#I started writing this in August and just remembered it again now
lieutenantselnia · 1 year
Davy Jones' Origin
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Some time ago I’ve started to wonder if Davy Jones possibly spoke Scottish Gaelic besides English, or if it could even be his actual first language. Although he is never shown speaking it or having a particular connection to his homeland besides speaking with a Scottish accent, I think it would make sense, given Scotland’s history before and during the 18th century. Therefore, I thought this could be an interesting topic to examine. Mind you that I’m not a historian, and not an expert on those topics, I merely love exploring and extending the backstory of one of my favourite characters.
Spoiler: I don’t even get to discuss the initial topic itself in this text, this serves more as a setup where I try to sort my countless thoughts that I have about Davy. I plan to talk about it in another text some time in the future though.
Before looking at the language topic, I think it makes sense to look at Davy’s general background. His origins and his life before he fell in love with Calypso are largely unknown. It can only be estimated for how long he has roamed the seas ever since, but I think it is safe to assume that it has been multiple decades at least, though more likely centuries already.
The official wiki states that he and Calypso met and fell in love at an unknown date – and under unknown circumstances – between 1600 and 1660. It is not known for how long their relationship lasted before Calypso made him captain of the Flying Dutchman and put him in charge of ferrying souls to the afterlife. It could have been mere weeks, but also months or even years. In case of the latter, they probably saw each other on a semi-regular basis, as Davy would visit her during his voyages. All in all, it leaves a lot of room for interpretation (and fanfictions).
However, it is known that as Davy felt betrayed by Calypso when she didn’t show up to meet him, after he had fulfilled his duty loyally for ten years, he convinced the newly formed Brethren Court to bind her in human form. For some reason, the German PotC wiki states that the First Brethren Court convened presumably around 1640. Although there are no sources cited to back up this claim, there is no explicit contradiction to be found either. Assuming it is true – after all, it would be within the given timeframe – , Davy would have taken up his duty around the year 1630. By the time the movies take place, he would therefore have captained the Dutchman for around 100 years.
In a few instances of the official wiki, Davy is described as a “young sailor” when he meets Calypso. In other instances, no indication on his age is given. “Young” could supposedly mean he was in his 20s or 30s, which would therefore set his birth date around 1600.
On the other hand, he already looks significantly older when Calypso reveals his human form (the actor Bill Nighy was in his late 50s at the time the movies were produced). Of course he could simply have aged, however – though this is just my personal opinion – I like to think that he was already on the more mature side when he became cursed – possibly somewhere between the age of 40 and 60 – and that the curse either stops or at least alters the natural aging process of any person affected.
There is barely any specific canon information on this, but as shown in the movies, both Davy and the rest of the crew have maintained excellent physical strength and agility (in fact, it’s even enhanced compared to regular humans). This makes me assume that the curse either just stops their aging process and they stay at the same level of physical fitness that they had when they first fell under the curse, or that their transformation into sea creatures somehow slows down or alters the process, for example by balancing out their age-related physical decay by adopting more and more features from animals or other marine life.
Assuming he was already a middle-aged man, possibly around age 50, Davy would have been born in the late 1500s. On a personal note, I could also imagine that the story as a whole took place even earlier, and that Davy could have been born anytime during the 1500s or even the late 1400s. As the whole story around Davy Jones and Calypso is held very vaguely and even treated as a legend, there aren’t many concrete contradictions. However, as the First Brethren Court and Calypso’s capture are said to herald the start of the Golden Age of Piracy – which historically took place roughly between 1650 and 1730 – , it makes sense for those events to take place at a later date to connect everything (somewhat) logically.
To conclude this little examination and sum up the numbers: Davy Jones was presumably born in the second half of the 16th century. He and Calypso met before or around the year 1630, and around another ten years later, after their mutual betrayal and Davy abandoning his duty as a result, the curse started to take effect. Up until the events of Dead Man’s Chest, he has already captained the Flying Dutchman for almost a century, and reached an age of about 150 years – although due to the curse, this number doesn’t have a particular meaning in relation to his health or physical condition.
Of course, in the end this all is just my interpretation based on the rather sparse information that the official canon gives us. But it was certainly fun to finally bring some of my countless thoughts about Davy onto paper (trust me, there are a lot of those whirring around in my mind, but it’s not always easy to get hold of them). I haven’t even touched on the topic I actually wanted to talk about – that being Davy Jones’ relation to the Gaelic language and his homeland Scotland, but I really hope to do so in another essay.
Sources: https://pirates.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_Pirates_of_the_Caribbean_series https://fluch-der-karibik.fandom.com/wiki/Zeitlinie_Fluch_der_Karibik
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the-one-who-lambs · 3 months
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hi hey holy fuck i'm done with this. I tried to render for the first time following a "15 minute" tutorial and my noob ass turned it into a 3 hour learning experience. But now I have Narinder's reference for The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God! Rambles under readmore
SO I BARELY DRAW because I started learning how to draw like... May of last year, and then went bonkers over the summer making lots of progress and once the school year started in august I dropped it to focus on writing... and have drawn basically 1 thing in between then and now. Anyway. Last week I remembered, oh yeah, I used to draw sometimes. And suddenly had an all consuming urge to practice again.
And you know what? I forgot how fucking FUN drawing is. I take it much less seriously than I do my writing so my technique for now is pretty much "go ham and try a bunch of shit because you're getting practice and having fun with it anyway". and it IS fun until I try to do a specific thing and can't figure out how so thanks to those who tuned in to my stream tonight to see me push through the frustrating part of finishing this LMAO. uh according to the krita file this took me 13 and a half hours
If you didn't catch it a while back, the one thing I drew during my kinda-art-hiatus was my Lambert reference! Normal outfit, casual outfit (that they sometimes wear while off-duty, usually when visiting Ratau or just hanging out alone), and wedding outfit ^^
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...Which means now that I have my narilamb references I can commission my friends. i have a few people who i already plan to open my wallet for.
"Ive already drawn you fanart for ur fic and now the outfits are very slightly wrong :<" ITS FINE I AM CHERISHING IT FOREVER PLS DONT CHANGE IT ITS PERFECT
"is it okay if i draw your designs" Why do yall think i would be mad about this i will eat that shit UP i would fucking LOVE that and I'm already foaming at the mouth because i'd been asked that a couple times while i was drawing narinder's reference lol
I'm still a beginner and constructive criticism is welcome! Will probably make less intensive references for the OCs in Risen/Fallen or at least draw them, Thenana and Juno for sure
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In This Diary | S.R
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Summary - The summer of ‘02 was supposed to be just like any summer that had come before. Spencer Reid was mostly hoping to relax before his started his new job at the Behavioural Analysis Unit in the fall. But best laid plans often go awry.
Now all these years later he’s come into possession of the diary he kept during that time and he’s forced on a trip down memory lane to a perfect Las Vegas summer in which he fell in love for the very first time. But if he’s not careful, he might allow himself to get so lost in his nostalgia he may not be able to drag himself back to the present.
A/N - this goes back and forth a lot in time, I hope it makes sense. Where there’s a page break it goes back to the present day. Based on the song In This Diary by The Ataris. Written for @imagining-in-the-margins Summer Sunshine Challenge. Thank you again @pinkiceee-prose and @andiebeaword for reading over this 🖤
Pairing - Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - angst with happy ending | strangers to friends to lovers | smut minors DNI
Warnings - post prison, pot smoking, virgin Spencer, slight sub! Spencer, use of “good boy”, mild praise kink (Spencer), handjob, swearing, fingering, masturbation (m), brief mention of medication but no specifics, talk of PTSS, angst, allusions to sex, brief mention of protected sex, oral (m receiving), brief mention of past addiction and Emily’s “death”.
WC - 10.3k honestly I can’t write anything short
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Here in this diary I write you visions of my summer, it was the best I ever had…
The dogeared, weathered pages told their age beneath his fingertips, speaking their tales through skin. Smudged ink seeped through the yellowing paper, penned words of a different time etched to hold their memory. 
His fingers danced across them as though reading braille, trying to feel the words the way he had when he'd written them. So much time had passed, so much had changed, this book felt like it was from a different lifetime.
If he closed his eyes he could feel himself there. He could feel the way the hot Vegas sun beat down on him, causing little beads of sweat to roll down his face, feeling it tightening his skin. He could sense the pen in his hand as he scrawled down his thoughts, committing them to these pages. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Just writing.” 
“Writing what?” 
“Memories. I want to remember this summer.” 
“You have an eidetic memory, dork.” 
He could feel the gravel beneath him, hear the occasional passing vehicle on the freeway whilst hanging out at truck stops just to pass the time. 
He could see fireworks illuminating the sky in desolate parking lots, hear their crackle and bang as they exploded and then disappeared. 
He could hear the thrum of the eighties songs through tinny speakers, even if he never really enjoyed them. He could feel the droplets of water on his frazzled skin from the splash back of a body diving into the hotel pool which was not strictly open to the public. 
It was another life, one he’d long ago left behind but still carried pieces of it with him. 
I guess when it comes down to it, being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up…
“Whatcha got there?” 
A voice snapped him out of his nostalgia and he quickly closed the old book and looked up from his desk. He blinked a few times to try and bring himself back to the present, back from memory lane which he’d started to get lost down. 
Spencer Reid was not known to be a sentimental man, in all honesty he had few good memories from his past to be wistful over. And now was not the time to start. 
Luke had an amused smirk on his lips as he looked down at the younger man and the old, tattered journal on his desk. 
“Oh, uh, it’s nothing.” Spencer swallowed with a shake of his head. 
“Looked like a diary.” Luke’s smile grew, his intense dark eyes full of mirth. “I saw a date in the corner? August twenty ninth two thousand and two. You'd have been…”
“Twenty two. I was twenty two. The summer before I joined the BAU.” He sighed as he spoke, not thrilled to be sharing this part of his life with Luke. 
It was unfounded, given that it was probably the happiest time of his life. He wasn’t quite sure why he didn’t want his friends to know about it. 
There was something about keeping the memory pure, not having it sullied by outsiders. That secret summer belonged only to the two people who had lived it. 
“I didn't peg you for a journaler.” Luke shrugged. 
“I’m not usually. I don’t really know why I kept a diary that summer.” 
That wasn’t entirely true. He’d kept a record of those days in case, for whatever reason, his memory failed him. If something happened to cause his brain to forget, that was one time in his life he wanted to ensure he’d never lose. 
And since his mothers diagnosis, it was an entirely real possibility that one day he may forget. There were many moments in his life he’d like to be able to neglect, his drug addiction, Gideon’s death, prison; but the summer of ‘02 was not one of them. 
In truth he’d forgotten all about the journal. It wasn’t until his mothers move to DC when he’d been going through old boxes of her stuff that he’d found it. 
“Can I read it?” Luke’s smile turned cheeky, he already knew what the answer would be but he was just trying his luck. 
As expected, Spencer scowled, grabbing the diary and holding it close to his chest as if he believed Luke might try to snatch it from his desk.
“Absolutely not.” He wrapped it tightly against his body. 
“Ooh there’s some juicy stuff in there.” Luke chuckled.
“Don’t be crude.” Spencer scoffed but his cheeks started to redden, conveying the truth. 
“Oh man, I’m right aren’t I?” Luke’s laughter grew. 
It increased in volume enough to grant the attention from the others who had been silently working away at their desks. 
“What’s going on?” JJ perked up, her blonde head of hair appearing behind her computer monitor. 
“Reid’s got a sex diary.” Luke spoke over his shoulder to the whole bullpen.
“I most certainly do not.” His cheeks burned with his embarrassment and he shrunk a little in his chair. 
“Reid? Spencer Reid?” Tara stood from her desk, eyebrow cocked in her blatant confusion. “No way, I don’t believe that.”
“Good, because it's not true.” He held the journal closer to his chest. 
“He’s hiding something in there, there’s a reason he won’t let me read it.” Luke scoffed. 
“Did it occur to you that some people don’t enjoy sharing their entire life story?” Spencer grumbled.
By now JJ and Matt were on their feet too, and the three other agents closed in on his desk. He was thankful at least Emily, Rossi and Garcia were in their respective offices. He shrunk lower in his chair, wishing he were able to simply vanish into thin air. 
“Oh he’s definitely hiding something.” Tara folded her arms across her chest, eyebrow still raised in a combination of suspicion and delight.
“So what if I am? I’m entitled to my secrets.” Spencer complained. 
“The last time you kept a secret from us you ended up in prison.” JJ’s shoulders slumped, wincing a little at her own words. 
“This isn’t…it’s not like that.” He shook his head. “It’s just memories okay? Memories of a great summer I had before I joined the bureau and I’d like to keep them to myself.” 
“Oh it’s totally a sex diary.” Matt chuckled heartily. 
“For the love of…” Spencer trailed off, pushing himself to his feet and tucking the journal under his arm. “I really don’t want to talk about this. Can you please just respect my privacy for once? I know how hard that is for you guys.” 
“Ouch,” JJ pouted. “Sorry for caring.” 
“Jennifer, we both know this has nothing to do with you caring about me.” He clucked, pushing past the gaggle of his friends and marching out of the bullpen. 
He felt them watching him, muttering under their breaths as he walked away. He hurried down the corridor out of view until he pushed his way into the men’s bathroom. 
He slumped into a stall and sat down on the closed lid of the toilet. Placing the old leather bound diary in his lap he ran his fingers over the cover. 
He didn’t know why he’d let himself get so worked up over a stupid journal. Except it wasn’t stupid, far from it. It was his collection of memories from a life he wished he could go back and relive. 
The twenty two year old who’d put pen to these pages was naive and innocent, his whole life ahead of him. The boy he’d been back then didn’t know of the horrors he was yet to face. It was a much simpler time and he wanted to be able to cling to that without his friends being involved. 
For fourteen years his team had been privy to every moment of his life, good and bad. Was it so wrong that Spencer wanted to just keep this one thing to himself? 
He huffed out a staggered breath, wishing not for the first time that just cared a little less. It made sense when he was younger, he’d been green when he joined the FBI and the team had treated him with kid gloves, probably rightfully so. But he was a grown man now, older and more worldly, he didn’t need them treating him like a child.
He cracked the spine of the journal, opening it up to the first page and continued caressing the worn page with his fingers. The diary began at the end, retrospectively writing of his adventures during the last week of that summer when he realised he didn’t want those memories to escape him. 
August 29th 2002
Here in this diary I write you visions of my summer, it was the best I ever had…that unspoken feeling of knowing that right now is all that matters.
Here in this diary he had meticulously journalled everything that transpired during his last few months in his hometown and how those moments had changed his life forever. He cautiously turned the page, careful not to tear the aged paper. 
He felt the heat rising, the sun high in the sky. He became aware of the somewhat blistering concrete beneath him, the occasional sound of passing cars. He could make out the scent of sunblock in the air, chlorine from nearby backyard swimming pools. 
Brushing his digits across the page he was transported away from Virginia, away from the bathroom on the sixth floor Quantico office. As he closed his eyes, the Las Vegas summer stretched out before him.
June 2nd 2002
The temperature edged over a hundred two days ago and the AC hasn’t worked in three years. Really need to sell the house, I must look into that when I get to DC. Mom hasn’t lived here since I sent her off to Bennington and this was the last summer I’d be needing it. 
It was cooler to sit outside, despite the humidity, it was preferable to the stuffy house with no AC. I planned to go to the library, basking in its glorious air conditioning unit but after stepping outside and immediately feeling the sweat gathering all over my skin, I decided against walking for five miles in this heat. 
And boy would I be glad for that decision. 
I’m not sure what it was that tore my attention away from the Great Gatsby that morning. I had this feeling, this inexplicable feeling running through my veins and forcing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand to attention. 
And when I looked up, there she was. It was as though she was floating, drifting so effortlessly across the street I was sure her feet didn’t touch the ground. She regarded me curiously, most people did. She was unblinking, a slow and cautious smile building on her lips. 
I simply stared back in awe at this angelic creature heading my way, never letting her gaze falter from me. I was stunned into silence as she approached up the front path, head tilting to the side as she analysed me. 
She invited herself closer, up the three concrete stairs before dropping to the top step right next to me, opening her mouth and inquisitively speaking…
“What are you reading?” You smiled at him in what you hoped to be an amicable manner, but nonetheless his back straightened as if you posed a threat to him. 
“Uh…” he swallowed thickly, his Adams apple bobbing. “Me?” 
“Yes you.” You laughed. “Who else would I be talking to?” 
The peculiar man looked around like he expected someone else to be sitting on his stoop with the two of you. He scratched at the back of his neck nervously. 
“I don’t…I don’t know.” He rolled his chapped lip between his teeth. 
“I’m Y/N.” You shook your head, still laughing a little at his obvious awkwardness. 
“Sp-Spencer.” He stuttered. 
“Nice to meet you, Spencer.” You nodded curtly. “I’m house sitting for my aunt for the summer, what’s good to do around here?” 
Her smile could have lit up the whole night sky, her laugh the sweetest sound I’d ever been lucky enough to hear. She was summer, she would still be summer in the dead of winter. She was magnetic, effervescent. 
She was the first drop of rain after a long drought, she was those first few seconds in the morning when you wake up where you momentarily forget all of life's problems. She was…
“Reid, you in here? We got a case.” Luke’s voice broke him out of his revere, eyes flickering off of the page up to the closed stall door. 
“I’ll be right there.” He croaked, closing the diary again. 
He closed his eyes and inhaled until his lungs were full. He counted to five in his head and listened for the door to close before he slowly exhaled. He repeated the action three more times before he trusted himself to stand. 
He swore he could still smell your perfume as he forced his way out of the bathroom and back to reality. 
June 14th 2002
All the nights we stayed up talking, listening to 80's songs. It still brings a smile to my face. 
Her aunt's house, which I came to learn was just up the street and had a new, state of the art AC unit fitted. The next two weeks we spent nearly everyday there listening to her favourite songs on the old stereo, most of which I’d never heard before. 
The likes of Van Halen, The Cure, AC/DC and The Pixies played on repeat while she quizzed me on my life and I on hers. She was from San Francisco and her aunt was on vacation so she’d offered to house sit for the summer. She was a year younger than me at twenty one and fresh out of college with no idea where she was heading next.
I kind of envied her, she was a free spirit, she could go anywhere she wanted, do anything she wanted. And for whatever reason, she chose to spend her summer with me.
You hummed along to the music, Where is My Mind by the Pixies encompassing the room. You laid on your back on the couch, your feet in Spencer’s lap and the AC sending its cool waves towards you.
You cradled the blunt between your fingertips, every now and again raising it to your lips and sucking on it. The room was filling with smoke, the smell of it alone enough to make Spencer a little light headed. 
“You sure you don’t want any of this?” You spoke with a lungful smoke. 
“I’m good, really.” Spencer smiled his tight-lipped smile you’d grown accustomed to the last few weeks. 
“It would be out of your system before you start your big government job.” You giggled. 
“It’s not just that.” He shook his head. “Smoking marijuana at our age while our brains are still technically developing can affect IQ. A study showed that those who started smoking pot before twenty five lost six to eight IQ points by middle age.” 
