#I remember when I had a bad cold the week we had FOUR LABS
All I’m saying is that it’s tragic how very intelligent students are forced to drop out and made feel stupid because some professors feel the need to make their courses so intense that one needs to study 50-60 hours a week, while they just need rest to function, but would have no problem understanding the material if they just had to study 40 hours a week, the actual fucking guidelines for what full-time studies should be.
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rantofdespair · 2 years
My dog died two weeks ago on a Friday at 12:02 in the morning.
We knew it was coming soon. She was fourteen years old as of February ninth. I baked her dog friendly cookies and got us both matching hats. She was a pitbull/lab mix named Darla, as her entire litter had been named after the Little Rascals.
Darla has been around since I was a bit over a year old. The first dog I remember having. She was my dad's dog, but towards the end Dad had to admit she would save me before him.
Darla used to sleep on my bed before her legs got so bad she couldn't walk on the tile. When I had nightmares, she would lick my leg or hand until I woke up. She always stole my fluffiest blanket, and I let her have it. I typically ended up with just a corner of bed and blanket by the time she was comfy. I let her take it. She mattered more to me than I did myself.
She loved playing fetch. Especially with tennis balls. She wouldn't chase them unless they bounced and she could jump super high to catch it in the air. And when we were tired, she would bounce them herself and play catch with herself.
Oh, and she was stubborn. She almost always got her way. Butternut squash on the counter? Not for long. Grandma's thanksgiving roast? I looked away for ONE SECOND.
But we loved her. I loved her. More than anything in the entire world.
It was at 9 o'clock that dreadful night when I noticed how dangerously bloated she was. I brought it up to my mom. "She gets bloated a lot. Just let her sleep it off." It was true. If she got into something, she would get all big.
But this was different. God help me, I KNEW it was different. She was waddling. She didn't lift up her head. She practically collapsed on her dog bed in my parent's room in the corner by their own bed. Dad was working overnights, so he wasn't there. Mom let me make myself a bed beside my dog so I could make sure she got better since everyone else was going to sleep. I put my fluffy blanket she loved so much on top of her so she wasn't cold.
For four hours, I laid there. Quiet as can be. Petting her. Making sure she knew I was there. Her eyes...I'll never forget how milky they looked. How they kept darting around the room, terrified and sad, until they landed on me, only a silhouette, and she calmed down for a few seconds before it started again.
Then she started panting. Fast. Shallow. Her head on her paws and her eyes milky and scared. Around 11-11:30, she insisted on standing up, because she was just so stubborn she would lay back down. She walked to my dad's side of the bed, sniffed his clothes on the floor, and walked back. The second time this happened, her back legs gave out on the way back. I carried her back to her bed. I put the blanket on her. I cried and pet her and told her she was okay.
My fries woke up my mom. "It'll be okay." She told me. "It's probably just a seizure. It'll be okay. Let her sleep."
I believed her. But I knew it wasn't just a seizure.
And I laid there beside my dog. She seemed thirsty, but I didn't get her any water. I didn't want to leave her side for a moment. I should've gotten her water. I could've at least made her a bit more comfy. Maybe she would've been okay.
I laid there. And then I leaned against her and started watching a show on my computer, I guess for her to focus on.
Five minutes and 49 seconds into the show, at 12:02 in the morning of a Friday, my dog stopped breathing.
I cried for three, maybe four hours after that. I begged her to wake up. "You're supposed to wake up. Wake up, Dee. C'mon, Darla Roo, you're supposed to wake up and lick my face cuz it's all a joke it's all a joke wake up wake up wake up please please please"
We buried her the next morning with her bed, and planted a dogwood tree over her head. I've never seen my dad so upset he fell to the ground sobbing like that.
I put the first scoop of dirt on her.
It's been two, almost three weeks. I still cry every day. I don't think there are words to describe the physical pain losing your best friend gives you.
I'll be turning fifteen in five days. It'll be a pretty sucky birthday, because I don't have my best friend there to celebrate with me.
I still can't bring myself to take off marching sweaters for me and her on my birthday list. I haven't touched our matching hats. I can't say her name. I can hardly talk about her. I lied to my dad and told her she was sleeping and that she knew he wanted to be there. She was awake. She was scared. And I wasn't hugging her, I was watching a show. But I know that'll break him, so I lied. And I had to wash my fluffy blanket. I can't use it anymore because it doesn't smell like her.
And she wasn't just a dog.
"just a dog" doesn't wake you from nightmares
She doesn't block you from leaving the house just because she wants one more pat
She doesn't put her head on your shoulder when you give her a hug
She doesn't lick your tears away or jump over six foot tall fences just to play catch with you and your dad.
Darla wasn't just a dog. She was family.
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oldguardhc · 4 years
Headcanon that joe and Nicky have all (and I do mean *all*) of their old wedding rings. Whenever a bad death occurs or a war or if they just feel like it they retire the rings to their malta house so that they can look back on them later and remember the times they had. Joe always keeps two of their collective rings on his person- one for him, one to quickly slip on Nicky’s finger should they need or want to suddenly be married. In almost a thousand years they have lost exactly 8 of them
Old Guard hc #124
Nicky can’t stop staring at Joe’s hands. More specifically, Nicky can’t stop staring at Joe’s bare fingers. It’s not like Joe never takes his rings off. He always takes them off before a mission because they get in the way of his leather gloves; hell, he had them off a week ago, when they were in Sudan and only slipped them back on after they arrived in Goussainville. So Nicky’s not a stranger to Joe’s bare fingers; yet, he can’t stop staring at them. 
They’re bare and wrong and it’s driving Nicky insane. 
The obvious solution would be to bring the last two rings out of retirement. They’ve only been in the safe for a of couple days and nobody but them would even know, much less care. But every time Nicky thinks about grabbing the two rings, he sees flashes of Joe strapped to the gurney as Kozak takes sample after sample, tastes the cold sterility of the lab, smells the biting alcohol Kozak bathed them in. 
Nicky shakes his head. They retired those rings for a reason.  
He just needs to suck his feelings up for several more days until they get the green light from Copley and then they can go down to a jewelry store. They’ll get some new rings and they can immediately start creating happy memories to look back upon when the rings are inevitably retired. Just a couple more days. 
He can do this!
He cannot do this. 
He tries. Even though his husband is very beautiful—the most beautiful man in the world, in Nicky’s humble opinion—Nicky can’t keep his eyes on Joe’s face. They always start on Joe’s face; but Joe has picked up this awful habit of speaking with his hands and how can Nicky not notice the missing rings? Joe is literally waving the fact right in Nicky’s face! 
“Alright, we’re going to the jewelry store; Copley be damned,” Joe says, pushing himself away from the table to stand up. He holds out a hand and when Nicky stares at it for a second too long, he receives a very forceful flick to the forehead. “Stop doing that!” Joe says over Nicky’s startled “Ow!” 
Nicky angrily rubs his forehead and glares up at his husband. “I can’t help it! You keep waving your bare hands in my face!” Nicky grumbles, but he does stand up and follow Joe to the door. 
Four days. That’s how long he’s had to put up with Joe’s bare fingers. He should be a saint with how well he’s handled this situation. He grabs the car keys off the hook and opens the door. 
“I have not!” Joe argues, snatching the car keys out of Nicky’s hands and walking out of the house. 
Nicky sniffs. He didn’t want to drive anyways! “Have too!” Nicky says in a slightly louder voice, slamming the door shut. He does not stomp to the car; he is a grown man with legs that are having trouble waking up. 
“Have—no. Nope. We’re not doing this.” Joe snaps and points to the car. “Get in the car, listen to some Britney Spears and don’t look at my fingers. I said don’t look at them!” 
Nicky tears his eyes away from Joe’s bare finger and glares at his husband. What was he? A dog? He curls his hands into paws and in the flattest tone he can muster, says, “Woof.” 
It’s totally worth the unimpressed look Joe shoots him over the car’s hood. 
They listen to Toxic for the entire 15 minute ride. They’re still humming the chorus when they enter the jewelers and they only stop because it’s dead silent inside the store. It’s like a vacuum in there. 
And Booker call us socially unaware, Nicky thinks, matching the owner’s smile. He doesn’t think he succeeds from the way the owner’s eyes flicker between him and Joe. 
“Any particular style you two are looking for?” the owner asks.
“Simple platinum bands,” Joe answers, squeezing Nicky’s hand. It’s infuriating that the only thing Nicky can focus on, is the lack of metal pressing into his skin. 
The owner motions them to a display case and begins to point out some of the rings that match their criteria. 
None of them are right. 
They’re too shiny. Too thin. They have gold. 
Joe taps Nicky and points to a band that has a ring of diamonds embedded in the middle. It looks like it belongs on the hand of a gambler. “Right hand?” And on the hand of the most beautiful man in the world. 
Nicky makes a noise he hopes sounds like agreement. Diamonds are interesting, considering—“You don’t like diamonds.” 
Joe shrugs. “Maybe I don’t know people as well as I thought.” Nicky stares at Joe—who keeps his eyes firmly on the display case—and they need to talk. Not here and not now, obviously. But they need to talk about the giant French-shaped hole that’s only going to get bigger in the next century if left unattended. 
The owner clears their throat and pulls out the ring Joe’s been looking at for awhile now. “We can add engravings to all of our rings.”
Joe takes the ring with a small smile, “Thank you, but we’ll most likely add engravings at a later date.” Nicky watches as he slowly spins the ring in a circle before sliding it to the second knuckle of his right ring-finger. “Not bad,” Joe says, tilting his hand side-to-side. 
It’s…different. Nicky’s not used to having this much light glint off that finger, but it’s not bad. Might even be good. He can probably get used to it. 
Joe smiles upon seeing the approval on Nicky’s face and slides the ring off. “We’ll take this in a size 10.” 
Nicky chooses a much more sensible ring. It’s a relatively thick band with a hammered texture around the middle to match Joe’s. It looks good on Nicky’s left ring-finger and even better on Joe’s left index-finger. 
“And this one in a size 12,” Joe tells the owner, holding Nicky’s ring. Joe shakes his head at Nicky, “12. You’ve got fat fingers.” 
Nicky squawks and pokes his husband in the side. “They’re not fat! You just have feminine fingers!” 
“Feminine? These are the hands of an artist!” Joe exclaims, holding both of his hands up. There he goes again, waving his bare hands like a madman. 
Nicky slaps them away before he can get distracted and nods, all faux-sincerity. “If you say so, habibi.” 
“You two are going to last,” the owner interrupts with a laugh, contradicting their earlier impression and sets both rings down in front of them. Nicky trades a look with Joe. They have no idea. “See! You’re already wordlessly communicating!” 
“We’ve had…practice,” Nicky says. The smile they both share only leaves the poor owner confused. That’s alright though, the rings more than make up for it. 
Nicky can’t stop staring at Joe’s hands. More specifically, Nicky can’t stop staring at Joe’s ringed fingers. Every time he looks at them, he hears Britney Spears’ Toxic, sees the small rainbow on Joe’s skin as he held his hands up to the afternoon sun, feels the cold press of metal on both sides of his face as Joe kissed him outside the jewelers. 
It’s warm and full of love and so goddamn perfect. 
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Pokemon Teams for Fictional Characters pt. 2
Damian Wayne
(Also, I'm not including move sets because in my headcannon Pokemon do remember all their old moves. But humans choose to only use four)
For this AU I'm having the Wayne's own the Gotham City Gym, which specializes in Dark types. Most of the cannon events still happened. Just with a few tweaks here and there. (Dick's 20, Jason's 16, Cass is 15 Tim's 15 but younger than Cass and Damian's 13 because I love AUs where there closer in age).
Anyway here we go!
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First things first in the Pokemon Universe his alias wouldn't be Robin since they don't exist. Instead I think it would be Rookidee, since thats the closest Pokemon to a Robin.
His Partner Pokemon and ace would be a Gligar
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Name: Goliath
Gender: Male
Why: Gligar screams Goliath (his Batdragon) plus the coloring of his evolutions matches with Dami's Robin and Batman outfits
Story: He found Goliath while climbing a mountain for his training. At the time he was four and Goliath was a hatching. Damian ended up giving him some food, seeing that the hatching was hungry.
Grateful, the Gligar followed him hoping to return the favor.
When Damian's hand got broken on that same trip, Goliath was the one to help him finish his mission and get home safely.
Talia was impressed that Damian could tame a wild Pokemon without catching it, so she allowed him to keep him as his first Pokemon.
Next he would have a Meowth
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Name: Alfred
Gender: Female
Why: This one has to do with its evolution. Persian are said to only be loyal to trainers it likes and that it takes a lot to get them to like you. Their also said to be prissy and uptight. This reminded me of Damian. How it took forever for him to trust his brothers and his own snobby attitude. Thus I think it fits.
Story: After coming to live with his father Damian didn't know how to act. He saw his "brothers" and father treating their Pokemon so different than how the League did. They all trained hard. But, there was something eles: warm praise for a job well done, asking for insight on a case (they had taught their bipedal pokemon sighn language) and comfort on a bad day. His father and brothers treated their Pokemon like... people
In the League Pokemon where the lowest soldier, lower than the slaves or concubines. They trained, ate then they had to and got in their ball.
He had been a little more lenient in his training with Goliath. When asked he said that he was still a baby and he had to take things slow in this stage or he might develop too much muscle mass and be unable to fly.
He had kept him out of his ball with the excuse of developing muscle mass at a proper pace.
He liked Goliath's company. The Gligar was a good companion. But on the same level as another person?
He had expressed these thoughts to Pennyworth, the only person in the house to give him a straight answer when he needed it.
Pennyworth had explained to him that some people love to hold power over others and that Pokemon where an easy target, since they couldn't communicate their emotions as clearly as people could.
"Think of Mistress Cain. She sometimes cannot communicate with words, but we know that she's intelligent. But some people see her as less than intelligent and treat her as such because of the power it gives them."
Two weeks later Damian would come across a group of teenagers attempting to shave a Meowth. The Pokemon was little more than skin and bone and crying out on pain. So, Damian broke their fingers and shaved part of their heads for good measure.
He kept the Meowth and named her after the man who taught him about the abuse of power.
Next, a Poochyena
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Name: Titus
Gender: Male
Why: These Pokemon and their evolution are ruthless with their pray, and only obey trainers with external skill.
Story: Raven gave Damian Titus as a gift. She said that she rescued him from an underground fighting ring (where the battles are to the death). He was still to young to battle so he didn't need much rehabilitation. The other Pokemon there though...
Now we have a Type Null
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Name: Heretic
Gender: ???
Why: This Pokemon was created in lab, and artificial designed for the purpose of fighting, just like Damian. True I could have given him Mewtwo, but that cat seems to fit Kon more.
Story: Damian's mother had spent years creating Type: Null with the purpose of being able to kill any target. As a last test she wanted to see which of her creations was suppirrior. So she sent the Type Null out to (try and) kill her son.
Damian, with the rest of his team, beat the Pokemon but couldn't kill it. He had long since vowed to wash the blood from his hands. Instead he offered his hand to it and asked it to join him.
Here we have the hardest to explain... Mimikyu
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Name: Habibi (I hope I spelled that right)
Gender: Female
Why: Damian is complex, he wants to be accepted and loved just like Mimikyu but dosent know how. Both try to mimic others in order to get that love, Damian his father and Mimikyu Pikachu. So I see this as Damian's spirit Pokemon in a way.
Story: He didn't know why it was so hard to fit in. Gods know he tried. But... little things confused him. Like how eveyone could understand each other without words or singhing. He had no problems with that on a battlefield, but in day to day life; it felt like he was on a separate server.
Like how Todd knew at breakfast with just a look that Drake was in a bad mood and how to help. Or how Grayson could audomadicly tell what kind of day at school the rest of them had withen a few minutes. Hell even Drake could tell what grunts ment what from father! Which ment good job, Which ment I'm glade your okay, or frustration either at them or at a case (Cass didn't surprise him, she had to learn how to communicate without words and watch body language and micro expressions).
School was no better; sometimes it was to load or bright othertimes, when everyone was doing a test, it felt to quiet. But, to much or to little, Damian was always aware of every movement, every sound. It was like the very instincts that saved his life every night where turned against him.
He turned to his nearly forgotten childhood habits to distract himself from everything around him. That only led to more whisper shouting and what even he could tell where displeased glares with a grunt of "fucking tapping" or a snap of "stop!" He knew it was disrupting but it was all be could do to drown out the noise or silence.
On one particularly bad day at school; apparently during one of their tests one of his classmates had had enough of Damian's tapping and decided to make a scene.
There was some yelling from the kid. A few cries in agreement. Before the teacher had gotten hem to settle down. He had demanded that Damian look him in the eye and when he finally did told him to stop with the tapping or else he would be sent to the office, Gym Leaders son or not.
He was the last to finish that test where he normally finished first. The silence had been to load!!
After that clusterfuck Damian finally headed home. He had texted Grayson saying that he was meeting a friend somewhere to work on a project and to not pick him up. In truth he didn't want his brother reading what kind of day he had had. He needed some time to himself.
That was how he found himself in a nearby park. It was filled with plenty of sounds that didn't suffocate him and the fall leaves where soothing to his eyes. Damian had Titus out of his ball as company, knowing that the pup loved park walks.
They had been walking for an hour when they came across a box set off just on the edge of the trail. "Free to Good Homes" was written on the side in black sharpie.
No sound was coming from inside, so he assumed that the had all been taken. Until Titus went closer sniffing at the seemingly empty box.
"Pooch Pooch"
"Hmmm... what is is it boy?" He asked as he walked closer to his Pokemon and the Box. Damian hoped he was wrong. It was cruel to leave a baby Pokemon all alone, especially since the weather was getting colder by the day.
Inside the box was in fact a lone Pokemon. At first glance it looked like a Pikachu. But something was off. It looked more like a doll than a living creature. If it wasn't for the small chirps it let out and slight way that it was shivering from the cold Damian would have written it off as a toy. No wonder it got left behind...
Damian reached down and picked up the mystery Pokemon as gently as he could.
"Come on beloved, lets go home."
He tucked the Pokemon in his jacket to warm it up before reaching for his phone to call Grayson for a ride home.
That night Damian locked himself away, even skipped patrol, and spent a sleepless night learning everything he could about his newest Pokemon.
That was inspired by this comic
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Finaly, for his last spot Eevee!!
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Name: Omni
Gender: Female
Why: I'm going to have all the Batfam members have an Eeveelution. This branch and the Batfam are both growing consistently. We all have our favorites but we love them all the same. So I think it fits.
