#I think I need a rabies shot
qpjianghu · 11 months
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Fang Duobing: ........I think something LGBTQ just happened
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who-even-knows-0-0 · 6 months
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booitsbeloved · 4 months
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giggly-argent · 5 months
What kinda mf is up at 3 am thirsting over Freaky💦 Guys 🙄 pics/gifs under cut bc they gave babygirl a Bigass Hole in his chest/back but hes still cute tho ♡
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like does that back part not hurt...
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Anyway . Oddly specific goose kinks volume 92: fucked up dead eyed god complex religious fanatics 😌 smth about the way they draw his slutty ass waist makes me wanna li ke. Fucking Claw a
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lesbianbatlucille · 1 year
Two episodes away from seeing Negan and I’m so excited bro I’m so excited. I’ve been waiting for him all this time
YES‼️‼️ praying ur experience is just as chaotic and enjoyable as mine was 🙏🙏
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lowlight-moth · 21 days
boyfriend retrieved. thank god.
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seldomsee · 11 months
Feral kitten is coming around to me 🧡🧡💕🧡💖💕🧡💕💖
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obesecamels · 2 years
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flamingbluepanda · 1 year
How to Camp for Beginners
Hello! Tis I, your local boy scout/girl scout/avid gay camper, here to give some top notch Advice™️ about camping! The season is nearly upon us and the woods are a callin' so let's get out there and be safe kiddos!
Before you Go!
Make sure you find a campsite you like and that fits your comfort level! There's ZERO shame in picking a place with cabins, public restrooms, showers, heated pools, hot tubs- whatever your looking for!
Once you pick your campsite, make sure you know the area around it- especially if camping somewhere your unfamiliar with! Example questions to make sure you know: Where's the local hospital? Where's the closest grocery store? Gas station? Are there rangers at your campsite and how do you get in contact with them? Does your campsite provide anything at all as a courtesy?
Also make sure you know the wilderness around you and prep accordingly -- if your camping in a site with bears during their non hibernating months, make sure you bring bear safe trash recepitecals if your campsite doesny provide them
Bring people with you. People you know and trust. Seriously, the buddy system saves lives. Do NOT camp alone unless you are an EXPERT and know the area EXCRUCIATINGLY well. This is also not the place to go with your new romantic partner/friend/friend or partners family -- some people are very good at pretending to be safe and getting you alone in the woods is when they stop pretending.
Pack layers. Make sure you bring at least one set of sweatpants and hoodie, bonus points if their insulated. It gets very cold at night in most wilderness locations, even in the summer.!
Bring at least one set of waterproof clothes, including rain boots and a waterproof coat.
Pack however many sets of underwear and socks you think you need to bring, then pack more. Bring an overwhelming number of socks
Bring good sneakers that are broken in but not worn out
Flashlight with extra batteries and a portable battery cube, fully charged
Make sure you have sunscreen and bugspray, your skin will thank yoi
While packing food, make sure you bring things that will last the trip in an insulated bag or cooler. Don't buy your ice until your close to your camp. Some campsites will even offer bags of ice at the ranger station!
Bring PLENTY of water. My brother always packs ten nalgenes full of water, others bring a big pack of water bottles. Stay hydrated!
If you're bringing a furry friend, make sure they are fully up to date on their rabies and Lyme shots
Pack In!
Make sure you have a full tank of gas when you arrive at your campsite
I personally like to leave my phone in my car while I camp. Bring books/art supplies/journals or whatever you do for fun -- if that's your phone and you have service, great!
Having said that, if you ARE having a technology free camping trip, pick one person in your group with the best phone and declare them the emergency phone person
Best doesn't mean newest -- your friend who hates capitalism and has a Nokia that can survive nuclear fallout should be picked over your friend with the brand new super fragile iphone
Make sure the emergency phone remains fully charged and comes with you when you leave the campsite. Most emergency calls will work without cell service, but a dead phone can't make calls
Make sure you get the rangers number! Rangers are your friends, they want you to have a safe trip and are there for all your questions!
