#I swear I try to stealth and I just fail every time
meownotgood · 4 months
you're playing bg3!!!! do you have your sights set on anyone yet... :3
yes!! I just started act 2 but I don't know yet, I can't decide because I like everyone bahaha... I think gale and karlach are my favorites so far, they are both such sweethearts.... 🥹 but wyll and astarion... I have my eyes on them too because they are so handsome... I'll just have to see where the journey takes me lmaoooo
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wingedjellyfishflight · 5 months
Kleine Schatten
He was frustrated. The little shadow was still following him. Sometimes openly and other times, hiding and peeking around corners, usually after he has blown up on someone else. He works to control his temper, wanting to tempt them closer before he goes on the offensive. When you get about ten feet behind him, he suddenly spins on his heel and covers the distance between you in a split second, taking just two strides before he picks you up and pivots again, pinning you to the wall. He leans in close, eyes hard. "Why are you following me?"
You gulp, trying hard to meet his eyes. "I was told to, Colonel. It's part of my training. S-sorry." You barely managed to whisper the words, voice failing you by the end.
He freezes, grip gentling as he lets you slide down the wall, supporting you when your legs would buckle. Crouching down to be at your level, he asks, "Who told you to do this and why?"
It takes you several tries to answer, but König waits quietly for you to speak, not rushing or admonishing you. He gently rubs your arms in an effort to comfort you. "Sergeant Soap. He is training me in scouting and stealth."
"How is he training you, Kleine? I have not seen him assisting you." You fidget under his glare, and his eyes soften. He stands, "Let us talk more in my office. It is less exposed than the hall. More comfortable." König leads, and you follow, his shadow once again. He locks the door behind you and sits behind his desk, gesturing you to a seat. He sits quietly, watching the clock. You open your mouth, and he shakes his head. After several minutes, he turns to you. "So, he was not watching over you at a distance. I had hoped he would reveal himself."
"He... he made it quite clear that he had better things to do," you whisper sadly. "He said stealth was better learned in action, following a target in their home environment, and I needed to learn how to blend in while scouting." He wonders at your continued whispering, logging it away while he focuses on the information.
"I am sorry, Kleine. He did you a disservice. What would you like me to do about it? I can report him if you want, but retaliation is likely." You're already shaking your head.
"No, I would rather learn on my own than try to get him in trouble... I don't know where to start, though. I can tell I'm crap at this."
König snorts. "You are bad, Kleine Schatten, but I am willing to teach you. You will learn to sneak up on anyone by the time I am done. I am afraid that I can not easily teach you how to blend in. I prefer to stand apart and remain apart. That will not work for you, but we will find a path forward."
You excitedly nod. "I would love that!" Your voice is still a hoarse whisper, but you could swear he smiles back under the mask at your excitement.
"Ok, first we will..." He lays out the general plan, assigning you several books and films as teaching material. You tear through them and report back in a few days. He is pleasantly surprised, assuming he had given you at least a week of material. Your determination warms his heart and makes him even more determined to help.
Over the next few weeks, you learn more than you ever knew was possible about stealth and working covertly. He ensures that you put the lessons into practice, practicing stalking him. You find yourself getting better, surprisingly fast, and he praises your quick improvement while encouraging you to improve even more. You've never felt so driven by so few words.
In one of your talks, you admit that hand to hand is not a skill you excel at, and he assigns you sparring practice with him each morning while the others are eating breakfast. You lose, constantly. But he shows you how a successful move feels during each session, and you slowly improve, even managing to get the upper hand for a few moments once. His praise after that round makes you light up, the words repeating in your head all day long.
Soon, König is teaching you every skill he knows and you are teaching him the few things you know, showing him how to speed read, and as you learn, teaching him how to blend into the background better. The latter skill is his favorite as he loves scaring the other men on the team, especially Soap with his newfound stealth. He imitates a pillar rather successfully you find.
König has assigned you to avoid Soap completely as your new stealth mission. He wants to see how long until Soap comes looking for you. A full three months after he takes you under his wing, Soap finally asks König where his shadow is during lunch. König decides to have a little fun at his expense. "What shadow? I got rid of a spy a couple months back that kept following me around," he says calmly. He watches Soap's face blanch and König stands with his tray, striding off quickly. Soap tries to follow him but trips on his face. He lays there for a full thirty seconds, confused, before looking down and seeing his shoelaces tied together.
Your exit is unremarked upon and nearly unnoticed, but König is waiting outside in an alcove, a grin under his mask. "Kleine Schatten, that was a good trick. I think your lessons of sneaking are at their end." You try to hide the disappointed look on your face, but he chucks your chin gently. "Do not worry. You still need remedial lessons for other things. Your previous taskmasters were poor at best." He winks when you look up at him with your blinding smile.
Just then, Soap bursts out the door with Ghost following behind him. Soap is so focused that he storms past where the alcove you are standing, hurrying toward Captain Price's office. Ghost stops on the sidewalk near you. "Good job on the shoelaces, you two. Mind how close you get to the target and those around them. Your body heat is detectable for those of us on alert."
"Yes, sir," you whisper.
Ghost turns his head to look directly at you and König. "Thank you, König. I will deal with Soap. You, though. How is your marksmanship? Given how many shite teachers there are around here, I am worried."
You smile. "Better than my explosives work, but worse than my hand to hand combat."
Ghost smirks under his mask. "Well, we can't have that, can we? I will coordinate with König to teach you. I know he is good, but just as he is better at hand to hand, I am better at marksmanship. No offense, Bruder." With that, he walks to catch up to where he can hear Soap going off, likely in Captain Price's office.
König exchanges a look with you. "It seems you must make a decision, Kleine." You look at him puzzled. "What kind of mask will the newest sniper wear?"
"Sniper? I want to be an insertion specialist now."
He grins down at the shadow he has become attached to. "We shall see, Kleine Schatten. We shall see."
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dragonnyy · 2 years
Could you do some Bob x Shapeshifter!Reader headcannons? 🤩
Word Count: 1,745
Content: gn reader, i swear like twice, reader eats humans (they aren't even human themself)
Proofread: no
Bob Velseb x Shapeshifter Reader
now let's say you are not actually human (obviously) for this story, you only use a human form for the purpose of blending in. i'll leave your true form to your imagination ;)
it all started when you were just chilling in a tree as a leopard. the moon was out, you were laying on a branch and chewing on the remains of you last meal, enjoying the peaceful silence that surrounded.
your personal time was interrupted by the sound of leaves crinkling nearby. you sat up and used your incredible night vision to see who or what was disturbing you, and spotted a fat red man lurking in the dark, the smell of blood lingering on him.
your fur changed to a darker colour, switching to stealth mode, and you quietly dropped down the tree, light as a feather. you stalked the man around the woods, and he looked as if he were rushing to be somewhere.
then you saw a house in the distance, it looked abandoned but suitable for someone to live in.
you saw him enter the house and when he did, it seemed as if the interior was like a regular home you'd see. the outside, though, made it look like it had been untouched for decades.
he confidently walked in and shut the door behind him, locking it. you crept over to one of the windows and spied on what he had been doing for the next few hours.
the whole time, he showered, cut up some odd looking meat, cooked it, ate it, watched TV, then went to bed.
now, this man piqued your interest. you knew about humans and how well known they were for their intelligence and danger, but when you saw this man, followed him home, and watched him do his thing, you couldn't help but be curious.
you'd never thought about what humans actually did until now. you'd never thought about their regular routines, what their life was like, or anything. you'd only knew they were dangerous and to be avoided. but this one time when you took a moment and watched a human go on with their life...you wanted to study them, breaking your own promise.
so for the next few days, you would shift into a small animal such as a pigeon, sit next to his window, and stalk him. of course he noticed you sometimes, but he thought nothing of it. a little bird couldn't cause any harm, right?
he even thought of you as his little pet - feeding you every once in awhile. you enjoyed the free food, in exchange for sitting and watching him all day.
a few months passed and he started to grow on you. he gave you a nickname; y/n. you never really were called anything, due to never talking to anyone else except the other animals you were disguised as, but you accepted the nickname as you had no other choice.
but when one day, someone came knocking on his door, he didn't know how to respond. he thought he was well hidden.
when he opened the door to see you in human form, he asked what you wanted. you said you were cold and you needed shelter. in his mind, he was planning to eat you. in your mind, you were planning to stay with him so you could study him better. not being a real human, you thought it could work out that way.
so when he suddenly pinned you down and held up a knife, acting as if he were about to harm you, your instincts to fight back took over.
you shifted yourself into a chipmunk so you could get back, making him fall forward onto his face, then shifted back into a bear. you roared at him, giving out a clear message to get back. he got up and slowly backed away, whilst you tried to stand but failed due to your height combined with the small ceiling.
he was frozen in place at that moment, not sure what to do. i mean, he was just trying to kill you, then you turn into a fucking bear. how does that even happen.
he shook it off, he's in a life or death situation right now - it doesn't matter how you did it, what matters is how he's gonna survive!
but then suddenly, you shift back into human form, and calmly apologize to him about your sudden outrage. what.
you explain to him that you are not actually human, your what they call a "shapeshifter"
you explain to him why your here too, that you've been spying on him as a bird and you wanted to learn more about humans.
he stares right at you in disbelief. his expression literally says "what the fuck" and his smile has dropped. you get the message that he needs time to process this, you didn't consider the fact humans were very fragile
so you say goodbye as he rubs his forehead, trying to calm himself down and explain to himself what just happened. you walk out the door and shift into a deer, going to do whatever you do.
the next day you decide to check on him, so you shift back into your pigeon form and go back to his house. tapping your beak on the window, bob doesn't seem to respond. your tap again and he doesn't come running to feed you like he usually does. you internally sigh and try one last time, and he finally opens the window.
sighing, he lets you in. you notice dark bag under his eyes, from researching about "shapeshifters" and thinking about what happened last night.
you fly in and turn yourself human. you ask if he's okay, and he ignores your question asking you about yourself.
for awhile its you two interrogating each other about humans and shapeshifters, asking each other about what they really are for a few hours.
after that period of time you two finally come to agreement - you can stay in his house so you two can find out more about each other. he's as curious about you as you are about him.
he lets you sleep on the couch at first, but later on when the nights get colder, he lets you sleep in his bed to snuggle up with him as a bear or wolf. its mostly because he needs the warmth.
he lets you try all different kinds of foods to experiment, especially his own taste of food. if you like his taste better, he will absolutely love it.
when you explain to him more about shapeshifters, he asks you to show him a demonstration of most of your forms. you oblige and show him how you can change your own colours, like turn yourself into a rainbow ball python (OMG THAT ACTUALLY SOUNDS SO CUTE IM GONNA DRAW THAT)
you also tell him you have a true form. he asks you to show him that, and you also oblige. (your imagination can go wild with this one, though :)
he likes your more cuddly forms, like canines. they're perfect for him to cuddle, plus he loves dogs.
he will ask you to help him with his 'hobby.' like he will ask you to help carry stuff for him while your in a stronger form, or kill someone with a venomous bite so it isn't so bloody.
your gift is very helpful to him, if he needs to find that one thing he lost 2 years ago you will sniff it out and find it
over the course of time passing you two grow closer and even could call yourself friends
more like roommates but hey
then he catches feelings for you, and he doesn't know what to do about it
he starts getting closer to you with physical touch, he thinks you'll think thats normal but you catch on and know it isn't since you've been watching him closely
he lets you move to his bed, and his excuse is because of warmth
thats only partially the truth
you catch yourself also falling for him but you don't know what the feeling is, you only think that its normal to feel this way
you've live in the wild all your life, of course you will think its normal
until he starts confessing to you. one day he explains to you the concept of being in love and expresses it towards you
im not gonna write a whole confession right now but i think you get it
yada yada you start dating
now for more headcanons but dating
like i said, he keeps you in his bed. your so cuddly as a wolf, he cant help it he thinks its so cute too
he'll let you relax on his lap as he strokes your soft fur very gently, enjoying the serotonin that comes from petting you like a lil dog even though your currently a giant wolf
when your something smaller like a big or a hamster, he'll let you sit on his shoulder while he does house chores
he'll also smuggle you around in a lil bag lol
if he goes fishing or something he'll let you jump in as an alligator and catch the lil fishies for him. bro's cheating the game >:(
he also likes to use dog tricks on you for his own amusement, like he'll tell you to sit and give you a dog treat
he also loves to play games with you, like fetch
he'll throw a stick in a direction and you'll go chase after it, reminds him of his childhood (i headcanon he had a dog in his childhood)
he doesn't take you out in public very much, you don't really know how to human so he prefers you stay home most of the time
slightly random but if your running around as a cat or something and some kid hurts you, they're already dead
also he likes to use you as transportation. if he needs to get somewhere quick he'll use you as a horse. of course he gets weird looks in public but that just makes it funnier
like. imagine this fat murderer dude riding around on a horse bareback just holding on and not even driving...what
bonus if he's wearing a cowboy hat
ok wait this is not even slightly related to these headcanons but. bob in rdr2
he'd be such a goofy ahh character
k im done being goofy thank 4 reading jesus christ this is long oh btw i WILL draw a rainbow ball python and no one will stop me (more like let my friend to draw it then i can colour it rainbow on magma...)
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andyling · 1 year
Okay now that I got my Tango rambling out of the way IT’S TIME FOR A BUNCH OF OTHER PEOPLE
Jimmy Solidarity (aka the man sending team rancher fans into a collective breakdown, it’s me I'm team rancher fans)
stealth mission IMMEDIATELY failed
Tango congratulating Jimmy on killing him (even though it was Joel) Team Ranchers is still alive guys I swear, NO ANGST HERE IT’S FINE GUYS
Love how Joel is being attacked and Grian is nowhere to be found because he’s too busy hunting down Impulse
jimmy shouting tango’s name and literally jumping towards him as he places tnt counts as a rancher moment 
either he’s stupid or he was confident tango wouldn’t blow him up, it’s probably the former but hey I choose how I interpret this chaos
mans was literally just :O
“what I'm realizing right is that everyone is thirsty” did ya have to phrase it like that??? I can hear the out of context compilations clipping this
Jimmy sounding so shocked that Tango was fighting Martyn as if he didn’t just spend several minutes fending him off from killing Joel
oh uh, the flower husbands are fighting
damn flower husbands enjoyers must be in absolute misery
love how Jimmy is not even trying to find Tango he’s just there watching this chaos unfold
“guys he’s not gonna respond” Jimmy you underestimate how dumb your rancher is, there is a reason I call both of you wet cats
the way jimmy hunches over closer to his mic when he’s whispering is so funny, he’s trying to hide irl 
ah yes, “the bad boys bread bridge bakery in the sky” my beloved
hey now Jimmy has been trying to protect Joel for half the session don’t kick him out, I mean he failed but at least he was trying
ending the session with robbery, how wonderful
“looking tasty” aaaaand that’ going into the out of context compilation
Grian seems to be extra manic this episode, I'm blaming that on the fact that he missed a session
the entire “definitely” bit is so stupid but I find it so funny
“normally this is last episode behavior” I mean last session was last episode behavior too I think this season has just made everyone crazy
oh my god the yellow hoard is even funnier from their perspective
the pufferfish plays are insane goddamn
“How about we just kill him for fun now?” SCAR NO
tango just has a 6th sense for wardens now
awwwwww grian’s sharing in order to help skizz (pity totem is still totem)
someone is gonna trap those ender-porters I just know it
the mean gills chatting on their little island resort really contrasts how badly the rest of this session is gonna go
Bdubs running to Etho for protection is hilarious in every POV
the bread bois and team ties have a fast travel to each other . . . we’ll see how that works out (please become allies please please please)
Martyn didn’t even realize Tango was still trying to kill him lmao
poor scar stood in the wrong place at the wrong time
Etho trying desperately to get people to leave Tango and Impulse alone
god Martyn is just having an awful time trying to stay alive this session
bruh Martyn really teasing us all with actual lore 
So uh, yeah that session was bonkers SEE Y’ALL NEXT WEEK
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Hi there! Can I request Dick Grayson x fem reader where they’re training and one thing leads to another and the end up having some sexy time
warnings: smut // fem!reader.
word count: 1.9k
Omg I’m so sorry this is so late!! Hopefully it’s hot enough to make it up to you!!
requests are open!
Announcement coming tomorrow (titans related)!
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
Ever since the Titans found out that their old enemy, Dr Light, is back in town, everyone had been pretty on edge. Dick had us all training harder than before; longer hours, tougher fighting and weapon training. One thing seemed to impress him — and even calm him a little — is the persevering determination that I possess. Each time he’d walk past the training room, he’d peak his head in and see me beating up a boxing bag or throwing knifes at the wall or even working with the cross bow. I was new after all and felt that I needed to get up to speed with everyone’s training skills. 
Dick had been tense and agitated all night. Him and the Titans — excluding Jason, Rach, Gar and me, of course — were going down to the stadium to fight Dr Light. The rest of us sat around the Titan Tower. Jason was pacing around the living room, where we all sat, complaining about Dick not taking any of us seriously. Rachel, who seemed to have zoned out ages ago, was scrolling through her phone and not even bothering to look up at Jason. Which left Gar and I to converse with Jason. 
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
“Where’s Dr. Light?” Jason snickers at Dick. 
“Jason,” Rachel warns. 
“A little stealth job on a guy who shoots what, head lamps? I mean, half the city’s on fire and still no sign of Dr. Light,” Jason scoffs as he approaches Dick.
“Not the time Jason,” Dick replies sternly, yet exhaustedly. 
“Look, I don’t take orders from you anymore, man.” Jason steps closer to Dick, both of their jaws are clenched and we all knew this wouldn’t end well. “I do what I want, when I want.” 
I roll my eyes at Jasons remark. This kid thinks he’s older and more experienced than he is. I love him, but I think he doesn’t even have the slightest clue what we’re up against. No one does. 
Jason puts a hand on Dick’s chest, stopping Dick from walking past him.
“Get out of my way,” Dick said lowly, causing Jason to sigh. 
“I think you got it all wrong. You’re in my way. Yeah, and maybe you need to see a retirement package, huh?” Jason turns away and looks at us. His knuckles crack as he balls them into a tight and angry fist. Turning back to Dick , Dick says a serious “Don’t” almost as if he was warning him. Jason ignores him and swings his fist toward Dick, but Dick takes it and thrashes him down on the ground. Jason whimpers as he hits the ground. 
“Shit. Here,” Dick reaches his hand out apologetically towards Jason, who just slaps it away angrily. Jason stands up and snarls at Dick before storming off, pushing past Dick as he does so. 
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
“I hope you’re wearing gloves with that, don’t want you to hurt your hands before you’ve even started fighting the guy,” I joke, slowly walking towards him in the training room. Dick turns towards me. His breathing is still fast and heavy. His forehead is beaded with sweat, making the strands of hair stick to it in the hottest way. He looks me up and down discreetly, his lips turning upward into a smirk before frowning again. Dick couldn’t let me know that he was infatuated with me. He knew if I got hurt that he’d only have himself to blame. Sometimes he thinks that if he can be as detached as possible, it wouldn’t hurt. Problem is, he already is. 