You sat up on your elbows, your eyebrows deeply furrowed at him.
“You think it’s really going to affect your life so much if you lose a couple of IQ points, Doc?” Your lip quipped up into a smile. 
“I don’t want to risk it.” Spencer noted your slightly bloodshot eyes. 
You took another long drag, the sound of the paper crackling as it burnt filled his ears. You breathed it in before slowly exhaling the smoke out into the room. 
“Hmm,” you hummed in content, dropping the half smoked blunt into a little glass dish on the coffee table. “Now I feel light as a feather.” 
“You could get that feeling in many other ways. The main psychoactive ingredient, THC, is simply stimulating the part of the brain that responds to pleasure. It’s releasing dopamine which is what’s giving you that euphoric feeling.” He told you almost sternly.
You cocked an eyebrow at him, sitting up further so you could get a good look at him. 
“Pleasure, huh?” You clicked your tongue. 
“Yeah,” he swallowed. “It’s the same way you would respond to food or…”
“Or?” Your lip twitched.
“Other pleasurable activities.” He swallowed again, his cheeks turning slightly pink. 
You swung your legs off of his lap and shuffled closer to him on the couch. You saw him swallow yet again, noticed his chest heave with a deep breath. 
The closer you got to him the more you could feel the nerves rolling off of him in waves and you dared move so you were straddling his lap. 
Your knees pressing either side of his thighs, you wrapped your arms around his neck and a hagged breath left between his pouty lips. His cheeks were a deep crimson colour now and from this position in his lap you knew exactly why. 
“Spence?” You whispered as he looked at you in embarrassment. 
It would be painfully obvious from where you were sitting that he was aroused and he felt so incredibly vulnerable in that moment. 
“Yes, Y/N?” He croaked. 
“What other pleasurable activities are you talking about?” 
“I think…I think you know.” 
“Hmm let’s pretend I don’t.” You smiled coyly. “After all, I’ve probably knocked off a few IQ points right? What other pleasurable activities?” 
You rolled your hips a little in his lap and Spencer mewled at the sensation. This was the closest he’d ever come to having someone other than himself touch him and he felt dizzy. He felt so dizzy that when he spoke, he wasn’t sure he’d even meant to let the word slip off his tongue. 
“S-sex.” He breathed, the smile on your face growing in approval. 
“Well now, that does sound more appealing than smoking.” You edged your face closer to him, rolling your hips into his lap once more. 
He smelt your perfume and the pot on your breath. He felt like his skin was on fire and he couldn’t form a coherent thought. 
A moment before you lips touched his, the sound of a phone ring cut through the room and you sprung apart suddenly. 
Spencer remained sitting on the couch while you ambled over to the landline. He watched you go, half wondering if he’d imagined the whole thing. 
But the erection still visible through his slacks begged to differ. 
He returned the journal to his satchel as the jet came into land near Dallas. He knew word of his mysterious diary had reached Emily and Rossi and the whole team had been watching him read on the flight. 
He tried to cast his memories to the back of his mind and focus on the case, people were being murdered and that had to take precedence over his nostalgic thoughts. 
Emily sent him and Rossi to the morgue and Spencer tried to pretend he was focused on a case file while Rossi drove them. He could see the older man looking at him in his peripheral vision. 
Thankfully Rossi did not ask him about the journal even though Spencer knew he wanted to. 
It was in the back of his mind all day and after he retired to his hotel room and showered, he found himself thumbing through to the next page. 
July 1st 2002
Breaking into hotel swimming pools, and wreaking havoc on our world. Does it make me completely dumb that I would follow her to the ends of the earth? 
I knew it was a bad idea, but I just can’t say no to her. She said she had something fun planned and so like an idiot I came along. 
I didn’t say anything when we jumped the fence. It was around eleven pm and all the lights around the pool were out, the stars and the moon reflecting on the still water. 
I still didn’t say anything when she started stripping down to her underwear, mostly because it rendered me speechless. The sight of her in nothing but that skimpy black lace lingerie caused me to forget my own name and I’m sure I just stared at her slack jaw. 
It’s been a few weeks since I think she tried to kiss me and she hasn’t said anything about it. I’m starting to think I misread the situation entirely. 
At least I was, until she stripped off her clothes by the side of the pool and curled her finger at me, beckoning me closer.
“You fancy a dip, Spencer?” Your voice was breathy and he followed your motion to come closer. 
“Uh, won’t we get in trouble?” He padded forward all the same. 
“Only if we get caught.” You giggled, reaching for him as soon as he was close enough. 
You gripped him by the lapels of his shirt to tug him forward before your fingers glided towards the top button. He stared at you without a word while you effortlessly popped the buttons one by one. 
Once you’d gotten the last button undone your hands moved to his shoulders and you helped push the fabric down his arms until it dropped to the floor. 
He was painfully skinny but it didn’t stop him from subconsciously sucking in his small stomach. Your eyes grazed up and down his torso, taking in every inch of skin.
He felt hot beneath your gaze despite the fact the temperature plummeted at night. He felt self conscious, not worthy of your eyes on him. But when you met his gaze again you were smiling. 
When your hands landed on the button of his slacks his breath hitched and his legs wobbled slightly. You giggled again, a sound that had become Spencer’s favourite melody over the past month. 
You made quick work of the button and zipper before hooking your fingers in the side of his pants and shimming them down his legs. 
Spencer stayed still and silent while you undressed him until his pants pooled at his feet and he kicked off his converse so he could remove them completely. 
His hands darted in front of him, trying to hide the exceedingly noticeable tenting in his tight boxers. He could tell you knew what he was trying to hide by the playful smile now on your lips. 
It was an all too regular occurrence around you. You only had to glance at him a certain way and he would be standing at full attention. It wasn’t his fault, you were unfairly beautiful. 
Suddenly you turned your back on him, floating as you so often did towards the pool. Before Spencer’s brain could catch up you were diving into the still water, causing ripples to roll out across the pool. 
A few droplets splashed up onto his face and chest. While you were submerged he moved closer to the edge and slipped into the cool water before you could have a chance to scrutinise his body again. 
When you emerged you wiped your hair off your face and found Spencer in the pool, leaning back against the wall. The water wasn’t too deep but he crouched down so it was covering him up to his chest. 
You waded towards him, eyes sparkling from the moonlight. He pushed himself back against the side of the pool, his nerves written all over his face. 
“Everything okay, Doc?” You asked as you neared him. 
“Fine, just fine.” He nodded stiffly. 
“You sure about that?” You cocked an eyebrow at him, moving dangerously closer. 
“Hmm mmm.” He tried to insist but you weren’t buying it. 
Your eyes were dark by the time you were right in front of him, almost black. The smile on your face was sinful and it made Spencer’s knees weak. 
No one had ever looked at him the way you were looking at him at that moment. He may be naive but he knew exactly what that look meant. And as if to prove that point, your right hand disappeared under the water and seconds later it was palming him through his underwear.
A pathetic whimper left his lips at the contact even though there was a layer of wet fabric between him and your hand. 
Your smile grew at his reaction, your other hand now moving to grip his shoulder. Spencer’s arms remained at his sides, his breathing already heightened. 
“Spencer?” You whispered. “Has anyone ever touched you like this before?”
He rolled his lip between his teeth and shook his head dispondantly.
“No,” he confessed. “I, uh, I’ve never even…kissed anyone before.” 
He felt the heat spreading to his cheeks and he was painfully aware of your hand still palming him. Your smile turned a little sad, pitying almost. 
“You want to change that?” Your voice was quiet, barely a whisper. 
“Y-yes.” He nodded. “Yes p-please.” 
“So polite,” you stepped even closer. “Such a good boy.” 
When your lips finally touched his, he whined against them, feeling an explosion of emotions in one simple action. Your tongue easily made its way into his mouth and your hand moved from his shoulder to the back of his head. 
You kissed him fiercely, exploring his mouth with hunger. Spencer didn’t do much of anything, simply stood limply while you kissed the air from his lungs. 
He continued to whine against your lips when your hand started moving around his shaft. His hips started to rock against you of their own accord and he so desperately wished there wasn’t a piece of fabric in his way. 
As though you could read his mind your hand shifted and your fingers trailed across his stomach just about the waistband of his boxers. He moaned deeply and you pulled back from the kiss, a questioning expression on your features.
“Can I?” You panted as you spoke, nodding your head downwards. 
All Spencer could do was nod dumbly in response. 
You smiled before leaning in to kiss him again, somehow more ferociously than before. When your hand slid inside the sodden material of his boxers and wrapped around his length an animalistic moan erupted from his lips, swallowed down in your own mouth. 
Your small hand couldn’t quite reach all the way around his thick shaft as you started moving up and down on it. His hips started bucking harder than before, telling you he enjoyed it. 
His brain was mush, he couldn’t form a single coherent thought except how phenomenal your hand felt. His lack of awareness allowed him a little more confidence and he finally moved his arms, his hands finding your face and holding you while he kissed you. 
You smiled against his lips, the water started to lap around your bodies with your movements. You kept up a steady pace as you stroked him while removing one of his hands from your face. 
He let you guide his hand over the planes of your body until it was situated between your legs. He inhaled sharply, having to tear his lips away from yours. 
You were both panting as you looked at each other, his breathing staggered due to the way you were touching him. His hand was still between your legs, ghosting outside of your panties.
“You…you’re sure?” He breathed erratically. 
“Very.” You nodded, increasing your speed and eliciting another feral moan from Spencer. 
“I…I’ve never done this before.” 
“You strike me as a quick learner.” You smirked. 
“F-fuck…” he mumbled. “I…I am.” 
“Make me feel good, Spence. Be a good boy for me.” 
Your words of praise made him hiss, bucking hard into your hand. It was enough encouragement for him to inch your panties aside before his fingers slid beneath the fabric. 
You were surprised to say the least when one of his digits quickly found your clit and started rubbing it deftly, as though he’d done this hundreds of times before. 
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open, your grip on him faltering for a second at the sensation. 
“Fuck…” you whined, trying to focus on your strokes. “You…you sure you’ve never done that before?” 
“P-positive.” He nodded, his knees buckling as he felt precome leaking from his head. “S’good?” 
“So good, baby. So good.” You crashed your lips together again as he increased his speed, rubbing your sensitive bud like he’d been doing it his whole life. 
You squeezed the base of his shaft before matching his speed with your strokes. You were moaning into each other's waiting mouths, water frantically lapping around your bodies. 
You whined when his finger disappeared from your clit but soon two of his digits were swiping through your folds. When you felt them pressed against your entrance, begging for access, you nibbled on his bottom lip and squeezed his cock again telling him to continue. 
You moaned in unison as his two long, slender fingers entered you. Spencer felt as though he might pass out at the sensation as his fingers pushed all the way inside of you. 
He felt your shift and move around him, your walls fluttering against his digits. That combined with the way you were frenziedly pumping him caused his stomach to tighten with the telltale signs of his impending orgasm. 
“Oh my gosh you feel so incredible.” He whined, plunging his fingers deeper inside you. 
You felt him twitching in your hand, still lazily rocking into your touch. 
“Are you close, baby?” Your thighs squeezed around his hand. 
“Y-yes.” He admitted, fingers coniniting to move in and out of you, desperate to give you as much pleasure as you were bestowing upon him. 
“Come for me, Spence. Come for me.” 
He whimpered again, the pressure building in the pit of his stomach and he couldn’t hold back any longer even if he wanted to. 
With a staggered moan his hips jut forward as he came in the pool, while you stroked him through his first orgasm not at his own hand. 
In a hotel room just outside of Dallas, Spencer narrowly managed to move the journal out of the way just in time for him to spill his load over his own hand. 
He fell back against the lumpy pillows, breathing heavily and his hand still slowly moving up and down his spent shaft. 
He glanced at the diary through hazy eyes and shook his head, removing his hand from his cock and wiping his seed on the bed sheet.
He swore he could feel your hand there even after all these years, feel the water splashing around his naked torso. 
He could feel you around his fingers, the way you clenched tighter as you came not so long after he did. 
He could still feel the weight of your body as you fell against him in the pool, head nuzzling into the crook of his neck as you panted heavily into his wet skin. 
Things had been so much simpler then, he sometimes yearned for those days. A part of him wished he hadn’t found the journal in the first place then maybe he wouldn’t have found himself sucked down this particular rabbit hole. 
Despite the memories swarming his brain he fell asleep without even cleaning himself off, one hand on his rapidly beating heart and the other clutching the battered diary. 
July 4th 2002
Lighting fireworks in parking lots, illuminates the blackest nights. Cherry cokes under this moonlit summer sky. 
I suggested going to an organised event for the Fourth of July celebrations but she insisted that we have our own. 
She brought a ton of fireworks, it was a wonder she didn’t blow a hand off that night, fumbling to light them whilst dragging on a blunt.
But I simply watched her from the back of her aunt’s old VW Camper, sipping on my coke in absolute awe of her every move. 
Since our pool escapades the other day, every time I look at her I get chills. Every time I catch sight of her I think of the way she felt as she touched me, as I touched her…
She hasn’t even so much as kissed me since and I’m partially wondering if it was all a vivid dream. At least I was until tonight. 
You sauntered back over towards the open back doors of your camper where Spencer sat cross legged on a blanket. 
Seconds later an array of fireworks erupted in the sky over the abandoned parking lot, the sounds and the colours a feast for the senses. 
But you weren’t watching them. You were watching him. 
You crawled into the back of the van, right into his lap, straddling him as you took a long pull on the joint. You inhaled the smoke and tossed the butt over your shoulder before placing your hands on his shoulders. 
When you kissed him the smoke filtered out of your mouth and into his but he didn’t care. His arms wrapped around your waist while your tongues explored each other's mouths. 
You guided him backwards so he was laying down, his cock already fully erect and pressing against you. You laid on top of him and continued to kiss him fiercely. 
His hands found purchase on your back, gently holding you close. You were grinding against him causing him to moan into your mouth and squirm beneath you. 
He knew where this would inevitably lead if he let it. He wanted to, he didn’t exactly relish the idea of being a virgin forever and you were the first woman to ever show him this kind of attention.
But he didn’t want to just be another guy to you. He didn’t want to just be a quick lay you’d forget all about. And inevitably that’s what would happen.
It wasn’t something the two of you talked about often but at the end of summer you were going back to San Francisco and he was going to DC. If he slept with you that’s all it would ever be. And he didn’t want that. 
You continued to kiss him and grind against him but his intrusive thoughts got the better of him and all the blood that had previously been flowing south rerouted itself. He didn’t even realise until you sat back and looked at him curiously.
“Is everything okay?” You breathed heavily, lips slightly swollen from the kiss.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” He frowned up at you. 
“Uh…” Your eyes flicked down towards his crotch at the same time he realised he was completely flaccid. 
His cheeks burnt and he cursed his overactive brain. 
“I’m sorry.” He shook his head, trying to sit back up. 
You slid off of his lap and sat next to him while he drew his legs close to his body. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to do this. I’m sorry if I come on a little strong.” You shrugged meekly. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to. I just…I don’t want to lose my virginity to someone I’m never going to see again once summer is over.” He cringed at his own words, at how needy and sad he sounded. 
Your expression turned pitying and it made him feel even more stupid. 
“I get it.” You smiled softly. “Don’t be embarrassed.”
“It’s kinda hard not to be.” He buried his head into his knees and hugged his arms around his shins. “I’m sure most guys, normal guys, would jump at the chance to be with a woman as beautiful as you. No one’s ever looked at me the way you do, I was always so much younger than my peers so it made sense. I wasn’t waiting or anything, not deliberately. But now the opportunity has presented itself, I don’t think I’m the casual sex kind of guy. God that sounds so lame.” 
You were smiling to yourself at how adorable he was. With his face against his knees his words were muffled but you caught the gist of them. 
You shuffled closer to him and placed your hands on his cheeks, guiding his face back up so he would look at you. 
“I think that’s kinda noble.” You whispered.
“I think the word you’re looking for is sad.” He huffed. 
“No, it’s not.” You let go of his face. “I understand, Spencer. I wish I’d waited, I wish I’d waited for someone like you.” 
He let you wrap your arms around him and he leant against your chest while you held him. Off in the distance fireworks continued to illuminate the sky, the far off sound of their explosions a strange comfort. 
Spencer rubbed his eyes with his palms somewhat aggressively after almost an hour of staring at the map of their unsubs hunting ground. 
Despite falling asleep quickly last night his peace had been short lived and he’d woken less than two hours later and couldn’t get back to sleep. 
He didn’t know why he was letting the diary affect him in such a way, shouldn’t it have the opposite result? Those entries were from the best days of his life, but maybe it served as a reminder that he could never go back to that time.
He wasn’t that naive kid anymore, he’d suffered one too many traumas in his life to ever be that kid again. Back then his most difficult decision was whether or not to have sex with a beautiful woman. He longed to have such trivial problems. 
He’d felt so stupid after the night of the fourth of July he had avoided you for two weeks after. He’d wasted what precious time the two of you had together feeling idiotic over his decision to turn you down and hidden out in the public library just to circumvent any further interaction with you. 
He turned to face the room, realising he was alone in the small meeting room. Last he checked JJ and Luke were at the table going over files, when had they left? 
He frowned to himself, reaching for his satchel and pulling the journal out, flipping to the next page. 
July 19th 2002
Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up, these are the best days of our lives. The only thing that matters is just following your heart, and eventually you'll finally get it right.
He closed his eyes with a shake of his head. Wasn’t that the painful truth? He’d written that particular entry with a smile on his face like the cat that got the cream. That date had been the best of his whole whirlwind summer. 
After stewing in his stupidity for two weeks he had shown up at your aunt's house unexpected and uninvited. You’d barely let him inside before he’d kissed you. And it wasn’t long at all before he was leading you back to the couch. 
“Spence, what’s going on?” You panted, looking up at him from where you laid on the couch. 
“Do you really need me to spell it out for you?” He was fumbling a little with the buttons of his shirt, hands noticeably shaking. 
“But I thought…you said you didn’t want this? And then you don’t talk to me for weeks and now you-”
“I was overthinking, I do that a lot. But I don’t want to overthink this.” He finished unbuttoning the shirt and dropped it to the floor before climbing on top of you and kissing you again.
“You’re sure?” You mumbled against his lips.
“Extremely.” He replied.
He snapped the journal closed before he could get carried away. He didn’t exactly go into graphic detail of what transpired on your aunt’s couch that day but it was certainly not safe for work material. 
He didn’t need to read the words anyway, he’d memorised everything about that day. He learnt by heart the way your skin felt against his, the way the two of you melted together as though your bodies somehow became one. He’d retained every little detail of how you felt, every tiny movement of your body as he’d made love to you. 
He couldn’t forget even if he wanted to. 
Just as he was slotting the diary back into his satchel, trying not to get caught up in the blissful memory, the door opened and JJ strolled in carrying two take out coffee cups. She smiled at him, handing him one of the drinks. He smiled at her in thanks.
Her eyes flitted to his open bag and the diary nestled inside. When she looked back at him she had an amused expression on her face.
