#I relate to this on a spirtual level
torchstelechos · 1 year
I do think its really important to remember that SY was suppose to be the villain character but its only because of his kindness and newly gained life that he didn’t end as one. In the very beginning of the story we learn that Peerless Cucumber Bro often left comments on how SJ didn’t get his dues and needed to be punished more, and only after he transmigrated did he acknowledge how awful of a death SJ had. He also made point to explain that he only read the book for LBH, which he noted to enjoy his decisive actions and deft ability to kill. Markedly, he liked his brutality and personality over the erotica that the majority of PIDW fans enjoyed. Peerless Cucumber Bro is someone who loves action and the ability to cut right to the chase, something that he does not do and most likely has difficulty with in his world.
Speaking of, it is something to note that Peerless Cucumber bro is rich. He had head chefs, he could pay for a 6k+ chapter book of erotica in 20 days, he noted that he could not understand SJs envy and ambition for power since he lives well, and he even noted to himself that his family was well off. He is incredibly wealthy, and it shows. Which is important to note because he, not once, showed any guilt or remorse on dying and leaving his family behind. Yes, he sometimes refers to people as being similar to his family but he never showed any pain for losing that life like he did when he lost LBH. This is important because I genuinely think SY was depressed and self destructive to himself, which goes against popular HC that he was chronically/terminally ill (I do like this HC and like how its portrayed in fanfiction). It would explain how he ended up dying all alone by himself, and how blase he was to his own life and death.
SQQ is a self destructive force who ended up dying three times, and didn’t feel anything about death itself. He was worried about others and the effect it had on them, but for himself it was up and on again like it never happened. He does not care for his health, had self isolated as SY to the point he died alone, and has a horrible self esteem to the point that he continuously agrees when other people put him down and often calls himself the villain. Even though we have seen the evidence of someone who is always being thrust into new situations and awful plots, he calls himself lazy and easy going. He hides his thoughts and feelings behind his fan and has a remarkably thin face. At the very base of his actions and his thoughts, he is self destructive, powerful, and smart. This is the set up for a villain.
However, when shown the actual people in front of him and forced to act as SJ did towards LBH and his disciples, he flinches from it. He notes that it happening in front of him was different. His entire self soothing comedy monologue went quiet when he had to enforce the Endless Abyss scene, and grieved for the childish innocence he killed from one of his favourite people. SY was set up to be the villain and obviously thinks of himself as one, but can not act as one. If he had the choice LBH would have been his sticky sweet white lotus disciple for as long as LBH wished to be.
His kindness, as seen in the book, is what turned him from being “the scumbag villain” to the protagonist we see in the novels. Which, yes, he is a protagonist! He even has the protag halo that LBH has and its very funny in the meta way for SQQ not to realize this, but thats for another post. But he loves his disciples, he loves his peak lord siblings, he loves his Binghe, he loves his new life, and he is kind. That is what kept him from being the villain he sees himself as, his kindness and love for others. Whether that be romantic, platonic, or familial, he loves the people he has met and he treats them kindly. That is why it is important to remember that he was set up as the villain by everything in the story we do not see, but what we do see is him continuously changing the story to fit a new genre that lets as many people as he can save live. Sorry sorry, I just think about SY being set up as a villain so much. It changes a lot of views I have on the series when I remember the duality of SYs story and character development.
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BABYGIRLS, BITCHBOYS, AND BOYCOTTERS OF THE BINARY, HELLO MAGGOTS OF MINE. Can you tell it is past 5 am and I just took my sleep meds? We all know how well that goes for my post-making prowess *stares at my good omens part 1 update on Neil's blog*.
BUT that is a regret for post-sleep me to have. When the sun rises I'll go to bed, it's a fucked up sleep schedule but hey the sun and I can't be up at the same time we'd all combust from the hotness. Oh I'm going to regret this so much. But I feel like it's only in this state that I can do justice to that goddamn livestream.
