#I should have gotten help but I just let it happen
myokk · 17 hours
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fast sketch of my one-shot with Ominis💓
Word count: 1.700
Rating: M (language)
Ominis Gaunt is a lost case - lost to the whims of one very determined Gryffindor sitting at his side.
They sit in the back of the History of Magic classroom, the only two students not lulled to somnolence by their professor. He: trying his hardest to focus on Professor Binns’ droning (easier said than done). She: trying her hardest to distract Ominis while not being entirely sure of being successful or not (easier attempted than understood).
Professor Binns is completely insufferable, of course. Ominis wonders if the ghost is as blind as he is: Binns willfully ignores the fact that all of his students use his class as an excuse to get a nap in (maybe he simply doesn’t see them sleeping - only one of many reasons why Ominis has decided he could never be a professor), rambling on and on in the most boring way possible. As if he were trying to be as dull as possible (maybe he does it to avoid interacting with the students which…can’t be to blame). In a different life, Ominis could see himself quite liking the subject, but as things stand he despises it.
Especially now.
Ominis fervently wishes that he could fall asleep.
Then, he might avoid hearing her thoughts - they’re consuming him and he can’t ignore them as much as he would like to.
Normally, he loves this class - not the subject, obviously - but the class itself, for the sheer fact that it is the only time where he gets some peace and quiet. Everyone’s minds nice and quiet and shut off for the time being while they sleep. Although he has gotten used to ignoring the thoughts of everyone around him, their various voices mixing and mingling with each other into a dull thrum in the back of his mind, it is nice to have some quiet once in a while.
But right now, with everyone asleep except for the Gryffindor at his side, her thoughts are so loud it’s like she’s screaming at him.
So here he is, wishing he could fall asleep, leave the class, maybe turn off the infernal legilimency that has haunted him his whole life.
(His parents and Marvolo insist it’s a gift handed down from Slytherin himself, just like the Parseltongue Ominis despises. It is not. It is a curse.)
He is stuck listening to her.
It doesn’t help that she seems to have caught on to him - something he had managed to avoid until now. Nobody else, not even Sebastian or Anne, has ever suspected a thing. But, in all fairness, those two are extremely loud and say every single thought that passes through their minds out loud even when they should remain quiet, and nobody else has had the opportunity to spend enough time with Ominis to begin to suspect anything.
Until her.
He had to go and let that blasted girl worm her way into his life, not leaving him alone ever, always looking for excuses to talk and ask his opinion, and being so intelligent that he wanted to invite her to study with him and talk with him and…
Since it happened a few nights ago, he hasn’t stopped cursing himself for that stupid offhand comment he made. They had been studying in silence in the library together, by the history books where nobody else ever ventures (thank you, Professor Binns), and he could have sworn that she asked him if he was finally going to walk her back to her common room (he blames a lack of sleep and wishful thinking for this mishap). His traitorous face had flushed and he had jumped at the chance to escort her - maybe she would let him carry her bag, or… - only to feel his whole body go cold and his stomach drop when her response wasn’t what he’d expected.
A pause: then: a confused voice: ‘Ominis, I didn’t say anything.’
His Gryffindor wasn’t stupid like Gryffindors were normally wont to be. He knew her, and he knew that after his monumental mistake, the gears in her brain were turning and he was terrified that somehow she had figured it out.
(His Gryffindor?)
She had been unusually quiet around him since then, although he bitterly noticed that she was still acting normally with everyone else. Still finding every opportunity to punch Sebastian in the shoulder and laugh with Anne, still whispering with Natsai about Merlin knows what, still…
But she had been avoiding Ominis. He couldn’t stand it.
Well, avoiding him right until this stupid class, when she had to go and sit right next to him (ignoring the fact that she always sits next to him in History of Magic, that everyone already has and adheres to their unofficial seats), and he can’t ignore her.
She’s pretending to take studious notes, but he knows better. The scratching of her quill blending with the droning of Professor Binns’ voice but not drowning out her thoughts. They float above the other noises, her voice sweet and piercing. Ominis wonders vaguely what she’s actually writing, because he’s positive it isn’t notes.
Professor Binns looks so sexy right now with his medieval hat, talking about…whatever it is he’s passionate about. I wonder if he would let me talk to him after class without floating through me like he normally does…
Ominis is determined not to react. She’s obviously trying to bait him. But…what if she is attracted to Professor Binns? Is he an attractive man? At the thought, the fist that’s resting on top of his desk clenches, but he works to make sure his face remains impassive. Apart from a twitch of his lips, he thinks he’s been quite successful.
She: huffing and shifting in her chair, her robes rustling as she crosses her legs. He: keeping his head facing forward, steadfastly ignoring her.
She changes tactics.
Maybe she’s just as insufferable as the other Gryffindors, after all.
I wonder what Ominis would say if he knew I woke up moaning today after a dream about him -
He shifts slightly in his seat, hoping that she’s so busy taking notes (who’s he kidding) that she won’t notice his discomfort as his trousers tighten -
…the girls in my dorm have been bothering me nonstop about who I’ve been mooning over but I don’t want them to…
His hand is in such a tight fist it’s a wonder he’s not breaking any fingers as he tries to remain as still as possible, but his traitorous arousal is making her thoughts harder and harder to ignore. Had he ever been able to ignore her?
…his tongue was deep inside me as I screamed his name…
He feels his face heat up at the thought - where had she learned such vulgar language? - and his whole body stiffens. He’s sure that she can feel the tension and warmth radiating off of him in waves but that…she…his insane little lion keeps shouting at him in the silence of the classroom. She’s now stopped all pretense of taking notes and is sitting stock still.
…his cock deep inside of me as…wait…what else did I hear Garreth say to Leander that night?…um… She shifts uncomfortably, her knee grazing Ominis’s as she moves to squeeze her legs together. It’s all he can do to not groan and remain impassive. Oh god…I…what’s that feeling? This was just supposed to get back at him for probably - maybe - reading my thoughts and I’m officially insane because how would he even be able to do that?…his ears turning red from embarrassment are so adorable and I can’t stand this anymore and…
Ominis tries his hardest not to move his head in her direction. His jaw flexes. Maybe he can drown her out if he starts reciting potions ingredients, or if he focuses on what Professor Binns is saying, but even he knows its futile. He’s hanging on to her every word - thought? - and his head slowly turns in her direction as she keeps going.
…does he know how much I think about him? Oh god, what if he dreams of me the same way I…
He slams the open book in front of him shut, the loud noise causing Sebastian to jerk awake and babble incoherently for a moment before slumping back over his desk, drooling and snoring lightly. Nobody else in the class seems to notice except her of course. Blissfully, she has stopped talking - thinking - and he can finally -
It’s no use. He needs to get out of there. She has invaded his mind and…What if she starts up again with her filthy thoughts that are bleeding into his own and -
Did he hear me? I didn’t actually think…oh god, can he hear me now? What have I done?
Ominis very slowly brings his hand over to where he knows hers is. The quill falls out of her hand and he hears a sharp intake of breath at their contact. His fingers trace her knuckles and then he slowly trails them up her arm. His fingertips are so sensitive that he could swear that he feels every thread that he passes, her skin warm and alive underneath the fabric. Then to her neck, her throat bobs and he feels her erratic heartbeat. Finally, he reaches her face. She remains very, very still as his fingers brush over her features for the first time.
He has never touched someone like this before.
Her skin is like velvet, soft everywhere he touches. Now that he knows what it feels like he’s not sure he can go back to before. His fingers trace the curve of her eyebrows - he finds that her nose is straight before it flares up a tiny bit at the tip - his fingers ghost over her impossibly soft lips. He drags his thumb across her bottom lip as her tongue darts out to wet them. It’s impossibly intimate and the world has melted away and it’s just the two of them in that moment.
He leans forward.
“Ominis, I…” she whispers, stricken.
His hand moves to tuck some of her loose hair away from her face - does she always wear it like this? - and his lips brush against her ear. He inhales deeply, her sweet smell invading his senses. She shivers under his touch and he breathes, “I heard everything.”
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redfoxwritesstuff · 3 days
Home Is Where The Heart Is (Vox x reader Fluffer w/ light angst)
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Vox x Reader Rated: General Warnings: I accidently spilled a little angst on the fluff serving. Sorry? Summary: You're cooking dinner when your secret boyfriend comes home. Caught up in the moment, confessions are made and hearts are put on the line.
Come join us at VoxTek for a Vox themed Hazbin Hotel Discord server- You can Trust Us with your entertainment! Here's an Alastor themed Discord server as well
Masterlist AO3 KoFi
Humming in the kitchen, you danced around the sink as you listened absently to the televised concert. You had access to all the best channels, privilege granted by who your boyfriend was but that wasn’t why you were with him. You were with him, quite simply, because you loved him. You had loved him for a while, not that you dared to say it.
Sure he was powerful. Sure he had money. Sure he took care of you. He even kept you safe during the exterminations. 
But the most important part to you was that you loved him and he cared for you. 
That’s all there really was to it. 
Vox made a point to always walk into your apartment by the door. At least, whenever he was coming and going in any official sense. He was old fashioned in all the most romantic ways though you hadn’t expected it from the tech mogul.
There was a series of beeps as the pin code was entered into the door as your smile widened. With a flick to remove the extra water from the carrots you were washing, you set them aside quickly and snatched up a towel to dry your hands as you scurried toward the door.
“Welcome back,” You said as you threw your damp hands around Vox’s shoulders, smacking his screen with the towel on accident. 
“Hey,” he said simply, tension falling from his shoulders as he was enveloped in the daydream he had spent all day thinking about. You were his retreat. You were his shelter. “What have you been up to?” 
“Just starting dinner,” You answered, running your hands down his chest and smiling up at him. “Roast chicken tonight. Will you stay? Or are you just popping by?”
It wasn’t uncommon for Vox to stop by for a few minutes, half an hour or so when he was between meetings. You worked managing schedules from the comfort of your unit, another privilege granted by who you were dating, not that your peers knew that. 
He was a busy man and you could never count on how long he would be able to stay when he walked through your door. It helped that you could be counted on to always be home.
“Took the rest of the night off.” Vox smiled down at you, eyes bright. “I’m not due back until nine tomorrow.”
“Nine?!” You made a show of how scandalized the thought made you. It wasn’t the first time Vox had taken a large chunk of time off his schedule just for you but it wasn’t often at all that it would happen. “What will we do with fifteen whole hours?!” 
“For a start, we should make dinner,” Vox laughed as he leaned down, placing a static tinged kiss on your lips before stepping out of your arms. 
“Right,” you laughed as he let his clawed hands trailed over your skin as you stepped out of his reach. 
Vox stepped deeper into your apartment, slipping his jacket and vest off. You smiled at him over the counters as you took in the view of him. It was a sight few had gotten to see, Vox in blue slacks and a white button down shirt, sleeves uncuffed as he worked them up over his elbows. 
