#I see tha intel an' I take it
thescoutgaymer · 5 months
-To Scout
Cheese ain't gonna cut it pal.
If ya make a trap for me, then ya better make it properly!
Ya gotta include eitha fidget toys or tha enemy Intel.
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writersdrug · 2 months
Ghost x Reader x Konig: I Don't Need You (Ch. 12)
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Summary: A new assignment opens up a new chasm between you and Konig. Warnings: swearing, tha's it
Note: And four months later, we have Chapter 12! I won't say anymore about it, I made a post earlier explaining my absence and I don't want to mingle that in the beginning of the chapter. The following chapter won't take too long, I had it written up closer to the start of the fic, so it needs some dusting off and it'll be out soon!
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“You with me, girl?”
I jumped in my seat, locking my wide eyes with Ridgeback’s narrowed ones. He sat across from be, perched behind his desk with straight posture that screamed authority. The silhouette of Price faded from my mind like smoke in the air.
“Yes sir.” I answered, shuffling my feet together and folding my hands between my thighs. I couldn’t look at him just yet, so I let my gaze fall to his desk. Tidy, neat – no signs of smoking, although there was a fancy looking bottle of what I assumed to be vodka next to a small, crystal glass. Everyone has their own coping mechanisms, I guess.
“Good – we’ve got quite a bit to discuss.” He reached into a drawer beside him and pulled out a manilla folder, gently tossing it onto the desk.
I grimaced instinctually. Was this a collection of complaints against me? It stung a good bit to see how thick it was – I thought I had at least been tolerated by everyone, but if they had this much to complain about, it looked like I was less liked than Juno. Who could have had such a qualm with me?
I briefly wondered if Konig’s thoughts were hidden anywhere in that folder, and for a moment, my heart dropped even further. Anxiety simmered lowly in my gut, and I tried to focus on my breaths to ease the tremble in my hands. My leg bounced nervously as my eyes lingered on the folder.
“Don’t look so sour, this isn’t paperwork.” Ridgeback said with a chuckle, and I looked back up at him. He slid the folder over to me. “Our last mission – real fucking easy, remember it?”
I looked at him with a faint glint of confusion, hesitantly pulling the folder closer to me. I nodded with a wary expression.
“Well, ‘course it was fucking easy. It was a cover.” He leaned back, sighing through his nose. “Shit-show’s worse than we thought. Take a look.”
I was in complete darkness as I tried to figure out what Ridgeback was talking about. I hastily flipped open the folder; the first few documents were identification papers for the hostages, the family members of the Swiss government official that had been snatched for a ransom, seemingly by a group of inexperienced, wanna-be-soldiers. Gang members, more likely. The following pages didn’t make any more sense to me: Swiss intelligence, a mole in their own defense, a coverup –
I looked back at him, struggling for a moment to find what I wanted to say. “This – this isn’t about me?”
Ridgeback’s eyes narrowed, mirroring my own expression. “I don’t follow.”
“Not – there’re no complaints – no problems with me?” I asked. My tongue felt heavy as I stumbled over what I was trying to say, because – well, once it came out of my mouth, it sounded rather ridiculous.
He raised his eyebrows, folding his arms over his chest. “Should there be, Bonnie?”
I paused. “… No…”
He nodded slowly. “Ok then.”
Relief slowly flooded my mind, accompanied by embarrassment. I shook my head, banishing my minor shame to the back of my mind. “Right- sorry, what’s this about then?”
He sighed, as he sat up to lean over his desk. “The mission you all handled – beautifully, I should say – was a cover-up. Swiss intelligence had a turncoat, and the hostage situation was used as a distraction for the real issue.” He flipped through the papers until he landed on an intel report, and I leaned in closer to skim over it. “Sons of bitches are selling security information, bank details, government secrets, you name it. Majka picked up a wire going to the wrong people after the hostages were returned, selling out incriminating evidence.”
I skimmed over Majka’s report. “Viola Amherd, runner for President of the Swiss Confederation (election set in December 2023)… family was returned safely to headquarters… wiretap and evidence shows sensitive information was leaked to anonymous line on October 29th… involving floor plans, safe house locations, names, personal, and bank information of security team members…
I leaned back in my seat. “Fuck…” I groaned.
Ridgeback nodded. “Same thing I’d said. Probably why the offensive team was so easily eliminated; some random criminals got promised a lot of money, didn’t even know they were pawns – while this shit was happening in the background.”
I shook my head. “But what for? And who did the wire go to?”
“We haven’t figured that out yet, so your guess ‘s good as mine.” He clicked his tongue, reaching over to the bottle of vodka and the class and pouring himself a hefty portion. “Probably what everyone wants: power, control, and war. They’re threatening the candidate because she’s promising to change the country for the better – of course, that puts their money at risk.” He took a casual, slow sip of the vodka, making me wince at the simplicity he swallowed it with. “Majka’s working on getting more intel as we speak. In the meantime, we’re back in a job.”
I chuckled at the irony. “We haven’t even gotten the full paycheck from the first job.”
He took another leisurely sip of his drink “We were the ones who caught the wire, we’re the ones to stop this train from completely derailing.”
“Sounds about right…” I muttered, looking at the now half-empty glass. “Who else knows?”
“You’re the first one I’ve told.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Favoritism?”
Ridgeback chuckled. “Most relevant – and, knocking two birds with one stone.”
“How so?”
“You’re briefing Konig.”
Both of my eyebrows now shot up. “Me?” I said in disbelief. “Why not tell him yourself?”
He thrummed his hands against the desk, staring at the paperwork as he searched his mind for the right words. The fact that he was rather intent on wording his explanation correctly put me on edge. Konig, from what I had gathered, was as close to Ridgeback’s right-hand-man as one could get. In most cases, Konig was the first to know about any briefing materials. Why me?
“I want you two working together on this.” Ridgeback said, his voice deep and stern. “We were lied to before, and I’m not sending you all back in there scattering, when we don’t know how deep this rabbit hole goes. We were crossed once – can’t be sure it won’t happen again.”
My mouth hung open like a door on its last hinge. I realized just what he was saying – it wasn’t just about briefing Konig. “You want me to partner with him.” I confirmed.
He nodded. “You two seem to have a good dynamic, from what I’ve heard – and seen, too.”
I felt warmth rushing into my cheeks, wondering just how much Ridgeback had heard. Just what was on the field? Or everything else? I knew he had just seen us beating the shit out of each other in the hallway, but… did he know more? The incident? Our conversations? Banter? It was never anything notable; still, the thought of someone witnessing the more domestic moments between me and Konig almost felt like a breach of confidentiality.
I cleared my thoughts away, picking at the seam of my pants along my thigh. “What about Horangi? Two peas in a pod right there.”
“More like two puzzle pieces, too similar to fit together.” He downed the remnants of the vodka in his glass. “Don’t get me wrong, they’re a spectacular pair. I’d say my best, even. But I see potential between the two of you.” That made me stare at the floor, lip twitching in both annoyance and embarrassment. “So we’re switching things up this time. Horangi’s with Roze. Fender and O’Connor, of course. Castillo with Zero. You with Konig.”
“You’re taking a big risk for a mission you consider to be a rabbit hole.”
“You have a problem with my decision?” He asked; a challenge, he presented, as he leaned back in his chair and gave me a look.
I stared back at him, wanting nothing more than to bark out my opinions. “What about Juno?” I blurted out. I remember how Konig had been paired with Juno from the start of the young soldier’s career. Even if it was more of a babysitting job, wouldn’t it make more sense to put those two together, given that they had a longer history than Konig and I?
Why am I pushing against working with him so much?
“Juno will be staying behind.” Ridgeback admitted, looking down at the paperwork. I could sense that there was more to be said, but knew it would remain a secret to me. “You and Konig have a dynamic, you know that.”
I sighed. “I just find it hard to believe that it’ll carry onto the field. And I don’t want him to be nannying me, either. I’ve got skill.” My tone turned a bit more defensive as I realized this might be what Ridgeback had intended. Maybe Konig was right – I am defensive.
“’S not about that.” Ridgeback quickly shot down my hypothesis. “I know you’ve got your screws in right, the whole team knows. You demonstrated that on your first mission here.” I shifted uncomfortably from the praise, averting my eyes to the floor once again. He leaned his head down to direct me back to him. “This is about keeping my soldiers sharp, alert, and safe. I’m not making this decision on unsupported claims. I see what’s there – communication, trust, and a bond – and I’m putting it to use.”
I sat there, a bit dumbfounded, as he leaned back with a sigh. “Plus, it’ll do him some good.”
I furrowed my brow for the umpteenth time since I had stepped foot into his office. “What’s that mean?”
He held his breath for a few moments, eyes scanning across his desk as he searched for the right words… then sighed. “Konig has… a tendency to stick to the familiar. As you know, he usually works with Horangi – and I have no problem with that. They’re both good soldiers. But I need the kid to branch out a bit.”
I laughed. Referring to Konig as a kid was amusing, though I could see it fitting with his boyish nature – at times. “So, what, is this like a social intervention for him?”
“Call it what you want.” Ridgeback replied, sliding the folder over to me. “But you’re with him on this one. We ship out in three days. Best talk to him tonight.”
I looked at the folder, then at Ridgeback. He sat back in his chair, looking back at me with raised eyebrows. Dismissed, he seemed to say.
I huffed. It felt a bit demeaning, despite that he insisted this wasn’t some sort of babysitting experiment. I knew my place as his subordinate; I knew my place. But there was something in the way he expected me to push back that made ire burn under my skin. I swiped the folder from his desk and promptly stood, heading towards the door and already dreading the conversation with Konig.
Ridgeback opened the file cabinet behind him and pulled out another folder, with Roze’s and Horangi’s names on it. He then slid the drawer shut, but not before I noticed a label sticking up amongst the files, highlighted in orange: Daniel Graves.
For a moment, my mind blanked. The stories of The Shadow Company and Las Almas briefly flickered across my thoughts, and I wondered if there was a relation. It felt ironic – although I was never involved in that era, and “Graves” wasn’t the most uncommon surname… nonetheless, an uneasiness settled in my gut. It was too coincidental for this to be unrelated.
Ridgeback noticed my hesitation, and cleared his throat. “Anythin’ else, Bonnie?”
I looked at him; there was a warning behind his eyes, though he tried to mask it. Keep moving. Forget what you saw. I couldn’t tell if it was meant to be a threat, or a caution. There were enough obvious secrets floating around the base that I wasn’t meant to be a part of, so I tucked the curiosity in the far corners of my mind. I could revisit it later.
“No sir.” I answered, and he nodded. I left his office and closed the door behind me, leaving my unanswered questions in the room.
My feet carried me down the hall and towards my dorm as I began contemplating the discussion I’d just had. The mission, the fact that no one had conspired to get me kicked off the team – which was a relief – and that Ridgeback had considered me skilled enough to be paired with Konig. Even more shocking, was that Ridgeback was encouraging me to be friends with him. In a way, it felt like middle school, when the teachers would pair two kids together for a project and hope that the relationship would somehow stay glued together through high school. But everyone seemed to respect Konig’s space, letting him be when he wanted to be, and acting like he had been there from the start when he jumped into a conversation. So what was this?
“Not an experiment” my ass. Why else would he pair me with Konig, without running us through trials first? Why was this so important to him anyways? I’d never met someone so highly ranked that cared so much about his subordinates getting along – which, I supposed, was a good thing… but it was unusual. And I didn’t like that I was a centerpiece of his little test run.
But why? I thought. Konig’s an adult – sure, a strange one, but he knows what he’s doing. He’s a fucking colonel, for Christ’s sake. Why does Ridgeback care about his social life in between work? Doesn’t he have Horangi, anyways? It’s not like he’s a helpless bastard, he’s got a decent social battery on him.
I looked at the folder in my hands. I could just slide it under Konig’s door and call it a night. It would be rather childish, but I didn’t feel like talking about the situation tonight. I decided to just send him a text message, saying I needed to do amend a report from the previous mission, and we would talk in the morning. I knew I was falling back into avoidance, but I didn’t care. It was another problem for another day.
I turned the corner, and immediately groaned. Konig was sitting next to my door, head leaned back as he gazed at the ceiling.
Looks like we are discussing it now…
I announced my presence with a gentle sigh, and his head tilted down to look at me. He immediately got to his feet and assumed his usual position of towering over me. “What happened?” he asked worriedly.
“I thought you said you would go without me…” I grumbled as I approached him.
If he picked up on the sourness dripping from my tone, he didn’t mention it. “I didn’t. What did he say?”
I shrugged, trying to put off the impending discussion. “Nothing horrible – but we’ve got another job.” I jutted the folder in his direction, letting my irritation leak into the action.
He eyed me warily, but took the folder from my hands. His palm nearly dwarfed it as he flipped through the file. I could see the confusion in the creases of his eyes as he scanned the pages. I leaned against the wall beside my dorm, crossing my arms over my chest.
“I don’t understand…” he mumbled, eyes hastily scanning left to right across the pages. “Did I miss a briefing? Did we miss one?” he looked back at me.
Internally, I scowled. Because where I go, he goes – and vice versa. How did I become so reliant on him? Being friends was one thing; constantly being shadowed by him, like we were joined at the hip, was another. And the most frustrating thing about it was that I didn’t truly hate it.
“No. Commander just handed it out. There will be a briefing though, tomorrow morning. He wanted me to fill you in.”
Konig closed the folder and let his arms fall to his sides. “But- why not just wait until the briefing, then?”
I sighed, letting my eyes roll a bit. “He wants us working together on this. Doesn’t want us going in alone like last time.”
“Is this…” He narrowed his eyes and stared down the hall, as if he was trying to glare daggers at Ridgeback through the walls. “What is our position?”
“We go in first and clear out as many hostiles as we can. Clear the way for Roze and Horangi to extract the information from the enemy’s software, and make sure they get it done without any distractions. Fender and O’Connor will be eagle eyes-“
“No.” He interrupted, rather bluntly.
I felt my irritation unfurl into something hotter and more thorned. I pushed off of the wall and faced him, straightening my posture indignantly. “No?”
“I’m not going in there with you.” He shoved the file back against my torso. I barely caught them, making the papers crumple a bit.
I scoffed, the fire in my veins only spreading. “Is there a problem?”
“I should be with Horangi.” He stated firmly. His fingers clenched in and out of fists by his thighs.
“Believe me, I already suggested that.” I snapped, planting my hands on my hips. I made sure he could tell by my expression just how irritated I was at his tantrum. “Commander said no changes, no arguments. He’s with Roze.”
He sighed frustratedly, looking over my head. I threw my hands up exasperatedly, before letting them fall to my hips. “Hello? What’s your issue?”
“You don’t understand.”
“Then enlighten me, Colonel.”
He looked down at me, and I could practically feel the anger seeping from his gaze. But I refused to back down – I had no idea why he was so pissed about the arrangement, and no idea just exactly who he was mad at. Ridgeback said this wasn’t a babysitting gig for him – but maybe Konig saw it that way.
