#I showed this one to my sis and she laughed so it's gotta be good LOL
stray-but-okay · 2 years
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Sometimes kindness is difficult 
794 notes · View notes
Simon hadn’t been this nervous since his baby girl was born nearly two years ago now. His palms were sweating as he glanced over at his daughter, who was waiting with excitement by the window.
“Are you okay, Si?” You asked, flashing your husband a warm smile, before wiping down the kitchen table for the fifth time that afternoon. “You seem nervous.”
“Think we both are.” Simon gave you a half smile, his eyes softening as he took in the sight of his precious family. “Just nervous for the boys to finally meet my girls.”
You walked over to him, and were about to press a reassuring kiss to his lips before the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of your guests.
Your daughter squealed with excitement, and ran to open the door, her little arms barely able to reach the handle. “Daddy! They’re here!”
The door swung open revealing the 141 boys, each of them wearing matching smiles. Your daughter beamed up at them, and each of the men noted how similar she looked to her father.
The boys filed in, and it took all of a few seconds before your daughter was chatting away, clearly very excited to be meeting her daddy’s friends.
She had Johnny and Kyle’s full attention, showing them her newest collection of toys her daddy bought her, while John made his way over to you.
“It’s wonderful to meet you, Mrs. Riley.” John smiled, politely pressing a kiss to your cheek. He extended his hands to you, revealing a bouquet of flowers. “I would’ve insisted on meeting you sooner, but your husband has done an impeccable job of keeping you and the little one a secret from us.”
Simon wore a proud smile as he watched the encounter, suddenly very much liking you being referred to as “Mrs. Riley”. “For good reason, didn’t want to put them at risk.”
“Nonsense, Simon. I’m so happy to meet all of you. It’s about time I’ve met the men who my husband trusts with his life.” You waived away your husband’s concerns, prompting John to chuckle. “I’m glad you all could make it tonight. These flowers are beautiful by the way, thank you!”
Johnny and Kyle eventually made their way over, each of them greeting you with bone crushing hugs.
“Daddy! Uncle Johnny said that he’d babysit me one day!” Your daughter exclaimed, moving to hang onto Johnnys leg tightly.
“Did he now?” Simon asked, quirking a brow as he looked in Johnnys direction. “Uncle Johnny, eh?”
“Thought it was fitting, no?” Johnny laughed, petting your daughter’s head playfully. “Gotta say, L.T, she’s a spitting image of you.”
Simon felt a flush rise to his cheeks, the sentiment causing a warmth to spread through his bones. “I’d say she’s got her mother’s looks.”
When dinner rolled around, your daughter insisted on sitting in between her uncle Johnny and Kyle, relishing in all the stories they could tell her about her daddy.
You took note of the permanent smile etched onto Simon’s lips- though he was relatively quiet you could tell that he was enjoying himself. You only wished you had done this sooner.
As he looked around the room, Simon felt his heart flutter as laughter filled the air. Any nervousness he had felt before was gone, and Simon felt undeniably happy. He had everybody he loved and cared about, finally under one roof.
A/N: not super happy with this one- so planning on doing another version shortly☺️❤️ (ideas are welcome!!)
4K notes · View notes
intotheficsofit · 2 months
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MDNI💀 +18 Only
My Roommates Brother
Alright everyone be nice it’s my first fic.
We gotta classic trope today, the MC & Todo have an apartment together. Todo-Choso-Yuji all brothers vibe modern au style. Todo & MC were classmates/sparing buddies when they both ended up needing a place around the same time, they are platonic and goofy/very bro/sis vibe but the MC finally meets Choso and is smittttten.
Use of she/her pronouns as well as more feminine styled pet names, obvi this is a Reader X Choso smutty mess of a fic! Advanced apologies for any typos, I hope you find some enjoyment out of this piece💗
Oh and minors GTFO!! This ain’t for y’all 👏🏼
The hot water soothed my aching muscles after an intense training sesh with Todo. I bopped around slightly to the beat of the ‘This is CORPSE’ spotify mix as I sudsed my sweat away. I thought I heard Todo’s voice from outside the door, I pulled back the shower curtain to pop my head out and keep my body shielded by the dark colored material.
More mumbles, the running shower and my loud music muffling whatever he was trying to tell me. I’m not particularly worried about Todo seeing me like this, he’s very open with his own body and we usually didn’t mind walking around in our undies around one another. It wasn’t a sexual thing, he’s not my type and I’m not his - to which looks suspicious to some people considering we live together but that’s not any of our concern.
A click and turn and Todo swung the door wide open, someone was behind him that I only recognized from photos.
His eyes widened as he closed it only enough to have his head in the room. I saw his brother behind him hide his face before the door cut off his sight of me in the shower.
“My brother came to visit! We’re going to pick up dinner what would you like!”
I laughed and shook my head.
“That’s what you were trying to scream through the door about? God Todo, just get me whatever you get. Thanks bud.”
“OF COURSE! Enjoy your shower!”
He closed the door and I couldn’t help but laugh to myself, he was a big sweet dummy. I did love him like family, even if he wasn’t the brightest at times. My mind wandered to the blushing and hidden face that stood behind him…Todo had shown me many photos of both his brothers and Choso was super cute…he told me about how he’s kinda kept to himself and that they really only see one another when Yuji insists on it. Both of them were wrapped around the sweet pink haired boys finger, and I can’t blame them. Yuji was a good boy and always smiling, if anyone disliked him I’d be surprised.
I might have searched up Choso’s socials a bit after Todo and I moved in together…he was hanging up photos in his room and needed my help…I made sure to ask all the important questions. Choso was a drummer who smoked a fuck ton of weed and liked to watch anime, so in other words my perfect match. He wore dark red or purple eyeshadow a lot and liked to paint his nails…the Gerard Way type as I like to call it. I wasn’t too embarrassed about him seeing me after taking note of his reaction…it’d be nice to finally get to know him over dinner…test the waters a bit.
After getting out of the shower I half blow dried my curls so they looked somewhat neater than usual. Donning a little bit of mascara and smudging out my leftover liner, I threw on a white cropped tank top (that slightly showed my nipples and their piercings) and a pair of black leggings. I made my way down the hall towards Todo’s booming voice and the shuffling of bags.
“So what’s for dinner boys?”
I said as I toked on a blunt and approached them, a trail of smoke lining my previous path. I smiled sweetly at the two, Choso’s eyes widened and he grinned slightly as his cheeks turned pink. Todo of course gave me an ear to ear grin before explaining what he had ordered for us. I hovered over the counter and inhaled the delicious smells, humming in satisfaction. I took another hit from the blunt then held it out to Choso.
He chuckled and took it from my fingers, after inhaling sexily through his mouth then nose he passed it back to me.
“Thanks..{Y/N} right?”
“That’s me.”
I winked at him as I inhaled deeply then passed it to Todo.
“You’re Choso right? It’s about time I met your other brother Todo.”
I playfully slapped at Todo’s arm, that was easily bigger than my head. He chuckled and passed the blunt across the counter to Choso before shoving me jokingly and making me stumble.
“You already kicked my ass earlier was that not enough you big oaf?”
A roar of a laughter erupted from Todo’s chest, he hooked his massive arm around my neck and pulled me to him lovingly like he would’ve Yuji. I clawed at his forearm, he was slightly choking me out.
“You’ve come so far in our spares, but you’ll never beat me little sis!”
I gagged slightly as I laughed.
“Out of everyone here I don’t want you to be the one choking me, let go!”
I jabbed my elbow into his toned gut as I struggled for freedom, not noticing how Choso reacted to my comment. He continued to laugh heartily and tussle my hair roughly before releasing me from his grasp. It wasn’t til then that we realized Choso choking on the weed smoke and poorly attempting to hide it.
“Are you okay baby brother?”
“D-Don’t…*cough cough*…don’t call me..*cough*..that I’m older…*cough cough*”
I grabbed a bottle of water from our fridge and came to Choso’s side to swap it out with the blunt. As he raised his head to drink the water he glanced at my concerned expression, his face was bright red from coughing so hard and tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.
“You gonna make it?”
I chuckled and rubbed his shoulder gently. He choked on the water…
“Goodness brother!”
Todo ran up behind him, I saw the fear ignite in Choso’s eyes as he knew what was coming next.
“Todo maybe don’t-“
My concerns were voiced too late, Todo smacked him on the back a couple times trying to help. Choso coughed a few more times but surprisingly, it did help him stop choking.
“God you brute..”
Choso mumbled as he regained his breath. I couldn’t help but giggle, covering my face in the process as he glared at Todo. The blunt was out and our food was getting cold at this point so we all convened in the living room to chow down. I snagged the remote before Todo could, we always argued on what to watch so the rule was whoever touched the remote first got dibs. Naturally, I turned on one of my comfort shows -One Punch Man- to which Todo groaned once I hit play on the first episode of season one.
“You told me you liked this one why are you moaning and groaning?”
“It’s always a different cartoon.”
“It’s anime.”
Choso and I barked at him in unison, to which we looked to one another and grinned as we found a common interest. (That I definitely didn’t already know about psssh)
“What’s this one about again?”
I proceeded to stuff my face and overdump the lore of the series, complaining about how more isn’t animated because the manga is so wonderfully complex. Todo then compared himself to that of Saitama with godlike strength, I didn’t deny him only to get him to continue to the next episode to see what would happen next. Choso ate quietly and watched us converse, I would glance to him now and then with a ‘you know what I’m trying to say’ or ‘you understand this more I’m sure’. He would smile and nod as he took careful bites, slowly clearing his plate. After a handful of episodes our bellies were full, Todo collected our trash and took it out, leaving Choso and I alone.
“Wanna smoke? I don’t know what he’s told you, but I smoke a lot so if it bothers you I can go to my room.”
“Oh no it’s fine, I do too..”
His voice was deep, slightly raspy. It made me feel the butterflies fighting in my stomach as he spoke. I smiled, standing from the couch I watched the way his eyes trailed down my body.
“Cool, I’ll go roll up real quick then. Obviously make yourself at home, you know where the bathroom is already.”
I giggled as I spoke to him, turning on my heels to head to my room and retrieve the smokeables. I heard Todo reenter our home and have a much more quiet conversation with his brother. I tried to peer down the hall to hear them but was unsuccessful. I threw on a cropped sweatshirt jacket and lit the blunt between my lips. As I tip toed down the hall, still trying to listen to their hushed conversation, the floorboards played against me as I neared the entrance of the room. The creaking made the two men dart their attention backwards towards me, I strolled in casually and tossed a blunt in front of Choso and a joint in front of Todo.
“Talking shit about me while I’m rolling up for you two?”
Choso nervously shook his head no while Todo laughed.
“Yes little sis, I was telling him how much you stink after training.”
“Oh I won’t deny that, but it’s still not as bad as when you get back from sparing with Yuji.”
I chuckled back at him as I tossed him a lighter. I nodded to the back door, that lead to our small balcony patio, while toking heavily. Todo nodded and rose from his seat, motioning his brother to follow us. The back door would stick shut now and then from one time when Todo ran into it and fucked up the frame, so I always had to have him open it, I was not strong enough.
Upon Todo yanking the door open, his arm swung backwards aggressively and caused me to stumble…directly into Choso. His arms wrapped around my waist and torso as I fell, his fingers accidentally brushing over my chest. For a split second I felt a tinge of fire inside me.
“Shit..are you okay?”
“Yeah, sorry for almost taking you out with me.”
“It wasn’t your fault, dumbass doesn’t know his own strength.”
We chuckled as I stumbled to my feet, Choso grabbed the dropped blunt and held it out to me with a smile. Todo hadn’t even realized what he’d done, proceeding to walk out onto our balcony and take a seat in his chair.
“You have got to be more aware of your surroundings dude.”
I spoke as I walked out and leaned against the railing to face him. He was puffing away on his tiny joint and already had some J-pop video pulled up on his phone. I scoffed and shook my head, turning to face the city and toke. Shit it went out. I went to turn around but Choso’s shoulder met mine as I spoke.
“Who has the-“
He was already holding the lighter out and wearing a beautiful smile.
“Oh, thanks ChoCho.”
He giggled as he inhaled on his blunt, leaning over the railing beside me.
“I don’t know it just came out, that okay?”
“Yeah, thats fine. Sounds like something Yuji would say.”
He shook his head as his grin widened, I tried not to stare too long but he was very…pretty up close like this.
“He’s a sweetie, I love that kid.”
“You’ve met him?”
“He comes over a couple times a week, I school him in smash bros every time.”
He covered that gorgeous smile, laughing and turning over his shoulder to Todo before looking at me. His big brown eyes were shining with flecks of gold in the sunsets glow.
“Thanks for taking care of them..it’s not an easy task.”
“I think they’re good for me,”
I sighed, feeling the haziness settling in my eyes from the weed…maybe also from staring at the pretty emo boy.
“They remind me to not take shit so seriously all the time.”
We stared for a little too long in a sweet silence, I couldn’t help but take in all his features…I found my gaze darting to his lips and back to his eyes. He grinned, doing the same in response. Should I be doing this? That definitely ran through my head for a moment, but once he bit down on his bottom lip and looked out over the city again I felt myself pooling.
I reconnected my gaze to the horizon and puffed some more, my mind wandered to darker places..
“So what’s your favorite anime?”
“That’s a loaded question.”
I giggled, nodding in agreement.
“I’ve got time if you do.”
Spoken softly with a high smile, I peered to him from the corner of my eye. The blunt hung from his lips as he grinned, flashing me a similar look. We ended up getting into deep conversation about all our favorites and why they’re good in their own ways, all of which Todo was annoyed at. Mainly because he wanted us to play video games but we simply weren’t done discussing.
The sun had set, the chill of the night air began to nip at my skin sharply. I wasn’t sure when Todo had gone inside, but apparently we had been talking for a while. Thank god he left the door cracked at least, we trailed inside to escape the cold and to no surprise at all, Todo was passed out on the couch with some girly music mix playing semi-loudly on the tv. He could never hold his smoke, which is why I would usually give him a joint or a bowl instead of blunt or a dab. He must’ve been extra exhausted today.
We giggled at the sight, I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick picture, motioning a finger to my lips and a ‘shhh’ to Choso. He covered his mouth to muffle his laughter, I nodded my head for him to follow me down the hall. I led him to my room and closed the door behind us, finally letting out an audible laugh as I tossed my jacket onto my desk chair.
“I didn’t think he even smoked, I was surprised to see him with his own.”
“That is why he doesn’t often, he always passes out. I give him small stuff or a hit or two now and then when he’s in the mood for it.”
“Funny, that’s the first time I’ve ever smoked with him.”
“Have you not smoked with Yuji?”
“Yuji smokes?!”
I covered my mouth as I stood with wide eyes.
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you that I guess.”
“I don’t care that he smokes, but I thought he’d at least come to me for it.”
“He brings his own over here and asks me to roll for him.”
“That little shit is stealing my weed.”
I erupted in laughter upon his realization, he shook his head and chuckled. I plopped down on my bed, the plush purple comforter poofing up slightly around me. I pat the spot next to be before reaching for the rolling tray and mason jar of weed on my nightstand. He gently took the seat beside me, our thighs a few inches apart, I got a whiff of his cologne when the blanket poofed around him. He smelled so fucking good…
He watched me quickly roll four more blunts and pass him one, dusting off my hands and putting the supplies back in their spot. He looked to me with a shocked expression.
“You’re really good at that.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time a man’s told me that.”
I chuckled as I lit my blunt and passed him the lighter, once the smoke cleared I noticed the pink staining his cheeks.
“Should I be worried about your boyfriend walking in or something?”
He held the flame up, the warm glow illuminating his chiseled features.
“If I had one maybe. Kinda impossible when they find out I live with that muscle head.”
“Why’s that?”
“No one believes we aren’t fucking. Been that way since school.”
“And…you two haven’t?..ever?”
“God no, did he say otherwise?”
He shook his head profusely, worried he’d made an accusation that could get Todo in trouble.
“No, no. He told me you were pretty kept to yourself aside from training with him.”
“He say anything else?”
I leaned closer, peering into his doe eyes to question him further. He sucked in the smoke sharply as his eyes bounced from my chest to my face.
“Um, not that comes to my head..nothing bad..”
He stuttered as I studied him, my lashes fluttering at him innocently.
“What did you ask him about me?”
I grinned, reading him like an open book. His face turned red as he inhaled, coughing slightly as he released the smoke cloud.
“Just, who you are..stuff you like..”
“But you did ask him about me?”
I giggled, he looked nervous.
“Yeah..that okay?”
“Only if it’s okay that I asked about you too, a long time ago though.”
His anxiety eased and expression softened back into a half smile. He nodded his yes as he toked.
“How long ago?”
“When we moved in, I saw a few pictures of the three of you and I don’t know…you piqued my interest.”
“Any reason why?”
Fuck, alright. If living with Todo has given me anything it was confidence so let’s see where this goes, be smooth. I inhaled slowly before putting out the blunt. Leaning back against my headboard, I stretched my legs over Choso’s lap. As I exhaled I grinned and tapped my chin in thought.
“Hmmmm….dark hair, bedroom eyes, nice chains..I’m a sucker for a musician. Really if you just looked in the mirror it explains my type pretty well.”
He was looking down as his hand on my knee and smiling, smoke trailing from his lips. I swayed my knee side to side to pull his attention to my gaze.
“What about you?…What’s your type?”
His eyes connected with mine, he smiled and leaned over my body to put his blunt in the ashtray on the nightstand. His body hovering over mine he brought his face an inch away from my lips.
“Seems like you already know..”
His voice was low and hushed, my heart was racing.
“Can I be honest?”
I barely spoke above a whisper, his eyes trailed slowly along my features as he nodded.
“I want you.”
