "What the fuck do you want?" you scowled. He slowly stepped forward, like a predator stalking towards it's prey, as you moved backwards, slamming into the wall. His voice was rough and low as he spoke "You, darling, took something from me" Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion "What are you talking about, I don't even know who you are" He chuckled, amusement written all over his face "Why you took my job of course" You scoffed "Your job? How is it yours when I got to it first huh" However, before he could speak another word, you pushed past him. You looked over your shoulder, smirking at him "If you want something you gotta move fast before someone else takes it, that's how you survive around here" Just like that, you moved back into the crowd, disappearing as if you were the air itself. The man stood amazed as he watched your figure disappear, a light laugh leaving his lips "How interesting"
For the next few weeks, you found yourself in the same situation with Sturmhond, whose name you learned a few days after that one day. He'd take jobs from you. You'd take jobs from him. Being as competitive as you both were, you'd provoke each other, trying to rile the other up. Nonetheless, there was a silent agreement that there was truly no bad blood between you two. Eventually you found yourself enjoying the teasing remarks and reveling in your little squabbles, feeling your heat flutter every time you were around him.
The next job you took, as simple as it was, only seemed to go downhill. You were currently racing down Fifth Harbour as a group of armed men chased you down, their faces fuming with rage. Suddenly you felt a hand grab your arm, forcefully pulling you to the side and into the persons chest, their other hand covering over your hand mouth before you could let a single noise out. A familiar smooth voice whispered into your ear "Sssh, don't make any noise unless you want to give yourself away"
After a few moments you moved away, facing towards him "You knew this was going to happen" It wasn't a question but rather a statement. He simply shrugged as if he hadn't just saved your life "What can I say, i'm simply that amazing" You scoffed, rolling your eyes "Unbelievable" "Hey you could at least say thank you, I did save your life just now" Once again you rolled your eyes, a small smile settling on your lips "Thank you" He courtesied dramatically "The pleasure is all mine, my lady" You threw your head back in laughter, copying his dramatic movements.
Before you could speak another word, you heard a shot ring out, bullet hitting the wall nearest to you. Your eyes landed on the same group you were running from, and they were looking straight back at you.
Sturmhond had faster reflexes and quickly grabbed your wrist, dashing once again down the harbour, practically dragging you with him. He suddenly swerved to the left, heading towards a ramp leading to a big ship. The occupants looked up at you, startled by the sudden intrusion, but they seemed to relax when they spotted Sturmhond. He led you towards the end of the ship, sitting you down on a box "Stay here, I'll make sure they aren't following"
Suddenly it dawned on you, this was his ship. He had told you many stories about his insane adventures on the same ship you were on right now, making you wonder what it was truly like to venture the sea into unknown lands.
The sound of his voice snapped you out of your thoughts "They're gone"
You leaned back into the wall, releasing a sigh of relief "You truly are a life saver" You smile, a teasing tone in your voice. "Only for you darling" You snickered in return, "You're so cheesy" Though the blush on your cheeks was obvious, he decided to save you the embarrassment, for now at least.
You let your eyes wander over the deck, taking in the vast variety of people doing their own thing "You weren't wrong when you said you had a nice ship" You mused.
"Well I do take great pride in it for a reason don't I?" He cocked his eyebrow upward, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
A wishful sigh left your lips, standing up you leaned on the railing, looking out at the sea "It must be nice, getting to explore the unknown sea, visiting all sorts of places"
There was a pause, almost as if an unspoken question was asked. His voice was soft and doubtful, as if he was unsure if he'd scare you away with his words "You...could always join me, we have plenty of space here"
You turned to him, a sparkle in your eye "Really? You mean it?"
He took your hands in his "I do, I could teach you everything, I'm sure you'd fit right in"
He abruptly stopped his words, moving his hand to your cheek, grazing his thumb against your soft skin "I'd miss you too much, it wouldn't be the same without you"
You smiled softly "I'd miss you too...Thank you, Sturmhond"
His gaze flickered to your lips, lingering a second too long "Nikolai"
"Call me Nikolai"
His soft lips pressed against yours, pulling you impossibly close, your previous shock slipped from your mind as you kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck.
If you had known, you would've stolen jobs from him much sooner.
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earlgreytea68 · 2 years
Okay, so it turns out, upon consideration, that I have a bunch more to say about "Love from the Other Side," especially in light of "Heartbreak Feels So Good" (which they obviously very deliberately released so close in time to LFTOS that you had to see it as a companion type of song) and Pete's comments about the album during the Metro show.
Because, I was thinking of the line, "Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand." Which is a showpiece, centerpiece kind of line, as the crowd shouting it at the Metro proved. And when I wrote about this line before, the couple of times I have, I viewed it as bracing yourself for betrayal, anticipating the dagger in your back: Give up what you love, before it does you in. Hurt before you can be hurt. I'm dying out here, don't look back.
But today I was thinking, You know, there's another reading of that line, and that is: Yes, every lover's got a little dagger in their hand, because everyone you truly love has the capacity to hurt you more than anyone else in the universe. Because to really love someone, you've made yourself vulnerable. YOU hand them the dagger. That's why it's there. Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand because that's what makes them a lover in the first place. Without that dagger, you couldn't actually say you love them. Love always has the capacity to hurt you, because there's so much you're exposing yourself to.
Give up what you love, before it does you in: Yeah, that reinforces that idea of love hurting you, but I feel like when I was thinking about the song before I was trying to figure out, like, what the message of it was, and I kept tipping it negative, like, "hammer to the statue of David," destroy what you love. But someone sent me an Ask pointing out that, also, the hammer can be seen as *making* the David, like, you had to hammer away all the marble that wasn't part of the masterpiece. A painting you could never frame: Maybe that's a good thing, too, maybe it's art you loved too much to pin down. You were the sunshine of my lifetime, after all.
And now, in light of HFSG, I just keep thinking, ...Wait. I *don't* think LFTOS is a negative song. I think LFTOS is about KEEPING what you love, actually. The world is chaos, but what would you trade the pain for? Love, I think. That bridge says "Give up what you love, before it does you in," but the phrase is "inscribed like stone and faded by the rain," which gives the impression that this is ancient advice, but the flip side of that is that it's so ancient that it's irrelevant. Have you ever tried to read old gravestones faded by the rain? You can't. So maybe the ancient wisdom would tell you "Give up what you love, before it does you in." But then there's a moment of silence, and then Patrick's voice barrels in. "Sending my LOVE," Patrick sings. The line immediately after the command to give up what you love is defiantly sending love instead. I know it's just a bridge moving into a refrain, but that juxtaposition feels like something to me.
Especially given what Pete said about the album. Their combined frowny face / smiley face new logo, when read left to right, as we read in English, ends with the smile bit. And Pete said that half of the album is nihilism but the other half of the album is, like, you've got to break through the nihilism and you've got to believe in yourself because their band is a case study in magic and dreams coming true. Like, that was literally how he ended his summation of the album, not on a note of despair, but on a ringing note of encouragement. I don't think this album or this song is meant to be negative. I think it's meant to be resistance. Dark in a little more light. The prince of emo, you see, grew up to realize that the most radical action in the world is to hope.