Soooooo without further ado, or should I say much ado about nothing (see I can reference Shakespeare):
The stream starts, and we are witness to David Tennant being pointy and chaotic, Michael Sheen being adorable and enraged, and Simon looking close to tears at all times, which is a fucking mood.
I am witness to a disturbing degree of thirst every time Michael turns to the side. Michael in profile, they all swoon. I am concerned.
I'm reminiscing about my lockdown memories. David looking confused in a hoodie is very fucking relatable. Once, I started sobbing because my wardrobe looked like a wardrobe. It was a time for us all.
However, everyone else is busy yelling about different showings of Hamlet, Richard the Something Number, etc etc. No one is paying attention to me and my poor poor memories.
Now, I read original Shakespeare when I was like 13, .I like him. But I do not have this level of expertise. FRIENDS, ROMANS, COUNTRYMEN, LEND ME YOUR EARS, I beg.
No one pays attention. I am sad.
I go off to sulk.
By which I mean I actually pay attention to the show. So maggots reading this and wanting an actual summary, this is the only time you're going to get it, because it was when I was watching.
Basically, Simon (I'm gonna refer to their characters as them but for the record it's scripted, I'm being so considerate to the people who're here for an actual summary) digs himself into a hole, Michael does not like him and makes that very known, David offers to get Simon out of the hole and in the process digs both of them into an even deeper hole, and Samuel L Jackson (is that his name) and Michael become unlikely allies to get revenge on David.
Rather than an apology dance, though, David has to stand in a corner. Meanwhile, Georgia and Anna are the only ones actually functioning at their lives, Michael gets blackmailed into servitude by his neighbour, and Simon holds back tears. Judi Dench is involved (that's her name right).
Now as you can see, I am paying full attention to the show until this point. At this fucking point though, I make the poor choice of opening the stream chat.
@thescholarlystrumpet's profile picture is a certain angel. Focused on... the lower half.
Everyone in the chat is talking about Aziraphale's thighs.
This derails. Everyone is now talking about Aziraphale's dick.
Strumpet insists vehemently that the thighs are the focus.
Everyone says the thighs are only there for framing purposes.
You know me, maggots. I'm drawn to chaos, shark to blood. So I end my sulk at not being the centre of attention, and delightedly hop into the chat.
Someone (@vitrilol it was you, I believe? until confirmation, I'll refer to them as Ari) says they wish someone liked their thighs.
So naturally I say I like your thighs.
Oh, swoon, the flirting, you maggots would be scandalised. I'm quite the charmer. It is delectable. We take it to the bedroom. The bedroom is the stream chat. There are gasps.
Another maggot says that this is simply mine and Ari's room, and they're just in it. So then I tell them, why simply stand and watch? They should join in.
They say they have mixed experience with threesomes. I ask who said we're capping it at three?
They are far more comfortable with the idea of an orgy. An orgy has now been initiated. Some people express concern. Others are entirely on board.
Some say they are afraid they're too old for the said orgy, they're old enough to be my aunt. I say nonsense, you wanna orgy, you orgy.
Ari takes this opportunity to wonder if I'm old enough to be their aunt. They then hasten to assure me that they like MILFs.
I find this hysterical, because I am a nineteen year old guy whom people have said gives off tiktok fuckboy energy in real life. I make that fact known. I'm glad that being a man and being 19 does not exclude me from being a MILF, however.
At this point, Ari points out that at least people find me attractive, even if it's a tiktok fuckboy way. I am unsure that being attractive is worth giving off tiktok fuckboy energy. (Thank god, this is not my only vibe. I also have unkept stinky teenage boy, witch and Jane Austen debutante princess, but weird).
Someone else says that hey, I'm closer in age to their son than them. I am about to ask whether their son is eligible and how many pounds he has a year, when they add that the son is 12. I tell them I am glad I did not ask those things. They agree.
The show is still going on. Someone is gasping on Georgia's phone, and I assume it is labour (I learned my lesson about assuming orgasms after the good omens pilot). I am correct. A maggot says that labour and orgasms do not sound the same.
