#I should draw him as Ryu because he is Ryu
doctorsiren · 5 months
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another round of testing textured canvases
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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paraliveimaginesblog · 3 months
Ello! I would like to request the same request you've gotten before "S/O wearing a low-cut dress" but with different characters. Hajun, Ryu, Shiki, Ryoga, and Itsuki. If that's all okay, thank youuu~!
Hajun Yeon:
Hajun always felt the fiery bite of jealousy when you purposely wore outfits to draw attention to yourself, knowing it was simply how you had always been but hating that he loved the confidence that was also his downfall. He doesn’t police you but he does act more possessive than normal, his comments particularly biting when someone looks at you even a second too long.
Itsuki doesn’t have many comments on your outfit, though he does worry about you falling or making wrong step and revealing yourself to the world. If the weather is cooler he would insist you take a jacket, puzzled when you teased him about jealousy when he was truly just stopping you from getting a cold. He fixes your outfit often when you were together due to worrying about everyone getting an eyeful of your but it makes you feel doted on, so you don’t mind.
Ryoga Tosa:
Ryoga is always on guard dog duty when he’s out with you, so your clothes didn’t really factor into the equation. If you’re going somewhere a little more questionable or sleazy he might worry about you attracting too much attention, as he’s trying to avoid a longer prison sentence, but he thinks you should wear what you want. He’s never been a restrictive boyfriend (because he can fight) but he won’t let anyone disrespect you when he’s around.
Ryu Natsume:
Ryu makes a few comments, but they’re innocent considering who he is. He’s confused at first, asking where the rest of your suit went as so much skin wasn’t suited to being in space. He won’t say he doesn’t like it but he does notice you’re getting more attention, loudly pointing it out which soon shames the on lookers. He thinks you’re a dazzling star regardless of what you wear, promising to explore the endless galaxy with you regardless of your lack of proper clothing.
Shiki Ando:
Shiki can’t even look at you when you wear anything that’s short or low-cut, feeling embarrassed or like he shouldn’t be seeing it even if you were dating. It was cute seeing him get flustered but you tried not to push it, knowing he could get easily overwhelmed. It’s not super common to go out with him in a provocative outfit but you enjoyed looking cute, and you especially loved when Shiki stuttered out a compliment with a completely pink face.
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ryuichirou · 4 months
As many as I can write in 30 minutes let’s go!
Starting with a couple of asks about our post from yesterday.
Anonymous asked:
I'm guessing the bunny is because of Deuce's hometown event and the fox is because of Ace dealing with Fellow.
Yes and no! It’s one of the reasons, but these two also have pretty strong vibes of these animals, especially Ace. He is such a sly little fox pup sometimes lol
Anonymous asked:
That recent Ace/Deuce post had my mind absolutely working overtime with ideas.
But they all just kept coming back to the White Rabbit Fest, even when it didn't really fit a fox Ace kinda thing.
Anyway, besides that, I really love Ace/Deuce ship stuff, so seeing you do art of them is an absolute treat!
Thank you so much, Anon! <3 I am very happy that you like it!
They couldn’t allow Ace-the-fox to enter the rabbit arena lol poor foxy.
I really like this theme for these two. Should draw it again at some point…
Anonymous asked:
Hi! Have any of you considered posting fanfics (novels)? 👀 Love your work as always btw, take care
Hi, Anon! Thank you for your kind words :)
I am not really a writer, so I haven’t considered it. I love coming up with headcanons and I think I am pretty good with dialogues for our comics, but writing a proper story (even a very short one) is just way too difficult for me. I can’t even write these replies fast enough… so I’ll stick to what I do best and keep drawing <3 Out of the two of us, Katsu is the writer, but Katsu’s main focus right now is Nebula. To be completely honest, fanfics in general aren’t our cup of tea… (That being said, Katsu did write a couple of fanfics before, albeit not twst-related)
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
Do you have a Cara account or is it only bluesky?
Only bluesky for now :(
It seems like Cara is mainly a portfolio app, which is good (especially if it’s AI free), but right now we don’t really see the point in posting there – it’s not for art of yaoi boys kissing, which is the majority of things I draw. Things could change of course, but right now we’re sticking to bsky.
unofficialwheatdog asked:
The the way you draw Fellow Honest
My husband
it makes him so much more handsome like I have to kiss him the second he's on screen
How dare you worsen my obsession/j
(jkjk I love your art and if it's ok with you, I very much want to save the fellow honest image just so I can stare at it for five hours pls and thank you)
I am so happy you like how he looks in my style!! Especially if it worsens your obsession lol
Of course, feel free to save it and look at it; enjoy your fluffy husband lol
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
FELLOW AND GIDEL ARE HERE!!! They look so good in your style!!
Thank you so much!
Anonymous asked:
Just saw your recent replies and IT MAKES ME SOOO HAPPY!
Let's GOOOOO fellow (heh) Top!Gidel x Bottom!Fellow likers!!!
And reading your replies about their ship! UGH👌👌👌 Ryu such good taste you have! Oh dear.. I love it all!
I am honestly (..heh) looking forward if you have more art of them specially the shippy ones 👀 I'll be on the lookout. Also thank you for the food! 🙏
Hehe I am happy you’re happy Anon!!