He cut off his own hushed tone by pressing his lips to mine sensually. He bit at my bottom lip lightly as his tongue found its way to my own, the fire inside me building rapidly. I pulled at his shirt, trying to bring him closer. He took the hint and placed himself between my legs, pushing them to the side with his knee as he leaned into me. He was muscular, but not overdone like his brother. A strong arm hooked under my waist brought my hips to his, his other hand quickly latched onto my throat as we feverishly nipped and kissed at one another. As he squeezed his fingers around my throat and the cold metal of his rings stung my flesh, a small moan escaped my lips.
He released my lips and chuckled, the pieces of his hair not tied back framing his face seductively.
“So you weren’t kidding about that?”
He squeezed tighter and watched my eyes roll back and my mouth fall open, he hooked a finger in my mouth and pulled my gaze to his, still tightly gripping my jaw and chin; his hands were massive. I whimpered at his dominant motions, his eyes piercing into my darkest desires.
“You think we’ll get in trouble for this?”
His husky tone paced with heavy breaths make me desperate for everything he was willing to give me.
“S’worth it if we do.”
He smiled devilishly and plunged his finger further into my mouth, I obediently sucked and swirled my tongue around it as he pulled it out slowly. He groaned at my actions, I felt him begin to rut against me as he kissed and nipped along my neck and down my chest. He made heavenly sounds in between light licks that trailed to my breasts. He lightly tugged at the already low neckline of my shirt, he watched my plush chest spring from the tight top, admiring the jewelry that adorned pretty pink buds. His tongue teased at them as his fingers pinched lightly at my flesh, I tangled my fingers into his hair and pulled him closer, attempting to hush my moans.
“..so pretty baby…”
His low and seductive voice hummed against my skin, sending cold chills through my body. His hands and lips continued to travel further down, he reached the waistband of my leggings and bit down on my hip, sucking and licking in a feverish attempt to leave a mark. He leaned back to review his work, satisfied and smirking at the purple mark he’d left behind. He chuckled and kissed it once more, mumbling under his breath.
“..mine now..”
He peered up to me as he hooked his fingers into my waistband, I lifted my hips for him to shimmy them down, leaving me in a pair of purple silk panties. I leaned up to grab at his shirt and yank it over his broad shoulders, feeling a little too exposed and alone. I took my top off the rest of the way after and pulled his face to mine once more, kissing him in a heated need. I pushed him backwards and fumbled with his belt, our hands both rushed to remove his pants as I realized he wasn’t wearing any underwear. His thick cock slapped up against his toned abdomen, the noise caught my attention as I pulled away from his lips. My eyes grew wide, I felt my face run hot and the pool between my legs increase. He chuckled and flipped his hair away from his face.
“You still want to?..I can eat you out if it’s too much…”
I connected my gaze with his, concern lacing his expression. I couldn’t help but smile bashfully and crawl into his lap, attacking his neck with sloppy kisses and bites.
“I need you Choso..”
I whispered as I nipped at his earlobe and rolled my hips against him. He groaned as his hands met my ass, squeezing and pushing me into him more, feeling the wetness that had already soaked my silk panties. His head rested in the crook of my neck as his voice vibrated against my skin.
“..fuck baby…mmm..need you so fucking bad…been teasing me since I got here..”
I giggled as his words, leaning back to peer down at him in all his glory.
“I knew you liked it..”
I rolled my hips against his pulsating member, precum soaking into the fabric of my panties. He groaned and bit his lip, eyeing me up and down as his hands roamed my body.
“Course I did..you’re fucking hot..can’t believe he gets to be the one to see you all the time…”
“Come visit more..”
Oh god, was I even sure what I meant by that? I definitely just confirmed that this wouldn’t be a one time thing..
“Yeah?..might have to..”
His lips attached to my chest again, fingers trailing down between us to my sopping core. I whimpered as he dipped below the thin fabric and plunged two fingers inside me, twirling them around my fluttering walls. I bit down on my lip and furrowed my brows, trying not to make much noise but he worked small moans and whines out of me rapidly.
“..so wet for me already…fuck…such a good girl f’me..”
“..please what baby?..”
I could hear the smirk in his voice as he fueled the fire in my core.
“..please fuck me..god I need you inside me…please…”
“..cum for me first pretty..wanna see you come undone…”
His thumb rubbed against my clit, shooting waves of pleasure through my veins. I rutted into his hand and whimpered as he bit down on my chest, his other hand attached to my throat and squeezed tightly. I clenched around his fingers as he pumped in and out of me, I couldn’t keep ahold of the knot inside me any longer. My eyes rolled back as my hips shook, I squirted into his lap and hand as his motions kept pace to ride me through my high.
“..god yes baby…that’s it keep going..fuck that’s hot..”
I began to whimper and whine at the overstimulation, he milked my juices from me aggressively causing another orgasm to take over my senses.
“..shit I need to be inside you..”
He tossed me backwards onto the mattress, propping one of my legs up on his shoulder and aligning himself at my entrance. He held my other thigh out, displaying my soaking cunt for his view. He licked his lips and rubbed his long, thick cock up and down my dripping folds collecting my wetness. He slapped my clit with the tip of his member, I squirmed and squeaked in pleasure to his delight.
“You ready pretty baby?”
God he sounded so fucking sexy, his voice raspy and lust drunk.
“Yes..please Choso..”
He smirked and began pushing himself into me, steadying himself with a hand gripping my thigh. I felt him stretching me, the pain mixing with pleasure made my eyes gloss over. I gasped and tried to grip at the sheets at the overwhelming sensation. He pressed a hand to my lower stomach, feeling himself bottom out inside of me as I panted and whimpered. He held himself there, throwing his head back and letting me engulf his throbbing member.
“..fuck you’re so tight…”
He slowly began moving, pushing in and out slowly as I clenched around him. Moans spilled from my mouth as his pace increased. He rhythmically thrusted into me, hair falling into his face as his mouth hung agape panting for air. Whimpers and low moans began to drip from his kiss swollen lips as he mumbled dirty praises.
“..oh my god baby…feels so fucking good..mmm…taking me so well..nnggh..”
I stuttered through his thrusts, his pace increasing rapidly as he chased his high.
“..you’re so fucking pretty…letting me stretch you out like this…mmmm…such a perfect little pussy..”
I have never been fucked like this..he was so vocal and showering me in filthy praise..all while pounding into my sweet spot so perfectly…everything about him was making me writhe in pleasure.
A hand attached to my throat while the other bruised perfect fingertips into my thigh, he was filling me up relentlessly. His grip was much rougher this time, the metal of his rings scraping against my skin as he choked me harder, I felt myself clenching around him tightly; my end nearing.
“..you love that don’t you baby?…I can feel how close you’re getting for me..”
“…s-so b-big..unngg…ch-chos…yes…yes…”
“..awe you’re taking me s’good pretty baby..c’mon you can handle a little more..we’re just getting started..”
He pumped into me furiously, my senses were fucked as my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I screamed in pleasure. His large hand quickly covered my mouth, he leaned down, my thigh now squished against my chest giving him a deeper angle as his pace slowed.
“..shhh..don’t wanna get us caught do you baby?…want me to fill you up right?”
I nodded profusely, he removed his hand and gripped my jaw tightly, an evil smile plastered across his face. Holy fuck he’s so hot…
“..I’ll make you scream my name next time I promise…bite..”
He placed his thumb in my mouth as he spoke, I gazed at him with a fucked out expression and did as he said. He had me in the palm of his hand, melted and ready to bend to his will. His paced steadily increased at the new angle, I wasn’t able to form words as my body quaked beneath him, another orgasm gushing from me. His darkness took over as he relentlessly pounded into me, my legs shook as I bit down harshly on his thumb, we were being drenched and I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to. His own whimpers and moans became louder and strained as he spoke.
“…oh fuck…yeah baby just like that…ugnnh…fuck fuck…s’fucking wet…all f’me…hmmm…”
His arms wrapped around me, his chains dragging and bouncing across my chest as he rutted into me, face buried in my neck peppering sloppy kisses and rough bites.
“..pretty girl…mmm….gonna make you mine baby…”
I clenched around him, my legs going numb at the overstimulation.
“…fuck that feels so good…cum on my cock again baby girl…mmmm…make a mess for me…”
He pulled my hands up, pinning them to the pillows with one hand while the other trailed between us and rubbed skilled circles on my clit. I gasped and whimpered at his touch, my body shaking again. I could feel him throbbing inside of me as his thrusts became rushed and sloppy, I clenched around his pulsating cock, cumming for the fourth time.
“..mmmmm that’s my girl…”
He moaned as his brows furrowed and his breaths became sharp, soft whimpers escaping his lips.
“..Ch-chosoo…feels s’good..ah!..”
“..oh god baby I’m..fuck fuck….ohhhh!”
His steady pace became staggered as he pumped thick hot ropes along my walls, he whined and moaned as his hips twitched against me riding out his high. He slowed and collapsed on top of me, both of us sweaty and covered in cum. His strong arms wrapped around my petite form and held me tight as his placed gentle kisses along my chest trying to catch his breath.
“So…can I visit again soon..”
I giggled at his innocent mumblings, sounding much softer and bashful compared to a few moments ago. He peered up to meet my gaze questioningly.
“I wouldn’t mind, how long you give it before he finds out?”
“Surely a while, he’s not that smart. Long as you stay quiet.”
I pulled his grin to mine, tangling our lips together once more softly. He hummed into the kiss, his hand coming to cup my cheek and deepen the sensual moment.
“You make it hard to stay quiet.”
He chuckled and thrusted into me once more, causing me to moan, before pulling out of me completely. We both gasped and whined at the lack of sensation, taking careful breaths to regain our senses.
He rose to his knees, placing my thighs on either side of him as he began massaging my tender muscles and taking full view of the mess he’d made of me. He smirked and bit at his bottom lip.
“You’re so beautiful baby…”
I blushed at his sweet actions and gentle tone, he had flipped a switch quickly and the butterflies swarmed once more within me.
Once we were cleaned up, (as much as we could without a shower) we clothed ourselves and ripped the soaked comforter off my bed to toss in the wash later. He leaned back on the bed, I lit a blunt and crawled on top of him, placing it between his lips. He lifted the bottom of my baggy t shirt and toyed lazily with the waistband of my fresh panties as he inhaled and stared back at me.
“What are you thinking about?”
He slightly furrowed his brows at my love struck expression as he passed the blunt back to me.
“How pretty you are..how big your cock is…”
I giggled and toked away, thick clouds rising from my lips. He smiled and lightly smacked my ass.
“S’all yours babygirl, whenever you want me.”
“Whenever I want?”
“Anything for my pretty girl, whenever she wants.”
I put the blunt between his lips and peppered kisses down his neck, we both would have some marks to cover up this week..
“I like the way that sounds…”
We smoked the other two blunts and talked before realizing how late it had gotten…I offered for him to stay and sneak out to the couch, forgetting that Todo had fallen asleep there. Around 5am when our eyes got heavy, we exchanged a few last kisses and sweet words before tiptoeing out to the living room. As we came out the hallway entrance, the goddamned floorboards creaked again. A dim light was on in the kitchen, barely illuminating the towering form we both knew well. *flick* The overhead light came on, our heads snapped to the side in unison…caught. Todo was in his workout gear stirring a cup of tea and staring at us, an eyebrow raised and smirk growing. I sighed and dropped my shoulders, covering my face in embarrassment and bracing myself. Todo chuckled lightly before sipping his tea, letting us be tortured by this awkward silence for a few more moments..
“Go to bed. We have training in a few hours.”
I looked to Choso, sad I couldn’t kiss him one last time. He peered back to me with a similar expression, he lightly touched my hand as he turned towards the front door and took a step.
“Both of you.”
Choso stopped and looked to me then his brother, confused.
“You should stay brother, it’s dangerous to drive after staying up so late.”
Todo sipped his tea casually, peering into us innocently. I couldn’t help but let a smile creep in, I extended my hand out to Choso. He looked a bit scared to take it, but did it anyways, cautiously eyeing down his brother.
“Thanks Todo..”
I mumbled as I began to pull Choso back down the hall.
“Keep it down…and use protection!”
Choso and I giggled and scoffed as Todo’s voice echoed down the hall.
Okie dokie, hope y’all enjoyed😉❤️‍🔥
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rockcollector3000 · 8 months
Girldad!Ghost’s day at the office
A fic for @blingblong55 <3
I really hope I did your request justice
Word count - 824
Warnings - none
No one on base would have expected to see the Simon “Ghost” Riley pull up on his motorcycle in a pink helmet with little cat ears. They also wouldn’t have expected him to show up with his two daughters, much less on his day off.
Nonetheless, he was— the big bad Ghost in a pink helmet, with his two little girls.
Price stood at the door, a confused look painting his face.
“It's your day off, Ghost.” Price said, looking at the two girls. “And who might these little ladies be?”
Simon took his helmet off, then helped the girls with theirs.
“Marie,” he said, pointing to the smaller girls. “And Aurora.” he pointed to the taller girl. “My daughters, my pride and joy.”
Price smiled at the two girls who were now waving up at him.
“And you brought them why?” he asked, the smile not leaving his face.
“My spouse is out of town, and the sitter got sick.” Simon sighed. “So I get to bring my little loves with me today.”
Marie wrapped her hand around two of Simon’s fingers, obviously nervous about her unfamiliar surroundings. Aurora, on the other hand, was looking around excitedly, a big smile painted on her face.
The girls looked just like Simon. Blonde hair, deep brown eyes, pale. They were spitting images of their dad.
Marie’s face lit up when she saw Soap come out of the building, waving enthusiastically at the two girls.
“Lt! And little LTs!” He said happily. “Mornin’ girls.” Soap smiled down at them.
Marie was first to run up to him, immediately being brought into Soap’s arms in a bear hug.
Aurora followed suit, wrapping herself around his legs. “Uncle Johnny!” She squealed happily.
“What’re you two doin’ here?” He said with a small laugh. “Thought yer dad had the day off.”
“Daddy had to bring us because our babysitter got sick,” Aurora explained, looking up at Soap.
“An’ mama is out of town,” Marie explained, running her fingers through Soap’s hair absent-mindedly.
“Aye, got it,” Soap responded, looking at Simon. “Si, ye gonna be here all day?”
Simon shook his head. “Just a couple of minutes, I'm doin’ some paperwork and leavin’,” he explained, looking at Soap holding his girls.
“Speakin’ of which, you mind playing with them, just till I finish the work,” Simon asked, taking a deep breath.
Soap nodded, still smiling. “Sure. Gotta be in your office, though.”
Simon shrugged, not much minding having them in his office. “Just keep it down.”
In total, they were all in Simon’s office for about an hour. He sat at his desk, silently doing his paperwork, only breaking his silence when one of the girls asked him something.
Soap had a grand time playing with the girls. They had brought a few tutus and a play makeup set, which Soap loved.
Eventually, when Simon finished his work, he played with the girls and Soap, putting on one of the tutus and letting Marie do his makeup.
After another hour, he called time on their game.
“Alright, kiddos,” Simon said with a big stretch as he stood up. “Time to get goin’.”
“Nuhuh! We aren’t done playing with Uncle Johnny!” Marie protested from her spot on Soap’s lap.
Aurora was quick to back her up. “Yeah! Can’t we have a couple more minutes, Daddy?”
With Aurora’s pleading and Marie’s protesting, Simon was already convinced.
“Okay, okay.” he sighed. “Ten more minutes. But after that ten, we go home. I still have to give you two a bath and make dinner.”
The girls quickly went back to playing with Soap, giggling and telling him all about the “right way” to play their games.
Before Simon could get the tutu and makeup off, Price and Gaz checked up on them. Upon seeing their lieutenant dressed like a princess, they both had to stifle their laughter.
“Lookin’ good, Ghost.” Gaz chuckled. “Pink is a nice color on you.”
“I see you're done with your paperwork, Ghost.” Price said, grinning.
“Just lettin’ the girls get some energy out before we go home, sir,” Simon replied with a faint smile.
“They've got about four minutes.” His comment was more directed toward the girls and Soap this time.
The girls whined lightly as they began to clean up, Soap offering help as he worked to get his tutu and makeup off.
“Alright, be safe on the road home, Ghost.” Price said, patting Ghost on the shoulder.
“Girls, keep your dad in line, alright?” he said to Marie and Aurora.
They gave a small salute to the captain before going back to cleaning.
Once everything was all clean, Soap helped Simon bring the girls back to his motorcycle.
They strapped the girls into the sidecar, put on their little helmets, and said goodbye to Soap, Gaz, and Price.
Simon wore his helmet and started the bike, waving to his co-workers before speeding off with his little ones.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 6 months
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Jamie walked outside where her older brother and friends were playing football in the expansive yard, as they often did on weekends, drinking and having a good time, practicing for the amateur league a bunch of towns held every year. One of the men, Casey, threw Jamie the ball. She caught it with a look of surprise, acting like she was going to play, smiling and laughing.
"Hey, why not let Jamie play?" Casey asked Jamie's brother, Vince.
"Jamie, why?" Vince said.
"Wasn't she born a guy. Come on, she can fill in for Andrew."
"What happened to Andrew?" Jamie said.
Vince folded his arms. "Welllll, Andrew was like the best player on our team. He moved to Colorado with his fiance last week."
"Shit that sucks."
"Yeah, you caught that thing really well, and I've seen you play soccer and run track, you're a good athlete."
Jamie blushed. "Oh come on! Liiiike seriously? You guys will destroy me."
"What's the issue, afraid of a few men? Rumor has it you've taken a few men at once before at the frat house."
The other guys all whistled and laughed.
"W-Well maybe I did..... but you guys'll just bully me. Since I'm a girl."
"I mean, sort of a girl," Casey said. "You used to be Vince's little brother."
"I guess......" She rolled her eyes.
Vince looked her up and down. "Well..... the prize next summer is like 10k..... Come on, Jamie, join the team. We have like six months to train you up."