I'm a clueless aspec boy. I don't know about labour or orgasms.
There is some debate then about whether screaming in pain is a difference or a possible common ground for those two things.
The orgy is expanding. Strumpet has to step in to say that while thirsting about the actors is entirely fine, please everyone refrain from sexting in the stream chat.
I feel like I should state here for the record that no one was sexting.
Well. Okay. That's a dubious stretch of the truth, but I love dubiously stretching the truth.
David abuses chairs and beds and his limbs with his posture. I relate.
The neighbour nearly dies, then does not.
The internet gives up on the stream. This is fair. Poor internet.
But while the video is lagging, someone mentions that one of their favourite fanfic authors passed away.
Comfort is offered, as is my brand of aggressively gentle love. Basically DON'T FUCKING APOLOGISE, sweetheart, your grief is valid. Strumpet says how in case she should disappear she's given a friend the authority to post her WIPs as a precautionary measure. And now people are crying.
I ask Strumpet to pause the stream. We all get really fucking emotional about the beauty of writing, of art enduring past the lives of the artists, and whether the author knew how much they were loved. This is getting really sad, but in a beautiful way.
We go back to the stream. Who knows what happens? Not me.
But what matters to me isn't what's on the stream, it's what's in the chats. The people I get to talk to. The hope that I can, at the very least, ensure that they are never, ever unheard. That they get the love they deserve.
I'm too sleepy to reread that. Meds have kicked in. Eyes shut time. If I fucked up somewhere in the post do forgive me maggots of mine, it's past 6 am which means the sun has risen and I need to go the fuck to sleep till noon is over at least.
I love you. Love love love. Send me anything you want anytime. My ask box is open. Go wild. You will not be fucking unheard. Yeah? Good. I love you, again, for good measure.
@howmanyholesinswisscheese ya proud of me, dad?
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alpimerealmsystem · 1 year
About Us!
To start this off, we're a RAMCOA and mixed origins system, that bothers you? Feel free to leave
Now that that's over with, hi! Nice to meet ya, welcome to the chaos. The main side who runs this blog is Manik, he's an Angel Dust fictive from Hazbin Hotel and goes by any pronouns :) He's our front anchor and host, and we rely on him for a lot of stability in the system. Another host we have is Kringe, although he's mostly in co-con, he may fuck around here sometimes tho!
Our system origins are fucking weird but we're a distorpid system + esogenic + gateway + delusionbased + HC-DID + cephaloconcious system however even though we are an HC-DID system we still just call ourselves endogenic because it's easier and fits us better. We have a duplex system (sharing a system completely, our "innerworld" is the same) with our honorary sibling @oxygenatedbots
About the system - We're a system of 800+ as of last updated, but our system is forever growing and we consider it to be eternal. We also are uncomfortable with the terms alters/headmates being used for us due to our origins and prefer the terms sides/sysmates when referring to us. Of course, you can also just use our names. Most sides originate due to spirtual beliefs but we believe trauma has also majorly influenced our system, with that being said, we are primarily endogenic and have decided we have been plural for a good while, but when we did "split" we were going through extreme trauma, so really we don't know what we split from but we do believe you dont have to split from trauma. Oh, also please don't use the word "innerworld" when referring to us! Call it Alpime or the Inneruniverse, thanks!
DM me asking for a cat pic to cheer you up, I shall deliver
SEND ME ASKS FOR STUFF YOU WANT ME TO TALK ABOUT. We'll post poetry, short stories, alterhumanity, non-humanity and system related things if ya ask!