Story: Everyone in the family had an Eevee or one of its evolutions. Damian's Father said that Eevee was the Wayne family symbol, it was potential, the ability to become whatever you wanted.
Though it surprised Damian that the Wayne symbol wasn't a Noibat or Noivern (Batman's ace) at first he eventually understood the logic in choosing such a Pokemon to represent the family name. That only made things harder for him being the only one not having one. Did they not truly see him as family?
On the one year anniversary of Damian arriving at The Mannor, his family through a small party. Pennyworth made his favorite foods, The Mannor was decorated in tacky streamers (Graysons' idea) and they watched some of Damian's favorite fims, their Pokemon curled up with them. His father had offered to take the day off from the gym. Until Todd suggested that Damian take on the challengers.
The Gotham gym was part of his heritage. Damian had been training for the day that he could finally help weed out the weak challengers just like his siblings sometimes did (think the battles you do before challenging a gym leader in the games).
On that day, if the challengers agreed to it, their final battle wasn't with Bruce Wayne the Dark Knight but instead his son. Most accepted thinking that it would be an easy win, that they had lucked out in not having to battle one of the stongest Gym Leaders in the League and could still get the Shadow Badge.
Those poor fools.
Damian was only allowed to use Alfred, Titus and Habibi since he used Goliath and Heretic primarily as Rookidee.
Damian fought seven trainers that day in 3v3 fights. Only two of them got the badge.
With the day overwith and the night rising, so did Gothams' protecters.
The night ended with exhausted body's and adrenaline crashes. Damian was ready to slip into a mini coma from the day he had but before he could head upstairs to The Mannor...
"Not so fast baby bat." Graysons' voice called out to him. "We got one more surprise for you."
Damian raised his eyebrow at that. What else could they do? His father came back from the locker rooms where he had been desuiting, it always took him the longest because of his "old man bones" as Todd said.
"Son," his father said "its Wayne tradition to get your first Pokemon when you turn ten years old. I missed that with you." He paused, eyes briefly shifting to the floor before they snapped back on Damian's face. "Luckily there's one tradition we didn't miss. When you've lived at The Mannor for a year or the adoption papers get finalized, I give my children this..."
He pulled a Poke'ball out of his poket and handed to Damian. "Go on son, let them out."
He did
Staring at him was his own Eevee.
AN: All of Damian's Pokemon (sans maybe Omni, I'm thinking of leaving her as an Eevee) will eventually evolve. Eventually.
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lovely-ateez · 4 years
Just What The Doctor Ordered~
ꕥPosted: 3/14/21
ꕥGenre: Fluff, Smut
ꕥPairing: FemReader! x Wooyoung
ꕥWord Count: ~2.0k
ꕥWarnings: Language, Protected sex (Reader’s on the pill), Public sex (sort of), Praising, Wooyoung has a thing for being called doctor, Dirty talk
ꕥA/N: Please respect your healthcare workers—Doctor Wooyoung hella hot tho 🥵🤚
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I pressed a hand to my forehead, trying to will my migraine away.
“You know you should probably go see a doctor.” My best friend and coworker, Hongjoong, spoke as he stirred his morning coffee.
“It’s fine. I get them all the time.”
“Yeah and that’s the problem. You shouldn’t.”
I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, “Honestly, I’ve trying to avoid going to the doctor but I think you have a point. I can barely focus on anything anymore.”
“Good. Schedule an appointment as soon as you get the chance. You don’t want to wait any longer.” He walked closer to me and ran a hand along my back, “And let me know how it goes, alright? I worry about you sometimes.”
I let out a small laugh, “Thanks, Joongie. I will.”
“Miss y/n.”
I raised my head to meet a young woman in light blue scrubs. She smiled at me, but I could see the tiredness in her eyes. I certainly understood, I’d had many long, long days at work myself.
I hope your day gets better, miss.
“Right this way, please.”
I stood, following her as she lead me into a room and instructed me to sit in one of the chairs.
“The doctor you normally see has been quite busy today, so we’ll have one of our newer doctors see you. Is that okay?”
“Yeah that’s fine.” I pressed a hand to my forehead.
“So could you give me run down of what’s been going on?” She clicked a pen, grabbing a scrap of paper from her pocket.
“Sure, basically I’ve just been having really bad migraines.”
“How severe have they been?”
“I mean they’ve been bad enough that I’ve had trouble concentrating.”
“Anything else troubling you?”
“Nope that’s it.”
She scribbled some notes on a sheet of paper and smiled at me.
“Alright, the doctor will be with you soon.” Were her last words as she exited the room with a sigh.
Knowing it’d likely take awhile, I unlocked my phone to mindlessly scroll through social media, eventually getting bored and playing a game instead.
The door opened and I jumped in my seat, placing my phone aside. The young man that walked into the room smiled, running a hair through his parted black hair.
“Hello, I’m Wooyoung. It’s nice to meet you.”
As ridiculous as it sounded, my breath seemed to leave me all at once. His sunkissed skin was seemingly flawless, the closed-mouth smile that he flashed showing slight dimples on his cheeks, the lab coat and stethoscope around his neck left me to admire his appearance. He was certainly the most fit and attractive doctor, let alone man I’d ever seen.
“Oh you, too.”
He reached out to shake my hand and as we touched I felt sparks shoot through me. His hands were slightly rough but still soft. He released my hand with a kind smile.
“So do you mind telling me what’s going on?” He moved a stool that was in the corner of the room closer to me, sitting on it and slightly spreading his legs, his hands on his knees. I felt my head fogging as I fought myself to not stare at him.
“Well I’ve been having really bad migraines recently. I don’t really know what’s causing them.”
“How long have you been having them?”
“For a few months actually, but they’ve only become really bad within the last couple weeks.”
Wooyoung nodded, “Could they be stress induced, by any chance?”
“I mean...I don’t think so? My job is usually stressful but I haven’t been more stressed than normal.”
“Hmm okay. Have you been experiencing any other symptoms? Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light?”
“No, no other symptoms.”
“Could you be pregnant? That can often-”
I laughed, “No, I haven’t had a boyfriend in a quite a while so that’s not it. I’ve been busy with work.”
I could’ve sworn I saw a slight smirk on his face, but it was gone before I could fully register it.
“I certainly understand that. I was able to get through medical school faster than most but I was studying all the time so I’ve never really had time for a girlfriend.”
I nodded, not exactly knowing what to say as I felt happiness bubble up in my stomach knowing that he was single.
“So how often do you normally get them?”
I cocked my head and raised a brow, “Get what?”
He let out a chuckle that released butterflies in my stomach, “I mean your migraines. How often do you get them?”
“Oh.” I felt my cheeks turn pink, “Maybe four times a week.”
“Cute.” Wooyoung muttered under his breath. I was relatively confident he didn’t intend for me to hear it and I blushed even more.
“Well the nurse told me she forgot to take your vitals so...do you mind?”
“Not at all!” I internally slapped myself for sounding far too enthusiastic, but Wooyoung didn’t seem to care, giving a small smile.
“Could you take off your jacket for me, please?”
“Of course.” I said, ridding myself of the thick coat I was wearing, placing it on a nearby chair. He walked towards me—the smell of his cologne intoxicating—and put the eartips of the stethoscope in his ears.
Wooyoung placed the diaphragm of the stethoscope to my back, “Breathe in and out normally for me, please.”
I did as I was told, blocking my mind from the devilishly handsome man right next to me.
After a moment he removed the tool from my back. “I’m going to place the stethoscope on your chest now, okay?”
Wooyoung eyed my sweater which had slightly thicker material in the front, “Is it alright if I put the stethoscope down your shirt? It’ll be hard to hear your heart through your sweater.”
“Oh—yeah that’s okay!” I cleared my throat, “I mean like yeah it’s fine.”
Way to be smooth.
Wooyoung chucked as he reached down the collar of my shirt with the tool, its cold making me shiver. He apologized for the temperature, assuring me it wouldn’t take but a minute.
“That’s odd,” He stated, an eyebrow raised, “Your heart shouldn’t be beating that fast. Do you know why that might be?”
His dark eyes looked into my own and I swallowed. “I...I just...”
I looked at the floor, unable to say it while looking in his eyes, “It’s you.”
“Me? How’s that?” I saw from the corner of my eye a slight smirk growing on his face.
I looked into his dark eyes, “My heart is racing because you’re so close to me.”
“Tell me, then. Would it beat faster if I got even closer?”
Stethoscope still on my chest, he leaned down, his lips almost touching my own.
The man let out a deep laugh, much deeper than his speaking voice, “I was correct.”
I was barely able to speak when my eyes drifted to his lips, “It’ll beat even faster if you kiss me.”
“Is that an invitation?”
“It is.”
Wooyoung grabbed my cheek with his free hand and pulled me closer, pressing his lips to mine. He didn’t have to tell me that my heart was racing. I could feel it. I could feel my heart rate increasing the longer his lips touched mine. My hands wrapped around his neck, hands running through his thick hair and pulling it slightly. He bit my bottom lip in response and I whimpered into the kiss, pulling him even closer.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, girl.”
I pulled his hair a bit harder and he groaned against my lips. As if he just remembered the stethoscope, he broke the kiss to pull it away from my chest, removing it from his ears and tossing it on the nearby table.
I giggled and he smiled at me, placing his hands on either side of the chair I was sitting in. Leaning in closer he teased my lips with his, giving me a slight peck before kissing down my jaw to my neck. I reached for his coat and hurriedly removed it from his shoulders, wanting nothing more than to get him undressed.
Gasping for air I grabbed at his hair once more, desperately needing to hear him groan again and he didn’t disappoint. His hands danced to my sweater, slightly lifting it.
“I hate to say it, because I’m really enjoying this, but you are on the clock.”
“Fuck it.” he growled, “I don’t have any patients scheduled today and I work harder than anyone here. I want this if you do.”
“I really do. Fuck me, Wooyoung.”
Without hesitation he pulled my sweater and bra over my head, leaving kisses all over my chest.
“Help me take off your pants, bunny.”
I whimpered, “Yes doctor.”
“Shit that’s hot.” He leaned in close to my ear, “Say it again. Doctor’s orders.”
“Whatever you say, doctor.” I pulled my pants down and threw them across the room.
Wooyoung’s hands teasingly ran up and down my thighs, making me shiver.
“You’re insanely gorgeous.” He growled into my ear.
I couldn’t come up with a solid response, my desire speaking for me, “It’s your turn, doctor. Off with the shirt.”
He made a dramatic flair of pulling his shirt slowly over his head, my eyes growing hazy while looking at his perfectly defined abs.
A cocky look formed on his face as he watched my eyes scan over him, soon after lifting me from the chair to the exam table.
He ran a digit along my clothed clit, prompting my back to arch off the table. I grabbed his arms and pulled him towards me, hips bucking into his, the friction setting my body on fire.
He groaned, head falling back as his body gave into his pleasure. Before long he was pulling down my soaked panties and leveling his face with my core.
“Don’t.” I said through heavy breaths, earning a concerned look from Wooyoung, “I want you in me now.”
His eyes widened, “Shit I don’t have a condom.”
I pulled him closer to me, “I’ve been on the pill for several months don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure?” The genuine concern in his eyes currently outweighing the lust I could see behind them.
“I promise.”
The lust returned to his eyes and I couldn’t help but feel small under his gaze. The rest of his clothes were discarded in a hurry, his member then lining up with my core.
“Let me know if you’re uncomfortable or want me to stop, okay?”
His consideration made me smile, knowing full damn well I wouldn’t want him to stop. “I will. You too.”
Wooyoung let out a short chuckle and entered me slowly. I felt my eyes close as I focused on the feeling of him inside me, feeling out of breath already. I moaned as he pulled out slightly and rammed his hips back into mine.
“You like this?” He growled, “Knowing that anyone could catch us?”
I nodded, letting out quiet whimpers as I gasped for air. His speed was quick and hard, hitting every spot inside me my fingers could never reach.
“What a dirty girl you are.”
My walls clenched around him as tears welled in my eyes from the stimulation, my moans gradually getting louder without my control.
He leaned closer to me, “Quiet, sweetheart. Can’t let everyone here know what we’re up to, can we?”
I whimpered as he picked up speed and I forced my eyes open, needing nothing more than to see him. His pupils were dilated, his face flushed, and his hair was sporadically sticking to his forehead. He looked godly.
“You look so beautiful under me, taking me so well,” He said through half-lidded eyes, “How are you feeling, love?”
I whined at the pet name and clenched around him. He groaned and I brought myself to speak, “I feel f-full, doctor.”
Wooyoung nuzzed my neck, placing a few kisses upon my skin, and I felt my high approaching.
“Touch me, please.” I pleaded.
He complied, teasingly running his fingers along my clit and I felt sparks of pleasure shoot through me.
“Are you gonna cum, baby girl? Be my good girl and cum for me.”
I bit my lip to keep from moaning loudly as I came, feeling Wooyoung release at the same time. He stilled, watching me catch my breath as he did the same.
“Pretty sure I just broke several medical moral codes but damn I don’t regret a minute of that.”
I hid my face in his chest, face heating up, “Me either.”
He pulled out of me and I pouted at the loss of feeling him.
“We just had sex and you’re still needy?”
“Listen, you just feel good inside of me.”
He leaned over me a gave me a long, sweet kiss, “You feel pretty good around me, yourself.”
Wooyoung pulled back and reached for his boxers, putting them on before grabbing some paper towels and cleaning me up. “Get dressed, doll.”
I nodded and slowly slipped my clothes on, legs feeling wobbly. He noticed and smiled at me, fully dressed now.
“Well,” He started, “I think we should exchange numbers in case you experience more migraines. We’ll have to monitor that, of course.” His eyes twinkled.
“Ah yes, of course.” I giggled, handing over my phone.
I watched his fingers glide over the keyboard, my eyes once more trailing down his chest, unable to forget how good he looked shirtless.
Without looking up he spoke, his voice lighthearted, “I can see you, you know.”
“No you can’t.” I teased.
He laughed and handed over his phone for me to do the same. “I can write you a prescription if you feel like that’s something you need. Have you tried over the counter medicine?”
I chuckled and he gave me a questioning look. “It’s just that the conversation took a different direction than I was expecting. But no, I haven’t.”
Wooyoung nodded, “I would recommend that you start with Ibuprofen and if that doesn’t work, let me know and we can prescribe you a stronger medicine, okay?”
“Sounds good.”
A silence fell over us. Noticing my nervousness, Wooyoung pulled me into his arms, placing a kiss on my lips, “I need to go, but I’ll call you, okay?”
I gave a shy nod and bit my lip.
“Do you like coffee by any chance?” He questioned as he ran a hand through my hair. I welcomed his touch, leaning closer to him.
“Love it, why?”
“I say we meet up at a coffee shop soon. I’ve got a particular one in mind and I think you’ll really like it.”
I smiled, beyond happy to know he wanted to see me again, “Works for me.”
“So it went pretty well, I think.”
“Good, have you been feeling better?” Hongjoong asked later in the week.
“Much.” I bit my lip, looking down, “I’ve got a date later today.”
“What? With who?” Hongjoong asked with a smile, genuinely happy for me.
“Um...the doctor I saw earlier this week.” I scratched the back of my head.
“Oh my god you do not.”
“I do. I really like him.” I confessed, “We’ve been texting a lot.”
“Damn.” He shook his head, “That’s definitely a surprise but I’m happy for you girl. You know, why don’t you head out early? Our shifts are almost over anyways and I can finish up anything you’ve still got to do.”
“No I can’t ask you to do that!”
“I insist. Go ahead.” Hongjoong all but pushed me out of the office, sending me on my way and wishing me luck.
I waved back at him, thanking him again before leaving the building. I hopped in my car and drove off, feeling happiness bubble in my chest.
I took a step into the cute coffee shop, looking around at the full tables before locking eyes with Wooyoung. His eyes sparkled with the same playful look as I remembered. I walked over to where he was sitting and took the chair across from him.
“Hey,” He smiled wide.
“Hey yourself.”
“Are you gonna order anything?”
“Maybe in a bit. I wanna spend time with the handsome man in front of me first.”
A slight red dusted his ears as he tried to laugh away his shyness. “How’ve your migraines been?”
“Honestly, I haven’t had any since I saw you last.”
He cocked his head. “Wonder what could’ve fixed that?”
I bit my lip, meeting his eyes, “I’ve got a pretty good idea.”
“Incredible. This is a medical breakthrough. I can just imagine the medical articles.” Wooyoung raised a hand, moving it in the air as he spoke, “Sex cures chronic migraines, experiments suggest.”
I laughed, playfully hitting him on the shoulder.
“What? Am I wrong?” He said with a mischievous smile.
I quirked a brow, “I think we should probably conduct more experiments though, right? In the name of science.”
He pressed his lips together in a tight smile. “You make a compelling argument. I think I have to agree. My place after this?”
Final Note: Listen I know Wooyoung probably should have actually prescribed y/n something for her migraines but it’s to further the plot okay please understand—
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queen-ofsunflowers · 3 years
My favorite moments I've written for Shujin Assassins so far:
Kayano: How do you say ‘unkillable’ in Japanese? (Ren pauses and thinks about it.)
Ren: Korosenai. (The entire class whips around at the sound of Ren speaking.) Korosenai… Koro… sen...nai… Koro...sen...sei? ...Korosensei? Huh? 
Nagisa: Korosensei? (Ren pauses. Oh crap, he said all that out loud.)
Korosensei: A pleasure to finally hear more of that voice of yours, Amamiya. Five whole words!
Korosensei: Shoot and stab all you want, class! Even with this handicap, I am too fast for you! (Ren looks up and takes the gun from Nagisa.)
Nagisa: Hey, what—
Korosensei: Only in your dreams do you have any hope of getting the deed done— (Ren fires, not aiming for Korosensei but the rope tied to the tree. The rope breaks and Korosensei, stunned, falls. They watch as the rest of the class takes the initiative to attack him, forcing a panicked Korosensei to roll around on the ground.)
Ann: Wow. I didn’t know a BB could break a rope like that!
Ren: It was starting to break anyway.
Ren: You’d really help me?
Ryuji: ‘course. We’re friends, aren’t we? (Ren blinks. But they’ve only known each other for like… a week and half. He still smiles all the same.) Ain’t that right, Ren-Ren? (A shiver goes up Ren’s spine at the sound of that nickname. Of all things to call him…) So call me Ryuji, got it?