“I can handle my own.” I said. “You heard what happened on the field before – why are you so against this?”
“You shouldn’t be at the front.”
“Why not?”
I could see his jaw growing tense beneath his balaclava. “Because you’re not-“ he cursed, something in German, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Have you ever been in that kind of position?!” He growled out.
“It might not be my forte, but I’m not an idiot.” I bit back. “You’d think a goddamn navy seal would know what they’re getting themselves into, hmm?!”
“No, you’re- scheisse, you’re not an idiot. But you aren’t ready for something like this. You’re a marksman!”
I felt anger rising into my throat. I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. “I’m not ready?! Oh, that’s what’s got you so fucking mad – you think you’re gonna have to carry my weight?” I took a step closer, craning my neck back to see him, but not losing my resolve. “Is that it? You think this is going to be like babysitting Juno all over again?”
“I never said that.” He replied coldly, looking down at me.
“Then get over yourself. I’ve been doing this for almost ten years now, and I’ve obviously done a damn good job to get to this position. I don’t know who you think you are, telling me I’m not good enough to be out there.”
“I’m your goddamn Colonel.” He snapped.
“Then fucking act like it and grow a pair!”
I could tell he was angry. Although it wasn’t the same fury that I had witnessed on the heli over a month ago, it was something more emotional. Rooted deeper and connected to something I didn’t understand – nonetheless, something he would have to get over if I was going to continue to be a part of the team.
He snarled, snatching the papers from my hands and storming past me. I turned and watched him go, frustration boiling over in my chest, as he headed swiftly down the hall and towards Ridgeback’s office – I could only assume, to talk about changing the pairings for the mission. His empty hand furled and unfurled at his side as he marched, and I could vaguely hear him spitting out German under his breath.
I stood in the hallway and stared after him. A bitter taste climbed from my esophagus and settled in the back of my throat, something all too familiar and unwelcome. Had I not done enough to earn my place on the team? Did I not demonstrate that on the first mission? I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me – here I was, thinking I had made progress within our friendship and my place in KORTAC, but now I doubted that he ever really saw me as an equal.
Sure, I had been angry about the arrangement before he even knew about it… but that was for a different reason. He was being childish, I was being… reasonable. I could feel some holes developing withing the reasoning there, but I refused to acknowledge them.
I huffed, refusing to let my mood be dictated by Konig’s antics. Maybe he’s just jealous that Ridgeback didn’t inform him first… I justified. I gave one last frustrated grimace down the hall where he had disappeared, before retreating behind my own door.
I suddenly remembered that we were supposed to be getting more beer for Roze. I brushed the thought away – I’d explain the broken promise to her in the morning.
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@igotmajordaddyissues @princekonig @vixionix @v3lv3tvampir3 @theoneandonlykymberlee @luvvnightingalee @dillybuggg @sun-joo @perfectus-in-morte @evilive @satakingslime @comfortless @a-sadmilky @pinkslaystation @mocha-mooni @thatonetime01 @squidsal @yawning-grave81 @crazy-phan-girl13 @keepghostly @ghostslittlegf @rl800 @ellabellabunny123 @kneelforloki
Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist! <3
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sleepyboywrites · 1 year
Hii! How are ya? ^^ I hope your well, since I dont know if requests are open I might just send one in anyways, if it isn’t open though I hope you can forgive me 😭 anywho
May I request Brian/Hoodie, Homicidal Liu and Jeff the Killer with a Male!S/O who has a John Doe Personality? This link should be able to explain everything about him, also youtube helps since I know a dude who explains him
Anyways thank you!
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You're so sweet! I'm doing alright I hope you're doing well as well!! Requests are always welcome so don't be shy to ask!! <33
Brian/Hoodie, Homicidal Liu, and Jeff the Killer w/ a Male!S/O w/ a John Doe Personality
Tw: Mutual Stalking/insanity, brief mentions of violence, kidnapping, love being treated as a manipulation game.
- You met each proxy at a Halloween party. They had stopped someone from messing with your drink and had watched it for you. They smiled awkwardly at you when you returned and told you that you really should ask someone to watch your drink when you left because some people can be real douches. An act of kindness and caring so foreign to you that you quickly gained an obsession over them.
• Brian first notices you when you start following him
• He knows you're there he can tell someone is watching but when he turns around and looks for his stalker, he can't see or find you.
• Your skills allow you to ensure that he won't but your emotions are unstable at best so points of weakness can be easily observed.
• Meanwhile you keep looking for a way into his "normal" life. You learn pretty fast his life is anything but normal but you're having a hard time reading him.
• In fact you guys don't talk since Halloween that is until he finds you out and corners you weapon in hand.
• You'll try to explain yourself as he stares at you.
• If you tell him the truth of you finding him interesting but not finding "an in" to his life. He'll cock his head in confusion.
• "I just wanna hang out, honest. Meet me at the Park, 10 pm?" You'll finish with a smile as you walk away with a calm exterior but a giddy and excitable interior.
• To your surprise as you say on the swing set as the clock struck 10 Hoodie arrived. You talked and Hoodie listened with a few nods and one word inquiries and when you asked for another meeting he agreed on the condition you stop following him.
• You do... Or at least try...or find other methods.
• Soon nightly swing set talks because your "in" and after a month or so Hoodie started talking more. You guys really hit it off and you knew the lingering touches held more meaning than being just friends.
• Soon talking one a night at a park turned into him walking you home, handing you his hoodie one cold night, and then to watching you sleep and you couldn't be more ecstatic.
• You find yourself fighting the urge to just stare at him back after all he's the first person to love you the same way you do.
• You settle for facing the window when you fall asleep and using his hoodie as pajamas.
• He likes that and you know it so you use that Intel to further his insanity for you in your game of manipulation.
• Growing annoyed with your teasing Hoodie eventually sneaks in and starts sleeping under your covers with and without you, when he stops by during the day.
• When he stops by on nightly he'll snake his arms around your back and pull you into him all while muttering "mine" and "this boy is mine." repeatedly into the crook of your neck while he does so.
• One night too much is too much and he takes you. Just takes you and locks you away for himself.
Homicidal Liu
• Liu first notices you at the Halloween party, he had been sent after one of the attendants as a mission and that attendant had been the one to try and put something in your drink to begin with.
• The system knew why, as a dark thought, I mean you had a sort of charm to you that seemed to try to attract the most, intense personalities.
• When you took your cup back with a blush on your face and a small thank you on your lips, even he wasn't immune.
• Sully however starts noticing you when you start following and Stalking the system.
• "I know someone's there, come out." Silence before Sully lunges in the direction where you were hiding just for you to not be there anymore. You should've been there but with slight manipulation to your surroundings and now everything is mirrored. You are on the opposite side.
• It takes Liu an embarrassingly long time to connect the dots that his stalker and you are the same person.
•I mean after all you, the sweet boy who's been asking him to go get coffee and go on walks with the charming smile who makes him feel so normal and loved is the same one stalking him? Not possible.
• He feels like he's being mocked by the stalker so finding out the two of you are the same person came as a bit of a shock and left the System wondering which of the presented attitudes was true.
• Least violent about his confrontation. He finally catches you watching one night, pins you down and screams, "Why the fuck are you doing this y/n!?"
• You'll tell him it's because you love him and want to keep an eye on him to make sure he's safe but he won't necessarily believe that answer. Especially since he most likely finds you when his senses are sharp post kill.
• He'll confront you about that too and if you still tell him you love him, with a soft albeit slightly crazy lovesick look as you trace his scars on his face.
• A gesture you've lovingly done time and time again when he started coming to your place for hangouts and he'll lose it.
•Scoop you up at take you with him type lose it and you will have successfully obtained your goal of him falling madly in love with you. As his death grip tightens and bruises from his fingers imprinting to your skin.
• And part of him will hate himself for it because this wasn't part of the mission and what is he going to tell the operator because a boy like you? He's never going to let go.
Jeff the Killer
• The two of you meet again while stalking each other.
• While Jeff believes he's watching you sleeping soundly in your bed you're actually watching him from a tree right beside his hiding spot.
• Jeff suddenly feeling quite threatened starts searching and you who had dozed off in your spot had been spotted.
• He stares at you looks back to where he believed you to be looked back. And when he repeated that process you had somehow, unbeknownst to him, back in your room seemingly asleep.
• That caught his attention and he spent more time just observing you.
• As happy as you were about this you were also incredibly upset because now you had a much harder time watching him. While he got to watch you the easy way you had to rely on your skills which wasn't fair and frankly exhausting.
• You started to try and approach him but he'd never stay or listen. In fact most of the time he'd lunge at and attack you, and while you obsess over all the attention he gives you and find his blood lusting insanity beautiful, it was getting on your nerves that he wouldn't communicate with you.
• You eventually left a letter on the windowsill. Once things calmed down and the normal he stares at you through your window started up again. He took it you know he did and the red tint on his face made your heart melt. It seemed to be a good indicator.
• Weeks pass and he's seemingly stopped stalking you causing a near unbearable amount of despair to make it's roots in your being.
• Another one scared away without a trace and sure you could alter reality to bring him back and to watch him again but with how much you did that to watch him watch you you were exhausted and would need a moment.
• Eventually, however, a response is left lying on your bed when you get home one day. As you scan your surroundings you know someone is still in the room watching and waiting.
• You picked up the bloodstained envelope enthusiastically, gingerly opening it and excitedly reading its contents. Oh what wonderful wonderful news, he had written that with words like that he may just have to take you.
• And I suppose your red face and smile was as enough of a response that Jeff needed. Because then he lunged out of your closet, tackled you, knocked you out, and took you away.
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i-am-vita · 2 months
Bogard's Sexy Spy Wife Headcanons
👉 My Masterlist, Oc Ghost Rose Masterlist
Watching the episodes of the Diary of Koby-Meppo gave me ideas 🤭
In my other headcanon where Ghost Rose chooses Bogard (read: Someone who loves you, sequel soon... I hope), they've been married for a while by the start of the show (anime, manga or LA) and is their main intel dealer and contact with the Phantom Pirates.
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Those are their faces with every Bogard and Ghost Rose interaction before finding out they're married. They gossip about if she's some femme fatale spy/pirate that sells intel to the Marine in exchange of dubious favors. Bogard chastising them with a glare for being noisy about his personal life will never not be funny.
She always knows where to find the HQ-3 even when Bogard don't tell her. SPECIALLY the times when Bogard insists her to not look for him for the safety of whatever mission they are in.
It drives him crazy (but loves it secretly). Garp thinks it's hilarious.
When they arrived at headquarters for Koby and Helmeppo's training, she appeared briefly to smooch her husband and inform them of something regarding Dragons' last appearance and Baroque Works.
Yes, Garp is always aware of his son's whereabouts and does shit about it. He just wants to know if he's safe and asked her to keep him informed. She just wants an excuse to see her husband out of his leave days. Win win.
They where in the middle of sword training when, suddenly, Bogard halted the cadet's swords and disarmed them with a movement to immediately direct his attention to a point behind the Vice Admiral. A rare smile adorned his face leaving his apprentices stunned.
They turned in unison to see what on the four blues would be able to put a smile on their instructor's face. Their jaws practically drop to the floor.
Perched on a rock behind Garp was a most beautiful woman with tanned skin and long wavy hair, dressed in a fitting black dress.
"What? A chicken shited my head?" Asked Garp before turning around. "Ah, it's you," he commented upon seeing the woman behind him.
She's probably the only person in all the blues capable of sneak behind Garp without notice.
"You said you wanted to know as soon as posible when your man of interest was in the move," said the mysterious visitor before lowering her voice to murmur in the Vice Admiral's ear. "He was seen in Loguetown saving a certain Strawhat kid..."
"Ma'am, I don't know who you are, but these are the Marine Headquarters and the presence of non-military personnel is forbidden," Koby interrumpted naively.
Rose blinked several times before start gigling. Garp cackled loudly. Bogard's crooked smiled broadened.
"Ohhh, sweet summer child," she cooed.
"Ah, well, you're pro'bly gonna see more of her in the future," mumbled Garp. "This is Ghost Rose, Rose for short, our main informant, keeps me updated on tha Grand Line news."
"But... Doesn't the Marine has its own intel network for that?" asked a confused Helmeppo.
"Bah... A bunch of witless fools who wouldn't find a fish in a puddle..."
"I don't think the saying goes like that..."
"My own intel network is foolproof!"
"... Is that even legal?"
"... Probably not," admited the Vice Admiral.
Koby and Helmeppo looked at each other dumbfounded. Which kind of morally dubious lunatic did they ended with?
"Now, if you don't mind, Vice Admiral, I'll take my payment for the service," Rose said in a tone that indicated she didn't care about Garp's minding it at all.
In a swift and fast movement, she advanced past Koby and Helmeppo towards Bogard and surrounded him with her arms to take his lips with hers in a passionate kiss. His free arm surrounded her smaller form to lift her up to his taller frame.
Koby and Helmeppo froze from the shock of witnessing their stoic instructor in the receiving end of such a public display of afection.
"Hey! Do not mess World Government property," grumbled Garp witnessing the path of red lipstick left by Ghost Rose on his Second's cheeks and jaw.
"I missed you, mi amor," she murmured lovingly to his ear.
"Forgive me, cara mia, we got sidetracked in the East Blue," Bogard answered in the same soft tone.
"So I heard. Did the Baroque Works' clue led to something?"
"Yes, half of a corpse and a black business card."
For their part, and not being privy to the couple's private talk, the cadets' imagination was running wild with this new information.
"Is it me or is the Vice Admiral paying under-the-table for illegal intel with sexual favors from Bo-san?" Murmured Helmeppo to Koby's ear, to the everlasting embarrassment of the pinkhaired cadet.
"That's too much, Helmeppo. It's just a kiss. Maybe she's just into Bo-san and likes to joke about it..."
"He doesn't look too bothered about it," continued the blonde like he hadn't listened to his friend. "Do you think Garp has had to pay similarly in the past?"
Both boys shudered at the mental image of considering Garp in that situation too.
"Yeah, yeah... Cut it off, you two," grunted Garp making Koby and Helmeppo to scare jump into standing at attention. "Got something useful about that Baroque Works this time?"
"Excuse me! Do you know how hard was to discover that one lead? Whoever they are, these people are good at covering they tracks... but yes, we got something. Seems like someone stirred the hive recently because now we are finding rumors everywhere..."
Koby and Helmeppo tried to follow the conversation to no avail, too distracted by Bogard's interaction with the beautiful spy. Her back was comfortable leaning over the officer's front, his arm still around her waist, their fingers intertwined.
The trail of red kiss marks over his face was so offputting...
"I guess that's my cue to leave," Rose finally said.
Bogard's expression soured immediately and his arm tighten around her before lettting go.
"Be careful, rosa mia," Bogard whispered in his wife's hair, taking a last breathe of her fragance.
"Always." Rose turned around to give her husband a last kiss. "Garp is going to owe me a month of you after this," she added out loud. Wink, wink.