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Pronouns ~ Collectively He/They/Thrive/Grow/Way/Path//Point/World/Cosmo/Void/Planet/Star/Moon/Night/Astro/Dark/Shadow/Spirit/Glow/Glimpse/Ghost/Fade/Dreary/Corrupt/Virus/Hack/Glitch/Music/Song
Kintypes ~ Voidkin and snow leopard therian. (But I will say, our voidkin identity is heavily influenced on being a plural system)
About me ~ The body is minor so please be aware of that. Anyways I'm a proud mom to three cats, love them all equally (we know that's a lie) we can't get any diagnosises due to our own situation irl however we are self diagnosed with a lot- so here's the full list. DID, anxiety, depression, OCD, NPD, BPD, schizophrenia, autism and ADHD. BPD and OCD tend to collectively be shared across the system to a more extreme extent, but specifically OCD, and we all tend to experience both of those very similarly. We consider ourselves mentally and physically disabled, even though we can't get a diagnosis for anything due to personal reasons we know at least we are limited in a lot of areas. About the physical disability we don't know exactly what it is but we experience constant lightheadedness and sometimes blurry vision and it genuinely negatively impacts our daily life
Posting schedule ~ we post poems sometimes! Depends on motivation levels and how busy we are but that's actually why we started this blog! and then depending on other shit sometimes we'll do short stories, system posts and alterhumanity related posts. Yes this blog is chaotic, yes atm it's mainly reblogs, no we don't give a fuck.
Stuffs I write ~ I write a lot of darker topics in my poetry such as us ruining the world, mental health, etc. I do put trigger warnings on some of my posts so please keep this in mind y'all. About my short stories, I wrote partially just fiction stuff or I may start with a prompt. The other half of the stuff I write is going to be werewolf/Lycanthropy/therianthropy themed!
DNI ~ Idgaf who interacts anymore, if I don't like you I'll block you but just be aware of our identities and apply your DNI to us, if we're in it get the fuck out. We're probably that freak in your DNI anyways (totally stolen from a friend, love ya!)
Misc ~ PLEASE GIVE ME RECOMMENDATIONS!!! Feel free to *flood* my inbox with requests, I will get to them! I'd seriously love to know what y'all want for short stories and poetry! If you give me a recommendation it will be a bonus post and not one of my daily things! Spam likes are fine, welcome, and appreciated! It's always great to know what y'all enjoy. Feel free to ask as many questions as you want about my writing and also criticise me! I'm totally welcome to take y'all's advice and I'd love to improve on my work! Also feel free to send me drafts for poems, I will make them my own style and give you full credit for the ideas and how it was executed ^^
About the blog-ish: Different sides may post certain things, some will leave sign offs, others won't, but be aware of this. My blog is not a place of hate or to discriminate, I want this to be a safe space. Do not come to my blog being a bitch, or saying my beliefs are not valid, or saying other's beliefs are not valid. I will block anyone who says stuff like that. This blog is centered around writing, alterhumanity and system shit. If I fuck some info up in a post TELL ME. I do research everything but I've had some angry people dming me, please politely say I messed up info and don't scream at me. I am trying my best, but my best isn't always perfectly accurate. I primarily speak from my own experiences but when I don't I'm relying on the beautiful thing we call the Internet and opinions vary on here. I want to make my content as accurate and relatable as possible so please do tell me if I mess up. This blog also mentions mental health and trauma occasionally so typically I do put TWs. Anyways, that's all! Love ya!
I need friends, feel free to reach out (especially if a system, would love more system friends. Also only minors, bc the body is sadly
I think that's it, thanks!
Last updated ~ April 4, 2024 - Manik
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jack-owo-valentine · 3 years
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ambagelbraindump · 3 years
I just had a surreal and weirdly vivid nightmare in which robert parrish was real and in the news and I got v upset bc my parents took his side
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vulpiximisa · 7 years
one of the funniest (to me) power moon quests is to wade through a crowd of people n the city to get to the moon before time runs out
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knifeslidez · 4 years
i know it’s stereotypical but my ADHD ass relates to Peter Maximoff on a spirtual level
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Hi Jenny!! 🌟🌙
What are your top 10 books you'd recommend to any soul? (if you want to add more, go ahead)
Hey lovely Mina 💖💖💖
okay but for a minute there I forgot every book I've ever read in my entire life? Is that normal?