"Hmmmm.... well, OK. What would you guys need me to do? Like I said I don't think I can take a tackle too well......"
"Yeah but couldn't you just start being a guy?" Casey said.
"Like what do you mean?"
"Go off that girly medicine and just take a bunch of testosterone. Wouldn't you just become like any other guy since you have a dick?"
"Yeah, I technically would just detransition and become a man, but that's kind of a big ask..... I like being a girl."
"Awww, come on, Jamie," Vince said. "Why not try it out? It'll be fun seeing you go through male puberty and bulk up like a bull. We'll help train you. I don't think mom or dad will care if you decide to be a man."
"Ummmm, you guys...." Jamie bit her lip. "I really don't know, you really want me to become a boy just to join your amateur football thing?"
"Sure, why not? Oh, one problem....."
The men were all shirtless. "Our team is always skins, we paint a stripe over our shoulders. You'll have to go topless...."
"B-But I'm like a FF-Cup....."
Casey shrugged. "Yeah but you're still just a guy, right? Technically? Soooo, just take off your top. Doesn't matter if your daddy bought you a fancy set of implants."
Jamie took off her top and tossed it aside. "OK..... happy? Have fun looking at me 'boy-tits'....."
"Damn, they almost look like the real thing."
"Almost," Vince said. "But you're gonna have to ask dad to get rid of them, they already look kind of stupid on you now, but after you bulk up and detransition?"
"Good point," Jamie said, looking down at her round, fake boobs. "I'd imagine you're going to make sure I get really big and muscular so I can play good, right?"
"Of course, as big as possible in the next six months or so."
"Fuck.... OK. I'll ask daddy if I can get my boobs removed next week or so. Gotta get it done now so I can train, right?"
"Exactly! Good thinking, sis--oh, sorry. Little brother."
Jamie blushed, blocking her soon-to-be-removed breasts with her arms. "I guess you guys should show me the ropes? If you don't mind."
"Sure, oh but one more thing."
Vince ran over to their gym bag, rifling through, getting out something. He prepared and cleaned a fresh syringe, running back over to Jamie. "Don't worry, most of us take the stuff just to stay competitive. Here, don't move." He pinched Jamie's hip and injected her with a large dose of T, almost with no warning.
Her tiny cock stirred in her panties. She couldn't believe this was happening so fast. She had been living as a girl for over a decade. Now in the blink of an eye she would be transformed into just another roided up muscular gym dude.... Her beautiful body would be totally transformed into a man's, her implants yanked out, no more big bouncy boobs..... And her tiny, girlish cock would become huge and thick.... She already wondered if she'd start liking fucking girls like all these other guys. No more prissy trans girl getting fucked in the ass. She'd be pounding away on thick college girls like the ones from her sorority. Her cock stiffened, picturing all their juicy breasts and asses, their meaty thighs, pot bellies, pregnant bellies, swollen, wet pussies.... all hers to have her way with. She almost greedily zoned out before Vince patted her shoulder.
"You good, Jamie?"
"Oh, of course! Thank you, Vince. I can't wait to become a guy and play with you all.... let's hope we win!"
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deke-rivers-1957 · 7 months
ECU High - Danny's Ambition
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The alarm clock rings and Danny groans as he gets out of bed.
"Just how *expletive* is this day gonna be?"
There's a knock on his door as he hears his sister Mimi.
"Danny, are you decent?"
He sighs. "Yeah Mimi, Ah'm decent. What's up?"
She comes into his room.
"Daddy says he has to take the car today. Are you gonna be alright to walk to school?"
Danny rubs his eyes.
"Walkin to school's all I do anyway. No reason to waste gas over a mile. Ah'm tellin ya Mimi, if I gotta redo senior again I might as well drop out."
She tries to smile. "Don't drop out Danny. Daddy's still trying to get a pharmacy job. That's why he's taking the car. Mr. Primont called him in for an interview. If he gets the job you can quit and focus on graduating."
He stands up and stretches.
"That'll be the day, sis. Ah really hate havin ta ask the juniors for money. It's embarrassin."
The mood is somber and Danny looks lost.
"Ah just wanna wake up one morning and not gotta worry bout money. I don't wanna have to rely on other people."
She goes over to hug Danny. "I know you feel that way, Danny. You just need to take it one day at a time. Now eat up. I got breakfast waitin for you."
He sighs.
"Alright. Gotta change first. Be right down."
Mimi smiles and leaves the room. After changing, Danny goes down to eat breakfast as fast as he can.
"Ah'll see ya later, Mimi."
He grabs his backpack and starts running to school. As he makes it to the school's parking lot, a rusty old pickup truck pulls in. The engine has a strange sound to it.
"Howdy, feller."
Danny looks up.
"Oh hey, Jodie. Hell's up with yer engine?"
Jodie shuts it off and gets out. "Ah dang carburetor's done actin up. Gotta find somethin worth replacin it. Ol gal's goin on 50 so's Ah gotta keep 'er runnin."
Danny looks at the truck. "Ya going to the junkyard with Mike?"
Jodie grabs his books.
"Yeah Mike's ride done lost 'er fender. We's goin ta mah job fer parts."
He stops at the stairs. "Danneh ya got wood shop 1st period?"
Danny looks at his schedule. "Let's see. Nah I got wood shop 2nd period. What classes do ya need to pass this year to graduate?"
Jodie laughs a little and looks down.
"Math, science and readin. Mr. Wade tol me Ah gotta do good ta stay on the wrasslin team. Says he'll kick mah ass if Ah done keep failin and gotta repeat a year."
Danny sighs. "Dunno how you plan on doin that man. We're all idiots ta be able to tutor anyone."
The first bell rings.
"Ah'll be seein ya feller faster than Ah done load a shotgun." Jodie says as he heads inside.
Danny heads to the gym but almost gets hit by a car.
"Dammit Mike ya almost hit Danny."
Mike smiles as he parks.
"Ah yer just worried bout your insurance rates Mikey. "
Mikey (short for Mike Windgren) glares.
"No *expletive* I'm worried Mike! I don't want my Saturn to kill someone!"
"Well Ah didn't so don't get yer panties in a twist. Now let's go before we're late."
Mikey groans.
"Sorry ta almost hit you Danny."
Danny keeps going to the gym.
"Hey Guy are you lookin for someone?"
A boy on the football field turns to look at Danny.
"Yeah that *expletive* Mike skipped band practice today! How're we supposed to set a good example to the freshmen if we ain't all here?!"
Danny sighs. "Well go yell at 'em when ya see 'em Guy. He'll probably show up when he feels like it."
"Yeah well he better! Ah'm not bout to have our drummers be outta formation because that *expletive* decided not ta practice!"
Danny shakes his head and makes it to the gym.
A whirring sound is heard as a small helicopter lands. A young man steps out with a girl on his arm.
"And that's how ya land!"
She looks amazed.
"Oh wow, Rick that's so amazing. How many more hours do you need to be able to teach me for real?"
He gives her a cocky grin.
"Only 20. Maybe if yer willin to wait a couple months I can teach ya."
Her eyes widen.
"Wow I'd like that! I'll see you around then, Rick."
He gives a thumbs up. "You know it baby."
Danny rolls his eyes.
"How many demonstrations is that now, Rick?"
He laughs. "Oh Danny. Don't ya get that it's good for my social life? I get to put my hours in while getting some babes. I see that as an absolute win."
Danny starts walking again. "Whatever Rick."
He makes his way to the gym when he sees his friend.
"Oh hey Ross!"
Ross turns around.
"Danny good ta see you! Still tryna make ends meet. How 'bout you?" he asks smiling.
Danny looks down. "Same boat. Pa's gonna have an interview today so fingers crossed."
Ross rubs his eyes. "Least there's a light at the end of the tunnel for ya. I gotta find a better job that'll pay more. Buc-ee's just ain't enough to pay the bills."
"I hear ya, Ross. Being a busboy at 2 nightclubs ain't a good paycheck either."
A whistle is blown. "Awright ya *expletive* line up!"
Everyone lines up when they hear Mr. Wade's voice. No one messes with him.
As Mr. Wade makes his opening year speech about gym class Danny's mind starts to wander.
"All Ah want is ta make it through the year. If Ah can jus make 'nough money, Ah can buy back our house. Pa ain't ever gonna be embarrassed ever 'gain."
Tag list: @vintagepresley, @thetaoofzoe, @ashtag6887, @whitepontiac, @tupelomiss, @richardslady121, @just-another-boring-bisexual, @aliengoth3, @phil2135561, @gayforelvis, @ash-omalley, @eptodaytommorwforever, @mercsandmonsters, @wildhorseinkansas, @alienelvisobsession, @comebackep, @presley72elvis, @leopardandstuds, @ellie-24, @heart-of-ep, @thatbanditqueen, @be-my-ally, @arrolyn1114, @xanatenshi, @jaqueline19997, @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s, @j-v-9-2, @mydarlingelvis, @almightybigbrain, @pinkcaddyconfessions, @miniaturerunawaykid, @myradiaz, and @msamarican.
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Looking Out For You
Pairing: Draken x Fem Reader
Summary: Being a girl in a gang is unusual in the readers conditions, but she uses that to her advantage, specifically in a fighting ring between gangs where she earns herself money, but also makes some enemies and when she thinks she’s done for, her friends come to save the day, Draken being the one to take care of her…
Warnings: Swearing, Male x Female fight, mentions of blood
Word Count: 3.6k
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“You gotta be kidding me!”
All of the guys at the fight were laughing hysterically whenever I stepped up, all of them pointing at me, some small girl, popping bubble gum with my hands in my pockets.
It looked like I was lost, but this exactly what I wanted.
“Who would bet on you, shorty?!” This guy was sure he had this fighting in the bag, poking my forehead to send me back some before going into stance, “I’m gonna get a whole lot of money out of this one.”
“Don’t go easy on me,” Pop went my bubble gum, shooting a smile as he ran after me.
All of these guys were so typical and easy to read. They were just street fighters, the crowd cheering him on as they thought he had the advantage:
“Show her who’s boss! Kick her little a-“
That boy threw his punch and it was so easy to dodge, raising up my knee and spinning to the side with my left, leaving the back of his head wide open for my right leg to shoot up and kick him in the head.
Silence fell as he dropped like a ton of bricks, knocked out cold, slumped murmurs falling out of his mouth with drool onto the concrete.
“What was that about kicking my ass?” I snickered, blowing another bubble, “Didn’t even lose any flavor in this gum yet!”
“Wha- Did she just knock him out?!”
They were all flabbergasted, meanwhile I was smiling, eyes locking onto my next contestant.
“You got lucky! But that won’t work on me, girly!”
Some shaved head idiot started raging toward me and right as he approached me, one kick up right under the chin.
He was tougher than the last guy, that one didn’t knock him out, but it wasn’t done just yet, smashing his head with an elbow and that one did the trick, having him falling to the ground just like his friend.
“Anyone here actually gonna give me a challenge?”
Looking around, all of the guys here we frozen, jaws on the ground with all eyes on me.
“No?” I popped my gum again, shaking my head, “What a shame. Make sure you’re all ready for next time. You haven’t seen the last of me!”
This was such an easy game. Considering my mother worked all night long and still didn’t make much money, I fought in these little tournaments between gangs to earn some money.
No one would ever bet on me because I was the only girl who would stepped up to a man, let alone gang members too.
I was a member of the Tokyo Majin Gang, but I rarely showed my face, so I was a mere stranger to everyone.
But I had a friend on the inside. He’d bet the money, I win the fights, we split the profit and we both get good money from it.
“You never fail, Y/N! Look how much yen we got this time!”
Heading over with Joko down the alley we always took home, he sure had a bright smile on his face and it went right onto mine.
“Oh hell yeah!” I smiled, taking my half, “Just imagine all cash we’ll get if we keep it up!”
“No kidding, sis!” He laughed, cheering as he skipped down the alley, but suddenly coming to a halt as he stumbled into a tall stature.
“Oh, hey Draken,” I nodded up at him, but his face was as stone cold as ever. Something told me that he wasn’t happy with me.
“Excuse me! I’m so sorry, sir!” Joko immediately bowed his head and kept posture.
I was close to Draken, so I didn’t bother, but did stay still whenever Draken commanded to Joko:
“You go on ahead home. Y/N and I need to have a talk. I’ll walk her home.”
“Yes, sir!” Joko bowed once more before waving to me and running off.
“Aww, Kenny. If you missed me that’s all you had to say,” I giggled, joining his side as we began our walk.
“What did I tell you about calling me that?!” He growled, making me laugh more:
“Don’t be so serious, my man! Anywho, what we do we need to talk about?”
“You can wait till we get to your place,” He murmured, hands in his pockets and following me along.
That wasn’t a good sign. Was something happening with the gang that I needed to know about?
Regardless, during our walk I prepared myself. Thank goodness my mother left already, heading in and getting us two colas , sliding on to him over the counter.
“So, we’re here. What’s the deal?” Some cola eased my nerves a bit, and finally Draken spoke his mind:
“So, why do I still keep hearing about a some short girl, who likes to pop bubble gum, showing up at gang fights for money?”
“Uhhh-,” I giggled softly, sipping my cola and clearly lying, “I have no idea! She sounds dangerous.”
“What did I tell you about fighting in those little rings, huh?” Draken wasn’t messing around this time.
Just great.
“That’s what this is about, man?” Why was he so worried about this?! “You know that I’m a taijutsu master! Those guys are so easy to beat! It’s easy money that I put towards the gang and take care of myself with. You know I don’t have it easy, Draken!”
“I get that, but it’s dangerous,” He glared deep into my eyes, he seriously didn’t want me doing this and I already knew why, “You’re a-“
“Girl?” I shot an intense glare right back at him. I hated whenever someone told me not to do something because I’m a girl. It’s such bullshit.
“And one of these days, you’re gonna run into a big dude that you might not take down!” Draken slammed his hands on the counter, already towering over me and that made him feel even bigger, “Or you’re gonna piss them off so bad that they’re going it try and jump you!”
“Like that’ll happen!” I slammed my hands down right in front of him and attempted to size him up, “I get why you worry, but come on! You’ve seen me fight!”
“For fucks sake, Y/N! What would you do if one day those guys get you alone, huh? And you have to fight a whole group of them without Joko or someone else with you? Tell me!”
His scenario did make me think and I truly didn’t know what I would do. Even my cockiness wouldn’t kick in while thinking about it.
“Listen,” Draken sighed deeply, trying to settle the tension between us, “I just want you to be careful, okay? You’re fighting between multiple gangs and I don’t want this to turn into a big issues when it’s stupid.”
Again, I just stayed quiet. I guess there were other ways I could earn myself some money, but fighting is one thing I’ve always known and it was the easiest route.
Coming around the counter, he placed his hand on my shoulder, looking down into my eyes:
“Do you at least understand where I’m coming from?”
“Yeah, I understand,” I whispered softly, staring at the floor till his fingertips lifted my chin so our gaze reconnected:
“I know you can kick ass, Y/N. You are a badass, you just can’t be so reckless.”
“Aww,” I couldn’t stand the seriousness anymore, getting him tongue tied when I twirled the strand of blonde hair in his face, “Who knew you were such a big softy.”
“Softly?! How dare you!” He growled, swatting my hand away, making me laugh more:
“Chill, man! You’re blushing, by the way.”
“Blushing?!” That only made his face more red and I held my stomach from laughing so much!
“It’s kinda cute though,” I just had to keep poking at him, till he booped my forehead:
“Whatever. I’ll see you later, shorty.”
“No hug goodbye? How rude!” I teased, thinking I’d get a cold shoulder, till he wrapped one arm around my shoulder and side hugged me:
“There? Happy now?”
That made me smile, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Draken hug anyone, let alone me!
“Yeah,” I smiled softly, stopping him before he walked out of the door, “And hey, I promise I’ll call it quits with the fighting ring for a while You did make a good point.”
“I always do,” He smiled softly, looking away for a moment thinking, and he made me smile even more, “Tomorrow the guys and I are gonna go for a ride and do some talking. Tag along, I know that bike of yours can ride.”
“Faster than yours,” I giggled, left smiling as he rolled his eyes, shutting the door:
“Whatever you say, shorty!”
*the next day*
Today was as typical as any other. School was easy, I went to taijutsu practice after and on the way out, I got the text to meet up so we could have some fun racing before the meeting.
I wasn’t paying attention while walking out the back door into the parking lot, sending Draken a text that I was leaving practice, but my head jumped up as I heard metal crashing.
My bike! That asshole I knocked out yesterday was smashing it with a bat!
“You dick!” I yelled at him, charging right for him till I felt someone grab me by the hair.
“What do you think you’re doing, huh?! Haha!”
The other guy I knocked out too?! I quickly grabbed his wrist, pulling his arm down and elbowing him in the joint as hard as I could.
That was enough to make him let go, backing away quickly to see that I was surrounded. That guy and all of his buddies were here.
Shit, this was bad. Very bad. To think Draken was right about this.
“You think we were just gonna let you off the hook after the stunt you pulled yesterday, huh?”
This was the first time in a long time I had to take my fighting stance in a real fight. I was surrounded, all of them closing in on me.
In that moment, I thought of what Draken said, what was I gonna do?
Looking around the circle, I was left with only one option. I picked out the smallest guy and punched his lights out to kick off the fight:
“I don’t go down easy! Bring it on, bitches!”
It’s been a while since I’ve been in a situation like this, but I didn’t go down without a fight. I actually took out a good bit of them.
It was just so hard to watch my back, that being the one disadvantage when I felt my hair get gripped up tight.
The grip left a burn in my scalp, but I wasn’t giving up, trying to kick the one guys away, but he kicked my knee out then kneed me right in the ribs.
That instantly knocked all of the wind out of me, about coughing up a lung, eyes heavy and head woozy whenever he picked my head up by the hair again:
“Told ya we’d teach you a lesson! Coming to our fight club and thinking you own the place!”
