#the amount of pain I’ve caused future me
oasisofgalaxies · 10 months
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trolliogolli · 2 months
save me bed….save mee…
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gay-dorito-dust · 10 months
Hii! Could you do a mizu w reader where one is injured (doesn't really matter which one haha) and it's like a hurt/ comfort?
Take your time and get some rest!!
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Write this when I was on the verge of falling asleep, so if any of it sounds like it was coming out of my ass, it was. 🦦
‘Why did you do it?’ Mizu asked, choosing not to look at you but instead focus on your injuried chest with a hard glare.
‘Do what? Protect you from that smiley coward who was about to use unethical means to completely blindside you?’ You replied as though the answer wasn’t already glaringly obvious, you honestly didn’t understand why you had to explain your reasonings as for protecting Mizu and putting your life at risk, but if it meant showing them that someone did give a shit about whether they’d live or die; then you’d happily be that person for Mizu.
‘You had no need to protect me, I could’ve-‘
‘Easily defend yourself, I know Mizu.’ You interrupted them before grabbing ahold of their hand, memorising the feeling of callousness to memory, as you rubbed your thumb against the back of their hand reassuringly. ‘I know how strong and powerful and amazing you are. I’ve witnessed your fighting spirit first hand and it took my breath away. Literally because when we first met you knocked the wind out of my lungs with the butt of your sword, all because you thought I was some stranger about to attack you.’ You finished recounting the tale of how you first encountered Mizu with a small smile. Why? Maybe it was your way to direct their mind to a more happier and healthier memory, rather then have it stuck heavily focusing on the one where they had their back exposed to the enemy; the reason you now had a massive gash running across your chest. A gash that would surly become a permanent part of your body but also a painful reminder to Mizu.
A reminder that you could’ve been easily taken away from them.
A reminder that you’d always selflessly put them before yourself, even if that meant getting hurt, maimed, loosing a limb or worse yet; your life.
A reminder that they’ll have to get stronger if they wish to prevent you from doing so in the nearby future. Mizu knew that their revenge took presidency over everything else, even their own health, but they don’t want you to ruin yourself beyond recognition for them; It just didn’t feel right to Mizu to have you be the barrier between them and the ill intentions of other people. They were strong enough to deal with it but as it’s been made clear countless times before, you didn’t give two shits about that, and instead focused all your time and effort into showing them that they matter so much to you; Which is an admirable and respectable trait to have in Mizu’s eyes.
However that did little to quell the unease they felt upon witnessing your body drop at their feet in what felt like slow motion, just as the first sighting of blood that began to pool beneath you in such quick succession, that at one point Mizu genuinely thought they were too late to save you, this was proven especially more true when you didn’t awaken within the first couple of days after Mizu had stitched and then later covered your wound; all in due to the amount of blood you had already lost. So the feeling of being able to properly breathe again upon seeing you wake up made the uneasy feeling that little bit more bearable for Mizu.
‘While it’s appreciated to know that I can fully count on you to have my back in the heat of battle, it is not a necessity.’ Mizu states, bring the conversation back to where it was needed most, causing you to frown. ‘I should’ve known better than to think that he would honour me with a fair fight. I should’ve known that he’d play dirty the moment he realised the odds were stacked against him.’ Mizu adds, clenching their fists into the seams of their clothing, jaw clenched and their eyes become an unforgiving steel blue; all signs of their underlying rage toward themself and the cowardly man.
‘You didn’t know and that’s perfectly fine.’ You grunt as you slowly sat yourself up with Mizu’s hands supporting your endeavour whilst being mindful as to not reopen your wound. ‘It’s normal to not foresee things before they happen, otherwise it wouldn’t be considered an authentic human experience.’ You let out a little chuckle, all the while Mizu was left to sit there and narrow their brows at what you could’ve possibly thought was so humorous. ‘And to live an authentic human experience is to accept that you have limitations, especially during the moments where you wished you didn’t have any at all.’ You said as you looked into Mizu’s eyes hoping that your words were somewhat getting through to them.
‘We always question ourselves on how we didn’t see it coming, or how we didn’t see the signs but what we’re not taking into account is that we’re human. Not super powered beings of mythical origins nor gods but just plain old humans. We don’t get the luxuries that they do, however if there’s one thing we can pride ourselves in having, it’s how we take these moments to heart and learn from them going forwards.’ You smiled softly, seeing the sea of emotions within Mizu’s eyes. ‘Another thing we can pride ourselves on is our resilience and our willpower to continue paving the way forward. We get hurt but we always get back up because that’s the indomitable human spirit. That’s what we do.’
‘Where are you getting with this and what does it have to do with me allowing you in getting hurt?’ Mizu asked, curious and a little restless as to what this was all meant to mean. ‘The moral of this for you to not beat yourself up over being human for being human is all we’ll ever know how to be until our final breath.’ You explained, lifting their clenched hand within yours to press a kiss to the back of it, before placing it back onto their lap. ‘Instead of focusing on what has already come to pas, how about bringing your attention to the fact that I’m still here and I’m still breathing. Yeah?’ Mizu stayed quiet for a while, allowing for your words to sit with them as Mizu thought long and hard before finally reaching to a conclusion.
‘Only on the pretences that I get to teach you in the basics of defence.’ Mizu said. ‘As a precaution.’ They add.
‘As long as you don’t go hard on me.’ You chuckled, already visualising it.
Mizu gave you an almost missable smirk. ‘No promises.’
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run-little-hero · 6 months
“I’m sorry Villain. I didn’t mean it.”
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“I love you.” Hero presses a kiss to their temple, situated on Villain’s lap. “I know this isn’t what you pictured when you stole me away. You’ve suffered because of my mistake and I hate myself for every ounce of pain I’ve caused you. I hate every moment we have to hide and I hate more that I can’t do anything about it.”
Barely a whisper. “Villain, you’ve entered my life and filled my heart so completely that I can’t imagine breathing in a world where we have no future together. I will become someone deserving of you, as you’ve become my heart, entirely.”
Hands move across Hero’s back and they both rock quietly in the chair. “You have no need for apologies, my love. I’ve never regretted our meeting, or our secret. Not for a second. You must know this is not only your burden. You are not alone.”
“I’m sorry,” Hero confesses to the crook of Villain’s neck.
“I trust you.”
“Through everything, we are devoted to one another. And if all my hardships have amounted to this moment, I still wouldn’t deserve the love you give me.”
snippet #1
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livelaughghoul · 1 month
Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg Relationship Tarot Reading
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Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only, nothing observed or taken away from this should be considered fact. As a reminder, I know fuck all about Formula 1, I just like fast cars and have a dumb amount of knowledge of astrology and tarot. 
Hey besties. Thank you for being patient with me while dealing with my husband’s medical issues. To be completely upfront and honest, we don’t have any resolution, and there may continue to be some sporadic posting and breaks taken if he has another episode. I was hoping that only one of us in this marriage would have a chronic illness or long-term medical issues, but turns out, that both my husband and I are trying to outdo each other in terms of our medical complications (I’m still winning, because like my neurological issues absolutely body his blood clot, and yes, I am using humor to cope with the anxiety this caused). 