The cadets blushed profusely at the implications of that last comment.
Koby and Helmeppo's minds blew even more when they eventually discovered Bogard is married.
On a particularly slow day, when they were doing some meditation to teach the cadets the importance of a clear mind and control over their emotions, Helmeppo dared to open an eye and almost fell backwards.
The three had dodge their respective uniforms for some confortable yukatas. Bogard was sit in front of them and Helmeppo noticed a golden chain over his clothes. Hanging from it was an unmistakable wedding ring.
That night, the blond confided to Koby his discovery, so they could be scandalized together at their superiors appaled behaviour. Garp for offering his Second for those services and Bogard for allow it while being married.
It would be some weeks and several encounters with Ghost Rose (she's deeply oppose to stay away from her husband for more than a week and mostly succeeds, Garp can cope and Bogard won't complain) until they learn she IS Bogard's wife and not a random femme fatale spy going around the Grand Line selling intel in exchange of dubious favors from married marines.
"You could've just asked me if you had those doubts," suggested Garp.
"It's not of their business," added Bogard grumpily.
Rose just laugh and made sure to leave a visibly red kiss on the cadets' cheeks every time they concur since then.
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wildmtthyme · 6 days
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What is Love? Baby, don't hurt me.
Simon doesn't believe in love. He thinks it's the greatest lie ever told, experience has taught him that. Not personal experience, but experience nonetheless. Never mind the fact that he's in a long-term relationship. Never mind the fact that him and his girlfriend live together. Never mind the fact that they have a dog. All of this doesn't matter until he's confronted with that very topic he hates so much. And then his world is tipped upside down when his best mate is KIA. Simon is forced to take a hard look at his life afterwards.
Master List can be found here.
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Chapter 3: The Cost of Duty.
Warnings: Canon character death. (Sorry, Suds). Heavy angst. Grieving. Bad Scottish accent writing (not sorry).
<- Chapter 2: The Call of Duty
Chapter 4: Bad Coping Mechanisms ->
The flight back was… he wasn’t sure. He still felt kind of… numb… his eyes locked on the flag covered box… holding the body of his closest friend. The mission had been a failure of epic proportions. For a couple of reasons. He felt his throat thicken and burn with grief… he wanted to look away but couldn’t. The rest of the team were sitting further away from the box than he was. But he couldn’t leave Johnny back here alone. He just… couldn’t.
Price had already said they’d spend a few days at base while Johnny’s family took care of his funeral arrangements… but that they’d be getting some of his ashes. So that they could have their own, private, sort of send-off. Price said that would take another few weeks, though.
But Simon didn’t want to be at base. He didn’t want to be in those halls that would echo with Johnny’s bygone voice. He wanted to go home. He wanted to go back to Mel’s arms. He wanted to sink into her and let his grief out. It had been a very long time since he’d lost someone close to him and he’d almost forgotten how… sharp… it felt. He couldn’t help but remember the last real conversation he had with Johnny, real talk, not mission talk. They were sitting on the roof of the building they were stationed at, surveying, gathering intel when they had a moment, a break to just be.
So, you still with that lass a’ yers? Johnny shot him a raised brow look, a knowing smirk tugging at his mug. Simon just rolled his eyes and gave a curt nod. Ut oh, what happen’? He shook his head but felt a shove to his shoulder. “She said she loved me.” Johnny went quiet. If there was anyone on the planet that knew him best, it was him. And he knew his particular opinion regarding the subject of love.
But then… Aye, wha’ of it? He shot him a look. “It’s bullshit.” Watch yer mouth, boyal. Johnny’s spine had straightened and his tone had gone chastising. Tha lass has been at yer side for years now, you think she stays because a’ yer good conversation? She loves ya, jus’ accept it. He was shaking his head slightly but Johnny leaned towards him. An’ be grateful fer it. A fine lass like tha? Through thick’n’thin, thas what makes a home, Ghostie. I ken ya feelins on it but ya only saw one side a love, tha bad side. I saw tha other growin’ up. My da loved my ma… so much… the man looked up and swallowed thickly. So damned much. Ya’d thought she made tha stars. An’ she loved him, boyal, like he hung tha moon jus fer ‘er. Is not all good, but is not all bad either. Thas tha way is supposed ta be. Now, tha lass ya got, she looks at ya… like my ma used ta look at my da. Tha same… doe eyed… look. Simon had swallowed thickly, watching as Johnny smirked at him. Ya hang tha moon fer ‘er, Simon… an there’s nuthin’ wrong with tha. He had leaned away then and Simon thought he was done but he spoke out to the night, throwing him another odd chestnut. An’ she made tha stars fer ya… I see tha when ya look at ‘er sometimes, too. So grouse all ya want, but its there in ya, too.
Simon sniffled quietly, scrubbing a hand down his face as he leaned forward, elbows landing hard on his knees as he took a heavy, deep breath. What the hell did Johnny know about love. What did Johnny know about anything.
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lettersnorth · 2 years
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Day 12: Past
“You’re looking for people to make the run, aren’t you?” Aislinn pressed. “To pass information to the cells outside? I can do it.”
“No.” Jorund ground out.
“Yes, I can. I made it past those two. Probably could’ve snuck right by without them lifting their heads.” she waved an arm back towards Rundulf and Connor who stood catching their breath. They passed each other a dark look. “I’m quick. I’m nearly invisible. No one pays me any mind. And those patrols aren’t going to be looking for someone like me. They’re not going to suspect me of carrying Resistance intel.”
There was the briefest pause of silence and then, “She makes a good point, Jorund.” one of the other men spoke up.
“I said no.” Jorund snapped his head towards the man, glaring in his direction.
“We’ve been sending our boys who could fight if it came down to it but maybe that’s the problem. They look like they could fight. Empire ain’t gonna look twice at this wisp of a girl.” he continued on, undeterred.
“And if she runs into trouble?” A woman next to him countered.
“You heard her, she can run.”
“She can outrun two boys, not an Imperial patrol, Bernier. I don’t know about you but I’m not comfortable sending a girl headlong into the waiting arms of Garleans.”
Behind her, Aislinn heard Connor make a low noise in the back of his throat that sounded distinctly like an ‘I told you so’ to her.
“Oh, but sending our boys is alright?”
“Don’t pull that shite. I know as well as anyone here what a patrol will do to the girl if they get their hands on her.”
“I’m tellin’ you, they ain’t gonna be looking twice.”
“Quiet.” Jorund’s voice, instead of rising to meet the others, had grown soft and still. It brought an immediate halt to any conversation. He stared down at Aislinn with a dark sort of anger but she saw something behind that. Something raw and broken. Something that told her he would forever see her as the child she had been, the little girl he had bounced on his knee. And any hope she had fostered of taking a meaningful part in this Resistance faded to nothing. She knew her da’s answer before he even opened his mouth.
“She’ll get caught. And do you think she’ll hold up under questioning? Or do you think she’ll spill every little detail she knows and bring the Empire down on us? We’re the only ones feedin’ th’ others intel from the inside. We can’t let something like tha’ happen.” he growled and though he spoke to the others, he kept his flinty gaze trained on her, hammering the words home. Willing her to understand once and for all. “She’s too much of a risk. Send Connor. She's not strong enough.” -------------- The memory came back to her often, usually after every successful run for the cartel, and later, after every success in the field as a mercenary. The grim satisfaction sank its teeth in her. The vindication burning in her blood.
‘I can do this.’ A hundred times. A thousand. 'Just like I told you I could.’
She wondered if he ever heard her.
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mt-musings · 5 months
To Inherit the Night - 8
Claude stared at Cecily for a long time as the others filtered out. Hilda and Lorenz had remained the longest, dramatically debating whether or not the heroine of their latest read should choose one love interest or the other and complaining about the wait for the sequel, something he knew Cecily would have usually been right in the middle of. He would have never pegged her as an avid romance reader, but he did enjoy her absolute buck-wild takes on whatever book they were discussing. They always involved too much murder and subterfuge and possibly the overthrowing of a small-to-medium sized kingdom, but she always made them sound endearingly amusing. Instead, though, she just stared into the middle distance, brows pinched together as she nursed a glass of wine. 
He couldn’t help but let his eyes trace her face, note—as he did every time she returned—all the differences, the new scars and bruises, the sharper jut of her bones beneath her skin. 
They were his fault, at least partially. Every injury gathering intel for the Alliance, every wound sabotaging the front lines to keep the Empire at bay, keeping the war from their doorstep. He remembered when she used to laugh, when her smile had been easy and warm, when sadness hadn’t hung so heavy behind her eyes. 
His stomach lurched uncomfortably as he thought about the way she’d stared at the food laid out for dinner, food that wasn’t out of the ordinary to anyone else at the table, besides perhaps Balthus. It was enough to make him realize that he’d never truly been hungry, not in the way she surely had. 
Lorenz had cornered him after she’d disappeared off to his laboratory, his face pinched in the way he was oh so familiar with from Roundtable meetings and their time at school. He’d known it was about Cecily before he’d even opened his mouth, had known it would be from the moment he heard him fussing over her as they came up the stairs to his study. 
He was quite sure Lorenz liked her more than a friend and also quite sure that, besides Cecily, he was the only one who hadn’t a clue. He might have found it terribly amusing that the most pretentious of nobles, who had most loudly and frequently declared that he needed a proper Lady wife equal to his station, had fallen for the peasant spymaster of a criminal gang. He might have, if he didn’t understand exactly why, if he didn’t see the way she viscously protected those she cared about, if he didn’t see how absolutely she devoted herself to whatever she deemed important, if he didn’t see how brilliant she was when she wanted to be. 
If a big part of him didn’t feel the exact same way. 
He knew that was why he’d offered her the advisory position in the first place—strategically, it was terrible. Sure, he could find other spies, he hadother spies, but none with the same far-reach, none had the same sort of initiative, none kept him so well-informed. Could he use her strategic mind in keeping the Alliance safe on the razor’s edge of neutrality? Absolutely. But that task would be made infinitely harder without her intel. 
Of course, if she’d take the job he’d know each morning that she was alive, that she hadn’t been murdered in the night at the hands of one of Hubert’s agents or while sneaking behind enemy lines. She wouldn’t be thin enough that he could count each of her ribs, that he could feel them, right under her skin. She wouldn’t come back with a dozen new scars and twice as many bruises. 
“She nearly died, Claude,” he’d said, jaw tight. “Loudon said had she not had the foresight to pack the wound with the rough antidote she made she probably would have, especially with how underweight she is. She was—I’ve never seen her cry, not in all the times she’s shown up bleeding at our doorstep, and she couldn’t stop herself until Loudon was able to give her a painkiller. She couldn’t breathe, would have suffocated if the wound was half an inch deeper and it fully pierced her lung. It’s not a jest, when I say that she needs to rest.”
He’d still thought then, perhaps Lorenz was exaggerating as he was want to. Until he’d seen the wound for himself. He was sure she’d meant to placate him by showing it to him—it was hardly two inches of stitches along her rib, after all. She might have fooled him that way, if it hadn’t been for the blackened veins spidering out from the wound, the deep bruising from the internal bleeding. Her nerves had been so fried from the toxin that she’d winced at the slightest brush of his fingers. Of course he’d also been taken aback by the sheer number of brutal scars that covered her skin. Scars that hadn’t been healed with magic. 
It was hard to believe she’d acquired so many, especially when anytime she’d gotten so much as a bad scratch at the Academy Yuri had always been quick to heal it. Maybe with a sigh and a roll of his eyes, but he’d always healed them, whether she’d asked or not.
She turned and caught him staring, furrowing her brow. 
“What? Why are you staring?”
“How about a nightcap?” He asked. Her face softened at that.
“The roof?”
“Of course.”
“Alright. See you there,” she said, and finished her wine and disappeared out into the hall. He waited a moment before he followed, stopping in his study to grab a bottle of liquor, something he’d been saving. He didn’t bother with glasses, though he did grab a thick blanket from one of the armchairs facing the fireplace so they wouldn’t have to lie on the cold tiles. She’d already beat him to the roof by the time he climbed out the window, head tipped back as she surveyed the stars just beginning to peek out against the dusk sky. 
He laid out the blanket and plopped himself down, uncorking the bottle as she scooted over to sit beside him. It wasn’t something he’d usually favor—he preferred bold, rich flavors, savored the burn of whatever liquor he happened to drink. This was delicate and floral, so smooth he could hardly guess it was alcohol at all, though he knew it packed a punch. He knew Cecily would drink whatever was offered—he’d tried the swill she’d drank at the Wilted Rose, had regretted more than one swig of the flask she kept at her hip—but he knew she enjoyed the subtle sweetness, knew she favored florals and bright citrus and would never pay half of what he had for the bottle. He offered her the first sip and she hummed appreciatively at the taste, passing it back to him. 
She seemed perfectly happy to sit in silence, eyes trained on the stars. There was something heavy hung about her, something more than the usual cynicism she carried with her from the front lines. 
“You’ve been really quiet,” he said, finally breaking the silence. It was another beat before she turned, taking a breath before meeting his eyes. 
“I’m fine,” she said, clever eyes narrowing slightly as she searched his face. It almost made him laugh. 
“I didn’t ask you if you were fine.”
“It’s what you meant. I know it’s what you meant.”
“And I know you’re not fine. Not really.”
She sat in silence for a long time, lips pursed, before she sighed, letting her head thud back to the roof. “I’m just tired. It’s been four years. I’m just—I’m tired, Claude.”
He sat up to look at her. She avoided his gaze, jaw tight. 
“I’m going to go to bed,” she said, rising quickly. She snagged the bottle from where it sat between them and crossed back to the edge, ducking effortlessly back onto the balcony and through the study window. 
He knew he’d been right to go through Shae, to pay her ridiculous finder’s fee to track down the information he needed. 
Yuri stared at the tome, eyes almost blurring with how fast he read. The whole thing seemed outlandish—farcical, even. A fairytale, an old myth, some half-baked legend—of course, three years ago he would have said the same about giant, near-immortal shape-shifting dragons. Still, the idea that Cecily could be some sort of apocalyptic harbinger of death and darkness, that she might carry in her the blood of a long-murdered god—
He should dismiss it as insanity, he wanted to dismiss it as insanity. Goddess knew he wanted to dismiss it. But he’d seen glimpses of what she could do, felt the raw power coursing just under her skin, knew what Arundel and his ilk were willing to do for a few vials of her blood.
Hell, he’d seen first hand the horrors they’d been able to inflict with her refined blood. 
It wasn’t a Crest. He’d known that since she was twelve, since he’d poured over every tomb on the subject in House Rowe looking for one that might fit her powers. It didn’t work like any of the other, didn’t even work like any magic he’d seen or studied, not even Faith magic—it didn’t take her force of will or belief, and certainly didn’t take any fancy equations or components. It came purely from herself, from something alien and innate within her.
And he was convinced it was killing her. 
More so than the constant runs and skipped meals, he was convinced using her power as she was was killing her. That it was chipping away at her very being. He couldn’t prove it, not with the stress of everything else on her shoulders, but he could see it when she returned. 