“If I wanted an audience, I would’ve asked,” he snarls; his voice raspy through his panting. 
“Not here to watch. I just came to see if you were alright,” my warmth seems to cause him to drop his guard a bit. His shoulders relax and both his fists and jaw begins to unclench. 
“You know, I’ve been quite impressed with you recently. I know coming here must be hard, but you really put the work in. I’d love for you to show me sometime,” Dick smirks. “But for now, I’ve gotta blow off some steam.”
“How about we fight each other. I could do with another practice round for today,” I suggest, hoping that he’ll oblige. Dick shrugs and nods for me to come closer. 
“Grab the sword,” he instructs, as he takes a wooden sword-like weapon. “Show me what you’ve got then.”
Bringing the sword up, I position myself in a fighting stance. I squint my eyes at him, waiting to see if he’ll make the first move. After a second later, I charge at him, kicking his sword before swinging my sword down to his legs. He catches it with his weapon, pushing back and blocking every move. I round-house kick his side, causing him to be caught off guard. With my sword still clenched tightly in my hand, I break his wooden weapon in two. 
“Smart move,” Dick smirks, cocking an eyebrow in astonishment. Swinging his, now two, weapons at me, I block every move. Finally, I corner him, holding my firm stance with my sword pressing under his chin.  
“So, really,” I pant. “Are you okay?”
“It was a hectic night,” he sighs. “I didn’t handle it so well.” 
“I’ve been there, it happens to the best of us,” I reply back, before being caught off guard by his arm knocking my sword out of my hand. In my quite pathetic attempt to punch him, he grabs my arm and flips me to the floor. Letting out a small grunt, Dick mumbles out a ‘sorry’. His arm extends out to help me up, but I pull him down, causing him to fall next to me. We both erupt in a fit of laughter before I kick his wooden sword out of the way. 
“Oh, we’re still going are we?” He snickers, trapping my body under his. Dick’s hands pin mine on each side of my head. He’s so close to me that I can feel his hot breath on my face and neck. 
“What’re you gonna do now, huh?” His voice low with anticipation. I didn’t answer. We stayed like that for a few seconds before his lips smash onto mine, catching me off guard for about the millionth time this night. My heart is beating so fast I’m sure he can feel it against him too. Flipping him over, I straddle his waist and take my shirt off, flinging it across the room. Leaning down again, I plant needy kisses on his neck, feeling his hands glide up my back. Tingles spread across my body as I felt Dick unclasp my bra. Items of our clothing were flung around the room in an attempt to rid them as fast as we could. We both need each other and we both know it. 
Dick kisses up my neck while I grind on his now uncovered cock, and a whine slips through his lips. 
“ride my face,” he instructs in a low growl. Crawling up his body, I begin to feel nervous as I straddle his face. But all those nerve seem to disappear the second he touches me. There is something about Dick’s touch that just makes me feel safe. His hands reach up and grip my hips, holding me down against his mouth. I grind my clit against his tongue, letting out quiet whines while my eyes roll back in pleasure. Dick’s tongue rapidly flicks at my clit and laps up each of my folds, completely immersing himself in the taste of me. 
“Fuck, oh my god,” I moan softly, trying hard not to be too loud. I feel his tongue tease around my entrance before pushing in only slightly. Dick’s hand slaps my ass, causing me to let out a little yelp. I giggle as I lean back and press my hands against his stomach to hold myself up better. His eyes connect to mine and a tingle can be felt in my stomach. I’ve never seen such passion in his eyes before. His eyes are usually hard and cold; the anger, hurt and burdens are carried in his eyes. But right here in this very moment, they’re different. Brighter, yet dark with want. 
“Dick, I’m gonna cum,” the faintest whimper slips through my lips as I feel his tongue give my clit more attention and rapidly flick against it again. My body shakes above him and I swear I can feel him smirking against me. A small squeal escapes my lips as I cum on his tongue, feeling nothing but absolute bliss. Dick laps up every last drop, wanting nothing more than to savour every bit of taste he could get. If that alone doesn’t say something about his need and want for me, than I could never know what does. 
Shuffling down to sit on his stomach, I lean down and kiss him, not caring if his mouth is covered in my wetness. 
“do you want me to ride you too?” I tease, reaching behind me to jerk him off slowly. 
“yes,” he breathes out, closing his eyes for a moment to enjoy the feeling of my hand on him, before opening them back up again. I shuffle further down his body and line myself up. Dick’s hands snake down from my waist to my hips, giving them a gentle squeeze either as reassurance that everything here in this moment is okay, or as a reminder to himself that this might by the last time he’ll ever get to hold me like this. My hands rest themselves on his shoulders to balance myself. A groan passes through the both of us as I sink down onto him. 
I waste no time in slamming my hips into his. A smile creeps on my face as I watch his face contort with pleasure; the feeling of my pussy around his cock already has him at a loss for words. Leaning down, I press my lips against his. Almost immediately, dick wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me down further into him. It was like he was completely starved of all touch, and I were the only one to provide him with it. A giggle slips past me again as I sit back up against him. I rest my hands on his thighs, thrusting myself harder onto him. Dick sinks his teeth harshly on his bottom lip to suppress a moan, but fails. He lets out the most hottest sound I’ve ever heard; a mix between a moan and a grunt. Dick’s hands press into my hips again and grips it so tightly, I’m sure they’re gonna leave a bruise. I moan as he holds me down against him, feeling him thrust up into me roughly. 
“fuck,” I whimper, closing my eyes as he fucks me faster. Feeling myself lose balance, I lean forward and press my hands against his stomach, feeling his abs tense from the pleasure.
“are you gonna cum, babygirl?” Dick asks, his hand snaking around to my clit. I nod and bounce myself faster on his cock. Suddenly, everything just feels so intense I begin whining. Dick pulls me down and holds me against him while he thrusts up into me harder. 
“it’s okay, I got you. Let it go, baby,” he soothes, letting out a moan as he feels my walls pulse around his cock as I cum. Again, my body is almost convulsing above him from how strong and powerful the orgasm is; whines and moans are now uncontrollable, but neither of us cared. Dick came from just watching me cum, and his arms never left my body; just having me pressed against his chest, especially naked, is all he could ask for.
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emersonfreepress · 3 years
Breakfast with Jack & Vincent
What: Anything about Jack and Vi!
When: Summer before 12th grade
Word count: 858
commissioned by @cekorax
“You’re really not talking to me?”
Vincent doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t need to since he opts to walk around the kitchen island, taking the longer, less convenient route back to the stove and successfully avoiding even the briefest eye contact.
“I’m...” Jack stops himself with a light huff, then spoons cereal into his mouth to cover it. He wants to say sorry for getting Vince in trouble again, but he promised he wouldn’t anymore. Gavin asked him not to before him and Mom left for their brunch date.
So now they both get to suffer.
As if to revel in that suffering, the bane of their co-existence marches into the kitchen after a pause and a luxurious stretch. King, Vincent’s Bengal kitten, pads after his owner without a care in the world or so much as a glance at Jack.
“What are you making?” Jack can’t help but try again.
Vincent ignores him.
Several more minutes pass of Jack trying to find entertainment in the back of the French Toast Crunch box, but he quickly ends up surreptitiously watching Vincent prep his breakfast instead. The flour is out which had gained his immediate interest. Vince never messes with baking stuff. Oh, unless—
“Are you making pancakes?”
Ignored again. He finally decides he’s going to give up for real this time… until the unmistakable smell of burning batter reaches his nose. Accompanied by the familiar sound of Vincent’s quiet swearing. Oh, boy. Should he say something? Every time he opens his mouth, it just seems to make things worse. Hopefully, he hasn’t added extra baking powder again. Maybe he could just check things out…?
Sneaky. Jack is operating with such stealth right now. The sink is close enough to the stove that he’s able to sneak a peek at Vincent’s work. There’s a lot of batter. He watches him flip over the pancake with thinly veiled interest and immediately sees the issue.
“God—Damn it.”
“Oh… It’s pale.” And burnt around the edges and in the middle somehow.
Vincent’s head snaps to him with so much ferocity, it threatens to make Jack’s own neck hurt. He offers a nervous smile and takes half a step away.
“I don’t need you to tell me that,” Vincent remarks, every ounce of the annoyance on his face leaking into his tone. “I have eyes.”
“Right, sorry.” Vincent moves to throw this failed pancake out which lets Jack notice the open recipe book on the counter next to a plate of distinctly anemic, though not burned, rejects. King stands on his forelegs, propped up against the counter, his attention focused on this precarious pile of pancakes, tail swishing. Jack quietly nudges the plate a safer distance from the edge. That tiny thing has a reach. Hm… “Um, you might want to raise the fire a bit? Instead of leaving them in for longer.”
Vince sighs over the trash. Then, after a tortured pause, he drags his feet back over to the stove.
“I can’t do that,” Vince mumbles, staring at his yellow pancakes. “They always come out like that. No matter what I do.” He pores over the simple recipe again, probably for the third or fourth time. “They never brown if I up the heat; they just burn.”
“But if they aren’t browning, they’re probably undercooked,” Jack says, as gently as he can. Vincent doesn’t reply but Jack’s mind churns as he stares at the pancakes. They don’t look undercooked… Might as well try one.
“Hey.” Vincent admonishes Jack but the taller boy doesn’t register it.
“Wait a sec. Vince—”
“These are perfect!” Jack takes another bite. “Better than perfect, oh my God.”
Vincent sighs, irritated.
“Don’t give me that, Goodnight. They don’t even look like pancakes, they look like…”
Vincent throws him a flat look.
“Like what?”
“Yeah! Because they’re light and fluffy but also crispy at the edge, like—man, these don’t even need butter! You can just go straight to syrup.”
Vincent stares at Jack for a prolonged moment, then looks away, rubbing his arm.
“That’s only because if I don’t use a lot of butter they burn on the outside before they cook inside…” He turns the stove off, an uncomfortable look on his face. “That’s probably why they come out looking weird.”
“But they don’t look weird! They’re cute.” Jack beams, holding up what’s left of the pancake he snatched. By now, Toast has trotted into the kitchen—which makes sense for the butter-loving retriever. “And they taste great, that’s the best part.”
Vincent crosses his arms for a second before quickly uncrossing them. He stands there awkwardly for another moment before opting to get another plate out.
“Well. If you like them, just have some.” He practically shoves the plate into Jack’s chest. “I’m fed up with getting it wrong over and over.”
“I can have some?” He’s not hungry anymore but he definitely has room for these.
“Yeah, just…” Vincent mumbles something to himself. Jack smiles.
“Thanks. You know, you could call them angelcakes instead.”
“Stop it.”
“Oh, or sunshinecakes?”
“I said stop it.”
“Shut. Up, Jack.”
Jack gasps. “Suncakes??”
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wyn-n-tonic · 3 years
Golden, Like Daylight -- Part III
Word Count: 1,810 Warnings: Mentions of drug use. PTSD. Guns. Ben Affleck. As always, if I missed anything, please send me a message and I'll amend this warning ASAP. A/N: As you can tell, I'm a slut for dialogue.
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gif by: @santigogarcia.
“Francisco,” she’s swaying back and forth with a sleeping Luna in her arms and he can hear the pleading in her voice, “please don’t do this.”
He waited until the absolute last second to tell her but she knew as soon as she got his text—
Pope’s here. I’m gonna bring him by tomorrow to meet Luna, okay?
“Baby,” he catches her hip and pulls her into him, “it’s just a couple of days, consulting work. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“No,” she’s shaking her head, tears threatening to spill over, “you promised me. You looked me in the eye and you said, Leah, I’m done with this shit. Why are you going?”
He licks his lips and looks to Santi in the hallway, pretending to be lost in his phone. He knows he’s not.
“I’ll call you when we get to Colombia. I’ll call you every night and again when I’m on the plane home. Te prometo, ay?”
“Stop making promises,” she pulls away from him, hand on his chest to steady her shaking body, “we’ve established you don’t keep them.”
His hands find her shoulders and squeeze, “Baby, it’s almost twenty grand. We can pay off the car or,” he stammers, “your student loans. We can breathe.”
Frankie sees the words trying to formulate in front of him, the cogs of her mind turning behind her eyes. He’s bracing himself for what’s next but all she does is pull away, the only acknowledgement of the fact that she can’t stop him.
She turns on her heel and he watches her walk out the room, stopping as Santi picks up where Frankie left off.
“Stop being so harsh on him, he needs this. Your family needs this.”
Frankie takes in a breath as Leah’s free hand collides with Santi’s cheek and before he can even react, she’s rounding on him again.
“Don't you dare tell me what my family needs, Santiago Garcia. I love you because he loves you but you are nothing but trouble.”
She can feel Frankie coming up behind her, shifting the air again because he’s nothing but nerves but Santi’s too hot to notice.
“He'll be fine, Leah, you worry too goddamn much,” he wants to shout, that’s evident in his demeanor. "He’s a big boy, if he didn’t want to go, he’d tell me.”
“Baby,” Frankie’s hand wraps around her elbow, trying to gently coax her into his arms. He wants to lead her back to the bedroom. Hold her. Convince her.
“No,” she pulls away, eyes still hard on Pope, “the best case scenario is that he comes home alive, Santiago. But he’s not fine. And who’s here picking up the pieces? It’s not you.”
“Leah, I swear. It's just a consultation,” his jaw sets with the lie he fed the rest of them, like his body is finally rebelling to the bullshit but he continues on, “your husband will come home.”
Frankie’s still got one hand wrapped around her elbow, another on her back. Her anger is a hurricane, he can feel it churning deep inside as her voice comes out lower, “He better or—“
“Or what?” Santiago's face splits into a shit eating grin, “you'll try to kill me again? How is your sister by the way?”
“I won’t kill you, Santi, but I will put a bullet through the bad knee and I’ll make sure William gets me the good shit. The kind that shreds through tendon and bone like a blender.”
Nodding, Santi sucks the air through his teeth, “You can try but I honestly think you’re too chicken shi—“
“¡Basta!” Enough!
Frankie’s pulling on Leah again, the hand that was resting on the small of her back making its way to Luna now. Luna, who up until her father’s raised voice—the voice he never wanted her to know—was sleeping perfectly against her mother. Completely, blissfully unaware of the firefight happening around her.
“Pope,” his voice is shaking, “you need to go.”
“Fine,” he pulls his phone back up to his face. “I’ll pick you up for the airport tomorrow.”
“No,” he feels the hope emanating from Leah as he watches Santi’s face fall, “if I come, I’ll meet you there but this isn’t a conversation you’re involved in anymore.”
“Wha—what the fuck does that mean? I started the conversation.”
Leah pads back into the bedroom, heart aching, with Luna in her arms. Frankie watches as she closes the door and rounds on Santiago, slamming his back into the wall behind him with enough force to shake the house and when he speaks again, it’s measured and even. This is the calmest he has been in weeks.
It’s not a threat.
“If you ever speak to my wife like that again, she’s not the one you have to worry about putting a bullet into your body.”
It’s a promise. —————
Fish is most talented pilot I know—
He swings his assault rifle back, opting for the Glock 19 at his side, Santi’s words ringing through his ears.
—and he’s grounded on a bullshit coke rap.
His boots fall heavy through the mansion, he doesn’t give a shit about stealth. Threw every care in the world out the door the moment Tom started digging for more. What they had was more than enough but he could never just have enough. Had to push for more. Every fucking time.
Another lap. Another sweep. Another round.
But he never missed a hard out, Benny was right about that.
Bullshit coke rap. Every misstep Frankie made, every struggle he faced, was just a bullshit mark on a hardened warrior. That’s all they ever saw him as, Tom and Santi. All remorse drained from his soul in the name of God and country.
Frankie squeezes the trigger, eyes lighting up in the muzzle flash. If he was going to take their lives, he was going to see it drain from their faces.
If he was inflicting this horror on his mind again, making Leah puzzle his shit back together again, he was going to earn it.
The gun hangs heavy in his hand as he steps over the bound and gagged body, following the sound of the rain.
"Fish, where are you?” Tom’s voice scratches at the edge of his skull. His nickname is a stark reminder that there is a separation between man and monster and he can find it again.
He’s shaking as he reaches for the button on his collar, “I'm exiting back out to the courtyard.”
She was right, telling him to stop making promises. He said no live fire and he couldn’t even keep that to himself. —————
“Is he right?” She’s quiet as Frankie lifts their daughter from her aching arms, “Is this what you need?”
“Yeah,” it comes out quiet, leveling up to the bouncing he’s now taken over to keep the baby asleep, “I think it is.”
“Why?” It’s not accusatory, she genuinely wants to know.
“I—“ he stops to think, he doesn’t want his words to come out selfish but he knows that’s how they’ll land. “Baby, I know I brought all of this down on myself and I know that I’ve survived it once before but…”
He trails off, his large hand is splayed across Luna’s back to support her as he resettles her in his arms. A small sound of contentedness escapes her and he can’t believe he’s missed this for the last six weeks. Spent months on end higher than any fucking plane he flew just because he was afraid of failing her. He chokes on the lump building in his throat because he already has.
“But what, baby?”
“I fucked up,” he takes a deep breath to steady himself, “this has been the hardest year of my life, the last six weeks especially.”
Bad landing.
She takes a breath, a tiny spark in her eyes but he’s already in front of her, “Mi alma, let me finish. Please.”
She nods, agreeing to his appeal.
"Before, the only thing I had to lose was my license. Now, the license was just the tip of the pyramid. This shit could’ve cost me my life. In more ways than one. I know what they cut the drugs with now and my nightmares are no longer about what I did in the service, Leah. Will and Benny hold me down screaming in the middle of the night as I imagine I’ve left this shit out for you or Luna to find.”
He laughs at the love and concern in her eyes, not feeling he deserves it but he forges on anyway, “I snorted our finances into desolation. We can’t live on a teacher’s salary alone, baby, you know that. How far behind is the car payment?”
“Just a month now,” she whispers, “my sisters helped us catch up.”
“And you hate that! You’re too prideful to ask for help, too full of protection for me. This will set us back on the right track.”
She’s standing now, arms crossed to anchor her own sobs from escaping, “Frankie, we can survive until your drug test—“
“No,” he’s shaking his head, “it’s still another six weeks away.”
“You don’t have to do this, baby, I know you don’t want to.”
"I cannot let you struggle like this,” he’s shifting Luna again, her tiny fists balled into his shirt and he is devastated with his love for her, “I am supposed to provide for and protect this family. It was in my vows and I broke those.”
“For richer or poorer was also in the fucking vows, Francisco.”
He swallows hard, reaching out and pulling her into him. He can’t bear to see her face when he speaks again, his voice low with the confidence of a settled mind.
“I am going to Colombia." —————
He feels the stone falling from beneath him as he loses the mule to the mountainside, last in line of the five.
He should’ve done more. Held on tighter, walked faster. But as Santiago saw an animal and Tom saw money, he could only see himself falling over.
