#I swear I'm trying to be a good Care and reply to everyone cause I love all of you
carronpatrick · 7 months
Had typed a large reply to someone and accidently closed the app so the last 30 minutes was wasted and 😭💀💀💀 why is my brain like this?! 😭😭😭
**per tags, added video, literally of me, daily, constantly, always
Wait this got even better/worse. (below cut because I have to explain just how fucking dumb I can be, lmao. It's just funny rambling, completely SFW except 4 Fbombs because it's just my favorite word ig, idk, but also idk who has the shorten post setting enabled and don't wanna clog y'alls feeds.
But enjoy the chaos of my 'ADHD despite my meds having kicked in today, forgetful because I have a BAD object permanence/constancy deficit, unorganized but organized in that disorganization at the same time, can't delete things because what if I need it in 2 years LIKE THIS VIDEO' brain.
I opened up the attachment option like this
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BECAUSE I HAVE OVER 18,000 (EIGHTTEEN THOUSAND, YES) PHOTOS/VIDEOS. 💀 I literally just took the 2 days and transferred them all over to my hard drive like the week of Mom's brain surgery, I just haven't taken the days to go through and delete each I don't need on my phone anymore because, well, Mom had brain surgery and that was only a week after her arm nerve surgery and I've needed to take care of her and then we both now have some kind of respiratory infection so we've been taking medicine and sleeping for the past week and a half basically, while the weather goes from 87f one day to 28f the next night back to 78f the next day.
(The weather description is added because the yoyo weather typically causes the start of sinus infections for me, happens every single damn year at this time, and has since I was like 2 or 3, and no doctor wants to prescribe antibiotics because they don't want to risk me becoming immune to them ((?????! 😭 Once a year would not do that, especially if they alternate between amoxicillin, augmentin, azythromyacin/z-pack, clindamyacin, cefdinir, etc each year... All things I've taken over my 30 years of many, many sicknesses and all still 100% effective for my body at normal doses! I already take daily allergy/sinus nasal spray that used to be $400 a bottle when I was like 10 and is now otc and is like $12-15, I take an anxiety /allergy rx also, like? Give me the fucking antibiotics I've had an infection according to my white blood cell count for the past 3 years almost constantly.)) but yeah, yoyo weather, it's harsh on a body, lmao.)
But I'm searching, and I have my gallery generally organized. I have a reactions set that all start with 'R-' and then what emotions they convey, have video folders and all my celeb pics are by group/member/individual, I have individual friend and family folders, i have mood boards for each original song I'm going to record and release eventually and they each have their own folder til I make them into one image, etc. It took like idk, in total probably a week or 2 to do all of this. So twenty minutes pass and I CANNOT FIND this video I randomly remembered while adding tags to this post. So I'm laying here like
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I've checked @anxiousgirl and @thevampywolf 's folders, I've checked each video folder, every reaction folder, I checked my personal folders cause maybe I put it there because it so accurately describes how fucking dumb I am - nothing.
So then I realized - I sent it to both Rachel and Ash like a year ago. Now, we both send a fuck ton of videos, memes, gifs, random pics, etc all the time. But I KNOW that Ash and I send more back and forth because we both get on our ADHD bullshit on Tiktok and Instagram and send mass spams randomly. So I'm going through Rachie's WhatsApp chat. And the only kind of search query I can think of is 'stupid' because that's the video basically. So I'm going through ALL 'Media, Links, and Docs'.
Y'all I thought I was bad at sending pics and vids to Ash, but Rach, I am so sorry, lmfao. Like one time in May I sent maybe 50 fucking things in one convo because I was introducing you to Monsta X a bit and. 😭🥴 I'm a visual teacher/learner, y'all, okay?!
Anyway. It's now been about an hour and a half since I started this and I finally found this dumb 6 second video that I sent her last April. Also, very succinctly sums up the whole fucking post, lmfaoooo.
It's me. 😂
0 notes
midnightcrw · 4 months
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Pairing: Alastor x fem!reader
Summary: Lucifer visits the Hazbin Hotel because his daughter called him, but there he sees a good friend he hasn't seen in a long time.
Warnings: Swearing, even though it's only one swear word (this is fluff, by the way)
a/n: Since you all wanted a second part, I finally wrote one, although I really wasn't sure how to continue. I tried my best, and unfortunately, I'm not that happy with it, but hopefully, you all will like it somehow / Part 1
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A headache threatened to make itself known as you looked unimpressed as the King of Hell shook your shoulders, causing you to rock back and forth.
"Did your parents drop you on your head when you were a kid?" Lucifer asked in a desperate tone, not wanting to believe that you and Alastor were a thing (obviously still not knowing that you're married to each other).
"Maybe," you said nonchalantly, ready to push him away if he didn't stop shaking you.
"But-" that's it, you thought as you pushed Lucifer's hands away from your shoulders, surprising him by that before cupping his face in your hand, squeezing his cheeks tightly as he stared at you with wide eyes.
"Listen to me," you began in a stern tone, glaring at him, making him visibly swallow. "You're going to let your daughter show you around, or I'm going to skin you infront of everyone."
With that, you let go of his face as you dusted off your hands, as if you had touched something dirty.
The rest of the residents could only stare with shocked expressions. Fortunately, they hadn't heard what you had said, but from what they had seen, it was definitely intense, as no one would dare do such a thing to the Ruler of Hell.
Though Alastor didn't look shocked, he seemed to be fuming as one of his eyes twitched while the crazed grin never left his face.
"Okay... Anyway, Dad. Look at this lovely parlor where people can get to know each other and share secrets and stories and intimate feelings!" The excitement was vivid in Charlie's tone as she had her beautiful smile on her face.
She was already trying to move on, wanting to make her point to her dad and you appreciated the fact that you weren't in the spotlight anymore.
Thinking that you were finally getting some peace, you sighed in relief before you felt Alastor's head on top of yours.
"Tell me, darling. How long have you known this little pesky, but surely powerful man?" The 'powerful' was emphasized, as the static seemed to get even more grating with his snippy tone.
Alastor was not the jealous type, you knew that. But he always had his moments, loving to meddle in other people's affairs while hiding his own.
Huffing, you turned around and looked up at him, "While you were gone for seven years, I might have befriended him."
The anger was evident in your voice as you did not explain further. Not only had your husband left you for a few years out of nowhere, but now he was suddenly trying to pry information out of you.
Alastor just laughed at your answer and shook his head while your hands clenched into fists.
And before you could curse him, he suddenly moved much closer, almost pressing his forehead against yours. "Surely for nothing of lustful nature," he whispered sharply, sounding almost disgusted as he uttered the word 'lustful'.
"Maybe I should have," two could play this game, and you certainly weren't going to back down now, since he loved to provoke you so much.
Hearing your reply, the static increased as his antlers grew before he suddenly disappeared in front of your eyes, now standing further away from you.
"Charlie has a very unique vision," your husband began as he approached Charlie, speaking very animatedly, "I am happy to fulfill her bizarre requests," he said, placing his hand on the blonde's shoulder as she thanked him.
Of course, seeing that didn't make Lucifer happy at all, since he was already planning to kill Alastor when he got the chance.
And to be honest, at this point, you couldn't care less, almost ready to encourage Lucifer.
"Quite an impressive young lady. We're all very proud of her." The man dressed in red knew what he was doing as he pulled Charlie closer.
Somehow, even though he was angry, the short man managed to steer the conversation to another topic, such as getting introduced to the rest of the people in the hotel.
With a smile on her face, Charlie pulled Vaggie near her, "This is Vaggie. She's my girlfriend."
You had probably never seen Lucifer so relieved as a grin made its way across his face, "Oh my golly, you like girls?"
You truly wanted to bang your head against something, knowing that he was going to embarrass himself.
"Yes, so do I. We have so much in common. You put her there, Maggie," he said as he pulled Vaggie into a bone crushing hug, making her a bit uncomfortable with his enthusiasm.
"He didn't even get the name right..." you muttered, rubbing your temple in frustration.
And of course, it wouldn't be Alastor if he didn't continue to annoy you further, "Everything all right, my sweet?"
"Would be much better without you here," you said, avoiding eye contact, not wanting to deal with him right now.
"Is that so?" Alastor whispered in your ear with a toothy grin on his face, looking pleased with himself as you flinched at the sudden closeness.
All you could do was exhale sharply as you stepped away from him, even though he teleported right back into your personal space.
Ignoring him, you just watched the rest of the residents.
"Hello, I clean." Niffty giggled to herself as she grabbed hold of Lucifer's coat, causing him to stare at her with an uncertain expression on his face.
"Don't you dare throw the chandelier to the floor," you whispered, already one step ahead of him.
"Oh, and how well you know me," Alastor said in a delighted voice, and now you wished you hadn't told him that, because it seemed that another plan was brewing in that big head of his.
Without warning, your husband suddenly put an arm around your waist as he walked you closer to the rest of the people.
"You must be proud of Charlie since she has already found people who want to redeem themselves," the grin didn't leave his face as usual as the attention was once again back on you and Alastor.
Lucifer's eye twitched as he looked at you, not liking the fact that the deer was holding his friend so close.
"Sure I am," the short man said as he pulled you out of the radio demon's grip, causing the static to be heard.
"Doesn't seem like it," Alastor said quickly, jumping to the next topic before Lucifer could interject in annoyance, "I even remember the exact moment Charlie needed help, and of course, being the perfect gentleman, I couldn't help but lend a hand." He chuckled to himself as he suddenly grabbed your hand, wanting to pull you to him, but Lucifer didn't let go of your hand, but nonetheless he continued to talk anyway.
"You could almost call me dad," Alastor said with a sinister grin as both men continued to pull on your hand.
"Surely no one would call you that," the King of Hell said with contempt in his voice as he glared at your husband and suddenly turned his eyes to you, "I promise you, you can do better than this. Have you seen his haircut?"
"I see it every day," you muttered.
Charlie didn't seem to be in a better mood than you, as she let herself fall onto the sofa while Vaggie patted her head. And somehow Angel Dust was eating popcorn, even holding the popcorn bag in front of the Princess of Hell as she started to eat some of it while they all watched the three of you.
"In fact, she sees it every day and every night," Alastor added with a crazed look in his eyes as he started to get annoyed.
The look on Lucifer's face was hilarious. One would really like to see his reaction if he knew that Alastor wasn't interested in anything sexual, but just loved to anger people, especially those who didn't pay attention to him.
"Nobody wants to see that atrocity!"
"Well, she loves it!"
"She doesn't!"
And before things could get worse, Husk suddenly said, "Mimzy is here."
With that, your eyes widened as you looked towards the entrance while the men stopped pulling on your hands.
Oh and how you hated her.
"Surely you all missed me!" The voice of the beautiful little woman was heard, clearly directed at your husband.
Fuck no, you thought.
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kokomyass · 4 months
I was thinking of inumaki x reader but obvi he cant talk so the others help to ask reader out (if that makes sense??😭)
also the reader is in the school aswell and in second person (you/your) & fem reader
Toge Inumaki ☆ More Than Words
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Inumaki x Fem!Reader Genre: ☁️ Word Count: 2263 Trigger warnings ⚠️: swearing, none!!
synopsis: in which, inumaki needs help to show his love rather than say it and calls for help from his dearest friends!!
a/n: THANK YOU LOML FOR REQUESTING THIS fun fact inumaki used to be my favourite at the beginning...guess who it is nowwww~
anyways I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for requesting this again!!! you make me feel like a successful famous writer which I am far from...
Second Person POV
For the entirety of his life, Inumaki silently cursed the existence of cursed speech as it often hindered him from truly expressing himself like everyone else.
One would not know how AMAZING speech is until you have to communicate using only food ingredients.
All conversations he had consisted of the other party blabbering away and him writing his replies. It wasn't a horrible idea but he often felt guilty as it was rather time consuming.
However you didn't care about the speech barrier. You liked Inumaki a lot and something like a silly speech barrier wasn't going to make you any less interested.
You would find everyway to try and spend time with him even if it meant sitting in a comfortable silence.
You were the only person Inumaki had felt himself with as your patience and eagerness to talk with him all the time gave him butterflies.
He couldn't help but fall for such a kind, caring understanding girl and he appreciated the fact that you were patient with him.
Initially, he would admire your beauty from afar since you were a first year and he didn't really have any business with you....but one day you randomly came up to him whilst he was getting a drink from the vending machine, enthusiastically asking what his name was and what his cursed technique was.
And all that brought him to this moment...
Desperately trying to ask for help on how to ask you out.
He was currently walking with Panda as he explained what Inumaki could do.
"I'm thinking...you have a picnic and ask her out there!"
"Bonito Flakes..." Inumaki shook his head as he typed on his phone, 'too cliché'
"...Okayyy what about you..."
Just as Panda was about to give Inumaki an idea your loud and gleeful voice was heard clearly.
"TOGE!!!" Inumaki turned around at the call of his name already knowing it was you as he ignored Panda's knowing smirk.
You stopped in front of him handing him a bag with onigiri in it.
"I made this for you!! I even put tuna mayo in, your favourite! I really hope you like it.." you look to the floor shyly as a light blush dusts your cheeks.
Inumaki goes bright red as he bows down as a thanks to you and he smiles brightly even though his mouth is covered.
"Thank you so much Y/N." you smiled and jump to hold him tight in your arms, causing him to blush even more from the shock but then eventually he wraps his arms around you.
Time Skip
Inumaki is now sat in a class room, asking all his friends what he should do because he desperately wants to ask you out but he just doesn't know how since saying it in heartfelt way is kind of out of the question due to his lack of speech.
