#I smirked so hard when Kun came out shirtless
volleychumps · 4 years
hii! can I request headcanons/scenario (up to you) to kuroo's first year sister becoming nekoma's manager (also kuroo is a little overprotective) and the team going to a training camp with the others for the fist time? thank you in advance!
 Awh yes of course this prompt made my heart go !!! This is a tad crack-filled but it has its’ sappy moments, I hope you enjoy!!
The Younger Kuroo
“And what do we say when a boy asks for your number?” 
“Oh please, jump into my bed. I’ve been waiting.” 
You dodge the thump to the forehead from Kuroo’s thumb as you hide behind a cackling Yaku, who wiped a tear from his eyes at the promise of death in your older brother’s eyes. 
“No. Try again.” 
“I’m not five~” you whine, stretching your legs out from the slightly cramped bus ride. You loved Lev like a brother, but his legs hardly gave you any room to sit comfortably. Said boy hadn’t even realized until towards the end of the ride, panicking and taking your bags up for you as an apology with a sheepish grin on his cat-like features. 
Kai thumps your head for Kuroo, causing you to protest. “Kai! I’m supposed to be your favorite!” 
“Keep making jokes about bringing boys into your bed and you won’t be.” 
“Um sir, I’m actually going to be sleeping on a futon-” 
You dodge the next flick to your head, grumbling about how your brother’s team abuses their own manager as you run ahead to catch up with Kenma, ignoring the agitated calls for your ass to get back there from your brother. 
Kuroo rolls his eyes at the actions of his younger sister, watching Kenma show you what he was playing as Yaku brings a hand up to his neck, the three third-years watching with slightly worried expressions as their little sister figure hops onto Inuoka’s back. 
“Will she really be okay?” 
“She’s smart. She can take care of herself.” 
“Inuoka don’t steal her snacks! She’s still growing!” 
Kuroo sighs, the captain raising a hand to his eyes as Kai grins lopsidedly next to him, looking a little apologetic. 
“Nevermind. She’s a dumbass.” 
“So...we should worry about her?” 
This would be a long training camp. 
“Yamamoto, bend your knees a little more.” You instruct, resting a hand on the boy’s back as Yamamoto nervously looks to the side in case Kuroo was looking. You roll your eyes, applying more pressure. Your brother’s overprotective nature was funny at times, but not when it got into your duties as team manager. 
“Are you really her?!” 
“Bokuto, I said no!” 
You blink, hiding behind Yamamoto on instinct as a boy with burly arms and silver hair came running towards you, excitement brimmed in his gold irises as Kuroo holds his collar with an irk mark. A second guy with slightly disheveled hair came walking in tow, hands stuffed in his pockets as if this were an every day occurence. You focus in on their shirts. Fukurodani Academy. 
“Huh? Wait...” The Fukurodani member looks deep in thought. “She’s like, totally cute. What happened to you?” 
“Akaashi, please claim your pet.” Kuroo snips, but before the second boy can step forward, you’re laughing and stepping out from your hiding place and extending a hand to the silver haired boy, who grips it excitedly as he ignores Kuroo’s protests. 
“I’m Kuroo Y/N! The totally cuter sibling.” 
“Bokuto Kotaro! You can call me Bokuto onee-chan!” 
“No you cannot.” 
“...Bo onee-chan?” you offer a bit timidly, ignoring the glower from your older brother as you hide your smirk. 
Bokuto swooned, causing the second boy to nudge him, an amused look tickling his features as he bows respectfully. 
“Akaashi Keiji.” 
“Keiji-Kun?” You grin, and the blue-eyed boy takes on a look of surprise and seems to ponder it for a moment, nodding his head before bowing again. 
“We’ll be taking our leave, Kuroo-san.” 
“Call me Y/N!” You call, the setter turning slightly in their depart to nod to you as Bokuto fist pumps the air, claiming you were totally his type before you zone in on your unamused older brother, whose arms were crossed as you grin a little sheepishly. 
“You’re telling me you know those two hotties and you’ve never bothered to set me up?” 
“Joking! It was a joke!” You say a little too quickly, jogging off to encourage Kenma to get his ass off the bench as Kuroo groans, tugging Kai and Yaku off to the sidelines. 
“...yeah. we might need to worry.” 
“What are you talking about?” Mori laughs. “She’s not a kid, Kuroo. We don’t need to look after her as much as we did before.”
“Literally fuck what I said before.” 
“Just how the hell did she manage to befriend the whole Karasuno team?” Kuroo grits out, Bokuto chuckling to his side as Akaashi reminds Kuroo not to snap his chopsticks in half. 
“Even Tsukki isn’t telling her to leave his sight. Is she magic or what?” 
The event where you were sitting between the vice-captain and wing spiker of the Karasuno team during that evening meal had begun when the captain had accidentally sent a receive towards your head, the goregous team manager managing to protect you in time with a swift wave of her hand. The vice-captain had rushed up to you in a hurry, apologizing profusely before the hyper libero invited you to come eat dinner with them, claiming he would buy you anything you wanted from the snack vendors afterwards. 
“Daichi, if you don’t stop apologizing, I will press charges.” You warn, placing more rice in your mouth as Yachi giggles from across you, eyes curious. 
“It’s hard to believe you’re Kuroo-san’s little sister, Y/N.” 
“You’re not scary...at all. Are you sure you two are related?” Hinata blanches, pretending he can’t see the glower from the captain across the cafeteria. You shrug, shooing the offered fried katsu from Sugawara’s chopsticks away. 
“Eat, Suga. I’m not dead.” You huff, turning to reply to your new friend. “And Hinata, don’t talk with your mouth full. Sadly, we came from the same womb and he was my first bully.”
The fact that you were both first years made you get along easily with the freckled boy, Yachi, Hinata, and even the genius blue-eyed setter and the tall middle blocker managed to engage in conversation with you one or two times. You noticed that the boy who claimed a little too boisterously to call him “Tanaka-Senpai” and the libero “Nishinoya-senpai” were looking at you with stars in your eyes before cutting you off mid-conversation. 
“Was being saved by Kiyoko a mesmerizing experience?” 
“Daichi, why don’t you throw a volleyball at their head so they can see?” 
“Suga, I said I was sorry, I feel bad enough!”
“You hurt a kouhai!” Suga over dramticizes, playfully creating a human shield between you and the captain. “You don’t even deserve to look at her!” 
You laugh, the laugh dwindling slightly when you meet Kuroo’s eyes from across the room. The team all look down at once, Lev pouting and Yaku seeming to be a little more quiet as Yamamoto and Fukunaga pretend to carry on a conversation. 
The captain looks away quickly, and you frown, focusing on your meal. It looks like you were going to have an unexpected team meeting tonight. 
“All right. Why is everyone on edge?” You throw the door open, not even flinching when some of your boys were in the middle of putting their shirts on. Lev and Inuoka both squeal overdramatically, covering their bodies. 
“Y/N you perv!” 
“Oh shut up, you always walk around shirtless and I say nothing!” You protest, plopping down in your brother’s futon. “Where is Kuroo anyway?” 
“Out. You know you can’t be in the boys’ dorms this late, Y/N. Do you want me to walk you?” Yaku crosses his arms strictly, and you sidle up to Kenma before resting your head on his shoulder tiredly, the boy you grew up with not even reacting as he continues to tap away on his console. 
“Nope.” You pop the p. “I just feel like I should say something. So gather around, chums.” 
“What, are you british now?” 
“Lev I seem to remember asking you to gather around, not hit me with an attitude.” You reply sassily, clapping your hands together. “Group circle. Now.” 
“She does have that captain vibe.” Yamamoto mumbles to Fukunaga as he simply nods in response. As your boys gather, you wait for them to settle before starting. 
“Okay, so welcome to alcoholic’s anonymous-” 
“Never mind. She doesn’t have a captain vibe, I must’ve been crazy.”
“Hi I’m Inuoka, and-
“Get to the point Y/N.” Kai says seriously as he yawns. You cross your legs, pressing the off button on Kenma’s console before looking at each of them individually, a seriousness in your eyes that was rarely there. 
“You do know I love you guys, right? Just because we’re at a training camp doesn’t mean I like the other teams more than I like you...so I wanted to say I’m sorry if it seemed like I was being a little neglectful...” You trail off, fiddling with your fingers. “I know some of you see me as your younger sister, and I really really don’t want you guys to feel like you guys are replaceable, because you aren’t.” 
You look up to see a mixture of surprise as some near tears (Lev and Inuoka) before you hastily add,  “And thus that ends my cheesy speech. Anyway, I struggle with high-amounts of alcohol consumption-” 
You’re cut off when the first years tackle you into a hug, crying they’re really glad you’re their manager as you struggle to breathe. You look up after you manage to shove them off, Yaku ruffling your hair as Kai crosses his arms with a satisfied grin on his face. Even Kenma had a little smile on his face before turning his console back on. 
You freeze up. It was time to face the final boss. Your head turns to sheepishly smile at Kuroo before he rolls his eyes, jutting his head to the side slightly. 
“I’ll walk you out.” 
“Goodnight Y/N!” 
“We love you!” 
“Speak for yourself-” 
“Shut up Kenma, we know you do.” 
“So you heard?” You walk next to your older brother, arms swinging loosely as Kuroo hums in response, hands shoved in his jacket pockets. 
“It was nice for you to clarify.” Kuroo speaks after a few brief moments of comfortable silence. “For awhile, we were the only team that didn’t have a manager to deal with us, so I’m not surprised they got a little worried seeing you cozy up to other teams. One might say even a little possessive.” 
Kuroo stops, and you turn curiously to face your brother. 
“It honestly makes me really scared to think one of these bastards might steal my little sister away. None of them are deserving of you, and I’ll be damned if I let you think that they are.”
You blink. Kuroo saying nice things seemed to only happen once in a blue moon. 
“Tetsurou-nii.” You say softly, tugging on Kuroo’s sleeve. “I’m not a kid anymore, you know? I’m not that middle schooler that always followed you and your friends around, having an unexplainable crush on Kenma-” 
“Get to the point.” 
“I’m happy you care.” You hug him, feeling Kuroo relax into your embrace. “But you gotta let me grow up some day, you know? And that thing about none of the team being replaceable?” 
Your grip tightens just a little more. “You’re the one it applies to the most. You’re my one and only older brother who pisses me off at times, but...I...ugh god....why is this so hard? I uh... l-love you, big bro.” 
You feel a hand rest on the top of your head as Kuroo sighs. “I love you too, little sis, so stop saying gross stuff.” 
“Then don’t pout at me from across the cafeteria!” 
“Who the hell was pouting? Me? You must be losing your sight, crazy woman.” 
“At least my hair doesn’t look like a duck’s ass.” 
“At least I’m tall.” 
“Don’t be bitter because you weren’t apart of our alcoholic’s anonymous meeting-” 
and so, both Kuroo’s walked and laughed all the way to the girls’ housing, the atmosphere significantly lighter than it had once been. 
“What business do you have with our manager, oi?” 
“Yamamoto, let Tanaka and Noya say bye.” You scold, highfiving them with both hands before Daichi approaches, Sugawara by his side as the captain of Karasuno hands you a steaming bag of Taiyaki.
“Share with your friends. This is my official apology. We’ll see you soon, Y/N.” The captain smiles warmly before turning to Suga. “Happy now?” 
“No, you abuser. Goodbye little kouhai!!” 
You wave to Hinata, Yachi, and Yamaguchi from a distance, Tsukishima and Kageyama both simply nodding to you as you shake your phone a little, signalling each of them to text you with the number you gave them with a bright smile. 
“Y/N don’t leave without saying bye to your nii-chan!” 
“Never, Bo-onii!” You cry overdramatically as Bokuto spins you around, Akaashi setting one hand on your head with a slight nod and a smile tickling his lips. It was honestly crazy how close you got with these people in three days, but who was complaining? 
“On the bus. Now.” Kuroo picks you up mid-spin from Bokuto’s grasp as you stick your tongue out, offering your final waves to everyone before Kai simply picks you up by the collar and quite literally drags you onto the bus. 
“Oh, did I miss my abusive boys.” You roll your eyes as you’re seated promptly next to Lev, who kindly kept his legs in check to give you enough room on the bus. “Who wants Taiyaki? Daichi-senpai treated us!” 
“Is Daichi the one? I called dibs, already!” Lev whines as the pastries are passed around, the bus settling into motion before Kuroo delivers a chop to the first-year’s head, who quickly claims it was a joke before a laugh bubbles up in your throat. 
Yeah. Your boys were a bit of a handful. 
“Yaku, you can’t have two!” 
“It just means Y/N loves me more.” 
“I’m her brother, you can’t compete.” 
“Shut up, she hates you half the time.” 
“No one asked you, Kenma!” 
But you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Importune (m.)
Importune - Beg persistently.
Pairing- Qian Kun x reader
Genre - Smut.
Word count- 2.32k
Warnings- Rough sex, dom!kun, sub! Reader, overstimulation, strong language (are we shocked), masturbation, thigh riding, daddy kink, If anything else, please let me know! Y/n is extremely horny.
Summary- You beg for him to fulfill your cravings until you beg for him to stop.
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Having a boyfriend like Kun means two moods throughout the relationship. 
One being you wanting to wrap him in bubble wrap and feed him his favorite food and the other being horny. No inbetween. 
Especially now, having him stay home all day every day, just had you craving for him more than usual. It was scary almost. 
Kun had been caught up with producing music. Sure, not all the time, but even having less than 15 percent of his attention diverted towards the mic, the keyboard and the laptop, made you whiny.
"Kun" you call out to the boy who is testing out different beats, keys and notes. You get a hum back in response. 
Maybe it's that you've reached the peak of your horniness, or that you just got off your period that made you extra needy, Kun looked extra good. 
"Kun, baby look at mee" you whine out, sitting by the couch in the tiny studio in your house. "Later" he sang out, returning back to smacking the piano keys. 
"No! Now!" you turn around, lying stomach down. "just give me five minutes alright?" he turned around his rotating chair, dragging it towards you to place a quick kiss on the back of your head before making his way back towards the computer screen. 
"But Kunnn" you sit back up when you notice him looking at you with his eyebrows raised, gesturing you to continue. "I need you" you say in a small voice. Kun didn't seem to hear it, so he removed his headphones and leaned closer to you. "What was it? I didn't hear you" he asked, resting his elbows forward on his knees, giving him a really appealing look. His gaze was intense, focused on you, "I-i need you.." you repeat in a hushed tone. 
Kun heard you clear this time, "and you can have me! Just 5 more minutes princess, just five more minutes" he replied, a small smirk on his face. You groan out of frustration, messing up your hair. "no! You don't get it!" you whine more, getting up from your seat and making yourself comfortable on his lap, he didn't protest against that and wrapped his hands around your waist. 
"Really? What is it that you want then?" he asked, resting his chin on the valley of your chest, looking up at you. 
Okay, as horny as you are, being straight forward was not your field. You could be straightforward to a point. But straight up telling him 'Kun I'm horny can you fuck me' wasn't your sail. It made you feel shy. 
"I just.. I just need you okay? You know what i mean!" oh and he does, it doesn't take a genius to guess why you were being this whiny, getting frustrated at every small thing. "I don't, tell me what you want baby, I can't give you something you don't ask for" he tapped your waist, as you looked down at him, waist down. God sure took his sweet time creating him. 
You felt fingers forcing your chin upwards, "eyes up here, babe. Now, what is it that you wanted?" he said, as you see something about the look in his eyes change. "Y-you" you say, looking at him with the most appealing look you could muster. "And what do you want me to do?" he leaned forward, his gaze hardening, his voice dropping low, you whimper, feeling the pool forming between your legs soak through the material of your panties, threatening to seep through your shorts and onto his thighs.
"Kun-" you once again start whining, this time out of embarrassment, as you hear him let out a chuckle. "Well, if you don't want to tell me what it is, I'll see you in 15 minutes." he said, starting to push you off his lap, you held onto his shoulder, not wanting to get away from him.
"No I'll tell you!" you say, looking at him with doe eyes. "with details, or else you won't get what you want. " he said, leaning back on his seat as you support yourself on his lap with your palms flat on his thighs, his hands folded over his chest, tilting his head slightly to the side, looking at you in anticipation. "I-uh.. I want you to touch.. me" you say, not looking at him, instead fixing your gaze on the charm that hung loosely around his neck. 
"look at me when you're talking." his voice had taken up a totally different tone, his aura screaming dominance. You look up at him, rubbing your thighs together for some sort of relief which caused your knees to brush his clothed member, earning a groan from his throat. You yelp as you felt hands kneading the flesh of your butt, seeing his teeth grit and jaws clench. 
"I asked you to say it out in detail baby, not demonstrate it." he said, glaring at you. "Sorry.. "
He let a hum out of acknowledgement leaning back once again, looking at you to continue, "Where do you want me to touch you" you look down once again, jumping and looking back at him when you felt him pinch your skin, "i want you to.. I want you to touch me here" you take his hands, guiding it to your core as Kun just let you. You take the pad of his thumb and press it against your clothed clit, letting out an airy moan at the sensation, Kun going hard watching your expression. 
You grind against his finger, desperately trying to get more friction, but you feel him pull back his hand forcibly, tugging at your waist, "Go to the room and strip completely, i see any clothes on you, you'll regret it" he said, ushering you out with his head. You oblige, smiling wide as you jog upstairs to your room, removing your shirt, then the pajama shorts, bra, panties, one by one, until you were void of any kind of fabric as you climb onto the bed, sprawled out, waiting patiently for Kun. 
Maybe it's just the giddiness but you were impatient. 
Getting yourself off once won't hurt anyone right? Oh how wrong were you
You slowly spread your legs open, dragging your nails down the skin of your abdomen until it reached your core, as you whimper, feeling the juices seep down your thigh and onto the sheets, you collect some of it with your fingers, and enter one finger into your slit. You moan out, finally getting some action, pumping the fingers out slowly, at your own pace. 
When you felt yourself nearing the edge, you added another finger, fastening the pace ever so slightly, enough to feel the knot at your lower belly tighten a bit. 
You add a little pressure onto your clit with the other hand, drawing small eight figurines, desperate to come. Too indulged in your bubble of pleasure, you shut your eyes close.
Kun, who sat by the corner of the room, shirtless, witnessing from when you added the second finger, leaned back on the single couch, palming his painfully hardened dick, seeing your core glisten from all the wetness. 
You came with a loud moan, panting slightly, opening your eyes immediately when you heard a groan. "I don't remember telling you to touch yourself, princess, did i?" he asked once you calmed down, making his way towards the edge of the bed, pants still on. 
"I'm -I'm sorry Kun- you were taking too long-" he stopped you, "Repeat whatever you just said," he said, voice challenging. 
You'd fucked up high time by touching yourself one, now calling him by his name in sheets, that's basically begging to be killed. 
"I'm sorry, daddy.." you correct yourself, feeling your wrist being tugged as you look up to see Kun, pulling you towards the edge of the bed and onto his lap for the second time that evening. "That wasn't what you said before princess, i want you to repeat what you said." he shifted in his seat, which made you shift, as you jerk upwards when you felt the muscle of his thighs directly adding pressure onto your bundle of nerves. "I.." you start, not wanting to complete the sentence. "Come on baby, it's not that hard" he said, flexing his muscles which you moan out loud to. "I'm sorry, Kun.." you felt his hands land down with a loud noise on your ass, which caused you to move forward, letting out a groan due to the burning sensation. "Get working baby, you want pleasure, you earn it." he said, leaning back, spreading his legs further to let you sit comfortably on his thigh. 
You start rocking your hips back and forth in a slow pace, trying to take your own sweet time and not tire out, but Kun didn't like that, "Faster, honey come on" you speed up just by a bit, supporting yourself with your hands on his shoulder, whimpering at the pleasure you'd been craving. 
He let you do your thing. Seeing your eyes close, face contorted in pleasure, made Kun himself groan out low, gripping your hips and pushing you down further onto his thigh, flexing the muscles constantly which added more sensation to your core, your essence coating his sweats, forming damp patches the more you move. You halt your moments once you feel yourself reaching your high, thigh spasming, "I never said you could stop" he let out, pushing you back and forth himself with his hands groping your ass. "Oh god.. " you moan out, finally letting the knot come undone, whimpering when Kun kept his thigh muscles going, making you jump up. 