He lost count of the days he hadn’t called. Two? Three? Hadn’t heard her voice or the baby’s babbling as she responds to daddy. He saw himself at the bottom of that mountain. Never enunciating each syllable of Pa-pa for his little girl ever again, convincing himself that he would be her first word. Never pulling Leah into his arms, the scent of coconut and vanilla so profoundly intoxicating that all he could think about was sinking deep into her. All the comfort and clarity the world had to offer found in her arms and between her legs.
She insisted on the nicest sheets they could find and instead of falling into them, he only felt jagged rock at his back.
TAGLIST: @justanotherblonde23 | @greeneyedblondie44 | @icanbeyourjedi | @notcookiebelle | @princess76179​ | @bbuckysbeardd​ | @knivesareout​
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mr007pennyworth · 2 years
Let's play a game - Headcanon
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[v; give me one more night to ruin my life again] - Paintball.
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"Okay so I gotta tell this one...it was my fault, after all so, it's late 87' I think when this happened, we were in southern Germany, and both squads, that was about, 70 men, we had to take it in turns to be off-duty, anyway, my lot go first, I got given Lt Colonel around this time too, I was off to join the SAS in about six months-"
" I decided we needed a team-building exercise after a lot of fighting had erupted over the past week because many lads failed the exam to get into Major and were all feeling a bit stressed out about trying it again. So, one afternoon I'm out with Gareth, walking about this farmland and I see a sign, there's a paintball grounds, and there's me thinking, why not, we got the full tactical gear, we could even use the smoke bombs, we just need to make three teams and we're good to go, Gareth said to me, 'no, bad idea, they'll target me like a bull", I'll get to that bit in a second, So, we go back and everyone agrees to play"
"The next morning, we've got three teams, it's uneven for a reason, there's, myself, and three other Lt colonels, making up one team, then the Majors & Captains and below that, all the Lieutenants"
"So, we split off to three corners of the grounds, we got head sets the lot, it was a real show of who can use what they know in a game where none can get killed right? I mean, they learnt a lot about stealth fighting here, I mean, Gareth, god, right so, my team were Green, Major's and Captains were Red and Lieutenants were Yellow"
"Within about, half an hour, I'd shot down, six yellows and two reds, but I was very surprised I'd not seen Gareth...I chose to hunt about a bit, Lt Colonel Matthews and Mcgregor were just hardcore standing on a deck and shooting at whatever moved and shouting insults which helped to be a great distraction, a few more yellows down, I found a place to hide, it was a small cabin, I reloaded and sat waiting to see if I could see Gareth go by, took over an hour, I was bored by this point, I could hear the younger men screaming every time they got hit and god the stuff...I swear I heard someone at some point screaming 'he shot me in the dick'"
"Men had bruises left right and centre, even in full gear..."
"So, I get up thinking I'd just seen his coat, I'm leaning in the window with my gun up trying to spot him again but he's gone, anyway, it's about ten more minutes and I saw him again, I pretty sure he saw me because he dived and I missed...so, I pull back from the window thinking right, I'm going out there and I head for the doorway...like an idiot, I'm not watching my back, way on earth I didn't, I think I was a bit over-excited about trying to get Gareth when I hear a creak..."
"The pain...of being shot EIGHTEEN TIMES...dear lord"
"I looked over my shoulder and there he's climbed in the fucking window and fires, three in my back, two in my arse, one in the leg I turn shocked and he just keep shooting, god, I had bruises on my bruises, I managed to run for it, but he was following all the way back to my side of the barracks. We hadn't made a rule to be out, so you could be shot as many times until you ran out of ammo, or you tapped out, that was an option too, many of them caved early on, in the end, there was about...fifteen out of thirty-four left standing, only one of them, only one of them without a shot mark...and it had to be Gareth. How the hell, he'd done it I don't know...I shot him in the arse in retaliation after I noticed. But, yes, I mean, I won't lie, Gareth got Major two years before he should have, why, because four Lt Colonels got shot in paintball and this plucky young Captain didn't get even one mark on him. He deserved it, he'd finally had the one moment to show off just what he was capable of and he did, I've still not forgiven him for the dimple in my left butt cheek, he shot me straight in the arse with no hesitation...fucking proud of him, he managed to evade thirty-four players in that game, and shoot me...Mcgregor never let me live it down"
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theodora3022 · 4 years
Headcanons of Yandere! Inasa Yoarashi
Request: Reader is a female UA student with a strong wind quirk, Inasa Yoarashi met her during the provisional license exam. She is not particularly charming or beautiful, but she peaked Inasa’s interests. Normally, she is a friendly person. However when he tried to talk to her, she would give a curt reply, clearly wants nothing to do with him. What angers him more is: She is close to Shoto Todoroki! Little did Inasa knows she is avoiding him because she is insecure about her control over the winds, she fears that the winds might favour Inasa and she would be left quirkless. Head canons please. Today is the wind boy’s birthday and there’s just so little content of him...He is underrated.
Notes: Interesting suggestion! Today is indeed his birthday, I shall tend to your request at once! I been wanting to write about him for a while ngl, but I just cannot find an exact idea. Thank you for this amazing idea, anon. There’s not much information about his personality so I don’t worry this being OOC hehe.  Sorry if this turns out to be a bit Yandere… Man this took way longer then expected, please enjoy!
Update: Sequal No.1, Sequal.2(Coming soon)
Some of this is inspired by @reinawritesbnha​‘s post. Go give it a read! It’s one of the best I ever seen.
Warning: Violence(non-graphic), yandere, kidnapping, dub con, implied breeding kink (? Idk this is the first time I wrote something like this)
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You are a strong pro-hero in training. You can command airflows to your will, any gas is under your disposal. It is only a matter of time before you become the big three of your year. Even Bakugou does not want to anger you. You are a powerful tempest towards your enemies. Overall, you are quite confident about your abilities. 
That is, before you met Inasa Yoarashi during the provisional license exam.
When you first saw him, you feel this sense of…familiarity. Even though you never met him before, you cannot shake this feeling of connection with Inasa.
Then you felt his cold glance towards your direction. But when his eyes met yours, his lips curl up into a big grin and bowed slightly.
“I am Inasa Yoarashi, also known as Gale Force, from Shiketsu High. And what is your name, beautiful miss from UA?” Man, he is loud.
Ah, so he is Gale force. You learned about him when picking out your hero name, he also has a wind quirk. Then it strikes you: what if the winds like him better? What if they just abandon me while he is around? Those thoughts make you feel helpless, the scenario of being quirkless terrifies you to no end.
The blush of being called “beautiful” is gone, instead you replace it with a stoic face: “Pleasure to meet you, Mr Yoarashi. I am (F/N) (L/N), also known as (hero name). Come on Shoto, they are almost starting, we should get going. Please excuse us.”
You walk away, smiling at Shoto. Leaving Inasa there, angry and confused.
He immediately regrets withdrawing his application from UA. If he had been in your school, it is him you would smile and befriend now, instead of that wicked Todoroki! The way you are calling his first name, so intimate, just sends anger through his brain.
So, you have a wind quirk too, huh? No wonder he feels this instant connection with you.
Froze there for a couple of seconds, until Nagamasa Mora called him. “What has gotten into you, Inasa? The exam is going to start soon.” Ashamed to admit his true feelings, Inasa would brush off the older man’s concern, and pretend nothing had happened.
Words cannot describe how he felt when he saw you in your hero costume. Like Inasa, you had chosen to put a thick jacket on. The skies can get quite cold, after all. His looks practical, with multiple tubes to help regulate the air currents. But your grey coat looks like an expensive piece from a boutique, the edges even has fur for decorations. Inasa think your look fits for a scroll in the snow, instead of a battlefield. It’s probaly for disguise to fool villians. You have not fully button up the coat yet, he can still glimpse the (favorite colour) spandex bodysuit underneath. If this has not been an exam, Inasa swears he would ask you to go to dinner with him, here and now.
Feeling his gaze fixated on you, you tense up nervously. Is he finding ways to take the winds away from me? Horrified, you decide to stay far away from him during the exam as possible.
Shoto noticed your nervous state, he asks you what is wrong. You shrug, stating it is just pre-exam stress.
Every time Inasa sees you and Shoto’s friendly interactions, his heart bleeds. But he decides to wait until after the exam to take any action. He also decides to impress you with his outstanding performance in the exam.
When you choose the furthest area from him, it left him feeling disappointed. So he chooses a tall building as his battleground, to better utilize his quirk and to watch you from afar.
Unlike his approach with winds, which focus on intensity and strength, your winds concentrate their efforts on speed. Stealth and fast, most people only catch your afterimage in the corner of their eyes.
Your strategy is creating vacuums around their heads. When your opponents are choking due to lack of oxygen, you press them against a solid surface to knock them out. Then you score with the tennis balls, done. Simple yet effective. It has only been five minutes into the exam, and you are already finished, with minimal efforts of two people unconscious.
Inasa saw all of this from the top of the building, of course. Like an assassin of the night, you move with such grace, and that speed of yours! Truly amazing. He had never thought of creating vacuums before. He guesses this is one of your ultimate moves.
He might just be curious about you before, but after seeing you fly around with that incredible swiftness, Inasa find himself becoming more smitten with you.
It is settled in his mind: he has to have you. Just imagine how what a power couple you two would be! The wind duo will be invincible. And your children would have the strongest wind quirk ever.
In the break room, you sigh with relief; you reached your goals: stay furthest away from Inasa as possible and passing with negligible efforts. Taking out your (favorite snack) from your backpack, you decide to reward yourself a little.
But then you find Inasa grinning at you across the room. Your good mood vanishes instantly.
Talking to Shoto to distract yourself from his burning stare, you felt his gaze moved away.
“That Yoarashi guy, I saw him in the entrance exam for recommended students. I was surprised that he went to Shiketsu.”
Phew. You were delighted to hear him say that. You would not want to deal with this situation on a daily basis.
Before you can feel that delight, however. Inasa invites himself into your conversation.
“Your speed is incredible! The way you master your winds is truly impressive. We should train together sometime. We can share our experiences on the winds!”
Being the nice person you are, you did not ignore him, trying to bring yourself to like him. You do want to share experience with a fellow wind user.
You did not notice how he left Shoto out of the conversation, completely. Not that he wants to socialize with Inasa, but still.
To Inasa, you remind him of the warm spring breeze. A ray of sunshine, easygoing and friendly, the complete opposite of Todoroki.
Of course, you are unaware of his ridiculous plans involving a future together and children. You just see him as a enthusiastic, loud boy.
Shoto can feel his obsession thoughts for you, however. After Inasa left to prepare for the second part, Shoto warned you subtlety. But you did not take it seriously, saying that is just how Inasa make friends. “He’s like that with everyone. No need to worry.”
The second exam you devoted yourself into rescuing. Shoto said he would deal with the villain. So you just focused on dealing with injured “civilians”. After gaining knowledge of their “injuries”, you lift the debris with winds and deliver them to the first-aid station.
It was after the exam you find out the two had fight while dealing with the villain.
They did not pass. You comforted Shoto about it, leaving Inasa upset. He failed the exam too; he needs your comforting words just as much as Todoroki!
You exchanged numbers with Inasa upon depart, promise him to train together soon. You fear of inferiority is gone; being this close to him, you can sense his power is not as strong as yours. Evidently it is him who should worry about falling out of the wind’s favour.  
Your friends, especially Mina, tease you about your little encounter with the other wind user. Calling him your “Shiketsu boyfriend”. You yell for them to stop, saying you only seen him as a friend.
Inasa’s friends are pretty much the same. Although he is a year younger, his sociable nature made him approachable. He shows off now he got your number, and they all laughed. “She can create vacuums and suffocate people; I would hate to get on (y/n)’s bad side.”
After the exam, he wrote out his plan of attack, staying up until 2am to do so. Shiketsu forbid its students to have any romantic relationships, so Inasa wasn’t planning on having one with you. Your relationship with him will remain platonic until you both graduate.
It involves an arranged marriage and an immense sum of dowry to bribe your parents. His father always taught him to go after what he wants with all his might. Inasa cannot wait until you graduate and move in with him. It is such a shame a powerful hero like you have to become a homemaker so soon. But he cannot have you swinging around the city in spandex, they are for his eyes only. He wants to keep you in the safety of his house, to train his brood of offspring. Yes, that is what your prestigious UA diploma for-for his children’s head start in life.
Stalking you would be difficult since you can sense the movement of air around you. They report any abnormalities to you at once. So he watched you from afar, how you shoot across the sky like a bullet to go to school every morning, how you relaxed in mid air during lunch break, or how you laugh with your friends outdoors.
Sometimes you would feel like someone is watching you, but the winds say all clear. So you just mark it as you are being too self-conscious and do not care.
You two would occasionally text and train together/help each other with homework on weekends, getting lunch together afterwards. him acting like nothing less then a gentleman. You start viewing him as a friend, despite what Shoto said before.
Inasa is glad that you did not seem to take interest in any boys during your high school time. If you end up inTodoroki’s arms, he does not know what he will do to Shoto.
A week after you graduate UA your parents told you they have received a marriage proposal. They have already accepted it, so there is no room for negotiation.
You are shocked to surprised finding your intended to be Inasa Yoarshi. You thought of him only as a training buddy prior to this.You ask to postpone the marriage until you become a full pro-hero but was shut down rather brutally. He said he will provide for you. There is no need for you to work when he can just take care of everything.
“Don’t worry, love. I’m going to take such great care of you! You can teach the children at home, so they can get a head start in hero life!”
Avoiding him would be pretty easy considering your speed, you can carry on with hero work as if nothing has happened, even moving to another city. However if this goes on for too long, Inasa will kidnap you.
Most likely to steal you away from your apartment at night, as he is as good at being stealthy as you. You live alone, it was a breeze. Some Chloroform and ropes would get the job done. 
You would wake up in a nicely furnished room one morning, quirk-cancelling collar locked on your neck. With chains long just enough to reach the bathroom.
Inasa hates seeing you upset, but it is all going to be better once you get used to your new employment: his sweet wife, the mother of his children.
Will consider letting you go outside for grocery shopping if you been good, with his company of course.
He would never raise a hand on you, no matter how much you screams and reisists him. Being so understanding, Inasa knows you need some time to come around. 
He loves nothing more then watching you do domestic chores, this man got issues. He expects you stay at home, cook dinner for him and take care of him. Which is a nightmare for you, since you despise housewife life.
You are so helpless without your winds to protect you, so you tried to rip this goddamn collar off everyday. But it was futile: only Inasa has the key.
You went to bed with him just to get some time outdoors, since your claustrophobia is acting up. You didn’t expect him to be so gentle and soft. But you regret it soon after because he become insatiable afterwards.
Then two months later you found yourself in the bathroom, staring at a positive pregnacy test. 
Once Inasa knows about your condition, he will loosen the restrictions. You can now use your quirk under his supervisions: it’s excerise, and the two of you both need it.
He would take you to comittee events, to go visit his friends, even letting you see your friends from time to time. You also got your phone back, but with a tracking app installed on it. 
Now all he has to do is wait a couple more months to meet his child.
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i binged season 2 of the mandalorian
i missed my father + son duo
these directors + writers saying fuck you to disney & just putting in star wars: legends content to make it canon again is EVERYTHING
did i scream when 3 mandalorians just popped out of the sky? no. did i want to? yes!!! - i also wanted to say fuck, ass & shit a lot while watching this but i was watching with my parents
katee sackhoff as bo katan killing stormtroopers is a big chunk of sexuality...
i nearly fucking threw my wireless mouse when she said ahsoka tano
okay. okay. okay. okay. LISTEN
so the dr. guy who drew blood from bby yoda was a clone expert & at the imperial facility they found failed clone experiments that had to do with bby yoda’s blood. which has a really high M count or medichlorian count. which means they needed someone with a lot force power. hear me out folks - COULD THESE CLONES BE FOR THE EMPEROR? cuz in the sequel trilogy palpatine survived using clones. which... i didn’t like a lot that happened in the sequel trilogy but them trying to make it make sense in this show is iNTERESTING
the way ahsoka just started the episode off with her stealth killing. this girl. i swear. dramatic ass, fuckin, obi-wan & anakin are so proud of her. especially the cape drop she did before the duel. obi-wan was watching going “that’s my girl”
it’s super obvious mando was raised in some cult now that it’s been mentioned. the never taking off your helmet thing. not knowing wtf a jedi is. not knowing what the force is. or a lightsaber. when he’s on tython & is like “does this look jedi?” & tries finding a power switch - i legit lol’d
MING NA-WEN CAN THROAT PUNCH ME ANY DAY OF THE WEEK & I’D SAY THANK YOU - it shows how much of a lesbian i am that i was more excited for her to show up than boba fett but guys... it’s ming na-wen...
robot dark troopers... i hate it here
OKAY BO KATAN SERVING THOSE INSULTS TO BOBA LIKE DAMN. FIRE. which listen. she has every right to feel the way she does. there were millions of clones that looked & sounded just like boba who committed genocide against the jedi & then went on to help the emperor rule with an iron fist. did they have a chip in their head at the time (the clone wars cartoon lore) maybe & that makes laying the blame on them tricky but not everyone knew that. soooooooooo - if i were bo i’d probably feel a bit of rage at boba too. not to mention he was given as a gift to jango for donating his DNA to make the clones. it’s all complicated but y’all gotta admit those insults were FIRE
this all women badass team didn’t even need to be acknowledged as all female or anything. it was just badass & all women. like. how awesome is that. you don’t need to force that shit - when it happens it happens. 
when mando walked in with the dark saber i knew. i KNEW it was gonna be a problem
LUKE FUCKING SKYWALKER. disney has started to peak past the uncanny valley & it’s kind of scary. i don’t like it. if someone dies while under contract are they just gonna CGI them in now? it’s cool but it’s also not cool...
for S3 can we focus on mandalore? i want that
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
Can i get Josuke, Polnareff, Formaggio and Narancia trying to jumpscare their s/o but they were holding a kettle with boiling water and they spilled it on themselve and getting a bad burn ?
Hi anon! So my character limit is 3 unless it’s a team, I hope you don’t mind me just doing Polnareff, Josuke, and Narancia 🥺 don’t get me wrong i like Formaggio too (I’ve got a veryyyyy spicy WIP for him on the side), but I think him and Polnareff might be pretty similar anyway.
Also awww this kinda fluffy angst, the poor reader!
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I cannot for the life of me remember what ep this is from lmaoo Pol you just really look so funny
To say Polnareff was devoted to you was almost an understatement. In the months he had been gone, investigating something for a friend he wouldn’t tell you about, he made sure to smother you in affection from afar. Love letters, flower bouquets ordered from vendors down the street you weren’t quite sure how he did it. You knew he missed you terribly, and you missed him too.
Especially on mornings like these, with the sun so bright and warm, not a cloud in the sky. You smiled to yourself at how cheesy it was to think of Jean Pierre just over a normal, sunny morning, but you imagined he would make a morning like this anything but mundane. You made yourself a cup of tea and went out to the front porch of the little cottage you lived in.
Polnareff wanted to surprise you when got back. It was incredibly difficult for him not to call you instantly when he was finished investigating. He wanted to hear your voice, to see you, to hold you and catch up on the months of time he had lost with you. He made his way up to your house with the widest grin on his face, and the largest bundle of roses in his hand that he could possibly afford.