“So, sex diary, huh?” She chuckled lightly.
“It is nothing of the sort.” He rolled his eyes.
“Alvez is convinced otherwise.” 
“Well Alvez doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“Summer of oh-two right?” She narrowed her eyes on him, the way she did when she was trying to profile him.
“Yeah.” He took a sip of coffee. 
“Wasn’t that-”
“Yes.” He cut her off. 
The summer I met the love of my life. 
He’d told JJ snippets from that summer, she was the only one who he’d ever told. She knew as much as he’d met a wonderful woman who he’d lost his virginity to and over the course of a summer had fallen in love with her. As far as he knew she’d never told anyone. 
“So why has it gotten you so tetchy? I would have thought you’d like to relive those days?” She slid into one of the chairs sipping her own coffee but her scrutinising gaze stayed on him.
He let out a haggard sigh, taking a seat next to her and using his free hand to swipe his hair back off of his face.
“Do you ever feel like the best days of your life have passed you by?” He found himself asking. 
JJ’s expression softened, a melancholy smile adorned on her lips. She sat forward slightly in the chair.
“Is that really what you think?” She placed a gentle hand on his knee and she felt him tense up at her touch.
“Maybe, I don’t know.” He wiggled his nose, a gesture he did when he was uncomfortable. “I guess I just miss being that carefree.”
“Spencer Reid, carefree? Can’t picture it.” JJ laughed around her cup.
“Fine, maybe not carefree.” He chuckled too. “But not…this. I’m worried I’m never going to bounce back from prison. I went to therapy, I took the medication, I should be over it by now.”
“Spence, you have PTSS, that doesn’t just go away. You know as well as I do, probably better, that the symptoms can be managed, that it can remain dormant for months, even years. But the trauma you suffered is what evoked your PTSS and that doesn’t leave you. You’ll probably always be dealing with it in one way or another.” JJ squeezed his knee before Spencer moved out of her touch. 
He knew what she was saying was right and that’s what made it harder to hear. PTSS was something he would always live with, something that could always be triggered in the future. He’d created coping mechanisms, dealt with his trauma but it didn’t make it go away, it would never just vanish into thin air. He could never undo the damage that had already been done. 
“I thought reading that journal would help me feel like my old self but it’s having the opposite effect. Because I’m never going to be that kid again.” He shook his head sadly. 
“And why would you want to be?” JJ scoffed.
“Excuse me?” He frowned at her.
“Spence, I knew you at twenty two. You were painfully shy and awkward. It took you years to be able to look me in the eye. You’ve changed so much in the years I’ve known you and that’s not a bad thing. You’re better at your job, you’re a better man now than you were at twenty two, you have to see that?” She hoped her words were getting through, hoped he would listen to her before he fell into a self pity spiral he may never get out of. 
He exhaled shakily, taking another sip of coffee while he tried to come up with a response. But he didn’t have to, as soon the door was opening again and Luke entered the room. And Spencer quickly jumped up and returned to his map, effectively shutting down any further conversation on the subject. 
August 6th 2002
Hanging out at truck stops, just to pass the time. Watching the slew of cars fly by on the freeway, eating bags of chips while she tossed stones out into the rolling desert beyond us. 
“Remind me again why we’re here?” He asked you as you flung another stone off into the distance. 
You turned to face him, both sitting in the gravel, leaning up against the side of the truck stop building. 
“Why not?” You quipped. 
“There are countless other more interesting things in Las Vegas than sitting at a truck stop. You’re only here a few more weeks and I thought you wanted to see the city?” 
“I have seen the city.” 
“You’ve seen abandoned parking lots, old motel swimming pools and the inside of your aunt’s house.” He shook his head. 
“Hmm,” you mused. “I have been very acquainted with her ceiling these past few weeks.” You winked at him and his cheeks immediately burned at the insinuation. 
It wasn’t a lie. The last couple of weeks the two of you had barely left your aunt’s house in lieu of making the most of each other's company whilst wearing as few clothes as possible. 
Spencer wasn’t strictly complaining about that, sex with you was one of the wonders of the world and he’d happily do it for the rest of his life. But he was painfully aware of what little time you had left together. 
“It’s a pretty good ceiling.” He swallowed thickly, having had his own share of experiences in which he was staring at that ceiling too. 
You giggled and it was literally music to his ears. You tossed another stone before suddenly getting to your feet. 
Spencer followed suit, brushing the dirt off the back of his slacks. You had a mischievous glint in your eyes as you took hold of his hand and started leading him around the side of the building. 
“Where are we going?” He asked, not that it really mattered. He’d long ago realised he would follow you anywhere. 
“You’ll see.” You giggled again, giving his hand a squeeze. 
He followed you inside a grimy and slightly dilapidated bathroom, eyebrows furrowed deeply in confusion. 
When you let go of his hand and locked the door, his stomach coiled into knots and his cock immediately started to come to life. 
“Y/N?” He breathed. “What are we…why are we…?” 
You laughed and took him by the hand again, leading him into a stall. The door was coming off of its hinges and the tiled floor was dirty and cracked. You didn’t seem to notice. 
You pushed him up against one of the walls in the stall and started kissing him with ferocity. He kissed you back, trying to ignore the stench of a bathroom that was long overdue for a good clean. 
He didn’t really have much time to dwell on such trivial things however as soon as you were dropping to your knees on the filthy floor and looking up at him through your lashes. 
The simple action had him standing at full attention, his stomach tightly coiled. He’d dreamed of what it would be like to have you go down on him but never imagined it would happen. 
He was too polite to ask and too innocent to assume. But it hadn’t stopped him from imagining it countless times. 
You smiled at him, toying with the button of his slacks and chewing seductively on your lip. 
“Is this what you want, Doc?” You breathed. 
“You have no idea.” He nodded somewhat frantically. 
“Be a good boy and say it for me. I can’t read your mind.” You teased. 
The idea of dirty talking in any way would have normally freaked him out but it had become clear to both of you early on that when you called him a good boy he’d do just about anything. 
“P-please,” he whined, bucking his hips. “Please s-suck my cock.” 
You hissed at his words, teeth sinking deeply into your own lip. 
“Oh you’re so good, Spencer. Such a good boy for me.” You popped the button as a reward. 
“Your good boy.” He agreed with a whimper. 
“My best boy.” You smirked, tugging his pants and boxers down to his knees in one swift move. 
He gasped as the stale air hit his erect cock and pushed himself back against the stall wall. You ran your tongue along your bottom lip as your index finger ghosted up and down the throbbing vein that ran the length of his shaft. 
His knees were already quaking, desperate to feel your lips wrapped around him. Thankfully he didn’t have to wait much longer as soon you bowed your head, parted your lips and took his head into your mouth. 
His eyes rolled back in his head in an instant and the sounds coming from his lips could only be described as feral as you slowly took him all the way in your mouth. 
He yelped when he hit the back of your throat, partly through pleasure and partly through fear he might hurt you. He knew he wasn’t exactly small, not quite so naive as to be blind to the fact he was sporting an above average sized package. 
But to your credit you didn’t even so much as gag and when you looked up at him through your lashes again, nose buried in his pubic hair, he swore you were smiling. 
At the back of the jet Spencer tried to rearrange his satchel in his lap to disguise his growing erection from anyone who might pass him by. The mere thought of that day you’d given him his very first blow job was enough to make him strain at the front of his slacks. 
The case in Dallas was wrapped up in just two days despite Spencer’s lack of concentration and he was so pleased to be heading home. 
He closed his eyes, resting his head back against the headrest and trying not to think about that day but failed miserably. 
Getting to come while he had sex with you was incredible, of course, but being inhibited by condoms always left him feeling a little incomplete. But the feeling of coming down your throat, having every last drop of his arousal swallowed down while you smiled at him was out of this world. 
He whimpered a little under his breath, his cock throbbing in the confines of his pants. He grit his teeth together hard and opened his eyes in an attempt to focus on something else. 
August 29th 2002
Here in this diary I write you visions of my summer, it was the best I ever had…that unspoken feeling of knowing that right now is all that matters…
“What are you doing?” You sing-songed, dropping yourself next to him on the couch. 
“Just writing.” He hurried to close the journal before you caught sight of anything.
“Writing what?” Your eyes were sparkling playfully at him. 
“Memories. I want to remember this summer.” He shrugged, hugging the book to his chest. 
“You have an eidetic memory, dork.” 
Three days later, on September first, you’d been leaving Vegas, waving to him from the rear window of the bus taking you to the airport. 
September 1st 2002
I don’t know why but some reason I genuinely thought this summer might never end. Time is just a construct right? Maybe this summer could last forever. 
More logically, or maybe less depending on how you look at it, I think I actually thought she’d stay, come with me to DC. I asked her to, although I don’t think she realised I was being serious. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Just writing.” 
“Writing what?” 
“Memories. I want to remember this summer.” 
“You have an eidetic memory, dork.” 
“I know, I’m just scared for this to end. I…Y/N I have fallen in love with you. Don’t go back to California, come to DC with me instead.”
She’d simply laughed as though I’d told the world's funniest joke, patted me on the shoulder and said, “oh wouldn’t that just be the dream, Doc?” 
That was three days ago and she hasn’t brought it up since and neither have I. And today I helped her with her bags to the bus station so she could leave me forever. 
Get on the bus, it's time to go. 
“I am gonna miss you, you know, Doc?” You toyed with his lapel, the sweetest of smiles on your face. “I had a way better summer than I planned for.”
“M-me too.” He croaked, stupidly feeling hot tears brewing behind his eyes. 
“Don’t be sad, you’re leaving for Quantico next week. Your dream job, remember? You're going to be saving lives and kicking ass. You’ll forget all about me.” You smiled. 
“Doubtful.” He huffed. 
The engine of the bus roared to life behind the two of you and your smile turned a little sad. You breathed out before leaning in close and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. 
“You have to forget me, Doc. Summers over.” You whispered against his lips and before he could reply you were turning away and sauntering to the doors of the bus. 
His heart constricted in his chest, tears encompassing his vision. Nothing about this was fair even though he’d know all along you’d be leaving. It didn’t make it an easier pill to swallow. 
He rubbed his eyes heavily before your face appeared at the back window. You were still smiling but if he didn’t know any better he swore your own eyes were filled with tears. 
The sound of the doors closing caused his chest to tighten further. This was it. It was over. You were leaving. 
As the bus rumbled into gear and started forward, you waved to him and his tears broke free. He raised his hand and waved back while they rolled down his cheeks. 
He stood on the sidewalk waving as the bus started its journey, watching as the only woman he would ever love was cruelly taken away from him. 
He rolled his neck as he ascended the stairs to his apartment after a long metro ride home from Quantico. He freed his keys from his satchel, fingertips brushing over the worn leather cover of the journal as he did so. 
He’d never be that innocent twenty two year old again. But was that really such a bad thing? Maybe JJ was right, he was better at his job, he was a better man now than he had been back then. Getting caught up in this wave of nostalgia was foolish.
Ultimately Spencer knew he wouldn’t go back to that age for all the money in the world. That summer might have been the best of his life, but it wasn’t as though his life had been terrible after that. Things sometimes had a way of working themselves out, the universe had its own plan for everyone. 
And despite the trauma thrown his way, the universe hadn’t been entirely merciless towards him. 
He found himself smiling for the first time in days as he slotted the key in his apartment door. He’d been thrown a lot of curveballs in his life, dealt a hand that no one person should have to tackle alone. 
But then he never really had been alone, had he? 
He turned the key and pushed open the door, the light from the lamp next to the couch illuminating the room in the homely glow he loved so much. 
The smell of freshly brewed coffee met his nose, wrapping him in its warmth. He smiled brighter, kicking off his shoes and hanging up his satchel. He pulled out the journal and cradled it under his arm. Then he turned towards the couch and the body sat upon it, his smile grew tenfold. 
“Welcome home, Doc.” 
Get on the bus, it's time to go. 
He continued to wave dumbly as the bus got further away, tears streaking down his cheeks and he feared they may never end. 
He even kept waving when the bus came to an abrupt stop, even carrying on when the doors swung open and you appeared on the sidewalk. 
He finally lowered his hand when you started running towards him, tears rolling from your eyes and a frantic expression on your features. 
“You meant it didn’t you? When you asked me to come to DC with you, you meant it. You meant it and I knew you did but I laughed because I was scared.” You spat out, speaking so fast all your words rolled into one. 
“I did mean it.” He croaked, scared to reach for you in case you vanished in a puff of smoke. “And I also meant it when I told you I love you.” 
“I, uh…” your voice cracked and you scuffed your toe on the concrete. “Would it be utterly crazy if I did come with you to DC?”
“Probably.” He nodded. “Realistically we barely know each other. We might come to find when we learn more about one another that we don’t actually like what we find. Take me, I’m neurotic, I’m a neat freak, a germaphobe. I own too many books, my hair’s too long, my tie is perpetually crooked, I’m-”
“Spencer?” You chuckled through your tears, cutting him off of his rant.
“I ramble when I’m nervous.” He sighed. “But I do know that I love you. And I’m almost positive that I will love every little thing about you, most likely for the rest of my life. So it is probably crazy of you to come to DC with me, but I hope you do it anyway.”
“Spence?” You smiled, wiping at your tears. “I love you too, and I’m positive I will love every little thing about you too. For the rest of my life.” 
Spencer let out a shaky breath of relief and wiped his own tears moments before you fell into his arms and kissed him more fiercely than you ever had before. And you both knew no matter how crazy it was, it also made absolutely perfect sense. 
“Good to be home, angel.” He kissed you, wrapping his free arm around your waist to hold you close. 
He always did that, despite how many years it had been. Regardless of the fact you’d now been together since you were twenty one years old and he was twenty two, in spite of the fact you’d married him, he always felt the need to keep you as close as humanly possible as though afraid he may lose you like he almost had all those years ago.
“Missed you.” You mumbled against his lips. 
“Missed you more.” He replied.
When he broke away from you, your eyes landed on the diary and you laughed, tugging it free of his grip. 
“JJ called me this morning and said you’d been pining over this thing.” You ran your fingers over the worn cover. 
“Best summer of my life.” He smiled as the two of you sank to the couch. 
Spencer wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you nuzzled against him, still toying with the old diary. 
“Mine too. But we can’t live in the past forever. And I don’t know about you but I’m pretty happy right here in the present. And I’m certain our future is going to look pretty damn good.” You took his hand in your free one and brought it to your lips so you could place delicate kisses on his knuckles. 
He’d been so sure as he watched that bus pull away that he would never see you again, that he had lost a piece of his heart forever. The summer of ‘02 he had met the love of his life and he had counted his lucky stars every day that he was also the love of yours. 
You’d stayed by his side through every hurdle. You’d helped him get clean after his addiction which could have torn the two of you apart, held his hand through every single NA meeting and soothed him through withdrawals.
You’d gone to every doctor's appointment with him while he was suffering from debilitating headaches, dried his tears when he thought Emily had died and held his hand at the funeral. You’d felt his anger towards JJ and Hotch when Emily came back from the dead. 
You’d done the same when Gideon died, when Morgan left the team and then Hotch. You’d visited him every day in prison and told him on every visit that no matter how long it took you would be waiting for him when he got out. 
“Until death do us part, Doc. I didn’t take our vows lightly.” 
He held you closer, trying to communicate to you just how much your love and support had meant to him over the years. 
“Have I ever thanked you for getting off that bus?” He sighed in content. 
“Only every single day since.” You giggled, still after all these years his absolute favourite sound in the world. 
He laughed with you, holding you impossibly closer and breathing in the scent of your perfume he still loved so much. 
One summer had turned his whole life upside down. One glorious summer changed everything. That summer and the memories the two of you had created would forever live on, even without that old journal. But you were right, he couldn’t live in the past forever, nor would he want to. His present was as close to perfect as it could possibly be. 
And even in the coldest depths of winter, you would always be the summer of Spencer Reid’s heart. 
Here in this diary I write you visions of my summer, it was the best I ever had.
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August Rain [Frankie x reader]
My Frankie Morales masterlist
Read on Ao3
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Ship: Francisco “Catfish” Morales x you (f!reader in that Frankie calls them ma'am, but otherwise no descriptors)
Warnings: Sugary cuteness, kissing, allusions to sex. Frankie mentions getting fat.
Summary: You and Frankie have tea and cake and cuddles on the porch swing. That's it, that's the plot.
Words: 1,200
A/N: @rambling-in-purple sent me a bunch of gifs (see below) to inspire me to write something starring Frankie. It took me a couple of days, but here's my lil cutesy comfort piece. I hope you like it, Lila!
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It starts to rain as you’re finishing up dinner. You glance out the kichen window, sigh deeply, and grimace across the table at Frankie.
”There goes my gardening time.”
”Good,” he replies sternly. ”You’re sniffling, you should be taking it easy.”
He’s right, of course, but gardening after a long, rough day at work soothes and grounds you. You had hoped that the forecast had been wrong, that the late summer weather would be unpredictable enough to evade meteorologist analysis, but no such luck. Then again, you’ve been feeling under the weather for two days now, sniffling in the morning and beat at night. You really should be relaxing to avoid a full blown cold, or worse.
”Whatever,” you mutter, putting down the cutlery. ”Thanks for dinner.”
Frankie had been home before you, and prepared the food, for which you were grateful. To have to think about dinner on top of everything at work was a little too much for you at the moment.
”You’re welcome,” he replies softly. ”I’ll clean up, you go lay down for a bit.”
”I’m too wired.”
”You’re exhausted.”
”That, too. I’ll clean up, it’s okay.”
You end up doing it together, Frankie accepting your help only because you know that he likes doing everyday chores with you. When the kitchen is spotless and the dishwasher humming, he grabs the tea kettle.
”Cup of tea?”
”You wanna thaw those pieces of chocolate cake we’ve been saving?” he suggests as he fills the kettle. The mention of chocolate sends a small starter rush of dopamine to your brain.
”Hell to the yeah.”
You take out the box containing two pieces of cake from the freezer, and put it out on the counter to thaw.
”That’s gonna take a while,” Frankie points out. ”Come on, let’s go sit down.”
”Can we go out?” you suggest. ”We haven’t used the porch swing much this summer.”
Frankie accepts, and that’s how you end up on the porch swing, your head on Frankie’s shoulder, his arm slung around your shoulders, a blanket over your laps. The rain is soothing, and even if it’s not cold, there’s a melancholic hint of fall in the air. You look at your overgrown garden where everything seems to be in a hurry to grow and bloom before the season is over, and there’s something both sad and beautiful in it.
”This is nice,” Frankie murmurs, his low voice sending a warm, titillating vibration through you. ”Why haven’t we done this more often?”
”Too hot,” you remind him, and he hums as he remembers how hot indeed the porch gets in the summer afternoons and evenings.
”We still have time in the fall,” you add. ”Just have to bundle up properly.”
”I like that.”
”Me too.”
He kisses your forehead and pulls you in snugly against him.
”It’s even nicer when it rains.”
He kisses your head again.