Your chest heave up and down as you try catching your breath, "Good job baby, but aren't anywhere close to being done" he said, voice cocky as he removed his sweatpants, along with the boxers, coming up onto the bed, looking at you with a smirk on his face.
You whimper out of sensitivity when you feel his fingers dip into your core, not giving you time to recover from the previous orgasm, pumping in and out and curling fingers, reaching the soft spot, "D-daddy-" you moan out, clutching onto the sheets in a death grip as he increased the pace. "I can't believe you were being all whiny all day for this" he said, continuing to pump in, creating squelching noises due to your wetness. "and you disturb me when I'm working, pathetic" you whine out at his words, more like his voice. 
"But look at you baby, I did the bare minimum and here you are, all wet for me" you feel yourself reaching your high for the third time that evening, clenching around his fingers, signalling him of your high. "Nuh-uh. You're not cumming around my fingers" he pulled it of your core, bringing the glistening finger close to your mouth, shoving it in as you gladly start sucking on it, cleaning the fingers, tasting yourself. Feeling ecstatic, you close your eyes, your walls still clenching when you yell out loud, feeling Kun enter you without a warning, the scream coming out muffled due to your mouth being preoccupied. 
"Fuck baby, you're so fucking tight" he growled pulling his fingers out of your mouth, replacing it with his lips, swallowing all your moans and cries of pain and pleasure. The kiss was sloppy and wet, his tongue shoved deep down your throat, your nails dragging down his back and he kept his hips rolling.
From the previous orgasm denial, you felt yourself nearing the edge since the high hadn't died down yet. 
"Daddy, I'm close ah!" you moan, when he snapped his hips harder, clutching his back so that you wouldn't move back. 
"I know baby, your little pussy clenching around me says it -shit.. all" he said going faster. You squirm underneath him, hips jerking towards the ceiling as you feel yourself come undone. 
"There we go, felt good, yeah babe?" he said, removing himself from inside of you and flipping you around, lifting your hips up as he entered you from behind. 
"No more! I c-can't, Daddy-" you say, trying to crawl forward and away from him, but he held you in place with a grip so tight it'd guarantee a bruise to form on your hips.
"Stop resisting babe, you asked for it", from the tone of his voice, you knew in fact that he had a huge, cocky smirk on his face. 
He fastens himself inside of you, drilling desperately to chase his high, as you clench around him lazily to help him get over with.
It was pleasurable, but mostly painful from how sensitive you had become.
"Daddy.. I can't, pl-lease" you whimper out, it coming muffled as you'd buried your face into the sheets.
"Hold on just a little more baby, I'm so close" he said, his thrusts becoming sloppier as you felt yourself go over the edge once again. His groans became more frequent. 
You felt him twitch inside of you, causing you to let out a cry as you feel his seeds coat your walls, pulling you to your high at the same time. He moaned out your name as he rode the two of you out of your high, pulling out after he'd completely emptied himself inside you.
You fall down onto the mattress, clutching your abdomen due to the pain, Kun had left to go get a towel to clean you up, 
"Feeling better, princess?" he asked, lifting you and placing you into a much comfortable position on the bed, cleaning up the sweat and tears that had slipped out. 
You let out a feeble yes, curling up and trying to sleep with the pain in your lower belly and back. 
"Do you still need me?" he asked flopping down beside you once he'd gotten you all cleaned up. You lift arms up, making the grabby hands. 
"I need you, platonically"
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lazysublimeengineer · 3 years
You’re my Gofer!
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Summary: One shot sequel to crystal clear.
Takemichi’s brain short circuited at the sight that greeted his eyes.
When Akashi mentioned to him yesterday that he should be prepared, he wasn’t expecting this kind of surprise.
Characters: Takemichi H. Draken R. & Senju K.
Takemichi swallowed thickly and clenched his fists as he watched the growing tension between Draken, Akashi and Senju.
While he understood and appreciated Draken’s overprotectiveness and not wanting to involve him in the world of delinquency again, Takemichi also realized that joining the Brahman will make him reached his goal faster of defeating Mikey and preventing him of going down the path of the terrible ending that was waiting for him in the future.
He can’t be indecisive now.
‘If I don’t make any decisions now, then nothing will change!’ Takemichi thought firmly.
“Draken-kun. I’ll join Brahman!” He announced resolutely.
“Huh?!” Draken looked taken aback by his decision.
Draken just took a one look at his face and he knew that he can’t really stop Takemichi no matter what he does. He’s just as stubborn as Mikey. Or even more so. This was what he actually fears when Takemichi knew everything. Takemichi will join the fray regardless if its dangerous or not. He knew that Takemichi was an adult that can make his own decisions but fuck, he didn’t want him to risk his life for Mikey or anyone of them ever again.
There’s a great future waiting for him back there but he still chose to go back here into the past to fix everything. Again. He just hoped that it’ll be all worth it in the end.
“Draken… As much as Brahman wants to stop Kantou Manji Gang…”
Akashi’s voice cut off his racing thoughts and looked pensively on the ground. “There’s no way we want to fight Mikey.”
“That’s why we need both of you, the very people whom Mikey trusts. Facing him without getting in a fight would be for the best. Please understand.” Akashi replied seriously.
Draken pondered over his words.
The pelting of the raindrops from the above had ceased and the sky grew clearer afterwards. It didn’t go unnoticed by Senju who moved his umbrella from the side and stared up at the sky.
“Oh, it stopped raining.” There was a certain look into his eyes as he stared up at the small puffs of white clouds that’s beginning to show itself. Funny, how the sky grew clearer and the weather became calmer after Takemichi had accepted their offer of joining their gang.
Was he a secret weather magician too? Takemichi could spread his sunshine and brightness even to the gray clouds beyond them. A slight curved of his lips turned upwards at the mere thought.
Draken sighed in defeat as he looked over at Takemichi’s determined face. “Well, that’s Takemitchy for ya. Keep in mind that the only reason we’re cooperating with Brahman is because of our aligning goals.” He said firmly.
“…Got it.” Takemichi replied.
“Don’t you forget about that. Welcome to Brahman, Takemitchy.” Draken smiled at him and offered his hand in front of him.
Takemichi took his hand, enveloping it in a gentle yet firm handshake. “I will definitely bring Mikey back!”
Draken could feel the callouses on his hands, a sign of the hardships that he already went through in saving all of them. And yet he could also sensed the warm sincerity beneath them, engulfing him in a state of reassurance and trust. He may have to risk again in putting of his faith in Takemichi. And that’s the one thing that he won’t hesitate in doing so now.
If there’s one thing that Takemichi’s well known of, it’s his keeping and fulfilling his promises to them and not giving up.
Draken shook back his hand firmly and smiled warmly at him. This was one of the rarest times when he can put his walls down and expressed what he actually felt for the other.
“Alrighty! I’ve decided.”
Senju’s sudden cheerful voice broke the fragile moment between the two of them and Draken resisted the urge to twitch his eyes and sigh in annoyance.
What a great timing.
Takemichi pulled his hand away from Draken and turned around, seeing an offered umbrella to his direction by Senju. He casually accepted it with a bewildered expression on his face.
“An umbrella?” He blinked a few times.
“From now on… You’re my gofer!” Senju announced happily.
“Huh?” Takemichi looked taken aback, but he wasn’t sure if it’s from Senju’s words or the cheerful expression on his face. It was strange seeing the happy look and cheerful smile painted on his face since his usual default of facial expression was mostly blank and serious. But he couldn’t deny that it made his seraphic features softer and younger. And he couldn’t tear his eyes away from him.
Senju looked like a beautiful, fallen angel from the sky.
Senju leaned closer with that everlasting smile still present on his face. “Let’s meet tomorrow, 3PM at Harajuku!”
Takemichi tried so hard not to blush at his proximity and the cuteness that was laid out in front of him. What’s with Senju and the other members of their gang invading his personal space?!
“Eh? Wait—”
“Senju’s interested in you, Hanagaki!” Akashi cut him off cheerily.
What. Takemichi’s line of thought came into a screeching halt.
“Just be prepared.” Akashi flashed him a smirk before he waved goodbye to him and Draken.
‘What does that mean?!’Takemichi thought frantically as he could only watched Akashi leave and Senju walking beside him with a spring to his steps.
The Next Day, 3PM Harajuku…
Takemichi tried to be punctual this time even though he wasn’t the exact model employee back at the DVD shop that he was working for back then. He simply didn’t want to shatter any good impression and standing that he currently had with Brahman now especially with their leader since Akashi said that Senju was interested in him. Which still weirded him out. Yet it brought a warm feeling spreading through his chest. And he didn’t even know the reason why he was feeling like that in the first place.
Nevertheless, he took Akashi’s words with a grain of salt and didn’t delved deeper on it further. Maybe Senju was always like that when he found something that caught his eye or when his goals are actually met. Their leader’s unpredictability still caught him off guard sometimes. It reminded him of Mikey.
At the mere thought of the blond, Takemichi’s mood went pensive for a bit before he fought it back with a resolute determination. Of course, he was firm in his decision to save him regardless of what method he had to undertake to achieve it. If he had to join the Brahman to reached that goal faster then so be it. He’s ready for any consequences that he needed to face if necessary.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Hanagaki!”
A voice cut off his wandering thoughts and the noise among the crowd that made him paused and turned around to the source of it.
Takemichi’s brain short circuited at the sight that greeted his eyes.
When Akashi mentioned to him yesterday that he should be prepared, he wasn’t expecting this kind of surprise.
“Let’s go.”
A young lady dressed in a female school uniform stated calmly and looked casually at him like everything wasn’t out of the ordinary.
But it isn’t.
This was Senju.
Dressed in female clothes.
Who is now a she instead of a he.
Female clothes and features.
And had a nice rack.
Takemichi internally screamed at himself. Now this wasn’t the time to be thinking like that! There was a right time to admire the beauty in front of him. And now isn’t the right time to do it. Since when did Senju became a woman?! His brain felt like melting along with his common sense.
“Huh? Who?” Takemichi replied intelligently as he gaped at Senju’s transformed existence in front of him.
Senju just stared at him blankly before she raised a hand to cover her mouth and stifled her giggles. “Hanagaki you never failed to amuse me sometimes.”
“Eh? But h-how…?” Takemichi stammered.
“Did you hit your head or something Hanagaki? I told you yesterday to meet me here at 3pm right?” Senju answered playfully as she now tugged on his arm and pulled him along the bustling crowd of the city.
Takemichi let him get swept away by Senju’s hold and actions, his mind was still racing with rapid thoughts at this newfound discovery that made him have an internal midlife crisis. He wanted to ask so many things… but for now he just let her be as he was also tantalized by her rare sunny disposition and her ethereal features in front of him.
Of course, Senju knew the reason why Takemichi was being confused and having a meltdown in front of him. But she chose to blatantly ignored it and willfully play the ruthless card of feigned innocence. She was having fun of making him bewildered and flustered.
And she also found it cute and adorable anyway.
This was going to be an interesting day ahead.
(A/N: I own nothing from this franchise except this weird fic of mine. Chapter 215 watered my crops and extended my lifespan because of these things: Inupi, Draken and Takemichi being shirtless and exposing their toned bodies, Draken going feral to protect Takemichi, Takemichi’s ever growing character development and backbone, Senju acting like Mikey and growing fond of our crybaby hero and lastly the infamous gender reveal party at the last panel. Ken plays with us like a damn fiddle with that bomb at the last panel of chapter 215 in the manga. The whole fandom is shook and is now rioting with speedy theories and ideas lmao. Well from my end, it’s fine if Senju is a guy or a gal since the gender is not my measurement of an interest to a character anyway. But it’ll be intriguing if Senju turned out to be a female and a leader of a gang since we all know that it’s mostly a male dominated territory in the franchise. And we’ll probably get another girlboss like Yuzuha as a bonus. Who knows? Maybe Ken will drop us another mind-blowing twist at the next chapter so I’m still not fully onboard with Senju being a 100% gal. But for the sake of this fic and for fun purposes, let’s assume that Senju is a complete female here and she’s having the time of her life making our crybaby hero like this: Takemichi.exe has stopped working. Also, if Mikey learned about this, he’ll be feral and he would raise some hell to prevent them from stealing his dear Takemitchy. So, Mikey you need to step up your game and appear in the future chapters so Takemichi doesn’t end up with one of his harems lol. Reviews are amusing. So, let me hear them from you.)
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wayv2728 · 3 years
wayv reaction where you do the silhouette challenge in from of him/show him the video (friends but can end up like lovers) thank u, love your writing!
Not gonna lie I forgot what the silhouette challenge was so I had to look it up 😂
Kun - His eyes would bulge out. He’d try to hide the fact that what you just did turned him on so much. Definitely gets hard but tries to cover it up.
Ten - Your video would show up on his for you page. He’d immediately get horny and leave his place. Shows up at your door and says “that’s how you want to play it, huh?” before smirking at you and you kiss him.
Winwin - He’d be speechless. Unable to say anything. After a minute or so of silence and his speechlessness, you’d try to speak but he’d put his finger to your mouth and go “shh... if you wanted me baby, you could’ve just said so.”
Lucas - Like Ten, it would show up on his for you page. He’d be the one to send you a Snapchat of him lying in bed shirtless captioned “that tiktok... I never realized you had this side to you. I dig it.”
Xiaojun - Tries to look away out of respect but can’t because he’s too turned on by it. Changes his posture and sitting position because he got hard and doesn’t want you to know.
Hendery - He’d be a flustered mess. Normally can keep his cool but not this time. Refrains from touching himself but asks you to touch him when you’re done.
Yangyang - I feel like he would have already come. Trying to hide the fact that he just came in his pants but also the hold you have over him is too much. Gets overwhelmed but makes it to to you the next day.
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johnsamericano · 4 years
[Requested] Kun x Lucas
It was 11:43 p.m. and Kun’s boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.
“Hey, Sicheng.” Kun peeked through his bedroom door. “Have you seen Xuxi?”
“Uhm, he said he wanted to stay a little longer to practice.” His eyes were glued to the screen of his computer, completely focused on his game.
“Okay, Thank you.” Kun walked all the way to the entrance, taking out his coat from the closet before going out.
The building was close to their dorms, which is why it didn’t take him long to get there.
Kun opened the door to their practice room, a song from their recent album blasting through the speakers as a shirtless Lucas practiced the choreography. He didn’t even notice when the older male came in.
“Yukhei.” He froze. “I thought I told you to get some rest.”
“Oh, hi Kun.” He walked towards the speakers, pressing the pause button with his finger. “I just wanted to make sure my moves were perfect, and besides, I feel really energized at this time of the day.”
“Which is why you’re always so tired during daytime.” He slowly approached Lucas, placing his hands on his sides and rubbing the hot skin comfortingly. “You need to get some rest.”
“But I’m not tired.” He whined.
“Well, I’m sure we can fix that.” His hand sneaked into his underwear, teasing his now hardening dick.
“Kun-ge.” Lucas gasped.
“Take off The rest of your clothes and kneel in front of the mirror.” Kun replied, caressing his cheek tenderly.
Lucas awaited eagerly for his leader to pleasure him, but Kun wanted to make sure to drain all the energy from him.
First, he started playing with his sensitive nipples, loving how his length would twitch with every touch he’d deliver.
“Ah, it hurts.” He said, referring to his painfully hard erection.
“How bad do you want me to relieve you?” His fingers traced his chiseled abdomen, moving down slowly.
“So bad.” He tried moving his boyfriend’s hand further down, being stopped by a harsh slap in his inner thigh. “Please, Kun.”
“Only if you promise you’ll come back home at a decent hour from now on.”
“I promise!” He said without hesitation.
“Good boy.” His thumb spread the precum all over the angry red tip, blissful sounds escaping Lucas’ mouth. “You’re so beautiful.” Lucas loved when Kun spoke in a low voice, it made everything even more sensual.
He started jerking him off at a slow pace, hugging his waist with his free arm to keep him still.
“Kun.” He kept moaning, eyes shut and mouth wide open. His reflection looked like it came straight out of a painting. Too beautiful to be true.
He removed his arm from his waist, instead, inserting a finger through his hole.
“We gotta make sure this little, tight hole is ready for mi cock, don’t you think so?” He pushed another finger in, moving them in a scissoring motion.
“Yes, Kun.” Lucas felt in heaven.
His dick soon found it’s way to the younger male’s entrance, pushing himself inside carefully so it wouldn’t hurt him. But Lucas was far from feeling any pain.
“You take me so well, baby boy.” Lucas held onto Kun’s hair, trying his best to not be loud.
While his right hand continued jerking him off, his left went down to his balls. The pleasure was so overwhelming that Lucas didn’t last long, but Kun kept thrusting.
“I haven’t finished yet.” Kun looked at Lucas through the mirror. ‘Cute’ he thought as the younger male tried his best to hold his tears back.
“I can’t.” He tried to get up, only to be pushed back down by Kun’s strong grip.
“Don’t make me tie you up, baby.” He played with his belt, threatening to use it as a restraint. “Now, that’s better.” Kun smirked as Lucas rested his head on his shoulder, completely surrendering to him.
Inevitably, tears started rolling down his perfect cheeks. Kun kissed them away.
“K-Kun.” Lucas whimpered, feeling his orgasm building up with each movement his leader made.
“Me too.” He simply responded, snapping his hips against his ass aggressively. Kun came first, the feeling of his seed filling him up enough for Lucas to do the same.
After coming down from his second high, Lucas was completely exhausted, wanting to go home and let his boyfriend take care of him.
“Can we go back to the dorms now?”
“Of course.”
They walked back to the apartment, Lucas holding onto Kun’s arm due to his wobbly legs. As soon as his body landed on the mattress, he fell asleep. Kun smiled at him.
“Mission succeeded.”
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shiftynightshade · 4 years
How Half Of Class 1-A Gained A Crush On Iida At 5 AM
It was at 5 AM that class 1-A learned how hot Tenya Iida actually was.
Now it was granted that the class already considered Iida ‘good looking’, but between his constantly uptight attitude and rather comical gestures, Iida was a rather funny person to look at. But it wasn’t until one rather inconspicuous morning that their ‘holy shit Iida’s hot’ revelation actually smacked them in the face out of left field.
Only a little over half of the class was awake, some were already wide awake and dressed like Aoyama, Todoroki and Jirou. Some were half awake with their pyjamas still on like Bakugou, Tokoyami, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima and Uraraka. The rest had stumbled down only a few moments before, eyes barely cracked open and barely coherent. Kaminari was half babbling over his mug of coffee while Ashido and Midoriya were blinking away sleep from their eyes slowly, bags prominent in the early morning.
It was pretty peaceful, if not slightly disconcerting to not hear or see Iida’s frankly, endearing hand chops and rambles.
As if he had been summoned Iida ever so slightly stumbled down the stairs, glasses in one hand as he let out a yawn that interrupted his “Pardon me” and ran another through his hair, blues strands becoming mussed and undercut on full display.
As he delicately placed his glasses on his face (perfectly of course, Iida doesn’t do anything in half spades) the rest of them could just picture the rosy background and sparkles around him as if they were in a cheesy anime, before his eyes blinked open to reveal ruby red eyes that positively shone as he peacefully smiled at them, surprisingly calm for once compared to usual loud way of speech.
“Good morning all!”
Everyone that was in the room had quickly spreading blushes across their faces, all dumbstruck except for Aoyama who simply squeaked out “Magnifique!”
Hell even Bakugou was blushing even if he was still frowning, which was probably his default expression. (Don’t worry though, everyone knew he was a big softie.)
Thankfully Iida didn’t notice his classmates blushing as he walked into the kitchen, presumably to make himself breakfast.
“What the fuck” Bakugou sounded so startled that somehow didn’t even begin to match what they were all feeling at that moment.
They all though that it was a onetime thing but nope, the universe hated them.
When they arrived to class Iida greeted them with a blinding smile and energetic hand chops.
And much to the amusement and confusion of their other classmates, whenever Iida either glanced in their direction or talked to them they would furiously blush and stammer like underclassmen around their crushes.