Thank you so much for being so excited, I hope we’ll post a lot of stuff with these two in the nearest future…! <3
Anonymous asked:
OOOOH I SAW MOBS BOSSES X FELLOW ADDED TO THE LIST.... I do rly like the idea of fellow & gidel, but mob bosses x fellow is soooo juicy for art and hcs...... thoughts? plans?? plz plz plz this is living in my head RENT FREE... 😍
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3
Well we do have a lot of sketches with Fellow and his bosses (nsfw ones)… and we do have an ask with hcs about them, so if everything goes well, you’ll get more juicy stuff soon. Let’s hope! 💪
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artthemasquerade · 2 months
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Violence Jack Crybaby and Amon OVA concept art
I thought it would be fun to make some sketches of Jack of how he might look depending on the different adaptions Devilman has had, since Jack is a reborn Akira! I thought it would be good to give both versions of Jack longer hair since Jack is a lot more wilder compared to when he was Akira. I can imagine Crybaby Jack would be wearing a black coat and trousers since Akira in crybaby wore all black, and unlike his more empathic past self, Jack who is the embodiment of the compassion burn out Akira suffered towards the end(in my crybaby verse, Akira still abandons humanity after Miki's death because his tears had dried up for them too not just Ryo/Satan) and for a long while he doesn't seem to care about the pain of others until he encounters Ryu Takuma and the plight humanity suffers under the Slum King, he never really gets his old emotional state back but he does slowly regain his care of others. Amon OVA Jack has furs draped over his shoulders to echo the fur the design for Amon had, and Jack also has a the wrist bands and chain necklace as a reflection of his past self, the same goes for the leather pants and dark blue coat he wears, again echoing that late 90s and early 00s vibe Akira had in the Amon OVA. Amon Jack is extremely brutal to his enemies but is kind to the innocent, a part of him that does remember who he was and how much he had once failed mankind by abandoning them out of grief in losing Miki and focusing instead on getting his revenge on Ryo/Satan for betraying him.
These were fun to do, I didn't do any designs for OVA and 009 Jack since I figured that they would look pretty similar to the manga or OVA version of Jack XD But yeah it was good to draw a big muscular man like Jack and I should do an actual digital art piece of him soon!
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lemon-wedges · 1 year
you draw herlock crossdressing quite often ... and also ryuu in dresses w maid ryuu .. i think you should do it with barok too . for the fans . put some lipstick on that beast etc .. it would be great too bc well . hes boobs 👍
Honestly. Its because I haven't found a specific dress i like for him. Most of herlocks dresses are taken from French cabaret posters and given how prudish victorians are (MAKEUP???? Whore.) he's the only one I think would embrace it. Ryu is in maid dresses because....well he just seems like the kind of guy who would accidently get himself a job as a maid
As for barok? Hmmmmm hmmm what would he wear? Tbh whenever I try to think of one my brain puts him in victorian lingerie more than an actual dress? 🤔
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purplekoop · 5 months
A bit belated of a topic, but last week's holiday and a few other things have me positing the possibilities of "joke" weapons for War Bots.
The tricky thing is that it's hard to define what a joke weapon really counts as. My go-to definition for a joke character, weapon, move, etc in a game would be something like "funny in execution but not practical", but this is still a hard line to draw. In large part it's because comedy is subjective, and what one person finds funny could just be annoying to someone else, but it's also hard to define what the "funny" part should be.
For instance, Smash Bros has a variety of answers to what joke characters it has. To a casual fan, characters like Jigglypuff, Mr. Game and Watch, Wii Fit Trainer, Duck Hunt, and Piranha Plant are joke characters due to their conceptual absurdity in just being playable in this game. To a more competitively inclined person, Ganondorf and Little Mac are instead the joke characters because of their incredibly min-maxed skillsets making them extremely unviable in serious competitive play, thus the joke becomes not their existence, since they feel like they seriously should be here, but rather their functionality. Sometimes these opinions align, Plant has been considered pretty lackluster, but sometimes they directly clash, like Jigglypuff being one of Melee's best characters. But according to the series creator (not looking up the exact source so Dude Trust Me), Smash doesn't have joke characters at all. Every character is made as seriously as everyone else, regardless of who they are or how well they end up doing competitively. I personally think that Smash's only true joke character is Melee Pichu, an absurd and dated inclusion almost certainly here due to Melee's tiny development period leading to abundance of clones in its roster, and a character so deliberately self-detrimental with no redeeming qualities that it's a miraculous accident that there are worse characters competitively than them. Their trophies even allude to jow terrible they are, and how they should just scramble for items rather than seriously fighting on their own. But even then, when they returned for Ultimate, they were "un-joked" and turned into a serious character with the lowest durability and a self-damage mechanic, but also genuine strengths over Pikachu that made them a seriously competitive character that was even NERFED early into the game's lifespan. Pichu is a real character now who has a genuine place in the game's cast, and isn't just a comically undertuned throw pick used to flex on your friends if you somehow win with them.