Both of you had the perfect reunion set up in your mind. You reached for the door at the same time Polnareff swung it open.
You jumped back when the door appeared to come alive, spilling your tea all over yourself. The boiling liquid burned your arms, and as if you wouldn’t have already started crying upon seeing him, you burst into tears.
Polnareff’s smile fell and the roses were discarded to the ground as he lunged forward toward you, putting his arms around your back to steady you.
“Mon cherie, what happened? I am so sorry... I didn’t mean to frighten you mon amour! Let’s get that treated right away.”
Despite his hulking frame and rather large muscles, Polnareff was gentle and tender as he helped treat your minor burns. Eventually your tears gave way to laughter. He had just been trying to surprise you and look what you had done. Any sort of romantic reunion was completely thrown out the window as the two of you had grown worried, spent the first hour together again trying to fix your stupid mistake.
He gave you a very confused look when you started laughing, and his face almost made you laugh more. Finally, you gathered yourself enough to bring your hand to his face, and pull him down into a kiss.
“Not what I had planned but...” you smiled as you finally got a good look at his face again. “Welcome home.”
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“Oh! Hello Josuke,” your mother greeted him after he’d knocked on the front door.
“H-hello, ma’am... uh, I mean Mrs [L/n],” he bumbled, internally flinching at his own trip up. It didn’t matter how many times he talked with your parents, it made him incredibly nervous. There wasn’t even any reason to be! They were incredibly kind to him; and if he could deal with his own mother, he should be able to deal with anyone. He sighed, ran a hand over his pompadour habitually, and gathered himself. “Is [y/n] free? I was hoping we could go together to meet up with our friends at the cafe.”
“Hm? Oh yes, [y/n] is awake in the kitchen. Go right on ahead, Josuke.”
As he stepped past your mother, however, he noticed she had a coat and her purse thrown over her shoulder, as if she was leaving. She seemed to notice him staring, because she smiled once more at him.
“I’m just running to the grocery store. You two kids better not get up to anything while I’m gone!” She said before stepping outside and closing the door.
Even though he knew she was teasing, Josuke felt a blush crawl across his face. He heard that all the time from his own mother, but there was something different about your mother saying it to him.
Now that he knew the two of you were alone though, he wasn’t embarrassed to give you a little surprise kiss. Purposefully, a miscue IOU’s grin crawled on his face as Josuke snuck toward the kitchen; for someone of his height and stature, one might think this was impossible, but Josuke had learned by now the art of stealth in order to play video games while his mom was sleeping down the hall.
He peeked his head around the wall, where he found you standing at the counter, humming a song to yourself. He was so overcome by the thought of how cute you were that he didn’t notice the kettle of boiling water in your hands as he lunged forward.
“Gotcha!” Josuke gleefully yelled as he seized you by the hips, but his lips did not make their way to your face.
You, aware that Josuke may be stopping by today but assuming you were alone when your mother left, shrieked upon the feeling of someone grabbing you. The kettle in your hand went flying, as did the cup of tea you had already poured in the other. By the time you realized it was Josuke, and that your mother must have let him in, you were already crying as the hot water burned you.
“Wha- shit! Shit!” Josuke immediately grew agitated when he recognized you were hurt, it then took him several moments later to realize it was his fault.
If there was one thing Josuke was devoted to, it was protecting the people he cared about. That was the basis behind the restoration ability of Crazy Diamond. And he was the one who had hurt you.
You didn’t flinch when he reached for you, that much was reassuring to him. He took both of your hands in his and manifested his Stand. It never mattered to him in the moment when people who couldn’t see Stands realized he had healed them somehow; all that mattered was taking away the pain, making it anew. And he wanted nothing more than to take the pain away from you. Even if Crazy Diamond’s ability made him feel the pain instead, he’d gladly take it. The burden belonged on him, it was his fault.
A minute passed and you passed your fingers over where the burn had been, mesmerized and stunned. You had no idea how Josuke had healed you. In fact it was somewhat of a miracle. But you didn’t want to think about it now, pushing it from your head as you looked up toward him.
“I’m sorry,” your boyfriend muttered, looking utterly defeated.
“It’s okay Josuke,” you cooed softly, wanting nothing more than to see his smile in that moment. “It was an accident, that’s all.”
As you pushed your head into his chest and hugged him, Josuke tenderly wrapped his own arms around you too. Right, an accident. And Crazy Diamond had healed you, restored your skin without fail. So that the only thing left of the incident was the dripping countertop where the kettle had spilled, and the guilt already weighing heavily on his spirit.
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Waking up in your arms was what Narancia lived for. You werent living together yet, but it was something you discussed often; especially considering how much time he spent at your place anyway, and how much he slept over. He had an extra bag left in your apartment just in case he got called out to a mission while in your home.
But when Narancia woke up to an empty bed, he found something he like even better - the smell of breakfast wafting from the other room. You were cooking for him?! It was like every day, you got more and more perfect to him.
Narancia hastily got dressed, pulling on much of the clothes he had been wearing the previous day. He assumed that in all his fumbling and swearing, you would have heard that he was awake from the open bedroom door.
He stretched, mussled his hands through his bedhead hair to make it more of an even unruly mess, and bolted out of the room straight to where you were standing in the kitchen.
“Buongiorno!” He yelled as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. His eyes were closed and a big grin was over his face, delighted to spend another morning with you.
But when Narancia heard you gasp, felt something hot drip ever slightly on his arms, he opened his eyes and his wonderful morning shattered.
“What happened?!” He growled immediately, as if he thought someone had attacked you. You were clutching your arm against your chest, gasping over and over again. But then Narancia’s eyes wandered over the stain on your shirt and the liquid on the floor, the shattered cup, and Narancia realized exactly what happened. Espresso was one of his favorite things, but right now he hated it more than anything else in the world.
“Cosa ho fatto? Damn it! Oh god, [y/n], I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to spook you!”
He couldn’t help but panic a bit, upset that he had caused this. All you had wanted to do was make breakfast for him and he repays you by burning you? Eventually, Narancia calmed down enough to bring you a wash cloth of cool water to wrap the burn in and guided you over to the couch. Your voice helped calm him down too, assuring him over and over that it was an accident.
Of course, how much more pathetic could he be? You were in pain, you were the one who had been hurt and yet you had to comfort him? Narancia was visibly upset as you brought him down to sit next to you, and cuddled into his side. Narancia was tense, but wiped the tears on your cheeks away and watched as you fell asleep with him. He was surprised by this trust; the anxiety that you might not feel safe any longer in his arms would keep him wide awake at night from that moment on.
[A/N: so like I spent a long time trying to come up with these and liked my ideas... but after writing them idk how I feel. I feel like I made the Polnareff one too lighthearted and the Narancia one too serious. But I put so much effort into them that I can’t see them coming out any other way. The Josuke one turned out exactly how I planned though. I hope you like them all anyway!]
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actress4him · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - Day 21
We get to bring in two new characters to the mix today! I won’t say who yet, you’ll just have to read to find out. :) 
Read on AO3
Read on FFN
Day 21 - Chronic Pain
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Warnings: nudity (non-sexual), foster home mention
It was a bad day. A really bad day.
He had plenty of bad days, those came nearly once a month. Those he could power through.
But this was one of those days that thankfully, didn’t show up too often. He hadn’t had one this bad in probably a year or more. Certainly not since coming to space, which he was more than grateful for. 
Curling in tighter on himself, Keith stifled a whimper with his pillow. He was pretty sure his roommates were already long gone, but he still didn’t want to risk anyone hearing him make pathetic noises. He needed to get up. It was getting late in the day, and he was still in the bed, and he was pretty sure he had a mission at some point to report for. If he didn’t get up soon, somebody was going to come looking for him, and then not only would he be in trouble, but he’d have to explain why he was curled up like a kitten with the covers pulled over his head and tear tracks staining his face. 
And he didn’t even know. All he knew was that it hurt, and it had been doing so for his entire life.
Okay. I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna get up. 
Willing his right arm to move, he threw off the thin blanket. The air was cool, just like the other Blade members seemed to like it. Apparently Galra ran warmer than humans. He was generally cold at night, but didn’t want to be a bother by asking for another blanket.
Now he had to force himself out of the fetal position. He started with the left leg, stretching it out slowly, slowly. The ache grew the farther out it went, until he was turning his face over to keen into the pillow again. 
The second leg he decided to do fast, just to get it over with. Throwing it out straight, he gasped involuntarily as pain shot through it. For a moment he just lay there, letting the aches settle until they were at a semi-tolerable level, then began the equally painful process of levering himself up.
By the time he was sitting up, he was close to tears again. Breathe, he reminded himself. Keep breathing. 
All that was left was to stand up, walk to the shelf to get his suit, walk down the hall to the communal bathing room, get undressed, bathe, get dressed, walk back to his room to put his sleep clothes away, walk to the bridge, then go on a mission. 
Yeah. Sure.
Never mind that each of those individual tasks felt like the equivalent of climbing Mt. Everest. He had no choice. He was a Blade, and Blades didn’t just let a little thing like pain stop them from doing their jobs. If he couldn’t do this, if he tried to get out of going out today, then they might decide he wasn’t worthy of being one of them. They would kick him off the base, and then where would he go? 
Not back to the Castle. There was no more room for him there, not without kicking someone else more deserving out of their place. And even if he thought he could make it all the way back to Earth, there had never been anything for him there. Just an empty, lonely, rundown shack in the middle of the desert, and the only reason he had lasted so long out there the first time was the Blue Lion. She wasn’t there anymore.
Okay. Getting up. 
Standing took three times as long as it should have. Walking felt like the floor was covered in spikes, and like someone was following him around stabbing him with knives all over his legs. His back wouldn’t quite straighten all the way, at least not without adding a few more knives to the mix, so his posture resembled that of a wrinkled old man. He managed to make it all the way down the hall without running into anyone, thankfully, since he was hunched over and moving at a snail’s pace, and also thankfully was late enough that he was alone in the bathing room.
Galra didn’t do showers. He had learned that upon first arriving at the base. Instead, they used large, square tubs that could fill with either water, dust, or some kind of blue goo, depending on the needs of the individual’s skin, scales, or fur. It had taken him a while to figure out all the different settings, and he had accidentally set off the dust and goo a couple of times in the beginning. Right now, he was hoping that some nice, hot water would be what his body needed to cope with the day to come.
It did feel good to start with. Certainly nicer than he had felt the whole day so far. Keith was able to stretch out his legs, arms, and back fully for the first time without excruciating pain...for a few minutes.
Then the cramps started creeping back in, seizing up his muscles, making him whine. Tucking his knees up under his chin, he let the tears come again. He was tired. And so tired of hurting. A normal day, a day where his bones throbbed but he could use exercise or just pure willpower to get past it and ignore it...that he was used to. He should have been used to these days, too. But they never failed to catch him by surprise and completely knock him off his feet, sapping all his energy and will to do anything but stay in bed. These days turned him into a pathetic excuse for a person, and that was to say nothing about being a soldier. He hated feeling so weak and useless.
The timed bath ran out, and the water began draining. Keith was left curled up in yet another ball, shivering, unable to summon the strength to climb out. The cold doubled the intensity of the pain. His jaw was beginning to add itself to the list of aches from clenching it so hard to keep his teeth from chattering, but he couldn’t even make himself reach over for his towel.
You’ve got to get up. Do you really want someone to find you like this?
As if reading his mind, the door swished open. “Keith?” a familiar, accented voice called. “Are you in here?”
Regris. He lifted a trembling arm finally, swallowing a grunt, trying to get himself covered before he was spotted, but had only made it to the top of the tub when his partner rounded the corner. 
“There you are!” Regris stopped, taking in the empty tub, the shaking limbs, and the streaks of water down Keith’s cheeks that were probably very obviously not bath water, and frowned. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Keith gritted out through his teeth. “‘m fine.” He continued trying to reach the towel, but his arm didn’t want to unfurl quite enough to nab it.
“Ya don’t look so fine, mate.” Crossing to the side of the tub, he snatched up the towel himself and threw it over Keith’s shoulders. “Are ya sick?”
“N-no.” Now he had to get up, whether he thought he was capable or not, so he gripped the sides of the tub with sore fingers and began to push, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to ignore the screaming in every inch of his body. “Told you. ‘m fine.”
Regris shook his head with a sigh. “Course you are. That’s why ya can’t even stand up proper.” Leaning down, he grasped Keith’s arm in his clawed hand and hoisted him up. While he did need the help, the sudden movement sent a wave of pain through him and he wasn’t able to hold in his cry.
The young Galra jumped back like he had been shocked, swearing. “What is it, mate? You’re injured, aren’t ya? Why didn’t you go to the med bay?”
“‘m not...injured.” Shakily, he adjusted the towel so it was wrapped around his waist, then gave in and grabbed onto Regris’ shoulder so that he could painstakingly step out onto the cold floor. “Don’t need th’...med bay. Doctor’s never did anything for me before. ‘cept tell me it was...just growing pains.”
Regris’ brow furrowed as he watched Keith slowly collect his clothing. “Well, what is it then, if you’re not injured? Ya look like somebody stabbed ya in the gut.”
“Your guess is as good as mine. Feels...kinda like somebody put concrete in all my bones.” He paused, thought about that comparison, then added, “But it’s expanding concrete.”
“I’ve no idea what ‘concrete’ is, but if ya feel that bad then maybe you should be restin’ in your room.”
Keith shook his head. “Got a mission soon. Need to get ready.”
Regris groaned. “Don’t be bone-headed Keith, ya can’t go on a mission like this.”
Turning his back, Keith started shuffling back toward the door. “Pretty sure the...Blade of Marmora doesn’t give...sick days.”
“Pretty sure the Blade of Marmora doesn’t want someone who can barely walk on a stealth mission!” Regris called to him just before the door slid shut.
He was right. He needed to get his act together. If Kolivan saw him like this, he’d kick him off the mission for sure, and then it wouldn’t be long before he was kicked out of the Blade altogether. Especially if he found out that this was a semi-regular occurrence. 
Making it back to his room, he sat down on his bed and attempted to put on his uniform. Ten dobashes later, he had managed to get it over his legs and up to his waist, and had then fallen over sideways on the bed to fold up and shake some more. That’s when a knock came on the door. He jolted, thinking to try to sit up, but the door opened before he could.
“Regris informed me that you were feeling ill. I believe that he may have understated the severity of your condition.”
Quiznak. Why did stupid Regris have to go and get Kolivan?
“N-no, no, ‘m fine, I told him I was fine.” He pushed himself up much faster than he thought would be possible, avoiding eye contact with the towering Galra while he tugged his uniform up further. “I’m not sick. Just...a little sore.”
“Keith.” The severity of the tone made him glance up for just a moment, but he couldn’t hold the steady yellow gaze. “We have worked together for quite some time now. I have seen you after the hardest of training sessions, when older, more experienced Blades have thrown you to the floor and against the walls repeatedly. I have seen you after missions when you were shot, cut with a sword, or caught in an explosion. These things would all cause you to be more than ‘a little sore’.” He paused as if for effect. “Yet I have never seen you like this, barely able to leave your own bed. Clearly you are suffering from more than simple sore muscles.”
Keith clenched his jaw again, his arms wrapped tightly around his bare stomach. He wasn’t going to get away with lying. Kolivan would see through any of it, and he couldn’t even think of a believable excuse to give him.
“It’s nothing,” he finally said quietly. “Just this...pain, that I get from time to time. It’s not usually this bad. I can usually work through it.” He lifted his head. “And I can today, too. I know this mission’s important. I’ll make it happen.”
“What kind of pain?” Kolivan asked, his voice almost as soft, uncharacteristically so.
Keith shrugged, though he immediately regretted it. “In my bones...my muscles...feels like...they’re being compressed. Like there’s not enough room in my skin for what’s inside of it.”
Kolivan nodded solemnly, not speaking for a moment. Inwardly, Keith was beating himself up for allowing his secret to be found out, waiting for his leader to break the news that he could no longer be a Blade.
Instead, he crossed the room and sank down gently onto the bed next to Keith. “This has been going on for a long time, has it not?”
Keith nodded slowly, still expecting the worst. “My whole life. Or at least, as long as I can remember.” Countless foster families, social workers, and doctors had dismissed his pain, telling him that he was being overdramatic and exaggerating the intensity. Eventually he had learned not to tell anyone.
Kolivan hummed in thought. “As a full-blood Galra, myself, I do not know much about this phenomenon. But I have heard that it is, indeed, very painful.”
It took a moment for the full meaning of his words to sink in, and then Keith was too surprised to do more than stutter, “W-wait, what?”
“Growing pains,” Kolivan stated matter-of-factly, and for a tick Keith thought he was being dismissed again and he wanted to melt. “Many half-blood Galra struggle with it. It is much like you described - likely your bones are more like that of a Galra than a human, and are attempting to grow at the rate that matches. However, the outside of your body is very much human, and is holding them back.”
Keith just stared at him as his brain processed this information. Finally, somebody believed him. That in and of itself was almost too good to be true. And not only did he believe him, but he had answers? He knew why Keith was hurting? He still had so many questions, though, and wasn’t sure whether he could believe this quite yet.
“If...if it’s a half-Galra thing, then why didn’t Regris know what it was?”
“It all depends on not only what the other species is, but also what traits from each species you acquire from your parents. Others may struggle with different types of mixed blood related problems, while some, like Regris, seem to have no conflicts between their two halves. What you are experiencing is quite rare, but not so rare that I have not encountered it before.”
Biting down on his lip, Keith considered this. “Okay, but...I’m eighteen years old. Shouldn’t I be done growing by now?”
He could have sworn that Kolivan almost smiled at that, and kind of almost looked like he wanted to reach out and ruffle Keith’s hair. “In human years, maybe. By Galran standards you are still quite young, and Galra also continue growing well into their young adult years.”
Keith sighed heavily, hunching over himself further. “So in other words, I’ve still got a long time left to deal with this.”
“Unfortunately, yes.” Kolivan stood. “But if you will accompany me to the med bay, I believe we will be able to find something to help you, at least on these especially hard days.”
Keith grimaced. “Thanks, but pain medication doesn’t work for me. At least not for this.”
Kolivan leveled a knowing stare at him. “Keith, when was the last time that you tried pain medication for this?”
“Um…” He bit his lip, realizing the answer. “Before I found out I was Galra…?”
“As I thought.” Kolivan held out his hand. “Come. I will assist you to the med bay, and once you have taken your medication I want you to come back here and rest.”
“But the mission -”
“Will be handled by others.”
“Kolivan, I -”
“You are ill. We cannot afford to have anyone on a mission who is at less than their best.”
Keith stared down at the floor. “I know,” he whispered.
“There is no shame in taking care of your health. Everyone must do so from time to time.”
A spark of hope replaced his disappointment, and he looked back up. “You’re gonna let me stay?”
Kolivan’s brow furrowed. “Of course. You have yet to give me a reason not to.”
Relief washed over him. Someone believed him, he was getting help, and he wasn’t being kicked out. Maybe today wasn’t such a bad day after all.