He’d hoped to find a solution, potions to brew, perhaps a spell or two to rejuvenate her, to work on replacing what had already been lost, what Arundel had stolen from her, but instead he was met only with horrors, with a mandate to destroy any and all perceived to be like her on sight, to burn their corpses and scatter them to the sea. That they were capable of nothing except death and pain and misery, that they needed it, fed on it to even sustain themselves. 
Yuri looked up as the door burst open, mages flooding the room. He grit his teeth at the familiar figure who stepped into the room last, taking the second before silence was cast over him to incinerate the book in his hands to ash. 
The last thing he needed was the Empire to have more motivation to track down Cecily, for them to know the true extent of her power, her capabilities. He remembered the tiny, broken thing he’d found in the tunnels of Rowe, remembered what they’d done to her when she was a tiny girl with a strange Crest. He couldn’t fathom the atrocities they’d inflict on her if they even suspected she carried the blood of a dark god, a god of endless night and shadow, a god that seemed opposed to the goddess in every way. 
The spell cost him his moment to spirit away, or at least his chance to try. There were seven Empire agents, including Hubert, and only one of him. Even he knew it would be foolish to put up a blatant fight under those odds. 
“Ah, the Mockingbird. How lovely to see you again, it’s been far too long,” Hubert said, the same sinister smile he’d worn too often at the academy plastered on his face. 
“Go to hell,” Yuri spat back. There would be no sweet-talking the Emperor’s right hand, no reason to resort to flattery. 
Not that he was convinced he could make himself, anyway, not when he could read Hubert’s intentions in his stupid, smug face. 
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
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And apparently you guys still get it or forgot it should be a major hubbub what they're doing is a huge amount of this and encouraging us to attack them and believe it or not we can take them and they don't know it and people are not supposed to be doing it and we have other people in the mix and they're having a hell of a time and they think it'll be easier for some reason
-they're the ones screaming about their stuff through you that should be disturbing to you Dan and Dave it's like what you're doing to me I don't know why you don't get that they're having you tell where their stuff is what their stuff is they want us to go attack them so they can try and grab us and we're down there but there's a lot of foreigners and it didn't work out for them they're mad at you but they had you do what you're doing and then trying us and have a stopping them and all the Midwest and things cuz that's where you live and didn't work that great but that's what's doing that so that's one thing they keep having you scream information
-they want us to go down there and quell things in the Midwest and other areas with forces to control the Earth to keep peace and they say to give them time to build things and when they don't know what we're building but that's regardless what they're having us do is we remove and reduce your threat in an effort to grab us but in full combat it's not what you expected
-not only want to grab people which would be represented by the hair but inventions and weaponry and things that they don't have and you don't have and that is seen with Thor's hammer in the movie even though it's not really his hammer it's mine and that one is fake but it's modeled after the real thing is eventually you can brave enough to fix the sewer amazing
There's a lot of stuff going on and it does mean a few more things. It means that they're going to go around and select people they think are us from the dead and you can see them doing it after battles and people wonder what they're doing and they're trying to get information they say about us and they don't care they're right here they have agents out here all over the place and take your information all the time and we have to fight them there and they're trying to grab us there almost all your jobs have them in it and they're doing this everywhere love you say you know but it's not really what you think they're screaming and yelling threats at us and stupid comments telling us to attack just like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the predator kill me I'm here stuff like that all day long like You two idiots. It's ridiculous s*** and they're doing it to a lot of people and getting beat up and they won't stop doing it and they say it's a delay tactic it was but they do it all the time and want armies to attack them and that's easy they're asking for it
What part of this don't you understand you're down there trying to attack them and they're announcing to us what they have and we have to March over you and get the bomb we've done it several times they involves they're like 10 miles across and you don't do anything they were forced to and they try and grab us and they're doing it on purpose
Thor Freya
So the invite you to take over the base or ruin it disable their devices and get a whole bunch of Intel thinking they can capture you easily and it never works they keep doing it and it's not us we see that it's not desperation and it doing for so stupid lawn damn it
So we want you to capture them or find out who it is in Manhattan and Pennsylvania and Thailand and believe me they come out and people capture them and stop farting in their son's face are you going to die
Thor Freya
We have to think that it is a trap but who cares we have to do it because it's actually logical
We have a few things to say about this it's absolutely true and hilarious they're seeing they're blaming everybody else is the problem for everything the medicine the abuse the murders the stupid s*** that dumbass are making people do not having products everything is their problem and they're trying to get his people a rate at them and they are and we're it's terrible what they're doing is so stupidac
Mac daddy
It is very insulin but really if you look at it from his point of view they usually are not doing it that way but still what a pain in the ass
Nobody believe me when I said it and he says they're leading me in I'll swing in with certain things that were technically capable of doing and suddenly I got really sick and I said what the f*** you idiots I've been doing it for a long time I guess we should have a meeting about this
0 notes
castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x17 the belly of the beast
the russassin episode liveblog
meh I honestly don't feel like doing a plot heavy ep rn. It sounds draining.
uwu not your husband? lmao this is so cute
Okay, stop describing my life. RC: Yeah, I find deadlines … inspiring.
"You could convince me <3" "yes we do that's so true"
She is not on call babe.
sus I like how at least becks tried to tell gates she wasn't on call
I love ryspockett sm. More bras sthan a marching band lol "detective?" *three detectives are there*
Why is this so quiet tho? Why not let ryan in? english better than we do lol.
Inter act.
Yeah of COURSE she attempted suicide when y'all leveraged her into this.
lol beckett russian moments
sus. I'd take ryan in on this. Heck I read a fanfiction where beckett is all like "ooh trauma" & castles like 'see someone' "wdym? a shrink?" 'no' "castle I love you but i ain't talkin to u." 'glad u thought of me but no, someone who knows what you're dealing with.' "Esposito chatted w me abt ptsd before but he is not touchy feely in a figurative emotional sense" 'girl i didn't mean him either. i meant the one who has done undercover narcotics operations & been fricking water tortured.' "o ryan. ya u right castle. my B."
lol castle zombie games I love how he stops his game as soon as he worries.
VG: You don’t have to do this. You can walk away and I’ll take the heat. I love her.
the real elena is NOT intimidated.
it is SO easy to spot a cop.
Elevators have cameras? no?
Dun dun dun! Sally pendrick moments
Green intro
lol dinner plans XD
Yeah it's an elevator.
lol rysposito listening in
except neither of those are true. they would have done this to elena too
love her door & tha audio
wow an hour
what thing? there a camera in there? or is it just the mic?
why tell her to get on her knees & then maker her stand? so close to her. rly sus. I thought she swallowed it but that wouldn't work well.
Ooh martha rly pretty! Love her! Ha, pray for me.
rysposito turned off their phones, sending castle straight to voicemail? also martha & ryan & esposito we need more interactions with the three of them.
Nice place. big gun. move packages she says. The act he says.
Good music. Obviously they did an audio commentary & I love it but yk w/e
This man ain't lazarus. no way. Da aka (chair thing)a
Yes please, whiskey or water
btw good caption choices, but I would still like the original language written even though it has "speaking russian" AND the translation.
why write it down on paper?
that's a bold request.
a bedroom.
Apparently the where-should-people-be question was a thing.
why she callin esposito? instead of straight up 911? also their phones would be wired to pick up 911 or calls to the pigsty. Couldn't they get her a phone call with lazarus at least?
she be noisy.
I loooove especkett this ep is actually good i love first names Audio remains the same when he put her on speaker. why did i say remain not stay? more letters to type. Also harden is a pretty hot guy for being the age he is.
If I were her I may have sat down facing the door on the edge of the desk.
At least she made contact. I heard The ukraine, bounced all over The europe lol
Oh no castle shows up. Gates I love her sm she is genuinely so much better than the fandom implied.
Niec room.
who are these ppl coming out of the car?
Why are esposito AND ryan AND the narco captain here?
Blood oh no! officer dead? If they took elena then becks is done for but if elena fled (which we will know in the future) then beck is fine
fricking no babe that is not how a paperclip works, Rip a hangnail if you want easy access to blood.
the uncertainty of not knowing if you'll make it out. I love this letter.
Becks is much less afraid looking now.
"I'll take it." they not giving her any intel? Oh they are.
the list? is she supposed to know abt the list? she's good. Are there guns in the house? curiosity keeps me alive.
so obv we're all like "whats going on who even is this guy" but where did she get the beet juice & ketchup to look enough like blood? chocolate syrup?
Ah she came out the back door. Show him what? do u usually take a souvenir to prove? Like I said. the apckage is delivered. What if he moved while they were still watching.
she's the contract killer lol this is great Love esposito kind of holding castle back
calling gates the homicide captain
poor guy still covered in beet juice lol Poor mr potter.
you can't but she is good at what she does
501 the nameplate says. who has this many guns tho? also isn't this new york? who has a house in new york even mr potter the attorney?
Harden watching her love it.
Make sure that there is no bullet in the chamber & the safety is on before you lose your legs to a gun going off in your crotch there becks What kind of a gig is this gal talking about?
I'd hate standing in a doorway guarding with my back to an open door.
wow lol an ugly basement. of vourse.
wHO is screaming in there?????!?!?
future foreward
blood in the place
WAIT NO HOLY CRAP OH NO THIS IS LAZARUS? WE KNOW HIM. GIRL COVER YOUR FACE WITH YOUR HAIR MAYBE. I love the "you are not" instead of aren't or you're"
Oh yeah she did break glass with him. Good scene. I'm glad they brought back vulcan simmons. He never confirms he's lazarus.
she texts javi again, not castle, not gates, not fowler, not ryan. 41319 becks badge # I would not be the one to send "address" before writing the address.
I love this stuff. rly good. Def better this way, glad they cut the scene.
VS: Let’s do without all this Kabuki theater, Detective. It’s undignified. KB: (harshly) Do you want undignified? Then wait ‘til you see what I do to you. So hot
I like how he says mama. mamma. Love the audio too & underwater. didn't the MIB remotely turn back on a cell phone once? ew still water, ew bubble on the eye. Ooh simmons took off his jacket. Vulcan simmons is an amazing character & I love him. At least Ryan made a joke & then got his knee almost shot out & then rescued. poor becks looks like she's been longer.
Harden my beloved. *sends her down a hill for no reason* It could make her body easier to be tracked
A few of them are your new neighbours lol
Yeah he probably has a better deal with these ones lol. Ohhhh she was sent in with a gun bc elena usually uses a knife!
Good scene here. Love it a ton. artistic.
He wanted her to live bc he owed her but he was willing to kill harden?
Oh they literally never found her! it was 6am when she called them after elena saved her, they were sitting there waiting thinking she was dead trying to find her, they never succeeded. I could read a fanfic abt the hours between when we last had contact with her got the cell phone & when we got her call & found her & saved her. I'd love a fanfic of finding her.
what sense of honour has this lazarus chosen to keep her alive?
love her bruises. "heart attack" It's impossible to know *she knows*
love her fur coat. nice & warm. warm to help her after being chilled this entire time.
Next tmie u see each other it's fair game, but then you will no longer be even, one of you will kill the other & then you owe them you owe letting them kill you even tho they're dead so that then you'd be even. doesnt make any sense.
But yeah I did fine with this plot heavy one. never took a clip tho. Considered it when esposito was figuratively holding castle back.
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preppernewstoday · 2 years
(Psst. The FTC asks me to remind everyone that this website includes affiliate links. This means that if you click on a link, you might earn a small commission. This doesn't increase the cost of the item or decrease its awesomeness. ~ Daisy) Raymond Mohr Many people talk about the upcoming zombie apocalypse or EMP event. All of these scenarios are possible, and we may experience them all. Layoffs are what really do seem to be on the horizon. It is fun to talk about how prepared you are to handle all the "what-if" situations that may arise. Are you really ready for when that pink slip comes? Your chances of being fired from your job are much greater than that of someone ripping your face off. Already signs of the coming layoff wave can be seen. We know that Elon Musk recently laid off large numbers of Twitter employees. You can follow that up with Meta, Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg announced that he would let over 11,000 employees go. He said this... Today, I am sharing the most challenging changes in Meta's history. I have decided to reduce our team size by 13% and let more 11,000 of our highly skilled employees go. We're also taking additional steps to make our company more efficient and leaner. This includes reducing discretionary spending and increasing our hiring freeze until Q1. I am willing to accept responsibility for the decisions made and how they came about. This is a difficult time for all, and I am sorry for the people who are affected. Uhhhh. It is very easy for him to say that. He has a lot of money in the bank. Who is going to fire his? He is the owner of the company. It is actually quite interesting to see how many tech companies are cutting back. This list of tech companies that are cutting back on staff and instituting hiring freezes was published by The Kobeissi Letter. Twitter: 50% Cameo: 25% Robinhood: 23% Intel: 20% Snapchat: 20% Coinbase: 18% Opendoor: 18% Stripe: 14% Lyft: 13% Shopify: 10% Meta: "Thousands." Apple: Hiring Freeze Amazon: Hiring Freeze I will share with y'all a link to a website which posted 20 pages about companies that were going downsizing or laying off. What is the possible "apocalypse"? All this is because I enjoy talking about survival in the SHTF or Zombie Apocalypse. These will affect you in the near future. Most likely not. What will impact you and your family the most is if your job or your spouse's goes. It's great to be a prepper, and have prepared for many of the events you see on TV and read about in books. These people have created what I refer to as "Food Insurance." With the rising food costs, it is important to consider how one will pay the bills, feed their family, and what happens if little Johnny or Jane gets sick. The unemployment check you might get won't make much difference. You won't be spending any of the money you might have received if you have already stocked up on food, medicine, etc. Many people don't realize that food is an investment. When you prepare food, it will be a blessing. What happens if you have a very small pantry? My best advice? Start stocking up right away. Here's how you can get started... It's never too late for you to begin building your pantry. Because they didn't have big-box stores or restaurants around every corner, it was not easy to get a meal. Our grandparents and parents did this back in their day. While I don't advise you to panic buy, I do recommend that you start buying food for your family now at a steady pace. There are good plans... The $5 Dollar Rule: Every time you shop, purchase $5 food for your pantry. Buy Double Rule - If your family loves tuna, instead of buying 2-3 cans, purchase 4-6 cans and store the rest.