A similar but more infamous deliberately bad fighting game character is Dan Habiki, who got his start in Street Fighter Alpha before becoming a series mainstay. In Alpha, he was very literally a joke, made to make fun of Capcom's rival fighting game company SNK and their suspiciously similar looking gi-wearing fireball-throwing martial arts man, Ryo. To poke fun at this imitation of Ryu, Dan is a deliberately terrible clone of Ryu, with a pitifully weak close-range fireball in place of the gameplay-defining hadouken of his more competent counterparts. His one strength? Taunting. In Alpha, every other character can only taunt once per round, but Dan can spam his taunt as much as he pleases. He can even pull off a super taunt, which uses meter like a normal super, but does no damage and leaves him exceedingly vulnerable. The ultimate flex. This puts him in a very stark contrast to Akuma, the secret superboss character of SF2 that was banned in that game's competitive play, but has since become toned down to be a much more competitively fair character in the rest of the series. Similarly, and just like Pichu, Dan was turned into a serious character in terms of competitive usability in later installments, though retained his comical nature by incorporating his goofy nature into his gameplay. He's still funny, but now he's taken seriously as a character. In SF5 he actually somehow had infinite combo, a rarity in a big-name modern fighting game. This was patched out by giving his aforementioned terrible fireball, which is part of the infinite combo, a random chance to come out as a stronger red fireball. This gave Dan an appropriately funny random chance to throw out a stronger attack, but also the way the red fireball launches the opponent breaks the infinite. It's a buff and a nerf at the same time, a paradox so delightfully and thoroghly Dan.
Fighting games have a more storied history of deliberate joke characters past Pichu and Dan, which are too numerous to go into here in full detail. Skullgirls has Fukua and Robo Fortune, parodies of real characters Filia and Miss Fortune of dubious canonocity that owe their existence to jokes too complicated for me to explain now. Sega's old internal crossover fighting game, Fighters Megamix, has a roster including cast members from Virtua Fighter, Fighting Vipers, Sonic the Fighters, and... a car from Daytona USA. Excellent youtuber Leon Massey has a recent video discussing Tekken 3's two terrible bottom tier joke characters, which I highly recommend giving a watch.
But this is all a bit of a tangent, with the main point being that the culture of fighting games makes it unclear sometimes what a joke character really is, while also deliberate joke characters are often made more serious as a series goes on, but still retaining their identity as "funny".
For a more relevant genre, let's talk class shooters... and by that I mean TF2. Overwatch doesn't really have joke characters, it's not a game devoid of humor but it likes to take its cast seriously.
TF2 doesn't really have joke characters either, the cast was made well ahead of the game devolving into mediocre Adult Swim humor, but TF2 *does* have interchangeable weapons introduced later on. Most of these are serious additions to a character's arsenal, even if in somewhat comical forms like a ham sandwich or a soda can. But even in its earlier alternate weapons, there additions that felt like deliberate downgrades added for either sheer fun or comedy value, like the Huntsman being a questionably useful alternative to the hyper-efficient sniper rifle that's validated by just kinda being funny to use and see in action.
As the game went on though, there's very clear instances of joke weapons that aren't useful but funny, weapons that are plain bad but not in a funny way, and weapons with comical concepts but genuine uses in gameplay. The Holy Mackerel is functionally identical to Scout's weak default baseball bat, but announces every hit in the kill feed and humiliates enemies on death with the condemnation of a "Fish Kill", because hitting people with a fish is funny. The Hot Hand meanwhile has Pyro slap people twice with a unique glove, and is objectively kinda useless, which adds up to being a vaguely funny throw weapon. The Pomson 3000 is a cool-looking shotgun alternative for the Engineer that is just terrible, but in a way that isn't funny or interesting, just kinda frustrating. And the Second Banana is one of the final weapons ever added, given to Heavy as a gag pity prize to rub in how he lost to Pyro in a vote for a major update... but it ended up being a seriously viable sidegrade to the Sandvich, with its stat adjustments giving it pros and cons that fit a slightly different playstyle over Heavy's mainstay secondary. It was a joke in concept, but a valid choice in practice.
This all adds up to joke options being kind of. Weird. Not only in the variable nature of comedy, but also in how seriously they get taken in practice. Sometimes what wasn't meant to be a joke becomes one, sometimes what was meant to be a joke is taken seriously, and sometimes this status flips over time.
...this post became very long and eventually wasn't about War Bots, so I'll go into my ideas there later on. There's more I wanted to talk about, didn't even get to taunt kills, but god this is a lot to type on a phone so give me a break.
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nian-7 · 9 months
haiii!! can I req a platonic and romantic matchup for pjsk and paralive if it's okay? my name's vani, and I'm bigender and bisexual! I'm also an aquarius and an INTP-T 9w1!
my hobbies include anything creative! (like drawing, making jewellery, etc) and collecting cute plushies and dolls!
I like cats, hamsters, hedgehogs, astrology, video games (mainly rpg and rhythm/music based games) and writing!
i dislike insects, having to follow through a specific routine, anything scary or horror related, and vegetables (im picky…)
personality wise, I can be considered quiet, reserved and a bit cold at first…but when it comes to friends, I try my best to match with their energy! not everyone understands my humor so i have VERY few friends. I'm also a bit indecisive sometimes and I feel uncomfortable whenever someone is mad at me. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I tend to be blunt. i also have a hard time communicating and understanding people's emotions sometimes.
(I'm not sure what else to put now....but hope this is enough!) thanks in advance and have a great day!! :3c
hi, vani!! please enjoy :]
I match you with... (platonically)
Kanade Yoisaki!
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-So, Kanade isn't someone who'd get mad at you or blame you when you have a hard time understanding emotions. She understands that people struggle with different things and wants to help you with it!
-Your quietness and more reserved nature would probably be a nice match as her friend because she's similar. She'd like to have some quiet but quality time with a friend.
-You both just seem similar and complimentary to each other and that's why you both would get along. The both of you can understand and help each other through things because of the similar personalities!
I match you with... (romantically)
An Shiraishi!
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-An is like sunshine and I matched you with her because I feel like she could help you come out of your shell and maybe introduce you to the rest of VBS!