This was one of your favorite ways to see him, relaxed and having just came home from work. It was a look that left your heart beating hard and put daydreams about this being normal in your head. It was a close second to the way he looked late in the night or early in the morning, screen smudged and sleep clouding the picture on his screen, comfortable lounge clothes hanging off his lean frame. 
“See something you like?” Vox’s sly smile told you he had caught you checking him out. 
“Yep,” you answered shamelessly, there was no point in denying it. 
He laughed easily as he joined you in the kitchen. You went back to washing your vegetables. His arms wrapped around your waist as his front pressed against your back, bright screen casting a blue light over your work. 
“I see something I like too,” Vox’s voice was low in your ear.
“Oh?” You laughed, leaning into his arms, “You like potatoes do you?” 
“I do,” Vox’s arms reached around you, keeping you and your colander of potatoes trapped at the sink while he washed his hands as he continued, “But I like you more.” 
“You flirt,” You teased, ducking under his arms and setting to work chopping the vegetables to add to the roasting pan. “Keep talking like that and you’ll get a girl’s hopes up.”
Vox watched you for a moment, you could feel his eyes on your back as you kept your smile in place. It was a step too far. You knew the rules of the relationship. Off this floor of the tower, you were nothing to Vox. You were a secret. 
A resort of normalcy. 
Sure, you got to call him your boyfriend but to who? Him? Yourself? he called you his but never off this floor. Never anywhere that mattered. 
You loved him. You had realized it a while ago and that made the reality of your relationship hurt when it hadn’t before. It was worth it though. It was worth it for the nights like this a few times a week. 
It was worth it to get to hold him even if for a little while. 
You glanced at him as he started spreading oil over the chicken’s skin and covering it in seasonings. That was what you needed, him to give you a reason to break the weird silence in order to prevent him from ruining the roast. 
You watched as he slipped the pan into the oven, admiring the man that you had accidentally fell in love with. 
“Hey, Dollface?” Vox had a look on his face you couldn’t read and that scared you, “About what you said earlier? About-”
You forced a laugh as you looked away, busying yourself with cleaning up. Hopefully it looked natural, not showing how terrified you were. If you didn’t tell him how you felt, his weird pretend that you did a few times a week could continue and you could have him as your’s in the little world you made. 
“Look at me,” Vox’s clawed hand wrapped around your bicep, forcing you to face him. “What if a girl got her hopes up? What if a guy got his hopes up?”
“What are you-?” 
“What if we made this real?” Vox asked, not giving you a chance to think, breath or get your bearings. “What if we stopped hiding this little thing we got? What if we let it out into the world?” 
“I come here and it’s the best damn time of my week. We order dinner in and pretend we’re out. We sneak away in the offices and pretend we’re not hiding. Why are we hiding?” 
“We’re hiding because VoxTek is perfection and I’m not.” You need him to be sure. You couldn’t stand the idea of shattering that little thing between you that you kept safe in the confines of your apartment. 
“Who says you’re not?” Vox’s voice rose but he quickly schooled it as he stepped into your space, looking down at you. “You’re perfect in my eyes, Doll. I fucking love you and I don’t want to hide that.”
“I love you too.” 
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writersblockedx · 7 hours
Nothing but his Wife
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Pairing - Emily Prentis x Fem!Reader Summary - When Y/n comes face to face with her college best friend, she begins to admit that maybe they weren't just best friends after all. Inspired by 'Good Luck, Babe' by Chappell Roan <3 Warnings - Reader coming out? Words - 1.1K A/n - I can't believe that this is my first time writing for Emily but I thought about this idea and had to write a little oneshot.
There had always been something between the two of them. Something which, for years, had been left unsaid. Emily Prentiss had always just been Y/n's best friend...at least that was what she told everyone. The girl chose to keep their midnight kisses and care for one another (that went way past just friends) to herself. The two went separate ways after college, barely speaking a goodbye and they were both under the impression they would take such secrets to their grave.
And then the BAU just so happened to be investigating a case of which Y/n was reporting on.
Y/n had no idea what Emily had done after college, where life had taken her, but she shouldn't have been surprised by her success. Emily had always been focused, driven. She knew what she wanted and she made sure she got it. 
The girl wandered through the police station in need of a statement. And just as she was at the reception, Emily noticed her. "Excuse me," She muttered to her team which were in the middle of discussing victimology.
Y/n hadn't changed all that much. Even after all these years, she still smiled the same way and had that glint in her eye that got her any news scoop she wanted. But even before Emily chose to speak, she took note of the one thing which had changed: her shiny new wedding ring. "Y/n?" She called her name like it wasn't real. "What are you doing here?"
Y/n gazed up, "Emily." She stated, almost like she had become a weight on her shoulders. "I'm working, what are you doing here?"
The girl glanced passed her to where the team of FBI agents were seated, "Of course, I heard the BAU were here." She looked back to Emily, and glanced her up and down, "You want to give me a statement?" She pushed.
Emily completely bypassed her request, "I see you and him finally tied the knot." There was a sour look written on her expression - one of which she hadn't bothered to hide. "How long did it take you to say yes? Hm?" Sure, Emily couldn't be so certain, but she had her doubts about Y/n and her college boyfriend. The main one being the fact that Y/n herself had always said she never felt truly in love with him. Yet, somehow, she had married him.
The girl's head tilted in response, "Is that your statement?"
Before Emily could stop herself, she reached a hand out, letting it brush against the soft skin of the girl she was facing, "Y/n, I know you, alright? If he's still saying them things-"
Y/n snatched her hand away, "Don't- Don't profile me, Em." She huffed through a stern glance. "You don't know the last ten years of my life so don't act like you do."
"Then tell me." She urged.
But Y/n had simply rolled her eyes, "You've got work to do, so have I." And with that, she turned her back on Emily.
In the rushed thoughts, the worry that this may be the last time they bumped into one another, Emily's voice spoke out to her, "Don't say I didn't tell you so."
Y/n stopped. She thought about the girl's words. She thought about turning and responding that she didn't know what she was talking about. But, instead, Y/n kept walking until her figure slipped away from view.
A day passed and the BAU were able to close the case and Y/n had her story. Everything should have gone back to normal. Y/n should have returned home to her husband and Emily should have gotten into the car with her co-workers back to the BAU. Instead, the two found themselves in the same city, in the same place, wondering why they had stayed.
Two vodka sodas down and Y/n couldn't help herself. The girl pulled out her phone, scrolling far down in her contacts till she found Emily's name. She sent something as simple as her location. And then she bought herself her third vodka soda and swore to herself, if Emily didn't show before she finished her drink, this would be her last one.
But, of course, 20 minutes later, the door to the bar swung open. Y/n didn't dare look. Not until the bar stool next to her became occupied. "A whisky and coke please, single." Emily ordered before she dared to even glance over at the girl.
"You came," Y/n observed.
Emily shrugged as the bartender returned with her drink, "I assumed you wanted me to." She took a sip of her drink before raising a brow at the girl.
She swallowed the nerves which had been growing in her throat since she laid eyes on the girl the day before, "I keep thinking about what you said, when you asked how long it had taken me to say yes to his proposal." When Y/n's husband got down on one knee, she refused at first. She wasn't certain. She never was with him. But Emily...well it was her very certainty about the girl that scared her. "How did you know?"
"Like I said, I know you." She repeated herself, "When we were in college and when he finally asked you out, you were the same. You were never sure you wanted to be with him. Even when you were in that relationship, you were debating all the time if you wanted to leave him." The girl went on to explain. "I didn't blame you, alright? If I'm being honest, he was dick, you knew that. So why marry him?"
It was the same question she had been asking herself from the very moment he proposed till the morning of her wedding day. "I suppose- It was easier than admitting to myself what I really wanted." Her pupils fluttered up to Emily, a flicker of the person she used to be coming through.
"And do you know what you want now?"
The answer was easy when Emily was right in front of her, "I didn't understand the feelings when we were in college but, I know that with him I- well, I don't feel anything." She confessed. "But seeing you now, seeing you after all these years, I've never felt so certain about someone."
Emily reached her hand out, letting it wrap around hers. "Whenever you decide to leave him, I'll be waiting." She promised. "I've always been waiting."
And in that moment, Y/n knew what she wanted: Emily.
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catscidr · 21 hours
i. note — he’s my guilty pleasure im sry i js CRAVE this mf twenny four/seven ദ്ദി ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ) </3 ii. includes — dottore, afab! reader but no gendered pronouns are used iii. cw — im rambling again heyyy what's new. office setting/modern au, dottore is kinda creepy, implied stalking, obsessive behaviour, their feelings are mutual but dottore comes off too strong and reader is a bit dense, mention of periods, drinking/alcohol, implied drugging (but nothing happens). this sounds bad but its tame he's just a weirdo with a crush and is weird about said crush Trust Me
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thinking about office senior! dottore using his status in the company to butt in and work on projects that you’ve been assigned. him slowly but surely worming his way into your life ever since he got a taste of you, unable to let you just be a fling, a one-time thing. he just has to ruin you in every way
he would definitely be sooo aware of your steadily blooming crush on him and would use it against you to then tease you to hell and back. this man knows how to toy with people! he’ll most definitely toy with you!!!
lingering touches bordering on unprofessional but still friendly if you squint, going out of his way to ask your opinion on things during a crowded meeting n putting you on the spot, stepping into the elevator at the same time as you to trap you n initiate small talk……
of course said “small talk” is always… a little weird… when it’s with zandik. he doesn’t talk about the weather, stocks, or whatever mundane task you were working on right before you went on lunch break.
no, he’ll talk about things he shouldn’t know about you, things he’d only know if you told him about them, or things that are just a little too… personal? but maybe you’re being a little uptight. maybe you just… don’t remember telling him some things about yourself. it’s not like he’s talking about anything super outrageous or controversial anyways, it’s fine.
“eating instant noodles every day for dinner isn’t good for you, it’s most likely the reason why you get such bad cramps during your cycle. i would recommend adding some leafy greens to your servings at the very least, or some tofu to help with your iron intake.”
what a weirdo…. but hey, he’s kinda right, maybe you should eat more balanced meals so you don’t keel over anytime soon.
office senior! dottore also often does creepy things but in a nice way? if that makes sense?
for example, when the team is brought out for drinks to celebrate another successful project, he’ll make sure to be the only one sitting next to you. you’ll be squished against the wall and his shoulder, beer in hand, your cheeks burning from the alcohol and the proximity between you two
he’ll keep an eye on you and your alcohol tolerance, but not in the way you think he will. he’ll encourage you to drink more, “you seem tense. here, here’s a refill” he’d say in that smooth voice of his. “oh? you’re stumbling on your words, are your nerves still acting up? have my drink.”
and once you get to the point where you’re leaning over the table, head resting on your arms, only then will he start to actually take care of you.
he’ll place one hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles to help ground you from your dizziness. scold you for drinking so much, all while everyone else at the table glances at you with concern (or as much concern as other drunk and tipsy coworkers can muster)
“you shouldn’t have drank so much if you knew your alcohol tolerance was this poor.”
and the shadow of a smile on his face will turn into something more sinister when you frantically get up to rush to the bathroom. you immediately stumble to the floor, dizzy and disoriented. too dizzy and disoriented.
he’ll catch you before you fall as coworkers express their concern for you, only then noticing how bad your state had gotten now that face-planting directly onto the tatami floor of the bar was a feasible outcome
a chorus of surprised “woah!”’s and “are you okay?” ring out, conversations growing quieter as everyone stares at the stoic, scary superior holding up the rookie that got completely plastered at a work event. some are silently judging, but most are ogling zandik
your cubicle neighbor and work buddy gets up from her seat, stumbling on her way to help you stand up. though she had indulged you in gossip about him before, something about him holding your suspiciously drunk body up made alarm bells ring in her head.