So recently I've been getting into the romance and contemporary genre so there will be cheesy and cliché books 👀👀
Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. Genre: High Fantasy
WHY ARE MORE POEPLE NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS? Wonderful worldbuilding, well developed characters. Honestly Read anything by Brandon Sanderson. Its *Chef's kiss*
2. The Caraval Series by Stephanie Garber. Genre: YA fantasy.
tale of two sisters who have unbreakable bond. Amazing romance. I relate to this series on a spirtual level, maybe cause i have sister too? that's the reason why i love it so much.
3. The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren Genre: Contemporary Romance
WHERE WAS THIS BOOK HIDING? Why didn't i read this till now? Real quick read and so cute!! Kind of like enemies to lovers + fake dating trope + pretending to be married.
4. Throne of Glass by our Sarah J. Maas
I know almost everyone has read this series. But I'd definitely reccomend it to anyone and everyone.
5. The wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata Genre: Contemporary romance
This ass of book consumed all my heart ngl. LOVED IT SO MUCH. Why didn't i read this till now? Ugh i am disappointed in myself.
6. The Winner's trilogy by Marie Rutkoski Genre: Fantasy
BITCH READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T. Women are allowed to wear gowns with daggers. What more do you need.
7. Off- campus and the spin off series- Briar U series by Elle Kennedy Genre: Romance
Hah these are the books that got me into the whole romance genre and now i am a hopeless romantic. These are really quick reads and you can read them as standalones too.
8. Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller Genre: historical fiction, romance.
This book consumed me like no other. If you know Rick Riordan has already made me a geek and I love Greek Mythology. So this is definitely one of my all time favorites
9. City of Brass by SA Chakraborty. Genre: High Fantasy
I've just read the first book but omy god, excellent world building, political fantasy. LOVE IT
10. The Hating Game by Sally Thorne Genre: Romance Novel
THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS. THE SEXUAL TENSION. The flavour of this book. Wow
Some more cause why not-
Night circus by Erin Morgenstern. Genre: Fantasy Romance
A Thousand Boy kisses by Tillie Cole Genre: Romance Definently cliche but i liked it so much. Read this only if you're emotionally stable.
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong Genre: Fantasy Fiction Romeo and Juliet retelling. Enemies to lovers. What more do you need?
Oh and feel free to add your recommendations. God know i need them 😏😉
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theburntleaf · 4 years
formulation // three ways
Aesthetic formulas are derived for pleasure, with focus on the over-all scent of the blend. Though obviously a model to follow in the subsequent methods, but here scent is of top concern. Whether trying to evoke olfactory memory or just trying to make a room smell good, these blends are primarily for enjoyment and entertainment. Fragrance notes are the key to formulating for aesthetics. These notes are composed of a single aromatic material or a collection of complimentary ones making what is called an accord. In a careful balancing act these notes are put together considering the first scents a blend gives (top notes), the main body the scent (heart notes), and any heavy aromas that linger (base notes). These blends are (usually) composed of commonly used materials (meaning they are generally safe) and allow for a more relaxed formulation. Following the seasons is often a guide I use for aesthetics and I’ve been inspired recently [x] to explore a method of aesthetic formulation that derives from story telling. This method would start with some form of writing (newly created or a favorite): a poem, short story, play/dialogue, which would then create a mood, image, or memory to inspire an aromatic accompaniment. This method could probably be employed with other forms of art but writing is a go to for me.