“You think those cake pieces are good to eat now?”
“Oh, right. Yeah, they should be.”
“You sit here, I’ll them them, and the tea.”
You sit up straight and hold onto him to prevent him from rising.
“Love you,” you tell him with a grateful smile, and kiss him.
“Love you,” he hums against your lips, kissing you back until you’re done. You give him a little shove.
“I want cake.”
He chuckles, and gets up with a Yes ma’am before disappearing into the house. You pull up the blanket and redirect your gaze to the garden, looking at the sunflowers, brilliantly yellow and dramatically red in the rain. There’s still crops to be picked, the corn stands straight and proud in their patch, and you remind yourself that there is still time. Summer will linger during the days, even if the evenings and nights are getting cooler and darker.
Frankie returns carrying a tray with two steaming mugs of tea, and the cake slices on two plates. You pull up the sidetable to the swing, and soon you’re enjoying tea and a perfectly moist and soft chocolate cake.
“God, this is good,” Frankie sighs. “Why don’t you bake chocolate cake?”
“Because the bakery does it so much better,” you shake your head. “You know I can barely bake cookies. Why don’t you bake?”
“Because I’d do it constantly, and get really fat.”
“It doesn’t matter, I’d still love you.”
He looks at you with those soft brown eyes that still make you weak at the knees, even after all these years.
“That’s a relief. Maybe I will learn to bake.”
You grin, then see the smudge of chocolate on his lower lip.
“You got some chocolate there.”
“Here?” He points at his lips, and you shake your head.
“A little to the right, no, not there, hold on…”
You lean forward and kiss the spot on his lip, suck it into your mouth gently, tasting the chocolate on him, his scent surrounding you in the best way possible. Frankie’s arm comes around you and he pulls you in close, his lips claim your with that slow security that he possesses and that is so familiar and safe to you, and you kiss and kiss, unhurriedly, lovingly, comfortably.
When you finally have to stop and take a breather, your cheeks feel warm.
“Anywhere else you wanna check for chocolate?” Frankie jokes in a low hum, making you laugh.
“Not before I’ve finished my piece.”
“Oh, that’s right, we still got cake left…” He sounds almost disappointed, but accepts your final little kiss, and sits facing forward with you, both of you eating the rest of your cake. Mug in hand, you cuddle up to him after, sipping the hot beverage.
“We really should do this more often. Light candles and stuff.”
“We’ll see to it that we do,” Frankie promises.
The subsequent silence between you is comfortable, the only sounds the rain and the faraway din of a car passing by on the road further away. Your mind is calm even if your body still feels like it might be fighting a budding infection, yet you still feel better than you have in days.
“Frankie?” you speak quietly.
“M-hm?” he hums in the middle of a sip of tea.
“You think we could fuck on the swing?”
He coughs, then swallows the tea audibly before looking at you. You look back innocently.
“You need to be careful, I could’ve choked to death.”
“You’re fine.”
“I’m an old man who could die from anything.”
“That doesn’t answer my question,” you remind him sweetly. He purses his lips and furrows his forehead, and you can practically see the cogs moving.
“Not right now we can’t,” he eventually tells you.
“Why not?”
“Because you’re not getting undressed outside in this weather, you’ll catch your death.”
“It’s not even cold!” you protest with a smile, and now he’s grinning back.
“I’m not taking any chances. If you wanna have sex, we’re going in.”
“Fine.” You stand up, the blanket gliding off your lap on onto the floor. “Then let’s go in.”
You pick up the tray with the now empty plates, and walk ahead. Frankie stands up as well, folds the blanket, and grabs the mugs.
“Yes, ma’am…”
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chericarlisle · 1 year
Could you do a Carlisle fic where he’s got a daughter and she’s a huge daddy’s girl and we just see how they interact and how much he spoils her, and how much to y/n’s avail she’s got him tied around her little finger
Daddy's Girl || c.c
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: carlisle cullen x human wife reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k
𝐚/𝐧: again i’m so sorry i’ve taken years to reply to these requests, but i’m back on my carlisle cullen shit 😍 i adore writing carlisle as a dad, so if you guys like reading that check out this fic. i didn't have time to proofread so i apologize!
(ik renesmee didn’t grow like a normal kid but i’m just going to write carlisle’s daughter like a normal kid lol)
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There are certain milestones that all parents spend years dreading, so very much so that they forget to live in the moment. They spend too many years counting down the time to these moments that signify the growth of their little ones. It is more than true that life flies by before you can even realize it; however, for the Cullens, the rules of time did not apply. Or so it seemed. 
For (y/n) and Carlisle, the same dread and race against time that many parents experienced was seemingly inescapable; even despite the fact that Carlisle was immune to mortality. Their precious Elizabeth, who was seemingly just born, was actually five and now preparing for her year of kindergarten. For all parents alike, kindergarten was the first big milestone of many that meant their kids were one step closer to growing up.
It was the first of August which meant that the kids of Forks had exactly a month before school started up once more. (Y/n) was pulling down the plush comforter as she prepared for bed when she noticed Carlisle’s absence. Regardless that he didn’t truly sleep, Carlisle was always there by his wife’s side as she drifted off.  She threw the decorative pillows into a corner before wandering down the hall to the man’s office. All of the lights were off in the hallway, except for one. Elizabeth was fast asleep, probably dreaming about the first day, while her much older siblings were out roaming around. It was only plausible that the solely lit room in the house was Carlisle in his office.
Knocking on the cracked door, (y/n) slowly pushed it open, “Carlisle, honey, what are you still doing up?”
It was clear that something was clearly bothering Carlisle, for his hands dejectedly held his head and he was still dressed in his work clothes. (Y/n) wondered if he had lost a patient at work today or if something terrible had happened in the family. 
At the sight of his wife, Carlisle immediately sat up and shot her a weak smile to seem convincing. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ve just been caught up in thinking that I didn’t notice the time.” 
He held out his hand to invite her over to which she quickly crossed the room and connected her hand with his. 
“Something’s up. Do you want to talk about it?” (Y/n) mindlessly played with his fingers while she studied his solemn expression. 
“You can read me like a book can’t you?” Carlisle playfully cocked his head before delicately kissing (y/n)’s wrist. “I would like to talk, but let’s go to bed first, okay? You seem tired, sweetheart. I’m sorry that I’ve already kept you up late.”
(Y/n) stood up from leaning on his desk as he rose from his office chair. Ever so slightly, she pecked his cheek thoughtfully before heading back to the bedroom. “Don’t ever apologize about that, Carlisle. I’m always here for you. For better and for worse, remember?” 
It was at that moment that Carlisle realized that life would have been miserable without her. 
Since the bed was already made, (y/n) climbed in, but left the bedside lamps on for Carlisle who was quickly changing into some loungewear. He came back in mere minutes and got in on his side of the bed before pulling (y/n) close to his chest. 
Her head rested on his shoulder while his chin rested gently atop her head, “So what’s on your mind?”
Carlisle softly sighed before beginning, “This may seem melodramatic, but I’m just very worried about Elizabeth.” 
“Oh honey,” (Y/n) peered up at the man to look into his golden eyes that were full of concern. 
“I mean, for three-hundred years, I never thought that I’d get to experience this kind of life. I never thought I’d get to experience this kind of love, let alone have a child of my own. She’s just growing up so fast, (y/n). For once in my life, I fear that time is finally getting the best of me.” 
Carlisle gingerly pulled (y/n) closer by the waist, wanting nothing more than for her to be as close as humanly possible. She too knew exactly how he felt about Elizabeth growing up so fast, about time moving at light speed, about everything. Words weren’t enough to sympathize with the man, so she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He immediately reciprocated the gesture and lovingly squeezed his arms around her waist before burying his face in her neck. 
(Y/n) slightly leaned back, just enough so that she could kiss her husband reassuringly. “We will get through this, Carlisle. I promise you.” He just nodded and planted a kiss in return on her forehead.
Trying to lighten the mood, (y/n) continued, “Besides, Lizzie wants to go back to school shopping tomorrow. We gotta put on our game faces. You know she’s going to beg for glow in the dark backpack. I already saw her eyeballing it in one of Alice’s magazines.”
Carlisle just chuckled lightly before reaching over to turn off the bedside lamp. “Goodnight, darling.”  
Elizabeth was absolutely oblivious to her parents' heartache that they tried their best to hide. She also couldn’t understand the dread of older students, for she was over the moon about starting school. 
The next morning, you could only sleep in till about eight before Elizabeth jumped on the bed. 
“Mommy, wake up! We gotta go shopping today.” Her golden locks were matted and her pajamas were crumpled, but her excitement made up for her sleepy appearance. She leaned against Carlisle’s pillow giving (y/n) her best puppy eyes.
Just a few seconds later Carlisle came running in, laughing when he found that Elizabeth had already made her target. 
“Birdie, I told you not to wake your mom yet.” Carlisle walked over with his hands on his hips before bending down to kiss (y/n) on the forehead. “Morning, you.”
She peered up at the man and slipped out of the covers to stand next to him. Elizabeth, taking this as a ‘yes,’ then jumped into her mother’s unexpecting arms. 
“Thank you, Mommy!” She kissed (y/n)’s cheek in appreciation. Her sweetness made it nearly impossible for the two parents to resist. 
“Of course, baby. Just let me get ready first, okay?” (Y/n) set down her daughter and turned to Carlisle who automatically knew that he’d be getting Elizabeth ready for the day.
“Okie dokie! Daddy made me breakfast, so we can make you some too!”
Staying true to her word, Elizabeth with the help of Carlisle made a simple pancake breakfast for (y/n) who appreciated the gesture. She had gotten ready in record time which only furthered her daughter’s enthusiasm to get in the car and go.
(Y/n) grabbed her purse off the counter after eating and went outside to find Carlisle struggling to strap Elizabeth in her car seat. Her legs flailed around excitedly which made it almost impossible for the man to secure her in the seat. Deciding to not interfere, (y/n) stood in front of the garage door and watched the interaction.
“Birdie, I know you're excited, but we can’t go anywhere until you sit still.” Carlisle sat on the edge of the leather seat and looked pointedly at Elizabeth who finally understood the severity of his statement. When it came between the two parents, it was obvious that Carlisle was Elizabeth’s favorite. So for him to be serious with her, Elizabeth knew that she should get her act together. 
Once (y/n) saw that the two had finally come to an understanding, she walked to the passenger door of the car and got in. Never in a million years would she have thought to see a car seat in the back of Carlisle Cullen’s black Mercedes which was decked out in expensive leather and the finest technology.
Carlisle quickly got in the driver’s seat and backed out of the driveway before Elizabeth could fuss anymore. 
Elizabeth surprisingly was silent during the drive, instead opting to look out the window and hum along to the radio. The drive was only a few minutes long, but from the minute the car was in the parking lot, (y/n) and Carlisle could tell that this was going to be a long trip. It seemed as if everyone in Forks was doing their shopping since the parking lot was nearly overcrowded. 
“Mommy, can I have the list?” Elizabeth was currently holding Carlisle’s hand, as to not get lost in the crowd. (Y/n) fished the school supplies list out of her purse while pulling the shopping cart to the side to avoid angry shoppers. 
Carlisle had been working on teaching Elizabeth how to read, and she was proficient for her age; however, she still had some trouble. 
“What’s the first thing on the list?” Carlisle looked down to his daughter who inquisitively studied the list. 
“Daddy, what’s this word?” Elizabeth pointed to the first item on the list and handed it to Carlisle. 
“Oh, it says ‘safety scissors,’ Birdie.” He sweetly smiled at her and handed back the list as she tried repeating the words. 
Elizabeth eagerly pulled her dad’s hand to the school supply section as (y/n) kept up behind them with the shopping cart. She immediately found the safety scissors in the purple shade. Since the cart was taller than her, Elizabeth handed the scissors to Carlisle who effortlessly threw them in the basket for her. For the most part, the shopping was easy as Elizabeth went down the list and picked out each supply in the color purple. (Y/n) leaned against the shopping cart rail, nursing a cup of coffee while Carlisle tried to match Elizabeth’s zeal. Everything went smoothly until it came to the great backpack debacle. 
A great variety of backpacks lined the aisle and Elizabeth eyed them all with interest. She had let go of Carlisle’s hand to inspect the backpacks that she could reach. 
(Y/n) leaned close to Carlisle to whisper, “How much you wanna bet she picks up that damn glow in the dark backpack?” 
Carlisle whispered back, “I don’t know, sweetheart. I feel like she’s gonna keep with the purple theme.” 
Just as the two were about to shake on it, Elizabeth picked up the glow in the dark backpack. She had seen it in one of Alice’s catalogs just as (y/n) had said, but neither parent realized how taken she was by the bag. 
“Mommy, Daddy, can I please get this one?” Elizabeth came up to her parents and clutched the bag with two hands. She looked up at the both of them and pleaded with her eyes. 
(Y/n) looked at Carlisle who looked like he was about to cave, but the backpack was ridiculously expensive. Even though the Cullens had money, (y/n) didn’t think it wise to buy such an expensive backpack for a five year old girl who surely would take that bag through the ringer. 
“How about the purple one, baby?” (Y/n) tried to deflect by picking up a lilac backpack that had flowers patterned on it. She offered the ultimatum to Elizabeth who insisted on the glow in the dark one.
“But that one doesn’t light up.” 
(Y/n) then looked at Carlisle for some backup. 
“Well, Birdie, how about we save that one for next year?”
Elizabeth was about to continue questioning her parents before she reluctantly accepted her fate and picked a sparkly violet backpack. Her disappointment was swiftly replaced by happiness when she found scented markers that her parents let her get. 
After two hours, school supply shopping had been officially completed. Elizabeth’s enthusiasm had worn off as she now dozed against her father’s shoulder. It was apparent that she was tired as she became cranky near the end of the visit, so Carlisle carried her against his hip while (y/n) finished up some grocery shopping. 
(Y/n) threw a box of Advil in the cart when she noticed the glow in the dark backpack that hadn’t been there before. She raised an eyebrow at Carlisle who smiled sheepishly and shrugged. 
“I wonder how that got there?” He jested before throwing in a box of cartoon band aids that their daughter adored.
(Y/n) just shook her head and smiled. It was inevitable that Elizabeth would most definitely remain a daddy’s girl.
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blu3n · 1 month
Hello!! I just found ur account and I’m in love with everything you have posted. How do you see a Jason who, for the first time, has to comfort someone else, his s/o, over a nightmare? He’s had them plenty of times himself but when it comes to someone else, someone he loves more than anything, I think he would be even more nervous and freaked then his partner😭
August 16th Jason's Birthday .
author : @blu3n
Thank you for trusting me to write, I feel very honored that you believe in my potential.
warnings: triggers, death, a little gore!
typical violence in fact. 🪼
nightmares of the night
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Everything seemed normal that day. You were laughing and having fun with your namorado, enjoying each other’s company until late hours while watching a random movie.
At about 11 PM, you started to feel sleepy. Jason noticed and asked you to sleep with him in bed. Unlike you, he didn’t fall asleep immediately; after all, his mind was trained for patrols or perhaps because of his constant nightmares.
"Good night, squirrel," Jason said after pulling you into his arms and hugging you tightly, protecting you.You would never sleep on the doorstep; he wouldn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night to check on you. For your safety, he would make sure you slept against the wall.
Your eyes slowly closed as you felt the warmth of your boyfriend. Despite how muscular he was, you felt very comfortable sleeping next to him.Suddenly, your eyes opened after a brief nap.
Looking out the window, you realized it was still night, but what was strangest was that Jason was no longer by your side. Frowning, you decided to get out of bed to see where your boyfriend had gone.
"Jason?" You called out after a short yawn escaped your lips, scratching your belly in a sign of sleepiness. Looking around, you couldn’t find him anywhere.
Where on earth was your love?Shrugging your shoulders, you turned to go back to bed... when you heard the sound of *click* *click* *click*, followed by a louder *click* *click*.
It sounded like something heavy was being hit."Jason?" You hummed; you weren’t worried since it seemed like Jason was just hitting something.
"Lov—" That’s when the *clicks* stopped. Just as you were about to call him again, you felt something wet on your feet.
Something whispered in the back of your mind, but you didn’t know what it was.
Your feet seemed to move on their own, pulling you forward as if urging you to see what lay ahead.As you followed into the darkness... your eyes widened when you saw Jason’s exploded head on the floor.
"OH GOSH!" You screamed in panic."Jason?!" You called out louder and louder until you felt something move behind you.
Whoever it was touched your shoulder so forcefully that it caused pain. As petrified as you were, fear washed over you as the figure turned its face towards Jason’s body—it was him, but how? He never—Turning your gaze back, you were forced by the strange man to watch another being remove a crab foot lodged in Jason’s head and strike him again even while he was dead.
"Y/N?" The voice screamed now—loud—louder!
Before you could rationalize who the voice in the back of your mind belonged to or think of anything else, the figure stabbed you in the stomach, making you scream in pain.Your eyes flew open and you immediately sat up in bed, hyperventilating. "Baby... baby, it's me," Jason said with wide eyes filled with worry for you.
"You— I see..." His lips trembled; his eyes were wet as he remembered the horrific scene. You started crying in panic.
"Shh, come here." Jason knew what this felt like; he understood how terrible nightmares could be and how much comfort you'd brought him in similar moments.
He hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead to calm you down.Jason would spend the rest of the night talking to you to help chase away the nightmare from your mind, whispering in your ear how beautiful you were and how much he loved you.
He was embarrassed to help you like that, he didn't know how to be kind or romantic, but he was trying, he was trying in his own way to be affectionate even though he didn't really know how to do it.
He would bring you tea, or warm milk for you to drink after that nightmare or if you couldn't sleep. He would take care of you in his own way.
🪼 Thanks thanks
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jungle-angel · 11 months
The Apples Of The Teacher's Eyes (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob have a little surprise for your students before the start of school vacation
Tagging: @bobfloydsbabe @bradleybeachbabe @sebsxphia Helena my dear, you officially have me desperate to write for Teacher!Bob and Teacher!Reader so any time you want a little short story or anything, don't hesitate to ask (lol).
"Alright my evil little henchmen, let's get down to business!" Bob announced, placing a huge, heavy old book onto his desk.
"To defeat the huns!" sang one of the students.
"Don't even start it Callum," Bob warned him. "I already had to hear it from the choir teacher and I don't need to hear it again."
Callum snickered as the students all moved the desks together while Bob fixed the chalkboard drawing he had made as well as the notes for the new lesson block.
"Alright," Bob announced. "So yesterday we wrapped up our studies on Ancient Rome and now we're starting the Vikings. How many of you guys in Mrs. Floyd's literature class started reading the Norse epics?"
Only a few had raised their hands.
"Ok so just a couple of you," Bob mused. "Well, we're gonna start right at the beginning by getting a lay of the land and the geography of the regions in this particular civilization. Then we're gonna get into key figures, battles, events and all that before we get into any kind of literature, music or mythology."
Bob's students couldn't have been more excited. Both him and you knew how to make these things come alive and jump right off the pages. The scratch of the chalk and the hushed whispers of his students were the best parts of his day, second only to coming home to you.