“i’ll take them home,” he declares, voice colder than ice. no one really notices the hostility in his tone, too tipsy themselves to notice zandik’s obvious favouritism towards you. “enjoy the rest of your night.”
...and he diligently brings you to your flat, catching you before you stumble on your feet and trip over nothing. the trip was a struggle for the both of you, though more so for you than for him considering he had anticipated this outcome. maybe next time he should reconsider before giving you so much to drink.
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dyns33 · 17 hours
The Big Nice Punisher
I never gave love to Frank and Frank only in a story so I decided to change that
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Y/N should have gotten used to it, now that she was friends with Matt, Foggy and Karen.
It had happened several times that the devil of Hell's Kitchen had knocked on her window to ask for a medical kit since she knew his secret, even if the fool preferred to die in a trash rather than ask his friends for help.
It had taken everyone's intervention to force him to admit that he had a problem, and that he could count on them if he wasn't being chased by an army of ninjas.
More than stubborn, his priority was above all to ensure that he did not bring any danger into their home.
Karen wasn't Matt.
She didn't want her friends to be in danger either, but her moral compass was visibly broader, and allowed her to do more things.
Like coming to Y/N with the Punisher losing a lot of blood, asking if she could hide him for a few days and make sure he was still breathing.
Y/N had followed Frank Castle's trial on television, like the whole city. She had heard about all the people he had killed, but also the people he had saved. She had heard what happened to his wife and children. And above all, she had read in all the newspapers that he was dead.
“Can you explain to me or are you going to tell me it’s better if I know as little as possible ?” she asked as she helped Karen place him on her couch.
"Actually, I don't know. I found him like this when I came home from work. Your apartment was closer, excuse me. He doesn't want a hospital, for obvious reasons, and I was afraid he wouldn't manage to get to my place."
"Okay. Just promise me he won't jump on me when he wakes up."
“Frank is very nice, don’t worry.”
'Nice' probably wouldn't have been the first word Y/N, or anyone, would have used when talking about the Punisher, but Karen was pretty good at judging people, and that was out of the question to leave him to die anyway.
Even if she managed to see the good in him, it still seemed a bit exaggerated and even very optimistic that Karen would decide to leave Frank Castle unconscious in a stranger's house. She took the time to write a little note, telling Y/N that she could show him if he didn't trust her, but repeating that everything would be fine.
If he didn't have a reason to hurt her, he wouldn't hurt her. Really very reassuring.
Sure enough, the Punisher woke up in a panic as Y/N was making dinner, looking around with wary eyes and grimacing when he saw her. His first instinct was not to attack her but to try to flee, but his injury did not allow him to reach the door, his path ending in the middle of the living room.
“Karen warned me this would happen.” Y/N sighed, hesitating to put down her knife.
"Who are you ? Where am I ? Where is Karen ?"
“In order, I'm Y/N, you're at my house, and Karen had a job emergency so I'm babysitting for her.”
“I don’t need a fucking babysitter.” he groaned, holding his leg.
"Look, you don't want to be here, I'm not really happy about it either, but if you let me help you, you can leave quickly."
"I'm leaving now."
"Oh, no way ! I promised Karen I wouldn't let you die and I feel like you're just as stupid as Matt, so you're going to rest your ass on the couch, you're going to eat, then I'll see if you haven't reopened your wound !'
"… Yes Ma'am."
The terrible Punisher then began to look like a little lost dog, speaking little and accepting the plate that Y/N offered him, thanking her with a nod, his big black eyes following her as soon as she moved in the room.
He insisted that he could take care of his leg, but just one look made him shut up again, letting Y/N do what she wanted, since he obviously had no choice.
"I'm not a doctor, but between your broken ribs, the bullet that was in your leg, and the other marks on your body, I will say that it would be best for you to rest for a few days before you start punishing people again."
“No time to wait.”
"That wasn't a suggestion, doctor's orders."
“You just said you’re not a doctor.” he said with a smirk.
“I’ll tie you to the bed if I have to.”
“I’d love to see you try.”
In the end, his leg was causing him too much pain and Karen had forbidden him to move over the phone, it was decided that Frank Castle would stay with Y/N ​​for at least a week. He seemed to be the most annoyed by the situation.
Both women were right about him : he was nice, and he was like Matt. He didn't like asking for help, and he was afraid of putting innocent people in danger by his mere presence.
Yes, he had tried to find Karen when he was injured, but Karen knew how to defend herself, and he would have found a way to convince her to let him go. He didn’t know Y/N. He didn't like the idea of ​​intruding into her home, into her life, into her world, even if Red wasn't far away.
"I also know how to defend myself if necessary, Mr. Castle."
"Of course Miss. And it's Frank."
“I can do the dishes by myself too, Frank.”
“I have no doubt about that, but I’m squatting on your couch, it’s the least I can do.”
A week might not seem like much, but aside from her colleagues and the trio, Y/N didn't see many people. This daily proximity to Frank made the atmosphere strange.
He always spoke little, almost never about himself, hiding his wounds like a proud animal, but being interested in her, not missing an opportunity to help her around the apartment as a sign of gratitude, and listening to her talk about her days with patience and sympathy.
It was almost difficult when his condition allowed him to leave. They had gotten used to each other and the separation gave them as much pleasure as their meeting.
Still looking like a puppy who didn't know how to behave, Frank gave her his number, just in case, taking hers if he needed to check on her. He wouldn't call her for a favor, it wasn't like him.
Obviously, his style was to stop giving any news at all and to completely disappear from people's lives.
Y/N could try to understand. He was dead in the eyes of society, he had a complicated past, his main occupation was murdering criminals… But all the same, a little message from time to time wasn't complicated.
The worst part was that he was in contact with Karen. Her friend seemed surprised that he hadn't contacted her. According to her, Frank loved her very much.
"He's shy, that stupid man. I'll tell him to call you."
"No, that's not necessary. I'm glad to know he's okay."
"Don't be ridiculous, you want to talk. He also asked me about you, I should have known he would do that."
Y/N probably should have too, but because in hindsight she didn't see why someone like Frank Castle would want to keep in touch with her. She had been useful, nothing more. Next to Karen, beautiful, intelligent Karen who he had known for a long time, Y/N didn't stand a chance.
There was also his family, for whom he had sacrificed everything. If he was only "friends" with Karen, there had to be a reason and that was because he refused to betray his dead wife.
This enchanted parenthesis of a week had been nothing other than a parenthesis.
It was stupid to be so sad for a man she had only seen for a week. And yet, Y/N was sad. So sad that she didn't pay attention to the time while having a drink at Josie's.
No doubt she forgot that despite the presence of Daredevil, Hell's Kitchen remained a dangerous place. Matt couldn't be everywhere.
So it wouldn't have been a surprise when she was followed by two guys, who cornered her in an alley and threatened her with a knife so that she would give them her bag. Then one of them looked at her with a funny look and licked his lips, and she tried to run away.
Before they could touch her, the first one had his head smashed against the wall. The other screamed, trying to defend himself with his knife, but the weapon ended up in his leg, and he was knocked out with a punch.
Slowly so as not to frighten her further, Frank helped her up, checking her for injuries and returning her things.
"Are you alright ?"
"Yes. I was careless."
“Not your fault, sweetheart.”
"I guess we're even now." she tried to joke, while sobbing. Y/N hoped he would think it was because of the shock, and not because she thought she wouldn't see him again afterwards.
This didn't make him laugh. He looked at her with his sad, worried eyes, shyly rubbing her shoulder as he listened to her breathing, waiting for her to calm down.
Then still without a word, he took out his coat to put it on her shoulders before walking her home.
There, he only left her when she was sitting on the sofa, to go get her a glass of water, letting go of it when he was sure she was holding it well, and remaining kneeling on the floor right next to her.
"… Karen said you were angry. Because I didn't call." he whispered, his eyes stopping from staring at her for a second.
"Karen is talking nonsense. I'm a big girl, and you owed me nothing. Nothing at all. I was happy to help you, and stupid to think that… Thanks for saving me. You don't have to stay."
Silence returned, but Frank didn't move. He stayed until she finished her glass, then until she was done shaking and crying, his hand never leaving hers.
But he still didn't move. And in that moment, Y/N wondered if he too had been disappointed when their week together was over.
Maybe Karen was right, he was shy, and he didn't want to put her in danger by staying in contact with her. As stubborn and insufferable as Matthew. And also nice. Why else would he have been there to protect her ?
"It's not a good idea." he suddenly muttered, closing his eyes.
"What ?"
Frank sighed, seeing that she might cry again. He could have left right away, because he didn't think his presence was a good idea, and probably he was right. No doubt it was ridiculous to love the Punisher.
But continuing to mutter, he stood up slightly, pressing his forehead against hers. Now he held both hers hands, looking desperate, opening pleading eyes.
He couldn't stay, but that didn't mean he didn't want to more than anything in the world.
"It's not a good idea." he repeated, however, as if to force himself to move, to remember his course of action, and he was quickly on his feet, ready to leave.
The door was closed as quickly as it had been opened and in an instant Frank was there again, kissing her like a thirsty man who had just found an oasis in the middle of the desert.
But the moment was furtive, almost a mirage, because the soldier quickly shook his head, swearing and saying again that it really wasn't a good idea, before fleeing the apartment.
Y/N could have been mad at him for that. But she was too busy touching hers lips, thinking that if he had kissed her against his principles, maybe Frank Castle loved her enough to come back.
This idea stayed with her, after she received a message just before going to sleep. Simple message, which made her smile.
"I was happy too. You're not stupid. Good night."
Yes, they would probably see each other again. In secret, at times when she wouldn't expect to find him in her apartment. But she was a bit used to Matt, Foggy and Karen. This wouldn't be a problem at all.