-She might be a little pushy but it's just because she loves you and wants to help you! She's not the type of person to be mad with you or want you to feel uncomfortable around her, she strives for you to be comfy and happy with her as your girlfriend!
-Emotions and communication can be hard and so she tries to understand that. She'll always try to help with communication but also wants you to remember that communication is key! She won't know things if you don't tell her!
-She'd honestly love to see your cute collections and would always be so happy when you show her a new one you got. She feels special just being able to see it!
I match you with... (platonically)
Shiki Ando!
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-You might remind Shiki of Nayuta a little bit and that's probably a reason he wanted to become friends with you. Beside the point, he'd be a nice friend who also has a hard time communicating and with his emotions (maybe in a slightly different way but still).
-Being friends with Ryu probably helped with him trying to understand your humor more since Ryu's a bit on the weird side. He doesn't mind it at all though, no judgement from him!
-Seeing as he also has few friends, he cherishes you a lot and even if you two might not be the best communicators, he still loves to be around you! He's happy he's made another friend that he can bring over.
I match you with... (romantically)
Zen Gaho!
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-SImilar to An, I think Zen could bring you out of your shell a little bit by introducing you to Akan Yatsura. They're his family so they should know when he's got a partner, right? Obviously, he'll save that for when you feel ready though!
-Knowing you tend to be on the reserved side, he wouldn't try to force you out of your shell or try to force you to do anything. Take your time and he'll hold your hand the whole way. Just as long as you promise to try little by little!
-Tries his best to have you eat some vegetables as well... He'll sneak them in just a little so you eat at least a few. He wants you to branch out but also stay in your comfort zone.
-Tried one of your rhythm games once and immediately died. He really tried but his eyes just couldn't catch on to when he needed to tap.
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kingkunigami · 2 years
im back (i was the fight + make up anon) because im not particularly enamored with my lab. Also, major possibility of ooc characterisation—i love to project personal interests onto fictional men.
Do you think Shidou wears eyeliner? Or do you think his eyes are just Like That ™, because I'm not sure if it was ever clarified in the manga..
I'm choosing to believe it's drawn on, because I'm certain Shidou would take great pleasure in cajoling his partner into doing it for him.
You have to be on his lap, or him on yours (so you can get closer. to do it more accurately, of course), and if he grinds up (or down) against you, can you really blame him?
The feeling of your body settled against his, one of your hands cupped against his face, the other resting against his cheek as you draw—his hands have nowhere to go but right onto your body.
And if, when he asks you to help him with his eyeliner for the nth time, you wave him off, grumbling that you know what he wants, he might play innocent.
Really? What is it that he wants? And if you already know what he wants, maybe you should give it to him. He's been so well-behaved lately (he's only gotten one red card in the past week), so doesn't he deserve a reward?
And please let me know if you're okay with me sending more, or if you're closing your inbox for now!
Omg no don’t worry I am forever making men OOC for my own benefit😂🥺
I love the idea of Shidou wearing eyeliner! It just feeds into his cocky persona, and the thought of him sitting down to tug you between his spread thighs and handing you the eyeliner to do it for him has me woozy. The fact that he wouldn’t even ask half the time, he’d just hold you in place between his thighs as he squeezes your hips and you hold his face to apply it. Telling him to stop being too handsy or you’ll jolt and ruin it, but to him that’s just a challenge as he spanks your ass in retaliation.
And you’re not naive, you know what he wants when he’s sliding his fingers into the back of your shorts and squeezing the soft plush of your ass, but you try to stay focused. Pulling back to glare at him as he gives you the most disingenuous innocent look you’ve ever seen.
“I dunno what you mean, baby.” His voice is a sickly saccharine, too sweet for the likes of him as his hands betray him, fingertips brushing your lower lips as they sneak beneath your panties.
“Don’t you dare,” You try to glare, but he catches you off guard when he nudges your tight entrance, feeling the wet slick that’s already collecting at the opening as your legs buckle.
“I dunno, sweetheart.” He grins, “Seems like you want it.”
The eyeliner is balled in one of your fists now as you lay your arms over his shoulders to try and steady yourself, lashes fluttering as he continues pressing the tip of his finger inside you. Barely to the first knuckle as you begin to roll your hips into him for more friction, a motion that doesn’t go unnoticed by Shidou who grins.
“You’re such a pervert, Ryu.” You whine as he pulls his hand away from your cunt, swiftly curling his fingers into the hem of your shorts to pull them down your thighs to let them fall around your ankles.
A cocky grin spreads on his face as he shamelessly palms the tent in his shorts before he tugs the material down just enough to free his aching cock. And of course he wasn’t wearing boxers, he really did plan this again, “I love it when you talk dirty to me, baby. Really gets me goin’”
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snowdust64 · 2 months
Ouma Great War Chronicles - Episode 41: For It to Be in This Form
Narrator:  In the showdown between Genzuki and Nikaido, Genzuki prevailed with the reinforcement of the talismas granted by the God of Music. While their intense fight unfolded, Nagao and Kaida also prepared to raise their battle flags. *
scene:  Star of Kiou Headquarters, Founder’s Room
Nagao:  Masamune-san. We’ll be your opponents. It pains me to say it, but I can’t face you one-on-one yet. You were the one who taught me to use any means available in a fight. Hope you won’t mind taking on the two of us together.
Saionji:  Fine by me, but… Seeing my own disciples dead will unbearable, no doubt.