The 5 Can Rule – Buy five cans of food, just like the $5 rule. This one is not mine. I learned it from Patara , Appalachia's Homestead with Patara when she was interviewed for my YouTube channel. The Bulk Buy Rule - Instead buying many different foods, purchase one case of pasta and then a few cases of green beans, corn, or sauce. You can save money in the long-term and don't need to repurchase the item every so often. Get my book Survive the Coming Storm - A Poor Man's Guide to Preserving Your Wealth In An Economic Collapse. (Want to learn more about how to build your food storage? To build a 3-layer food storage system, download our QUICKSTART guide. You might be able to mix and match the plans and create something unique for you and your family. It is important to start buying food right away. Do not wait until tomorrow, start now. The chances of getting the pink slip increasing every day are greater if you do it now. As inflation rises, so will job losses. You are just a number to your employer. Don't think that you are too valuable to be replaced by someone faster, better or less skilled. Companies are not loyal to their employees, as much as I hate it to say so. You are just an employee who helps them improve their bottom line. They also report positive earnings to stockholders. They won't keep you going through difficult times. These steps will help you to be in the best position possible if your job is lost. This website is keeping track of all this. It's called Intellizence.com. This website has a huge list companies that will be starting the layoff process. You might want to look at this list to see if your company is on it. If your company is involved with any of the companies listed above, take note. It boils down to supply chains, and interoperability. You can get bolts from Company A and they don't sell anywhere else. They start laying off. Your bolts will not be delivered to you. How does this affect your company? This will cause a slowdown in production. Guess what your company will do if this happens? It is a good idea to lay off everyone, because they can't get the bolts from Company "A." (Want to have uninterrupted access The Organic Prepper? Subscribe to our paid newsletter. ) Prepare for the layoff wave. It is already here. I hope you found this article useful and inspiring. It is not impossible for this to happen to you. This economic crisis is becoming a major problem and many will lose their jobs. It is best to be aware that it is happening and take action now. Are you a former employee who was laid off or has lost your job? Do you have any tips for others in this situation? Are you worried that your neck could be in danger? What are your plans for the future? Let's discuss it in the comments. About Raymond: Raymond Mhor, The Kilted Prepper. He is an blogger and author. He has been involved in the survival industry for more than 20 years. Ray is the author of eight books and has appeared on numerous television shows. He also has many podcast and radio interviews. Ray's motto says "Real Prepping For Real People - No Hollywood Stuff!" He lives with Cynthia, his wife and their three dogs in Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains. The Mhor family is passionate about homesteading and preparedness. You can find him on Facebook, Truth Social and Instagram.
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buckyseternal · 3 years
Mission Accomplished
summary: sometimes your work is stressful. coming home from an especially aggravating mission, you take out all of your frustrations on your boyfriend.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avengers!reader
warnings: fem dom, sub!Bucky, fingering (f receiving), oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, degradation, choking, slapping, edging, sweet lil aftercare
word count: 4.4k
18+ only, minors DNI
main masterlist ✩ kinktober masterlist
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“Hey darlin’,” Bucky’s voice called out to you from across the room. Any other day, you’d find it endearing that every time you got back from a mission, he was there to comfort you and talk with you and praise you and tell you that you’re one of the best Avengers (second to him, of course). Every time he’d come back from a mission, you’d do the same for him - make him his favorite dinner, give him back rubs, give him all the cuddles in the world. But this mission was different. Sometimes, the missions didn’t go so well, and it left the compound silent for a few days - sometimes a few weeks - as everyone coped in their own ways. Some would retreat back to their rooms and stay in there, others would just sit on the couch and watch the TV all day long. Other times, it went like this.
“Hey listen everybody - the mission was a success. Don’t worry about Rumlow. We’ll get him next time. We already have intel of where he’s headed next,” Steve debriefed the team when he came inside, but you just stood there and zoned out. You didn’t have it in you to listen. He droned on and on, something motivational and inspiring that you already knew, it just wasn’t sinking in.
It wasn’t really your fault. You knew that. But you couldn’t get it out of your head that it technically was your fault.  It was either get Rumlow and let the hostages possibly get hurt, or save the hostages and let Rumlow walk. The team had already been tracking him for the past seven months and now it was down to you and him, but you couldn’t let the hostages get hurt. You didn’t have it in you to let innocent lives be affected all for some lowdown, worthless man - didn’t matter how long you had tracked him. It wasn’t even an option really, you didn’t hesitate once to let him go and save the hostages - it came natural to you. But it didn’t mean that you weren’t still mad. And it didn’t mean that you weren’t frustrated.
“You okay?” your boyfriend had picked up on your demeanor after Steve had finished, seeing you slump on the couch. You didn’t look up, just stared off into space as a means to calm down. Bucky sat down next to you in silence, looking at the blank TV that you had never turned on. He looked at you, putting his hand on top of yours, speaking quietly. “You know you did the right thing.”
Rolling your eyes, you snapped back. “I know that. Everyone knows that. He still got away.” You got up from your seat, brushing him off of you as you walked towards the kitchen. He just sighed, knowing that you weren’t meaning to take it out on him. Opening the fridge, you grabbed the bottle of pomegranate juice that you had been waiting to drink since yesterday, knowing you’d finally have it after your mission. You walked over to the cabinets, ignoring the super soldier that had made his way over to you and leaned against the kitchen island. To add even more frustration and anger to your day, someone had moved your favorite cup to the top shelf.
You couldn’t help but grumble, reaching up to the top and letting out an exasperated grunt when you came back down without the cup. “Who the fuck put my cup all the way at the top? Did you all think I’d grow three fucking feet taller, or perhaps be able to levitate by the next time I needed it?” you called out to the compound, feeling your face heat up as the anger swelled up in you. Turning around, you reached for the cup again.
“Let me-”
“I got it,” you mumbled, feeling your boyfriend come up on side of you. Any other day you would have looked at him with adoration filling your eyes when he offered to help you like that, but today was not the day.
“Doll, you’re not gonna reach it.”
“Shut up. Shut. Up. Why is everyone around here acting like I’m helpless?”
“No one’s acting like you’re helpless - you’re just short and some idiot put it on the top shelf. Now move,” he reached above you and grabbed the tumbler from the shelf, bringing it down to you. You always felt small next to him, and times like these when it was shown how much taller and bigger he was than you, it got to you. You could feel yourself starting to get wet, and if that wasn’t bad enough, you could see his growing bulge through his pants. Narrowing your eyes, you just looked towards the counter and snatched your cup from his hands. Bucky’s hand met your waist, lightly running his hand along your skin as you poured your drink. He wasn’t helping the situation one bit.
Wrapping his arms around you, he nuzzled his head on your shoulder, giving you a light kiss to your jawline that made the small hairs stand up. You stabbed a straw through the ice in the cup, putting the lid over it. “Not in the mood.”
You couldn’t be mad at him - it wasn’t like you both hadn’t used sex before as a means to get your frustrations out after a long mission. You remember last time he went on a mission, the Baron had pissed him off so badly and every single day that when he finally came home, you couldn’t walk the next day. He didn’t even take off his tactical suit when he took you, dragged you into his room and slammed the door behind him, pushing you to your knees. You’d been happy to help him and you’d be lying if you said that it wasn’t one of the best times you’d ever had with him, but today you just weren’t in that mood.
Breaking free of his grasp, you pushed past him and went to stand in the corner of where the counters met, giving a death glare to the world and anyone who dared speak to you. But your boyfriend was relentless, and he knew you too well. He stalked over towards you, caging you into the corner. “Come on doll, I know that’s what you need.”
“Not. In the mood. Too mad.” you grumbled back, sipping on your drink. Bucky leaned down, lips grazing over your ear as he whispered.
“Take it out on me.”
You took a deep breath, huffing out in exasperation. It’s not that you didn’t feel like it, it was that you didn’t feel like submitting. You had already let the enemy get away, beat yourself up over it the entire flight home, and you couldn’t stand the thought of not being in control for the next week at least. But when he leaned back, glint of desire in his eyes, you made your mind up. He could see your eyes darkening and knew he had finally pushed through.
“My room. Now. I’ll be there in five and you better fucking be naked when I get up there.” Smiling devilishly, he kissed you before you pushed him away. “Four minutes. Better start walking.”
Bucky Barnes was a man that was used to being in control. Ever since he had gotten his mind back, his life had drastically improved, and you were the one to teach him that he had gotten his life back for good. He was in control of his own decisions, his own well being, and everything else in his life. Only orders he ever had to take again was from the team on a mission if he wasn’t the one leading it. The way you had submitted to him the first time you had ever been intimate made him realize fully that you weren’t afraid - you knew he would never hurt you. He was himself again. The relationship you had was built on mutual trust and respect, and he had never smiled and laughed so much in his life before meeting you and officially becoming an Avenger. His mind raced and he grinned the whole way up to your room, finally making it in and undressing. Tossing his leather jacket to the ground, he looked at his watch and saw he had about a minute left.
By the time you walked into the room, you were burning up with anger as it had basically gotten the best of you. You slammed the door behind you, seeing him standing across the room, taking his shirt off - the last piece on him. “Can’t even follow directions right, can you?” You looked over to him, looking him up and down and letting the picture of him standing there, fully nude, sink in. Of course you had seen him like this before, but it was always such a beautiful sight. Skin perfectly taut, abs and every other muscle rippling and toned, eyes dark with want, cock erect and ready for you to do whatever.
“I only had five minutes-”
“Five minutes is enough. Come here,” you cut him off. He smiled walking over to you. Your features stayed the same blank slate that they had been since you  got back, not finding anything amusing. When he got to you, he put his hands on your hips and leaned down to kiss you, but your hand shot up to his neck and you squeezed slightly, tilting his head down so you could meet his eyes. “Understand one thing, Barnes. You’re not leading this today. I am. I’m in control today and you’re just gonna have to suck it up, got it?”
He nodded his head, swallowing hard at your actions. You had never taken the lead before - not in the bedroom. He had seen you lead countless missions, go solo, and he’d seen you take control and show off your dominant personality in your daily life, but in the bedroom, it was like you did a complete 180. In the compound, you’d be dominant - a fiery personality, calling out people if they acted up, standing up for what you believed in, taking control of a mission when it went sideways if they needed you to step up. Behind closed doors though, you were his good girl, always so obedient and wanting to please him. Whines, whimpers, begs. This was definitely something new, and it made his cock twitch with pure want to see you take control like this, and in such a bold way.
“Answer me,” you gritted your teeth, tightening your grip. “I understand,” he said softly.
“Good. Safeword?” even though you were mad, you still knew boundaries and you still loved him deeply at the end of the day. The last thing you’d ever want to do was hurt him or make him uncomfortable. He thought for a minute. He had never needed a safe word, really - he had never been on the receiving end of anything before. He knew what yours was, but he never picked one out for himself.
“Zima,” he muttered. Winter. You smirked to yourself, bringing him down for a harsh kiss. You could feel his grip tighten on your waist, wanting to take control as he groaned into the kiss. Your hand squeezed his throat a little tighter as a warning. Don’t even try it. He broke the kiss with a gasp, feeling your hand wrap around his cock and start stroking him. “Feels so good,” he mumbled, your hand going up and down his shaft at a pace that almost made him weak in the knees.
“I know, and you’re being so good,” muttering against his lips, you laced your fingers in his hair, lightly tugging as you twisted your other hand around his cock, feeling it grow with every stroke. He started to rut up into your grasp, hips slightly bucking up to get some more friction. “Needy today, hm?” you removed your hand, pulling down on his neck. “Down.” He thought to say something back, but the look in your eyes had him keeping his mouth shut.
Sinking down to his knees, you cupped his cheek and ran your fingers through his short hair, staring deep into his hooded eyes. He thought you were about to let it go - let him take control back. He thought he saw a sliver of mercy in your eyes as they looked softly into his. But just as fast as he saw it, it disappeared, and the dark expression came back like it had never left. Your thumb ran lightly across his bottom lip before pushing it into his mouth and seeing his eyes flicker shut. He sucked on it lightly, tongue swirling around it as a smirk crept onto your face, loving the way he gave into you. Pulling it out, you started to take your suit off, piece by piece, and agonizingly slow. He reached out to touch you but you slapped his hand away, giving him a stern look.
“What did I say?”
“‘m sorry…” he mumbled, a pout on his lips as he watched you undress, killing him that he couldn’t touch you. You slid your pants off, kicking them across the room to land over with the pile of his own clothes in the corner. Looking down at him, he was pathetically stroking his cock, needing some kind of relief until he could be buried in you again. You chuckled, rolling your eyes. “So impatient. Look at what a mess you are.” Lacing your fingers through his hair again, you yanked him forward, bringing his head straight to your dripping core.
You moaned out at the contact of his tongue lapping up your arousal as you put your leg over his shoulder. He looked up at you with hooded eyes as he licked a stripe from your slit all the way to the soft bundle of nerves, stopping to suck on it gently. “God you’re so fucking good at this,” your eyes rolled back in your head as his tongue dove deep into your cunt, his hands massaging your thigh and your ass. He pulled you closer, absolutely devouring you like he was a starving man. Noticing he was stroking his cock again, you pulled him back by his hair and gave him a light slap to his face. “Don’t even think about touching yourself. You get to cum when I say you can come, understand?” He panted, out of breath from eating your pussy so fervently, but nodded nonetheless. “Speak up.”
“Yes ma’am,” his eyes sparkled in the dim lighting of your room, and you smirked. “Good boy.” Pulling his head back to you, he slowly eased a finger into your tight hole, making you buck your hips towards him. He sucked your clit, tongue flicking over it and going back down to lick from his finger back up to your clit. He added another finger, grazing your sweet spot and you moaned out. You could feel him smirk against you, his fingers continuously hitting that sweet spot inside of you. The pressure started to build up, and he could feel your walls tightening around him. “I’m so fucking close, ‘m so close Buck, don’t even think about stopping until I cum all over your face,” you said through gritted teeth, head thrown back in pleasure. As if on cue, his fingers curled to hit your sweet spot at the same time he sucked hard on your clit, and you felt white heat spread throughout you, pleasure going through waves through your body. He continued to finger you throughout your high the entire time, moaning as you pulled hard on his hair.
Catching your breath, you pulled him up from his spot in front of you and pushed him towards the bed. “On the bed,” you instructed and watched as he listened so well, climbing back on the bed, his back resting on the headboard. You climbed on top of him, both legs straddling his own. “Now you can touch yourself.” He looked up at you, almost as if asking for permission. You leaned in, whispering softly in his ear, placing kisses on his neck in between each phrase. “Go ahead. Edge yourself. Don’t even think about asking to cum either, because the only place you’re cumming today is in me.” You kissed the shell of his ear at the last sentence, feeling the goosebumps rise on his skin.
Sitting back, you watched him as his hand connected to his shaft, completely erect and tip swollen. He stroked it slowly, his thumb swiping over the top to spread the bead of pre-cum that had come out. You bit your lip, your arousal coating your thighs as you watched him pump his cock faster, his head leaning back and hitting the headboard. The room was quiet but for the sighs and soft pants coming from his lips. You watched his abs rise and fall faster, his breathing getting heavier, his eyebrows knitting together as he twisted his hand each time he came to the tip. His other hand traveled down to cup his balls, gently squeezing them as a groan escaped his lips, and you could tell he was close. “Stop.”
His eyes shot open and a whine left his mouth - he had never whined before, ever - as he looked at you. “Baby please, I’m so close,” he stroked his cock slowly, not able to completely stop. Unfortunately for him, you weren’t in a giving mood.