A punch right to my gut made me collapse, but he kept me up by the hair. All I could try to do in that moment was breathe, but the sound of motorcycle engines caught my attention.
Tires screeching made everyone come to a halt, hearing from behind me:
“You get your damn hands off of her!”
There was Draken right in front of me and he sent that dude into another atmosphere with just one punch.
Finally, I was let go and I fell to the concrete, curled up into a ball, coughing and heavily panting. Those punches and knee strikes were so strong I still couldn’t breathe right.
“Wait? She’s with the Tokyo Majin Gang?!”
That sure took them all by surprise. Glancing upward briefly, Draken, Baji, and Mikey were kicking all of their asses.
“Hey, Y/N! You gotta breathe! Don’t worry, I got you,” Mitsuya scooped me up in his arms softly and I tried my best.
Along with his coaching, I was finally breathing right, but damn did I feel like crap.
“You listen to me!” Everyone stopped what they were doing, all of those guys beat up and on the ground while Draken had their leader by the shirt.
I’ve never seen Draken so intimidating and terrifying before, that guy about pissing himself, shaking in fear as Draken growled in his face:
“If you ever even come near her again, it’ll be the last thing you ever do!”
“Now, fuck off!” Baji made sure to get one last hit in, laughing while they all picked themselves off and ran for their lives.
“How is she?” Mikey was the next to come over and I hated that they had to see me like this.
This was the first time someone managed to put me down in a brawl, attempting to stand up as I groaned:
“I-I’m fine.”
The moment I stood up, I collapsed again, but Draken was there, holding me in his arms:
“No you’re not, Y/N. You got a bloody lip and all.”
“And they destroyed your bike?” Mitsuya observed, and I was defeated, just laying my head against Draken’s chest:
“I have no idea how they found out where the dojo is. They completely blindsided me.”
“Baji, Mitsuya! Take care of her bike. I’m gonna take her home.”
“On it,” Mitsuya and Baji both came to my sides, helping me up to my feet.
“Don’t worry, I can hang on to your bike,” Holding my stomach, I limped alongside Draken, making sure to thank them all, “You guys really came in the Knick of time huh?”
“We planned on meeting up here after all, it’s a good racing start,” Mitsuya informed me, “Good thing we came when we did.”
“You know we always have your back, sis,” Baji smiled softly, Mikey smiling at me too:
“Thanks guys,” I said softly, head down as I went to Draken’s bike.
“You sure you’ll be okay for the ride?” Draken was hesitant to hop on because of my condition, but I climbed right on and just nodded.
This pain was like burning in hell. I was clinging onto Draken for dear life during that ride and it wasn’t even five minutes.
I was so grateful that my mom worked nights, if I came home like this and she saw me? Dear goodness, she’d lose her shit.
When we walked in the door, I had my back turned, ready to take care of myself alone, telling Draken:
“Thanks for bringing me home. I’ll take care of myself, I promise.”
“Y/N,” He sighed, shaking his head, “You can’t even walk.”
“Barely, but I’m still walking,” I went to take another step forward, but Draken shut and locked the door, coming and scooping me softly.
“You got anything to clean that cut?” He asked, taking me to my room and sitting me on the bed softly.
“Bathroom on the shelf,” I whispered softly, sitting there trying to hold back tears from how my ribs hurt.
I was so pissed that I allowed this to happen to me, that Draken was right about the bad side to this fighting ring stuff.
I never lost a fight and the fact that they had to jump me? What cowards.
“Alright, I got some wraps for your ribs too. I can tell they’re banged up,” Draken came back to me, kneeling in front of me as I sat on the edge of the bed.
“No kidding, guess I’ll just get it over with,” I went to take the wraps, but I stopped as he instructed:
“Lift your shirt up. It’s gonna be hard to do yourself.”
“O-Oh, okay-“
Why was I so nervous all of a sudden? On top of that, it hurt like hell when I lifted my arms up, biting my lip to hide the cry trying to come out of me.
“Here,” Draken slipped my shirt off like it was nothing, leaving me in my sports bra and when he looked down at me, gosh my cheeks were hot.
“T-Thanks,” No one ever made me stutter like this, I hope I wasn’t being too awkward, but it was like nothing to him:
“You’re welcome. I’m gonna try to be as easy as I can. You should ice this too.”
Running his large hand across my side, his hands were soft, which surprised me a little, the both of us noticing the bruises forming on me already.
“Ready?” Draken looked up to me for assurance before wrapping up my ribs and I just nodded, sucking in a breath, eyes shut tight but it didn’t stop the tears.
Even when he was as gentle as possible, the stings and pains were a lot.
“Hey, all done. It’s okay,” My eyes were still closed, but I felt his thumb wipe away the tears running down my cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Draken,” I cried softly, wiping the rest of my tears, “I should’ve have listened to you. I tried to fight, but there was just too many of them. I would’ve been dead if it weren’t for you and the guys.”
“It’s not your fault those guys are a bunch of punks,” Draken sighed, trying to help just because I was crying but I shook my head:
“You told me to stop fighting before something like this happened and I didn’t listen. I’m so stupid!”
“Listen, all that matters is that, we got you out of that fight,” When I felt him holding the side of my face, I finally looked him in the eyes, his gaze settling me along with his deepening voice, “There’s nothing we can do to change it, but it’s all gonna be alright.”
Nodding softly, I whispered softly, “Thanks again, Draken. I don’t think I can thank you guys enough.”
“Like Baji and Mikey said, we always have your back. Always.”
That put a small smile on my face and it was nice to get a smile back from him. It made all of the bad emotions start to drift away.
“Need anything else? Don’t worry about the little meeting. We can handle it another time,” I was so appreciative of him taking care of me and I did want to ask him something, but I was so nervous.
I always had the, fuck it, mentality, so I went ahead and asked softly:
“Do you mind s-staying the night?”
“Your moms not gonna get pissed, is she?”
Wait, he’s cool with it? That about made my eyes pop out of my head, snapping out of it a bit to reply:
“She crashes in her room as soon as she comes home. Literally always. I’m not worried about it. It’s just-“
“Just what?” No one’s ever seen me like this and I think that’s why Draken was being so understanding, extremely hard to get off my chest:
“That was the first time in my life I think, that I was truly scared. You know how some of these gangs are and what they do to girls. Let alone one who kicked their asses.”
“Now, you know I’d never let anything like that happen to you,” He assured, hugging me softly as he stood up, “Let’s get you laid down, you need to relax.”
That I surely agreed on, fixing my pillows and laying back as softly as I could, groaning through some pain, but relaxation waved over me as Draken turned off the lights, trying not to watch him too much as he tossed off his shirt, left in his tank top and shorts, definitely not admiring his tall, muscular stature.
He got into bed next to me as softly as he could, but the little bounce from his weight made my head hurt more, and he noticed how hard I closed my eyes.
“I’m sor-“
“It’s alright,” I cooed quickly, fixing my hair, “That guy about ripped my hair out and it still hurts.”
Everything came to a sudden halt, the pain I was feeling, my heart, time almost, whenever Draken scooted closer to me, kissing the top of my head softly.
“Hair pulling is such a bitch move.”
I went to speak, but nothing came out, my heart going double time as pet the top of my head softly, slicking my hair back.
“You alright?”
Sometimes he was so oblivious to others feelings, and I managed to get something out when I whispered:
“Is it okay if I tell you something?”
“What’s up?”
Again, completely oblivious. Hopefully, my actions made things more clear as I took his arm that was close to me, placing it over me softly, fighting tears again as I admitted to him:
“I feel so safe with you. Like nothing could ever hurt me.”
“That’s because you are,” Another kiss, but on my forehead, made those tears happy ones, feeling the drowsiness guiding me to sleep along with his whisper: “I’ll always protect you, Y/N.”
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mad4turtles · 2 years
big bro michelangelo
part 2/2
(part 1 here)
Mikey understands why Splinter gets pissed whenever they wake him up from a nap.
Sleep is amazing. 
After rolling out of bed and treating himself to the longest shower he's ever had, he returns to the t.v room to find the toddlers and Splinter all asleep in the fort. They'd left it up overnight at the behest of the kids, and Splinter hadn't complained once about the room being overtaken or missing his shows as he'd sat with them, picking up from where Mikey had left off in the Wizard of Oz. Mikey had been herded to bed early by April after wolfing down a whole pizza courtesy of Cass—a not completely rare bout of kindness—and Splinter had still been in the fort when he left, the little ones taking up his lap and shoulders as they listened to him read with wonder in their eyes.
He's just in time to watch as Draxum carefully removes the book from where it'd fallen over Splinter's eyes and lifts the blanket to cover all four of them. Leo shifts in his sleep, brows furrowing until Draxum hushes him, gently stroking his head until the little slider settles down again, cuddling against Donnie. Automatically, Donnie shifts to cling to Leo. Draxum leans back on his heels with a smile.
Mikey has never whipped out his phone so fast in his life.
Draxum still notices, though, and the poisonous glare he sends the box turtle is dampened only by the pink blooming across his cheeks. He points a warning finger. “Not. One. Word.”
Mikey waggles the phone in his hand. “Get Dad to double my allowance, or this baby goes viral.”
Draxum splutters. “Wh—why in the—why in Spirits' name should I bend to the whims of—?”
“I took care of three screaming mutant ninja toddlers by myself four hours before your woolly ass got here,” Mikey says with dead eyes. Draxum goes very still. Good, 'cause Mikey ain't playing. “I deserve a little somethin'. Even if I gotta blackmail my way to get it.”
Draxum stares. “I'll talk with your father.”
“Thanks, Papa!” Mikey chimes, skipping over to give his step-father a hug and a kiss on the cheek he can't dodge fast enough. The sheep yokai rolls his eyes and pats Mikey's hand.
“I'd say I'm proud, but quite frankly, Michelangelo, you frighten me.”
“Dr Delicate Touch can be a petty bitch.”
“You don't really care.”
“I really don't.”
They leave the sleeping tots and Splinter in the fort and head for the kitchen where April and both Jones' are waiting. April smiles when Mikey steps through and pulls him in for a cuddle. “Sleep well, big bro?” she asks.
“Like a baby, sis,” Mikey says, squeezing her waist and lifting her off her feet to make her laugh before setting her down to take the plate of fresh pancakes Casey offers him, He knew he'd smelled something good. “Thanks, Jr. Damn, these look fine!”
Casey smiles in that shy, thoroughly pleased way that melts Mikey's insides like goop. “Learned from the best,” he says. “Figured you'd be happier going over a game plan with a full stomach.”
Hopping up to sit cross-legged on the table, Mikey takes a big bite out of the pancake stack and sighs, blissed. “A man after my own heart,” he says around the mouthful. “Bless you, Casey Jones Jr.”
Draxum huffs a laugh poorly disguised as a scoff. “Let us continue with the plan. As Michelangelo told April over the phone, Hypno-potomus supposedly picked up a book of spells and cast a random one during battle. He had no idea that it would result in... well, that,” he jabs a thumb at the doorway where their napping charges lie, “which means tracking him down and forcing him to reverse the spell would be pointless.”
“What if we persuade him?” Cassandra asks, playing with a kunai with a terrifying grin splitting her face. Mikey has learned to stop asking where she keeps them.
April glares. “Cass, put the knives away. We're not torturing him.” Cass obeys, not without muttering and pouting. “Drax just said there's no point. What would beating the answer outta him do if he don't even got the answer? The spell was random, and besides that, he's kinda hard to find.”
“He's roommates with the worm guy, is he not?” Draxum asks. “Or am I mistaken?”
“Pretty sure they're married now,” Mikey says after swallowing.
“Oh. Congratulations to them, then.”
“Back on topic,” Casey cuts in, hands splayed on the table the way Mikey has seen Leo do a dozen times, and it makes him smile. “Hypno might not know what he did, but we can find out how to undo it without him. All we need is the book of spells or another book on how to break this one spell.”
April perks up. “Oh, right! Then Draxum can do his Mystic thing and bring our boys back!”
“And bring an end to this adorable torture!” Cass declares, waving her kunai (again) until Casey puts her arm down with practised patience. Draxum rolls his eyes again, and Mikey—
Mikey feels torn.
He misses his big brothers. He misses Raph's big booming laugh and hugs, Donnie's dry humour and the tangents he goes on about whatever special interest he has that week, and Leo's stupid jokes and reassuring smiles. He wants all that back, so bad it hurts. But...
Mikey sets his empty plate on the table. He needs his team and his big brothers back. He wants them back. But not at the cost of their happiness, this new (old) innocence...
Mikey realizes with a start that everyone's looking at him expectantly. Except for April, her brows furrowed in concern.
Right. Game-plan. Get his brothers back, and get the team back.
He shakes himself and smiles. “Sorry, zoned out. What did you say?”
April regards him a moment before smiling. Of course she knows. Big sisters just know everything. “I asked if you knew where we might find a spell book like what Hypno used? Or something that'll tell us how to break it?”
Mikey freezes. “... I may have an idea,” he says slowly. “There's... um... there's always the Mystic Library—”
“Of course!” Draxum exclaims. “The fountain of all mystical knowledge! How could I forget? I know exactly which section to look... but I cannot accompany you there as I am still not entirely welcome in the Hidden City, let alone the library.”
Mikey feels sweat gather along his brow. “Yeaaahh, about that—”
Draxum's smile falls like bricks. “Spirits above, Michelangelo, so help me—”
“We maybe kinda sorta might be banned?”
Draxum sighs, slapping a hand over his eyes. “Of course you are. I'm surprised you've not been barred from the entire Hidden City at this point.”
“You're one to talk, goat man,” Cass snips. Draxum ignores her.
“I'm sure they'll let you back in for an emergency, right?” April ventures. “I mean, who bans someone from a mystic library?”
Every head spins to face the doorway. Donnie, rubbing his eye with the heel of one hand, the other holding a droopy-eyed Leo, stares up at Mikey on the table. He hadn't heard them get up!
Baby ninjas. No wonder Dad went grey so fast.
“Mike's goin' to library?” Donnie asks, more awake now as hope and excitement sparkle in his eyes. He hops from foot to foot, jostling Leo. “Can I come? Can I, can I, please, please? Can I see library, Mike?!”
Oh hell no.
Desperate, Mikey turns to the other adults and teens in the room. None of them look at him, suddenly very interested in their phones, claws or, in Cass' case, the damn kunai, whistling loud and tuneless.
Mikey feels rage.
He turns to Donnie with a beaming smile—“Sure thing, Donnie D!” he says through his teeth.
“Can I come, too?” Leo asks, which throws Mikey for a loop until Leo continues with a yawn, “don' wanna let Don go 'lone. Gotta... gotta stay together. Rahpie comes, too.”
That breaks Mikey's heart and warms its shattered pieces all at once. Now he really can't say no.
“Of course, Little Blue! Go wake up Daddy if he isn't up already and let him help y'all get dressed! We're goin' on a feildtrip, baby!”
Leo and Donnie cheer with their whole bodies, throwing their arms up and stomping their feet before running off to find Raph and Dad. Mikey watches them go, love and warmth in his chest.
He turns to the others and the warmth turns to ice. “Expect a visit from Dr Delicate Touch in the next twenty-four hours.”
The sound of four people gulping has never sounded so sweet.
The bat yokai librarian doesn't look overly happy to see him as she peers over her desk.
One look at the three wide-eyed, slack-jawed toddlers holding his hands and clinging to his back softens something in her gaze, but her soft tone is strict when she says, “I don't even want to know, do I?”
Mikey smiles and shrugs helplessly, shaking his head.
“If I allow you to browse, I trust you will be quiet?”
“Yes, ma'am,” Mikey whispers.
“And your young charges?”
Mikey looks down at the little ones. “Remember our talk, lil' bros?”
Three heads bob in rapid nods, putting their fingers to their lips. “Library voices, shh,” they whisper.
Mikey beams. “Rad.”
The librarian almost cracks a smile. No one is immune to turtle tot cuteness. “Very good. You may proceed. But one word and all of you will be in the Kiddie Room.”
Mikey's pretty sure he's the undisputed ruler of the Kiddie Room, but he's not going to chance it today. He salutes and turns to scour the shelves Draxum told him about, but Donnie hops off his shell and races toward the desk. Mikey bites his lip against a shout, but he hisses Donnie's name frantically. He goes ignored.
Donnie carefully taps the pedestal. “S'cuse me, miss library lady,” he whispers.
She raises a brow. “Yes?”
Donnie beams, hands flapping by his sides. With his glasses on, sizes too big for his face, he looks younger than he is and far cuter than he has any right to be. “Thank you very much for letting us come to your beau—bootiful—boot—pretty library,” he chimes quietly. “I love books so much!”
The librarian stares, eyes slightly wide. And then her smile is small but real. “You're quite welcome, young man. Take as long as you need to.”
Donnie flaps his hands again, excited. “Thank you, I love you, buh-bye!” he chirps and trots back to Mikey, hopping onto his back and clinging, muffling giggles against Mikey's hoodie.
It's all Mikey can do to keep from squealing, eyes welling up. The librarian doesn't seem to be faring any better.
It takes forever, especially with three excited babies all wanting to do their own thing and trying to run off, barely evading the Hush Bats' wrath, but he finds the section he's looking for and has the boys sit in a reading nook with colouring books he'd brought with him. Donnie forgoes them and settles in a massive armchair with Sherlock Holmes's complete collection on his lap.
Mikey finds the book he's looking for after half an hour, and by then, he's exhausted, eyes burning, limbs aching as he plops onto the floor with Leo and Raph. They're quietly discussing who would win in the ultimate fight between Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim, with Leo on the side of their father. He smiles as he skims the index and flips through the pages.
Ah-ha! There! De-Ageing Spells, hell yes!
Grinning, Mikey reads. And reads. And...
His smile falls.