Ren: Thanks. I think I’ll stick with Sakamoto.
Ryuji: Oh man, that's cold.
Kataoka: Does anyone else think it's weird that she’s all over Korosensei?
Ryuji: I dunno. Maybe she’s into tentacles. (Someone swiftly kicks his seat.) OW! Hey! What was that for?!
Ann: But we bought those for ourselves! *groan* I was so looking forward to that for later…!
Shiho: I’m starting to think that he just used this lab to feed his junk food habit until payday.
Ren: Why does an octopus need to get paid a teacher’s salary…?
Shiho: Huh. Eleven words now.
Ren: What?
(And the door opens before Ren can run away.) Oh.  
Ren: Uh… H-Hello. Sir.
Principal: (more warmly that Ren expected) I look forward to your midterm results. Let your mother know that I said hello, would you? (Ren swallows and nods. When he leaves, that warmth disappears and is replaced by ice cold.)
Ann grabs Ren’s wrist to pull him back to her.)
Ren: Huh? What’s up?
Ann: Did you really mean all that? (Ren raises a brow.) What you said to those guys back there. About us. Did you really mean it?
Ren: ...Every word. Why?
Ann: ...Like I told Kayano, I always thought I was an outcast because of my looks or the fact that I didn’t grow up here. So hearing all that… Thank you. I really appreciated it.
Ren: No problem. It’s like Ryuji told me. We outcasts have to stick together, don’t we?
Ann: *giggle* Right! ...um, hey. If you want to, you can call me Ann, alright?
Ren: Okay.
Ann: Okay! And… thanks again. ...Ren-Ren. (Ren bristles, turning bright red. Ann laughs out loud, patting his back.) I’m just messing with you!
Ren: Please don’t do that… (Nearly killed him…) Can you maybe… not call me that?
Ann: Okay, okay! (She’s still laughing.) I promise!
Nagisa: What did you even do to them?
Ren: I have no idea. I got this really bad headache… and I think I heard a voice in my head? There was this thing… I’m not sure what it was.
Nagisa: Whatever it is, I could help with it. We’ll figure out what it is.
Ren: You don’t have to.
Nagisa: I’m already figuring out Korosensei’s weaknesses. Who knows? Maybe whatever that was 
Ren: You’re not… freaked out?
Nagisa: Amamiya, our teacher is a giant yellow octopus. Whatever happened to you is the least strange thing that I’ve seen this year. We can figure out what it is. And hopefully it’ll help us with our assassination.
Ren: *nods* Right! Let’s do this! (He holds out his hand. Nagisa stares at it for a moment before shaking it.)
Ryuji: Wow, she’s seriously cute.
Ren: She doesn’t really look like an assassin.
Shiho: Neither do we. But still… I’m curious about what this new girl’s all about. Amamiya turned out to be quite the joker.
Ren: Joker?
Shiho: A wild card! I mean, you didn’t hesitate to jump out a window or off of a cliff.
Ann: Uh, no offense but I don’t think your usual tactics will fool Mr. Karasuma. He knows your M.O.
Irina: Don’t you think I don’t know that!? (She sighs.) It’s like a paid escort trying to put the moves on her old man. (Ren shivers at the image.) If I don’t get this done, I’ll have to leave.
Ann: What?!
Irina: C’mere, I wanna try something. (She drags Ann off.)
Kayano: Here’s the thing, if they really are related… I mean, don’t you think that Korosensei would’ve known about it?
Fuwa: Hmm… not necessarily.
Ren: Right. They could’ve been separated at some point.
Kayano: Um, that still doesn’t explain why Itona’s human.
Fuwa: Easy. He’s a mutation.
Kayano: You’ve totally glossed over the core issue here!
Ann: Uh, no offense, but the whole separation thing is really kinda cliche.
Fuwa: Hey, no one asked for your criticism.
Ann: If you didn’t notice already, we’re sorta dealing with real life!
Sugino pitches and Shindo swings again. The ball hits the bat, and Ren leaps back just in time, flipping backwards and actually sticking the landing.)
Karma: (jumping up to catch the ball.) Oh, now you’re just showing off. Heads up, Nagisa! (He tosses the ball to their catcher, who tags the home plate.
Ren: Maybe.
(The whole time Ren had been taunting Takaoka and keeping everyone’s eyes on him, Nagisa had come around to sneak up behind him. The cat and the snake both strike, Ren flipping over Takaoka’s shoulders as Nagisa brings him down to the ground, knife at his neck and a hand covering his eyes.)
Nagisa: Looks like we win.
Ren: Nagisa, you’re using the back of the knife.
Nagisa: Huh?
 (She jumps onto his back.)
Terasaka: What the hell?!
Shiho: What the heck did you mean when you called me a rabbit?! If I’m a rabbit, does that mean you don’t think I can kick your ass?! Because I can! (Her weight eventually toppled them both over and they landed in the water. Ann laughs as she goes to help them up. Ren moves over to get his glasses from Karma.)
Ren: And finally, the grand overachiever himself holding the top spot: student council president Gakushu Asano. He got the top spot in the National Mock Exams, and tends to get perfect scores in just about every subject. He’s the principal’s only son, so I think that might have something to do with it. if we could somehow catch him off guard, surprise him somehow, it could get him to mess up and make a mistake. He’s always been like that as far as I can remember. For example, despite being adept at martial arts, he didn’t remember how to catch himself when he fell after I… might’ve shoved him.
Shiho: You know a lot about Asano. It’s kind of creepy. (Ren only hums in reply. It’s not that creepy when you think about it.)
(Ren’s eyes widened. He… He actually did it?)
Ryuji: Way to stick it to that know-it-all, man! (Ren softly smiles.)
Ren: I guess.
Ryuji: You guess? The guy’s ranked nationally! Even Nakamura only beat him by the skin of her teeth!
Nakamura: What was that, Sakamoto?
Ryuji: Uh, nothing! Just sayin’! Ren challenging the King of the Hill is definitely awesome!
Ann: Yup! (as she and Shiho take the drinks from the waiter passing them out. Ann takes a sip from hers) C’mon, guys! Drink up! These things are like… super good. So sweet!
Ren: (holding up the water bottle he thought to bring with him) I’m fine.
Ryuji: Don’t mind if I do! (He takes Ann’s, which is still at least a three-fours of the way full. He drinks right from the glass)
Ann: Hey! Get your own!
Ryuji: Too late! My backwash is in it! It’s mine now. I LICKED the glass! (He does so to drive his point home. Ann huffs as Shiho chuckles, downing the rest of her glass.)
Karma: Oh, sorry ‘bout that. Let’s see if there’s a way to help you out there. (He gestures over to another classmate, who brings him a sea slug. Karma plops it on the sphere.) This do anything?
Ren: (as Korosensei screams) Karma, knock it off.
Karma: Why should I? Not like he can do anything about it. (Ren pulls himself out of the water and the sea slug off of Korosensei.) Now, I wonder if we could find a creepy old beach hum anywhere. I want to shove Korosensei down his pants. (Ren groans. What the hell…? In hindsight, taking this form probably wasn’t the best idea. Especially around Karma. That is why Ren snatches up Koro Sensei and runs over to Mr. Karasuma.) Hey!
Ren: ‘Eliminate the impossible and whatever remains is the truth’. 
Fuwa: Hey, yeah! I didn’t know you read Shonen Jump, too!
Ren: I uh... 
Karma: He doesn't. I saw him reading a little something else on the way over. Sherlock Holmes, wasn’t it?
Ren: Maybe… ...okay, no. ...It was Arsène Lupin. ...I finished the Sherlock Holmes books a while ago. A friend recommended Arsène Lupin to me and I haven’t been able to put it down.
Ryuji: Nerd.
Ren: You were reading over my shoulder.
Ann: Hey, are you okay?
Ren: Yeah… just a little bit of a headache. I’ll be fine.
Ann: How long have you had it? (Ren looks down at the ground.) Ren, how long have you had it?
Ren: ...Since the mastermind called, saying he poisoned everyone. It’s just a small one, Ann. I’ll be fine.
Ann: Liar. You know what happens when you get those headaches, though. Don’t act like none of us noticed. I saw your phantom try to come out when that guy had Karma. Ren, I know it’s hard, but you need to keep calm.
Ren: Ryuji, you’re-- (Ryuji puts a hand over Ren’s mouth, shushing him.)
Ryuji: I’m fine. It’s just a fever. Ann and I split the drink, so if she’s fine, then I’m fine, too. (Ren takes Ryuji’s hand off of his mouth.)
Ren: Ann barely drank any of it at all. You drank most of it. The virus is deadly, Ryuji. 
Ryuji: I don’t care! It’s like everyone said earlier. I’m the fastest in the class. I can’t just sit and wait for help while this creep gets away with it. I don’t care if I’m sick, I’m not gonna let everyone down!
Ren: Ryuji--
Ryuji: Please. Don’t tell anyone. Especially Ann… I think she already blames herself for what happened to Shiho, I don’t want her to blame herself for not stopping me earlier, too. (Ren bites his lip but nods either way. Once Ryuji decides to do something, it’s hard to stop him. But still… He really hopes that they can get that antidote.)
Ren thrashes against whoever’s holding him and loudly screams, dropping to his knees and letting it all go. He doubles over, catching himself on forearms as wind whips around him.)
“Nagisa, back away from him! NOW.” (There’s a blue light streaming around him, travelling up his body as the voice in his head now echoes in his ears.)
“I am thou, thou art I. Thou who would accept blasphemy for the sake of thine own justice, call upon my name and release thy rage!” (Ren shakily pushes himself up, his knees feeling like they’re about to give way as he stands. The light shifts and morphs into a figure behind him.) “Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thine own, though thou shall be chained down to Hell itself!”
(A single name appears in Ren’s mind.)
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kippykasey · 3 years
Grace - Chapter 5: Hydra
Pairing: Howard Stark x F!Reader , Bucky x Reader [Eventually]
Word Count: 3522
Series Summary: A young nurse is recruited by Dr. Abraham Erskine to join the SSR to assist on Project Rebirth. Following her work with the SSR she is drafted into the US Army Nurse Corps in the war against the Nazis...and HYDRA.
Chapter Warnings: violence, torture, bad things because Hydra
Author's Note: Surprise?! I wasn't even expecting to get this done but I literally just finished and thought, eh why not. So here it is! Also I hate hurting my characters so this was a bit eh to write but I hope all is well!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs they are either found on google or under the gif tag provided by tumblr. Any language other than English was translated using Google Translator, and translations will be posted in bolden italics after. I am not a nurse or in the medical field although I may do some research medical treatment written may not be correct.
Grace Masterlist | Snowdrop Masterlist | Masterlist
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Pain. A throbbing, harsh pain echoed through my head from the temple. The throbbing beat opposite that of my heart. The second thing I noticed was how cold and damp it was. After battling with my body to force open my eyes I squint through the dimly lit room. A deep voice spoke in another language… German it was German but my head hurt too much for me to understand it. Seconds passed before I realized that I was sitting on the ground in a cell. The door opened and two men walked in flanked by four additional soldiers than the one that had been watching me.
“Ah Fräulein (L/n) glad you have finally woken up.” Miss.
“Who are you?” I cursed how weak my voice sounded at that moment. Though the man didn’t seem to find me a threat of escape as he spoke. “Johann Schmidt. You see we have a common acquaintance… or, well, had.” The grin he wore made my stomach drop and he didn’t need to verbally admit it for me to realize this is the man behind Abraham’s death.
I raised my head in defiance and although it made the pounding in my head worsen I pushed myself from the ground and stood within the cell. “You’re after the serum.”
“Ah, clever girl. You were Abraham’s assistant when he made the serum.” The second, much shorter man spoke. “Fault in your plans. I don’t know how to make the serum.” Schmidt smiled at me and it took all my self control not to shiver from his intense look. “I was hoping you would say that,” His eyes turned off me to the soldiers. “Bring sie zum Stuhl. Probiere es an ihr aus. Vielleicht wird ein kleiner Elektroschock Ihr Gedächtnis auffrischen.” Take her to the chair. Try it out on her. Perhaps a bit of electroshock will refresh your memory. As Schmidt talked his head also turned towards the shorter man.
I could feel the blood drain from my face as I moved back against the wall. Three soldiers stepped towards the cell. One man opened the cell door before the other two stepped inside to detain me. I managed to elbow one in the face in my struggle but it was useless. The two soldiers dragged me from the cell, out of the room into a brighter lit hall. We were in some kind of warehouse. My eyes zeroed in on a chair that looked right out of a nightmare. Stronger hands forced me into the hard chair and held me down while I was struggling against someone’s attempts to strap me in. My struggling did nothing but get me a slap to the face. The strength of the slap disoriented me long enough for them to strap me in.
The shorter man who followed us now stood next to my head. I could see the reflection of myself in his glasses. “This is only going to hurt a lot, try to hold still.” He instructs lowering two plates down around my face. It was only a few short moments before the electricity forced its way into my head. I had no control over my body as it thrashed in the confines of the chair. An agonizing scream of pain carrying throughout the building went ignored.
That wasn’t my first time in the chair but it was the only time I had passed out in the chair. Spent 30 minutes in the chair 3 times a day, sometimes longer. After a week I had to start muttering things to myself in my cell so I didn’t forget who I was. The Nazi soldiers gave me the bare minimum to survive as far as water and nutrients goes. I cracked halfway through October. I gave the short scientist, Armin Zola, the list of what I would need before I was taken back to my cell after yet another time in the cell. I was given parchment and a pencil to write things down with but it kept coming in flashes.
Nights were the worst. Mouth dry from lack of water, eyes trained on an iron grate in the ceiling. I realized two weeks into my daily chair visits that I had forgotten my brother’s name. When I noticed it caused me to cry to sleep that night. So whenever I could I would mutter to myself facts I could remember starting with my name, rank, and where I was from. The list of facts got shorter every day. Somedays I remembered more than others. There were times all I could bring myself to do was hum Amazing Grace to myself to deal with the pain.
The first time I was in the lab I tried to escape. I was left with just one guard and I thought I could take him. I smashed a beaker using a shard like a knife. I ended up knocked unconscious, my hand bleeding from the self inflicted cuts caused by the makeshift weapon. From then on I was chained to the lab table and three soldiers kept watch. I wasn’t given anything to test the serum on. So I never tested unless I thought it would work because I used myself as a test subject.
I was unconscious for two days once from a failed serum. Others cause excruciating pain. Days came and went and I lost count of days but I knew it was still October. Yet a month was close to passing as November began to be discussed amongst soldiers around me. Pressure was placed on me to recreate the serum. Each day if I didn’t recreate the serum I was sent to the chair for the torturous electroshock. That is how I figured out I had been successful in a recreation. The serum, when tested, did nothing but make me drop to the lab floor in pain. I wasn’t even given time to recollect myself before being dragged off to the chair. I lasted longer in the chair than usual. I heard the instruction to increase the power. I don’t remember what happened after that.
It took me nearly half a day to recover, then as soon as I had I was back working in the lab. Suddenly I was pulled away from my work and escorted quickly back to my cell. “Neue Soldaten wurden gefangen genommen.” New soldiers have been captured. I pressed myself up against the bars for a chance, a glimpse at the soldiers being brought in.
It was silent as the Nazi Hydra soldiers dealt with the new poisoners. Suddenly two soldiers appeared with smiles on their faces. “Komm Mädchen. Zola und Schmidt wollen dich sehen.” Come girl. Zola and Schmidt want to see you. The soldiers yanked me up and practically dragged me to the room where the chair was. My body trembled involuntarily at the sight of the chair. It wasn’t me going in the chair, given someone was strapped in but given the uniform he was American. “Ah, here iz our lovely nurse. You’ve been asking for a test subject. Here you go.” Schmidt waved at the man strapped into the chair. The man lifted his head just barely and my heart went out to him. As soon as the hands left my arms I moved to the soldier in the chair. “What’s your name, soldier?”
“S’rg’nt Jam’s Barn’s,” His voice wasn’t clear but it was clear enough for me to understand what he said. The nurse turned to Zola and Schmidt. “I wasn’t done recreating the serum when you had me pulled from the lab. I will need time to work and he needs time to rest or the serum will kill him.” I tried to give him whatever comfort I could in those brief moments before we were pulled apart. His head rose just slightly and I caught a glimpse of stormy blue eyes as he was dragged out of the room.
I never got to return to my cell that night. As my eyes zoned in on the blue chemical mixture in front of me I felt a haze cloud my mind, it wasn’t abnormal to experience but I also felt like I was losing myself when it happened. Following my own written instructions I was able to continue my work. The only other thing I forced my mind to remember were two things.
I am First Lieutenant (Y/n) (L/n) of the US Army Nurse Corps. Soldier boy is Sergeant James Barnes.
The words became a mantra in the blank canvas my mind was currently in as I blindly worked by instructions of my very own that I don’t even remember writing. My body moved on auto pilot as I was taken to a crude looking examination room. In the center was soldier boy Sergeant James Barnes strapped to the table. As my mind raced to catch up with me, flashes of memories clouded my mind from when Steve Rogers got the serum, the explosion that followed, Dr. Erskine being shot. My body tensed at a passing memory of being in the chair passed through being replaced by the pain I felt giving myself the serum.
A hand pressed firmly in between my shoulder blades pushing me forward. I stumbled to the table catching myself with a hand on his arm. Wasn’t he wearing an army jacket before? My eyes landed on the serum filled syringe in my hands reminding me of what I was about to do. “First lieutenant (Y/n) (F/n) of the US Army Nurse Corps.. You are Sergeant James Barnes.. I’m sorry for what I am about to do. You’ll be okay. I’ve used it on myself. It will hurt.” My voice sounded so… robotic and monotone as I spoke to him. My hands pushing up his sleeve.
My hands worked from memory and out of second nature my mouth moved and the hymn fell from my lips. The melody of the song was the only comfort I could offer as I injected the poor man with the serum that would change his life forever. His eyes looked up at mine until the pain of the serum changing his body caused them to shut tightly. The leather restraints holding him in began to rip as he pulled against them. Discarding the empty syringe I tried to soothe him more but the second my hand touched his head I was shot with a sedative.
Steve Rogers has dressed up performing on stage like a dancing monkey to sell war bonds since he was given the serum. His first time on foreign grounds and he was performing for soldiers he should have been fighting alongside of. All to be booed off the stage by disgruntled men who just wanted to see a pretty dame.