A/N: And Kolivan managed to make Keith tell him that being cold made it worse, so he gave him a ton of blankets for his bed. The End.
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atsukashii · 4 years
❝r.i.p to the youth❞ // e. kirishima
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SYNOPSIS: ➛ The world has gone to shit and you have lost almost everyone close to you, including Kirishima
» CHARACTER PAIRING: eijiro kirishima x reader
» WORD COUNT: 5.6K cause i have no chill again
» GENRE: apocalyptic au, aged up characters
» WARNINGS: major character death, ANGST with fluff ending, blood, swearing
« masterlist || ao3 »
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You were only seventeen when the world had gone to shit. You had been studying with your friends at U.A when you watched the news roll in, villains had popped up everywhere in a large scale attack. After that day, the world had never been the same. Led by Tomura Shigaraki, the league of villains now held hostage the world, ruling it in the very way they knew how. Now labelled The Purge, many of the top heroes were wiped out in the first few months, and more as it followed.
Now today, five years later, you are still trying to survive through an apocalyptic world, where ones who were only students when it started, are now leaders of rebellion… the only force to attempt to rise up against the villain dictatorship. The Rebellion Army was created by pro heroes once the fighting began, however as the years passed, there were newly inducted commanders in charge more frequently than there ever should be. You are one of them. Along with your previous schoolmates and close friends, Izuku, Shouto, Bakugou, Iida, and Momo, somehow you had all become the leaders of the rebellion army. All the previous pro heroes either having been killed or forced into solitude for their safety and the safety of the rebellion. Together, your spread out force had managed to locate some of the existing pro’s, however, they opted to be the voice of reason and advice, and decided to leave the leadership to a bunch of twenty-year-olds. You were inducted as a commander just over two years ago due to the strength of your quirk, your incredible strategic skills, and your ability to be stealthy was far greater than anyone else. You had earned that rank in a time where you didn’t want it. All you wanted was for this all to end.
Looking down at the picture in your hands, you wish you could turn back time and transport back to it. It had been a few months before The Purge began, where the only concern you had was if you were going to pass your final exams, your work-study, and your boyfriend. Not the fate of the world, or at least not until you were a pro.
In the faded image, you were shielding your eyes from the sun but had a bright grin on your face. Your thighs were draped over a shirtless male torso that had your heart hurting inside your chest. He had a carefree, teeth-bared grin on his face, his eyes squinted shut in the sunlight, as he held onto your legs to support you. He looked so happy that day, in fact, you all were. You and your class had gone to a water-park, as a time to relax and just have chaotic levels of fun. It was one of your last good memories before it all fell apart. And now, this picture with your boyfriend was your greatest treasure. 
Because two years ago, villains had discovered your previous location and attacked out of the blue. It had been pure chaos and a mad scramble to evacuate and get away with as few casualties as possible. It was one of the worst days of your life. Because that day, you had been separated from your boyfriend and once the dust had settled, he was gone. You had searched for days, not eating or sleeping. The only thing on your mind was finding Eijiro Kirishima, if it was the last thing you did. You were only forced to stop when Bakugou pulled you away, kicking and screaming.  Everyone had said he was dead, and that you needed to accept it, but Bakugou just reiterated the same line over and over.
‘Shitty hair wouldn’t fucking die like that. We’ll find him y/n.” yet here you were, two years down the line, with still no sign of him. So like everyone else, you had accepted the fact that he was no longer going to be around, and when you found yourself deep within a pit of depression, it was your friends who pulled you from it, helping you take a step every day. You weren’t over it, and you knew you wouldn’t ever be. For that red-head who was sunshine personified was the love of your life, and he always would be.
A knock comes from your closed door, and hesitantly, you shift your gaze from the photo in your hands to the figure now poking their head through the partially cracked doorway. Momo’s kind smile meets you, and when she sees the tattered picture in your hands, it morphs into something soft but laced with pain. You aren’t the only one who is hurting from his passing, it has affected your friends and comrades too. There was too much death these days, too much for people to bear.
“It was a very fun day.” She says, walking over to where you sit on your bed, before sitting next to you. It had been one of your best memories with Kirishima, yes, but also with your other friends. Some who weren’t around now…
“And so different to life now.” You reply, pushing the picture back under your pillow before you turn to your friend and fellow leading commander. “What’s going on?” There had to be something for her to come and get you during your break.
“Shouto wants to move the stealth operation to today. He says he’s got a bad feeling about tomorrow.” You’re not surprised by the idea, so you just nod, not questioning your friends’ instincts for a second. Being in charge of such a large operation, all six of your close friends have learnt the inner workings of each other's minds. And when someone has a gut feeling, a hunch, you follow it, because nine times out of ten, it’s right. And in a world ruled by villains, being wrong means death, and that’s something you don’t want to see happen ever again.   “We want you to lead it.” Of course.
The argument sits heavy on your tongue, but something inside you like always can’t seem to let it out. Maybe it was the guilt, or the fear of not being there to stop something bad from happening again. Because not long after you had lost Kirishima, you had lost your mentor, your work-study agency leader, your friend, in a stealth mission gone wrong. You had almost died that day, unable to save your mentor. Instead, Keigo Takami had saved you, and you weren’t going to let his sacrifice go to waste. You were going to protect every single one of your friends, even if it meant you died in the process.
“Alright.” Together, you both stand and begin the walk to the meeting room. The second you walk in, your eyes meet your four commanding friends, as well as three others. You smile at Jiro, Sero and Shoji before sitting down at a vacant seat. “What’s the plan?” You ask the quiet room, listening as Momo points towards a map of the city in the centre of the table, explaining the plan.
“Jiro’s ear jacks are going to eavesdrop on anything audible inside the warehouse. Shoji and Sero, you are on lookout, and  Y/n, you are on escape routes.” Everyone in the stealth team had quirks that allowed them to do their job quickly and efficiently… but you were just there as back up, as a walking bomb ready to go off if something detrimental should occur.
You’d lost half of your quirk the day you had almost died, and witnessed your mentor sacrifice himself for you. Those flames, ones you can manipulate yourself- but failed to, burnt your wings until the weight that had rested between your shoulder blades your whole life, was gone. Now, you could manipulate fire, but hadn’t used it in almost a year, instead, focusing on hand to hand combat. After that day, you could barely glance at flames without either making yourself sick, or having flashbacks powerful enough that they seemed as if you were actually trapped back in the past. The sensation… the scent… the burning… the screaming.
“Live, little firebird. Save us all.”
Squeezing your eyes shut, you let out a sigh before standing to your feet. Everyone in the room looks in your direction, and you look at Bakugou, one of your closest friends and look into his eyes, trying to ignore the nagging thought that they look similar to Kirishima’s.
“We leave at 22:00.” Momo nods to you across the table and you look to your friends who are risking their lives alongside you. “Let’s get some dirt on these assholes.”
                                            ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉
“We don’t get closer than ten metres to any entrance or exits of the building.” You whisper, using your very very little air manipulation to help your words travel to your friend’s ears. You see all three of them nod in response as you creep down the abandoned alleyway. The world is so quiet, the only noise was the slight breeze and trash being moved across the street from it. Everything about this area was abandoned and for good reason. You had discovered through one of the rebellion’s many spaced out informants, that they had seen S class league members frequently visiting this warehouse. This mission wasn’t to take more than two hours, that’s what Bakugou had drilled into your brain.
“Don’t be fucking late because I’m not coming to look for your dumb ass.” You weren’t a moron, which is what you had responded with and you could have sworn the blonde wanted to punch you in the face. It was the usual really, the urge and not the actual physical blow - that never happened. However, you knew that if your team didn’t show up, the blonde would come looking for you and not stopping until he dragged you all back and then tried to kill you himself for being stupid.
Normally, other than villain activity, it is quiet in this part of town. The previous residents having abandoned their homes the second the league of villains moved in. So you are surprised when Shoji gestured to you only thirty minutes in.
‘Figure. 2 blocks.’ He gestured with his hands, not risking to speak so close to the building. Sure you are on the second floor of the building next door, but with Jiro’s quirk in use, you aren’t going to distract her either.
‘Villain?’ You question, using both your hands to communicate the thought back. Shoji shakes his head and instead waves you over to his position. Silently, you manoeuvring until you are next to him, looking out the broken out window at where he is pointing - straight towards a figure staring at the building you’re currently listening on. The person is completely decked out in all black, and you definitely different recognise them, not that you could make out much of their figure other than the fact they were tall and bulk, probably male. If he were a villain, surely he could have just walked towards the building instead of peering at it like a predator watching its prey.
In silence, Shoji and you watch as the figure moves towards the building, carefully using the shadows to hide their body as they slip between alleyways and across the street. Okay, so not a villain… Suddenly the figure disappears behind an alleyway and you look at Shoji with a frown. What the hell was someone that wasn’t a part of the rebellion doing here?
From what you were aware, you were the only current branch within this area, the rebellion spreading wide across both Japan and the world, all under different titles and names, however, you were the leading force in this city, and possibly Japan. You would know if there was another organisation within the city limits. So who the hell was that?
Jiro taps the floor twice and your eyes look to Sero, holding his binoculars, directed straight at the warehouse. They were wrapping up. You tap your wrist to signify that you were to head out in one minute, when a gasp suddenly breaks the silence. Oxygen leaves your lungs as Shoiji tackles you to the floor. Wheezing, you don’t question in when heat engulfs the world outside the window. Your ribs scream in pain from the impact, but over your friend’s shoulder, you see the bright blue flames lick across the ceiling through the open window. Blue flames.
Your screams bounce across the concrete walls of what once had been an office building but was now nothing but rubble. Blue flames lick over your shoulder blades and neck. Your spine, engulfed in a pain you never thought possible, but what has you screaming is the image in front of you. You look up into Dabi’s smirking face, his blue flames swirling around his scarred fist. “This is the end of the line for you gorgeous.” He raises his hands in front of your face and for a second you close your eyes, praying for it all to be over. But then there’s a thump, and you watch in horror as Hawk’s - beaten to a pulp, lands in front of you, his scarlet red wings spread out behind him shielding you from the blue flames.
“Live, little firebird. Save us all.”
The last of his feathers grip your clothes, and you slam out of the rubble, dragging you across town as fast as they can. You cry out and beg to stop as one by one, they fall to the ground, losing their power, until you lay on the sidewalk outside the warehouse on your stomach, trying not to scream. You knew your wings were gone, the heavyweight you had held up your entire life wasn’t there. Only pain, god so much pain, you wanted to die. You had only passed out after you’d heard people mumbling above you, and at that point, you hadn’t cared if it were villains… you just wanted it to end.
Those blue flames… They had brought down your old compound that day, and you had been flying people out of the burning building when you had bumped into Kirishima, about to sprint into battle to join Bakugou and Shouto. You had wanted to beg him to stop, to just get out of the building, but that’s not who you were, and it definitely wasn’t who he was.
“Don’t worry angel, I’ll be back. Get everyone out and I’ll meet you at the safe-point soon.” Kirishima says, kissing you on the forehead before racing out. You hadn’t even had time to tell him you loved him like usual, before moving to pull more people from the wreckage and transporting them. And that was something you would never forgive yourself for. You let Kirishima run into that burning building.
Once you had gotten the last people out, there was a loud crunch, followed by a boom. You and Sero turn around, only to see the roof of the warehouse begin to collapse. Figures flee from the fire, and one is heading towards you at an alarmingly fast rate. The second they reach your position, you do a headcount, tracing peoples faces until you realise there are only four of them. There should be five. Whipping your head back and forth, you quickly spin around, scanning everyone here for that head of red hair...but he’s not there. Where is Kirishima? Where the hell is your boyfriend?
You then look to the very singed and exhausted as-blonde before you. “Where is Eijiro?” Bakugou frowns at you, before looking around, his movements getting more frantic with every passing second.
“He was right there…” You hear hum mutter, only for another loud bang to come from the old warehouse. 
No, god please no...The situation finally hits you, and you jump to action, your wings propelling you forward towards the burning building. You hold out your hands and try to smother the flames with your quirk, but theres too much, and its burning through the building to quickly. 
Your only a few feet from the inferno when you’re tackled to the ground. You try desperately and wildly to shake the weight off, but soot covered hands have pinned your wings so you can’t move.
“And die yourself in the process? There’s nothing you can do Y/n.” Bakugou’s voice is in your ear, and you scream out in frustration. The noise is so loud, coming from a place deep inside you that it hurts your vocal chords when it comes out. There's another crunch, and you watch helplessly as the roof completely collapses, finally succumbing to the flames, and the second it falls, part of you dies with it.
“EIJIRO!” You scream again, trying to shake the blonde off you.
“I’m so sorry Y/n.” 
“No, please no.” Your voice is barely there, unable to be any louder. The flames leaving nothing in their wake, devouring everything it comes into contact with. “Not him, not him.” You repeat the words over and over, as you rest your head on the ground. He’s not dead, he can’t be. I can’t- I can’t do this without him. Your heart is pounding inside your ears, unable to hear anything else, and your lungs can't seem to hold any air at all. Before you know it, black dots line your vision, and then everything is dark. Before you pass out, the last thing you remember was the flickering of blue flames. 
Those blue flames took your mentor from you, they took your wings, your freedom, they took the love of your life from you. You had nothing left. And now, those blue flames are going to pay. 
For a year and a half, you haven’t touched your flames. You haven't activated the power that prowls under your skin like a beast. You had smothered it, tried to calm it, bottled it up for months, waiting for a moment to release it. The second you lock eyes with Sero, you nod before rising up off the ground. 
“Get them to the checkpoint now.” You hiss, just as a chuckle echoes from down on the floor below. 
“Running away so easily?” 
“He’s right below us,” Jiro whispers, her ear-jacks still pressed into the concrete. She looks up at you, fear her eyes. How the hell do we get out of here alive? Luckily enough, you already have an escape route.  
“Sero, now!” You yell out, aiming your hands at the floor and releasing a breath. All that unrelenting anger, frustration, grief, fury bubbles to the surface, and the second you see Sero swinging out the window with Jiro and Shoji in tow, you unleash yourself upon the world. Your pent up emotions spread to life in the form of a white flame, immediately melting the floor beneath you, and unfortunately missing the scarred man that it now reveals. 
“We’ve been looking for you, little firebird,” Dabi smirks, even whilst standing in the middle of a world of flames. “The name’s kind of ironic isn’t it, considering how you lost your wings.” You know he’s goading you, so instead, you raise a hand, your own flames swirling around your fingers almost resemble lightning in their color.
“Ironic, considering you’re about to be burnt alive.” You hiss out before releasing your flames upon him. Dabi quickly unleashes a flash of power, only for those cursed blue flames to become overwhelmed by a wave of white melting hot fire. The smug look disappears in his eyes as he takes you in. You can feel the fire bubbling inside your veins, spilling out across your body like a shield, only not burning you. “You took everything from me,” Your throat aches from breathing in the smoke of the building. “and now, I will take your life.” You shout, letting your quirk redirect itself partially to your feet, sending you flying through the air where you fire white-hot fireball after fireball in the raven-haired man’s direction. 
He would not survive this. You would make sure of it.
Your blasts were tearing up the building around you, and the warehouse you had been spying on, yet you did not care. You would set the whole world on fire before you gave him the chance to get away. The second you boost yourself out of the building and into the open courtyard between the buildings, is when you finally notice the fact that they’re barely standing, one slight movement from completely crumbling around you. Focusing back on Dabi, he looks at the buildings before relaxing his stance and glaring back at you.
“Don’t fool yourself, you can’t kill me. You’re nothing but a pathetic waste of a quirk.” He spits back, releasing a volley of blue flames towards you. Placing both your hands above your head, palms facing the sky, you swiftly release a blaze of power as you bring down your hands towards the floor, effectively slicing the incoming blue flames in half like a hot knife slicing through butter. You weren’t going to talk anymore, instead, you would fight him until he felt as much pain as you once had. Until Dabi knew how you had felt every day for the past two years since he had taken everything from you. Since he had ripped the love of your life from your grasp and permanently forced your feet to the ground. 
Pieces of debris began to fall to the floor around you from collapsing buildings. Raising your arms either side of your body, you grin a feral smile at Dabi and aim at the two buildings, knowing fully well that when they collapse, they will bury you both. Quickly catching on to your idea, the man in front of you hesitates, only for a second, as if shocked by your actions. 
“I’ll see you in hell, Dabi.” You release your flames and watch as the world crumbles around you. 
                                           ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉
At first, there is nothing but silence, your body weightless and mind empty of all thought. Is this death? Everything is dark until there’s a shout that echoes so loudly in your brain it hurts, and you feel something grip you tightly but you can’t tell where... and then… Nothing…
When you come to again your eyes blink open instinctively, and you find yourself staring at a concrete ceiling that you’ve seen many times before. The infirmary? 
You blink a few times, vanishing the blur from your eyes. You can hear the scraping of furniture coming from outside the room, but surprisingly, as you glance around, you’re the only one in here. 
Trying to sit up, suddenly your ribs screech in protest, forcing a hissing breath from your lungs. Jesus christ! You pause once you force your aching body upright, and glance around the room again, giving yourself a chance to let the pain settle before moving again. An IV machine stands empty next to your bed, and a bandage wrapped around… well your everything. The white compression cloth fits your ribs like a second skin as well as your arm. You don’t even remember getting injured… All you remember was unleashing hell on Dabi and bringing down a building around you. You were ready to sacrifice yourself to take out one of the main league members like any of your friends would have done.
The only questions that matter right now though are did you succeed? And how weren’t you dead? You can’t seem to come to an answer for either though. 
A loud muffled noise comes from outside, interrupting your thoughts. Curiosity gets the better of you, as you manage to pull yourself off the bed, ignoring your aching body’s outcry. The second your bare feet meet the cold concrete flooring, you can’t hold in the wince as the temperature makes your bones groan. You push on, slipping through the closed doorway, and glancing around, trying to track the source of the noise. You can’t make out the conversations, not until you’re passing through the halls, hunched over and holding your ribs that ache with every slight movement. It’s only once you’ve been walking around for too long do you deduce that the sounds are coming from the main common room of the warehouse. As you head in that direction, you pass a mirror and actually cringe at the image that stares back. 
Any dust and grime that had covered you from the rubble you had most likely been pulled from had been cleared, but you still look as if you have been dragged backward through hell. Small scratches pepper your face, and a massive black eye is forming on the right side of your face. If you thought you could move your arms high enough without wanting to cry, you might have prodded it to make sure it was real. Thank god for small mercies, you suppose.
As you draw closer to the large open doorway of the common room, you see a few people gathered around the entrance, with smiles on their faces. The look confuses you enough to force your feet to scuff along the floor as you stop. The second the noise meets their ears, their heads snap in your direction, and those smiles become grins that are slightly terrifying. How long has it been since you’ve seen faces like that?
“Y/n, you’re awake! I should get someone from the medical team, stay there a second.” An older woman says before quickly jogging back down the hall from which you came. More sound spills out of the room and this time, you can finally catch parts of the conversation.