Whenever he would see their expressions, Iida would his head to the side in concern and frown (but that only worsen the blushing and stammering as it him look like a curious puppy-)
“Are you alright? You’re bright red! Are you sick?”
The concern in his eyes would make them melt and it would be physically be painful to try and not collapse into a puddle of goo on the floor.
Midoriya would be frantically texting Shinsou in a bi panic whenever Iida would smile at him (so ninety-five percent of the time) while the rest would scream with their friends in a blubbering mess. Midoriya basically spent most of his time with Iida so this was pure torture.
Of course it got worse as the week dragged on. When they decided to use the pool Iida just had to forego a swimming cap dammit. His head shone in the sun from where it was plastered to his forehead and poor Kaminari was subjected to seeing a shirtless and soaked Iida in a new light.
Kaminari, being the chaotic dumbass he was, nearly short-circuited and electrocuted everyone in the pool, but thankfully was splashed out of his stupor by Yaoyorozu, who was blushing just as hard as him, but they all managed to pass their blushing off as simply being hot from the sun, which earned them a small lecture about sun safety.
Oh and don’t even get them started on heroics class with All Might. Tokoyami and Iida had been paired up for the exercise, which some of the others both were grateful for and lamented the fact that they weren’t with the class president.
They had agreed to split up and search the two buildings beside each other, only for Tokoyami to be thrown through one of the top windows by one of Bakugou’s more aggressive blasts, which had stunned Tokoyami enough that he wasn’t able to be prepared enough for the fall that came right after.
All Might was seconds away from stepping in only for Iida sans his helmet to burst through one of the other windows opposite of the building and catch Tokoyami by wrapping his arms around the smaller male, and essentially wrap his entire body around him before crashing through another window, allowing his body to take the brunt of the fall.
Tokoyami had thankfully walked away from the fall with only a few bruises while Iida had gained a slightly dislocated shoulder from the impact, some bruising all along his right side, arm, neck and a small graze along cheek.
Tokoyami had been apologising profusely for Iida’s injuries at the end of the lesson in Recovery Girl’s infirmary while Dark Shadow crowed sadly, but Iida had simply waved his apologies off with a smile and a “Do not worry about it at all Tokoyami-kun! Bakugou-kun is a strong person, and I am pleased that I managed to catch you in time!”
Later that night Tokoyami had screamed into the recently made group chat that the eleven had made, which was aptly named Tenya Iida Simps™, which had only existed for roughly two nearly three days, but had already gained just shy of two thousand messages.
Funnily enough,most of it was just key smashes.
Tenya Iida Simps™
Assid: couldn’t have said better myself toko
Peppermint Bastard: Is this about what happened earlier Tokoyami?
God Herself: It’s okay Tokoyami, get it all out of your system.
Bananabeak: I- he’s just so soft!?!? He cradled me so gently I felt so safe an grateful that he caught me because I certaintly wouldn’t have walked away from a fall like that uninjured like I did today and just jkhuhlehlhdf he so kind because even though he was hurt and took nearly all the damage form that fall be still asked me if I was alright like excuse me sir you are BLEEDING AND YOU ARE ASKING ME IF IM ALRIGHT!?
JackJack is jacked: oof I feel ya there Tokoyami
Voltboi: yeah! Just like when Iida has helping me and ashido do some revision before a test but I could barely even concentrate cause his eyes are just so fucking pretty
Voltboi: I mean how are his eyes such a nice shade of red wtf
Bakugou? More Like BakuBITCH: Normally I would yell at you lot for that, but honestly?
Bakugou? More Like BakuBITCH: Valid
Of course even though they would all scream into the void at some point (The void being the chat) it didn’t help things in the slightest.
Aoyama had been asking Iida about different outfit designs that he would create (Of course everyone in the class knew about his designing hobby, but Iida was one of the only people who he shared the process with) and the class president was ecstatic when he was asked for his input.
Aoyama had confessed to Iida at one point that he had doubts about his work, only for Iida to smile and offer to be a model for his designs at some point, which only made Aoyama nearly burst into tears while hugging him.
While most of the groups interactions with Iida were soft and heart-warming, Bakugou and Kirishima had both agreed that training with Iida was both annoying and fun because one; Iida was so attractive that they kept getting distracted and two; Iida fought ruthlessly and wasn’t afraid to play dirty.
Todoroki of course enjoyed spending time with his friend, (when they weren’t plotting Endeavour’s murder that was) except when he had to make sure that hadn’t caught fire or anything.
And of course Uraraka couldn’t stop blushing whenever she and Iida were out about the city with the rest of the squad, and without fail she would nearly burst into tears and nearly start to blubber whenever they would be out to get food. Iida would ask them what they want, and every time she would say “S-sorry Iida but I don’t have any money” he would simply narrow his eyes at her and say “I didn’t ask you if you had any money, I asked what you wanted.”
Of course Tsu would send all three of them knowing looks whenever Iida’s back was turned.
Yaoyorozu and Jirou both loved that whenever Mineta was trying to creep up on the girls or feel them up that Iida would immediately call him out on it, and even that one time he dragged him outside and used recipro burst to kick Mineta into the principal’s office via an open window and yet somehow didn’t get any punishment for.
Of course when the week came to a close Iida happened to be visiting his family for the weekend, so he waved a cheerful goodbye and left a warm fluttery feeling in their chests.
Ojiro watched as the small group quickly dispersed to their respective rooms, Shoji, Tsuyu and Sero all having knowing smirks, (or a knowing glint in his eye in Shoji’s case.) “Man, they’re in deep aren’t they?” His comment drew snickers from the other three.
“So Tenya, got anything to tell us?”
Tenya looked up from his food to look at Tensei, only to smirk.
“What, you mean that all of a sudden just over half of my classmates have suddenly gained a crush on me?” Kayama let out a cackle. “Looks like the Iida genes strike again!”
Shouta smirked. “So that’s why half of my problem children were a blushing, stuttering mess all week?”
Tenya laughed. “Oh most definitely.”
“Wait wait wait, hold up!” Hitoshi pointed his fork at his cousin. “You’re telling me that you were aware of everything? So Midoriya was texting me about how oblivious you were, only for him to be completely fucking wrong!?”
Tenya nodded. “Absolutely, even their ‘secret group chat’ which is honestly barely even a secret.”
Hitoshi sat back in his chair with a small “huh”.
Hizashi leant over the table eagerly. “What’s the name of the chat?”
Both boys snorted. “You sure you wanna know?” Hitoshi cackled.
Kayama laughed. “Okay, now you have to tell us.”
Tenya smirked. “Tenya Iida Simps Trade Marked.”
A brief bout of silence- then Tensei slammed his head against the table with shaking shoulders while the rest of them let out loud shrieks of laughter that echoed throughout the house.
Shouta leaned over to look at Tenya. “You gonna make next week absolute hell for them, aren’t you?”
Tenya laughed. “Oh, absolutely.”
A small crash then pained laughter came up from the floor. “H-HELP, I’VE FALLEN AND I CAN’T GET UUUP!”
Tenya laughed. “Looks like Hitoshi’s died.”
Another small crash and Hizashi’s head disappeared from his seat as he slid to the ground, squeaky wheezes escaping his lungs.
“Aaaand there goes Hizashi-nii.”
Shouta snorted. “Welp, looks like both my husband and son are dead, best get more cats to fill up the now empty space in the house.”
Hizashi wheezed from his place on the carpet.
Tenya smirked. God he loved fucking with his classmates, and if a video was taken of the other three laughing their asses off and stored in the blackmail folder in one of the darker spots of his phones storage, well that was a fact that Tenya would keep to himself with a small smile.
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freakynct · 4 years
UwU i love your writing ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ can i request Kun neing dommed by his s/o for the first time
thank you so much bb! ♡ i honestly struggled with this one bc i never wrote about dom!reader [i'm a sub], so i'm sorry if this is not that good >.<
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"i don't know about this, baby." kun shot you a nervous look and you smiled at him, legs straddling his lap while he layed on his back on the bed, shirtless. you had finally convinced kun to dom him but he was still hesitant, this being the first time he ever let anyone do this type of thing to him. all this time he had been convinced that his role was to be on top but you were about to change his mind.
"c'mon, kun. i can make you feel so good if you let me." you left a trail of soft kisses down his neck and his body shivered, his eyes slowly closing, letting go of a deep sigh. "don't you want me to take care of you?" you gently started grinding against him, his hips involuntarily bucking up to meet yours. "hmm, i can see you do." you chuckled and the way he whined turned you on even more.
your fingers grabbed his jaw and you pressed a hard kiss to his lips, leaving him out of breath, proceeding to undress yourself, still on top of him, his hands reaching up to touch your body everytime you removed a piece of clothing but you would always slap his hand away. "no touching." you would say firmly, watching as kun's face contorted, so desperate to touch you in any way.
your hand rubbed at his prominent boner, still covered by the rough fabric of his jeans. "is my baby hard?" you cooed at him and he bit his bottom lip, trying to contain his moans. "is it painful?" you looked at him as your hand palmed him harder and he nodded his head quickly, whispering a little "yes" followed by a gasp. "let me help you then." a smirk appeared on your lips as you opened the button of his jeans, pulling them all the way down, throwing them somewhere on the floor.
you slowly slided your hands up his bare thighs until you reached the waistband of his underwear, pulling them down just enough to free his hard cock, already leaking with precum. "ohh baby, look how pretty your little cock is." your fingers wrapped around the base and he bucked into you, your hand coming down to leave a small slap to his thigh, making him squirm. "no no, baby. don't move." you said as you started stroking him slowly, little whimpers coming out of his lips.
"p-please." kun gasped for words and your thumb rubbed over his tip, collecting his precum and smearing it down his cock.
"please what baby?"
"please r-ride me." you could feel your arousal dripping out of you as you stared at his parted lips that left little whimpers and his flushed cheeks, he looked so cute and so delicious and you couldn't wait to hear him whine while you took his cock. you let go of his member and then lifted yourself a bit more up his body until your pussy was hovering right above him. you rubbed your wet folds gently on his cock and you felt it twitch, his head rolling back with pleasure. "hmm, please stop teasing me." he whined and you chuckled, your hand wrapping gently around his neck, making him look up at you.
"you don't tell me what to do, got it baby?" he nodded without saying anything, his big eyes staring at yours. "good. now you're going to be a good little boy for me and take my pussy, ok? and don't cum until i tell you to." you warned him while grabbing the base of his cock, lining the tip with your entrance before letting yourself sink down on him, making him whimper loudly. you started bouncing on his cock, picking up pace and his hands came up to try to grab your hips but you holded his wrists, pinning his hands beside his head. "what did i say about touching, hm?" you tsk at him. "you know, bad boys don't get to cum."
"i-i'm sorry." he whined, your tight wet pussy feeling so good around him. "i'm a g-good boy."
you smirked at his words, happy that you were able to make him submit to you like this. "p-please let me c-cum." you could barely hear what he was saying anymore since he was trying to speak between gasps and whimpers, his orgasm so so near.
"you already want to cum, baby? oh you were so needy, weren't you?" you could see how his hands closed tightly in fists, your fingers still holding his wrists down, and how he started to buck his hips up and when he was about to cum you suddenly lifted off of him, making him cry out from the lack of touch. "not yet, babyboy. you only cum when i say."
and so for the next hour you edge him over and over again, deniying him from cuming until he was sobbing and begging for release and after you were satisfied and done using him, you finally gave him the permission to do so, watching as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and how his hips bucked violently into you, squirming so much under you that your hands almost weren't strong enough to hold him down. and you had finally converted kun into your good little boy.
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theclosetpoet7 · 5 years
Love & Red Locks
Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine.
Notes on one-shot: This was inspired by the song “Brains Out” by Kim Cesarion (Damn this song turns me on)
Rating: M
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The tavern he finds himself in is small and covered in smoke as he approaches the bar and orders a cup of sake for starters. He can hear the obnoxious laughter of the drunkards having too much fun on the opposite side of the room. Sasuke clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes when a woman settles herself next to him in mere seconds, her long blonde locks brushing slightly over his black coat and a sultry smile on her person as she drawls.
"Hey there."
"Not interested."
The young Uchiha wastes no time in rejecting her advances. She lets out a small huff and jumps off the stool but not without giving him a good view of her backside as she looks over her shoulder to pout.
"Your loss then."
Obsidian orbs narrow as he pours himself another cup, making eye contact with the bartender while taking out his wallet in a signal that told the other man to keep the drinks coming. He turns around in his seat, arms settling behind him and over the counter as he observes the mess of bodies gathered on the dance floor. Most probably complete strangers, looking to get some physical contact to cover up the loneliness they so desperately tried to deny.
Three bottles in, he orders a bowl of ramen to counteract the alcohol in his system. Eyes still searching the crowd for anything that remotely piqued his interest.
Uchiha Sasuke meets her eyes and lets out a subtle smirk as he regards the other female with familiarity. She gets up from her seat, fair hands holding a glass with a liquid he could only describe as purple and iridescent. The seductress saunters on to him.
"Did you know that a bottle of sake has about twenty percent of alcohol?"
"It's actually fifteen percent."
Her lips simper.
"True, but the drinks you ordered aren't watered down like the common ones are."
She smiles sweetly at him, curved lashes lightly touching her cheeks when she lowers her eyelids to give him a provocative look.
"The bartender might have overestimated the weight of my wallet."
The young woman giggles while tucking her hair behind her ear, a sign of flirtation that Sasuke knows all too well.
"Judging by the way you dismissed that girl in seconds but not me, I can say that you are starting to feel the effects."
He raises an eyebrow and proceeds to down another cup. She tilts her head to the side, plump red lips teasing him in the way they stick out due to the lipstick she has on.
"And...if my chakra detecting skills haven't gotten rusty after all these years, I can tell that you are..."
She places a hand over his shoulder to lean in, her strong perfume clouding his senses when she whispers seductively into his ear. The handsome avenger stiffens and to add even more allure to her invitation, she tentatively bites his ear before pulling away.
He closes his tab then and after meeting her dark eyes, makes his way out of the establishment; footsteps picking up the pace but at the same time cautious so as to not lose her as she follows him to his room, black heels clicking on the pavement, signalling their mutual agreement.
Because, she was right.
He was in fact...
"Looking to fuck."
Hot damn, your mind's so beautiful, I'm struck dumb, don't know where my shit's at.
He allows her to push him down the bed. Her legs settle over his narrow hips, and he watches with contained eagerness as she takes off her shirt and tosses it on the hotel floor. She had always been the dominant partner when it came to their trysts. Although he is the more forward one back home, Sasuke doesn't mind the aggressive way she takes command.
He allows this woman to have her way with him.
His fingers tangle in her long red mane which makes him briefly contemplate about the fact that he still isn't used to grabbing hold of strands with such length considering that Sakura had always liked her shorter style. There is a twinge in his heart when he spots the dark color of her tresses again which is a stark contrast to his wife's cherry pink ones. But the want overpowers any lingering doubt especially when she grinds her hips to his. He threads through her hair and angles her head closer to his.
Their lips meet in a union of mixed wet tangling prompting him to groan at the confident way she lowers her hand to touch him underneath his slacks. This woman is different from how his wife usually touches him. The latter was always careful and gentle as well as patient in bringing him to release. The minx before him however is rough and crass, spitting out profanities as to how much she wants to make him come. He hisses as she squeezes his shaft after ridding him of his clothes except for his boxer briefs. By instinct, he thrusts up to meet her hard pumps.
He opens his eyes and yet again spots her hair and the way it curved into spikes, the shaved part of her head giving way to a lighter spot. It is in this moment when he suddenly realizes it. His eyes widen and he catches her hand in his to pry it off his hardened member.
Because, although he enjoys this woman's forwardness, he knows that they shouldn't take this any further than they already have.
"Just stop."
"Why Sasuke-kun?"
"Take off the henge Sakura."
The red locks that have been bothering him since they stepped foot in the room change into the pink hue he has always loved. Sasuke catches a few strands and brings them to his lips softly. Underneath the fog of his inebriation and the flashing lights back at that bar, he hadn't even realized that she had changed some of her features. Though her face was just the same, it didn't occur to him that his wife would actually...
"It's not you."
"What do you mean Sasuke-kun?"
"Your hair."
...attempt to mislead him.
Uchiha Sakura pulls away. Sasuke's eyes fall on her bouncing breasts as she confidently sits up straight, her long legs still over his hips, hands settling on his abdominals as she scrutinizes him under her loving gaze. Eyes searching his, trying to understand why he has halted her actions.
But there is an air of mystery around her, one that reminded him of their earlier days as a couple; when he realized that she had been wondering about when he was going to kiss her for the first time.
"Why red?"
She bites her lip and swallows her saliva, as Sasuke too, pushes himself off the pillows and supports her bottom as he pulls her closer to him.
"Why did you use red Sakura?"
"Karin's hair is red."
"I thought so."
"You were curious."
"You've gotten really good at reading me Anata. It's always been a question. Not about whether or not you actually slept with her. I ..."
She blushes a deep red.
"I know that I was your first."
"So I've told you."
"But you were travelling together in your teens. Your hormones must have gone haywire with a sexy woman like her, walking around camp."
"Men can control themselves."
She draws her eyebrows.
"I never had the urge."
"Right, but even I had wondered from time to time at that age, especially being surrounded by strong men."
"Are you trying to tell me that you want me to put a henge on?"
"No! No! It's only you I want. Even when they were shirtless and all, it was always your face I pictured. Ah, gomen. It was inconsiderate of me to assume that you might have felt otherwise. I know you love me Sasuke-kun but it doesn't mean that you can't be attracted to other..."
His hands slide over her thighs, one continues its sensuous ascent to grab one breast while the other settles under her pink curls to rub on her protruding pebble.
"You are allowed to be attracted to other women." She reiterates.
Sasuke stops.
"Sakura, you were the one who suggested the role-playing."
She had. Three months into their marriage and a year since they've started travelling together, the pinkette had suddenly proposed this to spice things up in their bedroom. Not that he didn't think that it was passionate already. Their mating was one that always managed to blow his mind. But she had wanted something different, and ever since they started walking side by side, Sasuke has known that he couldn't really say no to her all that often.
Besides, what was the harm?
Apparently something more profound than he previously thought.
They were bound to delve into this topic one way or another. Even if his wife knew of their deep connection, there were still certain curiosities they haven't discussed.
"I have a confession to make."
She pulls away then, and as they always do whenever they're in serious conversation, Sasuke gets up and takes a chair. He places it in front of her, while giving her the unspoken space she needs for a few seconds.
When he sits down, and leans over, a hand rests on his knee while he looks at his wife who is busy biting her lip. Sasuke lets out a sigh.
"What is it?"
There is a pause.
"I'm jealous."
"I can see that."
"Of Karin. I'm jealous of Karin."
Why she would be is beyond him. They ran into his ex teammate months before and it was a brief reunion that involved certain intel on a former sannin.
"I know it probably doesn't make any sense. I mean, you told me you loved me and we're together. It's just that..."
"You haven't really forgiven me have you?"
"What? I have! I have. I think I have."
"Sakura, do you still resent me for that night?"
She knew what he was talking about.
Because even if Sasuke was with her now, and he was essentially the boy she fell in love with, there were still some issues that were unresolved. They never really talked about what happened before.
For Sakura was too quick to forgive him.
"You said you didn't need us."
There it was.
His eyes dawned with understanding.
"I'm sorry. It seems petty. And years after at that but I,"
She finds her words carefully.
"You said that you were destined to walk that path alone."
Sakura withdraws into herself but regards him cautiously as she puts her hair over her shoulder and plays with the long pink strands. She breathes in deeply.
"Yet you chose them."
He isn't saying anything.
"You sought Karin out. You went to her. While you left us. You left me. But, you went to them."
"I'm sorry."
"No no, I'm not asking for an apology."
Sasuke runs a hand through his jet-black hair.
"I don't know what you want me to say Sakura. I can't change that part of my life."
"I'm not asking you to."
"But you can't let it go."
She focuses on him then.
"It's not that. I have forgiven you. I am proud of you. However, after meeting Team Taka for the first time, I realized something."
His wife fumbles with her fingers. And if their topic wasn't so important in this moment, Sasuke would notice that they are both half-naked, upper torsos unabashedly exposed with just their undergarments remaining. Sakura finds her words again.