Steve finally looked away from the rain but not quite at Peggy, “At least he’s got me doing this. Phillips would have had me stuck in a lab.” Blue eyes finally met the face of Agent Carter. “And these are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey? You were meant for more than this, you know.” Her wording might have been a bit rude but the point got across. There was a moment of silence between the two but Steve had this look to him. “What?” Peggy inquired.
The man was drawing in the rain when a familiar face popped up. “Hello, Steve.” Peggy Carter approached him from behind, making him turn from his drawing to greet her, “Hi.” She mimed his ‘hi’ back before laying her jacket down to sit on while Steve asked, “What are you doing here?” Peggy looked at Rogers and let out a small sigh, “Officially, I’m not here at all. That was quite a performance.”
Rogers looked away disappointed that she had caught the horrible show that happened earlier. “Yeah. I uh, I had to improvise a little bit. The crowds I’m used to are usually more, uh, twelve.” Steve explained looking out at the drenched ground and falling rain. “I understand you’re ‘America’s New Hope’.” Peggy states watching him. “Bond sales take a 10% bump in every state I visit.” Steve comments like a robot. “Is that Senator Brandt I hear?”
“You know for the longest time, I dreamed about coming overseas and being on the front lines, serving my country. I finally got everything I wanted and I’m wearing tights.” Steve kept looking down at his journal then squinting out through the rain. A horn alarmed behind them as a medical vehicle slid to a stop in the mud. Medics ran from the infirmary tent to help unloaded soldiers on gurneys. “They look like they’ve been through hell.” Peggy turned back towards Rogers. “These men more than most.” Steve looked up at Peggy knowing she had more details. “Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano. Two hundred men were there to back up an already injured fleet, they went up against him and less than 75 returned. Your audience contained what was left of the 107th and 34th.” Steve slowly turned his head feeling bad for the men who were lost but his attention snapped to Peggy at the mention of the divisions involved as she finished, “The rest were killed or captured.”
“The 107th?” The confirmation had him darting out into the rain, Peggy following holding her jacket over her head for coverage from the rain. The two ran all the way to the tent Colonel Phillips was sitting in signing condolence letters. “Colonel Phillips.” Steve called for the man’s attention as he approached. “Well, if it isn’t the Star-Spangled Man With A Plan. What is your plan today?” The colonel responded looking up at the pair now standing in front of him. “I need the casualty list from Azzano.” The tone he used was definitely fitting for the role he plays on stage. Phillips however did not appreciate it. “You don’t get to give me orders, son.”
“I just need one name, Sergeant James Barnes from the 107th.” Rogers responded un phased. Phillips pointed his pen at Peggy, “You and I are gonna have a conversation later that you won’t enjoy.” Steve was insistent though and again requested the information he wanted, “Please tell me if he’s alive, sir. B-A-R..” “I can spell.” Phillips cut him off before muttering, “First Stark and now this.” He stood from the table and paged through the letters he just finished signing. “I have signed more of these condolence letters today that I would care to count. But the name does sound familiar. I’m sorry. To the both of you.” Phillips looks from Rogers to Peggy and the woman knew he was referring to her friend from the 34th.”
“What about the others? Are you planning a rescue mission?” Rogers was something else, optimistic maybe. “Yeah, it’s called winning the war.” The look of disbelief that Steve sent the colonel as he spoke might have been the first red flag for Peggy Carter. “But if you know where they are, why not at least..” Phillips once again cut the man off, “They’re 30 miles behind the lines through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe.” Phillips was eyeing the spot on the map as he talked about it, even pointing the place out directly. “We’d lose more men than we’d save. But I don’t expect you to understand that because you’re a chorus girl.”
The colonels' dig at Roger’s lack of status didn’t seem to phase the man but it did fuel the plan he was formulating in his head while staring at the map, memorizing it. “I think I understand just fine.”
“Well, then understand it somewhere else. If I read the posters correctly, you got someplace to be in 30 minutes.” The colonel walked past him giving Rogers a very clear view of the map marking out exactly where he needed to go, and where he was. “Yes, sir. I do.” Perhaps the time staring at the map was the second red flag that Peggy noticed. As her eyes flickered between him and the map as he left the tent it all clicked into place and she hurried after the taller man.
“What do you plan to do, walk to Austria?” Peg asked as she entered the tent used as the changing room. “If that’s what it takes.” Steve answered not looking up from where he was struggling with boots. “You heard the Colonel. Your friend, and mine, are most likely dead.”
“You don’t know that.” Steve disagreed as he continued to get ready. “Even so, he’s devising a strategy. If he detects..” Steve cut her off as he put on a brown leather jacket, “By the time he’s done that, it could be too late.” He snatched up his bag and shield and headed for the exit. “Steve!” Peggy called following him to the vehicle he tossed his things into. The rain had stopped leaving the sun to rapidly evaporate the water leaving puffs of smoke in the air. Steve looked at the brunette in front of him. “You told me you thought I was meant for more than this. Did you mean that?”
“Every word.”
“Then you got to let me go.” Steve turned to get into the jeep and started the engine before Peggy was at the side. “I can do more than that.” She told him.
Peggy hadn’t lied. She got them a method of transport much faster than the jeep. Howard Stark sat in the pilot seat flying a plane with the slight chance his fiancée may still be alive. Stark was devastated when he first found out that the 34th was attacked and that only doubled when the attack at Azzano took out the 107th as well.
“The Hydra camp is in Krausberg, tucked between these two mountain ranges.” Peggy infomed Rogers as she pointed to the map she was holding. “It’s a factory of some kind.” She gave him as much information as she could. “We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep.” Howard called over his shoulder.
“Just get me as close as you can.” Steve called back up to the pilot. He looked back over at the woman in front of him. “You know.. You two are gonna be in a lot of trouble when you land.” He was worried about her getting into trouble for him but she looked at him just as worried. “And you won’t?” Steve dismissed her worries, turning his head. “Where I’m going, if anyone yells at me, I can just shoot them.” There was a small click of a loaded gun.
“They will undoubtedly shoot back.” Peggy surmised. Steve turned to the shield he had been using on stage giving it a knock, “Well let's hope it’s good for something.” Steve turned back to her just as Howard called back, “Agent Carter? If we’re not in too much of a hurry, I thought we could stop off in Lucerne for a late-night fondue.” Howard was teasing the agent, the smile on his face hidden from those being him. Peggy shifted in her seat choosing to ignore him and keep conversation going with Rogers. “Stark is the best civilian pilot I’ve ever seen. He’s mad enough to brave this airspace. We’re lucky to have him.”
Steve however was still not fully over the comment Stark made. “So, are you two… do you…” There was an awkward pause as Steve thought of the proper way to ask if they were seeing each other by reusing Stark’s words, “..Fondue?” Stark tried not to laugh from the pilot’s seat as Peggy simply shook her head and handed him a device. “This is your transponder. Activate it when you’re ready and the signal will lead us straight to you.” Steve took a moment to look at the device now in his hand before calling up to Howard, “Are you sure this thing works?”
“It’s been tested more than you, pal.” Howard defended seconds before gunfire hit the side of the plane. The plane shook as bullets pelted the sides, shaking the aircraft from the force. Steve stood grabbing his shield and heading towards the door. That he opened. “Get back here! We’re taking you all the way in!” Peggy ordered yelling over the wind rushing into the plane. “As soon as I’m clear, you turn this thing around and get the hell out of here!” Steve ordered back over the noise of the wind, gunfire, and the pinging of bullets on the plane.
“You can’t give me orders!” Peggy disagreed.
“The hell I can’t! I’m a Captain!” Steve looked over at her, giving her a smile that made her weak in the knees. He grabbed the goggles from his helmet, lowered them over his eyes and launched himself out of the plane. Peggy watched him fall towards the ground before the red fabric of his parachute was visible in the night sky from the flying bullets. Howard turned back as instructed by the Captain. Now all they could do was wait.
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ak47stylegirl · 3 years
Doctors Appointment: Chapter 3
Okay guys, here’s the third chapter! I hope you guys enjoy this!!! 😁💙
First two chapters. 
@janetm74 @dragonoffantasyandreality @katblu42 @cg29 @alexthefly @inertplanetary ----
Scott stood with his arms crossed, watching with a worried frown as Alan’s doctor, Dr David, examined his baby brother. At this moment, Dr David was examining Alan’s joints, mainly his arms and legs. 
Alan’s eyes glanced over at Scott.
“Okay, tell me if any of this hurts, okay?” Dr David began to put pressure on Alan’s unbraced leg joints, feeling around with his fingers. 
Alan’s face was scrunched up in discomfort, slightly flinching each time pressure was applied to his limbs.
But then Dr David put pressure on Alan’s ankle joint-
“Ow! Ow!” Alan wailed from where he laid on the bed, tears gathering in his eyes. “Ow! That hurts! Stop!”
Dr David instantly took the pressure off, frowning as he gently examined them further. At the same time, Scott had rushed over to Alan’s side. 
“Shhh, it’s alright….” Scott whispered, brushing his fingers through Alan’s soft blond hair. “It’s alright….” 
Alan whimpered, pouting up at Scott in disagreement. 
Scott’s eyes saddened immensely at the sight, tilting his head slightly in sympathy. Oh, my poor little one…
You never should’ve had to deal with this...
Dr David sighed heavily, catching Scott’s attention in a snap. Scott’s stomach flipped at the deep frown on the doctor’s face as he typed his notes into his tablet. 
Alan’s joints have gotten worse, haven’t they?! 
Oh no, please no! 
Alan struggled enough.
“Well, unfortunately, I can’t see much improvement from last time…” Dr David explained sadly, placing his tablet back down, “There is some stiffness in Alan’s left knee, but overall not much has changed….” 
Scott let loose a sigh of relief, his shoulders dropping. While no improvement wasn’t good, it was better than the other option. 
Oh, so, so much better...
Alan blew out a frustrated breath, “Can...Can I sit up now?” Alan mumbled, looking up at the two adults. 
“Yes, of course….” Dr David nodded. 
Alan slowly sat up with Scott’s help, leaning his head heavily against Scott’s side with a weak groan. 
Scott’s eyes creased in sorrow, lips pressed tightly together as he stroked the back of Alan’s head. 
This was only the first part of the appointment, and Alan’s tolerance was already getting paper-thin. 
It didn't bode well…
Especially seeing as Alan’s appointment was actually multiple appointments.
First, there was the appointment with Dr David, Alan’s main specialist. The team leader of Alan’s health professionals. They had the main ‘check-up’ with Dr David, who checked all the basic things they needed to watch.
After that, Alan was handed over to the pathology lab for tests and scans. That usually took quite a while. 
Alan wasn’t overly fond of some of the tests, to say the least…
But once that was done, Scott and Alan would retire to a private hospital suite for a little break as Alan needed to rest.
Because if Alan didn’t get said nap, there would 100% be a massive meltdown. Like laying on the floor crying his eyes out, refusing to cooperate…
Lots and lots of screaming… 
So yes, Scott very much insisted on that break. 
(Though sometimes, even that didn’t stop the meltdowns from happening…)
The second main appointment of the day was with Dr Suzzy, Alan’s fitness/rehabilitation specialist.
It took place down in the hospital’s rehab gym, where Dr Suzzy would walk through a couple of simple exercises with Alan. Alan actually had a training schedule for home as well, created by both Virgil and Dr Suzzy. 
As their medic, Virgil pulled rank to be the one to help Alan with those exercises. 
Scott tried to help sometimes, but unfortunately, running a business and rescue organisation kept him tied down most of the time...
The guilt plagued him…
Gordon also helped out with those exercises at times, especially if the pool was involved. 
If there were two things that Gordon took deadly seriously, it was pool safety and looking after his only little brother. So you could be damn sure Gordon was going to be there. 
Don’t think you can stop him. He’s a sneaky one, and he bites.
Scott had a faint scar on his arm from a four-year-old Gordon to prove it. (It had happened shortly after mum died, Gordon had been having a bad day… he hadn’t meant it...)
Don’t mess with the Gordo; at times, he’s a cuddly squid and others…
Pure shark.
Anyway, after that appointment, it was onto the final and honestly worst part of the day.
Alan’s treatment. 
It would occur in the same hospital suite as before, with Alan hooked up to an IV containing his medication. It was a slow process, taking an hour or two. Alan typically spent that time cradled up in Scott’s lap, hugging his Thunderbird Three plushie. 
Virgil had gotten it for Alan when he was first diagnosed. 
Scott knew Virgil was tempted to get Alan the Thunderbird Two plushie instead but went with Three as that was Alan’s favourite ship.
Also, that before mentioned Thunderbird Two plushie?
It was sitting pride of place on Virgil’s bed. 
‘I couldn’t just leave it?! She was looking so sad sitting there!’
While Virgil needing to have the plush version of his bird was understandable, buying the whole store’s supply of plushies was a bit much.
Like seriously, Virg…
Most of those toys got donated to families that couldn’t afford toys or sick children in hospital. 
It ended up being a very good experience for everyone involved…
Virgil had personally gone to the hospitals himself, handing said plushies to the unwell kids himself. 
There were tears…
And the lucky survivors that remained either got a job as an International Rescue’s cuddle operative; tasked with comforting young rescuees.
Or adults, it has definitely happened before... 
And the last few were adopted by Gordon, whose bed was a sea of plushies. 
Scott would never know how Gordon could sleep in that bed…
But it was a pretty adorable sight, he will admit. 
Dr David put his stethoscope in his ears, “Okay, let’s have a little listen to that chest of yours, shall we?” 
The stethoscope was slipped up the back of Alan’s shirt-
“Cold!” Alan squealed, flinching away as the cold metal of the stethoscope touched his skin. “That’s freezing!” 
“Sorry, Alan…” Dr David smiled apologetically. “I’ll warm it up a bit next time, okay?” The stethoscope was placed against Alan’s skin once again.
“Now, deep breath in for me..” 
Alan’s eyes narrowed, a grumpy pout on his face as he took a deep breath. 
Scott sighed wearily, spotting a possible meltdown brewing on the horizon. He didn’t know when it would hit, but Scott knew that it would happen some way or another.
Alan was displaying all the signs…
Dr David moved the stethoscope around a couple of times, each time asking Alan to take a deep breath. By the time the doctor was finished, Alan was slightly out of breath. 
“Well, his heart sounds good, which is always a good thing….” Dr David slipped his stethoscope back around his neck. “But his lungs sound a little wheezy….” 
Scott frowned in concern. 
“Has he been sick in the last week or so?” Dr David asked Scott, once again typing down notes on his tablet. “Cold? Flu?” 
Alan shuttered with a grimace. 
Being completely knocked down with the flu or cold was horrible for anyone. Let alone for someone like Alan, who had a weak immune system…
Scott’s eyes slipped close briefly as he nodded, 
“Yeah…” Scott replied, remembering that week well. “He was unwell with a bad cold about a week and a half ago….” 
It hasn’t been fun... 
“I figured as much,” Dr David remarked, putting his tablet down, “Nothing to be concerned about, as I’m sure Dr Tracy wouldn’t let her grandson out of her care otherwise….”
Scott chuckled in agreement. Grandma was a force to be reckoned with when it came to matters of health. 
And she had a pupil called Virgil. 
“But if it’s not gone by this time next week, I would advise getting it checked….” Dr David suggested as he set up the blood pressure monitor. 
Scott nodded thoughtfully, “Will do….” 
And seeing as they had a doctor in the house, and most of them were trained medics or EMTs, Scott had no doubt that Alan would get the best care possible. 
He would personally make sure of that…
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kozumekenza · 3 years
house of memories :: two
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:: kageyama tobio x f!reader :: playlist :: masterlist ::
:: taglist: open :: wc: 2.1k ::
the last you had heard of kageyama tobio, he was following his grandfather’s footsteps and leaving you behind to join the syndicate. a chance meeting throws him back into your life, along with all of the memories.
tw: alcohol, mafia elements, profanity
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You’re shivering, the moonlight reflecting off of the tears on your face. You really shouldn’t look this beautiful while crying, he thinks, and immediately admonishes himself for the thought. However, he also finds it fitting. There will be a lot of tears where he’s going; a lot of break-downs, a lot of pain. But still, he doesn’t think it’ll compare to the breaking of his heart in his chest when he watches you turn away from him forever. 
Kageyama Tobio is known for a lot of things; his cold exterior, his unforgiving nature, his skills with a weapon. He is also known for his unfriendliness, performing his job with a blank face and a calculating mind. He is known for having impenetrable walls and refusing to let people inside them. He is known for his detachment to everything around him; he doesn’t form connections with others, and his emotions are seemingly nonexistent. 
Even still, he can’t help but feel devastation and despair when he watches you walk away from him yet again, four years later, slipping from his grasp for the second time. 
After mumbling a quick apology to the bartender, who you now realize was Kageyama Miwa, you bolted to the dance floor and dragged Hana out of the club. She went willingly, asking next to no questions, her state of intoxication making her follow you with no complaints. 
Now, as you half-carry her into your shared apartment, you can’t help but wonder what would have happened if you stayed. It was obvious that both of the Kageyama siblings recognized you, although Miwa’s reaction was far better. Hana falls asleep the moment her head hits the pillow, and you leave her with a bottle of water and painkillers for the morning, sighing as you do so. You can only hope that she doesn’t ask too many questions about your quick escape tomorrow. You aren’t ready to dive into your past with Kageyama. 
When you finally crawl into bed, sleep evades you. Your night is spent tossing and turning, and when you finally do drift off, your dreams are filled with flashes of navy eyes and raven hair. 
The weeks pass as the sweltering heat of summer finally comes to an end; suddenly, you and Hana are back to your normal lives as college students. She asks no questions about that night at the club, and you’ve pushed it to the back of your mind, practically forgetting about it. 
The beginning of the semester starts, and with it, late night studying and weekends spent partying. Hana’s still going strong with the guy that has the membership, and you’ve finally met him, learning his name is Ushijima. He’s stoic and serious, but his love for Hana is obvious, and their relationship has progressed past late-night flings and one-night stands. You’re happy for her, even when she says that he’s not a college student, but a businessman who works under the CEO of a fairly well-known company. You know that’s true on the surface, but you don’t tell Hana that her newest lover is most likely one of Kageyama’s colleagues, whose job involves more guns and blood than it does numbers and desk work. 
All things considered, he treats her well, taking her on extravagant and luxurious dates, picking her up in a Bugatti, and always bringing her flowers. He’s respectful whenever he sees you, and if you didn’t know any better, you would think he’s just a nice, rich man. You know that Kageyama probably told him about you, but you can’t be particularly bothered, especially when Hana’s eyes light up whenever she talks about him. 