Also make sure to respect the rules of whatever campsite you're at -- if you're on boy scout property for example, you absolutely CANNOT bring alcohol. If you're having a fun adult camping trip, make sure you know the weed laws in that state before your puff and pass.
While setting up your campsite, try to find somewhere dry, that's not located near the bottom of a hill or next to a river.
Try to find places that don't have a ton of loose rocks or dirt, but where the ground is soft enough to nail in stakes for tents/canopies
Most campsites will have an assigned area with a fire pit, but if yours doesn't, make sure you collect enough rocks to build a fire circle before roasting any s'mores!
If your campsite doesn't let you bring cars past a certain point, make sure you know the fastest and safest route to the parking lot
I cannot stress how important it is to make sure you know the emergency numbers -- if theres a medical emergency, you may not be able to get someone to the car. Rangers will have ATVs and paramedics will have the skills to get people out of situations
Make sure your first aid kit is well packed with plenty of bandaids antiseptic and gauze- triangle bandages are also a versitle tool that can help with sprains splints and holding bandages in place. Preferably bring someone who knows at least basic first aid or CPR -- if you can't find a friend with that knowledge, make sure to be extra nice to the rangers
Bring an extra large bottle of your preferred over the counter painkillers -- dehydration and too much time in the sun can cause headaches! Also nifty for twisted ankles or sore backs from sleeping on the ground.
If you forgot your tent stakes, that's okay, put a spare cooler/bag/something heavy in the center of your tent to weigh it down in case of high winds.
If you forgot your rain canopy, a ripped trashbag will work in a pinch, but be warned: it's gonna get hot as HELL in that tent
During your Trip
Sunscreen and bugspray every day- even cloudy days have high UV rays, melanoma kills
Whether cooking on portable grill or campfire make sure your meat is fully cooked.
Chopping your produce and meat and cooking them in two separate packets of tin foil makes delicious meals, plus it's easy to check how done it is
Speaking of fires, make sure you have fireproof gloves and tongs if cooking over a campfire
Zip tents if rain is predicted but believe me, tents are like fucking hot boxes, so try to get as much air movement as you can.
If your campsite doesn't have latrines/portapotties/bathrooms (and you didn't bring one) be a good friend and make sure your camp's designated potty site is down wind of your camp. Also, human droppings can attract animals, so make sure it's a good distance away
(seriously though consider bringing a porta potty they make ones for campers)
Ticks like warm, dark places, so make sure you check behind your knees, under your arms, the back of your neck, in your socks and your privates! Ladies- that includes under the boobies. Wearing long pants, high socks, or long sleeves can be a simple and efficient tick deterrent, especially in marshy areas or tall grass. Don't forget to check your pets if they came with you!
If you find a tick, get some tweezers, grasp as close to the skin as you can, and slowly but firmly pull down on the tick- remember, you want the head out. You can also use a credit card or any other dull edge to help push downward.
Wet feet cause blisters, so always wear socks and change them often. If you get a blister, DONT POP IT, cover it with a bandaid or surround it with moleskin
Hydrate hydrate hydrate hydrate, drunk water every fifteen minutes even if your not thirsty
Remember to respect the nature around you- don't go pulling leaves off trees or disturbing animal dens, stay away from pretty much any animal- yes, even deer, bucks can and will gore you If frightened enough, deer can tramble you and even the cutest little Birdy can carry rabies and other diseases.
Poison Ivy has three leaves, poison oak looks like a strangling vine, and poison sumac has berries. Make sure you know what grows in your camping area.
If you brought a pet, don't let them eat any plants!
Make sure to use the buddy system especially if someone starts feeling ill- a lot of really dangerous illnesses start out looking a lot like colds and flu
Make sure to have a bucket of water next to your campfire, and every night make sure to completely douse your fire before turning it. Splash water on instead of dumping and make sure every ember is out- remember, only you can prevent wildfires
If you brought a gas powered generator for your campsite, make sure it's as far away as possible from the fire pit. Also, they're quite loud, so maybe don't put it near your tent. Put it on the outskirts of the campsite and don't leave it running when you're not there
Pack out!