I’ve done some more research and explored the lore, but I am still nowhere near knowledgeable about any of these men. What I will say is that the older ones (Lewis, Jenson, Kimi, and Mark) are the ones that have me the most feral. I won’t lie, I watched like, one video on Lewis and Nico, and guys, I am so emotional over them. I think that there is a lot of history there, and I think that history can be really hard to move on from or heal from. I made wanted to see what the cards had to say about the current and future relationship, so here is the reading for Lewis and Nico! 
Current relationship - Six of Cups 
The Six of Cups is this nostalgic card, it’s remembering what was shared between friends. It’s one of those cards that is really difficult in terms of relationship readings, at least in my opinion. The way that I look at the Six of Cups when thinking about someone's current relationship, especially if that relationship is strained, tells me that someone is still holding onto the past in a way that prevents forward movement. I think that either Lewis or Nico is unable to move on from what happened between them, that pain and hurt run deeper than what is known. They may be able to act somewhat civil when near each other, but I don’t think that there is a way to get back to what the friendship was. 
Future relationship - Strength, reversed 
I think that any friendship between the two of them, beyond the sparse interactions now, is going to be plagued with a lot of negative emotions, insecurities, and general doubts. I imagine that no matter how much healing and work goes into it, there is always going to be that rawness that is there. When I see Strength in the reversal position it’s more internal than anything, so I think that in the future if they were to really rebuild a friendship, it would be plagued with a lot of internal doubts and insecutirties. I don’t see a way that the friendship ever returns to what it was, I think that there is just too much hurt there. It’s possible though that slowly over time an olive branch is extended, but I think that there is always going to be some distance to a degree. 
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 8 days
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It’s that time of year again!!!
The amount of times Ibis crashed on me ;~; (still sorting out the storage issues—at a slug’s pace, ‘cause other things be preoccupying my mind), but it was worth it!! I’m very much proud, very much pleased, with how it came out this year if I do say so myself! Ahhh, all that struggling with and “refinding” my art style this year was not for naught!!
I think of my previous years, 2021 is my favorite, but it’s officially been replaced now 😌 I feel so content rn (please don’t let this be a short moodlet, eheh)
That said, I do think I prefer last year’s hands. They were also a pain this time—primarily Yukiko’s right hand…
Anywho, previous versions (+ “base-color” version + a close-up ‘cause why not) under the cut (after some more rambling, eheh):
I was really struggling to start this—I restarted it 3 times essentially—so I’m also really happy with how it came out in that regard. As such (plus the crashes), I’m a wee bit late this year, but only by a few days; I really don’t mind it for once, haha.
I noticed I was going in a certain direction over the years with Yukiko’s hairstyle and the light source, and not the one I intended. Realized that this year, so I fixed those trends:
Tried to make the light source more behind and adjusted it’s position to match with the scene in my head more (though, if I really wanted to be truthful to that, she’d be in one of the other ballgowns I designed for her since she wears this specific one for her first meeting with Gakushuu in this AU, whereas the idea for this scene is supposed to be from when they’re much more familiar with each other later on. But, uh, I like this dress wayyy too much, so let’s just ignore that, haha). I was actually thinking of finally implementing a proper bg this year—even sketched it (mainly for perspective, though)—but I really wanted to just get this done, haha, but also… I didn’t want to deal with more crashes… Perhaps next year… but don’t quote me on that, haha.
As for the hair, the strands that bunch up the rest of Yukiko’s hair—I noticed I was placing them too low. How I imagine her hairstyle to be is that they eventually connect up to her bun (I should definitely sketch a back view concept of this design, mainly so I don’t forget stuff like these, eheh, and to visualize just what in the world is going on… but that’s something distant future me will worry about… if she remembers, of course ^^;). But they’re also supposed the same length as the rest of her hair, so… yeah… I thought this would make her hair less fluffier, which would’ve saddened me, haha, but it didn’t! That said, I have a feeling I’ll possibly make it less voluminous next year… Seems a bit too thick… but idk. I like drawing thick hair, haha.
Oh, also, if you’ll notice: I decided to simplify her underskirt design last year, and… yeah, no, I reverted that change, haha.
Mannn, I am in such a mood to draw more “A Brothers’ Quarrel” stuff/AC Kingdom AU stuff in general (like designing some proper outfits for Gakushuu and Karma finally (they’re the main characters, and Yukiko only appears for a specific part of the AU, yet who do I draw the most…? XD), drawing her horse, Camellia, drawing her in her other dresses, finally getting around to drawing her ladies-in-waiting designs in that other Kingdom AU (just how long ago did I post the traditional sketches of them? Yikes…), etc, etc), but I’ve got too much stuff to get finished before the end of the year. I really need to pick up the pace, eheh.
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Didn’t find an ask that matched this idea
“Listen…” the villain purred and one of their hands landed on the supervillain’s right shoulder. Though comfortable at first, the villain’s fingers clawed harder into their enemy by the second, like an eagle would grab a rabbit.
Admittedly, the supervillain was losing it, sweating and flinching whenever the villain came too close. In the business, it was rather…apparent that the villain would do questionable things to get what they want.
“It’s simple,” the villain said. “We’re both civil people, aren’t we?”
And the worst thing was their persistency.
The supervillain didn’t even dare to nod and the villain finally let go of them, though with a dismissive gaze, sitting down at the supervillain’s desk. Their eyes scanned the boring room lazily. Boring books, boring computer, boring person.
“If you tell me where my hero is, I’ll only break five of your fingers before I kill you. What do you think?” the villain asked casually, eyes still searching throughout the room.
They’d done a disproportionate amount of detective work already and came to an understanding of why the hero loved their job so much that they’d die for it. Puzzle solving was fun but the villain also knew that violence was a helping factor in getting what they want.
And they wanted their hero back.
“Seriously, I’ve told you, I’ve told you a million times— I don’t have them…” The villain had tied them to the chair and the sheer panic of their uncertain future made the supervillain fidget like a scared animal.
“Hm.” The villain leaned back in the chair, watching the blood drop down the supervillain’s forehead. An injury they had accidentally caused a few minutes ago. “One of your henchmen kidnapped them, though.”
“I didn’t give an order or anything, I swear.”
“You told me something about opportunism, once. It’s been a while,” the villain said. Their eyes found the window and they stared at the small garden, the locust tree and the small pond. Their hero loved nature. “…but if I recall correctly, you told me to paint myself however the situation demanded. You appear to be incredibly incompetent right now. I wonder if that’s just a façade?”
“I am not lying.”
“Well, even if you are, you’ll be singing by the time I get to your third finger.” The villain looked back at them. “Singing all your secrets to me.”
“I could find out if one of my guys took them. Just give me some time. I can check security cameras, I could ask around…just give me some time.”
The villain sighed and their gaze wandered to the desktop.
It was never really over, was it? No matter what they did, no matter how hard they tried, their hero would never be safe. They would run into a burning building to save a puppy. Over and over and over again.