“I’m going to kill you myself.” Bakugou growls, which doesn’t surprise you. But the fact that his words don’t meet his tone is what surprises you enough to force your legs to move, and to step into the room. Right away, your eyes are drawn towards the cluster of people in the middle of the room. First, you see Sero and Jiro, both looking a bit dishevelled, but mostly okay which has you sighing in relief. The next is the fact that everyone was here… but why? Between the heads of your other friends and comrades, you catch a glimpse of the fiery blonde that has pure murder in his eyes. However, he doesn’t act upon and instead reaches forward and brings someone into a tight embrace.
Oxygen abandons your lungs and for a second, you’re positive that you are hallucinating. Your body is no longer responsive and your mind is an empty void as you try to take in the person before you. He’s still across the room, but you’re asphyxiating under his very presence. His red hair is now black, most likely due to the fact hair dye wasn’t on the list of top priorities of anyone these days, and has also grown out enough to be pulled off his face. It’s so different… but those crimson eyes, ones that gleam like light peaking through rubies is the same… You are dreaming, or dead… you have to be… You had watched your boyfriend die, you had watched Eijiro Kirishima run into a burning building. You had seen the structure fold like paper cards, and you had searched the rubble for days after. You had grieved for two years for the man you had loved since you had first met him in the U.A entrance exams.
There is no logical reason as to how he is now grinning at Bakugou, slapping him on the back with tears filling his eyes. It’s not possible.
It’s not, you searched for so long…
The second he pulls the blonde back into another embrace which earns a string of curses and some laughs, his eyes finally meet yours over Bakugou’s shoulder, and you find yourself transporting back to the day you had lost him.
“Don’t worry angel, I’ll be back”. He never came back,
“Get everyone out”  You had.
“I’ll meet you at the safe-point soon.” He never did.
You’re gasping for air as your heartbeat thunders inside your head. It blocks out all other noise, and black dots dance within your vision. All of a sudden people are looking at you, and you can see Izuku’s lips moving in your direction, his eyes full of panic as he takes you in but you can’t hear him. You can’t seem to look from the ghost in front of you. No… he’s dead… Kirishima was dead. You have grieved him, you have cried over him, you have mourned the love of your life and still were…
Stepping out of Bakugou’s embrace, the man slowly walks towards you with caution, as if not to spook you. Well, that’s too late because I’m not seeing ghosts so I’m definitely off my rocker. With every step he takes towards you, you find the rise and fall of your chest gaining more and more speed, trying to take in more air, but failing to do so. Within seconds, he’s feet away from you, and you can’t take it. You had wanted this, so much… but it was impossible. Shaking your head, you hold your hands up in front of you to stop him from moving closer. Tears are flooding down your cheeks uncontrollably, and when he takes another step, you physically flinch back, a broken noise emerging from your lips that causes him to freeze. No, you’re dreaming! Wake up y/n! Maybe you’re in hell, and you are going to be forced to relive this again and again, only to lose him. If that’s true… Your eyes roam over Kirishima, looking almost the same as the day you lost him, and you know then your heart can’t take much more. You can’t take it.
“I- I can’t - I can’t…” You know you’re not making sense, and you’re not even sure if your words are actually understandable. But the pain and anguish in his red eyes is so similar to your own, it makes looking at him hurt even more. Kirishima finally walks forwards once more, until he is close enough to hold you, but he doesn’t. Instead, he stares down at you with so much affection and fondness in his eyes, and so much heartache you feel an echo of it inside your own chest.
“Sorry it took me so long to come back angel, I got a little lost.” oh my god. He says, trying to break the sombre mood with a joke, but you just fall to your knees, weeping and sobbing so hard you can’t breathe. In a split second he’s there holding you, crushing you to his chest so tightly, all you can hear is his heart and all you can smell is his scent. Oh my god, he’s here. He’s actually alive. The thought makes you cry even harder. Oh my god, he is alive.
Eijiro’s alive. Your brain begins to piece it all together. When you had brought the building down… someone grabbing you, a shout. It was him.
You pull back, your trembling hands cupping his wet cheeks as you search his face for any signs that it isn’t him, that it's nothing but a cruel dream. But the pure love swirling in his crimson red eyes and the tears running tracks down his cheeks are enough of an answer. “How I- you didn’t come back. Why? I needed you! And I thought you had died!  I thought he had killed you like Hawks… I needed you Eiji, and god I missed you, so so much!” You manage to get out between the sobbing. Your mouth is moving on its own at this point, and you can’t keep up with what it’s saying. You have so much to say, so much to tell him and feel as if you don’t say it now, you’ll suffocate under its weight.
“It’s a long story sweetheart, but I’m here. I’m never leaving your side ever again.” You clutch his shirt beneath your palms, your weeping quieting slightly, and you rest your forehead to his chest, just relishing in the heartbeat you feel beneath your hands. He’s alive. Eijiro’s alive. Your brain repeats it on a loop as if trying to forever engrave the fact into your brain so it will finally sink in that this is reality. You will no longer have to experience a day without his smile, a night without his warmth, a second without his heart.
“I love you. I love you so much, and I missed you so much Eiji I can’t-.” You whisper breaks again as you squeeze your eyes closed, trying to stop another wave of sobs from breaking through. A warm hand gently lifts your chin, and you find yourself staring back up at your first and only love. He’s alive.
“I missed you too,” he murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before rubbing his nose against yours, his eyes not wavering from your own, as if he blinks, you’ll be gone. “I love you so much y/n, I will always come back to you. Always.”
You couldn’t care that you were in a room full of people, you couldn’t even care if villains showed up out of nowhere. Kirishima was back, he was whole and he was home.
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©️ 2021 all rights reserved to atsukashii, do not change, edit, translate, or repost any works on any platform.
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130 notes · View notes
aerysian · 3 years
headcanons i have as i write 'not my type'
there are a few things in not my type (ffn / ao3) that i don't explicitly state or mention. i thought that i should share them somewhere so people can keep them in mind, too, as they read. so here they are:
- the powerpuff girls in order of age: blossom, buttercup, bubbles. buttercup milks it all the time. the rowdyruff boys in order of age: brick, butch, boomer. boomer hates being the baby.
- the powerpuff girls in order of height: blossom, bubbles, buttercup. the rowdyruff boys in order of height: boomer, butch, brick. i had to think about this one hard because i love butch as a short king, too. but in nmt!verse, brick is the shortest. boomer is hands down the tallest at 6ft-something. then it's butch at 6ft or so. brick is just shy of that, probably around 5'10. it gives him and blossom a really balanced look because she's around his height ― maybe 5'8? then it's bubbles, and buttercup is the shortest, though she loses to bubbles by like half an inch. it's a difference bubbles holds over her like how buttercup takes advantage of being a little older.
- blossom used to be immune to the cold, and brick used to be immune to the heat. it was part of the superpowers package. but then something malfunctioned, and suddenly they couldn't handle their internal power source anymore. probably part of a late adolescent phase? blossom started freezing while brick was burning up, so we get that trope of 'haha, now they needa hold onto each other to balance out their haywire elements >:)' and now they're sensitive to their respective elements. it's counterintuitive, but it's how it is for now. the professor thinks they can build up their immunity again with exposure training, but they don't have time for that right now.
- speaking of powers, they still have them, but they're not as OP as they were as kids. they all have laser eyes, flight, super strength, super hearing, etc. and there are limitations to each. i try to mention it in the story. i could expand a bit into how each character is affected / what their powers do if anyone is interested. one example in what i've posted so far is how brick can hear almost everything in the area. over time, he's learned to tune things out, but he can't use super hearing to, say, listen in on a conversation in crowded train unless he really focuses in on a person's voice.
- individual powers and abilities! only mentioning briefly, but they're pretty in line with canon and other fans' headcanons:
brick - fire breath (sometimes reactive to his anger or annoyance), split-second decision making (often butts heads with blossom because she thinks things through, but this is useful when blossom's stuck in her head. can't weigh pros/cons when the monster is seconds away from attacking. reminds me of miraculous ladybug in that he looks around and things just click)
butch - shield manipulation (the others can make some variance of shields for blocking, too, but butch is The Impenetrable Shield and is capable of expanding it beyond himself. the biggest shield he’s ever made covered an entire city block. he’s constantly testing his capabilities), super strength and athleticism (they all have this, but the greens specifically train this aspect a lot so they have a lot more brute force than their siblings. they also start with naturally more strength)
boomer - super speed (again, they're all fast, but boomer is sonic), electric manipulation (his element. sparky sparky boom man), charm (butch swears he's the one with the charm, but that's just failed flirting. the blues have higher emotional intelligence and empathy than their siblings, so they usually handle some of the trickier situations, like calming someone down. boomer isn't kind, though; he used to take advance of his charm to manipulate people)
blossom - ice breath (also reactive to heightened emotions), intelligence (considered the brains of the group, but god, does she get lost in her thoughts. she's careful to a fault, so she has backup upon backup plans, but curve balls throw her for a loop. she gets so stuck analyzing everything that she sometimes freezes. brick balances that out now, teaches her that sometimes the best plan is no plan), ruthlessly logical (she used to be idealistic and think they could save everyone, but after one particularly bad experience where spreading themselves too thin led to a greater loss than she expected, her thinking changed. now she has to consider every pro/con and will only briefly hesitate to make sacrifices. it’s not an easy decision to make, and her sisters hate how she acts — too logical, not very everything nice of her — but this is the burden of being a leader. brick is the opposite; he’s selfish. he will push his brothers to their absolute limits to save everyone, consequences be damned. can expand on this.)
buttercup - super strength and athleticism (stronk girl, throws hands like no one’s business), shadow stealth (for all her loudness, her shadow stealth is frighteningly silent. she hates using it but will for strategy and spying. it’s much more effective at night as she can slip in and out of the darkness. it’s possible for her to use during the day, though, if she stays within shadows. haven’t decided what exactly happens as she uses this. maybe melts into the shadows with only glowing eyes visible if she uses other powers like night vision. gets really tired afterwards if she’s been shadow stealthing for long distances because she’s literally changing her form)
bubbles - sound manipulation (idk what the difference is between hypersonic and supersonic, but screeching sound waves. also really, really good at voice impersonations. thinks it’s funny but can be used strategically. hard for them to control, though, because she breaks character often), super linguist (can pick up other languages really fast!! is their go-to for international correspondence. she can also speak to animals and monsters, which is helpful, but also she is so talkative. it helps with information gathering, though, so they’ll listen about how Dave the Squirrel’s day was if he’s an important crime witness. imagine robbing a store and getting caught cuz a damn rat identified you)
that’s it for now cuz tumblr’s bugging :(( will add more some time
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reydjarinkenobi · 4 years
Scales and Fins
For Day 6 of codywanweek 2020
Link to archive of our own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25651141
Cody knew that General Kenobi was not quite human.
 Not that that was very surprising or disturbing. Many planets developed quirks that set their inhabitants apart from the rest of the galaxy, and most of them were mainly apparent through dietary requirements.
For General Kenobi, it was water. He needed much more if than the average human. Cody knew this because he overheard General Skywalker reminding the general of this fact very often. Cody, himself, had picked up the former padawan's habit of shoving a bottle of the liquid into his general's hands whenever they were free.
Most of the time, the general would drink it absentmindedly as he worked. If the general knew that supplies were short, he would try and ration it, glancing at it every so often like a spice addict teased with a fix but not allowed to take a hit.
 The one indulgence his general would allow was longer showers than was strictly necessary to get clean. He would always duck his head if Cody would have to wait for him in his room to give a debrief, or blush if his hair was still damp when they met up on the bridge.
 But Cody didn't mind.
 As quirks went, needing extra water and liking showers was pretty manageable. Cody wouldn't begrudge his general such a simple comfort.
 The first time it became an issue was when their transport crashed on a desert planet.
 They'd been coming back from a stealth mission that only involved a part of the Ghost Company when their engines had failed. They'd been forced to land on the closest planet before they blew up. It turned out that some scavengers on the planet they'd done their mission on had stolen irreplaceable parts of their engine.
 They wouldn't be going anywhere in that ship. Not without it exploding.
 "We'll have to ration water, sir," Waxer informed them and Cody felt his gut twist at the confirmation of his fears.
 His general didn't react outwardly but Cody could see his held back dismay in the stiff set of his jaw.
 "If we stick to a strict schedule, we should all be able to last a week," Waxer explained.
 The general nodded. "Good, General Windu said he would be here within the next seven days, so we just need to hunker down and wait."
 As the general walked off to help with the camp set up, Cody and Waxer exchanged a worried glance, foreboding twisting their insides.
 The first day was fine.
 They really didn't have anything to do, since their transport had been to ferry them between the Negotiator and their spot. It was only just big enough for bunks and emergency supplies. They were hesitant to use the power, saving it for communications, especially since both the fuel lines and the cooling systems had been compromised.
 It was too hot to do much of anything, but thankfully, Shotglass always carried a deck of cards on him, so the troopers that got bored of laying around, would huddle together under the shade they'd erected and either participate or watch a game.
 The general spent most of the day completing paperwork he'd convinced Master Windu to send to the ship's datapad, sitting almost motionless against the side of the ship, allowing it shield him from the sun.
 He perhaps looked a little more tired than usual.
 The second day was a different story.
 Everyone was starting to feel the effects of the rationing, the irritability and lethargy not helped by the intense, unrelenting heat, but the General looked especially bad. His lips were chapped and his skin looked dry. It also didn't escape Cody's notice that he'd been trying to move as little as possible.
 Cody sat next to him at around midday when the sun was the highest. The general had been staring blankly at the same screen for some time.
 He silently offered the general his bottle, which was still held about a quarter of his meagre rations.
 The general frowned. "I couldn't, Cody. You need that water."
 Cody pursed his lips. "Your file says that you need more water than a baseline human, sir."
 "Yes, usually I do," the general conceded, "but in extreme cases such as this, I am able to use the Force to tide me over until such a time that I have access to more. No, I will not be taking a larger ration than my men when we all need water desperately. If anything, I should be taking less."
 Cody restrained a huff and fell silent. He didn't want to encourage him.
 When Cody handed General Kenobi his water rations and breakfast on the fourth day, he almost gasped. The general's skin was beginning to flake, his skin impossibly pale.
 "I thought you hadn't gone into the sun?" Cody couldn't quite keep the accusatory tone out of his voice.
 General Kenobi glanced up, blinking tiredly. "Don't worry, Cody, I haven't. This is… a standard reaction to restricted water supplies for me."
 "There's not much we can do about it, Cody. I'm going to spend most of the day in meditation, so I'm afraid I won't be of much help to you or the men."
 Cody sighed, feeling his stomach roll. "That's alright, sir. We can manage. Everyone's too tired to get into trouble anyway. Just… stay alive."
 "I assure you, Commander, I am trying."
 By the time General Windu got there, at the eve of their sixth day on planet, the general could barely stand. The Korun Jedi strode off his landing ship and scooped General Kenobi up into his arms before the younger Jedi could attempt to walk, hugging him tightly to his chest.
 "Mace," the general said, the roughness of his voice undermining all the effectiveness of his chastisement.
 "Shut it, Kenobi," the man practically growled. "We're going to inject some fluids into you and then you're going to spend the next two hours in the water shower, you hear me?"
 General Kenobi hummed. "That actually sounds quite nice."
 The next time Wolffe, Gree and Ponds dragged Cody out to 79's and got him drunk, Cody found himself swearing up and down that he saw General Windu's lips twitch.
 After that, Cody took extra care to make sure General Kenobi always had a glass or a bottle of water nearby.
 "I know what you're doing, Cody," the general murmured one evening when they were working together in the general's quarters.
 Cody had placed a glass of water beside the general's tea. He'd read in one of the news sites he had access to on his personal datapad allotted to him as a commander that tea wasn't nearly as hydrating as water.
 Cody raised his eyebrow as he clutched his own glass.
 "I don't know what you mean, General."
 General Kenobi's lips quirked as he looked at him. "It appears I have been a bad influence, Commander. Regardless, thank you. It's nice to know that you care."
 Cody felt his eyes drop under the weight of his general's sincerity.
 General Kenobi had always made sure to make Cody and his brothers feel like individuals and know that they were appreciated but he rarely got so personal with them.
 "It's alright, General. I just want to…"
 Make sure that General Kenobi never looked like he was disintegrating in front of his eyes again. But Cody didn't say that.
 "It's alright, Cody," the general said, thankfully. Cody wasn't sure how he was going to finish his sentence. "I understand that it can be distressing to see. Goodness knows I traumatised Anakin enough during his padawanship on the one mission where our water supply was destroyed."
 Cody swallowed. "I-"
 He was never usually this lost for words. Normally, Cody preferred not to talk if he could avoid it, and the general never forced him to, but he felt like he had to say something, to communicate some of his feelings.
 General Kenobi waited for him to finish, taking a sip of his water as he did, but smiled gently when Cody couldn't find the right words. "I appreciate the reminder, Commander. My… condition can be… inconvenient at times."
 Cody didn't ask just what variation of human the general was to make him so water reliant, though he wanted to.  Instead he gathered up all the serenity he could find, pushing it out.
 The general's drew back for a second, his expression crumpling as he furrowed his eyebrows. Then, he slowly turned to Cody and beamed.
 Cody was glad his general didn’t say anything about it, instead he just turned the datapad so that Cody could see it.
 "Now I was thinking…"
 It wasn't an issue again until they got captured.
 Cody didn't even really know how it had happened. They had been answering a distress beacon on an uninhabited planet. It was a simple civilian transport crash.
 He remembered getting to the crash site. And then nothing.
 He came to only to find himself chained to a wall with General Kenobi on the other side of the room and Boil, Waxer and Wooley beside him. All of them had been stripped of their armour.
 There was a shallow pool of water in one corner of the cell, about five metres away from the general, though it was murky with dust and dirt.
 Cody tugged on his chains, finding that if he pulled, more would come out of the wall and pool on the floor, giving him a greater range of movement around the cell.
 The movement drew the attention of General Kenobi, who had been meditating.
 "Ah, Cody," he greeted, his voice already raspy. Cody's eyes immediately zeroed in on the thick collar around General Kenobi's neck.
 So they couldn't count on any assistance from the Force.
 "How long have we been here?" Cody asked and the general frowned.
 "I've been awake for two hours now, but I think we may have been unconscious for some time."
 Cody grunted in acknowledgement, gears in his head already turning.
 Before they could continue their interaction, the door was slammed open, causing Wooley, Boil and Waxer to wake up.
 The man with oily black hair and pale skin smiled sharply at them as five of largely muscled goons filled the room, two of them dragging a large tank of water which came up to their hips behind them.
 General Kenobi twitched minutely, the equivalent of a horrified gasp on a less controlled man.
 "Ah," their captor said. "You're all finally awake. Good. That means it's time for business."
 The man looked directly at General Kenobi, taking a step forward so that he was standing over him.
 "Imagine our surprise when the famous General Kenobi got caught up in our humble little con. We'd thought we'd make a pretty penny from either the Separatists or the Republic, but, when we were observing you, we found something strange, and a simple blood test confirmed it for us."
 General Kenobi leaned back slightly, his face still impassive, but the captor's grin widened.