"As it turns out. I still haven't gotten over that part, seeing you with your team, seeing you with her and knowing how much you actually care for them."
"It hurts. And I don't want to feel like this. But I just do..."
"It's actually a bit selfish of me huh? Considering that you have never done anything to make me doubt your... "
She reddens.
"Your love for me."
She is the epitome of a blushing bride. Fresh out of their marital bed, still so shy about their relationship but confident in it as well. This must have been something that caught her off guard.
"I'm honestly happy Sasuke-kun that you found comrades like that despite everything."
But she is still a bit insecure. He can tell. It surprises him because she has never been this unsure about them before. And she's never been jealous.
Sasuke gets up from his seat and puts a knee to the bed. He grabs his wife's hand and pulls her to face him. They are sitting across each other on their knees.
Uchiha Sasuke stares at Uchiha Sakura then, and he tells her with his eyes. It is a connection so deep and so cathartic that her eyes give way to an emotion that is exclusively reserved for him and allows him to embrace her.
Skin on skin.
Heart on heart.
Bodies flushed against each other in a hold meant to draw out embarrassment in some couples but not them.
It meant so much more to them.
"Can you feel that?"
The former avenger whispers.
Sakura lets out a deep exhale and wraps her arms around him, pulling him even closer.
"Count them."
She presses her face closer to him and inhales his manly scent. When she exhales again, her breath puffs softly against his skin, the light contact already stirring his insides.
"102 beats per minute."
"Because of you."
How could she doubt for a second?
When it was only her.
"I couldn't..."
She waits for him to continue.
"I couldn't bring you down with me. I decided on revenge in the end. I chose to leave team 7. I chose to leave you because, I couldn't bring you down with me."
"And I don't regret it."
He guides her to the bed and hovers over her, his lips skimming her neck and fingers tangling in her own when he pins them to the side of her head. His tongue comes out to lick the skin above her pulse.
"Aah, Sasuke-kun."
"At the time, sex was the furthest thing from my mind Sakura."
She curves her body to him.
"Even if I thought of it then, I couldn't have possibly done it with another woman. Because you existed."
Then he releases her hands and towers over her, no hesitation in his actions as he pulls her panties down, revealing her sex to him. Her instincts should tell her to cover her body, but with the way her husband is staring at her, Sakura can't. And she couldn't take her eyes away. Not when he was still holding her gaze. Since she had already been eager moments before, his previous touch only served to awaken the heat in her body.
"But now, it's all I can think about."
He pumps himself for a second, staring into the depths of her soul. When he is hard and ready, he gathers her into his arms.
He smirks.
"I am always..."
He enters her in a thrust so powerful and hard that it sends sparks into the pits of her stomach. Fireworks set off in her core as she pulls him in, legs wrapping around his taut ass, gasps drowning out her unease when he continues his last sentence.
"I'm always looking to fuck my wife."
Her screams echo into the night as her husband proves to her over and over again that she alone held his heart.
Because Kami.
He just loves to fuck her brains out.
Author's Note:
Itai- Ouch
Gomen- Sorry
Not as detailed as the others. Hello! I disappeared for a while huh? Still not completely back yet. In fact, I might not be completely back because life is just you know. But I just want my readers to know that I really appreciate all your reviews. Don't worry, I am not abandoning my stories but I just don't have a schedule to always keep them updated. Still though, whenever this juices start flowing, I will type them out.
Oh my, I was the one misleading you guys. :). Anyway, I always wondered how such a discussion between Sasuke and Sakura would go with regards to any past relationships.
Rest of the Fic; Love & Roll
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thinkinboutkiribaku · 5 years
part I,
part II
"So, Bakugo-kun~~ my golden child, prodigy amongst my mistakes, missed you so much ; could you sign here, here and here. Use your cutest handwriting, it's gotta looks precious." Ashido blinked too much.
"The fuck are you talkin' about ?" Katsuki frowned his brows, expecting the sneakiest with her. "Wh-", when he noticed that what she had spread on the desk were shirtless picture taken (stolen) from their last sleepover ; his vein popped.
"Well, because I already accepted the money and sold these to the girls‎ ―that would be a fraud Bakugou. Ah! Did I forget to mention it ? " She bopped her finger playfully against Katsuki's nose, smiling. "Woopsie~~ ".  The sigh of her tongue sticking out aggravated his reaction so much. Only the affection-needy hold of Kaminari's arms around his shoulders prevented him from throwing fists.
"Whaaah, Bakubrooo, my man ! I missed you y'know ? Without you there's a never ending hole in the gang !" he exaggeratedly whined, holding onto tighter.
"He especially missed you 'cause he has no brain and you're the squad's brain ; Kaminari always goes dunce when you go."
"But I named you substitution brain."
"Dude !! You were out for a whole month, how do you expect me to weight the gang's dumb chaotic energy over my shoulders ?? For, I am only a mortal man," Sero opened his trembling hands in front of his face, surely prone to disastrous flashback. "Kaminari's a whole mess but even Kiri's started losing it these last few days ! Bro, please tell me you're staying for good this time !"
"He's stuck with us now, can't go back!" Kirishima leaped over Kaminari's shoulders, his weight forcing Katsuki to bend even more with his friend's burden.
"Bastards, you heavy shit-"
"The only way to get a man to stay, I see…" Sero mumbled, letting himself fall over him, alongside the others.
Following the vibes he's been giving off, Katsuki was never one to appreciate people's warmth permeating his precious personal space. But this didn't feel that much like intrusion, rather it felt just like coming home ; being enveloped by that kind of affection, he kinda missed it.
Still, Katsuki was never one to appreciate having his precious personal space ridiculed.
Thus he gave them extra time to savor and laugh their fucker's ass off before exploding and sending them flying. He was back after all, and that was how their dynamic always worked.
"So ? Finally regretting coming back ?"
"Definitely ! How can someone have that much stamina and shout non-stop for hours ? Mic-sensei ?? I can't !" Kaminari whined, spreading his arms all over his desk, empty paper sheets falling on the ground.
"I wasn't talking to you", Sero elbowed him. "And don't whine, you slept for half the hour, you coward."
"I kinda like Mic's lessons, they're easier to follow because of his voice. I don't get how you can sleep through it." Kirishima frowned.
"My sweet diligent child", Mina cuddled up behind the red hair, tightening her arms around his shoulders. "Always making mama proud."
"I thought Katsuki was your favorite child ?"
"He's too rebellious, I can't pamper him too much.", she tried ruffling Katsuki's hair, but even with his eyes closed he flicked her hand, "My best and yet worst creation... At least I can sell his ass whenever."
"Don't you dare bitc-!"
"Kirishima-kun, there's your twin waiting for you !" An extra classmate called from the door. She was next to a stranger that looked nothing special, waving dumbly from the corridor. Glaring at his face, he appeared as uninteresting and dim-witted as possible in Katsuki's eyes.
Yet, he noticed how eagerly Kirishima ran over towards that stranger fucker.
"Wait so we're all your children then ? And Sero's the daddy ? That's kinky."
"You're all my hard labor family and Sero wakes up from time to time to raise you…", she elbowed him. "Hey daddy~ pay more attention would you."
" Nopeee, I'm orphaning all of you asap now that Katsuki's back…" He whined, face against his desk." I'd still tap that though," he added with a smirk, soon joined with Mina's laugh and an elbow's soft poke.
"Eww, don't do that in front of me, i'm baby."
"Who's that fucker Kirishima just left us for," Katsuki paid no attention to his friends banters as his eyes were still fixated onto something ugly. Why was their stupid handshake that long. And why was Kirishima seeming to have fun in every part of it.
"Oh ! Right you didn't see that !"
"That dude's Kiri's lost twin, I'll tell you ! So we had PE against class B once and they got paired up and then― ! Hit it off like real bro ! Like, they both have that weird old school obsession with being manly and those old heroes movies references, hey― they even share their birthdate. I bet 5$ they're really long lost brother or something."
"Why only 5$ ?" Sero judged.
"Bro I'm broke. Anyway, since that time in PE they started hanging out together sometimes. "
"Kiri is so dazzling, he even get attention from outside our classroom. Sure is my favorite baby."
This shouldn't grip so hard, Kirishima had always been an affection magnet. Only a question of time before others got infatuated too. But Katsuki could feel an ugly emotion growling in his ribcage nonetheless. But he didn't come back for that shit.
"Katsuki ?"
"I'm going out for a bit, –-hungry."
"Hey, bring me something !"
"You can choke on this."
In need of some fresh air, Katsuki exited by the back door to wander in the corridor. Full of loud students packed together while he was walking alone. Fuckers were taking all the fresh air, Katsuki felt annoyed even more. He took a turn opposed to the cafeteria where students were usually attracted by, and hoped for some peace of mind at least.
Too bad,  going for the vending machine, he came onto Kirishima and his fake brother. They were exchanging money to buy each other stuff, and ―surprise― they craved the same candy. Acting on his reflex, Katsuki went back on his step, pressing his back against the opposite wall. It wasn't like he was hiding (of course not). He just didn't want to see the disgusting scene of Kirishima having so much fun with someone else.
He didn't go away immediately though. For some reason, their (really loud) conversation halted him.
"He was a giant, I swear I could see my life flash before my eyes !" the guy used mimics that made Kirishima laugh and Katsuki scowl harder. "I really thought we were done for."
"That sound really exciting though, feeling a life or death situation kinda !"
"It's all about that adrenaline rush."
"Sounds manly !"
"You should really join the team, it'd be fun. We'd make the perfect duo, just like in PE !" the fucker bumped shoulders with Kirishima, and what had been weighing down in Katsuki's stomach burned at the mention duo.
For he had no way to convey this ugly grip around his ribcage that was sinking deeper and deeper, all Katsuki did was kick the wall before leaving with angry steps.
He was feeling sick now.
Awoken for a little while now, thanks to the light rain tapping on the window, Katsuki still didn't felt like moving. He already felt pretty lame for actually skipping classes to rest in the infirmary, but that … feeling back there, had been too much.
Now that he was all alone with his thoughts and the reminiscence of these feelings, he had a hard time fighting them from resurfacing. Of course Kirishima was going to be loved by other and that he would make new friends ; he wasn't the best friend of the infamous Bakugou Katsuki for nothing. Katsuki knew all that, but still…
It wouldn't hurt that much if his feeling weren't going overboard for him. They'd been friends since they were five and nothing could ever come between them on <i>that</i> level, that was promise. And right now they were surely the shiniest thing in each other eyes… But feeling like these made Katsuki apprehend the day someone would dazzle Kirishima's heart away. He knew he was the shit, but nobody could control their feeling…
He would know.
And as the rain was hitting lighter and lighter, announcing he could soon leave school dry, Katsuki decided to leave those feeling behind as well. It felt bittersweet as hell but there was nothing he could do about them in that state. He'll think of a plan after having tasted something, because after sleeping for 3 hours straight he felt damn hungry.
Thinking about what he could get on the way home, Katsuki turned in the infirmary bed, and to his surprise― came facing a red hair, siting roughly on a chair opposed to the bed, gaze consumed by his phone.
He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel at the very least happy Kirishima knew where he was and waited for him, even though school might have ended since a little while now. But that was bittersweet feeling as well, because now he was reminded how precious Kirishima was and how other people might be entranced by it too. Katsuki responded to that by watching how the sun, resurfacing from the clouds, reflected its light other Kirishima's crimson face. It became even more mesmerizing when Kirishima raised his head, offering a cute smile.
"You came back to play hooky huh…"
"Shut up", Katsuki grumbled as he put himself in seating position. "You.. Did classes end long time ago ?"
"Around half an  hour… And for your notice, I was planning on waking you up in another 15 minutes or so ! Don't think I'd forget you.", his last word hitting Katsuki's heart smoother than he could know.
"Don't think I'd forget you" came clashing right against the awful "We'd make the perfect duo" line from earlier. Katsuki turned his face towards the window just next to his, and as he expected, he could see the club training in the schoolyard.
"Hey… are you going to join a club ?"
"Huh ? Why you ask ?"
"Cause you seem the type that would like that type of shit."
"It does seems nice and all, but it goes on for hours right after school… I don't really like coming home late and… I wouldn't be able to go home with you. Or to go see you on set !"
Katsuki could feel through his skin that his cheeks were slowly blushing. That was so stupid and of course Kirishima would say something like that, but damn it felt good. Especially right now… Katsuki needed indulgence.
"I don't need you coming though… Can go home on my own.", he grumbled, reaching.
"I know that," Kirishima smiled, and the vision of the sun reflecting golden hour over his face made the air around Katsuki feel sweeter and his heart beating.
In front of such feeling, he needed a moment ; thus he put his face against his knee for a while, brutally inhaling whatever. When he dropped a bit from his airy feeling, he still felt high somewhat.
"Hey, let's go, to that taco place you talked about… Or whatever, I'm fucking hungry, shit."
part I, part III
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seeyacowboy · 5 years
Blood of a todoroki
Fem! Reader x dabi ou.
Tiny angst in this chapter. Little bit of loving.
Chapter 4-
Dabi’s pov
It took a lot of convincing to make y/n put out the blue flames and to not go on a rampage. I stayed with her the whole night waking up to her small frame snuggled into my chest and my arms wrapped around her. The burns moved to the nape of her neck all the way to her elbows. ‘I wish I never gave her my blood that day. I wish she wasn’t here right now getting involved with all this low life shit. God she deserves so much more than this life.’ Thinking to myself. Her voice interrupted my thoughts with a “can you stop staring at me,please? I mean I know I’m fine but damn.” Her eyes were still closed so I was caught off guard. I felt the need to immediately press her with questions just to tick her off.
“You can’t inactivate a quirk you already have? The fuck is that, kid?”
“Hey, we all have our flaws, ya know.”
“No really you could have fucking burnt the place down. It’s bad enough you and I look like bacon but you want to attract attention to the hide out too?”
She though hard for a response, I could see the wheels spinning.
Before she rolled over to her side looking away from me she sleepily mumbled out. “You’re right. It’s hard enough for you and everyone else around here to get a date why should I make it more difficult?”
“You’re real fucking funny ya know that?”
I said as I got off the bed and put my shirt back on making sure I look unamused as possible. Throughing a sweatshirt that was laying on the floor at her face telling y/n “get up we got shit to do”
“Five more minutes ,mom. Im having a really good dream.”
“Fuck five minutes. The names dabi. Did you suffer from memory loss too?”
“I don’t know what anything is, you’re just a voice in my head. Can you turn on the lights please it’s to dark in here.”
“Open your eyes then you asshat.” I huffed out a little chuckle because this chick is being RIDICULOUS. With that her eyes shot open but turned into my same unamused form just adding a little smile
“Much better” is all she said before doing a big stretch. I went to turn around to walk out the door, but she said something.
“Before you go could you possibly...rub some cream on these new burns? I really don’t want them to blister.”
I stayed quiet for a moment before I went into the bathroom to find some burn relief which she kept a lot of. When I came back out she was sitting out on the bed with her back facing me shirtless. I pretended like it didn’t effect me even though my eyes went over ever inch of her bare skin. Not because it was burned but because it still looked so soft and gorgeous. She is still gorgeous. I got down on my knees before the bed so we are the same height.
“I’m warning you this isn’t going to be fun.”
“I know.” Y/n whispered. I could sense that she was scared and putting herself into a vulnerable spot. Slowing putting the cream on her shoulder one after the other trying to concentrate through her wincing and slight twitching. I made long strokes down her arms making sure to cover ever inch.
It made me remember a time I had completely forgotten about.
‘ “touya, will you help me practice that tornado fire swirl thing you do? I really wanna get better at it.” She looked up at me with her big (y/e/c) eyes that her bangs just lightly reached. Humming to myself for a moment before I agreed, but when she turned around i saw the purple burn on her neck that was very similar to the one I had on my back. I grabbed her by the shoulder causing her to stop.
“What’s wrong, touya-kun?” A worried face looking into mine.
“My quirk is hurting you.”
“What are you talking about silly! No it’s not I just practiced to hard yesterday that’s all”
“Stop it, y/n. I don’t like when you lie.”
Her lip quivered before answering.
“Okay so maybe it does give me a little burn here and there. What does it matter it’s my best quirk.”
“Find a new one. I’m not practicing with you until you find a new and better one that doesn’t hurt you like this.”
“But touya I... love this quirk.. it’s my best one and I’m getting so good at it.”
I got in her face a little to close for her comfort.
“I do not care. It’s making you ugly.”
Her eyes immediately started to well up.
I turned around swiftly and headed toward my room. I was angry I made her cry and I was angry I couldn’t take my harsh words back. Before my hand reached my door I heard her soft voice say “ you know, touya, I’d love you no matter what scares.”
I didn’t respond. I couldn’t respond. I just ignored her and a week later that’s when I ran away.’
Losing myself in rubbing the ointment into her small arms I pressed myself against her back and wrapped my arms around her waist. Taking a deep breathe after feeling her tense up. “Do you still love me with my scars?” I whisper to let her know I was in my own head. She reply’s in seconds.
“I love you with all your scars. I never stopped loving you.”
I press a kiss to the side of her neck feeling her back fall into my chest relaxingly. Hearing a sigh fall from her lips I move my way down across her shoulder letting my hands wondering up her stomach. I lazily drag my finger tips under neath her breasts before her hands get on top of my and grab them roughly. Palming them at a good pace I bite the spot on between her shoulder and neck letting her moans be music to my ears all before there’s a bang on the door. A breathy “Yes” comes from y/n mouth.
“Come on love birds we have work to do.”
I rested my head against her shoulder and exhaled deeply. She turned around and hand my face between her hands kissing me. “Until next time” she promised.
We get ourselves all situated and head out toward the bar walking side by side.
Everyone is staring at us like we each have a third head.
“What are you all looking at.”
Everyone went about their business, besides Shigaraki. He struts his way over to y/n and looks at her in the eyes intensely.
“This better not compromise anything. Because if if you go down he’s going with you. If you die his dead too and vice versa. “I will prove to you that you have something to worry about. I’m a safe bet.” Her eyes never lingered and she stood her ground.
“Oh I know you’ll prove it to me” The shaggy gray haired man started pacing around her. Unknowingly my eyes were following his every moment to make sure he did not get to close.
“I’m giving you a undercover mission tonight and you’ll have to do it by yourself. All you’ll have is an ear piece.” He finished.
“Give me a time ,place and back-ground story. I’ll be there.”
“Hm. You’re awfully brave. I hope you stand this tall when you’re attending the hero and police ball tonight at the town hall.”
‘I knew I couldn’t give her back up even if I wanted to. She will be surrounded by 100 plus hero’s and they’d know my face clear as day. Especially if thoughts au brats are there. I can only watch from afar and help her escape if need be.’
“Well, you’d be right to pick me for this since I am connected to both sides of hero’s and villains. I’d be the last person they’d suspect.”
“Let’s hope that’s true.” Shigaraki smirked with evilness.
Authors notes: thank you to whoever reads this story/chapters. I do have the other chapters on my main blog @theliqourstoreclerk . I’ll be making sure to hashtag all the chapters under #bloodofatodoroki next chapter is going to be pretty interesting to say the least.
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thisisthe-way · 6 years
“What do you think of this?”
Bakugou looked up from his phone when Uraraka stepped out of the fitting room, and raised an eyebrow at the sleek red bridesmaid dress she had on. “You look cute, kao.”
“I guess. Red has never been one of my favorite colors. It’s very harsh. I’d much rather it be—“
“Pink?” Bakugou offered, smirking as he turned his eyes back to his phone.
“Shut up.” Uraraka sighed. “But since it’s for Yaomomo’s wedding and she asked me to be in it, I can’t just say no.”
“You look fine, babe,” Bakugou mumbled, eyes trained on his phone. “Can we go now?”
Uraraka glared at her boyfriend, who had offered to go with her when she said she was going to the dress shop to try on the bridesmaid dress for the first time. Ever since the incident with his arms, he was trying to do more things he normally wouldn’t. She was sure a small, insecure part of him was worrying that she would leave him if he didn’t.