He lifts his head from the book, turning to face the toddlers smiling and softly giggling in their own little bubble, safe and sound from reality's sharp, unforgiving needle.
His heart sinks.
Oh, man.
The good news is the spell is easily reversible; no blood oaths or sacrificial virgins required. All they have to do is want to be big again, remember who they're supposed to be and let go of who and what they were.
The bad news is it's been three days since they went to the library, four since they were changed.
Mikey knew from the moment he'd read the article. They don't want to change back.
He doesn't blame them.
It's easy to forget sometimes that they're teenagers. Mikey is fifteen, for crying out loud. Raph is—should be—seventeen, a kid in a law that will never touch them, not really, as they are. They've saved the world from evils beyond comprehension, have nearly died on many occasions, and they're not even legally allowed to drink! Much as they hate to hear it due to whatever dumb hormones tell them otherwise, they're children. They shouldn't have to do any of this. That's why most superheroes in media are adults—severely messed up adults, but still!
Why should Mikey take this away from them? Why should anyone take it away or force them to want to let it go? The world will always be in danger, so why can't someone else 'rise to the challenge' and defend it? Why does the world have to fall on the shoulders of kids who barely get the chance to be kids? Why can't they be selfish for once?
Tensions were high in the two years following Splinter's decision to make Leo the leader—a position Leo had never wanted and Raph was doing so well in despite the challenges—and then things change after the Krang. Leo cracks fewer jokes and trains more often, Donnie triple-checks and quadruples his time in the lab pouring over defences, upgrades and fail-safes, and Raph is twice as jittery at night, can't sleep without a light on or checking on his family several times each night. Not that Splinter is much better—Mikey hears him every night, feigns sleep when his father tucks him in and kisses his cheek, lingering a moment before moving on to the next room.
This is the happiest he's seen his family in what feels like forever.
But as much as Mikey wants his brothers' happiness, his true wish is just as selfish. And he feels horrible for it, he does. But—
“I want my big brothers back,” he says, muffled in the folds of Draxum's robe on the night of day five. Sitting on his bed, he clings to his stepfather with all his strength and lets the tears fall. Draxum holds him with one hand on the back of his head, the other rubbing circles along his shell. It's a show of affection he's still getting used to two years down the line, and as much as it's appreciated it only makes Mikey cry harder.
Raph used to do this. Used to pick me right off the floor and crush me with all the love he had in him.
“I don't want them to hurt anymore,” he says through his tears, “I don't want them to fight or, or carry everything all the time 'cos they feel like they have to. I want them to be happy. But... I miss them! I miss my big brothers and I want them back! I don't wanna be the big brother anymore!”
“Hush,” Draxum soothes, holding Mikey tighter as he cries himself out. “I don't know your brothers as well as I'd like to, but I do know how much they care about you. A part of them knows and remembers who they really are. A part that knows this can't last, no matter how much they want it to. The past is in the past, and all that's left is the present and what we have to look forward to. They won't stay like this forever, Michelangelo.”
Mikey sniffles messily, not that Draxum seems to care about the mess he's made of his robe. “That's... that's prolly the wisest thing you've ever said, Papa,” he says. Draxum huffs fondly, but Mikey's smile dims quickly. “What if they do? What if they... what if they love being kids again more than—?”
“Don't you dare,” April hisses from where she's suddenly materialized in the doorway, “finish that sentence, Hamato Michelangelo.”
Mikey stares at her. Draxum loosens his grip and stands in time for April to take his place on the bed, taking Mikey's face between her hands and giving him a firm shake.
“Mikey,” she says, eyes burning like coals into his. Her worry is buried deep beneath, but Mikey sees it through the cracks. “Your brothers adore you. If you asked for the moon in a basket or the sun for a night light, you bet your little ass they'd find a way to make that happen. Ain't nothing in this world more important to them than you. No amount of Jupiter Jim marathons, bedtime stories or piggyback rides could ever hold a candle to having you as their little brother. They'll break this spell no matter what it takes or how long. You know this, I know this—hell, Draxum knows it!”
“Why do you sound so surprised?”
“So hang in there, okay?” She smiles, pressing a kiss between his eyes and wiping his tears away with her thumbs. “Give 'em time. They'll be back before you know it.”
Mikey breathes in deeply and tries to believe. He nods. “Okay,” he croaks, throwing his arms around his sister's neck when she pulls him in.
(Outside the door, a pair of tiny feet quickly scurry away.)
He takes his eyes off them for a second.
They're playing in the park, hanging off the monkey bars and the swing set, and Mikey, sitting on the bench, reaches for the buzzing phone in his pocket.
Then Leo shrieks his name, and terror freezes Mikey's blood.
Hypno has Leo and Raph by their hoodies. Donnie screams at him to put his brothers down, kicking the mutant hippo's shin to little effect.
“Aw, aren't you lot adorable?” the magician coos. “Can't believe you're still so tiny, but, I'll take what I can get. Which is you lot, to get Orange over there to come running right into my trap! You won't be much of a nuisance if you're all pint-sized tots!”
Mikey doesn't hear what the fat creature says over the ringing in his ears. His body moves on its own, faster than he's ever moved in his life, and even then, he's too late. Hypno vanishes in a puff of purple smoke.
Leo, Donnie and Raph are gone, too.
Mikey stares at where they'd stood. Donnie's glasses lie forgotten on the wood chippings, the lenses cracked. Carefully, Mikey scoops them up. He shuts his eyes and grits his teeth.
When he opens his eyes, the world is red.
He uses Donnie's tracker to find them—thank god for Donnie's paranoia and mildly invasive meddling tendencies. They're holed up in some run-down warehouse, empty save for boxes no doubt filled with Hypno's assortment of traps, support pillars that creak ominously to the time of dripping pipes.
And, of course, Hypno and his little-big brothers, tied up and crying out for him from the little cage behind the magician.
The world is still red around the edges, and Mikey ignores whatever villainous spiel the hippo spouts, nunchaku ablaze and spinning.
“Give. Me. My. Brothers.”
Mikey's voice sounds foreign to his ears, and whatever look Mikey has on his face makes Hypno stammer into silence and take a step back. “Whoa, nelly, that's quite the look you've got on your face! I-I'm actually starting to regret my decisions leading up to this moment.”
“Mikey's gonna kick your big fat butt!” Leo cries, struggling against the ropes binding him shell-to-shell with Raph and a sniffling Donnie.
“Yeah! He's gonna beat ya up, good, ya—ya big butt head!”
“B-Bitch!” Donnie says through his tears.
Hypno looks at them flatly. “Right, I'm over the regretting thing. Let's dance, shall we, Orange?”
Mikey scowls. “Gladly,” he hisses, and charges.
(He understands Raph's rage, now, barely hidden under layers and layers of love. He wonders if it's this scary to him, too, knowing how much of it he has and what it does to you when the people you protect are in danger.
Perhaps that's what ultimately freed Raph from the Krang that day. It's what led Mikey to Leo, after all.)
The fight is as messy and chaotic as usual. But Mikey's not having fun, and Hypno won't let him get close to the tots until he's one of them. He must've finally studied the book, which is just great, really, and adds fuel to Mikey's growing fire. Figuratively and literally.
An explosion gets too close to the kids, and Donnie wails at the loud noise.
Then Mikey gets angry.
He traps Hypno in the extended chains and swings him straight through a pillar. It's the straw to break the camels' back as the whole building crumbles around them.
Mikey remembers himself and nearly chokes on his horror. What did I just do?
He hears his brothers scream his name. He shakes himself and sprints to the cage, tearing it open with sheer adrenaline and slicing the ropes away with the jagged piece of metal that bites into his skin. He ignores the sting and pulls the crying tots into his arms.
“It's okay, guys,” he says, dizzy with relief—he's got them, they're safe, he'll get them out, and they'll be safe, they'll be okay—“It's okay. Big bro Mikey's here.”
Something gives above their heads. Mikey looks up in time to see the giant slabs of concrete hurtling towards them.
He doesn't think twice. He shoves the boys as hard as he can, and—
And he blinks awake to a ringing in his ears and copper in his mouth. He feels numb from the waist down.
He's buried under the rubble.
His vision is spotty with hints of actual red—blood, most likely—but he can see the boys. They're not hurt. Covered in dust and soot from the collapsing debris and crying their hearts out, but they're fine.
They're okay. Good.
“Go on, guys,” he coughs. Raph stops tugging his arm to stare at him with open horror. It's not something he ever wants to see on a toddler's face, but there's not much he can do about it now. “T-There's... not much time. Y'gotta get outta here, the buildings' comin' down...”
“NO!” Donnie shrieks, stomping his feet, big fat tears dripping down his chin. “No no no! Not leaving Mikey, no! Not leaving you!”
“Stay together!” Leo sobs. Mikey wants to reach out and hold him, but his left arm's buried under the rubble, the other clutched in Raph's trembling hands. “Gotta help, Mike, gotta—gotta get back to normal 'n be big together again!”
Ah. It was Leo who overheard. Heh. Baby ninjas.
Mikey huffs. “S'okay, Little Blue,” he says, words slurring together as it gets harder to stay awake. “You guys... It doesn't matter how big or small you are. I love you anyway. I'll always love you because you're still my brothers.”
He smiles big and wide, fighting tears. “Big Bro Michelangelo loves you. Always.”
They stare at him, masks soaked with tears. It's not the best thing to see right before you die, but Mikey thinks it could be worse.
He can't keep his eyes open anymore. He feels Raph drop his arm. Good. They're leaving. He hopes Donnie can still work a phone to call Dad. Hopes they don't blame themselves.
He hears another pillar give above him, and he knows it's over.
They'll be okay. Mikey did what every good big brother is supposed to do. He did good.
There's a familiar whirr of machinery, a crackle of energy that Mikey knows as intimately as his own, a flash of purple—
Mikey's eyes snap open. He looks up.
Donatello stands over him—sixteen years old, a pillar of armour, defined muscles and gangly limbs—a mystic shield keeping the worst of the debris from crushing them. He meets Mikey's gaze and grins through the strain.
Mikey's jaw hangs. “... Donnie?”
“In the half-shell!” Donnie declares, and Mikey could cry.
Lightning crackles against the stones pinning Mikey. A circle of brilliant blue sparks to life beneath them and pulls them under. The world spins until it rights itself in the form of Leonardo catching him before the portal can spit him onto the asphalt. Mikey blinks the white spots away until the striped face of his grinning older brother remains, his smirk set at an angle that's equal parts arrogance and affection. Behind them, the warehouse collapses.
“Were you expecting DiCaprio?” Leo quips. It's not even remotely funny, but Mikey throws his head back and laughs.
Then he freezes. “Wait, wait!” He squirms in Leo's arms, but Leo settles for dropping to his knees and setting him on the ground. Mikey paws at his shoulders desperately. “W-where's—?”
A red goliath bursts from the rubble in a shower of brick and twisted metal and leaps out of the wreckage, leaving small craters in the ground as he lands superhero-style. He drops Hypno off to the side before re-calling his ninpo.
And then there's only Raphael, smiling right at him as he lumbers over to kneel before them.
Mikey shakes. Leo's arms wrap around his shoulders and hold him close. “Raph...”
“You did great, little brother,” he says, reaching out with one massive hand to gently cup Mikey's cheek in his calloused palm. His eyes shine with unshed tears and pride. “You really did. You saved us, buddy. I'm proud of you.”
“Same here,” Leo says, nuzzling his cheek against Mikey's. His mask is still damp. “Sorry it took us so long to come back, little bro.”
“Indeed,” Donnie adds, typing something onto his holographic before joining them on the floor. “Though my memories of being toddler-fied are hazy at best, I do recall enjoying elements of it. However, no amount of piggyback rides or weaponising cuteness for a mystic library pass could satisfy my need to reach the freaking kitchen countertop by myself and slice my own goddamn fruit, thank you very much!”
Raph rolls his eyes with a smile that's equal parts fond and exasperated. A smile that Mikey gets now. “I think what Don's tryin' to say, is that, yeah, being kids again was fun while it lasted. And spending time with Dad like that again was really great...”
“But Draxum was right,” Leo adds, drawing back enough to wipe the soot and blood off Mikey's face with his mask tails. He smiles. “We gotta let go of the past. That's done. What matters now is what we do in the present—”
“And the things we have to look forward to in the future,” Donnie finishes, reaching out to rub the top of Mikey's head. “For instance, I am most looking forward to wiping every single freaking picture and or video you've taken these last six days. Tech gods as my witness, I will leave no SD card unturned, no RAM un—oh. Oh, Mikey...”
Mikey doesn't realize he's crying until Leo pulls him back for a hug, holding tight. Then the floodgates burst as he gives way to heaving sobs, curling into Leo's chest. Donnie drops all pretences and joins the embrace, his snout nuzzling Mikey's head. Raph gathers them all up and squeezes.
Through the haze of bone-deep, exhaustion, aches, pains and relief, Mikey smiles.
They're back. My big brothers are back. April and Draxum were right.
Just when Mikey thinks he could stay like this with them forever, there's a groan near the mound of rubble. A ripple goes through the (now) older trio as they lift their heads and turn as one. Mike follows a beat after.
Hypno rubs his head and looks around him, rumpled and rough-looking as Mikey feels, but mostly intact save for a nasty black eye. Both eyes widen when he sees the turtles staring back at him.
He blinks. “Um. I can explain.”
Raph, Leo and Donnie narrow their eyes to slits at the cowering hippo mutant. Mikey stifles a giggle.
Oh, he 'bout to get it.
Raph looks back down at Mikey and smiles. “You sit tight for a sec, Little Man,” he says, kissing Mikey's forehead before letting them all go and standing, cracking his neck.
“Yeah, we'll be right back,” Leo pats his cheek and joins Raph. His claws peek out, hands fluttering at his sides.
“I've sent April a message. She and The Parents are en route, E.T.A three minutes, so keep an eye out, m'kay? Cool.” Donnie nudges his shoulder against his and extends his battle shell, hovering over Hypno.
Mikey, for once, is content to sit on the side and watch. He's already given Hypno a piece of his mind. Now it's his big brothers' turn.
“So,” Raph bumps his fists together, red armour encasing his arms. “You shrank us.”
“You kidnapped us,” Leo's swords flash into his palms.
“And you nearly crushed our baby brother,” Donnie's bo extends into a mini-missile launcher.
Hypno goes white. “A-Ah, hey now, let's not be hasty! It was all in good fun, we had a few laughs—!”
“Not only that, but you owe Mikey so much child support!” Leo cries, raising his swords. “You goddamned—”
“Big-mouthed—” Raph pulls his fists back.
“Blue gumball, simpleton—” Donnie spins his bo and lifts it high.
“Wait, wait, wait—!”
“SON OF A BITCH!” they holler and bring their weapons down in a burst of soot, brick and screaming hippo.
Grinning hard enough to hurt, Mikey throws his head back and cackles.
“That's my boys!”
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lake-archive · 7 days
She Is Embarrassing... But She Is My Mother
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AO3 Link - A Totally Normal Family Masterlist
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Characters (main): Anja-Sophia 'Ann' Wolff, Hilda Wolff
Words: 1,534
“Woha Ann, who’s that woman over there?”
“She’s been talking to you… Is she your sister?”
“She’s hot. Can ya arrange a date for me with her? Please?”
“Ya think your sis will let me take a pic of her?”
“Damn, talk ‘bout a beauty! I gotta make her star in our next movie project! Did she act before? Tell me tell me!”
These questions became more and more embarrassing as time went on. And they had already been pretty embarrassing to begin with. They had to deal with this at university already, every single time. Every single question. ‘Who is that woman? She’s hot!’ 
Usually they just wouldn’t care and move on with their life but imagine yourself in the following situation… Having to hear from every single corner or everywhere you go that your very own mother is a hottie. Repeat, having to hear that your Mom is hot.
And when you would look at anyone, telling them that she isn’t your sister but your mother you will only get laughed at after the usual wide eyes of surprise.
“Your Mom? Haha, good one! She’s barely older than you probably!”
“Yeah. Somewhere in her 20s? I bet 30s at most!”
“No way she would have a daughter as old as you. Not someone that young!”
Young… Yeah, that young. Except Hilda wasn’t as young as they were saying. Their mother was a few years younger than their father, a man in his early 60s by now. She was older than she looked. But whenever they told anyone it would be written off as nothing but a  joke, much to their very own dismay. No matter the words coming out of their mouth it was just that… A ‘joke’. Yeah, a joke… Mhm… 
And it happened wherever the two went or wherever Hilda decided to show up. This also included the main building at Ensemble Square, guys of every section asking Ann questions about the ‘hot blond’. And they were not just getting tired of it… They were also getting beyond embarrassed! This was getting uncomfortable! Oh how they wanted to sink into the ground and just disappear, fade from existence! Go poof! And be never seen again! Make everyone forget they ever existed while at it!
But no, that would not happen. And while it was not their mother’s fault for such reactions Ann felt as if they needed to talk to her about this. And so… 
“Mom… I would appreciate it if you didn’t approach me during office hours or while at university.” A harsh thing to say, they knew. After all, they saw their own mother’s eyes in utter shock for a second. She was truly clueless about the reason. Even worse once she managed to go from expressionless to full of emotion… But not in a good way.
“Ah!? Anja dear… D… Did Mommy do something to upset you?” She asked while looking as if she was at the brink of tearing up, her eyes having almost water in them and she nearly sniffled in between. “I’m sorry if I did. How can I make it up to you? Is Mommy a little too embarrassing? Was it the time I pulled your cheeks a little? I just couldn’t resist and—”
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong.” They sighed, shaking their head. It really wasn’t their mother who was at fault… But how would they explain it to her!? ‘Hey Mom, some of my co–workers want to hit on you and want me to arrange dates with you.’ No child would say that! Or shouldn’t rather… “It’s just… Things are getting a little embarrassing.”
“Embarrassing?” Mom’s expression calmed down, at least a little bit. “What do you mean by that?”