“That’s fine,” you said with a smile, getting up from his lap and reaching to each side of the headboard. “What are you-”
“You had your chance to be a good boy. I say stop, you don’t listen. Do you know what happens to bad boys like you when they don’t listen?” you grabbed each of his wrists forcefully, clicking the restraints around them. Batting your eyelashes at him, you smiled. “They get punished. Now I’m going to cum once, maybe two more times on you and you’ll just have to hope that I let you cum.”
His eyes darkened. “What, problem with that?” you taunted him, settling over his lap once more. “You could have had your cock in me by now, you know that? Could have felt this tight pussy around your big cock, fucking me until I feel all better. But you ah- you chose not to listen,” your hands rested on his shoulders and chest and you began to grind down on his cock. He hissed in response, throwing his head back at the feeling of your pussy sliding over his shaft and coating it in your arousal.
Your hips moved back and forth on him, the drag of your clit along his hard cock. The room was filled with sounds of your soft whimpers, his groans and oh fuck, baby’s, and sound of wetness coming from in between you two. You brought your hands up, squeezing at your breasts and rolling your nipple between your fingers. “You like that? Like seeing me squeeze my tits right in front of you, knowing there’s nothing you can do about it?” Your eyes were hooded from the pure ecstasy running through you, your orgasm fast approaching. You moved your hips faster, one hand still at your chest and the other holding his shoulder, cool metal underneath your fingertips.
Bucky was panting now, unable to control the moans coming from his mouth as he watched you grind on him until you climaxed, eyes rolling back and biting your bottom lip, a smile gracing your features. He could feel he was close too, but he couldn’t cum - not yet. Not until you let him.
Once you came down from your second high of the night, you pulled him in for a deep kiss, chest to chest as you fully leaned into him, arms wrapped around his neck. You rolled your hips on him again, smiling when he broke the kiss with a gasp. “Please, doll, let me fuck you. I need to feel you,” he whined, following after you for another kiss once you leaned your head back.
“I don’t know, Buck. You didn’t follow orders earlier, and aren’t you supposed to be good at that? My big, scary super soldier and he can’t even follow simple orders to stop touching himself like some needy and desperate bitch. You’re going to have to beg, honey. You have 20 seconds to convince me, or else you’ll be watching me fuck myself on the biggest silicone cock I have in that drawer over there for the rest of the night, and you’re not gonna cum once. Hear that?” You raised an eyebrow, watching his face go from shock, to disbelief, to looking like he could cry.
“15.” You kissed his neck, hands trailing down his toned body to run your nails back up his abs. Rolling your hips again, you chuckled at your boyfriend stammering out a reasonable explanation of why you should let him cum, enjoying the desperate mess he’d been reduced to.
“Please I’ll listen this time, I’m- I’m sorry baby, but I need to feel you, please. I’ll do anything for you once this is over but god I need to cum in you.”
You mocked being in deep thought for a few seconds before shifting up further on him. “Fine. But if you even think about cumming before I fucking tell you it’s okay, so help me-”
“I won’t, I promise, I’ll wait,” he reassured you quickly, just needing to be inside you.
It was like heaven collided with earth the minute you sunk down on his hard, sensitive, leaking cock. You had never heard such a desperate moan come out of the super soldier’s mouth, but you enjoyed it every little bit as you swallowed his moans in another searing kiss. It was your turn though to break the kiss, whimpering out when he was fully sheathed in you. Lacing your fingers through his hair, you took a moment to adjust to his size before lifting your hips up again and dropping back down.
“Oh my god, you feel so fucking good baby, so wet,” Bucky’s eyes staring at the point where you two connected, practically drooling at the sight. You nodded, continuing to ride him slowly until you were fully adjusted. As you began to pick up your pace, he groaned and hissed at the feeling, eating up all the sounds coming from in between you both. He opened his eyes just in time to see your tits bouncing in front of him, almost teasing him, when you started to bounce faster.
You could feel your climax building up again, heat low in your belly as you gripped his shoulders a little tighter. “Oh fuck,” you whined out, panting as you chased your orgasm.  Your boyfriend was close to his own too, you could tell - the way his chest was rising and falling, the moans that were falling from his lips, the way he started to fuck up into you to chase his own.
“‘M so close, please, can I cum? Please, I need you so bad,” he whined, arms straining against the cuffs that kept him strapped to the headboard. You knew he could break out of them if he really wanted to, but he wanted to be a good boy tonight - your good boy.
Bringing your hand down from his muscular shoulder, you wrapped your hand around his neck and squeezed. He let out a moan, looking at you with such desperation that you almost lost it right there. “Not. Yet.” you growled at him. Keeping one hand around his neck, you brought your other hand down to rub hard circles around your clit, only making you tighten your grip on him. He shifted his hips forward just a little bit, but that new angle had him hitting your sweet spot with every single time you sank down on him. He could feel your walls clenching down on him, so close to your climax and almost driving him to his own.
Shifting your legs closer to your center, the new pressure on your cunt combined with him hitting your sweet spot repeatedly had your head spinning. “Now,” you told him just as you were falling over the edge, your vision blacking out as you saw stars. Bucky came with a loud groan, the feeling of being edged for so long and your small hand still applying pressure on his throat and making him cum harder than he ever had before, painting your walls with spurts of his cum for longer than he had ever thought he could before.
Coming down from your high, you had to wait a minute before even moving. Once you caught your breath, you eased off of his cock, head still spinning as you reached over to undo the restraints on each of his hands. Finally able to touch you, he wrapped his arms around you and traced small circles across your back with his thumb, just holding you for a while in silence while you both got out of your haze.
“I’m sorry I said all those things,” you said quietly, the realization finally hitting you of how you treated him. He chuckled, pushing the hair from out of your face and behind your ear, tilting your chin up so he could look at you. He had so much love in his eyes.
“Didn’t hurt my feelin’s, doll. I know you were just mad and needed to take it out,” he said, leaning down to kiss you softly. “Besides, I always wondered what would happen if you ever brought that fiery personality into bed,” he grinned, pulling you tighter against him. “Why don’t we go get cleaned up, hm? I can run us a bath while you lay down and rest.”
You smiled up at him, nodding your head as he gently moved you to rest on the pillow before walking over to the bathroom to run some water.
“So,” you called out, giggling. “You have a thing for choking?”
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mianavs · 3 years
the assault
In Lima with You part 4
a/n: this marks the beginning of the end for this story. like previous parts in this story and it’s predecessor, there’s some messed up stuff going on in this part.
tw: non-con, dark content, nsfw, violence
wc: 1.7k+
In Lima with You
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You had been scrubbing for a good thirty minutes, yet the bright red from the tomato sauce you’d spilled on your living room carpet was still there.
Glaring at you
Mocking you
Wiping off the beads of sweat that trickled down your brow with the back of your hand, you ran the scrubby through the bucket of soapy water that was now a milky salmon color. After wringing the scrubby of the excess liquid, you went back to scrubbing that spot while ignoring the growing ache in your fingers and the knot in your neck.
It’d been a careless mistake, spilling your spaghetti while your mind had been elsewhere—a common occurrence since the night your fragile world fell apart when Dabi walked out on you.
Almost as careless as the mistake of letting your captor into your heart where he left a mark that spread until it encompassed the entire thing.
A mistake you were now paying the price for, on your hands and knees trying to scrub the mark stain away only to realize it had spread in spite of your efforts.
You fell back on your haunches and threw the scrubby into the bucket. It had been five days since you’d last seen Dabi, and you were starting to lose it.
Every time you heard footsteps outside of your front door, you would rush over and swing it open only to face nothing or a bewildered stranger. The room that had once suffocated you with warmth was now frigid and made it difficult for you to fall asleep in. Your mornings started with you waking from a nightmare that almost always involved Dabi’s death. While at the beginning of his absence you could still go about your day cooking, cleaning, or engaging in a hobby, you eventually spiraled into a depression that made it hard for you to even get out of bed.
Not only was Dabi the death-sentenced protagonist of your nightmares but he was also on your mind all day. His face during your last argument was one that had been burned into your memory. You could still see the blank look that flashed in his cerulean eyes, the twitch of his mutilated mouth, and then the shock that seeped from every pore in his body as he staggered away from your enraged form.
You’d been the one wronged that day, yet Dabi was the one that fled, leaving you with an all-consuming guilt. It didn’t make sense but then again neither did the overwhelming pain festering away in your heart the more time passed without seeing him, touching him, loving him.
Love. It was a ridiculous notion when you thought about it.
Dabi had been the monster that kidnapped you. He’d broken you down physically and mentally to mold you into the obedient darling you now were, but even with the plethora of scars all over your body, you couldn’t help but feel empty without him. Even with the door unlocked and nothing chaining you down to your shared condo, you would leave only to roam around the city for a couple of minutes before a panic seized your entire body; It was that suffocating panic that forced you back home to the comfort of your bed that still smelled of Dabi’s musk and smoke.
You loved Dabi.
You needed Dabi.
So as you dumped the soapy water down the kitchen sink and washed out the bucket, you mulled over your options in tracking Dabi down to tell him how you felt. Then just as you were putting the bucket away, the muffled sound of footsteps captured your attention and you dashed to the front door on impulse.
Where a scarred face with a wicked grin should have greeted you, there was only a red winged man with astonished eyes.
“Y/N,” Keigo breathed. “You’re really here.”
You looked behind him, searching for the man you actually wanted to see. When it was clear he wasn’t there, you turned to your former friend.
“Where else would I be?” You asked before stepping aside to let him in.
“I assumed you’d be with the League,” He answered amusedly, walking in while you shut the door behind him. “But I guess this was a no ex-heroes type of mission.”
“Where’s Dabi?” The question burst from your lips before you could think it through.
Keigo’s smile faltered at your desperate inquiry, and his throat bobbed as he swallowed. “Last I heard they were two cities away wreaking havoc in true League fashion.”
You raised an eyebrow at his mocking tone. “Sounds like you don’t approve of the mission.”
Keigo laughed at that and it left a bitter taste in your mouth. “How about we drop the act, Y/N. It’s just you and me. Dabi isn’t here to punish you.”
His eyes traveled to a fading scar on your forearm before returning to your face. “We both know that what they’re doing is wrong.”
A bitter laugh tore from your throat as you approached him. “So the HPSC selling me for some intel is right? Them drugging me and sending me off to an orphanage is right? How about them trying to sabotage my career? Does all of that seem right to you, Keigo?!”
You were now in front of him, and he had the decency to appear sheepish after your rant. He averted his gaze and said nothing while you let out an exasperated sigh and ran your fingers through your hair.
“Don’t give me that right or wrong crap.” You retorted when your anger simmered. “Hero society deemed me a villain before giving me a chance to prove myself. I won’t stand in the League’s way if they want to bring it down.”
Keigo’s hand shot out and wrapped around your elbow, fingers pressing into one of your scars. You tried shaking him off but Keigo didn’t relent.
“What about the thousands of innocent civilian lives that will be ruined because of them? Will you also stand aside when they’re screaming for their lives?”
His golden eyes bore into yours and memories of a certain mission hit you like a ton of bricks. You remembered the room full of children that you’d saved with Keigo, and for the first time in weeks, you hesitated in defending Dabi and the League’s actions.
“We’re targeting the heroes and the HPSC, not civilians.” You reasoned, wrenching your arm from his grasp.
“We’re?” Keigo sneered, backing you against a wall. “Are you serious?”
At his aggressiveness, the alarms in your head went off but indignation muffled them. You jutted out your chin defiantly. “Yeah, I am. As long as Dabi remains in the League, I will too because... I-I love him and tha—”
Keigo smashed his lips against yours and took hold of your hands before pinning them above your head. Unlike the first kiss he stole from you, this one was harsh and meant to punish. He claimed your mouth with his invading tongue while you wrestled against his bruising grip. It wasn’t until you realized he wouldn’t let up that you bit down on his tongue until he hissed in pain and released you with a curse.
With the metallic taste of Keigo’s blood in your mouth, you tried recovering your breath only to hear a harsh thump that was immediately followed by pulsating pain on the side of your head. You doubled over from the sheer force of Keigo’s blow that left you debilitated and vulnerable.
And that was exactly what Keigo wanted.
In your stupor, you were picked up like a ragdoll and thrown onto your bed, landing face down on a pillow. The sudden motion only worsened what you assumed was a concussion. As a sharp ringing assaulted your ears, all you could do was grip the sheets beneath you in a weak attempt to stop the room from turning.
So when rough hands pulled off your shorts and ripped off your flimsy lace panties, you were too busy burrowing your spinning head in a pillow and swallowing bile to put up a fight. The severity of the situation finally registered with you when you felt the bed dip and rough hands lift your waist until you were on your knees.
By the time your body reacted, it was too late. Keigo pressed you into the mattress with your hands pinned behind your back as he settled between your legs and spread them open with his body.
His cockhead prodded at your entrance a couple of times before he forced it into your dry cunt in one harsh thrust. Horrified and unprepared, you screamed into the pillow that still smelled of Dabi while Keigo violently took you from behind like an animal.
Pain was all you knew throughout Keigo’s assault. It pulsated in your head until it felt like your skull was being split in half. It coursed through your arms that were pushed together and pressed into your back. It ripped through your cunt as Keigo’s cock rammed into you without mercy.
Concussed, restrained, and without your quirk and voice, all you could do was lie there and wait for your body to produce the slick you oh-so desperately needed to ease the ache in your cunt.
Without changing the pace of his hips, Keigo leaned over you and grunted into your ear.
“Don’t you get it, Y/N? I’m doing this because I love you and right now you’re sick. That so-called love you feel for that bastard is a disease. You have Stockholm Syndrome and I’m gonna cure you with each load I shoot up your womb.”
He let out a chuckle and licked the shell of your earlobe, causing bile to surge up your throat. Unable to swallow it down any longer, you used all the strength you could muster to jerk your head over the bed’s edge.
As you regurgitated that day’s lunch, Keigo’s thrusts ceased and he released you with a disgusted grunt.
“Rude bitch,” he growled, pulling you by your hair and pressing his torso against your body. “I tell you I love you and that’s how you react?”
Keigo shoved your face into the mattress and you writhed beneath his weight and grip as your lungs were depleted of oxygen. When your limbs went limp against the bed and black specks stained your vision, the last thing you heard was Keigo’s honeyed words delivering your sentence for falling for your captor.
“Guess I’ll have to take you away from him for you to be cured.”
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dorotharry · 3 years
tiny dancer ; chapter three
Pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader
CHAPTER 2 | CHAPTER 4 (coming soon)
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: pain, angst, nightmares, metal limbs?
Summary: After being drafted for the war in 1942, Bucky goes to the ballet a week before having to leave with his best friend Steve. There he becomes infatuated you with the prima ballerina of the show, and he just has to meet you before his last week in Brooklyn is up. He hopes one day you would meet again; little does it know it will be 72 years later.
A/N: Well, hello again, honestly after yesterday I really wanted to write again soon so I could start giving more away. Eep so exciting, thank you again for all your support too!! Please feel free to like, repost and comment any feedback, it’s much appreciated :)) Also lets just ignore that infinity war is a thing for the moment lolz. 