Kaida:  Don’t be drawing conclusions. We’ll be the ones to defeat you.
Saionji:  Easier said than done. However ─
Kaida:  …!
Nagao:  Haru!
sfx:  blades clashing
Nagao:  Ghuh…!
Saionji:  Not saying it’s impossible, but I doubt you two will be able to do anything to me.
Nagao: Damn it…
Kaida:  Sorry, Nagao! Are you okay?
Nagao:  Yeah. But this guy’s gonna be a handful for sure. We need all the fighting spirit we’ve got.
Kaida:  I’ll try to distract him somehow. Nagao, you attack at that opening.
Nagao:  Got it, counting on you then!
Saionji:  You’ll lose if you rely on sheer force. You know that better than anyone, don’t you?
Nagao:  Shut it –! I won’t be your dear little disciple forever!
Kaida:  (Now’s the moment!)
sfx:  blades clashing
Kaida:  Under my family name “Kaida,” call forth demon-drowning jutsu:  sui (water), sei (stillness), ryu (flow), sen (piercing through) ─ ka (vortex)!
Saionji:  What’s this, Haru? You wanna play with water? Still a kid, huh!
Kaida:  (Tch, I wanted to at least obstruct his view, but he dodged it. But I’m not done yet…!) Under my family name “Kaida,” call forth demon-incinerating jutsu:  en (flame), shou (scorch), byou (rivet), baku (explode)!
Saionji:  Oi oi, isn’t it dangerous to use jutsu like this indoors?
sfx:  slash
Kaida:  No way…!  (With just the air draft from swinging his sword, he put out the flames!? How is that even possible!? But by making him take such a wide swing, even Masamune-san should be left with an opening!)
Nagao:  Got you!
Saionji:  Whoa now ─ … What’s this, you’ve gotten good enough to land a scratch on my cheek.
Naago:  You gotta be kidding me… There wasn’t any time to react to that!
Kaida:  Nagao, let’s try again! We’ll do better this time!
Nagao:  Ngh, yeah!
sfx:  blades clashing
Nagao:  (I pushed myself to my limits enduring my training under Masamune-san. Repeatedly drilling what he taught me, practicing continuously… I though I’d progressed, but… Can I not even measure up to his ankles yet!?) **
Saionji:  Your thoughts are wandering, Kei.
sfx:  blades clashing
Nagao:  … ngh!
Saionji:  And Haru, acting too carefully will fail the task.
Kaida:  … I know that.
Nagao:  You really are strong, as expected. So why, then… Why are you using that strength for the Star of Kiou!?
Saionji:  … I have various things going on too. Don’t be needlessly nosy. Anyway, those who get in my – in the Star of Kiou’s way, be it my disciples or anyone else, I’ll slay them all.
 Nagao:  … nh! Quit spewing nonsense!
Kaida:  (Ahh, he recklessly…! No, that’s not true. With that speed, right now, if I can divert Masamune-san’s attention – !) Sui (water), ju (soft), shin (submerge), man (full)… ka (vortex)!
sfx:  spell activating
Saionji:  What, you took this strategy earlier ─
Kaida:  Under my family name “Kaida,” call forth demon-drowning jutsu:  sui (water), sei (stillness), ryu (flow), sen (piercing through) ─ ka (vortex)!
Saionji:  !?  (Because of the water mixing into the swamp, my footing is… Moreover, he purposely lowered the power when he first used the technique…!)
Nagao:  This time I have you! … ngh!
Saionji:  Kei…
Nagao:  Kh, horaahh!!
sfx:  slash
Saionji:  Ghahh!? Hah… You’re pretty good, aren’t you…
Nagao:  …  (I finally won against Masamune-san… But I never wanted for it to be in this form.)
sfx:  footsteps
Genzuki:  Kei-kun, are you okay?
Nagao:  … Yeah. Thanks, Toujirou.
Kaida:  … Really? There’s no way you could be okay.
Nagao:  I cut down a comrade I looked up to. To be honest, I’m pretty exhausted. Things like, where did he start down the wrong path, and could there have been a way to prevent this from happening… There’s a lot I want to say. But, with Masamune-san as our opponent, once he had decided to fight, there was no way out of this. I dealt a pretty deep injury, so he shouldn’t be opening his eyes anytime soon. When all of this is over, I’ll meet him again, face-to-face.
Kaida:  … Alright. Then, right now, we continue on.
Nagao:  Yeah. Let’s go.
Translation notes
*  “raise their battle flags” – in place of the Japanese idiom, “raise the smoke signal,” which means preparing for battle, or more generally, signaling for the beginning of a major event
**  Just to clarify – “Can I not even measure up to his ankles” is a metaphor referring to how Saionji is so far above him in skill that Nagao can’t even reach the level of his ankles.
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Haru + Notebook
@dandylion240 can you believe I managed to keep this one short?
A notebook, Haru thinks, is an odd gift for someone who can barely read or write.
Part of him wants to be annoyed because Eden should really know better than to give him something he can't use, but he can't bring himself to be upset. Eden sent this to him all the way from Canada after all, and that on its own means something.
The notebook is bigger than normal. It's at least twice the size of the ones Ryu and Senjirō like to write their lyrics in, and maybe three times the size of Taiji's journal. It's bound on the edge with a thin metal coil. The front cover has a picture of chrysanthemums, Haru's favourite flower. He smiles when he realizes Eden obviously remembered that.