"Who would've thought that Mr. Bonito Flakes would be so desperate about something like this." Maki said laughing slightly.
Inumaki rolled his eyes as he typed quickly on his phone. 'You are just jealous because you have never been in a relationship and don't have any good date ideas -_-'
Maki scoffed and stood up, very clearly fuming from Inumaki's (very true) statement.
"Ugh! You little fucker!! I don't want to be in a relationship anyway." Maki crossed her arms turning away.
"And I do have a good idea! You can buy flowers for her and write a little note." Maki smiled smugly as if her idea was the most original and mind-blowing in the world only to be met with dead stares.
"...Bonito Flakes."
"No offence Maki, that's a nice idea but it is rather boring..."  Megumi spoke up after a moment of silence as everyone nodded in agreement.
"Maki, I do adore you and all but....that's kinda dead...." Nobara chipped in respectfully.
"Well why don't you tell me your idea then, Sherlock!"
Megumi looked shocked as everyone's eyes turned to him expectantly as he composed himself.
"Well...Y/N likes sweet treats, right? So why don't you bake something for her?"
After yet another moment of silence, Maki decided to speak up.
"You know kid, that's not a bad idea..."
Everyone agreed that Megumi's idea was by far the best idea that had come up (trust Megumi to come up with things like that) the only thing left was for Inumaki to agree.
Inumaki loved the idea more that anything. Being able to show his love through an act of baking, something that meant a lot to you...it couldn't be better.
Although...one issue did arise....
Inumaki hasn't baked a day in his life.
"Just when we thought we had a good idea!" Maki sighed and slumped against the chair she was sat on after Inumaki explain his lack of ability to bake.
"Well...we can help." Megumi said calmly as Inumaki perked at the mention of his friends helping.
'Guys that would be amazing!! Please do help 🙏 ' Inumaki typed on his phone desperately as he was practically begging for help.
"I'm in of course! Anything for my best friend!" Panda chirped up getting Inumaki in a headlock.
"I'll help you, I think my skills will be useful." Megumi said shortly after.
"I guess shall help too, just don't get me too dirty..."Nobara sighed.
Everyone looked expectantly at Maki before she caved in.
"Ugh...I'll help...but only cause I want Inumaki to stop fangirling over her 24/7"
Just as they were about to commence their plan, a loud bang came from the door and you walked through with Yuji behind you with bags in his hands, looking as if he had travelled the 7 seas.
"Hello everyone!! I made little tarts for everyone and I also bought some drinks for you guys! Yuji gimme the bags." You snatch the bags that Yuji was holding as he collapsed on the chair next to Nobara.
"What the hell happened to you?"
"Y/N dragged me through the whole of Shibuya, just to buy a gift for Inumaki..." Just as Yuji finished his sentence, you had passed all the tarts and drinks around and now you were on Inumaki.
"Hi Toge!"
"Kelp!" you smiled at his quite voice as if he had said something so interesting.
"These are for you and...so...is this!" you pulled put a little bracelet that had an onigiri charm on it as you put it on for him.
Inumaki flushed a bright red as you carefully put the bracelet on for him.
"I hope you like it!" you smile warmly as you hold both his hands in yours.
He bows down in thanks before you sit next to him and start talking about your day forgetting everyone else around you.
"Damn they are really in love with each other huh, I wish he would ask her out..." Yuji mumbled loud enough for Nobara to hear.
"Right?...Oh yeah! I should tell you his plan..."
Time Skip!
"Okay, we need eggs, flour, vanilla extract..."
Megumi was droning on about ingredients as everyone crowded around the counter.
Inumaki had decided to make you a lunchbox cake asking you out because it was cute and romantic.
"Sometimes I wish Inumaki could speak cause then this wouldn't be necessary."
"Shut up Maki." Panda hushed Maki as they listened to Megumi's instructions.
"Okay let's get going."
Time Skip!
After 3 hours of turmoil and torture the lunchbox cake was finally finished and Inumaki himself was decorating it as everyone lounged around and Megumi stood helping Inumaki.
"Okay that looks perfect. Now you can put it in a box and find the right moment. I highly recommend you keep it AWAY from Gojo..."
"Salmon..." Inumaki smiled down warmly at the cake that had been made and he thought about the warm smile that would grace your face.
"Ugh I can't wait to see the power couple together!" Yuji said after noticing Inumaki's smile, making him blush a bright red and hiding behind the his coat.
"I thought I smelt cake!!"
Gojo's head peered around the door as everyone froze and stared at the slender, frightening man.
"It isn't for you." Megumi said coldly as you glared at his teacher.
"Dang Megumi! You must really want it huh! Well...when have I ever listen to you?" Gojo laughed maniacally as he walked towards where Inumaki was guarding the cake.
"BONITO FLAKES!!!" Inumaki shouted shocking everyone especially Gojo.
"Woah, I didn't know you could be that loud, I can't lie..." Gojo stood with his hands on his hips.
'This is for someone so you can't eat it at all.🥺'  Inumaki typed for Gojo to see and Gojo's face went from confusion to a knowing look.
"Oh this is for Y/N isn't it! I'm not stupid, you could've said." he walked away with his hands in his pockets wishing Inumaki the best of luck.
Time Skip!
You were currently waiting in the courtyard of the school sat on the floor looking at the sunset as you waited for Inumaki to appear.
20 minutes ago, he messaged you asking you to meet him in the courtyard and of course you didn't say no and you even left as soon as he sent the message.
So here you were staring at the sunset smiling and thinking about life.
Meanwhile, Inumaki is stressed as hell as everyone trys to hype him up.
'What if it isn't sentimental because I can't speak...'
"Inumaki, we all know what Y/N is like, she will accept this whether you can speak or not. Its the action that matters."
Everyone stared wide eyed at Maki as if she had never said a nice thing in her whole existence.
"What!? I'm giving good advice?! So what, how is it shocking!!??"
After the shock subsided, Inumaki thanked her warmly and nodded to everyone as his goodbye.
Inumaki walked up to your figure. He stopped to look at how beautiful you were.
Your features were kissed by the setting sun and your long eyelashes were evident as your eyes were shut.
You looked ethereal to Inumaki, it intimidated him...but it also made him happy to know that someone like you would pay attention to someone so unfortunate like he was.
"Kelp!" Inumaki called out for you and you slowly opened your eyes and lifted your head to see Inumaki stood infront of you, with his cheeks flushed and looking flustered.
"Toge! Take a seat!" you pat the spot on the floor next to you as you smiled warmly like you always did around him.
Inumaki sat down nervously shaking which didn't go unnoticed to your vigilant eyes, nor did the small box.
"Toge? Are you alright?" you bent forward slightly to take a look at his face. His eyes were screwed shut and his lips were trembling.
Before you could say anything else, Inumaki shoved the box in your hands and looked away trying to hide the deep, red blush on his face.
You looked shocked before you looked down at the box to see a small note written saying:
'A sweet treat for some so sweet like you!! I'm really glad I met you Y/N, and I want to be more than just friends with you...so please open this box for a small suprise. x From: Toge Inumaki'
Seeing what Inumaki wrote made you smile warmly and giggle, as you opened the box.
You were blessed with a small cake decorating in lots of love hearts with neat writing in the middle saying: 'Will you go out with me Y/N?'
Your heart leaped out of your chest as you silently sobbed tears of happiness.
Inumaki wanted to gage your reaction so he turnt to you slightly just to see you crying.
He took the cake box out of your hands and held your hands tightly. "Mustard Leaf?!" he was panicked and shaky from making you cry but to his suprise, you jumped up and hugged him making him fall over onto the floor as you sobbed in his shoulder.
"Toge, of course I will go out with you!! I like you so so so much!! This is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me!!"
Inumaki smiled softly as he uttered out for the first time in forever, "I like you more."
You started crying even more due to the fact he spoke for the first time in words that were onigiri ingredients.
After a while you had calmed down and you were sat hand in hand.
'I thought you wouldn't fine my confession meaningful because I can't really say much...so I got the other to help me make this for you.' Inumaki typed out for you to read.
"Oh Toge, I will love anything and everything you do for me and to me this is more that words could ever express!!"
You hugged him once more as you stared at the setting sun in silence enjoying each other's company.
Words or no words, the relationship between the two of you would never be broken.
A lil bonussss!!!:
Gojo decided to come out of no where and watch the romance unfold with the rest, getting a bit too passionate.
He was leant on Maki...which she obviously hated...
"Both of you shut up we have been caught."
Megumi butt in as Maki and Gojo turned to see you and Inumaki staring with the most disapproving looks on your faces.
"You guys kinda ruined an nice moment between us..."
a/n: guys I DIED WRITING THIS WHY WAS MY HEAD THROBBING 😵‍💫😵‍💫I couldn't even edit it.... anyways hope you enjoyed (especially my no.1 bae 😍 who requested like the bestie she is love you so much mwah) 💜🎵💜🎵💜
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delicatereader · 7 months
No way (part 2) - Anakin x reader
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• brother's bestfriend trope
• summary: Anakin and you had a moment before, now you're friend invites you to their party but you must have dates...
• warnings: idk jealousy, mentions of sex, swears
• a/n: I got carried away with their friendships but idc. I used Taylor, Gracie and Harry bc I couldnt think names. I havent proof read it and I'm trying to make a flashback to their kiss. The party should be interesting...
"Party at mine, tonight" Stephen announces as he walks into the living room. All of you were hanging out (meaning scrolling through your phones and talk shit). Of course Ben and Anakin were in attendance, your friend froup was small but not too small. In addition of you, Ben and Ani, Taylor and Gracie (your besties), and of course Ethan and Stephen. You, tay and grace have been inseparable since you could remember. Ethan and Stephen came into your lives later (through Ben's college experience).
Anyway, Stephen continues to provide you the info for the party. "It's gonna be so cool, dark lighting, scary but hot costumes"
"Costumes?" Gracie interrupts
"Costumes. For you girls, I would recommend a pirate or a slutty nurse!" he advises. You hear Anakin's chuckle across the room. You roll your eyes at him, "speak, ass" you push him to continue.
"Ok ok fine!" he responds
"Drinks provided, strong ones provided. Also bring dates." he informs
You freeze at the word 'dates'
"Dates?" you repeat shrugging
"Dates." he confirms
Gracie has been flirting with Ethan for a while now, you've been sensing some sparks and signals, so they'll go together. As for Tay, your brother will follow her everywhere and try to persuade her into going with his charms. Stephen gets dates easy, that guy is the definition of a good looking frat boy man.
"These four are set I guess." Stephen breaks the thoughts in the air
"What?" Tay speaks up
"I mean, Gracie and Ethan are going together" our heads turn to their blushing faces. "I'm assuming Ben is going to annoy till you go with him" he grins in your brother's direction.
"No, not this time" she claims
"We'll see" my brother replies with a wide smirk on his face
"So you two who are you going with?" Ethan breaks his silence to ask you and Anakin
"I don't know" Anakin replies not caring about it
"Why don't you two go together" Gracie shoots
"Yea you two go together" Ethan agrees with Gracie. Soon everyone shakes their heads in agreement, except you two.
"No way I'm going with him" you reject
"And no way I'm going with her" he supports you
The last thing you want is something like what happend yesterday to happend again. You told him to stay away from you and that's what he is doing. He looks just as disinterested as you in this suggestion.
"Ughh" Taylor complains in the background
Suddenly you have an idea. You dive back into your phone and search through your contacts to text Harry, a "friend" of yours. He's had a crush on you for years and a few weeks ago you slept with him, it was a drunk decision.
"Then who are you going with? huh?" Stephen asks with a worrying look, not for you but for his party.
"I have an idea" you respond. Suddenly, Tay and Gracie jump from the bean bags on the floor to your side in the sofa.
"No, is that who I think it is" Taylor squeals whilst whispering
"I don't know, you tell me" you smirk answering her question
"Come on, isn't he dating someone?" Gracie asks
"No, not since...you know." you reply hinting at your night with Harry
"God he's so- " Taylor mutters
Ben clears his throat and furrows his eyebrows towards me and Tay. Anakin takes a quick glance up at you before focusing back on Ben's little interruption.
"Shut the fuck up!" Tay yells, causing everybody to laugh at Ben
"Who are you talking about?" Ethan asks
"No one" you shoot out, a but too fast
"I'll give you a hint" Tay speaks up
"No!" you warn her, but before you could interrupt she spills-
"Tall, brunette, greeny blue eyes, cheshire smile and HOTTT!" she said the "HOTT" way too aggressively and loud. She wasn't wrong though.
"Harry? You fucked Harry! Like Harry Crest?!" Stephen explodes out of surprise
"What! you fucked him? I left you with him thinking he will take you home safely" Ben follows Stephen's path of emotions
"Oh he took her home alright!" Gracie mutters under her breath
"Shut up Gracie! I don't even know if he's gonna be there" you reply to this hysteria
"Oh he's gonna be there!" Stephen says
"There's no party without him" he continues
Anakin again looks up when Stephen mentions him, but this time staring into you deeply
"We'll see" you conclude the conversation and head to the kitchen to find a snack.
You hear some steps behind, it was Anakin
"You fucked Harry Crest?" He asks plainly
"What happend to hello? How are you?" you tease him (taking inspo from the tiktok audio of course)
"Hello you slept with Harry?" He repeats
"Ummm- yea" you respond
He pauses for way too long, looking at you with confusion
"First of all its none of your business and second of all why do you care?" You shoot at him
"I don't care!" he states
"Ok you don't care" you repeat his answer to annoy him. You move past him and grab and apple.