He knocked at the chalkboard with a free finger, his hand still holding the chalk with smears of stray dust coating his fingertips. "Here we go guys," he said. "Lay of the land.....what can you tell? Alonso?"
"Alot of ocean all around so it must've been a seafaring kind of society," Alonso Garcia answered.
"You would be right," Bob pointed out. "Anybody else? Birdy?"
"I remember from our geography main lesson that there were also rivers, fjords and lakes which made boat travel a staple part of life," Birdy O'Connor answered.
"What else? Elen?"
"I noticed too that there's lots of islands that fly off the peninsulas too," answered Elen O'Neill, the curly redheaded girl in the front row.
"All very excellent points," Bob answered. "Twenty points to Gryffindor."
The students laughed a little before Bob continued on with the lesson.
"Now if we remember too," he continued. "People were more likely to settle in and around the sea rather than further inland....."
"With a damn good reason," you joked, poking your head in the door and scaring the ever living shit out of Bob.
"MRS. FLOYD!!!!!" the students shouted.
"SHHHHH!!!" you shushed sharply, holding your finger to your lips. "Do not.....I repeat.....DO NOT wake the baby."
"Oh my Lord you brought the baby?!" Elen gasped.
All of your students clambered to see the little carseat you carried on your arm, carefully moving aside so you could set it on the desks that had been pushed together. Inside was yours and Bob's newborn son, August Robert, who was so tiny he looked like he was being swallowed up by his blanket.
"Oh my God he's so cute!"
"He looks just like Mr. Floyd."
"Look at those little cheeks!"
"Oh my God, I wanna get married so I can have one!"
Bob blushed and bit his knuckles when he heard that out of Elen and so didn't you.
Auggie started to squirm a little, a wakeful little coo making everybody fall quiet as Bob moved to unbuckle him and pick him up. "Shhhh.....shhhh......you're ok.......you're ok," Bob whispered, bringing Auggie carefully to his chest, blanket and all, the baby's whimpering quieting right down as soon as Bob began to gently pat his back.
You and the students couldn't help but take picture after picture on their phones of Bob with the baby, the besotted look on his face making you melt.
"Alright guys, let's get back into it," Bob announced.
"Aw c'mon!" groaned the students as they sat back down.
You laughed a little before Bob kissed you. "You're supposed to be at home resting Mrs. Floyd," he whispered, still gently rocking Auggie in his arms.
"And miss all of this?" you chuckled. "Hell no."
Bob smiled and kissed you again, loving the thought of you sitting in on the main lesson and the ooing and ahhing from the students as he both taught and rocked Auggie at the same time.
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kanmom51 · 2 months
Rebirth - Muse - JM
[**This post was written before the release of today's BTB and the little explanation JM gave us about Rebirth and Slow dance. What can I say other than just how much more my words feel relevant now. ]
As promised.
Thought I'd sneak this one in before Are you sure? lands, cause Idk, I just have this feeling that once it does we are up for 1 of two options:
I'm so overwhelmed by the amount of content we are getting that I'll be so dumbfounded and unable to post at all; Or, I will be so busy ruffling through everything running after my own tail trying to post post post post, that I will have zero time or ability to post this.
Long story short, this was the time. Do or die pretty much.
So Intro: Rebirth.
Before I get into the lyrics themselves I do want to go back to what we learnt from the Minimoni album exchange.
I kind of feel like a broken record here, but then again, I do think that obviously watching that exchange and my post on it can be a good starting point into understanding not only what Muse is all about, but also that out of all the songs on the album, Rebirth, in a sense, is just a little more personal than the others.
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JM talks how the lyrics for this one were really hard to write. He mentions this a couple of times.
This was also when JM talked it was hard to write about having a crush.
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Before moving on and talking about the song itself I do want to clarify something here.
I was really surprised to see how people are interpreting this.
Do people not know what the meaning of the word crush is? Not only the actual term JM used in Korean (that perhaps got lost in translation), but the actual meaning of the word in English.
짝사랑 - this is the term JM used while talking to RM.
Which basically translates as unrequited or one sided love, which is just that if you understand the actual term of the word.
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Go to Oxford dictionary and crush is described as: "a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable." And if you look up "infatuation" well: "an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something."
Now, when I heard the word crush that is exactly what I understood and it was funny for me to see that there were those that interpret the word as falling in love or being in love or similar to that, when crush means something else all together.
*Side note: JM's love life aside, knowing the concept of JM's album, it's easy to understand why he chose to use the idea of a crush as a metaphor to describe that short lived passion/excitement he was feeling with his work, telling us or showing us, with the development of the songs in the album, that indeed it is short lived and he was yet to find that long lasting feeling of excitement with the things he was doing (work/his art) - still searching for that "who".
Back to the meaning of crush.
As explained, a crush in English means an intense infatuation with another that is mostly unattainable. Two people can crush on each other, but it's a crush only as long as it is yet to be requited. Once it is reciprocated then it's no longer a crush. So, you can crush on someone unknowing that the other person has a crush on you. This crush can fizzle out and end in nothingness. But a crush evolve into a relationship if the two people involved move forward from it. Making that move forward towards each other.
This is what having a crush looks like:
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And this is how it looks when you had a crush and are realizing that maybe, just maybe that person is reciprocating.
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And this is when you have decided that he really is.
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That was back in 2015 btw. August 2015 and December 2015. ALMOST 9 YEARS AGO.
Are we surprised JM wouldn't remember the last time he had a crush?
I will repeat this for the rows in the back that might not have heard. When JM says he doesn't remember the last time he had a crush, that doesn't mean he's single. Whoever thinks that is what he's saying needs a crash course in English and/or life.
A crash course in crush... lmao (yes, I am easily entertained).
So, JM had to turn to the youngest member of SGMB (lol) to remind him what it feels like to have a crush. And yet, as I have explained in the Minimoni post, Muse might not be autobiographical, but that doesn't mean that there aren't personal aspects to some of the songs, and the lyrics. Feelings expressed being real feelings drawn from his trove of inner thoughts, feelings and life and love experiences.
I will also add that although crushing is mostly one sided, and when it turns into more, as in the other party reciprocates, of course there are some of the feelings that linger. The rush, the want, the need. But at the same time things change in that the other side is feeling the same. When you look at them, they look back, gazes linger rather than avoiding eye contact, for example. There are the touches when crushing, and there are the touches, just as hesitant, after it becoming MORE. The first are one sided and usually hidden as something else (for example: "I just need to check your arm muscles for a sec"), while the second are two sided, intentional but at times hidden from others.
The differences might be so very slight at times, but if you have a keen eye you can definitley notice them. And they sure were noticeable when it came to Jikook.
Another thing before I start.
One word:
Idk why, but I feel like Rebirth is a prequel to Serendipity. Even though Serendipity was not written by JM (although I do believe he had input into the song just like or even more so with John Billion - remember how JM says he's an American RM...), it most certainly was claimed by him and JK as theirs. You are me I am you being their trademarked catch phrase. A love ode from JM to JK. That song JM said he will gift his loved one and did. Followed by GCFT, JK's love ode to JM. And if I'm going down that road, well, if Rebirth is the prequel to Serendipity I'd say that Letter is the sequel to Serendipity. I kind of think I've mentioned this before in one of my posts about Letter.
Now that I'm done with my precursor, let's move on to the actual song. A song that out of the lot of them in this album seems to be the most personal. The only song that we didn't get to see the process of writing or recording of in content we have gotten so far for Muse (promotions now over).
[Verse] If I'm tryna be special Can I get closer to you? I can feel my heart pounding When your fingertips graze past me If I'm tryna be special So that I can sing while making eye contact with you I'll show you, baby Oh, I didn't realize Oh, I didn't think I'd care Oh my gosh, now I Won't hide You are the light in my darkness Like the sunshine vibe It spreads quietly [Chorus] That I want a real good love, good love, good love I'm tryna find a love, good love, real love I was in pitch black, but I couldn't stop thinking of you all day long I want to take one step and two steps closer without you knowing Stay with you, with you, with you, with you I will be your reason, rеason, reason, reason I hope this feeling rеaches you, to you, you To you [Outro] White clouds The wind passing by Floating petals It feels like it's been waiting just for us When that door opens When I get closer to you I'll tell you this I will be special all for you Special just for you For you (For you) For you (For you) I wanna be with you
I will share with you what went through my mind once listening to Rebirth, all while reading parts of the translated lyrics. The flashing scenes. Parts that screamed JK or Jikook.
"I can feel my heart pounding When your fingertips graze past me"
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And this:
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And this:
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And this:
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I can go on with this all day long. Being one of the most obvious sus behaviours with these two. But seeing that I don't want to exceed my image limit in this post I think this is where I will stop. Point made I guess.
"So that I can sing while making eye contact with you"
This was the first thing that came to mind:
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Although these did too:
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And do we recall JK's sentiments about making eye contact with JM on stage?
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They connect on stage. Before, during and at the end of the performance. We have seen it and they have told us so throughout the years.
Was that what JM was thinking of while writing that line?
This is clearly a line that is taken from his own personal experience. Singing while making eye contact is not something that regular people like you or I would come up with to express a feeling of love or want towards someone.
Drawing from his own emotions and experiences, how it is for him and how he might have used to wish it would be.
This line, more than any other is clearly that.
"Oh my gosh, now I Won't hide You are the light in my darkness" and "Like the sunshine vibe"
The latter, as JM explained to RM, was a word game/pun for which he asked permission from Taeyang to use in his song, seeing that his name literally means sun and Vibe was his song, lol.
But, we also know there is someone else, much closer to home, much closer period, that is referred to as the sun. Someone that makes JM happy. Someone that makes JM laugh even when he's sad. Someone that JM chose to go into the army with, together!!! Someone that is the other half of the sun and moon duo, the sun to JM's moon.
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And what about this?
I'm tryna find a love, good love, real love
And he found it.
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Coincidence? I don't think so.
"When that door opens When I get closer to you I'll tell you this I will be special all for you Special just for you For you (For you) For you (For you)
And he is. JM is special for JK. He has told and showed us this in so many ways in the past.
"I wanna be with you"
I wanna be with you...
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Again, JM told us the songs aren't about his life, right? And yet, that doesn't mean they don't have a personal connection, that while writing he didn't take from his own experiences or feelings, that after writing he feels an emotional connection with the song, that even if not intended to it hits closer to home than others. And I feel like this is the case with Rebirth. I do believe that there is a reason it is the connecting song between Face and Muse. That there is a reason the interlude separates it from the rest of the songs.
129 notes · View notes
kings rising highlights & annotations
chapter 12
indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
It was as if some protective membrane had been torn away and everything that he had not let himself feel was exposed behind the rupture.
this is a beautifully written sentence
He had nothing left to hold it back, only this raw, terrible feeling, of being denied family.
it’s interesting how he takes this as being denied family. it’s less of a literal denial, and more of him reckoning with the reality he’s been avoiding for the entire series: his father and kastor were/are incredibly flawed people, and in kastor’s case actively committed/attempted familicide. it’s less the denial of family itself and more the denial of the family he thought he had, and the ideal of family being loyal and dependable. that same disillusionment must have happened to laurent when auguste died and the regent started mistreating him.
In his life, he had known only one parent. His father had been to him a set of ideals, a man he looked up to, and strove to please, a standard against whom he measured himself. Since his father’s death, he had not allowed himself to think or feel anything but determination that he would return, that he would see his home again, and restore himself to the throne.
okay i think i kinda hinted at some mild criticism of king’s rising in my last set of annotations, and a some people agreed in that it seems like she had an editor and was writing to be traditionally published. i think i see that here. i don’t think captive prince or prince’s gambit pacat would have spelled this out here, as clearly as she does. it’s well-written, but also something we could easily understand between the lines. it almost feels less effective this way, although that’s partially because i’m so used to a certain style and approach from the author.
Now he felt as if he stood in front of his father, felt his father’s hand in his hair, as he never would again. He had wanted his father to be proud of him; and had failed him, in the end.
yeah, i’m sorry, but this feels really out of place. both in terms of the writing and the fact that it’s included at all. feels like some editor was like “you need to spell it out for the casual readers who are just interested in the porn if you want the scene to be effective.” the turns of phrase are a little trite and the entire thing just seems so… obvious? maybe i’m being too harsh, but i am curious what others think.
Laurent said, ‘No. I’m not here to—’ He said, ‘I’m just here.’
this is a lovely line. laurent knows damen thinks his presence is a call to action, but wants him to know he’s safe and can just exist. a little bit of a reversal between them.
Laurent, he realised, had guarded his solitude for him. And his people, fearing the fierce, strange foreign prince, had done as Laurent ordered, and stayed out. He was stupidly, profoundly grateful for that.
again with the reversal—similar to what happened after aimeric/nicaise
Before he could, he felt Laurent’s fingers on the back of his neck, a shock of touch that caught him in a tumult of confusion as it drew him forward, simply. It was, from Laurent, slightly awkward; sweet; rare; stiff with obvious inexperience. If he had been offered this as an adult, he couldn’t remember it.
<3 i still think we’re getting a lot spelled out for us, but it’s so lovely here that i don’t mind.
‘Now you are taking advantage of my kind-hearted instincts,’ Laurent said, a murmur into his ear.
He let his lips form a half-smile. ‘You aren’t going to offer me one of your gaudy Veretian handkerchiefs?’ ‘You could use the clothing you’re wearing. It’s about the same size.’ ‘Your poor Veretian sensibilities. All those wrists and ankles.’ ‘And arms and thighs and every other part.’ ‘My father’s dead.’
YEP THIS IS GREAT. love how it takes this swift u-turn away from their usual banter. we know these characters and how they usually speak, so this is effective on its own
The words had a finality to them.
... so we don’t need this! we GET that finality from the way they heavily contrast with the light banter and stop it abruptly with "my father's dead."
His father was buried in Akielos beneath the columned halls of the silent, where the pain and confusion of his last days would never trouble him again.
this might be giving us a little hint of damen almost wanting to be dead himself? in the sense that it would be peaceful, to not have to deal with this bullshit. he hasn't grown up having these kinds of feelings acknowledged so he's unprepared to cope with them now.
‘You thought he was a warmonger. An aggressive, war-hungry king, who invaded your country on the flimsiest of pretexts, hungry for land and the glory of Akielos.’ ‘No,’ said Laurent. ‘We don’t have to do this now.’
laurent doesn’t disagree. the “no” is for “i’m not letting you do this yourself emotionally.” and laurent would know all about torturing himself with harsh realities about dead people during intimate and vulnerable moments, so that’s really saying something
‘A barbarian,’ said Damen, ‘with barbaric ambitions, fit only to rule by the sword. You hated him.’ ‘I hated you,’ said Laurent. ‘I hated you so badly I thought I’d choke on it. If my uncle hadn’t stopped me, I would have killed you. And then you saved my life, and every time I needed you, you were there, and I hated you for that, too.’ ‘I killed your brother.’
this feels a little bit like a summary, but i’ll allow it since they’re having an honest conversation while knowing each other fully for like the first time. do you think this is the chapter that was edited/pitched to publishers first? i don’t know exactly how publishing works, but it does feel just kind of weird
‘What are you doing here?’ Damen said.
i like how we get some insecurity from damen here. we don’t see it often, like this. he is surprised that laurent wants him, even while he is being vulnerable. i’d say it’s a toxic masculinity thing, but in the context of this world it’s more of a toxic royalty thing
Laurent said, ‘I know what it’s like to lose family.’
(as an answer to “what are you doing here?”) i get what this is trying to say, i think. laurent is looking past his anger at damen for auguste and offering him empathy, even though damen caused the tragedy that allows laurent to be empathetic in this case. it still feels… slightly off, though. maybe it’s even the fact that damen asked in the first place. maybe it’s the fact that laurent answered verbally. so much between them has been unspoken thus far, and i don’t see why that needs to change, even though they’re in a more supportive relationship. that can be implicit, too. and that unspoken understanding makes it even more intimate and distinctly Them.
‘Is there no way forward for us?’ said Damen. It just came out. Beside him, he could feel Laurent holding himself very still. ‘You mean, will I come back to your bed for the little time we have left?’ ‘I mean that we hold the centre. We hold everything from Acquitart to Sicyon. Can we not call it a kingdom and rule it together? Am I such a poorer prospect than a Patran princess, or a daughter of the Empire?’
he mentions unification so casually, which is both rewarding to the reader who has been screaming it for chapters but also kind of… annoying? i don’t know, so much of this feels in service of the imminent sex scene. kind of rushed or dumbed down. so much tension has been meticulously built, and they’ve had sex under far less resolved conditions. here it’s almost like there’s a checklist of Things Damen and Laurent Have to Agree On/Share About Themselves Emotionally Before They Can Satisfyingly Fuck For The First Time As Themselves. but like, these bitches are messy. always have been, always will be. and they’ve always BEEN themselves. to just try to quickly resolve and drop the mess feels inconsistent, and makes the execution of the sex less unique and ironically more shallow, maybe
When he made himself look at Laurent, Laurent’s eyes on him were very dark, his voice quiet. ‘How can you trust me, after what your own brother did to you?’ ‘Because he was false,’ said Damen, ‘and you are true. I have never known a truer man.’ He said, into the stillness, ‘I think if I gave you my heart, you would treat it tenderly.’
contrast to what he’s learned about his family—kastor and his father, because the negative things he said about his father as if laurent believes them are also things damen has come to believe.
it’s a sweet line. and kind of insane, given everything laurent has done. but i think it works, because we know damen has been like this about laurent from the start. and we also know its difficult for laurent to believe or accept that anyone would want to trust him with their heart. i wish we could have had this interaction be spoken, but with FAR less of the previous conversation here. start the scene with laurent entering, have them comfort each other physically but unable to speak. or speak around the subject, instead of hitting the nail on the head. then give them this extremely direct moment, and it would be a lot more effective.
listen i’m not saying i’m better or smarter or anything, it is ultimately a matter of taste and i’ve been taking a break from the books. but i have done a VERY CLOSE READING of this series so far, so i feel at least somewhat capable of analyzing it in this way. if that makes sense.
Laurent turned his head, denying Damen his face.
this doesn’t feel like a pacat line. the construction of it does, but i feel like she’d say something far less direct and far more poetic than “denying his face”
Damen could see his breathing. After a moment he said in a low voice, ‘When you make love to me like that, I can’t think.’ ‘Don’t think,’ said Damen. Damen saw the flickering change, the tension, as the words provoked an internal battle. Damen said, ‘Don’t think.’ ‘Don’t,’ said Laurent, ‘toy with me. I—have not the means to—defend against this.’ ‘I don’t toy with you.’ ‘I—’ ‘Don’t think,’ said Damen. ‘Kiss me,’ said Laurent. And then flushed, a rich colour. Don’t think, Damen had said, but Laurent couldn’t do that. Even to sit there after what he had said, he was fighting a battle in his head. The words hung awkwardly, a blurt, but Laurent didn’t take them back, he just waited, his body singing with tension. Instead of leaning in, Damen took Laurent’s hand, brought it towards himself, and kissed his palm, once.