Therapeutic formulas are for supplemental health and holistic wellness. Though I do believe herbs (and incense) can accompany treatment of illness and disease (accute and chronic) it should be done under the guidance of a clinical professional. Because I consider myself just a fledgling in herbalism (as in I do extensive research as an autodidact but yet to acquire formal training or apprenticeship... though that is a goal) my dip into therapeutics is either for personal use or has more focus on mood and well being which leans more aesthetic based but uses a foundation of knowledge of the plant allies I’m working with. I usually approach these blends with a particular aromatic chemical (and mood) in mind and focus on plants with similar compounds. The therapeutic attributes of plants proivde the guidance for creating a recipe and take precedence. Considered first are lead actors which address the desired goal and hold the main therapeutic properties sought after. Then supportive actors are included based on needs to create a more holistic blend and enhance or round off lead aromatics (and could also help improve the overall aesthic of the blend). These actors are assisted by synergist that drive the blend and harmonize the potency of the formula (these are usually stimulating in effect or have strong energetics) Thinking about form following function, incense as a therapeutic is probably best employed for its affinity with the respiratory and nervous systems but other actions could be explored/studied.
Though all incense making for me is in some sense a spiritual process...
Spiritual formulas are developed specifically for matters of spirtual significance. Since incense is a wide spread art in many different traditions and paths, spirtual formulation might be unique to an artisan and/or follow customary rules and methods. One of the ways spirtual formulation differed from the previous is how the ingredients are chosen. Here the Plant’s spirit is first considered, rather than fragrance note or therapeutic value though there is often a connection between all three. Aesthetics may be highlighted or disregarded (as some spiritual/magic based formulas don’t necessarily smell great but get the job done, while others are truly empyreal) and therapeutic knowledge should be kept in mind for safety of course and they may enchance or take away from a particular blend (eg. if looking to achieve trance states). Some subjects to consider first are: the folkloric history or cultural aspects of the plant, its energetics, personal significance, the soul of the individual plant (eg. material from dead mugwort vs living), relation to spirits, and planetary influence. Preparation is a crucial factor in spirtual formulation. While all incense should be crafted with mindfulness and in complete presence and in a cleanly environment, here this is intensified with ritual and accompanied by prayers (of personal method/style) laid before an altar (or sacred space) composed for incense working. The processing of each ingredient should be a deliberate act. (In these recipes I try to use the mortar and pestle over the grinder as much as possible). There is also a special moment when water (or other liquid) is added to the blend which is then kneaded together. One could argue this is the most crucial point in spiritual crafting: where water and kneading act as an intermediary transferring the crafters desires and prayers into the material, and awakening the plants in the blend. For an example of spiritual based incense making research traditional kyphi making by the Egyptians. Incense in spirt work is multifaceted, and personally is used most in prayer and while working magic. My spiritual life has been greatly enriched by incense. The path I have found myself on holds burning plants in high esteem. Working from an animist’s midset incense/burning plants is a direct interaction, a communion with the Plant spirits and is a way I form relationships with said plants and other spirits of the Land. Creating from the eco-region provides an intimate experience with my surroundings that has really inspired a lot of feelings and insight. Incense has also been a way to arouse the Home. Filling the house with aesthetically pleasing scents from its own grounds has been a way for me to interact and form bonds with my home on a spirtual level. Recently diving into more ancestor veneration, incense has been crucial in creating a comfortable space to work in and has been gift well accepted. The incense here have taken more from folkloric inspiration and personal relationships. I am also very intrigued by botanical astrology. I have been incorporating that into my studies and crafting by looking to celestial influences and timing in formulation. This mode of thought takes precident (usually) when working looking for remediation. All of these experiences have influence on my spirtual formulation.
All of this being said, just because one particular method in formulation is highlighted doesn’t mean the others necessarily go neglected. Most all blends are probably going to designed to be aesthetically pleasing, the therapeutic properties really can’t be ignored because burning plants forces you to interact with them, and the spiritual nature of the process is always present (acknowledged or not) . What really makes the difference is the crafter’s intent and focus, these are merely guidelines to help highlight that focus.
**these are notes and reflections on a lesson from an incense course**
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its-nebula · 4 years
Add-on for Reader Who's Afraid Of Men. ^^
Imagine, because of Nagito's unstable personality, that his S/O, who had abusive parents who were like that, is scared to ask him things, and stutters a lot when she has to. It's not that she doesn't trust him, but it's purely a reflex because asking for things in her household could get her hurt.