"I mean it must be easy for you to get a date? right?" you ask him
"Oh yea? why is that?" he looks at you with his tongue pressed onto his cheeks inside his mouth.
God he's so hot
"I mean come on-" you you wave your hand around loosely in his direction
"Come on what?" he moves closer to you
You hesitate to respond, giving him more confidence to close the space between you
"Come one what sweetheart?" He towers you trying to push out an answer
Fortunately you hear your phone buzz, it was Harry. You step away from Anakin and attend the phone. You press it to your ear whilst looking at Anakin. He lowers his head and let's out a chuckle.
"Hi Harry!" you speak into your phone. You continue to have your conversation standing infront of Anakin staring at him.
"So I was thinking...are you going to the Stephen's party tonight?" you slip in the question
"Yes" Harry replies
"Good cause I need a dancing buddy" you smile (kind of blushing) and speak into the phone
"I'm free" he replies whilst letting out a chuckle
"Alright I'll see you there" you nod your head still smiling uncontrollably
You end the phone and tilt your head up to look at Anakin, who wholeheartedly hated that phone call but found it amusing in his own way.
"Sorry I have to get ready" you clear your throat moving towards him. In response he hums.
"I have a date" you smirk at him in victory
He looks up and down at you as you leave the kitchen, "ok" he mutters under his breath with a questioning smirk across his face.
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vettelinyourarea · 1 year
ohhh can i get one arthuro request with just a friend to you by meghan trainor? arthuro got friend-zoned by his teammate will be a good pathetic one💀👍🏻
just a friend to you - arthur leclerc
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genre: angst
word count: 863
inspired by just a friend to you by meghan trainor
warning: english is not my first language, one or two curse words
thank you so much anon for the request! i really hope you like this one and sorry for taking a long time to finish it!
I've been pretty busy with uni and will be busy with uni until May, that's why I'm not posting as frequently. Also, my requests will be closed until I finished all of the requests I have currently!
feel free to send me any feedback 🫶
Why you gotta hug me like that every time you see me?
Why you always making me laugh
Swear you're catching feelings
I loved you from the start
“Arthur! I missed you,” you said, pulling him into a hug. It’s kind of like a routine for you and Arthur, hugging each other every time you saw one another. And frankly, it’s quite funny for the young man, seeing you doing all those things with him while saying that the two of you are strictly just friends. Everyone else doesn’t believe you, not even Arthur himself. 
“We just hang out last night chérie,” he replied with a chuckle, returning the tight hug you have him. 
“I guess I just love you too much that even a night seems too long.”
Arthur knew it was supposed to be a joke coming from you, yet still, he can’t help but wonder, do you really love him just as friends?
So it breaks my heart
When you say I'm just a friend to you
“Seriously, what is it between you two?” Dennis asked. Currently, you and Arthur are preparing for a race, joined by other drivers who always wonder what is going on between you and your beloved teammate. 
“What? Never seen a girl and a guy being friends?” you said, trying to look annoyed and Dennis but failed eventually. 
Arthur watched you silently as you laugh at Dennis and Paul, trying his best to stop his heart from breaking as the word ‘friends’ keeps replaying in his head over and over again.
Cause friends don't do the things we do
Everybody knows you love me too
Tryna be careful with the words I use
I say it cause I'm dying to
I'm so much more than just a friend to you
Just friends my ass, that’s what Arthur want to say to you when you woke up. It was 2 AM, and you are sleeping beside him which is a tradition for the two of you. After every race weekend, both of you would have a sleepover. Nothing really happened though, besides the occasional cuddles, hugs, and kisses on the cheek. But still, Arthur wonders what are you really up to? There’s no way nothing is going on between you two. The number of kisses you pressed on his cheeks, the number of cuddles, hugs. Everything you do makes Arthur question your intentions.
Because, there is no way the two of you are just friends, right?
When there's other people around
You never wanna kiss me
You tell me it's too late to hang out
It was in July when everything changed. At first, Arthur noticed that you gave him fewer kisses, which transformed into no hugs, then you never initiated any physical contact with him anymore, and it all wrapped up with you declining his invitation to hang out. 
Arthur is frustrated about it and he doesn’t even try to cover it. He keeps questioning everything, did he do something wrong? Did he hurt you and he doesn’t realize it? Because it seems to him, you are trying your best to avoid him at all costs, and Arthur can’t help his heart anymore from breaking more and more each day.
And you say you miss me
And I loved you from the start
So it breaks my heart
When you say I'm just a friend to you
It was during a Christmas party held by Juan when Arthur finally got his answers. It was a chilly afternoon in Italy, every driver in Formula 2 are invited, and you are standing there alone, waiting for your drink when Arthur got the courage to approach you. “Can I talk to you?”
It was weird for you two now, standing all alone together in close proximity when it used to be so normal. “Why are you avoiding me?” He finally breaks the silence.
“I’m not avoiding you,” you replied, avoiding his gaze.
“Yes, you are and don’t lie about it.”
It was a few seconds before you finally answered, a few seconds too long for Arthur. “I have a boyfriend now,” you said looking down at the glass you are holding. You knew what you did to him was wrong, you knew all along that Arthur likes you more than a friend, you knew what you have done to him the past 2 years you become his teammate, yet, you still lead him on all those years.
“Who?” he finally asked with bitterness evident in his tone.
“Oliver,” you answered. You already knew it was wrong to lead him on for 2 years, and you knew it would be even worse if you date his close friend. Yet, you did both of those anyway.
“Congratulations, you don’t fucking deserve him,” he replied, clearly disgusted at you and he left you alone.
And that would be the last time you talked to him because not even two weeks later, news broke the Formula 2 community.
Arthur Leclerc is to leave Prema and race for DAMS this season
And maybe, you knew that it was what you deserve. Losing a friend, and a teammate because you want to have fun. 
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greetingfromthedead · 3 months
Green Horror (Wolfwood x GN!Reader)
Plot: You catch a cold and Wolfwood has a magic remedy you aren't too happy with.
Pairing: Wolfwood x GN!Reader
Raiting: Everyone
Tags: domestic fluff, sickfic, hurt/comfort, flu, common cold, caretaking, banter, play fighting, forceful administration of medicine, some swearing, WW is a little shit
Word count: ~ 1.1k
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Author's Note: (H/Cr)appy flu and cold season! A Wolfwood sickfic to match Vash's.
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You woke up with a scratchy throat but chose to ignore it completely, certain it would go away on its own. But instead of leaving you alone, the sore throat continued to worsen throughout the day. You keep your talking to a minimum, afraid your voice will be gone before long. You keep a low profile, avoiding Wolfwood and slinking between the kettle and the bed. You really don't want him to know that you're feeling a bit poorly. It's better to just soldier through and hope it passes soon. You'll get better with tea, rest, and willpower; you're sure of it. Just stay quiet, and hope he doesn't notice.
As you settle into bed after getting your fifth cup of tea, you feel the scrathing getting worse. You hurried a little too fast out of the living room, where he was tinkering with something you didn't see. Now you are a bit winded, and the heavy breathing causes your lungs to spasm violently. You try to muffle the sound with your blanket, but it's too late.
"Did I hear you coughing?" Wolfwood's voice sounds from the other room.
"No, you didn't!" you reply, nearly starting another coughing fit.
Footsteps approach, and you see his figure appear in the doorway as you settle into bed, holding the cup and book with as much composure as you can muster. You look over to him with a forced smile. You're not very good at acting natural around him when you have something to hide.
"Really?" He leans against the doorframe and acts nonchalant. "Man, I must be hearing things then. I could have sworn I heard some coughing. I must be wrong."
"Wouldn't be the first time." You turn your gaze to the book again, but you have completely lost where you left off.
"Yeah… Guess my eyes are also playing tricks on me, and you don't actually have a red nose and puffy eyes, Doll."
You can feel his eyes on your skin, and you shift the book to hide your face from him.
"Yeah, you should get them checked, or perhaps go take a nap. You're being delusional." You swallow, but you manage to do it just a little bit wrong, irritating your throat in a way that makes you cough again, and you nearly spill some tea. You quickly cover your mouth with your arm, trying to hide your face from him.
Wolfwood lets out a laugh, and you glare at him.
"I'm glad it's just a cold!" He chuckles with his arms crossed. "I thought you were mad at me! You've been avoiding me all morning! A cold I can deal with. But if you were actually mad at me, I wouldn't know what to do."
He pushes off the doorway to head out, and you know what's coming next.
"No! Nico! Come back!" you yell after him as he disappears. This outburst was too much and leaves you coughing again.
"I will be in a bit! Stay put!" You hear his voice calling out to you, and a shiver runs up your spine.
You put aside your book and sip on your tea, comforting your burning throat. You're halfway done and feel much better by the time Wolfwood comes back, and you see that he is holding something.
"No! Go away!" You try to be commanding, but you see the grin on his face.
"But, love, it's my duty to take care of you. In sickness and in health. Right?" He approaches you, and you see the green liquid in the shotglass he is holding.
"Lucky, we aren't married. Feel free to leave. Don't bring that near me!" You point at his hand holding the mysterious concoction.
"Oh, Poppet, don't be like that." He is unable to mask the amusement in his tone. "I'm here to cure you! It's Miss Melanie's recipe! All the kids in the orphanage got rid of their cold with this magic potion."
"I don't care. I'm not drinking that." You scoot further along the bed after putting away your mug. "It's horrendous!"
"Don't be dramatic, darling," he purrs as he reaches your bed. "It's just a little booster, and you'll be all better."
"I don't need it!" You say a bit nasally, "I just need to drink tea and rest. I'll be better tomorrow!"
"But this will fix you in an hour." A mischievous glint appears in his eyes like a cat hunting a mouse for sport. "Won't you take it willingly?"
You shake your head rabidly. "No thanks. I'll stick to my tea."
Your mind is more sluggish than you realized, since before you can truly react and roll away from him, Wolfwood has already bounced. He left the green horror on the nightstand as he wraps you tighter in the blanket and sits on top of you.
"Piss off!" You try to fight him off, but he catches your arms and tucks them under the blanket that he keeps tightly around you like a straitjacket with his knees. "You little shit! Get off me!"
You feel another fit coming on despite your soothed throat. Wolfwood just laughs and says, "Calm down; it's for your own good."
"Never! I know what an atrocious concoction that is!" You try to wiggle out of your captivity with no results. Wolfwood smirks and reaches for the shotglass. "I'll cough on you! Then you'll be sick too!"
"No worries, Poppet, I'll just drink one of these and be better in no time." He raises the glass like he is cheering you, "Now do me a favor and hold still."
To your surprise, he downs the horrible green liquid himself, but before you realize what is happening, he grabs hold of your face and presses his mouth on yours. As a reflex, your lips part a little for the kiss, but that's your mistake, since the bitter and sour taste of the so called medicine engulfs your tongue as Wolfwood forces it into your mouth. You don't want to taste the horror, so you swallow it quickly.
Wolfwood loosens his grip on your face and pulls away with a satisfied expression.
"Wasn't so bad, was it, baby bird?" he laughs.
"Bleh!" you let out a disgruntled noise and stick your tongue out. "I hate you!"
"I love you too, Doll!" He chuckles and places a gentle kiss on your forehead before getting off you. "You'll be better in an hour, promise!"
And that annoying fucker is right.
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quigonswife8 · 1 year
Feelings revealed: Peter Hale x reader
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Peter overhears that you admit you love him
Okay so my crush on this man started when I was like 13-14 has only gotten stronger 'cause of the movie, so thought i'd write something about him.
Warnings: the pack being mean to Peter behind his back, swearing.
Peter deserved better. There, I said it. I know he’s done stuff and is viewed as ‘evil’ but I genuinely don’t think he is. Probably gonna get hate for that but I believe he isn’t, and he did become a good person.
Also Peter is a bit ooc but meh
When did you fall for Peter? That's the question that you ask yourself everyday. When did you fall for him?
Was it when he had healed you for the first time, despite making it clear he didn't like you, at the time.
Was it when he had protected you when Hunter's were trying to kill you?
Or was it when he'd saved your life the first time out of many.
The room is full of quiet chatter and glances when you enter.
"Did we start the meeting already?"
You pause, and tilt your head.
Though it's clearly not. So they're hiding something...but why?
Scott begins, standing up. He leans back against the table, trying to form words. If you could hear his heart right now.
As one of the only non-wolves in the groups you aren't able to hear people's hearts so you can't tell when they're lying. It's hard most- a lot of the time- but it honestly doesn't bother you.
"It's Peter."
Lydia finishes his sentence, one hand on her hip.
"...we need to talk to you about him..."
A nervous look flicks onto your features. Why would they need to talk to you about him? Has something happened to him? He would have told you, you practically talk everyday. It's obviously not good, based on how they looked when you'd entered.
"What...about him?"
It's Derek, who answers you next. His arms crossed, as they usually are. He looks troubled...but for who? For himself, for Peter?
"..we need you to cut contact with him..."
There it is. There's the catch to this conversation. Of course you were stupid for thinking it would have been something different.
"It's dangerous for you to be his friend..."
Rolling your eyes, you scoff.
"...it's also dangerous to be in beacon hills, but none of us have left."
good point
Scott remarks.
"If you were friends with anyone else, that would be fine, but it's..."
"Peter Hale.". Stiles adds in, pointing his finger. "...and we haven't had the best history with him."
They have always had a problem with Peter.