You start your fourth and final year of university without much fanfare; for you, it’s back to research work in the lab and long lectures on biology and medicine. You’re slightly envious of Hana’s path in nursing; she’s already working in the hospital and doing clinicals. Unfortunately for you, you’re stuck applying for medical schools while balancing your ever-growing list of lab write-ups and reports. 
It’s a fairly normal day, a few weeks into the semester, when Kageyama becomes the focus of your mind once again. 
You walk out of your final lab feeling exhausted; it’s already eight in the evening, and Hana’s on night shift, so you’ll be alone in your apartment for the night. Normally, you don’t mind, but tonight, all you want to do is crawl into bed without dinner and without completing any of the assignments that are due this week. Hana usually keeps you in check; reminding you of a lab report you have forgotten and keeping you company while you complain about your professors. 
Your thoughts are interrupted when you spot Kageyama Miwa, leaning on a black Lexus, eyes on her phone as she waits outside your lab building. 
Her eyes meet yours as she glances up, and she waves you over. Grabbing the straps of your backpack, you approach her. You aren’t sure what she’s here for, but you’re assuming it’s you. It doesn’t surprise you that she knows which university you attend and apparently, your class schedule. You’ve always known that Kageyama kept an eye on you. 
“Hey, Miwa,” you greet her with a smile.
“Hey, y/n.” She pulls you in for a hug. “We didn’t get a chance to properly talk that night. I almost didn’t recognize you, it’s been forever.”
“Yeah,” you nod, “but I’m pretty sure you aren’t here to catch up.”
She looks slightly surprised and disappointed, and you know that you’re right. “Unfortunately not. Are you busy tonight?”
You shake your head. Homework can wait for tomorrow, and as long as wherever she’s taking you has food, you don’t really care. You’re more curious about why she’s here; what Kageyama could possibly need you for. 
“Good.” She opens the passenger door of the Lexus. “This shouldn’t take too long.”
You get in as she goes around the other side and starts the car. “Why do you need me?”
She pulls away and you recognize that she’s heading towards Shadow. “Security issues. Personal files were leaked. Tobio’ll explain more, but he’s concerned for your safety.”
You snort at that. Kageyama Tobio, concerned. Hilarious. 
You can see Miwa glance at you out of the corner of her eye, but she remains silent as she pulls down a side street adjacent to the club. A garage opens, and she pulls in. You note the multiple luxury sport cars inside as you follow her out of the garage. 
She leads you down a hallway to an elevator, then up to the 30th floor. From what you can tell, the bottom few floors of the building are dedicated to the club, and you can assume that the top floors are for Kageyama’s personal use. You don’t think about the multiple basement buttons and what could possibly be down there. 
A ding signals the end of the ride, and you step out into the foyer of a large penthouse. Miwa leads you past a kitchen and living area, up a sweeping set of stairs. You can’t help but admire the modern apartment; it’s truly beautiful, accented in neutral blacks, grays, and browns. For a second, you’re jealous of Kageyama for being able to live in a place like this, but then you remember what he does and the feeling disappears. 
Miwa knocks on a door at the end of the hall, and it opens a second later. Kageyama is seated at a large mahogany desk, papers spread in front of him and the glow of a laptop reflecting on his face. The night lights of Tokyo can be seen from the floor-to-ceiling windows opposite the door, and you marvel at the view for a few seconds. You note that Kageyama looks exhausted; the file leak must be really bad. Much to your own disappointment, you also note that he still looks as handsome as ever in a dark blue suit. 
He barely looks up when the two of you enter, and Miwa clears her throat. “Bi, she’s here.”
The small giggle that leaves your mouth as a result of Miwa’s continued use of his childhood nickname causes Kageyama to look up at you, carefully assessing you. You know that you look like shit right now, your hair is messy from wearing goggles, and you’re dressed in lab clothes that have stains from previous chemical spills. 
“Come sit.” Kageyama gestures to the seat in front of him, and you dutifully obey. 
“Do you want something to drink, y/n?” Miwa’s still by the door, doing her duties as a host to Kageyama’s guests, but you shake your head.
“I’m alright, thank you.”
She smiles and pauses with her hand on the door handle. “You’re more than welcome to stay for dinner. We haven’t eaten yet, and I know I probably interrupted you heading home to eat.”
You grin, nodding. “I’d appreciate that, thank you.”
She leaves with an incline of her chin, the door shutting softly behind her.
You look Kageyama Tobio in the eyes, trying to decipher his feelings about you being here. You used to be pretty good; he never had to say anything for you to know what he was feeling. Now, you can tell that the years have made him cold and unreadable. 
He sighs and leans back, interlacing his fingers in front of him. “I’m sorry.”
You shrug. Two simple words not only for the hassle of dragging you here and interrupting your evening, but for the past four years, starting from the second you walked away from him and continuing through the obvious surveillance he’s done on you without your permission. “You do what you have to do.”
He looks relieved to hear you say that, enough that he grabs a file and rearranges its contents, pulling out a piece of paper to slide across the table to you.
“So, as Miwa told you, we had a breach in security. Personal files were hacked from our database, and that included yours. I’m sure you know why you have a file.” You nod. “Yours contained information such as your personal history with Miwa and me, as well as your whereabouts and what you’ve been doing for the past four years. Addresses, emails, phone numbers, and social media accounts were also leaked.” Kageyama sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Under normal circumstances, I would not be concerned. Everyone involved in my business knows the risks and how to defend themselves. You, on the other hand, didn’t ask for any of this. I’m concerned the group that stole the file will attempt something with you, as the file is clear evidence that you’re important to both Miwa and me.”
Awful news so far, but you saw it coming when Miwa mentioned a security issue. “Do you know who stole the files?” Kageyama nods. “Did they take anything else?”
“No, just personal files. Didn’t touch mine, they know everything about me already. They only took yours and Miwa’s, which is why I’m so concerned.”
You nod along to his words. The hackers wouldn’t take such inconsequential information unless they were looking for someone close to Kageyama to use as collateral. Plus, they would normally take business information, not anything personal. Things in Tokyo’s underworld must be bad. 
“What are you going to do?”
Kageyama gestures to the paper. “I know you’re in school, so I can’t simply lock you up somewhere until it’s safe again.” His small smile and dry humor makes you brighten up a little. You missed that side of him, with the short quips and ever-present sarcasm. “I’m proposing a security detail. Just two of my men, to keep an eye on things. You won’t even know they’re there. Plus, as you know, Ushijima hangs around your roommate quite a bit, and he���s under orders to keep an eye out as well. This,” he taps the paper, “is simply for your own knowledge. I’ve listed all the information that was leaked, as well as what to look out for if you believe you might be in danger. There’s also information on the two I’ll have guarding you, so you aren’t alarmed in case they make their presence known.”
You take the paper and briefly skim it. “Thank you.”
Kageyama’s smile is brief but genuine. “Again, I’m sorry about all of this. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know.”
You sigh. “It’s alright. Something like this was bound to happen one day anyway.”
It’s true; you’ve always known the risks, even though you haven’t been associated with Kageyama for four years, before his reign over Tokyo. You knew that even when you left, there was still a chance someone would trace back to you.
Kageyama stands up, his hand held out to you. “Want to go eat?”
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taglist: @lilith412426​ 
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Unclouded Days, because I'm not an idiot and I definitely remembered this story exists, part 3.
Part 1 | Part 2
"If I wanted to have a family... I'd have it with Alyx... Or Barney... But for right now...."
Gordon looked up from his journal. Taking a glance at his clock, he noted the date and time. 6:37 a.m. on a cold Thursday, April 13.
It had been a whole 2 months since he last visited Alyx and Barney. Gordon could remember the chill of the incoming blizzard as he trudged through the snow, and he remembered the chill coming back home afterwards.
His cabin was a safe haven away from the chaos of the society he helped create. Gordon wanted nothing to do there. He wanted to be by himself, for all too long he had been surrounded by people and he couldn't stand it. He thoroughly enjoyed the moments spent being away from everyone, where he was on his own, doing whatever. Nobody would boss him about. He wouldn't have to fight.
Barney had brought up a good point, but by accident. Gordon had mocked Barney by making such claims as having a family. And with Barney asking if he had one, Gordon spent long nights thinking about it.
No, he didn't have one, but Gordon couldn't deny that he had thought about having one, and having some kids of his own. He was still young enough to, but with whom? Barney would say yes, he and Gordon were always intimate with each other and would be asked constantly at Black Mesa when they'd marry. But it'd rule out children, as niether of them could reproduce with each other. Alyx would be uncertain about getting married, probably, mostly because she didn't know to the fullest what it meant. And niether of them felt a strong attraction towards each other, so would it even be considered a real loving relationship?
Gordon took another look at the clock. 7:15 a.m.. Temperature dropped a few degrees in the cabin. He sighed.
Another night wasted.
Closing the journal, Gordon stood up and stretched before opening the window to let it the sun and some fresh air. He stared outside, some animals crossing in and out of his vision, the leaves from last fall stuck down under the remaining snow. It was cold out, but the kind of cold one craved for in the spring. A nice and peaceful morning with a slight chill, the forestry just now waking up with snow melting around, providing nutrients to the life nearby.
He felt tired. Not unusual, as he lost quite a bit of sleep since that week in February. But Gordon couldn't fall asleep.
It was the entire point of that journal. To write his thoughts until he felt as though he could sleep. Some nights he considered heading back over to Eli and Kliener, maybe chat a bit. But being 40-something miles away would mean he'd arrive there sometime by noon. Other nights he considered working on some projects he laid out. But that would mean Gordon would have to turn on the other lights- all that artificial light would keep him up more than the red-light alarm he used to write in his journal. More often than not Gordon would just sit at his desk, writing away from 8 in the evening to 7 in the morning. The rare nights were when he didn't write in his journal, but instead bathed in the pitch black darkness.
Writing in the journal helped though. Gordon wouldn't have to worry about making sense to anyone, as long as it made enough sense to him. No need to appropriate a sentence, give it structure. It was a place where he could write what he was feeling, with no worry of harming anyone else.
Though sometimes Gordon wished he could actually tell someone, get advice or some help. It would have been useful as hell for him.
To ask for help gave Gordon the feeling of uselessness, a feeling he had been trying to avoid hard. To be told to do a thing gave him a purpose. So he did things that made him feel useful- took care of alien enemies for those that couldn't, provided backup to those who could, saved humanity, rebuilt society. Gordon did it all. There was no way he was going to ask anyone for help. He'd feel guilty as hell.
Gordon decided that he was done thinking such thoughts. And he had also decided that he would relax with a nice, warm shower, taking some time to ease off some stress.
Silence had been filling the lab. It was as if quiet things could become quieter, if it didn't make sound then it would start making other things stop making sound.
Alyx and Barney found it uncomfortable. The silence was deafening, and they could hear their thoughts much too clearly. It also provided a sort of laziness, a feeling of boredom, to the lab. A place once bustling with life and loud noises now only inhabited by two people with nothing better to do that they hadn't done forty times before.
"What if we went out of town for a bit?" Barney broke the silence, startling Alyx, who had been slowly falling asleep.
"What do you mean? To where?" She stretched.
"To Gordon's."
"I don't know, would he even like visitors right now? We have no way of asking him."
"Surprise visit?"
"We can't ask him, Barney! We've got no way to talk to him." Alyx rested her head on the table, letting out a drowsy sigh.
"I know where he lives." Barney said, causing Alyx to look over at him. "He had told me an approximation, he lives east near the giant trees."
"In the shack?"
"Barney, thats forty miles away. We'd have to start early morning to arrive at his house with some daylight left. And besides, there is no way we'd be able to spend the night there, it has four rooms- a bathroom, a tiny bedroom, a kitchen and a main room."
Silence filled the lab once more. Alyx had a point, it was already too small for one person, much more with three. And there would be no way of confirming with Gordon if they could even get there- if anyone else saw them leave, and it would be a given that many people would see them leave, then Gordon's privacy would be violated by everyone else knowing where he lived.
It'd be rude to arrive uninvited, and unpleasant if he wasn't there or was too busy to let them in.
"Can't you talk to him?" Barney stared at Alyx, who sat up with exhaustion.
"How do you think I would be capable of that?"
"With that weird vort-connection-thingy you two have."
She took a moment to think. "I'm... Not entirely sure. I don't think I can."
"Should we ask a vortigaunt?"
Gordon finished dressing and took a seat on his bed. He was disappointed. His bath hadn't helped to relieve any stress whatsoever, instead he was convinced it added more and made it worse.
Which... Isn't good when you are a sleep-deprived physicist who has just been to a version of hell and back at one moment and wiping the enemy off the face of the planet.
His clock now read 9:00 a.m. exact. He could take a walk around the forest, or maybe cook up something.
Or, instead, he could lay in bed, the window open, the covers over him. Which is what Gordon did.
It made the annoying sleeplessness much worse but one could not deny the relaxing comfort it brought. And slowly, just so slowly, Gordon began to drift off to sleep.
"You can communicate feelings and pain without words, but you cannot talk to the Freeman directly." The vorts had answered, causing a sigh from Alyx and Barney.
"Well, then, fuck how are we supposed to get him now?" Barney huffed.
"We wait until he decides to come over." Alyx replied, getting up to go back to the lab.
"Have either of you decides to meet the Freeman yourselves?" A vort inquired, walking up to Alyx and Barney.
"No." The both of them responded.
"It'd be rude to walk up to his house uninvited, seeing as others could follow us." Alyx look over at the vortigaunts, who gave the appearance of understanding.
The two left the vortigaunts and returned to their eerily quiet lab, where boredom struck again.
Gordon shot up, panting hard. Beads of sweat trailed down his face, his heart and mind racing. He glanced at the clock.
5:21 p.m. on a now warm April 13.
Gordon took a second to calm down. He couldn't remember what had caused him to be so hyped up. Was it a nightmare? Bad memory?
What ever it was, it was gone now. Gordon could be thankful for that at least.
Chest still pounding, Gordon took a second to gain his bearings and calm down. He found it extremely difficult to do such on his own. As a result, he went out on a walk. He found it best to take in the nature, listen to the trees and wildlife.
As much as Gordon would have liked to hunt, a gun would raise back past feelings of fear, anger and pain that the Resonance Cascade and the Uprising caused. He couldn't stand to hold such a weapon nowadays, the only reason he'd have one anymore is for safety purposes. But even then, Gordon would much rather fight with a knife.
Bored with his little house and, unfortunately, the forestry around him, Gordon set out to the lab. It was best for an escape, as he wasn't feeling all that great by himself.
It was daybreak by the time Gordon arrived at White Forest. He had taken some time to visit Eli and Kleiner, and had also gone for a bit of shopping in the main town. Once done with that,he made his way to the lab.
"Hey Barney."
Barney turned around and was greeted by Gordon.
"Yeah, I'd hope so. How have things been?"
Barney smiled. "Its been good. And you?"
"...not good." Gordon sighed and looked down a bit. "Haven't been getting good rest."
"Would you like to spend a few more nights here? At the lab with Alyx and I?"
"Yeah... I'd appreciate that thanks..."
Barney took Gordon's hand and led him to the lab, where Alyx greeted them both with an excited smile.
Gordon got set up in his old room again. Sitting upon his bed, he stared at the ceiling in silent contemplation. Closing his eyes, he began to silently cry, for no reason he could find.
When Alyx stepped into the room, she caught a glance of the tired and teary-eyed man. She took that as a moment to sit next to him and offer weak support.
Gordon glanced over to her and wiped off his eyes. "S-sorry..." he muttered weakly, his voice shaky as hell.
Alyx smiled. "No need to be sorry. Just let it all out."
Heyo! Its yours true. I need help to try to make it towards the end by offerring your support for the story and reblogging/asking more about it/ messaging me! Rb>likes, and the reblogs offer me more motivation to continue writing the stories, and same would go for my ravenholm comics, that you can read at @returntoravenholm-awgag ! I'd appreciate all the support I can get from anyone! Thank you!
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superblizzarddrift · 4 years
Teething Problems
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This one kinda wrote itself so thanks for the awesome prompt choice @hermanncodednewtboy​! (AO3 version here)
Hermann had been in the waiting room for nearly an hour when Newt finally shuffled in, one hand clutching an icepack to his jaw and the other holding the nurse’s arm.
‘Oh, good.’ He hurried over, struggling to hide his worry. ‘Newton, how are you feeling?’
Newt stared back at him with a look of betrayal. ‘They took my teeth, dude,’ he slurred.
‘Not all of them,’ the nurse said kindly, ‘just the ones that were causing you trouble.’
Newt had been complaining about his wisdom teeth for as long as Hermann had known him. “I’ll get it fixed when the apocalypse is over,” he’d insist whenever Hermann nagged him about it. Ten years later, the apocalypse was over and Newt was out of excuses.
‘Can we go home now?’ Newt let go of the nurse’s arm and latched onto Hermann like a dejected limpet. With a sigh, Hermann settled things with the nurse and listened to her instructions. It was a little hard to concentrate with Newt being so… affectionate. Judging by her smile, she noticed his blush.
It was dark outside. Mako waved from her car. ‘Did it go well?’ she asked as they clambered into the back.
‘No, it was bad,’ Newt muttered, clutching the icepack against his cheek. ‘Didn’t feel any of the teeth come out.’
‘That is a good thing, Newton.’ Hermann leaned over to buckle him in.
‘But I don’t know if they even did it!’
Mako laughed. ‘I’ll get you home.’
“Home” was still the Shatterdome for now, although clean-up had begun and pretty soon the K-Science division would be a thing of the past. Hermann never thought he’d miss that lab – or his annoying co-worker. As they turned a corner, Newt slumped against his shoulder. Hermann put an arm around him.
‘Had really cool dreams.’ Newt mumbled. ‘Each dentist was a different Kaiju…’
In the mirror, Mako’s eyes flicked up briefly before returning to the road. A Kaiju had taken her father, just as it had taken her family before it. He knew she was still grieving, in her own quiet way. ‘How many dentists were there?’ she asked, incredulously.
‘A family,’ Newt pronounced, eyes slipping closed. Without his glasses, he looked more vulnerable somehow. Hermann could see the line across his forehead where the stitches had recently healed, the yellow stain of a bruise on his cheekbone. He resisted the urge to comb his fingers through his messy hair.
Back at the Shatterdome, Mako helped Newt to walk up to his room. He wobbled along amiably enough, but when he started bumping into things Hermann quickly returned his glasses.