And this fits in so well with HFSG, which follows so close on the heels of LFTOS that it's irresistible to read them in dialogue with each other. Look, HFSG says, there are going to be tears, okay? It's not going to be easy. But we've got choices: The climb doesn't have to be friendless. We can dance through the pain. Is there going to be heartbreak? Absolutely, yes, nobody gets out of this without some. But that heartbreak feels so good, because that heartbreak is the point. That heartbreak shows you lived and you loved. Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand? Good. Don't look back, trust them, there's love on the other side of it all.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 5 months
Don't Go Blindly Into the Dark
To hide that he can't read, Jan Van Eck has been forcing his son to pretend he's blind since he was eight years old. Wylan is now attending Ketterdam University, and meeting Jesper Fahey may very well be about to change his life. But is he safe to tell Jesper the truth? And what will Jesper say if he does?
Jesper is struggling to weigh up his life in the Barrel and his life at the University of Ketterdam, and there's a good chance that his growing debt is about to make the decision for him. He hasn't attended class consecutively for months, but maybe that will change when his newest project includes partnering up with Wylan Van Eck. But can he really leave the Barrel behind him? And how long can he keep up the pretence of who he thinks Wylan wants him to be?
Tags: @justalunaticfangirl @lunarthecorvus
If anyone else would like to be tagged let me know :)
Content warnings for this chapter: ptsd, implied abuse references, gambling addiction, vomit, implied possible alcoholism
AO3 link
Chapter 11 - Jesper
At first Jesper thought that Wylan was just avoiding him; he’d pushed too far too fast, and Wylan didn’t want to talk about it. But an entire week rolled by without a single sight of him - Jesper managed to make it to one business lecture and two biology lectures, and Wylan wasn’t in any of them. 
“We haven’t seen him all week,” said Nina in a falsely light tone as they left a biology lecture that Jesper hadn’t listened to, “I’ve just been hanging around hoping he’ll show up. Inej went to scope out the house-”
Of course she did. Saints, what did Kaz want with Wylan?
“- and she said he hasn’t left his room once, but he doesn’t seem to be ill. The staff bring him his meals and he doesn’t even talk to them,”
That was two days ago. Now Jesper was sitting at the Crow Club, eavesdropping on a conversation at the next table about a girl from the Menagerie who had gone missing two weeks ago. If there was anything about the disappearance worth knowing then Kaz probably already knew it, but it still couldn’t hurt to pick anything up and pass it on. Might make Jepser feel useful for once. He glanced down at his cards, then tossed a few more chips into the centre of the table and promptly lost. Then again, and then again. Dammit. By the time he was wandering back towards the Slat dawn was beginning, he’d lost count of how many drinks he’d ordered, and he got the fright of his life when the Wraith appeared at his shoulder.
“He dropped out,”
“Saints!” Jesper jumped away, hands flying to his revolvers before he’d had time to properly acknowledge who was there, “Inej what are you - wait, what?”
“Wylan,” said Inej softly, nodding in the direction of the Slat as they slipped out the other side of the thick crowd outside the Crow Club, “He dropped out. Nina and I are coming home,”
“Kaz isn’t happy,” Inej breathed, “It was an expensive venture to have to cancel the job. But Kaz is never happy, and it isn’t directed at you anymore so I thought you’d want to know,”
Jesper hadn’t quite processed that part yet. Wylan was dropping out? Wylan?
“Do you know why he’s leaving?”
“No idea. The staff at the house are paid too well to bribe, and as far as listening in got me was that he hasn’t left his room or spoken a word to anyone all week. No word of him dropping out on their end, I found out from the school offices. Anyway, if you’re staying out tonight you need to be alert, Kaz and I just had a run in with the Black Tips,”
Jesper frowned, not really listening to Inej’s last sentence. Something felt off, but he couldn’t put his finger on it - and let’s be fair, he wasn’t sober enough to think it through properly. He blinked, trying to sort through his thoughts, and when he came back into focus he realised that Inej was looking up at him with that look of disappointment catching in her dark eyes. 
“You need to sleep, Jes,”
“What did Kaz want with the kid?”
She shrugged.
“Nothing he told me about. I expect it’s as simple as Van Eck has something Kaz wants, and getting close to Wylan would give us an easy way in. He probably knows some safe code or business details that Kaz wants,”
Jesper shook his head.
“Barking up the wrong tree then, anyway. Wylan isn’t set to inherit the business,”
Inej looked up at him, surprised.
“He said his stepmother’s pregnant, and her kid’ll take it once their grown,”
“His stepmother’s barely older than us, you know,” Inej shook her head, “Married six months ago; two months pregnant. Van Eck… I don’t know. He’s an unusual man. There’s a portrait of him and Alys up where there used to be one of him with Wylan’s mother and Wylan, when he was little. Apparently he had the old one burned,”
Inej nodded.
“Grief is strange,” she murmured, “But there are no portraits of Wylan or his mother anywhere in the house; it’s not even like they’re being stored somewhere,”
Jesper swallowed, his mind slowly catching up to itself. 
“Where’s Nina?”
He needed to talk to her. He needed to ask her about the night she went to the Van Eck mansion. 
“I- at the university, but why-?”
“I’ve got to go,”
“What? Jesper-”
“I’ll be back!” he shouted over his shoulder, as he began to run towards the University District.
He raced back past the Crow Club and towards the canal, then followed it South until he reached the wide waterway that ran beneath the Financial District. This early there was no-one in the area to see him but he felt strangely on show anyway, moving faster than his head could keep up with in the slowly growing light. He had to stop running not long before he got to the university, his brain swimming and his feet unsteady as the dizziness and nausea of the drinks and the sudden movement finally caught up with him. He promptly threw up in the first bin he walked past, and after that there were few thoughts in his head beyond getting to anywhere he could lie down. 
“Oh Saints, Jesper,”
Inej. She had followed him. She followed everybody, somehow. Jesper was faintly amused, and very vaguely aware of Inej’s hand on his as they wandered through the slowly lightening streets of campus.
“Where’s your dorm?”
He directed her absently, and the next thing he was really aware of was stumbling into his room and Inej closing the door behind them. At some point she gave him a glass of water and not long afterwards, Jesper was asleep.
He woke up alone, not many hours later, with the headache to end all headaches and a vague memory of needing to talk to Nina about something important. He couldn’t remember what. What had he been talking to Inej about? The job was cancelled. She and Nina were going back to the Barrel. Kaz was pissed off, but at least he wasn’t pissed off at Jesper anymore. But why…? Wylan. Wylan had dropped out of university.
Jesper sighed, hunting through his wardrobe for the least creased shirt he could find and downing a glass of water before grabbing his revolvers from the desk - Inej must have taken them off him last night - and leaving the dorm room. He’d go back to the Slat, sleep off the headache, and hopefully be conscious again in time for his shift at the Crow Club. He should find Inej and apologise to her as well. But maybe that could wait until after he’d slept. He was so completely and utterly exhausted that he briefly wondered if he was imagining it when he crossed in front of one of the libraries - the one near where he had his business lectures - and saw Wylan Van Eck. 
“Jesper…” Wylan paused, then nodded vaguely towards the corner of the building.
They walked to it together, finding themselves stood half hidden in the shadows cast by the tall stone steps that lead up the library. For a moment no-one said anything. Wylan bit his lip.
“I’m not supposed to be here,” he whispered.
Jesper hesitated.
“Why are you then?”
“I… I wanted to explain. And apologise,”
Apologise for what?
“You asked me what I really want to do,” Wylan swallowed, “It’s music. I… I play the flute, but I never thought it could go anywhere - you know, if I couldn’t see the sheet music,”
“But I got into the music school in Belendt, just found out. Apparently they’ve had students like me before - even for piano,” his face briefly lit up and then dropped again just as quickly, “I just… I didn’t want to just disappear without telling you,”
Oh. Jesper nodded, slowly. 