LEAVE NO TRACE!!! make sure you clean up ALL your litter, all of it, every single one. Check and triple check your entire camp site.
Make sure everyones tent poles and stakes end up with the correct tent- you'd be surprised how brand specific stuff like that is.
Especially don't leave any food items -- there's likely going to be another person filling that campsite soon, they don't need moldy food attracting critters!
If there's a sign out sheet, don't forget to sign out at the ranger station! If they had to evacuate the campsite for whatever reason, they'll need to know you're gone!
Do a final tick/other bug check- you don't need to be bringing bugs home with you! Also check that there are no critters are in your supplies -- this sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised where snakes and mice can end up.
Give your pets an extra good bath when you get home. You don't know what could've gotten stuck in their fur!
Tick/spider bites tend to look like bullseyes. If you develop bullseye shaped rashes after you get home, seek medical attention.
Most of all, have fun and be safe!!!
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
(Bat 1/?) I fully support your fight to help those feral cats and all you do to educate people about the importance of keeping your damn cats indoors. I wanted to provide another example to your readers about the importance of staying up to date on rabies vaccines, even for fully indoor kitties. I have seven cats and a dog, most of whom sleep with me. Two years ago, I was woken up at 5 am by what I thought was a broken alarm or some crazy digital screeching. A bat somehow got into the house.
(Bat 2/?) I quickly closed the bedroom door, locking the dog and three cats inside. Two cats were hunting the bat and had injured its wing, causing it to flop into a room with another cat. I grabbed Friday before she could kill the bat and threw her into a crate I keep in the studio (crates are out at all times and in every room). I threw a box over the injured bat and then found leather gloves. I slid a folder under the box and transferred the bat to another box lined with paper towels.
(Bat 3/?) I made sure I never touched the bat, even with gloves on. Bat was secured in the box for transport to the wildlife center when they opened. And then I isolated Minnow, Fig, and Friday from the other cats. When I got to the rec center, she said they could repair the bat's wing, but the exposed cats needed to get rabies boosters ASAP and she was required to report the incident to the CDC. My cats rabies vaccines were out of date, but they had them in the past and I had proof.
(Bat 4/4) Having proof of those past vaccines literally saved their lives. The CDC could have seized them and put them down. The vet said I had to quarantine them for 40 days- no petting or handling them; just give them food, water, and clean the boxes. It was hell for them and me and Minnow still won't go near a large crate years later. I escaped needing shots myself because I never touched the bat. So, yeah, get your indoor pets vaccinated! You never know when a bat or raccoon will get in.
That is so scary and such a great example of why it's important to keep vaccines up to date! Good job on your quick thinking with the box to trap the vet, and on isolating your animals to keep them safe! I'm so glad you and your pets weren't hurt beyond the stress of the extended quarantine!
The CDC and local health departments are *extremely, extremely* serious about possible rabies infections, so having proof of vaccination can be a literal lifesaver for your pets and getting them vaccinated is good peace of mind for you.
It *terrifies* me that Tiny Bastard has interacted with skunks recently and I don't think she's gotten close enough to be at risk but even if she had I know exactly when she's due for her rabies vaccine so I know that she's current and safe even though she got closer than I would like to a wild animal.
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drawing-prompt-s · 7 months
GoFundMe: Getting the kitten to the vet...
for a rabies shot, FIV testing, and a possible upper respiratory infection!
So someone sent in the last $305 I needed while I was asleep. I'm transferring it to my account now which means I'm a) shutting off the GFM as soon as the transfers process and b) taking in the kitten as soon as the money becomes available to me - so likely by Friday I'll take her in, or Saturday or Monday (they do half days Saturday, and are closed Monday).
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GoFundMe Link Paypal Link
Venmo Link Cashapp Link
Multiple payment options available because I am typically asked for alternatives to GFM and PP.