He's still contemplating what he's meant to do with the large notebook when Taiji strolls into their room. Taiji glances over at him, where he's sprawled on his bed with the book in front of him.
"Nice scrapbook," Taiji comments.
Haru scrunches up his face in confusion. "Nice... what?"
"Scrapbook," Taiji repeats. "Where'd you get it?"
"Eden sent it to me in the mail," Haru tells him. "Scrapbook?"
"Yeah, you know," says Taiji. "You put your memories in it. Photos, old movie tickets, birthday cards... stuff like that. Or you can draw pictures in it."
"So, it's not for writing?"
"Well, you could write stuff in it if you wanted to, I guess, but there probably aren't any lines on the pages."
Haru flips up the cover of the scrapbook and discovers that Taiji is correct. There are no lines. The pages are a rich ivory colour, edged with a border of delicate pink in the same shade as the flowers on the front.
He looks up at Taiji, intrigued. "How did you know?"
"Uh... because it says 'scrapbook' on the cover," Taiji says.
Haru closes it and studies the cover again. There's text in fancy white letters at the top. The font is pretty, but Haru has no hope of decoding it, and decides he'll just have to take his friend's word that it says 'scrapbook'. He can barely read Japanese, his first language, at the best of times. Unless he's feeling particularly mentally sharp, he doesn't even try to tackle English, and even then he needs it to be written in nice big unambiguous fonts.
"Did Eden send you anything else?" Taiji asks.
"Yeah. He sent me a card with a note."
"Want me to read it to you?"
Haru nods. He picks up the card that was in the package with the scrapbook, and passes it to Taiji.
Eden has figured out by now that unless he sends an email or text which Haru can have his iPad's screen reader speak aloud to him, any written correspondence will have to be read to him by an actual person. He's learned to keep handwritten notes polite and clean, so as not to embarrass Haru or make things awkward for his designated reader.
In the note, Eden explained all about the purpose of the scrapbook, and said that he's started compiling some memories in one of his own.
"At the end he says 'I love you'." Taiji concludes.
Taiji hands the card back to him. He runs his fingertips over the image on the front, and smiles when he recognizes it as one of the note cards Eden had bought in Harajuku that summer when they'd visited Tokyo together. He loved showing Eden all around his home city, and he can hardly wait for the opportunity to travel to Canada, so Eden can show him around his own hometown.
A book to put your memories in. That's what Taiji had said.
Haru opens the card and gazes at Eden's painstakingly precise handwriting. He can decipher some of the words, and could probably read them all if he put the time and effort in. He's not too worried, though. The important ones, he knows immediately on sight; the kanji for his own name, the one for love, and Eden's name printed neatly in English letters.
He doesn't have to think too hard to decide what the first page of his new scrapbook will contain.
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milkywayscap-blog · 3 months
Is it weird to experiment?
Maybe Leo was right maybe he should have just stayed curious and his lane. Because now here he is in his crush’s bedroom with a couple of other guy friends and he has to act as if he’s not completely panicking on the inside. Vlad almost jumps when Ryu, his crush, puts a hand on his shoulder, “You alright Vlad? You seem a little out of it,” “Yeah I’m fine just been distracted due to all the tests lately,” Vlad lies through his teeth giving Ryu a small smile. The other boy gives Vlad an unsure look before nodding and heading back to contribute to the game downstairs. Vlad lets out a sigh of relief as he calms himself down, “You’re acting like an idiot and with all of your guy friends here too… I was so stupid to agree to this,” He mutters as he followed Ryu downstairs. His friends were supportive so there wasn’t much to worry about if they found out about him but he had no idea how Ryu would react and that scared him a lot more than he would like to admit.
When the rest of the boys had fallen asleep it was just Ryu and Vlad up now, “We should probably get to bed no point in staying up if everyone else is down for the count,” Vlad says trying to make up an excuse as he starts to get off of Ryu’s bed when the other pulls him back, “No, it’s fine. We can just play some duo games until we get tired plus we can always draw on their faces,” Ryu grins and Vlad chuckled a bit whether it be out of nervousness or how close his crush is to his face he doesn’t quite know that yet…
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Hiiii may I request a bouquet of yellow carnations, sunflowers, and peonies for Yohei, please? Thank you <333
Yohei Kanbayashi:
🌻peony: how do they get their s/o to blush? how does their s/o make them blush?
Being sincere and romantic in a moment that doesn’t necessarily call for it. There are times where he’s ‘competing’ with Saimon for the sake of his manhood and it’s always in good fun, but you genuinely cheering him on always made him feel a little embarrassed. He doesn’t want you to stop, he’s just not used to being so openly loved.
Yohei makes you blush from his natural smoulder and just the casual ways he enjoys touching you. Sometimes when you're talking he'll just start playing with the ends of your hair or fiddling with the sleeve of your jacket, anything he can get his hands on while you're talking. There are also times where he hints that he wants a kiss, sticking a cigarette between his lips without lighting it to draw your attention there; you think it's funny because he's never noticed that he does this.
🌻sunflower: how would they confess their feelings to their crush?
Yohei had preached to Shiki and Ryu, when prompted, that honesty was the best policy when it came to confessing. You should let the other person know how you feel, clearly, and then once your emotions were across you could face the next step. But love with him had always been messy, so having a straight-forward love affair left him a little… nervous. He would still be honest but he fumbled with his words when it came down to it, not sure what was too weak or too strong, finding that the whole ‘listen to your heart’ mumbo jumbo didn’t help when your heart was a mess like you were.