Even when he's helped. Yes he’s done stuff in the past, and yes understandable they don’t trust him, but that was the past. He's changed. Why can't they at least give him a chance? ‘Cause everything he’s done has mainly been for his family
"...yeah..." you reply, pointing at each of them. "Yours. Your history with him, not mine"
Beginning to grow frustrated as every second passes.
"...I'm not going to just cut contact with him because you tell me to-"
"But he's evil.". Stiles raises an eyebrow, trying to point out the facts when they're not true.
"He's not evil...he’s done some things but he’s not evil.”
Closing a fist to fight back from punching something, you avert your eyes away from Stiles. Avert from everyone. They're your family, and families fight. The other's share glances trying to find a way to make what they want to happen, happen.
Next, Derek steps forward again.
"Please, (y/n). Just..."
now, as you stare at him, a flicker of anger shows in your eyes.
"...I'm not going to, and if that's all you wanted me here for, then i'm leaving..."
a beat. a beat of silence follows, solidifying your point.
"Fine, i'm leaving..."
Turning on your heel you begin to leave, ignoring the looks. Before yoou can disapper, though, Stiles says something else.
"..Why do you care about Peter so much?"
Theres so many reasons why, but the main reason is what you admit. What you hadn't been meaning to, but now with your emotions everywhere you can't help to.
Walking over to the door, you stop. Not looking back, only looking forward.
"...because I love him."
Pushing the door open, leaving them exchanging surprised glances.
The door closes behind you. Running a hand over your face, like before, you walk through the hallway. Coming around the corner a few seconds later, walking straight into something- correction- someone- when you do.
It's not anyone from back there, it's actually who you hadn't been meaning to run into quite so soon. Without even looking up at the person you just know.
looking up, eyes meeting his. He looks...surprised, which means..
"You heard me...?"
He nods, but his expression is different. Different than it usually is. He's not wearing a smirk, or wanting to say something like a joke, his expression is one of surprise- of confusion- but mostly happiness.
Why? because he never thought you would feel this way, and, judging by your heart, you weren't lying.
So he begins to say something, but you catch him off guard by leaning your head against his chest.
"...i'm sorry, Peter. You didn't deserve to hear what they said..."
Snapping out of his initial shock, he slowly wraps an arm around you, letting you get more comfortable in his hold.
"It's okay, sweetheart. I'm used to it..."
"You shouldn't have to be Pete."
and, you're right, but you're the only one who thinks that. Peter sighs.
"...do you want to get out of here…?”
Pulling away from Peter, you look up at him.
They'd probably try and convince you, again, but you can't listen to them right now.
"...let's go..."
He presses a soft kiss to your head, lingering a moment. Then the two of you leave. When you get into his car, you're on the road soon enough.
Head resting against the window, you look out at the road trying to forget what had just happened. Before you reach where he's staying, Peter glances over at you. Heart-beat slowed back down, to a more even rate.
"...I...love you too, you know."
He notices how your heart-rate picks up, but then falls back to normal. Smitten: that's what you are. You're smitten with him. You look over at Peter with a smile, with such love in your eyes. Never has he made you feel the way anyone else, not that you're complaining,
After a moment you look out the window again, but this time you're unable to stop smiling.
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green-socks · 1 year
I Want Your Daddy Too
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell (hangmav) / Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Javy 'Coyote' Machado (brachado)
Summary: Jake's best friend and rival get together, and Jake is upset about it. He speaks into existence a threat that he ends up fulfilling, though unknowingly.
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: everyone Jake is being dramatic. Mav is Bradley's dad and I will die on that hill. Also obvs age gap with hangmav.
Notes: I thought of this scenario and got excited. Also I just wanted more Rooster/Coyote content and thought "sure I'll make it myself", but then Jake stole this show and I just always let him do anything he wants. This was meant to be very silly and quick, please don't take me seriously. I'm running with brachado for the ship name for now cause that's in line with floychado and that makes me happy.
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Jake was appalled. His best friend in the entire world had betrayed him by getting together with Jake's rival. His mortal enemy. And the bastard was even serious about it.
They had both been deployed, Jake and Javy, on practically opposite sides of the world, so contact had been a little difficult. But they texted each other and ten hours later the other replied, and so on and so forth. Didn't offer the opportunity for many long conversations, but Javy still managed to tell him about a guy he had started getting real close with on the carrier. What Coyote had failed to mention, however, was who that guy was. And that Jake already knew him.
He and Javy had been inseparable ever since they met at the academy. Well, almost. It had taken Jake a while to let Javy fully in, but once he did, he knew Javy would always have his back.
Except with this one thing, apparently.
And to think, Jake had ranted about the idiot all through flight school, and Javy had listened, had agreed with him! Hadn't he?
Well, Jake would probably find out more once he calmed down some. Which might take a while. There were surely worse ways to find out your best friend was sleeping with your rival than walking in on them having sex and seeing way too much bare ass this early in the morning, but Jake couldn't come up with any at the moment.
"Javy, what the fuck! Bradshaw?! Are you fucking kidding me?" Jake yelled, not caring he sounded perhaps a little hysterical.
This was not what he'd had in mind for today. Not even in the ballpark. He had just wanted to spend the day with his bro now that they were both back in the same country. But nooo, fucking Bradshaw somehow had to ruin that too.
"How is this even happening? I thought you hated him too," Jake continued.
"Shut up, Rooster."
"One, I never hated him. I just kind of let you rant, you know. I actually thought the mustache was hot this whole time–"
Jake made a noise, but Javy silenced him with a sharp look. Rooster looked smug.
"Two, I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I mean it. I wanted to wait until we were face to face to tell you." Javy really did look sorry about that.
"But three, you know how happy I've been these past few months, so please get it out of your system so you can be civil. That goes for both of you," Javy turned to Rooster. "I'm not gonna listen to you two complain about each other anymore."
Sigh. Jake can't very well refuse his best friend like that (though he's sure he'll have a hard time trying to keep his thoughts to himself), and based on the expression on his face, Rooster reluctantly agrees. Huh. Guess they can agree on something.
Jake sucks his lips to his teeth. "Fine, I guess. But Bradshaw, if you steal my best friend away from me, I swear to god I will fuck your dad." By the way both Javy and Rooster flinch, it seems his threat sounded appropriately serious. Good.
"Jake–" Javy starts, but Jake cuts him off.
"Nope, I'm outta here. Javy, call me when you're done and can hang out. Bradshaw… nice ass." And with that Jake takes his leave, giving himself a proper shake as soon as the door closes.
Why is life like this?
Thankfully all three of them did not even need to be in the same place together again until they all got called back to TOPGUN for a special detachment. So everything had been surprisingly calm and easy. Jake tolerated Javy talking about Rooster in a positive way these days. Because if he was honest, he really couldn't hate anyone making his best friend that happy. And Javy was so happy it was kind of disgusting.
But at least he got to antagonize Bradshaw in the flesh again. In a friendly-ish manner, of course. He didn't want to make Coyote suffer after all.
And at least there was a goddamn handsome man buying him beers. Well, technically he was buying them for the whole bar per Penny's rules, but Jake liked to think the man's eyes lingered on him more than any others.
If he wasn't on a self-imposed "no dickstractions" policy while training for a special detachment, and if he hadn't had to throw the older man out of the bar, he definitely would have made a move. Might have anyway, his own rules be damned. But there was no damning Penny's rules, so that was that.
Except that it wasn't, because the next day that same man walked in front of the class and smirked at Jake like he was enjoying the fact that Jake was blushing a little in embarrassment. Now he was really really glad he hadn't made a move on the guy. He wasn't looking to get court martialed or anything, and propositioning a CO definitely wasn't the best way to promote career longevity in the Navy.
But damn, Captain Mitchell was hot. The adrenaline of flying always got Jake's engine going, but never before had he been so turned on just from seeing someone else fly.
He'd always been a bit of a teacher's pet, he could admit that, but he also thought he'd gotten past the age of getting crushes on his teachers a long time ago. And yet, here he was. Jake didn't make any moves – he wasn't digging for blood out of his nose like that – but despite all that, in the privacy of his own head, he thought about the Captain a whole hell of a lot. Maybe in the shower. Or in the evening when he was trying to fall asleep. Or on his morning runs. Maybe he made an effort to talk to the man any chance he got. And, alright, maybe he flirted just a tiny bit. It was in his nature! So sue him.
In an unexpected turn of events, when Javy went into g-LOC, Jake found himself comforting Rooster and being comforted by him in return. Javy was the most important person in both of their lives, not to mention the added scare of Phoenix and Bob ejecting. Jake still wouldn't call Bradshaw a friend, but maybe they could be. They had to have more in common than either of them would have liked to believe if they were both so close with the same person. Jake would take it to his grave, but he knew that behind the mustache was a pretty solid guy and a surprisingly comforting presence, when he wanted to be.
Maverick also checked in on all three aviators in the hospital, and the Captain's presence calmed Jake down like nothing else could, even though he could see the older man was shaken by everything too.
After The Mission, after Jake had flown like hell to get Maverick and Rooster back home, he was buzzing with excess adrenaline and nowhere to put it. He visited the duo in sick bay, celebrated with the others, took a shower, tried some yoga, but nothing could make the pins prickling under his skin stop.
Even after they got back to shore, a weird, uncomfortable feeling persisted, though not as strongly as before. But eventually he ended up seeking out Maverick. Something inside him just yearned for any contact with the man. Maverick had said his door was always open for any of the Daggers, so Jake (not entirely) shamelessly took him up on that offer.
The mission was over, Maverick was no longer their instructor and direct CO. He was still a superior officer, sure, but Jake figured the Captain at least wouldn't punch him now that Jake had saved his life. So Jake decided to shoot his shot.
And Maverick didn't punch him. Instead, after some talking, when Jake kissed him, he kissed back.
They had all been given a month of leave after the mission, and three weeks of it had already passed. Jake had spent nearly all of it with Maverick at his hangar, and he couldn't have been happier. The only thing he was missing was his best friend who had taken Rooster with him back home to New Orleans.
Mav had been working on his P-51 all morning while Jake went to do a grocery run and made lunch. After eating they settled down on the couch for a little afternoon nap. The older pilot was still a little sweaty from working, his shirt a little damp, but Jake didn't mind it. He just pressed his face further into Mav's chest and let himself doze off, safe in the strong, warm embrace of his lover. He didn't think he'd ever experienced bliss like this while not in the air.
Until that bliss was most rudely interrupted by none other than Rooster Bradshaw loudly announcing his presence at the hangar.
"What the hell is happening here?" the mustached naptime-hater yelled.
Maverick shot up to a sitting position, making Jake's still sleepy self let out an undignified yelp.
"Seresin, you better not be fucking my dad or I–"
"Your dad?" two voices interrupted the angry growl. One of them was Jake, but who–?
Jake whipped his head to see his very own best friend walking to join them.
"Jake, man, what are you doing here?" Javy asked.
"I was having a lovely nap." He glared at Rooster. "But hold on, back up, what do you mean dad? I thought your dad was…"
Jake and Javy had both seen the picture of LTJG Bradshaw. What he did with that information was not something Jake was proud of, but rest assured he would always remember. 
Rooster sighed deeply. "My father, Nick Bradshaw, is dead, yes. My adoptive dad, the man who raised me and who became my legal guardian after my mom died, is sitting on that couch."
They all turned to look at Maverick, who in turn was looking at Rooster with unshed tears in his eyes.
"You– You still want to– Oh, Baby Goose," Maverick whispered, seemingly overcome by emotion.
"Shit," Rooster muttered. "I mean, I– We hadn't talked about it yet but I do–"
Jake wanted to comfort his lover, but Javy pulled him outside to give the other two some "family time".
"Did you know about all that?" Jake asked once they were out of earshot.
"Not exactly, no. Bradley's always been very tight-lipped about his family matters, and now I know why. He didn't really have anyone for a while. I knew he and Maverick knew each other but I didn't know the depth of it. I guess he brought me here today with the purpose of meeting Maverick as his family and not as our teacher."
"Yeah, same. Mav has some pictures of Rooster as a kid in there but I never realized it went that deep. It's not like we're focusing on Bradshaw when there's a P-51 and a bunch of bikes to fix."
".....Yeah, what are you doing here?" Javy narrowed his eyes.
"Learning about planes?" Jake tried. 
Javy didn't dignify that with a response.
"We're sort of dating? Less going on actual dates, though, and more like spending every minute together for the past two weeks."
"Oh so you in deep," Javy chuckled.
It was true. Jake didn't give up his privacy like that for anyone. Usually the only person he could stand for that long was his best friend and even that was stretching it.
Javy blew out a breath. "Well, better that you're serious about it and not just fulfilling your threat of fucking Brad's dad."
"I told you, I didn't even know!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's go check how they're doing and hope my boyfriend doesn't want to kill you."
Jake squawked, but followed Javy back inside the hangar. If he hid a bit behind his friend's back then that was his business.
Inside they found the father-son duo (the thought still gave Jake whiplash) on the couch, hugging tightly and both looking like they'd been crying. Maverick noticed them approaching, and pulling away from Rooster, he asked Jake, "Sweetheart, did you get enough dinner supplies so they could stay over?"
Jake blushed at the nickname, and he secretly thought hearing it would never get old despite Javy smirking at him knowingly.
"Yeah, sure. I'll go get us some beers and we can talk," he said, eyeing Rooster's direction warily. 