 He nodded and two of the men surged forward, grasping his arms and unlocking his shackles. The general struggled in their hold, to no avail as they literally tore his clothes off, causing Cody's heart to jump into his throat. Of all the horrors, Cody expected to experience, he never thought he would be forced to watch this.
 He let out a sigh of relief when instead of continuing to touch him, the men hauled him into the water, even as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
 The general thrashed, sticking his head up from the water.
 "I'm going to need you to turn, General," the man said, crossing his arms smugly.
 General Kenobi glared up at him.
 The man shrugged and waved his hand.
 The two goons grabbed the general's shoulders and forced his head under, one of them grabbing his head and turning it to face his troops.
 Another goon pulled out a blaster, pointing it directly at Wooley.
 "I'll only say this one more time," the man said, his voice dropping menacingly. "Turn or I let them shoot."
 The general bucked for only a second more before the fight drained out of him, his black flattening against the bottom of the tank as he squeezed his eyes shut.
 The goons let the general fall out of their hold at a wave of their leader's hands.
 And then the general's body shimmered. Literally.
 When asked about it later, Cody and the others would have trouble describing the sight they saw. It wasn't a long process, as the skin around his legs and waist blurred. Between one blink and the next, the general's legs were replaced by a long, scaled tale which floated gracefully in the water.
 The scales were a deep blue, which slowly faded to a brilliant turquoise towards the tips with a few of those lighter scales peppered around where his tail faded into his torso, cutting off just below his belly button.
 Cody was almost so distracted by the appendage - which was much longer than the general's legs had been, so long, in fact, that it had to curl and twist awkwardly to stay in the water - that he didn't notice the gills that opened up on General Kenobi's neck.
 The general glared up at their captor, his head still underwater.
 The man only grinned and a small wave of his hand at the two goons grabbing the general and pulling his torso out of the water, holding him still by squeezing his shoulders, one of them even encircling a hand around his neck. They captor withdrew a small device from his pocket, lining it up with Kenobi's back and firing it into him, causing the Jedi to buck as something was obviously planted into him.
 The goons dropped him and General Kenobi only barely caught himself on the bottom of the tank, the small flaps of skin on is neck rippling as he took a deep breath.
 And then one of the men smashed the kriffing glass.
 The action completely destroyed the tank, causing the general to spill out onto the ground, flailing as his tail tried and failed to be an effective limb on land. The goons grabbed General Kenobi, clamping his tale into a ring of metal that Cody hadn't had time to notice on the floor of the cell.
 The general didn't even fight as they drew the shackles out of the wall and rechained him, too busy gasping on the ground, his back arched as his gills quivered uselessly.
 "Ah yes," the man said, crouching down. "I understand that the transition to breathing outside of water can be… uncomfortable for a changed mermaid if they are caught unawares."
 Cody was unable to restrain his snarl at that and the man turned his sharp amusement to him.
 "Don't worry, Commander," the man said, patting the general's hair, a gesture that made Cody's blood boil. "It won't kill him. It is just an unpleasant experience. We have to keep the great High General off his toes, after all?"
 The man laughed at his own pun before he caressed the general's face. It took all of Cody's self-control not to fling himself across the room.
 Their captor noticed, his grin widening as he went on, "I'll be giving you just enough rations to keep you all alive until our buyer comes. After all, it's pretty obvious that it will be the easiest way to ensure the general's absolute obedience."
 He stood nodding at the goon that had previously had Wooley at blaster point.
 "Give the general a reminder of why it is in his best interest to comply, why don't you? It can be a gift for when his body teaches itself how to breathe again."
 The muscled man grinned and lunged towards Cody, ramming the butt of his blaster into Cody's cheekbone, causing Cody's vision to explode into stars. By the time he'd blinked them from his eyes, the group had left, leaving the clones and their general alone once again.
 "You alright, Codes?" Waxer asked and Cody waved his question away.
 "You've hit me harder, vod. I'm more worried about the general."
 They quickly made their way over to General Kenobi, their chains almost pulled taught as they knelt a mere metre away from him. They watched, helpless, as the general's gasps slowed and evened out, until his eyes refocused again.
 Of course, the first words out of the general's mouth were, "Cody, you're bleeding."
 Cody bit back a growl, keeping his voice smooth. "It's just a scratch general. Nothing compared to… this."
 The General pursed his lips, his gaze sliding off Cody's to settle on the ground near his knee.
 "Yes… I do apologise about not telling you about my race's… quirk. I do try not to advertise it.  As you can see, we are considered rather valuable and exotic in many circles and I didn't want to inadvertently put anyone in danger."
 "It's alright, general. I understand," Cody said quickly. He'd probably be more annoyed if he wasn't so worried. The general was breathing shallowly and his tail was twitching, though it couldn't move much because of its restraints.
 The general pushed himself up onto his elbows, since he had no wall to lean his back against.
 "I'm okay, Cody. It is just… uncomfortable," the general broke off with a wince, his tail trying to curl up but failing because of the metal ring. "Though, I would be grateful if you could remove the glass."
 That immediately galvanised them into action, as they threw pieces of the glass away.
 Cody paused at the general's tail, waiting for a nod before he gently lifted it up with one hand and quickly brushed away the glass from under it. The scales were soft and smooth under Cody's hand but he could feel firm, powerful muscles just under them.
 The general sighed when all the glass had finally been cleared, murmuring a thanks as his eyes slipped shut.
 "We can't do anything for the cuts, general," Wooley informed him with a frown.
 The general hummed tonelessly as he sagged downwards. "That's alright, Wooley. They barely even sting."
 Cody grunted unhappily and the general smiled. "You don't have room to talk, Cody."
 Cody suppressed an eye roll.
 "What are we going to do?" Boil asked.
 The general's expression pinched. "Whatever he put in me is preventing me from transforming back, and the lock to my collar needs a passcode, so I'm afraid that I won't be any help during an escape attempt. In fact, I would be rather a great hindrance."
 "We're not leaving you," Cody snapped quickly before the general could suggest it and General Kenobi grimaced.
 "I was not going to suggest it, Commander, though it would probably be your best chance. I know how the idea would be received."
 Waxer huffed. "Damn right, General. We're not leaving you."
 General Kenobi frowned. "I think you can address me as Obi-Wan by this point. You know my biggest secret, after all."
 Cody leaned forward in his crouched position. "What do they want with you? Why not ransom you to the Republic or the Separatists."
 The general shrugged. "I imagine he does not want to risk being double crossed - a smart move in that regard. And… my species can be sold for exceedingly high prices, whether it be to harvest our scales, which are believed to have almost magical properties, or for more… recreational purposes."
 Cody reached his hand out before aborting the movement. "Gener… Obi-Wan."
 The general breathed deeply, but choked as his gill fluttered. He gasped and coughed for a few seconds, his arms collapsing as he fell down onto his back.
 General Kenobi's chest fell up and down as he slowly drew in breaths.
 "I need to concentrate on my breathing," the man explained quietly, keeping his eyes closed.
 "Is there anything we can do?"
 "Just… keep talking please. I like your voice… voices."
 The clones glanced at each other before they started up a conversation. They started by cataloguing their situation, throwing around ideas for escape, though it eventually devolved into idle topics about other troopers on the Negotiator; gossip about various bets as well as embarrassing training stories.
 After a while, the general's breathing slowed even further and his head rolled to the side, his face relaxing as he dozed off.
 They didn't stay up too much longer, sorting themselves into a guard rotation, not caring about how effective it could really be in their situation. The lights stayed the dim yellow tone that they had been ever since they woke up, not so bright that they would have trouble sleeping, but also not so dim that they couldn't see the very edges of the cell, the pool in the corning glinting, barely, torturously, out of reach.
 The general didn't wake up the next day until the cell door burst open.
 Five cups of water were slammed down alongside one large bowl of grey mush, sloshing some of the precious liquid onto the floor. The guard strode forward and tipped a final cup over the general's tail, causing him to groan and jerk a bit. The guard leered at him, crouching down to run his hand over the blue scales before he left.
 As soon as the door closed, Cody was moving, grabbing two of the cups and moving over to the general as quickly as possible.
 General Kenobi had pushed himself back up onto his elbows at the intrusion into the cell, but he'd squeezed his eyes shut when the water hit him, and tucked his chin into his chest when the guard touched him.
 "Hey, Obi-Wan," Cody said, his voice low and smooth. "Can you sit up?"
 The general opened his eyes, a small smile twitching at his lips when he saw Cody, though he frowned as he processed the question.
 "I can't sit like I can in my other form," he confessed his voice scratchy and hoarse. "The joints and the muscles are very different."
 "Can you push yourself up well enough to eat?"
 The general nodded, and rearranged himself so that he was leaning back against his hands instead of his elbows. He wasn't quite sitting straight, but Cody knew it would be enough that he wouldn't choke as he fed him.
 "I'm going to give you some water first, okay?"
 The general nodded gratefully and Cody brought the first cup up to his lips.
 After a few large gulps, the general brought a hand up, gently resting it on Cody's wrist. Cody obligingly pulled the cup back.
 The general took a few slow breaths before he blinked his eyes open.
 "Thank you," he said, his voice smoother than before, though it still had a slight rasp at the end.
 "Are you ready for the rest?" Cody asked, determined to hear his general's usual soft tone.
 General Kenobi shook his head.
 "Can you please pour some over my gills?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "They're not… they're not meant to be out of water this long.
 Cody's eyes flickered to the general's neck and he tensed. The skin there were already looking flaky, and there was a sort of pink sludge peeking out around flaps of skin.
 "Of course, General."
 He shuffled forward on his knees, taking a second to silently debate the best way of doing this before he finally just cupped one hand behind the general's neck and trickled water over the gills on each side of it.
 The general let out a grateful groan, his eyes fluttering shut again, though he was unable to restrain a small whimper when the water ran out.
 "Why don't we get you some food before you have the other?"
 General Kenobi's eyes snapped open, and he glanced around the room. "There are only four glasses left - one for each of you."
 "We're happy to share the other three," Cody said, not needing to glance back to know the others were nodding in agreement.
 "I've already had two."
 "You've drunk half of one," Cody retorted. "You should be submerged in water."
 "I'm meant to -"
 "You can't 'sustain yourself with the Force' at the moment," Cody cut him off. "You need this. We'll be alright."
 The general hesitated, obviously gearing up for another argument, so Cody lightly poked at his gills which, though moist, were still pink and inflamed.
 General Kenobi flinched back, letting out a hiss that made Cody's gut twist guiltily. He hid his face away from Cody, his entire body tensing.
 "Okay," he whispered, letting out a huge sigh that left him gasping.
 Cody grabbed onto his shoulder, supporting his weight until the general could focus again.
 "Okay," he murmured back, squeezing the general's shoulder and resisting the urge to pull him into a hug.
 It only got worse from there.
 By the third day, Boil had to sit behind the general to hold him up as they fed him, and he was only awake long enough to eat and drink before he slumped back. The scales on his tail had lost their shine and were starting to look almost leathery whilst his gills looked almost infected with how dry and swollen they were becoming.
 On the fourth night, General Kenobi woke with a gasp during Cody's shift. Cody quietly shuffled over to the man, trying not to disturb his brothers.
 "General," Cody asked after the man had stopped choking on air. "Is there anything I can do?"
 The general breathed out a small sight that turned into a sob at the end. "Hurts."
 Cody swallowed, purposefully avoiding looking at his cracked lips or the way that his skin had begun to start flaking off. "I know, Obi-Wan. I can't help you. I'm sorry."
 "…. Hold me… please?"
 Cody's head jerked up at the whispered request. "What?"
 The general let out another quiet sob. "Please… I need…"
 Cody knew the feeling of when it was all too much, and he just wanted to be held, even for a little while, have something to comfort him and distract him from the ache inside. So, of course he lay down beside the general, pulling the man into his chest, and being careful not to pull at his tail. He ran a hand through Obi-Wan's hair, making soft crooning noises until the man fully relaxed into the embrace.
 It took a full seven days for the rescue to come. Or, at least, they got fed seven times. The dim lighting in the cell never changed, and Cody quickly felt his internal clock being thrown off kilter.
 Obi-Wan barely lifted his head when General Skywalker burst into the room, lightsaber flashing.
 He did, though, manage a small smile.
 "Anakin," his voice was so rough that it was barely intelligible.
 "Quickly," General Skywalker said, gesturing to the troopers that had streamed into the room behind him.
 Rex ran forward, opening a large bottle of water and gently pouring it over Obi-Wan's tail, causing the mermaid to let out a low groan. Another trooper took his place when the bottle ran out, and Rex hurried over to Cody, taking out a laser cutter and sheering through the chains just below Cody's shackles.
 General Skywalker knelt down by Obi-Wan's head, taking out his own bottle and pouring some of it over Obi-Wan's neck. Obi-Wan gasped and whimpered. His gills had almost closed over with the weird mucus-like sludge that had begun oozing out of them, and crusting over them, and Cody knew that touching them at all could cause the general to cry out.
 The younger Jedi growled but Obi-Wan reached up and clutched his arm.
 "Peace," he rasped. "Peace, Ani."
 General Skywalker took a deep breath, leaning his head forward. Then, the ring around Obi-Wan's tail sprang open with a loud clang that echoed around Cody's skull.
 He scrooped Cody's general up into his arms and stood up.
 "We're getting out of here."
 Cody managed to take out one of the cheap droid guards that were littered through the facility they had been kept it, seizing his guards as he followed closely behind General Skywalker, who was barking orders at Rex to relay to the Resolute through his helmet comm, as General Windu swept through the facility with his own forces, his purple saber whirling in a deadly ark.
 He didn't really remember much of the escape past that, but the next memory his mind could clearly focus on was bursting into the medbay, General Skywalker immediately striding over to a large tank of water that was set up on one side of it and dumping Obi-Wan into it.
 Obi-Wan started writhing in the tank, flapping his tail wildly and sending water splashing all over the bay as he took huge, shuddering gasps, clutching at his chest.
 General Skywalker put a hand on Cody's shoulder as he surged forward, stopping him from going to his general's side.
 "It's alright," he murmured. "He just needs to get used to breathing in the water again."
 Cody almost snapped at General Skywalker right then, but managed to restrain himself. Barely. Rex seemed to sense his agitation because he came up around his side and bumped into him.
 Eventually, Obi-Wan's breathing evened out but he was still shaking slightly. He blinked his eyes open, and pushed himself off the bottom of the tank and hooking his elbows on the edge of the tank so that he could pull his body up. His tail pooled around the bottom of the tank, the end swishing around playfully.
 "Are you feeling better?" General Skywalker asked.
 Obi-Wan smiled. "Yes, thank you, Anakin."
 His voice was somehow different than before. It was undeniably still Obi-Wan's, but more musical than before, dancing around Cody's ears and sending a shiver down his spine.
 He blinked looking around the room with a frown. "I seemed to have made a mess."
 He flicked his tale, the tip of his fin breeching the water and sending a few droplets of water into his hair. "If you get this collar off of me, I will be able to clean it up."
 General Skywalker crossed his arms. "You should not be using the Force, Obi-Wan. Water can easily be cleaned up."
 Obi-Wan scowled at him and slipped back into the water, his tail jumping out of the water as he rearranged himself, flicking water towards General Skywalker, who squawked in indignation. Obi-Wan ignored him, curling up in the tank, and leaning his head back against the glass, folding his tail so that it would fit entirely in the tank.
 Something in Cody's gut twisted to see the general so cramped. But it was a better image that he had been privy to not an hour ago. The dried, flaky skin and scales had been washed off and, though he was still pale, he did not look so much like he was about to draw his last breath.
 Cody drifted towards him slowly as the medics checked them both out. For once, he was happy to stay in the med bay. Kix had told him in no short words to stay there, assuring him that he had no reports to complete, since they would only need his verbal accounts for the once that Master Windu and Ponds would be filling out. He wasn't on the Negotiater, so he couldn't fulfill any of his other duties and there were was no paperwork on board that he needed to complete.
 But he hadn't really needed to list of reasons. He wasn't eager to let the general out of his sight, and Obi-Wan had seemed to like him leaning against the tank, the glass only thing stopping their shoulders from touching.
 They had managed to get the collar off, but were unable to operate on the device in his back, apparently scans had said that it had fused to his spine, but Cody hadn't heard much of it, too busy focusing on the way the general's hand felt in his as he gently clutched over the top of the tank whilst Kix told him he'd have to stay in the tank a little longer.
 Cody shifted uncomfortably as he was led through the temple by a padawan.
 He hadn't seen Obi-Wan in over a week. The man had been ferried off by a group of Jedi healers as soon as they touched down on Coruscant. He hadn't heard much, except that there had been issues with the device and that Obi-Wan was still stuck in his aquatic form. That was until he'd gotten the summons this morning.
 He was led into the Room of A Thousand Fountains and froze. He'd never been in here before. It was overwhelmingly… alive.
 The padawan smirked up at him. "It's great, isn't it? Come on, Master Kenobi is over here."
 Cody's head spun around as he was lead past vast bodies of water that were more lakes than fountains, the air getting thicker and warmer as they went along. Eventually, they got to a fountain that had glowing stones on the inside, showing just how deep it was and putting the colourful and large seaweed on the bottom on display. A small stream of water fell into it in the centre, falling from another fountain that was on a thickly vegetated platform twenty metres above them.
 As Cody approached, something darted out of the underwater forest. Cody watched as the deep blue and turquoise fin flapped, holding back a gasp as it seemed to ripple, the scales turning golden copper gradient for a few moments before it settled back on its usual colour.
 Obi-Wan hooked his head over the soft, spongey texture of the edge of the fountain.
 "Cody," the man greeted with a smile.
 "Obi-Wan," Cody breathed. The world fell away around him. Obi-Wan was the only thing in the world. "It's good to see you. I've been worried."
 Obi-Wan pursed his lips. "Yes. There has been some… complications with removing the device, but I am lined up for surgery sometime in the next few weeks and the healers are finally certain that it will be safe. Or, as certain as you can be when concerning healing."
 Cody nodded. He appreciated his general tell him. The Jedi was probably beyond stressed. The last thing he needed to do was appease Cody's anxieties.
 "I didn't just call you here because I wanted to give you an update. I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to check in but it took a long time to get information. The healers haven't seen something like this before."
 Cody straightened, even as his chest warmed. "What do you need, general?"
 Obi-Wan smiled. "We're alone, Cody, you can call me Obi-Wan. And it's more something I can do for you."
 The man's expression faltered for a second before his neutrally pleasant mask fell back into place.
 "Anakin and Ahsoka have been in here a lot, requesting rides through the fountain systems," he admitted. "They told me it was for training purposes just in case we need to retreat through water channels. And, whilst I'm perfectly aware that that was merely an excuse, it occurred to me that it was a rather good point and that I really should train with you in case we get stuck in that situation."
 Cody blinked. "Excuse me, sir."
 "You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable, of course, but if you are willing, I would like to take you for a swim with me. I can assure you that you will be safe. Not only is there a rebreather over on the bench behind that tree, but I also can ensure that you won't die with my own abilities."