“Er… Well… Just… I’m an adult by now. So… Maybe slow it down a little?”
“Did someone laugh at you? Are we having another case of bullying?” She asked, eyes shifting to utter concern. Yet that also would mean that she would not hold back any words either, though saying it with her sweet tone… Even if it had a dark undertone, though only ever so slightly. “Say who and Mommy will find a way to dispose of them! And here I thought that the bullying stopped with highschool. Young people…” 
“No no no! No one’s getting bullied here!” Ann responded quickly, though never sure what their mother meant by those words. She said it in a way where it was a little eerie, as if she was ready to get a kitchen knife and stab whoever she was talking about. She had even said something similar years ago, when she found out about the incident… 
Turth to be told, when younger Ann had kept things bottled up from their family, refusing to talk about any trouble they had faced. It led to isolation and… Uh, they would rather not talk about the details. Let’s just say that school was a hellhole they never wanted to revisit, ever. 
Yet once their parents had found out about all of this they went all out. In the end it was dealt with swiftly, quicker than one might imagine. But what their mother had said at first… That had always stuck with them. “So, some people decided to step that low? Hmm… Don’t worry, Mommy will make them pay. Before you know it they will disappear. That’s a promise~”
It had not just Ann concerned but their father was surprisingly calm, as if he had been used to behavior like this. Well, maybe he was. He had been married to his wife for years now. Over a decade if not two. So maybe she had said this more often back then. In the end he had to reassure Ann by saying: “What your mother means is that we are here to help you, no matter what. And we will help you in any way we can. You never have to be afraid to approach us. If something troubles you, we will help you go through it. A family sticks together, no matter what.”
In the end it was just a few people getting suspended, including a teacher who also had been active in the bullying. And while school life was never normal nor a joy for them ever again they were at least glad that they had gotten the help. Though how mother had reacted… As if she was about to kill someone. Maybe it was just one of her usual overreactions however. Nothing else. There was no need to worry. It’s just how Mom is sometimes… 
Back to the present, especially since it had gone through Ann’s mind again. “I’m fine, really.”
“You’re not just saying that to put me at ease, are you?”
“Of course not! I’m asking you and Dad for advice if something is going on now, aren’t I!?”
A moment of silence, their mother thinking… Before a light smile formed on her lips. “Of course. Sorry dearie. Sometimes I forget that you really are starting to grow up.”
“Huh? You… Forget?”
“Yes. I recall the day you officially graduated as if it was yesterday. No, further back, your time at elementary school! You know, when you were so little and accidentally—”
“Please, no embarrassing childhood stories right now!” There was no need to hear it.
“Right right. Sorry about that~ In any case, it’s hard to believe that you’re turning into an adult.” Suddenly, her voice had become a little more serious than before, yet still as gentle as always. “When I heard that you planned to stay here for your studies… It was a shock. I just wonder how much time we will have left together.”
“You sound as if I will be gone for good in your life.”
“Oh, it’s not that I’m worried about. It’s… Well, we won’t be here forever, your father and I. We’re not getting any younger.” 
“That…” There was no argument against it honestly, that was a fact. “Yeah, true…”
“And we’re not the youngest. So seeing my own daughter turn into an adult living far away… It’s something which just hit me. And here I thought that I was ready for that.” Mom had added a laugh at the time yet it was a little weak, almost forced. She meant it, yes, but at the same time… It was a little saddening to listen to. “My little girl… On her way to become an adult and live her own life… It’s hard to let go.”
“Ah– W… Well—”
“Maybe I did get a little carried away. Alright, I will not look for you all the time. Only sometimes~” She then added while standing up. “But I will still look around here if it’s alright. I’m curious about the people here, especially some of the idols you have talked about.”
Ah… Right, Ann had mentioned a few of them. But they only sighed, unable to hold back a smile of their own. “Sure. Just don’t go overboard, alright?”
“I won’t. Promise~”
“Thank you.”
“Besides, what if one of them is going to be my future son–in–law? I can’t scare him away~”
“Mom no!” 
Though some things will never change, will they?
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the-bar-sinister · 1 month
The Seed that Grew a Pearl (5755 words) by thesavagesabretooth Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pearl Fey/Trucy Wright Warnings: Gender Issues, Gender Confusion, Referenced Child Abuse
Summary: Trucy takes Pearl on her first ever clothes shopping adventure in preparation for Pearl to enter the police academy and become a detective. Back at home, the two of them start to talk about their relationship, and Trucy accidentally reveals a secret about Pearl that even Pearl didn't understand.
August 15, 2028– 12:35 pm
Despite Pearl having finished high school right around the time everyone had gotten back from Khura'in, Trucy hadn't seen as much of her as she wanted to. She'd been busy. Helping Maya getting things together in Kurain village, and getting ready for her own big change.
Trucy had missed her…but it wasn’t as if she herself wasn’t busy. The fallout of the Gramaryeland show, her new assistants, and the constant stress of running the Wright Anything Agency and working through her own school work…she’d not gotten the chance to reach out for longer than she would have liked.
But that changed today. She’d managed to get a little time, and she’d managed to invite Pearl out on an afternoon about town. 
They'd started with lunch in a little cafe at the corner of the shopping district that Phoenix had dropped them off at. Pearl was finishing up her boba, fishing around in the bottom of the cup for tapioca pearls, and looking a little lost in thought.
Trucy leaned on her hand with a little grin as she stirred what remained of her own with the thick straw. “Penny for your thoughts? Heck, I’d even give a dime.” 
Pearl laughed. "So generous! It's just my first time going clothes shopping, you know?"
“I know!” Trucy took a sip of her boba with a slight frown. “there weren’t exactly malls in your village…and there was kinda a uniform…but it’s pretty exciting right? Getting to go out and buy your own stuff?” 
"It is exciting!" she smiled, playing with the straw of her drink. "Kind of nerve wracking, too. I've never picked my own clothes before. I think I'd probably just default to my robes– but they're super not appropriate attire for police training."
Police training. Police academy. Trucy had known it was coming. Trucy had been the first one that Pearl had ever told. She would have killed to have been a fly on the wall when she told Maya. Not that she didn't know Maya would be supportive, but– the surprise!
Like a magic trick.
“Probably not! If nothing else I think they’d get dirty easy, and they’re not exactly made for like…skulking through crime scenes.” She tapped her finger against her chin. “but that leaves you having to figure out from like…step 0.” 
"Super step zero," she nodded. "I asked Big sis Iris and Mr. Armando for some tips, but I'm still glad I have you here to help me, Trucy. Oh! Speaking of which, since Iris is busy tonight, your dad doesn't mind me staying over, right?"
Trucy grinned widely. 
“Oh hooo, Miss Iris is busy tonight huh?” She leaned on her hand with a wink “if there’s good gossip, you gotta tell me….but of course daddy won’t mind! He likes you, and anyway, I’d insist! It’s been too long since we had a sleepover, Pearl!”
"It super has been," she giggled. "There's not any really good gossip– they just have Miss Lana over again, since she got out last month."
“Oh yeah! Everyone got real excited about that…” Trucy bobbed her head. The former chief prosecutor was someone she’d only met once or twice through her father…but from the way he, and especially Miss Ema, spoke about her it was clear she was someone important to a lot of them.
She’d finally gone free a month ago, and had been spending a lot of time hanging about the old guard around the various offices– and especially with Iris and Diego.
“They’re pretty close aren’t they? The three of them. She’s been visiting you guys a bunch!” 
"She has! She's pretty restrained as a person, but she got a little excited when I told her I was going to be going into the police academy."
"Yeah? I’m not surprised. Daddy told me she used to be like…a superstar detective turned prosecutor. She’s one of the reasons Investigator Ema is Like That.” She grinned at Pearl excitedly. “So she probably got excited to hear someone bright and cool like you wanted to join the force too! Admittedly it IS super exciting. Officer or Detective Pearl Fey has a ring to it!” 
"Awwww…. Trucy," Pearl covered her face as she blushed. "You're too nice to me! Um, hey can I ask you a favor, by the way?"
“Of course I am, Pearl! You’re one of my favorite people you know.” She leaned on her hand with a grin. “anything, what can magical girl Trucy do for you?” 
Pearl leaned on her hands, and smiled, but there was a sad, worried look in the shadows of her eyes. "You'll make sure I don't do anything weird, or embarrassing while we're shopping, right? I really, really don't want people to know I've never been shopping for myself…"
Trucy leaned forward and placed both hands on her shoulders, grinning warmly from ear to ear.
“Of course…it’ll be our secret , yeah?” She winked at her playfully “like a magic trick, nobody’ll be any the wiser.” 
August 15, 2028– 7:30 pmTrucy’s dad had of course let Pearl spend the night, especially when Trucy had begged him with her best puppy-dog eyed look, so when they got back to the Wright family home, they wasted no time in dropping the various bags and boxes all around Trucy’s eclectically decorated bedroom.
The shopping trip had been fun, very fun…and just like she’d promised Pearl, she made sure that nobody was any the wiser that it was Pearly’s first time hitting the stores in the LA malls and outlets.
The two of them had hit nearly every store (and Trucy couldn’t stop herself from picking up a new outfit or two herself), until Pearl was set with a whole new wardrobe for her first day in the police academy. But Trucy had to admit, the longer they shopped the more surprised she was by Pearly’s taste in clothes.
Not bad-surprised of course, she honestly found it pretty cool, and had to admit Pearl looked pretty great in it when she’d come out of the changing rooms to try them on. But it was still one heck of a surprise when the cutesy, traditionally dressed girl from Kurain Village went almost exclusively for outfits that Trucy would describe as ‘pretty damn butch’.
With how flustered Pearl had gotten when she pointed it out she had had to reassure her that she wasn’t ‘doing anything weird’ , or anything like that. It was just surprising— and, she had teasingly added, pretty dashing. 
Pearl–once more in her usual uniform after they'd finished shopping– flopped down on the end of Trucy's bed. "Wow. Nobody told me that shopping made you tired," she joked.
“It’s the mall,” Trucy joked. “It takes your energy like a big vampire as payment for the good times you have there.”
She took off her silk hat and placed it on its mannequin head, before she picked up a bag to set it aside and flopped down on the bed too. “Oough. It’s all the running around…and difficult choices!” 
Pearl flopped her head down on Trucy's shoulder. "So many difficult choices! Even with all the stuff I got there was still stuff to put back. … you don't think I got too much do you? It was probably too much."
“It’s a whole new wardrobe Pearl.” Trucy flopped onto her stomach as her bangs fell into her face. “Honestly I don’t know if you got enough”
Pearl chewed on her thumb thoughtfully and glanced between Trucy and the bags. "Maybe…. I did at least remember to get underwear…. and socks…. and new pajamas… Thanks for reminding me about those.."
Trucy leaned on her hand with a chuckle, waving one of the bags towards her. 
‘Well yeah! I’m kinda surprised you didn’t realize you needed them! But I know things were uh…different…in Kurain.” 
"It's going to be a big adjustment," Pearl said, still chewing on her thumb. "Sleeping in a dorm and everything. Aside from with you or Maya I'm used to being alone in my room at night."
Trucy nodded, watching Pearl with a bright and affectionate smile. “yeah? I’m not surprised…are you nervous about it? Maybe you’ll get a real nice roommate.” 
"I hope so! Did you know Vera Misham is going into the academy, too? we might end up rooming together."
Athena’s eyes widened
“Vera?? Huh! I had no idea…I mean, she mentioned wanting to get into law and stuff and get out of her house, but I didn’t expect that!” She grinned and scootched a little closer to Pearl “ She’s quiet too, that wouldn’t be too bad of a roomie situation! Fingers crossed! ...do the barracks dorms allow occasional overnight guests?”
"Gosh! I'm not sure! Do you think they wouldn't?" Pearl cocked her head curiously. "I guess if police training is anything like spiritual training they might now."
It was probably silly for Trucy to have asked. It probably didn't even occur to Pearl why they actually might not allow overnight guests.
Trucy giggled.
“I don’t think it’s anything like spirit stuff, actually. But they uhm…well..” She leaned on her hands with a flush. “They…may…object to people who are close ah, spending time very close…in their dorm beds. A-anyway! if they don’t allow it I can always just magic my way in and pull a vanishing act if the drill sergeant or whatever gets wise.” 
"That's because you're a super cool magician," Pearl grinned back at her. She poked her fingers together thoughtfully and seemed to reflect, as Trucy noticed her blushing. "You mean they don't want people being, uh, romantic, in the dorms, right?"
“Yeah…” Trucy nodded with a half smile and a flush of her own “they probably don’t want people getting romantic in the dorms…they probably see it as like , a distraction or something.” 
"Well, I mean that makes sense," she nodded. "It's kind of rude to be romantic in a dorm setting anyway. But it won't matter if we're all girls, right?"
Trucy tapped her chin. 
“if we’re all girls…maybe not? I dunno what the police’s stance on that is!”
She shifted on the bed thoughtfully, before she hugged one of the bags to her chest with a flush. ‘Romantic’. It was that word that brought up what had been on her mind for a while now. It was no secret to anyone that she was fond of Pearl…and the two of them had been practically dating for a long while.
But it was still ‘practically’, as they’d never talked about it despite going out on what could easily be called dates plenty of times. She chewed her lip thoughtfully “I think they could look the other way, probably?” 
Pearl leaned on her shoulder, blushing a little. "Is this your way of saying that you want to come visit me, Trucy?"
“Wellll….” Trucy hummed quietly. “Yeah, actually…it is! I mean, if that’s o-okay, you know?” 
Pearl covered up her face embarrassedly. 
"Well, I mean, of course it is. But– do you mean like, you know…." her voice dropped to a whisper, "romantically?"
Trucy bopped the top of her head with a flustered grin. 
“What if I told you ‘of course’? Can I be honest with you, Pearly? I know we’ve been close for a hell of a while now…” 
Pearl bit her lip and gave her a wide eyed look. "I hope you'd be honest with me, you know?"
“Always,” Trucy said with a flushed grin “but I mean…I’ve liked you for a while now, I’m sure you’ve noticed that, and we’re practically dating…maybe I’ve kinda wanted it to be less practically and more…you know.”
She poked her fingers together with a flustered laugh “romantically? Visits and all?” 
"Gosh. Um… okay, can I be honest, Trucy?" Pearl asked, flushing deeper. She didn't pull away from Trucy at all, so that was a good sign.
Trucy leaned her head against her shoulder with a laugh. “I hope you’d be honest with me too, yeah?” 
"Yeah.. so um," she frowned and bit her lip. "Dating and romance is not really something that gets talked about in Kurain? All I've ever heard about is you know, finding a husband to continue the family line. And usually in the village they do that with a matchmaker. So… being honest, I had no idea if you felt that way about me or not… I don't know how any of that works, especially between girls."
Trucy nodded thoughtfully against her shoulder. 
“Geeze…that makes a lotta sense. Things up there are a little…” Distressingly old fashioned and restrictive, even compared to the US’ cultural baggage of ‘keeping it private’ as her daddy always said about Mr. Edgeworth.
“Different,” she politely finished. “It makes sense you wouldn’t know a whole lot about romance and ah, stuff. I admit, I’m not exactly an expert even if I’ve had a little experience.”
It still took her all the way through the Gramarye-Retinz trial to realize Bonny and Betty had a thing for her….”but it’s like…down to how someone makes you feel, you know?” 
"Yeah? And if you feel it, you just kind of know?" she asked, rubbing her neck nervously.
“I think so, yeah.” Trucy said with a lopsided smile. “Or at the very least have kinda an inkling. At least that’s how it works for me.” 
"And…" Pearl said slowly. "You feel that way about me? Like… not as a funny joke?"
“W-well yeah!” Trucy held her hands up with a flustered smile “it’s not really something I joke about!... well. Much. There was that time I joked about making a good bride for Apollo with his dad, and that time I kept teasing everyone about my panties, but still. Not as a funny joke at all! I really do…it’s the butterfly feeling and everything…and every time we hang out I get really excited. I’ve had a crush on you for like…a long while!” 
"Wow…." Pearl laughed and covered her blushing face. "I wish I'd known sooner, because I've kind of felt that way about you for a while. But, I didn't know what I was supposed to do with that."
Trucy turned pink and bumped her shoulder against her with a laugh, bopping the top of her own head and sticking her tongue out. 
“Geeeze…I guess I spent too long beating around the bush, huh?” She flashed a bright grin at her. “If we both feel the same way, though…maybe we can figure out what to do with it together, huh?” 
"I hope you don't mind me following your lead a bit," Pearl said. "At least for a while. Since all I have to go on is the movies we've watched together. And… I've been told you're not supposed to do everything you see in the movies."
Pearl laughed, but the way she turned pink, Trucy could tell she was really embarrassed about her lack of experience.
Reaching up, Trucy gently rustled Pearl’s hair with a wink 
“True enough, but don’t worry… Magical Girl Trucy’s got this, huh?” she leaned in close with a hum, nuzzling against her shoulder. “You can follow my lead as much as you gotta, that’s absolutely fine!” 
Pearl grinned, and leaned into her in return. "I'm glad! I'm also even more glad I didn't end up doing anything embarrassing today while we were shopping. I wouldn't want to embarrass myself in front of my…. girlfriend?"
She hesitated on the last word, clearly trying it out, and seeing how Trucy would react to it.
Trucy hoped the way her face lit up in a wide grin was what Pearl was hoping for, because she absolutely couldn’t help herself as she looped her arms around her and gave her a squeeze.
“It’d at least have been pretty cute!” Trucy laughed playfully, before she squeezed her again “but you totally didn’t! I’d say my girlfriend did pretty good for her first shopping trip in the city! And came out of it looking real good in that new wardrobe of hers.”
Pearl looked delighted, and put her arms around her in return. "You really think so? I picked the clothes I always liked to see on people and felt, you know, a little jealous about."