That just wasn’t the case. She just couldn’t sit idly by anymore if he was going to keep putting himself in situations that could get him severely hurt or killed. They were heroes, but that didn’t mean they had to be foolish about their hero work.
“You’re the one who wanted to come,” she said, looking at him with gentle eyes. “Katsuki, you know I’m not going to leave you, right?”
Bakugou’s eyes snapped up from his phone again, and he frowned, chewing on the inside of his cheek before he stepped toward her. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry I upset you the other night. I was just....very worried about you. Even if we were to take a break, it wouldn’t be forever,” she whispered, sliding her arms around his middle and looking up at him. “I could never spend forever without you.”
He smirked down at her. “It’s because I’m such a catch.”
“Yeah, we’ll go with that,” Uraraka replied with a matching smirk. “I just thought you needed some tough love in order to stop being so stubborn. And don’t you dare tell me you’re not stubborn.”
Bakugou shrugged and resting his hands on her back, just above the curve of her beautiful backside. “Who’s denying it? I’m fuckin’ not.”
She laughed and pressed her cheek against his hard chest, smiling. “I’m glad you came after me, that night. I—I was wondering if you would.”
“Well, maybe I figured out that life is a little bit better with someone like you standing next to me,” he mumbled, resting his chin atop her head.
“I’ve seen you think through so many strong, intelligent plans of attack. But it just seems like whenever Deku-kun is part of the equation...”
“Okay, I get it,” he spat, and then sighed. “I’m workin’ on it.”
“I know. But you didn’t need to come with me today to prove that.” She smiled up at him. “I’m really not going anywhere. I love you.”
He buried his face deeper into her hair, laying a rough kiss on the part, before mumbling, “Love you, too.”
“Anyway, let me take this off and we can go get lunch,” she said, and then stepped back into the fitting room. He approached the door and smirked a little.
“Can I watch?” He teased.
Her head peeked out, an eyebrow raised. “Go sit back down or I’ll make you float so fast...”
“Kuso, not fair, you’ve seen me with my shirt off,” he pouted as he sulked back to the little couch the store had set up for fittings. He plopped down and waited for her to change.
They were walking through the streets of Tokyo, bellies full from lunch, and both now enjoying an ice cream cone. Uraraka was talking about how impatiently she was waiting for calls back from the agencies she had interviewed with, her arm wrapped around her boyfriend’s waist as they walked.
Bakugou, standing on the street side of the sidewalk, was glancing over her head into all of the store windows as they walked, trying to listen intently, his free arm draped around her shoulders. He could hear the click of cameras, and he knew that there were reporters around.
“It’s dangerous. Everyone in the world suddenly knows your biggest weakness. That thing now comes out into the light with a giant red bullseye on its back.”
He remembered Todoroki’s words from back then, but he just didn’t care. Was that also being reckless?
He shook the thoughts away, and shiftied so his hand was wrapped securely around Uraraka’s shoulder, kissing her temple as she talked, before his eyes returned to the store windows.
He paused, suddenly, in his stride, when he saw something in one of the windows that interested him. Uraraka’s gaze followed his, and her forehead dressed in a deep; curious ‘v’ as he strode away from her and into the store, dumping his barely eaten cone in a trash can next to the entrance. “Katsuki?”
She followed, still clutching her ice cream, and she watched little sparks appear on his hands, before he rubbed them together and wiped them on his pants to get rid of any sticky residue left over.
Then, he sat down behind the thing he was so curious about: a large drum kit. He looked around, and then pointed to a rack of what he needed. “Hand me those sticks.”
Uraraka blinked and turned to find the rack behind her, picking up two drumsticks and handing them to him.
He took them, and immediately, began to play the kit as if he’d been doing it all his life, matching the rhythm to the clear beat in his head, his arms, hands and foot on the pedal moving in perfect synchronization. His eyebrows curled in concentration, his hands moving, crossing and uncrossing. His still healing muscles ached a little at the movements but he was so entranced he barely noticed.
Uraraka watched him, mouth slightly agape at the sight, ice cream now melting down her hand. He was really good.
“Katsu...I didn’t know you could—“ she tried to say over the loud beats, but pressed her lips together when she realized he wasn’t finished yet.
When he finally finished, he grinned up at her. “How was that?”
“I didn’t know you played the drums.”
He snorted and shrugged. “I took classes as a kid. You don’t remember me playing during the Cultural festival in school?” He stood up, putting the drum sticks back.
“I guess not,” she said, and noticed that his grin hadn’t dissipated. “...you really like playing, huh?”
“Tch,” he shrugged. “Sure, I guess. But who has time for shit like that in our lives? I just haven’t sat behind a kit in a while.” He massaged his slightly aching arms and smirked at her. “Come on, let’s go.”
A few days later, Bakugou returned from grocery shopping, arms loaded down with bags as he fought and cursed at his doorknob, trying to unlock it even though he was the stubborn idiot who’d decided he didn’t want to make two trips for his grocery bags.
When he finally got the door open, he paused immediately and nearly dropped the bags when he saw Uraraka standing there, arms flung high, shouting, “Surprise!” as she stood next to the drum kit from the other day.
“Uh...” He said, a little dumbfounded as he dropped his grocery bags on the couch and stepped toward her. “Kao, What—What the hell?”
“Oh...do you not like it?” She said, pressing her knuckles to her chin, her face a caste of worry. “You seemed so excited about them the other day...”
“Sure but...Ochako, I mean it’s real fuckin’ sweet but I know you can’t afford this,” he said with a frown, scratching the back of his blonde head. Maybe he wasn’t the only one who acted without thinking sometimes.
“Huh? Oh! Right,” she said, perking up. “It’s a congratulations gift!”
“For what? Nothing changed,” he said, tilting his head in confusion.
“From me and for me,” Uraraka said, and held out her phone, showing an email from one of the agencies she’d interviewed with. “Gunhead-san has been following my work as a freelance hero. He says he’s noticed I’ve been working and improving on the things he taught me first year, and he’d be glad to have someone who works both as an offensive and support hero on his team. I got a job, Katsu!”
Bakugou felt his heart clench a little, and she was the only one who could do it to him. She had gotten a job and instead of going out and buying something for herself to celebrate, she bought him something he really wanted. God, he fuckin’ loved this girl.
“Plus,” she said, touching her cheek with her index finger and glancing up thoughtfully. “I can’t deny, you looked really, really hot playing the drums the other day. Maybe you should do it shirtless someday.” She grinned at him.
He smirked and placed his hands on his hips. “Only if you let me watch you change.”
“Aw,” she said with a sweet smile, touching his cheek. “Not a chance. Gotta leave something to the imagination for now, anata. Besides, most of the girls in class 1A have seen you shirtless at this point. So how is it even special for me? But this would be.”
“Kch,” he began, gritting his teeth. But she wasn’t wrong. He sighed and rolled his eyes, smiling st her a little. “Fine. You win. For now.”
“Katsuki,” she said, and pressed a firm kiss to his cheek. “I’m always going to win.” She giggled and sat behind the kit herself, banging coarsely on the set.
He winced a little at the sound and moved to her, sliding behind her to show her how.
She was right. When it came to her, he was a big ol’ pushover. But if anyone was allowed to one-up him, it was his girl.
Only his girl.
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shikastemari · 6 years
advantage - b&s.
pairing boruto uzumaki x sarada uchiha
characters uzumaki family; uchiha family and konohamaru
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word count 3,331
when it happens they’re 18 here
warnings hints of smut
a/n guess who is finally done with exams! 
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“My money is on her.” Naruto proudly stated, crossing his arms across his chest and raising his left eyebrow to his best friend standing next to him.
“If it was a normal fight, she'd definitely have the advantage, but it is taijutsu we are talking about. Boruto had improved so much, even Lee complimented him.” Sasuke pointed out, his eyes locked on his daughter. She reminded him so much of Itachi, gentle when he needed to be but certainly lethal.
“I hate you both.” A voice came from behind them, and Sasuke turned to see his wife, clearly mad for not being listen. “This is not gonna end well.”
“Sakura is totally right. You two are stupid.” Hinata told them, her eyes following her father, standing between her son and Sarada.
“Hinata, it is healthy for them to compete. Look at me and Sasuke, for example, we were rivals our entire life and here we are.” Naruto pointed out, an arm crossing around his wife’s shoulders.
“Yeah, you just forget to mention about the part where you two almost killed each other.” Sakura hissed at them.
“Boruto is not going to kill his girlfriend.” Sasuke retorted.
“Sarada is not, oh well, I hope she doesn't kill him.” Naruto frowned.
“This is not a good idea.” Konohamaru said next to Naruto, his heart pounding like crazy inside his chest.
“Konohamaru-kun, please.” Hanabi elbowed him. “Not you too.”
“It will be quick, Boruto won't even see what hit him.” Naruto stated with a shrug.
“Right, because you training my daughter to sign papers is going to help her to improve her taijutsu.” Sasuke rolled his eyes at his best friend.
“I taught her how to use anything to her advantage. He doesn't stand a chance.” Naruto firmly provoke and Hinata shot him a nasty glance.
“You don't even know how to do it for yourself, Naruto. Imagine teaching my daughter such thing.”
“Wait and see, teme.” Naruto gave him the thumbs up.
“This is not about my students, this is about you two trying to see who is the best master. Honestly, you are way worse than those two.” Konohamaru raised his voice, trying to get some authority in the matter, but Hanabi only raised an eyebrow at him while Naruto and Sasuke kept bickering each other about their pupils.
“Shut up, it is about to start.” Hanabi said, excited.
“The rules are: just taijutsu. No genjutsu, or any kind of jutsu. No sharingan. No karma. Just use your bodies.” Hiashi Hyuuga informed them, slowly.
Sarada's eyes were locked on her favorite pair of eyes in front of her. Boruto had that kind of shit-eating grin plastered on his face and she was eager to wipe it.
“No hard feelings.” She stated to her boyfriend.
“Yeah, I don't know about the hard part though.” He raised an eyebrow, making her roll her eyes at him.
“Start.” Hiashi flagged and then, everything became faster.
Both of them didn't waist anytime by waiting the other to attack, but at the first time, Boruto was faster. He dodged a punch of hers, it passed so close to his cheek and quickly went for her back, grabbing her for behind. One single moment that Boruto took the opportunity to breath was all Sarada needed to bring her arm up and knock his arm as hard as she could, and that in Sarada's monster strength, was a lot.
He stepped back, holding his arm and shaking to be sure she hadn't broken it.
“Not kidding, right?” He shot at her.
“Baby, I am just getting warm up.” She smiled and advanced again, punching him again and almost hitting him, but just as he was waiting for her, the blond didn't even wait before grabbing her arm with both of his hands and turning around so he could twist it in a painful angle. Sarada's jaw clenched in agony and their families in the room watched in the room in complete awe, at a loss of words.
“Sarada, move.” Sasuke shouted from somewhere and it distracted Boruto long enough to Sarada manage to lose herself from his grip and adjust her foot so she could kick behind his knees, making him fall against the floor.
Now, Sarada had both of his arms behind him, holding it tight. The way she was holding them it made impossible for Boruto to escape, and he was so close to open his mouth to give up, when his eyes met his father's and his old man did nothing but shook his head.
But Boruto knew that he was actually telling him not to give up.
“So?” Sarada was already smiling in victory, even though he couldn't see it.
“Didn't you master teach you not to sing about victory before you actually won?” Boruto answered back, panting.
Sarada was so worried with his arms, she forgot to lock his legs either. With a sweep kick, Sarada fell against the ground while Boruto prepared a punch, hitting her shoulder hard.
The girl held her shoulder and whined, her eyes closed in pain. Boruto felt his heart stop beating as he rushed to help his girlfriend. By the corner of his eyes, he saw Sakura moving in their direction, but Sasuke stopped her with his arm.
Boruto wanted to scream at his master for not letting Sakura go ahead and cure Sarada, when he felt a punch on his stomach, knocking all the air out of his lungs. Boruto flew a few meters away and he found himself promptly on the ground on his back.
He didn't move, just lying there. His heart was still heavy from thinking he had actually hurt Sarada. The girl came over next to him and extended her hand to her boyfriend.
“Sorry about the little act from before. No hard feelings, right?” She grinned at him, but it vanished from her face once Boruto literally slapped her hand away, standing up and leaving everyone behind.
“Boruto!” Sarada screamed, but he didn't look at her, already closing the door of the training room.
“See? That was what I meant!” Sakura punched her husband on his shoulder, a little stronger than usual, but Sasuke just frowned.
“Did you teach my daughter how to lie?”
“No, I taught her to use things in her advantage. I told her Boruto would stop if he thought he had hurt her.” Naruto said, but there was an uncertain on his voice that wasn't there before. “Do you think I did the wrong thing?” He questioned his best friend, but Sakura and Hinata were glancing kunais over both of them.
“No, actually. He has to understand some things are not fair in this world, sadly. It was a good teaching moment for him.” Sasuke stretched his arm to squeeze Naruto's shoulder, calming him down.
Their wives just look at the scene, almost ready to beat the crap out of their husbands when Himawari called everyone to dinner. Sarada just shook her head and left, following the same direction Boruto had just done.
“Should we go after them?” Sakura questioned, insecure.
“No. They are going to figure it out.” Sasuke said with a gentle smile on his lips.
“If they break up, I am killing you two.” Hinata whispered, her eyes still looking where Boruto had just left
“Let’s go!” Himawari called them one more time.
Once he reached his room, Boruto pulled out his shirt and tossed it somewhere in the room in frustration. He bit his lower lip, trying to calm himself down when the door opened, and he didn’t even need to look to know who it was.
“Boruto…” Sarada entered the room, finding him in the dark and closing the door behind her. She could still spot his blond hair, weak against the few moonlight beams coming from the window. “I am sorry.”
But he still didn’t look at her, neither said anything.
“If I knew you were going to act like that, I wouldn’t have won.” She spilled to the darkness, trying to get any reaction from him.
“Are you even serious right now?” Boruto blurted out, his voice surprised her, especially because he was so close and she didn’t realize it. “Do you really think I am mad because you won? I couldn’t care less about it, Sarada. I am mad because you made me think I had hurt you! For one second, did you stop to wonder how does that made me feel? Like I actually hurt the most important thing in the world to me.”
He leaned forward so that he was resting one palm on the wall beside her head, his body hunched slightly so he could tower over her. Sarada suddenly felt unexpectedly small and vulnerable.
Sarada glanced up with shimmering black eyes that nearly glow themselves in the darkness. Hearing those words hurt her as much as she hurt him. “Boruto, I am not some porcelain doll. I won’t break easily. We always trained together, baby. You know how it goes, sometimes things happen. It’s not your fault.”
Sarada wrapped her arms around his shirtless middle, pulling him closer.
“I just can’t bear the thought of hurting you.” Boruto whispered on her ear, making her whole body shiver in response.
“You might. I lost count how many times I have look down at my legs and saw a purple bruise on my skin. It happens and it’s okay to happen. We need to be prepared to be the best and to fight against the best too. Don’t martyrize yourself for that. Okay?”
She tiptoed to capture his lips into a soft kiss, as Boruto felt the last drop of anger inside him vanish completely by her taste. The kiss began chaste. Naturally her lashes drifted to a close, allowing herself to be enveloped at their kiss. He sighed, trailing his tongue across her lips and easing into her mouth.
Then, they parted. “Okay?” She repeated herself, feeling her cheeks heat up, passion pouring not only her lips, but spreading a velvet warmth down her body.
“What would I do without you?” He caressed her cheek with his thumb, his eyes softening.
“I don’t know. Maybe train a little harder.” She teased, giggling. Her hands slid up his chest to wrap around his neck.
His skin was shining due the sweat from the fight before, but Sarada didn’t mind, it only helped to illuminate his deadly handsome smirk. “Idiot.” He muttered as he cupped both sides of her face, initiating a deep kiss.
Boruto’s hands found their war to her hips as she embraced his neck. Their moves were more in sync than the fight before and she wrapped his waist with her legs as he lifted her, decreasing the distance between their faces. Sarada removed her lips from his and let out a soft gasp onto his lips after the motion, her mouth kept latching onto his neck, very easily finding the sweetest spot, sucking hard and blowing her cold breath every time she came up for air.
He pressed her against the nearest wall, his head throwing back as he bit his lower lip to contain a moan that for sure would be loud as hell. Sarada sucked graciously as her hands travelled his chest, contouring his muscles with her nails and she could feel his whole body shivering at her touch. His cheeks blushed furiously as he noticed how hard her effect on him was, the need to hide his face was strong, but he didn’t move a muscle because Sarada’s plump lips were sucking glorious hickeys in his collar bones. He didn’t even care that he was going to have to explain the marks to anyone who saw them, he just loved the non-vocal communication that he belonged to her.
His hands were now moving up and down her thighs and Boruto couldn’t push the thought away that she knew exactly what to do to drive him crazy. With her mouth coming back to his, lips moving in perfect rhythm and actions matching after so much practice, she tugged on his hair, needing him closer to her. Boruto’s hand were now roaming up her sides, her skin blazing under his touch, small noises leaving her lips.
Suddenly, the realization someone could walk through that door at any moment became too real for Boruto. Both of their families were there and they could catch the two of them. He was too afraid of that particular scenario where Sasuke found them. Immediately, he pulled from her lips. “I can’t believe I’m saying it, but we shouldn’t.”
“Right.” Then she bit on his lower lip softly, tugging it back and tearing him from his thoughts. His hands slipped around, gripping her ass and bringing her closer to him. She rolled her hips into his, both of them letting out soft moans at the gentle friction. One particular moan that left Sarada’s mouth was way too loud for their own good and Boruto put her down on the ground, jerking back.
“Please, don’t tempt me. I’m serious. We’re at the Hyuuga compound, Sarada. Literally everyone here has a kekkei genkai. Including your father and my mother on the next room.” He pointed out, taking a step back to put some distance between them and he couldn’t even acknowledge at himself how hard it was.
“So?” Sarada took a step forward, and Boruto couldn’t do much except for swallowing hard.
“What do you mean so? So, I love my life and I don’t wanna die.” Boruto stretched his arm as he put a hand on her chest to keep her from decrease the distance, but he noticed it was a wrong move a little too late, when she grabbed his hand and made it travel her body. One he was very familiar with.
He took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes at her.
“Fiiiiiine.” She mouthed, crossing her arms across her chest, but the lust didn’t leave her semblance.
“Thank you.” He muttered back, sighing deeply as he watched her move directly to the door.
Once she realized he wasn’t following her, she hesitated and glanced over her shoulder. “Aren’t you coming?”
“Yes, but I need some time.” Boruto grabbed back his shirt and put it on.
“Oh.” Sarada felt the heat flushing over her entire face, trying to keep her stare to eye level but she couldn’t help to look quickly to his pants.
“Yes.” He repeated himself as he sat on the bed, which only made things worse since the budge on his pants became very noticeable.
“I will wait.” She said, leaning back on the wall.
Boruto frowned. “You’re the cause of it, Sarada.” The giggle that left her lips filled the room as he stood up, walking around the room in circles, flexing his legs muscles.
“What are you doing?” She frowned.
“Trying to send blood to my legs as I walk, it has to come from somewhere.” He explained, stopping when he felt dizzy.
“Can’t you think about something else?” Sarada suggested, holding his arm to help him regain balance.
“I’m trying, but the scene of you grinding on me is way too vivid to ignore. It won’t leave my head.” He poked her nose, making her scrunch in the process.
“At least, this is something girls don’t have to deal with. You can look at me and you wouldn’t imagine how turn on I am right now.” She pointed out as Boruto jolted over her, his eyes narrowing as he blushed at her words.
“Sarada.” Boruto hissed at her direction. “Not. Helping.”
“Fine, I’ll meet you there.” Things would’ve been better if Boruto didn’t catch the look of rapture look on her face, she was completely checking him out and he felt his blood pooling in a southerly direction once again.
He thought he was going to explode right there. His tone was husky when he opened his mouth. “Actually, my parents are here, my sister too, that means my house is empty.” The suggestion was implied on the sentence.
Sarada couldn’t hold back a smile playing on her lips. “That sounds like a plan.”
His finger came up to swipe at her bottom lip, as the door slid open, reveling two pair of blue eyes sparkling against the dark.