$350 / $350
From the GoFundMe description:
So, unplanned, there is a new kitten in the house as of Feb. 22, 2024. (Not Jolene's, she is fixed). When at my friend's house - where I will be moving in a few months - we found out that a cat that comes to visit often is not only owned, but a mom. However, the neighbor doesn't want the kittens, so he always puts them outside and leaves them there. I could no, in my right mind, leave the kitten outside by a trashcan and under a tire in February of all months, so I brought her home.
So far I have treated her for hookworms, given her the vaccines I can do myself, and looked into getting a spay voucher from one of the local shelters. The kitten is roughly 3 months old.
However, current concerns are that she may have an upper respiratory infection (and there is always the concern that she could be FIV+). She has an inflamed eye with a regular and concerning amount of discharge and has for a few days. I have also caught her sneezing and she has started coughing on more than a few occasions. She also has a few other signs of sickness - anemia, the runs, and some blood spotted in it. If it is a URI, I need to catch it as fast as possible because I also have Jolene, my 3 year old cat. She absolutely also needs FIV testing and a rabies shot because of that, and because where we are moving there are other cats.
Jolene and the kitten have both been getting along well. The kitten loves to follow her around and Jolene acts more like the disgruntled big sister (don't let her fool you, I have caught them playing regularly - she just needs her alone adult time too).
I have already altered a bit of my projected finances and removed money from my savings to care for the kitten and help her. But there is only so far that can go as I also need to be able to afford gas, food, and furniture for the upcoming move (I'm going to start buying things soon so I can put it together and move my stuff prior to the official move date). I was trying to put off a full vet visit until sending the kitten in for a spay, but with her eye and the possibility of infection spreading to other cats, it can no longer wait.
I am shutting off this GFM as soon as I reach the goal. The vet said to budget for a little more than $300, between the base cost of a visit, FIV testing, rabies, and potential treatment for an Upper Respiratory Infection- assuming it's nothing too major. And I added a little more to what I am expecting because GFM does take a fee from donations.
If the kitten does end up being FIV+ we do have rehoming options available or I will find someone better suited to handle an FIV+ cat (either already having one of their own or a home with no pets).
I tried to take a video of the eye, but as you can imagine, a 3 month old kitten isn't the most keen on staying still, haha.
Let me add in the breakdown as well, now that I think about it:
Base cost for my vet to see a new cat (even as a pre-established client with other cats treated there): $100
FIV testing: $40
Rabies (and other vaccines I may be missing I was unable to do myself): $35 - $45
And the vet recommended budgeting about $100 for medications depending on what they find (if she still has worms, if she has other parasites due to being outside untreated, if she has a URI like the current concern is): $100
The rest is tax, the % upcharge for using a card, and to negate the fees that GFM with-drawls from each donation.
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 6 months
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𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐨 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭
Pairing: Chan x fem!reader (zombie apocalypse au) Word count: 1.4k Genre: >.> i guess you could call it a scenario but its a series...? Warning: Guns... i'm bad at describing bloody scenes just run with it, Chan is a bit of a dick, mentions of ateez members >.> i think thats all here...?
A/N: Han smut will be released later. Also thank you for 500 notes on 𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐞
Chapter 1
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You moved through the relatively quiet city. The world had gone silent a long time ago, since the thing started infecting people, they had claimed it to be a rabies mutation... but these people weren't dying to a fever or choking on their foam. They kept going, the only thing that would kill them was multiple shots to the brain, even that was risky, some of them didn't die to that anyway...
You saw a gas station that looked in fairly good condition, circling around the back, as you suspected, the staff door was open, you entered, gun at the ready, looking around you found most of the canned food gone but managed to find some chips, shoving them into your bag. You looked around the small store and made your way to the drink section, alcohol was gone, just your luck, you spotted a fairly large bottle of water on the very top shelf and jumped for it, cursing your height. You climbed the shelf and grabbed the water before jumping back down, squeezing it into your bag as you looked toward the medical area.