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*gif not mine
“Nice to finally meet you y/n, I’ve been looking for you under Fury’s instruction for a while, my name’s Natasha.”
Natasha. It rang in your ears, there was some familiarity to that name. You kept your face blank, but for some reason it felt like you’d known her in a past life, or perhaps a life you didn’t remember. Though her face gave no indication that she knew either. But a younger version of her face flashed in your mind, only she wasn’t blonde she had bright red hair. You shook yourself from your thoughts, Natasha was a common name, surely you couldn’t know her. Surely.
“Come in,” you responded moving to the side as the women eyed you as she entered. She had to be around a similar age to you. At least in looks, you were at least a century year old in reality. “Did you want something to drink?” You said as you shut the door and gestured to the couch nearby.
The blonde shook her head, taking a seat her gaze still wary. “You’re probably curious to know why I’m here and who I am?”
You nodded as you took a seat on the second couch, it wasn’t often you had visitors.
“Well, I’m sure you’ve heard of the Avengers,” She started.
That’s where you knew her from! She’d swapped her red hair for blonde and suddenly you felt less confused.  
“I’m a part of it, and our director Fury has been sending me on mission after mission looking for you. It’s only now we got a tip that you were living in Madripoor.”
You almost wanted to interrupt and ask who had tipped them off, but you thought better of it. You rose an eyebrow at her comment, giving her an expression that told her to continue.
“Anyway, I’m here because we wanted to bring you back to the compound. You’ve been hidden away from us for a long time. In fact, the only reason we know you exist is because of the HYDRA files I shared in 2014. We hoped you could give us some intel; we think something big is going to happen again, but we aren’t sure if it’s HYDRA or something else.” She looked at you again, a serious expression on her face.
Yours matched hers. “You should know I don’t do that anymore, I don’t work as an assassin,” you began suddenly feeling more vulnerable as the terrible things you had done came back up in your memories.
Natasha cut you off sensing your distress. “We aren’t asking you to, we just need your knowledge. Whilst I know Fury wants you to join us in the long run and start fighting again, we also respect your decision not to if that’s what you want.”
You looked at her sceptically, had she not heard what you had just said? Plus, now your cover in Madripoor was blown, if the Avengers knew where you were then surely it wouldn’t be long until every other government in the world would too. You were sure there were many people who wanted you dead.
As if she had heard your thoughts Natasha spoke up again, “don’t worry, if you turn down helping us, no one but Fury and I know you’re here. Not even Steve.”
You silently gasped, you had forgotten about Steve in these brief moments, he was captain America back then, in fact he was still Captain America. Even if you would be throwing yourself back into the line of fire, maybe it would be worth it to see your old friend again. Would he want to see you though? After everything awful thing, you had done. Your eyes began to well again, but you didn’t want Natasha to see you vulnerable.
“Fine.” You spoke sternly looking at the woman in front of you, “I will help, but only if you promise that you avengers will protect me. There’s a lot of people who want me in chains.”
You could see the hint of a smile on her face as she listened, “Don’t worry y/n, we have ways around that,” she smirked. “I don’t exactly have the cleanest record either.”
You nodded, standing up. You knew now if you were leaving that you could never return to Madripoor. If you chose not to fight with the Avengers after helping them, then at least you were sure they could protect you and finally you could maybe be back home. “Where to then?”
Natasha told you to get anything valuable, some clothes and anything else you felt you needed. Luckily for her, you always kept a duffle bag with everything you needed if you had to leave under you bed, along with the shot gun that had been in your hand this entire time till.
You walked to your room, grabbed the duffle bad and your other favourite weapons in another bag and returned in under a minute. Natasha let out a chuckle, she should have known an assassin was always prepared to flee. Something they all knew, never get too comfortable.
Natasha led you out of your apartment, you close the door behind you both and follow her. It felt strange to be taking from directions from anyone else. Besides HYDRA you had always been the person in charge, choosing what you did without direction. But unless you miraculously knew how you’d be getting back to the Avengers compound this seemed like a time you would have to not be stubborn.
She led you to a jet, gesturing you to get on before she did herself. She walked to the front closing the door and sitting in the pilot’s seat. “Feel free to have a sleep.” She said casual pointing to the bed next to you.
“Thanks,” you mumbled going and lying down. After having no sleep, you wouldn’t complain, and it would save you having to make small talk with Natasha. Plus, usually you didn’t have nightmares in you ever occasionally napped.
Natasha answered a call and began telling someone (who you assumed was Fury) that you were coming back with her, just as your eyes were filled with the darkness of sleep.
You woke up once again your entire body in pain. Although this time it was different, and though you remembered where you were much of your memories were feeling fuzzy. Like someone had attempted to begin removing them.
That couldn’t be possible though, could it?
There was an ache on your face, remembering your last memory before you had been engulfed in darkness again. You were sure there would be marks from whatever machine had done that to you, wincing at the thought of the pain again.
But besides there being the same pains you had felt before, there was something different. You were still restricted by your arms and legs in the same position but now you had a heart monitor attached, the faint beeping being the only noise you could hear in the silent and dark room. This wasn’t a room though, it was a lab you knew that now, and you were a lab rat to the red skull and his scientists. Why would they care if my heart is still beating? You pondered.
Once again you pushed against your restraints in an attempt to get out, the leather digging into your skin causing you to wince due to how in pain your body already was.  But again as you’d thought earlier, there was something different, yes your arms were wincing at the pain from the leather but your legs felt nothing. You moved your toes and felt no sensations. It was as if they were numb. What had HYDRA done?
As if on cue the laboratory door opened, the same scientist from before entering and two soldiers following behind him. The door slammed closed as the soldiers stayed there on each side of the door. Just in case you got out of your restraints again.
The scientist shuffled forward. “How are you feeling y/n? I realised I forgot the other day to introduce myself, I’m Arnim Zola but you can call me Doctor Zola.”
You sneered as his friendly attitude, causing him to frown. “I can’t feel my legs.” You responded in a harsh tone, “Why?”
“Well y/n, I told you that you would become a soldier for the red skull did I not? Now I understand you’re a ballerina but there’s something wrong with this. You see you always want to be perfect, and what makes you not is among many things your feet.” He looked down proudly at your legs.
The words rang in your ear. Your harsh glare to seem mean had softened as your eyes began to water. “Wh-- what have you done?” You began blubbering, your chest fell up and down panic striking your lungs.
“I’ve made you perfect.” He responded without remorse. Instantly he signalled for the men that had been stood by the door this entire time to come over. They did so, grabbing parts of your body so you were even more restricted that you already were as Doctor Zola walked to the foot of the table you were on. Slowly he undid one of the leather straps restricting your leg. You couldn’t even feel him doing it, your senses not working.
He lifted your right leg so that you could gaze down and what you saw only made your panic attack rise. You shrieked at the sight before you. Your eyes welling more and more with tears. You could hear the heart monitor beginning to pick up in noise, as you heart raced.
From halfway down your calf was what looked like a metal leg and foot. It looked exactly like what legs should be, but it wasn’t. It was silver and cold. Down the side of your calf nearing your ankle was a red star.
Tears rolled down your face as he placed your leg back down strapping it back up, then signalling the men holding you down to move away again.
You would have preferred to die then lose your feet. Your mind wandered as your chest rose and fell so quickly that the world around you began to spin. Would you ever be able to dance again?
Doctor Zola was now next to you again, his face held no remorse, in fact all you could see was pride. Even though the world was spinning, and you couldn’t focus on him you knew he didn���t care. “Don’t worry y/n, after today you won’t care about this. You won’t even remember who you are, only who we tell you are. From now on you aren’t y/n anymore. I’ll see you again when you’re ready to comply.”
The same machine from earlier then began to make noises lowering down to your head. Doctor Zola began rambling Russian words you couldn’t understand, the immense pain began again, and you screeched out in pain.
Present day; 2017
Gasping for air you shot up on the bed on the jet. Natasha looked back at you and instantly you dropped your fearful expression into one that was unreadable. No one would know your nightmares, no one could know you had weaknesses.
Luckily her gaze didn’t last long as she spoke up, “We’re here.” She was just glad she wouldn’t have to wake you up. She stood up, you following her lead out of the jet and towards a large white building with a big ‘A’ on the side.
“Jeez subtle.” You scoffed muttering under your breath.
She rolled her eyes at your comment but proceeded to walk into the building. “I’m sure you’ve heard about most of us. So, I feel there’s no need to explain to you, our names.”
She was right there, of course you knew their names, the whole world did. You hummed in response. She led you both to two big double doors pushing them open as you trailed behind. You may have been as assassin but that didn’t mean you were particularly keen on meeting new people, especially all at once. It took a while for people to come to your liking.
She stopped and you stood almost completely behind her looking down at your hands. You never looked at your feet anymore. The noise of all the voices talking amongst each other suddenly stopped and you could feel all of their eyes on you both.
“Everyone this is y/n, she’s going to help us with our current task we’ve been working on.” She spoke sternly but giving them all a small smile.
You raised your head reminding yourself to not be vulnerable and narrowed your eyes as you scanned them all. Of course, most of already knew who you were having read your files when she released them; each giving you sympathetic looks mixed with fear. But not Steve he never had the heart to look at yours and Bucky’s files. If he ever saw you both again, he knew in time you’d tell him.
Finally, you were met with a familiar set on blue eyes, not the ones you had fallen in love with but still ones who once meant so much to you. Now you weren’t so sure.
Steve looked like he was going to die of shock, as he stared at you with such intensity.
He took a step towards you, “y/n?”, his eyes searching for you to show some sort of emotion. But you didn’t, you couldn’t. You took another step back, away from him, the hurt instantly flashing across his face, but as soon as it was there it was gone.
“Hi Steve.”
A/N: ooo we love the tension. how does reader know Natasha?? is it just cause she's an avenger or is it something else? I’ll guess you'll have to see *evil face*
P.S. we’ll see Bucky again soon I promiseeeee
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@maybe-a-marvel​ @thatredlipped-classic​ @flightsandfantasy​ @7minutes-tomidnight​ @rebelemilu​ @cataves​
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justcommander · 3 years
Alright I got the request now. I’ll be writing a few headcanons I have for Tim and the dear Scared sniper. Also: don’t worry,  nobody’s going to blame you for strugling with a foreign language that you don’t fully know yet. We use English because it’s very common and relatively easier to learn compared to others, but it’s still not our native language. Not in our case anyway. So, don’t worry
Now having said that, my headcanons for Tim and Scared Sniper under cut
So, Tim
Eyyy, let’s start with Tim.
-First of all, I want it to be clear, that from my point of view, Tim is probably the gayest sentient being in the universe. He does have fun being surrounded by his fellow Henchmen, but he is obviously after his Bad Captain. He may look at other people, yes... but his leader’s the one he wants. No matter if he keeps being pushed away. Tim thinks he’s just palying hard to get. -Nobody likes to shower with him because he stares. Even through the visor, people notice him staring, most of the time he either gets pushed out fast or yelleld at, or his comrades just ask a favor to a couple of soldiers to keep him out of the shower. And he’s not exactly mad, just... disappointed. He also stares at night, when people are sleeping. He mostly stares at Bad Captain, but he may also gives a few heart attacks to people if they hear a noise and wake up only to see this idiot staring at them. It happens very often to other soldiers being awaken in the middle of the night by a distant “GO TO BED, TIM!” -Tim also likes to interrogate prisoners. A lot. Bad Captain is not happy about his methods because the intel he gets is damn usueless to them. Tim acts more like he’s flirting, rather than interrogating. He asks for personal information, he makes the captured Tankmen feel... kind of uncomfortable to the point they’d rather be interrogated for other kind of info at some point. You know, classic war intel, not if they’re into men or ever had experiences-- -He thinks Bad Captain considers him his first hand man, so he gets... very upset if someone else is called in his place. It usually never happens, and if it does happen, Tim goes to complain to his leader so much that Bad Captain just gives up and picks him insted, sometimes though he gets mad and goes alone. Tim feels very guilty in those situations though, because he realized he stressed him too much and is worried he’s going to get captured or hurt. At least if there was someone else in his place he still could have been safer. -It’s rare to see him angry or taking the war thing seriously, but if his Bad Captain is hurt, Tim gets protective and doesn’t even let medics stay alone with him. He becomes a dangerous soldier if someone captures his Bad Captain or nearly kills him. Once he’s out of danger Tim goes back being calm and flirty as always as if othing happened.
-He’s also very chill about the whole war thing going on and he unnerves his comrades who are probably taking the thing more seriously. Tim doesn’t even have so many problems with the Tankmen, there isn’t this... hate that one should feel for the opposing faction. Nah, he’s pretty calm about it. Actually, he thinks they do have some hot men in their ranks he’d feel sorry to see falling on the battlefiald just like that. So he rarely shoots to kill. Better just aiming at the legs and take the man prisoner, rather than killing. He just doess’t like killing these good looking soldiers.
-He is afraid of the main Tankman sniper though, because he knows that Ted HAS a problem with him. Ted has a HUGE problem with Henchmen in general, and even if he’s mostly focused on snipers, Tim happens to be a Henchman, so he’s in the group of his targets. He doesn’t even waste time trying to flirt with him or stay for too long in his field of view. To be honest he thinks he’s pretty hot but the survival instinct is stornger in this case. 
-He does like the Scared Sniper though, oh how he likes him! This cute, soft looking young man, his shy and scared behavior and how tense he gets when enemies are around. He absolutely would love to pet his back or his cheeks. Point is, survival isntincts are stronger even in this case. Tim knows laying a finger on Ted’s apprentice would lead him to a very very painful demise. __
Now it’s our Scared Sniper turn.
Our boy, our sweet, lovely boy. I already wrote some headcanons about him tha that I’m gonna put... here they’re just a few things I wrote also about Ted but so I won’t repeat myself.
-So, so. Is he gay? I don’t think he had time to carefully think about his sexuality before the Tankmen pulled him into their army. I doubt he had developed any attraction towards anyone at all before he was taken and given to Ted as his apprentice. He developed feelings for him and only for him, growing attracted to him so I personally see him as gay demisexual.
-Scared Sniper does have a name. But I think many Tankmen either forgot it and got it confused so often, they call him with many different names... and he doens’t correct anyone because he is very shy and unable to speak up to older soldiers. This became a pretty big problem, and now soldiers struggle to understand who someone is talking about. So “Scared Sniper” or even “Sniper number 2″ are easier names his comrades use to understand right away who they are talking about.
-He got recruited in the army because Captain and Steve felt guilty for scaring this poor man to death when they nearly ran him over with the tank when he was walking by himself in the middle of a completely empty road. How? They weren’t looking where they were going. He also proved to have very good eysight when he asked them if they were trying to make him calm down when they said it was an accident... only to then have their friends shoot him dead. Friends he saw hiding up on a roof. Which happened to be Henchmen. They pulled him in their tank and sudden recruitment.