“Right,” he shrugged, “Well, thanks. Have fun, I guess,”
He turned away. He was being awful and he knew it, but he didn’t want to say anything else. Why should he? Wylan had avoided him for over a week, just to show up and tell him he was leaving - but then something struck him. Had Wylan been avoiding him?
“What do you mean that you’re not supposed to be here?” he asked, slowly turning back to face him.
He hasn’t left his room once, but he doesn’t seem to be ill.
I have to get home pretty quickly after class. My father worries.
He doesn’t even talk to them.
I just… I’m not supposed to stay out too long.
What was Wylan Van Eck doing in the library every day from eight in the morning?
And what had Inej been telling him last night? There are no portraits of Wylan or his mother anywhere in the house.
Wylan’s cheeks flooded.
“I just - I’m supposed to be staying at home,” he managed.
Wylan didn’t say anything for a moment. And then:
“I have to go - I’m sorry. I just wanted to say goodbye,”
“Wylan, what aren’t you telling me?”
Wylan turned around and Jesper felt an unknown panic seizing him. He grabbed Wylan’s wrist to try and pull him back, and the merchling flinched as he spun back to face him. The hand holding his cane rose to cover his face for a bare millisecond before he righted himself again, pulling away from Jesper. 
“What happened? When you got home late last week?”
“Nothing,” Wylan’s face glowed pink, highlighting the scar that stayed thin and silvery over the rush of colour, “Goodbye, Jesper,”
“Don’t go,”
“I have to, I-”
“No. Look - I have a second place, in the city. I can stay there and you can take my dorm, as long as you need it. I mean, you might want to give me an hour to clean in there but…”
“Jesper I’m going home, and then I’m going to Belendt. I’m sorry, I really just wanted to say goodbye,”
He turned to leave again and Jesper grabbed him arm - refusing to let go this time, even as Wylan tried to twist away.
“I…” he wasn’t entirely certain what his end goal was here, “I can’t let you go back,”
“Let go of me,” said Wylan, quietly.
His voice had suddenly taken on an almost dangerous quality, like something raw was tugging at the edges of his soft, calm tone, and something flashed across the cloudy blue of his eyes. Jesper was reminded briefly and almost disturbingly of Kaz. He let go.
“Wylan, you can’t go back,”
There was long pause, and then Wylan murmured:
“I’m not running away, and I’m not finding out what happens if I try to. I’m sorry, Jesper, I-”
“Please don’t apologise,”
Wylan smiled. He stepped closer and reached out slowly, hand finding Jesper’s wrist and slipping down to tightly squeeze his fingers. He smiled.
“I’m leaving tomorrow. It’s okay, Jes. I promise. I’m okay,”
Nothing was okay. 
But Wylan was walking away and Jesper didn’t know what to do to stop him. There was something going on in that house and Jesper was just standing here, watching, letting Wylan walk straight back into it. But what could he do? He couldn’t force Wylan to stay with him.
There was only one thing he could think of. It was either going to fix everything or make it all ten times worse, but that tended to be how most of Jesper’s ideas went. And he couldn’t see another option.
He was desperate. 
He went to Kaz.
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pasteleclectic · 1 year
hii, I've been reading your fanfic the lawyer's secretary for a while now, and I was just wondering if you were planning to keep writing it or not. I don't want this to sound demanding I'm just curious because I reaaally llike the story. Sorry for bothering you :)) 💗💗
Hii! No I appreciate you checking in on it🤍
I feel bad bc I know some people have been waiting on an update. I have been working on it slowly but I sometimes get insecure with my stories and feel like I’ve taken on too much. Like I know I left y’all on a big cliff hanger and I still really wanna finish the story as a whole but sometimes I’m like “is this stupid? Too melodramatic? Are people gonna be disappointed with the ending?”
I did need a break after writing over 80k words for this story but I never intended on it being this long. It’s also hard bc gege hates us and has barely given us anymore higu in over a year now 😭 it goes back to my insecurities cuz what if we learn more about him in the manga and I completely mischaracterized him? Idk I just get in my head too often. BUT I do have about 10k words down for this chapter already (it’s probably gonna be close to 20 by the end😩) but since you’ve been so patient and kind I will add a snippet of the beginning of chapter 11 here. I hope it will help for now!
Tw: physical assault, guns, kidnapping
The sound of your rapid pulse was drumming in your ears, nearly drowning out all your other senses until the phone in the stranger's hand rang again. He groaned before leaning over to press the button on the door handle right beside you, the tinted window rolling down to reveal the city streets. They were completely desolate at this hour, giving the man across from you the perfect opportunity to chuck the phone out the window without any hesitation. The vehicle was moving too fast for you to hear it, but based on the sheer power he put behind his throw, you knew that the phone was as good as gone. Watching him rolling up the window right after felt like your last tie to Hiromi being severed - along with your freedom.
You could’ve tried screaming while the window was open, but there was no point when Toji was casually holding a gun behind your head. Instead of pressing the end of the barrel against you like he had in the parking lot behind the temple, he leaned back in his seat lazily with an arm outstretched over the bench seat, the gun resting somewhere close behind your head. He couldn’t be bothered putting up a defense towards you, that's how weak you were to him.
And he wasn’t necessarily wrong. Like many other women, you’ve imagined before what you would do in tense situations like this. You always thought that you’d might be braver, fighting till the bitter end in hopes of making it out alive. But it was easy to feel a sense of control when it was only ever a fantasy. Here in the real world, you knew that any fight you put up would probably come back to you tenfold. They haven't hurt you yet, but that only made you more nervous for what's to come.
“Switch seats with me.”
The man across from you was speaking to Toji, and the taller man stood as far as the vehicle's roof would let him before the other man slipped in his place. Now he was right beside you, much closer than Toji had been. And though you couldn’t see him brandishing a weapon like his now seated partner was, that didn’t mean you weren’t any less terrified of him. You pressed your back up against the car door as you looked him up and down with frightened eyes. In the absence of words that couldn’t escape your dry throat, you used your body language to signal to him to not come any closer. Yet something to that lit a fire behind his eyes, like he had spotted a long awaited prey he was hunting for sport.
All the sudden he grabbed your face roughly in one hand, pulling it forward till your hands had to grip the leather seat between you just so you wouldn’t fall over. He turned your face from side to side, inspecting you closely. Any attempt to pull away from his grasp only made his grip grow tighter. He only let go after he squeezed your cheeks together till your lips were scrunched up, chuckling deeply at how humiliated you looked. It was so dehumanizing that you didn’t even want to give him the satisfaction of another reaction, returning his sharp grin with a blank stare. That seemed to only amuse him more, a laugh falling from his lips as he said, “Oh you’re fun, aren’t you?”
From this up close, you could see the ink lines traced all over his face. They gave him an even scarier disposition, but there was also something familiar about him. It was hard to tell what shade his hair truly was under the car’s dim interior lights, but flashes of streetlamps showed shades of dusty rose over a dark undercut. Either than that, everything about this man was new to you. You tried to think back if maybe he was a client of Hiromi’s in the past, but nothing came to light. He had a smaller stature than Toji but was far from frail. You could see the outlines of his veins beneath his skin from where the sleeves of his dress shirt were rolled up. But before you could look at him any further, the car pulled up to the front of a tall gate. It seemed to border some kind of private property, and your anxiety only got worse as you watched the gates close behind you once the car drove past a group of security guards operating the gate.