He had learned in the course of their one night together to tell when Laurent was taken unawares—taken aback. It wasn’t easy to anticipate, the gaps in Laurent’s experience not mapping to anything that he understood. He felt it now, Laurent’s eyes very dark, uncertain of what he should do. ‘I meant—’ ‘Don’t let you think?’ Laurent didn’t answer.
this is. such an interesting way to bring in previous themes of consent and submission. bc this is by all means consensual, but laurent is almost asking damen to just take what he wants, because his anxiety is so bad that he doesn’t really WANT to be asked what he wants or made to initiate. it's submission willingly given because laurent trusts damen, both in terms of seeing and understanding his weakness here and in taking care of his pleasure. laurent asking outright to not have to be strong in this situation, and trusting damen to treat him well while his guard is down. trusting him with his heart, just as damen has sworn to trust laurent with his.
Laurent’s wariness was not, at this moment, the high walls of the defended citadel. It was that of a man with a portion of his guard down, who was desperately unused to it.
After a moment: ‘At Ravenel, I—it had been a long time since I had—with anyone. I was nervous.’ ‘I know,’ said Damen. ‘There has,’ said Laurent. He stopped. ‘There has only been one other person.’ Softly, ‘I’m a little more experienced than that.’ ‘Yes, that is immediately apparent.’ ‘Is it?’ A little pleased. ‘Yes.’
THIS is lamen dialogue. so much unsaid, and it’s perfect, because we know what it’s all implying.
‘Laurent, I’d never hurt you.’ He heard Laurent’s strange, disbelieving breath, and he realised what he had said. ‘I know,’ said Damen, ‘that I did hurt you.’ Laurent’s motionlessness was careful, even his breathing was careful. He didn’t turn back to look at Damen. ‘I hurt you, Laurent.’ ‘That’s enough, stop,’ said Laurent. ‘It wasn’t right. You were just a boy. You didn’t deserve what happened to you.’ ‘I said that’s enough.’ ‘Is it so hard to hear?’
big moment for damen, realizing he did something to hurt laurent and admitting it. this has been building for a while with his guilt about his father and slavery and everything else akielos stands for. damen has always lied to himself, a lot. he almost treats this scene like a confession.
on the laurent side of things: this is damen admitting he was wrong, but still wanting to be better. i think that confuses laurent, to think that anyone would ever want to treat him well when they’re strong enough to hurt him. also, this is just generally intense for laurent, but he's still here despite his discomfort because he cares about damen.
this entire scene really is just an insane amount of honesty and vulnerability from them both. it's quick to overwhelm laurent, while damen seems to be getting kind of addicted to it and wanting more. which he gets, in more ways than one.
He thought of Auguste, thought how no boy deserved to lose his brother.
interesting line for a guy who ends up almost being murdered by his stepbrother and gets saved by his divorce husband, whose brother he killed, killing his stepbrother
He didn’t understand the forces that moved in Laurent, but some instinct pushed him to say it. ‘My first time, there was a lot of rolling around. I was eager and had no idea what to do. It’s not like Vere, we don’t watch people doing it in public.’ He said, ‘I still get too caught up near the end. I know I forget myself.’
awww :) he’s trying to make him feel less awkward. this is such a setting-transcendent moment. anyone would say something like this, whether in this weird horny semi historical fictional society or any other romance setting. "you're new to this, but so was i. and i still have my flaws."
A silence. It went on too long. He didn’t disturb it, watching the tense line of Laurent’s body.
love the patience here
‘When you kissed me,’ said Laurent, pushing the words out, ‘I liked it. When you took me in your mouth, it was the first time that I had . . . done that.’ He said, ‘I liked it when you—’
he’s so brave for saying this. i’m not being sarcastic. go laurent
Laurent’s reaction to kissing had always been complex: tense; vulnerable; hot. The tension was the greatest part of it, as though this single act was too much for him, too extreme. And yet, he had asked for it. Kiss me.
as always, the way laurent is not a normal romantic interest but still deeply loved and respected narratively makes me feel so happy. gives me hope etc
Don’t think, he’d said, because it was easier than saying, Take me for who I am. He couldn’t bear that suddenly. He wanted it without pretences, without excuses, his fingers curling hard into Laurent’s hair.
love this evolution. damen desperately wants laurent to be here and thinking, and knowing him, and still letting himself want this. again, with the almost addiction to honesty between them. he's getting swept up in it.
‘It’s me,’ said Damen. ‘It’s me, here with you. Say my name.’ ‘Damianos.’ He felt the sundering in Laurent at that, the name an admission, a statement of truth that came out of him, Laurent open to him with nothing to hide behind. He could hear it in Laurent’s voice. Prince-killer.
He wanted it, felt a surge of purely selfish desire as he thought of it, that Laurent knew it was him. That Laurent wanted this with him.
we know. this could have been left out.
It was subsumed, as it had to be, into the act of kissing. His body felt heavy, one form of penetration substituted for another, the tremors in Laurent not that of a single barrier crumbling, but shudders as though one after another were being brought down, each place unexplored, each place deeper than the last. Prince-killer.
so is this kind of meant to conjure the image of damen taking auguste down, right? breaking down defenses, penetration, etc. prince killer as in murderer, but he’s also killing laurent as in like. “lady-killer ;)”
He felt acutely aware that he was half on his back, naked, with Laurent fully clothed, astride, still wearing his polished boots and the high-necked, tightly laced collar of his jacket. It was a sudden, vulnerable fantasy that Laurent might simply get up and wander off, strolling the rooms, or sit in the chair opposite to sip wine with his legs crossed, while Damen was left exposed on the bed.
yeah damen, you WOULD be into that
Laurent didn’t do that. Laurent lifted his hands to his own neck. His eyes on Damen’s, slowly, he took up one of the tight-laced ties at his throat, and drew on it.
In the dim light, Auguste was between them, sharp as a knife. The scar on his shoulder was the last thing Auguste had done before Damen had killed him. The kiss was like a wound, as if to do it Laurent was impaling himself on that knife. There was an edge of desperation to it, Laurent kissing like he needed it, his fingers clutching, his body unsteady.
it really feels like this should be cut at “wound.” maybe continue with a much more brief “laurent impaled himself.” we can MAKE the connection that it’s like he’s stabbing himself on this figurative thing, but doing it anyway because he wants it. it doesn’t need to be written out, it’s already on the page between the lines! it is SO bizarre to me that pacat's style has changed in this way in seemingly just this one chapter. maybe it's because i stepped away for a while, but honestly i can't see how i couldn't NOT have a sort of sixth sense for recognizing these weird moments given the amount of detail i've put into my analysis and reading. again, your thoughts are definitely appreciated.
He kissed back knowing it hurt him, hurt them both. There was a desperation in both of them, an aching need that could not be filled, and he could feel it in Laurent, the same unconscious striving.
another example of “we don’t need the second the sentence because the first already says it!!” i seriously suspect that this scene was written way more raw at first but an editor was like “you have to make it a lot more clear they both want it/they’re chill with each other over and over again so it’s not too vague”
another alternate explanation could be the chapter's overarching theme of abundant honestly, like almost an overwhelming amount of it, but i still don't think that explains the change in like, craft. there's a difference between characters changing their behavior through development or to make a thematic point, and the narrative itself shifting in how it tells the story. and while damen is kind of going from the extreme of lying to himself about everything to craving this truth, it's still strange to read, and feels like a very intense departure from their previous scenes together.
In a burst of explicit fantasy, he wished Laurent were a pet, or a slave, wished him a body that was not going to require extensive, coaxing preparation before it could be penetrated.
“you like it simple” flashbacks
i think both laurent and damen have moments of wanting this, but ultimately care far more for the more complicated and real parts of their relationship and selves. that was a lot of my chapter 7 analysis re-write. part of what i love about this pairing is that it's really not that much about the sex for them, which is highly ironic given gestures vaguely to the story and world. true intimacy between them has been in their conversations, their little sidequests together and the way they've connected intellectually and emotionally despite literally every odd being against that happening. it's in the way they are equals, and choose to devote themselves mutually, whether it's through despising or adoring each other. anyone can fuck; and especially in this series, almost everyone does. whatever damen and laurent do is wayyy more insane and complicated and interesting and real than that.
He wanted to be inside. He wanted to feel Laurent’s surrender shudder and give way, become total. He wanted no denying that Laurent had let him in, who he had let in. It’s me. His body primed, as though only in one act could this be driven home.
(heads up, i talk pretty explicitly about sexual assault and rape in the following paragraphs)
see, i don’t get how THAT is the ultimate sign of laurent "letting damen in." because anyone could fuck anyone if they’re powerful enough, right? that’s the whole tragedy of laurent, he sees himself as weak because this has been done to him before without his consent. i guess the surrender is in admitting he wants it, which does make sense with how everything has been set up. laurent has been assaulted and harassed and objectified by countless people, but damen is the only one he’s even given enthusiastic consent, so yeah i guess it is the ultimate sign of uhhhh accomplishment, for damen? for lack of a better word. but that still just feels OFF to me. the emotions and the logic of it.
i understand that there is a raw sort of honesty to sex; a body's natural response, fairly disconnected from morality or reason. damen has experienced that for laurent from the very start, and it's gotten him into trouble before. but despite that, he isn't a character who experiences shame about having those feelings, like, ever. the man had sex slaves, after all. he is horny despite the horrors, that's his thing.
i guess where i struggle is in, myself, thinking that the kind of primal sexual honesty here is real or meaningful in the same way the aforementioned emotional and intellectual intimacy are. like, there's something here that just bothers me. maybe it's the way damen is so swept up in the "honesty" of laurent letting himself be fucked, as a totally good and amazing and real thing. i get how damen might feel that way, but it's like, did the regent not also feel those same kinds of feelings, and act on them? if laurent had any kind of bodily response to his own assault, was that bodily honesty his emotional or intellectual truth? is it any different from the bodily honesty damen is appreciating here? this line of thinking is a common way that people convince others that they wanted or deserved their assault. i know damen is like deeply unqualified to understand that, and i know that laurent does want it and damen cares for him deeply, but i guess i almost feel protective of laurent in this moment, with the way damen is thinking during this scene.
all of the terrible people in this series who do so many things without consent, to degrade and disempower others or simply because they think they're entitled to it, are acting on the same primal urges as damen in this scene. what makes damen different from them, the entire reason laurent trusts damen enough to LET him do this, is the fact that damen respects laurent beyond those primal urges, and sees him as a person and not an object. raw sexual desire, by contrast, is just... simple.
i get a little lost here as a reader because, like laurent, i need to intellectualize everything always. i do not like it simple, often to my own detriment, admittedly. it’s hard for me to amend the idea of this like unmitigated desire for sexual honesty/vulnerability with damen genuinely respecting laurent, even though i know he does and that’s literally the entire point, that the two things can coexist and this is romantic and powerful because somehow they do. i can suspend my disbelief while reading this in fiction, but it’s harder to rationalize or understand based on my own experiences, and my knowledge of the real world. trusting another person with vulnerability is horrifying and the series knows it, but is trying to offer a strong rebuttal in the way damen and laurent love each other.
maybe it's just that in this scene, i'm not totally sold. or something.
‘Do it, I told you, I don’t care—’
there is a little part of me that’s like “uh is this what a person who really wants to be doing this would say??” but also i know damn well that i'm projecting so go off king i guess????
maybe i would have been more satisfied by this scene if damen did not fuck laurent here and now. i don't know. this analysis is poor, unobjective, confused and hypocritical. but i'm not struggling with it in a fun or enriching way, like with chapter 7, it just makes me feel kinda bad. so i'm pushing through.
He was inside Laurent. It felt raw and unprotected. He had never felt more like himself: Laurent had let him inside, knowing who he was.
yes. WE KNOW.
Damen’s grip, still oiled, was wrapped around the hottest, most honest part of Laurent.
“most honest part” yeah that pretty much sums up what makes me weird about this scene. the way damen DELIGHTS in the primal honesty of it all, beneath laurent’s carefully constructed defenses. i guess just, its been so nice reading damen being so respectful of laurent’s hesitations and boundaries, and therefore falling for his personality and intellect and genuinely growing to understand and respect him without the promise of submission or sex, so the framing of this being damen finally getting what he REALLY wanted from laurent the whole time is… kind of rough to read. like oh, this is REALLY intimacy. this is the height of it. but it's not. like, at all.
damen is not me, and i get that. but in previous times where damen has done shit i've felt weird about, i've never felt like the narrative has been poking at me to approve of it or feel positive catharsis. but this entire scene is so heavily written to be this great moment of celebration and positive catharsis, for protagonist and reader alike. but what are we even celebrating here? we're celebrating the honesty between damen and laurent about their identities, and the fact that they support each other anyway. given how much baggage they both have about sex, i almost feel like it would be a more effective scene if they DIDN'T fuck. like, laurent just hugging damen was beautiful. that kind of simple comfort, not inherently sexual, was unusual to damen. and therefore impactful. but noooo, the sex is supposed to be the pinnacle, and we made the way for it with some weirdly written overly explanatory dialogue shoved at the start of the scene. to be fair, damen does literally say, 'I still get too caught up near the end. I know I forget myself.’ which is kind of what I've just described happening.
i just don't think i am where the book wants me to be, with how i react to that. it's an odd feeling. i feel like everyone is going to read this and be like "wow she has issues, she's insane, you're supposed to like that he forgets himself and is consumed by his desires." but oh well. i usually don't enjoy the romance genre for a reason.
this series really does challenge my own ability to let simple desire coexist with the proven need to be highly intentional and thoughtful in caring about/interacting with others. it’s hard for me to believe those two things can be in harmony—that you can be honest and vulnerable, and not either be hurting someone, getting hurt by someone, enabling someone else’s self-harm, or hurting yourself.
i suppose some of the catharsis of this scene is that laurent and damen are doing this together, KNOWING they have hurt each other. that they will always have that between them, yet also knowing and trusting that they can and will treat each other well.
it’s just hard for me to see that as anything other than fantasy. it's not honest, it's not real, in the way i've come to understand those concepts both in my personal ethos and the ethos of the series. so this entire scene built around honesty as a theme just kind of falls flat. it’s tragic, really, that damen is so happy about this apparent truth between them when he is unaware of the very blatant and relevant reality of laurent’s history with sexual assault. it’s a powerful scene, but not for the reasons damen thinks it’s powerful. maybe pacat meant for that to be the case, maybe she didn’t, maybe editing made it weird. who knows.
but it is, as i’ve said in previous chapter analysis posts, a nice fantasy. i'm glad if it hits for other readers, and i respect that cs pacat put it here for a reason. maybe someday i'll re-read it and react differently.
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
I was wondering if you could write a jj x female reader where he’s dating kiara but then he meets the reader and starts to fall in love with her so he doesn’t know what to do.
omg yes i love this so much. and thank you for sending in a request at all! i’m honoured that you chose me :))
this is my first jj fic too and i’m instantly obsessed like hello??
anywaysss please enjoy!
hard to carry
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pairing: jj x kook!reader
wc: 1.3k
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JJ never believed in love at first sight. Why would he when it had taken years for him and his girlfriend to finally get together? He had loved her- desperately, and had felt like after years of flirting hopelessly he finally got his shot with Kie and he was head over heels. He was happy. But it wasn’t everything he had dreamed of. They fought nearly constantly these days, and her parents had never gotten over the bitter taste in their mouths they had over him even after they found El Dorado and he could give their daughter the life he assumed they wanted for her. It was draining, but he assumed it was all so worth it.
Your parents had just bought a summer home on Kildare island, and you instantly fell in love with the city. The endless beaches, the expansive golf course and with everyone you’ve met so far this summer. You already looked forward to spending every June, July, and August here for the foreseeable future, and have already considered moving into the house full time to watch it while your parents are back in New York living up the Wallstreet life for the remainder of the year. At eighteen, you’re praying they’ll give you the chance.
In an attempt to prove your independence, you’re spending the day alone, running errands for your mom and dad, visiting some local shops and taking the time to get to know everything better. That’s when JJ first lays his eyes on you.
He’s walking around the busy grocery store with a clunky basket, readjusting his grip over and over again because he’d be caught dead before grabbing a cart when he’s shopping alone. You saw no shame in that, however, resting your hip against the side of the half full cart of groceries while you glance between the list in your hands and the table of produce in front of you.
JJ’s eyes fall on your figure as he’s about to reach for a bag of apples, immediately finding himself doing a double take. The way your hair falls over part of your face as he watches you try to pick out the freshest looking watermelon has his breath hitching in his throat, and he instantly abandons his attempt at fitting the bag of apples into his already almost filled basket, deciding a watermelon looks more refreshing in the North Carolina heat anyways.
“Hey- that’s the one I was gunning for.” JJ finds himself saying, pointing to the watermelon in your hands as you turn to place it in the cart.
“Oh! Gosh, sorry. Here.” You say sheepishly, holding the fruit out to him immediately and JJ feels his heart melt.
“Nah, you can keep it. I was just joking.” JJ chuckles, placing his basket on the floor. “It does look the best though, you’ve got a sharp eye.
“Thanks.” You laugh, resigning to putting the watermelon down in your cart instead. “I think you should take that one, that one is second best.” You joke, pointing to a different one on the table.
JJ nods, pretending to consider it. “Yeah, yeah you’re probably right.” He nods, picking it up and inspecting it. “Are you new in town?” He asks, attempting to be casual about it, but he’s genuinely curious since he knows if he’d ever seen you before, he absolutely would have remembered it.
“Uh, yeah! My parents just bought a house here. Down on the other side of the island.” You explain, your cheeks flushing as you pretend to read over your list again.
“Oh, you’re a kook?” JJ replies, making you quirk an eyebrow at him.
“Excuse me?”
Now it was JJ’s turn to blush, his face immediately turning a bright red as he looked at you with wide eyes, long forgetting his ploy at examining the watermelon in his hands. “I- yeah I guess you wouldn’t know what that means. Sorry, just, people who live over there have that nickname. Just means you live on the north side, that’s all.”
Your face relaxes and you giggle. JJ has never heard a laugh so lovely, so sweet that he thinks it could make his jaw hurt if he dwelled on it for too long. “Oh! Okay, neat. I didn’t know that.” You shake your head at your own misunderstanding.
“Yeah, I guess that’s just local slang, kinda.” JJ shrugs, returning your smile and leaning back against the counter, putting the fruit down again. “I’m JJ, by the way. I’m definitely not a kook.”
“Oh, what do they call you then? Assuming you wouldn’t call me a ‘kook’ if you were one yourself.” You ask, tilting your head in his direction.
“Pogues. Pogies, sometimes.” JJ laughs as he explains it, suddenly understanding how silly it must sound to someone who didn’t grow up here.
“Interesting.” You nod a little. “Well, JJ the ‘pogue’, I’m Y/N.”
“Not exactly how you use that, but it’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” JJ grins, leaning back on his palms as they press onto the table.