Outside his door, Newt fumbled through his pockets. ‘I… I can’t find my key. Maybe I left it inside…’
Hermann’s heart sank. Newt had changed his mind about going five times, until he’d had to almost drag him out the door. The key was probably inside his room.
Mako bit her lip. ‘You could borrow my room for the night? I’ve been sharing with Raleigh anyway.’ She blushed a little.
Hermann shook his head it. ‘Mako, you have done more than enough tonight. I’ll… I’ll take him to my quarters. It’s probably better if someone keeps an eye on him, anyway.’
Mako hesitated. 'Are you sure? I really don't mind...'
Newt looked to Hermann hopefully. 'Sleepover? Please?'
Oh, it was going to be a long night.
Mako followed them to Hermann's room then bid them goodnight.
'Take care, rock star,' she said fondly, with a wink at Newt.
'Mmm,' said Newt vaguely, eyes drifting closed.
Hermann ambled into his apartment, scanning for any litter or discarded underwear before remembering that he never left anything in his room out of place.
Newt sat down on Hermann's bed, groaned and promptly spat a mouthful of bloody gauze into his lap.
'Oh, for heaven's sake, Newton.' Hermann grabbed a handkerchief and cleaned up the mess.
'Hurts,' Newt said miserably, but held still as Hermann gently mopped the red saliva off his fingers and chin. 'Are you sure they took my teeth out?'
'I assure you that they took all four of your wisdom teeth, yes.'
'Where did they put them?' He stared at him tiredly, icepack pressed against his cheek again. 'They're my teeth. So I own them.'
'You can't keep them. If it's any consolation, you have plenty more.'
'But I had them for so long,' he whined, flopping down on Hermann's pillow. 'I saved the world with those teeth!'
With a sigh, Hermann patted his ankle. Sometimes he thought he could feel Newt’s emotions, like some residual effect of their Drift. Some mornings he woke up with a song in his head he'd never heard before. Like it or not, they were connected now.
Newt sighed softly as Hermann's hand found his shoulder. Hermann wasn't sure how it got there, but he couldn't bring himself to remove it. 'Get some rest,' he said finally. Newt did indeed seem to be dozing off, mumbling nonsense as Hermann relieved him of his glasses and shoes.
It would be hard to say goodbye to him, Hermann realised. At some point, their volatile relationship had morphed into something harder to define. He’d told himself it was merely co-dependency from working together for so long, but that didn’t account for their Drift. He’d been inside Newt’s head, and he knew that there was something there too.
Newt appeared to be asleep by the time Hermann draped the blanket over him, but then he stirred. 'I think I'm in love with you,' he said dreamily.
Hermann froze. 'It's only a blanket Newton, no need to be so dramatic.'
'You think I'm joking.' He looked so adorably sad, only his head visible above the blanket. 'You always think I'm joking when I say nice things. But I do love you.'
Hermann looked back at him, and for a moment they were standing together in the pouring rain, minds reeling from the Drift. ‘I – that’s very nice of you. Please try to get some sleep.’ He couldn’t tell him. Not now, when Newt probably wouldn’t remember it, and not when they’d most likely be on opposite sides of the world in a week or two. It was easier to remain detached. That was how he’d been able to do his work in the first place. No ties.
‘Where are you going?’ Newt asked in alarm as Hermann turned away. ‘Don’t go! I’m sorry!’
‘I’m not going anywhere,’ he said. ‘I’m going to sleep on the sofa.’ He barely used the battered old couch by the window, but it would suffice for tonight.
‘There’s enough room for two, you know.’ Newt patted the space beside him. ‘Your leg hurts, doesn’t it? I can feel it too.’
Indeed, Hermann’s leg had been throbbing for most of the walk back. He gaped at him. ‘You can?’
‘You’re so cute when you’re all uptight. Come on. Please?’
If they’d been in this situation a month ago, Hermann would have probably marched out and slept in Mako’s room. Perhaps a little bit of Newt had rubbed off on him in the Drift, because he found himself shrugging off his jacket, kicking off his shoes and climbing into bed beside him. He switched off the light. Now, only a faint glow came from under the door.
Newt curled up under the blanket, squishing his face into the pillow. ‘This is nice,’ he sighed.
Hermann dared to shuffle a little closer, not quite touching him but close enough to feel Newt’s warmth. ‘Yes, it is.’
There was an itch under his skin, a yearning. He didn’t want to say goodbye, not after all they’d been through. Would he still feel the effects of their Drift when they were far apart? What if Newt got into trouble somehow, would he feel his pain? His loneliness?
‘Newton,’ he said quietly, ‘I – I don’t want you to leave.’
Newt yawned. ‘I’m not leaving, I’m staying here.’
‘I don’t mean this room. I mean you. I don’t want to go back to sending letters.’
There was a silence so long that Hermann was sure Newt had gone to sleep. But then Newt shuffled over until his forehead rested on his shoulder. ‘I don’t want you to leave either.’
Relief flooded through him, so strong that he was sure Newt would feel it. ‘It’s settled, then,’ Hermann said calmly, though his heart was singing. ‘Wherever we go next, we shall go together.’
The bed rustled as Newt fidgeted, then there was a puff of air on his cheek as Newt sighed. ‘I can’t kiss you ‘cause my mouth hurts.’
‘You can’t kiss me because you are full of drugs, you silly man.’ But when Newt rested his head on his chest, he didn’t complain. The icepack dripped cold water onto Hermann’s shirt. ‘So, Doctor Geiszler.’ Fondly, he ran his fingers through Newt’s hair. ‘Was this experience better or worse than drifting with a Kaiju brain?'
‘Better, ‘cause I get cuddles. S’not as cool, though.’
Hermann smiled into the darkness. ‘Tell me about these Kaiju dreams you had?’
‘Well, one of them was Otachi, which was funny because she has wings so she couldn’t hold any of the tools…’ As Newt spoke, a warm contentedness seeped through the both of them. Hermann had no idea what was going to happen next, but all that mattered was they did it together.
He didn’t need the Drift to know that he loved Newt too.
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shintorikhazumi · 3 years
Two is company, Three's a Crowd, but Four is the Death of Diana Cavendish (3): Progress
A/N: Okie, here it is, my dear catalyst friend who caused this fic to exist in a sense hahahha @tanuki-pyon​. This fic is... idk. 
Also I’m assuming that @komatsuna-yuki wants to be tagged? still? idk? sorry for assuming????? also @dianacavendishisgay just to tell you the next is here.
To everyone else,
~Shintori Khazumi
Hannah sipped loudly from her cup, eyes bored, but inwardly absolutely amused as she watched Diana's mechanically stiff movements. The girl could not go into her classroom any slower.
Diana had been having difficulty entering the room; the thought of meeting Atsuko so soon- after that weird chain of events they had sprung on her- was daunting.
Yet Hannah wanted to see to it that Diana would attend her next class. She was waiting for her to go in already before walking over to her own a few rooms down.
She would not- could not- let Diana get away and lessen their chances of capturing one Kagari Atsuko.
Oh, the thought of that girl sent a jolt of excitement up Hannah's spine. The things they could do to the adorable, almost puppy-like bean once they were together.
Ah, but Diana Cavendish was so hell-bent on patience, chivalry, and her century-old idea of 'courtship' that would probably leave them all dried out by the time they got to the first date. It was a little annoying.
It simply wouldn't do.
That's why Hannah and Barbara were here. After noticing their lovely girlfriend struggle the past few months or so with hidden feelings that they could not interpret as anything else than the beginnings of another love, they had decided that it wasn't so bad to help her out and give her the happiness she very clearly deserved.
Okay, and maybe they found Atsuko super cute. After observing her the past few weeks- just to be sure she was good for Diana because scouting was important if they wanted what was best for her- they had come to also adore the honest, bubbly, and incredibly sweet girl who went to the park after school to feed random birds and animals, and gave children sweets after performing rather impressive magic tricks.
Hannah sighed her thoughts away, turning back to her useless girlfriend to confirm that she had made no progress at all in getting to her class. As expected.
Hannah could only watch on helplessly. She was not about to ruin her pretty image by barbarically dragging her girlfriend into the room. Not yet. That was only for desperate times.
Now was... not so desperate.
After what felt like forever congested into the last ten minutes of Diana's- and by extension, Hannah's- struggle, the oaf of a blonde genius finally managed to take a step into the lecture hall.
-only to peek back out at a speed contrasting the time it took to enter the room.
Hannah simply raised a brow, a silent, "What." being expressed.
"She's not here yet!" Diana whisper-shouted in panic. "I should've remembered she'd usually not be early! She's never here early! Hannah!"
Hannah only took another sip from her straw still, rolling her eyes at her girlfriend's rare display of desperate whininess.
Such a baby sometimes. She was definitely going to tell aunt Bernadette when they met up again. Just so they could tease Diana together.
"Calm down, sweet. Just go wait for her inside then or something." Hannah finally responded, sipping the last of her iced coffee before tossing the empty container into a nearby bin. "It's not like she'd skip class to avoid you."
"No way." Hannah could have laughed as Diana silently confirmed that Kagari Atsuko would definitely do something like that.
Oh great.
Two pains to deal with now.
She should've asked Barbara to come along.
Suddenly she heard a squeak from behind her. Hannah quickly turned around and a grin formed immediately on her face.
'Well, well. How perfect.'
Just the one they had been looking for, who was about to turn around and leave- about to bolt for dear life.
Not like Hannah would let her.
Preparing her sweetest smile and voice, she called the girl's name, skipping in her direction, snaking an arm around her waist before planting a greeting kiss on her cheek.
"EEEEE-!  M-Miss England!"
"Oh, come on. Don't be so cold now! Call me Hannah~. Han-nah. <3"
From the corner of her eye she could see Diana sporting a scowl.
'Oh? Already jealous?'
It only tempted Hannah to mess with the pair even more. This was actually turning out to be quite fun. Maybe patience really was a virtue worth its price.
"Come now, let's get to class." She cheerfully linked arms with Atsuko, dragging her into the biochemistry class, past a Diana whose jaw hung slack.
Diana snapped out of her stupor soon enough, marching after the pair into the room.
"Wait a second, Hannah." Diana glared at her girlfriend, noting that Hannah had stolen her seat next to Miss Kagari. She nudged the girl over, the three of them now sat- squeezed together- at one table usually meant for only two. "You don't have this class." She pointed out bitterly, hoping Hannah would take the hint and leave.
Her frown deepened as Hannah simply smirked that one way that Diana knew meant that Hannah would do as she pleased regardless of anything or anyone.
"I do now~."
Finally. Thank god, Diana thought.
...or not.
If her morning dedicated to labs was already difficult with Hannah hanging around, Barbara taking a seat next to Miss Kagari at the table doubled her hardships.
Really. Couldn't these two see that they were making her cru- frien... wait. That wasn't it either. Just what... was Kagari Atsuko to her at the moment then?
She glanced at the trio again, her girlfriends taking turns happily feeding the poor girl in the middle who could only smile and nod, afraid of rejecting their advances.
She should really learn to speak up, that Kagari Atsuko.
Then again, she couldn't blame her. This was something she had also experienced back then, when she first started dating Hannah and Barbara.
Diana sighed, not really knowing what to do anymore.
Diana swiftly became alert, already up from her seat and walking over to where Miss Kagari was bright red and apologizing to the people around for disturbing the peaceful lunch hours with her noise.
Diana was toeing a very fine line of patience, having been tested all morning. Hannah and Barbara were going too far with their touchiness and teasing! Hadn't they discussed that they'd go into this gently! Courtship! Kagari Atsuko deserved the best of it!
This wasn't it!
And Hannah slipping her hand onto Akko's thigh was the last straw for Diana.
Quickly, she took that hand off, taking Akko's and leading her out towards the courtyard to get some fresh air. For Akko or for herself? She didn't really know.
In her blind emotion, Diana had failed to realize some things. One was that she had dragged her partner half way across the school building, subconsciously wanting to be as far from her stressors as possible; and two, they were now alone. Something that never happened outside of lab activities.
As soon as it came to her awareness, she whirled around to face the girl she had roughly tugged along behind her, bowing in deep apology. "I'm truly sorry, Miss Kagari!" She hadn't really thought of what to do after that.
Peeking up at Akko, she saw a flustered expression that made her heart flutter in her chest. Everything about her was just so, so enticing. Maybe she'd admit to understanding her girlfriends' desires to act the way they did around the Japanese girl.
Caught in a moment unaware, her lips loosened, speaking a blaring thought she had believed she'd suppressed at the back of her mind for so long.
"May I formally court you?"
She felt her eyes widen as Akko's did as well.
There. She'd said it. She'd finally said it.
She just hoped that Akko would let her down easy if in case rejection was her choice of answer-
"H-how... How does it work?" Was the tiny voice's response in the form of a question of her own.
"This... thing. Relationship. Of yours." She wrung her shirt in her hands, twisting nervously. She didn't seem to be asking out of judgment, rather it was out of genuine curiosity. "I mean... if I'm going to-to be a part of it, I'd like to know... y'know?" She grinned this crooked silly grin that made Diana blush.
'Super cute' -as Hannah had put it, Akko was.
"W-well... I... um..." Come now, Diana Cavendish. Where did the valedictorian of her graduating class go? She needed to explain it clearly, and simple as possible at the same time. "It's... we love each other... equally...?"
'Oh, bury me alive.'
"I... see." Atsuko hummed, staring at her shoes for a bit, face scrunched up in deep thought.
Diana needed to do something. Say something to clear up any confusion the other girl might have acquired after her failure of an explanation.
"Y-You don't have to erm... 'love' as all at once. Or force yourself to be in a relationship with us all- um... odd as it may sound... that you'd date only one of us while we date each other. Oh but... That... doesn't sound very fair on your part, does it?" Diana chuckled awkwardly, one of her hands circling the opposite wrist, seeking comfort in the sensation.
Aahhh, she'd definitely messed it up now. Maybe having Hannah and Barbara around was a better game plan when it came to Kagari Atsuko. Diana braced herself for the worst.
The worst... didn't come.
"I want to try."
If anything, it was the best?
"W-whu?" Diana's gaze zoned in on the blushing woman in front of her, shoes scuffing the dirt, hands fidgeting together. She was clearly flustered. Not that Diana was any better. Especially not after the bomb that would drop on her next.
"I actually... like you... Miss Cavendish."
"Well, shit."
"Oh! Oh no! Shit as in... no, um...not in the bad sense! Shit as in, the good shit- dear lord, what have I been spouting I'll shut up right away, right now, I- I'm..." Shamefully stupid as she was being, she couldn't help the smile that was beginning to make her cheeks hurt by how wide it had spread across her face. "I'm so happy, Mi-Miss Ka... no.... Atsuko. Atsuko... At-canIcallyouthat?” 
She received a dumbfounded nod. One she was most grateful for.
She took a deep breath. “I... I also... I fancy you." She confessed in her own odd way that definitely confused Atsuko.
"It means I like you."
Diana couldn’t quite name all the emotions that had so quickly flashed across Atsuko’s face. She hoped they meant good things?
"Well, shit."
Good things.
"Right?" Diana began chuckling, unable to help herself. She felt over the moon, flying high up like a witch on a broom above the clouds. Or was Atsuko the witch? Casting a spell on her, making her all sorts of weird.
Did it matter now though?
If anything, she liked this love spell that had bewitched her.
"May I... May I walk you home after class later?" She mustered up the courage to ask, patting herself on the back for being rather progressive. She was feeling a bit more confident compared to earlier. Her composure was beginning to return to her, and her calm indicated that she was getting used to interacting with her new potential lover.
And then the girl smiled.
All of that organization of mind flew out the window.
"I'd love to walk home with you, D-Diana."
Ah. The finishing blow.
"Th-th-th-th-that's! Sounds perfect! Ha! Haha! Ha...ha... I, then we should-" Diana should remember how breathing felt. Suddenly, her head was spinning, vision tunneling. She vaguely heard the lunch bell go off somewhere in the background. "Class! Class, time to go back and-"
She missed the way Atsuko's eyes widened in panic, looking behind Diana and reaching for naught.
"Eh? D-Diana, wait! There's a-"
Before she could even think of kissing Atsuko, she first kissed a tree.
"You think it worked?"
"Obviously. My plans always work."
"Our plans, babe." Barbara giggled, leaning her head against Hannah's shoulder, relishing in its warmth and comfort. It was fun to tease the pair while it lasted, but she couldn't help but wonder if it was all okay. "We didn't... push too far, did we? Make them uncomfortable or anything?"
Hannah nuzzled the top of her head, planting a kiss there. "I'm pretty sure we did." She sighed. "But would it have been as effective if we didn't?"
"I suppose not."
"Mm." Hannah hummed. "We can just apologize when this is all over and laugh it off."
Barbara turned to her, giggling, a teasing glint in her eyes. "You hate apologizing, luv."
"I know." Hannah laughed along. "That's why I'm hoping it goes great and Diana forgets all about it."
Barbara agreed with that one. She knew she was equally in trouble.
They hoped for the best. If all went according to their little scheme, Diana would be coming back with a girl that was already half their girlfriend. Just a little more to go. Then they could get to all the 'fun things'  that came with being in a relationship.
Still though...
 "They're rather useless."
"No truer words have been spoken."
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waveypedia · 4 years
My good fellow could I possibly request some *ahem* fenro?
you totally can my dude! tysm!
(Can’t Get You) Outta My Head
Three forty-two AM.
It is three forty-two AM and Gyro’s brain is completely blank.
He lowers his head slowly into his awaiting palms. Blueprints swim behind his eyes. Even in his imagination, they make no sense.
He bangs his head gently on the desk through his hands. He has no ideas. No ideas. No ideas. No ide….
“Dr. Gearloose?”
Gyro jerks awake. He fumbles with his glasses and smooths down the wrinkles of his shirt in vain in an attempt to appear somewhat functional. To pretend he hadn’t just been sleeping at his desk on the job.
Oh, who was he kidding. This is Cabrera, the duck who had seen him chug six consecutive Redbulls and two pots of coffee in an attempt to stay awake for a week during crunch time on a project. There was no point in pretending.
Still, Gyro’s pride demanded that he not fall asleep during the conversation, so he slowly spun around in his desk chair to face his former intern and did his best to not drop his head in his hands. “Cabrera.”
The aforementioned duck stands in front of him, hands clasped behind his back, nervous energy radiating off of him. “Dr. Gearloose, you look…”
“Horrible?” Gyro supplies dryly. “Like death himself?”