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sachirobabe · 24 hours
Chapter 10
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Gojo Satoru x reader
Wc: 4628
Curseless au
Summary: Amidst the zombie apocalypse, your courage shines as you not only saves lives but capture the heart of Gojo Satoru. Together with his first-year students, you all embark on a perilous journey, not only for survival but in a quest for a cure that adds a poignant layer to the unfolding romance.
<— Previous | Masterlist | Next —>
Taglist: @spindyl
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You and Satoru talked all night, up until it was your turn to be on watch. "You should go to bed." You say to the man.
"Why? I'm having fun talking to you." He shrugs.
You roll your eyes, "You're going to be tired tomorrow."
"I've gone days without sleeping, I'll be okay, sweetheart." He hums, tapping his fingers lightly on your thigh. You enjoy the proximity, a bit too much actually.
You're not sure how the lines became so blurred between you two, but you're not really complaining. You enjoy his company, a lot—a little too much. You're staring to crave more with him.
But going a step further gives you anxiety. You didn't want to ruin the friendship that was still blooming. You stare at him, he seems to be amused by his finger tapping on your clothed skin, he was way too pretty for his own good.
You couldn't help but push a few strands of hair away from his face, his hair had gotten really long now. He looks up at you, smiling at your action, he's now moved closer than he was before.
"You think I need a haircut?" You could feel his breath on you, your noses almost touching. You place a hand on the side of his face and your eyes flicker from his eyes down to his mouth.
He smirks widely, loving the affection. He also glances down at your lips, bringing you closer to him. You pull back when you hear footsteps and he frowns, seeing who interrupted.
Megumi rubs his eyes as he entered the kitchen, eyeing the two of you sleepily. He's too tired to notice the blush on Satoru and how you aren't making eye contact with him.
"Good morning, sleepyhead." Satoru quickly regains composure. Megumi frowns and takes a sip of water then walks back to the room where everyone was sleeping.
"It won't be much longer before everyone else wakes up." You clear your throat, pretending that little moment didn't happen.
"Yeah," Satoru sighs, "Did you want to try and catch some breakfast?" He asks hopeful to be able to talk to you.
You nod, "Let's go." You smile and get up, stretching before following after him to quickly get ready. He quietly opens the door and waits for you as you're writing a quick note to the others as to where you've both gone.
It's chilly, more than usual as you step outside. Satoru wraps the scarf he lent to you to cover your face more. "You look cold." He smiles quickly and immediately brings his guard up now that you're both in the open.
"Thank you." You mutter and match pace with him as he takes you somewhere new to hunt. Your gloves weren't doing much to prevent you from the cold, they still felt numb and tingly as you held onto your bow.
Satoru quickly goes down and you follow him, trying to spot what he saw. Your blood runs cold as you see a zombie.
"Why's it here?" You quietly whisper just enough for Satoru to hear.
He shakes his head, his hair moving along with him, you can't help but smile softly. Zombies were not commonly seen near the base, it was too much of a climb for them.
Satoru moves forward, wary of where the zombie might be, he leads you to a familiar place, one where you've had the most success in getting food.
He watches you as you're completely focused on finding breakfast. He admires the way you look right now, the sun hitting you just right and the small snowflakes falling onto your hair making you appear more beautiful.
Satoru gives himself this one time to come to terms about how he's feeling, he thinks it's wrong to think about you this way. He quickly shakes his head, knowing it would pass.
But everything in him wants to ask about the moment you shared on the couch earlier. He wonders what would've happened if Megumi had stayed asleep for not even a minute longer.
Would you have allowed him to kiss you? Why did he want to kiss you? All these thoughts ran through his head, he frowned as he tried to come up with the most logical explanation.
You had caught breakfast effectively, it did take awhile, but it was done. "We can go now." You smile at him and he's taken out of his thoughts, nodding and allowing you to lead the way back.
He's nervous. He's never been this nervous before to talk to you, he's debating if he should bring up the incident. Now would be a perfect time, but he's stalling.
"Did you ever tell Nanami about the base we found?" You break the silence.
He nods, "I mentioned it while you were ignoring me." He teases.
You pout, "I said I was sorry."
"Kidding, kidding." He chuckles amused, "He says he'd like to see it for himself today. We're only here for another day and we head back tomorrow."
"It went by too quickly." You sigh, "I'm not looking forward to walking all day."
He chuckles kicking the snow, "Me neither, princess." You both walk in and see everyone in the living room/kitchen.
"We'll go start a fire." Inumaki signs and drags Maki and panda with him.
"Took awhile." Shoko yawns, "we were starting to think that you'd gotten eaten." She jokes
You shake your head, "We saw a zombie."
"A zombie?" Nanami's attention is caught.
"It was all alone." Satoru shuts the door and makes sure the door is barricaded well.
"That's..weird." Nanami says.
"When are we leaving?" Nobara asks and gets up from the couch and Megumi and Itadori follow after her, like she's their leader.
"Sometime after we eat breakfast, thank you, by the way." Nanami smiles and takes the animal from your hands to prepare it.
"No problem." You smile back, you sit down at a chair and wince a little. Remembering how Satoru was needy the other day and had leaned against the bathroom door waiting and when you opened it he fell on top of you, making your ass hit the ground.
"What's wrong?" Satoru asks, watching Shoko leave with Nanami to help prepare the breakfast.
"My ass still hurts from the other day." You frown and try to sit more comfortably, now hyperaware that it hurts.
"You want me to massage it?" He smirks.
You're not amused in the slightest, "I'm leaving." You say and move to the couch, he smiles widely and hurries behind you, tackling you onto the couch in a bear hug. "Satoru!" You yell.
"What?" He asks acting cluelessly, wrapping his arms tighter around you, not letting you break free no matter how hard you try. 'Damn he's strong.' You think.
"What's gotten into you?!" You giggle and move to at least be able to breathe.
The first-years hear the commotion and see their teacher goofing around, as usual. But this time, a small smile adorning their faces, happy to see Satoru laughing with you.
"Breakfast is..ready." Shoko walks back in and sees what the first-years are looking at. Her features softening at the sight. "Cmon you two." She says chuckling.
"You're annoying." You say breathing heavily and Satoru just smiles widely at you.
After eating breakfast, Nanami prepared to go check out the new base. You waited by the door, waiting for Satoru who always took the longest to get ready.
"We're losing daylight." Maki looks at her watch.
"He said his hair needed to be perfect." Inumaki signs while chuckling.
"For what? To impress a zombie?" You jokingly sign back.
"Maybe not a zombie." Panda responds and you're confused as to what he meant, but Satoru had finally left the bathroom and declared he was ready.
"No casualties please!" Satoru reminds and walks out the door, dragging you by the hand.
"I can walk." You chuckle and take your hand back.
"Stay by me." He says.
"I always am. You never leave me alone." You say back and he chuckles, knowing there was no denying it.
"Focus up there." Nanami's deep voice pulls the both of you out of conversation and you made sure your gun was full of ammo and focused entirely on your surroundings.
The cold air was harsh as ever, snow falling harder than any other day. You wished there was a hot spring near, but the only one you knew of was on the way back to the original base.
You feel like your hands are going to fall off, as you turned the corner there was a hoard of zombies blocking your path. They had been feeding on what you assume was a human. Your face contorts into one of disgust and sadness,
You raise a hand, indicating something ahead. "Nanami?" Your whisper barely heard, but he knew it was one to get his attention and make a decision on what to do.
"Let's go back, I think we can go around." Satoru suggests and Nanami nods along with him. You're all carefully walking backward, making sure not to get any attention from the hoard.
You can feel yourself holding your breath and letting it go in relief as you're out of sight from the zombies. The group navigates around the zombies, careful to not run into any trouble.
As you all pass by the mall where you had endangered your friends your stomach churns and does flips. Satoru takes note of this and places a hand on the small of your back, reassuring you silently.
You give a half smile and look ahead, knowing what he was saying without him even saying it.
"How much further?" Inumaki gets Itadoris attention and signs.
"Not much longer." He signs back.
"Are you sure it's the one?" Nanami joined in the conversation.
"I'm positive." You sign back, and look ahead to point at the base all alone, no buildings around it, making it perfect to see any enemies.
"The electric fence shouldn't be on." Megumi signs quickly, "looks the same as we left it."
Nanami nods and looks around before quickly yanking the gate open and allowing all of you through, shutting and locking it before any danger could get in.
You all ran towards the door that the first-years found last time and go inside. The mess of Megumi was still there, Nobara and Itadori tease the boy about it.
"This is it." You smile and you all scan the entire base, making sure nobody was there. "Come with me." You grab Shoko and buzzed with excitement to be able to show her the lab of her dreams.
She gasps softly as she walks in, taking in all the equipment and technology. "It's everything and more." She says.
"I know." You smile widely, "isn't it great?" You say with a glimmer of hope, finally seeing something positive in all of this negativity.
"We need to move here as soon as possible." Shoko says and turns around to face you and is met with everybody in the room now.
"We will." Satoru says seriously.
"Everything works here." Nanami says, a hint of a smile forcing itself onto his face. "We need to claim it immediately."
"We leave tomorrow." Megumi reminds.
"Will some of us stay here and wait for the rest to pack up things and then come back?" Nobara asks, you're all grouped up moving towards one of the shared living spaces in the base.
"I'm not sure splitting up would be the best idea." You say sitting down next to Satoru.
"But what if someone else claims it while we're gone?" Panda brings up a valid point.
"I think a few of us could hold down the fort for a few days." Maki says.
"A few days? It takes like a week to get from here and back." Inumaki signs.
"Walking," Maki corrects, "but if we were to take one of the cars we could get there much quicker."
"That'd bring too much attention," Nanami begins, "if anything were to go wrong and someone attacked us, we'd be down in numbers."
"And we know most of the powerful gangs are full of numbers." Itadori adds.
"Are you saying we're weak?" Satoru pipes in, raising a challenging eyebrow.
Nanami quickly shakes his head, "No, I believe in each and every one of you. I was just hypothetically saying the worst."
"What if we all go in the car?" You bring up, "We'll take two so we can all fit and we quickly go back and get whatever's the most important and come back."
"That would take away the worry of somewhat being outnumbered." Satoru goes along.
"We'd still attract attention." Nanami frowns. Any solution brought up was retaliated by another statement.
"We're going to be using the cars at some point." You clear your throat after a moment of silence, "Might as well start now."
"It could make us seem more powerful and others won't want to engage." Satoru backs you up.
"We're willing to fight." The second-years say and the first-years nod along.
"It doesn't sound bad." Shoko says to Nanami.
Nanami nods. "Okay. We'll do that." He says and goes to find a piece of paper and pen to write out some scenarios and ways to get out of them with the least amount of damage.
"The drive will be about 2 hours, less since we don't have to follow laws." Satoru smirks. "Nanami and I will drive the two cars."
"How do we know there's nothing wrong with the cars?" Inumaki asks a question that was on everybody's minds.
"I used to fix up cars with my dad," Nanami says, "I'll check them out right now." With that he excuses himself to get to work.