S/O: K-K-Komaeda-San, is it okay if...? I m-mean, can we...? Am I allowed t-to...? Would it be a-alright if...?
Nagito: Hope? Are you okay?
S/O: Yes, Komaeda-San... It's just... I was w-wondering if I...? I m-mean, would you...? C-Could you please...?
Nagito: *Just realizing how genuinely afraid of him S/O sounds, as if she's worried that he'll hurt her* Please, My Hope... *Takes her hand into his gently* You can ask for what you want. I promise, I won't get mad or hurt you for asking me for things. I love you with all my heart.
S/O: C-Can you c-c-c-come to the couch and c-c-cuddle with me...? P-Please...
Nagito: *Kisses her forehead gently and nods with a smile* Of course. Come with me, My Hope.
S/O: *Smiles softly* I love you, Komaeda-San... ♡
Nagito: Nagito. Just call me Nagito. *Smiles*
S/O: O-Okay... Nagito...
Nagito: *Smiles at her* Never be afraid to ask me for things. I love you, and I'll never get mad at you for it or hurt you ever.
The fact that she called him Komaeda-San (by his last name, rather than his first name, and with an honorific, rather than casual) is also a hint to her abusive upbringing, wanting to show as much respect as possible so he doesn't get mad at her for being disrespectful.
Can you tell my family is 🌟 t o x i c 🌟 ?
My anon, I'm not sure what you've been through, but I can tell that whatever it was surely wasn't nice. While I didn't have an abusive family, I can relate to this on a spirtual level-- I hate asking for things from family, friends, and probably any future significant others I may have. I'm sorry for what you had to go through, and I sincerely hope that you can get out of a bad situation and that your future is better for you. 💙💙💙
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mrdiegohargreeves · 4 years
Tagged by @beth-cassidy thank you! ♡
You can tell a lot about a person’s personality based on how they rank the umbrella academy siblings from best to worst:
Five ( I feel like this is because i relate to him on a spirtual level)
This is hard... because I love them all. I really do actually love them all. 
Tagging (sorry if anyone doesn’t like to be tagged or has done it before):  @lostandhufflepuff @thealternatemind @sapphic-legends @joe-nicky and whoe ever else wants to do it! (Honestly I NEED more TUA mutuals!)
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eve-readssweetmanga · 4 years
Kiss Him, Not Me CHAPTER 1: Unbelievably, This is Reality
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wait she's really pretty-
a-chan hi, what you trying to do? 🥴 (this emoji makes me laugh every time)
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She has a trench coat 😂
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he kinda bad tho-
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Also I live for some Shinomiya and nana moments 👌
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See… out of all the boys, Sernuma should go with Mitsumi
He actually recognizes her even before she becomes pretty. hes chill too
Wholesome I ship it
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Nana can slam into me-
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I f e l t t h e g a y n e s s t o o
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Fucking love her brother 😂
Also he’s kinda hot too-
Wouldn’t mind dating him-
Previous part: https://evereadssweetmanga.tumblr.com/post/645929837409730560/kiss-him-not-me-chapter-1-unbelievably-this-is
Part 3: https://evereadssweetmanga.tumblr.com/post/645932332001411072/kiss-him-not-me-chapter-1-unbelievably-this-is
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yngseung · 3 years
Thank you for gif-ing when the birthday boi departed INTO his own desk hahahahaha
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dlkfjlk yeah ofc! i related to that moment on a spirtual level it compelled me enough to gif it (also it was his bday my small contribution to it haha)
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captblakhelm · 5 years
My response to MetalJesusRock’s video to other ways to catalog your game collection was worthy of a lengthy blog post..... so here it is.
I often forget smartphones apps exists, as I only really use my phone as a phone, or something to kill time when I'm at work or otherwise at home.