“Sorry.” You laugh awkwardly again, and JJ can’t help it when his stomach flips once more at the sound. He glances down at his still present basket, remembering suddenly who gave him the list of what to buy, and who he was bringing everything home to so they could make pasta together for dinner. Shit.
“You’re all good.” He laughs it off with you, smile fading with the sudden pang of guilt that followed the dread of returning home to Kie. Who he loved. Loves, still, surely.
“Well, I’ve got frozen stuff here, so I better keep moving…” You trail off, looking into the cart you’ve gathered of almost everything on the list. “I probably should have grabbed those last but I wasn’t really thinking I guess.” You ramble on, stepping around the cart and past JJ to push it away.
“I did the same thing, I get it.” JJ admits, reaching down to pick up his basket.
“Hey, uh, I don’t have any friends down here. Mind if I grab your instagram or something?” You ask, suddenly feeling brave as you stop the cart and turn to face the blonde boy that you admittedly find very attractive. Besides, having friends here will definitely implore your parents to let you stay.
“Yeah! Yeah, here.” JJ nods, digging into the pocket of his cargo shorts and pulling out his phone to open the rarely used app, handing it over to you.
“Yikes, an android? I don’t know if I can be seen with you.” You joke as you take the device, quickly typing in your own username and hitting the follow button, passing it back to him as he laughs.
“Gee, thanks.” JJ chuckles, shaking his head and looking down at the account still left open.
“Maybe I’ll see you around, JJ the pogue.” You tease, giving a quick wave as you make your way towards the front of the store.
“Still not how you say that!” He calls after you, seeing you shrug your shoulders without looking back.
As you turn the corner, JJ let’s out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, once more adjusting the grip his now sweaty palms had on the handles of the basket. The basket full of groceries for Kie, that suddenly feels much harder to carry. Fuck, he doesn’t want to go home to her anymore. And fuck, he can’t wait to scroll through your instagram and endlessly hope that he’ll see you again.
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speakofthedebbie · 2 months
you (read: i) asked so you shall recieve: radioapple fic recs august 2024 update!!
the following are the ones from the last post w/some minor changes (think: misspellings and even more osas praising) (sorry for the re-tags!!):
Bedtime Rituals to Try out Before the Next Angelic War by @miribalis
just yes. thousand times yes. so basically my boy luci has some sleep troubles and that somehow leads to a qpr with al look its been a while ok just read it
Managerial Liberties by the same fella
these two tags explain it pretty well
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something that sticks out to me about this is that charlie is actually (reasonably) cold to adam and like. im actually surprised with how little ive seen that. i mean i dont think id be exactly buddy-buddy with my besties killer either. only 4 chaps as of writing but already looking to be a radioapple classic. has the same vibe as bedtime rituals, but it is NOT a sequel
devils don't fly (don't expect me not to fall) by @corgiss
also just yes. basically a really not cool joke evolves into a blossoming romance because why wouldnt it. (man if i had a nickel for every radioapple fic that had a masquerade that was sabotaged by the vees- *gets shot bc i cant mention osas yet*)
i’ll hold you close (i’ll stay the course) by the same fella
the entire time i was just going "yas king! put that egotistical flatscreen in his place!!". basically luci reminds the overlords who he is and vox shows he can be more of a threat than he lets on.
ykw fuck it just the entire series (i didnt mention i would give anything to not give a shit (but i do) and my perfect rock bottom (my beautiful trauma) because the first one sounded a lil too angsty and ive gotten enough of that from other sources [pointedly glares at Quietly, It Slips Through Your Fingers, Love {also coming up later!}] and the second is (mostly) smut
Of Saints and Sinners by the forever amazing @morningstarwrites!! (if you see this i have a serious question: is this your first time ever writing a fic? because how do you get so much right the first time- [not even beginners luck could explain this level of skill])
if youre even half the radioapple fanatic i am and havent read this, literally what are you doing?? i could sing its praises until my death bed but ill hold off so i can explain whats happening. basically after burning down a meeting room several times, luci and al make a deal ("not a deal!", luci laments to the void): they will attempt to be civil and maybe even friendly, with some daily compliments sprinkled along the way, and by the end luci will owe al a favour. whats the favour? read it yourself dammit! seriously, 10/10, i foam at the mouth every friday
Quietly, It Slips Through Your Fingers, Love by Starlit_Rainfall (no tumblr in sight, so AO3) (i. urgfgh. what happened. i was just smiling over the fluff while crossing to go to school. where did it go. where did it gooooo)
if thats anything to go by, the last few chapters have been rough. the fluff feels so far away that i cant even explain what happens. luci was waxing poetic about swimming in maple syrup for al, i remember that much. lilith is particularly an asshole even tho we havent seen her yet (or maybe we have. idr, mightve chatted with al) also emily is there (fallen) and has a lil smth to do with als and liliths deal. if you read it, warning for the gut punch of angst that starts chap 32 "She/Her" (though the chapter before that, "Should Alastor Know By Now?" ends pretty rough too)
Freely We Serve by @romanaxe
i dont remember how i managed to stumble upon this but im having a great time. basically alastor is a new sinner fresh in hell (but time doesnt matter and the whole cast is still here) and thinks "what better way to gain power than be the personal assistant of the heartbroken king of hell!" features a 6-7 (rosies words) year old charlie and a morally dubious lilith (also i loved eepy al X3)
A Family Forged in Hellfire by Green_Ghostwriter (once again, no Tumblr, so AO3)
this ones a bit newer (10 chaps), is so far mostly exposition and the slowburn pot hasnt even been put on the stove, but as just a hazbin fic in general i see the potential. basically its a 1920s(30s?) au where heaven decides little charlie doesnt deserve to be raised in hell and is sent to earth with a "foster" family where her actions in life will determine witch realm she will return to after death. her "parents", al and mimzy, are given false memories so they can claim the girl as their own and gee i wasnt kidding when i said it was a lot of exposition. erm honestly explaining anymore would tech be spoiling so go read it!!
The Red Thread That Binds Us by @scun-gilli
{{future me prefacing this by saying i have no idea where i was going with yesterdays thought process, all you need to know from it was im on chapter 27. also scungilli your comment is making me very worried 😟 well theres no mcd tag so im sure itll fine, right? RIGHT, SCUNGILLI??}}
basically its a king x kings guard au where al and luci grow up together and only grow closer after a. certain life event for al (its fine guys trust :)) [she said, like a liar]) then al is sent off for royal guard training school (ik its not called that i forgor 😭) but dw he comes back. just watch out for graphic depictions of injuries (i think thats this fic) angst and a sneaky eve bc radioapple fics are allergic to happiness (or maybe im not looking hard enough lol) (also im really tempted to make the friendship bracelets they had 👀)
somewhere down the line by kj_crwm (AO3 link)
this one starts off as human!alastor/lucifer but by the middle(?) its just regular radioapple. basically al is encountered by luci while finishing off a job who agrees to keep quiet. luci just keeps on showing up, reveals hes the devil to which al us just like "lol ok" and eventually they get in a relationship (ooh lala 👀) but they break up after saying some hurtful things to each other (oh nono 👀) with luci promising al they will never cross paths again. if you watched the show then well. you know that doesnt happen 😂 most human!al radioapple have al summon him (no hate to them) so this was an interesting change of pace
new recs below!! ↓↓
Alastor and Lucifer do whatever the Hell this is (series) by Vagabond_Sloth (personally asked, no Tumblr, but they might make one 👀)
i know this is radioapple fic rec post but... *cough* Husk and Angel do a Romance for some soft huskerdust *cough* anyway- basically, a perplexing flower arrangement leads to a blossoming something between the resident radio demon and king of hell. seriously, its some good shit, and the author is really nice!
A Compliment A Day by @decembercamiecherries
spinning this around in my head at all times
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basically, a classic "charlie makes al and luci compliment each other as a bonding excessive" but it does not disappoint (check out her other three radioapple fics too)
a lovely night (lalaland is that you??) and pancakes, small talk by @mirotic_chess (X Twitter account)
in a lovely night they do a lil dancey dancey and in pancakes, small talk luci makes some pancakes!!
Sin and Sentiment and Time On My Hands by demon_fawn (supposed Tumblr leads to a dead end)
oh my god future debs here and i am so fucking tired of doing these descriptions but. um. the plot for sin and sentiment def seems very interesting and time on my hands is an incomplete (but good!) attempt at radioapple week. hmm not sure if they still post bc the most recent update was july 12th
honestly just every radioapple fic by @otoshigo (i think ive read all but Forbidden Fruit of the Poisonous Tree)
if you look underneath the little island that is radioapple, on god otoshigo is one of the creators holding it up. all 19 (yes, 19. we eatin good tonight [excluding forbidden fruit]) of their radioapple fics are fantastic, buuut if i had to recommend anything specific: A Guide to the Care and Maintenance of the King of Hell (fuck count furfur!) and The Devil's Trip to the Big Apple
not to continue the trend, but basically anything by @thief-of-eggs (even the singular huskerdust) but personal recommendations: Trust and Hair Pets and Let Me Be Your Shelter (sickfics 🔛🔝)
idk if youll catch me doing the descriptions for these anymore shit was exhausting
tagging time!!!! (i want to end it all)
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lol-jackles · 3 months
Walker series finale review
It’s only been a week since Cordell nearly died and Luna died in Cassie’s arms, so their people are hard at work being there for them.  Like the start of season 3, Cordell wants everything back to the way it was and overcompensates by being extra, but his family simply want him to be in the present with them, and then take one step at the time. 
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Stella tells her dad that there is no version of life where he’s being gone is better, it will just be a different kind of pain.  She gives him the letters he wrote while he was undercover in case he doesn’t make it out alive.  She and August didn’t read the letters because it came from a different version of their father and they don’t need that now.  However, perhaps Cordell do, and figures it out from there.
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Despite Cordell’s assurance to Geri that the Jackal case was an “exception of exceptions”, Geri wisely tells him that there’s always going to be “the next big case” and when it happens, she wants Cordell to go to her for support.  This makes me super happy that Geri doesn’t demand that he cuts back on his work or give up his job altogether but wants to be there for him when his job inevitably gets messy again.
Cassie has to reach back to the past to galvanize herself into thinking about a different future than the one she planned with Luna and goes to the lieutenant job interview.  Trey appears to give a stronger interview, but he’s only been a ranger a short time and the job goes to Cassie.  Of course it does because they changed Cassie’s personality from Cordell-lite in season 2&3 to James-lite in season 4, so she got the lieutenant job as the newly minted female version of Larry James, who was also Cordell’s previous partner.  Anybody remember when she and Cordell tamper with evidence just to satisfy their curiosity? (X) It was actually one of my favorite scenes.
The job promotion further propels Cassie to “leap forward” into a new future.  It also means Cassie will no longer be Cordell’s partner, which is for the best because emotionally she blames him for Luna’s death even when she's concerned about Cordell and asked Geri how he is doing. Two things can be true.  I predicted a while back (looking for the specific post) that Cordell and Trey would eventually become partners and now that it’s confirmed, we are robbed of that dynamic in season 5.
August graduation party is crowded and loud and its cathartic for the audience to see everybody happy and celebrating. We even see Cassie smiling at Cordell’s toast to his son, August Edward Walker, and the rest of the family.  Here I was expecting a Shakespearean middle name for August but it’s from Emily who was a Twilight fan.  Liam and Ben declared themselves team Jacob and just like that they’re moving in together.
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The party grows raucous, and Bonham and Abilene hide out in their house.  Abilene apologizes to Bonham for abandoning him while she was launching her wedding venue business and assures him that she wants to oversee and “meddle”, not deal with the bride of the week.  Nope she’s leaving bride handling to the gay guy.  Bonham compromise by keeping the boat and uses it for her events as a tax write off.  Win win!
Cordell takes a leave of absence for the summer to take August, Stella, and Geri (and a secret ring box) on a much-needed vacation, which Cassie grants on the first day of the lieutenant job because “they both need this”. A time apart from each other and away from the daily reminders will do them both good.
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While the finale is a 'happy ending', there are underlying sadness that's been there since the pilot episode, starting with Cordell, then Micki, and now Cassie. Each of them has lost romantic partners to death and Cordell said time doesn't heal everything. What is unspoken is work and more work will get them through the pain of grief.
As Bonham and Abeline enjoys a boat ride and Cordell and his children and Geri head out of town, an unexpected double cliffhanger happens: Liam gets recruited by the governor for a secret job and he’s whisked away by men in black in front of the impressed Ben; the Davidson lands is sub-leased by a hippie version of SPN Lucifer, due to his all-white outfit, who is none other than Dawson Leery, played of course by a grinning James Van Der Beek!
Final score: 9.7. Point 1 deduction for each arcs we won't see in season 5: Cordell and Trey's new partnership , Liam's new job from the governor, and new neighbor cult leader Dawson Leery
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CAN YOU MAYBE. Elaborate on the bridgella tower au idea 👀
Well, it's based on this post, which I initially posed on 16 August at around 9 pm (my self-imposed bed time) and I cannot actually remember typing. But I descided to post it because I figured the fandom might be interested in playing with this idea, as not a lot has been said about adult Bridgella up to this point.
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Current working title of the fanfiction I'm writing in my notes app is "Your Word And My Word"
So the main premise is this: the coup happened, but Red didn't travel back for whatever reason (currently thinking she just froze up and forgot), letting Bridget and her army take over Auradon.
Bridget ended up imprisoning all of the royal families of Auradon, starting with the Charmings (obviously). She ordered for all who didn't submit to her will to be executed. Most of them went quietly, others didn't (RIP Snow White and Ben's parents), and at the end there was a lot of bloodshed, and somewhere in the confusion, Bridget had faked Ella's death while secretly transporting her back Wonderland, where she was locked in what I'm currently just calling "The West Tower" (Anod to myself about a small fic I scrapped that basically had that as the name of a spare bedroom/Red's time-out corner).
The main point brances off into a couple of different directions, but the main focus when I say "Tower AU" is Bridget and Ella and The West Tower.
Bridget, being not over Ella and their teenaged situationship (why Ella isn't dead), occasionally visits her. Mostly to try and convince Ella to accept her fate, occasionally to brag, sometimes to vent about her trauma (being gay in the early 90s). But it leads to them talking again. And with the talking, comes the old feelings they had for each other when they were young, bubbling back up to the surface.
Of course it's angsty, as Ella is worried about her husband and kids (who think she's dead and she has know idea how they're doing) but also she has to deal with years of internalised homophobia. And Bridget doesn't know how to process her feelings and ends up taking it out in all the worst ways.
Something, something, time goes on, and Ella is given slight freedom by Bridget (allowed to walk around the castle with card-knights escorting her), and meets Red. Red has her own whole thing quietly in the background (mostly shown through Bridget's pov) and might reveal the Charmings are alive. Who knows when, but it's an inevitable now.
Something, something, later on Ella and Bridget get into a fight as they always do, and they end up kissing, that then leads to sad tension as they're both horrified by it and so so in love. And later it leads to sex, which is this scene I posted on 21 August (yesterday at time of writing):
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"I'm never going to let you leave me again." "Is that a promise?"
And that's where I'm at. It's all scattered right now, but yeah... I'll keep you guys updated if I descide to continue the fic, or if I get any serious ideas.
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its-time-to-write · 6 months
please don’t be - ch. 5
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I’m so terribly sorry that this so late. I wasn’t entirely sure how I wanted to end this, and I almost added another chapter, but here it is!! Thanks for your patience and for 1k 🩵🩵 (ps you should listen to nothing to be scared of by Kacey Musgraves)
table of contents our town
You’re staring at him again. Jamie hates it, but also he doesn’t care because he gets to gaze into your beautiful eyes once more.
“Hm,” you say, because you can’t come up with something better. Instead, you let him be uncomfortable. You spent a long time making space for him, so in this, he can wait.
“I should have left you,” you say eventually.
“I know,” Jamie replies ruefully. “Remember you fuckin’ told me?”
You nod. “I do. And then I told you that I never leave. I always stay till the last second, and it’s the worst thing about me. And you said-” You pause. There’s no point in bringing up the past.
“I said some stupid shit about my mum,” Jamie fills in.
You nod. “Yeah, it was stupid. I know you said it just to get me to stay.”
“Didn’t,” Jamie interjects. You give him a look. “Alright, shit, maybe I did. But I wanted you to stay. I loved you, I was just too fucking scared to say it.”
“I gave you SO many opportunities to tell me,” you reply. “And you didn’t take any of them, you just left me behind. I knew you were going to so it’s fine, but you can’t just come back into my life and fuck things up again. I’m really not in the mood for it.”
You’re lying straight to his face, and you wonder if he knows. You hope he doesn’t. All you need is to wait just long enough for Jude to come back and then Jamie can go away and you don’t have to let him back in. Not that you have to. But you want to.
You understand that the moment he lets you have an inch, you’ll take a mile. You’ll write your whole future together based on a passing comment or an arm around your waist.
But Jamie knows you’re lying. You see it flicker in his eyes for half a second too long, and you know you’re screwed.
You take a step back. Jude isn’t coming back.
“I’m going,” you say. “I’m going, so don’t follow me. I can’t take you back. We won’t work.”
And Jamie- Jamie sees it.
You were always the visionary, weren’t you? The one who designed the future as though it were as easy as scribbling on a piece of paper. The one who saw the worst but believed in the best, and Jamie never quite believed you the one time you told him it could work forever, if he wanted.
He believes it now, though.
It’s too late as you slip past him and back inside, presumably to find Julia and keep her from committing murder; or maybe you’ll let her have free reign and Jamie is a dead man in about fifteen minutes.
It drives him mad, the future, and he wonders how it didn’t drive you mad as well.
France, Spain, Italy. They blend together in a haze of sunshine and lemon, as you, Nicola, and Julia travel the summer away. 
You refuse to think of Jamie, wherever he may be, but as July becomes August, you wonder what his mum is doing.
You’re on a first class flight back to London scrolling through Instagram, and you find yourself looking at her account. 
It’s private, but she followed you first a million years ago and you realize neither of you ever unfollowed the other. 
So you’re able to see how she’s filling her days.
She doesn’t always post Jamie’s face, but you see a familiar sleeve, or a Jamie-shaped shadow. You scroll back far enough to find a post from his twenty-seventh birthday which is a mistake because it’s a photo of Jamie blowing out candles with your arms wrapped around him.
You remember that moment, you were laughing and singing with his family while lying to yourself about how serious everything was.
But there’s no time to go down THAT rabbit trail so you close your phone and try to sleep through the rest of the flight.
Jamie is in hell. Training started a week ago, and it’s a shit show. It doesn’t help that he was never like this when you were with him. The first match of the season is coming up and he needs to get it the fuck together. There’s no way he’s getting in the starting lineup like this, not with the way he keeps glancing to the stands like you’ll be there.
He can’t help but think of you all the time, wherever you may be, and he tricks himself into seeing your face in every crowd.
He debates calling you (he never could delete your number), but he’s pretty sure he’s blocked so he doesn’t.
Jamie’s right, he doesn’t get started, but he has a good run in the second half. City win, obviously, but instead of going out with the lads Jamie gives them the slip and heads home.
