#I think secondo turned out okay??
writingjourney · 2 months
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eye shape practice or something
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
I love this blog so much, has become one of my favourites! How would the papas react to a cheeky butt slap/grab from reader? 🍑
Here you go Kay, you slapped Nihil's ass, now stop crying (I will not give you the context) - Jez
Papas when their s/o smacks/grabs their ass
You two would have to be a thing for a while before he's comfortable with things like that.
And even then, I think he'd much prefer if you just gave his butt a comforting squeeze instead of smacking it.
He dislikes how obscene the idea of slapping someone's ass is to him.
He's okay with you patting or lightly groping his ass while hugging, though.
So as long as it's something he's comfy with, he'll chuckle and pat your back lovingly.
He grabs your wrist before you get the chance and raises a brow at you.
Pulls you into his chest and whispers to your ear to keep things like that for the bedroom like a good little darling.
He knows he would blush if he let you do it and his pride (and reputation) can't allow for that to happen.
He even puts on his stern dom persona for a moment just to make sure his dominance is not threatened.
Touch him all you want in private, though.
If you do smack that ass in private, he barely flinches, gently holds your chin and asks if you want Papa to spank you, since you seem so eager.
He doesn't mind, he just likes seeing you stutter <3
He does prefer if you grab his dick, though.
This cheeky motherfucker-
He's gonna moan. Loudly.
And then he'll tease you about what you did. You can't fucking win with this dude, don't even try, love.
You do one thing that can be see as somewhat pervy and this motherfucker makes it his personality for a week, if not longer.
"You can't keep your hands off Papa, can you?" And then he has the audacity to playfully grope you all over but pretend you're the kinky one???
And then he gets upset when you don't do it again.
"You make fun of me for doing that, Terzo."
"Oh please, I would never. I love when you feel me up a bit, it makes your Papa very happy."
It's an endless cycle.
Considering how many times he smacked a Ghoul's ass, you'd think he'd be used to it. But he is not.
Literally squeals the first time you do that. After a few more times he fully grows to expect it and is even a bit disappointed if you don't smack his booty while you pass him in the Ministry halls.
Honestly I would be disappointed too because he's got cake and personally I would be all over this man and his ass if I had the chance.
He'd get a bit cheeky after a while and randomly smack your butt, too.
It becomes a game of you two sneaking up on each other and smacking asses.
It's absolutely hilarious. His Ghouls keep a score. You're winning.
Old Nihil
Bro almost fucking trips 💀
Turns to fucking dust
He's so fucking shocked he literally can't figure out what happened at first.
And then he sees you, walking away and barely containing your giggles.
Well, obviously, even if he's old, he's the very definition of sex appeal (can't believe I wrote that sentence about a 100+ year old dude) so he can't exactly blame you!
He will assume you meant it sexually and will absolutely expect you to jump his dick later tonight.
There's just a certain kind of beauty to you riding his dick that melts his old simping heart.
Young Nihil
Turns around faster than Sonic could ever run and pulls you into him, holding your chin with a big dumbass grin.
You wanna grope him? Okay, two can play that game, babe.
He's gonna grope you all over, making you laugh because it fucking tickles.
His lips and teeth are all over your neck, too.
Hell, he'd fuck you against the nearest wall if you'd let him.
And you started it. This man cannot be given any somewhat sexual cue or he will actively pursue fucking you.
And you started it! You gotta take responsibility!
Taglist: @sirlsplayland @firefirevampire @thatoddboy @ouijaboardemo (send an ask if you'd like to be added! Read the pinned post before asking!)
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ghulehunknown · 8 months
Papa Headcanons 🫂🩸
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Day 14 of KINKTOBER is here! 🎃
**WARNING - some NSFW included**
Also available on AO3!
My headcanons of the Papas taking care of you while on your period
Does not fully understand how painful it is for you, but shows empathy all the same, knowing he’d never want to experience it himself
Holds you in his arms, rubs your shoulders and back, and kisses your forehead
Brings you a heating pad and hot chocolate or tea, or anything in particular you’re craving
He is absolutely fine not having sex or receiving BJs from you and does not bring it up unless you seem particularly keen
Gives you his own edibles made from Ministry-grown marijuana
Stays up to watch a movie with you, holding your hand while you’re curled up in pain but quickly falls asleep next to you
Has a stockpile of necessary items for all his ghulehs - pads, tampons, pain meds, heating pads, snacks, etc.
Is usually known throughout the Ministry to have extra tampons under his bathroom sink in case you run out or forgot to put one in your purse
Already has towels down on the mattress and is prepared for sex to get messy
Is fine with getting blood on his dick but prefers to shower right after
He’s also perfectly fine to eat you out
Gives you lots of kisses whenever you want
Massages your back
First, curses the universe for punishing you simply for having ovaries and a uterus. Second, praises Lucifer that you’re not pregnant.
Will gladly go to the store to get you anything you want or need, but definitely buys the wrong thing (“Babe, what size pussy do you own?” and proceeds to buy the wrong kind of pad anyway)
Drives you to McDonald’s at 3AM because you woke up hungry and craving fries (because oddly so did he)
“Wahoo, blowjob week!”
Keeps saying “You know the cure for your pains, eh? *waggles eyebrows* The feeeemale orgasm!”
Fucking LOVES the sight of your blood on his dick
Excited to go down on you
Enjoys quiet movie nights when you’re not feeling up to sex
Cardinal Copia
Gulps and gets a little nervous
The sight of blood makes him woozy
He’ll still run to the store for you to get what you need, but gets lost and only brings back half of what you asked for (“They didn’t have it!” he’ll claim, sure that he checked everywhere)
Tells you a story about how one time in elementary school some kid kicked him in the balls so he understands your pain
Nervous about having sex and seeing blood but he would try anything for you if you really wanted to
He’d prefer to make you happy in other ways like giving you snacks and back rubs
Dracopia 🧛
“Your cunt looks especially delicious, tesoro.”
Celebrates your body’s natural cycles and praises Lucifer
He already knows your menstrual cycle and knew you were about to start it before you did
Has pain meds blended up in a smoothie for you
Tells you he didn’t buy tampons at the store because you don’t need them *wink*
Practically cums when he smells fresh blood on you
“You are so wet~” “Copia, it’s blood.” “Ehh, yes I know”
Eats you out like a champ
He drops whatever he’s doing and goes to the store immediately to bring you snacks and tampons
Gets you whatever snacks you desire and eats half of them
Texts you every step of the way in the store (“Okay I walked inside…okay I turned to the right…10 steps down the…3rd aisle? Okie dokie!”)
Content to just cuddle and watch movies with you
Also content to get blowies but particularly curious about going down on you and how different it might be than usual
Still thinks you can’t get pregnant on your period
Thinks you bleed out of your pee hole. Actually, he thinks your vagina is also your pee hole. Actually he doesn’t know. There are 3 holes?!
Grumbles, not understanding your pain, but you return home later and a single rose and some pain meds lay on the nightstand with a Hallmark greeting card that says “get well soon” - he’s too out of his comfort zone to buy pads or tampons
Won’t touch your vagina unless you’ve just showered, but will gladly hint at getting a blowjob
When/if you do have sex he wears it like a badge of honor as if he’s just gone to war and braved some unspeakable fate, almost expecting to get praised for doing so
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earthry · 9 months
Working Papas (Mall AU Headcanons)
AU where the emeritus brothers are not papas. Instead, they work in a mall in separate stores. Secondo was originally gonna be a mall cop but I thought it’d be funnier if he worked at a Claire’s.
Primo works at a Bath & Bodywork’s.
He’s a pro at being able to tell what kinds of products you’d like or need just by vibes only.
Can immediately distinguish scents from each other, can tell what a scent is just with one whiff.
He demonstrates a lotion for you, and when your hands touch it’s like it’s meant to be. His hand feels so right in yours.
You swing by often after that, and he always seems to have a new sample for you to try each time— a gift, he says.
When no one is looking he’ll oh so gently hold your hand and press a soft kiss to the back of it.
Secondo works at a Claire’s.
He’s the manager and he hates it.
God to honest tried to get himself fired but only ended up being promoted— Terzo makes fun of him for it all the time and it drives him nuts.
He has a soft spot for children, but unfortunately the mothers that shop there are horrendous.
Spends all his breaks smoking in the back and taking shots from a water bottle of straight vodka.
Okay, maybe the job isn’t so bad— because he meets you. You just like to look at the cute hair accessories and earrings, you didn’t expect for a huge scary Italian man to ask you if you needed assistance.
He actually recommends a few items and you beam when he shows you one that you absolutely adore.
Fuck, you’re adorable when you smile. Yeah, okay. Maybe the job isn’t too bad.
Terzo works at a Sephora or Ulta.
Everyone’s favorite makeup artist; can sell almost any product with enough sweet talk and flirting.
He’s a popular amongst customers and there’s almost always a line for his consultation.
There’s always at least one co-worker who has a crush on him— and you are no exception.
You intrigue him with your wit and humor and how much you tease him back.
The two of you end up making out in front of the Claire’s during break much to Secondo’s disgust.
Yes, you get lots of good deals on makeup and products from him.
Copia works at one of those weeby anime/k-pop stores.
One of those people who have only seen or heard of Naruto and One Piece. If you ask him what k-pop band he likes, he’s only heard of BTS.
Get’s super addicted to pocky after the first time he tries it— it’s very accessible to him because it’s always in stock. He buys a pack or two before going home after each shift. His brothers joke that it’s like a bad smoking habit.
You can always find him re-arranging the stuffed animals, he likes to rotate them so they get turns to sit together and chat. He tells you this when you ask one day and you find it adorable and charming. He looks a little embarrassed but you tell him it’s cute and he gets flustered.
You think it would be funny so you when you confess to Copia, you tell him you have the doki-dokis and he just looks at you all confused and makes Copia Noises as he tries to decipher your meaning. In the end you sigh out: “it means I like you, you idiot.”
He kisses you and Sakura Kiss from Ouran High School Host Club starts playing and you make eye contact with one of his co-workers who ‘eeps’ and ducks behind the counter. “KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE” begins to blast.
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brighteyedbushybrowed · 10 months
If you can do you think you can do the Papas (separate of course) with a reader who bites as a form of affection?
Yes yes YES I absolutely can!! I personally would prefer to bite than be bitten (unless you're a vampire. You hear that, secret vampires living on tumblr? Come and bite me!! I'd be a great little vampire servant I swear!!) I also headcanon that the Papas all have some sort of vampire or demonic heritage so this will be a very fun set of headcanons. Hope you enjoy! There's very light suggestive content so minors DNI
It takes him by surprise when you do it the first time
He's had many lovers in his time, and none of them have ever bitten him. He's always been the biter rather than the bitten
Primo think it's very cute once he gets used to it
Comes to expect it after you've been together for a while
If you ever stop biting him or you decrease the frequency of your bites he'll start getting concerned
He loves admiring the little bites you give him before his stupidly fast healing factor kicks in
Sometimes he'll bite you back playfully
It turns into a little play fight where you both bite each other and end up crying with laughter
"So you bite Papa? Jail! Jail for a thousand years!" (Said playfully of course)
When you're relaxing together or laying in bed, he will offer you his sleeve to bite or chew on
Calls you his junior vampire as a loving nickname
Generally loves that you show your affection in a way that's so different to other lovers he's had. He honestly prefers it to being showered with gifts
Admittedly misinterprets it at first
Secondo thinks that it's your way of trying to get him in the mood and be rough with him
You'll have to explain to him that it's your way of being affectionate
Once you do explain it he immediately gets it and considers it an honour to be bitten by his beloved
Might tease you sometimes by covering your mouth with his hand when he senses you're getting ready to bite him, chuckling before kissing your forehead
Bite his palm while he's covering you mouth. He loves it
Does his best not to pin you beneath him and have his way with you if you bite him in certain places
Takes the time to explain to you that he loves when you bite him but where you shouldn't bite if you don't want to work him up
"Are you sure you're not the vampire in our relationship, tesore? Should I expect you to turn into a little bat and fly out of the window?" is his favourite little joke to make
Will immediately become concerned if you stop biting him all together
Anyone who gives you looks or says anything rude/unkind about you biting Secondo and he will give them the scariest, most intimidating glare he can muster
Will nip at your fingers and give you very light affectionate bites once he's comfortable enough with bites being your shared method of showing affection
He's into it IMMEDIATELY
Thinks it's sweet that this is how you show your affection and encourages it
If he's in one of his funny moods, he'll make an exaggerated moan and dramatically fall into your arms or onto the floor pretending that he's been bitten by a vampire
He doesn't bite back because his teeth are particularly sharp and he doesn't want to hurt you
However, he will very gently nibble on your finger tips or earlobe when you're cuddling, offering you his own hand for you to bite or nip at in return
He never requires any explanation as to why you bite to show your affection
If you do explain it to him though he'll listen intently the whole time and reassure you that he's completely okay with it and wants you to show your affection however you like
For Terzo, it's just another way of bonding and showing him how comfortable you are around him
Because of how sharp his teeth are, if you ever do want him to bite you harder when you bite each other he'll get some gum shields to wear so that there's extra protection and he won't hurt you
"My very own little Dracula. How lucky I am to receive and wear every one of your precious bites, cuore mie."
Don't even try biting him less or stopping your biting. He will sulk
He jokes one day that if you bite him particularly hard he'll get it tattooed
Or at least you think it's a joke until one night he's getting undressed and you see a tattoo of the outline of one of your bites near his collarbone
Copia may be a bit oblivious, but he knows you well enough that he figures out pretty quick that you're being affectionate
It's as natural to him as a kiss on the cheek or holding hands
Anyone stares or gives you both a look when you bite him in public and he will stare right back at them until they get uncomfortable and apologise for being intrusive
Feeling you bite or nibble on him makes him smile
It's also a great comfort to him to feel your teeth on his skin when he's feeling anxious or insecure
Like Primo, he will offer you his sleeve to chew or bite on while you relax together
He doesn't bite back often simply because he prefers being bitten to doing the biting (Terzo and Secondo make fun of him for this. Primo tells them to shut up)
Jokes that love will never be dead so long as you keep biting him
"Between you and my rats, I couldn't say who bites me more!"
Will get upset if you stop biting him completely
Genuinely thinks he's done something wrong and will try to make it up to you, even though he's done nothing bad whatsoever
You'll probably have to make it up to him with a snuggle and bite session
He's in denial about liking it at first
Will be a little snappy about it
Tells you to stop and pushes you away if you try to do it in front of others or in a place where you could be seen
Secretly, however, he loves it. He just isn't ready to admit it to himself straight away
It actually takes you stopping completely and him being grumpy as a result of that for him to actually realise and admit to himself that he loves being bitten by you
When he apologises to you, he makes it clear that he wants it to be kept in private at first while he gets used to the idea of you biting or nibbling on him outside of your shared space
His favourite place for you to bite him is his wrist. It's a place that he can look at whenever he likes but is also easy to cover with his Papal robes in public
As time goes on, he'll encourage your biting more and more until he's finally okay with being bitten out in public and not just the privacy of your room
"Were I not an immortal demon of the night, I would think you were the vampire here and not me"
Is more than happy to bite you back, though he gets a little too enthusiastic with it
On more than one occasion, you've needed to be checked out at the infirmary when his fangs have gone deeper than intended. Just to make sure he's not accidentally started the transformation process
If at any point he thinks you're biting him less or that you're going to stop, be prepared to be berated by him. Now that he's used to it, he never wants you to stop
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portaltothevoid · 4 months
you're losing me part xii
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ao3 link
warnings: blood, ceremonial palm slicing, summoning ritual based off a real invoking ritual, google translated latin, secondo being a softie, angst
word count: 5.2k
The feeling of your shoulder being gently shook pulled you from a restful sleep that was cut too soon, making you groan as you rolled over onto your stomach. 