When it finally came to a stop, it was within seconds that the door opened up beside you and you were greeted with the sight of an unfriendly face that belonged to what had to be another one of this guy's henchmen. Without a single word, he grabbed you roughly by your forearm and yanked you out of the car so hard that you nearly fell on your knees. He pulled you up before they could hit the ground, but you winced as a shooting pain went up your arm, his blunt nails digging into your flesh. You turned your head back to shoot him a look from over your shoulder, but just when you had, you felt the man’s hand slip away as a loud thud sound could be heard against the side of the car. Your eyes widened as you turned to see the tattooed man holding up the offender by the neck, his elbow digging into his jugular. The man gave desperate apologies through thick coughs, but that was all ignored as the other said, “Remind me when I said you could touch her?”
The man was incapable of responding, gargling getting progressively worse as his face turned bright red. Though you hadn’t appreciated what he’d done, you didn’t want anyone to get hurt because of you. Finally finding your voice, you were about to speak up when a large form stood between you and the two men, nearly obstructing your entire view.
“It’s nearly daybreak. We should get her inside.”
It was Toji, and though his back was turned to you, you got the sense that he was trying to diffuse the situation. Though you couldn’t see his face from where you were standing, the angry man loosened his grip just enough for the man’s feet to touch the ground again. Without ever taking his eyes off the man - who was now taking in gulps of precious air - he addressed Toji in a hauntingly apathetic tone, “You know where to take her.”
And with that, you were being escorted by your once friendly acquaintance towards a large building. You didn’t want to follow him per se, but you also didn’t want to be near this maniac any longer. It was still dark out, but even now you could tell that this place was massive. The bordering gates that surrounded the place were so long that they disappeared past your line of sight. Not knowing what was inside the house felt almost as intimidating as not knowing what lay outside. How big was this place exactly? Were all the fences spiked? Did your capture own all of it? These thoughts and more flooded your brain at lightning speed till they were interrupted by the sounds of fists meeting flesh.
It was all happening behind you, right where you and Toji had left the two men. You stopped in your tracks but a hand on your back guided you to move forward. Over and over the man’s coughs and pleas were cut short by the sound of connecting flesh. There was a crunching noise that sent a shiver up your spine, and you shut your eyes tightly as tears started to well in them. With Toji now a few steps ahead of you, you started to pick up your pace just to get away from the scene sooner. Once you were beside him, you almost ventured a look behind you, but he must’ve noticed your watery eyes and said with a straight face, “It’s better if you don’t look.”
Taking his advice, you silently plead for anything out there to stop what was happening. But the nightmare persisted till a loud, wet thud sound rang out before the sound of a weight falling to the ground could be heard. Grave silence followed, and you held back a sob as you reluctantly stepped inside the house.
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maripie173 · 6 months
wc: 751
Tumblr media
She’s humming a distant tune. I watch her twirl her hair between her fingers, mumbling words carved into my brain. Her voice is rough, unsuited to sing such high-pitched melodies, but she hardly bats an eye when her voice cracks and quivers.
Her gun lay next to her, carelessly dropped when we sat down together. I find myself wondering if she is even slightly off-put by the blood sliding over her legs and seeping through her socks.
Although I cannot help but feel slightly hypocritical. I feel hardly fazed by the carnage surrounding us. I ignore the entrails draped over my ankles. I didn’t put them there.
Her humming fades away, and I pretend to busy myself with my own pistol so as to ignore her piercing stare. There is only one bullet left. I return it to the ground.
“I love you, Mocha-bear.” She grins at me. I gracefully ignore the blood smeared down her cheek, and instead sigh in half-forced amusement.
“No, you don’t.” I return her smile with an upward twitch of the corners of my lips. “But I know what you’re trying to say.”
She laughs. “You know me that well, do you?” She brings her knees up to her chest and presses her cheeks to her legs. Half of her face is hidden, but I can still see her eyes creasing in bemusement.
I do know her that well.
“I’m glad to have spent all these happy years with you, even if it has to end like this.” She ignores the implications of my words and instead hums in agreement.
“I’m sorry if I treated you badly.”
“It’s okay. I was bad too."
“No, I really am sorry.” She sits up and stretches her leg out so it rests in my lap. “I was awful, and I really do love you.” I laugh and pat her ankle. I hope she understands what I’m trying to say, too.
We sit in silence for a while. It’s quiet in the Yun-Kim Entertainment building, for maybe the first time in four years.
“Hey, Micha.”
I hum in acknowledgement, my gaze flicking from the outfit coordinator smeared across the tiled floor, back up to Joowon’s solemn face. Her eyes have dulled, and I can see my reflection in her iris. I look bad. My hair is matted, and I can feel the ends sticking to my shoulders. Sweat has dried up over my hairline. I am frowning.
“I think I’d rather just die here. With you.” She sighs, lacing her hands together in her lap and soothing a thumb over her grazed knuckles.
“Don't you?” She sighs out a humourless chuckle, forcing a tight grin. “If we leave the building it will all be over anyway. We’ll go to jail, and we’ll never see each other again, and Lan will just get away with it like she gets away with everything.”
I tense at the mention of Lan’s name. “She’ll still get away with it if we do it now.” But I know what she means. I kind of want to just die right here, too. But shouldn’t I at least try to convince her to live?
Ah, but she sees right through me. “Let’s just die now, Mocha. I’d rather die here than rot to death in jail.”
I stay quiet for a long time.
“Yeah, I guess. Let’s do it.” I skirt around the word ‘die’. It’s a habit I picked up from my father. Sweet man. I’m sorry to leave him behind, but he’ll be fine. I make a mental note to, if I find myself in heaven, say hello to my mother for him.
“I wonder where Lan is now,” I mumble, my frown only deepening. Joowon rolls her eyes.
“Probably plotting some poor other group’s downfall. I don’t know what we even fucking did to her.”
I laugh sardonically. “Make better music.” She giggles along with me, smiling as she picks up her pistol off the ground and nods towards mine. I pick it up, my laughter fading into a tense silence.
“Any last words?” she grins, a little self-deprecatingly. She presses the barrel of her gun under my jaw, aiming up. I mirror her. 
I hum in thought. “If I could have chosen anyone to… you know… with, it would have been you.” She smiles at me, and I notice tears pooling in her eyes.
“Me too. I’m glad to die with you. I love you, Micha.”
I grin. “I love you, too.”
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first post ^__^ kind of nervous i never share my oc stuff online LOL but thank u for reading <333
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Kuroshitcember 2022 Prompt Nr. 24 -Christmas Special 2/3
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prompt: Sebastian (and, more optionally, the servants) prepares the manor for the young master for Christmas Day.
You can find all prompts here!
All of these will be uploaded/archived to this blog's Ao3 eventually
📌Because I ended up not being able to participate in quite a lot of prompts lately, I decided to put together a 3 part little story for 23rd, 24th, and 25th of December, each chapter inspired by that day's prompt. I tried incorporating as many characters as I could <3 I hope you enjoy!! I hope I can keep up writing after Christmas though <3 these prompts have been amazing, and it's been so much fun participating <3
Summary: On Christmas Day, Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian go to a workhouse to distribute toys and presents to the children. Meanwhile, the reapers realise that the children meant to die are being saved by a demon, and they don't quite know how to handle it, a little bit like how the Phantomhive servants have no idea how to handle preparing Christmas Dinner..... Chaos ensues. CW: kuroshitsuji spoilers (if you don't know about o!ciel and r!ciel, do not read this 3 parter!!), mentions death, suicide, anatomy study, workhouses - please be careful if you are easily triggered by real events that happened in the past. oh, if you don't ship Vincent/Undertaker, please don't send hate <3 it's just a fleeting mention, but still <3
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“But sir, I don’t think you should leave it up to us-“
A gloved hand moved up into the air. It was a simple gesture, but one that stopped all of them from talking. Sebastian basked in the silence for a moment. Downstairs, the servants had all gone into a frenzy the second Sebastian admitted that most of the last minute Christmas preparations were going to have to be done by them.