“Nii-chan, Sarada-chan. Glad to see you both are good. Mom and Aunt Sakura send me here to make sure you guys weren’t killing each other.” Himawari said, as Boruto and Sarada startled. Using his girlfriend as a shield to his erection, Boruto pulled her in front of him and wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder, placing a soft kiss to the side of her neck.
Sarada just bit her lower lip when he felt something pressing hard against her.
“I wouldn’t use the world kill-ouch Sarada.” He started, but Sarada elbowed him, shooting him a nasty glance.
“I hope there’s still food on the table, Hima.” Her voice tone was so normal, it didn’t even seem she was speaking dirty to him like five minutes ago.
“Let’s go.” Boruto let Sarada walk on the front with his sister next to her. He caught her looking over her shoulder a few times, and even though Boruto didn’t quite know the reason, he still blushed anyway.
Once they reached the room where all the families were gathered, Boruto didn’t think he could actually run so fast to finally seat. Sitting next to him, Sarada put a hand on her mouth to contain a laugh.
His father was in front of him, with Sasuke right beside him. Sakura was placed next to her husband as Hinata. Konohamaru and Hanabi was sitting at the same side of them, but Sarada was between the two of them and Boruto. He was good. Well, at least, for that moment.
Of course, the whole motion of the both of them didn’t go unnoticed to anyone on the table.
Especially Sasuke.
“Boruto, what’s that on your neck?” Sasuke’s eyes pierced his soul and Boruto felt like throwing up right on his father. He hadn’t checked his neck before leaving the room, but he could still remember perfect a pair of soft lips on his skin.
“I fell.” Boruto lied, avoiding to look at anyone in particular.
“On someone’s mouth?” Naruto questioned, his eyes widened in shock as Sasuke’s eyes darted to his daughter, who was staring in surprise at her boyfriend’s neck.
Her eyes met a pair exactly like hers. “What? He was mad at me. I had to use things in my advantage.”
“Sarada…” Naruto and Boruto warned at the same time, as Sakura laughter filled the room. Boruto thought that phrase itself was his death sentence and he got a little relief when he saw his father-in-law was focused on his father with the most threatening glance he had ever seen.
Boruto was sure if it was for him, he’d have died just by his looks.
“Please, Sasuke. Last time you two fought you two drained an entire river, maybe not fighting inside my house.” Hinata stated, amusement laced on her tone as Hanabi was doing her best not to smile. Konohamaru, on the other hand, had lost the battle and was smiling widely at his students, shocked at how cheeky both were. Himawari was the only one flustered on the table, looking directly at her food.
“Oi.” Sarada whispered at him, looking around to make sure no one heard her, but everyone was focused at Sasuke’s screams at Naruto, saying something about he never letting him teach his daughter a thing. “At least, it’s down.” She blinked, glancing rapidly over his lap and over to his face again as he shook his head.
He didn’t verbalize the motive to her, but somehow, he was aware she knew. After seeing the way Sasuke looked over his father, he doubted it would ever be up again.
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scarletraven1001 · 6 years
06 - “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
Summary: Videl had been dating Gohan for years, and she was more than ready to take their relationship further. However, she was running out of patience waiting for him to make the first move. She realizes that if she wanted things to move along, she was gonna have to just tell him. Or better yet, show him.
A HanVi (Gohan x Videl) one-shot for prompt #06 on this post, for @hannabelllecter
Chapter Warning: Raunchy themes, mentions of sex and nudity; Fluff.
Also on Ao3.
Note: This is my first attempt at writing for a DB pairing other than Vegebul, so I am both excited and nervous! I have always loved Gohan x Videl though, so I hope you all like this!
Videl knew, with one hundred and ten percent certainty, that she loved Gohan.
She was also absolutely certain that Gohan loved her back.
The one thing that puzzled her though, was…
Why, oh Kami, why, had he never tried to get her to sleep with him?
Didn’t he want to? Was it even normal for a young man of twenty to not have his mind in the gutter?
Because Kami in heaven, her mind had been mired in there for months.
They had been dating since high school.
Three. Damn. Years.
And she was getting impatient...
She was only human, dammit!
What human woman with eyes and a functional reproductive system wouldn’t want to get a piece of Gohan?
He was perfection in the flesh!
With his soft dark hair in a naturally messy wave, and pitch black eyes that could drown her in their depth and unbelievable gentleness…
His obscenely sharp jaw that bordered plump lips… his powerful, yet tender hands, and a graceful body seemingly sculpted by no less than the highest gods themselves.
And incredibly enough, even beyond his physicality, there was Gohan’s beautiful soul, his bravery and strength, the intensity of which were beaten only by his profound intellect.
She would hazard to say that Gohan was the perfect man –
“Videl-san?” the so-called perfect man asked as they flew lazily across the sky, heading home from university. He peered worriedly into her face as he noted her flushed cheeks. “Are you alright?”
She nodded resolutely, looking away from him in an effort to hide her still darkening cheeks.
“Are you sure?” he asked, brows knitting in concern. “You’re flushed! You looked like this too, while we were in your backyard yesterday.”
While they were in her backyard and the damn clueless hunk of delicious man was shirtless and dripping wet, and she was treated to the incredible view of those enviable drops of water gliding slowly down his skin, his wide, muscular chest glistening in the sun, lips parted as he heaved himself out of the deep end of the swimming pool…
She had been wearing her sexiest possible bikini, hoping for a reaction from him, and all she got was, “Wow, Videl-san, your arm muscles are so firm! Did you change something in your gym routine?”
… Alright, so perhaps Gohan wasn’t so perfect.
When it came to anything remotely sexual, all advances were utterly lost on him.
She was wrenched from her thoughts when she felt him grasp her hand, pulling her with him, as he slowly flew them towards the ground.
He dropped them both down, and he stood before her, a frown marring his handsome face as he tried to assess her for any sort of physical damage.
“Gohan-kun, I’m fine,” she assured him, smiling lightly to calm him.
He was quite paranoid about her safety, and she knew that this stemmed from his unconventionally difficult childhood and all the death that he had witnessed while growing up.
His trauma, usually left unmentioned, had made him a staunch pacifist. Though he was surrounded by fighters, Gohan stayed a steady, secure person who tried hard to resolve conflicts with his brain rather than his brawn.
It was his looks and power that attracted her to him.
It was his kindness and unfailing spirit that made her stay.
“You’re absolutely sure, Videl-San?” he asked again. “I noticed you getting a lot more flushed than usual when we’re sparring or studying at home. If you’ve been having hot flashes or anything of the sort, you need to tell me. I can get you a Senzu if you’re feeling sick.”
…It was his astounding cluelessness that made her shake her head.
“I told you, I’m fine,” she answered with a roll of her eyes. “Stop worrying. Let’s just head back home. I still need to pick your brains for my Physics exam.”
His sudden, gentle smile caught her unprepared, and she gaped openly at him as he leaned forward and gathered her in a warm hug, his hands resting comfortingly on her lower back as he tucked her close.
His chin dropped down onto the top of her head, and she felt him sigh against her, his chest rising and falling smoothly against her warm cheeks.
“You know I… I c-care about you a lot, ne, Videl-san?” he asked, the calm whisper melting her where she stood.
He spoke again. “You bring out the best in me, Videl-san. And I want you to keep doing that, keep making me feel human, for as long as I live. So, I want you to always be safe and healthy for me, alright?”
She nodded against him, burying her face into his chest, feeling the warm, hard planes of his chest.
He smelled so good… an intoxicating mix of dark seas and freshly-cut grass, all the comfort of home sprinkled with a spicy taste of adventure.
His deep-seated powers radiated outwards from his very core, manifesting in a near tangible spark of electricity that surged through him and into Videl’s skin.
Unbidden, images of him shirtless, sweaty, panting from exertion, crossed Videl’s mind, and her libidinous thoughts wandered haphazardly into uncharted territories…  
How those muscles would feel against her palms as he strained above her...
How his sweat would taste on her tongue as she licked up his delectably thick neck…
If that thin birthmark that slashed across his lower belly really reached all the way down to his…
She was so lost in his scent, in the promise of the taste of his skin, that she unconsciously let out a low, throaty moan.
Within a second, he had stiffened, pulling away from her, and he held her at arm’s length, his face slightly pale as he spoke in a hushed whisper.
“Videl?” he asked.
She was so drunk on him that she barely noticed the way he had dropped the honorific at the end of her name.
Her head was heavy, her tongue felt like cotton against the roof of her mouth as she gaped, trying to find her voice so she could respond to him.
“Gohan…” she finally managed, momentarily confused by the breathy, husky sound that came out of her own lips.
She looked away, pulled rapidly out of her fantasies by her sheer embarrassment as she realized how… improper… she had just been.
“Oh Kami, what must Gohan be thinking of me right now?!” Videl thought, her face flushing once again from her humiliation.
Had she really just moaned against Gohan?!
Gohan cleared his throat, drawing her attention back to him, and she immediately noticed his reddened cheeks as he stared determinedly at the ground, seemingly unable to look at her.
He held out his hand towards her, and she took it out of habit, her fingers shaking slightly as she met the warmth of his skin with the clammy nervousness of her own.
Without another word, he pulled her up, turning back into the direction of West City.
She chanced a glance at him, catching his blush that reached all the way to his ears, and it was these tiny reactions that made her excitedly realize that Gohan wasn’t so clueless after all.
He was clearly uneasy, embarrassed, flustered… all signs pointed to the fact that he understood what had just happened. And if the way he firmly held her hand meant anything, it stood to reason that he must surely want her, as well.
Along with this enlightening thought, however, came a huge wave of dread, as she also realized that the same overwhelming signs showed that Gohan would never, ever, make the first move on her towards progressing their relationship.
He was far too pure, far too nice, and even if he did want her, he would be too much of a gentleman to ask.
If she wanted to get him to touch her, dropping hints and dressing provocatively wasn’t going to cut it.
Videl was going to have to seduce him, or explicitly tell him.
And she didn’t have a clue as to how.
Her thoughts raced in a messy jumble, trying to come up with an idea as to how to go about propositioning a man who could easily fly away from her at the first sign of awkwardness.
It was as she and Gohan flew over the sprawling Capsule Corp estate that took up most of the inner city that it suddenly hit her.
“Of course!” she thought. “Why didn’t I think of this sooner?”
The only woman she knew who had successfully gotten a violent, murderous alien warrior prince to commit and actually marry her, surely must have an idea on how to get Gohan to fall into bed with her!
Videl landed softly on the well-kept grass of Capsule Corps’ main house, and she walked slowly towards the main door as she once again went over her plan.
She had given Gohan a bullshit excuse about going on a shopping trip with Erasa so that he wouldn’t wait for her to fly her home. He had smiled, then flown off, muttering something about needing to speak to an “elder”.
She, of course, needed to find Bulma-san.
The sudden low growl from right behind Videl made her shriek, and she leapt backwards away from the hair-raising ki presence behind her, hands already raised in defense.
It took her less than a second to recognize the wild, dark hair, the terrifying eyes, and the thickly-muscled arms dressed in a loose blue shirt.
“Vegeta-san!” she exclaimed in relief, bowing low while she noted the low-rise jeans and running shoes. “I… I didn’t notice you there, I’m sorry!”
He smirked, crossing his arms as he leaned his weight on one leg, regarding her with curiosity.
“Gohan’s woman,” he addressed her, and she would have rolled her eyes if the situation she was in wasn’t so desperate. “What has brought you here?”
“I was… I was thinking of paying Bulma-san a visit,” she answered.
He raised a brow. “For what reason? Are you and the boy having problems?”
Her eyes flew open in surprise. “Um… not really. But I do need to ask her something important.”
His smirk widened. “Is the boy not… performing?”
She didn’t immediately catch on, but when she did, Videl felt all her blood rush painfully to her cheeks, and she sputtered, trying hard to deny his claim while knowing that her actions clearly stated that he wasn’t too far off.
Vegeta threw his head back, laughing maniacally at her discomfort, before he looked her in the eye with one of his trademark piercing glares.
“If that is your concern, you have come to the right place. Bulma, vulgar as she is, would be delighted to be of assistance. You can find her in the right wing,” he said, and without waiting for a response, he turned around to fly off to Kami-knows where.
Now even more embarrassed than she had already been to begin with, Videl marched stiffly towards the correct wing, sighing in relief when she finally found the beautiful, blue-haired older woman sitting amongst a pile of twisted metal and copper wires.
She stood silently, outside of the scientist’s line of sight, observing her as she expertly twisted myriad strands of wiring and mechanical plates together.
She had met Bulma several times before, and Videl knew her as a funny, irreverent woman whose tongue’s sharpness was rivaled only by her fashion sense. However, she had never actually seen the Capsule Corp heiress at work, and Videl was rather taken aback to realize that among her machines, Bulma truly looked the part of a mechanic: grease on her cheeks and on her blue overalls, a frown on her brow as she puzzled out what to do and how to make her machines work at optimum performance.
She had always wondered how the rich, incorrigible female genius had ever managed to find love with the stoic, volatile alien prince. Yet, looking at Bulma now, and thinking back to how Vegeta had behaved a few minutes earlier, Videl thought she finally understood.
At their cores, Bulma was an unfathomably intelligent woman who had fallen for a strategically crafty warrior, and Vegeta was a soldier whose wry sense of humor had found a complement in Bulma’s outlandish wit.
Bulma-san and Vegeta-san became their most buried, best selves, when with each other. They brought out the best aspects of each other…
They were perfect together, after all…
Videl then began to wonder if she, the loud and boyish daughter of a professional conman, truly was compatible with the shy, naturally-gifted boy who was the true savior of the Earth.
Forcing those thoughts aside, Videl stepped forward, waving her arms to catch Bulma’s attention.
Bulma looked up, eyes wide in surprise.
“Videl-chan,” she said with a smile, cheerfully waving back. “This is a surprise. What brings you here?”
Videl smiled uneasily, shifting her weight as she stood before the older woman, and she cringed back in horror as she realized that she had completely forgotten the words she had rehearsed in her head, and now had no idea how to start asking her questions.
“I… I… Bulma-san. I needed to ask you…” she stuttered.
Bulma just smiled. “Ask me what?”
Videl flushed in discomfort, eyes casting around as if searching the air for a written script on how to best phrase her doubts. “I… it’s about… Gohan-kun.”
“What about him?”
“I… oh Kami,” she muttered, running her fingers through her hair in agitation. “I am so sorry, I came here and I don’t even know how to start!”
“Well,” Bulma began, getting up from her work seat to walk towards Videl, pulling on her arm and leading her to sit on a nearby leather couch. They both sat, Bulma’s hand on Videl’s knee, and with a comforting squeeze, asked, “How about you start by telling me how things have been going on with you two?”
Videl rambled on about school, stuttering through her stories, and Bulma patiently smiled as she finally got to the part about the previous day’s detour.
“Ne, Videl,” Bulma said, a secretive smile on her lips, while a naughty spark suddenly entered her eyes. “You want to start having sex with Gohan, is that it?”
Videl’s entire face lit up a bright red, and she felt her mouth convulsively open and close even as not a single sound came out.
Bulma laughed, lightly slapping her arm. “It’s ok! You can tell me! I know that if I had met the love of my life while I was your age, I would have been dying to take him for a ride.”
“What?” Bulma laughed. “I get it now. You want it. And you don’t know how to tell him.”
Videl fidgeted in her seat. “I… I… Yes.  Kami, yes. I want to do it with him. But… I don’t know if he wants it.”
“Nonsense!” Bulma waved a hand dismissively. “Gohan is like, twenty. All men at that age constantly have sex on the brain.”
“Yes, but… Should we?” Videl asked. “I mean… is he the one? How do I know? Is it the right time?”
Videl watched as Bulma’s face melted from her earlier carefree grin into a more serious, motherly smile.
“Do you love him, Videl-chan?” she asked.
“Yes,” she answered immediately. “I do. So much. But I also want to know if this is going to be forever, if I am really the best girl for him, and if he is really the best man for me.”
“Right now, what do you think?”
“I… I don’t know, Bulma-san,” she said resignedly. “I mean… I love him. But… how do I know that this isn’t going to change someday? When you… when you met Vegeta-san, how did you know that he was it?”
“I didn’t.”
Bulma laughed. “I didn’t. Vegeta and I… we had a strange start, Videl.”
Videl knew that.
She also knew that in a strange way, Vegeta and Bulma were among the most stable, committed couples that she knew of, and so, Bulma’s flippant answer caught her entirely unaware.
Bulma grinned. “Videl-chan, when Vegeta and I started, it wasn’t ideal. It wasn’t sweet moments and young love like you and Gohan. It was a long, harsh, road. We had denied our feelings for each other, even after Trunks was born. But… I stayed with him when I realized that, even though he was the biggest jerk in the universe, he was my jerk. I couldn’t be away from him, and with him, I felt… free.”
Videl blinked. “Free?”
Bulma nodded. “I could be myself. I wasn’t the sophisticated, billionaire heiress that needed to have a smart and rehearsed answer for everything. I was just a woman – his woman, but I’d never hear the end of it if I acknowledged that – and with Vegeta… I could be as noisy, as smart, or as dumb as I could possibly be, and he would still be there, smirking back at me. He saw the best of me even during my worst moments, and I still loved him in spite of his. I realized then that there could never be anyone else for me.”
Videl stared down at her hands, mulling those words over.
She understood exactly what Bulma meant.
On the outside, Videl had to be perfect… a model citizen, the only daughter of the hero, Mr. Satan.
But with Gohan…
With Gohan, she was a dork, an ordinary girl who wanted to snuggle up to her boyfriend, uncaring of the expectations placed upon her shoulders.
And still, he had helped her become a better person, had made her realize skills that she had thought were far beyond her potential.
And suddenly, she remembered his words from the day before…
“You bring out the best in me, Videl-san.”
Gohan was Videl’s only one, just as Vegeta was the only one for Bulma.
“Thank you… I get it now, Bulma-san. Gohan-kun… he is the one for me,” Videl said, a thin sheen of tears standing at the edges of her eyes as she finally, truly understood.
“So then… back to your original question,” Bulma said, moving to take her hands and hold them comfortingly between her warm, gentle palms. “Are you sure you want to take the next step with him?”
Videl nodded.
“Then I don’t see why you shouldn’t,” Bulma said. “My only advice, of course, is to be safe about it. Use protection. You are both very young. Too young for the responsibility of a child. Goku had Gohan at around this age, but Goku is miles apart from Gohan, and I know that you two want to finish schooling first before starting a family.”
Videl felt the sides of her lips begin to lift in a smile, before she remembered the true question she wanted answered.
“But… Bulma-san… How do I get him to… you know?” Videl asked, her mortification mottling her face in varying shades of red.
Bulma brightened. “Ah! Do you need help with seduction, then? Coz I have a bunch of lingerie that I have never used yet, and I am pretty sure that he would go wild if he saw you wearing one.”
Videl shook her head. “I have tried to dress sexy for him. He doesn’t… he doesn’t seem to get it.”
Bulma went quiet, mouth in a tight line of contemplation. “Oh. Odd.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, what I mean is that Vegeta was pretty receptive to my advances when I really started trying,” Bulma said, and Videl cringed at the thought of the impending TMI.
“So Vegeta-san wasn’t… dense about it?” she asked.
“Oh Kami, no,” Bulma said, and Videl could swear that the glazed look that had suddenly entered the scientist’s blue eyes meant that she was thinking back on some very explicit memories.
“Vegeta was very keen on it, he knew exactly where I was headed, and he went right along for the ride, it was awesome-”
“He was unstoppable! Well, still is, and-”
“There was even that one time when we-”
“Bulma-san!” Videl squealed, finally pulling Bulma out of her very eager trip down memory lane.
“Oops. Sorry. I got carried away,” she said, a hand raising up to scratch lightly at the back of her head as she started laughing. “But I guess, what I am trying to say is… clearly, Gohan does not share Vegeta’s knack for understanding non-verbal hints, so you gotta be more direct with him. You have to tell him. He’s a very nice boy, and I’m sure he would be very reasonable about it, Videl-chan.”
Videl’s cheeks may very well have turned permanently red at that point. “Yes but… that’s just it. I can’t find it in myself to actually say it, Bulma-san.”