“You can’t keep hiding from everyone forever, amore,” Copia’s soft-spoken voice sounded. 
“I'm not hiding. I'm sleeping,” you mumbled into your pillow. 
You felt the covers be pulled off of you, which elicited another groan of discontent from you. “We need to make an appearance at breakfast, you especially.”
“Says who?”
“Sister Imperator…” there was a slight hesitation in his voice when he said her name. You rolled your eyes, which were thankfully obscured by the pillow. “But I say you need to eat. You need your energy for the summoning ritual.”
“Aren’t you supposed to fast before?” You turned your head to face him, raising an eyebrow.
“Eh, well, usually, but it’s not a requirement. I think given your, um, status with The Infernals you’ll be able to cut some corners.”
“You know what also gives you energy? Sleep,” you stressed as you took the pillow out from under you and put it over your head.
After an exasperated huff, the bed dipped beside you and you felt the feather light touch of fingers tracing patterns on your bare back. “This will be over soon… but you’re going to step into a very prominent role. It’s best to start now, dispel the rumors…” his voice trailed off as he started to trace your birthmark resembling Lilith’s sigil.
“Fine. Alright,” you said begrudgingly as you tossed the pillow aside and rolled out of bed. This movement disguised the zap you felt when he touched the mark with his bare fingertips, which made you flinch away from him.
Copia was visiting with Cannoli when you finally emerged fully clad in your habit and veil. It didn’t go unnoticed the way he looked you up and down, biting his bottom lip just enough for it to be apparent. “Come on, don’t want to be any later than we already are,” you said almost patronizingly as you glided towards the door. He shook his head as he closed the cage and followed.
Swiss was beaming at you as soon as you opened the door. He bowed theatrically, holding out his arm for you to lead the way. You giggled quietly as you passed and, of course, you couldn’t help patting him on the head as you did so. Is a formal escort really necessary? It’s just breakfast… you thought to him. 
Formality per request of Lady Lilith, he responded with a shrug. 
“Of course it is,” you grumbled audibly. Copia gave you a look like he missed something and you just shook your head, making off like it was nothing. Instinct made you feel a need to keep your cards close. 
As you rounded the corner of the hall leading to the cafeteria, he took your hand in his. It did provide you with some sense of comfort, but your stomach dropped the moment you were in front of the door, frozen in place. 
Giving your hand a squeeze, he reassured you with “It’s going to be okay, cara. The only ones you have to deal with will be the ones at our table, hm?” 
You could feel your shoulders tense as you quickly shook your head. “No, I can’t… I can’t deal with everyone’s eyes on me right now. I just…”
His shoulders slumped from the weight of his sympathy towards your stress. He moved to stand in front of you, his hand titled your head down as he kissed you softly on the top of it. “Amore mio, I’m afraid this is something you’re going to have to get used to. After the ascension, everyone will hold you in high regard. All eyes will be on you, eh, so what?” He waved his hand dismissively at that thought. “It’s not like you haven’t been through this before. You go in there–”
“What is that supposed to mean?” you cut him off, your voice sharp.
“You’ve gone in there before with your head held high when everyone was whispering about what Terzo was doing behind your back. Really, this is no different.”
Never mind being anxious, now you were pissed. You didn’t even have to close your eyes to adjust them; your anger alone darkened your eyes blacker than his leather gloves. Before Copia could back away from you, you swatted his arm so he was no longer touching you. The instant you stepped away from him, Swiss was holding the door open. Your head was held high as you strode into the dining hall. As you passed through the threshold, you made sure your eyes returned to normal. 
Swiss, could you please get me a plate of… whatever? You asked the ghoul following confidently behind you. Just make sure there’s those tater tots, I don’t care what else.
Comin’ right up, Your Eminence, he nodded before darting over to the food.
Every single eye was on you as you made your way to the head clergy table. A hush fell over everyone when you didn’t even hesitate to sit in what was still Terzo’s seat at the center of the table. 
Sister Imperator cleared her throat as she leaned over, speaking in a hushed tone, “You should sit in your usual seat. Copia will take that one in Terzo’s absence.” 
Slowly, you turned your head towards her. Since it was now becoming second nature to you with every time you revealed the Infernal part of you, with a rapid blink, your eyes went dark as you regarded her with a curt smile. “No, Sister, I think I will stay right here.” Your eyebrows raised, asking her to challenge you in this state. She knew better. With human-looking eyes, you turned to see Copia almost at the table. It wasn’t lost on you that him and his… mother… exchanged a cautious look with each other. 
As Copia sat down in the seat next to you, your former usual seat, Swiss returned, gently placing your food in front of you. “Thank you, Swiss,” you said to him so that everyone could hear.
“Of course, Your Eminence,” he responded. Heads within earshot turned, some having never heard a ghoul speak before or knew that they even could.
“Eh, Ghoul, would you mind–” Copia started to ask before you interrupted him again.
“Ah, ah, ah,” you tutted. “You do not get to command my Ghouls. Swiss, would you be so kind as to get the Cardinal a plate as well?” You smiled at Swiss, but it faded as you turned your attention back to Copia. “And given your impending status update, you might do well to also learn their nicknames.”
The ghoul nodded and set off as Copia turned to you, “What’s gotten into you? My intention was not to upset you!” he hissed.
“Oh, really? Then, what, pray tell, was your intention? That was a low fucking blow and you know it,” you berated. “Besides, you said it yourself. I better get used to all eyes on me, might as well give them all something to look at.”
“It’s not time yet… you aren’t—”
“I don’t give a fuck about timing. The first ritual is happening later today. The others soon to follow. They don’t know exactly what’s going on. This will just keep their minds occupied for the time being. Let them talk about me instead of whose bed I’m in for once.” Copia’s comment just before you entered the dining hall set off something inside you. It transmuted your anxiety to a defensive determination. He was right in the sense of all eyes being on you. While the last time you held up a confident façade due to a sense of duty, this time it was you who held the power – whether everyone knew it or not. This wasn’t about saving face for the sake of the papacy.
The relationship Copia had with Sister Imperator was clear to you now. A rift was forming right before your eyes. The more you felt backed into a corner, the more you bared your teeth.
“No one can know about Terzo yet,” he responded, his jaw clenched. 
“And they don’t. He’s away, doing the last Meliora shows. That’s all they know. They know something is up with me. With how my relationship with him was… it makes sense. They don’t know the details. It’s fine.” You rolled your eyes with a dismissive wave of your own.
After that, Copia let it go. Swiss returned with his food soon thereafter. After a mumbled thanks, the ghoul stood at the end of the table. Just as you were finishing your food, popping one last tater tot in your mouth, Secondo passed behind you. 
“I’d like to see you in my office –no rush– when you’re done. We can go over the ritual and get you up to speed.”
“I’m done,” you said, quickly blotting your mouth with a napkin.
As you stood, Secondo helped pull your chair out for you. “Perfetto,” he nodded with a slight hint of a tight-lipped smile on his face. His eyes darted between you and Copia, who wouldn’t look up from his plate. The tension at the table was palpable. “Andiamo.” Secondo motioned you forward and you left without a single glance back. 
Sister Imperator pursed her lips as she watched you leave with Secondo. “You told her, didn’t you?” She said bluntly, only turning to glare at Copia when the door to the cafeteria shut.
“She made it clear they ended things. I didn’t want to keep her in the dark like he did,” Copia mumbled. His shoulders slumped. He was acting like a guilty dog with its tail between its legs.
“Oh, C, come on. You know full well that can’t just end overnight. She is going to choose you, right?”
“Then for the love of all things unholy, stop sulking and start acting victorious. Thanks to the help of this little prophecy we have all the pieces falling neatly into place now.”
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Your one on one interactions with Secondo had always been brief; however, despite their brevity, you always saw a softness in his eyes when it came to you. As your role with the Emeritus brothers became more and more prominent overtime, he regarded you with respect being the one who was almost able to tame Terzo. As that relationship went on, he made sure to extend his sympathy towards your situation. He often would make it known to you whenever you needed advice or to talk, he was always willing to lend an ear. You never could figure out why he always presented himself to be so gruff and closed off, when to you he always felt like the older brother you never knew you needed.
Secondo shuffled papers on his desk, getting things ready. Your shoulders finally returned to a more comfortable posture as they dropped away from your ears. You allowed yourself to relax just a little now that you were away from Copia and Imperator. “Have you ever seen an invoking ritual, cara?”
“No,” you shook your head. “But I’ve heard stories from Terzo.”
“Hm. Well, I know you haven’t fasted, but have you been celibate in at least the last twenty-four hours?”
“Um… no…”
He let out a chuckle, warmth of the tone strong enough to heat the cool bite of his office. “Honestly, I don’t think that will be a problem for you. The purpose of that is to keep the mind clear for the Magus. This, however, isn’t our typical Ghoul summoning…”
“Because it’s for me?”
He nodded, humming in agreement. “Primo and I will be doing the grunt-work of the ritual. He’ll be the one reciting the incantations and wearing the necessary tools and I will work on opening the doorway between realms.” His eyes scanned over what appeared to be notes. The more he divulged about the first ritual, the more you felt a calming comfort settle over you with the knowledge that Primo and Secondo were spearheading this. “Essentially you’ll be in a trance-like state, calling out to your Ghoul, as you lay within the magic circle. When you see them and they speak to you and you both agree to bond, that is when they will materialize in the triangle.” He set the papers down and looked directly at you now. The importance of the tasks at hand hardening his features to emphasize the seriousness of it all. “From there, you will ceremoniously form a blood bond with your Ghoul and the first ritual of ascension will be completed.”
You nodded. “They make it sound so… taxing.” 
“It can be, depending on the person. I doubt it will be for you.”
You tried to bite back a huge smile. Currently, all the Ghouls respected you, looked up to you, and were connected to you, but to have a Ghoul of your very own, one that was bound to you… You could feel the excitement starting to bubble up inside you. “So, when do we do this?”
“We begin at dusk, but you have some preparations that have to be done beforehand.”
“Such as?”
“Such as cleansing with asafoetida oil. Lighting a candle, nothing fancy. A chime candle will work as an offering to ask Lilith to send you a protector, one who will watch over you, and become attuned to you.” Again, you nod, but your eyes are staring off into nothing. Regardless of your excitement, there was nothing you could do to keep your thoughts from drifting back to Terzo. “You seemed worried, cara. I can assure you, I’ve heard of your natural magical abilities, this will be a walk in the–”
You cut him off. “It’s not about the ritual. Do you know about Terzo? What’s going to happen?”
Usually he kept a mask of indifference on. You knew full well it was a mask, but you noted how his eyes shimmered with a flash of worry, in spite of the way he rolled his eyes with a huff. “Sister has been on a strict need-to-know-basis policy lately and has deemed that I do not need to know.”
“They’re revoking his title and they’re doing it publicly,” you blurted out. “After his final show, we’ll be without a Papa.” 
His face dropped. He’d rarely admit it, but he did care deeply about his brothers. “That’s going to destroy him…” He sighed, running a hand over his head. “I knew his time as Papa was coming to an end soon. I was able to pass down the torch to him, but this time… is there even anyone lined up to be the next Papa?”
“Not officially, but Sister has her eyes on who it will be. They’re going to ‘elect’ someone to fill in. I think she just needs Nihil’s approval. I’m guessing the change will be to get the people used to him, see how he does. Then they can make it a grandiose spectacle for when he ‘ascends.’” You pursed your lips. 
“And you aren’t happy about this… Why is that?”
“Have you ever had to make a choice that was the exact opposite of what you want, but you know what you want doesn’t matter in the slightest towards the big picture?” His eyes closed for a moment, before he looked at you. In the few years you’ve known him, you couldn’t ever recall seeing him look sad. As you inhaled a shuddering breath, you looked away from him. All you wanted was for someone to empathize with you, to just acknowledge everything you were going through right now was, for lack of a better term, hell.
“Satanas doesn’t give–”
“Please, don’t say He gives the toughest battles to his bravest soliders.” 
“But He does, cara. You are being put to the test. This task, this… burden… It takes immense strength to carry its weight and they deemed you worthy of it.” 
“Well, they’re wrong, because I’m not.” Crossing your arms over your chest, you shifted uncomfortably, avoiding having to look at the former Papa in front of you.
“Now you sound like il mio fratellino,” he laughed softly. “I know you are. Copia, no matter how unhappy you might be with him right now, he knows you are. He’s always known. And Terzo. He’d be the first in line to tell the world how you were not only born for this, but why you deserve this.”
“But why do I have to sacrifice everything? Why can’t I just be… happy? Is that too much to ask?”
“Tours last a long time, as you know, cara mia,” he winked, which you couldn’t help but chuckle at. “Believe it or not, there are ways to keep things in these halls a secret if both parties are willing.”
Although it was rare, the times you seeked counsel from Secondo, it was always just what you needed to hear. It took a while for him to warm up to you, but when he did, he treated you as he would his own: with a kind and caring heart. It was there, just buried under layers of dirt that his emotionally stunted father and the politics of the Ministry piled on top of it. When you finally looked up at him and saw the smirk that lifted his once stoic features. “Prophecies don’t come with fine print, only blanket statements. There’s nothing that says you can’t have it all. You just have to be very clever and cunning about it. Besides, what’s the point of praising and practicing carnal desire if we don’t acknowledge its importance and act on it every now and again?” He smirked knowingly at you, before adding in a playful, but stern tone, “And, so we’re clear, as far as I’m concerned, the only thing we’ve discussed here is tonight’s ritual.”
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Ghouls stood guard outside the doors of the church. As they opened the doors for you, you could feel their infectious excitement radiating off them. 
As you confidently made your way to the pulpit, Secondo was rolling out a carpet in its center. Primo had just finished lighting the plethora of black candles that lit up the whole church. 
“Ah, the woman of the hour has arrived!” Primo greeted with a giant smile.
You flashed him a smile of your own as you walked over to inspect the carpet Secondo was now placing candelabras on in specially marked spots. “Magic circle?” you inquired.
“Sì. Its proper name is The Magical Circle of King Solomon,” he nodded. You walked around it, admiring the intricate writings and arcane symbols inside the circle.
Primo moved to the massive cedar chest that was always tucked against the wall. You’d noticed it before, but never thought much of it. Now you understood its importance was for rituals such as these. Out of it, he grabbed two white robes, handing one to Secondo. After they each put it on over their suits, Primo put on a sort of leather apron with an ornate six pointed star on it.
“What’s that?” you whispered to Secondo.
“The Hexagram of Solomon. If something goes wrong and an unruly spirit is conjured instead, it helps make it more obedient. Next will be the hazel wand and the sword,” he informed you with a hushed tone. “The metal disc he has in his hand, the lamens of the spirits, has the sigil we created for the Ghouls on one side and the pentagram of Solomon on the back.”