“The young master and I have important business to attend to the entire afternoon. What little decoration are left to prepare in the dining hall has to be done by you all. Mey-Rin, set the tables for all 6 guests. Finnian, prepare three guest rooms, we have a few guests staying the night. Baldroy, please ensure the Christmas turkey is… not burned.”
‘Yes, sir’s had been said with little confidence at each order. Sebastian had a feeling that the second he and his master came back home, he would have to use his inhuman speed to fix everything…
With a sigh, Sebastian bid his farewell to the servants, leaving them in silence. Confused, they looked at each other. Christmas was a big deal in most estates in England now, and Sebastian had just… left the last preparations to them?
He never trusted them that much…
Something was up.
“Well then, we better get a move on,” Bard said finally, clasping his hands together. “Or else Sebastian’s gonna be in a mood when we get back.”
“Aye, we don’t want that, no thank you,” Mey-Rin was quick to agree, lifting her skirts slightly as she began to run off.
She didn’t get very far though, as the back door leading out to the gardens opened. Everyone instantly went on high alert. Instead of lifting her skirts, Mey-Rin pulled out two guns. Finnian grabbed whatever was nearest and prepared to throw it at the intruders (which so happened to be a barrel filled with flour), and Bard was quick to take cover –
But there had been no need for high alert. Instead of enemies, Agni and Soma arrived.
“The front door was locked!! So rude,” Soma complained as he burst inside. “Cieeeel!”
“Master Ciel is out with Sebastian, sir. And… you really shouldn’t be down here, it’s not proper, it isn’t,” replied Finnian as he gently put the barrel back down.
“So sorry, my friends,” Agni interrupted, spreading gentle smiles to each servant he saw. “My master wanted to surprise Ciel with an early arrival for Christmas. We’re all very excited for Christmas, you see. It’s one of the holidays we enjoy here in England.”
Mey-Rin put her guns away again, brushing down her dress and clearing her throat to return to her maid act once more. “We’ve been tasked to finish the last preparations whilst the master is out… and…” She glanced back at her friends, who nodded their heads in agreement to the question she’d asked with just a glance. “I was wondering if you could help us, Agni?”
The man lit up, earning a smile from Soma. “I would love to!”
“Although it was very last minute, the company has divided the breached warehouse’s toys to be sent out to plenty of workhouses in London. Money has been sent to the Foundation of Timmy. When we arrive, toys should be standing ready to be distributed by yours truly.”
Ciel listened, but didn’t show he was. His eye was glued to what he was seeing flashing by the coach, which he tried his best not to show any joy about – it was for children, after all. Out there, snow was falling in thick waves. In this weather, it wasn’t safe travelling in a coach all the way to the outskirts of London, but Ciel knew he would be safe.
He had Sebastian with him, after all.
Smiles, laughter, applauses, and oh so much merriment was all Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis experienced from the children at the workhouse. It brought back memories from the few times Timothy had ordered Sebastian to go visit with him, and for Ciel, it reminded him of the good deeds he could do despite being in a contract made by a devil. Revenge might be what Ciel wanted, but moments like these… when a child’s dream had come true, Ciel felt pleased he could offer that dream to other children.
He wondered if somewhere far away, his brother was watching over him, hating how Ciel had left him after all, yet also perhaps pleased that despite the grief, Ciel could now follow his dream and build an empire not based in his family’s wealth.
Well… technically his demon had helped quite a bit there but – Ciel chose to ignore that part on Christmas Eve.
Whilst Ciel occupied himself with handing out toys and shaking hands with kids grateful for what he was giving them, Sebastian snuck away from time to time to deal with… securing the perimeter. He knew that once he and his master left the premises, those child snatchers would return again and the workhouse would be, once more, an unsafe place. But at least this way, the children could have one Christmas Eve, and hopefully one Christmas Morning, where they were safe and happy… like all children ought to be during the holidays.
Such sappy feelings was not what the demon had in mind though. For him, it was all about vengeance for what they had once done to his former master.
Both demon and master came away from the workhouse pleased for different reasons – one for offering the gift of charity and happiness, and the other for being given the gift of bloody revenge.
“How old were they?” Ciel asked as the coach began to move once more. He waved at the kids until they disappeared from view, smile on his lips gone the second they couldn’t see him anymore.
“Some were your age, some were younger,” Sebastian replied simply, sitting with his back straighter than usual, feeling over the moon after some delicious violence.
“My age? But they were all…” Ciel turned his back on the workhouse as he straightened up in his seat. “They were all so small.”
“Improper nutrition and poor working conditions will stunt the growth of humans.”
“But I… I was always the small one.” Ciel put on an angry scowl, trying to keep his emotions away from his voice. The empathy and sadness he felt… it outweighed the good he had felt just minutes ago. “We should have given them food.”
“Do not worry, my lord. Someone else is handling that for us,” Sebastian said confidently, offering no more explanation upon Ciel’s confused looks.
“DON’T YOU DARE INTERFERE, RONALD!!” Grelle pulled Ronald away from the ledge by his collar, causing an un-dignifying sound to leave Ron’s lips. Hand over his sore throat, Ronald glared at his reaper friend. “He looks oh so magnificent fighting like that! Oooo!! The crimson colours splashed against the backdrop of white, innocence – YES, Sebas-chan, keep at it! ⭐.”
“Miss Sutcliff… We can’t just leave the demon to kill them. We’re here for the children’s’ souls, not theirs.”
“We can do whatever we like,” Grelle snapped. “Just look at him, Ronald. He’s so magnificent! Ooo what a Christmas gift! I will cherish this memory for many lonesome nights to come-“
“Oh too much… information.” Ronald stepped aside and away from Grelle a bit, leaning against his scythe. William was going to be beyond furious about this… And what could Ronald even say was the reason they didn’t do their job?
Grelle was too into that awful demon?
Well… that could work, actually.
Wiping away some drops of melted snow from his spectacles, Ronald turned away from the grizzly murdering of kidnappers, and walked to the other ledge. There, from the rooftop of a church, Ronald could see clearly as the children from the workhouse rushed outside to greet Ciel Phantomhive. They earned a gift each, and then whatever was spare was offered as toys to share. The gratitude and smiles of the kids was enough to bring warmth to the cold, undead heart of Ronald.
Yeah… maybe it wasn’t so bad that the demon was interfering with their jobs. They had souls to reap, at least, it was just not the right ones. Ronald would rather deal with paperwork than with the memories of these childrens’ short lives fresh in his mind. He saw plenty of gore and suffering… maybe, one Christmas Eve, it could be nice to have a break from it.
Agni had stopped three fires that afternoon, prevented Finnian from tumbling down the stairs twice as he carried far too many sheets in his immensely strong arms, and had caught Mey-Rin an uncountable amount of times whilst she tried hanging up decorations in the dining room from a tall, unsteady ladder.