The villain smiled softly. That just meant they had to run after them. Over and over and over again.
“You’re not big on responsibility, are you?” the villain asked. “Blaming your own people? Why should they be interested in the hero? You’re the one who likes these games. I thought you would’ve learnt by now that I don’t like to be toyed with.”
“That’s not—”
“Fine.” The villain grabbed their enemy’s hand and pulled until half of the supervillain’s body was sliding over the table. They yelped, pain digging into their hand. “Which one do you need…”
The villain stared at the hand, thinking carefully. Eventually, they decided to go with the thumb and just as fast as their decision, was the gut-wrenching crack. The supervillain screamed and the villain stared down at them, tutting.
“I’m not a kid anymore,” they said. “You don’t scare me and you certainly do not control me anymore.”
They walked around the table, watching as the whimpering supervillain cried and looked at their thumb. It was quite an unhealthy angle.
“Let’s do this again,” the villain said and took the miserable looking hand into their own again. “Until you tell me the truth.”
They smiled.
“And in whatever condition I find my hero, I promise you’ll look ten times worse.”
The supervillain endured six broken fingers until they confessed.
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sickficideas · 9 months
Hello it’s me, Rui again (idk if you remember me, i left an appreciation comment a while ago)
but I have Chuuya headcanons if your interested (I’ve never wirrten headcanons out before so I’m sorry if they are bad help) I’m so embarrassed writing this
(if you end up liking them i can definitely talk to you about Akutagawa headcanons too if you want lmao)
Chuuya is nauseous for days after using corruption and dazai has to do his best at taking care of him (he sucks at it)
Having Arahabaki inside him causes him to need a lot more rest than the average person. Most of the time he tries to ignore this due to his loyalty to his work and he ends up either passing out or making himself sick for weeks because of it
Arahabaki in a small body like his makes it so that he tends to eat a lot more food than the average person due to energy being consumed faster. When he gets sick he tends to bring up a lot more.
Arahabaki loves to scream in Chuuyas head, causing him to get major migraines. Even when Dazai touches him, the nausea doesn’t usually leave
Chuuya usually ends up vomiting the second that corruption is nullified
HC (Kunikida bashing, i love Kunikida but i need chuuya to suffer so i can have Soukoku content) once chuuya ran to the agency office to get dazai to shut arahabaki up, but he ended up throwing up all over the agency floor and Kunikida yelled at him making his migraine worse, sending him into a panic attack. Dazai ran to his aid
chuuya often can’t make it to the bathroom in time because his migraine make it so that he can’t see or walk properly. Dazai usually keeps a bin nearby his bed during these times
chuuya has such a large amount of pride that he’s afraid of throwing up in fear that dazai will think he’s disgusting so he usually tries pushing him away (it doesn’t work)
arahabaki gives him the worst migraines when he’s stressed
due to past lab experiences, chuuya usually goes to sleep/passes out when he’s stressed because then he doesn’t have to deal with the pain. When he wakes up however, the pain isn’t gone
anyway that’s all i have for now. i was so embarrassed writing that honestly, but your so nice and accepting to everyone that I thought it would be okay. my headcanons aren’t great, but please tell me your thoughts on them qwq
I might make more if they end up being good enough or enjoyable qwq
sorry for bothering you ahhh
Rui!!!! Of course I remember you!!!!! Thank you for this beautiful list of headcanons these are absolutely fantastic and perfect inspiration for fics...don't be embarrassed or think these aren't great, I love them I'm so glad you took the time to write these and send them to me!!!!! Please feel free to send more in the future I'd be so happy to read them 💖💖 (and will certainly take you up on the offer for Akutagawa hehe you know I'll never turn down any content for him)
I really really love Corruption related whump for Chuuya it never fails to interest me....being sick as soon as it's switched off is so good because he has zero control over it, once he's conscious enough to understand what's happening it stresses him out even more...and the migraines !!! Chuuya is a perfect migraine candidate!!!!! I'm in love with your detail about them causing him to have trouble walking and seeing underrated symptom that's perfect for him 😭 especially since he usually carries himself very well it's super obvious to Dazai that he's struggling once his steps start to shift and he isn't picking up his feet right...catching him 😭😭😭 catching him whenever he passes out ughhhh my favorite....i just generally really love this idea of him often having zero control of when and where he throws up i know it super stresses him out ....💔💔💔💔💔💔
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archiveikemen · 1 month
Xeno Main Story: Chapter 10
Premium Avatar Challenge
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
Xeno: Kawanaga, leave if you’re done talking. 
Rina: Xeno-san…
No matter what I said, Xeno-san didn’t agree. 
(His injury will definitely worsen if he continues performing this hard choreography.) 
(Even if he were to make it through this music festival, the injury might affect his future in the long run…) 
(What should be done if that happens?) 
The thought of that possibility made my face turn pale. 
Rina: … I understand. I won’t bother you anymore. 
Rina: But if you want to continue practising, please at least get it properly treated! 
Xeno: That’s too exaggerated. It’ll only hinder my movement. I don’t need it. 
Rina: It’s not an exaggeration at all. It really hurts, doesn’t it? I can tell even if you’re trying to cover up by bearing with it! 
Xeno: … Bearing with it? 
Rina: Yes. You’re surprisingly stubborn, Xeno-san. 
Rina: And yet… as a professional, you’re harsher on yourself than towards anyone else. You won’t change your mind once you’ve decided on something. 
Rina: The amount of time I’ve spent with you isn’t very long… but I at least know this much about you. 
Xeno: …
Rina: So, please, let me treat your injury. 
Rina: If you’re going to perform vigorous movements, properly taping your ankle will make things easier! 
Xeno-san stared at me as I desperately tried to get my point across.
Although he was expressionless, there was a hint of bewilderment in his eyes that seemed to waver. And then…
Xeno: … Fine. 
Rina: Really? 
Xeno: Yeah. … But I won’t tolerate it if you continue pestering me. 
Rina: T-thank you so much! In that case I’ll go get a first aid kit right away—...
Xeno: We’ll head back to my room first. The first aid kit is there too. … You never know who’ll come to the training room. 
(He intends to keep his injury a secret from the other members…) 
Rina: I understand. Let’s go then. 
(As long as he’s willing to have his ankle treated…!) 
Xeno: … Why are you so desperate? 
Xeno: You really are a strange person… 
As expected, Xeno-san’s ankle was swollen. I applied a cold compress onto the injured site to slightly reduce the swelling before taping it. 
Rina: It must be so painful… 
Xeno: This is nothing. 
(Honestly, I really wish you’d go to the hospital instead…) 
Still, this was better than leaving it completely untreated.
… The incident that happened in the daytime resurfaced in my mind. 
== Flashback Start == 
I knew I had to dodge, and yet my body refused to move.
Xeno: Kawanaga! 
== Flashback End ==
(This is all my fault…) 
Rina: … 
I felt like an utter good-for-nothing. The guilt and frustration caused tears to well up in the corners of my eyes…
Xeno: Kawanaga? What are you tearing up for? 