You looked around for pain killers, bandages, anything. Your eyes widened at the sight of one singular bottle of acetaminophen pills. You moved for it at the same time someone came around the corner. You put your gun up, the man put up his, eyes wide with fear. He wasn't too tall, with broad shoulders and a tired but sweet face.
"I kinda need that." He said, reaching for the pain killer.
You cocked your gun. "I don't think you do."
He pulled his hand back, his eyes registering you as a threat before he too cocked his gun. "You wouldn't understand."
"The world needs this shit." You huffed. "You're not the only one, plus I found it first."
He glared at you, dark eyes narrowing.
You turned as you heard something behind you. There was another man, with thin eyes and dark hair, his gun was also pointed at you.
"Chan." He said, his voice was fairly high. "Do you need some help?"
"Yeah." The first man said, grabbing the pain killers, it was a 2v1...
"You should leave," another voice made you look up, there was a thin but lean boy with bleach blonde hair on the shelf staring down at you.
The first man, Chan, looked at him. "Felix, get down before you hurt yourself.”  
The skinny boy on the shelf muttered and jumped down. The three had you surrounded. 
“Jeongin.” Felix motioned to your gun. “Disarm her.” 
The thin eyed boy, Jeongin, moved for your gun and you spun to aim at him, the first man, Chan, grabbed your arm tried to twist it, you elbowed him hard in the face, he cursed and stumbled, the third man, Felix, was about to jump on you when the sound filled the store. The groaning and heaved struggled breathing, you all froze in fear, a man missing half his face trudged into the gas station. You held your breath, it couldn’t see, both eyes were missing. Chan looked at you and motioned for you to stay silent, as if you were an idiot.  
You stood to your full height, quietly, gripping your gun tightly. Then the thin eyed boy, Jeongin, bumped into the shelf. The infected turned and started running towards the noise, the boy froze in fear and against your better judgement you grabbed his collar and pulled him back from the area. You slapped your hand over his mouth as the zombie waved its arms around before giving up and trudging away. 
Chan’s eyes were on you, wide and shocked.  
You released Jeongin and took slow steps back, pulling your mask over your face and running quietly out of the store through the back again. 
Chan was in shock, Felix was in shock, Jeongin was trembling as he tried to understand what just happened.  
“Who was that?” Felix asked, finally breaking the silence of the car. 
“I don’t know.” Chan squeezed the wheel tightly. “Jeongin.” 
The boy looked up.  
“What did I tell you about being careful?” Chan glared at him through the rearview mirror. 
“Sorry.” Jeongin said quietly. 
The car was silent again.  
After a moment Felix asked. “Did you get the pain killers?” 
“Yeah they’re-” Chan touched his jacket pocket, it was empty. He bristled. “What the fuck? They were in here.” 
Felix put his face in his hands. “Minho needs those.” 
“You think I don’t know that?” Chan grit his teeth as he remembered pulling your arm, you must’ve taken them from him then. 
“This isn’t fair.” Jeongin said quietly. “We just let her go.” 
“She saved your life.” Chan said. “Don’t bad mouth her for that.” 
The group went quiet again.  
They passed by a house where a tall man with big eyes came out running. 
“Chan-” Felix started. 
Chan pressed the gas. 
“We can help him-” Jeongin said before attempting to unlock his door. 
Chan put the child lock on. 
“Chan!” Jeongin shouted. 
The sound of a gunshot made Felix look back, his eyes widening. “It’s her!” 
Chan slammed the breaks and they screeched to a halt. He grabbed his gun and turned out of his window, seeing an infected rushing you and the man full speed. He shot it clean through the head. You looked up and his eyes met yours. The man you were with looked toward the car and tensed. 
You held up the pain killers. Chan frowned slightly. 
“We should, go get them...” Felix said quietly. 
Chan sighed and sat back for a moment, before putting the car into reverse. 
He stared at you. You stared at him. 
“Name?” he asked as you got in the car.