Eventually, the food had been saved and guest rooms had been properly prepared, but the decorations were a bust.
This was not Mey-Rin’s fault though. Sebastian had stashed the Christmas decorations in a place no one knew where. It meant that what little had been present for Mey-Rin to use hadn’t been… entirely enough.
In other words, it was just one garland hanging around the top of the walls, and one sad ornament hanging from the chandelier.
“Oh dear…” Soma said as the five of them stood racking their brains to come up with a solution. As if on point, one of the napkins Mey-Rin had folded into a triangle stood atop the guest’s plates collapsed with a sad little ‘poof’.
“This is horrible!! We can’t serve the guests here! The Phantomhive Christmas Dinners are events no one can compete with!!” Mey-Rin burst out, pulling at her hair.
“Calm yourself, my dear miss,” Agni spoke. “We will figure this out.”
“Unless you know how to pull Christmas decorations out of your ass, I don’t see how,” Bard commented with a huff. “Let’s face it, the food’s gonna be the only good thing about this event.”
“No,” Soma said determinedly. “I will not see my dear bestest friend have a bad event whilst I am here to save the day. We make them!”
“Arts and craft!” Finnian exclaimed happily. “I love arts and craft.”
“That’s a beautiful idea,” Agni praised.
Bard wasn’t very convinced though… This was going to go very badly, he was sure of it.
taglist: @eemoo1o-animoo
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spnhunter4life · 2 years
So Long Chapter 9
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Wow! The last chapter is finally here! I have so much I want to say. First of all, thanks to everyone who has supported this story. I've put a lot of time and effort into it, and for the most part I'm very happy with how it turned out. I hope you've enjoyed it too!
Secondly, I just want you guys to know how ridiculously excited I got when I had the idea to use this gif. I've been on the edge of my seat for two weeks now waiting to use it. I don't even know why. I guess I just entertain myself. It's certainly the moment I've been waiting for anyway.
Last but not least, notes on this chapter. This might have been my favorite chapter to write. After all, it is what I've been working towards for a couple of months now. I really hope this is a satisfying ending for everyone after the weeks of buildup I've put you through. It took me several tries and rewrites to get it where I wanted, but I'm very proud of the outcome. Please let me know what you think of this chapter and the story as a whole. I would love some feedback!
Series Masterlist
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Just started, it’s just started I’m having trouble believing it’s true Just started, just started Now we’ve got nothing to prove
Ages 24 and 25 August 2004
“That’s… You… I’m…” Dean trailed off, unable to complete a thought. His eyes kept darting back and forth between my eyes and his name. He took a deep, calming breath. “Really?” He questioned like he couldn’t quite believe it. Like he thought he read it wrong or I’d drawn his name on myself in sharpie or something.
 I dropped my shirt and shrugged, not entirely sure how to interpret his reaction. Was showing him a mistake after all?
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked.
“What, you mean like ‘Hey, Dean. As you know, I turned 16 today, and guess who’s name showed up? Yours! I hope that’s not weird since you turned 16 over a year ago and haven’t said anything to me, so even though you’re my soulmate, I must not be yours?’”
“What? You think-” Dean sat on the bed and began unlacing his left boot. I watched, confused.
“What are you doing?” I asked him. He yanked his boot off, pushed his sock down and pulled the leg of his jeans up a little.
“You thought this was one sided?” He asked incredulously. He lifted his foot onto the bed, showing me his ankle. 
My breath caught when I saw my name there. This was real, then. I really did belong to him the way he belonged to me. He didn’t have a different soulmate and my gut feeling that we were meant to be together was right, not just the product of longing for someone I could never have. 
“You really thought that there was a possibility I could ever have anyone other than you as my soulmate?”
“Well, to be honest I kind of assumed you knew. Maybe not about the soulmate part,” I clarified when he scoffed and raised his eyebrows. “But at least how much I like you.”
He was still staring at me with a mixture of shock and exasperation, so I nervously barreled on.
“I mean, it seems like everywhere we go people immediately pick up on it. And I tried to hide it, but apparently I haven’t done a very good job. So I figured you must know and were just being nice enough not to say anything about it. Besides, you never looked twice at me. What was I supposed to think?”
“Are you kidding? You’re the only one I ever looked at.”
“Tell that to all the girls you’ve been with,” I countered. “And look, I realize we weren’t together so you had the right to be with anyone you wanted. But don’t tell me you only had eyes for me.”
“It’s true,” he argued. I scoffed and he clenched his jaw. “The only reason I ever paid any attention to any of them is because I didn’t think I could have you, the one person I really wanted. And I seem to recall you going on a few dates yourself,” he answered.
“You might also remember that I only went on dates when friends set me up. I usually wasn’t thrilled about it and it never went past the first date. And that’s not even the point.”
“Then what is?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked. “You knew for a year and a half longer than I did. Why didn’t you say something?” Dean sighed.
“You know, when we were growing up, everywhere we went people knew how I felt about you. At every school the guys would tell me how whipped I was and the girls were always asking if we were dating. It shocked me how I was apparently so obvious and yet you could still be so clueless about it. I mean, you know me better than anyone. How could you of all people not see it? Even now you look surprised to hear it.”
I realized that while I was listening to Dean talk, my eyebrows had wrinkled together. 
“Yeah, well. You were protective I guess. But that’s just who you are. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“I know you think so,” Dean said. “But everyone else saw it for what it really meant.”
“This doesn’t really answer why-”
“Because,” he interrupted. “I’ve always known I’m not good enough for you, and I didn’t want you to feel obligated to be with me because of the soulmate thing. And when you turned 16 and never said anything to me… I figured you just weren’t interested.”
“Wow,” I said. “I don’t even know where to start. Uh…” I said, sorting through all the things I wanted to say to pick the most important. “Ok. So what you’re telling me is you knew we were soulmates the whole time?”
“Yeah. Do you know how rare it is for soulmates not to match up? Honestly, I kind of think it’s impossible. I think when that happens it’s just people falling in love with someone with the right name, but it’s the wrong person. It never even crossed my mind that your soulmate could be someone else,” he said.
“Then why did you seem so shocked when you saw my tattoo?” I asked pointedly.  
“Oh, right,” Dean said, reminded of how this whole conversation had started. He grabbed the discarded med kit and gestured for me to lift my shirt.
“Dean.” I wasn’t in the mood for him to try avoiding things. We needed to talk about this.
“I’m not ignoring you. I really need to get you fixed up.” I looked at him doubtfully. “I am capable of talking at the same time,” he said.
I looked at him for a few more seconds, weighing the honesty behind the words. I decided he was just as eager to have this discussion as I was. I walked over to stand beside where he was sitting on the bed and lifted my shirt for him. 
“So?” I asked. “Why did you seem surprised?”
Dean gently rubbed his thumb over the letters of his name, his eyes soft and a small smile on his lips. I shivered at the contact. Then he got to work on cleaning and stitching my side.
“I wasn’t surprised, exactly,” he told me as he worked. “Although I suppose it was a bit of a shock, seeing it for the first time. Knowing in your mind that something must be true and actually seeing it are two different things.”
“Yeah, I guess,” I agreed, wincing at the first poke of the needle. At least this conversation was as good of a distraction as I could ask for.
 “And I just figured if we’ve gone this long without ever seeing or talking about our tattoos, you letting me see it now must mean something.”
“It’s kind of hard to hide it right now,” I pointed out.