"Stay here with them?" Satoru asks Shoko and you and quickly follows after Nanami.
"Let's lock all the doors here just in case somebody gets in." You say and split up into small groups to get the job done quickly.
"Do you think the cars will be in good shape?" Panda asks you.
You think for a moment, "I would think so, but I don't know much about cars." You laugh, remembering how you jokingly used to play a game where you'd try to collect as many lights on your dashboard
"As long as the battery isn't dead and there's gas, we should be fine, right?" Maki chuckles.
"Tires too, they can't be flat." Inumaki reminds and you nod, glad that they knew slightly more than you. Knowing yourself, you probably would've just tried to start it and drive.
After securing all the doors and windows you all go to check on Nanami and Satoru, fearing that Satoru might've died from annoying Nanami too much.
You're glad to see he's still alive and chuckle at your thinking, your smile quickly disappears from your face as you see Satoru shirtless leaning on the car Nanami was currently looking at.
You take him in, looking at how chiseled his body was, sweat dripped down his body, glistening his soft pale skin. Everything moved in slow motion, his hair had become wet as well from his sweating and stick to his forehead.
He brings a hand to wipe away his forehead and he flexes unintentionally. He looked amazing. You couldn't look away. He finally sees that you're all there and smiles, not caring at all about the way he looks.
His confidence in his steps as he walks towards you makes your knees go weak, he says something to you, but it never registers. You're still admiring his body.
"Are you..going to faint?" Satoru chuckles nervously, holding onto your arms just in case.
"What?" You finally come to your senses.
"You feelin' all right?" He smirks, forgetting anybody else was in the room.
You shake your head, "I feel fine, was just worrying about the cars." You try to clear up and save your ass. Not wanting to admit you were ogling him.
"Ah, that pretty little head of yours is always worrying." He chuckles and you force your eyes toward at the car. "They're all good."
"That's great to hear, right Y/n?" Shoko smirks.
"Y-yeah, it is great." You clench your jaw, but put on a fake smile.
"I'm giving you guys 5 minutes to get whatever you need from the house and then we're booking it." Nanami says and shuts the hood of the car, he too was shirtless, but you couldn't stop looking at Satoru.
"I'm on first watch." Shoko pats your back harshly, bringing you back to reality.
You knew Satoru had a nice body, you got a glimpse of it when you all went to the hot springs, but this was more intense. And you're not sure why.
"You guys should get some rest." You say to the students.
"Can I ride with Nanami?" Itadori asks and Satoru frowns at him.
"We'll figure that out tomorrow." You chuckle, gaining your composure back.
"We're leaving earlier this time. We shouldn't run into too much trouble at those hours." Nanami wipes his hands on a cloth and throws it to the side, putting his shirt back on.
"You're going to get sick." You throw Satoru his shirt and he grins.
"You won't help me, doc?" He says and grumbles about putting his shirt back on.
You roll your eyes, "I'll let you suffer." You say and start to walk away. Your face felt hot remembering the picture of his body engraved in your mind.
"Hey! Wait up!" Satoru laughs and follows you.
"I need to shower." You say.
"Without me?" He jokes, but deep down within him he wants to.
"What?" You laugh.
"We'll save water." He shrugs.
"Stay here." Your fake smile is the last thing he sees as you shut the door in his face and he groans. He huffs and waits outside the door for you. His imagination running a little wild and he has to keep shaking his head to stop.
You come out wearing only a towel, and a very small one Satoru notes. He gulps at the sight of your body, your wet skin making you look like you're glowing and he's loving every second of it.
"Can you pass me my clothes?" You ask him and he stays in place, watching you talk to him, but nothing reaching his ears.
"Satoru, quit being annoying and hand me my clothes." You chuckle and be finally looks you in the eyes, he stutters and grabs your clothes. "Thanks." You eye him and shut the door to finish.
How was he supposed to function now? His pull towards you was getting out of hand. He can't bring himself to admit anything other than it's a small crush, but god was he starting to lose his composure.
He showers after you and his mind goes crazy. 'You're going to be the death of him.'  He thinks.
You smile and see that somebody had set up your bed for you, you're exhausted and lay down, closing your eyes and trying your best to fall asleep. Your sleepiness goes away as soon as you feel Satoru come into the room and set up his bed right next to you.
He's restless next to you, tossing and turning. You're getting a little annoyed at his constant moving. "Stay still." You whisper and turn to your side to face him, sleepiness evident in your voice.
Satoru huffs dramatically, 'it's your fault.' He thinks to himself.
"Go to sleep." You mumble tiredly.
"Sorry, princess." He turns to face you as well, moving a piece of your hair out of the way. You're plaguing his mind without even knowing. He thinks he needs to see Shoko as soon as he can to get checked out, something's definitely wrong with him.
He finally falls asleep once he hears Nanami and Shoko trade places for being on watch.
You're awoken by Nanami's voice, telling you to get ready to leave. You try to get up but feel the weight of Satoru's arm around you.
You're sure he didn't mean to, you move it so neither of you have to have that conversation. Your hands find their way to his hair, giving him light scratches, he looked content.
He hums sleepily, a smile on his face. "What a great way to wake up." He says, voice hoarse and deep.
"We're about to leave." You say and remove your hand from his soft hair, he groans and sits up reluctantly.
Everyone was up and moving, waiting for their dear teacher.
"Did you wake him up?" Megumi asks you.
"He's up." You sigh, "Are you guys ready?"
He nods, "Nanami is getting the cars ready."
"Satoru, let's go." You peek your head back into the room and say, he frowns as he puts his shirt back on. "Are you in Nanami's car?" You ask Megumi.
He nods, "Itadori, Nobara, Shoko, and I are riding with him."
"Sounds good, where's Maki, Panda, and Inumaki?" You look around, trying to pinpoint them.
"They're already in the car waiting." Itadori yawns and makes his way to the bathroom last minute.
"Nanami said to give this to you, he doesn't trust Gojo with it." Nobara comes up and hands you a walkie talkie.
"Thanks." You chuckle and Satoru comes out of the room, seemingly ready, he throws a heavy arm over your shoulder, grinning at the first-years.
"Are you guys excited to ride with your favorite teacher?" Satoru says obnoxiously.
"Yeah, we're riding with Nanami." Megumi smirks, loving to her under his skin.
"Let's go." You interrupt Satoru and drag him towards the cars, the first-years following after you and getting into Nanami's car.
"He wasn't kidding?!" Satoru says loudly and Maki flinches at his volume, a glare being sent his way.
"Follow me. I gave Y/n a walkie talkie, call in if anything happens." Nanami says, starting his car.
"Got it, got it." Satoru huffs and rolls his eyes, "We're ready, over." He grabs the walkie talkie from your hands and speaks into it.
Nanami was not impressed by this and gives Satoru a deadpan look. "I can hear you just fine." He says and rolls up his window, looking ahead for the door to open.
Satoru grins, "Buckle up!" He says and accelerates the car to follow Nanami. You're on high alert now that you're all out of the base, Nanami drives ahead and stops at a stop sign, making Satoru scoff and quickly grabbing the walkie talkie.
"No way you're following the law right now." Satoru yells.
"Just being cautious." Nanami answers.
"Who cares!" You can briefly hear Shoko over the walkie, Nanami reluctantly obeys and speeds up, not caring about traffic laws.
Satoru grins as he steps on the gas, enjoying the fact he can break all the rules on the road. You look around as he drives to make sure nothing is raising a red flag.
"At this pace, we'll be back home in an hour." Inumaki signs to Maki and Panda.
"I think Gojo is having fun." Panda chuckles.
You'll admit it felt nice to not see any traffic in sight, remembering how awful the traffic was before the apocalypse. You glance at Satoru, his smile still plastered on his face, he looks cute.
He's having fun driving this way, he even gets so close to Nanami's car that they're about to touch. Nanami warned Satoru on the walkie to quit it. He then sees there's multiple lanes ahead and speeds up to drive side by side with him.
His boyish laugh brings butterflies to your stomach, you're having a hard time holding back, you stop yourself from looking at him and focus ahead.
He eventually calms down from the high of being on the road again and drives behind Nanami. The second-years were somehow able to sleep throughout the entire drive.
No dangers were faced on the way to the original base, you quickly wake up the second-years and they prepare to pack as quickly as they could.
Satoru comes to a hard stop and the students rush out to grab their things, you're next to follow and start throwing your things in the large trunk. No words were said, in fear of wasting time.
You're done before the others, panting slightly as you wait by the car. There's movement from the corner of your eye, you take the safety off your gun and get ready for anything.
"There's no sneaking past you." You hear the voice say, you look around trying to pin point it and get focused on a bush. The voice is familiar, you've heard it before.
"Show yourself." You say loudly, clenching your jaw. You point the gun, finger on the trigger.
He emerges from the bush you were pin pointing. It was the one you shot awhile back when you all were heading to the radio tower. "The names, Jogo. Nice to meet 'ya." He grins evilly.
"I don't care. Go or I'll kill you." Your voice has no hint of backing down.
"You're the one who shot me." He scoffs, "Look, I'm all better now."
"All better? Is that why you have a cane?" You roll your eyes, getting ready to trigger the gun.
Suddenly another figure runs to your side and tackles you down to the ground. Your gun gets thrown off to the side. You hit the ground hard and wrestle to get free, you're struggling at his strength, but you remember the knifes littered all over your body.
He straddles you and goes to punch your face, you dodge easily and pull out a knife from your leg pocket, you easily stab it into his side and he screams loudly, you push him off of you and run to grab your gun.
Jogo drops his handcuffs, ones that you assume he was trying to capture you with once the patch face guy knocked you out. Jogo runs to grab your gun, or do anything to prevent you from getting it.
Shots were fired behind you, your vision getting blurry, Jogo gets to your gun before you, before he can aim and fire, you tackle him.
Satoru found it weird that you hadn't came back, as soon as he heard a scream he and the others ran outside. They see the scene in front of them, you were currently tackling Jogo and throwing punches to him.
Off to the side Mahito was reloading his gun, trying to shoot you, but at the same time cautious of his friend. Satoru sees red and shoots Mahitos hand, he screams and falls down.
You were unaware of anything, but taking care of Jogo. Other shots were heard, but you felt no pain, so you could keep going. Jogo managed to straddle you and tried to inject you with something, he manages to stab it on your arm and quickly inject, you scream and try to fight him off.
Satoru wastes no time in shooting him in the leg, he was aiming for higher, but it wasn't working well for him. Jogo falls to the side and you get up quickly, swaying from side to side, your vision getting blurry.
You fall into Satoru's arms, he could only focus on you, not even realizing that Jogo and Mahito had ran off.
"What's wrong, are you okay?!" He ask frantically, trying his best to not let any tears slip.
You're having a hard time understanding him, your vision sways and gets worse, you're feeling more sleepy and your body can't fight it. "He..injected me with something." You manage to say and finally go limp in Satoru's arms.