-Scared Sniper was tried to be taught something about hand to hand combat. With very very little result. He’s also extremely afraid to use white weapons to the point that if he’s forced to use a knife he kees turning the head away and closing the eyes and blindly stabbing at the enemy. The idea of seeing blood, feeling a weapon sink into someone’s body... it’s too personal, he hates it.
-He’s not a bad sniper, but his arms are still very shaky he needs to take a couple of shots to get the targer, so he was given a G3SG1 sniper rifle, an automatic weapon that would allow him to not waste time before swiftly trying again. It can shoot bullets very fast one of ater the other. Which he should stop doing blindly when he panics. The first times he tended to close his eyes before shooting. He still does sometimes.
-He’s very protective towards Ted, even if he’s not exactly the most dangerous soldier around. Ted is strong and sometimes looks like he can’t feel pain at all. He gets stabbed and after amoment he acts like nothing happened. Scared Sniper, no. He feels pain and panicks badly when he’s hurt. He does panic when Ted gets hurt too, he feels alone and unable to do anything. However, there are moments he manages to snap and hold his ground protecting his mentor till help arrives. This happens when Ted’s unconscious or looks almost dead. If Ted’s still awake, he can’t fully snap... but in this case Ted manages to calm him down and instruct him on what to do.
-Scared Sniper is claustrophobic, but he feels calmer if Ted’s around him. for example if he was told to be alone in a building he’d indeed start to hear things and start shooting left and right. With Ted, this doesn’t happen. One day or another he’ll need to stay alone way more often, but for now he’s still and apprentice and he has no intention to leave Ted’s side. And Ted doesn’t mind anyway.
All I have for now, may write more in the future!
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conaionaru · 3 years
Play a game
I am alive! Ever since @youbloodymadgenius​ mentioned me in a post and said that I haven’t been writing that much, I decided to start writing again. So I tried to put together another oneshot and this is what happened. Hope it’s not bad.
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"Why are you looking at me like that?"  The pure power in his blue eyes was haunting. He was in control, and the knowledge of it made him untouchable.
(Y/N) could drown in those blue eyes if she dared to look long enough. "I think I finally understand you."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
Ubbe chuckled and stood up from his throne, slowly walking to her side. Every stride is like a stab to her confidence. "I wondered why you kept crawling back like a starving dog. But now I know..."
He trailed a finger up her neck, stopping just under her chin and tilting her head up. (Y/N)'s eyes shyly ghosted over his naked torso and admired the view. The look was enough proof to Ubbe. "You are starving."
(Y/N) gulped, her knees aching from the hardwood floor. "I am not."
"Then why do you always return?"
"Loyalty." The answer came easy to her; it was the truth, after all.
But Ubbe didn't look convinced. "You know nothing of loyalty, (Y/N). You betrayed Lagertha's trust for Ivar, and now you came back. I was so sure you were a traitor or a spy. It turns out you just like my cock too much."
As humiliated as she felt, it still excited her to hear him say it. He remembered her kinks after all this time. To feel lesser than him in bed made her feel complete; now that he was the King of Kattegat, the power play was more prominent.
It wasn't a game of cat and mouse between a Prince and a shieldmaiden. Instead, it turned to a king questioning a traitor. The danger was greater and oh so thrilling.
"You were always so vocal about following your dreams. I decided to do the same."
Ubbe chuckled and buried his hand in (Y/N)'s hair. "So what dream were you following when you stayed behind with Ivar?"
"Hvitserk jumped from your boat, not me. I wasn't given a choice. No one asked if I wanted to stay or go. If you asked... I would have come."
"You always did." He whispered with a smirk that made her insides squirm. Of course, he would mention that.
"Ivar wouldn't let me leave. I had to fight you! I would never betray you. I loved you."
(Y/N) frowned and shook her head. "I can't love a married man. It would break Torvi's heart. And her children, including the one in her belly. Yours."
Ubbe grimaced at the reminder and walked away from (Y/N). Despite her words, she missed his touch and presence. "Why return then? What dream did you follow?"
Justice. But that answer wouldn't make him happy. But Ubbe's happiness stopped being her concern when he chose Torvi over her. Looking back at it, he kept picking everyone over her. "What I deserve."
"And what would that be?"
(Y/N) stood up and walked over to the throne, trailing her fingers over the wood; she smiled. "I am tired of being pushed away by people in favor of power and sex."
"I never did that."
"You always do that, Ubbe!"
He frowned and squared his shoulders back to show dominance. "That is no way to address your king."
"I could care less! You told me you loved me, and then you married a slave. You dragged me to England with you to protect me, and then you married your brother's wife. Why do you keep hurting me and then whispering words of love right after? What did I do to make you hate me so much? I want justice for all those nights I spent crying in my bed over your actions! I want compensation for all the hurt you caused me and all those who you leave behind! Say something!"
(Y/N) breathed hard as Ubbe watched her with no expression on his otherwise handsome face. He expected a different outcome from their reunion. He was probably used to the same old game of fight and duck that they played once upon a time.
But her time as a part of Ivar's army made her a different person. All those times, the cripple mocked her for her infatuation with his older brother, the more flaws she ended up seeing. The flowers may have been pretty, but the actions that led to them weren't.
And so (Y/N) reflected on her relationship with Ubbe Ragnarsson, if you could even call it that. Two years of constant fucking and fighting followed by making up and more fucking and fighting. Sometimes the lines blurred, and she couldn't even judge if it was one or the other.
Her love for Aslaug's oldest son died, and all that was left was a hunger for closure. She tried to get it from Margrethe, who lost her wits after Ubbe left her for dead chained to a fence. Like an animal. That was the final straw. Now it wasn't closure anymore; it was revenge. For her, Margrethe and all those other girls he used.
"Do you want an apology, is that it?"
"That's not good enough."
He rolled his eyes and turned his back on her as he walked around the Great Hall. "Then land and some slaves? Now that I am king, I can give you those things easily. Is that the kind of loyalty that bought you here? A dream of riches?"
(Y/N) clenched her jaw and shook her head, a hint of humor evident in her fake smile. "I am loyal to myself—the only one who never used me is me. So I came to take what is mine and leave."
"Killing me?"
Ubbe turned back around and looked at her, seizing her up. If it's not money, power, sex, or his death, then what is left to take?
Another woman walked from the shadows. This one was blonde and finely dressed, followed by Hvitserk, who probably led both of them here. "This is Freydis, Ivar's queen. He murdered her son, so she wants revenge, just like me. We have ways for you to beat him, strike him where it hurts."
"Is tha why Hvitserk is here? To betray Ivar just like he betrayed me? For a girl. I wonder which one."
"A dead one," Hvitserk spoke up, his face serious as he drew (Y/N) behind him. Both women stood behind him as Ubbe took out his dagger. "Her name was Thora, and Ivar brother burned her alive. I want to stop his reign of madness. If working with you is the only way, then I will do it. Freydis has intel from within, from Ivar himself. I know everything about his warriors, and (Y/N) knows the rest."
"And how come you know so much? You are just a woman."
"If that's what you think."
He snorted and pointed at the table. "Then let's sit and discuss everything." The two brothers walked over to the table, (Y/N) moved to do the same, but Freydis stopped her.
"What happened to his demise? Did you change your mind?"
"Not at all." She turned back to the men and frowned at what has become of Ubbe. "I want him to suffer more. Destroy him piece by piece till all that's left is a shell of a man bound to die. Just like you did with Ivar."
"It is a shame what happened to him. I just hope Ubbe isn't Ivar and won't hurt you."
(Y/N) turned to her friend and smiled at her worried expression. "What a glorious purpose the gods gave us. A slave to a queen and a servant to a strategist."
"Gods bless us." Freydis smiled back, and the two walked to the table hand in hand. Women must make the most of the cards life handed them. Some play the game better than others.
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novantinuum · 3 years
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: T
Words: 1.3K~
Summary: His family’s not present, the third time he runs away. They never see the creature he becomes.
Early corruption AU.
I’m back! Future updates are likely to be slower as I am starting a new job soon, but at very least I have now settled into my new home. I share some writer’s meta on the AO3 version.
If you read this and enjoy, I’d greatly appreciate your support through reblogs here, or kudos/comments on AO3 as well. Thank you! <3
“So, I’ve been doin’ a lot of thinking,” Amethyst begins one day, propping her chin against the raised lip of the lava pool as she lounges on the floor at the center of the temple’s burning room, which they’ve started to use as their meeting space again.
Pearl— standing beside one of the lower branches of crystal pipes— tiredly glances her direction, nodding for her to speak. Even Garnet’s head tilts in interest, which is quite an accomplishment given her recent uncharacteristic silence. She suspects that she’s been busying herself scouring through whole galaxies of possibilities, although she’s not sure what good that will do without any reasonable intel to guide that vision. It’s been well over a week and a half since Steven’s gone missing, and beyond the existence of what they suspect is a corrupted Gem and footprints leading towards the water, they have no further clues. No inklings as to where Steven might have disappeared to, no hits from Greg’s posters, not even any leading tips from Homeworld or any of the outlying Gem-inhabited planets. And as for this particular creature... they’ve only met a single eyewitness. A human, who briefly caught its silhouette against the backdrop of sunrise. Perhaps if it ran further inland it would’ve tripped one of their old corrupted Gem surveillance sensors, but they never placed any in the oceans. They barely have any means to survey the oceans.
“I’ve been talkin’ to all sorts of people the past few days, right?” Amethyst says, widely gesturing as she rolls onto her back. “All Steven’s friends. People in town who knew him pretty well. And pretty much everyone agrees that he was actin’ pretty weird these past few months. Sadie described him as overly-tense. I called up Lars on his ship, and he kept saying that he was genuinely worried about his mental health, or whatever. Greg told me the same thing. And Connie. And basically everyone else.”
Pearl rhythmically flexes her fingers in and out of a fist against her side, her features rapidly curling into a scowl. “And what does that have to do with his disappearance?”
“Uh, potentially everything?” she snips back, throwing her hands in the air above her. “Y’guys, you’ve been making so many assumptions, but we barely know anything! You can’t just blindly throw out the idea that the whole corrupted Gem thing and Steven are linked without at least considering it.”
She grimaces, not even bothering to filter out the full intensity of her bitterness in the audience of such a ridiculous, illogical notion. “Amethyst, we’ve talked about your little ‘theory’ already. And everyone agreed that it’s impossible.”
“And yet it’s true that Steven has defied the impossible before,” Garnet comments suddenly, adjusting her visor.
“Are you defending her?” Pearl gasps, turning towards her old friend with her mouth agape with shock.
She crosses her arms, evidently unbothered by the weight of her subtle betrayal as she lounges back against the entryway. “I’m not defending nor rejecting, merely acknowledging a possibility.”
“Yeah, see?” the younger Gem chimes right back in, quickly pushing herself to her feet to rise to her full height. (Which blessedly— if she’s aiming for intimidation— isn’t much.) “Garnet gets it! Steven’s different than us. Always has been. His powers just do what whatever the hell he’s feeling, right? He feels happy, he floats. He feels spooked, bam! Bubble. He feels like an old man, he literally turns into one. And recently, it seems like he’s been feeling pretty crappy, which probably wasn’t helped by us getting all up in his business after he crashed the van.”
She squints. “Is this going anywhere?”
“Yes,” Amethyst stresses, peering right up at her, her eyes flaring with an urgency and passion Pearl admittedly hasn’t seen her wielding in quite some time. “Because I also talked to Jasper the other day. And she gave me the last piece of the puzzle I needed.”
The quartz steps back to address them both, hands nervously fidgeting with the frayed stitching of her missing sibling’s wool jacket.
“I gotta admit, this isn’t easy news, but it has to be shared.” She inhales tightly, briefly closing her eyes as she does so. “I’m pretty sure the reason Steven had her in the bathroom is that he was trying to heal her with the diamond essences he keeps there. Because he shattered her, in a duel.”
Pearl freezes. The kinder reality she’s stubbornly nurtured within her mind ignites and burns to cinders in an instant, hard light thrumming through the thin circuitry of her extremities at such an unimaginable pace that her form barely manages to keep up with the strain. She nearly crumples to her knees upon the sheer anguish of the revelation, only narrowly catching her fall to remain upright. Across the room, Garnet appears to be on the brink of splitting apart. She... shards, her primary instinct screams for her to violently discard every last bitter tasting word Amethyst has spoken into the furthest recesses of her mind, to rot and decay there for the rest of this cursed eternity, and yet still her picture perfect memory chooses to taunt her with details of the recent past... with the hauntingly damning fact that— when she checked the bathroom after watching Steven warp away, the last moment any of them laid eyes on him— the bottles of diamond essence had indeed been sloppily spilled into the bathtub.
“Her words, mind you, not mine,” Amethyst continues, no amount of stabilizing calm in her tone able to mask the slight tremor under the surface. “You can ask her yourself, if you want.”
“No,” she whispers, hot tears budding in her eyes as she presses her hands to her mouth. “That’s not what happened, it can’t be...”
“So, returning to my theory, you have a kid who’s already feeling terrible, someone whose powers do whatever he’s feeling. A diamond. And then he makes the worst possible mistake: he shatters someone. Accident or not, it don’t matter. Because maybe then... he starts feeling like a monster. Becomes a monster.”
“No,” she shakes her head vehemently. “No, no. Corruption doesn’t work that way, you—“
“Like, think about it!” Amethyst interrupts, striding towards her again. “Really think about it! All we know for sure is—“
“Amethyst, you have to STOP, this—“
“—corruption was caused by the Diamonds, but besides tha—“
“—you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking abo—“
“—how it actually works is like a total mystery!”
“NO!” she explodes, plunging the room around her into a dreadful silence. “You weren’t there, but I WAS!!” The burdens of her personal history grow heavier still as she jabs a decisive finger square at the center of her chest, continuing her impassioned tirade with water trailing down her cheeks in thin rivulets all the while. “I watched as that horrid corrupting light slammed against the surface, nearly obliterating any living Gem in its path, I watched as my friends and allies lost all control over their forms and became a twisted shadow of their former selves, I watched all of that!! So you don’t get to tell me what I do or don’t know about corruption!”
Amethyst’s expression sobers considerably in the audience of her outrage. Pointedly, as if expecting rescue, she turns her gaze to Garnet, who has her arms hugged around her middle as if holding herself in one piece. Quite honestly, after the horrid news they’ve just become privy to, she probably is.
“We should move on to a new subject,” the fusion states frankly, once again avoiding any clear stance on the topic. “This is clearly making Pearl very upset.”
The quartz’s eyes alight in clear indignation. “Y’know what? Fine,” she spits, shoving her hands in her pockets and storming towards the doorway. “If both of you are gonna be that sensitive, I’ll take my ideas somewhere else. But just for the record?” she says, whirling back to face them mere inches before passing through the temple’s threshold. “The reason Steven keeps running away is staring back at us in the mirror. You just refuse to see it. And that’s not my problem.”
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