"None of your business." the man with you said.
Chan's eyes narrowed. "Then get the hell out."
"y/n." You said locking eyes with him in the rearview mirror.
"Hm?" He gave your companion a sideways glance.
"I'm not saying sh-"
You elbowed him. "This is Seonghwa."
Seonghwa's eyes narrowed at Chan.
"Felix." Felix turned from the front passenger's seat and smiled at you.
"Jeongin." He turned and smiled sheepishly. "Thank you for saving me."
"Don't mention it." You muttered.
Chan put the car into drive and you watched the scenery go by. "Where are we going?"
"Home." Felix said looking out the window.
Your brows furrowed. "Where is that?"
He smirked. "You'll see."
Chan shot him a glare.
Felix shut up.
Why was he being all friendly with you like you weren't just the person who stole a drug their friend so desperately needed.
"They aren't coming with us." Chan gripped the wheel tightly.
"Good." Seonghwa started.
You shot him a glare. "Why can't we come with you?"
"Too many people, not enough resources." Chan reasoned.
"Then why did you bother picking us up?" You snapped.
Chan stopped the car and turned to look at you. "My people come first, you took something I needed for my people, in what world am I obligated to help you."
You held up the acetaminophen. "We'll give you this, we need a place to stay."
Felix's eyes widened slightly.
Chan glared at you. "Keep your shit."
"Chan!" Jeongin sat up.
The man glared at the younger boy before looking at you again. "I don't need your stuff, I get you away from the red zones and you leave us alone."
"No need." Seonghwa pushed the door open and grabbed your arm, pulling you out. "Leave." He huffed.
Chan was about to press the gas when Felix blurted. "Minho's fever could kill him! What are you doing!"
"Yongbok!" Chan shouted.
You stared at them. "Who's dying?"
You looked at Seonghwa, his expression relaxed slightly.
Felix looked at you.
"Our friend.." Jeongin said quietly. "He has an infection, we've got the antibiotics and everything but the fever won't stay down."
You inhaled deeply. "You don't have anyone who knows how to deal with that."
Chan bristled.
"The best we've got can't do anything.." Felix put his head in his hands.
"Let me help you." You muttered.
Chan squeezed the wheel and looked at you. "Is that angry Pomeranian coming with you?"
You snorted a laugh at the name he gave Seonghwa. "He stays with me."
Seonghwa huffed. "I'd rather be a Pomeranian than a gorilla."
Chan gave him a disgusted look. "Get in." He rolled his eyes.
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kamotecue · 8 months
a start of something great ✮ l. walti
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pairing: lia walti x fem!reader
summary: another accidental encounter, could things end bad? or is it the start of something great.
part one, two, three, four and five.
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after that encounter with a certain swiss player, you couldn’t help but find yourself thinking at her. maybe, it was the way you felt her trace your face, you had felt it as you were slowly waking up.
you had just finished training, a certain brit swung their arms over your shoulder as you walked back to the locker room.
“any plans, n/n?” niamh asked, as jessie fleming hummed—after you had met the chelsea duo, they had adopted you into their duo, making it a trio.
“i was planning on getting a puppy, my apartment is a bit quiet.” you replied, as niamh hummed at your words.
“what breed?” jessie asked, as niamh dropped her arm from your shoulder to her side. the three of you had just entered the locker room, proceeding to your own locker.
“a golden.” you gave her a small smile, before heading to the showers, the towel was over your shoulder, as you held the two bottles, shampoo and conditioner.
after you finished showering, you wore a black turtleneck, with black plaid pants. bidding goodbye to jessie and niamh who gave you a small smile, you rushed to your car—not wanting to be late to meet the puppy.
you named her, hestia after the greek goddess of the hearth, home and fire. frankly, you thought she was an underrated goddess and fought strongly that she is still the 12th olympian.
hestia had already gotten her shots that were needed, the anti rabies vaccine and others. you already prepped the bowls, dog food, and toys.
you strolled through the park, the grey leash was already with its collar, as hestia kept pulling you somewhere—the leash ended up slipping from your grasp, as she ran forward.
your eyes widened as you chased after her, she didn’t go to far—as she sat, behind her ears were getting scratched.