The doors opened, you turned to see Copia walking down the aisle with a brass box and Sister Imperator at his side. Like a lifeline, you focused on the excitement you could still sense from the Ghouls. Nothing was going to distract you. “Copia is bringing us the brass vessel. Inside is a special incense we made, used only for Ghoul summoning. He’s going to put in on the triangle that I placed at the top of the circle. This is where your Ghoul will materialize,” he informed as he put a hand on the small of your back to guide you to the top of the circle, near the triangle. “Come now, since this is going to be your Ghoul, you must seal the vessel and consecrate the incense.” 
Primo was busy wrapping what looked like the skin of a cat around his waist, almost like a belt. He looked in time to see your curious and skeptical look. “This represents the lion skin. It enhances our magic. It’s not an actual lion, of course,” he chuckled. “A sibling found a cat who had been hit by a car. She tried to save it, bringing it to the infirmary, but it didn’t make it. It might have met an untimely end, but we made use of it so its death was not in vain.”
You nodded, turning your attention to Secondo and Copia in front of you. Copia held out a small ceremonial dagger. For a beat or two, your eyes looked between Copia’s and the dagger in his hand. “Oh. Of course. Sealing and consecrating with blood,” you said nervously as you took the dagger.
“Just puncture the tip of your finger. Let the drops fall onto the incense,” Copia instructed as he opened the brass vessel. You knew by the gentleness of his voice, he was treading with the utmost caution around you. 
You did as he said, letting drops of your blood fall into the vessel. “Perfetto,” he complimented as he lit the incense and put the lid back on. “Now, draw the elements of the Ghouls on the lid.”
Giving your finger a squeeze to draw out more blood, you bent down and drew each symbol that represented the types of powers and abilities each Ghoul possessed: earth, water, fire, air, and quintessence. 
Secondo held his hand out, indicating you move to the table in front of the triangle. “Now, the offerings to the elements. All you have to do is say ‘I present [whatever the offering is] to the element of…’ while raising the object above your head. The water has been blessed for this.”
“I present soil to the element of Earth,” you said in a commanding tone as you held a bowl of soil up. “I present this blessed unholy water to the element of Water. I present this flame to the element of Fire,” you said as you set fire to twigs and leaves in a small cauldron. Carefully, you rose it above you before gently setting it back down. Next, you grabbed incense, lit it and let the smoke billow above you for a brief moment. “I present this smoke to the element of Air.” With the final offering, you took a deep breath to keep your serious demeanor. “I present this cannabis bud to the element of Quintessence.” You bowed at the altar of elements before you returned to stand near the magic circle.
Secondo was holding a small water basin. Even though he was retired, it was his duty as a former Papa to rub the unholy water onto your temples while saying a prayer of protection to Lilith and Lucifer. Next, he anointed you with oil by drawing the grucifix on your forehead. The scent of the oil with its blend of earthy, sweet, and spicy notes, reminiscent of dragon’s blood, provided you with a familiar comfort 
In the meantime, Primo had placed a black box near the triangle as well as two jars, one filled with sulfur and one of asafoetida, he later informed you. They were mainly precautionary measures should things go awry for whatever reason. He opened a necklace box and held it out to Secondo who took the necklace out. It was gold and had an intricate ring on it.
After saying a prayer with it clasped between his hands, he placed it around your neck. “This will protect you. Are you ready?” Secondo asked softly. When you nodded, he directed you to sit in the center of the circle. Copia bowed his head and gave you a nod as he passed by to sit next to Sister Imperator in the first pew behind you. 
For the first time, Sister Imperator spoke up. “And now it’s time. The sun has set. I’m happy it’s you three that are here to perform and oversee this summoning. With Terzo away, things will go smoothly, I’m sure.”
That bitch. You started to turn your head to glare at her, but quickly snapped your head forward when you decided against it. You had to let it go. You knew where she stood and there was nothing you could do to change it. After a deep breath, your attention returned to the ritual.
“Cominciamo (let’s begin),” Secondo said after clearing his throat. Him and Primo moved to stand either side of you just outside the circle. This was the part where you would enter the trance-like state. To do this, you focused on the smell of the incense wafting towards you and the incantations Primo and Secondo were reciting. You had already prayed to Lilith to bestow you with a Ghoul that would know your needs, be attuned to your emotions, understand you, fight for you, protect you… You repeated the mantra you created over and over in your head until the sounds of your world faded away.
Opening your eyes, you saw a black mist hovering over the triangle. Slowly it morphed into an outline of a humanoid shape. You could see its talon-like nails, the horns protruding out of its head, and its tail swishing. The tension started to leave your body the more the Ghoul materialized.
A smile of pure happiness broke out on your face. “Hello, my Ghoul.” You got up to stand in front of it. Actually, stand in front of him. He was becoming less of an apparition and you could clearly see his features.
When you held out your hand, the Ghoul cocked his head to the side curiously. “Your hand,” you said. With a nod, he took your hand in his. In that instant, you felt his whole essence. It was as if he had been with you your entire life and perhaps he had always been watching over you. You could sense his abilities and the energy that swirled around you. “You’re a quintessence Ghoul, aren’t you?” you realized happily. He nodded.
The Ghoul, still holding your hand, bent down on one knee and bowed his head. “Lady Lilith has sent me to serve you, Your Eminence. Our souls have always been tethered. Should you choose to bond to me, they will become tethered on the mortal plane.” For the first time, he looked up at you and into your pitch black eyes.
“Yes. I will be bound to you.”
With that, your whole body jolted as you returned to it. You were still in a sitting position. Secondo and Primo’s voices faded in until they stopped as a flash of light lit up the whole church. 
Immediately, you ran to the Ghoul that was curled in the fetal position around the brass vessel. You moved it out of the way and cradled his head, taking it in your lap as you soothingly rubbed his arm. “Does anyone have anything to cover him up?” you asked. 
Secondo rushed to get a robe that was hanging in a closet near the pulpit. Primo was then standing over you with the dagger in his hand. “You must complete the bond. Blood is binding on this plane.” 
You nodded as you took the knife. “In a moment, he needs to adjust.” Primo eyed you curiously as you said that. This truly was unlike any Ghoul summoning he had ever experienced. Never had one been completed so quickly.
When Secondo returned, you took the black robe and helped put it on your Ghoul. Once he wrapped himself in it, he sat up. 
“Ready?” you asked. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this happy, this complete. 
He nodded, slowly standing up with your gentle assistance. Naturally, you led him over the Elemental Altar. Of course you would know exactly where to go to do the blood binding, yet everyone still watched with their mouths slightly agape. 
You guided your Ghoul to one end of the small table. Stand there, you instructed. Quickly you glided to your side of the table. You���re going to copy me, okay? You told him as you sliced your palm with the dagger. Palm down, you held your hand out over the table, passing him the dagger. He repeated your actions, slicing the opposite hand you did and set down the knife when he was done. Holding out his hand, with his palm down, you both then circled your hand over the offerings, letting your blood drip over them.
Do you wish to bond with me? You asked him formally.
I do. He responded. You noticed him trying to fight the smile that wanted to tug at the corners of his mouth. Do you wish to bond with me? He asked you.
I do. Once you smiled, so did he. With that your hands joined together. 
Secondo had walked over with a black and red braided satin tie. “Did you ask…” he started to ask you very quietly. You nodded. “Right. Va bene. The Ministry of Satan hereby acknowledges this woman and Ghoul to be bonded until her soul no longer resides on this mortal plane,” he said as he tied the tie over your joined hands. When he was finished, he raised both of your now tied hands to the sky. “Ita sit, ita est (so be it, so it is)!” he exclaimed. 
Once you were untied, you ran over to your Ghoul and embraced him in a strong hug, which he returned. Both of your bodies swayed together for a few moments. “Come on, let’s go get your outfit fitted and you can meet the other Ghouls,” you said as you started to lead him by the hand out of the church. “Don’t wait up for me,” you called to Copia over your shoulder.
The doors to the church opened and the Ghouls that were on guard duty tackled their newest addition. “Brother!!” Swiss cried out as he saw your Ghoul and crushed him in a giant hug. Clearly they had a bond of their own. You were glowing, beaming with happiness. Together, you were brought to the Ghoul’s quarters, which was commonly referred to as the Ghoul Den. 
Swiss led you both to the fitting room for new Ghouls. Once he was dressed in his black pants and black button down shirt and handed his silver mask, you went back to their common area where all the Ghouls were crowded in. 
“Everyone,” you addressed all the Ghouls, “my apologies for this being my first visit to see you all, but I would love it, for those of you that haven’t yet, if you could give our newest Ghoul a warm welcome. I present to you, Phantom.”
taglist: @beelzebzb @bitchywitchygardener @calitmediondell @copias-juicebox @copiasprincipessa @da-rulah @deetz-ghuleh @discountdemonwarehouse @fishwithtitz @ghostfangirlsweden @ivycasket @justa19 @ladyrevealedofcloak @lurancyvenom @popiaswife @sodoswitchimage @water-ghoulette @zombiesnips-blog
part xi | part xiii
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silverofthunder · 5 months
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content: fluff, romance, slice of life, SFW
More of soft old men! I just couldn't resist. 🤗 And I'm surprised how easy it feels to write now. Maybe I just don't think too much while writing or something. Anyway, enjoy! ❤️
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You woke up as the sunlight peeked through the curtains, softly rubbing your eyes before turning around and seeing Primo still sleeping beside you. A smile rose to your lips and carefully you placed your hand on the man's cheek, slowly caressing the skin that was now free of paints.
The life lived was visible there, under his eyes, on the forehead, and the corners of his mouth. Years had done its work, carving the edges inch by inch, but to you, Primo was still the most handsome man you had ever seen.
Your heart was full of warmth as you watched how peaceful he looked. Slowly you moved your fingers to trace along his lips that were a bit chapped and eventually you couldn't help but to lean to press a light kiss on those lips.
Primo stirred after that and you smiled as he blinked, sleepy eyes trying to focus on you.
"Good morning sleepyhead."
"G'morning, mi amore," Primo said, voice rough. You hummed and poked his nose, making him scrunch up his face before he turned on his side so that he was facing you. His hand settled on your neck while he let out a long sigh and you didn't miss the slight pain in his eyes.
"Can we stay in the bed a little longer today?" Primo asked, and you gave him a small nod, knowing that it was one gonna of those days when his body reminded him that he wasn't young anymore.
You moved to capture his lips in a kiss again, certainly not minding that you could spend a little more time on bed with Primo.
"Of course, my love."
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It had been only past 6 am as you had woken up. You had tried to get more sleep but as it hadn't come you had decided to leave the bed, leaving Secondo sleep alone.
Now you were standing before the stove, wearing apron and making some pancakes while quietly humming your fave songs. The delicious smell of pancakes got your mouth to water and you couldn't wait to get a taste of them.
You were so caught up in your cooking and you didn't hear Secondo coming to the kitchen until you felt hands wrapping around you from behind and head resting on your shoulder.
"Mmmh, lovely," Secondo commented a bit tiredly and you let out a small chuckle.
"Good morning to you, too."
Secondo hummed, pressing a light kiss right under your ear.
"You're up early," he said, his breath tickling your skin.
"Nothing is troubling you?" Secondo asked and you tilted your head so that you could look at him.
"No. I just felt well rested," you answered but Secondo's brows still furrowed.
"Everything is okay, I promise. Otherwise I wouldn't be making pancakes," you said and now Secondo seemed to accept your explanation. He claimed your lips in a kiss and you smiled into it, heart fluttering in your chest.
"Smells so good," Secondo said, a small grin forming on his lips before he continued. "I'm such a lucky man."
You grinned back at him.
"Indeed you are."
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leezlelatch · 2 years
Copia x Reader: Lightweight
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These anons share a very big brain, so I decided to combine the two and answer in one go!
✨- Okay, you might be a little drunk. You might be a lot drunk. But you just had a couple, you're fine, everything is bubbly and warm and Terzo said he had a funny idea and Lucifer preserve you, it's Copia.
✨- You half run, half stumble into him, his arms going around your waist tightly as you giggle at him, your cheeks flushed from the alcohol and the euphoria of being up close and personal with the most beautiful man in existence. His eyes are wide as he leans in to nuzzle his nose against yours, a crooked grin stretching across his freckled face as he coos, "Eccoti, mio ​​piccolo peso leggero. I think you have had enough, si?"
✨- You glance around at the ongoing party, watching as Aether and Omega lift Terzo head first into a vat of vodka while Secondo dances with several siblings nearby. Primo sits in a cloud of smoke completely zen on a pile of pillows. The party was just getting started! A gentle hand grabs your chin as your attention is turned back to your date, thumb stroking a loving pattern below your lip.
"How about we go back to our rooms, hmm? Cuddles?" He bribes with a wink.
✨- Copia guides you through the hall, an arm around your waist while his other hand gently cradles one of yours. He leans to pepper a quick succession of kisses against the side of your face, the kissy noises making you laugh and sigh dreamily, singing his title. You feel him smile against your skin. He's so enraptured with you, his amore sciocco, tipsy and blushing, loose tongued with your praises that nearly bring tears to his eyes.
✨- Copia ushers you into the room, settling you down and removing your shoes, pressing delicate kisses to your ankles. He makes sure to grab plenty of water and pain relief for the morning as well as one of his shirts that you slip into with a happy, contented sigh that cradles his heart and squeezes until he can do nothing but lay beside you and pull you close, whispering his eternal love.
"Copia?" You ask, closing your eyes as the room spins just a little. "How many did I have?"
He sighs, "One."
🐀- As soon as he sees those fun colored drinks, Copia knows he has to try them. Which turns into trying several. He stands at the bar, leaning heavily against it as his finger presses into a droplet of condensation that runs down his empty glass.
"Another," he hiccups, not even loud enough for the bartender to hear him.
Secondo scowls beside him, he and his brothers having come out with you and Copia. He didn't intend on playing babysitter to the younger man.
"You have had enough," he growls, grabbing Copia and dragging him back to the table where you sit, depositing him in a chair with an unceremonial, "He is your problem."
🐀- Copia sits for several seconds in a daze, staring at his hands in his lap until your voice rouses him. His head snaps up and the most delighted gasp escapes him as he blearily takes you in. His amore. His beloved. His one and only. This is a touch-starved man who suddenly has all his inhibitions taken away with a few well-put-back drinks, and he is all over you in seconds. His nose is practically smashed against your cheek as he nuzzles into you, his lips moving against your skin. You can just make out slurred Italian, "Sei così bello. Non ti merito. Dolcezza mio, amore mio, mi ami? Ti amo tanto."
🐀- Copa takes you around the room and introduces you to complete strangers, raving about how you're his, that you chose to be with him. That he plans to be with you forever. He takes this all the way to the car, keeping you firmly in his lap as he leans over the back of the driver's seat to speak to Aether.
"Do you see them, amico mio? Do you see the absolute gift I've been given?"
"Yes, we've met," Aether responds dryly.
"But you do not understand," Copia insists. "I am so in love."
Copia then proceeds to bawl his eyes out while clutching you to him in the backseat of this car.
🐀- You have to drag him inside, his crying now turned to incredibly loud Italian singing. Maybe it's a love song? You aren't entirely sure, and you're tired, but you'd give the whole world to this man if he let you. Even drunk out of his mind, he's perfect to you. Your Copia. The man who you would gladly spend the rest of your life with. Getting him inside is difficult as he leans heavily against you, but you eventually dump him on your shared bed, his legs hanging off the end.