“Eh, Mrs. Beakley showed me a picture of Death after training one day. He doesn’t look too bad,” Fenton says, offhandedly. Gyro is too tired to fully process what that means.
Gyro is losing his internal battle. His eyelids are drooping. He props up his hand up on the arm of his chair, and his internal battle only rages for a few seconds before his head falls into it. (It feels like utter hours.)
Fenton pauses from whatever tirade he’s about to launch into and reexamines Gyro with a new fervor. “Dr. Gearloose?”
“Mmph?” Gyro replies, too tired to come up with a coherent response. It’s hard enough to form his thoughts into strings of words and sentences that make sense to everyone else on a good day. Today, he’s too tired to come up with words in the first place.
“Are you sure you’re alright to keep working?” Fenton questions, a little bit hesitantly, but he knows his boss well by now. “I can get out the cot. O-or drive you home?”
Gyro blinks hazily up at Fenton. “You can drive?”
It’s not really what he intended to say, but it gets the focus off him and his energy level. Besides, Gyro can’t drive, so he tends to assume no one can until proven otherwise. It’s not his best trait; it’s just how his brain works.
Gyro realizes while he’s been processing his thoughts to himself, Fenton replied, and he has no idea what Fenton said.
Maybe that’s for the best. It’s not like he would be able to form an eloquent reply anyway.
“Dr. Gearloose,” Fenton says, a little more firmly this time. Maybe whatever Fenton said was important. “Gyro.”
“Hmm?” Gyro replies. His eyelids are slipping closed. They can’t close, he has to stay awake, he has to stay awake-!
“Ooohkay,” Fenton mutters, more to himself than to Gyro. Gyro doesn’t reply. At the silence, Fenton steps closer, closer, too close-! and kneels next to Gyro’s desk chair. He slips an arm around Gyro’s middle and starts to help him up.
Fenton, pressed against him, is soft and warm, and Gyro might fall asleep right then and there if not for the spurt of internal panic and adrenaline that comes with Fenton’s proximity. His figurative internal processor restarts panickedly, but it sputters and won’t function. Gyro is left with panic coursing through his body but unable to do anything about it. He just stares at the hazy, soft figure of Fenton. It takes every ounce of strength in his body to not lean his head on Fenton’s shoulder, no matter how soft and warm Fenton is, and how inviting his shoulder looks.
Gyro somehow lets Fenton haul him to his feet, and they take slow, wavering steps over to the cot at the end of the lab. At some point during all of this, Lil’ Bulb had hopped off of his charging station, grabbed a pair of snap glowsticks (where the hell did he get those?), and is leading them over like a traffic conductor.
As they reach their destination, Gyro’s brain suddenly kicks into high gear as he realizes what Fenton’s intentions are. “Wait! Waitwaitwaitwaitwait! I can’t sleep, Cabrera, I have a job to do-”
“You and I both know Mr. McDuck hates that we stay in here off the clock,” Fenton reprimands him, not shaken at all, and Gyro feels heat rushing to his cheeks. Cabrera is significantly less bumbling than he remembers, and when the hell did his awkward little intern become so comfortable with him?! 
Akita never would’ve-
I will not be like Akita. I will not be like Akita. Akita was horrible to me, and Boyd. He is not a good role model. I will be a better mentor for my not-intern. I will not be like Akita.
It is with that thought in mind that Gyro refrains himself from struggling as Fenton eases him onto the chaise, and ohhh the chaise is so soft, nothing like his uncomfortable desk chair, and suddenly Gyro’s not regretting this as much as he thought he would.
The one thing he misses is Fenton’s warmth as his coworker eases away. Gyro resists the urge to shiver as he slides his glasses off his nose and puts them down next to his head. He’s pretty sure Fenton picks them up and puts them in a more secure place (good thinking), but his eyelids are already slipping closed and the fight to stay awake is long, long lost. 
The relationship that Akita and I had is nothing like the relationship Fenton and I have, anyway.
Gyro freezes. Panic shoots through his body. All thoughts of sleeping are now gone.
Where the hell did that thought come from?!
It’s true. Gyro won’t contest that. But it’s… it’s weird to think about his relationship with Fenton that way.
But he does miss Fenton’s body heat. Yes, that’s it. He’s cold. The lab is underwater, and the sterile lights are blinding. Not a good environment for sleep. Not homey and cozy. Fenton is.
“Fenton?” Gyro mumbles. Without his usual sharp precision, it comes out more like Fen-uhn, the way Huey says it.
Between Gyro’s fatigue and lack of glasses, Fenton is simply a mere brown blur. Gyro almost misses how the blur stiffens and startles at the sound of his voice. “Yes, Dr. Gearloose?”
Gyro suddenly realizes he doesn’t have the energy to translate the abstract idea of what he wants into words. He doesn’t even know what he wants. Just… Fenton. Fenton’s presence.
When Gyro doesn’t reply, Fenton comes over, worried. “Dr. Gearloose? Gyro? Oh what am I doing, he probably fell asleep.”
Gyro grumbles indignantly at that, making Fenton chuckle. The scientist hovers awkwardly at the edge of the cot, unsure. Gyro isn’t sure either, but he’s too damn tired to doubt himself.
Fenton starts and yelps with surprise when an arm shoots out from beneath Gyro’s lump of body mass (that’s exactly what he feels like right now) and wraps ungracefully around his waist, like a petulant cat. “Umm… Dr. Gearloose?”
Gyro mumbles again and tugs the lump of soft and warm in his arms closer.
“O-okay… um… I guess we’re doing this,” Fenton mumbles, more to himself than to Gyro. He sits down delicately on the chaise, on the very edge as to not disturb Gyro. No longer pulling Fenton towards him, Gyro’s arms sag and flop into Fenton’s lap. He no longer has the energy to pull Fenton in, but his arms still rest around Fenton all the same.
For a couple minutes, they sit like that. Fenton perched on the very edge of the cot, ready to jump off at any minute, but as the time passes he slowly relaxes into Gyro’s arms. 
It’s not enough for Gyro’s sleep-addled sense, and slowly, oh so slowly, he tugs Fenton just a little closer.
He doesn’t want to disturb Fenton, but also he’s tired, so so tired, too tired to be polite. Fenton is warm and soft, and that’s what Gyro wants.
So when Fenton doesn’t respond to his too-subtle tugging, he sighs and yanks Fenton into his arms.
Fenton squeaks with shock, but Gyro’s too tired to notice the social faux pas he’s just made. With Fenton close in his arms, he promptly falls asleep, Fenton still entangled in his unbreakable embrace.
Fenton slowly twists his head as far as it can go, trying to gauge Gyro’s level of wakefulness. After successfully deciphering that he probably can’t get up without disturbing Gyro, he lets out a soft sigh and relaxes into Gyro’s embrace.  
It’s… surprisingly comfortable. Not surprisingly. Fenton doesn’t know why he would be surprised. It makes sense. It’s almost four in the morning and he’s curled up on a chaise lounge with someone cuddling him.
But that someone is Dr. Gyro Gearloose, and that’s panic-inducing enough for Fenton on its own.
Fenton’s eyelids are drooping closed, and as he’s slipping into sleep’s waiting arms he recognizes the irony of him trying to get Gyro to go to sleep and falling asleep himself as well.
Manny comes into the lab promptly at seven AM, takes in the picture before him, and promptly leaves. But not before phoning Mr. McDuck and taking Lil’ Bulb out for a boys’ night on the town.
As for Mr. McDuck, he borrows Launchpad’s phone to snap a couple blackmail photos (which inexplicably get sent to Della, no she has no idea how that happened) before banging his cane against the wall.
“Oi! Wake UP!!! I’m paying you to work, not cuddle!! Bless me bagpipes…”
Scrooge leaves to do his own job and gets back to haggling with the Board, leaving the two very flustered scientists to sort themselves out.
Gyro buys time by fumbling around for his glasses, trying to hide the bright blush that colors his feathers. Luckily for Fenton, he can’t see the matching one on Fenton’s face.
“Here,” Fenton mumbles, passing the glasses to Gyro. “I put them on your desk.”
“Thanks,” Gyro replies, stilted. “That was… nice of you.”
They both know he’s not only thinking about the glasses.
“Should we… I don’t know, talk about this?” Fenton guesses, rubbing a hand awkwardly along the side of his arm. His usually meticulously ironed tie is wrinkled and rumpled like he just got out of a fight or an experiment, but the day has barely started.
Gyro rubs at his eyes under his glasses, still blinking sleep away. “I don’t know… I barely remember what happened. I was at my desk, and… an’ you helped me to the chaise, I think…?”
“Yeah, that sounds right,” Fenton replies. After a beat, he continues, hesitantly and warily. “And then… you, you, um, hugged me. And wouldn’t let go.”
Gyro’s head snaps up, panic sparking in his gut. “I- Huh?”
“Yeah.” Fenton rubs awkwardly at the back of his neck. He won’t meet Gyro’s gaze. “You’ve, um, got an awful tight grip when you’re sleeping.”
“I… um… thanks?” Gyro hedges. The cards did not cover this. 
He takes a deep breath.
“Listen, Cabrera,” he begins. “I… it’s not always easy to fall asleep here. Especially on that couch. It always feels so… exposed.”
Silence hangs heavy in the air for a few moments before Gyro continues.
“I guess… you made me feel safe enough to fall asleep. So… thank you.”
Fenton’s been working for and with Gyro far long enough to know that thank-yous, second only to apologies, are not easy for the scientist to get out. So it means even more. He ducks his head awkwardly, hiding his blush. “Um, you’re welcome. It was actually really nice.”
“Yeah,” Gyro echoes softly, fondly, then freezes, wishing he could take the words back. But when he chances a slow glance up at Fenton’s face, the duck doesn’t look all too bothered by the sentiment. 
“So… what now?” Fenton wonders, half to himself. None of his M’ma’s telenovas or his superhero comics from boyhood ever taught him what to do in these kinds of moments.
“Get back to work, I suppose,” Gyro shrugs, although he’s not very enthusiastic. Truthfully, he’d much rather spend his day cuddling with Fenton - which is saying something, since Gyro’s one true passion is inventing. “We don’t want Mr. McDuck to come down here and yell at us again.”
“Yeah,” Fenton replies, disappointed. He slowly turns away, gathering up his blueprints from where he scattered them a few hours ago. 
One of his blueprints is currently residing on Gyro’s desk. Fenton saves that one for last, not wanting to face more awkward moments. But once all the rest of his blueprints are safely piled on his desk in the former bathroom, he has to face the music.
Fenton takes a deep breath and strides up to Gyro’s desk.
Gyro had been massaging his temples, trying to fend off a headache, but he glances up at Fenton. He’s not annoyed like he usually is when Fenton interrupts him, but doesn’t look happy, either.
“Cabrera,” Gyro breathes. Maybe he is annoyed. “What do you need?”
To Fenton’s credit, he has every intention to simply grab his blueprint and go. Today would become a moment he’d tuck away in his brain, trying to forget it and cherishing it at the same time. 
But instead, some other desire takes over. 
When it’s done, he can’t explain his actions, but he doesn’t regret them, either.
Fenton reaches for his blueprint, which is right by Gyro’s hands. Then he stops. 
His hands turn to Gyro’s instead, and before he knows what he’s doing, he’s pulled Gyro into a kiss.
It’s already happening when Fenton finally processes exactly what is going on. Gyro’s eyes are blown wide behind his glasses, but neither of them pull away. At least, not right away.
When they do, Fenton’s hair is ruffled and Gyro is gaping like a fish. His mouth opens and closes, but no sound comes out.
Fenton doesn’t say anything either. Neither of them know what to say. They just keep staring at each other.
Gyro was never too comfortable with silence, though, not like this. At long last, the inventor clears his throat. “Um. So.”
Fenton’s brain kickstarts at the sound of Gyro’s voice, hesitant and shocked, and immediately a million apologies fly to the tip of his tongue. But they never get a chance to see the light of day.
“I could get used to that,” Gyro mumbles, then immediately snaps his hands over his bill, slamming it shut. But the damage is done.
If the two scientists weren’t blushing before, they definitely are now.
“Me too,” Fenton replies before he can stop himself. The corners of Gyro’s bill quirk up in the faintest of smiles, just for a moment.
This time Gyro’s the one to grab Fenton by the tie and pull him close for a second round.
okay this is all over the place haha but i just kinda wanted to get it done! it was supposed to be for fenro week, but that’s over now, so oh well. i might try to do something for weblena week since that’s happening now but idk.
definitely projecting a lil on gyro here with the bit about not being able to directly translate your thoughts into words that other people understand all the time, and how it gets worse when you’re tired. gyro definitely reads as neurodivergent to me, and i hc him as autistic (projecting lol), so that’s how i write him! i had a conversation today with some friends about kins and hcs today and one of my friends reads him as adhd, which is totally valid too. he’s definitely neurodivergent coded.
idk where i was going with that lol but enjoy!
title is from outta my head by somi. it’s not really all that relevant to the fic itself but it just kinda stuck with me while i started the fic. anyway i hope you like it! @fenro-week
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the-bee-graveyard · 3 years
The Fine Line
Chapter One
Wow, you stayed around long enough to read chapter two, thank you! Warning, this chapter’s going to be angsty because we’re getting more Brenda and Teresa interactions, you have been warned. 
It will usually take me about a week for each chapter, but I was really excited so I wrote this one quickly. Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. 
Chapter summary: Minho and Sonya hold their plotting circle on the beach, and Brenda and Teresa are forced to be there together. Their plan has a very, um, what’s a good word, interesting outcome. Platonic Thomas reunion. Sonya and Minho finish each other's statements a little bit. This chapter’s going to be a bit longer because I wanted to do a few different events in this chapter, but usually I’ll try to stick to three parts/POV’s per chapter.
Let me know what you guys think! I love feedback!
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added): @izzymultifan
Chapter Two: The Fine Line Between Hatred and Hesitant  Friendship
Part One: Teresa’s POV
Teresa had been an only child before the flare destroyed her life, but she was convinced that fate gave her Thomas to fill in the role of her brother. Sometimes it felt like she loved Thomas more than herself, more and more as she realized all the horrible things she’d done. 
That's why it killed her knowing Thomas was mad at her.
He didn’t notice her standing near the tables meals were ate at, he sat with his back to her next to Newt. Frypan, Gally, and Minho saw her though, Frypan waved to her. She spoke to him yesterday, and he’d been quick to give her a second chance, and she was grateful to him. She needed the win yesterday after Brenda blew her off quickly.
She saw Brenda eating at a table with Jorge, glaring at her as she walked over to Thomas. Frankly Teresa didn’t care, she didn’t need Brenda’s permission to speak to Thomas, and Brenda couldn’t force Thomas to stay away from Teresa. He probably wanted to do that enough on his own anyways.
“Tom,” Teresa said, tapping her old friend on the shoulder, her voice small. “I’d like to speak to you for a moment. In private.” Newt looked up at her first, glaring at her. Thomas looked up at her next, his expression less rebate than Newt’s.
“Of course Teresa,” Thomas said, getting up off the bench. They walked over to the edge of the group of tables.
“I wanted to apologize,” Teresa said. “I tortured Minho and I got almost the whole right arm killed and I hurt you in a way I can never heal, and I can’t take those things back. I’ve wanted to so badly but I can’t. I understand if you never want to see me again, if you hate me, I can live with that. I just want you to know I regret it. If I could do it all over again I’d kill Ava Paige myself Thomas, I swear.”
Thomas didn’t speak for a moment, it had to be the most suspenseful moment of her life. 
“I don’t hate you Resa,” Thomas said. “You saved Newt, I can’t hate you after you did that. And it’s not just that. I can’t hate you because I see me in you. I can see how easily I would’ve done the exact same thing you did, most people would have. You were manipulated Teresa, I can’t blame you for that. And I’ll never forget what you did, and I can’t speak for everyone else here, but I’m willing to forgive you.” Teresa pulled Thomas into a tight hug.
“That’s good to hear, because I’m pretty sure Brenda and Newt have already made up their minds on me,” Teresa said. Thomas chuckled.
“Newt’s the kindest person I know, and you saved his life. He’ll come around, Minho did, and you did worse to Minho than you did to Newt. Brenda’s stubborn, but she’ll come around too. She just needs time, everyone does. You can't expect everyone to just welcome you back with open arms, even if you did make the cure.”
“I’m surprised Vince even let me stay.”
“Oh he didn’t want to, Jorge fought on your behalf. Jorge said you’re just a child, and that Mary would’ve forgave you. He doesn’t like it, but he let you stay.” Teresa closed her eyes for a minute and pictured the kind doctor that saved Brenda’s life, Mary. She saw Mary’s lifeless body. She did that.
“I’ll make them forgive me one day Tom, I’ll do something.” Thomas offered her a friendly smile.
“I know you will Resa, you always do.”
Part Two: Sonya’s POV
They’d formed a circle on the beach. Sonya sat in between Aris and Harriet. Minho, Gally, and Frypan sat on the other side of Frypan, Minho and Gally’s hands intertwined. Brenda and Teresa sat on the other side of Aris, as far apart as two people next to each other could be. Harriet had her head rested in Sonya’s lap.
“Are we ready to start?” Minho asked. Everyone nodded, including Sonya. 
“I assume you’ve all figured out why we’re here based on the absence of two people,” Sonya said. “Minho and I talked, and we’re sick of Newt and Thomas dancing around each other, so we’ve decided to do something about it, but we’re going to need your help. We’ve already discussed a plan.” Frypan raised his hand. “Yes, Frypan?”
“Is anything going to be against the rules?” Frypan asked.
“Absolutely, but nothing that big. We’re breaking the rules right now so don’t give me the speech,” Minho said.
“So what’s the plan?” Teresa asked. Sonya didn’t know how she felt about Teresa. Teresa had gotten Mary killed, both Aris and Sonya herself captured, and almost got her brother killed, but she also saved Newt’s life and everyone else seemed to have forgiven her.
“Our plans in phases,” Sonya said. “We’ll start phase one tomorrow morning. Minho’s going to go talk with Thomas later, and get him to talk about Newt. Minho’s going to have a walkie-talkie behind his back. Gally’s going to have the other walkie-talkie so Newt can hear everything nice Thomas says about him. Any questions?” Brenda raised her hand.
“What if Thomas doesn’t say nice things about Newt?” Brenda asked.