 "You… want to take me swimming."
 "Only if you're willing. I want it to be clear, you will not get in trouble if you do not want to, and I will not be disappointed."
 Cody shook himself. "No! I mean yes, I want to. It makes sense. I should know what it feels like now, rather than get caught off guard later."
 Obi-Wan nodded. "Alright. Then, just put the rebreather on and jump in."
 Cody did as he was told, surprised by how warm the water was. And then Obi-Wan was right in front of him, so close that Cody could lean forward and bump their heads together.
 "I'm going to pull you underwater now," Obi-Wan informed him in a slow, steady tone. "We won't go far before we test your rebreather to make sure it's working. I'll need you to take three deep breaths and then three shallow ones. Nod if you can breathe clearly and then give me a tame on the shoulder when you're read. Then, you're going to hook yourself around my back, with both you're arms and legs, so they don't get in the way of my tail. We are going to be moving pretty fast. If, at any point you need me to stop, I want you to squeeze my chest twice, and I'll take us to the quickest route to the surface. We'll be going through a few paths through a few of the fountains, since they're all interconnected, so don't be too alarmed if our surroundings vary."
 "Do you understand."
 Cody nodded vigorously. "Yes sir."
 Obi-Wan smiled. "Good man."
 He reached out, and grasped Cody's shoulders, and then they were going under. Cody went through the safety tests dazedly, too distracted by the way that Obi-Wan's tail would ripple with copper and gold every so often, his hair floating slightly in the water. The world only came back into focus as he was encircling his arms around Obi-Wan, squeezing him close.
 And then his stomach leapt into his throat as water rushed passed him, filling his ears with a roaring.
 It took Cody a few seconds to orient himself, the world moving past him in the blur, the lighting changing ever so often as Obi-Wan darted through tunnels and different fountains. After about five minutes, Obi-Wan slowed down slightly, and Cody could start to see the some of the details within the ponds they were travelling through. A few seconds later, their heads breeched the surface of the water and Cody blinked, his head still spinning.
 It took him a few seconds to register that he could let go, and then he pried his arms, off letting out a half laugh as his insides slowly started to settle.
 Obi-Wan spun in the water to look at him.
 "Are you alright, Cody?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "Was that too much?"
 Cody shook his head, a giddy grin slipping onto his face. He would never usually be so obvious, but it was hard to concentrate after such a rush, and he felt safe with his general.
 "Not that was… incredible."
 Obi-Wan smirked, a spark lighting up in his eyes. "I think I may have created something dangerous within you."
 Cody returned the smile. "Maybe."
 The swooping in his gut wasn't entirely because of the trip.
 It turned out that Cody got to see the general in his aquatic form again much sooner.
 He stood shoulder to shoulder with his general as they descended to the surface of Stewjon, his heart hammering in his chest.
 They were being sent to negotiate Stewjon's formal allying with the Republic, as the previously neutral system had reached out to the Senate recently. However, they would only allow one Jedi to enter their world and, since the Council wasn't about to send General Kenobi in completely without backup, Cody had been chosen to accompany him.
 "They will be distrustful of us," Obi-Wan informed him on the ride down to the planet. "They'll probably try to test us."
 "How, sir?"
 "I do not know."
 He'd never known Obi-Wan to be such a bad liar.
 The first surprise was that the discussions would be held underwater in the aquatic palace.
 The first test was when there wasn't a rebreather for Cody. The three land dwelling Stewjoni had their own permanent gear, but Cody had been provided with none.
 "You insisted that you trust this one, that he will not harm us," a mer with a tale that was a darker blue than Obi-Wan's which rippled green in the sunlight, stated. "If this is true, you should not have any qualms with bestowing your blessing on him."
 Obi-Wan levelled him with an unimpressed glare that Cody had seen silence senators.
 The mer narrowed his eyes but did not back down.
 After a few seconds, Obi-Wan scowled, giving a quiet growl as he quickly took off his trunks and slipped into the water. Cody was unable to take his eyes off the transformation, trying to capture the brief scene in his mind.
 Obi-Wan's head burst from the water and Cody couldn't take his eyes off him, not even when Obi-Wan cast another glare behind himself at the smugly grinning mer. He was mesmerised by the deep blue and turquoise and an electric spark shot through his body every time the coppery gold rippled through the colours as the sun caught it in just the right way.
 "The significance of what I am about to do is not lost on me," Obi-Wan told the mer sternly. "The Jedi Order encourages its inhabitants to research the cultures of their home planets and partake in them if they so which."
 "But you have decided not to partake so you have no right to claim offence."
 Obi-Wan's fists tightened and his tail flicked sharply under the water. "Just because I dwell primarily on land does not mean that I have completely abandoned our ways."
 With that, Obi-Wan spun around, pulling himself half out of the water on the boat they'd all sailed out on before entering the water. It's deck sat only a few inches above the surface of the water to make the descent easy, and to also make it easier for people to independently get back on the boat.
 Obi-Wan gestured for Cody to sit and he did so obediently. Obi-Wan immediately moved his body so that his arms were on either side of his knees and his torso was pressed up against his shins.
 "Do you trust me?" Obi-Wan murmured, too low for the other mer to hear.
 Cody nodded, not even needing to think.
 "I'm going to need to kiss you to do this. And I'm going to need you to not struggle."
 Cody's breath caught and his heart lurched into his throat, but he nodded almost as fast as he did to the first question.
 "I understand, sir… Obi-Wan."
 Obi-Wan's lips twitched up into a smile. "Good."
 One hand came up to cup the back of Cody's head as Obi-Wan drew their lips together. Cody couldn't stop himself from responding to the kiss enthusiastically, not breaking from it, even as Obi-Wan's other arm pushed off the deck to hook around the back of Cody's neck a second before Obi-Wan allowed himself to fall back, pulling Cody down into the water with him.
 Cody didn't try to pull away, even as they plunged deep down, so deep that he could see the light fading from behind his closed eyelids. He opened his mouth to Obi-Wan's embrace even as his lungs started to burn, feeling the rushing water slide past his skin.
 For a moment, Cody felt a sense of panic seize his heart as his lungs throbbed and his entire body tensed instinctively. It was all he could do not to thrash instinctively as he tried to find the surface.
 Then, Obi-Wan pulled back from him, put instead of water rushing into his open mouth, Cody felt blessed air fill his lungs.
 Cody blinked his eyes open, breathing deeply and watching the water bend around his mouth but never touch it.
 Obi-Wan smiled gently at him. "It's a Force technique unique to Stewjoni."
Cody blinked, seeing further than he knew he should be able to as he spied a school of mers gaping at them.
 He remembered the conversation that he'd overheard just before he'd received the assignment.
 He'd paused outside the door of his general's quarters in the temple, not wanting to interrupt the conversation, which the inhabitants were so absorbed by that they did not register his signature.
 "I know what you're doing, Mace, sending us on this mission together," Obi-Wan's voice had been tired.
 "You deserve to be happy, Obi-Wan."
 There was a sigh. "Mace… I can't. You know that."
 "I trust you to not get attached," had come the reply. "And he is willing. He wants this as much as you do. You would not be taking advantage of him."
 Cody had only just picked up the quiet response. "I… care for him so much. I do not want to jeopardise what we have. Not when I don't know for certain. I couldn't do that to him, put him in that position. And the 212th shouldn't have to deal with the fallout if my proposition were to be rejected. I wouldn't act any different to him, of course, but he would always know, and there would be no coming back from that."
 "Just… think about it Kenobi."
 "I will when you contemplate it with your own commander, you hypocrite. Offering him tea Mace, really?"
 Cody had knocked after that, but it felt as if his heartbeat had not returned to its normal rate since he heard that conversation.
 When they retired to their (still underwater) room later that night, and Obi-Wan's face reddened at seeing only one bed - a spongey think, that was actually rather pleasant to lay on - Cody decided to stop playing around.
 "I do not mind, Obi-Wan," Cody assured him, cutting of the other man's winding offer to take the floor if Cody was uncomfortable. "I do not mind sleeping in the same bed as you."
 Obi-Wan glanced at him sharply. "You don't?"
 Cody kicked swam forward so that he was within touching distance as he faced his general.
 "The… thing you did to help me breathe. That had cultural subtext and meaning, didn't it?"
 Obi-Wan ducked his head. "Of course."
 "Did it have romantic meaning?"
 Obi-Wan clenched his eyes shut. "Yes. It is for mated pairs of the deepest trust."
 "I do not mind."
 Obi-Wan's eyes snapped open. "What?"
 Cody reached out and grabbed his shoulder. "I would not be opposed to that kind of relationship. I have desired it for a while now."
 Obi-Wan gaped at him and Cody pulled himself closer, stopping less than an inch away from Obi-Wan, their noses almost brushing."
 "May I kiss you?" he whispered.
 Obi-Wan swallowed. Then he nodded.
 Cody leant forward and tilted his head, locking their lips together as they floated in the water. Obi-Wan pulled him tighter, winding his tail around Cody's legs.
 When Cody pulled away, he couldn't stop the wide smile from splitting his features, staring into Obi-Wan's blown out pupils.
 He was looking forward to what the future held.
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Leonardo Fanfiction- Oneshot
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"I'm gonna kill you guys!!!" Leo's yell echoed all the way through the halls. When you step inside the lair, you're a bit confused. That is until you see all three turtles running out of Leo's room laughing. Mikey catches you on his way out. "Hey (Y/N)!!" He's not able to say much more, because he's already disappeared with his brothers. You can only imagine what they've gotten up to. When you get to Leo's room, you peek your head in, and the sight of him tied to his bed almost knocks the air right out of you. His arms are held over his head, and the rope that they've used to keep him bound is doing its job. You can see him struggling, and the action just makes his muscles bulge. So, it was no secret you had a thing for the blue bandana turtle. Well, you suppose it was. Only April really knew about it. Which is why she constantly badgered you to make a move.
"L-Leo?" when he sees you his eyes light up. "(Y/N)! Hey can you help me out of this. Raph and the others thought it would be a funny joke. Just wait until I get free." He's already plotting his punishment, and you smile at the fatherly manner that Leo acts. You sort of get why Splinter appointed him the leader.
Despite Raph's assumption that Leo is the favourite, you know it's more about maturity. Each of them have their own traits that make them unique. Leo's is the air of authority that just oozes around him. He's the voice of reason, and he always puts the interest of what's best for his family before himself. That's probably what's so attractive in your eyes. His effortless selflessness.
You walk in slowly. As you do so you're about to climb up the side and reach over, but from the angle of the bed, and his desk close by, it's near impossible. Leo notices your predicament.
"Maybe you should climb over me." It's completely innocent, he's not trying anything you know that, still, you can't help your mind from straying to that. So you obey, hesitantly climbing unto the bed. You inch up, hooking your legs on either side of his waist, apologizing when you almost tumble on top of him. Leo just offers a smile, and you lean over to make quick work at taking out the knots of the rope. You try to keep your eyes focused on the task, if only to distract you.
"She smells really good.." Leo hasn't failed to notice you, although it may seem like it. When you came into their lives it was unexpected, now it's come to the point when he can't imagine not seeing your face on a regular basis. He's been trying to tell himself that there's nothing that could ever happen. You don't even see him as more than a friend, maybe even a brother. Just the thought makes him grimace. He certainly didn't see you in a platonic manner. With his hands restricted, he's silently thinking that being tied up isn't that bad. When he hears the little grunts of frustration, he looks up. "Is everything okay?" you nod, sticking your tongue out. "Yeah I just, these ties are really good. How the hell did they manage to do this?"
He's a bit embarrassed, but it was three against one. He doesn't want to admit he was caught off guard. He's a ninja. Stealth and alertness is part of his life. When he doesn't answer, you look at him, and at that moment he does the same. Your gazes meet, and it's like you don't even remember that you should be working at the ties.
Leo leans up slightly, as much as the ropes will permit. And the action makes you slide down a little, now he's face to face with you, and you're unable to utter a word. "I think maybe I let my guard down before.." he mutters. You don't even process that he's answering your previous question. "That's bad.." you mumble back. Your dazed look brings a small smile to Leo's lips.
"Sometimes it isn't that bad." you're praying that the statement has more meaning. Your question seems answered when he leans in slowly. Your breathing is shallow, and you just stay still, because you're terrified if you move, then this will all go away. As he inches closer, you close your eyes to anticipate it. When your lips connect, your brows knit, completely taken. Leo doesn't deepen, or push too much. It's just a gentle brushing of lips. You still can't believe it.
"Donnie!!" April's voice rings, and you jolt, staring at Leo in surprise.
"Donnie I need you to-" before you can move, April is already standing in front of the door. When she sees the situation she gapes. You're not sure what to say. How could you explain that this wasn't what she might be assuming.
"S-Sorry! I'll give you guys some space." She darts away, and you fumble.
"N-No April it isn't what it looks like!!"
This would be interesting.
Leo has been freed, and Splinter has taken it upon himself to enlist the punishment. A few hours in the hashi. Leo's is grinning the entire time as he watches his brothers walk to some very painful hours of training. "Raph made me!" Mikey calls out in an attempt to escape.
"It was your idea dumnut!!" He whacks him over the head, and you laugh, watching them trail off. Now, it's just you, Leo and April. He notices, clearing his throat, making the excuse that he has to tend to his bonsai tree. As he's going to leave, there's a brief moment when he looks your way. His eyes are so distracting, and piercing. It's not even a full minute, and you have to direct your eyes elsewhere to keep your heart under control. When he's out of sight, you're able to think straight. It's then that you catch the look on April's face.
"You sly dog, so his brother's tie him up and you take advantage of the poor guy. " you shake your head with flushed cheeks. "T-That's not what happened!" you protest. April just folds her hands, waiting for an explanation. "Details, come on!" you sigh, there isn't anyway for you to escape this. You pull her to the couch, Hopefully sitting will help settle your nerves.
"I was just trying to help him out of the ropes. But then he..he leaned in April. He initiated it. I was so shocked, I can't even remember if I responded." you press your hands to your cheeks.
"Is it stupid of me to assume that he likes me, even just a little."
"Trust me (Y/N), I know a lot about guys, and Leo's he's one of the most decent ones you'll meet. And he isn't even human." you giggle. "Honestly, I think he feels the same way you do. But you know Leo, he puts duty and family above all else. I'm shocked he was the one that made the first move. I think you're going to have to initiate the next one. I'm sorry I barged in, maybe things would have gotten spicier~" you flush hitting her arm, which she just laughs in return.
"Just tell him how you feel, everything else will just fall in." With a deep breath, you nod. Although it would be a bit difficult, maybe she was right. He did kiss you, so that counted for something.
April stuck around waiting to ask for some assistance from Donnie. You've been alone with your thoughts for a while, trying to mentally prep yourself for the upcoming conversation with Leo. You've buzzed by his room at least six times, but whenever you get close you'd chicken out. Finally tired of your cowardice, you stomp over there, knocking. You stand there waiting patiently for him to open up, and as the seconds fly by, you're a little less sure.
"What the hell am I doing! I can't do this!" you're about to take off, hopefully before he answers. Luck isn't on your side, because the door swings open, and you swear Leo's nervous, almost like he's been expecting this.
"Leo I...we..I think that...you know?" It's not even an actual sentence, but he gets the message, ushering you inside. He closes the door, and you're now facing him again. You don't know whether to sit or stand. The bed is a bit too daunting right now.
Leo's not really looking at you. It doesn't really help.
"I just thought we should, you know, talk about earlier." he knows that's why you're here. What scares him is the prospect of losing you. All because he was unable to control himself.
"I'm sorry (Y/N). I really shouldn't have done that." You blink. "What?"
He shakes his head. "It was a mistake. I hope we can still be friends. "
"Friends." Just the word shatters you. So it was all imagined. He'd never intended to kiss you. Maybe it was just him getting lost in the moment. Whatever it was, he obviously doesn't think it was right. Your head lowers, and you want to cry, but you know that'll just make Leo feel bad. You weren't sure you could take his pity right now. "Well, y-yeah sure. I-I'm glad we talked this over."
It's important that you get out as quickly as possibly. Maybe find April so you can cry your eyes out. As your hand grabs the knob, Leo takes your wrist. "Wait (Y/N)." you turn slowly, not too sure you want to hear anymore. If he says friends again you'll break down right there.
"I lied, I don't want us to just be friends." you pause, confused and a little angry. Was he messing with you?
"I know I just said that's what I want but it's not true. Friends don't wake up every morning thinking about the way you smile. Or how you make even the baggiest sweatshirts look absolutely stunning. Friends don't make the other person's heart beat like crazy every time you walk into the room, or look at me.."
You're the one who's heart beat has gone crazy at Leo's confession.
"I do value our friendship, more than anything else, but I also want something more. I kept telling myself it was wrong to kiss you like that. I should have asked permission. I felt like I took advantage of you." It's funny, because he was the one who was tied up at that moment.
"If you feel even a fraction of what I feel for you, then I'd like to try and be maybe something more. I-If that's what you want too of course." You know a confession like that is risky, especially in his case. He's already kissed you, so he must assume he's threading in dangerous water. It's quite the opposite.
"That's all I've ever really wanted Leo." His face illuminates so much light, and you wouldn't be surprised if you have a similar expression. His hand slips from your wrist, and he takes your hand in his. The feeling is indescribable. You smile up at him, glowing, and pulling him to the bed to take a seat. He's following your lead, probably the first situation he's a follower, and not a leader. You scoot closer to him and he isn't very sure how to proceed. 
He knows you won't mind if he kisses you, but he's sort of anticipating your kiss. He wants you to take control. When you lean in, he does the same, and you join in the middle. A sweet little kiss. It's so innocent, the way your lips move against his. He supposes that's something else he loves about you. You're innocent. His mindset is somewhat of an adult, he had to be to protect his family. But when he's with you, he feels like a kid again. A teenager. This is what normal teenagers do. They have relationships, fall in love.
He's far from normal, but that doesn't stop him from enjoying the normalcy he can get whenever it presents itself. You're pulling away, and he does too, just a little. He wants to see your face. You're flushed cheeks, puckered lips. It's a sight that drives him wild. He's shocked when you jump into his lap, pushing him backwards and pinning his wrists to the bed. You're not wearing a cocky smirk, no, far from it. You look almost hypnotized. Like you're in a haze. Leo gulps, not prepared for this progression.
"When you were tied up earlier, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about all the things I wanted to do to you. " One of your hands trail from his wrist, going down his body, over his chest, down his torso. Leo has to force himself to stay quiet. Against his will, he releases a soft groan. He knows he can easily get out of your hold. You aren't a challenge for him. But at the moment, he doesn't want to. He's never been in such a position. 
Even though you haven't overpowered him physically, you have done so in every other aspect. Your words have informed him that maybe he misread you. You're not as entirely innocent as he's believed. That excites him. "You can do whatever you want (Y/N)." You look back at him, and the need in his eyes, it almost rivals yours. Those words, that's all you need. You reclaim his lips, and Leo is happy to return it, lost in how heavenly your body feels, pressed to his. He's been captured, with no escape. And he doesn't really want to. He'd gladly be your hostage anyday.
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