"Amore, where are you?" He groans at the ceiling, an arm over his eyes. The light was too bright. "I am so drunk." He giggles.
🐀- With much difficulty, you help him get undressed and climb into bed with him, letting him curl into your side, his head tucked against you. You cart your fingers through his hair, humming softly, and feel him press little kisses to your neck.
"I’m going to ask you to marry me," he says sleepily, his eyes closed.
You glance down at him, eyes wide, but he's already snoring.
Tomorrow is sure going to be interesting.
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iamthecomet · 6 months
Okay. Headcanons. Bear with me (I'm really high ily)
What are they? In this essay,
I hc them as lower-level service creatures when they're Below more than anything else, at least the ones contracted to the family Emeritus. As such, they have no elemental alignment when they're down there. They have more of a...passive compatability, let's say, with every element. Their main alignment is assigned upon summoning. (Multi/hybrid ghouls are a lot more common than a lot of people think, but majority of them can only truly channel one of their elements.) Because of this, no Papa is ever quite sure what he's going to get when he summons a new ghoul.
Except, of course, for his very first summoning.
Every Papa, from the beginning, has first summoned a quintessence ghoul. They act as a metaphysical link between realms, Above and Below. A direct line of communication to Lucifer's court itself, so their Dark Lord can check in and make sure his Word is being spread.
In my head, the breakdown is (summoner->ghoul):
The quintessence ghouls are deeply connected to their summoners, tend to attach themselves at the hip to their respective Papa for the first few months of their time Above. Even when power shifts - like when Omega started reporting to Secondo instead of Primo, or when Aether took over in the middle of all the upheaval - they remain close and loyal to their summoning Papa. Always reporting back with news of goings-on around the abbey, even long after their bodies are entombed.
Omega is, perhaps, the biggest exception to that rule.
When Primo was alive they would eat lunch together every day. Since his death, though, Omega has only been back to see him...well, not enough times, he's sure. Not that the old man is alone, Omega has seen Mountain visit him on a regular basis, but he really should be better about it.
Because look, it's not like Omega had planned to have Terzo get all smitten with him. Being the right hand of the eldest brother Emeritus had come with exposure to the family, though, and Omega knew from the moment he saw Cardinal Terzo that he was done for. It had taken exactly one midnight mass for Terzo to corner him in a confessional booth, to taste sin and humanity on his lips, and, well, that was that.
So, every evening, he visits Terzo in his black marble mausoleum. Accented in gold and rich purple, lit by eternal candlelight courtesy of the fire ghouls. He tells him about his day, reads a book out loud, or sometimes sings. Just breathes a little life into the space. Just for an hour or two, after his shift in the infirmary. He used to stay longer, but he's so tired these days.
He knows why. Knows why there's new streaks of white in his jet black hair, and why his horns are starting to crack. He can feel it in his bones, his vessel starting to give. He's seen it before, of course. Many ghouls before him have passed like this. It just feels too soon, like he should have more time.
Some part of him, though, feels grateful. Especially when he visits Terzo. When he can lay a hand on that glass casket and imagine he's touching his face instead.
Omega knows that he's down there, Below. He's known it for years, since the day Special shoved that needle into his throat. He felt it in his chest, like a little ball of ice caught between the valves of his heart. He knows he's down there, knows he's waiting - or perhaps that's more of a hope - for Omega to join him again. The family Emeritus is well cared for downstairs, kept happy. Omega still gets regular status reports long after Aether and Aeon come to be, and selfishly he hopes that will earn him some sway. That it won't have to be a fight to see Terzo's handsome face again, his sparkling eyes and cheesy grin. That all it'll take is a few choice words for Omega to have him again.
He supposes he'll find out soon enough.
.........anyway this was supposed to be about why I think the ghouls should be able to have sick magickal powers but HAVE THAT I GUESS
MIASMA. MIASMA I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BRAIN. I'm not going to add anything to this because it is beautiful and sad and you all just need to read and appreciate it as it is because AHHHHHHH and WAHHHHHH. Oh, Omega. I'M SO GLAD YOU SHARED THIS WITH ME. but also yes, ghouls should be able to have SICK MAGICKAL POWERS.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
I got dumped on my birthday and I'm still not okay 😭😭 so if you could write some hcs or a fic on how all the papas would comfort you or deal with the situation? Please
But if you're busy or don't want to then it's seriously okay ❤️❤️❤️
I'm so sorry for you, babe! No worries, I got you! From the request I assumed you wanted it platonic, I'll gladly do another one if you want a romantic one, too - Jez
Papas comforting you after a heartbreak during your birthday party headcanons
Includes: Primo, Secondo, Terzo, Copia, young and old versions of Nihil. Sodo, Swiss, Aether, Cirrus and Cumulus mentioned in Copia's. Sister Imperator mentioned in Nihil's.
At this point we all know he's a top tier father figure.
If he witnesses it, the first thing he does is talk to you and ask the ghouls to take you outside so you can catch a breather while he gives the bastard who hurt you a very stern talking to.
Keep in mind, he's in his late 70s/early 80s. He might appear old and fragile, but this man can be scary. Very scary.
Might pretend to curse the poor bastard. Or actually do curse them.
Needless to say, when he's done, the whole room is quiet for a long time, even if he barely raised his voice.
He doesn't slam the door when he leaves. Doesn't need to.
He then joins you outside and gently holds your face, wiping your tears gently with his thumbs.
You spend the rest of your day in his garden or greenhouse, which is also his own little butterfly conservatory.
He'll make tea with you (from scratch!), walk you through the process of it and teach you which one is good for what.
Do you want to talk about the situation? He's all ears.
Do you want to distract yourself and forget about? He'll give you a tour of the place, teach you about the plants and butterflies (fun fact, I can also teach you about butterflies - Jez).
He'll keep you company as long as you need it and should you need a parental figure to help, he will.
He's absolutely the sweetest in that regard.
Facepaint or not, this motherfucker can be intimidating as fuck. The poor bastard that broke your heart will absolutely end up crying just from this man's glare.
It's up to you to continue to party after that jackass leaves. If you want to continue the party, Mr. Worldwide over here will absolutely let out his inner party animal and help you forget everything.
If you wanna leave, you're leaving, no questions asked.
He takes you shopping and pays for everything you look at for more than five seconds. Everything you touch, too. And don't even try to protest.
"It's a gift from me to you. You won't turn down Papa's gift, now will you?"
Bro will gaslight you into letting him pay, it's best for you to just go with it, trust me.
Takes you to a fancy restaurant, somehow manages to get the entire place empty for the two of you. Don't ask me how.
Takes a week off and turns it into your birthday week. He takes you anywhere you ever hinted at wanting to go.
Even if abroad.
You are getting everything you want and that's it. There's no time to think about some idiot.
He most likely causes a scene, mocking the bastard stupid enough to hurt you.
It's almost like a stand-up routine, where he somehow manages to point out the very specific thing that asshole is insecure about.
Nobody gets to hurt his friends and gets away with it.
The way he acts also puts the spotlight on the one who broke your heart, letting you slip out and take a breather.
Terzo will end his little performance by either spitting on the shithead's face or straight up slapping them, really depends on how strong your reaction was. If it was bad enough, he'd punch them, no questions asked.
When he's done, he'll come and find you, offering you a hug. He'll hold you as long as you need, rubbing your back comfortingly.
He'll ask you what you need. He knows nobody is gonna know how to help you better than you.
He'll probably have his ghouls keep people away from you until you feel better.
He will probably ask Primo for advice, too.
Terzo might be a shitty cook and and even worse baker, but if you like to do stuff in the kitchen, he'll do his best to help, even if it's just silly things like handing you ingredients.
He'd probably take you to an amusement park in the evening.
Buys you all the colors of cotton candy.
Buys you a big plushie of your favorite animal.
Terzo's comfort food is Chinese take out, so he'll probably get you to try that, too.
You get a second, better birthday party with him and the Ghouls.
Back in his cardinal days, he'd just take you away and try his best to soothe you.
As Papa, however, he got a major confidence boost (he's still very awkward, but he can be serious and confident when needed) and he won't let that slide.
Copia is by no means as scary as the other Papas can be, but he's got charm and he can make people just kinda... Flow with what he says. And his ghouls are a menace.
So when he throws a comment about the bastard, his ghouls (especially Sodo, Swiss and Aether) pick up on it and bully the life put of them.
Meanwhile Copia and the Ghoulettes leave the party with you, taking priority in your comfort.
Copia leaves you in their care for a bit so he can arrange something better for you. Cumulus is put in charge of taking care of you.
You get a sweet little homemade spa session with them and once Copia comes to pick you up, the Ghoulettes giggle at how flustered he gets for no apparent reason.
"Ah, I am terribly sorry for leaving you, I just wanted to make everything perfect for you, I hope they didn't mess with you too much!"
You ignore Cirrus's little giggle as she watches you both leave. She totally ships you guys.
Copia takes you to his room, his rats up and about, eager to play with you as she sits you on his little couch and runs to finish dinner preparations.
The food he made was just a little bit burned (he apologized for several minutes until you laughed and assured him it's fine), but you can definitely tell he made it with love!
Gaming night with him and the rats! He lets you do most of the gaming, only jumping in when you need help or giving you some tips. Even if the tips are a bit useless, it's the thought that counts.
You get ice cream, too. And have a sleep over. If you're uncomfortable with sleeping in the same bed, he takes the couch.
Copia just wants you to be comfy!
Young Nihil
This man will throw hands, no questions asked.
I mean it. He's a hoe, but he's very protective of his friends.
The bastard who broke your heart? Yeah, he's on the floor now, clutching his jaw.
"Serves ya right. Fucking bitch."
Nihil definitely spits on them, too. Might kick them in the stomach once for good measure before turning to you, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and telling everyone to go back to partying.
Gets you a drink. According to him, it's the best thing to do after a situation like that.
"That's what I did after Sister dumped me. And now I'm as good as new!" (bold faced lie)
You probably were there to see that this dumbass was a wreck and had to comfort him after Sister Imperator ended whatever the relationship has.
In his eyes, he owes you for that. He's... A bit stupid, though, let's be real here.
Ends up focusing more on making the party great and making the idiot who broke your heart regret their decision.
Once he realizes that's not what you needed, he asks what it is, then. Because in his eyes, there's nothing better he could do.
Give him detailed instructions. He'll forget half of it, but he'll go all out on the half he remembers.
Old Nihil
Bro takes it personally.
Scoffs and berates the bastard like he's the one who got his heart broken??
Goes at it so hard he needs a minute with his oxygen tank when he's done.
He then proceeds to leave with you. And demands you tell him what you want so he can throw you a better party.
He acts like he's genuinely offended at how the original party turned out and the only solution is to throw a bigger, better party.
Strippers will be included.
And fireworks.
Old man goes out of his way to make it as big and loud as possible like he's trying to prove something to the world.
Just like when he's younger, he ends up a bit too focused on it. You have to remind him yourself that it's kinda about you and not his party.
He waves his hand dismissively at that, giving you a checkbook. Sends you shopping with some ghouls. Probably gets you a grand makeover just for the party.
He'll keep you close when you're back and will ensure this party is the best party you've been to.
He's not the best at comforting, but he shows his affection a bit differently.
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earthry · 11 months
Affirmations For Papa | Secondo x Reader
Content / Warnings: Papa Emeritus II/Reader, SFW, 1.1k words, Secondo Angst
Author’s Note: Much thanks and love to @angelohspeak who encouraged me to post this <3 this is also definitely heavily influenced by our talks about Secondo <3
You introduce affirmations to Secondo and he has trouble accepting them.
“You’re not even trying, are you?” You’re sorely unimpressed with Secondo’s first few attempts; like a school boy blurting out whatever apology he was forced to give without any self reflection. You prop yourself up with an elbow, turning in bed to give him a leveled stare. He doesn’t look even remotely sorry, but he does scowl.
“What the fuck does that mean?” He looks frankly, a little insulted under the candlelight, his brow pronounced and furrowed in a furious manner. You do your best to soothe his ego with a sweet voice, brushing your thumb against his angry little wrinkles. You love the feeling of his skin against yours; some nights you’re content to just map out his body, traveling hands warm to the touch as you explore your lover.  
“It’s not that I think you’re lying, mio caro. I just mean, you have to take it seriously. You have to think it and say it at the same time, you can’t just spit it out like it’s a rotten tomato.”
“Might as well be–” He mutters, eyes cast elsewhere before wincing when you give him a little kick under the blankets. “Satanas, woman, alright I’ll do it!” 
He curses and rubs his leg with a wounded huff and the night echoes with soft petals of your laughter. You continue to gently massage his forehead and cheeks of wrinkles from his scowl. A few moments of silence pass as you settle, before you nudge him. “Well?”
“I’m… I am.. enough.” He mumbles so quietly you have to strain your ears. His body is still tense against yours, rigid as a board. Like he doesn’t understand why you’re doing this, like he doesn’t understand why it’s so hard to say something so simple with confidence. In front of anyone else, he knows he can shoulder it, knows he can announce it to the whole ministry if they asked. But with you he crumbles, with you he can’t lie. It’s not only because he knows you’d see through the lie within a heartbeat, but also because he cannot bring himself to. 
Even in the dim lighting, you can see the turmoil warring across his features and reward him with a kiss to his nose for his troubles, which scrunches despite the pleased hum it draws from him. His shoulders are still tense, a violin string taunt against it’s foundation.
“Again,” You coax, voice soft. Your fingers trail down his cheek and he leans into your hand only marginally more relaxed. 
“I am enough.” It’s louder, but you know him well enough to hear the hesitancy in his voice. This time you place a kiss to his temple. 
“Cazzo, haven’t I said it enough?” He speaks harshly but you hear it for what it is: a plea. You can feel him begin to pull away but you don’t let him. “Per favore amore mio, why are you doing this,” he says roughly. He’s sat completely up now, and you push yourself off the bed as well, leaning against the headboard as you regard your lover.
“Because I love you, and you deserve to, too.” Your answer draws a sharp inhale from him, and he lets his head fall onto you, forehead resting against your shoulder. 
“This is stupido but fine. I am enough.” 
“Thank you.” He receives a soft kiss to his lips that he chases until you pull too far out of reach. Your grouchy lover swears up and down that he never pouts but right now? He is definitely pouting. “Mm, we’re not finished yet. Next one, okay? I am doing my best.” There’s a heavy sigh against you before he mutters it back to you. You know how hard this is for him, so you let that one slide and reward him with his kiss. Slowly, you begin cycling through your list, your kisses traveling between his cheeks to his forehead to his hand to his lips again. He savors each one, and with each phrase, you try to paint him the way you see him. You wish he could see it too. 
I am worthy of love. I am more than a body. I can accept love from myself. Everything that I am is enough. I am allowed to choose myself.
It’s that last one that does it. He’s gotten quieter and quieter but that last one he can’t even finish– he just can’t do it no matter how hard he tries to shape his lips around the words, no sound comes out and before he knows it, his cheeks are wet. 
Papa Emeritus II is not a crier.