🌻yellow carnations: how would they act if they were rejected by the person they like?
Yohei just kind of accepts it. He’s not the type to keep pressuring you or begging you to give him another chance to prove himself, it is what it is. If you change your mind, maybe he’ll be interested and maybe he won’t, it really just depends on how your lives go.
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Some replies!
Anonymous asked:
I didn't realize it was possible to filter without tags. Thank you!
No problem, Anon! I’m glad we could help. Have a nice day!
Anonymous asked:
(this is about this art)
Hehe yeah…
I was looking at my first sketches of fem!Azul recently, and wow I draw her boobs bigger and bigger every single time. She wasn’t supposed to be this big… but alas.
Anonymous asked:
I feel like 2 bottoms and 1 top is more fun if the top has an extra dick situation going on, like 2 tops 1 bottom is great because humans come with AT LEAST two holes perfect for taking dick, and sometimes more 😌✨ so basically Ortho is the master dom of them all, but like, we already knew this ♥️
First of all, YES, this is usually our reasoning as well for preferring 2 tops 1 bottom, it’s just easier to navigate the holes and all lol But also you made such a good point??  Ortho absolutely would be able to have multiple of those, as many as he needs in fact! And also have a lot of different kinds of stimulation… wow, that’s OP. Ortho, your niichan created an unstoppable master dom…
Anonymous asked:
I just saw the Jellyfish post and the image of Silver bowing and pleading for others to golden shower him, so good
Lillia would love this, he trained his son so well, and he will of course give his cute son his pee as a treat
(this is about this post)
You imagined it!! I’m so happy, Anon. But also, sorry for that… (but also, you are welcome)
Poor Silver doesn’t even realise how it looks, oof… Lilia would almost pass away out of the sheer excitement and pride he felt at that moment.
Anonymous asked:
Kalim and idia would be a funny ship because idia could not handle how happy and positive Kalim is during the entire time they do it including aftercare
Awww, don’t be silly, Idia, what else should he do while doing it, cry?
Facts, Anon. Absolute facts. Kalim always behaves like this is the best moment of his life and it’s all about how awesome it is for him to be with Idia and to do what they are doing right now!!! How does one even react to that?..
But also I’m not sure if Kalim knows how to do aftercare... He is very used to just falling asleep afterwards and then suddenly waking up after a nap to continue the cuddles. Idia would suffer either way because he would try to carefully run away while Kalim is asleep… instantly waking him up and prompting him to start cuddling him with the widest smile possible!
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ryu! Hope you're having a nice day.
Real quick, what would Ortho do if he was replacing?
(I was doing some stupid shit on c.ai and it just popped into my head.)
What if Idia had a lover (you can use Azul or Lilia for this cuz we ship it. Or any other top that fits this scenario) and they died so Idia, just like he did with Ortho, tried to bring them back to life? Bc of this he became so possessive in an unhealthy way over them, shutting away the world like he did before, but that includes Ortho.
Hi Anon! I hope you’re having a nice day too :)
Ohh, interesting; honestly, it kind of sounds like an anxiety that Ortho could have. Similarly to how he usually treats Idia being in a relationship with someone: he is very happy, excited and supportive, but also very jealous because he actually really doesn’t want to share Idia with anyone.
In a way, I think he could make peace with Idia being with someone by thinking that what they have with Idia is special and totally different from what Idia and his boyfriend have. So if Idia’s boyfriend suddenly passes away, and Idia grief pushes him to shut away the world and focus on recreating that person, Ortho would feel horrible on many levels: both because of Idia pushing him away and because of Idia doing for that person something that was supposed to be special and their thing. And even though Ortho would recognise that Idia is hurting, and it’s probably selfish of him to be so against it, he might even try to act supportive, like “isn’t it cool, there will be the second one like me”, but he would probably hate that thing. I don’t know, I feel like it would end badly lol
Anonymous asked:
do you have any thoughts/ideas about a shroudswap au, in which ortho lived and it was idia who died? how do you think a human ortho like that would turn out?
Oof, I wonder if he would be better or much worse than Idia… I feel like Idia tortures himself for the most part (mentally), but with Ortho, even though he would still torture himself because of guilt, could also be more of a danger to others. At least because he is less secluded and more sociable in general.
Ortho was younger than Idia when the incident happened + he isn’t as insanely skilled as him, so I don’t think he would be able to build a robot and write an AI as fast as Idia (even for Idia it took a couple of years), but he would still try to do it. I think it would be his work-in-progress at the age of 16; he would just have a bunch of junk on his floor + an android torso with a silicon face that doesn’t move, because it’s not done yet. Ortho would still talk to it a lot.
I think Ortho would combat his grief and guilt by thinking that it’s up to him to honour Idia’s legacy, and he’ll talk about it a lot: about how he tries his best to be a good technomagician and a mechanic, and he would indeed be the best at his dorm, but not quite as good as Idia would’ve been in Ortho’s head.
Ortho would almost look like a normal guy, somewhat similar to Ace in the way he acts at times, but there would always be something uncanny about him because he is never 100% genuine and his heart is clearly closed from others. He would be the type to say “what? I’m friends with everyone” but have zero people whom he actually trusts. He prefers to talk to his half-built robot-brother more anyways.