Except he doesn’t exactly head straight home, he just sort of wanders around Manchester until he ends up in his favorite chicken shop.
He has exactly one day off of training so he figures one cheat meal won’t fuck him up more than he already is. It’s late, and he shouldn’t be eating at this hour, but he cannot give less of a fuck. He orders and goes to sit in the corner booth, only to find it occupied.
He thinks it’s you, for a moment, but you’re not in Manchester. He doesn’t know where you are, but that he knows for certain.
He’s wrong.
You’re looking up at him with a half-eaten plate of chips in front of you, and Jamie remembers every time you’ve looked at him like that.
“You have puppy eyes,” he said.
You scrunched your nose. “I know they’re puffy,” you said. “I was just crying in the car.”
“No, puppy eyes. I’d never say your eyes were fucking puffy, unless you were like, fucking dying or something.”
You had blushed and looked away, and Jamie knew he shouldn’t have said it. Knew he was getting in over his head.
Those eyes look more tired than he’s ever seen them, but you say, “Need a seat?” as you gesture to the place across from you.
Jamie slides in before he can think better of it. “Bit crowded in here,” he says, and you glance around to the empty tables.
“Wouldn’t have offered to share if it weren’t so hard to find a table,” you say.
He smiles, and you want to make him smile like that all the time.
“Watched the match,” you tell him. “You were great.”
Jamie rolls his eyes. “I were shit, and you know it. Don’t know what the fuck was happening.”
“You weren’t shit. You always say that, and you’re never right.”
You’re not sure exactly what’s coming over you right now. You’re detached from your body, watching this scene unfold from above.
Jamie shakes his head. “Why do you always say shit like that? Why the fuck did you stay for so long? You knew-” He’s unable to finish, captivated by the pools of tears collecting in your eyes. He knows you’d rather die than let them fall, and he wishes he weren’t the cause.
“You still have the most beautiful eyes in the whole fuckin’ world,” he says softly.
You glare at him. “Fuck you for that,” you say. “And I stayed because I wanted to. And because I thought you’d change. You changed everything else for me, and then didn’t ask me to come with you. You just assumed that I wouldn’t want every part of you, remember? You didn’t listen when I told you how much I’d give up for you. And sure, it’s not very feminist of me, but I- I loved you. I’d do anything for the people I love. But you never fucking asked.”
You sigh. This conversation is a lot angrier than you wanted. You’re not angry. At least, not with Jamie. With yourself, sure. You take a bite of a chip to stave off the tears.
Jamie’s still processing. “You would’ve stayed longer?” he asks slowly.
You almost choke. “Yes, you absolute fucking idiot! I told you that! Your mum fucking told you, for Christ’s sake! Everyone fucking knew how much I loved you, and I knew you didn’t feel the same which is why I didn’t fight you when you left! I figured it was time for me to move on as well, so I did my absolute fucking best. But yeah, Jamie, I love you. Every part, too. Not just the things you think make you lovable.” You stand up. “I’m leaving. Goodbye, Jamie.”
As you brush past him, he catches your wrist. You look down at him with as much disdain as you can muster (it’s not a lot).
“Stay,” he whispers.
And you’re at a crossroads.
Three years later…
“Can’t believe we’re going back,” you groan as you tape a box.
“Coach asked,” Jamie calls from another room. “And you better not be lifting anything.”
“I’m not,” you shoot back as he enters the room. “That’s what you’re for. And anyway, the movers will be here in half an hour, so there won’t be much for me to do anyway.”
Jamie wraps his arms around your waist so he can pull you close and study your eyes. “You sure you’re alright going back to Richmond?”
You shrug as best you can. “I’m living the dream, babe. Not worried about it.”
And Jamie believes you.
He can’t believe much else, that’s for sure, not that you took him back. 
“One last chance, Jamie Tartt,” you had warned. “Fuck it up and I’m gone before you can blink.”
So he didn’t. Sure, no one’s perfect, but he’s trying. You both are. You’ve made it this far. Who’s to say it’ll crash and burn? 
Besides, he’s got a rock burning a hole in his pocket that says otherwise.
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d4rkpluto · 11 months
i've returned to post about a particular subject i've been fighting to or not to post, because i used to consider this person the closest person in my life and i even considered her as a best friend and a sister.
and we have fallen out and apologised to each other many times, but perhaps whenever we argued it was life telling me that she is not supposed to be in my circle. and you could be wondering why am i bringing this up and telling tumblr this but im telling tumblr this to be aware of @couerardent and her scamming behaviour.
couerardent also known as MYSTIICWINTER OR MYSTICWIINTER.
[other people have come to me and spoke about how bad her services were, but i tried to overlook it because i really cared for her, lessoned learn]
i have always been empathetic towards ardent and her money situation, but there are moments when excuses turn into reasons to not do something. on august, i sent alex money because she needed it, but she also said in return she will give me 4 packs she usually gives her clients and she told me she would give me my money back.
first pack is "tell me your story."
second and other packs she hadnt told me what they were but she informed me that i'll be receiving them weekly since august, and now its november.
at first i was empathetic, since i used to be close to ardent, i knew she went through a lot of stuff at home, so i was patient. until august turned into september, and september turned into october and then october turned into novemeber.
and slowly i became annoyed, [as i should] because her services arent even long or good, as someone who gives chart readings to other people that consists more than fourteen pages, the effort to write that would take long, but ardent doesnt even give five pages for her services, three at most, so why is it taking her so long?
previously, she has joked to me about scamming other people, but would put the blame on them and not want to take accountability until they start using threats to expose her, i think she deleted the making fun of scamming them but here is some of it:
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and when i would message her for updates about my reading because it'll take months, she would ignore me and even change her pfp on tumblr or discord, until i reach out to her on more platforms to get her attention.
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and what would annoy me even more is that she would talk about how she never has something to do or would focus on other stuff knowing she needs to get my reading done lmao and this would be like 1-2 months after i was supposed to receive any of it lol.
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worrying about the layout for almost 3 months PLEASE.
i have received 1/4 readings, and that was now almost 2-3 weeks ago, we should've been on my 2nd or 3rd reading by now, the only reason i have received 1 reading is because i did threaten to expose her if she didnt send the money or reading my way, because even i had some issues because living in london has gotten really difficult and i have been trying to support my family as much as i can, but im doing better right now.
its all about the principle. and she has none of that. and even attempted to victimise herself and behave like she was in distress whenever she got called out about her behaviour.
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she lost track of time, the time being 3-4 months lol.
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and when i was speaking to her she ignored me for a bit again ha, it was almost comedic. for almost two weeks she didnt try and check what i was speaking about.
she has gotten ill, but this was still months after.
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and i have remembered, she has used much of her earned money to fund for her nose job but also uni, but during the moments it was best to pay me back was at the job she said paid her well, she informed me that when she gets paid by her job she'll pay me back, and she never did and ended up quitting the job.
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[the unfairness i was speaking about is how uni her country dont do student finances, she's from romania, because they do in the uk it was just a surprise].
i asked her recently on how i was supposed to receive a reading but she didnt reply but change her pfp on whatsapp and discord, again.
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if there is any confused people comment please because i did this half asleep lmao
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http-paprika · 8 days
There Was Something Here Once but a new day hides that haze
alternative universe / call of duty x female reader / taglist open / wc 2623 / warnings light swearing / no use of y/n / ship not yet decided / no beta, my grammarly hates me
a word from the author- i started classes in August, so I'm not on top of my writing but I started this the other day and wanting to share it with ya'll because it's too good. And for the pairing, I'm between two characters so you'll just have to see how it goes.
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Dew clings to the windshield, a heavy fog leaving the morning hazy and gray. Autumn would soon have a firm hold on the small, quiet town of Aberdeen, making the weather impossible to bear if one did not have a good flannel or coat. Which was a new addition to her wardrobe when she made plans to leave the city and hide away. The one postcard sent from her college friend, the one responsible for getting her this new job, boasted a quaint downtown, heavy snows, and an eerie ambiance she couldn’t shake no matter how hard she tried. It was Twin Peaks personified, just lacking David Duchovny and a young Kyle MacLachlan. 
The engine of her Ford Bronco sputters and creaks. The old vehicle had spent the whole drive up protesting the hills and winding roads that left her constantly breaking. Now, it seemed her ancient car, that she had served her faithfully through college and early adult years, had decided to kick her in the ass. 
“No, no, no.” She groans, hitting her head against the hard steering wheel and instantly regretting it. There’d be a bruise later in the day with her luck. “Not today, baby. I’ve only been at this job a week, I can’t be late already.” 
It would be just her bad luck that the car would give out, her luck that the cell service was questionable so she couldn’t even call. But what wouldn’t be her normal bout of unfortunate events was the man who lived just down the road that she’d seen tinkering with an old sports car. She pops up her head, remembering his existence and hurries out into the morning chill. 
With her fingers crossed together that the stranger would not be a creep, she walks in a fast pace down the cracked asphalt to the little arts and crafts home that sat at the bottom of the hill. There was a blooming garden out front, despite the change in seasons, vegetable, herbs and a few flowers bursting to life and ready for harvest. The two rocking chairs on the front porch made her a little less nervous. Whoever the home belonged to, they seem charming enough in their landscape and aesthetic. 
Hands trembling, she knocks against the screen door, wondering if she should open it and knock directly on the faded blue front door. But after a few knocks, the sound of muffled footsteps reached her ears and soon enough the door was unlocked and opened. Except, the man standing in the doorway was not who she’d seen tinkering with the car, instead, he struck her as a cowboy. Someone who would’ve starred in the western movies her father watched when she was a kid. 
“Can I help you?” He asks, a dull but still visible southern twang visible in his voice. Maybe he was a cowboy, his checkered shirt and worn down boots said as much. 
“Oh, um–” She pauses, trying to collect herself so as to not sound like a fool. The anxiety of being late and belittled by her unruly coworkers was pressing deep into her skin. “I’m sorry for disturbing you so early in the morning. But I just moved into the house up the road last week and my car doesn't want to run today and I’m going to be late for work. I had noticed in passing before that there’s someone in this household who works on cars and was wondering if he’d be willing to take a look at the engine for me? I’m helpless with mechanics.” 
The man nods, understanding her plea for help. “That’s right, John spends all his free time on that hunk of shit.” 
“Are you talking bad about my car again, Phillip?” A booming voice asked from inside the house, it caused her to stand at attention being vividly alert. Suddenly, the man she’d seen while driving by is standing over Phillip’s shoulder, hands resting on Phillip’s hips and a tilt to his head. “Hello there, not often we get new people in these parts.” 
“She just moved into the Riley’s house, her car is acting up, John.” Phillip tells the newcomer in the conversation. Together, the men made quite a fitting pair, rugged and worn at the edges, with various lengths of facial hair and two sets of blue eyes. Without them having to say it out loud, she could feel the warmth of their shared intimacy, a love she could only envy and never grasp. 
“Really? Never thought anyone would be willing to buy it— Ow!” John grumbles, rubbing his side where Phillip had jutted his elbow. “Right, your car. Let me get my things.” 
She frowns at the statement the man had begun but been unable to finish. What had John meant by that? Sure, the house wasn't the nicest, there were cobwebs in corners, cracks on some of the window panes, and a musty smell from sitting empty for a while, but it was a nice enough house. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a cozy kitchen that looked out into the woods. It was a quaint cottage that was a dream come true compared to the studio apartment she’d left behind. 
John disappears back into the house, leaving her with an awkward look on her face as Phillip stands there. She wants to ask what John meant by it, the curiosity or rather fear of the truth taps insistently against her skull. But she imagined her neighbor would just shut her down like he’d done with his partner. 
“If it can be fixed, John can fix it, ma’am. He owns and runs the little auto shop in town, you’ve probably seen it. It’s the only one in this hellhole.” Phillip tells her, breaking up the static silence that had overcome them. 
“You don’t like it here?” She raises a brow, surprised to hear it. The few coworkers she had at her new job only sang the praises of Abedreen, telling her it was the greatest little town to live in. But it was clear in Phillip’s tone that he didn’t share the sentiment. 
“I like John, that’s enough to take me anywhere.” 
There was a faithfulness in his voice she didn’t think she’d ever heard outside of television and novels. Her parents were divorced when she was a girl, all her friends in college seemed to have constant relationship problems and doubts, but there wasn’t a doubt in his words. 
“Alright, lead the way.” John reappears behind his partner with a fat toolbox in hand, seemingly unaware of what Phillip had said. But she had a suspicion he knew, because as subtle as it was, she noticed John loop his finger quickly through the belt loop of Phillip’s jeans and tug slightly. And as she turned away to walk off the porch, the smile on Phillip’s face was as visible as the mist that hung in front of her. 
The crunching of John’s boots on top of the gravel kept her company as they walked back to the road. There was a clear impression that the man was the less talkative of the couple, using few words to get his point across. Normally, she wouldn’t mind, but his big hulking figure following her like a shadow kept her nervous. While Phillip had reminded her of the movies her father used to watch, John reminded her of her father. Broad shoulders, dark hair covering his jaw, lack of conversation, and intimidating stature. She couldn’t even remember where her father had been born. Somewhere out west, or so she thought. 
“So how come you moved to Aberdeen?” He finally speaks up once they’re on the road, headed back up the hill to her new home. “Got family in the area?”
“Okay. You don’t exactly strike me as the logging or mining type–” 
“An old college friend was from here, and I happened to come across a job position at the library and remember her telling me about the town.” She shrugs, not knowing what else to say without spiraling into the life events that left her desperate enough to start anew in the middle of nowhere, in a town no one seemed to know about. 
“Ah.” John responds. She turned to look quickly down at the asphalt, his thoughtful gaze told her more than enough. He knew there was more to the story, and either he didn’t care or he was polite enough not to ask. “Who’s the friend?”
“Your old college friend from here? Who are they? I’d probably know them, lived my entire life in the area.” He says, coming to a slow pace as they reached the top of the hill, her Bronco sitting and waiting to be inspected. She could only pray he could tell her it was fixable. 
“Um, Beau Ridley. Well, now Beau Mayfield since she’s married.” She rambles off, stopping quickly in fear that she’s being too much. A habit she’d developed quickly in college. 
“Yeah, I know Beau– pop the hood for me?” John sets down his tool box and she scurries to follow his orders like a kid finding the right wrench for their dad. Despite owning the car for ages, she struggles to remember where she had to look to open the boot. Finally, the boot clicked open and her view out the windshield was obscured with the metal. From this view, she could see just how badly the paint had begun to fade, and that there was dried bird poop that hadn’t been there the night before. 
“Sorry.” She apologizes as she climbs back out of her car, fiddling with the sleeve of her shirt.
“What for?” He doesn’t even bother looking up from the engine of the car as he pokes around. Blinking at him, she realizes he doesn’t care that it took her a bit too long to pop the trunk or that she disturbed his morning. Realizing that makes her shift from one foot to another and drop her gaze down to the dirt of her driveway. 
“Do me a favor and try to turn on the engine, would ya?” John asks and she quickly hurries to fulfill that task too. She hated meeting new people and new beginnings simply because it meant she had to work hard to make a good impression, the people here weren’t disappointed in her and expected failure like those she knew before. It was a feeling she hated, seeking approval. Yet she did it anyway. 
Propping herself up in the driver’s seat, she fumbles with her keys– the cat keychain she had kept getting in the way– before finally turning the key in the ignition. The rough sound of her car sputtering and struggling, failing to do it’s most basic task of running, causes her to wince. And when she pokes her head out to see John’s expression as she continues to try to make it turn on, she realizes her car is screwed. 
“Need to get in the shop,” He informs her. John takes his time explaining what he believed to be the problem and it went all over her head, so she simply nodded. She knew how to change a tire, replace the blinker fluid, and even knew where to refill the car’s coolant, but anything more was outside her realm of knowledge. “You didn’t understand a thing I said, did ya?” 
“No sir.” 
John nods his head in sympathy, probably used to clueless customers in his auto shop. Reaching into the back pocket of his jeans, John pulls out his cracked phone and types up a number. “I’ll call my tow-guy to come up and take it down to the shop, free of charge.”
“How am I going to get to work?” She suddenly responds, remembering why she’d even gone to John’s house in the first place. There’d always been a struggle for her to focus on what comes after something, stuck in the present unable to look forward to the future. Even if the future is only an hour away. 
“Where do you work?” He asks her, putting the phone up to his ear to make the call. 
“At the library.” She responds quickly, John registers her words with a nod before turning away to speak to his tow-driver. He barks at the unfortunate driver, seemingly annoyed by his antics until the call finally ends and he turns on his boot heel to look back at her. 
“Johnny’s gonna be here in about twenty minutes, he’ll drop you off at the library. If that’s alright with you?” John says, making sure that she was comfortable with the situation. “Otherwise, I could drive you down later once I’m done with my breakfast and coffee.” 
“No, no, that’s more than enough.” Her mind keeps going back to his statement, free of charge. How many times had she gotten something in life free? Rarely, if she could remember correctly. “Thank you, John.” 
“You’re in Aberdeen. We take care of our neighbors here.” He turns to close his tool box, picking up the metal container with ease. “You fine with waiting on your own–”
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s fine.” The thought of inconveniencing John further after he’d already taken time out of his day to help her was too much to ask. Even if she didn’t like the idea of waiting for a stranger to come get her car and take her to work, she’d handle it. 
“You sure?”
“Yes, thank you. Again.” John nods, turning to leave with a hum in his throat low in sound but enough for her to hear in the morning. The fog is beginning to dissipate, letting the autumn sun climb through the tall spindly pine trees, the crisp air clings to your lungs like swallowing ice water. Up here, she finds that she can take a moment to breathe. Away from the bustling traffic of the city, the bog that coated the air. The only noise here was birdsong and wind. A bliss that eclipsed her senses before her phone decides to ring– her manager’s number on the caller ID. 
Her manager forgives the lateness, and even tried to ask if they could do anything to help her but she declines. Sitting on the front step of her house, the hum of a truck overtakes the sounds of nature. And when the tow truck slows to a stop in front of the cottage, she finds herself biting the inside of her cheek. The sudden realization that there’s a stranger here to get her car and take her to work makes her queasy. If she were still in the city, she would’ve considered taking the spotty public transport over this. But it was too far and difficult of a trek to make with her heavy work tote slung over her shoulders and her loafers sinking into the mud from last night’s rain. She wouldn’t make it walking. 
The door of the tow truck opens and the driver climbs out, his back stays turned to her as he reaches back in to grab something. The navy coveralls compliment his tanned arms well, and when he turns to look at her, she realizes they match his eyes as well. Even with his odd mohawk-like hair she finds herself coughing on nothing at the sight of his face. 
“You alright, ma’am?” He asks, knitting his brows together in his concern. There’s a golden look in his face, 
“Yeah, yeah. You’re Johnny?” She wheezes, struggling to clear her throat. 
“That’s right. I’ll have your car hooked up and you to work in no time.” He promises her with a grin, and she fully believes it. Maybe Aberdeen wasn’t the worst little town to exist?
Chapter II
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