But tonight, he is laid bare in more ways than one. His voice strangled, tapering off as he shuts himself down. You can see wide shoulders curling in on itself protectively, little tremors making themselves known. He’s not a crier, he doesn’t sob or sniffle or wail. He’s quiet and you pull him into your arms. He’s no longer alone, and you wrap your arms around him and for a second his body is stiff before it practically melts and he collapses into you. He’s still silent, but you can feel the wetness against your neck and you hold him together. 
He doesn’t talk about it often; doesn’t even like it being mentioned most days, but sometimes when he looks into a mirror he doesn’t recognize himself. Doesn’t recognize the shape the church has push and pulled him into.
“I feel a little... used,” He admitted one night in the safety of your bedroom, in the safety of the darkness that swallowed the two of you. You hold him close and he buries his face in your shoulder. “Everything I’ve been taught has been by the church, for the church and this message they want to send the world. I don’t really know anything outside of what they’ve given me.”
It wasn’t as if he hated it. He had his own visions for the church, he loved his followers, his people. He enjoyed partying up to the early hours of the morning, loved indulging in the carnal pleasures of papacy.
But the mornings, the comedown?
It was like it was another man in that hotel bathroom mirror staring back at him with smudged paint and lipstick marks. They might as well have been tattooed to his skin with how hot they burned.
“I feel so detached sometimes, that I don’t know what to do.”
The room is still except for Secondo’s shaking shoulders and your comforting murmurs. You tell him to take as much time as he needs, you tell him you will always be here, you are always on his side. (His side. His side and not the church’s, isn’t that a wild thought?)
But most of all, you tell him what he cannot bring himself to say just yet, you tell him the one thing he's never been told before by anyone. Not his mother, not his father, not the church or sister imperator. Not a single soul until now.
He's allowed to choose himself.
And maybe, just maybe-- maybe he begins to believe it.
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the-curator1 · 9 months
Come Morning
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Secondo x Reader
Author Note: English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please don't hesitate to point them out to me.
Summary: Secondo knew it was never meant to be real between you two. As hard as it was, he knew he had to get away from you before it was too late, before he was in too deep, before he hurt himself too badly. However, the dice had been cast long before he realised what was happening inside him, long before he could even think of making a move... and it takes a metaphorical slap in the face for him to grasp what he truly wants. (≈ 2700 words)
"His eyes upon your face
Tags: angst, implied smut, jealousy, love at first sight if you squint, mutual pining, fluff, feelings, lot of feelings, Secondo being a “miserable, wounded, and bitter old man”, Secondo being all dark and threatening, a bit of self-loathing on Secondo’s part, mostly Secondo’s POV (because I love getting in the head of our lovely Papas), Secondo behaves a little bit like a jerk, but this is a soft Secondo fic though, utilisation of the pronoun “her" just once, and feminine pet names like “cara” TW: Reader is a sex worker, jealousy
His hand upon your hand
His lips caress your skin
It's more than I can stand"
El Tango de Roxanne, Moulin Rouge
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Your chest was rapidly rising and falling. Your body was still carrying the remains of bliss. They were flying across your stomach like thousands of little butterflies. The firm embrace of his arm enveloped you, his breath mirroring yours in laboured harmony. His fingertips were gently grazing the soft skin of your back. And for a fleeting moment, the warm blanket of serenity surrounded you. 
Your eyes were closed. Suddenly, you heard his phone ringing. You sighed as a dreadful feeling chased away the butterflies that had danced upon your skin. Your mind faded from the vibrant colours and dazzling lights that had adorned it just moments before. You already knew what was about to happen. He removed his arm from you, leaving you with an abyss of yearning and hollowness. He reached for his phone on the nightstand. You swore you heard him mutter out “Fuck” but you did not think too much of it. 
“I must leave now, cara…”
There. He said it. The words you dreaded to hear. You turned your head to look at him as you felt your heart sink into your stomach. You barely had time to catch your breath yet, your legs and your back were still a bit sore even though he had been strangely gentle with you this time. Really gentle.
“Okay, Papa…”
Your response barely escaped your lips. This had become a disheartening routine, one that promised no respite. He rose from the bed and began to put his clothes back on, his gaze steadfastly avoiding yours. A painful lump formed in your throat as you watched him prepare to abandon you once more, the ache almost unbearable. You felt so foolish... For a fleeting second, you had allowed yourself to believe that tonight would be different. That night, he had been unusually tender, well as tender as Secondo could be but you could have sworn he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. He had caressed your body with such devotion, he had moved over you with a careful and sensual pace, making you feel like you were in heaven. But maybe you had dreamt of his sweetness?
You are so delusional… you thought to yourself.
You remained naked, sprawled out on the bed, struggling against the urge to crumble, to plead for him to stay a little bit longer. Finally, he turned towards you, but his eyes did not meet yours. Leaning down, he placed a swift, fleeting kiss on your cheek.
“Until next time,” he said in a hushed tone
And with that, he walked towards the bedroom door and vanished. After a long while, you rose from the bed and made your way toward your vanity. Your reflection stared back at you. Your neck was adorned with smudged black paint and the faint imprints of his teeth. Tears welled up in your eyes. It was all you could have from him. Faint marks upon your skin.
Yes. You were delusional. There was never meant to be more between you two.
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At first, Secondo thought it would be a one-time encounter. Although he secretly thought of you as the most beautiful creature he had ever seen when he first met you, he didn't expect the encounter to go beyond that one night. He was a regular client of the club, but he would never ask to spend the night with the same person more than once. 
But then, he saw you, the newcomer, and was captivated by your beauty. He found you utterly fascinating as you danced under the vibrant lights. When your eyes met, he felt like he was falling, but he initially brushed off this new sensation. He eagerly requested your companionship. The night you shared together was nothing short of blissful. Your bodies intertwined, breaths harmonizing, your lips caressing his neck, delicate fingertips grazing his skin, your sweet moans in his ear… and the little conversation you two had had after that moment of passion. 
He thought he would be satiated after that first night… but he quickly found himself plagued by an insatiable longing for you.
He knew it was not normal. Not normal for a man like him, at least. 
He was fully aware that this yearning was not conducive to his otherwise harsh and unfeeling heart. Yet, he craved you like a drug addict. 
And so, he returned, time and time again, each visit marked by the same fervent request for your presence. He broke all his habits and all the unspoken rules he had set for himself. He was unable to resist the irresistible allure that drew him back to you. He was the moth, you were the flame.
But after each encounter, he would leave swiftly. Either because he had a duty to attend or because he would find himself drowning in his own emotions, drowning in his own feelings. There would be a few rare moments or he would stay a little bit, but these moments would only make him fall deeper and harder. He wanted to stay longer, maybe forever. He wanted it so bad. But he knew it was not a good idea.
Despite knowing he was in too deep, despite trying to chase away his feelings by always leaving before the first murmurs of dawn, Secondo never thought of stopping to ask for you, he never thought of trying to get you off his mind in the arms of someone else. 
This is ridiculous, he had thought, you are the Pope of the Satanic Church, for Lucifer’s sake, not a damn monk.
He was angry with himself when he realized that, but he did not take any action to change, despite the sinking fear of this unknown feeling. He did not want to drift away from you.... because you made him happy. He had been with many people in the past, and he had felt enjoyment in their embrace, he had felt pleasure in their arms but never happiness. With you, it was much different.
But the bliss of knowing you and touching you was a deep injury in the end. Because he would miss you when you were not there and it was torture. Because he did not understand what was happening to him and most of all, because, deep inside, Secondo knew it was never meant to be real between you two.
He was a client.
He knew this relationship was meant to remain purely physical. That much he was sure of, so him leaving promptly after your passionate encounters would not be an issue for you, would it?
Secondo also knew for a fact you had to see other people. It was your job, after all. He knew he was not the only one however he tried not to think too much about it.
Secondo knew that when he was not there to claim you for the night, you were with another. 
Secondo knew that, despite being a powerful Satanic pope, it was just a client among others. 
Secondo knew you must have encountered individuals more youthful, more handsome, less brooding, and less embittered than him. After all, you were a delightful and enchanting presence, a wonder in your own right.
All of this, Secondo knew... So why did his heart drop to the pit of his stomach? Why did he freeze like a deer in headlights? Why did he feel such a profound sense of shock, of betrayal, when he witnessed you dancing for another man? He knew of your interactions with other clients, but witnessing it firsthand felt much more different.
As the shock gradually receded, Secondo's blood began to boil. An awful ringing resonated in his ears.
How dare that man lay hands on you? You were his!
His heart drummed within his chest, each beat a resounding thud against the cage of his ribs, a forceful and unrelenting rhythm. The sight before him was nothing short of agonizing. It felt like a punch in the guts, like a slap across the face. The man lounged in his chair while you were dancing on his lap. The man was caressing your waist and your hips, his lips were grazing your shoulder. It was more than he could stand. 
His mind was consumed by nothing but anger, an all-encompassing blaze that propelled him forward. With determined steps, he closed the distance between himself, you, and the man. Rational thought slipped away from his mind as he seized the chair and yanked it backwards, forcefully separating the man from you. You somehow managed to maintain your balance and you swiftly turned around to look at the commotion unfolding behind you. Your eyes widened as you beheld Secondo, his face etched with a scowl of anger, no... of pure and consuming rage. It was as though the blazing fire of hell raged within his mismatched eyes, only accentuated by the skull paint on his harsh visage.
"What the hell, man?!" the interloper spat out, his voice dripping with indignation.
He abruptly stood up and shifted his focus to Secondo, seemingly ready for confrontation. But then, he saw him—the towering, formidable figure with eyes like the devil himself, glaring at him as if prepared to tear him limb from limb. 
"Hands off," Secondo growled, casting an icy gaze down at the man, his eyes showing nothing but disdain and disgust 
The man, now clearly shaken, retreated several steps.
"I paid for a dance!" he stammered, attempting to defend himself. Though his voice quivered with fear, he continued, "I paid for my wh..."
Before the man could complete his sentence, Secondo seized his collar, hoisting him off the ground, leaving him incapable of saying anything more. He yearned to punish him for daring to speak of you in such a manner, for daring to call you his and for touching you.
“I said... Hands off," he murmured in a menacing, low tone that would have struck fear into anyone's heart. "And don't dare refer to her in that manner, or I'll ensure your head splits wide open. Leave now. If you have any issues, go cry about it to the boss. I'm quite certain he'll know whose side to favour."
With that, he tossed the man inside who did not dare to fight back, he just left, likely seething with anger and frustration but too terrified to confront Secondo further. The witnesses of the scene in the club quickly turned their gaze away when Secondo glared at them. Then he turned his gaze toward you. He was the terror in your eyes and his expression softened considerably. 
“Cara…” he whispered, walking closer to you.
Gently, he enveloped your hands with his calloused one, bringing them to his painted lips for a tender kiss. You seemed to relax considerably. A sigh of relief escaped him as he observed that you did not seem angry or frustrated. In those beautiful eyes of yours, he could have sworn he saw a glimmer of relief. He no longer felt sadness or anger or jealousy, just relief and the bliss of finally being with you. 
"Papa, I..." you began, but he gently silenced you.
"Hush, cara mia... That's enough for tonight," he whispered soothingly. "You're coming home with me."
With those words, he encircled you with his protective arm and guided you toward the exit of the club. You offered no resistance. Your shift was not finished but he knew your boss would not dare to say anything. As you both reached the waiting car, he opened the door for you, and you silently slipped inside. He followed, taking a seat beside you, and signalled to his driver to drive back to the Ministry.
During the journey to the Ministry, the place he had mentioned once or twice with you, he held you even closer. You nestled your head on his shoulder, clutching onto his black suit. With a soft hum, he tenderly kissed your temple. Upon reaching the Ministry, he helped you to get out of the car. Your eyes widened with wonder at the sight of the grand building. The corridor, the marble floors, and the stained glass inside left you even more awe-struck. You remained silent, and so did Secondo. He gently guided you to his own room, closing the door behind you before gesturing towards the queen-sized bed. His room was big, decorated with taste and luxury.
"Sit down, cara mia," he softly urged. "Make yourself at home."
Without saying a word, you complied, settling onto the bed, and began to undress. However, Secondo gently halted your actions, realizing that he might have conveyed the wrong message.
"No, cara... Not tonight," he whispered with gentleness. "I just wanted to talk to you and take c-"
He paused when he saw your eyes welling up with tears.
“I’m sorry, Papa!” you cried “Please don’t be mad at me… please, I did not want to upset you…” 
Secondo immediately reached out for you and hugged you tightly.
"I'm not upset with you, cara," Secondo whispered tenderly against your hair, his embrace offering comfort and reassurance. "Not at all, I understand why you had to..."
He held you close, his heart aching at the sight of your tears. Even though he felt betrayed for a short moment, his rage was never directed toward you. He understood that your actions were not intended to cause harm. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the feeling of your body against his, taking in the scent of your hair. It was all it took for him to feel at peace again.
"But I... I couldn't bear to see him touch you," Secondo admitted, his voice laced with raw emotion. His grasp tightened slightly on your shoulders.
He sensed your reaction, feeling you stiffen within his arms as you withdrew from him slightly and met his gaze with a quivering voice.
"But... why?" you asked, your voice trembling, seeking an explanation for his intense reaction
Secondo gently cupped your cheeks in his hands. He took a deep breath. He knew it was now or never… 
"Because I want you to be mine, cara. Only mine. I always want to be with you. I think about you all the time," Secondo confessed, his voice filled with longing and desire.
Leaning closer, he allowed his lips to linger on yours for a fleeting moment, a tender caress against your soft skin. Then he looked into your tearful eyes. It appeared that you found it hard to believe his words.
"But I thought that... I thought that you did not care for me..."
"I understand why you might have thought that," Secondo admitted, his voice tinged with both guilt and sadness. "I always cared about you deeply, but..."
He paused, wrestling with the emotions that had remained unspoken for too long. This moment, triggered by the events of tonight, compelled him to reveal his true feelings. After tonight, he knew he could not keep running away.
“I am an old, bitter man who can't even comprehend his own feelings," Secondo murmured as he tenderly caressed your cheeks. "I never expected any of this to happen. I didn't plan to fall in love with you, but it happened, and I didn't know how to deal with it."
Your eyes widened, your mouth slightly agape, but you remained speechless. A sense of dread clawed at his chest. There was no way you would feel the same, was there? He swallowed hard and continued, "I don't expect you to feel the same way but-"
But before he could finish his sentence, you silenced him with a passionate kiss. Secondo felt his heart pounding in his chest. He felt all the fear and all the doubt disappear. His hands quickly found their place on your waist.
 He hummed softly against your lips. For once, touching you and feeling you was not a sweet torture, it was just pure, unaltered bliss. He felt lightheaded, lightheaded. Your lips were so soft, he already knew it but in that moment it felt like the wings of a fallen angel. You tasted like the finest of wine. He felt like he was getting high and drunk on your lips.
When you finally broke the kiss and rested your forehead against his, you whispered his name, "Secondo…”
Then you said “Every time you left, it felt like there was a hole in my soul and my heart," you confessed. "I thought you didn't care, that you only saw me as... a distraction."
"No, cara," Secondo replied gently, his voice filled with sincerity. "I was a fool. I thought my feelings would fade if I pushed them away, but they only grew stronger. Tonight, I felt like I was going to burst. I'm sorry, amore."
He tenderly kissed your forehead, his heart overwhelmed with the intensity of his love for you.