Trucy leaned a little closer with a grin
“I do think so, If we’d talked about this a little earlier I probably woulda stolen a kiss in the changing room.” She nodded curiously, though. “that makes sense honestly? That’s how you should clothes shop..look for the things you like and wanna see on yourself instead of other people. It’s how I buy most of the stuff I wear outside my stage outfit, myself. You like kind of a butch style, huh?” 
She chewed on her thumb, thoughtfully. "I guess so? I've always really liked the way like, Mr. Nick, and Mr. Diego and some of the detectives dress, you know? It's really good looking, and everyone takes you seriously and thinks you look handsome and cool."
Pearl's ears blushed hotter as she admitted it, and she grinned awkwardly.
“They do dress really frickin’ great, admittedly,” Trucy nodded with a wide grin “I’ve always loved people in suits.”
She looked Pearl over with a thoughtful “hmmmmmmmm” and a sly grin plastered on her face. “You know…maybe you should try on one of those outfits you bought again, Pearly. Because I’m working off memory here, and I’m pretty sure you looked pretty cool, and real handsome… but I want more evidence for the court record!” 
Pearl laughed, and rubbed her neck. "If you think so, I won't say no! … you really think I look handsome?"
“I mean…” Trucy blew a kiss her way. “if nothing else it gives me another good look. I’m not gonna complain about that….but yeah. I really do…they suit you, Pearly. I was surprised, you know? It wasn’t what I expected your style to be, but it really looks great on you.” 
Pearl gave her another squeeze, and then hopped up off the bed, hurrying over to find one of the bags.
"I'm guessing you can't really picture me out of kimonos, huh?"
Trucy laughed. “admittedly, it’s all I’ve ever seen you in. I got kinda used to it, you know? Kinda like if you never saw me change outta my magician outfit.” 
"Yeah, but your magician's outfit looks good! And at least it stands out, you know? My outfit is the same thing everyone in the village wears." She pulled some of the clothes that she'd bought out of one of the bags, and put them on Trucy's dresser.
She watched curiously, once more looking over the outfit Pearl chose to model as it sat folded on her dresser, and leaned on her hands after rolling to her stomach. “
"I mean, I do love my magician outfit, it’s kind of tailor made to be as cute as possible! But…that makes sense. Daddy said something to that effect a few times. About Miss Maya dressing the same way.” 
"Yeah?" she cocked her head curiously as her hands went to her clothes. She paused. "Oh– should I change somewhere else, or? Um. I don't know the rules now that we're dating…"
Up to now, Pearl had always changed in another room, or with Trucy's back turned. They'd never really discussed it, it was just the habit Pearl at least, was into.
Trucy flushed deeply, and spread her fingers before leaning on her hands again. “I mean…I wouldn’t say no to watching if you weren’t too embarrassed! You don’t need to change in the bathroom or whatever if you don’t wanna.”
Admittedly…she’d had thoughts before and despite the hot flush that burned over her cheeks, or perhaps in concert with it, she was a little curious. 
Pearl bit her lip, and hesitated for a moment. Then she giggled. "Well… if you won't say no– then I'll go ahead and change here. In front of my girlfriend."
Trucy clapped her hands together cheerfully “your girlfriend…is super excited, Pearly~” 
She shrugged out of her robe first, gently placing it on the back of the chair, and then carefully– almost teasingly despite the bright, bright red flush of her face– tugged the ribbon sash free, letting the folds of the kimono fall open.
Trucy got a glimpse of what was underneath, pale golden skin interrupted by her magatama pendant, and a white set of underclothes– including an undershirt– still mostly hidden by the folds of the kimono as it hung open on her.
“Geeze, Pearl…” Trucy whistled softly. “...you’re really attractive, you know that?” She leaned on her hand with a grin. 
Pearl laughed, and covered her face– which ironically gave Trucy another glimpse past the open kimono. "You're nice to say so, Trucy."
Pearl had a flatter chest than Trucy had expected– only a soft rise under her white undershirt, obscured, and perhaps sometimes a little exaggerated by the thick folds of the robes and kimono she usually wore.
Carefully, Pearl started to peel the kimono off of her shoulders, which were left bare except for the narrow strap of her filmy undershirt.
It was a bit of a surprise…Trucy had always expected that the garment and underclothes were intentionally slimming, sort of hiding it–but Pearl really must have been that petit.
She shifted a little against the bed until she was half sit up, crossing her legs under her with an encouraging grin.
Pearl finally fully shrugged out of the kimono fully, and stood barefoot in Trucy's room in only her white undershirt– which stopped just above the rise of her soft belly and bellybutton– and her white panties. She stood embarrassed, with her hands over her face, and wiggled her hips a little bit teasingly.
"Gosh," Pearl chuckled. "I've never been this undressed in front of someone before."
Watching the slightly older girl wiggle her hips in the middle of her room,Trucy felt flushed and a little dizzy as she brushed her hair over her shoulder with a wide grin. 
“I haven’t had someone this undressed in my bedroom either. Changing rooms, sure, but my bedroom…” She winked “You look even better out of the kimono, though. I knew it.” 
"What a thing to say!" Pearl giggled. She turned, and started grabbing the clothes. 
As she did, Trucy got more of a view of Pearl's butt, and her body. Pearl was definitely very cute, and it was nice to see her undressed. But as she looked her over, Trucy couldn't quite help noticing that something seemed just a little… off. 
There was kind of a lot more of a soft bulge in Pearl's white panties than Trucy had expected to see.
Trucy felt her face heat even more, and she let out an involuntary little ‘huh’ despite herself. 
Pearl was in the middle of tugging a pea green silk button down over her arms when she heard Trucy and cocked her head, pausing mid motion.
Trucy held up her hands with a flustered grin. 
“oh! So-sorry Pearl! I was just uhm, a little surprised? Yeah, just uh…” She shot a fingergun her way with a shaky grin “got a magatama in your panties or are you just happy to see me?”
It wasn’t exactly the smoothest reply she’d ever managed, even taking into account the times she had to roll with improv during a stage show with a particularly rough crowd. 
Pearl's hand went to the magatama around her neck, and she gave Trucy a confused, deer in the headlights look. "Huh?"
Trucy felt like she was putting her foot in her mouth in front of her recently confirmed girlfriend, and felt like her heartrate had spiked worse than it always did when she used her ‘perception’ ability for a little too long.
“Well uh…” she gestured vaguely down between her legs. “y-you know.” 
Pearl, with her shirt half on and hanging open over her undershirt looked down, and blinked.
"Is… there something wrong with my underwear?"
She genuinely sounded like she had no idea what Trucy could be getting at.
Trucy leaned back on her bed with a furrow of her brow as she thought through what she wanted to say.
“No! I mean there’s nothing wrong at all!” She rocked forward again, her hands on her knees with a flustered grin “I just didn’t know you had a… ah…I mean…”
She usually was a little smoother than this. She felt like she might implode at any second. 
Pearl bit her lip and her brow furrowed. She pulled out Trucy's desk chair and sat down for a minute, looking deep in thought.
"Trucy," she said, finally– sounding extremely hesitant. "Um. This… is a weird question."
“Yeah Pearly?” Trucy asked with a flustered murmur, leaning on her hands to prop her chin up. She was sure she looked as red as Apollo’s discarded coat in the office. 
Pearl took a breath. "Is there… something that seems unusual about my body?"
“Not unusual! Just surprising!” Trucy responded quickly. She didn’t want Pearl to think Trucy found anything weird…she didn’t. It just– genuinely was a little surprising. “I just think your uh, bits…are different than mine. Which was a surprise? But not a bad one!” 
"Different than yours," Pearl murmured. She tugged at the buttons on her open shirt. "And that's not something you expected?"
“Not exactly?” Trucy shifted shyly, before she hopped up and put her hands on Pearl’s shoulders with a small grin. “but that’s okay!” 
Pearl leaned into her hands and smiled up at her, nervously. "Um, I'm glad it's okay. That's really genuinely fantastic to hear. I'm kind of trying to figure something out though. You wouldn't expect me to have different stuff in my underwear than you, because…?"
Trucy wasn’t a stranger to the things society didn’t exactly talk about– she’d heard a lot of things, going to school and hanging around the Wunder Bar in LA.. She knew of her father’s relationship with Miles, after all, and also of her father’s relationships with others around her. She knew of Clay and Apollo– she knew fellow performers whose bodies they were born in didn’t match how they felt inside.
She was utterly at a loss for where to start with the Pearl, the sheltered medium from the village that intentionally isolated itself from the world.
“well…I mean…It was just an assumption.” Trucy mused quietly before she stammered out “most girls I know don’t have dicks, so I just hadn’t thought of it. But it’s not what’s in your pants that makes you, you, you know? No matter what anyone says!” 
Pearl blushed even deeper and slapped the desk. "Damn it, mom!! I knew it! I knew there was something up!"
“What.” Trucy said in a quiet squeak of a voice. 
Pearl turned and grabbed Trucy by the shoulders– not roughly, but firmly. "Okay, Trucy. Walk through this with me. You know in Kurain only girls can be spirit channelers, yes? And how men are basically seen as useless?"
“U-uh huh.” Trucy nodded slowly. “Which, just as an aside, is completely fucked up…” 
"Okay, but follow me here," Pearl said with a quiet desperation in her voice. "Let's pretend we're not being nice to people, we're just following the rules, okay? Are you with me, Trucy?"
“I’m with you.” Trucy gave her a firm smile as she snapped herself back to the moment. “I’m with you. Yeah?” 
"Okay. Good. Then, Trucy, please tell me the truth. If we're following the rules– do girls not have… what I've got? Is a person who has that not a girl? Did my mom lie to make me a girl?"
There was a quiet desperation rising in Pearl's voice, a rawness at the base of it, and her eyes had gotten pinpricked.
Trucy’s smile had gone a little rigid as the situation once more evolved in her mind.
 “Justitia’s tits…” she swallowed thickly. “Tyyypically, if we’re following society’s rules. Girls…don’t…tend to have…what you’ve got. I don’t, that’s for sure. I can show you if you want.”
She laughed nervously. She’d heard a thing or two about Pearl’s mother…mostly only her daddy’s furious disdain for the ambitious and cruel woman and what he’d done to Miss Maya and, if she picked up the subtext there, and now here, Pearl. “I uhm…I think she might have. I’m so-sorry.” 
Pearl sagged against Trucy, and leaned her head on her shoulder suddenly. "I knew it. I… of course she lied. Why wouldn't she? All she ever wanted was for me to become the Kurain channeling master. No wonder…."
Trucy’s heart thumped loud in her chest as she moved on impulse to hug Pearl tight, holding her as she sagged.
“I’m sorry, Pearl,” she murmured, as she reached up to brush her hair. 
“I’m really, really sorry. She wanted you to become the master so she lied to …to make you conform to the expectation, ye-yeah? ‘Because only girls are spirit channelers’ and thus can be the masters?” She took a deep breath “cruel…that’s, pardon my language Pearl, completely fucked up.” 
Pearl took a deep breath too, and made a small keening noise as Trucy held her. "Yeah… only girls are spirit channelers. And it sounds like normally, I wouldn't be considered a girl? If my mom wasn't trying to do that?"
Trucy leaned into her, rubbing her back gently as she breathed in and out, maybe to try and guide Pearl into doing the same. 
She wanted to comfort her– badly. She hadn’t expected to stumble into a big revelation, or something that so obviously hurt Pearl while flirting with her, but she wanted to be there. She wanted to help her feel …if not better, than like she could address all this with help.
“That’s what I’d imagine, Pearl..” Trucy nodded slowly. “normally, if your mom didn’t try to, ah, skew the impression of you, you’d probably have been seen as a boy…” 
"So… I have a body that boys normally have," she said, leaning against her. She followed Trucy's breathing, in, and out. "This definitely explains why my mom told me to never, ever change or be naked in front of someone unless I trusted them with my life."
Trucy’s voice shuddered in a desperate half laugh, and her arms pulled Pearl closer as she rested her chin atop Pearl’s head. 
“I’m glad you trust me with your life, Pearl…but still…geeze. How…how does it make you feel? K-knowing that. Not like, what your mother did. I mean…the other part.” 
"Well I'm mad at my mom!" Pearl huffed. "I don't know… I feel pretty confused, Trucy… sorry I spoiled our fun sleepover…"
“You should be! Pearl…lying to you like that? T-trying to use you like that? It’s fucked up!” Trucy puffed her cheeks out in quiet fury, seething at the very thought of a mother lying to her child like that.
“Be mad! And…and” She squeezed Pearl tight. “no matter what I’ve got your back, okay? I’ll do all I can to help you sort it out! It..it’s not like the sleepover’s ruined, either! I still wanna see you in your new clothes!” 
"You do?" Pearl perked up a little against her, and looked up at her with big, dark eyes.
Trucy nodded with a grin, and reached up to brush Pearl’s cheek with her thumb. 
“Yeah. I bet you’ll look real cool and handsome in ‘em. Maybe even more than at the mall!” 
Pearl smiled, and poked her fingers together as she leaned into Trucy's touch. "Hey um, I have a dumb question."
Trucy’s thumb brushed against her cheek again as she flushed with a smile. “Yeah Pearl?” 
"Um, so I know you said my body doesn't bother you, even if you weren't expecting it, and I know you think it's okay if I'm a girl, right?" she murmured. "But… would it be okay if I um… if I actually said I might want to be a boy?"
“Gosh, Pearl…” Trucy looked into her eyes with a shy smile. “of course it would be. I mean…if you wanna be a boy, then that’s what you are in my book! If that’s who you are, and how you feel you should be, then that’s what you are!”
She leaned down and kissed the top of Pearl’s head with a flush. “And anyway…I’m bisexual~” she cooed against the top of her head. She’d picked up the term from a friend at the Wunder Bar a few years ago, and had been deeply relieved  to hear it wasn’t just her “That’s what it is when you like both boys AND girls. A lot. So it sure doesn’t bother me, Mr. Detective-in-training Pearl.” 
"Gosh!" Pearl giggled and swooned against her. "Well, I don't know for sure yet, exactly. But… I kind of want to try it out at least, even if it's just with you. I've never gotten a chance to be a boy before..."
Trucy laughed with her, brushing Pearl’s hair with her fingers. 
“Even if it’s just with me, I’m happy to help you try it out, Pearl! And if it’s whatcha want…I’ll make sure nobody gives you crap for it! I’ll make them vanish with my magic act if I gotta…” She gave Pearl another squeeze. “We can have lots of fun with it, giving you the chance and choice your mom didn’t give you. Okay?”
Pearl rubbed her flushed face, and took a deep breath. "Have I ever told you you're the best, Trucy?"
Trucy put her finger on her chin with a grin.
“You have…but I do love hearing it.” She winked playfully down at Pearl. "...but thanks. You’re really great too, you know? You’ve helped me through a bunch too.” 
"And I always will! Promise." With one more deep breath, Pearl stepped backward, and started buttoning up the buttons of the silk shirt.
Trucy leaned against the post of her bed to watch, rubbing her hand against her face to still the blush that still lingered. 
“I believe you, Pearl…but for now…you’re gonna model the hell outta those clothes for me, Detective. And I’m gonna enjoy the hell out of the show.”
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thsc-stuffs · 1 year
V1 Themesongs
Alright!! So! This is gonna be a long post with Spotify links and explanations! There's only a few we have songs for. Not in any particular order, and this isn't all of them by any means! Just the ones I have coherent thoughts for right now LMAO
Starting right off the bat: Henry, the man himself. Main Character by Will Wood (https://open.spotify.com/track/54A4aGA5rmDBJqD2yFAgJI?si=91f8b1017b9b4c37) because nevermind main character syndrome, he's literally the main character. Also "Tie me to the train tracks, laugh and snidely twist your mustache" is very much him @ Copperbottom. Plus "Imagine if the protagonist just died in the first scene". Plus "I'm the gap between a tragedy and comedy". LISTEN its just Henry okay
Next up on the list; Riella Copperbottom! Yes, specifically our good ole transfem Copperbottom! We're very conflicted on it tbh but settling on The Fear by The Score (https://open.spotify.com/track/2cppGOIz0cuDnKoGzrDsJQ?si=e27ff803c1d342a4) and Curses by The Crane Wives! (https://open.spotify.com/track/7wjmdC4OL3l1nh9zQwCpv8?si=715bf03deecd406a)!! The Fear outlines her journey from terrified Toppat recruit to overthrowing Terrence and becoming a confident leader, with RHM by her side! Curses is one we just heavily relate to her, with its general vibe just... screaming Her!!! It does remind us of her struggles with herself and how she finds refuge and support in RHM- "Oh won't you stay with me, my darling, when this house don't feel like home?" "Tell me I am good enough"
Now! Good ole Dmitri Petrov! We have a pretty solid one for him- Can You Hear Me Now by The Score! (https://open.spotify.com/track/027qrQMWGsHo13amwdaBkI?si=33729ea39c494f67) Showing growth from a bitter, angry, abused teen to the cold-but-caring old man he is today, with his husband, wife, and sons. It's very much his anger over the years towards the family that hurt him ("Tell me, when you kicked me, did you ever think that I would get up?" "Can you hear me now, so proudly, looking up at what I've become?"), slowly cooling as he heals "Can barely hear a sound, it's faded, all the words you used to say" plus just the lead-off of the song
And ofc we have the one and only Randy Radman! Gotta mix between Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic (https://open.spotify.com/track/0Q0Vl9fKJF5MDxfVKbD78e?si=9b604567d96e4274) and Could Have Been Me by The Struts (https://open.spotify.com/track/3IyCL4Em1GOpNGDf451Hg1?si=6fc52df1db5c4a03)!! Both fairly self-explanatory for a life of the party who just wants to live in the moment and live thoroughly as themself! This was a hard one though because we have so many songs that we relate to them dsbsdfb
Next up! Burt Curtis! See, we have one for actual story/feelings- Wait For It from the Hamilton soundtrack (https://open.spotify.com/track/7EqpEBPOohgk7NnKvBGFWo?si=01e08cc4f2184c00). Then we have a few for just their fuckin. "Living personification of Tumblr" vibes but I'm choosing Your New Boyfriend by Wilbur Soot (https://open.spotify.com/track/4vLBnQtece15fFhqWxZvJP?si=4bf6720e694e480f) for it. Wait For It embodies his struggles with the legacy he feels he has to uphold as the son of two former leaders- Randy Radman and Sir Wilford IV- while also his hurt of their deaths, the loss of the two people he loved and who loved him. Very mixed vibes here.