Rina: … I-I’m sorry… 
Xeno: Why are you apologising? 
Rina: It’s my fault that you got injured. 
Rina: Had I dodged the incoming car back then… you wouldn't have hurt yourself saving me. 
Xeno: …
Rina: I originally wanted to be of help to you, and yet all I did was give you more trouble. I’m so pathetic… 
I knew I had no right to cry, but my tears were flowing uncontrollably… 
Rina: Xeno-san… I’m really sorry. 
Rina: Please let me compensate you for this.
Xeno: Compensate? 
Rina: In order for the performance at the upcoming festival to go smoothly… 
Rina: For you to fully focus on your work, I’ll do everything within my capabilities to support you. 
Rina: I’ll treat your injury and assist you in your daily life. Please feel free to tell me what you want me to do. 
Rina: I’m willing to do anything for you! 
Xeno: That’s not something you should say so casually. 
Rina: I’m being serious. 
Xeno: That’s even worse. You don’t understand the meaning of what you just said, do you? 
Rina: Eh?
Xeno-san suddenly pulled me close. 
Rina: ! 
Xeno: When you said you’ll do “anything”... did it not occur to you that I could demand this sort of thing from you? 
Rina: Huh…? 
He had his arm around my waist and held our bodies closely together.
… His action was unbelievable. I stood frozen in place and all I could do was accept it. 
Xeno: I’m a man too. I can effortlessly render you unable to resist me.
His perfectly sculpted, handsome face right before my eyes… and his low whispering voice sent a shiver down my spine.
Rina: X-Xeno-san…
I never thought he'd ever touch me that way. 
Xeno: … You should be more aware of the bad intentions of others.
Xeno: This world is filthy. There are plenty of people who take advantage of another person’s naivety before devouring them like predators. 
Rina: B-but… you're not that kind of person, Xeno-san.
Xeno: How can you be so sure? It could be that you just don’t know my true colours. 
Xeno-san muttered with a pained expression and let go of my body. 
Xeno: … Long story short, you have too much trust in me. You’re too defenceless… 
Rina: Xeno-san… 
I couldn't comprehend why he would say such things all of a sudden.
Rina: Even so, I can’t leave you in the lurch…
Xeno: … Looks like your stubbornness is ingrained in your personality. Enough already. 
Xeno-san sighed. 
(... Is he irritated? Nope, this looks more like confusion.) 
Xeno: … If you want to help, go ahead and do as you please. 
Xeno: But the accident wasn’t your fault. The decision that led to it was solely mine. Don’t let it bother you. 
Rina: Xeno-san… 
Xeno: Also… don’t cry because of me anymore. … It makes me feel bad. 
He reached out his hand to wipe my tears. 
… Contrary to his blunt words, the gesture was gentle. 
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Pairing: Dean x Reader, implied feelings. Word Count: 2,239 Summary: The reader has always had visions, but now they're changing and causing her physical harm. Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, implied vomiting and pain. Requested: Yes, by anonymous. The reader has visions of future events since her childhood, but since the last hunt and burn of a witch her visions are getting more powerful and begin to affect her health condition. The visions weakening her, she suffers from heavy migraine and also dizzy spells and nausea. She tries to hide it from the Winchesters but as observing as they are, they instantly recognize her pale and sick appearance.  A/N: Requests are open! I hope you enjoy my take on this request, please let me know!
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Visions are something I’m very familiar with, I’ve had them since I was a child. They felt like dreams, mostly peaceful and serine. Predicting the things that were to come, always happy occasions. I knew the days to come that I would enjoy, the places we’d visit and joys I’d experience before they ever happened. It was a good thing, I was thankful for it. It brought reassurance in times of doubt, joy in times of sadness and it didn’t really affect my day to day life. Dean would try to use it to their advantage, running lottery ticket numbers by me in hopes of me having a vision of him winning, he hadn’t been successful yet. Sam always rolled his eyes at Dean’s childishness, but would listen intently to whatever I recounted for them. 
Since the last hunt that we been on my visions had changed, they were no longer predicting joyful occurrences, they were dark. Foreshadowing death and torture, often continuing on for twenty or thirty minutes. The amount of time a drastic change to the maybe five minute long visions that I was used to having. They caused me to get sick almost every time, a wave of nausea taking over the second the vision ended. My body felt weak, muscles ached and I had a headache that had taken up permanent residence since these new visions had started. I was doing my best to keep it from the boys, not wanting them to worry about me anymore than they already did. They already watched me closely, concerned that I would get hurt while on a hunt. If they knew about this, well, I don’t know what they would do. Probably bench me, if we are being honest. I had managed to keep it to myself, thankful that most of the visions seemed to appear at night, to the point where I could almost call them nightmares. Yet I knew better, I know that they’re predictions, some of the things I have already confirmed to be true. A train derailing in Michigan, a bus crash in Ohio, the list goes on. Every time I have one, I search the news headlines, praying that I won’t find what I am looking for. However, it’s always there, a day or two after it happens. 
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why my visions had changed, the only plausible explanation was the witch that had escaped on our last hunt. Despite our every effort, she had fled moments before we would have killed her. My guess is a spell, what spell you might ask? No clue. All of the research I had been doing, has been turning up empty. No explanation for the full body symptoms I had been having in response to the visions. 
Which is how I wound up here, hugging the toilet in the bathroom connected to my room. My head is spinning and throbbing, the pit in my stomach nauseating and unbearable. My body was aching from the constant shivers running through my body. There was nothing I could do but sit and wait, and hope that it faded overtime. This was by far the worst one, it had pulled me in and completely overcome my every thought and action. Flashes of red and orange flames, the screams of innocent people trapped within the building, being burned alive or smothered by smoke. All of it so real and vivid, forcing tears to fall from my eyes as I laid there paralyzed, unable to snap out of it, until it was over. Just as abruptly as it had begun, it was gone. I was back in my room at the bunker, sick from fear. I had painstakingly made my way to the bathroom, my eyes closed and my feet shuffling. Avoiding any sudden movements due to fear of passing out or throwing up. Judging by the time on my phone, it had lasted nearly an hour, fifty-three minutes to be exact, the longest vision I had ever had. I remain on the floor of the bathroom for almost an additional hour, taking slow, even breaths, waiting out the nausea. Which eventually faded, I had hoped that the migraine would fade too, however no luck. I opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the harsh light in the bathroom, a light that I didn’t recall turning on. I stand slowly and turn to head towards my bed, hopeful that the rest of my sleep would be uninterrupted and dreamless. 
I am awoken by a knock on my door, followed by a voice calling out my name. I ignore it, hoping they’ll go away. I am tired, so tired. The thought of getting out of bed felt like the most insurmountable task, I was already being lulled back to sleep by the warmth of my blankets. 
“Y/N, it’s almost noon, are you okay?” Sam enters the room, his voice much louder than I would prefer. I would rather he not be here at all and to just leave me to my sleep. 