"Please be mine," Secondo whispered in your ear, his voice tinged with longing. "Mine, only mine... The idea of having to share you is killing me. I know you could probably have someone better than me, but..."
You gently placed a finger on his lips, your gaze locked onto his mismatched eyes. It was a side of him you had never seen before—so tender, so vulnerable. His voice carried a note of desperation.
"I will, I promise," you whispered with tender sincerity. "I'll be yours, only yours... There's no one better than you in my eyes. I always wanted to be with you, even when you weren't there... even when I was with other men. It was always you. And I promise I'll be yours and yours alone, yours to touch, yours to have."
Overwhelmed with emotion, Secondo wrapped his arms around you, holding you even closer, and buried his face in the crook of your neck. He felt the softness of your skin beneath his lips, your sweet scent was like a drug to him. At that moment, you both knew it was real. It was not a dream.
Secondo understood that when morning would come, he would not leave. He would not leave ever. 
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saruman-the-silly · 10 months
hi hi hi! i see your requests are open💕
would you be able to do some headcanons for the papas with an s/o whose love language is acts of service and sometimes won't even let them do a thing because they feel as if they aren't showing much love? eh, i don't know. then again, just a request and totally okay if you don't want to write it! much love <3
hellloooo yes absolutely :D and thank you for the request!! <3 - I added some abandonment issues for the reader whoops (it just seemed to fit well this whole thing and yall know me, I love me some fluff with a sprinkle of hurt/comfort)
Headcanons: Papas with a s/o whose love language is acts of service
He's a big sweetheart. Of course he will appreciate it when you bring him a calming cup of tea when his back pain is flaring up.
Primo would most definitely start to question it, when you all you seemed to do was kind things for him, and not accepting the same treatment for you.
One day, when you were in the garden with him, picking some raspberries while he was tending to some roses, he decided to ask you about it.
"Amore, I appreciate all the nice things you do for me, but why don't you let me return the favour?" You mumbled something quietly, so Primo gently asked you to repeat it.
"Well.. I guess I just want to prove my love to you so you'll stay with me. I really do like doing things for you, seeing you smile makes my day a lot better." The poor man was baffled by this, why would you need to prove your love to him?
Primo would assure you gently but firmly that there is no need to prove your love to him, you being there is enough. He would reprimand you for thinking he would leave you for anyone else, Primo is old and has loved you for a long time, that ain't happening.
Secondo's very confused.
Like, baffled. He isn't used to anyone doing nice things for him. (Which of course makes you wanna beat Nihil's ass because fuck him and his shitty parenting)
You do so much for him, and while yes, he grows to appreciate it you two are probably gonna argue about why you aren't letting him return the favour.
"OKAY- okay.. I want to do nice things for you to prove to you how much I love you. And because I like doing nice stuff." Secondo's mask of seriousness and no-bullshit drops right then and there.
He wraps his arms tightly around you, squeezing you while whispering something in Italian to himself. You're not sure if it's a prayer or a curse, or maybe both.
"Dolcezza, you do not need to prove yourself to me." He struggles to say anything else, so he kisses you. Secondo pours all the love and appreciation into the kiss, making you realise how much this man truly loves you.
Any of the Emeritus brothers are not really used to nice things being done for them, but especially Terzo. (Nihil was always the hardest on him, which makes you have violent thoughts whenever you see his miserable, pasty ass wandering around the ministry)
Terzo puts on a charismatic playboy persona to hide away the insecurities, so you doing kind things to him makes him fall in love instantly.
He, at heart, is a romantic so he drops the playboy persona and begins to do kind things for you as well.
You object, but Terzo is very, very persistent. It kind of turns into a funny competition of who can do the most kind things for one another.
In all seriousness, after having fun for a while he sits you down and asks about it.
"I feel like I need to prove my love to you because I'm afraid you will find someone better." Terzo tears up at that, and envelopes you in a hug.
"I am sorry I made you feel like this, you are more than enough for me amore," he sobs in your arms.
The two of you would just cry together, getting it out, and then you would have an honest, good conversation about your relationship.
You would do something fun after all that serious talk, like a movie marathon or prank Secondo.
Like Secondo, Copia would be very confused at first. No-one has been as kind to him as you were (after hearing that you replaced Nihil's hearing aids with m&m's - he's old as shit and now he can't bother anyone but himself)
Copia loves you. Like, not just because you were kind to him but once he gets to know you? He adores you.
All the kind things you do for him? He appreciates you so much, because as we all know, Copia is drowning in his work because he's a sweetheart who can't say no if someone asks him to do something.
All the coffee you brought into him late in the evening, the little notes of encouragement you left on his desk, he loves and appreciates you so much for it.
That's why he was so confused when you confessed to him that you're afraid of him finding someone better than you.
Copia drops to his knees in front of you, tenderly holding your hand in his.
"Il mio amore, la mia vita, do you have any idea of how much you truly mean to me? You are my treasure, treasure I shall hold with gentle hands and dear to my heart, because I cannot imagine a world without you in it."
You cry (oh come on when he drops to his knees in front of you and gives a speech like that?? I'd cry as well lmao) and Copia wipes gently your tears away, smiling and then kissing you gently.
Hope you enjoy <3 and again, thank you for the request, it was really fun to write!
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gasolineghuleh · 7 months
If you're not getting completely overloaded with requests, how about some platonic papa ii? How he would spend the day with his kid or favorite sibling 😊 let's give that man a relaxing day.
"It's eh... two for me, I think. Si... si. According to plan. You see here? This is how you are going to be a loser." Secondo leans forward, moving his game piece two squares on the board while pointing at the area. He isn't exactly wrong, though-- you have significantly more pieces left than he does.
"It's not that serious, Papa."
Yes it is.
"But it is, si?"
You knew it.
"If you cannot beat me at a simple game of Sorry!, how do you expect to take over the Ministry, hm?" You look at him now, eyes wide in shock. His makeup is smooth, flawless. He isn't joking, this time-- Secondo hardly ever jokes, but you were willing to consider the option.
"Me? You know I can't be Papa." You roll your eyes pointedly and reach for your drink. It's one of your weekly board game nights, and the drink options had been more than plentiful. In the end, you had settled on a simple root beer. You sip it and clear your throat, saying, "Not only am I not progeny, I'm not blessed with the sight."
Papa makes a groan, flapping his hand towards you in indignation. "Do you think I actually run this place? Do you think my brother, he runs it? My father?" He arches a stately eyebrow at you and you lean forward, trying to dissolve the tension by rolling the dice.
"Three. That takes me... here." You move your piece, landing directly behind him. There's a pregnant pause before you speak again. "You want me to run things?"
"You run me, don't you?" He's smiling and you know it's mostly meant as a joke, but he isn't exactly wrong. You know his schedule and to-do list almost better than his secretary, and you're his emergency contact when he leaves the Abbey.
"That's different, Papa. I'm just your friend, I'm not your advisor or assistant or anything like that." As you speak, Papa rolls the dice and takes his turn, sipping on his whiskey. "I can't sing, or give sermons. I don't any of that crap. Sorry, stuff."
"No, no. Is crap." You snort into your root beer, coughing on bubbles for a moment. "But you should be real, you think I run this Abbey?" You shake your head, pounding your chest slightly as you try to stop coughing. "Stop. You are okay. Who do you think runs this?"
"Papa Nihil," you wheeze, taking a cleansing sip before you take your turn. "Papa Nihil runs the Abbey, doesn't he? He signs off on everything, at least."
"My Father couldn't run his way out of a paper sack." As you end your turn, you knock out one of his pieces. "Ah! This is good. Good job. Do that more."
"I know how to play-"
"I know this." Secondo stops, leaning forward and looking into your eyes. His gaze is firm, but affectionate and caring. There's a warmth in his eyes that makes you smile to yourself. "I see things for you. Great things. Sister Imperator runs this place, hm? You know this." He leans enough to pat your hand gently with his. "Only my Father does not know this."
You burst out laughing in surprise, leaning back in your chair and watching with a grin as he takes his turn. You don't quite know how it happened, but you're beyond grateful that Secondo became your friend. Against all odds, the two of you clicked like mint and chocolate.
"So, you really see that, then?"
"I do. You are greatness." Secondo looks up from the board game, his eyes meeting yours. "Others will know this, too." You nod, moving your pieces as he speaks.
"I win." Papa looks down at the board game in surprise before looking back at you, smiling.
"I knew you would."
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Cast Out
Papa Emeritus III (Terzo) x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, mentions of binding, mythical creatures, idk it's mostly pretty sappy
Word Count: 6.8k
It's finally here! For some reason I really hit a wall with the smut and it slowed me down, ALAS I hope you enjoy Miss Reader falling terribly in love with the angel she found in Primo's garden 🥰
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Photo credit: @nabizboslugu
You stand nearly frozen, peeking your head out from behind a shrub, frightened as you stare at the massive heap of black feathers curled up in the garden maze. Unable to look away, you watch as the figure shakes with angry tears, punching the ground hard enough to feel like an earthquake. You can't make out much about them, just seeing a shred of pale skin here and there, and that raven black hair... darker even than the dusty black wings.
"H-hello..." you stutter out, not even sure what your own tone meant. The figure stops; facing away from you, they continue their heavy breathing, perhaps trying to calm down. Their wings lower slightly giving you a better look at their profile: short dark hair that fell just above the ears, sharp jawline, and muscular shoulders. They cut their eyes at you, whether to look at you without turning or out of anger you aren't sure.
In what is likely a stupid move, you step out from behind the bush that had been keeping you safe, "Hey... Are you okay?"
The huge black wings curl around the figure in a protective manner, and he turns slightly to you. Still at a distance from him, you can't make out his features perfectly, but he looks handsome despite the scowl, and you catch a twinkle of something in his left eye.
You hold your hands out to him like you would to an injured animal and take a step forward; he immediately recoils. "I- I'm sorry..." you whisper, staggering back to where you started. Tears start to well up in your eyes. 𝘚𝘰 𝘥𝘶𝘮𝘣. 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶? 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴.
You think about turning away to go get help when you hear a raspy, "You're scared, too." You can't tell if it's a statement or a question. You look back up, finally making eye contact, seeing the white eye for certain this time.
"Yes, I am, but I won't hurt you. I just want to help you," you tell him honestly, with as clear a voice as you can muster.
"That's... brave. Talking to a 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 like me." He cringes at the word. "I used to be beautiful..." he utters quietly to himself.
"Don't call yourself that! I mean- it's just- you're not a creature... You're quite lovely," sure enough, this little encounter has you blushing as you step closer to him again. "Is there anything I can do to help you? You're not hurt, are you?" you offer before any awkward silence has a chance to settle in.
"No, no, I am alright. I'm not even sure what I need. It's been a long time since I've been on Earth," he looks at the ground forlornly.
"What exactly does that mean, umm?" You inquire his name, sitting on your knees near him.
"Oh, uhhh, Alessandro," he supplies.
"Alessandro..." you try the name out on your tongue before replying with your own. "So were you somewhere else?"
"Sì, I was. I, uhh-" he looks away from you, like he doesn't want to disappoint you. "You will think I'm pazzo."
You giggle at his Italian, having picked up a little from working in the church, especially around Primo and Secondo. "You're not crazy. The church here that I'm a part of... We believe in some pretty, um, unconventional things. Why do you think I didn't just run screaming in the other direction?"
That pulls a small chuckle from him before he bites his lip, really looking you over for the first time, "You're very lovely, too, cara."
Blushing yet again, you refocus the conversation, "So where were you before you came here?"
"Heaven," Alessandro answers bluntly.
"Heaven? Are- are you?"
"Un angelo caduto? Sì."
"Wow..." With your eyes wide, you have about a million questions you want to ask the man in front of you, but only one comes to mind, "Do you want to go inside?!"
He seems a little taken aback by your question.
"In the church," you gesture towards the towering brick spires of the building overlooking the gardens. "You can stay with us, and Secondo will know just what to do to help you."
"S-Secondo?" he has an outwardly confused look at the name, meaning "second."
"Yes, Papa Secondo and his brother Primo. They'll help you. I've only read about fallen angels before, but rumor has it that they've met some," you had taken on quite an academic tone, happy that your studies had finally paid off.
"Their names are First and Second?" the angel grumbles to himself.
You continue rambling while he is stuck in his thoughts, but he is promptly pulled away from his musings when you place your hands on his cheeks. The intense eye contact shared between you silencing both of you.
"Do you wanna go inside?" You repeat your question in a shy whisper this time.
The thought of going anywhere other than where you were going seems less appealing to the angel. "Sì, I'll go with you." His mismatched eyes continue to search yours until you try to help him stand.
You're certainly met with an eyeful as you're reminded that he is, in fact, naked. "Oh, umm," you mumble, covering your face with your hands like a child, "Here, take this." You use one hand to slip off the veil of your habit off your head.
"Oh... How should I?"
"Just hold it!" you demand, carefully uncovering your eyes to see Alessandro holding your veil in front of his nudity. You quickly help him tie it around his hips, before leading him into the monestary you call home.
• • •
After a quick stop by the Siblings' quarters to drape him in some proper robes, your next stop is Secondo's door. The leader of the ministry was rarely in his office, so you head straight to his suite.
A loud knock on the door is met with "Fuck off!"
Another insistent knock. And another response, "Who is it?! What could possibly be so important?"
The grim man swings the door open, face paint smudged and in a robe. 𝘏𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘚𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳--𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭--𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘥. He opens his mouth to berate you for bothering him, but he stops cold when he sees Alessandro.
They both immediately notice the shared white iris.
"Fratellino?" Secondo whispers to the angel, still in shock. He straightens up, taking in a sharp breath, signature scowl returning to his face, "You must come with me."
"No!" the angel yells, shocking even himself. "Not without her," he declares, grabbing your hand.
"Nonsense. The things we have to discuss... Well, they're bigger than her, frankly." He doesn't mean to be offensive; he's just straightforward--kind of to a fault.
"I don't know you. Why would I go with you? She's gone out of her way to make me welcome here, 𝘧𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰," he cuts at Secondo. You'd never seen anyone talk to him that way. Papa's eyes widen like he might take the angel's head clean off his shoulders, but he concedes. This issue is bigger than you, after all.
"Fine. The Sorella can come." He huffs before storming off; Alessandro never let go of your hand as you follow Papa, who quickly beats a coded knock on Primo's door before leading you both to some kind of meeting hall.
Sitting in silence at the long table, you squeeze the angel's hand, letting him know everything will be okay.
"What is it, fratello? Is Nihil- Oh," Primo enters, immediately noticing the elephant in the room.
His black wings towering over the back of the ornate chair he sat in, Alessandro asks, "You must be Primo?" Perhaps trying to make a better impression than he had with Secondo.
"Sì, and your name?" The older man extends his arm across the table for a handshake.
"Ahh, Alessandro. Nice to meet you, fratellino. And Sorella, good to see you, as well." He cut a questioning look at Secondo.
"Our fallen angel here insisted on bringing her," the antipope gruffly explains.
"Well, it's nice to have a friend, sì? As long as our Sister of Sin can keep a secret?" Primo was always softer than Secondo felt he should be; they balance each other out in this way.
• • •
"You're all fallen angels?!" you blurt out, this being the first time you've spoken the whole meeting.