Now, what I mean when I say that he is more likely to be dangerous is that while Idia is in terrible shape and his coping mechanisms aren’t the best, Ortho would bottle up his emotions more, as if he can’t allow himself to grieve properly because it is his fault. It would become very clear that he is still not over it once something triggers him and he becomes super resentful towards everyone and everything that isn’t Idia, or rather an idea of Idia in his head that gets more vague with every single day because he gets older, and he hates himself for “losing” him that way too. I think Ortho could express this frustration by being destructive because he would be in a very bad mental space…
Wow that turned dark lol
Anonymous asked:
I mean, that can be incorporated too!
My idea is that Azul is surrounded by a faceless mob and he is forced to sign contract after contract. None of them are for his benefit, though, they are basically trading away any and all of his skills and talents while the crowd laughs at him. After a few times, the contracts start ripping away body parts that correspond to his talents (I.e. singing would be his vocal cords, swimming would be his tentacles/legs, etc.) until there’s barely anything left of him. Whatever is left is then served up as delicious takoyaki.
I swear I do like Azul.
(this is about Azul’s danganronpa-style execution)
Wow, that sounds perfect, Anon. destroyed by the very thing that empowered him in the first place and reduced to what the most helpless form there is available to him: an actual snack.
I would love to see it.
Anonymous asked:
Did you watch the lyric video for No Me Diga or this one: https://youtu.be/UrFH772ytzM?si=yjd1dMNYhAPp6Ybf because the linked version makes the song worse with the visuals 😂😂😂😂😂
Yep, I watched this one lol
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nerdnag · 8 months
meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
I'm like three weeks late to answering the asks I got for this ask game, but my ADHD group taught me I should be self-kind so: better late than never 🥰
(For anyone who doesn't know and is still interested in reading this ask for some inexplicable reason, Eifie's Meow Meow is Barok van Zieks from TGAA)
First impression
I'm not entirely sure but probably something along the lines of "why he gotta look so mad" and "is this edgeworth's forefather???"
• Impression now
Pathetic wet little kittycat that is nevertheless very lovable. My friend's ultimate little meow meow. A sort of big lump of oaf that doesn't have a very good hold of his emotions. Very hallowed. SO HARD TO DRAW OMG
• Favorite moment
Waaaah it's been a little too long since I last played the games (... last summer) but I like when he starts going along with Ryu's unconventional methods. I don't remember a specific moment. I'll have to revisit this question next time I play it through....
For now let's say my fave moment is the same as yours (is that stealing??? it's good though), i.e. the accused for murder leg slam
• Idea for a story
Disregarding the "Meow Meow writes wine fanfiction" (because that's probably more your idea than mine anyway), I guess I could always mention my plans for how to include him in Made of Magic i.e. my latest Fe3h fic 🤭 for you
• Unpopular opinion
I literally do not know what is the popular opinion and I do not know whether my opinions are popular or unpopular. Also this question gives me anxiety. But umm. I guess an unpopular opinion I have about Meow Meow is that he is horrible to draw for some reason I really hate drawing him (probably because of how his hair is styled and all the little details of his clothes). Yet I've drawn him so many times for you anyway so please take that as the highest compliment 🥰
• Favorite relationship
KAZUMA WITHOUT A DOUBT they are just a dream team. Again I don't remember if they are so in canon but in the fics I've read (and especially yours Eifie) their relationship is sooo 😣😖😫🤯
• Favorite headcanon
In my head I think Meow Meow is autistic, and although he slays at sarcasm, he is not very good at understanding social cues and probably draws the wrong conclusions from social interactions all the time. He also thinks that tumblr tags should be capitalized
(send me a character)
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thewildsorcerer · 1 year
“Go. Sleep. That’s not a request.”
exhaustion sentence starters
Caspian was no stranger to late nights. When Castor went missing, he'd stay up late each night either plagued by that one event causing this or being buried in books from libraries to figure out anything he could use to save him. Being in the borderlands was no different. Except they stayed up either to sketch or write in his journal.. or just because he couldn't sleep. Thankfully their glamour made him seem like they were always well rested-- instead of their usual dark eye bags under his eyes. Tonight was a night of sketching. Something he did because it kept their mind off things. Absently doodling away, it seemed to be wanting to draw a certain someone. His cheeks went red and he threw it aside but still out in the open, and started sketching again. Shit. Maybe he should go get some more coffee. Caspian sighed softly and they stood up from their desk, and headed for the door. But he paused, eyes flickering to the bottom of the door as he saw a shadow. Who was here? Why where they just standing here? They slowly walked up to the door and opened it, pausing as they saw Ryu in front of him. "Huh-? Ryu, what are you.."
"What are you doing up?" He asked, and Caspian kept a hand on the edge of the door. Huh? Why did he need to know that? Caspian's mentioned before that he usually doesn't sleep much. "Why are you up?" they shot back, before turning around and going back inside his room. Ryu followed after them and shut the door behind, telling Caspian that he was here to check on him and that his hunch was right. "I don't need to sleep right now.. Ive just been--" They started to protest but it was no use. "Go. Sleep. That's not a request."
Caspian paused for a moment, but they just sighed softly. As much as they wanted to fight and protest it.. it was nice to have someone care enough to make him go to sleep. So he grumbled, "Fine.. then why don't you stay over? You already know what I look like anyways, and my spell needs to recharge." Caspian muttered as he took off his coat and put it on the chair. Muttering a few words- the spell fell off and he sighed softly-- moving to fall face first onto the pillow. He turned his head to the side only slightly so his yellow eyes peeked out to look at Ryu "Well?" He asked, voice muffled a little bit, "You gonna join me or what?"
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