“‘M fine, Sam. Go away, tired.” I mumble, throwing my arm back behind me and motioning for him to leave, not bothering to open my eyes. I hear light shuffling and I assume that he is leaving, but I am proven wrong when I feel the bed next to me dip down. Sam has not left, but come to sit beside me. I open one eye to glance at him, but close it again quickly, the lights flooding my senses with searing pain. His hand comes to rest on my shoulder and when I still don’t stir to look at him again, he speaks.
“What’s going on with you? You might think you’re doing a good job at hiding whatever it is, but you’re really not. Dean and I both know that something is going on that you’re not telling us about and its getting concerning. You’ve been sleeping a lot, in constant pain when you’re awake and you’re pale as a ghost, Y/N.” I know he isn’t going to leave me be without an answer of some sort. So I do my best to come up with one, something that sounds believable but not too concerning. 
“Just haven’t been feeling the best, must be food poisoning or something.” I whisper, again willing that he will leave me alone to sleep. My body physically exhausted, head throbbing, pain pulsating through my every nerve. He shifts again and I rejoice, hoping he’s headed for the door. But instead, his hand comes to rest on my forehead, a hiss leaving his lips as he makes contact. 
“Shit, Y/N, you’re burning up.” He says, tugging back the blankets that I have pulled up around my face, revealing my sweat soaked t-shirt. “How bad?” I hear Dean mutter from the doorway, the sound of his foot steps indicating that he has crossed the room to stand next to my bed as well. I hesitantly open my eyes, squinting to try and lower the amount of light that is allowed to enter. 
“Feel for yourself, Dean.” Sam says, standing up and letting Dean take his place on the bed next to me. Dean rests his hand against my forehead, grimacing. It must be bad judging by the look on both of their faces. I push myself up into a sitting position, tugging the blankets up to cover my bear legs. Painfully aware of how little clothing I have on compared to them, not that they hadn’t seen me dressed like this before, it just made me feel weak in this moment. 
“I’m fine, just need a shower.” I mumble, I throw my legs over the edge of my bed and begin the short walk to my bathroom, ignoring both of Sam and Dean’s protests and offers of help. I barely make it three feet before my world is spinning, darkening at the edges and crumbling around me. 
My body collapses, colliding with the hard wood of the floor and I can faintly hear my name being yelled, but it is all drowned out by the vision dancing before my eyes. This time it is different, it’s not strangers in a different state, it’s Bobby, Ellen and Jo. They’re surrounded by vampires and it doesn’t look good. All of them injured in some way, Bobby worse than the girls. They stand in a circle, their backs together and weapons raised in front of them. I know what is about to happen and I try to scream, try to warn them in some way, to move faster to run! But nothing comes out, my voice but a silent whisper in my throat. I am forced to watch as the vampires kill them, their bodies falling to the ground and, and then it is gone. 
My eyes fly open a scream bubbling out of my throat, terror filling my every nerve ending. Dean’s above me, his voice shushing me, telling me that I am safe, nothing happened and that everything is okay, but nothing is okay. Bobby, Ellen and Jo, They’re all in danger. 
“Sam, call Bobby right now, tell him not to go on that vampire hunt.” Sam hesitates, his eyes trained on me and filled with questions. But there’s no time. “Now, please! I had a vision!” I snap, putting all of the emotion I can into those words, trying to convey just how urgent they really are. Sam nods, still silent, but pulls out his phone and leaves the room to call Bobby. I take a couple of breaths, trying to focus on my surroundings once again. I am on the floor, Dean cradling me in his arms, his eyes trained on my face concern and confusion written through every inch of his skin. 
“How did you know about that hunt, Y/N? Bobby just told us about it five minutes before we came in to wake you.” He says, his hand brushing a strand of hair out of my face, his touch comforting me slightly. 
“I-I, promise not to be angry with me?” I ask, letting out a rather large sigh. He hesitates, but nods in agreement and I begin to explain. “You know about the visions that I have, they’re normally happy predictions. But ever since the last hunt, with that damn witch that got away, my visions have changed. All of them are now predicting death and tragedy. I’ve had one everyday this last week, all of them have come true. I’ve seen it on the news or in an article online. Before today, they were all strangers, but now, today, it was Bobby, Ellen and Jo. I couldn’t bear to let anything happen to them Dean, God what if I wasn’t in time?” I ask, tears beginning to form in my eyes. He hushes me, reassuring me through his touch, pressing a quick kiss to my forehead. Sam comes back into the room, his phone still clutched in his hand. His face slightly pale and concern etched throughout his features. 
“I got through to Bobby, he’s okay. So are Ellen and Jo. They were about to leave when I called, but they stopped when I told them you had a vision. Bobby wants to talk to you about it all when you are feeling up to it, Y/N.” He says, I nod in response, relief washing over me, they’re okay. They’re not going, which means they won’t die. 
Dean takes a minute to repeat what I had told him to Sam, the tension in the room growing every second. Sam is angry, Dean is angry and I am tired, oh so tired. These premonitions have really started to take it out of me physically and mentally. I listen to the boys discuss the steps that need to be taken, the witch has to burn. Sam volunteers to go and Dean agrees to stay behind with me. 
“You should both go, I’ll be fine here on my own.” I argue, trying to offer them a reassuring smile, but neither of them buy it. Sam shakes his head, his mouth parting to answer but Dean beats him to it. 
“In your dreams sweetheart, there’s no way in hell that we’re leaving you here alone. You fainted, you could’ve smacked your head if I hadn’t caught you as you fell. One of us is going to stay with you until this witch is dead. Don’t even bother arguing, you’re not going to win.” He adds on the last part as he notices my enthusiasm towards disagreeing with him. I close my mouth, exhaustion sweeping back over me. Dean notices and carefully carries me back to my bed, again ignoring my protests. He sets me gently on the mattress and I eagerly roll onto my side, resting my aching head onto the cool, soft surface of my pillow. He tugs the blanket over my body, pressing another kiss to my forehead. He makes up some excuse about it being the best way to check my temperature, but I don’t mind. He plants himself in the chair by my bed, pulling out his laptop. His presence enough comfort and safety to lull me into a peaceful sleep. They’ve got me. Sam is going to go take care of the witch and I will be okay. Those were my last thoughts before I was pulled into the blanket of sleep. 
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What's a game/some games you wish you could talk about more?
THEME: Mint’s Favourite Games. (Part 1/2)
Dear friend, I do not know if you know how much pain this causes me because…there are so many games! Games I’ve run, games I haven’t run, games I’ve purchased, games I want to buy… narrowing it down is so so hard. It’s like asking to choose which child is your favourite. So first things first I’m going to drop a link to the Games that Intrigue Me collection that I’ve been fostering on Itch, because that’s where you’re going to see games that I really really want to talk about and play in the future. (There are currently 148 games in there, and that’s just what’s available on Itch!!!) With that out of the way, let’s talk about some of my highlights.
There are 12 games in total that I managed to narrow it down to, so let's take a look at the first 6!