This was going to be the weirdest fucking family dinner in history. Beer was needed.
tagsies (idk who in the hell is the target audience for this but I'll tag usual top gun list): @wildbornsiren @writeforfandoms @marvelousmermaid @lorecraft @a-reader-and-a-writer @callsign-phoenix @blue-aconite @mayhem24-7forever @lt-natrace @luckyladycreator2 @alexxavicry @footprintsinthesxnd @writercole @blowmymbackout
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call-sign-jinx · 1 year
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw - I’m here honey
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Summary - Bradley Bradshaw pisses you off to your limit. You lose it with him because of stuff going on back home and end up in his arms.
Warnings - swearing, fluff, making out
A/N - the reader has a manchester accent xoxo
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x fem!reader
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw. Where do I even begin?
Well, why don't I start off with, he is a cocky arrogant mother fucker. God he makes me want to claw my eyes out everyone time he flirts with a girl. I mean, what do they even see in him? Sure, he's fit n all. But he's just an arrogant prick that thinks he can get what he wants.
He just writhes in it. He loves it. He's just a twat overall to be honest. and he knows just how to get under my skin. Like right now.
Me and the Dagger Squad are at the Hard Deck, and oh my fucking days, he's just showing off as much as he can. And everyone knows how much I don't like pricks like him. People who show off just for attention. Like, why? To some dumb fuckers he's amazing, but to everyone else, he's just a douchebag.
"Hey! Bradshaw!" Hangman shouted across the room to Rooster who just so happened to be chatting up some blonde bird who probably didn't even have enough brain cells to know that he just wanted a shag tonight. "Come have a round of darts with me Rooster!"
Bradshaw bid farewell to the clueless girl and sauntered over to the rest of the Dagger Squad. He gave me an obnoxious wink which earned an eyeroll from me. Phoenix saw then walked over to sit on the stool next to me.
"You know he just wants a reaction from you? He loves the attention and you know it." I rolled my eyes with a smirk. She gave me a knowing look.
"Yeah, I know. But he just aggravates me tha much tha I can't do much bout it. It's jus automatic now init?" Phoenix laughed at my words. Probably cause of my accent. She loves it so much.
"Then try not to give him a reaction. Like every time he says something stupid or that you don't like. Shut your eyes, take a deep breath, and ignore it." Her advice was actually really good. But not for me.
"Easier said than done Nat. I've just grown up to react to every little thing that happens. Probably the household I were raised in." She patted my shoulder and chuckled a bit.
"I think I'm gonna go outside for a sec. For a toot." A toot means vape. I literally had to explain this about 10,000 times to Phoenix.
She chuckles then gestures to the door. I then walked outside to sit on the bench and got my vape out of my pocket. I took a drag then turned on my phone to reply to my little sister's message that I should have answered hours ago. She was texting me, updating me about how our Nana was back in England. She got diagnosed with cancer a few months ago then started chemo a week after. It's been draining for everyone. And I can't even go to see her because I live so fucking far away.
When I opened the text, my heart dropped and my whole body had gone numb.
she's gone Y/N/N, ik u can't come rn cos ur on duty n everything but i jus thought u needed to know. come as soon as u want xxxxxx
I just sat there. Numb. Frozen. No emotion. No sadness. Nothing. Nada. Absolutely fuck all. I couldn't think straight. Why didn't I at least go see her once? I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. Didn't get to tell her I got into Top Gun which has, well had, always been her dream for me. She wanted me to do it to prove all them dumb ass men that a woman could do what they do but better.
And now, she'll never know. She probably hated me before she died cause I didn't visit her. What if she was upset about it? What if she thought I forgot about her? What if she thought that I stopped caring about her? So many thoughts were running through my head. Different things being said in my head. But they all went quiet when I saw Phoenix walk through the door to outside. Probably to come check on me, God knows how long I've just been sat there staring at my phone. At the text.
"Hey Y/C/S, you okay?" She had a trace of worry laced in her voice and expression. I gave her a tight-lipped smile and nodded.
"I'm great thank you." I faked a happy smile as I got up and gestured for her to follow me back into the Hard Deck.
It's been about a week since I got the text from Y/L/S/N. I haven't even reacted how someone would normally react to their family member dying. I didn't even reply back to Y/L/S/N. Just left her on opened.
I just acted like everything was okay. No one seemed to notice except one person. Bradshaw. I could tell by the way he looks at me that he knows something is wrong. But he hasn't asked.
Also, I found out I won't be able to make it to the funeral. Which is great. I'll just say my goodbyes another time. Hopefully Nana will understand. She always did.
Right now, we're having a briefing for the day. Which consists of absolutely fuck all, no flying, just some theory work we need to get done apparently.
I came in late so I sadly had to sit next to Bradshaw whose been looking at me like I'm an idiot for the past week. And it's actually quite unnerving.
After the briefing finished, I went straight to the unisex bathrooms to wash my face and clear my head for at least a few minutes. That was until I heard the door open. I looked to the source of the sound to see Bradshaw. Great. Why does he always come near me at the worst times? It's like he has a sixth sense about this shit.
"Hey Y/C/S, are you okay? You seem a bit off." He had worry and concern plastered on his face and in his voice. I nodded by head as I looked at the ground.
"Why? Why do you even care? It's not like we're friends or anything? And it's none of your business anyway?" I only glanced up at him for half a second before looking back down. It's tiring playing this whole "I'm happy and nothing's wrong!" facade. It's tiring keeping a smile on my face. Making the same type of jokes as if nothing has happened. Cause something has happened. And I haven't even reacted in the proper, normal way.
"I just wanna know. Cause I've gotta be honest... I'm a little worried about you. Something about you's changed. You seem a little less yourself." I'm sorry, but how the fuck has Rooster, out of everyone I've been around for the past week, noticed but no one else fucking has?
"Nothing is wrong Rooster. And even if there was, why would I talk about it with you? All you do and seem to like doing is piss me off." I finally looked up at him. Annoyance clear on my face.
"I only do that shit because I thought we were both joking around with each other. And I thought we were friends. But I guess I was wrong about that." He looked me dead in the eye then walked out.
I looked back in the mirror and made myself look presentable before going back outside from the toilets.
It's now been 2 months after the funeral. I'm a little gutted that I couldn't be there to say goodbye. But obviously I wouldn't have been allowed to go, I'm on duty still and I hadn't even told anyone about it. Not even Phoenix. And it's gonna stay that way for as long as I can make it.
I was in the changing room having a shower. Luckily, I had made it short cause as I got out of the shower I heard someone come into the changing rooms.
It was Bradshaw. Yet again.
"Alright Y/N, I was going to let you tell someone at your own pace but just tell me now. What has gotten you so upset that you're just acting like a robot? And don't give me any of that bullshit 'nothing's wrong and I'm fine' crap because I won't believe you." After he finished I got right back to getting changed. I didn't even acknowledge his chasing after me when I went into a cubicle for some privacy.
As soon as I had gotten out the cubicle to put my shoes on, Bradshaw was standing right outside.
"For fuck sake Bradshaw! Why won't you just leave me alone about it?" I looked him dead in the eye with nothing short of anger. I've been feeling a lot of that lately. And every single time is because of Bradley fucking Bradshaw.
"Because you're acting like someone's fucking died! You're acting all numb and shit!" As soon as he finished his sentence, I finally broke down. After fuck knows how many months of my body not allowing me to even react in a normal way after finding out my Nana had cancer. I had finally broke down.
I dropped to my knees and curled up in a ball as I leaned against the wall. Tear after tear after tear. I couldn't stop. Even if I wanted to.
I looked up at the ceiling until I felt hands on my arms rubbing up and down on them. I looked down and saw Bradshaw, sat on the ground in front of me looking at me dead in the eyes. Something came over me and I just threw myself at him into a hug. He instantly wrapped his arms around me as he tried his best to comfort me.
He was shushing me like I was a crying baby, which I practically was if I'm being honest, and telling me that it's all gonna be okay and that he's here with me. After about 10 minutes of solid crying, I calmed down and looked up at Bradshaw.
We were close. Like very close. Close enough that I could feel his breath fan over my face and see the little hazel specs in his eyes. and all the scars on his cheeks and neck. I scanned his face as he did the same with mine. Then I realised. We were still in each other's embrace. But neither one of us attempted to pull away.
"Thank you Bradley." I said to him with the first genuine, but small, smile I had done in months. As I looked at him more, I realised how gorgeous he actually was. And how much of my type he was.
"No problem sweetheart." That nickname. That fucking nickname shouldn't have affected me the way it did. It made my whole body feel warm. It made blood rise to my cheeks.
In that moment, I don't know what came over me but I quickly pressed my lips against his. But he froze, at first I thought it was just shock but after a few seconds he was still frozen. I quickly pulled away and pulled myself out of his embrace and stood up.
"Fuck. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I don't know why I even did that. By your reaction you didn't like it either." I started to chuckle nervously. Why the fuck did I do that? I've never liked him, not even in a friend way so why the fuck did I choose to do that? I kept on rambling on and on with myself, saying my thoughts out loud for Rooster to hear.
"Y/N." I ignored him and kept on waffling on with myself.
"Y/N." He said a bit more stern at me. I still ignored him and kept talking.
"Y/N!" That finally got my attention. I looked up at him, on the brink of another few tears coming out of my eyes.
"What?" I looked at him softly and looked for any expression other than one that said 'I don't like you, and I didn't like that kiss either so please leave me alone' because that would just make my day worse.
"You shouldn't be sorry. I've wanted to do that ever since we started Top Gun honey. I was just really shocked that you did it because you've never even hinted you liked me. So... could we do that again?" All I did was nod before connecting our lips again.
Bradley wrapped his arms around my waist as I did the same but behind his neck. The kiss was slow, soft. Just the way I liked it. He began to move his hands and caressed the sides of my body. I slid my hands up his neck into his hair and pulled on it slightly, which earned a slight moan from him.
We both pulled away for air. I looked into his eyes and it felt different with him now. Felt nicer. Comfier. He smiled at me as we both came out of the embrace.
“Do you come over to my house? After work?” I asked him as I dipped down to grab my bag. He nodded with a happy smile.
“Yeah, I’d like that. That’s be great Y/N.” I gave Bradley a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before practically skipping out the changing rooms.
After work, I just wanted to drive home, have a shower and go to sleep. I didn’t have any plans anyway, did I? Just to check I looked at my calendar and had nothing. So I just walked back to my car and started to drive home.
As I got to my door, I rummaged through my bag, found my keys, and unlocked the door. I couldn’t even be arsed to have a shower so I flopped onto my couch and lost it again. I began balling my eyes out and shoved my face into my pillow.
I must’ve forgot to lock the door because I heard the door open and quickly sat up, alert. Not knowing who or what just opened my front door. As soon as I saw Bradley turn round the corner, I tried to wipe my tears away without him seeing.
“You okay honey?” I just nodded my head weakly as he came and sat down next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder as I wrapped my arm around his stomach. He wrapped his around my shoulder and stroked it reassuringly.
“I don’t know why it’s taken me this long to actually react to it.” He looked at me confused with his brows furrowed. Of course he didn’t know, I hadn’t told him and now he probably thinks I’m weird.
“Taken this long for you to react to what?” That’s when the waterworks came back yet again. Why the fuck did they have to start at the slightest mention of my Nana being dead? Gone forever?
“3 months ago my Nana died. I just didn’t react. No crying. No being sad. Nothing. Literally nothing. And then when you said I’m acting like someone died, it flipped a switch. Like it turned my reactions on again. And I- I- I just want her back. I didn’t even get to fucking say goodbye to her Bradley! Imagine that, not being by their side when they’re gone. Let alone being in a whole different fucking country!” I sat up and threw my cushion across the room, angry at myself for not even trying to see her. I guess I didn’t want to. I didn’t want the image of her being up and healthy to go away so I just stayed here. In America.
“Oh honey. It’s not your fault.” I shook my head vigorously. I stood up and looked at his form on the couch.
“But Bradley it is my fault. She had all these plans for me. And when I found out she got cancer, I didn’t even try to go visit her. I didn’t want to. I never made any effort whatsoever.” At that, I dropped to my knees tears coming one after the other.
Bradley was quick to move to hug my and comfort me. “Don’t worry Y/N. I’m here honey. For whatever you need. And it is not your fault. At all. I get why you didn’t want to see her, you didn’t want the image of her being happy and healthy to be replaced by someone that isn’t her but looks like her.” He rubbed my arms then picked me up and sat back on the couch with me on his lap. I tightly hugged him, not wanting to let go in fear of him disappearing.
“Thank you Bradley. Thank you so fucking much. And I’m sorry for being a dick to you.” I apologised profusely as I wiped my tears away and smiled up at him.
He kissed me on my forehead and smiled at me. “Oh honey. It’s alright. And I think I was the dick in this situation. Because all I did was show off to you like a pretentious prick. All because I wanted your attention.” And that’s when it hit me. He wanted my attention.
“W-what?” He chuckled at my confusion.
“I tried to get your attention in every way I could, because the first time I saw you, I just thought ‘wow, she’s fucking gorgeous’ and I couldn’t get you out of my head since.” I looked at him with confusion which then changed to something else that I can’t quite put my finger on.
Instead of replying I just placed my lips on his in a hungry yet soft manner. He quickly reciprocated this and placed his hands on the back of my head to deepen the kiss. After a while it turned into a full blown make out session. Like the ones I used to have back in high school. And probably the same for him.
We both pulled away at the same time, and as I scanned his face, all he did was stare into my eyes with something that looked like love? I don't know, my experience comes from cunts who just wanted a shag so yeah.
"Be my girlfriend." Bradley looked at me with a seriousness I've never seen on his face before. I raised an eyebrow.
"Excuse me?" I gave a questioning look when he shook his head and chuckled to himself.