“are you lost?” the familiar voice asked, as she analyzed the dog tag.
“hestia, i wonder who named you.” you cleared your throat as the brunette looked up to you, her face flushing as she realized it was you.
“i’m sorry if she disturbed you. the leash had slipped.” you explained, as lia hummed at your actions. she held out the leash, as you grabbed it, wrapping it a few times around a finger.
“she didn’t, don’t worry. so, why hestia?” lia asked, as she stood up—looking into your eyes, to which you avoided looking at the sky. if you didn’t do that, you would’ve seen how she blushed, how her eyes landed on your physique, and how she loved how the turtle neck suited you.
“i named her after my favorite greek goddess, hestia who is the goddess of hearth.” you said, before picking up the puppy. she cuddled into your arms, as you chuckled at the hestia’s behavior.
you didn’t know it but that was the start of something great. you two had spent the day talking about random things, mainly about life outside of football.
as you rested your head against the headboard, you felt your phone vibrate as it was held in your hands—quickly looking at the screen, you saw an instagram notification.
liawaelti has started following you.
a soft yet wide smile appeared, as you hummed. it took you a while to follow back, locking your phone as you turned to fall asleep.
y/nleon has started following you.
if only you could imagine how bright her smile was, or how you’d occupy her thoughts—ever since the world cup. the little misunderstanding, to her apology, and your unexpected transfer—not to mention her drunken mistake.
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
I keep thinking about how some stans have been making it seem like loona getting her vaxxine shots as a small deal. Its definitely not if we take in the fact that:
1. Its bascially the hellish version of rabies and if you've ever seen that disease on a real animal, I would also be extremely concerned about the possibility my daughter would contract it.
2. The system is so broken that (at least for imps, nothing yet has been implied for other hellborns) a shot that needs to be taken ever year takes 5 years to be booked. Every year that loona doesnt get the shot puts her at risk for contracting it.
3. Loona shows extreme fear about getting the shot and did react poorly to actually seeing the needle she was going to be shot with. Without blitz, who knows if she could've ever gotten the shot seeing how incompetent at handling hellhounds the doctor is.
To the viewers, its definitely just a joke sideplot. To Blitz? Its way more important than saving a prince fully capable of saving himself and uses these assasination attempts to further harrass him on the job.
Absolutely wild to think that a character saying "I need to take my daughter to the doctor to ensure she gets a shot that will prevent her from dying horrifically" is played as a negative thing, and something his quote unquote love interest was right to be mad at him about.
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demiesop · 2 months
Thoughts on Batstarion?
Hello! Thank you for the ask!!
Batstarion...!!🦇 I'm not sure if you're referring to the bat form Ascended Astarion has, or just generally Astarion as a bat. I have different thoughts on both, but love him either way!
I also think he needs a rabies shot and a long warm bath.
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I hope this answers your question! 🙇
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Why Blitzo Should Have Been Defended Prioritizing His Daughter Getting That Shot Over Saving That Spoiled Asshole?
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Seriously, even though the appointment was treated as a joke, it was very important she got it. Because every moment she didn't have it meant she probably could get the equivalent of rabies in her world. And gosh just imagine if she got it and Blitzo would sadly have to go through the pain of having to put down his own daughter if that happened. It would emotionally destroy her having to get her the Old Yeller treatment if she couldn't be healed.
That's why I calling shit out on Stolas (and the narrative) for treating her thing as easily dismissive just because it wasn't Blitzo himself coming to his rescue. Dude just be glad anyone is coming after you because again Blitzo's first priority should be his kid which you don't understand but the narrative and fanbase insists you are a good father and be a great stepparent. Given how you don't give a hoot about Blitzo being concerned about his own daughter I think you would always try to put your own needs before his own child because you are that selfish.
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