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Changeling: the Lost 1e, by White Wolf / Onyx Path (Played)
The most trad game on this list, Changeling: The Lost was the reason I stepped into roleplaying games. It was advertised as a fantastical allegory for healing from trauma, which is exactly the kind of hard-hitting, emotional depth that got me interested when it came to roleplaying games. One of my favourite ways to sell it is to tell you this:
Imagine your favourite piece of media and pick a particular character from that media. Now imagine that the entire story that this character experienced was a lie: a story they were put in, in order to fulfill the whims and wiles of an inhuman, eldritch Fae. Now imagine them clawing their way back into the real world only to find out that nobody missed them, that their parents and girlfriend never realized that they left because the thing that took them left behind a shell of a copy. What’s more, they still feel the pull of the magical world - they can’t forget it, even if they want to. How do you heal from a magic that you can never leave behind?
Changeling: The Lost has a lot of drawbacks. It’s clunky. It requires an unhealthy amount of d10s. It’s got two editions, and most folks prefer the one edition over the other. It requires a lot of prep. The “beautiful madness” can definitely lead into some negative stereotypes about mental health (which is why I recommend re-working the Clarity mechanic into a mechanic about how trauma affects your emotions). White Wolf cannot write a fucking index. But the combination of personal horror with the glitter around the edges has got me in a choke-hold and I don’t know how to let it go.
Bones Deep, by Technical Grimoire. (Played)
I cannot emphasize how well-formatted Bones Deep is. The bookmarking on the PDF for this game is the best I’ve ever seen, and I’m an avid player of Numenera. This is a Troika game about freshly-hatched skeletons travelling the ocean floor, tussling with a cephalopod invasion, cursed wizards, a crab cabal, and the Skeleton War. Each location in this book can naturally lead to others, and there’s roll tables that allow for you to generate a number of story prompts before you run a session. It’s heavily improv friendly, and allows combat but so much more than that.
You need the Troika handbook to run this game, but honestly, Troika is such a great, gonzo system that I don’t even consider that a drawback, especially because the Skeleton characters from Bones Deep are 100% compatible with the larger game as a whole. I’m not going to say that this is a combat-free game, because it certainly isn’t, but I was surprised at how many problems the players could solve without having to resort to combat
External Containment Bureau, by Mythic Gazetteer. (Played)
This game introduced me to the concept of an open-ended mystery that the players kind of put together as they play. The idea of leaving a few possibilities for a whodunit is not exactly new, and ECB is definitely not the first game to embrace a generative style of play, but it implements it very very well. This is an adaptation of Forged-in-the-Dark that speeds up character creation and makes one-shot play more viable than some of the traditional hacks of Blades. The setting also fucking slaps. Its X-Files meets SCP meets the Office. It has the ability to alter how serious or goofy you want the tone to be. It has mechanics for supernatural powers and drawn-out conspiracies.
It also has a cult-flavoured hack called Congregation, which is just as good and you should also check out.
Subway Runners, by Gem Room Games. (Played)
A hella-fast game with a character generator that lets you pick up and play in minutes, Subway Runners is extremely online friendly, extremely reasonably priced, and extremely funny. You’re subway maintenance crews dealing with magical problems in the underground of a fantastical metropolis. It’s a gig economy. It’s got stations built out of buried giants. It’s got traumas like “nervous”, “romantic” and “brave to a fault”. It’s one-shot Forged-In-The-Dark.
Your online-generated character sheet reads like a Contractor File, complete with side hustles, custom inventories, your Lunch Order and your Demerits. Fix train lines, find missing passengers, and send eldritch monstrosities back into the inter dimensional portals from whence they came. All so you can pay rent. This game is off-the-wall and it’s only three fucking dollars. Please, I’m begging you to check out this game.
Slugblaster, by Mikey Hamm. (Bought, not yet played).
I was so excited for this game that I managed to get on the proofreading team! And gosh I am stoked about that. This is another Forged-in-the-Dark game (I think I’m sensing a theme here), this time about teenagers hoverboarding through the multiverse. This game is so kooky and has such a unique take on FitD, with mechanics that really emulate the idea of cobbling together gear and tech to make your kit personalized. It’s a game wholly about teenage self-expression and self-discovery, in a world that's doing its best to limit your independence.
The layout for this game is also wonderfully fun and evocative. It’s brightly-coloured, with contributions from around the world, and suggestions for playing in towns other than Hillview, Canada (although as a Canadian I am also deeply fond of the built-in setting). I wrote an add-on for this game, called Charlock, and you can get it, as well as a whole bundle of goodies in the Slugblasting for Teen Mental Health Bundle here, until the end of July!!!!
i’m sorry did you say street magic, by Caro Ascersion. (Played)
This is a city-building game that I adore playing as a set-up to a one-shot or a campaign. I’ve used it to create a superhero city, as well as a Ghibli-inspired city, and there are resources for making gothic cities, cyberpunk cities, and so so much more. There’s a supplement that I adore called there are names here more powerful than our own, which is pay-what-you-want but makes play more accessible for folks who have trouble coming up with ideas on the spot.
The art for these games is by Shannon Kao, and it’s whimsically mundane. It perfectly communicates the vibe of play. The city generation helps you create neighbourhoods, as well as landmarks and characters located in those neighbourhoods, but it doesn’t stop there. It also helps you generate story hooks that you could pick up for an upcoming game. Finally, the mutual element of creation gives players ownership and investment in the city they create, so when it comes to character creation, you should find that the players will easily be able to anchor themselves in the world.
If you want to hear an example of this game, I recommend @partyofonepod ’s episode, which was recorded with the creator of the game.
You can find Part 2 of this post here!
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Actually the amount of fanfics I’ve read where the couple does get back after he cheated on the girl is soooo much. Where are these I’m hearing that they don’t get back together?! Someone please give recommendations!
I’ve been cheated on not once not twice not 3 times BUT 4 TIMES 😝. I finally learned my lesson and stoped going back cos I was just being stupid and then I realized that I should stop fighting for someone who was disrespecting me. 
As for Joel, I don’t see a redemption. I’m sorry it’s just ugh. He brought that girl to his HOUSE the HOME he had with his WIFE. Joel is a grown ass man. He knew what he was doing. There’s no excuse betray his wife. And there’s also no way he’s fully sincere begging for forgiveness cos he knew what he was doing with another woman. He put himself first and didn’t care about how hurt his wife would be. To be put in that position is humiliating and oh so painful. I remember asking myself why over and over. I thought my love with exes would be more than enough for the both of us but it was just that. My love for them was more than the love they had for me. Cos if someone loves you and has their heart set on your relationship, future, and soul, they don’t do that. I wish I knew that earlier. I did love them but it wasn’t fair that it was just me putting the effort to make everything better. Also it was annoying after finding out about the cheating cos that’s when the men put in the effort. Funny how that works. 
But yeh those images and memories stay with you forever. Even if you say you forgive and forget. It’s not physically possible. 