Speaking of which! Sir Wilford IV! For some reason we absolutely cannot see Run Like A Rebel by The Score (https://open.spotify.com/track/236TyaLwvucMJUN2BeFkWU?si=589643ec9e224eef) as anyone else. It just screams him, particularly towards the clan! Plus tbh just. I don't know this one is probably the least coherent it just Fits to us
And of course. Jaques Kensington. We have the BIGGEST feelings about them okay. So this is a hard choice. But! Gonna go with Laplace's Angel by Will Wood (https://open.spotify.com/track/1oHbgg5WYa7WOJC8VoBVYi?si=c81d15a0329b4a35) for it's sheer unhinged Disney villain vibes and Chole (Acoustic) by I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME (https://open.spotify.com/track/7DAUTcJYMybdyEC033uT9e?si=8415e6cb05cd492e) for a pretty similar reason. These both feel like a balance between 'eccentric and unhinged' and 'classical and dangerous' if that makes any sense. Plus the line "But with my head up in the clouds, I can see so much ground and from up here you look like ants in a row" plays into the whole dragon thing!
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Serpent Hunt Liveblog
Fucking loving the post-apocalyptic aesthetic of everything. The vibes are great.
I didn't understand a single word Roacksteady said just then
Ewww mold an cockroaches?
Sheesh BeeBop your THROAT be CAREFUL
And they were comrades...
Never turn into "freak" huh? Hehehe the power of Knowing TMNT
BeeBop. Chill. Quiet down. Alien's hunting you, remember? Oh god his pre-song laugh, fuck is he okay? Is that why he turns into a warthog, he laughs like one squeals?
The new outfits being in the intro is such a fucking lie, dudes, they better come back, no matter how dumb Raph's is
Awwwwww Mikey drew pictures for the wall! Adorable!
Yeah I can't blame you Splinter, you're like. You've had enough trauma for a million lifetimes.
A little cramped, April it's way bigger than your apa- oooooooh you're thing with Casey. What, did it get worse since the last episode? The show needs to drop this.
Oh Splinter misses her so bad...
Out there alone risking losing her humanity? On-on what basis does he think this?
Feral Splinter and Mutated Karai passing each other in the street like that Umbrella Academy Five driving by Viktor meme
Pffffffff they can't help making snake puns, love it.
Well yeah, Donnie, I'd be more surprised if you didn't pick up trace amounts of mutagen DNA. How do his goggles pick that up from there- MIKEY STOP EATING THE SCALESSSSSSSSSSSSSS
F-funky fresh? Better hunter than your brother? Butt-nasty skin? I love these two SLEEPY NAP TIME
"1987 called, it wants it's jumpsuit back!" Now that right there is an excellent meta reference.
Oh they broke BeeBop his noises have become unpleasant- is he dancing away from the shuriken- ROCKSTEADY HAS A FUCKING GATTLING GUN oh a very slow-firing one though they should be fine
Mikey's talking to Karai, interesting
Stop making Michael Jackson noises BeeBop- yeah Donnie agrees with me they're not needed
I guess BeeBop just has to make annoying noises or he'll die. I relate to that.
Who're you talkin' to Rahzar?
Wow Karai is slimy I guess
Oh yeah scream her name very loudly with Kraang right outside GOOD PLAN GUYS
Oh he was talking to Xever earlier
I love that Rocksteady likes the motorcycle to- I SWEAR TO GOD HE'S SAYING "BIG ASS"
OH THAT WAS SICK AS HELL THEY APPEARED WITH THE LIGHTNING- Leo baby you're facing the wrong direction
Don't act all upset that she's got a thing around her neck, you locked her in a dungeon. I'll fucking shred you with your own blades.
Pfff Xever is on fire with the sass right now
I guess she's an aquatic snake
Ahhhh and here comes Warthog and Rhino forms, just like Stockman said he was working on before he was mutated
Like ten years means anything to Shredder
Dear lord this man can hit some high fuckin' notes
GOD THEY MAKE THE MUTATIONS LOOK SO PAINFUL- OH WHAT A WASTE OF MUTAGEN though I guess with the Kraang hookup it doesn't matter
These two should be thankful they still look pretty closeto how they did. If they knew about Snakeweed and Tomithy and Spiderbytes they might be a little more like "Ooof... could've been a lot worse..."
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chidoroki · 1 year
Heavenly Delusion EP6
aka: “7.8/10 Too Much Water”
The map might say it’s “100% safe water” but I wouldn’t trust it if there’s a guy bleeding out near it..
Oh, and his buddy is already dead in the water. Yeah, let’s not drink this and perhaps maybe run away instead.
The hell is that anyway? Looks like a real freaky bear.. but Maru’s panicked face while running away from it is priceless.
Maru named his special power “fatal dive” .. I will say it is better than “Maru-touch” at least.
Ohhh, so his power just works on those man-eaters, not regular animals. That’s good to know but now they gotta run away yet again.
As much as all the mystery of this series fascinates me, I love all the goofy, comical stuff too.
Pffft Maru really jumped down to fetch the battery all because Kiruko bribed him that he could cop a feel if he did. That’s one way to motivate a guy.
“It’s not normal to be as tough as you.” Well it’s very clear at this point Maru is indeed not a normal kid.
The fact he can jump from that high up and land perfectly on the ground says a lot too. The strength reminds me of that Taka boy from the institute.
“The battery was charged with your horny energy!” Well that’s a phrase I never thought I’d hear!
“Did you forget about your promise, sis?” Oh Maru, come on.. he’s real serious about this, huh?
Ooohhh my, that moan caught both of them off guard and I dunno whether to laugh or be horrified for them.
Thank god for the inn owner stepping in a putting a stop to all that.
OR MAYBE NOT!? She wants Maru instead??
Wait hold on, the fatal dive activated? Is it because this chick is a man-eater? It can’t work on every living thing because it didn’t work on that bear, so what exactly is she?
That’s… quite the position Kiruko caught them in.
“After realizing the difficulties of having to explain the various misunderstandings of this situation, all Maru could see was the dark depths of his despair.” Damn, even the narrator had to chime in.
So Tokio is healthy. That’s good, yes?
Who is this person creeping on her in the bed though..?
Um EXCUSE ME isn’t Asura supposed to be dead?? And why is she floating??
Oh ew she looks so weird too, that ain’t no normal human head!!
Was it an actual ghost? And now Tokio’s body is changing..?
Ah, talk about a literal nightmare. That shit was creepy even for me.
This inn owner has goals and motivation, I’ll give her that.
Okay I was gonna say, this episode ended way too quick and barely showed us anything going on in the institution, but there is an end credit scene.
Seriously, why does Tokio never show up on the security cameras? She gets out of bed but it still shows her in her room??
Huh? The same with Kona too? They’re chatting now but the camera shows him sleeping in his room alone.
OH?? Now they smooch?? I know they had a thing for each other but damn.
Shit, that one scientist figured out it was Tokio that left the footprint.. somehow. Despite them all wearing the same kind of shoe. Whatever.
WAIT A FUCKING SECOND! Is it actually Tokio and Kona who have “that” scene?? Oh my god, stop taking off your damn clothes!
Sweet lord, the episode is called “100% Safe Water” and everyone here was fucking THIRSTY.
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properbantz · 1 year
Tumblr media
“ oh i’m absolutely stoked. i saw callie on the show and thought like, now there’s a girl with an idea. ”  her smile widens and she leans forward in the chair.  “ like i know i should be nervous or something but i’m just not y’know? ”  it helps that she’s used to a sort of reality tv type beat. talking in front of a camera is comfortable at this point given interviews or her family’s little day in the life show.  “ the camera’s don’t really faze me or anything and i’ve done this long enough not to like.. have a total freak out like that one guy with the hair, reece? or the boxer trying to throw his dick everywhere? or the other blonde? jenny’s an absolute dream but she’s gotta work on grounding breathing exercises. really, i’m just here to have a good time and whatever it is at the end of the day that’s that. ”  eden shrugs, bright smile returning to her features.  “ like obviously i’m hoping to find someone grand but i’m also being realistic. shoot for the moon, yeah? stars are pretty too. ” 
“ oh definitely. ” her expression twist as if she’s asking ‘are you serious?’  “ yeah a lot of the islanders already seem pretty ace. i’ve got a few that i’m looking forward to pulling for a chat before others, like miles, frankie, adela, but i’m keen on getting a chat in with everybody. not because i’m desperate or anything, ”  she laughs, pointing at the producers behind the camera,  “ but how else are you going to know if you’ve got chemistry with someone if you don’t even try to entertain a conversation? how do you know there’s not that spark or fireworks if you don’t go for the kiss? ”   
her nose scrunches, clearly not wanting to answer this question and not having a good answer for it either.  “ none of them? ”  she feels bad saying that, but all of these couples seem so shaken around.  “ i mean if you want to get into it i guess angel and callie have got a really good thing going? but something about callie and frankie feels severely unfinished, like if they don’t get it out now they’re going to end up doing something they regret later or hurting their partners. like not intentionally, but that original fire pit just felt... intense. even in here, you don’t react that way to someone you’re over. i think jude and jenny are sweet. i’d like to see them succeed, i think he’s sweet to her despite the fact he looks like he would kill a pair of tracky daks. you think he owns ‘em? ” 
“ overly optimistic to say everyone, like i’m being thrown into the lion’s den here, but that’s not unfamiliar in the slightest. plus i know cal, she and i ran in a pretty similar circle a while back. ”  her tone’s light, teasing. who would she be if she didn’t make some sort of wild animal reference right out the gate?  “ i’m gonna have to put a little more thought into what comes out of my mouth from time to time but i just call it like i see it. i’m not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings, the last thing i wanna do is make anyone upset. so like... that’s gonna be the thing. i hope i get on with angel and charlene. they seem like a good time, dante and jude maybe? ” 
“ i’m not like hoping to go in making enemies. that’s not my speed. ”  she tries to make this aggressively clear,  “ but maybe dylan? maybe. which is like wild considering that’s another true blue right there but i think he just takes himself so seriously and i’m not really about that. but i hope that’s not the case. um... i don’t really know how it’ll go with josh. or naomi.  i don’t want to get sucked into that whirlpool of a mess just by being in their sheer proximity so maybe i’ll stay away from that with no less than a six foot pole. ” 
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rowrowknowa · 3 months
✮ name - you can just call me E
✮ age - 23
✮zodiac - can you guess?
✮ gender - i use she/her pronouns, but don't mind being referred to with they/them and use of pretty much any gendered words (bro, dude, man, boss buddy, sis, girl, etc) doesn't bother me [[[dont call me sis if ur not black tho]]]
✮ mbti - ENFP-A consistently for the past 6 years (was INTP-T in HS)
✮ studies - huge into science ask me what kind; i also like music theory/history, art history, philosophy
✮ games - nintendo fan (no matter how much they piss me off). love pokemon, fire emblem (obsessed with fe3h), zelda, animal crossing etc. HUGE sonic the hedgehog fan
✮ anime - too many to make an exhaustive list without forgetting some. obviously my favorite is One Piece (i think my favorite show in general). i started watching it when i was like 4 with the 4kidz dub and here i am almost 20 years later still going oda and i locked in fr. also love attack on titan, naruto, death note, fairy tail, jjk, knb, hxh, black butler and so many more this is stressing me out trying to think of what ive watched so im gonna stop... ask me about what i've watched lets yap
✮ non-anime shows - gotta big ups to ATLA a modern masterpiece of western artistry. don't ask me about the live action bc i don't wanna talk about it. same deal here i cant think of all of them without short circuiting but top of mind i LOVE the good place, scandal, htgawm, grey's anatomy (before it crashed out), bridgerton, BREAKING BAD (not caught up in better call saul), superstore, vincenzo, crash landing on you, goblin, anything with gong yoo and/or lee dong wok in it tbh, strangers from hell, bad and crazy, attorney woo
✮ used to be super into marvel and the mcu (and i know thats a thing people say but it was so so bad for me) but its not what it used to be and also i think i started outgrowing it once my media literacy improved its ties to military propaganda couldn't be ignored lmao (also sabra being in the mcu is sosososo crazy) .. some of the comics still bang tho i wont lie
✮ music - not to be one of those "oh i listen to everything" people as a cop out but i truly do listen to so much disparate types of music *insert laugh crying emojis* but my overall favorite genre is jazz, i love 70s-00s black american music so much (i was a 9 year old motown stan it was so serious to me), love afrobeats, amapiano, baile funk, r&b, rap (meg thee stallion is literally my wifey), pop, country, classical, VIDEO GAME OSTS (in true sega stan fashion) -- recommend me your favorite song!
✮ kpop - a separate bullet because i know where the overlap in interests comes in lmao. honestly ive fallen back from kpop a bit, not as into it as i was like even 6 months ago but groups that i still actively follow and listen to are ateez (ot8 but strong swing for mingi) and nct. also know alot about bts, txt, seventeen, exo, and shinee if you ever want to chat about them, but i listen to mostly individual songs from them and other groups and don't follow their releases
Where is E in *insert work here*?
✮ pls i hate all spoilers but these are the ones i strongly care about pls take note pls :(
One Piece: ep. 1031 ... i avoid catching up because i get sad when there's no more to watch
FE3H: Finished Golden Deer and Blue Lions, please don't tell me anything about the Black Eagle story line
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dragonfly92 · 7 months
Luckily it didn't take long for the girls to get from the hotel to the restaurant of course Sarah had texted Andy to give the group a heads up saying, "Hey we are a few minutes away are you guys at the restaurant yet?" He messages her saying, "Hey yeah we are see you girls in a few minutes then xx."As stated they had arrived a few minutes later but before the girls went inside Melissa speaks up looking at Sarah saying, "Alright sis before we go inside you've got to wear this blind fold we have one last surprise for you and before you ask we aren't giving you any clues you will just have to trust us okay?" Sarah smirks a little saying, "Yeah of course I trust my sister and friends." So she does as she is told and puts on the blindfold of course her big sister helped her so she wouldn't trip over anything.
Once inside of course the tables and chairs had been moved out of the way for the time being, also so that Sarah couldn't bump into them and there was a stage as well, once Mel had stopped her in front of the stage and then removed her blindfold slowly opening her eyes her finally surprise was that the guys would be performing a few songs for her which causes her to have a big grin on her face then she looks over to her friends, brothers and sister then turns her attention back to the guys Andy was standing in front of the microphone and speaks up by saying, "Well we hope you enjoy your last surprise, also you enjoy the show and I know it's already been and gone but Happy Birthday Sweetheart."
She smiles and then the guys started performing, they had performed a few of their old songs as well as some of their new songs, whilst they was performing Sarah was of course on the dancefloor with everyone who was dancing and having a good time, of course Sarah was dancing with her oldest brother Nick whilst now and again she would look over at Andy smiling and of course he would smile back for her this was one of her best birthdays ever, after a few songs the guys decided to have a break which of course Sarah completely understood seeing as they had performed for two hours now, some chairs and tables was placed back so that everyone had some place to seat whilst eating and drinking.
Sarah was sitting with Andy and a few of the other guys whilst everyone else was spreaded out having a good time, he speaks up asking her "So what do you think so far enjoying yourself by the way you look beautiful in your dress and let me guess Belle?" Sarah laughs whilst taking a sip of her drink and says, "I am having an amazing time thanks for this all of you guys of course I gotta say this is my favourite birthday so far and yeah it is thank you, it's just a shame that this holiday can't last forever but I wanna make the most of it obvious how about you enjoying it so far?"
He smiles saying to her, "Well you're very welcome I am happy that you are enjoying your birthday and I know how you feel took quite a few pictures for your photo album also get to spend time with the people that I care about alot still can't get over the fact that Joe and Harper are together of course I am happy for them, to be fair they do make a cute couple what do you think?" Sarah looks over at the table that Harper and Joe are sitting at talking to each other whilst of course involving the others as well and then turns her attention back to Andy saying, "Yeah I have never seen Harper so happy not since she had that breakup a while ago and I know Joe will take good care of her, to be honest I would love to see those two get married."
He smiles at his cousin and Harper saying, "Yeah I hope so as well I mean it's clear that they do love each other and he does care about her but it's good to see them both happy." Sarah and Andy ended up talking for hours then it was time for the guys to go back on stage to perform a few more songs to end the evening, even though everyone didn't want it to end it would unfortunately happen this time when they was performing Sarah was now dancing with Hannah and Rose laughing whilst twirling around it was so much fun, of course throughout the whole night pictures had been taken unaware to Sarah and Andy but Rose had been taken pictures of them to add to Sarah's scrapbook for her last birthday present which she would get after the holiday was finished.
It was midnight by the time and everyone started heading back to the hotel of course they had separate rooms Sarah, Harper and Mel shared a room, Rose, Hannah and Jessica shared a room with the boys Andy, Joe and Lonny shared a room, Pat, CC and Jinxx shared a room Jake, Jacob and Nick shared a room, Danny, Luke and Reef Kai shared a room it didn't take them long probably fifteen minutes to get from the restaurant back to the hotel everyone had said goodnight to each other before going into their rooms for a well earned and deserved sleep after a much fun packed day plus it was quite late and the gang had a packed day tonight.
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