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shaunashoochiebae · 3 hours
thinking about art as ur hunger games mentor.. (is this too niche)
it was unexpected, obviously, your name being called at the reaping. “it could be anyone,” your mother told you, trying to soothe your nerves. and of course that anyone had to be you.
you let out a sound of discomfort as you walked out of the rows and rows of girls, your grey dress suddenly feeling too tight on you and laces of your boots coming undone, you climbed up the stairs onto the makeshift stage where miss effie trinket stood, her extravagant outfit, covered in rhinestones and feathers, shining under the hot sun.
you couldn’t really process anything else that happened up until effie escorted you and the poor boy chosen from your district into the justice building.
being from district five, you had little survival skills. sure, you knew what to look out for if there was an electrical fire, but that was about it. you hoped and prayed that you had a good mentor and well…
art donaldson was popular to say the least. strutting around the town square without a care in the world as if he wasn’t a victor.
he worked in the power plant alongside your father. which was odd, you thought. he’s a victor, he lives in the victor village, he shouldn’t need to work. and you’re right. he doesn’t. he does it out of “the kindness of his heart.”
you didn’t believe that. you’ve peeked in the windows and seen him, bent over on rails talking to some poor girl like she’s not really there.
you caught her outside the plant one day just as she was about to go in, “how often does art come in?” you asked her and she replied sighing, “maybe twice a week? he talks to a few girls and then dips. barely works.”
and just your luck. he was assigned to be your mentor. yay. you and the other tribute got a minute or two alone with close family before being introduced to your mentors.
he knocked on the door to the small room near the entrance of the building. he poked his head into the room and saw you sitting on a velvet couch looking awfully glum. he entered the room and walked over to you. he wore
“hi, i’m Art. i was assigned to be your mentor,” he told you, looking down at you with a slight smile on his face. you looked up at him and nodded, the sun shining in through one of the windows and lighting up his almost golden hair. “i wasn’t told a lot about you, d’you wanna tell me about yourself?”
so, you told him your name, when your birthday was, which he did the calculations to and it turns out you’re 18, what you can do and what you can’t. also what would probably be helpful to you in the arena.
he quietly jotted most things that you said, frankly they were all summarised, on a piece of paper he had in his pocket. you assumed it was for girl’s addresses.
“well, it’s nice to meet you. i can tell we’re gonna get along,” he said, slipping the paper into his pocket again. he turned and was about to leave the room when you called out to him, “wait! you should.. probably tell me about yourself, too, you know.”
he chuckled to himself and plopped down on the couch, next to you. “where to begin?” he breathed out, “my name’s Art Donaldson. i’m 27 years old, i was the victor of the 59th hunger games at 16 years old.”
“wow. must’ve gotten lucky, then,” you theorised to which he nodded. “i was popular with the capitol. thanks to my ravishing good lucks and charming personality,” he jested with a laugh.
“but, seriously. how did you win?” he sighed at the question, upset with the answer he had to give you. “i used my ‘ravishing good looks and charming personality’ to win over the capitol. i was sent things in the arena that helped me to keep going. i,” he let out another sigh, “i wasn’t very skilful. i almost waited out the entire game, hiding up somewhere. our district isn’t poor, per se, but it’s poor, victor-wise, skill-wise.”
you nodded, having acknowledged the amount of tributes from your district coming home was very little.
he cleared his throat and tried to calm your nerves as he could see the look on your face was not one of excitement, “but, hey. i’ll try to help you as best i can in that arena. i’ll train you good, i promise.”
ugh i hate this. let me know if i should continue or nah okay ty bye
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oasisofgalaxies · 6 months
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cheekblush · 5 months
when will i stop expecting words of support and encouragement from my mom
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twipsai · 5 months
thinking more,,
#i cant help but feel horribly heartbroken every time i hear whats happening in gaza as well as so many other places#it feels like-- like none of this had to happen#i guess ive never even been in the same universe as someone who even sees one death as a solution#let alone thousands#as a jew especially it feels horrible#like this happened to us. and we're just doing it to someone else??? why??????#because if you walk into someones home kindly they will take you in. walk in with a gun and theres gonna be tension#i dont understand at all#and like maybe im naive. maybe im just young and my brain hasnt developed yet#and when im an adult ill understand how people could ever think war solves any problem#but. i just think its literally never fixed anything#sometimes people suck. should NOT kill them over it#and thats not even true in this situation!!! israel fucking sucks and theyre the ones commiting a genocide here!!!!!!!#if you walked in peacefully none of this wouldve happened#pass over is soon. and we'll say prayers and eat matza and have lots of food#and those across the globe will do the same. and yet they are murdering people#and we'll be in our safe warm houses and they will be dying#shouldnt there be some way to help them all???? america is one of the richest countries in the world and we're actively hurting them..#i genuinely cant fathom how people could ever think like that#i dont think evil exists but then i look at the world and i realize weve gotten pretty damn close#and yet i still have to wake up tomorrow#and i still have my own life to live#and the world doesnt stop for me to mourn strangers#i hate all of it. why cant we just be nice to people#anyways. ive just been trying mostly to avoid this topic esp online#this is my little safety zone and ive never really been one for politics; esp things that i dont understand#yknow i dont wanna spread misinfo; and at the same time i dont have the energy or knowledge to fact check#plus the whole emotional toll in a place that i just wanna unwind in#idk. i think im starting to feel like i cant just ignore all these posts anymore. im kinda starting to feel like i wanna scream#all of this really fucking sucks. this shouldnt be happening
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protect-namine · 1 year
I am re-experiencing the catharsis that comes with reading recovery fics where max either regularly visits nathan in rehab or max finds out she's doing group therapy with him or max meets nathan like five years into the future after they both sorted through their own shit and they get closure and become better people and maybe bond over photography
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pastadoughie · 4 months
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many people were confused about some of my previous posts, so for the sake of clarity i am condensing everything! tumblr has extremely transphobic moderation practices, often flagging completely innocent posts as explicit, solely for containing trans women in them or mentioning transgenderism. while letting untagged porn in sfw tags (ive literally seen porn tagged as "sfw agere") and blatent hatespeech, especially twards trans people (just look at the "gender critical" tag) go completely unchecked recently the CEO of tumblr had a big public hissyfit about people (rightfully) calling him transmysogenistic, going into random trans womens dms to harrass them, and saying that predstrogen saying she "hopes he explodes with hammers and then explodes again and hammers fly everywhere" is a death threat and saying he is calling the FBI on her (repeatedly misgendering her and calling her "it") and many bloggers, apon speaking out about it or even making harmless jokes (one trans woman posted a picture of a car and a hammer with the caption "reblog to scare matt" and got nuked for it) and many are very very angry (rightfully) about this whole affair and tumblr in general. if you would like to look into it i reccomend scrolling the "predstrogen" tag as she is the case most people are talking about at the moment. So, what can we do? this is clearly an ongoing issue, and, dispite having lost a lawsuit about their transphobic moderation in the past (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement) its clearly not gonna stop with just user complaints, as staff members are perfectly content to just go scorched earth on users who even so much as lightly poke fun at them well if you want to help you should contact the human rights commision (i will give clear details further down) ! you dont have to be in the US, nor be an adult to file, and it only takes a few minutes. this is the best and most effective method to fix this, because it hits tumblr where it hurts. human rights acencies have a lot of legal and financial power and tumblr CAN NOT just ignore them, and given that this will be the seccond time this is happening, the commisions shouldnt be playing nice anymore eaither. its really important that AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE FILE, and with different examples! while maybe your case might not be enough to prop up a lawsuit on its own, we need to prove a general trend. so every little bit counts! to respond to another question abt this ive gotten, as for what exactly to report, you should a) write about an act of discrimination youve recieved on tumblr that was eaither administered by a staff member OR that staff refused to give adequate moderation action in for example : a terf posted some blatent hatespeech targeted twards you, and you reported them, and staff looked at the issue and refused to persecute it. example 2 : you were unfairly flagged, deleted, or otherwise punished by a staff member and you are queer ( AND the post they banned you for has some kind of tie to your gender, ex : a sfw transition progress photo ) OR b) if you have not personally recieved something like that, please look for other peoples stories (THEY SHOULDNT BE HARD TO FIND, within the last couple of hours trans people have been being banned LEFT AND RIGHT for trying to speak on this. i would reccomend checking some of the tags related to what happened with predstrogen) and you should describe that incident as best as possible (be sure to disclose that you are speaking for someone else, ideally you should tell the story of someone you know, if possible.) you can also mention any reports you have made twards people posting blatent hatespeech that, opon reveiwing tumblr refused to prosecute dispite it being very obviously against terms of service. just so nobody gets confused about the filing process, im laying it out in more plain languadge!!
first you should email the SF HRC (san francisco human rights commision), at [email protected] and say something along these lines :
Hello, I am [full name] from [country or state] and I am filing a complaint against Tumblr, witch is owned by the parent company Automattic Inc. located at 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110.
Tumblr has had previous issues with the NYC DHR for their moderation being unfairly biased against trans women (see : https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21274288-tumblr-nycchr-settlement).
Despite a legally binding agreement with the NYC DHR, staff members still regularly harrass users based on their gender or sexual orientations. For example : on [date of most recent infraction] [describe incident] (if you are describing an incident that did not happen to you specifically, say something like) This incident involves the user [username] who I am not affiliated with (or/) who I am filing on behalf of.
I can be reached for further inquiries about this incident at [email you want to talk over] or [phone number you want to talk over]. (if you would like to be anonymous) However, In the event of legal prosecution against Automattic I would refer to be kept anonymous, where possible, in court proceedings. alternatively, you can also call the SF HRC at : 415-252-2500, you can use the above text as a starting point for this as well, next you want to fill out the form for the NYC DHR (new york city department of human rights) here : https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/about/report-discrimination.page for company you wanna put : Automattic and/or Tumblr for address you wanna put : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 for phone number you wanna put : (646) 513-4321 and for category of discrimination you can put : Discriminatory harassment and basis of discrimination you can put : Gender; Gender identity you can then use a similar script on the written section of the form. when describing a specific incident, you should attach as many screenshots and links as possible! (for links, include both a live link and an archival link, so take a capture with the internet archive and have that as an alternative, incase a staff member gets petty.) this should only take a few minutes at most, and it helps alot! you can fill this out if you are a minor, and you dont have to be a us resident, please please take the time!!! and, just to clarify because there are many posts going around that are confused about this tumblr moved offices to san francisco recently, so their main HQ is at : 60 29th St, San Francisco, CA 94110 they DO still have an office in new york city, and thats where their PREVIOUS HQ was, the address is : 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
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haunted-house-heart · 8 months
#it hurts so bad#it's been a year and still it feels like there's this empty space in my chest#and when i see them i think of you. when they're living this. this undeserved happiness all i can think of is you#i wish you'd come back and we forget all that happened and i know i'd forgive you. i would always forgive you#you've been out of my life for a year and you could be dead and honestly i wouldn't even be surprised. most days it felt like i was the only#thing keeping you alive. and i realize now that i never should have let you put that pressure on me but i told you i could take it even#when it made me physically sick from stress. i couldn't help it. i loved you.#i still do. that's what hurts so much. that after all this time and all the pain you've caused me i still fucking love you.#it doesn't go away. i keep thinking it will and then i see them happy and all i can think of is the pain they caused us both and the love i#still feel. you were the first. you were my first love and it took me far too long to see it. i should've told you. i should've gotten you#help. they were hurting you and i tried to do the right thing but you chose them over me. that's what hurts the most honestly.#that after everything i still wasn't enough.#i want to talk to someone anyone tell them what they did to you to me but everyone fucking loves th#loves them. and i don't want to ruin someone elses friendship over my wounds.#i had to leave. i couldn't stand to see them happy anymore. it hurt too much. my therapist said it wasn't healthy to be there anymore#i've been feeling it awhile. it's been a year but this wound in my chest won't heal while they're pushing a knife into it. i had to leave.#i'm just so tired of thinking about this over and over. i want to move on.#vent#tw vent#delete later
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snowsinterlude · 6 months
🍒 - fitting room.