If anyone wants unsolicited advice, don’t let your past memories of love keep you in the relationship. The months or even years of your relationship didn’t mean Jack shit to him or else he would’ve be committed to only you. The bad will forever be outweighed by the good. What I mean is that you will look at the relationships past different cos you won’t stop connecting it to what he did. You will try to let it go and build new memories to get rid of what he did but nothing will change what he caused to happen. Back to what I said earlier, don’t let your past memories of love keep you in the relationship. Those good memories will never have a future where they won’t lead to what he did. Don’t use them as an excuse to hold on to what you had. He didn’t care. 
I really tried. I did everything. Therapy, couples counseling, speaking with my pastor, taking a small break and then getting back together. But it was never the same. I have so many regrets. One of them is that I wish that every time that happened to me, I had let go of the relationship whenever they did. 
Totally up to you how you continue. I don’t know if reading more would be healthy for me cos I usually don’t like to read cheating stuff but there was something special about yours. 
It feels good to let everything out. Sorry. Maybe I said a whole bunch of nothing. 
Dear anon,
I'm so sorry this happened to you, no one should ever have to go through that emotional abuse.
Please, don't apologize, I'm glad you reached out and felt better by speaking your mind and I'm also so thankful and humbled for giving this fic a chance despite the warnings and the memories that it probably brought up in you.
I have to admit that you make some very good points. I do believe that is very hard to let go of these memories, even if you forgive your partner; your mind will always go back to that moment, like a stain on a white shirt you can't ignore, no matter how hard you try.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me, I really appreciate it..
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bluebird-poetry96 · 2 months
Decent Into Hell
Starts with a pleasant, “Hello,” followed by a, “we recommend you come in for inpatient treatment.” At this point, I agree, I cannot see a way out.
My person, takes me to this hospital for the treatment, They, recommended. After an array of paperwork, They, call my name.
A metal detector wand, waves in front of me, then behind, “Just so we can keep everyone safe,” They say- like it’s not my first rodeo; not my first fall into the abyss- with no way out, except this type of treatment. Likely, Not my last, “grippy sock vacation”...
My person, leaves, with one last, “be safe,” hug and short kiss, I tell them, “I will reach out once I get settled,” unbeknownst to me, that would be a lie.
they leave the building.
The worker takes me through the locked door, to an assessment room, to wait. I wait. 
I notice it is absent a clock. Probably good. I know, I, would be watching it, with my anxiety growing with every single tick of the second hand.
I am not sure how much time has passed since I’ve been here, all I know is that the hallway lights have dimmed, which- in places like these- usually happen around 8pm.
I think it happened about an hour ago? But there is really no way for me to tell. 
I hear a man, in the next room, yell for help... it falls in empty hallways and locked doors. A small unaccounted amount of time passes, he bellows again, with no reply. His intermittent screams become pleading- all going unanswered. His pleas become rageful, letting out every instance of pain he has experienced in his life, the unheard cries of his past, present and future. 
I know it wasn’t directed at me, I couldn’t help but it still sent adrenaline coursing through my veins.
With nothing to do, nothing to write with, nothing to distract from the thoughts... Regret creeps into my lungs, crowding my mind- finding its home.
Regret that I came to this place- had to come here.
Regret I can’t harm myself anymore- that is not an option at the moment.
Regret sitting in this room with nothing except my rabid, devouring thoughts.
Regret leaving my cat- my connection to life itself.
Regret leaving my person- who is phenomenal and has been nothing but supportive in my “adventures” of finding a way to continue living.
Regret that I am, in fact, still Alive. 
Regret that I can’t sleep yet...not that I could if I wanted to, but I’d like to try Regret that I did not cut myself when I had the opportunity, the only ones I have are accidental, literally from my cat. They are still beautiful though. (see my romanticized ideas of self harm, and death?)
This room with nothing to pass the time, as time passes, my brain’s insistent images and urges of things to mutilate myself with It reminisces about all the should haves, could haves, would haves. It looks at these things with a ferocious curiosity, “If you put your finger into that electrical socket, would you actually be electrocuted?” Or, “What if you hit your head on that wall, how long until someone stops you? How long until you pass out?”
Even, “Your nails are long and strong, you could probably cut yourself with these, at the very least, make yourself bleed by scratching.”
Though my self harm, these days, are often much more... Subtle. “Pace until your body gives out. Pace when you’re already in pain. Pace when you know every single movement causes immense agony; knowing every step will only cause suffering.”
Someone comes to check on me... I finally have the courage to ask for a pen and paper. Thankfully they oblige. Now I can get these thoughts; images; These urges...out on paper.
I am not okay, but at least now,
I can write.
-Raven Blue Bell
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author-main · 1 year
Tell me about the character design for Wild, Shad and Twi.
Let’s just do one character per ask. You’ll see why. This is gonna be for the baby, Wild.
Note: Wild’s current pronouns are they/them. Some stuff from 2020 use he/him for Wild, but Dec 2020 onward, Wild’s pronouns have changed. There may be a time in the future where they use she/her or something else.
I should start off with the original idea for Wild back in 2020. Due to my own artistic limitations, Wild and the other Links were a lot thinner back then. They also looked very similar to each other. Now I make it a point to have the Links look as different from each other as I can. That way when they do look similar in some way, it’s on purpose and not because of any skill issues.
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At the time I started Ask-LU-Wild, I was still very new to the fandom. But I had written a fanfic series before the Ask blog that I call Poe!Wild. So my original idea of ALUW Wild came from what I imagined Poe!Wild looked like, but with a completely different personality. 
When they first met the chain, their hair was heavily singed and their eyebags? Bad. Their scars were also pretty different, along with the length and look of their ears. But everyone’s ears have changed drastically since 2020, that’s an artistic preference turned into actual world building. All of these things have changed over time. Their hair will always change length and look. It’s very fun giving them different styles to wear. Ever since I’ve changed my original brush, I’ve had a hard time figuring out how I want to draw Wild’s eyebags, but they’re still pretty terrible. Their scar pattern has changed and I sadly can’t add the amount of detail to them that I used to without making Wild’s face look cluttered. I'll talk more about their features later.
It was on purpose that Wild looked older than they actually were. Back in the day, I remember Wild acting as if they were an old man, because they kind of feel like one despite being 17. Not only are they 100 years older than they look but Wild IS in a lot of physical pain and is very tired too. But ever since Checking Courage, they’ve looked much younger. Style changes + character development, I suppose.
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Wild is the median height of the Links, 4’10 (147.32 cm). They’re very muscular, but also very light.
Straight, thick, blonde hair with white streaks, azure blue eyes, pale. Roundish face. Very sharp teeth.
They have second-third degree burn scars all over their body, mostly on their left side. These are guardian blast scars and have a completely different texture to other burn scars. Their left ear is almost completely black and barely hangs on.
They also have a big scar on their right side caused by a lynel. Malice entered that wound.
There are 2 burn scars on their left shoulder caused by a flame blade
Cautery wound on their right leg
Rough soles and palms, and chipped nails from climbing and running.
Diamond motif, sheikah motif
I won’t ever use #000000 or #FFFFFF for a character unless they are meant to look uncanny.