"I'm sorry- I- I mean, will you be my girlfriend?" He said with the same look in his eyes as before. I pondered on the question until I had my answer.
"Yes, only if you tell and show all them girls that you're now mine." Bradley gave me a cheeky smirk and he lay me down on the couch and placed a chaste kiss on my lips.
"Of course honey. I'd love to do that for you." We both smiled at each other until our lips were connected once again.
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sysmedsaresexist · 9 months
Why should I bother healing? I mean what awaits past the pain and sorrow? Feeling lightly better? I can just chase dopamine till I'll die and still have a good enough life
I feel like I know who this is, we have an unfinished conversation, don't we?? I still have your last reply and the start of my post in my drafts, waiting for me to find words that would help. If it's not you, I hope that user sees this, as well.
Friendo, don't let your current dumb feelings and silly brain get in your way of your future
Extreme positivity ahead
Fuck around on this post and find out
-the kids these days, probably
On a very serious note, I think we've all been there, where it just feels so goddamn pointless and you're so tired. Trauma survives long after the events that caused it, digging its claws into every aspect of your life-- even the parts that seemed unrelated and safe.
I can't give you the best advice because I don't know your full situation-- age, living arrangements, financial situations, education, all of that changes the conversation, but I'm going to try to give you a general bit of hope
Age and time helps
Even mental illness tends to improve with age.
As you get older, the brain naturally settles into a (generally) calmer, happier state. I promise you, with all the sincerity and genuineness in the world, even if you did nothing, in five years you'll still feel better than you do right now.
Yes, even dissociative disorders. (PDF)
Don't be so hard on yourself.
This won't apply to everyone, obviously there is a problem with mental health in aging populations, but... don't think that's the norm, or something to be expected, and you've already taken the biggest step by noting your mental health struggles early on. One of the biggest reasons that there is a problem in seniors is because there was very little early detection, and talking about mental health was seen as taboo. You're halfway there.
And as you experience more happiness and things just feel calmer, making positive changes becomes easier, especially as more opportunities open to you every year. So.
Looking back, I think my biggest mistake was looking at myself as I was, and looking at where I wanted to be-- or, more often, what I thought everyone else was. Happy, composed, financially successful, intelligent, popular.
And good god, I felt lazy. I wasn't chronically fatigued, I was lazy, I convinced myself.
Eventually, I started looking at smaller parts of my life and tried to make tiny, easy improvements, rather than anything big.
And with each tiny improvement, and with each year, I started to feel like it was worth it. And like I deserved to have a life I was happy with, whether that met anyone else's expectations or not.
Look, I don't know what kind of crack my grandmother was on, but I couldn't keep a house like that. She had six kids and a job back in the 60s, and even at nearing 85 she would still get on her hands and knees and wash the floor. That place was always immaculate.
And that's just unrealistic. And unnecessary.
My mother was the polar opposite, and I grew up in a hoarding situation.
When I finally got out on my own, it took a while to figure it out, but I settled somewhere in the middle. The idea of keeping the house as clean as my grandmother made me want to actually off myself. I am not exaggerating. The idea was daunting and terrified me. I would rather lay down and give up than find the energy.
But the closer I got to my mother's situation, the more I hated myself, because look at how gross I was.
Here's the truth:
Fuck. Everyone.
Seriously. I swear to god, one day, a lightbulb is just going to go off, and you'll realize that you never should have cared in the first place what other people thought or expected.
My home is crowded but cozy. I no longer look around feeling overwhelmed and disgusted with myself. I do what I can and I celebrate every little step.
It's my home and I'm happy with it, and that is the only thing that matters.
Life is like my house. Live it only for yourself, and do what you can. Celebrate all of the things you do, regardless how small.
Even if you did nothing, it's still going to get better.
Imagine how much EXTRA better you can make it if you just take it in tiny, tiny steps.
Like exponential growth of better.
Feeling just slightly better today makes tomorrow feel better, and the day after that, and the day after that.
Plus, think of all the (insert animal you love) that'll you'll see.
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hinatastinygiant · 8 months
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9 | The Great Gatsby
Pairing: Daichi x Fem!Reader
Only in Whispers
Peering from behind a small bush on the beach, I watch as Saeko talks to herself. I can't quite catch all the words she says, but I know she's muttering something about her brother. A few moments later, he approaches and groans when he sees her standing nearby.
"What do you want, Saeko?" he sniffles.
"To stick together, Ryu," she says.
"What's the point? Our friends are dead," he whimpers.
"So, what, you're just going to give up and let the killer win?"
"Why not?"
"You're such an idiot, Ryu," she grumbles. "We need to help each other out. We can't continue with this no talking to each other game that we've been playing. It's not safe."
"Saeko, it doesn't matter. There's nothing we can do anymore."
"You're an idiot, Ryu," she shakes her head. "You're not even trying. I thought you said you loved her!"
As the two of them talk, I can't tell what I should be thinking. Do they need to stick together because they both know who killed Kiyoko? Or maybe Saeko did? Or both of them? Just as I'm about to head back inside and tell Daichi what I've heard, something Tanaka says catches my ears.
"I don't understand you, Saeko. Why did you go out partying every night after mom and dad died?" he asks her, tears in his eyes.
"Yeah, well, why did you stop talking to literally anyone who wanted to help you?" she snaps right back at him.
I had heard Noya say something once about how the two of them had a hard time understanding each other's grief and coping mechanisms after their parents died, but I didn't realize it was this bad.
"Because I wanted to be left alone! And no one seemed to understand that! Everyone kept telling me everything would be alright, or that they were there for me, or that it wasn't my fault," he cries. "And the one person who did understand it was out getting drunk every other night!"
"That's not fair," Saeko frowns, shaking her head.
"Well, it's true. So, go ahead and say what you came here to say. Go ahead and make fun of me for chasing some girl who might've ended up killing herself," he sighs, looking away from her.
"Ryu, I don't care about that anymore," she tells him. "All I care about is making it through the night. We have to stick together. Don't you understand that?"
"Of course, I do. I'm not an idiot."
"Then say we'll stick together," Saeko sighs. "I swear, I have nothing to do with it."
"Neither do I, Saeko," Tanaka agrees. "And neither does Noya. And, no, it's not Yamamoto either."
While the two of them make up, I turn and attempt to sneak away. However, Saeko hears me and calls out, "Who's there? Stop where you are!"
"Shit," I sigh, walking over to the two of them. "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop."
"Really? 'Cause that's exactly what you were doing," Saeko replies, crossing her arms. "Ryu, let's bring him inside."
"Wait, no," I protest.
"Shut up and do what she says, Asahi," Tanaka tells me, grabbing my wrist and tugging me back inside the house.
"Okay, fine, but I really didn't mean to get into your business! I promise, I'm not the killer," I beg.
Neither of them answers me until we get inside where a bunch of the others are standing around all drunk. "Where's Daichi?" Saeko asks Suna.
Atsumu, who is being comforted by Kuroo, huffs, "We don't need him."
"I'd rather he know I'm not the killer," I groan.
"Yeah, well why else would you be spying on people?" Saeko grumbles, causing Noya to look at me with a confused expression.
"What's going on?"
"Don't worry, Noya. It's all good," Tanaka smiles.
"He was listening in on our conversation outside," Saeko says.
"Come on guys. Asahi is our friend. You know he wouldn't do that," Noya says looking a bit nervous as he speaks. And I can't manage to hold eye contact with him past the second sentence. Instead, I glance over to the side where I notice Hinata and Kageyama walk in, glance at the group, then turn around and walk back out of the room.
"I don't want to be in there with them," I tell Kageyama. "No way."
"Me neither. I don't want to deal with that drama," he replies, shaking his head.
Just then, Y/N and Daichi rush past us, going to join the group we just walked away from. It's strange, I didn't know they were that close. In fact, I didn't even know they knew each other before this whole Kiyoko situation. "When did the two of them become friends?" I ask Kageyama.
"No idea," he answers. "What is Y/N's job? Maybe they're both cops?"
"No," I shake my head. "I'm pretty sure she owns her own business."
"What kind of business?" Kageyama hums, scratching his head.
The two of us look at each other, but before I can give him an answer, Yamaguchi approaches us. He looks as though he hasn't slept in a week. "Are you o-" I begin, before he cuts me off.
"I need to talk to you. Now!" he says, grabbing me by my hand and pulling me over to the stairs. "Come on, Kageyama, you too."
Kageyama follows behind us, and Yamaguchi leads us up to my room.
Y/N'S P.O.V.
"All right everyone," Daichi addresses the group after they fill us in on what's been going on. "Go back to your room and get some rest. Y/N and I will solve this, I can assure you."
"Why Y/N?" Sakusa's voice then rings out. "Why aren't you working with Semi?"
"Where even is Semi?" Oikawa chimes in.
"Does that answer your question?" you sigh. "I'm here because Kiyoko was my closest friend. I want to figure out who did this to her!"
"Yeah, that's not what I was asking," Sakusa rolls his eyes.
"You don't have to be so rude, dude," Kuroo tells him, glaring at the man.
"Now that I think of it," Oikawa continues, "We're missing a lot of people..."
"Maybe we should take a headcount?" Yachi suggests.
"I'll do it," Daichi nods his head. "Nobody move."
Only in Whispers
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noxexistant · 1 year
OKAY. I will start with rehearsal shenanigans because there have been very many, and I want the world to know how chaotic and wonderful my cast is.
So I'm playing a Race who utterly resents Davey for the whole first act of the show, which has translated into a running joke where I, acting as Race, will deadpan snark Davey's actress at any given opportunity. My favorite moment of this so far was last week when we were running Seize the Day and she tried to throw an arm over my shoulder, at which point I shoved her off and glared. It took a moment before she goes "NO this is Act One! Nooooo :( " Earlier in rehearsals she was chilling on the ground and asked me to help her up when blocking started again. I crouched down like I was going to, then said "No. Suffer." and walked away, (It's all good fun, she and I are good friends!).
Scab 3's line has been changed so she says "heck" instead of "hell." The change for this was quite dramatic, since she had already learned her line and she was SO excited to swear onstage xD The director apologized and told her "we don't want to upset any grandmas in the audience." Scab 3 replies to this with "But /my/ grandma won't care!" Just so devastated xD
Less of a problem now, but in Act One Jack kept saying everyone else's lines but forgetting his own, which caused a lot of confusion and a lot of teasing.
Finch's actress had trouble getting the timing for "HEY What's the hold up?" In Carrying the Banner for the first half of rehearsal and when she finally got it right she screamed the line so loudly that she scared Splasher's actress and made her jump a good foot to the side.
Speaking of CtB, Elmer manages to hurt himself every time we run that song. The kid has so much energy and the blocking has him flinging himself down on the "And DEAD" line and he commits too hard xD
Also in CtB I managed to smack Jack in the face during one of our first runs of the dance and we both started laughing so hard we couldn't finish the song ^^'' CtB is dangerous in our show xD
Splasher as a character is selectively mute and goes nonverbal in high stress situations. Splasher's actress, meanwhile, is the one who gets us yelled at for talking when the director/music director/choreographer are trying to give us instructions. I look forward to seeing if she can really stay quiet during the show ^^'' (I love her dearly, but she's got a motormouth)
One guy is double cast as Morris and Spot. His quick change time is *insane* and we all have to make a path backstage as he books it to his spot for Brooklyn's Here.
Also Race abandons Crutchie to Snyder at the end of Act 1 :3 We told his mom (who is play Jacobi) about that and her response was "People will have FEELINGS about that." kind of warning, but we were just like "Yes. That is the point. >:3" She's one of the only people who actually knows though - Crutchie's actor and I have been planning in secret. We even had a private powwow behind the theatre to finalize things last week and we both glared when a parent came around the back. She very slowly backed away xD
Whenever Finch's actress is asked why her character's nickname is Finch she spouts the most disturbing, concerning story she can think of. It is never the same story twice. We have now incorporated that into her character so her morbid weirdness is now canon to our Finch.
Also Pulitzer (stage) punched Jack in the face a good eight times at rehearsal last week, so that was fun ^^
And I think that's a good spot to end! There's lots more, and of course a ton of lore (I haven't even mentioned Tommy Boy or the Tommy Boy Defense Squad) but it is late and I'm gonna go to bed~
!!! oh this is so detailed i am so excited
first off: LOVE race n davey having a complicated dynamic marked by race’s resentment. he’s so biting and mean to davey in uksies and it’s fantastic, and the fake-out with the helping up is SUCH a race move. i can just picture davey grumbling as he clambers up by himself, race walking away all the while.
scab 3 is so valid! (#letscab3sayhell) but honestly i think i like the line as “what the heck” even better - it sounds more childish, and they are just kids!
finch scaring splasher is SO cute (and something to be more expected of someone like albert). elmer getting so excited he injures himself, however, is deeply on-brand - as is race hitting jack in the face and then laughing about it. that’s real brother vibes right there
!!! selectively mute splasher my beloved!! that’s such a good idea, and the actress struggling because she talks a lot is so sweet 😭 i have full faith in her pulling it off! channel the splasher! (imagine finch is gonna come scare her again if she talks)
a morris/spot double cast is WILD, i love it - the gap between him n oscar dragging jack to the basement and then brooklyn’s here is so slim!! that is a QUICK change. incredibly funny to imagine being mowed down in a hallway by morris delancey changing into spot conlon for a song though
also crutchie’s mum was RIGHT, i have MANY FEELINGS about race abandoning crutchie
lying about the origins of the nickname does feel very finch. i can see him straight-facing “oh, i ate a bird. i’unno if it was really a finch, though.”
thank you so much for sharing all these details!!! i love hearing about stuff like this, everyone’s lil things they add to characters is so so fun. and just the general chaos of theatre
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soggypotatoes · 4 months
hey ed, it's Pigeon :)
my deepest condolences about the phone. I'm so sorry the world got the best of you in that moment. I'm still really proud of you for taking care of that phone for almost two years :) that's impressive :)
I'm here if you need to hear anything from me--just reply to this and I'll see it, I always do :)
some nice, comforting things you can do for yourself (these are all optional I swear, but sometimes it's nice to have a list on hand when we're not as good at remembering this stuff :) - make tea - wrap yourself in a blanket - breathe - look at the fool on your arm :) - count to your favorite number (what is your favorite number?)