Here are some I have used:
Backloggery: A website to catalogue what games you have completed. Keeps track of your completion level and ownership level. Displays games you're currently playing Trend list shows comparison between games you've beat and haven't beat. Has a bit of a social network vibe as you can add friends, post on each other profiles, compare recent changes, and has some Twitch integration. There seems to be no database, so every entry is hand made by each user - so expect typos and other incorrections thanks to human error 
HowLongToBeat: More used to compare completion times between gamers, but has a  huge database of games, thus can be used to catalog game libraries.  I haven't used it extensively though. 
Steam: Obviously, Steam will show you all your Steam  games, but it has been improved recently to allow you to sort your library more easily and use Dynamic Collections which can grow automatically as you get more games, based on parameters like Genre, features, players and more. Steam allows you to list your non-Steam games as well, allowing you to list your DRM free games and games from other launchers. The interface is pretty visual, so you can use a custom image as "Box art" and there is a budding community of people making custom box art to use on Steam
GoG Galaxy: GoG made a big effort to make a unifying PC game launcher made to scan games from all major game store fronts, including consoles. Also tracks recently added games,  achievments, and hours plays. Feels a bit like a spirtual sucessor to Raptr, albeit not as robust. It's based on libraries from game stores, so "executable games" you may have on your PC won't be detected. You can add games manually, but I think they only work on games already on connected platforms, not loose entries from users. Anarchy Arcade : I'm possibly cheating here, but this is actually a free game on Steam. It is a digital world/sandbox where you can create your own virtual arcade by importing your Steam games. You can add various arcade machines, PCs, and TV setup that display and launches a Steam game with in the game. I'm pretty sure you can also have in world game boxes so you can make bookshelves or stacks of loose games with your actual game library
GiantBomb.com: This is bit of a misnomer, as GiantBomb is a game coverage site, mixed with a forum, social network, games wiki, and lists. You can use lists along with the game database/wiki to list your games. It's a bit cumbersome to use as a game catalog compared to other options, but many regulars have used it as such. 
Raptr: This was an AWESOME program that would scan your games libraries and also display achievements, ratings, and show which of your friends from which platform were online and playing. If I remember correctly, you could use it for chat as well and I'm pretty sure there some community/forum/social aspect to it as well. The best thing about Raptr is that it tracked what games you played and for how long. At the end of the year, you could generate a "This year in gaming" report that would show every game you played, how much you spent on it, which genre's you played in pie charts, and a bunch of other neat information. You could compare your report to friends reports as well. 
Favslist: This was used as a social network/tool to list your favorite lists of game related stuff, and non-related stuff. Since games was it focus, it had a huge community-created games database. Truly, you probably couldn't catalog a huge collection of games somebody like MJR, AVGN, or The Last Gamer would had, but it was awesome to make lists of "Your favorite fighting games" or "Favorite games of 1997" or "Favorite Characters". Unfortunately, the primary creator/owner, Pape Badiane died tragically and with it, the funding for the site, making the site spiral out of maintenance, updates, and eventually existence. Fans/former members of the site are apparently working on things in the background, and one of them on Discord mention there is plans to get the site back up, as the data/lists on there are still backed up somewhere. 
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homestuckscaresme · 5 years
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can i just say that i relate to these file names on a spirtual level
specifically “FUCK FUCK FUCK” and “AAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.” All that’s missing is “<file_name_here_>” and “hsbvjhdbfvkjhdbfvuy”
also, he has a message! hopefully a new character will be introduced? I am really looking forward to getting to know these characters and i’m hoping this all speeds up soon because it’s mostly been introductions and story building so far (which I know is necessary but I WANNA GET ATTACHED TO CHARACTERS ALREADY DAMMIT).
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hanorganaas · 5 years
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this movie was fantastic. i cried three times because there was so many things that related to my life, and god never in my life i thought i would relate to elton john on a spirtual level and hes my new hero! applause to the cast and crew and an amazing job done by taron egerton! #rocketman #taronegerton #eltonjohn #movies #newhero #greatfilms #favoritemovies https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLQV10AYpz/?igshid=chp29tz78u56
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