Wild’s main colors are blues and yellows, with some white. This is mainly because I wanted Wild to have an aesthetic similar to Sheikah Technology. Their champion’s tunic helps with this, along with the hylian trousers as they are mainly composed of blues, whites, and browns. But they of course wear other clothes so… yeah
Their skin used to be a lot peachier pre-calamity than it is now. This is something that they share with Wars. I decided it was because they both lost their battles against Ganon/Ganondorf and it changed them physically. 
Something I added to Wild’s character design during the Checking Courage arc: White streaks in their hair. I think this is a good time to mention that WIld’s middle name Punica means something and was chosen based on things from BotW.
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THE HERO’S CLOTHES Full of Greens, Browns, and Reds. They fit in a lot with the other Links visually with it on. I decided that most/all heroes will have a Farore symbol on their hero clothes, and that started with the Set of the Wild (SotW). Most of them are on the back, close to the collar.
The SotW was a reward from the sheikah monks after completing all 120 shrines. Therefore, there are some sheikah tech symbols on the fabric and leathers. And a metal sheikah eye hangs on the top of the hood. Cap was turned into a hooded cape with braided tassels. Farosh is embroidered on the back. There’s a triforce pin that holds the cape together.
The tunic is made up of several layers: Brown long tunic, green shawl (?), leather breastplate, dark green sleeves, leather arm braces. Their belt has a pouch design for the sheikah slate.
For the pants, they’re just brown shorts. Wilds normally wear bandages on their legs because they chafe. The boots were fun to draw and actually look pretty comfortable to wear?
The set of the wild has to be one of my favorite side projects related to ALUW.
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WILD'S FAMILY Wild is the only Link with a thought-through family history. I’ll just draw them all here.
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Note: These portraits are obviously not contemporary. -Caeras: 29 -Sonya: 39 -Misko: 22 -Wild: 17 -Milo: 66 -Liliaz: 65 -Lucy: 34 -Othinn: 70
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I think I might have endometriosis and I dont know what to do. Is it worth trying to get a diagnosis? Because I feel like they cant do anything about it either way. On one hand i feel like it would be a relief to hear that it isn't normal and that i am not weak just because I cant deal with some regular period cramps. I dont think its normal to throw up because of the pain and lay on the bathroom floor half passed out because of nausea and pain for hours in the middle of the night, but at the same time muy cramps only lasts for like a day or two so I feel like im just exaggerating. I want to be validated in a way but im nervous about it not actually being anything wrong if that makes sense.
Also i feel like the only thing doctors can do is prescribe birth control and I have been on one kind (one with only one of the ususal substances) and while it have lowered the pain to only very occasional tame cramps I dont really like it because of the spotting because it is so irregular that I have had to wear pads for like a year and i dont really trust that it works, i would like it to get rid of the whole problem and stop all pain. And the doctors wont put me on regular birth control because im fat so my bmi is too high which means a higher risk for blood clots. Is there anything else they can do? I know some people get hysterectomies but I dont want that now at least cause i think I might want to have kids in the future. Is there anything else they can do that makes it worth it to fight for a possible diagnosis since that may take years and be difficult or should i just cope with it since my symptoms isn't really that bad?
(Also i just ran out of birth control and haven't decided what to do so im really scared that my period will come back now and it will hurt)
First of all, I think you should find a new doctor. I am also “fat” and I NEVER had any doctor refuse to put me on regular birth control. BC has risks and it has pros and cons, as long as your doc is explaining all of that to you they should let YOU make that decision about your own body.
If you are in horrific pain it is not normal. If you are puking and passing out because of cramps that isn’t normal. You are not exaggerating or overreacting. You deserve to get treatment. You deserve to be in less pain. You deserve to have more convenience.
I urge you to try to get a new birth control (for example I’m on the depo shot, least amount of pain I have been in for years on this BC) and if your doc won’t do it find a different one who will. Remember doctors are there to listen to you and help you.
There are various home remedies to try for endo but there is no cure. Birth control will help. The only sure fire way to get rid of it is laparoscopic surgery, and this will only help for some time because the endometriosis will just grow back. (And how much it will help depends on the competence/experience of the surgeon doing it.) I believe I’ve read that even a full hysterectomy doesn’t cure endo.
I’m sorry you’re going through this and I hope you can get the care and treatment you need.
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ghostpressure · 2 months
Hello, I am Ahmed Halas from the besieged northern Gaza Strip. My family consists of 20 people, most of whom are young children. I ask for your support, donations and participation. I will be grateful to you. My campaign was documented by 90-ghoset.
€3,377 so far of an €80,000 target to relocate several young children and sick or injured family members. I’ve just donated—please try to match or pass!
Here’s the full fundraiser text:
“Hello dears I hope you are all well please help me!!!
I am Ahmed Halas from the besieged North Gaza, I have created my campaign to help my family and save them from the suffering they are living. Our lives, hopes and ambitions have been destroyed, our livelihood has been destroyed, we have lost dear friends and many relatives, our house has been completely destroyed, we live in a plastic tent in the middle of an UNRWA school and we suffer from the heat of the sun which causes headaches, migraines, body allergies and many diseases. There is no food, water, medicine or basic life requirements and the prices are terribly high, we cannot afford to buy anything.
In the meantime, this fundraising campaign has been started so that people can donate so that we can regain momentum in case the unfortunate circumstances cannot be fixed. Ahmed Halas and his family have already registered and are likely to be called to leave soon. This money is for their evacuation. Let's aim to evacuate them all together!!!
Ahmed's message:
Hello, I am Ahmed from the Gaza Strip, I am still alive after ten months of war. This is my fifth war too. But this war is unlike any other. I am trying to raise money for me and my family, as we are determined to leave to safety while this disaster continues. We want to leave the Gaza Strip towards Egypt through the Rafah crossing and Hala Company.
This was a very difficult decision for me, but this is my fate and the fate of my family. I feel ashamed to ask you to donate enough to save me and my family of 20, most of whom are young children, by raising enough money to reach safety. "Hala Company details are at the bottom of the article." Please participate, even if it is a small part. Donate any small amount, share my photos, share your story, anything that makes a difference. I have complete hope in you and your generosity.
Father Fathi suffers from heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, and son Mahmoud suffers from back and cartilage pain, which is why he does not have a medical mattress due to sleeping on the floor, which makes him feel severe pain.
Oh my God, what happened to us, I lost my memories and dreams that I have dreamed of for a long time, my house where I lived my childhood, nothing remained inside it, it was a pile of fire, and I lost my source of livelihood and my baby clothes store was completely destroyed, which led to the accumulation of debts that I was committed to from merchants that I obtained a few days before the current wave of war.
Note: Ahmed will try, when the circumstances are complete and I collect a sufficient amount and I am able to reunite the entire family here in Gaza, by moving my family to a safe place and regaining some comfort or trying to go to Egypt, knowing that the cost per person now is $ 5,000 for an adult and $ 2,500 for a child. The price may fluctuate. Please help us by donating even the simplest things or by participating in our campaign, and I will be grateful to you”
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