I also wanted to say that the art you made about being the patron saint of desire paths--it spoke to me and it's so lovely, ed :) you have a creative spirit, clearly :)
hi pigeon!! I love hearing from you 🥰
thank you.. when you say that it does sound like a long time, for me anyway! Ive been soso careful. it's just frustrating. but it ended up working out well and I have a much more secure phone and case now!
thank you so much for the list 😭😭😭 you're so lovely.. I genuinely just can't think of what I'm meant to do in the moment, but I'll look back at this list and try it out when I need it!! I have a lot of favourite numbers, but I really like 11. it's so defiant, like, no you can't divide me lol. it looks like two guys standing there guarding something or refusing to move. it's also a bit awkward, a bit unloved (nobody does things by 11s), and it's really easy to tell when something is divisible by it. I also really like anything divisible by 3 - 9 is such a good number cause it's 3x3 lol. things divisible by 9 are even better!!! do you have a favourite number?
and thank you!! it was a lovely thing to think about.. I think everyone should take time to think about things like that. do you know what you'd be the patron saint of? you don't have to answer, it's just nice to think about how people would invoke you and what for!
here's a pic of my kitten (mishap) on the balcony, ignore the suffering plant:
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heartofspells · 1 year
tell me about burn the straw house down!!!
ONE DAY, I will make progress on this one, I swear I will. I've talked about it so much and done nothing with it.
Burn the Straw House Down has been gathering dust, untouched, for roughly...ten years now, but I keep it on the list because I love the entire idea far too much to let it go. There's so much world building in it that it's a bit dizzying.
The basic premise is essentially a world where Voldemort won the war, except there's no Voldemort and the changes to the wizarding world happened roughly a century earlier. Things are pretty well set in stone. There are no more purebloods, half-bloods, Muggleborns, Squibs, or Muggles. Now they're referred to as the Pures, the Halfs, the Scum, the In-Betweens, and the Forgettables. The Pures are the royalty of the wizarding world while everyone else is expected to fall at their feet, but there's a resistance in the works, beginning to fight back against the way of the world, attempting to change things back to how they once were.
Sirius is very much himself as we mostly know him, except he doesn't know much different or that he's even really meant to look for it. He's bored, meant to be learning how to run the family, but he prefers watching life happen around him, fascinated by the Lowers and all that they do, trying to understand them. Enter Remus, the disrespectful man who caused a scene in Diagon Alley with the Black family one afternoon and has now been charged with living at Grimmauld Place and working for the family until his debt of embarrassment has been cleared. He begins to open Sirius' eyes as Sirius realizes that maybe Remus being there isn't as much of an accident as he'd once thought.
As if by some unknown cue, Remus asks, "Was there something you required, Master?"
Sirius tenses at the epithet and waves Remus off. "Don't call me master."
"Yes, sir," replies Remus flatly.
"Don't call me that either," Sirius fairly snaps.
Remus raises his eyebrows questioningly, but there are no other changes to his still blank expression. "And what, exactly, would you have me call you?'"
"My name," says Sirius, slightly demurer.
Remus turns away and begins to arrange the baubles on a nearby shelf. "As you wish, Sirius." His tone is mocking now, and Sirius can barely stand it. "Was there something you required of me?"
"Yes, I – " Sirius stops, no longer willing to ask his question. "I only wondered if your quarters were acceptable."
Remus stops what he's doing and turns to Sirius, his expression no longer blank but full of mocking contempt. "As though you would so readily do something if it wasn't?"
"Of course I would!" snaps Sirius as he leaps from the chair and advances on Remus.
"Oh yes, of course," scoffs Remus. "You have everything in the world, you're fucking royalty, but all you care about is that I have a decent bed to sleep in. How silly of me for not realizing." He smirks as he turns his back to Sirius.
Sirius grabs his arm and jerks him back around. "I know what you think of me, but you're wrong," he growls in the other man's face, grip tightening with every word. "I'm not like them. Why the fuck else would I ask if I didn't care? And since you seem to be so good at realizing things, let's see if you've realized this." Sirius pulls him closer, so close that their noses are almost touching. "The only reason you're here is because Mother and Father like bringing humiliation down upon others' heads. House elves tend not to understand the concept, unless it comes in the form of freedom. But I don't see that as any reason you or anyone else should be treated like anything less than the human being you are. So, are your quarters acceptable or are they not?"
Sirius studies Remus' expression, which has changed into something akin to muted surprise. So softly that Sirius would not have heard him were he not standing so close, Remus says, "Yes, my quarters are acceptable. Thank you."
Send me an ask about a WIP!
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dlea203 · 2 years
5 years - Hannix AU
A/N: Hey there :)
I know I've been MIA for over a month regarding this story... I'm terribly sorry and the only (lame) explanation there is, is: real life :( Uni has started back up and I'm still figuring that out, plus I've had a massive writer's block... not very funny, but I'm certain that I don't have to tell you that ;)
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and everyone out there who's taken the time to read chapter one and has left a like or a comment. Keep those comments coming and don't hesitate to reblog and tell me if you have requests regarding this story or if you want me to write something else for our lovely Hannix couple.
Here's chapter two!
Taglist: @sweetwhispersofchaos
Warnings: fluff (lots of that :)) and angst
Previous chapter / Next chapter
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Chapter Two
“How… but… I don’t understand. We were told you crashed”, Rooster stammered, running a hand through his hair.
Natasha still didn’t dare to move. All her prayers had just come true, but she couldn’t quite believe it. She feared that her mind might be playing tricks on her and that he wasn’t really there.
“I did crash”, Jake answered half-heartedly.
He didn’t really want to offer any explanations right now. It was a long story, a very long story, that required quite some liquid courage to bear telling it.
“But… How is it possible that you’re alive? They told us that there’s no chance...”
“It’s a long story, Bradshaw.”
He wanted to turn to Natasha and ask her whether she’d mind if he gave her a hug, because he craved to touch her, but he was cut off by another familiar voice.
“Delilah, Ally, stop! Careful, there’s shards everywhere!”
Two identical little girls came into view behind Rooster. Both girls had brown hair and wore matching outfits. They giggled, one tugged on Rooster’s sleeve and the other on Natasha’s dress but they turned silent the minute they laid eyes on Jake. The one next to Natasha cocked her head to the side and eyed him closely. The other one was shyer, seeking cover behind Rooster’s legs.
“I swear to God, one day you’re gonna give me a heart attack fr-… Oh!”
Shannon stumbled backwards and grabbed a hold of the wall next to her. Her face showed the very definition of shock.
“Jake?! What on earth are you doing here?!”
“I’m coming home. Well, I’m trying to, but somehow I’m not getting much further than the front porch”, he weakly tried to joke.
But Shannon’s face broke into a smile. It really was him; she recognized his humor immediately. She carefully squeezed past Rooster and Natasha and reached out.
“Can I give you a hug?”
Jake smiled happily and wrapped his arms around her.
“It’s good to see you, Shannon”, he whispered into her hair.
“So, God has received my prayers after all”, she murmured and softly stroked his back before pulling away.
“I assume, those two troublemakers are the twins”, he commented and pointed at the little girls.
“Yeah. The one hiding behind Bradley is Ally and this little rascal is Delilah”, Shannon answered and picked Delilah up.
Jake grinned at her and gently stroked her cheek with his index finger.
“Last time I saw them was on an ultrasound picture.”
Shannon nodded and bumped Delilah’s nose with her own.
“They’ve grown quite a bit since then. Causing trouble wherever they go and making their parents go insane. But we wouldn’t want to have it any other way.”
Jake nodded and switched his gaze over to the rest in the hallway. None of them had moved, they were simply observing the situation. And since Natasha still seemed a bit overwhelmed by everything, he decided to finally introduce himself to the blonde woman next to her.
“I think we haven’t met before. I’m Jake”, he began and offered his hand.
“Sandy Rollins”, she replied and shook his hand.
Jake was glad that she didn’t push for who exactly he was. He’d need a lot more than a few beers to explain everything and he really didn’t feel like doing that now. 
“Are you a San Diego native, Sandy?”, he asked instead, as casually as possible.
“No”, she laughed and shook her head, “I was born in Nashville, but we moved a lot while I grew up. My dad worked for a company with many international locations. So basically, the world is my home. Makes doing my job a lot easier.”
“And what’s your job, if I’m allowed to ask?”
“I’m a flight attendant.”
“Yeah, I figured. Gotta somehow be involved with flying if you’re friends with this group of people.”
He motioned to Rooster and Natasha, smiling kindly.
“That’s true. Met my husband Bob that way.”
Jake did a double take on that.
“You’re Bob’s wife? Bob as in Robert Floyd?”
Sandy nodded.
“How long have you been married?”
“Three years as of a week ago. Happiest three years of my life”, Sandy beamed and showed him her golden wedding band.
“Wow, congratulations, I guess… I mean, technically I’m three years late but…”
“Oh, thank you and don’t worry about it. It’s not like we made a big deal out of it. Anyway, you should come in and say hello to the others. The guys just about fired up the grill. Come on.”
Sandy gently pulled him through the door and closed it behind him. That seemed to snap Natasha out of her trance, because she suddenly spun on her heel and headed for the laundry room down the hall. Jake all but wanted to follow her, but he wasn’t sure whether she’d want that, so he let Sandy drag him into the living room instead.
“Holy shit!” (Payback)
“Good Lord?!” (Jessica)
“What the hell?!” (Fanboy)
“Hangman?! Is that you?!” (Bob)
Payback, Fanboy, Jessica and Bob looked like they’d seen a ghost. They stood frozen in place and stared at him, speechless.
“Hi guys. Missed you too”, Jake laughed.
“This is a joke, right?”
Jake’s smile widened as he saw who’d just entered the living room through the patio door.
“Tell me that this isn’t real. That I’m making this up. That that’s not my best friend standing there in the living room”, Coyote rambled as he slowly stepped closer.
“Missed you, wingman”, Jake said and fought back the tears burning in his eyes.
“Where the hell have you been?!”, Coyote exclaimed and pushed at Jake’s chest before wrapping his arms tightly around him.
The rest of the dagger squad and their significant others watched with tears in their eyes and dopey smiles on their faces how the two best friends hugged each other tight.
“It’s been five years man”, Coyote stated as he pulled away.
“I know.”
“Five years of believing that you died over there. What the hell happened?”
“It’s a…”, Jake cut himself off when he saw Liz entering the house through the patio door.
Her expression changed from confusion and shock to a wide smile within record time before she turned back to the door and shouted into the garden: “Lynn, there’s someone here for you!”
Jake’s heart did a somersault. But he didn’t have time to panic. Footsteps and laughter sounded from the patio stairs, nearing quickly. When Liz stepped aside a blond little girl came into view, dashing into the living room. She came to a stop beside Liz and looked at her expectantly.
“Who is it?”
Liz pointed in Jake’s direction, still smiling from ear to ear. The little girl turned her head and looked straight at Jake. Green eyes on green eyes, for the first time since five years.
Jake’s jaw dropped, tears collecting in his eyes once again. His heart sped up and threatened to jump out of his chest. His fingers ached to reach out to touch her, just like they had when he’d wanted to touch her mother minutes before. She’d grown since he’d last seen her, grown into the most beautiful little girl he’d ever laid eyes on. 
His little girl. 
50% of the reason he’d fought for his life every day for the past five years. The other 50% had just disappeared down the hallway.
Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. Did his little girl know who he was? What had Natasha told her about him? Did she even tell her about him? His heart sank at the possibility, that he was a stranger to his own daughter. But he would never blame Natasha for not telling Lynn about him. He knew that all she ever wanted was to protect their daughter, hell, he himself wanted nothing else. It would break his heart, but he’d never blame Natasha for keeping Lynn safe from any pain. Even if that meant he’d have to take small steps with his baby girl. When he wanted nothing more than to wrap her in his arms and never let go again…
“Daddy?”, she asked, confusion written across her face.
His heart skipped a beat. She did know. All his worries were lifted off his shoulders and were replaced by pure happiness and relief.
“Hi princess”, he breathed out, falling to his knees, a tear slipping down his left cheek.
A wide smile replaced the confused expression on her face, but she looked at Liz once more, insecurely twisting the hem of her dress.
“Don’t you wanna give your daddy a hug?”, Liz asked softly, running a hand over her head.
At that, Lynn took off, running into his waiting arms, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and burying her face there too. Jake caught her and stood up, swinging her around, inhaling the scent of her shampoo.
God, had he missed his little princess.