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summary: your soon to be husband always did his best to keep you happy and pretty for him, once a month he would always take you out to keep you in fashion, even if that was just an excuse to fuck you in a fitting room.
c.w: nsfw, smut, p in v, blowjob (m. recieving), dirty talk, public sex, fitting room sex, almost caught, cum denial, mentions to tit slapping and clit slapping, creampie, breeding, dom snow, sub reader, president snow x soon to be wife reader, sex in public places
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being wed to the president of panem had some strange types of luxury that comes with it.
one of them being your wardrobe, full to the brim with clothes he brought to you, he had to build you an entire closet to fit in all the things he got you. jewelry, dresses, everything that he wanted you to wear for him, too. lingerie being the thing he always told you to buy.
so today, once again, you were on another luxury store with him, buying clothes and asking for his opinion on certain clothes, knowing he was glad to help you.
"m'love-" you called him, shyly. he gave the assistant of the store a look that was enough to send her away, and when he entered, he could see your panties on your hands while you wore one of the store's new dress. you were olaying with the fabric of your panties like a timid whore, hands occupied with it.
"what..." he chuckled, not even needing to ask anything when you fluttered your eyes at him, his dick starting to stiff up when you swayed your hips to his direction, arms hugging his waist shyly.
"it's just, you know.. you have been such a good husband to me and our wedding didn't even occur, i thought we could, you know, uh... advance the honeymoon."
ah, it wasn't the first time you guys fucked, but those words were enough for him to kiss you all of a sudden, pinning you on the wall while putting your panties on his pockets.
you did your best to make him happy too, always satisfying him and his dick, pumping him while on your knees, tears welling on your eyes as you licked his tip, kissing it open mouthed.
"don't let any drop fall on the dress, okay?" he growled, and you nodded obediently, the action making your head bob on his cock, earning a chuckle out of his lips.
you pulled away a bit, breathing heavily before giving his balls a small kiss. he slapped your face lightly, putting his entire being into not hurting your pretty face and thanking heavens for you being a whore who liked such dirty things.
"coryo, i.. hn, i want you to cum inside of me." you said, breathless after drooling on his cock, getting it purposefully wet for it to enter your gushing ignored cunt.
"god, you're such a bitch." he chuckled, pulling you to stand up, your legs shaking from being on your knees for longer than you actually remembered being.
with your thigh being held by his hand to spread your legs apart, your hands were holding onto anything in that fitting room that could help you not to fall. your moans were muffled by your own panties, that he had stuffed in his pocket before calling you a whore for making him have to muffle your lewd sounds with your own panties.
"i can't believe you are such a perverted whore, drooling on your own panties while i fuck you senseless." he whispered on your ear, kissing your neck while his skin slapped against yours. "maybe i should fuck some sense into you, don't you think so, bunny?"
his question was ironic, but you still nodded pathetically, a despair he had never seen before on anyone's eyes, your tears probably being the main thing that made him think of that.
then, there was a sudden knock on the fitting room door, which made you panic, but not him, his thrusts could have gotten a bit slower, but your pussy was still gushing around him, your eyes rolling back in pleasure as you moaned against your panties.
"miss snow?" the assistant asked, ear on the door as she tried to hear what was happening inside the fitting room. "miss snow, is everything alright?"
her voice seemed a bit worried, and coriolanus kisses on your neck made you even weaker, his mouth nibbling on your ear.
"be a good girl and answer her. and don't you dare make those slutty sounds of yours." he whipered, taking the panties out of your mouth, you let out a soft sob and breathed in heavily before answering.
"y..yes, it is." you blurted out. "is there.. is there anything 'rong?" you fucked yourself back on his dick while saying those things, his hands grabbing your ass with desire, lust and gluttony, marking his hand prints on your ass.
"no. i just needed to know if your husband was there. it is not allowed to have two people in the same fitting room in the store, i need to follow the rules." she said, and your pussy gripped tightly on his cock, his finger masturbating your clit non stop.
"h-he's not there." you answered, pausing multiple times to try and control your sobs.
"but you called him earlier, miss." she said.
"yeah, only t-to zip up.. m-my dress..!" you said, biting your lip as his hand met your cheek again and again, your lips trembling as you cried a bit.
"oh.. okay, miss! please call me if needed." she said, coriolanus relaxed seeing her shadow disappear on the ground, your mouth being stupidly stuffed with your panties again.
"god, you're a terrible actor, bunny." he said, picking up pace while fucking you deep and fast. "great thing you're such a perfect wife for me."
you mewled into his touches, feeling him slap your butt terribly strong, your skin burning as you moaned. "'m sowwy, love" you said, not taking in the tease, it was too difficult to speak up when there was a pair of panties shoved on your mouth.
he slapped across your boobs, your nipples stinging up while his other thumb rubbed against your over sensitive clit against his skillful hands, his hand slapping and pinching at your clit.
"sorry, coryo, sorry!" you begged, crying eyes closing shut as you felt your climax next and ready to engulf your body, but it didn't.
however, he was the first to cum, breeding you up real nice for him while you kept crying.
"coryo!" you begged, not even needing to say the words for him to know what you wanted, his index and his thumb kept on assaulting your clit, his lips kissing your tears.
"sorry, bunny. you're not gonna cum until we arrive home." and those words were enough for you to cry more, your pussy clenching as he pulled his cock away, leaving your cunt to clench on the air, already missing his cock. "be a good girl, okay? if you complain, you won't be cumming for the next month." he threatened.
he helped you dress your panties again, paying for the dress that was still on your body, your body, that was still stuffed with his cum. you and him walked to home, he only demanded that the chauffeur would leave your shopping bags on your closet.
he made you walk all the way to home with your panties stuffed in cum, but you didn’t and you wouldn't complain. you knew that the best you behaved, the soon you'd be cumming on your shared bed, making a mess on his face and on his cock.
you hugged his arm, biting your lip while day dreaming about how much he'd fuck you when you both arrived home. which he did.
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luvrxbunny · 7 months
so much
pairing: bf!Miguel O’Hara  x f!reader
summary: You give Miguel a handjob for the first time.
warnings: 18+ MDNI, handjob, lots of cum (lmk if i forgot anything)
wc: 2.1k
a/n: i blacked out again. 
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Miguel stopped kissing you maybe fifteen minutes ago. He said he was getting too worked up and that you guys should stop, of course, you respected his wishes. You’re both now sitting in bed, he’s reading and you’re supposed to be doing some extra research but all you can focus on is the bulge in his pants. 
This happens a lot, you guys get heated and Miguel stops everything. It’s been six months and you’ve never seen him cum. You’ve told him you love him, he’s made you cum with his fingers and his mouth but you’ve never seen him cum. It doesn’t bother you too much, you just assumed he wasn’t a very sexual person, although you are and you love pleasuring your partner, you love him more. So you decided you could deal with it, but then you noticed that he would get hard, quite hard, and just not let you help him. You’ve offered many times and he always protests, saying “It’s fine, it’ll just go away.” 
Once he even went into your bathroom for it. He chose to get himself off instead of just letting you do it. You tried to ask Jess about it but she says that Miguel doesn't talk about that stuff, all she knows is that he’s definitely not a virgin. So your last option to understand is to just ask him. So you do. 
“Miggy?” His head comes up from his book to look over at you, peeking over his glasses like a librarian, making you chuckle. “Um… You- You’re—” You start the sentence but soon realize how awkward this conversation could be. You try and figure out ways to piece it together as Miguel sits up straight, closes his book, and takes his glasses off, giving you his full attention. Now that he’s straightened himself out he’s looming over you a bit, making you even more nervous. 
“You’re still… hard..?” It comes out as a question more than a statement and mumbles more than words but he understands you. He clears his throat awkwardly as you slowly close your laptop and cast it aside. “Y-yes, I am.” He’s looking around the room now, his eyes avoiding yours. 
“Okay. So do you not like handjobs or something? I just- I know that you’ve gotten something before I just don’t- I don’t know why you won’t let me.” You’re looking at him as you speak, he’s looking at the duvet, and from the corner of your eye, you swear you see his dick jump in his pants. 
“Cariño… I-” He takes a deep, slightly frustrated breath and looks up at the ceiling, trying to figure out how to explain himself. “I want to… Tan jodidamente mala but… you’re different.”
(“... So fucking bad but…”)
Insecurity spreads through your body at his words. Your mind is already racing, trying to decipher what he could mean.   
What the fuck? How am I different? Oh god, is he not even attracted to me sexually? Maybe I’m not his type. Is there something I’m missing? Maybe it’s something that he’s into, maybe I just need to get into whatever that is? Unless it really is just me that’s the problem…
“I love you so much…” The words instantly relax you. You believe him when he says it, but his tone implies that it’s a bad thing. “I’ve never felt the way I feel about you for anyone else. So-” He sighs again and runs his fingers through his hair. “So I’m- I’m more sensitive… when- when it comes to you.”
Arousal pools at the bottom of your stomach as you process his words. ‘More sensitive’
The thought that he hasn’t wanted you to touch him because it would feel too good has you leaking between your legs. 
He’s silent as you process, he’s waiting for you to laugh. But when he looks over at you you’re looking up at him with those eyes. The ones that always have him hardening in his pants before you have to say anything. The ones that he pictures on late nights when he can’t sleep. The ones that burn into his eyelids as your name falls from his lips and he cums all over his sheets… Those eyes. 
He huffs out a breath and shakes his head, denying you before you can even propose your suggestions. “No, cariño. I- It’s embarrassing.” He protests but his voice is getting breathy, arousal leaking its way in as he watches you seat yourself by his knees, facing him. Your hand is placed on his upper thigh which has begun to twitch under your touch. “We can’t, I can’t. Habría mucho también.”