Bulma frowned, and Videl saw her tense slightly, her head leaning near-imperceptibly towards the right. “Well… If you can’t say the words, Videl… I don’t know what to tell you. It seems to me like Gohan-kun may have taken after his father. And from what I know about the Sons, body language won’t cut it. Heck, I doubt anything short of you showing up naked in his bedroom will give Gohan-kun a hint!”
Videl stilled.
That was…
That was such an incredibly outlandish idea.
An incredibly outlandish idea that just might work.
She beamed up at Bulma, who had seemingly gotten distracted by other thoughts by then, before she stood up, shaking Bulma’s hand vigorously.
“Bulma-san, thank you! I know what to do now!” she said.
Bulma smiled back, standing and nodding at her with an enthusiastic thumbs-up. “Go get him, girl!”
Videl ran out, mind already turning with her newfound plan.
Bulma glanced to her right with a sly smirk. “You can come out now.”
Her husband stepped casually away from the wall he had been leaning on, and Bulma grinned as he approached, arms crossed across his chest, a wry grin on his face.
“Spreading your vulgarity down to the children, I see,” he commented, and Bulma leaned up, laying a small kiss on his lips.
“No, I am not. She came to see me,” she responded. “Besides, hadn’t you been talking to Gohan just a few minutes before Videl arrived?”
Vegeta’s grin widened. “He had simply asked me for tips on how to control his strength during activities where one may inevitably lose control.”
“Oh, Videl is gonna be in trouble isn’t she?” Bulma cackled.
“Not in nearly as much trouble as you will be tonight, woman.”
“Tsk. Promises, promises.”
It was incredibly convenient, Videl thought, that Bulma had suddenly decided to call Goku-san, Chichi-san, and Goten-kun for an overnight excursion in one of her new luxury hotels, the day after their little discussion.
She thanked all the gods for Bulma once again, and resolved to get her an amazing gift for her next birthday.
Gohan, predictably, had opted to stay at home since he had an exam to study for.
Videl had snuck into his bedroom, arriving just a few minutes before Gohan did.
Before heading over, she had washed, scrubbed, shaved and exfoliated every single inch of herself, and she ran her hands down her silky legs as she began to set her plan into motion.
Videl hurriedly stripped naked, dumping her clothes onto a chair in the corner of Gohan’s neat little bedroom, before she made a bee-line for his small bed, diving beneath the covers just as she felt his ki wash over her as he approached the clearing where the little house stood.
She flared her own ki lightly, grinning when she felt his energy respond in kind.
She heard the front door creak open, and her stomach knotted in nervousness bordering on terror, even while her heart beat madly in anticipation.
“Videl-san?” Gohan called out, as she heard his light footsteps padding closer.
“In your bedroom, Gohan-kun!” she croaked, and she cleared her throat one last time before the door knob began to turn, and she closed her eyes tightly for a second before she opened them to regard the man that had begun to move into the room.
“Videl-san, what are yo-” he began cheerfully, cutting himself with a sharp inhale as he slowly, very surprisedly, took in the sight that laid before him.
“Vi-Videl-san!” he called softly, voice choked in absolute shock.
“Hi, Gohan-kun,” she whispered, hands tightly clutching the blankets that hid her clearly nude form from his awed gaze.
“Are you… are you…”
“I-” he squeaked, before clearing his throat, and in a more reasonable tone, asked, “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“Well… yes,” Videl answered, flushing darkly as she watched him openly gape at her, still as a statue, still standing right in front of the open door. “This is your fault, you know.”
“Yes! Kami, Gohan, I have tried every trick in the book, but you just didn’t seem to get it!” she cried. “I had to resort to a… a more drastic method.”
Gohan’s stiff stance seemed to relax marginally, before he, with a small voice, asked. “Are you…  are you trying to seduce me, Videl-san?”
She rolled her eyes. “What do you think?”
She watched as Gohan appeared to straighten, and his nervous eyes suddenly hardened into that firm, decisive look that he had on when faced with a foe that he intended to defeat.
“You want us to make love?”
She nodded.
“Are you absolutely sure?”
Videl smiled. “I have never been more sure of anything in my life, Gohan-kun.”
She could have sworn that she heard him mutter a relieved “Oh, thank Kami,” before his clothes melted off in a flurry of Super Saiyan frustration and he was above her, grasping madly at her body, the blanket somehow suddenly on the floor as he lunged forward and hungrily kissed her like the survival of the universe depended on the taste of her lips.
The last coherent thought that Videl had, before Gohan repeatedly brought her to heaven and back throughout the entirety of the night and the early morning, was that she had been right about that darn birth mark after all.
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kairi-chan · 6 years
Fighting For You [7/?] - SasuSaku
[First Chapter]
Chapter 7: Lessons
Summary: They were from different worlds. They were both interested but knew a relationship between them was less than likely to happen, even if they both wanted it. Sasuke’s profession was dangerous, and Sakura was sheltered. Her parents’ did not approve of him. Slowly though, feelings started to take root and both of them were willing to fight for each other.
Genre: Romance / Humor
Rating: M
A/N: Co-written with @ss-tyytyy ! She posts it on her FFnet, while I post here on tumblr. :)
It was a lot colder than the previous morning. So much so that Sakura ran back into her house to change out of her shorts and opted for yoga pants instead and picked out a thicker jacket.
“Heading out again, dear?”
Sakura stopped midstep out of their door and grinned at her mother. “Yes, yoga first and then I’ll be going to the hospital. My usual.”
Her mother’s gaze softened and nodded. “Alright, darling. Make sure you register properly today at the studio. I don’t want a repeat of that billing statement fiasco that happened.”
The pinkette scratched the back of her head. “I thought the girl knew me well enough, but yeah! I will. I’ll remind them to do that automated quarterly billing thing they emailed me about.”
“Just because you go there every day doesn’t mean they always remember which classes you attend, Sakura!” Mebuki chided before walking over and handed Sakura a brown paper bag. “Don’t forget your fruits.”
She took it with a smile and kissed her mother’s cheek before heading out to their driveway.
Sakura pulled up to Sasuke’s home, taking in the details much easier now that it was early morning. It was a rather large stone home with black tin on the roof. He had a large porch that was painted white and wrapped around all the way to the garage, which was open. She parked right beside his car and got out, taking a deep breath before walking up to the door inside the garage. She knocked a few times and heard steps approaching seconds later.
The door opened and Sakura found her breath hitching at the sight of a shirtless Sasuke standing before her. He appeared to have just gotten out of the shower. His hair was still damp. He smelled of body wash and shampoo. So good that Sakura inhaled her next breath deeply. He was wearing only a pair of black training shorts. She finally looked up to meet those striking obsidian eyes only to find them trailing down her body slowly.
It was often that she caught him admiring her this same way.
“Good morning, Sakura. Come on in.” He held the door for her and she walked inside, feeling a little shy being invited to his home. It all felt so private and intimate.
His home was large on the outside, but seemingly even more spacious on the inside. Sakura took her shoes off once she was inside and then followed Sasuke through the open space that was the apparent living room area. She never expected his home to be so tidy, so neat. There wasn’t a picture frame out of place, not a speck of dust to be found.
Everything was made in neutral colors, the walls a light gray. Black curtains hung around the windows. The couch was black leather, as were the two chairs that sat across from it. There was a fireplace that sat just under a huge flat screen TV. The wall around the fireplace was set in a beautiful display of stone. The place even smelled clean, and of him… and Sasuke always smelled good.
The kitchen was made in stainless steel appliances, the walls there were white. More black curtains hung over the windows there and Sakura felt the place was very fitting for him. At first, she couldn’t really picture what the inside of his home would look like, but seeing it made so much sense.
This was Sasuke.
“I picked this up for you while I was out yesterday… I thought you might like to have this here, for when you come by.” Sasuke told her, handing over a pink water bottle.
“Oh, thank you.” She blinked for a few moments before a huge grin spread on her face. “And it’s pink!”
Sasuke smirked. “I thought you might like it.”
Sasuke led her out of the kitchen and into a sitting area. There were only a couple of chairs in the two corners of the room, the rest of the room was bare except for the two yoga mats set out on the floor next to each other. There were two large windows ahead, overlooking his back lawn. The morning sun poured in through the open blinds which were only one of the reasons Sakura was smiling. It wasn’t long until she broke out in a fit of giggles.
“I can’t believe you actually got a pink one!”
“Well… it’s what you wanted.” He said.
“I was just kidding,” she laughed. “Even I couldn’t find one. I had to ask my dad to find a contact. He couldn’t, either.”
Sakura didn’t miss the way his ears turned red at her admission. “Tch. It wasn’t hard to find.”
“I guess it’s because you’re just so good at everything, huh?” she teased.
“Damn right.” He said, his confidence returning effortlessly. “You ask for a pink yoga mat and that’s just what you will get.”
Sakura hummed in response, a light pink coming up to her cheeks. She had to hand it to him, he was dedicated. Even Ino couldn’t find a pink one for her, they both expended their resources and still came up with nothing. Here comes Sasuke, magically giving her one. She bit her lip, maybe he would give it to her if she asked nice enough. It was a lovely shade of blush, nearly matching her hair, just a few shades darker. It was made of good quality, too.
“Shall we start?”
“Certainly.” Sasuke nodded, gesturing for her to take the lead.
Sakura padded to the center of the mat and sat down, legs crossed. “Sasuke-kun, do you know what they mean when they say, ‘find your center?’”
“How would I know that?” He grumbled. “Like finding my inner strength?”
She smiled. “You’re so cute.”
“Cute?” Sasuke spat the word as if it were distasteful. “Only my mother has ever said such a thing.”
“At least I know your mom and I will agree on something,” she laughed. “Maybe I can convince her to show me your baby photos, too.”
“I don’t think so.” Sasuke scoffed, wishing like hell his mother would. “I’d have to see yours first.”
She smirked. “I don’t mind. I was even cuter.”
“I bet you were… though I wouldn’t call you cute now.” Sasuke said before quickly adding, “I mean… cute isn’t the right word.”
Heat rose to her face. Before she could embarrass herself further, Sasuke quickly cut, “Let’s just get started.” He sat on his black mat quickly before laying back and breathing in deeply to calm himself. Sakura followed suit and sat down on her pink one. She shifted on the mat, and he did too, so now they were facing each other.
Sakura did some research what was the best way to teach yoga, but it was all too complicated. For hours she read on history, benefits, as well as philosophies. It appealed to her at the moment, but now that she thought about it, Sasuke didn’t seem like the type to indulge in theories. Sasuke was a mystery to her still, but it was clear that he was a man of little words and big on action. Taking a deep breath, she decided it would be best to just jump right into it.
Demonstrating the poses, telling him the names, and then letting him try went much better than she anticipated. Sasuke was a fast learner and he was eager to get the poses right on the get-go. His piercing gaze made her blush more times than she could count, although Sakura tried to brush it off as much as she could.
He’s just looking intently because he needs to copy the pose, she rationalized. The way I look has nothing to do with it.
Even if she repeated in her head over and over again, she couldn’t help but feel his eyes roam over her entire body as she demonstrated the poses. His Low and High Lunge was much better with her corrections, but his Warrior Two needed more attention. She walked around him, inspecting his pose.
“Your stance doesn’t need to be too wide, Sasuke-kun,” Sakura’s voice was gentle, soothing. “Bend your knee a little more and don’t puff your chest out too much.”
Once Sasuke adjusted himself, his form looked so much better. “You’re doing great, Sasuke-kun!” she was genuinely pleased. Now she understood how much accomplishment the yoga instructors must feel after successfully correcting a student. “Feel the pull at your shoulder blades and gaze at your fingertips.”
“Like this?” Sasuke adjusted his position a little more and Sakura felt his chest brush against her shoulder.
She started. Sakura didn’t realize how close they were standing to each other, their faces only inches apart. For a moment, her gaze landed on his lips, and she forgot how to form words.
Abruptly, she took a step back and forced a smile on her face. “Yeah, perfect. You’re good at this.”
A genuine smile came to her face when she noticed the light blush on his pale cheeks. Sakura stayed in the confines of her mat for the rest of the session and continued to teach him the cool down stretches. As she lay on her back, Sakura stared at the ceiling and continued her deep breathing exercises. It was nice spending time with him like this. Sakura imagined she would be a blushing mess, but Sasuke exuded such a calm and reassuring aura. She closed her eyes and listened to his calm breathing, allowing herself to match his pace, calming her beating heart down. It was in that moment Sakura felt their hearts were connected, beating together in perfect rhythm.
After a quick shower, Sakura was already heading out the door. Sasuke wanted her to stay a little longer but if she did, she would be late for her hospital shift. He didn’t insist any further and simply thanked her for the yoga session.
“You’re welcome, Sasuke-kun. I’ll text you.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
Sakura hopped into her car and started the engine. She hooked her phone up to her stereo before driving out of Sasuke’s driveway. Rolling her window down, she smiled and waved before driving off. Sasuke stayed by his door until she could no longer see him from the back mirror.
After a few minutes of driving, her music was cut off. Briefly, she took a look at her phone’s screen and found a photo of her best friend flashing. Sakura pressed a button on her steering wheel and started talking. “What is it, Pig? I’m driving.”
“Forehead! You weren’t at practice earlier! Where are you?”
Sakura sighed. “I had something to take care of. I’m driving to the hospital now.”
“Take care of?” Ino was not convinced. “What do you have to take care of at six in the morning? Did you do the walk of shame without me knowing?”
Sakura cringed. “Ino!”
Her friend laughed on the other end of the line and said, “seriously though? Aren’t you going to tell me what you’ve been up to?”
“There is nothing to tell, Pig.” Sakura sighed dramatically and continued, “if something were up, I would tell you. You know that.”
She felt the pit of her stomach fall.
Something did happen, and now she’s lying through her teeth. Sakura would call Ino up in a heartbeat just to rant about a difficult patient, but now that she just had a private yoga session with Sasuke, she refused to say a word.
Ino sighed. “Alright, Forehead. I trust you.”
Sakura smiled. “Thanks. Hey, I gotta go. I’m already pulling into the parking lot. We can have dinner later if you want.”
Ino groaned. “You gotta tell me these things in advance. I already have plans with Naruto. You could come with if you like? Movie and then dinner.”
Sakura scrunched her nose at the thought of tagging along. “Eww. I don’t want to be your third wheel!”
“Then bring Sasuke-kun and it won’t need to be,” she replied casually.
Sakura stepped on the break. Hard. “Ino!”
She laughed and responded, “you’re far too easy to tease. Anyway, how about we dinner tomorrow? I can fetch you from work and we can go shopping, too. There’s this new boutique and—“
“Okay, okay. Sure.” Sakura sighed and pulled into a parking space. She really didn’t have enough energy to hear Ino go on about clothes right now. “I’m off at three tomorrow.”
There was a short pause on the other line before Ino spoke, “earlier than usual, huh? Perfect. More time for shopping.”
Sakura laughed. Even if things got crazy, she could always depend on her best friend to remain a constant.
As she got out of her car, she took a quick look at her watch. Her eyes went wide and she jumped out. “Oh shit!” She was late. Dr. Senju did not take kindly to tardiness.
Hastily, she grabbed her bag and rushed up to the East Wing. Sakura usually had time to say hi to the receptionist but not today. She just hoped Dr. Senju was too busy to notice. The door to her office was coming into view. Before she could hold on to the knob, the door snapped open and she was met by blazing, chocolate eyes.
“You’re late, Sakura!”
An audible, “eep!” escaped her throat and she hid her face behind her hands in shame. She bowed down and apologized, “I’m so sorry!”
“Hmph!” Tsundere crossed her arms and scolded her for a few seconds before giving her instructions to assist Shizune.
Her shoulders slumped, and her green eyes drooped. Not exactly how she wanted to start her day at the hospital.
“Sakura-chan,” Shizune chimes in.
The pinkette raised her head, as her nose was buried in a medical journal. “Hmm?”
“I’m going to the store to buy lunch. Do you want me to get you anything?”
“Ah, no thank you.” She grinned. “I brought my own lunch.”
“Alright then.” Shizune smiled back and left the office.
A quick look at the clock and she realized it was time for lunch. A few minutes early, but it would be fine to start now, better to have lunch when the pantry isn’t full.
She stood up and looked under her desk, only to notice that her lunch box was missing. Her eyes went wide, and a small gasp escaped her lips as she realized, “I left it at Sasuke-kun’s house.” Her hand flew to her forehead and she shut her eyes tightly. “Stupid stupid stupid!”
Great. Now, what was she going to do? Shizune just left, and if she went out to get lunch for herself now, the lines would be too long and Tsunade would snap at her for over breaking. And her lunch box… She supposed she could pick it up tomorrow, but what would her mother say if she lied and said she left it at work?
“Oh no…” Sakura sank back down on her chair and slumped over her desk. Her stomach grumbled, and she felt like she was ready to cry. Perhaps she was going to get her period, her mood had been rapidly changing since she woke up. Before she could wallow in her grief a little longer, her phone rang.
She was surprised to see Sasuke’s name on the screen. “H-hello?”
“What floor are you on?”
“Wh-what? Why do you ask?”
“Tch.” Silence for a few seconds before he replied. “I’m at the lobby, you left your lunch and I brought it over.”
Heat rushed to her cheeks, and her heart fluttered. Sasuke-kun was here. And he brought her lunch over! This was not happening. How could this be happening? Half of her colleagues knew him and idolized him. They would watch the reruns of his fights in the pantry for fuck’s sake. Everyone would recognize him in an instant! Her hand covered her mouth, trying to muffle her scream.
“Are you still there?”
She forgot he was still on the line. “I-I’ll go to you!” she stuttered. “Just… wait there.”
“No need,” Sasuke replied. “Just tell me where you are.”
“But I--”
“Sakura.” There was a hint of warning in his voice, and it made her bite her tongue.
“Third floor in the East Wing. Dr. Senju’s office. Three-oh-one.”
She heard him smirk before replying, “alright. I’ll be there in a while.”
Sakura sank even deeper into her chair and sighed. This was too much. Feeling this anxious wasn’t good for her health. Her heart was fluttering and her stomach twisted in knots at the thought of Sasuke going through the trouble just to bring her lunch. Which she left. Stupid. He probably thought she was stupid.
She crossed her arms on the desk and rested her forehead on them, heat refusing to leave her cheeks. He was here. This was the second time she would see him today. His gym was halfway across town. Why would Sasuke go through the trouble?
There were some muffled screams and squealing coming from the hallway and she snapped her head up. Sakura scrambled out of the office and threw the door open.
There Sasuke was. In a dark blue hoodie and dark grey sweats, holding on to a bright pink lunch box. She wanted to laugh, he looked so out of place in the white halls, and yet, she never knew it was possible someone could look so hot in sweats. It hung just right on his hips, and despite the hoodie being loose, his muscles still shone through. She gulped when his dark eyes met hers.
He ignored everyone around him, and a smirk came to his lips. “Sakura.”
“Hi,” she smiled shyly. “Thank you for… bringing my lunch over.”
He glided towards her and handed her her lunch box. “You were in a hurry to leave this morning.”
Everyone in the hall watched their exchange, and her cheeks burned even brighter. “I-I’m sorry! I was running late!” She held on to her lunch box a little too tight, and she stared at it like it was the most interesting object she had ever laid eyes on.
Sasuke only nodded and stuffed his hands in his hoodie’s pockets. “Plans for later?”
He raised a brow at her, and she mentally kicked herself. Yup. He definitely thought she was stupid and deaf. “I--sorry, I thought you asked me if I had plans later…” that came out way softer than she would have liked.
Sasuke smirked. “I did.”
He what now? He what now? She opened her mouth to try to reply, but then nothing came out.
Sasuke smiled at her. “I’m going to take that as a no. Should I pick you up or let’s just meet at my place?”
Sakura shook her head to clear it and responded. “I have a car.”
“I know,” Sasuke replied. “Then I’ll just meet you at home.”
All she could do was nod. He smirked and flicked her forehead lightly with his index finger and thumb. “You should go eat, you’re spacing out.”
She never knew it was medically possible to turn crimson. Apparently, it was. Now she wanted to spearhead a study for finding if it was possible to die of embarrassment.