The others felt their hearts swell at the scene in front of them. Payback wrapped an arm around his wife’s shoulders, shaking his head at what he saw. Shannon leaned into him, gently squeezing Delilah’s shoulder, who stood in front of her, holding her twin sister’s hand. Coyote walked over to his wife and wrapped his arms around her from behind. Liz leaned back into his chest, smiling fondly. Bob had his left arm wrapped around Sandy’s waist and shared a happy smile with her. Fanboy and Jessica stood behind the kitchen island, watching with wide smiles on their faces. Jessica even wiped away a few tears. Rooster leaned against the bookshelf behind Jake, squeezing Emma against his side, kissing her temple.
The rest of the kids had all gathered at the patio door, observing the scene. Hailey, Jaylen, and Sam smiled; they were the only ones of the kids who had an idea of what was going on. Hailey held three-year-old Sophie Carolin Bradshaw on her hip, smiling at the confusion on her face. Sophie had no idea what was happening since she didn’t even know who Jake was. Same goes for two-year-old Cara Alicia Garcia, who was standing in between Marco and Enrique, holding hands with each of her brothers. Nick was a tiny bit confused about his best friend hugging a stranger, because they were repeatedly told by their parents to not engage with strangers unless mom and dad are doing so too. But he figured that it was okay since his parents stood right next to Lynn and the stranger. Nick glanced around the room. His uncles and aunts were all smiling and grinning, pure happiness radiating off them. When his gaze landed on his auntie Nat though, he frowned. She looked upset but no one seemed to notice. But Nick chose to keep quiet. He was sure that someone would explain eventually…
Natasha stood in the hallway between the front door and the living room, trying in vain to wipe away her tears as she watched her two favorite humans being reunited. After five very long years, her heart was whole again, beating rapidly beneath her ribcage.
When Lynn noticed her, she smiled brightly at her mother.
“Mommy, look who is here!”, she exclaimed.
A sob escaped Natasha’s mouth as she smiled back at her daughter and nodded.
Jake gently placed Lynn on his left hip and held out his right hand, smiling happily at his wife. Lynn reached out with her left arm.
“Come give daddy a hug, mommy”, she pleaded.
Natasha didn’t hesitate another moment. She crossed the living room and took Jake’s hand, letting him pull her into his chest. She wrapped her arms around her husband and daughter, holding on as if for dear life. Jake pressed a kiss to the crown of her head, inhaling the scent of her shampoo, reveling in the fact that he had his girls back in his arms.
Natasha buried her face in his chest, listening to his heartbeat, shamelessly letting the tears fall. She was soaking his shirt, but neither one of them could care less. Nothing mattered today, not even her pride or principles. He was breathing and his heart was beating. He was alive and home. That’s all that mattered.
“Why are you crying mommy?”, Lynn asked, worried.
Natasha raised her head and wiped away some of the tears, but fresh ones followed immediately.
“Why are you sad?”
“I’m not sad, baby. These are happy tears”, Natasha assured her and gently caressed her daughter’s cheek.
But Lynn frowned, not fully convinced yet.
“I’m so happy, baby, I swear. I’m so happy that daddy is home.”
Natasha looked up at Jake, beaming. Jake’s heart skipped another beat. Slowly, he leaned forward and finally captured her lips in a kiss. And that was the moment when their whole world shifted back into place. As if someone had collected all the pieces of a broken vase and put them back together correctly.Finally, everything was the way it always was supposed to be.
Thanksgiving, 4 years ago…
Her phone rang, but Natasha tried to ignore it. It was just past nine o’clock in the morning and she lay in her bed, gently rubbing her left hand across Lynn’s stomach. Lynn lay beside her, sleeping peacefully, clutching her fluffy white sheep tightly in her hands.
Lynn hadn’t been able to find sleep for quite some time last night. Natasha had tried every trick she knew, but nothing had worked. Eventually, she’d put her down in her bed, holding her tight to her chest. Around midnight they’d both finally fallen asleep.
The ringing of her phone didn’t stop and when Lynn started to stir, Natasha grabbed it and accepted the call.
“Nat, sweetheart?”, Emma asked on the other end.
“Why for God’s sake are you calling me at nine o’clock on Thanksgiving?”, Natasha snapped and regretted it immediately.
She wasn’t mad at Emma, and it was unfair to treat her like this, but today wasn’t a good day. Today marked one year. One year without him…
But Emma didn’t act on Natasha’s harsh tone, just sighing softly. She knew better than anyone else what her friend had gone through this past year, spending countless nights on the phone with her. Listening to Natasha crying, because she refused to cry when they were physically hanging out. Always putting up a brave face, arguing that Lynn needed her on the top of her game.
“I’m calling, because I know that you’re not up yet and I want to make sure you leave the bed.”
“I can’t”, Natasha whispered, her eyes welling up with tears.
“Honey, I know today is a tough day, but you gotta get up. You can’t stay in bed all day. Jake wouldn’t want that.”
“He has no say anymore!”
Emma sighed.
“Do I have to get up there and drag you out of bed?”
Natasha frowned.
“I’m on your front porch. Bradley is running to the store with Nick to buy breakfast. Can you come down and let me in? I’ll help you with Lynn.”
Natasha stared at her engagement ring and her wedding band, considering her next move carefully. She definitely wasn’t dressed for company and not really up for facing her friend anyway, but she knew Emma. She’d use the spare key if Natasha didn’t do what she asked her to.
“Give me two minutes.”
Emma turned around at the sound of the front door opening. Natasha looked awfully tired, dark circles under her eyes and a messy bun were treacherous signs of her horrible condition these days. She wore one of Jake’s old t-shirts and grey sweatpants.
“Hi”, she weakly offered and stepped aside.
Emma pressed her lips together and walked past her into the house. Natasha softly closed the door and followed Emma into the kitchen. Natasha sat on one of the barstools, slumped over the counter, burying her face in her hands.          Emma just got the coffee brewing when she heard a quiet sob from the kitchen island. She spun around and walked up to her friend, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek, and pulling her into her arms. Natasha kept her face hidden in her hands, but she leaned into Emma’s embrace.
“I’m sorry”, Natasha choked out, her words muffled by her hands.
“Oh Nat… You’re so strong all the time, sweetheart. It’s okay to let go from time to time. Especially today. Don’t ever apologize for struggling with the hell you have to go through.”
Natasha hiccupped and winced.
“But it’s been one year…”
“Dear”, Emma sighed, gently grabbed Natasha’s wrists, and made her look up.
“It doesn’t matter how long it’s been. Losing your better half is never easy and it will never be easy. Whether it’s been a year, three years, or ten years, it always hurts. The pain will always be there, it just fades. You learn to live with it.”
“What if I don’t?”
“You will. You know why?”
Natasha shook her head.
“Because you’ve got us. Shannon, Jessica, Liz, and me for starters. Bradley and the guys, Mav and Penny… You’ve got half a football team!”
Natasha snorted and Emma chuckled.
“We’re all here for you, whether you like it or not. And we’re going to help you get through this. You’re not alone. And remember, we have lost him too.”
Natasha nodded and watched Emma pour coffee into two mugs. She put one in front of Natasha and sat down next to her. It was quiet for a few minutes, both of them lost in their thoughts. Emma was the first to break the silence.
“Sometimes, when Nick finally sleeps, Bradley and I talk about him. About, what he’s done for us and what he meant to us…”
Natasha took a sip from her mug and listened attentively.
“Bradley always laughs at how much their relationship has changed. From hating each other to accepting each other to genuine friendship. And all of that over the course of a year… Bradley sometimes can’t believe it, but he’s glad that they got it together. I think all of us are.”
They chuckled.
“He misses him, more than he likes to admit. He tries to hide it, but I know where he goes when he heads out alone. I don’t mistrust my husband, but I followed him once. He spent an hour at Jake’s grave, talking to him, telling him about our life, about you and Lynn. He’d even bought some fresh flowers… He does that every once in a while. I think, it’s like therapy for him. Jake’s death hit him harder than he expected, so I’m glad he’s found a way to cope with it. Then, at least one of us does…”
Emma swallowed hard and looked at Natasha, tears glistening in her eyes.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t say that. I shouldn’t struggle as much as I do, Jake’s not my husband after all.”
Natasha laid her hand on Emma’s arm.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to hold back because of me. Like you said, I’m not the only one who’s lost him.”
They spent a few more minutes in silence, emptying their mugs. Emma rinsed them while Natasha walked up to her room, gently waking Lynn up.
“Baby, it’s time to wake up”, she said softly while gently ruffling Lynn’s hair.
Lynn stirred and looked at her mother with sleepy eyes.
“Come on, Aunt Emma is here for breakfast. Uncle Bradley and Nick are coming too. Let’s get dressed, okay?”
Lynn nodded and let her mother dress her without fussing. When Lynn was ready, Natasha carried her down into the living room, where Emma was absentmindedly flipping through the pages of a magazine. At the sound of footsteps on the stairs, she looked up and her face lit up, when she saw Lynn.
“Hey Lynn, how are you, sweetie?”
Lynn smiled at Emma, reaching for her. Emma took her from Natasha, bouncing her up and down on her hip.
“I’ve got her, go get dressed.”
Natasha nodded and returned to her room. She picked out a comfortable sweater and her favorite pair of jeans. After a quick glance into the mirror, she opened her drawer and took out her jewelry box. Natasha didn’t own much jewelry, but she was very proud of every piece in that box. Carefully, she took out the white gold earrings her parents had given her when she’d graduated from high school and put them on. Then, her gaze fell on a silver bracelet, partly hidden beneath a set of rings and necklaces. She sucked in a breath and took it out, holding it in front of her. A small Eiffel tower dangled from the chain, alongside a heart with a tiny violet precious stone and a feather. Jake had given it to her for their first Christmas as husband and wife, alongside two plane tickets to Paris. They’d had a week off, thanks to a friend of Jake, who worked in administration. It has been one of her most beautiful holidays to this day.
After hesitating for a few moments, she put it around her right wrist, brushing the Eiffel tower with her index finger. Then, she stowed the box away in her drawer and returned downstairs, joining Emma, Lynn, Bradley and Nick at the table. 
They fell into an easy conversation, making plans for an afternoon walk and a coffee date at their favorite coffee shop in town. Midway through breakfast, Penny had called Bradley, inviting all of them to dinner at her and Maverick’s. Natasha wanted to decline but Penny insisted she come.
And when she sat at Penny’s table in the evening and saw the happy faces around her, her lips curved up into a small smile. She thought she could never enjoy thanksgiving again, but her friends let her forget for the moment that he was no longer among them. And for that she was infinitely grateful.
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tekatonic · 1 year
2023 blog update !
Sooo happy new year everyone, and let's get into the thick of it, because I have a lot of words to spew out from my little tired brain ( i swear i started writing this at 4am, how's it past 6 already ? ). Beware long post...
I'm ditching the "sonic fandom" categorizing tag, most of my blog is sonic stuff so it doesn't really matter ( i'll change out the old tag on my old posts later when i remember... )
I wanted to change my url, cause i don't like what it stands for now, but it's what I'm credited as in the SWA zine and i don't wanna inconvenience them this late in the thing, so I'm gonna keep it for the time being. Maybe in a few months I'll change it ?
I kinda hate tagging my posts so i think i'm gonna stop using most of my tags when i'm reblogging, just doing my regular comments instead and content warnings if it needs it ( don't forget you can always ask to tag ! ), and of course, the reblog tag stays.
This doesn't mean I'm ditching the categorizing tags entirely though. I'm gonna try something. At every end of the month I'll go into the mass post editor and just correctly tag everything. ( I might still tag characters and fandoms the regular way for non-sonic stuff ).
I might reblog a little less. Or at least try to. The amount of stuff I usually reblog kind of overwhelms me ( sideblog will not be affected as it's a lot less pressure ).
I have a lot saved up in my likes tab that i still need to get to reblogging... might be time to revive the 'queued' tag ?
I'm still gonna be serial-replying, sorry... It's just less stress for me.
In terms of resolutions... I wanna post more art ! I basically stopped entirely in the later half of 2022 cause of ID anxiety and that's no good, art is what i made this blog for ! I also still haven't introduced you guys to my AU and I was supposed to do that in, like, June 2022... So I'm gonna do that. Lemme know what format you think I should post the 24 ( and more ) images in ? ^^;
Maybe I could post my long rambles and weird ""essays"" ( heavy quotations because those are basically liveblogging of my current thoughts ), if you guys would like to see that. A lot of questioning logic, lore, headcanons and theories. Stuff like that.
I want to interact more with the fandom ! Provide actual content ! Be active, be friends, y'know. Do the club activities and all that jazz. Art challenges, redraws, collabs, whiteboards, dtiys... I wanna be part of the cool/uncool kids and have fun while doing it !
I'm gonna go through sideblog-exclusive stuff below the cut since I'm sure most of y'all don't care about that. I only have 3 or 4 followers on there since I've only ever shared it with friends, so you probably don't even know it exists.
Alright so for ekana-to-hana.
It's basically gonna stay the same
I haven't been drawing my sonas and their universe a lot, so sorry about no new original art... I'm gonna try to draw them more !
All this time I've been just reblogging random stuff, but I think I'm gonna start sharing the things I like. Of course those posts won't get any more than 3 notes unless people actually like what i care about ( plants, fashion, ultra-specific aesthetics, various potential craft hobbies ), but hey whatever.
So in short, more original posts.
I might ( emphasis on 'might' ) start posting personal life updates like, i dunno, plant pics, merch if i get some, ramblings about life and shit.
Unlike my main blog, tagging remains unchanged, since i have way less to organize ( no characters and fandom tags ).
I should sort out my organizing tags for personal clarity tho.
Maybe I'll do some OC+fandom art, to promote the account ? But honestly I wouldn't really count on it.
And that's all folks.
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