“Mucho?” You question, only understanding some of what he said. “A lot, what?” You’re focused on his face, watching it contort as he whines at the Spanish that rolls off your tongue. Your hand has begun to massage his thigh, you can feel the fabric pull tighter with every pulse of his cock. Your hand slides up, closing in on where he wants you the most. His head falls back against the headrest as pleasure shoots through him. 
You can tell he’s being honest with his reasoning as you watch him. He’s letting out tiny moans, little whines like you’ve been teasing him all day but you’re just massaging his thigh. You keep it up, just groping his twitching leg as he tries to hold his moans in so he can answer you. “C-cum, habría tanto semen.” His hips start thrusting off the bed, barely noticeable.
(“C-cum. there would be so much cum.”)
“Yeah? You’d cum so much for me, Miggy?” You move from your spot, throwing your leg over him, straddling his thighs as you begin to palm his dick. His eyes roll back into his head as moans rip from his throat. He quickly grabs your wrist, roughly, stopping all your movements. His head raises to look at you. 
“I’m- I’m a bit… nervous, cariño. It would be a lot for me. I- No one has ever seen me like that. I’m only like this for you, I- can’t help it." His eyebrows furrow, and he huffs at a breath, like he's angry at himself. "I don’t want you to think it’s… extraño, anormal, or that I’m- I don’t know.” You can see the genuine concern on his face, and the fear in his voice as he anxiously rambles. 
("... strange, abnormal,")
“Miguel…” He whines at how you say his name, you smile brightly and fondly at the sound. “I love you. In a way I didn’t even know was possible. I’m never going to think you’re-  like, weird or something. At least not in a bad way. I-” You sigh gently and look into his eyes, you wrench your hand out of his grip and place it on his face, pulling him in for a soft kiss that he whimpers into. You pull away and give him the most serious look you can manage. “We don’t have to if you’re too nervous but if you’re worried about what I’ll think? Please don’t.”
He holds your gaze, considering your words for a moment. “But there’s mucho, cariño. No importa lo que yo haga. When- whenever I think of you, there’s… so much.” He tries to express his concern but you really don’t understand.
("No matter what I do.")
“Miguel.. That just- That just turns me on even more I- I don’t see why that’s a bad thing.” You speak honestly, watching his face shift into a mix of pleasure and confusion as his head falls back again. His hips press into the air, his legs spread, opening himself up for you as a pathetic “Por favor” falls from his lips. 
You spring into action immediately. You pull his pants low enough for his cock to fly out, instantly standing straight, hitting and staining his shirt. A hiss falls from his lips as you wrap your hand around him, and his head comes up to watch you. His eyes are watery as they stare at your little hand around his huge cock. You’re watching him, you don’t move yet, you can see him taking in every detail, committing the scene to memory before meeting your eyes. 
“Ready?” You ask him with a devious smile on your face. He nods vigorously, “Sí, estoy... estoy tan lista, cariño. Por favor.”
(“Yes, I'm... I'm so ready, honey. Please.”)
You run your hand up his cock, swirling around the head before meeting the base again. His reaction is instant and extreme. His hands leave your hips for the bed as his claws rip into the sheet. His body is already shaking as tense, short, and quick moans fall from his lips. All his muscles are pulled tight as you slowly run your hand over him. His eyes are wide, staring at your hands as they pleasure him. 
You’re mesmerized by his cock, red, hot, and pulsing in your hand as you stroke him. Pre-cum is spilling from his slit at a consistent pace, making him all wet and sloppy. You hear his head hit the headboard again as his moans grow more unrestrained, shouting out into the open air. “I- I-’m not- Can’t” He lets out a frustrated whine that morphs into a genuine moan before he tries to speak again. “No voy a durar. Joder, tus manos son el paraíso, cariño. No voy a durar mucho, no puedo-”
(“I’m not gonna last. Fuck, your hands are heaven, honey. I won't last long, I can't-”)
You can’t understand the words but based on how frantically he says them, the way his hips have started thrusting up into your hand gently and the way his legs are spreading themselves wider underneath you are good clues. “You’re gonna cum, Miggy?” You finally look away from his saturated cock to observe him. His face is flushed, as he nods at you desperately. He tries to moan your name at you but he can’t form the syllables. You love it. Seeing him like this, wet and aching for you. This is definitely going to become a daily thing. 
“Yeah? You promised me a lot, hermoso. I want it all. Give it to me, baby.” He fully shouts your name at the Spanish pet name. He grunts pathetically as he lifts his hand from the bed, willing his claws to retract so he can touch you. His hand squeezes your hip desperately, shaking as his moans quickly rise in pitch and volume. Your eyes are focused back on his erratically twitching cock, you don’t see his head lift to look at you.
He’s cumming the moment he can see your face. 
You stroke him as fast as you can, listening to his breathy sob as his cock shoots out heavy ropes of cum. He’s watching your face, trying to gauge your reaction through his cloudy eyes. You’re watching his cock in awe, his cum runs over your hand, coating your fist as you jerk him through it. He’s nothing but a bundle of gasps, moans, and sobs as his cock spurts out a whole new load. He watches your face as it morphs from disbelief to burning arousal, your breathing speeds up the longer he cums. He can hear whines start to slip out of you as his hips jerk into your hand. You tear your eyes away from the cum pooling around and coating his cock just in time to see his eyes shift from you to the back of his head. He lets out one last drawn-out wail before his hips rest back on the bed. His cock begins to soften, spurting out tiny ropes as you stroke him softly, helping him down. You try to get the raging fire in your stomach and the flood between your legs under control before getting up for a towel. He was right. There was so much.
You wipe him down as he whines and mumbles deliriously until you hear a little sob and he reaches out for you. You throw the towel to a corner of the room as he pulls you into his chest. He whispers what sounds like thanks and praise into your hair as you kiss his chest. 
“Gracias, cariño. Eso- eso se sintió tan bien, te sentiste tan bien. Te amo.” You giggle at him gently. “You’re welcome and I love you too, baby. You know I can’t understand most of what you said, right?” You feel his chest rumble with a chuckle before he speaks again. “I- I know, it's just… El inglés se me hace difícil. Yo olvido. I- I’m” He laughs at himself. “You get my head all mixed up, cariño.” 
(“Thank you love. That- that felt so good, you felt so good. I love you.”)
(“English is difficult for me. I forget”)
He presses a kiss to your forehead. “Oh really?” You say in a playful tone as he chuckles at you. You turn and pull him in, his lips just inches from yours. “Me encanta eso.” You had to pull all your Spanish I classes together to figure that sentence out but the reward is worth it. Miguel’s eyes widen and he gasps before smashing his face into yours, you can feel his wide smile against your lips as he kisses you and you’ve never felt happier. 
(‘I love that.”)
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thank you so much for reading!! please please please give any feedback you may have! I want it all! also if you liked it please take a look at my masterlist!
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sixosix · 7 months
wanderer can fly; you cannot. he makes it his problem.
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“What? Giving up already?”
“Shut—” heaving, you barely have the energy to flip him off, “shut the fuck up. Fuck off.”
Wanderer chuckles, all low and mean, as if his entire purpose in life is to ridicule you. He continues ascending overhead, moving and looking like an angel, but the words that come out of his mouth are far from angelic. “Careful, now. I know you overestimate yourself, but I won’t save you if you continue to scale a mountain with one hand.”
“Stop agitating me on purpose then!” You nearly slip from the intensity of your yell, but thankfully, it isn’t your time yet.
“How can I? You’re cute when you’re mad.”
Grumbling, you focus back on the mountain. Cute when mad. He must think he’s goddamn adorable, then.
You’re starting to lose sight of dents or protruding surfaces to get a hold of, and the mountain is getting steeper. You curse under your breath. If only you had Geo or Dendro—that’d help a lot much more. Maybe even Anemo, but that would be admitting defeat to the man who’s currently watching you intently.
Wanderer scoffs when your breath hitches, the surface you’re holding onto crumbling. He descends until you’re eye level. “Idiot, I told you that it’d be safer if we didn’t climb this all the way.”
“I know my limit.” Maybe. You may or may not have gotten a little over-competitive and jumped a few times, but that shouldn’t be a problem.
“Not more than I do,” he says.
“Don’t say it like that, weirdo.” You appraise the mountain overhead and, with a sunken stomach, realize that he’s right. There’s still a long way to go, and it’s a long fall back.
“Damn,” you say. You turn to Wanderer and blink up at him with wide eyes, hoping he would take the hint without having to say it outright.
Wanderer sighs, holding out his arms. “Jump.”
“Are you serious?”
“I won’t let you fall—of course I’m fucking serious.”
You grit your teeth, wondering if it’s easier to humiliate yourself and jump into his arms or to let gravity do its work.
“Hey,” Wanderer says, gliding closer and hovering an arm behind your waist. “No stupid ideas. Just jump and hold onto me.”
It’s always unsettling when Wanderer is not acting all bratty, like you’re not quite sure if you should goad him back to being mean or watch him bristle when you point it out. It’s been happening too often recently. That must be saying something about him if his soft moments are scarier than his jabs.
Wordlessly, you reach out for his shoulder with one hand and hold back a yelp when the lack of balance causes you to slip. You hold on tight around his neck, eyes wide and heart jittery. Wanderer secures his arms, moving in one swift motion. Before you even know it, he has one arm on your back and the other under your knees.
“How convenient it must be to have a ride as your companion,” Wanderer mutters in amusement at your relieved face.
“Yeah. That’s why I keep you around,” you say as he glides upward, barely straining from your weight. He looks as unaffected as ever.
He looks as infuriatingly and devastatingly beautiful as ever.
“Ha,” his smile is all sharp, “and not because you have a little crush on me?”
“You follow me around because you do. Don’t get it twisted.”
He snorts, tipping on something a little more genuine. You wisely decide to stop ogling at his face and enjoy the view of the sky instead. The blue of his clothes and the shade of his eyes are much prettier, but you’d rather lose that than start squirming in his arms. Not when he’s carrying you bridal style and all.
Finally, he descends, hardly disturbing the grass with his grace. He sets you down, arms crossed, as you pat yourself off from dirt and stuff.
You eye him warily. “What do you want?”
“Some semblance of manners will do,” he says, then leans close as if he’s baring his face for you. He’s been less and less subtle recently, too.
Nonetheless, you find yourself smiling. The things he’d do just to get a kiss—it nearly makes you laugh out loud. But then he’d start getting all irritated like a cat, and you much prefer when he’s sweet like this. Sweet in his very Wanderer way, you mean.
You kiss him on the cheek. He puffs up like some proud peacock. He calls you adorable all the time, but he’s the one who’s acting like this. It’s no wonder you keep him around.
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5K notes · View notes