“You could’ve kept it hidden if you wanted to. It really wouldn’t have been difficult. Which is why I knew you wanted me to see it. And I know you well enough to know you wouldn’t want me to see it if you weren’t interested.”
I asked my next question. “You honestly thought I wasn’t interested in you?”
“After you turned 16 you never treated me any different,” he shrugged. “I figured there must be a reason for that.”
“There was,” I told him through gritted teeth. I really hated getting stitches. “It was because I was already so in love with you that finding out you were my soulmate didn’t really change things for me.”
He paused his work and looked up at me. 
“You’re serious,” he said. “Really? That long?”
“Is that so hard to believe?” I smiled.
He looked away and continued stitching. He was almost done now.
“Why show me now?” He asked.
“Honestly? I was still nervous about it. If I was right about you having a different soulmate, I didn’t want things to be weird between us,” I told him.
“What changed your mind all of a sudden then?”
“What you said. About why you kissed me. It sounded so much like what I would have said if the situations were reversed that for the first time I let myself really consider the possibility that I was your soulmate too.”
I reached out with my right hand and threaded my fingers through his hair. I loved the feel of it. I loved how soft it was and that I was able to touch him like this. 
“I don’t know when it happened. I don’t even know when I realized it. I just know I can’t remember a time that I wasn’t in love with you,” I told him. It felt kind of weird to admit it out loud, but also really nice. There was no point in hiding it now anyway. Might as well get it all out.
Dean finished with my side and I dropped my shirt as he stood up, forcing my other hand to fall from his hair. He was a full head taller than me and we were standing so close that I had to crane my neck to look at him.
“I guess that’s a good thing,” he said, putting a hand on my cheek. “It makes me feel better about the fact that I can’t remember ever not being in love with you.” Then he leaned down and kissed me.
This time I was a lot more prepared. This time I wasn’t so overwhelmed that I couldn’t even enjoy it. This time I felt everything. I felt how soft his lips were. I felt the way they moved with mine. I felt when his hand moved from my cheek to my neck and his other hand found its way to my back. I felt it when he leaned a little closer and deepened the kiss.
I lifted my arms up to wrap around his neck and winced at the slight pain it caused in my left side. I was fully prepared to ignore it, too caught up in the whole experience to care, but Dean noticed and immediately started to pull away.
“It’s fine,” I told him. I used my hands around his neck to keep him close and try to reconnect our lips.
“Jenna,” he warned gently. Our foreheads were pressed together and I could feel his warm breath brush over my face. “If you want me to keep kissing you, you’re going to have to keep that arm down.”
I just tried to catch his lips again.
“I’m serious,” he said. “You being in pain is a pretty big turn off.”
“You worry too much,” I huffed. But I obediently and dramatically removed my left arm from his neck. “Happy?”
“Smartass,” he said fondly. He slowly leaned in again. Very slowly. My heart raced in anticipation. Just before his lips touched mine, he pulled back.
“Dean,” I whined. He smiled and finally kissed me. 
He moved the hand that had been around my neck to join the other at my back. I moved my left arm to his bicep, loving the strength I could feel there. We found a rhythm quickly, our mouths moving in sync. It was so easy to lose myself in him. In his kiss, in his touch, in the warmth of his body. I would gladly stay here forever.
The kiss was starting to get a little more heated, tongues brushing and Dean lightly nipping at my lower lip once, when his phone rang. He pulled back just the slightest bit, our lips nearly touching. He hesitated for a second, deciding whether or not to answer the phone I guessed. He gave me one last, quick kiss before letting go of me and pulling his phone out of his pocket. He flipped it open and briefly glanced at the screen before answering.
“Hey, Bobby,” he greeted.
Disappointed about the interruption and slightly out of breath, I sat on the bed, leaning against the wall and listening to Dean’s side of the conversation. He filled Bobby in on everything that had happened. Well. Not everything. But everything regarding finishing the case.
“Alright, Bobby. Yeah, we’ll stop by next time we’re headed your way,” Dean said before hanging up the phone. He sat beside me on the bed. “Well that was good timing,” he grumbled.
“You didn’t have to answer it,” I pointed out. I decided it was probably a good thing we’d been interrupted anyway. We still had a lot to talk about.
“What if someone was dying?” He asked, half joking, half serious. 
“Then they should have called an ambulance. You’re not exactly a doctor,” I said.
“Hey, I managed to stitch you up just fine.” 
“That wasn’t life or death. You’re good for patching up, but you can’t do everything, Superman.”
“Next time I’ll just let it ring, then.” He held his arm up for me. I accepted the invitation and leaned into his side. His arm settled around me and I let out a content sigh.
“You know it’s been almost a decade since the last time we did this,” I said.
“Did what?” Dean was resting his chin on top of my head. My ear was pressed against his chest and I could feel its slight vibration when he spoke.
“Sat together like this.” I thought back to those days I’d been sick and how much I’d enjoyed being so close to him. Then I remembered what he said about that time during the dumb favorite memory game. “Did you mean what you said? At the hotel?” I turned my face up to look at him.
“Which part?” He asked, looking back at me. I gently elbowed him in the side. He knew what I was asking about.
“Ow!” He protested despite the fact that I definitely hadn’t hurt him. I gave him a look and he chuckled.
“I meant it. I think about it a lot. How good it felt to be able to hold you like that. Like this,” he said, briefly squeezing his arm tighter around me for emphasis. “How right it felt to have you in my arms. It’s the best thing I’ve ever felt. Well,” he smiled mischievously, “it was. I’ve recently come to the conclusion that kissing you is even better.”
“I won’t disagree with that,” I grinned. My neck was getting tired from the angle I was turned at to see Dean, so I looked away and rested my head back against his chest. I reverted back to an old habit, absentmindedly twisting the bracelet on my wrist as I thought through everything.
“What are you thinking?” Dean asked.
 “I’m having a hard time believing this is real. I’m kind of still wrapping my head around that first kiss. Not to mention everything else,” I admitted.
“You know, the way you froze up at the hotel when I kissed you… I thought I might have just made the biggest mistake of my life. I was worried you were pissed at me for crossing that line and that you might want to leave when we finished the hunt,” he told me.
“More like it happened so quickly and took me so much by surprise that my brain stopped working.”
“Freezing up isn’t really a quality you want in a hunting partner. Maybe I should ditch you,” he teased.
“Maybe you should,” I agreed. “But good luck explaining to Bobby how you left me in Idaho to fend for myself. With an injury.”
“Mm, good point. Guess that means I’m stuck with you.”
“Guess so,” I smiled.
We talked for a couple of hours. Up until our stomachs were grumbling and we couldn’t ignore the need for food anymore. We went out to eat and when we got back we curled up together again and stayed up well into the night, mostly talking, but trading a few kisses as well. When I fell asleep that night, I knew I could never be happier than I was at that moment. I finally had everything I’d ever wanted, and it was even better than I could have imagined.
A couple days later we drove out to Bobby’s house. We decided to make a trip out there to see him like Dean had promised before we started looking for a new case. We wanted a few days off to just enjoy our new relationship before we got back into things and we only planned to stay at Bobby’s for the day.
We made it to his house just after noon. The old hunter was happy to see us of course. He hugged us both and then invited us in. 
“I’m afraid I don’t have much around for food. I’ve been meaning to make a run to the store,” he said apologetically.
“No problem,” I said, holding up a grocery bag. “We came prepared.” 