"Sì, Sorella, what do you think makes Papas special, sets them apart from other humans?" Primo gently explains. "Lucifer chooses the one most likely to dissent from God, just as he did, and places us at the head of his church." Both you and Alessandro feel like your heads are spinning, him because he's just found out why he was cast out of heaven, and you because you feel like you've learned about some secret ancient order.
"Well, with the new Papa sent for us, I suppose we'll need to get him ready for ascension, which is good, because I was getting ready to retire, eh, fratello?" Secondo jokes to Primo.
The angel grabs your hand tightly under the table, overwhelmed. His first day on Earth and now he'll be the leader of some Satanic church?
"Actually, that's perfect," Secondo continues, gesturing to your clasped hands, "La Sorella can help you with your new face paints while Primo and I discuss this with Sister Imperator. Glad you've finally arrived, 𝘛𝘦𝘳𝘻𝘰." The figurehead pats the angel on the shoulder before him and his older brother make their exit.
"I have to have one of those stupid names now?" His eyes are able to search yours for the first time since meeting his brothers.
"Well... I think Terzo sounds much nicer than Primo and Secondo. Rolls off the tongue, nicely." The compliment at least attempts to make him feel better about all this. "I had no idea you would be our next Papa when I brought you in here. I'm sorry if you don't want it-"
"Shhh... Clearly this place means a lot to you, cara mia, and my God didn't care enough to keep me in the place that meant so much to me. Maybe your Dark Lord has a better plan for me, sì? Besides... What did Primo say? It's nice to have a friend." His hands caress yours.
"You shouldn't do this just for me. You should only do it if you want to." It's important you let him know that; you didn't want to clip his wings, so to speak.
"I can't describe it... But I trust in you. Maybe I'm meant to do something great here, sì?" You can't deny the hopeful look in his eyes as he thinks about his future here.
• • •
You sit across from Terzo at his vanity in his new papal suite; it had been prepared for a long time, the brothers had been expecting another fallen angel. It is kind of stuffy in the room since it hadn't been used a lot, but a few open windows help it to feel more fresh.
The angel sits, wringing his hands together staring at the little pans of black and white face paint before him. The thought of covering such a beautiful face... now that's a sin. "I don't know... I think it should be, erm, softer than theirs. It seems they really embraced the scary thing with their looks." You can tell it's a half hearted effort from the man in front of you; he's clearly still having reservations about all this, but you'll do your best to make him feel at home, to make him the best Papa he can be. It feels like a lot of responsibility for one Sister of Sin.
"Okay, so, maybe no teeth like Secondo?" you posit.
"No teeth. And clean lines, unlike Primo."
"What if we give it sharp angles? It'll make you intimidating but not scary."
"Like that?" He points at the stained glass window over the claw footed bathtub. It's an art deco style abstract design; clearly this room was added on after the rest of the abbey, but it's still antique. It makes you wonder how long they've been expecting this new angel, and how old Primo and Secondo actually are...
"Yes, like that! Do you like that?" Your excitement over making a new Papa fights with your concern for how he's feeling.
A small smile cracks on his lips, "Sì, I do like it. I think it looks..."
He chuckles at your childlike wonder, "Sì, 'cool,' I suppose. As I said, I trust you, cara mia."
Now, you were no expert artist, and neither was he, but after about an hour of passing the brush back and forth and about a million makeup remover wipes, you had some kind of product.
"What do you think, Ale- Terzo?"
He stops looking in the mirror for a second to give you a playful side eye, "AleTerzo, eh? A new nickname already? I joke, tesoro. You can call me Alessandro if you like, I don't want to lose my old self entirely."
The thought is actually kind of sad, but he's handling it so well.
"What do you think, cara?" His fingertips on your jaw pulling you from your thoughts.
"Alessandro... I think it looks so good," your eyes admire all the hard work you had both put in on his face, "It's totally different from the other Papas, but the dark eyes really bring out your scowl, and the angles on your jaw and hair line certainly bring out your best features... Leaves something to be desired. The other Siblings of Sin are going to freak out when they meet you."
He's happy to be covered in paint so his blush isn't so evident after your tirade of compliments. "There are others like you?" he asks innocently.
"Oh yes, lots! They'll be your biggest fans."
"You know, like supporters. They'll scream and cheer for you, applauding your name every time you enter the room," you grin at him, already proud of all the things he'll accomplish.
"Oh," he can't help the smile on his face, blush creeping up to his ears. "I shouldn't be so prideful. It's not good to sin."
"This place is all about sin," you urge, grabbing his hands, "Be as prideful as you want, and you'll fit in well here, Papa."
Calling him by his soon-to-be title did nothing but stroke his ego, but he may have also felt some heat gathering in his thighs hearing it come from you.
• • •
The next few weeks were almost a blur, as your days were packed to the brim with preparing Terzo for his new role: fittings for new suits and vestments, of course this was preceded by Secondo teaching his new brother how to bind his wings so no one would know about them, practicing speeches, getting better and better at doing his face paints, learning prayers and rituals. He had to become an expert on Satanism in no time at all, but he constantly reminded you that he would be fine with you at his side; you had sort of become his personal assistant unofficially.
Oh, and the whisperings around the halls of the ministry run rampant. Secondo had already announced his retirement, and Sister Imperator made it known that there was already a new Papa being prepped for ascension.
Ghouls twitch about with excitement, but of course the Siblings can't help but run their mouths.
"What do you think he'll look like? Do you think he'll be hot? Hopefully better looking than Secondo."
"No way, no one could ever be sexier than our Papa Secondo!"
"Maybe he'll have hair..."
That last one made you snort as you passed by the group of chattering friends.
"Well I heard he came from another Abbey! They've been hiding him away for a long time. Maybe we should reach out to see if our extended family knows anything!"
"Oh who cares where he came from? What matters is where he's going, which is hopefully to bed with all of us!!"
They all squealed with giggles at the thought.
However, some of these comments came directed at you with your closest friends knowing something is up:
"You're never on your duties anymore, you get up early, you come to bed late, and you never say a thing about where you are all day!!"
"You've seen him haven't you, the new Papa?!"
"Ohhh I bet she's his new Prime Mover or something! Is he good in bed?!"
"Will you guys shut up?!" you yell at them, hopelessly trying to cover the flush on your cheeks.
"Satanas, it's true! Look at those rosy cheeks!"
"He must be dreamy if he caught your attention, prude!"
Your friend catches an elbow in the side for that one.
"Listen, I can't say anything," you start in your best gossip-y voice, "but perhaps the rumors aren't too far off. Except for that last one about me, that was very off base."
The small Senior Siblings lounge fills with fits of laughter and excited anticipation over this mystery man.
• • •
"Cara, I don't know if I can do this," your new Papa grabs your hand, moments from the metaphorical curtain going up.
"All week you've been so excited about meeting everyone, where did that go?" you coo softly to him, trying to soothe his nerves while picking a piece of lint from his vestments.
He addresses you by name, a serious look in his two-toned eyes, "What if they don't like me?"
"Trust me, Papa, they're going to love you."
You calling that always does something to him, and he pulls you impossibly close to him with an arm around your waist. He lingers on your lips for a moment but thinks better of it, instead leaning his forehead to yours, noses touching, his eyes are the only thing you can see.
"They loved Secondo didn't they? And you know how gruff he can be," you attempt to reassure him again, drawing a breathy laugh from him.
He holds you like that for a while, relishing in the peace you always bring him, "Thank you, amore. I couldn't do any of this without you."
"Oh hush. You're Papa Emeritus III now, you can do anything!"
"But you made me into Papa. Your Papa. Just how you'd like your leader to be."
Pink starts to creep up your neck; you guess he has a point, "I just did what's best for the ministry."
"Maybe you should be Papa then, no?" He giggles at you.
"No no," his flattery getting to your cheeks again, "You were sent for us, remember? That makes you special. I'm just a Sister of Sin, and I'll get lost in the sea of Siblings once you meet all of them..."
"Shh! How could you say that? You will always stand out to me, tesoro," his hand cups the back of your head, feeling your soft hair. You both close your eyes.
"Alessandro..." You can feel his breath on your face.
𝘒𝘕𝘖𝘊𝘒 𝘒𝘕𝘖𝘊𝘒 𝘒𝘕𝘖𝘊𝘒! "Two minutes!"
The loud bang and Sister Imperator's cold voice pushes you about a mile apart. Terzo looks at you with a wicked grin and giggles like a school girl.
"What?!" you ask pointedly, trying to get your nerves settled, as you smoothe down your habit and veil.
"You are Papa now, see?" he starts snickering as you look in the mirror of his dressing room. Sure enough, there was white paint on your forehead and black at the tip of your nose.
Grabbing a makeup wipe and scrubbing your face, "Satanas! We have got to start setting your face with powder."
Less than a minute later, some ghouls enter the room in their new silver masks to lead Papa out to the chapel's altar. You quickly slip his mitre over his jet black hair, and wish him luck before he exits the room.
Even from the little dressing room behind the stage, you hear the eruption of clapping and shouts. You sit in the room alone for a moment, taking it all in. Likely, you'll go back to your regular duties after this; after all, you'd only been included in the plans because you'd been the one to find him in the garden, and the upper clergy wanted as few people involved as possible.
𝘔𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘰 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘥. You take a deep breath and leave the little space, heading to the back of the chapel to watch the new Papa take his reign.
Man, he far exceeds your expectations. He works the crowd beautifully, reaching down to take Siblings' hands, kissing some knuckles here and there, and he takes his time with it. He doesn't rush in, and perhaps that only makes him more alluring. Through his speech and greetings, he is surprisingly charismatic, though you suppose it peeked through in little ways when he was with you.
Among the chatter, you heard Siblings gawking over how hot he is, how they can't wait for their chance to warm his bed, some even saying they might use alone time in the confessional to their advantage. Hiding a laugh, you think 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘯. You can only imagine how Alessandro will handle those kinds of comments. 𝘏𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮. And there it is: the familiar pang of jealousy in your stomach.
The thought wouldn't leave your mind. Of course everyone else talked about getting into bed with him, but it hadn't crossed your mind about him actually wanting that. You can't help it; you need to leave. Although you're incredibly proud of how far he's come, you don't want to ruin his first night as Papa Emeritus III with this stupid little crush.
• • •
As Terzo enters his rooms, he calls for you, "Cara mia! Tonight was excellent! Did you have a great time?" He leans back on the heavy wooden chamber door and is met with silence. "Piccolina?"
Normally, you always wait for him in his suite after your long days working. Why should today be any different?
He calls out your name, moving into his bedroom, then his bathroom looking for you. His eye catches the stained glass above the tub. "Where is she?" he asks the window as if it would respond.
His mind starts racing, thinking back to when he'd last seen you. It dawns on him that he hadn't seen you at dinner, and he'd been so overwhelmed with the crowd in the chapel that he would hardly remember any of their faces. Was the dressing room really the last time?
Terzo rushes over to the heavy wooden door again swinging it open, but he stops dead in his tracks when he realizes he has no idea where to look for you.
"Hey! Ghoul!" He isn't good with their names yet. "Could you please send for my dear assistant? I can't find her anywhere. Oh, and please bring leftovers from the kitchen, too."
The Ghoul quickly heads off, grateful that the new Papa at least says please when asking something.
• • •
Quickly being carted into Papa's room by a Ghoul had you nervous. 𝘏𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘮?
Through the door, Terzo comes into view, pacing back and forth across his living space. Suddenly you're made very aware of the fact that you're only in your night gown and robe. "Papa, I'm sorry I'm not in my habit, it just seemed so urgent, and I didn't wanna keep you wait-"
"Shush, il mio bambino," he quiets you, scooping you into a hug, "You know I don't care about those habits. I may make it a rule to get rid of them. I'm just happy you're okay, tesoro." He steps back, looking you over for bruises and scratches as if you were an injured animal, "Where did you go this evening? You weren't at dinner, and you weren't in my room when I got back."
"I, uhh," you start, looking down at the floor, "I wasn't feeling well, so I just went back to my room... Besides..." Your face scrunches up, trying not to tear up. You were going to miss working with him all the time, you'd grown so close over these weeks.
"Besides, what, piccolina?" his face cups your cheek; he longs to look into your eyes again.
"Well, it's... it's not really my place to wait in your chambers anymore. I'm sure they'll be assigning you a new assistant soon. A real one who knows what they're doing."
"Tesoro, who ever said a word about getting a new assistant?" he demands, picking your chin up with his index finger.
"No one. It's just the way things are around here. People get assigned to jobs or committees when they're needed, then reassigned when the job is done. Now that everyone knows you're Papa, you don't need me anymore." Tears threaten to spill down your cheeks, but Terzo is quick to wipe them away, snatching off his white cotton glove to do the trick.
"How many times must I tell you, amore, I'm stronger with you by my side?" The look he bores into you is almost too much to take, but it means he's serious. "I'm Papa now, so you stay where I choose."
Clearly understanding the power of his new position, he holds you close, letting you know you won't go anywhere if you don't want to.
"Thank you, Alessandro," your voice comes muffled from where you held your head against his chest, the thump of his heart calming you down.
"Please, tesoro, come sit. You need to eat."
You peek over his shoulder at the spread on the little coffee table by the couch.
You sniffle a little before apologizing, "I'm sorry I missed your first dinner as Papa."
"Nonsense, we have dinner now, and I'm still Papa!" His goofy tone made you laugh as you relaxed into the plush furniture. "Please, eat. I must get out of these clothes." His words left no room for argument, but you did like the thought of him getting out of his clothes... Besides, you knew exactly what that looked like from your first meeting. You fight the heat coming to your face by stuffing your mouth with food, and Satanas, it's so good; you're so grateful Terzo thought to have this brought up for you.
You had probably taken down half the plate by the time he saunters back into the room, papal robes discarded, wearing nothing but a pair of silk pajama pants hanging low on his hips; even the paint is gone.
"Excuse my appearance, cara, my wings couldn't take the binding anymore," he explains, getting comfortable next to you on the couch, "and my skin can hardly take anymore of that paint!"
You both share a laugh, before you remind him, "Secondo says you'll get used to it, give it some time, pretty boy." Your eyes stray from his face, carefully observing the tone of his muscles and the dusting of dark hair across his chest, leading south to-
"So you think I'm pretty, eh?"
"It's just a saying," you mumble, trying to brush him off.
"Ah, but you said it, no?" His argument barely makes sense, but he still has a smug grin on his face. "I think you are pretty, amore mio, così bella..." His eyes are practically burning into your soul as he pesters you. "At least I can be honest about it," he tuts his tongue at you.
"Fine!! You're pretty! Are you happy now?!" you nearly explode at him.
Cheekily, he leans over, laying his head in your lap and looking up at you. It was a miracle you didn't take a wing to the face. "Sì."
"𝘚𝘪," you mimic him, sticking your tongue out.
"Ahhh, la ragazza dà la lingua ora, sì?" (Ahhh, the girl gives tongue now, yes?) He bites his lip, which definitely draws your attention to them.
"Non a ragazzini stupidi, no," you fire back. (Not to stupid little boys, no.)
"Bella mia..." the surprise and excitement in Alessandro's eyes is undeniable, "tu parli italiano?" (You speak Italian?)
"Un po', sì." (A little, yes.)
"Mmm, dovrò vedere cos'altro può fare quella lingua," he jabs at you, sitting up in front of you, one eyebrow quirked up. (Mmm, I'll have to see what else that tongue can do.)