“Bren, sweetie, you’ve spent five seconds around Thomas before. You know he will. I officially declare this meeting of the get Newtmas together club disbanded, we’ll regroup tomorrow to discuss our progress,” Minho said as he stood up.
Part Three: Brenda’s POV
“Brenda! Wait!” Oh dear lord. Brenda sighed and turned around to see Teresa running towards her.
“What do you want?” Brenda asked as she kept walking, but Teresa had already caught up to her.
“I just wanted to tell you Thomas forgave me.” Teresa didn’t dress like most of the people at the safe haven, she wore a blue and white dress and her black hair down, because everything about her had to be special. Brenda rolled her eyes. Someone needed to give this girl a job and a reality check.
“Yeah, I know. He’s an idiot, that’s old news.” Brenda tried to walk faster to get away from the girl, but Teresa had longer legs and caught up with ease.”What the hell do you want from me?”
“I want you to like me,” Teresa blurted out. “Or at least, I want you to not completely hate me. We could’ve been friends Brenda, I want that.”
“If you don’t remember, since you seem to have very selective memory loss, WICKED killed my father and brother. My brother probably died in your precious mazes. If Jorge didn’t smuggle me out of WICKED when he worked for them, I would have died in your precious mazes,” Brenda lashed out. Forgiving Thomas for building the mazes was one thing because his apologies were genuine. Teresa was only sorry because everyone told her she ought to be. She didn’t see her fault in anything. 
“I was a child Brenda, and I did what I was told. If Jorge told you to build a maze, you’d do it, wouldn’t you?” Teresa said. 
“Don’t you ever compare Jorge and me to those heathen’s and you,” Brenda snorted. 
“Please Brenda. One chance, that’s all I ask for,” Teresa pleaded, her big blue eyes starting right into Brenda’s soul.
“Fine,” Brenda sighed, already regretting this. “One chance. If you ruin that I’ll push you off the cliffs, I swear.” 
“Thank you!” Teresa said, throwing her arms around Brenda, who shoved her off quickly. “Too soon.”
“Forever is too soon for that Teresa,” Brenda replied, trying to ignore the sudden coldness in the spots where Teresa’s arms had previously been. 
Not today fate. 
Not this one. Literally anyone but this one.
Part Four: Newt’s POV
“Heyyyyyy there Newt,” Gally said, putting one of his arms around Newt.
“What are you up to?” Newt deadpanned. He’d known Gally long enough to know when the builder was up to something, and he was absolutely up to something now. 
“Jesus, can’t a guy come talk to his friend who almost died without getting shucking interrogated?” Gally snorted. “I hid a walkie-talkie in Minho’s coat pocket, and I taped down the speaker button. Wanna hear what he’s up to?” Whatever Newt thought Gally would be up to, it wasn’t that.
“I mean, sure?” Newt replied. He didn’t know what the right answer could possibly be to the question, because the fact the question was even asked seemed pretty bad to Newt. Gally pulled the walkie-talkie out of his pocket and turned up the volume.
“Hey Thomas,” Minho’s voice said on the other end of the walkie-talkie, quite clear for something that was supposedly in his coat pocket. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course Minho,” Thomas replied. Newt loved the sound of Thomas’s voice. He loved everything about Thomas really, but he had a nice voice. He always spoke softer with Newt, even when he was angry. he’d been one hundred percent aware of how in love with Thomas he was since the day they met, and not just the day in the maze, the day Thomas pulled back that curtain in the WICKED lab. Newt had pretended to be asleep,  but even then Thomas’s inquisitive nature had made his heart skip a beat.
“Don’t you think Newt’s hot?” If Newt had been drinking water he would have spit it out.
“I thought you and Gally were a thing now.” Thomas sounded even more confused then usual, so he must be pretty damn confused.
“I wasn't asking for me dumb shank. Yes or no?”
“Of course I think Newt’s attractive, everyone thinks Newt’s attractive.” Newt’s heart skipped a beat.
“What do you think his best quality is?” Minho asked.
“His hair. Or hands. Or eyes. Is this a trick question?” Thomas replied.
“Thank you for your input Tom, really helpful,” Minho said. Newt couldn’t listen any more. He looked up at Gally and solemnly spoke,
“Gally, I’m sorry mate.”
“What?” Gally said.
“I can’t believe Minho would lead you on like that. Don’t worry, I’ll reject him, I’m not interested in him anyways.”
“Newt, what the hell are you talking about?”
“Well I thought it was clear, but I’ll give it to you straight: Minho’s clearly into me, not you.” 
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darkmulti · 4 years
Ex boyfriendYandere!San x female reader
Tumblr media
⚠️Warnings: possessive behaviour, horror au, language, spanking, fear kink, ddlg, kidnapping, mentions of non con, torture, death, blood, physical abuse (slapping, spanking, pinching, kicking), mental abuse, not a full smut but talks about a little, fluff ending❣️
Please read at your own risk, some parts may be triggering.
Part 2 on masterlist 
Currently San had you against the wall with his hand tightly wrapped around your throat. Tears falling from your eyes and your breath hitches.
“P-please, San. I’m-I’m so-sorry.”
You whimper out.
You were petrified of him. Shivering from fear. You suddenly felt so cold. It was a horrid feeling. The feeling of being alone, in the dark, frightened by his dominant presences. He had too much control of you, it was concerning.
“Why are you apologizing to me now? You already went on the date.”
Suddenly a hard slap lands on your face making it slant to the side. He grabs you jaw aggressively and moves closer to your face. You can feel his hot breath on your nose.
“Answer me when I talk to you. You know how much I hate to repeat myself.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone on the date.”
He slaps you again and spits on your face.
“A ‘sorry’ is not going to fix anything. You already did it. I have to punish you. Go into the fucking car. NOW!”
He let go of your neck, expecting you to obey him, but instead you bolt to your bedroom. You heard him close behind but made it just in time. If you were any slower he would’ve catched you. You slam your room door and lock it.
Why was this happening?
Why couldn’t he let you go?
His behaviour toward you had ruined your mental health. What more could he want?
You and San started dating in the last year of high school. He was a pure angel, and treated you like a princess. It was until the last year of university, he got more and more possessive of you and you had to let go.
He was extremely proprietorial of you. It constantly made you question your relationship.
Does he even trust you?
The reason why San was provoked now, was because you had gone on a date with one of your classmates. That’s only because you’re not together with him anymore.
You couldn’t condone his behaviour anymore and broke up with him. He had an uncontrollable rage, especially if it was about you. Therefore you ended it.
Unfortunately for you, San didn’t take it like that. He thought it was just a break and left you alone for one week. The next week, he came roaming around, right back to you.
When you tell him that it’s over, you’re done. He pinned you against the wall and took you right there. You being into the moment, let it happen just one more time.
Well you thought it was just gonna be that one time. But he always did it. He fucked you under the bleachers during a football game. In the chem lab, the sleeping pods. You would always tell him no, but he didn’t take it as an answer.
Thus, you didn’t fight it anymore. Except now. He was taking it to another level and you didn’t need that right now.
“San please leave me alone!”
You pleaded on one side of the door.
Your voice was met with nothing but silence. You lay on the floor to look under the little opening of the bottom of the door, looking for his feet.
You saw nothing. Maybe he left.
“What’re you doing on the floor?”
You jolt up and look behind you. San was in your room. You looked behind him and the window was open.
You scurried up and unlocked the door, but San was faster and closed it from behind you. He roughly grabbed your shoulders and flipped you around to face him.
“You can’t escape me. You’re MINE! How many fucking times do I have to tell you?”
He was furious. His face was red and he looked like he could cry from frustration. Knowing him well, you knew he would absolutely lose it if you apologized to him one more time.
Instead you cup his cheeks and rub them softly. You move closer to him, hoping he would wrap his arms around you, pick you up and forgive you. So this nightmare can be over and you can be one again.
You were exhausted. But hey, at least he’s loyal. Not a lot of men have loyalty. You wouldn’t die if you stayed with San. He would at least protect you.
You tried to think of his good traits.
San sighs and pulls you closer to him.
“Now you wanna act all innocent? You’ve angered beyond my limit. I am still going to punish you for that. Bad girls like you, need to be put in their place. Understood?”
You whisper in his ear and let him take you back to his car.
This was you giving up. You can’t continue to fight. Not like this. This was tormenting you. Maybe the one causing all of this suffering can bring you out of it. You kept a little hope in San, thinking that he may make you the happiest girl in the world one day.
San enters into the car with a bag and throws it in the back.
“What’s that?”
“Some clothes and my favourite lingerie.”
Upon saying this a grin was forming on his lips.
His hand made its way over to your thighs and harshly slaps his.
You flinch up not expecting that.
“Why don’t you remind me the 9 strict rules I had for you? If you get it wrong I will slap these beautiful, soft thighs until they’re bruised. Understand?”
“Yes daddy. Rule number one is to call you daddy or master.”
“Good girl”
“Rule number two is to listen and obey daddy at all times. Rule number three is ask daddy permission for everything. Rule number four is to not back talk or act like a brat to daddy. Rule number five, is- uhh”
You yelp up and feel a sting on your thigh. You hiss out in pain.
“What’s rule number five, whore.”
“It’s too......”
Another slap lays on your thighs.
You start panicking because you forgot what rule number five is. Your heart rate gets faster and you can’t help but fidget around. A lump forms in your throat and you try you best to blink away tears.
Why was he this horrifying to you?
“You forgot didn’t you?”
“Yes daddy.”
“When we get home, that’s 10 spankings on the ass. Understand?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Okay, moving on what’s rule number six?”
“Tell daddy, if there’s something wrong. Always talk to daddy because he’s here to listen.”
“Never touch myself”
“Be thankful for everything my daddy has provided me and be thankful for my daddy.”
You gulp not remembering what it was. This was the new rule San had added, but a week later you broke up with him.
“Daddy, I don’t remember nine. I truly am sorry.”
You speak in the most baby voice you can pull off.
He didn’t acknowledge it and spanks your thighs 10 times, each time getting harder and harder.
You hold in your cries and finally see that you have reached his mansion.
He parks at the front and says to you
“Stay in the car, I'll come around.”
You obey and he comes around opening the door and pulling you out. He slams the car door, and with a tight grip on your arm, pulls you inside.
3 months later
You had completely lost all hope. This time your punishment was much more physical. He kicked you. After fucking you for what seemed like days, he cummed all over you and kicked your legs, back and stomach. After that he left.
You lay on the concrete floor, bawling your eyes out. Why was he this cruel?! Since the day you entered this house, you’ve been locked up in the punishment room.
At this point San was using you as a sex slave. His little cum slut. You had a massive amount of hatred toward him now. You will be able to love again!
He broke you. He was starting to get physical now. He would feed you a meal every two days and the water was the faucet water from the bathroom. He still allowed you to keep your hygiene up because at the end of the day, he was still fucking you. You didn’t have clothes to wear and just walked around nude.
You had a collar on and San sometimes put a leash on you while fucking you.
It was hell. You couldn’t take it anymore!
You start crying even harder, trembling in fear. Your sobs become a little louder and before you knew it you were wailing.
The door immediately opens and San is standing at the doorway.
“Why’re you crying without my permission? You want me to punish you again? You just seem like you can’t get enough of me. Am I that handsome or am I just that good at fucking you?”
You immediately stop and don’t reply. What does he want you to say to that? That you like him making you feel like a worthless piece of shit?
“Not replying I see. Tsk tsk tsk. Get up and bend over on the bed.”
In a flash you stand up and bend over the bed.
San pulls you back and spits in your mouth.
You gulp it down.
“Good girl.”
He praised you and petted your head.
“Now count for me, babygirl.”
He spanks you up to ten and you don’t react. It hurt, but in a way you were already used to it. Your ass was bruised. You couldn’t sit on it or lay on it. It was terrible.
San rubs your ass and picks up a blanket. He wrapped you around in it and carries you upstairs to his room you’re assuming. He lays you on the bed and kisses you all over your face.
“Tomorrow was supposed to be your last day in the punishment room. But since my princess was crying, I will end it today. This is our shared room and your clothes are in our closet. How about you go shower, then we can eat dinner, then cuddle.”
What the fuck?
How did he suddenly change like that?
You were still afraid of him and kept your distance, but he started taking you out on dates and buying you stuff.
He even bought you a promise ring. It matched with his. He would buy you couples outfits and was attached to your side.
“Babygirl can you look at me?”
You turn your head to face San.
He gently kisses you and pulls away saying
“I love you, princess.”
“I love you too, Sannie.”
You smile and kiss him back.
Maybe the hard parts over.
—————————————————————————— edited🔐
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thedreammweaver · 4 years
Life With Jervis (Gotham New Orleans Hattercrow, domestic fluff, some angst)
Warnings: panic attack mention, brief sexual references
Jonathan rolled his eyes as before he could even get his chores started Jervis was bounding out of the house towards him in just his pjs, a robe, and slippers.
There was a stuffed rabbit swinging from one of his hands. It was early but Jervis’ hyper nature had obviously already set in. Once he got to Jonathan he hugged him tightly. “Jervis, I have to feed everybody.” Jon reminded, referring to the various animals on the property “And it’s cold go, back inside.” Jon himself had four layers on between two sweaters, overalls, and a coat. “I’m not cold, Jonathan dear.” Jervis said wistfully, snuggling into Jon. It didn’t take long for Jon to think of something “But your rabbit doesn’t have any clothes on, they’ll be frigid!” He injected some concern in his usually monotonous speech to raise the stakes.
Jervis pulled away to look at the stuffed rabbit he was holding before gasping “Oh no!” He was soon back in the house, having sprinted inside to warm the rabbit up. Jon smiled softly before getting back to his routine.
Jervis was wrapping his rabbit in a small blanket and setting it in front of the fireplace to warm up when Jonathan suddenly came behind him to pick him up. He squealed in surprise and started squirming. “Jon! You scared me!”
“Oh did I?” Jon purred.
“I forbid you to enjoy it! Put me down!”
“But you’re warm...” Jon hummed nuzzling Jervis’ hair.
“I am not your heating unit, Jonathan Crane.” He said firmly. Despite his protests all of Jervis’ fight disappeared as he gave into Jonathan’s hugging him. Now that he had Jervis settled he figured it was a good time to broach a much dreaded subject “You have to take your medicine now.” At those words Jervis went totally limp in Jon’s arms. “Jervis?” Jon shook him a bit “Jervis, do not play dead. You have to take your meds.” Jervis still didn’t react. Jon rolled his eyes “Uh oh, my arms are giving out looks like I’m gonna drop you.” He let Jervis slip a bit.
“Don’t!” Jervis shrieked.
“Are you ready to take your meds now?” Jon asked smugly.
“You tricked me.” Jervis pouted, squirming out of Jon’s arms to slump onto the floor and lay facedown. Jonathan pulled an oral syringe already filled with the tweaked anti-hallucinogens out of his coat pocket. “Jervis turn over.”
Jervis whined and tried to push Jon away, curling into a ball. Jonathan sighed, it looked like today was going to be a difficult one as far as this was concerned. Jon was tempted to give Jervis a break but the last and only time he did that Jervis was a terror about his meds for the rest of the week. “Jervis, you know if you don’t take this willingly I have to force you which isn’t fun for either of us. I’m warning you right now.” Jervis stayed curled up in a ball. In a clearer state of mind Jervis had given Jonathan permission to force him but Jonathan was already feeling bad for what he had to do as he moved over to climb on top of his boyfriend.
Jon was calmly eating cereal as Jervis stared daggers into him from the living room floor, there were still tear stains on his cheeks. “Come eat, Jervis.”
“I’m mad at you.”
“I know, you still need to eat.”
Jervis reluctantly got up and shuffled into the kitchen to make himself something. Though mornings like this were hard Jon felt satisfied with having gotten Jervis in order for the day.
After spending a few hours in the lab Jon figured he better go check on Jervis, plus Jervis would scold him if he stayed in the basement all day. When he got upstairs Jervis was in the middle of finger painting but had his phone inbetween his head and his shoulder, he signaled to Jon to be quiet as he mouthed the words ‘panic attack’. Jon could hear Ed’s voice coming through the phone sounding rather upset. Jervis was meticulously smearing blue paint on the canvas in front of him while he waited for Ed to stop rambling. “Are you alright to wait until Selina and Harley get home or do you need me to keep talking?” Jervis was now adding greens to the canvas “Alright then, Eddie. Remember, I’m always happy to lend an ear.” Jervis reassured as Ed hung up and Jervis let the phone drop from his shoulder onto the rug he was sitting on. Jon came over to see that Jervis was painting a scarecrow in a field “What was that all about?” Jon asked sitting behind Jervis to run his fingers through his hair.
“Ed was just ups-“
“I mean why didn’t he just call Oswald?”
“If Oswald heard them crying he’d immediately go all the way to the city and that’s not what Ed needs right now. When they call Oswald later they can say they were upset but feel better after talking to me and Oswald won’t be worried enough to hurry over.”
A few moments of silence passed as Jon continued brushing through Jervis’ hair with his fingers and Jervis finished up his painting. Jon cleared his throat “Do you want to have sex tonight?” Jon knew to ask beforehand so Jervis had plenty of time to think about whether he was up for it. Jervis thought for a moment before shaking his head. “Okay, thank you for being honest.” Jon leant down to kiss Jervis on the cheek.
“Can we go have a tea party with the pigs?” Jervis asked.
Jervis was cuddled into Jon’s lap as they watched a film together, it was a horror from the forties suiting both their tastes. It had been nearly twelve hours since Jervis had his meds which meant they were wearing off. Jonathan could tell they’d already started waning as Jervis’ eyes occasionally left the tv and followed things in the room that Jon couldn’t see. He found watching something as Jervis’ hallucinations came back fully eased the transition back into unreality for him. He was dozing on Jon now, curling up more and hiding his face in Jon’s chest.
Jervis bounced excitedly as Jon finished brushing his teeth and came to bed. Jervis was in a fluffy pink nightgown he hadn’t worn before and was waiting for Jon to compliment him. “You look pretty.” Jon said, absently fixing Jervis’ sleep bonnet which was pink to match. Jervis was blushing and hugged Jon tightly “I love you.” Knowing they were about to go to sleep their cat jumped up onto the bed “Cheshire says he loves you too.” Jon wasn’t sure if Jervis was interpreting the movements of the cat, who had previously just been called Cat before Jervis moved in, or talking about one of the characters he was hallucinating. Jon settled on it being both. He wasn’t good at speaking his feelings about love so he just pressed his forehead against Jervis’, and that was enough.
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