Sakura held on to the spot where his fingers brushed her forehead. “Okay.”
“Seven ‘o clock.” He turned to leave and waved at her before walking past the crowd.
Sakura’s gaze never left his back until he disappeared at the corner. All of her colleagues turned to face her, smug looks and teasing. She covered her flustered face with her hands again. How she wished the ground would open up to swallow her.
Now everyone knew she was dating someone. Even if it wasn’t true, that’s surely what everyone will be gossiping about for the rest of the week.
“Who was that Sakura?” A nurse gushed. “Is he your boyfriend?”
“Don’t be stupid, that was Sasuke Uchiha. You know, the MMA fighter?” A male staffer replied. “But seriously, how do you know him?”
“He brought her lunch. Of course, they’re together!” Another nursed chirped. “Oh, he’s so handsome. Sakura, you’re so lucky!”
All she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and disappear. This was too much. She wanted to keep her life as private as possible, but it looked like that wasn’t happening now. So many people kept asking her questions and she just wanted it to stop.
“What is going on here?” Tsunade barked. “Don’t crowd in front of my office!”
All the people straightened up and made way for her to walk through. “Sakura!”
“Yes!” Sakura stood up straight.
Tsunade looked at her with hard features but softened at her frightened expression. “I’m having lunch with the surgeons. Come and join us.”
Her eyes went wide. This was a great opportunity to meet them. The tension in her shoulders eased, and she found herself smiling again. “Yes, shishou.”
She’d worry about her date with Sasuke and her colleagues later. For now, her future colleagues awaited her.
A/N: Here’s the next chapter, loves! We hope you liked it! Do let us know what you think of it! 
You can read more of my stories in my master post, or visit my FFnet!
If you like my work, care to sit down and have a ko-fi with me?
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dark-gothic-lolita · 7 years
Omg so it just hit me that one page (loooong time ago) where juvia was posing and it said "some like it hot" is totally navia! Bc ya know fire is hot so juvia is saying she likes natsu! Lmao oooohhhh a navia promt maybe?
A/N: It’s like prompt central around here! I totally remember which cover you’re talking about, but I don’t remember the number! AAAAAH, I soooo had to write this one! DEFINITELY a prompt! ENJOY!
Pairing: Navia, Yes, again
Some like it hot
Gray was horrified. Absolutely horrified.
Juvia had just rejected him.
What the hell kind of sick plot twist was this? Was he maybe in a nightmare? There was no way that this was real. No, he refused to believe it. Juvia hadn’t rejected him, he was just thinking of the worst, that’s all.
Juvia was standing there, right in front of him as she looked at him with a confused expression. Was he okay? He had invited her out on what sounded like it was a date, but Juvia had to decline. She thought he would have been able to notice by now, that she wasn’t into him anymore. The stalking? Finished a long time ago. -Sama at the end of his name? Completely unnecessary. The constant blubbering when he didn’t acknowledge her? Over it. The obvious jealous? Stupid!
“Ano, are you okay, Gray?”
Oh, she’s also stopped talking in first person too.
Gray shook his head to get rid of all the confusing thoughts inside of his head. He had to play it cool and make it seem like he wasn’t shocked that she said no. He just had to now find out why in the hell she said no to him when it had practically been her dream for him to say yes to her. Maybe he took too long. Erza had told him that it’s rude to keep a girl waiting, especially one who was so in love with you.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine!” His voice came out weak and he had to stutter for him to get his voice back. This doesn’t happen to him.
“I was just, surprised you know? I just thought…”
He couldn’t even bring himself to continue that sentence because then it would sound like he was degrading her down to some pathetic and desperate girl, which she was far from. Now. Wait, that was rude of him to say, even if it was in his own head.
He watched as Juvia shifted her weight from one foot to the other. That made him look down at it gave him another reason for his brain to short circuit.
“Just what the fuck is she wearing?”
He couldn’t lie, it was an extremely hot day which made him not even want to fight with Natsu because he just wouldn’t be able to take it if he got doused in those flames. The sun was already beating down on his back with no mercy, having Natsu’s flames would actually make him combust.
That also meant that Juvia was standing right in front of his very eyes with a white bikini top like Cana usually wore and a blue sarong skirt. One side was hitched up and out peaked one of her sexy toned legs that made him gulp. She wasn’t even pale like she normally was. The sun had been shining for weeks and he had noticed that she had basked in it a lot more than usual, giving her an amazing tan.
He was pretty sure that the sun was also the very thing that made him delirious and actually made him ask out Juvia. It must have made her delirious too, because she rejected him. That must have been the explanation, she was just too hot!
“Maybe if I cool her down, she’ll be in her right state of mind!”
“Is it too hot for you or something? Do you need me to make it rain on you or something? You also look…constipated…”
Gray jumped out of his thoughts once more and stared at the girl in horror. He looked WHAT?!
Juvia looked like she finally got it. Her face morphed into one of pity as she spoke again.
“Oh, are you surprised that I said no? Well you see, I’ve moved on. Not to say that I won’t remember you as my first love and I’ll forever be thankful that you made me see the sun and that I joined Fairy Tail through you, but I’ve now matured and I’m a different woman from the young girl that I used to be. If you include the years that we were frozen for, I pretty much chased you for almost 13 years of my life. We’re 23 now Gray, of course I wasn’t going to wait forever…”
She trailed off, as if she had suddenly said too much, but she was okay with that. She had gained some sort of closure by talking to Gray about why she doesn’t like him in that way anymore and a load had been lifted off of her shoulders. Like she had said, she’ll always remember him as her first love, doesn’t mean she was now in love with him.
“Oh…I understand. I’m sorry I ignored your emotions for so long and practically led you on. You didn’t deserve that. I’m happy that you’ve moved on. Guess it’s my turn now.”
He laughed awkwardly and Juvia laughed with him, though her’s wasn’t really an awkward laugh which made him feel like they were going to be okay. He hadn’t ruined their friendship, which was good.
“It’s so hot out today, I feel like going to Ryuzetsu land.”
He was trying to make conversation, but Kami knows how hard it is for him right now. How could he just pretend like everything was fine after he just asked her out and she shot him down from the high that he was feeling?
“Wow, is that what she felt on a daily basis? That is low, I guess karma really was waiting for me then. I’m such an idiot.”
“Actually, I think Erza said she was going to round up a group of people who wanted to go. Personally, I like it hot, feels nice and toasty. Not a fan of the cold, makes me wear all my wooly clothing and then I can’t tan wonderfully like this. I mean look at me!”
She then gave him a slow twirl and Gray could feel his mouth salivating. She really did tan wonderfully. She looked bronze and he decided that she deserved to be out in the sun every waking minute.
“I think me being in the rain for a good majority of my childhood just ruined my skin complexion and made me very pale. I’m not complaining though. Natsu-kun!”
Juvia had seen Natsu enter into the guild with his exceed. He looked up and grinned at her. Happy whispered something into his ear which made the fire dragon slayer blush and swat the cat away. Happy flew over to Carla to give Natsu some space before he came to pester him and Juvia at a later time.
“Hey Juve, icicle. Hmm, maybe not so much an icicle now, maybe a melting popsicle.”
Natsu laughed at his own joke as Juvia tittered next to him. Gray grew frustrated as he couldn’t help but punch Natsu on the shoulder. With Natsu being so close to Gray, he could suddenly feel the hot flames that Natsu gave off and it was almost like it was attacking him. It pissed him off.
“Erza was thinking that we all go to Ryuzetsu land. Please Natsu-kun, don’t fight anyone, okay? It took a lot to get you off the banned list, as well as a lot of the guys from various other guilds! Well actually, they were easier to get off the list because they all blamed you.”
Natsu cackled at the memory of what he had done all those years ago. Even though he was 23 and had matured a lot more than his 17 year old self, he was also a lot stronger. With all that fire magic within his body, he was practically a walking time bomb, waiting to destroy something.
Juvia gave him a look that told him she didn’t find it funny and he just laughed and kissed her forehead. Gray’s jaw dropped as the two of them forgot that he was even there, standing next to him. Did he see that correctly, or was he now hallucinating thanks to Natsu’s magic heat?
“I just don’t want the place to be destroyed before we go on the couples slide, okay? I’ve had enough of going down it with the wrong people.”
Gray wanted to scream, he really did. When in the FUCK did this happen?! Where had he been?!
Natsu placed both of his hands on Juvia’s bare waist and pulled her into him. He too was shirtless today, nothing bothering with his usual jacket. Not because he was too hot, just because he wanted to be.
Gray watched as Juvia’s breasts pushed up against Natsu’s chest and his eyes couldn’t pull away from the scene in front of him. They were definitely fucking with him. This was no longer a hallucination, he was right in thinking that this was a nightmare. Just what is happening?
“I promise Juve, we’ll get to go on the slide. In fact, let’s make it the first thing we go on we get there, okay?”
Juvia made a noise to show that she was happy with that answer and Gray watched as she tiptoed and tilted her head, as if to ask Natsu for a kiss on the lips, which he happily gave to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they pulled each other closer until there was no space. Gray finally found the will to turn his head when he realised that this was all real and no, he wasn’t in the middle of a nightmare. He flinched when he could hear them.
“Okay, I’m going over to Erza to tell her that we’re ready to go as soon as possible. Do you want to eat first?”
Gray turned his head back around when he thought it was all clear, but now Natsu was whispering something into her ear. He had what looked like a devilish expression on his face as Juvia’s now bronze face turned a little pink.
Gray had to step in at this point.
“OKAY! Let’s keep it PG okay?”
The couple jumped and Juvia’s blush deepened before she pulled away and hurried off to Erza. Natsu licked his lips as he watched her scurry off before he looked at Gray. He knew that the ice mage was confused. Gray had gone off on a really long job one time as he did a solo mission in the mountains. That was the time that Natsu and Juvia started hitting it off and boom! They were a couple!
The dragon slayer patted Gray’s shoulder as he smirked at him. Gray turned his head towards him, an annoyed expression on his face.
“What?” Gray managed to hiss out. The heat was definitely getting to him now, he needed to freeze something.
Natsu just shrugged his shoulders with a little laugh before walking away. He decided to mess with Gray a bit. He had noticed that Gray was starting to like the water mage, even though her feelings had faded away a long time ago. He had to make it clear that even though they were friends, he had to show him that Juvia was no longer single. Natsu’s smirk grew wider.
“Some like it hot, ice Princess.”
A/N: That was definitely a lot of fun to write! I wrote it more from Gray’s perspective and I didn’t realise how great it was going to be! But yeah, this was another prompt that someone threw at me and I think I caught it! Hopefully however threw it at me will remember that they did because you guys are all anonymous!
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luffysmeat · 7 years
Three years, seven months
Tumblr media
A/N: Anon… your scenario/reactions became a long ass fics… I hope you don’t mind too much? You can’t blame me, though! It’s such a nice prompt?? Sorry for any grammar mistakes and so and, of course, because is long as fuck. 
I’m posting Ace’s right now, the others are on the way, hopefully a little shorter, i don’t know how you guys feel about this?? Let me know, please. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this~
Words: 1958 (under the cut!!!)
“You were so stupid!”, Ace yells, his factions taken by anger. His cheeks, forehead and neck bright red as he keeps screaming at you. In front of everyone. In front of Shirohige. You feel your own cheeks burning bright red due to the embarrasment and even a little anger aswell.
“Stop calling me that, Ace!”, you try to sound less erritated, letting out a soft sigh befor speaking up again. “It was an accident! I didn’t mean to-”
“You could’ve die! Are you out of your mind?”, he screams, arms flailing around. “You could’ve kill us!”, you’ve never seen him so angry before and you feel your stomach twisting in a very uncomfortable way, and that makes you worry.
Ace has been yelling at you for half an hour now, and some part, deep inside you, knew he has the right to be acting like this. The events from earlier really did mean something for all the crew.
You accidentally almost got killed by an enemy when you tried to protect the ship. You were a bit stupid, to be truth, jumping out to fight even thought you were already severely injured. Everyone was sick worried about you, and your mistake caused a little bit of more troubles than solutions, but when they saw you were alright everything was back to place and there was laughter and soft pats on your back, calling you a suicidal but with gentle eyes and smiles. Even Shirohige forgave you, saying that you were a the bravest daughter and even patting you in the head.
However, when everyone was starting to celebrate yet another victory, Ace came and started to yell at you, grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you just enough little too hard. 
“I can’t protect you every time you’re in trouble!”, he says. “We can’t protect you!”
“I can protect myself!”, that definitely got into your ego. “I appreciate that everyone worries about me, but I can protect m-”
“No! No you can’t! You’re not strong enough! You shouldn’t be in this ship. I-”
“Ace”, you jumped a little when Marco called his name. Ace shut his mouth and looked over at his friend. “That’s enough”, Ace’s eyes twitched, and he let out a very annoyed sigh, hands covering his face as he growled.
“I wish I never met you”, your stomach suddenly tightened and you put a hand on above your belly. “I wish you wouldn’t be here. I wish I have no feelings for you”
Tears started to prickle at the corners of your eyes, and you tried to swallow the knot on your throat. The only sound you could hear was the sound of the waves crashing in the sea and the raced beat of your broken heart.
If he wished he never met you, then he most than definitely wouldn’t want to meet the baby growing on your belly. It was not a baby yet, you were just two months, but you already loved it with all your being.
“Fine”, you finally say, cheeks still a bit red and your eyes just at the verge of tears. “Fine, Ace. Excuse me”
You quietly left the spot, Marco calling for you and the voice of Shirohige sighing a low ‘Ace’.
Hopefully the sea will be calm enough to leave this ship as soon as possible.
It took Ace all in his hands to not run to you, but now that the sky was dark and the stars were shining above him, he just thought about the things he said to you. And he felt his chest tightening up. He told you he didn’t want to love you.
“Ugh”, he growls.
But it was your fault! Always so impulsive, following your instict and risking your life for other’s without thinking it twice! You were so like him that it makes him feel sick, but… your bravery and that need to protect the people you love, is what he likes the most about you. 
He was so scared of losing you, but he couldn’t speak out those words without feeling weak and vulnerable so, for some reason, he decided to just be mean to you and yell at you and say horrible things. Because, being a little shit is always better, right? Of course. 
HIs hands were itching to touch, to cup your face and tell you that he wasn’t thinking. His arms feel empty without you wrapped with them, so, with blushed cheeks, he decided to go and look for you on your quaters. He hasn’t seen you in hours.
“[Name]”, he knocks on the door twice, he wasn’t surprised when you didn’t answer. “Dear, please open the door. We- I need to talk to you”, he knocks two times again and frowns when you don’t say anything again. 
He turns the handle and is surprised to see it was unlocked. A rush of adrenaline running down his spine as he opens the door. Shit.
“Shitshitshitshit. SHIT!”
“Ace? What’s the matter?”, Thatch appears in front of him as Ace comes running to the deck, a little hope still wrapping his heart. 
“Have you seen, [Name]?!”, Thatch widens his eyes. “She’s not in her room. None of her stuff are in the room. DAMMIT! I need to look for her right now!”
“Are you crazy?! Don’t you see it’s already night? We don’t know how much time ago she left! Ace you-”
“I don’t care! This is my fault! How’s she going to know where to go?! I need to go and find her! Did she took a ship?!”
“A ship and your Log Pose, it seems”, Marco says. “We can’t look for her right now, Thatch is right, we don’t know how much time ago she left, she’s very sneaky”, Marco seriously couldn’t stop a smirk to form on his lips, you really are a special woman. “I also think that-”
“I’ll go and look for her by the mor-” “This is why she left! You never listen, Ace! Can you hear what I have to say?!”, Ace growls, kicking the side of the ship, but listens. “I think that she doesn’t want us to look for her. Like I said, she’s very sneaky, she could have take the Log Pose with her, but can go to a different place, we can’t be sure”, he was right and Ace knew that because Marco is always right. “The sea is a big place, Ace”
And you were out there thanks to Ace’s stupid and childish attitud. 
“I’m sorry”
Sweet giggles woke you up when the sun was starting to raise, you found a smiley, freckled face looking at you. “Mama!”
A warm smile quickly extends on your lips when his words reach your ears. “Good morning, honey”, you sit in bed and your son lifts his arms, demanding to be picked. You do and place him in bed with you, hugging him close to you and placing a kiss on his forehead. 
“Morning!”, he giggles and wraps his little arms around you. “Mama! It’s my birthday today!”
“What? Is it now? No no, that can’t be!”, your watch him fondly as he places his little hands on your cheeks, the big smile on his face not falling off his face, knowing you’re just being silly. 
“It is! I turn three today!”
Ah, already three years. Time really passes fast. To think that it was three years and seven months ago that you left your ship to take care of your baby.
Three years and seven months ago that you left the ship and the love of your life to take care of your baby.
Three years and seven months ago that you haven’t seen Ace. Is he okay? Is he being as stubborn as always? Is he happy? Did he find someone else? Did he miss you? Does he still love you? Is he angry at you? Does he-
“Happy birthday, my precious boy”, you take out a wrapped present from under your pillow and your child beams with happines as he sits in front of you and rips the paper off. 
“Ah, mommy!”, he gasps, and takes the little teddy bear in his arms, nuzzling his face into its belly. “Mommy is so soft! Thank you!”, he jumps on you, hugging yout neck with all his might. “I love you”
“I love you more, Kotaro” you run your hands through his silk, black hair when he pulls apart, brushing back his bangs. Black hair, black eyes, freckled nose and cheeks. He seriously was Ace’ live image. Gorgeous and gentle and so impulsive, yet passionate. 
“Why are you crying, mama?”, Kotaro catches your tears with his little fingers and you take his hands between yours, kissing them softly. 
“I’m really happy, baby. You’re so big. I can’t believe it”, he smiles at you one again and kisses your cheek, laughing when you suddenly wrap him in his arms and start to kiss him all over his face.
Kotaro holds your hand with his fingers as he drags you all around the little town’s market, his bear under his arm as he gives away bright smiles at every person that know you both. 
“Good morning, [Name]-chan! Good morning, Kotaro-kun!”, you bow your head with a smile as Kotaro screams a ‘good morning’ back. 
“Ah, good morning, Kotaro-kun! I heard that it is your birthday today?”, the little boy giggles and nods his head as you pick some apples.
“Yes! I turn three today! Look what mommy gave to me!”, you chuckle and feel your cheeks burning just a bit as you hear your son babbling about his present and the pay you’re going to make for him. 
“Ah, I’m sorry, sir!”, you quickly turn your hair to look at your boy in the floor where he had fallen, his bear laying at his side.
Kotaro looks up at the man just when you look at him too, and just at the time that said man looks down to help the little boy when, suddenly, everything stops. 
He’s right in front of you. Your heart skips a beat and you breath hitches in your throat. He’s right in front of you, looking at your son with wide eyes and Kotaro looking at him just with the exact same expression. He’s right in front of you, shirtless as always, and looking juvile and young and gorgeous like he always has… like he always will. 
“[N-Name]?”, ah, so he sees you in Kotaro, what a coincidence. 
“You sir know my mama?” Kotaro gets up on his own, picking up his little stuffed friend.
“Your- mama?”, Kotaro nods and he looks around, looking for you, when he finally spots you, he points you with his little finger. 
“She’s right there! Mommy! I’m alright, don’t worry! I already apologized, hehe”, it tooks an eternity for Ace to turn around and see you and when he does, a billion of sparks run all over your body, enlightening your skin as if he was touching you.
Your eyes lock with his and you feel your legs grow weak, but you also feel like an statue. Say something, say something, say something.
“Ace”, you whisper, and his name feels weird in your tongue and it sounds weird in your ears. Not used to say it at loud and not use to hear it anymore. “Ace”; you repeat, his name becoming honey in your mouth. “Ace”, a lonely tear falls down your cheek.
“[Name]”, goosebumps raise in your skin, hearing your name coming out his mouth. “I found you”
You did.
“She’s not lost, sir!”, Kotaro runs to you and holds your hand, hiding a little behind it.
“He’s your- my-”, he looks down at Kotaro with a very confused expression on his face and looking down at him too, you see him looking at you with just the same face. Kotarou was Ace. Ace was Kotaro. And both make you feel complete. “He’s-”
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