There's a notable silence as you flush a deep red color at that remark. For the second time that night, your faces are only centimeters from one another, and Terzo doesn't intend to miss his chance this time. Gently, his fingers curl into the locks of hair just behind your ears, tilting your head back ever-so-slightly before closing the space between your lips, his nose nuzzling against yours.
Your eyes flutter closed, and your hands nervously fumble for his skinny little waist. The kiss is soft and sweet, but it sparks a fire between you.
Taking your time, your hands slide up the slope of his back, nimble fingers making contact with the base of his wings. His breath hitches in his throat as your angel pulls off of you, not going very far though.
"I'm sorry, Alessandro..." your apology is whispered.
"No, bella, is okay. Continua così," he pants out, his lips soon back on yours.
With a delicate touch, your hands explore his wings once again, the dusty black feathers soft but strong beneath your digits. It seems like Terzo staves off a moan as he moves to straddle your lap, warm hands returning to your face.
One of your hands continues gliding itself across the massive appendages cocooning you both while the other threads itself in the short black hair at the nape of his neck. Curling your fingers tightly in his locks earns a whimper from the man on top of you; it sounds needy and has that fire in you moving toward your core.
Finally, after making him wait so patiently, you open your hot mouth to him, letting him know 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 what your tongue can do. As the raven haired man presses himself closer against you, you find his desire has already manifested itself as his cock stands at attention in the loose silk pants, pressed between your bellies. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, needing to feel as close to you as possible, even digging his nails into your skin a bit as he works your robe off your shoulders.
It was only when you both could no longer breath that Alessandro broke the kiss, opting instead to attack your neck with his open-mouthed lust. Immediately drawing a sigh from you, your grip on his hair tightens. Unable to take your lust-blown eyes off the beautiful feathers your fingers tangled in, it took one word falling off your lips to make your new antipope come undone, "...Papa..."
In a snap, Terzo had you pulled up off the couch and already walking you backwards to his bedroom. Your knees hit the back of the bed, but before you can fall, soft fingertips slide the thin straps of your gown down your form, leaving you bare in front of him. "Bellissima..."
You lean up, kissing him slowly but kind of sloppy. Pressing your hands to his chest, your mouth starts it's descent, leaving hot open mouthed kisses and love bites trailing down from his jaw, his neck, his shoulder, following his happy trail until your warm breath traces over the waistband of his tented pajamas. Your knees form depressions in the lush carpet, while your fingernails drag at the silk separating you from him. He looks down at you with so much anticipation, hand cupping in your hair, as you start to palm him through the thin fabric.
Seeing your face nuzzle up against his sex drags a groan from him, a small wet spot forming at his tip. Freeing his erection at last, your mouth quickly envelops him, tongue swirling around the tip before taking it as deep as you can while your hand works the base of his shaft. Terzo huffs out a breath, wings really showcasing how much he relaxed at the sensation. He fights the compulsion to move his hips, although the warm wet of your mouth feels so divine on him.
"I finally see why Satan rewards sin so fruitfully, Sorella..." That phrase really made it sound like he'd embraced his role as Papa. "I may see stars if you don't stop."
With that, you leave him with a lewd pop, a harsh juxtaposition to his poetic words. The pad of his thumb wipes the saliva from your swollen lips, and he pulls you to your feet and into a fiery kiss, tasting a hint of himself on you. Another groan flutters from his vocal chords when you feel feathers pressings against your curves. Wings caress you carefully, almost protectively, as the soft plumes tickle your nude form.
Unfortunately their warmth leaves you, but it's quickly replaced by Terzo hooking your knee over his hip so he can walk you back onto the soft bed. Soon as your head hits the pillow, your lover finds his place beside you, hands exploring the folds he so desperately wanted to familiarize himself with. As his middle finger softly flicks over your clit, it elicits a jolt from your muscles, and Alessandro delights in bringing you such pleasure.
Your arms wind around his neck, hands finding themselves in his soft hair once again, while his fingers tease at your entrance, sliding a digit in only a knuckle deep. Your wanton moan lets him know you need more, and he obliges, diving his finger in to the hilt. Before long, he's adding another one; he just can't help but want to pull more of those beautiful sounds from you. His roaming eyes stop on yours and you end up locked in a heated make out, muffling your whines and moans against him.
Already wanting more, your hand trails down his form, lightly scratching at his neck, his chest, his abdomen, before fingers hungrily grasp his hard length. Now it's his turn to moan. He hadn't realized how neglected that area was until you start pumping your hand lazily up and down, up and down.
You could almost stay happy like that, masturbating one another, but you both know it won't suffice. Another moment lingers until Terzo is pushing your knees apart, making room to reside between your legs.
Now on top of you, lips hardly ever leaving you, you're both gasping as he grinds his sex against yours. Noticing the black cocoon of feathers around you once again, you reach out for them, brushing your fingers through some individual blades. It causes the man above you to furrow his brows with his jaw dropping open and eyes nearly rolling back.
"Please, amore," he begs, head falling right next to your ear, "let me make love to you."
Feeling him fill you earns him probably the neediest moan that's ever left you; it just feels so good, his hardness pressing against your walls so deliciously. You want him so badly you don't even want time to adjust, simply urging him on with a heel pressed to his lower back.
Intimacy had never felt so... intimate before. With one of his hands laced with yours, and the other cradling your head, never letting it hit the pillow, you'd never felt so close to someone, so vulnerable yet so cared for. It's as if he's locked in a trance worshipping you.
His lips trace the softest kisses across your collarbone, heightening you sensitivity there, before nipping lightly with his teeth. It causes your legs to tighten around his waist, only motivating him to move his hips against you with more fervor. Your free hand scratches at his back, holding a death grip at the base of his wing when the tip of his cock drags across that sweet spot inside you.
"Hell... Sweet Satanas, Alessandro, again!" He kind of likes being ordered around by you, so he quickly indulges you, bending one of your legs at a sharper angle, allowing him to find that spot with every thrust. You simply can't stop the near screams that come from you as he seeks to pleasure you in every way he can.
It takes no time for your release to creep up on you, "Oh, oh, Ale- I'm!"
Your toes curl and your thighs twitch, while you bite back the sound of your climax. This won't do for the man above you; his hand finds your jaw and gently urges your mouth open, wanting to hear you. And he's rewarded with a stream of whimpers and whines and his name falling off your lips. That combined with your nails scratching at his wing is all it takes for him to follow you over the edge, himself also letting out a few very needy sounds as he fills you with his seed.
His muscles practically give out on top of you, and he lets all his weight rest on you, enjoying the last few moments of bliss before he has to leave that tight, wet heat that feels so good around him. He eventually does pull out, but not without a kiss to distract you.
Rolling off of you, he pulls you onto your side to face him, not wanting to let you go very far at all. "Stay with me, sì?"
"I don't know... I don't have any clothes here." You want to stay, but you're worried you'll get in trouble.
"No no, piccolina, you will stay the night; this is not negotiable. I ask if you will stay by my side? Be my 'assisstant' or whatever silly title I must give you so I may see you every day?"
"If that's what you want, you're Papa after all," your rub your thumb across his cheek, taking in his beautiful mismatched eyes.
"Sì, I am Papa, but is this what 𝘺𝘰𝘶 want, stellina?"
You think about it, really considering the gravity of what he's asking but not really saying. Of course you want it.
"Yes, Papa, I want to see you every day," you nuzzle your nose against his.
"No no, call me Ale like when you cum," he giggles at you, really liking the accidental nickname.
You attempt to hide your blush by burying your face in the crook of his neck, "Yes, Ale, I want to see you every day... Is that better?"
You both fell asleep cradled in each other's warmth with one black wing draped across you.
• • •
Your eyes crack open suddenly with the realization you aren't in your quarters. Sitting up and rubbing your face, you look at the clock. 𝘜𝘨𝘩, 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘶𝘱, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱. Carefully and quietly, you move Terzo's arm from around your waist and slide out of bed. You grab the robe he had hooked on his bathroom door, bundling up in it, although it wasn't much compared to his warmth.
The soft orange of the sky catches your attention. 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦? As the golden hour spilled in the large windows, the amber glow of the sun caught the angel's sleeping form so beautifully. Aside from the gentle rise and fall of his chest, he could've been a Renaissance marble sculpture with the way his hair hung over his eyes and the sheet clung to him, draped in all the right places.
Taking in a deep breath and attempting to open his eyes before squeezing them shut again at the bright sun coming up, he just groans and waves at you to come back to bed. He purrs in delight when he feels your weight on the soft mattress, pulling you right back to the spot you'd fallen asleep in.
"Don't ever leave me again," he mumbles with a small smile on his face as he nuzzles his forehead into your shoulder.
"You're so dramatic, you know that?" you whisper in his ear.
"Me? No... It is you who ran off last night, no?" He knew he had you with that one.
"Oh shut up," you try to act mad.
He tuts his tongue at you, "That's no way to speak to your Papa, now is it? Especially your Papa who loves you so much?"
"Ale, you- you?" You can't even repeat it.
"Sì, amore," he kisses you on the forehead, "Ti amo. And I will tell you this every morning you wake up in my arms."
"I love you, too," you declare to him.
You're met with a series of soft kisses that feel suspiciously like the way all of this got started last night. Who knows what you're in for with this angel you found in the garden? All you know is that you wouldn't miss out on it for anything.
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demonicdames · 1 year
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A little writing project of mine that I have on A03 that I'm going to throw here to. Rated: E F/M Papa Emeritus II x F!Reader Cardinal Copia x F!Reader Part 1 Part 2
Chapter 3: F, is for friends who-
The weekend was finally here and you had planned to relax and stay in binge-watch your favorite shows and eat junk food, okay well maybe not too much junk food but a fair amount! and better yet you were gonna spend it with your bestie Copia it had felt like forever since you last spent time with him, not since he gave you that folder- when you had taken a quick peek into it there was nothing but invoices and receipts you partly started to think Imperator was fucking with you.
The folder was put away when you heard a knock at your door the being on the other side was of course Copia, who greeted you with a hug he'd brought so many tasty treats. Both of you flopped down onto your couch snuggling up together and settling on some old cheesy rom-com that the both of you could laugh and poke fun at.  None of you accounted for there to be an exceptionally steamy part of the movie in which you two could barely make eye contact while the characters on the television screen went at it. It took you a full two minutes until you remembered that your remote had a mute button. 
"Well that was-." You turned your attention to Copia your next words died in your throat seeing the tent the Cardinal was now sporting, only when he noticed that you were looking did he grab one of the pillows that you kept on your couch to cover his lap with. A laugh exited your mouth and you immediately felt bad considering the gooey mess that was currently between your legs.  "I... I.. I.. I-." He paused to swallow hard, hard enough for you to hear and see his Adam's apple bounce. " I better uh..uh... I better go and take care of this b-before we continue the movie, sì? yes?."  Without letting you answer Copia went to get up the pillow still held over his lap. "I could help you." You suddenly heard your voice say it was like it acted on its own, Copia paused and turned like he usually did on stage you swore he was going to take a tumble, his face flush jaw moving as he attempted to find his own words the poor man looked like a horny fish standing there. 
You giggled rolling your eyes and reaching out taking the pillow from his gloved hands your finger hooked into the waistband of his red lounge pants tugging him closer, his lips parted just slightly mismatched eyes wide, you had this poor man in a trance.  part of you didn't know where this bold bravery came from as you tugged his pants and boxers down just enough for his erection to pop free. "Sor-Sor-Sorella.. you know you don-don't have-."  His words were cut off by a shaky gasp, your tongue slowly running over his cock head Copias hands grabbed at your shoulders to steady himself his face twisted in pleasure, he was sensitive, oh so sensitive and it was a well-known fact that he didn't have a special someone, always buried in paperwork or getting hounded on by Sister Imperator or Nihil, he never had time it seemed. oh, your poor dear friend. 
Copia gave another shuttering breath as you sucked him into your mouth swallowing him down halfway. "C-Cazzo-."  He cursed his legs moving to gain some more stability as you swallowed him completely down your nose pressed against his body, Copia whimpered as your hands reached up to cup and massage his ass squeezing each cheek.  "Your-your mouth feels so good mio caro." The cardinal moaned eyes closed, at that moment you felt your phone buzz in your pocket having silenced it for the movie, while sucking your friend off your eyes glanced at the screen after fishing it out. 
One new message from: Secondo
Txt: Sorella, I know it is your day off but I will be needing your assistance in the office.  Taking Copia deep into your throat you texted back quickly.  Txt: Can't sorry spending day with friend already planned sorry
your phone was placed back into your pocket your attention now fully on Copia, you'd be lying if you said his moans didn't turn you on more or the whimpery Italian babble falling past his lips. You pulled back panting his cock falling free from your mouth the cardinal grunting at the loss, "You know Copia." You started as your fingers ran along his throbbing need.  "Y-Yes sorella?." He asked his chest still heaving. "I do have condoms in my room." The next moment you both were kissing feverishly down the hall toward your room articles of clothing marking the path from couch to room, you pushed Copia down onto your bed watching both him and his cock bounce on impact before going through your nightstand finding one of the foil wrapped contraceptives, you could feel Copias hand rub over the swell of your ass as you tore it open.
Straddling his hips you worked the slick rubber over the Cardinal's cock, sweet Lucifer you needed him inside of you, you could feel your slick walls throb in excitement lifting your hips you sank onto him slowly feeling his cock stretch you have to pause a moment before settling on him. "Oh fuck." Your voice was breathless 'Having a big dick had to be a dominant fucking gene' crossed your mind feeling hands slide up to rest on your hips.  "T-Tesoro are you- okay?." You have no idea why that made your chest throb at the concern in his mismatched eyes 'it's was just sex, just sex, friendly sex' you thought to yourself as you nodded. "I am I am." You breathed hands resting on him as you moved your hips gasping his name, okay perhaps you could just pretend at least for a little while. Your moans grew louder as Copia's hips arched to meet each of your thrusts your bed below creaking and groaning. 
Copia pulled you down into a kiss, one that grew even more feverish than before as he rolled you both over settling you under him. You were about to see a side of this man that you didn't know existed as he grabbed your hips his thrusts growing faster and harder hitting at your core, abusing your poor cervix with each slam. 
 "Cazzo...cazzo- cara mia you take my dick so well." Copia panted hooking his hands behind your knees and bringing your knees up, the new position seeming to allow him to get deeper cursing your hands moved to grab at the sheets of your bed, you could feel that pressure winding up. "I-I'm cl- cloooossee!." You moaned voice bouncing each time Copias hips collided with yours.   "Yes yes, Tesoro cum with me!." Copia gasped out his thrusts becoming erratic until you both met your ends your back arching off the bed crying the cardinal's name out into the night. He had to catch his breath before pulling out of you and disposing of the filled condom, rolling to the side you expected him to get dressed and leave like Secondo but you were shocked into silence as he climbed back into bed with you his bare chest pressed against your back an arm laid over you, wrapped around you a lazy kiss being pressed against your neck making you giggle and twitch at the tickle of his mustache. 
This was something... entirely new being enveloped in his warmth, held close and not falling asleep in a cold bed, blinking your eyes slowly closed as sleep took hold of you, out in the living room an unread text read. 'Very well then, I expect to see you tomorrow Sorella.'
--- To be Continued--
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