Bobby wasn’t exactly known for having a well stocked fridge. We knew it was possible he wouldn’t have much around, and we didn’t want to drop in without warning and just expect him to feed us.
“Of course you did. I guess I should expect that from you by now, shouldn’t I?” Bobby said to me. 
“C’mon Bobby,” I teased as I headed for the kitchen. “You live in the midwest. You know you can’t just show up to someone’s house at meal time without bringing food.”
“Well, c’mon now,” Bobby said, shooing me out of the way. “You’re the guest and you brought the food. The least I can do is get it ready.”
He unpacked the buns, hamburger, sloppy joe sauce, macaroni salad, and potato chips we’d stopped to buy on our way into town. The three of us chatted while Bobby made the hamburger, just catching up on things since the last time we saw each other. 
Over lunch Dean and I told Bobby about some of the more interesting cases we’d been on recently. Bobby told us about the research he was doing for another hunter and about how some guy named Rufus was harassing him to help him on a hunt.
We finished lunch and were heading out to the porch to enjoy some beers when Bobby’s phone rang. 
“You two go on and I’ll join you when I’m done,” Bobby instructed. 
Dean carried the cooler out and I opened the screen door for him. Bobby had left the main door open to let in some fresh air. It was a beautiful day. The temperature was sitting in the mid 60s, the sun was shining and there was nothing more than a light breeze occasionally drifting through the air. 
Dean and I sat together on the rickety old porch swing, leaving the chair for Bobby. Dean put his arm around my shoulder and I leaned into his side, enjoying the weather and the gentle rocking of the swing.
“Do you remember the summer our dads dropped us off here for a month?” Dean asked after a couple minutes of peaceful quiet.
“Yeah. Sam was obsessed with magic and spent most of his time trying to learn new tricks,” I recalled. “And you basically spent the whole month elbows deep in whatever car you could get your hands on.”
“And you,” he said accusingly, “did not make it easy for me to concentrate.”
“What?” I asked, pulling away from his side so I could look at him. “What did I do?”
“Nothing in particular. You didn’t have to. It was just the way you would sit close by and watch me work while you sang along to the radio. Or I’d look up and see you sitting right here,” he said, patting the swing, “reading a book. It didn’t matter what you were doing. I just remember thinking how beautiful and distracting you were.”
I blushed a little at the words and wondered how long it would take for that to stop.
“And all I really wanted to do,” he said, pressing his forehead to mine. “Was this.”
He leaned in and caught my lips in a sweet kiss. I smiled into it.
“Well it’s about damn time,” Bobby drawled from the doorway. Dean and I jerked apart, startled by his sudden appearance. “A man could grow old and die waiting for you two idjits to get it together,” he said as he opened the screen door and stepped outside. His voice was as gruff as usual, but there was a twinkle in his eye and a small smile on his mouth.
“Wait, you knew?” I asked. My heart was still racing.
“‘Course I did. I don’t think there’s anybody that’s seen the two of you together and doesn’t know.”
I wanted to object, but then I thought back on all the times people had picked up on my feelings for Dean. And how he had apparently experienced the same thing. 
“So I guess we were just the last ones to know,” Dean said a little frustratedly.
“Looks like it,” Bobby smiled. “Congratulations you two. I’m happy for you,” he said.
“Thanks Bobby,” I answered.
He reached into the cooler and pulled out three beers, popping the caps off and handing us each one.
“Here’s to the happy couple,” Bobby said, clinking his bottle against both of ours.
I smiled and took a sip along with the two men.
Here’s to a long and happy life with the man I’m lucky enough to call my soulmate, I thought.
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agentcalypso · 1 year
Fic Masterpost
art/OC masterpost can be found here
Operation: Air Lift - Phoenix finally has a new mission, but...where's Earpiece?
Operation: Out of Order (CONTENT WARNING: VIOLENCE)- A surprise attack during a mission sends Phoenix and Handler reeling.
The Spy or The Liar? - Phoenix finds someone in the woods. Things get...interesting.
halloween time >:) - (CONTENT WARNING: BLOOD/VIOLENCE)- It's halloween in the EOD. Shenanigans ensue.
breathe faster to waste oxygen (CONTENT WARNING: NIGHTMARES, POSSESSION)- A midnight text from Scotty has Bec concerned for her friend.
where you go, i'm going (there is no me without you) - Agent Phoenix is MIA, and Delilah Elwood has to pick up the pieces her sibling left behind.
To her, the legendary Phoenix was Frankie, her older sibling that never left her side, plain and simple. But after the Peacemaker incident, she and her mother are barely allowed to speak about them.
When Delilah is cleaning out Frankie’s apartment, she runs into Director Simmons, Frankie’s resentful old boss. Simmons has heard very positive things about Delilah. She wishes to hire her to the Enhanced Operatives Division, & Delilah jumps at the opportunity.
With the new job comes secrets, allies, and the discovery that Frankie may not be dead after all. Now, with the help of Frankie’s old handler, Delilah is left with only one option: take her sibling’s place and rescue them. But Zoraxis is a beast that is not so easily satiated, and The Doctor has a new target on Delilah’s head…
No Soul, No Name - Jane feels lost. Mason helps.
welcome to my life (it plays out just like a true crime) (CONTENT WARNING: GORE)- But it was impossible. Barrel had to keep reminding himself it wasn’t him. It. Was. Impossible. There was no way he was seeing the boy he’d sent to Urinetown not even two hours ago.
Or: Bobby haunts the narrative, both figuratively and literally. It doesn't end well for Barrel.
kicking, screaming, sinking slowly - What I think the first "incident" in the Ink Fumes AU would be like. Wally suffers a bit :(
Wandering No More: The Great Calamity, As Told By Kali Taamu - Recently, the diary of Kali Taamu, a citizen of Hyrule during The Great Calamity and my late grandmother, was found. This diary shows a first-person perspective, fresh and not foggy with age, of the tragedy. This is that account.
Refolded: The Beginning - We all know the story by now. Two siblings, torn apart by the actions of their father. In a rage, one swore to reinvent the world, while the other opposed her twin and helped to save it. Both died. Olivia and Olly. The Origami siblings.
But what if.....What if the craftsman hadn't been so foolish? What if he didn't write his message? What if Olly hadn't become King Olly, the Origami Overlord? What if he'd stayed as just Olly? What if the origami festival had gone on? But what if, somehow, things had still gone wrong? This is that story.
Refolded: Whispering Woods - The aftermath of the attack. Nobody has a good time.
Refolded: The Soul Seed - Olly gets jumpscared and does a favor.
Keep Moving - As Miles reached the end of the vent, he dropped down onto a conveniently placed mat in the main hallway of Superstar Row. As he looked around at the various objects on display while making his way toward Sonic's green room, an automated voice played over the PA system.
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for visiting, and we hope you enjoyed! Sonic and the rest of the Glamrock Gang are pretty tired, but they'll be back again soon! Please make your way to the exit, and make sure you have all your belongings and your entire party with you." Then, in a very speedy tone, "16-Bit Entertainment is not responsible for stolen private property."
did you quake when you saw what's really at play? - Old memories don't often stay buried forever. Or: Or: The Dark Revival trailer grabbed me by the throat and demanded I make content for my years-old AU. This was the result.
sly cooper if it was a movie because hollywood is a bunch of cowards - Let's revisit Sly's origin story, shall we? Or: What I think would be the prologue/opening of a Sly Cooper movie; a retelling of the flashback cutscene of Sly 1. Written in screenplay/script format.
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